· • • • /1 }. / ·~19T...


Transcript of · • • • /1 }. / ·~19T...

W 12 Ui 1210 W 8 I~ 10 8 I~W

w liii 2 w I~ 22w Ilw1ipound Ir W iii iii

~ w ~ w 11 1IIZ141101M

I IIIIUmiddotS

IIIII~ 11111 14 1111116 11111125 1111114 116





~ a 1944-49~




Statistical Bulletin No 108


UPDATA 1981 ~ ~ J bull ~


bull bull


middot~19Tbullbullbullbullbullbullbull-bullbull Ii bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull


CI0Ter mothT 1Iq COrD (il1))

CorD Uti11atioDo

Oowpeabullbullbullbullbull til bull bull bull bullCe bullbullbull 0 bull bull

r1a Flberbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Jl~eed bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a 0 bull bull bull

(dra1n ~e bullbullbullbullbullbullbull8

gq mecellaneoua bullbullbull

~ Vil4~

Hamp Jibar bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

Hemp Seed bullbullbullbullbullbullbull - ~

BOp8bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Le8pede_~ Jrq K~le PrOduotlo bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Mung ean8~

Oats bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbull ~ bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull0



















IllDEX-----Pea (nr-)

PeanUt_bullbull a bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull 0 bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

Pe~t ~bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~ bullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Popcornbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull0 bull bull bull bullbull bull


llloebullbullbull bull0 ~-bullbullbullbullbullbull ob bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~bullbull ~~ bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Sorgbum (All)bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Sorgo sirap bullbullbullbullbull ~ bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull9 SOJbeaI~ bull 8o bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull gt~bullbull ~

Sugarcane Sirupbullbull-~ bullbullbull a e Sugarcane ampgarbullbullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull


SVeetpotitoe8bullbullbullbullbull ~ ~ ~

obacco B7 T1pebullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull o bullbullbullbull

B1 Statbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~ bull ~ bullbullbullbull


Wheat (All) bullbullbullbullbullbull- bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull


-SPllDgo bull bull I bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull
























aesented in Iilhe following tables are estimates of acreage yield and production of most field crops for the 1944-49 period revised where necessary by tM Crop Reporting Board of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics These estimates are based primari4r upon information furnished currentlv by crop reporters processors State Statistieians and cooperating State agencies and on cheCk inform~tion As ia customary whenever data from a Federal Census become available the revbed QlJtimates reflect trends indicated by the 1950 and preceding Censuses ot Agriculture together with other cheCk information from annual assessors enumerationsGovernment farm programs records of shipments and qQBntities processed

jor moat c~umodi ties the revisions are limited to the period 1944 through 1949 An exception ocCurs in the case of maple products for which the revisions series extend from 1940 to 1949 Jor other ~n and all h~ changes for 1950 and 1951 from est~llIateB published in December 1951era shown in footnotes to those tables Jor 1950 and 1951 estimates for all commodities ~n the revised levels were pUblished in the Ammal Swmnary of Crop Productiong issued in December 19510 Estimates for 1939 to 1943 (exeept as noted above) lGmain as presented in a publication similaz- to this i8ned in April1917

As amp general practice revisions were made in 1949 estimates for aIqcommodi ty When informf3t1on from the 1950 Census of Agri~lture by States considered in the light of other check infClrmatiCln indicated Il level s1gnificant~ different from current estimatos Using the new level as a bench mark estimates fur othar years Wele revised to th~ extent indicat~d by- survey and cheCk data obtained each ~ear in the usual course of pr~cednr~

Adjustments in Census data f~r the 1949 crop season were of several diferent tfpes For grains allotments of mixed ~ains Were added to the respective components ~~ the mixtures in soma cases it appeared necessary ttl shift portions of the acreage ~eported as grain ~ to the cut and fed unthreshect category the acreages for oats cut aid fed unthreshed were addeCJ to those for oats for grain and assign1d a yield and production For all wheat and rice production was adjusted to cOvdr millings e~orts~ e~timated qaantitiaa used for food o feed and seed and carry-over stockB Sugar beet and sugsreane production and acreage were adjusted to quantities reported by sngar factories Tobacco estimates were based on reeorde of quantities marketed by Gtates In instances where check information on peanuts WBlI available from processors for areas comprising several States the Census enumeration data served as the basiE for refinements in the estimates for the individual Steies lror potatoes carlot shipments and recorda of truck movement data on Government purchases and apecial stocks and disposition survey data wee the basis for adjustments also screage allowances were made for sllall plantings for which acreage information ~as not obtained by CensuB enumerations DUlerenoes in definition of the various kinds and mixtures of llEw were kept in mind as well B8 kinds not specifically enumerated and in some oases combinations lTere mBIUI of kinds enumerated by the Census in sett~ng up llEw estimates Adjustments for othe~ commodities follow these same general tYpes with allowances for incompleteness of Census coverage of farm land and orop land where indicated by detailed stu~ of Census county data and other checlcinformation

In th~ 1950 Agricultural Oensus data were obtained for virtuaJ~ all cOIllJlOdities for which reTised data are shown in these tables In some States Ceusus data verified the downward trend in the acreage of some crops to an insignificant total In such instances the series of estimates WtiS terminated as for example vild llEw in Arizona clover-timot~ h~ in North Dakota and 1espedeza ~ in OhiG~ each added into other ~ after ~944o In other instances acreages significant enough to justify initiation lof estimates were indicated by the Census for example sorghum grain in South Carolina


GPo-o-Asri (BAE) 188

bull - I gt bull




-- - - IW = ~I X9sIl9K= S ttl All IJcrea I Yield 1 pro All 1ampI14Ia I neu Pro- I Acrea lAorea I Yield 1 Proshyta llaIlr41 az Per duction IPlantedI llal- J hI IducUon IPlant8t1~ ~ I Pill I duc1oll- _ ~ -I ___t~bulltd_l__pounde1t _ ____ ___ qa1e4 _JQIll __1____ ___ 1 a1aJl _Al _ ____

hone Aorall lili howl IDI floua erea I~ thouDII houa ~ uebela Thoua l JIa1na 12 12 J90 468 11 11 390 429 U 12 370 444shyJB lk 14 430 602 l2 12 lO S04 13 13 420 546n 66 66 JM 2607 63 6) )80 23~ 58 58 410 2378MIlabullbull 45-5 )90 1~75S 39 39 450 175$ 38 38 460 1748RI 9 9 370 m 8 8 ~O )31 8 8 )90 312COM 52 52 410 21)2 49 49 450 22115 47 47 460 21621IIt 698 692 355 24566 677 657 0 21681 6]0 ~ )90 25896111 208 206 )25 6695 188 187 5 8)22 190 189 450 8S05Pampo 1441 14~ 35S 50516 1349 1 338 4) sa203 1367 1351 430 56093C-Jio 3666 3651 40) 147135 J46J 31168 1751)41M

SO5 3671 3641 490 1784094622 45~ 401 184219 4417 4 36ft 530 2Jl292 4600 4582 510 2))682Ill 9226 9140 454 414956 8245 81)0 465 378045 8~5 6873 560 496888M1cb 1812 1805 320 57760 1776 1751 350 61285 1794 1769 280 495)2Vb 2]06 2679 435 U6536 2706 2679 415 1U118 2571 2545 445 11)252111M 5969 5867 415 ~)480 6059 5926 36 216299 5514 5452 440 2391388Iowa Il224 UtO 525 579442 10f47 10106 445 476417 11172 111)4 570 6346)8Mo 48)2 4781 J)O 4060157m 3873 Zo 10+571 4466 4415 370 163355IDelt 1283 12SO 260 32500 1283 1225 210 25725 lat5 1213 215 26080SDak 4026 3897 330 128601 4268 4092 rlO 110484 4097 4010 300 120300Iebr 8f42 8749 )30 288717 8577 8487 28S 241880 7891 7808 290 226432rana 3602 3S49 275 97598 )062 2981 2)0 66563 )154 3011 210 6)2)1Del Jr) ~) 25middot5 J6116 141 140 325 4550 139 138 330 4554lid S05 S05 )53 17826 466 461 ~11) 18961 458 ~56 431) 19608Va 1)06 1280 260 33280 1175 1165 330 36445 1089 108) )60 38988V1a )50 )48 219 9709 )01 299 )10 1106) 298 296 340 10064BC 2)19 2296 228 52349 2229 2204 250 55100 2193 2160 210SC l53f 1510 16Y 5832025519 1426 1419 170 ar12) 1452 17 185 26770Ga 1 ) 3405 120 40860 )378 )337 140 46718 )246 )204 130 41652Ph 7J1t 719 105 550 629 618 110 6798 660 ~ 100 64901r 25211 2507 17 61~n 2192 2181 )20 69792 2253 2lYt6 360 00861111 2~27 2415 22it- 54096 21)6 2l25 210 57)5 2201 2189 295 64576Ala t929 2914 152 4429) 2814 2797 155 3354 26)) 2601 155 40316Ill 26Z) 253 161 407)) 2466 2-29 190 46151 2411 221U 160 35)60An 1695 16Z) 165 26780 14Zlt )6) 210 286Z) 1S09 172 210La 309121229 1168 ]40 16J52 1106 1075 li5 19888 1~ 1000 140 14000Okla 1615 162IIJ 170 2760B 1407 1))2 170 2261+4 1421 1372 24010175hr 051 3960 144 510lt4 3J~ ))26 355 515J )1$6 309) 165 51034MoDt 190 175 170 2975 188 1]0 135 2295 190 180 140ldabo )1 2521130 410 12)0 )0 29 420 1218 2 26 420 1092Vro 86 80 140 1120 77 72 150 1080 65 60Q010 165 990931 ~ 187 165)1 75J 716 210 150)6IIMln 210 600 57J 210 120))195 140 2730 178 150 140 2100 146 125Aris ~ 32 87 218 )) )1 115 150 1815

356 )2 )0 1l5llb1l ab Z )00 690 24 2) J45340 182 25 24 280Is 2 2 320 64 2 2 320 64

672 2 2 )50_ampabo 21 21 420 ~ 20 70

20 500 10OD 18 18Orec 530 95437 )6 )53 1271 )2 )1 )6I 1116Qal1i 71 71 )20 222 64 64 )2 )1 )55 1100

J10 1984 67 67 320 2~08-- -j5~i5 - 940~- -)28 - -)08798z- 89261- a-i25- -)27 - -z6ians- 8s89S- 87s85- -)67 - J2i7076 ]roampi tabt OOe--o- for a1~l ~e lD-iuu~ h~laquoi4-qd-al1od -o-Md tht-ct-nd-t64-rtiio~t-nl~thl 8anU u that huabld and ~ tor laquorain - 71e14 for grainwith an allDVaDce for Tamprrlng 7 181d~If con tor oill piUpOHe 18 appled to the tota1 ear1IP to ObWD IIIl equlYalel1t p1OdllCUoa ezpreued in terllllClf crue

llDOOllOUJ JCIlSAQJI nllLDB11 PIDIIlCWo 1944 too 1946

-- - -~L~= I X96 State 1 AIINI lena I n14 Pro- AIlr ampIIfta 1 nu ITo- ampliND Jorea I nld Proshy

~llaae 1 Per 4UCUOB Iplmlt8dl az I hi ~uct1oa IPlQ1 Ja 1 Per 1 ductioD--- _1-- __ bull ~_J__~1J _ 1 -- __ I ___ 11rte l_~lI ______ 1 ___ e l _~11 _ ___ _ ftl aL- l ~bullampIIr Llle l ftloua$Na Lba 2

Xu lit lit 601) 4200 8 8 -0 2000 U 11 620 )400 lMe ~ 22 1+00 40400 15 13 210 1800 15 13 260 1700 Ok1amp us 1119 375 3I1foO 91 80 ~ U600 110 102 295 15000 hz - J1Q 8000 ~3 )05 6600)6 35 )60 6300 Col 130 U 3SO ZlOO 112 ~ JOO 15600 ut 108 2SO 1)50ilMu 70 JOl) 1OSOO 55 38 1110 2100 Ito )1 2)5 J 600

lJ8~ ~6 JI2 362 69200 )25 286 281 ~JOO 331 290 291 43SOO ---------------------------------------------~-------------2shy

JJcentWltlfib7rstdrt W6 emf ~1




- - - -I 1241 I~ i 199 State 1 ADr IAcre I n14 1 Pro- Acree IAcre8 I n814 Pro- 1 Aere lAeroa 1 Tield 1 Proshy

IP18n~dl Hal- I Per 1 ductton IPlaJ1tedl liar- I Per IduoUon IPlanted I HaJ- I Per ductlon ____1____I~e~d__ Opounde__ ____ 1 ___ JY88~ _A~Z ______ ___ ve~ _Apoundr _ J ____ _

bout Aorel PUheb ThOUl1u Thoubullbull Acrea ~ 1lIou~Jll ThoUlAcree ~ Thoubullbull1u

Maine 11 11 401) 440 12 12 )20 )84 1) 1) 420 546 BH 12 12 450 540 12 11 370 407 12 It 480 576 n Ita 48 410 1968 52 52 44~0 2288 58 58 480 2784 Mal 37 37 470 1139 35 )5 410 1435 36 36 450 1620 RI 8 8 440 352 7 7 390 213 7 7 430 )01Conn 45middot 45 460 2160 42 42 410 1722 40 40 450 1800 BT 610 598 )30 19134 640 6)4 420 26628 65) 647 440 28468 bullbull~ 181 180 430 7740 194 193 SOo 96SO 177 176 433 7621 Pa 1339 1)2) 42$ 56228 1J86 1376 475 65)60 1)39 13)5 475 63412 Ohl0 34llt 3386 410 138826 3701 3691 585 215924 J627 J617 540 195)18 Ind 4421 40399 4J0 189157 4668 466J 570 265791 4729 4710 SOO 235S00 Ill 8677 8ser J95 J39068 9298 9252 610 564372 9280 9252 541) 499608 1I1cl 1597 1574 275 4) 285 1645 16)7 3g5 64662 1694 1686 490 82614 V1 2571 2545 420 106890 2622 2596 450 116820 2701 2674 520 139048 Minn 5)49 5234 36S 191041 5302 5286 52S 277515 5796 5770 430 248110 Iawa 10935 10410 JO5 317505 1121J 11191 605 677056 11549 11527 470 541~ No 4317 4018 245 98441 4365 4300 450 193500 4220 4085 )90 159)15 HDak 1220 1189 ~~5 24374 1147 1130 260 29380 1239 1209 200 ~180 SDak 4097 3970 0 754JO 3728 3652 360 131472 4138 4017 220 88374 Je~ 7575 7340 195 1431)0 7196 7160 350 2SO600 7628 7518 310 23)058Ian 21t6o 2)18 170 39406 24)5 2364 325 768J6 25)2 2459 277 68114 Del 132 1)1 )35 4)88 130 128 )20 4096 1)9 139 335 4656 Mi 458 456 380 17328 467 465 450 20925 4S) 451 420 18942 la 1067 1061 360 38196 lOSS 10SO 425 44625 1007 998 420 41916 VTa 295 29) 410 12()1) 286 2B4 440 12496 257 25) 440 11132 BC 2204 2182 315 687)) 2248 2226 300 66780 2238 2204 315 69426 SC 1408 1404 195 27378 1422 1418 195 27651 1412 1404 205 28782 Oa 3075 3044 140 42616 )044 3014 145 4)70) 31)5 )104 165 51216 71 629 623 120 7476 642 62) 100 02)0 580middot 573 125 7162IT 2185 2179 350 76265 2445 2440 400 97600 2396 2)67 355 84028 TQ~n 2200 2189 285 62)86 2266 2255 320 72160 215) 2120 )05 64660 Ala lt651 2627 150 39405 2584 20514 210 54054 2567 2523 200 50460 Mia 2320 2254 165 37191 2227 2209 220 48598 2182 ~054 205 42107 Ark 1388 1325 1~0 22525 1277 1246 230 286sa 1175 11)4 220 24948 La 990 960 135 12960 940 902 175 15785 T90 758 210 15918 Okla 1165 1125 180 2O2SO 1118 080 225 24)00 1152 1102 ~OO 22040 Tor 2801) 2784 160 44544 2584 253) 160 40528 2426 24llt 210 50694 Mol t 177 ~66 165 2739 198 193 180 3474 202 178 110 1951 Idaho 25 ~ 490 1176 26 26 485 1261 32 31 535 - 1658 1f7o 57 5) 165 874 50 48 185 888 54 SO 205 1025 Colo S46 522 2)0 12006 541 522 240 12528 649 626 262 16401 JIMex 108 95 1)5 1282 94 86 140 1204 98 95 160 1520 Arb 32 30 150 4SO 32 30 150 4SO 3J 31 150 465 Utah 26 26 380 988 30 29 270 783 32 )1 310 961 BeY 2 2 320 64 2 2 270 54 2 2 )00 60 Vath 17 17 540 918 19 19 530 1007 21 21 510 1071 Oref 26 25 460 1150 28 27 380 1026 Z7 26 410 1066 Cellt 62 62 320 1984 65 65 330 2145 65 65 )40 2210

US 850)8 82888 284 2354739 85522 84778 425 3605078 S6~5 a5602 378 32)8618Yiiii tabi coT~r-cOrii tor aii purpc ID(lWtlng howd-ampiia-Iid com Dn4 tliat-cUt-id-td-vTthwt-r~Trng-the ear as 11 ampI that hueked and upped for grain The 7114 tor graIn with aJI allowance tor Ya171111 71eld of corn for other purpo 1 applied to th totel arreage to obtamp1ll an equbeleDt proliucU~1I eqtrSllseli in tetu of gnUD


- -I 1241i=-- 12+)1199 8t 1 ADrll5 IAcrt I Tield 1 P~ 1 Acrt Acnll I Tie14 1 Pro- 1 Acre IAcre 1 Tle14 1 Proshy

a I Ipl-a1 Hal- I Per ducUon PllUltdl Htu- I Pal duettoD IPlantla1 IJaor 1 Per 1 dtIDtiOD ____1____~14_1_ FI_ _ ____bull ___ YI _Apound~ __1____ 1 ___ ~Te ~ _~~ _ ____ _

houMN IIIt ~ ftIoua ~ MJa lm housJew 1la ~ Ill 75 75 500 1900 4 4 700 1400 5 5 590 1500 ranbullbull 10 10 300 1500 9 9 320 1400 8 a 275 1100 Okla 82 75 320 12000 65 59 )00 8800 80 72 29S 10600 lex 35 )It 350 6000 39 J4 2)5 4000 65 63 )50 11000 CIlo 73 69 270 9300 71 67 295 9900 84 82 265 ll700

lt6 Ito 18S 3700 39 J4 265 4SOO 65 61 )20 9800 ------------~----------------------------------------------us 292 34400 227 291 )0000 )07 291 314 ~5700

- 3 shy

UPDATA 1981 bull ~ _ r bull ~ ~~~(bull~~bull


- - - - li~ 1 j9~ __ o ~~1n ____ l ___F2r_811~ ___ Hogglng____F2r~n___ i ___ o ill1pound~___ iiogging

State AcrengeY101d Pro_ AcreageYield Pro- down AcreageYield Pr~_ AcreageY1eld Pro- down Har- I ler duction Har- Per lducUonlglz1ngl Rnr- I per Iduction Hlr- Per duction gl9zing

____tlgt-otCltI_____ tpoundsl~ iApoundr _1____lEi tlItHIIl_llsl11clII_____ iv~BleS iAiT~ _1____ ampJ1I1 Thou 1a Thou Thous ~ Thou ThoU Thous ~ Thqufl Tone rhoue Thou Acree 1 Acres Teme ~rui ~poundw Tona Acree

K11ne 2 390 78 7 105 74 3 2 390 78 7 100 70 2 NH 3 430 129 10 105 105 1 2 420 84 9 115 104 1 n 4 395 158 58 10~0 580 4 3 380 114 5 95 542 3 Masa 7 390 lJ J4 95 32J 4 5 150 225 31 105 326 3 RI 1 310 37 7 90 63 1 1 400 40 6 95 57 1 Conn 10 410 410 38 100 380 4 9 450 405 37 105 388 3 11Y )38 355 ~899 479 85 4072 75 130 350 4550 460 84 3864 67 NJ 135 325 4388 62 70 434 9 125 445 5562 56 90 504 6 ~ 1118 356 39801 282 BO 2256 2J 1053 1~35 45806 261 85 2218 24 Ohio 3425 404 138370 135 75 1012 91 3295 505 166398 111 90 999 62 Ind 4410 IWl 176841 92 65 598 92 4190 530 222070 87 90 783 87 Ill 88~ 454 399702 190 a5 1615 146 7756 465 360654 179 80 1432 195 Mich 1400 324 45360 259 70 1813 146 1306 360 47016 273 70 1911 172 Via 1439 459 66050 1179 81 9550 61 1367 440 60148 1250 79 9875 62 Minn 4553 437 198966 731 76 5556 583 4522 390 176358 768 75 5760 636 lava 10397 525 545842 221 95 2100 419 9924 445 441618 218 87 1897 564 Mo 46)8 33 bull 5 155373 W 60 282 96 3641 285 103768 58 50 290 174 NIlk 533 273 14551 112 43 482 605 404 225 9090 110 39 429 711 SDak 3460 343 118678 47 70 329 390 3437 280 962)6 49 60 291t 606 Nebr 8452 33J 281452 44 62 273 253 8020 290 2)2bull580 42 50 210 425 Kane 3372 276 93067 35 55 192 142 2757 235 64790 60 45 270 164 Del 139 255 3544 3 90 27 1 136 325 4420 3 90 27 1 Md 460 3$3 16238 40 75 JOO 5 420 410 17220 36 110 396 5 Va 1190 260 30940 65 70 455 25 1071 330 35343 64 100 640 30 VVa 330 279 9207 11 80 88 7 287 370 10619 9 110 99 3 NC 2234 228 50935 16 88 141 46 2149 250 53725 15 105 158 40 SC 1480 169 25012 4 60 24 26 1 bull 389 170 23613 4 55 22 26 Ga 3204 120 38448 10 40 40 191 3137 140 43916 10 50 50 190 Fla 550 10$ 5775 6 60 36 163 495 UO 5445 6 55 J3 117 X7 2449 247 60490 20 70 140 J8 2118 320 67776 21 80 168 42 Tenn 2326 224 52102 19 54 103 70 2046 270 55242 17 70 119 62 Ala 2847 152 43274 6 50 30 61 2719 155 42144 8 50 40 70 1Iias 2481 161 39944 5 55 28 44 2382 190 45258 5 65 2 42 Ark 1547 165 25526 2 50 10 74 1335 210 28035 2 45 9 26 La 1139 140 lS9~~ 2 38 8 27 1059 185 19592 2 45 n 14 Okla 1568 170 26656 lQ 40 40 46 2gt60 170 21420 9 40 36 63 Tn 3750 144 54000 20 35 70 190 3207 155 4970$ 13 40 52 106 Mont 28 lt03 568 6 35 21 141 14 205 2amp1 6 2j 15 150 1dJho 19 416 790 8 85 68 3 16 430 688 10 105 105 3 VTo 32 152 486 5 50 25 43 29 165 478 3 55 16 40 Celli 676 183 12J71 75 65 4B8 133 530 210 11130 54 63 340 132 NMex 162 145 2349 8 50 40 25 104 150 1560 i 60 30 41 Arb 25 92 2JO 3 75 22 4 23 120 276 3 80 24 5 Utah 5 309 15lt 10 100 160 2 5 360 180 16 90 144 2 Nev 1 318 32 1 100 10 1 J20 32 1 100 10 Vloh 9 450 405 9 108 97 3 7 510 357 8 100 80 5 Oreg 14 )61 50S 12 65 78 10 11 370 407 11 79 67 9 Calif 36 350 1260 25 100 250 10 ~9 340 986 25 100 250 10 E= = 5~0e-( p~0=~aQl~61(=441( ~7~i2 ~~~8= =4~6= =712z =raquo-I~m4E9= =1425= =782 = 2S21( 130~


- - - - 19[4 l 1241 State Aoren Acroe Yield Por Acres Aarea I field Per

Planted IlIrvuted Acre y Prolact1oll I Planted Hneeteci Aore y Productlln- _ __bull_______ ___ ________ _ _______ J _____ _____ _____ __-________ _~ ~

Acre ~ Thous lb Aores ~ Thoue Lblt Ohlo 13000 13000 1450 18850 30000 JO~OO 1800 54000 Ind 17700 17700 1)25 23 1152 34800 34800 1975 68730 Ill 19900 19500 1200 23400 25800 24800 1600 44640 Mich )000 2400 1200 2880 4000 3500 1200 4200 Iowa 51800 SOJOO 1700 85510 102000 92000 1130 10)960 Mo 11800 11500 l6ao 19320 17000 15000 1680 25200 Nebr 8800 8700 1400 12180 31~000 J)OOO 1350 4450 Kane 5900 5700 1400 7980 9500 8400 1100 9240 X7 13500 13500 1000 13500 14two 14400 1400 20160 Okla 20000 18000 800 14400 46000 38000 850 32300 Tex 15000 12500 950 11875 17500 14000 850 11900 Cali 2000 2000 700 1400 2000 2000 600 120(1

~~= = = i8~~ = = =1148~0= == )3~J= ===p~l41 = = =3i~0~0= = = i~io~ = = ==1~1( = = ==~zPpounda~ = l In principal coamrcial producing ~tata y O liN corn 70 pOl1ndn to tile buahel bull



- - - l~ r tjtZ _ - - -Slrbullpoundpoundr4fL __ l __ ]Rr_el~ ___ Hogg1ngl___ ]9r--Eampin___ l ___ lox 118ampe____Hogging

Stampte ~AcreageY1eld Pro- AcreageY1eld Pro- down AcreageY1eli Pro- AcreageYleld Pro- down Har- Per ducUon Rar- Per Igrazing Rar- Per duct H1- Per duction Igtu1ng

___ _JeJlt~cle___ __ ly~8~eS lApoundrsect _~t-j 9tavIet~ltLce____ ~~YJl8el1Apoundr ______f9r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ima 2l Thou ~~ ~ lhOUB Thoubullbull ~ Thoua houbullbull Acres ~ ~ TonI ~ ~ ~ Acreg 2l Acree

Maine 3 370 111 8 115 92 1 2 400 80 8 110 88 1 NH 3 420 126 9 110 99 1 2 450 90 9 110 99 1 n 3 410 123 52 100 520 3 2 410 82 44 95 418 2 MUB 6 460 276 30 10bull5 315 2 6 470 282 29 115 334 2 RI 1 390 39 6 )00 60 1 1 440 44 6 95 57 1 Conn 9 460 414 35 105 )68 3 9 480 432 34 110 374 2 NT I53 400 6120 465 93 4324 46 135 )50 4725 4)6 84 3662 27 NJ 125 450 5625 59 90 531 5 122 4)0 5246 52 90 46S 6 Fa 1055 430 45)65 269 90 2421 27 1046 425 44455 258 85 219) 19 Ohio 3405 490 166645 127 85 1080 109 3098 410 127018 18) 75 1)72 105 Ind 4)98 5~0 224298 92 85 782 92 4227 430 161761 88 70 616 84 Ill 8553 560 478968 169 90 1521 151 8189 )95 )23466 206 74 1524 189 Mich 1243 290 36047 310 60 1860 216 1147 285 32690 274 61 1671 153 W1 1299 465 601~4 i200 18 9)60 46 1338 445 59541 1164 81 9428 4) Minn 4323 455 196696 692 83 5744 437 4187 380 159106 680 72 4896 367 Iova 10600 570 604200 178 105 1869 356 9588 310 297228 281 64 1798 541 Mo 4239 375 158962 44 65 286 1)2 3777 250 94425 80 50 400 161 NDak 437 230 10051 145 34 493 631 523 210 10983 143 38 54) 523 SDak 3529 310 109)99 48 60 288 4)) 3454 200 69080 63 54 340 45)Nebr 7418 295 218831 78 53 41) )12 6973 200 139460 73 38 277 294 I~e 2469 220 54318 211 38 802 331 1986 180 35748 155 37 574 177 Del 134 330 4422 3 105 32 1 126 335 4221 4 90 36 1 Md 412 430 17716 38 95 361 6 41) 380 15694 37 95 352 6 Va 1017 360 36612 48 95 456 18 976 360 )5136 57 105 598 28 WVa 284 )40 9656 9 100 90 3 278 410 11396 11 100 110 4 NC 2104 270 56808 17 80 136 39 2110 315 66465 22 90 198 50 sc 1415 185 26178 3 60 18 29 1355 195 26422 6 65 39 43 04 2886 130 37518 10 50 50 308 2651 140 37114 9 50 45 384 1111 526 100 5260 6 50 30 117 492 120 5904 6 55 3) 125 it 2194 360 78984 2) 90 207 29 2127 350 74445 24 100 240 28 Tenn 2106 295 67127 17 70 119 66 2106 285 60021 17 70 119 66 AlII 2531 155 39230 5 45 22 65 2530 150 37950 5 50 25 92 Miss 2173 160 )4768 4 55 22 33 2211 165 3648Z 5 60 )0 38 Ark 1435 210 30135 2 43 9 35 1267 170 215)9 2 44 9 56 La 975 140 13650 2 40 8 23 9 11 1)5 12704 2 40 8 17

Okla 1317 175 23048 7 45 32 48 1074 180 19332 7 40 28 44 Tex 3019 165 49813 12 40 48 62 2720 160 43520 13 35 46 51 lIont 13 210 273 7 50 )5 160 22 220 484 9 40 36 135 Idaho 17 425 722 7 120 84 2 16 495 792 6 105 63 2 IIJ-o 24 180 4)2 ) 60 18 3) 2175 )68 5 65 32 27 Colo )72 200 7440 60 67 402 141 397 220 8734 57 80 456 68 HMex 105 160 1660 4 50 20 16 83 145 1204 ) 45 14 9 lrh 23 120 276 3 75 22 4 23 155 356 3 70 21 4 Ut~ 5 290 145 16 100 160 3 5 380 190 18 100 180 )Hey 1 350 )5 1 100 10 1 30 )2 1 100 10 Vaeh 7 550 385 7 105 74 4 7 560 J92 7 Ll5 80 )Oreg 12 365 438 11 80 88 8 11 485 534 10 100 100 4 01111 32 350 1120 25 100 250 10 27 350 945 25 100 250 10 ~~= = =7j~1~ =31~ iitfO~9= =4~517= =7-81 =3~~) = ~i9j =-5~0~ y~~ lo~31o= =4~6Jpound =7~)2 = )~i9~=~~

POPCOlIII ICREAGE YIELD lID RODUCTIOJl 1946 UD 1947 I - - - - 19~= i ~7 Stab Acree tern Ueld Per Producthn Acre Acr Yield Per ~ ProducUoB

Planhd HrYe8hd lcre Y PlUlted Hamprl88ted leIY ~- - - -- - - - _-_ - - - - _a-_______________ ____ _ _____ a _____ __bull________ _

lqrea E2ml Thoue Lb lcre ~ fhoU Lb Ohio 15000 14100 1750 24675 5200 5000 i6oo ~OOO Ind 18Soo 18800 1900 35720 7300 7300 1500 10950 Ill 16000 15800 1800 28440 21000 20400 lIroO 28560 Mich 2700 ~600 1400 )640 2500 2100 1000 2100 Iova 42000 41000 1820 74620 17000 15000 960 14400 No 15000 15000 1600 24000 10000 10000 1100 11000 Hebr 13000 13000 1500 19500 4000 4000 1200 4800 lIua 5900 5200 1200 6240 3800 3500 959 ))25T 10100 10100 1470 14847 6500 0500 1470 9555 Okla 14000 13000 910 116)0 5600 5000 lOGO 5000 rex 4200 4200 1200 5040 2700 2700 1)00 )510poundamp1___1a6Q0___ ~ _116Q0____lampOQIL ____116QO_____ ~bullQOQ __ _ ~bullQOQ _____8lO_____ lo1_ - _ ~- - _1i83Q0___ _1214pound0_ ___1amp60___ _221122_ ___ _81QOQ __ ~_J02____1amp222____ 021l2 __ _ l In prinCipal coercial prodac1namp Statebullbull y or ltV cornl 10 pClaDd to the lII1tw1



- - - - 19te ~42 __ rOE U~il ___ l __ ]2r_BlM ___IHogg1ng___ ]2rLrn __ t __ ]gr_BlM ____Hogging

stat AoresltoYold Pr AoreageY1eld l down AorelgeY1eldl Pr Acr~g$Y1eld l down Har- I Per dllOt~n Hlr- hr IdUO~~l1Clz1ngl Har- I Per duct~n Her- I Per I d~~lon grnz1ng

____1otfdoJe_____ lvjtsel lAsrs _1 ____4r~llazeJltldcle_l____ zel1t-tdoJe_l _____14I~ Thoubullbull ~ ThOUtl ~ Tona ~ll2 ~l1 ThOU8 ~ lm ~ Thou Acreo Acrea Tona Acropound2 AerO ~ CroD

Ma1ne 2 320 64 9 85 76 1 2 420 84 10 104 104 1 Nrr 2 370 74 8 95 76 1 2 480 96 9 106 95 1 n 2 lflhO 88 48 100 480 2 2 480 96 54 102 551 2 Jo(I1f1 5 ao 205 ~9 100 290 1 5 450 225 29 92 267 2 111 1 390 39 6 90 54 1 430 43 6 66 52 Conn 7 10 287 33 95 314 2 6 450 270 33 96 317 1 NY 164 440 716 445 100 4450 25 170 460 78~0 452 100 4520 25 11J 132 500 6600 55 95 522 6 117 433 5066 56 80 448 3 Ps 1096 475 52155 259 95 2~0 19 1061 475 50398 258 95 2451 16 Ohio 370 585 202995 148 91 1436 73 3400 540 18)600 141 100 1410 76 Ind 4504 570 256726 75 90 675 64 4542 500 227100 83 9 764 85 Ill 8965 610 546865 167 95 1566 120 6947 540 483138 18S 100 1850 120 Mich 1278 400 51120 264 74 1954 95 1390 495 68005 2l4 94 2200 62 Via 1378 480 66144 1167 84 9971 31 1516 554 83986 1068 99 10573 90 Minn 4)81 540 236698 645 69 5740 254 4630 440 212520 696 85 S9)) 242 Ioltl 10732 605 6149286 179 110 1969 280 11101 470 5l1747 219 101 2212 207 Mo 4128 450 185760 60 75 450 112 3930 390 153270 57 76 4J) 98 1IDaJc 531 280 11868 124 43 533 475 526 225 U835 160 36 576 523 SDak 3323 170 122951 114 70 306 285 3266 235 16751 129 55 710 622 Nobr 6945 350 243075 72 57 410 143 7293 311 226~~2 75 62 465 150 Ka1l8 2281 325 74132 49 60 294 34 2316 277 64liJ 86 57 490 57 1)01 122 320 3904 5 95 48 1 133 335 4~i56 5 85 42 1 Md 418 450 18810 40 95 380 7 402 420 161~ 42 95 399 1 Va 976 4205 Ill 180 56 115 644 8 908 420 38~36 54 107 578 36 II Va 269 440 118)6 11 100 110 4 2)6 4110 103e4 13 100 1)0 4 11C 2137 300 64110 22 100 220 67 2122 31S 66810 19 89 169 63 sc 1351 195 26344 11 60 66 56 1346 205 ~59) 11 72 79 47 Ga 2558 145 37091 9 55 50 447 2635 165 43478 8 64 51 461 Flll 4211 10a 4240 6 50 30 193 344 125 4300 5 55 28 224 iT 2381 400 95240 27 90 243 32 2303 355 81756 2B 9~ 263 36 Tenn 2172 320 69504 lS 80 120 68 20)9 30S 6z190 17 87 148 64 Ala 2412 210 50652 8 50 40 154 2346 200 46920 5 60 30 172 MiuD 2165 Z20 47630 6 65 39 38 2011 205 41226 5 75 38 33 Ark 1Z7 230 28221 2 52 10 17 1100 220 24200 2 50 10 32 La 870 175 152Z5 2 40 8 30 727 210 15267 2 60 12 29 Olcla 1053 225 23692 5 40 20 22 1063 200 22260 4 50 20 35 Tex 2411 160 38576 16 40 64 106 2346 210 49lt66 8 52 42 60 Mont 27 220 594 8 50 40 158 8 238 190 13 45 58 157 Idaho 17 490 833 7 120 84 2 18 545 981 12 117 140 1 70 12 200 240 7 70 II) 29 12 221 765 8 77 62 30 Colo 355 ZZO 1810 73 75 548 94 48z 2116 11857 83 86 114 61 NMex 73 150 1095 3 55 16 10 75 165 1238 4 70 28 16 Aris 23 155 356 3 15 22 4 25 lS5 388 3 84 25 3 utllh 5 280 1110 20 100 200 4 5 313 156 22 114 251 4 Nev 2 100 20 2 105 21 Wuh 6 550 J30 11 105 116 2 9 5gt0 468 9 105 94 3 Oreg 11 400 4l) 11 75 82 5 12 435 522 10 82 82 4 Callt 30 365 1095 25 110 275 10 )J 380 1254 26 110 286 6t= =7~~ =432 ~~2~ )~( ~v= 27~52C l~~ =7116l )imiddotZ ii42~9l =t~~ 221==to2~= 2271

- - - - ~)w ~ lieuro State I ere~ I eres Yield Per I eres Acre Yield Per

pllll1~cd ~Haneeted ~ ere y Production PllIled lianeated Acre y Production

- - - -- - - - -AC~I- - - - -- -POundq - --Thou- Lb - - - - - iC~f - - - - - PoUndg- - -- Thou-Lb- - -Ohio 21000 21000 2350 49350 9500 9500 1900 18050 Icd 16500 16500 2500 41250 14400 14400 1900 21360Ill 29500 29300 2250 65925 16100 16000 1700 30600 Mich 4100 3800 2000 1600 2800 2800 1650 4620 I~va 260~0 26000 2110 54860 23000 23000 1470 33810 Mo 11000 11000 2100 23100 10200 10200 1300 1)260 Nebr 5000 5000 1800 9000 6000 6000 130 8bull580 J6n )100 3000 1650 4950 3900 3800 1360 5168 11 15500 15500 1610 24955 11100 9500 1)50 128~5 Okla 21000 24000 - 700 18720 8000 7000 1250 8750 Taz 4100 4100 1150 4715 2000 2000 1000 2000 cal 1000 1000 1100 1100

y lK82( 62~2 l~W ~2s~5~[ = =1sect9~02( )Q6~2Q( = 1~ = = )~5~OP 1 In principal cGaaercial prodncing Statebullbull ~ Ot ear cornl 70 pound to tb bashl


-aftcr r r~ RfhMr r~



- - - - 12~ 1 124] i i9i6 state Acre Acres Yield Pro- Acree Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

PlAnted Ilar- Per Acre duetiOD PllDted IDlr- Per Acre duetionP1anted lInr- Per Acre duetion veoted vested vested

- - - -- ThOU-ACrlis-- juiihlii ThorusIiti yenhOuliierlis- iiuiihlii -ThotWiiu Tbou-Acrlis- BuShl Tho~s~-Maine 1 1 220 22 1 1 190 19 1 1 10 21 liT J49 336 259 8716 352 346 264 9147 222 215 263 5648 11J 75 60 233 1398 93 63 210 1323 96 62 250 1550 h 931 914 214 19560 959 932 21S 20038 911 885 25 19912 Ohio 1937 1918 227 43539 2150 2129 270 57483 1849 1831 265 48522 Ind 1292 1266 202 25568 1587 1555 225 34980 1383 1366 215 29369 Ill 1334 1247 195 24320 1400 1339 185 248l7 1289 1207 160 19361 Mich 949 944 246 23222 992 982 275 27005 877 864 265 22896 Vie 69 67 195 1308 61 60 263 1576 95 93 252 2340 Minn 1325 1214 165 20090 1109 1100 193 21246 1412 1391 195 27080 Io~ 149 120 159 1912 168 140 190 2660 192 185 234 4335 Mo 1472 1207 16) 19674 1428 1304 140 18256 1314 1213 150 18195 a~ 10107 9856 159 156321 10005 9855 157 154568 10444 10192 137 139824 Slhk 3254 3070 121 37278 3355 3201 155 49656 3755 3S88 148 53197 Nebr 3585 2675 126 33762 3777 3596 229 82358 4037 3954 229 90677 Kans 13210 11377 165 187700 14148 13416 155 207939 14006 13147 162 212977 Del 68 64 197 1261 73 67 195 1306 68 62 190 1178 Md 395 370 232 8584 391 359 190 6821 376 348 195 6786 Va 539 516 192 9907 534 485 155 7518 459 432 185 7992 V~ 102 87 186 1618 100 87 185 1610 90 77 185 1424 NC 567 516 165 851bull 4118 408 11bullbull5 5916 394 371 170 6307 S C 26z 253 145 3668 202 195 145 2828 160 156 165 2574 Ga 228 213 140 2982 198 183 135 2470 141 130 130 1690 lT 496 426 178 7583 516 371 135 5008 392 297 140 4158 Tenn 423 396 145 5742 381 J45 125 4312 276 259 140 3626 Ala 25 22 163 359 24 20 ISS 310 15 12 145 114 M18S ~5 18 226 407 25 18 200 360 16 9 220 198 Ark 65 46 149 685 65 39 105 410 44 ~8 140 392 Okla 5557 5095 167 85086 6335 5910 125 73875 6715 6087 145 88262 Tex 4S51 4458 185 821lt73 5842 5350 90 48150 6835 5992 105 62916 Mont 4507 4019 188 75497 4147 3777 151 57145 4426 4133 152 62888 Idlho 1137 1088 293 31851 1156 1102 297 32734 1324 1273 275 350240 282 215 131 2811 286 244 182 4431 JOI 281 243 6832 Colo 1658 1256 142 17794 1850 1560 223 34768 2244 2004 189 37776 NMex 463 2at 117 3337 452 297 94 2778 542 350 8J 2895 riz 26 24 22S S40 27 24 ZlO 504 29 27 210 56 Uhh 298 294 241 7100 286 281 243 6842 3J5 320 224 7171 l1ev 16 16 273 437 18 18 243 437 19 18 273 49L Vash 2485 2338 268 62673 2667 2524 244 61512 2769 2642 295 77965 Oreg 980 914 265 24200 970 921 237 21810 1050 984 256 25168 -i___ 2~ __ ~7 __ 94___ 10~2___614___523___12~ __ 106ltt7_ __675___619__ 190___ l7~1_

~~- - _6~bull9~ _52742 __ 177__10~ll_ ~122_ ~1~__ _1Z~ ~1127633_7578_ ~7125__ 172__1lZ218_


- - - - 19~ ~ = ~ 19~ State creo Acres Yield Pro- Acrea Acres Yiold Pro- Acres Acrea Yield Prltoshy

PhntedIar- Par ere duction Pbnted Rar- Per Acre ductionPlanted Har- Per Acre duction - - - -- - - _elt~_- ____ J ____ J ___ T~StfJ _________ ___ VJlBtfJI__________ _

ThW Acres ~ ~ls Thouas Acres Pounds ThGsliga ThousAcre Pounds ThousBags Ark ~7 287 2J63 6781 284 281 2115 5943 327 320 2002 6408 La S68 561 1710 9593 SB4 583 1m 10363 592 589 1732 10204 Tex 392 392 2002 7850 400 400 2025 8100 412 412 1935 7972 CaUf 246 240 2812 6750 244 235 2665 6262 264 261 3032 7913

~middotEmiddot I01 )-~===~Q91=10~1( =1~5Z ~=~~ 10~~ 1~s2S 18~ ~Q5E = 12427 RIC (Cont I d)

- - -- ~i i i9a 1 ~ Mia 5 5 2700 135 Ark 370 )65 2096 7652 395 391 2358 9220 415 412 2150 8858 La 616 613 1620 9931 641 631 1m 11216 599 593 1825 10822 ~ex 474 474 2025 9599 526 526 2092 11007 552 542 1975 10704 pounda1l__ ~52 ___226___ 2bullJ2 ___8015___~__ ~5sect ___26sect9__ _6t812_ __312__ 102 __ 225pound __ 10t28_

- _1middot112 __17~___ ~~~ __ 2527__18~_1~ ___21~2__ 2B275__1~3_15z __ ~1~ __ ~727_




---- ~7 i i i ti~ State Acrco Aore Yield Pro- lorn Acre Yleld Pro- Acres Acreo Y1eld Proshy

Plonted m- Per Acre ducdon Planted liar-a Per lore cuct1on Plantod llar- per Acre duction ________~ot ______ l ____ l ___ lY81e_l _____l ____ l ___ lylt0_eSl ____ l ____ _d t l1ho1l Acree ~ Tbou8lffi Thoubullbull Acree lIunhal Thouau Thoubullbull Acree 1Igshel lhoutIBu

NY 3aS 375 240 8988 449 J41 ~o 11886 405 396 269 10721 NJ 107 15 250 1675 115 62 215 1763 107 a3 240 1992 pa 947 929 240 22296 965 966 190 16354 926 906 230 20884 Ohl0 2212 2119 ~25 49026 2371 2353 245 57646 2377 2353 250 56625 Iud 160) 1571 230 36133 1811 1775 215 36162 1739 1722 220 31884 Ill 1431 1341 210 26311 1745 1710 225 36497 1952 1913 230 43995 Mich 1210 1192 250 29600 1416 ~395 260 36~0 1303 1297 265 34310 Via 116 114 257 2926 127 123 236 2906 117 114 226 2604 Hinn 1200 1169 171 2063 1066 1051 115 1652 1304 1265 151 19360 Iowa 220 201 119 3607 40 311 233 1397 41 364 168 1212 Mo 1472 1321 165 244)6 1722 1596 210 33558 1625 1676 175 29365 NllIlt 10401 10263 143 146)83 9933 97l 144 140234 11055 10552 106 112357 SDllt 3656 3103 145 53626 4022 3643 131 50342 459 4079 80 32653 Nebr 4606 4434 209 92751 4614 4275 204 87111 5016 4165 140 58213 X~ne 15404 14655 193 266102 14634 13221 175 231368 16244 14219 110 157069 Del 70 65 200 1300 71 66 145 957 66 63 115 11021 366 341 210 1161 361 334 160 53J4 343 311 190 6023 v~ 496 456 115 6015 461 449 185 8306 438 400 165 7400 Y v~ 96 62 195 1599 96 62 165 1511 62 68 190 1292 NC 492 461 175 8112 406 314 160 5984 465 4tl0 136 5520 SC 238 2J1 165 3812 211 210 140 2940 114 166 120 1992 Go 196 185 140 2590 116 165 135 2228 140 130 125 1625 XJ- 404 J24 160 5184 420 324 160 5184 403 288 170 439f Tenn 332 16 150 4740 )55 336 145 4901 )01 ~4 146 40( 11 14 12 165 198 15 13 155 202 13 11 154 1y Ml 20 16 195 312 16 12 190 226 15 8 165 132 uk 38 24 150 )60 40 26 170 416 )4 24 145 )46 Okla 1051 6696 155 103188 1263 6696 145 91092 1481 6629 128 84851 Tex 7587 1)10 160 116960 6752 5629 105 59104 7090 6417 140 698)6 Mon~ 5183 4427 146 65)46 5201 4815 192 93716 5975 5316 115 61189 Idaho 1)88 1344 266 )674) 1523 111) 252 )5646 1591 1537 242 )1136 VTo )47 326 202 6592 384 )42 194 6650 )92 369 167 6885 Colo 290) 2738 215 56866 3186 2861 01 51)73 )552 26)8 16) 46164 NMex 740 649 15 9420 682 403 92 )712 616 526 106 5616 Arh 30 26 210 586 19 28 2)0 644 )0 26 262 734 Utlh 315 J68 246 9058 431 415 05 6510 441 426 210 9009 Ney 21 20 lt91 582 21 20 295 590 20 19 26 bull J 541 Vh 2922 2119 2)6 64750 2959 2166 c87 79268 )1)9 2758 218 60146 Ore~ 1063 976 226 22237 1100 1052 265 29954 1214 1058 215 22698 pound111___ vsect __ sect62 __1sect2 ___11 bull Q)~ ___76___6Q~ _ 175___lQiJ2 ___7f___6pound6__ 185____11261 Q~_ _ _1sect21t _7~212 __1sect3 _ l25sect211_16L~L 17ltL46_ _ 119_ 1 9t2l _ sect3J9Q5_15J90_ _ 1~5_ _ oQ9il~

FUX 11llR ACRYAGS TIuD KD P~WCTIOf 1944 tt 19~

- - - - ~I~ 19~ )2Ii State cree Acree l Yield ~_ Acr~ Acre 11eld Pro- Acre8 Acres Yleld Proshy

Plnted aar- P8r Acre juctlon Pl~ted H~r_ Per Acre ductiouPlQnted BAr- Per Acre ductlo~ ________1eltl __________ l ___ l~~aleg l ____ l ________ toYJseS l _____ to ___ bullbull _d 1hOWlAcres 2M 1houeons housAone 12a ThouTont rhoWlAgre 2111 ~~

OrIC 11 85 165 14 95 6 150 12 8) 16 190 111bullbull4

_______1241 ________ ______ ~_________________12~ _______ __ _ Ore 57 49 190 92 24 Z 170 )4 )4 23 180 41

~UNG llLfJlS ACIGAGB niLD un 1lODUCTIOB 1944 to 1949

- - -- 19~ 19sect i J~ Stat Aere Acres Y1eld Pro- Acre lcrao Yield 130- Acree Acre Yiold Prashy

lPIlU1ted Hr- Per Acreductlon lP1ampnted ar_ Per Acre ductionP1uted BAr- Per I1cre ducUen _____ ___rotsltL_____________JCltJd__________ l ____ _____ _____ _ljI~

lhQ)aca ~ Thoualobe TboubullbullAcr ~ ThoubullbullLb rhonaAcre ~ houbullbull Lb

Okla 75 55 200 11 169 110 2~ zr2 no 10 210 147

- - - -=== = = = I~( = = = = = I~ = = = = = = =)~== = = = = Okla 62 40 250 10 64 50 320 16 31 22 400 B8

- fI shy

1ite8zMf~ iiitByen tiTtJj

1 UPDATA 1931



-- - -- -- --- -1~ - --- ---- --- - --- - ---1~-- - - -- - -- --- ---rrb -- -- - --shy-------~--------------------~ ---------------~---------mte ampern I oWl I Yield 1 Pro- I Acr Acree leld Pro- Aero I Acne Yield 1 Proshy

planted I Bar- Per ductioA Planted Bar- Per 1 dDCUOA Planti4 1 liar- 1 Per duCtiOA ____ ______Y8e ~e__ _____ _____1_Y8e cr_______1______Y8e ce__ ___ _

fbDubullbull Acree lbhela hauslb fllo Acr lbabel houbullbull Bl h0l1t1 Acr lbbele h0l18ln

BY 346 33J 260 8658 349 3433 ~ 9090 211 206 ~ 5459 IJ 15 60 233 1398 93 6J 210 1323 96 62 250 1550 h 911 914 214 195bO 959 932 215 2O08 911 1l65 225 19912 Ohio 1931 1918 221 43539 2150 2129 210 51433 1849 1831 265 48522 IIId 1288 1262 202 25492 1584 1552 225 34920 1383 1366 215 29369 Ill 1321 1240 195 2~lSO 1393 1312 185 24642 1282 1200 160 19200 Klch 949 944 24amp 23222 99l 982 215 21005 871 8amp4 265 22896 Vh 36 35 111~ b58 33 32 265 8~ 32 31 215 b66 H1Jl1l lbO 109 140 1526 112 109 225 2452 101 II 190 1amp12 Iowa 145 116 160 1856 Iamp 131 190 2b03 186 119 235 4206 Mo 1472 1201 163 19614 142I 1304 140 18256 1314 1213 150 181~5 SDak 295 216 105 22M 289 248 1amp0 3968 3~ )08 180 5544 ehr 3510 2bOl 121 33105 3121 3546 230 81558 3941 3901 230 89123laD 13204 11314 165 187611 14145 1341~ 155 201911 14004 131~ 162 212965 Del 68 64 191 1261 13 amp1 195 1306 68 62 190 1118 Md 395 310 232 IISSII 391 359 190 amp821 316 348 195 6186 539 516 192 9901 534 485 155 1518 459 432 185 1992 v 102 87 1116 1618 100 87 185 1amp10 90 17 185 1424bullc 561 516 165 8514 448 408 145 5916 394 311 110 6301 SC 262 253 145 3bbS 202 195 145 2~2S 160 156 165 2514 0 228 213 140 2982 198 11J 135 2410 141 130 130 1690 IT 496 426 118 1583 516 311 135 5008 392 291 140 41SS eAIl 423 396 145 5142 381 345 125 ~312 2f6 259 140 3626 11amp 25 22 163 359 24 20 155 310 15 12 145 114 Kl 25 18 226 401 25 111 200 360 16 9 220 198 Uk 65 46 149 bS5 amp5 39 105 410 44 211 140 392 Ckls 5551 5095 161 850116 b335 5910 125 13875 amp115 amp087 145 118262 ez 4951 4458 185 82413 5842 5350 90 48150 61J5 5992 105 amp2916 HOIlt 1501 1221 215 26252 1501 1311 215 29416 1839 1721 190 3281~ Idaho 115 610 214 18amp32 151 114 290 20106 841 801 255 2O51 W70 185 131 119 1559 192 1amp2 190 3018 213 199 2amp5 5214 Colo 1487 111b 141 15136 1110 1421 225 32108 2103 1884 190 3519amp It 439 263 112 29146 426 276 90 2~ 520 331 80 2648 Arh 26 24 225 540 27 24 210 504 29 21 210 561 Utah 2311 235 216 501amp 225 221 220 1amp8amp2 2amp1 250 200 5000 Icy 5 5 258 l29 5 5 250 125 5 5 280 140 Vb 1461 1359 2119 39275 1695 1576 270 1amp2552 2322 2206 305 bl28)Orec 184 129 261 194amp4 1amp4 725 240 11400 825 116 260 20116 Ca11f 596 ~1 194 10amp12 614 563 190 1Ob91 615 ~19 190 11161- ~2 ~1~)5 )middotI 15~I ~~ampI ~1~0~4 1~(= 1~2s1 S~~l= ~~)l( Is~Oi6ii9i

- - - - - - - - - - - - - ~- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -1~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19K - - - - - - - shy- - - - --crbullbull- TIli -1- - - -- -_-- --cN- rfl14 --- - -- - -- iirH iTtli -I-~-

Stte Acn 1 JIar- I Per 0- _nil JIar- Pel 0- I _ liar- I Pel P~ed bull Acre dDctloa Plant ed Acn amplctlO1l Planted 1 yoded llcr dwU01l

- - - - - - Ytmbullbull-ACrbullbull- -JibeIs- ibOubullbullili- - - ibOui-ACzQ- -lbebeI- ihObullbull-Ji- - ihOu-ACr~- -Jir- ibOQbullbullaa IUu 1J6 1amp1 168 689 2J 23 115 IIOZ 35 35 195 6R bullbull IlK 1848 1816 11yen 26871 1829 11J15 165 299118 22611 2232 11l5 323~ SDak 205 200 105 2100 114 166 150 21190 190 1116 150 2190ui- - - -2~ - -2051- -1~i - - -29666 - - 20i6 - -2-riiI- - 1671J- - -32bullbull - - 2JiiJ3 - -2453- - 14-6- - 357836




- - - -I Ili7 = l~ 1 )~~ -_-_-_-_ State Acre Acree I Tield Pro- Acr~ Acree Yield Pro- 1 Acrfte Acree Tie1d Proshy

1 Planied Har- 1 Per duct ion I P1~ted liar- bull Per 1 ducUon I Panted liar- Per duct10n I Yestd I Acre I 1 Yested Acre I I Yeated Acre

- - - - - -fboii- Acree - -Diiieltl - TbOU8ib- - - ThOitbullbull-ACrell- -Diebllie- hOU8amp- - - ~U8-ACre- -Diaiiel- oftlOUIIllii BT 381 371 2110 89011 1142 11311 270 11718 398 391 270 10557 1lbull1 107 75 250 1(5 115 112 215 1763 107 113 2110 1992 h 947 929 240 22296 985 966 190 18351 926 908 230 208811 Ohio 2212 2179 22 490211 2377 2353 245 5764e 2377 2353 250 58625 Ind 1603 1571 230 36133 1811 1715 215 38162 1139 1122 220 37884 Ill 1423 1339 210 26119 1736 1701 225 311272 1944 1905 230 43615 ~lch 1210 1192 250 29SOO 11116 1395 260 36270 1303 1297 265 311310 Wia 41 38 Z)O 674 J4 )1 225 6911 30 28 2)9 669 Minn 111 101 195 1910 101 76 190 1444 SO 16 170 1292 love 209 190 180 3420 )19 295 235 6956 38Z )55 190 6745 10 1412 1321 185 2411)8 1122 1598 210 33558 1825 1678 115 29365 Snk 415 J~4 18 6549 )07 2)0 135 )105 )01 246 1)0 )198 lIbr 4538 4)b9 210 91149 1~583 4bull194 205 85977 4904 4068 140 56952 Y-an8 15404 14855 193 266702 146J4 1)221 17 231)66 16244 14Z79 110 157069 Del 10middot65 ~O 1)00 71 66 145 951 66 63 175 1102 lold ~68 )41 Zl0 7161 )61 3)4 160 5344 343 317 190 602) Va i96 458 175 SOl~ 481 449 185 8306 438 400 185 11100 1( Va 96 82 195 1599 96 82 18 1511 82 68 190 1292-C 492 461 115 112 408 )111 160 5984 465 IlOO 138 5520 sc 2)8 2)1 165 3812 217 210 140 2940 174 166 120 1992 Ga 198 185 140 2590 17~ 165 135 2228 140 130 125 1amp25 rr 404 )24 160 5184 ~ 324 160 51S4 4DJ 2SS 170 4896 snn 3J2 316 150 4740 355 338 145 4901 301 214 146 4000 la 14 12 165 191J 15 13 155 202 I) 11 154 169 lllee 20 16 19 )lZ 16 12 190 228 15 8 165 132 Ark )8 24 150 )60 40 28 170 476 J4 24 145 348 Okla 7051 6696 155 1031 7263 6696 145 97092 7481 6629 128 84851 ~X 7537 7310 160 116960 6752 5629 105 59104 7OCjQ 6417 11~0 8988 Mont 1949 1341 165 22C26 1676 1549 240 37176 11101425 170 24225 Idaho 900 36) 265 22810 9)5 84) 220 13546 lO8 995 216 21691 lfyo 251 235 20bull5 41518 276 241 COO 4940 288 275 195 5362 Colo 2776 2619 215 56308 076 2759 200 55130 335) 2649 160 42)34 JIKamp 7115 629 145 9120 661 384 90 )~6 595 507 105 5)24 Arb JO 26 210 j151 29 28 230 644 30 2S 262 734 Utah )00 294 220 64615 348 )35 180 6030 352 4 180 6138raquoeY 6 6 270 162 6 6 260 156 5 J 270 IJ5 Waah 2252 2074 250 51850 2417 2302 300 69060 2551 22tO 230 50830 Oreg 1133 160 2)0 17480 815 8)6 295 24662 910 169 220 16918 ~1____ 5~ ___6~__ 65___1~ ___ P __ _fI2__ 75___~J2 ___ l~ ___~6__ 85___128 us 58248 549)5 193 108976 583)2 5296 187 990141 61171 54414 153 85IJ127


us 2915 44328 3218 )220 140 3510

- 10shy

Ore j-tthr-r iItnetirtMriamp BMmiddot 4r

i (C ~ UPOATA 1981


- - - -I f9~ I f9[5I)~[ -_-_-_shyetate I Acre I Acree I Yield I 10- I Acree Acres I Yield I Pro- Acree I Acres I Yield I Pro-

___ )~l~e~e~~_ _p~r_~r~~ ~uto~ ~t~d~y~ ~ ~e ~ce__d~ci~n~t~d~y~ ~ 8 ~C_ _d~Cl~4_ Thoue Acre ]Uehe1 ftouabu houbullbull Acre Bmahe1 Thouebu Thons Acree Buehll1e Thoueau

Kaine 1 1~ 22 1 1-wo 19 1~ 21 BY 3 ) 193 58 3 3 190 57 9 9 210 1S9 Ind 4 4 191 76 3 3 200 60 Ill 7 7 200 140 7 7 250 175 7 7 230 161 Wh 33 32 203 60 28 28 260 728 63 b2 270 1674 Minn 1119 1064 168 17875 974 968 190 18392 1276 1268 195 24726 Iowa 4 ~ 140 56 3 3 190 57 6 6 215 129 BDak 8259 8040 161 129444 8176 80lI0 155 124620 8176 7960 13 107460 SD3t ~754 2654 124 32910 ~892 2787 155 43198 3181 3094 14 44863 Hebr 75 68 96 653 56 50 160 800 56 53 180 954 Eana 6 3 98 29 3 2 110 22 2 1 120 12 Mont 3000 2798 176 49245 2640 2106 115 27669 287 106 12middot5 30C75 Idaho 422 408 324 13219 405 388 310 12028 43 66 310 14446 W70 bull 97 84 149 1252 94 82 165 1353 8S 82 190 1558 Colo 171 140 14 2058 140 133 200 2660 141 120 165 1980 BXex 24 23 170 391 26 21 140 294 22 19 130 247 Utah 60 59 343 2024 61 60 330 1980 74 70 310 2110 I 11 11 80 308 13 13 240 312 14 13 270 351 h 1024 979 239 23398 972 948 200 18960 447 436 24 0 10682 Oreg 196 185 256 4736 206 196 225 4410 225 20S 240 4992

0l1lR SPRING iDA (Cont1d)

---~7I=)~If9~State I Acree I Acre I Yield I Pro- I ADrea I Acre8 I Yield I Pro- I Acre Acres Yield I Pro-

IPlanted l 1Iar- I Per Acre ducUon IPlanted liar- I Per Acre I ducUonlPlanted l Har- Pmiddoter Acre I ductton I Iftsted I I I IYellted I I I IYlIsted I I

- - - - -hoU7 Acre - -lhiillf- -TiioU-~ - yenhoujj-ACre- - ithG1 - houjj1iU7 bous-ACre - - ithG1 - ~hOu8 -bii IIY 4 4 210 84 7 7 240 168 7 7 23middot5 164 Ill S 8 240 192 9 9 25middot0 225 8 8 225 180 Vh 77 76 270 2052 93 92 240 2208 87 86 225 1935 Minn 1034 1014 17middot5 17745 924 913 17middot5 15978 1127 1114 150 16710 Iowa 11 11 170 187 21 21 210 441 29 G9 161 467 BDaIt 7685 7562 140 105868 6993 b881 145 9974 7762 7431 105 78026 SDaIt 3245 3156 140 44184 3440 3345 13middot0 431(85 3681 3479 7middot5 26092 Bebr 70 65 15middot5 1008 91 81 140 1134 114 97 130 1261 MODt~ 3234 3080 140 43 120 3525 3326 170 56542 426 3891 9middot5 36964 Idaho 488 481 33middot0 15873 5S8 570 300 17100 559 542 28middot5 15447 Wra 96 91 195 1174 lug 95 180 1710 104 94 162 1523 Colo 127 119 21middot5 2558 110 102 215 2193 199 189 200 3780 HHex 22 20 15middot0 300 21 19 13middot5 256 23 21 140 294 Utah 75 74 350 2590 83 00 31bull0 2480 89 87 330 2 1ff1 15 14 300 420 15 14 31bull0 434 15 14 290 406 Vah 670 645 200 12900 482 464 220 10208 588 548 170 9316 Oreamp 230 216 220 4752 225 216 245 5292 304 289 200 5780

-------------------~---------------------------------------[J8 17091 16636 154 255607 16735 16235 160 259628 18961 17926 112 201216 ------------------------------------------------------~----




QTS ACllEIGI ~ Alm PBOIlUCfIClI 1944 to 1946

- --- ~ t9Kti~ lorn Aclee amp Y1eld Pro- 1 AcleB Acre Yield Pro- Acre IAcres Y1eld Pro-

State Plantflcl Bar- I Per I duoUoa IPlantflcl liar- 1 Per Iductlou IPlantedl Bsr- Per I ducUoa ____1____etd_I_ ~e__ ____ Ii ____1_tIII_ cJ__t____ ___ t1e _Apoundr _ __ ~_ fhDU Acltel lluUel houalu neue Agee Buabeb TboualIu Tboua ampent ~ hCllle~

Mamp1nal 92 85 370 3145 79 71 360 2556 80 71 400 2840 JJB 14 8 340 272 14 s 330 264 11 7 370 259 n 74 48 320 1536 72 44 310 1364 66 4) 340 1462 (ast 15 6 280 168 16 7 270 189 14 6 350 210 liI 4 1 311) )1 5 1 )10 )1 4 1 320 32 Colll 18 6 )00 181) 18 5 )00 150 15 6 330 198 bullr 795 745 )10 2)095 731 663 290 19227 B41 SOZ 400 32080 raquoJ 54 47 )21 1509 S2 42 260 1092 54 45 320 11j4O Pat Bs4 8114 290 240 476 854 802 305 2446l 854 826 355 2932)Oblo 1073 1047 331 34656 1191 1162 425 49385 1)70 1348 450 60660Ind 1260 1172 256 30003 1436 1371 420 57582 1471 1412 309 55068 Ill 3251 3169 31 100457 )1146 3372 45~0 151740 JB37 3799 420 159558 Mlcb 1)44 1309 329 43066 1505 1466 400 58640 1550 1525 4S5middot 69)88 Vie 2839 2766 ~22 116725 3066 2987 510 152337 2943 2668 4J5 124758 Minn 4672 4456 327 145711 5M6 5392 450 242640 5439 533B 370 197506 Iowa 4917 4711 287 135206 5458 5323 )85 204936 5785 5642 375 2l1S75 Ko 2096 1698 179 30394 1799 1511 190 28709 2015 1843 310 57133 KDak 2784 2653 330 87549 2784 265) 325 86222 2506 2361 265 62566 SDak 3023 2914 298 86837 )597 3497 410 143377 3561 )462 290 100)98 Nebr 2291 2085 168 35028 254) 2439 )15 76828 2696 2561 280 11708 ~an 1825 ]561 162 25288 1278 968 175 16940 1495 1423 285 40556 Del 7 6 276 166 7 5 310 155 5 310 ISS )(d 46 42 310 1302 41 33 310 1023 38 34 330 1122 Va 174 14) 256 )689 172 lljO 280 3920 160 1)4 300 40020 W Va 94 67 221bull 1501 98 72 280 2016 94 68 )00 2040 BC 1t)7 335 277 9280 489 375 275 10312 49) 390 330 12870 SC S40 707 256 18099 798 700 260 18200 734 658 285 18753 Ga 954 656 253 16597 983 682 255 17391 806 5)9 265 14284 Pia 150 40 176 704 145 45 200 900 160 40 180 720 Ky 129 87 200 1740 108 76 240 1824 1)2 99 250 2475 Tenn )16 208 250 5200 Jlj8 245 260 6)70 310 245 265 6492 Ala 294 228 254 5791 318 242 260 6292 28) 198 24ft 40752Ki 521 444 336 14918 542 462 290 13)98 439 32) 300 9690 Ark 525 320 276 88)2 512 304 270 8208 379 255 )00 7650 La 200 152 290 4408 198 131 280 3668 1)6 100 220 2200 Olda 1584 1533 202 30967 1220 1027 190 1951) 1269 1089 210 22B69Tex 1732 1597 239 )8168 1992 1767 225 39758 1892 1608 220 )5376Mont 558 425 )43 14790 491 323 290 9)67 506 )52 310 10912 Idaho 237 194 426 8264 201 171 420 7182 185 1~ 430 7052111 182 150 )14 4710 19) 164 300 4920 174 15) )05 4666 Colo 254 224 278 6221 244 220 3)0 7260 227 187 300 5610 KlIex 60 5) 229 1214 54 43 220 946 57 45 200 900 Arh 26 11 350 385 25 12 490 S88 29 12 350 420 Utah 63 5) 457 2 bull 422 58 0 ljOO 2000 54 4) 4)0 1849n 12 9 430 )87 12 9 390 )51 12 8 440 352 Valh )08 160 1147 7152 288 150 4)0 6450 213 128 480 61411-Oreg 11 609 )98 305 121ljO 560 342 2)5 8054 549 )56 275 9782 ~B1___ i __ ~ _ 89____ Si ___ 21~ __ 6Z _110_ ___515__ 110___120__)~2 ____57O_

us 114141 )9741 289 11492ljO 46025 417)9 365 1523851 46515 42812 345 1477573 irT~-aralaquoe-ot oat-gion-with p~Ud-ytcit-licluded rn-plaitd-aid-hin bullbullt~-JAici - - - - -- - - - --

HOPS ACREAGK rIEl]) AlID PJiClWCTlaIl 1944 to 1946

- - --I I9~ 19~C 9~ State Acre Yield s ampere Ylel4 amper I Yltd r

1 ~eled I Per 1 p~oduct101l1 ilarYetflcl I Per s lrodUOUOIl HarYtll4 I Per I Prodwt1oa __________1__1111 __1______1________Jampr ________1______1__Aampll ________ _

poundtI ~ fhaumiddotporu Att URa flynlold Aampt ~ hllPUI4a Idaho 190 1610 3 2ljO 1850 AA4 240 1585 38t lIaah 9900 1720 17028 11700 1680 21996 11600 1700 19720 Oreg 18700 920 17204 19900 1lt045 20796 20000 950 19000 Ca11t 8ljOO 1620 13608 9100 1580 14378 9100 1610 14651

us 1295 57614 1)13 5)751

- 12 ~


- - - - 19t7 l )~ l i~ Stat Acre Acre I Yleld I Pro- I Acre I Acr Yleld Pro- I Acrll1l Acree Yield Proshy

P1aDted Bar- Per I ducUoa Planted I liar- I Pv ducUoll Plantod au-- Par ducUoa ________1~td_I_ Act__ ~ ___ _ l _____Tt1~_ jcz__1___ _ l ___ lV1~ 1 _~rt _ 1 ____ _ hoWl Acre llI rhouslIg ThOUl ASpound lIuahal ~oulIu ThoUi Acre Bualull lulYBu

Main 8i 73 340 21f82 77 64 420 2688 101 90 400 3600 bullbullB 12 7 310 211 11 6 400 240 U 5 360 180 Vt 54 28 270 756 60 J6 370 1332 66 33 300 990 Ifaabullbull 12 5 360 180 12 6 330 198 13 6 290 174 BI 4 1 330 33 3 1 330 J3 2 1 250 25 Cou 12 4 320 128 10 4 J30 132 12 5 320 160 bullbullY 5JO 47J 275 13008 126 672 400 26880 791 719 290 20851 J 49 36 250 900 42 37 350 1295 46 J9 331 1291 Pa 734 661 390 19169 749 720 380 27J60 794 756 305 23058 ChJo 863 714 260 18564 1191 1171 450 52695 1322 1288 350 45080 1114 1294 1112 )00 35i60 1317 1289 410 52849 1456 1405 366 51423 111 J377 3311 J40 112574 390S 385] 450 17JJ85 J881 3834 415 1591U Klcb 1085 1052 350 36820 1465 1420 37S 5)250 1538 1505 345 51922 IIh 2884 28ll 430 120873 2942 2867 440 126148 3030 2924 41~ 119884 Mu 4630 4537 360 163332 4908 4855 425 206J38 5027 4952 J5$ 175796 Iowa 5438 5247 310 162657 6199 6086 450 273870 6417 6269 386 241983 fo 1552 1309 230 30107 1971 162) 265 43010 1794 1526 229 34945 bullbullllampk 2331 2219 290 64J51 2238 2152 280 60256 1880 1722 201 34612 SDak 3134 J081 Jl0 95511 J165 3112 JJ5 104252 J102 2956 221 65328 bullbullbr 2426 2279 275 62672 2750 2621 280 733AB 2511 2280 202 46056 ~e 1510 1395 290 40455 1616 1144 220 25168 1034 881 194 17091 Del 7 5 320 160 6 5 J50 175 7 6 300 180 Md 40 35 )20 1120 42 36 J35 1206 47 42 J25 1365 Va 150 121 270 3267 160 IJl 330 4323 165 134 296 3966 IIVa 88 64 305 1952 77 58 JO5 1769 79 56 272 1523 IC 508 386 290 lll94 J56 270 290 7830 527 J94 287 U308 SC 866 704 255 17952 606 500 22S ll250 7i~7 605 245 14822 Ga 887 550 250 13750 674 429 260 ll154 7112 468 255 U93~ Jla 160 30 ZOO 600 IJ5 21 190 399 124 16 160 256 LT 141 90 230 2070 118 8J 260 2158 171 109 229 2496 Tenn JOl 230 265 6095 277 205 295 6048 )49 254 250 6350 Ala 28J 184 230 4232 275 169 265 4478 234 130 226 2938 Klas 4J9 365 250 9125 329 274 310 8494 237 156 250 3900 Arlt 424 280 300 8400 40J 252 Jl0 7812 339 209 240 5016 La 145 100 260 2600 113 80 JOo 2400 113 70 250 1750 0Icla 1396 1231 235 28928 1033 714 165 11781 7J3 578 176 10173 Tex 1684 14)1 210 )0051 1465 787 165 12986 1)92 1204 260 31304 font 491 J)8 )10 10478 452 )24 370 11988 457 266 )00 7~80 Idaho 187 172middot 415 7138 168 153 415 6350 212 188 J95 7426 liTO 169 150 JJo 4950 172 14J JOO 1~290 177 137 299 4096 Colo 234 200 325 6500 229 194 JOo 5820 261 235 327 7684 IMex 48 38 210 798 46 38 210 798 )6 32 220 704 Arh J2 12 400 480 28 U 340 374 28 11 400 440 Utah 54 49 1180 2352 5J 47 420 1974 55 50 450 2250 In 13 8 410 328 12 8 410 J28 12 8 J75 300 lIuh 198 131 510 6681 2)0 153 425 6502 22J 150 440 6600 Oregl 554 J56 285 101)2 421 271 265 7182 488 366 280 10248 CalU 542 180 270 4860 558 185 JOo 5550 508 166 260 4316

U8 42058 37855 311 1176142 438)8 39280 )69 1450186 4))18 )92)6 )20 1254895 iT1~C~r~-of at-Vow-rti pa-Ud-ytcl-licluded 11l-plut~-eid-~et-d-~rg- - - - - - - - - - --


- -- -= 1~41 1~ 12~ y Stato Acre Yleld I Acree neld I Acr I Yleld

BarTetod Par I ProdUCUOIl BarTet~ Per I PrOductioD BarTeted I Par ProdtlCtlOD ____________~~ ________________Apoundr ______________1__~rt ________ _ I Pound rhoDaPound AaI ~ bgPoup4I ~ ~ lboyPoupd

Idaho 240 1645 J9S 620 1040 645 850 16)5 1390 lIaeh 11700 1740 20358 129llO 1760 22704 13000 1490 19370 Orae 18900 870 16443 17700 890 15753 14500 1015 147181__ _9rx0_ __ 21~ ___ _ll~~ ___92~___ 3~ ____116 __ 2~ ___ ~~ ____ 5J8__

US 39840 1275 50186 40420 1248 50464 37550 135J 50796 lpduCtloi IncldJ-hOPI baiTr 4 lalabi ~der Krktlnlaquo ~_8zit-hop hanrd bur iot alabi ~dei --HarkaUn ~e_ent and hope produced lint ut harTated Salabl amplloYlIDh under proTle1on of Harltetln Jcre_ent totalad 39 111ion pounda in 1949

- 13 -



- - - -- - - - - - - - -lqijlj - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ~l~~ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - r ~- - - - - - - - shy__ ______ 9 ________________ iloz ___ bullbull _____________ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _~

Stat r Ac r Acr I Tleld r Pro- a__ Acree nu I Pro-- Ie Acrts n1d Pr a ra bull Bar- I Par I I --a bull lIN-- Per I I re Bar- I Per 0shy

____ _P~t~I_~e~ i ~e___dCl~_~t~__f- lPte___l~n_~td__Ie cpoundt_ i ~uC hou lcree l1ehels houbullbulllnl hone Acree aJaba18 honelnl Thou Acre llilehe1 houalnl

HIlna --3--- 3 ~ laquor 5 3 --uo 114 4 ~ -zo 12S n 3 3 250 75 3 3 220 66 2 2 280 56 bullbullY 113 106 255 2703 110 102 250 2550 116 114 320 30118 bullbullJ 10 9 278 250 9 II 300 240 11 10 360 160 h 108 105 298 5129 104 103 3fO 3605 113 112 365 41118 Ohio ~3 21 256 538 26 23 300 690 111 17 295 02Ind 51 41 243 1142 52 44 240 1056 27 25 240 600 Ill 53 45 240 1080 34 31 250 175 26 24 260 624 Kich 144 140 256 3584 121 118 310 3658 139 138 365 5031h 190 181f 267 4913 91 90 400 3600 125 124 375 4650 Kian 809 688 202 389pound 461 4If7 290 12963 138 733 290 21~57 10 II 7 166 116 3 3 2110 114 13 13 315 110 110 102 82 212 1138 88 66 19(1 1254 77 63 200 160 bullbullDU27Ifl 2625 216 56700 2357 2~1I1f 230 5~532 2357 22114 200 45080 SDak 1973 1756 147 25813 l38t 1299 245 31826 1464 1377 220 30294 abr 1174 760 115 8740 681 610 220 13420 613 549 210 11529Ean 1031 722 178 12652 480 38) 185 7086 360 2B 175 5022 Del 12 11 265 292 11 10 280 280 11 11) 305 305 Md 70 69 308 2125 71 64 290 1856 63 6Q 345 2010 Ya 76 72 301f 2189 76 68 270 11136 13 71 320 2272 V1a 9 9 2611 241 9 9 270 243 1 7 300 210 ~1 60 45 268 1206 56 42 220 924 41 33 285 940 S-l 34 25 231 57S 25 21 21( 141 23 20 260 520 GA 11 10 213 213 10 9 200 110 1 6 215 129 rr 127 89 223 1985 11 55 225 12311 11 0 250 120 enn 130 102 197 200s 129 98 1110 1764 100 82 200 1~ Ala II 5 205 102 3 2 200 40 3 2 1110 36 Kl 9 C 260 156 8 6 240 144 3 2 240 411 uk 19 13 199 25~ 14- 9 110 153 8 5 195 911 Okla lt97 28 ~l 5728 249 185 16( 2960 142 ~9 140 1 526 fex 373 340 222 15411 351 235 145 3408 196 164 150 21100 Mont 655 611 213 166110 720 672 220 14184 828 780 225 1 5 ldah 340 330 372 12216 320 307 37 0 11359 294- 276 340 1)84shyliTO 146 131 )10 4061 143 124 300 3120 154 144 300 4320 Ccio 867 726 214 15536 876 ~1 285 22544 683 ~eH 2)5 13936 bullbullMax 64 45 1115 8J2 If5 34 1110 612 28 23 200 1f6O Arh 145 74 420 3108 153 78 380 29611 161 85 400 3400 Utah 139 135 462 62)7 IJIf 130 450 5850 11) 101 450 4 amp60n 24 22 357 185 21 20 320 640 22 20 340 F80 Vallh 202 176368 61+77 139 125 350 1t375 97 90 370 30 Orttlaquo 269 2)8 34s 8282 285 2~i1 295 7582 )02 278 340 ~I1f52 Call 730 1429 280 40012 1816 14amp6 280 41608 1834 1486 30 119038

~I-=~ ==1~~5~= ~2~~1= =~~= =~7~7~ ==l~I~= ~~2~4==~~ == ~~~~= ~1~~6I=~0~~0= =2~~ ==2~~O~ rIumWlI ACREAGE YlELll AND PllOOUallOll 1914 to li46

----~ 1 li~ = 9~ State I Aero I Acre Yield I Pre-l Acre I Acru I Tleld Pro- II Acru I Acre I neld I To- 11

bull Plan~ad I Bar- I lier ductlon I Plante~ I pounder- I Per ductioil I Fanhd 1 Bar- I Per I dUction I ted I Acre I I 1 yoted I Acre I ted AcTa ~

- - - - - -hoUe7 Acres - -BoUbei- houbullba7 - - houS-ACre- -Btlaber- yenboue iJU7 - - houil-cre- -lIiiiierTiini7bi 111 6 3 80 24 2 2 IIfO ~8 1 1 140 14 Mich 6 82 49 7 7 60 42 7 7 90 63 Vh 6 ~ 117 7C 8 7 110 17 6 6 130 111 II an 914 829 75 6211f 1091 1067 HO 11737 932 BB6 105 303 I a III 93 59 519 76 15 125 91I 31f 34 150 10 M 11 11 5~ 60 9 B 45 36 6 6 65 3~ JrDK 865 802 82 6576 l571f 1 525 110 12200 1166 162 65 195) SDak 321 3c6 B2 2509 436 441 105 4630 318 344 100 )44t Rebr 2 1 110 8 2 2 90 18Ian 140 90 37 3)3 133 122 55 611 120 116 70 812 Okla 6n 45 45 202 24 14 30 42 3 J BO 24 lex 36 34 80 272 65 63 BO 504 B4 76 73 555 1I0fa~ 221 193 76 1512 6O 320 41 1312 83 14 70 511 110 1 1 14 4 2 2 50 10 1 1 50 Lrh 19 19 25 4114 1 17 23C 391 14 14 240 36 Oras 1 1 71 7 (all 170 164 110 i788 121 __13__lI~ ___ 22 ___ Osect ___1~2__12~ ___ 9~g VB ---middot2i~ - -2~6i--8- - -21665 - - 3954 - 3785 91 34557 2641 21132 93 2~ ~1I8 1F t te- 40-n~t- 1~ciu4-i ()d ha-8i~ tro-t7 - ~~- to tibe- 1oe~o-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- l


------------------------------------------------------ -------

lIlJ1IJrr ~CRlGlI Th([~ 11-JD PROWClIOIf 1947 to 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - - - p~- - - - - - - -- - bull - - - - - -1M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -194- - - - - - - - -State -~o -1-ACn- rfi1d -1- h- -1- ~8 - -ACre-Triold -- - -1- ~e --ACre- ~ field -1- Pt- shy

1 Planted Bu- 1 Per I duction 1 Planted I mu-- I Per I 4nction Planted Har- Par I iucHonI bullbullbulltd IAero I yeatod Acre I yeahd 1 Acre I

- - - - - - Thoubullbull -ACre- middotmiddot8iiior- ihiiUbullbull~7 - Thoue-ACre- - - ibahel ifhoua iiU- - - fhiiUC-ACre - -llI1aiiel - ifhiiubullbulliiU7 NaiDe 4 4 280 112 4 4 320 128 6 6 290 174 Vt 1 1 190 19 2 2 290 58 1 1 200 20 bullbullT 103 93 240 2232 93 90 320 2880 85 79 250 1975 Bl 17 15 330 495 18 16 330 528 19 17 385 654 Pa 132 130 330 4290 132 126 3115 113117 156 154 395 6083 Ohio 17 15 260 390 19 18 300 540 21 18 310 558 IDd 22 21 260 546 19 18 270 1IS6 23 21 265 556 Ill 28 26 285 7111 32 31 3110 10511 l1li 41 300 1230 Mich 121 115 300 3lIse 1112 140 320 41180 129 125 270 3375 Vb 160 159 )65 5804 205 204 380 7752 195 194 332 6l1li1 Minn 1018 915 265 25838 1252 1219 270 32913 1148 1110 230 25530 Iova 6 311 235 799 33 33 320 1056 31 31 259 803 No 74 63 230 1449 84 73 250 1825 106 85 215 1828 HDak 2522 2444 210 51324 2724 2640 210 55440 1880 1690 150 25350 SDak 1508 1432 220 31504 1583 1518 230 311914 1219 1093 125 13662 Xebr 533 467 220 10274 560 472 195 92011 403 326 187 b096Ian 328 290 220 amp380 459 362 190 6878 266 221 175 3868 Del 13 12 305 366 13 12 285 342 13 12 270 324 u~ 75 73 3110 2482 711 70 310 2170 82 80 340 2720 Va 86 84 295 21178 89 86 345 2967 89 86 3011 2614 VVa 9 9 31bull0 279 10 10 345 345 12 12 3111 377 bull c IS 39 290 1131 39 32 245 7811 40 34 262 891 50 26 22 260 572 23 18 215 3fr7 23 18 225 405 Ga 8 7 220 154 6 5 200 100 5 4 225 90 ~ 71 53 25middot0 1325 76 53 265 1404 102 72 250 1800 enn 88 77 210 1amp17 86 75 220 1650 82 67 170 1139 Ala 2 1 180 18 3 2 190 38 3 2 2110 lIS IU 3 2 230 46 3 2 250 50 3 2 250 50 Ark 5 3 200 60 10 6 lt1I0 1l1li 8 5 211 106 Okla 109 86 180 1548 80 66 155 1023 61 52 175 9iO fex 161 1311 175 2345 117 113 155 1752 159 133 190 2527 Mont 853 796 235 18706 930 8]6 290 254011 614 526 210 11046 IdaIw 332 320 370 11840 32 358 350 12530 3112 329 320 10528 Tn 1119 138 320 41116 177 159 275 4312 168 151 298 115000010 669 605 280 16940 amp62 563 250 111075 841 788 281 22143 NMex 29 25 195 1IS8 22 20 210 420 26 211 210 504 Arb 150 97 -1130 4111 191 146 510 1114amp 167 126 500 amp300 Utah 123 118 1110 5546 150 1l1li 420 amp0118 155 150 440 66Or) Hey 22 20 360 120 27 24 360 864 25 22 350 770 Wash 114 105 335 3518 136 126 345 11341 112 101 2St 2828 Oreg 323 JOO 355 10650 381 351 345 12110 297 214 32~ 8768 Oalif 1~g9 1545 290 44805 1965 1amp22 310 50282 19amp5 1590 J~o 50880

~~___ 191__ 092__221 __2183__ ~~__1~202 __2~2_ -5527__ 1122__ 21~ __2~~ __2101l_

FUXSEED ACHEM TImraquo HI) PllOOOCTION 1947 to 1949

------------If-------------------Ijs-----------------qij---------shy-- - ~ - - -- ic~ Yield -- ~-Y- - -A- - - ACro9 Yield - - - -y-- -_-- --Acrii~ ~ field -- - -11

S 11 i crea Bar- Per I _rei I Bsr- I Per I ro- I re Har- I Per ro- I I Planted I yeated I Acre ductiou I Plant~d yeted Acre I dnction I Planted I yeated Acre I dnction

- - - - - - Thoubullbull-ACre - -lliiahel - ifhOuB iiU- - - fhOU8 -ADrbullbull- -lIIlaiieY - ibOua iiU- - -hOUI- Acre - -llI1ahl - houaiiu-Ohio 3 3 80 2~ Ill 6 6 120 72 2 2 140 28 1 1 130 13 Mich 6 6 75 45 10 10 BO SO 10 10 14 74 Wi 15 15 125 188 22 22 13middot 297 17 17 139 236 Hinn 1411 1313 l0 15103 1700 1661 115 19102 1700 1644 95 15618 Iowa 84 83 135 1120 105 l04 155 1612 III 110 13J 1518 Mo 6 6 50 30 4 4 5middot0 20 3 3 65 20 DDak 1567 1524 80 12192 1818 1753 9middot5 lSb5~) 2018 1928 70 13496 SDak 591 585 100 5850 11amp 708 110 1788 713 708 65 11602 lana 115 107 70 7119 fr7 12 5middot5 396 34 31 63 195 Okla 4 4 60 24 4 3 30 9 3 3 5middot3 16 u 94 91 95 864 248 240 5middot5 1320 335 308 65 2002 Mont IBB 168 60 1008 148 141 100 1410 90 62 47 291 Idaho 3 3 100 30 Wyo 2 2 45 9 1 1 50 5 1 1 50 5 Arh 20 20 265 530 38 38 280 1064 44 38 250 950 Vah 4 4 130 52 2 2 100 20 2 2 120 24 Oreg 8 1 150 105 15 1~ 105 1111 9 8 110 88 CaliC 125 122 215 2623 201 198 245 4851 197 17~ 220 3828 US - - - -11264- - -4129-- 98 - - ~6i- - -5121- - ~97 - -iia - - 54803- - -5348- - 5048 - - 85 - - 42976-If iti~t- dO-Dt-iclude-claed hatd tr-II-fla ~- fO fib In-oe~o- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- 15 -

UPDATA 1981 bull ~ ilmiddot t ~ bull


RD ACRlWl1l TDlIJ) un PllOIJJeTIOlI 1944 to 19116

-- --I 1HI i9i5I~ Sate S Aane rea neld rc)oo Acre lene lelA Pro- Acree Aorea n14 Proshy

laW Iu- Pertan I cluUoa Plutea Iu- lItr Acre cltwtion1p1ateal S Per Acre duetioll ________ft1______ i ____ i ___ eJl4 l _____1____ l ___ l t ~ illl ________ _ IIIo Aon l 1bou BIl ftlau Acre Ill boualIu lhoq _rea Buboh lhoua Bu

11 66 12 162 1 80 10 175 175 105 8 180 144 IT~ 96 15 167 250 95 13 160 208 91 15 175 262 Pe 55 43 148 636 53 U 155 636 33 22 155 341 Oblo 80 33 152 502 90 I 115 472 70 17 110 289 IIlld 179 86 118 1015 222 70 125 875 1ar 46 135 621 Ill UO 63 113 712U8 It7 120 561t 88 38 125 475 1Ucb US 62 127 787 117 56 140 IJIt 91 48 135 648 Vle 125 98 87 853 126 95 120 1140 100 76 115 874 Ill 155 108 87 9fO 144 107 260 1712 151 118 130 l5J1J laws 118 10 120 12fl 37 11 130 143 26 10 170 170 Ho V3 SO 116 580 128 41 110 451 100 35 125 438 IDate ~ 145 92 l3J1J 150 115 135 1552 225 196 110 2156 Snate 5 392 lOl 3959 376 290 V5 42115 323 altl 105 2530 lebr 585 365 91 )322 556 361 125 4512 423 282 110 3102 Iatia 225 101 105 1060 2117 81 lO5 850 120 53 105 556 Del 32 18 1)6 245 JIJ 19 V5 276 J3 18 140 252 ald ~ 23 165 380 67 20 145 290 5f lit 145 2flJ la 135 114 144 6J1J 136 JIJ 135 459 125 25 140 350 VY 12 5 135 68 13 135 54 8 ) 125 38 IC 1~ J8 115 437 165 31 105 )26 145 22 125 215 sc 75 16 104 166 75 15 95 142 44 11 100 110 0 It) 12 101 121 50 10 90 90)0 6 100 60 ~ 133 JK1 141) S60 182 40 125 500 155 37 140 518IID 172 37 10ij 400 162 J4 95 3Z3 115 25 100 250 OEl 264 100 103 1030 257 ~ 100 740 1114 48 90 4)2 fex 142 22 119 262 55 21 90 199 It9 11 100 110 HoDt 20 16 120 192 2h 16 110 176 40 26 100 260 Idaho 12 5 1)) 66 11 5 130 65 11 It 140 56 1170 36 J 91 121 JJ 8 105 ~ 29 8 105 B4 Colo 1250 79 600 121 80 100 800 100 68 80 S44 bullbullJlllx 12 9 82 74 12 5 65 )2 10 5 85 42 Utah ~ IJ 95 12h 22 10 100 100 22 9 95 86 lIash 147 17 114 194 55 15 120 180 50 10 125 125 0rec 151 )2 141 451 155 )1 140 434 140 )2 1)5 432 Calif 29 12 108 130 29 13 130 169 22 lO 120 120

us It1415 2132 106 22525 4157 1850 128 2)708 3396 1591 116 18487 ---~-------------------------------------------------- ----

- - - --_ - - - -- _ -r9li4-_ - - - - __ - ___ - _______ S________________ - - - - - - 7________ - - shy --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T9i- - - - - - -r - - - -l~b - - -Stat Aores Aaru nld I Pro- Acrbullbull Acr I Ylel4 I Pro- Acl IADrea neld I Proshy

PlIIIIha ~ PilI Aclll ductlOD IPllUlted liar- Perlen duaUoDlplal1~1 liar- IPer Acre l duettOD I Ia I ytd I IYelted I- - - - -1ioiie iare - -BiiieT- -hnaB - fliDU-AGr- - iiahi - fbOuBiu Thru-iCrbullbull- -BiiiieT- TbOubullbulliia

1_ 6 6 200 120 6 6 155 9J 5 5 200 100 n 1 1 220 22 1 1 180 18 1 1 220 22 BY 155 150 180 2700 129 98 155 15]9 119 113 190 2147 Fa V~ l4O 195 27)0 112 98 185 1813 108 lOit 200 2080 Ohio V 14 210 294 18 17 180 )06 17 11 190 J23 1114 lO 10 150 150 22 20 135 270 7 6 150 90 Ill 5 5 165 82 16 15 150 225 5 5 160 80 Il1ab )8 )) lS5 512 46 25 140 )50 ZIt 18 1)5 24) lI1a 29 27 lS5 418 26 ZIt 150 360 2 25 145 362 IIIIIDo 67 6) 150 945 49 45 1140 6)0 118 It2 140 588 Iowa 12 12 175 210 7 vo 98)) 150 45 Ia) 1 1 125 12 1 1 120 12 1 1 110 11 Bllak 5 14 160 64 7 7 160 112 6 6 130 78 SDak 7 6 150 90 It 130 52 5 5 40 70 JId 6 6 200 120 5 5 ~5 118 _ _ 2)5 9Ita 8 8 165 132 5 5 170 85 It _ 170 68 V 10 10 185 185 8 8 US 172 8 8 195 156 Ie 5 5 145 12 It 160 6It 3 3 160 48 ~ 2 2 130 26 2 2 130 26 3 J 140 42D ____1 ___ 1_ 145______1 ___ ~ ____ __1 _____~___ o___ O__1~1 ____1~5_

trs 531 S08 176 8956 417 ItOl 161 6~7 It08 )13 178 6812 ------------~---------------------------------------------

- 16shy



- - -- 12411lMIX99 sbullbullbullbull _ iorea n 14 I Pro- Acre iDre J nld Pro- Acne lAcn_ TleU Proshy-- re I Ifuo- I e I I I Hu- I I J Bar- I

____1~~~~bull l_I_~r_~~ ~~ ~~~Y ~~_1_~~l~)P~~Ye ~r_I~ _~~1J1_ I1cu tara ~ hOh ~oubull iDn l ThouBn hOlla AlIre ]ahale fhouellIl bull

bullbullr 90 J5 185 278 90 11 185 3~ 107 17 184 313 bullbull1 89 15 180 20 f5 12 175 210 88 12 179 215 Pa 21 18 155 Z79 21 16 ~5 232 21 ~ 165 231 Ohio 71 JO 170 S10 67 20 180 360 ~ 18 170 306 lad ~3 60 v0 8110 ISO ~ ~5 928~) 57 1)5 77fJ Ill ~ -7 ~O 658 113 53 150 795 123 56 141 790 1I11JII 126 7fJ ~5 1015 1)2 80 150 1200 1 57 140 798 V1I 109 87 120 1~ 112 92 l20 1104 119 92 120 1104 lie la 1~ 150 21f6O 278 2)9 150 3585 200 172 145 2494 lov 28 15 150 225 36 17 155 264 5) 18 140 252 Mo 100 36 110 396 105 )5 120 420 U7 )5 112 392 bullbullDIIk 360 30 140 4522 461 401 120 4812 26) 229 115 2634 S1lIIk _10 ~7 v0 4858 476 392 1)0 5096 328 267 117 31211shyu ~ 305 90 2145 352 238 95 2261 317 207 74 1532 Eau 136 110 627 90 )I U5 391 65 28 97 272 DIll 32 19 135 256 33 20 120 2110 28 ~ 140 196 M 52 16 150 JIO 48 V v0 196 52 12 145 1a 1350 140 322 155 25 V5 362 15) 18 140 252 Va 8 3 120 36 6 2 130 26 6 2 136 2 _C ~ ~5 348 117 22 130 286 113 17 115 196 SC 42 10 115 115)1 7 85 60 26 6 95 57 Oa 2 6 75 45 22 5 90 45 20 4 80 32 1Ir 141 37 140 518 130 28 150 420 1)6 2 136 J67 fua 98 26 105 273 100 30 110 330 105 20 101 202 Oltla 115 JJ8 95 456 108 36 75 270 1~ 36 70 252 ~z 7fJ 35 100 3SO B4 30 70 210 100 38 80 304 MoII 52 29 125 )62 JO 20 1)5 27fJ 2) 7 90 63 I4aho 10 5 17G 85 10 4 130 52 10 ) 150 450 21 7 110 71 27 7 70 49 Z7 7 102 n Colo 8 7 100 47fJ 58 35 80 2BO 38 2) 90 207 bullbull lIDz 7 5 115 511 7 5 UO 55 7 5 120 60 ~u 12 6 100 60 10 5 100 SO 10 5 Uo 55 Vesb SO 13 100 130 JJ8 17 130 221 42 10 101 101 Orec 125 32 ~O AiIf8 110 24 145 )lI8 116 15 103 154 ~-1____1 ___l _~O____ _ P ___21 ___ 2__~2 _____14___ 5____6__12~ ____ ~_ ~___ ~7 _9 _ 28____2l~ _22~ __~o~__l ___ S86_ ~23__15t__1~ __ ~1~2


--- - J2i+I i1 i W9 I Mn5 I J liDnll I I Acre

StaM I Mn I JIcq I nu I Pro- mne I iaIo J nld I Pro- I Acn I IreZ- I Yield Proshy____I~~laquobulld_~I_ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~YIleJ ~ ~ ~~_1_~~l~J1JP~~lYlle ~Pr_~~_d~l~J1_

Au II ftIagpa hog Mn lI1 ~1UIlln hOUR Acre lIIt_hel lhou1Iu

181 6 6 170 102 5 5 200 100 5 5 210 105 ft 1 1 140 14_r a 1M 135 1539 99 96 195 1872 78 76 210 1596 12) 114 160 182It 101 96 210 2016 78 200 1480 Will __ 42 155 651 16 16 180 2B8 12 12 210 2521114 19 18 140 252 2 2 150 30 4 160 64 IU 16 16 130 208 4 4 170 68 2 2 160 32 Ill 63 57 130 11 30 27 130 351 20 19 145 276 V18 2 25 ~5 362 25 ~ 155 356 23 22 151 332 Ill 62 54 120 ~ )It 29 150 bull 435 28 ~ 125 300 1_ 10 10 120 120 JIll 2 2 110 22 bullbullDate 8 7 150 105 3 J 160 If8 4 120 If8 s~ 9 8 110 88 4 160 64 3 J 80 2H II - - 180 72 ) ) 230 69 3 -) 210 63a ) J 160 ~ 3 3 180 54 2 2 166 33 Va 8 8 175 ~ 7 7 195 1)6 7 7 201 141 ~C 3 3 170 51 1Ir 2 2 150 30 t~ ____l ___l_ ~~_____ 6 ___I ___ 2__~~ _____18___ =2___ 2__1~ ____20_ US ~ S05 142 7171 JIe8 330 18_ 6085 281 269 184 4956 -----------------------------------------------~------ ----

- 17 -


llRY EIBLE 1IEliS ACREME TIBLllUlll plIOWClIOIi 1944 to 194911

~ -- - ~124 124i 1W bull bull Acres bull bull bull bull Acree bull bull bull bull Acres bull bull ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pl~tedyeted Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted vested Per Acre duct ion pl~ntedyented Per Acre duct10n - - - ---TioiAcrlI- --pound --ThOuiyen~- Thouice ---Pouid --nOUBW- nouic~e ---POuid-middot --TboujjishyHamp1u 5 5 695 35 4 4 820 33 6 6 980 59 vt 1 1 626 6 NY 120 113 790 893 101 84 850 714 128 124 1200 1488 Mich 701 660 690 4554 435 363 820 2977 531 519 740 3841 Vb 2 2 430 9 1 1 560 6 ---Minn t 6 5 476 24 4 4 600 24 3 3 500 IS IfDosk 2 1 (730 7 1 1 700 7 1 1 600 6 lfebr 60 49 1260 617 53 18 1520 7JC 611- 62 1650 102] Mont 25 ~ 1083 249 20 18 1300 234 18 17 1 bull 590 270 Idlho 146 145 1550 2248 117 115 100 1725 131 128 1700 2176 qo 90 86 1240 1066 90 86 1250 1075 93 90 1450 1305 yenllh 3 3 1030 31 4 4 1250 50 4 4 1075 43 Oreg 1 1 1322 13 Tu 2 1 200 2 Colo 350 327 540 1766 290 271 580 1572 276 249 650 1618 fMex 267 ~O 302 695 203 161 180 290 142 114 225 256 Alb 15 14 395 55 14 13 515 67 14 13 900 117 Utah e 7 480 J4 8 7 400 2B 10 9 400 36 ~UL1IIrI 166 166 1327 2203 166 166 1242 2062 149 149 1342 2000 CtJ1fOUlIl1 183 157 1045 1640 148 141 1062 1497 134 134 1184 1587 poundeil _142 __ 221 _ _ 9Q _1bullsect41 _ __ 2~ __ 201 __1L129__ J~29_ __ ~1 _ _ g82 __1L2amp7__ _ l281_ ~___ g52 _ ~9~ ___ 02 _1amp41 __ ~5~ _ ~1 ___80__ vJ0~1__ 1Ot _ ~2~ ___917___12~_

DRY EDlDLE llEA1lS (Contd) - - - - 1241 124sect 1942 Jamp1ne 7 7 1100 77 9 9 900 81 8 8 925 74 bullbullY 138 13D 1070 1391 181 179 1230 2202 176 170 1000 1700 Mich 494 467 670 3129 514 504 880 4435 52) 519 1100 5709 Minn 2 1 350 4 1 1 650 6 1 1 650 6 1lDIk 1 1 850 8 lfllbr 80 76 1425 1083 85 83 1725 1432 90 85 1530 1301 Mont 2l 20 1450 2)0 22 21 1470 309 19 18 11170 265 IdlLho 159 154 1540 2372 ISO 148 1800 2664 149 147 1830 2690 To 112 107 1350 1444 98 95 1370 1302 83 81 1520 1231 lfaah 4 4 1200 48 5 5 1500 75 8 8 1490 119 Colo 331 321 800 2568 341 324 720 2333 307 295 820 2419 NMex 155 140 237 332 191 172 250 430 181 169 350 592 Arb 15 14 430 60 14 14 475 66 12 12 500 60 Utah 14 13 760 99 17 15 400 60 15 14 500 70 Ca11tL1IIrI 149 149 1406 2095 145 145 1603 2324 15 175 1654 2894 CallfOther 174 174 1303 2268 223 223 1389 3097 183 183 1229 2249 poundlil_2z1 __ 222 __ 25_t262 ___ 26Q __ 26Q __14ZJ_ __5431___ 25Q __ 25Q __1427_ __ 241_ ___ sect5~ _ m ___ 271 _116sect __ 29~ _ 23Q __1J014__ 086__ 23sect _ Q82 __1114___2~2 _ J1 Include b gl01OI1 for lead


- - - - li~ li4i 12~ s~te Acr Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acree Yield Proshy

Plantedl Har- Per Acre duction Planted Har_ Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted Har_ Per Acre duction _____ __x8td______________=_vsies______________Z8tlltL__________ _ rhoueAcieg Pounds Thous1jB ThousAcres ~ ThouBBagB ThoulAcree Pounds ThouBBagB

Mlch 1 1 770 8 Vh 3 3 970 29 2 2 950 19 1 1 1100 11 MInn 4 4 82033 4 4 950 38 6 6 800 48 NDak 14 13 1060 138 13 12 1200 144 15 15 1350 202 Mont 42 40 1103 441 32 30 1200 360 24 2J 1170 269 Idaho 225 219 1275 2792 ISS 153 1200 1836 161 156 1350 2106 lyo 2 2 921 18 2 2 1200 24 3 3 1250 38 Colo 33 22 860 189 bull 33 23 900 207 23 16 750 120 WaG 347 340 1290 4386 246 235 1160 2726 244 235 1480 3478 Oreg 58 56 1120 627 39 37 950 352 20 19 1300 247Qai____~ ___Ii __ l12 __ pound32 ____21 ___2Q _ _1 05_middot__ _29J_ ___1sect ___112 ___820____ l6Q _ l~_ ___ Z5Z - _ ru __ lgl _ J2li9t ___ i~ __ ilJ2 _ _11tl- _ -S91L __ ili __ 9_~ __13i8___ poundpound72 _

DRY FIELD PEAS (Contd) - - - - 1i41 1~1 -)242 Wle 1 1 1050 10 Minn 8 7 600 42 J J 900 27 7 7 950 66 Iflllk 20 18 1080 194 7 6 1200 72 5 5 1000 50 Mont 17 16 1100 176 8 8 1160 9J I 6 1130 68 Idaho 153middot 150 1320 1980 72 68 1220 830 99 89 1120 997 lyo 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1210 24 Colo 35 21 900 189 24 19 1000 190 19 16 1220 195 Vash 256 247 1300 J211 162 156 1280 1997 210 198 760 1505 Oreg 25 24 1180 28J 19 18 1300 234 17 14 700 98poundsll___ _Zl __ _ Zl ___ 19Q __ g11 ____1sect ___1sect __ 390____113____11 ___11 __1210____ 102 _ ____ 2~ __ 21l _ _ 33g _ ~l2g ___ Jl2 __ ~9Q __1J2g1__ JJ6fJ___ l8l _ _ 25 ___9pound7___ l~l~_ 1I h pl1Jlc1pal comerc1al produciD8 States Includes Pt)llS groUl for seed aDd comery pens harvested lUy

- III shy

1 UPDATA 1981



- - - - 19i4 19sect 12 li41 to ~ t 1242 St t A Aores Ac Acres A Acres ~ Acres ~ Acres A Acres

a e creB Har- reo H~r- cres ~r- cres H~r- cr~s H~r- eres Harshy____~1ne~eit~d_~1no~_elt~ltLlP~~tdlV~oeS_~1ne~lvsOS_ c~middot~_vselP~l~td_Jel~~d__

Thousand Acres Ind 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ill 12 12 9 9 7 7 5 5 6 6 4 4 ViB 3 3 2 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~1nn 18 18 12 12 7 7 10 10 6 6 5 5 Iogtlt 23 22 11 11 7 7 8 8 12 12 10 10 Mo 265 263 225 216 184 181 179 176 154 150 122 120 Iflhk 87 86 50 49 47 44 42 41 33 32 35 34 SJhk S49 502 390 362 238 221 188 179 152 149 164 156 Jlebr 704 685 50 480 390 374 343 325 364 351 364 347 K9ns 38116 3768 3054 2879 2718 2505 2256 2154 2459 2391 2361 2319 Va 10 9 15 10 15 9 17 9 14 6 12 4 IIVa 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 nc 26 26 23 23 30 30 32 32 35 35 32 32 sc 36 36 35 35 28 28 29 29 30 30 23 23 Ga 60 60 60 60 48 48 55 55 54 54 38 38 Ky 35 34 35 35 39 39 34 34 2l 21 18 18 Tenn 62 6 56 56 56 56 48 48 37 37 29 29 Ala 59 58 61 60 79 78 86 84 99 97 65 63 Mhs 65 64 63 61 51 49 53 52 47 46 34 33 Ark 94 93 97 95 82 80 78 75 68 67 51 50 Jg 10 10 9 9 8 8 9 9 11 11 11 11 Okla 2484 2406 1938middot 1829 1783 1664 1284 1198 1348 1258 1146 1094 T8 8318 8202 7653 7054 7273 6913 5527 5392 7019 6740 5168 5080 Mont 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 4 3 3 4 3 Vyo bull 14 13 10 9 7 7 7 6 4 4 5 5 Colo 766 723 705 658 613 546 490 470 500 479 645 618 1IHex 690 669 467 309 317 265 349 313 521 479 556 532 Arb 71 69 55 53 74 72 62 60 90 88 77 76 Calli 133 127 112 108 151 151 76 76 122 122 80 80 115- - -ie458 -18038 - - is668 - 14-498- 14- 2f6- - i540J -11-277- -10OsO - -13214 -12-679- -11064 - -10789- -


- - - l9~( t00 1916t 197 19aL 12112 St t Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros Dald Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros IReld Pro- Acres llel4 Proshy

a eHar_ Per duc_ Hl1- Per duc- H9r- Por dw- 59r- Per due- zHar- IPer duc_ Har- Per i ducshy___yetdlApoundrs_t0E lVS82C8l 1n_yeltdAEr_t0E lvse2cel 1n_yetdlApoundrl_t0E lvsse~cel isn_

Thous Thous Thous Thoua Thous ThOUG Thoua Thous Theus Thous Thous Thoua ~ TonE ~ Acrea ~ Tons Acros Tona1m Acres ~ Tons ~ TOilS ~ Acres 2 Tons

Ind 2 270 5 1 290 3 1 260 3 Ill 4 250 10 3 250 8 2 300 6 2 250 5 2 350 7 1 350 4 Minn 15 300 45 8 20 18 5 200 10 8 200 16 4 250 10 4 230 9 Iowa 12 300 36 5 300 15 2 350 7 2 250 5 6 300 18 4 250 10 Ho 150 211 316 146 180 263 105 220 231 95 180 171 86 20 189 58 210 122 N bull oruc 76 110 106 116 135 62 41 110 45 39 130 51 30 125 38 32 100 32 SDak 395 169 668 308 150 462 177 l70 301 152 130 198 124 180 223 133 135 180 Nebl 511 197 1007 383 160 613 279 165 460 234 155 363 222 160 355 220 230 506 Kans 1125 213 2396 1386 164 2273 1302 160 2083 989 140 1385 692 190 1315 649 185 1201 Va 6 170 10 8 175 1~ 7 175 12 8 175 14 5 180 9 4 175 7 lle 15 160 24 13 170 22 18 180 32 17 190 32 13 200 26 13 200 26 SC 22 130 29 21 145 30 14 150 21 14 140 20 16 1~5 2J 10 150 15 Ga 35 111 39 42 135 57 33 135 45 )8 130 49 41 130 5] 29 140 41 KT 22 184 ~o 25 240 60 23 260 60 22 280 62 15 210 32 13 21~ 2B Tenn 37 180 67 33 20 73 31 210 65 29 230 67 23 235 54 17 220 37 Ala 23 140 32 24 135 32 27 155 ~2 28 135 38 37 150 56 19 145 2B Hios 27 165 ~5 28 185 52 18 150 27 18 170 31 19 195 37 16 185 30 Ark 66 161 106 68 160 109 50 145 72 51 140 71 J8 185 70 27 190 51 L~ 6 130 8 5 165 8 ~ 160 6 4 135 5 6 145 9 5 160 8 Okla 132~ 145 1920 1118 125 1398 969 130 160 701 110 771 652 150 978 502 160 803 Tex 2920 1193768 2985 110 3283 2324 122 28391677 110 1844 lt17J 122 26601452 145 2105 Mont 5 117 6 4 120 5 6 115 7 4 130 5 J 150 4 3 80 2 Wyo 13 82 11 9 70 6 7 60 4 6 80 5 ~ 75 3 5 76 4 Colo ~7J 114 539 460 110 506 350 105 368 304 115 )50 280 105 29~ 301 107 322 11Mex 29~ 102 300 223 70 157 155 103 159 143 67 96 184 100 184 109 129 141 Arh 6 200 2 3 200 6 5 175 9 3 175 5 3 175 5 ~ 175 7 Ea1i__ _35pound __ Z___2_ ~poundO___ ~ __ _35pound ___7___~ 210___7___ _35pound __ ~ __ 2 _ 210___1pound

~middot~middot_118~ _15~ 015J317_ 10_ 21~11251_131_81~1_4520_ 3_56~6_ ~~8~ _14 ~~521~31_ za_11~

- 19 shy





- ---I I94 1J9s 1~~ S~at J Jor 1 Yield Pr d ti~ JeJ81 I n14 I ProducUcna I Jone J Yield Pro4ucUoII

____1_~bullt4_1_~r_~l _1__0_u _~ _1_IIret4__~I_-l _1________~t4_1_~1_~l J _____ _ ThouIAcne ~ ThoU Bu llloutareplE ft1oUI Bu BiouDJeJ8el llloubullbull IIp

Ind 2 ~9 48 2 300 60 1 300 30 Ill 1 240 2h 1 290 29 1 300 30 Iova 1 240 24 1 200 20 1 200 20 Mo 61 216 1)18 29 ~o 435 ~ 220 968 IDaIt 8 163 130 1 160 16 1 135 14 SDak 92 153 1408 43 115 494 37 160 592 lobI 115 22) 2564 75 180 1350 18 200 1560 Ian 2229 221 49261 1149 154 17695 B51 1)5 11488 IC 2 250 50 3 2)0 69 sc 1 165 16 1 170 17 3 IB5 56 Al 2 163 33 13 150 195 2) 160 368 uk 7 143 100 10 170 170 8 150 120 La 1 150 15 1 180 18 1 140 14 Okla 979 1050 146805 636 120 7632 6~ 115 7176 ex 05103 194 99229 ) 950 150 c59139 4~ 160 71840 ColO aIfO 1057 3768 180 lAt9 2682 191 130 2483 1lIex )69 166 6111 84 70 587 108 104 1127 Aris 54 372 2009 44 )40 1496 55 360 1980 ~a1____11____)1~ ____ ~)~ _____1pound2____32~ ___ _ l27 _____~5____42 ___ ~292 __ US 9)86 197 184978 6)24 152 9606) 6669 159 106025


- - --I l~ 192s 1~ Stah I tar 1 Yield 1 PrOdUCtioD Acre I Yield I ProductiOIl Acne I Yield 1 Productloll

____1_~etd_Umiddotr_Jer _1_______ _~etd_I_Pr_Ael _1_______1_lIrQt4__~r_~l J _____ _ Thoue Jon ll 2a DIOUlllOD ThoubullbullJer 12 DIoubullbull Toll lhoUlJarooa ToD bou l01I

lIId 5 105 52 4 120 48 3 110 111 4 100 40 3 90 27 2 105 21 Vh 1 80 8 1 75 8 M1Dn 70 21 4 60 24 2 65 13 Iowa 6 100 60 3 90 27 1 110 11 Mo 85 374 36 71) 252 25 85 212 IDak 2 30 6 2 202 4 2 21 4 SDaIc 15 7 56 11 3- 37 7 40 28 Ifebr 59 64 378 22 50 110 17 50 BS Iane 412 70 2884 )42 55 1881 SO 60 21OQ SC 3 50 15 ) 55 16 3 50 15 Ga ) 40 12 1 45 14 51) 20 leDII 10 65 65 9 70 63 6 70 42 Al 6 75 45 05 70 35 6 60 36)Ii 12 90 108 12 90 108 12 75 90 Ark 3 55 16 2 55 11 5 60 )0 La 1 61 7 1 7- 7 1 66 7 Old 97 50 485 10 45 115 67 40 l68 Ix l6It 48 789 108 35 )83 87 41 ~O Colo 10 55 55 18 45 81 5 50 25 bullbull lIu 6 ) 20 2 30 2 45 9 Arll 9 121) 108 6 US 69 12 U5 138pounda1_____4____~~ ______2 ______4 ~ ______4 _____~ ______l~ ______ ____1~~

US 879 642 56114 671 532 3510 623 576 3SS7


- - - -I = 19~ = = = == = ~ 1~4sect state crill 1 Yield ProductioD Acre 1 Yield I Prod t1 I Acres Yield Pr

_____~etd_lt]~r_Apoundr ________1_Hrstd_IJr_Apoundr ____~ _o~ __~etd_Jr_Apoundrtl _ ~d~~1~~ ThougAcru Jl9B1 lhquGIlllog TI1quecrea ~ TboutOallQII ThguuJcru GalloDII AAUIIlampllov

Ind 1 80 80 1 90 90 1 75 75 Ill 3 50 ISO 2 50 100 2 65 1)0 Via 2 80 160 1 70 70 1 62 62 10 3 125 )705 2 100 200 3 129 387 Mo 8 62 496 5 45 225 7 55 385 bu 2 55 110 2 SO 100 2 51 102 Va J 65 195 2 65 130 2 66 1)2 VVa 3 59 177 2 67 134 1 66 66 lIC 11 74 814 8 64 512 9 131 729 SC 10 55 550 10 55 550 8 58 464 Ge 22 55 1210 15 57 855 11 53 583 17 12 65 780 10 73 730 16 85 1360 laDII 15 61 915 14 60 840 19 73 1)87 Ala 27 65 1755 18 66 1188 22 6) 1386 Mha 25 78 1950 21 80 1680 19 65 1235 Ark 17 SO 850 15 55 825 17 60 1020 L~ 2 55 110 2 60 120 2 40 80 OklL 6 42 252 5 43 215 4 47 188

i~----~i---~------l~-----l~---~------~______~ ___~____ _~2__--- - - - - - - - - - _1_ - __ l~ _____146____6middotZ ____ 2~ _____~_ 660 10171

-O- ------------ shy



-s~~e-= ~II 1 RI~ 1Pr~~to ~r~ ~~ 1 ~o~t~I~ ~~ R~~ ~din I BarYeated Per Acre I I BarYe ted Per Acr I I BarYbullbulltod Per Acr

- - - -1h-cr- -Dl~hr- -fhoa- ia - fhQicr1 bir- - -TiioQ- ib- - thOulAcibullbull -Dlhel- TiioU- -IDe 1 260 26 1 320 32 1 320 JJ~ Iowa 1 160 16 1 195 20 1 225 m )10 114 160 704 30 240 72031 200 6tjIlak 1 155 16 1 160 16 SDU 111 90 162 20 155 310 20 122 244

Iobr 75 150 1125 111 225 2632 109 236 2572lAD 754 145 10933 339 215 287811 1392 215 29 928 IC 5 250 125 16 270 432 15 250 375 s Q 5 155 78 1 175 122 7 180 126 Ala 34 165 561 45 195 878 33 181 597 Arll 10 150 15016 1110 2811 14 172 241 lA 2 140 28 2 155 31 3 170 51 CkIa 440 110 11840 556 150 8340 548 155 8494 181 3640 180 65421 496 165 74143 3563 239 114996 Colo 160 150 2400 192 170 3264 3011 172 52911 INex 167 106 1764 287 140 40111 415 222 9213 Arh 53 410 2113 75 400 3000 61 1146 2721 -~l____1~ ____3 ____ ~sect9 _____16___ 31middot ____ ~~ _____ 11___ 32 ~ ___ r62_ ~~___ ~~ ____lI~ ____9I11 ____ 7____1~ ___ ~I~ ____6~5~2____2 __ 4~_

ALL SOBOIIllKS JOR SIIMB AOlJWlE YIELD A)JD PROIUClIOIl 1947 to 1949 _______ ~_7_________________ __________________ ~~_______ _~------------~------------------~------------------ilt--------

State Acre I Yh1d I Acre field Acre Yield BarPedd Per Acre Product1on I BarPted Per Acre Production llarveted Pet Acre Production

- - - - ThouAcre -iaL- - -boU7tOji - biiuAcro -Jiii- - -b0li71oi- ~ouEcre - -~n - -fhw7Tu Ind 2 85 17 2 115 23 2 115 23 Ill 2 90 18 4 105 42 3 93 28 Hinn 2 60 12 2 eo 16 1 70 7 IoVA 3 60 18 3 95 28 3 100 30 Mo 33 70 231 31 95 294 29 86 249 IfIlK 1 25 2 1 30 3 2 23 5 slak 9 25 22 5 55 28 3 42 13 Ibr 16 45 72 12 60 72 18 70 126lAD 409 53 21611 359 76 2 72~ 278 73 2029 SC 3 50 15 2 55 11 3 60 18 0 3 45 14 5 55 211 3 60 IS Tonn 6 70 42 7 75 52 8 76 61 Ala 4 65 26 7 75 52 6 74 44 Nh 12 65 711 12 01 0 96 8 85 61 Ark 3 5middot3 16 5 75 38 5 75 38 ta 1 60 6 2 68 14 2 70 14 (kIa 54 37 200 4 55 264 43 56 241 Tex 69 37 258 66 46 305 60 57 343 Colo 6 45 27 7 55 38 9 48 43 IIMex 3 40 12 e 45 36 8 53 42 Arh 4 110 44 10 110 110 11 115 126 -~1____ ~ ____1poundpound ______~ ______4____1poundpound ______~ ______6____1~ pound _____~_ ~____ ~4~ ____ 4___ _ lP _____~2____ 7____ ~~1 _____51____ 10___ sect2~_


-- -- I~ D[8 I~i State Aeres Tield Production I Acr Tield Produetlon I Acree Yield Production

BarYeted I Per Acre I BarTeted Per Acre BarYeted Per Acre - - - - hiiuicre - Gallon - bouGallon thouD Xcre - 01100 - fhoubullbullOaflon ~iiuicro - iiaflon -lhOli7aeliOii Ind 1 70 70 1 90 90 1 90 90 Ill 1 55 55 1118 1 51 51 1 80 80 1 77 77 IClVa 2 80 160 2 168 336 2 158 316 Mo II 42 168 3 66 1911 2 61 122 Ian 2 51 102 1 47 47 Va 1 61 67 1 90 90 IIVa 1 70 70 bullbullC 10 73 730 6 611 408 4 72 211 Sc 7 49 343 5 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ Ga 14 59 826 II ~ ~ 6 60 ~ ~ 12 74 888 6 73 438 5 79 395 Tnn 13 60 7S0 7 Ala 111 60 10110 8 m = ~ =Mi 22 68 1496 15 78 1170 9 63 567 Arll 11 42 462 8 64 512 4 54 216 La 2 35 70 1 43 43 1 45 45 Cltla 3 33 99 2 55 110 1 52 52 ~_____ ~ ____ 25______ 13~ ______5__ _ ______ 1pound _____ -____ ~_____ __I~

Us 131 7847 SO 6911 55116 53 66s 3539 -------------------------~---------------------------- -------- 21 shy

bullUPDATA 1981 ~~ I j


--- -- 1~ t 19~ t 19[6 StlAt I Acree Yield Acrn Yield Acrea Yield

Harvea d Pel Production Harvest d Per Production Harvested Per Production _________ ~ _ _Agrl _ ______ ______Apound~ __ ______ t ______ _Asr~ _______ _

ThoutlAcree Ton8 ThouTone ThouAcre Ton ThouBlone ThoUllAcres 1on8 Thou8Tone Main 923 89 818 833 106 882 84 99 m fK 388 102 395 376 123 464 364 118 431 it 1032 126 1298 10oe 150 1516 1006 143 1442 )(saso 319 124 469 376 164 615 365 164 597 RI 36 1l4 41 37 146 54 34144 49 Conn 304 123 374 300 157 472 288 162 467 fY 4008 144 5759 4021 161 6488 3968 162 6416 NJ 274 147 402 288 177 509 260 175 454 PIi 2564 140 3597 2539 151 3826 2525 150 3789 0b10 2605 139 3622 2560 148 3801 2536 152 3848 Ind 2004 131 2626 1765 145 2551 1835 137 2511 Ill 2824 139 3938 2662 152 4053 2732 146 3985 Mich 2813 1)8 3895 2671 148 3958 2648 124 3272 Vb 4263 163 6929 4214 187 7870 4ll2 155 6371 Minn 4683 142 6640 4366 152 6637 4067 146 5956 Iowa 3551 164 58)6 1304 172 5677 3275 163 5325 Mo 3703 113 4171 3914 115 4500 3545 119 4201 lItDIIk 3421 97 3305 3434 94 3233 3068 89 2724 SDak 36e5 99 3637 3616 92 3312 3478 80 2775 Nebr 4355 112 4865 4062 11)9 4436 3915 97 3787 ~B 1784 167 2982 1783 161 2875 1746 135 2354 Del 82 1 ~o 98 75 152 114 71 149 106 Md 461 120 552 464 139 643 442 148 656 Va 1383 11)2 1405 1477 117 1722 1391 119 1650 IIv 835 108 904 840 1~ 1061 812 129 1045 NC 1315 96 1263 1374 98 1352 1263 102 1285 sc 543 74 400 554 84 465 S07 87 442 Oe 1406 49 689 1441 54 785 1399 52 723 lIla 118 54 64 125 57 71 123 49 60 It) 1630 112 1831 1987 137 2720 1813 136 2459 Tenn 1769 94 1660 1978 124 2444 1802 122 2205 All 1 091 67 730 995 75 742 999 74 744 M18s 925 119 1104 873 117 1025 850 123 1046 Ark 1397 109 1529 1378 116 1595 1258 118 1483 ra 3Jl 119 395 326 125 406 319 126 403 Okla 1296 129 1671 1326 133 1757 1355 113 1534 Tex 1591 90 1439 1599 96 1537 1623 11)3 1619 Mont 2265 119 2689 2267 117 2681 2147 112 2395 Idho 1198 204 2445 1189 204 2428 1140 213 2429 liTo 1156 113 1312 1103 116 1274 1091 111 1214 Colo 1467 159 2331 1425 155 2215 1359 148 2008 NMex 217 221 419 201 192 385 206 212 436 Arb 332 218 723 309 242 748 306 239 737 Utah 612 203 1245 597 200 1194 573 195 1115 ireV 435 142 617 436 141 615 432 152 655 VaBb 989 119 1775 931 187 1744 656 192 1640 Oreg 1156 173 1996 1158 170 1970 1062 173 1~39poundampl1____20plusmn0____ ~middot21____ 22~ ____2130____ ~bullsect4____60]6____ 282 __ _ 1~2_ ___6t0Q3_ ~____ 176)9____ ]middot13___ 03~2 ___ 16627____ ]~__ _1~7t418_ ___71141 ___ ]15___ 291518_

VILD HAY ACREAGE nELD lID PllOllUCTIOlf 1944 to 191i6

- - - - - 1~ l I9~ l 19[6 state I Acree Yield Acree Yield AcreB Yield

I Harveated Per Productioll ltlrvesed bull Per bull Production Harvested Per bull Production ___________ l ce__ ~ ______ t _____ _ =_AsrJ __ ______ l _______~r __ _____ _

ThouaAcrem ThousTon bonaAcres ona ThousTona Thoue-cres ~ Thousfou Via 140 130 182 94 115 106 llO 115 126 Minn 1452 1ll 1612 1394 115 1603 1282 110 1410 10 102 122 124 92 120 llO 86 1O 103 Mo 154 109 168 160 120 192 150 100 ISO NDal 2576 90 ~318 2576 85 2190 2318 85 1970 sJ))k 3076 88 2707 3014 60 24ll 2693 70 2025 Nebr 3198 80 2558 2942 75 2206 2795 65 1817Ian 693 111 769 638 115 734 636 75 478 Ark 194 104 202 202 105 212 202 105 212 Okla 480 118 566 437 125 S46 428 100 428 Tex 195 105 205 185 100 185 191 105 201 Mont 867 85 737 806 90 725 622 60 658 ldho 139 lU 156 139 115 160 135 110 148 To 529 60 423 481 BO 385 495 85 421 Colo 466 97 452 443 100 443 439 85 373 NMex 20 88 16 15 70 10 27 100 27 Utah 103 124 126 lOS 100 105 105 120 1-6 lreT 267 100 267 267 100 267 267 110 294 Yam 46 115 53 51 125 64 47 120 56 Or~ ll76 115 320 3U 11n 3IU gt86 110 315 ~l-l_____1$gt____ 110_____ 17g _____112___ _ 1io_ ~ __ _2ffl_ ____ 152 ___ 1lL ____11~_

k ___ 5all1_____23____1~J1 ___ 4~~_____21___ Jt2~2___ _ ll~7 ___ _g3_ __ l51 _


FFeti5 Hri+tttrtft gt~- bullbull ~Mto shy



- -- -- 1~7 19la_ 19sect State Acrea Yild cr Tlel-l Acrea Yield

______II~~t~d_ ~ ~~~__ ~ ~d~ln_l v~e~ _~_A~~ ___~o~u~t~o~ ~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~____P~o~u~to~ ~bullbullAcrea gAl ~ousTonD fitouDcrea ~ lhoulITons Tbous bullocres I2 Thou9Tonl

M1n 766 11)8 627 nO 11)2 746 695 9B 682 lilI J5) 127 446 JJ9 124 421 J18 11) )56 n 995 149 148J 974 145 1416 952 124 1176 ca )51 154 540 J46 160 59f )42 145 496 RI )2 159 51 29 159 46 28 1 bullSO 42 Conn 280 166 464 272 162 440 26) 156 410 IIT )752 161 6029 )642 165 6016 3)97 1)6 46)0 IJ 244 17) 422 236 161 428 239 177 422 Il 2))9 150 )511 2194 146 )710 2202 142 )123 Ohio 2497 140 34B6 2)84 14) )406 2255 142 )212 Ind 1708 1)6 2)Jl 1661 1)6 2251 1616 145 2 bull 342 Ill 2626 14J )756 2)85 149 )558 2230 165 J689 Mich 2628 1Jl J45) 24)6 1)7 )346 2)29 1)2 )069 Vh 4066 16) 6665 )940 1)8 54)2 3916 15) 5972 MiIlJ1 4063 142 57n )659 1)7 529) 3819 1)lt3 5268 10_ )J)B 154 5154 2943 1)4 )955 )100 159 49)0 Me 3762 114 4)10 )S46 129 4564 )60) 129 465) IDU 3289 95 )110 3176 91 2901 )441 B5 2920 S~ )675 85 ))1) 4126 84 )451 4412 68 3013 lfebr 4)05 113 4BBI 4))4 105 4532 4836 108 5ZJl Iu 2059 153 )155 195) 176 )479 2017 160 3~z2 Del 69 146 102 n 140 102 68 110 97 Md 429 142 611 445 144 64) 429 152 ti51 Vamp 1)27 107 1414 1)72 126 1722 1321 127 16n VV 60) 116 92B 796 129 1026 B02 124 991_C 1292 96 1267 1290 10) 1)28 1246 105 1)12 SC 465 76 )76 509 68 449 52J 91 476 0amp 1)91 51 70) 1416 56 791 1055 6) 66) 11 125 54 67 1)2 58 77 65 62 5) 1) 1666 1)B 2568 1687 126 21)0 1828 110 2)60 l1IllU 1812 117 2120 1691 111 1861 l7J4 125 2175 U 939 72 679 922 18 720 790 84 667 Ki 601 115 923 769 121 9)3 779 115 89) Ark 1254 98 1224 1211 124 150) 1116 117 1J10 111 300 118 )s4 294 112 )29 295 1m 379 Okla 1580 119 1B77 1490 I)) 1975 1)50 1)5 1821 le 1620 90 16)7 1706 91 1556 145) 112 1624 MoDt 2227 112 2491 220) I) 2704 2On 101 2084 Idoho 1022 2Z5 2296 986 220 2171 1050 2lt) 2))7 1170 1080 117 1265 1017 94 960 1104 110 1209 Colo 1)56 164 2219 1)51 167 2251 1401 164 229) Ifllex 216 210 454 20) 212 4)) 19) 209 404 Arlo m 220 595 226 2)8 5)7 25) 247 624 Utah S6B 208 1160 550 205 1129 5)7 21) 1145 - )92 155 606 )8) 151 577 377 154 580 lfath 60) 1117 150) 765 205 1611 772 178 1375 Oree 1076 169 1617 1061 174 1646 970 158 1526 ~11middot____~~~ __ ~ J bull 26____ euro1)Q ____1~7O____ 1middotQ7____5JplusmnL ___ 1l15Q ___ 1middot25___ 3 49_ [middotk ___ 1 46amp6____ 1middot15___ 10Q$~ ___ 11617____ 114___ 2611~ ___71~ __ _ lmiddotlJ_ __ 25025_

