«-1 a,^r:;,. u* gy Zuraw. 15. YOS-1fultonhistory.com/newspaper 10/Yonkers NY Herald...

HERALD STATESMAN, YONKERS, N.Y., THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1963 38 AUSTRIA HAS INAUGURAL VIENNA, Austria uv-President Adolf Schaerf, 73, a Socialist, was inaugurated yesterday to sei"ve his second six-year term. LEGAL NOTICES Notice to General Contractor* The Board of Education will re- cede sealed bids until THURSDAY. June 6. 1863 at 11 A.M. E.D.S.T. for the proposed work In connection with the replacement of the let»ia celling; new vehicle shelter and new rolling door at the Lincoln High School lo- cated on Kr.eeiand Ave. in the City of Yonkers. N Y . in accordance with the plan and specification now on file in the office of Howard A. Kelly. Su- pervisor of Buiidlngs Board of Ed- ucation. 138 South Broad* ay. Yon- kers. N Y . at which office said p.an and specification now on file In taincc for the purpose o.' bidding lor a deposit of $10.00 in cash. Plan and soectLcation for said work Must be returned within thirty >30» day* following the award o! the con- tract or rejection of bids, otherwise oaly partial reimbursement will be made upon receipt of said plan and ipecification. Plan and specification for the pro- posed work may be seen in the of- fice of the architect. LaPierre. LHUi- ficld A Partners. 8 West 40th Street. New York City. THOMAS FURRIN PURCHASING AGENT May 23-24-27 SCARSDALE APARTMENT ASSO- CIATES OP HOUSTON. TEXAS. - Notice hereby given th«t Certificate j amending Limited Partnership Certifi- cate signed and acknowledged by or ; oi behalf of all partners uai filed in Westchester County Clerk's office o-i Apr. u. 1963. Amendatory Certifi- cate let* forth resignation from part- rership of Benjamin Peck as General Tanner. 4—1S-25: 5—2-9-16-23-T-l SUPREME COURT: WESTCHESTER COUNTY THE CITY OF YONKERS. Plaintiff, -atainst- I.UCY A. JAMES, and MABEL J. ADAMS, if either of them be alive, or if either of the said Defendants be deceased, then their spouses, helrs-at- law. next of kin. devisees, legatees, distributees, executors or administra- tors, judgment creditors.- assignees. srantees. trustees, receivers and lien- ors and their successors in interest and generally all persons having or claiming from. by. through or under any and all of the said Defendants. *vho may be deceased, by purchase, assignment, lien or otherwise, any right, title or Interest in the premises described in the complaint herein, and their husbands, wives, widows. If any. all of whom and whose names and Places of residence are unknown to the Plaintiff. Defendants. SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS Ac- tion to rordose Lien No.102936 TO THE ABOVE NAMED DE- FENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED TO answer the Amended Complaint In this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or. if the Amended Com- plaint is not served with this Supple- ' mental Summons, to serve a Notice of j Anpe'arance on the Plaintiffs Attorney within TWENTY* DAYS after the serv- ice of this Supplem-ntal Summons, exclusive of the day of ser\ice. In case of your failure to appear or answer. judgment will be taken acalnst you by default for the relief demanded in the Amended Complaint. . Dated: Yonkers. New York AprU 5th. 1963 JOHN P. TRAINOR. Corporation Counsel of The City of Yonkers. Attorney for Plaintiff. Office & P. O. Address, City Hall. Yonkers. N. Y. i TO THE DEPENDANTS: LUCY A. JAMES, and MABEL J. ADAMS, tf either of them be alive, or if either of the said Defendants be deceased, then their spouses, heirs-at- isv. next of kin. devisees, legatees, distributees, executors or administra- tors, judgment creditors, assignees. | grantees, trustees, receivers and lien- ors and their successors In interest arid generally all persons having or claiming from. by. through or under ; any and all of the said Defendants. *ho may be deceased, by purchase. assignment. Hen or otherwise, any right, title or interest in the premises described in the complaint herein, and j their husbands, wives, widows, if any. I ail of whom and whose names and r'aces of residence are unknown to ti-.e Plaintiff: The . foregoing supplemental sum- mons is served upon you by publica- j Hon pursuant to an Order of Honora- ! h> CLARE J. HOYT. one of the Jus- t:ces of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, dated and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County ; cf Westchester. County Court House ! City of White Plains. Westchester County. New York, on the 3rd day of April. 1963: The object of this action is to fore- close transfer of tax lien No.102936. ; covering premises described as fol- ; lows: Section 3. Block 3134. Lot 16 on the ' Tax Map of the City of Yonkers. as '• lie said Tax Map was on December 16th. 1950. excepting any part thereof ] ?- c»- have been taken by the City <•'. Yonkera for the widening or open- li'.s o.' any street, road o: avenue. JOHN F. TRAINOR. Corporation Counsel. Attorney lor the Plaintiff. The City of Yonkers, Office A- P. O Address, City Hail. Yonkers. Ne» York. 1 . 4-25: 5 2-9-16-23-29 BG-2S. <;iP.!-> 1 am selling a barbie rarry- )-l '»« ard 2 outfits. Both are In rvpllent condition. The pi<e i« 84 00 Jeanne Oauiaid. 11, BE 7-0060. W9 E-on\ River Rd. _ _ BG-2R GIRL 11 i:ke to se'.i ri^tl carriage f • »i condition and »o\e:a! doll* all for s".00 rail after 4 p m . firtt offer. .Vrn.e Ann Vjtiello, 11 c.P. i 8457. 2<V55 W a v e r ! ) St. RC :* - . THREE w'.ieel r- i> •*,' w-.th new ?•<-,-.• u*iee: arr1 prda * 'en iV»"ars. Ha-en Lichter. R. GR-6-739:. 4 Gate- v-a\ P.d. B<; 2* —• <;0 kart for sale. LI 5»V. \.i<->n C "ton E d g c c 4 : e-.\ ra'-.'-ig slick's, 'extras' - ral W.MIV aftc 5 p m M <-ha»l D Ap-.oe Jr. 16. 11-D Ma:t;n £*% r. - BC 2S ..._., H O Kair.s' Ovc 40 oat-s and en f t f i Also t<ac4\. r.v;:c*ie». and »c- t.6 t.r- if«*xir< E v , f i>.. conditio" C..»< "if 8300 Bes' offe- arreted R,H Deaicv-rit. ',*. YO-5-SO*. 25 Fairfield P Yoiko > - BG 2S - • * t>->".'» twcr.ty-itjrf. r> Ke. With new ««•« Oily 8119V Ar>?!> at o-.cr ! Barry L*-hter. 10. GR6-7391. 4 Gate- Mv Roar). - - BG i« —- .BARYSnTBR experienced. w.ll sit I \ da>* a wee--, a so nigtus. North Yoikci s a-es. have tra^-sr-^tar v [jU ! an Brown 14 V YO-S-S373. 105 U k e A-.e.v » — BG-28 - r i N i pong l»b:e, r»culatfc*» *:7f. r«M only t'vee ttmes Black and v. ' reaaorah e. Ca-Y>! Afji SafVo. 1< YO-!VT(tfr:, 2 Handv Place. BG-J8 - WAVTEO—Portab!* royal rj-pewrtteT, h'j« wock and look in govl e>xid- - •->-. Needed for Vafritr'a Dap pteser'. '<*• r»jr dad. W.ll pay «• much a« JISOO ' Rfl\*e-:i Bergen**-.. «. and Ann Be- r>xrx>.»H Y O J - W . J : « Auafn Ave. ' BG » «T. rave ioe »k»te«' Srnal: >«>«• aire* IX 2. 2 -. si > gvo* e«yvl.!;<v Giri'a wtiite fsf.^e. r.rt 10 and ••»> » taeer* JO heard new MKtiael Gof MOTHER S helper for »u»f»me .'ml Auruf preferable, s'eeti (wit. S da>i a An-.. 11. YO*-0»#V 8 DHiaver. D . »ek« and % nifhts Ethel Morttvm. . ______ BG 1* • I TBICYCtLE 1« irx* wtxei. 4 SO Om- fnor Drive. J.V, YO* a«ai 7 Monro* « . BG-2* I . B O -3S GIR1. M will b«*>i!l lor r«>il*rn ef am %** Ei«p*r»4^ve<l »n«! re/ereocr*. <ai: Gloria fiVwIcM. YO-3HT.7. rU4foH *t. Act 16. irrAW* «f tht' Rooa«nOc «p*l»i* M»ir.. miwrt m«> .'cvaoin* jur- mails e o m a o t r o g «rtd j»wHflr*.»!« <t \ en- rwrtA. o«h*r S. A. MAW »;* W ft*4c*i<1t Ave. , _ ___. HC, V -•• "fX» ••!*.• tort. »•*«« *>£» r » M% '. mtrff. tv**' Aliwxl i^v. ». 4S Al»o » naauUr 4* r.».m. reoorda. )V earn. : cSrri*. ^ 9 ,$V4 y A ^ t l r t r l ^ r j o r r . pr^tjon « BG2S RESPONSIBLE ten year girl loves pets, children. Do errandi. dog vvalk- ::g Monday, Wednesday. Kriaay after school. 25 cents an hour. Rose Pein- gersh, 10. GR 6 6960. 227 W. Delano. BG 28 GIRL 14 would Ike to work a< mother g he'per or babys tier around Bryn Mawr A-ea. Caii anytime. YO ? .V.' Linda Ra.mondi, 14. 13 Bu-hani Ave. BCW I will »ei! my beautiful d«ol house that oists 840 from ("A O. Sttiwaitr. f>; only 820. or a g.ria " -vvheeeier :i evce lent condition. Cv-th:a C'.ri'e. 9. SP 9 >>??. 32 Pennsylvania A\e Yorkers. BG-2S SLED 81 no • Red rtetai Wagon*81 50 g.xxl rondit.on - walk.rig doll 82 <a) practically new. Emily Gurteri, 15. YO 8-5521, 223 Nepperhan Ave. ...„._.. . B G •» EOFt tale gixxi condition sexoter la ge lire doll carriage and two pa:r <\' !ap shoes Oiarer.e Sikorski. 12, YO 82674, 1 Alder Street. BG-28 —— BRAND new Lionel 027 Ham set Eo,u:pt with 12' x 4' table. 7 cart, sw.tches. accessor ie». Diesel engine. Bob Downie. 14, Y06 1784. 1J9 L.vmg«- ton Ave. BG 28 WILL leil my tricycle, bicycle , ea-r.age. German bicycle, Patli play psi 2 ia ce toy p.anoj and other to>». Cynthia Cinle. SP 9 3679. 9. 32 Peniylvar.ia Ave. . BG-2S CLARINET really new used two months Prench impoiied reasonable pr.ee Call a.'ter s\ Donald Adler, 15, YO 9-4S19. Ill Sedgwick Ave. BG-26 LIKE to sell: large Atlas Doll Car- riage, Portable V.cuo.a real leather cane, maple desk and chair. All in good condition. Ronnie Holland, 15, Y03-5746, 40 Biuce Ave. - BG 28 WOULD 1 ke to buy a geiger counter at a reasonah'e cost. You rail and I w 11 pick it up. R chard Barnett, 9. YOS-4819. Ill Sedgenick Ave. __ __ ^ . BG-28 - FOR s.le f:st family and Jo«e Jimincr comedy albums. $1 75 each. Thomas Deraro, 11, BE7-6360, 156 Al- exander Ave. BG-2S HIGH school girl graduating this year would l.ke a steady y>b doing typmg and clerical work 'excellent typist'. f.esia Ivaiutyn, 17. YO 5-5633 10 Baldwin Place BG-28 BABYSITTER - experienced high school student. vicinMv of Dobhs Ferrv Diane Barm, 15, OW3-03S2, 78 Living- Iton Ave. __ BG-28 WILL sell 17 childr-ens b.-^k for 810. Includes Biack Beauty. Bamhi. L:itle Women, etc. e\<e:.o> '. condition, call after 5:00. Lilian Brown, 14 '-i, 102 Lake Avenue. Y08-5375 - . -BG-28 CARS washed we will wash your car for SI reliable. e\pe: ie.nced girls, 'in dislr.ct of Dobbs Kerrv. Karen Sp:cle 12. OW3-C136. 222 Palisade Ave. BG-2S : 1XX1 reeds bath, horse needs walk- ing, cat needs combing car needs washing, table reeds pair.t.ne. gaa- <ie^ needs tendiig' Don'tworrv. Ill do it: Elyse Perr\, 13, 93 Cowles Ave., YO?-962J ERECTOR set never used Excellent condition Two motors builds robot la-gest Gilbert m<->de'. Robert Downie, 14, YOS-1784, 139 Livingston. Ave- -- BG-2S . t airs >nd track ront- on 4' x S' pls^.vood. 2 trar.s.'ormer s. 12 cars, vers* reaso.-.ab'e Mi- 16, SP3-5913.' 220 Long- — BG-2« — >X)R sale Sefbert 12" tricyxrle in good condition. Asking 85.00 call SP 8-7170. evenings after 500 p m. Ellen Enedenbach, & 245 Parkview Ave. BG 28 HELPER will do odd Jobs. Will not walk dog*. Will teil cage front and rear panel! glass side* wire mesh. Michael Gartman, 10, SP 9-J130. 2 Elorid* Ave. . BG-37 SALE minature doll house f\>rniture. d.shes, kn.ves. forks, pots, 2 amall do.it. toy te'.evhooe. jump rope, all for 81 00. Dcbra Klonsky, », Y09-9992, 74 Hiiitop Acres BG-27 BG-28 STTDEfsT a: Julliard School of Music wishes to give private violin lessons to beginning or elementarv studenti. Marilyn Eeurjtein, 17, 93 Hamilton Ave.. Y08-3692 . BG 27 . . PLAYEL1, and adorable kittens two black and white; one tiger. Six weeki old and KREE! Please g,ve them a home: Gordor Sherman. 15, YO 3-5303, 102 Courter Avenue experienced with children o< all ag« willing to work hard this summer. Irene Cassell, 16. YO 3-8568. S Trmvera BG-27 GIRL'S rink roller skates in very good condition nze seven inexpensive call Sharon Kabar, 17, 189 Rumsey Road. YO 8-3069. STEREO hi-fi. Vo:c« ol Music 4- speed, stereo portable. Seldom uied. Cost over J65. Sell for 840 00. Peter Grenyo, 14. YO9-1106 55 Greenwood Road. BG-27 EXPERIENCED bahysitter. Would like job babysitting for children of all ages. Age 14. High School student, .'ea.nme McSpedon, 14, DE 7-8944, 103 I'oithill Avenue. - BG-27 IK>LL carriage for sale. Eor only 85 00 Please call after 3:30 p.m. The carriage Ripolon, In good condition. Debbie YO 50770, 21 Sweetfield BG-27 . WANTED a girls 20 inch bike with tiaining wheels. If you have one to sell in good condition. Please give me a call. Stacy Buchler. 64, 79 Onondaga St. TYPEWRITER for sale m g^od working condition. 815. John Guedalia, 17. YO 9-1176. 29 Abeel St. , BG-27 . ODD jobs wanted mowing lawns washing can walking dogs. Reason- able prices. Milo Maturi, 12, 19 Hoover Road. YO 5-9167 . BG-27 GIRL 11 wishes to walk dogs or containing four speaker* KM timer. Plus record cabinet with apeaker. call between 4-6- Chervl Hov, 11 500 Van Cortland Pk. GR 6-4172 BG-27 LIKE new. 12 watt hi fi console conpaining four. Spoakeis fm tuner. Pius tecord cabnit wien speaker call after 5 plm. Bob Palm, 16. YO 511669, 10 Dunwoodie. BG-27 ATTENTION please I am willing to purchase these Nancv Drew books: Number A. 20. 21. 22. 24. 25. and 40. Will pav up to fortv cents each. Karen Queally. lit,, YO 5-59S7, 121 Sweetfield Circle. BG-27 . STROLLER and doll for 84.00 In i;ood condition. Doll has platinum blonde hair. Carol Briscoe. 10. YO 9-3878. 30 Caroline Ave. . BG-27 MOTHER'S helperi high school girl BG-25 BABYSITTER experienced, depend- able friendly, careful, loving, intelli- gent. Conscientious, reasonable days or nights during summer. Will also tutor. Grammar School student. Bar- bara Krug, 17, YO 9-1565, 4M Mid- land Ave. BG 25 PET cage for sale large excellent condition easy to clean used one week 82000 Sheila Rothman, Brendon Hi 11 Rd. SO 3-OJ70. BG-25 16. 84 LOW price! Huge train set 2 engines Type ZW transformer 4 switches 4' by 8' board boxes of track plus accessories William Rice, 14, 106 Greenvale Ave. YO,9-5518 BG* 25 BABYSITTER will sit day or night. 75 cents an hour also will go away with the family. Peggy Demuth, 14S, YO 8-5902, 18 Mulford Gardens BG-25 PLANNING a party? I will vvrite »nd address your invitations either by hand or by my electric typewriter. Excellent handwriting and spelling. 