_1If_ eii2ll 2r_A1l_II~r_r2r_125~D-~ 9Z1J211 o_____________ bull __________

~~~ _lAi~~e5drIx~~rpoundr ~tloi ~ce ~eililfgi ct r~~ln hqutr ll lhoubullbullrona rhouaAcr 12l ThouaToga

~ _____1 _0_____ 111_______ 1~~ _____ 1~ _____ 1Ql_ ______ 1~~ _ Ylk ____ 14aJgl_____ 1J8______ 10l57______7~11J _____ l~L _____ l0ll_ ~ -

WILD BAT AClUllilE fIELD AlID PBODUCrIOll 1947 to 1~1

- - - - - 1i41 1~ 1~ Il~t I Acre I Yield heres Yield Acres Yield bull

I arT ted I Per Production arTeBted Per ProucUon Iifrvsted Per bull Production ____ _1_ __~ __ _~rl _ i ______ 1 _______ cLe______________ cIe___=_____ _

1houeAcreo 1M lhoubullbullTop rhouoAcree ~ rhouerona rhousAcrea ron rhoubullbullroue Vlo 106 115 122 1)0 95 124 112 107 120 Minn 1)06 11e 1439 12)0 105 1292 11)2 105 1169 10 75 1O 90 61 115 9) 70 123 66 Mo 150 110 165 141 110 155 1)5 110 146 1IDIIk 2596 90 2))6 2414 65 2052 2535 Bo 2028 SDU )240 75 24)0 )4)4 70 2401 )4)4 57 1957_hr 296) 60 2)70 2904 65 1686 )252 75 24)9 lUI 702 110 772 611 115 7~ 642 115 nB Ark 204 B5 In 175 110 192 152 105 160 00amp 458 110 504 4)1 1 lt5 5)9 416 1gt0 502 lu 210 95 200 197 65 167 1B5 101 167 Mont 860 BO 704 654 90 769 769 75 577 Id~o 132 110 145 140 100 140 144 109 157 To 500 95 475 475 60 lB5 522 B5 444 Colo 470 105 494 451 105 474 474 102 4B) 11 Megt 27 BO 22 25 75 19 22 6) 1B Utah 109 125 1)6 105 110 126 105 I) 12911 230 1111 25) 216 105 227 205 9B 201 Vampth 46 120 55 55 1)0 2 57 120 68 Oreg )00 110 ))0 )30 15 412 291 106 gt08pound41lf_____1i6____ 11(1_____ 17~ _____1J6____ 1ltgt_____120_____ 1J~ ___ 112_____1~_

~____ 4~_____10____111111 ___ 4515_____~5___ l)~___ _~19= ____~2___ l121_ - 23 shy

-UPDATA 1981 bull _ bull h



ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944






~ a 1944-49~




Statistical Bulletin No 108


UPDATA 1981 ~ ~ J bull ~


bull bull


middot~19Tbullbullbullbullbullbullbull-bullbull Ii bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull


CI0Ter mothT 1Iq COrD (il1))

CorD Uti11atioDo

Oowpeabullbullbullbullbull til bull bull bull bullCe bullbullbull 0 bull bull

r1a Flberbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Jl~eed bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a 0 bull bull bull

(dra1n ~e bullbullbullbullbullbullbull8

gq mecellaneoua bullbullbull

~ Vil4~

Hamp Jibar bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

Hemp Seed bullbullbullbullbullbullbull - ~

BOp8bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Le8pede_~ Jrq K~le PrOduotlo bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Mung ean8~

Oats bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbull ~ bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull0



















IllDEX-----Pea (nr-)

PeanUt_bullbull a bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull 0 bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

Pe~t ~bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~ bullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Popcornbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull0 bull bull bull bullbull bull


llloebullbullbull bull0 ~-bullbullbullbullbullbull ob bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~bullbull ~~ bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Sorgbum (All)bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Sorgo sirap bullbullbullbullbull ~ bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull9 SOJbeaI~ bull 8o bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull gt~bullbull ~

Sugarcane Sirupbullbull-~ bullbullbull a e Sugarcane ampgarbullbullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull


SVeetpotitoe8bullbullbullbullbull ~ ~ ~

obacco B7 T1pebullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull o bullbullbullbull

B1 Statbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~ bull ~ bullbullbullbull


Wheat (All) bullbullbullbullbullbull- bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull


-SPllDgo bull bull I bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull
























aesented in Iilhe following tables are estimates of acreage yield and production of most field crops for the 1944-49 period revised where necessary by tM Crop Reporting Board of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics These estimates are based primari4r upon information furnished currentlv by crop reporters processors State Statistieians and cooperating State agencies and on cheCk inform~tion As ia customary whenever data from a Federal Census become available the revbed QlJtimates reflect trends indicated by the 1950 and preceding Censuses ot Agriculture together with other cheCk information from annual assessors enumerationsGovernment farm programs records of shipments and qQBntities processed

jor moat c~umodi ties the revisions are limited to the period 1944 through 1949 An exception ocCurs in the case of maple products for which the revisions series extend from 1940 to 1949 Jor other ~n and all h~ changes for 1950 and 1951 from est~llIateB published in December 1951era shown in footnotes to those tables Jor 1950 and 1951 estimates for all commodities ~n the revised levels were pUblished in the Ammal Swmnary of Crop Productiong issued in December 19510 Estimates for 1939 to 1943 (exeept as noted above) lGmain as presented in a publication similaz- to this i8ned in April1917

As amp general practice revisions were made in 1949 estimates for aIqcommodi ty When informf3t1on from the 1950 Census of Agri~lture by States considered in the light of other check infClrmatiCln indicated Il level s1gnificant~ different from current estimatos Using the new level as a bench mark estimates fur othar years Wele revised to th~ extent indicat~d by- survey and cheCk data obtained each ~ear in the usual course of pr~cednr~

Adjustments in Census data f~r the 1949 crop season were of several diferent tfpes For grains allotments of mixed ~ains Were added to the respective components ~~ the mixtures in soma cases it appeared necessary ttl shift portions of the acreage ~eported as grain ~ to the cut and fed unthreshect category the acreages for oats cut aid fed unthreshed were addeCJ to those for oats for grain and assign1d a yield and production For all wheat and rice production was adjusted to cOvdr millings e~orts~ e~timated qaantitiaa used for food o feed and seed and carry-over stockB Sugar beet and sugsreane production and acreage were adjusted to quantities reported by sngar factories Tobacco estimates were based on reeorde of quantities marketed by Gtates In instances where check information on peanuts WBlI available from processors for areas comprising several States the Census enumeration data served as the basiE for refinements in the estimates for the individual Steies lror potatoes carlot shipments and recorda of truck movement data on Government purchases and apecial stocks and disposition survey data wee the basis for adjustments also screage allowances were made for sllall plantings for which acreage information ~as not obtained by CensuB enumerations DUlerenoes in definition of the various kinds and mixtures of llEw were kept in mind as well B8 kinds not specifically enumerated and in some oases combinations lTere mBIUI of kinds enumerated by the Census in sett~ng up llEw estimates Adjustments for othe~ commodities follow these same general tYpes with allowances for incompleteness of Census coverage of farm land and orop land where indicated by detailed stu~ of Census county data and other checlcinformation

In th~ 1950 Agricultural Oensus data were obtained for virtuaJ~ all cOIllJlOdities for which reTised data are shown in these tables In some States Ceusus data verified the downward trend in the acreage of some crops to an insignificant total In such instances the series of estimates WtiS terminated as for example vild llEw in Arizona clover-timot~ h~ in North Dakota and 1espedeza ~ in OhiG~ each added into other ~ after ~944o In other instances acreages significant enough to justify initiation lof estimates were indicated by the Census for example sorghum grain in South Carolina


GPo-o-Asri (BAE) 188

bull - I gt bull




-- - - IW = ~I X9sIl9K= S ttl All IJcrea I Yield 1 pro All 1ampI14Ia I neu Pro- I Acrea lAorea I Yield 1 Proshyta llaIlr41 az Per duction IPlantedI llal- J hI IducUon IPlant8t1~ ~ I Pill I duc1oll- _ ~ -I ___t~bulltd_l__pounde1t _ ____ ___ qa1e4 _JQIll __1____ ___ 1 a1aJl _Al _ ____

hone Aorall lili howl IDI floua erea I~ thouDII houa ~ uebela Thoua l JIa1na 12 12 J90 468 11 11 390 429 U 12 370 444shyJB lk 14 430 602 l2 12 lO S04 13 13 420 546n 66 66 JM 2607 63 6) )80 23~ 58 58 410 2378MIlabullbull 45-5 )90 1~75S 39 39 450 175$ 38 38 460 1748RI 9 9 370 m 8 8 ~O )31 8 8 )90 312COM 52 52 410 21)2 49 49 450 22115 47 47 460 21621IIt 698 692 355 24566 677 657 0 21681 6]0 ~ )90 25896111 208 206 )25 6695 188 187 5 8)22 190 189 450 8S05Pampo 1441 14~ 35S 50516 1349 1 338 4) sa203 1367 1351 430 56093C-Jio 3666 3651 40) 147135 J46J 31168 1751)41M

SO5 3671 3641 490 1784094622 45~ 401 184219 4417 4 36ft 530 2Jl292 4600 4582 510 2))682Ill 9226 9140 454 414956 8245 81)0 465 378045 8~5 6873 560 496888M1cb 1812 1805 320 57760 1776 1751 350 61285 1794 1769 280 495)2Vb 2]06 2679 435 U6536 2706 2679 415 1U118 2571 2545 445 11)252111M 5969 5867 415 ~)480 6059 5926 36 216299 5514 5452 440 2391388Iowa Il224 UtO 525 579442 10f47 10106 445 476417 11172 111)4 570 6346)8Mo 48)2 4781 J)O 4060157m 3873 Zo 10+571 4466 4415 370 163355IDelt 1283 12SO 260 32500 1283 1225 210 25725 lat5 1213 215 26080SDak 4026 3897 330 128601 4268 4092 rlO 110484 4097 4010 300 120300Iebr 8f42 8749 )30 288717 8577 8487 28S 241880 7891 7808 290 226432rana 3602 3S49 275 97598 )062 2981 2)0 66563 )154 3011 210 6)2)1Del Jr) ~) 25middot5 J6116 141 140 325 4550 139 138 330 4554lid S05 S05 )53 17826 466 461 ~11) 18961 458 ~56 431) 19608Va 1)06 1280 260 33280 1175 1165 330 36445 1089 108) )60 38988V1a )50 )48 219 9709 )01 299 )10 1106) 298 296 340 10064BC 2)19 2296 228 52349 2229 2204 250 55100 2193 2160 210SC l53f 1510 16Y 5832025519 1426 1419 170 ar12) 1452 17 185 26770Ga 1 ) 3405 120 40860 )378 )337 140 46718 )246 )204 130 41652Ph 7J1t 719 105 550 629 618 110 6798 660 ~ 100 64901r 25211 2507 17 61~n 2192 2181 )20 69792 2253 2lYt6 360 00861111 2~27 2415 22it- 54096 21)6 2l25 210 57)5 2201 2189 295 64576Ala t929 2914 152 4429) 2814 2797 155 3354 26)) 2601 155 40316Ill 26Z) 253 161 407)) 2466 2-29 190 46151 2411 221U 160 35)60An 1695 16Z) 165 26780 14Zlt )6) 210 286Z) 1S09 172 210La 309121229 1168 ]40 16J52 1106 1075 li5 19888 1~ 1000 140 14000Okla 1615 162IIJ 170 2760B 1407 1))2 170 2261+4 1421 1372 24010175hr 051 3960 144 510lt4 3J~ ))26 355 515J )1$6 309) 165 51034MoDt 190 175 170 2975 188 1]0 135 2295 190 180 140ldabo )1 2521130 410 12)0 )0 29 420 1218 2 26 420 1092Vro 86 80 140 1120 77 72 150 1080 65 60Q010 165 990931 ~ 187 165)1 75J 716 210 150)6IIMln 210 600 57J 210 120))195 140 2730 178 150 140 2100 146 125Aris ~ 32 87 218 )) )1 115 150 1815

356 )2 )0 1l5llb1l ab Z )00 690 24 2) J45340 182 25 24 280Is 2 2 320 64 2 2 320 64

672 2 2 )50_ampabo 21 21 420 ~ 20 70

20 500 10OD 18 18Orec 530 95437 )6 )53 1271 )2 )1 )6I 1116Qal1i 71 71 )20 222 64 64 )2 )1 )55 1100

J10 1984 67 67 320 2~08-- -j5~i5 - 940~- -)28 - -)08798z- 89261- a-i25- -)27 - -z6ians- 8s89S- 87s85- -)67 - J2i7076 ]roampi tabt OOe--o- for a1~l ~e lD-iuu~ h~laquoi4-qd-al1od -o-Md tht-ct-nd-t64-rtiio~t-nl~thl 8anU u that huabld and ~ tor laquorain - 71e14 for grainwith an allDVaDce for Tamprrlng 7 181d~If con tor oill piUpOHe 18 appled to the tota1 ear1IP to ObWD IIIl equlYalel1t p1OdllCUoa ezpreued in terllllClf crue

llDOOllOUJ JCIlSAQJI nllLDB11 PIDIIlCWo 1944 too 1946

-- - -~L~= I X96 State 1 AIINI lena I n14 Pro- AIlr ampIIfta 1 nu ITo- ampliND Jorea I nld Proshy

~llaae 1 Per 4UCUOB Iplmlt8dl az I hi ~uct1oa IPlQ1 Ja 1 Per 1 ductioD--- _1-- __ bull ~_J__~1J _ 1 -- __ I ___ 11rte l_~lI ______ 1 ___ e l _~11 _ ___ _ ftl aL- l ~bullampIIr Llle l ftloua$Na Lba 2

Xu lit lit 601) 4200 8 8 -0 2000 U 11 620 )400 lMe ~ 22 1+00 40400 15 13 210 1800 15 13 260 1700 Ok1amp us 1119 375 3I1foO 91 80 ~ U600 110 102 295 15000 hz - J1Q 8000 ~3 )05 6600)6 35 )60 6300 Col 130 U 3SO ZlOO 112 ~ JOO 15600 ut 108 2SO 1)50ilMu 70 JOl) 1OSOO 55 38 1110 2100 Ito )1 2)5 J 600

lJ8~ ~6 JI2 362 69200 )25 286 281 ~JOO 331 290 291 43SOO ---------------------------------------------~-------------2shy

JJcentWltlfib7rstdrt W6 emf ~1




- - - -I 1241 I~ i 199 State 1 ADr IAcre I n14 1 Pro- Acree IAcre8 I n814 Pro- 1 Aere lAeroa 1 Tield 1 Proshy

IP18n~dl Hal- I Per 1 ductton IPlaJ1tedl liar- I Per IduoUon IPlanted I HaJ- I Per ductlon ____1____I~e~d__ Opounde__ ____ 1 ___ JY88~ _A~Z ______ ___ ve~ _Apoundr _ J ____ _

bout Aorel PUheb ThOUl1u Thoubullbull Acrea ~ 1lIou~Jll ThoUlAcree ~ Thoubullbull1u

Maine 11 11 401) 440 12 12 )20 )84 1) 1) 420 546 BH 12 12 450 540 12 11 370 407 12 It 480 576 n Ita 48 410 1968 52 52 44~0 2288 58 58 480 2784 Mal 37 37 470 1139 35 )5 410 1435 36 36 450 1620 RI 8 8 440 352 7 7 390 213 7 7 430 )01Conn 45middot 45 460 2160 42 42 410 1722 40 40 450 1800 BT 610 598 )30 19134 640 6)4 420 26628 65) 647 440 28468 bullbull~ 181 180 430 7740 194 193 SOo 96SO 177 176 433 7621 Pa 1339 1)2) 42$ 56228 1J86 1376 475 65)60 1)39 13)5 475 63412 Ohl0 34llt 3386 410 138826 3701 3691 585 215924 J627 J617 540 195)18 Ind 4421 40399 4J0 189157 4668 466J 570 265791 4729 4710 SOO 235S00 Ill 8677 8ser J95 J39068 9298 9252 610 564372 9280 9252 541) 499608 1I1cl 1597 1574 275 4) 285 1645 16)7 3g5 64662 1694 1686 490 82614 V1 2571 2545 420 106890 2622 2596 450 116820 2701 2674 520 139048 Minn 5)49 5234 36S 191041 5302 5286 52S 277515 5796 5770 430 248110 Iawa 10935 10410 JO5 317505 1121J 11191 605 677056 11549 11527 470 541~ No 4317 4018 245 98441 4365 4300 450 193500 4220 4085 )90 159)15 HDak 1220 1189 ~~5 24374 1147 1130 260 29380 1239 1209 200 ~180 SDak 4097 3970 0 754JO 3728 3652 360 131472 4138 4017 220 88374 Je~ 7575 7340 195 1431)0 7196 7160 350 2SO600 7628 7518 310 23)058Ian 21t6o 2)18 170 39406 24)5 2364 325 768J6 25)2 2459 277 68114 Del 132 1)1 )35 4)88 130 128 )20 4096 1)9 139 335 4656 Mi 458 456 380 17328 467 465 450 20925 4S) 451 420 18942 la 1067 1061 360 38196 lOSS 10SO 425 44625 1007 998 420 41916 VTa 295 29) 410 12()1) 286 2B4 440 12496 257 25) 440 11132 BC 2204 2182 315 687)) 2248 2226 300 66780 2238 2204 315 69426 SC 1408 1404 195 27378 1422 1418 195 27651 1412 1404 205 28782 Oa 3075 3044 140 42616 )044 3014 145 4)70) 31)5 )104 165 51216 71 629 623 120 7476 642 62) 100 02)0 580middot 573 125 7162IT 2185 2179 350 76265 2445 2440 400 97600 2396 2)67 355 84028 TQ~n 2200 2189 285 62)86 2266 2255 320 72160 215) 2120 )05 64660 Ala lt651 2627 150 39405 2584 20514 210 54054 2567 2523 200 50460 Mia 2320 2254 165 37191 2227 2209 220 48598 2182 ~054 205 42107 Ark 1388 1325 1~0 22525 1277 1246 230 286sa 1175 11)4 220 24948 La 990 960 135 12960 940 902 175 15785 T90 758 210 15918 Okla 1165 1125 180 2O2SO 1118 080 225 24)00 1152 1102 ~OO 22040 Tor 2801) 2784 160 44544 2584 253) 160 40528 2426 24llt 210 50694 Mol t 177 ~66 165 2739 198 193 180 3474 202 178 110 1951 Idaho 25 ~ 490 1176 26 26 485 1261 32 31 535 - 1658 1f7o 57 5) 165 874 50 48 185 888 54 SO 205 1025 Colo S46 522 2)0 12006 541 522 240 12528 649 626 262 16401 JIMex 108 95 1)5 1282 94 86 140 1204 98 95 160 1520 Arb 32 30 150 4SO 32 30 150 4SO 3J 31 150 465 Utah 26 26 380 988 30 29 270 783 32 )1 310 961 BeY 2 2 320 64 2 2 270 54 2 2 )00 60 Vath 17 17 540 918 19 19 530 1007 21 21 510 1071 Oref 26 25 460 1150 28 27 380 1026 Z7 26 410 1066 Cellt 62 62 320 1984 65 65 330 2145 65 65 )40 2210

US 850)8 82888 284 2354739 85522 84778 425 3605078 S6~5 a5602 378 32)8618Yiiii tabi coT~r-cOrii tor aii purpc ID(lWtlng howd-ampiia-Iid com Dn4 tliat-cUt-id-td-vTthwt-r~Trng-the ear as 11 ampI that hueked and upped for grain The 7114 tor graIn with aJI allowance tor Ya171111 71eld of corn for other purpo 1 applied to th totel arreage to obtamp1ll an equbeleDt proliucU~1I eqtrSllseli in tetu of gnUD


- -I 1241i=-- 12+)1199 8t 1 ADrll5 IAcrt I Tield 1 P~ 1 Acrt Acnll I Tie14 1 Pro- 1 Acre IAcre 1 Tle14 1 Proshy

a I Ipl-a1 Hal- I Per ducUon PllUltdl Htu- I Pal duettoD IPlantla1 IJaor 1 Per 1 dtIDtiOD ____1____~14_1_ FI_ _ ____bull ___ YI _Apound~ __1____ 1 ___ ~Te ~ _~~ _ ____ _

houMN IIIt ~ ftIoua ~ MJa lm housJew 1la ~ Ill 75 75 500 1900 4 4 700 1400 5 5 590 1500 ranbullbull 10 10 300 1500 9 9 320 1400 8 a 275 1100 Okla 82 75 320 12000 65 59 )00 8800 80 72 29S 10600 lex 35 )It 350 6000 39 J4 2)5 4000 65 63 )50 11000 CIlo 73 69 270 9300 71 67 295 9900 84 82 265 ll700

lt6 Ito 18S 3700 39 J4 265 4SOO 65 61 )20 9800 ------------~----------------------------------------------us 292 34400 227 291 )0000 )07 291 314 ~5700

- 3 shy

UPDATA 1981 bull ~ _ r bull ~ ~~~(bull~~bull


- - - - li~ 1 j9~ __ o ~~1n ____ l ___F2r_811~ ___ Hogglng____F2r~n___ i ___ o ill1pound~___ iiogging

State AcrengeY101d Pro_ AcreageYield Pro- down AcreageYield Pr~_ AcreageY1eld Pro- down Har- I ler duction Har- Per lducUonlglz1ngl Rnr- I per Iduction Hlr- Per duction gl9zing

____tlgt-otCltI_____ tpoundsl~ iApoundr _1____lEi tlItHIIl_llsl11clII_____ iv~BleS iAiT~ _1____ ampJ1I1 Thou 1a Thou Thous ~ Thou ThoU Thous ~ Thqufl Tone rhoue Thou Acree 1 Acres Teme ~rui ~poundw Tona Acree

K11ne 2 390 78 7 105 74 3 2 390 78 7 100 70 2 NH 3 430 129 10 105 105 1 2 420 84 9 115 104 1 n 4 395 158 58 10~0 580 4 3 380 114 5 95 542 3 Masa 7 390 lJ J4 95 32J 4 5 150 225 31 105 326 3 RI 1 310 37 7 90 63 1 1 400 40 6 95 57 1 Conn 10 410 410 38 100 380 4 9 450 405 37 105 388 3 11Y )38 355 ~899 479 85 4072 75 130 350 4550 460 84 3864 67 NJ 135 325 4388 62 70 434 9 125 445 5562 56 90 504 6 ~ 1118 356 39801 282 BO 2256 2J 1053 1~35 45806 261 85 2218 24 Ohio 3425 404 138370 135 75 1012 91 3295 505 166398 111 90 999 62 Ind 4410 IWl 176841 92 65 598 92 4190 530 222070 87 90 783 87 Ill 88~ 454 399702 190 a5 1615 146 7756 465 360654 179 80 1432 195 Mich 1400 324 45360 259 70 1813 146 1306 360 47016 273 70 1911 172 Via 1439 459 66050 1179 81 9550 61 1367 440 60148 1250 79 9875 62 Minn 4553 437 198966 731 76 5556 583 4522 390 176358 768 75 5760 636 lava 10397 525 545842 221 95 2100 419 9924 445 441618 218 87 1897 564 Mo 46)8 33 bull 5 155373 W 60 282 96 3641 285 103768 58 50 290 174 NIlk 533 273 14551 112 43 482 605 404 225 9090 110 39 429 711 SDak 3460 343 118678 47 70 329 390 3437 280 962)6 49 60 291t 606 Nebr 8452 33J 281452 44 62 273 253 8020 290 2)2bull580 42 50 210 425 Kane 3372 276 93067 35 55 192 142 2757 235 64790 60 45 270 164 Del 139 255 3544 3 90 27 1 136 325 4420 3 90 27 1 Md 460 3$3 16238 40 75 JOO 5 420 410 17220 36 110 396 5 Va 1190 260 30940 65 70 455 25 1071 330 35343 64 100 640 30 VVa 330 279 9207 11 80 88 7 287 370 10619 9 110 99 3 NC 2234 228 50935 16 88 141 46 2149 250 53725 15 105 158 40 SC 1480 169 25012 4 60 24 26 1 bull 389 170 23613 4 55 22 26 Ga 3204 120 38448 10 40 40 191 3137 140 43916 10 50 50 190 Fla 550 10$ 5775 6 60 36 163 495 UO 5445 6 55 J3 117 X7 2449 247 60490 20 70 140 J8 2118 320 67776 21 80 168 42 Tenn 2326 224 52102 19 54 103 70 2046 270 55242 17 70 119 62 Ala 2847 152 43274 6 50 30 61 2719 155 42144 8 50 40 70 1Iias 2481 161 39944 5 55 28 44 2382 190 45258 5 65 2 42 Ark 1547 165 25526 2 50 10 74 1335 210 28035 2 45 9 26 La 1139 140 lS9~~ 2 38 8 27 1059 185 19592 2 45 n 14 Okla 1568 170 26656 lQ 40 40 46 2gt60 170 21420 9 40 36 63 Tn 3750 144 54000 20 35 70 190 3207 155 4970$ 13 40 52 106 Mont 28 lt03 568 6 35 21 141 14 205 2amp1 6 2j 15 150 1dJho 19 416 790 8 85 68 3 16 430 688 10 105 105 3 VTo 32 152 486 5 50 25 43 29 165 478 3 55 16 40 Celli 676 183 12J71 75 65 4B8 133 530 210 11130 54 63 340 132 NMex 162 145 2349 8 50 40 25 104 150 1560 i 60 30 41 Arb 25 92 2JO 3 75 22 4 23 120 276 3 80 24 5 Utah 5 309 15lt 10 100 160 2 5 360 180 16 90 144 2 Nev 1 318 32 1 100 10 1 J20 32 1 100 10 Vloh 9 450 405 9 108 97 3 7 510 357 8 100 80 5 Oreg 14 )61 50S 12 65 78 10 11 370 407 11 79 67 9 Calif 36 350 1260 25 100 250 10 ~9 340 986 25 100 250 10 E= = 5~0e-( p~0=~aQl~61(=441( ~7~i2 ~~~8= =4~6= =712z =raquo-I~m4E9= =1425= =782 = 2S21( 130~


- - - - 19[4 l 1241 State Aoren Acroe Yield Por Acres Aarea I field Per

Planted IlIrvuted Acre y Prolact1oll I Planted Hneeteci Aore y Productlln- _ __bull_______ ___ ________ _ _______ J _____ _____ _____ __-________ _~ ~

Acre ~ Thous lb Aores ~ Thoue Lblt Ohlo 13000 13000 1450 18850 30000 JO~OO 1800 54000 Ind 17700 17700 1)25 23 1152 34800 34800 1975 68730 Ill 19900 19500 1200 23400 25800 24800 1600 44640 Mich )000 2400 1200 2880 4000 3500 1200 4200 Iowa 51800 SOJOO 1700 85510 102000 92000 1130 10)960 Mo 11800 11500 l6ao 19320 17000 15000 1680 25200 Nebr 8800 8700 1400 12180 31~000 J)OOO 1350 4450 Kane 5900 5700 1400 7980 9500 8400 1100 9240 X7 13500 13500 1000 13500 14two 14400 1400 20160 Okla 20000 18000 800 14400 46000 38000 850 32300 Tex 15000 12500 950 11875 17500 14000 850 11900 Cali 2000 2000 700 1400 2000 2000 600 120(1

~~= = = i8~~ = = =1148~0= == )3~J= ===p~l41 = = =3i~0~0= = = i~io~ = = ==1~1( = = ==~zPpounda~ = l In principal coamrcial producing ~tata y O liN corn 70 pOl1ndn to tile buahel bull



- - - l~ r tjtZ _ - - -Slrbullpoundpoundr4fL __ l __ ]Rr_el~ ___ Hogg1ngl___ ]9r--Eampin___ l ___ lox 118ampe____Hogging

Stampte ~AcreageY1eld Pro- AcreageY1eld Pro- down AcreageY1eli Pro- AcreageYleld Pro- down Har- Per ducUon Rar- Per Igrazing Rar- Per duct H1- Per duction Igtu1ng

___ _JeJlt~cle___ __ ly~8~eS lApoundrsect _~t-j 9tavIet~ltLce____ ~~YJl8el1Apoundr ______f9r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ima 2l Thou ~~ ~ lhOUB Thoubullbull ~ Thoua houbullbull Acres ~ ~ TonI ~ ~ ~ Acreg 2l Acree

Maine 3 370 111 8 115 92 1 2 400 80 8 110 88 1 NH 3 420 126 9 110 99 1 2 450 90 9 110 99 1 n 3 410 123 52 100 520 3 2 410 82 44 95 418 2 MUB 6 460 276 30 10bull5 315 2 6 470 282 29 115 334 2 RI 1 390 39 6 )00 60 1 1 440 44 6 95 57 1 Conn 9 460 414 35 105 )68 3 9 480 432 34 110 374 2 NT I53 400 6120 465 93 4324 46 135 )50 4725 4)6 84 3662 27 NJ 125 450 5625 59 90 531 5 122 4)0 5246 52 90 46S 6 Fa 1055 430 45)65 269 90 2421 27 1046 425 44455 258 85 219) 19 Ohio 3405 490 166645 127 85 1080 109 3098 410 127018 18) 75 1)72 105 Ind 4)98 5~0 224298 92 85 782 92 4227 430 161761 88 70 616 84 Ill 8553 560 478968 169 90 1521 151 8189 )95 )23466 206 74 1524 189 Mich 1243 290 36047 310 60 1860 216 1147 285 32690 274 61 1671 153 W1 1299 465 601~4 i200 18 9)60 46 1338 445 59541 1164 81 9428 4) Minn 4323 455 196696 692 83 5744 437 4187 380 159106 680 72 4896 367 Iova 10600 570 604200 178 105 1869 356 9588 310 297228 281 64 1798 541 Mo 4239 375 158962 44 65 286 1)2 3777 250 94425 80 50 400 161 NDak 437 230 10051 145 34 493 631 523 210 10983 143 38 54) 523 SDak 3529 310 109)99 48 60 288 4)) 3454 200 69080 63 54 340 45)Nebr 7418 295 218831 78 53 41) )12 6973 200 139460 73 38 277 294 I~e 2469 220 54318 211 38 802 331 1986 180 35748 155 37 574 177 Del 134 330 4422 3 105 32 1 126 335 4221 4 90 36 1 Md 412 430 17716 38 95 361 6 41) 380 15694 37 95 352 6 Va 1017 360 36612 48 95 456 18 976 360 )5136 57 105 598 28 WVa 284 )40 9656 9 100 90 3 278 410 11396 11 100 110 4 NC 2104 270 56808 17 80 136 39 2110 315 66465 22 90 198 50 sc 1415 185 26178 3 60 18 29 1355 195 26422 6 65 39 43 04 2886 130 37518 10 50 50 308 2651 140 37114 9 50 45 384 1111 526 100 5260 6 50 30 117 492 120 5904 6 55 3) 125 it 2194 360 78984 2) 90 207 29 2127 350 74445 24 100 240 28 Tenn 2106 295 67127 17 70 119 66 2106 285 60021 17 70 119 66 AlII 2531 155 39230 5 45 22 65 2530 150 37950 5 50 25 92 Miss 2173 160 )4768 4 55 22 33 2211 165 3648Z 5 60 )0 38 Ark 1435 210 30135 2 43 9 35 1267 170 215)9 2 44 9 56 La 975 140 13650 2 40 8 23 9 11 1)5 12704 2 40 8 17

Okla 1317 175 23048 7 45 32 48 1074 180 19332 7 40 28 44 Tex 3019 165 49813 12 40 48 62 2720 160 43520 13 35 46 51 lIont 13 210 273 7 50 )5 160 22 220 484 9 40 36 135 Idaho 17 425 722 7 120 84 2 16 495 792 6 105 63 2 IIJ-o 24 180 4)2 ) 60 18 3) 2175 )68 5 65 32 27 Colo )72 200 7440 60 67 402 141 397 220 8734 57 80 456 68 HMex 105 160 1660 4 50 20 16 83 145 1204 ) 45 14 9 lrh 23 120 276 3 75 22 4 23 155 356 3 70 21 4 Ut~ 5 290 145 16 100 160 3 5 380 190 18 100 180 )Hey 1 350 )5 1 100 10 1 30 )2 1 100 10 Vaeh 7 550 385 7 105 74 4 7 560 J92 7 Ll5 80 )Oreg 12 365 438 11 80 88 8 11 485 534 10 100 100 4 01111 32 350 1120 25 100 250 10 27 350 945 25 100 250 10 ~~= = =7j~1~ =31~ iitfO~9= =4~517= =7-81 =3~~) = ~i9j =-5~0~ y~~ lo~31o= =4~6Jpound =7~)2 = )~i9~=~~

POPCOlIII ICREAGE YIELD lID RODUCTIOJl 1946 UD 1947 I - - - - 19~= i ~7 Stab Acree tern Ueld Per Producthn Acre Acr Yield Per ~ ProducUoB

Planhd HrYe8hd lcre Y PlUlted Hamprl88ted leIY ~- - - -- - - - _-_ - - - - _a-_______________ ____ _ _____ a _____ __bull________ _

lqrea E2ml Thoue Lb lcre ~ fhoU Lb Ohio 15000 14100 1750 24675 5200 5000 i6oo ~OOO Ind 18Soo 18800 1900 35720 7300 7300 1500 10950 Ill 16000 15800 1800 28440 21000 20400 lIroO 28560 Mich 2700 ~600 1400 )640 2500 2100 1000 2100 Iova 42000 41000 1820 74620 17000 15000 960 14400 No 15000 15000 1600 24000 10000 10000 1100 11000 Hebr 13000 13000 1500 19500 4000 4000 1200 4800 lIua 5900 5200 1200 6240 3800 3500 959 ))25T 10100 10100 1470 14847 6500 0500 1470 9555 Okla 14000 13000 910 116)0 5600 5000 lOGO 5000 rex 4200 4200 1200 5040 2700 2700 1)00 )510poundamp1___1a6Q0___ ~ _116Q0____lampOQIL ____116QO_____ ~bullQOQ __ _ ~bullQOQ _____8lO_____ lo1_ - _ ~- - _1i83Q0___ _1214pound0_ ___1amp60___ _221122_ ___ _81QOQ __ ~_J02____1amp222____ 021l2 __ _ l In prinCipal coercial prodac1namp Statebullbull y or ltV cornl 10 pClaDd to the lII1tw1



- - - - 19te ~42 __ rOE U~il ___ l __ ]2r_BlM ___IHogg1ng___ ]2rLrn __ t __ ]gr_BlM ____Hogging

stat AoresltoYold Pr AoreageY1eld l down AorelgeY1eldl Pr Acr~g$Y1eld l down Har- I Per dllOt~n Hlr- hr IdUO~~l1Clz1ngl Har- I Per duct~n Her- I Per I d~~lon grnz1ng

____1otfdoJe_____ lvjtsel lAsrs _1 ____4r~llazeJltldcle_l____ zel1t-tdoJe_l _____14I~ Thoubullbull ~ ThOUtl ~ Tona ~ll2 ~l1 ThOU8 ~ lm ~ Thou Acreo Acrea Tona Acropound2 AerO ~ CroD

Ma1ne 2 320 64 9 85 76 1 2 420 84 10 104 104 1 Nrr 2 370 74 8 95 76 1 2 480 96 9 106 95 1 n 2 lflhO 88 48 100 480 2 2 480 96 54 102 551 2 Jo(I1f1 5 ao 205 ~9 100 290 1 5 450 225 29 92 267 2 111 1 390 39 6 90 54 1 430 43 6 66 52 Conn 7 10 287 33 95 314 2 6 450 270 33 96 317 1 NY 164 440 716 445 100 4450 25 170 460 78~0 452 100 4520 25 11J 132 500 6600 55 95 522 6 117 433 5066 56 80 448 3 Ps 1096 475 52155 259 95 2~0 19 1061 475 50398 258 95 2451 16 Ohio 370 585 202995 148 91 1436 73 3400 540 18)600 141 100 1410 76 Ind 4504 570 256726 75 90 675 64 4542 500 227100 83 9 764 85 Ill 8965 610 546865 167 95 1566 120 6947 540 483138 18S 100 1850 120 Mich 1278 400 51120 264 74 1954 95 1390 495 68005 2l4 94 2200 62 Via 1378 480 66144 1167 84 9971 31 1516 554 83986 1068 99 10573 90 Minn 4)81 540 236698 645 69 5740 254 4630 440 212520 696 85 S9)) 242 Ioltl 10732 605 6149286 179 110 1969 280 11101 470 5l1747 219 101 2212 207 Mo 4128 450 185760 60 75 450 112 3930 390 153270 57 76 4J) 98 1IDaJc 531 280 11868 124 43 533 475 526 225 U835 160 36 576 523 SDak 3323 170 122951 114 70 306 285 3266 235 16751 129 55 710 622 Nobr 6945 350 243075 72 57 410 143 7293 311 226~~2 75 62 465 150 Ka1l8 2281 325 74132 49 60 294 34 2316 277 64liJ 86 57 490 57 1)01 122 320 3904 5 95 48 1 133 335 4~i56 5 85 42 1 Md 418 450 18810 40 95 380 7 402 420 161~ 42 95 399 1 Va 976 4205 Ill 180 56 115 644 8 908 420 38~36 54 107 578 36 II Va 269 440 118)6 11 100 110 4 2)6 4110 103e4 13 100 1)0 4 11C 2137 300 64110 22 100 220 67 2122 31S 66810 19 89 169 63 sc 1351 195 26344 11 60 66 56 1346 205 ~59) 11 72 79 47 Ga 2558 145 37091 9 55 50 447 2635 165 43478 8 64 51 461 Flll 4211 10a 4240 6 50 30 193 344 125 4300 5 55 28 224 iT 2381 400 95240 27 90 243 32 2303 355 81756 2B 9~ 263 36 Tenn 2172 320 69504 lS 80 120 68 20)9 30S 6z190 17 87 148 64 Ala 2412 210 50652 8 50 40 154 2346 200 46920 5 60 30 172 MiuD 2165 Z20 47630 6 65 39 38 2011 205 41226 5 75 38 33 Ark 1Z7 230 28221 2 52 10 17 1100 220 24200 2 50 10 32 La 870 175 152Z5 2 40 8 30 727 210 15267 2 60 12 29 Olcla 1053 225 23692 5 40 20 22 1063 200 22260 4 50 20 35 Tex 2411 160 38576 16 40 64 106 2346 210 49lt66 8 52 42 60 Mont 27 220 594 8 50 40 158 8 238 190 13 45 58 157 Idaho 17 490 833 7 120 84 2 18 545 981 12 117 140 1 70 12 200 240 7 70 II) 29 12 221 765 8 77 62 30 Colo 355 ZZO 1810 73 75 548 94 48z 2116 11857 83 86 114 61 NMex 73 150 1095 3 55 16 10 75 165 1238 4 70 28 16 Aris 23 155 356 3 15 22 4 25 lS5 388 3 84 25 3 utllh 5 280 1110 20 100 200 4 5 313 156 22 114 251 4 Nev 2 100 20 2 105 21 Wuh 6 550 J30 11 105 116 2 9 5gt0 468 9 105 94 3 Oreg 11 400 4l) 11 75 82 5 12 435 522 10 82 82 4 Callt 30 365 1095 25 110 275 10 )J 380 1254 26 110 286 6t= =7~~ =432 ~~2~ )~( ~v= 27~52C l~~ =7116l )imiddotZ ii42~9l =t~~ 221==to2~= 2271

- - - - ~)w ~ lieuro State I ere~ I eres Yield Per I eres Acre Yield Per

pllll1~cd ~Haneeted ~ ere y Production PllIled lianeated Acre y Production

- - - -- - - - -AC~I- - - - -- -POundq - --Thou- Lb - - - - - iC~f - - - - - PoUndg- - -- Thou-Lb- - -Ohio 21000 21000 2350 49350 9500 9500 1900 18050 Icd 16500 16500 2500 41250 14400 14400 1900 21360Ill 29500 29300 2250 65925 16100 16000 1700 30600 Mich 4100 3800 2000 1600 2800 2800 1650 4620 I~va 260~0 26000 2110 54860 23000 23000 1470 33810 Mo 11000 11000 2100 23100 10200 10200 1300 1)260 Nebr 5000 5000 1800 9000 6000 6000 130 8bull580 J6n )100 3000 1650 4950 3900 3800 1360 5168 11 15500 15500 1610 24955 11100 9500 1)50 128~5 Okla 21000 24000 - 700 18720 8000 7000 1250 8750 Taz 4100 4100 1150 4715 2000 2000 1000 2000 cal 1000 1000 1100 1100

y lK82( 62~2 l~W ~2s~5~[ = =1sect9~02( )Q6~2Q( = 1~ = = )~5~OP 1 In principal cGaaercial prodncing Statebullbull ~ Ot ear cornl 70 pound to tb bashl


-aftcr r r~ RfhMr r~



- - - - 12~ 1 124] i i9i6 state Acre Acres Yield Pro- Acree Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

PlAnted Ilar- Per Acre duetiOD PllDted IDlr- Per Acre duetionP1anted lInr- Per Acre duetion veoted vested vested

- - - -- ThOU-ACrlis-- juiihlii ThorusIiti yenhOuliierlis- iiuiihlii -ThotWiiu Tbou-Acrlis- BuShl Tho~s~-Maine 1 1 220 22 1 1 190 19 1 1 10 21 liT J49 336 259 8716 352 346 264 9147 222 215 263 5648 11J 75 60 233 1398 93 63 210 1323 96 62 250 1550 h 931 914 214 19560 959 932 21S 20038 911 885 25 19912 Ohio 1937 1918 227 43539 2150 2129 270 57483 1849 1831 265 48522 Ind 1292 1266 202 25568 1587 1555 225 34980 1383 1366 215 29369 Ill 1334 1247 195 24320 1400 1339 185 248l7 1289 1207 160 19361 Mich 949 944 246 23222 992 982 275 27005 877 864 265 22896 Vie 69 67 195 1308 61 60 263 1576 95 93 252 2340 Minn 1325 1214 165 20090 1109 1100 193 21246 1412 1391 195 27080 Io~ 149 120 159 1912 168 140 190 2660 192 185 234 4335 Mo 1472 1207 16) 19674 1428 1304 140 18256 1314 1213 150 18195 a~ 10107 9856 159 156321 10005 9855 157 154568 10444 10192 137 139824 Slhk 3254 3070 121 37278 3355 3201 155 49656 3755 3S88 148 53197 Nebr 3585 2675 126 33762 3777 3596 229 82358 4037 3954 229 90677 Kans 13210 11377 165 187700 14148 13416 155 207939 14006 13147 162 212977 Del 68 64 197 1261 73 67 195 1306 68 62 190 1178 Md 395 370 232 8584 391 359 190 6821 376 348 195 6786 Va 539 516 192 9907 534 485 155 7518 459 432 185 7992 V~ 102 87 186 1618 100 87 185 1610 90 77 185 1424 NC 567 516 165 851bull 4118 408 11bullbull5 5916 394 371 170 6307 S C 26z 253 145 3668 202 195 145 2828 160 156 165 2574 Ga 228 213 140 2982 198 183 135 2470 141 130 130 1690 lT 496 426 178 7583 516 371 135 5008 392 297 140 4158 Tenn 423 396 145 5742 381 J45 125 4312 276 259 140 3626 Ala 25 22 163 359 24 20 ISS 310 15 12 145 114 M18S ~5 18 226 407 25 18 200 360 16 9 220 198 Ark 65 46 149 685 65 39 105 410 44 ~8 140 392 Okla 5557 5095 167 85086 6335 5910 125 73875 6715 6087 145 88262 Tex 4S51 4458 185 821lt73 5842 5350 90 48150 6835 5992 105 62916 Mont 4507 4019 188 75497 4147 3777 151 57145 4426 4133 152 62888 Idlho 1137 1088 293 31851 1156 1102 297 32734 1324 1273 275 350240 282 215 131 2811 286 244 182 4431 JOI 281 243 6832 Colo 1658 1256 142 17794 1850 1560 223 34768 2244 2004 189 37776 NMex 463 2at 117 3337 452 297 94 2778 542 350 8J 2895 riz 26 24 22S S40 27 24 ZlO 504 29 27 210 56 Uhh 298 294 241 7100 286 281 243 6842 3J5 320 224 7171 l1ev 16 16 273 437 18 18 243 437 19 18 273 49L Vash 2485 2338 268 62673 2667 2524 244 61512 2769 2642 295 77965 Oreg 980 914 265 24200 970 921 237 21810 1050 984 256 25168 -i___ 2~ __ ~7 __ 94___ 10~2___614___523___12~ __ 106ltt7_ __675___619__ 190___ l7~1_

~~- - _6~bull9~ _52742 __ 177__10~ll_ ~122_ ~1~__ _1Z~ ~1127633_7578_ ~7125__ 172__1lZ218_


- - - - 19~ ~ = ~ 19~ State creo Acres Yield Pro- Acrea Acres Yiold Pro- Acres Acrea Yield Prltoshy

PhntedIar- Par ere duction Pbnted Rar- Per Acre ductionPlanted Har- Per Acre duction - - - -- - - _elt~_- ____ J ____ J ___ T~StfJ _________ ___ VJlBtfJI__________ _

ThW Acres ~ ~ls Thouas Acres Pounds ThGsliga ThousAcre Pounds ThousBags Ark ~7 287 2J63 6781 284 281 2115 5943 327 320 2002 6408 La S68 561 1710 9593 SB4 583 1m 10363 592 589 1732 10204 Tex 392 392 2002 7850 400 400 2025 8100 412 412 1935 7972 CaUf 246 240 2812 6750 244 235 2665 6262 264 261 3032 7913

~middotEmiddot I01 )-~===~Q91=10~1( =1~5Z ~=~~ 10~~ 1~s2S 18~ ~Q5E = 12427 RIC (Cont I d)

- - -- ~i i i9a 1 ~ Mia 5 5 2700 135 Ark 370 )65 2096 7652 395 391 2358 9220 415 412 2150 8858 La 616 613 1620 9931 641 631 1m 11216 599 593 1825 10822 ~ex 474 474 2025 9599 526 526 2092 11007 552 542 1975 10704 pounda1l__ ~52 ___226___ 2bullJ2 ___8015___~__ ~5sect ___26sect9__ _6t812_ __312__ 102 __ 225pound __ 10t28_

- _1middot112 __17~___ ~~~ __ 2527__18~_1~ ___21~2__ 2B275__1~3_15z __ ~1~ __ ~727_




---- ~7 i i i ti~ State Acrco Aore Yield Pro- lorn Acre Yleld Pro- Acres Acreo Y1eld Proshy

Plonted m- Per Acre ducdon Planted liar-a Per lore cuct1on Plantod llar- per Acre duction ________~ot ______ l ____ l ___ lY81e_l _____l ____ l ___ lylt0_eSl ____ l ____ _d t l1ho1l Acree ~ Tbou8lffi Thoubullbull Acree lIunhal Thouau Thoubullbull Acree 1Igshel lhoutIBu

NY 3aS 375 240 8988 449 J41 ~o 11886 405 396 269 10721 NJ 107 15 250 1675 115 62 215 1763 107 a3 240 1992 pa 947 929 240 22296 965 966 190 16354 926 906 230 20884 Ohl0 2212 2119 ~25 49026 2371 2353 245 57646 2377 2353 250 56625 Iud 160) 1571 230 36133 1811 1775 215 36162 1739 1722 220 31884 Ill 1431 1341 210 26311 1745 1710 225 36497 1952 1913 230 43995 Mich 1210 1192 250 29600 1416 ~395 260 36~0 1303 1297 265 34310 Via 116 114 257 2926 127 123 236 2906 117 114 226 2604 Hinn 1200 1169 171 2063 1066 1051 115 1652 1304 1265 151 19360 Iowa 220 201 119 3607 40 311 233 1397 41 364 168 1212 Mo 1472 1321 165 244)6 1722 1596 210 33558 1625 1676 175 29365 NllIlt 10401 10263 143 146)83 9933 97l 144 140234 11055 10552 106 112357 SDllt 3656 3103 145 53626 4022 3643 131 50342 459 4079 80 32653 Nebr 4606 4434 209 92751 4614 4275 204 87111 5016 4165 140 58213 X~ne 15404 14655 193 266102 14634 13221 175 231368 16244 14219 110 157069 Del 70 65 200 1300 71 66 145 957 66 63 115 11021 366 341 210 1161 361 334 160 53J4 343 311 190 6023 v~ 496 456 115 6015 461 449 185 8306 438 400 165 7400 Y v~ 96 62 195 1599 96 62 165 1511 62 68 190 1292 NC 492 461 175 8112 406 314 160 5984 465 4tl0 136 5520 SC 238 2J1 165 3812 211 210 140 2940 114 166 120 1992 Go 196 185 140 2590 116 165 135 2228 140 130 125 1625 XJ- 404 J24 160 5184 420 324 160 5184 403 288 170 439f Tenn 332 16 150 4740 )55 336 145 4901 )01 ~4 146 40( 11 14 12 165 198 15 13 155 202 13 11 154 1y Ml 20 16 195 312 16 12 190 226 15 8 165 132 uk 38 24 150 )60 40 26 170 416 )4 24 145 )46 Okla 1051 6696 155 103188 1263 6696 145 91092 1481 6629 128 84851 Tex 7587 1)10 160 116960 6752 5629 105 59104 7090 6417 140 698)6 Mon~ 5183 4427 146 65)46 5201 4815 192 93716 5975 5316 115 61189 Idaho 1)88 1344 266 )674) 1523 111) 252 )5646 1591 1537 242 )1136 VTo )47 326 202 6592 384 )42 194 6650 )92 369 167 6885 Colo 290) 2738 215 56866 3186 2861 01 51)73 )552 26)8 16) 46164 NMex 740 649 15 9420 682 403 92 )712 616 526 106 5616 Arh 30 26 210 586 19 28 2)0 644 )0 26 262 734 Utlh 315 J68 246 9058 431 415 05 6510 441 426 210 9009 Ney 21 20 lt91 582 21 20 295 590 20 19 26 bull J 541 Vh 2922 2119 2)6 64750 2959 2166 c87 79268 )1)9 2758 218 60146 Ore~ 1063 976 226 22237 1100 1052 265 29954 1214 1058 215 22698 pound111___ vsect __ sect62 __1sect2 ___11 bull Q)~ ___76___6Q~ _ 175___lQiJ2 ___7f___6pound6__ 185____11261 Q~_ _ _1sect21t _7~212 __1sect3 _ l25sect211_16L~L 17ltL46_ _ 119_ 1 9t2l _ sect3J9Q5_15J90_ _ 1~5_ _ oQ9il~

FUX 11llR ACRYAGS TIuD KD P~WCTIOf 1944 tt 19~

- - - - ~I~ 19~ )2Ii State cree Acree l Yield ~_ Acr~ Acre 11eld Pro- Acre8 Acres Yleld Proshy

Plnted aar- P8r Acre juctlon Pl~ted H~r_ Per Acre ductiouPlQnted BAr- Per Acre ductlo~ ________1eltl __________ l ___ l~~aleg l ____ l ________ toYJseS l _____ to ___ bullbull _d 1hOWlAcres 2M 1houeons housAone 12a ThouTont rhoWlAgre 2111 ~~

OrIC 11 85 165 14 95 6 150 12 8) 16 190 111bullbull4

_______1241 ________ ______ ~_________________12~ _______ __ _ Ore 57 49 190 92 24 Z 170 )4 )4 23 180 41

~UNG llLfJlS ACIGAGB niLD un 1lODUCTIOB 1944 to 1949

- - -- 19~ 19sect i J~ Stat Aere Acres Y1eld Pro- Acre lcrao Yield 130- Acree Acre Yiold Prashy

lPIlU1ted Hr- Per Acreductlon lP1ampnted ar_ Per Acre ductionP1uted BAr- Per I1cre ducUen _____ ___rotsltL_____________JCltJd__________ l ____ _____ _____ _ljI~

lhQ)aca ~ Thoualobe TboubullbullAcr ~ ThoubullbullLb rhonaAcre ~ houbullbull Lb

Okla 75 55 200 11 169 110 2~ zr2 no 10 210 147

- - - -=== = = = I~( = = = = = I~ = = = = = = =)~== = = = = Okla 62 40 250 10 64 50 320 16 31 22 400 B8

- fI shy

1ite8zMf~ iiitByen tiTtJj

1 UPDATA 1931



-- - -- -- --- -1~ - --- ---- --- - --- - ---1~-- - - -- - -- --- ---rrb -- -- - --shy-------~--------------------~ ---------------~---------mte ampern I oWl I Yield 1 Pro- I Acr Acree leld Pro- Aero I Acne Yield 1 Proshy

planted I Bar- Per ductioA Planted Bar- Per 1 dDCUOA Planti4 1 liar- 1 Per duCtiOA ____ ______Y8e ~e__ _____ _____1_Y8e cr_______1______Y8e ce__ ___ _

fbDubullbull Acree lbhela hauslb fllo Acr lbabel houbullbull Bl h0l1t1 Acr lbbele h0l18ln

BY 346 33J 260 8658 349 3433 ~ 9090 211 206 ~ 5459 IJ 15 60 233 1398 93 6J 210 1323 96 62 250 1550 h 911 914 214 195bO 959 932 215 2O08 911 1l65 225 19912 Ohio 1931 1918 221 43539 2150 2129 210 51433 1849 1831 265 48522 IIId 1288 1262 202 25492 1584 1552 225 34920 1383 1366 215 29369 Ill 1321 1240 195 2~lSO 1393 1312 185 24642 1282 1200 160 19200 Klch 949 944 24amp 23222 99l 982 215 21005 871 8amp4 265 22896 Vh 36 35 111~ b58 33 32 265 8~ 32 31 215 b66 H1Jl1l lbO 109 140 1526 112 109 225 2452 101 II 190 1amp12 Iowa 145 116 160 1856 Iamp 131 190 2b03 186 119 235 4206 Mo 1472 1201 163 19614 142I 1304 140 18256 1314 1213 150 181~5 SDak 295 216 105 22M 289 248 1amp0 3968 3~ )08 180 5544 ehr 3510 2bOl 121 33105 3121 3546 230 81558 3941 3901 230 89123laD 13204 11314 165 187611 14145 1341~ 155 201911 14004 131~ 162 212965 Del 68 64 191 1261 13 amp1 195 1306 68 62 190 1118 Md 395 310 232 IISSII 391 359 190 amp821 316 348 195 6186 539 516 192 9901 534 485 155 1518 459 432 185 1992 v 102 87 1116 1618 100 87 185 1amp10 90 17 185 1424bullc 561 516 165 8514 448 408 145 5916 394 311 110 6301 SC 262 253 145 3bbS 202 195 145 2~2S 160 156 165 2514 0 228 213 140 2982 198 11J 135 2410 141 130 130 1690 IT 496 426 118 1583 516 311 135 5008 392 291 140 41SS eAIl 423 396 145 5142 381 345 125 ~312 2f6 259 140 3626 11amp 25 22 163 359 24 20 155 310 15 12 145 114 Kl 25 18 226 401 25 111 200 360 16 9 220 198 Uk 65 46 149 bS5 amp5 39 105 410 44 211 140 392 Ckls 5551 5095 161 850116 b335 5910 125 13875 amp115 amp087 145 118262 ez 4951 4458 185 82413 5842 5350 90 48150 61J5 5992 105 amp2916 HOIlt 1501 1221 215 26252 1501 1311 215 29416 1839 1721 190 3281~ Idaho 115 610 214 18amp32 151 114 290 20106 841 801 255 2O51 W70 185 131 119 1559 192 1amp2 190 3018 213 199 2amp5 5214 Colo 1487 111b 141 15136 1110 1421 225 32108 2103 1884 190 3519amp It 439 263 112 29146 426 276 90 2~ 520 331 80 2648 Arh 26 24 225 540 27 24 210 504 29 21 210 561 Utah 2311 235 216 501amp 225 221 220 1amp8amp2 2amp1 250 200 5000 Icy 5 5 258 l29 5 5 250 125 5 5 280 140 Vb 1461 1359 2119 39275 1695 1576 270 1amp2552 2322 2206 305 bl28)Orec 184 129 261 194amp4 1amp4 725 240 11400 825 116 260 20116 Ca11f 596 ~1 194 10amp12 614 563 190 1Ob91 615 ~19 190 11161- ~2 ~1~)5 )middotI 15~I ~~ampI ~1~0~4 1~(= 1~2s1 S~~l= ~~)l( Is~Oi6ii9i

- - - - - - - - - - - - - ~- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -1~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19K - - - - - - - shy- - - - --crbullbull- TIli -1- - - -- -_-- --cN- rfl14 --- - -- - -- iirH iTtli -I-~-

Stte Acn 1 JIar- I Per 0- _nil JIar- Pel 0- I _ liar- I Pel P~ed bull Acre dDctloa Plant ed Acn amplctlO1l Planted 1 yoded llcr dwU01l

- - - - - - Ytmbullbull-ACrbullbull- -JibeIs- ibOubullbullili- - - ibOui-ACzQ- -lbebeI- ihObullbull-Ji- - ihOu-ACr~- -Jir- ibOQbullbullaa IUu 1J6 1amp1 168 689 2J 23 115 IIOZ 35 35 195 6R bullbull IlK 1848 1816 11yen 26871 1829 11J15 165 299118 22611 2232 11l5 323~ SDak 205 200 105 2100 114 166 150 21190 190 1116 150 2190ui- - - -2~ - -2051- -1~i - - -29666 - - 20i6 - -2-riiI- - 1671J- - -32bullbull - - 2JiiJ3 - -2453- - 14-6- - 357836




- - - -I Ili7 = l~ 1 )~~ -_-_-_-_ State Acre Acree I Tield Pro- Acr~ Acree Yield Pro- 1 Acrfte Acree Tie1d Proshy

1 Planied Har- 1 Per duct ion I P1~ted liar- bull Per 1 ducUon I Panted liar- Per duct10n I Yestd I Acre I 1 Yested Acre I I Yeated Acre

- - - - - -fboii- Acree - -Diiieltl - TbOU8ib- - - ThOitbullbull-ACrell- -Diebllie- hOU8amp- - - ~U8-ACre- -Diaiiel- oftlOUIIllii BT 381 371 2110 89011 1142 11311 270 11718 398 391 270 10557 1lbull1 107 75 250 1(5 115 112 215 1763 107 113 2110 1992 h 947 929 240 22296 985 966 190 18351 926 908 230 208811 Ohio 2212 2179 22 490211 2377 2353 245 5764e 2377 2353 250 58625 Ind 1603 1571 230 36133 1811 1715 215 38162 1139 1122 220 37884 Ill 1423 1339 210 26119 1736 1701 225 311272 1944 1905 230 43615 ~lch 1210 1192 250 29SOO 11116 1395 260 36270 1303 1297 265 311310 Wia 41 38 Z)O 674 J4 )1 225 6911 30 28 2)9 669 Minn 111 101 195 1910 101 76 190 1444 SO 16 170 1292 love 209 190 180 3420 )19 295 235 6956 38Z )55 190 6745 10 1412 1321 185 2411)8 1122 1598 210 33558 1825 1678 115 29365 Snk 415 J~4 18 6549 )07 2)0 135 )105 )01 246 1)0 )198 lIbr 4538 4)b9 210 91149 1~583 4bull194 205 85977 4904 4068 140 56952 Y-an8 15404 14855 193 266702 146J4 1)221 17 231)66 16244 14Z79 110 157069 Del 10middot65 ~O 1)00 71 66 145 951 66 63 175 1102 lold ~68 )41 Zl0 7161 )61 3)4 160 5344 343 317 190 602) Va i96 458 175 SOl~ 481 449 185 8306 438 400 185 11100 1( Va 96 82 195 1599 96 82 18 1511 82 68 190 1292-C 492 461 115 112 408 )111 160 5984 465 IlOO 138 5520 sc 2)8 2)1 165 3812 217 210 140 2940 174 166 120 1992 Ga 198 185 140 2590 17~ 165 135 2228 140 130 125 1amp25 rr 404 )24 160 5184 ~ 324 160 51S4 4DJ 2SS 170 4896 snn 3J2 316 150 4740 355 338 145 4901 301 214 146 4000 la 14 12 165 191J 15 13 155 202 I) 11 154 169 lllee 20 16 19 )lZ 16 12 190 228 15 8 165 132 Ark )8 24 150 )60 40 28 170 476 J4 24 145 348 Okla 7051 6696 155 1031 7263 6696 145 97092 7481 6629 128 84851 ~X 7537 7310 160 116960 6752 5629 105 59104 7OCjQ 6417 11~0 8988 Mont 1949 1341 165 22C26 1676 1549 240 37176 11101425 170 24225 Idaho 900 36) 265 22810 9)5 84) 220 13546 lO8 995 216 21691 lfyo 251 235 20bull5 41518 276 241 COO 4940 288 275 195 5362 Colo 2776 2619 215 56308 076 2759 200 55130 335) 2649 160 42)34 JIKamp 7115 629 145 9120 661 384 90 )~6 595 507 105 5)24 Arb JO 26 210 j151 29 28 230 644 30 2S 262 734 Utah )00 294 220 64615 348 )35 180 6030 352 4 180 6138raquoeY 6 6 270 162 6 6 260 156 5 J 270 IJ5 Waah 2252 2074 250 51850 2417 2302 300 69060 2551 22tO 230 50830 Oreg 1133 160 2)0 17480 815 8)6 295 24662 910 169 220 16918 ~1____ 5~ ___6~__ 65___1~ ___ P __ _fI2__ 75___~J2 ___ l~ ___~6__ 85___128 us 58248 549)5 193 108976 583)2 5296 187 990141 61171 54414 153 85IJ127


us 2915 44328 3218 )220 140 3510

- 10shy

Ore j-tthr-r iItnetirtMriamp BMmiddot 4r

i (C ~ UPOATA 1981


- - - -I f9~ I f9[5I)~[ -_-_-_shyetate I Acre I Acree I Yield I 10- I Acree Acres I Yield I Pro- Acree I Acres I Yield I Pro-

___ )~l~e~e~~_ _p~r_~r~~ ~uto~ ~t~d~y~ ~ ~e ~ce__d~ci~n~t~d~y~ ~ 8 ~C_ _d~Cl~4_ Thoue Acre ]Uehe1 ftouabu houbullbull Acre Bmahe1 Thouebu Thons Acree Buehll1e Thoueau

Kaine 1 1~ 22 1 1-wo 19 1~ 21 BY 3 ) 193 58 3 3 190 57 9 9 210 1S9 Ind 4 4 191 76 3 3 200 60 Ill 7 7 200 140 7 7 250 175 7 7 230 161 Wh 33 32 203 60 28 28 260 728 63 b2 270 1674 Minn 1119 1064 168 17875 974 968 190 18392 1276 1268 195 24726 Iowa 4 ~ 140 56 3 3 190 57 6 6 215 129 BDak 8259 8040 161 129444 8176 80lI0 155 124620 8176 7960 13 107460 SD3t ~754 2654 124 32910 ~892 2787 155 43198 3181 3094 14 44863 Hebr 75 68 96 653 56 50 160 800 56 53 180 954 Eana 6 3 98 29 3 2 110 22 2 1 120 12 Mont 3000 2798 176 49245 2640 2106 115 27669 287 106 12middot5 30C75 Idaho 422 408 324 13219 405 388 310 12028 43 66 310 14446 W70 bull 97 84 149 1252 94 82 165 1353 8S 82 190 1558 Colo 171 140 14 2058 140 133 200 2660 141 120 165 1980 BXex 24 23 170 391 26 21 140 294 22 19 130 247 Utah 60 59 343 2024 61 60 330 1980 74 70 310 2110 I 11 11 80 308 13 13 240 312 14 13 270 351 h 1024 979 239 23398 972 948 200 18960 447 436 24 0 10682 Oreg 196 185 256 4736 206 196 225 4410 225 20S 240 4992

0l1lR SPRING iDA (Cont1d)

---~7I=)~If9~State I Acree I Acre I Yield I Pro- I ADrea I Acre8 I Yield I Pro- I Acre Acres Yield I Pro-

IPlanted l 1Iar- I Per Acre ducUon IPlanted liar- I Per Acre I ducUonlPlanted l Har- Pmiddoter Acre I ductton I Iftsted I I I IYellted I I I IYlIsted I I

- - - - -hoU7 Acre - -lhiillf- -TiioU-~ - yenhoujj-ACre- - ithG1 - houjj1iU7 bous-ACre - - ithG1 - ~hOu8 -bii IIY 4 4 210 84 7 7 240 168 7 7 23middot5 164 Ill S 8 240 192 9 9 25middot0 225 8 8 225 180 Vh 77 76 270 2052 93 92 240 2208 87 86 225 1935 Minn 1034 1014 17middot5 17745 924 913 17middot5 15978 1127 1114 150 16710 Iowa 11 11 170 187 21 21 210 441 29 G9 161 467 BDaIt 7685 7562 140 105868 6993 b881 145 9974 7762 7431 105 78026 SDaIt 3245 3156 140 44184 3440 3345 13middot0 431(85 3681 3479 7middot5 26092 Bebr 70 65 15middot5 1008 91 81 140 1134 114 97 130 1261 MODt~ 3234 3080 140 43 120 3525 3326 170 56542 426 3891 9middot5 36964 Idaho 488 481 33middot0 15873 5S8 570 300 17100 559 542 28middot5 15447 Wra 96 91 195 1174 lug 95 180 1710 104 94 162 1523 Colo 127 119 21middot5 2558 110 102 215 2193 199 189 200 3780 HHex 22 20 15middot0 300 21 19 13middot5 256 23 21 140 294 Utah 75 74 350 2590 83 00 31bull0 2480 89 87 330 2 1ff1 15 14 300 420 15 14 31bull0 434 15 14 290 406 Vah 670 645 200 12900 482 464 220 10208 588 548 170 9316 Oreamp 230 216 220 4752 225 216 245 5292 304 289 200 5780

-------------------~---------------------------------------[J8 17091 16636 154 255607 16735 16235 160 259628 18961 17926 112 201216 ------------------------------------------------------~----




QTS ACllEIGI ~ Alm PBOIlUCfIClI 1944 to 1946

- --- ~ t9Kti~ lorn Aclee amp Y1eld Pro- 1 AcleB Acre Yield Pro- Acre IAcres Y1eld Pro-

State Plantflcl Bar- I Per I duoUoa IPlantflcl liar- 1 Per Iductlou IPlantedl Bsr- Per I ducUoa ____1____etd_I_ ~e__ ____ Ii ____1_tIII_ cJ__t____ ___ t1e _Apoundr _ __ ~_ fhDU Acltel lluUel houalu neue Agee Buabeb TboualIu Tboua ampent ~ hCllle~

Mamp1nal 92 85 370 3145 79 71 360 2556 80 71 400 2840 JJB 14 8 340 272 14 s 330 264 11 7 370 259 n 74 48 320 1536 72 44 310 1364 66 4) 340 1462 (ast 15 6 280 168 16 7 270 189 14 6 350 210 liI 4 1 311) )1 5 1 )10 )1 4 1 320 32 Colll 18 6 )00 181) 18 5 )00 150 15 6 330 198 bullr 795 745 )10 2)095 731 663 290 19227 B41 SOZ 400 32080 raquoJ 54 47 )21 1509 S2 42 260 1092 54 45 320 11j4O Pat Bs4 8114 290 240 476 854 802 305 2446l 854 826 355 2932)Oblo 1073 1047 331 34656 1191 1162 425 49385 1)70 1348 450 60660Ind 1260 1172 256 30003 1436 1371 420 57582 1471 1412 309 55068 Ill 3251 3169 31 100457 )1146 3372 45~0 151740 JB37 3799 420 159558 Mlcb 1)44 1309 329 43066 1505 1466 400 58640 1550 1525 4S5middot 69)88 Vie 2839 2766 ~22 116725 3066 2987 510 152337 2943 2668 4J5 124758 Minn 4672 4456 327 145711 5M6 5392 450 242640 5439 533B 370 197506 Iowa 4917 4711 287 135206 5458 5323 )85 204936 5785 5642 375 2l1S75 Ko 2096 1698 179 30394 1799 1511 190 28709 2015 1843 310 57133 KDak 2784 2653 330 87549 2784 265) 325 86222 2506 2361 265 62566 SDak 3023 2914 298 86837 )597 3497 410 143377 3561 )462 290 100)98 Nebr 2291 2085 168 35028 254) 2439 )15 76828 2696 2561 280 11708 ~an 1825 ]561 162 25288 1278 968 175 16940 1495 1423 285 40556 Del 7 6 276 166 7 5 310 155 5 310 ISS )(d 46 42 310 1302 41 33 310 1023 38 34 330 1122 Va 174 14) 256 )689 172 lljO 280 3920 160 1)4 300 40020 W Va 94 67 221bull 1501 98 72 280 2016 94 68 )00 2040 BC 1t)7 335 277 9280 489 375 275 10312 49) 390 330 12870 SC S40 707 256 18099 798 700 260 18200 734 658 285 18753 Ga 954 656 253 16597 983 682 255 17391 806 5)9 265 14284 Pia 150 40 176 704 145 45 200 900 160 40 180 720 Ky 129 87 200 1740 108 76 240 1824 1)2 99 250 2475 Tenn )16 208 250 5200 Jlj8 245 260 6)70 310 245 265 6492 Ala 294 228 254 5791 318 242 260 6292 28) 198 24ft 40752Ki 521 444 336 14918 542 462 290 13)98 439 32) 300 9690 Ark 525 320 276 88)2 512 304 270 8208 379 255 )00 7650 La 200 152 290 4408 198 131 280 3668 1)6 100 220 2200 Olda 1584 1533 202 30967 1220 1027 190 1951) 1269 1089 210 22B69Tex 1732 1597 239 )8168 1992 1767 225 39758 1892 1608 220 )5376Mont 558 425 )43 14790 491 323 290 9)67 506 )52 310 10912 Idaho 237 194 426 8264 201 171 420 7182 185 1~ 430 7052111 182 150 )14 4710 19) 164 300 4920 174 15) )05 4666 Colo 254 224 278 6221 244 220 3)0 7260 227 187 300 5610 KlIex 60 5) 229 1214 54 43 220 946 57 45 200 900 Arh 26 11 350 385 25 12 490 S88 29 12 350 420 Utah 63 5) 457 2 bull 422 58 0 ljOO 2000 54 4) 4)0 1849n 12 9 430 )87 12 9 390 )51 12 8 440 352 Valh )08 160 1147 7152 288 150 4)0 6450 213 128 480 61411-Oreg 11 609 )98 305 121ljO 560 342 2)5 8054 549 )56 275 9782 ~B1___ i __ ~ _ 89____ Si ___ 21~ __ 6Z _110_ ___515__ 110___120__)~2 ____57O_

us 114141 )9741 289 11492ljO 46025 417)9 365 1523851 46515 42812 345 1477573 irT~-aralaquoe-ot oat-gion-with p~Ud-ytcit-licluded rn-plaitd-aid-hin bullbullt~-JAici - - - - -- - - - --

HOPS ACREAGK rIEl]) AlID PJiClWCTlaIl 1944 to 1946

- - --I I9~ 19~C 9~ State Acre Yield s ampere Ylel4 amper I Yltd r

1 ~eled I Per 1 p~oduct101l1 ilarYetflcl I Per s lrodUOUOIl HarYtll4 I Per I Prodwt1oa __________1__1111 __1______1________Jampr ________1______1__Aampll ________ _

poundtI ~ fhaumiddotporu Att URa flynlold Aampt ~ hllPUI4a Idaho 190 1610 3 2ljO 1850 AA4 240 1585 38t lIaah 9900 1720 17028 11700 1680 21996 11600 1700 19720 Oreg 18700 920 17204 19900 1lt045 20796 20000 950 19000 Ca11t 8ljOO 1620 13608 9100 1580 14378 9100 1610 14651

us 1295 57614 1)13 5)751

- 12 ~


- - - - 19t7 l )~ l i~ Stat Acre Acre I Yleld I Pro- I Acre I Acr Yleld Pro- I Acrll1l Acree Yield Proshy

P1aDted Bar- Per I ducUoa Planted I liar- I Pv ducUoll Plantod au-- Par ducUoa ________1~td_I_ Act__ ~ ___ _ l _____Tt1~_ jcz__1___ _ l ___ lV1~ 1 _~rt _ 1 ____ _ hoWl Acre llI rhouslIg ThOUl ASpound lIuahal ~oulIu ThoUi Acre Bualull lulYBu

Main 8i 73 340 21f82 77 64 420 2688 101 90 400 3600 bullbullB 12 7 310 211 11 6 400 240 U 5 360 180 Vt 54 28 270 756 60 J6 370 1332 66 33 300 990 Ifaabullbull 12 5 360 180 12 6 330 198 13 6 290 174 BI 4 1 330 33 3 1 330 J3 2 1 250 25 Cou 12 4 320 128 10 4 J30 132 12 5 320 160 bullbullY 5JO 47J 275 13008 126 672 400 26880 791 719 290 20851 J 49 36 250 900 42 37 350 1295 46 J9 331 1291 Pa 734 661 390 19169 749 720 380 27J60 794 756 305 23058 ChJo 863 714 260 18564 1191 1171 450 52695 1322 1288 350 45080 1114 1294 1112 )00 35i60 1317 1289 410 52849 1456 1405 366 51423 111 J377 3311 J40 112574 390S 385] 450 17JJ85 J881 3834 415 1591U Klcb 1085 1052 350 36820 1465 1420 37S 5)250 1538 1505 345 51922 IIh 2884 28ll 430 120873 2942 2867 440 126148 3030 2924 41~ 119884 Mu 4630 4537 360 163332 4908 4855 425 206J38 5027 4952 J5$ 175796 Iowa 5438 5247 310 162657 6199 6086 450 273870 6417 6269 386 241983 fo 1552 1309 230 30107 1971 162) 265 43010 1794 1526 229 34945 bullbullllampk 2331 2219 290 64J51 2238 2152 280 60256 1880 1722 201 34612 SDak 3134 J081 Jl0 95511 J165 3112 JJ5 104252 J102 2956 221 65328 bullbullbr 2426 2279 275 62672 2750 2621 280 733AB 2511 2280 202 46056 ~e 1510 1395 290 40455 1616 1144 220 25168 1034 881 194 17091 Del 7 5 320 160 6 5 J50 175 7 6 300 180 Md 40 35 )20 1120 42 36 J35 1206 47 42 J25 1365 Va 150 121 270 3267 160 IJl 330 4323 165 134 296 3966 IIVa 88 64 305 1952 77 58 JO5 1769 79 56 272 1523 IC 508 386 290 lll94 J56 270 290 7830 527 J94 287 U308 SC 866 704 255 17952 606 500 22S ll250 7i~7 605 245 14822 Ga 887 550 250 13750 674 429 260 ll154 7112 468 255 U93~ Jla 160 30 ZOO 600 IJ5 21 190 399 124 16 160 256 LT 141 90 230 2070 118 8J 260 2158 171 109 229 2496 Tenn JOl 230 265 6095 277 205 295 6048 )49 254 250 6350 Ala 28J 184 230 4232 275 169 265 4478 234 130 226 2938 Klas 4J9 365 250 9125 329 274 310 8494 237 156 250 3900 Arlt 424 280 300 8400 40J 252 Jl0 7812 339 209 240 5016 La 145 100 260 2600 113 80 JOo 2400 113 70 250 1750 0Icla 1396 1231 235 28928 1033 714 165 11781 7J3 578 176 10173 Tex 1684 14)1 210 )0051 1465 787 165 12986 1)92 1204 260 31304 font 491 J)8 )10 10478 452 )24 370 11988 457 266 )00 7~80 Idaho 187 172middot 415 7138 168 153 415 6350 212 188 J95 7426 liTO 169 150 JJo 4950 172 14J JOO 1~290 177 137 299 4096 Colo 234 200 325 6500 229 194 JOo 5820 261 235 327 7684 IMex 48 38 210 798 46 38 210 798 )6 32 220 704 Arh J2 12 400 480 28 U 340 374 28 11 400 440 Utah 54 49 1180 2352 5J 47 420 1974 55 50 450 2250 In 13 8 410 328 12 8 410 J28 12 8 J75 300 lIuh 198 131 510 6681 2)0 153 425 6502 22J 150 440 6600 Oregl 554 J56 285 101)2 421 271 265 7182 488 366 280 10248 CalU 542 180 270 4860 558 185 JOo 5550 508 166 260 4316

U8 42058 37855 311 1176142 438)8 39280 )69 1450186 4))18 )92)6 )20 1254895 iT1~C~r~-of at-Vow-rti pa-Ud-ytcl-licluded 11l-plut~-eid-~et-d-~rg- - - - - - - - - - --


- -- -= 1~41 1~ 12~ y Stato Acre Yleld I Acree neld I Acr I Yleld

BarTetod Par I ProdUCUOIl BarTet~ Per I PrOductioD BarTeted I Par ProdtlCtlOD ____________~~ ________________Apoundr ______________1__~rt ________ _ I Pound rhoDaPound AaI ~ bgPoup4I ~ ~ lboyPoupd

Idaho 240 1645 J9S 620 1040 645 850 16)5 1390 lIaeh 11700 1740 20358 129llO 1760 22704 13000 1490 19370 Orae 18900 870 16443 17700 890 15753 14500 1015 147181__ _9rx0_ __ 21~ ___ _ll~~ ___92~___ 3~ ____116 __ 2~ ___ ~~ ____ 5J8__

US 39840 1275 50186 40420 1248 50464 37550 135J 50796 lpduCtloi IncldJ-hOPI baiTr 4 lalabi ~der Krktlnlaquo ~_8zit-hop hanrd bur iot alabi ~dei --HarkaUn ~e_ent and hope produced lint ut harTated Salabl amplloYlIDh under proTle1on of Harltetln Jcre_ent totalad 39 111ion pounda in 1949

- 13 -



- - - -- - - - - - - - -lqijlj - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ~l~~ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - r ~- - - - - - - - shy__ ______ 9 ________________ iloz ___ bullbull _____________ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _~

Stat r Ac r Acr I Tleld r Pro- a__ Acree nu I Pro-- Ie Acrts n1d Pr a ra bull Bar- I Par I I --a bull lIN-- Per I I re Bar- I Per 0shy

____ _P~t~I_~e~ i ~e___dCl~_~t~__f- lPte___l~n_~td__Ie cpoundt_ i ~uC hou lcree l1ehels houbullbulllnl hone Acree aJaba18 honelnl Thou Acre llilehe1 houalnl

HIlna --3--- 3 ~ laquor 5 3 --uo 114 4 ~ -zo 12S n 3 3 250 75 3 3 220 66 2 2 280 56 bullbullY 113 106 255 2703 110 102 250 2550 116 114 320 30118 bullbullJ 10 9 278 250 9 II 300 240 11 10 360 160 h 108 105 298 5129 104 103 3fO 3605 113 112 365 41118 Ohio ~3 21 256 538 26 23 300 690 111 17 295 02Ind 51 41 243 1142 52 44 240 1056 27 25 240 600 Ill 53 45 240 1080 34 31 250 175 26 24 260 624 Kich 144 140 256 3584 121 118 310 3658 139 138 365 5031h 190 181f 267 4913 91 90 400 3600 125 124 375 4650 Kian 809 688 202 389pound 461 4If7 290 12963 138 733 290 21~57 10 II 7 166 116 3 3 2110 114 13 13 315 110 110 102 82 212 1138 88 66 19(1 1254 77 63 200 160 bullbullDU27Ifl 2625 216 56700 2357 2~1I1f 230 5~532 2357 22114 200 45080 SDak 1973 1756 147 25813 l38t 1299 245 31826 1464 1377 220 30294 abr 1174 760 115 8740 681 610 220 13420 613 549 210 11529Ean 1031 722 178 12652 480 38) 185 7086 360 2B 175 5022 Del 12 11 265 292 11 10 280 280 11 11) 305 305 Md 70 69 308 2125 71 64 290 1856 63 6Q 345 2010 Ya 76 72 301f 2189 76 68 270 11136 13 71 320 2272 V1a 9 9 2611 241 9 9 270 243 1 7 300 210 ~1 60 45 268 1206 56 42 220 924 41 33 285 940 S-l 34 25 231 57S 25 21 21( 141 23 20 260 520 GA 11 10 213 213 10 9 200 110 1 6 215 129 rr 127 89 223 1985 11 55 225 12311 11 0 250 120 enn 130 102 197 200s 129 98 1110 1764 100 82 200 1~ Ala II 5 205 102 3 2 200 40 3 2 1110 36 Kl 9 C 260 156 8 6 240 144 3 2 240 411 uk 19 13 199 25~ 14- 9 110 153 8 5 195 911 Okla lt97 28 ~l 5728 249 185 16( 2960 142 ~9 140 1 526 fex 373 340 222 15411 351 235 145 3408 196 164 150 21100 Mont 655 611 213 166110 720 672 220 14184 828 780 225 1 5 ldah 340 330 372 12216 320 307 37 0 11359 294- 276 340 1)84shyliTO 146 131 )10 4061 143 124 300 3120 154 144 300 4320 Ccio 867 726 214 15536 876 ~1 285 22544 683 ~eH 2)5 13936 bullbullMax 64 45 1115 8J2 If5 34 1110 612 28 23 200 1f6O Arh 145 74 420 3108 153 78 380 29611 161 85 400 3400 Utah 139 135 462 62)7 IJIf 130 450 5850 11) 101 450 4 amp60n 24 22 357 185 21 20 320 640 22 20 340 F80 Vallh 202 176368 61+77 139 125 350 1t375 97 90 370 30 Orttlaquo 269 2)8 34s 8282 285 2~i1 295 7582 )02 278 340 ~I1f52 Call 730 1429 280 40012 1816 14amp6 280 41608 1834 1486 30 119038

~I-=~ ==1~~5~= ~2~~1= =~~= =~7~7~ ==l~I~= ~~2~4==~~ == ~~~~= ~1~~6I=~0~~0= =2~~ ==2~~O~ rIumWlI ACREAGE YlELll AND PllOOUallOll 1914 to li46

----~ 1 li~ = 9~ State I Aero I Acre Yield I Pre-l Acre I Acru I Tleld Pro- II Acru I Acre I neld I To- 11

bull Plan~ad I Bar- I lier ductlon I Plante~ I pounder- I Per ductioil I Fanhd 1 Bar- I Per I dUction I ted I Acre I I 1 yoted I Acre I ted AcTa ~

- - - - - -hoUe7 Acres - -BoUbei- houbullba7 - - houS-ACre- -Btlaber- yenboue iJU7 - - houil-cre- -lIiiiierTiini7bi 111 6 3 80 24 2 2 IIfO ~8 1 1 140 14 Mich 6 82 49 7 7 60 42 7 7 90 63 Vh 6 ~ 117 7C 8 7 110 17 6 6 130 111 II an 914 829 75 6211f 1091 1067 HO 11737 932 BB6 105 303 I a III 93 59 519 76 15 125 91I 31f 34 150 10 M 11 11 5~ 60 9 B 45 36 6 6 65 3~ JrDK 865 802 82 6576 l571f 1 525 110 12200 1166 162 65 195) SDak 321 3c6 B2 2509 436 441 105 4630 318 344 100 )44t Rebr 2 1 110 8 2 2 90 18Ian 140 90 37 3)3 133 122 55 611 120 116 70 812 Okla 6n 45 45 202 24 14 30 42 3 J BO 24 lex 36 34 80 272 65 63 BO 504 B4 76 73 555 1I0fa~ 221 193 76 1512 6O 320 41 1312 83 14 70 511 110 1 1 14 4 2 2 50 10 1 1 50 Lrh 19 19 25 4114 1 17 23C 391 14 14 240 36 Oras 1 1 71 7 (all 170 164 110 i788 121 __13__lI~ ___ 22 ___ Osect ___1~2__12~ ___ 9~g VB ---middot2i~ - -2~6i--8- - -21665 - - 3954 - 3785 91 34557 2641 21132 93 2~ ~1I8 1F t te- 40-n~t- 1~ciu4-i ()d ha-8i~ tro-t7 - ~~- to tibe- 1oe~o-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- l


------------------------------------------------------ -------

lIlJ1IJrr ~CRlGlI Th([~ 11-JD PROWClIOIf 1947 to 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - - - p~- - - - - - - -- - bull - - - - - -1M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -194- - - - - - - - -State -~o -1-ACn- rfi1d -1- h- -1- ~8 - -ACre-Triold -- - -1- ~e --ACre- ~ field -1- Pt- shy

1 Planted Bu- 1 Per I duction 1 Planted I mu-- I Per I 4nction Planted Har- Par I iucHonI bullbullbulltd IAero I yeatod Acre I yeahd 1 Acre I

- - - - - - Thoubullbull -ACre- middotmiddot8iiior- ihiiUbullbull~7 - Thoue-ACre- - - ibahel ifhoua iiU- - - fhiiUC-ACre - -llI1aiiel - ifhiiubullbulliiU7 NaiDe 4 4 280 112 4 4 320 128 6 6 290 174 Vt 1 1 190 19 2 2 290 58 1 1 200 20 bullbullT 103 93 240 2232 93 90 320 2880 85 79 250 1975 Bl 17 15 330 495 18 16 330 528 19 17 385 654 Pa 132 130 330 4290 132 126 3115 113117 156 154 395 6083 Ohio 17 15 260 390 19 18 300 540 21 18 310 558 IDd 22 21 260 546 19 18 270 1IS6 23 21 265 556 Ill 28 26 285 7111 32 31 3110 10511 l1li 41 300 1230 Mich 121 115 300 3lIse 1112 140 320 41180 129 125 270 3375 Vb 160 159 )65 5804 205 204 380 7752 195 194 332 6l1li1 Minn 1018 915 265 25838 1252 1219 270 32913 1148 1110 230 25530 Iova 6 311 235 799 33 33 320 1056 31 31 259 803 No 74 63 230 1449 84 73 250 1825 106 85 215 1828 HDak 2522 2444 210 51324 2724 2640 210 55440 1880 1690 150 25350 SDak 1508 1432 220 31504 1583 1518 230 311914 1219 1093 125 13662 Xebr 533 467 220 10274 560 472 195 92011 403 326 187 b096Ian 328 290 220 amp380 459 362 190 6878 266 221 175 3868 Del 13 12 305 366 13 12 285 342 13 12 270 324 u~ 75 73 3110 2482 711 70 310 2170 82 80 340 2720 Va 86 84 295 21178 89 86 345 2967 89 86 3011 2614 VVa 9 9 31bull0 279 10 10 345 345 12 12 3111 377 bull c IS 39 290 1131 39 32 245 7811 40 34 262 891 50 26 22 260 572 23 18 215 3fr7 23 18 225 405 Ga 8 7 220 154 6 5 200 100 5 4 225 90 ~ 71 53 25middot0 1325 76 53 265 1404 102 72 250 1800 enn 88 77 210 1amp17 86 75 220 1650 82 67 170 1139 Ala 2 1 180 18 3 2 190 38 3 2 2110 lIS IU 3 2 230 46 3 2 250 50 3 2 250 50 Ark 5 3 200 60 10 6 lt1I0 1l1li 8 5 211 106 Okla 109 86 180 1548 80 66 155 1023 61 52 175 9iO fex 161 1311 175 2345 117 113 155 1752 159 133 190 2527 Mont 853 796 235 18706 930 8]6 290 254011 614 526 210 11046 IdaIw 332 320 370 11840 32 358 350 12530 3112 329 320 10528 Tn 1119 138 320 41116 177 159 275 4312 168 151 298 115000010 669 605 280 16940 amp62 563 250 111075 841 788 281 22143 NMex 29 25 195 1IS8 22 20 210 420 26 211 210 504 Arb 150 97 -1130 4111 191 146 510 1114amp 167 126 500 amp300 Utah 123 118 1110 5546 150 1l1li 420 amp0118 155 150 440 66Or) Hey 22 20 360 120 27 24 360 864 25 22 350 770 Wash 114 105 335 3518 136 126 345 11341 112 101 2St 2828 Oreg 323 JOO 355 10650 381 351 345 12110 297 214 32~ 8768 Oalif 1~g9 1545 290 44805 1965 1amp22 310 50282 19amp5 1590 J~o 50880

~~___ 191__ 092__221 __2183__ ~~__1~202 __2~2_ -5527__ 1122__ 21~ __2~~ __2101l_

FUXSEED ACHEM TImraquo HI) PllOOOCTION 1947 to 1949

------------If-------------------Ijs-----------------qij---------shy-- - ~ - - -- ic~ Yield -- ~-Y- - -A- - - ACro9 Yield - - - -y-- -_-- --Acrii~ ~ field -- - -11

S 11 i crea Bar- Per I _rei I Bsr- I Per I ro- I re Har- I Per ro- I I Planted I yeated I Acre ductiou I Plant~d yeted Acre I dnction I Planted I yeated Acre I dnction

- - - - - - Thoubullbull-ACre - -lliiahel - ifhOuB iiU- - - fhOU8 -ADrbullbull- -lIIlaiieY - ibOua iiU- - -hOUI- Acre - -llI1ahl - houaiiu-Ohio 3 3 80 2~ Ill 6 6 120 72 2 2 140 28 1 1 130 13 Mich 6 6 75 45 10 10 BO SO 10 10 14 74 Wi 15 15 125 188 22 22 13middot 297 17 17 139 236 Hinn 1411 1313 l0 15103 1700 1661 115 19102 1700 1644 95 15618 Iowa 84 83 135 1120 105 l04 155 1612 III 110 13J 1518 Mo 6 6 50 30 4 4 5middot0 20 3 3 65 20 DDak 1567 1524 80 12192 1818 1753 9middot5 lSb5~) 2018 1928 70 13496 SDak 591 585 100 5850 11amp 708 110 1788 713 708 65 11602 lana 115 107 70 7119 fr7 12 5middot5 396 34 31 63 195 Okla 4 4 60 24 4 3 30 9 3 3 5middot3 16 u 94 91 95 864 248 240 5middot5 1320 335 308 65 2002 Mont IBB 168 60 1008 148 141 100 1410 90 62 47 291 Idaho 3 3 100 30 Wyo 2 2 45 9 1 1 50 5 1 1 50 5 Arh 20 20 265 530 38 38 280 1064 44 38 250 950 Vah 4 4 130 52 2 2 100 20 2 2 120 24 Oreg 8 1 150 105 15 1~ 105 1111 9 8 110 88 CaliC 125 122 215 2623 201 198 245 4851 197 17~ 220 3828 US - - - -11264- - -4129-- 98 - - ~6i- - -5121- - ~97 - -iia - - 54803- - -5348- - 5048 - - 85 - - 42976-If iti~t- dO-Dt-iclude-claed hatd tr-II-fla ~- fO fib In-oe~o- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- 15 -

UPDATA 1981 bull ~ ilmiddot t ~ bull


RD ACRlWl1l TDlIJ) un PllOIJJeTIOlI 1944 to 19116

-- --I 1HI i9i5I~ Sate S Aane rea neld rc)oo Acre lene lelA Pro- Acree Aorea n14 Proshy

laW Iu- Pertan I cluUoa Plutea Iu- lItr Acre cltwtion1p1ateal S Per Acre duetioll ________ft1______ i ____ i ___ eJl4 l _____1____ l ___ l t ~ illl ________ _ IIIo Aon l 1bou BIl ftlau Acre Ill boualIu lhoq _rea Buboh lhoua Bu

11 66 12 162 1 80 10 175 175 105 8 180 144 IT~ 96 15 167 250 95 13 160 208 91 15 175 262 Pe 55 43 148 636 53 U 155 636 33 22 155 341 Oblo 80 33 152 502 90 I 115 472 70 17 110 289 IIlld 179 86 118 1015 222 70 125 875 1ar 46 135 621 Ill UO 63 113 712U8 It7 120 561t 88 38 125 475 1Ucb US 62 127 787 117 56 140 IJIt 91 48 135 648 Vle 125 98 87 853 126 95 120 1140 100 76 115 874 Ill 155 108 87 9fO 144 107 260 1712 151 118 130 l5J1J laws 118 10 120 12fl 37 11 130 143 26 10 170 170 Ho V3 SO 116 580 128 41 110 451 100 35 125 438 IDate ~ 145 92 l3J1J 150 115 135 1552 225 196 110 2156 Snate 5 392 lOl 3959 376 290 V5 42115 323 altl 105 2530 lebr 585 365 91 )322 556 361 125 4512 423 282 110 3102 Iatia 225 101 105 1060 2117 81 lO5 850 120 53 105 556 Del 32 18 1)6 245 JIJ 19 V5 276 J3 18 140 252 ald ~ 23 165 380 67 20 145 290 5f lit 145 2flJ la 135 114 144 6J1J 136 JIJ 135 459 125 25 140 350 VY 12 5 135 68 13 135 54 8 ) 125 38 IC 1~ J8 115 437 165 31 105 )26 145 22 125 215 sc 75 16 104 166 75 15 95 142 44 11 100 110 0 It) 12 101 121 50 10 90 90)0 6 100 60 ~ 133 JK1 141) S60 182 40 125 500 155 37 140 518IID 172 37 10ij 400 162 J4 95 3Z3 115 25 100 250 OEl 264 100 103 1030 257 ~ 100 740 1114 48 90 4)2 fex 142 22 119 262 55 21 90 199 It9 11 100 110 HoDt 20 16 120 192 2h 16 110 176 40 26 100 260 Idaho 12 5 1)) 66 11 5 130 65 11 It 140 56 1170 36 J 91 121 JJ 8 105 ~ 29 8 105 B4 Colo 1250 79 600 121 80 100 800 100 68 80 S44 bullbullJlllx 12 9 82 74 12 5 65 )2 10 5 85 42 Utah ~ IJ 95 12h 22 10 100 100 22 9 95 86 lIash 147 17 114 194 55 15 120 180 50 10 125 125 0rec 151 )2 141 451 155 )1 140 434 140 )2 1)5 432 Calif 29 12 108 130 29 13 130 169 22 lO 120 120

us It1415 2132 106 22525 4157 1850 128 2)708 3396 1591 116 18487 ---~-------------------------------------------------- ----

- - - --_ - - - -- _ -r9li4-_ - - - - __ - ___ - _______ S________________ - - - - - - 7________ - - shy --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T9i- - - - - - -r - - - -l~b - - -Stat Aores Aaru nld I Pro- Acrbullbull Acr I Ylel4 I Pro- Acl IADrea neld I Proshy

PlIIIIha ~ PilI Aclll ductlOD IPllUlted liar- Perlen duaUoDlplal1~1 liar- IPer Acre l duettOD I Ia I ytd I IYelted I- - - - -1ioiie iare - -BiiieT- -hnaB - fliDU-AGr- - iiahi - fbOuBiu Thru-iCrbullbull- -BiiiieT- TbOubullbulliia

1_ 6 6 200 120 6 6 155 9J 5 5 200 100 n 1 1 220 22 1 1 180 18 1 1 220 22 BY 155 150 180 2700 129 98 155 15]9 119 113 190 2147 Fa V~ l4O 195 27)0 112 98 185 1813 108 lOit 200 2080 Ohio V 14 210 294 18 17 180 )06 17 11 190 J23 1114 lO 10 150 150 22 20 135 270 7 6 150 90 Ill 5 5 165 82 16 15 150 225 5 5 160 80 Il1ab )8 )) lS5 512 46 25 140 )50 ZIt 18 1)5 24) lI1a 29 27 lS5 418 26 ZIt 150 360 2 25 145 362 IIIIIDo 67 6) 150 945 49 45 1140 6)0 118 It2 140 588 Iowa 12 12 175 210 7 vo 98)) 150 45 Ia) 1 1 125 12 1 1 120 12 1 1 110 11 Bllak 5 14 160 64 7 7 160 112 6 6 130 78 SDak 7 6 150 90 It 130 52 5 5 40 70 JId 6 6 200 120 5 5 ~5 118 _ _ 2)5 9Ita 8 8 165 132 5 5 170 85 It _ 170 68 V 10 10 185 185 8 8 US 172 8 8 195 156 Ie 5 5 145 12 It 160 6It 3 3 160 48 ~ 2 2 130 26 2 2 130 26 3 J 140 42D ____1 ___ 1_ 145______1 ___ ~ ____ __1 _____~___ o___ O__1~1 ____1~5_

trs 531 S08 176 8956 417 ItOl 161 6~7 It08 )13 178 6812 ------------~---------------------------------------------

- 16shy



- - -- 12411lMIX99 sbullbullbullbull _ iorea n 14 I Pro- Acre iDre J nld Pro- Acne lAcn_ TleU Proshy-- re I Ifuo- I e I I I Hu- I I J Bar- I

____1~~~~bull l_I_~r_~~ ~~ ~~~Y ~~_1_~~l~)P~~Ye ~r_I~ _~~1J1_ I1cu tara ~ hOh ~oubull iDn l ThouBn hOlla AlIre ]ahale fhouellIl bull

bullbullr 90 J5 185 278 90 11 185 3~ 107 17 184 313 bullbull1 89 15 180 20 f5 12 175 210 88 12 179 215 Pa 21 18 155 Z79 21 16 ~5 232 21 ~ 165 231 Ohio 71 JO 170 S10 67 20 180 360 ~ 18 170 306 lad ~3 60 v0 8110 ISO ~ ~5 928~) 57 1)5 77fJ Ill ~ -7 ~O 658 113 53 150 795 123 56 141 790 1I11JII 126 7fJ ~5 1015 1)2 80 150 1200 1 57 140 798 V1I 109 87 120 1~ 112 92 l20 1104 119 92 120 1104 lie la 1~ 150 21f6O 278 2)9 150 3585 200 172 145 2494 lov 28 15 150 225 36 17 155 264 5) 18 140 252 Mo 100 36 110 396 105 )5 120 420 U7 )5 112 392 bullbullDIIk 360 30 140 4522 461 401 120 4812 26) 229 115 2634 S1lIIk _10 ~7 v0 4858 476 392 1)0 5096 328 267 117 31211shyu ~ 305 90 2145 352 238 95 2261 317 207 74 1532 Eau 136 110 627 90 )I U5 391 65 28 97 272 DIll 32 19 135 256 33 20 120 2110 28 ~ 140 196 M 52 16 150 JIO 48 V v0 196 52 12 145 1a 1350 140 322 155 25 V5 362 15) 18 140 252 Va 8 3 120 36 6 2 130 26 6 2 136 2 _C ~ ~5 348 117 22 130 286 113 17 115 196 SC 42 10 115 115)1 7 85 60 26 6 95 57 Oa 2 6 75 45 22 5 90 45 20 4 80 32 1Ir 141 37 140 518 130 28 150 420 1)6 2 136 J67 fua 98 26 105 273 100 30 110 330 105 20 101 202 Oltla 115 JJ8 95 456 108 36 75 270 1~ 36 70 252 ~z 7fJ 35 100 3SO B4 30 70 210 100 38 80 304 MoII 52 29 125 )62 JO 20 1)5 27fJ 2) 7 90 63 I4aho 10 5 17G 85 10 4 130 52 10 ) 150 450 21 7 110 71 27 7 70 49 Z7 7 102 n Colo 8 7 100 47fJ 58 35 80 2BO 38 2) 90 207 bullbull lIDz 7 5 115 511 7 5 UO 55 7 5 120 60 ~u 12 6 100 60 10 5 100 SO 10 5 Uo 55 Vesb SO 13 100 130 JJ8 17 130 221 42 10 101 101 Orec 125 32 ~O AiIf8 110 24 145 )lI8 116 15 103 154 ~-1____1 ___l _~O____ _ P ___21 ___ 2__~2 _____14___ 5____6__12~ ____ ~_ ~___ ~7 _9 _ 28____2l~ _22~ __~o~__l ___ S86_ ~23__15t__1~ __ ~1~2


--- - J2i+I i1 i W9 I Mn5 I J liDnll I I Acre

StaM I Mn I JIcq I nu I Pro- mne I iaIo J nld I Pro- I Acn I IreZ- I Yield Proshy____I~~laquobulld_~I_ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~YIleJ ~ ~ ~~_1_~~l~J1JP~~lYlle ~Pr_~~_d~l~J1_

Au II ftIagpa hog Mn lI1 ~1UIlln hOUR Acre lIIt_hel lhou1Iu

181 6 6 170 102 5 5 200 100 5 5 210 105 ft 1 1 140 14_r a 1M 135 1539 99 96 195 1872 78 76 210 1596 12) 114 160 182It 101 96 210 2016 78 200 1480 Will __ 42 155 651 16 16 180 2B8 12 12 210 2521114 19 18 140 252 2 2 150 30 4 160 64 IU 16 16 130 208 4 4 170 68 2 2 160 32 Ill 63 57 130 11 30 27 130 351 20 19 145 276 V18 2 25 ~5 362 25 ~ 155 356 23 22 151 332 Ill 62 54 120 ~ )It 29 150 bull 435 28 ~ 125 300 1_ 10 10 120 120 JIll 2 2 110 22 bullbullDate 8 7 150 105 3 J 160 If8 4 120 If8 s~ 9 8 110 88 4 160 64 3 J 80 2H II - - 180 72 ) ) 230 69 3 -) 210 63a ) J 160 ~ 3 3 180 54 2 2 166 33 Va 8 8 175 ~ 7 7 195 1)6 7 7 201 141 ~C 3 3 170 51 1Ir 2 2 150 30 t~ ____l ___l_ ~~_____ 6 ___I ___ 2__~~ _____18___ =2___ 2__1~ ____20_ US ~ S05 142 7171 JIe8 330 18_ 6085 281 269 184 4956 -----------------------------------------------~------ ----

- 17 -


llRY EIBLE 1IEliS ACREME TIBLllUlll plIOWClIOIi 1944 to 194911

~ -- - ~124 124i 1W bull bull Acres bull bull bull bull Acree bull bull bull bull Acres bull bull ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pl~tedyeted Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted vested Per Acre duct ion pl~ntedyented Per Acre duct10n - - - ---TioiAcrlI- --pound --ThOuiyen~- Thouice ---Pouid --nOUBW- nouic~e ---POuid-middot --TboujjishyHamp1u 5 5 695 35 4 4 820 33 6 6 980 59 vt 1 1 626 6 NY 120 113 790 893 101 84 850 714 128 124 1200 1488 Mich 701 660 690 4554 435 363 820 2977 531 519 740 3841 Vb 2 2 430 9 1 1 560 6 ---Minn t 6 5 476 24 4 4 600 24 3 3 500 IS IfDosk 2 1 (730 7 1 1 700 7 1 1 600 6 lfebr 60 49 1260 617 53 18 1520 7JC 611- 62 1650 102] Mont 25 ~ 1083 249 20 18 1300 234 18 17 1 bull 590 270 Idlho 146 145 1550 2248 117 115 100 1725 131 128 1700 2176 qo 90 86 1240 1066 90 86 1250 1075 93 90 1450 1305 yenllh 3 3 1030 31 4 4 1250 50 4 4 1075 43 Oreg 1 1 1322 13 Tu 2 1 200 2 Colo 350 327 540 1766 290 271 580 1572 276 249 650 1618 fMex 267 ~O 302 695 203 161 180 290 142 114 225 256 Alb 15 14 395 55 14 13 515 67 14 13 900 117 Utah e 7 480 J4 8 7 400 2B 10 9 400 36 ~UL1IIrI 166 166 1327 2203 166 166 1242 2062 149 149 1342 2000 CtJ1fOUlIl1 183 157 1045 1640 148 141 1062 1497 134 134 1184 1587 poundeil _142 __ 221 _ _ 9Q _1bullsect41 _ __ 2~ __ 201 __1L129__ J~29_ __ ~1 _ _ g82 __1L2amp7__ _ l281_ ~___ g52 _ ~9~ ___ 02 _1amp41 __ ~5~ _ ~1 ___80__ vJ0~1__ 1Ot _ ~2~ ___917___12~_

DRY EDlDLE llEA1lS (Contd) - - - - 1241 124sect 1942 Jamp1ne 7 7 1100 77 9 9 900 81 8 8 925 74 bullbullY 138 13D 1070 1391 181 179 1230 2202 176 170 1000 1700 Mich 494 467 670 3129 514 504 880 4435 52) 519 1100 5709 Minn 2 1 350 4 1 1 650 6 1 1 650 6 1lDIk 1 1 850 8 lfllbr 80 76 1425 1083 85 83 1725 1432 90 85 1530 1301 Mont 2l 20 1450 2)0 22 21 1470 309 19 18 11170 265 IdlLho 159 154 1540 2372 ISO 148 1800 2664 149 147 1830 2690 To 112 107 1350 1444 98 95 1370 1302 83 81 1520 1231 lfaah 4 4 1200 48 5 5 1500 75 8 8 1490 119 Colo 331 321 800 2568 341 324 720 2333 307 295 820 2419 NMex 155 140 237 332 191 172 250 430 181 169 350 592 Arb 15 14 430 60 14 14 475 66 12 12 500 60 Utah 14 13 760 99 17 15 400 60 15 14 500 70 Ca11tL1IIrI 149 149 1406 2095 145 145 1603 2324 15 175 1654 2894 CallfOther 174 174 1303 2268 223 223 1389 3097 183 183 1229 2249 poundlil_2z1 __ 222 __ 25_t262 ___ 26Q __ 26Q __14ZJ_ __5431___ 25Q __ 25Q __1427_ __ 241_ ___ sect5~ _ m ___ 271 _116sect __ 29~ _ 23Q __1J014__ 086__ 23sect _ Q82 __1114___2~2 _ J1 Include b gl01OI1 for lead


- - - - li~ li4i 12~ s~te Acr Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acree Yield Proshy

Plantedl Har- Per Acre duction Planted Har_ Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted Har_ Per Acre duction _____ __x8td______________=_vsies______________Z8tlltL__________ _ rhoueAcieg Pounds Thous1jB ThousAcres ~ ThouBBagB ThoulAcree Pounds ThouBBagB

Mlch 1 1 770 8 Vh 3 3 970 29 2 2 950 19 1 1 1100 11 MInn 4 4 82033 4 4 950 38 6 6 800 48 NDak 14 13 1060 138 13 12 1200 144 15 15 1350 202 Mont 42 40 1103 441 32 30 1200 360 24 2J 1170 269 Idaho 225 219 1275 2792 ISS 153 1200 1836 161 156 1350 2106 lyo 2 2 921 18 2 2 1200 24 3 3 1250 38 Colo 33 22 860 189 bull 33 23 900 207 23 16 750 120 WaG 347 340 1290 4386 246 235 1160 2726 244 235 1480 3478 Oreg 58 56 1120 627 39 37 950 352 20 19 1300 247Qai____~ ___Ii __ l12 __ pound32 ____21 ___2Q _ _1 05_middot__ _29J_ ___1sect ___112 ___820____ l6Q _ l~_ ___ Z5Z - _ ru __ lgl _ J2li9t ___ i~ __ ilJ2 _ _11tl- _ -S91L __ ili __ 9_~ __13i8___ poundpound72 _

DRY FIELD PEAS (Contd) - - - - 1i41 1~1 -)242 Wle 1 1 1050 10 Minn 8 7 600 42 J J 900 27 7 7 950 66 Iflllk 20 18 1080 194 7 6 1200 72 5 5 1000 50 Mont 17 16 1100 176 8 8 1160 9J I 6 1130 68 Idaho 153middot 150 1320 1980 72 68 1220 830 99 89 1120 997 lyo 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1210 24 Colo 35 21 900 189 24 19 1000 190 19 16 1220 195 Vash 256 247 1300 J211 162 156 1280 1997 210 198 760 1505 Oreg 25 24 1180 28J 19 18 1300 234 17 14 700 98poundsll___ _Zl __ _ Zl ___ 19Q __ g11 ____1sect ___1sect __ 390____113____11 ___11 __1210____ 102 _ ____ 2~ __ 21l _ _ 33g _ ~l2g ___ Jl2 __ ~9Q __1J2g1__ JJ6fJ___ l8l _ _ 25 ___9pound7___ l~l~_ 1I h pl1Jlc1pal comerc1al produciD8 States Includes Pt)llS groUl for seed aDd comery pens harvested lUy

- III shy

1 UPDATA 1981



- - - - 19i4 19sect 12 li41 to ~ t 1242 St t A Aores Ac Acres A Acres ~ Acres ~ Acres A Acres

a e creB Har- reo H~r- cres ~r- cres H~r- cr~s H~r- eres Harshy____~1ne~eit~d_~1no~_elt~ltLlP~~tdlV~oeS_~1ne~lvsOS_ c~middot~_vselP~l~td_Jel~~d__

Thousand Acres Ind 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ill 12 12 9 9 7 7 5 5 6 6 4 4 ViB 3 3 2 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~1nn 18 18 12 12 7 7 10 10 6 6 5 5 Iogtlt 23 22 11 11 7 7 8 8 12 12 10 10 Mo 265 263 225 216 184 181 179 176 154 150 122 120 Iflhk 87 86 50 49 47 44 42 41 33 32 35 34 SJhk S49 502 390 362 238 221 188 179 152 149 164 156 Jlebr 704 685 50 480 390 374 343 325 364 351 364 347 K9ns 38116 3768 3054 2879 2718 2505 2256 2154 2459 2391 2361 2319 Va 10 9 15 10 15 9 17 9 14 6 12 4 IIVa 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 nc 26 26 23 23 30 30 32 32 35 35 32 32 sc 36 36 35 35 28 28 29 29 30 30 23 23 Ga 60 60 60 60 48 48 55 55 54 54 38 38 Ky 35 34 35 35 39 39 34 34 2l 21 18 18 Tenn 62 6 56 56 56 56 48 48 37 37 29 29 Ala 59 58 61 60 79 78 86 84 99 97 65 63 Mhs 65 64 63 61 51 49 53 52 47 46 34 33 Ark 94 93 97 95 82 80 78 75 68 67 51 50 Jg 10 10 9 9 8 8 9 9 11 11 11 11 Okla 2484 2406 1938middot 1829 1783 1664 1284 1198 1348 1258 1146 1094 T8 8318 8202 7653 7054 7273 6913 5527 5392 7019 6740 5168 5080 Mont 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 4 3 3 4 3 Vyo bull 14 13 10 9 7 7 7 6 4 4 5 5 Colo 766 723 705 658 613 546 490 470 500 479 645 618 1IHex 690 669 467 309 317 265 349 313 521 479 556 532 Arb 71 69 55 53 74 72 62 60 90 88 77 76 Calli 133 127 112 108 151 151 76 76 122 122 80 80 115- - -ie458 -18038 - - is668 - 14-498- 14- 2f6- - i540J -11-277- -10OsO - -13214 -12-679- -11064 - -10789- -


- - - l9~( t00 1916t 197 19aL 12112 St t Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros Dald Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros IReld Pro- Acres llel4 Proshy

a eHar_ Per duc_ Hl1- Per duc- H9r- Por dw- 59r- Per due- zHar- IPer duc_ Har- Per i ducshy___yetdlApoundrs_t0E lVS82C8l 1n_yeltdAEr_t0E lvse2cel 1n_yetdlApoundrl_t0E lvsse~cel isn_

Thous Thous Thous Thoua Thous ThOUG Thoua Thous Theus Thous Thous Thoua ~ TonE ~ Acrea ~ Tons Acros Tona1m Acres ~ Tons ~ TOilS ~ Acres 2 Tons

Ind 2 270 5 1 290 3 1 260 3 Ill 4 250 10 3 250 8 2 300 6 2 250 5 2 350 7 1 350 4 Minn 15 300 45 8 20 18 5 200 10 8 200 16 4 250 10 4 230 9 Iowa 12 300 36 5 300 15 2 350 7 2 250 5 6 300 18 4 250 10 Ho 150 211 316 146 180 263 105 220 231 95 180 171 86 20 189 58 210 122 N bull oruc 76 110 106 116 135 62 41 110 45 39 130 51 30 125 38 32 100 32 SDak 395 169 668 308 150 462 177 l70 301 152 130 198 124 180 223 133 135 180 Nebl 511 197 1007 383 160 613 279 165 460 234 155 363 222 160 355 220 230 506 Kans 1125 213 2396 1386 164 2273 1302 160 2083 989 140 1385 692 190 1315 649 185 1201 Va 6 170 10 8 175 1~ 7 175 12 8 175 14 5 180 9 4 175 7 lle 15 160 24 13 170 22 18 180 32 17 190 32 13 200 26 13 200 26 SC 22 130 29 21 145 30 14 150 21 14 140 20 16 1~5 2J 10 150 15 Ga 35 111 39 42 135 57 33 135 45 )8 130 49 41 130 5] 29 140 41 KT 22 184 ~o 25 240 60 23 260 60 22 280 62 15 210 32 13 21~ 2B Tenn 37 180 67 33 20 73 31 210 65 29 230 67 23 235 54 17 220 37 Ala 23 140 32 24 135 32 27 155 ~2 28 135 38 37 150 56 19 145 2B Hios 27 165 ~5 28 185 52 18 150 27 18 170 31 19 195 37 16 185 30 Ark 66 161 106 68 160 109 50 145 72 51 140 71 J8 185 70 27 190 51 L~ 6 130 8 5 165 8 ~ 160 6 4 135 5 6 145 9 5 160 8 Okla 132~ 145 1920 1118 125 1398 969 130 160 701 110 771 652 150 978 502 160 803 Tex 2920 1193768 2985 110 3283 2324 122 28391677 110 1844 lt17J 122 26601452 145 2105 Mont 5 117 6 4 120 5 6 115 7 4 130 5 J 150 4 3 80 2 Wyo 13 82 11 9 70 6 7 60 4 6 80 5 ~ 75 3 5 76 4 Colo ~7J 114 539 460 110 506 350 105 368 304 115 )50 280 105 29~ 301 107 322 11Mex 29~ 102 300 223 70 157 155 103 159 143 67 96 184 100 184 109 129 141 Arh 6 200 2 3 200 6 5 175 9 3 175 5 3 175 5 ~ 175 7 Ea1i__ _35pound __ Z___2_ ~poundO___ ~ __ _35pound ___7___~ 210___7___ _35pound __ ~ __ 2 _ 210___1pound

~middot~middot_118~ _15~ 015J317_ 10_ 21~11251_131_81~1_4520_ 3_56~6_ ~~8~ _14 ~~521~31_ za_11~

- 19 shy





- ---I I94 1J9s 1~~ S~at J Jor 1 Yield Pr d ti~ JeJ81 I n14 I ProducUcna I Jone J Yield Pro4ucUoII

____1_~bullt4_1_~r_~l _1__0_u _~ _1_IIret4__~I_-l _1________~t4_1_~1_~l J _____ _ ThouIAcne ~ ThoU Bu llloutareplE ft1oUI Bu BiouDJeJ8el llloubullbull IIp

Ind 2 ~9 48 2 300 60 1 300 30 Ill 1 240 2h 1 290 29 1 300 30 Iova 1 240 24 1 200 20 1 200 20 Mo 61 216 1)18 29 ~o 435 ~ 220 968 IDaIt 8 163 130 1 160 16 1 135 14 SDak 92 153 1408 43 115 494 37 160 592 lobI 115 22) 2564 75 180 1350 18 200 1560 Ian 2229 221 49261 1149 154 17695 B51 1)5 11488 IC 2 250 50 3 2)0 69 sc 1 165 16 1 170 17 3 IB5 56 Al 2 163 33 13 150 195 2) 160 368 uk 7 143 100 10 170 170 8 150 120 La 1 150 15 1 180 18 1 140 14 Okla 979 1050 146805 636 120 7632 6~ 115 7176 ex 05103 194 99229 ) 950 150 c59139 4~ 160 71840 ColO aIfO 1057 3768 180 lAt9 2682 191 130 2483 1lIex )69 166 6111 84 70 587 108 104 1127 Aris 54 372 2009 44 )40 1496 55 360 1980 ~a1____11____)1~ ____ ~)~ _____1pound2____32~ ___ _ l27 _____~5____42 ___ ~292 __ US 9)86 197 184978 6)24 152 9606) 6669 159 106025


- - --I l~ 192s 1~ Stah I tar 1 Yield 1 PrOdUCtioD Acre I Yield I ProductiOIl Acne I Yield 1 Productloll

____1_~etd_Umiddotr_Jer _1_______ _~etd_I_Pr_Ael _1_______1_lIrQt4__~r_~l J _____ _ Thoue Jon ll 2a DIOUlllOD ThoubullbullJer 12 DIoubullbull Toll lhoUlJarooa ToD bou l01I

lIId 5 105 52 4 120 48 3 110 111 4 100 40 3 90 27 2 105 21 Vh 1 80 8 1 75 8 M1Dn 70 21 4 60 24 2 65 13 Iowa 6 100 60 3 90 27 1 110 11 Mo 85 374 36 71) 252 25 85 212 IDak 2 30 6 2 202 4 2 21 4 SDaIc 15 7 56 11 3- 37 7 40 28 Ifebr 59 64 378 22 50 110 17 50 BS Iane 412 70 2884 )42 55 1881 SO 60 21OQ SC 3 50 15 ) 55 16 3 50 15 Ga ) 40 12 1 45 14 51) 20 leDII 10 65 65 9 70 63 6 70 42 Al 6 75 45 05 70 35 6 60 36)Ii 12 90 108 12 90 108 12 75 90 Ark 3 55 16 2 55 11 5 60 )0 La 1 61 7 1 7- 7 1 66 7 Old 97 50 485 10 45 115 67 40 l68 Ix l6It 48 789 108 35 )83 87 41 ~O Colo 10 55 55 18 45 81 5 50 25 bullbull lIu 6 ) 20 2 30 2 45 9 Arll 9 121) 108 6 US 69 12 U5 138pounda1_____4____~~ ______2 ______4 ~ ______4 _____~ ______l~ ______ ____1~~

US 879 642 56114 671 532 3510 623 576 3SS7


- - - -I = 19~ = = = == = ~ 1~4sect state crill 1 Yield ProductioD Acre 1 Yield I Prod t1 I Acres Yield Pr

_____~etd_lt]~r_Apoundr ________1_Hrstd_IJr_Apoundr ____~ _o~ __~etd_Jr_Apoundrtl _ ~d~~1~~ ThougAcru Jl9B1 lhquGIlllog TI1quecrea ~ TboutOallQII ThguuJcru GalloDII AAUIIlampllov

Ind 1 80 80 1 90 90 1 75 75 Ill 3 50 ISO 2 50 100 2 65 1)0 Via 2 80 160 1 70 70 1 62 62 10 3 125 )705 2 100 200 3 129 387 Mo 8 62 496 5 45 225 7 55 385 bu 2 55 110 2 SO 100 2 51 102 Va J 65 195 2 65 130 2 66 1)2 VVa 3 59 177 2 67 134 1 66 66 lIC 11 74 814 8 64 512 9 131 729 SC 10 55 550 10 55 550 8 58 464 Ge 22 55 1210 15 57 855 11 53 583 17 12 65 780 10 73 730 16 85 1360 laDII 15 61 915 14 60 840 19 73 1)87 Ala 27 65 1755 18 66 1188 22 6) 1386 Mha 25 78 1950 21 80 1680 19 65 1235 Ark 17 SO 850 15 55 825 17 60 1020 L~ 2 55 110 2 60 120 2 40 80 OklL 6 42 252 5 43 215 4 47 188

i~----~i---~------l~-----l~---~------~______~ ___~____ _~2__--- - - - - - - - - - _1_ - __ l~ _____146____6middotZ ____ 2~ _____~_ 660 10171

-O- ------------ shy



-s~~e-= ~II 1 RI~ 1Pr~~to ~r~ ~~ 1 ~o~t~I~ ~~ R~~ ~din I BarYeated Per Acre I I BarYe ted Per Acr I I BarYbullbulltod Per Acr

- - - -1h-cr- -Dl~hr- -fhoa- ia - fhQicr1 bir- - -TiioQ- ib- - thOulAcibullbull -Dlhel- TiioU- -IDe 1 260 26 1 320 32 1 320 JJ~ Iowa 1 160 16 1 195 20 1 225 m )10 114 160 704 30 240 72031 200 6tjIlak 1 155 16 1 160 16 SDU 111 90 162 20 155 310 20 122 244

Iobr 75 150 1125 111 225 2632 109 236 2572lAD 754 145 10933 339 215 287811 1392 215 29 928 IC 5 250 125 16 270 432 15 250 375 s Q 5 155 78 1 175 122 7 180 126 Ala 34 165 561 45 195 878 33 181 597 Arll 10 150 15016 1110 2811 14 172 241 lA 2 140 28 2 155 31 3 170 51 CkIa 440 110 11840 556 150 8340 548 155 8494 181 3640 180 65421 496 165 74143 3563 239 114996 Colo 160 150 2400 192 170 3264 3011 172 52911 INex 167 106 1764 287 140 40111 415 222 9213 Arh 53 410 2113 75 400 3000 61 1146 2721 -~l____1~ ____3 ____ ~sect9 _____16___ 31middot ____ ~~ _____ 11___ 32 ~ ___ r62_ ~~___ ~~ ____lI~ ____9I11 ____ 7____1~ ___ ~I~ ____6~5~2____2 __ 4~_

ALL SOBOIIllKS JOR SIIMB AOlJWlE YIELD A)JD PROIUClIOIl 1947 to 1949 _______ ~_7_________________ __________________ ~~_______ _~------------~------------------~------------------ilt--------

State Acre I Yh1d I Acre field Acre Yield BarPedd Per Acre Product1on I BarPted Per Acre Production llarveted Pet Acre Production

- - - - ThouAcre -iaL- - -boU7tOji - biiuAcro -Jiii- - -b0li71oi- ~ouEcre - -~n - -fhw7Tu Ind 2 85 17 2 115 23 2 115 23 Ill 2 90 18 4 105 42 3 93 28 Hinn 2 60 12 2 eo 16 1 70 7 IoVA 3 60 18 3 95 28 3 100 30 Mo 33 70 231 31 95 294 29 86 249 IfIlK 1 25 2 1 30 3 2 23 5 slak 9 25 22 5 55 28 3 42 13 Ibr 16 45 72 12 60 72 18 70 126lAD 409 53 21611 359 76 2 72~ 278 73 2029 SC 3 50 15 2 55 11 3 60 18 0 3 45 14 5 55 211 3 60 IS Tonn 6 70 42 7 75 52 8 76 61 Ala 4 65 26 7 75 52 6 74 44 Nh 12 65 711 12 01 0 96 8 85 61 Ark 3 5middot3 16 5 75 38 5 75 38 ta 1 60 6 2 68 14 2 70 14 (kIa 54 37 200 4 55 264 43 56 241 Tex 69 37 258 66 46 305 60 57 343 Colo 6 45 27 7 55 38 9 48 43 IIMex 3 40 12 e 45 36 8 53 42 Arh 4 110 44 10 110 110 11 115 126 -~1____ ~ ____1poundpound ______~ ______4____1poundpound ______~ ______6____1~ pound _____~_ ~____ ~4~ ____ 4___ _ lP _____~2____ 7____ ~~1 _____51____ 10___ sect2~_


-- -- I~ D[8 I~i State Aeres Tield Production I Acr Tield Produetlon I Acree Yield Production

BarYeted I Per Acre I BarTeted Per Acre BarYeted Per Acre - - - - hiiuicre - Gallon - bouGallon thouD Xcre - 01100 - fhoubullbullOaflon ~iiuicro - iiaflon -lhOli7aeliOii Ind 1 70 70 1 90 90 1 90 90 Ill 1 55 55 1118 1 51 51 1 80 80 1 77 77 IClVa 2 80 160 2 168 336 2 158 316 Mo II 42 168 3 66 1911 2 61 122 Ian 2 51 102 1 47 47 Va 1 61 67 1 90 90 IIVa 1 70 70 bullbullC 10 73 730 6 611 408 4 72 211 Sc 7 49 343 5 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ Ga 14 59 826 II ~ ~ 6 60 ~ ~ 12 74 888 6 73 438 5 79 395 Tnn 13 60 7S0 7 Ala 111 60 10110 8 m = ~ =Mi 22 68 1496 15 78 1170 9 63 567 Arll 11 42 462 8 64 512 4 54 216 La 2 35 70 1 43 43 1 45 45 Cltla 3 33 99 2 55 110 1 52 52 ~_____ ~ ____ 25______ 13~ ______5__ _ ______ 1pound _____ -____ ~_____ __I~

Us 131 7847 SO 6911 55116 53 66s 3539 -------------------------~---------------------------- -------- 21 shy

bullUPDATA 1981 ~~ I j


--- -- 1~ t 19~ t 19[6 StlAt I Acree Yield Acrn Yield Acrea Yield

Harvea d Pel Production Harvest d Per Production Harvested Per Production _________ ~ _ _Agrl _ ______ ______Apound~ __ ______ t ______ _Asr~ _______ _

ThoutlAcree Ton8 ThouTone ThouAcre Ton ThouBlone ThoUllAcres 1on8 Thou8Tone Main 923 89 818 833 106 882 84 99 m fK 388 102 395 376 123 464 364 118 431 it 1032 126 1298 10oe 150 1516 1006 143 1442 )(saso 319 124 469 376 164 615 365 164 597 RI 36 1l4 41 37 146 54 34144 49 Conn 304 123 374 300 157 472 288 162 467 fY 4008 144 5759 4021 161 6488 3968 162 6416 NJ 274 147 402 288 177 509 260 175 454 PIi 2564 140 3597 2539 151 3826 2525 150 3789 0b10 2605 139 3622 2560 148 3801 2536 152 3848 Ind 2004 131 2626 1765 145 2551 1835 137 2511 Ill 2824 139 3938 2662 152 4053 2732 146 3985 Mich 2813 1)8 3895 2671 148 3958 2648 124 3272 Vb 4263 163 6929 4214 187 7870 4ll2 155 6371 Minn 4683 142 6640 4366 152 6637 4067 146 5956 Iowa 3551 164 58)6 1304 172 5677 3275 163 5325 Mo 3703 113 4171 3914 115 4500 3545 119 4201 lItDIIk 3421 97 3305 3434 94 3233 3068 89 2724 SDak 36e5 99 3637 3616 92 3312 3478 80 2775 Nebr 4355 112 4865 4062 11)9 4436 3915 97 3787 ~B 1784 167 2982 1783 161 2875 1746 135 2354 Del 82 1 ~o 98 75 152 114 71 149 106 Md 461 120 552 464 139 643 442 148 656 Va 1383 11)2 1405 1477 117 1722 1391 119 1650 IIv 835 108 904 840 1~ 1061 812 129 1045 NC 1315 96 1263 1374 98 1352 1263 102 1285 sc 543 74 400 554 84 465 S07 87 442 Oe 1406 49 689 1441 54 785 1399 52 723 lIla 118 54 64 125 57 71 123 49 60 It) 1630 112 1831 1987 137 2720 1813 136 2459 Tenn 1769 94 1660 1978 124 2444 1802 122 2205 All 1 091 67 730 995 75 742 999 74 744 M18s 925 119 1104 873 117 1025 850 123 1046 Ark 1397 109 1529 1378 116 1595 1258 118 1483 ra 3Jl 119 395 326 125 406 319 126 403 Okla 1296 129 1671 1326 133 1757 1355 113 1534 Tex 1591 90 1439 1599 96 1537 1623 11)3 1619 Mont 2265 119 2689 2267 117 2681 2147 112 2395 Idho 1198 204 2445 1189 204 2428 1140 213 2429 liTo 1156 113 1312 1103 116 1274 1091 111 1214 Colo 1467 159 2331 1425 155 2215 1359 148 2008 NMex 217 221 419 201 192 385 206 212 436 Arb 332 218 723 309 242 748 306 239 737 Utah 612 203 1245 597 200 1194 573 195 1115 ireV 435 142 617 436 141 615 432 152 655 VaBb 989 119 1775 931 187 1744 656 192 1640 Oreg 1156 173 1996 1158 170 1970 1062 173 1~39poundampl1____20plusmn0____ ~middot21____ 22~ ____2130____ ~bullsect4____60]6____ 282 __ _ 1~2_ ___6t0Q3_ ~____ 176)9____ ]middot13___ 03~2 ___ 16627____ ]~__ _1~7t418_ ___71141 ___ ]15___ 291518_

VILD HAY ACREAGE nELD lID PllOllUCTIOlf 1944 to 191i6

- - - - - 1~ l I9~ l 19[6 state I Acree Yield Acree Yield AcreB Yield

I Harveated Per Productioll ltlrvesed bull Per bull Production Harvested Per bull Production ___________ l ce__ ~ ______ t _____ _ =_AsrJ __ ______ l _______~r __ _____ _

ThouaAcrem ThousTon bonaAcres ona ThousTona Thoue-cres ~ Thousfou Via 140 130 182 94 115 106 llO 115 126 Minn 1452 1ll 1612 1394 115 1603 1282 110 1410 10 102 122 124 92 120 llO 86 1O 103 Mo 154 109 168 160 120 192 150 100 ISO NDal 2576 90 ~318 2576 85 2190 2318 85 1970 sJ))k 3076 88 2707 3014 60 24ll 2693 70 2025 Nebr 3198 80 2558 2942 75 2206 2795 65 1817Ian 693 111 769 638 115 734 636 75 478 Ark 194 104 202 202 105 212 202 105 212 Okla 480 118 566 437 125 S46 428 100 428 Tex 195 105 205 185 100 185 191 105 201 Mont 867 85 737 806 90 725 622 60 658 ldho 139 lU 156 139 115 160 135 110 148 To 529 60 423 481 BO 385 495 85 421 Colo 466 97 452 443 100 443 439 85 373 NMex 20 88 16 15 70 10 27 100 27 Utah 103 124 126 lOS 100 105 105 120 1-6 lreT 267 100 267 267 100 267 267 110 294 Yam 46 115 53 51 125 64 47 120 56 Or~ ll76 115 320 3U 11n 3IU gt86 110 315 ~l-l_____1$gt____ 110_____ 17g _____112___ _ 1io_ ~ __ _2ffl_ ____ 152 ___ 1lL ____11~_

k ___ 5all1_____23____1~J1 ___ 4~~_____21___ Jt2~2___ _ ll~7 ___ _g3_ __ l51 _


FFeti5 Hri+tttrtft gt~- bullbull ~Mto shy



- -- -- 1~7 19la_ 19sect State Acrea Yild cr Tlel-l Acrea Yield

______II~~t~d_ ~ ~~~__ ~ ~d~ln_l v~e~ _~_A~~ ___~o~u~t~o~ ~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~____P~o~u~to~ ~bullbullAcrea gAl ~ousTonD fitouDcrea ~ lhoulITons Tbous bullocres I2 Thou9Tonl

M1n 766 11)8 627 nO 11)2 746 695 9B 682 lilI J5) 127 446 JJ9 124 421 J18 11) )56 n 995 149 148J 974 145 1416 952 124 1176 ca )51 154 540 J46 160 59f )42 145 496 RI )2 159 51 29 159 46 28 1 bullSO 42 Conn 280 166 464 272 162 440 26) 156 410 IIT )752 161 6029 )642 165 6016 3)97 1)6 46)0 IJ 244 17) 422 236 161 428 239 177 422 Il 2))9 150 )511 2194 146 )710 2202 142 )123 Ohio 2497 140 34B6 2)84 14) )406 2255 142 )212 Ind 1708 1)6 2)Jl 1661 1)6 2251 1616 145 2 bull 342 Ill 2626 14J )756 2)85 149 )558 2230 165 J689 Mich 2628 1Jl J45) 24)6 1)7 )346 2)29 1)2 )069 Vh 4066 16) 6665 )940 1)8 54)2 3916 15) 5972 MiIlJ1 4063 142 57n )659 1)7 529) 3819 1)lt3 5268 10_ )J)B 154 5154 2943 1)4 )955 )100 159 49)0 Me 3762 114 4)10 )S46 129 4564 )60) 129 465) IDU 3289 95 )110 3176 91 2901 )441 B5 2920 S~ )675 85 ))1) 4126 84 )451 4412 68 3013 lfebr 4)05 113 4BBI 4))4 105 4532 4836 108 5ZJl Iu 2059 153 )155 195) 176 )479 2017 160 3~z2 Del 69 146 102 n 140 102 68 110 97 Md 429 142 611 445 144 64) 429 152 ti51 Vamp 1)27 107 1414 1)72 126 1722 1321 127 16n VV 60) 116 92B 796 129 1026 B02 124 991_C 1292 96 1267 1290 10) 1)28 1246 105 1)12 SC 465 76 )76 509 68 449 52J 91 476 0amp 1)91 51 70) 1416 56 791 1055 6) 66) 11 125 54 67 1)2 58 77 65 62 5) 1) 1666 1)B 2568 1687 126 21)0 1828 110 2)60 l1IllU 1812 117 2120 1691 111 1861 l7J4 125 2175 U 939 72 679 922 18 720 790 84 667 Ki 601 115 923 769 121 9)3 779 115 89) Ark 1254 98 1224 1211 124 150) 1116 117 1J10 111 300 118 )s4 294 112 )29 295 1m 379 Okla 1580 119 1B77 1490 I)) 1975 1)50 1)5 1821 le 1620 90 16)7 1706 91 1556 145) 112 1624 MoDt 2227 112 2491 220) I) 2704 2On 101 2084 Idoho 1022 2Z5 2296 986 220 2171 1050 2lt) 2))7 1170 1080 117 1265 1017 94 960 1104 110 1209 Colo 1)56 164 2219 1)51 167 2251 1401 164 229) Ifllex 216 210 454 20) 212 4)) 19) 209 404 Arlo m 220 595 226 2)8 5)7 25) 247 624 Utah S6B 208 1160 550 205 1129 5)7 21) 1145 - )92 155 606 )8) 151 577 377 154 580 lfath 60) 1117 150) 765 205 1611 772 178 1375 Oree 1076 169 1617 1061 174 1646 970 158 1526 ~11middot____~~~ __ ~ J bull 26____ euro1)Q ____1~7O____ 1middotQ7____5JplusmnL ___ 1l15Q ___ 1middot25___ 3 49_ [middotk ___ 1 46amp6____ 1middot15___ 10Q$~ ___ 11617____ 114___ 2611~ ___71~ __ _ lmiddotlJ_ __ 25025_

_1If_ eii2ll 2r_A1l_II~r_r2r_125~D-~ 9Z1J211 o_____________ bull __________

~~~ _lAi~~e5drIx~~rpoundr ~tloi ~ce ~eililfgi ct r~~ln hqutr ll lhoubullbullrona rhouaAcr 12l ThouaToga

~ _____1 _0_____ 111_______ 1~~ _____ 1~ _____ 1Ql_ ______ 1~~ _ Ylk ____ 14aJgl_____ 1J8______ 10l57______7~11J _____ l~L _____ l0ll_ ~ -

WILD BAT AClUllilE fIELD AlID PBODUCrIOll 1947 to 1~1

- - - - - 1i41 1~ 1~ Il~t I Acre I Yield heres Yield Acres Yield bull

I arT ted I Per Production arTeBted Per ProucUon Iifrvsted Per bull Production ____ _1_ __~ __ _~rl _ i ______ 1 _______ cLe______________ cIe___=_____ _

1houeAcreo 1M lhoubullbullTop rhouoAcree ~ rhouerona rhousAcrea ron rhoubullbullroue Vlo 106 115 122 1)0 95 124 112 107 120 Minn 1)06 11e 1439 12)0 105 1292 11)2 105 1169 10 75 1O 90 61 115 9) 70 123 66 Mo 150 110 165 141 110 155 1)5 110 146 1IDIIk 2596 90 2))6 2414 65 2052 2535 Bo 2028 SDU )240 75 24)0 )4)4 70 2401 )4)4 57 1957_hr 296) 60 2)70 2904 65 1686 )252 75 24)9 lUI 702 110 772 611 115 7~ 642 115 nB Ark 204 B5 In 175 110 192 152 105 160 00amp 458 110 504 4)1 1 lt5 5)9 416 1gt0 502 lu 210 95 200 197 65 167 1B5 101 167 Mont 860 BO 704 654 90 769 769 75 577 Id~o 132 110 145 140 100 140 144 109 157 To 500 95 475 475 60 lB5 522 B5 444 Colo 470 105 494 451 105 474 474 102 4B) 11 Megt 27 BO 22 25 75 19 22 6) 1B Utah 109 125 1)6 105 110 126 105 I) 12911 230 1111 25) 216 105 227 205 9B 201 Vampth 46 120 55 55 1)0 2 57 120 68 Oreg )00 110 ))0 )30 15 412 291 106 gt08pound41lf_____1i6____ 11(1_____ 17~ _____1J6____ 1ltgt_____120_____ 1J~ ___ 112_____1~_

~____ 4~_____10____111111 ___ 4515_____~5___ l)~___ _~19= ____~2___ l121_ - 23 shy

-UPDATA 1981 bull _ bull h



ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944




bull bull


middot~19Tbullbullbullbullbullbullbull-bullbull Ii bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull


CI0Ter mothT 1Iq COrD (il1))

CorD Uti11atioDo

Oowpeabullbullbullbullbull til bull bull bull bullCe bullbullbull 0 bull bull

r1a Flberbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Jl~eed bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull a 0 bull bull bull

(dra1n ~e bullbullbullbullbullbullbull8

gq mecellaneoua bullbullbull

~ Vil4~

Hamp Jibar bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

Hemp Seed bullbullbullbullbullbullbull - ~

BOp8bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Le8pede_~ Jrq K~le PrOduotlo bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Mung ean8~

Oats bullbull bullbullbullbullbullbull ~ bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull0



















IllDEX-----Pea (nr-)

PeanUt_bullbull a bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull 0 bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

Pe~t ~bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~ bullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Popcornbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bull0 bull bull bull bullbull bull


llloebullbullbull bull0 ~-bullbullbullbullbullbull ob bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~bullbull ~~ bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Sorgbum (All)bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~

Sorgo sirap bullbullbullbullbull ~ bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull9 SOJbeaI~ bull 8o bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull gt~bullbull ~

Sugarcane Sirupbullbull-~ bullbullbull a e Sugarcane ampgarbullbullbull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull


SVeetpotitoe8bullbullbullbullbull ~ ~ ~

obacco B7 T1pebullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull o bullbullbullbull

B1 Statbullbullbullbullbullbullbull ~ bull ~ bullbullbullbull


Wheat (All) bullbullbullbullbullbull- bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull


-SPllDgo bull bull I bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull
























aesented in Iilhe following tables are estimates of acreage yield and production of most field crops for the 1944-49 period revised where necessary by tM Crop Reporting Board of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics These estimates are based primari4r upon information furnished currentlv by crop reporters processors State Statistieians and cooperating State agencies and on cheCk inform~tion As ia customary whenever data from a Federal Census become available the revbed QlJtimates reflect trends indicated by the 1950 and preceding Censuses ot Agriculture together with other cheCk information from annual assessors enumerationsGovernment farm programs records of shipments and qQBntities processed

jor moat c~umodi ties the revisions are limited to the period 1944 through 1949 An exception ocCurs in the case of maple products for which the revisions series extend from 1940 to 1949 Jor other ~n and all h~ changes for 1950 and 1951 from est~llIateB published in December 1951era shown in footnotes to those tables Jor 1950 and 1951 estimates for all commodities ~n the revised levels were pUblished in the Ammal Swmnary of Crop Productiong issued in December 19510 Estimates for 1939 to 1943 (exeept as noted above) lGmain as presented in a publication similaz- to this i8ned in April1917

As amp general practice revisions were made in 1949 estimates for aIqcommodi ty When informf3t1on from the 1950 Census of Agri~lture by States considered in the light of other check infClrmatiCln indicated Il level s1gnificant~ different from current estimatos Using the new level as a bench mark estimates fur othar years Wele revised to th~ extent indicat~d by- survey and cheCk data obtained each ~ear in the usual course of pr~cednr~

Adjustments in Census data f~r the 1949 crop season were of several diferent tfpes For grains allotments of mixed ~ains Were added to the respective components ~~ the mixtures in soma cases it appeared necessary ttl shift portions of the acreage ~eported as grain ~ to the cut and fed unthreshect category the acreages for oats cut aid fed unthreshed were addeCJ to those for oats for grain and assign1d a yield and production For all wheat and rice production was adjusted to cOvdr millings e~orts~ e~timated qaantitiaa used for food o feed and seed and carry-over stockB Sugar beet and sugsreane production and acreage were adjusted to quantities reported by sngar factories Tobacco estimates were based on reeorde of quantities marketed by Gtates In instances where check information on peanuts WBlI available from processors for areas comprising several States the Census enumeration data served as the basiE for refinements in the estimates for the individual Steies lror potatoes carlot shipments and recorda of truck movement data on Government purchases and apecial stocks and disposition survey data wee the basis for adjustments also screage allowances were made for sllall plantings for which acreage information ~as not obtained by CensuB enumerations DUlerenoes in definition of the various kinds and mixtures of llEw were kept in mind as well B8 kinds not specifically enumerated and in some oases combinations lTere mBIUI of kinds enumerated by the Census in sett~ng up llEw estimates Adjustments for othe~ commodities follow these same general tYpes with allowances for incompleteness of Census coverage of farm land and orop land where indicated by detailed stu~ of Census county data and other checlcinformation

In th~ 1950 Agricultural Oensus data were obtained for virtuaJ~ all cOIllJlOdities for which reTised data are shown in these tables In some States Ceusus data verified the downward trend in the acreage of some crops to an insignificant total In such instances the series of estimates WtiS terminated as for example vild llEw in Arizona clover-timot~ h~ in North Dakota and 1espedeza ~ in OhiG~ each added into other ~ after ~944o In other instances acreages significant enough to justify initiation lof estimates were indicated by the Census for example sorghum grain in South Carolina


GPo-o-Asri (BAE) 188

bull - I gt bull




-- - - IW = ~I X9sIl9K= S ttl All IJcrea I Yield 1 pro All 1ampI14Ia I neu Pro- I Acrea lAorea I Yield 1 Proshyta llaIlr41 az Per duction IPlantedI llal- J hI IducUon IPlant8t1~ ~ I Pill I duc1oll- _ ~ -I ___t~bulltd_l__pounde1t _ ____ ___ qa1e4 _JQIll __1____ ___ 1 a1aJl _Al _ ____

hone Aorall lili howl IDI floua erea I~ thouDII houa ~ uebela Thoua l JIa1na 12 12 J90 468 11 11 390 429 U 12 370 444shyJB lk 14 430 602 l2 12 lO S04 13 13 420 546n 66 66 JM 2607 63 6) )80 23~ 58 58 410 2378MIlabullbull 45-5 )90 1~75S 39 39 450 175$ 38 38 460 1748RI 9 9 370 m 8 8 ~O )31 8 8 )90 312COM 52 52 410 21)2 49 49 450 22115 47 47 460 21621IIt 698 692 355 24566 677 657 0 21681 6]0 ~ )90 25896111 208 206 )25 6695 188 187 5 8)22 190 189 450 8S05Pampo 1441 14~ 35S 50516 1349 1 338 4) sa203 1367 1351 430 56093C-Jio 3666 3651 40) 147135 J46J 31168 1751)41M

SO5 3671 3641 490 1784094622 45~ 401 184219 4417 4 36ft 530 2Jl292 4600 4582 510 2))682Ill 9226 9140 454 414956 8245 81)0 465 378045 8~5 6873 560 496888M1cb 1812 1805 320 57760 1776 1751 350 61285 1794 1769 280 495)2Vb 2]06 2679 435 U6536 2706 2679 415 1U118 2571 2545 445 11)252111M 5969 5867 415 ~)480 6059 5926 36 216299 5514 5452 440 2391388Iowa Il224 UtO 525 579442 10f47 10106 445 476417 11172 111)4 570 6346)8Mo 48)2 4781 J)O 4060157m 3873 Zo 10+571 4466 4415 370 163355IDelt 1283 12SO 260 32500 1283 1225 210 25725 lat5 1213 215 26080SDak 4026 3897 330 128601 4268 4092 rlO 110484 4097 4010 300 120300Iebr 8f42 8749 )30 288717 8577 8487 28S 241880 7891 7808 290 226432rana 3602 3S49 275 97598 )062 2981 2)0 66563 )154 3011 210 6)2)1Del Jr) ~) 25middot5 J6116 141 140 325 4550 139 138 330 4554lid S05 S05 )53 17826 466 461 ~11) 18961 458 ~56 431) 19608Va 1)06 1280 260 33280 1175 1165 330 36445 1089 108) )60 38988V1a )50 )48 219 9709 )01 299 )10 1106) 298 296 340 10064BC 2)19 2296 228 52349 2229 2204 250 55100 2193 2160 210SC l53f 1510 16Y 5832025519 1426 1419 170 ar12) 1452 17 185 26770Ga 1 ) 3405 120 40860 )378 )337 140 46718 )246 )204 130 41652Ph 7J1t 719 105 550 629 618 110 6798 660 ~ 100 64901r 25211 2507 17 61~n 2192 2181 )20 69792 2253 2lYt6 360 00861111 2~27 2415 22it- 54096 21)6 2l25 210 57)5 2201 2189 295 64576Ala t929 2914 152 4429) 2814 2797 155 3354 26)) 2601 155 40316Ill 26Z) 253 161 407)) 2466 2-29 190 46151 2411 221U 160 35)60An 1695 16Z) 165 26780 14Zlt )6) 210 286Z) 1S09 172 210La 309121229 1168 ]40 16J52 1106 1075 li5 19888 1~ 1000 140 14000Okla 1615 162IIJ 170 2760B 1407 1))2 170 2261+4 1421 1372 24010175hr 051 3960 144 510lt4 3J~ ))26 355 515J )1$6 309) 165 51034MoDt 190 175 170 2975 188 1]0 135 2295 190 180 140ldabo )1 2521130 410 12)0 )0 29 420 1218 2 26 420 1092Vro 86 80 140 1120 77 72 150 1080 65 60Q010 165 990931 ~ 187 165)1 75J 716 210 150)6IIMln 210 600 57J 210 120))195 140 2730 178 150 140 2100 146 125Aris ~ 32 87 218 )) )1 115 150 1815

356 )2 )0 1l5llb1l ab Z )00 690 24 2) J45340 182 25 24 280Is 2 2 320 64 2 2 320 64

672 2 2 )50_ampabo 21 21 420 ~ 20 70

20 500 10OD 18 18Orec 530 95437 )6 )53 1271 )2 )1 )6I 1116Qal1i 71 71 )20 222 64 64 )2 )1 )55 1100

J10 1984 67 67 320 2~08-- -j5~i5 - 940~- -)28 - -)08798z- 89261- a-i25- -)27 - -z6ians- 8s89S- 87s85- -)67 - J2i7076 ]roampi tabt OOe--o- for a1~l ~e lD-iuu~ h~laquoi4-qd-al1od -o-Md tht-ct-nd-t64-rtiio~t-nl~thl 8anU u that huabld and ~ tor laquorain - 71e14 for grainwith an allDVaDce for Tamprrlng 7 181d~If con tor oill piUpOHe 18 appled to the tota1 ear1IP to ObWD IIIl equlYalel1t p1OdllCUoa ezpreued in terllllClf crue

llDOOllOUJ JCIlSAQJI nllLDB11 PIDIIlCWo 1944 too 1946

-- - -~L~= I X96 State 1 AIINI lena I n14 Pro- AIlr ampIIfta 1 nu ITo- ampliND Jorea I nld Proshy

~llaae 1 Per 4UCUOB Iplmlt8dl az I hi ~uct1oa IPlQ1 Ja 1 Per 1 ductioD--- _1-- __ bull ~_J__~1J _ 1 -- __ I ___ 11rte l_~lI ______ 1 ___ e l _~11 _ ___ _ ftl aL- l ~bullampIIr Llle l ftloua$Na Lba 2

Xu lit lit 601) 4200 8 8 -0 2000 U 11 620 )400 lMe ~ 22 1+00 40400 15 13 210 1800 15 13 260 1700 Ok1amp us 1119 375 3I1foO 91 80 ~ U600 110 102 295 15000 hz - J1Q 8000 ~3 )05 6600)6 35 )60 6300 Col 130 U 3SO ZlOO 112 ~ JOO 15600 ut 108 2SO 1)50ilMu 70 JOl) 1OSOO 55 38 1110 2100 Ito )1 2)5 J 600

lJ8~ ~6 JI2 362 69200 )25 286 281 ~JOO 331 290 291 43SOO ---------------------------------------------~-------------2shy

JJcentWltlfib7rstdrt W6 emf ~1




- - - -I 1241 I~ i 199 State 1 ADr IAcre I n14 1 Pro- Acree IAcre8 I n814 Pro- 1 Aere lAeroa 1 Tield 1 Proshy

IP18n~dl Hal- I Per 1 ductton IPlaJ1tedl liar- I Per IduoUon IPlanted I HaJ- I Per ductlon ____1____I~e~d__ Opounde__ ____ 1 ___ JY88~ _A~Z ______ ___ ve~ _Apoundr _ J ____ _

bout Aorel PUheb ThOUl1u Thoubullbull Acrea ~ 1lIou~Jll ThoUlAcree ~ Thoubullbull1u

Maine 11 11 401) 440 12 12 )20 )84 1) 1) 420 546 BH 12 12 450 540 12 11 370 407 12 It 480 576 n Ita 48 410 1968 52 52 44~0 2288 58 58 480 2784 Mal 37 37 470 1139 35 )5 410 1435 36 36 450 1620 RI 8 8 440 352 7 7 390 213 7 7 430 )01Conn 45middot 45 460 2160 42 42 410 1722 40 40 450 1800 BT 610 598 )30 19134 640 6)4 420 26628 65) 647 440 28468 bullbull~ 181 180 430 7740 194 193 SOo 96SO 177 176 433 7621 Pa 1339 1)2) 42$ 56228 1J86 1376 475 65)60 1)39 13)5 475 63412 Ohl0 34llt 3386 410 138826 3701 3691 585 215924 J627 J617 540 195)18 Ind 4421 40399 4J0 189157 4668 466J 570 265791 4729 4710 SOO 235S00 Ill 8677 8ser J95 J39068 9298 9252 610 564372 9280 9252 541) 499608 1I1cl 1597 1574 275 4) 285 1645 16)7 3g5 64662 1694 1686 490 82614 V1 2571 2545 420 106890 2622 2596 450 116820 2701 2674 520 139048 Minn 5)49 5234 36S 191041 5302 5286 52S 277515 5796 5770 430 248110 Iawa 10935 10410 JO5 317505 1121J 11191 605 677056 11549 11527 470 541~ No 4317 4018 245 98441 4365 4300 450 193500 4220 4085 )90 159)15 HDak 1220 1189 ~~5 24374 1147 1130 260 29380 1239 1209 200 ~180 SDak 4097 3970 0 754JO 3728 3652 360 131472 4138 4017 220 88374 Je~ 7575 7340 195 1431)0 7196 7160 350 2SO600 7628 7518 310 23)058Ian 21t6o 2)18 170 39406 24)5 2364 325 768J6 25)2 2459 277 68114 Del 132 1)1 )35 4)88 130 128 )20 4096 1)9 139 335 4656 Mi 458 456 380 17328 467 465 450 20925 4S) 451 420 18942 la 1067 1061 360 38196 lOSS 10SO 425 44625 1007 998 420 41916 VTa 295 29) 410 12()1) 286 2B4 440 12496 257 25) 440 11132 BC 2204 2182 315 687)) 2248 2226 300 66780 2238 2204 315 69426 SC 1408 1404 195 27378 1422 1418 195 27651 1412 1404 205 28782 Oa 3075 3044 140 42616 )044 3014 145 4)70) 31)5 )104 165 51216 71 629 623 120 7476 642 62) 100 02)0 580middot 573 125 7162IT 2185 2179 350 76265 2445 2440 400 97600 2396 2)67 355 84028 TQ~n 2200 2189 285 62)86 2266 2255 320 72160 215) 2120 )05 64660 Ala lt651 2627 150 39405 2584 20514 210 54054 2567 2523 200 50460 Mia 2320 2254 165 37191 2227 2209 220 48598 2182 ~054 205 42107 Ark 1388 1325 1~0 22525 1277 1246 230 286sa 1175 11)4 220 24948 La 990 960 135 12960 940 902 175 15785 T90 758 210 15918 Okla 1165 1125 180 2O2SO 1118 080 225 24)00 1152 1102 ~OO 22040 Tor 2801) 2784 160 44544 2584 253) 160 40528 2426 24llt 210 50694 Mol t 177 ~66 165 2739 198 193 180 3474 202 178 110 1951 Idaho 25 ~ 490 1176 26 26 485 1261 32 31 535 - 1658 1f7o 57 5) 165 874 50 48 185 888 54 SO 205 1025 Colo S46 522 2)0 12006 541 522 240 12528 649 626 262 16401 JIMex 108 95 1)5 1282 94 86 140 1204 98 95 160 1520 Arb 32 30 150 4SO 32 30 150 4SO 3J 31 150 465 Utah 26 26 380 988 30 29 270 783 32 )1 310 961 BeY 2 2 320 64 2 2 270 54 2 2 )00 60 Vath 17 17 540 918 19 19 530 1007 21 21 510 1071 Oref 26 25 460 1150 28 27 380 1026 Z7 26 410 1066 Cellt 62 62 320 1984 65 65 330 2145 65 65 )40 2210

US 850)8 82888 284 2354739 85522 84778 425 3605078 S6~5 a5602 378 32)8618Yiiii tabi coT~r-cOrii tor aii purpc ID(lWtlng howd-ampiia-Iid com Dn4 tliat-cUt-id-td-vTthwt-r~Trng-the ear as 11 ampI that hueked and upped for grain The 7114 tor graIn with aJI allowance tor Ya171111 71eld of corn for other purpo 1 applied to th totel arreage to obtamp1ll an equbeleDt proliucU~1I eqtrSllseli in tetu of gnUD


- -I 1241i=-- 12+)1199 8t 1 ADrll5 IAcrt I Tield 1 P~ 1 Acrt Acnll I Tie14 1 Pro- 1 Acre IAcre 1 Tle14 1 Proshy

a I Ipl-a1 Hal- I Per ducUon PllUltdl Htu- I Pal duettoD IPlantla1 IJaor 1 Per 1 dtIDtiOD ____1____~14_1_ FI_ _ ____bull ___ YI _Apound~ __1____ 1 ___ ~Te ~ _~~ _ ____ _

houMN IIIt ~ ftIoua ~ MJa lm housJew 1la ~ Ill 75 75 500 1900 4 4 700 1400 5 5 590 1500 ranbullbull 10 10 300 1500 9 9 320 1400 8 a 275 1100 Okla 82 75 320 12000 65 59 )00 8800 80 72 29S 10600 lex 35 )It 350 6000 39 J4 2)5 4000 65 63 )50 11000 CIlo 73 69 270 9300 71 67 295 9900 84 82 265 ll700

lt6 Ito 18S 3700 39 J4 265 4SOO 65 61 )20 9800 ------------~----------------------------------------------us 292 34400 227 291 )0000 )07 291 314 ~5700

- 3 shy

UPDATA 1981 bull ~ _ r bull ~ ~~~(bull~~bull


- - - - li~ 1 j9~ __ o ~~1n ____ l ___F2r_811~ ___ Hogglng____F2r~n___ i ___ o ill1pound~___ iiogging

State AcrengeY101d Pro_ AcreageYield Pro- down AcreageYield Pr~_ AcreageY1eld Pro- down Har- I ler duction Har- Per lducUonlglz1ngl Rnr- I per Iduction Hlr- Per duction gl9zing

____tlgt-otCltI_____ tpoundsl~ iApoundr _1____lEi tlItHIIl_llsl11clII_____ iv~BleS iAiT~ _1____ ampJ1I1 Thou 1a Thou Thous ~ Thou ThoU Thous ~ Thqufl Tone rhoue Thou Acree 1 Acres Teme ~rui ~poundw Tona Acree

K11ne 2 390 78 7 105 74 3 2 390 78 7 100 70 2 NH 3 430 129 10 105 105 1 2 420 84 9 115 104 1 n 4 395 158 58 10~0 580 4 3 380 114 5 95 542 3 Masa 7 390 lJ J4 95 32J 4 5 150 225 31 105 326 3 RI 1 310 37 7 90 63 1 1 400 40 6 95 57 1 Conn 10 410 410 38 100 380 4 9 450 405 37 105 388 3 11Y )38 355 ~899 479 85 4072 75 130 350 4550 460 84 3864 67 NJ 135 325 4388 62 70 434 9 125 445 5562 56 90 504 6 ~ 1118 356 39801 282 BO 2256 2J 1053 1~35 45806 261 85 2218 24 Ohio 3425 404 138370 135 75 1012 91 3295 505 166398 111 90 999 62 Ind 4410 IWl 176841 92 65 598 92 4190 530 222070 87 90 783 87 Ill 88~ 454 399702 190 a5 1615 146 7756 465 360654 179 80 1432 195 Mich 1400 324 45360 259 70 1813 146 1306 360 47016 273 70 1911 172 Via 1439 459 66050 1179 81 9550 61 1367 440 60148 1250 79 9875 62 Minn 4553 437 198966 731 76 5556 583 4522 390 176358 768 75 5760 636 lava 10397 525 545842 221 95 2100 419 9924 445 441618 218 87 1897 564 Mo 46)8 33 bull 5 155373 W 60 282 96 3641 285 103768 58 50 290 174 NIlk 533 273 14551 112 43 482 605 404 225 9090 110 39 429 711 SDak 3460 343 118678 47 70 329 390 3437 280 962)6 49 60 291t 606 Nebr 8452 33J 281452 44 62 273 253 8020 290 2)2bull580 42 50 210 425 Kane 3372 276 93067 35 55 192 142 2757 235 64790 60 45 270 164 Del 139 255 3544 3 90 27 1 136 325 4420 3 90 27 1 Md 460 3$3 16238 40 75 JOO 5 420 410 17220 36 110 396 5 Va 1190 260 30940 65 70 455 25 1071 330 35343 64 100 640 30 VVa 330 279 9207 11 80 88 7 287 370 10619 9 110 99 3 NC 2234 228 50935 16 88 141 46 2149 250 53725 15 105 158 40 SC 1480 169 25012 4 60 24 26 1 bull 389 170 23613 4 55 22 26 Ga 3204 120 38448 10 40 40 191 3137 140 43916 10 50 50 190 Fla 550 10$ 5775 6 60 36 163 495 UO 5445 6 55 J3 117 X7 2449 247 60490 20 70 140 J8 2118 320 67776 21 80 168 42 Tenn 2326 224 52102 19 54 103 70 2046 270 55242 17 70 119 62 Ala 2847 152 43274 6 50 30 61 2719 155 42144 8 50 40 70 1Iias 2481 161 39944 5 55 28 44 2382 190 45258 5 65 2 42 Ark 1547 165 25526 2 50 10 74 1335 210 28035 2 45 9 26 La 1139 140 lS9~~ 2 38 8 27 1059 185 19592 2 45 n 14 Okla 1568 170 26656 lQ 40 40 46 2gt60 170 21420 9 40 36 63 Tn 3750 144 54000 20 35 70 190 3207 155 4970$ 13 40 52 106 Mont 28 lt03 568 6 35 21 141 14 205 2amp1 6 2j 15 150 1dJho 19 416 790 8 85 68 3 16 430 688 10 105 105 3 VTo 32 152 486 5 50 25 43 29 165 478 3 55 16 40 Celli 676 183 12J71 75 65 4B8 133 530 210 11130 54 63 340 132 NMex 162 145 2349 8 50 40 25 104 150 1560 i 60 30 41 Arb 25 92 2JO 3 75 22 4 23 120 276 3 80 24 5 Utah 5 309 15lt 10 100 160 2 5 360 180 16 90 144 2 Nev 1 318 32 1 100 10 1 J20 32 1 100 10 Vloh 9 450 405 9 108 97 3 7 510 357 8 100 80 5 Oreg 14 )61 50S 12 65 78 10 11 370 407 11 79 67 9 Calif 36 350 1260 25 100 250 10 ~9 340 986 25 100 250 10 E= = 5~0e-( p~0=~aQl~61(=441( ~7~i2 ~~~8= =4~6= =712z =raquo-I~m4E9= =1425= =782 = 2S21( 130~


- - - - 19[4 l 1241 State Aoren Acroe Yield Por Acres Aarea I field Per

Planted IlIrvuted Acre y Prolact1oll I Planted Hneeteci Aore y Productlln- _ __bull_______ ___ ________ _ _______ J _____ _____ _____ __-________ _~ ~

Acre ~ Thous lb Aores ~ Thoue Lblt Ohlo 13000 13000 1450 18850 30000 JO~OO 1800 54000 Ind 17700 17700 1)25 23 1152 34800 34800 1975 68730 Ill 19900 19500 1200 23400 25800 24800 1600 44640 Mich )000 2400 1200 2880 4000 3500 1200 4200 Iowa 51800 SOJOO 1700 85510 102000 92000 1130 10)960 Mo 11800 11500 l6ao 19320 17000 15000 1680 25200 Nebr 8800 8700 1400 12180 31~000 J)OOO 1350 4450 Kane 5900 5700 1400 7980 9500 8400 1100 9240 X7 13500 13500 1000 13500 14two 14400 1400 20160 Okla 20000 18000 800 14400 46000 38000 850 32300 Tex 15000 12500 950 11875 17500 14000 850 11900 Cali 2000 2000 700 1400 2000 2000 600 120(1

~~= = = i8~~ = = =1148~0= == )3~J= ===p~l41 = = =3i~0~0= = = i~io~ = = ==1~1( = = ==~zPpounda~ = l In principal coamrcial producing ~tata y O liN corn 70 pOl1ndn to tile buahel bull



- - - l~ r tjtZ _ - - -Slrbullpoundpoundr4fL __ l __ ]Rr_el~ ___ Hogg1ngl___ ]9r--Eampin___ l ___ lox 118ampe____Hogging

Stampte ~AcreageY1eld Pro- AcreageY1eld Pro- down AcreageY1eli Pro- AcreageYleld Pro- down Har- Per ducUon Rar- Per Igrazing Rar- Per duct H1- Per duction Igtu1ng

___ _JeJlt~cle___ __ ly~8~eS lApoundrsect _~t-j 9tavIet~ltLce____ ~~YJl8el1Apoundr ______f9r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ima 2l Thou ~~ ~ lhOUB Thoubullbull ~ Thoua houbullbull Acres ~ ~ TonI ~ ~ ~ Acreg 2l Acree

Maine 3 370 111 8 115 92 1 2 400 80 8 110 88 1 NH 3 420 126 9 110 99 1 2 450 90 9 110 99 1 n 3 410 123 52 100 520 3 2 410 82 44 95 418 2 MUB 6 460 276 30 10bull5 315 2 6 470 282 29 115 334 2 RI 1 390 39 6 )00 60 1 1 440 44 6 95 57 1 Conn 9 460 414 35 105 )68 3 9 480 432 34 110 374 2 NT I53 400 6120 465 93 4324 46 135 )50 4725 4)6 84 3662 27 NJ 125 450 5625 59 90 531 5 122 4)0 5246 52 90 46S 6 Fa 1055 430 45)65 269 90 2421 27 1046 425 44455 258 85 219) 19 Ohio 3405 490 166645 127 85 1080 109 3098 410 127018 18) 75 1)72 105 Ind 4)98 5~0 224298 92 85 782 92 4227 430 161761 88 70 616 84 Ill 8553 560 478968 169 90 1521 151 8189 )95 )23466 206 74 1524 189 Mich 1243 290 36047 310 60 1860 216 1147 285 32690 274 61 1671 153 W1 1299 465 601~4 i200 18 9)60 46 1338 445 59541 1164 81 9428 4) Minn 4323 455 196696 692 83 5744 437 4187 380 159106 680 72 4896 367 Iova 10600 570 604200 178 105 1869 356 9588 310 297228 281 64 1798 541 Mo 4239 375 158962 44 65 286 1)2 3777 250 94425 80 50 400 161 NDak 437 230 10051 145 34 493 631 523 210 10983 143 38 54) 523 SDak 3529 310 109)99 48 60 288 4)) 3454 200 69080 63 54 340 45)Nebr 7418 295 218831 78 53 41) )12 6973 200 139460 73 38 277 294 I~e 2469 220 54318 211 38 802 331 1986 180 35748 155 37 574 177 Del 134 330 4422 3 105 32 1 126 335 4221 4 90 36 1 Md 412 430 17716 38 95 361 6 41) 380 15694 37 95 352 6 Va 1017 360 36612 48 95 456 18 976 360 )5136 57 105 598 28 WVa 284 )40 9656 9 100 90 3 278 410 11396 11 100 110 4 NC 2104 270 56808 17 80 136 39 2110 315 66465 22 90 198 50 sc 1415 185 26178 3 60 18 29 1355 195 26422 6 65 39 43 04 2886 130 37518 10 50 50 308 2651 140 37114 9 50 45 384 1111 526 100 5260 6 50 30 117 492 120 5904 6 55 3) 125 it 2194 360 78984 2) 90 207 29 2127 350 74445 24 100 240 28 Tenn 2106 295 67127 17 70 119 66 2106 285 60021 17 70 119 66 AlII 2531 155 39230 5 45 22 65 2530 150 37950 5 50 25 92 Miss 2173 160 )4768 4 55 22 33 2211 165 3648Z 5 60 )0 38 Ark 1435 210 30135 2 43 9 35 1267 170 215)9 2 44 9 56 La 975 140 13650 2 40 8 23 9 11 1)5 12704 2 40 8 17

Okla 1317 175 23048 7 45 32 48 1074 180 19332 7 40 28 44 Tex 3019 165 49813 12 40 48 62 2720 160 43520 13 35 46 51 lIont 13 210 273 7 50 )5 160 22 220 484 9 40 36 135 Idaho 17 425 722 7 120 84 2 16 495 792 6 105 63 2 IIJ-o 24 180 4)2 ) 60 18 3) 2175 )68 5 65 32 27 Colo )72 200 7440 60 67 402 141 397 220 8734 57 80 456 68 HMex 105 160 1660 4 50 20 16 83 145 1204 ) 45 14 9 lrh 23 120 276 3 75 22 4 23 155 356 3 70 21 4 Ut~ 5 290 145 16 100 160 3 5 380 190 18 100 180 )Hey 1 350 )5 1 100 10 1 30 )2 1 100 10 Vaeh 7 550 385 7 105 74 4 7 560 J92 7 Ll5 80 )Oreg 12 365 438 11 80 88 8 11 485 534 10 100 100 4 01111 32 350 1120 25 100 250 10 27 350 945 25 100 250 10 ~~= = =7j~1~ =31~ iitfO~9= =4~517= =7-81 =3~~) = ~i9j =-5~0~ y~~ lo~31o= =4~6Jpound =7~)2 = )~i9~=~~

POPCOlIII ICREAGE YIELD lID RODUCTIOJl 1946 UD 1947 I - - - - 19~= i ~7 Stab Acree tern Ueld Per Producthn Acre Acr Yield Per ~ ProducUoB

Planhd HrYe8hd lcre Y PlUlted Hamprl88ted leIY ~- - - -- - - - _-_ - - - - _a-_______________ ____ _ _____ a _____ __bull________ _

lqrea E2ml Thoue Lb lcre ~ fhoU Lb Ohio 15000 14100 1750 24675 5200 5000 i6oo ~OOO Ind 18Soo 18800 1900 35720 7300 7300 1500 10950 Ill 16000 15800 1800 28440 21000 20400 lIroO 28560 Mich 2700 ~600 1400 )640 2500 2100 1000 2100 Iova 42000 41000 1820 74620 17000 15000 960 14400 No 15000 15000 1600 24000 10000 10000 1100 11000 Hebr 13000 13000 1500 19500 4000 4000 1200 4800 lIua 5900 5200 1200 6240 3800 3500 959 ))25T 10100 10100 1470 14847 6500 0500 1470 9555 Okla 14000 13000 910 116)0 5600 5000 lOGO 5000 rex 4200 4200 1200 5040 2700 2700 1)00 )510poundamp1___1a6Q0___ ~ _116Q0____lampOQIL ____116QO_____ ~bullQOQ __ _ ~bullQOQ _____8lO_____ lo1_ - _ ~- - _1i83Q0___ _1214pound0_ ___1amp60___ _221122_ ___ _81QOQ __ ~_J02____1amp222____ 021l2 __ _ l In prinCipal coercial prodac1namp Statebullbull y or ltV cornl 10 pClaDd to the lII1tw1



- - - - 19te ~42 __ rOE U~il ___ l __ ]2r_BlM ___IHogg1ng___ ]2rLrn __ t __ ]gr_BlM ____Hogging

stat AoresltoYold Pr AoreageY1eld l down AorelgeY1eldl Pr Acr~g$Y1eld l down Har- I Per dllOt~n Hlr- hr IdUO~~l1Clz1ngl Har- I Per duct~n Her- I Per I d~~lon grnz1ng

____1otfdoJe_____ lvjtsel lAsrs _1 ____4r~llazeJltldcle_l____ zel1t-tdoJe_l _____14I~ Thoubullbull ~ ThOUtl ~ Tona ~ll2 ~l1 ThOU8 ~ lm ~ Thou Acreo Acrea Tona Acropound2 AerO ~ CroD

Ma1ne 2 320 64 9 85 76 1 2 420 84 10 104 104 1 Nrr 2 370 74 8 95 76 1 2 480 96 9 106 95 1 n 2 lflhO 88 48 100 480 2 2 480 96 54 102 551 2 Jo(I1f1 5 ao 205 ~9 100 290 1 5 450 225 29 92 267 2 111 1 390 39 6 90 54 1 430 43 6 66 52 Conn 7 10 287 33 95 314 2 6 450 270 33 96 317 1 NY 164 440 716 445 100 4450 25 170 460 78~0 452 100 4520 25 11J 132 500 6600 55 95 522 6 117 433 5066 56 80 448 3 Ps 1096 475 52155 259 95 2~0 19 1061 475 50398 258 95 2451 16 Ohio 370 585 202995 148 91 1436 73 3400 540 18)600 141 100 1410 76 Ind 4504 570 256726 75 90 675 64 4542 500 227100 83 9 764 85 Ill 8965 610 546865 167 95 1566 120 6947 540 483138 18S 100 1850 120 Mich 1278 400 51120 264 74 1954 95 1390 495 68005 2l4 94 2200 62 Via 1378 480 66144 1167 84 9971 31 1516 554 83986 1068 99 10573 90 Minn 4)81 540 236698 645 69 5740 254 4630 440 212520 696 85 S9)) 242 Ioltl 10732 605 6149286 179 110 1969 280 11101 470 5l1747 219 101 2212 207 Mo 4128 450 185760 60 75 450 112 3930 390 153270 57 76 4J) 98 1IDaJc 531 280 11868 124 43 533 475 526 225 U835 160 36 576 523 SDak 3323 170 122951 114 70 306 285 3266 235 16751 129 55 710 622 Nobr 6945 350 243075 72 57 410 143 7293 311 226~~2 75 62 465 150 Ka1l8 2281 325 74132 49 60 294 34 2316 277 64liJ 86 57 490 57 1)01 122 320 3904 5 95 48 1 133 335 4~i56 5 85 42 1 Md 418 450 18810 40 95 380 7 402 420 161~ 42 95 399 1 Va 976 4205 Ill 180 56 115 644 8 908 420 38~36 54 107 578 36 II Va 269 440 118)6 11 100 110 4 2)6 4110 103e4 13 100 1)0 4 11C 2137 300 64110 22 100 220 67 2122 31S 66810 19 89 169 63 sc 1351 195 26344 11 60 66 56 1346 205 ~59) 11 72 79 47 Ga 2558 145 37091 9 55 50 447 2635 165 43478 8 64 51 461 Flll 4211 10a 4240 6 50 30 193 344 125 4300 5 55 28 224 iT 2381 400 95240 27 90 243 32 2303 355 81756 2B 9~ 263 36 Tenn 2172 320 69504 lS 80 120 68 20)9 30S 6z190 17 87 148 64 Ala 2412 210 50652 8 50 40 154 2346 200 46920 5 60 30 172 MiuD 2165 Z20 47630 6 65 39 38 2011 205 41226 5 75 38 33 Ark 1Z7 230 28221 2 52 10 17 1100 220 24200 2 50 10 32 La 870 175 152Z5 2 40 8 30 727 210 15267 2 60 12 29 Olcla 1053 225 23692 5 40 20 22 1063 200 22260 4 50 20 35 Tex 2411 160 38576 16 40 64 106 2346 210 49lt66 8 52 42 60 Mont 27 220 594 8 50 40 158 8 238 190 13 45 58 157 Idaho 17 490 833 7 120 84 2 18 545 981 12 117 140 1 70 12 200 240 7 70 II) 29 12 221 765 8 77 62 30 Colo 355 ZZO 1810 73 75 548 94 48z 2116 11857 83 86 114 61 NMex 73 150 1095 3 55 16 10 75 165 1238 4 70 28 16 Aris 23 155 356 3 15 22 4 25 lS5 388 3 84 25 3 utllh 5 280 1110 20 100 200 4 5 313 156 22 114 251 4 Nev 2 100 20 2 105 21 Wuh 6 550 J30 11 105 116 2 9 5gt0 468 9 105 94 3 Oreg 11 400 4l) 11 75 82 5 12 435 522 10 82 82 4 Callt 30 365 1095 25 110 275 10 )J 380 1254 26 110 286 6t= =7~~ =432 ~~2~ )~( ~v= 27~52C l~~ =7116l )imiddotZ ii42~9l =t~~ 221==to2~= 2271

- - - - ~)w ~ lieuro State I ere~ I eres Yield Per I eres Acre Yield Per

pllll1~cd ~Haneeted ~ ere y Production PllIled lianeated Acre y Production

- - - -- - - - -AC~I- - - - -- -POundq - --Thou- Lb - - - - - iC~f - - - - - PoUndg- - -- Thou-Lb- - -Ohio 21000 21000 2350 49350 9500 9500 1900 18050 Icd 16500 16500 2500 41250 14400 14400 1900 21360Ill 29500 29300 2250 65925 16100 16000 1700 30600 Mich 4100 3800 2000 1600 2800 2800 1650 4620 I~va 260~0 26000 2110 54860 23000 23000 1470 33810 Mo 11000 11000 2100 23100 10200 10200 1300 1)260 Nebr 5000 5000 1800 9000 6000 6000 130 8bull580 J6n )100 3000 1650 4950 3900 3800 1360 5168 11 15500 15500 1610 24955 11100 9500 1)50 128~5 Okla 21000 24000 - 700 18720 8000 7000 1250 8750 Taz 4100 4100 1150 4715 2000 2000 1000 2000 cal 1000 1000 1100 1100

y lK82( 62~2 l~W ~2s~5~[ = =1sect9~02( )Q6~2Q( = 1~ = = )~5~OP 1 In principal cGaaercial prodncing Statebullbull ~ Ot ear cornl 70 pound to tb bashl


-aftcr r r~ RfhMr r~



- - - - 12~ 1 124] i i9i6 state Acre Acres Yield Pro- Acree Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

PlAnted Ilar- Per Acre duetiOD PllDted IDlr- Per Acre duetionP1anted lInr- Per Acre duetion veoted vested vested

- - - -- ThOU-ACrlis-- juiihlii ThorusIiti yenhOuliierlis- iiuiihlii -ThotWiiu Tbou-Acrlis- BuShl Tho~s~-Maine 1 1 220 22 1 1 190 19 1 1 10 21 liT J49 336 259 8716 352 346 264 9147 222 215 263 5648 11J 75 60 233 1398 93 63 210 1323 96 62 250 1550 h 931 914 214 19560 959 932 21S 20038 911 885 25 19912 Ohio 1937 1918 227 43539 2150 2129 270 57483 1849 1831 265 48522 Ind 1292 1266 202 25568 1587 1555 225 34980 1383 1366 215 29369 Ill 1334 1247 195 24320 1400 1339 185 248l7 1289 1207 160 19361 Mich 949 944 246 23222 992 982 275 27005 877 864 265 22896 Vie 69 67 195 1308 61 60 263 1576 95 93 252 2340 Minn 1325 1214 165 20090 1109 1100 193 21246 1412 1391 195 27080 Io~ 149 120 159 1912 168 140 190 2660 192 185 234 4335 Mo 1472 1207 16) 19674 1428 1304 140 18256 1314 1213 150 18195 a~ 10107 9856 159 156321 10005 9855 157 154568 10444 10192 137 139824 Slhk 3254 3070 121 37278 3355 3201 155 49656 3755 3S88 148 53197 Nebr 3585 2675 126 33762 3777 3596 229 82358 4037 3954 229 90677 Kans 13210 11377 165 187700 14148 13416 155 207939 14006 13147 162 212977 Del 68 64 197 1261 73 67 195 1306 68 62 190 1178 Md 395 370 232 8584 391 359 190 6821 376 348 195 6786 Va 539 516 192 9907 534 485 155 7518 459 432 185 7992 V~ 102 87 186 1618 100 87 185 1610 90 77 185 1424 NC 567 516 165 851bull 4118 408 11bullbull5 5916 394 371 170 6307 S C 26z 253 145 3668 202 195 145 2828 160 156 165 2574 Ga 228 213 140 2982 198 183 135 2470 141 130 130 1690 lT 496 426 178 7583 516 371 135 5008 392 297 140 4158 Tenn 423 396 145 5742 381 J45 125 4312 276 259 140 3626 Ala 25 22 163 359 24 20 ISS 310 15 12 145 114 M18S ~5 18 226 407 25 18 200 360 16 9 220 198 Ark 65 46 149 685 65 39 105 410 44 ~8 140 392 Okla 5557 5095 167 85086 6335 5910 125 73875 6715 6087 145 88262 Tex 4S51 4458 185 821lt73 5842 5350 90 48150 6835 5992 105 62916 Mont 4507 4019 188 75497 4147 3777 151 57145 4426 4133 152 62888 Idlho 1137 1088 293 31851 1156 1102 297 32734 1324 1273 275 350240 282 215 131 2811 286 244 182 4431 JOI 281 243 6832 Colo 1658 1256 142 17794 1850 1560 223 34768 2244 2004 189 37776 NMex 463 2at 117 3337 452 297 94 2778 542 350 8J 2895 riz 26 24 22S S40 27 24 ZlO 504 29 27 210 56 Uhh 298 294 241 7100 286 281 243 6842 3J5 320 224 7171 l1ev 16 16 273 437 18 18 243 437 19 18 273 49L Vash 2485 2338 268 62673 2667 2524 244 61512 2769 2642 295 77965 Oreg 980 914 265 24200 970 921 237 21810 1050 984 256 25168 -i___ 2~ __ ~7 __ 94___ 10~2___614___523___12~ __ 106ltt7_ __675___619__ 190___ l7~1_

~~- - _6~bull9~ _52742 __ 177__10~ll_ ~122_ ~1~__ _1Z~ ~1127633_7578_ ~7125__ 172__1lZ218_


- - - - 19~ ~ = ~ 19~ State creo Acres Yield Pro- Acrea Acres Yiold Pro- Acres Acrea Yield Prltoshy

PhntedIar- Par ere duction Pbnted Rar- Per Acre ductionPlanted Har- Per Acre duction - - - -- - - _elt~_- ____ J ____ J ___ T~StfJ _________ ___ VJlBtfJI__________ _

ThW Acres ~ ~ls Thouas Acres Pounds ThGsliga ThousAcre Pounds ThousBags Ark ~7 287 2J63 6781 284 281 2115 5943 327 320 2002 6408 La S68 561 1710 9593 SB4 583 1m 10363 592 589 1732 10204 Tex 392 392 2002 7850 400 400 2025 8100 412 412 1935 7972 CaUf 246 240 2812 6750 244 235 2665 6262 264 261 3032 7913

~middotEmiddot I01 )-~===~Q91=10~1( =1~5Z ~=~~ 10~~ 1~s2S 18~ ~Q5E = 12427 RIC (Cont I d)

- - -- ~i i i9a 1 ~ Mia 5 5 2700 135 Ark 370 )65 2096 7652 395 391 2358 9220 415 412 2150 8858 La 616 613 1620 9931 641 631 1m 11216 599 593 1825 10822 ~ex 474 474 2025 9599 526 526 2092 11007 552 542 1975 10704 pounda1l__ ~52 ___226___ 2bullJ2 ___8015___~__ ~5sect ___26sect9__ _6t812_ __312__ 102 __ 225pound __ 10t28_

- _1middot112 __17~___ ~~~ __ 2527__18~_1~ ___21~2__ 2B275__1~3_15z __ ~1~ __ ~727_




---- ~7 i i i ti~ State Acrco Aore Yield Pro- lorn Acre Yleld Pro- Acres Acreo Y1eld Proshy

Plonted m- Per Acre ducdon Planted liar-a Per lore cuct1on Plantod llar- per Acre duction ________~ot ______ l ____ l ___ lY81e_l _____l ____ l ___ lylt0_eSl ____ l ____ _d t l1ho1l Acree ~ Tbou8lffi Thoubullbull Acree lIunhal Thouau Thoubullbull Acree 1Igshel lhoutIBu

NY 3aS 375 240 8988 449 J41 ~o 11886 405 396 269 10721 NJ 107 15 250 1675 115 62 215 1763 107 a3 240 1992 pa 947 929 240 22296 965 966 190 16354 926 906 230 20884 Ohl0 2212 2119 ~25 49026 2371 2353 245 57646 2377 2353 250 56625 Iud 160) 1571 230 36133 1811 1775 215 36162 1739 1722 220 31884 Ill 1431 1341 210 26311 1745 1710 225 36497 1952 1913 230 43995 Mich 1210 1192 250 29600 1416 ~395 260 36~0 1303 1297 265 34310 Via 116 114 257 2926 127 123 236 2906 117 114 226 2604 Hinn 1200 1169 171 2063 1066 1051 115 1652 1304 1265 151 19360 Iowa 220 201 119 3607 40 311 233 1397 41 364 168 1212 Mo 1472 1321 165 244)6 1722 1596 210 33558 1625 1676 175 29365 NllIlt 10401 10263 143 146)83 9933 97l 144 140234 11055 10552 106 112357 SDllt 3656 3103 145 53626 4022 3643 131 50342 459 4079 80 32653 Nebr 4606 4434 209 92751 4614 4275 204 87111 5016 4165 140 58213 X~ne 15404 14655 193 266102 14634 13221 175 231368 16244 14219 110 157069 Del 70 65 200 1300 71 66 145 957 66 63 115 11021 366 341 210 1161 361 334 160 53J4 343 311 190 6023 v~ 496 456 115 6015 461 449 185 8306 438 400 165 7400 Y v~ 96 62 195 1599 96 62 165 1511 62 68 190 1292 NC 492 461 175 8112 406 314 160 5984 465 4tl0 136 5520 SC 238 2J1 165 3812 211 210 140 2940 114 166 120 1992 Go 196 185 140 2590 116 165 135 2228 140 130 125 1625 XJ- 404 J24 160 5184 420 324 160 5184 403 288 170 439f Tenn 332 16 150 4740 )55 336 145 4901 )01 ~4 146 40( 11 14 12 165 198 15 13 155 202 13 11 154 1y Ml 20 16 195 312 16 12 190 226 15 8 165 132 uk 38 24 150 )60 40 26 170 416 )4 24 145 )46 Okla 1051 6696 155 103188 1263 6696 145 91092 1481 6629 128 84851 Tex 7587 1)10 160 116960 6752 5629 105 59104 7090 6417 140 698)6 Mon~ 5183 4427 146 65)46 5201 4815 192 93716 5975 5316 115 61189 Idaho 1)88 1344 266 )674) 1523 111) 252 )5646 1591 1537 242 )1136 VTo )47 326 202 6592 384 )42 194 6650 )92 369 167 6885 Colo 290) 2738 215 56866 3186 2861 01 51)73 )552 26)8 16) 46164 NMex 740 649 15 9420 682 403 92 )712 616 526 106 5616 Arh 30 26 210 586 19 28 2)0 644 )0 26 262 734 Utlh 315 J68 246 9058 431 415 05 6510 441 426 210 9009 Ney 21 20 lt91 582 21 20 295 590 20 19 26 bull J 541 Vh 2922 2119 2)6 64750 2959 2166 c87 79268 )1)9 2758 218 60146 Ore~ 1063 976 226 22237 1100 1052 265 29954 1214 1058 215 22698 pound111___ vsect __ sect62 __1sect2 ___11 bull Q)~ ___76___6Q~ _ 175___lQiJ2 ___7f___6pound6__ 185____11261 Q~_ _ _1sect21t _7~212 __1sect3 _ l25sect211_16L~L 17ltL46_ _ 119_ 1 9t2l _ sect3J9Q5_15J90_ _ 1~5_ _ oQ9il~

FUX 11llR ACRYAGS TIuD KD P~WCTIOf 1944 tt 19~

- - - - ~I~ 19~ )2Ii State cree Acree l Yield ~_ Acr~ Acre 11eld Pro- Acre8 Acres Yleld Proshy

Plnted aar- P8r Acre juctlon Pl~ted H~r_ Per Acre ductiouPlQnted BAr- Per Acre ductlo~ ________1eltl __________ l ___ l~~aleg l ____ l ________ toYJseS l _____ to ___ bullbull _d 1hOWlAcres 2M 1houeons housAone 12a ThouTont rhoWlAgre 2111 ~~

OrIC 11 85 165 14 95 6 150 12 8) 16 190 111bullbull4

_______1241 ________ ______ ~_________________12~ _______ __ _ Ore 57 49 190 92 24 Z 170 )4 )4 23 180 41

~UNG llLfJlS ACIGAGB niLD un 1lODUCTIOB 1944 to 1949

- - -- 19~ 19sect i J~ Stat Aere Acres Y1eld Pro- Acre lcrao Yield 130- Acree Acre Yiold Prashy

lPIlU1ted Hr- Per Acreductlon lP1ampnted ar_ Per Acre ductionP1uted BAr- Per I1cre ducUen _____ ___rotsltL_____________JCltJd__________ l ____ _____ _____ _ljI~

lhQ)aca ~ Thoualobe TboubullbullAcr ~ ThoubullbullLb rhonaAcre ~ houbullbull Lb

Okla 75 55 200 11 169 110 2~ zr2 no 10 210 147

- - - -=== = = = I~( = = = = = I~ = = = = = = =)~== = = = = Okla 62 40 250 10 64 50 320 16 31 22 400 B8

- fI shy

1ite8zMf~ iiitByen tiTtJj

1 UPDATA 1931



-- - -- -- --- -1~ - --- ---- --- - --- - ---1~-- - - -- - -- --- ---rrb -- -- - --shy-------~--------------------~ ---------------~---------mte ampern I oWl I Yield 1 Pro- I Acr Acree leld Pro- Aero I Acne Yield 1 Proshy

planted I Bar- Per ductioA Planted Bar- Per 1 dDCUOA Planti4 1 liar- 1 Per duCtiOA ____ ______Y8e ~e__ _____ _____1_Y8e cr_______1______Y8e ce__ ___ _

fbDubullbull Acree lbhela hauslb fllo Acr lbabel houbullbull Bl h0l1t1 Acr lbbele h0l18ln

BY 346 33J 260 8658 349 3433 ~ 9090 211 206 ~ 5459 IJ 15 60 233 1398 93 6J 210 1323 96 62 250 1550 h 911 914 214 195bO 959 932 215 2O08 911 1l65 225 19912 Ohio 1931 1918 221 43539 2150 2129 210 51433 1849 1831 265 48522 IIId 1288 1262 202 25492 1584 1552 225 34920 1383 1366 215 29369 Ill 1321 1240 195 2~lSO 1393 1312 185 24642 1282 1200 160 19200 Klch 949 944 24amp 23222 99l 982 215 21005 871 8amp4 265 22896 Vh 36 35 111~ b58 33 32 265 8~ 32 31 215 b66 H1Jl1l lbO 109 140 1526 112 109 225 2452 101 II 190 1amp12 Iowa 145 116 160 1856 Iamp 131 190 2b03 186 119 235 4206 Mo 1472 1201 163 19614 142I 1304 140 18256 1314 1213 150 181~5 SDak 295 216 105 22M 289 248 1amp0 3968 3~ )08 180 5544 ehr 3510 2bOl 121 33105 3121 3546 230 81558 3941 3901 230 89123laD 13204 11314 165 187611 14145 1341~ 155 201911 14004 131~ 162 212965 Del 68 64 191 1261 13 amp1 195 1306 68 62 190 1118 Md 395 310 232 IISSII 391 359 190 amp821 316 348 195 6186 539 516 192 9901 534 485 155 1518 459 432 185 1992 v 102 87 1116 1618 100 87 185 1amp10 90 17 185 1424bullc 561 516 165 8514 448 408 145 5916 394 311 110 6301 SC 262 253 145 3bbS 202 195 145 2~2S 160 156 165 2514 0 228 213 140 2982 198 11J 135 2410 141 130 130 1690 IT 496 426 118 1583 516 311 135 5008 392 291 140 41SS eAIl 423 396 145 5142 381 345 125 ~312 2f6 259 140 3626 11amp 25 22 163 359 24 20 155 310 15 12 145 114 Kl 25 18 226 401 25 111 200 360 16 9 220 198 Uk 65 46 149 bS5 amp5 39 105 410 44 211 140 392 Ckls 5551 5095 161 850116 b335 5910 125 13875 amp115 amp087 145 118262 ez 4951 4458 185 82413 5842 5350 90 48150 61J5 5992 105 amp2916 HOIlt 1501 1221 215 26252 1501 1311 215 29416 1839 1721 190 3281~ Idaho 115 610 214 18amp32 151 114 290 20106 841 801 255 2O51 W70 185 131 119 1559 192 1amp2 190 3018 213 199 2amp5 5214 Colo 1487 111b 141 15136 1110 1421 225 32108 2103 1884 190 3519amp It 439 263 112 29146 426 276 90 2~ 520 331 80 2648 Arh 26 24 225 540 27 24 210 504 29 21 210 561 Utah 2311 235 216 501amp 225 221 220 1amp8amp2 2amp1 250 200 5000 Icy 5 5 258 l29 5 5 250 125 5 5 280 140 Vb 1461 1359 2119 39275 1695 1576 270 1amp2552 2322 2206 305 bl28)Orec 184 129 261 194amp4 1amp4 725 240 11400 825 116 260 20116 Ca11f 596 ~1 194 10amp12 614 563 190 1Ob91 615 ~19 190 11161- ~2 ~1~)5 )middotI 15~I ~~ampI ~1~0~4 1~(= 1~2s1 S~~l= ~~)l( Is~Oi6ii9i

- - - - - - - - - - - - - ~- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -1~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19K - - - - - - - shy- - - - --crbullbull- TIli -1- - - -- -_-- --cN- rfl14 --- - -- - -- iirH iTtli -I-~-

Stte Acn 1 JIar- I Per 0- _nil JIar- Pel 0- I _ liar- I Pel P~ed bull Acre dDctloa Plant ed Acn amplctlO1l Planted 1 yoded llcr dwU01l

- - - - - - Ytmbullbull-ACrbullbull- -JibeIs- ibOubullbullili- - - ibOui-ACzQ- -lbebeI- ihObullbull-Ji- - ihOu-ACr~- -Jir- ibOQbullbullaa IUu 1J6 1amp1 168 689 2J 23 115 IIOZ 35 35 195 6R bullbull IlK 1848 1816 11yen 26871 1829 11J15 165 299118 22611 2232 11l5 323~ SDak 205 200 105 2100 114 166 150 21190 190 1116 150 2190ui- - - -2~ - -2051- -1~i - - -29666 - - 20i6 - -2-riiI- - 1671J- - -32bullbull - - 2JiiJ3 - -2453- - 14-6- - 357836




- - - -I Ili7 = l~ 1 )~~ -_-_-_-_ State Acre Acree I Tield Pro- Acr~ Acree Yield Pro- 1 Acrfte Acree Tie1d Proshy

1 Planied Har- 1 Per duct ion I P1~ted liar- bull Per 1 ducUon I Panted liar- Per duct10n I Yestd I Acre I 1 Yested Acre I I Yeated Acre

- - - - - -fboii- Acree - -Diiieltl - TbOU8ib- - - ThOitbullbull-ACrell- -Diebllie- hOU8amp- - - ~U8-ACre- -Diaiiel- oftlOUIIllii BT 381 371 2110 89011 1142 11311 270 11718 398 391 270 10557 1lbull1 107 75 250 1(5 115 112 215 1763 107 113 2110 1992 h 947 929 240 22296 985 966 190 18351 926 908 230 208811 Ohio 2212 2179 22 490211 2377 2353 245 5764e 2377 2353 250 58625 Ind 1603 1571 230 36133 1811 1715 215 38162 1139 1122 220 37884 Ill 1423 1339 210 26119 1736 1701 225 311272 1944 1905 230 43615 ~lch 1210 1192 250 29SOO 11116 1395 260 36270 1303 1297 265 311310 Wia 41 38 Z)O 674 J4 )1 225 6911 30 28 2)9 669 Minn 111 101 195 1910 101 76 190 1444 SO 16 170 1292 love 209 190 180 3420 )19 295 235 6956 38Z )55 190 6745 10 1412 1321 185 2411)8 1122 1598 210 33558 1825 1678 115 29365 Snk 415 J~4 18 6549 )07 2)0 135 )105 )01 246 1)0 )198 lIbr 4538 4)b9 210 91149 1~583 4bull194 205 85977 4904 4068 140 56952 Y-an8 15404 14855 193 266702 146J4 1)221 17 231)66 16244 14Z79 110 157069 Del 10middot65 ~O 1)00 71 66 145 951 66 63 175 1102 lold ~68 )41 Zl0 7161 )61 3)4 160 5344 343 317 190 602) Va i96 458 175 SOl~ 481 449 185 8306 438 400 185 11100 1( Va 96 82 195 1599 96 82 18 1511 82 68 190 1292-C 492 461 115 112 408 )111 160 5984 465 IlOO 138 5520 sc 2)8 2)1 165 3812 217 210 140 2940 174 166 120 1992 Ga 198 185 140 2590 17~ 165 135 2228 140 130 125 1amp25 rr 404 )24 160 5184 ~ 324 160 51S4 4DJ 2SS 170 4896 snn 3J2 316 150 4740 355 338 145 4901 301 214 146 4000 la 14 12 165 191J 15 13 155 202 I) 11 154 169 lllee 20 16 19 )lZ 16 12 190 228 15 8 165 132 Ark )8 24 150 )60 40 28 170 476 J4 24 145 348 Okla 7051 6696 155 1031 7263 6696 145 97092 7481 6629 128 84851 ~X 7537 7310 160 116960 6752 5629 105 59104 7OCjQ 6417 11~0 8988 Mont 1949 1341 165 22C26 1676 1549 240 37176 11101425 170 24225 Idaho 900 36) 265 22810 9)5 84) 220 13546 lO8 995 216 21691 lfyo 251 235 20bull5 41518 276 241 COO 4940 288 275 195 5362 Colo 2776 2619 215 56308 076 2759 200 55130 335) 2649 160 42)34 JIKamp 7115 629 145 9120 661 384 90 )~6 595 507 105 5)24 Arb JO 26 210 j151 29 28 230 644 30 2S 262 734 Utah )00 294 220 64615 348 )35 180 6030 352 4 180 6138raquoeY 6 6 270 162 6 6 260 156 5 J 270 IJ5 Waah 2252 2074 250 51850 2417 2302 300 69060 2551 22tO 230 50830 Oreg 1133 160 2)0 17480 815 8)6 295 24662 910 169 220 16918 ~1____ 5~ ___6~__ 65___1~ ___ P __ _fI2__ 75___~J2 ___ l~ ___~6__ 85___128 us 58248 549)5 193 108976 583)2 5296 187 990141 61171 54414 153 85IJ127


us 2915 44328 3218 )220 140 3510

- 10shy

Ore j-tthr-r iItnetirtMriamp BMmiddot 4r

i (C ~ UPOATA 1981


- - - -I f9~ I f9[5I)~[ -_-_-_shyetate I Acre I Acree I Yield I 10- I Acree Acres I Yield I Pro- Acree I Acres I Yield I Pro-

___ )~l~e~e~~_ _p~r_~r~~ ~uto~ ~t~d~y~ ~ ~e ~ce__d~ci~n~t~d~y~ ~ 8 ~C_ _d~Cl~4_ Thoue Acre ]Uehe1 ftouabu houbullbull Acre Bmahe1 Thouebu Thons Acree Buehll1e Thoueau

Kaine 1 1~ 22 1 1-wo 19 1~ 21 BY 3 ) 193 58 3 3 190 57 9 9 210 1S9 Ind 4 4 191 76 3 3 200 60 Ill 7 7 200 140 7 7 250 175 7 7 230 161 Wh 33 32 203 60 28 28 260 728 63 b2 270 1674 Minn 1119 1064 168 17875 974 968 190 18392 1276 1268 195 24726 Iowa 4 ~ 140 56 3 3 190 57 6 6 215 129 BDak 8259 8040 161 129444 8176 80lI0 155 124620 8176 7960 13 107460 SD3t ~754 2654 124 32910 ~892 2787 155 43198 3181 3094 14 44863 Hebr 75 68 96 653 56 50 160 800 56 53 180 954 Eana 6 3 98 29 3 2 110 22 2 1 120 12 Mont 3000 2798 176 49245 2640 2106 115 27669 287 106 12middot5 30C75 Idaho 422 408 324 13219 405 388 310 12028 43 66 310 14446 W70 bull 97 84 149 1252 94 82 165 1353 8S 82 190 1558 Colo 171 140 14 2058 140 133 200 2660 141 120 165 1980 BXex 24 23 170 391 26 21 140 294 22 19 130 247 Utah 60 59 343 2024 61 60 330 1980 74 70 310 2110 I 11 11 80 308 13 13 240 312 14 13 270 351 h 1024 979 239 23398 972 948 200 18960 447 436 24 0 10682 Oreg 196 185 256 4736 206 196 225 4410 225 20S 240 4992

0l1lR SPRING iDA (Cont1d)

---~7I=)~If9~State I Acree I Acre I Yield I Pro- I ADrea I Acre8 I Yield I Pro- I Acre Acres Yield I Pro-

IPlanted l 1Iar- I Per Acre ducUon IPlanted liar- I Per Acre I ducUonlPlanted l Har- Pmiddoter Acre I ductton I Iftsted I I I IYellted I I I IYlIsted I I

- - - - -hoU7 Acre - -lhiillf- -TiioU-~ - yenhoujj-ACre- - ithG1 - houjj1iU7 bous-ACre - - ithG1 - ~hOu8 -bii IIY 4 4 210 84 7 7 240 168 7 7 23middot5 164 Ill S 8 240 192 9 9 25middot0 225 8 8 225 180 Vh 77 76 270 2052 93 92 240 2208 87 86 225 1935 Minn 1034 1014 17middot5 17745 924 913 17middot5 15978 1127 1114 150 16710 Iowa 11 11 170 187 21 21 210 441 29 G9 161 467 BDaIt 7685 7562 140 105868 6993 b881 145 9974 7762 7431 105 78026 SDaIt 3245 3156 140 44184 3440 3345 13middot0 431(85 3681 3479 7middot5 26092 Bebr 70 65 15middot5 1008 91 81 140 1134 114 97 130 1261 MODt~ 3234 3080 140 43 120 3525 3326 170 56542 426 3891 9middot5 36964 Idaho 488 481 33middot0 15873 5S8 570 300 17100 559 542 28middot5 15447 Wra 96 91 195 1174 lug 95 180 1710 104 94 162 1523 Colo 127 119 21middot5 2558 110 102 215 2193 199 189 200 3780 HHex 22 20 15middot0 300 21 19 13middot5 256 23 21 140 294 Utah 75 74 350 2590 83 00 31bull0 2480 89 87 330 2 1ff1 15 14 300 420 15 14 31bull0 434 15 14 290 406 Vah 670 645 200 12900 482 464 220 10208 588 548 170 9316 Oreamp 230 216 220 4752 225 216 245 5292 304 289 200 5780

-------------------~---------------------------------------[J8 17091 16636 154 255607 16735 16235 160 259628 18961 17926 112 201216 ------------------------------------------------------~----




QTS ACllEIGI ~ Alm PBOIlUCfIClI 1944 to 1946

- --- ~ t9Kti~ lorn Aclee amp Y1eld Pro- 1 AcleB Acre Yield Pro- Acre IAcres Y1eld Pro-

State Plantflcl Bar- I Per I duoUoa IPlantflcl liar- 1 Per Iductlou IPlantedl Bsr- Per I ducUoa ____1____etd_I_ ~e__ ____ Ii ____1_tIII_ cJ__t____ ___ t1e _Apoundr _ __ ~_ fhDU Acltel lluUel houalu neue Agee Buabeb TboualIu Tboua ampent ~ hCllle~

Mamp1nal 92 85 370 3145 79 71 360 2556 80 71 400 2840 JJB 14 8 340 272 14 s 330 264 11 7 370 259 n 74 48 320 1536 72 44 310 1364 66 4) 340 1462 (ast 15 6 280 168 16 7 270 189 14 6 350 210 liI 4 1 311) )1 5 1 )10 )1 4 1 320 32 Colll 18 6 )00 181) 18 5 )00 150 15 6 330 198 bullr 795 745 )10 2)095 731 663 290 19227 B41 SOZ 400 32080 raquoJ 54 47 )21 1509 S2 42 260 1092 54 45 320 11j4O Pat Bs4 8114 290 240 476 854 802 305 2446l 854 826 355 2932)Oblo 1073 1047 331 34656 1191 1162 425 49385 1)70 1348 450 60660Ind 1260 1172 256 30003 1436 1371 420 57582 1471 1412 309 55068 Ill 3251 3169 31 100457 )1146 3372 45~0 151740 JB37 3799 420 159558 Mlcb 1)44 1309 329 43066 1505 1466 400 58640 1550 1525 4S5middot 69)88 Vie 2839 2766 ~22 116725 3066 2987 510 152337 2943 2668 4J5 124758 Minn 4672 4456 327 145711 5M6 5392 450 242640 5439 533B 370 197506 Iowa 4917 4711 287 135206 5458 5323 )85 204936 5785 5642 375 2l1S75 Ko 2096 1698 179 30394 1799 1511 190 28709 2015 1843 310 57133 KDak 2784 2653 330 87549 2784 265) 325 86222 2506 2361 265 62566 SDak 3023 2914 298 86837 )597 3497 410 143377 3561 )462 290 100)98 Nebr 2291 2085 168 35028 254) 2439 )15 76828 2696 2561 280 11708 ~an 1825 ]561 162 25288 1278 968 175 16940 1495 1423 285 40556 Del 7 6 276 166 7 5 310 155 5 310 ISS )(d 46 42 310 1302 41 33 310 1023 38 34 330 1122 Va 174 14) 256 )689 172 lljO 280 3920 160 1)4 300 40020 W Va 94 67 221bull 1501 98 72 280 2016 94 68 )00 2040 BC 1t)7 335 277 9280 489 375 275 10312 49) 390 330 12870 SC S40 707 256 18099 798 700 260 18200 734 658 285 18753 Ga 954 656 253 16597 983 682 255 17391 806 5)9 265 14284 Pia 150 40 176 704 145 45 200 900 160 40 180 720 Ky 129 87 200 1740 108 76 240 1824 1)2 99 250 2475 Tenn )16 208 250 5200 Jlj8 245 260 6)70 310 245 265 6492 Ala 294 228 254 5791 318 242 260 6292 28) 198 24ft 40752Ki 521 444 336 14918 542 462 290 13)98 439 32) 300 9690 Ark 525 320 276 88)2 512 304 270 8208 379 255 )00 7650 La 200 152 290 4408 198 131 280 3668 1)6 100 220 2200 Olda 1584 1533 202 30967 1220 1027 190 1951) 1269 1089 210 22B69Tex 1732 1597 239 )8168 1992 1767 225 39758 1892 1608 220 )5376Mont 558 425 )43 14790 491 323 290 9)67 506 )52 310 10912 Idaho 237 194 426 8264 201 171 420 7182 185 1~ 430 7052111 182 150 )14 4710 19) 164 300 4920 174 15) )05 4666 Colo 254 224 278 6221 244 220 3)0 7260 227 187 300 5610 KlIex 60 5) 229 1214 54 43 220 946 57 45 200 900 Arh 26 11 350 385 25 12 490 S88 29 12 350 420 Utah 63 5) 457 2 bull 422 58 0 ljOO 2000 54 4) 4)0 1849n 12 9 430 )87 12 9 390 )51 12 8 440 352 Valh )08 160 1147 7152 288 150 4)0 6450 213 128 480 61411-Oreg 11 609 )98 305 121ljO 560 342 2)5 8054 549 )56 275 9782 ~B1___ i __ ~ _ 89____ Si ___ 21~ __ 6Z _110_ ___515__ 110___120__)~2 ____57O_

us 114141 )9741 289 11492ljO 46025 417)9 365 1523851 46515 42812 345 1477573 irT~-aralaquoe-ot oat-gion-with p~Ud-ytcit-licluded rn-plaitd-aid-hin bullbullt~-JAici - - - - -- - - - --

HOPS ACREAGK rIEl]) AlID PJiClWCTlaIl 1944 to 1946

- - --I I9~ 19~C 9~ State Acre Yield s ampere Ylel4 amper I Yltd r

1 ~eled I Per 1 p~oduct101l1 ilarYetflcl I Per s lrodUOUOIl HarYtll4 I Per I Prodwt1oa __________1__1111 __1______1________Jampr ________1______1__Aampll ________ _

poundtI ~ fhaumiddotporu Att URa flynlold Aampt ~ hllPUI4a Idaho 190 1610 3 2ljO 1850 AA4 240 1585 38t lIaah 9900 1720 17028 11700 1680 21996 11600 1700 19720 Oreg 18700 920 17204 19900 1lt045 20796 20000 950 19000 Ca11t 8ljOO 1620 13608 9100 1580 14378 9100 1610 14651

us 1295 57614 1)13 5)751

- 12 ~


- - - - 19t7 l )~ l i~ Stat Acre Acre I Yleld I Pro- I Acre I Acr Yleld Pro- I Acrll1l Acree Yield Proshy

P1aDted Bar- Per I ducUoa Planted I liar- I Pv ducUoll Plantod au-- Par ducUoa ________1~td_I_ Act__ ~ ___ _ l _____Tt1~_ jcz__1___ _ l ___ lV1~ 1 _~rt _ 1 ____ _ hoWl Acre llI rhouslIg ThOUl ASpound lIuahal ~oulIu ThoUi Acre Bualull lulYBu

Main 8i 73 340 21f82 77 64 420 2688 101 90 400 3600 bullbullB 12 7 310 211 11 6 400 240 U 5 360 180 Vt 54 28 270 756 60 J6 370 1332 66 33 300 990 Ifaabullbull 12 5 360 180 12 6 330 198 13 6 290 174 BI 4 1 330 33 3 1 330 J3 2 1 250 25 Cou 12 4 320 128 10 4 J30 132 12 5 320 160 bullbullY 5JO 47J 275 13008 126 672 400 26880 791 719 290 20851 J 49 36 250 900 42 37 350 1295 46 J9 331 1291 Pa 734 661 390 19169 749 720 380 27J60 794 756 305 23058 ChJo 863 714 260 18564 1191 1171 450 52695 1322 1288 350 45080 1114 1294 1112 )00 35i60 1317 1289 410 52849 1456 1405 366 51423 111 J377 3311 J40 112574 390S 385] 450 17JJ85 J881 3834 415 1591U Klcb 1085 1052 350 36820 1465 1420 37S 5)250 1538 1505 345 51922 IIh 2884 28ll 430 120873 2942 2867 440 126148 3030 2924 41~ 119884 Mu 4630 4537 360 163332 4908 4855 425 206J38 5027 4952 J5$ 175796 Iowa 5438 5247 310 162657 6199 6086 450 273870 6417 6269 386 241983 fo 1552 1309 230 30107 1971 162) 265 43010 1794 1526 229 34945 bullbullllampk 2331 2219 290 64J51 2238 2152 280 60256 1880 1722 201 34612 SDak 3134 J081 Jl0 95511 J165 3112 JJ5 104252 J102 2956 221 65328 bullbullbr 2426 2279 275 62672 2750 2621 280 733AB 2511 2280 202 46056 ~e 1510 1395 290 40455 1616 1144 220 25168 1034 881 194 17091 Del 7 5 320 160 6 5 J50 175 7 6 300 180 Md 40 35 )20 1120 42 36 J35 1206 47 42 J25 1365 Va 150 121 270 3267 160 IJl 330 4323 165 134 296 3966 IIVa 88 64 305 1952 77 58 JO5 1769 79 56 272 1523 IC 508 386 290 lll94 J56 270 290 7830 527 J94 287 U308 SC 866 704 255 17952 606 500 22S ll250 7i~7 605 245 14822 Ga 887 550 250 13750 674 429 260 ll154 7112 468 255 U93~ Jla 160 30 ZOO 600 IJ5 21 190 399 124 16 160 256 LT 141 90 230 2070 118 8J 260 2158 171 109 229 2496 Tenn JOl 230 265 6095 277 205 295 6048 )49 254 250 6350 Ala 28J 184 230 4232 275 169 265 4478 234 130 226 2938 Klas 4J9 365 250 9125 329 274 310 8494 237 156 250 3900 Arlt 424 280 300 8400 40J 252 Jl0 7812 339 209 240 5016 La 145 100 260 2600 113 80 JOo 2400 113 70 250 1750 0Icla 1396 1231 235 28928 1033 714 165 11781 7J3 578 176 10173 Tex 1684 14)1 210 )0051 1465 787 165 12986 1)92 1204 260 31304 font 491 J)8 )10 10478 452 )24 370 11988 457 266 )00 7~80 Idaho 187 172middot 415 7138 168 153 415 6350 212 188 J95 7426 liTO 169 150 JJo 4950 172 14J JOO 1~290 177 137 299 4096 Colo 234 200 325 6500 229 194 JOo 5820 261 235 327 7684 IMex 48 38 210 798 46 38 210 798 )6 32 220 704 Arh J2 12 400 480 28 U 340 374 28 11 400 440 Utah 54 49 1180 2352 5J 47 420 1974 55 50 450 2250 In 13 8 410 328 12 8 410 J28 12 8 J75 300 lIuh 198 131 510 6681 2)0 153 425 6502 22J 150 440 6600 Oregl 554 J56 285 101)2 421 271 265 7182 488 366 280 10248 CalU 542 180 270 4860 558 185 JOo 5550 508 166 260 4316

U8 42058 37855 311 1176142 438)8 39280 )69 1450186 4))18 )92)6 )20 1254895 iT1~C~r~-of at-Vow-rti pa-Ud-ytcl-licluded 11l-plut~-eid-~et-d-~rg- - - - - - - - - - --


- -- -= 1~41 1~ 12~ y Stato Acre Yleld I Acree neld I Acr I Yleld

BarTetod Par I ProdUCUOIl BarTet~ Per I PrOductioD BarTeted I Par ProdtlCtlOD ____________~~ ________________Apoundr ______________1__~rt ________ _ I Pound rhoDaPound AaI ~ bgPoup4I ~ ~ lboyPoupd

Idaho 240 1645 J9S 620 1040 645 850 16)5 1390 lIaeh 11700 1740 20358 129llO 1760 22704 13000 1490 19370 Orae 18900 870 16443 17700 890 15753 14500 1015 147181__ _9rx0_ __ 21~ ___ _ll~~ ___92~___ 3~ ____116 __ 2~ ___ ~~ ____ 5J8__

US 39840 1275 50186 40420 1248 50464 37550 135J 50796 lpduCtloi IncldJ-hOPI baiTr 4 lalabi ~der Krktlnlaquo ~_8zit-hop hanrd bur iot alabi ~dei --HarkaUn ~e_ent and hope produced lint ut harTated Salabl amplloYlIDh under proTle1on of Harltetln Jcre_ent totalad 39 111ion pounda in 1949

- 13 -



- - - -- - - - - - - - -lqijlj - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ~l~~ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - r ~- - - - - - - - shy__ ______ 9 ________________ iloz ___ bullbull _____________ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _~

Stat r Ac r Acr I Tleld r Pro- a__ Acree nu I Pro-- Ie Acrts n1d Pr a ra bull Bar- I Par I I --a bull lIN-- Per I I re Bar- I Per 0shy

____ _P~t~I_~e~ i ~e___dCl~_~t~__f- lPte___l~n_~td__Ie cpoundt_ i ~uC hou lcree l1ehels houbullbulllnl hone Acree aJaba18 honelnl Thou Acre llilehe1 houalnl

HIlna --3--- 3 ~ laquor 5 3 --uo 114 4 ~ -zo 12S n 3 3 250 75 3 3 220 66 2 2 280 56 bullbullY 113 106 255 2703 110 102 250 2550 116 114 320 30118 bullbullJ 10 9 278 250 9 II 300 240 11 10 360 160 h 108 105 298 5129 104 103 3fO 3605 113 112 365 41118 Ohio ~3 21 256 538 26 23 300 690 111 17 295 02Ind 51 41 243 1142 52 44 240 1056 27 25 240 600 Ill 53 45 240 1080 34 31 250 175 26 24 260 624 Kich 144 140 256 3584 121 118 310 3658 139 138 365 5031h 190 181f 267 4913 91 90 400 3600 125 124 375 4650 Kian 809 688 202 389pound 461 4If7 290 12963 138 733 290 21~57 10 II 7 166 116 3 3 2110 114 13 13 315 110 110 102 82 212 1138 88 66 19(1 1254 77 63 200 160 bullbullDU27Ifl 2625 216 56700 2357 2~1I1f 230 5~532 2357 22114 200 45080 SDak 1973 1756 147 25813 l38t 1299 245 31826 1464 1377 220 30294 abr 1174 760 115 8740 681 610 220 13420 613 549 210 11529Ean 1031 722 178 12652 480 38) 185 7086 360 2B 175 5022 Del 12 11 265 292 11 10 280 280 11 11) 305 305 Md 70 69 308 2125 71 64 290 1856 63 6Q 345 2010 Ya 76 72 301f 2189 76 68 270 11136 13 71 320 2272 V1a 9 9 2611 241 9 9 270 243 1 7 300 210 ~1 60 45 268 1206 56 42 220 924 41 33 285 940 S-l 34 25 231 57S 25 21 21( 141 23 20 260 520 GA 11 10 213 213 10 9 200 110 1 6 215 129 rr 127 89 223 1985 11 55 225 12311 11 0 250 120 enn 130 102 197 200s 129 98 1110 1764 100 82 200 1~ Ala II 5 205 102 3 2 200 40 3 2 1110 36 Kl 9 C 260 156 8 6 240 144 3 2 240 411 uk 19 13 199 25~ 14- 9 110 153 8 5 195 911 Okla lt97 28 ~l 5728 249 185 16( 2960 142 ~9 140 1 526 fex 373 340 222 15411 351 235 145 3408 196 164 150 21100 Mont 655 611 213 166110 720 672 220 14184 828 780 225 1 5 ldah 340 330 372 12216 320 307 37 0 11359 294- 276 340 1)84shyliTO 146 131 )10 4061 143 124 300 3120 154 144 300 4320 Ccio 867 726 214 15536 876 ~1 285 22544 683 ~eH 2)5 13936 bullbullMax 64 45 1115 8J2 If5 34 1110 612 28 23 200 1f6O Arh 145 74 420 3108 153 78 380 29611 161 85 400 3400 Utah 139 135 462 62)7 IJIf 130 450 5850 11) 101 450 4 amp60n 24 22 357 185 21 20 320 640 22 20 340 F80 Vallh 202 176368 61+77 139 125 350 1t375 97 90 370 30 Orttlaquo 269 2)8 34s 8282 285 2~i1 295 7582 )02 278 340 ~I1f52 Call 730 1429 280 40012 1816 14amp6 280 41608 1834 1486 30 119038

~I-=~ ==1~~5~= ~2~~1= =~~= =~7~7~ ==l~I~= ~~2~4==~~ == ~~~~= ~1~~6I=~0~~0= =2~~ ==2~~O~ rIumWlI ACREAGE YlELll AND PllOOUallOll 1914 to li46

----~ 1 li~ = 9~ State I Aero I Acre Yield I Pre-l Acre I Acru I Tleld Pro- II Acru I Acre I neld I To- 11

bull Plan~ad I Bar- I lier ductlon I Plante~ I pounder- I Per ductioil I Fanhd 1 Bar- I Per I dUction I ted I Acre I I 1 yoted I Acre I ted AcTa ~

- - - - - -hoUe7 Acres - -BoUbei- houbullba7 - - houS-ACre- -Btlaber- yenboue iJU7 - - houil-cre- -lIiiiierTiini7bi 111 6 3 80 24 2 2 IIfO ~8 1 1 140 14 Mich 6 82 49 7 7 60 42 7 7 90 63 Vh 6 ~ 117 7C 8 7 110 17 6 6 130 111 II an 914 829 75 6211f 1091 1067 HO 11737 932 BB6 105 303 I a III 93 59 519 76 15 125 91I 31f 34 150 10 M 11 11 5~ 60 9 B 45 36 6 6 65 3~ JrDK 865 802 82 6576 l571f 1 525 110 12200 1166 162 65 195) SDak 321 3c6 B2 2509 436 441 105 4630 318 344 100 )44t Rebr 2 1 110 8 2 2 90 18Ian 140 90 37 3)3 133 122 55 611 120 116 70 812 Okla 6n 45 45 202 24 14 30 42 3 J BO 24 lex 36 34 80 272 65 63 BO 504 B4 76 73 555 1I0fa~ 221 193 76 1512 6O 320 41 1312 83 14 70 511 110 1 1 14 4 2 2 50 10 1 1 50 Lrh 19 19 25 4114 1 17 23C 391 14 14 240 36 Oras 1 1 71 7 (all 170 164 110 i788 121 __13__lI~ ___ 22 ___ Osect ___1~2__12~ ___ 9~g VB ---middot2i~ - -2~6i--8- - -21665 - - 3954 - 3785 91 34557 2641 21132 93 2~ ~1I8 1F t te- 40-n~t- 1~ciu4-i ()d ha-8i~ tro-t7 - ~~- to tibe- 1oe~o-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- l


------------------------------------------------------ -------

lIlJ1IJrr ~CRlGlI Th([~ 11-JD PROWClIOIf 1947 to 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - - - p~- - - - - - - -- - bull - - - - - -1M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -194- - - - - - - - -State -~o -1-ACn- rfi1d -1- h- -1- ~8 - -ACre-Triold -- - -1- ~e --ACre- ~ field -1- Pt- shy

1 Planted Bu- 1 Per I duction 1 Planted I mu-- I Per I 4nction Planted Har- Par I iucHonI bullbullbulltd IAero I yeatod Acre I yeahd 1 Acre I

- - - - - - Thoubullbull -ACre- middotmiddot8iiior- ihiiUbullbull~7 - Thoue-ACre- - - ibahel ifhoua iiU- - - fhiiUC-ACre - -llI1aiiel - ifhiiubullbulliiU7 NaiDe 4 4 280 112 4 4 320 128 6 6 290 174 Vt 1 1 190 19 2 2 290 58 1 1 200 20 bullbullT 103 93 240 2232 93 90 320 2880 85 79 250 1975 Bl 17 15 330 495 18 16 330 528 19 17 385 654 Pa 132 130 330 4290 132 126 3115 113117 156 154 395 6083 Ohio 17 15 260 390 19 18 300 540 21 18 310 558 IDd 22 21 260 546 19 18 270 1IS6 23 21 265 556 Ill 28 26 285 7111 32 31 3110 10511 l1li 41 300 1230 Mich 121 115 300 3lIse 1112 140 320 41180 129 125 270 3375 Vb 160 159 )65 5804 205 204 380 7752 195 194 332 6l1li1 Minn 1018 915 265 25838 1252 1219 270 32913 1148 1110 230 25530 Iova 6 311 235 799 33 33 320 1056 31 31 259 803 No 74 63 230 1449 84 73 250 1825 106 85 215 1828 HDak 2522 2444 210 51324 2724 2640 210 55440 1880 1690 150 25350 SDak 1508 1432 220 31504 1583 1518 230 311914 1219 1093 125 13662 Xebr 533 467 220 10274 560 472 195 92011 403 326 187 b096Ian 328 290 220 amp380 459 362 190 6878 266 221 175 3868 Del 13 12 305 366 13 12 285 342 13 12 270 324 u~ 75 73 3110 2482 711 70 310 2170 82 80 340 2720 Va 86 84 295 21178 89 86 345 2967 89 86 3011 2614 VVa 9 9 31bull0 279 10 10 345 345 12 12 3111 377 bull c IS 39 290 1131 39 32 245 7811 40 34 262 891 50 26 22 260 572 23 18 215 3fr7 23 18 225 405 Ga 8 7 220 154 6 5 200 100 5 4 225 90 ~ 71 53 25middot0 1325 76 53 265 1404 102 72 250 1800 enn 88 77 210 1amp17 86 75 220 1650 82 67 170 1139 Ala 2 1 180 18 3 2 190 38 3 2 2110 lIS IU 3 2 230 46 3 2 250 50 3 2 250 50 Ark 5 3 200 60 10 6 lt1I0 1l1li 8 5 211 106 Okla 109 86 180 1548 80 66 155 1023 61 52 175 9iO fex 161 1311 175 2345 117 113 155 1752 159 133 190 2527 Mont 853 796 235 18706 930 8]6 290 254011 614 526 210 11046 IdaIw 332 320 370 11840 32 358 350 12530 3112 329 320 10528 Tn 1119 138 320 41116 177 159 275 4312 168 151 298 115000010 669 605 280 16940 amp62 563 250 111075 841 788 281 22143 NMex 29 25 195 1IS8 22 20 210 420 26 211 210 504 Arb 150 97 -1130 4111 191 146 510 1114amp 167 126 500 amp300 Utah 123 118 1110 5546 150 1l1li 420 amp0118 155 150 440 66Or) Hey 22 20 360 120 27 24 360 864 25 22 350 770 Wash 114 105 335 3518 136 126 345 11341 112 101 2St 2828 Oreg 323 JOO 355 10650 381 351 345 12110 297 214 32~ 8768 Oalif 1~g9 1545 290 44805 1965 1amp22 310 50282 19amp5 1590 J~o 50880

~~___ 191__ 092__221 __2183__ ~~__1~202 __2~2_ -5527__ 1122__ 21~ __2~~ __2101l_

FUXSEED ACHEM TImraquo HI) PllOOOCTION 1947 to 1949

------------If-------------------Ijs-----------------qij---------shy-- - ~ - - -- ic~ Yield -- ~-Y- - -A- - - ACro9 Yield - - - -y-- -_-- --Acrii~ ~ field -- - -11

S 11 i crea Bar- Per I _rei I Bsr- I Per I ro- I re Har- I Per ro- I I Planted I yeated I Acre ductiou I Plant~d yeted Acre I dnction I Planted I yeated Acre I dnction

- - - - - - Thoubullbull-ACre - -lliiahel - ifhOuB iiU- - - fhOU8 -ADrbullbull- -lIIlaiieY - ibOua iiU- - -hOUI- Acre - -llI1ahl - houaiiu-Ohio 3 3 80 2~ Ill 6 6 120 72 2 2 140 28 1 1 130 13 Mich 6 6 75 45 10 10 BO SO 10 10 14 74 Wi 15 15 125 188 22 22 13middot 297 17 17 139 236 Hinn 1411 1313 l0 15103 1700 1661 115 19102 1700 1644 95 15618 Iowa 84 83 135 1120 105 l04 155 1612 III 110 13J 1518 Mo 6 6 50 30 4 4 5middot0 20 3 3 65 20 DDak 1567 1524 80 12192 1818 1753 9middot5 lSb5~) 2018 1928 70 13496 SDak 591 585 100 5850 11amp 708 110 1788 713 708 65 11602 lana 115 107 70 7119 fr7 12 5middot5 396 34 31 63 195 Okla 4 4 60 24 4 3 30 9 3 3 5middot3 16 u 94 91 95 864 248 240 5middot5 1320 335 308 65 2002 Mont IBB 168 60 1008 148 141 100 1410 90 62 47 291 Idaho 3 3 100 30 Wyo 2 2 45 9 1 1 50 5 1 1 50 5 Arh 20 20 265 530 38 38 280 1064 44 38 250 950 Vah 4 4 130 52 2 2 100 20 2 2 120 24 Oreg 8 1 150 105 15 1~ 105 1111 9 8 110 88 CaliC 125 122 215 2623 201 198 245 4851 197 17~ 220 3828 US - - - -11264- - -4129-- 98 - - ~6i- - -5121- - ~97 - -iia - - 54803- - -5348- - 5048 - - 85 - - 42976-If iti~t- dO-Dt-iclude-claed hatd tr-II-fla ~- fO fib In-oe~o- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- 15 -

UPDATA 1981 bull ~ ilmiddot t ~ bull


RD ACRlWl1l TDlIJ) un PllOIJJeTIOlI 1944 to 19116

-- --I 1HI i9i5I~ Sate S Aane rea neld rc)oo Acre lene lelA Pro- Acree Aorea n14 Proshy

laW Iu- Pertan I cluUoa Plutea Iu- lItr Acre cltwtion1p1ateal S Per Acre duetioll ________ft1______ i ____ i ___ eJl4 l _____1____ l ___ l t ~ illl ________ _ IIIo Aon l 1bou BIl ftlau Acre Ill boualIu lhoq _rea Buboh lhoua Bu

11 66 12 162 1 80 10 175 175 105 8 180 144 IT~ 96 15 167 250 95 13 160 208 91 15 175 262 Pe 55 43 148 636 53 U 155 636 33 22 155 341 Oblo 80 33 152 502 90 I 115 472 70 17 110 289 IIlld 179 86 118 1015 222 70 125 875 1ar 46 135 621 Ill UO 63 113 712U8 It7 120 561t 88 38 125 475 1Ucb US 62 127 787 117 56 140 IJIt 91 48 135 648 Vle 125 98 87 853 126 95 120 1140 100 76 115 874 Ill 155 108 87 9fO 144 107 260 1712 151 118 130 l5J1J laws 118 10 120 12fl 37 11 130 143 26 10 170 170 Ho V3 SO 116 580 128 41 110 451 100 35 125 438 IDate ~ 145 92 l3J1J 150 115 135 1552 225 196 110 2156 Snate 5 392 lOl 3959 376 290 V5 42115 323 altl 105 2530 lebr 585 365 91 )322 556 361 125 4512 423 282 110 3102 Iatia 225 101 105 1060 2117 81 lO5 850 120 53 105 556 Del 32 18 1)6 245 JIJ 19 V5 276 J3 18 140 252 ald ~ 23 165 380 67 20 145 290 5f lit 145 2flJ la 135 114 144 6J1J 136 JIJ 135 459 125 25 140 350 VY 12 5 135 68 13 135 54 8 ) 125 38 IC 1~ J8 115 437 165 31 105 )26 145 22 125 215 sc 75 16 104 166 75 15 95 142 44 11 100 110 0 It) 12 101 121 50 10 90 90)0 6 100 60 ~ 133 JK1 141) S60 182 40 125 500 155 37 140 518IID 172 37 10ij 400 162 J4 95 3Z3 115 25 100 250 OEl 264 100 103 1030 257 ~ 100 740 1114 48 90 4)2 fex 142 22 119 262 55 21 90 199 It9 11 100 110 HoDt 20 16 120 192 2h 16 110 176 40 26 100 260 Idaho 12 5 1)) 66 11 5 130 65 11 It 140 56 1170 36 J 91 121 JJ 8 105 ~ 29 8 105 B4 Colo 1250 79 600 121 80 100 800 100 68 80 S44 bullbullJlllx 12 9 82 74 12 5 65 )2 10 5 85 42 Utah ~ IJ 95 12h 22 10 100 100 22 9 95 86 lIash 147 17 114 194 55 15 120 180 50 10 125 125 0rec 151 )2 141 451 155 )1 140 434 140 )2 1)5 432 Calif 29 12 108 130 29 13 130 169 22 lO 120 120

us It1415 2132 106 22525 4157 1850 128 2)708 3396 1591 116 18487 ---~-------------------------------------------------- ----

- - - --_ - - - -- _ -r9li4-_ - - - - __ - ___ - _______ S________________ - - - - - - 7________ - - shy --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T9i- - - - - - -r - - - -l~b - - -Stat Aores Aaru nld I Pro- Acrbullbull Acr I Ylel4 I Pro- Acl IADrea neld I Proshy

PlIIIIha ~ PilI Aclll ductlOD IPllUlted liar- Perlen duaUoDlplal1~1 liar- IPer Acre l duettOD I Ia I ytd I IYelted I- - - - -1ioiie iare - -BiiieT- -hnaB - fliDU-AGr- - iiahi - fbOuBiu Thru-iCrbullbull- -BiiiieT- TbOubullbulliia

1_ 6 6 200 120 6 6 155 9J 5 5 200 100 n 1 1 220 22 1 1 180 18 1 1 220 22 BY 155 150 180 2700 129 98 155 15]9 119 113 190 2147 Fa V~ l4O 195 27)0 112 98 185 1813 108 lOit 200 2080 Ohio V 14 210 294 18 17 180 )06 17 11 190 J23 1114 lO 10 150 150 22 20 135 270 7 6 150 90 Ill 5 5 165 82 16 15 150 225 5 5 160 80 Il1ab )8 )) lS5 512 46 25 140 )50 ZIt 18 1)5 24) lI1a 29 27 lS5 418 26 ZIt 150 360 2 25 145 362 IIIIIDo 67 6) 150 945 49 45 1140 6)0 118 It2 140 588 Iowa 12 12 175 210 7 vo 98)) 150 45 Ia) 1 1 125 12 1 1 120 12 1 1 110 11 Bllak 5 14 160 64 7 7 160 112 6 6 130 78 SDak 7 6 150 90 It 130 52 5 5 40 70 JId 6 6 200 120 5 5 ~5 118 _ _ 2)5 9Ita 8 8 165 132 5 5 170 85 It _ 170 68 V 10 10 185 185 8 8 US 172 8 8 195 156 Ie 5 5 145 12 It 160 6It 3 3 160 48 ~ 2 2 130 26 2 2 130 26 3 J 140 42D ____1 ___ 1_ 145______1 ___ ~ ____ __1 _____~___ o___ O__1~1 ____1~5_

trs 531 S08 176 8956 417 ItOl 161 6~7 It08 )13 178 6812 ------------~---------------------------------------------

- 16shy



- - -- 12411lMIX99 sbullbullbullbull _ iorea n 14 I Pro- Acre iDre J nld Pro- Acne lAcn_ TleU Proshy-- re I Ifuo- I e I I I Hu- I I J Bar- I

____1~~~~bull l_I_~r_~~ ~~ ~~~Y ~~_1_~~l~)P~~Ye ~r_I~ _~~1J1_ I1cu tara ~ hOh ~oubull iDn l ThouBn hOlla AlIre ]ahale fhouellIl bull

bullbullr 90 J5 185 278 90 11 185 3~ 107 17 184 313 bullbull1 89 15 180 20 f5 12 175 210 88 12 179 215 Pa 21 18 155 Z79 21 16 ~5 232 21 ~ 165 231 Ohio 71 JO 170 S10 67 20 180 360 ~ 18 170 306 lad ~3 60 v0 8110 ISO ~ ~5 928~) 57 1)5 77fJ Ill ~ -7 ~O 658 113 53 150 795 123 56 141 790 1I11JII 126 7fJ ~5 1015 1)2 80 150 1200 1 57 140 798 V1I 109 87 120 1~ 112 92 l20 1104 119 92 120 1104 lie la 1~ 150 21f6O 278 2)9 150 3585 200 172 145 2494 lov 28 15 150 225 36 17 155 264 5) 18 140 252 Mo 100 36 110 396 105 )5 120 420 U7 )5 112 392 bullbullDIIk 360 30 140 4522 461 401 120 4812 26) 229 115 2634 S1lIIk _10 ~7 v0 4858 476 392 1)0 5096 328 267 117 31211shyu ~ 305 90 2145 352 238 95 2261 317 207 74 1532 Eau 136 110 627 90 )I U5 391 65 28 97 272 DIll 32 19 135 256 33 20 120 2110 28 ~ 140 196 M 52 16 150 JIO 48 V v0 196 52 12 145 1a 1350 140 322 155 25 V5 362 15) 18 140 252 Va 8 3 120 36 6 2 130 26 6 2 136 2 _C ~ ~5 348 117 22 130 286 113 17 115 196 SC 42 10 115 115)1 7 85 60 26 6 95 57 Oa 2 6 75 45 22 5 90 45 20 4 80 32 1Ir 141 37 140 518 130 28 150 420 1)6 2 136 J67 fua 98 26 105 273 100 30 110 330 105 20 101 202 Oltla 115 JJ8 95 456 108 36 75 270 1~ 36 70 252 ~z 7fJ 35 100 3SO B4 30 70 210 100 38 80 304 MoII 52 29 125 )62 JO 20 1)5 27fJ 2) 7 90 63 I4aho 10 5 17G 85 10 4 130 52 10 ) 150 450 21 7 110 71 27 7 70 49 Z7 7 102 n Colo 8 7 100 47fJ 58 35 80 2BO 38 2) 90 207 bullbull lIDz 7 5 115 511 7 5 UO 55 7 5 120 60 ~u 12 6 100 60 10 5 100 SO 10 5 Uo 55 Vesb SO 13 100 130 JJ8 17 130 221 42 10 101 101 Orec 125 32 ~O AiIf8 110 24 145 )lI8 116 15 103 154 ~-1____1 ___l _~O____ _ P ___21 ___ 2__~2 _____14___ 5____6__12~ ____ ~_ ~___ ~7 _9 _ 28____2l~ _22~ __~o~__l ___ S86_ ~23__15t__1~ __ ~1~2


--- - J2i+I i1 i W9 I Mn5 I J liDnll I I Acre

StaM I Mn I JIcq I nu I Pro- mne I iaIo J nld I Pro- I Acn I IreZ- I Yield Proshy____I~~laquobulld_~I_ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~YIleJ ~ ~ ~~_1_~~l~J1JP~~lYlle ~Pr_~~_d~l~J1_

Au II ftIagpa hog Mn lI1 ~1UIlln hOUR Acre lIIt_hel lhou1Iu

181 6 6 170 102 5 5 200 100 5 5 210 105 ft 1 1 140 14_r a 1M 135 1539 99 96 195 1872 78 76 210 1596 12) 114 160 182It 101 96 210 2016 78 200 1480 Will __ 42 155 651 16 16 180 2B8 12 12 210 2521114 19 18 140 252 2 2 150 30 4 160 64 IU 16 16 130 208 4 4 170 68 2 2 160 32 Ill 63 57 130 11 30 27 130 351 20 19 145 276 V18 2 25 ~5 362 25 ~ 155 356 23 22 151 332 Ill 62 54 120 ~ )It 29 150 bull 435 28 ~ 125 300 1_ 10 10 120 120 JIll 2 2 110 22 bullbullDate 8 7 150 105 3 J 160 If8 4 120 If8 s~ 9 8 110 88 4 160 64 3 J 80 2H II - - 180 72 ) ) 230 69 3 -) 210 63a ) J 160 ~ 3 3 180 54 2 2 166 33 Va 8 8 175 ~ 7 7 195 1)6 7 7 201 141 ~C 3 3 170 51 1Ir 2 2 150 30 t~ ____l ___l_ ~~_____ 6 ___I ___ 2__~~ _____18___ =2___ 2__1~ ____20_ US ~ S05 142 7171 JIe8 330 18_ 6085 281 269 184 4956 -----------------------------------------------~------ ----

- 17 -


llRY EIBLE 1IEliS ACREME TIBLllUlll plIOWClIOIi 1944 to 194911

~ -- - ~124 124i 1W bull bull Acres bull bull bull bull Acree bull bull bull bull Acres bull bull ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pl~tedyeted Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted vested Per Acre duct ion pl~ntedyented Per Acre duct10n - - - ---TioiAcrlI- --pound --ThOuiyen~- Thouice ---Pouid --nOUBW- nouic~e ---POuid-middot --TboujjishyHamp1u 5 5 695 35 4 4 820 33 6 6 980 59 vt 1 1 626 6 NY 120 113 790 893 101 84 850 714 128 124 1200 1488 Mich 701 660 690 4554 435 363 820 2977 531 519 740 3841 Vb 2 2 430 9 1 1 560 6 ---Minn t 6 5 476 24 4 4 600 24 3 3 500 IS IfDosk 2 1 (730 7 1 1 700 7 1 1 600 6 lfebr 60 49 1260 617 53 18 1520 7JC 611- 62 1650 102] Mont 25 ~ 1083 249 20 18 1300 234 18 17 1 bull 590 270 Idlho 146 145 1550 2248 117 115 100 1725 131 128 1700 2176 qo 90 86 1240 1066 90 86 1250 1075 93 90 1450 1305 yenllh 3 3 1030 31 4 4 1250 50 4 4 1075 43 Oreg 1 1 1322 13 Tu 2 1 200 2 Colo 350 327 540 1766 290 271 580 1572 276 249 650 1618 fMex 267 ~O 302 695 203 161 180 290 142 114 225 256 Alb 15 14 395 55 14 13 515 67 14 13 900 117 Utah e 7 480 J4 8 7 400 2B 10 9 400 36 ~UL1IIrI 166 166 1327 2203 166 166 1242 2062 149 149 1342 2000 CtJ1fOUlIl1 183 157 1045 1640 148 141 1062 1497 134 134 1184 1587 poundeil _142 __ 221 _ _ 9Q _1bullsect41 _ __ 2~ __ 201 __1L129__ J~29_ __ ~1 _ _ g82 __1L2amp7__ _ l281_ ~___ g52 _ ~9~ ___ 02 _1amp41 __ ~5~ _ ~1 ___80__ vJ0~1__ 1Ot _ ~2~ ___917___12~_

DRY EDlDLE llEA1lS (Contd) - - - - 1241 124sect 1942 Jamp1ne 7 7 1100 77 9 9 900 81 8 8 925 74 bullbullY 138 13D 1070 1391 181 179 1230 2202 176 170 1000 1700 Mich 494 467 670 3129 514 504 880 4435 52) 519 1100 5709 Minn 2 1 350 4 1 1 650 6 1 1 650 6 1lDIk 1 1 850 8 lfllbr 80 76 1425 1083 85 83 1725 1432 90 85 1530 1301 Mont 2l 20 1450 2)0 22 21 1470 309 19 18 11170 265 IdlLho 159 154 1540 2372 ISO 148 1800 2664 149 147 1830 2690 To 112 107 1350 1444 98 95 1370 1302 83 81 1520 1231 lfaah 4 4 1200 48 5 5 1500 75 8 8 1490 119 Colo 331 321 800 2568 341 324 720 2333 307 295 820 2419 NMex 155 140 237 332 191 172 250 430 181 169 350 592 Arb 15 14 430 60 14 14 475 66 12 12 500 60 Utah 14 13 760 99 17 15 400 60 15 14 500 70 Ca11tL1IIrI 149 149 1406 2095 145 145 1603 2324 15 175 1654 2894 CallfOther 174 174 1303 2268 223 223 1389 3097 183 183 1229 2249 poundlil_2z1 __ 222 __ 25_t262 ___ 26Q __ 26Q __14ZJ_ __5431___ 25Q __ 25Q __1427_ __ 241_ ___ sect5~ _ m ___ 271 _116sect __ 29~ _ 23Q __1J014__ 086__ 23sect _ Q82 __1114___2~2 _ J1 Include b gl01OI1 for lead


- - - - li~ li4i 12~ s~te Acr Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acree Yield Proshy

Plantedl Har- Per Acre duction Planted Har_ Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted Har_ Per Acre duction _____ __x8td______________=_vsies______________Z8tlltL__________ _ rhoueAcieg Pounds Thous1jB ThousAcres ~ ThouBBagB ThoulAcree Pounds ThouBBagB

Mlch 1 1 770 8 Vh 3 3 970 29 2 2 950 19 1 1 1100 11 MInn 4 4 82033 4 4 950 38 6 6 800 48 NDak 14 13 1060 138 13 12 1200 144 15 15 1350 202 Mont 42 40 1103 441 32 30 1200 360 24 2J 1170 269 Idaho 225 219 1275 2792 ISS 153 1200 1836 161 156 1350 2106 lyo 2 2 921 18 2 2 1200 24 3 3 1250 38 Colo 33 22 860 189 bull 33 23 900 207 23 16 750 120 WaG 347 340 1290 4386 246 235 1160 2726 244 235 1480 3478 Oreg 58 56 1120 627 39 37 950 352 20 19 1300 247Qai____~ ___Ii __ l12 __ pound32 ____21 ___2Q _ _1 05_middot__ _29J_ ___1sect ___112 ___820____ l6Q _ l~_ ___ Z5Z - _ ru __ lgl _ J2li9t ___ i~ __ ilJ2 _ _11tl- _ -S91L __ ili __ 9_~ __13i8___ poundpound72 _

DRY FIELD PEAS (Contd) - - - - 1i41 1~1 -)242 Wle 1 1 1050 10 Minn 8 7 600 42 J J 900 27 7 7 950 66 Iflllk 20 18 1080 194 7 6 1200 72 5 5 1000 50 Mont 17 16 1100 176 8 8 1160 9J I 6 1130 68 Idaho 153middot 150 1320 1980 72 68 1220 830 99 89 1120 997 lyo 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1210 24 Colo 35 21 900 189 24 19 1000 190 19 16 1220 195 Vash 256 247 1300 J211 162 156 1280 1997 210 198 760 1505 Oreg 25 24 1180 28J 19 18 1300 234 17 14 700 98poundsll___ _Zl __ _ Zl ___ 19Q __ g11 ____1sect ___1sect __ 390____113____11 ___11 __1210____ 102 _ ____ 2~ __ 21l _ _ 33g _ ~l2g ___ Jl2 __ ~9Q __1J2g1__ JJ6fJ___ l8l _ _ 25 ___9pound7___ l~l~_ 1I h pl1Jlc1pal comerc1al produciD8 States Includes Pt)llS groUl for seed aDd comery pens harvested lUy

- III shy

1 UPDATA 1981



- - - - 19i4 19sect 12 li41 to ~ t 1242 St t A Aores Ac Acres A Acres ~ Acres ~ Acres A Acres

a e creB Har- reo H~r- cres ~r- cres H~r- cr~s H~r- eres Harshy____~1ne~eit~d_~1no~_elt~ltLlP~~tdlV~oeS_~1ne~lvsOS_ c~middot~_vselP~l~td_Jel~~d__

Thousand Acres Ind 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ill 12 12 9 9 7 7 5 5 6 6 4 4 ViB 3 3 2 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~1nn 18 18 12 12 7 7 10 10 6 6 5 5 Iogtlt 23 22 11 11 7 7 8 8 12 12 10 10 Mo 265 263 225 216 184 181 179 176 154 150 122 120 Iflhk 87 86 50 49 47 44 42 41 33 32 35 34 SJhk S49 502 390 362 238 221 188 179 152 149 164 156 Jlebr 704 685 50 480 390 374 343 325 364 351 364 347 K9ns 38116 3768 3054 2879 2718 2505 2256 2154 2459 2391 2361 2319 Va 10 9 15 10 15 9 17 9 14 6 12 4 IIVa 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 nc 26 26 23 23 30 30 32 32 35 35 32 32 sc 36 36 35 35 28 28 29 29 30 30 23 23 Ga 60 60 60 60 48 48 55 55 54 54 38 38 Ky 35 34 35 35 39 39 34 34 2l 21 18 18 Tenn 62 6 56 56 56 56 48 48 37 37 29 29 Ala 59 58 61 60 79 78 86 84 99 97 65 63 Mhs 65 64 63 61 51 49 53 52 47 46 34 33 Ark 94 93 97 95 82 80 78 75 68 67 51 50 Jg 10 10 9 9 8 8 9 9 11 11 11 11 Okla 2484 2406 1938middot 1829 1783 1664 1284 1198 1348 1258 1146 1094 T8 8318 8202 7653 7054 7273 6913 5527 5392 7019 6740 5168 5080 Mont 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 4 3 3 4 3 Vyo bull 14 13 10 9 7 7 7 6 4 4 5 5 Colo 766 723 705 658 613 546 490 470 500 479 645 618 1IHex 690 669 467 309 317 265 349 313 521 479 556 532 Arb 71 69 55 53 74 72 62 60 90 88 77 76 Calli 133 127 112 108 151 151 76 76 122 122 80 80 115- - -ie458 -18038 - - is668 - 14-498- 14- 2f6- - i540J -11-277- -10OsO - -13214 -12-679- -11064 - -10789- -


- - - l9~( t00 1916t 197 19aL 12112 St t Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros Dald Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros IReld Pro- Acres llel4 Proshy

a eHar_ Per duc_ Hl1- Per duc- H9r- Por dw- 59r- Per due- zHar- IPer duc_ Har- Per i ducshy___yetdlApoundrs_t0E lVS82C8l 1n_yeltdAEr_t0E lvse2cel 1n_yetdlApoundrl_t0E lvsse~cel isn_

Thous Thous Thous Thoua Thous ThOUG Thoua Thous Theus Thous Thous Thoua ~ TonE ~ Acrea ~ Tons Acros Tona1m Acres ~ Tons ~ TOilS ~ Acres 2 Tons

Ind 2 270 5 1 290 3 1 260 3 Ill 4 250 10 3 250 8 2 300 6 2 250 5 2 350 7 1 350 4 Minn 15 300 45 8 20 18 5 200 10 8 200 16 4 250 10 4 230 9 Iowa 12 300 36 5 300 15 2 350 7 2 250 5 6 300 18 4 250 10 Ho 150 211 316 146 180 263 105 220 231 95 180 171 86 20 189 58 210 122 N bull oruc 76 110 106 116 135 62 41 110 45 39 130 51 30 125 38 32 100 32 SDak 395 169 668 308 150 462 177 l70 301 152 130 198 124 180 223 133 135 180 Nebl 511 197 1007 383 160 613 279 165 460 234 155 363 222 160 355 220 230 506 Kans 1125 213 2396 1386 164 2273 1302 160 2083 989 140 1385 692 190 1315 649 185 1201 Va 6 170 10 8 175 1~ 7 175 12 8 175 14 5 180 9 4 175 7 lle 15 160 24 13 170 22 18 180 32 17 190 32 13 200 26 13 200 26 SC 22 130 29 21 145 30 14 150 21 14 140 20 16 1~5 2J 10 150 15 Ga 35 111 39 42 135 57 33 135 45 )8 130 49 41 130 5] 29 140 41 KT 22 184 ~o 25 240 60 23 260 60 22 280 62 15 210 32 13 21~ 2B Tenn 37 180 67 33 20 73 31 210 65 29 230 67 23 235 54 17 220 37 Ala 23 140 32 24 135 32 27 155 ~2 28 135 38 37 150 56 19 145 2B Hios 27 165 ~5 28 185 52 18 150 27 18 170 31 19 195 37 16 185 30 Ark 66 161 106 68 160 109 50 145 72 51 140 71 J8 185 70 27 190 51 L~ 6 130 8 5 165 8 ~ 160 6 4 135 5 6 145 9 5 160 8 Okla 132~ 145 1920 1118 125 1398 969 130 160 701 110 771 652 150 978 502 160 803 Tex 2920 1193768 2985 110 3283 2324 122 28391677 110 1844 lt17J 122 26601452 145 2105 Mont 5 117 6 4 120 5 6 115 7 4 130 5 J 150 4 3 80 2 Wyo 13 82 11 9 70 6 7 60 4 6 80 5 ~ 75 3 5 76 4 Colo ~7J 114 539 460 110 506 350 105 368 304 115 )50 280 105 29~ 301 107 322 11Mex 29~ 102 300 223 70 157 155 103 159 143 67 96 184 100 184 109 129 141 Arh 6 200 2 3 200 6 5 175 9 3 175 5 3 175 5 ~ 175 7 Ea1i__ _35pound __ Z___2_ ~poundO___ ~ __ _35pound ___7___~ 210___7___ _35pound __ ~ __ 2 _ 210___1pound

~middot~middot_118~ _15~ 015J317_ 10_ 21~11251_131_81~1_4520_ 3_56~6_ ~~8~ _14 ~~521~31_ za_11~

- 19 shy





- ---I I94 1J9s 1~~ S~at J Jor 1 Yield Pr d ti~ JeJ81 I n14 I ProducUcna I Jone J Yield Pro4ucUoII

____1_~bullt4_1_~r_~l _1__0_u _~ _1_IIret4__~I_-l _1________~t4_1_~1_~l J _____ _ ThouIAcne ~ ThoU Bu llloutareplE ft1oUI Bu BiouDJeJ8el llloubullbull IIp

Ind 2 ~9 48 2 300 60 1 300 30 Ill 1 240 2h 1 290 29 1 300 30 Iova 1 240 24 1 200 20 1 200 20 Mo 61 216 1)18 29 ~o 435 ~ 220 968 IDaIt 8 163 130 1 160 16 1 135 14 SDak 92 153 1408 43 115 494 37 160 592 lobI 115 22) 2564 75 180 1350 18 200 1560 Ian 2229 221 49261 1149 154 17695 B51 1)5 11488 IC 2 250 50 3 2)0 69 sc 1 165 16 1 170 17 3 IB5 56 Al 2 163 33 13 150 195 2) 160 368 uk 7 143 100 10 170 170 8 150 120 La 1 150 15 1 180 18 1 140 14 Okla 979 1050 146805 636 120 7632 6~ 115 7176 ex 05103 194 99229 ) 950 150 c59139 4~ 160 71840 ColO aIfO 1057 3768 180 lAt9 2682 191 130 2483 1lIex )69 166 6111 84 70 587 108 104 1127 Aris 54 372 2009 44 )40 1496 55 360 1980 ~a1____11____)1~ ____ ~)~ _____1pound2____32~ ___ _ l27 _____~5____42 ___ ~292 __ US 9)86 197 184978 6)24 152 9606) 6669 159 106025


- - --I l~ 192s 1~ Stah I tar 1 Yield 1 PrOdUCtioD Acre I Yield I ProductiOIl Acne I Yield 1 Productloll

____1_~etd_Umiddotr_Jer _1_______ _~etd_I_Pr_Ael _1_______1_lIrQt4__~r_~l J _____ _ Thoue Jon ll 2a DIOUlllOD ThoubullbullJer 12 DIoubullbull Toll lhoUlJarooa ToD bou l01I

lIId 5 105 52 4 120 48 3 110 111 4 100 40 3 90 27 2 105 21 Vh 1 80 8 1 75 8 M1Dn 70 21 4 60 24 2 65 13 Iowa 6 100 60 3 90 27 1 110 11 Mo 85 374 36 71) 252 25 85 212 IDak 2 30 6 2 202 4 2 21 4 SDaIc 15 7 56 11 3- 37 7 40 28 Ifebr 59 64 378 22 50 110 17 50 BS Iane 412 70 2884 )42 55 1881 SO 60 21OQ SC 3 50 15 ) 55 16 3 50 15 Ga ) 40 12 1 45 14 51) 20 leDII 10 65 65 9 70 63 6 70 42 Al 6 75 45 05 70 35 6 60 36)Ii 12 90 108 12 90 108 12 75 90 Ark 3 55 16 2 55 11 5 60 )0 La 1 61 7 1 7- 7 1 66 7 Old 97 50 485 10 45 115 67 40 l68 Ix l6It 48 789 108 35 )83 87 41 ~O Colo 10 55 55 18 45 81 5 50 25 bullbull lIu 6 ) 20 2 30 2 45 9 Arll 9 121) 108 6 US 69 12 U5 138pounda1_____4____~~ ______2 ______4 ~ ______4 _____~ ______l~ ______ ____1~~

US 879 642 56114 671 532 3510 623 576 3SS7


- - - -I = 19~ = = = == = ~ 1~4sect state crill 1 Yield ProductioD Acre 1 Yield I Prod t1 I Acres Yield Pr

_____~etd_lt]~r_Apoundr ________1_Hrstd_IJr_Apoundr ____~ _o~ __~etd_Jr_Apoundrtl _ ~d~~1~~ ThougAcru Jl9B1 lhquGIlllog TI1quecrea ~ TboutOallQII ThguuJcru GalloDII AAUIIlampllov

Ind 1 80 80 1 90 90 1 75 75 Ill 3 50 ISO 2 50 100 2 65 1)0 Via 2 80 160 1 70 70 1 62 62 10 3 125 )705 2 100 200 3 129 387 Mo 8 62 496 5 45 225 7 55 385 bu 2 55 110 2 SO 100 2 51 102 Va J 65 195 2 65 130 2 66 1)2 VVa 3 59 177 2 67 134 1 66 66 lIC 11 74 814 8 64 512 9 131 729 SC 10 55 550 10 55 550 8 58 464 Ge 22 55 1210 15 57 855 11 53 583 17 12 65 780 10 73 730 16 85 1360 laDII 15 61 915 14 60 840 19 73 1)87 Ala 27 65 1755 18 66 1188 22 6) 1386 Mha 25 78 1950 21 80 1680 19 65 1235 Ark 17 SO 850 15 55 825 17 60 1020 L~ 2 55 110 2 60 120 2 40 80 OklL 6 42 252 5 43 215 4 47 188

i~----~i---~------l~-----l~---~------~______~ ___~____ _~2__--- - - - - - - - - - _1_ - __ l~ _____146____6middotZ ____ 2~ _____~_ 660 10171

-O- ------------ shy



-s~~e-= ~II 1 RI~ 1Pr~~to ~r~ ~~ 1 ~o~t~I~ ~~ R~~ ~din I BarYeated Per Acre I I BarYe ted Per Acr I I BarYbullbulltod Per Acr

- - - -1h-cr- -Dl~hr- -fhoa- ia - fhQicr1 bir- - -TiioQ- ib- - thOulAcibullbull -Dlhel- TiioU- -IDe 1 260 26 1 320 32 1 320 JJ~ Iowa 1 160 16 1 195 20 1 225 m )10 114 160 704 30 240 72031 200 6tjIlak 1 155 16 1 160 16 SDU 111 90 162 20 155 310 20 122 244

Iobr 75 150 1125 111 225 2632 109 236 2572lAD 754 145 10933 339 215 287811 1392 215 29 928 IC 5 250 125 16 270 432 15 250 375 s Q 5 155 78 1 175 122 7 180 126 Ala 34 165 561 45 195 878 33 181 597 Arll 10 150 15016 1110 2811 14 172 241 lA 2 140 28 2 155 31 3 170 51 CkIa 440 110 11840 556 150 8340 548 155 8494 181 3640 180 65421 496 165 74143 3563 239 114996 Colo 160 150 2400 192 170 3264 3011 172 52911 INex 167 106 1764 287 140 40111 415 222 9213 Arh 53 410 2113 75 400 3000 61 1146 2721 -~l____1~ ____3 ____ ~sect9 _____16___ 31middot ____ ~~ _____ 11___ 32 ~ ___ r62_ ~~___ ~~ ____lI~ ____9I11 ____ 7____1~ ___ ~I~ ____6~5~2____2 __ 4~_

ALL SOBOIIllKS JOR SIIMB AOlJWlE YIELD A)JD PROIUClIOIl 1947 to 1949 _______ ~_7_________________ __________________ ~~_______ _~------------~------------------~------------------ilt--------

State Acre I Yh1d I Acre field Acre Yield BarPedd Per Acre Product1on I BarPted Per Acre Production llarveted Pet Acre Production

- - - - ThouAcre -iaL- - -boU7tOji - biiuAcro -Jiii- - -b0li71oi- ~ouEcre - -~n - -fhw7Tu Ind 2 85 17 2 115 23 2 115 23 Ill 2 90 18 4 105 42 3 93 28 Hinn 2 60 12 2 eo 16 1 70 7 IoVA 3 60 18 3 95 28 3 100 30 Mo 33 70 231 31 95 294 29 86 249 IfIlK 1 25 2 1 30 3 2 23 5 slak 9 25 22 5 55 28 3 42 13 Ibr 16 45 72 12 60 72 18 70 126lAD 409 53 21611 359 76 2 72~ 278 73 2029 SC 3 50 15 2 55 11 3 60 18 0 3 45 14 5 55 211 3 60 IS Tonn 6 70 42 7 75 52 8 76 61 Ala 4 65 26 7 75 52 6 74 44 Nh 12 65 711 12 01 0 96 8 85 61 Ark 3 5middot3 16 5 75 38 5 75 38 ta 1 60 6 2 68 14 2 70 14 (kIa 54 37 200 4 55 264 43 56 241 Tex 69 37 258 66 46 305 60 57 343 Colo 6 45 27 7 55 38 9 48 43 IIMex 3 40 12 e 45 36 8 53 42 Arh 4 110 44 10 110 110 11 115 126 -~1____ ~ ____1poundpound ______~ ______4____1poundpound ______~ ______6____1~ pound _____~_ ~____ ~4~ ____ 4___ _ lP _____~2____ 7____ ~~1 _____51____ 10___ sect2~_


-- -- I~ D[8 I~i State Aeres Tield Production I Acr Tield Produetlon I Acree Yield Production

BarYeted I Per Acre I BarTeted Per Acre BarYeted Per Acre - - - - hiiuicre - Gallon - bouGallon thouD Xcre - 01100 - fhoubullbullOaflon ~iiuicro - iiaflon -lhOli7aeliOii Ind 1 70 70 1 90 90 1 90 90 Ill 1 55 55 1118 1 51 51 1 80 80 1 77 77 IClVa 2 80 160 2 168 336 2 158 316 Mo II 42 168 3 66 1911 2 61 122 Ian 2 51 102 1 47 47 Va 1 61 67 1 90 90 IIVa 1 70 70 bullbullC 10 73 730 6 611 408 4 72 211 Sc 7 49 343 5 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ Ga 14 59 826 II ~ ~ 6 60 ~ ~ 12 74 888 6 73 438 5 79 395 Tnn 13 60 7S0 7 Ala 111 60 10110 8 m = ~ =Mi 22 68 1496 15 78 1170 9 63 567 Arll 11 42 462 8 64 512 4 54 216 La 2 35 70 1 43 43 1 45 45 Cltla 3 33 99 2 55 110 1 52 52 ~_____ ~ ____ 25______ 13~ ______5__ _ ______ 1pound _____ -____ ~_____ __I~

Us 131 7847 SO 6911 55116 53 66s 3539 -------------------------~---------------------------- -------- 21 shy

bullUPDATA 1981 ~~ I j


--- -- 1~ t 19~ t 19[6 StlAt I Acree Yield Acrn Yield Acrea Yield

Harvea d Pel Production Harvest d Per Production Harvested Per Production _________ ~ _ _Agrl _ ______ ______Apound~ __ ______ t ______ _Asr~ _______ _

ThoutlAcree Ton8 ThouTone ThouAcre Ton ThouBlone ThoUllAcres 1on8 Thou8Tone Main 923 89 818 833 106 882 84 99 m fK 388 102 395 376 123 464 364 118 431 it 1032 126 1298 10oe 150 1516 1006 143 1442 )(saso 319 124 469 376 164 615 365 164 597 RI 36 1l4 41 37 146 54 34144 49 Conn 304 123 374 300 157 472 288 162 467 fY 4008 144 5759 4021 161 6488 3968 162 6416 NJ 274 147 402 288 177 509 260 175 454 PIi 2564 140 3597 2539 151 3826 2525 150 3789 0b10 2605 139 3622 2560 148 3801 2536 152 3848 Ind 2004 131 2626 1765 145 2551 1835 137 2511 Ill 2824 139 3938 2662 152 4053 2732 146 3985 Mich 2813 1)8 3895 2671 148 3958 2648 124 3272 Vb 4263 163 6929 4214 187 7870 4ll2 155 6371 Minn 4683 142 6640 4366 152 6637 4067 146 5956 Iowa 3551 164 58)6 1304 172 5677 3275 163 5325 Mo 3703 113 4171 3914 115 4500 3545 119 4201 lItDIIk 3421 97 3305 3434 94 3233 3068 89 2724 SDak 36e5 99 3637 3616 92 3312 3478 80 2775 Nebr 4355 112 4865 4062 11)9 4436 3915 97 3787 ~B 1784 167 2982 1783 161 2875 1746 135 2354 Del 82 1 ~o 98 75 152 114 71 149 106 Md 461 120 552 464 139 643 442 148 656 Va 1383 11)2 1405 1477 117 1722 1391 119 1650 IIv 835 108 904 840 1~ 1061 812 129 1045 NC 1315 96 1263 1374 98 1352 1263 102 1285 sc 543 74 400 554 84 465 S07 87 442 Oe 1406 49 689 1441 54 785 1399 52 723 lIla 118 54 64 125 57 71 123 49 60 It) 1630 112 1831 1987 137 2720 1813 136 2459 Tenn 1769 94 1660 1978 124 2444 1802 122 2205 All 1 091 67 730 995 75 742 999 74 744 M18s 925 119 1104 873 117 1025 850 123 1046 Ark 1397 109 1529 1378 116 1595 1258 118 1483 ra 3Jl 119 395 326 125 406 319 126 403 Okla 1296 129 1671 1326 133 1757 1355 113 1534 Tex 1591 90 1439 1599 96 1537 1623 11)3 1619 Mont 2265 119 2689 2267 117 2681 2147 112 2395 Idho 1198 204 2445 1189 204 2428 1140 213 2429 liTo 1156 113 1312 1103 116 1274 1091 111 1214 Colo 1467 159 2331 1425 155 2215 1359 148 2008 NMex 217 221 419 201 192 385 206 212 436 Arb 332 218 723 309 242 748 306 239 737 Utah 612 203 1245 597 200 1194 573 195 1115 ireV 435 142 617 436 141 615 432 152 655 VaBb 989 119 1775 931 187 1744 656 192 1640 Oreg 1156 173 1996 1158 170 1970 1062 173 1~39poundampl1____20plusmn0____ ~middot21____ 22~ ____2130____ ~bullsect4____60]6____ 282 __ _ 1~2_ ___6t0Q3_ ~____ 176)9____ ]middot13___ 03~2 ___ 16627____ ]~__ _1~7t418_ ___71141 ___ ]15___ 291518_

VILD HAY ACREAGE nELD lID PllOllUCTIOlf 1944 to 191i6

- - - - - 1~ l I9~ l 19[6 state I Acree Yield Acree Yield AcreB Yield

I Harveated Per Productioll ltlrvesed bull Per bull Production Harvested Per bull Production ___________ l ce__ ~ ______ t _____ _ =_AsrJ __ ______ l _______~r __ _____ _

ThouaAcrem ThousTon bonaAcres ona ThousTona Thoue-cres ~ Thousfou Via 140 130 182 94 115 106 llO 115 126 Minn 1452 1ll 1612 1394 115 1603 1282 110 1410 10 102 122 124 92 120 llO 86 1O 103 Mo 154 109 168 160 120 192 150 100 ISO NDal 2576 90 ~318 2576 85 2190 2318 85 1970 sJ))k 3076 88 2707 3014 60 24ll 2693 70 2025 Nebr 3198 80 2558 2942 75 2206 2795 65 1817Ian 693 111 769 638 115 734 636 75 478 Ark 194 104 202 202 105 212 202 105 212 Okla 480 118 566 437 125 S46 428 100 428 Tex 195 105 205 185 100 185 191 105 201 Mont 867 85 737 806 90 725 622 60 658 ldho 139 lU 156 139 115 160 135 110 148 To 529 60 423 481 BO 385 495 85 421 Colo 466 97 452 443 100 443 439 85 373 NMex 20 88 16 15 70 10 27 100 27 Utah 103 124 126 lOS 100 105 105 120 1-6 lreT 267 100 267 267 100 267 267 110 294 Yam 46 115 53 51 125 64 47 120 56 Or~ ll76 115 320 3U 11n 3IU gt86 110 315 ~l-l_____1$gt____ 110_____ 17g _____112___ _ 1io_ ~ __ _2ffl_ ____ 152 ___ 1lL ____11~_

k ___ 5all1_____23____1~J1 ___ 4~~_____21___ Jt2~2___ _ ll~7 ___ _g3_ __ l51 _


FFeti5 Hri+tttrtft gt~- bullbull ~Mto shy



- -- -- 1~7 19la_ 19sect State Acrea Yild cr Tlel-l Acrea Yield

______II~~t~d_ ~ ~~~__ ~ ~d~ln_l v~e~ _~_A~~ ___~o~u~t~o~ ~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~____P~o~u~to~ ~bullbullAcrea gAl ~ousTonD fitouDcrea ~ lhoulITons Tbous bullocres I2 Thou9Tonl

M1n 766 11)8 627 nO 11)2 746 695 9B 682 lilI J5) 127 446 JJ9 124 421 J18 11) )56 n 995 149 148J 974 145 1416 952 124 1176 ca )51 154 540 J46 160 59f )42 145 496 RI )2 159 51 29 159 46 28 1 bullSO 42 Conn 280 166 464 272 162 440 26) 156 410 IIT )752 161 6029 )642 165 6016 3)97 1)6 46)0 IJ 244 17) 422 236 161 428 239 177 422 Il 2))9 150 )511 2194 146 )710 2202 142 )123 Ohio 2497 140 34B6 2)84 14) )406 2255 142 )212 Ind 1708 1)6 2)Jl 1661 1)6 2251 1616 145 2 bull 342 Ill 2626 14J )756 2)85 149 )558 2230 165 J689 Mich 2628 1Jl J45) 24)6 1)7 )346 2)29 1)2 )069 Vh 4066 16) 6665 )940 1)8 54)2 3916 15) 5972 MiIlJ1 4063 142 57n )659 1)7 529) 3819 1)lt3 5268 10_ )J)B 154 5154 2943 1)4 )955 )100 159 49)0 Me 3762 114 4)10 )S46 129 4564 )60) 129 465) IDU 3289 95 )110 3176 91 2901 )441 B5 2920 S~ )675 85 ))1) 4126 84 )451 4412 68 3013 lfebr 4)05 113 4BBI 4))4 105 4532 4836 108 5ZJl Iu 2059 153 )155 195) 176 )479 2017 160 3~z2 Del 69 146 102 n 140 102 68 110 97 Md 429 142 611 445 144 64) 429 152 ti51 Vamp 1)27 107 1414 1)72 126 1722 1321 127 16n VV 60) 116 92B 796 129 1026 B02 124 991_C 1292 96 1267 1290 10) 1)28 1246 105 1)12 SC 465 76 )76 509 68 449 52J 91 476 0amp 1)91 51 70) 1416 56 791 1055 6) 66) 11 125 54 67 1)2 58 77 65 62 5) 1) 1666 1)B 2568 1687 126 21)0 1828 110 2)60 l1IllU 1812 117 2120 1691 111 1861 l7J4 125 2175 U 939 72 679 922 18 720 790 84 667 Ki 601 115 923 769 121 9)3 779 115 89) Ark 1254 98 1224 1211 124 150) 1116 117 1J10 111 300 118 )s4 294 112 )29 295 1m 379 Okla 1580 119 1B77 1490 I)) 1975 1)50 1)5 1821 le 1620 90 16)7 1706 91 1556 145) 112 1624 MoDt 2227 112 2491 220) I) 2704 2On 101 2084 Idoho 1022 2Z5 2296 986 220 2171 1050 2lt) 2))7 1170 1080 117 1265 1017 94 960 1104 110 1209 Colo 1)56 164 2219 1)51 167 2251 1401 164 229) Ifllex 216 210 454 20) 212 4)) 19) 209 404 Arlo m 220 595 226 2)8 5)7 25) 247 624 Utah S6B 208 1160 550 205 1129 5)7 21) 1145 - )92 155 606 )8) 151 577 377 154 580 lfath 60) 1117 150) 765 205 1611 772 178 1375 Oree 1076 169 1617 1061 174 1646 970 158 1526 ~11middot____~~~ __ ~ J bull 26____ euro1)Q ____1~7O____ 1middotQ7____5JplusmnL ___ 1l15Q ___ 1middot25___ 3 49_ [middotk ___ 1 46amp6____ 1middot15___ 10Q$~ ___ 11617____ 114___ 2611~ ___71~ __ _ lmiddotlJ_ __ 25025_

_1If_ eii2ll 2r_A1l_II~r_r2r_125~D-~ 9Z1J211 o_____________ bull __________

~~~ _lAi~~e5drIx~~rpoundr ~tloi ~ce ~eililfgi ct r~~ln hqutr ll lhoubullbullrona rhouaAcr 12l ThouaToga

~ _____1 _0_____ 111_______ 1~~ _____ 1~ _____ 1Ql_ ______ 1~~ _ Ylk ____ 14aJgl_____ 1J8______ 10l57______7~11J _____ l~L _____ l0ll_ ~ -

WILD BAT AClUllilE fIELD AlID PBODUCrIOll 1947 to 1~1

- - - - - 1i41 1~ 1~ Il~t I Acre I Yield heres Yield Acres Yield bull

I arT ted I Per Production arTeBted Per ProucUon Iifrvsted Per bull Production ____ _1_ __~ __ _~rl _ i ______ 1 _______ cLe______________ cIe___=_____ _

1houeAcreo 1M lhoubullbullTop rhouoAcree ~ rhouerona rhousAcrea ron rhoubullbullroue Vlo 106 115 122 1)0 95 124 112 107 120 Minn 1)06 11e 1439 12)0 105 1292 11)2 105 1169 10 75 1O 90 61 115 9) 70 123 66 Mo 150 110 165 141 110 155 1)5 110 146 1IDIIk 2596 90 2))6 2414 65 2052 2535 Bo 2028 SDU )240 75 24)0 )4)4 70 2401 )4)4 57 1957_hr 296) 60 2)70 2904 65 1686 )252 75 24)9 lUI 702 110 772 611 115 7~ 642 115 nB Ark 204 B5 In 175 110 192 152 105 160 00amp 458 110 504 4)1 1 lt5 5)9 416 1gt0 502 lu 210 95 200 197 65 167 1B5 101 167 Mont 860 BO 704 654 90 769 769 75 577 Id~o 132 110 145 140 100 140 144 109 157 To 500 95 475 475 60 lB5 522 B5 444 Colo 470 105 494 451 105 474 474 102 4B) 11 Megt 27 BO 22 25 75 19 22 6) 1B Utah 109 125 1)6 105 110 126 105 I) 12911 230 1111 25) 216 105 227 205 9B 201 Vampth 46 120 55 55 1)0 2 57 120 68 Oreg )00 110 ))0 )30 15 412 291 106 gt08pound41lf_____1i6____ 11(1_____ 17~ _____1J6____ 1ltgt_____120_____ 1J~ ___ 112_____1~_

~____ 4~_____10____111111 ___ 4515_____~5___ l)~___ _~19= ____~2___ l121_ - 23 shy

-UPDATA 1981 bull _ bull h



ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944






aesented in Iilhe following tables are estimates of acreage yield and production of most field crops for the 1944-49 period revised where necessary by tM Crop Reporting Board of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics These estimates are based primari4r upon information furnished currentlv by crop reporters processors State Statistieians and cooperating State agencies and on cheCk inform~tion As ia customary whenever data from a Federal Census become available the revbed QlJtimates reflect trends indicated by the 1950 and preceding Censuses ot Agriculture together with other cheCk information from annual assessors enumerationsGovernment farm programs records of shipments and qQBntities processed

jor moat c~umodi ties the revisions are limited to the period 1944 through 1949 An exception ocCurs in the case of maple products for which the revisions series extend from 1940 to 1949 Jor other ~n and all h~ changes for 1950 and 1951 from est~llIateB published in December 1951era shown in footnotes to those tables Jor 1950 and 1951 estimates for all commodities ~n the revised levels were pUblished in the Ammal Swmnary of Crop Productiong issued in December 19510 Estimates for 1939 to 1943 (exeept as noted above) lGmain as presented in a publication similaz- to this i8ned in April1917

As amp general practice revisions were made in 1949 estimates for aIqcommodi ty When informf3t1on from the 1950 Census of Agri~lture by States considered in the light of other check infClrmatiCln indicated Il level s1gnificant~ different from current estimatos Using the new level as a bench mark estimates fur othar years Wele revised to th~ extent indicat~d by- survey and cheCk data obtained each ~ear in the usual course of pr~cednr~

Adjustments in Census data f~r the 1949 crop season were of several diferent tfpes For grains allotments of mixed ~ains Were added to the respective components ~~ the mixtures in soma cases it appeared necessary ttl shift portions of the acreage ~eported as grain ~ to the cut and fed unthreshect category the acreages for oats cut aid fed unthreshed were addeCJ to those for oats for grain and assign1d a yield and production For all wheat and rice production was adjusted to cOvdr millings e~orts~ e~timated qaantitiaa used for food o feed and seed and carry-over stockB Sugar beet and sugsreane production and acreage were adjusted to quantities reported by sngar factories Tobacco estimates were based on reeorde of quantities marketed by Gtates In instances where check information on peanuts WBlI available from processors for areas comprising several States the Census enumeration data served as the basiE for refinements in the estimates for the individual Steies lror potatoes carlot shipments and recorda of truck movement data on Government purchases and apecial stocks and disposition survey data wee the basis for adjustments also screage allowances were made for sllall plantings for which acreage information ~as not obtained by CensuB enumerations DUlerenoes in definition of the various kinds and mixtures of llEw were kept in mind as well B8 kinds not specifically enumerated and in some oases combinations lTere mBIUI of kinds enumerated by the Census in sett~ng up llEw estimates Adjustments for othe~ commodities follow these same general tYpes with allowances for incompleteness of Census coverage of farm land and orop land where indicated by detailed stu~ of Census county data and other checlcinformation

In th~ 1950 Agricultural Oensus data were obtained for virtuaJ~ all cOIllJlOdities for which reTised data are shown in these tables In some States Ceusus data verified the downward trend in the acreage of some crops to an insignificant total In such instances the series of estimates WtiS terminated as for example vild llEw in Arizona clover-timot~ h~ in North Dakota and 1espedeza ~ in OhiG~ each added into other ~ after ~944o In other instances acreages significant enough to justify initiation lof estimates were indicated by the Census for example sorghum grain in South Carolina


GPo-o-Asri (BAE) 188

bull - I gt bull




-- - - IW = ~I X9sIl9K= S ttl All IJcrea I Yield 1 pro All 1ampI14Ia I neu Pro- I Acrea lAorea I Yield 1 Proshyta llaIlr41 az Per duction IPlantedI llal- J hI IducUon IPlant8t1~ ~ I Pill I duc1oll- _ ~ -I ___t~bulltd_l__pounde1t _ ____ ___ qa1e4 _JQIll __1____ ___ 1 a1aJl _Al _ ____

hone Aorall lili howl IDI floua erea I~ thouDII houa ~ uebela Thoua l JIa1na 12 12 J90 468 11 11 390 429 U 12 370 444shyJB lk 14 430 602 l2 12 lO S04 13 13 420 546n 66 66 JM 2607 63 6) )80 23~ 58 58 410 2378MIlabullbull 45-5 )90 1~75S 39 39 450 175$ 38 38 460 1748RI 9 9 370 m 8 8 ~O )31 8 8 )90 312COM 52 52 410 21)2 49 49 450 22115 47 47 460 21621IIt 698 692 355 24566 677 657 0 21681 6]0 ~ )90 25896111 208 206 )25 6695 188 187 5 8)22 190 189 450 8S05Pampo 1441 14~ 35S 50516 1349 1 338 4) sa203 1367 1351 430 56093C-Jio 3666 3651 40) 147135 J46J 31168 1751)41M

SO5 3671 3641 490 1784094622 45~ 401 184219 4417 4 36ft 530 2Jl292 4600 4582 510 2))682Ill 9226 9140 454 414956 8245 81)0 465 378045 8~5 6873 560 496888M1cb 1812 1805 320 57760 1776 1751 350 61285 1794 1769 280 495)2Vb 2]06 2679 435 U6536 2706 2679 415 1U118 2571 2545 445 11)252111M 5969 5867 415 ~)480 6059 5926 36 216299 5514 5452 440 2391388Iowa Il224 UtO 525 579442 10f47 10106 445 476417 11172 111)4 570 6346)8Mo 48)2 4781 J)O 4060157m 3873 Zo 10+571 4466 4415 370 163355IDelt 1283 12SO 260 32500 1283 1225 210 25725 lat5 1213 215 26080SDak 4026 3897 330 128601 4268 4092 rlO 110484 4097 4010 300 120300Iebr 8f42 8749 )30 288717 8577 8487 28S 241880 7891 7808 290 226432rana 3602 3S49 275 97598 )062 2981 2)0 66563 )154 3011 210 6)2)1Del Jr) ~) 25middot5 J6116 141 140 325 4550 139 138 330 4554lid S05 S05 )53 17826 466 461 ~11) 18961 458 ~56 431) 19608Va 1)06 1280 260 33280 1175 1165 330 36445 1089 108) )60 38988V1a )50 )48 219 9709 )01 299 )10 1106) 298 296 340 10064BC 2)19 2296 228 52349 2229 2204 250 55100 2193 2160 210SC l53f 1510 16Y 5832025519 1426 1419 170 ar12) 1452 17 185 26770Ga 1 ) 3405 120 40860 )378 )337 140 46718 )246 )204 130 41652Ph 7J1t 719 105 550 629 618 110 6798 660 ~ 100 64901r 25211 2507 17 61~n 2192 2181 )20 69792 2253 2lYt6 360 00861111 2~27 2415 22it- 54096 21)6 2l25 210 57)5 2201 2189 295 64576Ala t929 2914 152 4429) 2814 2797 155 3354 26)) 2601 155 40316Ill 26Z) 253 161 407)) 2466 2-29 190 46151 2411 221U 160 35)60An 1695 16Z) 165 26780 14Zlt )6) 210 286Z) 1S09 172 210La 309121229 1168 ]40 16J52 1106 1075 li5 19888 1~ 1000 140 14000Okla 1615 162IIJ 170 2760B 1407 1))2 170 2261+4 1421 1372 24010175hr 051 3960 144 510lt4 3J~ ))26 355 515J )1$6 309) 165 51034MoDt 190 175 170 2975 188 1]0 135 2295 190 180 140ldabo )1 2521130 410 12)0 )0 29 420 1218 2 26 420 1092Vro 86 80 140 1120 77 72 150 1080 65 60Q010 165 990931 ~ 187 165)1 75J 716 210 150)6IIMln 210 600 57J 210 120))195 140 2730 178 150 140 2100 146 125Aris ~ 32 87 218 )) )1 115 150 1815

356 )2 )0 1l5llb1l ab Z )00 690 24 2) J45340 182 25 24 280Is 2 2 320 64 2 2 320 64

672 2 2 )50_ampabo 21 21 420 ~ 20 70

20 500 10OD 18 18Orec 530 95437 )6 )53 1271 )2 )1 )6I 1116Qal1i 71 71 )20 222 64 64 )2 )1 )55 1100

J10 1984 67 67 320 2~08-- -j5~i5 - 940~- -)28 - -)08798z- 89261- a-i25- -)27 - -z6ians- 8s89S- 87s85- -)67 - J2i7076 ]roampi tabt OOe--o- for a1~l ~e lD-iuu~ h~laquoi4-qd-al1od -o-Md tht-ct-nd-t64-rtiio~t-nl~thl 8anU u that huabld and ~ tor laquorain - 71e14 for grainwith an allDVaDce for Tamprrlng 7 181d~If con tor oill piUpOHe 18 appled to the tota1 ear1IP to ObWD IIIl equlYalel1t p1OdllCUoa ezpreued in terllllClf crue

llDOOllOUJ JCIlSAQJI nllLDB11 PIDIIlCWo 1944 too 1946

-- - -~L~= I X96 State 1 AIINI lena I n14 Pro- AIlr ampIIfta 1 nu ITo- ampliND Jorea I nld Proshy

~llaae 1 Per 4UCUOB Iplmlt8dl az I hi ~uct1oa IPlQ1 Ja 1 Per 1 ductioD--- _1-- __ bull ~_J__~1J _ 1 -- __ I ___ 11rte l_~lI ______ 1 ___ e l _~11 _ ___ _ ftl aL- l ~bullampIIr Llle l ftloua$Na Lba 2

Xu lit lit 601) 4200 8 8 -0 2000 U 11 620 )400 lMe ~ 22 1+00 40400 15 13 210 1800 15 13 260 1700 Ok1amp us 1119 375 3I1foO 91 80 ~ U600 110 102 295 15000 hz - J1Q 8000 ~3 )05 6600)6 35 )60 6300 Col 130 U 3SO ZlOO 112 ~ JOO 15600 ut 108 2SO 1)50ilMu 70 JOl) 1OSOO 55 38 1110 2100 Ito )1 2)5 J 600

lJ8~ ~6 JI2 362 69200 )25 286 281 ~JOO 331 290 291 43SOO ---------------------------------------------~-------------2shy

JJcentWltlfib7rstdrt W6 emf ~1




- - - -I 1241 I~ i 199 State 1 ADr IAcre I n14 1 Pro- Acree IAcre8 I n814 Pro- 1 Aere lAeroa 1 Tield 1 Proshy

IP18n~dl Hal- I Per 1 ductton IPlaJ1tedl liar- I Per IduoUon IPlanted I HaJ- I Per ductlon ____1____I~e~d__ Opounde__ ____ 1 ___ JY88~ _A~Z ______ ___ ve~ _Apoundr _ J ____ _

bout Aorel PUheb ThOUl1u Thoubullbull Acrea ~ 1lIou~Jll ThoUlAcree ~ Thoubullbull1u

Maine 11 11 401) 440 12 12 )20 )84 1) 1) 420 546 BH 12 12 450 540 12 11 370 407 12 It 480 576 n Ita 48 410 1968 52 52 44~0 2288 58 58 480 2784 Mal 37 37 470 1139 35 )5 410 1435 36 36 450 1620 RI 8 8 440 352 7 7 390 213 7 7 430 )01Conn 45middot 45 460 2160 42 42 410 1722 40 40 450 1800 BT 610 598 )30 19134 640 6)4 420 26628 65) 647 440 28468 bullbull~ 181 180 430 7740 194 193 SOo 96SO 177 176 433 7621 Pa 1339 1)2) 42$ 56228 1J86 1376 475 65)60 1)39 13)5 475 63412 Ohl0 34llt 3386 410 138826 3701 3691 585 215924 J627 J617 540 195)18 Ind 4421 40399 4J0 189157 4668 466J 570 265791 4729 4710 SOO 235S00 Ill 8677 8ser J95 J39068 9298 9252 610 564372 9280 9252 541) 499608 1I1cl 1597 1574 275 4) 285 1645 16)7 3g5 64662 1694 1686 490 82614 V1 2571 2545 420 106890 2622 2596 450 116820 2701 2674 520 139048 Minn 5)49 5234 36S 191041 5302 5286 52S 277515 5796 5770 430 248110 Iawa 10935 10410 JO5 317505 1121J 11191 605 677056 11549 11527 470 541~ No 4317 4018 245 98441 4365 4300 450 193500 4220 4085 )90 159)15 HDak 1220 1189 ~~5 24374 1147 1130 260 29380 1239 1209 200 ~180 SDak 4097 3970 0 754JO 3728 3652 360 131472 4138 4017 220 88374 Je~ 7575 7340 195 1431)0 7196 7160 350 2SO600 7628 7518 310 23)058Ian 21t6o 2)18 170 39406 24)5 2364 325 768J6 25)2 2459 277 68114 Del 132 1)1 )35 4)88 130 128 )20 4096 1)9 139 335 4656 Mi 458 456 380 17328 467 465 450 20925 4S) 451 420 18942 la 1067 1061 360 38196 lOSS 10SO 425 44625 1007 998 420 41916 VTa 295 29) 410 12()1) 286 2B4 440 12496 257 25) 440 11132 BC 2204 2182 315 687)) 2248 2226 300 66780 2238 2204 315 69426 SC 1408 1404 195 27378 1422 1418 195 27651 1412 1404 205 28782 Oa 3075 3044 140 42616 )044 3014 145 4)70) 31)5 )104 165 51216 71 629 623 120 7476 642 62) 100 02)0 580middot 573 125 7162IT 2185 2179 350 76265 2445 2440 400 97600 2396 2)67 355 84028 TQ~n 2200 2189 285 62)86 2266 2255 320 72160 215) 2120 )05 64660 Ala lt651 2627 150 39405 2584 20514 210 54054 2567 2523 200 50460 Mia 2320 2254 165 37191 2227 2209 220 48598 2182 ~054 205 42107 Ark 1388 1325 1~0 22525 1277 1246 230 286sa 1175 11)4 220 24948 La 990 960 135 12960 940 902 175 15785 T90 758 210 15918 Okla 1165 1125 180 2O2SO 1118 080 225 24)00 1152 1102 ~OO 22040 Tor 2801) 2784 160 44544 2584 253) 160 40528 2426 24llt 210 50694 Mol t 177 ~66 165 2739 198 193 180 3474 202 178 110 1951 Idaho 25 ~ 490 1176 26 26 485 1261 32 31 535 - 1658 1f7o 57 5) 165 874 50 48 185 888 54 SO 205 1025 Colo S46 522 2)0 12006 541 522 240 12528 649 626 262 16401 JIMex 108 95 1)5 1282 94 86 140 1204 98 95 160 1520 Arb 32 30 150 4SO 32 30 150 4SO 3J 31 150 465 Utah 26 26 380 988 30 29 270 783 32 )1 310 961 BeY 2 2 320 64 2 2 270 54 2 2 )00 60 Vath 17 17 540 918 19 19 530 1007 21 21 510 1071 Oref 26 25 460 1150 28 27 380 1026 Z7 26 410 1066 Cellt 62 62 320 1984 65 65 330 2145 65 65 )40 2210

US 850)8 82888 284 2354739 85522 84778 425 3605078 S6~5 a5602 378 32)8618Yiiii tabi coT~r-cOrii tor aii purpc ID(lWtlng howd-ampiia-Iid com Dn4 tliat-cUt-id-td-vTthwt-r~Trng-the ear as 11 ampI that hueked and upped for grain The 7114 tor graIn with aJI allowance tor Ya171111 71eld of corn for other purpo 1 applied to th totel arreage to obtamp1ll an equbeleDt proliucU~1I eqtrSllseli in tetu of gnUD


- -I 1241i=-- 12+)1199 8t 1 ADrll5 IAcrt I Tield 1 P~ 1 Acrt Acnll I Tie14 1 Pro- 1 Acre IAcre 1 Tle14 1 Proshy

a I Ipl-a1 Hal- I Per ducUon PllUltdl Htu- I Pal duettoD IPlantla1 IJaor 1 Per 1 dtIDtiOD ____1____~14_1_ FI_ _ ____bull ___ YI _Apound~ __1____ 1 ___ ~Te ~ _~~ _ ____ _

houMN IIIt ~ ftIoua ~ MJa lm housJew 1la ~ Ill 75 75 500 1900 4 4 700 1400 5 5 590 1500 ranbullbull 10 10 300 1500 9 9 320 1400 8 a 275 1100 Okla 82 75 320 12000 65 59 )00 8800 80 72 29S 10600 lex 35 )It 350 6000 39 J4 2)5 4000 65 63 )50 11000 CIlo 73 69 270 9300 71 67 295 9900 84 82 265 ll700

lt6 Ito 18S 3700 39 J4 265 4SOO 65 61 )20 9800 ------------~----------------------------------------------us 292 34400 227 291 )0000 )07 291 314 ~5700

- 3 shy

UPDATA 1981 bull ~ _ r bull ~ ~~~(bull~~bull


- - - - li~ 1 j9~ __ o ~~1n ____ l ___F2r_811~ ___ Hogglng____F2r~n___ i ___ o ill1pound~___ iiogging

State AcrengeY101d Pro_ AcreageYield Pro- down AcreageYield Pr~_ AcreageY1eld Pro- down Har- I ler duction Har- Per lducUonlglz1ngl Rnr- I per Iduction Hlr- Per duction gl9zing

____tlgt-otCltI_____ tpoundsl~ iApoundr _1____lEi tlItHIIl_llsl11clII_____ iv~BleS iAiT~ _1____ ampJ1I1 Thou 1a Thou Thous ~ Thou ThoU Thous ~ Thqufl Tone rhoue Thou Acree 1 Acres Teme ~rui ~poundw Tona Acree

K11ne 2 390 78 7 105 74 3 2 390 78 7 100 70 2 NH 3 430 129 10 105 105 1 2 420 84 9 115 104 1 n 4 395 158 58 10~0 580 4 3 380 114 5 95 542 3 Masa 7 390 lJ J4 95 32J 4 5 150 225 31 105 326 3 RI 1 310 37 7 90 63 1 1 400 40 6 95 57 1 Conn 10 410 410 38 100 380 4 9 450 405 37 105 388 3 11Y )38 355 ~899 479 85 4072 75 130 350 4550 460 84 3864 67 NJ 135 325 4388 62 70 434 9 125 445 5562 56 90 504 6 ~ 1118 356 39801 282 BO 2256 2J 1053 1~35 45806 261 85 2218 24 Ohio 3425 404 138370 135 75 1012 91 3295 505 166398 111 90 999 62 Ind 4410 IWl 176841 92 65 598 92 4190 530 222070 87 90 783 87 Ill 88~ 454 399702 190 a5 1615 146 7756 465 360654 179 80 1432 195 Mich 1400 324 45360 259 70 1813 146 1306 360 47016 273 70 1911 172 Via 1439 459 66050 1179 81 9550 61 1367 440 60148 1250 79 9875 62 Minn 4553 437 198966 731 76 5556 583 4522 390 176358 768 75 5760 636 lava 10397 525 545842 221 95 2100 419 9924 445 441618 218 87 1897 564 Mo 46)8 33 bull 5 155373 W 60 282 96 3641 285 103768 58 50 290 174 NIlk 533 273 14551 112 43 482 605 404 225 9090 110 39 429 711 SDak 3460 343 118678 47 70 329 390 3437 280 962)6 49 60 291t 606 Nebr 8452 33J 281452 44 62 273 253 8020 290 2)2bull580 42 50 210 425 Kane 3372 276 93067 35 55 192 142 2757 235 64790 60 45 270 164 Del 139 255 3544 3 90 27 1 136 325 4420 3 90 27 1 Md 460 3$3 16238 40 75 JOO 5 420 410 17220 36 110 396 5 Va 1190 260 30940 65 70 455 25 1071 330 35343 64 100 640 30 VVa 330 279 9207 11 80 88 7 287 370 10619 9 110 99 3 NC 2234 228 50935 16 88 141 46 2149 250 53725 15 105 158 40 SC 1480 169 25012 4 60 24 26 1 bull 389 170 23613 4 55 22 26 Ga 3204 120 38448 10 40 40 191 3137 140 43916 10 50 50 190 Fla 550 10$ 5775 6 60 36 163 495 UO 5445 6 55 J3 117 X7 2449 247 60490 20 70 140 J8 2118 320 67776 21 80 168 42 Tenn 2326 224 52102 19 54 103 70 2046 270 55242 17 70 119 62 Ala 2847 152 43274 6 50 30 61 2719 155 42144 8 50 40 70 1Iias 2481 161 39944 5 55 28 44 2382 190 45258 5 65 2 42 Ark 1547 165 25526 2 50 10 74 1335 210 28035 2 45 9 26 La 1139 140 lS9~~ 2 38 8 27 1059 185 19592 2 45 n 14 Okla 1568 170 26656 lQ 40 40 46 2gt60 170 21420 9 40 36 63 Tn 3750 144 54000 20 35 70 190 3207 155 4970$ 13 40 52 106 Mont 28 lt03 568 6 35 21 141 14 205 2amp1 6 2j 15 150 1dJho 19 416 790 8 85 68 3 16 430 688 10 105 105 3 VTo 32 152 486 5 50 25 43 29 165 478 3 55 16 40 Celli 676 183 12J71 75 65 4B8 133 530 210 11130 54 63 340 132 NMex 162 145 2349 8 50 40 25 104 150 1560 i 60 30 41 Arb 25 92 2JO 3 75 22 4 23 120 276 3 80 24 5 Utah 5 309 15lt 10 100 160 2 5 360 180 16 90 144 2 Nev 1 318 32 1 100 10 1 J20 32 1 100 10 Vloh 9 450 405 9 108 97 3 7 510 357 8 100 80 5 Oreg 14 )61 50S 12 65 78 10 11 370 407 11 79 67 9 Calif 36 350 1260 25 100 250 10 ~9 340 986 25 100 250 10 E= = 5~0e-( p~0=~aQl~61(=441( ~7~i2 ~~~8= =4~6= =712z =raquo-I~m4E9= =1425= =782 = 2S21( 130~


- - - - 19[4 l 1241 State Aoren Acroe Yield Por Acres Aarea I field Per

Planted IlIrvuted Acre y Prolact1oll I Planted Hneeteci Aore y Productlln- _ __bull_______ ___ ________ _ _______ J _____ _____ _____ __-________ _~ ~

Acre ~ Thous lb Aores ~ Thoue Lblt Ohlo 13000 13000 1450 18850 30000 JO~OO 1800 54000 Ind 17700 17700 1)25 23 1152 34800 34800 1975 68730 Ill 19900 19500 1200 23400 25800 24800 1600 44640 Mich )000 2400 1200 2880 4000 3500 1200 4200 Iowa 51800 SOJOO 1700 85510 102000 92000 1130 10)960 Mo 11800 11500 l6ao 19320 17000 15000 1680 25200 Nebr 8800 8700 1400 12180 31~000 J)OOO 1350 4450 Kane 5900 5700 1400 7980 9500 8400 1100 9240 X7 13500 13500 1000 13500 14two 14400 1400 20160 Okla 20000 18000 800 14400 46000 38000 850 32300 Tex 15000 12500 950 11875 17500 14000 850 11900 Cali 2000 2000 700 1400 2000 2000 600 120(1

~~= = = i8~~ = = =1148~0= == )3~J= ===p~l41 = = =3i~0~0= = = i~io~ = = ==1~1( = = ==~zPpounda~ = l In principal coamrcial producing ~tata y O liN corn 70 pOl1ndn to tile buahel bull



- - - l~ r tjtZ _ - - -Slrbullpoundpoundr4fL __ l __ ]Rr_el~ ___ Hogg1ngl___ ]9r--Eampin___ l ___ lox 118ampe____Hogging

Stampte ~AcreageY1eld Pro- AcreageY1eld Pro- down AcreageY1eli Pro- AcreageYleld Pro- down Har- Per ducUon Rar- Per Igrazing Rar- Per duct H1- Per duction Igtu1ng

___ _JeJlt~cle___ __ ly~8~eS lApoundrsect _~t-j 9tavIet~ltLce____ ~~YJl8el1Apoundr ______f9r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ima 2l Thou ~~ ~ lhOUB Thoubullbull ~ Thoua houbullbull Acres ~ ~ TonI ~ ~ ~ Acreg 2l Acree

Maine 3 370 111 8 115 92 1 2 400 80 8 110 88 1 NH 3 420 126 9 110 99 1 2 450 90 9 110 99 1 n 3 410 123 52 100 520 3 2 410 82 44 95 418 2 MUB 6 460 276 30 10bull5 315 2 6 470 282 29 115 334 2 RI 1 390 39 6 )00 60 1 1 440 44 6 95 57 1 Conn 9 460 414 35 105 )68 3 9 480 432 34 110 374 2 NT I53 400 6120 465 93 4324 46 135 )50 4725 4)6 84 3662 27 NJ 125 450 5625 59 90 531 5 122 4)0 5246 52 90 46S 6 Fa 1055 430 45)65 269 90 2421 27 1046 425 44455 258 85 219) 19 Ohio 3405 490 166645 127 85 1080 109 3098 410 127018 18) 75 1)72 105 Ind 4)98 5~0 224298 92 85 782 92 4227 430 161761 88 70 616 84 Ill 8553 560 478968 169 90 1521 151 8189 )95 )23466 206 74 1524 189 Mich 1243 290 36047 310 60 1860 216 1147 285 32690 274 61 1671 153 W1 1299 465 601~4 i200 18 9)60 46 1338 445 59541 1164 81 9428 4) Minn 4323 455 196696 692 83 5744 437 4187 380 159106 680 72 4896 367 Iova 10600 570 604200 178 105 1869 356 9588 310 297228 281 64 1798 541 Mo 4239 375 158962 44 65 286 1)2 3777 250 94425 80 50 400 161 NDak 437 230 10051 145 34 493 631 523 210 10983 143 38 54) 523 SDak 3529 310 109)99 48 60 288 4)) 3454 200 69080 63 54 340 45)Nebr 7418 295 218831 78 53 41) )12 6973 200 139460 73 38 277 294 I~e 2469 220 54318 211 38 802 331 1986 180 35748 155 37 574 177 Del 134 330 4422 3 105 32 1 126 335 4221 4 90 36 1 Md 412 430 17716 38 95 361 6 41) 380 15694 37 95 352 6 Va 1017 360 36612 48 95 456 18 976 360 )5136 57 105 598 28 WVa 284 )40 9656 9 100 90 3 278 410 11396 11 100 110 4 NC 2104 270 56808 17 80 136 39 2110 315 66465 22 90 198 50 sc 1415 185 26178 3 60 18 29 1355 195 26422 6 65 39 43 04 2886 130 37518 10 50 50 308 2651 140 37114 9 50 45 384 1111 526 100 5260 6 50 30 117 492 120 5904 6 55 3) 125 it 2194 360 78984 2) 90 207 29 2127 350 74445 24 100 240 28 Tenn 2106 295 67127 17 70 119 66 2106 285 60021 17 70 119 66 AlII 2531 155 39230 5 45 22 65 2530 150 37950 5 50 25 92 Miss 2173 160 )4768 4 55 22 33 2211 165 3648Z 5 60 )0 38 Ark 1435 210 30135 2 43 9 35 1267 170 215)9 2 44 9 56 La 975 140 13650 2 40 8 23 9 11 1)5 12704 2 40 8 17

Okla 1317 175 23048 7 45 32 48 1074 180 19332 7 40 28 44 Tex 3019 165 49813 12 40 48 62 2720 160 43520 13 35 46 51 lIont 13 210 273 7 50 )5 160 22 220 484 9 40 36 135 Idaho 17 425 722 7 120 84 2 16 495 792 6 105 63 2 IIJ-o 24 180 4)2 ) 60 18 3) 2175 )68 5 65 32 27 Colo )72 200 7440 60 67 402 141 397 220 8734 57 80 456 68 HMex 105 160 1660 4 50 20 16 83 145 1204 ) 45 14 9 lrh 23 120 276 3 75 22 4 23 155 356 3 70 21 4 Ut~ 5 290 145 16 100 160 3 5 380 190 18 100 180 )Hey 1 350 )5 1 100 10 1 30 )2 1 100 10 Vaeh 7 550 385 7 105 74 4 7 560 J92 7 Ll5 80 )Oreg 12 365 438 11 80 88 8 11 485 534 10 100 100 4 01111 32 350 1120 25 100 250 10 27 350 945 25 100 250 10 ~~= = =7j~1~ =31~ iitfO~9= =4~517= =7-81 =3~~) = ~i9j =-5~0~ y~~ lo~31o= =4~6Jpound =7~)2 = )~i9~=~~

POPCOlIII ICREAGE YIELD lID RODUCTIOJl 1946 UD 1947 I - - - - 19~= i ~7 Stab Acree tern Ueld Per Producthn Acre Acr Yield Per ~ ProducUoB

Planhd HrYe8hd lcre Y PlUlted Hamprl88ted leIY ~- - - -- - - - _-_ - - - - _a-_______________ ____ _ _____ a _____ __bull________ _

lqrea E2ml Thoue Lb lcre ~ fhoU Lb Ohio 15000 14100 1750 24675 5200 5000 i6oo ~OOO Ind 18Soo 18800 1900 35720 7300 7300 1500 10950 Ill 16000 15800 1800 28440 21000 20400 lIroO 28560 Mich 2700 ~600 1400 )640 2500 2100 1000 2100 Iova 42000 41000 1820 74620 17000 15000 960 14400 No 15000 15000 1600 24000 10000 10000 1100 11000 Hebr 13000 13000 1500 19500 4000 4000 1200 4800 lIua 5900 5200 1200 6240 3800 3500 959 ))25T 10100 10100 1470 14847 6500 0500 1470 9555 Okla 14000 13000 910 116)0 5600 5000 lOGO 5000 rex 4200 4200 1200 5040 2700 2700 1)00 )510poundamp1___1a6Q0___ ~ _116Q0____lampOQIL ____116QO_____ ~bullQOQ __ _ ~bullQOQ _____8lO_____ lo1_ - _ ~- - _1i83Q0___ _1214pound0_ ___1amp60___ _221122_ ___ _81QOQ __ ~_J02____1amp222____ 021l2 __ _ l In prinCipal coercial prodac1namp Statebullbull y or ltV cornl 10 pClaDd to the lII1tw1



- - - - 19te ~42 __ rOE U~il ___ l __ ]2r_BlM ___IHogg1ng___ ]2rLrn __ t __ ]gr_BlM ____Hogging

stat AoresltoYold Pr AoreageY1eld l down AorelgeY1eldl Pr Acr~g$Y1eld l down Har- I Per dllOt~n Hlr- hr IdUO~~l1Clz1ngl Har- I Per duct~n Her- I Per I d~~lon grnz1ng

____1otfdoJe_____ lvjtsel lAsrs _1 ____4r~llazeJltldcle_l____ zel1t-tdoJe_l _____14I~ Thoubullbull ~ ThOUtl ~ Tona ~ll2 ~l1 ThOU8 ~ lm ~ Thou Acreo Acrea Tona Acropound2 AerO ~ CroD

Ma1ne 2 320 64 9 85 76 1 2 420 84 10 104 104 1 Nrr 2 370 74 8 95 76 1 2 480 96 9 106 95 1 n 2 lflhO 88 48 100 480 2 2 480 96 54 102 551 2 Jo(I1f1 5 ao 205 ~9 100 290 1 5 450 225 29 92 267 2 111 1 390 39 6 90 54 1 430 43 6 66 52 Conn 7 10 287 33 95 314 2 6 450 270 33 96 317 1 NY 164 440 716 445 100 4450 25 170 460 78~0 452 100 4520 25 11J 132 500 6600 55 95 522 6 117 433 5066 56 80 448 3 Ps 1096 475 52155 259 95 2~0 19 1061 475 50398 258 95 2451 16 Ohio 370 585 202995 148 91 1436 73 3400 540 18)600 141 100 1410 76 Ind 4504 570 256726 75 90 675 64 4542 500 227100 83 9 764 85 Ill 8965 610 546865 167 95 1566 120 6947 540 483138 18S 100 1850 120 Mich 1278 400 51120 264 74 1954 95 1390 495 68005 2l4 94 2200 62 Via 1378 480 66144 1167 84 9971 31 1516 554 83986 1068 99 10573 90 Minn 4)81 540 236698 645 69 5740 254 4630 440 212520 696 85 S9)) 242 Ioltl 10732 605 6149286 179 110 1969 280 11101 470 5l1747 219 101 2212 207 Mo 4128 450 185760 60 75 450 112 3930 390 153270 57 76 4J) 98 1IDaJc 531 280 11868 124 43 533 475 526 225 U835 160 36 576 523 SDak 3323 170 122951 114 70 306 285 3266 235 16751 129 55 710 622 Nobr 6945 350 243075 72 57 410 143 7293 311 226~~2 75 62 465 150 Ka1l8 2281 325 74132 49 60 294 34 2316 277 64liJ 86 57 490 57 1)01 122 320 3904 5 95 48 1 133 335 4~i56 5 85 42 1 Md 418 450 18810 40 95 380 7 402 420 161~ 42 95 399 1 Va 976 4205 Ill 180 56 115 644 8 908 420 38~36 54 107 578 36 II Va 269 440 118)6 11 100 110 4 2)6 4110 103e4 13 100 1)0 4 11C 2137 300 64110 22 100 220 67 2122 31S 66810 19 89 169 63 sc 1351 195 26344 11 60 66 56 1346 205 ~59) 11 72 79 47 Ga 2558 145 37091 9 55 50 447 2635 165 43478 8 64 51 461 Flll 4211 10a 4240 6 50 30 193 344 125 4300 5 55 28 224 iT 2381 400 95240 27 90 243 32 2303 355 81756 2B 9~ 263 36 Tenn 2172 320 69504 lS 80 120 68 20)9 30S 6z190 17 87 148 64 Ala 2412 210 50652 8 50 40 154 2346 200 46920 5 60 30 172 MiuD 2165 Z20 47630 6 65 39 38 2011 205 41226 5 75 38 33 Ark 1Z7 230 28221 2 52 10 17 1100 220 24200 2 50 10 32 La 870 175 152Z5 2 40 8 30 727 210 15267 2 60 12 29 Olcla 1053 225 23692 5 40 20 22 1063 200 22260 4 50 20 35 Tex 2411 160 38576 16 40 64 106 2346 210 49lt66 8 52 42 60 Mont 27 220 594 8 50 40 158 8 238 190 13 45 58 157 Idaho 17 490 833 7 120 84 2 18 545 981 12 117 140 1 70 12 200 240 7 70 II) 29 12 221 765 8 77 62 30 Colo 355 ZZO 1810 73 75 548 94 48z 2116 11857 83 86 114 61 NMex 73 150 1095 3 55 16 10 75 165 1238 4 70 28 16 Aris 23 155 356 3 15 22 4 25 lS5 388 3 84 25 3 utllh 5 280 1110 20 100 200 4 5 313 156 22 114 251 4 Nev 2 100 20 2 105 21 Wuh 6 550 J30 11 105 116 2 9 5gt0 468 9 105 94 3 Oreg 11 400 4l) 11 75 82 5 12 435 522 10 82 82 4 Callt 30 365 1095 25 110 275 10 )J 380 1254 26 110 286 6t= =7~~ =432 ~~2~ )~( ~v= 27~52C l~~ =7116l )imiddotZ ii42~9l =t~~ 221==to2~= 2271

- - - - ~)w ~ lieuro State I ere~ I eres Yield Per I eres Acre Yield Per

pllll1~cd ~Haneeted ~ ere y Production PllIled lianeated Acre y Production

- - - -- - - - -AC~I- - - - -- -POundq - --Thou- Lb - - - - - iC~f - - - - - PoUndg- - -- Thou-Lb- - -Ohio 21000 21000 2350 49350 9500 9500 1900 18050 Icd 16500 16500 2500 41250 14400 14400 1900 21360Ill 29500 29300 2250 65925 16100 16000 1700 30600 Mich 4100 3800 2000 1600 2800 2800 1650 4620 I~va 260~0 26000 2110 54860 23000 23000 1470 33810 Mo 11000 11000 2100 23100 10200 10200 1300 1)260 Nebr 5000 5000 1800 9000 6000 6000 130 8bull580 J6n )100 3000 1650 4950 3900 3800 1360 5168 11 15500 15500 1610 24955 11100 9500 1)50 128~5 Okla 21000 24000 - 700 18720 8000 7000 1250 8750 Taz 4100 4100 1150 4715 2000 2000 1000 2000 cal 1000 1000 1100 1100

y lK82( 62~2 l~W ~2s~5~[ = =1sect9~02( )Q6~2Q( = 1~ = = )~5~OP 1 In principal cGaaercial prodncing Statebullbull ~ Ot ear cornl 70 pound to tb bashl


-aftcr r r~ RfhMr r~



- - - - 12~ 1 124] i i9i6 state Acre Acres Yield Pro- Acree Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

PlAnted Ilar- Per Acre duetiOD PllDted IDlr- Per Acre duetionP1anted lInr- Per Acre duetion veoted vested vested

- - - -- ThOU-ACrlis-- juiihlii ThorusIiti yenhOuliierlis- iiuiihlii -ThotWiiu Tbou-Acrlis- BuShl Tho~s~-Maine 1 1 220 22 1 1 190 19 1 1 10 21 liT J49 336 259 8716 352 346 264 9147 222 215 263 5648 11J 75 60 233 1398 93 63 210 1323 96 62 250 1550 h 931 914 214 19560 959 932 21S 20038 911 885 25 19912 Ohio 1937 1918 227 43539 2150 2129 270 57483 1849 1831 265 48522 Ind 1292 1266 202 25568 1587 1555 225 34980 1383 1366 215 29369 Ill 1334 1247 195 24320 1400 1339 185 248l7 1289 1207 160 19361 Mich 949 944 246 23222 992 982 275 27005 877 864 265 22896 Vie 69 67 195 1308 61 60 263 1576 95 93 252 2340 Minn 1325 1214 165 20090 1109 1100 193 21246 1412 1391 195 27080 Io~ 149 120 159 1912 168 140 190 2660 192 185 234 4335 Mo 1472 1207 16) 19674 1428 1304 140 18256 1314 1213 150 18195 a~ 10107 9856 159 156321 10005 9855 157 154568 10444 10192 137 139824 Slhk 3254 3070 121 37278 3355 3201 155 49656 3755 3S88 148 53197 Nebr 3585 2675 126 33762 3777 3596 229 82358 4037 3954 229 90677 Kans 13210 11377 165 187700 14148 13416 155 207939 14006 13147 162 212977 Del 68 64 197 1261 73 67 195 1306 68 62 190 1178 Md 395 370 232 8584 391 359 190 6821 376 348 195 6786 Va 539 516 192 9907 534 485 155 7518 459 432 185 7992 V~ 102 87 186 1618 100 87 185 1610 90 77 185 1424 NC 567 516 165 851bull 4118 408 11bullbull5 5916 394 371 170 6307 S C 26z 253 145 3668 202 195 145 2828 160 156 165 2574 Ga 228 213 140 2982 198 183 135 2470 141 130 130 1690 lT 496 426 178 7583 516 371 135 5008 392 297 140 4158 Tenn 423 396 145 5742 381 J45 125 4312 276 259 140 3626 Ala 25 22 163 359 24 20 ISS 310 15 12 145 114 M18S ~5 18 226 407 25 18 200 360 16 9 220 198 Ark 65 46 149 685 65 39 105 410 44 ~8 140 392 Okla 5557 5095 167 85086 6335 5910 125 73875 6715 6087 145 88262 Tex 4S51 4458 185 821lt73 5842 5350 90 48150 6835 5992 105 62916 Mont 4507 4019 188 75497 4147 3777 151 57145 4426 4133 152 62888 Idlho 1137 1088 293 31851 1156 1102 297 32734 1324 1273 275 350240 282 215 131 2811 286 244 182 4431 JOI 281 243 6832 Colo 1658 1256 142 17794 1850 1560 223 34768 2244 2004 189 37776 NMex 463 2at 117 3337 452 297 94 2778 542 350 8J 2895 riz 26 24 22S S40 27 24 ZlO 504 29 27 210 56 Uhh 298 294 241 7100 286 281 243 6842 3J5 320 224 7171 l1ev 16 16 273 437 18 18 243 437 19 18 273 49L Vash 2485 2338 268 62673 2667 2524 244 61512 2769 2642 295 77965 Oreg 980 914 265 24200 970 921 237 21810 1050 984 256 25168 -i___ 2~ __ ~7 __ 94___ 10~2___614___523___12~ __ 106ltt7_ __675___619__ 190___ l7~1_

~~- - _6~bull9~ _52742 __ 177__10~ll_ ~122_ ~1~__ _1Z~ ~1127633_7578_ ~7125__ 172__1lZ218_


- - - - 19~ ~ = ~ 19~ State creo Acres Yield Pro- Acrea Acres Yiold Pro- Acres Acrea Yield Prltoshy

PhntedIar- Par ere duction Pbnted Rar- Per Acre ductionPlanted Har- Per Acre duction - - - -- - - _elt~_- ____ J ____ J ___ T~StfJ _________ ___ VJlBtfJI__________ _

ThW Acres ~ ~ls Thouas Acres Pounds ThGsliga ThousAcre Pounds ThousBags Ark ~7 287 2J63 6781 284 281 2115 5943 327 320 2002 6408 La S68 561 1710 9593 SB4 583 1m 10363 592 589 1732 10204 Tex 392 392 2002 7850 400 400 2025 8100 412 412 1935 7972 CaUf 246 240 2812 6750 244 235 2665 6262 264 261 3032 7913

~middotEmiddot I01 )-~===~Q91=10~1( =1~5Z ~=~~ 10~~ 1~s2S 18~ ~Q5E = 12427 RIC (Cont I d)

- - -- ~i i i9a 1 ~ Mia 5 5 2700 135 Ark 370 )65 2096 7652 395 391 2358 9220 415 412 2150 8858 La 616 613 1620 9931 641 631 1m 11216 599 593 1825 10822 ~ex 474 474 2025 9599 526 526 2092 11007 552 542 1975 10704 pounda1l__ ~52 ___226___ 2bullJ2 ___8015___~__ ~5sect ___26sect9__ _6t812_ __312__ 102 __ 225pound __ 10t28_

- _1middot112 __17~___ ~~~ __ 2527__18~_1~ ___21~2__ 2B275__1~3_15z __ ~1~ __ ~727_




---- ~7 i i i ti~ State Acrco Aore Yield Pro- lorn Acre Yleld Pro- Acres Acreo Y1eld Proshy

Plonted m- Per Acre ducdon Planted liar-a Per lore cuct1on Plantod llar- per Acre duction ________~ot ______ l ____ l ___ lY81e_l _____l ____ l ___ lylt0_eSl ____ l ____ _d t l1ho1l Acree ~ Tbou8lffi Thoubullbull Acree lIunhal Thouau Thoubullbull Acree 1Igshel lhoutIBu

NY 3aS 375 240 8988 449 J41 ~o 11886 405 396 269 10721 NJ 107 15 250 1675 115 62 215 1763 107 a3 240 1992 pa 947 929 240 22296 965 966 190 16354 926 906 230 20884 Ohl0 2212 2119 ~25 49026 2371 2353 245 57646 2377 2353 250 56625 Iud 160) 1571 230 36133 1811 1775 215 36162 1739 1722 220 31884 Ill 1431 1341 210 26311 1745 1710 225 36497 1952 1913 230 43995 Mich 1210 1192 250 29600 1416 ~395 260 36~0 1303 1297 265 34310 Via 116 114 257 2926 127 123 236 2906 117 114 226 2604 Hinn 1200 1169 171 2063 1066 1051 115 1652 1304 1265 151 19360 Iowa 220 201 119 3607 40 311 233 1397 41 364 168 1212 Mo 1472 1321 165 244)6 1722 1596 210 33558 1625 1676 175 29365 NllIlt 10401 10263 143 146)83 9933 97l 144 140234 11055 10552 106 112357 SDllt 3656 3103 145 53626 4022 3643 131 50342 459 4079 80 32653 Nebr 4606 4434 209 92751 4614 4275 204 87111 5016 4165 140 58213 X~ne 15404 14655 193 266102 14634 13221 175 231368 16244 14219 110 157069 Del 70 65 200 1300 71 66 145 957 66 63 115 11021 366 341 210 1161 361 334 160 53J4 343 311 190 6023 v~ 496 456 115 6015 461 449 185 8306 438 400 165 7400 Y v~ 96 62 195 1599 96 62 165 1511 62 68 190 1292 NC 492 461 175 8112 406 314 160 5984 465 4tl0 136 5520 SC 238 2J1 165 3812 211 210 140 2940 114 166 120 1992 Go 196 185 140 2590 116 165 135 2228 140 130 125 1625 XJ- 404 J24 160 5184 420 324 160 5184 403 288 170 439f Tenn 332 16 150 4740 )55 336 145 4901 )01 ~4 146 40( 11 14 12 165 198 15 13 155 202 13 11 154 1y Ml 20 16 195 312 16 12 190 226 15 8 165 132 uk 38 24 150 )60 40 26 170 416 )4 24 145 )46 Okla 1051 6696 155 103188 1263 6696 145 91092 1481 6629 128 84851 Tex 7587 1)10 160 116960 6752 5629 105 59104 7090 6417 140 698)6 Mon~ 5183 4427 146 65)46 5201 4815 192 93716 5975 5316 115 61189 Idaho 1)88 1344 266 )674) 1523 111) 252 )5646 1591 1537 242 )1136 VTo )47 326 202 6592 384 )42 194 6650 )92 369 167 6885 Colo 290) 2738 215 56866 3186 2861 01 51)73 )552 26)8 16) 46164 NMex 740 649 15 9420 682 403 92 )712 616 526 106 5616 Arh 30 26 210 586 19 28 2)0 644 )0 26 262 734 Utlh 315 J68 246 9058 431 415 05 6510 441 426 210 9009 Ney 21 20 lt91 582 21 20 295 590 20 19 26 bull J 541 Vh 2922 2119 2)6 64750 2959 2166 c87 79268 )1)9 2758 218 60146 Ore~ 1063 976 226 22237 1100 1052 265 29954 1214 1058 215 22698 pound111___ vsect __ sect62 __1sect2 ___11 bull Q)~ ___76___6Q~ _ 175___lQiJ2 ___7f___6pound6__ 185____11261 Q~_ _ _1sect21t _7~212 __1sect3 _ l25sect211_16L~L 17ltL46_ _ 119_ 1 9t2l _ sect3J9Q5_15J90_ _ 1~5_ _ oQ9il~

FUX 11llR ACRYAGS TIuD KD P~WCTIOf 1944 tt 19~

- - - - ~I~ 19~ )2Ii State cree Acree l Yield ~_ Acr~ Acre 11eld Pro- Acre8 Acres Yleld Proshy

Plnted aar- P8r Acre juctlon Pl~ted H~r_ Per Acre ductiouPlQnted BAr- Per Acre ductlo~ ________1eltl __________ l ___ l~~aleg l ____ l ________ toYJseS l _____ to ___ bullbull _d 1hOWlAcres 2M 1houeons housAone 12a ThouTont rhoWlAgre 2111 ~~

OrIC 11 85 165 14 95 6 150 12 8) 16 190 111bullbull4

_______1241 ________ ______ ~_________________12~ _______ __ _ Ore 57 49 190 92 24 Z 170 )4 )4 23 180 41

~UNG llLfJlS ACIGAGB niLD un 1lODUCTIOB 1944 to 1949

- - -- 19~ 19sect i J~ Stat Aere Acres Y1eld Pro- Acre lcrao Yield 130- Acree Acre Yiold Prashy

lPIlU1ted Hr- Per Acreductlon lP1ampnted ar_ Per Acre ductionP1uted BAr- Per I1cre ducUen _____ ___rotsltL_____________JCltJd__________ l ____ _____ _____ _ljI~

lhQ)aca ~ Thoualobe TboubullbullAcr ~ ThoubullbullLb rhonaAcre ~ houbullbull Lb

Okla 75 55 200 11 169 110 2~ zr2 no 10 210 147

- - - -=== = = = I~( = = = = = I~ = = = = = = =)~== = = = = Okla 62 40 250 10 64 50 320 16 31 22 400 B8

- fI shy

1ite8zMf~ iiitByen tiTtJj

1 UPDATA 1931



-- - -- -- --- -1~ - --- ---- --- - --- - ---1~-- - - -- - -- --- ---rrb -- -- - --shy-------~--------------------~ ---------------~---------mte ampern I oWl I Yield 1 Pro- I Acr Acree leld Pro- Aero I Acne Yield 1 Proshy

planted I Bar- Per ductioA Planted Bar- Per 1 dDCUOA Planti4 1 liar- 1 Per duCtiOA ____ ______Y8e ~e__ _____ _____1_Y8e cr_______1______Y8e ce__ ___ _

fbDubullbull Acree lbhela hauslb fllo Acr lbabel houbullbull Bl h0l1t1 Acr lbbele h0l18ln

BY 346 33J 260 8658 349 3433 ~ 9090 211 206 ~ 5459 IJ 15 60 233 1398 93 6J 210 1323 96 62 250 1550 h 911 914 214 195bO 959 932 215 2O08 911 1l65 225 19912 Ohio 1931 1918 221 43539 2150 2129 210 51433 1849 1831 265 48522 IIId 1288 1262 202 25492 1584 1552 225 34920 1383 1366 215 29369 Ill 1321 1240 195 2~lSO 1393 1312 185 24642 1282 1200 160 19200 Klch 949 944 24amp 23222 99l 982 215 21005 871 8amp4 265 22896 Vh 36 35 111~ b58 33 32 265 8~ 32 31 215 b66 H1Jl1l lbO 109 140 1526 112 109 225 2452 101 II 190 1amp12 Iowa 145 116 160 1856 Iamp 131 190 2b03 186 119 235 4206 Mo 1472 1201 163 19614 142I 1304 140 18256 1314 1213 150 181~5 SDak 295 216 105 22M 289 248 1amp0 3968 3~ )08 180 5544 ehr 3510 2bOl 121 33105 3121 3546 230 81558 3941 3901 230 89123laD 13204 11314 165 187611 14145 1341~ 155 201911 14004 131~ 162 212965 Del 68 64 191 1261 13 amp1 195 1306 68 62 190 1118 Md 395 310 232 IISSII 391 359 190 amp821 316 348 195 6186 539 516 192 9901 534 485 155 1518 459 432 185 1992 v 102 87 1116 1618 100 87 185 1amp10 90 17 185 1424bullc 561 516 165 8514 448 408 145 5916 394 311 110 6301 SC 262 253 145 3bbS 202 195 145 2~2S 160 156 165 2514 0 228 213 140 2982 198 11J 135 2410 141 130 130 1690 IT 496 426 118 1583 516 311 135 5008 392 291 140 41SS eAIl 423 396 145 5142 381 345 125 ~312 2f6 259 140 3626 11amp 25 22 163 359 24 20 155 310 15 12 145 114 Kl 25 18 226 401 25 111 200 360 16 9 220 198 Uk 65 46 149 bS5 amp5 39 105 410 44 211 140 392 Ckls 5551 5095 161 850116 b335 5910 125 13875 amp115 amp087 145 118262 ez 4951 4458 185 82413 5842 5350 90 48150 61J5 5992 105 amp2916 HOIlt 1501 1221 215 26252 1501 1311 215 29416 1839 1721 190 3281~ Idaho 115 610 214 18amp32 151 114 290 20106 841 801 255 2O51 W70 185 131 119 1559 192 1amp2 190 3018 213 199 2amp5 5214 Colo 1487 111b 141 15136 1110 1421 225 32108 2103 1884 190 3519amp It 439 263 112 29146 426 276 90 2~ 520 331 80 2648 Arh 26 24 225 540 27 24 210 504 29 21 210 561 Utah 2311 235 216 501amp 225 221 220 1amp8amp2 2amp1 250 200 5000 Icy 5 5 258 l29 5 5 250 125 5 5 280 140 Vb 1461 1359 2119 39275 1695 1576 270 1amp2552 2322 2206 305 bl28)Orec 184 129 261 194amp4 1amp4 725 240 11400 825 116 260 20116 Ca11f 596 ~1 194 10amp12 614 563 190 1Ob91 615 ~19 190 11161- ~2 ~1~)5 )middotI 15~I ~~ampI ~1~0~4 1~(= 1~2s1 S~~l= ~~)l( Is~Oi6ii9i

- - - - - - - - - - - - - ~- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -1~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19K - - - - - - - shy- - - - --crbullbull- TIli -1- - - -- -_-- --cN- rfl14 --- - -- - -- iirH iTtli -I-~-

Stte Acn 1 JIar- I Per 0- _nil JIar- Pel 0- I _ liar- I Pel P~ed bull Acre dDctloa Plant ed Acn amplctlO1l Planted 1 yoded llcr dwU01l

- - - - - - Ytmbullbull-ACrbullbull- -JibeIs- ibOubullbullili- - - ibOui-ACzQ- -lbebeI- ihObullbull-Ji- - ihOu-ACr~- -Jir- ibOQbullbullaa IUu 1J6 1amp1 168 689 2J 23 115 IIOZ 35 35 195 6R bullbull IlK 1848 1816 11yen 26871 1829 11J15 165 299118 22611 2232 11l5 323~ SDak 205 200 105 2100 114 166 150 21190 190 1116 150 2190ui- - - -2~ - -2051- -1~i - - -29666 - - 20i6 - -2-riiI- - 1671J- - -32bullbull - - 2JiiJ3 - -2453- - 14-6- - 357836




- - - -I Ili7 = l~ 1 )~~ -_-_-_-_ State Acre Acree I Tield Pro- Acr~ Acree Yield Pro- 1 Acrfte Acree Tie1d Proshy

1 Planied Har- 1 Per duct ion I P1~ted liar- bull Per 1 ducUon I Panted liar- Per duct10n I Yestd I Acre I 1 Yested Acre I I Yeated Acre

- - - - - -fboii- Acree - -Diiieltl - TbOU8ib- - - ThOitbullbull-ACrell- -Diebllie- hOU8amp- - - ~U8-ACre- -Diaiiel- oftlOUIIllii BT 381 371 2110 89011 1142 11311 270 11718 398 391 270 10557 1lbull1 107 75 250 1(5 115 112 215 1763 107 113 2110 1992 h 947 929 240 22296 985 966 190 18351 926 908 230 208811 Ohio 2212 2179 22 490211 2377 2353 245 5764e 2377 2353 250 58625 Ind 1603 1571 230 36133 1811 1715 215 38162 1139 1122 220 37884 Ill 1423 1339 210 26119 1736 1701 225 311272 1944 1905 230 43615 ~lch 1210 1192 250 29SOO 11116 1395 260 36270 1303 1297 265 311310 Wia 41 38 Z)O 674 J4 )1 225 6911 30 28 2)9 669 Minn 111 101 195 1910 101 76 190 1444 SO 16 170 1292 love 209 190 180 3420 )19 295 235 6956 38Z )55 190 6745 10 1412 1321 185 2411)8 1122 1598 210 33558 1825 1678 115 29365 Snk 415 J~4 18 6549 )07 2)0 135 )105 )01 246 1)0 )198 lIbr 4538 4)b9 210 91149 1~583 4bull194 205 85977 4904 4068 140 56952 Y-an8 15404 14855 193 266702 146J4 1)221 17 231)66 16244 14Z79 110 157069 Del 10middot65 ~O 1)00 71 66 145 951 66 63 175 1102 lold ~68 )41 Zl0 7161 )61 3)4 160 5344 343 317 190 602) Va i96 458 175 SOl~ 481 449 185 8306 438 400 185 11100 1( Va 96 82 195 1599 96 82 18 1511 82 68 190 1292-C 492 461 115 112 408 )111 160 5984 465 IlOO 138 5520 sc 2)8 2)1 165 3812 217 210 140 2940 174 166 120 1992 Ga 198 185 140 2590 17~ 165 135 2228 140 130 125 1amp25 rr 404 )24 160 5184 ~ 324 160 51S4 4DJ 2SS 170 4896 snn 3J2 316 150 4740 355 338 145 4901 301 214 146 4000 la 14 12 165 191J 15 13 155 202 I) 11 154 169 lllee 20 16 19 )lZ 16 12 190 228 15 8 165 132 Ark )8 24 150 )60 40 28 170 476 J4 24 145 348 Okla 7051 6696 155 1031 7263 6696 145 97092 7481 6629 128 84851 ~X 7537 7310 160 116960 6752 5629 105 59104 7OCjQ 6417 11~0 8988 Mont 1949 1341 165 22C26 1676 1549 240 37176 11101425 170 24225 Idaho 900 36) 265 22810 9)5 84) 220 13546 lO8 995 216 21691 lfyo 251 235 20bull5 41518 276 241 COO 4940 288 275 195 5362 Colo 2776 2619 215 56308 076 2759 200 55130 335) 2649 160 42)34 JIKamp 7115 629 145 9120 661 384 90 )~6 595 507 105 5)24 Arb JO 26 210 j151 29 28 230 644 30 2S 262 734 Utah )00 294 220 64615 348 )35 180 6030 352 4 180 6138raquoeY 6 6 270 162 6 6 260 156 5 J 270 IJ5 Waah 2252 2074 250 51850 2417 2302 300 69060 2551 22tO 230 50830 Oreg 1133 160 2)0 17480 815 8)6 295 24662 910 169 220 16918 ~1____ 5~ ___6~__ 65___1~ ___ P __ _fI2__ 75___~J2 ___ l~ ___~6__ 85___128 us 58248 549)5 193 108976 583)2 5296 187 990141 61171 54414 153 85IJ127


us 2915 44328 3218 )220 140 3510

- 10shy

Ore j-tthr-r iItnetirtMriamp BMmiddot 4r

i (C ~ UPOATA 1981


- - - -I f9~ I f9[5I)~[ -_-_-_shyetate I Acre I Acree I Yield I 10- I Acree Acres I Yield I Pro- Acree I Acres I Yield I Pro-

___ )~l~e~e~~_ _p~r_~r~~ ~uto~ ~t~d~y~ ~ ~e ~ce__d~ci~n~t~d~y~ ~ 8 ~C_ _d~Cl~4_ Thoue Acre ]Uehe1 ftouabu houbullbull Acre Bmahe1 Thouebu Thons Acree Buehll1e Thoueau

Kaine 1 1~ 22 1 1-wo 19 1~ 21 BY 3 ) 193 58 3 3 190 57 9 9 210 1S9 Ind 4 4 191 76 3 3 200 60 Ill 7 7 200 140 7 7 250 175 7 7 230 161 Wh 33 32 203 60 28 28 260 728 63 b2 270 1674 Minn 1119 1064 168 17875 974 968 190 18392 1276 1268 195 24726 Iowa 4 ~ 140 56 3 3 190 57 6 6 215 129 BDak 8259 8040 161 129444 8176 80lI0 155 124620 8176 7960 13 107460 SD3t ~754 2654 124 32910 ~892 2787 155 43198 3181 3094 14 44863 Hebr 75 68 96 653 56 50 160 800 56 53 180 954 Eana 6 3 98 29 3 2 110 22 2 1 120 12 Mont 3000 2798 176 49245 2640 2106 115 27669 287 106 12middot5 30C75 Idaho 422 408 324 13219 405 388 310 12028 43 66 310 14446 W70 bull 97 84 149 1252 94 82 165 1353 8S 82 190 1558 Colo 171 140 14 2058 140 133 200 2660 141 120 165 1980 BXex 24 23 170 391 26 21 140 294 22 19 130 247 Utah 60 59 343 2024 61 60 330 1980 74 70 310 2110 I 11 11 80 308 13 13 240 312 14 13 270 351 h 1024 979 239 23398 972 948 200 18960 447 436 24 0 10682 Oreg 196 185 256 4736 206 196 225 4410 225 20S 240 4992

0l1lR SPRING iDA (Cont1d)

---~7I=)~If9~State I Acree I Acre I Yield I Pro- I ADrea I Acre8 I Yield I Pro- I Acre Acres Yield I Pro-

IPlanted l 1Iar- I Per Acre ducUon IPlanted liar- I Per Acre I ducUonlPlanted l Har- Pmiddoter Acre I ductton I Iftsted I I I IYellted I I I IYlIsted I I

- - - - -hoU7 Acre - -lhiillf- -TiioU-~ - yenhoujj-ACre- - ithG1 - houjj1iU7 bous-ACre - - ithG1 - ~hOu8 -bii IIY 4 4 210 84 7 7 240 168 7 7 23middot5 164 Ill S 8 240 192 9 9 25middot0 225 8 8 225 180 Vh 77 76 270 2052 93 92 240 2208 87 86 225 1935 Minn 1034 1014 17middot5 17745 924 913 17middot5 15978 1127 1114 150 16710 Iowa 11 11 170 187 21 21 210 441 29 G9 161 467 BDaIt 7685 7562 140 105868 6993 b881 145 9974 7762 7431 105 78026 SDaIt 3245 3156 140 44184 3440 3345 13middot0 431(85 3681 3479 7middot5 26092 Bebr 70 65 15middot5 1008 91 81 140 1134 114 97 130 1261 MODt~ 3234 3080 140 43 120 3525 3326 170 56542 426 3891 9middot5 36964 Idaho 488 481 33middot0 15873 5S8 570 300 17100 559 542 28middot5 15447 Wra 96 91 195 1174 lug 95 180 1710 104 94 162 1523 Colo 127 119 21middot5 2558 110 102 215 2193 199 189 200 3780 HHex 22 20 15middot0 300 21 19 13middot5 256 23 21 140 294 Utah 75 74 350 2590 83 00 31bull0 2480 89 87 330 2 1ff1 15 14 300 420 15 14 31bull0 434 15 14 290 406 Vah 670 645 200 12900 482 464 220 10208 588 548 170 9316 Oreamp 230 216 220 4752 225 216 245 5292 304 289 200 5780

-------------------~---------------------------------------[J8 17091 16636 154 255607 16735 16235 160 259628 18961 17926 112 201216 ------------------------------------------------------~----




QTS ACllEIGI ~ Alm PBOIlUCfIClI 1944 to 1946

- --- ~ t9Kti~ lorn Aclee amp Y1eld Pro- 1 AcleB Acre Yield Pro- Acre IAcres Y1eld Pro-

State Plantflcl Bar- I Per I duoUoa IPlantflcl liar- 1 Per Iductlou IPlantedl Bsr- Per I ducUoa ____1____etd_I_ ~e__ ____ Ii ____1_tIII_ cJ__t____ ___ t1e _Apoundr _ __ ~_ fhDU Acltel lluUel houalu neue Agee Buabeb TboualIu Tboua ampent ~ hCllle~

Mamp1nal 92 85 370 3145 79 71 360 2556 80 71 400 2840 JJB 14 8 340 272 14 s 330 264 11 7 370 259 n 74 48 320 1536 72 44 310 1364 66 4) 340 1462 (ast 15 6 280 168 16 7 270 189 14 6 350 210 liI 4 1 311) )1 5 1 )10 )1 4 1 320 32 Colll 18 6 )00 181) 18 5 )00 150 15 6 330 198 bullr 795 745 )10 2)095 731 663 290 19227 B41 SOZ 400 32080 raquoJ 54 47 )21 1509 S2 42 260 1092 54 45 320 11j4O Pat Bs4 8114 290 240 476 854 802 305 2446l 854 826 355 2932)Oblo 1073 1047 331 34656 1191 1162 425 49385 1)70 1348 450 60660Ind 1260 1172 256 30003 1436 1371 420 57582 1471 1412 309 55068 Ill 3251 3169 31 100457 )1146 3372 45~0 151740 JB37 3799 420 159558 Mlcb 1)44 1309 329 43066 1505 1466 400 58640 1550 1525 4S5middot 69)88 Vie 2839 2766 ~22 116725 3066 2987 510 152337 2943 2668 4J5 124758 Minn 4672 4456 327 145711 5M6 5392 450 242640 5439 533B 370 197506 Iowa 4917 4711 287 135206 5458 5323 )85 204936 5785 5642 375 2l1S75 Ko 2096 1698 179 30394 1799 1511 190 28709 2015 1843 310 57133 KDak 2784 2653 330 87549 2784 265) 325 86222 2506 2361 265 62566 SDak 3023 2914 298 86837 )597 3497 410 143377 3561 )462 290 100)98 Nebr 2291 2085 168 35028 254) 2439 )15 76828 2696 2561 280 11708 ~an 1825 ]561 162 25288 1278 968 175 16940 1495 1423 285 40556 Del 7 6 276 166 7 5 310 155 5 310 ISS )(d 46 42 310 1302 41 33 310 1023 38 34 330 1122 Va 174 14) 256 )689 172 lljO 280 3920 160 1)4 300 40020 W Va 94 67 221bull 1501 98 72 280 2016 94 68 )00 2040 BC 1t)7 335 277 9280 489 375 275 10312 49) 390 330 12870 SC S40 707 256 18099 798 700 260 18200 734 658 285 18753 Ga 954 656 253 16597 983 682 255 17391 806 5)9 265 14284 Pia 150 40 176 704 145 45 200 900 160 40 180 720 Ky 129 87 200 1740 108 76 240 1824 1)2 99 250 2475 Tenn )16 208 250 5200 Jlj8 245 260 6)70 310 245 265 6492 Ala 294 228 254 5791 318 242 260 6292 28) 198 24ft 40752Ki 521 444 336 14918 542 462 290 13)98 439 32) 300 9690 Ark 525 320 276 88)2 512 304 270 8208 379 255 )00 7650 La 200 152 290 4408 198 131 280 3668 1)6 100 220 2200 Olda 1584 1533 202 30967 1220 1027 190 1951) 1269 1089 210 22B69Tex 1732 1597 239 )8168 1992 1767 225 39758 1892 1608 220 )5376Mont 558 425 )43 14790 491 323 290 9)67 506 )52 310 10912 Idaho 237 194 426 8264 201 171 420 7182 185 1~ 430 7052111 182 150 )14 4710 19) 164 300 4920 174 15) )05 4666 Colo 254 224 278 6221 244 220 3)0 7260 227 187 300 5610 KlIex 60 5) 229 1214 54 43 220 946 57 45 200 900 Arh 26 11 350 385 25 12 490 S88 29 12 350 420 Utah 63 5) 457 2 bull 422 58 0 ljOO 2000 54 4) 4)0 1849n 12 9 430 )87 12 9 390 )51 12 8 440 352 Valh )08 160 1147 7152 288 150 4)0 6450 213 128 480 61411-Oreg 11 609 )98 305 121ljO 560 342 2)5 8054 549 )56 275 9782 ~B1___ i __ ~ _ 89____ Si ___ 21~ __ 6Z _110_ ___515__ 110___120__)~2 ____57O_

us 114141 )9741 289 11492ljO 46025 417)9 365 1523851 46515 42812 345 1477573 irT~-aralaquoe-ot oat-gion-with p~Ud-ytcit-licluded rn-plaitd-aid-hin bullbullt~-JAici - - - - -- - - - --

HOPS ACREAGK rIEl]) AlID PJiClWCTlaIl 1944 to 1946

- - --I I9~ 19~C 9~ State Acre Yield s ampere Ylel4 amper I Yltd r

1 ~eled I Per 1 p~oduct101l1 ilarYetflcl I Per s lrodUOUOIl HarYtll4 I Per I Prodwt1oa __________1__1111 __1______1________Jampr ________1______1__Aampll ________ _

poundtI ~ fhaumiddotporu Att URa flynlold Aampt ~ hllPUI4a Idaho 190 1610 3 2ljO 1850 AA4 240 1585 38t lIaah 9900 1720 17028 11700 1680 21996 11600 1700 19720 Oreg 18700 920 17204 19900 1lt045 20796 20000 950 19000 Ca11t 8ljOO 1620 13608 9100 1580 14378 9100 1610 14651

us 1295 57614 1)13 5)751

- 12 ~


- - - - 19t7 l )~ l i~ Stat Acre Acre I Yleld I Pro- I Acre I Acr Yleld Pro- I Acrll1l Acree Yield Proshy

P1aDted Bar- Per I ducUoa Planted I liar- I Pv ducUoll Plantod au-- Par ducUoa ________1~td_I_ Act__ ~ ___ _ l _____Tt1~_ jcz__1___ _ l ___ lV1~ 1 _~rt _ 1 ____ _ hoWl Acre llI rhouslIg ThOUl ASpound lIuahal ~oulIu ThoUi Acre Bualull lulYBu

Main 8i 73 340 21f82 77 64 420 2688 101 90 400 3600 bullbullB 12 7 310 211 11 6 400 240 U 5 360 180 Vt 54 28 270 756 60 J6 370 1332 66 33 300 990 Ifaabullbull 12 5 360 180 12 6 330 198 13 6 290 174 BI 4 1 330 33 3 1 330 J3 2 1 250 25 Cou 12 4 320 128 10 4 J30 132 12 5 320 160 bullbullY 5JO 47J 275 13008 126 672 400 26880 791 719 290 20851 J 49 36 250 900 42 37 350 1295 46 J9 331 1291 Pa 734 661 390 19169 749 720 380 27J60 794 756 305 23058 ChJo 863 714 260 18564 1191 1171 450 52695 1322 1288 350 45080 1114 1294 1112 )00 35i60 1317 1289 410 52849 1456 1405 366 51423 111 J377 3311 J40 112574 390S 385] 450 17JJ85 J881 3834 415 1591U Klcb 1085 1052 350 36820 1465 1420 37S 5)250 1538 1505 345 51922 IIh 2884 28ll 430 120873 2942 2867 440 126148 3030 2924 41~ 119884 Mu 4630 4537 360 163332 4908 4855 425 206J38 5027 4952 J5$ 175796 Iowa 5438 5247 310 162657 6199 6086 450 273870 6417 6269 386 241983 fo 1552 1309 230 30107 1971 162) 265 43010 1794 1526 229 34945 bullbullllampk 2331 2219 290 64J51 2238 2152 280 60256 1880 1722 201 34612 SDak 3134 J081 Jl0 95511 J165 3112 JJ5 104252 J102 2956 221 65328 bullbullbr 2426 2279 275 62672 2750 2621 280 733AB 2511 2280 202 46056 ~e 1510 1395 290 40455 1616 1144 220 25168 1034 881 194 17091 Del 7 5 320 160 6 5 J50 175 7 6 300 180 Md 40 35 )20 1120 42 36 J35 1206 47 42 J25 1365 Va 150 121 270 3267 160 IJl 330 4323 165 134 296 3966 IIVa 88 64 305 1952 77 58 JO5 1769 79 56 272 1523 IC 508 386 290 lll94 J56 270 290 7830 527 J94 287 U308 SC 866 704 255 17952 606 500 22S ll250 7i~7 605 245 14822 Ga 887 550 250 13750 674 429 260 ll154 7112 468 255 U93~ Jla 160 30 ZOO 600 IJ5 21 190 399 124 16 160 256 LT 141 90 230 2070 118 8J 260 2158 171 109 229 2496 Tenn JOl 230 265 6095 277 205 295 6048 )49 254 250 6350 Ala 28J 184 230 4232 275 169 265 4478 234 130 226 2938 Klas 4J9 365 250 9125 329 274 310 8494 237 156 250 3900 Arlt 424 280 300 8400 40J 252 Jl0 7812 339 209 240 5016 La 145 100 260 2600 113 80 JOo 2400 113 70 250 1750 0Icla 1396 1231 235 28928 1033 714 165 11781 7J3 578 176 10173 Tex 1684 14)1 210 )0051 1465 787 165 12986 1)92 1204 260 31304 font 491 J)8 )10 10478 452 )24 370 11988 457 266 )00 7~80 Idaho 187 172middot 415 7138 168 153 415 6350 212 188 J95 7426 liTO 169 150 JJo 4950 172 14J JOO 1~290 177 137 299 4096 Colo 234 200 325 6500 229 194 JOo 5820 261 235 327 7684 IMex 48 38 210 798 46 38 210 798 )6 32 220 704 Arh J2 12 400 480 28 U 340 374 28 11 400 440 Utah 54 49 1180 2352 5J 47 420 1974 55 50 450 2250 In 13 8 410 328 12 8 410 J28 12 8 J75 300 lIuh 198 131 510 6681 2)0 153 425 6502 22J 150 440 6600 Oregl 554 J56 285 101)2 421 271 265 7182 488 366 280 10248 CalU 542 180 270 4860 558 185 JOo 5550 508 166 260 4316

U8 42058 37855 311 1176142 438)8 39280 )69 1450186 4))18 )92)6 )20 1254895 iT1~C~r~-of at-Vow-rti pa-Ud-ytcl-licluded 11l-plut~-eid-~et-d-~rg- - - - - - - - - - --


- -- -= 1~41 1~ 12~ y Stato Acre Yleld I Acree neld I Acr I Yleld

BarTetod Par I ProdUCUOIl BarTet~ Per I PrOductioD BarTeted I Par ProdtlCtlOD ____________~~ ________________Apoundr ______________1__~rt ________ _ I Pound rhoDaPound AaI ~ bgPoup4I ~ ~ lboyPoupd

Idaho 240 1645 J9S 620 1040 645 850 16)5 1390 lIaeh 11700 1740 20358 129llO 1760 22704 13000 1490 19370 Orae 18900 870 16443 17700 890 15753 14500 1015 147181__ _9rx0_ __ 21~ ___ _ll~~ ___92~___ 3~ ____116 __ 2~ ___ ~~ ____ 5J8__

US 39840 1275 50186 40420 1248 50464 37550 135J 50796 lpduCtloi IncldJ-hOPI baiTr 4 lalabi ~der Krktlnlaquo ~_8zit-hop hanrd bur iot alabi ~dei --HarkaUn ~e_ent and hope produced lint ut harTated Salabl amplloYlIDh under proTle1on of Harltetln Jcre_ent totalad 39 111ion pounda in 1949

- 13 -



- - - -- - - - - - - - -lqijlj - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ~l~~ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - r ~- - - - - - - - shy__ ______ 9 ________________ iloz ___ bullbull _____________ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _~

Stat r Ac r Acr I Tleld r Pro- a__ Acree nu I Pro-- Ie Acrts n1d Pr a ra bull Bar- I Par I I --a bull lIN-- Per I I re Bar- I Per 0shy

____ _P~t~I_~e~ i ~e___dCl~_~t~__f- lPte___l~n_~td__Ie cpoundt_ i ~uC hou lcree l1ehels houbullbulllnl hone Acree aJaba18 honelnl Thou Acre llilehe1 houalnl

HIlna --3--- 3 ~ laquor 5 3 --uo 114 4 ~ -zo 12S n 3 3 250 75 3 3 220 66 2 2 280 56 bullbullY 113 106 255 2703 110 102 250 2550 116 114 320 30118 bullbullJ 10 9 278 250 9 II 300 240 11 10 360 160 h 108 105 298 5129 104 103 3fO 3605 113 112 365 41118 Ohio ~3 21 256 538 26 23 300 690 111 17 295 02Ind 51 41 243 1142 52 44 240 1056 27 25 240 600 Ill 53 45 240 1080 34 31 250 175 26 24 260 624 Kich 144 140 256 3584 121 118 310 3658 139 138 365 5031h 190 181f 267 4913 91 90 400 3600 125 124 375 4650 Kian 809 688 202 389pound 461 4If7 290 12963 138 733 290 21~57 10 II 7 166 116 3 3 2110 114 13 13 315 110 110 102 82 212 1138 88 66 19(1 1254 77 63 200 160 bullbullDU27Ifl 2625 216 56700 2357 2~1I1f 230 5~532 2357 22114 200 45080 SDak 1973 1756 147 25813 l38t 1299 245 31826 1464 1377 220 30294 abr 1174 760 115 8740 681 610 220 13420 613 549 210 11529Ean 1031 722 178 12652 480 38) 185 7086 360 2B 175 5022 Del 12 11 265 292 11 10 280 280 11 11) 305 305 Md 70 69 308 2125 71 64 290 1856 63 6Q 345 2010 Ya 76 72 301f 2189 76 68 270 11136 13 71 320 2272 V1a 9 9 2611 241 9 9 270 243 1 7 300 210 ~1 60 45 268 1206 56 42 220 924 41 33 285 940 S-l 34 25 231 57S 25 21 21( 141 23 20 260 520 GA 11 10 213 213 10 9 200 110 1 6 215 129 rr 127 89 223 1985 11 55 225 12311 11 0 250 120 enn 130 102 197 200s 129 98 1110 1764 100 82 200 1~ Ala II 5 205 102 3 2 200 40 3 2 1110 36 Kl 9 C 260 156 8 6 240 144 3 2 240 411 uk 19 13 199 25~ 14- 9 110 153 8 5 195 911 Okla lt97 28 ~l 5728 249 185 16( 2960 142 ~9 140 1 526 fex 373 340 222 15411 351 235 145 3408 196 164 150 21100 Mont 655 611 213 166110 720 672 220 14184 828 780 225 1 5 ldah 340 330 372 12216 320 307 37 0 11359 294- 276 340 1)84shyliTO 146 131 )10 4061 143 124 300 3120 154 144 300 4320 Ccio 867 726 214 15536 876 ~1 285 22544 683 ~eH 2)5 13936 bullbullMax 64 45 1115 8J2 If5 34 1110 612 28 23 200 1f6O Arh 145 74 420 3108 153 78 380 29611 161 85 400 3400 Utah 139 135 462 62)7 IJIf 130 450 5850 11) 101 450 4 amp60n 24 22 357 185 21 20 320 640 22 20 340 F80 Vallh 202 176368 61+77 139 125 350 1t375 97 90 370 30 Orttlaquo 269 2)8 34s 8282 285 2~i1 295 7582 )02 278 340 ~I1f52 Call 730 1429 280 40012 1816 14amp6 280 41608 1834 1486 30 119038

~I-=~ ==1~~5~= ~2~~1= =~~= =~7~7~ ==l~I~= ~~2~4==~~ == ~~~~= ~1~~6I=~0~~0= =2~~ ==2~~O~ rIumWlI ACREAGE YlELll AND PllOOUallOll 1914 to li46

----~ 1 li~ = 9~ State I Aero I Acre Yield I Pre-l Acre I Acru I Tleld Pro- II Acru I Acre I neld I To- 11

bull Plan~ad I Bar- I lier ductlon I Plante~ I pounder- I Per ductioil I Fanhd 1 Bar- I Per I dUction I ted I Acre I I 1 yoted I Acre I ted AcTa ~

- - - - - -hoUe7 Acres - -BoUbei- houbullba7 - - houS-ACre- -Btlaber- yenboue iJU7 - - houil-cre- -lIiiiierTiini7bi 111 6 3 80 24 2 2 IIfO ~8 1 1 140 14 Mich 6 82 49 7 7 60 42 7 7 90 63 Vh 6 ~ 117 7C 8 7 110 17 6 6 130 111 II an 914 829 75 6211f 1091 1067 HO 11737 932 BB6 105 303 I a III 93 59 519 76 15 125 91I 31f 34 150 10 M 11 11 5~ 60 9 B 45 36 6 6 65 3~ JrDK 865 802 82 6576 l571f 1 525 110 12200 1166 162 65 195) SDak 321 3c6 B2 2509 436 441 105 4630 318 344 100 )44t Rebr 2 1 110 8 2 2 90 18Ian 140 90 37 3)3 133 122 55 611 120 116 70 812 Okla 6n 45 45 202 24 14 30 42 3 J BO 24 lex 36 34 80 272 65 63 BO 504 B4 76 73 555 1I0fa~ 221 193 76 1512 6O 320 41 1312 83 14 70 511 110 1 1 14 4 2 2 50 10 1 1 50 Lrh 19 19 25 4114 1 17 23C 391 14 14 240 36 Oras 1 1 71 7 (all 170 164 110 i788 121 __13__lI~ ___ 22 ___ Osect ___1~2__12~ ___ 9~g VB ---middot2i~ - -2~6i--8- - -21665 - - 3954 - 3785 91 34557 2641 21132 93 2~ ~1I8 1F t te- 40-n~t- 1~ciu4-i ()d ha-8i~ tro-t7 - ~~- to tibe- 1oe~o-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- l


------------------------------------------------------ -------

lIlJ1IJrr ~CRlGlI Th([~ 11-JD PROWClIOIf 1947 to 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - - - p~- - - - - - - -- - bull - - - - - -1M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -194- - - - - - - - -State -~o -1-ACn- rfi1d -1- h- -1- ~8 - -ACre-Triold -- - -1- ~e --ACre- ~ field -1- Pt- shy

1 Planted Bu- 1 Per I duction 1 Planted I mu-- I Per I 4nction Planted Har- Par I iucHonI bullbullbulltd IAero I yeatod Acre I yeahd 1 Acre I

- - - - - - Thoubullbull -ACre- middotmiddot8iiior- ihiiUbullbull~7 - Thoue-ACre- - - ibahel ifhoua iiU- - - fhiiUC-ACre - -llI1aiiel - ifhiiubullbulliiU7 NaiDe 4 4 280 112 4 4 320 128 6 6 290 174 Vt 1 1 190 19 2 2 290 58 1 1 200 20 bullbullT 103 93 240 2232 93 90 320 2880 85 79 250 1975 Bl 17 15 330 495 18 16 330 528 19 17 385 654 Pa 132 130 330 4290 132 126 3115 113117 156 154 395 6083 Ohio 17 15 260 390 19 18 300 540 21 18 310 558 IDd 22 21 260 546 19 18 270 1IS6 23 21 265 556 Ill 28 26 285 7111 32 31 3110 10511 l1li 41 300 1230 Mich 121 115 300 3lIse 1112 140 320 41180 129 125 270 3375 Vb 160 159 )65 5804 205 204 380 7752 195 194 332 6l1li1 Minn 1018 915 265 25838 1252 1219 270 32913 1148 1110 230 25530 Iova 6 311 235 799 33 33 320 1056 31 31 259 803 No 74 63 230 1449 84 73 250 1825 106 85 215 1828 HDak 2522 2444 210 51324 2724 2640 210 55440 1880 1690 150 25350 SDak 1508 1432 220 31504 1583 1518 230 311914 1219 1093 125 13662 Xebr 533 467 220 10274 560 472 195 92011 403 326 187 b096Ian 328 290 220 amp380 459 362 190 6878 266 221 175 3868 Del 13 12 305 366 13 12 285 342 13 12 270 324 u~ 75 73 3110 2482 711 70 310 2170 82 80 340 2720 Va 86 84 295 21178 89 86 345 2967 89 86 3011 2614 VVa 9 9 31bull0 279 10 10 345 345 12 12 3111 377 bull c IS 39 290 1131 39 32 245 7811 40 34 262 891 50 26 22 260 572 23 18 215 3fr7 23 18 225 405 Ga 8 7 220 154 6 5 200 100 5 4 225 90 ~ 71 53 25middot0 1325 76 53 265 1404 102 72 250 1800 enn 88 77 210 1amp17 86 75 220 1650 82 67 170 1139 Ala 2 1 180 18 3 2 190 38 3 2 2110 lIS IU 3 2 230 46 3 2 250 50 3 2 250 50 Ark 5 3 200 60 10 6 lt1I0 1l1li 8 5 211 106 Okla 109 86 180 1548 80 66 155 1023 61 52 175 9iO fex 161 1311 175 2345 117 113 155 1752 159 133 190 2527 Mont 853 796 235 18706 930 8]6 290 254011 614 526 210 11046 IdaIw 332 320 370 11840 32 358 350 12530 3112 329 320 10528 Tn 1119 138 320 41116 177 159 275 4312 168 151 298 115000010 669 605 280 16940 amp62 563 250 111075 841 788 281 22143 NMex 29 25 195 1IS8 22 20 210 420 26 211 210 504 Arb 150 97 -1130 4111 191 146 510 1114amp 167 126 500 amp300 Utah 123 118 1110 5546 150 1l1li 420 amp0118 155 150 440 66Or) Hey 22 20 360 120 27 24 360 864 25 22 350 770 Wash 114 105 335 3518 136 126 345 11341 112 101 2St 2828 Oreg 323 JOO 355 10650 381 351 345 12110 297 214 32~ 8768 Oalif 1~g9 1545 290 44805 1965 1amp22 310 50282 19amp5 1590 J~o 50880

~~___ 191__ 092__221 __2183__ ~~__1~202 __2~2_ -5527__ 1122__ 21~ __2~~ __2101l_

FUXSEED ACHEM TImraquo HI) PllOOOCTION 1947 to 1949

------------If-------------------Ijs-----------------qij---------shy-- - ~ - - -- ic~ Yield -- ~-Y- - -A- - - ACro9 Yield - - - -y-- -_-- --Acrii~ ~ field -- - -11

S 11 i crea Bar- Per I _rei I Bsr- I Per I ro- I re Har- I Per ro- I I Planted I yeated I Acre ductiou I Plant~d yeted Acre I dnction I Planted I yeated Acre I dnction

- - - - - - Thoubullbull-ACre - -lliiahel - ifhOuB iiU- - - fhOU8 -ADrbullbull- -lIIlaiieY - ibOua iiU- - -hOUI- Acre - -llI1ahl - houaiiu-Ohio 3 3 80 2~ Ill 6 6 120 72 2 2 140 28 1 1 130 13 Mich 6 6 75 45 10 10 BO SO 10 10 14 74 Wi 15 15 125 188 22 22 13middot 297 17 17 139 236 Hinn 1411 1313 l0 15103 1700 1661 115 19102 1700 1644 95 15618 Iowa 84 83 135 1120 105 l04 155 1612 III 110 13J 1518 Mo 6 6 50 30 4 4 5middot0 20 3 3 65 20 DDak 1567 1524 80 12192 1818 1753 9middot5 lSb5~) 2018 1928 70 13496 SDak 591 585 100 5850 11amp 708 110 1788 713 708 65 11602 lana 115 107 70 7119 fr7 12 5middot5 396 34 31 63 195 Okla 4 4 60 24 4 3 30 9 3 3 5middot3 16 u 94 91 95 864 248 240 5middot5 1320 335 308 65 2002 Mont IBB 168 60 1008 148 141 100 1410 90 62 47 291 Idaho 3 3 100 30 Wyo 2 2 45 9 1 1 50 5 1 1 50 5 Arh 20 20 265 530 38 38 280 1064 44 38 250 950 Vah 4 4 130 52 2 2 100 20 2 2 120 24 Oreg 8 1 150 105 15 1~ 105 1111 9 8 110 88 CaliC 125 122 215 2623 201 198 245 4851 197 17~ 220 3828 US - - - -11264- - -4129-- 98 - - ~6i- - -5121- - ~97 - -iia - - 54803- - -5348- - 5048 - - 85 - - 42976-If iti~t- dO-Dt-iclude-claed hatd tr-II-fla ~- fO fib In-oe~o- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- 15 -

UPDATA 1981 bull ~ ilmiddot t ~ bull


RD ACRlWl1l TDlIJ) un PllOIJJeTIOlI 1944 to 19116

-- --I 1HI i9i5I~ Sate S Aane rea neld rc)oo Acre lene lelA Pro- Acree Aorea n14 Proshy

laW Iu- Pertan I cluUoa Plutea Iu- lItr Acre cltwtion1p1ateal S Per Acre duetioll ________ft1______ i ____ i ___ eJl4 l _____1____ l ___ l t ~ illl ________ _ IIIo Aon l 1bou BIl ftlau Acre Ill boualIu lhoq _rea Buboh lhoua Bu

11 66 12 162 1 80 10 175 175 105 8 180 144 IT~ 96 15 167 250 95 13 160 208 91 15 175 262 Pe 55 43 148 636 53 U 155 636 33 22 155 341 Oblo 80 33 152 502 90 I 115 472 70 17 110 289 IIlld 179 86 118 1015 222 70 125 875 1ar 46 135 621 Ill UO 63 113 712U8 It7 120 561t 88 38 125 475 1Ucb US 62 127 787 117 56 140 IJIt 91 48 135 648 Vle 125 98 87 853 126 95 120 1140 100 76 115 874 Ill 155 108 87 9fO 144 107 260 1712 151 118 130 l5J1J laws 118 10 120 12fl 37 11 130 143 26 10 170 170 Ho V3 SO 116 580 128 41 110 451 100 35 125 438 IDate ~ 145 92 l3J1J 150 115 135 1552 225 196 110 2156 Snate 5 392 lOl 3959 376 290 V5 42115 323 altl 105 2530 lebr 585 365 91 )322 556 361 125 4512 423 282 110 3102 Iatia 225 101 105 1060 2117 81 lO5 850 120 53 105 556 Del 32 18 1)6 245 JIJ 19 V5 276 J3 18 140 252 ald ~ 23 165 380 67 20 145 290 5f lit 145 2flJ la 135 114 144 6J1J 136 JIJ 135 459 125 25 140 350 VY 12 5 135 68 13 135 54 8 ) 125 38 IC 1~ J8 115 437 165 31 105 )26 145 22 125 215 sc 75 16 104 166 75 15 95 142 44 11 100 110 0 It) 12 101 121 50 10 90 90)0 6 100 60 ~ 133 JK1 141) S60 182 40 125 500 155 37 140 518IID 172 37 10ij 400 162 J4 95 3Z3 115 25 100 250 OEl 264 100 103 1030 257 ~ 100 740 1114 48 90 4)2 fex 142 22 119 262 55 21 90 199 It9 11 100 110 HoDt 20 16 120 192 2h 16 110 176 40 26 100 260 Idaho 12 5 1)) 66 11 5 130 65 11 It 140 56 1170 36 J 91 121 JJ 8 105 ~ 29 8 105 B4 Colo 1250 79 600 121 80 100 800 100 68 80 S44 bullbullJlllx 12 9 82 74 12 5 65 )2 10 5 85 42 Utah ~ IJ 95 12h 22 10 100 100 22 9 95 86 lIash 147 17 114 194 55 15 120 180 50 10 125 125 0rec 151 )2 141 451 155 )1 140 434 140 )2 1)5 432 Calif 29 12 108 130 29 13 130 169 22 lO 120 120

us It1415 2132 106 22525 4157 1850 128 2)708 3396 1591 116 18487 ---~-------------------------------------------------- ----

- - - --_ - - - -- _ -r9li4-_ - - - - __ - ___ - _______ S________________ - - - - - - 7________ - - shy --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T9i- - - - - - -r - - - -l~b - - -Stat Aores Aaru nld I Pro- Acrbullbull Acr I Ylel4 I Pro- Acl IADrea neld I Proshy

PlIIIIha ~ PilI Aclll ductlOD IPllUlted liar- Perlen duaUoDlplal1~1 liar- IPer Acre l duettOD I Ia I ytd I IYelted I- - - - -1ioiie iare - -BiiieT- -hnaB - fliDU-AGr- - iiahi - fbOuBiu Thru-iCrbullbull- -BiiiieT- TbOubullbulliia

1_ 6 6 200 120 6 6 155 9J 5 5 200 100 n 1 1 220 22 1 1 180 18 1 1 220 22 BY 155 150 180 2700 129 98 155 15]9 119 113 190 2147 Fa V~ l4O 195 27)0 112 98 185 1813 108 lOit 200 2080 Ohio V 14 210 294 18 17 180 )06 17 11 190 J23 1114 lO 10 150 150 22 20 135 270 7 6 150 90 Ill 5 5 165 82 16 15 150 225 5 5 160 80 Il1ab )8 )) lS5 512 46 25 140 )50 ZIt 18 1)5 24) lI1a 29 27 lS5 418 26 ZIt 150 360 2 25 145 362 IIIIIDo 67 6) 150 945 49 45 1140 6)0 118 It2 140 588 Iowa 12 12 175 210 7 vo 98)) 150 45 Ia) 1 1 125 12 1 1 120 12 1 1 110 11 Bllak 5 14 160 64 7 7 160 112 6 6 130 78 SDak 7 6 150 90 It 130 52 5 5 40 70 JId 6 6 200 120 5 5 ~5 118 _ _ 2)5 9Ita 8 8 165 132 5 5 170 85 It _ 170 68 V 10 10 185 185 8 8 US 172 8 8 195 156 Ie 5 5 145 12 It 160 6It 3 3 160 48 ~ 2 2 130 26 2 2 130 26 3 J 140 42D ____1 ___ 1_ 145______1 ___ ~ ____ __1 _____~___ o___ O__1~1 ____1~5_

trs 531 S08 176 8956 417 ItOl 161 6~7 It08 )13 178 6812 ------------~---------------------------------------------

- 16shy



- - -- 12411lMIX99 sbullbullbullbull _ iorea n 14 I Pro- Acre iDre J nld Pro- Acne lAcn_ TleU Proshy-- re I Ifuo- I e I I I Hu- I I J Bar- I

____1~~~~bull l_I_~r_~~ ~~ ~~~Y ~~_1_~~l~)P~~Ye ~r_I~ _~~1J1_ I1cu tara ~ hOh ~oubull iDn l ThouBn hOlla AlIre ]ahale fhouellIl bull

bullbullr 90 J5 185 278 90 11 185 3~ 107 17 184 313 bullbull1 89 15 180 20 f5 12 175 210 88 12 179 215 Pa 21 18 155 Z79 21 16 ~5 232 21 ~ 165 231 Ohio 71 JO 170 S10 67 20 180 360 ~ 18 170 306 lad ~3 60 v0 8110 ISO ~ ~5 928~) 57 1)5 77fJ Ill ~ -7 ~O 658 113 53 150 795 123 56 141 790 1I11JII 126 7fJ ~5 1015 1)2 80 150 1200 1 57 140 798 V1I 109 87 120 1~ 112 92 l20 1104 119 92 120 1104 lie la 1~ 150 21f6O 278 2)9 150 3585 200 172 145 2494 lov 28 15 150 225 36 17 155 264 5) 18 140 252 Mo 100 36 110 396 105 )5 120 420 U7 )5 112 392 bullbullDIIk 360 30 140 4522 461 401 120 4812 26) 229 115 2634 S1lIIk _10 ~7 v0 4858 476 392 1)0 5096 328 267 117 31211shyu ~ 305 90 2145 352 238 95 2261 317 207 74 1532 Eau 136 110 627 90 )I U5 391 65 28 97 272 DIll 32 19 135 256 33 20 120 2110 28 ~ 140 196 M 52 16 150 JIO 48 V v0 196 52 12 145 1a 1350 140 322 155 25 V5 362 15) 18 140 252 Va 8 3 120 36 6 2 130 26 6 2 136 2 _C ~ ~5 348 117 22 130 286 113 17 115 196 SC 42 10 115 115)1 7 85 60 26 6 95 57 Oa 2 6 75 45 22 5 90 45 20 4 80 32 1Ir 141 37 140 518 130 28 150 420 1)6 2 136 J67 fua 98 26 105 273 100 30 110 330 105 20 101 202 Oltla 115 JJ8 95 456 108 36 75 270 1~ 36 70 252 ~z 7fJ 35 100 3SO B4 30 70 210 100 38 80 304 MoII 52 29 125 )62 JO 20 1)5 27fJ 2) 7 90 63 I4aho 10 5 17G 85 10 4 130 52 10 ) 150 450 21 7 110 71 27 7 70 49 Z7 7 102 n Colo 8 7 100 47fJ 58 35 80 2BO 38 2) 90 207 bullbull lIDz 7 5 115 511 7 5 UO 55 7 5 120 60 ~u 12 6 100 60 10 5 100 SO 10 5 Uo 55 Vesb SO 13 100 130 JJ8 17 130 221 42 10 101 101 Orec 125 32 ~O AiIf8 110 24 145 )lI8 116 15 103 154 ~-1____1 ___l _~O____ _ P ___21 ___ 2__~2 _____14___ 5____6__12~ ____ ~_ ~___ ~7 _9 _ 28____2l~ _22~ __~o~__l ___ S86_ ~23__15t__1~ __ ~1~2


--- - J2i+I i1 i W9 I Mn5 I J liDnll I I Acre

StaM I Mn I JIcq I nu I Pro- mne I iaIo J nld I Pro- I Acn I IreZ- I Yield Proshy____I~~laquobulld_~I_ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~YIleJ ~ ~ ~~_1_~~l~J1JP~~lYlle ~Pr_~~_d~l~J1_

Au II ftIagpa hog Mn lI1 ~1UIlln hOUR Acre lIIt_hel lhou1Iu

181 6 6 170 102 5 5 200 100 5 5 210 105 ft 1 1 140 14_r a 1M 135 1539 99 96 195 1872 78 76 210 1596 12) 114 160 182It 101 96 210 2016 78 200 1480 Will __ 42 155 651 16 16 180 2B8 12 12 210 2521114 19 18 140 252 2 2 150 30 4 160 64 IU 16 16 130 208 4 4 170 68 2 2 160 32 Ill 63 57 130 11 30 27 130 351 20 19 145 276 V18 2 25 ~5 362 25 ~ 155 356 23 22 151 332 Ill 62 54 120 ~ )It 29 150 bull 435 28 ~ 125 300 1_ 10 10 120 120 JIll 2 2 110 22 bullbullDate 8 7 150 105 3 J 160 If8 4 120 If8 s~ 9 8 110 88 4 160 64 3 J 80 2H II - - 180 72 ) ) 230 69 3 -) 210 63a ) J 160 ~ 3 3 180 54 2 2 166 33 Va 8 8 175 ~ 7 7 195 1)6 7 7 201 141 ~C 3 3 170 51 1Ir 2 2 150 30 t~ ____l ___l_ ~~_____ 6 ___I ___ 2__~~ _____18___ =2___ 2__1~ ____20_ US ~ S05 142 7171 JIe8 330 18_ 6085 281 269 184 4956 -----------------------------------------------~------ ----

- 17 -


llRY EIBLE 1IEliS ACREME TIBLllUlll plIOWClIOIi 1944 to 194911

~ -- - ~124 124i 1W bull bull Acres bull bull bull bull Acree bull bull bull bull Acres bull bull ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pl~tedyeted Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted vested Per Acre duct ion pl~ntedyented Per Acre duct10n - - - ---TioiAcrlI- --pound --ThOuiyen~- Thouice ---Pouid --nOUBW- nouic~e ---POuid-middot --TboujjishyHamp1u 5 5 695 35 4 4 820 33 6 6 980 59 vt 1 1 626 6 NY 120 113 790 893 101 84 850 714 128 124 1200 1488 Mich 701 660 690 4554 435 363 820 2977 531 519 740 3841 Vb 2 2 430 9 1 1 560 6 ---Minn t 6 5 476 24 4 4 600 24 3 3 500 IS IfDosk 2 1 (730 7 1 1 700 7 1 1 600 6 lfebr 60 49 1260 617 53 18 1520 7JC 611- 62 1650 102] Mont 25 ~ 1083 249 20 18 1300 234 18 17 1 bull 590 270 Idlho 146 145 1550 2248 117 115 100 1725 131 128 1700 2176 qo 90 86 1240 1066 90 86 1250 1075 93 90 1450 1305 yenllh 3 3 1030 31 4 4 1250 50 4 4 1075 43 Oreg 1 1 1322 13 Tu 2 1 200 2 Colo 350 327 540 1766 290 271 580 1572 276 249 650 1618 fMex 267 ~O 302 695 203 161 180 290 142 114 225 256 Alb 15 14 395 55 14 13 515 67 14 13 900 117 Utah e 7 480 J4 8 7 400 2B 10 9 400 36 ~UL1IIrI 166 166 1327 2203 166 166 1242 2062 149 149 1342 2000 CtJ1fOUlIl1 183 157 1045 1640 148 141 1062 1497 134 134 1184 1587 poundeil _142 __ 221 _ _ 9Q _1bullsect41 _ __ 2~ __ 201 __1L129__ J~29_ __ ~1 _ _ g82 __1L2amp7__ _ l281_ ~___ g52 _ ~9~ ___ 02 _1amp41 __ ~5~ _ ~1 ___80__ vJ0~1__ 1Ot _ ~2~ ___917___12~_

DRY EDlDLE llEA1lS (Contd) - - - - 1241 124sect 1942 Jamp1ne 7 7 1100 77 9 9 900 81 8 8 925 74 bullbullY 138 13D 1070 1391 181 179 1230 2202 176 170 1000 1700 Mich 494 467 670 3129 514 504 880 4435 52) 519 1100 5709 Minn 2 1 350 4 1 1 650 6 1 1 650 6 1lDIk 1 1 850 8 lfllbr 80 76 1425 1083 85 83 1725 1432 90 85 1530 1301 Mont 2l 20 1450 2)0 22 21 1470 309 19 18 11170 265 IdlLho 159 154 1540 2372 ISO 148 1800 2664 149 147 1830 2690 To 112 107 1350 1444 98 95 1370 1302 83 81 1520 1231 lfaah 4 4 1200 48 5 5 1500 75 8 8 1490 119 Colo 331 321 800 2568 341 324 720 2333 307 295 820 2419 NMex 155 140 237 332 191 172 250 430 181 169 350 592 Arb 15 14 430 60 14 14 475 66 12 12 500 60 Utah 14 13 760 99 17 15 400 60 15 14 500 70 Ca11tL1IIrI 149 149 1406 2095 145 145 1603 2324 15 175 1654 2894 CallfOther 174 174 1303 2268 223 223 1389 3097 183 183 1229 2249 poundlil_2z1 __ 222 __ 25_t262 ___ 26Q __ 26Q __14ZJ_ __5431___ 25Q __ 25Q __1427_ __ 241_ ___ sect5~ _ m ___ 271 _116sect __ 29~ _ 23Q __1J014__ 086__ 23sect _ Q82 __1114___2~2 _ J1 Include b gl01OI1 for lead


- - - - li~ li4i 12~ s~te Acr Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acree Yield Proshy

Plantedl Har- Per Acre duction Planted Har_ Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted Har_ Per Acre duction _____ __x8td______________=_vsies______________Z8tlltL__________ _ rhoueAcieg Pounds Thous1jB ThousAcres ~ ThouBBagB ThoulAcree Pounds ThouBBagB

Mlch 1 1 770 8 Vh 3 3 970 29 2 2 950 19 1 1 1100 11 MInn 4 4 82033 4 4 950 38 6 6 800 48 NDak 14 13 1060 138 13 12 1200 144 15 15 1350 202 Mont 42 40 1103 441 32 30 1200 360 24 2J 1170 269 Idaho 225 219 1275 2792 ISS 153 1200 1836 161 156 1350 2106 lyo 2 2 921 18 2 2 1200 24 3 3 1250 38 Colo 33 22 860 189 bull 33 23 900 207 23 16 750 120 WaG 347 340 1290 4386 246 235 1160 2726 244 235 1480 3478 Oreg 58 56 1120 627 39 37 950 352 20 19 1300 247Qai____~ ___Ii __ l12 __ pound32 ____21 ___2Q _ _1 05_middot__ _29J_ ___1sect ___112 ___820____ l6Q _ l~_ ___ Z5Z - _ ru __ lgl _ J2li9t ___ i~ __ ilJ2 _ _11tl- _ -S91L __ ili __ 9_~ __13i8___ poundpound72 _

DRY FIELD PEAS (Contd) - - - - 1i41 1~1 -)242 Wle 1 1 1050 10 Minn 8 7 600 42 J J 900 27 7 7 950 66 Iflllk 20 18 1080 194 7 6 1200 72 5 5 1000 50 Mont 17 16 1100 176 8 8 1160 9J I 6 1130 68 Idaho 153middot 150 1320 1980 72 68 1220 830 99 89 1120 997 lyo 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1210 24 Colo 35 21 900 189 24 19 1000 190 19 16 1220 195 Vash 256 247 1300 J211 162 156 1280 1997 210 198 760 1505 Oreg 25 24 1180 28J 19 18 1300 234 17 14 700 98poundsll___ _Zl __ _ Zl ___ 19Q __ g11 ____1sect ___1sect __ 390____113____11 ___11 __1210____ 102 _ ____ 2~ __ 21l _ _ 33g _ ~l2g ___ Jl2 __ ~9Q __1J2g1__ JJ6fJ___ l8l _ _ 25 ___9pound7___ l~l~_ 1I h pl1Jlc1pal comerc1al produciD8 States Includes Pt)llS groUl for seed aDd comery pens harvested lUy

- III shy

1 UPDATA 1981



- - - - 19i4 19sect 12 li41 to ~ t 1242 St t A Aores Ac Acres A Acres ~ Acres ~ Acres A Acres

a e creB Har- reo H~r- cres ~r- cres H~r- cr~s H~r- eres Harshy____~1ne~eit~d_~1no~_elt~ltLlP~~tdlV~oeS_~1ne~lvsOS_ c~middot~_vselP~l~td_Jel~~d__

Thousand Acres Ind 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ill 12 12 9 9 7 7 5 5 6 6 4 4 ViB 3 3 2 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~1nn 18 18 12 12 7 7 10 10 6 6 5 5 Iogtlt 23 22 11 11 7 7 8 8 12 12 10 10 Mo 265 263 225 216 184 181 179 176 154 150 122 120 Iflhk 87 86 50 49 47 44 42 41 33 32 35 34 SJhk S49 502 390 362 238 221 188 179 152 149 164 156 Jlebr 704 685 50 480 390 374 343 325 364 351 364 347 K9ns 38116 3768 3054 2879 2718 2505 2256 2154 2459 2391 2361 2319 Va 10 9 15 10 15 9 17 9 14 6 12 4 IIVa 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 nc 26 26 23 23 30 30 32 32 35 35 32 32 sc 36 36 35 35 28 28 29 29 30 30 23 23 Ga 60 60 60 60 48 48 55 55 54 54 38 38 Ky 35 34 35 35 39 39 34 34 2l 21 18 18 Tenn 62 6 56 56 56 56 48 48 37 37 29 29 Ala 59 58 61 60 79 78 86 84 99 97 65 63 Mhs 65 64 63 61 51 49 53 52 47 46 34 33 Ark 94 93 97 95 82 80 78 75 68 67 51 50 Jg 10 10 9 9 8 8 9 9 11 11 11 11 Okla 2484 2406 1938middot 1829 1783 1664 1284 1198 1348 1258 1146 1094 T8 8318 8202 7653 7054 7273 6913 5527 5392 7019 6740 5168 5080 Mont 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 4 3 3 4 3 Vyo bull 14 13 10 9 7 7 7 6 4 4 5 5 Colo 766 723 705 658 613 546 490 470 500 479 645 618 1IHex 690 669 467 309 317 265 349 313 521 479 556 532 Arb 71 69 55 53 74 72 62 60 90 88 77 76 Calli 133 127 112 108 151 151 76 76 122 122 80 80 115- - -ie458 -18038 - - is668 - 14-498- 14- 2f6- - i540J -11-277- -10OsO - -13214 -12-679- -11064 - -10789- -


- - - l9~( t00 1916t 197 19aL 12112 St t Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros Dald Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros IReld Pro- Acres llel4 Proshy

a eHar_ Per duc_ Hl1- Per duc- H9r- Por dw- 59r- Per due- zHar- IPer duc_ Har- Per i ducshy___yetdlApoundrs_t0E lVS82C8l 1n_yeltdAEr_t0E lvse2cel 1n_yetdlApoundrl_t0E lvsse~cel isn_

Thous Thous Thous Thoua Thous ThOUG Thoua Thous Theus Thous Thous Thoua ~ TonE ~ Acrea ~ Tons Acros Tona1m Acres ~ Tons ~ TOilS ~ Acres 2 Tons

Ind 2 270 5 1 290 3 1 260 3 Ill 4 250 10 3 250 8 2 300 6 2 250 5 2 350 7 1 350 4 Minn 15 300 45 8 20 18 5 200 10 8 200 16 4 250 10 4 230 9 Iowa 12 300 36 5 300 15 2 350 7 2 250 5 6 300 18 4 250 10 Ho 150 211 316 146 180 263 105 220 231 95 180 171 86 20 189 58 210 122 N bull oruc 76 110 106 116 135 62 41 110 45 39 130 51 30 125 38 32 100 32 SDak 395 169 668 308 150 462 177 l70 301 152 130 198 124 180 223 133 135 180 Nebl 511 197 1007 383 160 613 279 165 460 234 155 363 222 160 355 220 230 506 Kans 1125 213 2396 1386 164 2273 1302 160 2083 989 140 1385 692 190 1315 649 185 1201 Va 6 170 10 8 175 1~ 7 175 12 8 175 14 5 180 9 4 175 7 lle 15 160 24 13 170 22 18 180 32 17 190 32 13 200 26 13 200 26 SC 22 130 29 21 145 30 14 150 21 14 140 20 16 1~5 2J 10 150 15 Ga 35 111 39 42 135 57 33 135 45 )8 130 49 41 130 5] 29 140 41 KT 22 184 ~o 25 240 60 23 260 60 22 280 62 15 210 32 13 21~ 2B Tenn 37 180 67 33 20 73 31 210 65 29 230 67 23 235 54 17 220 37 Ala 23 140 32 24 135 32 27 155 ~2 28 135 38 37 150 56 19 145 2B Hios 27 165 ~5 28 185 52 18 150 27 18 170 31 19 195 37 16 185 30 Ark 66 161 106 68 160 109 50 145 72 51 140 71 J8 185 70 27 190 51 L~ 6 130 8 5 165 8 ~ 160 6 4 135 5 6 145 9 5 160 8 Okla 132~ 145 1920 1118 125 1398 969 130 160 701 110 771 652 150 978 502 160 803 Tex 2920 1193768 2985 110 3283 2324 122 28391677 110 1844 lt17J 122 26601452 145 2105 Mont 5 117 6 4 120 5 6 115 7 4 130 5 J 150 4 3 80 2 Wyo 13 82 11 9 70 6 7 60 4 6 80 5 ~ 75 3 5 76 4 Colo ~7J 114 539 460 110 506 350 105 368 304 115 )50 280 105 29~ 301 107 322 11Mex 29~ 102 300 223 70 157 155 103 159 143 67 96 184 100 184 109 129 141 Arh 6 200 2 3 200 6 5 175 9 3 175 5 3 175 5 ~ 175 7 Ea1i__ _35pound __ Z___2_ ~poundO___ ~ __ _35pound ___7___~ 210___7___ _35pound __ ~ __ 2 _ 210___1pound

~middot~middot_118~ _15~ 015J317_ 10_ 21~11251_131_81~1_4520_ 3_56~6_ ~~8~ _14 ~~521~31_ za_11~

- 19 shy





- ---I I94 1J9s 1~~ S~at J Jor 1 Yield Pr d ti~ JeJ81 I n14 I ProducUcna I Jone J Yield Pro4ucUoII

____1_~bullt4_1_~r_~l _1__0_u _~ _1_IIret4__~I_-l _1________~t4_1_~1_~l J _____ _ ThouIAcne ~ ThoU Bu llloutareplE ft1oUI Bu BiouDJeJ8el llloubullbull IIp

Ind 2 ~9 48 2 300 60 1 300 30 Ill 1 240 2h 1 290 29 1 300 30 Iova 1 240 24 1 200 20 1 200 20 Mo 61 216 1)18 29 ~o 435 ~ 220 968 IDaIt 8 163 130 1 160 16 1 135 14 SDak 92 153 1408 43 115 494 37 160 592 lobI 115 22) 2564 75 180 1350 18 200 1560 Ian 2229 221 49261 1149 154 17695 B51 1)5 11488 IC 2 250 50 3 2)0 69 sc 1 165 16 1 170 17 3 IB5 56 Al 2 163 33 13 150 195 2) 160 368 uk 7 143 100 10 170 170 8 150 120 La 1 150 15 1 180 18 1 140 14 Okla 979 1050 146805 636 120 7632 6~ 115 7176 ex 05103 194 99229 ) 950 150 c59139 4~ 160 71840 ColO aIfO 1057 3768 180 lAt9 2682 191 130 2483 1lIex )69 166 6111 84 70 587 108 104 1127 Aris 54 372 2009 44 )40 1496 55 360 1980 ~a1____11____)1~ ____ ~)~ _____1pound2____32~ ___ _ l27 _____~5____42 ___ ~292 __ US 9)86 197 184978 6)24 152 9606) 6669 159 106025


- - --I l~ 192s 1~ Stah I tar 1 Yield 1 PrOdUCtioD Acre I Yield I ProductiOIl Acne I Yield 1 Productloll

____1_~etd_Umiddotr_Jer _1_______ _~etd_I_Pr_Ael _1_______1_lIrQt4__~r_~l J _____ _ Thoue Jon ll 2a DIOUlllOD ThoubullbullJer 12 DIoubullbull Toll lhoUlJarooa ToD bou l01I

lIId 5 105 52 4 120 48 3 110 111 4 100 40 3 90 27 2 105 21 Vh 1 80 8 1 75 8 M1Dn 70 21 4 60 24 2 65 13 Iowa 6 100 60 3 90 27 1 110 11 Mo 85 374 36 71) 252 25 85 212 IDak 2 30 6 2 202 4 2 21 4 SDaIc 15 7 56 11 3- 37 7 40 28 Ifebr 59 64 378 22 50 110 17 50 BS Iane 412 70 2884 )42 55 1881 SO 60 21OQ SC 3 50 15 ) 55 16 3 50 15 Ga ) 40 12 1 45 14 51) 20 leDII 10 65 65 9 70 63 6 70 42 Al 6 75 45 05 70 35 6 60 36)Ii 12 90 108 12 90 108 12 75 90 Ark 3 55 16 2 55 11 5 60 )0 La 1 61 7 1 7- 7 1 66 7 Old 97 50 485 10 45 115 67 40 l68 Ix l6It 48 789 108 35 )83 87 41 ~O Colo 10 55 55 18 45 81 5 50 25 bullbull lIu 6 ) 20 2 30 2 45 9 Arll 9 121) 108 6 US 69 12 U5 138pounda1_____4____~~ ______2 ______4 ~ ______4 _____~ ______l~ ______ ____1~~

US 879 642 56114 671 532 3510 623 576 3SS7


- - - -I = 19~ = = = == = ~ 1~4sect state crill 1 Yield ProductioD Acre 1 Yield I Prod t1 I Acres Yield Pr

_____~etd_lt]~r_Apoundr ________1_Hrstd_IJr_Apoundr ____~ _o~ __~etd_Jr_Apoundrtl _ ~d~~1~~ ThougAcru Jl9B1 lhquGIlllog TI1quecrea ~ TboutOallQII ThguuJcru GalloDII AAUIIlampllov

Ind 1 80 80 1 90 90 1 75 75 Ill 3 50 ISO 2 50 100 2 65 1)0 Via 2 80 160 1 70 70 1 62 62 10 3 125 )705 2 100 200 3 129 387 Mo 8 62 496 5 45 225 7 55 385 bu 2 55 110 2 SO 100 2 51 102 Va J 65 195 2 65 130 2 66 1)2 VVa 3 59 177 2 67 134 1 66 66 lIC 11 74 814 8 64 512 9 131 729 SC 10 55 550 10 55 550 8 58 464 Ge 22 55 1210 15 57 855 11 53 583 17 12 65 780 10 73 730 16 85 1360 laDII 15 61 915 14 60 840 19 73 1)87 Ala 27 65 1755 18 66 1188 22 6) 1386 Mha 25 78 1950 21 80 1680 19 65 1235 Ark 17 SO 850 15 55 825 17 60 1020 L~ 2 55 110 2 60 120 2 40 80 OklL 6 42 252 5 43 215 4 47 188

i~----~i---~------l~-----l~---~------~______~ ___~____ _~2__--- - - - - - - - - - _1_ - __ l~ _____146____6middotZ ____ 2~ _____~_ 660 10171

-O- ------------ shy



-s~~e-= ~II 1 RI~ 1Pr~~to ~r~ ~~ 1 ~o~t~I~ ~~ R~~ ~din I BarYeated Per Acre I I BarYe ted Per Acr I I BarYbullbulltod Per Acr

- - - -1h-cr- -Dl~hr- -fhoa- ia - fhQicr1 bir- - -TiioQ- ib- - thOulAcibullbull -Dlhel- TiioU- -IDe 1 260 26 1 320 32 1 320 JJ~ Iowa 1 160 16 1 195 20 1 225 m )10 114 160 704 30 240 72031 200 6tjIlak 1 155 16 1 160 16 SDU 111 90 162 20 155 310 20 122 244

Iobr 75 150 1125 111 225 2632 109 236 2572lAD 754 145 10933 339 215 287811 1392 215 29 928 IC 5 250 125 16 270 432 15 250 375 s Q 5 155 78 1 175 122 7 180 126 Ala 34 165 561 45 195 878 33 181 597 Arll 10 150 15016 1110 2811 14 172 241 lA 2 140 28 2 155 31 3 170 51 CkIa 440 110 11840 556 150 8340 548 155 8494 181 3640 180 65421 496 165 74143 3563 239 114996 Colo 160 150 2400 192 170 3264 3011 172 52911 INex 167 106 1764 287 140 40111 415 222 9213 Arh 53 410 2113 75 400 3000 61 1146 2721 -~l____1~ ____3 ____ ~sect9 _____16___ 31middot ____ ~~ _____ 11___ 32 ~ ___ r62_ ~~___ ~~ ____lI~ ____9I11 ____ 7____1~ ___ ~I~ ____6~5~2____2 __ 4~_

ALL SOBOIIllKS JOR SIIMB AOlJWlE YIELD A)JD PROIUClIOIl 1947 to 1949 _______ ~_7_________________ __________________ ~~_______ _~------------~------------------~------------------ilt--------

State Acre I Yh1d I Acre field Acre Yield BarPedd Per Acre Product1on I BarPted Per Acre Production llarveted Pet Acre Production

- - - - ThouAcre -iaL- - -boU7tOji - biiuAcro -Jiii- - -b0li71oi- ~ouEcre - -~n - -fhw7Tu Ind 2 85 17 2 115 23 2 115 23 Ill 2 90 18 4 105 42 3 93 28 Hinn 2 60 12 2 eo 16 1 70 7 IoVA 3 60 18 3 95 28 3 100 30 Mo 33 70 231 31 95 294 29 86 249 IfIlK 1 25 2 1 30 3 2 23 5 slak 9 25 22 5 55 28 3 42 13 Ibr 16 45 72 12 60 72 18 70 126lAD 409 53 21611 359 76 2 72~ 278 73 2029 SC 3 50 15 2 55 11 3 60 18 0 3 45 14 5 55 211 3 60 IS Tonn 6 70 42 7 75 52 8 76 61 Ala 4 65 26 7 75 52 6 74 44 Nh 12 65 711 12 01 0 96 8 85 61 Ark 3 5middot3 16 5 75 38 5 75 38 ta 1 60 6 2 68 14 2 70 14 (kIa 54 37 200 4 55 264 43 56 241 Tex 69 37 258 66 46 305 60 57 343 Colo 6 45 27 7 55 38 9 48 43 IIMex 3 40 12 e 45 36 8 53 42 Arh 4 110 44 10 110 110 11 115 126 -~1____ ~ ____1poundpound ______~ ______4____1poundpound ______~ ______6____1~ pound _____~_ ~____ ~4~ ____ 4___ _ lP _____~2____ 7____ ~~1 _____51____ 10___ sect2~_


-- -- I~ D[8 I~i State Aeres Tield Production I Acr Tield Produetlon I Acree Yield Production

BarYeted I Per Acre I BarTeted Per Acre BarYeted Per Acre - - - - hiiuicre - Gallon - bouGallon thouD Xcre - 01100 - fhoubullbullOaflon ~iiuicro - iiaflon -lhOli7aeliOii Ind 1 70 70 1 90 90 1 90 90 Ill 1 55 55 1118 1 51 51 1 80 80 1 77 77 IClVa 2 80 160 2 168 336 2 158 316 Mo II 42 168 3 66 1911 2 61 122 Ian 2 51 102 1 47 47 Va 1 61 67 1 90 90 IIVa 1 70 70 bullbullC 10 73 730 6 611 408 4 72 211 Sc 7 49 343 5 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ Ga 14 59 826 II ~ ~ 6 60 ~ ~ 12 74 888 6 73 438 5 79 395 Tnn 13 60 7S0 7 Ala 111 60 10110 8 m = ~ =Mi 22 68 1496 15 78 1170 9 63 567 Arll 11 42 462 8 64 512 4 54 216 La 2 35 70 1 43 43 1 45 45 Cltla 3 33 99 2 55 110 1 52 52 ~_____ ~ ____ 25______ 13~ ______5__ _ ______ 1pound _____ -____ ~_____ __I~

Us 131 7847 SO 6911 55116 53 66s 3539 -------------------------~---------------------------- -------- 21 shy

bullUPDATA 1981 ~~ I j


--- -- 1~ t 19~ t 19[6 StlAt I Acree Yield Acrn Yield Acrea Yield

Harvea d Pel Production Harvest d Per Production Harvested Per Production _________ ~ _ _Agrl _ ______ ______Apound~ __ ______ t ______ _Asr~ _______ _

ThoutlAcree Ton8 ThouTone ThouAcre Ton ThouBlone ThoUllAcres 1on8 Thou8Tone Main 923 89 818 833 106 882 84 99 m fK 388 102 395 376 123 464 364 118 431 it 1032 126 1298 10oe 150 1516 1006 143 1442 )(saso 319 124 469 376 164 615 365 164 597 RI 36 1l4 41 37 146 54 34144 49 Conn 304 123 374 300 157 472 288 162 467 fY 4008 144 5759 4021 161 6488 3968 162 6416 NJ 274 147 402 288 177 509 260 175 454 PIi 2564 140 3597 2539 151 3826 2525 150 3789 0b10 2605 139 3622 2560 148 3801 2536 152 3848 Ind 2004 131 2626 1765 145 2551 1835 137 2511 Ill 2824 139 3938 2662 152 4053 2732 146 3985 Mich 2813 1)8 3895 2671 148 3958 2648 124 3272 Vb 4263 163 6929 4214 187 7870 4ll2 155 6371 Minn 4683 142 6640 4366 152 6637 4067 146 5956 Iowa 3551 164 58)6 1304 172 5677 3275 163 5325 Mo 3703 113 4171 3914 115 4500 3545 119 4201 lItDIIk 3421 97 3305 3434 94 3233 3068 89 2724 SDak 36e5 99 3637 3616 92 3312 3478 80 2775 Nebr 4355 112 4865 4062 11)9 4436 3915 97 3787 ~B 1784 167 2982 1783 161 2875 1746 135 2354 Del 82 1 ~o 98 75 152 114 71 149 106 Md 461 120 552 464 139 643 442 148 656 Va 1383 11)2 1405 1477 117 1722 1391 119 1650 IIv 835 108 904 840 1~ 1061 812 129 1045 NC 1315 96 1263 1374 98 1352 1263 102 1285 sc 543 74 400 554 84 465 S07 87 442 Oe 1406 49 689 1441 54 785 1399 52 723 lIla 118 54 64 125 57 71 123 49 60 It) 1630 112 1831 1987 137 2720 1813 136 2459 Tenn 1769 94 1660 1978 124 2444 1802 122 2205 All 1 091 67 730 995 75 742 999 74 744 M18s 925 119 1104 873 117 1025 850 123 1046 Ark 1397 109 1529 1378 116 1595 1258 118 1483 ra 3Jl 119 395 326 125 406 319 126 403 Okla 1296 129 1671 1326 133 1757 1355 113 1534 Tex 1591 90 1439 1599 96 1537 1623 11)3 1619 Mont 2265 119 2689 2267 117 2681 2147 112 2395 Idho 1198 204 2445 1189 204 2428 1140 213 2429 liTo 1156 113 1312 1103 116 1274 1091 111 1214 Colo 1467 159 2331 1425 155 2215 1359 148 2008 NMex 217 221 419 201 192 385 206 212 436 Arb 332 218 723 309 242 748 306 239 737 Utah 612 203 1245 597 200 1194 573 195 1115 ireV 435 142 617 436 141 615 432 152 655 VaBb 989 119 1775 931 187 1744 656 192 1640 Oreg 1156 173 1996 1158 170 1970 1062 173 1~39poundampl1____20plusmn0____ ~middot21____ 22~ ____2130____ ~bullsect4____60]6____ 282 __ _ 1~2_ ___6t0Q3_ ~____ 176)9____ ]middot13___ 03~2 ___ 16627____ ]~__ _1~7t418_ ___71141 ___ ]15___ 291518_

VILD HAY ACREAGE nELD lID PllOllUCTIOlf 1944 to 191i6

- - - - - 1~ l I9~ l 19[6 state I Acree Yield Acree Yield AcreB Yield

I Harveated Per Productioll ltlrvesed bull Per bull Production Harvested Per bull Production ___________ l ce__ ~ ______ t _____ _ =_AsrJ __ ______ l _______~r __ _____ _

ThouaAcrem ThousTon bonaAcres ona ThousTona Thoue-cres ~ Thousfou Via 140 130 182 94 115 106 llO 115 126 Minn 1452 1ll 1612 1394 115 1603 1282 110 1410 10 102 122 124 92 120 llO 86 1O 103 Mo 154 109 168 160 120 192 150 100 ISO NDal 2576 90 ~318 2576 85 2190 2318 85 1970 sJ))k 3076 88 2707 3014 60 24ll 2693 70 2025 Nebr 3198 80 2558 2942 75 2206 2795 65 1817Ian 693 111 769 638 115 734 636 75 478 Ark 194 104 202 202 105 212 202 105 212 Okla 480 118 566 437 125 S46 428 100 428 Tex 195 105 205 185 100 185 191 105 201 Mont 867 85 737 806 90 725 622 60 658 ldho 139 lU 156 139 115 160 135 110 148 To 529 60 423 481 BO 385 495 85 421 Colo 466 97 452 443 100 443 439 85 373 NMex 20 88 16 15 70 10 27 100 27 Utah 103 124 126 lOS 100 105 105 120 1-6 lreT 267 100 267 267 100 267 267 110 294 Yam 46 115 53 51 125 64 47 120 56 Or~ ll76 115 320 3U 11n 3IU gt86 110 315 ~l-l_____1$gt____ 110_____ 17g _____112___ _ 1io_ ~ __ _2ffl_ ____ 152 ___ 1lL ____11~_

k ___ 5all1_____23____1~J1 ___ 4~~_____21___ Jt2~2___ _ ll~7 ___ _g3_ __ l51 _


FFeti5 Hri+tttrtft gt~- bullbull ~Mto shy



- -- -- 1~7 19la_ 19sect State Acrea Yild cr Tlel-l Acrea Yield

______II~~t~d_ ~ ~~~__ ~ ~d~ln_l v~e~ _~_A~~ ___~o~u~t~o~ ~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~____P~o~u~to~ ~bullbullAcrea gAl ~ousTonD fitouDcrea ~ lhoulITons Tbous bullocres I2 Thou9Tonl

M1n 766 11)8 627 nO 11)2 746 695 9B 682 lilI J5) 127 446 JJ9 124 421 J18 11) )56 n 995 149 148J 974 145 1416 952 124 1176 ca )51 154 540 J46 160 59f )42 145 496 RI )2 159 51 29 159 46 28 1 bullSO 42 Conn 280 166 464 272 162 440 26) 156 410 IIT )752 161 6029 )642 165 6016 3)97 1)6 46)0 IJ 244 17) 422 236 161 428 239 177 422 Il 2))9 150 )511 2194 146 )710 2202 142 )123 Ohio 2497 140 34B6 2)84 14) )406 2255 142 )212 Ind 1708 1)6 2)Jl 1661 1)6 2251 1616 145 2 bull 342 Ill 2626 14J )756 2)85 149 )558 2230 165 J689 Mich 2628 1Jl J45) 24)6 1)7 )346 2)29 1)2 )069 Vh 4066 16) 6665 )940 1)8 54)2 3916 15) 5972 MiIlJ1 4063 142 57n )659 1)7 529) 3819 1)lt3 5268 10_ )J)B 154 5154 2943 1)4 )955 )100 159 49)0 Me 3762 114 4)10 )S46 129 4564 )60) 129 465) IDU 3289 95 )110 3176 91 2901 )441 B5 2920 S~ )675 85 ))1) 4126 84 )451 4412 68 3013 lfebr 4)05 113 4BBI 4))4 105 4532 4836 108 5ZJl Iu 2059 153 )155 195) 176 )479 2017 160 3~z2 Del 69 146 102 n 140 102 68 110 97 Md 429 142 611 445 144 64) 429 152 ti51 Vamp 1)27 107 1414 1)72 126 1722 1321 127 16n VV 60) 116 92B 796 129 1026 B02 124 991_C 1292 96 1267 1290 10) 1)28 1246 105 1)12 SC 465 76 )76 509 68 449 52J 91 476 0amp 1)91 51 70) 1416 56 791 1055 6) 66) 11 125 54 67 1)2 58 77 65 62 5) 1) 1666 1)B 2568 1687 126 21)0 1828 110 2)60 l1IllU 1812 117 2120 1691 111 1861 l7J4 125 2175 U 939 72 679 922 18 720 790 84 667 Ki 601 115 923 769 121 9)3 779 115 89) Ark 1254 98 1224 1211 124 150) 1116 117 1J10 111 300 118 )s4 294 112 )29 295 1m 379 Okla 1580 119 1B77 1490 I)) 1975 1)50 1)5 1821 le 1620 90 16)7 1706 91 1556 145) 112 1624 MoDt 2227 112 2491 220) I) 2704 2On 101 2084 Idoho 1022 2Z5 2296 986 220 2171 1050 2lt) 2))7 1170 1080 117 1265 1017 94 960 1104 110 1209 Colo 1)56 164 2219 1)51 167 2251 1401 164 229) Ifllex 216 210 454 20) 212 4)) 19) 209 404 Arlo m 220 595 226 2)8 5)7 25) 247 624 Utah S6B 208 1160 550 205 1129 5)7 21) 1145 - )92 155 606 )8) 151 577 377 154 580 lfath 60) 1117 150) 765 205 1611 772 178 1375 Oree 1076 169 1617 1061 174 1646 970 158 1526 ~11middot____~~~ __ ~ J bull 26____ euro1)Q ____1~7O____ 1middotQ7____5JplusmnL ___ 1l15Q ___ 1middot25___ 3 49_ [middotk ___ 1 46amp6____ 1middot15___ 10Q$~ ___ 11617____ 114___ 2611~ ___71~ __ _ lmiddotlJ_ __ 25025_

_1If_ eii2ll 2r_A1l_II~r_r2r_125~D-~ 9Z1J211 o_____________ bull __________