50 rents an hour Call after 4 p.m. Donna Vreeland, 14H BE 7-5815, 767 Kimball Avenue. BG-25 EXPERIENCED 14 year old baby- titter wishes jobs In Bryn Mawr Park area. Reasonable rates. Call Kathleen Blotnicke, 14, YO 8-2242, 20 Cowdre-y St. BG-25 EXPERIENCED 14 ye*r old girl would like a daytime job as a baby- sitter or mother's helper during the summer. Yicinitv South Yonkers. Susan Saari. 14. YO 3 0743. 40 Caroline Ave. I would like to work with your animals. Plan to be a veterinarian Christine I-asko, 101, YO 5-9205, 116 High Street. ___ . BG-25 GIRL, 17. excellent student, desires regular summer job as nighttime baby- sitter, tutor, or other part time work have personal and job references. Libby Scheier, 17. DE 7-9210, 247 Parkview Ave. Bronxville. COINS — Eor sale, trade, and will buy let me help you with your collec- tion. Gold coinn wanted Ira Schlitt. lb. YO 9-2520 49 Kum Ave. Yonkers BOY 15 wishes to sell set of barbells 115 lbs. in perfect condition well worth. StS, a steal for 820 Terence Qucallv, 15. YO 5-5986 121 Sweetfield Cir. BG-25 TWO musical jewelry boxes. With shelves and compartments brand new- velvet interior 4 and 6 dollars. Or best offer. Eli/nbeth Yosh, 16, 52 O p r e s s St., YO 3-8576 BG-25 — EAGER boy wajM like summer work errand runner, wash windows, do gardening and other odd jobs. Jo- seph McCollum. age 14, GR 6-0814. BG-25 10 year old girl would like to run errands and walk dogs in- the vicinity of the village. Allura Henderson. 10. SW 3-60S4 Alger Court. Bronxville BG-25 EXPERIENCED car washing 50 cents .for all types. After school on Tues.. Thurs. and all day St. Mark Schoen. YO 9-5952 60 Caryl Avenue . . BG-25 SMALL four wheel red wagon for sale onlv 81.00 Paul Kreisler, 7, YO 5-4917 858 Palisade Ave. BG-25 . BG 28 BOOKS? Hardy boy books in good condition. 11 of them call between 5i30 and 8:30 p.m. YO 3-3405. Robert Berger, 12H, YO 3-3405, 58 Elliott Avenue. . BG-25 BICYCLE for sale. girls 26" Schwinn bicycle red. Good condition 817.00. Kathie McGrath. 15, YO 9-2047, 74 Hearst SL BG-24 BABYSITTER eager to sit hourly or weekly - available in June and July in Bronxville area. Reasonable prices • experienced with Infants. Les- lie Steen, 14. DE7-48a4. 5 Hampshire Circle BG 24 BEAUTIFUL Atlas coach doil car- junior bolf clubs and bag. Both Items Michelle Vickery. 11. 60 Elliott Avenue _: BG-24 BICYCLE. 16" girl's, with training wheels. Hardly used, needs minor chain drive adjustment. Will sell for 89. or trade for 20" bike. Roni Ann Manner. 7, SW S-4260, 30 Heatheote Road. BG-24 EXPERIENCED girl would like a babysitting job for the aummer. pref- erably during the day. Loves chil- dren. Sue Jamba, 14. YO 8-2196, 2 Colin St. BG-24 SELLING: All kinds of fish equip- ment, you name it I have it. Also junior golf clubs and bag. Both lltms m good condit.on. Peter Rubeo, 14, YO 5 2638 137 Clunie Ave. BG 24 DOLL CARRHGE. English coach, blue and white. Ex-cellent. Cost f30. sell 87. Haren Aronstein, 10. OL 5-1136, 3000 Bronx Park East. BG-34 ST. BARNABAS sophomore wishes position as babysitter, mothers' helper. Ideal for young mothers who want to work for summer. McLean Heights. References,. Karen McPoland, 15 119 Wakefield Ave. BE 7-7985. . BG 24 • I WANT to swap a 20" boys' huffy bike with training wheels for a girls' 20" bike with training wheels. Emil Stecher, 101,, YO 9-1003, 82 Caryl Ave. BG -'J4 . . TRANSISTOR radios repaired. Rea- sonable, speedy service. Have radio will repair. Call WO 1-51S9. Geoffrey Sackson, 14, 14 Alpine Rd. BG-24 BG-28 sale: 1963 base/ball cents. TTromas EOR sale: 1963 base/ball cardt 10 for 5 cents. Thomas DeCaro, 11, BE 7-6360. 156 Alexander Ave. BG-28 BG-28 CATHOLIC high school student, jun- ior year, looking for work as sales- girl. Me clerk or telephone answerer in office or store. Barbara Krug. 17, YO S-1565, 454 Midland Ave. BG 25 — RESPONSIBLE, experienced girl will babvsit in vicinity of Nepperhan Heights. Louise Fitzpatrlck, 16, 42 Al- bemarle PI. YO-5-2384. BG 25 LIONEL trains for sale because I outgiew them. A lot of equipment. Large circle track. Cheap and mounted on board. Todd Volpe. 14, YO-9-T234, 11 -Sedgwick Ave. BG 25 GIRL'S Schwinn bicycle. 26". blue, for sale. Good condition. Louise Eitz- patrick, 16. Y052384. 42 Albemarle BG 25 IDO y o u belong to a pool children, take me along iwim and I Mot-ley, 15, Ave. And have I love to love children. Margaret GR-62593, 707 Palisade CORNET, in for beginner or student BG-25 case, reasonable. Good Stanley Du HO gauge plete layout toco's 2 switches, etc chael Ca'.aldc uue Terrace. TEENAGE g 1 - g ;ob. would Marv Ivatuty-n, wia P:N BG-2S rl wou'd not mind ke babys.t- • leep-r.g in. 4, YO-5-5633, lO^Bsid- A reliable babysitter, available year 'round ie.\cept July and August). Can furnish references. Also willing to do errands, etc. Eastchcster. Tiickahoe. Bronxville area preferred. Barbara Arcelay. 15. DE-7-7967, 1 Highview Av\, Tuckahoe. BG-27 WANTED: used catchers equip- ment. Must be in good condition. Willing to pav a reasonable price. Call BE 7-6683 after 3:30 P.M. Bob Quesal, 11, BE 7-6683, 35 Alexander NEEDED: English racer dition. Cal': Age 16. BG 28 2* ' g.r'.'s lightweight . 3 gears, excellent oon- Ly.-toa Leon. GR-S-.V'.Vt. Hillside Ave., Hastings BG-28 HAVE a pa.- of roller rink skates w.th s-eel a%e. use..-! t tirres Like new s ?e 4. Call YO S-.M49 aff- 5 o clock" S15(V». Miss Maureen Calnan. 5M Mile JJquare Rd . Yonkers. :— BG-2S - -. POP. sale: fvrricy Temnie items. I? :nch doll. Ji 50: lewd a hum. sv: set of four Random House books of h-r movics. J i ' each, perfect rondition. Virginia Johanson. 13, SP-9-3SSS. 77 Rerr.se-, Circle. BG-27 . STARTING a com collection Linco'n pennies ;.10 diffe-rrr.r' datt.s and mints | good to boy only 85 'Yl. Mail orders I only. Ribcit Ostrubak. 14. 839 Mile Sq. Road 100 diffe-ent large !' S. Commemora- lives 81.00 free 1<WVT> small date Lincoln penny with aoove Varnps. All use,.! - Mail o:.itr-s onlv. Robert Os- truixak. It. 339 Mile Sq. R.. a ,i 12 sear old jr.:l will run errands. has had experience shopping, also willing to do household chores T)e::>!rp Harkms, 12, SP 9-17.11. 30 Kipling Rd. BG-27 . MONEY needed for vacation. I will walk dogs, and I' will wash urs and mow lawns for reasonable price. Kevin- Pappas, 10, GR 6-1252, 12 Con- vent Ave. RG-27 MONEY needed for vacation Will wash cats, walk dogs, mow lawns. Reasonable puces accepted Peter Pappas. 12. GR 6 1252. 12 Convent Av* PATIENT girt willing to tutor first thiough fifth grade students in Eng- lish, math, spelling, geography, and history on Saiurdavs. Exi-ellent maris Ka.en Queally. 11',, YO 5'i9&*.. 121 Sweetfield Ciri le. - BG 2 1 - - —— GAMES' Games' Games' Popular games such as < hes» Pinar-.re. Barbie. Concentration and otheis. Excellent ; condition. 5n cents to $150. Marie Bianchmi. '.4. B E 7 S97K, 10 Hunts- bridge ltd., Yonkers. BG-27 MY carriage coach and cub a-e in gcxvi condition. If you will buy them .1 will own an English Raier s,v,n. Richard Brown, 6, YO S 7173. 62 Mc- Georv Ave. - '- BG-27 - — - —- - TENNIS: Want to leam the easy »»v lake a swing at the dial YO 8«1!9. Do:.« Nelson. IS. K'> Wind- sor- leu. Dial anytime after 3:30. Reasonable tales - BG-27 — COMPLETE set of Lionel Trains w.th tratk* and switches, excellent condition. Price reasonable Call SP 9-2178. Patrick Moyn*. 16. 11 Cleve- land PI BG 27 - EXTRA Extra rxpciirmrd baby- Slier loolfing for » place to »t. l.o\.r* children willing to wotk long hours, saint Barnabas student, susan I>el Gi.-idiee. 14. BE 7-7122. 275 Kimball Ase. BG-27 BG-27 I have a used accordion for tale if interested call after 6 P.M. Thank You. Ronald Aronstam, 16, YO 3-1648. 462 Midland Ave. BG-27 BABYSITTER experienced and re- liable. Reasonable rates- Vicinity of ! South West Yonkers. Ca'hv Kitts, 14, I YO S-6973. 525 Riverdale Ave. HAVE you a girls 20" bike you i would want to sell in eood condition : of course please call me. Stacy j Buchler, 64, YO 9-6761, 79 Onondaga ATTENTION! I^arge tram set a! very reasonable price. largest Lionel transformer with 4 switches boxes of track 2 engines and many accessories. Call now 1 Don't miss offer. William Rice, 14, Y09-5518. 106 Greenvale Ave BG-27 GIRL'S w+iite ice skates rze 4 84 00 girls tap shoes r.ze 4C 82 00. Boyi ire skates size 7 84.00 used 3 times. Lynn Flanagan, 11. YO 8-12)6. 90 Trasneck Place BG-27 FOR sale G 'is 24 inch hue bicycle in good condition will sell for JiO. Vane Bas'selto, 14. Y06-9846, 43 West- e: n Ave. BG 27 GIRL'S mystery novels f >r s a l e : 4 Nancy l>rew. Tr.ve B'enden. Beverly G av and otheis. .VI cents each. .].,., : ,h S'efor.owich, 9, OR6-7734, 3^ P. >>b-.n» P l a c e . - — BG-27 HANDY man for shopping running. errands', laisn mownng. iak:ng. Every- thing on week davs 4:30 and on Jimmy Ba-battia. 12, YO8-60G9, 142 Shonnard Place — BG 27 BARGAINS baseball mit. excellent condition . fielder type. Value 86 95 o-iiy 83.50. Also first basemen s mit. ;so-r a f'-v '.irr.es value $7 Oct only 81V. Richard Mostecak, 11, 103 Linn Avenue. YO 9-2970 - ItG 27 G(X)!> bo.iks a:>l <jnif< for ch.ldren sec 6 to 12, m Z/>od condition reason- • b y p:,,-e,1 -SP0 23W. Arthur Rynear- iv.. I.:. 417 Sra:sd»ie Road I XT \ I can r terms •4r>>" sh Pa i a i > i n< •^ P m I •h a: i>e;;s Road FOR hairnet S1> with eed help -i your g'j>hjec;s. i ;>: epa: e for your en.l- 90 p,' r ce-, t s -: id "*"' in •I Sc.enve and Math, 15, Y05-3642. 2"t6 l'.b- A pair of new roller jikates for gale 81.00 David Kreisler, 8 858 Palisade Ave. YO 54917 • bg-25 BICYCLE 24" boys Excellent working condition 811 Shelley Siegel GR 6-2365 460 Odell Ave. . BG-25 LATIN tutor available first year grammar. Julius Caesar A average 2 veart Fieldston School.-Contact David Fi'shman DE 7-S598, 16. 247 Parkview Ave. BG-25 WANTED: A gocart in good condi- tion for not more than 810 dollars. For sale: size 7 boys figure skates In excellent condition for over 85. Barne Ratner, 15, SP 9-4156, 83 Young Ave. BG-25 BABYSITTER Experienced, loves children. References. very reliable. Michelle Treulieb, 16, WO 1-2366, 119 Candlewood Dr. G-25 FOR SALE: girls 24" bike. Take best offer over 85 00 also Canadian made girlt figure skates si?e 3 like new S5.00. Joanne Ratner, 10, SP 9-4156. 83 Young Ave. BG-25 WANTED a pair of Walkie Talkie's that has to be wireless. In good con- dition. Price ieasonable. sPhone No. S P 9-1017. Wayne Bricker, 15, 9 Hall PL, Eastrhester. BG-25 GIRL 15, desires baby sitting job (n vicinity of Mile Sq. Rd. and Kim- j ball Ave. Days, summer preferred. Call after 5 P.M. Kathleen Calabrese, 15, BTE 7-1896, 20 Joan Drive, Yonkers. . BG-25 FREE! FREE' FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! WHAT'S FREE! A WALT DISNEY'S Babes In Toy I^and record with two songs 45 RPM Michael Simon, 40 University Avenue, Yonkeis NY. .815 handing charge. GR 6-2195 or 7359 age 12 AM El'. Flyer trains $100 equip. Silo Koa! oars, back lost SI ea.. elo< !. basketball 82 50, encyclopedia thnj 9!h yi. Sb. scout uniform 12-14 $4 Hiking boots size 6', 84. Julian Benjamin, 14. YO 3 5277 lol Highland Ave. . _ HG-LT. HOYS 26' English bike for sale good condition 815. Vincent Colabeilo, 16, YO 91259 488 Warburton Ave. GIRL'S Brownie diess with rap. $> oo Si/e 14. Excellent condition. Hilarv Kaskowilz, 12, YO 9-0288. 24 D* Haven Dr. I will sell Barbie and Ken dollt with clothes and suitcases and Barbie Dieam House a.nd Emencc oigan. Good condition. sell S10.00. Linda Papini, 12, GR 6-4715, 78 Oak St. AMERICAN Fiver electric trains for sale. Good condition. Thtee engines. switches, tiack. buildings etc. Must lie seen $50.00 Please call: Barry I.urhkowcr, 11, Y O 9-OfK*. 49 Griffith Ave. LAWNMOWING, dog walking, in the vicinity of Skytop and Hearthstone. Contact Peter We'.smann: S P 9-425S. 13. at 4 o'clock on week days. 46 Cantitoe Road. FOR sale, girls' 20" bicycle in good condition. SS. 1-boy scout' uniform. medium size. $5. -I.eo.nard Dl Antonio, 13, BE 7-340S. 120 Maple Place. BG 24 DOLL FREE, fully dressed if you buy my grey and blue coach car- i age with mattress. A real hue! Theresa Bucci, 10V,, YO 9-0329, 91 Lor- Ing Ave. BG-24 I WOULD like to sell 2 practically new boy scout, short sleeved shirts. Size 14 for SI each. Also electric pm ball machine for 87. SVavne Daviei 13. SP 9-3689. 37 A'lendale Rd. BG-24 . HAVE you a 21 - inch girls' bike to sell' If so, call.' GR 6-7330, Ronni Komarow, 9'-,, 72 G.bson Place. —_— BG-24. 26 inch Boys' bicycle, nesv never used. Front and rear brakes. Call after 6 p.m. $22. Robert Zvsk, 14, YO 5-916!. 60 Cats kill Ave. BG-24 _ FOR sale: an entire army. Tank, jeeps, cannon, and over 100 soldiers. Hours of fun. Phone after 6. Chuck Suss. 13, YO 9-5294, 64 Teresa Ave. BG-24 ATTENION Scouters: for only you can purchase a practically boy scout uniform. Pants, shirt, 12. cap. belt, nedkerchief and handbook! Call between 3-6 BE 7-5382 Joseph Mollo 13, 203 Sterl- ing Ave. BG-24 I am a good student and will tutor children in history or the bible on Sat. p.m. call between 6-7 p.m. Walter Roschke, 15, YO 8-S455, 27 Boicher Ave. BG-24 . BICYCLE, girl's, 24 inch. Schwinn built very good, condition $13. Roberta Seife, 13, WO 1-4569. 1 Dexter Rd. BG-24 WANTED: model cars Mercury. Buick, Pontiac. Oldsmobile, 1950 to 1954, 195S to 1962. call after 6 p.m. S'lCphen S'ciiaro. Jr., 12, BE 7-5759, 24 Empire St. Yonkers. NY —— BG-24 WANTED: pair of Walkie talkies working condition, Reasonable, phone binsky, 11, YO-9^t637. 99 Kingston Ave. %G-25 BOYS "Chicago" shoe roller skates. Si?e 3. black, excellent condition. Val- ued at 830. Will consider anv offe;. Robert Miraglia, 10, GR-6-8413, 245 Rumsey Rd. . . BG-25 ROYS 26" English racer for sale. 3 speeds, hand brakes. Excellent con- dition, 820.00 Call after 7 p.m. Robert Kaye, 114, WO 1-4054. 117 Gailmor Dr. . -— BG-24 GENERAL office work: typing (40-50 ss'pm), beginner desires part time job. Write or eaH after 6:00 Kathleen Shaw, 17, YO 9-2067, 8 Pier Street — BG-27 -^ . GREAT opportunity «or a future musician! New Evelte-Schaefer (buf\ fen flute for sale 9150.00 takes it home. Linda Tauber, 16, YO9-2770, 86 Hamilton Ave. ^— BG.27 . WILL give piano lessons to beginner. I am very thocxxieh in instruction. Peggy Zuraw, 15, YOS-1515, 12 Cavin Street WANTED -upright piano gixxi con- dition and at a reasonable price, call YO9-4077. Maureen Devine, 12 10S High Street BG-27 FOR sale! Remeo empress phone set. used once 82.50 - white ice skates - jjxxl condition size 1 St.SO - Bobbsey Twin, Honey Bunch books 15-et cents. Terri Hall, 10, SP9-5060, 35 Kincdid Drive BG-27 . SWIMMING pool 15 ft X 36 inch deep filter and ladder included verv good condition. S70.00. Gerard Friedrich. 13, SP9-6696. 25 Allendale Road . BG-25 . EXPERIENCED high .school girl will babysit in vicinity of Dunwoodie and Cross County aft. or nights. 51 cents an hour. Marianna Farrauto, 14',, YO 5-5991, 9 Emerson St. Yonk. _ BG-25 . ^ .— SKATES two pairs mens size 8-9 Indoor wooden wheels one pair white ladies size 8 ice skates like new 85.00 each Nepperhan Heights Vicinitv Ron- ald Richardson, 16. YO 3-1165. 67 Sprain Rd. . BG-25 FOR sale Barbie doll in good con- dition with clothes 83.50. call Susan Smith, 111, SP 9-7415. 14 Dexter Rd. . BG-25 CAPABLE girl. with experience would like babysitting job on week- end nights Riverdale vicinitv Ger.v Tierney, 14, KI 9.3728, 5550" Netlur- land Ave. BG-25 MOTHER'S helper: reliable, psper- ienccd. 16 years old hif»h school girl with excellent references willing to work this summer. If interested phone YO 9-77S3. Diane Gambaro, 28 High- land Place Yonkers. BG-25 26" bicycle girls holiand make for sale. Excellent condition. $20. Carole Lorirey. 17, SP 9 2473, 51 Grassy Sprain Rd. BG-25 BICYCLE girl's 24" for sale good condition $10. Ilene Rosenthal, 8, 311 Kneeland Ave. YO 5-1313 BG-25 AMBITIOUS boy wants job badly will mow lawns, wash windows or work in a store. Ernest Conklin, 15V4, GR 6-4906. 426 Walnut St. BG-25 BABYSITTER mornings, July and August Experienced, high school stu- dent. Crstwood. Bronxville. Scarsdale area. SP 9-58.55. Dorothy Bond, 14>i.- STEEL baseball spikes size 5 ex- cellent condition, hardly even used. 84.0". Jim Brostman. 12. GR 8-2420, 299 ML Hope Blvd. HasL r • BG-28 WANTED coins tooseveit P'.me 1949- t 1950 s 1955-s lincoin herd cent 1941-d 1942-s 1961 s 1955-d Willi pay rea- sonao'.e pr,ce. Mike Frascatl, 14, SW 3-0837, 8 Areud.a. BG 25 CHILDS desk reasonable after 4 p.m. Good condition M.chael Rosen- berg 6 YO 3 6337. 75 Bruce Ave. . _ BG-25 I would like a up to t!5 nearly new 26 inch boys bike. Must be in verv good condition. Gilber Duiberg. 8. SP 9 5244. 170 Concord Rd. I would like to buy a girl* 20" bike with training wrieeli. Must be in very good condit.on. Stacy Buchler »W 79 Owondaga St. YO 9 6761 . . BG-25 TO sell; Tricycle in good condition 82.50. To sell doll carriage almost new large s/e 85.00 D.a.ne Green 8, WO 1-3179, 2-4 Newport Rd. HARDY boys books! Sell or trade for other Haidv or Tom Swift books. Girls b.ket — 20" needs fixing, 28". Tractor. Call after six. Ravmond Blod- get, 12. YO 3-1S05 666 Palisade Ave. . . BG-25 I wish to seil girls Ice skates size" 13. Thev are in excellent condition Ruth Stern 11, GR 6-1185 480 Riverdale Ave. . BG-25 WANTED Newspaperboy substitute. vicinity of Washimngtori Avenue Must be 12 years old. readily available, and willing to work. Good pav John Comtek. 12 OR 6 2323 6 Division St, Hast tngs-on-Hud son BG-25 . FOR sale: IDoil c a r r i a g e s very rea- sonable also books 25 cents per copy Call Yonkers 9-846-1, Judith IXlischiner 16, YO 9-8161 117 Orient Street SEEDS 10 cents per package. Mar- shall Rosenberg. 91, YO 3-6337 75 Bruce Ave. BG 26 EXPERIENCED girl baby sitter 14 years old Loves children. References avaiialbe Call Gloria Sims 420 Walnut St. YO 9 8527 . BG-25 Oldest girl. 14 of 8 children will care SP 9-1017 for more information. Wayne Bricker, 15, 9 Hall PI. jestchester. BG-23 BOY scout sleeping bag, pack and co.«ing utensils. $15.00, or best offer. Peter Pnuent, 15. BE 7-0280, 17 Vir- ginia St. . BG-23 FOR sale three wheel bike (8 Michael Dlorovy,- 11, DE 7-8914, 17 Cresthill Rd. BG-23 A large rockinjj horse 3'J" good con- dition. 85.00. Also large tricvele, 83.00, Will sell IK>1,I for $7 00. 'Peg tabe, desk combination. 83.00. Donald Cal- d<:a. 7, SP-9-6076, 23 Ridgeland Rd., Yonke: s. BG-24 SALE! three best in children books. 3 Shirly Temple. Bobbsey Twins and Mother Goose books, 30 remits call Karen Grellet, 10. WO 1-5334, 434 Bionxvllle Rd., Bronxville. BG-24 ——— WILL tutor younger children through SP 2-5855 511 Westchester Ave BG-25 WILLING teen-age girl will any part-time summer Job I _ P1.AN ahead for lummer fun telling Ideal brand kiddie pool 6x4'-12" deep. i;»i colors, sturdy construction. Cor- rtt seals Like new' 87.00 l^u'se C'ampi. 12 B E 7-686.3, 1 Blackford Ave . Yonkert. -— - BG 27 — CAME fans take notice' Wotd games, board games, rhildren » A ad- sarred thinking 10 centt to 35 cents each Call for further information 1/Xiiie Ciampr. 12. BE 7-«ttl. 1 Black- foid Ave . Yonkeis BC, 77 GUITAR for aale: Excellent condi- tion (Fender Telecasteri Electilc. Hard case included. Bent offer. Wll- , lam Flvnn, IX, GR 8-7S8C. 476 War- buiton Ave. BG-77 - —-— - ——— li r. Skatrt for tale' Girtt white !c« tka'et in good condHlon. Siren 1 and t. V V> » r*ir- l>ura Warhtman. 14. YO 8-J594. 19 A*eel «. YooVer* . __—_. BG-77 WILL poirchat* 8 Hardy Boy series lyvks I need nurnh«r» 2, 10. and 39. Will p«v 40 centt «r let* Pleate rail. Kevin Queally. ». Y O &-SM&. 121 Swfetfteld Ctrrle. HC-27 HSU tank. gallon with piston pump he*ter. 2 Wtert. Stand lightt. gravel. Very reato* able Call after » PM. Roheit Matitzewtki 10. WO 1-MK). S20 Tuckaho* Rd. "lJONEL electric trams "O ' 3 eng -,r« •t«<tr.c sw,v*e«. iW trantformer. ior#t»->r »« .0 ears. M«.r:*4 or. 2- 4' x S' IV>»rflS. Cor" *ver *»>"> »# ~t tV 84b Rohe.l Gr«tVj*. 11, YO»-110«. 8S Greer.w oon Road ru;-/7 Foot ball pan's, football 2 chin s'laps shoulder p*<\<. Evce'.ler.t condition. No reason- «b> offe refused. Ca.i af'c: sx p m. Dan.el .Silverman. 15i, Y 0 5 R213, 114 Al a Avenue __ ItG 27 HON t p»»s up th « barga n' Set of Go.den B'Vk Enr.vcioped.a 810 00 excel- lent eondiMon with Golden d ot.onary $1100 Call mmed.ateiv! Mare Ban- ch.n.. 14. RE7S976. 10 Hur.ubr.dge Rd. BG-37— RUK'KS vt of nearly 200 large, al-, most bra-d new polished maple p!a>- '•?»1 child guidance blocks for ja'e 1-3 •Vf. sacnfirc. Daniel Menticci, 8, 500 • River Dale Ave.. C,P.6-3W» BG-27 • ' A gieen 2* inch girl's Rollfas; bicycle • *:lh ad;.is'ah> tpced geais in peda »- ' «i«hes to have a new' owner CMginal i cist KV> OO . excellent ovtAUon atk- Ing 825 00 rum Oliva. 16. Y054«S«. 57 Nu+o)» Avenue BG-27 FOR M> rolle- rmk skate* tire .3 __ RG 25 -- IX5G lovers- good home wanted for small doe. Spayed female, house- broken, affect,ouate. good waichdog. Please call Rena Sonshine. 17, YO 3-5086 123 Valentine Lane. t'NION Hardware figure roller skates si7e 74. Vers- ieasonable. Mar.e Giordano. 17. BE 7-2302, 67 Maple Place. BG-25 ARTIST, museum of modern art- student. 13 \ e a r s old. Will paint wa- ter IOIOIS or oils on c-ommistion. very reasonable rates. Judi Rotkin, 1J. 'YO 8-2395. .30.3 I r e Avenue. GREAT Buv! Male guppies at 15' centt a guppy. Call SP 94018 DonT mm this gieat baigam. Judy I^uglai 12 SP 94018. .32 Somnierset Drive. IK;-2S ——-— 1 would like Nancy Diew or any othrr mysteries for giilt »nd records that have just been hit tunes Thank you Mary Madden, 11, YO 5-1941. 312 Somme'ivill* Place. _ BG 25 i fomth grade have also had experience- I babysitting dog walking. Have refer- ences. Oldest of seven children. Mary Ellen Dougherty. 14, YO 9-2965, 12 Br\n Mawr Place. . _r BG-24 EXPERIENCED 15 - year - old giil would like babysitting job for summer. Reefrences Linda Edwards, 15. YO 8-8566, 142 Ridge Ave. . BG 24 i ENCYCLOPEDIA World Book, 19.V? ediloii with supplements. Very good condition. Roy Tepper, 16, WO 1-8187, 39 Beaumont Circle. BG-24 3 canaries writ love and care Ihey a:e yours for the asking. Camille Genovese, 7, 41 Highland Ave. . BG-24 • i want to buy a used, complete bov Scout uniform In good condition. Sue 12 to 14. Call eveings after 6 pm. 1-rwn I.lpkin, 11. YO 8 0024, 159 Hawthine Ave. ..__ BG 24 A summer job wanted by good tludent. Interested In Music, literatuie ait and printing willing to leatn and improve Woik In Yonkers or NY area. Ji>e lleukerott, 14, HA 3 0736, 109 Bolnier Ave. ._ BG 24 '— LEARN how to talk If you are afraid to talk In a convention call me! Vallery Papantonio, 12It. 1* Juana Street SP '9 3732 BG-24 WANTED: any console, table or por- table iadio and also record changer four tpeed type. Good prices call YO .V0417 after 8:30 p.m. Thomas Moran, 15. 8 Clover Street. - R G » - p «-1 a,^r:;",. "u* 1 - 12 Gavin St. gy Zuraw. 15. YOS-1.M5 . v ____ - fic-27 - - >Y>R sale ftrVs tohool bag n food condition onlv 81.75. Janet Smith. 8^. sr*-7ns. 14 Dexter Road . BG 27 SWEET and loving white tmocvth terrier for s s > . Brown pstcti on rit* : ee TXso vea.s old and exceedingly 1 S*> 9 22S5. 55 Amherst Dr. fr.er.d v: 910 Gordon Sherman. 13. i _ RG-9S Y03 .VW 102 Ccvj-ter Avenue ISKD but still In gxwl use "F condition. . light heater pump and filter ineludVd. Also four rompavlmmt beta tank with light and heater. Nancy Higgmt. 15. IS Balnbtidge C\ SP 9 6248. "FOR tale: Roi/s 30" red hirycle $lo. or best offer. Il.se Wr.nbcrg. »t - BG r - WANTED hoy's hike » Inch . I ramily" record FOR tale: and sterro , " mf T! • f^ 1 M.>roch. 12. VO 9-45U.3. co-d I on Rov Fuehrel. S'-». BE.-2478. . __ \. T% Firtt Street BG-27 ABLE tc4W>'i g.-i of f.ftren ;t eager to hahytit for •rnttl tots o- n'dcr rti.ld.en on any Saturday aflerBoon. or even.ng. P.ease phone Y03 !C36. Jud.th Meyerow.tz, 36 Courier Ave. BC-27 RVCYCtjOPBOtA - "Oiildrra/t" for children under 10 IS volumes almost new beaut,fully polo 'd pictures No retaonthle offer refus«4. Will taori- fice moving lAny N'sger, »H. 1* K-mha.i Terrtr*. RF.7-1MT pric« 8150. VlrftrJ* it Cedar Place recwd albums, mostatiral Kxccllerrt cvxiltion. Pat Boone. MM«* Miller. We*t »d« S « Y . many ofhert. » rents to >*.»• C.lenn Barrowman. 14. BE < «93S. « W«e- wood Avenue. Yotvkecs. BtlOo - BC27 FIFTEBN year old girl irrter*»t*4 In botany will give low-ott soil »-•-<! and pant rare. G.ve me a burs - Linda Pa..ad.no RR7-441S of BEM9W.' _^^. RG-27 • WANT to ten ail old toy*, dolit and stuffed lovs. A to dol carriage and ja<* m vix. Fair prices • good eondi- tmrf • call L-nda Paliadino, 14\ WO Bronx River Road, BE7-441S WANTED: >*f»*-ano>d rnlf clubt tn food condition. Reasonable rxif/ f<%r »t!e: Bat*oall Iron »p«Ve*, »tw• s. ex- crtlent condition. »00- Glenn Barrow-. wan. l«. BE 7 8*», O Kdjessood Avenue. Y«n»W8. ONS pair of iiris while roller tltstti. sit* t. Skat-hg box 'h^ 1 ^ Call »l\er 7 h*^' "»*•„ »'^<S J««4"t Palort, 1*. V05 24U. « Cllft Ave. BG 25 fJni.DRF.NS taW» and 2 rhalra. Rxc*iient coodition t\SX*. l>bnr»h Di- EXPERIENCED babysitter «1ll take rare of ch.ldren ,n the North Yookrrs v c.nily during the summer months leferencet Linda Battaglla. IS. S49 Nep- perhan Ave. YO 5-7006 *___ — BG 24 —— BOOK of Knowledge, excellent ren- dition, up to date, reasonable, alto Vote* of Music 4 speed portable ph.v nocraph. good c.vndrlion. Janet Kram- erTl4. SP 9-3521, 178 Concord Rd. J - BG-24 : ATTENTION! Intermediate Rirl tcoutt: B«*uUfully houiVl Girl Scout handbook S00 r< Jtrand new condition TS rents. "NecetsiVy for « y e r y -_8ood scout' Leails* Ctampl. 13, BK .-4>W»J 1 Blackford Ave. BG-23 GtRtS rijrur* lc« skates. Whit s 2 13.00 In good rtXtdition. Cail after ' * " m . I-eth« Bccktr 13 Y O « - « 0 . » Hawthorne Ave. Yonkert fl m _ BG-25 -—— MUST sell before May 90. t*ux*.m hag wall tvp* Perfevt condition boy t corvette bike «A0f» eo»np!e<» ho tralrt etches etc 3.300 BE 7-734S St«v« U n i n 1« «7 Glover Ave. BG-25 — BtCYCLK: Schwinn. boy« ST, new. metallic g.cen A cftrome white »«U tires, reasonable. Call GR 81022 R«- hort Russell, IV 33 WhHnrtan S«r**t, Hastlnjft-on-HiKlton. N. Y. BG-25 ' — —-"". URGF.NTI.Y ne*d«l: tt»» »«* or 9, baseball show before ««J'* m « r - Carmln*. ». YO 3 9853, 217 Hawthorn* J trA Vtrwifcn, IS, SP-9M31. 137 H««nA Avp. J *'>. - accept Exper- ienced and capable worker. Karen Green. 1414, YO-5-3284, 50 Bayley Ave. . BG-25 IMPORTED Accordion 8200 good con- dition with case-call YO .3-4235 and ask for I-ouie. Louis Piselli. 15, 71 Brus'er Ave. BOYS 26" h : ke needs little repairs cist $58.20 scll : nfi for onlv 810. Robert Del^llo. 14, GR 6-2069, 15 Martin Rd. Yonkers. : . BG-25 GIRI-S blue bike 20" just rieht for a little girl 810.00. Donna Delx-llo. 9. GR 6-2069. 15 Martin Rd. Yonkers. I would like to buy a C.B. set. Around thirty dollars if poss.hle. Stephen M. Rosen 207 Colonial Pkwy No. SP 9-6950. . BG 25 — WOULD like to sell girls blue bievole. Call YO 3-1921. Elliott Tanen- baiim 11. 47 Travers Ave. ^ BG-25 "> WANTED: Cardinal Hayes freshmen books in good condition call after 4:00 p.m. Mr. Leonard 14, YO 3-5093, 14 Elinor PI. DRL'M.S Starters sets, snare, tom- tom, cvmbal, sticks, stands, chean. 822.00. Ricky Hnlzman, 13, SP-9-5732, 37 Ascot Rd., Yonkers. BG-23 YUMMY chocolate balls made to order, with sprinkles or roconut or chopped nuts. For infoimatinn please call, Diane I.cfcr, 12 ; 2 , DE-7-5752, 10r Rosedale Road. BG-25 — FOR sale 3" reflecting telescope. Perfect for young amateur. "Edmund Space Explorer." ieasonable offer. Ste- phen M. Rosen. 207 Colonial Pkwy No. SP-9-6959. DESIRE a position as a babysitter. Canable and reliable, had experience. Carmel Kcliv, 15, YO-31366. 120 High St. TEENAGE giil wishes part-lime summer Job. Experienced and capable worker. Karen Green. 