~~~ _lAi~~e5drIx~~rpoundr ~tloi ~ce ~eililfgi ct r~~ln hqutr ll lhoubullbullrona rhouaAcr 12l ThouaToga

~ _____1 _0_____ 111_______ 1~~ _____ 1~ _____ 1Ql_ ______ 1~~ _ Ylk ____ 14aJgl_____ 1J8______ 10l57______7~11J _____ l~L _____ l0ll_ ~ -

WILD BAT AClUllilE fIELD AlID PBODUCrIOll 1947 to 1~1

- - - - - 1i41 1~ 1~ Il~t I Acre I Yield heres Yield Acres Yield bull

I arT ted I Per Production arTeBted Per ProucUon Iifrvsted Per bull Production ____ _1_ __~ __ _~rl _ i ______ 1 _______ cLe______________ cIe___=_____ _

1houeAcreo 1M lhoubullbullTop rhouoAcree ~ rhouerona rhousAcrea ron rhoubullbullroue Vlo 106 115 122 1)0 95 124 112 107 120 Minn 1)06 11e 1439 12)0 105 1292 11)2 105 1169 10 75 1O 90 61 115 9) 70 123 66 Mo 150 110 165 141 110 155 1)5 110 146 1IDIIk 2596 90 2))6 2414 65 2052 2535 Bo 2028 SDU )240 75 24)0 )4)4 70 2401 )4)4 57 1957_hr 296) 60 2)70 2904 65 1686 )252 75 24)9 lUI 702 110 772 611 115 7~ 642 115 nB Ark 204 B5 In 175 110 192 152 105 160 00amp 458 110 504 4)1 1 lt5 5)9 416 1gt0 502 lu 210 95 200 197 65 167 1B5 101 167 Mont 860 BO 704 654 90 769 769 75 577 Id~o 132 110 145 140 100 140 144 109 157 To 500 95 475 475 60 lB5 522 B5 444 Colo 470 105 494 451 105 474 474 102 4B) 11 Megt 27 BO 22 25 75 19 22 6) 1B Utah 109 125 1)6 105 110 126 105 I) 12911 230 1111 25) 216 105 227 205 9B 201 Vampth 46 120 55 55 1)0 2 57 120 68 Oreg )00 110 ))0 )30 15 412 291 106 gt08pound41lf_____1i6____ 11(1_____ 17~ _____1J6____ 1ltgt_____120_____ 1J~ ___ 112_____1~_

~____ 4~_____10____111111 ___ 4515_____~5___ l)~___ _~19= ____~2___ l121_ - 23 shy

-UPDATA 1981 bull _ bull h



ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944






-- - - IW = ~I X9sIl9K= S ttl All IJcrea I Yield 1 pro All 1ampI14Ia I neu Pro- I Acrea lAorea I Yield 1 Proshyta llaIlr41 az Per duction IPlantedI llal- J hI IducUon IPlant8t1~ ~ I Pill I duc1oll- _ ~ -I ___t~bulltd_l__pounde1t _ ____ ___ qa1e4 _JQIll __1____ ___ 1 a1aJl _Al _ ____

hone Aorall lili howl IDI floua erea I~ thouDII houa ~ uebela Thoua l JIa1na 12 12 J90 468 11 11 390 429 U 12 370 444shyJB lk 14 430 602 l2 12 lO S04 13 13 420 546n 66 66 JM 2607 63 6) )80 23~ 58 58 410 2378MIlabullbull 45-5 )90 1~75S 39 39 450 175$ 38 38 460 1748RI 9 9 370 m 8 8 ~O )31 8 8 )90 312COM 52 52 410 21)2 49 49 450 22115 47 47 460 21621IIt 698 692 355 24566 677 657 0 21681 6]0 ~ )90 25896111 208 206 )25 6695 188 187 5 8)22 190 189 450 8S05Pampo 1441 14~ 35S 50516 1349 1 338 4) sa203 1367 1351 430 56093C-Jio 3666 3651 40) 147135 J46J 31168 1751)41M

SO5 3671 3641 490 1784094622 45~ 401 184219 4417 4 36ft 530 2Jl292 4600 4582 510 2))682Ill 9226 9140 454 414956 8245 81)0 465 378045 8~5 6873 560 496888M1cb 1812 1805 320 57760 1776 1751 350 61285 1794 1769 280 495)2Vb 2]06 2679 435 U6536 2706 2679 415 1U118 2571 2545 445 11)252111M 5969 5867 415 ~)480 6059 5926 36 216299 5514 5452 440 2391388Iowa Il224 UtO 525 579442 10f47 10106 445 476417 11172 111)4 570 6346)8Mo 48)2 4781 J)O 4060157m 3873 Zo 10+571 4466 4415 370 163355IDelt 1283 12SO 260 32500 1283 1225 210 25725 lat5 1213 215 26080SDak 4026 3897 330 128601 4268 4092 rlO 110484 4097 4010 300 120300Iebr 8f42 8749 )30 288717 8577 8487 28S 241880 7891 7808 290 226432rana 3602 3S49 275 97598 )062 2981 2)0 66563 )154 3011 210 6)2)1Del Jr) ~) 25middot5 J6116 141 140 325 4550 139 138 330 4554lid S05 S05 )53 17826 466 461 ~11) 18961 458 ~56 431) 19608Va 1)06 1280 260 33280 1175 1165 330 36445 1089 108) )60 38988V1a )50 )48 219 9709 )01 299 )10 1106) 298 296 340 10064BC 2)19 2296 228 52349 2229 2204 250 55100 2193 2160 210SC l53f 1510 16Y 5832025519 1426 1419 170 ar12) 1452 17 185 26770Ga 1 ) 3405 120 40860 )378 )337 140 46718 )246 )204 130 41652Ph 7J1t 719 105 550 629 618 110 6798 660 ~ 100 64901r 25211 2507 17 61~n 2192 2181 )20 69792 2253 2lYt6 360 00861111 2~27 2415 22it- 54096 21)6 2l25 210 57)5 2201 2189 295 64576Ala t929 2914 152 4429) 2814 2797 155 3354 26)) 2601 155 40316Ill 26Z) 253 161 407)) 2466 2-29 190 46151 2411 221U 160 35)60An 1695 16Z) 165 26780 14Zlt )6) 210 286Z) 1S09 172 210La 309121229 1168 ]40 16J52 1106 1075 li5 19888 1~ 1000 140 14000Okla 1615 162IIJ 170 2760B 1407 1))2 170 2261+4 1421 1372 24010175hr 051 3960 144 510lt4 3J~ ))26 355 515J )1$6 309) 165 51034MoDt 190 175 170 2975 188 1]0 135 2295 190 180 140ldabo )1 2521130 410 12)0 )0 29 420 1218 2 26 420 1092Vro 86 80 140 1120 77 72 150 1080 65 60Q010 165 990931 ~ 187 165)1 75J 716 210 150)6IIMln 210 600 57J 210 120))195 140 2730 178 150 140 2100 146 125Aris ~ 32 87 218 )) )1 115 150 1815

356 )2 )0 1l5llb1l ab Z )00 690 24 2) J45340 182 25 24 280Is 2 2 320 64 2 2 320 64

672 2 2 )50_ampabo 21 21 420 ~ 20 70

20 500 10OD 18 18Orec 530 95437 )6 )53 1271 )2 )1 )6I 1116Qal1i 71 71 )20 222 64 64 )2 )1 )55 1100

J10 1984 67 67 320 2~08-- -j5~i5 - 940~- -)28 - -)08798z- 89261- a-i25- -)27 - -z6ians- 8s89S- 87s85- -)67 - J2i7076 ]roampi tabt OOe--o- for a1~l ~e lD-iuu~ h~laquoi4-qd-al1od -o-Md tht-ct-nd-t64-rtiio~t-nl~thl 8anU u that huabld and ~ tor laquorain - 71e14 for grainwith an allDVaDce for Tamprrlng 7 181d~If con tor oill piUpOHe 18 appled to the tota1 ear1IP to ObWD IIIl equlYalel1t p1OdllCUoa ezpreued in terllllClf crue

llDOOllOUJ JCIlSAQJI nllLDB11 PIDIIlCWo 1944 too 1946

-- - -~L~= I X96 State 1 AIINI lena I n14 Pro- AIlr ampIIfta 1 nu ITo- ampliND Jorea I nld Proshy

~llaae 1 Per 4UCUOB Iplmlt8dl az I hi ~uct1oa IPlQ1 Ja 1 Per 1 ductioD--- _1-- __ bull ~_J__~1J _ 1 -- __ I ___ 11rte l_~lI ______ 1 ___ e l _~11 _ ___ _ ftl aL- l ~bullampIIr Llle l ftloua$Na Lba 2

Xu lit lit 601) 4200 8 8 -0 2000 U 11 620 )400 lMe ~ 22 1+00 40400 15 13 210 1800 15 13 260 1700 Ok1amp us 1119 375 3I1foO 91 80 ~ U600 110 102 295 15000 hz - J1Q 8000 ~3 )05 6600)6 35 )60 6300 Col 130 U 3SO ZlOO 112 ~ JOO 15600 ut 108 2SO 1)50ilMu 70 JOl) 1OSOO 55 38 1110 2100 Ito )1 2)5 J 600

lJ8~ ~6 JI2 362 69200 )25 286 281 ~JOO 331 290 291 43SOO ---------------------------------------------~-------------2shy

JJcentWltlfib7rstdrt W6 emf ~1




- - - -I 1241 I~ i 199 State 1 ADr IAcre I n14 1 Pro- Acree IAcre8 I n814 Pro- 1 Aere lAeroa 1 Tield 1 Proshy

IP18n~dl Hal- I Per 1 ductton IPlaJ1tedl liar- I Per IduoUon IPlanted I HaJ- I Per ductlon ____1____I~e~d__ Opounde__ ____ 1 ___ JY88~ _A~Z ______ ___ ve~ _Apoundr _ J ____ _

bout Aorel PUheb ThOUl1u Thoubullbull Acrea ~ 1lIou~Jll ThoUlAcree ~ Thoubullbull1u

Maine 11 11 401) 440 12 12 )20 )84 1) 1) 420 546 BH 12 12 450 540 12 11 370 407 12 It 480 576 n Ita 48 410 1968 52 52 44~0 2288 58 58 480 2784 Mal 37 37 470 1139 35 )5 410 1435 36 36 450 1620 RI 8 8 440 352 7 7 390 213 7 7 430 )01Conn 45middot 45 460 2160 42 42 410 1722 40 40 450 1800 BT 610 598 )30 19134 640 6)4 420 26628 65) 647 440 28468 bullbull~ 181 180 430 7740 194 193 SOo 96SO 177 176 433 7621 Pa 1339 1)2) 42$ 56228 1J86 1376 475 65)60 1)39 13)5 475 63412 Ohl0 34llt 3386 410 138826 3701 3691 585 215924 J627 J617 540 195)18 Ind 4421 40399 4J0 189157 4668 466J 570 265791 4729 4710 SOO 235S00 Ill 8677 8ser J95 J39068 9298 9252 610 564372 9280 9252 541) 499608 1I1cl 1597 1574 275 4) 285 1645 16)7 3g5 64662 1694 1686 490 82614 V1 2571 2545 420 106890 2622 2596 450 116820 2701 2674 520 139048 Minn 5)49 5234 36S 191041 5302 5286 52S 277515 5796 5770 430 248110 Iawa 10935 10410 JO5 317505 1121J 11191 605 677056 11549 11527 470 541~ No 4317 4018 245 98441 4365 4300 450 193500 4220 4085 )90 159)15 HDak 1220 1189 ~~5 24374 1147 1130 260 29380 1239 1209 200 ~180 SDak 4097 3970 0 754JO 3728 3652 360 131472 4138 4017 220 88374 Je~ 7575 7340 195 1431)0 7196 7160 350 2SO600 7628 7518 310 23)058Ian 21t6o 2)18 170 39406 24)5 2364 325 768J6 25)2 2459 277 68114 Del 132 1)1 )35 4)88 130 128 )20 4096 1)9 139 335 4656 Mi 458 456 380 17328 467 465 450 20925 4S) 451 420 18942 la 1067 1061 360 38196 lOSS 10SO 425 44625 1007 998 420 41916 VTa 295 29) 410 12()1) 286 2B4 440 12496 257 25) 440 11132 BC 2204 2182 315 687)) 2248 2226 300 66780 2238 2204 315 69426 SC 1408 1404 195 27378 1422 1418 195 27651 1412 1404 205 28782 Oa 3075 3044 140 42616 )044 3014 145 4)70) 31)5 )104 165 51216 71 629 623 120 7476 642 62) 100 02)0 580middot 573 125 7162IT 2185 2179 350 76265 2445 2440 400 97600 2396 2)67 355 84028 TQ~n 2200 2189 285 62)86 2266 2255 320 72160 215) 2120 )05 64660 Ala lt651 2627 150 39405 2584 20514 210 54054 2567 2523 200 50460 Mia 2320 2254 165 37191 2227 2209 220 48598 2182 ~054 205 42107 Ark 1388 1325 1~0 22525 1277 1246 230 286sa 1175 11)4 220 24948 La 990 960 135 12960 940 902 175 15785 T90 758 210 15918 Okla 1165 1125 180 2O2SO 1118 080 225 24)00 1152 1102 ~OO 22040 Tor 2801) 2784 160 44544 2584 253) 160 40528 2426 24llt 210 50694 Mol t 177 ~66 165 2739 198 193 180 3474 202 178 110 1951 Idaho 25 ~ 490 1176 26 26 485 1261 32 31 535 - 1658 1f7o 57 5) 165 874 50 48 185 888 54 SO 205 1025 Colo S46 522 2)0 12006 541 522 240 12528 649 626 262 16401 JIMex 108 95 1)5 1282 94 86 140 1204 98 95 160 1520 Arb 32 30 150 4SO 32 30 150 4SO 3J 31 150 465 Utah 26 26 380 988 30 29 270 783 32 )1 310 961 BeY 2 2 320 64 2 2 270 54 2 2 )00 60 Vath 17 17 540 918 19 19 530 1007 21 21 510 1071 Oref 26 25 460 1150 28 27 380 1026 Z7 26 410 1066 Cellt 62 62 320 1984 65 65 330 2145 65 65 )40 2210

US 850)8 82888 284 2354739 85522 84778 425 3605078 S6~5 a5602 378 32)8618Yiiii tabi coT~r-cOrii tor aii purpc ID(lWtlng howd-ampiia-Iid com Dn4 tliat-cUt-id-td-vTthwt-r~Trng-the ear as 11 ampI that hueked and upped for grain The 7114 tor graIn with aJI allowance tor Ya171111 71eld of corn for other purpo 1 applied to th totel arreage to obtamp1ll an equbeleDt proliucU~1I eqtrSllseli in tetu of gnUD


- -I 1241i=-- 12+)1199 8t 1 ADrll5 IAcrt I Tield 1 P~ 1 Acrt Acnll I Tie14 1 Pro- 1 Acre IAcre 1 Tle14 1 Proshy

a I Ipl-a1 Hal- I Per ducUon PllUltdl Htu- I Pal duettoD IPlantla1 IJaor 1 Per 1 dtIDtiOD ____1____~14_1_ FI_ _ ____bull ___ YI _Apound~ __1____ 1 ___ ~Te ~ _~~ _ ____ _

houMN IIIt ~ ftIoua ~ MJa lm housJew 1la ~ Ill 75 75 500 1900 4 4 700 1400 5 5 590 1500 ranbullbull 10 10 300 1500 9 9 320 1400 8 a 275 1100 Okla 82 75 320 12000 65 59 )00 8800 80 72 29S 10600 lex 35 )It 350 6000 39 J4 2)5 4000 65 63 )50 11000 CIlo 73 69 270 9300 71 67 295 9900 84 82 265 ll700

lt6 Ito 18S 3700 39 J4 265 4SOO 65 61 )20 9800 ------------~----------------------------------------------us 292 34400 227 291 )0000 )07 291 314 ~5700

- 3 shy

UPDATA 1981 bull ~ _ r bull ~ ~~~(bull~~bull


- - - - li~ 1 j9~ __ o ~~1n ____ l ___F2r_811~ ___ Hogglng____F2r~n___ i ___ o ill1pound~___ iiogging

State AcrengeY101d Pro_ AcreageYield Pro- down AcreageYield Pr~_ AcreageY1eld Pro- down Har- I ler duction Har- Per lducUonlglz1ngl Rnr- I per Iduction Hlr- Per duction gl9zing

____tlgt-otCltI_____ tpoundsl~ iApoundr _1____lEi tlItHIIl_llsl11clII_____ iv~BleS iAiT~ _1____ ampJ1I1 Thou 1a Thou Thous ~ Thou ThoU Thous ~ Thqufl Tone rhoue Thou Acree 1 Acres Teme ~rui ~poundw Tona Acree

K11ne 2 390 78 7 105 74 3 2 390 78 7 100 70 2 NH 3 430 129 10 105 105 1 2 420 84 9 115 104 1 n 4 395 158 58 10~0 580 4 3 380 114 5 95 542 3 Masa 7 390 lJ J4 95 32J 4 5 150 225 31 105 326 3 RI 1 310 37 7 90 63 1 1 400 40 6 95 57 1 Conn 10 410 410 38 100 380 4 9 450 405 37 105 388 3 11Y )38 355 ~899 479 85 4072 75 130 350 4550 460 84 3864 67 NJ 135 325 4388 62 70 434 9 125 445 5562 56 90 504 6 ~ 1118 356 39801 282 BO 2256 2J 1053 1~35 45806 261 85 2218 24 Ohio 3425 404 138370 135 75 1012 91 3295 505 166398 111 90 999 62 Ind 4410 IWl 176841 92 65 598 92 4190 530 222070 87 90 783 87 Ill 88~ 454 399702 190 a5 1615 146 7756 465 360654 179 80 1432 195 Mich 1400 324 45360 259 70 1813 146 1306 360 47016 273 70 1911 172 Via 1439 459 66050 1179 81 9550 61 1367 440 60148 1250 79 9875 62 Minn 4553 437 198966 731 76 5556 583 4522 390 176358 768 75 5760 636 lava 10397 525 545842 221 95 2100 419 9924 445 441618 218 87 1897 564 Mo 46)8 33 bull 5 155373 W 60 282 96 3641 285 103768 58 50 290 174 NIlk 533 273 14551 112 43 482 605 404 225 9090 110 39 429 711 SDak 3460 343 118678 47 70 329 390 3437 280 962)6 49 60 291t 606 Nebr 8452 33J 281452 44 62 273 253 8020 290 2)2bull580 42 50 210 425 Kane 3372 276 93067 35 55 192 142 2757 235 64790 60 45 270 164 Del 139 255 3544 3 90 27 1 136 325 4420 3 90 27 1 Md 460 3$3 16238 40 75 JOO 5 420 410 17220 36 110 396 5 Va 1190 260 30940 65 70 455 25 1071 330 35343 64 100 640 30 VVa 330 279 9207 11 80 88 7 287 370 10619 9 110 99 3 NC 2234 228 50935 16 88 141 46 2149 250 53725 15 105 158 40 SC 1480 169 25012 4 60 24 26 1 bull 389 170 23613 4 55 22 26 Ga 3204 120 38448 10 40 40 191 3137 140 43916 10 50 50 190 Fla 550 10$ 5775 6 60 36 163 495 UO 5445 6 55 J3 117 X7 2449 247 60490 20 70 140 J8 2118 320 67776 21 80 168 42 Tenn 2326 224 52102 19 54 103 70 2046 270 55242 17 70 119 62 Ala 2847 152 43274 6 50 30 61 2719 155 42144 8 50 40 70 1Iias 2481 161 39944 5 55 28 44 2382 190 45258 5 65 2 42 Ark 1547 165 25526 2 50 10 74 1335 210 28035 2 45 9 26 La 1139 140 lS9~~ 2 38 8 27 1059 185 19592 2 45 n 14 Okla 1568 170 26656 lQ 40 40 46 2gt60 170 21420 9 40 36 63 Tn 3750 144 54000 20 35 70 190 3207 155 4970$ 13 40 52 106 Mont 28 lt03 568 6 35 21 141 14 205 2amp1 6 2j 15 150 1dJho 19 416 790 8 85 68 3 16 430 688 10 105 105 3 VTo 32 152 486 5 50 25 43 29 165 478 3 55 16 40 Celli 676 183 12J71 75 65 4B8 133 530 210 11130 54 63 340 132 NMex 162 145 2349 8 50 40 25 104 150 1560 i 60 30 41 Arb 25 92 2JO 3 75 22 4 23 120 276 3 80 24 5 Utah 5 309 15lt 10 100 160 2 5 360 180 16 90 144 2 Nev 1 318 32 1 100 10 1 J20 32 1 100 10 Vloh 9 450 405 9 108 97 3 7 510 357 8 100 80 5 Oreg 14 )61 50S 12 65 78 10 11 370 407 11 79 67 9 Calif 36 350 1260 25 100 250 10 ~9 340 986 25 100 250 10 E= = 5~0e-( p~0=~aQl~61(=441( ~7~i2 ~~~8= =4~6= =712z =raquo-I~m4E9= =1425= =782 = 2S21( 130~


- - - - 19[4 l 1241 State Aoren Acroe Yield Por Acres Aarea I field Per

Planted IlIrvuted Acre y Prolact1oll I Planted Hneeteci Aore y Productlln- _ __bull_______ ___ ________ _ _______ J _____ _____ _____ __-________ _~ ~

Acre ~ Thous lb Aores ~ Thoue Lblt Ohlo 13000 13000 1450 18850 30000 JO~OO 1800 54000 Ind 17700 17700 1)25 23 1152 34800 34800 1975 68730 Ill 19900 19500 1200 23400 25800 24800 1600 44640 Mich )000 2400 1200 2880 4000 3500 1200 4200 Iowa 51800 SOJOO 1700 85510 102000 92000 1130 10)960 Mo 11800 11500 l6ao 19320 17000 15000 1680 25200 Nebr 8800 8700 1400 12180 31~000 J)OOO 1350 4450 Kane 5900 5700 1400 7980 9500 8400 1100 9240 X7 13500 13500 1000 13500 14two 14400 1400 20160 Okla 20000 18000 800 14400 46000 38000 850 32300 Tex 15000 12500 950 11875 17500 14000 850 11900 Cali 2000 2000 700 1400 2000 2000 600 120(1

~~= = = i8~~ = = =1148~0= == )3~J= ===p~l41 = = =3i~0~0= = = i~io~ = = ==1~1( = = ==~zPpounda~ = l In principal coamrcial producing ~tata y O liN corn 70 pOl1ndn to tile buahel bull



- - - l~ r tjtZ _ - - -Slrbullpoundpoundr4fL __ l __ ]Rr_el~ ___ Hogg1ngl___ ]9r--Eampin___ l ___ lox 118ampe____Hogging

Stampte ~AcreageY1eld Pro- AcreageY1eld Pro- down AcreageY1eli Pro- AcreageYleld Pro- down Har- Per ducUon Rar- Per Igrazing Rar- Per duct H1- Per duction Igtu1ng

___ _JeJlt~cle___ __ ly~8~eS lApoundrsect _~t-j 9tavIet~ltLce____ ~~YJl8el1Apoundr ______f9r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ima 2l Thou ~~ ~ lhOUB Thoubullbull ~ Thoua houbullbull Acres ~ ~ TonI ~ ~ ~ Acreg 2l Acree

Maine 3 370 111 8 115 92 1 2 400 80 8 110 88 1 NH 3 420 126 9 110 99 1 2 450 90 9 110 99 1 n 3 410 123 52 100 520 3 2 410 82 44 95 418 2 MUB 6 460 276 30 10bull5 315 2 6 470 282 29 115 334 2 RI 1 390 39 6 )00 60 1 1 440 44 6 95 57 1 Conn 9 460 414 35 105 )68 3 9 480 432 34 110 374 2 NT I53 400 6120 465 93 4324 46 135 )50 4725 4)6 84 3662 27 NJ 125 450 5625 59 90 531 5 122 4)0 5246 52 90 46S 6 Fa 1055 430 45)65 269 90 2421 27 1046 425 44455 258 85 219) 19 Ohio 3405 490 166645 127 85 1080 109 3098 410 127018 18) 75 1)72 105 Ind 4)98 5~0 224298 92 85 782 92 4227 430 161761 88 70 616 84 Ill 8553 560 478968 169 90 1521 151 8189 )95 )23466 206 74 1524 189 Mich 1243 290 36047 310 60 1860 216 1147 285 32690 274 61 1671 153 W1 1299 465 601~4 i200 18 9)60 46 1338 445 59541 1164 81 9428 4) Minn 4323 455 196696 692 83 5744 437 4187 380 159106 680 72 4896 367 Iova 10600 570 604200 178 105 1869 356 9588 310 297228 281 64 1798 541 Mo 4239 375 158962 44 65 286 1)2 3777 250 94425 80 50 400 161 NDak 437 230 10051 145 34 493 631 523 210 10983 143 38 54) 523 SDak 3529 310 109)99 48 60 288 4)) 3454 200 69080 63 54 340 45)Nebr 7418 295 218831 78 53 41) )12 6973 200 139460 73 38 277 294 I~e 2469 220 54318 211 38 802 331 1986 180 35748 155 37 574 177 Del 134 330 4422 3 105 32 1 126 335 4221 4 90 36 1 Md 412 430 17716 38 95 361 6 41) 380 15694 37 95 352 6 Va 1017 360 36612 48 95 456 18 976 360 )5136 57 105 598 28 WVa 284 )40 9656 9 100 90 3 278 410 11396 11 100 110 4 NC 2104 270 56808 17 80 136 39 2110 315 66465 22 90 198 50 sc 1415 185 26178 3 60 18 29 1355 195 26422 6 65 39 43 04 2886 130 37518 10 50 50 308 2651 140 37114 9 50 45 384 1111 526 100 5260 6 50 30 117 492 120 5904 6 55 3) 125 it 2194 360 78984 2) 90 207 29 2127 350 74445 24 100 240 28 Tenn 2106 295 67127 17 70 119 66 2106 285 60021 17 70 119 66 AlII 2531 155 39230 5 45 22 65 2530 150 37950 5 50 25 92 Miss 2173 160 )4768 4 55 22 33 2211 165 3648Z 5 60 )0 38 Ark 1435 210 30135 2 43 9 35 1267 170 215)9 2 44 9 56 La 975 140 13650 2 40 8 23 9 11 1)5 12704 2 40 8 17

Okla 1317 175 23048 7 45 32 48 1074 180 19332 7 40 28 44 Tex 3019 165 49813 12 40 48 62 2720 160 43520 13 35 46 51 lIont 13 210 273 7 50 )5 160 22 220 484 9 40 36 135 Idaho 17 425 722 7 120 84 2 16 495 792 6 105 63 2 IIJ-o 24 180 4)2 ) 60 18 3) 2175 )68 5 65 32 27 Colo )72 200 7440 60 67 402 141 397 220 8734 57 80 456 68 HMex 105 160 1660 4 50 20 16 83 145 1204 ) 45 14 9 lrh 23 120 276 3 75 22 4 23 155 356 3 70 21 4 Ut~ 5 290 145 16 100 160 3 5 380 190 18 100 180 )Hey 1 350 )5 1 100 10 1 30 )2 1 100 10 Vaeh 7 550 385 7 105 74 4 7 560 J92 7 Ll5 80 )Oreg 12 365 438 11 80 88 8 11 485 534 10 100 100 4 01111 32 350 1120 25 100 250 10 27 350 945 25 100 250 10 ~~= = =7j~1~ =31~ iitfO~9= =4~517= =7-81 =3~~) = ~i9j =-5~0~ y~~ lo~31o= =4~6Jpound =7~)2 = )~i9~=~~

POPCOlIII ICREAGE YIELD lID RODUCTIOJl 1946 UD 1947 I - - - - 19~= i ~7 Stab Acree tern Ueld Per Producthn Acre Acr Yield Per ~ ProducUoB

Planhd HrYe8hd lcre Y PlUlted Hamprl88ted leIY ~- - - -- - - - _-_ - - - - _a-_______________ ____ _ _____ a _____ __bull________ _

lqrea E2ml Thoue Lb lcre ~ fhoU Lb Ohio 15000 14100 1750 24675 5200 5000 i6oo ~OOO Ind 18Soo 18800 1900 35720 7300 7300 1500 10950 Ill 16000 15800 1800 28440 21000 20400 lIroO 28560 Mich 2700 ~600 1400 )640 2500 2100 1000 2100 Iova 42000 41000 1820 74620 17000 15000 960 14400 No 15000 15000 1600 24000 10000 10000 1100 11000 Hebr 13000 13000 1500 19500 4000 4000 1200 4800 lIua 5900 5200 1200 6240 3800 3500 959 ))25T 10100 10100 1470 14847 6500 0500 1470 9555 Okla 14000 13000 910 116)0 5600 5000 lOGO 5000 rex 4200 4200 1200 5040 2700 2700 1)00 )510poundamp1___1a6Q0___ ~ _116Q0____lampOQIL ____116QO_____ ~bullQOQ __ _ ~bullQOQ _____8lO_____ lo1_ - _ ~- - _1i83Q0___ _1214pound0_ ___1amp60___ _221122_ ___ _81QOQ __ ~_J02____1amp222____ 021l2 __ _ l In prinCipal coercial prodac1namp Statebullbull y or ltV cornl 10 pClaDd to the lII1tw1



- - - - 19te ~42 __ rOE U~il ___ l __ ]2r_BlM ___IHogg1ng___ ]2rLrn __ t __ ]gr_BlM ____Hogging

stat AoresltoYold Pr AoreageY1eld l down AorelgeY1eldl Pr Acr~g$Y1eld l down Har- I Per dllOt~n Hlr- hr IdUO~~l1Clz1ngl Har- I Per duct~n Her- I Per I d~~lon grnz1ng

____1otfdoJe_____ lvjtsel lAsrs _1 ____4r~llazeJltldcle_l____ zel1t-tdoJe_l _____14I~ Thoubullbull ~ ThOUtl ~ Tona ~ll2 ~l1 ThOU8 ~ lm ~ Thou Acreo Acrea Tona Acropound2 AerO ~ CroD

Ma1ne 2 320 64 9 85 76 1 2 420 84 10 104 104 1 Nrr 2 370 74 8 95 76 1 2 480 96 9 106 95 1 n 2 lflhO 88 48 100 480 2 2 480 96 54 102 551 2 Jo(I1f1 5 ao 205 ~9 100 290 1 5 450 225 29 92 267 2 111 1 390 39 6 90 54 1 430 43 6 66 52 Conn 7 10 287 33 95 314 2 6 450 270 33 96 317 1 NY 164 440 716 445 100 4450 25 170 460 78~0 452 100 4520 25 11J 132 500 6600 55 95 522 6 117 433 5066 56 80 448 3 Ps 1096 475 52155 259 95 2~0 19 1061 475 50398 258 95 2451 16 Ohio 370 585 202995 148 91 1436 73 3400 540 18)600 141 100 1410 76 Ind 4504 570 256726 75 90 675 64 4542 500 227100 83 9 764 85 Ill 8965 610 546865 167 95 1566 120 6947 540 483138 18S 100 1850 120 Mich 1278 400 51120 264 74 1954 95 1390 495 68005 2l4 94 2200 62 Via 1378 480 66144 1167 84 9971 31 1516 554 83986 1068 99 10573 90 Minn 4)81 540 236698 645 69 5740 254 4630 440 212520 696 85 S9)) 242 Ioltl 10732 605 6149286 179 110 1969 280 11101 470 5l1747 219 101 2212 207 Mo 4128 450 185760 60 75 450 112 3930 390 153270 57 76 4J) 98 1IDaJc 531 280 11868 124 43 533 475 526 225 U835 160 36 576 523 SDak 3323 170 122951 114 70 306 285 3266 235 16751 129 55 710 622 Nobr 6945 350 243075 72 57 410 143 7293 311 226~~2 75 62 465 150 Ka1l8 2281 325 74132 49 60 294 34 2316 277 64liJ 86 57 490 57 1)01 122 320 3904 5 95 48 1 133 335 4~i56 5 85 42 1 Md 418 450 18810 40 95 380 7 402 420 161~ 42 95 399 1 Va 976 4205 Ill 180 56 115 644 8 908 420 38~36 54 107 578 36 II Va 269 440 118)6 11 100 110 4 2)6 4110 103e4 13 100 1)0 4 11C 2137 300 64110 22 100 220 67 2122 31S 66810 19 89 169 63 sc 1351 195 26344 11 60 66 56 1346 205 ~59) 11 72 79 47 Ga 2558 145 37091 9 55 50 447 2635 165 43478 8 64 51 461 Flll 4211 10a 4240 6 50 30 193 344 125 4300 5 55 28 224 iT 2381 400 95240 27 90 243 32 2303 355 81756 2B 9~ 263 36 Tenn 2172 320 69504 lS 80 120 68 20)9 30S 6z190 17 87 148 64 Ala 2412 210 50652 8 50 40 154 2346 200 46920 5 60 30 172 MiuD 2165 Z20 47630 6 65 39 38 2011 205 41226 5 75 38 33 Ark 1Z7 230 28221 2 52 10 17 1100 220 24200 2 50 10 32 La 870 175 152Z5 2 40 8 30 727 210 15267 2 60 12 29 Olcla 1053 225 23692 5 40 20 22 1063 200 22260 4 50 20 35 Tex 2411 160 38576 16 40 64 106 2346 210 49lt66 8 52 42 60 Mont 27 220 594 8 50 40 158 8 238 190 13 45 58 157 Idaho 17 490 833 7 120 84 2 18 545 981 12 117 140 1 70 12 200 240 7 70 II) 29 12 221 765 8 77 62 30 Colo 355 ZZO 1810 73 75 548 94 48z 2116 11857 83 86 114 61 NMex 73 150 1095 3 55 16 10 75 165 1238 4 70 28 16 Aris 23 155 356 3 15 22 4 25 lS5 388 3 84 25 3 utllh 5 280 1110 20 100 200 4 5 313 156 22 114 251 4 Nev 2 100 20 2 105 21 Wuh 6 550 J30 11 105 116 2 9 5gt0 468 9 105 94 3 Oreg 11 400 4l) 11 75 82 5 12 435 522 10 82 82 4 Callt 30 365 1095 25 110 275 10 )J 380 1254 26 110 286 6t= =7~~ =432 ~~2~ )~( ~v= 27~52C l~~ =7116l )imiddotZ ii42~9l =t~~ 221==to2~= 2271

- - - - ~)w ~ lieuro State I ere~ I eres Yield Per I eres Acre Yield Per

pllll1~cd ~Haneeted ~ ere y Production PllIled lianeated Acre y Production

- - - -- - - - -AC~I- - - - -- -POundq - --Thou- Lb - - - - - iC~f - - - - - PoUndg- - -- Thou-Lb- - -Ohio 21000 21000 2350 49350 9500 9500 1900 18050 Icd 16500 16500 2500 41250 14400 14400 1900 21360Ill 29500 29300 2250 65925 16100 16000 1700 30600 Mich 4100 3800 2000 1600 2800 2800 1650 4620 I~va 260~0 26000 2110 54860 23000 23000 1470 33810 Mo 11000 11000 2100 23100 10200 10200 1300 1)260 Nebr 5000 5000 1800 9000 6000 6000 130 8bull580 J6n )100 3000 1650 4950 3900 3800 1360 5168 11 15500 15500 1610 24955 11100 9500 1)50 128~5 Okla 21000 24000 - 700 18720 8000 7000 1250 8750 Taz 4100 4100 1150 4715 2000 2000 1000 2000 cal 1000 1000 1100 1100

y lK82( 62~2 l~W ~2s~5~[ = =1sect9~02( )Q6~2Q( = 1~ = = )~5~OP 1 In principal cGaaercial prodncing Statebullbull ~ Ot ear cornl 70 pound to tb bashl


-aftcr r r~ RfhMr r~



- - - - 12~ 1 124] i i9i6 state Acre Acres Yield Pro- Acree Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

PlAnted Ilar- Per Acre duetiOD PllDted IDlr- Per Acre duetionP1anted lInr- Per Acre duetion veoted vested vested

- - - -- ThOU-ACrlis-- juiihlii ThorusIiti yenhOuliierlis- iiuiihlii -ThotWiiu Tbou-Acrlis- BuShl Tho~s~-Maine 1 1 220 22 1 1 190 19 1 1 10 21 liT J49 336 259 8716 352 346 264 9147 222 215 263 5648 11J 75 60 233 1398 93 63 210 1323 96 62 250 1550 h 931 914 214 19560 959 932 21S 20038 911 885 25 19912 Ohio 1937 1918 227 43539 2150 2129 270 57483 1849 1831 265 48522 Ind 1292 1266 202 25568 1587 1555 225 34980 1383 1366 215 29369 Ill 1334 1247 195 24320 1400 1339 185 248l7 1289 1207 160 19361 Mich 949 944 246 23222 992 982 275 27005 877 864 265 22896 Vie 69 67 195 1308 61 60 263 1576 95 93 252 2340 Minn 1325 1214 165 20090 1109 1100 193 21246 1412 1391 195 27080 Io~ 149 120 159 1912 168 140 190 2660 192 185 234 4335 Mo 1472 1207 16) 19674 1428 1304 140 18256 1314 1213 150 18195 a~ 10107 9856 159 156321 10005 9855 157 154568 10444 10192 137 139824 Slhk 3254 3070 121 37278 3355 3201 155 49656 3755 3S88 148 53197 Nebr 3585 2675 126 33762 3777 3596 229 82358 4037 3954 229 90677 Kans 13210 11377 165 187700 14148 13416 155 207939 14006 13147 162 212977 Del 68 64 197 1261 73 67 195 1306 68 62 190 1178 Md 395 370 232 8584 391 359 190 6821 376 348 195 6786 Va 539 516 192 9907 534 485 155 7518 459 432 185 7992 V~ 102 87 186 1618 100 87 185 1610 90 77 185 1424 NC 567 516 165 851bull 4118 408 11bullbull5 5916 394 371 170 6307 S C 26z 253 145 3668 202 195 145 2828 160 156 165 2574 Ga 228 213 140 2982 198 183 135 2470 141 130 130 1690 lT 496 426 178 7583 516 371 135 5008 392 297 140 4158 Tenn 423 396 145 5742 381 J45 125 4312 276 259 140 3626 Ala 25 22 163 359 24 20 ISS 310 15 12 145 114 M18S ~5 18 226 407 25 18 200 360 16 9 220 198 Ark 65 46 149 685 65 39 105 410 44 ~8 140 392 Okla 5557 5095 167 85086 6335 5910 125 73875 6715 6087 145 88262 Tex 4S51 4458 185 821lt73 5842 5350 90 48150 6835 5992 105 62916 Mont 4507 4019 188 75497 4147 3777 151 57145 4426 4133 152 62888 Idlho 1137 1088 293 31851 1156 1102 297 32734 1324 1273 275 350240 282 215 131 2811 286 244 182 4431 JOI 281 243 6832 Colo 1658 1256 142 17794 1850 1560 223 34768 2244 2004 189 37776 NMex 463 2at 117 3337 452 297 94 2778 542 350 8J 2895 riz 26 24 22S S40 27 24 ZlO 504 29 27 210 56 Uhh 298 294 241 7100 286 281 243 6842 3J5 320 224 7171 l1ev 16 16 273 437 18 18 243 437 19 18 273 49L Vash 2485 2338 268 62673 2667 2524 244 61512 2769 2642 295 77965 Oreg 980 914 265 24200 970 921 237 21810 1050 984 256 25168 -i___ 2~ __ ~7 __ 94___ 10~2___614___523___12~ __ 106ltt7_ __675___619__ 190___ l7~1_

~~- - _6~bull9~ _52742 __ 177__10~ll_ ~122_ ~1~__ _1Z~ ~1127633_7578_ ~7125__ 172__1lZ218_


- - - - 19~ ~ = ~ 19~ State creo Acres Yield Pro- Acrea Acres Yiold Pro- Acres Acrea Yield Prltoshy

PhntedIar- Par ere duction Pbnted Rar- Per Acre ductionPlanted Har- Per Acre duction - - - -- - - _elt~_- ____ J ____ J ___ T~StfJ _________ ___ VJlBtfJI__________ _

ThW Acres ~ ~ls Thouas Acres Pounds ThGsliga ThousAcre Pounds ThousBags Ark ~7 287 2J63 6781 284 281 2115 5943 327 320 2002 6408 La S68 561 1710 9593 SB4 583 1m 10363 592 589 1732 10204 Tex 392 392 2002 7850 400 400 2025 8100 412 412 1935 7972 CaUf 246 240 2812 6750 244 235 2665 6262 264 261 3032 7913

~middotEmiddot I01 )-~===~Q91=10~1( =1~5Z ~=~~ 10~~ 1~s2S 18~ ~Q5E = 12427 RIC (Cont I d)

- - -- ~i i i9a 1 ~ Mia 5 5 2700 135 Ark 370 )65 2096 7652 395 391 2358 9220 415 412 2150 8858 La 616 613 1620 9931 641 631 1m 11216 599 593 1825 10822 ~ex 474 474 2025 9599 526 526 2092 11007 552 542 1975 10704 pounda1l__ ~52 ___226___ 2bullJ2 ___8015___~__ ~5sect ___26sect9__ _6t812_ __312__ 102 __ 225pound __ 10t28_

- _1middot112 __17~___ ~~~ __ 2527__18~_1~ ___21~2__ 2B275__1~3_15z __ ~1~ __ ~727_




---- ~7 i i i ti~ State Acrco Aore Yield Pro- lorn Acre Yleld Pro- Acres Acreo Y1eld Proshy

Plonted m- Per Acre ducdon Planted liar-a Per lore cuct1on Plantod llar- per Acre duction ________~ot ______ l ____ l ___ lY81e_l _____l ____ l ___ lylt0_eSl ____ l ____ _d t l1ho1l Acree ~ Tbou8lffi Thoubullbull Acree lIunhal Thouau Thoubullbull Acree 1Igshel lhoutIBu

NY 3aS 375 240 8988 449 J41 ~o 11886 405 396 269 10721 NJ 107 15 250 1675 115 62 215 1763 107 a3 240 1992 pa 947 929 240 22296 965 966 190 16354 926 906 230 20884 Ohl0 2212 2119 ~25 49026 2371 2353 245 57646 2377 2353 250 56625 Iud 160) 1571 230 36133 1811 1775 215 36162 1739 1722 220 31884 Ill 1431 1341 210 26311 1745 1710 225 36497 1952 1913 230 43995 Mich 1210 1192 250 29600 1416 ~395 260 36~0 1303 1297 265 34310 Via 116 114 257 2926 127 123 236 2906 117 114 226 2604 Hinn 1200 1169 171 2063 1066 1051 115 1652 1304 1265 151 19360 Iowa 220 201 119 3607 40 311 233 1397 41 364 168 1212 Mo 1472 1321 165 244)6 1722 1596 210 33558 1625 1676 175 29365 NllIlt 10401 10263 143 146)83 9933 97l 144 140234 11055 10552 106 112357 SDllt 3656 3103 145 53626 4022 3643 131 50342 459 4079 80 32653 Nebr 4606 4434 209 92751 4614 4275 204 87111 5016 4165 140 58213 X~ne 15404 14655 193 266102 14634 13221 175 231368 16244 14219 110 157069 Del 70 65 200 1300 71 66 145 957 66 63 115 11021 366 341 210 1161 361 334 160 53J4 343 311 190 6023 v~ 496 456 115 6015 461 449 185 8306 438 400 165 7400 Y v~ 96 62 195 1599 96 62 165 1511 62 68 190 1292 NC 492 461 175 8112 406 314 160 5984 465 4tl0 136 5520 SC 238 2J1 165 3812 211 210 140 2940 114 166 120 1992 Go 196 185 140 2590 116 165 135 2228 140 130 125 1625 XJ- 404 J24 160 5184 420 324 160 5184 403 288 170 439f Tenn 332 16 150 4740 )55 336 145 4901 )01 ~4 146 40( 11 14 12 165 198 15 13 155 202 13 11 154 1y Ml 20 16 195 312 16 12 190 226 15 8 165 132 uk 38 24 150 )60 40 26 170 416 )4 24 145 )46 Okla 1051 6696 155 103188 1263 6696 145 91092 1481 6629 128 84851 Tex 7587 1)10 160 116960 6752 5629 105 59104 7090 6417 140 698)6 Mon~ 5183 4427 146 65)46 5201 4815 192 93716 5975 5316 115 61189 Idaho 1)88 1344 266 )674) 1523 111) 252 )5646 1591 1537 242 )1136 VTo )47 326 202 6592 384 )42 194 6650 )92 369 167 6885 Colo 290) 2738 215 56866 3186 2861 01 51)73 )552 26)8 16) 46164 NMex 740 649 15 9420 682 403 92 )712 616 526 106 5616 Arh 30 26 210 586 19 28 2)0 644 )0 26 262 734 Utlh 315 J68 246 9058 431 415 05 6510 441 426 210 9009 Ney 21 20 lt91 582 21 20 295 590 20 19 26 bull J 541 Vh 2922 2119 2)6 64750 2959 2166 c87 79268 )1)9 2758 218 60146 Ore~ 1063 976 226 22237 1100 1052 265 29954 1214 1058 215 22698 pound111___ vsect __ sect62 __1sect2 ___11 bull Q)~ ___76___6Q~ _ 175___lQiJ2 ___7f___6pound6__ 185____11261 Q~_ _ _1sect21t _7~212 __1sect3 _ l25sect211_16L~L 17ltL46_ _ 119_ 1 9t2l _ sect3J9Q5_15J90_ _ 1~5_ _ oQ9il~

FUX 11llR ACRYAGS TIuD KD P~WCTIOf 1944 tt 19~

- - - - ~I~ 19~ )2Ii State cree Acree l Yield ~_ Acr~ Acre 11eld Pro- Acre8 Acres Yleld Proshy

Plnted aar- P8r Acre juctlon Pl~ted H~r_ Per Acre ductiouPlQnted BAr- Per Acre ductlo~ ________1eltl __________ l ___ l~~aleg l ____ l ________ toYJseS l _____ to ___ bullbull _d 1hOWlAcres 2M 1houeons housAone 12a ThouTont rhoWlAgre 2111 ~~

OrIC 11 85 165 14 95 6 150 12 8) 16 190 111bullbull4

_______1241 ________ ______ ~_________________12~ _______ __ _ Ore 57 49 190 92 24 Z 170 )4 )4 23 180 41

~UNG llLfJlS ACIGAGB niLD un 1lODUCTIOB 1944 to 1949

- - -- 19~ 19sect i J~ Stat Aere Acres Y1eld Pro- Acre lcrao Yield 130- Acree Acre Yiold Prashy

lPIlU1ted Hr- Per Acreductlon lP1ampnted ar_ Per Acre ductionP1uted BAr- Per I1cre ducUen _____ ___rotsltL_____________JCltJd__________ l ____ _____ _____ _ljI~

lhQ)aca ~ Thoualobe TboubullbullAcr ~ ThoubullbullLb rhonaAcre ~ houbullbull Lb

Okla 75 55 200 11 169 110 2~ zr2 no 10 210 147

- - - -=== = = = I~( = = = = = I~ = = = = = = =)~== = = = = Okla 62 40 250 10 64 50 320 16 31 22 400 B8

- fI shy

1ite8zMf~ iiitByen tiTtJj

1 UPDATA 1931



-- - -- -- --- -1~ - --- ---- --- - --- - ---1~-- - - -- - -- --- ---rrb -- -- - --shy-------~--------------------~ ---------------~---------mte ampern I oWl I Yield 1 Pro- I Acr Acree leld Pro- Aero I Acne Yield 1 Proshy

planted I Bar- Per ductioA Planted Bar- Per 1 dDCUOA Planti4 1 liar- 1 Per duCtiOA ____ ______Y8e ~e__ _____ _____1_Y8e cr_______1______Y8e ce__ ___ _

fbDubullbull Acree lbhela hauslb fllo Acr lbabel houbullbull Bl h0l1t1 Acr lbbele h0l18ln

BY 346 33J 260 8658 349 3433 ~ 9090 211 206 ~ 5459 IJ 15 60 233 1398 93 6J 210 1323 96 62 250 1550 h 911 914 214 195bO 959 932 215 2O08 911 1l65 225 19912 Ohio 1931 1918 221 43539 2150 2129 210 51433 1849 1831 265 48522 IIId 1288 1262 202 25492 1584 1552 225 34920 1383 1366 215 29369 Ill 1321 1240 195 2~lSO 1393 1312 185 24642 1282 1200 160 19200 Klch 949 944 24amp 23222 99l 982 215 21005 871 8amp4 265 22896 Vh 36 35 111~ b58 33 32 265 8~ 32 31 215 b66 H1Jl1l lbO 109 140 1526 112 109 225 2452 101 II 190 1amp12 Iowa 145 116 160 1856 Iamp 131 190 2b03 186 119 235 4206 Mo 1472 1201 163 19614 142I 1304 140 18256 1314 1213 150 181~5 SDak 295 216 105 22M 289 248 1amp0 3968 3~ )08 180 5544 ehr 3510 2bOl 121 33105 3121 3546 230 81558 3941 3901 230 89123laD 13204 11314 165 187611 14145 1341~ 155 201911 14004 131~ 162 212965 Del 68 64 191 1261 13 amp1 195 1306 68 62 190 1118 Md 395 310 232 IISSII 391 359 190 amp821 316 348 195 6186 539 516 192 9901 534 485 155 1518 459 432 185 1992 v 102 87 1116 1618 100 87 185 1amp10 90 17 185 1424bullc 561 516 165 8514 448 408 145 5916 394 311 110 6301 SC 262 253 145 3bbS 202 195 145 2~2S 160 156 165 2514 0 228 213 140 2982 198 11J 135 2410 141 130 130 1690 IT 496 426 118 1583 516 311 135 5008 392 291 140 41SS eAIl 423 396 145 5142 381 345 125 ~312 2f6 259 140 3626 11amp 25 22 163 359 24 20 155 310 15 12 145 114 Kl 25 18 226 401 25 111 200 360 16 9 220 198 Uk 65 46 149 bS5 amp5 39 105 410 44 211 140 392 Ckls 5551 5095 161 850116 b335 5910 125 13875 amp115 amp087 145 118262 ez 4951 4458 185 82413 5842 5350 90 48150 61J5 5992 105 amp2916 HOIlt 1501 1221 215 26252 1501 1311 215 29416 1839 1721 190 3281~ Idaho 115 610 214 18amp32 151 114 290 20106 841 801 255 2O51 W70 185 131 119 1559 192 1amp2 190 3018 213 199 2amp5 5214 Colo 1487 111b 141 15136 1110 1421 225 32108 2103 1884 190 3519amp It 439 263 112 29146 426 276 90 2~ 520 331 80 2648 Arh 26 24 225 540 27 24 210 504 29 21 210 561 Utah 2311 235 216 501amp 225 221 220 1amp8amp2 2amp1 250 200 5000 Icy 5 5 258 l29 5 5 250 125 5 5 280 140 Vb 1461 1359 2119 39275 1695 1576 270 1amp2552 2322 2206 305 bl28)Orec 184 129 261 194amp4 1amp4 725 240 11400 825 116 260 20116 Ca11f 596 ~1 194 10amp12 614 563 190 1Ob91 615 ~19 190 11161- ~2 ~1~)5 )middotI 15~I ~~ampI ~1~0~4 1~(= 1~2s1 S~~l= ~~)l( Is~Oi6ii9i

- - - - - - - - - - - - - ~- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -1~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19K - - - - - - - shy- - - - --crbullbull- TIli -1- - - -- -_-- --cN- rfl14 --- - -- - -- iirH iTtli -I-~-

Stte Acn 1 JIar- I Per 0- _nil JIar- Pel 0- I _ liar- I Pel P~ed bull Acre dDctloa Plant ed Acn amplctlO1l Planted 1 yoded llcr dwU01l

- - - - - - Ytmbullbull-ACrbullbull- -JibeIs- ibOubullbullili- - - ibOui-ACzQ- -lbebeI- ihObullbull-Ji- - ihOu-ACr~- -Jir- ibOQbullbullaa IUu 1J6 1amp1 168 689 2J 23 115 IIOZ 35 35 195 6R bullbull IlK 1848 1816 11yen 26871 1829 11J15 165 299118 22611 2232 11l5 323~ SDak 205 200 105 2100 114 166 150 21190 190 1116 150 2190ui- - - -2~ - -2051- -1~i - - -29666 - - 20i6 - -2-riiI- - 1671J- - -32bullbull - - 2JiiJ3 - -2453- - 14-6- - 357836




- - - -I Ili7 = l~ 1 )~~ -_-_-_-_ State Acre Acree I Tield Pro- Acr~ Acree Yield Pro- 1 Acrfte Acree Tie1d Proshy

1 Planied Har- 1 Per duct ion I P1~ted liar- bull Per 1 ducUon I Panted liar- Per duct10n I Yestd I Acre I 1 Yested Acre I I Yeated Acre

- - - - - -fboii- Acree - -Diiieltl - TbOU8ib- - - ThOitbullbull-ACrell- -Diebllie- hOU8amp- - - ~U8-ACre- -Diaiiel- oftlOUIIllii BT 381 371 2110 89011 1142 11311 270 11718 398 391 270 10557 1lbull1 107 75 250 1(5 115 112 215 1763 107 113 2110 1992 h 947 929 240 22296 985 966 190 18351 926 908 230 208811 Ohio 2212 2179 22 490211 2377 2353 245 5764e 2377 2353 250 58625 Ind 1603 1571 230 36133 1811 1715 215 38162 1139 1122 220 37884 Ill 1423 1339 210 26119 1736 1701 225 311272 1944 1905 230 43615 ~lch 1210 1192 250 29SOO 11116 1395 260 36270 1303 1297 265 311310 Wia 41 38 Z)O 674 J4 )1 225 6911 30 28 2)9 669 Minn 111 101 195 1910 101 76 190 1444 SO 16 170 1292 love 209 190 180 3420 )19 295 235 6956 38Z )55 190 6745 10 1412 1321 185 2411)8 1122 1598 210 33558 1825 1678 115 29365 Snk 415 J~4 18 6549 )07 2)0 135 )105 )01 246 1)0 )198 lIbr 4538 4)b9 210 91149 1~583 4bull194 205 85977 4904 4068 140 56952 Y-an8 15404 14855 193 266702 146J4 1)221 17 231)66 16244 14Z79 110 157069 Del 10middot65 ~O 1)00 71 66 145 951 66 63 175 1102 lold ~68 )41 Zl0 7161 )61 3)4 160 5344 343 317 190 602) Va i96 458 175 SOl~ 481 449 185 8306 438 400 185 11100 1( Va 96 82 195 1599 96 82 18 1511 82 68 190 1292-C 492 461 115 112 408 )111 160 5984 465 IlOO 138 5520 sc 2)8 2)1 165 3812 217 210 140 2940 174 166 120 1992 Ga 198 185 140 2590 17~ 165 135 2228 140 130 125 1amp25 rr 404 )24 160 5184 ~ 324 160 51S4 4DJ 2SS 170 4896 snn 3J2 316 150 4740 355 338 145 4901 301 214 146 4000 la 14 12 165 191J 15 13 155 202 I) 11 154 169 lllee 20 16 19 )lZ 16 12 190 228 15 8 165 132 Ark )8 24 150 )60 40 28 170 476 J4 24 145 348 Okla 7051 6696 155 1031 7263 6696 145 97092 7481 6629 128 84851 ~X 7537 7310 160 116960 6752 5629 105 59104 7OCjQ 6417 11~0 8988 Mont 1949 1341 165 22C26 1676 1549 240 37176 11101425 170 24225 Idaho 900 36) 265 22810 9)5 84) 220 13546 lO8 995 216 21691 lfyo 251 235 20bull5 41518 276 241 COO 4940 288 275 195 5362 Colo 2776 2619 215 56308 076 2759 200 55130 335) 2649 160 42)34 JIKamp 7115 629 145 9120 661 384 90 )~6 595 507 105 5)24 Arb JO 26 210 j151 29 28 230 644 30 2S 262 734 Utah )00 294 220 64615 348 )35 180 6030 352 4 180 6138raquoeY 6 6 270 162 6 6 260 156 5 J 270 IJ5 Waah 2252 2074 250 51850 2417 2302 300 69060 2551 22tO 230 50830 Oreg 1133 160 2)0 17480 815 8)6 295 24662 910 169 220 16918 ~1____ 5~ ___6~__ 65___1~ ___ P __ _fI2__ 75___~J2 ___ l~ ___~6__ 85___128 us 58248 549)5 193 108976 583)2 5296 187 990141 61171 54414 153 85IJ127


us 2915 44328 3218 )220 140 3510

- 10shy

Ore j-tthr-r iItnetirtMriamp BMmiddot 4r

i (C ~ UPOATA 1981


- - - -I f9~ I f9[5I)~[ -_-_-_shyetate I Acre I Acree I Yield I 10- I Acree Acres I Yield I Pro- Acree I Acres I Yield I Pro-

___ )~l~e~e~~_ _p~r_~r~~ ~uto~ ~t~d~y~ ~ ~e ~ce__d~ci~n~t~d~y~ ~ 8 ~C_ _d~Cl~4_ Thoue Acre ]Uehe1 ftouabu houbullbull Acre Bmahe1 Thouebu Thons Acree Buehll1e Thoueau

Kaine 1 1~ 22 1 1-wo 19 1~ 21 BY 3 ) 193 58 3 3 190 57 9 9 210 1S9 Ind 4 4 191 76 3 3 200 60 Ill 7 7 200 140 7 7 250 175 7 7 230 161 Wh 33 32 203 60 28 28 260 728 63 b2 270 1674 Minn 1119 1064 168 17875 974 968 190 18392 1276 1268 195 24726 Iowa 4 ~ 140 56 3 3 190 57 6 6 215 129 BDak 8259 8040 161 129444 8176 80lI0 155 124620 8176 7960 13 107460 SD3t ~754 2654 124 32910 ~892 2787 155 43198 3181 3094 14 44863 Hebr 75 68 96 653 56 50 160 800 56 53 180 954 Eana 6 3 98 29 3 2 110 22 2 1 120 12 Mont 3000 2798 176 49245 2640 2106 115 27669 287 106 12middot5 30C75 Idaho 422 408 324 13219 405 388 310 12028 43 66 310 14446 W70 bull 97 84 149 1252 94 82 165 1353 8S 82 190 1558 Colo 171 140 14 2058 140 133 200 2660 141 120 165 1980 BXex 24 23 170 391 26 21 140 294 22 19 130 247 Utah 60 59 343 2024 61 60 330 1980 74 70 310 2110 I 11 11 80 308 13 13 240 312 14 13 270 351 h 1024 979 239 23398 972 948 200 18960 447 436 24 0 10682 Oreg 196 185 256 4736 206 196 225 4410 225 20S 240 4992

0l1lR SPRING iDA (Cont1d)

---~7I=)~If9~State I Acree I Acre I Yield I Pro- I ADrea I Acre8 I Yield I Pro- I Acre Acres Yield I Pro-

IPlanted l 1Iar- I Per Acre ducUon IPlanted liar- I Per Acre I ducUonlPlanted l Har- Pmiddoter Acre I ductton I Iftsted I I I IYellted I I I IYlIsted I I

- - - - -hoU7 Acre - -lhiillf- -TiioU-~ - yenhoujj-ACre- - ithG1 - houjj1iU7 bous-ACre - - ithG1 - ~hOu8 -bii IIY 4 4 210 84 7 7 240 168 7 7 23middot5 164 Ill S 8 240 192 9 9 25middot0 225 8 8 225 180 Vh 77 76 270 2052 93 92 240 2208 87 86 225 1935 Minn 1034 1014 17middot5 17745 924 913 17middot5 15978 1127 1114 150 16710 Iowa 11 11 170 187 21 21 210 441 29 G9 161 467 BDaIt 7685 7562 140 105868 6993 b881 145 9974 7762 7431 105 78026 SDaIt 3245 3156 140 44184 3440 3345 13middot0 431(85 3681 3479 7middot5 26092 Bebr 70 65 15middot5 1008 91 81 140 1134 114 97 130 1261 MODt~ 3234 3080 140 43 120 3525 3326 170 56542 426 3891 9middot5 36964 Idaho 488 481 33middot0 15873 5S8 570 300 17100 559 542 28middot5 15447 Wra 96 91 195 1174 lug 95 180 1710 104 94 162 1523 Colo 127 119 21middot5 2558 110 102 215 2193 199 189 200 3780 HHex 22 20 15middot0 300 21 19 13middot5 256 23 21 140 294 Utah 75 74 350 2590 83 00 31bull0 2480 89 87 330 2 1ff1 15 14 300 420 15 14 31bull0 434 15 14 290 406 Vah 670 645 200 12900 482 464 220 10208 588 548 170 9316 Oreamp 230 216 220 4752 225 216 245 5292 304 289 200 5780

-------------------~---------------------------------------[J8 17091 16636 154 255607 16735 16235 160 259628 18961 17926 112 201216 ------------------------------------------------------~----




QTS ACllEIGI ~ Alm PBOIlUCfIClI 1944 to 1946

- --- ~ t9Kti~ lorn Aclee amp Y1eld Pro- 1 AcleB Acre Yield Pro- Acre IAcres Y1eld Pro-

State Plantflcl Bar- I Per I duoUoa IPlantflcl liar- 1 Per Iductlou IPlantedl Bsr- Per I ducUoa ____1____etd_I_ ~e__ ____ Ii ____1_tIII_ cJ__t____ ___ t1e _Apoundr _ __ ~_ fhDU Acltel lluUel houalu neue Agee Buabeb TboualIu Tboua ampent ~ hCllle~

Mamp1nal 92 85 370 3145 79 71 360 2556 80 71 400 2840 JJB 14 8 340 272 14 s 330 264 11 7 370 259 n 74 48 320 1536 72 44 310 1364 66 4) 340 1462 (ast 15 6 280 168 16 7 270 189 14 6 350 210 liI 4 1 311) )1 5 1 )10 )1 4 1 320 32 Colll 18 6 )00 181) 18 5 )00 150 15 6 330 198 bullr 795 745 )10 2)095 731 663 290 19227 B41 SOZ 400 32080 raquoJ 54 47 )21 1509 S2 42 260 1092 54 45 320 11j4O Pat Bs4 8114 290 240 476 854 802 305 2446l 854 826 355 2932)Oblo 1073 1047 331 34656 1191 1162 425 49385 1)70 1348 450 60660Ind 1260 1172 256 30003 1436 1371 420 57582 1471 1412 309 55068 Ill 3251 3169 31 100457 )1146 3372 45~0 151740 JB37 3799 420 159558 Mlcb 1)44 1309 329 43066 1505 1466 400 58640 1550 1525 4S5middot 69)88 Vie 2839 2766 ~22 116725 3066 2987 510 152337 2943 2668 4J5 124758 Minn 4672 4456 327 145711 5M6 5392 450 242640 5439 533B 370 197506 Iowa 4917 4711 287 135206 5458 5323 )85 204936 5785 5642 375 2l1S75 Ko 2096 1698 179 30394 1799 1511 190 28709 2015 1843 310 57133 KDak 2784 2653 330 87549 2784 265) 325 86222 2506 2361 265 62566 SDak 3023 2914 298 86837 )597 3497 410 143377 3561 )462 290 100)98 Nebr 2291 2085 168 35028 254) 2439 )15 76828 2696 2561 280 11708 ~an 1825 ]561 162 25288 1278 968 175 16940 1495 1423 285 40556 Del 7 6 276 166 7 5 310 155 5 310 ISS )(d 46 42 310 1302 41 33 310 1023 38 34 330 1122 Va 174 14) 256 )689 172 lljO 280 3920 160 1)4 300 40020 W Va 94 67 221bull 1501 98 72 280 2016 94 68 )00 2040 BC 1t)7 335 277 9280 489 375 275 10312 49) 390 330 12870 SC S40 707 256 18099 798 700 260 18200 734 658 285 18753 Ga 954 656 253 16597 983 682 255 17391 806 5)9 265 14284 Pia 150 40 176 704 145 45 200 900 160 40 180 720 Ky 129 87 200 1740 108 76 240 1824 1)2 99 250 2475 Tenn )16 208 250 5200 Jlj8 245 260 6)70 310 245 265 6492 Ala 294 228 254 5791 318 242 260 6292 28) 198 24ft 40752Ki 521 444 336 14918 542 462 290 13)98 439 32) 300 9690 Ark 525 320 276 88)2 512 304 270 8208 379 255 )00 7650 La 200 152 290 4408 198 131 280 3668 1)6 100 220 2200 Olda 1584 1533 202 30967 1220 1027 190 1951) 1269 1089 210 22B69Tex 1732 1597 239 )8168 1992 1767 225 39758 1892 1608 220 )5376Mont 558 425 )43 14790 491 323 290 9)67 506 )52 310 10912 Idaho 237 194 426 8264 201 171 420 7182 185 1~ 430 7052111 182 150 )14 4710 19) 164 300 4920 174 15) )05 4666 Colo 254 224 278 6221 244 220 3)0 7260 227 187 300 5610 KlIex 60 5) 229 1214 54 43 220 946 57 45 200 900 Arh 26 11 350 385 25 12 490 S88 29 12 350 420 Utah 63 5) 457 2 bull 422 58 0 ljOO 2000 54 4) 4)0 1849n 12 9 430 )87 12 9 390 )51 12 8 440 352 Valh )08 160 1147 7152 288 150 4)0 6450 213 128 480 61411-Oreg 11 609 )98 305 121ljO 560 342 2)5 8054 549 )56 275 9782 ~B1___ i __ ~ _ 89____ Si ___ 21~ __ 6Z _110_ ___515__ 110___120__)~2 ____57O_

us 114141 )9741 289 11492ljO 46025 417)9 365 1523851 46515 42812 345 1477573 irT~-aralaquoe-ot oat-gion-with p~Ud-ytcit-licluded rn-plaitd-aid-hin bullbullt~-JAici - - - - -- - - - --

HOPS ACREAGK rIEl]) AlID PJiClWCTlaIl 1944 to 1946

- - --I I9~ 19~C 9~ State Acre Yield s ampere Ylel4 amper I Yltd r

1 ~eled I Per 1 p~oduct101l1 ilarYetflcl I Per s lrodUOUOIl HarYtll4 I Per I Prodwt1oa __________1__1111 __1______1________Jampr ________1______1__Aampll ________ _

poundtI ~ fhaumiddotporu Att URa flynlold Aampt ~ hllPUI4a Idaho 190 1610 3 2ljO 1850 AA4 240 1585 38t lIaah 9900 1720 17028 11700 1680 21996 11600 1700 19720 Oreg 18700 920 17204 19900 1lt045 20796 20000 950 19000 Ca11t 8ljOO 1620 13608 9100 1580 14378 9100 1610 14651

us 1295 57614 1)13 5)751

- 12 ~


- - - - 19t7 l )~ l i~ Stat Acre Acre I Yleld I Pro- I Acre I Acr Yleld Pro- I Acrll1l Acree Yield Proshy

P1aDted Bar- Per I ducUoa Planted I liar- I Pv ducUoll Plantod au-- Par ducUoa ________1~td_I_ Act__ ~ ___ _ l _____Tt1~_ jcz__1___ _ l ___ lV1~ 1 _~rt _ 1 ____ _ hoWl Acre llI rhouslIg ThOUl ASpound lIuahal ~oulIu ThoUi Acre Bualull lulYBu

Main 8i 73 340 21f82 77 64 420 2688 101 90 400 3600 bullbullB 12 7 310 211 11 6 400 240 U 5 360 180 Vt 54 28 270 756 60 J6 370 1332 66 33 300 990 Ifaabullbull 12 5 360 180 12 6 330 198 13 6 290 174 BI 4 1 330 33 3 1 330 J3 2 1 250 25 Cou 12 4 320 128 10 4 J30 132 12 5 320 160 bullbullY 5JO 47J 275 13008 126 672 400 26880 791 719 290 20851 J 49 36 250 900 42 37 350 1295 46 J9 331 1291 Pa 734 661 390 19169 749 720 380 27J60 794 756 305 23058 ChJo 863 714 260 18564 1191 1171 450 52695 1322 1288 350 45080 1114 1294 1112 )00 35i60 1317 1289 410 52849 1456 1405 366 51423 111 J377 3311 J40 112574 390S 385] 450 17JJ85 J881 3834 415 1591U Klcb 1085 1052 350 36820 1465 1420 37S 5)250 1538 1505 345 51922 IIh 2884 28ll 430 120873 2942 2867 440 126148 3030 2924 41~ 119884 Mu 4630 4537 360 163332 4908 4855 425 206J38 5027 4952 J5$ 175796 Iowa 5438 5247 310 162657 6199 6086 450 273870 6417 6269 386 241983 fo 1552 1309 230 30107 1971 162) 265 43010 1794 1526 229 34945 bullbullllampk 2331 2219 290 64J51 2238 2152 280 60256 1880 1722 201 34612 SDak 3134 J081 Jl0 95511 J165 3112 JJ5 104252 J102 2956 221 65328 bullbullbr 2426 2279 275 62672 2750 2621 280 733AB 2511 2280 202 46056 ~e 1510 1395 290 40455 1616 1144 220 25168 1034 881 194 17091 Del 7 5 320 160 6 5 J50 175 7 6 300 180 Md 40 35 )20 1120 42 36 J35 1206 47 42 J25 1365 Va 150 121 270 3267 160 IJl 330 4323 165 134 296 3966 IIVa 88 64 305 1952 77 58 JO5 1769 79 56 272 1523 IC 508 386 290 lll94 J56 270 290 7830 527 J94 287 U308 SC 866 704 255 17952 606 500 22S ll250 7i~7 605 245 14822 Ga 887 550 250 13750 674 429 260 ll154 7112 468 255 U93~ Jla 160 30 ZOO 600 IJ5 21 190 399 124 16 160 256 LT 141 90 230 2070 118 8J 260 2158 171 109 229 2496 Tenn JOl 230 265 6095 277 205 295 6048 )49 254 250 6350 Ala 28J 184 230 4232 275 169 265 4478 234 130 226 2938 Klas 4J9 365 250 9125 329 274 310 8494 237 156 250 3900 Arlt 424 280 300 8400 40J 252 Jl0 7812 339 209 240 5016 La 145 100 260 2600 113 80 JOo 2400 113 70 250 1750 0Icla 1396 1231 235 28928 1033 714 165 11781 7J3 578 176 10173 Tex 1684 14)1 210 )0051 1465 787 165 12986 1)92 1204 260 31304 font 491 J)8 )10 10478 452 )24 370 11988 457 266 )00 7~80 Idaho 187 172middot 415 7138 168 153 415 6350 212 188 J95 7426 liTO 169 150 JJo 4950 172 14J JOO 1~290 177 137 299 4096 Colo 234 200 325 6500 229 194 JOo 5820 261 235 327 7684 IMex 48 38 210 798 46 38 210 798 )6 32 220 704 Arh J2 12 400 480 28 U 340 374 28 11 400 440 Utah 54 49 1180 2352 5J 47 420 1974 55 50 450 2250 In 13 8 410 328 12 8 410 J28 12 8 J75 300 lIuh 198 131 510 6681 2)0 153 425 6502 22J 150 440 6600 Oregl 554 J56 285 101)2 421 271 265 7182 488 366 280 10248 CalU 542 180 270 4860 558 185 JOo 5550 508 166 260 4316

U8 42058 37855 311 1176142 438)8 39280 )69 1450186 4))18 )92)6 )20 1254895 iT1~C~r~-of at-Vow-rti pa-Ud-ytcl-licluded 11l-plut~-eid-~et-d-~rg- - - - - - - - - - --


- -- -= 1~41 1~ 12~ y Stato Acre Yleld I Acree neld I Acr I Yleld

BarTetod Par I ProdUCUOIl BarTet~ Per I PrOductioD BarTeted I Par ProdtlCtlOD ____________~~ ________________Apoundr ______________1__~rt ________ _ I Pound rhoDaPound AaI ~ bgPoup4I ~ ~ lboyPoupd

Idaho 240 1645 J9S 620 1040 645 850 16)5 1390 lIaeh 11700 1740 20358 129llO 1760 22704 13000 1490 19370 Orae 18900 870 16443 17700 890 15753 14500 1015 147181__ _9rx0_ __ 21~ ___ _ll~~ ___92~___ 3~ ____116 __ 2~ ___ ~~ ____ 5J8__

US 39840 1275 50186 40420 1248 50464 37550 135J 50796 lpduCtloi IncldJ-hOPI baiTr 4 lalabi ~der Krktlnlaquo ~_8zit-hop hanrd bur iot alabi ~dei --HarkaUn ~e_ent and hope produced lint ut harTated Salabl amplloYlIDh under proTle1on of Harltetln Jcre_ent totalad 39 111ion pounda in 1949

- 13 -



- - - -- - - - - - - - -lqijlj - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ~l~~ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - r ~- - - - - - - - shy__ ______ 9 ________________ iloz ___ bullbull _____________ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _~

Stat r Ac r Acr I Tleld r Pro- a__ Acree nu I Pro-- Ie Acrts n1d Pr a ra bull Bar- I Par I I --a bull lIN-- Per I I re Bar- I Per 0shy

____ _P~t~I_~e~ i ~e___dCl~_~t~__f- lPte___l~n_~td__Ie cpoundt_ i ~uC hou lcree l1ehels houbullbulllnl hone Acree aJaba18 honelnl Thou Acre llilehe1 houalnl

HIlna --3--- 3 ~ laquor 5 3 --uo 114 4 ~ -zo 12S n 3 3 250 75 3 3 220 66 2 2 280 56 bullbullY 113 106 255 2703 110 102 250 2550 116 114 320 30118 bullbullJ 10 9 278 250 9 II 300 240 11 10 360 160 h 108 105 298 5129 104 103 3fO 3605 113 112 365 41118 Ohio ~3 21 256 538 26 23 300 690 111 17 295 02Ind 51 41 243 1142 52 44 240 1056 27 25 240 600 Ill 53 45 240 1080 34 31 250 175 26 24 260 624 Kich 144 140 256 3584 121 118 310 3658 139 138 365 5031h 190 181f 267 4913 91 90 400 3600 125 124 375 4650 Kian 809 688 202 389pound 461 4If7 290 12963 138 733 290 21~57 10 II 7 166 116 3 3 2110 114 13 13 315 110 110 102 82 212 1138 88 66 19(1 1254 77 63 200 160 bullbullDU27Ifl 2625 216 56700 2357 2~1I1f 230 5~532 2357 22114 200 45080 SDak 1973 1756 147 25813 l38t 1299 245 31826 1464 1377 220 30294 abr 1174 760 115 8740 681 610 220 13420 613 549 210 11529Ean 1031 722 178 12652 480 38) 185 7086 360 2B 175 5022 Del 12 11 265 292 11 10 280 280 11 11) 305 305 Md 70 69 308 2125 71 64 290 1856 63 6Q 345 2010 Ya 76 72 301f 2189 76 68 270 11136 13 71 320 2272 V1a 9 9 2611 241 9 9 270 243 1 7 300 210 ~1 60 45 268 1206 56 42 220 924 41 33 285 940 S-l 34 25 231 57S 25 21 21( 141 23 20 260 520 GA 11 10 213 213 10 9 200 110 1 6 215 129 rr 127 89 223 1985 11 55 225 12311 11 0 250 120 enn 130 102 197 200s 129 98 1110 1764 100 82 200 1~ Ala II 5 205 102 3 2 200 40 3 2 1110 36 Kl 9 C 260 156 8 6 240 144 3 2 240 411 uk 19 13 199 25~ 14- 9 110 153 8 5 195 911 Okla lt97 28 ~l 5728 249 185 16( 2960 142 ~9 140 1 526 fex 373 340 222 15411 351 235 145 3408 196 164 150 21100 Mont 655 611 213 166110 720 672 220 14184 828 780 225 1 5 ldah 340 330 372 12216 320 307 37 0 11359 294- 276 340 1)84shyliTO 146 131 )10 4061 143 124 300 3120 154 144 300 4320 Ccio 867 726 214 15536 876 ~1 285 22544 683 ~eH 2)5 13936 bullbullMax 64 45 1115 8J2 If5 34 1110 612 28 23 200 1f6O Arh 145 74 420 3108 153 78 380 29611 161 85 400 3400 Utah 139 135 462 62)7 IJIf 130 450 5850 11) 101 450 4 amp60n 24 22 357 185 21 20 320 640 22 20 340 F80 Vallh 202 176368 61+77 139 125 350 1t375 97 90 370 30 Orttlaquo 269 2)8 34s 8282 285 2~i1 295 7582 )02 278 340 ~I1f52 Call 730 1429 280 40012 1816 14amp6 280 41608 1834 1486 30 119038

~I-=~ ==1~~5~= ~2~~1= =~~= =~7~7~ ==l~I~= ~~2~4==~~ == ~~~~= ~1~~6I=~0~~0= =2~~ ==2~~O~ rIumWlI ACREAGE YlELll AND PllOOUallOll 1914 to li46

----~ 1 li~ = 9~ State I Aero I Acre Yield I Pre-l Acre I Acru I Tleld Pro- II Acru I Acre I neld I To- 11

bull Plan~ad I Bar- I lier ductlon I Plante~ I pounder- I Per ductioil I Fanhd 1 Bar- I Per I dUction I ted I Acre I I 1 yoted I Acre I ted AcTa ~

- - - - - -hoUe7 Acres - -BoUbei- houbullba7 - - houS-ACre- -Btlaber- yenboue iJU7 - - houil-cre- -lIiiiierTiini7bi 111 6 3 80 24 2 2 IIfO ~8 1 1 140 14 Mich 6 82 49 7 7 60 42 7 7 90 63 Vh 6 ~ 117 7C 8 7 110 17 6 6 130 111 II an 914 829 75 6211f 1091 1067 HO 11737 932 BB6 105 303 I a III 93 59 519 76 15 125 91I 31f 34 150 10 M 11 11 5~ 60 9 B 45 36 6 6 65 3~ JrDK 865 802 82 6576 l571f 1 525 110 12200 1166 162 65 195) SDak 321 3c6 B2 2509 436 441 105 4630 318 344 100 )44t Rebr 2 1 110 8 2 2 90 18Ian 140 90 37 3)3 133 122 55 611 120 116 70 812 Okla 6n 45 45 202 24 14 30 42 3 J BO 24 lex 36 34 80 272 65 63 BO 504 B4 76 73 555 1I0fa~ 221 193 76 1512 6O 320 41 1312 83 14 70 511 110 1 1 14 4 2 2 50 10 1 1 50 Lrh 19 19 25 4114 1 17 23C 391 14 14 240 36 Oras 1 1 71 7 (all 170 164 110 i788 121 __13__lI~ ___ 22 ___ Osect ___1~2__12~ ___ 9~g VB ---middot2i~ - -2~6i--8- - -21665 - - 3954 - 3785 91 34557 2641 21132 93 2~ ~1I8 1F t te- 40-n~t- 1~ciu4-i ()d ha-8i~ tro-t7 - ~~- to tibe- 1oe~o-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- l


------------------------------------------------------ -------

lIlJ1IJrr ~CRlGlI Th([~ 11-JD PROWClIOIf 1947 to 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - - - p~- - - - - - - -- - bull - - - - - -1M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -194- - - - - - - - -State -~o -1-ACn- rfi1d -1- h- -1- ~8 - -ACre-Triold -- - -1- ~e --ACre- ~ field -1- Pt- shy

1 Planted Bu- 1 Per I duction 1 Planted I mu-- I Per I 4nction Planted Har- Par I iucHonI bullbullbulltd IAero I yeatod Acre I yeahd 1 Acre I

- - - - - - Thoubullbull -ACre- middotmiddot8iiior- ihiiUbullbull~7 - Thoue-ACre- - - ibahel ifhoua iiU- - - fhiiUC-ACre - -llI1aiiel - ifhiiubullbulliiU7 NaiDe 4 4 280 112 4 4 320 128 6 6 290 174 Vt 1 1 190 19 2 2 290 58 1 1 200 20 bullbullT 103 93 240 2232 93 90 320 2880 85 79 250 1975 Bl 17 15 330 495 18 16 330 528 19 17 385 654 Pa 132 130 330 4290 132 126 3115 113117 156 154 395 6083 Ohio 17 15 260 390 19 18 300 540 21 18 310 558 IDd 22 21 260 546 19 18 270 1IS6 23 21 265 556 Ill 28 26 285 7111 32 31 3110 10511 l1li 41 300 1230 Mich 121 115 300 3lIse 1112 140 320 41180 129 125 270 3375 Vb 160 159 )65 5804 205 204 380 7752 195 194 332 6l1li1 Minn 1018 915 265 25838 1252 1219 270 32913 1148 1110 230 25530 Iova 6 311 235 799 33 33 320 1056 31 31 259 803 No 74 63 230 1449 84 73 250 1825 106 85 215 1828 HDak 2522 2444 210 51324 2724 2640 210 55440 1880 1690 150 25350 SDak 1508 1432 220 31504 1583 1518 230 311914 1219 1093 125 13662 Xebr 533 467 220 10274 560 472 195 92011 403 326 187 b096Ian 328 290 220 amp380 459 362 190 6878 266 221 175 3868 Del 13 12 305 366 13 12 285 342 13 12 270 324 u~ 75 73 3110 2482 711 70 310 2170 82 80 340 2720 Va 86 84 295 21178 89 86 345 2967 89 86 3011 2614 VVa 9 9 31bull0 279 10 10 345 345 12 12 3111 377 bull c IS 39 290 1131 39 32 245 7811 40 34 262 891 50 26 22 260 572 23 18 215 3fr7 23 18 225 405 Ga 8 7 220 154 6 5 200 100 5 4 225 90 ~ 71 53 25middot0 1325 76 53 265 1404 102 72 250 1800 enn 88 77 210 1amp17 86 75 220 1650 82 67 170 1139 Ala 2 1 180 18 3 2 190 38 3 2 2110 lIS IU 3 2 230 46 3 2 250 50 3 2 250 50 Ark 5 3 200 60 10 6 lt1I0 1l1li 8 5 211 106 Okla 109 86 180 1548 80 66 155 1023 61 52 175 9iO fex 161 1311 175 2345 117 113 155 1752 159 133 190 2527 Mont 853 796 235 18706 930 8]6 290 254011 614 526 210 11046 IdaIw 332 320 370 11840 32 358 350 12530 3112 329 320 10528 Tn 1119 138 320 41116 177 159 275 4312 168 151 298 115000010 669 605 280 16940 amp62 563 250 111075 841 788 281 22143 NMex 29 25 195 1IS8 22 20 210 420 26 211 210 504 Arb 150 97 -1130 4111 191 146 510 1114amp 167 126 500 amp300 Utah 123 118 1110 5546 150 1l1li 420 amp0118 155 150 440 66Or) Hey 22 20 360 120 27 24 360 864 25 22 350 770 Wash 114 105 335 3518 136 126 345 11341 112 101 2St 2828 Oreg 323 JOO 355 10650 381 351 345 12110 297 214 32~ 8768 Oalif 1~g9 1545 290 44805 1965 1amp22 310 50282 19amp5 1590 J~o 50880

~~___ 191__ 092__221 __2183__ ~~__1~202 __2~2_ -5527__ 1122__ 21~ __2~~ __2101l_

FUXSEED ACHEM TImraquo HI) PllOOOCTION 1947 to 1949

------------If-------------------Ijs-----------------qij---------shy-- - ~ - - -- ic~ Yield -- ~-Y- - -A- - - ACro9 Yield - - - -y-- -_-- --Acrii~ ~ field -- - -11

S 11 i crea Bar- Per I _rei I Bsr- I Per I ro- I re Har- I Per ro- I I Planted I yeated I Acre ductiou I Plant~d yeted Acre I dnction I Planted I yeated Acre I dnction

- - - - - - Thoubullbull-ACre - -lliiahel - ifhOuB iiU- - - fhOU8 -ADrbullbull- -lIIlaiieY - ibOua iiU- - -hOUI- Acre - -llI1ahl - houaiiu-Ohio 3 3 80 2~ Ill 6 6 120 72 2 2 140 28 1 1 130 13 Mich 6 6 75 45 10 10 BO SO 10 10 14 74 Wi 15 15 125 188 22 22 13middot 297 17 17 139 236 Hinn 1411 1313 l0 15103 1700 1661 115 19102 1700 1644 95 15618 Iowa 84 83 135 1120 105 l04 155 1612 III 110 13J 1518 Mo 6 6 50 30 4 4 5middot0 20 3 3 65 20 DDak 1567 1524 80 12192 1818 1753 9middot5 lSb5~) 2018 1928 70 13496 SDak 591 585 100 5850 11amp 708 110 1788 713 708 65 11602 lana 115 107 70 7119 fr7 12 5middot5 396 34 31 63 195 Okla 4 4 60 24 4 3 30 9 3 3 5middot3 16 u 94 91 95 864 248 240 5middot5 1320 335 308 65 2002 Mont IBB 168 60 1008 148 141 100 1410 90 62 47 291 Idaho 3 3 100 30 Wyo 2 2 45 9 1 1 50 5 1 1 50 5 Arh 20 20 265 530 38 38 280 1064 44 38 250 950 Vah 4 4 130 52 2 2 100 20 2 2 120 24 Oreg 8 1 150 105 15 1~ 105 1111 9 8 110 88 CaliC 125 122 215 2623 201 198 245 4851 197 17~ 220 3828 US - - - -11264- - -4129-- 98 - - ~6i- - -5121- - ~97 - -iia - - 54803- - -5348- - 5048 - - 85 - - 42976-If iti~t- dO-Dt-iclude-claed hatd tr-II-fla ~- fO fib In-oe~o- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- 15 -

UPDATA 1981 bull ~ ilmiddot t ~ bull


RD ACRlWl1l TDlIJ) un PllOIJJeTIOlI 1944 to 19116

-- --I 1HI i9i5I~ Sate S Aane rea neld rc)oo Acre lene lelA Pro- Acree Aorea n14 Proshy

laW Iu- Pertan I cluUoa Plutea Iu- lItr Acre cltwtion1p1ateal S Per Acre duetioll ________ft1______ i ____ i ___ eJl4 l _____1____ l ___ l t ~ illl ________ _ IIIo Aon l 1bou BIl ftlau Acre Ill boualIu lhoq _rea Buboh lhoua Bu

11 66 12 162 1 80 10 175 175 105 8 180 144 IT~ 96 15 167 250 95 13 160 208 91 15 175 262 Pe 55 43 148 636 53 U 155 636 33 22 155 341 Oblo 80 33 152 502 90 I 115 472 70 17 110 289 IIlld 179 86 118 1015 222 70 125 875 1ar 46 135 621 Ill UO 63 113 712U8 It7 120 561t 88 38 125 475 1Ucb US 62 127 787 117 56 140 IJIt 91 48 135 648 Vle 125 98 87 853 126 95 120 1140 100 76 115 874 Ill 155 108 87 9fO 144 107 260 1712 151 118 130 l5J1J laws 118 10 120 12fl 37 11 130 143 26 10 170 170 Ho V3 SO 116 580 128 41 110 451 100 35 125 438 IDate ~ 145 92 l3J1J 150 115 135 1552 225 196 110 2156 Snate 5 392 lOl 3959 376 290 V5 42115 323 altl 105 2530 lebr 585 365 91 )322 556 361 125 4512 423 282 110 3102 Iatia 225 101 105 1060 2117 81 lO5 850 120 53 105 556 Del 32 18 1)6 245 JIJ 19 V5 276 J3 18 140 252 ald ~ 23 165 380 67 20 145 290 5f lit 145 2flJ la 135 114 144 6J1J 136 JIJ 135 459 125 25 140 350 VY 12 5 135 68 13 135 54 8 ) 125 38 IC 1~ J8 115 437 165 31 105 )26 145 22 125 215 sc 75 16 104 166 75 15 95 142 44 11 100 110 0 It) 12 101 121 50 10 90 90)0 6 100 60 ~ 133 JK1 141) S60 182 40 125 500 155 37 140 518IID 172 37 10ij 400 162 J4 95 3Z3 115 25 100 250 OEl 264 100 103 1030 257 ~ 100 740 1114 48 90 4)2 fex 142 22 119 262 55 21 90 199 It9 11 100 110 HoDt 20 16 120 192 2h 16 110 176 40 26 100 260 Idaho 12 5 1)) 66 11 5 130 65 11 It 140 56 1170 36 J 91 121 JJ 8 105 ~ 29 8 105 B4 Colo 1250 79 600 121 80 100 800 100 68 80 S44 bullbullJlllx 12 9 82 74 12 5 65 )2 10 5 85 42 Utah ~ IJ 95 12h 22 10 100 100 22 9 95 86 lIash 147 17 114 194 55 15 120 180 50 10 125 125 0rec 151 )2 141 451 155 )1 140 434 140 )2 1)5 432 Calif 29 12 108 130 29 13 130 169 22 lO 120 120

us It1415 2132 106 22525 4157 1850 128 2)708 3396 1591 116 18487 ---~-------------------------------------------------- ----

- - - --_ - - - -- _ -r9li4-_ - - - - __ - ___ - _______ S________________ - - - - - - 7________ - - shy --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T9i- - - - - - -r - - - -l~b - - -Stat Aores Aaru nld I Pro- Acrbullbull Acr I Ylel4 I Pro- Acl IADrea neld I Proshy

PlIIIIha ~ PilI Aclll ductlOD IPllUlted liar- Perlen duaUoDlplal1~1 liar- IPer Acre l duettOD I Ia I ytd I IYelted I- - - - -1ioiie iare - -BiiieT- -hnaB - fliDU-AGr- - iiahi - fbOuBiu Thru-iCrbullbull- -BiiiieT- TbOubullbulliia

1_ 6 6 200 120 6 6 155 9J 5 5 200 100 n 1 1 220 22 1 1 180 18 1 1 220 22 BY 155 150 180 2700 129 98 155 15]9 119 113 190 2147 Fa V~ l4O 195 27)0 112 98 185 1813 108 lOit 200 2080 Ohio V 14 210 294 18 17 180 )06 17 11 190 J23 1114 lO 10 150 150 22 20 135 270 7 6 150 90 Ill 5 5 165 82 16 15 150 225 5 5 160 80 Il1ab )8 )) lS5 512 46 25 140 )50 ZIt 18 1)5 24) lI1a 29 27 lS5 418 26 ZIt 150 360 2 25 145 362 IIIIIDo 67 6) 150 945 49 45 1140 6)0 118 It2 140 588 Iowa 12 12 175 210 7 vo 98)) 150 45 Ia) 1 1 125 12 1 1 120 12 1 1 110 11 Bllak 5 14 160 64 7 7 160 112 6 6 130 78 SDak 7 6 150 90 It 130 52 5 5 40 70 JId 6 6 200 120 5 5 ~5 118 _ _ 2)5 9Ita 8 8 165 132 5 5 170 85 It _ 170 68 V 10 10 185 185 8 8 US 172 8 8 195 156 Ie 5 5 145 12 It 160 6It 3 3 160 48 ~ 2 2 130 26 2 2 130 26 3 J 140 42D ____1 ___ 1_ 145______1 ___ ~ ____ __1 _____~___ o___ O__1~1 ____1~5_

trs 531 S08 176 8956 417 ItOl 161 6~7 It08 )13 178 6812 ------------~---------------------------------------------

- 16shy



- - -- 12411lMIX99 sbullbullbullbull _ iorea n 14 I Pro- Acre iDre J nld Pro- Acne lAcn_ TleU Proshy-- re I Ifuo- I e I I I Hu- I I J Bar- I

____1~~~~bull l_I_~r_~~ ~~ ~~~Y ~~_1_~~l~)P~~Ye ~r_I~ _~~1J1_ I1cu tara ~ hOh ~oubull iDn l ThouBn hOlla AlIre ]ahale fhouellIl bull

bullbullr 90 J5 185 278 90 11 185 3~ 107 17 184 313 bullbull1 89 15 180 20 f5 12 175 210 88 12 179 215 Pa 21 18 155 Z79 21 16 ~5 232 21 ~ 165 231 Ohio 71 JO 170 S10 67 20 180 360 ~ 18 170 306 lad ~3 60 v0 8110 ISO ~ ~5 928~) 57 1)5 77fJ Ill ~ -7 ~O 658 113 53 150 795 123 56 141 790 1I11JII 126 7fJ ~5 1015 1)2 80 150 1200 1 57 140 798 V1I 109 87 120 1~ 112 92 l20 1104 119 92 120 1104 lie la 1~ 150 21f6O 278 2)9 150 3585 200 172 145 2494 lov 28 15 150 225 36 17 155 264 5) 18 140 252 Mo 100 36 110 396 105 )5 120 420 U7 )5 112 392 bullbullDIIk 360 30 140 4522 461 401 120 4812 26) 229 115 2634 S1lIIk _10 ~7 v0 4858 476 392 1)0 5096 328 267 117 31211shyu ~ 305 90 2145 352 238 95 2261 317 207 74 1532 Eau 136 110 627 90 )I U5 391 65 28 97 272 DIll 32 19 135 256 33 20 120 2110 28 ~ 140 196 M 52 16 150 JIO 48 V v0 196 52 12 145 1a 1350 140 322 155 25 V5 362 15) 18 140 252 Va 8 3 120 36 6 2 130 26 6 2 136 2 _C ~ ~5 348 117 22 130 286 113 17 115 196 SC 42 10 115 115)1 7 85 60 26 6 95 57 Oa 2 6 75 45 22 5 90 45 20 4 80 32 1Ir 141 37 140 518 130 28 150 420 1)6 2 136 J67 fua 98 26 105 273 100 30 110 330 105 20 101 202 Oltla 115 JJ8 95 456 108 36 75 270 1~ 36 70 252 ~z 7fJ 35 100 3SO B4 30 70 210 100 38 80 304 MoII 52 29 125 )62 JO 20 1)5 27fJ 2) 7 90 63 I4aho 10 5 17G 85 10 4 130 52 10 ) 150 450 21 7 110 71 27 7 70 49 Z7 7 102 n Colo 8 7 100 47fJ 58 35 80 2BO 38 2) 90 207 bullbull lIDz 7 5 115 511 7 5 UO 55 7 5 120 60 ~u 12 6 100 60 10 5 100 SO 10 5 Uo 55 Vesb SO 13 100 130 JJ8 17 130 221 42 10 101 101 Orec 125 32 ~O AiIf8 110 24 145 )lI8 116 15 103 154 ~-1____1 ___l _~O____ _ P ___21 ___ 2__~2 _____14___ 5____6__12~ ____ ~_ ~___ ~7 _9 _ 28____2l~ _22~ __~o~__l ___ S86_ ~23__15t__1~ __ ~1~2


--- - J2i+I i1 i W9 I Mn5 I J liDnll I I Acre

StaM I Mn I JIcq I nu I Pro- mne I iaIo J nld I Pro- I Acn I IreZ- I Yield Proshy____I~~laquobulld_~I_ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~YIleJ ~ ~ ~~_1_~~l~J1JP~~lYlle ~Pr_~~_d~l~J1_

Au II ftIagpa hog Mn lI1 ~1UIlln hOUR Acre lIIt_hel lhou1Iu

181 6 6 170 102 5 5 200 100 5 5 210 105 ft 1 1 140 14_r a 1M 135 1539 99 96 195 1872 78 76 210 1596 12) 114 160 182It 101 96 210 2016 78 200 1480 Will __ 42 155 651 16 16 180 2B8 12 12 210 2521114 19 18 140 252 2 2 150 30 4 160 64 IU 16 16 130 208 4 4 170 68 2 2 160 32 Ill 63 57 130 11 30 27 130 351 20 19 145 276 V18 2 25 ~5 362 25 ~ 155 356 23 22 151 332 Ill 62 54 120 ~ )It 29 150 bull 435 28 ~ 125 300 1_ 10 10 120 120 JIll 2 2 110 22 bullbullDate 8 7 150 105 3 J 160 If8 4 120 If8 s~ 9 8 110 88 4 160 64 3 J 80 2H II - - 180 72 ) ) 230 69 3 -) 210 63a ) J 160 ~ 3 3 180 54 2 2 166 33 Va 8 8 175 ~ 7 7 195 1)6 7 7 201 141 ~C 3 3 170 51 1Ir 2 2 150 30 t~ ____l ___l_ ~~_____ 6 ___I ___ 2__~~ _____18___ =2___ 2__1~ ____20_ US ~ S05 142 7171 JIe8 330 18_ 6085 281 269 184 4956 -----------------------------------------------~------ ----

- 17 -


llRY EIBLE 1IEliS ACREME TIBLllUlll plIOWClIOIi 1944 to 194911

~ -- - ~124 124i 1W bull bull Acres bull bull bull bull Acree bull bull bull bull Acres bull bull ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pl~tedyeted Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted vested Per Acre duct ion pl~ntedyented Per Acre duct10n - - - ---TioiAcrlI- --pound --ThOuiyen~- Thouice ---Pouid --nOUBW- nouic~e ---POuid-middot --TboujjishyHamp1u 5 5 695 35 4 4 820 33 6 6 980 59 vt 1 1 626 6 NY 120 113 790 893 101 84 850 714 128 124 1200 1488 Mich 701 660 690 4554 435 363 820 2977 531 519 740 3841 Vb 2 2 430 9 1 1 560 6 ---Minn t 6 5 476 24 4 4 600 24 3 3 500 IS IfDosk 2 1 (730 7 1 1 700 7 1 1 600 6 lfebr 60 49 1260 617 53 18 1520 7JC 611- 62 1650 102] Mont 25 ~ 1083 249 20 18 1300 234 18 17 1 bull 590 270 Idlho 146 145 1550 2248 117 115 100 1725 131 128 1700 2176 qo 90 86 1240 1066 90 86 1250 1075 93 90 1450 1305 yenllh 3 3 1030 31 4 4 1250 50 4 4 1075 43 Oreg 1 1 1322 13 Tu 2 1 200 2 Colo 350 327 540 1766 290 271 580 1572 276 249 650 1618 fMex 267 ~O 302 695 203 161 180 290 142 114 225 256 Alb 15 14 395 55 14 13 515 67 14 13 900 117 Utah e 7 480 J4 8 7 400 2B 10 9 400 36 ~UL1IIrI 166 166 1327 2203 166 166 1242 2062 149 149 1342 2000 CtJ1fOUlIl1 183 157 1045 1640 148 141 1062 1497 134 134 1184 1587 poundeil _142 __ 221 _ _ 9Q _1bullsect41 _ __ 2~ __ 201 __1L129__ J~29_ __ ~1 _ _ g82 __1L2amp7__ _ l281_ ~___ g52 _ ~9~ ___ 02 _1amp41 __ ~5~ _ ~1 ___80__ vJ0~1__ 1Ot _ ~2~ ___917___12~_

DRY EDlDLE llEA1lS (Contd) - - - - 1241 124sect 1942 Jamp1ne 7 7 1100 77 9 9 900 81 8 8 925 74 bullbullY 138 13D 1070 1391 181 179 1230 2202 176 170 1000 1700 Mich 494 467 670 3129 514 504 880 4435 52) 519 1100 5709 Minn 2 1 350 4 1 1 650 6 1 1 650 6 1lDIk 1 1 850 8 lfllbr 80 76 1425 1083 85 83 1725 1432 90 85 1530 1301 Mont 2l 20 1450 2)0 22 21 1470 309 19 18 11170 265 IdlLho 159 154 1540 2372 ISO 148 1800 2664 149 147 1830 2690 To 112 107 1350 1444 98 95 1370 1302 83 81 1520 1231 lfaah 4 4 1200 48 5 5 1500 75 8 8 1490 119 Colo 331 321 800 2568 341 324 720 2333 307 295 820 2419 NMex 155 140 237 332 191 172 250 430 181 169 350 592 Arb 15 14 430 60 14 14 475 66 12 12 500 60 Utah 14 13 760 99 17 15 400 60 15 14 500 70 Ca11tL1IIrI 149 149 1406 2095 145 145 1603 2324 15 175 1654 2894 CallfOther 174 174 1303 2268 223 223 1389 3097 183 183 1229 2249 poundlil_2z1 __ 222 __ 25_t262 ___ 26Q __ 26Q __14ZJ_ __5431___ 25Q __ 25Q __1427_ __ 241_ ___ sect5~ _ m ___ 271 _116sect __ 29~ _ 23Q __1J014__ 086__ 23sect _ Q82 __1114___2~2 _ J1 Include b gl01OI1 for lead


- - - - li~ li4i 12~ s~te Acr Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acree Yield Proshy

Plantedl Har- Per Acre duction Planted Har_ Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted Har_ Per Acre duction _____ __x8td______________=_vsies______________Z8tlltL__________ _ rhoueAcieg Pounds Thous1jB ThousAcres ~ ThouBBagB ThoulAcree Pounds ThouBBagB

Mlch 1 1 770 8 Vh 3 3 970 29 2 2 950 19 1 1 1100 11 MInn 4 4 82033 4 4 950 38 6 6 800 48 NDak 14 13 1060 138 13 12 1200 144 15 15 1350 202 Mont 42 40 1103 441 32 30 1200 360 24 2J 1170 269 Idaho 225 219 1275 2792 ISS 153 1200 1836 161 156 1350 2106 lyo 2 2 921 18 2 2 1200 24 3 3 1250 38 Colo 33 22 860 189 bull 33 23 900 207 23 16 750 120 WaG 347 340 1290 4386 246 235 1160 2726 244 235 1480 3478 Oreg 58 56 1120 627 39 37 950 352 20 19 1300 247Qai____~ ___Ii __ l12 __ pound32 ____21 ___2Q _ _1 05_middot__ _29J_ ___1sect ___112 ___820____ l6Q _ l~_ ___ Z5Z - _ ru __ lgl _ J2li9t ___ i~ __ ilJ2 _ _11tl- _ -S91L __ ili __ 9_~ __13i8___ poundpound72 _

DRY FIELD PEAS (Contd) - - - - 1i41 1~1 -)242 Wle 1 1 1050 10 Minn 8 7 600 42 J J 900 27 7 7 950 66 Iflllk 20 18 1080 194 7 6 1200 72 5 5 1000 50 Mont 17 16 1100 176 8 8 1160 9J I 6 1130 68 Idaho 153middot 150 1320 1980 72 68 1220 830 99 89 1120 997 lyo 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1210 24 Colo 35 21 900 189 24 19 1000 190 19 16 1220 195 Vash 256 247 1300 J211 162 156 1280 1997 210 198 760 1505 Oreg 25 24 1180 28J 19 18 1300 234 17 14 700 98poundsll___ _Zl __ _ Zl ___ 19Q __ g11 ____1sect ___1sect __ 390____113____11 ___11 __1210____ 102 _ ____ 2~ __ 21l _ _ 33g _ ~l2g ___ Jl2 __ ~9Q __1J2g1__ JJ6fJ___ l8l _ _ 25 ___9pound7___ l~l~_ 1I h pl1Jlc1pal comerc1al produciD8 States Includes Pt)llS groUl for seed aDd comery pens harvested lUy

- III shy

1 UPDATA 1981



- - - - 19i4 19sect 12 li41 to ~ t 1242 St t A Aores Ac Acres A Acres ~ Acres ~ Acres A Acres

a e creB Har- reo H~r- cres ~r- cres H~r- cr~s H~r- eres Harshy____~1ne~eit~d_~1no~_elt~ltLlP~~tdlV~oeS_~1ne~lvsOS_ c~middot~_vselP~l~td_Jel~~d__

Thousand Acres Ind 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ill 12 12 9 9 7 7 5 5 6 6 4 4 ViB 3 3 2 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~1nn 18 18 12 12 7 7 10 10 6 6 5 5 Iogtlt 23 22 11 11 7 7 8 8 12 12 10 10 Mo 265 263 225 216 184 181 179 176 154 150 122 120 Iflhk 87 86 50 49 47 44 42 41 33 32 35 34 SJhk S49 502 390 362 238 221 188 179 152 149 164 156 Jlebr 704 685 50 480 390 374 343 325 364 351 364 347 K9ns 38116 3768 3054 2879 2718 2505 2256 2154 2459 2391 2361 2319 Va 10 9 15 10 15 9 17 9 14 6 12 4 IIVa 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 nc 26 26 23 23 30 30 32 32 35 35 32 32 sc 36 36 35 35 28 28 29 29 30 30 23 23 Ga 60 60 60 60 48 48 55 55 54 54 38 38 Ky 35 34 35 35 39 39 34 34 2l 21 18 18 Tenn 62 6 56 56 56 56 48 48 37 37 29 29 Ala 59 58 61 60 79 78 86 84 99 97 65 63 Mhs 65 64 63 61 51 49 53 52 47 46 34 33 Ark 94 93 97 95 82 80 78 75 68 67 51 50 Jg 10 10 9 9 8 8 9 9 11 11 11 11 Okla 2484 2406 1938middot 1829 1783 1664 1284 1198 1348 1258 1146 1094 T8 8318 8202 7653 7054 7273 6913 5527 5392 7019 6740 5168 5080 Mont 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 4 3 3 4 3 Vyo bull 14 13 10 9 7 7 7 6 4 4 5 5 Colo 766 723 705 658 613 546 490 470 500 479 645 618 1IHex 690 669 467 309 317 265 349 313 521 479 556 532 Arb 71 69 55 53 74 72 62 60 90 88 77 76 Calli 133 127 112 108 151 151 76 76 122 122 80 80 115- - -ie458 -18038 - - is668 - 14-498- 14- 2f6- - i540J -11-277- -10OsO - -13214 -12-679- -11064 - -10789- -


- - - l9~( t00 1916t 197 19aL 12112 St t Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros Dald Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros IReld Pro- Acres llel4 Proshy

a eHar_ Per duc_ Hl1- Per duc- H9r- Por dw- 59r- Per due- zHar- IPer duc_ Har- Per i ducshy___yetdlApoundrs_t0E lVS82C8l 1n_yeltdAEr_t0E lvse2cel 1n_yetdlApoundrl_t0E lvsse~cel isn_

Thous Thous Thous Thoua Thous ThOUG Thoua Thous Theus Thous Thous Thoua ~ TonE ~ Acrea ~ Tons Acros Tona1m Acres ~ Tons ~ TOilS ~ Acres 2 Tons

Ind 2 270 5 1 290 3 1 260 3 Ill 4 250 10 3 250 8 2 300 6 2 250 5 2 350 7 1 350 4 Minn 15 300 45 8 20 18 5 200 10 8 200 16 4 250 10 4 230 9 Iowa 12 300 36 5 300 15 2 350 7 2 250 5 6 300 18 4 250 10 Ho 150 211 316 146 180 263 105 220 231 95 180 171 86 20 189 58 210 122 N bull oruc 76 110 106 116 135 62 41 110 45 39 130 51 30 125 38 32 100 32 SDak 395 169 668 308 150 462 177 l70 301 152 130 198 124 180 223 133 135 180 Nebl 511 197 1007 383 160 613 279 165 460 234 155 363 222 160 355 220 230 506 Kans 1125 213 2396 1386 164 2273 1302 160 2083 989 140 1385 692 190 1315 649 185 1201 Va 6 170 10 8 175 1~ 7 175 12 8 175 14 5 180 9 4 175 7 lle 15 160 24 13 170 22 18 180 32 17 190 32 13 200 26 13 200 26 SC 22 130 29 21 145 30 14 150 21 14 140 20 16 1~5 2J 10 150 15 Ga 35 111 39 42 135 57 33 135 45 )8 130 49 41 130 5] 29 140 41 KT 22 184 ~o 25 240 60 23 260 60 22 280 62 15 210 32 13 21~ 2B Tenn 37 180 67 33 20 73 31 210 65 29 230 67 23 235 54 17 220 37 Ala 23 140 32 24 135 32 27 155 ~2 28 135 38 37 150 56 19 145 2B Hios 27 165 ~5 28 185 52 18 150 27 18 170 31 19 195 37 16 185 30 Ark 66 161 106 68 160 109 50 145 72 51 140 71 J8 185 70 27 190 51 L~ 6 130 8 5 165 8 ~ 160 6 4 135 5 6 145 9 5 160 8 Okla 132~ 145 1920 1118 125 1398 969 130 160 701 110 771 652 150 978 502 160 803 Tex 2920 1193768 2985 110 3283 2324 122 28391677 110 1844 lt17J 122 26601452 145 2105 Mont 5 117 6 4 120 5 6 115 7 4 130 5 J 150 4 3 80 2 Wyo 13 82 11 9 70 6 7 60 4 6 80 5 ~ 75 3 5 76 4 Colo ~7J 114 539 460 110 506 350 105 368 304 115 )50 280 105 29~ 301 107 322 11Mex 29~ 102 300 223 70 157 155 103 159 143 67 96 184 100 184 109 129 141 Arh 6 200 2 3 200 6 5 175 9 3 175 5 3 175 5 ~ 175 7 Ea1i__ _35pound __ Z___2_ ~poundO___ ~ __ _35pound ___7___~ 210___7___ _35pound __ ~ __ 2 _ 210___1pound

~middot~middot_118~ _15~ 015J317_ 10_ 21~11251_131_81~1_4520_ 3_56~6_ ~~8~ _14 ~~521~31_ za_11~

- 19 shy





- ---I I94 1J9s 1~~ S~at J Jor 1 Yield Pr d ti~ JeJ81 I n14 I ProducUcna I Jone J Yield Pro4ucUoII

____1_~bullt4_1_~r_~l _1__0_u _~ _1_IIret4__~I_-l _1________~t4_1_~1_~l J _____ _ ThouIAcne ~ ThoU Bu llloutareplE ft1oUI Bu BiouDJeJ8el llloubullbull IIp

Ind 2 ~9 48 2 300 60 1 300 30 Ill 1 240 2h 1 290 29 1 300 30 Iova 1 240 24 1 200 20 1 200 20 Mo 61 216 1)18 29 ~o 435 ~ 220 968 IDaIt 8 163 130 1 160 16 1 135 14 SDak 92 153 1408 43 115 494 37 160 592 lobI 115 22) 2564 75 180 1350 18 200 1560 Ian 2229 221 49261 1149 154 17695 B51 1)5 11488 IC 2 250 50 3 2)0 69 sc 1 165 16 1 170 17 3 IB5 56 Al 2 163 33 13 150 195 2) 160 368 uk 7 143 100 10 170 170 8 150 120 La 1 150 15 1 180 18 1 140 14 Okla 979 1050 146805 636 120 7632 6~ 115 7176 ex 05103 194 99229 ) 950 150 c59139 4~ 160 71840 ColO aIfO 1057 3768 180 lAt9 2682 191 130 2483 1lIex )69 166 6111 84 70 587 108 104 1127 Aris 54 372 2009 44 )40 1496 55 360 1980 ~a1____11____)1~ ____ ~)~ _____1pound2____32~ ___ _ l27 _____~5____42 ___ ~292 __ US 9)86 197 184978 6)24 152 9606) 6669 159 106025


- - --I l~ 192s 1~ Stah I tar 1 Yield 1 PrOdUCtioD Acre I Yield I ProductiOIl Acne I Yield 1 Productloll

____1_~etd_Umiddotr_Jer _1_______ _~etd_I_Pr_Ael _1_______1_lIrQt4__~r_~l J _____ _ Thoue Jon ll 2a DIOUlllOD ThoubullbullJer 12 DIoubullbull Toll lhoUlJarooa ToD bou l01I

lIId 5 105 52 4 120 48 3 110 111 4 100 40 3 90 27 2 105 21 Vh 1 80 8 1 75 8 M1Dn 70 21 4 60 24 2 65 13 Iowa 6 100 60 3 90 27 1 110 11 Mo 85 374 36 71) 252 25 85 212 IDak 2 30 6 2 202 4 2 21 4 SDaIc 15 7 56 11 3- 37 7 40 28 Ifebr 59 64 378 22 50 110 17 50 BS Iane 412 70 2884 )42 55 1881 SO 60 21OQ SC 3 50 15 ) 55 16 3 50 15 Ga ) 40 12 1 45 14 51) 20 leDII 10 65 65 9 70 63 6 70 42 Al 6 75 45 05 70 35 6 60 36)Ii 12 90 108 12 90 108 12 75 90 Ark 3 55 16 2 55 11 5 60 )0 La 1 61 7 1 7- 7 1 66 7 Old 97 50 485 10 45 115 67 40 l68 Ix l6It 48 789 108 35 )83 87 41 ~O Colo 10 55 55 18 45 81 5 50 25 bullbull lIu 6 ) 20 2 30 2 45 9 Arll 9 121) 108 6 US 69 12 U5 138pounda1_____4____~~ ______2 ______4 ~ ______4 _____~ ______l~ ______ ____1~~

US 879 642 56114 671 532 3510 623 576 3SS7


- - - -I = 19~ = = = == = ~ 1~4sect state crill 1 Yield ProductioD Acre 1 Yield I Prod t1 I Acres Yield Pr

_____~etd_lt]~r_Apoundr ________1_Hrstd_IJr_Apoundr ____~ _o~ __~etd_Jr_Apoundrtl _ ~d~~1~~ ThougAcru Jl9B1 lhquGIlllog TI1quecrea ~ TboutOallQII ThguuJcru GalloDII AAUIIlampllov

Ind 1 80 80 1 90 90 1 75 75 Ill 3 50 ISO 2 50 100 2 65 1)0 Via 2 80 160 1 70 70 1 62 62 10 3 125 )705 2 100 200 3 129 387 Mo 8 62 496 5 45 225 7 55 385 bu 2 55 110 2 SO 100 2 51 102 Va J 65 195 2 65 130 2 66 1)2 VVa 3 59 177 2 67 134 1 66 66 lIC 11 74 814 8 64 512 9 131 729 SC 10 55 550 10 55 550 8 58 464 Ge 22 55 1210 15 57 855 11 53 583 17 12 65 780 10 73 730 16 85 1360 laDII 15 61 915 14 60 840 19 73 1)87 Ala 27 65 1755 18 66 1188 22 6) 1386 Mha 25 78 1950 21 80 1680 19 65 1235 Ark 17 SO 850 15 55 825 17 60 1020 L~ 2 55 110 2 60 120 2 40 80 OklL 6 42 252 5 43 215 4 47 188

i~----~i---~------l~-----l~---~------~______~ ___~____ _~2__--- - - - - - - - - - _1_ - __ l~ _____146____6middotZ ____ 2~ _____~_ 660 10171

-O- ------------ shy



-s~~e-= ~II 1 RI~ 1Pr~~to ~r~ ~~ 1 ~o~t~I~ ~~ R~~ ~din I BarYeated Per Acre I I BarYe ted Per Acr I I BarYbullbulltod Per Acr

- - - -1h-cr- -Dl~hr- -fhoa- ia - fhQicr1 bir- - -TiioQ- ib- - thOulAcibullbull -Dlhel- TiioU- -IDe 1 260 26 1 320 32 1 320 JJ~ Iowa 1 160 16 1 195 20 1 225 m )10 114 160 704 30 240 72031 200 6tjIlak 1 155 16 1 160 16 SDU 111 90 162 20 155 310 20 122 244

Iobr 75 150 1125 111 225 2632 109 236 2572lAD 754 145 10933 339 215 287811 1392 215 29 928 IC 5 250 125 16 270 432 15 250 375 s Q 5 155 78 1 175 122 7 180 126 Ala 34 165 561 45 195 878 33 181 597 Arll 10 150 15016 1110 2811 14 172 241 lA 2 140 28 2 155 31 3 170 51 CkIa 440 110 11840 556 150 8340 548 155 8494 181 3640 180 65421 496 165 74143 3563 239 114996 Colo 160 150 2400 192 170 3264 3011 172 52911 INex 167 106 1764 287 140 40111 415 222 9213 Arh 53 410 2113 75 400 3000 61 1146 2721 -~l____1~ ____3 ____ ~sect9 _____16___ 31middot ____ ~~ _____ 11___ 32 ~ ___ r62_ ~~___ ~~ ____lI~ ____9I11 ____ 7____1~ ___ ~I~ ____6~5~2____2 __ 4~_

ALL SOBOIIllKS JOR SIIMB AOlJWlE YIELD A)JD PROIUClIOIl 1947 to 1949 _______ ~_7_________________ __________________ ~~_______ _~------------~------------------~------------------ilt--------

State Acre I Yh1d I Acre field Acre Yield BarPedd Per Acre Product1on I BarPted Per Acre Production llarveted Pet Acre Production

- - - - ThouAcre -iaL- - -boU7tOji - biiuAcro -Jiii- - -b0li71oi- ~ouEcre - -~n - -fhw7Tu Ind 2 85 17 2 115 23 2 115 23 Ill 2 90 18 4 105 42 3 93 28 Hinn 2 60 12 2 eo 16 1 70 7 IoVA 3 60 18 3 95 28 3 100 30 Mo 33 70 231 31 95 294 29 86 249 IfIlK 1 25 2 1 30 3 2 23 5 slak 9 25 22 5 55 28 3 42 13 Ibr 16 45 72 12 60 72 18 70 126lAD 409 53 21611 359 76 2 72~ 278 73 2029 SC 3 50 15 2 55 11 3 60 18 0 3 45 14 5 55 211 3 60 IS Tonn 6 70 42 7 75 52 8 76 61 Ala 4 65 26 7 75 52 6 74 44 Nh 12 65 711 12 01 0 96 8 85 61 Ark 3 5middot3 16 5 75 38 5 75 38 ta 1 60 6 2 68 14 2 70 14 (kIa 54 37 200 4 55 264 43 56 241 Tex 69 37 258 66 46 305 60 57 343 Colo 6 45 27 7 55 38 9 48 43 IIMex 3 40 12 e 45 36 8 53 42 Arh 4 110 44 10 110 110 11 115 126 -~1____ ~ ____1poundpound ______~ ______4____1poundpound ______~ ______6____1~ pound _____~_ ~____ ~4~ ____ 4___ _ lP _____~2____ 7____ ~~1 _____51____ 10___ sect2~_


-- -- I~ D[8 I~i State Aeres Tield Production I Acr Tield Produetlon I Acree Yield Production

BarYeted I Per Acre I BarTeted Per Acre BarYeted Per Acre - - - - hiiuicre - Gallon - bouGallon thouD Xcre - 01100 - fhoubullbullOaflon ~iiuicro - iiaflon -lhOli7aeliOii Ind 1 70 70 1 90 90 1 90 90 Ill 1 55 55 1118 1 51 51 1 80 80 1 77 77 IClVa 2 80 160 2 168 336 2 158 316 Mo II 42 168 3 66 1911 2 61 122 Ian 2 51 102 1 47 47 Va 1 61 67 1 90 90 IIVa 1 70 70 bullbullC 10 73 730 6 611 408 4 72 211 Sc 7 49 343 5 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ Ga 14 59 826 II ~ ~ 6 60 ~ ~ 12 74 888 6 73 438 5 79 395 Tnn 13 60 7S0 7 Ala 111 60 10110 8 m = ~ =Mi 22 68 1496 15 78 1170 9 63 567 Arll 11 42 462 8 64 512 4 54 216 La 2 35 70 1 43 43 1 45 45 Cltla 3 33 99 2 55 110 1 52 52 ~_____ ~ ____ 25______ 13~ ______5__ _ ______ 1pound _____ -____ ~_____ __I~

Us 131 7847 SO 6911 55116 53 66s 3539 -------------------------~---------------------------- -------- 21 shy

bullUPDATA 1981 ~~ I j


--- -- 1~ t 19~ t 19[6 StlAt I Acree Yield Acrn Yield Acrea Yield

Harvea d Pel Production Harvest d Per Production Harvested Per Production _________ ~ _ _Agrl _ ______ ______Apound~ __ ______ t ______ _Asr~ _______ _

ThoutlAcree Ton8 ThouTone ThouAcre Ton ThouBlone ThoUllAcres 1on8 Thou8Tone Main 923 89 818 833 106 882 84 99 m fK 388 102 395 376 123 464 364 118 431 it 1032 126 1298 10oe 150 1516 1006 143 1442 )(saso 319 124 469 376 164 615 365 164 597 RI 36 1l4 41 37 146 54 34144 49 Conn 304 123 374 300 157 472 288 162 467 fY 4008 144 5759 4021 161 6488 3968 162 6416 NJ 274 147 402 288 177 509 260 175 454 PIi 2564 140 3597 2539 151 3826 2525 150 3789 0b10 2605 139 3622 2560 148 3801 2536 152 3848 Ind 2004 131 2626 1765 145 2551 1835 137 2511 Ill 2824 139 3938 2662 152 4053 2732 146 3985 Mich 2813 1)8 3895 2671 148 3958 2648 124 3272 Vb 4263 163 6929 4214 187 7870 4ll2 155 6371 Minn 4683 142 6640 4366 152 6637 4067 146 5956 Iowa 3551 164 58)6 1304 172 5677 3275 163 5325 Mo 3703 113 4171 3914 115 4500 3545 119 4201 lItDIIk 3421 97 3305 3434 94 3233 3068 89 2724 SDak 36e5 99 3637 3616 92 3312 3478 80 2775 Nebr 4355 112 4865 4062 11)9 4436 3915 97 3787 ~B 1784 167 2982 1783 161 2875 1746 135 2354 Del 82 1 ~o 98 75 152 114 71 149 106 Md 461 120 552 464 139 643 442 148 656 Va 1383 11)2 1405 1477 117 1722 1391 119 1650 IIv 835 108 904 840 1~ 1061 812 129 1045 NC 1315 96 1263 1374 98 1352 1263 102 1285 sc 543 74 400 554 84 465 S07 87 442 Oe 1406 49 689 1441 54 785 1399 52 723 lIla 118 54 64 125 57 71 123 49 60 It) 1630 112 1831 1987 137 2720 1813 136 2459 Tenn 1769 94 1660 1978 124 2444 1802 122 2205 All 1 091 67 730 995 75 742 999 74 744 M18s 925 119 1104 873 117 1025 850 123 1046 Ark 1397 109 1529 1378 116 1595 1258 118 1483 ra 3Jl 119 395 326 125 406 319 126 403 Okla 1296 129 1671 1326 133 1757 1355 113 1534 Tex 1591 90 1439 1599 96 1537 1623 11)3 1619 Mont 2265 119 2689 2267 117 2681 2147 112 2395 Idho 1198 204 2445 1189 204 2428 1140 213 2429 liTo 1156 113 1312 1103 116 1274 1091 111 1214 Colo 1467 159 2331 1425 155 2215 1359 148 2008 NMex 217 221 419 201 192 385 206 212 436 Arb 332 218 723 309 242 748 306 239 737 Utah 612 203 1245 597 200 1194 573 195 1115 ireV 435 142 617 436 141 615 432 152 655 VaBb 989 119 1775 931 187 1744 656 192 1640 Oreg 1156 173 1996 1158 170 1970 1062 173 1~39poundampl1____20plusmn0____ ~middot21____ 22~ ____2130____ ~bullsect4____60]6____ 282 __ _ 1~2_ ___6t0Q3_ ~____ 176)9____ ]middot13___ 03~2 ___ 16627____ ]~__ _1~7t418_ ___71141 ___ ]15___ 291518_

VILD HAY ACREAGE nELD lID PllOllUCTIOlf 1944 to 191i6

- - - - - 1~ l I9~ l 19[6 state I Acree Yield Acree Yield AcreB Yield

I Harveated Per Productioll ltlrvesed bull Per bull Production Harvested Per bull Production ___________ l ce__ ~ ______ t _____ _ =_AsrJ __ ______ l _______~r __ _____ _

ThouaAcrem ThousTon bonaAcres ona ThousTona Thoue-cres ~ Thousfou Via 140 130 182 94 115 106 llO 115 126 Minn 1452 1ll 1612 1394 115 1603 1282 110 1410 10 102 122 124 92 120 llO 86 1O 103 Mo 154 109 168 160 120 192 150 100 ISO NDal 2576 90 ~318 2576 85 2190 2318 85 1970 sJ))k 3076 88 2707 3014 60 24ll 2693 70 2025 Nebr 3198 80 2558 2942 75 2206 2795 65 1817Ian 693 111 769 638 115 734 636 75 478 Ark 194 104 202 202 105 212 202 105 212 Okla 480 118 566 437 125 S46 428 100 428 Tex 195 105 205 185 100 185 191 105 201 Mont 867 85 737 806 90 725 622 60 658 ldho 139 lU 156 139 115 160 135 110 148 To 529 60 423 481 BO 385 495 85 421 Colo 466 97 452 443 100 443 439 85 373 NMex 20 88 16 15 70 10 27 100 27 Utah 103 124 126 lOS 100 105 105 120 1-6 lreT 267 100 267 267 100 267 267 110 294 Yam 46 115 53 51 125 64 47 120 56 Or~ ll76 115 320 3U 11n 3IU gt86 110 315 ~l-l_____1$gt____ 110_____ 17g _____112___ _ 1io_ ~ __ _2ffl_ ____ 152 ___ 1lL ____11~_

k ___ 5all1_____23____1~J1 ___ 4~~_____21___ Jt2~2___ _ ll~7 ___ _g3_ __ l51 _


FFeti5 Hri+tttrtft gt~- bullbull ~Mto shy



- -- -- 1~7 19la_ 19sect State Acrea Yild cr Tlel-l Acrea Yield

______II~~t~d_ ~ ~~~__ ~ ~d~ln_l v~e~ _~_A~~ ___~o~u~t~o~ ~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~____P~o~u~to~ ~bullbullAcrea gAl ~ousTonD fitouDcrea ~ lhoulITons Tbous bullocres I2 Thou9Tonl

M1n 766 11)8 627 nO 11)2 746 695 9B 682 lilI J5) 127 446 JJ9 124 421 J18 11) )56 n 995 149 148J 974 145 1416 952 124 1176 ca )51 154 540 J46 160 59f )42 145 496 RI )2 159 51 29 159 46 28 1 bullSO 42 Conn 280 166 464 272 162 440 26) 156 410 IIT )752 161 6029 )642 165 6016 3)97 1)6 46)0 IJ 244 17) 422 236 161 428 239 177 422 Il 2))9 150 )511 2194 146 )710 2202 142 )123 Ohio 2497 140 34B6 2)84 14) )406 2255 142 )212 Ind 1708 1)6 2)Jl 1661 1)6 2251 1616 145 2 bull 342 Ill 2626 14J )756 2)85 149 )558 2230 165 J689 Mich 2628 1Jl J45) 24)6 1)7 )346 2)29 1)2 )069 Vh 4066 16) 6665 )940 1)8 54)2 3916 15) 5972 MiIlJ1 4063 142 57n )659 1)7 529) 3819 1)lt3 5268 10_ )J)B 154 5154 2943 1)4 )955 )100 159 49)0 Me 3762 114 4)10 )S46 129 4564 )60) 129 465) IDU 3289 95 )110 3176 91 2901 )441 B5 2920 S~ )675 85 ))1) 4126 84 )451 4412 68 3013 lfebr 4)05 113 4BBI 4))4 105 4532 4836 108 5ZJl Iu 2059 153 )155 195) 176 )479 2017 160 3~z2 Del 69 146 102 n 140 102 68 110 97 Md 429 142 611 445 144 64) 429 152 ti51 Vamp 1)27 107 1414 1)72 126 1722 1321 127 16n VV 60) 116 92B 796 129 1026 B02 124 991_C 1292 96 1267 1290 10) 1)28 1246 105 1)12 SC 465 76 )76 509 68 449 52J 91 476 0amp 1)91 51 70) 1416 56 791 1055 6) 66) 11 125 54 67 1)2 58 77 65 62 5) 1) 1666 1)B 2568 1687 126 21)0 1828 110 2)60 l1IllU 1812 117 2120 1691 111 1861 l7J4 125 2175 U 939 72 679 922 18 720 790 84 667 Ki 601 115 923 769 121 9)3 779 115 89) Ark 1254 98 1224 1211 124 150) 1116 117 1J10 111 300 118 )s4 294 112 )29 295 1m 379 Okla 1580 119 1B77 1490 I)) 1975 1)50 1)5 1821 le 1620 90 16)7 1706 91 1556 145) 112 1624 MoDt 2227 112 2491 220) I) 2704 2On 101 2084 Idoho 1022 2Z5 2296 986 220 2171 1050 2lt) 2))7 1170 1080 117 1265 1017 94 960 1104 110 1209 Colo 1)56 164 2219 1)51 167 2251 1401 164 229) Ifllex 216 210 454 20) 212 4)) 19) 209 404 Arlo m 220 595 226 2)8 5)7 25) 247 624 Utah S6B 208 1160 550 205 1129 5)7 21) 1145 - )92 155 606 )8) 151 577 377 154 580 lfath 60) 1117 150) 765 205 1611 772 178 1375 Oree 1076 169 1617 1061 174 1646 970 158 1526 ~11middot____~~~ __ ~ J bull 26____ euro1)Q ____1~7O____ 1middotQ7____5JplusmnL ___ 1l15Q ___ 1middot25___ 3 49_ [middotk ___ 1 46amp6____ 1middot15___ 10Q$~ ___ 11617____ 114___ 2611~ ___71~ __ _ lmiddotlJ_ __ 25025_