14'5, YO-5-3284. 50 Bayley Ave. TEENAGE Rirl looking for a part- time summer jot; Expeiicnced and capable worker. Sharon Green, 14H GR-64649. 50 Bayley Ave. BG-25 - EAGER hoy would like summer job. Mowlnjt lawns, washing cars, lunning errands, in store and home. etc. Call after 4. John Leonard. 14. YO 3-5093. 14 Elinor»TI. PRrZE-winning poster artist will make posters and signs of all kinds for businesses and organisations. Rea- sonable prices. Donna Vreeland. 14H. BK-7-5815, 767 Kimball Ave. BG-25 — <YMN"S will buyoT trade! Coins all coins, accept foriegn cons Call after six o'clock John Snelzko Jr. 12. FOR sale, red 26" English rarer Extra accessories, great condition Ful- ly equipped, cheap price. Todd Volpe. t4. YO-5-7234. HI Sedgwick Ave . Yonk- ers. BG 25 1 am IS and am an experienced babv atltcr. Want job for summer. Vicinity of Yonkers. Shirley McDonald. 15. YvS-3-3769. 58 lAmartine A\^. BG-25 COMPLETE set Golden Book enry- r'onediat Verv helpful for school. Best offer lakes it. Fred Jaffe. 9H, YOS 2697 70 Parkway. No. BG 25 BOOKS, 27 various Hardy Boy bodk.%. exccllrnt condition. J.V each. Mary Chambwlatn. 14. YO-S-6296, 61 Palmer «*•-. BG-25 IF I sell my Biltrite stroller I ran keep th* money. Like new. 815. Also my baby chest. $15 Lvnne Golant, 10, SP 9-S296. 9 Monterey Place. ~A<|UAR1UM suoplies: brand new "r.ev«r used"" pision pump $21. new. your* for $1100: heater also ntver used, $7 50. Lawrence Nugent 12, K McArtlnir Av*. SP-9C13S, (or children in North Yonkert Vicinitv anytime between 10 a.m. 6 p.m. Ref- erences Call Eileen Kinney, 14, YR 6-1810 2 Convent Ave. BG-25 EXPERIENCED babysitter likes chit dren Will babysit on Friday nights or Saturdays Tina Grande, 14, B E 7-8522, 26 Villa Avenue . BG-25 . . BABYSITTER, errands or any odd jobs. 5.75 per hour. Valerie McGowan, 14. KI 6-8006. 6065 Broadwav Bx. -r, BG-25 . . BABYSITTER, IS. will sit for 75c hour. After school or weekends. Have both business and character references Call YO-5-8523, 134 Page Ave. JoAnn Ghiggeri. BG-25 . WANTED a 20" or 22" bovj bike. .Richard Americo, 6, YO-3-320-I, 125 Elliott Ave. : BG-25 . . EXTRA! Extra, extra. Can do Dallv errands on week days 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Sat. from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. Think you. Steven Stefanchik, llVi, 154 Ridge Ave. YO-8-1598. BG-25 BABYSITTER girl 15. reliable, and experienced. Available during summer vacagion. Crestwood I,ake area. Call Heather Horn, SP-9-4019. -— : • BG-25 — GILBERT car racing set, 2 extra cars. 6 months old. cost $40.00 Sell 820.00 Wem-Mac-P-,39 Aeroplane-never used. 84.00. Electric-games baseball, football. 82 each. Albert Porcaro, 13, BE-7-S355. 214 First St. BG-25 _ I am interested in starting a col- lection of Indian pennies, must he priced right. Stacy Irene Buchler, 84 YO-9-6761. 79 Onondaga St. BG-25 — BOYS Canadian til star ice tkates, s : ze 5. exceiieni condition. $7.00 Ralph Rarrieri, 13, YO-8-2030. 58 Palmer Rd BG-25 . . HONOR student (seventh grade) Sep- tember) tutoring first through fifth grades. All subjects. Lincoln Park vi- cinity. Please call YO-9-.'i754. Karen McGilI, 12, 4S Cricklewood Rd. BG-25 1 . GIRL 15. responsible, references sup- plied, wants babysitting job. during summer, days ar.d evenings. Also available on weekends now. Call Susan Levy, 15, SC-3-6999, 73 Suigrave Rd. - - BG-25 *. PATIENT girl will help with plan- ning, decorating, and games of chl- drens parties. Sue Faiella, 14, 123 Homewood Ave. YO-3-4959. BG-25 EXPERT babysitter for hire! I'm junior first aider. Weekdavs, Fridav and Saturday nighLs. and all summer" Sue Faiella, 14, YO-34999, 123 Home- wood Ave. BG-25 . . ROCKING horse like new 83. Fire engine with pedals -rood working con- dition. I have ou'grown both. Terrv Abeles, 8, SP-9 6714, 117 W.nnehagb Road. I am a 15 year o.d bov eager and energetic, willing a.nd able to work at anything available. Martin Brenner 13, GR-6-3952, 2t.'S Warburton Avenue' —BG-25 ATTENTION: I'd l.ke to do odd jobs for the summer, such as running er- rands, digging ami plaining gardens. lawn mowing and small paint jobs Sherwood PK. Craig Junjulas 11, 145 Crescent Pi. BE-7-5762. WORLD Book Encyclopedia. Perfect condition, complete set 19 volumes Annual supplements 1958 thro 1961 plus covered binder Included. 1957 Ed- ition. $60.00 Mike Cataldo. 16, 220 Long BG* _ _ WE would like to buy a pedAl^catf and a 3-whe*l chain driv* bile* IS zood condition, reasonably. R AR. Knudsen, 3, YO 5-2996, X Rumtef Ave. BG-28 ———— RALEIGH engliah bicyd* and rar- ious accessoriet needs some work- Bargain at 85. Call after < p.m. Paul Thornton, 16, SP 9-4718, 118 Winnebago Rd. — BG-24 FOR tale! Comic booki $.05! D.C. Comics mostly. Just call me. tnyUmt from 3:30 to 8:30 p.m. Michael Girri- ty, U. GR 64436, 8 Cottage Plac* BG-24 , BOYS Engiith racer Rudge gold tires, both hand A foot brakes, horn light A saddle bag. Reasonable, ctll after 7 p m. Roy Chernotf 15. 827 Riverdale Ave. GR 6-4628. __ . . BG-24 —- BABYSITTER: 16 - year . old girt wishes babysitting job for tummer experienced. Annemarie Malzone, 18, BE 7-7532. 911 McLean Ave. BG-24 COME on let's dance! I'm willing to teach any teenager the newett dances. Fox. trot, twitt. slop and Irish jig. Russell York. 16, Y03-2226. 14 Spring Ave. BG-24 GUITAR, electric, perfect condiiton. Selling for $30. Modem cutawav de- sign. Single pick-up. Joe Heukerott. 14, HA-3-0756, 109 Bolmer Ave. BG-24 . FOR sale: Nancy Drew and Bobbsey Twin .books. Reasonable pric* of 49c Call after 6 p.m. Wendv New, 14, YO-3-6727, 309 North Broadwav. JtfG-24 BABYSITTLN'G: I am 15-year»-old and experienced, love children. Alto mother's helper. Please call Pat Mc- Carthy. YO-8-4094, 471 Palisade. BG-24 . QUICK service! Errands run, prices reasonable. Ravmond Murphy, li. T Harding Ave. BE-7-2173. BG-24 HOME moviet! For 8mm projector. All kindt Including tcience, fiction, comediet. adventure cartoont and more! Very ieasonable. Good condi- tion. Thomas Lalla, 12H, YO-9-7030, 60 Cowles Avenue. . . BG-24 FOR tale: Comics of all types. Most are "Approved." Most are in good condition. Very limited supply of ad- venture books for boys. Call for prices and information. Garrv Whalen, 12, YO-5-10S0. 143 Shonnard Plac*. BG-24 WILL sell Barbie and Ken doll* with suitcase and clothes. Only for $8.00 In good condition. Linda Papini, 12. GR-64715, 78 Oak St. BG-24 ._ BABYSITTING job wanted In vici- nity of Klein's on Central Avenue, during summer months. Reasonable prices. Experienced. Valerie- Great- batch, 15, SP-9-4448, 25T Croydon Road, v , BG-24 GIRL'S Amer. Flyer 24" bicycle for sale, $15.00. Trade or sell "Bobbsey Twin"- series (or "Nancy Drew," Cherrv Ames or other mystery series. Michcle A. Leff, 12, BE-7-8950, 32 Hal- ley St. . BG-24 BICYCLE, boy's 28" black Rudg* English racer in good condition. Gen- erator, light, rrorn and lock- less fen- ders. Steven Block, 16, YO 5-6172,- 188 St. John's Ave. . '. . BG-24 •— AQUARIUM: 30 gallons, all chrome, special exhibit type, excellent' condi- tion. Gravel Included. Best offer. Call after 5 p.m. BE-7-0306, Paul Albert, 17, 21 Joan Drive. __ BG-24 WANTED: Sacred Heart High senior A other courses. Fair price if booka In good condition. Pat McSpedon, 15, 14S Vots Ave. GR 6-7658. _—. BG-24 1 wish to jell a pedal car. good condition and red wagon both $15 Barry Stecher, 8, YO 8-1005, 82 Caryl Ave. BG-24 vue Terr. SP 9-3913. • BG 21 • — GIRL 15 wants mother's helper job for summer Reliable. Experienced References. GR 8 1790, Pat Anderson 36 Ronny Cir. Hastings. HG-21 SELL Motor Bike. 2'-4 h.p. Power Products engine Gold. dependable, clutch. 6:1 gear reduction. Invested 895. lake best offer. Stephen Conscntino 16 WO 1-3016 81 Mohawk Rd. BG-21 FISH for tale 10 cents each. We have guppies only. Females are fast breeders. Males nicely marked. We have fantail guppies. Kli7abeth Snyder 11 YO 5-1716 22 Fairfield Place. BG-21 EXPERIENCED girl looking for ba- hys.iting job available after 3 and at night. Suzanne Dupay, age 14, . YO 3-8168. 80 Saratoga Ave. _ BG-21 HI speed Imported Engliah racer, fully equipped seldom used. Because of situation will sell at drastically low price 817.50. Ed Alheit. 15. YO 9-7375. 219 Clunie Av*. _ BG 24 I.OOK! A helper at all small d.-en's parties. Much experience • aval.able on all weekends and WANTED: Horror books. Will pay a good price. Should be in good or fair condition. Will swap for comic books. Want both pocket books and hard covered. Garry Whalen, 12, YO 5-1080, 143 Shonnard Plac*. _ BG-24 —— RADIO hobbyists selling tehemat-rt for radio control receivers and trans- mitters. Five different In all mail 50 cents to Thomat Moran, 15, ( Cover Street. BG-24 A 16 - year - old tophomora of Sacred Heart seeks employment as a babvsitter. Pelnty of experience. Alice Vrabel, YO 3-669S. 59 Van Cort. Pk. . BG-24 -—• WILLING to work: can run errands mow lawn, pull out weeds plant t*edt clean up yards, etc. St. John th* Bap- tist vicinitv Salvatore Bucci, 8, 91 Lor- ing Ave. YO 9-0529 . BG-24 I need a good sleeping bag for camp. Also a ramp trunk. Douglas Friedman, 11. WO 1-2548, 73 Beaumont Circle Yonkers. __ BG-24 COMMUNICATIONS Microphone for sale. Turner 350-C the best push to talk mike made. Excellent condition. J5.00 Marc Feller, 13, YO 8-5710, 79 Inwood St. . , BG-24 HURRY! hurry! check your sum- mer book lists for popular classic*. Black Beauty, Little Men A many others. Call for complete list of titles. I cents to 35 cents Marie Bianchini. 14, BE 7-S976, 10 Hunts Bridge Road. . BG-24 books for religion, democracy, English racer. Good condition. Twenty-six inch. Reasonable price. Valerie Greatbatch, 15, SP-9-4448, 251 Croydon Road. . • BG-24 GIRL scout uniform size 12 for aal«. Hat and belt included. $3.00. Will buy roller skates, ladles size 8Vi. In good condition. Michele A. Leff, 12, 32 Hal- ley St BE-7-8950. . BG-34 FOR sale. Complete 2-year old Lionel train set including various assortments of tracks. Original cost $75 • our prict $25. Steve Friedman, 15, WO 1-2548, 73 Beaumont Circle BG-24 FOR sale! Marbles you name them. I got them 20 cents for 100 - 10 cents for 50. Just call me. I'll sell Michael Garrity, 11. GR6-44.36 8 Cottage Plac* —— BG-24 WILL walk dogs and run errands, do odd job* In Cross County ricinity- will also mow lawns. Larry Weiss. 11 >4 YOS-6989. 314 Hayward K BG-24 - HAVE two Hardy Boy's hooks for tale plus ail th* Mowgli Stone* 35 rents each or 8 for 73 cents. Larry Weiss. 11'.,, YO 8-6909, 914 Hayward BG-24 I'm a 15 year old girl. I have ex- periences In babysitting, going on errands etc. For information call Ce- cilia Timotco, 15. YO 8-2876. -j» Vine- yard Ave. BG 24 chit- am July arid Agnus: Call Margaret Dougherty, 124. Y092965. 12 Br>« Mawr Plao*. _ _ BG 24 ATTENTION! Cherry Corvette for sale' • $1.00 Beaut.ful node! • also a 63 T-Bird kit unused 75 cents. About .13 copies of an English Boy's news- ^ ta BICYCLE girls. GIRL would like job of running er- rands and walking dogs. Just call m* during the hours of 5 and 6. Janet Camell. II, BE 5 0485. 70 Horton Ave. . BG-21 COMDOS, hooks, in new condition 10. 12 and 'i3 renta books • 3 for If) cents. >5 and SS cents book* - 1 for 35 rents. 50 cents book* 20 cent* each. John ArlL 15 Y03-752S. « Lanark Rd. . BG-24 ——————— STAMPS to »*ll. U.S. Plate bkyka, aad ladividual stamp*. Engiith. Jap- anese, French. Polish. Chilean. All In absandanc*. and very moderate price. Ronald ZollthAn, 14<4i, 31 Lcc- Ing Ave., Y06-2445 BG-24 . 2* inch Al rondl- More Blue ffcOO YO 9-3071 after 3 p.m. Sliaron Roland. U. 231 Aahburtoa Ave. . , BG-24 WANTED: Boy JVroul Summer uni- form. V-neck shirt (jean) *l*« 1ft, short* til* 1$. waist 31. Regular gar- ters. Pleat* ctll after 6 p.m. Steeihen SciHano Jr.. IX BE7-575* 94 Krnp-,-. St BG-24 OOMTUCTR e»r waatV. cleaned and polished • chrome Interior cleaned and polished. Call after four on weekday* and after two on Saturdays. Frank Manfredi. 15. OR6-2S3S. 224 ftoewner- vill* . ... Rfl -04 ' i i i HAVK a tet of rompteta w*3g*vt*. harbeVit. tod dumbeiit mad* by Dan iAir.e, like new it your pr>c*. Harry Ratten, agt It, Y03-I7IA 1 Wingata Rd. TWO *rhe*4 a W * bike X Inch v*r» good condition. $13 Call after tm Mon, Toe*.' Wed., or Tttura. J. Dtvia, 15 yO«8*i7, §7 Buena VltU Ave. IS'.* year old high tchool student will oahysit for children of aft'y at* elper and bahvsittrr during summer in the McLean Height* Woodlawr. are* months, lineal vicinity, good reverence Experienced reliable patient reference* Maiy EDen CsMlNH » *«7< < emtmct Car* fttjto, 1*4*. S B 74SM US fatdrtth Plaoa, m «. BavMtea fl> paper 75 cents. David Atkue. 13H Paiitadc Ave.. GR6-4724 _ BG»4 DO you have a doll m need ft a carriage • reasonable price. Call Marie Romano. 12. 227 liavward St. Y09-4.143 BG-24 . RKUABLK 14-year-old boy la In search of a >ob at delivery boy or other odd Jobs, a Sterling Ave. Call between 7-9 ant night. John Stack _ .- BG-24 F.XPKRIKNCKO babjtiUer day or night services. Lincoln Park victn.ty prefered. Maureen McOermott. 15V4. YO3-6S90. 62 Belmont Ave. BG 24 BOV* *$ inert true* bike. Good con- dition $4- Would aito like to t*4l some babv tupplfet. Geoffrey Saeteon. 14. WOl-SlfS. 14 Alpine Rd. BG-24 CHILD'S catteui pedal tractor and dump tractor electric lights good condition, $12 Daniel Mahon. 12. 131 Westminster, YOS-5M7 BG-24 FOR sale: G.r. s 29 Inch bicycle. Take it away for $3.00 Bob Ruttak, It GRS-2126. 200 Warbsirton Lane BG-24 BG-24 RARK first dav covert on envelope* from l!\Vi-194f» of presidents inventors. etc.. $33 each. Phone GR 8-1573, Jamet Reilly. 12, 721 ML Hope, Hast. —; _ BG-24 - months. l/<*\ vic?n;ly. good references Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of «-1 a,^r:;,. u* gy Zuraw. 15. YOS-1fultonhistory.com/newspaper 10/Yonkers NY Herald...

Page 1: «-1 a,^r:;,. u* gy Zuraw. 15. YOS-1fultonhistory.com/newspaper 10/Yonkers NY Herald Statesman/Yonkers NY...HERALD STATESMAN, YONKERS, N.Y., THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1963 38 AUSTRIA HAS INAUGURAL


VIENNA Austria uv-President Adolf Schaerf 73 a Socialist was inaugurated yesterday to seive his second six-year term


Notice to General Contractor The Board of Education will reshy

c e d e sealed bids unti l THURSDAY June 6 1863 at 11 AM EDST for the proposed work In connect ion with the replacement of the l e traquo ia cel l ing new vehicle she l ter and new rolling door at the Lincoln High School lo shycated on Kreeiand Ave in the City of Yonkers N Y in accordance with the plan and speci f icat ion now on file in the office of Howard A Kelly S u shypervisor of Buiidlngs Board of Edshyucation 138 South Broad ay Yonshykers N Y at which office said pan and specif ication now on file In ta incc for the purpose o bidding lor a deposit of $1000 in cash

Plan and soectLcation for said work Must be returned within thirty gt30raquo day following the award o the conshytract or rejection of bids otherwise oaly partial reimbursement will be made upon receipt of said plan and ipec i f icat ion

Plan and specif ication for the proshyposed work may be seen in the ofshyfice of the architect LaPierre LHUi-ficld A Partners 8 West 40th Street New York City


May 23-24-27

SCARSDALE APARTMENT ASSOshyCIATES OP HOUSTON TEXAS -Notice hereby given thlaquot Certificate j amending Limited Partnership Certifishycate signed and acknowledged by or

o i behalf of all partners u a i filed in Westchester County Clerks office o-i Apr u 1963 Amendatory Certifishycate let forth resignation from part-rership of Benjamin Peck as General Tanner

4mdash1S-25 5mdash2-9-16-23-T- l


THE CITY OF YONKERS Plaintiff - a t a i n s t -

IUCY A JAMES and MABEL J ADAMS if either of them be al ive or if e i ther of the said Defendants be deceased then their spouses h e l r s - a t -law next of kin devisees l egatees distributees executors or a d m i n i s t r a shytors judgment creditors- ass ignees s rantees trustees receivers and l ienshyors and their successors in interest and general ly all persons hav ing or c la iming from by through or under any and all of the said D e f e n d a n t s vho may be deceased by purchase ass ignment lien or otherwise any right title or Interest in the premises described in the compla int here in and their husbands wives widows If any all of w h o m and whose n a m e s and Places of residence are u n k n o w n to the Plaintiff Defendants

SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS Acshyt ion to r o r d o s e Lien No102936 TO THE ABOVE NAMED D E shy


TO answer the Amended Compla int In this act ion and to serve a copy of your answer or if the Amended Comshyplaint is not served with this Supple- mental Summons to serve a Notice of j Anpearance on the P l a i n t i f f s Attorney within TWENTY DAYS after the servshyice of this Supplem-nta l S u m m o n s exclusive of the day of s er i ce In case of your failure to appear or answer judgment will be taken aca lns t you by default for the relief demanded in the Amended Compla int Dated Yonkers New York

AprU 5th 1963

JOHN P TRAINOR Corporation Counsel of

The City of Yonkers Attorney for Plaint i f f

Office amp P O Address City Hall Yonkers N Y i


ADAMS tf either of them be al ive or if e i ther of the said D e f e n d a n t s be deceased then their spouses h e i r s - a t -i s v next of kin devisees l ega tees d is tr ibutees executors or a d m i n i s t r a shytors j u d g m e n t creditors ass ignees | grantees trustees receivers and l i en shyors and their successors In interes t arid genera l ly all persons h a v i n g or c la iming from by through or under any and all of the said D e f e n d a n t s h o m a y be deceased by purchase a s s i g n m e n t Hen or o therwise any r ight t i t le or in teres t in the premises described in the compla in t here in and j the ir husbands wives widows if a n y I ail of w h o m and whose n a m e s and r aces of res idence are u n k n o w n to ti-e Plaintiff

The foregoing supplementa l s u m shymons is served upon you by publ ica- j Hon pursuant to an Order of Honora- h gt CLARE J HOYT one of the Jus -tces of the Supreme Court of the S ta te of New York dated and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County cf Westches ter County Court House City of White P la ins W e s t c h e s t e r County New York on the 3rd day of April 1963

The object of this act ion is to foreshyclose transfer of tax l ien No102936

covering premises described as fol - lows mdash

Sect ion 3 Block 3134 Lot 16 on the Tax Map of the City of Yonkers as bull l i e said Tax Map was on December 16th 1950 except ing any part thereof ] - c raquo - have been taken by the City ltbull Yonkera for the widening or o p e n -lis o any street road o avenue

JOHN F TRAINOR Corporation Counsel

Attorney lor the Plaint i f f The City of Yonkers

Office A- P O Address City Hail Yonkers Neraquo York

1 4 - 2 5 5 2-9-16-23-29

BG-2S bull ltiP-gt 1 am selling a barbie rarry-

) - l raquo laquo ard 2 outfits Both are In r v p l l e n t condition The p i lt e ilaquo 84 00 Jeanne Oauiaid 11 B E 7-0060 W9 E - o n River Rd

_ _ BG-2R GIRL 11 ike to sei ri^tl carriage

f bull raquoi condition and raquooea doll all for s00 rail after 4 p m firtt offer Vrne Ann Vjtiello 11 cP i 8457 2ltV55 Waver) St

RC - THREE wieel r- igt bull w-th new

bulllt--bull uiee arr1 prda en iVraquoars Ha-en Lichter R GR-6-739 4 Gate-v-a Pd mdash mdash mdash B lt 2 mdash bull

lt0 kart for sale LI 5raquoV ilt-gtn C ton E d g c c 4 e- ra--ig slicks ex tras - ral W M I V a f t c 5 p m M lt-haraquol D Ap-oe Jr 16 11-D Matn pound r

- BC 2S _ H O Kairs O v c 40 oat-s and en

f t f i Also tltac4 rvcieraquo and raquoc-t6 tr-i f laquo x i r lt E v f i gt conditio Craquolt i f 8300 Bes offe- a r r e t e d RH Deaicv-rit YO-5-SO 25 Fairfield P Y o i k o gt

- BG 2S - bull tgt-gtraquo twcrty-itjrf rgt Ke With new

laquolaquobulllaquo O i l y 8119V Argtgt at o-cr Barry L-hter 10 GR6-7391 4 Gate-M v Roar)

- - B G i laquo bull mdash- mdash B A R Y S n T B R experienced wll sit I dagt a wee-- a so nigtus North Yoikci s a -es have tra^-sr-^tar v [jU an Brown 14 V YO-S-S373 105 U k e A-ev raquo

mdash BG-28 mdash -r i N i pong lraquobe rraquoculatfcraquo 7f

rlaquoM only t vee ttmes Black and v reaaorah e Ca-Ygt Afji SafVo 1lt YO-VT(tfr 2 Handv Place

BG-J8 -WAVTEOmdashPortab royal rj-pewrtteT

h j laquo wock and look in gov l egtxid--bull-gt- Needed for Vafritra Dap pteser ltbull rraquojr dad Wll pay laquo bull much alaquo JISOO

Rfle-i Bergen- laquo and Ann Be-rgtxrxgtraquoH YOJ-WJ laquo Auafn Ave

BG raquo laquo T rave ioe raquokraquotelaquo Srnal gtlaquogtlaquobull

aire IX 2 2 - s i gt gvo elaquoyvlltv Giria wtiite fsf ^e rrt 10 and bullbullraquogt raquo taeer JO heard new MKtiael Gof

MOTHER S helper for raquouraquofraquome ml A u r u f preferable seeti (wit S dagti a An- 11 YO-0raquoV 8 DHiaver D raquo e k laquo and nifhts Ethel Morttvm _ _ _ _ _ _ BG 1 bull mdash I

TBICYCtLE 1laquo irx wtxei 4 SO Om-fnor Drive JV Y O alaquoa i 7 Monro laquo BG-2 I

BO -3S mdash GIR1 M will blaquogti l lor rlaquogtilrn ef

a m Eilaquoprraquo4^veltl raquonlaquo reereocr ltai Gloria f iVwIcM YO-3HT7 1 raquo bull r U 4 f o H t A c t 16

i r r A W laquof tht RooalaquonOc laquo p l raquo i Mraquoir 1 laquo miwrt mlaquogt cvaoin jur-mails eomaotrog laquortd jraquowHflrraquolaquo ltt en-rwrtA olaquohr S A M A W raquo W

ft4cilt1t Ave _ _ _ _ HC V bull mdash -bullbull

f X raquo bullbullbull tort raquobulllaquolaquo gtpoundraquo r raquo M mtrff tv A l i w x l i ^ v raquo 4S Alraquoo raquo n a a u U r 4 rraquom reoorda ) V earn

cSrri ^ 9

$V4 y A ^ t l r t r l ^ r j o r r pr^tjon laquo

BG2S RESPONSIBLE ten year girl loves

pets children Do errandi dog vvalk-g Monday Wednesday Kriaay after school 25 cents an hour Rose Pein-gersh 10 GR 6 6960 227 W Delano

BG 28 GIRL 14 would I k e to work alt

mother g heper or babys tier around Bryn Mawr A-ea Caii anyt ime YO V Linda Ramondi 14 13 Bu-hani Ave

B C W I will raquoei my beautiful dlaquool house

that oists 840 from (A O Stt iwaitr fgt only 820 or a g r ia -vvheeeier i evce lent condition Cv-tha Crie 9 SP 9 gtgt 32 Pennsylvania A e Yorkers

BG-2S SLED 81 no bull Red rtetai Wagon81 50

gxxl ronditon - walkrig doll 82 lta) practically new Emily Gurteri 15 YO 8-5521 223 Nepperhan Ave bdquo _ B G bull raquo

EOFt tale gixxi condition sexoter la ge lire doll carriage and two par lt ap shoes Oiarere Sikorski 12 YO 82674 1 Alder Street

BG-28 mdash mdash BRAND new Lionel 027 Ham set

Eoupt with 12 x 4 table 7 cart swtches accessor ieraquo Diesel engine Bob Downie 14 Y06 1784 1J9 Lvmglaquo-ton Ave

BG 28 mdash WILL leil my tricycle bicycle

ea-r age German bicycle Patl i play psi 2 ia ce toy panoj and other togtraquo Cynthia Cinle SP 9 3679 9 32 Peniylvaria Ave

BG-2S CLARINET really new used two

months Prench impoi ied reasonable pree Call ater s Donald Adler 15 YO 9-4S19 I l l Sedgwick Ave

BG-26 LIKE to sell large Atlas Doll Carshy

riage Portable Vcuo a real leather cane maple desk and chair All in good condition Ronnie Holland 15 Y03-5746 40 Biuce Ave

- BG 28 WOULD 1 ke to buy a ge iger counter

at a reasonahe cost You rail and I w 11 pick it up R chard Barnett 9 YOS-4819 I l l Sedgenick Ave _ _ _ _ ^ BG-28 -

FOR s l e f s t family and Jolaquoe Jimincr comedy albums $1 75 each Thomas Deraro 11 BE7-6360 156 Al-exander Ave mdash BG-2S

HIGH school girl graduating this year would lke a steady ygtb doing typmg and clerical work excellent typist fesia Ivaiutyn 17 YO 5-5633 10 Baldwin Place

BG-28 BABYSITTER - experienced high

school student vicinMv of Dobhs Ferrv Diane B a r m 15 OW3-03S2 78 Living-Iton Ave

_ _ BG-28 WILL sell 17 childr-ens b-^k for 810

Includes Biack Beauty Bamhi Litle Women e t c elteogt condition call after 500 Lilian Brown 14 -i 102 Lake Avenue Y08-5375

- - B G - 2 8 mdash CARS washed we will wash your

car for SI reliable e pe ienced girls in dislrct of Dobbs K e r r v Karen Spcle 12 OW3-C136 222 Pal i sade Ave

BG-2S 1XX1 reeds bath horse needs walkshy

ing cat needs combing car needs washing table reeds pairtne g a a -ltie^ needs t e n d i i g Dontworrv I l l do it Elyse Perr 13 93 Cowles Ave YO-962J

ERECTOR set never used Excellent condition Two motors builds robot la-gest Gilbert mlt-gtde Robert Downie 14 YOS-1784 139 Livingston Ave-

- - BG-2S t airs gtnd track rontshyon 4 x S pls^vood 2

trarsormer s 12 cars vers reaso-abe Mi-

16 SP3-5913 220 Long-

mdash BG-2laquo mdash gtX)R sale Sefbert 12 tricyxrle in

good condition Asking 8500 call SP 8-7170 evenings after 5 0 0 p m Ellen Enedenbach amp 245 Parkview Ave

BG 28 H E L P E R will do odd Jobs Will not

walk dog Will teil cage front and rear panel g lass side wire mesh Michael Gartman 10 SP 9-J130 2 Elorid Ave BG-37 mdash

SALE minature doll house fgtrniture dshes knves forks pots 2 amall doit toy teevhooe jump rope all for 81 00 Dcbra Klonsky raquo Y09-9992 74 Hiiitop Acres



STTDEfsT a Julliard School of Music wishes to give private violin lessons to beginning or e lementarv studenti Marilyn Eeurjtein 17 93 Hamilton Ave Y08-3692

BG 27 PLAYEL1 and adorable kittens two

black and white one tiger Six week i old and K R E E Please gve them a home Gordor Sherman 15 YO 3-5303 102 Courter Avenue experienced with children olt all a g laquo willing to work hard this summer Irene Cassell 16 YO 3-8568 S Trmvera

BG-27 GIRLS rink roller skates in very

good condition n z e seven inexpensive call Sharon Kabar 17 189 R u m s e y Road YO 8-3069

STEREO hi-fi Voclaquo ol Music 4-speed stereo portable Seldom uied Cost over J65 Sell for 840 00 Peter Grenyo 14 YO9-1106 55 Greenwood Road

BG-27 E X P E R I E N C E D bahysitter Would

like job babysitting for children of all ages Age 14 High School student eanme McSpedon 14 D E 7-8944 103 Ioithill Avenue - BG-27

IKgtLL carriage for sale Eor only 85 00 Please call after 330 pm The carriage Ripolon

In good condition Debbie YO 50770 21 Sweetfield

BG-27 WANTED a girls 20 inch bike with

tiaining wheels If you have one to sell in good condition Please give me a call Stacy Buchler 6 4 79 Onondaga St

TYPEWRITER for sale m g^od working condition 815 John Guedalia 17 YO 9-1176 29 Abeel St

BG-27 ODD jobs wanted mowing lawns

washing c a n walking dogs Reasonshyable prices Milo Maturi 12 19 Hoover Road YO 5-9167 BG-27 mdash

GIRL 11 wishes to walk dogs or containing four speaker KM timer Plus record cabinet with apeaker call between 4-6- Chervl Hov 11 500 Van Cortland Pk GR 6-4172

BG-27 LIKE new 12 watt hi fi console

conpaining four Spoakeis fm tuner Pius tecord cabnit wien speaker call after 5 plm Bob Palm 16 YO 511669 10 Dunwoodie mdash BG-27

ATTENTION please I am willing to purchase these Nancv Drew books Number A 20 21 22 24 25 and 40 Will pav up to fortv cents each Karen Queally l i t YO 5-59S7 121 Sweetfield Circle

BG-27 STROLLER and doll for 8400 In

iood condition Doll has platinum blonde hair Carol Briscoe 10

YO 9-3878 30 Caroline Ave BG-27

MOTHERS helperi high school girl BG-25

BABYSITTER experienced dependshyable friendly careful loving intellishygent Conscientious reasonable days or nights during summer Will a lso tutor G r a m m a r School student Barshybara Krug 17 YO 9-1565 4M Midshyland Ave

BG 25 bull P E T cage for sale large excellent

condition e a s y to clean used one week 82000 Sheila Rothman Brendon Hi 11 Rd SO 3-OJ70


16 84

LOW price Huge train set 2 engines Type ZW transformer 4 switches 4 by 8 board boxes of track plus accessories William Rice 14 106 Greenvale Ave YO9-5518