_1If_ eii2ll 2r_A1l_II~r_r2r_125~D-~ 9Z1J211 o_____________ bull __________

~~~ _lAi~~e5drIx~~rpoundr ~tloi ~ce ~eililfgi ct r~~ln hqutr ll lhoubullbullrona rhouaAcr 12l ThouaToga

~ _____1 _0_____ 111_______ 1~~ _____ 1~ _____ 1Ql_ ______ 1~~ _ Ylk ____ 14aJgl_____ 1J8______ 10l57______7~11J _____ l~L _____ l0ll_ ~ -

WILD BAT AClUllilE fIELD AlID PBODUCrIOll 1947 to 1~1

- - - - - 1i41 1~ 1~ Il~t I Acre I Yield heres Yield Acres Yield bull

I arT ted I Per Production arTeBted Per ProucUon Iifrvsted Per bull Production ____ _1_ __~ __ _~rl _ i ______ 1 _______ cLe______________ cIe___=_____ _

1houeAcreo 1M lhoubullbullTop rhouoAcree ~ rhouerona rhousAcrea ron rhoubullbullroue Vlo 106 115 122 1)0 95 124 112 107 120 Minn 1)06 11e 1439 12)0 105 1292 11)2 105 1169 10 75 1O 90 61 115 9) 70 123 66 Mo 150 110 165 141 110 155 1)5 110 146 1IDIIk 2596 90 2))6 2414 65 2052 2535 Bo 2028 SDU )240 75 24)0 )4)4 70 2401 )4)4 57 1957_hr 296) 60 2)70 2904 65 1686 )252 75 24)9 lUI 702 110 772 611 115 7~ 642 115 nB Ark 204 B5 In 175 110 192 152 105 160 00amp 458 110 504 4)1 1 lt5 5)9 416 1gt0 502 lu 210 95 200 197 65 167 1B5 101 167 Mont 860 BO 704 654 90 769 769 75 577 Id~o 132 110 145 140 100 140 144 109 157 To 500 95 475 475 60 lB5 522 B5 444 Colo 470 105 494 451 105 474 474 102 4B) 11 Megt 27 BO 22 25 75 19 22 6) 1B Utah 109 125 1)6 105 110 126 105 I) 12911 230 1111 25) 216 105 227 205 9B 201 Vampth 46 120 55 55 1)0 2 57 120 68 Oreg )00 110 ))0 )30 15 412 291 106 gt08pound41lf_____1i6____ 11(1_____ 17~ _____1J6____ 1ltgt_____120_____ 1J~ ___ 112_____1~_

~____ 4~_____10____111111 ___ 4515_____~5___ l)~___ _~19= ____~2___ l121_ - 23 shy

-UPDATA 1981 bull _ bull h



ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944





- - - -I 1241 I~ i 199 State 1 ADr IAcre I n14 1 Pro- Acree IAcre8 I n814 Pro- 1 Aere lAeroa 1 Tield 1 Proshy

IP18n~dl Hal- I Per 1 ductton IPlaJ1tedl liar- I Per IduoUon IPlanted I HaJ- I Per ductlon ____1____I~e~d__ Opounde__ ____ 1 ___ JY88~ _A~Z ______ ___ ve~ _Apoundr _ J ____ _

bout Aorel PUheb ThOUl1u Thoubullbull Acrea ~ 1lIou~Jll ThoUlAcree ~ Thoubullbull1u

Maine 11 11 401) 440 12 12 )20 )84 1) 1) 420 546 BH 12 12 450 540 12 11 370 407 12 It 480 576 n Ita 48 410 1968 52 52 44~0 2288 58 58 480 2784 Mal 37 37 470 1139 35 )5 410 1435 36 36 450 1620 RI 8 8 440 352 7 7 390 213 7 7 430 )01Conn 45middot 45 460 2160 42 42 410 1722 40 40 450 1800 BT 610 598 )30 19134 640 6)4 420 26628 65) 647 440 28468 bullbull~ 181 180 430 7740 194 193 SOo 96SO 177 176 433 7621 Pa 1339 1)2) 42$ 56228 1J86 1376 475 65)60 1)39 13)5 475 63412 Ohl0 34llt 3386 410 138826 3701 3691 585 215924 J627 J617 540 195)18 Ind 4421 40399 4J0 189157 4668 466J 570 265791 4729 4710 SOO 235S00 Ill 8677 8ser J95 J39068 9298 9252 610 564372 9280 9252 541) 499608 1I1cl 1597 1574 275 4) 285 1645 16)7 3g5 64662 1694 1686 490 82614 V1 2571 2545 420 106890 2622 2596 450 116820 2701 2674 520 139048 Minn 5)49 5234 36S 191041 5302 5286 52S 277515 5796 5770 430 248110 Iawa 10935 10410 JO5 317505 1121J 11191 605 677056 11549 11527 470 541~ No 4317 4018 245 98441 4365 4300 450 193500 4220 4085 )90 159)15 HDak 1220 1189 ~~5 24374 1147 1130 260 29380 1239 1209 200 ~180 SDak 4097 3970 0 754JO 3728 3652 360 131472 4138 4017 220 88374 Je~ 7575 7340 195 1431)0 7196 7160 350 2SO600 7628 7518 310 23)058Ian 21t6o 2)18 170 39406 24)5 2364 325 768J6 25)2 2459 277 68114 Del 132 1)1 )35 4)88 130 128 )20 4096 1)9 139 335 4656 Mi 458 456 380 17328 467 465 450 20925 4S) 451 420 18942 la 1067 1061 360 38196 lOSS 10SO 425 44625 1007 998 420 41916 VTa 295 29) 410 12()1) 286 2B4 440 12496 257 25) 440 11132 BC 2204 2182 315 687)) 2248 2226 300 66780 2238 2204 315 69426 SC 1408 1404 195 27378 1422 1418 195 27651 1412 1404 205 28782 Oa 3075 3044 140 42616 )044 3014 145 4)70) 31)5 )104 165 51216 71 629 623 120 7476 642 62) 100 02)0 580middot 573 125 7162IT 2185 2179 350 76265 2445 2440 400 97600 2396 2)67 355 84028 TQ~n 2200 2189 285 62)86 2266 2255 320 72160 215) 2120 )05 64660 Ala lt651 2627 150 39405 2584 20514 210 54054 2567 2523 200 50460 Mia 2320 2254 165 37191 2227 2209 220 48598 2182 ~054 205 42107 Ark 1388 1325 1~0 22525 1277 1246 230 286sa 1175 11)4 220 24948 La 990 960 135 12960 940 902 175 15785 T90 758 210 15918 Okla 1165 1125 180 2O2SO 1118 080 225 24)00 1152 1102 ~OO 22040 Tor 2801) 2784 160 44544 2584 253) 160 40528 2426 24llt 210 50694 Mol t 177 ~66 165 2739 198 193 180 3474 202 178 110 1951 Idaho 25 ~ 490 1176 26 26 485 1261 32 31 535 - 1658 1f7o 57 5) 165 874 50 48 185 888 54 SO 205 1025 Colo S46 522 2)0 12006 541 522 240 12528 649 626 262 16401 JIMex 108 95 1)5 1282 94 86 140 1204 98 95 160 1520 Arb 32 30 150 4SO 32 30 150 4SO 3J 31 150 465 Utah 26 26 380 988 30 29 270 783 32 )1 310 961 BeY 2 2 320 64 2 2 270 54 2 2 )00 60 Vath 17 17 540 918 19 19 530 1007 21 21 510 1071 Oref 26 25 460 1150 28 27 380 1026 Z7 26 410 1066 Cellt 62 62 320 1984 65 65 330 2145 65 65 )40 2210

US 850)8 82888 284 2354739 85522 84778 425 3605078 S6~5 a5602 378 32)8618Yiiii tabi coT~r-cOrii tor aii purpc ID(lWtlng howd-ampiia-Iid com Dn4 tliat-cUt-id-td-vTthwt-r~Trng-the ear as 11 ampI that hueked and upped for grain The 7114 tor graIn with aJI allowance tor Ya171111 71eld of corn for other purpo 1 applied to th totel arreage to obtamp1ll an equbeleDt proliucU~1I eqtrSllseli in tetu of gnUD


- -I 1241i=-- 12+)1199 8t 1 ADrll5 IAcrt I Tield 1 P~ 1 Acrt Acnll I Tie14 1 Pro- 1 Acre IAcre 1 Tle14 1 Proshy

a I Ipl-a1 Hal- I Per ducUon PllUltdl Htu- I Pal duettoD IPlantla1 IJaor 1 Per 1 dtIDtiOD ____1____~14_1_ FI_ _ ____bull ___ YI _Apound~ __1____ 1 ___ ~Te ~ _~~ _ ____ _

houMN IIIt ~ ftIoua ~ MJa lm housJew 1la ~ Ill 75 75 500 1900 4 4 700 1400 5 5 590 1500 ranbullbull 10 10 300 1500 9 9 320 1400 8 a 275 1100 Okla 82 75 320 12000 65 59 )00 8800 80 72 29S 10600 lex 35 )It 350 6000 39 J4 2)5 4000 65 63 )50 11000 CIlo 73 69 270 9300 71 67 295 9900 84 82 265 ll700

lt6 Ito 18S 3700 39 J4 265 4SOO 65 61 )20 9800 ------------~----------------------------------------------us 292 34400 227 291 )0000 )07 291 314 ~5700

- 3 shy

UPDATA 1981 bull ~ _ r bull ~ ~~~(bull~~bull


- - - - li~ 1 j9~ __ o ~~1n ____ l ___F2r_811~ ___ Hogglng____F2r~n___ i ___ o ill1pound~___ iiogging

State AcrengeY101d Pro_ AcreageYield Pro- down AcreageYield Pr~_ AcreageY1eld Pro- down Har- I ler duction Har- Per lducUonlglz1ngl Rnr- I per Iduction Hlr- Per duction gl9zing

____tlgt-otCltI_____ tpoundsl~ iApoundr _1____lEi tlItHIIl_llsl11clII_____ iv~BleS iAiT~ _1____ ampJ1I1 Thou 1a Thou Thous ~ Thou ThoU Thous ~ Thqufl Tone rhoue Thou Acree 1 Acres Teme ~rui ~poundw Tona Acree

K11ne 2 390 78 7 105 74 3 2 390 78 7 100 70 2 NH 3 430 129 10 105 105 1 2 420 84 9 115 104 1 n 4 395 158 58 10~0 580 4 3 380 114 5 95 542 3 Masa 7 390 lJ J4 95 32J 4 5 150 225 31 105 326 3 RI 1 310 37 7 90 63 1 1 400 40 6 95 57 1 Conn 10 410 410 38 100 380 4 9 450 405 37 105 388 3 11Y )38 355 ~899 479 85 4072 75 130 350 4550 460 84 3864 67 NJ 135 325 4388 62 70 434 9 125 445 5562 56 90 504 6 ~ 1118 356 39801 282 BO 2256 2J 1053 1~35 45806 261 85 2218 24 Ohio 3425 404 138370 135 75 1012 91 3295 505 166398 111 90 999 62 Ind 4410 IWl 176841 92 65 598 92 4190 530 222070 87 90 783 87 Ill 88~ 454 399702 190 a5 1615 146 7756 465 360654 179 80 1432 195 Mich 1400 324 45360 259 70 1813 146 1306 360 47016 273 70 1911 172 Via 1439 459 66050 1179 81 9550 61 1367 440 60148 1250 79 9875 62 Minn 4553 437 198966 731 76 5556 583 4522 390 176358 768 75 5760 636 lava 10397 525 545842 221 95 2100 419 9924 445 441618 218 87 1897 564 Mo 46)8 33 bull 5 155373 W 60 282 96 3641 285 103768 58 50 290 174 NIlk 533 273 14551 112 43 482 605 404 225 9090 110 39 429 711 SDak 3460 343 118678 47 70 329 390 3437 280 962)6 49 60 291t 606 Nebr 8452 33J 281452 44 62 273 253 8020 290 2)2bull580 42 50 210 425 Kane 3372 276 93067 35 55 192 142 2757 235 64790 60 45 270 164 Del 139 255 3544 3 90 27 1 136 325 4420 3 90 27 1 Md 460 3$3 16238 40 75 JOO 5 420 410 17220 36 110 396 5 Va 1190 260 30940 65 70 455 25 1071 330 35343 64 100 640 30 VVa 330 279 9207 11 80 88 7 287 370 10619 9 110 99 3 NC 2234 228 50935 16 88 141 46 2149 250 53725 15 105 158 40 SC 1480 169 25012 4 60 24 26 1 bull 389 170 23613 4 55 22 26 Ga 3204 120 38448 10 40 40 191 3137 140 43916 10 50 50 190 Fla 550 10$ 5775 6 60 36 163 495 UO 5445 6 55 J3 117 X7 2449 247 60490 20 70 140 J8 2118 320 67776 21 80 168 42 Tenn 2326 224 52102 19 54 103 70 2046 270 55242 17 70 119 62 Ala 2847 152 43274 6 50 30 61 2719 155 42144 8 50 40 70 1Iias 2481 161 39944 5 55 28 44 2382 190 45258 5 65 2 42 Ark 1547 165 25526 2 50 10 74 1335 210 28035 2 45 9 26 La 1139 140 lS9~~ 2 38 8 27 1059 185 19592 2 45 n 14 Okla 1568 170 26656 lQ 40 40 46 2gt60 170 21420 9 40 36 63 Tn 3750 144 54000 20 35 70 190 3207 155 4970$ 13 40 52 106 Mont 28 lt03 568 6 35 21 141 14 205 2amp1 6 2j 15 150 1dJho 19 416 790 8 85 68 3 16 430 688 10 105 105 3 VTo 32 152 486 5 50 25 43 29 165 478 3 55 16 40 Celli 676 183 12J71 75 65 4B8 133 530 210 11130 54 63 340 132 NMex 162 145 2349 8 50 40 25 104 150 1560 i 60 30 41 Arb 25 92 2JO 3 75 22 4 23 120 276 3 80 24 5 Utah 5 309 15lt 10 100 160 2 5 360 180 16 90 144 2 Nev 1 318 32 1 100 10 1 J20 32 1 100 10 Vloh 9 450 405 9 108 97 3 7 510 357 8 100 80 5 Oreg 14 )61 50S 12 65 78 10 11 370 407 11 79 67 9 Calif 36 350 1260 25 100 250 10 ~9 340 986 25 100 250 10 E= = 5~0e-( p~0=~aQl~61(=441( ~7~i2 ~~~8= =4~6= =712z =raquo-I~m4E9= =1425= =782 = 2S21( 130~


- - - - 19[4 l 1241 State Aoren Acroe Yield Por Acres Aarea I field Per

Planted IlIrvuted Acre y Prolact1oll I Planted Hneeteci Aore y Productlln- _ __bull_______ ___ ________ _ _______ J _____ _____ _____ __-________ _~ ~

Acre ~ Thous lb Aores ~ Thoue Lblt Ohlo 13000 13000 1450 18850 30000 JO~OO 1800 54000 Ind 17700 17700 1)25 23 1152 34800 34800 1975 68730 Ill 19900 19500 1200 23400 25800 24800 1600 44640 Mich )000 2400 1200 2880 4000 3500 1200 4200 Iowa 51800 SOJOO 1700 85510 102000 92000 1130 10)960 Mo 11800 11500 l6ao 19320 17000 15000 1680 25200 Nebr 8800 8700 1400 12180 31~000 J)OOO 1350 4450 Kane 5900 5700 1400 7980 9500 8400 1100 9240 X7 13500 13500 1000 13500 14two 14400 1400 20160 Okla 20000 18000 800 14400 46000 38000 850 32300 Tex 15000 12500 950 11875 17500 14000 850 11900 Cali 2000 2000 700 1400 2000 2000 600 120(1

~~= = = i8~~ = = =1148~0= == )3~J= ===p~l41 = = =3i~0~0= = = i~io~ = = ==1~1( = = ==~zPpounda~ = l In principal coamrcial producing ~tata y O liN corn 70 pOl1ndn to tile buahel bull



- - - l~ r tjtZ _ - - -Slrbullpoundpoundr4fL __ l __ ]Rr_el~ ___ Hogg1ngl___ ]9r--Eampin___ l ___ lox 118ampe____Hogging

Stampte ~AcreageY1eld Pro- AcreageY1eld Pro- down AcreageY1eli Pro- AcreageYleld Pro- down Har- Per ducUon Rar- Per Igrazing Rar- Per duct H1- Per duction Igtu1ng

___ _JeJlt~cle___ __ ly~8~eS lApoundrsect _~t-j 9tavIet~ltLce____ ~~YJl8el1Apoundr ______f9r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ima 2l Thou ~~ ~ lhOUB Thoubullbull ~ Thoua houbullbull Acres ~ ~ TonI ~ ~ ~ Acreg 2l Acree

Maine 3 370 111 8 115 92 1 2 400 80 8 110 88 1 NH 3 420 126 9 110 99 1 2 450 90 9 110 99 1 n 3 410 123 52 100 520 3 2 410 82 44 95 418 2 MUB 6 460 276 30 10bull5 315 2 6 470 282 29 115 334 2 RI 1 390 39 6 )00 60 1 1 440 44 6 95 57 1 Conn 9 460 414 35 105 )68 3 9 480 432 34 110 374 2 NT I53 400 6120 465 93 4324 46 135 )50 4725 4)6 84 3662 27 NJ 125 450 5625 59 90 531 5 122 4)0 5246 52 90 46S 6 Fa 1055 430 45)65 269 90 2421 27 1046 425 44455 258 85 219) 19 Ohio 3405 490 166645 127 85 1080 109 3098 410 127018 18) 75 1)72 105 Ind 4)98 5~0 224298 92 85 782 92 4227 430 161761 88 70 616 84 Ill 8553 560 478968 169 90 1521 151 8189 )95 )23466 206 74 1524 189 Mich 1243 290 36047 310 60 1860 216 1147 285 32690 274 61 1671 153 W1 1299 465 601~4 i200 18 9)60 46 1338 445 59541 1164 81 9428 4) Minn 4323 455 196696 692 83 5744 437 4187 380 159106 680 72 4896 367 Iova 10600 570 604200 178 105 1869 356 9588 310 297228 281 64 1798 541 Mo 4239 375 158962 44 65 286 1)2 3777 250 94425 80 50 400 161 NDak 437 230 10051 145 34 493 631 523 210 10983 143 38 54) 523 SDak 3529 310 109)99 48 60 288 4)) 3454 200 69080 63 54 340 45)Nebr 7418 295 218831 78 53 41) )12 6973 200 139460 73 38 277 294 I~e 2469 220 54318 211 38 802 331 1986 180 35748 155 37 574 177 Del 134 330 4422 3 105 32 1 126 335 4221 4 90 36 1 Md 412 430 17716 38 95 361 6 41) 380 15694 37 95 352 6 Va 1017 360 36612 48 95 456 18 976 360 )5136 57 105 598 28 WVa 284 )40 9656 9 100 90 3 278 410 11396 11 100 110 4 NC 2104 270 56808 17 80 136 39 2110 315 66465 22 90 198 50 sc 1415 185 26178 3 60 18 29 1355 195 26422 6 65 39 43 04 2886 130 37518 10 50 50 308 2651 140 37114 9 50 45 384 1111 526 100 5260 6 50 30 117 492 120 5904 6 55 3) 125 it 2194 360 78984 2) 90 207 29 2127 350 74445 24 100 240 28 Tenn 2106 295 67127 17 70 119 66 2106 285 60021 17 70 119 66 AlII 2531 155 39230 5 45 22 65 2530 150 37950 5 50 25 92 Miss 2173 160 )4768 4 55 22 33 2211 165 3648Z 5 60 )0 38 Ark 1435 210 30135 2 43 9 35 1267 170 215)9 2 44 9 56 La 975 140 13650 2 40 8 23 9 11 1)5 12704 2 40 8 17

Okla 1317 175 23048 7 45 32 48 1074 180 19332 7 40 28 44 Tex 3019 165 49813 12 40 48 62 2720 160 43520 13 35 46 51 lIont 13 210 273 7 50 )5 160 22 220 484 9 40 36 135 Idaho 17 425 722 7 120 84 2 16 495 792 6 105 63 2 IIJ-o 24 180 4)2 ) 60 18 3) 2175 )68 5 65 32 27 Colo )72 200 7440 60 67 402 141 397 220 8734 57 80 456 68 HMex 105 160 1660 4 50 20 16 83 145 1204 ) 45 14 9 lrh 23 120 276 3 75 22 4 23 155 356 3 70 21 4 Ut~ 5 290 145 16 100 160 3 5 380 190 18 100 180 )Hey 1 350 )5 1 100 10 1 30 )2 1 100 10 Vaeh 7 550 385 7 105 74 4 7 560 J92 7 Ll5 80 )Oreg 12 365 438 11 80 88 8 11 485 534 10 100 100 4 01111 32 350 1120 25 100 250 10 27 350 945 25 100 250 10 ~~= = =7j~1~ =31~ iitfO~9= =4~517= =7-81 =3~~) = ~i9j =-5~0~ y~~ lo~31o= =4~6Jpound =7~)2 = )~i9~=~~

POPCOlIII ICREAGE YIELD lID RODUCTIOJl 1946 UD 1947 I - - - - 19~= i ~7 Stab Acree tern Ueld Per Producthn Acre Acr Yield Per ~ ProducUoB

Planhd HrYe8hd lcre Y PlUlted Hamprl88ted leIY ~- - - -- - - - _-_ - - - - _a-_______________ ____ _ _____ a _____ __bull________ _

lqrea E2ml Thoue Lb lcre ~ fhoU Lb Ohio 15000 14100 1750 24675 5200 5000 i6oo ~OOO Ind 18Soo 18800 1900 35720 7300 7300 1500 10950 Ill 16000 15800 1800 28440 21000 20400 lIroO 28560 Mich 2700 ~600 1400 )640 2500 2100 1000 2100 Iova 42000 41000 1820 74620 17000 15000 960 14400 No 15000 15000 1600 24000 10000 10000 1100 11000 Hebr 13000 13000 1500 19500 4000 4000 1200 4800 lIua 5900 5200 1200 6240 3800 3500 959 ))25T 10100 10100 1470 14847 6500 0500 1470 9555 Okla 14000 13000 910 116)0 5600 5000 lOGO 5000 rex 4200 4200 1200 5040 2700 2700 1)00 )510poundamp1___1a6Q0___ ~ _116Q0____lampOQIL ____116QO_____ ~bullQOQ __ _ ~bullQOQ _____8lO_____ lo1_ - _ ~- - _1i83Q0___ _1214pound0_ ___1amp60___ _221122_ ___ _81QOQ __ ~_J02____1amp222____ 021l2 __ _ l In prinCipal coercial prodac1namp Statebullbull y or ltV cornl 10 pClaDd to the lII1tw1



- - - - 19te ~42 __ rOE U~il ___ l __ ]2r_BlM ___IHogg1ng___ ]2rLrn __ t __ ]gr_BlM ____Hogging

stat AoresltoYold Pr AoreageY1eld l down AorelgeY1eldl Pr Acr~g$Y1eld l down Har- I Per dllOt~n Hlr- hr IdUO~~l1Clz1ngl Har- I Per duct~n Her- I Per I d~~lon grnz1ng

____1otfdoJe_____ lvjtsel lAsrs _1 ____4r~llazeJltldcle_l____ zel1t-tdoJe_l _____14I~ Thoubullbull ~ ThOUtl ~ Tona ~ll2 ~l1 ThOU8 ~ lm ~ Thou Acreo Acrea Tona Acropound2 AerO ~ CroD

Ma1ne 2 320 64 9 85 76 1 2 420 84 10 104 104 1 Nrr 2 370 74 8 95 76 1 2 480 96 9 106 95 1 n 2 lflhO 88 48 100 480 2 2 480 96 54 102 551 2 Jo(I1f1 5 ao 205 ~9 100 290 1 5 450 225 29 92 267 2 111 1 390 39 6 90 54 1 430 43 6 66 52 Conn 7 10 287 33 95 314 2 6 450 270 33 96 317 1 NY 164 440 716 445 100 4450 25 170 460 78~0 452 100 4520 25 11J 132 500 6600 55 95 522 6 117 433 5066 56 80 448 3 Ps 1096 475 52155 259 95 2~0 19 1061 475 50398 258 95 2451 16 Ohio 370 585 202995 148 91 1436 73 3400 540 18)600 141 100 1410 76 Ind 4504 570 256726 75 90 675 64 4542 500 227100 83 9 764 85 Ill 8965 610 546865 167 95 1566 120 6947 540 483138 18S 100 1850 120 Mich 1278 400 51120 264 74 1954 95 1390 495 68005 2l4 94 2200 62 Via 1378 480 66144 1167 84 9971 31 1516 554 83986 1068 99 10573 90 Minn 4)81 540 236698 645 69 5740 254 4630 440 212520 696 85 S9)) 242 Ioltl 10732 605 6149286 179 110 1969 280 11101 470 5l1747 219 101 2212 207 Mo 4128 450 185760 60 75 450 112 3930 390 153270 57 76 4J) 98 1IDaJc 531 280 11868 124 43 533 475 526 225 U835 160 36 576 523 SDak 3323 170 122951 114 70 306 285 3266 235 16751 129 55 710 622 Nobr 6945 350 243075 72 57 410 143 7293 311 226~~2 75 62 465 150 Ka1l8 2281 325 74132 49 60 294 34 2316 277 64liJ 86 57 490 57 1)01 122 320 3904 5 95 48 1 133 335 4~i56 5 85 42 1 Md 418 450 18810 40 95 380 7 402 420 161~ 42 95 399 1 Va 976 4205 Ill 180 56 115 644 8 908 420 38~36 54 107 578 36 II Va 269 440 118)6 11 100 110 4 2)6 4110 103e4 13 100 1)0 4 11C 2137 300 64110 22 100 220 67 2122 31S 66810 19 89 169 63 sc 1351 195 26344 11 60 66 56 1346 205 ~59) 11 72 79 47 Ga 2558 145 37091 9 55 50 447 2635 165 43478 8 64 51 461 Flll 4211 10a 4240 6 50 30 193 344 125 4300 5 55 28 224 iT 2381 400 95240 27 90 243 32 2303 355 81756 2B 9~ 263 36 Tenn 2172 320 69504 lS 80 120 68 20)9 30S 6z190 17 87 148 64 Ala 2412 210 50652 8 50 40 154 2346 200 46920 5 60 30 172 MiuD 2165 Z20 47630 6 65 39 38 2011 205 41226 5 75 38 33 Ark 1Z7 230 28221 2 52 10 17 1100 220 24200 2 50 10 32 La 870 175 152Z5 2 40 8 30 727 210 15267 2 60 12 29 Olcla 1053 225 23692 5 40 20 22 1063 200 22260 4 50 20 35 Tex 2411 160 38576 16 40 64 106 2346 210 49lt66 8 52 42 60 Mont 27 220 594 8 50 40 158 8 238 190 13 45 58 157 Idaho 17 490 833 7 120 84 2 18 545 981 12 117 140 1 70 12 200 240 7 70 II) 29 12 221 765 8 77 62 30 Colo 355 ZZO 1810 73 75 548 94 48z 2116 11857 83 86 114 61 NMex 73 150 1095 3 55 16 10 75 165 1238 4 70 28 16 Aris 23 155 356 3 15 22 4 25 lS5 388 3 84 25 3 utllh 5 280 1110 20 100 200 4 5 313 156 22 114 251 4 Nev 2 100 20 2 105 21 Wuh 6 550 J30 11 105 116 2 9 5gt0 468 9 105 94 3 Oreg 11 400 4l) 11 75 82 5 12 435 522 10 82 82 4 Callt 30 365 1095 25 110 275 10 )J 380 1254 26 110 286 6t= =7~~ =432 ~~2~ )~( ~v= 27~52C l~~ =7116l )imiddotZ ii42~9l =t~~ 221==to2~= 2271

- - - - ~)w ~ lieuro State I ere~ I eres Yield Per I eres Acre Yield Per

pllll1~cd ~Haneeted ~ ere y Production PllIled lianeated Acre y Production

- - - -- - - - -AC~I- - - - -- -POundq - --Thou- Lb - - - - - iC~f - - - - - PoUndg- - -- Thou-Lb- - -Ohio 21000 21000 2350 49350 9500 9500 1900 18050 Icd 16500 16500 2500 41250 14400 14400 1900 21360Ill 29500 29300 2250 65925 16100 16000 1700 30600 Mich 4100 3800 2000 1600 2800 2800 1650 4620 I~va 260~0 26000 2110 54860 23000 23000 1470 33810 Mo 11000 11000 2100 23100 10200 10200 1300 1)260 Nebr 5000 5000 1800 9000 6000 6000 130 8bull580 J6n )100 3000 1650 4950 3900 3800 1360 5168 11 15500 15500 1610 24955 11100 9500 1)50 128~5 Okla 21000 24000 - 700 18720 8000 7000 1250 8750 Taz 4100 4100 1150 4715 2000 2000 1000 2000 cal 1000 1000 1100 1100

y lK82( 62~2 l~W ~2s~5~[ = =1sect9~02( )Q6~2Q( = 1~ = = )~5~OP 1 In principal cGaaercial prodncing Statebullbull ~ Ot ear cornl 70 pound to tb bashl


-aftcr r r~ RfhMr r~



- - - - 12~ 1 124] i i9i6 state Acre Acres Yield Pro- Acree Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

PlAnted Ilar- Per Acre duetiOD PllDted IDlr- Per Acre duetionP1anted lInr- Per Acre duetion veoted vested vested

- - - -- ThOU-ACrlis-- juiihlii ThorusIiti yenhOuliierlis- iiuiihlii -ThotWiiu Tbou-Acrlis- BuShl Tho~s~-Maine 1 1 220 22 1 1 190 19 1 1 10 21 liT J49 336 259 8716 352 346 264 9147 222 215 263 5648 11J 75 60 233 1398 93 63 210 1323 96 62 250 1550 h 931 914 214 19560 959 932 21S 20038 911 885 25 19912 Ohio 1937 1918 227 43539 2150 2129 270 57483 1849 1831 265 48522 Ind 1292 1266 202 25568 1587 1555 225 34980 1383 1366 215 29369 Ill 1334 1247 195 24320 1400 1339 185 248l7 1289 1207 160 19361 Mich 949 944 246 23222 992 982 275 27005 877 864 265 22896 Vie 69 67 195 1308 61 60 263 1576 95 93 252 2340 Minn 1325 1214 165 20090 1109 1100 193 21246 1412 1391 195 27080 Io~ 149 120 159 1912 168 140 190 2660 192 185 234 4335 Mo 1472 1207 16) 19674 1428 1304 140 18256 1314 1213 150 18195 a~ 10107 9856 159 156321 10005 9855 157 154568 10444 10192 137 139824 Slhk 3254 3070 121 37278 3355 3201 155 49656 3755 3S88 148 53197 Nebr 3585 2675 126 33762 3777 3596 229 82358 4037 3954 229 90677 Kans 13210 11377 165 187700 14148 13416 155 207939 14006 13147 162 212977 Del 68 64 197 1261 73 67 195 1306 68 62 190 1178 Md 395 370 232 8584 391 359 190 6821 376 348 195 6786 Va 539 516 192 9907 534 485 155 7518 459 432 185 7992 V~ 102 87 186 1618 100 87 185 1610 90 77 185 1424 NC 567 516 165 851bull 4118 408 11bullbull5 5916 394 371 170 6307 S C 26z 253 145 3668 202 195 145 2828 160 156 165 2574 Ga 228 213 140 2982 198 183 135 2470 141 130 130 1690 lT 496 426 178 7583 516 371 135 5008 392 297 140 4158 Tenn 423 396 145 5742 381 J45 125 4312 276 259 140 3626 Ala 25 22 163 359 24 20 ISS 310 15 12 145 114 M18S ~5 18 226 407 25 18 200 360 16 9 220 198 Ark 65 46 149 685 65 39 105 410 44 ~8 140 392 Okla 5557 5095 167 85086 6335 5910 125 73875 6715 6087 145 88262 Tex 4S51 4458 185 821lt73 5842 5350 90 48150 6835 5992 105 62916 Mont 4507 4019 188 75497 4147 3777 151 57145 4426 4133 152 62888 Idlho 1137 1088 293 31851 1156 1102 297 32734 1324 1273 275 350240 282 215 131 2811 286 244 182 4431 JOI 281 243 6832 Colo 1658 1256 142 17794 1850 1560 223 34768 2244 2004 189 37776 NMex 463 2at 117 3337 452 297 94 2778 542 350 8J 2895 riz 26 24 22S S40 27 24 ZlO 504 29 27 210 56 Uhh 298 294 241 7100 286 281 243 6842 3J5 320 224 7171 l1ev 16 16 273 437 18 18 243 437 19 18 273 49L Vash 2485 2338 268 62673 2667 2524 244 61512 2769 2642 295 77965 Oreg 980 914 265 24200 970 921 237 21810 1050 984 256 25168 -i___ 2~ __ ~7 __ 94___ 10~2___614___523___12~ __ 106ltt7_ __675___619__ 190___ l7~1_

~~- - _6~bull9~ _52742 __ 177__10~ll_ ~122_ ~1~__ _1Z~ ~1127633_7578_ ~7125__ 172__1lZ218_


- - - - 19~ ~ = ~ 19~ State creo Acres Yield Pro- Acrea Acres Yiold Pro- Acres Acrea Yield Prltoshy

PhntedIar- Par ere duction Pbnted Rar- Per Acre ductionPlanted Har- Per Acre duction - - - -- - - _elt~_- ____ J ____ J ___ T~StfJ _________ ___ VJlBtfJI__________ _

ThW Acres ~ ~ls Thouas Acres Pounds ThGsliga ThousAcre Pounds ThousBags Ark ~7 287 2J63 6781 284 281 2115 5943 327 320 2002 6408 La S68 561 1710 9593 SB4 583 1m 10363 592 589 1732 10204 Tex 392 392 2002 7850 400 400 2025 8100 412 412 1935 7972 CaUf 246 240 2812 6750 244 235 2665 6262 264 261 3032 7913

~middotEmiddot I01 )-~===~Q91=10~1( =1~5Z ~=~~ 10~~ 1~s2S 18~ ~Q5E = 12427 RIC (Cont I d)

- - -- ~i i i9a 1 ~ Mia 5 5 2700 135 Ark 370 )65 2096 7652 395 391 2358 9220 415 412 2150 8858 La 616 613 1620 9931 641 631 1m 11216 599 593 1825 10822 ~ex 474 474 2025 9599 526 526 2092 11007 552 542 1975 10704 pounda1l__ ~52 ___226___ 2bullJ2 ___8015___~__ ~5sect ___26sect9__ _6t812_ __312__ 102 __ 225pound __ 10t28_

- _1middot112 __17~___ ~~~ __ 2527__18~_1~ ___21~2__ 2B275__1~3_15z __ ~1~ __ ~727_




---- ~7 i i i ti~ State Acrco Aore Yield Pro- lorn Acre Yleld Pro- Acres Acreo Y1eld Proshy

Plonted m- Per Acre ducdon Planted liar-a Per lore cuct1on Plantod llar- per Acre duction ________~ot ______ l ____ l ___ lY81e_l _____l ____ l ___ lylt0_eSl ____ l ____ _d t l1ho1l Acree ~ Tbou8lffi Thoubullbull Acree lIunhal Thouau Thoubullbull Acree 1Igshel lhoutIBu

NY 3aS 375 240 8988 449 J41 ~o 11886 405 396 269 10721 NJ 107 15 250 1675 115 62 215 1763 107 a3 240 1992 pa 947 929 240 22296 965 966 190 16354 926 906 230 20884 Ohl0 2212 2119 ~25 49026 2371 2353 245 57646 2377 2353 250 56625 Iud 160) 1571 230 36133 1811 1775 215 36162 1739 1722 220 31884 Ill 1431 1341 210 26311 1745 1710 225 36497 1952 1913 230 43995 Mich 1210 1192 250 29600 1416 ~395 260 36~0 1303 1297 265 34310 Via 116 114 257 2926 127 123 236 2906 117 114 226 2604 Hinn 1200 1169 171 2063 1066 1051 115 1652 1304 1265 151 19360 Iowa 220 201 119 3607 40 311 233 1397 41 364 168 1212 Mo 1472 1321 165 244)6 1722 1596 210 33558 1625 1676 175 29365 NllIlt 10401 10263 143 146)83 9933 97l 144 140234 11055 10552 106 112357 SDllt 3656 3103 145 53626 4022 3643 131 50342 459 4079 80 32653 Nebr 4606 4434 209 92751 4614 4275 204 87111 5016 4165 140 58213 X~ne 15404 14655 193 266102 14634 13221 175 231368 16244 14219 110 157069 Del 70 65 200 1300 71 66 145 957 66 63 115 11021 366 341 210 1161 361 334 160 53J4 343 311 190 6023 v~ 496 456 115 6015 461 449 185 8306 438 400 165 7400 Y v~ 96 62 195 1599 96 62 165 1511 62 68 190 1292 NC 492 461 175 8112 406 314 160 5984 465 4tl0 136 5520 SC 238 2J1 165 3812 211 210 140 2940 114 166 120 1992 Go 196 185 140 2590 116 165 135 2228 140 130 125 1625 XJ- 404 J24 160 5184 420 324 160 5184 403 288 170 439f Tenn 332 16 150 4740 )55 336 145 4901 )01 ~4 146 40( 11 14 12 165 198 15 13 155 202 13 11 154 1y Ml 20 16 195 312 16 12 190 226 15 8 165 132 uk 38 24 150 )60 40 26 170 416 )4 24 145 )46 Okla 1051 6696 155 103188 1263 6696 145 91092 1481 6629 128 84851 Tex 7587 1)10 160 116960 6752 5629 105 59104 7090 6417 140 698)6 Mon~ 5183 4427 146 65)46 5201 4815 192 93716 5975 5316 115 61189 Idaho 1)88 1344 266 )674) 1523 111) 252 )5646 1591 1537 242 )1136 VTo )47 326 202 6592 384 )42 194 6650 )92 369 167 6885 Colo 290) 2738 215 56866 3186 2861 01 51)73 )552 26)8 16) 46164 NMex 740 649 15 9420 682 403 92 )712 616 526 106 5616 Arh 30 26 210 586 19 28 2)0 644 )0 26 262 734 Utlh 315 J68 246 9058 431 415 05 6510 441 426 210 9009 Ney 21 20 lt91 582 21 20 295 590 20 19 26 bull J 541 Vh 2922 2119 2)6 64750 2959 2166 c87 79268 )1)9 2758 218 60146 Ore~ 1063 976 226 22237 1100 1052 265 29954 1214 1058 215 22698 pound111___ vsect __ sect62 __1sect2 ___11 bull Q)~ ___76___6Q~ _ 175___lQiJ2 ___7f___6pound6__ 185____11261 Q~_ _ _1sect21t _7~212 __1sect3 _ l25sect211_16L~L 17ltL46_ _ 119_ 1 9t2l _ sect3J9Q5_15J90_ _ 1~5_ _ oQ9il~

FUX 11llR ACRYAGS TIuD KD P~WCTIOf 1944 tt 19~

- - - - ~I~ 19~ )2Ii State cree Acree l Yield ~_ Acr~ Acre 11eld Pro- Acre8 Acres Yleld Proshy

Plnted aar- P8r Acre juctlon Pl~ted H~r_ Per Acre ductiouPlQnted BAr- Per Acre ductlo~ ________1eltl __________ l ___ l~~aleg l ____ l ________ toYJseS l _____ to ___ bullbull _d 1hOWlAcres 2M 1houeons housAone 12a ThouTont rhoWlAgre 2111 ~~

OrIC 11 85 165 14 95 6 150 12 8) 16 190 111bullbull4

_______1241 ________ ______ ~_________________12~ _______ __ _ Ore 57 49 190 92 24 Z 170 )4 )4 23 180 41

~UNG llLfJlS ACIGAGB niLD un 1lODUCTIOB 1944 to 1949

- - -- 19~ 19sect i J~ Stat Aere Acres Y1eld Pro- Acre lcrao Yield 130- Acree Acre Yiold Prashy

lPIlU1ted Hr- Per Acreductlon lP1ampnted ar_ Per Acre ductionP1uted BAr- Per I1cre ducUen _____ ___rotsltL_____________JCltJd__________ l ____ _____ _____ _ljI~

lhQ)aca ~ Thoualobe TboubullbullAcr ~ ThoubullbullLb rhonaAcre ~ houbullbull Lb

Okla 75 55 200 11 169 110 2~ zr2 no 10 210 147

- - - -=== = = = I~( = = = = = I~ = = = = = = =)~== = = = = Okla 62 40 250 10 64 50 320 16 31 22 400 B8

- fI shy

1ite8zMf~ iiitByen tiTtJj

1 UPDATA 1931



-- - -- -- --- -1~ - --- ---- --- - --- - ---1~-- - - -- - -- --- ---rrb -- -- - --shy-------~--------------------~ ---------------~---------mte ampern I oWl I Yield 1 Pro- I Acr Acree leld Pro- Aero I Acne Yield 1 Proshy

planted I Bar- Per ductioA Planted Bar- Per 1 dDCUOA Planti4 1 liar- 1 Per duCtiOA ____ ______Y8e ~e__ _____ _____1_Y8e cr_______1______Y8e ce__ ___ _

fbDubullbull Acree lbhela hauslb fllo Acr lbabel houbullbull Bl h0l1t1 Acr lbbele h0l18ln

BY 346 33J 260 8658 349 3433 ~ 9090 211 206 ~ 5459 IJ 15 60 233 1398 93 6J 210 1323 96 62 250 1550 h 911 914 214 195bO 959 932 215 2O08 911 1l65 225 19912 Ohio 1931 1918 221 43539 2150 2129 210 51433 1849 1831 265 48522 IIId 1288 1262 202 25492 1584 1552 225 34920 1383 1366 215 29369 Ill 1321 1240 195 2~lSO 1393 1312 185 24642 1282 1200 160 19200 Klch 949 944 24amp 23222 99l 982 215 21005 871 8amp4 265 22896 Vh 36 35 111~ b58 33 32 265 8~ 32 31 215 b66 H1Jl1l lbO 109 140 1526 112 109 225 2452 101 II 190 1amp12 Iowa 145 116 160 1856 Iamp 131 190 2b03 186 119 235 4206 Mo 1472 1201 163 19614 142I 1304 140 18256 1314 1213 150 181~5 SDak 295 216 105 22M 289 248 1amp0 3968 3~ )08 180 5544 ehr 3510 2bOl 121 33105 3121 3546 230 81558 3941 3901 230 89123laD 13204 11314 165 187611 14145 1341~ 155 201911 14004 131~ 162 212965 Del 68 64 191 1261 13 amp1 195 1306 68 62 190 1118 Md 395 310 232 IISSII 391 359 190 amp821 316 348 195 6186 539 516 192 9901 534 485 155 1518 459 432 185 1992 v 102 87 1116 1618 100 87 185 1amp10 90 17 185 1424bullc 561 516 165 8514 448 408 145 5916 394 311 110 6301 SC 262 253 145 3bbS 202 195 145 2~2S 160 156 165 2514 0 228 213 140 2982 198 11J 135 2410 141 130 130 1690 IT 496 426 118 1583 516 311 135 5008 392 291 140 41SS eAIl 423 396 145 5142 381 345 125 ~312 2f6 259 140 3626 11amp 25 22 163 359 24 20 155 310 15 12 145 114 Kl 25 18 226 401 25 111 200 360 16 9 220 198 Uk 65 46 149 bS5 amp5 39 105 410 44 211 140 392 Ckls 5551 5095 161 850116 b335 5910 125 13875 amp115 amp087 145 118262 ez 4951 4458 185 82413 5842 5350 90 48150 61J5 5992 105 amp2916 HOIlt 1501 1221 215 26252 1501 1311 215 29416 1839 1721 190 3281~ Idaho 115 610 214 18amp32 151 114 290 20106 841 801 255 2O51 W70 185 131 119 1559 192 1amp2 190 3018 213 199 2amp5 5214 Colo 1487 111b 141 15136 1110 1421 225 32108 2103 1884 190 3519amp It 439 263 112 29146 426 276 90 2~ 520 331 80 2648 Arh 26 24 225 540 27 24 210 504 29 21 210 561 Utah 2311 235 216 501amp 225 221 220 1amp8amp2 2amp1 250 200 5000 Icy 5 5 258 l29 5 5 250 125 5 5 280 140 Vb 1461 1359 2119 39275 1695 1576 270 1amp2552 2322 2206 305 bl28)Orec 184 129 261 194amp4 1amp4 725 240 11400 825 116 260 20116 Ca11f 596 ~1 194 10amp12 614 563 190 1Ob91 615 ~19 190 11161- ~2 ~1~)5 )middotI 15~I ~~ampI ~1~0~4 1~(= 1~2s1 S~~l= ~~)l( Is~Oi6ii9i

- - - - - - - - - - - - - ~- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -1~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19K - - - - - - - shy- - - - --crbullbull- TIli -1- - - -- -_-- --cN- rfl14 --- - -- - -- iirH iTtli -I-~-

Stte Acn 1 JIar- I Per 0- _nil JIar- Pel 0- I _ liar- I Pel P~ed bull Acre dDctloa Plant ed Acn amplctlO1l Planted 1 yoded llcr dwU01l

- - - - - - Ytmbullbull-ACrbullbull- -JibeIs- ibOubullbullili- - - ibOui-ACzQ- -lbebeI- ihObullbull-Ji- - ihOu-ACr~- -Jir- ibOQbullbullaa IUu 1J6 1amp1 168 689 2J 23 115 IIOZ 35 35 195 6R bullbull IlK 1848 1816 11yen 26871 1829 11J15 165 299118 22611 2232 11l5 323~ SDak 205 200 105 2100 114 166 150 21190 190 1116 150 2190ui- - - -2~ - -2051- -1~i - - -29666 - - 20i6 - -2-riiI- - 1671J- - -32bullbull - - 2JiiJ3 - -2453- - 14-6- - 357836




- - - -I Ili7 = l~ 1 )~~ -_-_-_-_ State Acre Acree I Tield Pro- Acr~ Acree Yield Pro- 1 Acrfte Acree Tie1d Proshy

1 Planied Har- 1 Per duct ion I P1~ted liar- bull Per 1 ducUon I Panted liar- Per duct10n I Yestd I Acre I 1 Yested Acre I I Yeated Acre

- - - - - -fboii- Acree - -Diiieltl - TbOU8ib- - - ThOitbullbull-ACrell- -Diebllie- hOU8amp- - - ~U8-ACre- -Diaiiel- oftlOUIIllii BT 381 371 2110 89011 1142 11311 270 11718 398 391 270 10557 1lbull1 107 75 250 1(5 115 112 215 1763 107 113 2110 1992 h 947 929 240 22296 985 966 190 18351 926 908 230 208811 Ohio 2212 2179 22 490211 2377 2353 245 5764e 2377 2353 250 58625 Ind 1603 1571 230 36133 1811 1715 215 38162 1139 1122 220 37884 Ill 1423 1339 210 26119 1736 1701 225 311272 1944 1905 230 43615 ~lch 1210 1192 250 29SOO 11116 1395 260 36270 1303 1297 265 311310 Wia 41 38 Z)O 674 J4 )1 225 6911 30 28 2)9 669 Minn 111 101 195 1910 101 76 190 1444 SO 16 170 1292 love 209 190 180 3420 )19 295 235 6956 38Z )55 190 6745 10 1412 1321 185 2411)8 1122 1598 210 33558 1825 1678 115 29365 Snk 415 J~4 18 6549 )07 2)0 135 )105 )01 246 1)0 )198 lIbr 4538 4)b9 210 91149 1~583 4bull194 205 85977 4904 4068 140 56952 Y-an8 15404 14855 193 266702 146J4 1)221 17 231)66 16244 14Z79 110 157069 Del 10middot65 ~O 1)00 71 66 145 951 66 63 175 1102 lold ~68 )41 Zl0 7161 )61 3)4 160 5344 343 317 190 602) Va i96 458 175 SOl~ 481 449 185 8306 438 400 185 11100 1( Va 96 82 195 1599 96 82 18 1511 82 68 190 1292-C 492 461 115 112 408 )111 160 5984 465 IlOO 138 5520 sc 2)8 2)1 165 3812 217 210 140 2940 174 166 120 1992 Ga 198 185 140 2590 17~ 165 135 2228 140 130 125 1amp25 rr 404 )24 160 5184 ~ 324 160 51S4 4DJ 2SS 170 4896 snn 3J2 316 150 4740 355 338 145 4901 301 214 146 4000 la 14 12 165 191J 15 13 155 202 I) 11 154 169 lllee 20 16 19 )lZ 16 12 190 228 15 8 165 132 Ark )8 24 150 )60 40 28 170 476 J4 24 145 348 Okla 7051 6696 155 1031 7263 6696 145 97092 7481 6629 128 84851 ~X 7537 7310 160 116960 6752 5629 105 59104 7OCjQ 6417 11~0 8988 Mont 1949 1341 165 22C26 1676 1549 240 37176 11101425 170 24225 Idaho 900 36) 265 22810 9)5 84) 220 13546 lO8 995 216 21691 lfyo 251 235 20bull5 41518 276 241 COO 4940 288 275 195 5362 Colo 2776 2619 215 56308 076 2759 200 55130 335) 2649 160 42)34 JIKamp 7115 629 145 9120 661 384 90 )~6 595 507 105 5)24 Arb JO 26 210 j151 29 28 230 644 30 2S 262 734 Utah )00 294 220 64615 348 )35 180 6030 352 4 180 6138raquoeY 6 6 270 162 6 6 260 156 5 J 270 IJ5 Waah 2252 2074 250 51850 2417 2302 300 69060 2551 22tO 230 50830 Oreg 1133 160 2)0 17480 815 8)6 295 24662 910 169 220 16918 ~1____ 5~ ___6~__ 65___1~ ___ P __ _fI2__ 75___~J2 ___ l~ ___~6__ 85___128 us 58248 549)5 193 108976 583)2 5296 187 990141 61171 54414 153 85IJ127


us 2915 44328 3218 )220 140 3510

- 10shy

Ore j-tthr-r iItnetirtMriamp BMmiddot 4r

i (C ~ UPOATA 1981


- - - -I f9~ I f9[5I)~[ -_-_-_shyetate I Acre I Acree I Yield I 10- I Acree Acres I Yield I Pro- Acree I Acres I Yield I Pro-

___ )~l~e~e~~_ _p~r_~r~~ ~uto~ ~t~d~y~ ~ ~e ~ce__d~ci~n~t~d~y~ ~ 8 ~C_ _d~Cl~4_ Thoue Acre ]Uehe1 ftouabu houbullbull Acre Bmahe1 Thouebu Thons Acree Buehll1e Thoueau

Kaine 1 1~ 22 1 1-wo 19 1~ 21 BY 3 ) 193 58 3 3 190 57 9 9 210 1S9 Ind 4 4 191 76 3 3 200 60 Ill 7 7 200 140 7 7 250 175 7 7 230 161 Wh 33 32 203 60 28 28 260 728 63 b2 270 1674 Minn 1119 1064 168 17875 974 968 190 18392 1276 1268 195 24726 Iowa 4 ~ 140 56 3 3 190 57 6 6 215 129 BDak 8259 8040 161 129444 8176 80lI0 155 124620 8176 7960 13 107460 SD3t ~754 2654 124 32910 ~892 2787 155 43198 3181 3094 14 44863 Hebr 75 68 96 653 56 50 160 800 56 53 180 954 Eana 6 3 98 29 3 2 110 22 2 1 120 12 Mont 3000 2798 176 49245 2640 2106 115 27669 287 106 12middot5 30C75 Idaho 422 408 324 13219 405 388 310 12028 43 66 310 14446 W70 bull 97 84 149 1252 94 82 165 1353 8S 82 190 1558 Colo 171 140 14 2058 140 133 200 2660 141 120 165 1980 BXex 24 23 170 391 26 21 140 294 22 19 130 247 Utah 60 59 343 2024 61 60 330 1980 74 70 310 2110 I 11 11 80 308 13 13 240 312 14 13 270 351 h 1024 979 239 23398 972 948 200 18960 447 436 24 0 10682 Oreg 196 185 256 4736 206 196 225 4410 225 20S 240 4992

0l1lR SPRING iDA (Cont1d)

---~7I=)~If9~State I Acree I Acre I Yield I Pro- I ADrea I Acre8 I Yield I Pro- I Acre Acres Yield I Pro-

IPlanted l 1Iar- I Per Acre ducUon IPlanted liar- I Per Acre I ducUonlPlanted l Har- Pmiddoter Acre I ductton I Iftsted I I I IYellted I I I IYlIsted I I

- - - - -hoU7 Acre - -lhiillf- -TiioU-~ - yenhoujj-ACre- - ithG1 - houjj1iU7 bous-ACre - - ithG1 - ~hOu8 -bii IIY 4 4 210 84 7 7 240 168 7 7 23middot5 164 Ill S 8 240 192 9 9 25middot0 225 8 8 225 180 Vh 77 76 270 2052 93 92 240 2208 87 86 225 1935 Minn 1034 1014 17middot5 17745 924 913 17middot5 15978 1127 1114 150 16710 Iowa 11 11 170 187 21 21 210 441 29 G9 161 467 BDaIt 7685 7562 140 105868 6993 b881 145 9974 7762 7431 105 78026 SDaIt 3245 3156 140 44184 3440 3345 13middot0 431(85 3681 3479 7middot5 26092 Bebr 70 65 15middot5 1008 91 81 140 1134 114 97 130 1261 MODt~ 3234 3080 140 43 120 3525 3326 170 56542 426 3891 9middot5 36964 Idaho 488 481 33middot0 15873 5S8 570 300 17100 559 542 28middot5 15447 Wra 96 91 195 1174 lug 95 180 1710 104 94 162 1523 Colo 127 119 21middot5 2558 110 102 215 2193 199 189 200 3780 HHex 22 20 15middot0 300 21 19 13middot5 256 23 21 140 294 Utah 75 74 350 2590 83 00 31bull0 2480 89 87 330 2 1ff1 15 14 300 420 15 14 31bull0 434 15 14 290 406 Vah 670 645 200 12900 482 464 220 10208 588 548 170 9316 Oreamp 230 216 220 4752 225 216 245 5292 304 289 200 5780

-------------------~---------------------------------------[J8 17091 16636 154 255607 16735 16235 160 259628 18961 17926 112 201216 ------------------------------------------------------~----




QTS ACllEIGI ~ Alm PBOIlUCfIClI 1944 to 1946

- --- ~ t9Kti~ lorn Aclee amp Y1eld Pro- 1 AcleB Acre Yield Pro- Acre IAcres Y1eld Pro-

State Plantflcl Bar- I Per I duoUoa IPlantflcl liar- 1 Per Iductlou IPlantedl Bsr- Per I ducUoa ____1____etd_I_ ~e__ ____ Ii ____1_tIII_ cJ__t____ ___ t1e _Apoundr _ __ ~_ fhDU Acltel lluUel houalu neue Agee Buabeb TboualIu Tboua ampent ~ hCllle~

Mamp1nal 92 85 370 3145 79 71 360 2556 80 71 400 2840 JJB 14 8 340 272 14 s 330 264 11 7 370 259 n 74 48 320 1536 72 44 310 1364 66 4) 340 1462 (ast 15 6 280 168 16 7 270 189 14 6 350 210 liI 4 1 311) )1 5 1 )10 )1 4 1 320 32 Colll 18 6 )00 181) 18 5 )00 150 15 6 330 198 bullr 795 745 )10 2)095 731 663 290 19227 B41 SOZ 400 32080 raquoJ 54 47 )21 1509 S2 42 260 1092 54 45 320 11j4O Pat Bs4 8114 290 240 476 854 802 305 2446l 854 826 355 2932)Oblo 1073 1047 331 34656 1191 1162 425 49385 1)70 1348 450 60660Ind 1260 1172 256 30003 1436 1371 420 57582 1471 1412 309 55068 Ill 3251 3169 31 100457 )1146 3372 45~0 151740 JB37 3799 420 159558 Mlcb 1)44 1309 329 43066 1505 1466 400 58640 1550 1525 4S5middot 69)88 Vie 2839 2766 ~22 116725 3066 2987 510 152337 2943 2668 4J5 124758 Minn 4672 4456 327 145711 5M6 5392 450 242640 5439 533B 370 197506 Iowa 4917 4711 287 135206 5458 5323 )85 204936 5785 5642 375 2l1S75 Ko 2096 1698 179 30394 1799 1511 190 28709 2015 1843 310 57133 KDak 2784 2653 330 87549 2784 265) 325 86222 2506 2361 265 62566 SDak 3023 2914 298 86837 )597 3497 410 143377 3561 )462 290 100)98 Nebr 2291 2085 168 35028 254) 2439 )15 76828 2696 2561 280 11708 ~an 1825 ]561 162 25288 1278 968 175 16940 1495 1423 285 40556 Del 7 6 276 166 7 5 310 155 5 310 ISS )(d 46 42 310 1302 41 33 310 1023 38 34 330 1122 Va 174 14) 256 )689 172 lljO 280 3920 160 1)4 300 40020 W Va 94 67 221bull 1501 98 72 280 2016 94 68 )00 2040 BC 1t)7 335 277 9280 489 375 275 10312 49) 390 330 12870 SC S40 707 256 18099 798 700 260 18200 734 658 285 18753 Ga 954 656 253 16597 983 682 255 17391 806 5)9 265 14284 Pia 150 40 176 704 145 45 200 900 160 40 180 720 Ky 129 87 200 1740 108 76 240 1824 1)2 99 250 2475 Tenn )16 208 250 5200 Jlj8 245 260 6)70 310 245 265 6492 Ala 294 228 254 5791 318 242 260 6292 28) 198 24ft 40752Ki 521 444 336 14918 542 462 290 13)98 439 32) 300 9690 Ark 525 320 276 88)2 512 304 270 8208 379 255 )00 7650 La 200 152 290 4408 198 131 280 3668 1)6 100 220 2200 Olda 1584 1533 202 30967 1220 1027 190 1951) 1269 1089 210 22B69Tex 1732 1597 239 )8168 1992 1767 225 39758 1892 1608 220 )5376Mont 558 425 )43 14790 491 323 290 9)67 506 )52 310 10912 Idaho 237 194 426 8264 201 171 420 7182 185 1~ 430 7052111 182 150 )14 4710 19) 164 300 4920 174 15) )05 4666 Colo 254 224 278 6221 244 220 3)0 7260 227 187 300 5610 KlIex 60 5) 229 1214 54 43 220 946 57 45 200 900 Arh 26 11 350 385 25 12 490 S88 29 12 350 420 Utah 63 5) 457 2 bull 422 58 0 ljOO 2000 54 4) 4)0 1849n 12 9 430 )87 12 9 390 )51 12 8 440 352 Valh )08 160 1147 7152 288 150 4)0 6450 213 128 480 61411-Oreg 11 609 )98 305 121ljO 560 342 2)5 8054 549 )56 275 9782 ~B1___ i __ ~ _ 89____ Si ___ 21~ __ 6Z _110_ ___515__ 110___120__)~2 ____57O_

us 114141 )9741 289 11492ljO 46025 417)9 365 1523851 46515 42812 345 1477573 irT~-aralaquoe-ot oat-gion-with p~Ud-ytcit-licluded rn-plaitd-aid-hin bullbullt~-JAici - - - - -- - - - --

HOPS ACREAGK rIEl]) AlID PJiClWCTlaIl 1944 to 1946

- - --I I9~ 19~C 9~ State Acre Yield s ampere Ylel4 amper I Yltd r

1 ~eled I Per 1 p~oduct101l1 ilarYetflcl I Per s lrodUOUOIl HarYtll4 I Per I Prodwt1oa __________1__1111 __1______1________Jampr ________1______1__Aampll ________ _

poundtI ~ fhaumiddotporu Att URa flynlold Aampt ~ hllPUI4a Idaho 190 1610 3 2ljO 1850 AA4 240 1585 38t lIaah 9900 1720 17028 11700 1680 21996 11600 1700 19720 Oreg 18700 920 17204 19900 1lt045 20796 20000 950 19000 Ca11t 8ljOO 1620 13608 9100 1580 14378 9100 1610 14651

us 1295 57614 1)13 5)751

- 12 ~


- - - - 19t7 l )~ l i~ Stat Acre Acre I Yleld I Pro- I Acre I Acr Yleld Pro- I Acrll1l Acree Yield Proshy

P1aDted Bar- Per I ducUoa Planted I liar- I Pv ducUoll Plantod au-- Par ducUoa ________1~td_I_ Act__ ~ ___ _ l _____Tt1~_ jcz__1___ _ l ___ lV1~ 1 _~rt _ 1 ____ _ hoWl Acre llI rhouslIg ThOUl ASpound lIuahal ~oulIu ThoUi Acre Bualull lulYBu

Main 8i 73 340 21f82 77 64 420 2688 101 90 400 3600 bullbullB 12 7 310 211 11 6 400 240 U 5 360 180 Vt 54 28 270 756 60 J6 370 1332 66 33 300 990 Ifaabullbull 12 5 360 180 12 6 330 198 13 6 290 174 BI 4 1 330 33 3 1 330 J3 2 1 250 25 Cou 12 4 320 128 10 4 J30 132 12 5 320 160 bullbullY 5JO 47J 275 13008 126 672 400 26880 791 719 290 20851 J 49 36 250 900 42 37 350 1295 46 J9 331 1291 Pa 734 661 390 19169 749 720 380 27J60 794 756 305 23058 ChJo 863 714 260 18564 1191 1171 450 52695 1322 1288 350 45080 1114 1294 1112 )00 35i60 1317 1289 410 52849 1456 1405 366 51423 111 J377 3311 J40 112574 390S 385] 450 17JJ85 J881 3834 415 1591U Klcb 1085 1052 350 36820 1465 1420 37S 5)250 1538 1505 345 51922 IIh 2884 28ll 430 120873 2942 2867 440 126148 3030 2924 41~ 119884 Mu 4630 4537 360 163332 4908 4855 425 206J38 5027 4952 J5$ 175796 Iowa 5438 5247 310 162657 6199 6086 450 273870 6417 6269 386 241983 fo 1552 1309 230 30107 1971 162) 265 43010 1794 1526 229 34945 bullbullllampk 2331 2219 290 64J51 2238 2152 280 60256 1880 1722 201 34612 SDak 3134 J081 Jl0 95511 J165 3112 JJ5 104252 J102 2956 221 65328 bullbullbr 2426 2279 275 62672 2750 2621 280 733AB 2511 2280 202 46056 ~e 1510 1395 290 40455 1616 1144 220 25168 1034 881 194 17091 Del 7 5 320 160 6 5 J50 175 7 6 300 180 Md 40 35 )20 1120 42 36 J35 1206 47 42 J25 1365 Va 150 121 270 3267 160 IJl 330 4323 165 134 296 3966 IIVa 88 64 305 1952 77 58 JO5 1769 79 56 272 1523 IC 508 386 290 lll94 J56 270 290 7830 527 J94 287 U308 SC 866 704 255 17952 606 500 22S ll250 7i~7 605 245 14822 Ga 887 550 250 13750 674 429 260 ll154 7112 468 255 U93~ Jla 160 30 ZOO 600 IJ5 21 190 399 124 16 160 256 LT 141 90 230 2070 118 8J 260 2158 171 109 229 2496 Tenn JOl 230 265 6095 277 205 295 6048 )49 254 250 6350 Ala 28J 184 230 4232 275 169 265 4478 234 130 226 2938 Klas 4J9 365 250 9125 329 274 310 8494 237 156 250 3900 Arlt 424 280 300 8400 40J 252 Jl0 7812 339 209 240 5016 La 145 100 260 2600 113 80 JOo 2400 113 70 250 1750 0Icla 1396 1231 235 28928 1033 714 165 11781 7J3 578 176 10173 Tex 1684 14)1 210 )0051 1465 787 165 12986 1)92 1204 260 31304 font 491 J)8 )10 10478 452 )24 370 11988 457 266 )00 7~80 Idaho 187 172middot 415 7138 168 153 415 6350 212 188 J95 7426 liTO 169 150 JJo 4950 172 14J JOO 1~290 177 137 299 4096 Colo 234 200 325 6500 229 194 JOo 5820 261 235 327 7684 IMex 48 38 210 798 46 38 210 798 )6 32 220 704 Arh J2 12 400 480 28 U 340 374 28 11 400 440 Utah 54 49 1180 2352 5J 47 420 1974 55 50 450 2250 In 13 8 410 328 12 8 410 J28 12 8 J75 300 lIuh 198 131 510 6681 2)0 153 425 6502 22J 150 440 6600 Oregl 554 J56 285 101)2 421 271 265 7182 488 366 280 10248 CalU 542 180 270 4860 558 185 JOo 5550 508 166 260 4316

U8 42058 37855 311 1176142 438)8 39280 )69 1450186 4))18 )92)6 )20 1254895 iT1~C~r~-of at-Vow-rti pa-Ud-ytcl-licluded 11l-plut~-eid-~et-d-~rg- - - - - - - - - - --


- -- -= 1~41 1~ 12~ y Stato Acre Yleld I Acree neld I Acr I Yleld

BarTetod Par I ProdUCUOIl BarTet~ Per I PrOductioD BarTeted I Par ProdtlCtlOD ____________~~ ________________Apoundr ______________1__~rt ________ _ I Pound rhoDaPound AaI ~ bgPoup4I ~ ~ lboyPoupd

Idaho 240 1645 J9S 620 1040 645 850 16)5 1390 lIaeh 11700 1740 20358 129llO 1760 22704 13000 1490 19370 Orae 18900 870 16443 17700 890 15753 14500 1015 147181__ _9rx0_ __ 21~ ___ _ll~~ ___92~___ 3~ ____116 __ 2~ ___ ~~ ____ 5J8__

US 39840 1275 50186 40420 1248 50464 37550 135J 50796 lpduCtloi IncldJ-hOPI baiTr 4 lalabi ~der Krktlnlaquo ~_8zit-hop hanrd bur iot alabi ~dei --HarkaUn ~e_ent and hope produced lint ut harTated Salabl amplloYlIDh under proTle1on of Harltetln Jcre_ent totalad 39 111ion pounda in 1949

- 13 -



- - - -- - - - - - - - -lqijlj - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ~l~~ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - r ~- - - - - - - - shy__ ______ 9 ________________ iloz ___ bullbull _____________ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _~

Stat r Ac r Acr I Tleld r Pro- a__ Acree nu I Pro-- Ie Acrts n1d Pr a ra bull Bar- I Par I I --a bull lIN-- Per I I re Bar- I Per 0shy

____ _P~t~I_~e~ i ~e___dCl~_~t~__f- lPte___l~n_~td__Ie cpoundt_ i ~uC hou lcree l1ehels houbullbulllnl hone Acree aJaba18 honelnl Thou Acre llilehe1 houalnl

HIlna --3--- 3 ~ laquor 5 3 --uo 114 4 ~ -zo 12S n 3 3 250 75 3 3 220 66 2 2 280 56 bullbullY 113 106 255 2703 110 102 250 2550 116 114 320 30118 bullbullJ 10 9 278 250 9 II 300 240 11 10 360 160 h 108 105 298 5129 104 103 3fO 3605 113 112 365 41118 Ohio ~3 21 256 538 26 23 300 690 111 17 295 02Ind 51 41 243 1142 52 44 240 1056 27 25 240 600 Ill 53 45 240 1080 34 31 250 175 26 24 260 624 Kich 144 140 256 3584 121 118 310 3658 139 138 365 5031h 190 181f 267 4913 91 90 400 3600 125 124 375 4650 Kian 809 688 202 389pound 461 4If7 290 12963 138 733 290 21~57 10 II 7 166 116 3 3 2110 114 13 13 315 110 110 102 82 212 1138 88 66 19(1 1254 77 63 200 160 bullbullDU27Ifl 2625 216 56700 2357 2~1I1f 230 5~532 2357 22114 200 45080 SDak 1973 1756 147 25813 l38t 1299 245 31826 1464 1377 220 30294 abr 1174 760 115 8740 681 610 220 13420 613 549 210 11529Ean 1031 722 178 12652 480 38) 185 7086 360 2B 175 5022 Del 12 11 265 292 11 10 280 280 11 11) 305 305 Md 70 69 308 2125 71 64 290 1856 63 6Q 345 2010 Ya 76 72 301f 2189 76 68 270 11136 13 71 320 2272 V1a 9 9 2611 241 9 9 270 243 1 7 300 210 ~1 60 45 268 1206 56 42 220 924 41 33 285 940 S-l 34 25 231 57S 25 21 21( 141 23 20 260 520 GA 11 10 213 213 10 9 200 110 1 6 215 129 rr 127 89 223 1985 11 55 225 12311 11 0 250 120 enn 130 102 197 200s 129 98 1110 1764 100 82 200 1~ Ala II 5 205 102 3 2 200 40 3 2 1110 36 Kl 9 C 260 156 8 6 240 144 3 2 240 411 uk 19 13 199 25~ 14- 9 110 153 8 5 195 911 Okla lt97 28 ~l 5728 249 185 16( 2960 142 ~9 140 1 526 fex 373 340 222 15411 351 235 145 3408 196 164 150 21100 Mont 655 611 213 166110 720 672 220 14184 828 780 225 1 5 ldah 340 330 372 12216 320 307 37 0 11359 294- 276 340 1)84shyliTO 146 131 )10 4061 143 124 300 3120 154 144 300 4320 Ccio 867 726 214 15536 876 ~1 285 22544 683 ~eH 2)5 13936 bullbullMax 64 45 1115 8J2 If5 34 1110 612 28 23 200 1f6O Arh 145 74 420 3108 153 78 380 29611 161 85 400 3400 Utah 139 135 462 62)7 IJIf 130 450 5850 11) 101 450 4 amp60n 24 22 357 185 21 20 320 640 22 20 340 F80 Vallh 202 176368 61+77 139 125 350 1t375 97 90 370 30 Orttlaquo 269 2)8 34s 8282 285 2~i1 295 7582 )02 278 340 ~I1f52 Call 730 1429 280 40012 1816 14amp6 280 41608 1834 1486 30 119038

~I-=~ ==1~~5~= ~2~~1= =~~= =~7~7~ ==l~I~= ~~2~4==~~ == ~~~~= ~1~~6I=~0~~0= =2~~ ==2~~O~ rIumWlI ACREAGE YlELll AND PllOOUallOll 1914 to li46

----~ 1 li~ = 9~ State I Aero I Acre Yield I Pre-l Acre I Acru I Tleld Pro- II Acru I Acre I neld I To- 11

bull Plan~ad I Bar- I lier ductlon I Plante~ I pounder- I Per ductioil I Fanhd 1 Bar- I Per I dUction I ted I Acre I I 1 yoted I Acre I ted AcTa ~

- - - - - -hoUe7 Acres - -BoUbei- houbullba7 - - houS-ACre- -Btlaber- yenboue iJU7 - - houil-cre- -lIiiiierTiini7bi 111 6 3 80 24 2 2 IIfO ~8 1 1 140 14 Mich 6 82 49 7 7 60 42 7 7 90 63 Vh 6 ~ 117 7C 8 7 110 17 6 6 130 111 II an 914 829 75 6211f 1091 1067 HO 11737 932 BB6 105 303 I a III 93 59 519 76 15 125 91I 31f 34 150 10 M 11 11 5~ 60 9 B 45 36 6 6 65 3~ JrDK 865 802 82 6576 l571f 1 525 110 12200 1166 162 65 195) SDak 321 3c6 B2 2509 436 441 105 4630 318 344 100 )44t Rebr 2 1 110 8 2 2 90 18Ian 140 90 37 3)3 133 122 55 611 120 116 70 812 Okla 6n 45 45 202 24 14 30 42 3 J BO 24 lex 36 34 80 272 65 63 BO 504 B4 76 73 555 1I0fa~ 221 193 76 1512 6O 320 41 1312 83 14 70 511 110 1 1 14 4 2 2 50 10 1 1 50 Lrh 19 19 25 4114 1 17 23C 391 14 14 240 36 Oras 1 1 71 7 (all 170 164 110 i788 121 __13__lI~ ___ 22 ___ Osect ___1~2__12~ ___ 9~g VB ---middot2i~ - -2~6i--8- - -21665 - - 3954 - 3785 91 34557 2641 21132 93 2~ ~1I8 1F t te- 40-n~t- 1~ciu4-i ()d ha-8i~ tro-t7 - ~~- to tibe- 1oe~o-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- l


------------------------------------------------------ -------

lIlJ1IJrr ~CRlGlI Th([~ 11-JD PROWClIOIf 1947 to 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - - - p~- - - - - - - -- - bull - - - - - -1M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -194- - - - - - - - -State -~o -1-ACn- rfi1d -1- h- -1- ~8 - -ACre-Triold -- - -1- ~e --ACre- ~ field -1- Pt- shy

1 Planted Bu- 1 Per I duction 1 Planted I mu-- I Per I 4nction Planted Har- Par I iucHonI bullbullbulltd IAero I yeatod Acre I yeahd 1 Acre I

- - - - - - Thoubullbull -ACre- middotmiddot8iiior- ihiiUbullbull~7 - Thoue-ACre- - - ibahel ifhoua iiU- - - fhiiUC-ACre - -llI1aiiel - ifhiiubullbulliiU7 NaiDe 4 4 280 112 4 4 320 128 6 6 290 174 Vt 1 1 190 19 2 2 290 58 1 1 200 20 bullbullT 103 93 240 2232 93 90 320 2880 85 79 250 1975 Bl 17 15 330 495 18 16 330 528 19 17 385 654 Pa 132 130 330 4290 132 126 3115 113117 156 154 395 6083 Ohio 17 15 260 390 19 18 300 540 21 18 310 558 IDd 22 21 260 546 19 18 270 1IS6 23 21 265 556 Ill 28 26 285 7111 32 31 3110 10511 l1li 41 300 1230 Mich 121 115 300 3lIse 1112 140 320 41180 129 125 270 3375 Vb 160 159 )65 5804 205 204 380 7752 195 194 332 6l1li1 Minn 1018 915 265 25838 1252 1219 270 32913 1148 1110 230 25530 Iova 6 311 235 799 33 33 320 1056 31 31 259 803 No 74 63 230 1449 84 73 250 1825 106 85 215 1828 HDak 2522 2444 210 51324 2724 2640 210 55440 1880 1690 150 25350 SDak 1508 1432 220 31504 1583 1518 230 311914 1219 1093 125 13662 Xebr 533 467 220 10274 560 472 195 92011 403 326 187 b096Ian 328 290 220 amp380 459 362 190 6878 266 221 175 3868 Del 13 12 305 366 13 12 285 342 13 12 270 324 u~ 75 73 3110 2482 711 70 310 2170 82 80 340 2720 Va 86 84 295 21178 89 86 345 2967 89 86 3011 2614 VVa 9 9 31bull0 279 10 10 345 345 12 12 3111 377 bull c IS 39 290 1131 39 32 245 7811 40 34 262 891 50 26 22 260 572 23 18 215 3fr7 23 18 225 405 Ga 8 7 220 154 6 5 200 100 5 4 225 90 ~ 71 53 25middot0 1325 76 53 265 1404 102 72 250 1800 enn 88 77 210 1amp17 86 75 220 1650 82 67 170 1139 Ala 2 1 180 18 3 2 190 38 3 2 2110 lIS IU 3 2 230 46 3 2 250 50 3 2 250 50 Ark 5 3 200 60 10 6 lt1I0 1l1li 8 5 211 106 Okla 109 86 180 1548 80 66 155 1023 61 52 175 9iO fex 161 1311 175 2345 117 113 155 1752 159 133 190 2527 Mont 853 796 235 18706 930 8]6 290 254011 614 526 210 11046 IdaIw 332 320 370 11840 32 358 350 12530 3112 329 320 10528 Tn 1119 138 320 41116 177 159 275 4312 168 151 298 115000010 669 605 280 16940 amp62 563 250 111075 841 788 281 22143 NMex 29 25 195 1IS8 22 20 210 420 26 211 210 504 Arb 150 97 -1130 4111 191 146 510 1114amp 167 126 500 amp300 Utah 123 118 1110 5546 150 1l1li 420 amp0118 155 150 440 66Or) Hey 22 20 360 120 27 24 360 864 25 22 350 770 Wash 114 105 335 3518 136 126 345 11341 112 101 2St 2828 Oreg 323 JOO 355 10650 381 351 345 12110 297 214 32~ 8768 Oalif 1~g9 1545 290 44805 1965 1amp22 310 50282 19amp5 1590 J~o 50880

~~___ 191__ 092__221 __2183__ ~~__1~202 __2~2_ -5527__ 1122__ 21~ __2~~ __2101l_

FUXSEED ACHEM TImraquo HI) PllOOOCTION 1947 to 1949

------------If-------------------Ijs-----------------qij---------shy-- - ~ - - -- ic~ Yield -- ~-Y- - -A- - - ACro9 Yield - - - -y-- -_-- --Acrii~ ~ field -- - -11

S 11 i crea Bar- Per I _rei I Bsr- I Per I ro- I re Har- I Per ro- I I Planted I yeated I Acre ductiou I Plant~d yeted Acre I dnction I Planted I yeated Acre I dnction

- - - - - - Thoubullbull-ACre - -lliiahel - ifhOuB iiU- - - fhOU8 -ADrbullbull- -lIIlaiieY - ibOua iiU- - -hOUI- Acre - -llI1ahl - houaiiu-Ohio 3 3 80 2~ Ill 6 6 120 72 2 2 140 28 1 1 130 13 Mich 6 6 75 45 10 10 BO SO 10 10 14 74 Wi 15 15 125 188 22 22 13middot 297 17 17 139 236 Hinn 1411 1313 l0 15103 1700 1661 115 19102 1700 1644 95 15618 Iowa 84 83 135 1120 105 l04 155 1612 III 110 13J 1518 Mo 6 6 50 30 4 4 5middot0 20 3 3 65 20 DDak 1567 1524 80 12192 1818 1753 9middot5 lSb5~) 2018 1928 70 13496 SDak 591 585 100 5850 11amp 708 110 1788 713 708 65 11602 lana 115 107 70 7119 fr7 12 5middot5 396 34 31 63 195 Okla 4 4 60 24 4 3 30 9 3 3 5middot3 16 u 94 91 95 864 248 240 5middot5 1320 335 308 65 2002 Mont IBB 168 60 1008 148 141 100 1410 90 62 47 291 Idaho 3 3 100 30 Wyo 2 2 45 9 1 1 50 5 1 1 50 5 Arh 20 20 265 530 38 38 280 1064 44 38 250 950 Vah 4 4 130 52 2 2 100 20 2 2 120 24 Oreg 8 1 150 105 15 1~ 105 1111 9 8 110 88 CaliC 125 122 215 2623 201 198 245 4851 197 17~ 220 3828 US - - - -11264- - -4129-- 98 - - ~6i- - -5121- - ~97 - -iia - - 54803- - -5348- - 5048 - - 85 - - 42976-If iti~t- dO-Dt-iclude-claed hatd tr-II-fla ~- fO fib In-oe~o- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- 15 -

UPDATA 1981 bull ~ ilmiddot t ~ bull


RD ACRlWl1l TDlIJ) un PllOIJJeTIOlI 1944 to 19116

-- --I 1HI i9i5I~ Sate S Aane rea neld rc)oo Acre lene lelA Pro- Acree Aorea n14 Proshy

laW Iu- Pertan I cluUoa Plutea Iu- lItr Acre cltwtion1p1ateal S Per Acre duetioll ________ft1______ i ____ i ___ eJl4 l _____1____ l ___ l t ~ illl ________ _ IIIo Aon l 1bou BIl ftlau Acre Ill boualIu lhoq _rea Buboh lhoua Bu

11 66 12 162 1 80 10 175 175 105 8 180 144 IT~ 96 15 167 250 95 13 160 208 91 15 175 262 Pe 55 43 148 636 53 U 155 636 33 22 155 341 Oblo 80 33 152 502 90 I 115 472 70 17 110 289 IIlld 179 86 118 1015 222 70 125 875 1ar 46 135 621 Ill UO 63 113 712U8 It7 120 561t 88 38 125 475 1Ucb US 62 127 787 117 56 140 IJIt 91 48 135 648 Vle 125 98 87 853 126 95 120 1140 100 76 115 874 Ill 155 108 87 9fO 144 107 260 1712 151 118 130 l5J1J laws 118 10 120 12fl 37 11 130 143 26 10 170 170 Ho V3 SO 116 580 128 41 110 451 100 35 125 438 IDate ~ 145 92 l3J1J 150 115 135 1552 225 196 110 2156 Snate 5 392 lOl 3959 376 290 V5 42115 323 altl 105 2530 lebr 585 365 91 )322 556 361 125 4512 423 282 110 3102 Iatia 225 101 105 1060 2117 81 lO5 850 120 53 105 556 Del 32 18 1)6 245 JIJ 19 V5 276 J3 18 140 252 ald ~ 23 165 380 67 20 145 290 5f lit 145 2flJ la 135 114 144 6J1J 136 JIJ 135 459 125 25 140 350 VY 12 5 135 68 13 135 54 8 ) 125 38 IC 1~ J8 115 437 165 31 105 )26 145 22 125 215 sc 75 16 104 166 75 15 95 142 44 11 100 110 0 It) 12 101 121 50 10 90 90)0 6 100 60 ~ 133 JK1 141) S60 182 40 125 500 155 37 140 518IID 172 37 10ij 400 162 J4 95 3Z3 115 25 100 250 OEl 264 100 103 1030 257 ~ 100 740 1114 48 90 4)2 fex 142 22 119 262 55 21 90 199 It9 11 100 110 HoDt 20 16 120 192 2h 16 110 176 40 26 100 260 Idaho 12 5 1)) 66 11 5 130 65 11 It 140 56 1170 36 J 91 121 JJ 8 105 ~ 29 8 105 B4 Colo 1250 79 600 121 80 100 800 100 68 80 S44 bullbullJlllx 12 9 82 74 12 5 65 )2 10 5 85 42 Utah ~ IJ 95 12h 22 10 100 100 22 9 95 86 lIash 147 17 114 194 55 15 120 180 50 10 125 125 0rec 151 )2 141 451 155 )1 140 434 140 )2 1)5 432 Calif 29 12 108 130 29 13 130 169 22 lO 120 120

us It1415 2132 106 22525 4157 1850 128 2)708 3396 1591 116 18487 ---~-------------------------------------------------- ----

- - - --_ - - - -- _ -r9li4-_ - - - - __ - ___ - _______ S________________ - - - - - - 7________ - - shy --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T9i- - - - - - -r - - - -l~b - - -Stat Aores Aaru nld I Pro- Acrbullbull Acr I Ylel4 I Pro- Acl IADrea neld I Proshy

PlIIIIha ~ PilI Aclll ductlOD IPllUlted liar- Perlen duaUoDlplal1~1 liar- IPer Acre l duettOD I Ia I ytd I IYelted I- - - - -1ioiie iare - -BiiieT- -hnaB - fliDU-AGr- - iiahi - fbOuBiu Thru-iCrbullbull- -BiiiieT- TbOubullbulliia

1_ 6 6 200 120 6 6 155 9J 5 5 200 100 n 1 1 220 22 1 1 180 18 1 1 220 22 BY 155 150 180 2700 129 98 155 15]9 119 113 190 2147 Fa V~ l4O 195 27)0 112 98 185 1813 108 lOit 200 2080 Ohio V 14 210 294 18 17 180 )06 17 11 190 J23 1114 lO 10 150 150 22 20 135 270 7 6 150 90 Ill 5 5 165 82 16 15 150 225 5 5 160 80 Il1ab )8 )) lS5 512 46 25 140 )50 ZIt 18 1)5 24) lI1a 29 27 lS5 418 26 ZIt 150 360 2 25 145 362 IIIIIDo 67 6) 150 945 49 45 1140 6)0 118 It2 140 588 Iowa 12 12 175 210 7 vo 98)) 150 45 Ia) 1 1 125 12 1 1 120 12 1 1 110 11 Bllak 5 14 160 64 7 7 160 112 6 6 130 78 SDak 7 6 150 90 It 130 52 5 5 40 70 JId 6 6 200 120 5 5 ~5 118 _ _ 2)5 9Ita 8 8 165 132 5 5 170 85 It _ 170 68 V 10 10 185 185 8 8 US 172 8 8 195 156 Ie 5 5 145 12 It 160 6It 3 3 160 48 ~ 2 2 130 26 2 2 130 26 3 J 140 42D ____1 ___ 1_ 145______1 ___ ~ ____ __1 _____~___ o___ O__1~1 ____1~5_

trs 531 S08 176 8956 417 ItOl 161 6~7 It08 )13 178 6812 ------------~---------------------------------------------

- 16shy



- - -- 12411lMIX99 sbullbullbullbull _ iorea n 14 I Pro- Acre iDre J nld Pro- Acne lAcn_ TleU Proshy-- re I Ifuo- I e I I I Hu- I I J Bar- I

____1~~~~bull l_I_~r_~~ ~~ ~~~Y ~~_1_~~l~)P~~Ye ~r_I~ _~~1J1_ I1cu tara ~ hOh ~oubull iDn l ThouBn hOlla AlIre ]ahale fhouellIl bull

bullbullr 90 J5 185 278 90 11 185 3~ 107 17 184 313 bullbull1 89 15 180 20 f5 12 175 210 88 12 179 215 Pa 21 18 155 Z79 21 16 ~5 232 21 ~ 165 231 Ohio 71 JO 170 S10 67 20 180 360 ~ 18 170 306 lad ~3 60 v0 8110 ISO ~ ~5 928~) 57 1)5 77fJ Ill ~ -7 ~O 658 113 53 150 795 123 56 141 790 1I11JII 126 7fJ ~5 1015 1)2 80 150 1200 1 57 140 798 V1I 109 87 120 1~ 112 92 l20 1104 119 92 120 1104 lie la 1~ 150 21f6O 278 2)9 150 3585 200 172 145 2494 lov 28 15 150 225 36 17 155 264 5) 18 140 252 Mo 100 36 110 396 105 )5 120 420 U7 )5 112 392 bullbullDIIk 360 30 140 4522 461 401 120 4812 26) 229 115 2634 S1lIIk _10 ~7 v0 4858 476 392 1)0 5096 328 267 117 31211shyu ~ 305 90 2145 352 238 95 2261 317 207 74 1532 Eau 136 110 627 90 )I U5 391 65 28 97 272 DIll 32 19 135 256 33 20 120 2110 28 ~ 140 196 M 52 16 150 JIO 48 V v0 196 52 12 145 1a 1350 140 322 155 25 V5 362 15) 18 140 252 Va 8 3 120 36 6 2 130 26 6 2 136 2 _C ~ ~5 348 117 22 130 286 113 17 115 196 SC 42 10 115 115)1 7 85 60 26 6 95 57 Oa 2 6 75 45 22 5 90 45 20 4 80 32 1Ir 141 37 140 518 130 28 150 420 1)6 2 136 J67 fua 98 26 105 273 100 30 110 330 105 20 101 202 Oltla 115 JJ8 95 456 108 36 75 270 1~ 36 70 252 ~z 7fJ 35 100 3SO B4 30 70 210 100 38 80 304 MoII 52 29 125 )62 JO 20 1)5 27fJ 2) 7 90 63 I4aho 10 5 17G 85 10 4 130 52 10 ) 150 450 21 7 110 71 27 7 70 49 Z7 7 102 n Colo 8 7 100 47fJ 58 35 80 2BO 38 2) 90 207 bullbull lIDz 7 5 115 511 7 5 UO 55 7 5 120 60 ~u 12 6 100 60 10 5 100 SO 10 5 Uo 55 Vesb SO 13 100 130 JJ8 17 130 221 42 10 101 101 Orec 125 32 ~O AiIf8 110 24 145 )lI8 116 15 103 154 ~-1____1 ___l _~O____ _ P ___21 ___ 2__~2 _____14___ 5____6__12~ ____ ~_ ~___ ~7 _9 _ 28____2l~ _22~ __~o~__l ___ S86_ ~23__15t__1~ __ ~1~2


--- - J2i+I i1 i W9 I Mn5 I J liDnll I I Acre

StaM I Mn I JIcq I nu I Pro- mne I iaIo J nld I Pro- I Acn I IreZ- I Yield Proshy____I~~laquobulld_~I_ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~YIleJ ~ ~ ~~_1_~~l~J1JP~~lYlle ~Pr_~~_d~l~J1_

Au II ftIagpa hog Mn lI1 ~1UIlln hOUR Acre lIIt_hel lhou1Iu

181 6 6 170 102 5 5 200 100 5 5 210 105 ft 1 1 140 14_r a 1M 135 1539 99 96 195 1872 78 76 210 1596 12) 114 160 182It 101 96 210 2016 78 200 1480 Will __ 42 155 651 16 16 180 2B8 12 12 210 2521114 19 18 140 252 2 2 150 30 4 160 64 IU 16 16 130 208 4 4 170 68 2 2 160 32 Ill 63 57 130 11 30 27 130 351 20 19 145 276 V18 2 25 ~5 362 25 ~ 155 356 23 22 151 332 Ill 62 54 120 ~ )It 29 150 bull 435 28 ~ 125 300 1_ 10 10 120 120 JIll 2 2 110 22 bullbullDate 8 7 150 105 3 J 160 If8 4 120 If8 s~ 9 8 110 88 4 160 64 3 J 80 2H II - - 180 72 ) ) 230 69 3 -) 210 63a ) J 160 ~ 3 3 180 54 2 2 166 33 Va 8 8 175 ~ 7 7 195 1)6 7 7 201 141 ~C 3 3 170 51 1Ir 2 2 150 30 t~ ____l ___l_ ~~_____ 6 ___I ___ 2__~~ _____18___ =2___ 2__1~ ____20_ US ~ S05 142 7171 JIe8 330 18_ 6085 281 269 184 4956 -----------------------------------------------~------ ----

- 17 -


llRY EIBLE 1IEliS ACREME TIBLllUlll plIOWClIOIi 1944 to 194911

~ -- - ~124 124i 1W bull bull Acres bull bull bull bull Acree bull bull bull bull Acres bull bull ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pl~tedyeted Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted vested Per Acre duct ion pl~ntedyented Per Acre duct10n - - - ---TioiAcrlI- --pound --ThOuiyen~- Thouice ---Pouid --nOUBW- nouic~e ---POuid-middot --TboujjishyHamp1u 5 5 695 35 4 4 820 33 6 6 980 59 vt 1 1 626 6 NY 120 113 790 893 101 84 850 714 128 124 1200 1488 Mich 701 660 690 4554 435 363 820 2977 531 519 740 3841 Vb 2 2 430 9 1 1 560 6 ---Minn t 6 5 476 24 4 4 600 24 3 3 500 IS IfDosk 2 1 (730 7 1 1 700 7 1 1 600 6 lfebr 60 49 1260 617 53 18 1520 7JC 611- 62 1650 102] Mont 25 ~ 1083 249 20 18 1300 234 18 17 1 bull 590 270 Idlho 146 145 1550 2248 117 115 100 1725 131 128 1700 2176 qo 90 86 1240 1066 90 86 1250 1075 93 90 1450 1305 yenllh 3 3 1030 31 4 4 1250 50 4 4 1075 43 Oreg 1 1 1322 13 Tu 2 1 200 2 Colo 350 327 540 1766 290 271 580 1572 276 249 650 1618 fMex 267 ~O 302 695 203 161 180 290 142 114 225 256 Alb 15 14 395 55 14 13 515 67 14 13 900 117 Utah e 7 480 J4 8 7 400 2B 10 9 400 36 ~UL1IIrI 166 166 1327 2203 166 166 1242 2062 149 149 1342 2000 CtJ1fOUlIl1 183 157 1045 1640 148 141 1062 1497 134 134 1184 1587 poundeil _142 __ 221 _ _ 9Q _1bullsect41 _ __ 2~ __ 201 __1L129__ J~29_ __ ~1 _ _ g82 __1L2amp7__ _ l281_ ~___ g52 _ ~9~ ___ 02 _1amp41 __ ~5~ _ ~1 ___80__ vJ0~1__ 1Ot _ ~2~ ___917___12~_

DRY EDlDLE llEA1lS (Contd) - - - - 1241 124sect 1942 Jamp1ne 7 7 1100 77 9 9 900 81 8 8 925 74 bullbullY 138 13D 1070 1391 181 179 1230 2202 176 170 1000 1700 Mich 494 467 670 3129 514 504 880 4435 52) 519 1100 5709 Minn 2 1 350 4 1 1 650 6 1 1 650 6 1lDIk 1 1 850 8 lfllbr 80 76 1425 1083 85 83 1725 1432 90 85 1530 1301 Mont 2l 20 1450 2)0 22 21 1470 309 19 18 11170 265 IdlLho 159 154 1540 2372 ISO 148 1800 2664 149 147 1830 2690 To 112 107 1350 1444 98 95 1370 1302 83 81 1520 1231 lfaah 4 4 1200 48 5 5 1500 75 8 8 1490 119 Colo 331 321 800 2568 341 324 720 2333 307 295 820 2419 NMex 155 140 237 332 191 172 250 430 181 169 350 592 Arb 15 14 430 60 14 14 475 66 12 12 500 60 Utah 14 13 760 99 17 15 400 60 15 14 500 70 Ca11tL1IIrI 149 149 1406 2095 145 145 1603 2324 15 175 1654 2894 CallfOther 174 174 1303 2268 223 223 1389 3097 183 183 1229 2249 poundlil_2z1 __ 222 __ 25_t262 ___ 26Q __ 26Q __14ZJ_ __5431___ 25Q __ 25Q __1427_ __ 241_ ___ sect5~ _ m ___ 271 _116sect __ 29~ _ 23Q __1J014__ 086__ 23sect _ Q82 __1114___2~2 _ J1 Include b gl01OI1 for lead


- - - - li~ li4i 12~ s~te Acr Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acree Yield Proshy

Plantedl Har- Per Acre duction Planted Har_ Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted Har_ Per Acre duction _____ __x8td______________=_vsies______________Z8tlltL__________ _ rhoueAcieg Pounds Thous1jB ThousAcres ~ ThouBBagB ThoulAcree Pounds ThouBBagB

Mlch 1 1 770 8 Vh 3 3 970 29 2 2 950 19 1 1 1100 11 MInn 4 4 82033 4 4 950 38 6 6 800 48 NDak 14 13 1060 138 13 12 1200 144 15 15 1350 202 Mont 42 40 1103 441 32 30 1200 360 24 2J 1170 269 Idaho 225 219 1275 2792 ISS 153 1200 1836 161 156 1350 2106 lyo 2 2 921 18 2 2 1200 24 3 3 1250 38 Colo 33 22 860 189 bull 33 23 900 207 23 16 750 120 WaG 347 340 1290 4386 246 235 1160 2726 244 235 1480 3478 Oreg 58 56 1120 627 39 37 950 352 20 19 1300 247Qai____~ ___Ii __ l12 __ pound32 ____21 ___2Q _ _1 05_middot__ _29J_ ___1sect ___112 ___820____ l6Q _ l~_ ___ Z5Z - _ ru __ lgl _ J2li9t ___ i~ __ ilJ2 _ _11tl- _ -S91L __ ili __ 9_~ __13i8___ poundpound72 _

DRY FIELD PEAS (Contd) - - - - 1i41 1~1 -)242 Wle 1 1 1050 10 Minn 8 7 600 42 J J 900 27 7 7 950 66 Iflllk 20 18 1080 194 7 6 1200 72 5 5 1000 50 Mont 17 16 1100 176 8 8 1160 9J I 6 1130 68 Idaho 153middot 150 1320 1980 72 68 1220 830 99 89 1120 997 lyo 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1210 24 Colo 35 21 900 189 24 19 1000 190 19 16 1220 195 Vash 256 247 1300 J211 162 156 1280 1997 210 198 760 1505 Oreg 25 24 1180 28J 19 18 1300 234 17 14 700 98poundsll___ _Zl __ _ Zl ___ 19Q __ g11 ____1sect ___1sect __ 390____113____11 ___11 __1210____ 102 _ ____ 2~ __ 21l _ _ 33g _ ~l2g ___ Jl2 __ ~9Q __1J2g1__ JJ6fJ___ l8l _ _ 25 ___9pound7___ l~l~_ 1I h pl1Jlc1pal comerc1al produciD8 States Includes Pt)llS groUl for seed aDd comery pens harvested lUy

- III shy

1 UPDATA 1981



- - - - 19i4 19sect 12 li41 to ~ t 1242 St t A Aores Ac Acres A Acres ~ Acres ~ Acres A Acres

a e creB Har- reo H~r- cres ~r- cres H~r- cr~s H~r- eres Harshy____~1ne~eit~d_~1no~_elt~ltLlP~~tdlV~oeS_~1ne~lvsOS_ c~middot~_vselP~l~td_Jel~~d__

Thousand Acres Ind 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ill 12 12 9 9 7 7 5 5 6 6 4 4 ViB 3 3 2 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~1nn 18 18 12 12 7 7 10 10 6 6 5 5 Iogtlt 23 22 11 11 7 7 8 8 12 12 10 10 Mo 265 263 225 216 184 181 179 176 154 150 122 120 Iflhk 87 86 50 49 47 44 42 41 33 32 35 34 SJhk S49 502 390 362 238 221 188 179 152 149 164 156 Jlebr 704 685 50 480 390 374 343 325 364 351 364 347 K9ns 38116 3768 3054 2879 2718 2505 2256 2154 2459 2391 2361 2319 Va 10 9 15 10 15 9 17 9 14 6 12 4 IIVa 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 nc 26 26 23 23 30 30 32 32 35 35 32 32 sc 36 36 35 35 28 28 29 29 30 30 23 23 Ga 60 60 60 60 48 48 55 55 54 54 38 38 Ky 35 34 35 35 39 39 34 34 2l 21 18 18 Tenn 62 6 56 56 56 56 48 48 37 37 29 29 Ala 59 58 61 60 79 78 86 84 99 97 65 63 Mhs 65 64 63 61 51 49 53 52 47 46 34 33 Ark 94 93 97 95 82 80 78 75 68 67 51 50 Jg 10 10 9 9 8 8 9 9 11 11 11 11 Okla 2484 2406 1938middot 1829 1783 1664 1284 1198 1348 1258 1146 1094 T8 8318 8202 7653 7054 7273 6913 5527 5392 7019 6740 5168 5080 Mont 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 4 3 3 4 3 Vyo bull 14 13 10 9 7 7 7 6 4 4 5 5 Colo 766 723 705 658 613 546 490 470 500 479 645 618 1IHex 690 669 467 309 317 265 349 313 521 479 556 532 Arb 71 69 55 53 74 72 62 60 90 88 77 76 Calli 133 127 112 108 151 151 76 76 122 122 80 80 115- - -ie458 -18038 - - is668 - 14-498- 14- 2f6- - i540J -11-277- -10OsO - -13214 -12-679- -11064 - -10789- -


- - - l9~( t00 1916t 197 19aL 12112 St t Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros Dald Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros IReld Pro- Acres llel4 Proshy

a eHar_ Per duc_ Hl1- Per duc- H9r- Por dw- 59r- Per due- zHar- IPer duc_ Har- Per i ducshy___yetdlApoundrs_t0E lVS82C8l 1n_yeltdAEr_t0E lvse2cel 1n_yetdlApoundrl_t0E lvsse~cel isn_

Thous Thous Thous Thoua Thous ThOUG Thoua Thous Theus Thous Thous Thoua ~ TonE ~ Acrea ~ Tons Acros Tona1m Acres ~ Tons ~ TOilS ~ Acres 2 Tons

Ind 2 270 5 1 290 3 1 260 3 Ill 4 250 10 3 250 8 2 300 6 2 250 5 2 350 7 1 350 4 Minn 15 300 45 8 20 18 5 200 10 8 200 16 4 250 10 4 230 9 Iowa 12 300 36 5 300 15 2 350 7 2 250 5 6 300 18 4 250 10 Ho 150 211 316 146 180 263 105 220 231 95 180 171 86 20 189 58 210 122 N bull oruc 76 110 106 116 135 62 41 110 45 39 130 51 30 125 38 32 100 32 SDak 395 169 668 308 150 462 177 l70 301 152 130 198 124 180 223 133 135 180 Nebl 511 197 1007 383 160 613 279 165 460 234 155 363 222 160 355 220 230 506 Kans 1125 213 2396 1386 164 2273 1302 160 2083 989 140 1385 692 190 1315 649 185 1201 Va 6 170 10 8 175 1~ 7 175 12 8 175 14 5 180 9 4 175 7 lle 15 160 24 13 170 22 18 180 32 17 190 32 13 200 26 13 200 26 SC 22 130 29 21 145 30 14 150 21 14 140 20 16 1~5 2J 10 150 15 Ga 35 111 39 42 135 57 33 135 45 )8 130 49 41 130 5] 29 140 41 KT 22 184 ~o 25 240 60 23 260 60 22 280 62 15 210 32 13 21~ 2B Tenn 37 180 67 33 20 73 31 210 65 29 230 67 23 235 54 17 220 37 Ala 23 140 32 24 135 32 27 155 ~2 28 135 38 37 150 56 19 145 2B Hios 27 165 ~5 28 185 52 18 150 27 18 170 31 19 195 37 16 185 30 Ark 66 161 106 68 160 109 50 145 72 51 140 71 J8 185 70 27 190 51 L~ 6 130 8 5 165 8 ~ 160 6 4 135 5 6 145 9 5 160 8 Okla 132~ 145 1920 1118 125 1398 969 130 160 701 110 771 652 150 978 502 160 803 Tex 2920 1193768 2985 110 3283 2324 122 28391677 110 1844 lt17J 122 26601452 145 2105 Mont 5 117 6 4 120 5 6 115 7 4 130 5 J 150 4 3 80 2 Wyo 13 82 11 9 70 6 7 60 4 6 80 5 ~ 75 3 5 76 4 Colo ~7J 114 539 460 110 506 350 105 368 304 115 )50 280 105 29~ 301 107 322 11Mex 29~ 102 300 223 70 157 155 103 159 143 67 96 184 100 184 109 129 141 Arh 6 200 2 3 200 6 5 175 9 3 175 5 3 175 5 ~ 175 7 Ea1i__ _35pound __ Z___2_ ~poundO___ ~ __ _35pound ___7___~ 210___7___ _35pound __ ~ __ 2 _ 210___1pound

~middot~middot_118~ _15~ 015J317_ 10_ 21~11251_131_81~1_4520_ 3_56~6_ ~~8~ _14 ~~521~31_ za_11~

- 19 shy





- ---I I94 1J9s 1~~ S~at J Jor 1 Yield Pr d ti~ JeJ81 I n14 I ProducUcna I Jone J Yield Pro4ucUoII

____1_~bullt4_1_~r_~l _1__0_u _~ _1_IIret4__~I_-l _1________~t4_1_~1_~l J _____ _ ThouIAcne ~ ThoU Bu llloutareplE ft1oUI Bu BiouDJeJ8el llloubullbull IIp

Ind 2 ~9 48 2 300 60 1 300 30 Ill 1 240 2h 1 290 29 1 300 30 Iova 1 240 24 1 200 20 1 200 20 Mo 61 216 1)18 29 ~o 435 ~ 220 968 IDaIt 8 163 130 1 160 16 1 135 14 SDak 92 153 1408 43 115 494 37 160 592 lobI 115 22) 2564 75 180 1350 18 200 1560 Ian 2229 221 49261 1149 154 17695 B51 1)5 11488 IC 2 250 50 3 2)0 69 sc 1 165 16 1 170 17 3 IB5 56 Al 2 163 33 13 150 195 2) 160 368 uk 7 143 100 10 170 170 8 150 120 La 1 150 15 1 180 18 1 140 14 Okla 979 1050 146805 636 120 7632 6~ 115 7176 ex 05103 194 99229 ) 950 150 c59139 4~ 160 71840 ColO aIfO 1057 3768 180 lAt9 2682 191 130 2483 1lIex )69 166 6111 84 70 587 108 104 1127 Aris 54 372 2009 44 )40 1496 55 360 1980 ~a1____11____)1~ ____ ~)~ _____1pound2____32~ ___ _ l27 _____~5____42 ___ ~292 __ US 9)86 197 184978 6)24 152 9606) 6669 159 106025


- - --I l~ 192s 1~ Stah I tar 1 Yield 1 PrOdUCtioD Acre I Yield I ProductiOIl Acne I Yield 1 Productloll

____1_~etd_Umiddotr_Jer _1_______ _~etd_I_Pr_Ael _1_______1_lIrQt4__~r_~l J _____ _ Thoue Jon ll 2a DIOUlllOD ThoubullbullJer 12 DIoubullbull Toll lhoUlJarooa ToD bou l01I

lIId 5 105 52 4 120 48 3 110 111 4 100 40 3 90 27 2 105 21 Vh 1 80 8 1 75 8 M1Dn 70 21 4 60 24 2 65 13 Iowa 6 100 60 3 90 27 1 110 11 Mo 85 374 36 71) 252 25 85 212 IDak 2 30 6 2 202 4 2 21 4 SDaIc 15 7 56 11 3- 37 7 40 28 Ifebr 59 64 378 22 50 110 17 50 BS Iane 412 70 2884 )42 55 1881 SO 60 21OQ SC 3 50 15 ) 55 16 3 50 15 Ga ) 40 12 1 45 14 51) 20 leDII 10 65 65 9 70 63 6 70 42 Al 6 75 45 05 70 35 6 60 36)Ii 12 90 108 12 90 108 12 75 90 Ark 3 55 16 2 55 11 5 60 )0 La 1 61 7 1 7- 7 1 66 7 Old 97 50 485 10 45 115 67 40 l68 Ix l6It 48 789 108 35 )83 87 41 ~O Colo 10 55 55 18 45 81 5 50 25 bullbull lIu 6 ) 20 2 30 2 45 9 Arll 9 121) 108 6 US 69 12 U5 138pounda1_____4____~~ ______2 ______4 ~ ______4 _____~ ______l~ ______ ____1~~

US 879 642 56114 671 532 3510 623 576 3SS7


- - - -I = 19~ = = = == = ~ 1~4sect state crill 1 Yield ProductioD Acre 1 Yield I Prod t1 I Acres Yield Pr

_____~etd_lt]~r_Apoundr ________1_Hrstd_IJr_Apoundr ____~ _o~ __~etd_Jr_Apoundrtl _ ~d~~1~~ ThougAcru Jl9B1 lhquGIlllog TI1quecrea ~ TboutOallQII ThguuJcru GalloDII AAUIIlampllov

Ind 1 80 80 1 90 90 1 75 75 Ill 3 50 ISO 2 50 100 2 65 1)0 Via 2 80 160 1 70 70 1 62 62 10 3 125 )705 2 100 200 3 129 387 Mo 8 62 496 5 45 225 7 55 385 bu 2 55 110 2 SO 100 2 51 102 Va J 65 195 2 65 130 2 66 1)2 VVa 3 59 177 2 67 134 1 66 66 lIC 11 74 814 8 64 512 9 131 729 SC 10 55 550 10 55 550 8 58 464 Ge 22 55 1210 15 57 855 11 53 583 17 12 65 780 10 73 730 16 85 1360 laDII 15 61 915 14 60 840 19 73 1)87 Ala 27 65 1755 18 66 1188 22 6) 1386 Mha 25 78 1950 21 80 1680 19 65 1235 Ark 17 SO 850 15 55 825 17 60 1020 L~ 2 55 110 2 60 120 2 40 80 OklL 6 42 252 5 43 215 4 47 188

i~----~i---~------l~-----l~---~------~______~ ___~____ _~2__--- - - - - - - - - - _1_ - __ l~ _____146____6middotZ ____ 2~ _____~_ 660 10171

-O- ------------ shy



-s~~e-= ~II 1 RI~ 1Pr~~to ~r~ ~~ 1 ~o~t~I~ ~~ R~~ ~din I BarYeated Per Acre I I BarYe ted Per Acr I I BarYbullbulltod Per Acr

- - - -1h-cr- -Dl~hr- -fhoa- ia - fhQicr1 bir- - -TiioQ- ib- - thOulAcibullbull -Dlhel- TiioU- -IDe 1 260 26 1 320 32 1 320 JJ~ Iowa 1 160 16 1 195 20 1 225 m )10 114 160 704 30 240 72031 200 6tjIlak 1 155 16 1 160 16 SDU 111 90 162 20 155 310 20 122 244

Iobr 75 150 1125 111 225 2632 109 236 2572lAD 754 145 10933 339 215 287811 1392 215 29 928 IC 5 250 125 16 270 432 15 250 375 s Q 5 155 78 1 175 122 7 180 126 Ala 34 165 561 45 195 878 33 181 597 Arll 10 150 15016 1110 2811 14 172 241 lA 2 140 28 2 155 31 3 170 51 CkIa 440 110 11840 556 150 8340 548 155 8494 181 3640 180 65421 496 165 74143 3563 239 114996 Colo 160 150 2400 192 170 3264 3011 172 52911 INex 167 106 1764 287 140 40111 415 222 9213 Arh 53 410 2113 75 400 3000 61 1146 2721 -~l____1~ ____3 ____ ~sect9 _____16___ 31middot ____ ~~ _____ 11___ 32 ~ ___ r62_ ~~___ ~~ ____lI~ ____9I11 ____ 7____1~ ___ ~I~ ____6~5~2____2 __ 4~_

ALL SOBOIIllKS JOR SIIMB AOlJWlE YIELD A)JD PROIUClIOIl 1947 to 1949 _______ ~_7_________________ __________________ ~~_______ _~------------~------------------~------------------ilt--------

State Acre I Yh1d I Acre field Acre Yield BarPedd Per Acre Product1on I BarPted Per Acre Production llarveted Pet Acre Production

- - - - ThouAcre -iaL- - -boU7tOji - biiuAcro -Jiii- - -b0li71oi- ~ouEcre - -~n - -fhw7Tu Ind 2 85 17 2 115 23 2 115 23 Ill 2 90 18 4 105 42 3 93 28 Hinn 2 60 12 2 eo 16 1 70 7 IoVA 3 60 18 3 95 28 3 100 30 Mo 33 70 231 31 95 294 29 86 249 IfIlK 1 25 2 1 30 3 2 23 5 slak 9 25 22 5 55 28 3 42 13 Ibr 16 45 72 12 60 72 18 70 126lAD 409 53 21611 359 76 2 72~ 278 73 2029 SC 3 50 15 2 55 11 3 60 18 0 3 45 14 5 55 211 3 60 IS Tonn 6 70 42 7 75 52 8 76 61 Ala 4 65 26 7 75 52 6 74 44 Nh 12 65 711 12 01 0 96 8 85 61 Ark 3 5middot3 16 5 75 38 5 75 38 ta 1 60 6 2 68 14 2 70 14 (kIa 54 37 200 4 55 264 43 56 241 Tex 69 37 258 66 46 305 60 57 343 Colo 6 45 27 7 55 38 9 48 43 IIMex 3 40 12 e 45 36 8 53 42 Arh 4 110 44 10 110 110 11 115 126 -~1____ ~ ____1poundpound ______~ ______4____1poundpound ______~ ______6____1~ pound _____~_ ~____ ~4~ ____ 4___ _ lP _____~2____ 7____ ~~1 _____51____ 10___ sect2~_


-- -- I~ D[8 I~i State Aeres Tield Production I Acr Tield Produetlon I Acree Yield Production

BarYeted I Per Acre I BarTeted Per Acre BarYeted Per Acre - - - - hiiuicre - Gallon - bouGallon thouD Xcre - 01100 - fhoubullbullOaflon ~iiuicro - iiaflon -lhOli7aeliOii Ind 1 70 70 1 90 90 1 90 90 Ill 1 55 55 1118 1 51 51 1 80 80 1 77 77 IClVa 2 80 160 2 168 336 2 158 316 Mo II 42 168 3 66 1911 2 61 122 Ian 2 51 102 1 47 47 Va 1 61 67 1 90 90 IIVa 1 70 70 bullbullC 10 73 730 6 611 408 4 72 211 Sc 7 49 343 5 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ Ga 14 59 826 II ~ ~ 6 60 ~ ~ 12 74 888 6 73 438 5 79 395 Tnn 13 60 7S0 7 Ala 111 60 10110 8 m = ~ =Mi 22 68 1496 15 78 1170 9 63 567 Arll 11 42 462 8 64 512 4 54 216 La 2 35 70 1 43 43 1 45 45 Cltla 3 33 99 2 55 110 1 52 52 ~_____ ~ ____ 25______ 13~ ______5__ _ ______ 1pound _____ -____ ~_____ __I~

Us 131 7847 SO 6911 55116 53 66s 3539 -------------------------~---------------------------- -------- 21 shy

bullUPDATA 1981 ~~ I j


--- -- 1~ t 19~ t 19[6 StlAt I Acree Yield Acrn Yield Acrea Yield

Harvea d Pel Production Harvest d Per Production Harvested Per Production _________ ~ _ _Agrl _ ______ ______Apound~ __ ______ t ______ _Asr~ _______ _

ThoutlAcree Ton8 ThouTone ThouAcre Ton ThouBlone ThoUllAcres 1on8 Thou8Tone Main 923 89 818 833 106 882 84 99 m fK 388 102 395 376 123 464 364 118 431 it 1032 126 1298 10oe 150 1516 1006 143 1442 )(saso 319 124 469 376 164 615 365 164 597 RI 36 1l4 41 37 146 54 34144 49 Conn 304 123 374 300 157 472 288 162 467 fY 4008 144 5759 4021 161 6488 3968 162 6416 NJ 274 147 402 288 177 509 260 175 454 PIi 2564 140 3597 2539 151 3826 2525 150 3789 0b10 2605 139 3622 2560 148 3801 2536 152 3848 Ind 2004 131 2626 1765 145 2551 1835 137 2511 Ill 2824 139 3938 2662 152 4053 2732 146 3985 Mich 2813 1)8 3895 2671 148 3958 2648 124 3272 Vb 4263 163 6929 4214 187 7870 4ll2 155 6371 Minn 4683 142 6640 4366 152 6637 4067 146 5956 Iowa 3551 164 58)6 1304 172 5677 3275 163 5325 Mo 3703 113 4171 3914 115 4500 3545 119 4201 lItDIIk 3421 97 3305 3434 94 3233 3068 89 2724 SDak 36e5 99 3637 3616 92 3312 3478 80 2775 Nebr 4355 112 4865 4062 11)9 4436 3915 97 3787 ~B 1784 167 2982 1783 161 2875 1746 135 2354 Del 82 1 ~o 98 75 152 114 71 149 106 Md 461 120 552 464 139 643 442 148 656 Va 1383 11)2 1405 1477 117 1722 1391 119 1650 IIv 835 108 904 840 1~ 1061 812 129 1045 NC 1315 96 1263 1374 98 1352 1263 102 1285 sc 543 74 400 554 84 465 S07 87 442 Oe 1406 49 689 1441 54 785 1399 52 723 lIla 118 54 64 125 57 71 123 49 60 It) 1630 112 1831 1987 137 2720 1813 136 2459 Tenn 1769 94 1660 1978 124 2444 1802 122 2205 All 1 091 67 730 995 75 742 999 74 744 M18s 925 119 1104 873 117 1025 850 123 1046 Ark 1397 109 1529 1378 116 1595 1258 118 1483 ra 3Jl 119 395 326 125 406 319 126 403 Okla 1296 129 1671 1326 133 1757 1355 113 1534 Tex 1591 90 1439 1599 96 1537 1623 11)3 1619 Mont 2265 119 2689 2267 117 2681 2147 112 2395 Idho 1198 204 2445 1189 204 2428 1140 213 2429 liTo 1156 113 1312 1103 116 1274 1091 111 1214 Colo 1467 159 2331 1425 155 2215 1359 148 2008 NMex 217 221 419 201 192 385 206 212 436 Arb 332 218 723 309 242 748 306 239 737 Utah 612 203 1245 597 200 1194 573 195 1115 ireV 435 142 617 436 141 615 432 152 655 VaBb 989 119 1775 931 187 1744 656 192 1640 Oreg 1156 173 1996 1158 170 1970 1062 173 1~39poundampl1____20plusmn0____ ~middot21____ 22~ ____2130____ ~bullsect4____60]6____ 282 __ _ 1~2_ ___6t0Q3_ ~____ 176)9____ ]middot13___ 03~2 ___ 16627____ ]~__ _1~7t418_ ___71141 ___ ]15___ 291518_

VILD HAY ACREAGE nELD lID PllOllUCTIOlf 1944 to 191i6

- - - - - 1~ l I9~ l 19[6 state I Acree Yield Acree Yield AcreB Yield

I Harveated Per Productioll ltlrvesed bull Per bull Production Harvested Per bull Production ___________ l ce__ ~ ______ t _____ _ =_AsrJ __ ______ l _______~r __ _____ _

ThouaAcrem ThousTon bonaAcres ona ThousTona Thoue-cres ~ Thousfou Via 140 130 182 94 115 106 llO 115 126 Minn 1452 1ll 1612 1394 115 1603 1282 110 1410 10 102 122 124 92 120 llO 86 1O 103 Mo 154 109 168 160 120 192 150 100 ISO NDal 2576 90 ~318 2576 85 2190 2318 85 1970 sJ))k 3076 88 2707 3014 60 24ll 2693 70 2025 Nebr 3198 80 2558 2942 75 2206 2795 65 1817Ian 693 111 769 638 115 734 636 75 478 Ark 194 104 202 202 105 212 202 105 212 Okla 480 118 566 437 125 S46 428 100 428 Tex 195 105 205 185 100 185 191 105 201 Mont 867 85 737 806 90 725 622 60 658 ldho 139 lU 156 139 115 160 135 110 148 To 529 60 423 481 BO 385 495 85 421 Colo 466 97 452 443 100 443 439 85 373 NMex 20 88 16 15 70 10 27 100 27 Utah 103 124 126 lOS 100 105 105 120 1-6 lreT 267 100 267 267 100 267 267 110 294 Yam 46 115 53 51 125 64 47 120 56 Or~ ll76 115 320 3U 11n 3IU gt86 110 315 ~l-l_____1$gt____ 110_____ 17g _____112___ _ 1io_ ~ __ _2ffl_ ____ 152 ___ 1lL ____11~_

k ___ 5all1_____23____1~J1 ___ 4~~_____21___ Jt2~2___ _ ll~7 ___ _g3_ __ l51 _


FFeti5 Hri+tttrtft gt~- bullbull ~Mto shy



- -- -- 1~7 19la_ 19sect State Acrea Yild cr Tlel-l Acrea Yield

______II~~t~d_ ~ ~~~__ ~ ~d~ln_l v~e~ _~_A~~ ___~o~u~t~o~ ~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~____P~o~u~to~ ~bullbullAcrea gAl ~ousTonD fitouDcrea ~ lhoulITons Tbous bullocres I2 Thou9Tonl

M1n 766 11)8 627 nO 11)2 746 695 9B 682 lilI J5) 127 446 JJ9 124 421 J18 11) )56 n 995 149 148J 974 145 1416 952 124 1176 ca )51 154 540 J46 160 59f )42 145 496 RI )2 159 51 29 159 46 28 1 bullSO 42 Conn 280 166 464 272 162 440 26) 156 410 IIT )752 161 6029 )642 165 6016 3)97 1)6 46)0 IJ 244 17) 422 236 161 428 239 177 422 Il 2))9 150 )511 2194 146 )710 2202 142 )123 Ohio 2497 140 34B6 2)84 14) )406 2255 142 )212 Ind 1708 1)6 2)Jl 1661 1)6 2251 1616 145 2 bull 342 Ill 2626 14J )756 2)85 149 )558 2230 165 J689 Mich 2628 1Jl J45) 24)6 1)7 )346 2)29 1)2 )069 Vh 4066 16) 6665 )940 1)8 54)2 3916 15) 5972 MiIlJ1 4063 142 57n )659 1)7 529) 3819 1)lt3 5268 10_ )J)B 154 5154 2943 1)4 )955 )100 159 49)0 Me 3762 114 4)10 )S46 129 4564 )60) 129 465) IDU 3289 95 )110 3176 91 2901 )441 B5 2920 S~ )675 85 ))1) 4126 84 )451 4412 68 3013 lfebr 4)05 113 4BBI 4))4 105 4532 4836 108 5ZJl Iu 2059 153 )155 195) 176 )479 2017 160 3~z2 Del 69 146 102 n 140 102 68 110 97 Md 429 142 611 445 144 64) 429 152 ti51 Vamp 1)27 107 1414 1)72 126 1722 1321 127 16n VV 60) 116 92B 796 129 1026 B02 124 991_C 1292 96 1267 1290 10) 1)28 1246 105 1)12 SC 465 76 )76 509 68 449 52J 91 476 0amp 1)91 51 70) 1416 56 791 1055 6) 66) 11 125 54 67 1)2 58 77 65 62 5) 1) 1666 1)B 2568 1687 126 21)0 1828 110 2)60 l1IllU 1812 117 2120 1691 111 1861 l7J4 125 2175 U 939 72 679 922 18 720 790 84 667 Ki 601 115 923 769 121 9)3 779 115 89) Ark 1254 98 1224 1211 124 150) 1116 117 1J10 111 300 118 )s4 294 112 )29 295 1m 379 Okla 1580 119 1B77 1490 I)) 1975 1)50 1)5 1821 le 1620 90 16)7 1706 91 1556 145) 112 1624 MoDt 2227 112 2491 220) I) 2704 2On 101 2084 Idoho 1022 2Z5 2296 986 220 2171 1050 2lt) 2))7 1170 1080 117 1265 1017 94 960 1104 110 1209 Colo 1)56 164 2219 1)51 167 2251 1401 164 229) Ifllex 216 210 454 20) 212 4)) 19) 209 404 Arlo m 220 595 226 2)8 5)7 25) 247 624 Utah S6B 208 1160 550 205 1129 5)7 21) 1145 - )92 155 606 )8) 151 577 377 154 580 lfath 60) 1117 150) 765 205 1611 772 178 1375 Oree 1076 169 1617 1061 174 1646 970 158 1526 ~11middot____~~~ __ ~ J bull 26____ euro1)Q ____1~7O____ 1middotQ7____5JplusmnL ___ 1l15Q ___ 1middot25___ 3 49_ [middotk ___ 1 46amp6____ 1middot15___ 10Q$~ ___ 11617____ 114___ 2611~ ___71~ __ _ lmiddotlJ_ __ 25025_

_1If_ eii2ll 2r_A1l_II~r_r2r_125~D-~ 9Z1J211 o_____________ bull __________

~~~ _lAi~~e5drIx~~rpoundr ~tloi ~ce ~eililfgi ct r~~ln hqutr ll lhoubullbullrona rhouaAcr 12l ThouaToga

~ _____1 _0_____ 111_______ 1~~ _____ 1~ _____ 1Ql_ ______ 1~~ _ Ylk ____ 14aJgl_____ 1J8______ 10l57______7~11J _____ l~L _____ l0ll_ ~ -

WILD BAT AClUllilE fIELD AlID PBODUCrIOll 1947 to 1~1

- - - - - 1i41 1~ 1~ Il~t I Acre I Yield heres Yield Acres Yield bull

I arT ted I Per Production arTeBted Per ProucUon Iifrvsted Per bull Production ____ _1_ __~ __ _~rl _ i ______ 1 _______ cLe______________ cIe___=_____ _

1houeAcreo 1M lhoubullbullTop rhouoAcree ~ rhouerona rhousAcrea ron rhoubullbullroue Vlo 106 115 122 1)0 95 124 112 107 120 Minn 1)06 11e 1439 12)0 105 1292 11)2 105 1169 10 75 1O 90 61 115 9) 70 123 66 Mo 150 110 165 141 110 155 1)5 110 146 1IDIIk 2596 90 2))6 2414 65 2052 2535 Bo 2028 SDU )240 75 24)0 )4)4 70 2401 )4)4 57 1957_hr 296) 60 2)70 2904 65 1686 )252 75 24)9 lUI 702 110 772 611 115 7~ 642 115 nB Ark 204 B5 In 175 110 192 152 105 160 00amp 458 110 504 4)1 1 lt5 5)9 416 1gt0 502 lu 210 95 200 197 65 167 1B5 101 167 Mont 860 BO 704 654 90 769 769 75 577 Id~o 132 110 145 140 100 140 144 109 157 To 500 95 475 475 60 lB5 522 B5 444 Colo 470 105 494 451 105 474 474 102 4B) 11 Megt 27 BO 22 25 75 19 22 6) 1B Utah 109 125 1)6 105 110 126 105 I) 12911 230 1111 25) 216 105 227 205 9B 201 Vampth 46 120 55 55 1)0 2 57 120 68 Oreg )00 110 ))0 )30 15 412 291 106 gt08pound41lf_____1i6____ 11(1_____ 17~ _____1J6____ 1ltgt_____120_____ 1J~ ___ 112_____1~_

~____ 4~_____10____111111 ___ 4515_____~5___ l)~___ _~19= ____~2___ l121_ - 23 shy

-UPDATA 1981 bull _ bull h



ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944




- - - - li~ 1 j9~ __ o ~~1n ____ l ___F2r_811~ ___ Hogglng____F2r~n___ i ___ o ill1pound~___ iiogging

State AcrengeY101d Pro_ AcreageYield Pro- down AcreageYield Pr~_ AcreageY1eld Pro- down Har- I ler duction Har- Per lducUonlglz1ngl Rnr- I per Iduction Hlr- Per duction gl9zing

____tlgt-otCltI_____ tpoundsl~ iApoundr _1____lEi tlItHIIl_llsl11clII_____ iv~BleS iAiT~ _1____ ampJ1I1 Thou 1a Thou Thous ~ Thou ThoU Thous ~ Thqufl Tone rhoue Thou Acree 1 Acres Teme ~rui ~poundw Tona Acree

K11ne 2 390 78 7 105 74 3 2 390 78 7 100 70 2 NH 3 430 129 10 105 105 1 2 420 84 9 115 104 1 n 4 395 158 58 10~0 580 4 3 380 114 5 95 542 3 Masa 7 390 lJ J4 95 32J 4 5 150 225 31 105 326 3 RI 1 310 37 7 90 63 1 1 400 40 6 95 57 1 Conn 10 410 410 38 100 380 4 9 450 405 37 105 388 3 11Y )38 355 ~899 479 85 4072 75 130 350 4550 460 84 3864 67 NJ 135 325 4388 62 70 434 9 125 445 5562 56 90 504 6 ~ 1118 356 39801 282 BO 2256 2J 1053 1~35 45806 261 85 2218 24 Ohio 3425 404 138370 135 75 1012 91 3295 505 166398 111 90 999 62 Ind 4410 IWl 176841 92 65 598 92 4190 530 222070 87 90 783 87 Ill 88~ 454 399702 190 a5 1615 146 7756 465 360654 179 80 1432 195 Mich 1400 324 45360 259 70 1813 146 1306 360 47016 273 70 1911 172 Via 1439 459 66050 1179 81 9550 61 1367 440 60148 1250 79 9875 62 Minn 4553 437 198966 731 76 5556 583 4522 390 176358 768 75 5760 636 lava 10397 525 545842 221 95 2100 419 9924 445 441618 218 87 1897 564 Mo 46)8 33 bull 5 155373 W 60 282 96 3641 285 103768 58 50 290 174 NIlk 533 273 14551 112 43 482 605 404 225 9090 110 39 429 711 SDak 3460 343 118678 47 70 329 390 3437 280 962)6 49 60 291t 606 Nebr 8452 33J 281452 44 62 273 253 8020 290 2)2bull580 42 50 210 425 Kane 3372 276 93067 35 55 192 142 2757 235 64790 60 45 270 164 Del 139 255 3544 3 90 27 1 136 325 4420 3 90 27 1 Md 460 3$3 16238 40 75 JOO 5 420 410 17220 36 110 396 5 Va 1190 260 30940 65 70 455 25 1071 330 35343 64 100 640 30 VVa 330 279 9207 11 80 88 7 287 370 10619 9 110 99 3 NC 2234 228 50935 16 88 141 46 2149 250 53725 15 105 158 40 SC 1480 169 25012 4 60 24 26 1 bull 389 170 23613 4 55 22 26 Ga 3204 120 38448 10 40 40 191 3137 140 43916 10 50 50 190 Fla 550 10$ 5775 6 60 36 163 495 UO 5445 6 55 J3 117 X7 2449 247 60490 20 70 140 J8 2118 320 67776 21 80 168 42 Tenn 2326 224 52102 19 54 103 70 2046 270 55242 17 70 119 62 Ala 2847 152 43274 6 50 30 61 2719 155 42144 8 50 40 70 1Iias 2481 161 39944 5 55 28 44 2382 190 45258 5 65 2 42 Ark 1547 165 25526 2 50 10 74 1335 210 28035 2 45 9 26 La 1139 140 lS9~~ 2 38 8 27 1059 185 19592 2 45 n 14 Okla 1568 170 26656 lQ 40 40 46 2gt60 170 21420 9 40 36 63 Tn 3750 144 54000 20 35 70 190 3207 155 4970$ 13 40 52 106 Mont 28 lt03 568 6 35 21 141 14 205 2amp1 6 2j 15 150 1dJho 19 416 790 8 85 68 3 16 430 688 10 105 105 3 VTo 32 152 486 5 50 25 43 29 165 478 3 55 16 40 Celli 676 183 12J71 75 65 4B8 133 530 210 11130 54 63 340 132 NMex 162 145 2349 8 50 40 25 104 150 1560 i 60 30 41 Arb 25 92 2JO 3 75 22 4 23 120 276 3 80 24 5 Utah 5 309 15lt 10 100 160 2 5 360 180 16 90 144 2 Nev 1 318 32 1 100 10 1 J20 32 1 100 10 Vloh 9 450 405 9 108 97 3 7 510 357 8 100 80 5 Oreg 14 )61 50S 12 65 78 10 11 370 407 11 79 67 9 Calif 36 350 1260 25 100 250 10 ~9 340 986 25 100 250 10 E= = 5~0e-( p~0=~aQl~61(=441( ~7~i2 ~~~8= =4~6= =712z =raquo-I~m4E9= =1425= =782 = 2S21( 130~


- - - - 19[4 l 1241 State Aoren Acroe Yield Por Acres Aarea I field Per

Planted IlIrvuted Acre y Prolact1oll I Planted Hneeteci Aore y Productlln- _ __bull_______ ___ ________ _ _______ J _____ _____ _____ __-________ _~ ~

Acre ~ Thous lb Aores ~ Thoue Lblt Ohlo 13000 13000 1450 18850 30000 JO~OO 1800 54000 Ind 17700 17700 1)25 23 1152 34800 34800 1975 68730 Ill 19900 19500 1200 23400 25800 24800 1600 44640 Mich )000 2400 1200 2880 4000 3500 1200 4200 Iowa 51800 SOJOO 1700 85510 102000 92000 1130 10)960 Mo 11800 11500 l6ao 19320 17000 15000 1680 25200 Nebr 8800 8700 1400 12180 31~000 J)OOO 1350 4450 Kane 5900 5700 1400 7980 9500 8400 1100 9240 X7 13500 13500 1000 13500 14two 14400 1400 20160 Okla 20000 18000 800 14400 46000 38000 850 32300 Tex 15000 12500 950 11875 17500 14000 850 11900 Cali 2000 2000 700 1400 2000 2000 600 120(1

~~= = = i8~~ = = =1148~0= == )3~J= ===p~l41 = = =3i~0~0= = = i~io~ = = ==1~1( = = ==~zPpounda~ = l In principal coamrcial producing ~tata y O liN corn 70 pOl1ndn to tile buahel bull



- - - l~ r tjtZ _ - - -Slrbullpoundpoundr4fL __ l __ ]Rr_el~ ___ Hogg1ngl___ ]9r--Eampin___ l ___ lox 118ampe____Hogging

Stampte ~AcreageY1eld Pro- AcreageY1eld Pro- down AcreageY1eli Pro- AcreageYleld Pro- down Har- Per ducUon Rar- Per Igrazing Rar- Per duct H1- Per duction Igtu1ng

___ _JeJlt~cle___ __ ly~8~eS lApoundrsect _~t-j 9tavIet~ltLce____ ~~YJl8el1Apoundr ______f9r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ima 2l Thou ~~ ~ lhOUB Thoubullbull ~ Thoua houbullbull Acres ~ ~ TonI ~ ~ ~ Acreg 2l Acree

Maine 3 370 111 8 115 92 1 2 400 80 8 110 88 1 NH 3 420 126 9 110 99 1 2 450 90 9 110 99 1 n 3 410 123 52 100 520 3 2 410 82 44 95 418 2 MUB 6 460 276 30 10bull5 315 2 6 470 282 29 115 334 2 RI 1 390 39 6 )00 60 1 1 440 44 6 95 57 1 Conn 9 460 414 35 105 )68 3 9 480 432 34 110 374 2 NT I53 400 6120 465 93 4324 46 135 )50 4725 4)6 84 3662 27 NJ 125 450 5625 59 90 531 5 122 4)0 5246 52 90 46S 6 Fa 1055 430 45)65 269 90 2421 27 1046 425 44455 258 85 219) 19 Ohio 3405 490 166645 127 85 1080 109 3098 410 127018 18) 75 1)72 105 Ind 4)98 5~0 224298 92 85 782 92 4227 430 161761 88 70 616 84 Ill 8553 560 478968 169 90 1521 151 8189 )95 )23466 206 74 1524 189 Mich 1243 290 36047 310 60 1860 216 1147 285 32690 274 61 1671 153 W1 1299 465 601~4 i200 18 9)60 46 1338 445 59541 1164 81 9428 4) Minn 4323 455 196696 692 83 5744 437 4187 380 159106 680 72 4896 367 Iova 10600 570 604200 178 105 1869 356 9588 310 297228 281 64 1798 541 Mo 4239 375 158962 44 65 286 1)2 3777 250 94425 80 50 400 161 NDak 437 230 10051 145 34 493 631 523 210 10983 143 38 54) 523 SDak 3529 310 109)99 48 60 288 4)) 3454 200 69080 63 54 340 45)Nebr 7418 295 218831 78 53 41) )12 6973 200 139460 73 38 277 294 I~e 2469 220 54318 211 38 802 331 1986 180 35748 155 37 574 177 Del 134 330 4422 3 105 32 1 126 335 4221 4 90 36 1 Md 412 430 17716 38 95 361 6 41) 380 15694 37 95 352 6 Va 1017 360 36612 48 95 456 18 976 360 )5136 57 105 598 28 WVa 284 )40 9656 9 100 90 3 278 410 11396 11 100 110 4 NC 2104 270 56808 17 80 136 39 2110 315 66465 22 90 198 50 sc 1415 185 26178 3 60 18 29 1355 195 26422 6 65 39 43 04 2886 130 37518 10 50 50 308 2651 140 37114 9 50 45 384 1111 526 100 5260 6 50 30 117 492 120 5904 6 55 3) 125 it 2194 360 78984 2) 90 207 29 2127 350 74445 24 100 240 28 Tenn 2106 295 67127 17 70 119 66 2106 285 60021 17 70 119 66 AlII 2531 155 39230 5 45 22 65 2530 150 37950 5 50 25 92 Miss 2173 160 )4768 4 55 22 33 2211 165 3648Z 5 60 )0 38 Ark 1435 210 30135 2 43 9 35 1267 170 215)9 2 44 9 56 La 975 140 13650 2 40 8 23 9 11 1)5 12704 2 40 8 17

Okla 1317 175 23048 7 45 32 48 1074 180 19332 7 40 28 44 Tex 3019 165 49813 12 40 48 62 2720 160 43520 13 35 46 51 lIont 13 210 273 7 50 )5 160 22 220 484 9 40 36 135 Idaho 17 425 722 7 120 84 2 16 495 792 6 105 63 2 IIJ-o 24 180 4)2 ) 60 18 3) 2175 )68 5 65 32 27 Colo )72 200 7440 60 67 402 141 397 220 8734 57 80 456 68 HMex 105 160 1660 4 50 20 16 83 145 1204 ) 45 14 9 lrh 23 120 276 3 75 22 4 23 155 356 3 70 21 4 Ut~ 5 290 145 16 100 160 3 5 380 190 18 100 180 )Hey 1 350 )5 1 100 10 1 30 )2 1 100 10 Vaeh 7 550 385 7 105 74 4 7 560 J92 7 Ll5 80 )Oreg 12 365 438 11 80 88 8 11 485 534 10 100 100 4 01111 32 350 1120 25 100 250 10 27 350 945 25 100 250 10 ~~= = =7j~1~ =31~ iitfO~9= =4~517= =7-81 =3~~) = ~i9j =-5~0~ y~~ lo~31o= =4~6Jpound =7~)2 = )~i9~=~~

POPCOlIII ICREAGE YIELD lID RODUCTIOJl 1946 UD 1947 I - - - - 19~= i ~7 Stab Acree tern Ueld Per Producthn Acre Acr Yield Per ~ ProducUoB

Planhd HrYe8hd lcre Y PlUlted Hamprl88ted leIY ~- - - -- - - - _-_ - - - - _a-_______________ ____ _ _____ a _____ __bull________ _

lqrea E2ml Thoue Lb lcre ~ fhoU Lb Ohio 15000 14100 1750 24675 5200 5000 i6oo ~OOO Ind 18Soo 18800 1900 35720 7300 7300 1500 10950 Ill 16000 15800 1800 28440 21000 20400 lIroO 28560 Mich 2700 ~600 1400 )640 2500 2100 1000 2100 Iova 42000 41000 1820 74620 17000 15000 960 14400 No 15000 15000 1600 24000 10000 10000 1100 11000 Hebr 13000 13000 1500 19500 4000 4000 1200 4800 lIua 5900 5200 1200 6240 3800 3500 959 ))25T 10100 10100 1470 14847 6500 0500 1470 9555 Okla 14000 13000 910 116)0 5600 5000 lOGO 5000 rex 4200 4200 1200 5040 2700 2700 1)00 )510poundamp1___1a6Q0___ ~ _116Q0____lampOQIL ____116QO_____ ~bullQOQ __ _ ~bullQOQ _____8lO_____ lo1_ - _ ~- - _1i83Q0___ _1214pound0_ ___1amp60___ _221122_ ___ _81QOQ __ ~_J02____1amp222____ 021l2 __ _ l In prinCipal coercial prodac1namp Statebullbull y or ltV cornl 10 pClaDd to the lII1tw1



- - - - 19te ~42 __ rOE U~il ___ l __ ]2r_BlM ___IHogg1ng___ ]2rLrn __ t __ ]gr_BlM ____Hogging

stat AoresltoYold Pr AoreageY1eld l down AorelgeY1eldl Pr Acr~g$Y1eld l down Har- I Per dllOt~n Hlr- hr IdUO~~l1Clz1ngl Har- I Per duct~n Her- I Per I d~~lon grnz1ng

____1otfdoJe_____ lvjtsel lAsrs _1 ____4r~llazeJltldcle_l____ zel1t-tdoJe_l _____14I~ Thoubullbull ~ ThOUtl ~ Tona ~ll2 ~l1 ThOU8 ~ lm ~ Thou Acreo Acrea Tona Acropound2 AerO ~ CroD

Ma1ne 2 320 64 9 85 76 1 2 420 84 10 104 104 1 Nrr 2 370 74 8 95 76 1 2 480 96 9 106 95 1 n 2 lflhO 88 48 100 480 2 2 480 96 54 102 551 2 Jo(I1f1 5 ao 205 ~9 100 290 1 5 450 225 29 92 267 2 111 1 390 39 6 90 54 1 430 43 6 66 52 Conn 7 10 287 33 95 314 2 6 450 270 33 96 317 1 NY 164 440 716 445 100 4450 25 170 460 78~0 452 100 4520 25 11J 132 500 6600 55 95 522 6 117 433 5066 56 80 448 3 Ps 1096 475 52155 259 95 2~0 19 1061 475 50398 258 95 2451 16 Ohio 370 585 202995 148 91 1436 73 3400 540 18)600 141 100 1410 76 Ind 4504 570 256726 75 90 675 64 4542 500 227100 83 9 764 85 Ill 8965 610 546865 167 95 1566 120 6947 540 483138 18S 100 1850 120 Mich 1278 400 51120 264 74 1954 95 1390 495 68005 2l4 94 2200 62 Via 1378 480 66144 1167 84 9971 31 1516 554 83986 1068 99 10573 90 Minn 4)81 540 236698 645 69 5740 254 4630 440 212520 696 85 S9)) 242 Ioltl 10732 605 6149286 179 110 1969 280 11101 470 5l1747 219 101 2212 207 Mo 4128 450 185760 60 75 450 112 3930 390 153270 57 76 4J) 98 1IDaJc 531 280 11868 124 43 533 475 526 225 U835 160 36 576 523 SDak 3323 170 122951 114 70 306 285 3266 235 16751 129 55 710 622 Nobr 6945 350 243075 72 57 410 143 7293 311 226~~2 75 62 465 150 Ka1l8 2281 325 74132 49 60 294 34 2316 277 64liJ 86 57 490 57 1)01 122 320 3904 5 95 48 1 133 335 4~i56 5 85 42 1 Md 418 450 18810 40 95 380 7 402 420 161~ 42 95 399 1 Va 976 4205 Ill 180 56 115 644 8 908 420 38~36 54 107 578 36 II Va 269 440 118)6 11 100 110 4 2)6 4110 103e4 13 100 1)0 4 11C 2137 300 64110 22 100 220 67 2122 31S 66810 19 89 169 63 sc 1351 195 26344 11 60 66 56 1346 205 ~59) 11 72 79 47 Ga 2558 145 37091 9 55 50 447 2635 165 43478 8 64 51 461 Flll 4211 10a 4240 6 50 30 193 344 125 4300 5 55 28 224 iT 2381 400 95240 27 90 243 32 2303 355 81756 2B 9~ 263 36 Tenn 2172 320 69504 lS 80 120 68 20)9 30S 6z190 17 87 148 64 Ala 2412 210 50652 8 50 40 154 2346 200 46920 5 60 30 172 MiuD 2165 Z20 47630 6 65 39 38 2011 205 41226 5 75 38 33 Ark 1Z7 230 28221 2 52 10 17 1100 220 24200 2 50 10 32 La 870 175 152Z5 2 40 8 30 727 210 15267 2 60 12 29 Olcla 1053 225 23692 5 40 20 22 1063 200 22260 4 50 20 35 Tex 2411 160 38576 16 40 64 106 2346 210 49lt66 8 52 42 60 Mont 27 220 594 8 50 40 158 8 238 190 13 45 58 157 Idaho 17 490 833 7 120 84 2 18 545 981 12 117 140 1 70 12 200 240 7 70 II) 29 12 221 765 8 77 62 30 Colo 355 ZZO 1810 73 75 548 94 48z 2116 11857 83 86 114 61 NMex 73 150 1095 3 55 16 10 75 165 1238 4 70 28 16 Aris 23 155 356 3 15 22 4 25 lS5 388 3 84 25 3 utllh 5 280 1110 20 100 200 4 5 313 156 22 114 251 4 Nev 2 100 20 2 105 21 Wuh 6 550 J30 11 105 116 2 9 5gt0 468 9 105 94 3 Oreg 11 400 4l) 11 75 82 5 12 435 522 10 82 82 4 Callt 30 365 1095 25 110 275 10 )J 380 1254 26 110 286 6t= =7~~ =432 ~~2~ )~( ~v= 27~52C l~~ =7116l )imiddotZ ii42~9l =t~~ 221==to2~= 2271

- - - - ~)w ~ lieuro State I ere~ I eres Yield Per I eres Acre Yield Per

pllll1~cd ~Haneeted ~ ere y Production PllIled lianeated Acre y Production

- - - -- - - - -AC~I- - - - -- -POundq - --Thou- Lb - - - - - iC~f - - - - - PoUndg- - -- Thou-Lb- - -Ohio 21000 21000 2350 49350 9500 9500 1900 18050 Icd 16500 16500 2500 41250 14400 14400 1900 21360Ill 29500 29300 2250 65925 16100 16000 1700 30600 Mich 4100 3800 2000 1600 2800 2800 1650 4620 I~va 260~0 26000 2110 54860 23000 23000 1470 33810 Mo 11000 11000 2100 23100 10200 10200 1300 1)260 Nebr 5000 5000 1800 9000 6000 6000 130 8bull580 J6n )100 3000 1650 4950 3900 3800 1360 5168 11 15500 15500 1610 24955 11100 9500 1)50 128~5 Okla 21000 24000 - 700 18720 8000 7000 1250 8750 Taz 4100 4100 1150 4715 2000 2000 1000 2000 cal 1000 1000 1100 1100

y lK82( 62~2 l~W ~2s~5~[ = =1sect9~02( )Q6~2Q( = 1~ = = )~5~OP 1 In principal cGaaercial prodncing Statebullbull ~ Ot ear cornl 70 pound to tb bashl


-aftcr r r~ RfhMr r~



- - - - 12~ 1 124] i i9i6 state Acre Acres Yield Pro- Acree Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

PlAnted Ilar- Per Acre duetiOD PllDted IDlr- Per Acre duetionP1anted lInr- Per Acre duetion veoted vested vested

- - - -- ThOU-ACrlis-- juiihlii ThorusIiti yenhOuliierlis- iiuiihlii -ThotWiiu Tbou-Acrlis- BuShl Tho~s~-Maine 1 1 220 22 1 1 190 19 1 1 10 21 liT J49 336 259 8716 352 346 264 9147 222 215 263 5648 11J 75 60 233 1398 93 63 210 1323 96 62 250 1550 h 931 914 214 19560 959 932 21S 20038 911 885 25 19912 Ohio 1937 1918 227 43539 2150 2129 270 57483 1849 1831 265 48522 Ind 1292 1266 202 25568 1587 1555 225 34980 1383 1366 215 29369 Ill 1334 1247 195 24320 1400 1339 185 248l7 1289 1207 160 19361 Mich 949 944 246 23222 992 982 275 27005 877 864 265 22896 Vie 69 67 195 1308 61 60 263 1576 95 93 252 2340 Minn 1325 1214 165 20090 1109 1100 193 21246 1412 1391 195 27080 Io~ 149 120 159 1912 168 140 190 2660 192 185 234 4335 Mo 1472 1207 16) 19674 1428 1304 140 18256 1314 1213 150 18195 a~ 10107 9856 159 156321 10005 9855 157 154568 10444 10192 137 139824 Slhk 3254 3070 121 37278 3355 3201 155 49656 3755 3S88 148 53197 Nebr 3585 2675 126 33762 3777 3596 229 82358 4037 3954 229 90677 Kans 13210 11377 165 187700 14148 13416 155 207939 14006 13147 162 212977 Del 68 64 197 1261 73 67 195 1306 68 62 190 1178 Md 395 370 232 8584 391 359 190 6821 376 348 195 6786 Va 539 516 192 9907 534 485 155 7518 459 432 185 7992 V~ 102 87 186 1618 100 87 185 1610 90 77 185 1424 NC 567 516 165 851bull 4118 408 11bullbull5 5916 394 371 170 6307 S C 26z 253 145 3668 202 195 145 2828 160 156 165 2574 Ga 228 213 140 2982 198 183 135 2470 141 130 130 1690 lT 496 426 178 7583 516 371 135 5008 392 297 140 4158 Tenn 423 396 145 5742 381 J45 125 4312 276 259 140 3626 Ala 25 22 163 359 24 20 ISS 310 15 12 145 114 M18S ~5 18 226 407 25 18 200 360 16 9 220 198 Ark 65 46 149 685 65 39 105 410 44 ~8 140 392 Okla 5557 5095 167 85086 6335 5910 125 73875 6715 6087 145 88262 Tex 4S51 4458 185 821lt73 5842 5350 90 48150 6835 5992 105 62916 Mont 4507 4019 188 75497 4147 3777 151 57145 4426 4133 152 62888 Idlho 1137 1088 293 31851 1156 1102 297 32734 1324 1273 275 350240 282 215 131 2811 286 244 182 4431 JOI 281 243 6832 Colo 1658 1256 142 17794 1850 1560 223 34768 2244 2004 189 37776 NMex 463 2at 117 3337 452 297 94 2778 542 350 8J 2895 riz 26 24 22S S40 27 24 ZlO 504 29 27 210 56 Uhh 298 294 241 7100 286 281 243 6842 3J5 320 224 7171 l1ev 16 16 273 437 18 18 243 437 19 18 273 49L Vash 2485 2338 268 62673 2667 2524 244 61512 2769 2642 295 77965 Oreg 980 914 265 24200 970 921 237 21810 1050 984 256 25168 -i___ 2~ __ ~7 __ 94___ 10~2___614___523___12~ __ 106ltt7_ __675___619__ 190___ l7~1_

~~- - _6~bull9~ _52742 __ 177__10~ll_ ~122_ ~1~__ _1Z~ ~1127633_7578_ ~7125__ 172__1lZ218_


- - - - 19~ ~ = ~ 19~ State creo Acres Yield Pro- Acrea Acres Yiold Pro- Acres Acrea Yield Prltoshy

PhntedIar- Par ere duction Pbnted Rar- Per Acre ductionPlanted Har- Per Acre duction - - - -- - - _elt~_- ____ J ____ J ___ T~StfJ _________ ___ VJlBtfJI__________ _

ThW Acres ~ ~ls Thouas Acres Pounds ThGsliga ThousAcre Pounds ThousBags Ark ~7 287 2J63 6781 284 281 2115 5943 327 320 2002 6408 La S68 561 1710 9593 SB4 583 1m 10363 592 589 1732 10204 Tex 392 392 2002 7850 400 400 2025 8100 412 412 1935 7972 CaUf 246 240 2812 6750 244 235 2665 6262 264 261 3032 7913

~middotEmiddot I01 )-~===~Q91=10~1( =1~5Z ~=~~ 10~~ 1~s2S 18~ ~Q5E = 12427 RIC (Cont I d)

- - -- ~i i i9a 1 ~ Mia 5 5 2700 135 Ark 370 )65 2096 7652 395 391 2358 9220 415 412 2150 8858 La 616 613 1620 9931 641 631 1m 11216 599 593 1825 10822 ~ex 474 474 2025 9599 526 526 2092 11007 552 542 1975 10704 pounda1l__ ~52 ___226___ 2bullJ2 ___8015___~__ ~5sect ___26sect9__ _6t812_ __312__ 102 __ 225pound __ 10t28_

- _1middot112 __17~___ ~~~ __ 2527__18~_1~ ___21~2__ 2B275__1~3_15z __ ~1~ __ ~727_




---- ~7 i i i ti~ State Acrco Aore Yield Pro- lorn Acre Yleld Pro- Acres Acreo Y1eld Proshy

Plonted m- Per Acre ducdon Planted liar-a Per lore cuct1on Plantod llar- per Acre duction ________~ot ______ l ____ l ___ lY81e_l _____l ____ l ___ lylt0_eSl ____ l ____ _d t l1ho1l Acree ~ Tbou8lffi Thoubullbull Acree lIunhal Thouau Thoubullbull Acree 1Igshel lhoutIBu

NY 3aS 375 240 8988 449 J41 ~o 11886 405 396 269 10721 NJ 107 15 250 1675 115 62 215 1763 107 a3 240 1992 pa 947 929 240 22296 965 966 190 16354 926 906 230 20884 Ohl0 2212 2119 ~25 49026 2371 2353 245 57646 2377 2353 250 56625 Iud 160) 1571 230 36133 1811 1775 215 36162 1739 1722 220 31884 Ill 1431 1341 210 26311 1745 1710 225 36497 1952 1913 230 43995 Mich 1210 1192 250 29600 1416 ~395 260 36~0 1303 1297 265 34310 Via 116 114 257 2926 127 123 236 2906 117 114 226 2604 Hinn 1200 1169 171 2063 1066 1051 115 1652 1304 1265 151 19360 Iowa 220 201 119 3607 40 311 233 1397 41 364 168 1212 Mo 1472 1321 165 244)6 1722 1596 210 33558 1625 1676 175 29365 NllIlt 10401 10263 143 146)83 9933 97l 144 140234 11055 10552 106 112357 SDllt 3656 3103 145 53626 4022 3643 131 50342 459 4079 80 32653 Nebr 4606 4434 209 92751 4614 4275 204 87111 5016 4165 140 58213 X~ne 15404 14655 193 266102 14634 13221 175 231368 16244 14219 110 157069 Del 70 65 200 1300 71 66 145 957 66 63 115 11021 366 341 210 1161 361 334 160 53J4 343 311 190 6023 v~ 496 456 115 6015 461 449 185 8306 438 400 165 7400 Y v~ 96 62 195 1599 96 62 165 1511 62 68 190 1292 NC 492 461 175 8112 406 314 160 5984 465 4tl0 136 5520 SC 238 2J1 165 3812 211 210 140 2940 114 166 120 1992 Go 196 185 140 2590 116 165 135 2228 140 130 125 1625 XJ- 404 J24 160 5184 420 324 160 5184 403 288 170 439f Tenn 332 16 150 4740 )55 336 145 4901 )01 ~4 146 40( 11 14 12 165 198 15 13 155 202 13 11 154 1y Ml 20 16 195 312 16 12 190 226 15 8 165 132 uk 38 24 150 )60 40 26 170 416 )4 24 145 )46 Okla 1051 6696 155 103188 1263 6696 145 91092 1481 6629 128 84851 Tex 7587 1)10 160 116960 6752 5629 105 59104 7090 6417 140 698)6 Mon~ 5183 4427 146 65)46 5201 4815 192 93716 5975 5316 115 61189 Idaho 1)88 1344 266 )674) 1523 111) 252 )5646 1591 1537 242 )1136 VTo )47 326 202 6592 384 )42 194 6650 )92 369 167 6885 Colo 290) 2738 215 56866 3186 2861 01 51)73 )552 26)8 16) 46164 NMex 740 649 15 9420 682 403 92 )712 616 526 106 5616 Arh 30 26 210 586 19 28 2)0 644 )0 26 262 734 Utlh 315 J68 246 9058 431 415 05 6510 441 426 210 9009 Ney 21 20 lt91 582 21 20 295 590 20 19 26 bull J 541 Vh 2922 2119 2)6 64750 2959 2166 c87 79268 )1)9 2758 218 60146 Ore~ 1063 976 226 22237 1100 1052 265 29954 1214 1058 215 22698 pound111___ vsect __ sect62 __1sect2 ___11 bull Q)~ ___76___6Q~ _ 175___lQiJ2 ___7f___6pound6__ 185____11261 Q~_ _ _1sect21t _7~212 __1sect3 _ l25sect211_16L~L 17ltL46_ _ 119_ 1 9t2l _ sect3J9Q5_15J90_ _ 1~5_ _ oQ9il~

FUX 11llR ACRYAGS TIuD KD P~WCTIOf 1944 tt 19~

- - - - ~I~ 19~ )2Ii State cree Acree l Yield ~_ Acr~ Acre 11eld Pro- Acre8 Acres Yleld Proshy

Plnted aar- P8r Acre juctlon Pl~ted H~r_ Per Acre ductiouPlQnted BAr- Per Acre ductlo~ ________1eltl __________ l ___ l~~aleg l ____ l ________ toYJseS l _____ to ___ bullbull _d 1hOWlAcres 2M 1houeons housAone 12a ThouTont rhoWlAgre 2111 ~~

OrIC 11 85 165 14 95 6 150 12 8) 16 190 111bullbull4

_______1241 ________ ______ ~_________________12~ _______ __ _ Ore 57 49 190 92 24 Z 170 )4 )4 23 180 41

~UNG llLfJlS ACIGAGB niLD un 1lODUCTIOB 1944 to 1949

- - -- 19~ 19sect i J~ Stat Aere Acres Y1eld Pro- Acre lcrao Yield 130- Acree Acre Yiold Prashy

lPIlU1ted Hr- Per Acreductlon lP1ampnted ar_ Per Acre ductionP1uted BAr- Per I1cre ducUen _____ ___rotsltL_____________JCltJd__________ l ____ _____ _____ _ljI~

lhQ)aca ~ Thoualobe TboubullbullAcr ~ ThoubullbullLb rhonaAcre ~ houbullbull Lb

Okla 75 55 200 11 169 110 2~ zr2 no 10 210 147

- - - -=== = = = I~( = = = = = I~ = = = = = = =)~== = = = = Okla 62 40 250 10 64 50 320 16 31 22 400 B8

- fI shy

1ite8zMf~ iiitByen tiTtJj

1 UPDATA 1931



-- - -- -- --- -1~ - --- ---- --- - --- - ---1~-- - - -- - -- --- ---rrb -- -- - --shy-------~--------------------~ ---------------~---------mte ampern I oWl I Yield 1 Pro- I Acr Acree leld Pro- Aero I Acne Yield 1 Proshy

planted I Bar- Per ductioA Planted Bar- Per 1 dDCUOA Planti4 1 liar- 1 Per duCtiOA ____ ______Y8e ~e__ _____ _____1_Y8e cr_______1______Y8e ce__ ___ _

fbDubullbull Acree lbhela hauslb fllo Acr lbabel houbullbull Bl h0l1t1 Acr lbbele h0l18ln

BY 346 33J 260 8658 349 3433 ~ 9090 211 206 ~ 5459 IJ 15 60 233 1398 93 6J 210 1323 96 62 250 1550 h 911 914 214 195bO 959 932 215 2O08 911 1l65 225 19912 Ohio 1931 1918 221 43539 2150 2129 210 51433 1849 1831 265 48522 IIId 1288 1262 202 25492 1584 1552 225 34920 1383 1366 215 29369 Ill 1321 1240 195 2~lSO 1393 1312 185 24642 1282 1200 160 19200 Klch 949 944 24amp 23222 99l 982 215 21005 871 8amp4 265 22896 Vh 36 35 111~ b58 33 32 265 8~ 32 31 215 b66 H1Jl1l lbO 109 140 1526 112 109 225 2452 101 II 190 1amp12 Iowa 145 116 160 1856 Iamp 131 190 2b03 186 119 235 4206 Mo 1472 1201 163 19614 142I 1304 140 18256 1314 1213 150 181~5 SDak 295 216 105 22M 289 248 1amp0 3968 3~ )08 180 5544 ehr 3510 2bOl 121 33105 3121 3546 230 81558 3941 3901 230 89123laD 13204 11314 165 187611 14145 1341~ 155 201911 14004 131~ 162 212965 Del 68 64 191 1261 13 amp1 195 1306 68 62 190 1118 Md 395 310 232 IISSII 391 359 190 amp821 316 348 195 6186 539 516 192 9901 534 485 155 1518 459 432 185 1992 v 102 87 1116 1618 100 87 185 1amp10 90 17 185 1424bullc 561 516 165 8514 448 408 145 5916 394 311 110 6301 SC 262 253 145 3bbS 202 195 145 2~2S 160 156 165 2514 0 228 213 140 2982 198 11J 135 2410 141 130 130 1690 IT 496 426 118 1583 516 311 135 5008 392 291 140 41SS eAIl 423 396 145 5142 381 345 125 ~312 2f6 259 140 3626 11amp 25 22 163 359 24 20 155 310 15 12 145 114 Kl 25 18 226 401 25 111 200 360 16 9 220 198 Uk 65 46 149 bS5 amp5 39 105 410 44 211 140 392 Ckls 5551 5095 161 850116 b335 5910 125 13875 amp115 amp087 145 118262 ez 4951 4458 185 82413 5842 5350 90 48150 61J5 5992 105 amp2916 HOIlt 1501 1221 215 26252 1501 1311 215 29416 1839 1721 190 3281~ Idaho 115 610 214 18amp32 151 114 290 20106 841 801 255 2O51 W70 185 131 119 1559 192 1amp2 190 3018 213 199 2amp5 5214 Colo 1487 111b 141 15136 1110 1421 225 32108 2103 1884 190 3519amp It 439 263 112 29146 426 276 90 2~ 520 331 80 2648 Arh 26 24 225 540 27 24 210 504 29 21 210 561 Utah 2311 235 216 501amp 225 221 220 1amp8amp2 2amp1 250 200 5000 Icy 5 5 258 l29 5 5 250 125 5 5 280 140 Vb 1461 1359 2119 39275 1695 1576 270 1amp2552 2322 2206 305 bl28)Orec 184 129 261 194amp4 1amp4 725 240 11400 825 116 260 20116 Ca11f 596 ~1 194 10amp12 614 563 190 1Ob91 615 ~19 190 11161- ~2 ~1~)5 )middotI 15~I ~~ampI ~1~0~4 1~(= 1~2s1 S~~l= ~~)l( Is~Oi6ii9i

- - - - - - - - - - - - - ~- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -1~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19K - - - - - - - shy- - - - --crbullbull- TIli -1- - - -- -_-- --cN- rfl14 --- - -- - -- iirH iTtli -I-~-

Stte Acn 1 JIar- I Per 0- _nil JIar- Pel 0- I _ liar- I Pel P~ed bull Acre dDctloa Plant ed Acn amplctlO1l Planted 1 yoded llcr dwU01l

- - - - - - Ytmbullbull-ACrbullbull- -JibeIs- ibOubullbullili- - - ibOui-ACzQ- -lbebeI- ihObullbull-Ji- - ihOu-ACr~- -Jir- ibOQbullbullaa IUu 1J6 1amp1 168 689 2J 23 115 IIOZ 35 35 195 6R bullbull IlK 1848 1816 11yen 26871 1829 11J15 165 299118 22611 2232 11l5 323~ SDak 205 200 105 2100 114 166 150 21190 190 1116 150 2190ui- - - -2~ - -2051- -1~i - - -29666 - - 20i6 - -2-riiI- - 1671J- - -32bullbull - - 2JiiJ3 - -2453- - 14-6- - 357836




- - - -I Ili7 = l~ 1 )~~ -_-_-_-_ State Acre Acree I Tield Pro- Acr~ Acree Yield Pro- 1 Acrfte Acree Tie1d Proshy

1 Planied Har- 1 Per duct ion I P1~ted liar- bull Per 1 ducUon I Panted liar- Per duct10n I Yestd I Acre I 1 Yested Acre I I Yeated Acre

- - - - - -fboii- Acree - -Diiieltl - TbOU8ib- - - ThOitbullbull-ACrell- -Diebllie- hOU8amp- - - ~U8-ACre- -Diaiiel- oftlOUIIllii BT 381 371 2110 89011 1142 11311 270 11718 398 391 270 10557 1lbull1 107 75 250 1(5 115 112 215 1763 107 113 2110 1992 h 947 929 240 22296 985 966 190 18351 926 908 230 208811 Ohio 2212 2179 22 490211 2377 2353 245 5764e 2377 2353 250 58625 Ind 1603 1571 230 36133 1811 1715 215 38162 1139 1122 220 37884 Ill 1423 1339 210 26119 1736 1701 225 311272 1944 1905 230 43615 ~lch 1210 1192 250 29SOO 11116 1395 260 36270 1303 1297 265 311310 Wia 41 38 Z)O 674 J4 )1 225 6911 30 28 2)9 669 Minn 111 101 195 1910 101 76 190 1444 SO 16 170 1292 love 209 190 180 3420 )19 295 235 6956 38Z )55 190 6745 10 1412 1321 185 2411)8 1122 1598 210 33558 1825 1678 115 29365 Snk 415 J~4 18 6549 )07 2)0 135 )105 )01 246 1)0 )198 lIbr 4538 4)b9 210 91149 1~583 4bull194 205 85977 4904 4068 140 56952 Y-an8 15404 14855 193 266702 146J4 1)221 17 231)66 16244 14Z79 110 157069 Del 10middot65 ~O 1)00 71 66 145 951 66 63 175 1102 lold ~68 )41 Zl0 7161 )61 3)4 160 5344 343 317 190 602) Va i96 458 175 SOl~ 481 449 185 8306 438 400 185 11100 1( Va 96 82 195 1599 96 82 18 1511 82 68 190 1292-C 492 461 115 112 408 )111 160 5984 465 IlOO 138 5520 sc 2)8 2)1 165 3812 217 210 140 2940 174 166 120 1992 Ga 198 185 140 2590 17~ 165 135 2228 140 130 125 1amp25 rr 404 )24 160 5184 ~ 324 160 51S4 4DJ 2SS 170 4896 snn 3J2 316 150 4740 355 338 145 4901 301 214 146 4000 la 14 12 165 191J 15 13 155 202 I) 11 154 169 lllee 20 16 19 )lZ 16 12 190 228 15 8 165 132 Ark )8 24 150 )60 40 28 170 476 J4 24 145 348 Okla 7051 6696 155 1031 7263 6696 145 97092 7481 6629 128 84851 ~X 7537 7310 160 116960 6752 5629 105 59104 7OCjQ 6417 11~0 8988 Mont 1949 1341 165 22C26 1676 1549 240 37176 11101425 170 24225 Idaho 900 36) 265 22810 9)5 84) 220 13546 lO8 995 216 21691 lfyo 251 235 20bull5 41518 276 241 COO 4940 288 275 195 5362 Colo 2776 2619 215 56308 076 2759 200 55130 335) 2649 160 42)34 JIKamp 7115 629 145 9120 661 384 90 )~6 595 507 105 5)24 Arb JO 26 210 j151 29 28 230 644 30 2S 262 734 Utah )00 294 220 64615 348 )35 180 6030 352 4 180 6138raquoeY 6 6 270 162 6 6 260 156 5 J 270 IJ5 Waah 2252 2074 250 51850 2417 2302 300 69060 2551 22tO 230 50830 Oreg 1133 160 2)0 17480 815 8)6 295 24662 910 169 220 16918 ~1____ 5~ ___6~__ 65___1~ ___ P __ _fI2__ 75___~J2 ___ l~ ___~6__ 85___128 us 58248 549)5 193 108976 583)2 5296 187 990141 61171 54414 153 85IJ127


us 2915 44328 3218 )220 140 3510

- 10shy

Ore j-tthr-r iItnetirtMriamp BMmiddot 4r

i (C ~ UPOATA 1981


- - - -I f9~ I f9[5I)~[ -_-_-_shyetate I Acre I Acree I Yield I 10- I Acree Acres I Yield I Pro- Acree I Acres I Yield I Pro-

___ )~l~e~e~~_ _p~r_~r~~ ~uto~ ~t~d~y~ ~ ~e ~ce__d~ci~n~t~d~y~ ~ 8 ~C_ _d~Cl~4_ Thoue Acre ]Uehe1 ftouabu houbullbull Acre Bmahe1 Thouebu Thons Acree Buehll1e Thoueau

Kaine 1 1~ 22 1 1-wo 19 1~ 21 BY 3 ) 193 58 3 3 190 57 9 9 210 1S9 Ind 4 4 191 76 3 3 200 60 Ill 7 7 200 140 7 7 250 175 7 7 230 161 Wh 33 32 203 60 28 28 260 728 63 b2 270 1674 Minn 1119 1064 168 17875 974 968 190 18392 1276 1268 195 24726 Iowa 4 ~ 140 56 3 3 190 57 6 6 215 129 BDak 8259 8040 161 129444 8176 80lI0 155 124620 8176 7960 13 107460 SD3t ~754 2654 124 32910 ~892 2787 155 43198 3181 3094 14 44863 Hebr 75 68 96 653 56 50 160 800 56 53 180 954 Eana 6 3 98 29 3 2 110 22 2 1 120 12 Mont 3000 2798 176 49245 2640 2106 115 27669 287 106 12middot5 30C75 Idaho 422 408 324 13219 405 388 310 12028 43 66 310 14446 W70 bull 97 84 149 1252 94 82 165 1353 8S 82 190 1558 Colo 171 140 14 2058 140 133 200 2660 141 120 165 1980 BXex 24 23 170 391 26 21 140 294 22 19 130 247 Utah 60 59 343 2024 61 60 330 1980 74 70 310 2110 I 11 11 80 308 13 13 240 312 14 13 270 351 h 1024 979 239 23398 972 948 200 18960 447 436 24 0 10682 Oreg 196 185 256 4736 206 196 225 4410 225 20S 240 4992

0l1lR SPRING iDA (Cont1d)

---~7I=)~If9~State I Acree I Acre I Yield I Pro- I ADrea I Acre8 I Yield I Pro- I Acre Acres Yield I Pro-

IPlanted l 1Iar- I Per Acre ducUon IPlanted liar- I Per Acre I ducUonlPlanted l Har- Pmiddoter Acre I ductton I Iftsted I I I IYellted I I I IYlIsted I I