BG 25 BABYSITTER will sit day or night

75 cents an hour also will go away with the family P e g g y Demuth 1 4 S YO 8-5902 18 Mulford Gardens

BG-25 PLANNING a party I will vvrite

raquond address your invitations either by hand or by m y electric typewriter Excel lent handwriting and spelling 50 rents an hour Call after 4 pm Donna Vreeland 14H B E 7-5815 767 Kimball Avenue

BG-25 E X P E R I E N C E D 14 year old baby-

titter wishes jobs In Bryn Mawr Park area Reasonable rates Call Kathleen Blotnicke 14 YO 8-2242 20 Cowdre-y St

mdash BG-25 E X P E R I E N C E D 14 y e r old girl

would like a day t ime job as a babyshysitter or mothers helper during the summer Yicinitv South Yonkers Susan Saari 14 YO 3 0743 40 Caroline Ave

I would like to work with your animals Plan to be a veterinarian Christine I-asko 101 YO 5-9205 116 High Street

_ _ _ BG-25 bull GIRL 17 excel lent student desires

regular s u m m e r job as nighttime babyshysitter tutor or other part time work have personal and job references Libby Scheier 17 D E 7-9210 247 Parkview Ave Bronxvil le

COINS mdash Eor sale trade and will buy let me help you with your collecshytion Gold coinn wanted Ira Schlitt lb YO 9-2520 49 K u m Ave Yonkers

BOY 15 wishes to sell set of barbells 115 lbs in perfect condition well worth StS a steal for 820 Terence Qucallv 15 YO 5-5986 121 Sweetfield Cir

BG-25 TWO musical jewelry boxes With

shelves and compartments brand new-velvet interior 4 and 6 dollars Or best offer El i nbeth Yosh 16 52 O p r e s s St YO 3-8576

BG-25 mdash EAGER boy w a j M like s u m m e r

work errand runner w a s h windows do gardening and other odd jobs Joshyseph McCollum age 14 GR 6-0814

BG-25 bull 10 year old girl would like to run errands and walk dogs in- the vicinity of the vi l lage Allura Henderson 10 SW 3-60S4 Alger Court Bronxville

BG-25 E X P E R I E N C E D car washing 50

cents for all types After school on Tues Thurs and all day St Mark Schoen YO 9-5952 60 Caryl Avenue

BG-25 SMALL four mdash wheel red wagon

for sale onlv 8100 Paul Kreisler 7 YO 5-4917 858 Pal isade Ave


BG 28 bull bull BOOKS Hardy boy books in good

condition 11 of them call between 5i30 and 830 pm YO 3-3405 Robert Berger 12H YO 3-3405 58 Elliott Avenue mdash BG-25

BICYCLE for sale g i r l s 26 Schwinn bicycle red Good condition 81700 Kathie McGrath 15 YO 9-2047 74 Hearst SL

BG-24 BABYSITTER eager to sit hourly

or weekly - avai lable in June and July in Bronxville area Reasonable prices bull experienced with Infants Lesshylie Steen 14 DE7-48a4 5 Hampshire Circle

BG 24 BEAUTIFUL Atlas coach doil car-

junior bolf clubs and bag Both Items Michelle Vickery 11 60 Elliott Avenue _ BG-24

BICYCLE 16 girl s with training wheels Hardly used needs minor chain drive adjustment Will sell for 89 or trade for 20 bike Roni Ann Manner 7 SW S-4260 30 Heatheote Road

mdash BG-24 E X P E R I E N C E D girl would like a

babysitting job for the aummer prefshyerably during the day Loves chilshydren Sue Jamba 14 YO 8-2196 2 Colin St

BG-24 SELLING All kinds of fish equipshy

ment you name it I have it Also junior golf clubs and bag Both l l tms m good conditon Peter Rubeo 14 YO 5 2638 137 Clunie Ave

BG 24 DOLL C A R R H G E English coach

blue and white Ex-cellent Cost f30 sell 87 Haren Aronstein 10 OL 5-1136 3000 Bronx Park East

BG-34 ST BARNABAS sophomore wishes

position as babysitter mothers helper Ideal for young mothers who want to work for summer McLean Heights References Karen McPoland 15 119 Wakefield Ave B E 7-7985

BG 24 bull bull I WANT to swap a 20 boys huffy

bike with training wheels for a girls 20 bike with training wheels Emil Stecher 101 YO 9-1003 82 Caryl Ave

BG-J4 TRANSISTOR radios repaired Reashy

sonable speedy service Have radio will repair Call WO 1-51S9 Geoffrey Sackson 14 14 Alpine Rd


BG-28 sa le 1963 baseball cents TTromas

EOR sa le 1963 baseball cardt 10 for 5 cents Thomas DeCaro 11 BE 7-6360 156 Alexander Ave



CATHOLIC high school student junshyior year looking for work as salesshygirl Me clerk or telephone answerer in office or store Barbara Krug 17 YO S-1565 454 Midland Ave

BG 25 mdash mdash RESPONSIBLE experienced girl will

babvsit in vicinity of Nepperhan Heights Louise Fitzpatrlck 16 42 Alshybemarle PI YO-5-2384

BG 25 LIONEL trains for sale because I

outg iew them A lot of equipment Large circle track Cheap and mounted on board Todd Volpe 14 YO-9-T234 11 -Sedgwick Ave

BG 25 GIRLS Schwinn bicycle 26 blue

for sale Good condition Louise Eitz-patrick 16 Y 0 5 2 3 8 4 42 Albemarle

mdash BG 25 IDO you belong to a pool

children take me along i w i m and I Mot-ley 15 Ave

And have I love to

love children Margaret GR-62593 707 Pal isade

CORNET in for beginner or student

BG-25 case reasonable Good

Stanley Du

HO gauge plete layout tocos 2 switches etc chael Caaldc uue Terrace

T E E N A G E g 1 - g ob would Marv Ivatuty-n wia P N

BG-2S mdash rl woud not mind

ke babyst-bull leep-rg in

4 YO-5-5633 lO^Bsid-

A reliable babysitter avai lable year round ie cept July and August) Can furnish references Also willing to do errands etc Eastchcster Tiickahoe Bronxville area preferred Barbara Arcelay 15 DE-7-7967 1 Highview Av Tuckahoe

BG-27 W A N T E D used catchers equipshy

ment Must be in good condition Willing to pav a reasonable price Call BE 7-6683 after 330 PM Bob Quesal 11 B E 7-6683 35 Alexander

N E E D E D English racer dition Cal Age 16

BG 28 2 grs lightweight

3 gears excellent oon-Ly-toa Leon GR-S-VVt Hillside Ave Hastings

BG-28 HAVE a pa- of roller rink skates

wth s-eel ae use- t tirres Like new s e 4 Call YO S-M49 a f f - 5 o clock S15(Vraquo Miss Maureen Calnan 5M Mile JJquare Rd Yonkers mdash mdash BG-2S - -

POP sale fvrricy Temnie i tems I nch doll Ji 50 l e w d a hum s v set of four Random House books of h-r movics J i each perfect rondition Virginia Johanson 13 SP-9-3SSS 77 Rerrse- Circle

BG-27 STARTING a com collection Lincon

pennies 10 diffe-rrrr datts and mints | good to boy only 85 Yl Mail orders I only R i b c i t Ostrubak 14 839 Mile Sq Road

100 diffe-ent large S Commemora-lives 8100 f r e e 1ltWVTgt small date Lincoln penny with aoove Varnps All use - Mail oitr-s onlv Robert Os-truixak It 339 Mile Sq Ra i

12 sear old jrl will run errands has had experience shopping also willing to do household chores T)egtrp Harkms 12 SP 9-1711 30 Kipling Rd

BG-27 MONEY needed for vacation I will

walk dogs and I will wash u r s and mow lawns for reasonable price Kevin- Pappas 10 GR 6-1252 12 Conshyvent Ave

RG-27 MONEY needed for vacation Will

wash c a t s walk dogs m o w lawns Reasonable p u c e s accepted Peter Pappas 12 GR 6 1252 12 Convent Av

PATIENT girt wil l ing to tutor first thiough fifth grade students in Engshylish math spelling geography and history on Saiurdavs Exi-ellent m a r i s Kaen Queally 1 1 YO 5i9amp 121 Sweetfield Ciri le

mdash - BG 2 1 - - mdashmdash GAMES G a m e s G a m e s Popular

g a m e s such as lt hesraquo Pinar-re Barbie Concentration and otheis Excellent

condition 5n cents to $150 Marie Bianchmi 4 BE 7 S97K 10 Hunts-bridge ltd Yonkers

mdash BG-27 mdash MY carriage coach and c u b a-e in

gcxvi condition If you will buy them 1 will own an English R a i e r svn

Richard Brown 6 YO S 7173 62 Mc-Georv Ave

- - BG-27 - mdash - mdash - -TENNIS Want to l e a m the e a s y

raquo raquo v lake a swing at the dial YO 8laquo19 Dolaquo Nelson IS Kgt Windshysor- l e u Dial anyt ime after 330 Reasonable ta les

- BG-27 mdash bull COMPLETE set of Lionel Trains

wth tratk and switches excellent condition Price reasonable Call SP 9-2178 Patrick Moyn 16 11 Cleveshyland PI

mdash BG 27 -EXTRA Extra r x p c i i r m r d baby-

S l i e r loolfing for raquo place to raquo t lor children willing to wotk long hours sa int Barnabas student susan Igtel Gi-idiee 14 BE 7-7122 275 Kimball Ase


BG-27 I have a used accordion for ta le

if interested call after 6 PM Thank You Ronald Aronstam 16 YO 3-1648 462 Midland Ave

BG-27 mdash BABYSITTER experienced and reshy

liable Reasonable rates- Vicinity of South West Yonkers Cahv Kitts 14 I YO S-6973 525 Riverdale Ave

HAVE you a girls 20 bike you i would want to sell in eood condition of course please call me Stacy j Buchler 6 4 YO 9-6761 79 Onondaga

ATTENTION I^arge tram set a very reasonable price l a r g e s t Lionel transformer with 4 switches boxes of

track 2 engines and m a n y accessor ies Call now 1 Dont miss offer William Rice 14 Y09-5518 106 Greenvale Ave

BG-27 GIRLS w+iite ice skates r z e 4 bull

84 00 girls tap shoes rze 4C 82 00 Boyi ire skates size 7 8400 used 3 t imes Lynn Flanagan 11 YO 8-12)6 90 Trasneck Place

BG-27 bull FOR sale G is 24 inch h u e bicycle

in good condition will sell for JiO V a n e Basselto 14 Y06-9846 43 West-e n Ave

BG 27 GIRLS mystery novels f gtr s a l e 4

Nancy lgtrew T r v e Benden Beverly G av and otheis VI cents each ] h Seforowich 9 OR6-7734 3^ P gtgtb-nraquo Place

- mdash BG-27 HANDY man for shopping running

errands laisn mownng iakng Everyshything on week davs 430 and on Jimmy Ba-battia 12 YO8-60G9 142 Shonnard Place

mdash BG 27 BARGAINS baseball mit excellent

condition fielder type Value 86 95 o-iiy 8350 Also first basemen s mit so-r a f-v irres value $7 Oct only 8 1 V Richard Mostecak 11 103 Linn Avenue YO 9-2970

- ItG 27 G(X)gt boiks agtl ltjniflt for chldren

sec 6 to 12 m Zgtod condition reason-bull b y p-e1 -SP0 23W Arthur Rynear-i v I 417 Srasdraquoie Road

I XT I can r t e r m s bull4rgtgt sh Pa i a i

gt i nlt bull P m I

bullh a igtes Road

FOR hairnet

S 1 gt w i t h

eed help -i your gjgthjecs i gt epa e for your enl-90 p r ce- t s - id in bullI Scenve and Math

15 Y05-3642 2t6 lb-

A pair of new roller j ikates for gale 8100 David Kreisler 8 858 Palisade Ave YO 54917

bull bg-25 BICYCLE mdash 24 boys Excel lent

working condition 811 Shelley S i e g e l GR 6-2365 460 Odell Ave

BG-25 LATIN tutor avai lable first year

grammar Julius Caesar A average 2 veart Fieldston School-Contact David Fishman D E 7-S598 16 247 Parkview Ave

BG-25 W A N T E D A gocart in good condishy

tion for not more than 810 dollars For sa l e size 7 boys figure skates In excel lent condition for over 85 B a r n e Ratner 15 SP 9-4156 83 Young Ave

BG-25 BABYSITTER Experienced loves

children References very reliable Michelle Treulieb 16 WO 1-2366 119 Candlewood Dr

G-25 FOR SALE girls 24 bike Take

best offer over 85 00 also Canadian made girlt figure skates sie 3 like new S500 Joanne Ratner 10 SP 9-4156 83 Young Ave

mdash BG-25 WANTED a pair of Walkie Talkies

that has to be wireless In good conshydition Price ieasonable sPhone No SP 9-1017 Wayne Bricker 15 9 Hall PL Eastrhester

BG-25 GIRL 15 desires baby sitting job

(n vicinity of Mi le Sq Rd and Kim- j ball Ave Days s u m m e r preferred Call after 5 PM Kathleen Calabrese 15 BTE 7-1896 20 Joan Drive Yonkers BG-25


A WALT DISNEYS Babes In Toy I^and record with two songs 45 RPM Michael Simon 40 University Avenue Yonkeis N Y 815 handing charge

GR 6-2195 or 7359 age 12

AM El mdash Flyer trains $100 equip Silo Koa oars back lost SI ea elolt basketball 82 50 encyclopedia thnj 9h yi Sb scout uniform 12-14 $4 Hiking boots size 6 84 Julian Benjamin 14 YO 3 5277 l o l Highland Ave

_ HG-LT HOYS 26 Engl ish bike for sale good

condition 815 Vincent Colabeilo 16 YO 91259 488 Warburton Ave

GIRLS Brownie d i e s s with rap $gt oo Si e 14 Excel lent condition Hilarv Kaskowilz 12 YO 9-0288 24 D Haven Dr

I will sell Barbie and Ken dollt with clothes and sui tcases and Barbie D i e a m House and Emencc o igan Good condition sell S1000 Linda Papini 12 GR 6-4715 78 Oak St

AMERICAN Fiver e lectric trains for sale Good condition Thtee engines switches t iack buildings etc Must lie seen $5000 Please cal l Barry Iurhkowcr 11 YO 9-OfK 49 Griffith Ave

LAWNMOWING dog walking in the vicinity of Skytop and Hearthstone Contact Peter Wesmann SP 9-425S 13 at 4 oclock on week days 46 Cantitoe Road

FOR sale girls 20 bicycle in good condition SS 1-boy scout uniform medium size $5 -Ieonard Dl Antonio 13 BE 7-340S 120 Maple Place

BG 24 DOLL F R E E fully dressed if you

buy my grey and blue coach car-i age with mattress A real hue Theresa Bucci 10V YO 9-0329 91 Lor-Ing Ave

mdash BG-24 I WOULD like to sell 2 practically

new boy scout short s leeved shirts Size 14 for SI each Also electric pm ball machine for 87 SVavne Davie i 13 SP 9-3689 37 Alendale Rd

BG-24 HAVE you a 21 - inch girls bike

to s e l l If so call GR 6-7330 Ronni Komarow 9- 72 Gbson Place mdash _ mdash BG-24

26 inch Boys bicycle nesv never used Front and rear brakes Call after 6 pm $22 Robert Zvsk 14 YO 5-916 60 Cats kill Ave

BG-24 _ FOR sa le an entire army Tank

jeeps cannon and over 100 soldiers Hours of fun Phone after 6 Chuck Suss 13 YO 9-5294 64 Teresa Ave

BG-24 ATTENION Scouters for only

you can purchase a practical ly boy scout uniform Pants shirt 12 cap belt nedkerchief and handbook Call between 3-6 B E 7-5382 Joseph Mollo 13 203 Sterlshying Ave

BG-24 I a m a good student and will

tutor children in history or the bible on Sat pm call between 6-7 pm Walter Roschke 15 YO 8-S455 27 Boicher Ave

BG-24 BICYCLE girls 24 inch Schwinn

built very good condition $13 Roberta Seife 13 WO 1-4569 1 Dexter Rd

BG-24 WANTED model cars Mercury

Buick Pontiac Oldsmobile 1950 to 1954 195S to 1962 call after 6 pm SlCphen Sci iaro Jr 12 B E 7-5759 24 Empire St Yonkers NY

mdash mdash BG-24 WANTED pair of Walkie talkies

working condition Reasonable phone

binsky 11 YO-9^t637 99 Kingston Ave G-25

B O Y S Chicago shoe roller skates Sie 3 black excel lent condition Valshyued at 830 Will consider anv offe Robert Miraglia 10 GR-6-8413 245 Rumsey Rd BG-25

ROYS 26 English racer for sale 3 speeds hand brakes Excel lent conshydition 82000 Call after 7 pm Robert Kaye 1 1 4 WO 1-4054 117 Gailmor Dr -mdash BG-24

G E N E R A L office work typing (40-50 sspm) beginner desires part time job Write or eaH after 600 Kathleen Shaw 17 YO 9-2067 8 Pier Street

mdash BG-27 - ^ G R E A T opportunity laquoor a future

music ian New Evelte-Schaefer (buf fen flute for sale 915000 takes it home Linda Tauber 16 YO9-2770 86 Hamilton Ave

^mdash BG27 WILL g ive piano lessons to beginner

I am very thocxxieh in instruction Peggy Zuraw 15 YOS-1515 12 Cavin Street

WANTED -upright piano gixxi conshydition and at a reasonable price call YO9-4077 Maureen Devine 12 10S High Street

BG-27 FOR sale R e m e o empress phone

set used once 8250 - white ice skates - jjxxl condition size 1 StSO - Bobbsey Twin Honey Bunch books 15-et cents Terri Hall 10 SP9-5060 35 Kincdid Drive

BG-27 SWIMMING pool 15 ft X 36 inch deep

filter and ladder included verv good condition S7000 Gerard Friedrich 13 SP9-6696 25 Allendale Road

BG-25 E X P E R I E N C E D high school girl

will babysit in vicinity of Dunwoodie and Cross County aft or nights 51 cents an hour Marianna Farrauto 14 YO 5-5991 9 Emerson St Yonk _ BG-25 ^ mdash

SKATES two pairs mens size 8-9 Indoor wooden wheels one pair white ladies size 8 ice skates like new 8500 each Nepperhan Heights Vicinitv Ronshyald Richardson 16 YO 3-1165 67 Sprain Rd

BG-25 FOR sale Barbie doll in good conshy

dition with clothes 8350 call Susan Smith 111 S P 9-7415 14 Dexter Rd BG-25 bull

CAPABLE girl with experience would like babysitting job on w e e k shyend nights Riverdale vicinitv Ger v Tierney 14 KI 93728 5550 Net lur-land Ave

mdash BG-25 MOTHERS helper reliable psper-

ienccd 16 years old hifraquoh school girl with excellent references willing to work this summer If interested phone YO 9-77S3 Diane Gambaro 28 Highshyland Place Yonkers

BG-25 26 bicycle girls holiand make for

sale Excellent condition $20 Carole Lorirey 17 S P 9 2473 51 Grassy Sprain Rd

BG-25 bull BICYCLE girls 24 for sale good

condition $10 Ilene Rosenthal 8 311 Kneeland Ave YO 5-1313

BG-25 AMBITIOUS boy wants job badly

will m o w lawns wash windows or work in a store Ernest Conklin 15V4 GR 6-4906 426 Walnut St

BG-25 BABYSITTER mornings July and

August Experienced high school stushydent Crstwood Bronxville Scarsdale area SP 9-5855 Dorothy Bond 14gti-

S T E E L baseball spikes s ize 5 exshycellent condition hardly even used 840 J im Brostman 12 GR 8-2420 299 ML Hope Blvd HasL

r bull BG-28 WANTED coins tooseveit Pme 1949-

t 1950 s 1955-s lincoin herd cent 1941-d 1942-s 1961 s 1955-d Willi pay rea-sonaoe prce Mike Frascat l 14 SW 3-0837 8 Areuda

BG 25 C H I L D S desk reasonable after 4

pm Good condition Mchael Rosenshyberg 6 YO 3 6337 75 Bruce Ave _ BG-25

I would like a up to t 5 nearly new 26 inch boys bike Must be in verv good condition Gilber Duiberg 8 SP 9 5244 170 Concord Rd bull

I would like to buy a girl 20 bike with training wrieeli Must be in very good conditon Stacy Buchler raquoW 79 Owondaga St YO 9 6761

BG-25 TO sell Tricycle in good condition

8250 To sell doll carriage almost new large s e 8500 Dane Green 8 WO 1-3179 2-4 Newport Rd

HARDY boys books Sell or trade for other Ha idv or Tom Swift books Girls bket mdash 20 needs fixing 28 Tractor Call after six Ravmond Blod-get 12 YO 3-1S05 666 Palisade Ave BG-25

I wish to seil girls Ice skates size 13 Thev are in excellent condition Ruth Stern 11 GR 6-1185 480 Riverdale Ave BG-25 mdash

WANTED Newspaperboy substitute vicinity of Washimngtori Avenue Must be 12 years old readily available and willing to work Good pav John Comtek 12 OR 6 2323 6 Division St Hast tngs-on-Hud son

mdash BG-25 FOR sa l e IDoil carriages very reashy

sonable also books 25 cents per copy Call Yonkers 9-846-1 Judith IXlischiner 16 YO 9-8161 117 Orient Street

S E E D S 10 cents per package Marshyshall Rosenberg 91 YO 3-6337 75 Bruce Ave

BG 26 E X P E R I E N C E D girl baby sitter 14

years old Loves children References avai ialbe Call Gloria S ims 420 Walnut St YO 9 8527

BG-25 Oldest girl 14 of 8 children will care

SP 9-1017 for more information Wayne Bricker 15 9 Hall PI jes tchester

BG-23 BOY scout sleeping bag pack and

co laquo ing utensils $1500 or best offer Peter Pnuent 15 B E 7-0280 17 Virshyginia St BG-23

FOR sale three wheel bike (8 Michael Dlorovy- 11 DE 7-8914 17 Cresthill Rd

BG-23 A large rockinjj horse 3J good conshy

dition 8500 Also large tricvele 8300 Will sell IKgt1I for $7 00 Peg tabe desk combination 8300 Donald Cal-dlta 7 SP-9-6076 23 Ridgeland Rd Yonke s

BG-24 SALE three best in children books

3 Shirly Temple Bobbsey Twins and Mother Goose books 30 remits call Karen Grellet 10 WO 1-5334 434 Bionxvl l le Rd Bronxville

BG-24 mdash mdash mdash WILL tutor younger children through

SP 2-5855 511 Westchester Ave BG-25

WILLING teen-age girl will any part-time s u m m e r Job

I _ P1AN ahead for l u m m e r fun tel l ing

Ideal brand kiddie pool 6x4-12 deep i raquo i colors sturdy construction Cor-rtt seals Like new 8700 l^u se Campi 12 BE 7-6863 1 Blackford Ave Yonkert

-mdash - BG 27 mdash mdash mdash CAME fans take not ice Wotd

games board games rhildren raquo A ad-s a r r e d thinking 10 centt to 35 cents each Call for further information 1Xiiie Ciampr 12 B E 7-laquottl 1 Black-foid Ave Yonkeis

BC 77 GUITAR for aale Excellent condishy

tion (Fender Te lecas ter i Elect i lc Hard case included Bent offer Wll- l a m Flvnn IX GR 8-7S8C 476 War-buiton Ave

BG-77 - mdash - mdash - mdashmdashmdash li r Skatrt for t a l e Girtt white claquo

tka e t in good condHlon Siren 1 and t V Vgt raquo rir- l gt u r a W a r h t m a n 14 YO 8-J594 19 Aeel laquo YooVer _ _ mdash _ BG-77

WILL poirchat 8 Hardy Boy series l yvks I need nurnhlaquorraquo 2 10 and 39 Will plaquov 40 centt laquor le t P leate rail Kevin Queally raquo YO amp-SMamp 121 Swfetfteld Ctrrle

HC-27 H S U tank 1raquo gallon with piston

pump heter 2 Wtert Stand lightt gravel Very reato able Call after raquo P M Roheit Matitzewtki 10 WO 1-MK) S20 Tuckaho Rd

l J O N E L electric trams O 3 eng -rlaquo bulltlaquolttrc s w v e laquo i W trantformer iortraquo-gtr raquolaquo 0 ears M laquo r 4 or 2 -4 x S IVgtraquorflS Cor ver raquogtgt raquo ~t t V 84b Rohe l GrlaquotVj 11 YOraquo-110laquo 8S Greerw oon Road

mdash ru-7 mdash mdash Foot ball pans football

2 chin s laps shoulder pltlt Evcelert condition No reason-laquobgt offe refused Cai afc s x p m Danel Silverman 1 5 i Y05 R213 114 Al a Avenue

_ _ ItG 27 mdash mdash HON t praquoraquos up th laquo barga n Set of

Goden BVk Enrvciopeda 810 00 excelshylent eondiMon with Golden d otonary $1100 Call mmedate iv M a r e B a n -chn 14 RE7S976 10 Hurubrdge Rd

B G - 3 7 mdash RUKKS v t of nearly 200 large al-

most bra-d new polished maple pagt-bull bullraquo1 child guidance blocks for ja e 1-3 bullVf sacnf irc Daniel Menticci 8 500

bull River Dale Ave CP6-3Wraquo BG-27 bull

A g ieen 2 inch girls Rollfas bicycle bull lh ad i s ahgt tpced g e a i s in peda raquo- laquo ilaquohes to have a new owner CMginal i c i s t KVgt OO excel lent ovtAUon atk-Ing 825 00 rum Oliva 16 Y054laquoSlaquo 57 Nu+o)raquo Avenue

BG-27 FOR M gt rolle- rmk skate t ire 3

_ _ RG 25 -- bull IX5G lovers - good home wanted for

small doe Spayed female house-broken affectouate good waichdog Please call Rena Sonshine 17 YO 3-5086 123 Valentine Lane

tNION Hardware figure roller skates si7e 7 4 Vers- ieasonable Mare Giordano 17 B E 7-2302 67 Maple Place

BG-25 ARTIST museum of modern art-

student 13 e a r s old Will paint washyter IOIOIS or oils on c-ommistion very reasonable rates Judi Rotkin 1J YO 8-2395 303 I r e Avenue

GREAT Buv Male guppies at 15 centt a guppy Call SP 94018 DonT m m this g i ea t b a i g a m Judy I ^ u g l a i 12 SP 94018 32 Somnierset Drive

I K - 2 S mdash mdash - mdash 1 would like Nancy D i e w or any

othrr myster ies for g i i l t raquond records that have just been hit tunes Thank you Mary Madden 11 YO 5-1941 312 Sommeivil l Place

_ BG 25

i fomth grade have also had exper ience-I babysitting dog walking Have refershy

ences Oldest of seven children Mary Ellen Dougherty 14 YO 9-2965 12 B r n Mawr Place _r BG-24

E X P E R I E N C E D 15 - year - old gi i l would like babysitt ing job for summer Reefrences Linda Edwards 15 YO 8-8566 142 Ridge Ave

BG 24 i ENCYCLOPEDIA World Book 19V

ediloii with supplements Very good condition Roy Tepper 16 WO 1-8187 39 Beaumont Circle

BG-24 3 canaries writ love and care

Ihey ae yours for the asking Camille Genovese 7 41 Highland Ave

BG-24 bull i want to buy a used complete

bov Scout uniform In good condition S u e 12 to 14 Call eveings after 6 p m 1-rwn Ilpkin 11 YO 8 0024 159 Hawthine Ave

_ _ BG 24 A s u m m e r job wanted by good

tludent Interested In Music l i teratuie a i t and printing willing to leatn and i m p r o v e Woik In Yonkers or NY area Jigte l leukerott 14 HA 3 0736 109 Bolnier Ave

_ BG 24 mdash LEARN how to talk If you are

afraid to talk In a c o n v e n t i o n call m e Vallery Papantonio 12It 1 Juana Street SP 9 3732

BG-24 bull W A N T E D any console table or porshy

table iadio and also record changer four tpeed type Good prices call YO V0417 after 830 p m Thomas Moran 15 8 Clover Street

- R G raquo -

plaquo-1 a r u1-12 Gavin St gy Zuraw 15 YOS-1M5 v _ _ _ _ - fic-27 - -

gtYgtR sale ftrVs tohool bag n food condition onlv 8175 Janet Smith 8 ^ s r - 7 n s 14 Dexter Road

BG 27 SWEET and loving white tmocvth

terrier for s s gt Brown pstcti on r i t

e e TXso v e a s old and exceedingly 1 Sgt 9 22S5 55 Amherst Dr frerd v 910 Gordon Sherman 13 i _ RG-9S mdash Y03 VW 102 Ccvj-ter Avenue I S K D but still In gxwl use F

condition light heater pump and filter ineludVd Also four r o m p a v l m m t beta tank with light and heater Nancy Higgmt 15 IS Balnbtidge C SP 9 6248

FOR t a l e R o i s 30 red hirycle $lo or best offer Ilse Wrnbcrg raquot

- BG r -WANTED hoys hike raquo Inch

I r a m i l y record

FOR t a l e and sterro

m f T bull f ^ 1 Mgtroch 12 VO 9-45U3 co-d I on Rov Fuehrel S-raquo BE-2478 _ _ T Firtt Street

BG-27 ABLE tc4Wgti g-i of fftren t eager

to hahytit for bullrnttl tots o- ndcr rtilden on any Saturday aflerBoon or evenng Pease phone Y03 C36 Judth Meyerowtz 36 Courier Ave

BC-27 RVCYCtjOPBOtA - Oi i ldrra t for

children under 10 IS volumes almost new beautfully polo d pictures No retaonthle offer refuslaquo4 Will taori-fice moving l A n y Nsger raquo H 1 K-mhai Terrtr RF7-1MT

priclaquo 8150 VlrftrJ i t Cedar Place

r e c w d a lbums mostatiral Kxccllerrt cvxi l t ion Pat

Boone MMlaquo Miller Wet raquo d laquo S laquo Y many ofhert raquo rents to gtraquobull Clenn Barrowman 14 B E lt laquo93S laquo W laquo e -wood Avenue Yotvkecs

Bt lOo

- B C 2 7 FIFTEBN year old girl irrterraquot4

In botany will give l o w - o t t soil raquo - bull - lt and p a n t rare Gve m e a burs - Linda Pa adno RR7-441S of B E M 9 W

_^^ RG-27 bull mdash WANT to ten ail old toy dolit and

stuffed lovs A to d o l carriage and jalt m v i x Fair prices bull good eondi-tmrf bull call L-nda Paliadino 1 4 WO Bronx River Road BE7-441S

WANTED gtfraquo-anogtd rnlf c lubt tn food condition Reasonable rxif fltr

raquot e Batoal l Iron raquoplaquoVe raquotwbull s ex-crtlent condition raquo 0 0 - Glenn Barrow- w a n llaquo BE 7 8 raquo O Kdjessood Avenue YlaquonraquoW8

O N S pair of i i r i s whi le roller t l t s t t i s i t t Skat-hg box h ^ 1 ^ Call raquo l er 7 h ^ raquobullbdquo raquo ^ltS Jlaquolaquo4t Palort 1 V 0 5 24U laquo Cllft Ave

BG 25 f J n i D R F N S taWraquo and 2 rhalra

Rxciient coodition tSX l gt b n r raquo h Di-

E X P E R I E N C E D babysit ter laquo1ll take rare of chldren n the North Yookrrs v cnily during the s u m m e r months le ferencet Linda Battagl la IS S49 Nepshyperhan Ave YO 5-7006 _ _ _ mdash BG 24 mdash mdash

BOOK of Knowledge excel lent renshydition up to date reasonable a l to Vote of Music 4 speed portable phv nocraph good cvndrlion Janet Kram-erTl4 SP 9-3521 178 Concord Rd J - BG-24

ATTENTION Intermediate Rirl t c o u t t BlaquouUfully houiVl Girl Scout handbook S00 rlt Jtrand new condition TS rents NecetsiVy for laquoyery -_8ood s c o u t Leails Ctampl 13 BK -4gtWraquoJ

1 Blackford Ave BG-23 bull

GtRtS rijrur lclaquo skates Whit s traquo 2 1300 In good rtXtdition Cail after

m I-ethlaquo B c c k t r 13 YO laquo - laquo 0 raquo Hawthorne Ave Yonkert fl m _ BG-25 -mdashmdash

MUST sell before May 90 tuxm hag wall tvp Perfevt condition boy t corvette bike laquoA0fraquo eoraquonpeltraquo ho tralrt e t c h e s etc 3300 B E 7-734S Stlaquovlaquo U n i n 1laquo laquo7 Glover Ave

BG-25 mdash BtCYCLK Schwinn b o y laquo S T new

metal l ic g c en A cftrome white raquo laquo U tires reasonable Call GR 81022 Rlaquo-hort Russell IV 33 WhHnrtan Slaquort Hastlnjft-on-HiKlton N Y

mdash BG-25 mdash mdash- URGFNTIY n e d laquo l ttraquoraquo raquolaquo or 9

baseball s h o w before laquolaquoJmlaquor-Carmln raquo Y O 3 9853 217 Hawthorn J trA Vtrwifcn IS S P - 9 M 3 1 137 HlaquolaquonA Avp J gt -

accept Expershy

ienced and capable worker Karen Green 1414 YO-5-3284 50 Bayley Ave

BG-25 IMPORTED Accordion 8200 good conshy

dition with case-cal l YO 3-4235 and ask for I-ouie Louis Piselli 15 71 Bruser Ave

BOYS 26 h ke needs little repairs c i s t $5820 scllnfi for onlv 810 Robert De l^ l lo 14 GR 6-2069 15 Martin Rd Yonkers

BG-25 GIRI-S blue bike 20 just rieht for

a little girl 81000 Donna Delx-llo 9 GR 6-2069 15 Martin Rd Yonkers

I would like to buy a CB set Around thirty dollars if posshle Stephen M Rosen 207 Colonial Pkwy No SP 9-6950

BG 25 mdash WOULD like to sell girls blue

bievole Call YO 3-1921 Elliott Tanen-baiim 11 47 Travers Ave ^ BG-25 gt

WANTED Cardinal Hayes freshmen books in good condition call after 400 pm Mr Leonard 14 YO 3-5093 14 Elinor PI