- - - - -hoU7 Acre - -lhiillf- -TiioU-~ - yenhoujj-ACre- - ithG1 - houjj1iU7 bous-ACre - - ithG1 - ~hOu8 -bii IIY 4 4 210 84 7 7 240 168 7 7 23middot5 164 Ill S 8 240 192 9 9 25middot0 225 8 8 225 180 Vh 77 76 270 2052 93 92 240 2208 87 86 225 1935 Minn 1034 1014 17middot5 17745 924 913 17middot5 15978 1127 1114 150 16710 Iowa 11 11 170 187 21 21 210 441 29 G9 161 467 BDaIt 7685 7562 140 105868 6993 b881 145 9974 7762 7431 105 78026 SDaIt 3245 3156 140 44184 3440 3345 13middot0 431(85 3681 3479 7middot5 26092 Bebr 70 65 15middot5 1008 91 81 140 1134 114 97 130 1261 MODt~ 3234 3080 140 43 120 3525 3326 170 56542 426 3891 9middot5 36964 Idaho 488 481 33middot0 15873 5S8 570 300 17100 559 542 28middot5 15447 Wra 96 91 195 1174 lug 95 180 1710 104 94 162 1523 Colo 127 119 21middot5 2558 110 102 215 2193 199 189 200 3780 HHex 22 20 15middot0 300 21 19 13middot5 256 23 21 140 294 Utah 75 74 350 2590 83 00 31bull0 2480 89 87 330 2 1ff1 15 14 300 420 15 14 31bull0 434 15 14 290 406 Vah 670 645 200 12900 482 464 220 10208 588 548 170 9316 Oreamp 230 216 220 4752 225 216 245 5292 304 289 200 5780

-------------------~---------------------------------------[J8 17091 16636 154 255607 16735 16235 160 259628 18961 17926 112 201216 ------------------------------------------------------~----




QTS ACllEIGI ~ Alm PBOIlUCfIClI 1944 to 1946

- --- ~ t9Kti~ lorn Aclee amp Y1eld Pro- 1 AcleB Acre Yield Pro- Acre IAcres Y1eld Pro-

State Plantflcl Bar- I Per I duoUoa IPlantflcl liar- 1 Per Iductlou IPlantedl Bsr- Per I ducUoa ____1____etd_I_ ~e__ ____ Ii ____1_tIII_ cJ__t____ ___ t1e _Apoundr _ __ ~_ fhDU Acltel lluUel houalu neue Agee Buabeb TboualIu Tboua ampent ~ hCllle~

Mamp1nal 92 85 370 3145 79 71 360 2556 80 71 400 2840 JJB 14 8 340 272 14 s 330 264 11 7 370 259 n 74 48 320 1536 72 44 310 1364 66 4) 340 1462 (ast 15 6 280 168 16 7 270 189 14 6 350 210 liI 4 1 311) )1 5 1 )10 )1 4 1 320 32 Colll 18 6 )00 181) 18 5 )00 150 15 6 330 198 bullr 795 745 )10 2)095 731 663 290 19227 B41 SOZ 400 32080 raquoJ 54 47 )21 1509 S2 42 260 1092 54 45 320 11j4O Pat Bs4 8114 290 240 476 854 802 305 2446l 854 826 355 2932)Oblo 1073 1047 331 34656 1191 1162 425 49385 1)70 1348 450 60660Ind 1260 1172 256 30003 1436 1371 420 57582 1471 1412 309 55068 Ill 3251 3169 31 100457 )1146 3372 45~0 151740 JB37 3799 420 159558 Mlcb 1)44 1309 329 43066 1505 1466 400 58640 1550 1525 4S5middot 69)88 Vie 2839 2766 ~22 116725 3066 2987 510 152337 2943 2668 4J5 124758 Minn 4672 4456 327 145711 5M6 5392 450 242640 5439 533B 370 197506 Iowa 4917 4711 287 135206 5458 5323 )85 204936 5785 5642 375 2l1S75 Ko 2096 1698 179 30394 1799 1511 190 28709 2015 1843 310 57133 KDak 2784 2653 330 87549 2784 265) 325 86222 2506 2361 265 62566 SDak 3023 2914 298 86837 )597 3497 410 143377 3561 )462 290 100)98 Nebr 2291 2085 168 35028 254) 2439 )15 76828 2696 2561 280 11708 ~an 1825 ]561 162 25288 1278 968 175 16940 1495 1423 285 40556 Del 7 6 276 166 7 5 310 155 5 310 ISS )(d 46 42 310 1302 41 33 310 1023 38 34 330 1122 Va 174 14) 256 )689 172 lljO 280 3920 160 1)4 300 40020 W Va 94 67 221bull 1501 98 72 280 2016 94 68 )00 2040 BC 1t)7 335 277 9280 489 375 275 10312 49) 390 330 12870 SC S40 707 256 18099 798 700 260 18200 734 658 285 18753 Ga 954 656 253 16597 983 682 255 17391 806 5)9 265 14284 Pia 150 40 176 704 145 45 200 900 160 40 180 720 Ky 129 87 200 1740 108 76 240 1824 1)2 99 250 2475 Tenn )16 208 250 5200 Jlj8 245 260 6)70 310 245 265 6492 Ala 294 228 254 5791 318 242 260 6292 28) 198 24ft 40752Ki 521 444 336 14918 542 462 290 13)98 439 32) 300 9690 Ark 525 320 276 88)2 512 304 270 8208 379 255 )00 7650 La 200 152 290 4408 198 131 280 3668 1)6 100 220 2200 Olda 1584 1533 202 30967 1220 1027 190 1951) 1269 1089 210 22B69Tex 1732 1597 239 )8168 1992 1767 225 39758 1892 1608 220 )5376Mont 558 425 )43 14790 491 323 290 9)67 506 )52 310 10912 Idaho 237 194 426 8264 201 171 420 7182 185 1~ 430 7052111 182 150 )14 4710 19) 164 300 4920 174 15) )05 4666 Colo 254 224 278 6221 244 220 3)0 7260 227 187 300 5610 KlIex 60 5) 229 1214 54 43 220 946 57 45 200 900 Arh 26 11 350 385 25 12 490 S88 29 12 350 420 Utah 63 5) 457 2 bull 422 58 0 ljOO 2000 54 4) 4)0 1849n 12 9 430 )87 12 9 390 )51 12 8 440 352 Valh )08 160 1147 7152 288 150 4)0 6450 213 128 480 61411-Oreg 11 609 )98 305 121ljO 560 342 2)5 8054 549 )56 275 9782 ~B1___ i __ ~ _ 89____ Si ___ 21~ __ 6Z _110_ ___515__ 110___120__)~2 ____57O_

us 114141 )9741 289 11492ljO 46025 417)9 365 1523851 46515 42812 345 1477573 irT~-aralaquoe-ot oat-gion-with p~Ud-ytcit-licluded rn-plaitd-aid-hin bullbullt~-JAici - - - - -- - - - --

HOPS ACREAGK rIEl]) AlID PJiClWCTlaIl 1944 to 1946

- - --I I9~ 19~C 9~ State Acre Yield s ampere Ylel4 amper I Yltd r

1 ~eled I Per 1 p~oduct101l1 ilarYetflcl I Per s lrodUOUOIl HarYtll4 I Per I Prodwt1oa __________1__1111 __1______1________Jampr ________1______1__Aampll ________ _

poundtI ~ fhaumiddotporu Att URa flynlold Aampt ~ hllPUI4a Idaho 190 1610 3 2ljO 1850 AA4 240 1585 38t lIaah 9900 1720 17028 11700 1680 21996 11600 1700 19720 Oreg 18700 920 17204 19900 1lt045 20796 20000 950 19000 Ca11t 8ljOO 1620 13608 9100 1580 14378 9100 1610 14651

us 1295 57614 1)13 5)751

- 12 ~


- - - - 19t7 l )~ l i~ Stat Acre Acre I Yleld I Pro- I Acre I Acr Yleld Pro- I Acrll1l Acree Yield Proshy

P1aDted Bar- Per I ducUoa Planted I liar- I Pv ducUoll Plantod au-- Par ducUoa ________1~td_I_ Act__ ~ ___ _ l _____Tt1~_ jcz__1___ _ l ___ lV1~ 1 _~rt _ 1 ____ _ hoWl Acre llI rhouslIg ThOUl ASpound lIuahal ~oulIu ThoUi Acre Bualull lulYBu

Main 8i 73 340 21f82 77 64 420 2688 101 90 400 3600 bullbullB 12 7 310 211 11 6 400 240 U 5 360 180 Vt 54 28 270 756 60 J6 370 1332 66 33 300 990 Ifaabullbull 12 5 360 180 12 6 330 198 13 6 290 174 BI 4 1 330 33 3 1 330 J3 2 1 250 25 Cou 12 4 320 128 10 4 J30 132 12 5 320 160 bullbullY 5JO 47J 275 13008 126 672 400 26880 791 719 290 20851 J 49 36 250 900 42 37 350 1295 46 J9 331 1291 Pa 734 661 390 19169 749 720 380 27J60 794 756 305 23058 ChJo 863 714 260 18564 1191 1171 450 52695 1322 1288 350 45080 1114 1294 1112 )00 35i60 1317 1289 410 52849 1456 1405 366 51423 111 J377 3311 J40 112574 390S 385] 450 17JJ85 J881 3834 415 1591U Klcb 1085 1052 350 36820 1465 1420 37S 5)250 1538 1505 345 51922 IIh 2884 28ll 430 120873 2942 2867 440 126148 3030 2924 41~ 119884 Mu 4630 4537 360 163332 4908 4855 425 206J38 5027 4952 J5$ 175796 Iowa 5438 5247 310 162657 6199 6086 450 273870 6417 6269 386 241983 fo 1552 1309 230 30107 1971 162) 265 43010 1794 1526 229 34945 bullbullllampk 2331 2219 290 64J51 2238 2152 280 60256 1880 1722 201 34612 SDak 3134 J081 Jl0 95511 J165 3112 JJ5 104252 J102 2956 221 65328 bullbullbr 2426 2279 275 62672 2750 2621 280 733AB 2511 2280 202 46056 ~e 1510 1395 290 40455 1616 1144 220 25168 1034 881 194 17091 Del 7 5 320 160 6 5 J50 175 7 6 300 180 Md 40 35 )20 1120 42 36 J35 1206 47 42 J25 1365 Va 150 121 270 3267 160 IJl 330 4323 165 134 296 3966 IIVa 88 64 305 1952 77 58 JO5 1769 79 56 272 1523 IC 508 386 290 lll94 J56 270 290 7830 527 J94 287 U308 SC 866 704 255 17952 606 500 22S ll250 7i~7 605 245 14822 Ga 887 550 250 13750 674 429 260 ll154 7112 468 255 U93~ Jla 160 30 ZOO 600 IJ5 21 190 399 124 16 160 256 LT 141 90 230 2070 118 8J 260 2158 171 109 229 2496 Tenn JOl 230 265 6095 277 205 295 6048 )49 254 250 6350 Ala 28J 184 230 4232 275 169 265 4478 234 130 226 2938 Klas 4J9 365 250 9125 329 274 310 8494 237 156 250 3900 Arlt 424 280 300 8400 40J 252 Jl0 7812 339 209 240 5016 La 145 100 260 2600 113 80 JOo 2400 113 70 250 1750 0Icla 1396 1231 235 28928 1033 714 165 11781 7J3 578 176 10173 Tex 1684 14)1 210 )0051 1465 787 165 12986 1)92 1204 260 31304 font 491 J)8 )10 10478 452 )24 370 11988 457 266 )00 7~80 Idaho 187 172middot 415 7138 168 153 415 6350 212 188 J95 7426 liTO 169 150 JJo 4950 172 14J JOO 1~290 177 137 299 4096 Colo 234 200 325 6500 229 194 JOo 5820 261 235 327 7684 IMex 48 38 210 798 46 38 210 798 )6 32 220 704 Arh J2 12 400 480 28 U 340 374 28 11 400 440 Utah 54 49 1180 2352 5J 47 420 1974 55 50 450 2250 In 13 8 410 328 12 8 410 J28 12 8 J75 300 lIuh 198 131 510 6681 2)0 153 425 6502 22J 150 440 6600 Oregl 554 J56 285 101)2 421 271 265 7182 488 366 280 10248 CalU 542 180 270 4860 558 185 JOo 5550 508 166 260 4316

U8 42058 37855 311 1176142 438)8 39280 )69 1450186 4))18 )92)6 )20 1254895 iT1~C~r~-of at-Vow-rti pa-Ud-ytcl-licluded 11l-plut~-eid-~et-d-~rg- - - - - - - - - - --


- -- -= 1~41 1~ 12~ y Stato Acre Yleld I Acree neld I Acr I Yleld

BarTetod Par I ProdUCUOIl BarTet~ Per I PrOductioD BarTeted I Par ProdtlCtlOD ____________~~ ________________Apoundr ______________1__~rt ________ _ I Pound rhoDaPound AaI ~ bgPoup4I ~ ~ lboyPoupd

Idaho 240 1645 J9S 620 1040 645 850 16)5 1390 lIaeh 11700 1740 20358 129llO 1760 22704 13000 1490 19370 Orae 18900 870 16443 17700 890 15753 14500 1015 147181__ _9rx0_ __ 21~ ___ _ll~~ ___92~___ 3~ ____116 __ 2~ ___ ~~ ____ 5J8__

US 39840 1275 50186 40420 1248 50464 37550 135J 50796 lpduCtloi IncldJ-hOPI baiTr 4 lalabi ~der Krktlnlaquo ~_8zit-hop hanrd bur iot alabi ~dei --HarkaUn ~e_ent and hope produced lint ut harTated Salabl amplloYlIDh under proTle1on of Harltetln Jcre_ent totalad 39 111ion pounda in 1949

- 13 -



- - - -- - - - - - - - -lqijlj - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ~l~~ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - r ~- - - - - - - - shy__ ______ 9 ________________ iloz ___ bullbull _____________ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _~

Stat r Ac r Acr I Tleld r Pro- a__ Acree nu I Pro-- Ie Acrts n1d Pr a ra bull Bar- I Par I I --a bull lIN-- Per I I re Bar- I Per 0shy

____ _P~t~I_~e~ i ~e___dCl~_~t~__f- lPte___l~n_~td__Ie cpoundt_ i ~uC hou lcree l1ehels houbullbulllnl hone Acree aJaba18 honelnl Thou Acre llilehe1 houalnl

HIlna --3--- 3 ~ laquor 5 3 --uo 114 4 ~ -zo 12S n 3 3 250 75 3 3 220 66 2 2 280 56 bullbullY 113 106 255 2703 110 102 250 2550 116 114 320 30118 bullbullJ 10 9 278 250 9 II 300 240 11 10 360 160 h 108 105 298 5129 104 103 3fO 3605 113 112 365 41118 Ohio ~3 21 256 538 26 23 300 690 111 17 295 02Ind 51 41 243 1142 52 44 240 1056 27 25 240 600 Ill 53 45 240 1080 34 31 250 175 26 24 260 624 Kich 144 140 256 3584 121 118 310 3658 139 138 365 5031h 190 181f 267 4913 91 90 400 3600 125 124 375 4650 Kian 809 688 202 389pound 461 4If7 290 12963 138 733 290 21~57 10 II 7 166 116 3 3 2110 114 13 13 315 110 110 102 82 212 1138 88 66 19(1 1254 77 63 200 160 bullbullDU27Ifl 2625 216 56700 2357 2~1I1f 230 5~532 2357 22114 200 45080 SDak 1973 1756 147 25813 l38t 1299 245 31826 1464 1377 220 30294 abr 1174 760 115 8740 681 610 220 13420 613 549 210 11529Ean 1031 722 178 12652 480 38) 185 7086 360 2B 175 5022 Del 12 11 265 292 11 10 280 280 11 11) 305 305 Md 70 69 308 2125 71 64 290 1856 63 6Q 345 2010 Ya 76 72 301f 2189 76 68 270 11136 13 71 320 2272 V1a 9 9 2611 241 9 9 270 243 1 7 300 210 ~1 60 45 268 1206 56 42 220 924 41 33 285 940 S-l 34 25 231 57S 25 21 21( 141 23 20 260 520 GA 11 10 213 213 10 9 200 110 1 6 215 129 rr 127 89 223 1985 11 55 225 12311 11 0 250 120 enn 130 102 197 200s 129 98 1110 1764 100 82 200 1~ Ala II 5 205 102 3 2 200 40 3 2 1110 36 Kl 9 C 260 156 8 6 240 144 3 2 240 411 uk 19 13 199 25~ 14- 9 110 153 8 5 195 911 Okla lt97 28 ~l 5728 249 185 16( 2960 142 ~9 140 1 526 fex 373 340 222 15411 351 235 145 3408 196 164 150 21100 Mont 655 611 213 166110 720 672 220 14184 828 780 225 1 5 ldah 340 330 372 12216 320 307 37 0 11359 294- 276 340 1)84shyliTO 146 131 )10 4061 143 124 300 3120 154 144 300 4320 Ccio 867 726 214 15536 876 ~1 285 22544 683 ~eH 2)5 13936 bullbullMax 64 45 1115 8J2 If5 34 1110 612 28 23 200 1f6O Arh 145 74 420 3108 153 78 380 29611 161 85 400 3400 Utah 139 135 462 62)7 IJIf 130 450 5850 11) 101 450 4 amp60n 24 22 357 185 21 20 320 640 22 20 340 F80 Vallh 202 176368 61+77 139 125 350 1t375 97 90 370 30 Orttlaquo 269 2)8 34s 8282 285 2~i1 295 7582 )02 278 340 ~I1f52 Call 730 1429 280 40012 1816 14amp6 280 41608 1834 1486 30 119038

~I-=~ ==1~~5~= ~2~~1= =~~= =~7~7~ ==l~I~= ~~2~4==~~ == ~~~~= ~1~~6I=~0~~0= =2~~ ==2~~O~ rIumWlI ACREAGE YlELll AND PllOOUallOll 1914 to li46

----~ 1 li~ = 9~ State I Aero I Acre Yield I Pre-l Acre I Acru I Tleld Pro- II Acru I Acre I neld I To- 11

bull Plan~ad I Bar- I lier ductlon I Plante~ I pounder- I Per ductioil I Fanhd 1 Bar- I Per I dUction I ted I Acre I I 1 yoted I Acre I ted AcTa ~

- - - - - -hoUe7 Acres - -BoUbei- houbullba7 - - houS-ACre- -Btlaber- yenboue iJU7 - - houil-cre- -lIiiiierTiini7bi 111 6 3 80 24 2 2 IIfO ~8 1 1 140 14 Mich 6 82 49 7 7 60 42 7 7 90 63 Vh 6 ~ 117 7C 8 7 110 17 6 6 130 111 II an 914 829 75 6211f 1091 1067 HO 11737 932 BB6 105 303 I a III 93 59 519 76 15 125 91I 31f 34 150 10 M 11 11 5~ 60 9 B 45 36 6 6 65 3~ JrDK 865 802 82 6576 l571f 1 525 110 12200 1166 162 65 195) SDak 321 3c6 B2 2509 436 441 105 4630 318 344 100 )44t Rebr 2 1 110 8 2 2 90 18Ian 140 90 37 3)3 133 122 55 611 120 116 70 812 Okla 6n 45 45 202 24 14 30 42 3 J BO 24 lex 36 34 80 272 65 63 BO 504 B4 76 73 555 1I0fa~ 221 193 76 1512 6O 320 41 1312 83 14 70 511 110 1 1 14 4 2 2 50 10 1 1 50 Lrh 19 19 25 4114 1 17 23C 391 14 14 240 36 Oras 1 1 71 7 (all 170 164 110 i788 121 __13__lI~ ___ 22 ___ Osect ___1~2__12~ ___ 9~g VB ---middot2i~ - -2~6i--8- - -21665 - - 3954 - 3785 91 34557 2641 21132 93 2~ ~1I8 1F t te- 40-n~t- 1~ciu4-i ()d ha-8i~ tro-t7 - ~~- to tibe- 1oe~o-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- l


------------------------------------------------------ -------

lIlJ1IJrr ~CRlGlI Th([~ 11-JD PROWClIOIf 1947 to 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - - - p~- - - - - - - -- - bull - - - - - -1M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -194- - - - - - - - -State -~o -1-ACn- rfi1d -1- h- -1- ~8 - -ACre-Triold -- - -1- ~e --ACre- ~ field -1- Pt- shy

1 Planted Bu- 1 Per I duction 1 Planted I mu-- I Per I 4nction Planted Har- Par I iucHonI bullbullbulltd IAero I yeatod Acre I yeahd 1 Acre I

- - - - - - Thoubullbull -ACre- middotmiddot8iiior- ihiiUbullbull~7 - Thoue-ACre- - - ibahel ifhoua iiU- - - fhiiUC-ACre - -llI1aiiel - ifhiiubullbulliiU7 NaiDe 4 4 280 112 4 4 320 128 6 6 290 174 Vt 1 1 190 19 2 2 290 58 1 1 200 20 bullbullT 103 93 240 2232 93 90 320 2880 85 79 250 1975 Bl 17 15 330 495 18 16 330 528 19 17 385 654 Pa 132 130 330 4290 132 126 3115 113117 156 154 395 6083 Ohio 17 15 260 390 19 18 300 540 21 18 310 558 IDd 22 21 260 546 19 18 270 1IS6 23 21 265 556 Ill 28 26 285 7111 32 31 3110 10511 l1li 41 300 1230 Mich 121 115 300 3lIse 1112 140 320 41180 129 125 270 3375 Vb 160 159 )65 5804 205 204 380 7752 195 194 332 6l1li1 Minn 1018 915 265 25838 1252 1219 270 32913 1148 1110 230 25530 Iova 6 311 235 799 33 33 320 1056 31 31 259 803 No 74 63 230 1449 84 73 250 1825 106 85 215 1828 HDak 2522 2444 210 51324 2724 2640 210 55440 1880 1690 150 25350 SDak 1508 1432 220 31504 1583 1518 230 311914 1219 1093 125 13662 Xebr 533 467 220 10274 560 472 195 92011 403 326 187 b096Ian 328 290 220 amp380 459 362 190 6878 266 221 175 3868 Del 13 12 305 366 13 12 285 342 13 12 270 324 u~ 75 73 3110 2482 711 70 310 2170 82 80 340 2720 Va 86 84 295 21178 89 86 345 2967 89 86 3011 2614 VVa 9 9 31bull0 279 10 10 345 345 12 12 3111 377 bull c IS 39 290 1131 39 32 245 7811 40 34 262 891 50 26 22 260 572 23 18 215 3fr7 23 18 225 405 Ga 8 7 220 154 6 5 200 100 5 4 225 90 ~ 71 53 25middot0 1325 76 53 265 1404 102 72 250 1800 enn 88 77 210 1amp17 86 75 220 1650 82 67 170 1139 Ala 2 1 180 18 3 2 190 38 3 2 2110 lIS IU 3 2 230 46 3 2 250 50 3 2 250 50 Ark 5 3 200 60 10 6 lt1I0 1l1li 8 5 211 106 Okla 109 86 180 1548 80 66 155 1023 61 52 175 9iO fex 161 1311 175 2345 117 113 155 1752 159 133 190 2527 Mont 853 796 235 18706 930 8]6 290 254011 614 526 210 11046 IdaIw 332 320 370 11840 32 358 350 12530 3112 329 320 10528 Tn 1119 138 320 41116 177 159 275 4312 168 151 298 115000010 669 605 280 16940 amp62 563 250 111075 841 788 281 22143 NMex 29 25 195 1IS8 22 20 210 420 26 211 210 504 Arb 150 97 -1130 4111 191 146 510 1114amp 167 126 500 amp300 Utah 123 118 1110 5546 150 1l1li 420 amp0118 155 150 440 66Or) Hey 22 20 360 120 27 24 360 864 25 22 350 770 Wash 114 105 335 3518 136 126 345 11341 112 101 2St 2828 Oreg 323 JOO 355 10650 381 351 345 12110 297 214 32~ 8768 Oalif 1~g9 1545 290 44805 1965 1amp22 310 50282 19amp5 1590 J~o 50880

~~___ 191__ 092__221 __2183__ ~~__1~202 __2~2_ -5527__ 1122__ 21~ __2~~ __2101l_

FUXSEED ACHEM TImraquo HI) PllOOOCTION 1947 to 1949

------------If-------------------Ijs-----------------qij---------shy-- - ~ - - -- ic~ Yield -- ~-Y- - -A- - - ACro9 Yield - - - -y-- -_-- --Acrii~ ~ field -- - -11

S 11 i crea Bar- Per I _rei I Bsr- I Per I ro- I re Har- I Per ro- I I Planted I yeated I Acre ductiou I Plant~d yeted Acre I dnction I Planted I yeated Acre I dnction

- - - - - - Thoubullbull-ACre - -lliiahel - ifhOuB iiU- - - fhOU8 -ADrbullbull- -lIIlaiieY - ibOua iiU- - -hOUI- Acre - -llI1ahl - houaiiu-Ohio 3 3 80 2~ Ill 6 6 120 72 2 2 140 28 1 1 130 13 Mich 6 6 75 45 10 10 BO SO 10 10 14 74 Wi 15 15 125 188 22 22 13middot 297 17 17 139 236 Hinn 1411 1313 l0 15103 1700 1661 115 19102 1700 1644 95 15618 Iowa 84 83 135 1120 105 l04 155 1612 III 110 13J 1518 Mo 6 6 50 30 4 4 5middot0 20 3 3 65 20 DDak 1567 1524 80 12192 1818 1753 9middot5 lSb5~) 2018 1928 70 13496 SDak 591 585 100 5850 11amp 708 110 1788 713 708 65 11602 lana 115 107 70 7119 fr7 12 5middot5 396 34 31 63 195 Okla 4 4 60 24 4 3 30 9 3 3 5middot3 16 u 94 91 95 864 248 240 5middot5 1320 335 308 65 2002 Mont IBB 168 60 1008 148 141 100 1410 90 62 47 291 Idaho 3 3 100 30 Wyo 2 2 45 9 1 1 50 5 1 1 50 5 Arh 20 20 265 530 38 38 280 1064 44 38 250 950 Vah 4 4 130 52 2 2 100 20 2 2 120 24 Oreg 8 1 150 105 15 1~ 105 1111 9 8 110 88 CaliC 125 122 215 2623 201 198 245 4851 197 17~ 220 3828 US - - - -11264- - -4129-- 98 - - ~6i- - -5121- - ~97 - -iia - - 54803- - -5348- - 5048 - - 85 - - 42976-If iti~t- dO-Dt-iclude-claed hatd tr-II-fla ~- fO fib In-oe~o- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- 15 -

UPDATA 1981 bull ~ ilmiddot t ~ bull


RD ACRlWl1l TDlIJ) un PllOIJJeTIOlI 1944 to 19116

-- --I 1HI i9i5I~ Sate S Aane rea neld rc)oo Acre lene lelA Pro- Acree Aorea n14 Proshy

laW Iu- Pertan I cluUoa Plutea Iu- lItr Acre cltwtion1p1ateal S Per Acre duetioll ________ft1______ i ____ i ___ eJl4 l _____1____ l ___ l t ~ illl ________ _ IIIo Aon l 1bou BIl ftlau Acre Ill boualIu lhoq _rea Buboh lhoua Bu

11 66 12 162 1 80 10 175 175 105 8 180 144 IT~ 96 15 167 250 95 13 160 208 91 15 175 262 Pe 55 43 148 636 53 U 155 636 33 22 155 341 Oblo 80 33 152 502 90 I 115 472 70 17 110 289 IIlld 179 86 118 1015 222 70 125 875 1ar 46 135 621 Ill UO 63 113 712U8 It7 120 561t 88 38 125 475 1Ucb US 62 127 787 117 56 140 IJIt 91 48 135 648 Vle 125 98 87 853 126 95 120 1140 100 76 115 874 Ill 155 108 87 9fO 144 107 260 1712 151 118 130 l5J1J laws 118 10 120 12fl 37 11 130 143 26 10 170 170 Ho V3 SO 116 580 128 41 110 451 100 35 125 438 IDate ~ 145 92 l3J1J 150 115 135 1552 225 196 110 2156 Snate 5 392 lOl 3959 376 290 V5 42115 323 altl 105 2530 lebr 585 365 91 )322 556 361 125 4512 423 282 110 3102 Iatia 225 101 105 1060 2117 81 lO5 850 120 53 105 556 Del 32 18 1)6 245 JIJ 19 V5 276 J3 18 140 252 ald ~ 23 165 380 67 20 145 290 5f lit 145 2flJ la 135 114 144 6J1J 136 JIJ 135 459 125 25 140 350 VY 12 5 135 68 13 135 54 8 ) 125 38 IC 1~ J8 115 437 165 31 105 )26 145 22 125 215 sc 75 16 104 166 75 15 95 142 44 11 100 110 0 It) 12 101 121 50 10 90 90)0 6 100 60 ~ 133 JK1 141) S60 182 40 125 500 155 37 140 518IID 172 37 10ij 400 162 J4 95 3Z3 115 25 100 250 OEl 264 100 103 1030 257 ~ 100 740 1114 48 90 4)2 fex 142 22 119 262 55 21 90 199 It9 11 100 110 HoDt 20 16 120 192 2h 16 110 176 40 26 100 260 Idaho 12 5 1)) 66 11 5 130 65 11 It 140 56 1170 36 J 91 121 JJ 8 105 ~ 29 8 105 B4 Colo 1250 79 600 121 80 100 800 100 68 80 S44 bullbullJlllx 12 9 82 74 12 5 65 )2 10 5 85 42 Utah ~ IJ 95 12h 22 10 100 100 22 9 95 86 lIash 147 17 114 194 55 15 120 180 50 10 125 125 0rec 151 )2 141 451 155 )1 140 434 140 )2 1)5 432 Calif 29 12 108 130 29 13 130 169 22 lO 120 120

us It1415 2132 106 22525 4157 1850 128 2)708 3396 1591 116 18487 ---~-------------------------------------------------- ----

- - - --_ - - - -- _ -r9li4-_ - - - - __ - ___ - _______ S________________ - - - - - - 7________ - - shy --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T9i- - - - - - -r - - - -l~b - - -Stat Aores Aaru nld I Pro- Acrbullbull Acr I Ylel4 I Pro- Acl IADrea neld I Proshy

PlIIIIha ~ PilI Aclll ductlOD IPllUlted liar- Perlen duaUoDlplal1~1 liar- IPer Acre l duettOD I Ia I ytd I IYelted I- - - - -1ioiie iare - -BiiieT- -hnaB - fliDU-AGr- - iiahi - fbOuBiu Thru-iCrbullbull- -BiiiieT- TbOubullbulliia

1_ 6 6 200 120 6 6 155 9J 5 5 200 100 n 1 1 220 22 1 1 180 18 1 1 220 22 BY 155 150 180 2700 129 98 155 15]9 119 113 190 2147 Fa V~ l4O 195 27)0 112 98 185 1813 108 lOit 200 2080 Ohio V 14 210 294 18 17 180 )06 17 11 190 J23 1114 lO 10 150 150 22 20 135 270 7 6 150 90 Ill 5 5 165 82 16 15 150 225 5 5 160 80 Il1ab )8 )) lS5 512 46 25 140 )50 ZIt 18 1)5 24) lI1a 29 27 lS5 418 26 ZIt 150 360 2 25 145 362 IIIIIDo 67 6) 150 945 49 45 1140 6)0 118 It2 140 588 Iowa 12 12 175 210 7 vo 98)) 150 45 Ia) 1 1 125 12 1 1 120 12 1 1 110 11 Bllak 5 14 160 64 7 7 160 112 6 6 130 78 SDak 7 6 150 90 It 130 52 5 5 40 70 JId 6 6 200 120 5 5 ~5 118 _ _ 2)5 9Ita 8 8 165 132 5 5 170 85 It _ 170 68 V 10 10 185 185 8 8 US 172 8 8 195 156 Ie 5 5 145 12 It 160 6It 3 3 160 48 ~ 2 2 130 26 2 2 130 26 3 J 140 42D ____1 ___ 1_ 145______1 ___ ~ ____ __1 _____~___ o___ O__1~1 ____1~5_

trs 531 S08 176 8956 417 ItOl 161 6~7 It08 )13 178 6812 ------------~---------------------------------------------

- 16shy



- - -- 12411lMIX99 sbullbullbullbull _ iorea n 14 I Pro- Acre iDre J nld Pro- Acne lAcn_ TleU Proshy-- re I Ifuo- I e I I I Hu- I I J Bar- I

____1~~~~bull l_I_~r_~~ ~~ ~~~Y ~~_1_~~l~)P~~Ye ~r_I~ _~~1J1_ I1cu tara ~ hOh ~oubull iDn l ThouBn hOlla AlIre ]ahale fhouellIl bull

bullbullr 90 J5 185 278 90 11 185 3~ 107 17 184 313 bullbull1 89 15 180 20 f5 12 175 210 88 12 179 215 Pa 21 18 155 Z79 21 16 ~5 232 21 ~ 165 231 Ohio 71 JO 170 S10 67 20 180 360 ~ 18 170 306 lad ~3 60 v0 8110 ISO ~ ~5 928~) 57 1)5 77fJ Ill ~ -7 ~O 658 113 53 150 795 123 56 141 790 1I11JII 126 7fJ ~5 1015 1)2 80 150 1200 1 57 140 798 V1I 109 87 120 1~ 112 92 l20 1104 119 92 120 1104 lie la 1~ 150 21f6O 278 2)9 150 3585 200 172 145 2494 lov 28 15 150 225 36 17 155 264 5) 18 140 252 Mo 100 36 110 396 105 )5 120 420 U7 )5 112 392 bullbullDIIk 360 30 140 4522 461 401 120 4812 26) 229 115 2634 S1lIIk _10 ~7 v0 4858 476 392 1)0 5096 328 267 117 31211shyu ~ 305 90 2145 352 238 95 2261 317 207 74 1532 Eau 136 110 627 90 )I U5 391 65 28 97 272 DIll 32 19 135 256 33 20 120 2110 28 ~ 140 196 M 52 16 150 JIO 48 V v0 196 52 12 145 1a 1350 140 322 155 25 V5 362 15) 18 140 252 Va 8 3 120 36 6 2 130 26 6 2 136 2 _C ~ ~5 348 117 22 130 286 113 17 115 196 SC 42 10 115 115)1 7 85 60 26 6 95 57 Oa 2 6 75 45 22 5 90 45 20 4 80 32 1Ir 141 37 140 518 130 28 150 420 1)6 2 136 J67 fua 98 26 105 273 100 30 110 330 105 20 101 202 Oltla 115 JJ8 95 456 108 36 75 270 1~ 36 70 252 ~z 7fJ 35 100 3SO B4 30 70 210 100 38 80 304 MoII 52 29 125 )62 JO 20 1)5 27fJ 2) 7 90 63 I4aho 10 5 17G 85 10 4 130 52 10 ) 150 450 21 7 110 71 27 7 70 49 Z7 7 102 n Colo 8 7 100 47fJ 58 35 80 2BO 38 2) 90 207 bullbull lIDz 7 5 115 511 7 5 UO 55 7 5 120 60 ~u 12 6 100 60 10 5 100 SO 10 5 Uo 55 Vesb SO 13 100 130 JJ8 17 130 221 42 10 101 101 Orec 125 32 ~O AiIf8 110 24 145 )lI8 116 15 103 154 ~-1____1 ___l _~O____ _ P ___21 ___ 2__~2 _____14___ 5____6__12~ ____ ~_ ~___ ~7 _9 _ 28____2l~ _22~ __~o~__l ___ S86_ ~23__15t__1~ __ ~1~2


--- - J2i+I i1 i W9 I Mn5 I J liDnll I I Acre

StaM I Mn I JIcq I nu I Pro- mne I iaIo J nld I Pro- I Acn I IreZ- I Yield Proshy____I~~laquobulld_~I_ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~YIleJ ~ ~ ~~_1_~~l~J1JP~~lYlle ~Pr_~~_d~l~J1_

Au II ftIagpa hog Mn lI1 ~1UIlln hOUR Acre lIIt_hel lhou1Iu

181 6 6 170 102 5 5 200 100 5 5 210 105 ft 1 1 140 14_r a 1M 135 1539 99 96 195 1872 78 76 210 1596 12) 114 160 182It 101 96 210 2016 78 200 1480 Will __ 42 155 651 16 16 180 2B8 12 12 210 2521114 19 18 140 252 2 2 150 30 4 160 64 IU 16 16 130 208 4 4 170 68 2 2 160 32 Ill 63 57 130 11 30 27 130 351 20 19 145 276 V18 2 25 ~5 362 25 ~ 155 356 23 22 151 332 Ill 62 54 120 ~ )It 29 150 bull 435 28 ~ 125 300 1_ 10 10 120 120 JIll 2 2 110 22 bullbullDate 8 7 150 105 3 J 160 If8 4 120 If8 s~ 9 8 110 88 4 160 64 3 J 80 2H II - - 180 72 ) ) 230 69 3 -) 210 63a ) J 160 ~ 3 3 180 54 2 2 166 33 Va 8 8 175 ~ 7 7 195 1)6 7 7 201 141 ~C 3 3 170 51 1Ir 2 2 150 30 t~ ____l ___l_ ~~_____ 6 ___I ___ 2__~~ _____18___ =2___ 2__1~ ____20_ US ~ S05 142 7171 JIe8 330 18_ 6085 281 269 184 4956 -----------------------------------------------~------ ----

- 17 -


llRY EIBLE 1IEliS ACREME TIBLllUlll plIOWClIOIi 1944 to 194911

~ -- - ~124 124i 1W bull bull Acres bull bull bull bull Acree bull bull bull bull Acres bull bull ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pl~tedyeted Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted vested Per Acre duct ion pl~ntedyented Per Acre duct10n - - - ---TioiAcrlI- --pound --ThOuiyen~- Thouice ---Pouid --nOUBW- nouic~e ---POuid-middot --TboujjishyHamp1u 5 5 695 35 4 4 820 33 6 6 980 59 vt 1 1 626 6 NY 120 113 790 893 101 84 850 714 128 124 1200 1488 Mich 701 660 690 4554 435 363 820 2977 531 519 740 3841 Vb 2 2 430 9 1 1 560 6 ---Minn t 6 5 476 24 4 4 600 24 3 3 500 IS IfDosk 2 1 (730 7 1 1 700 7 1 1 600 6 lfebr 60 49 1260 617 53 18 1520 7JC 611- 62 1650 102] Mont 25 ~ 1083 249 20 18 1300 234 18 17 1 bull 590 270 Idlho 146 145 1550 2248 117 115 100 1725 131 128 1700 2176 qo 90 86 1240 1066 90 86 1250 1075 93 90 1450 1305 yenllh 3 3 1030 31 4 4 1250 50 4 4 1075 43 Oreg 1 1 1322 13 Tu 2 1 200 2 Colo 350 327 540 1766 290 271 580 1572 276 249 650 1618 fMex 267 ~O 302 695 203 161 180 290 142 114 225 256 Alb 15 14 395 55 14 13 515 67 14 13 900 117 Utah e 7 480 J4 8 7 400 2B 10 9 400 36 ~UL1IIrI 166 166 1327 2203 166 166 1242 2062 149 149 1342 2000 CtJ1fOUlIl1 183 157 1045 1640 148 141 1062 1497 134 134 1184 1587 poundeil _142 __ 221 _ _ 9Q _1bullsect41 _ __ 2~ __ 201 __1L129__ J~29_ __ ~1 _ _ g82 __1L2amp7__ _ l281_ ~___ g52 _ ~9~ ___ 02 _1amp41 __ ~5~ _ ~1 ___80__ vJ0~1__ 1Ot _ ~2~ ___917___12~_

DRY EDlDLE llEA1lS (Contd) - - - - 1241 124sect 1942 Jamp1ne 7 7 1100 77 9 9 900 81 8 8 925 74 bullbullY 138 13D 1070 1391 181 179 1230 2202 176 170 1000 1700 Mich 494 467 670 3129 514 504 880 4435 52) 519 1100 5709 Minn 2 1 350 4 1 1 650 6 1 1 650 6 1lDIk 1 1 850 8 lfllbr 80 76 1425 1083 85 83 1725 1432 90 85 1530 1301 Mont 2l 20 1450 2)0 22 21 1470 309 19 18 11170 265 IdlLho 159 154 1540 2372 ISO 148 1800 2664 149 147 1830 2690 To 112 107 1350 1444 98 95 1370 1302 83 81 1520 1231 lfaah 4 4 1200 48 5 5 1500 75 8 8 1490 119 Colo 331 321 800 2568 341 324 720 2333 307 295 820 2419 NMex 155 140 237 332 191 172 250 430 181 169 350 592 Arb 15 14 430 60 14 14 475 66 12 12 500 60 Utah 14 13 760 99 17 15 400 60 15 14 500 70 Ca11tL1IIrI 149 149 1406 2095 145 145 1603 2324 15 175 1654 2894 CallfOther 174 174 1303 2268 223 223 1389 3097 183 183 1229 2249 poundlil_2z1 __ 222 __ 25_t262 ___ 26Q __ 26Q __14ZJ_ __5431___ 25Q __ 25Q __1427_ __ 241_ ___ sect5~ _ m ___ 271 _116sect __ 29~ _ 23Q __1J014__ 086__ 23sect _ Q82 __1114___2~2 _ J1 Include b gl01OI1 for lead


- - - - li~ li4i 12~ s~te Acr Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acree Yield Proshy

Plantedl Har- Per Acre duction Planted Har_ Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted Har_ Per Acre duction _____ __x8td______________=_vsies______________Z8tlltL__________ _ rhoueAcieg Pounds Thous1jB ThousAcres ~ ThouBBagB ThoulAcree Pounds ThouBBagB

Mlch 1 1 770 8 Vh 3 3 970 29 2 2 950 19 1 1 1100 11 MInn 4 4 82033 4 4 950 38 6 6 800 48 NDak 14 13 1060 138 13 12 1200 144 15 15 1350 202 Mont 42 40 1103 441 32 30 1200 360 24 2J 1170 269 Idaho 225 219 1275 2792 ISS 153 1200 1836 161 156 1350 2106 lyo 2 2 921 18 2 2 1200 24 3 3 1250 38 Colo 33 22 860 189 bull 33 23 900 207 23 16 750 120 WaG 347 340 1290 4386 246 235 1160 2726 244 235 1480 3478 Oreg 58 56 1120 627 39 37 950 352 20 19 1300 247Qai____~ ___Ii __ l12 __ pound32 ____21 ___2Q _ _1 05_middot__ _29J_ ___1sect ___112 ___820____ l6Q _ l~_ ___ Z5Z - _ ru __ lgl _ J2li9t ___ i~ __ ilJ2 _ _11tl- _ -S91L __ ili __ 9_~ __13i8___ poundpound72 _

DRY FIELD PEAS (Contd) - - - - 1i41 1~1 -)242 Wle 1 1 1050 10 Minn 8 7 600 42 J J 900 27 7 7 950 66 Iflllk 20 18 1080 194 7 6 1200 72 5 5 1000 50 Mont 17 16 1100 176 8 8 1160 9J I 6 1130 68 Idaho 153middot 150 1320 1980 72 68 1220 830 99 89 1120 997 lyo 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1210 24 Colo 35 21 900 189 24 19 1000 190 19 16 1220 195 Vash 256 247 1300 J211 162 156 1280 1997 210 198 760 1505 Oreg 25 24 1180 28J 19 18 1300 234 17 14 700 98poundsll___ _Zl __ _ Zl ___ 19Q __ g11 ____1sect ___1sect __ 390____113____11 ___11 __1210____ 102 _ ____ 2~ __ 21l _ _ 33g _ ~l2g ___ Jl2 __ ~9Q __1J2g1__ JJ6fJ___ l8l _ _ 25 ___9pound7___ l~l~_ 1I h pl1Jlc1pal comerc1al produciD8 States Includes Pt)llS groUl for seed aDd comery pens harvested lUy

- III shy

1 UPDATA 1981



- - - - 19i4 19sect 12 li41 to ~ t 1242 St t A Aores Ac Acres A Acres ~ Acres ~ Acres A Acres

a e creB Har- reo H~r- cres ~r- cres H~r- cr~s H~r- eres Harshy____~1ne~eit~d_~1no~_elt~ltLlP~~tdlV~oeS_~1ne~lvsOS_ c~middot~_vselP~l~td_Jel~~d__

Thousand Acres Ind 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ill 12 12 9 9 7 7 5 5 6 6 4 4 ViB 3 3 2 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~1nn 18 18 12 12 7 7 10 10 6 6 5 5 Iogtlt 23 22 11 11 7 7 8 8 12 12 10 10 Mo 265 263 225 216 184 181 179 176 154 150 122 120 Iflhk 87 86 50 49 47 44 42 41 33 32 35 34 SJhk S49 502 390 362 238 221 188 179 152 149 164 156 Jlebr 704 685 50 480 390 374 343 325 364 351 364 347 K9ns 38116 3768 3054 2879 2718 2505 2256 2154 2459 2391 2361 2319 Va 10 9 15 10 15 9 17 9 14 6 12 4 IIVa 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 nc 26 26 23 23 30 30 32 32 35 35 32 32 sc 36 36 35 35 28 28 29 29 30 30 23 23 Ga 60 60 60 60 48 48 55 55 54 54 38 38 Ky 35 34 35 35 39 39 34 34 2l 21 18 18 Tenn 62 6 56 56 56 56 48 48 37 37 29 29 Ala 59 58 61 60 79 78 86 84 99 97 65 63 Mhs 65 64 63 61 51 49 53 52 47 46 34 33 Ark 94 93 97 95 82 80 78 75 68 67 51 50 Jg 10 10 9 9 8 8 9 9 11 11 11 11 Okla 2484 2406 1938middot 1829 1783 1664 1284 1198 1348 1258 1146 1094 T8 8318 8202 7653 7054 7273 6913 5527 5392 7019 6740 5168 5080 Mont 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 4 3 3 4 3 Vyo bull 14 13 10 9 7 7 7 6 4 4 5 5 Colo 766 723 705 658 613 546 490 470 500 479 645 618 1IHex 690 669 467 309 317 265 349 313 521 479 556 532 Arb 71 69 55 53 74 72 62 60 90 88 77 76 Calli 133 127 112 108 151 151 76 76 122 122 80 80 115- - -ie458 -18038 - - is668 - 14-498- 14- 2f6- - i540J -11-277- -10OsO - -13214 -12-679- -11064 - -10789- -


- - - l9~( t00 1916t 197 19aL 12112 St t Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros Dald Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros IReld Pro- Acres llel4 Proshy

a eHar_ Per duc_ Hl1- Per duc- H9r- Por dw- 59r- Per due- zHar- IPer duc_ Har- Per i ducshy___yetdlApoundrs_t0E lVS82C8l 1n_yeltdAEr_t0E lvse2cel 1n_yetdlApoundrl_t0E lvsse~cel isn_

Thous Thous Thous Thoua Thous ThOUG Thoua Thous Theus Thous Thous Thoua ~ TonE ~ Acrea ~ Tons Acros Tona1m Acres ~ Tons ~ TOilS ~ Acres 2 Tons

Ind 2 270 5 1 290 3 1 260 3 Ill 4 250 10 3 250 8 2 300 6 2 250 5 2 350 7 1 350 4 Minn 15 300 45 8 20 18 5 200 10 8 200 16 4 250 10 4 230 9 Iowa 12 300 36 5 300 15 2 350 7 2 250 5 6 300 18 4 250 10 Ho 150 211 316 146 180 263 105 220 231 95 180 171 86 20 189 58 210 122 N bull oruc 76 110 106 116 135 62 41 110 45 39 130 51 30 125 38 32 100 32 SDak 395 169 668 308 150 462 177 l70 301 152 130 198 124 180 223 133 135 180 Nebl 511 197 1007 383 160 613 279 165 460 234 155 363 222 160 355 220 230 506 Kans 1125 213 2396 1386 164 2273 1302 160 2083 989 140 1385 692 190 1315 649 185 1201 Va 6 170 10 8 175 1~ 7 175 12 8 175 14 5 180 9 4 175 7 lle 15 160 24 13 170 22 18 180 32 17 190 32 13 200 26 13 200 26 SC 22 130 29 21 145 30 14 150 21 14 140 20 16 1~5 2J 10 150 15 Ga 35 111 39 42 135 57 33 135 45 )8 130 49 41 130 5] 29 140 41 KT 22 184 ~o 25 240 60 23 260 60 22 280 62 15 210 32 13 21~ 2B Tenn 37 180 67 33 20 73 31 210 65 29 230 67 23 235 54 17 220 37 Ala 23 140 32 24 135 32 27 155 ~2 28 135 38 37 150 56 19 145 2B Hios 27 165 ~5 28 185 52 18 150 27 18 170 31 19 195 37 16 185 30 Ark 66 161 106 68 160 109 50 145 72 51 140 71 J8 185 70 27 190 51 L~ 6 130 8 5 165 8 ~ 160 6 4 135 5 6 145 9 5 160 8 Okla 132~ 145 1920 1118 125 1398 969 130 160 701 110 771 652 150 978 502 160 803 Tex 2920 1193768 2985 110 3283 2324 122 28391677 110 1844 lt17J 122 26601452 145 2105 Mont 5 117 6 4 120 5 6 115 7 4 130 5 J 150 4 3 80 2 Wyo 13 82 11 9 70 6 7 60 4 6 80 5 ~ 75 3 5 76 4 Colo ~7J 114 539 460 110 506 350 105 368 304 115 )50 280 105 29~ 301 107 322 11Mex 29~ 102 300 223 70 157 155 103 159 143 67 96 184 100 184 109 129 141 Arh 6 200 2 3 200 6 5 175 9 3 175 5 3 175 5 ~ 175 7 Ea1i__ _35pound __ Z___2_ ~poundO___ ~ __ _35pound ___7___~ 210___7___ _35pound __ ~ __ 2 _ 210___1pound

~middot~middot_118~ _15~ 015J317_ 10_ 21~11251_131_81~1_4520_ 3_56~6_ ~~8~ _14 ~~521~31_ za_11~

- 19 shy





- ---I I94 1J9s 1~~ S~at J Jor 1 Yield Pr d ti~ JeJ81 I n14 I ProducUcna I Jone J Yield Pro4ucUoII

____1_~bullt4_1_~r_~l _1__0_u _~ _1_IIret4__~I_-l _1________~t4_1_~1_~l J _____ _ ThouIAcne ~ ThoU Bu llloutareplE ft1oUI Bu BiouDJeJ8el llloubullbull IIp

Ind 2 ~9 48 2 300 60 1 300 30 Ill 1 240 2h 1 290 29 1 300 30 Iova 1 240 24 1 200 20 1 200 20 Mo 61 216 1)18 29 ~o 435 ~ 220 968 IDaIt 8 163 130 1 160 16 1 135 14 SDak 92 153 1408 43 115 494 37 160 592 lobI 115 22) 2564 75 180 1350 18 200 1560 Ian 2229 221 49261 1149 154 17695 B51 1)5 11488 IC 2 250 50 3 2)0 69 sc 1 165 16 1 170 17 3 IB5 56 Al 2 163 33 13 150 195 2) 160 368 uk 7 143 100 10 170 170 8 150 120 La 1 150 15 1 180 18 1 140 14 Okla 979 1050 146805 636 120 7632 6~ 115 7176 ex 05103 194 99229 ) 950 150 c59139 4~ 160 71840 ColO aIfO 1057 3768 180 lAt9 2682 191 130 2483 1lIex )69 166 6111 84 70 587 108 104 1127 Aris 54 372 2009 44 )40 1496 55 360 1980 ~a1____11____)1~ ____ ~)~ _____1pound2____32~ ___ _ l27 _____~5____42 ___ ~292 __ US 9)86 197 184978 6)24 152 9606) 6669 159 106025


- - --I l~ 192s 1~ Stah I tar 1 Yield 1 PrOdUCtioD Acre I Yield I ProductiOIl Acne I Yield 1 Productloll

____1_~etd_Umiddotr_Jer _1_______ _~etd_I_Pr_Ael _1_______1_lIrQt4__~r_~l J _____ _ Thoue Jon ll 2a DIOUlllOD ThoubullbullJer 12 DIoubullbull Toll lhoUlJarooa ToD bou l01I

lIId 5 105 52 4 120 48 3 110 111 4 100 40 3 90 27 2 105 21 Vh 1 80 8 1 75 8 M1Dn 70 21 4 60 24 2 65 13 Iowa 6 100 60 3 90 27 1 110 11 Mo 85 374 36 71) 252 25 85 212 IDak 2 30 6 2 202 4 2 21 4 SDaIc 15 7 56 11 3- 37 7 40 28 Ifebr 59 64 378 22 50 110 17 50 BS Iane 412 70 2884 )42 55 1881 SO 60 21OQ SC 3 50 15 ) 55 16 3 50 15 Ga ) 40 12 1 45 14 51) 20 leDII 10 65 65 9 70 63 6 70 42 Al 6 75 45 05 70 35 6 60 36)Ii 12 90 108 12 90 108 12 75 90 Ark 3 55 16 2 55 11 5 60 )0 La 1 61 7 1 7- 7 1 66 7 Old 97 50 485 10 45 115 67 40 l68 Ix l6It 48 789 108 35 )83 87 41 ~O Colo 10 55 55 18 45 81 5 50 25 bullbull lIu 6 ) 20 2 30 2 45 9 Arll 9 121) 108 6 US 69 12 U5 138pounda1_____4____~~ ______2 ______4 ~ ______4 _____~ ______l~ ______ ____1~~

US 879 642 56114 671 532 3510 623 576 3SS7


- - - -I = 19~ = = = == = ~ 1~4sect state crill 1 Yield ProductioD Acre 1 Yield I Prod t1 I Acres Yield Pr

_____~etd_lt]~r_Apoundr ________1_Hrstd_IJr_Apoundr ____~ _o~ __~etd_Jr_Apoundrtl _ ~d~~1~~ ThougAcru Jl9B1 lhquGIlllog TI1quecrea ~ TboutOallQII ThguuJcru GalloDII AAUIIlampllov

Ind 1 80 80 1 90 90 1 75 75 Ill 3 50 ISO 2 50 100 2 65 1)0 Via 2 80 160 1 70 70 1 62 62 10 3 125 )705 2 100 200 3 129 387 Mo 8 62 496 5 45 225 7 55 385 bu 2 55 110 2 SO 100 2 51 102 Va J 65 195 2 65 130 2 66 1)2 VVa 3 59 177 2 67 134 1 66 66 lIC 11 74 814 8 64 512 9 131 729 SC 10 55 550 10 55 550 8 58 464 Ge 22 55 1210 15 57 855 11 53 583 17 12 65 780 10 73 730 16 85 1360 laDII 15 61 915 14 60 840 19 73 1)87 Ala 27 65 1755 18 66 1188 22 6) 1386 Mha 25 78 1950 21 80 1680 19 65 1235 Ark 17 SO 850 15 55 825 17 60 1020 L~ 2 55 110 2 60 120 2 40 80 OklL 6 42 252 5 43 215 4 47 188

i~----~i---~------l~-----l~---~------~______~ ___~____ _~2__--- - - - - - - - - - _1_ - __ l~ _____146____6middotZ ____ 2~ _____~_ 660 10171

-O- ------------ shy



-s~~e-= ~II 1 RI~ 1Pr~~to ~r~ ~~ 1 ~o~t~I~ ~~ R~~ ~din I BarYeated Per Acre I I BarYe ted Per Acr I I BarYbullbulltod Per Acr

- - - -1h-cr- -Dl~hr- -fhoa- ia - fhQicr1 bir- - -TiioQ- ib- - thOulAcibullbull -Dlhel- TiioU- -IDe 1 260 26 1 320 32 1 320 JJ~ Iowa 1 160 16 1 195 20 1 225 m )10 114 160 704 30 240 72031 200 6tjIlak 1 155 16 1 160 16 SDU 111 90 162 20 155 310 20 122 244

Iobr 75 150 1125 111 225 2632 109 236 2572lAD 754 145 10933 339 215 287811 1392 215 29 928 IC 5 250 125 16 270 432 15 250 375 s Q 5 155 78 1 175 122 7 180 126 Ala 34 165 561 45 195 878 33 181 597 Arll 10 150 15016 1110 2811 14 172 241 lA 2 140 28 2 155 31 3 170 51 CkIa 440 110 11840 556 150 8340 548 155 8494 181 3640 180 65421 496 165 74143 3563 239 114996 Colo 160 150 2400 192 170 3264 3011 172 52911 INex 167 106 1764 287 140 40111 415 222 9213 Arh 53 410 2113 75 400 3000 61 1146 2721 -~l____1~ ____3 ____ ~sect9 _____16___ 31middot ____ ~~ _____ 11___ 32 ~ ___ r62_ ~~___ ~~ ____lI~ ____9I11 ____ 7____1~ ___ ~I~ ____6~5~2____2 __ 4~_

ALL SOBOIIllKS JOR SIIMB AOlJWlE YIELD A)JD PROIUClIOIl 1947 to 1949 _______ ~_7_________________ __________________ ~~_______ _~------------~------------------~------------------ilt--------

State Acre I Yh1d I Acre field Acre Yield BarPedd Per Acre Product1on I BarPted Per Acre Production llarveted Pet Acre Production

- - - - ThouAcre -iaL- - -boU7tOji - biiuAcro -Jiii- - -b0li71oi- ~ouEcre - -~n - -fhw7Tu Ind 2 85 17 2 115 23 2 115 23 Ill 2 90 18 4 105 42 3 93 28 Hinn 2 60 12 2 eo 16 1 70 7 IoVA 3 60 18 3 95 28 3 100 30 Mo 33 70 231 31 95 294 29 86 249 IfIlK 1 25 2 1 30 3 2 23 5 slak 9 25 22 5 55 28 3 42 13 Ibr 16 45 72 12 60 72 18 70 126lAD 409 53 21611 359 76 2 72~ 278 73 2029 SC 3 50 15 2 55 11 3 60 18 0 3 45 14 5 55 211 3 60 IS Tonn 6 70 42 7 75 52 8 76 61 Ala 4 65 26 7 75 52 6 74 44 Nh 12 65 711 12 01 0 96 8 85 61 Ark 3 5middot3 16 5 75 38 5 75 38 ta 1 60 6 2 68 14 2 70 14 (kIa 54 37 200 4 55 264 43 56 241 Tex 69 37 258 66 46 305 60 57 343 Colo 6 45 27 7 55 38 9 48 43 IIMex 3 40 12 e 45 36 8 53 42 Arh 4 110 44 10 110 110 11 115 126 -~1____ ~ ____1poundpound ______~ ______4____1poundpound ______~ ______6____1~ pound _____~_ ~____ ~4~ ____ 4___ _ lP _____~2____ 7____ ~~1 _____51____ 10___ sect2~_


-- -- I~ D[8 I~i State Aeres Tield Production I Acr Tield Produetlon I Acree Yield Production

BarYeted I Per Acre I BarTeted Per Acre BarYeted Per Acre - - - - hiiuicre - Gallon - bouGallon thouD Xcre - 01100 - fhoubullbullOaflon ~iiuicro - iiaflon -lhOli7aeliOii Ind 1 70 70 1 90 90 1 90 90 Ill 1 55 55 1118 1 51 51 1 80 80 1 77 77 IClVa 2 80 160 2 168 336 2 158 316 Mo II 42 168 3 66 1911 2 61 122 Ian 2 51 102 1 47 47 Va 1 61 67 1 90 90 IIVa 1 70 70 bullbullC 10 73 730 6 611 408 4 72 211 Sc 7 49 343 5 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ Ga 14 59 826 II ~ ~ 6 60 ~ ~ 12 74 888 6 73 438 5 79 395 Tnn 13 60 7S0 7 Ala 111 60 10110 8 m = ~ =Mi 22 68 1496 15 78 1170 9 63 567 Arll 11 42 462 8 64 512 4 54 216 La 2 35 70 1 43 43 1 45 45 Cltla 3 33 99 2 55 110 1 52 52 ~_____ ~ ____ 25______ 13~ ______5__ _ ______ 1pound _____ -____ ~_____ __I~

Us 131 7847 SO 6911 55116 53 66s 3539 -------------------------~---------------------------- -------- 21 shy

bullUPDATA 1981 ~~ I j


--- -- 1~ t 19~ t 19[6 StlAt I Acree Yield Acrn Yield Acrea Yield

Harvea d Pel Production Harvest d Per Production Harvested Per Production _________ ~ _ _Agrl _ ______ ______Apound~ __ ______ t ______ _Asr~ _______ _

ThoutlAcree Ton8 ThouTone ThouAcre Ton ThouBlone ThoUllAcres 1on8 Thou8Tone Main 923 89 818 833 106 882 84 99 m fK 388 102 395 376 123 464 364 118 431 it 1032 126 1298 10oe 150 1516 1006 143 1442 )(saso 319 124 469 376 164 615 365 164 597 RI 36 1l4 41 37 146 54 34144 49 Conn 304 123 374 300 157 472 288 162 467 fY 4008 144 5759 4021 161 6488 3968 162 6416 NJ 274 147 402 288 177 509 260 175 454 PIi 2564 140 3597 2539 151 3826 2525 150 3789 0b10 2605 139 3622 2560 148 3801 2536 152 3848 Ind 2004 131 2626 1765 145 2551 1835 137 2511 Ill 2824 139 3938 2662 152 4053 2732 146 3985 Mich 2813 1)8 3895 2671 148 3958 2648 124 3272 Vb 4263 163 6929 4214 187 7870 4ll2 155 6371 Minn 4683 142 6640 4366 152 6637 4067 146 5956 Iowa 3551 164 58)6 1304 172 5677 3275 163 5325 Mo 3703 113 4171 3914 115 4500 3545 119 4201 lItDIIk 3421 97 3305 3434 94 3233 3068 89 2724 SDak 36e5 99 3637 3616 92 3312 3478 80 2775 Nebr 4355 112 4865 4062 11)9 4436 3915 97 3787 ~B 1784 167 2982 1783 161 2875 1746 135 2354 Del 82 1 ~o 98 75 152 114 71 149 106 Md 461 120 552 464 139 643 442 148 656 Va 1383 11)2 1405 1477 117 1722 1391 119 1650 IIv 835 108 904 840 1~ 1061 812 129 1045 NC 1315 96 1263 1374 98 1352 1263 102 1285 sc 543 74 400 554 84 465 S07 87 442 Oe 1406 49 689 1441 54 785 1399 52 723 lIla 118 54 64 125 57 71 123 49 60 It) 1630 112 1831 1987 137 2720 1813 136 2459 Tenn 1769 94 1660 1978 124 2444 1802 122 2205 All 1 091 67 730 995 75 742 999 74 744 M18s 925 119 1104 873 117 1025 850 123 1046 Ark 1397 109 1529 1378 116 1595 1258 118 1483 ra 3Jl 119 395 326 125 406 319 126 403 Okla 1296 129 1671 1326 133 1757 1355 113 1534 Tex 1591 90 1439 1599 96 1537 1623 11)3 1619 Mont 2265 119 2689 2267 117 2681 2147 112 2395 Idho 1198 204 2445 1189 204 2428 1140 213 2429 liTo 1156 113 1312 1103 116 1274 1091 111 1214 Colo 1467 159 2331 1425 155 2215 1359 148 2008 NMex 217 221 419 201 192 385 206 212 436 Arb 332 218 723 309 242 748 306 239 737 Utah 612 203 1245 597 200 1194 573 195 1115 ireV 435 142 617 436 141 615 432 152 655 VaBb 989 119 1775 931 187 1744 656 192 1640 Oreg 1156 173 1996 1158 170 1970 1062 173 1~39poundampl1____20plusmn0____ ~middot21____ 22~ ____2130____ ~bullsect4____60]6____ 282 __ _ 1~2_ ___6t0Q3_ ~____ 176)9____ ]middot13___ 03~2 ___ 16627____ ]~__ _1~7t418_ ___71141 ___ ]15___ 291518_

VILD HAY ACREAGE nELD lID PllOllUCTIOlf 1944 to 191i6

- - - - - 1~ l I9~ l 19[6 state I Acree Yield Acree Yield AcreB Yield

I Harveated Per Productioll ltlrvesed bull Per bull Production Harvested Per bull Production ___________ l ce__ ~ ______ t _____ _ =_AsrJ __ ______ l _______~r __ _____ _

ThouaAcrem ThousTon bonaAcres ona ThousTona Thoue-cres ~ Thousfou Via 140 130 182 94 115 106 llO 115 126 Minn 1452 1ll 1612 1394 115 1603 1282 110 1410 10 102 122 124 92 120 llO 86 1O 103 Mo 154 109 168 160 120 192 150 100 ISO NDal 2576 90 ~318 2576 85 2190 2318 85 1970 sJ))k 3076 88 2707 3014 60 24ll 2693 70 2025 Nebr 3198 80 2558 2942 75 2206 2795 65 1817Ian 693 111 769 638 115 734 636 75 478 Ark 194 104 202 202 105 212 202 105 212 Okla 480 118 566 437 125 S46 428 100 428 Tex 195 105 205 185 100 185 191 105 201 Mont 867 85 737 806 90 725 622 60 658 ldho 139 lU 156 139 115 160 135 110 148 To 529 60 423 481 BO 385 495 85 421 Colo 466 97 452 443 100 443 439 85 373 NMex 20 88 16 15 70 10 27 100 27 Utah 103 124 126 lOS 100 105 105 120 1-6 lreT 267 100 267 267 100 267 267 110 294 Yam 46 115 53 51 125 64 47 120 56 Or~ ll76 115 320 3U 11n 3IU gt86 110 315 ~l-l_____1$gt____ 110_____ 17g _____112___ _ 1io_ ~ __ _2ffl_ ____ 152 ___ 1lL ____11~_

k ___ 5all1_____23____1~J1 ___ 4~~_____21___ Jt2~2___ _ ll~7 ___ _g3_ __ l51 _


FFeti5 Hri+tttrtft gt~- bullbull ~Mto shy



- -- -- 1~7 19la_ 19sect State Acrea Yild cr Tlel-l Acrea Yield

______II~~t~d_ ~ ~~~__ ~ ~d~ln_l v~e~ _~_A~~ ___~o~u~t~o~ ~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~____P~o~u~to~ ~bullbullAcrea gAl ~ousTonD fitouDcrea ~ lhoulITons Tbous bullocres I2 Thou9Tonl

M1n 766 11)8 627 nO 11)2 746 695 9B 682 lilI J5) 127 446 JJ9 124 421 J18 11) )56 n 995 149 148J 974 145 1416 952 124 1176 ca )51 154 540 J46 160 59f )42 145 496 RI )2 159 51 29 159 46 28 1 bullSO 42 Conn 280 166 464 272 162 440 26) 156 410 IIT )752 161 6029 )642 165 6016 3)97 1)6 46)0 IJ 244 17) 422 236 161 428 239 177 422 Il 2))9 150 )511 2194 146 )710 2202 142 )123 Ohio 2497 140 34B6 2)84 14) )406 2255 142 )212 Ind 1708 1)6 2)Jl 1661 1)6 2251 1616 145 2 bull 342 Ill 2626 14J )756 2)85 149 )558 2230 165 J689 Mich 2628 1Jl J45) 24)6 1)7 )346 2)29 1)2 )069 Vh 4066 16) 6665 )940 1)8 54)2 3916 15) 5972 MiIlJ1 4063 142 57n )659 1)7 529) 3819 1)lt3 5268 10_ )J)B 154 5154 2943 1)4 )955 )100 159 49)0 Me 3762 114 4)10 )S46 129 4564 )60) 129 465) IDU 3289 95 )110 3176 91 2901 )441 B5 2920 S~ )675 85 ))1) 4126 84 )451 4412 68 3013 lfebr 4)05 113 4BBI 4))4 105 4532 4836 108 5ZJl Iu 2059 153 )155 195) 176 )479 2017 160 3~z2 Del 69 146 102 n 140 102 68 110 97 Md 429 142 611 445 144 64) 429 152 ti51 Vamp 1)27 107 1414 1)72 126 1722 1321 127 16n VV 60) 116 92B 796 129 1026 B02 124 991_C 1292 96 1267 1290 10) 1)28 1246 105 1)12 SC 465 76 )76 509 68 449 52J 91 476 0amp 1)91 51 70) 1416 56 791 1055 6) 66) 11 125 54 67 1)2 58 77 65 62 5) 1) 1666 1)B 2568 1687 126 21)0 1828 110 2)60 l1IllU 1812 117 2120 1691 111 1861 l7J4 125 2175 U 939 72 679 922 18 720 790 84 667 Ki 601 115 923 769 121 9)3 779 115 89) Ark 1254 98 1224 1211 124 150) 1116 117 1J10 111 300 118 )s4 294 112 )29 295 1m 379 Okla 1580 119 1B77 1490 I)) 1975 1)50 1)5 1821 le 1620 90 16)7 1706 91 1556 145) 112 1624 MoDt 2227 112 2491 220) I) 2704 2On 101 2084 Idoho 1022 2Z5 2296 986 220 2171 1050 2lt) 2))7 1170 1080 117 1265 1017 94 960 1104 110 1209 Colo 1)56 164 2219 1)51 167 2251 1401 164 229) Ifllex 216 210 454 20) 212 4)) 19) 209 404 Arlo m 220 595 226 2)8 5)7 25) 247 624 Utah S6B 208 1160 550 205 1129 5)7 21) 1145 - )92 155 606 )8) 151 577 377 154 580 lfath 60) 1117 150) 765 205 1611 772 178 1375 Oree 1076 169 1617 1061 174 1646 970 158 1526 ~11middot____~~~ __ ~ J bull 26____ euro1)Q ____1~7O____ 1middotQ7____5JplusmnL ___ 1l15Q ___ 1middot25___ 3 49_ [middotk ___ 1 46amp6____ 1middot15___ 10Q$~ ___ 11617____ 114___ 2611~ ___71~ __ _ lmiddotlJ_ __ 25025_

_1If_ eii2ll 2r_A1l_II~r_r2r_125~D-~ 9Z1J211 o_____________ bull __________

~~~ _lAi~~e5drIx~~rpoundr ~tloi ~ce ~eililfgi ct r~~ln hqutr ll lhoubullbullrona rhouaAcr 12l ThouaToga

~ _____1 _0_____ 111_______ 1~~ _____ 1~ _____ 1Ql_ ______ 1~~ _ Ylk ____ 14aJgl_____ 1J8______ 10l57______7~11J _____ l~L _____ l0ll_ ~ -

WILD BAT AClUllilE fIELD AlID PBODUCrIOll 1947 to 1~1

- - - - - 1i41 1~ 1~ Il~t I Acre I Yield heres Yield Acres Yield bull

I arT ted I Per Production arTeBted Per ProucUon Iifrvsted Per bull Production ____ _1_ __~ __ _~rl _ i ______ 1 _______ cLe______________ cIe___=_____ _

1houeAcreo 1M lhoubullbullTop rhouoAcree ~ rhouerona rhousAcrea ron rhoubullbullroue Vlo 106 115 122 1)0 95 124 112 107 120 Minn 1)06 11e 1439 12)0 105 1292 11)2 105 1169 10 75 1O 90 61 115 9) 70 123 66 Mo 150 110 165 141 110 155 1)5 110 146 1IDIIk 2596 90 2))6 2414 65 2052 2535 Bo 2028 SDU )240 75 24)0 )4)4 70 2401 )4)4 57 1957_hr 296) 60 2)70 2904 65 1686 )252 75 24)9 lUI 702 110 772 611 115 7~ 642 115 nB Ark 204 B5 In 175 110 192 152 105 160 00amp 458 110 504 4)1 1 lt5 5)9 416 1gt0 502 lu 210 95 200 197 65 167 1B5 101 167 Mont 860 BO 704 654 90 769 769 75 577 Id~o 132 110 145 140 100 140 144 109 157 To 500 95 475 475 60 lB5 522 B5 444 Colo 470 105 494 451 105 474 474 102 4B) 11 Megt 27 BO 22 25 75 19 22 6) 1B Utah 109 125 1)6 105 110 126 105 I) 12911 230 1111 25) 216 105 227 205 9B 201 Vampth 46 120 55 55 1)0 2 57 120 68 Oreg )00 110 ))0 )30 15 412 291 106 gt08pound41lf_____1i6____ 11(1_____ 17~ _____1J6____ 1ltgt_____120_____ 1J~ ___ 112_____1~_

~____ 4~_____10____111111 ___ 4515_____~5___ l)~___ _~19= ____~2___ l121_ - 23 shy

-UPDATA 1981 bull _ bull h



ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944




- - - l~ r tjtZ _ - - -Slrbullpoundpoundr4fL __ l __ ]Rr_el~ ___ Hogg1ngl___ ]9r--Eampin___ l ___ lox 118ampe____Hogging

Stampte ~AcreageY1eld Pro- AcreageY1eld Pro- down AcreageY1eli Pro- AcreageYleld Pro- down Har- Per ducUon Rar- Per Igrazing Rar- Per duct H1- Per duction Igtu1ng

___ _JeJlt~cle___ __ ly~8~eS lApoundrsect _~t-j 9tavIet~ltLce____ ~~YJl8el1Apoundr ______f9r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ima 2l Thou ~~ ~ lhOUB Thoubullbull ~ Thoua houbullbull Acres ~ ~ TonI ~ ~ ~ Acreg 2l Acree

Maine 3 370 111 8 115 92 1 2 400 80 8 110 88 1 NH 3 420 126 9 110 99 1 2 450 90 9 110 99 1 n 3 410 123 52 100 520 3 2 410 82 44 95 418 2 MUB 6 460 276 30 10bull5 315 2 6 470 282 29 115 334 2 RI 1 390 39 6 )00 60 1 1 440 44 6 95 57 1 Conn 9 460 414 35 105 )68 3 9 480 432 34 110 374 2 NT I53 400 6120 465 93 4324 46 135 )50 4725 4)6 84 3662 27 NJ 125 450 5625 59 90 531 5 122 4)0 5246 52 90 46S 6 Fa 1055 430 45)65 269 90 2421 27 1046 425 44455 258 85 219) 19 Ohio 3405 490 166645 127 85 1080 109 3098 410 127018 18) 75 1)72 105 Ind 4)98 5~0 224298 92 85 782 92 4227 430 161761 88 70 616 84 Ill 8553 560 478968 169 90 1521 151 8189 )95 )23466 206 74 1524 189 Mich 1243 290 36047 310 60 1860 216 1147 285 32690 274 61 1671 153 W1 1299 465 601~4 i200 18 9)60 46 1338 445 59541 1164 81 9428 4) Minn 4323 455 196696 692 83 5744 437 4187 380 159106 680 72 4896 367 Iova 10600 570 604200 178 105 1869 356 9588 310 297228 281 64 1798 541 Mo 4239 375 158962 44 65 286 1)2 3777 250 94425 80 50 400 161 NDak 437 230 10051 145 34 493 631 523 210 10983 143 38 54) 523 SDak 3529 310 109)99 48 60 288 4)) 3454 200 69080 63 54 340 45)Nebr 7418 295 218831 78 53 41) )12 6973 200 139460 73 38 277 294 I~e 2469 220 54318 211 38 802 331 1986 180 35748 155 37 574 177 Del 134 330 4422 3 105 32 1 126 335 4221 4 90 36 1 Md 412 430 17716 38 95 361 6 41) 380 15694 37 95 352 6 Va 1017 360 36612 48 95 456 18 976 360 )5136 57 105 598 28 WVa 284 )40 9656 9 100 90 3 278 410 11396 11 100 110 4 NC 2104 270 56808 17 80 136 39 2110 315 66465 22 90 198 50 sc 1415 185 26178 3 60 18 29 1355 195 26422 6 65 39 43 04 2886 130 37518 10 50 50 308 2651 140 37114 9 50 45 384 1111 526 100 5260 6 50 30 117 492 120 5904 6 55 3) 125 it 2194 360 78984 2) 90 207 29 2127 350 74445 24 100 240 28 Tenn 2106 295 67127 17 70 119 66 2106 285 60021 17 70 119 66 AlII 2531 155 39230 5 45 22 65 2530 150 37950 5 50 25 92 Miss 2173 160 )4768 4 55 22 33 2211 165 3648Z 5 60 )0 38 Ark 1435 210 30135 2 43 9 35 1267 170 215)9 2 44 9 56 La 975 140 13650 2 40 8 23 9 11 1)5 12704 2 40 8 17

Okla 1317 175 23048 7 45 32 48 1074 180 19332 7 40 28 44 Tex 3019 165 49813 12 40 48 62 2720 160 43520 13 35 46 51 lIont 13 210 273 7 50 )5 160 22 220 484 9 40 36 135 Idaho 17 425 722 7 120 84 2 16 495 792 6 105 63 2 IIJ-o 24 180 4)2 ) 60 18 3) 2175 )68 5 65 32 27 Colo )72 200 7440 60 67 402 141 397 220 8734 57 80 456 68 HMex 105 160 1660 4 50 20 16 83 145 1204 ) 45 14 9 lrh 23 120 276 3 75 22 4 23 155 356 3 70 21 4 Ut~ 5 290 145 16 100 160 3 5 380 190 18 100 180 )Hey 1 350 )5 1 100 10 1 30 )2 1 100 10 Vaeh 7 550 385 7 105 74 4 7 560 J92 7 Ll5 80 )Oreg 12 365 438 11 80 88 8 11 485 534 10 100 100 4 01111 32 350 1120 25 100 250 10 27 350 945 25 100 250 10 ~~= = =7j~1~ =31~ iitfO~9= =4~517= =7-81 =3~~) = ~i9j =-5~0~ y~~ lo~31o= =4~6Jpound =7~)2 = )~i9~=~~

POPCOlIII ICREAGE YIELD lID RODUCTIOJl 1946 UD 1947 I - - - - 19~= i ~7 Stab Acree tern Ueld Per Producthn Acre Acr Yield Per ~ ProducUoB

Planhd HrYe8hd lcre Y PlUlted Hamprl88ted leIY ~- - - -- - - - _-_ - - - - _a-_______________ ____ _ _____ a _____ __bull________ _

lqrea E2ml Thoue Lb lcre ~ fhoU Lb Ohio 15000 14100 1750 24675 5200 5000 i6oo ~OOO Ind 18Soo 18800 1900 35720 7300 7300 1500 10950 Ill 16000 15800 1800 28440 21000 20400 lIroO 28560 Mich 2700 ~600 1400 )640 2500 2100 1000 2100 Iova 42000 41000 1820 74620 17000 15000 960 14400 No 15000 15000 1600 24000 10000 10000 1100 11000 Hebr 13000 13000 1500 19500 4000 4000 1200 4800 lIua 5900 5200 1200 6240 3800 3500 959 ))25T 10100 10100 1470 14847 6500 0500 1470 9555 Okla 14000 13000 910 116)0 5600 5000 lOGO 5000 rex 4200 4200 1200 5040 2700 2700 1)00 )510poundamp1___1a6Q0___ ~ _116Q0____lampOQIL ____116QO_____ ~bullQOQ __ _ ~bullQOQ _____8lO_____ lo1_ - _ ~- - _1i83Q0___ _1214pound0_ ___1amp60___ _221122_ ___ _81QOQ __ ~_J02____1amp222____ 021l2 __ _ l In prinCipal coercial prodac1namp Statebullbull y or ltV cornl 10 pClaDd to the lII1tw1



- - - - 19te ~42 __ rOE U~il ___ l __ ]2r_BlM ___IHogg1ng___ ]2rLrn __ t __ ]gr_BlM ____Hogging

stat AoresltoYold Pr AoreageY1eld l down AorelgeY1eldl Pr Acr~g$Y1eld l down Har- I Per dllOt~n Hlr- hr IdUO~~l1Clz1ngl Har- I Per duct~n Her- I Per I d~~lon grnz1ng

____1otfdoJe_____ lvjtsel lAsrs _1 ____4r~llazeJltldcle_l____ zel1t-tdoJe_l _____14I~ Thoubullbull ~ ThOUtl ~ Tona ~ll2 ~l1 ThOU8 ~ lm ~ Thou Acreo Acrea Tona Acropound2 AerO ~ CroD

Ma1ne 2 320 64 9 85 76 1 2 420 84 10 104 104 1 Nrr 2 370 74 8 95 76 1 2 480 96 9 106 95 1 n 2 lflhO 88 48 100 480 2 2 480 96 54 102 551 2 Jo(I1f1 5 ao 205 ~9 100 290 1 5 450 225 29 92 267 2 111 1 390 39 6 90 54 1 430 43 6 66 52 Conn 7 10 287 33 95 314 2 6 450 270 33 96 317 1 NY 164 440 716 445 100 4450 25 170 460 78~0 452 100 4520 25 11J 132 500 6600 55 95 522 6 117 433 5066 56 80 448 3 Ps 1096 475 52155 259 95 2~0 19 1061 475 50398 258 95 2451 16 Ohio 370 585 202995 148 91 1436 73 3400 540 18)600 141 100 1410 76 Ind 4504 570 256726 75 90 675 64 4542 500 227100 83 9 764 85 Ill 8965 610 546865 167 95 1566 120 6947 540 483138 18S 100 1850 120 Mich 1278 400 51120 264 74 1954 95 1390 495 68005 2l4 94 2200 62 Via 1378 480 66144 1167 84 9971 31 1516 554 83986 1068 99 10573 90 Minn 4)81 540 236698 645 69 5740 254 4630 440 212520 696 85 S9)) 242 Ioltl 10732 605 6149286 179 110 1969 280 11101 470 5l1747 219 101 2212 207 Mo 4128 450 185760 60 75 450 112 3930 390 153270 57 76 4J) 98 1IDaJc 531 280 11868 124 43 533 475 526 225 U835 160 36 576 523 SDak 3323 170 122951 114 70 306 285 3266 235 16751 129 55 710 622 Nobr 6945 350 243075 72 57 410 143 7293 311 226~~2 75 62 465 150 Ka1l8 2281 325 74132 49 60 294 34 2316 277 64liJ 86 57 490 57 1)01 122 320 3904 5 95 48 1 133 335 4~i56 5 85 42 1 Md 418 450 18810 40 95 380 7 402 420 161~ 42 95 399 1 Va 976 4205 Ill 180 56 115 644 8 908 420 38~36 54 107 578 36 II Va 269 440 118)6 11 100 110 4 2)6 4110 103e4 13 100 1)0 4 11C 2137 300 64110 22 100 220 67 2122 31S 66810 19 89 169 63 sc 1351 195 26344 11 60 66 56 1346 205 ~59) 11 72 79 47 Ga 2558 145 37091 9 55 50 447 2635 165 43478 8 64 51 461 Flll 4211 10a 4240 6 50 30 193 344 125 4300 5 55 28 224 iT 2381 400 95240 27 90 243 32 2303 355 81756 2B 9~ 263 36 Tenn 2172 320 69504 lS 80 120 68 20)9 30S 6z190 17 87 148 64 Ala 2412 210 50652 8 50 40 154 2346 200 46920 5 60 30 172 MiuD 2165 Z20 47630 6 65 39 38 2011 205 41226 5 75 38 33 Ark 1Z7 230 28221 2 52 10 17 1100 220 24200 2 50 10 32 La 870 175 152Z5 2 40 8 30 727 210 15267 2 60 12 29 Olcla 1053 225 23692 5 40 20 22 1063 200 22260 4 50 20 35 Tex 2411 160 38576 16 40 64 106 2346 210 49lt66 8 52 42 60 Mont 27 220 594 8 50 40 158 8 238 190 13 45 58 157 Idaho 17 490 833 7 120 84 2 18 545 981 12 117 140 1 70 12 200 240 7 70 II) 29 12 221 765 8 77 62 30 Colo 355 ZZO 1810 73 75 548 94 48z 2116 11857 83 86 114 61 NMex 73 150 1095 3 55 16 10 75 165 1238 4 70 28 16 Aris 23 155 356 3 15 22 4 25 lS5 388 3 84 25 3 utllh 5 280 1110 20 100 200 4 5 313 156 22 114 251 4 Nev 2 100 20 2 105 21 Wuh 6 550 J30 11 105 116 2 9 5gt0 468 9 105 94 3 Oreg 11 400 4l) 11 75 82 5 12 435 522 10 82 82 4 Callt 30 365 1095 25 110 275 10 )J 380 1254 26 110 286 6t= =7~~ =432 ~~2~ )~( ~v= 27~52C l~~ =7116l )imiddotZ ii42~9l =t~~ 221==to2~= 2271

- - - - ~)w ~ lieuro State I ere~ I eres Yield Per I eres Acre Yield Per

pllll1~cd ~Haneeted ~ ere y Production PllIled lianeated Acre y Production

- - - -- - - - -AC~I- - - - -- -POundq - --Thou- Lb - - - - - iC~f - - - - - PoUndg- - -- Thou-Lb- - -Ohio 21000 21000 2350 49350 9500 9500 1900 18050 Icd 16500 16500 2500 41250 14400 14400 1900 21360Ill 29500 29300 2250 65925 16100 16000 1700 30600 Mich 4100 3800 2000 1600 2800 2800 1650 4620 I~va 260~0 26000 2110 54860 23000 23000 1470 33810 Mo 11000 11000 2100 23100 10200 10200 1300 1)260 Nebr 5000 5000 1800 9000 6000 6000 130 8bull580 J6n )100 3000 1650 4950 3900 3800 1360 5168 11 15500 15500 1610 24955 11100 9500 1)50 128~5 Okla 21000 24000 - 700 18720 8000 7000 1250 8750 Taz 4100 4100 1150 4715 2000 2000 1000 2000 cal 1000 1000 1100 1100

y lK82( 62~2 l~W ~2s~5~[ = =1sect9~02( )Q6~2Q( = 1~ = = )~5~OP 1 In principal cGaaercial prodncing Statebullbull ~ Ot ear cornl 70 pound to tb bashl


-aftcr r r~ RfhMr r~



- - - - 12~ 1 124] i i9i6 state Acre Acres Yield Pro- Acree Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

PlAnted Ilar- Per Acre duetiOD PllDted IDlr- Per Acre duetionP1anted lInr- Per Acre duetion veoted vested vested

- - - -- ThOU-ACrlis-- juiihlii ThorusIiti yenhOuliierlis- iiuiihlii -ThotWiiu Tbou-Acrlis- BuShl Tho~s~-Maine 1 1 220 22 1 1 190 19 1 1 10 21 liT J49 336 259 8716 352 346 264 9147 222 215 263 5648 11J 75 60 233 1398 93 63 210 1323 96 62 250 1550 h 931 914 214 19560 959 932 21S 20038 911 885 25 19912 Ohio 1937 1918 227 43539 2150 2129 270 57483 1849 1831 265 48522 Ind 1292 1266 202 25568 1587 1555 225 34980 1383 1366 215 29369 Ill 1334 1247 195 24320 1400 1339 185 248l7 1289 1207 160 19361 Mich 949 944 246 23222 992 982 275 27005 877 864 265 22896 Vie 69 67 195 1308 61 60 263 1576 95 93 252 2340 Minn 1325 1214 165 20090 1109 1100 193 21246 1412 1391 195 27080 Io~ 149 120 159 1912 168 140 190 2660 192 185 234 4335 Mo 1472 1207 16) 19674 1428 1304 140 18256 1314 1213 150 18195 a~ 10107 9856 159 156321 10005 9855 157 154568 10444 10192 137 139824 Slhk 3254 3070 121 37278 3355 3201 155 49656 3755 3S88 148 53197 Nebr 3585 2675 126 33762 3777 3596 229 82358 4037 3954 229 90677 Kans 13210 11377 165 187700 14148 13416 155 207939 14006 13147 162 212977 Del 68 64 197 1261 73 67 195 1306 68 62 190 1178 Md 395 370 232 8584 391 359 190 6821 376 348 195 6786 Va 539 516 192 9907 534 485 155 7518 459 432 185 7992 V~ 102 87 186 1618 100 87 185 1610 90 77 185 1424 NC 567 516 165 851bull 4118 408 11bullbull5 5916 394 371 170 6307 S C 26z 253 145 3668 202 195 145 2828 160 156 165 2574 Ga 228 213 140 2982 198 183 135 2470 141 130 130 1690 lT 496 426 178 7583 516 371 135 5008 392 297 140 4158 Tenn 423 396 145 5742 381 J45 125 4312 276 259 140 3626 Ala 25 22 163 359 24 20 ISS 310 15 12 145 114 M18S ~5 18 226 407 25 18 200 360 16 9 220 198 Ark 65 46 149 685 65 39 105 410 44 ~8 140 392 Okla 5557 5095 167 85086 6335 5910 125 73875 6715 6087 145 88262 Tex 4S51 4458 185 821lt73 5842 5350 90 48150 6835 5992 105 62916 Mont 4507 4019 188 75497 4147 3777 151 57145 4426 4133 152 62888 Idlho 1137 1088 293 31851 1156 1102 297 32734 1324 1273 275 350240 282 215 131 2811 286 244 182 4431 JOI 281 243 6832 Colo 1658 1256 142 17794 1850 1560 223 34768 2244 2004 189 37776 NMex 463 2at 117 3337 452 297 94 2778 542 350 8J 2895 riz 26 24 22S S40 27 24 ZlO 504 29 27 210 56 Uhh 298 294 241 7100 286 281 243 6842 3J5 320 224 7171 l1ev 16 16 273 437 18 18 243 437 19 18 273 49L Vash 2485 2338 268 62673 2667 2524 244 61512 2769 2642 295 77965 Oreg 980 914 265 24200 970 921 237 21810 1050 984 256 25168 -i___ 2~ __ ~7 __ 94___ 10~2___614___523___12~ __ 106ltt7_ __675___619__ 190___ l7~1_

~~- - _6~bull9~ _52742 __ 177__10~ll_ ~122_ ~1~__ _1Z~ ~1127633_7578_ ~7125__ 172__1lZ218_


- - - - 19~ ~ = ~ 19~ State creo Acres Yield Pro- Acrea Acres Yiold Pro- Acres Acrea Yield Prltoshy

PhntedIar- Par ere duction Pbnted Rar- Per Acre ductionPlanted Har- Per Acre duction - - - -- - - _elt~_- ____ J ____ J ___ T~StfJ _________ ___ VJlBtfJI__________ _

ThW Acres ~ ~ls Thouas Acres Pounds ThGsliga ThousAcre Pounds ThousBags Ark ~7 287 2J63 6781 284 281 2115 5943 327 320 2002 6408 La S68 561 1710 9593 SB4 583 1m 10363 592 589 1732 10204 Tex 392 392 2002 7850 400 400 2025 8100 412 412 1935 7972 CaUf 246 240 2812 6750 244 235 2665 6262 264 261 3032 7913

~middotEmiddot I01 )-~===~Q91=10~1( =1~5Z ~=~~ 10~~ 1~s2S 18~ ~Q5E = 12427 RIC (Cont I d)

- - -- ~i i i9a 1 ~ Mia 5 5 2700 135 Ark 370 )65 2096 7652 395 391 2358 9220 415 412 2150 8858 La 616 613 1620 9931 641 631 1m 11216 599 593 1825 10822 ~ex 474 474 2025 9599 526 526 2092 11007 552 542 1975 10704 pounda1l__ ~52 ___226___ 2bullJ2 ___8015___~__ ~5sect ___26sect9__ _6t812_ __312__ 102 __ 225pound __ 10t28_

- _1middot112 __17~___ ~~~ __ 2527__18~_1~ ___21~2__ 2B275__1~3_15z __ ~1~ __ ~727_




---- ~7 i i i ti~ State Acrco Aore Yield Pro- lorn Acre Yleld Pro- Acres Acreo Y1eld Proshy

Plonted m- Per Acre ducdon Planted liar-a Per lore cuct1on Plantod llar- per Acre duction ________~ot ______ l ____ l ___ lY81e_l _____l ____ l ___ lylt0_eSl ____ l ____ _d t l1ho1l Acree ~ Tbou8lffi Thoubullbull Acree lIunhal Thouau Thoubullbull Acree 1Igshel lhoutIBu

NY 3aS 375 240 8988 449 J41 ~o 11886 405 396 269 10721 NJ 107 15 250 1675 115 62 215 1763 107 a3 240 1992 pa 947 929 240 22296 965 966 190 16354 926 906 230 20884 Ohl0 2212 2119 ~25 49026 2371 2353 245 57646 2377 2353 250 56625 Iud 160) 1571 230 36133 1811 1775 215 36162 1739 1722 220 31884 Ill 1431 1341 210 26311 1745 1710 225 36497 1952 1913 230 43995 Mich 1210 1192 250 29600 1416 ~395 260 36~0 1303 1297 265 34310 Via 116 114 257 2926 127 123 236 2906 117 114 226 2604 Hinn 1200 1169 171 2063 1066 1051 115 1652 1304 1265 151 19360 Iowa 220 201 119 3607 40 311 233 1397 41 364 168 1212 Mo 1472 1321 165 244)6 1722 1596 210 33558 1625 1676 175 29365 NllIlt 10401 10263 143 146)83 9933 97l 144 140234 11055 10552 106 112357 SDllt 3656 3103 145 53626 4022 3643 131 50342 459 4079 80 32653 Nebr 4606 4434 209 92751 4614 4275 204 87111 5016 4165 140 58213 X~ne 15404 14655 193 266102 14634 13221 175 231368 16244 14219 110 157069 Del 70 65 200 1300 71 66 145 957 66 63 115 11021 366 341 210 1161 361 334 160 53J4 343 311 190 6023 v~ 496 456 115 6015 461 449 185 8306 438 400 165 7400 Y v~ 96 62 195 1599 96 62 165 1511 62 68 190 1292 NC 492 461 175 8112 406 314 160 5984 465 4tl0 136 5520 SC 238 2J1 165 3812 211 210 140 2940 114 166 120 1992 Go 196 185 140 2590 116 165 135 2228 140 130 125 1625 XJ- 404 J24 160 5184 420 324 160 5184 403 288 170 439f Tenn 332 16 150 4740 )55 336 145 4901 )01 ~4 146 40( 11 14 12 165 198 15 13 155 202 13 11 154 1y Ml 20 16 195 312 16 12 190 226 15 8 165 132 uk 38 24 150 )60 40 26 170 416 )4 24 145 )46 Okla 1051 6696 155 103188 1263 6696 145 91092 1481 6629 128 84851 Tex 7587 1)10 160 116960 6752 5629 105 59104 7090 6417 140 698)6 Mon~ 5183 4427 146 65)46 5201 4815 192 93716 5975 5316 115 61189 Idaho 1)88 1344 266 )674) 1523 111) 252 )5646 1591 1537 242 )1136 VTo )47 326 202 6592 384 )42 194 6650 )92 369 167 6885 Colo 290) 2738 215 56866 3186 2861 01 51)73 )552 26)8 16) 46164 NMex 740 649 15 9420 682 403 92 )712 616 526 106 5616 Arh 30 26 210 586 19 28 2)0 644 )0 26 262 734 Utlh 315 J68 246 9058 431 415 05 6510 441 426 210 9009 Ney 21 20 lt91 582 21 20 295 590 20 19 26 bull J 541 Vh 2922 2119 2)6 64750 2959 2166 c87 79268 )1)9 2758 218 60146 Ore~ 1063 976 226 22237 1100 1052 265 29954 1214 1058 215 22698 pound111___ vsect __ sect62 __1sect2 ___11 bull Q)~ ___76___6Q~ _ 175___lQiJ2 ___7f___6pound6__ 185____11261 Q~_ _ _1sect21t _7~212 __1sect3 _ l25sect211_16L~L 17ltL46_ _ 119_ 1 9t2l _ sect3J9Q5_15J90_ _ 1~5_ _ oQ9il~

FUX 11llR ACRYAGS TIuD KD P~WCTIOf 1944 tt 19~

- - - - ~I~ 19~ )2Ii State cree Acree l Yield ~_ Acr~ Acre 11eld Pro- Acre8 Acres Yleld Proshy

Plnted aar- P8r Acre juctlon Pl~ted H~r_ Per Acre ductiouPlQnted BAr- Per Acre ductlo~ ________1eltl __________ l ___ l~~aleg l ____ l ________ toYJseS l _____ to ___ bullbull _d 1hOWlAcres 2M 1houeons housAone 12a ThouTont rhoWlAgre 2111 ~~

OrIC 11 85 165 14 95 6 150 12 8) 16 190 111bullbull4

_______1241 ________ ______ ~_________________12~ _______ __ _ Ore 57 49 190 92 24 Z 170 )4 )4 23 180 41

~UNG llLfJlS ACIGAGB niLD un 1lODUCTIOB 1944 to 1949

- - -- 19~ 19sect i J~ Stat Aere Acres Y1eld Pro- Acre lcrao Yield 130- Acree Acre Yiold Prashy

lPIlU1ted Hr- Per Acreductlon lP1ampnted ar_ Per Acre ductionP1uted BAr- Per I1cre ducUen _____ ___rotsltL_____________JCltJd__________ l ____ _____ _____ _ljI~

lhQ)aca ~ Thoualobe TboubullbullAcr ~ ThoubullbullLb rhonaAcre ~ houbullbull Lb

Okla 75 55 200 11 169 110 2~ zr2 no 10 210 147

- - - -=== = = = I~( = = = = = I~ = = = = = = =)~== = = = = Okla 62 40 250 10 64 50 320 16 31 22 400 B8

- fI shy

1ite8zMf~ iiitByen tiTtJj

1 UPDATA 1931



-- - -- -- --- -1~ - --- ---- --- - --- - ---1~-- - - -- - -- --- ---rrb -- -- - --shy-------~--------------------~ ---------------~---------mte ampern I oWl I Yield 1 Pro- I Acr Acree leld Pro- Aero I Acne Yield 1 Proshy

planted I Bar- Per ductioA Planted Bar- Per 1 dDCUOA Planti4 1 liar- 1 Per duCtiOA ____ ______Y8e ~e__ _____ _____1_Y8e cr_______1______Y8e ce__ ___ _

fbDubullbull Acree lbhela hauslb fllo Acr lbabel houbullbull Bl h0l1t1 Acr lbbele h0l18ln

BY 346 33J 260 8658 349 3433 ~ 9090 211 206 ~ 5459 IJ 15 60 233 1398 93 6J 210 1323 96 62 250 1550 h 911 914 214 195bO 959 932 215 2O08 911 1l65 225 19912 Ohio 1931 1918 221 43539 2150 2129 210 51433 1849 1831 265 48522 IIId 1288 1262 202 25492 1584 1552 225 34920 1383 1366 215 29369 Ill 1321 1240 195 2~lSO 1393 1312 185 24642 1282 1200 160 19200 Klch 949 944 24amp 23222 99l 982 215 21005 871 8amp4 265 22896 Vh 36 35 111~ b58 33 32 265 8~ 32 31 215 b66 H1Jl1l lbO 109 140 1526 112 109 225 2452 101 II 190 1amp12 Iowa 145 116 160 1856 Iamp 131 190 2b03 186 119 235 4206 Mo 1472 1201 163 19614 142I 1304 140 18256 1314 1213 150 181~5 SDak 295 216 105 22M 289 248 1amp0 3968 3~ )08 180 5544 ehr 3510 2bOl 121 33105 3121 3546 230 81558 3941 3901 230 89123laD 13204 11314 165 187611 14145 1341~ 155 201911 14004 131~ 162 212965 Del 68 64 191 1261 13 amp1 195 1306 68 62 190 1118 Md 395 310 232 IISSII 391 359 190 amp821 316 348 195 6186 539 516 192 9901 534 485 155 1518 459 432 185 1992 v 102 87 1116 1618 100 87 185 1amp10 90 17 185 1424bullc 561 516 165 8514 448 408 145 5916 394 311 110 6301 SC 262 253 145 3bbS 202 195 145 2~2S 160 156 165 2514 0 228 213 140 2982 198 11J 135 2410 141 130 130 1690 IT 496 426 118 1583 516 311 135 5008 392 291 140 41SS eAIl 423 396 145 5142 381 345 125 ~312 2f6 259 140 3626 11amp 25 22 163 359 24 20 155 310 15 12 145 114 Kl 25 18 226 401 25 111 200 360 16 9 220 198 Uk 65 46 149 bS5 amp5 39 105 410 44 211 140 392 Ckls 5551 5095 161 850116 b335 5910 125 13875 amp115 amp087 145 118262 ez 4951 4458 185 82413 5842 5350 90 48150 61J5 5992 105 amp2916 HOIlt 1501 1221 215 26252 1501 1311 215 29416 1839 1721 190 3281~ Idaho 115 610 214 18amp32 151 114 290 20106 841 801 255 2O51 W70 185 131 119 1559 192 1amp2 190 3018 213 199 2amp5 5214 Colo 1487 111b 141 15136 1110 1421 225 32108 2103 1884 190 3519amp It 439 263 112 29146 426 276 90 2~ 520 331 80 2648 Arh 26 24 225 540 27 24 210 504 29 21 210 561 Utah 2311 235 216 501amp 225 221 220 1amp8amp2 2amp1 250 200 5000 Icy 5 5 258 l29 5 5 250 125 5 5 280 140 Vb 1461 1359 2119 39275 1695 1576 270 1amp2552 2322 2206 305 bl28)Orec 184 129 261 194amp4 1amp4 725 240 11400 825 116 260 20116 Ca11f 596 ~1 194 10amp12 614 563 190 1Ob91 615 ~19 190 11161- ~2 ~1~)5 )middotI 15~I ~~ampI ~1~0~4 1~(= 1~2s1 S~~l= ~~)l( Is~Oi6ii9i

- - - - - - - - - - - - - ~- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -1~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19K - - - - - - - shy- - - - --crbullbull- TIli -1- - - -- -_-- --cN- rfl14 --- - -- - -- iirH iTtli -I-~-

Stte Acn 1 JIar- I Per 0- _nil JIar- Pel 0- I _ liar- I Pel P~ed bull Acre dDctloa Plant ed Acn amplctlO1l Planted 1 yoded llcr dwU01l

- - - - - - Ytmbullbull-ACrbullbull- -JibeIs- ibOubullbullili- - - ibOui-ACzQ- -lbebeI- ihObullbull-Ji- - ihOu-ACr~- -Jir- ibOQbullbullaa IUu 1J6 1amp1 168 689 2J 23 115 IIOZ 35 35 195 6R bullbull IlK 1848 1816 11yen 26871 1829 11J15 165 299118 22611 2232 11l5 323~ SDak 205 200 105 2100 114 166 150 21190 190 1116 150 2190ui- - - -2~ - -2051- -1~i - - -29666 - - 20i6 - -2-riiI- - 1671J- - -32bullbull - - 2JiiJ3 - -2453- - 14-6- - 357836




- - - -I Ili7 = l~ 1 )~~ -_-_-_-_ State Acre Acree I Tield Pro- Acr~ Acree Yield Pro- 1 Acrfte Acree Tie1d Proshy

1 Planied Har- 1 Per duct ion I P1~ted liar- bull Per 1 ducUon I Panted liar- Per duct10n I Yestd I Acre I 1 Yested Acre I I Yeated Acre

- - - - - -fboii- Acree - -Diiieltl - TbOU8ib- - - ThOitbullbull-ACrell- -Diebllie- hOU8amp- - - ~U8-ACre- -Diaiiel- oftlOUIIllii BT 381 371 2110 89011 1142 11311 270 11718 398 391 270 10557 1lbull1 107 75 250 1(5 115 112 215 1763 107 113 2110 1992 h 947 929 240 22296 985 966 190 18351 926 908 230 208811 Ohio 2212 2179 22 490211 2377 2353 245 5764e 2377 2353 250 58625 Ind 1603 1571 230 36133 1811 1715 215 38162 1139 1122 220 37884 Ill 1423 1339 210 26119 1736 1701 225 311272 1944 1905 230 43615 ~lch 1210 1192 250 29SOO 11116 1395 260 36270 1303 1297 265 311310 Wia 41 38 Z)O 674 J4 )1 225 6911 30 28 2)9 669 Minn 111 101 195 1910 101 76 190 1444 SO 16 170 1292 love 209 190 180 3420 )19 295 235 6956 38Z )55 190 6745 10 1412 1321 185 2411)8 1122 1598 210 33558 1825 1678 115 29365 Snk 415 J~4 18 6549 )07 2)0 135 )105 )01 246 1)0 )198 lIbr 4538 4)b9 210 91149 1~583 4bull194 205 85977 4904 4068 140 56952 Y-an8 15404 14855 193 266702 146J4 1)221 17 231)66 16244 14Z79 110 157069 Del 10middot65 ~O 1)00 71 66 145 951 66 63 175 1102 lold ~68 )41 Zl0 7161 )61 3)4 160 5344 343 317 190 602) Va i96 458 175 SOl~ 481 449 185 8306 438 400 185 11100 1( Va 96 82 195 1599 96 82 18 1511 82 68 190 1292-C 492 461 115 112 408 )111 160 5984 465 IlOO 138 5520 sc 2)8 2)1 165 3812 217 210 140 2940 174 166 120 1992 Ga 198 185 140 2590 17~ 165 135 2228 140 130 125 1amp25 rr 404 )24 160 5184 ~ 324 160 51S4 4DJ 2SS 170 4896 snn 3J2 316 150 4740 355 338 145 4901 301 214 146 4000 la 14 12 165 191J 15 13 155 202 I) 11 154 169 lllee 20 16 19 )lZ 16 12 190 228 15 8 165 132 Ark )8 24 150 )60 40 28 170 476 J4 24 145 348 Okla 7051 6696 155 1031 7263 6696 145 97092 7481 6629 128 84851 ~X 7537 7310 160 116960 6752 5629 105 59104 7OCjQ 6417 11~0 8988 Mont 1949 1341 165 22C26 1676 1549 240 37176 11101425 170 24225 Idaho 900 36) 265 22810 9)5 84) 220 13546 lO8 995 216 21691 lfyo 251 235 20bull5 41518 276 241 COO 4940 288 275 195 5362 Colo 2776 2619 215 56308 076 2759 200 55130 335) 2649 160 42)34 JIKamp 7115 629 145 9120 661 384 90 )~6 595 507 105 5)24 Arb JO 26 210 j151 29 28 230 644 30 2S 262 734 Utah )00 294 220 64615 348 )35 180 6030 352 4 180 6138raquoeY 6 6 270 162 6 6 260 156 5 J 270 IJ5 Waah 2252 2074 250 51850 2417 2302 300 69060 2551 22tO 230 50830 Oreg 1133 160 2)0 17480 815 8)6 295 24662 910 169 220 16918 ~1____ 5~ ___6~__ 65___1~ ___ P __ _fI2__ 75___~J2 ___ l~ ___~6__ 85___128 us 58248 549)5 193 108976 583)2 5296 187 990141 61171 54414 153 85IJ127


us 2915 44328 3218 )220 140 3510

- 10shy

Ore j-tthr-r iItnetirtMriamp BMmiddot 4r

i (C ~ UPOATA 1981


- - - -I f9~ I f9[5I)~[ -_-_-_shyetate I Acre I Acree I Yield I 10- I Acree Acres I Yield I Pro- Acree I Acres I Yield I Pro-

___ )~l~e~e~~_ _p~r_~r~~ ~uto~ ~t~d~y~ ~ ~e ~ce__d~ci~n~t~d~y~ ~ 8 ~C_ _d~Cl~4_ Thoue Acre ]Uehe1 ftouabu houbullbull Acre Bmahe1 Thouebu Thons Acree Buehll1e Thoueau

Kaine 1 1~ 22 1 1-wo 19 1~ 21 BY 3 ) 193 58 3 3 190 57 9 9 210 1S9 Ind 4 4 191 76 3 3 200 60 Ill 7 7 200 140 7 7 250 175 7 7 230 161 Wh 33 32 203 60 28 28 260 728 63 b2 270 1674 Minn 1119 1064 168 17875 974 968 190 18392 1276 1268 195 24726 Iowa 4 ~ 140 56 3 3 190 57 6 6 215 129 BDak 8259 8040 161 129444 8176 80lI0 155 124620 8176 7960 13 107460 SD3t ~754 2654 124 32910 ~892 2787 155 43198 3181 3094 14 44863 Hebr 75 68 96 653 56 50 160 800 56 53 180 954 Eana 6 3 98 29 3 2 110 22 2 1 120 12 Mont 3000 2798 176 49245 2640 2106 115 27669 287 106 12middot5 30C75 Idaho 422 408 324 13219 405 388 310 12028 43 66 310 14446 W70 bull 97 84 149 1252 94 82 165 1353 8S 82 190 1558 Colo 171 140 14 2058 140 133 200 2660 141 120 165 1980 BXex 24 23 170 391 26 21 140 294 22 19 130 247 Utah 60 59 343 2024 61 60 330 1980 74 70 310 2110 I 11 11 80 308 13 13 240 312 14 13 270 351 h 1024 979 239 23398 972 948 200 18960 447 436 24 0 10682 Oreg 196 185 256 4736 206 196 225 4410 225 20S 240 4992

0l1lR SPRING iDA (Cont1d)

---~7I=)~If9~State I Acree I Acre I Yield I Pro- I ADrea I Acre8 I Yield I Pro- I Acre Acres Yield I Pro-

IPlanted l 1Iar- I Per Acre ducUon IPlanted liar- I Per Acre I ducUonlPlanted l Har- Pmiddoter Acre I ductton I Iftsted I I I IYellted I I I IYlIsted I I

- - - - -hoU7 Acre - -lhiillf- -TiioU-~ - yenhoujj-ACre- - ithG1 - houjj1iU7 bous-ACre - - ithG1 - ~hOu8 -bii IIY 4 4 210 84 7 7 240 168 7 7 23middot5 164 Ill S 8 240 192 9 9 25middot0 225 8 8 225 180 Vh 77 76 270 2052 93 92 240 2208 87 86 225 1935 Minn 1034 1014 17middot5 17745 924 913 17middot5 15978 1127 1114 150 16710 Iowa 11 11 170 187 21 21 210 441 29 G9 161 467 BDaIt 7685 7562 140 105868 6993 b881 145 9974 7762 7431 105 78026 SDaIt 3245 3156 140 44184 3440 3345 13middot0 431(85 3681 3479 7middot5 26092 Bebr 70 65 15middot5 1008 91 81 140 1134 114 97 130 1261 MODt~ 3234 3080 140 43 120 3525 3326 170 56542 426 3891 9middot5 36964 Idaho 488 481 33middot0 15873 5S8 570 300 17100 559 542 28middot5 15447 Wra 96 91 195 1174 lug 95 180 1710 104 94 162 1523 Colo 127 119 21middot5 2558 110 102 215 2193 199 189 200 3780 HHex 22 20 15middot0 300 21 19 13middot5 256 23 21 140 294 Utah 75 74 350 2590 83 00 31bull0 2480 89 87 330 2 1ff1 15 14 300 420 15 14 31bull0 434 15 14 290 406 Vah 670 645 200 12900 482 464 220 10208 588 548 170 9316 Oreamp 230 216 220 4752 225 216 245 5292 304 289 200 5780

-------------------~---------------------------------------[J8 17091 16636 154 255607 16735 16235 160 259628 18961 17926 112 201216 ------------------------------------------------------~----




QTS ACllEIGI ~ Alm PBOIlUCfIClI 1944 to 1946

- --- ~ t9Kti~ lorn Aclee amp Y1eld Pro- 1 AcleB Acre Yield Pro- Acre IAcres Y1eld Pro-

State Plantflcl Bar- I Per I duoUoa IPlantflcl liar- 1 Per Iductlou IPlantedl Bsr- Per I ducUoa ____1____etd_I_ ~e__ ____ Ii ____1_tIII_ cJ__t____ ___ t1e _Apoundr _ __ ~_ fhDU Acltel lluUel houalu neue Agee Buabeb TboualIu Tboua ampent ~ hCllle~

Mamp1nal 92 85 370 3145 79 71 360 2556 80 71 400 2840 JJB 14 8 340 272 14 s 330 264 11 7 370 259 n 74 48 320 1536 72 44 310 1364 66 4) 340 1462 (ast 15 6 280 168 16 7 270 189 14 6 350 210 liI 4 1 311) )1 5 1 )10 )1 4 1 320 32 Colll 18 6 )00 181) 18 5 )00 150 15 6 330 198 bullr 795 745 )10 2)095 731 663 290 19227 B41 SOZ 400 32080 raquoJ 54 47 )21 1509 S2 42 260 1092 54 45 320 11j4O Pat Bs4 8114 290 240 476 854 802 305 2446l 854 826 355 2932)Oblo 1073 1047 331 34656 1191 1162 425 49385 1)70 1348 450 60660Ind 1260 1172 256 30003 1436 1371 420 57582 1471 1412 309 55068 Ill 3251 3169 31 100457 )1146 3372 45~0 151740 JB37 3799 420 159558 Mlcb 1)44 1309 329 43066 1505 1466 400 58640 1550 1525 4S5middot 69)88 Vie 2839 2766 ~22 116725 3066 2987 510 152337 2943 2668 4J5 124758 Minn 4672 4456 327 145711 5M6 5392 450 242640 5439 533B 370 197506 Iowa 4917 4711 287 135206 5458 5323 )85 204936 5785 5642 375 2l1S75 Ko 2096 1698 179 30394 1799 1511 190 28709 2015 1843 310 57133 KDak 2784 2653 330 87549 2784 265) 325 86222 2506 2361 265 62566 SDak 3023 2914 298 86837 )597 3497 410 143377 3561 )462 290 100)98 Nebr 2291 2085 168 35028 254) 2439 )15 76828 2696 2561 280 11708 ~an 1825 ]561 162 25288 1278 968 175 16940 1495 1423 285 40556 Del 7 6 276 166 7 5 310 155 5 310 ISS )(d 46 42 310 1302 41 33 310 1023 38 34 330 1122 Va 174 14) 256 )689 172 lljO 280 3920 160 1)4 300 40020 W Va 94 67 221bull 1501 98 72 280 2016 94 68 )00 2040 BC 1t)7 335 277 9280 489 375 275 10312 49) 390 330 12870 SC S40 707 256 18099 798 700 260 18200 734 658 285 18753 Ga 954 656 253 16597 983 682 255 17391 806 5)9 265 14284 Pia 150 40 176 704 145 45 200 900 160 40 180 720 Ky 129 87 200 1740 108 76 240 1824 1)2 99 250 2475 Tenn )16 208 250 5200 Jlj8 245 260 6)70 310 245 265 6492 Ala 294 228 254 5791 318 242 260 6292 28) 198 24ft 40752Ki 521 444 336 14918 542 462 290 13)98 439 32) 300 9690 Ark 525 320 276 88)2 512 304 270 8208 379 255 )00 7650 La 200 152 290 4408 198 131 280 3668 1)6 100 220 2200 Olda 1584 1533 202 30967 1220 1027 190 1951) 1269 1089 210 22B69Tex 1732 1597 239 )8168 1992 1767 225 39758 1892 1608 220 )5376Mont 558 425 )43 14790 491 323 290 9)67 506 )52 310 10912 Idaho 237 194 426 8264 201 171 420 7182 185 1~ 430 7052111 182 150 )14 4710 19) 164 300 4920 174 15) )05 4666 Colo 254 224 278 6221 244 220 3)0 7260 227 187 300 5610 KlIex 60 5) 229 1214 54 43 220 946 57 45 200 900 Arh 26 11 350 385 25 12 490 S88 29 12 350 420 Utah 63 5) 457 2 bull 422 58 0 ljOO 2000 54 4) 4)0 1849n 12 9 430 )87 12 9 390 )51 12 8 440 352 Valh )08 160 1147 7152 288 150 4)0 6450 213 128 480 61411-Oreg 11 609 )98 305 121ljO 560 342 2)5 8054 549 )56 275 9782 ~B1___ i __ ~ _ 89____ Si ___ 21~ __ 6Z _110_ ___515__ 110___120__)~2 ____57O_

us 114141 )9741 289 11492ljO 46025 417)9 365 1523851 46515 42812 345 1477573 irT~-aralaquoe-ot oat-gion-with p~Ud-ytcit-licluded rn-plaitd-aid-hin bullbullt~-JAici - - - - -- - - - --

HOPS ACREAGK rIEl]) AlID PJiClWCTlaIl 1944 to 1946

- - --I I9~ 19~C 9~ State Acre Yield s ampere Ylel4 amper I Yltd r

1 ~eled I Per 1 p~oduct101l1 ilarYetflcl I Per s lrodUOUOIl HarYtll4 I Per I Prodwt1oa __________1__1111 __1______1________Jampr ________1______1__Aampll ________ _

poundtI ~ fhaumiddotporu Att URa flynlold Aampt ~ hllPUI4a Idaho 190 1610 3 2ljO 1850 AA4 240 1585 38t lIaah 9900 1720 17028 11700 1680 21996 11600 1700 19720 Oreg 18700 920 17204 19900 1lt045 20796 20000 950 19000 Ca11t 8ljOO 1620 13608 9100 1580 14378 9100 1610 14651

us 1295 57614 1)13 5)751

- 12 ~


- - - - 19t7 l )~ l i~ Stat Acre Acre I Yleld I Pro- I Acre I Acr Yleld Pro- I Acrll1l Acree Yield Proshy

P1aDted Bar- Per I ducUoa Planted I liar- I Pv ducUoll Plantod au-- Par ducUoa ________1~td_I_ Act__ ~ ___ _ l _____Tt1~_ jcz__1___ _ l ___ lV1~ 1 _~rt _ 1 ____ _ hoWl Acre llI rhouslIg ThOUl ASpound lIuahal ~oulIu ThoUi Acre Bualull lulYBu

Main 8i 73 340 21f82 77 64 420 2688 101 90 400 3600 bullbullB 12 7 310 211 11 6 400 240 U 5 360 180 Vt 54 28 270 756 60 J6 370 1332 66 33 300 990 Ifaabullbull 12 5 360 180 12 6 330 198 13 6 290 174 BI 4 1 330 33 3 1 330 J3 2 1 250 25 Cou 12 4 320 128 10 4 J30 132 12 5 320 160 bullbullY 5JO 47J 275 13008 126 672 400 26880 791 719 290 20851 J 49 36 250 900 42 37 350 1295 46 J9 331 1291 Pa 734 661 390 19169 749 720 380 27J60 794 756 305 23058 ChJo 863 714 260 18564 1191 1171 450 52695 1322 1288 350 45080 1114 1294 1112 )00 35i60 1317 1289 410 52849 1456 1405 366 51423 111 J377 3311 J40 112574 390S 385] 450 17JJ85 J881 3834 415 1591U Klcb 1085 1052 350 36820 1465 1420 37S 5)250 1538 1505 345 51922 IIh 2884 28ll 430 120873 2942 2867 440 126148 3030 2924 41~ 119884 Mu 4630 4537 360 163332 4908 4855 425 206J38 5027 4952 J5$ 175796 Iowa 5438 5247 310 162657 6199 6086 450 273870 6417 6269 386 241983 fo 1552 1309 230 30107 1971 162) 265 43010 1794 1526 229 34945 bullbullllampk 2331 2219 290 64J51 2238 2152 280 60256 1880 1722 201 34612 SDak 3134 J081 Jl0 95511 J165 3112 JJ5 104252 J102 2956 221 65328 bullbullbr 2426 2279 275 62672 2750 2621 280 733AB 2511 2280 202 46056 ~e 1510 1395 290 40455 1616 1144 220 25168 1034 881 194 17091 Del 7 5 320 160 6 5 J50 175 7 6 300 180 Md 40 35 )20 1120 42 36 J35 1206 47 42 J25 1365 Va 150 121 270 3267 160 IJl 330 4323 165 134 296 3966 IIVa 88 64 305 1952 77 58 JO5 1769 79 56 272 1523 IC 508 386 290 lll94 J56 270 290 7830 527 J94 287 U308 SC 866 704 255 17952 606 500 22S ll250 7i~7 605 245 14822 Ga 887 550 250 13750 674 429 260 ll154 7112 468 255 U93~ Jla 160 30 ZOO 600 IJ5 21 190 399 124 16 160 256 LT 141 90 230 2070 118 8J 260 2158 171 109 229 2496 Tenn JOl 230 265 6095 277 205 295 6048 )49 254 250 6350 Ala 28J 184 230 4232 275 169 265 4478 234 130 226 2938 Klas 4J9 365 250 9125 329 274 310 8494 237 156 250 3900 Arlt 424 280 300 8400 40J 252 Jl0 7812 339 209 240 5016 La 145 100 260 2600 113 80 JOo 2400 113 70 250 1750 0Icla 1396 1231 235 28928 1033 714 165 11781 7J3 578 176 10173 Tex 1684 14)1 210 )0051 1465 787 165 12986 1)92 1204 260 31304 font 491 J)8 )10 10478 452 )24 370 11988 457 266 )00 7~80 Idaho 187 172middot 415 7138 168 153 415 6350 212 188 J95 7426 liTO 169 150 JJo 4950 172 14J JOO 1~290 177 137 299 4096 Colo 234 200 325 6500 229 194 JOo 5820 261 235 327 7684 IMex 48 38 210 798 46 38 210 798 )6 32 220 704 Arh J2 12 400 480 28 U 340 374 28 11 400 440 Utah 54 49 1180 2352 5J 47 420 1974 55 50 450 2250 In 13 8 410 328 12 8 410 J28 12 8 J75 300 lIuh 198 131 510 6681 2)0 153 425 6502 22J 150 440 6600 Oregl 554 J56 285 101)2 421 271 265 7182 488 366 280 10248 CalU 542 180 270 4860 558 185 JOo 5550 508 166 260 4316

U8 42058 37855 311 1176142 438)8 39280 )69 1450186 4))18 )92)6 )20 1254895 iT1~C~r~-of at-Vow-rti pa-Ud-ytcl-licluded 11l-plut~-eid-~et-d-~rg- - - - - - - - - - --


- -- -= 1~41 1~ 12~ y Stato Acre Yleld I Acree neld I Acr I Yleld

BarTetod Par I ProdUCUOIl BarTet~ Per I PrOductioD BarTeted I Par ProdtlCtlOD ____________~~ ________________Apoundr ______________1__~rt ________ _ I Pound rhoDaPound AaI ~ bgPoup4I ~ ~ lboyPoupd

Idaho 240 1645 J9S 620 1040 645 850 16)5 1390 lIaeh 11700 1740 20358 129llO 1760 22704 13000 1490 19370 Orae 18900 870 16443 17700 890 15753 14500 1015 147181__ _9rx0_ __ 21~ ___ _ll~~ ___92~___ 3~ ____116 __ 2~ ___ ~~ ____ 5J8__

US 39840 1275 50186 40420 1248 50464 37550 135J 50796 lpduCtloi IncldJ-hOPI baiTr 4 lalabi ~der Krktlnlaquo ~_8zit-hop hanrd bur iot alabi ~dei --HarkaUn ~e_ent and hope produced lint ut harTated Salabl amplloYlIDh under proTle1on of Harltetln Jcre_ent totalad 39 111ion pounda in 1949

- 13 -



- - - -- - - - - - - - -lqijlj - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ~l~~ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - r ~- - - - - - - - shy__ ______ 9 ________________ iloz ___ bullbull _____________ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _~

Stat r Ac r Acr I Tleld r Pro- a__ Acree nu I Pro-- Ie Acrts n1d Pr a ra bull Bar- I Par I I --a bull lIN-- Per I I re Bar- I Per 0shy

____ _P~t~I_~e~ i ~e___dCl~_~t~__f- lPte___l~n_~td__Ie cpoundt_ i ~uC hou lcree l1ehels houbullbulllnl hone Acree aJaba18 honelnl Thou Acre llilehe1 houalnl

HIlna --3--- 3 ~ laquor 5 3 --uo 114 4 ~ -zo 12S n 3 3 250 75 3 3 220 66 2 2 280 56 bullbullY 113 106 255 2703 110 102 250 2550 116 114 320 30118 bullbullJ 10 9 278 250 9 II 300 240 11 10 360 160 h 108 105 298 5129 104 103 3fO 3605 113 112 365 41118 Ohio ~3 21 256 538 26 23 300 690 111 17 295 02Ind 51 41 243 1142 52 44 240 1056 27 25 240 600 Ill 53 45 240 1080 34 31 250 175 26 24 260 624 Kich 144 140 256 3584 121 118 310 3658 139 138 365 5031h 190 181f 267 4913 91 90 400 3600 125 124 375 4650 Kian 809 688 202 389pound 461 4If7 290 12963 138 733 290 21~57 10 II 7 166 116 3 3 2110 114 13 13 315 110 110 102 82 212 1138 88 66 19(1 1254 77 63 200 160 bullbullDU27Ifl 2625 216 56700 2357 2~1I1f 230 5~532 2357 22114 200 45080 SDak 1973 1756 147 25813 l38t 1299 245 31826 1464 1377 220 30294 abr 1174 760 115 8740 681 610 220 13420 613 549 210 11529Ean 1031 722 178 12652 480 38) 185 7086 360 2B 175 5022 Del 12 11 265 292 11 10 280 280 11 11) 305 305 Md 70 69 308 2125 71 64 290 1856 63 6Q 345 2010 Ya 76 72 301f 2189 76 68 270 11136 13 71 320 2272 V1a 9 9 2611 241 9 9 270 243 1 7 300 210 ~1 60 45 268 1206 56 42 220 924 41 33 285 940 S-l 34 25 231 57S 25 21 21( 141 23 20 260 520 GA 11 10 213 213 10 9 200 110 1 6 215 129 rr 127 89 223 1985 11 55 225 12311 11 0 250 120 enn 130 102 197 200s 129 98 1110 1764 100 82 200 1~ Ala II 5 205 102 3 2 200 40 3 2 1110 36 Kl 9 C 260 156 8 6 240 144 3 2 240 411 uk 19 13 199 25~ 14- 9 110 153 8 5 195 911 Okla lt97 28 ~l 5728 249 185 16( 2960 142 ~9 140 1 526 fex 373 340 222 15411 351 235 145 3408 196 164 150 21100 Mont 655 611 213 166110 720 672 220 14184 828 780 225 1 5 ldah 340 330 372 12216 320 307 37 0 11359 294- 276 340 1)84shyliTO 146 131 )10 4061 143 124 300 3120 154 144 300 4320 Ccio 867 726 214 15536 876 ~1 285 22544 683 ~eH 2)5 13936 bullbullMax 64 45 1115 8J2 If5 34 1110 612 28 23 200 1f6O Arh 145 74 420 3108 153 78 380 29611 161 85 400 3400 Utah 139 135 462 62)7 IJIf 130 450 5850 11) 101 450 4 amp60n 24 22 357 185 21 20 320 640 22 20 340 F80 Vallh 202 176368 61+77 139 125 350 1t375 97 90 370 30 Orttlaquo 269 2)8 34s 8282 285 2~i1 295 7582 )02 278 340 ~I1f52 Call 730 1429 280 40012 1816 14amp6 280 41608 1834 1486 30 119038

~I-=~ ==1~~5~= ~2~~1= =~~= =~7~7~ ==l~I~= ~~2~4==~~ == ~~~~= ~1~~6I=~0~~0= =2~~ ==2~~O~ rIumWlI ACREAGE YlELll AND PllOOUallOll 1914 to li46

----~ 1 li~ = 9~ State I Aero I Acre Yield I Pre-l Acre I Acru I Tleld Pro- II Acru I Acre I neld I To- 11

bull Plan~ad I Bar- I lier ductlon I Plante~ I pounder- I Per ductioil I Fanhd 1 Bar- I Per I dUction I ted I Acre I I 1 yoted I Acre I ted AcTa ~

- - - - - -hoUe7 Acres - -BoUbei- houbullba7 - - houS-ACre- -Btlaber- yenboue iJU7 - - houil-cre- -lIiiiierTiini7bi 111 6 3 80 24 2 2 IIfO ~8 1 1 140 14 Mich 6 82 49 7 7 60 42 7 7 90 63 Vh 6 ~ 117 7C 8 7 110 17 6 6 130 111 II an 914 829 75 6211f 1091 1067 HO 11737 932 BB6 105 303 I a III 93 59 519 76 15 125 91I 31f 34 150 10 M 11 11 5~ 60 9 B 45 36 6 6 65 3~ JrDK 865 802 82 6576 l571f 1 525 110 12200 1166 162 65 195) SDak 321 3c6 B2 2509 436 441 105 4630 318 344 100 )44t Rebr 2 1 110 8 2 2 90 18Ian 140 90 37 3)3 133 122 55 611 120 116 70 812 Okla 6n 45 45 202 24 14 30 42 3 J BO 24 lex 36 34 80 272 65 63 BO 504 B4 76 73 555 1I0fa~ 221 193 76 1512 6O 320 41 1312 83 14 70 511 110 1 1 14 4 2 2 50 10 1 1 50 Lrh 19 19 25 4114 1 17 23C 391 14 14 240 36 Oras 1 1 71 7 (all 170 164 110 i788 121 __13__lI~ ___ 22 ___ Osect ___1~2__12~ ___ 9~g VB ---middot2i~ - -2~6i--8- - -21665 - - 3954 - 3785 91 34557 2641 21132 93 2~ ~1I8 1F t te- 40-n~t- 1~ciu4-i ()d ha-8i~ tro-t7 - ~~- to tibe- 1oe~o-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- l


------------------------------------------------------ -------

lIlJ1IJrr ~CRlGlI Th([~ 11-JD PROWClIOIf 1947 to 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - - - p~- - - - - - - -- - bull - - - - - -1M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -194- - - - - - - - -State -~o -1-ACn- rfi1d -1- h- -1- ~8 - -ACre-Triold -- - -1- ~e --ACre- ~ field -1- Pt- shy

1 Planted Bu- 1 Per I duction 1 Planted I mu-- I Per I 4nction Planted Har- Par I iucHonI bullbullbulltd IAero I yeatod Acre I yeahd 1 Acre I

- - - - - - Thoubullbull -ACre- middotmiddot8iiior- ihiiUbullbull~7 - Thoue-ACre- - - ibahel ifhoua iiU- - - fhiiUC-ACre - -llI1aiiel - ifhiiubullbulliiU7 NaiDe 4 4 280 112 4 4 320 128 6 6 290 174 Vt 1 1 190 19 2 2 290 58 1 1 200 20 bullbullT 103 93 240 2232 93 90 320 2880 85 79 250 1975 Bl 17 15 330 495 18 16 330 528 19 17 385 654 Pa 132 130 330 4290 132 126 3115 113117 156 154 395 6083 Ohio 17 15 260 390 19 18 300 540 21 18 310 558 IDd 22 21 260 546 19 18 270 1IS6 23 21 265 556 Ill 28 26 285 7111 32 31 3110 10511 l1li 41 300 1230 Mich 121 115 300 3lIse 1112 140 320 41180 129 125 270 3375 Vb 160 159 )65 5804 205 204 380 7752 195 194 332 6l1li1 Minn 1018 915 265 25838 1252 1219 270 32913 1148 1110 230 25530 Iova 6 311 235 799 33 33 320 1056 31 31 259 803 No 74 63 230 1449 84 73 250 1825 106 85 215 1828 HDak 2522 2444 210 51324 2724 2640 210 55440 1880 1690 150 25350 SDak 1508 1432 220 31504 1583 1518 230 311914 1219 1093 125 13662 Xebr 533 467 220 10274 560 472 195 92011 403 326 187 b096Ian 328 290 220 amp380 459 362 190 6878 266 221 175 3868 Del 13 12 305 366 13 12 285 342 13 12 270 324 u~ 75 73 3110 2482 711 70 310 2170 82 80 340 2720 Va 86 84 295 21178 89 86 345 2967 89 86 3011 2614 VVa 9 9 31bull0 279 10 10 345 345 12 12 3111 377 bull c IS 39 290 1131 39 32 245 7811 40 34 262 891 50 26 22 260 572 23 18 215 3fr7 23 18 225 405 Ga 8 7 220 154 6 5 200 100 5 4 225 90 ~ 71 53 25middot0 1325 76 53 265 1404 102 72 250 1800 enn 88 77 210 1amp17 86 75 220 1650 82 67 170 1139 Ala 2 1 180 18 3 2 190 38 3 2 2110 lIS IU 3 2 230 46 3 2 250 50 3 2 250 50 Ark 5 3 200 60 10 6 lt1I0 1l1li 8 5 211 106 Okla 109 86 180 1548 80 66 155 1023 61 52 175 9iO fex 161 1311 175 2345 117 113 155 1752 159 133 190 2527 Mont 853 796 235 18706 930 8]6 290 254011 614 526 210 11046 IdaIw 332 320 370 11840 32 358 350 12530 3112 329 320 10528 Tn 1119 138 320 41116 177 159 275 4312 168 151 298 115000010 669 605 280 16940 amp62 563 250 111075 841 788 281 22143 NMex 29 25 195 1IS8 22 20 210 420 26 211 210 504 Arb 150 97 -1130 4111 191 146 510 1114amp 167 126 500 amp300 Utah 123 118 1110 5546 150 1l1li 420 amp0118 155 150 440 66Or) Hey 22 20 360 120 27 24 360 864 25 22 350 770 Wash 114 105 335 3518 136 126 345 11341 112 101 2St 2828 Oreg 323 JOO 355 10650 381 351 345 12110 297 214 32~ 8768 Oalif 1~g9 1545 290 44805 1965 1amp22 310 50282 19amp5 1590 J~o 50880

~~___ 191__ 092__221 __2183__ ~~__1~202 __2~2_ -5527__ 1122__ 21~ __2~~ __2101l_

FUXSEED ACHEM TImraquo HI) PllOOOCTION 1947 to 1949

------------If-------------------Ijs-----------------qij---------shy-- - ~ - - -- ic~ Yield -- ~-Y- - -A- - - ACro9 Yield - - - -y-- -_-- --Acrii~ ~ field -- - -11

S 11 i crea Bar- Per I _rei I Bsr- I Per I ro- I re Har- I Per ro- I I Planted I yeated I Acre ductiou I Plant~d yeted Acre I dnction I Planted I yeated Acre I dnction

- - - - - - Thoubullbull-ACre - -lliiahel - ifhOuB iiU- - - fhOU8 -ADrbullbull- -lIIlaiieY - ibOua iiU- - -hOUI- Acre - -llI1ahl - houaiiu-Ohio 3 3 80 2~ Ill 6 6 120 72 2 2 140 28 1 1 130 13 Mich 6 6 75 45 10 10 BO SO 10 10 14 74 Wi 15 15 125 188 22 22 13middot 297 17 17 139 236 Hinn 1411 1313 l0 15103 1700 1661 115 19102 1700 1644 95 15618 Iowa 84 83 135 1120 105 l04 155 1612 III 110 13J 1518 Mo 6 6 50 30 4 4 5middot0 20 3 3 65 20 DDak 1567 1524 80 12192 1818 1753 9middot5 lSb5~) 2018 1928 70 13496 SDak 591 585 100 5850 11amp 708 110 1788 713 708 65 11602 lana 115 107 70 7119 fr7 12 5middot5 396 34 31 63 195 Okla 4 4 60 24 4 3 30 9 3 3 5middot3 16 u 94 91 95 864 248 240 5middot5 1320 335 308 65 2002 Mont IBB 168 60 1008 148 141 100 1410 90 62 47 291 Idaho 3 3 100 30 Wyo 2 2 45 9 1 1 50 5 1 1 50 5 Arh 20 20 265 530 38 38 280 1064 44 38 250 950 Vah 4 4 130 52 2 2 100 20 2 2 120 24 Oreg 8 1 150 105 15 1~ 105 1111 9 8 110 88 CaliC 125 122 215 2623 201 198 245 4851 197 17~ 220 3828 US - - - -11264- - -4129-- 98 - - ~6i- - -5121- - ~97 - -iia - - 54803- - -5348- - 5048 - - 85 - - 42976-If iti~t- dO-Dt-iclude-claed hatd tr-II-fla ~- fO fib In-oe~o- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- 15 -

UPDATA 1981 bull ~ ilmiddot t ~ bull


RD ACRlWl1l TDlIJ) un PllOIJJeTIOlI 1944 to 19116

-- --I 1HI i9i5I~ Sate S Aane rea neld rc)oo Acre lene lelA Pro- Acree Aorea n14 Proshy

laW Iu- Pertan I cluUoa Plutea Iu- lItr Acre cltwtion1p1ateal S Per Acre duetioll ________ft1______ i ____ i ___ eJl4 l _____1____ l ___ l t ~ illl ________ _ IIIo Aon l 1bou BIl ftlau Acre Ill boualIu lhoq _rea Buboh lhoua Bu

11 66 12 162 1 80 10 175 175 105 8 180 144 IT~ 96 15 167 250 95 13 160 208 91 15 175 262 Pe 55 43 148 636 53 U 155 636 33 22 155 341 Oblo 80 33 152 502 90 I 115 472 70 17 110 289 IIlld 179 86 118 1015 222 70 125 875 1ar 46 135 621 Ill UO 63 113 712U8 It7 120 561t 88 38 125 475 1Ucb US 62 127 787 117 56 140 IJIt 91 48 135 648 Vle 125 98 87 853 126 95 120 1140 100 76 115 874 Ill 155 108 87 9fO 144 107 260 1712 151 118 130 l5J1J laws 118 10 120 12fl 37 11 130 143 26 10 170 170 Ho V3 SO 116 580 128 41 110 451 100 35 125 438 IDate ~ 145 92 l3J1J 150 115 135 1552 225 196 110 2156 Snate 5 392 lOl 3959 376 290 V5 42115 323 altl 105 2530 lebr 585 365 91 )322 556 361 125 4512 423 282 110 3102 Iatia 225 101 105 1060 2117 81 lO5 850 120 53 105 556 Del 32 18 1)6 245 JIJ 19 V5 276 J3 18 140 252 ald ~ 23 165 380 67 20 145 290 5f lit 145 2flJ la 135 114 144 6J1J 136 JIJ 135 459 125 25 140 350 VY 12 5 135 68 13 135 54 8 ) 125 38 IC 1~ J8 115 437 165 31 105 )26 145 22 125 215 sc 75 16 104 166 75 15 95 142 44 11 100 110 0 It) 12 101 121 50 10 90 90)0 6 100 60 ~ 133 JK1 141) S60 182 40 125 500 155 37 140 518IID 172 37 10ij 400 162 J4 95 3Z3 115 25 100 250 OEl 264 100 103 1030 257 ~ 100 740 1114 48 90 4)2 fex 142 22 119 262 55 21 90 199 It9 11 100 110 HoDt 20 16 120 192 2h 16 110 176 40 26 100 260 Idaho 12 5 1)) 66 11 5 130 65 11 It 140 56 1170 36 J 91 121 JJ 8 105 ~ 29 8 105 B4 Colo 1250 79 600 121 80 100 800 100 68 80 S44 bullbullJlllx 12 9 82 74 12 5 65 )2 10 5 85 42 Utah ~ IJ 95 12h 22 10 100 100 22 9 95 86 lIash 147 17 114 194 55 15 120 180 50 10 125 125 0rec 151 )2 141 451 155 )1 140 434 140 )2 1)5 432 Calif 29 12 108 130 29 13 130 169 22 lO 120 120

us It1415 2132 106 22525 4157 1850 128 2)708 3396 1591 116 18487 ---~-------------------------------------------------- ----

- - - --_ - - - -- _ -r9li4-_ - - - - __ - ___ - _______ S________________ - - - - - - 7________ - - shy --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T9i- - - - - - -r - - - -l~b - - -Stat Aores Aaru nld I Pro- Acrbullbull Acr I Ylel4 I Pro- Acl IADrea neld I Proshy

PlIIIIha ~ PilI Aclll ductlOD IPllUlted liar- Perlen duaUoDlplal1~1 liar- IPer Acre l duettOD I Ia I ytd I IYelted I- - - - -1ioiie iare - -BiiieT- -hnaB - fliDU-AGr- - iiahi - fbOuBiu Thru-iCrbullbull- -BiiiieT- TbOubullbulliia

1_ 6 6 200 120 6 6 155 9J 5 5 200 100 n 1 1 220 22 1 1 180 18 1 1 220 22 BY 155 150 180 2700 129 98 155 15]9 119 113 190 2147 Fa V~ l4O 195 27)0 112 98 185 1813 108 lOit 200 2080 Ohio V 14 210 294 18 17 180 )06 17 11 190 J23 1114 lO 10 150 150 22 20 135 270 7 6 150 90 Ill 5 5 165 82 16 15 150 225 5 5 160 80 Il1ab )8 )) lS5 512 46 25 140 )50 ZIt 18 1)5 24) lI1a 29 27 lS5 418 26 ZIt 150 360 2 25 145 362 IIIIIDo 67 6) 150 945 49 45 1140 6)0 118 It2 140 588 Iowa 12 12 175 210 7 vo 98)) 150 45 Ia) 1 1 125 12 1 1 120 12 1 1 110 11 Bllak 5 14 160 64 7 7 160 112 6 6 130 78 SDak 7 6 150 90 It 130 52 5 5 40 70 JId 6 6 200 120 5 5 ~5 118 _ _ 2)5 9Ita 8 8 165 132 5 5 170 85 It _ 170 68 V 10 10 185 185 8 8 US 172 8 8 195 156 Ie 5 5 145 12 It 160 6It 3 3 160 48 ~ 2 2 130 26 2 2 130 26 3 J 140 42D ____1 ___ 1_ 145______1 ___ ~ ____ __1 _____~___ o___ O__1~1 ____1~5_

trs 531 S08 176 8956 417 ItOl 161 6~7 It08 )13 178 6812 ------------~---------------------------------------------

- 16shy



- - -- 12411lMIX99 sbullbullbullbull _ iorea n 14 I Pro- Acre iDre J nld Pro- Acne lAcn_ TleU Proshy-- re I Ifuo- I e I I I Hu- I I J Bar- I

____1~~~~bull l_I_~r_~~ ~~ ~~~Y ~~_1_~~l~)P~~Ye ~r_I~ _~~1J1_ I1cu tara ~ hOh ~oubull iDn l ThouBn hOlla AlIre ]ahale fhouellIl bull

bullbullr 90 J5 185 278 90 11 185 3~ 107 17 184 313 bullbull1 89 15 180 20 f5 12 175 210 88 12 179 215 Pa 21 18 155 Z79 21 16 ~5 232 21 ~ 165 231 Ohio 71 JO 170 S10 67 20 180 360 ~ 18 170 306 lad ~3 60 v0 8110 ISO ~ ~5 928~) 57 1)5 77fJ Ill ~ -7 ~O 658 113 53 150 795 123 56 141 790 1I11JII 126 7fJ ~5 1015 1)2 80 150 1200 1 57 140 798 V1I 109 87 120 1~ 112 92 l20 1104 119 92 120 1104 lie la 1~ 150 21f6O 278 2)9 150 3585 200 172 145 2494 lov 28 15 150 225 36 17 155 264 5) 18 140 252 Mo 100 36 110 396 105 )5 120 420 U7 )5 112 392 bullbullDIIk 360 30 140 4522 461 401 120 4812 26) 229 115 2634 S1lIIk _10 ~7 v0 4858 476 392 1)0 5096 328 267 117 31211shyu ~ 305 90 2145 352 238 95 2261 317 207 74 1532 Eau 136 110 627 90 )I U5 391 65 28 97 272 DIll 32 19 135 256 33 20 120 2110 28 ~ 140 196 M 52 16 150 JIO 48 V v0 196 52 12 145 1a 1350 140 322 155 25 V5 362 15) 18 140 252 Va 8 3 120 36 6 2 130 26 6 2 136 2 _C ~ ~5 348 117 22 130 286 113 17 115 196 SC 42 10 115 115)1 7 85 60 26 6 95 57 Oa 2 6 75 45 22 5 90 45 20 4 80 32 1Ir 141 37 140 518 130 28 150 420 1)6 2 136 J67 fua 98 26 105 273 100 30 110 330 105 20 101 202 Oltla 115 JJ8 95 456 108 36 75 270 1~ 36 70 252 ~z 7fJ 35 100 3SO B4 30 70 210 100 38 80 304 MoII 52 29 125 )62 JO 20 1)5 27fJ 2) 7 90 63 I4aho 10 5 17G 85 10 4 130 52 10 ) 150 450 21 7 110 71 27 7 70 49 Z7 7 102 n Colo 8 7 100 47fJ 58 35 80 2BO 38 2) 90 207 bullbull lIDz 7 5 115 511 7 5 UO 55 7 5 120 60 ~u 12 6 100 60 10 5 100 SO 10 5 Uo 55 Vesb SO 13 100 130 JJ8 17 130 221 42 10 101 101 Orec 125 32 ~O AiIf8 110 24 145 )lI8 116 15 103 154 ~-1____1 ___l _~O____ _ P ___21 ___ 2__~2 _____14___ 5____6__12~ ____ ~_ ~___ ~7 _9 _ 28____2l~ _22~ __~o~__l ___ S86_ ~23__15t__1~ __ ~1~2


--- - J2i+I i1 i W9 I Mn5 I J liDnll I I Acre

StaM I Mn I JIcq I nu I Pro- mne I iaIo J nld I Pro- I Acn I IreZ- I Yield Proshy____I~~laquobulld_~I_ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~YIleJ ~ ~ ~~_1_~~l~J1JP~~lYlle ~Pr_~~_d~l~J1_

Au II ftIagpa hog Mn lI1 ~1UIlln hOUR Acre lIIt_hel lhou1Iu

181 6 6 170 102 5 5 200 100 5 5 210 105 ft 1 1 140 14_r a 1M 135 1539 99 96 195 1872 78 76 210 1596 12) 114 160 182It 101 96 210 2016 78 200 1480 Will __ 42 155 651 16 16 180 2B8 12 12 210 2521114 19 18 140 252 2 2 150 30 4 160 64 IU 16 16 130 208 4 4 170 68 2 2 160 32 Ill 63 57 130 11 30 27 130 351 20 19 145 276 V18 2 25 ~5 362 25 ~ 155 356 23 22 151 332 Ill 62 54 120 ~ )It 29 150 bull 435 28 ~ 125 300 1_ 10 10 120 120 JIll 2 2 110 22 bullbullDate 8 7 150 105 3 J 160 If8 4 120 If8 s~ 9 8 110 88 4 160 64 3 J 80 2H II - - 180 72 ) ) 230 69 3 -) 210 63a ) J 160 ~ 3 3 180 54 2 2 166 33 Va 8 8 175 ~ 7 7 195 1)6 7 7 201 141 ~C 3 3 170 51 1Ir 2 2 150 30 t~ ____l ___l_ ~~_____ 6 ___I ___ 2__~~ _____18___ =2___ 2__1~ ____20_ US ~ S05 142 7171 JIe8 330 18_ 6085 281 269 184 4956 -----------------------------------------------~------ ----

- 17 -


llRY EIBLE 1IEliS ACREME TIBLllUlll plIOWClIOIi 1944 to 194911

~ -- - ~124 124i 1W bull bull Acres bull bull bull bull Acree bull bull bull bull Acres bull bull ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pl~tedyeted Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted vested Per Acre duct ion pl~ntedyented Per Acre duct10n - - - ---TioiAcrlI- --pound --ThOuiyen~- Thouice ---Pouid --nOUBW- nouic~e ---POuid-middot --TboujjishyHamp1u 5 5 695 35 4 4 820 33 6 6 980 59 vt 1 1 626 6 NY 120 113 790 893 101 84 850 714 128 124 1200 1488 Mich 701 660 690 4554 435 363 820 2977 531 519 740 3841 Vb 2 2 430 9 1 1 560 6 ---Minn t 6 5 476 24 4 4 600 24 3 3 500 IS IfDosk 2 1 (730 7 1 1 700 7 1 1 600 6 lfebr 60 49 1260 617 53 18 1520 7JC 611- 62 1650 102] Mont 25 ~ 1083 249 20 18 1300 234 18 17 1 bull 590 270 Idlho 146 145 1550 2248 117 115 100 1725 131 128 1700 2176 qo 90 86 1240 1066 90 86 1250 1075 93 90 1450 1305 yenllh 3 3 1030 31 4 4 1250 50 4 4 1075 43 Oreg 1 1 1322 13 Tu 2 1 200 2 Colo 350 327 540 1766 290 271 580 1572 276 249 650 1618 fMex 267 ~O 302 695 203 161 180 290 142 114 225 256 Alb 15 14 395 55 14 13 515 67 14 13 900 117 Utah e 7 480 J4 8 7 400 2B 10 9 400 36 ~UL1IIrI 166 166 1327 2203 166 166 1242 2062 149 149 1342 2000 CtJ1fOUlIl1 183 157 1045 1640 148 141 1062 1497 134 134 1184 1587 poundeil _142 __ 221 _ _ 9Q _1bullsect41 _ __ 2~ __ 201 __1L129__ J~29_ __ ~1 _ _ g82 __1L2amp7__ _ l281_ ~___ g52 _ ~9~ ___ 02 _1amp41 __ ~5~ _ ~1 ___80__ vJ0~1__ 1Ot _ ~2~ ___917___12~_

DRY EDlDLE llEA1lS (Contd) - - - - 1241 124sect 1942 Jamp1ne 7 7 1100 77 9 9 900 81 8 8 925 74 bullbullY 138 13D 1070 1391 181 179 1230 2202 176 170 1000 1700 Mich 494 467 670 3129 514 504 880 4435 52) 519 1100 5709 Minn 2 1 350 4 1 1 650 6 1 1 650 6 1lDIk 1 1 850 8 lfllbr 80 76 1425 1083 85 83 1725 1432 90 85 1530 1301 Mont 2l 20 1450 2)0 22 21 1470 309 19 18 11170 265 IdlLho 159 154 1540 2372 ISO 148 1800 2664 149 147 1830 2690 To 112 107 1350 1444 98 95 1370 1302 83 81 1520 1231 lfaah 4 4 1200 48 5 5 1500 75 8 8 1490 119 Colo 331 321 800 2568 341 324 720 2333 307 295 820 2419 NMex 155 140 237 332 191 172 250 430 181 169 350 592 Arb 15 14 430 60 14 14 475 66 12 12 500 60 Utah 14 13 760 99 17 15 400 60 15 14 500 70 Ca11tL1IIrI 149 149 1406 2095 145 145 1603 2324 15 175 1654 2894 CallfOther 174 174 1303 2268 223 223 1389 3097 183 183 1229 2249 poundlil_2z1 __ 222 __ 25_t262 ___ 26Q __ 26Q __14ZJ_ __5431___ 25Q __ 25Q __1427_ __ 241_ ___ sect5~ _ m ___ 271 _116sect __ 29~ _ 23Q __1J014__ 086__ 23sect _ Q82 __1114___2~2 _ J1 Include b gl01OI1 for lead


- - - - li~ li4i 12~ s~te Acr Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acree Yield Proshy

Plantedl Har- Per Acre duction Planted Har_ Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted Har_ Per Acre duction _____ __x8td______________=_vsies______________Z8tlltL__________ _ rhoueAcieg Pounds Thous1jB ThousAcres ~ ThouBBagB ThoulAcree Pounds ThouBBagB

Mlch 1 1 770 8 Vh 3 3 970 29 2 2 950 19 1 1 1100 11 MInn 4 4 82033 4 4 950 38 6 6 800 48 NDak 14 13 1060 138 13 12 1200 144 15 15 1350 202 Mont 42 40 1103 441 32 30 1200 360 24 2J 1170 269 Idaho 225 219 1275 2792 ISS 153 1200 1836 161 156 1350 2106 lyo 2 2 921 18 2 2 1200 24 3 3 1250 38 Colo 33 22 860 189 bull 33 23 900 207 23 16 750 120 WaG 347 340 1290 4386 246 235 1160 2726 244 235 1480 3478 Oreg 58 56 1120 627 39 37 950 352 20 19 1300 247Qai____~ ___Ii __ l12 __ pound32 ____21 ___2Q _ _1 05_middot__ _29J_ ___1sect ___112 ___820____ l6Q _ l~_ ___ Z5Z - _ ru __ lgl _ J2li9t ___ i~ __ ilJ2 _ _11tl- _ -S91L __ ili __ 9_~ __13i8___ poundpound72 _

DRY FIELD PEAS (Contd) - - - - 1i41 1~1 -)242 Wle 1 1 1050 10 Minn 8 7 600 42 J J 900 27 7 7 950 66 Iflllk 20 18 1080 194 7 6 1200 72 5 5 1000 50 Mont 17 16 1100 176 8 8 1160 9J I 6 1130 68 Idaho 153middot 150 1320 1980 72 68 1220 830 99 89 1120 997 lyo 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1210 24 Colo 35 21 900 189 24 19 1000 190 19 16 1220 195 Vash 256 247 1300 J211 162 156 1280 1997 210 198 760 1505 Oreg 25 24 1180 28J 19 18 1300 234 17 14 700 98poundsll___ _Zl __ _ Zl ___ 19Q __ g11 ____1sect ___1sect __ 390____113____11 ___11 __1210____ 102 _ ____ 2~ __ 21l _ _ 33g _ ~l2g ___ Jl2 __ ~9Q __1J2g1__ JJ6fJ___ l8l _ _ 25 ___9pound7___ l~l~_ 1I h pl1Jlc1pal comerc1al produciD8 States Includes Pt)llS groUl for seed aDd comery pens harvested lUy

- III shy

1 UPDATA 1981



- - - - 19i4 19sect 12 li41 to ~ t 1242 St t A Aores Ac Acres A Acres ~ Acres ~ Acres A Acres

a e creB Har- reo H~r- cres ~r- cres H~r- cr~s H~r- eres Harshy____~1ne~eit~d_~1no~_elt~ltLlP~~tdlV~oeS_~1ne~lvsOS_ c~middot~_vselP~l~td_Jel~~d__

Thousand Acres Ind 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ill 12 12 9 9 7 7 5 5 6 6 4 4 ViB 3 3 2 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~1nn 18 18 12 12 7 7 10 10 6 6 5 5 Iogtlt 23 22 11 11 7 7 8 8 12 12 10 10 Mo 265 263 225 216 184 181 179 176 154 150 122 120 Iflhk 87 86 50 49 47 44 42 41 33 32 35 34 SJhk S49 502 390 362 238 221 188 179 152 149 164 156 Jlebr 704 685 50 480 390 374 343 325 364 351 364 347 K9ns 38116 3768 3054 2879 2718 2505 2256 2154 2459 2391 2361 2319 Va 10 9 15 10 15 9 17 9 14 6 12 4 IIVa 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 nc 26 26 23 23 30 30 32 32 35 35 32 32 sc 36 36 35 35 28 28 29 29 30 30 23 23 Ga 60 60 60 60 48 48 55 55 54 54 38 38 Ky 35 34 35 35 39 39 34 34 2l 21 18 18 Tenn 62 6 56 56 56 56 48 48 37 37 29 29 Ala 59 58 61 60 79 78 86 84 99 97 65 63 Mhs 65 64 63 61 51 49 53 52 47 46 34 33 Ark 94 93 97 95 82 80 78 75 68 67 51 50 Jg 10 10 9 9 8 8 9 9 11 11 11 11 Okla 2484 2406 1938middot 1829 1783 1664 1284 1198 1348 1258 1146 1094 T8 8318 8202 7653 7054 7273 6913 5527 5392 7019 6740 5168 5080 Mont 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 4 3 3 4 3 Vyo bull 14 13 10 9 7 7 7 6 4 4 5 5 Colo 766 723 705 658 613 546 490 470 500 479 645 618 1IHex 690 669 467 309 317 265 349 313 521 479 556 532 Arb 71 69 55 53 74 72 62 60 90 88 77 76 Calli 133 127 112 108 151 151 76 76 122 122 80 80 115- - -ie458 -18038 - - is668 - 14-498- 14- 2f6- - i540J -11-277- -10OsO - -13214 -12-679- -11064 - -10789- -


- - - l9~( t00 1916t 197 19aL 12112 St t Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros Dald Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros IReld Pro- Acres llel4 Proshy

a eHar_ Per duc_ Hl1- Per duc- H9r- Por dw- 59r- Per due- zHar- IPer duc_ Har- Per i ducshy___yetdlApoundrs_t0E lVS82C8l 1n_yeltdAEr_t0E lvse2cel 1n_yetdlApoundrl_t0E lvsse~cel isn_

Thous Thous Thous Thoua Thous ThOUG Thoua Thous Theus Thous Thous Thoua ~ TonE ~ Acrea ~ Tons Acros Tona1m Acres ~ Tons ~ TOilS ~ Acres 2 Tons

Ind 2 270 5 1 290 3 1 260 3 Ill 4 250 10 3 250 8 2 300 6 2 250 5 2 350 7 1 350 4 Minn 15 300 45 8 20 18 5 200 10 8 200 16 4 250 10 4 230 9 Iowa 12 300 36 5 300 15 2 350 7 2 250 5 6 300 18 4 250 10 Ho 150 211 316 146 180 263 105 220 231 95 180 171 86 20 189 58 210 122 N bull oruc 76 110 106 116 135 62 41 110 45 39 130 51 30 125 38 32 100 32 SDak 395 169 668 308 150 462 177 l70 301 152 130 198 124 180 223 133 135 180 Nebl 511 197 1007 383 160 613 279 165 460 234 155 363 222 160 355 220 230 506 Kans 1125 213 2396 1386 164 2273 1302 160 2083 989 140 1385 692 190 1315 649 185 1201 Va 6 170 10 8 175 1~ 7 175 12 8 175 14 5 180 9 4 175 7 lle 15 160 24 13 170 22 18 180 32 17 190 32 13 200 26 13 200 26 SC 22 130 29 21 145 30 14 150 21 14 140 20 16 1~5 2J 10 150 15 Ga 35 111 39 42 135 57 33 135 45 )8 130 49 41 130 5] 29 140 41 KT 22 184 ~o 25 240 60 23 260 60 22 280 62 15 210 32 13 21~ 2B Tenn 37 180 67 33 20 73 31 210 65 29 230 67 23 235 54 17 220 37 Ala 23 140 32 24 135 32 27 155 ~2 28 135 38 37 150 56 19 145 2B Hios 27 165 ~5 28 185 52 18 150 27 18 170 31 19 195 37 16 185 30 Ark 66 161 106 68 160 109 50 145 72 51 140 71 J8 185 70 27 190 51 L~ 6 130 8 5 165 8 ~ 160 6 4 135 5 6 145 9 5 160 8 Okla 132~ 145 1920 1118 125 1398 969 130 160 701 110 771 652 150 978 502 160 803 Tex 2920 1193768 2985 110 3283 2324 122 28391677 110 1844 lt17J 122 26601452 145 2105 Mont 5 117 6 4 120 5 6 115 7 4 130 5 J 150 4 3 80 2 Wyo 13 82 11 9 70 6 7 60 4 6 80 5 ~ 75 3 5 76 4 Colo ~7J 114 539 460 110 506 350 105 368 304 115 )50 280 105 29~ 301 107 322 11Mex 29~ 102 300 223 70 157 155 103 159 143 67 96 184 100 184 109 129 141 Arh 6 200 2 3 200 6 5 175 9 3 175 5 3 175 5 ~ 175 7 Ea1i__ _35pound __ Z___2_ ~poundO___ ~ __ _35pound ___7___~ 210___7___ _35pound __ ~ __ 2 _ 210___1pound

~middot~middot_118~ _15~ 015J317_ 10_ 21~11251_131_81~1_4520_ 3_56~6_ ~~8~ _14 ~~521~31_ za_11~

- 19 shy





- ---I I94 1J9s 1~~ S~at J Jor 1 Yield Pr d ti~ JeJ81 I n14 I ProducUcna I Jone J Yield Pro4ucUoII

____1_~bullt4_1_~r_~l _1__0_u _~ _1_IIret4__~I_-l _1________~t4_1_~1_~l J _____ _ ThouIAcne ~ ThoU Bu llloutareplE ft1oUI Bu BiouDJeJ8el llloubullbull IIp

Ind 2 ~9 48 2 300 60 1 300 30 Ill 1 240 2h 1 290 29 1 300 30 Iova 1 240 24 1 200 20 1 200 20 Mo 61 216 1)18 29 ~o 435 ~ 220 968 IDaIt 8 163 130 1 160 16 1 135 14 SDak 92 153 1408 43 115 494 37 160 592 lobI 115 22) 2564 75 180 1350 18 200 1560 Ian 2229 221 49261 1149 154 17695 B51 1)5 11488 IC 2 250 50 3 2)0 69 sc 1 165 16 1 170 17 3 IB5 56 Al 2 163 33 13 150 195 2) 160 368 uk 7 143 100 10 170 170 8 150 120 La 1 150 15 1 180 18 1 140 14 Okla 979 1050 146805 636 120 7632 6~ 115 7176 ex 05103 194 99229 ) 950 150 c59139 4~ 160 71840 ColO aIfO 1057 3768 180 lAt9 2682 191 130 2483 1lIex )69 166 6111 84 70 587 108 104 1127 Aris 54 372 2009 44 )40 1496 55 360 1980 ~a1____11____)1~ ____ ~)~ _____1pound2____32~ ___ _ l27 _____~5____42 ___ ~292 __ US 9)86 197 184978 6)24 152 9606) 6669 159 106025


- - --I l~ 192s 1~ Stah I tar 1 Yield 1 PrOdUCtioD Acre I Yield I ProductiOIl Acne I Yield 1 Productloll

____1_~etd_Umiddotr_Jer _1_______ _~etd_I_Pr_Ael _1_______1_lIrQt4__~r_~l J _____ _ Thoue Jon ll 2a DIOUlllOD ThoubullbullJer 12 DIoubullbull Toll lhoUlJarooa ToD bou l01I

lIId 5 105 52 4 120 48 3 110 111 4 100 40 3 90 27 2 105 21 Vh 1 80 8 1 75 8 M1Dn 70 21 4 60 24 2 65 13 Iowa 6 100 60 3 90 27 1 110 11 Mo 85 374 36 71) 252 25 85 212 IDak 2 30 6 2 202 4 2 21 4 SDaIc 15 7 56 11 3- 37 7 40 28 Ifebr 59 64 378 22 50 110 17 50 BS Iane 412 70 2884 )42 55 1881 SO 60 21OQ SC 3 50 15 ) 55 16 3 50 15 Ga ) 40 12 1 45 14 51) 20 leDII 10 65 65 9 70 63 6 70 42 Al 6 75 45 05 70 35 6 60 36)Ii 12 90 108 12 90 108 12 75 90 Ark 3 55 16 2 55 11 5 60 )0 La 1 61 7 1 7- 7 1 66 7 Old 97 50 485 10 45 115 67 40 l68 Ix l6It 48 789 108 35 )83 87 41 ~O Colo 10 55 55 18 45 81 5 50 25 bullbull lIu 6 ) 20 2 30 2 45 9 Arll 9 121) 108 6 US 69 12 U5 138pounda1_____4____~~ ______2 ______4 ~ ______4 _____~ ______l~ ______ ____1~~

US 879 642 56114 671 532 3510 623 576 3SS7


- - - -I = 19~ = = = == = ~ 1~4sect state crill 1 Yield ProductioD Acre 1 Yield I Prod t1 I Acres Yield Pr

_____~etd_lt]~r_Apoundr ________1_Hrstd_IJr_Apoundr ____~ _o~ __~etd_Jr_Apoundrtl _ ~d~~1~~ ThougAcru Jl9B1 lhquGIlllog TI1quecrea ~ TboutOallQII ThguuJcru GalloDII AAUIIlampllov

Ind 1 80 80 1 90 90 1 75 75 Ill 3 50 ISO 2 50 100 2 65 1)0 Via 2 80 160 1 70 70 1 62 62 10 3 125 )705 2 100 200 3 129 387 Mo 8 62 496 5 45 225 7 55 385 bu 2 55 110 2 SO 100 2 51 102 Va J 65 195 2 65 130 2 66 1)2 VVa 3 59 177 2 67 134 1 66 66 lIC 11 74 814 8 64 512 9 131 729 SC 10 55 550 10 55 550 8 58 464 Ge 22 55 1210 15 57 855 11 53 583 17 12 65 780 10 73 730 16 85 1360 laDII 15 61 915 14 60 840 19 73 1)87 Ala 27 65 1755 18 66 1188 22 6) 1386 Mha 25 78 1950 21 80 1680 19 65 1235 Ark 17 SO 850 15 55 825 17 60 1020 L~ 2 55 110 2 60 120 2 40 80 OklL 6 42 252 5 43 215 4 47 188

i~----~i---~------l~-----l~---~------~______~ ___~____ _~2__--- - - - - - - - - - _1_ - __ l~ _____146____6middotZ ____ 2~ _____~_ 660 10171

-O- ------------ shy



-s~~e-= ~II 1 RI~ 1Pr~~to ~r~ ~~ 1 ~o~t~I~ ~~ R~~ ~din I BarYeated Per Acre I I BarYe ted Per Acr I I BarYbullbulltod Per Acr

- - - -1h-cr- -Dl~hr- -fhoa- ia - fhQicr1 bir- - -TiioQ- ib- - thOulAcibullbull -Dlhel- TiioU- -IDe 1 260 26 1 320 32 1 320 JJ~ Iowa 1 160 16 1 195 20 1 225 m )10 114 160 704 30 240 72031 200 6tjIlak 1 155 16 1 160 16 SDU 111 90 162 20 155 310 20 122 244

Iobr 75 150 1125 111 225 2632 109 236 2572lAD 754 145 10933 339 215 287811 1392 215 29 928 IC 5 250 125 16 270 432 15 250 375 s Q 5 155 78 1 175 122 7 180 126 Ala 34 165 561 45 195 878 33 181 597 Arll 10 150 15016 1110 2811 14 172 241 lA 2 140 28 2 155 31 3 170 51 CkIa 440 110 11840 556 150 8340 548 155 8494 181 3640 180 65421 496 165 74143 3563 239 114996 Colo 160 150 2400 192 170 3264 3011 172 52911 INex 167 106 1764 287 140 40111 415 222 9213 Arh 53 410 2113 75 400 3000 61 1146 2721 -~l____1~ ____3 ____ ~sect9 _____16___ 31middot ____ ~~ _____ 11___ 32 ~ ___ r62_ ~~___ ~~ ____lI~ ____9I11 ____ 7____1~ ___ ~I~ ____6~5~2____2 __ 4~_

ALL SOBOIIllKS JOR SIIMB AOlJWlE YIELD A)JD PROIUClIOIl 1947 to 1949 _______ ~_7_________________ __________________ ~~_______ _~------------~------------------~------------------ilt--------

State Acre I Yh1d I Acre field Acre Yield BarPedd Per Acre Product1on I BarPted Per Acre Production llarveted Pet Acre Production

- - - - ThouAcre -iaL- - -boU7tOji - biiuAcro -Jiii- - -b0li71oi- ~ouEcre - -~n - -fhw7Tu Ind 2 85 17 2 115 23 2 115 23 Ill 2 90 18 4 105 42 3 93 28 Hinn 2 60 12 2 eo 16 1 70 7 IoVA 3 60 18 3 95 28 3 100 30 Mo 33 70 231 31 95 294 29 86 249 IfIlK 1 25 2 1 30 3 2 23 5 slak 9 25 22 5 55 28 3 42 13 Ibr 16 45 72 12 60 72 18 70 126lAD 409 53 21611 359 76 2 72~ 278 73 2029 SC 3 50 15 2 55 11 3 60 18 0 3 45 14 5 55 211 3 60 IS Tonn 6 70 42 7 75 52 8 76 61 Ala 4 65 26 7 75 52 6 74 44 Nh 12 65 711 12 01 0 96 8 85 61 Ark 3 5middot3 16 5 75 38 5 75 38 ta 1 60 6 2 68 14 2 70 14 (kIa 54 37 200 4 55 264 43 56 241 Tex 69 37 258 66 46 305 60 57 343 Colo 6 45 27 7 55 38 9 48 43 IIMex 3 40 12 e 45 36 8 53 42 Arh 4 110 44 10 110 110 11 115 126 -~1____ ~ ____1poundpound ______~ ______4____1poundpound ______~ ______6____1~ pound _____~_ ~____ ~4~ ____ 4___ _ lP _____~2____ 7____ ~~1 _____51____ 10___ sect2~_


-- -- I~ D[8 I~i State Aeres Tield Production I Acr Tield Produetlon I Acree Yield Production

BarYeted I Per Acre I BarTeted Per Acre BarYeted Per Acre - - - - hiiuicre - Gallon - bouGallon thouD Xcre - 01100 - fhoubullbullOaflon ~iiuicro - iiaflon -lhOli7aeliOii Ind 1 70 70 1 90 90 1 90 90 Ill 1 55 55 1118 1 51 51 1 80 80 1 77 77 IClVa 2 80 160 2 168 336 2 158 316 Mo II 42 168 3 66 1911 2 61 122 Ian 2 51 102 1 47 47 Va 1 61 67 1 90 90 IIVa 1 70 70 bullbullC 10 73 730 6 611 408 4 72 211 Sc 7 49 343 5 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ Ga 14 59 826 II ~ ~ 6 60 ~ ~ 12 74 888 6 73 438 5 79 395 Tnn 13 60 7S0 7 Ala 111 60 10110 8 m = ~ =Mi 22 68 1496 15 78 1170 9 63 567 Arll 11 42 462 8 64 512 4 54 216 La 2 35 70 1 43 43 1 45 45 Cltla 3 33 99 2 55 110 1 52 52 ~_____ ~ ____ 25______ 13~ ______5__ _ ______ 1pound _____ -____ ~_____ __I~

Us 131 7847 SO 6911 55116 53 66s 3539 -------------------------~---------------------------- -------- 21 shy

bullUPDATA 1981 ~~ I j


--- -- 1~ t 19~ t 19[6 StlAt I Acree Yield Acrn Yield Acrea Yield

Harvea d Pel Production Harvest d Per Production Harvested Per Production _________ ~ _ _Agrl _ ______ ______Apound~ __ ______ t ______ _Asr~ _______ _

ThoutlAcree Ton8 ThouTone ThouAcre Ton ThouBlone ThoUllAcres 1on8 Thou8Tone Main 923 89 818 833 106 882 84 99 m fK 388 102 395 376 123 464 364 118 431 it 1032 126 1298 10oe 150 1516 1006 143 1442 )(saso 319 124 469 376 164 615 365 164 597 RI 36 1l4 41 37 146 54 34144 49 Conn 304 123 374 300 157 472 288 162 467 fY 4008 144 5759 4021 161 6488 3968 162 6416 NJ 274 147 402 288 177 509 260 175 454 PIi 2564 140 3597 2539 151 3826 2525 150 3789 0b10 2605 139 3622 2560 148 3801 2536 152 3848 Ind 2004 131 2626 1765 145 2551 1835 137 2511 Ill 2824 139 3938 2662 152 4053 2732 146 3985 Mich 2813 1)8 3895 2671 148 3958 2648 124 3272 Vb 4263 163 6929 4214 187 7870 4ll2 155 6371 Minn 4683 142 6640 4366 152 6637 4067 146 5956 Iowa 3551 164 58)6 1304 172 5677 3275 163 5325 Mo 3703 113 4171 3914 115 4500 3545 119 4201 lItDIIk 3421 97 3305 3434 94 3233 3068 89 2724 SDak 36e5 99 3637 3616 92 3312 3478 80 2775 Nebr 4355 112 4865 4062 11)9 4436 3915 97 3787 ~B 1784 167 2982 1783 161 2875 1746 135 2354 Del 82 1 ~o 98 75 152 114 71 149 106 Md 461 120 552 464 139 643 442 148 656 Va 1383 11)2 1405 1477 117 1722 1391 119 1650 IIv 835 108 904 840 1~ 1061 812 129 1045 NC 1315 96 1263 1374 98 1352 1263 102 1285 sc 543 74 400 554 84 465 S07 87 442 Oe 1406 49 689 1441 54 785 1399 52 723 lIla 118 54 64 125 57 71 123 49 60 It) 1630 112 1831 1987 137 2720 1813 136 2459 Tenn 1769 94 1660 1978 124 2444 1802 122 2205 All 1 091 67 730 995 75 742 999 74 744 M18s 925 119 1104 873 117 1025 850 123 1046 Ark 1397 109 1529 1378 116 1595 1258 118 1483 ra 3Jl 119 395 326 125 406 319 126 403 Okla 1296 129 1671 1326 133 1757 1355 113 1534 Tex 1591 90 1439 1599 96 1537 1623 11)3 1619 Mont 2265 119 2689 2267 117 2681 2147 112 2395 Idho 1198 204 2445 1189 204 2428 1140 213 2429 liTo 1156 113 1312 1103 116 1274 1091 111 1214 Colo 1467 159 2331 1425 155 2215 1359 148 2008 NMex 217 221 419 201 192 385 206 212 436 Arb 332 218 723 309 242 748 306 239 737 Utah 612 203 1245 597 200 1194 573 195 1115 ireV 435 142 617 436 141 615 432 152 655 VaBb 989 119 1775 931 187 1744 656 192 1640 Oreg 1156 173 1996 1158 170 1970 1062 173 1~39poundampl1____20plusmn0____ ~middot21____ 22~ ____2130____ ~bullsect4____60]6____ 282 __ _ 1~2_ ___6t0Q3_ ~____ 176)9____ ]middot13___ 03~2 ___ 16627____ ]~__ _1~7t418_ ___71141 ___ ]15___ 291518_

VILD HAY ACREAGE nELD lID PllOllUCTIOlf 1944 to 191i6

- - - - - 1~ l I9~ l 19[6 state I Acree Yield Acree Yield AcreB Yield

I Harveated Per Productioll ltlrvesed bull Per bull Production Harvested Per bull Production ___________ l ce__ ~ ______ t _____ _ =_AsrJ __ ______ l _______~r __ _____ _

ThouaAcrem ThousTon bonaAcres ona ThousTona Thoue-cres ~ Thousfou Via 140 130 182 94 115 106 llO 115 126 Minn 1452 1ll 1612 1394 115 1603 1282 110 1410 10 102 122 124 92 120 llO 86 1O 103 Mo 154 109 168 160 120 192 150 100 ISO NDal 2576 90 ~318 2576 85 2190 2318 85 1970 sJ))k 3076 88 2707 3014 60 24ll 2693 70 2025 Nebr 3198 80 2558 2942 75 2206 2795 65 1817Ian 693 111 769 638 115 734 636 75 478 Ark 194 104 202 202 105 212 202 105 212 Okla 480 118 566 437 125 S46 428 100 428 Tex 195 105 205 185 100 185 191 105 201 Mont 867 85 737 806 90 725 622 60 658 ldho 139 lU 156 139 115 160 135 110 148 To 529 60 423 481 BO 385 495 85 421 Colo 466 97 452 443 100 443 439 85 373 NMex 20 88 16 15 70 10 27 100 27 Utah 103 124 126 lOS 100 105 105 120 1-6 lreT 267 100 267 267 100 267 267 110 294 Yam 46 115 53 51 125 64 47 120 56 Or~ ll76 115 320 3U 11n 3IU gt86 110 315 ~l-l_____1$gt____ 110_____ 17g _____112___ _ 1io_ ~ __ _2ffl_ ____ 152 ___ 1lL ____11~_

k ___ 5all1_____23____1~J1 ___ 4~~_____21___ Jt2~2___ _ ll~7 ___ _g3_ __ l51 _


FFeti5 Hri+tttrtft gt~- bullbull ~Mto shy



- -- -- 1~7 19la_ 19sect State Acrea Yild cr Tlel-l Acrea Yield

______II~~t~d_ ~ ~~~__ ~ ~d~ln_l v~e~ _~_A~~ ___~o~u~t~o~ ~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~____P~o~u~to~ ~bullbullAcrea gAl ~ousTonD fitouDcrea ~ lhoulITons Tbous bullocres I2 Thou9Tonl

M1n 766 11)8 627 nO 11)2 746 695 9B 682 lilI J5) 127 446 JJ9 124 421 J18 11) )56 n 995 149 148J 974 145 1416 952 124 1176 ca )51 154 540 J46 160 59f )42 145 496 RI )2 159 51 29 159 46 28 1 bullSO 42 Conn 280 166 464 272 162 440 26) 156 410 IIT )752 161 6029 )642 165 6016 3)97 1)6 46)0 IJ 244 17) 422 236 161 428 239 177 422 Il 2))9 150 )511 2194 146 )710 2202 142 )123 Ohio 2497 140 34B6 2)84 14) )406 2255 142 )212 Ind 1708 1)6 2)Jl 1661 1)6 2251 1616 145 2 bull 342 Ill 2626 14J )756 2)85 149 )558 2230 165 J689 Mich 2628 1Jl J45) 24)6 1)7 )346 2)29 1)2 )069 Vh 4066 16) 6665 )940 1)8 54)2 3916 15) 5972 MiIlJ1 4063 142 57n )659 1)7 529) 3819 1)lt3 5268 10_ )J)B 154 5154 2943 1)4 )955 )100 159 49)0 Me 3762 114 4)10 )S46 129 4564 )60) 129 465) IDU 3289 95 )110 3176 91 2901 )441 B5 2920 S~ )675 85 ))1) 4126 84 )451 4412 68 3013 lfebr 4)05 113 4BBI 4))4 105 4532 4836 108 5ZJl Iu 2059 153 )155 195) 176 )479 2017 160 3~z2 Del 69 146 102 n 140 102 68 110 97 Md 429 142 611 445 144 64) 429 152 ti51 Vamp 1)27 107 1414 1)72 126 1722 1321 127 16n VV 60) 116 92B 796 129 1026 B02 124 991_C 1292 96 1267 1290 10) 1)28 1246 105 1)12 SC 465 76 )76 509 68 449 52J 91 476 0amp 1)91 51 70) 1416 56 791 1055 6) 66) 11 125 54 67 1)2 58 77 65 62 5) 1) 1666 1)B 2568 1687 126 21)0 1828 110 2)60 l1IllU 1812 117 2120 1691 111 1861 l7J4 125 2175 U 939 72 679 922 18 720 790 84 667 Ki 601 115 923 769 121 9)3 779 115 89) Ark 1254 98 1224 1211 124 150) 1116 117 1J10 111 300 118 )s4 294 112 )29 295 1m 379 Okla 1580 119 1B77 1490 I)) 1975 1)50 1)5 1821 le 1620 90 16)7 1706 91 1556 145) 112 1624 MoDt 2227 112 2491 220) I) 2704 2On 101 2084 Idoho 1022 2Z5 2296 986 220 2171 1050 2lt) 2))7 1170 1080 117 1265 1017 94 960 1104 110 1209 Colo 1)56 164 2219 1)51 167 2251 1401 164 229) Ifllex 216 210 454 20) 212 4)) 19) 209 404 Arlo m 220 595 226 2)8 5)7 25) 247 624 Utah S6B 208 1160 550 205 1129 5)7 21) 1145 - )92 155 606 )8) 151 577 377 154 580 lfath 60) 1117 150) 765 205 1611 772 178 1375 Oree 1076 169 1617 1061 174 1646 970 158 1526 ~11middot____~~~ __ ~ J bull 26____ euro1)Q ____1~7O____ 1middotQ7____5JplusmnL ___ 1l15Q ___ 1middot25___ 3 49_ [middotk ___ 1 46amp6____ 1middot15___ 10Q$~ ___ 11617____ 114___ 2611~ ___71~ __ _ lmiddotlJ_ __ 25025_

_1If_ eii2ll 2r_A1l_II~r_r2r_125~D-~ 9Z1J211 o_____________ bull __________