DRLMS Starters sets snare tomshytom cvmbal sticks stands chean 82200 Ricky Hnlzman 13 SP-9-5732 37 Ascot Rd Yonkers

BG-23 mdash YUMMY chocolate balls m a d e to

order with sprinkles or roconut or chopped nuts For infoimatinn please call Diane Icfcr 1 2

2 DE-7-5752 10r Rosedale Road

BG-25 mdash FOR sale 3 reflecting telescope

Perfect for young amateur Edmund Space Explorer ieasonable offer Steshyphen M Rosen 207 Colonial Pkwy No SP-9-6959

D E S I R E a position as a babysitter Canable and reliable had experience Carmel Kcliv 15 YO-31366 120 High St

T E E N A G E giil wishes part-l ime s u m m e r Job Experienced and capable worker Karen Green 145 YO-5-3284 50 Bayley Ave

T E E N A G E Rirl looking for a part-t ime s u m m e r jot Expe i icnced and capable worker Sharon Green 14H GR-64649 50 Bayley Ave

BG-25 -EAGER hoy would like s u m m e r job

Mowlnjt lawns washing cars lunning errands in store and home etc Call after 4 John Leonard 14 YO 3-5093 14 ElinorraquoTI

PRrZE-winning poster artist will m a k e posters and signs of all kinds for bus inesses and organisations Reashysonable prices Donna Vreeland 14H BK-7-5815 767 Kimball Ave

BG-25 mdash ltYMNS will buyoT trade Coins all

coins accept foriegn c o n s Call after six oclock John Snelzko Jr 12

FOR sale red 26 English rarer Extra accessor ies great condition Fulshyly equipped cheap price Todd Volpe t4 YO-5-7234 H I Sedgwick Ave Yonkshyers

BG 25 1 a m IS and a m an experienced

babv atltcr Want job for summer Vicinity of Yonkers Shirley McDonald 15 YvS-3-3769 58 lAmart ine A^

BG-25 COMPLETE set Golden Book enry-

ronediat Verv helpful for school Best offer l akes it Fred Jaffe 9H YOS 2697 70 Parkway No

BG 25 BOOKS 27 various Hardy Boy bodk

exccl lrnt condition JV each Mary Chambwlatn 14 YO-S-6296 61 P a l m e r

laquobull- BG-25 IF I sell m y Biltrite stroller I ran

keep th money Like new 815 Also m y baby chest $15 Lvnne Golant 10 SP 9-S296 9 Monterey Place

~Alt|UAR1UM suoplies brand new revlaquor used pision pump $21 new your for $1100 heater a l so n t v e r used $7 50 Lawrence N u g e n t 12 K McArtlnir Av SP-9C13S

(or children in North Yonkert Vicinitv anyt ime between 10 am 6 pm Refshyerences Call Eileen Kinney 14 YR 6-1810 2 Convent Ave

BG-25 mdash E X P E R I E N C E D babysitter likes chit

dren Will babysit on Friday nights or Saturdays Tina Grande 14 B E 7-8522 26 Villa Avenue BG-25

BABYSITTER errands or any odd jobs 575 per hour Valerie McGowan 14 KI 6-8006 6065 Broadwav Bx

-r BG-25 BABYSITTER IS will sit for 75c

hour After school or weekends Have both business and character references Call YO-5-8523 134 Page Ave JoAnn Ghiggeri

BG-25 WANTED a 20 or 22 bovj bike

Richard Americo 6 YO-3-320-I 125 Elliott Ave

BG-25 EXTRA Extra extra Can do Dallv

errands on week days 5 pm to 7 pm Sat from 1 pm to 7 pm T h i n k you Steven Stefanchik l lVi 154 Ridge Ave YO-8-1598

BG-25 BABYSITTER girl 15 reliable and

experienced Available during summer vacagion Crestwood Iake area Call Heather Horn SP-9-4019 - mdash bull BG-25 mdash

GILBERT car racing set 2 extra cars 6 months old cost $4000 Sell 82000 Wem-Mac-P-39 Aeroplane-never used 8400 Electric-games baseball football 82 each Albert Porcaro 13 BE-7-S355 214 First St

BG-25 _ I am interested in starting a colshy

lection of Indian pennies must he priced right Stacy Irene Buchler 8 4 YO-9-6761 79 Onondaga St

BG-25 mdash BOYS Canadian t i l star ice tkates

s ze 5 excei ieni condition $700 Ralph Rarrieri 13 YO-8-2030 58 Pa lmer Rd

BG-25 HONOR student (seventh grade) Sepshy

tember) tutoring first through fifth grades All subjects Lincoln Park vishycinity Please call YO-9-i754 Karen McGilI 12 4S Cricklewood Rd

BG-25 1 GIRL 15 responsible references supshy

plied wants babysitting job during summer days ard evenings Also available on weekends now Call Susan Levy 15 SC-3-6999 73 Suigrave Rd - - BG-25

PATIENT girl will help with planshyning decorating and g a m e s of c h l -drens parties Sue Faiella 14 123 Homewood Ave YO-3-4959

BG-25 E X P E R T babysitter for hire Im

junior first aider Weekdavs Fridav and Saturday nighLs and all summer Sue Faiel la 14 YO-34999 123 Home-wood Ave

BG-25 ROCKING horse like new 83 Fire

engine with pedals -rood working conshydition I have ougrown both Terrv Abeles 8 SP-9 6714 117 Wnnehagb Road

I am a 15 year od bov eager and energetic will ing and able to work at anything available Martin Brenner 13 GR-6-3952 2tS Warburton Avenue

mdash B G - 2 5 ATTENTION Id lke to do odd jobs

for the summer such as running ershyrands digging ami plaining gardens lawn mowing and small paint jobs Sherwood PK Craig Junjulas 11 145 Crescent Pi BE-7-5762

WORLD Book Encyclopedia Perfect condition complete set 19 volumes Annual supplements 1958 thro 1961 plus covered binder Included 1957 Edshyition $6000 Mike Cataldo 16 220 Long

B G _ _ WE would like to buy a pedAl^catf

and a 3-whel chain driv bile IS zood condition reasonably R AR Knudsen 3 YO 5-2996 X R u m t e f Ave

BG-28 mdash mdash mdash mdash mdash mdash RALEIGH engliah b i c y d and rar -

ious accessor ie t needs some work-Bargain at 85 Call after lt p m Paul Thornton 16 S P 9-4718 118 Winnebago Rd

mdash BG-24 mdash FOR t a l e Comic booki $05 DC

Comics most ly Just call m e t n y U m t from 330 to 830 pm Michael Girr i -ty U GR 64436 8 Cottage P lac

BG-24 B O Y S Engi i th racer Rudge gold tires both hand A foot brakes horn light A saddle bag Reasonable c t l l after 7 p m Roy Chernotf 15 827 Riverdale Ave GR 6-4628

_ _ BG-24 mdash -BABYSITTER 16 - year old girt

wishes babysitt ing job for t u m m e r experienced Annemarie Malzone 18 B E 7-7532 911 McLean Ave

BG-24 COME on lets dance I m will ing

to teach any teenager the n e w e t t dances Fox trot twitt slop and Irish jig Russe l l York 16 Y03-2226 14 Spring Ave

BG-24 GUITAR electric perfect condiiton

Selling for $30 M o d e m cutawav deshysign Single pick-up Joe Heukerott 14 HA-3-0756 109 Bolmer Ave

BG-24 FOR s a l e N a n c y D r e w and Bobbsey

Twin books Reasonable pric of 4 9 c Call after 6 pm Wendv New 14 YO-3-6727 309 North Broadwav

JtfG-24 BABYSITTLNG I a m 15-yearraquo-old

and experienced love children Alto mothers helper Please call Pat McshyCarthy YO-8-4094 471 Pal isade

BG-24 QUICK serv i ce Errands run prices

reasonable Ravmond Murphy l i T Harding Ave BE-7-2173

BG-24 HOME m o v i e t For 8 m m projector

All kindt Including tc ience fiction comediet adventure cartoont and more Very ieasonable Good condishytion T h o m a s Lalla 12H YO-9-7030 60 Cowles Avenue

BG-24 FOR t a l e Comics of all types Most

are Approved Most are in good condition Very l imited supply of adshyventure books for boys Call for prices and information Garrv Whalen 12 YO-5-10S0 143 Shonnard Plac

BG-24 WILL sell Barbie and Ken doll

with sui tcase and clothes Only for $800 In good condition Linda Papini 12 GR-64715 78 Oak St

BG-24 _ BABYSITTING job wanted In vicishy

nity of Kleins on Central Avenue during s u m m e r months Reasonable prices Experienced Valerie- Great-batch 15 SP-9-4448 25T Croydon Road

v BG-24 GIRLS Amer Flyer 24 bicycle for

sale $1500 Trade or sell Bobbsey Twin- series (or Nancy Drew Cherrv A m e s or other mys tery ser ies Michcle A Leff 12 BE-7-8950 32 Hal-ley St

BG-24 BICYCLE boys 28 black Rudg

English racer i n good condition Genshyerator light rrorn and lock- l e s s fenshyders Steven Block 16 YO 5-6172- 188 St Johns Ave BG-24 bull mdash

AQUARIUM 30 gal lons all chrome special exhibit type e x c e l l e n t condishytion Gravel Included Bes t offer Call after 5 pm BE-7-0306 Paul Albert 17 21 Joan Drive

_ _ BG-24 W A N T E D Sacred Heart High senior

A other courses Fair price if booka In good condition Pat McSpedon 15 14S Vots Ave GR 6-7658

_ mdash BG-24 bull 1 wish to jell a pedal car good

condition and red wagon both $15 Barry Stecher 8 YO 8-1005 82 Caryl Ave


vue Terr S P 9-3913

bull BG 21 bull mdash GIRL 15 wants mothers helper job

for s u m m e r Reliable Experienced References GR 8 1790 Pat Anderson 36 Ronny Cir Hastings

bull H G - 2 1 SELL Motor Bike 2-4 hp Power

Products engine Gold dependable clutch 61 gear reduction Invested 895 lake best offer Stephen Conscntino 16 WO 1-3016 81 Mohawk Rd mdash BG-21

FISH for ta le 10 cents each We have guppies only F e m a l e s are fast breeders Males nicely marked We have fantail guppies Kli7abeth Snyder 11 YO 5-1716 22 Fairfield Place

BG-21 E X P E R I E N C E D girl looking for ba-

hys it ing job available after 3 and at night Suzanne Dupay age 14

YO 3-8168 80 Saratoga Ave _ BG-21

HI speed Imported Engliah racer fully equipped se ldom used Because of situation will sell at drastically low price 81750 Ed Alheit 15 YO 9-7375 219 Clunie Av

_ BG 24 IOOK A helper at all small

d-ens parties Much experience bull aval able on all weekends and

W A N T E D Horror books Will pay a good price Should be in good or fair condition Will swap for comic books Want both pocket books and hard covered Garry Whalen 12 YO 5-1080 143 Shonnard Plac _ BG-24 mdash mdash bull

RADIO hobbyists sel l ing t e h e m a t - r t for radio control receivers and transshymitters F ive different In all mail 50 cents to T h o m a t Moran 15 ( Cover Street

BG-24 A 16 - y e a r - old tophomora of

Sacred Heart seeks employment a s a babvsitter Pelnty of experience Alice Vrabel YO 3-669S 59 Van Cort Pk BG-24 -mdashbull

WILLING to work can run errands mow lawn pull out weeds plant tedt clean up yards etc St John th Bapshytist vicinitv Salvatore Bucci 8 91 Lor-ing Ave YO 9-0529


I need a good s leeping bag for c a m p Also a r a m p trunk Douglas Fr iedman 11 WO 1-2548 73 Beaumont Circle Yonkers

_ _ BG-24 mdash COMMUNICATIONS Microphone for

sale Turner 350-C the best push to talk mike made Exce l lent condition J500 Marc Fel ler 13 YO 8-5710 79 Inwood St BG-24

H U R R Y hurry check your sumshymer book l i s ts for popular classic Black Beauty Little Men A many others Call for complete list of titles I cents to 35 cents Marie Bianchini 14 BE 7-S976 10 Hunts Bridge Road

BG-24 books for religion democracy Engl ish racer Good condition Twenty-s ix inch Reasonable price Valerie Greatbatch 15 SP-9-4448 251 Croydon Road

bull BG-24 GIRL scout uniform size 12 for aallaquo

Hat and belt included $300 Will buy roller skates ladles size 8Vi In good condition Michele A Leff 12 32 Hal-ley S t BE-7-8950 mdash BG-34

FOR sale Complete 2-year old Lionel train set including various assortments of tracks Original cost $75 bull our prict $25 S teve Fr iedman 15 WO 1-2548 73 Beaumont Circle

BG-24 FOR sa le Marbles you n a m e them

I got them 20 cents for 100 - 10 cents for 50 Just call me Ill sell Michael Garrity 11 GR6-4436 8 Cottage P lac

mdashmdash BG-24 WILL walk dogs and run errands

do odd job In Cross County ricinity-will a lso m o w lawns Larry Weiss 11 gt4 YOS-6989 314 Hayward

K BG-24 - mdash HAVE two Hardy Boys hooks for

ta le plus ail th Mowgli S tone 35 rents each or 8 for 73 cents Larry Weiss 11 YO 8-6909 914 Hayward

BG-24 Im a 15 year old girl I have exshy

periences In babysitting going on errands etc For information call Ceshycilia Timotco 15 YO 8-2876 - jraquo Vineshyyard Ave

BG 24


July arid Agnus Call Margaret Dougherty 1 2 4 Y092965 12 Brgtlaquo Mawr Plao _ _ BG 24

ATTENTION Cherry Corvette for sale bull $100 Beautful node bull also a 63 T-Bird kit unused 75 cents About 13 copies of an English Boys news-




GIRL would like job of running ershyrands and walking dogs Just call m during the hours of 5 and 6 Janet Camell II B E 5 0485 70 Horton Ave

BG-21 COMDOS hooks in new condition

10 12 and i3 renta books bull 3 for If) cents gt5 and SS cents book - 1 for 35 rents 50 cents book bull 20 cent each John ArlL 15 Y03-752S laquo Lanark Rd

BG-24 mdash mdash mdash mdash mdash mdash mdash STAMPS to raquoll US Plate bkyka

aad ladividual stamp Engiith Japshyanese French Polish Chilean All In absandanc and very moderate price Ronald ZollthAn 14lt4i 31 Lcc-Ing Ave Y06-2445

BG-24 2 inch A l rondl-

More Blue ffcOO YO 9-3071 after 3 pm Sliaron Roland U 231 Aahburtoa Ave BG-24

WANTED B o y JVroul S u m m e r unishyform V-neck shirt (jean) llaquo 1ft short t i l 1$ waist 31 Regular garshyters P l e a t c t l l after 6 pm Steeihen Sc iHano Jr IX BE7-575 94 Krnp-- S t

BG-24 bull OOMTUCTR eraquor waatV cleaned and

polished bull chrome Interior c leaned and polished Call after four on weekday and after two on Saturdays Frank Manfredi 15 OR6-2S3S 224 ftoewner-vill

Rfl -04 bull bull i i i HAVK a tet of rompteta w3gvt

harbeVit t o d dumbeiit m a d by Dan iAire like new i t your prgtc Harry Ratten a g t I t Y03-I7IA 1 Wingata Rd

TWO rhe4 a W bike X Inch vrraquo good condition $13 Call after bull tm M o n T o e Wed or Tttura J Dtvia 15 y O laquo 8 i 7 sect7 Buena V l t U Ave

IS year old high tchool student will oahysit for children of afty a t

elper and bahvsittrr during summer in the McLean Height Woodlawr a r e months lineal vicinity good reverence Experienced reliable patient reference M a i y EDen C s M l N H raquo t raquo laquo 7 lt lt emtmct C a r fttjto 14 S B 74SM U S fatdrtth Plaoa m laquo B a v M t e a f l gt

paper 75 cents David Atkue 13H Pai i tadc Ave GR6-4724

_ B G raquo 4 DO you have a doll m need ft a

carriage bull reasonable price Call Marie Romano 12 227 l iavward S t Y09-4143

BG-24 R K U A B L K 14-year-old boy la In

search of a gtob a t delivery boy or other odd Jobs a Sterl ing Ave Call between 7-9 ant night John Stack

_ - BG-24 FXPKRIKNCKO b a b j t i U e r day or

night services Lincoln Park victnty prefered Maureen McOermott 15V4 YO3-6S90 62 Belmont Ave

BG 24 B O V $ inert true bike Good conshy

dition $4- Would a i t o like to t4l some babv tupplfet Geoffrey Saeteon 14 WOl-SlfS 14 Alpine Rd

BG-24 CHILDS catteui pedal tractor and

dump tractor bull electric lights good condition $12 Daniel Mahon 12 131 Westminster YOS-5M7

BG-24 FOR sa le Gr s 29 Inch bicycle

Take it away for $300 Bob Ruttak I t GRS-2126 200 Warbsirton Lane

BG-24 BG-24

RARK first dav covert on envelope from lVi-194fraquo of presidents inventors etc $33 each Phone GR 8-1573 J a m e t Reilly 12 721 ML Hope Hast

mdash _ BG-24 -months llt vicnly good references

Untitled Document

fileC|Documents20and20SettingsAdministratorDesktophellohtml2182007 110103 AM

Thomas M Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