~~~ _lAi~~e5drIx~~rpoundr ~tloi ~ce ~eililfgi ct r~~ln hqutr ll lhoubullbullrona rhouaAcr 12l ThouaToga

~ _____1 _0_____ 111_______ 1~~ _____ 1~ _____ 1Ql_ ______ 1~~ _ Ylk ____ 14aJgl_____ 1J8______ 10l57______7~11J _____ l~L _____ l0ll_ ~ -

WILD BAT AClUllilE fIELD AlID PBODUCrIOll 1947 to 1~1

- - - - - 1i41 1~ 1~ Il~t I Acre I Yield heres Yield Acres Yield bull

I arT ted I Per Production arTeBted Per ProucUon Iifrvsted Per bull Production ____ _1_ __~ __ _~rl _ i ______ 1 _______ cLe______________ cIe___=_____ _

1houeAcreo 1M lhoubullbullTop rhouoAcree ~ rhouerona rhousAcrea ron rhoubullbullroue Vlo 106 115 122 1)0 95 124 112 107 120 Minn 1)06 11e 1439 12)0 105 1292 11)2 105 1169 10 75 1O 90 61 115 9) 70 123 66 Mo 150 110 165 141 110 155 1)5 110 146 1IDIIk 2596 90 2))6 2414 65 2052 2535 Bo 2028 SDU )240 75 24)0 )4)4 70 2401 )4)4 57 1957_hr 296) 60 2)70 2904 65 1686 )252 75 24)9 lUI 702 110 772 611 115 7~ 642 115 nB Ark 204 B5 In 175 110 192 152 105 160 00amp 458 110 504 4)1 1 lt5 5)9 416 1gt0 502 lu 210 95 200 197 65 167 1B5 101 167 Mont 860 BO 704 654 90 769 769 75 577 Id~o 132 110 145 140 100 140 144 109 157 To 500 95 475 475 60 lB5 522 B5 444 Colo 470 105 494 451 105 474 474 102 4B) 11 Megt 27 BO 22 25 75 19 22 6) 1B Utah 109 125 1)6 105 110 126 105 I) 12911 230 1111 25) 216 105 227 205 9B 201 Vampth 46 120 55 55 1)0 2 57 120 68 Oreg )00 110 ))0 )30 15 412 291 106 gt08pound41lf_____1i6____ 11(1_____ 17~ _____1J6____ 1ltgt_____120_____ 1J~ ___ 112_____1~_

~____ 4~_____10____111111 ___ 4515_____~5___ l)~___ _~19= ____~2___ l121_ - 23 shy

-UPDATA 1981 bull _ bull h



ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944




- - - - 19te ~42 __ rOE U~il ___ l __ ]2r_BlM ___IHogg1ng___ ]2rLrn __ t __ ]gr_BlM ____Hogging

stat AoresltoYold Pr AoreageY1eld l down AorelgeY1eldl Pr Acr~g$Y1eld l down Har- I Per dllOt~n Hlr- hr IdUO~~l1Clz1ngl Har- I Per duct~n Her- I Per I d~~lon grnz1ng

____1otfdoJe_____ lvjtsel lAsrs _1 ____4r~llazeJltldcle_l____ zel1t-tdoJe_l _____14I~ Thoubullbull ~ ThOUtl ~ Tona ~ll2 ~l1 ThOU8 ~ lm ~ Thou Acreo Acrea Tona Acropound2 AerO ~ CroD

Ma1ne 2 320 64 9 85 76 1 2 420 84 10 104 104 1 Nrr 2 370 74 8 95 76 1 2 480 96 9 106 95 1 n 2 lflhO 88 48 100 480 2 2 480 96 54 102 551 2 Jo(I1f1 5 ao 205 ~9 100 290 1 5 450 225 29 92 267 2 111 1 390 39 6 90 54 1 430 43 6 66 52 Conn 7 10 287 33 95 314 2 6 450 270 33 96 317 1 NY 164 440 716 445 100 4450 25 170 460 78~0 452 100 4520 25 11J 132 500 6600 55 95 522 6 117 433 5066 56 80 448 3 Ps 1096 475 52155 259 95 2~0 19 1061 475 50398 258 95 2451 16 Ohio 370 585 202995 148 91 1436 73 3400 540 18)600 141 100 1410 76 Ind 4504 570 256726 75 90 675 64 4542 500 227100 83 9 764 85 Ill 8965 610 546865 167 95 1566 120 6947 540 483138 18S 100 1850 120 Mich 1278 400 51120 264 74 1954 95 1390 495 68005 2l4 94 2200 62 Via 1378 480 66144 1167 84 9971 31 1516 554 83986 1068 99 10573 90 Minn 4)81 540 236698 645 69 5740 254 4630 440 212520 696 85 S9)) 242 Ioltl 10732 605 6149286 179 110 1969 280 11101 470 5l1747 219 101 2212 207 Mo 4128 450 185760 60 75 450 112 3930 390 153270 57 76 4J) 98 1IDaJc 531 280 11868 124 43 533 475 526 225 U835 160 36 576 523 SDak 3323 170 122951 114 70 306 285 3266 235 16751 129 55 710 622 Nobr 6945 350 243075 72 57 410 143 7293 311 226~~2 75 62 465 150 Ka1l8 2281 325 74132 49 60 294 34 2316 277 64liJ 86 57 490 57 1)01 122 320 3904 5 95 48 1 133 335 4~i56 5 85 42 1 Md 418 450 18810 40 95 380 7 402 420 161~ 42 95 399 1 Va 976 4205 Ill 180 56 115 644 8 908 420 38~36 54 107 578 36 II Va 269 440 118)6 11 100 110 4 2)6 4110 103e4 13 100 1)0 4 11C 2137 300 64110 22 100 220 67 2122 31S 66810 19 89 169 63 sc 1351 195 26344 11 60 66 56 1346 205 ~59) 11 72 79 47 Ga 2558 145 37091 9 55 50 447 2635 165 43478 8 64 51 461 Flll 4211 10a 4240 6 50 30 193 344 125 4300 5 55 28 224 iT 2381 400 95240 27 90 243 32 2303 355 81756 2B 9~ 263 36 Tenn 2172 320 69504 lS 80 120 68 20)9 30S 6z190 17 87 148 64 Ala 2412 210 50652 8 50 40 154 2346 200 46920 5 60 30 172 MiuD 2165 Z20 47630 6 65 39 38 2011 205 41226 5 75 38 33 Ark 1Z7 230 28221 2 52 10 17 1100 220 24200 2 50 10 32 La 870 175 152Z5 2 40 8 30 727 210 15267 2 60 12 29 Olcla 1053 225 23692 5 40 20 22 1063 200 22260 4 50 20 35 Tex 2411 160 38576 16 40 64 106 2346 210 49lt66 8 52 42 60 Mont 27 220 594 8 50 40 158 8 238 190 13 45 58 157 Idaho 17 490 833 7 120 84 2 18 545 981 12 117 140 1 70 12 200 240 7 70 II) 29 12 221 765 8 77 62 30 Colo 355 ZZO 1810 73 75 548 94 48z 2116 11857 83 86 114 61 NMex 73 150 1095 3 55 16 10 75 165 1238 4 70 28 16 Aris 23 155 356 3 15 22 4 25 lS5 388 3 84 25 3 utllh 5 280 1110 20 100 200 4 5 313 156 22 114 251 4 Nev 2 100 20 2 105 21 Wuh 6 550 J30 11 105 116 2 9 5gt0 468 9 105 94 3 Oreg 11 400 4l) 11 75 82 5 12 435 522 10 82 82 4 Callt 30 365 1095 25 110 275 10 )J 380 1254 26 110 286 6t= =7~~ =432 ~~2~ )~( ~v= 27~52C l~~ =7116l )imiddotZ ii42~9l =t~~ 221==to2~= 2271

- - - - ~)w ~ lieuro State I ere~ I eres Yield Per I eres Acre Yield Per

pllll1~cd ~Haneeted ~ ere y Production PllIled lianeated Acre y Production

- - - -- - - - -AC~I- - - - -- -POundq - --Thou- Lb - - - - - iC~f - - - - - PoUndg- - -- Thou-Lb- - -Ohio 21000 21000 2350 49350 9500 9500 1900 18050 Icd 16500 16500 2500 41250 14400 14400 1900 21360Ill 29500 29300 2250 65925 16100 16000 1700 30600 Mich 4100 3800 2000 1600 2800 2800 1650 4620 I~va 260~0 26000 2110 54860 23000 23000 1470 33810 Mo 11000 11000 2100 23100 10200 10200 1300 1)260 Nebr 5000 5000 1800 9000 6000 6000 130 8bull580 J6n )100 3000 1650 4950 3900 3800 1360 5168 11 15500 15500 1610 24955 11100 9500 1)50 128~5 Okla 21000 24000 - 700 18720 8000 7000 1250 8750 Taz 4100 4100 1150 4715 2000 2000 1000 2000 cal 1000 1000 1100 1100

y lK82( 62~2 l~W ~2s~5~[ = =1sect9~02( )Q6~2Q( = 1~ = = )~5~OP 1 In principal cGaaercial prodncing Statebullbull ~ Ot ear cornl 70 pound to tb bashl


-aftcr r r~ RfhMr r~



- - - - 12~ 1 124] i i9i6 state Acre Acres Yield Pro- Acree Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

PlAnted Ilar- Per Acre duetiOD PllDted IDlr- Per Acre duetionP1anted lInr- Per Acre duetion veoted vested vested

- - - -- ThOU-ACrlis-- juiihlii ThorusIiti yenhOuliierlis- iiuiihlii -ThotWiiu Tbou-Acrlis- BuShl Tho~s~-Maine 1 1 220 22 1 1 190 19 1 1 10 21 liT J49 336 259 8716 352 346 264 9147 222 215 263 5648 11J 75 60 233 1398 93 63 210 1323 96 62 250 1550 h 931 914 214 19560 959 932 21S 20038 911 885 25 19912 Ohio 1937 1918 227 43539 2150 2129 270 57483 1849 1831 265 48522 Ind 1292 1266 202 25568 1587 1555 225 34980 1383 1366 215 29369 Ill 1334 1247 195 24320 1400 1339 185 248l7 1289 1207 160 19361 Mich 949 944 246 23222 992 982 275 27005 877 864 265 22896 Vie 69 67 195 1308 61 60 263 1576 95 93 252 2340 Minn 1325 1214 165 20090 1109 1100 193 21246 1412 1391 195 27080 Io~ 149 120 159 1912 168 140 190 2660 192 185 234 4335 Mo 1472 1207 16) 19674 1428 1304 140 18256 1314 1213 150 18195 a~ 10107 9856 159 156321 10005 9855 157 154568 10444 10192 137 139824 Slhk 3254 3070 121 37278 3355 3201 155 49656 3755 3S88 148 53197 Nebr 3585 2675 126 33762 3777 3596 229 82358 4037 3954 229 90677 Kans 13210 11377 165 187700 14148 13416 155 207939 14006 13147 162 212977 Del 68 64 197 1261 73 67 195 1306 68 62 190 1178 Md 395 370 232 8584 391 359 190 6821 376 348 195 6786 Va 539 516 192 9907 534 485 155 7518 459 432 185 7992 V~ 102 87 186 1618 100 87 185 1610 90 77 185 1424 NC 567 516 165 851bull 4118 408 11bullbull5 5916 394 371 170 6307 S C 26z 253 145 3668 202 195 145 2828 160 156 165 2574 Ga 228 213 140 2982 198 183 135 2470 141 130 130 1690 lT 496 426 178 7583 516 371 135 5008 392 297 140 4158 Tenn 423 396 145 5742 381 J45 125 4312 276 259 140 3626 Ala 25 22 163 359 24 20 ISS 310 15 12 145 114 M18S ~5 18 226 407 25 18 200 360 16 9 220 198 Ark 65 46 149 685 65 39 105 410 44 ~8 140 392 Okla 5557 5095 167 85086 6335 5910 125 73875 6715 6087 145 88262 Tex 4S51 4458 185 821lt73 5842 5350 90 48150 6835 5992 105 62916 Mont 4507 4019 188 75497 4147 3777 151 57145 4426 4133 152 62888 Idlho 1137 1088 293 31851 1156 1102 297 32734 1324 1273 275 350240 282 215 131 2811 286 244 182 4431 JOI 281 243 6832 Colo 1658 1256 142 17794 1850 1560 223 34768 2244 2004 189 37776 NMex 463 2at 117 3337 452 297 94 2778 542 350 8J 2895 riz 26 24 22S S40 27 24 ZlO 504 29 27 210 56 Uhh 298 294 241 7100 286 281 243 6842 3J5 320 224 7171 l1ev 16 16 273 437 18 18 243 437 19 18 273 49L Vash 2485 2338 268 62673 2667 2524 244 61512 2769 2642 295 77965 Oreg 980 914 265 24200 970 921 237 21810 1050 984 256 25168 -i___ 2~ __ ~7 __ 94___ 10~2___614___523___12~ __ 106ltt7_ __675___619__ 190___ l7~1_

~~- - _6~bull9~ _52742 __ 177__10~ll_ ~122_ ~1~__ _1Z~ ~1127633_7578_ ~7125__ 172__1lZ218_


- - - - 19~ ~ = ~ 19~ State creo Acres Yield Pro- Acrea Acres Yiold Pro- Acres Acrea Yield Prltoshy

PhntedIar- Par ere duction Pbnted Rar- Per Acre ductionPlanted Har- Per Acre duction - - - -- - - _elt~_- ____ J ____ J ___ T~StfJ _________ ___ VJlBtfJI__________ _

ThW Acres ~ ~ls Thouas Acres Pounds ThGsliga ThousAcre Pounds ThousBags Ark ~7 287 2J63 6781 284 281 2115 5943 327 320 2002 6408 La S68 561 1710 9593 SB4 583 1m 10363 592 589 1732 10204 Tex 392 392 2002 7850 400 400 2025 8100 412 412 1935 7972 CaUf 246 240 2812 6750 244 235 2665 6262 264 261 3032 7913

~middotEmiddot I01 )-~===~Q91=10~1( =1~5Z ~=~~ 10~~ 1~s2S 18~ ~Q5E = 12427 RIC (Cont I d)

- - -- ~i i i9a 1 ~ Mia 5 5 2700 135 Ark 370 )65 2096 7652 395 391 2358 9220 415 412 2150 8858 La 616 613 1620 9931 641 631 1m 11216 599 593 1825 10822 ~ex 474 474 2025 9599 526 526 2092 11007 552 542 1975 10704 pounda1l__ ~52 ___226___ 2bullJ2 ___8015___~__ ~5sect ___26sect9__ _6t812_ __312__ 102 __ 225pound __ 10t28_

- _1middot112 __17~___ ~~~ __ 2527__18~_1~ ___21~2__ 2B275__1~3_15z __ ~1~ __ ~727_




---- ~7 i i i ti~ State Acrco Aore Yield Pro- lorn Acre Yleld Pro- Acres Acreo Y1eld Proshy

Plonted m- Per Acre ducdon Planted liar-a Per lore cuct1on Plantod llar- per Acre duction ________~ot ______ l ____ l ___ lY81e_l _____l ____ l ___ lylt0_eSl ____ l ____ _d t l1ho1l Acree ~ Tbou8lffi Thoubullbull Acree lIunhal Thouau Thoubullbull Acree 1Igshel lhoutIBu

NY 3aS 375 240 8988 449 J41 ~o 11886 405 396 269 10721 NJ 107 15 250 1675 115 62 215 1763 107 a3 240 1992 pa 947 929 240 22296 965 966 190 16354 926 906 230 20884 Ohl0 2212 2119 ~25 49026 2371 2353 245 57646 2377 2353 250 56625 Iud 160) 1571 230 36133 1811 1775 215 36162 1739 1722 220 31884 Ill 1431 1341 210 26311 1745 1710 225 36497 1952 1913 230 43995 Mich 1210 1192 250 29600 1416 ~395 260 36~0 1303 1297 265 34310 Via 116 114 257 2926 127 123 236 2906 117 114 226 2604 Hinn 1200 1169 171 2063 1066 1051 115 1652 1304 1265 151 19360 Iowa 220 201 119 3607 40 311 233 1397 41 364 168 1212 Mo 1472 1321 165 244)6 1722 1596 210 33558 1625 1676 175 29365 NllIlt 10401 10263 143 146)83 9933 97l 144 140234 11055 10552 106 112357 SDllt 3656 3103 145 53626 4022 3643 131 50342 459 4079 80 32653 Nebr 4606 4434 209 92751 4614 4275 204 87111 5016 4165 140 58213 X~ne 15404 14655 193 266102 14634 13221 175 231368 16244 14219 110 157069 Del 70 65 200 1300 71 66 145 957 66 63 115 11021 366 341 210 1161 361 334 160 53J4 343 311 190 6023 v~ 496 456 115 6015 461 449 185 8306 438 400 165 7400 Y v~ 96 62 195 1599 96 62 165 1511 62 68 190 1292 NC 492 461 175 8112 406 314 160 5984 465 4tl0 136 5520 SC 238 2J1 165 3812 211 210 140 2940 114 166 120 1992 Go 196 185 140 2590 116 165 135 2228 140 130 125 1625 XJ- 404 J24 160 5184 420 324 160 5184 403 288 170 439f Tenn 332 16 150 4740 )55 336 145 4901 )01 ~4 146 40( 11 14 12 165 198 15 13 155 202 13 11 154 1y Ml 20 16 195 312 16 12 190 226 15 8 165 132 uk 38 24 150 )60 40 26 170 416 )4 24 145 )46 Okla 1051 6696 155 103188 1263 6696 145 91092 1481 6629 128 84851 Tex 7587 1)10 160 116960 6752 5629 105 59104 7090 6417 140 698)6 Mon~ 5183 4427 146 65)46 5201 4815 192 93716 5975 5316 115 61189 Idaho 1)88 1344 266 )674) 1523 111) 252 )5646 1591 1537 242 )1136 VTo )47 326 202 6592 384 )42 194 6650 )92 369 167 6885 Colo 290) 2738 215 56866 3186 2861 01 51)73 )552 26)8 16) 46164 NMex 740 649 15 9420 682 403 92 )712 616 526 106 5616 Arh 30 26 210 586 19 28 2)0 644 )0 26 262 734 Utlh 315 J68 246 9058 431 415 05 6510 441 426 210 9009 Ney 21 20 lt91 582 21 20 295 590 20 19 26 bull J 541 Vh 2922 2119 2)6 64750 2959 2166 c87 79268 )1)9 2758 218 60146 Ore~ 1063 976 226 22237 1100 1052 265 29954 1214 1058 215 22698 pound111___ vsect __ sect62 __1sect2 ___11 bull Q)~ ___76___6Q~ _ 175___lQiJ2 ___7f___6pound6__ 185____11261 Q~_ _ _1sect21t _7~212 __1sect3 _ l25sect211_16L~L 17ltL46_ _ 119_ 1 9t2l _ sect3J9Q5_15J90_ _ 1~5_ _ oQ9il~

FUX 11llR ACRYAGS TIuD KD P~WCTIOf 1944 tt 19~

- - - - ~I~ 19~ )2Ii State cree Acree l Yield ~_ Acr~ Acre 11eld Pro- Acre8 Acres Yleld Proshy

Plnted aar- P8r Acre juctlon Pl~ted H~r_ Per Acre ductiouPlQnted BAr- Per Acre ductlo~ ________1eltl __________ l ___ l~~aleg l ____ l ________ toYJseS l _____ to ___ bullbull _d 1hOWlAcres 2M 1houeons housAone 12a ThouTont rhoWlAgre 2111 ~~

OrIC 11 85 165 14 95 6 150 12 8) 16 190 111bullbull4

_______1241 ________ ______ ~_________________12~ _______ __ _ Ore 57 49 190 92 24 Z 170 )4 )4 23 180 41

~UNG llLfJlS ACIGAGB niLD un 1lODUCTIOB 1944 to 1949

- - -- 19~ 19sect i J~ Stat Aere Acres Y1eld Pro- Acre lcrao Yield 130- Acree Acre Yiold Prashy

lPIlU1ted Hr- Per Acreductlon lP1ampnted ar_ Per Acre ductionP1uted BAr- Per I1cre ducUen _____ ___rotsltL_____________JCltJd__________ l ____ _____ _____ _ljI~

lhQ)aca ~ Thoualobe TboubullbullAcr ~ ThoubullbullLb rhonaAcre ~ houbullbull Lb

Okla 75 55 200 11 169 110 2~ zr2 no 10 210 147

- - - -=== = = = I~( = = = = = I~ = = = = = = =)~== = = = = Okla 62 40 250 10 64 50 320 16 31 22 400 B8

- fI shy

1ite8zMf~ iiitByen tiTtJj

1 UPDATA 1931



-- - -- -- --- -1~ - --- ---- --- - --- - ---1~-- - - -- - -- --- ---rrb -- -- - --shy-------~--------------------~ ---------------~---------mte ampern I oWl I Yield 1 Pro- I Acr Acree leld Pro- Aero I Acne Yield 1 Proshy

planted I Bar- Per ductioA Planted Bar- Per 1 dDCUOA Planti4 1 liar- 1 Per duCtiOA ____ ______Y8e ~e__ _____ _____1_Y8e cr_______1______Y8e ce__ ___ _

fbDubullbull Acree lbhela hauslb fllo Acr lbabel houbullbull Bl h0l1t1 Acr lbbele h0l18ln

BY 346 33J 260 8658 349 3433 ~ 9090 211 206 ~ 5459 IJ 15 60 233 1398 93 6J 210 1323 96 62 250 1550 h 911 914 214 195bO 959 932 215 2O08 911 1l65 225 19912 Ohio 1931 1918 221 43539 2150 2129 210 51433 1849 1831 265 48522 IIId 1288 1262 202 25492 1584 1552 225 34920 1383 1366 215 29369 Ill 1321 1240 195 2~lSO 1393 1312 185 24642 1282 1200 160 19200 Klch 949 944 24amp 23222 99l 982 215 21005 871 8amp4 265 22896 Vh 36 35 111~ b58 33 32 265 8~ 32 31 215 b66 H1Jl1l lbO 109 140 1526 112 109 225 2452 101 II 190 1amp12 Iowa 145 116 160 1856 Iamp 131 190 2b03 186 119 235 4206 Mo 1472 1201 163 19614 142I 1304 140 18256 1314 1213 150 181~5 SDak 295 216 105 22M 289 248 1amp0 3968 3~ )08 180 5544 ehr 3510 2bOl 121 33105 3121 3546 230 81558 3941 3901 230 89123laD 13204 11314 165 187611 14145 1341~ 155 201911 14004 131~ 162 212965 Del 68 64 191 1261 13 amp1 195 1306 68 62 190 1118 Md 395 310 232 IISSII 391 359 190 amp821 316 348 195 6186 539 516 192 9901 534 485 155 1518 459 432 185 1992 v 102 87 1116 1618 100 87 185 1amp10 90 17 185 1424bullc 561 516 165 8514 448 408 145 5916 394 311 110 6301 SC 262 253 145 3bbS 202 195 145 2~2S 160 156 165 2514 0 228 213 140 2982 198 11J 135 2410 141 130 130 1690 IT 496 426 118 1583 516 311 135 5008 392 291 140 41SS eAIl 423 396 145 5142 381 345 125 ~312 2f6 259 140 3626 11amp 25 22 163 359 24 20 155 310 15 12 145 114 Kl 25 18 226 401 25 111 200 360 16 9 220 198 Uk 65 46 149 bS5 amp5 39 105 410 44 211 140 392 Ckls 5551 5095 161 850116 b335 5910 125 13875 amp115 amp087 145 118262 ez 4951 4458 185 82413 5842 5350 90 48150 61J5 5992 105 amp2916 HOIlt 1501 1221 215 26252 1501 1311 215 29416 1839 1721 190 3281~ Idaho 115 610 214 18amp32 151 114 290 20106 841 801 255 2O51 W70 185 131 119 1559 192 1amp2 190 3018 213 199 2amp5 5214 Colo 1487 111b 141 15136 1110 1421 225 32108 2103 1884 190 3519amp It 439 263 112 29146 426 276 90 2~ 520 331 80 2648 Arh 26 24 225 540 27 24 210 504 29 21 210 561 Utah 2311 235 216 501amp 225 221 220 1amp8amp2 2amp1 250 200 5000 Icy 5 5 258 l29 5 5 250 125 5 5 280 140 Vb 1461 1359 2119 39275 1695 1576 270 1amp2552 2322 2206 305 bl28)Orec 184 129 261 194amp4 1amp4 725 240 11400 825 116 260 20116 Ca11f 596 ~1 194 10amp12 614 563 190 1Ob91 615 ~19 190 11161- ~2 ~1~)5 )middotI 15~I ~~ampI ~1~0~4 1~(= 1~2s1 S~~l= ~~)l( Is~Oi6ii9i

- - - - - - - - - - - - - ~- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -1~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19K - - - - - - - shy- - - - --crbullbull- TIli -1- - - -- -_-- --cN- rfl14 --- - -- - -- iirH iTtli -I-~-

Stte Acn 1 JIar- I Per 0- _nil JIar- Pel 0- I _ liar- I Pel P~ed bull Acre dDctloa Plant ed Acn amplctlO1l Planted 1 yoded llcr dwU01l

- - - - - - Ytmbullbull-ACrbullbull- -JibeIs- ibOubullbullili- - - ibOui-ACzQ- -lbebeI- ihObullbull-Ji- - ihOu-ACr~- -Jir- ibOQbullbullaa IUu 1J6 1amp1 168 689 2J 23 115 IIOZ 35 35 195 6R bullbull IlK 1848 1816 11yen 26871 1829 11J15 165 299118 22611 2232 11l5 323~ SDak 205 200 105 2100 114 166 150 21190 190 1116 150 2190ui- - - -2~ - -2051- -1~i - - -29666 - - 20i6 - -2-riiI- - 1671J- - -32bullbull - - 2JiiJ3 - -2453- - 14-6- - 357836




- - - -I Ili7 = l~ 1 )~~ -_-_-_-_ State Acre Acree I Tield Pro- Acr~ Acree Yield Pro- 1 Acrfte Acree Tie1d Proshy

1 Planied Har- 1 Per duct ion I P1~ted liar- bull Per 1 ducUon I Panted liar- Per duct10n I Yestd I Acre I 1 Yested Acre I I Yeated Acre

- - - - - -fboii- Acree - -Diiieltl - TbOU8ib- - - ThOitbullbull-ACrell- -Diebllie- hOU8amp- - - ~U8-ACre- -Diaiiel- oftlOUIIllii BT 381 371 2110 89011 1142 11311 270 11718 398 391 270 10557 1lbull1 107 75 250 1(5 115 112 215 1763 107 113 2110 1992 h 947 929 240 22296 985 966 190 18351 926 908 230 208811 Ohio 2212 2179 22 490211 2377 2353 245 5764e 2377 2353 250 58625 Ind 1603 1571 230 36133 1811 1715 215 38162 1139 1122 220 37884 Ill 1423 1339 210 26119 1736 1701 225 311272 1944 1905 230 43615 ~lch 1210 1192 250 29SOO 11116 1395 260 36270 1303 1297 265 311310 Wia 41 38 Z)O 674 J4 )1 225 6911 30 28 2)9 669 Minn 111 101 195 1910 101 76 190 1444 SO 16 170 1292 love 209 190 180 3420 )19 295 235 6956 38Z )55 190 6745 10 1412 1321 185 2411)8 1122 1598 210 33558 1825 1678 115 29365 Snk 415 J~4 18 6549 )07 2)0 135 )105 )01 246 1)0 )198 lIbr 4538 4)b9 210 91149 1~583 4bull194 205 85977 4904 4068 140 56952 Y-an8 15404 14855 193 266702 146J4 1)221 17 231)66 16244 14Z79 110 157069 Del 10middot65 ~O 1)00 71 66 145 951 66 63 175 1102 lold ~68 )41 Zl0 7161 )61 3)4 160 5344 343 317 190 602) Va i96 458 175 SOl~ 481 449 185 8306 438 400 185 11100 1( Va 96 82 195 1599 96 82 18 1511 82 68 190 1292-C 492 461 115 112 408 )111 160 5984 465 IlOO 138 5520 sc 2)8 2)1 165 3812 217 210 140 2940 174 166 120 1992 Ga 198 185 140 2590 17~ 165 135 2228 140 130 125 1amp25 rr 404 )24 160 5184 ~ 324 160 51S4 4DJ 2SS 170 4896 snn 3J2 316 150 4740 355 338 145 4901 301 214 146 4000 la 14 12 165 191J 15 13 155 202 I) 11 154 169 lllee 20 16 19 )lZ 16 12 190 228 15 8 165 132 Ark )8 24 150 )60 40 28 170 476 J4 24 145 348 Okla 7051 6696 155 1031 7263 6696 145 97092 7481 6629 128 84851 ~X 7537 7310 160 116960 6752 5629 105 59104 7OCjQ 6417 11~0 8988 Mont 1949 1341 165 22C26 1676 1549 240 37176 11101425 170 24225 Idaho 900 36) 265 22810 9)5 84) 220 13546 lO8 995 216 21691 lfyo 251 235 20bull5 41518 276 241 COO 4940 288 275 195 5362 Colo 2776 2619 215 56308 076 2759 200 55130 335) 2649 160 42)34 JIKamp 7115 629 145 9120 661 384 90 )~6 595 507 105 5)24 Arb JO 26 210 j151 29 28 230 644 30 2S 262 734 Utah )00 294 220 64615 348 )35 180 6030 352 4 180 6138raquoeY 6 6 270 162 6 6 260 156 5 J 270 IJ5 Waah 2252 2074 250 51850 2417 2302 300 69060 2551 22tO 230 50830 Oreg 1133 160 2)0 17480 815 8)6 295 24662 910 169 220 16918 ~1____ 5~ ___6~__ 65___1~ ___ P __ _fI2__ 75___~J2 ___ l~ ___~6__ 85___128 us 58248 549)5 193 108976 583)2 5296 187 990141 61171 54414 153 85IJ127


us 2915 44328 3218 )220 140 3510

- 10shy

Ore j-tthr-r iItnetirtMriamp BMmiddot 4r

i (C ~ UPOATA 1981


- - - -I f9~ I f9[5I)~[ -_-_-_shyetate I Acre I Acree I Yield I 10- I Acree Acres I Yield I Pro- Acree I Acres I Yield I Pro-

___ )~l~e~e~~_ _p~r_~r~~ ~uto~ ~t~d~y~ ~ ~e ~ce__d~ci~n~t~d~y~ ~ 8 ~C_ _d~Cl~4_ Thoue Acre ]Uehe1 ftouabu houbullbull Acre Bmahe1 Thouebu Thons Acree Buehll1e Thoueau

Kaine 1 1~ 22 1 1-wo 19 1~ 21 BY 3 ) 193 58 3 3 190 57 9 9 210 1S9 Ind 4 4 191 76 3 3 200 60 Ill 7 7 200 140 7 7 250 175 7 7 230 161 Wh 33 32 203 60 28 28 260 728 63 b2 270 1674 Minn 1119 1064 168 17875 974 968 190 18392 1276 1268 195 24726 Iowa 4 ~ 140 56 3 3 190 57 6 6 215 129 BDak 8259 8040 161 129444 8176 80lI0 155 124620 8176 7960 13 107460 SD3t ~754 2654 124 32910 ~892 2787 155 43198 3181 3094 14 44863 Hebr 75 68 96 653 56 50 160 800 56 53 180 954 Eana 6 3 98 29 3 2 110 22 2 1 120 12 Mont 3000 2798 176 49245 2640 2106 115 27669 287 106 12middot5 30C75 Idaho 422 408 324 13219 405 388 310 12028 43 66 310 14446 W70 bull 97 84 149 1252 94 82 165 1353 8S 82 190 1558 Colo 171 140 14 2058 140 133 200 2660 141 120 165 1980 BXex 24 23 170 391 26 21 140 294 22 19 130 247 Utah 60 59 343 2024 61 60 330 1980 74 70 310 2110 I 11 11 80 308 13 13 240 312 14 13 270 351 h 1024 979 239 23398 972 948 200 18960 447 436 24 0 10682 Oreg 196 185 256 4736 206 196 225 4410 225 20S 240 4992

0l1lR SPRING iDA (Cont1d)

---~7I=)~If9~State I Acree I Acre I Yield I Pro- I ADrea I Acre8 I Yield I Pro- I Acre Acres Yield I Pro-

IPlanted l 1Iar- I Per Acre ducUon IPlanted liar- I Per Acre I ducUonlPlanted l Har- Pmiddoter Acre I ductton I Iftsted I I I IYellted I I I IYlIsted I I

- - - - -hoU7 Acre - -lhiillf- -TiioU-~ - yenhoujj-ACre- - ithG1 - houjj1iU7 bous-ACre - - ithG1 - ~hOu8 -bii IIY 4 4 210 84 7 7 240 168 7 7 23middot5 164 Ill S 8 240 192 9 9 25middot0 225 8 8 225 180 Vh 77 76 270 2052 93 92 240 2208 87 86 225 1935 Minn 1034 1014 17middot5 17745 924 913 17middot5 15978 1127 1114 150 16710 Iowa 11 11 170 187 21 21 210 441 29 G9 161 467 BDaIt 7685 7562 140 105868 6993 b881 145 9974 7762 7431 105 78026 SDaIt 3245 3156 140 44184 3440 3345 13middot0 431(85 3681 3479 7middot5 26092 Bebr 70 65 15middot5 1008 91 81 140 1134 114 97 130 1261 MODt~ 3234 3080 140 43 120 3525 3326 170 56542 426 3891 9middot5 36964 Idaho 488 481 33middot0 15873 5S8 570 300 17100 559 542 28middot5 15447 Wra 96 91 195 1174 lug 95 180 1710 104 94 162 1523 Colo 127 119 21middot5 2558 110 102 215 2193 199 189 200 3780 HHex 22 20 15middot0 300 21 19 13middot5 256 23 21 140 294 Utah 75 74 350 2590 83 00 31bull0 2480 89 87 330 2 1ff1 15 14 300 420 15 14 31bull0 434 15 14 290 406 Vah 670 645 200 12900 482 464 220 10208 588 548 170 9316 Oreamp 230 216 220 4752 225 216 245 5292 304 289 200 5780

-------------------~---------------------------------------[J8 17091 16636 154 255607 16735 16235 160 259628 18961 17926 112 201216 ------------------------------------------------------~----




QTS ACllEIGI ~ Alm PBOIlUCfIClI 1944 to 1946

- --- ~ t9Kti~ lorn Aclee amp Y1eld Pro- 1 AcleB Acre Yield Pro- Acre IAcres Y1eld Pro-

State Plantflcl Bar- I Per I duoUoa IPlantflcl liar- 1 Per Iductlou IPlantedl Bsr- Per I ducUoa ____1____etd_I_ ~e__ ____ Ii ____1_tIII_ cJ__t____ ___ t1e _Apoundr _ __ ~_ fhDU Acltel lluUel houalu neue Agee Buabeb TboualIu Tboua ampent ~ hCllle~

Mamp1nal 92 85 370 3145 79 71 360 2556 80 71 400 2840 JJB 14 8 340 272 14 s 330 264 11 7 370 259 n 74 48 320 1536 72 44 310 1364 66 4) 340 1462 (ast 15 6 280 168 16 7 270 189 14 6 350 210 liI 4 1 311) )1 5 1 )10 )1 4 1 320 32 Colll 18 6 )00 181) 18 5 )00 150 15 6 330 198 bullr 795 745 )10 2)095 731 663 290 19227 B41 SOZ 400 32080 raquoJ 54 47 )21 1509 S2 42 260 1092 54 45 320 11j4O Pat Bs4 8114 290 240 476 854 802 305 2446l 854 826 355 2932)Oblo 1073 1047 331 34656 1191 1162 425 49385 1)70 1348 450 60660Ind 1260 1172 256 30003 1436 1371 420 57582 1471 1412 309 55068 Ill 3251 3169 31 100457 )1146 3372 45~0 151740 JB37 3799 420 159558 Mlcb 1)44 1309 329 43066 1505 1466 400 58640 1550 1525 4S5middot 69)88 Vie 2839 2766 ~22 116725 3066 2987 510 152337 2943 2668 4J5 124758 Minn 4672 4456 327 145711 5M6 5392 450 242640 5439 533B 370 197506 Iowa 4917 4711 287 135206 5458 5323 )85 204936 5785 5642 375 2l1S75 Ko 2096 1698 179 30394 1799 1511 190 28709 2015 1843 310 57133 KDak 2784 2653 330 87549 2784 265) 325 86222 2506 2361 265 62566 SDak 3023 2914 298 86837 )597 3497 410 143377 3561 )462 290 100)98 Nebr 2291 2085 168 35028 254) 2439 )15 76828 2696 2561 280 11708 ~an 1825 ]561 162 25288 1278 968 175 16940 1495 1423 285 40556 Del 7 6 276 166 7 5 310 155 5 310 ISS )(d 46 42 310 1302 41 33 310 1023 38 34 330 1122 Va 174 14) 256 )689 172 lljO 280 3920 160 1)4 300 40020 W Va 94 67 221bull 1501 98 72 280 2016 94 68 )00 2040 BC 1t)7 335 277 9280 489 375 275 10312 49) 390 330 12870 SC S40 707 256 18099 798 700 260 18200 734 658 285 18753 Ga 954 656 253 16597 983 682 255 17391 806 5)9 265 14284 Pia 150 40 176 704 145 45 200 900 160 40 180 720 Ky 129 87 200 1740 108 76 240 1824 1)2 99 250 2475 Tenn )16 208 250 5200 Jlj8 245 260 6)70 310 245 265 6492 Ala 294 228 254 5791 318 242 260 6292 28) 198 24ft 40752Ki 521 444 336 14918 542 462 290 13)98 439 32) 300 9690 Ark 525 320 276 88)2 512 304 270 8208 379 255 )00 7650 La 200 152 290 4408 198 131 280 3668 1)6 100 220 2200 Olda 1584 1533 202 30967 1220 1027 190 1951) 1269 1089 210 22B69Tex 1732 1597 239 )8168 1992 1767 225 39758 1892 1608 220 )5376Mont 558 425 )43 14790 491 323 290 9)67 506 )52 310 10912 Idaho 237 194 426 8264 201 171 420 7182 185 1~ 430 7052111 182 150 )14 4710 19) 164 300 4920 174 15) )05 4666 Colo 254 224 278 6221 244 220 3)0 7260 227 187 300 5610 KlIex 60 5) 229 1214 54 43 220 946 57 45 200 900 Arh 26 11 350 385 25 12 490 S88 29 12 350 420 Utah 63 5) 457 2 bull 422 58 0 ljOO 2000 54 4) 4)0 1849n 12 9 430 )87 12 9 390 )51 12 8 440 352 Valh )08 160 1147 7152 288 150 4)0 6450 213 128 480 61411-Oreg 11 609 )98 305 121ljO 560 342 2)5 8054 549 )56 275 9782 ~B1___ i __ ~ _ 89____ Si ___ 21~ __ 6Z _110_ ___515__ 110___120__)~2 ____57O_

us 114141 )9741 289 11492ljO 46025 417)9 365 1523851 46515 42812 345 1477573 irT~-aralaquoe-ot oat-gion-with p~Ud-ytcit-licluded rn-plaitd-aid-hin bullbullt~-JAici - - - - -- - - - --

HOPS ACREAGK rIEl]) AlID PJiClWCTlaIl 1944 to 1946

- - --I I9~ 19~C 9~ State Acre Yield s ampere Ylel4 amper I Yltd r

1 ~eled I Per 1 p~oduct101l1 ilarYetflcl I Per s lrodUOUOIl HarYtll4 I Per I Prodwt1oa __________1__1111 __1______1________Jampr ________1______1__Aampll ________ _

poundtI ~ fhaumiddotporu Att URa flynlold Aampt ~ hllPUI4a Idaho 190 1610 3 2ljO 1850 AA4 240 1585 38t lIaah 9900 1720 17028 11700 1680 21996 11600 1700 19720 Oreg 18700 920 17204 19900 1lt045 20796 20000 950 19000 Ca11t 8ljOO 1620 13608 9100 1580 14378 9100 1610 14651

us 1295 57614 1)13 5)751

- 12 ~


- - - - 19t7 l )~ l i~ Stat Acre Acre I Yleld I Pro- I Acre I Acr Yleld Pro- I Acrll1l Acree Yield Proshy

P1aDted Bar- Per I ducUoa Planted I liar- I Pv ducUoll Plantod au-- Par ducUoa ________1~td_I_ Act__ ~ ___ _ l _____Tt1~_ jcz__1___ _ l ___ lV1~ 1 _~rt _ 1 ____ _ hoWl Acre llI rhouslIg ThOUl ASpound lIuahal ~oulIu ThoUi Acre Bualull lulYBu

Main 8i 73 340 21f82 77 64 420 2688 101 90 400 3600 bullbullB 12 7 310 211 11 6 400 240 U 5 360 180 Vt 54 28 270 756 60 J6 370 1332 66 33 300 990 Ifaabullbull 12 5 360 180 12 6 330 198 13 6 290 174 BI 4 1 330 33 3 1 330 J3 2 1 250 25 Cou 12 4 320 128 10 4 J30 132 12 5 320 160 bullbullY 5JO 47J 275 13008 126 672 400 26880 791 719 290 20851 J 49 36 250 900 42 37 350 1295 46 J9 331 1291 Pa 734 661 390 19169 749 720 380 27J60 794 756 305 23058 ChJo 863 714 260 18564 1191 1171 450 52695 1322 1288 350 45080 1114 1294 1112 )00 35i60 1317 1289 410 52849 1456 1405 366 51423 111 J377 3311 J40 112574 390S 385] 450 17JJ85 J881 3834 415 1591U Klcb 1085 1052 350 36820 1465 1420 37S 5)250 1538 1505 345 51922 IIh 2884 28ll 430 120873 2942 2867 440 126148 3030 2924 41~ 119884 Mu 4630 4537 360 163332 4908 4855 425 206J38 5027 4952 J5$ 175796 Iowa 5438 5247 310 162657 6199 6086 450 273870 6417 6269 386 241983 fo 1552 1309 230 30107 1971 162) 265 43010 1794 1526 229 34945 bullbullllampk 2331 2219 290 64J51 2238 2152 280 60256 1880 1722 201 34612 SDak 3134 J081 Jl0 95511 J165 3112 JJ5 104252 J102 2956 221 65328 bullbullbr 2426 2279 275 62672 2750 2621 280 733AB 2511 2280 202 46056 ~e 1510 1395 290 40455 1616 1144 220 25168 1034 881 194 17091 Del 7 5 320 160 6 5 J50 175 7 6 300 180 Md 40 35 )20 1120 42 36 J35 1206 47 42 J25 1365 Va 150 121 270 3267 160 IJl 330 4323 165 134 296 3966 IIVa 88 64 305 1952 77 58 JO5 1769 79 56 272 1523 IC 508 386 290 lll94 J56 270 290 7830 527 J94 287 U308 SC 866 704 255 17952 606 500 22S ll250 7i~7 605 245 14822 Ga 887 550 250 13750 674 429 260 ll154 7112 468 255 U93~ Jla 160 30 ZOO 600 IJ5 21 190 399 124 16 160 256 LT 141 90 230 2070 118 8J 260 2158 171 109 229 2496 Tenn JOl 230 265 6095 277 205 295 6048 )49 254 250 6350 Ala 28J 184 230 4232 275 169 265 4478 234 130 226 2938 Klas 4J9 365 250 9125 329 274 310 8494 237 156 250 3900 Arlt 424 280 300 8400 40J 252 Jl0 7812 339 209 240 5016 La 145 100 260 2600 113 80 JOo 2400 113 70 250 1750 0Icla 1396 1231 235 28928 1033 714 165 11781 7J3 578 176 10173 Tex 1684 14)1 210 )0051 1465 787 165 12986 1)92 1204 260 31304 font 491 J)8 )10 10478 452 )24 370 11988 457 266 )00 7~80 Idaho 187 172middot 415 7138 168 153 415 6350 212 188 J95 7426 liTO 169 150 JJo 4950 172 14J JOO 1~290 177 137 299 4096 Colo 234 200 325 6500 229 194 JOo 5820 261 235 327 7684 IMex 48 38 210 798 46 38 210 798 )6 32 220 704 Arh J2 12 400 480 28 U 340 374 28 11 400 440 Utah 54 49 1180 2352 5J 47 420 1974 55 50 450 2250 In 13 8 410 328 12 8 410 J28 12 8 J75 300 lIuh 198 131 510 6681 2)0 153 425 6502 22J 150 440 6600 Oregl 554 J56 285 101)2 421 271 265 7182 488 366 280 10248 CalU 542 180 270 4860 558 185 JOo 5550 508 166 260 4316

U8 42058 37855 311 1176142 438)8 39280 )69 1450186 4))18 )92)6 )20 1254895 iT1~C~r~-of at-Vow-rti pa-Ud-ytcl-licluded 11l-plut~-eid-~et-d-~rg- - - - - - - - - - --


- -- -= 1~41 1~ 12~ y Stato Acre Yleld I Acree neld I Acr I Yleld

BarTetod Par I ProdUCUOIl BarTet~ Per I PrOductioD BarTeted I Par ProdtlCtlOD ____________~~ ________________Apoundr ______________1__~rt ________ _ I Pound rhoDaPound AaI ~ bgPoup4I ~ ~ lboyPoupd

Idaho 240 1645 J9S 620 1040 645 850 16)5 1390 lIaeh 11700 1740 20358 129llO 1760 22704 13000 1490 19370 Orae 18900 870 16443 17700 890 15753 14500 1015 147181__ _9rx0_ __ 21~ ___ _ll~~ ___92~___ 3~ ____116 __ 2~ ___ ~~ ____ 5J8__

US 39840 1275 50186 40420 1248 50464 37550 135J 50796 lpduCtloi IncldJ-hOPI baiTr 4 lalabi ~der Krktlnlaquo ~_8zit-hop hanrd bur iot alabi ~dei --HarkaUn ~e_ent and hope produced lint ut harTated Salabl amplloYlIDh under proTle1on of Harltetln Jcre_ent totalad 39 111ion pounda in 1949

- 13 -



- - - -- - - - - - - - -lqijlj - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ~l~~ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - r ~- - - - - - - - shy__ ______ 9 ________________ iloz ___ bullbull _____________ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _~

Stat r Ac r Acr I Tleld r Pro- a__ Acree nu I Pro-- Ie Acrts n1d Pr a ra bull Bar- I Par I I --a bull lIN-- Per I I re Bar- I Per 0shy

____ _P~t~I_~e~ i ~e___dCl~_~t~__f- lPte___l~n_~td__Ie cpoundt_ i ~uC hou lcree l1ehels houbullbulllnl hone Acree aJaba18 honelnl Thou Acre llilehe1 houalnl

HIlna --3--- 3 ~ laquor 5 3 --uo 114 4 ~ -zo 12S n 3 3 250 75 3 3 220 66 2 2 280 56 bullbullY 113 106 255 2703 110 102 250 2550 116 114 320 30118 bullbullJ 10 9 278 250 9 II 300 240 11 10 360 160 h 108 105 298 5129 104 103 3fO 3605 113 112 365 41118 Ohio ~3 21 256 538 26 23 300 690 111 17 295 02Ind 51 41 243 1142 52 44 240 1056 27 25 240 600 Ill 53 45 240 1080 34 31 250 175 26 24 260 624 Kich 144 140 256 3584 121 118 310 3658 139 138 365 5031h 190 181f 267 4913 91 90 400 3600 125 124 375 4650 Kian 809 688 202 389pound 461 4If7 290 12963 138 733 290 21~57 10 II 7 166 116 3 3 2110 114 13 13 315 110 110 102 82 212 1138 88 66 19(1 1254 77 63 200 160 bullbullDU27Ifl 2625 216 56700 2357 2~1I1f 230 5~532 2357 22114 200 45080 SDak 1973 1756 147 25813 l38t 1299 245 31826 1464 1377 220 30294 abr 1174 760 115 8740 681 610 220 13420 613 549 210 11529Ean 1031 722 178 12652 480 38) 185 7086 360 2B 175 5022 Del 12 11 265 292 11 10 280 280 11 11) 305 305 Md 70 69 308 2125 71 64 290 1856 63 6Q 345 2010 Ya 76 72 301f 2189 76 68 270 11136 13 71 320 2272 V1a 9 9 2611 241 9 9 270 243 1 7 300 210 ~1 60 45 268 1206 56 42 220 924 41 33 285 940 S-l 34 25 231 57S 25 21 21( 141 23 20 260 520 GA 11 10 213 213 10 9 200 110 1 6 215 129 rr 127 89 223 1985 11 55 225 12311 11 0 250 120 enn 130 102 197 200s 129 98 1110 1764 100 82 200 1~ Ala II 5 205 102 3 2 200 40 3 2 1110 36 Kl 9 C 260 156 8 6 240 144 3 2 240 411 uk 19 13 199 25~ 14- 9 110 153 8 5 195 911 Okla lt97 28 ~l 5728 249 185 16( 2960 142 ~9 140 1 526 fex 373 340 222 15411 351 235 145 3408 196 164 150 21100 Mont 655 611 213 166110 720 672 220 14184 828 780 225 1 5 ldah 340 330 372 12216 320 307 37 0 11359 294- 276 340 1)84shyliTO 146 131 )10 4061 143 124 300 3120 154 144 300 4320 Ccio 867 726 214 15536 876 ~1 285 22544 683 ~eH 2)5 13936 bullbullMax 64 45 1115 8J2 If5 34 1110 612 28 23 200 1f6O Arh 145 74 420 3108 153 78 380 29611 161 85 400 3400 Utah 139 135 462 62)7 IJIf 130 450 5850 11) 101 450 4 amp60n 24 22 357 185 21 20 320 640 22 20 340 F80 Vallh 202 176368 61+77 139 125 350 1t375 97 90 370 30 Orttlaquo 269 2)8 34s 8282 285 2~i1 295 7582 )02 278 340 ~I1f52 Call 730 1429 280 40012 1816 14amp6 280 41608 1834 1486 30 119038

~I-=~ ==1~~5~= ~2~~1= =~~= =~7~7~ ==l~I~= ~~2~4==~~ == ~~~~= ~1~~6I=~0~~0= =2~~ ==2~~O~ rIumWlI ACREAGE YlELll AND PllOOUallOll 1914 to li46

----~ 1 li~ = 9~ State I Aero I Acre Yield I Pre-l Acre I Acru I Tleld Pro- II Acru I Acre I neld I To- 11

bull Plan~ad I Bar- I lier ductlon I Plante~ I pounder- I Per ductioil I Fanhd 1 Bar- I Per I dUction I ted I Acre I I 1 yoted I Acre I ted AcTa ~

- - - - - -hoUe7 Acres - -BoUbei- houbullba7 - - houS-ACre- -Btlaber- yenboue iJU7 - - houil-cre- -lIiiiierTiini7bi 111 6 3 80 24 2 2 IIfO ~8 1 1 140 14 Mich 6 82 49 7 7 60 42 7 7 90 63 Vh 6 ~ 117 7C 8 7 110 17 6 6 130 111 II an 914 829 75 6211f 1091 1067 HO 11737 932 BB6 105 303 I a III 93 59 519 76 15 125 91I 31f 34 150 10 M 11 11 5~ 60 9 B 45 36 6 6 65 3~ JrDK 865 802 82 6576 l571f 1 525 110 12200 1166 162 65 195) SDak 321 3c6 B2 2509 436 441 105 4630 318 344 100 )44t Rebr 2 1 110 8 2 2 90 18Ian 140 90 37 3)3 133 122 55 611 120 116 70 812 Okla 6n 45 45 202 24 14 30 42 3 J BO 24 lex 36 34 80 272 65 63 BO 504 B4 76 73 555 1I0fa~ 221 193 76 1512 6O 320 41 1312 83 14 70 511 110 1 1 14 4 2 2 50 10 1 1 50 Lrh 19 19 25 4114 1 17 23C 391 14 14 240 36 Oras 1 1 71 7 (all 170 164 110 i788 121 __13__lI~ ___ 22 ___ Osect ___1~2__12~ ___ 9~g VB ---middot2i~ - -2~6i--8- - -21665 - - 3954 - 3785 91 34557 2641 21132 93 2~ ~1I8 1F t te- 40-n~t- 1~ciu4-i ()d ha-8i~ tro-t7 - ~~- to tibe- 1oe~o-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- l


------------------------------------------------------ -------

lIlJ1IJrr ~CRlGlI Th([~ 11-JD PROWClIOIf 1947 to 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - - - p~- - - - - - - -- - bull - - - - - -1M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -194- - - - - - - - -State -~o -1-ACn- rfi1d -1- h- -1- ~8 - -ACre-Triold -- - -1- ~e --ACre- ~ field -1- Pt- shy

1 Planted Bu- 1 Per I duction 1 Planted I mu-- I Per I 4nction Planted Har- Par I iucHonI bullbullbulltd IAero I yeatod Acre I yeahd 1 Acre I

- - - - - - Thoubullbull -ACre- middotmiddot8iiior- ihiiUbullbull~7 - Thoue-ACre- - - ibahel ifhoua iiU- - - fhiiUC-ACre - -llI1aiiel - ifhiiubullbulliiU7 NaiDe 4 4 280 112 4 4 320 128 6 6 290 174 Vt 1 1 190 19 2 2 290 58 1 1 200 20 bullbullT 103 93 240 2232 93 90 320 2880 85 79 250 1975 Bl 17 15 330 495 18 16 330 528 19 17 385 654 Pa 132 130 330 4290 132 126 3115 113117 156 154 395 6083 Ohio 17 15 260 390 19 18 300 540 21 18 310 558 IDd 22 21 260 546 19 18 270 1IS6 23 21 265 556 Ill 28 26 285 7111 32 31 3110 10511 l1li 41 300 1230 Mich 121 115 300 3lIse 1112 140 320 41180 129 125 270 3375 Vb 160 159 )65 5804 205 204 380 7752 195 194 332 6l1li1 Minn 1018 915 265 25838 1252 1219 270 32913 1148 1110 230 25530 Iova 6 311 235 799 33 33 320 1056 31 31 259 803 No 74 63 230 1449 84 73 250 1825 106 85 215 1828 HDak 2522 2444 210 51324 2724 2640 210 55440 1880 1690 150 25350 SDak 1508 1432 220 31504 1583 1518 230 311914 1219 1093 125 13662 Xebr 533 467 220 10274 560 472 195 92011 403 326 187 b096Ian 328 290 220 amp380 459 362 190 6878 266 221 175 3868 Del 13 12 305 366 13 12 285 342 13 12 270 324 u~ 75 73 3110 2482 711 70 310 2170 82 80 340 2720 Va 86 84 295 21178 89 86 345 2967 89 86 3011 2614 VVa 9 9 31bull0 279 10 10 345 345 12 12 3111 377 bull c IS 39 290 1131 39 32 245 7811 40 34 262 891 50 26 22 260 572 23 18 215 3fr7 23 18 225 405 Ga 8 7 220 154 6 5 200 100 5 4 225 90 ~ 71 53 25middot0 1325 76 53 265 1404 102 72 250 1800 enn 88 77 210 1amp17 86 75 220 1650 82 67 170 1139 Ala 2 1 180 18 3 2 190 38 3 2 2110 lIS IU 3 2 230 46 3 2 250 50 3 2 250 50 Ark 5 3 200 60 10 6 lt1I0 1l1li 8 5 211 106 Okla 109 86 180 1548 80 66 155 1023 61 52 175 9iO fex 161 1311 175 2345 117 113 155 1752 159 133 190 2527 Mont 853 796 235 18706 930 8]6 290 254011 614 526 210 11046 IdaIw 332 320 370 11840 32 358 350 12530 3112 329 320 10528 Tn 1119 138 320 41116 177 159 275 4312 168 151 298 115000010 669 605 280 16940 amp62 563 250 111075 841 788 281 22143 NMex 29 25 195 1IS8 22 20 210 420 26 211 210 504 Arb 150 97 -1130 4111 191 146 510 1114amp 167 126 500 amp300 Utah 123 118 1110 5546 150 1l1li 420 amp0118 155 150 440 66Or) Hey 22 20 360 120 27 24 360 864 25 22 350 770 Wash 114 105 335 3518 136 126 345 11341 112 101 2St 2828 Oreg 323 JOO 355 10650 381 351 345 12110 297 214 32~ 8768 Oalif 1~g9 1545 290 44805 1965 1amp22 310 50282 19amp5 1590 J~o 50880

~~___ 191__ 092__221 __2183__ ~~__1~202 __2~2_ -5527__ 1122__ 21~ __2~~ __2101l_

FUXSEED ACHEM TImraquo HI) PllOOOCTION 1947 to 1949

------------If-------------------Ijs-----------------qij---------shy-- - ~ - - -- ic~ Yield -- ~-Y- - -A- - - ACro9 Yield - - - -y-- -_-- --Acrii~ ~ field -- - -11

S 11 i crea Bar- Per I _rei I Bsr- I Per I ro- I re Har- I Per ro- I I Planted I yeated I Acre ductiou I Plant~d yeted Acre I dnction I Planted I yeated Acre I dnction

- - - - - - Thoubullbull-ACre - -lliiahel - ifhOuB iiU- - - fhOU8 -ADrbullbull- -lIIlaiieY - ibOua iiU- - -hOUI- Acre - -llI1ahl - houaiiu-Ohio 3 3 80 2~ Ill 6 6 120 72 2 2 140 28 1 1 130 13 Mich 6 6 75 45 10 10 BO SO 10 10 14 74 Wi 15 15 125 188 22 22 13middot 297 17 17 139 236 Hinn 1411 1313 l0 15103 1700 1661 115 19102 1700 1644 95 15618 Iowa 84 83 135 1120 105 l04 155 1612 III 110 13J 1518 Mo 6 6 50 30 4 4 5middot0 20 3 3 65 20 DDak 1567 1524 80 12192 1818 1753 9middot5 lSb5~) 2018 1928 70 13496 SDak 591 585 100 5850 11amp 708 110 1788 713 708 65 11602 lana 115 107 70 7119 fr7 12 5middot5 396 34 31 63 195 Okla 4 4 60 24 4 3 30 9 3 3 5middot3 16 u 94 91 95 864 248 240 5middot5 1320 335 308 65 2002 Mont IBB 168 60 1008 148 141 100 1410 90 62 47 291 Idaho 3 3 100 30 Wyo 2 2 45 9 1 1 50 5 1 1 50 5 Arh 20 20 265 530 38 38 280 1064 44 38 250 950 Vah 4 4 130 52 2 2 100 20 2 2 120 24 Oreg 8 1 150 105 15 1~ 105 1111 9 8 110 88 CaliC 125 122 215 2623 201 198 245 4851 197 17~ 220 3828 US - - - -11264- - -4129-- 98 - - ~6i- - -5121- - ~97 - -iia - - 54803- - -5348- - 5048 - - 85 - - 42976-If iti~t- dO-Dt-iclude-claed hatd tr-II-fla ~- fO fib In-oe~o- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- 15 -

UPDATA 1981 bull ~ ilmiddot t ~ bull


RD ACRlWl1l TDlIJ) un PllOIJJeTIOlI 1944 to 19116

-- --I 1HI i9i5I~ Sate S Aane rea neld rc)oo Acre lene lelA Pro- Acree Aorea n14 Proshy

laW Iu- Pertan I cluUoa Plutea Iu- lItr Acre cltwtion1p1ateal S Per Acre duetioll ________ft1______ i ____ i ___ eJl4 l _____1____ l ___ l t ~ illl ________ _ IIIo Aon l 1bou BIl ftlau Acre Ill boualIu lhoq _rea Buboh lhoua Bu

11 66 12 162 1 80 10 175 175 105 8 180 144 IT~ 96 15 167 250 95 13 160 208 91 15 175 262 Pe 55 43 148 636 53 U 155 636 33 22 155 341 Oblo 80 33 152 502 90 I 115 472 70 17 110 289 IIlld 179 86 118 1015 222 70 125 875 1ar 46 135 621 Ill UO 63 113 712U8 It7 120 561t 88 38 125 475 1Ucb US 62 127 787 117 56 140 IJIt 91 48 135 648 Vle 125 98 87 853 126 95 120 1140 100 76 115 874 Ill 155 108 87 9fO 144 107 260 1712 151 118 130 l5J1J laws 118 10 120 12fl 37 11 130 143 26 10 170 170 Ho V3 SO 116 580 128 41 110 451 100 35 125 438 IDate ~ 145 92 l3J1J 150 115 135 1552 225 196 110 2156 Snate 5 392 lOl 3959 376 290 V5 42115 323 altl 105 2530 lebr 585 365 91 )322 556 361 125 4512 423 282 110 3102 Iatia 225 101 105 1060 2117 81 lO5 850 120 53 105 556 Del 32 18 1)6 245 JIJ 19 V5 276 J3 18 140 252 ald ~ 23 165 380 67 20 145 290 5f lit 145 2flJ la 135 114 144 6J1J 136 JIJ 135 459 125 25 140 350 VY 12 5 135 68 13 135 54 8 ) 125 38 IC 1~ J8 115 437 165 31 105 )26 145 22 125 215 sc 75 16 104 166 75 15 95 142 44 11 100 110 0 It) 12 101 121 50 10 90 90)0 6 100 60 ~ 133 JK1 141) S60 182 40 125 500 155 37 140 518IID 172 37 10ij 400 162 J4 95 3Z3 115 25 100 250 OEl 264 100 103 1030 257 ~ 100 740 1114 48 90 4)2 fex 142 22 119 262 55 21 90 199 It9 11 100 110 HoDt 20 16 120 192 2h 16 110 176 40 26 100 260 Idaho 12 5 1)) 66 11 5 130 65 11 It 140 56 1170 36 J 91 121 JJ 8 105 ~ 29 8 105 B4 Colo 1250 79 600 121 80 100 800 100 68 80 S44 bullbullJlllx 12 9 82 74 12 5 65 )2 10 5 85 42 Utah ~ IJ 95 12h 22 10 100 100 22 9 95 86 lIash 147 17 114 194 55 15 120 180 50 10 125 125 0rec 151 )2 141 451 155 )1 140 434 140 )2 1)5 432 Calif 29 12 108 130 29 13 130 169 22 lO 120 120

us It1415 2132 106 22525 4157 1850 128 2)708 3396 1591 116 18487 ---~-------------------------------------------------- ----

- - - --_ - - - -- _ -r9li4-_ - - - - __ - ___ - _______ S________________ - - - - - - 7________ - - shy --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T9i- - - - - - -r - - - -l~b - - -Stat Aores Aaru nld I Pro- Acrbullbull Acr I Ylel4 I Pro- Acl IADrea neld I Proshy

PlIIIIha ~ PilI Aclll ductlOD IPllUlted liar- Perlen duaUoDlplal1~1 liar- IPer Acre l duettOD I Ia I ytd I IYelted I- - - - -1ioiie iare - -BiiieT- -hnaB - fliDU-AGr- - iiahi - fbOuBiu Thru-iCrbullbull- -BiiiieT- TbOubullbulliia

1_ 6 6 200 120 6 6 155 9J 5 5 200 100 n 1 1 220 22 1 1 180 18 1 1 220 22 BY 155 150 180 2700 129 98 155 15]9 119 113 190 2147 Fa V~ l4O 195 27)0 112 98 185 1813 108 lOit 200 2080 Ohio V 14 210 294 18 17 180 )06 17 11 190 J23 1114 lO 10 150 150 22 20 135 270 7 6 150 90 Ill 5 5 165 82 16 15 150 225 5 5 160 80 Il1ab )8 )) lS5 512 46 25 140 )50 ZIt 18 1)5 24) lI1a 29 27 lS5 418 26 ZIt 150 360 2 25 145 362 IIIIIDo 67 6) 150 945 49 45 1140 6)0 118 It2 140 588 Iowa 12 12 175 210 7 vo 98)) 150 45 Ia) 1 1 125 12 1 1 120 12 1 1 110 11 Bllak 5 14 160 64 7 7 160 112 6 6 130 78 SDak 7 6 150 90 It 130 52 5 5 40 70 JId 6 6 200 120 5 5 ~5 118 _ _ 2)5 9Ita 8 8 165 132 5 5 170 85 It _ 170 68 V 10 10 185 185 8 8 US 172 8 8 195 156 Ie 5 5 145 12 It 160 6It 3 3 160 48 ~ 2 2 130 26 2 2 130 26 3 J 140 42D ____1 ___ 1_ 145______1 ___ ~ ____ __1 _____~___ o___ O__1~1 ____1~5_

trs 531 S08 176 8956 417 ItOl 161 6~7 It08 )13 178 6812 ------------~---------------------------------------------

- 16shy



- - -- 12411lMIX99 sbullbullbullbull _ iorea n 14 I Pro- Acre iDre J nld Pro- Acne lAcn_ TleU Proshy-- re I Ifuo- I e I I I Hu- I I J Bar- I

____1~~~~bull l_I_~r_~~ ~~ ~~~Y ~~_1_~~l~)P~~Ye ~r_I~ _~~1J1_ I1cu tara ~ hOh ~oubull iDn l ThouBn hOlla AlIre ]ahale fhouellIl bull

bullbullr 90 J5 185 278 90 11 185 3~ 107 17 184 313 bullbull1 89 15 180 20 f5 12 175 210 88 12 179 215 Pa 21 18 155 Z79 21 16 ~5 232 21 ~ 165 231 Ohio 71 JO 170 S10 67 20 180 360 ~ 18 170 306 lad ~3 60 v0 8110 ISO ~ ~5 928~) 57 1)5 77fJ Ill ~ -7 ~O 658 113 53 150 795 123 56 141 790 1I11JII 126 7fJ ~5 1015 1)2 80 150 1200 1 57 140 798 V1I 109 87 120 1~ 112 92 l20 1104 119 92 120 1104 lie la 1~ 150 21f6O 278 2)9 150 3585 200 172 145 2494 lov 28 15 150 225 36 17 155 264 5) 18 140 252 Mo 100 36 110 396 105 )5 120 420 U7 )5 112 392 bullbullDIIk 360 30 140 4522 461 401 120 4812 26) 229 115 2634 S1lIIk _10 ~7 v0 4858 476 392 1)0 5096 328 267 117 31211shyu ~ 305 90 2145 352 238 95 2261 317 207 74 1532 Eau 136 110 627 90 )I U5 391 65 28 97 272 DIll 32 19 135 256 33 20 120 2110 28 ~ 140 196 M 52 16 150 JIO 48 V v0 196 52 12 145 1a 1350 140 322 155 25 V5 362 15) 18 140 252 Va 8 3 120 36 6 2 130 26 6 2 136 2 _C ~ ~5 348 117 22 130 286 113 17 115 196 SC 42 10 115 115)1 7 85 60 26 6 95 57 Oa 2 6 75 45 22 5 90 45 20 4 80 32 1Ir 141 37 140 518 130 28 150 420 1)6 2 136 J67 fua 98 26 105 273 100 30 110 330 105 20 101 202 Oltla 115 JJ8 95 456 108 36 75 270 1~ 36 70 252 ~z 7fJ 35 100 3SO B4 30 70 210 100 38 80 304 MoII 52 29 125 )62 JO 20 1)5 27fJ 2) 7 90 63 I4aho 10 5 17G 85 10 4 130 52 10 ) 150 450 21 7 110 71 27 7 70 49 Z7 7 102 n Colo 8 7 100 47fJ 58 35 80 2BO 38 2) 90 207 bullbull lIDz 7 5 115 511 7 5 UO 55 7 5 120 60 ~u 12 6 100 60 10 5 100 SO 10 5 Uo 55 Vesb SO 13 100 130 JJ8 17 130 221 42 10 101 101 Orec 125 32 ~O AiIf8 110 24 145 )lI8 116 15 103 154 ~-1____1 ___l _~O____ _ P ___21 ___ 2__~2 _____14___ 5____6__12~ ____ ~_ ~___ ~7 _9 _ 28____2l~ _22~ __~o~__l ___ S86_ ~23__15t__1~ __ ~1~2


--- - J2i+I i1 i W9 I Mn5 I J liDnll I I Acre

StaM I Mn I JIcq I nu I Pro- mne I iaIo J nld I Pro- I Acn I IreZ- I Yield Proshy____I~~laquobulld_~I_ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~YIleJ ~ ~ ~~_1_~~l~J1JP~~lYlle ~Pr_~~_d~l~J1_

Au II ftIagpa hog Mn lI1 ~1UIlln hOUR Acre lIIt_hel lhou1Iu

181 6 6 170 102 5 5 200 100 5 5 210 105 ft 1 1 140 14_r a 1M 135 1539 99 96 195 1872 78 76 210 1596 12) 114 160 182It 101 96 210 2016 78 200 1480 Will __ 42 155 651 16 16 180 2B8 12 12 210 2521114 19 18 140 252 2 2 150 30 4 160 64 IU 16 16 130 208 4 4 170 68 2 2 160 32 Ill 63 57 130 11 30 27 130 351 20 19 145 276 V18 2 25 ~5 362 25 ~ 155 356 23 22 151 332 Ill 62 54 120 ~ )It 29 150 bull 435 28 ~ 125 300 1_ 10 10 120 120 JIll 2 2 110 22 bullbullDate 8 7 150 105 3 J 160 If8 4 120 If8 s~ 9 8 110 88 4 160 64 3 J 80 2H II - - 180 72 ) ) 230 69 3 -) 210 63a ) J 160 ~ 3 3 180 54 2 2 166 33 Va 8 8 175 ~ 7 7 195 1)6 7 7 201 141 ~C 3 3 170 51 1Ir 2 2 150 30 t~ ____l ___l_ ~~_____ 6 ___I ___ 2__~~ _____18___ =2___ 2__1~ ____20_ US ~ S05 142 7171 JIe8 330 18_ 6085 281 269 184 4956 -----------------------------------------------~------ ----

- 17 -


llRY EIBLE 1IEliS ACREME TIBLllUlll plIOWClIOIi 1944 to 194911

~ -- - ~124 124i 1W bull bull Acres bull bull bull bull Acree bull bull bull bull Acres bull bull ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pl~tedyeted Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted vested Per Acre duct ion pl~ntedyented Per Acre duct10n - - - ---TioiAcrlI- --pound --ThOuiyen~- Thouice ---Pouid --nOUBW- nouic~e ---POuid-middot --TboujjishyHamp1u 5 5 695 35 4 4 820 33 6 6 980 59 vt 1 1 626 6 NY 120 113 790 893 101 84 850 714 128 124 1200 1488 Mich 701 660 690 4554 435 363 820 2977 531 519 740 3841 Vb 2 2 430 9 1 1 560 6 ---Minn t 6 5 476 24 4 4 600 24 3 3 500 IS IfDosk 2 1 (730 7 1 1 700 7 1 1 600 6 lfebr 60 49 1260 617 53 18 1520 7JC 611- 62 1650 102] Mont 25 ~ 1083 249 20 18 1300 234 18 17 1 bull 590 270 Idlho 146 145 1550 2248 117 115 100 1725 131 128 1700 2176 qo 90 86 1240 1066 90 86 1250 1075 93 90 1450 1305 yenllh 3 3 1030 31 4 4 1250 50 4 4 1075 43 Oreg 1 1 1322 13 Tu 2 1 200 2 Colo 350 327 540 1766 290 271 580 1572 276 249 650 1618 fMex 267 ~O 302 695 203 161 180 290 142 114 225 256 Alb 15 14 395 55 14 13 515 67 14 13 900 117 Utah e 7 480 J4 8 7 400 2B 10 9 400 36 ~UL1IIrI 166 166 1327 2203 166 166 1242 2062 149 149 1342 2000 CtJ1fOUlIl1 183 157 1045 1640 148 141 1062 1497 134 134 1184 1587 poundeil _142 __ 221 _ _ 9Q _1bullsect41 _ __ 2~ __ 201 __1L129__ J~29_ __ ~1 _ _ g82 __1L2amp7__ _ l281_ ~___ g52 _ ~9~ ___ 02 _1amp41 __ ~5~ _ ~1 ___80__ vJ0~1__ 1Ot _ ~2~ ___917___12~_

DRY EDlDLE llEA1lS (Contd) - - - - 1241 124sect 1942 Jamp1ne 7 7 1100 77 9 9 900 81 8 8 925 74 bullbullY 138 13D 1070 1391 181 179 1230 2202 176 170 1000 1700 Mich 494 467 670 3129 514 504 880 4435 52) 519 1100 5709 Minn 2 1 350 4 1 1 650 6 1 1 650 6 1lDIk 1 1 850 8 lfllbr 80 76 1425 1083 85 83 1725 1432 90 85 1530 1301 Mont 2l 20 1450 2)0 22 21 1470 309 19 18 11170 265 IdlLho 159 154 1540 2372 ISO 148 1800 2664 149 147 1830 2690 To 112 107 1350 1444 98 95 1370 1302 83 81 1520 1231 lfaah 4 4 1200 48 5 5 1500 75 8 8 1490 119 Colo 331 321 800 2568 341 324 720 2333 307 295 820 2419 NMex 155 140 237 332 191 172 250 430 181 169 350 592 Arb 15 14 430 60 14 14 475 66 12 12 500 60 Utah 14 13 760 99 17 15 400 60 15 14 500 70 Ca11tL1IIrI 149 149 1406 2095 145 145 1603 2324 15 175 1654 2894 CallfOther 174 174 1303 2268 223 223 1389 3097 183 183 1229 2249 poundlil_2z1 __ 222 __ 25_t262 ___ 26Q __ 26Q __14ZJ_ __5431___ 25Q __ 25Q __1427_ __ 241_ ___ sect5~ _ m ___ 271 _116sect __ 29~ _ 23Q __1J014__ 086__ 23sect _ Q82 __1114___2~2 _ J1 Include b gl01OI1 for lead


- - - - li~ li4i 12~ s~te Acr Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acree Yield Proshy

Plantedl Har- Per Acre duction Planted Har_ Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted Har_ Per Acre duction _____ __x8td______________=_vsies______________Z8tlltL__________ _ rhoueAcieg Pounds Thous1jB ThousAcres ~ ThouBBagB ThoulAcree Pounds ThouBBagB

Mlch 1 1 770 8 Vh 3 3 970 29 2 2 950 19 1 1 1100 11 MInn 4 4 82033 4 4 950 38 6 6 800 48 NDak 14 13 1060 138 13 12 1200 144 15 15 1350 202 Mont 42 40 1103 441 32 30 1200 360 24 2J 1170 269 Idaho 225 219 1275 2792 ISS 153 1200 1836 161 156 1350 2106 lyo 2 2 921 18 2 2 1200 24 3 3 1250 38 Colo 33 22 860 189 bull 33 23 900 207 23 16 750 120 WaG 347 340 1290 4386 246 235 1160 2726 244 235 1480 3478 Oreg 58 56 1120 627 39 37 950 352 20 19 1300 247Qai____~ ___Ii __ l12 __ pound32 ____21 ___2Q _ _1 05_middot__ _29J_ ___1sect ___112 ___820____ l6Q _ l~_ ___ Z5Z - _ ru __ lgl _ J2li9t ___ i~ __ ilJ2 _ _11tl- _ -S91L __ ili __ 9_~ __13i8___ poundpound72 _

DRY FIELD PEAS (Contd) - - - - 1i41 1~1 -)242 Wle 1 1 1050 10 Minn 8 7 600 42 J J 900 27 7 7 950 66 Iflllk 20 18 1080 194 7 6 1200 72 5 5 1000 50 Mont 17 16 1100 176 8 8 1160 9J I 6 1130 68 Idaho 153middot 150 1320 1980 72 68 1220 830 99 89 1120 997 lyo 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1210 24 Colo 35 21 900 189 24 19 1000 190 19 16 1220 195 Vash 256 247 1300 J211 162 156 1280 1997 210 198 760 1505 Oreg 25 24 1180 28J 19 18 1300 234 17 14 700 98poundsll___ _Zl __ _ Zl ___ 19Q __ g11 ____1sect ___1sect __ 390____113____11 ___11 __1210____ 102 _ ____ 2~ __ 21l _ _ 33g _ ~l2g ___ Jl2 __ ~9Q __1J2g1__ JJ6fJ___ l8l _ _ 25 ___9pound7___ l~l~_ 1I h pl1Jlc1pal comerc1al produciD8 States Includes Pt)llS groUl for seed aDd comery pens harvested lUy

- III shy

1 UPDATA 1981



- - - - 19i4 19sect 12 li41 to ~ t 1242 St t A Aores Ac Acres A Acres ~ Acres ~ Acres A Acres

a e creB Har- reo H~r- cres ~r- cres H~r- cr~s H~r- eres Harshy____~1ne~eit~d_~1no~_elt~ltLlP~~tdlV~oeS_~1ne~lvsOS_ c~middot~_vselP~l~td_Jel~~d__

Thousand Acres Ind 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ill 12 12 9 9 7 7 5 5 6 6 4 4 ViB 3 3 2 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~1nn 18 18 12 12 7 7 10 10 6 6 5 5 Iogtlt 23 22 11 11 7 7 8 8 12 12 10 10 Mo 265 263 225 216 184 181 179 176 154 150 122 120 Iflhk 87 86 50 49 47 44 42 41 33 32 35 34 SJhk S49 502 390 362 238 221 188 179 152 149 164 156 Jlebr 704 685 50 480 390 374 343 325 364 351 364 347 K9ns 38116 3768 3054 2879 2718 2505 2256 2154 2459 2391 2361 2319 Va 10 9 15 10 15 9 17 9 14 6 12 4 IIVa 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 nc 26 26 23 23 30 30 32 32 35 35 32 32 sc 36 36 35 35 28 28 29 29 30 30 23 23 Ga 60 60 60 60 48 48 55 55 54 54 38 38 Ky 35 34 35 35 39 39 34 34 2l 21 18 18 Tenn 62 6 56 56 56 56 48 48 37 37 29 29 Ala 59 58 61 60 79 78 86 84 99 97 65 63 Mhs 65 64 63 61 51 49 53 52 47 46 34 33 Ark 94 93 97 95 82 80 78 75 68 67 51 50 Jg 10 10 9 9 8 8 9 9 11 11 11 11 Okla 2484 2406 1938middot 1829 1783 1664 1284 1198 1348 1258 1146 1094 T8 8318 8202 7653 7054 7273 6913 5527 5392 7019 6740 5168 5080 Mont 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 4 3 3 4 3 Vyo bull 14 13 10 9 7 7 7 6 4 4 5 5 Colo 766 723 705 658 613 546 490 470 500 479 645 618 1IHex 690 669 467 309 317 265 349 313 521 479 556 532 Arb 71 69 55 53 74 72 62 60 90 88 77 76 Calli 133 127 112 108 151 151 76 76 122 122 80 80 115- - -ie458 -18038 - - is668 - 14-498- 14- 2f6- - i540J -11-277- -10OsO - -13214 -12-679- -11064 - -10789- -


- - - l9~( t00 1916t 197 19aL 12112 St t Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros Dald Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros IReld Pro- Acres llel4 Proshy

a eHar_ Per duc_ Hl1- Per duc- H9r- Por dw- 59r- Per due- zHar- IPer duc_ Har- Per i ducshy___yetdlApoundrs_t0E lVS82C8l 1n_yeltdAEr_t0E lvse2cel 1n_yetdlApoundrl_t0E lvsse~cel isn_

Thous Thous Thous Thoua Thous ThOUG Thoua Thous Theus Thous Thous Thoua ~ TonE ~ Acrea ~ Tons Acros Tona1m Acres ~ Tons ~ TOilS ~ Acres 2 Tons

Ind 2 270 5 1 290 3 1 260 3 Ill 4 250 10 3 250 8 2 300 6 2 250 5 2 350 7 1 350 4 Minn 15 300 45 8 20 18 5 200 10 8 200 16 4 250 10 4 230 9 Iowa 12 300 36 5 300 15 2 350 7 2 250 5 6 300 18 4 250 10 Ho 150 211 316 146 180 263 105 220 231 95 180 171 86 20 189 58 210 122 N bull oruc 76 110 106 116 135 62 41 110 45 39 130 51 30 125 38 32 100 32 SDak 395 169 668 308 150 462 177 l70 301 152 130 198 124 180 223 133 135 180 Nebl 511 197 1007 383 160 613 279 165 460 234 155 363 222 160 355 220 230 506 Kans 1125 213 2396 1386 164 2273 1302 160 2083 989 140 1385 692 190 1315 649 185 1201 Va 6 170 10 8 175 1~ 7 175 12 8 175 14 5 180 9 4 175 7 lle 15 160 24 13 170 22 18 180 32 17 190 32 13 200 26 13 200 26 SC 22 130 29 21 145 30 14 150 21 14 140 20 16 1~5 2J 10 150 15 Ga 35 111 39 42 135 57 33 135 45 )8 130 49 41 130 5] 29 140 41 KT 22 184 ~o 25 240 60 23 260 60 22 280 62 15 210 32 13 21~ 2B Tenn 37 180 67 33 20 73 31 210 65 29 230 67 23 235 54 17 220 37 Ala 23 140 32 24 135 32 27 155 ~2 28 135 38 37 150 56 19 145 2B Hios 27 165 ~5 28 185 52 18 150 27 18 170 31 19 195 37 16 185 30 Ark 66 161 106 68 160 109 50 145 72 51 140 71 J8 185 70 27 190 51 L~ 6 130 8 5 165 8 ~ 160 6 4 135 5 6 145 9 5 160 8 Okla 132~ 145 1920 1118 125 1398 969 130 160 701 110 771 652 150 978 502 160 803 Tex 2920 1193768 2985 110 3283 2324 122 28391677 110 1844 lt17J 122 26601452 145 2105 Mont 5 117 6 4 120 5 6 115 7 4 130 5 J 150 4 3 80 2 Wyo 13 82 11 9 70 6 7 60 4 6 80 5 ~ 75 3 5 76 4 Colo ~7J 114 539 460 110 506 350 105 368 304 115 )50 280 105 29~ 301 107 322 11Mex 29~ 102 300 223 70 157 155 103 159 143 67 96 184 100 184 109 129 141 Arh 6 200 2 3 200 6 5 175 9 3 175 5 3 175 5 ~ 175 7 Ea1i__ _35pound __ Z___2_ ~poundO___ ~ __ _35pound ___7___~ 210___7___ _35pound __ ~ __ 2 _ 210___1pound

~middot~middot_118~ _15~ 015J317_ 10_ 21~11251_131_81~1_4520_ 3_56~6_ ~~8~ _14 ~~521~31_ za_11~

- 19 shy





- ---I I94 1J9s 1~~ S~at J Jor 1 Yield Pr d ti~ JeJ81 I n14 I ProducUcna I Jone J Yield Pro4ucUoII

____1_~bullt4_1_~r_~l _1__0_u _~ _1_IIret4__~I_-l _1________~t4_1_~1_~l J _____ _ ThouIAcne ~ ThoU Bu llloutareplE ft1oUI Bu BiouDJeJ8el llloubullbull IIp

Ind 2 ~9 48 2 300 60 1 300 30 Ill 1 240 2h 1 290 29 1 300 30 Iova 1 240 24 1 200 20 1 200 20 Mo 61 216 1)18 29 ~o 435 ~ 220 968 IDaIt 8 163 130 1 160 16 1 135 14 SDak 92 153 1408 43 115 494 37 160 592 lobI 115 22) 2564 75 180 1350 18 200 1560 Ian 2229 221 49261 1149 154 17695 B51 1)5 11488 IC 2 250 50 3 2)0 69 sc 1 165 16 1 170 17 3 IB5 56 Al 2 163 33 13 150 195 2) 160 368 uk 7 143 100 10 170 170 8 150 120 La 1 150 15 1 180 18 1 140 14 Okla 979 1050 146805 636 120 7632 6~ 115 7176 ex 05103 194 99229 ) 950 150 c59139 4~ 160 71840 ColO aIfO 1057 3768 180 lAt9 2682 191 130 2483 1lIex )69 166 6111 84 70 587 108 104 1127 Aris 54 372 2009 44 )40 1496 55 360 1980 ~a1____11____)1~ ____ ~)~ _____1pound2____32~ ___ _ l27 _____~5____42 ___ ~292 __ US 9)86 197 184978 6)24 152 9606) 6669 159 106025


- - --I l~ 192s 1~ Stah I tar 1 Yield 1 PrOdUCtioD Acre I Yield I ProductiOIl Acne I Yield 1 Productloll

____1_~etd_Umiddotr_Jer _1_______ _~etd_I_Pr_Ael _1_______1_lIrQt4__~r_~l J _____ _ Thoue Jon ll 2a DIOUlllOD ThoubullbullJer 12 DIoubullbull Toll lhoUlJarooa ToD bou l01I

lIId 5 105 52 4 120 48 3 110 111 4 100 40 3 90 27 2 105 21 Vh 1 80 8 1 75 8 M1Dn 70 21 4 60 24 2 65 13 Iowa 6 100 60 3 90 27 1 110 11 Mo 85 374 36 71) 252 25 85 212 IDak 2 30 6 2 202 4 2 21 4 SDaIc 15 7 56 11 3- 37 7 40 28 Ifebr 59 64 378 22 50 110 17 50 BS Iane 412 70 2884 )42 55 1881 SO 60 21OQ SC 3 50 15 ) 55 16 3 50 15 Ga ) 40 12 1 45 14 51) 20 leDII 10 65 65 9 70 63 6 70 42 Al 6 75 45 05 70 35 6 60 36)Ii 12 90 108 12 90 108 12 75 90 Ark 3 55 16 2 55 11 5 60 )0 La 1 61 7 1 7- 7 1 66 7 Old 97 50 485 10 45 115 67 40 l68 Ix l6It 48 789 108 35 )83 87 41 ~O Colo 10 55 55 18 45 81 5 50 25 bullbull lIu 6 ) 20 2 30 2 45 9 Arll 9 121) 108 6 US 69 12 U5 138pounda1_____4____~~ ______2 ______4 ~ ______4 _____~ ______l~ ______ ____1~~

US 879 642 56114 671 532 3510 623 576 3SS7


- - - -I = 19~ = = = == = ~ 1~4sect state crill 1 Yield ProductioD Acre 1 Yield I Prod t1 I Acres Yield Pr

_____~etd_lt]~r_Apoundr ________1_Hrstd_IJr_Apoundr ____~ _o~ __~etd_Jr_Apoundrtl _ ~d~~1~~ ThougAcru Jl9B1 lhquGIlllog TI1quecrea ~ TboutOallQII ThguuJcru GalloDII AAUIIlampllov

Ind 1 80 80 1 90 90 1 75 75 Ill 3 50 ISO 2 50 100 2 65 1)0 Via 2 80 160 1 70 70 1 62 62 10 3 125 )705 2 100 200 3 129 387 Mo 8 62 496 5 45 225 7 55 385 bu 2 55 110 2 SO 100 2 51 102 Va J 65 195 2 65 130 2 66 1)2 VVa 3 59 177 2 67 134 1 66 66 lIC 11 74 814 8 64 512 9 131 729 SC 10 55 550 10 55 550 8 58 464 Ge 22 55 1210 15 57 855 11 53 583 17 12 65 780 10 73 730 16 85 1360 laDII 15 61 915 14 60 840 19 73 1)87 Ala 27 65 1755 18 66 1188 22 6) 1386 Mha 25 78 1950 21 80 1680 19 65 1235 Ark 17 SO 850 15 55 825 17 60 1020 L~ 2 55 110 2 60 120 2 40 80 OklL 6 42 252 5 43 215 4 47 188

i~----~i---~------l~-----l~---~------~______~ ___~____ _~2__--- - - - - - - - - - _1_ - __ l~ _____146____6middotZ ____ 2~ _____~_ 660 10171

-O- ------------ shy



-s~~e-= ~II 1 RI~ 1Pr~~to ~r~ ~~ 1 ~o~t~I~ ~~ R~~ ~din I BarYeated Per Acre I I BarYe ted Per Acr I I BarYbullbulltod Per Acr

- - - -1h-cr- -Dl~hr- -fhoa- ia - fhQicr1 bir- - -TiioQ- ib- - thOulAcibullbull -Dlhel- TiioU- -IDe 1 260 26 1 320 32 1 320 JJ~ Iowa 1 160 16 1 195 20 1 225 m )10 114 160 704 30 240 72031 200 6tjIlak 1 155 16 1 160 16 SDU 111 90 162 20 155 310 20 122 244

Iobr 75 150 1125 111 225 2632 109 236 2572lAD 754 145 10933 339 215 287811 1392 215 29 928 IC 5 250 125 16 270 432 15 250 375 s Q 5 155 78 1 175 122 7 180 126 Ala 34 165 561 45 195 878 33 181 597 Arll 10 150 15016 1110 2811 14 172 241 lA 2 140 28 2 155 31 3 170 51 CkIa 440 110 11840 556 150 8340 548 155 8494 181 3640 180 65421 496 165 74143 3563 239 114996 Colo 160 150 2400 192 170 3264 3011 172 52911 INex 167 106 1764 287 140 40111 415 222 9213 Arh 53 410 2113 75 400 3000 61 1146 2721 -~l____1~ ____3 ____ ~sect9 _____16___ 31middot ____ ~~ _____ 11___ 32 ~ ___ r62_ ~~___ ~~ ____lI~ ____9I11 ____ 7____1~ ___ ~I~ ____6~5~2____2 __ 4~_

ALL SOBOIIllKS JOR SIIMB AOlJWlE YIELD A)JD PROIUClIOIl 1947 to 1949 _______ ~_7_________________ __________________ ~~_______ _~------------~------------------~------------------ilt--------

State Acre I Yh1d I Acre field Acre Yield BarPedd Per Acre Product1on I BarPted Per Acre Production llarveted Pet Acre Production

- - - - ThouAcre -iaL- - -boU7tOji - biiuAcro -Jiii- - -b0li71oi- ~ouEcre - -~n - -fhw7Tu Ind 2 85 17 2 115 23 2 115 23 Ill 2 90 18 4 105 42 3 93 28 Hinn 2 60 12 2 eo 16 1 70 7 IoVA 3 60 18 3 95 28 3 100 30 Mo 33 70 231 31 95 294 29 86 249 IfIlK 1 25 2 1 30 3 2 23 5 slak 9 25 22 5 55 28 3 42 13 Ibr 16 45 72 12 60 72 18 70 126lAD 409 53 21611 359 76 2 72~ 278 73 2029 SC 3 50 15 2 55 11 3 60 18 0 3 45 14 5 55 211 3 60 IS Tonn 6 70 42 7 75 52 8 76 61 Ala 4 65 26 7 75 52 6 74 44 Nh 12 65 711 12 01 0 96 8 85 61 Ark 3 5middot3 16 5 75 38 5 75 38 ta 1 60 6 2 68 14 2 70 14 (kIa 54 37 200 4 55 264 43 56 241 Tex 69 37 258 66 46 305 60 57 343 Colo 6 45 27 7 55 38 9 48 43 IIMex 3 40 12 e 45 36 8 53 42 Arh 4 110 44 10 110 110 11 115 126 -~1____ ~ ____1poundpound ______~ ______4____1poundpound ______~ ______6____1~ pound _____~_ ~____ ~4~ ____ 4___ _ lP _____~2____ 7____ ~~1 _____51____ 10___ sect2~_


-- -- I~ D[8 I~i State Aeres Tield Production I Acr Tield Produetlon I Acree Yield Production

BarYeted I Per Acre I BarTeted Per Acre BarYeted Per Acre - - - - hiiuicre - Gallon - bouGallon thouD Xcre - 01100 - fhoubullbullOaflon ~iiuicro - iiaflon -lhOli7aeliOii Ind 1 70 70 1 90 90 1 90 90 Ill 1 55 55 1118 1 51 51 1 80 80 1 77 77 IClVa 2 80 160 2 168 336 2 158 316 Mo II 42 168 3 66 1911 2 61 122 Ian 2 51 102 1 47 47 Va 1 61 67 1 90 90 IIVa 1 70 70 bullbullC 10 73 730 6 611 408 4 72 211 Sc 7 49 343 5 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ Ga 14 59 826 II ~ ~ 6 60 ~ ~ 12 74 888 6 73 438 5 79 395 Tnn 13 60 7S0 7 Ala 111 60 10110 8 m = ~ =Mi 22 68 1496 15 78 1170 9 63 567 Arll 11 42 462 8 64 512 4 54 216 La 2 35 70 1 43 43 1 45 45 Cltla 3 33 99 2 55 110 1 52 52 ~_____ ~ ____ 25______ 13~ ______5__ _ ______ 1pound _____ -____ ~_____ __I~

Us 131 7847 SO 6911 55116 53 66s 3539 -------------------------~---------------------------- -------- 21 shy

bullUPDATA 1981 ~~ I j


--- -- 1~ t 19~ t 19[6 StlAt I Acree Yield Acrn Yield Acrea Yield

Harvea d Pel Production Harvest d Per Production Harvested Per Production _________ ~ _ _Agrl _ ______ ______Apound~ __ ______ t ______ _Asr~ _______ _

ThoutlAcree Ton8 ThouTone ThouAcre Ton ThouBlone ThoUllAcres 1on8 Thou8Tone Main 923 89 818 833 106 882 84 99 m fK 388 102 395 376 123 464 364 118 431 it 1032 126 1298 10oe 150 1516 1006 143 1442 )(saso 319 124 469 376 164 615 365 164 597 RI 36 1l4 41 37 146 54 34144 49 Conn 304 123 374 300 157 472 288 162 467 fY 4008 144 5759 4021 161 6488 3968 162 6416 NJ 274 147 402 288 177 509 260 175 454 PIi 2564 140 3597 2539 151 3826 2525 150 3789 0b10 2605 139 3622 2560 148 3801 2536 152 3848 Ind 2004 131 2626 1765 145 2551 1835 137 2511 Ill 2824 139 3938 2662 152 4053 2732 146 3985 Mich 2813 1)8 3895 2671 148 3958 2648 124 3272 Vb 4263 163 6929 4214 187 7870 4ll2 155 6371 Minn 4683 142 6640 4366 152 6637 4067 146 5956 Iowa 3551 164 58)6 1304 172 5677 3275 163 5325 Mo 3703 113 4171 3914 115 4500 3545 119 4201 lItDIIk 3421 97 3305 3434 94 3233 3068 89 2724 SDak 36e5 99 3637 3616 92 3312 3478 80 2775 Nebr 4355 112 4865 4062 11)9 4436 3915 97 3787 ~B 1784 167 2982 1783 161 2875 1746 135 2354 Del 82 1 ~o 98 75 152 114 71 149 106 Md 461 120 552 464 139 643 442 148 656 Va 1383 11)2 1405 1477 117 1722 1391 119 1650 IIv 835 108 904 840 1~ 1061 812 129 1045 NC 1315 96 1263 1374 98 1352 1263 102 1285 sc 543 74 400 554 84 465 S07 87 442 Oe 1406 49 689 1441 54 785 1399 52 723 lIla 118 54 64 125 57 71 123 49 60 It) 1630 112 1831 1987 137 2720 1813 136 2459 Tenn 1769 94 1660 1978 124 2444 1802 122 2205 All 1 091 67 730 995 75 742 999 74 744 M18s 925 119 1104 873 117 1025 850 123 1046 Ark 1397 109 1529 1378 116 1595 1258 118 1483 ra 3Jl 119 395 326 125 406 319 126 403 Okla 1296 129 1671 1326 133 1757 1355 113 1534 Tex 1591 90 1439 1599 96 1537 1623 11)3 1619 Mont 2265 119 2689 2267 117 2681 2147 112 2395 Idho 1198 204 2445 1189 204 2428 1140 213 2429 liTo 1156 113 1312 1103 116 1274 1091 111 1214 Colo 1467 159 2331 1425 155 2215 1359 148 2008 NMex 217 221 419 201 192 385 206 212 436 Arb 332 218 723 309 242 748 306 239 737 Utah 612 203 1245 597 200 1194 573 195 1115 ireV 435 142 617 436 141 615 432 152 655 VaBb 989 119 1775 931 187 1744 656 192 1640 Oreg 1156 173 1996 1158 170 1970 1062 173 1~39poundampl1____20plusmn0____ ~middot21____ 22~ ____2130____ ~bullsect4____60]6____ 282 __ _ 1~2_ ___6t0Q3_ ~____ 176)9____ ]middot13___ 03~2 ___ 16627____ ]~__ _1~7t418_ ___71141 ___ ]15___ 291518_

VILD HAY ACREAGE nELD lID PllOllUCTIOlf 1944 to 191i6

- - - - - 1~ l I9~ l 19[6 state I Acree Yield Acree Yield AcreB Yield

I Harveated Per Productioll ltlrvesed bull Per bull Production Harvested Per bull Production ___________ l ce__ ~ ______ t _____ _ =_AsrJ __ ______ l _______~r __ _____ _

ThouaAcrem ThousTon bonaAcres ona ThousTona Thoue-cres ~ Thousfou Via 140 130 182 94 115 106 llO 115 126 Minn 1452 1ll 1612 1394 115 1603 1282 110 1410 10 102 122 124 92 120 llO 86 1O 103 Mo 154 109 168 160 120 192 150 100 ISO NDal 2576 90 ~318 2576 85 2190 2318 85 1970 sJ))k 3076 88 2707 3014 60 24ll 2693 70 2025 Nebr 3198 80 2558 2942 75 2206 2795 65 1817Ian 693 111 769 638 115 734 636 75 478 Ark 194 104 202 202 105 212 202 105 212 Okla 480 118 566 437 125 S46 428 100 428 Tex 195 105 205 185 100 185 191 105 201 Mont 867 85 737 806 90 725 622 60 658 ldho 139 lU 156 139 115 160 135 110 148 To 529 60 423 481 BO 385 495 85 421 Colo 466 97 452 443 100 443 439 85 373 NMex 20 88 16 15 70 10 27 100 27 Utah 103 124 126 lOS 100 105 105 120 1-6 lreT 267 100 267 267 100 267 267 110 294 Yam 46 115 53 51 125 64 47 120 56 Or~ ll76 115 320 3U 11n 3IU gt86 110 315 ~l-l_____1$gt____ 110_____ 17g _____112___ _ 1io_ ~ __ _2ffl_ ____ 152 ___ 1lL ____11~_

k ___ 5all1_____23____1~J1 ___ 4~~_____21___ Jt2~2___ _ ll~7 ___ _g3_ __ l51 _


FFeti5 Hri+tttrtft gt~- bullbull ~Mto shy



- -- -- 1~7 19la_ 19sect State Acrea Yild cr Tlel-l Acrea Yield

______II~~t~d_ ~ ~~~__ ~ ~d~ln_l v~e~ _~_A~~ ___~o~u~t~o~ ~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~____P~o~u~to~ ~bullbullAcrea gAl ~ousTonD fitouDcrea ~ lhoulITons Tbous bullocres I2 Thou9Tonl

M1n 766 11)8 627 nO 11)2 746 695 9B 682 lilI J5) 127 446 JJ9 124 421 J18 11) )56 n 995 149 148J 974 145 1416 952 124 1176 ca )51 154 540 J46 160 59f )42 145 496 RI )2 159 51 29 159 46 28 1 bullSO 42 Conn 280 166 464 272 162 440 26) 156 410 IIT )752 161 6029 )642 165 6016 3)97 1)6 46)0 IJ 244 17) 422 236 161 428 239 177 422 Il 2))9 150 )511 2194 146 )710 2202 142 )123 Ohio 2497 140 34B6 2)84 14) )406 2255 142 )212 Ind 1708 1)6 2)Jl 1661 1)6 2251 1616 145 2 bull 342 Ill 2626 14J )756 2)85 149 )558 2230 165 J689 Mich 2628 1Jl J45) 24)6 1)7 )346 2)29 1)2 )069 Vh 4066 16) 6665 )940 1)8 54)2 3916 15) 5972 MiIlJ1 4063 142 57n )659 1)7 529) 3819 1)lt3 5268 10_ )J)B 154 5154 2943 1)4 )955 )100 159 49)0 Me 3762 114 4)10 )S46 129 4564 )60) 129 465) IDU 3289 95 )110 3176 91 2901 )441 B5 2920 S~ )675 85 ))1) 4126 84 )451 4412 68 3013 lfebr 4)05 113 4BBI 4))4 105 4532 4836 108 5ZJl Iu 2059 153 )155 195) 176 )479 2017 160 3~z2 Del 69 146 102 n 140 102 68 110 97 Md 429 142 611 445 144 64) 429 152 ti51 Vamp 1)27 107 1414 1)72 126 1722 1321 127 16n VV 60) 116 92B 796 129 1026 B02 124 991_C 1292 96 1267 1290 10) 1)28 1246 105 1)12 SC 465 76 )76 509 68 449 52J 91 476 0amp 1)91 51 70) 1416 56 791 1055 6) 66) 11 125 54 67 1)2 58 77 65 62 5) 1) 1666 1)B 2568 1687 126 21)0 1828 110 2)60 l1IllU 1812 117 2120 1691 111 1861 l7J4 125 2175 U 939 72 679 922 18 720 790 84 667 Ki 601 115 923 769 121 9)3 779 115 89) Ark 1254 98 1224 1211 124 150) 1116 117 1J10 111 300 118 )s4 294 112 )29 295 1m 379 Okla 1580 119 1B77 1490 I)) 1975 1)50 1)5 1821 le 1620 90 16)7 1706 91 1556 145) 112 1624 MoDt 2227 112 2491 220) I) 2704 2On 101 2084 Idoho 1022 2Z5 2296 986 220 2171 1050 2lt) 2))7 1170 1080 117 1265 1017 94 960 1104 110 1209 Colo 1)56 164 2219 1)51 167 2251 1401 164 229) Ifllex 216 210 454 20) 212 4)) 19) 209 404 Arlo m 220 595 226 2)8 5)7 25) 247 624 Utah S6B 208 1160 550 205 1129 5)7 21) 1145 - )92 155 606 )8) 151 577 377 154 580 lfath 60) 1117 150) 765 205 1611 772 178 1375 Oree 1076 169 1617 1061 174 1646 970 158 1526 ~11middot____~~~ __ ~ J bull 26____ euro1)Q ____1~7O____ 1middotQ7____5JplusmnL ___ 1l15Q ___ 1middot25___ 3 49_ [middotk ___ 1 46amp6____ 1middot15___ 10Q$~ ___ 11617____ 114___ 2611~ ___71~ __ _ lmiddotlJ_ __ 25025_

_1If_ eii2ll 2r_A1l_II~r_r2r_125~D-~ 9Z1J211 o_____________ bull __________

~~~ _lAi~~e5drIx~~rpoundr ~tloi ~ce ~eililfgi ct r~~ln hqutr ll lhoubullbullrona rhouaAcr 12l ThouaToga

~ _____1 _0_____ 111_______ 1~~ _____ 1~ _____ 1Ql_ ______ 1~~ _ Ylk ____ 14aJgl_____ 1J8______ 10l57______7~11J _____ l~L _____ l0ll_ ~ -

WILD BAT AClUllilE fIELD AlID PBODUCrIOll 1947 to 1~1

- - - - - 1i41 1~ 1~ Il~t I Acre I Yield heres Yield Acres Yield bull

I arT ted I Per Production arTeBted Per ProucUon Iifrvsted Per bull Production ____ _1_ __~ __ _~rl _ i ______ 1 _______ cLe______________ cIe___=_____ _

1houeAcreo 1M lhoubullbullTop rhouoAcree ~ rhouerona rhousAcrea ron rhoubullbullroue Vlo 106 115 122 1)0 95 124 112 107 120 Minn 1)06 11e 1439 12)0 105 1292 11)2 105 1169 10 75 1O 90 61 115 9) 70 123 66 Mo 150 110 165 141 110 155 1)5 110 146 1IDIIk 2596 90 2))6 2414 65 2052 2535 Bo 2028 SDU )240 75 24)0 )4)4 70 2401 )4)4 57 1957_hr 296) 60 2)70 2904 65 1686 )252 75 24)9 lUI 702 110 772 611 115 7~ 642 115 nB Ark 204 B5 In 175 110 192 152 105 160 00amp 458 110 504 4)1 1 lt5 5)9 416 1gt0 502 lu 210 95 200 197 65 167 1B5 101 167 Mont 860 BO 704 654 90 769 769 75 577 Id~o 132 110 145 140 100 140 144 109 157 To 500 95 475 475 60 lB5 522 B5 444 Colo 470 105 494 451 105 474 474 102 4B) 11 Megt 27 BO 22 25 75 19 22 6) 1B Utah 109 125 1)6 105 110 126 105 I) 12911 230 1111 25) 216 105 227 205 9B 201 Vampth 46 120 55 55 1)0 2 57 120 68 Oreg )00 110 ))0 )30 15 412 291 106 gt08pound41lf_____1i6____ 11(1_____ 17~ _____1J6____ 1ltgt_____120_____ 1J~ ___ 112_____1~_

~____ 4~_____10____111111 ___ 4515_____~5___ l)~___ _~19= ____~2___ l121_ - 23 shy

-UPDATA 1981 bull _ bull h



ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944




- - - - 12~ 1 124] i i9i6 state Acre Acres Yield Pro- Acree Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

PlAnted Ilar- Per Acre duetiOD PllDted IDlr- Per Acre duetionP1anted lInr- Per Acre duetion veoted vested vested

- - - -- ThOU-ACrlis-- juiihlii ThorusIiti yenhOuliierlis- iiuiihlii -ThotWiiu Tbou-Acrlis- BuShl Tho~s~-Maine 1 1 220 22 1 1 190 19 1 1 10 21 liT J49 336 259 8716 352 346 264 9147 222 215 263 5648 11J 75 60 233 1398 93 63 210 1323 96 62 250 1550 h 931 914 214 19560 959 932 21S 20038 911 885 25 19912 Ohio 1937 1918 227 43539 2150 2129 270 57483 1849 1831 265 48522 Ind 1292 1266 202 25568 1587 1555 225 34980 1383 1366 215 29369 Ill 1334 1247 195 24320 1400 1339 185 248l7 1289 1207 160 19361 Mich 949 944 246 23222 992 982 275 27005 877 864 265 22896 Vie 69 67 195 1308 61 60 263 1576 95 93 252 2340 Minn 1325 1214 165 20090 1109 1100 193 21246 1412 1391 195 27080 Io~ 149 120 159 1912 168 140 190 2660 192 185 234 4335 Mo 1472 1207 16) 19674 1428 1304 140 18256 1314 1213 150 18195 a~ 10107 9856 159 156321 10005 9855 157 154568 10444 10192 137 139824 Slhk 3254 3070 121 37278 3355 3201 155 49656 3755 3S88 148 53197 Nebr 3585 2675 126 33762 3777 3596 229 82358 4037 3954 229 90677 Kans 13210 11377 165 187700 14148 13416 155 207939 14006 13147 162 212977 Del 68 64 197 1261 73 67 195 1306 68 62 190 1178 Md 395 370 232 8584 391 359 190 6821 376 348 195 6786 Va 539 516 192 9907 534 485 155 7518 459 432 185 7992 V~ 102 87 186 1618 100 87 185 1610 90 77 185 1424 NC 567 516 165 851bull 4118 408 11bullbull5 5916 394 371 170 6307 S C 26z 253 145 3668 202 195 145 2828 160 156 165 2574 Ga 228 213 140 2982 198 183 135 2470 141 130 130 1690 lT 496 426 178 7583 516 371 135 5008 392 297 140 4158 Tenn 423 396 145 5742 381 J45 125 4312 276 259 140 3626 Ala 25 22 163 359 24 20 ISS 310 15 12 145 114 M18S ~5 18 226 407 25 18 200 360 16 9 220 198 Ark 65 46 149 685 65 39 105 410 44 ~8 140 392 Okla 5557 5095 167 85086 6335 5910 125 73875 6715 6087 145 88262 Tex 4S51 4458 185 821lt73 5842 5350 90 48150 6835 5992 105 62916 Mont 4507 4019 188 75497 4147 3777 151 57145 4426 4133 152 62888 Idlho 1137 1088 293 31851 1156 1102 297 32734 1324 1273 275 350240 282 215 131 2811 286 244 182 4431 JOI 281 243 6832 Colo 1658 1256 142 17794 1850 1560 223 34768 2244 2004 189 37776 NMex 463 2at 117 3337 452 297 94 2778 542 350 8J 2895 riz 26 24 22S S40 27 24 ZlO 504 29 27 210 56 Uhh 298 294 241 7100 286 281 243 6842 3J5 320 224 7171 l1ev 16 16 273 437 18 18 243 437 19 18 273 49L Vash 2485 2338 268 62673 2667 2524 244 61512 2769 2642 295 77965 Oreg 980 914 265 24200 970 921 237 21810 1050 984 256 25168 -i___ 2~ __ ~7 __ 94___ 10~2___614___523___12~ __ 106ltt7_ __675___619__ 190___ l7~1_

~~- - _6~bull9~ _52742 __ 177__10~ll_ ~122_ ~1~__ _1Z~ ~1127633_7578_ ~7125__ 172__1lZ218_


- - - - 19~ ~ = ~ 19~ State creo Acres Yield Pro- Acrea Acres Yiold Pro- Acres Acrea Yield Prltoshy

PhntedIar- Par ere duction Pbnted Rar- Per Acre ductionPlanted Har- Per Acre duction - - - -- - - _elt~_- ____ J ____ J ___ T~StfJ _________ ___ VJlBtfJI__________ _

ThW Acres ~ ~ls Thouas Acres Pounds ThGsliga ThousAcre Pounds ThousBags Ark ~7 287 2J63 6781 284 281 2115 5943 327 320 2002 6408 La S68 561 1710 9593 SB4 583 1m 10363 592 589 1732 10204 Tex 392 392 2002 7850 400 400 2025 8100 412 412 1935 7972 CaUf 246 240 2812 6750 244 235 2665 6262 264 261 3032 7913

~middotEmiddot I01 )-~===~Q91=10~1( =1~5Z ~=~~ 10~~ 1~s2S 18~ ~Q5E = 12427 RIC (Cont I d)

- - -- ~i i i9a 1 ~ Mia 5 5 2700 135 Ark 370 )65 2096 7652 395 391 2358 9220 415 412 2150 8858 La 616 613 1620 9931 641 631 1m 11216 599 593 1825 10822 ~ex 474 474 2025 9599 526 526 2092 11007 552 542 1975 10704 pounda1l__ ~52 ___226___ 2bullJ2 ___8015___~__ ~5sect ___26sect9__ _6t812_ __312__ 102 __ 225pound __ 10t28_

- _1middot112 __17~___ ~~~ __ 2527__18~_1~ ___21~2__ 2B275__1~3_15z __ ~1~ __ ~727_




---- ~7 i i i ti~ State Acrco Aore Yield Pro- lorn Acre Yleld Pro- Acres Acreo Y1eld Proshy

Plonted m- Per Acre ducdon Planted liar-a Per lore cuct1on Plantod llar- per Acre duction ________~ot ______ l ____ l ___ lY81e_l _____l ____ l ___ lylt0_eSl ____ l ____ _d t l1ho1l Acree ~ Tbou8lffi Thoubullbull Acree lIunhal Thouau Thoubullbull Acree 1Igshel lhoutIBu

NY 3aS 375 240 8988 449 J41 ~o 11886 405 396 269 10721 NJ 107 15 250 1675 115 62 215 1763 107 a3 240 1992 pa 947 929 240 22296 965 966 190 16354 926 906 230 20884 Ohl0 2212 2119 ~25 49026 2371 2353 245 57646 2377 2353 250 56625 Iud 160) 1571 230 36133 1811 1775 215 36162 1739 1722 220 31884 Ill 1431 1341 210 26311 1745 1710 225 36497 1952 1913 230 43995 Mich 1210 1192 250 29600 1416 ~395 260 36~0 1303 1297 265 34310 Via 116 114 257 2926 127 123 236 2906 117 114 226 2604 Hinn 1200 1169 171 2063 1066 1051 115 1652 1304 1265 151 19360 Iowa 220 201 119 3607 40 311 233 1397 41 364 168 1212 Mo 1472 1321 165 244)6 1722 1596 210 33558 1625 1676 175 29365 NllIlt 10401 10263 143 146)83 9933 97l 144 140234 11055 10552 106 112357 SDllt 3656 3103 145 53626 4022 3643 131 50342 459 4079 80 32653 Nebr 4606 4434 209 92751 4614 4275 204 87111 5016 4165 140 58213 X~ne 15404 14655 193 266102 14634 13221 175 231368 16244 14219 110 157069 Del 70 65 200 1300 71 66 145 957 66 63 115 11021 366 341 210 1161 361 334 160 53J4 343 311 190 6023 v~ 496 456 115 6015 461 449 185 8306 438 400 165 7400 Y v~ 96 62 195 1599 96 62 165 1511 62 68 190 1292 NC 492 461 175 8112 406 314 160 5984 465 4tl0 136 5520 SC 238 2J1 165 3812 211 210 140 2940 114 166 120 1992 Go 196 185 140 2590 116 165 135 2228 140 130 125 1625 XJ- 404 J24 160 5184 420 324 160 5184 403 288 170 439f Tenn 332 16 150 4740 )55 336 145 4901 )01 ~4 146 40( 11 14 12 165 198 15 13 155 202 13 11 154 1y Ml 20 16 195 312 16 12 190 226 15 8 165 132 uk 38 24 150 )60 40 26 170 416 )4 24 145 )46 Okla 1051 6696 155 103188 1263 6696 145 91092 1481 6629 128 84851 Tex 7587 1)10 160 116960 6752 5629 105 59104 7090 6417 140 698)6 Mon~ 5183 4427 146 65)46 5201 4815 192 93716 5975 5316 115 61189 Idaho 1)88 1344 266 )674) 1523 111) 252 )5646 1591 1537 242 )1136 VTo )47 326 202 6592 384 )42 194 6650 )92 369 167 6885 Colo 290) 2738 215 56866 3186 2861 01 51)73 )552 26)8 16) 46164 NMex 740 649 15 9420 682 403 92 )712 616 526 106 5616 Arh 30 26 210 586 19 28 2)0 644 )0 26 262 734 Utlh 315 J68 246 9058 431 415 05 6510 441 426 210 9009 Ney 21 20 lt91 582 21 20 295 590 20 19 26 bull J 541 Vh 2922 2119 2)6 64750 2959 2166 c87 79268 )1)9 2758 218 60146 Ore~ 1063 976 226 22237 1100 1052 265 29954 1214 1058 215 22698 pound111___ vsect __ sect62 __1sect2 ___11 bull Q)~ ___76___6Q~ _ 175___lQiJ2 ___7f___6pound6__ 185____11261 Q~_ _ _1sect21t _7~212 __1sect3 _ l25sect211_16L~L 17ltL46_ _ 119_ 1 9t2l _ sect3J9Q5_15J90_ _ 1~5_ _ oQ9il~

FUX 11llR ACRYAGS TIuD KD P~WCTIOf 1944 tt 19~

- - - - ~I~ 19~ )2Ii State cree Acree l Yield ~_ Acr~ Acre 11eld Pro- Acre8 Acres Yleld Proshy

Plnted aar- P8r Acre juctlon Pl~ted H~r_ Per Acre ductiouPlQnted BAr- Per Acre ductlo~ ________1eltl __________ l ___ l~~aleg l ____ l ________ toYJseS l _____ to ___ bullbull _d 1hOWlAcres 2M 1houeons housAone 12a ThouTont rhoWlAgre 2111 ~~

OrIC 11 85 165 14 95 6 150 12 8) 16 190 111bullbull4

_______1241 ________ ______ ~_________________12~ _______ __ _ Ore 57 49 190 92 24 Z 170 )4 )4 23 180 41

~UNG llLfJlS ACIGAGB niLD un 1lODUCTIOB 1944 to 1949

- - -- 19~ 19sect i J~ Stat Aere Acres Y1eld Pro- Acre lcrao Yield 130- Acree Acre Yiold Prashy

lPIlU1ted Hr- Per Acreductlon lP1ampnted ar_ Per Acre ductionP1uted BAr- Per I1cre ducUen _____ ___rotsltL_____________JCltJd__________ l ____ _____ _____ _ljI~

lhQ)aca ~ Thoualobe TboubullbullAcr ~ ThoubullbullLb rhonaAcre ~ houbullbull Lb

Okla 75 55 200 11 169 110 2~ zr2 no 10 210 147

- - - -=== = = = I~( = = = = = I~ = = = = = = =)~== = = = = Okla 62 40 250 10 64 50 320 16 31 22 400 B8

- fI shy

1ite8zMf~ iiitByen tiTtJj

1 UPDATA 1931



-- - -- -- --- -1~ - --- ---- --- - --- - ---1~-- - - -- - -- --- ---rrb -- -- - --shy-------~--------------------~ ---------------~---------mte ampern I oWl I Yield 1 Pro- I Acr Acree leld Pro- Aero I Acne Yield 1 Proshy

planted I Bar- Per ductioA Planted Bar- Per 1 dDCUOA Planti4 1 liar- 1 Per duCtiOA ____ ______Y8e ~e__ _____ _____1_Y8e cr_______1______Y8e ce__ ___ _

fbDubullbull Acree lbhela hauslb fllo Acr lbabel houbullbull Bl h0l1t1 Acr lbbele h0l18ln

BY 346 33J 260 8658 349 3433 ~ 9090 211 206 ~ 5459 IJ 15 60 233 1398 93 6J 210 1323 96 62 250 1550 h 911 914 214 195bO 959 932 215 2O08 911 1l65 225 19912 Ohio 1931 1918 221 43539 2150 2129 210 51433 1849 1831 265 48522 IIId 1288 1262 202 25492 1584 1552 225 34920 1383 1366 215 29369 Ill 1321 1240 195 2~lSO 1393 1312 185 24642 1282 1200 160 19200 Klch 949 944 24amp 23222 99l 982 215 21005 871 8amp4 265 22896 Vh 36 35 111~ b58 33 32 265 8~ 32 31 215 b66 H1Jl1l lbO 109 140 1526 112 109 225 2452 101 II 190 1amp12 Iowa 145 116 160 1856 Iamp 131 190 2b03 186 119 235 4206 Mo 1472 1201 163 19614 142I 1304 140 18256 1314 1213 150 181~5 SDak 295 216 105 22M 289 248 1amp0 3968 3~ )08 180 5544 ehr 3510 2bOl 121 33105 3121 3546 230 81558 3941 3901 230 89123laD 13204 11314 165 187611 14145 1341~ 155 201911 14004 131~ 162 212965 Del 68 64 191 1261 13 amp1 195 1306 68 62 190 1118 Md 395 310 232 IISSII 391 359 190 amp821 316 348 195 6186 539 516 192 9901 534 485 155 1518 459 432 185 1992 v 102 87 1116 1618 100 87 185 1amp10 90 17 185 1424bullc 561 516 165 8514 448 408 145 5916 394 311 110 6301 SC 262 253 145 3bbS 202 195 145 2~2S 160 156 165 2514 0 228 213 140 2982 198 11J 135 2410 141 130 130 1690 IT 496 426 118 1583 516 311 135 5008 392 291 140 41SS eAIl 423 396 145 5142 381 345 125 ~312 2f6 259 140 3626 11amp 25 22 163 359 24 20 155 310 15 12 145 114 Kl 25 18 226 401 25 111 200 360 16 9 220 198 Uk 65 46 149 bS5 amp5 39 105 410 44 211 140 392 Ckls 5551 5095 161 850116 b335 5910 125 13875 amp115 amp087 145 118262 ez 4951 4458 185 82413 5842 5350 90 48150 61J5 5992 105 amp2916 HOIlt 1501 1221 215 26252 1501 1311 215 29416 1839 1721 190 3281~ Idaho 115 610 214 18amp32 151 114 290 20106 841 801 255 2O51 W70 185 131 119 1559 192 1amp2 190 3018 213 199 2amp5 5214 Colo 1487 111b 141 15136 1110 1421 225 32108 2103 1884 190 3519amp It 439 263 112 29146 426 276 90 2~ 520 331 80 2648 Arh 26 24 225 540 27 24 210 504 29 21 210 561 Utah 2311 235 216 501amp 225 221 220 1amp8amp2 2amp1 250 200 5000 Icy 5 5 258 l29 5 5 250 125 5 5 280 140 Vb 1461 1359 2119 39275 1695 1576 270 1amp2552 2322 2206 305 bl28)Orec 184 129 261 194amp4 1amp4 725 240 11400 825 116 260 20116 Ca11f 596 ~1 194 10amp12 614 563 190 1Ob91 615 ~19 190 11161- ~2 ~1~)5 )middotI 15~I ~~ampI ~1~0~4 1~(= 1~2s1 S~~l= ~~)l( Is~Oi6ii9i

- - - - - - - - - - - - - ~- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -1~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19K - - - - - - - shy- - - - --crbullbull- TIli -1- - - -- -_-- --cN- rfl14 --- - -- - -- iirH iTtli -I-~-

Stte Acn 1 JIar- I Per 0- _nil JIar- Pel 0- I _ liar- I Pel P~ed bull Acre dDctloa Plant ed Acn amplctlO1l Planted 1 yoded llcr dwU01l

- - - - - - Ytmbullbull-ACrbullbull- -JibeIs- ibOubullbullili- - - ibOui-ACzQ- -lbebeI- ihObullbull-Ji- - ihOu-ACr~- -Jir- ibOQbullbullaa IUu 1J6 1amp1 168 689 2J 23 115 IIOZ 35 35 195 6R bullbull IlK 1848 1816 11yen 26871 1829 11J15 165 299118 22611 2232 11l5 323~ SDak 205 200 105 2100 114 166 150 21190 190 1116 150 2190ui- - - -2~ - -2051- -1~i - - -29666 - - 20i6 - -2-riiI- - 1671J- - -32bullbull - - 2JiiJ3 - -2453- - 14-6- - 357836




- - - -I Ili7 = l~ 1 )~~ -_-_-_-_ State Acre Acree I Tield Pro- Acr~ Acree Yield Pro- 1 Acrfte Acree Tie1d Proshy

1 Planied Har- 1 Per duct ion I P1~ted liar- bull Per 1 ducUon I Panted liar- Per duct10n I Yestd I Acre I 1 Yested Acre I I Yeated Acre

- - - - - -fboii- Acree - -Diiieltl - TbOU8ib- - - ThOitbullbull-ACrell- -Diebllie- hOU8amp- - - ~U8-ACre- -Diaiiel- oftlOUIIllii BT 381 371 2110 89011 1142 11311 270 11718 398 391 270 10557 1lbull1 107 75 250 1(5 115 112 215 1763 107 113 2110 1992 h 947 929 240 22296 985 966 190 18351 926 908 230 208811 Ohio 2212 2179 22 490211 2377 2353 245 5764e 2377 2353 250 58625 Ind 1603 1571 230 36133 1811 1715 215 38162 1139 1122 220 37884 Ill 1423 1339 210 26119 1736 1701 225 311272 1944 1905 230 43615 ~lch 1210 1192 250 29SOO 11116 1395 260 36270 1303 1297 265 311310 Wia 41 38 Z)O 674 J4 )1 225 6911 30 28 2)9 669 Minn 111 101 195 1910 101 76 190 1444 SO 16 170 1292 love 209 190 180 3420 )19 295 235 6956 38Z )55 190 6745 10 1412 1321 185 2411)8 1122 1598 210 33558 1825 1678 115 29365 Snk 415 J~4 18 6549 )07 2)0 135 )105 )01 246 1)0 )198 lIbr 4538 4)b9 210 91149 1~583 4bull194 205 85977 4904 4068 140 56952 Y-an8 15404 14855 193 266702 146J4 1)221 17 231)66 16244 14Z79 110 157069 Del 10middot65 ~O 1)00 71 66 145 951 66 63 175 1102 lold ~68 )41 Zl0 7161 )61 3)4 160 5344 343 317 190 602) Va i96 458 175 SOl~ 481 449 185 8306 438 400 185 11100 1( Va 96 82 195 1599 96 82 18 1511 82 68 190 1292-C 492 461 115 112 408 )111 160 5984 465 IlOO 138 5520 sc 2)8 2)1 165 3812 217 210 140 2940 174 166 120 1992 Ga 198 185 140 2590 17~ 165 135 2228 140 130 125 1amp25 rr 404 )24 160 5184 ~ 324 160 51S4 4DJ 2SS 170 4896 snn 3J2 316 150 4740 355 338 145 4901 301 214 146 4000 la 14 12 165 191J 15 13 155 202 I) 11 154 169 lllee 20 16 19 )lZ 16 12 190 228 15 8 165 132 Ark )8 24 150 )60 40 28 170 476 J4 24 145 348 Okla 7051 6696 155 1031 7263 6696 145 97092 7481 6629 128 84851 ~X 7537 7310 160 116960 6752 5629 105 59104 7OCjQ 6417 11~0 8988 Mont 1949 1341 165 22C26 1676 1549 240 37176 11101425 170 24225 Idaho 900 36) 265 22810 9)5 84) 220 13546 lO8 995 216 21691 lfyo 251 235 20bull5 41518 276 241 COO 4940 288 275 195 5362 Colo 2776 2619 215 56308 076 2759 200 55130 335) 2649 160 42)34 JIKamp 7115 629 145 9120 661 384 90 )~6 595 507 105 5)24 Arb JO 26 210 j151 29 28 230 644 30 2S 262 734 Utah )00 294 220 64615 348 )35 180 6030 352 4 180 6138raquoeY 6 6 270 162 6 6 260 156 5 J 270 IJ5 Waah 2252 2074 250 51850 2417 2302 300 69060 2551 22tO 230 50830 Oreg 1133 160 2)0 17480 815 8)6 295 24662 910 169 220 16918 ~1____ 5~ ___6~__ 65___1~ ___ P __ _fI2__ 75___~J2 ___ l~ ___~6__ 85___128 us 58248 549)5 193 108976 583)2 5296 187 990141 61171 54414 153 85IJ127


us 2915 44328 3218 )220 140 3510

- 10shy

Ore j-tthr-r iItnetirtMriamp BMmiddot 4r

i (C ~ UPOATA 1981


- - - -I f9~ I f9[5I)~[ -_-_-_shyetate I Acre I Acree I Yield I 10- I Acree Acres I Yield I Pro- Acree I Acres I Yield I Pro-

___ )~l~e~e~~_ _p~r_~r~~ ~uto~ ~t~d~y~ ~ ~e ~ce__d~ci~n~t~d~y~ ~ 8 ~C_ _d~Cl~4_ Thoue Acre ]Uehe1 ftouabu houbullbull Acre Bmahe1 Thouebu Thons Acree Buehll1e Thoueau

Kaine 1 1~ 22 1 1-wo 19 1~ 21 BY 3 ) 193 58 3 3 190 57 9 9 210 1S9 Ind 4 4 191 76 3 3 200 60 Ill 7 7 200 140 7 7 250 175 7 7 230 161 Wh 33 32 203 60 28 28 260 728 63 b2 270 1674 Minn 1119 1064 168 17875 974 968 190 18392 1276 1268 195 24726 Iowa 4 ~ 140 56 3 3 190 57 6 6 215 129 BDak 8259 8040 161 129444 8176 80lI0 155 124620 8176 7960 13 107460 SD3t ~754 2654 124 32910 ~892 2787 155 43198 3181 3094 14 44863 Hebr 75 68 96 653 56 50 160 800 56 53 180 954 Eana 6 3 98 29 3 2 110 22 2 1 120 12 Mont 3000 2798 176 49245 2640 2106 115 27669 287 106 12middot5 30C75 Idaho 422 408 324 13219 405 388 310 12028 43 66 310 14446 W70 bull 97 84 149 1252 94 82 165 1353 8S 82 190 1558 Colo 171 140 14 2058 140 133 200 2660 141 120 165 1980 BXex 24 23 170 391 26 21 140 294 22 19 130 247 Utah 60 59 343 2024 61 60 330 1980 74 70 310 2110 I 11 11 80 308 13 13 240 312 14 13 270 351 h 1024 979 239 23398 972 948 200 18960 447 436 24 0 10682 Oreg 196 185 256 4736 206 196 225 4410 225 20S 240 4992

0l1lR SPRING iDA (Cont1d)

---~7I=)~If9~State I Acree I Acre I Yield I Pro- I ADrea I Acre8 I Yield I Pro- I Acre Acres Yield I Pro-

IPlanted l 1Iar- I Per Acre ducUon IPlanted liar- I Per Acre I ducUonlPlanted l Har- Pmiddoter Acre I ductton I Iftsted I I I IYellted I I I IYlIsted I I

- - - - -hoU7 Acre - -lhiillf- -TiioU-~ - yenhoujj-ACre- - ithG1 - houjj1iU7 bous-ACre - - ithG1 - ~hOu8 -bii IIY 4 4 210 84 7 7 240 168 7 7 23middot5 164 Ill S 8 240 192 9 9 25middot0 225 8 8 225 180 Vh 77 76 270 2052 93 92 240 2208 87 86 225 1935 Minn 1034 1014 17middot5 17745 924 913 17middot5 15978 1127 1114 150 16710 Iowa 11 11 170 187 21 21 210 441 29 G9 161 467 BDaIt 7685 7562 140 105868 6993 b881 145 9974 7762 7431 105 78026 SDaIt 3245 3156 140 44184 3440 3345 13middot0 431(85 3681 3479 7middot5 26092 Bebr 70 65 15middot5 1008 91 81 140 1134 114 97 130 1261 MODt~ 3234 3080 140 43 120 3525 3326 170 56542 426 3891 9middot5 36964 Idaho 488 481 33middot0 15873 5S8 570 300 17100 559 542 28middot5 15447 Wra 96 91 195 1174 lug 95 180 1710 104 94 162 1523 Colo 127 119 21middot5 2558 110 102 215 2193 199 189 200 3780 HHex 22 20 15middot0 300 21 19 13middot5 256 23 21 140 294 Utah 75 74 350 2590 83 00 31bull0 2480 89 87 330 2 1ff1 15 14 300 420 15 14 31bull0 434 15 14 290 406 Vah 670 645 200 12900 482 464 220 10208 588 548 170 9316 Oreamp 230 216 220 4752 225 216 245 5292 304 289 200 5780

-------------------~---------------------------------------[J8 17091 16636 154 255607 16735 16235 160 259628 18961 17926 112 201216 ------------------------------------------------------~----




QTS ACllEIGI ~ Alm PBOIlUCfIClI 1944 to 1946

- --- ~ t9Kti~ lorn Aclee amp Y1eld Pro- 1 AcleB Acre Yield Pro- Acre IAcres Y1eld Pro-

State Plantflcl Bar- I Per I duoUoa IPlantflcl liar- 1 Per Iductlou IPlantedl Bsr- Per I ducUoa ____1____etd_I_ ~e__ ____ Ii ____1_tIII_ cJ__t____ ___ t1e _Apoundr _ __ ~_ fhDU Acltel lluUel houalu neue Agee Buabeb TboualIu Tboua ampent ~ hCllle~

Mamp1nal 92 85 370 3145 79 71 360 2556 80 71 400 2840 JJB 14 8 340 272 14 s 330 264 11 7 370 259 n 74 48 320 1536 72 44 310 1364 66 4) 340 1462 (ast 15 6 280 168 16 7 270 189 14 6 350 210 liI 4 1 311) )1 5 1 )10 )1 4 1 320 32 Colll 18 6 )00 181) 18 5 )00 150 15 6 330 198 bullr 795 745 )10 2)095 731 663 290 19227 B41 SOZ 400 32080 raquoJ 54 47 )21 1509 S2 42 260 1092 54 45 320 11j4O Pat Bs4 8114 290 240 476 854 802 305 2446l 854 826 355 2932)Oblo 1073 1047 331 34656 1191 1162 425 49385 1)70 1348 450 60660Ind 1260 1172 256 30003 1436 1371 420 57582 1471 1412 309 55068 Ill 3251 3169 31 100457 )1146 3372 45~0 151740 JB37 3799 420 159558 Mlcb 1)44 1309 329 43066 1505 1466 400 58640 1550 1525 4S5middot 69)88 Vie 2839 2766 ~22 116725 3066 2987 510 152337 2943 2668 4J5 124758 Minn 4672 4456 327 145711 5M6 5392 450 242640 5439 533B 370 197506 Iowa 4917 4711 287 135206 5458 5323 )85 204936 5785 5642 375 2l1S75 Ko 2096 1698 179 30394 1799 1511 190 28709 2015 1843 310 57133 KDak 2784 2653 330 87549 2784 265) 325 86222 2506 2361 265 62566 SDak 3023 2914 298 86837 )597 3497 410 143377 3561 )462 290 100)98 Nebr 2291 2085 168 35028 254) 2439 )15 76828 2696 2561 280 11708 ~an 1825 ]561 162 25288 1278 968 175 16940 1495 1423 285 40556 Del 7 6 276 166 7 5 310 155 5 310 ISS )(d 46 42 310 1302 41 33 310 1023 38 34 330 1122 Va 174 14) 256 )689 172 lljO 280 3920 160 1)4 300 40020 W Va 94 67 221bull 1501 98 72 280 2016 94 68 )00 2040 BC 1t)7 335 277 9280 489 375 275 10312 49) 390 330 12870 SC S40 707 256 18099 798 700 260 18200 734 658 285 18753 Ga 954 656 253 16597 983 682 255 17391 806 5)9 265 14284 Pia 150 40 176 704 145 45 200 900 160 40 180 720 Ky 129 87 200 1740 108 76 240 1824 1)2 99 250 2475 Tenn )16 208 250 5200 Jlj8 245 260 6)70 310 245 265 6492 Ala 294 228 254 5791 318 242 260 6292 28) 198 24ft 40752Ki 521 444 336 14918 542 462 290 13)98 439 32) 300 9690 Ark 525 320 276 88)2 512 304 270 8208 379 255 )00 7650 La 200 152 290 4408 198 131 280 3668 1)6 100 220 2200 Olda 1584 1533 202 30967 1220 1027 190 1951) 1269 1089 210 22B69Tex 1732 1597 239 )8168 1992 1767 225 39758 1892 1608 220 )5376Mont 558 425 )43 14790 491 323 290 9)67 506 )52 310 10912 Idaho 237 194 426 8264 201 171 420 7182 185 1~ 430 7052111 182 150 )14 4710 19) 164 300 4920 174 15) )05 4666 Colo 254 224 278 6221 244 220 3)0 7260 227 187 300 5610 KlIex 60 5) 229 1214 54 43 220 946 57 45 200 900 Arh 26 11 350 385 25 12 490 S88 29 12 350 420 Utah 63 5) 457 2 bull 422 58 0 ljOO 2000 54 4) 4)0 1849n 12 9 430 )87 12 9 390 )51 12 8 440 352 Valh )08 160 1147 7152 288 150 4)0 6450 213 128 480 61411-Oreg 11 609 )98 305 121ljO 560 342 2)5 8054 549 )56 275 9782 ~B1___ i __ ~ _ 89____ Si ___ 21~ __ 6Z _110_ ___515__ 110___120__)~2 ____57O_

us 114141 )9741 289 11492ljO 46025 417)9 365 1523851 46515 42812 345 1477573 irT~-aralaquoe-ot oat-gion-with p~Ud-ytcit-licluded rn-plaitd-aid-hin bullbullt~-JAici - - - - -- - - - --

HOPS ACREAGK rIEl]) AlID PJiClWCTlaIl 1944 to 1946

- - --I I9~ 19~C 9~ State Acre Yield s ampere Ylel4 amper I Yltd r

1 ~eled I Per 1 p~oduct101l1 ilarYetflcl I Per s lrodUOUOIl HarYtll4 I Per I Prodwt1oa __________1__1111 __1______1________Jampr ________1______1__Aampll ________ _

poundtI ~ fhaumiddotporu Att URa flynlold Aampt ~ hllPUI4a Idaho 190 1610 3 2ljO 1850 AA4 240 1585 38t lIaah 9900 1720 17028 11700 1680 21996 11600 1700 19720 Oreg 18700 920 17204 19900 1lt045 20796 20000 950 19000 Ca11t 8ljOO 1620 13608 9100 1580 14378 9100 1610 14651

us 1295 57614 1)13 5)751

- 12 ~


- - - - 19t7 l )~ l i~ Stat Acre Acre I Yleld I Pro- I Acre I Acr Yleld Pro- I Acrll1l Acree Yield Proshy

P1aDted Bar- Per I ducUoa Planted I liar- I Pv ducUoll Plantod au-- Par ducUoa ________1~td_I_ Act__ ~ ___ _ l _____Tt1~_ jcz__1___ _ l ___ lV1~ 1 _~rt _ 1 ____ _ hoWl Acre llI rhouslIg ThOUl ASpound lIuahal ~oulIu ThoUi Acre Bualull lulYBu

Main 8i 73 340 21f82 77 64 420 2688 101 90 400 3600 bullbullB 12 7 310 211 11 6 400 240 U 5 360 180 Vt 54 28 270 756 60 J6 370 1332 66 33 300 990 Ifaabullbull 12 5 360 180 12 6 330 198 13 6 290 174 BI 4 1 330 33 3 1 330 J3 2 1 250 25 Cou 12 4 320 128 10 4 J30 132 12 5 320 160 bullbullY 5JO 47J 275 13008 126 672 400 26880 791 719 290 20851 J 49 36 250 900 42 37 350 1295 46 J9 331 1291 Pa 734 661 390 19169 749 720 380 27J60 794 756 305 23058 ChJo 863 714 260 18564 1191 1171 450 52695 1322 1288 350 45080 1114 1294 1112 )00 35i60 1317 1289 410 52849 1456 1405 366 51423 111 J377 3311 J40 112574 390S 385] 450 17JJ85 J881 3834 415 1591U Klcb 1085 1052 350 36820 1465 1420 37S 5)250 1538 1505 345 51922 IIh 2884 28ll 430 120873 2942 2867 440 126148 3030 2924 41~ 119884 Mu 4630 4537 360 163332 4908 4855 425 206J38 5027 4952 J5$ 175796 Iowa 5438 5247 310 162657 6199 6086 450 273870 6417 6269 386 241983 fo 1552 1309 230 30107 1971 162) 265 43010 1794 1526 229 34945 bullbullllampk 2331 2219 290 64J51 2238 2152 280 60256 1880 1722 201 34612 SDak 3134 J081 Jl0 95511 J165 3112 JJ5 104252 J102 2956 221 65328 bullbullbr 2426 2279 275 62672 2750 2621 280 733AB 2511 2280 202 46056 ~e 1510 1395 290 40455 1616 1144 220 25168 1034 881 194 17091 Del 7 5 320 160 6 5 J50 175 7 6 300 180 Md 40 35 )20 1120 42 36 J35 1206 47 42 J25 1365 Va 150 121 270 3267 160 IJl 330 4323 165 134 296 3966 IIVa 88 64 305 1952 77 58 JO5 1769 79 56 272 1523 IC 508 386 290 lll94 J56 270 290 7830 527 J94 287 U308 SC 866 704 255 17952 606 500 22S ll250 7i~7 605 245 14822 Ga 887 550 250 13750 674 429 260 ll154 7112 468 255 U93~ Jla 160 30 ZOO 600 IJ5 21 190 399 124 16 160 256 LT 141 90 230 2070 118 8J 260 2158 171 109 229 2496 Tenn JOl 230 265 6095 277 205 295 6048 )49 254 250 6350 Ala 28J 184 230 4232 275 169 265 4478 234 130 226 2938 Klas 4J9 365 250 9125 329 274 310 8494 237 156 250 3900 Arlt 424 280 300 8400 40J 252 Jl0 7812 339 209 240 5016 La 145 100 260 2600 113 80 JOo 2400 113 70 250 1750 0Icla 1396 1231 235 28928 1033 714 165 11781 7J3 578 176 10173 Tex 1684 14)1 210 )0051 1465 787 165 12986 1)92 1204 260 31304 font 491 J)8 )10 10478 452 )24 370 11988 457 266 )00 7~80 Idaho 187 172middot 415 7138 168 153 415 6350 212 188 J95 7426 liTO 169 150 JJo 4950 172 14J JOO 1~290 177 137 299 4096 Colo 234 200 325 6500 229 194 JOo 5820 261 235 327 7684 IMex 48 38 210 798 46 38 210 798 )6 32 220 704 Arh J2 12 400 480 28 U 340 374 28 11 400 440 Utah 54 49 1180 2352 5J 47 420 1974 55 50 450 2250 In 13 8 410 328 12 8 410 J28 12 8 J75 300 lIuh 198 131 510 6681 2)0 153 425 6502 22J 150 440 6600 Oregl 554 J56 285 101)2 421 271 265 7182 488 366 280 10248 CalU 542 180 270 4860 558 185 JOo 5550 508 166 260 4316

U8 42058 37855 311 1176142 438)8 39280 )69 1450186 4))18 )92)6 )20 1254895 iT1~C~r~-of at-Vow-rti pa-Ud-ytcl-licluded 11l-plut~-eid-~et-d-~rg- - - - - - - - - - --


- -- -= 1~41 1~ 12~ y Stato Acre Yleld I Acree neld I Acr I Yleld

BarTetod Par I ProdUCUOIl BarTet~ Per I PrOductioD BarTeted I Par ProdtlCtlOD ____________~~ ________________Apoundr ______________1__~rt ________ _ I Pound rhoDaPound AaI ~ bgPoup4I ~ ~ lboyPoupd

Idaho 240 1645 J9S 620 1040 645 850 16)5 1390 lIaeh 11700 1740 20358 129llO 1760 22704 13000 1490 19370 Orae 18900 870 16443 17700 890 15753 14500 1015 147181__ _9rx0_ __ 21~ ___ _ll~~ ___92~___ 3~ ____116 __ 2~ ___ ~~ ____ 5J8__

US 39840 1275 50186 40420 1248 50464 37550 135J 50796 lpduCtloi IncldJ-hOPI baiTr 4 lalabi ~der Krktlnlaquo ~_8zit-hop hanrd bur iot alabi ~dei --HarkaUn ~e_ent and hope produced lint ut harTated Salabl amplloYlIDh under proTle1on of Harltetln Jcre_ent totalad 39 111ion pounda in 1949

- 13 -



- - - -- - - - - - - - -lqijlj - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ~l~~ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - r ~- - - - - - - - shy__ ______ 9 ________________ iloz ___ bullbull _____________ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _~

Stat r Ac r Acr I Tleld r Pro- a__ Acree nu I Pro-- Ie Acrts n1d Pr a ra bull Bar- I Par I I --a bull lIN-- Per I I re Bar- I Per 0shy

____ _P~t~I_~e~ i ~e___dCl~_~t~__f- lPte___l~n_~td__Ie cpoundt_ i ~uC hou lcree l1ehels houbullbulllnl hone Acree aJaba18 honelnl Thou Acre llilehe1 houalnl

HIlna --3--- 3 ~ laquor 5 3 --uo 114 4 ~ -zo 12S n 3 3 250 75 3 3 220 66 2 2 280 56 bullbullY 113 106 255 2703 110 102 250 2550 116 114 320 30118 bullbullJ 10 9 278 250 9 II 300 240 11 10 360 160 h 108 105 298 5129 104 103 3fO 3605 113 112 365 41118 Ohio ~3 21 256 538 26 23 300 690 111 17 295 02Ind 51 41 243 1142 52 44 240 1056 27 25 240 600 Ill 53 45 240 1080 34 31 250 175 26 24 260 624 Kich 144 140 256 3584 121 118 310 3658 139 138 365 5031h 190 181f 267 4913 91 90 400 3600 125 124 375 4650 Kian 809 688 202 389pound 461 4If7 290 12963 138 733 290 21~57 10 II 7 166 116 3 3 2110 114 13 13 315 110 110 102 82 212 1138 88 66 19(1 1254 77 63 200 160 bullbullDU27Ifl 2625 216 56700 2357 2~1I1f 230 5~532 2357 22114 200 45080 SDak 1973 1756 147 25813 l38t 1299 245 31826 1464 1377 220 30294 abr 1174 760 115 8740 681 610 220 13420 613 549 210 11529Ean 1031 722 178 12652 480 38) 185 7086 360 2B 175 5022 Del 12 11 265 292 11 10 280 280 11 11) 305 305 Md 70 69 308 2125 71 64 290 1856 63 6Q 345 2010 Ya 76 72 301f 2189 76 68 270 11136 13 71 320 2272 V1a 9 9 2611 241 9 9 270 243 1 7 300 210 ~1 60 45 268 1206 56 42 220 924 41 33 285 940 S-l 34 25 231 57S 25 21 21( 141 23 20 260 520 GA 11 10 213 213 10 9 200 110 1 6 215 129 rr 127 89 223 1985 11 55 225 12311 11 0 250 120 enn 130 102 197 200s 129 98 1110 1764 100 82 200 1~ Ala II 5 205 102 3 2 200 40 3 2 1110 36 Kl 9 C 260 156 8 6 240 144 3 2 240 411 uk 19 13 199 25~ 14- 9 110 153 8 5 195 911 Okla lt97 28 ~l 5728 249 185 16( 2960 142 ~9 140 1 526 fex 373 340 222 15411 351 235 145 3408 196 164 150 21100 Mont 655 611 213 166110 720 672 220 14184 828 780 225 1 5 ldah 340 330 372 12216 320 307 37 0 11359 294- 276 340 1)84shyliTO 146 131 )10 4061 143 124 300 3120 154 144 300 4320 Ccio 867 726 214 15536 876 ~1 285 22544 683 ~eH 2)5 13936 bullbullMax 64 45 1115 8J2 If5 34 1110 612 28 23 200 1f6O Arh 145 74 420 3108 153 78 380 29611 161 85 400 3400 Utah 139 135 462 62)7 IJIf 130 450 5850 11) 101 450 4 amp60n 24 22 357 185 21 20 320 640 22 20 340 F80 Vallh 202 176368 61+77 139 125 350 1t375 97 90 370 30 Orttlaquo 269 2)8 34s 8282 285 2~i1 295 7582 )02 278 340 ~I1f52 Call 730 1429 280 40012 1816 14amp6 280 41608 1834 1486 30 119038

~I-=~ ==1~~5~= ~2~~1= =~~= =~7~7~ ==l~I~= ~~2~4==~~ == ~~~~= ~1~~6I=~0~~0= =2~~ ==2~~O~ rIumWlI ACREAGE YlELll AND PllOOUallOll 1914 to li46

----~ 1 li~ = 9~ State I Aero I Acre Yield I Pre-l Acre I Acru I Tleld Pro- II Acru I Acre I neld I To- 11

bull Plan~ad I Bar- I lier ductlon I Plante~ I pounder- I Per ductioil I Fanhd 1 Bar- I Per I dUction I ted I Acre I I 1 yoted I Acre I ted AcTa ~

- - - - - -hoUe7 Acres - -BoUbei- houbullba7 - - houS-ACre- -Btlaber- yenboue iJU7 - - houil-cre- -lIiiiierTiini7bi 111 6 3 80 24 2 2 IIfO ~8 1 1 140 14 Mich 6 82 49 7 7 60 42 7 7 90 63 Vh 6 ~ 117 7C 8 7 110 17 6 6 130 111 II an 914 829 75 6211f 1091 1067 HO 11737 932 BB6 105 303 I a III 93 59 519 76 15 125 91I 31f 34 150 10 M 11 11 5~ 60 9 B 45 36 6 6 65 3~ JrDK 865 802 82 6576 l571f 1 525 110 12200 1166 162 65 195) SDak 321 3c6 B2 2509 436 441 105 4630 318 344 100 )44t Rebr 2 1 110 8 2 2 90 18Ian 140 90 37 3)3 133 122 55 611 120 116 70 812 Okla 6n 45 45 202 24 14 30 42 3 J BO 24 lex 36 34 80 272 65 63 BO 504 B4 76 73 555 1I0fa~ 221 193 76 1512 6O 320 41 1312 83 14 70 511 110 1 1 14 4 2 2 50 10 1 1 50 Lrh 19 19 25 4114 1 17 23C 391 14 14 240 36 Oras 1 1 71 7 (all 170 164 110 i788 121 __13__lI~ ___ 22 ___ Osect ___1~2__12~ ___ 9~g VB ---middot2i~ - -2~6i--8- - -21665 - - 3954 - 3785 91 34557 2641 21132 93 2~ ~1I8 1F t te- 40-n~t- 1~ciu4-i ()d ha-8i~ tro-t7 - ~~- to tibe- 1oe~o-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- l


------------------------------------------------------ -------

lIlJ1IJrr ~CRlGlI Th([~ 11-JD PROWClIOIf 1947 to 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - - - p~- - - - - - - -- - bull - - - - - -1M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -194- - - - - - - - -State -~o -1-ACn- rfi1d -1- h- -1- ~8 - -ACre-Triold -- - -1- ~e --ACre- ~ field -1- Pt- shy

1 Planted Bu- 1 Per I duction 1 Planted I mu-- I Per I 4nction Planted Har- Par I iucHonI bullbullbulltd IAero I yeatod Acre I yeahd 1 Acre I

- - - - - - Thoubullbull -ACre- middotmiddot8iiior- ihiiUbullbull~7 - Thoue-ACre- - - ibahel ifhoua iiU- - - fhiiUC-ACre - -llI1aiiel - ifhiiubullbulliiU7 NaiDe 4 4 280 112 4 4 320 128 6 6 290 174 Vt 1 1 190 19 2 2 290 58 1 1 200 20 bullbullT 103 93 240 2232 93 90 320 2880 85 79 250 1975 Bl 17 15 330 495 18 16 330 528 19 17 385 654 Pa 132 130 330 4290 132 126 3115 113117 156 154 395 6083 Ohio 17 15 260 390 19 18 300 540 21 18 310 558 IDd 22 21 260 546 19 18 270 1IS6 23 21 265 556 Ill 28 26 285 7111 32 31 3110 10511 l1li 41 300 1230 Mich 121 115 300 3lIse 1112 140 320 41180 129 125 270 3375 Vb 160 159 )65 5804 205 204 380 7752 195 194 332 6l1li1 Minn 1018 915 265 25838 1252 1219 270 32913 1148 1110 230 25530 Iova 6 311 235 799 33 33 320 1056 31 31 259 803 No 74 63 230 1449 84 73 250 1825 106 85 215 1828 HDak 2522 2444 210 51324 2724 2640 210 55440 1880 1690 150 25350 SDak 1508 1432 220 31504 1583 1518 230 311914 1219 1093 125 13662 Xebr 533 467 220 10274 560 472 195 92011 403 326 187 b096Ian 328 290 220 amp380 459 362 190 6878 266 221 175 3868 Del 13 12 305 366 13 12 285 342 13 12 270 324 u~ 75 73 3110 2482 711 70 310 2170 82 80 340 2720 Va 86 84 295 21178 89 86 345 2967 89 86 3011 2614 VVa 9 9 31bull0 279 10 10 345 345 12 12 3111 377 bull c IS 39 290 1131 39 32 245 7811 40 34 262 891 50 26 22 260 572 23 18 215 3fr7 23 18 225 405 Ga 8 7 220 154 6 5 200 100 5 4 225 90 ~ 71 53 25middot0 1325 76 53 265 1404 102 72 250 1800 enn 88 77 210 1amp17 86 75 220 1650 82 67 170 1139 Ala 2 1 180 18 3 2 190 38 3 2 2110 lIS IU 3 2 230 46 3 2 250 50 3 2 250 50 Ark 5 3 200 60 10 6 lt1I0 1l1li 8 5 211 106 Okla 109 86 180 1548 80 66 155 1023 61 52 175 9iO fex 161 1311 175 2345 117 113 155 1752 159 133 190 2527 Mont 853 796 235 18706 930 8]6 290 254011 614 526 210 11046 IdaIw 332 320 370 11840 32 358 350 12530 3112 329 320 10528 Tn 1119 138 320 41116 177 159 275 4312 168 151 298 115000010 669 605 280 16940 amp62 563 250 111075 841 788 281 22143 NMex 29 25 195 1IS8 22 20 210 420 26 211 210 504 Arb 150 97 -1130 4111 191 146 510 1114amp 167 126 500 amp300 Utah 123 118 1110 5546 150 1l1li 420 amp0118 155 150 440 66Or) Hey 22 20 360 120 27 24 360 864 25 22 350 770 Wash 114 105 335 3518 136 126 345 11341 112 101 2St 2828 Oreg 323 JOO 355 10650 381 351 345 12110 297 214 32~ 8768 Oalif 1~g9 1545 290 44805 1965 1amp22 310 50282 19amp5 1590 J~o 50880

~~___ 191__ 092__221 __2183__ ~~__1~202 __2~2_ -5527__ 1122__ 21~ __2~~ __2101l_

FUXSEED ACHEM TImraquo HI) PllOOOCTION 1947 to 1949

------------If-------------------Ijs-----------------qij---------shy-- - ~ - - -- ic~ Yield -- ~-Y- - -A- - - ACro9 Yield - - - -y-- -_-- --Acrii~ ~ field -- - -11

S 11 i crea Bar- Per I _rei I Bsr- I Per I ro- I re Har- I Per ro- I I Planted I yeated I Acre ductiou I Plant~d yeted Acre I dnction I Planted I yeated Acre I dnction

- - - - - - Thoubullbull-ACre - -lliiahel - ifhOuB iiU- - - fhOU8 -ADrbullbull- -lIIlaiieY - ibOua iiU- - -hOUI- Acre - -llI1ahl - houaiiu-Ohio 3 3 80 2~ Ill 6 6 120 72 2 2 140 28 1 1 130 13 Mich 6 6 75 45 10 10 BO SO 10 10 14 74 Wi 15 15 125 188 22 22 13middot 297 17 17 139 236 Hinn 1411 1313 l0 15103 1700 1661 115 19102 1700 1644 95 15618 Iowa 84 83 135 1120 105 l04 155 1612 III 110 13J 1518 Mo 6 6 50 30 4 4 5middot0 20 3 3 65 20 DDak 1567 1524 80 12192 1818 1753 9middot5 lSb5~) 2018 1928 70 13496 SDak 591 585 100 5850 11amp 708 110 1788 713 708 65 11602 lana 115 107 70 7119 fr7 12 5middot5 396 34 31 63 195 Okla 4 4 60 24 4 3 30 9 3 3 5middot3 16 u 94 91 95 864 248 240 5middot5 1320 335 308 65 2002 Mont IBB 168 60 1008 148 141 100 1410 90 62 47 291 Idaho 3 3 100 30 Wyo 2 2 45 9 1 1 50 5 1 1 50 5 Arh 20 20 265 530 38 38 280 1064 44 38 250 950 Vah 4 4 130 52 2 2 100 20 2 2 120 24 Oreg 8 1 150 105 15 1~ 105 1111 9 8 110 88 CaliC 125 122 215 2623 201 198 245 4851 197 17~ 220 3828 US - - - -11264- - -4129-- 98 - - ~6i- - -5121- - ~97 - -iia - - 54803- - -5348- - 5048 - - 85 - - 42976-If iti~t- dO-Dt-iclude-claed hatd tr-II-fla ~- fO fib In-oe~o- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- 15 -

UPDATA 1981 bull ~ ilmiddot t ~ bull


RD ACRlWl1l TDlIJ) un PllOIJJeTIOlI 1944 to 19116

-- --I 1HI i9i5I~ Sate S Aane rea neld rc)oo Acre lene lelA Pro- Acree Aorea n14 Proshy

laW Iu- Pertan I cluUoa Plutea Iu- lItr Acre cltwtion1p1ateal S Per Acre duetioll ________ft1______ i ____ i ___ eJl4 l _____1____ l ___ l t ~ illl ________ _ IIIo Aon l 1bou BIl ftlau Acre Ill boualIu lhoq _rea Buboh lhoua Bu

11 66 12 162 1 80 10 175 175 105 8 180 144 IT~ 96 15 167 250 95 13 160 208 91 15 175 262 Pe 55 43 148 636 53 U 155 636 33 22 155 341 Oblo 80 33 152 502 90 I 115 472 70 17 110 289 IIlld 179 86 118 1015 222 70 125 875 1ar 46 135 621 Ill UO 63 113 712U8 It7 120 561t 88 38 125 475 1Ucb US 62 127 787 117 56 140 IJIt 91 48 135 648 Vle 125 98 87 853 126 95 120 1140 100 76 115 874 Ill 155 108 87 9fO 144 107 260 1712 151 118 130 l5J1J laws 118 10 120 12fl 37 11 130 143 26 10 170 170 Ho V3 SO 116 580 128 41 110 451 100 35 125 438 IDate ~ 145 92 l3J1J 150 115 135 1552 225 196 110 2156 Snate 5 392 lOl 3959 376 290 V5 42115 323 altl 105 2530 lebr 585 365 91 )322 556 361 125 4512 423 282 110 3102 Iatia 225 101 105 1060 2117 81 lO5 850 120 53 105 556 Del 32 18 1)6 245 JIJ 19 V5 276 J3 18 140 252 ald ~ 23 165 380 67 20 145 290 5f lit 145 2flJ la 135 114 144 6J1J 136 JIJ 135 459 125 25 140 350 VY 12 5 135 68 13 135 54 8 ) 125 38 IC 1~ J8 115 437 165 31 105 )26 145 22 125 215 sc 75 16 104 166 75 15 95 142 44 11 100 110 0 It) 12 101 121 50 10 90 90)0 6 100 60 ~ 133 JK1 141) S60 182 40 125 500 155 37 140 518IID 172 37 10ij 400 162 J4 95 3Z3 115 25 100 250 OEl 264 100 103 1030 257 ~ 100 740 1114 48 90 4)2 fex 142 22 119 262 55 21 90 199 It9 11 100 110 HoDt 20 16 120 192 2h 16 110 176 40 26 100 260 Idaho 12 5 1)) 66 11 5 130 65 11 It 140 56 1170 36 J 91 121 JJ 8 105 ~ 29 8 105 B4 Colo 1250 79 600 121 80 100 800 100 68 80 S44 bullbullJlllx 12 9 82 74 12 5 65 )2 10 5 85 42 Utah ~ IJ 95 12h 22 10 100 100 22 9 95 86 lIash 147 17 114 194 55 15 120 180 50 10 125 125 0rec 151 )2 141 451 155 )1 140 434 140 )2 1)5 432 Calif 29 12 108 130 29 13 130 169 22 lO 120 120

us It1415 2132 106 22525 4157 1850 128 2)708 3396 1591 116 18487 ---~-------------------------------------------------- ----

- - - --_ - - - -- _ -r9li4-_ - - - - __ - ___ - _______ S________________ - - - - - - 7________ - - shy --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T9i- - - - - - -r - - - -l~b - - -Stat Aores Aaru nld I Pro- Acrbullbull Acr I Ylel4 I Pro- Acl IADrea neld I Proshy

PlIIIIha ~ PilI Aclll ductlOD IPllUlted liar- Perlen duaUoDlplal1~1 liar- IPer Acre l duettOD I Ia I ytd I IYelted I- - - - -1ioiie iare - -BiiieT- -hnaB - fliDU-AGr- - iiahi - fbOuBiu Thru-iCrbullbull- -BiiiieT- TbOubullbulliia

1_ 6 6 200 120 6 6 155 9J 5 5 200 100 n 1 1 220 22 1 1 180 18 1 1 220 22 BY 155 150 180 2700 129 98 155 15]9 119 113 190 2147 Fa V~ l4O 195 27)0 112 98 185 1813 108 lOit 200 2080 Ohio V 14 210 294 18 17 180 )06 17 11 190 J23 1114 lO 10 150 150 22 20 135 270 7 6 150 90 Ill 5 5 165 82 16 15 150 225 5 5 160 80 Il1ab )8 )) lS5 512 46 25 140 )50 ZIt 18 1)5 24) lI1a 29 27 lS5 418 26 ZIt 150 360 2 25 145 362 IIIIIDo 67 6) 150 945 49 45 1140 6)0 118 It2 140 588 Iowa 12 12 175 210 7 vo 98)) 150 45 Ia) 1 1 125 12 1 1 120 12 1 1 110 11 Bllak 5 14 160 64 7 7 160 112 6 6 130 78 SDak 7 6 150 90 It 130 52 5 5 40 70 JId 6 6 200 120 5 5 ~5 118 _ _ 2)5 9Ita 8 8 165 132 5 5 170 85 It _ 170 68 V 10 10 185 185 8 8 US 172 8 8 195 156 Ie 5 5 145 12 It 160 6It 3 3 160 48 ~ 2 2 130 26 2 2 130 26 3 J 140 42D ____1 ___ 1_ 145______1 ___ ~ ____ __1 _____~___ o___ O__1~1 ____1~5_

trs 531 S08 176 8956 417 ItOl 161 6~7 It08 )13 178 6812 ------------~---------------------------------------------

- 16shy



- - -- 12411lMIX99 sbullbullbullbull _ iorea n 14 I Pro- Acre iDre J nld Pro- Acne lAcn_ TleU Proshy-- re I Ifuo- I e I I I Hu- I I J Bar- I

____1~~~~bull l_I_~r_~~ ~~ ~~~Y ~~_1_~~l~)P~~Ye ~r_I~ _~~1J1_ I1cu tara ~ hOh ~oubull iDn l ThouBn hOlla AlIre ]ahale fhouellIl bull

bullbullr 90 J5 185 278 90 11 185 3~ 107 17 184 313 bullbull1 89 15 180 20 f5 12 175 210 88 12 179 215 Pa 21 18 155 Z79 21 16 ~5 232 21 ~ 165 231 Ohio 71 JO 170 S10 67 20 180 360 ~ 18 170 306 lad ~3 60 v0 8110 ISO ~ ~5 928~) 57 1)5 77fJ Ill ~ -7 ~O 658 113 53 150 795 123 56 141 790 1I11JII 126 7fJ ~5 1015 1)2 80 150 1200 1 57 140 798 V1I 109 87 120 1~ 112 92 l20 1104 119 92 120 1104 lie la 1~ 150 21f6O 278 2)9 150 3585 200 172 145 2494 lov 28 15 150 225 36 17 155 264 5) 18 140 252 Mo 100 36 110 396 105 )5 120 420 U7 )5 112 392 bullbullDIIk 360 30 140 4522 461 401 120 4812 26) 229 115 2634 S1lIIk _10 ~7 v0 4858 476 392 1)0 5096 328 267 117 31211shyu ~ 305 90 2145 352 238 95 2261 317 207 74 1532 Eau 136 110 627 90 )I U5 391 65 28 97 272 DIll 32 19 135 256 33 20 120 2110 28 ~ 140 196 M 52 16 150 JIO 48 V v0 196 52 12 145 1a 1350 140 322 155 25 V5 362 15) 18 140 252 Va 8 3 120 36 6 2 130 26 6 2 136 2 _C ~ ~5 348 117 22 130 286 113 17 115 196 SC 42 10 115 115)1 7 85 60 26 6 95 57 Oa 2 6 75 45 22 5 90 45 20 4 80 32 1Ir 141 37 140 518 130 28 150 420 1)6 2 136 J67 fua 98 26 105 273 100 30 110 330 105 20 101 202 Oltla 115 JJ8 95 456 108 36 75 270 1~ 36 70 252 ~z 7fJ 35 100 3SO B4 30 70 210 100 38 80 304 MoII 52 29 125 )62 JO 20 1)5 27fJ 2) 7 90 63 I4aho 10 5 17G 85 10 4 130 52 10 ) 150 450 21 7 110 71 27 7 70 49 Z7 7 102 n Colo 8 7 100 47fJ 58 35 80 2BO 38 2) 90 207 bullbull lIDz 7 5 115 511 7 5 UO 55 7 5 120 60 ~u 12 6 100 60 10 5 100 SO 10 5 Uo 55 Vesb SO 13 100 130 JJ8 17 130 221 42 10 101 101 Orec 125 32 ~O AiIf8 110 24 145 )lI8 116 15 103 154 ~-1____1 ___l _~O____ _ P ___21 ___ 2__~2 _____14___ 5____6__12~ ____ ~_ ~___ ~7 _9 _ 28____2l~ _22~ __~o~__l ___ S86_ ~23__15t__1~ __ ~1~2


--- - J2i+I i1 i W9 I Mn5 I J liDnll I I Acre

StaM I Mn I JIcq I nu I Pro- mne I iaIo J nld I Pro- I Acn I IreZ- I Yield Proshy____I~~laquobulld_~I_ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~YIleJ ~ ~ ~~_1_~~l~J1JP~~lYlle ~Pr_~~_d~l~J1_

Au II ftIagpa hog Mn lI1 ~1UIlln hOUR Acre lIIt_hel lhou1Iu

181 6 6 170 102 5 5 200 100 5 5 210 105 ft 1 1 140 14_r a 1M 135 1539 99 96 195 1872 78 76 210 1596 12) 114 160 182It 101 96 210 2016 78 200 1480 Will __ 42 155 651 16 16 180 2B8 12 12 210 2521114 19 18 140 252 2 2 150 30 4 160 64 IU 16 16 130 208 4 4 170 68 2 2 160 32 Ill 63 57 130 11 30 27 130 351 20 19 145 276 V18 2 25 ~5 362 25 ~ 155 356 23 22 151 332 Ill 62 54 120 ~ )It 29 150 bull 435 28 ~ 125 300 1_ 10 10 120 120 JIll 2 2 110 22 bullbullDate 8 7 150 105 3 J 160 If8 4 120 If8 s~ 9 8 110 88 4 160 64 3 J 80 2H II - - 180 72 ) ) 230 69 3 -) 210 63a ) J 160 ~ 3 3 180 54 2 2 166 33 Va 8 8 175 ~ 7 7 195 1)6 7 7 201 141 ~C 3 3 170 51 1Ir 2 2 150 30 t~ ____l ___l_ ~~_____ 6 ___I ___ 2__~~ _____18___ =2___ 2__1~ ____20_ US ~ S05 142 7171 JIe8 330 18_ 6085 281 269 184 4956 -----------------------------------------------~------ ----

- 17 -


llRY EIBLE 1IEliS ACREME TIBLllUlll plIOWClIOIi 1944 to 194911

~ -- - ~124 124i 1W bull bull Acres bull bull bull bull Acree bull bull bull bull Acres bull bull ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pl~tedyeted Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted vested Per Acre duct ion pl~ntedyented Per Acre duct10n - - - ---TioiAcrlI- --pound --ThOuiyen~- Thouice ---Pouid --nOUBW- nouic~e ---POuid-middot --TboujjishyHamp1u 5 5 695 35 4 4 820 33 6 6 980 59 vt 1 1 626 6 NY 120 113 790 893 101 84 850 714 128 124 1200 1488 Mich 701 660 690 4554 435 363 820 2977 531 519 740 3841 Vb 2 2 430 9 1 1 560 6 ---Minn t 6 5 476 24 4 4 600 24 3 3 500 IS IfDosk 2 1 (730 7 1 1 700 7 1 1 600 6 lfebr 60 49 1260 617 53 18 1520 7JC 611- 62 1650 102] Mont 25 ~ 1083 249 20 18 1300 234 18 17 1 bull 590 270 Idlho 146 145 1550 2248 117 115 100 1725 131 128 1700 2176 qo 90 86 1240 1066 90 86 1250 1075 93 90 1450 1305 yenllh 3 3 1030 31 4 4 1250 50 4 4 1075 43 Oreg 1 1 1322 13 Tu 2 1 200 2 Colo 350 327 540 1766 290 271 580 1572 276 249 650 1618 fMex 267 ~O 302 695 203 161 180 290 142 114 225 256 Alb 15 14 395 55 14 13 515 67 14 13 900 117 Utah e 7 480 J4 8 7 400 2B 10 9 400 36 ~UL1IIrI 166 166 1327 2203 166 166 1242 2062 149 149 1342 2000 CtJ1fOUlIl1 183 157 1045 1640 148 141 1062 1497 134 134 1184 1587 poundeil _142 __ 221 _ _ 9Q _1bullsect41 _ __ 2~ __ 201 __1L129__ J~29_ __ ~1 _ _ g82 __1L2amp7__ _ l281_ ~___ g52 _ ~9~ ___ 02 _1amp41 __ ~5~ _ ~1 ___80__ vJ0~1__ 1Ot _ ~2~ ___917___12~_

DRY EDlDLE llEA1lS (Contd) - - - - 1241 124sect 1942 Jamp1ne 7 7 1100 77 9 9 900 81 8 8 925 74 bullbullY 138 13D 1070 1391 181 179 1230 2202 176 170 1000 1700 Mich 494 467 670 3129 514 504 880 4435 52) 519 1100 5709 Minn 2 1 350 4 1 1 650 6 1 1 650 6 1lDIk 1 1 850 8 lfllbr 80 76 1425 1083 85 83 1725 1432 90 85 1530 1301 Mont 2l 20 1450 2)0 22 21 1470 309 19 18 11170 265 IdlLho 159 154 1540 2372 ISO 148 1800 2664 149 147 1830 2690 To 112 107 1350 1444 98 95 1370 1302 83 81 1520 1231 lfaah 4 4 1200 48 5 5 1500 75 8 8 1490 119 Colo 331 321 800 2568 341 324 720 2333 307 295 820 2419 NMex 155 140 237 332 191 172 250 430 181 169 350 592 Arb 15 14 430 60 14 14 475 66 12 12 500 60 Utah 14 13 760 99 17 15 400 60 15 14 500 70 Ca11tL1IIrI 149 149 1406 2095 145 145 1603 2324 15 175 1654 2894 CallfOther 174 174 1303 2268 223 223 1389 3097 183 183 1229 2249 poundlil_2z1 __ 222 __ 25_t262 ___ 26Q __ 26Q __14ZJ_ __5431___ 25Q __ 25Q __1427_ __ 241_ ___ sect5~ _ m ___ 271 _116sect __ 29~ _ 23Q __1J014__ 086__ 23sect _ Q82 __1114___2~2 _ J1 Include b gl01OI1 for lead


- - - - li~ li4i 12~ s~te Acr Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acree Yield Proshy

Plantedl Har- Per Acre duction Planted Har_ Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted Har_ Per Acre duction _____ __x8td______________=_vsies______________Z8tlltL__________ _ rhoueAcieg Pounds Thous1jB ThousAcres ~ ThouBBagB ThoulAcree Pounds ThouBBagB

Mlch 1 1 770 8 Vh 3 3 970 29 2 2 950 19 1 1 1100 11 MInn 4 4 82033 4 4 950 38 6 6 800 48 NDak 14 13 1060 138 13 12 1200 144 15 15 1350 202 Mont 42 40 1103 441 32 30 1200 360 24 2J 1170 269 Idaho 225 219 1275 2792 ISS 153 1200 1836 161 156 1350 2106 lyo 2 2 921 18 2 2 1200 24 3 3 1250 38 Colo 33 22 860 189 bull 33 23 900 207 23 16 750 120 WaG 347 340 1290 4386 246 235 1160 2726 244 235 1480 3478 Oreg 58 56 1120 627 39 37 950 352 20 19 1300 247Qai____~ ___Ii __ l12 __ pound32 ____21 ___2Q _ _1 05_middot__ _29J_ ___1sect ___112 ___820____ l6Q _ l~_ ___ Z5Z - _ ru __ lgl _ J2li9t ___ i~ __ ilJ2 _ _11tl- _ -S91L __ ili __ 9_~ __13i8___ poundpound72 _

DRY FIELD PEAS (Contd) - - - - 1i41 1~1 -)242 Wle 1 1 1050 10 Minn 8 7 600 42 J J 900 27 7 7 950 66 Iflllk 20 18 1080 194 7 6 1200 72 5 5 1000 50 Mont 17 16 1100 176 8 8 1160 9J I 6 1130 68 Idaho 153middot 150 1320 1980 72 68 1220 830 99 89 1120 997 lyo 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1210 24 Colo 35 21 900 189 24 19 1000 190 19 16 1220 195 Vash 256 247 1300 J211 162 156 1280 1997 210 198 760 1505 Oreg 25 24 1180 28J 19 18 1300 234 17 14 700 98poundsll___ _Zl __ _ Zl ___ 19Q __ g11 ____1sect ___1sect __ 390____113____11 ___11 __1210____ 102 _ ____ 2~ __ 21l _ _ 33g _ ~l2g ___ Jl2 __ ~9Q __1J2g1__ JJ6fJ___ l8l _ _ 25 ___9pound7___ l~l~_ 1I h pl1Jlc1pal comerc1al produciD8 States Includes Pt)llS groUl for seed aDd comery pens harvested lUy

- III shy

1 UPDATA 1981



- - - - 19i4 19sect 12 li41 to ~ t 1242 St t A Aores Ac Acres A Acres ~ Acres ~ Acres A Acres

a e creB Har- reo H~r- cres ~r- cres H~r- cr~s H~r- eres Harshy____~1ne~eit~d_~1no~_elt~ltLlP~~tdlV~oeS_~1ne~lvsOS_ c~middot~_vselP~l~td_Jel~~d__

Thousand Acres Ind 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ill 12 12 9 9 7 7 5 5 6 6 4 4 ViB 3 3 2 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~1nn 18 18 12 12 7 7 10 10 6 6 5 5 Iogtlt 23 22 11 11 7 7 8 8 12 12 10 10 Mo 265 263 225 216 184 181 179 176 154 150 122 120 Iflhk 87 86 50 49 47 44 42 41 33 32 35 34 SJhk S49 502 390 362 238 221 188 179 152 149 164 156 Jlebr 704 685 50 480 390 374 343 325 364 351 364 347 K9ns 38116 3768 3054 2879 2718 2505 2256 2154 2459 2391 2361 2319 Va 10 9 15 10 15 9 17 9 14 6 12 4 IIVa 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 nc 26 26 23 23 30 30 32 32 35 35 32 32 sc 36 36 35 35 28 28 29 29 30 30 23 23 Ga 60 60 60 60 48 48 55 55 54 54 38 38 Ky 35 34 35 35 39 39 34 34 2l 21 18 18 Tenn 62 6 56 56 56 56 48 48 37 37 29 29 Ala 59 58 61 60 79 78 86 84 99 97 65 63 Mhs 65 64 63 61 51 49 53 52 47 46 34 33 Ark 94 93 97 95 82 80 78 75 68 67 51 50 Jg 10 10 9 9 8 8 9 9 11 11 11 11 Okla 2484 2406 1938middot 1829 1783 1664 1284 1198 1348 1258 1146 1094 T8 8318 8202 7653 7054 7273 6913 5527 5392 7019 6740 5168 5080 Mont 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 4 3 3 4 3 Vyo bull 14 13 10 9 7 7 7 6 4 4 5 5 Colo 766 723 705 658 613 546 490 470 500 479 645 618 1IHex 690 669 467 309 317 265 349 313 521 479 556 532 Arb 71 69 55 53 74 72 62 60 90 88 77 76 Calli 133 127 112 108 151 151 76 76 122 122 80 80 115- - -ie458 -18038 - - is668 - 14-498- 14- 2f6- - i540J -11-277- -10OsO - -13214 -12-679- -11064 - -10789- -


- - - l9~( t00 1916t 197 19aL 12112 St t Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros Dald Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros IReld Pro- Acres llel4 Proshy

a eHar_ Per duc_ Hl1- Per duc- H9r- Por dw- 59r- Per due- zHar- IPer duc_ Har- Per i ducshy___yetdlApoundrs_t0E lVS82C8l 1n_yeltdAEr_t0E lvse2cel 1n_yetdlApoundrl_t0E lvsse~cel isn_

Thous Thous Thous Thoua Thous ThOUG Thoua Thous Theus Thous Thous Thoua ~ TonE ~ Acrea ~ Tons Acros Tona1m Acres ~ Tons ~ TOilS ~ Acres 2 Tons

Ind 2 270 5 1 290 3 1 260 3 Ill 4 250 10 3 250 8 2 300 6 2 250 5 2 350 7 1 350 4 Minn 15 300 45 8 20 18 5 200 10 8 200 16 4 250 10 4 230 9 Iowa 12 300 36 5 300 15 2 350 7 2 250 5 6 300 18 4 250 10 Ho 150 211 316 146 180 263 105 220 231 95 180 171 86 20 189 58 210 122 N bull oruc 76 110 106 116 135 62 41 110 45 39 130 51 30 125 38 32 100 32 SDak 395 169 668 308 150 462 177 l70 301 152 130 198 124 180 223 133 135 180 Nebl 511 197 1007 383 160 613 279 165 460 234 155 363 222 160 355 220 230 506 Kans 1125 213 2396 1386 164 2273 1302 160 2083 989 140 1385 692 190 1315 649 185 1201 Va 6 170 10 8 175 1~ 7 175 12 8 175 14 5 180 9 4 175 7 lle 15 160 24 13 170 22 18 180 32 17 190 32 13 200 26 13 200 26 SC 22 130 29 21 145 30 14 150 21 14 140 20 16 1~5 2J 10 150 15 Ga 35 111 39 42 135 57 33 135 45 )8 130 49 41 130 5] 29 140 41 KT 22 184 ~o 25 240 60 23 260 60 22 280 62 15 210 32 13 21~ 2B Tenn 37 180 67 33 20 73 31 210 65 29 230 67 23 235 54 17 220 37 Ala 23 140 32 24 135 32 27 155 ~2 28 135 38 37 150 56 19 145 2B Hios 27 165 ~5 28 185 52 18 150 27 18 170 31 19 195 37 16 185 30 Ark 66 161 106 68 160 109 50 145 72 51 140 71 J8 185 70 27 190 51 L~ 6 130 8 5 165 8 ~ 160 6 4 135 5 6 145 9 5 160 8 Okla 132~ 145 1920 1118 125 1398 969 130 160 701 110 771 652 150 978 502 160 803 Tex 2920 1193768 2985 110 3283 2324 122 28391677 110 1844 lt17J 122 26601452 145 2105 Mont 5 117 6 4 120 5 6 115 7 4 130 5 J 150 4 3 80 2 Wyo 13 82 11 9 70 6 7 60 4 6 80 5 ~ 75 3 5 76 4 Colo ~7J 114 539 460 110 506 350 105 368 304 115 )50 280 105 29~ 301 107 322 11Mex 29~ 102 300 223 70 157 155 103 159 143 67 96 184 100 184 109 129 141 Arh 6 200 2 3 200 6 5 175 9 3 175 5 3 175 5 ~ 175 7 Ea1i__ _35pound __ Z___2_ ~poundO___ ~ __ _35pound ___7___~ 210___7___ _35pound __ ~ __ 2 _ 210___1pound

~middot~middot_118~ _15~ 015J317_ 10_ 21~11251_131_81~1_4520_ 3_56~6_ ~~8~ _14 ~~521~31_ za_11~

- 19 shy





- ---I I94 1J9s 1~~ S~at J Jor 1 Yield Pr d ti~ JeJ81 I n14 I ProducUcna I Jone J Yield Pro4ucUoII

____1_~bullt4_1_~r_~l _1__0_u _~ _1_IIret4__~I_-l _1________~t4_1_~1_~l J _____ _ ThouIAcne ~ ThoU Bu llloutareplE ft1oUI Bu BiouDJeJ8el llloubullbull IIp

Ind 2 ~9 48 2 300 60 1 300 30 Ill 1 240 2h 1 290 29 1 300 30 Iova 1 240 24 1 200 20 1 200 20 Mo 61 216 1)18 29 ~o 435 ~ 220 968 IDaIt 8 163 130 1 160 16 1 135 14 SDak 92 153 1408 43 115 494 37 160 592 lobI 115 22) 2564 75 180 1350 18 200 1560 Ian 2229 221 49261 1149 154 17695 B51 1)5 11488 IC 2 250 50 3 2)0 69 sc 1 165 16 1 170 17 3 IB5 56 Al 2 163 33 13 150 195 2) 160 368 uk 7 143 100 10 170 170 8 150 120 La 1 150 15 1 180 18 1 140 14 Okla 979 1050 146805 636 120 7632 6~ 115 7176 ex 05103 194 99229 ) 950 150 c59139 4~ 160 71840 ColO aIfO 1057 3768 180 lAt9 2682 191 130 2483 1lIex )69 166 6111 84 70 587 108 104 1127 Aris 54 372 2009 44 )40 1496 55 360 1980 ~a1____11____)1~ ____ ~)~ _____1pound2____32~ ___ _ l27 _____~5____42 ___ ~292 __ US 9)86 197 184978 6)24 152 9606) 6669 159 106025


- - --I l~ 192s 1~ Stah I tar 1 Yield 1 PrOdUCtioD Acre I Yield I ProductiOIl Acne I Yield 1 Productloll

____1_~etd_Umiddotr_Jer _1_______ _~etd_I_Pr_Ael _1_______1_lIrQt4__~r_~l J _____ _ Thoue Jon ll 2a DIOUlllOD ThoubullbullJer 12 DIoubullbull Toll lhoUlJarooa ToD bou l01I

lIId 5 105 52 4 120 48 3 110 111 4 100 40 3 90 27 2 105 21 Vh 1 80 8 1 75 8 M1Dn 70 21 4 60 24 2 65 13 Iowa 6 100 60 3 90 27 1 110 11 Mo 85 374 36 71) 252 25 85 212 IDak 2 30 6 2 202 4 2 21 4 SDaIc 15 7 56 11 3- 37 7 40 28 Ifebr 59 64 378 22 50 110 17 50 BS Iane 412 70 2884 )42 55 1881 SO 60 21OQ SC 3 50 15 ) 55 16 3 50 15 Ga ) 40 12 1 45 14 51) 20 leDII 10 65 65 9 70 63 6 70 42 Al 6 75 45 05 70 35 6 60 36)Ii 12 90 108 12 90 108 12 75 90 Ark 3 55 16 2 55 11 5 60 )0 La 1 61 7 1 7- 7 1 66 7 Old 97 50 485 10 45 115 67 40 l68 Ix l6It 48 789 108 35 )83 87 41 ~O Colo 10 55 55 18 45 81 5 50 25 bullbull lIu 6 ) 20 2 30 2 45 9 Arll 9 121) 108 6 US 69 12 U5 138pounda1_____4____~~ ______2 ______4 ~ ______4 _____~ ______l~ ______ ____1~~

US 879 642 56114 671 532 3510 623 576 3SS7


- - - -I = 19~ = = = == = ~ 1~4sect state crill 1 Yield ProductioD Acre 1 Yield I Prod t1 I Acres Yield Pr

_____~etd_lt]~r_Apoundr ________1_Hrstd_IJr_Apoundr ____~ _o~ __~etd_Jr_Apoundrtl _ ~d~~1~~ ThougAcru Jl9B1 lhquGIlllog TI1quecrea ~ TboutOallQII ThguuJcru GalloDII AAUIIlampllov

Ind 1 80 80 1 90 90 1 75 75 Ill 3 50 ISO 2 50 100 2 65 1)0 Via 2 80 160 1 70 70 1 62 62 10 3 125 )705 2 100 200 3 129 387 Mo 8 62 496 5 45 225 7 55 385 bu 2 55 110 2 SO 100 2 51 102 Va J 65 195 2 65 130 2 66 1)2 VVa 3 59 177 2 67 134 1 66 66 lIC 11 74 814 8 64 512 9 131 729 SC 10 55 550 10 55 550 8 58 464 Ge 22 55 1210 15 57 855 11 53 583 17 12 65 780 10 73 730 16 85 1360 laDII 15 61 915 14 60 840 19 73 1)87 Ala 27 65 1755 18 66 1188 22 6) 1386 Mha 25 78 1950 21 80 1680 19 65 1235 Ark 17 SO 850 15 55 825 17 60 1020 L~ 2 55 110 2 60 120 2 40 80 OklL 6 42 252 5 43 215 4 47 188

i~----~i---~------l~-----l~---~------~______~ ___~____ _~2__--- - - - - - - - - - _1_ - __ l~ _____146____6middotZ ____ 2~ _____~_ 660 10171

-O- ------------ shy



-s~~e-= ~II 1 RI~ 1Pr~~to ~r~ ~~ 1 ~o~t~I~ ~~ R~~ ~din I BarYeated Per Acre I I BarYe ted Per Acr I I BarYbullbulltod Per Acr

- - - -1h-cr- -Dl~hr- -fhoa- ia - fhQicr1 bir- - -TiioQ- ib- - thOulAcibullbull -Dlhel- TiioU- -IDe 1 260 26 1 320 32 1 320 JJ~ Iowa 1 160 16 1 195 20 1 225 m )10 114 160 704 30 240 72031 200 6tjIlak 1 155 16 1 160 16 SDU 111 90 162 20 155 310 20 122 244

Iobr 75 150 1125 111 225 2632 109 236 2572lAD 754 145 10933 339 215 287811 1392 215 29 928 IC 5 250 125 16 270 432 15 250 375 s Q 5 155 78 1 175 122 7 180 126 Ala 34 165 561 45 195 878 33 181 597 Arll 10 150 15016 1110 2811 14 172 241 lA 2 140 28 2 155 31 3 170 51 CkIa 440 110 11840 556 150 8340 548 155 8494 181 3640 180 65421 496 165 74143 3563 239 114996 Colo 160 150 2400 192 170 3264 3011 172 52911 INex 167 106 1764 287 140 40111 415 222 9213 Arh 53 410 2113 75 400 3000 61 1146 2721 -~l____1~ ____3 ____ ~sect9 _____16___ 31middot ____ ~~ _____ 11___ 32 ~ ___ r62_ ~~___ ~~ ____lI~ ____9I11 ____ 7____1~ ___ ~I~ ____6~5~2____2 __ 4~_

ALL SOBOIIllKS JOR SIIMB AOlJWlE YIELD A)JD PROIUClIOIl 1947 to 1949 _______ ~_7_________________ __________________ ~~_______ _~------------~------------------~------------------ilt--------

State Acre I Yh1d I Acre field Acre Yield BarPedd Per Acre Product1on I BarPted Per Acre Production llarveted Pet Acre Production

- - - - ThouAcre -iaL- - -boU7tOji - biiuAcro -Jiii- - -b0li71oi- ~ouEcre - -~n - -fhw7Tu Ind 2 85 17 2 115 23 2 115 23 Ill 2 90 18 4 105 42 3 93 28 Hinn 2 60 12 2 eo 16 1 70 7 IoVA 3 60 18 3 95 28 3 100 30 Mo 33 70 231 31 95 294 29 86 249 IfIlK 1 25 2 1 30 3 2 23 5 slak 9 25 22 5 55 28 3 42 13 Ibr 16 45 72 12 60 72 18 70 126lAD 409 53 21611 359 76 2 72~ 278 73 2029 SC 3 50 15 2 55 11 3 60 18 0 3 45 14 5 55 211 3 60 IS Tonn 6 70 42 7 75 52 8 76 61 Ala 4 65 26 7 75 52 6 74 44 Nh 12 65 711 12 01 0 96 8 85 61 Ark 3 5middot3 16 5 75 38 5 75 38 ta 1 60 6 2 68 14 2 70 14 (kIa 54 37 200 4 55 264 43 56 241 Tex 69 37 258 66 46 305 60 57 343 Colo 6 45 27 7 55 38 9 48 43 IIMex 3 40 12 e 45 36 8 53 42 Arh 4 110 44 10 110 110 11 115 126 -~1____ ~ ____1poundpound ______~ ______4____1poundpound ______~ ______6____1~ pound _____~_ ~____ ~4~ ____ 4___ _ lP _____~2____ 7____ ~~1 _____51____ 10___ sect2~_


-- -- I~ D[8 I~i State Aeres Tield Production I Acr Tield Produetlon I Acree Yield Production

BarYeted I Per Acre I BarTeted Per Acre BarYeted Per Acre - - - - hiiuicre - Gallon - bouGallon thouD Xcre - 01100 - fhoubullbullOaflon ~iiuicro - iiaflon -lhOli7aeliOii Ind 1 70 70 1 90 90 1 90 90 Ill 1 55 55 1118 1 51 51 1 80 80 1 77 77 IClVa 2 80 160 2 168 336 2 158 316 Mo II 42 168 3 66 1911 2 61 122 Ian 2 51 102 1 47 47 Va 1 61 67 1 90 90 IIVa 1 70 70 bullbullC 10 73 730 6 611 408 4 72 211 Sc 7 49 343 5 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ Ga 14 59 826 II ~ ~ 6 60 ~ ~ 12 74 888 6 73 438 5 79 395 Tnn 13 60 7S0 7 Ala 111 60 10110 8 m = ~ =Mi 22 68 1496 15 78 1170 9 63 567 Arll 11 42 462 8 64 512 4 54 216 La 2 35 70 1 43 43 1 45 45 Cltla 3 33 99 2 55 110 1 52 52 ~_____ ~ ____ 25______ 13~ ______5__ _ ______ 1pound _____ -____ ~_____ __I~

Us 131 7847 SO 6911 55116 53 66s 3539 -------------------------~---------------------------- -------- 21 shy

bullUPDATA 1981 ~~ I j


--- -- 1~ t 19~ t 19[6 StlAt I Acree Yield Acrn Yield Acrea Yield

Harvea d Pel Production Harvest d Per Production Harvested Per Production _________ ~ _ _Agrl _ ______ ______Apound~ __ ______ t ______ _Asr~ _______ _

ThoutlAcree Ton8 ThouTone ThouAcre Ton ThouBlone ThoUllAcres 1on8 Thou8Tone Main 923 89 818 833 106 882 84 99 m fK 388 102 395 376 123 464 364 118 431 it 1032 126 1298 10oe 150 1516 1006 143 1442 )(saso 319 124 469 376 164 615 365 164 597 RI 36 1l4 41 37 146 54 34144 49 Conn 304 123 374 300 157 472 288 162 467 fY 4008 144 5759 4021 161 6488 3968 162 6416 NJ 274 147 402 288 177 509 260 175 454 PIi 2564 140 3597 2539 151 3826 2525 150 3789 0b10 2605 139 3622 2560 148 3801 2536 152 3848 Ind 2004 131 2626 1765 145 2551 1835 137 2511 Ill 2824 139 3938 2662 152 4053 2732 146 3985 Mich 2813 1)8 3895 2671 148 3958 2648 124 3272 Vb 4263 163 6929 4214 187 7870 4ll2 155 6371 Minn 4683 142 6640 4366 152 6637 4067 146 5956 Iowa 3551 164 58)6 1304 172 5677 3275 163 5325 Mo 3703 113 4171 3914 115 4500 3545 119 4201 lItDIIk 3421 97 3305 3434 94 3233 3068 89 2724 SDak 36e5 99 3637 3616 92 3312 3478 80 2775 Nebr 4355 112 4865 4062 11)9 4436 3915 97 3787 ~B 1784 167 2982 1783 161 2875 1746 135 2354 Del 82 1 ~o 98 75 152 114 71 149 106 Md 461 120 552 464 139 643 442 148 656 Va 1383 11)2 1405 1477 117 1722 1391 119 1650 IIv 835 108 904 840 1~ 1061 812 129 1045 NC 1315 96 1263 1374 98 1352 1263 102 1285 sc 543 74 400 554 84 465 S07 87 442 Oe 1406 49 689 1441 54 785 1399 52 723 lIla 118 54 64 125 57 71 123 49 60 It) 1630 112 1831 1987 137 2720 1813 136 2459 Tenn 1769 94 1660 1978 124 2444 1802 122 2205 All 1 091 67 730 995 75 742 999 74 744 M18s 925 119 1104 873 117 1025 850 123 1046 Ark 1397 109 1529 1378 116 1595 1258 118 1483 ra 3Jl 119 395 326 125 406 319 126 403 Okla 1296 129 1671 1326 133 1757 1355 113 1534 Tex 1591 90 1439 1599 96 1537 1623 11)3 1619 Mont 2265 119 2689 2267 117 2681 2147 112 2395 Idho 1198 204 2445 1189 204 2428 1140 213 2429 liTo 1156 113 1312 1103 116 1274 1091 111 1214 Colo 1467 159 2331 1425 155 2215 1359 148 2008 NMex 217 221 419 201 192 385 206 212 436 Arb 332 218 723 309 242 748 306 239 737 Utah 612 203 1245 597 200 1194 573 195 1115 ireV 435 142 617 436 141 615 432 152 655 VaBb 989 119 1775 931 187 1744 656 192 1640 Oreg 1156 173 1996 1158 170 1970 1062 173 1~39poundampl1____20plusmn0____ ~middot21____ 22~ ____2130____ ~bullsect4____60]6____ 282 __ _ 1~2_ ___6t0Q3_ ~____ 176)9____ ]middot13___ 03~2 ___ 16627____ ]~__ _1~7t418_ ___71141 ___ ]15___ 291518_

VILD HAY ACREAGE nELD lID PllOllUCTIOlf 1944 to 191i6

- - - - - 1~ l I9~ l 19[6 state I Acree Yield Acree Yield AcreB Yield

I Harveated Per Productioll ltlrvesed bull Per bull Production Harvested Per bull Production ___________ l ce__ ~ ______ t _____ _ =_AsrJ __ ______ l _______~r __ _____ _

ThouaAcrem ThousTon bonaAcres ona ThousTona Thoue-cres ~ Thousfou Via 140 130 182 94 115 106 llO 115 126 Minn 1452 1ll 1612 1394 115 1603 1282 110 1410 10 102 122 124 92 120 llO 86 1O 103 Mo 154 109 168 160 120 192 150 100 ISO NDal 2576 90 ~318 2576 85 2190 2318 85 1970 sJ))k 3076 88 2707 3014 60 24ll 2693 70 2025 Nebr 3198 80 2558 2942 75 2206 2795 65 1817Ian 693 111 769 638 115 734 636 75 478 Ark 194 104 202 202 105 212 202 105 212 Okla 480 118 566 437 125 S46 428 100 428 Tex 195 105 205 185 100 185 191 105 201 Mont 867 85 737 806 90 725 622 60 658 ldho 139 lU 156 139 115 160 135 110 148 To 529 60 423 481 BO 385 495 85 421 Colo 466 97 452 443 100 443 439 85 373 NMex 20 88 16 15 70 10 27 100 27 Utah 103 124 126 lOS 100 105 105 120 1-6 lreT 267 100 267 267 100 267 267 110 294 Yam 46 115 53 51 125 64 47 120 56 Or~ ll76 115 320 3U 11n 3IU gt86 110 315 ~l-l_____1$gt____ 110_____ 17g _____112___ _ 1io_ ~ __ _2ffl_ ____ 152 ___ 1lL ____11~_

k ___ 5all1_____23____1~J1 ___ 4~~_____21___ Jt2~2___ _ ll~7 ___ _g3_ __ l51 _


FFeti5 Hri+tttrtft gt~- bullbull ~Mto shy



- -- -- 1~7 19la_ 19sect State Acrea Yild cr Tlel-l Acrea Yield

______II~~t~d_ ~ ~~~__ ~ ~d~ln_l v~e~ _~_A~~ ___~o~u~t~o~ ~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~____P~o~u~to~ ~bullbullAcrea gAl ~ousTonD fitouDcrea ~ lhoulITons Tbous bullocres I2 Thou9Tonl

M1n 766 11)8 627 nO 11)2 746 695 9B 682 lilI J5) 127 446 JJ9 124 421 J18 11) )56 n 995 149 148J 974 145 1416 952 124 1176 ca )51 154 540 J46 160 59f )42 145 496 RI )2 159 51 29 159 46 28 1 bullSO 42 Conn 280 166 464 272 162 440 26) 156 410 IIT )752 161 6029 )642 165 6016 3)97 1)6 46)0 IJ 244 17) 422 236 161 428 239 177 422 Il 2))9 150 )511 2194 146 )710 2202 142 )123 Ohio 2497 140 34B6 2)84 14) )406 2255 142 )212 Ind 1708 1)6 2)Jl 1661 1)6 2251 1616 145 2 bull 342 Ill 2626 14J )756 2)85 149 )558 2230 165 J689 Mich 2628 1Jl J45) 24)6 1)7 )346 2)29 1)2 )069 Vh 4066 16) 6665 )940 1)8 54)2 3916 15) 5972 MiIlJ1 4063 142 57n )659 1)7 529) 3819 1)lt3 5268 10_ )J)B 154 5154 2943 1)4 )955 )100 159 49)0 Me 3762 114 4)10 )S46 129 4564 )60) 129 465) IDU 3289 95 )110 3176 91 2901 )441 B5 2920 S~ )675 85 ))1) 4126 84 )451 4412 68 3013 lfebr 4)05 113 4BBI 4))4 105 4532 4836 108 5ZJl Iu 2059 153 )155 195) 176 )479 2017 160 3~z2 Del 69 146 102 n 140 102 68 110 97 Md 429 142 611 445 144 64) 429 152 ti51 Vamp 1)27 107 1414 1)72 126 1722 1321 127 16n VV 60) 116 92B 796 129 1026 B02 124 991_C 1292 96 1267 1290 10) 1)28 1246 105 1)12 SC 465 76 )76 509 68 449 52J 91 476 0amp 1)91 51 70) 1416 56 791 1055 6) 66) 11 125 54 67 1)2 58 77 65 62 5) 1) 1666 1)B 2568 1687 126 21)0 1828 110 2)60 l1IllU 1812 117 2120 1691 111 1861 l7J4 125 2175 U 939 72 679 922 18 720 790 84 667 Ki 601 115 923 769 121 9)3 779 115 89) Ark 1254 98 1224 1211 124 150) 1116 117 1J10 111 300 118 )s4 294 112 )29 295 1m 379 Okla 1580 119 1B77 1490 I)) 1975 1)50 1)5 1821 le 1620 90 16)7 1706 91 1556 145) 112 1624 MoDt 2227 112 2491 220) I) 2704 2On 101 2084 Idoho 1022 2Z5 2296 986 220 2171 1050 2lt) 2))7 1170 1080 117 1265 1017 94 960 1104 110 1209 Colo 1)56 164 2219 1)51 167 2251 1401 164 229) Ifllex 216 210 454 20) 212 4)) 19) 209 404 Arlo m 220 595 226 2)8 5)7 25) 247 624 Utah S6B 208 1160 550 205 1129 5)7 21) 1145 - )92 155 606 )8) 151 577 377 154 580 lfath 60) 1117 150) 765 205 1611 772 178 1375 Oree 1076 169 1617 1061 174 1646 970 158 1526 ~11middot____~~~ __ ~ J bull 26____ euro1)Q ____1~7O____ 1middotQ7____5JplusmnL ___ 1l15Q ___ 1middot25___ 3 49_ [middotk ___ 1 46amp6____ 1middot15___ 10Q$~ ___ 11617____ 114___ 2611~ ___71~ __ _ lmiddotlJ_ __ 25025_

_1If_ eii2ll 2r_A1l_II~r_r2r_125~D-~ 9Z1J211 o_____________ bull __________

~~~ _lAi~~e5drIx~~rpoundr ~tloi ~ce ~eililfgi ct r~~ln hqutr ll lhoubullbullrona rhouaAcr 12l ThouaToga

~ _____1 _0_____ 111_______ 1~~ _____ 1~ _____ 1Ql_ ______ 1~~ _ Ylk ____ 14aJgl_____ 1J8______ 10l57______7~11J _____ l~L _____ l0ll_ ~ -

WILD BAT AClUllilE fIELD AlID PBODUCrIOll 1947 to 1~1

- - - - - 1i41 1~ 1~ Il~t I Acre I Yield heres Yield Acres Yield bull

I arT ted I Per Production arTeBted Per ProucUon Iifrvsted Per bull Production ____ _1_ __~ __ _~rl _ i ______ 1 _______ cLe______________ cIe___=_____ _

1houeAcreo 1M lhoubullbullTop rhouoAcree ~ rhouerona rhousAcrea ron rhoubullbullroue Vlo 106 115 122 1)0 95 124 112 107 120 Minn 1)06 11e 1439 12)0 105 1292 11)2 105 1169 10 75 1O 90 61 115 9) 70 123 66 Mo 150 110 165 141 110 155 1)5 110 146 1IDIIk 2596 90 2))6 2414 65 2052 2535 Bo 2028 SDU )240 75 24)0 )4)4 70 2401 )4)4 57 1957_hr 296) 60 2)70 2904 65 1686 )252 75 24)9 lUI 702 110 772 611 115 7~ 642 115 nB Ark 204 B5 In 175 110 192 152 105 160 00amp 458 110 504 4)1 1 lt5 5)9 416 1gt0 502 lu 210 95 200 197 65 167 1B5 101 167 Mont 860 BO 704 654 90 769 769 75 577 Id~o 132 110 145 140 100 140 144 109 157 To 500 95 475 475 60 lB5 522 B5 444 Colo 470 105 494 451 105 474 474 102 4B) 11 Megt 27 BO 22 25 75 19 22 6) 1B Utah 109 125 1)6 105 110 126 105 I) 12911 230 1111 25) 216 105 227 205 9B 201 Vampth 46 120 55 55 1)0 2 57 120 68 Oreg )00 110 ))0 )30 15 412 291 106 gt08pound41lf_____1i6____ 11(1_____ 17~ _____1J6____ 1ltgt_____120_____ 1J~ ___ 112_____1~_

~____ 4~_____10____111111 ___ 4515_____~5___ l)~___ _~19= ____~2___ l121_ - 23 shy

-UPDATA 1981 bull _ bull h



ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944




---- ~7 i i i ti~ State Acrco Aore Yield Pro- lorn Acre Yleld Pro- Acres Acreo Y1eld Proshy

Plonted m- Per Acre ducdon Planted liar-a Per lore cuct1on Plantod llar- per Acre duction ________~ot ______ l ____ l ___ lY81e_l _____l ____ l ___ lylt0_eSl ____ l ____ _d t l1ho1l Acree ~ Tbou8lffi Thoubullbull Acree lIunhal Thouau Thoubullbull Acree 1Igshel lhoutIBu

NY 3aS 375 240 8988 449 J41 ~o 11886 405 396 269 10721 NJ 107 15 250 1675 115 62 215 1763 107 a3 240 1992 pa 947 929 240 22296 965 966 190 16354 926 906 230 20884 Ohl0 2212 2119 ~25 49026 2371 2353 245 57646 2377 2353 250 56625 Iud 160) 1571 230 36133 1811 1775 215 36162 1739 1722 220 31884 Ill 1431 1341 210 26311 1745 1710 225 36497 1952 1913 230 43995 Mich 1210 1192 250 29600 1416 ~395 260 36~0 1303 1297 265 34310 Via 116 114 257 2926 127 123 236 2906 117 114 226 2604 Hinn 1200 1169 171 2063 1066 1051 115 1652 1304 1265 151 19360 Iowa 220 201 119 3607 40 311 233 1397 41 364 168 1212 Mo 1472 1321 165 244)6 1722 1596 210 33558 1625 1676 175 29365 NllIlt 10401 10263 143 146)83 9933 97l 144 140234 11055 10552 106 112357 SDllt 3656 3103 145 53626 4022 3643 131 50342 459 4079 80 32653 Nebr 4606 4434 209 92751 4614 4275 204 87111 5016 4165 140 58213 X~ne 15404 14655 193 266102 14634 13221 175 231368 16244 14219 110 157069 Del 70 65 200 1300 71 66 145 957 66 63 115 11021 366 341 210 1161 361 334 160 53J4 343 311 190 6023 v~ 496 456 115 6015 461 449 185 8306 438 400 165 7400 Y v~ 96 62 195 1599 96 62 165 1511 62 68 190 1292 NC 492 461 175 8112 406 314 160 5984 465 4tl0 136 5520 SC 238 2J1 165 3812 211 210 140 2940 114 166 120 1992 Go 196 185 140 2590 116 165 135 2228 140 130 125 1625 XJ- 404 J24 160 5184 420 324 160 5184 403 288 170 439f Tenn 332 16 150 4740 )55 336 145 4901 )01 ~4 146 40( 11 14 12 165 198 15 13 155 202 13 11 154 1y Ml 20 16 195 312 16 12 190 226 15 8 165 132 uk 38 24 150 )60 40 26 170 416 )4 24 145 )46 Okla 1051 6696 155 103188 1263 6696 145 91092 1481 6629 128 84851 Tex 7587 1)10 160 116960 6752 5629 105 59104 7090 6417 140 698)6 Mon~ 5183 4427 146 65)46 5201 4815 192 93716 5975 5316 115 61189 Idaho 1)88 1344 266 )674) 1523 111) 252 )5646 1591 1537 242 )1136 VTo )47 326 202 6592 384 )42 194 6650 )92 369 167 6885 Colo 290) 2738 215 56866 3186 2861 01 51)73 )552 26)8 16) 46164 NMex 740 649 15 9420 682 403 92 )712 616 526 106 5616 Arh 30 26 210 586 19 28 2)0 644 )0 26 262 734 Utlh 315 J68 246 9058 431 415 05 6510 441 426 210 9009 Ney 21 20 lt91 582 21 20 295 590 20 19 26 bull J 541 Vh 2922 2119 2)6 64750 2959 2166 c87 79268 )1)9 2758 218 60146 Ore~ 1063 976 226 22237 1100 1052 265 29954 1214 1058 215 22698 pound111___ vsect __ sect62 __1sect2 ___11 bull Q)~ ___76___6Q~ _ 175___lQiJ2 ___7f___6pound6__ 185____11261 Q~_ _ _1sect21t _7~212 __1sect3 _ l25sect211_16L~L 17ltL46_ _ 119_ 1 9t2l _ sect3J9Q5_15J90_ _ 1~5_ _ oQ9il~

FUX 11llR ACRYAGS TIuD KD P~WCTIOf 1944 tt 19~

- - - - ~I~ 19~ )2Ii State cree Acree l Yield ~_ Acr~ Acre 11eld Pro- Acre8 Acres Yleld Proshy

Plnted aar- P8r Acre juctlon Pl~ted H~r_ Per Acre ductiouPlQnted BAr- Per Acre ductlo~ ________1eltl __________ l ___ l~~aleg l ____ l ________ toYJseS l _____ to ___ bullbull _d 1hOWlAcres 2M 1houeons housAone 12a ThouTont rhoWlAgre 2111 ~~

OrIC 11 85 165 14 95 6 150 12 8) 16 190 111bullbull4

_______1241 ________ ______ ~_________________12~ _______ __ _ Ore 57 49 190 92 24 Z 170 )4 )4 23 180 41

~UNG llLfJlS ACIGAGB niLD un 1lODUCTIOB 1944 to 1949

- - -- 19~ 19sect i J~ Stat Aere Acres Y1eld Pro- Acre lcrao Yield 130- Acree Acre Yiold Prashy

lPIlU1ted Hr- Per Acreductlon lP1ampnted ar_ Per Acre ductionP1uted BAr- Per I1cre ducUen _____ ___rotsltL_____________JCltJd__________ l ____ _____ _____ _ljI~

lhQ)aca ~ Thoualobe TboubullbullAcr ~ ThoubullbullLb rhonaAcre ~ houbullbull Lb

Okla 75 55 200 11 169 110 2~ zr2 no 10 210 147

- - - -=== = = = I~( = = = = = I~ = = = = = = =)~== = = = = Okla 62 40 250 10 64 50 320 16 31 22 400 B8

- fI shy

1ite8zMf~ iiitByen tiTtJj

1 UPDATA 1931



-- - -- -- --- -1~ - --- ---- --- - --- - ---1~-- - - -- - -- --- ---rrb -- -- - --shy-------~--------------------~ ---------------~---------mte ampern I oWl I Yield 1 Pro- I Acr Acree leld Pro- Aero I Acne Yield 1 Proshy

planted I Bar- Per ductioA Planted Bar- Per 1 dDCUOA Planti4 1 liar- 1 Per duCtiOA ____ ______Y8e ~e__ _____ _____1_Y8e cr_______1______Y8e ce__ ___ _

fbDubullbull Acree lbhela hauslb fllo Acr lbabel houbullbull Bl h0l1t1 Acr lbbele h0l18ln

BY 346 33J 260 8658 349 3433 ~ 9090 211 206 ~ 5459 IJ 15 60 233 1398 93 6J 210 1323 96 62 250 1550 h 911 914 214 195bO 959 932 215 2O08 911 1l65 225 19912 Ohio 1931 1918 221 43539 2150 2129 210 51433 1849 1831 265 48522 IIId 1288 1262 202 25492 1584 1552 225 34920 1383 1366 215 29369 Ill 1321 1240 195 2~lSO 1393 1312 185 24642 1282 1200 160 19200 Klch 949 944 24amp 23222 99l 982 215 21005 871 8amp4 265 22896 Vh 36 35 111~ b58 33 32 265 8~ 32 31 215 b66 H1Jl1l lbO 109 140 1526 112 109 225 2452 101 II 190 1amp12 Iowa 145 116 160 1856 Iamp 131 190 2b03 186 119 235 4206 Mo 1472 1201 163 19614 142I 1304 140 18256 1314 1213 150 181~5 SDak 295 216 105 22M 289 248 1amp0 3968 3~ )08 180 5544 ehr 3510 2bOl 121 33105 3121 3546 230 81558 3941 3901 230 89123laD 13204 11314 165 187611 14145 1341~ 155 201911 14004 131~ 162 212965 Del 68 64 191 1261 13 amp1 195 1306 68 62 190 1118 Md 395 310 232 IISSII 391 359 190 amp821 316 348 195 6186 539 516 192 9901 534 485 155 1518 459 432 185 1992 v 102 87 1116 1618 100 87 185 1amp10 90 17 185 1424bullc 561 516 165 8514 448 408 145 5916 394 311 110 6301 SC 262 253 145 3bbS 202 195 145 2~2S 160 156 165 2514 0 228 213 140 2982 198 11J 135 2410 141 130 130 1690 IT 496 426 118 1583 516 311 135 5008 392 291 140 41SS eAIl 423 396 145 5142 381 345 125 ~312 2f6 259 140 3626 11amp 25 22 163 359 24 20 155 310 15 12 145 114 Kl 25 18 226 401 25 111 200 360 16 9 220 198 Uk 65 46 149 bS5 amp5 39 105 410 44 211 140 392 Ckls 5551 5095 161 850116 b335 5910 125 13875 amp115 amp087 145 118262 ez 4951 4458 185 82413 5842 5350 90 48150 61J5 5992 105 amp2916 HOIlt 1501 1221 215 26252 1501 1311 215 29416 1839 1721 190 3281~ Idaho 115 610 214 18amp32 151 114 290 20106 841 801 255 2O51 W70 185 131 119 1559 192 1amp2 190 3018 213 199 2amp5 5214 Colo 1487 111b 141 15136 1110 1421 225 32108 2103 1884 190 3519amp It 439 263 112 29146 426 276 90 2~ 520 331 80 2648 Arh 26 24 225 540 27 24 210 504 29 21 210 561 Utah 2311 235 216 501amp 225 221 220 1amp8amp2 2amp1 250 200 5000 Icy 5 5 258 l29 5 5 250 125 5 5 280 140 Vb 1461 1359 2119 39275 1695 1576 270 1amp2552 2322 2206 305 bl28)Orec 184 129 261 194amp4 1amp4 725 240 11400 825 116 260 20116 Ca11f 596 ~1 194 10amp12 614 563 190 1Ob91 615 ~19 190 11161- ~2 ~1~)5 )middotI 15~I ~~ampI ~1~0~4 1~(= 1~2s1 S~~l= ~~)l( Is~Oi6ii9i

- - - - - - - - - - - - - ~- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -1~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19K - - - - - - - shy- - - - --crbullbull- TIli -1- - - -- -_-- --cN- rfl14 --- - -- - -- iirH iTtli -I-~-

Stte Acn 1 JIar- I Per 0- _nil JIar- Pel 0- I _ liar- I Pel P~ed bull Acre dDctloa Plant ed Acn amplctlO1l Planted 1 yoded llcr dwU01l

- - - - - - Ytmbullbull-ACrbullbull- -JibeIs- ibOubullbullili- - - ibOui-ACzQ- -lbebeI- ihObullbull-Ji- - ihOu-ACr~- -Jir- ibOQbullbullaa IUu 1J6 1amp1 168 689 2J 23 115 IIOZ 35 35 195 6R bullbull IlK 1848 1816 11yen 26871 1829 11J15 165 299118 22611 2232 11l5 323~ SDak 205 200 105 2100 114 166 150 21190 190 1116 150 2190ui- - - -2~ - -2051- -1~i - - -29666 - - 20i6 - -2-riiI- - 1671J- - -32bullbull - - 2JiiJ3 - -2453- - 14-6- - 357836




- - - -I Ili7 = l~ 1 )~~ -_-_-_-_ State Acre Acree I Tield Pro- Acr~ Acree Yield Pro- 1 Acrfte Acree Tie1d Proshy

1 Planied Har- 1 Per duct ion I P1~ted liar- bull Per 1 ducUon I Panted liar- Per duct10n I Yestd I Acre I 1 Yested Acre I I Yeated Acre

- - - - - -fboii- Acree - -Diiieltl - TbOU8ib- - - ThOitbullbull-ACrell- -Diebllie- hOU8amp- - - ~U8-ACre- -Diaiiel- oftlOUIIllii BT 381 371 2110 89011 1142 11311 270 11718 398 391 270 10557 1lbull1 107 75 250 1(5 115 112 215 1763 107 113 2110 1992 h 947 929 240 22296 985 966 190 18351 926 908 230 208811 Ohio 2212 2179 22 490211 2377 2353 245 5764e 2377 2353 250 58625 Ind 1603 1571 230 36133 1811 1715 215 38162 1139 1122 220 37884 Ill 1423 1339 210 26119 1736 1701 225 311272 1944 1905 230 43615 ~lch 1210 1192 250 29SOO 11116 1395 260 36270 1303 1297 265 311310 Wia 41 38 Z)O 674 J4 )1 225 6911 30 28 2)9 669 Minn 111 101 195 1910 101 76 190 1444 SO 16 170 1292 love 209 190 180 3420 )19 295 235 6956 38Z )55 190 6745 10 1412 1321 185 2411)8 1122 1598 210 33558 1825 1678 115 29365 Snk 415 J~4 18 6549 )07 2)0 135 )105 )01 246 1)0 )198 lIbr 4538 4)b9 210 91149 1~583 4bull194 205 85977 4904 4068 140 56952 Y-an8 15404 14855 193 266702 146J4 1)221 17 231)66 16244 14Z79 110 157069 Del 10middot65 ~O 1)00 71 66 145 951 66 63 175 1102 lold ~68 )41 Zl0 7161 )61 3)4 160 5344 343 317 190 602) Va i96 458 175 SOl~ 481 449 185 8306 438 400 185 11100 1( Va 96 82 195 1599 96 82 18 1511 82 68 190 1292-C 492 461 115 112 408 )111 160 5984 465 IlOO 138 5520 sc 2)8 2)1 165 3812 217 210 140 2940 174 166 120 1992 Ga 198 185 140 2590 17~ 165 135 2228 140 130 125 1amp25 rr 404 )24 160 5184 ~ 324 160 51S4 4DJ 2SS 170 4896 snn 3J2 316 150 4740 355 338 145 4901 301 214 146 4000 la 14 12 165 191J 15 13 155 202 I) 11 154 169 lllee 20 16 19 )lZ 16 12 190 228 15 8 165 132 Ark )8 24 150 )60 40 28 170 476 J4 24 145 348 Okla 7051 6696 155 1031 7263 6696 145 97092 7481 6629 128 84851 ~X 7537 7310 160 116960 6752 5629 105 59104 7OCjQ 6417 11~0 8988 Mont 1949 1341 165 22C26 1676 1549 240 37176 11101425 170 24225 Idaho 900 36) 265 22810 9)5 84) 220 13546 lO8 995 216 21691 lfyo 251 235 20bull5 41518 276 241 COO 4940 288 275 195 5362 Colo 2776 2619 215 56308 076 2759 200 55130 335) 2649 160 42)34 JIKamp 7115 629 145 9120 661 384 90 )~6 595 507 105 5)24 Arb JO 26 210 j151 29 28 230 644 30 2S 262 734 Utah )00 294 220 64615 348 )35 180 6030 352 4 180 6138raquoeY 6 6 270 162 6 6 260 156 5 J 270 IJ5 Waah 2252 2074 250 51850 2417 2302 300 69060 2551 22tO 230 50830 Oreg 1133 160 2)0 17480 815 8)6 295 24662 910 169 220 16918 ~1____ 5~ ___6~__ 65___1~ ___ P __ _fI2__ 75___~J2 ___ l~ ___~6__ 85___128 us 58248 549)5 193 108976 583)2 5296 187 990141 61171 54414 153 85IJ127


us 2915 44328 3218 )220 140 3510

- 10shy

Ore j-tthr-r iItnetirtMriamp BMmiddot 4r

i (C ~ UPOATA 1981


- - - -I f9~ I f9[5I)~[ -_-_-_shyetate I Acre I Acree I Yield I 10- I Acree Acres I Yield I Pro- Acree I Acres I Yield I Pro-

___ )~l~e~e~~_ _p~r_~r~~ ~uto~ ~t~d~y~ ~ ~e ~ce__d~ci~n~t~d~y~ ~ 8 ~C_ _d~Cl~4_ Thoue Acre ]Uehe1 ftouabu houbullbull Acre Bmahe1 Thouebu Thons Acree Buehll1e Thoueau

Kaine 1 1~ 22 1 1-wo 19 1~ 21 BY 3 ) 193 58 3 3 190 57 9 9 210 1S9 Ind 4 4 191 76 3 3 200 60 Ill 7 7 200 140 7 7 250 175 7 7 230 161 Wh 33 32 203 60 28 28 260 728 63 b2 270 1674 Minn 1119 1064 168 17875 974 968 190 18392 1276 1268 195 24726 Iowa 4 ~ 140 56 3 3 190 57 6 6 215 129 BDak 8259 8040 161 129444 8176 80lI0 155 124620 8176 7960 13 107460 SD3t ~754 2654 124 32910 ~892 2787 155 43198 3181 3094 14 44863 Hebr 75 68 96 653 56 50 160 800 56 53 180 954 Eana 6 3 98 29 3 2 110 22 2 1 120 12 Mont 3000 2798 176 49245 2640 2106 115 27669 287 106 12middot5 30C75 Idaho 422 408 324 13219 405 388 310 12028 43 66 310 14446 W70 bull 97 84 149 1252 94 82 165 1353 8S 82 190 1558 Colo 171 140 14 2058 140 133 200 2660 141 120 165 1980 BXex 24 23 170 391 26 21 140 294 22 19 130 247 Utah 60 59 343 2024 61 60 330 1980 74 70 310 2110 I 11 11 80 308 13 13 240 312 14 13 270 351 h 1024 979 239 23398 972 948 200 18960 447 436 24 0 10682 Oreg 196 185 256 4736 206 196 225 4410 225 20S 240 4992

0l1lR SPRING iDA (Cont1d)

---~7I=)~If9~State I Acree I Acre I Yield I Pro- I ADrea I Acre8 I Yield I Pro- I Acre Acres Yield I Pro-

IPlanted l 1Iar- I Per Acre ducUon IPlanted liar- I Per Acre I ducUonlPlanted l Har- Pmiddoter Acre I ductton I Iftsted I I I IYellted I I I IYlIsted I I

- - - - -hoU7 Acre - -lhiillf- -TiioU-~ - yenhoujj-ACre- - ithG1 - houjj1iU7 bous-ACre - - ithG1 - ~hOu8 -bii IIY 4 4 210 84 7 7 240 168 7 7 23middot5 164 Ill S 8 240 192 9 9 25middot0 225 8 8 225 180 Vh 77 76 270 2052 93 92 240 2208 87 86 225 1935 Minn 1034 1014 17middot5 17745 924 913 17middot5 15978 1127 1114 150 16710 Iowa 11 11 170 187 21 21 210 441 29 G9 161 467 BDaIt 7685 7562 140 105868 6993 b881 145 9974 7762 7431 105 78026 SDaIt 3245 3156 140 44184 3440 3345 13middot0 431(85 3681 3479 7middot5 26092 Bebr 70 65 15middot5 1008 91 81 140 1134 114 97 130 1261 MODt~ 3234 3080 140 43 120 3525 3326 170 56542 426 3891 9middot5 36964 Idaho 488 481 33middot0 15873 5S8 570 300 17100 559 542 28middot5 15447 Wra 96 91 195 1174 lug 95 180 1710 104 94 162 1523 Colo 127 119 21middot5 2558 110 102 215 2193 199 189 200 3780 HHex 22 20 15middot0 300 21 19 13middot5 256 23 21 140 294 Utah 75 74 350 2590 83 00 31bull0 2480 89 87 330 2 1ff1 15 14 300 420 15 14 31bull0 434 15 14 290 406 Vah 670 645 200 12900 482 464 220 10208 588 548 170 9316 Oreamp 230 216 220 4752 225 216 245 5292 304 289 200 5780

-------------------~---------------------------------------[J8 17091 16636 154 255607 16735 16235 160 259628 18961 17926 112 201216 ------------------------------------------------------~----




QTS ACllEIGI ~ Alm PBOIlUCfIClI 1944 to 1946

- --- ~ t9Kti~ lorn Aclee amp Y1eld Pro- 1 AcleB Acre Yield Pro- Acre IAcres Y1eld Pro-

State Plantflcl Bar- I Per I duoUoa IPlantflcl liar- 1 Per Iductlou IPlantedl Bsr- Per I ducUoa ____1____etd_I_ ~e__ ____ Ii ____1_tIII_ cJ__t____ ___ t1e _Apoundr _ __ ~_ fhDU Acltel lluUel houalu neue Agee Buabeb TboualIu Tboua ampent ~ hCllle~

Mamp1nal 92 85 370 3145 79 71 360 2556 80 71 400 2840 JJB 14 8 340 272 14 s 330 264 11 7 370 259 n 74 48 320 1536 72 44 310 1364 66 4) 340 1462 (ast 15 6 280 168 16 7 270 189 14 6 350 210 liI 4 1 311) )1 5 1 )10 )1 4 1 320 32 Colll 18 6 )00 181) 18 5 )00 150 15 6 330 198 bullr 795 745 )10 2)095 731 663 290 19227 B41 SOZ 400 32080 raquoJ 54 47 )21 1509 S2 42 260 1092 54 45 320 11j4O Pat Bs4 8114 290 240 476 854 802 305 2446l 854 826 355 2932)Oblo 1073 1047 331 34656 1191 1162 425 49385 1)70 1348 450 60660Ind 1260 1172 256 30003 1436 1371 420 57582 1471 1412 309 55068 Ill 3251 3169 31 100457 )1146 3372 45~0 151740 JB37 3799 420 159558 Mlcb 1)44 1309 329 43066 1505 1466 400 58640 1550 1525 4S5middot 69)88 Vie 2839 2766 ~22 116725 3066 2987 510 152337 2943 2668 4J5 124758 Minn 4672 4456 327 145711 5M6 5392 450 242640 5439 533B 370 197506 Iowa 4917 4711 287 135206 5458 5323 )85 204936 5785 5642 375 2l1S75 Ko 2096 1698 179 30394 1799 1511 190 28709 2015 1843 310 57133 KDak 2784 2653 330 87549 2784 265) 325 86222 2506 2361 265 62566 SDak 3023 2914 298 86837 )597 3497 410 143377 3561 )462 290 100)98 Nebr 2291 2085 168 35028 254) 2439 )15 76828 2696 2561 280 11708 ~an 1825 ]561 162 25288 1278 968 175 16940 1495 1423 285 40556 Del 7 6 276 166 7 5 310 155 5 310 ISS )(d 46 42 310 1302 41 33 310 1023 38 34 330 1122 Va 174 14) 256 )689 172 lljO 280 3920 160 1)4 300 40020 W Va 94 67 221bull 1501 98 72 280 2016 94 68 )00 2040 BC 1t)7 335 277 9280 489 375 275 10312 49) 390 330 12870 SC S40 707 256 18099 798 700 260 18200 734 658 285 18753 Ga 954 656 253 16597 983 682 255 17391 806 5)9 265 14284 Pia 150 40 176 704 145 45 200 900 160 40 180 720 Ky 129 87 200 1740 108 76 240 1824 1)2 99 250 2475 Tenn )16 208 250 5200 Jlj8 245 260 6)70 310 245 265 6492 Ala 294 228 254 5791 318 242 260 6292 28) 198 24ft 40752Ki 521 444 336 14918 542 462 290 13)98 439 32) 300 9690 Ark 525 320 276 88)2 512 304 270 8208 379 255 )00 7650 La 200 152 290 4408 198 131 280 3668 1)6 100 220 2200 Olda 1584 1533 202 30967 1220 1027 190 1951) 1269 1089 210 22B69Tex 1732 1597 239 )8168 1992 1767 225 39758 1892 1608 220 )5376Mont 558 425 )43 14790 491 323 290 9)67 506 )52 310 10912 Idaho 237 194 426 8264 201 171 420 7182 185 1~ 430 7052111 182 150 )14 4710 19) 164 300 4920 174 15) )05 4666 Colo 254 224 278 6221 244 220 3)0 7260 227 187 300 5610 KlIex 60 5) 229 1214 54 43 220 946 57 45 200 900 Arh 26 11 350 385 25 12 490 S88 29 12 350 420 Utah 63 5) 457 2 bull 422 58 0 ljOO 2000 54 4) 4)0 1849n 12 9 430 )87 12 9 390 )51 12 8 440 352 Valh )08 160 1147 7152 288 150 4)0 6450 213 128 480 61411-Oreg 11 609 )98 305 121ljO 560 342 2)5 8054 549 )56 275 9782 ~B1___ i __ ~ _ 89____ Si ___ 21~ __ 6Z _110_ ___515__ 110___120__)~2 ____57O_

us 114141 )9741 289 11492ljO 46025 417)9 365 1523851 46515 42812 345 1477573 irT~-aralaquoe-ot oat-gion-with p~Ud-ytcit-licluded rn-plaitd-aid-hin bullbullt~-JAici - - - - -- - - - --

HOPS ACREAGK rIEl]) AlID PJiClWCTlaIl 1944 to 1946

- - --I I9~ 19~C 9~ State Acre Yield s ampere Ylel4 amper I Yltd r

1 ~eled I Per 1 p~oduct101l1 ilarYetflcl I Per s lrodUOUOIl HarYtll4 I Per I Prodwt1oa __________1__1111 __1______1________Jampr ________1______1__Aampll ________ _

poundtI ~ fhaumiddotporu Att URa flynlold Aampt ~ hllPUI4a Idaho 190 1610 3 2ljO 1850 AA4 240 1585 38t lIaah 9900 1720 17028 11700 1680 21996 11600 1700 19720 Oreg 18700 920 17204 19900 1lt045 20796 20000 950 19000 Ca11t 8ljOO 1620 13608 9100 1580 14378 9100 1610 14651

us 1295 57614 1)13 5)751

- 12 ~


- - - - 19t7 l )~ l i~ Stat Acre Acre I Yleld I Pro- I Acre I Acr Yleld Pro- I Acrll1l Acree Yield Proshy

P1aDted Bar- Per I ducUoa Planted I liar- I Pv ducUoll Plantod au-- Par ducUoa ________1~td_I_ Act__ ~ ___ _ l _____Tt1~_ jcz__1___ _ l ___ lV1~ 1 _~rt _ 1 ____ _ hoWl Acre llI rhouslIg ThOUl ASpound lIuahal ~oulIu ThoUi Acre Bualull lulYBu

Main 8i 73 340 21f82 77 64 420 2688 101 90 400 3600 bullbullB 12 7 310 211 11 6 400 240 U 5 360 180 Vt 54 28 270 756 60 J6 370 1332 66 33 300 990 Ifaabullbull 12 5 360 180 12 6 330 198 13 6 290 174 BI 4 1 330 33 3 1 330 J3 2 1 250 25 Cou 12 4 320 128 10 4 J30 132 12 5 320 160 bullbullY 5JO 47J 275 13008 126 672 400 26880 791 719 290 20851 J 49 36 250 900 42 37 350 1295 46 J9 331 1291 Pa 734 661 390 19169 749 720 380 27J60 794 756 305 23058 ChJo 863 714 260 18564 1191 1171 450 52695 1322 1288 350 45080 1114 1294 1112 )00 35i60 1317 1289 410 52849 1456 1405 366 51423 111 J377 3311 J40 112574 390S 385] 450 17JJ85 J881 3834 415 1591U Klcb 1085 1052 350 36820 1465 1420 37S 5)250 1538 1505 345 51922 IIh 2884 28ll 430 120873 2942 2867 440 126148 3030 2924 41~ 119884 Mu 4630 4537 360 163332 4908 4855 425 206J38 5027 4952 J5$ 175796 Iowa 5438 5247 310 162657 6199 6086 450 273870 6417 6269 386 241983 fo 1552 1309 230 30107 1971 162) 265 43010 1794 1526 229 34945 bullbullllampk 2331 2219 290 64J51 2238 2152 280 60256 1880 1722 201 34612 SDak 3134 J081 Jl0 95511 J165 3112 JJ5 104252 J102 2956 221 65328 bullbullbr 2426 2279 275 62672 2750 2621 280 733AB 2511 2280 202 46056 ~e 1510 1395 290 40455 1616 1144 220 25168 1034 881 194 17091 Del 7 5 320 160 6 5 J50 175 7 6 300 180 Md 40 35 )20 1120 42 36 J35 1206 47 42 J25 1365 Va 150 121 270 3267 160 IJl 330 4323 165 134 296 3966 IIVa 88 64 305 1952 77 58 JO5 1769 79 56 272 1523 IC 508 386 290 lll94 J56 270 290 7830 527 J94 287 U308 SC 866 704 255 17952 606 500 22S ll250 7i~7 605 245 14822 Ga 887 550 250 13750 674 429 260 ll154 7112 468 255 U93~ Jla 160 30 ZOO 600 IJ5 21 190 399 124 16 160 256 LT 141 90 230 2070 118 8J 260 2158 171 109 229 2496 Tenn JOl 230 265 6095 277 205 295 6048 )49 254 250 6350 Ala 28J 184 230 4232 275 169 265 4478 234 130 226 2938 Klas 4J9 365 250 9125 329 274 310 8494 237 156 250 3900 Arlt 424 280 300 8400 40J 252 Jl0 7812 339 209 240 5016 La 145 100 260 2600 113 80 JOo 2400 113 70 250 1750 0Icla 1396 1231 235 28928 1033 714 165 11781 7J3 578 176 10173 Tex 1684 14)1 210 )0051 1465 787 165 12986 1)92 1204 260 31304 font 491 J)8 )10 10478 452 )24 370 11988 457 266 )00 7~80 Idaho 187 172middot 415 7138 168 153 415 6350 212 188 J95 7426 liTO 169 150 JJo 4950 172 14J JOO 1~290 177 137 299 4096 Colo 234 200 325 6500 229 194 JOo 5820 261 235 327 7684 IMex 48 38 210 798 46 38 210 798 )6 32 220 704 Arh J2 12 400 480 28 U 340 374 28 11 400 440 Utah 54 49 1180 2352 5J 47 420 1974 55 50 450 2250 In 13 8 410 328 12 8 410 J28 12 8 J75 300 lIuh 198 131 510 6681 2)0 153 425 6502 22J 150 440 6600 Oregl 554 J56 285 101)2 421 271 265 7182 488 366 280 10248 CalU 542 180 270 4860 558 185 JOo 5550 508 166 260 4316

U8 42058 37855 311 1176142 438)8 39280 )69 1450186 4))18 )92)6 )20 1254895 iT1~C~r~-of at-Vow-rti pa-Ud-ytcl-licluded 11l-plut~-eid-~et-d-~rg- - - - - - - - - - --


- -- -= 1~41 1~ 12~ y Stato Acre Yleld I Acree neld I Acr I Yleld

BarTetod Par I ProdUCUOIl BarTet~ Per I PrOductioD BarTeted I Par ProdtlCtlOD ____________~~ ________________Apoundr ______________1__~rt ________ _ I Pound rhoDaPound AaI ~ bgPoup4I ~ ~ lboyPoupd

Idaho 240 1645 J9S 620 1040 645 850 16)5 1390 lIaeh 11700 1740 20358 129llO 1760 22704 13000 1490 19370 Orae 18900 870 16443 17700 890 15753 14500 1015 147181__ _9rx0_ __ 21~ ___ _ll~~ ___92~___ 3~ ____116 __ 2~ ___ ~~ ____ 5J8__

US 39840 1275 50186 40420 1248 50464 37550 135J 50796 lpduCtloi IncldJ-hOPI baiTr 4 lalabi ~der Krktlnlaquo ~_8zit-hop hanrd bur iot alabi ~dei --HarkaUn ~e_ent and hope produced lint ut harTated Salabl amplloYlIDh under proTle1on of Harltetln Jcre_ent totalad 39 111ion pounda in 1949

- 13 -



- - - -- - - - - - - - -lqijlj - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ~l~~ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - r ~- - - - - - - - shy__ ______ 9 ________________ iloz ___ bullbull _____________ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _~

Stat r Ac r Acr I Tleld r Pro- a__ Acree nu I Pro-- Ie Acrts n1d Pr a ra bull Bar- I Par I I --a bull lIN-- Per I I re Bar- I Per 0shy

____ _P~t~I_~e~ i ~e___dCl~_~t~__f- lPte___l~n_~td__Ie cpoundt_ i ~uC hou lcree l1ehels houbullbulllnl hone Acree aJaba18 honelnl Thou Acre llilehe1 houalnl

HIlna --3--- 3 ~ laquor 5 3 --uo 114 4 ~ -zo 12S n 3 3 250 75 3 3 220 66 2 2 280 56 bullbullY 113 106 255 2703 110 102 250 2550 116 114 320 30118 bullbullJ 10 9 278 250 9 II 300 240 11 10 360 160 h 108 105 298 5129 104 103 3fO 3605 113 112 365 41118 Ohio ~3 21 256 538 26 23 300 690 111 17 295 02Ind 51 41 243 1142 52 44 240 1056 27 25 240 600 Ill 53 45 240 1080 34 31 250 175 26 24 260 624 Kich 144 140 256 3584 121 118 310 3658 139 138 365 5031h 190 181f 267 4913 91 90 400 3600 125 124 375 4650 Kian 809 688 202 389pound 461 4If7 290 12963 138 733 290 21~57 10 II 7 166 116 3 3 2110 114 13 13 315 110 110 102 82 212 1138 88 66 19(1 1254 77 63 200 160 bullbullDU27Ifl 2625 216 56700 2357 2~1I1f 230 5~532 2357 22114 200 45080 SDak 1973 1756 147 25813 l38t 1299 245 31826 1464 1377 220 30294 abr 1174 760 115 8740 681 610 220 13420 613 549 210 11529Ean 1031 722 178 12652 480 38) 185 7086 360 2B 175 5022 Del 12 11 265 292 11 10 280 280 11 11) 305 305 Md 70 69 308 2125 71 64 290 1856 63 6Q 345 2010 Ya 76 72 301f 2189 76 68 270 11136 13 71 320 2272 V1a 9 9 2611 241 9 9 270 243 1 7 300 210 ~1 60 45 268 1206 56 42 220 924 41 33 285 940 S-l 34 25 231 57S 25 21 21( 141 23 20 260 520 GA 11 10 213 213 10 9 200 110 1 6 215 129 rr 127 89 223 1985 11 55 225 12311 11 0 250 120 enn 130 102 197 200s 129 98 1110 1764 100 82 200 1~ Ala II 5 205 102 3 2 200 40 3 2 1110 36 Kl 9 C 260 156 8 6 240 144 3 2 240 411 uk 19 13 199 25~ 14- 9 110 153 8 5 195 911 Okla lt97 28 ~l 5728 249 185 16( 2960 142 ~9 140 1 526 fex 373 340 222 15411 351 235 145 3408 196 164 150 21100 Mont 655 611 213 166110 720 672 220 14184 828 780 225 1 5 ldah 340 330 372 12216 320 307 37 0 11359 294- 276 340 1)84shyliTO 146 131 )10 4061 143 124 300 3120 154 144 300 4320 Ccio 867 726 214 15536 876 ~1 285 22544 683 ~eH 2)5 13936 bullbullMax 64 45 1115 8J2 If5 34 1110 612 28 23 200 1f6O Arh 145 74 420 3108 153 78 380 29611 161 85 400 3400 Utah 139 135 462 62)7 IJIf 130 450 5850 11) 101 450 4 amp60n 24 22 357 185 21 20 320 640 22 20 340 F80 Vallh 202 176368 61+77 139 125 350 1t375 97 90 370 30 Orttlaquo 269 2)8 34s 8282 285 2~i1 295 7582 )02 278 340 ~I1f52 Call 730 1429 280 40012 1816 14amp6 280 41608 1834 1486 30 119038

~I-=~ ==1~~5~= ~2~~1= =~~= =~7~7~ ==l~I~= ~~2~4==~~ == ~~~~= ~1~~6I=~0~~0= =2~~ ==2~~O~ rIumWlI ACREAGE YlELll AND PllOOUallOll 1914 to li46

----~ 1 li~ = 9~ State I Aero I Acre Yield I Pre-l Acre I Acru I Tleld Pro- II Acru I Acre I neld I To- 11

bull Plan~ad I Bar- I lier ductlon I Plante~ I pounder- I Per ductioil I Fanhd 1 Bar- I Per I dUction I ted I Acre I I 1 yoted I Acre I ted AcTa ~

- - - - - -hoUe7 Acres - -BoUbei- houbullba7 - - houS-ACre- -Btlaber- yenboue iJU7 - - houil-cre- -lIiiiierTiini7bi 111 6 3 80 24 2 2 IIfO ~8 1 1 140 14 Mich 6 82 49 7 7 60 42 7 7 90 63 Vh 6 ~ 117 7C 8 7 110 17 6 6 130 111 II an 914 829 75 6211f 1091 1067 HO 11737 932 BB6 105 303 I a III 93 59 519 76 15 125 91I 31f 34 150 10 M 11 11 5~ 60 9 B 45 36 6 6 65 3~ JrDK 865 802 82 6576 l571f 1 525 110 12200 1166 162 65 195) SDak 321 3c6 B2 2509 436 441 105 4630 318 344 100 )44t Rebr 2 1 110 8 2 2 90 18Ian 140 90 37 3)3 133 122 55 611 120 116 70 812 Okla 6n 45 45 202 24 14 30 42 3 J BO 24 lex 36 34 80 272 65 63 BO 504 B4 76 73 555 1I0fa~ 221 193 76 1512 6O 320 41 1312 83 14 70 511 110 1 1 14 4 2 2 50 10 1 1 50 Lrh 19 19 25 4114 1 17 23C 391 14 14 240 36 Oras 1 1 71 7 (all 170 164 110 i788 121 __13__lI~ ___ 22 ___ Osect ___1~2__12~ ___ 9~g VB ---middot2i~ - -2~6i--8- - -21665 - - 3954 - 3785 91 34557 2641 21132 93 2~ ~1I8 1F t te- 40-n~t- 1~ciu4-i ()d ha-8i~ tro-t7 - ~~- to tibe- 1oe~o-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- l


------------------------------------------------------ -------

lIlJ1IJrr ~CRlGlI Th([~ 11-JD PROWClIOIf 1947 to 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - - - p~- - - - - - - -- - bull - - - - - -1M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -194- - - - - - - - -State -~o -1-ACn- rfi1d -1- h- -1- ~8 - -ACre-Triold -- - -1- ~e --ACre- ~ field -1- Pt- shy

1 Planted Bu- 1 Per I duction 1 Planted I mu-- I Per I 4nction Planted Har- Par I iucHonI bullbullbulltd IAero I yeatod Acre I yeahd 1 Acre I

- - - - - - Thoubullbull -ACre- middotmiddot8iiior- ihiiUbullbull~7 - Thoue-ACre- - - ibahel ifhoua iiU- - - fhiiUC-ACre - -llI1aiiel - ifhiiubullbulliiU7 NaiDe 4 4 280 112 4 4 320 128 6 6 290 174 Vt 1 1 190 19 2 2 290 58 1 1 200 20 bullbullT 103 93 240 2232 93 90 320 2880 85 79 250 1975 Bl 17 15 330 495 18 16 330 528 19 17 385 654 Pa 132 130 330 4290 132 126 3115 113117 156 154 395 6083 Ohio 17 15 260 390 19 18 300 540 21 18 310 558 IDd 22 21 260 546 19 18 270 1IS6 23 21 265 556 Ill 28 26 285 7111 32 31 3110 10511 l1li 41 300 1230 Mich 121 115 300 3lIse 1112 140 320 41180 129 125 270 3375 Vb 160 159 )65 5804 205 204 380 7752 195 194 332 6l1li1 Minn 1018 915 265 25838 1252 1219 270 32913 1148 1110 230 25530 Iova 6 311 235 799 33 33 320 1056 31 31 259 803 No 74 63 230 1449 84 73 250 1825 106 85 215 1828 HDak 2522 2444 210 51324 2724 2640 210 55440 1880 1690 150 25350 SDak 1508 1432 220 31504 1583 1518 230 311914 1219 1093 125 13662 Xebr 533 467 220 10274 560 472 195 92011 403 326 187 b096Ian 328 290 220 amp380 459 362 190 6878 266 221 175 3868 Del 13 12 305 366 13 12 285 342 13 12 270 324 u~ 75 73 3110 2482 711 70 310 2170 82 80 340 2720 Va 86 84 295 21178 89 86 345 2967 89 86 3011 2614 VVa 9 9 31bull0 279 10 10 345 345 12 12 3111 377 bull c IS 39 290 1131 39 32 245 7811 40 34 262 891 50 26 22 260 572 23 18 215 3fr7 23 18 225 405 Ga 8 7 220 154 6 5 200 100 5 4 225 90 ~ 71 53 25middot0 1325 76 53 265 1404 102 72 250 1800 enn 88 77 210 1amp17 86 75 220 1650 82 67 170 1139 Ala 2 1 180 18 3 2 190 38 3 2 2110 lIS IU 3 2 230 46 3 2 250 50 3 2 250 50 Ark 5 3 200 60 10 6 lt1I0 1l1li 8 5 211 106 Okla 109 86 180 1548 80 66 155 1023 61 52 175 9iO fex 161 1311 175 2345 117 113 155 1752 159 133 190 2527 Mont 853 796 235 18706 930 8]6 290 254011 614 526 210 11046 IdaIw 332 320 370 11840 32 358 350 12530 3112 329 320 10528 Tn 1119 138 320 41116 177 159 275 4312 168 151 298 115000010 669 605 280 16940 amp62 563 250 111075 841 788 281 22143 NMex 29 25 195 1IS8 22 20 210 420 26 211 210 504 Arb 150 97 -1130 4111 191 146 510 1114amp 167 126 500 amp300 Utah 123 118 1110 5546 150 1l1li 420 amp0118 155 150 440 66Or) Hey 22 20 360 120 27 24 360 864 25 22 350 770 Wash 114 105 335 3518 136 126 345 11341 112 101 2St 2828 Oreg 323 JOO 355 10650 381 351 345 12110 297 214 32~ 8768 Oalif 1~g9 1545 290 44805 1965 1amp22 310 50282 19amp5 1590 J~o 50880

~~___ 191__ 092__221 __2183__ ~~__1~202 __2~2_ -5527__ 1122__ 21~ __2~~ __2101l_

FUXSEED ACHEM TImraquo HI) PllOOOCTION 1947 to 1949

------------If-------------------Ijs-----------------qij---------shy-- - ~ - - -- ic~ Yield -- ~-Y- - -A- - - ACro9 Yield - - - -y-- -_-- --Acrii~ ~ field -- - -11

S 11 i crea Bar- Per I _rei I Bsr- I Per I ro- I re Har- I Per ro- I I Planted I yeated I Acre ductiou I Plant~d yeted Acre I dnction I Planted I yeated Acre I dnction

- - - - - - Thoubullbull-ACre - -lliiahel - ifhOuB iiU- - - fhOU8 -ADrbullbull- -lIIlaiieY - ibOua iiU- - -hOUI- Acre - -llI1ahl - houaiiu-Ohio 3 3 80 2~ Ill 6 6 120 72 2 2 140 28 1 1 130 13 Mich 6 6 75 45 10 10 BO SO 10 10 14 74 Wi 15 15 125 188 22 22 13middot 297 17 17 139 236 Hinn 1411 1313 l0 15103 1700 1661 115 19102 1700 1644 95 15618 Iowa 84 83 135 1120 105 l04 155 1612 III 110 13J 1518 Mo 6 6 50 30 4 4 5middot0 20 3 3 65 20 DDak 1567 1524 80 12192 1818 1753 9middot5 lSb5~) 2018 1928 70 13496 SDak 591 585 100 5850 11amp 708 110 1788 713 708 65 11602 lana 115 107 70 7119 fr7 12 5middot5 396 34 31 63 195 Okla 4 4 60 24 4 3 30 9 3 3 5middot3 16 u 94 91 95 864 248 240 5middot5 1320 335 308 65 2002 Mont IBB 168 60 1008 148 141 100 1410 90 62 47 291 Idaho 3 3 100 30 Wyo 2 2 45 9 1 1 50 5 1 1 50 5 Arh 20 20 265 530 38 38 280 1064 44 38 250 950 Vah 4 4 130 52 2 2 100 20 2 2 120 24 Oreg 8 1 150 105 15 1~ 105 1111 9 8 110 88 CaliC 125 122 215 2623 201 198 245 4851 197 17~ 220 3828 US - - - -11264- - -4129-- 98 - - ~6i- - -5121- - ~97 - -iia - - 54803- - -5348- - 5048 - - 85 - - 42976-If iti~t- dO-Dt-iclude-claed hatd tr-II-fla ~- fO fib In-oe~o- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- 15 -

UPDATA 1981 bull ~ ilmiddot t ~ bull


RD ACRlWl1l TDlIJ) un PllOIJJeTIOlI 1944 to 19116

-- --I 1HI i9i5I~ Sate S Aane rea neld rc)oo Acre lene lelA Pro- Acree Aorea n14 Proshy

laW Iu- Pertan I cluUoa Plutea Iu- lItr Acre cltwtion1p1ateal S Per Acre duetioll ________ft1______ i ____ i ___ eJl4 l _____1____ l ___ l t ~ illl ________ _ IIIo Aon l 1bou BIl ftlau Acre Ill boualIu lhoq _rea Buboh lhoua Bu

11 66 12 162 1 80 10 175 175 105 8 180 144 IT~ 96 15 167 250 95 13 160 208 91 15 175 262 Pe 55 43 148 636 53 U 155 636 33 22 155 341 Oblo 80 33 152 502 90 I 115 472 70 17 110 289 IIlld 179 86 118 1015 222 70 125 875 1ar 46 135 621 Ill UO 63 113 712U8 It7 120 561t 88 38 125 475 1Ucb US 62 127 787 117 56 140 IJIt 91 48 135 648 Vle 125 98 87 853 126 95 120 1140 100 76 115 874 Ill 155 108 87 9fO 144 107 260 1712 151 118 130 l5J1J laws 118 10 120 12fl 37 11 130 143 26 10 170 170 Ho V3 SO 116 580 128 41 110 451 100 35 125 438 IDate ~ 145 92 l3J1J 150 115 135 1552 225 196 110 2156 Snate 5 392 lOl 3959 376 290 V5 42115 323 altl 105 2530 lebr 585 365 91 )322 556 361 125 4512 423 282 110 3102 Iatia 225 101 105 1060 2117 81 lO5 850 120 53 105 556 Del 32 18 1)6 245 JIJ 19 V5 276 J3 18 140 252 ald ~ 23 165 380 67 20 145 290 5f lit 145 2flJ la 135 114 144 6J1J 136 JIJ 135 459 125 25 140 350 VY 12 5 135 68 13 135 54 8 ) 125 38 IC 1~ J8 115 437 165 31 105 )26 145 22 125 215 sc 75 16 104 166 75 15 95 142 44 11 100 110 0 It) 12 101 121 50 10 90 90)0 6 100 60 ~ 133 JK1 141) S60 182 40 125 500 155 37 140 518IID 172 37 10ij 400 162 J4 95 3Z3 115 25 100 250 OEl 264 100 103 1030 257 ~ 100 740 1114 48 90 4)2 fex 142 22 119 262 55 21 90 199 It9 11 100 110 HoDt 20 16 120 192 2h 16 110 176 40 26 100 260 Idaho 12 5 1)) 66 11 5 130 65 11 It 140 56 1170 36 J 91 121 JJ 8 105 ~ 29 8 105 B4 Colo 1250 79 600 121 80 100 800 100 68 80 S44 bullbullJlllx 12 9 82 74 12 5 65 )2 10 5 85 42 Utah ~ IJ 95 12h 22 10 100 100 22 9 95 86 lIash 147 17 114 194 55 15 120 180 50 10 125 125 0rec 151 )2 141 451 155 )1 140 434 140 )2 1)5 432 Calif 29 12 108 130 29 13 130 169 22 lO 120 120

us It1415 2132 106 22525 4157 1850 128 2)708 3396 1591 116 18487 ---~-------------------------------------------------- ----

- - - --_ - - - -- _ -r9li4-_ - - - - __ - ___ - _______ S________________ - - - - - - 7________ - - shy --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T9i- - - - - - -r - - - -l~b - - -Stat Aores Aaru nld I Pro- Acrbullbull Acr I Ylel4 I Pro- Acl IADrea neld I Proshy

PlIIIIha ~ PilI Aclll ductlOD IPllUlted liar- Perlen duaUoDlplal1~1 liar- IPer Acre l duettOD I Ia I ytd I IYelted I- - - - -1ioiie iare - -BiiieT- -hnaB - fliDU-AGr- - iiahi - fbOuBiu Thru-iCrbullbull- -BiiiieT- TbOubullbulliia

1_ 6 6 200 120 6 6 155 9J 5 5 200 100 n 1 1 220 22 1 1 180 18 1 1 220 22 BY 155 150 180 2700 129 98 155 15]9 119 113 190 2147 Fa V~ l4O 195 27)0 112 98 185 1813 108 lOit 200 2080 Ohio V 14 210 294 18 17 180 )06 17 11 190 J23 1114 lO 10 150 150 22 20 135 270 7 6 150 90 Ill 5 5 165 82 16 15 150 225 5 5 160 80 Il1ab )8 )) lS5 512 46 25 140 )50 ZIt 18 1)5 24) lI1a 29 27 lS5 418 26 ZIt 150 360 2 25 145 362 IIIIIDo 67 6) 150 945 49 45 1140 6)0 118 It2 140 588 Iowa 12 12 175 210 7 vo 98)) 150 45 Ia) 1 1 125 12 1 1 120 12 1 1 110 11 Bllak 5 14 160 64 7 7 160 112 6 6 130 78 SDak 7 6 150 90 It 130 52 5 5 40 70 JId 6 6 200 120 5 5 ~5 118 _ _ 2)5 9Ita 8 8 165 132 5 5 170 85 It _ 170 68 V 10 10 185 185 8 8 US 172 8 8 195 156 Ie 5 5 145 12 It 160 6It 3 3 160 48 ~ 2 2 130 26 2 2 130 26 3 J 140 42D ____1 ___ 1_ 145______1 ___ ~ ____ __1 _____~___ o___ O__1~1 ____1~5_

trs 531 S08 176 8956 417 ItOl 161 6~7 It08 )13 178 6812 ------------~---------------------------------------------

- 16shy



- - -- 12411lMIX99 sbullbullbullbull _ iorea n 14 I Pro- Acre iDre J nld Pro- Acne lAcn_ TleU Proshy-- re I Ifuo- I e I I I Hu- I I J Bar- I

____1~~~~bull l_I_~r_~~ ~~ ~~~Y ~~_1_~~l~)P~~Ye ~r_I~ _~~1J1_ I1cu tara ~ hOh ~oubull iDn l ThouBn hOlla AlIre ]ahale fhouellIl bull

bullbullr 90 J5 185 278 90 11 185 3~ 107 17 184 313 bullbull1 89 15 180 20 f5 12 175 210 88 12 179 215 Pa 21 18 155 Z79 21 16 ~5 232 21 ~ 165 231 Ohio 71 JO 170 S10 67 20 180 360 ~ 18 170 306 lad ~3 60 v0 8110 ISO ~ ~5 928~) 57 1)5 77fJ Ill ~ -7 ~O 658 113 53 150 795 123 56 141 790 1I11JII 126 7fJ ~5 1015 1)2 80 150 1200 1 57 140 798 V1I 109 87 120 1~ 112 92 l20 1104 119 92 120 1104 lie la 1~ 150 21f6O 278 2)9 150 3585 200 172 145 2494 lov 28 15 150 225 36 17 155 264 5) 18 140 252 Mo 100 36 110 396 105 )5 120 420 U7 )5 112 392 bullbullDIIk 360 30 140 4522 461 401 120 4812 26) 229 115 2634 S1lIIk _10 ~7 v0 4858 476 392 1)0 5096 328 267 117 31211shyu ~ 305 90 2145 352 238 95 2261 317 207 74 1532 Eau 136 110 627 90 )I U5 391 65 28 97 272 DIll 32 19 135 256 33 20 120 2110 28 ~ 140 196 M 52 16 150 JIO 48 V v0 196 52 12 145 1a 1350 140 322 155 25 V5 362 15) 18 140 252 Va 8 3 120 36 6 2 130 26 6 2 136 2 _C ~ ~5 348 117 22 130 286 113 17 115 196 SC 42 10 115 115)1 7 85 60 26 6 95 57 Oa 2 6 75 45 22 5 90 45 20 4 80 32 1Ir 141 37 140 518 130 28 150 420 1)6 2 136 J67 fua 98 26 105 273 100 30 110 330 105 20 101 202 Oltla 115 JJ8 95 456 108 36 75 270 1~ 36 70 252 ~z 7fJ 35 100 3SO B4 30 70 210 100 38 80 304 MoII 52 29 125 )62 JO 20 1)5 27fJ 2) 7 90 63 I4aho 10 5 17G 85 10 4 130 52 10 ) 150 450 21 7 110 71 27 7 70 49 Z7 7 102 n Colo 8 7 100 47fJ 58 35 80 2BO 38 2) 90 207 bullbull lIDz 7 5 115 511 7 5 UO 55 7 5 120 60 ~u 12 6 100 60 10 5 100 SO 10 5 Uo 55 Vesb SO 13 100 130 JJ8 17 130 221 42 10 101 101 Orec 125 32 ~O AiIf8 110 24 145 )lI8 116 15 103 154 ~-1____1 ___l _~O____ _ P ___21 ___ 2__~2 _____14___ 5____6__12~ ____ ~_ ~___ ~7 _9 _ 28____2l~ _22~ __~o~__l ___ S86_ ~23__15t__1~ __ ~1~2


--- - J2i+I i1 i W9 I Mn5 I J liDnll I I Acre

StaM I Mn I JIcq I nu I Pro- mne I iaIo J nld I Pro- I Acn I IreZ- I Yield Proshy____I~~laquobulld_~I_ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~YIleJ ~ ~ ~~_1_~~l~J1JP~~lYlle ~Pr_~~_d~l~J1_

Au II ftIagpa hog Mn lI1 ~1UIlln hOUR Acre lIIt_hel lhou1Iu

181 6 6 170 102 5 5 200 100 5 5 210 105 ft 1 1 140 14_r a 1M 135 1539 99 96 195 1872 78 76 210 1596 12) 114 160 182It 101 96 210 2016 78 200 1480 Will __ 42 155 651 16 16 180 2B8 12 12 210 2521114 19 18 140 252 2 2 150 30 4 160 64 IU 16 16 130 208 4 4 170 68 2 2 160 32 Ill 63 57 130 11 30 27 130 351 20 19 145 276 V18 2 25 ~5 362 25 ~ 155 356 23 22 151 332 Ill 62 54 120 ~ )It 29 150 bull 435 28 ~ 125 300 1_ 10 10 120 120 JIll 2 2 110 22 bullbullDate 8 7 150 105 3 J 160 If8 4 120 If8 s~ 9 8 110 88 4 160 64 3 J 80 2H II - - 180 72 ) ) 230 69 3 -) 210 63a ) J 160 ~ 3 3 180 54 2 2 166 33 Va 8 8 175 ~ 7 7 195 1)6 7 7 201 141 ~C 3 3 170 51 1Ir 2 2 150 30 t~ ____l ___l_ ~~_____ 6 ___I ___ 2__~~ _____18___ =2___ 2__1~ ____20_ US ~ S05 142 7171 JIe8 330 18_ 6085 281 269 184 4956 -----------------------------------------------~------ ----

- 17 -


llRY EIBLE 1IEliS ACREME TIBLllUlll plIOWClIOIi 1944 to 194911

~ -- - ~124 124i 1W bull bull Acres bull bull bull bull Acree bull bull bull bull Acres bull bull ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pl~tedyeted Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted vested Per Acre duct ion pl~ntedyented Per Acre duct10n - - - ---TioiAcrlI- --pound --ThOuiyen~- Thouice ---Pouid --nOUBW- nouic~e ---POuid-middot --TboujjishyHamp1u 5 5 695 35 4 4 820 33 6 6 980 59 vt 1 1 626 6 NY 120 113 790 893 101 84 850 714 128 124 1200 1488 Mich 701 660 690 4554 435 363 820 2977 531 519 740 3841 Vb 2 2 430 9 1 1 560 6 ---Minn t 6 5 476 24 4 4 600 24 3 3 500 IS IfDosk 2 1 (730 7 1 1 700 7 1 1 600 6 lfebr 60 49 1260 617 53 18 1520 7JC 611- 62 1650 102] Mont 25 ~ 1083 249 20 18 1300 234 18 17 1 bull 590 270 Idlho 146 145 1550 2248 117 115 100 1725 131 128 1700 2176 qo 90 86 1240 1066 90 86 1250 1075 93 90 1450 1305 yenllh 3 3 1030 31 4 4 1250 50 4 4 1075 43 Oreg 1 1 1322 13 Tu 2 1 200 2 Colo 350 327 540 1766 290 271 580 1572 276 249 650 1618 fMex 267 ~O 302 695 203 161 180 290 142 114 225 256 Alb 15 14 395 55 14 13 515 67 14 13 900 117 Utah e 7 480 J4 8 7 400 2B 10 9 400 36 ~UL1IIrI 166 166 1327 2203 166 166 1242 2062 149 149 1342 2000 CtJ1fOUlIl1 183 157 1045 1640 148 141 1062 1497 134 134 1184 1587 poundeil _142 __ 221 _ _ 9Q _1bullsect41 _ __ 2~ __ 201 __1L129__ J~29_ __ ~1 _ _ g82 __1L2amp7__ _ l281_ ~___ g52 _ ~9~ ___ 02 _1amp41 __ ~5~ _ ~1 ___80__ vJ0~1__ 1Ot _ ~2~ ___917___12~_

DRY EDlDLE llEA1lS (Contd) - - - - 1241 124sect 1942 Jamp1ne 7 7 1100 77 9 9 900 81 8 8 925 74 bullbullY 138 13D 1070 1391 181 179 1230 2202 176 170 1000 1700 Mich 494 467 670 3129 514 504 880 4435 52) 519 1100 5709 Minn 2 1 350 4 1 1 650 6 1 1 650 6 1lDIk 1 1 850 8 lfllbr 80 76 1425 1083 85 83 1725 1432 90 85 1530 1301 Mont 2l 20 1450 2)0 22 21 1470 309 19 18 11170 265 IdlLho 159 154 1540 2372 ISO 148 1800 2664 149 147 1830 2690 To 112 107 1350 1444 98 95 1370 1302 83 81 1520 1231 lfaah 4 4 1200 48 5 5 1500 75 8 8 1490 119 Colo 331 321 800 2568 341 324 720 2333 307 295 820 2419 NMex 155 140 237 332 191 172 250 430 181 169 350 592 Arb 15 14 430 60 14 14 475 66 12 12 500 60 Utah 14 13 760 99 17 15 400 60 15 14 500 70 Ca11tL1IIrI 149 149 1406 2095 145 145 1603 2324 15 175 1654 2894 CallfOther 174 174 1303 2268 223 223 1389 3097 183 183 1229 2249 poundlil_2z1 __ 222 __ 25_t262 ___ 26Q __ 26Q __14ZJ_ __5431___ 25Q __ 25Q __1427_ __ 241_ ___ sect5~ _ m ___ 271 _116sect __ 29~ _ 23Q __1J014__ 086__ 23sect _ Q82 __1114___2~2 _ J1 Include b gl01OI1 for lead


- - - - li~ li4i 12~ s~te Acr Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acree Yield Proshy

Plantedl Har- Per Acre duction Planted Har_ Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted Har_ Per Acre duction _____ __x8td______________=_vsies______________Z8tlltL__________ _ rhoueAcieg Pounds Thous1jB ThousAcres ~ ThouBBagB ThoulAcree Pounds ThouBBagB

Mlch 1 1 770 8 Vh 3 3 970 29 2 2 950 19 1 1 1100 11 MInn 4 4 82033 4 4 950 38 6 6 800 48 NDak 14 13 1060 138 13 12 1200 144 15 15 1350 202 Mont 42 40 1103 441 32 30 1200 360 24 2J 1170 269 Idaho 225 219 1275 2792 ISS 153 1200 1836 161 156 1350 2106 lyo 2 2 921 18 2 2 1200 24 3 3 1250 38 Colo 33 22 860 189 bull 33 23 900 207 23 16 750 120 WaG 347 340 1290 4386 246 235 1160 2726 244 235 1480 3478 Oreg 58 56 1120 627 39 37 950 352 20 19 1300 247Qai____~ ___Ii __ l12 __ pound32 ____21 ___2Q _ _1 05_middot__ _29J_ ___1sect ___112 ___820____ l6Q _ l~_ ___ Z5Z - _ ru __ lgl _ J2li9t ___ i~ __ ilJ2 _ _11tl- _ -S91L __ ili __ 9_~ __13i8___ poundpound72 _

DRY FIELD PEAS (Contd) - - - - 1i41 1~1 -)242 Wle 1 1 1050 10 Minn 8 7 600 42 J J 900 27 7 7 950 66 Iflllk 20 18 1080 194 7 6 1200 72 5 5 1000 50 Mont 17 16 1100 176 8 8 1160 9J I 6 1130 68 Idaho 153middot 150 1320 1980 72 68 1220 830 99 89 1120 997 lyo 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1210 24 Colo 35 21 900 189 24 19 1000 190 19 16 1220 195 Vash 256 247 1300 J211 162 156 1280 1997 210 198 760 1505 Oreg 25 24 1180 28J 19 18 1300 234 17 14 700 98poundsll___ _Zl __ _ Zl ___ 19Q __ g11 ____1sect ___1sect __ 390____113____11 ___11 __1210____ 102 _ ____ 2~ __ 21l _ _ 33g _ ~l2g ___ Jl2 __ ~9Q __1J2g1__ JJ6fJ___ l8l _ _ 25 ___9pound7___ l~l~_ 1I h pl1Jlc1pal comerc1al produciD8 States Includes Pt)llS groUl for seed aDd comery pens harvested lUy

- III shy

1 UPDATA 1981



- - - - 19i4 19sect 12 li41 to ~ t 1242 St t A Aores Ac Acres A Acres ~ Acres ~ Acres A Acres

a e creB Har- reo H~r- cres ~r- cres H~r- cr~s H~r- eres Harshy____~1ne~eit~d_~1no~_elt~ltLlP~~tdlV~oeS_~1ne~lvsOS_ c~middot~_vselP~l~td_Jel~~d__

Thousand Acres Ind 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ill 12 12 9 9 7 7 5 5 6 6 4 4 ViB 3 3 2 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~1nn 18 18 12 12 7 7 10 10 6 6 5 5 Iogtlt 23 22 11 11 7 7 8 8 12 12 10 10 Mo 265 263 225 216 184 181 179 176 154 150 122 120 Iflhk 87 86 50 49 47 44 42 41 33 32 35 34 SJhk S49 502 390 362 238 221 188 179 152 149 164 156 Jlebr 704 685 50 480 390 374 343 325 364 351 364 347 K9ns 38116 3768 3054 2879 2718 2505 2256 2154 2459 2391 2361 2319 Va 10 9 15 10 15 9 17 9 14 6 12 4 IIVa 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 nc 26 26 23 23 30 30 32 32 35 35 32 32 sc 36 36 35 35 28 28 29 29 30 30 23 23 Ga 60 60 60 60 48 48 55 55 54 54 38 38 Ky 35 34 35 35 39 39 34 34 2l 21 18 18 Tenn 62 6 56 56 56 56 48 48 37 37 29 29 Ala 59 58 61 60 79 78 86 84 99 97 65 63 Mhs 65 64 63 61 51 49 53 52 47 46 34 33 Ark 94 93 97 95 82 80 78 75 68 67 51 50 Jg 10 10 9 9 8 8 9 9 11 11 11 11 Okla 2484 2406 1938middot 1829 1783 1664 1284 1198 1348 1258 1146 1094 T8 8318 8202 7653 7054 7273 6913 5527 5392 7019 6740 5168 5080 Mont 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 4 3 3 4 3 Vyo bull 14 13 10 9 7 7 7 6 4 4 5 5 Colo 766 723 705 658 613 546 490 470 500 479 645 618 1IHex 690 669 467 309 317 265 349 313 521 479 556 532 Arb 71 69 55 53 74 72 62 60 90 88 77 76 Calli 133 127 112 108 151 151 76 76 122 122 80 80 115- - -ie458 -18038 - - is668 - 14-498- 14- 2f6- - i540J -11-277- -10OsO - -13214 -12-679- -11064 - -10789- -


- - - l9~( t00 1916t 197 19aL 12112 St t Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros Dald Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros IReld Pro- Acres llel4 Proshy

a eHar_ Per duc_ Hl1- Per duc- H9r- Por dw- 59r- Per due- zHar- IPer duc_ Har- Per i ducshy___yetdlApoundrs_t0E lVS82C8l 1n_yeltdAEr_t0E lvse2cel 1n_yetdlApoundrl_t0E lvsse~cel isn_

Thous Thous Thous Thoua Thous ThOUG Thoua Thous Theus Thous Thous Thoua ~ TonE ~ Acrea ~ Tons Acros Tona1m Acres ~ Tons ~ TOilS ~ Acres 2 Tons

Ind 2 270 5 1 290 3 1 260 3 Ill 4 250 10 3 250 8 2 300 6 2 250 5 2 350 7 1 350 4 Minn 15 300 45 8 20 18 5 200 10 8 200 16 4 250 10 4 230 9 Iowa 12 300 36 5 300 15 2 350 7 2 250 5 6 300 18 4 250 10 Ho 150 211 316 146 180 263 105 220 231 95 180 171 86 20 189 58 210 122 N bull oruc 76 110 106 116 135 62 41 110 45 39 130 51 30 125 38 32 100 32 SDak 395 169 668 308 150 462 177 l70 301 152 130 198 124 180 223 133 135 180 Nebl 511 197 1007 383 160 613 279 165 460 234 155 363 222 160 355 220 230 506 Kans 1125 213 2396 1386 164 2273 1302 160 2083 989 140 1385 692 190 1315 649 185 1201 Va 6 170 10 8 175 1~ 7 175 12 8 175 14 5 180 9 4 175 7 lle 15 160 24 13 170 22 18 180 32 17 190 32 13 200 26 13 200 26 SC 22 130 29 21 145 30 14 150 21 14 140 20 16 1~5 2J 10 150 15 Ga 35 111 39 42 135 57 33 135 45 )8 130 49 41 130 5] 29 140 41 KT 22 184 ~o 25 240 60 23 260 60 22 280 62 15 210 32 13 21~ 2B Tenn 37 180 67 33 20 73 31 210 65 29 230 67 23 235 54 17 220 37 Ala 23 140 32 24 135 32 27 155 ~2 28 135 38 37 150 56 19 145 2B Hios 27 165 ~5 28 185 52 18 150 27 18 170 31 19 195 37 16 185 30 Ark 66 161 106 68 160 109 50 145 72 51 140 71 J8 185 70 27 190 51 L~ 6 130 8 5 165 8 ~ 160 6 4 135 5 6 145 9 5 160 8 Okla 132~ 145 1920 1118 125 1398 969 130 160 701 110 771 652 150 978 502 160 803 Tex 2920 1193768 2985 110 3283 2324 122 28391677 110 1844 lt17J 122 26601452 145 2105 Mont 5 117 6 4 120 5 6 115 7 4 130 5 J 150 4 3 80 2 Wyo 13 82 11 9 70 6 7 60 4 6 80 5 ~ 75 3 5 76 4 Colo ~7J 114 539 460 110 506 350 105 368 304 115 )50 280 105 29~ 301 107 322 11Mex 29~ 102 300 223 70 157 155 103 159 143 67 96 184 100 184 109 129 141 Arh 6 200 2 3 200 6 5 175 9 3 175 5 3 175 5 ~ 175 7 Ea1i__ _35pound __ Z___2_ ~poundO___ ~ __ _35pound ___7___~ 210___7___ _35pound __ ~ __ 2 _ 210___1pound

~middot~middot_118~ _15~ 015J317_ 10_ 21~11251_131_81~1_4520_ 3_56~6_ ~~8~ _14 ~~521~31_ za_11~

- 19 shy





- ---I I94 1J9s 1~~ S~at J Jor 1 Yield Pr d ti~ JeJ81 I n14 I ProducUcna I Jone J Yield Pro4ucUoII

____1_~bullt4_1_~r_~l _1__0_u _~ _1_IIret4__~I_-l _1________~t4_1_~1_~l J _____ _ ThouIAcne ~ ThoU Bu llloutareplE ft1oUI Bu BiouDJeJ8el llloubullbull IIp

Ind 2 ~9 48 2 300 60 1 300 30 Ill 1 240 2h 1 290 29 1 300 30 Iova 1 240 24 1 200 20 1 200 20 Mo 61 216 1)18 29 ~o 435 ~ 220 968 IDaIt 8 163 130 1 160 16 1 135 14 SDak 92 153 1408 43 115 494 37 160 592 lobI 115 22) 2564 75 180 1350 18 200 1560 Ian 2229 221 49261 1149 154 17695 B51 1)5 11488 IC 2 250 50 3 2)0 69 sc 1 165 16 1 170 17 3 IB5 56 Al 2 163 33 13 150 195 2) 160 368 uk 7 143 100 10 170 170 8 150 120 La 1 150 15 1 180 18 1 140 14 Okla 979 1050 146805 636 120 7632 6~ 115 7176 ex 05103 194 99229 ) 950 150 c59139 4~ 160 71840 ColO aIfO 1057 3768 180 lAt9 2682 191 130 2483 1lIex )69 166 6111 84 70 587 108 104 1127 Aris 54 372 2009 44 )40 1496 55 360 1980 ~a1____11____)1~ ____ ~)~ _____1pound2____32~ ___ _ l27 _____~5____42 ___ ~292 __ US 9)86 197 184978 6)24 152 9606) 6669 159 106025


- - --I l~ 192s 1~ Stah I tar 1 Yield 1 PrOdUCtioD Acre I Yield I ProductiOIl Acne I Yield 1 Productloll

____1_~etd_Umiddotr_Jer _1_______ _~etd_I_Pr_Ael _1_______1_lIrQt4__~r_~l J _____ _ Thoue Jon ll 2a DIOUlllOD ThoubullbullJer 12 DIoubullbull Toll lhoUlJarooa ToD bou l01I

lIId 5 105 52 4 120 48 3 110 111 4 100 40 3 90 27 2 105 21 Vh 1 80 8 1 75 8 M1Dn 70 21 4 60 24 2 65 13 Iowa 6 100 60 3 90 27 1 110 11 Mo 85 374 36 71) 252 25 85 212 IDak 2 30 6 2 202 4 2 21 4 SDaIc 15 7 56 11 3- 37 7 40 28 Ifebr 59 64 378 22 50 110 17 50 BS Iane 412 70 2884 )42 55 1881 SO 60 21OQ SC 3 50 15 ) 55 16 3 50 15 Ga ) 40 12 1 45 14 51) 20 leDII 10 65 65 9 70 63 6 70 42 Al 6 75 45 05 70 35 6 60 36)Ii 12 90 108 12 90 108 12 75 90 Ark 3 55 16 2 55 11 5 60 )0 La 1 61 7 1 7- 7 1 66 7 Old 97 50 485 10 45 115 67 40 l68 Ix l6It 48 789 108 35 )83 87 41 ~O Colo 10 55 55 18 45 81 5 50 25 bullbull lIu 6 ) 20 2 30 2 45 9 Arll 9 121) 108 6 US 69 12 U5 138pounda1_____4____~~ ______2 ______4 ~ ______4 _____~ ______l~ ______ ____1~~

US 879 642 56114 671 532 3510 623 576 3SS7


- - - -I = 19~ = = = == = ~ 1~4sect state crill 1 Yield ProductioD Acre 1 Yield I Prod t1 I Acres Yield Pr

_____~etd_lt]~r_Apoundr ________1_Hrstd_IJr_Apoundr ____~ _o~ __~etd_Jr_Apoundrtl _ ~d~~1~~ ThougAcru Jl9B1 lhquGIlllog TI1quecrea ~ TboutOallQII ThguuJcru GalloDII AAUIIlampllov

Ind 1 80 80 1 90 90 1 75 75 Ill 3 50 ISO 2 50 100 2 65 1)0 Via 2 80 160 1 70 70 1 62 62 10 3 125 )705 2 100 200 3 129 387 Mo 8 62 496 5 45 225 7 55 385 bu 2 55 110 2 SO 100 2 51 102 Va J 65 195 2 65 130 2 66 1)2 VVa 3 59 177 2 67 134 1 66 66 lIC 11 74 814 8 64 512 9 131 729 SC 10 55 550 10 55 550 8 58 464 Ge 22 55 1210 15 57 855 11 53 583 17 12 65 780 10 73 730 16 85 1360 laDII 15 61 915 14 60 840 19 73 1)87 Ala 27 65 1755 18 66 1188 22 6) 1386 Mha 25 78 1950 21 80 1680 19 65 1235 Ark 17 SO 850 15 55 825 17 60 1020 L~ 2 55 110 2 60 120 2 40 80 OklL 6 42 252 5 43 215 4 47 188

i~----~i---~------l~-----l~---~------~______~ ___~____ _~2__--- - - - - - - - - - _1_ - __ l~ _____146____6middotZ ____ 2~ _____~_ 660 10171

-O- ------------ shy



-s~~e-= ~II 1 RI~ 1Pr~~to ~r~ ~~ 1 ~o~t~I~ ~~ R~~ ~din I BarYeated Per Acre I I BarYe ted Per Acr I I BarYbullbulltod Per Acr

- - - -1h-cr- -Dl~hr- -fhoa- ia - fhQicr1 bir- - -TiioQ- ib- - thOulAcibullbull -Dlhel- TiioU- -IDe 1 260 26 1 320 32 1 320 JJ~ Iowa 1 160 16 1 195 20 1 225 m )10 114 160 704 30 240 72031 200 6tjIlak 1 155 16 1 160 16 SDU 111 90 162 20 155 310 20 122 244

Iobr 75 150 1125 111 225 2632 109 236 2572lAD 754 145 10933 339 215 287811 1392 215 29 928 IC 5 250 125 16 270 432 15 250 375 s Q 5 155 78 1 175 122 7 180 126 Ala 34 165 561 45 195 878 33 181 597 Arll 10 150 15016 1110 2811 14 172 241 lA 2 140 28 2 155 31 3 170 51 CkIa 440 110 11840 556 150 8340 548 155 8494 181 3640 180 65421 496 165 74143 3563 239 114996 Colo 160 150 2400 192 170 3264 3011 172 52911 INex 167 106 1764 287 140 40111 415 222 9213 Arh 53 410 2113 75 400 3000 61 1146 2721 -~l____1~ ____3 ____ ~sect9 _____16___ 31middot ____ ~~ _____ 11___ 32 ~ ___ r62_ ~~___ ~~ ____lI~ ____9I11 ____ 7____1~ ___ ~I~ ____6~5~2____2 __ 4~_

ALL SOBOIIllKS JOR SIIMB AOlJWlE YIELD A)JD PROIUClIOIl 1947 to 1949 _______ ~_7_________________ __________________ ~~_______ _~------------~------------------~------------------ilt--------

State Acre I Yh1d I Acre field Acre Yield BarPedd Per Acre Product1on I BarPted Per Acre Production llarveted Pet Acre Production

- - - - ThouAcre -iaL- - -boU7tOji - biiuAcro -Jiii- - -b0li71oi- ~ouEcre - -~n - -fhw7Tu Ind 2 85 17 2 115 23 2 115 23 Ill 2 90 18 4 105 42 3 93 28 Hinn 2 60 12 2 eo 16 1 70 7 IoVA 3 60 18 3 95 28 3 100 30 Mo 33 70 231 31 95 294 29 86 249 IfIlK 1 25 2 1 30 3 2 23 5 slak 9 25 22 5 55 28 3 42 13 Ibr 16 45 72 12 60 72 18 70 126lAD 409 53 21611 359 76 2 72~ 278 73 2029 SC 3 50 15 2 55 11 3 60 18 0 3 45 14 5 55 211 3 60 IS Tonn 6 70 42 7 75 52 8 76 61 Ala 4 65 26 7 75 52 6 74 44 Nh 12 65 711 12 01 0 96 8 85 61 Ark 3 5middot3 16 5 75 38 5 75 38 ta 1 60 6 2 68 14 2 70 14 (kIa 54 37 200 4 55 264 43 56 241 Tex 69 37 258 66 46 305 60 57 343 Colo 6 45 27 7 55 38 9 48 43 IIMex 3 40 12 e 45 36 8 53 42 Arh 4 110 44 10 110 110 11 115 126 -~1____ ~ ____1poundpound ______~ ______4____1poundpound ______~ ______6____1~ pound _____~_ ~____ ~4~ ____ 4___ _ lP _____~2____ 7____ ~~1 _____51____ 10___ sect2~_


-- -- I~ D[8 I~i State Aeres Tield Production I Acr Tield Produetlon I Acree Yield Production

BarYeted I Per Acre I BarTeted Per Acre BarYeted Per Acre - - - - hiiuicre - Gallon - bouGallon thouD Xcre - 01100 - fhoubullbullOaflon ~iiuicro - iiaflon -lhOli7aeliOii Ind 1 70 70 1 90 90 1 90 90 Ill 1 55 55 1118 1 51 51 1 80 80 1 77 77 IClVa 2 80 160 2 168 336 2 158 316 Mo II 42 168 3 66 1911 2 61 122 Ian 2 51 102 1 47 47 Va 1 61 67 1 90 90 IIVa 1 70 70 bullbullC 10 73 730 6 611 408 4 72 211 Sc 7 49 343 5 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ Ga 14 59 826 II ~ ~ 6 60 ~ ~ 12 74 888 6 73 438 5 79 395 Tnn 13 60 7S0 7 Ala 111 60 10110 8 m = ~ =Mi 22 68 1496 15 78 1170 9 63 567 Arll 11 42 462 8 64 512 4 54 216 La 2 35 70 1 43 43 1 45 45 Cltla 3 33 99 2 55 110 1 52 52 ~_____ ~ ____ 25______ 13~ ______5__ _ ______ 1pound _____ -____ ~_____ __I~

Us 131 7847 SO 6911 55116 53 66s 3539 -------------------------~---------------------------- -------- 21 shy

bullUPDATA 1981 ~~ I j


--- -- 1~ t 19~ t 19[6 StlAt I Acree Yield Acrn Yield Acrea Yield

Harvea d Pel Production Harvest d Per Production Harvested Per Production _________ ~ _ _Agrl _ ______ ______Apound~ __ ______ t ______ _Asr~ _______ _

ThoutlAcree Ton8 ThouTone ThouAcre Ton ThouBlone ThoUllAcres 1on8 Thou8Tone Main 923 89 818 833 106 882 84 99 m fK 388 102 395 376 123 464 364 118 431 it 1032 126 1298 10oe 150 1516 1006 143 1442 )(saso 319 124 469 376 164 615 365 164 597 RI 36 1l4 41 37 146 54 34144 49 Conn 304 123 374 300 157 472 288 162 467 fY 4008 144 5759 4021 161 6488 3968 162 6416 NJ 274 147 402 288 177 509 260 175 454 PIi 2564 140 3597 2539 151 3826 2525 150 3789 0b10 2605 139 3622 2560 148 3801 2536 152 3848 Ind 2004 131 2626 1765 145 2551 1835 137 2511 Ill 2824 139 3938 2662 152 4053 2732 146 3985 Mich 2813 1)8 3895 2671 148 3958 2648 124 3272 Vb 4263 163 6929 4214 187 7870 4ll2 155 6371 Minn 4683 142 6640 4366 152 6637 4067 146 5956 Iowa 3551 164 58)6 1304 172 5677 3275 163 5325 Mo 3703 113 4171 3914 115 4500 3545 119 4201 lItDIIk 3421 97 3305 3434 94 3233 3068 89 2724 SDak 36e5 99 3637 3616 92 3312 3478 80 2775 Nebr 4355 112 4865 4062 11)9 4436 3915 97 3787 ~B 1784 167 2982 1783 161 2875 1746 135 2354 Del 82 1 ~o 98 75 152 114 71 149 106 Md 461 120 552 464 139 643 442 148 656 Va 1383 11)2 1405 1477 117 1722 1391 119 1650 IIv 835 108 904 840 1~ 1061 812 129 1045 NC 1315 96 1263 1374 98 1352 1263 102 1285 sc 543 74 400 554 84 465 S07 87 442 Oe 1406 49 689 1441 54 785 1399 52 723 lIla 118 54 64 125 57 71 123 49 60 It) 1630 112 1831 1987 137 2720 1813 136 2459 Tenn 1769 94 1660 1978 124 2444 1802 122 2205 All 1 091 67 730 995 75 742 999 74 744 M18s 925 119 1104 873 117 1025 850 123 1046 Ark 1397 109 1529 1378 116 1595 1258 118 1483 ra 3Jl 119 395 326 125 406 319 126 403 Okla 1296 129 1671 1326 133 1757 1355 113 1534 Tex 1591 90 1439 1599 96 1537 1623 11)3 1619 Mont 2265 119 2689 2267 117 2681 2147 112 2395 Idho 1198 204 2445 1189 204 2428 1140 213 2429 liTo 1156 113 1312 1103 116 1274 1091 111 1214 Colo 1467 159 2331 1425 155 2215 1359 148 2008 NMex 217 221 419 201 192 385 206 212 436 Arb 332 218 723 309 242 748 306 239 737 Utah 612 203 1245 597 200 1194 573 195 1115 ireV 435 142 617 436 141 615 432 152 655 VaBb 989 119 1775 931 187 1744 656 192 1640 Oreg 1156 173 1996 1158 170 1970 1062 173 1~39poundampl1____20plusmn0____ ~middot21____ 22~ ____2130____ ~bullsect4____60]6____ 282 __ _ 1~2_ ___6t0Q3_ ~____ 176)9____ ]middot13___ 03~2 ___ 16627____ ]~__ _1~7t418_ ___71141 ___ ]15___ 291518_

VILD HAY ACREAGE nELD lID PllOllUCTIOlf 1944 to 191i6

- - - - - 1~ l I9~ l 19[6 state I Acree Yield Acree Yield AcreB Yield

I Harveated Per Productioll ltlrvesed bull Per bull Production Harvested Per bull Production ___________ l ce__ ~ ______ t _____ _ =_AsrJ __ ______ l _______~r __ _____ _

ThouaAcrem ThousTon bonaAcres ona ThousTona Thoue-cres ~ Thousfou Via 140 130 182 94 115 106 llO 115 126 Minn 1452 1ll 1612 1394 115 1603 1282 110 1410 10 102 122 124 92 120 llO 86 1O 103 Mo 154 109 168 160 120 192 150 100 ISO NDal 2576 90 ~318 2576 85 2190 2318 85 1970 sJ))k 3076 88 2707 3014 60 24ll 2693 70 2025 Nebr 3198 80 2558 2942 75 2206 2795 65 1817Ian 693 111 769 638 115 734 636 75 478 Ark 194 104 202 202 105 212 202 105 212 Okla 480 118 566 437 125 S46 428 100 428 Tex 195 105 205 185 100 185 191 105 201 Mont 867 85 737 806 90 725 622 60 658 ldho 139 lU 156 139 115 160 135 110 148 To 529 60 423 481 BO 385 495 85 421 Colo 466 97 452 443 100 443 439 85 373 NMex 20 88 16 15 70 10 27 100 27 Utah 103 124 126 lOS 100 105 105 120 1-6 lreT 267 100 267 267 100 267 267 110 294 Yam 46 115 53 51 125 64 47 120 56 Or~ ll76 115 320 3U 11n 3IU gt86 110 315 ~l-l_____1$gt____ 110_____ 17g _____112___ _ 1io_ ~ __ _2ffl_ ____ 152 ___ 1lL ____11~_

k ___ 5all1_____23____1~J1 ___ 4~~_____21___ Jt2~2___ _ ll~7 ___ _g3_ __ l51 _


FFeti5 Hri+tttrtft gt~- bullbull ~Mto shy



- -- -- 1~7 19la_ 19sect State Acrea Yild cr Tlel-l Acrea Yield

______II~~t~d_ ~ ~~~__ ~ ~d~ln_l v~e~ _~_A~~ ___~o~u~t~o~ ~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~____P~o~u~to~ ~bullbullAcrea gAl ~ousTonD fitouDcrea ~ lhoulITons Tbous bullocres I2 Thou9Tonl

M1n 766 11)8 627 nO 11)2 746 695 9B 682 lilI J5) 127 446 JJ9 124 421 J18 11) )56 n 995 149 148J 974 145 1416 952 124 1176 ca )51 154 540 J46 160 59f )42 145 496 RI )2 159 51 29 159 46 28 1 bullSO 42 Conn 280 166 464 272 162 440 26) 156 410 IIT )752 161 6029 )642 165 6016 3)97 1)6 46)0 IJ 244 17) 422 236 161 428 239 177 422 Il 2))9 150 )511 2194 146 )710 2202 142 )123 Ohio 2497 140 34B6 2)84 14) )406 2255 142 )212 Ind 1708 1)6 2)Jl 1661 1)6 2251 1616 145 2 bull 342 Ill 2626 14J )756 2)85 149 )558 2230 165 J689 Mich 2628 1Jl J45) 24)6 1)7 )346 2)29 1)2 )069 Vh 4066 16) 6665 )940 1)8 54)2 3916 15) 5972 MiIlJ1 4063 142 57n )659 1)7 529) 3819 1)lt3 5268 10_ )J)B 154 5154 2943 1)4 )955 )100 159 49)0 Me 3762 114 4)10 )S46 129 4564 )60) 129 465) IDU 3289 95 )110 3176 91 2901 )441 B5 2920 S~ )675 85 ))1) 4126 84 )451 4412 68 3013 lfebr 4)05 113 4BBI 4))4 105 4532 4836 108 5ZJl Iu 2059 153 )155 195) 176 )479 2017 160 3~z2 Del 69 146 102 n 140 102 68 110 97 Md 429 142 611 445 144 64) 429 152 ti51 Vamp 1)27 107 1414 1)72 126 1722 1321 127 16n VV 60) 116 92B 796 129 1026 B02 124 991_C 1292 96 1267 1290 10) 1)28 1246 105 1)12 SC 465 76 )76 509 68 449 52J 91 476 0amp 1)91 51 70) 1416 56 791 1055 6) 66) 11 125 54 67 1)2 58 77 65 62 5) 1) 1666 1)B 2568 1687 126 21)0 1828 110 2)60 l1IllU 1812 117 2120 1691 111 1861 l7J4 125 2175 U 939 72 679 922 18 720 790 84 667 Ki 601 115 923 769 121 9)3 779 115 89) Ark 1254 98 1224 1211 124 150) 1116 117 1J10 111 300 118 )s4 294 112 )29 295 1m 379 Okla 1580 119 1B77 1490 I)) 1975 1)50 1)5 1821 le 1620 90 16)7 1706 91 1556 145) 112 1624 MoDt 2227 112 2491 220) I) 2704 2On 101 2084 Idoho 1022 2Z5 2296 986 220 2171 1050 2lt) 2))7 1170 1080 117 1265 1017 94 960 1104 110 1209 Colo 1)56 164 2219 1)51 167 2251 1401 164 229) Ifllex 216 210 454 20) 212 4)) 19) 209 404 Arlo m 220 595 226 2)8 5)7 25) 247 624 Utah S6B 208 1160 550 205 1129 5)7 21) 1145 - )92 155 606 )8) 151 577 377 154 580 lfath 60) 1117 150) 765 205 1611 772 178 1375 Oree 1076 169 1617 1061 174 1646 970 158 1526 ~11middot____~~~ __ ~ J bull 26____ euro1)Q ____1~7O____ 1middotQ7____5JplusmnL ___ 1l15Q ___ 1middot25___ 3 49_ [middotk ___ 1 46amp6____ 1middot15___ 10Q$~ ___ 11617____ 114___ 2611~ ___71~ __ _ lmiddotlJ_ __ 25025_

_1If_ eii2ll 2r_A1l_II~r_r2r_125~D-~ 9Z1J211 o_____________ bull __________

~~~ _lAi~~e5drIx~~rpoundr ~tloi ~ce ~eililfgi ct r~~ln hqutr ll lhoubullbullrona rhouaAcr 12l ThouaToga

~ _____1 _0_____ 111_______ 1~~ _____ 1~ _____ 1Ql_ ______ 1~~ _ Ylk ____ 14aJgl_____ 1J8______ 10l57______7~11J _____ l~L _____ l0ll_ ~ -

WILD BAT AClUllilE fIELD AlID PBODUCrIOll 1947 to 1~1

- - - - - 1i41 1~ 1~ Il~t I Acre I Yield heres Yield Acres Yield bull

I arT ted I Per Production arTeBted Per ProucUon Iifrvsted Per bull Production ____ _1_ __~ __ _~rl _ i ______ 1 _______ cLe______________ cIe___=_____ _

1houeAcreo 1M lhoubullbullTop rhouoAcree ~ rhouerona rhousAcrea ron rhoubullbullroue Vlo 106 115 122 1)0 95 124 112 107 120 Minn 1)06 11e 1439 12)0 105 1292 11)2 105 1169 10 75 1O 90 61 115 9) 70 123 66 Mo 150 110 165 141 110 155 1)5 110 146 1IDIIk 2596 90 2))6 2414 65 2052 2535 Bo 2028 SDU )240 75 24)0 )4)4 70 2401 )4)4 57 1957_hr 296) 60 2)70 2904 65 1686 )252 75 24)9 lUI 702 110 772 611 115 7~ 642 115 nB Ark 204 B5 In 175 110 192 152 105 160 00amp 458 110 504 4)1 1 lt5 5)9 416 1gt0 502 lu 210 95 200 197 65 167 1B5 101 167 Mont 860 BO 704 654 90 769 769 75 577 Id~o 132 110 145 140 100 140 144 109 157 To 500 95 475 475 60 lB5 522 B5 444 Colo 470 105 494 451 105 474 474 102 4B) 11 Megt 27 BO 22 25 75 19 22 6) 1B Utah 109 125 1)6 105 110 126 105 I) 12911 230 1111 25) 216 105 227 205 9B 201 Vampth 46 120 55 55 1)0 2 57 120 68 Oreg )00 110 ))0 )30 15 412 291 106 gt08pound41lf_____1i6____ 11(1_____ 17~ _____1J6____ 1ltgt_____120_____ 1J~ ___ 112_____1~_

~____ 4~_____10____111111 ___ 4515_____~5___ l)~___ _~19= ____~2___ l121_ - 23 shy

-UPDATA 1981 bull _ bull h



ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944





-- - -- -- --- -1~ - --- ---- --- - --- - ---1~-- - - -- - -- --- ---rrb -- -- - --shy-------~--------------------~ ---------------~---------mte ampern I oWl I Yield 1 Pro- I Acr Acree leld Pro- Aero I Acne Yield 1 Proshy

planted I Bar- Per ductioA Planted Bar- Per 1 dDCUOA Planti4 1 liar- 1 Per duCtiOA ____ ______Y8e ~e__ _____ _____1_Y8e cr_______1______Y8e ce__ ___ _

fbDubullbull Acree lbhela hauslb fllo Acr lbabel houbullbull Bl h0l1t1 Acr lbbele h0l18ln

BY 346 33J 260 8658 349 3433 ~ 9090 211 206 ~ 5459 IJ 15 60 233 1398 93 6J 210 1323 96 62 250 1550 h 911 914 214 195bO 959 932 215 2O08 911 1l65 225 19912 Ohio 1931 1918 221 43539 2150 2129 210 51433 1849 1831 265 48522 IIId 1288 1262 202 25492 1584 1552 225 34920 1383 1366 215 29369 Ill 1321 1240 195 2~lSO 1393 1312 185 24642 1282 1200 160 19200 Klch 949 944 24amp 23222 99l 982 215 21005 871 8amp4 265 22896 Vh 36 35 111~ b58 33 32 265 8~ 32 31 215 b66 H1Jl1l lbO 109 140 1526 112 109 225 2452 101 II 190 1amp12 Iowa 145 116 160 1856 Iamp 131 190 2b03 186 119 235 4206 Mo 1472 1201 163 19614 142I 1304 140 18256 1314 1213 150 181~5 SDak 295 216 105 22M 289 248 1amp0 3968 3~ )08 180 5544 ehr 3510 2bOl 121 33105 3121 3546 230 81558 3941 3901 230 89123laD 13204 11314 165 187611 14145 1341~ 155 201911 14004 131~ 162 212965 Del 68 64 191 1261 13 amp1 195 1306 68 62 190 1118 Md 395 310 232 IISSII 391 359 190 amp821 316 348 195 6186 539 516 192 9901 534 485 155 1518 459 432 185 1992 v 102 87 1116 1618 100 87 185 1amp10 90 17 185 1424bullc 561 516 165 8514 448 408 145 5916 394 311 110 6301 SC 262 253 145 3bbS 202 195 145 2~2S 160 156 165 2514 0 228 213 140 2982 198 11J 135 2410 141 130 130 1690 IT 496 426 118 1583 516 311 135 5008 392 291 140 41SS eAIl 423 396 145 5142 381 345 125 ~312 2f6 259 140 3626 11amp 25 22 163 359 24 20 155 310 15 12 145 114 Kl 25 18 226 401 25 111 200 360 16 9 220 198 Uk 65 46 149 bS5 amp5 39 105 410 44 211 140 392 Ckls 5551 5095 161 850116 b335 5910 125 13875 amp115 amp087 145 118262 ez 4951 4458 185 82413 5842 5350 90 48150 61J5 5992 105 amp2916 HOIlt 1501 1221 215 26252 1501 1311 215 29416 1839 1721 190 3281~ Idaho 115 610 214 18amp32 151 114 290 20106 841 801 255 2O51 W70 185 131 119 1559 192 1amp2 190 3018 213 199 2amp5 5214 Colo 1487 111b 141 15136 1110 1421 225 32108 2103 1884 190 3519amp It 439 263 112 29146 426 276 90 2~ 520 331 80 2648 Arh 26 24 225 540 27 24 210 504 29 21 210 561 Utah 2311 235 216 501amp 225 221 220 1amp8amp2 2amp1 250 200 5000 Icy 5 5 258 l29 5 5 250 125 5 5 280 140 Vb 1461 1359 2119 39275 1695 1576 270 1amp2552 2322 2206 305 bl28)Orec 184 129 261 194amp4 1amp4 725 240 11400 825 116 260 20116 Ca11f 596 ~1 194 10amp12 614 563 190 1Ob91 615 ~19 190 11161- ~2 ~1~)5 )middotI 15~I ~~ampI ~1~0~4 1~(= 1~2s1 S~~l= ~~)l( Is~Oi6ii9i

- - - - - - - - - - - - - ~- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -1~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19K - - - - - - - shy- - - - --crbullbull- TIli -1- - - -- -_-- --cN- rfl14 --- - -- - -- iirH iTtli -I-~-

Stte Acn 1 JIar- I Per 0- _nil JIar- Pel 0- I _ liar- I Pel P~ed bull Acre dDctloa Plant ed Acn amplctlO1l Planted 1 yoded llcr dwU01l

- - - - - - Ytmbullbull-ACrbullbull- -JibeIs- ibOubullbullili- - - ibOui-ACzQ- -lbebeI- ihObullbull-Ji- - ihOu-ACr~- -Jir- ibOQbullbullaa IUu 1J6 1amp1 168 689 2J 23 115 IIOZ 35 35 195 6R bullbull IlK 1848 1816 11yen 26871 1829 11J15 165 299118 22611 2232 11l5 323~ SDak 205 200 105 2100 114 166 150 21190 190 1116 150 2190ui- - - -2~ - -2051- -1~i - - -29666 - - 20i6 - -2-riiI- - 1671J- - -32bullbull - - 2JiiJ3 - -2453- - 14-6- - 357836




- - - -I Ili7 = l~ 1 )~~ -_-_-_-_ State Acre Acree I Tield Pro- Acr~ Acree Yield Pro- 1 Acrfte Acree Tie1d Proshy

1 Planied Har- 1 Per duct ion I P1~ted liar- bull Per 1 ducUon I Panted liar- Per duct10n I Yestd I Acre I 1 Yested Acre I I Yeated Acre

- - - - - -fboii- Acree - -Diiieltl - TbOU8ib- - - ThOitbullbull-ACrell- -Diebllie- hOU8amp- - - ~U8-ACre- -Diaiiel- oftlOUIIllii BT 381 371 2110 89011 1142 11311 270 11718 398 391 270 10557 1lbull1 107 75 250 1(5 115 112 215 1763 107 113 2110 1992 h 947 929 240 22296 985 966 190 18351 926 908 230 208811 Ohio 2212 2179 22 490211 2377 2353 245 5764e 2377 2353 250 58625 Ind 1603 1571 230 36133 1811 1715 215 38162 1139 1122 220 37884 Ill 1423 1339 210 26119 1736 1701 225 311272 1944 1905 230 43615 ~lch 1210 1192 250 29SOO 11116 1395 260 36270 1303 1297 265 311310 Wia 41 38 Z)O 674 J4 )1 225 6911 30 28 2)9 669 Minn 111 101 195 1910 101 76 190 1444 SO 16 170 1292 love 209 190 180 3420 )19 295 235 6956 38Z )55 190 6745 10 1412 1321 185 2411)8 1122 1598 210 33558 1825 1678 115 29365 Snk 415 J~4 18 6549 )07 2)0 135 )105 )01 246 1)0 )198 lIbr 4538 4)b9 210 91149 1~583 4bull194 205 85977 4904 4068 140 56952 Y-an8 15404 14855 193 266702 146J4 1)221 17 231)66 16244 14Z79 110 157069 Del 10middot65 ~O 1)00 71 66 145 951 66 63 175 1102 lold ~68 )41 Zl0 7161 )61 3)4 160 5344 343 317 190 602) Va i96 458 175 SOl~ 481 449 185 8306 438 400 185 11100 1( Va 96 82 195 1599 96 82 18 1511 82 68 190 1292-C 492 461 115 112 408 )111 160 5984 465 IlOO 138 5520 sc 2)8 2)1 165 3812 217 210 140 2940 174 166 120 1992 Ga 198 185 140 2590 17~ 165 135 2228 140 130 125 1amp25 rr 404 )24 160 5184 ~ 324 160 51S4 4DJ 2SS 170 4896 snn 3J2 316 150 4740 355 338 145 4901 301 214 146 4000 la 14 12 165 191J 15 13 155 202 I) 11 154 169 lllee 20 16 19 )lZ 16 12 190 228 15 8 165 132 Ark )8 24 150 )60 40 28 170 476 J4 24 145 348 Okla 7051 6696 155 1031 7263 6696 145 97092 7481 6629 128 84851 ~X 7537 7310 160 116960 6752 5629 105 59104 7OCjQ 6417 11~0 8988 Mont 1949 1341 165 22C26 1676 1549 240 37176 11101425 170 24225 Idaho 900 36) 265 22810 9)5 84) 220 13546 lO8 995 216 21691 lfyo 251 235 20bull5 41518 276 241 COO 4940 288 275 195 5362 Colo 2776 2619 215 56308 076 2759 200 55130 335) 2649 160 42)34 JIKamp 7115 629 145 9120 661 384 90 )~6 595 507 105 5)24 Arb JO 26 210 j151 29 28 230 644 30 2S 262 734 Utah )00 294 220 64615 348 )35 180 6030 352 4 180 6138raquoeY 6 6 270 162 6 6 260 156 5 J 270 IJ5 Waah 2252 2074 250 51850 2417 2302 300 69060 2551 22tO 230 50830 Oreg 1133 160 2)0 17480 815 8)6 295 24662 910 169 220 16918 ~1____ 5~ ___6~__ 65___1~ ___ P __ _fI2__ 75___~J2 ___ l~ ___~6__ 85___128 us 58248 549)5 193 108976 583)2 5296 187 990141 61171 54414 153 85IJ127


us 2915 44328 3218 )220 140 3510

- 10shy

Ore j-tthr-r iItnetirtMriamp BMmiddot 4r

i (C ~ UPOATA 1981


- - - -I f9~ I f9[5I)~[ -_-_-_shyetate I Acre I Acree I Yield I 10- I Acree Acres I Yield I Pro- Acree I Acres I Yield I Pro-

___ )~l~e~e~~_ _p~r_~r~~ ~uto~ ~t~d~y~ ~ ~e ~ce__d~ci~n~t~d~y~ ~ 8 ~C_ _d~Cl~4_ Thoue Acre ]Uehe1 ftouabu houbullbull Acre Bmahe1 Thouebu Thons Acree Buehll1e Thoueau

Kaine 1 1~ 22 1 1-wo 19 1~ 21 BY 3 ) 193 58 3 3 190 57 9 9 210 1S9 Ind 4 4 191 76 3 3 200 60 Ill 7 7 200 140 7 7 250 175 7 7 230 161 Wh 33 32 203 60 28 28 260 728 63 b2 270 1674 Minn 1119 1064 168 17875 974 968 190 18392 1276 1268 195 24726 Iowa 4 ~ 140 56 3 3 190 57 6 6 215 129 BDak 8259 8040 161 129444 8176 80lI0 155 124620 8176 7960 13 107460 SD3t ~754 2654 124 32910 ~892 2787 155 43198 3181 3094 14 44863 Hebr 75 68 96 653 56 50 160 800 56 53 180 954 Eana 6 3 98 29 3 2 110 22 2 1 120 12 Mont 3000 2798 176 49245 2640 2106 115 27669 287 106 12middot5 30C75 Idaho 422 408 324 13219 405 388 310 12028 43 66 310 14446 W70 bull 97 84 149 1252 94 82 165 1353 8S 82 190 1558 Colo 171 140 14 2058 140 133 200 2660 141 120 165 1980 BXex 24 23 170 391 26 21 140 294 22 19 130 247 Utah 60 59 343 2024 61 60 330 1980 74 70 310 2110 I 11 11 80 308 13 13 240 312 14 13 270 351 h 1024 979 239 23398 972 948 200 18960 447 436 24 0 10682 Oreg 196 185 256 4736 206 196 225 4410 225 20S 240 4992

0l1lR SPRING iDA (Cont1d)

---~7I=)~If9~State I Acree I Acre I Yield I Pro- I ADrea I Acre8 I Yield I Pro- I Acre Acres Yield I Pro-

IPlanted l 1Iar- I Per Acre ducUon IPlanted liar- I Per Acre I ducUonlPlanted l Har- Pmiddoter Acre I ductton I Iftsted I I I IYellted I I I IYlIsted I I

- - - - -hoU7 Acre - -lhiillf- -TiioU-~ - yenhoujj-ACre- - ithG1 - houjj1iU7 bous-ACre - - ithG1 - ~hOu8 -bii IIY 4 4 210 84 7 7 240 168 7 7 23middot5 164 Ill S 8 240 192 9 9 25middot0 225 8 8 225 180 Vh 77 76 270 2052 93 92 240 2208 87 86 225 1935 Minn 1034 1014 17middot5 17745 924 913 17middot5 15978 1127 1114 150 16710 Iowa 11 11 170 187 21 21 210 441 29 G9 161 467 BDaIt 7685 7562 140 105868 6993 b881 145 9974 7762 7431 105 78026 SDaIt 3245 3156 140 44184 3440 3345 13middot0 431(85 3681 3479 7middot5 26092 Bebr 70 65 15middot5 1008 91 81 140 1134 114 97 130 1261 MODt~ 3234 3080 140 43 120 3525 3326 170 56542 426 3891 9middot5 36964 Idaho 488 481 33middot0 15873 5S8 570 300 17100 559 542 28middot5 15447 Wra 96 91 195 1174 lug 95 180 1710 104 94 162 1523 Colo 127 119 21middot5 2558 110 102 215 2193 199 189 200 3780 HHex 22 20 15middot0 300 21 19 13middot5 256 23 21 140 294 Utah 75 74 350 2590 83 00 31bull0 2480 89 87 330 2 1ff1 15 14 300 420 15 14 31bull0 434 15 14 290 406 Vah 670 645 200 12900 482 464 220 10208 588 548 170 9316 Oreamp 230 216 220 4752 225 216 245 5292 304 289 200 5780

-------------------~---------------------------------------[J8 17091 16636 154 255607 16735 16235 160 259628 18961 17926 112 201216 ------------------------------------------------------~----




QTS ACllEIGI ~ Alm PBOIlUCfIClI 1944 to 1946

- --- ~ t9Kti~ lorn Aclee amp Y1eld Pro- 1 AcleB Acre Yield Pro- Acre IAcres Y1eld Pro-

State Plantflcl Bar- I Per I duoUoa IPlantflcl liar- 1 Per Iductlou IPlantedl Bsr- Per I ducUoa ____1____etd_I_ ~e__ ____ Ii ____1_tIII_ cJ__t____ ___ t1e _Apoundr _ __ ~_ fhDU Acltel lluUel houalu neue Agee Buabeb TboualIu Tboua ampent ~ hCllle~

Mamp1nal 92 85 370 3145 79 71 360 2556 80 71 400 2840 JJB 14 8 340 272 14 s 330 264 11 7 370 259 n 74 48 320 1536 72 44 310 1364 66 4) 340 1462 (ast 15 6 280 168 16 7 270 189 14 6 350 210 liI 4 1 311) )1 5 1 )10 )1 4 1 320 32 Colll 18 6 )00 181) 18 5 )00 150 15 6 330 198 bullr 795 745 )10 2)095 731 663 290 19227 B41 SOZ 400 32080 raquoJ 54 47 )21 1509 S2 42 260 1092 54 45 320 11j4O Pat Bs4 8114 290 240 476 854 802 305 2446l 854 826 355 2932)Oblo 1073 1047 331 34656 1191 1162 425 49385 1)70 1348 450 60660Ind 1260 1172 256 30003 1436 1371 420 57582 1471 1412 309 55068 Ill 3251 3169 31 100457 )1146 3372 45~0 151740 JB37 3799 420 159558 Mlcb 1)44 1309 329 43066 1505 1466 400 58640 1550 1525 4S5middot 69)88 Vie 2839 2766 ~22 116725 3066 2987 510 152337 2943 2668 4J5 124758 Minn 4672 4456 327 145711 5M6 5392 450 242640 5439 533B 370 197506 Iowa 4917 4711 287 135206 5458 5323 )85 204936 5785 5642 375 2l1S75 Ko 2096 1698 179 30394 1799 1511 190 28709 2015 1843 310 57133 KDak 2784 2653 330 87549 2784 265) 325 86222 2506 2361 265 62566 SDak 3023 2914 298 86837 )597 3497 410 143377 3561 )462 290 100)98 Nebr 2291 2085 168 35028 254) 2439 )15 76828 2696 2561 280 11708 ~an 1825 ]561 162 25288 1278 968 175 16940 1495 1423 285 40556 Del 7 6 276 166 7 5 310 155 5 310 ISS )(d 46 42 310 1302 41 33 310 1023 38 34 330 1122 Va 174 14) 256 )689 172 lljO 280 3920 160 1)4 300 40020 W Va 94 67 221bull 1501 98 72 280 2016 94 68 )00 2040 BC 1t)7 335 277 9280 489 375 275 10312 49) 390 330 12870 SC S40 707 256 18099 798 700 260 18200 734 658 285 18753 Ga 954 656 253 16597 983 682 255 17391 806 5)9 265 14284 Pia 150 40 176 704 145 45 200 900 160 40 180 720 Ky 129 87 200 1740 108 76 240 1824 1)2 99 250 2475 Tenn )16 208 250 5200 Jlj8 245 260 6)70 310 245 265 6492 Ala 294 228 254 5791 318 242 260 6292 28) 198 24ft 40752Ki 521 444 336 14918 542 462 290 13)98 439 32) 300 9690 Ark 525 320 276 88)2 512 304 270 8208 379 255 )00 7650 La 200 152 290 4408 198 131 280 3668 1)6 100 220 2200 Olda 1584 1533 202 30967 1220 1027 190 1951) 1269 1089 210 22B69Tex 1732 1597 239 )8168 1992 1767 225 39758 1892 1608 220 )5376Mont 558 425 )43 14790 491 323 290 9)67 506 )52 310 10912 Idaho 237 194 426 8264 201 171 420 7182 185 1~ 430 7052111 182 150 )14 4710 19) 164 300 4920 174 15) )05 4666 Colo 254 224 278 6221 244 220 3)0 7260 227 187 300 5610 KlIex 60 5) 229 1214 54 43 220 946 57 45 200 900 Arh 26 11 350 385 25 12 490 S88 29 12 350 420 Utah 63 5) 457 2 bull 422 58 0 ljOO 2000 54 4) 4)0 1849n 12 9 430 )87 12 9 390 )51 12 8 440 352 Valh )08 160 1147 7152 288 150 4)0 6450 213 128 480 61411-Oreg 11 609 )98 305 121ljO 560 342 2)5 8054 549 )56 275 9782 ~B1___ i __ ~ _ 89____ Si ___ 21~ __ 6Z _110_ ___515__ 110___120__)~2 ____57O_

us 114141 )9741 289 11492ljO 46025 417)9 365 1523851 46515 42812 345 1477573 irT~-aralaquoe-ot oat-gion-with p~Ud-ytcit-licluded rn-plaitd-aid-hin bullbullt~-JAici - - - - -- - - - --

HOPS ACREAGK rIEl]) AlID PJiClWCTlaIl 1944 to 1946

- - --I I9~ 19~C 9~ State Acre Yield s ampere Ylel4 amper I Yltd r

1 ~eled I Per 1 p~oduct101l1 ilarYetflcl I Per s lrodUOUOIl HarYtll4 I Per I Prodwt1oa __________1__1111 __1______1________Jampr ________1______1__Aampll ________ _

poundtI ~ fhaumiddotporu Att URa flynlold Aampt ~ hllPUI4a Idaho 190 1610 3 2ljO 1850 AA4 240 1585 38t lIaah 9900 1720 17028 11700 1680 21996 11600 1700 19720 Oreg 18700 920 17204 19900 1lt045 20796 20000 950 19000 Ca11t 8ljOO 1620 13608 9100 1580 14378 9100 1610 14651

us 1295 57614 1)13 5)751

- 12 ~


- - - - 19t7 l )~ l i~ Stat Acre Acre I Yleld I Pro- I Acre I Acr Yleld Pro- I Acrll1l Acree Yield Proshy

P1aDted Bar- Per I ducUoa Planted I liar- I Pv ducUoll Plantod au-- Par ducUoa ________1~td_I_ Act__ ~ ___ _ l _____Tt1~_ jcz__1___ _ l ___ lV1~ 1 _~rt _ 1 ____ _ hoWl Acre llI rhouslIg ThOUl ASpound lIuahal ~oulIu ThoUi Acre Bualull lulYBu

Main 8i 73 340 21f82 77 64 420 2688 101 90 400 3600 bullbullB 12 7 310 211 11 6 400 240 U 5 360 180 Vt 54 28 270 756 60 J6 370 1332 66 33 300 990 Ifaabullbull 12 5 360 180 12 6 330 198 13 6 290 174 BI 4 1 330 33 3 1 330 J3 2 1 250 25 Cou 12 4 320 128 10 4 J30 132 12 5 320 160 bullbullY 5JO 47J 275 13008 126 672 400 26880 791 719 290 20851 J 49 36 250 900 42 37 350 1295 46 J9 331 1291 Pa 734 661 390 19169 749 720 380 27J60 794 756 305 23058 ChJo 863 714 260 18564 1191 1171 450 52695 1322 1288 350 45080 1114 1294 1112 )00 35i60 1317 1289 410 52849 1456 1405 366 51423 111 J377 3311 J40 112574 390S 385] 450 17JJ85 J881 3834 415 1591U Klcb 1085 1052 350 36820 1465 1420 37S 5)250 1538 1505 345 51922 IIh 2884 28ll 430 120873 2942 2867 440 126148 3030 2924 41~ 119884 Mu 4630 4537 360 163332 4908 4855 425 206J38 5027 4952 J5$ 175796 Iowa 5438 5247 310 162657 6199 6086 450 273870 6417 6269 386 241983 fo 1552 1309 230 30107 1971 162) 265 43010 1794 1526 229 34945 bullbullllampk 2331 2219 290 64J51 2238 2152 280 60256 1880 1722 201 34612 SDak 3134 J081 Jl0 95511 J165 3112 JJ5 104252 J102 2956 221 65328 bullbullbr 2426 2279 275 62672 2750 2621 280 733AB 2511 2280 202 46056 ~e 1510 1395 290 40455 1616 1144 220 25168 1034 881 194 17091 Del 7 5 320 160 6 5 J50 175 7 6 300 180 Md 40 35 )20 1120 42 36 J35 1206 47 42 J25 1365 Va 150 121 270 3267 160 IJl 330 4323 165 134 296 3966 IIVa 88 64 305 1952 77 58 JO5 1769 79 56 272 1523 IC 508 386 290 lll94 J56 270 290 7830 527 J94 287 U308 SC 866 704 255 17952 606 500 22S ll250 7i~7 605 245 14822 Ga 887 550 250 13750 674 429 260 ll154 7112 468 255 U93~ Jla 160 30 ZOO 600 IJ5 21 190 399 124 16 160 256 LT 141 90 230 2070 118 8J 260 2158 171 109 229 2496 Tenn JOl 230 265 6095 277 205 295 6048 )49 254 250 6350 Ala 28J 184 230 4232 275 169 265 4478 234 130 226 2938 Klas 4J9 365 250 9125 329 274 310 8494 237 156 250 3900 Arlt 424 280 300 8400 40J 252 Jl0 7812 339 209 240 5016 La 145 100 260 2600 113 80 JOo 2400 113 70 250 1750 0Icla 1396 1231 235 28928 1033 714 165 11781 7J3 578 176 10173 Tex 1684 14)1 210 )0051 1465 787 165 12986 1)92 1204 260 31304 font 491 J)8 )10 10478 452 )24 370 11988 457 266 )00 7~80 Idaho 187 172middot 415 7138 168 153 415 6350 212 188 J95 7426 liTO 169 150 JJo 4950 172 14J JOO 1~290 177 137 299 4096 Colo 234 200 325 6500 229 194 JOo 5820 261 235 327 7684 IMex 48 38 210 798 46 38 210 798 )6 32 220 704 Arh J2 12 400 480 28 U 340 374 28 11 400 440 Utah 54 49 1180 2352 5J 47 420 1974 55 50 450 2250 In 13 8 410 328 12 8 410 J28 12 8 J75 300 lIuh 198 131 510 6681 2)0 153 425 6502 22J 150 440 6600 Oregl 554 J56 285 101)2 421 271 265 7182 488 366 280 10248 CalU 542 180 270 4860 558 185 JOo 5550 508 166 260 4316

U8 42058 37855 311 1176142 438)8 39280 )69 1450186 4))18 )92)6 )20 1254895 iT1~C~r~-of at-Vow-rti pa-Ud-ytcl-licluded 11l-plut~-eid-~et-d-~rg- - - - - - - - - - --


- -- -= 1~41 1~ 12~ y Stato Acre Yleld I Acree neld I Acr I Yleld

BarTetod Par I ProdUCUOIl BarTet~ Per I PrOductioD BarTeted I Par ProdtlCtlOD ____________~~ ________________Apoundr ______________1__~rt ________ _ I Pound rhoDaPound AaI ~ bgPoup4I ~ ~ lboyPoupd

Idaho 240 1645 J9S 620 1040 645 850 16)5 1390 lIaeh 11700 1740 20358 129llO 1760 22704 13000 1490 19370 Orae 18900 870 16443 17700 890 15753 14500 1015 147181__ _9rx0_ __ 21~ ___ _ll~~ ___92~___ 3~ ____116 __ 2~ ___ ~~ ____ 5J8__

US 39840 1275 50186 40420 1248 50464 37550 135J 50796 lpduCtloi IncldJ-hOPI baiTr 4 lalabi ~der Krktlnlaquo ~_8zit-hop hanrd bur iot alabi ~dei --HarkaUn ~e_ent and hope produced lint ut harTated Salabl amplloYlIDh under proTle1on of Harltetln Jcre_ent totalad 39 111ion pounda in 1949

- 13 -



- - - -- - - - - - - - -lqijlj - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ~l~~ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - r ~- - - - - - - - shy__ ______ 9 ________________ iloz ___ bullbull _____________ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _~

Stat r Ac r Acr I Tleld r Pro- a__ Acree nu I Pro-- Ie Acrts n1d Pr a ra bull Bar- I Par I I --a bull lIN-- Per I I re Bar- I Per 0shy

____ _P~t~I_~e~ i ~e___dCl~_~t~__f- lPte___l~n_~td__Ie cpoundt_ i ~uC hou lcree l1ehels houbullbulllnl hone Acree aJaba18 honelnl Thou Acre llilehe1 houalnl

HIlna --3--- 3 ~ laquor 5 3 --uo 114 4 ~ -zo 12S n 3 3 250 75 3 3 220 66 2 2 280 56 bullbullY 113 106 255 2703 110 102 250 2550 116 114 320 30118 bullbullJ 10 9 278 250 9 II 300 240 11 10 360 160 h 108 105 298 5129 104 103 3fO 3605 113 112 365 41118 Ohio ~3 21 256 538 26 23 300 690 111 17 295 02Ind 51 41 243 1142 52 44 240 1056 27 25 240 600 Ill 53 45 240 1080 34 31 250 175 26 24 260 624 Kich 144 140 256 3584 121 118 310 3658 139 138 365 5031h 190 181f 267 4913 91 90 400 3600 125 124 375 4650 Kian 809 688 202 389pound 461 4If7 290 12963 138 733 290 21~57 10 II 7 166 116 3 3 2110 114 13 13 315 110 110 102 82 212 1138 88 66 19(1 1254 77 63 200 160 bullbullDU27Ifl 2625 216 56700 2357 2~1I1f 230 5~532 2357 22114 200 45080 SDak 1973 1756 147 25813 l38t 1299 245 31826 1464 1377 220 30294 abr 1174 760 115 8740 681 610 220 13420 613 549 210 11529Ean 1031 722 178 12652 480 38) 185 7086 360 2B 175 5022 Del 12 11 265 292 11 10 280 280 11 11) 305 305 Md 70 69 308 2125 71 64 290 1856 63 6Q 345 2010 Ya 76 72 301f 2189 76 68 270 11136 13 71 320 2272 V1a 9 9 2611 241 9 9 270 243 1 7 300 210 ~1 60 45 268 1206 56 42 220 924 41 33 285 940 S-l 34 25 231 57S 25 21 21( 141 23 20 260 520 GA 11 10 213 213 10 9 200 110 1 6 215 129 rr 127 89 223 1985 11 55 225 12311 11 0 250 120 enn 130 102 197 200s 129 98 1110 1764 100 82 200 1~ Ala II 5 205 102 3 2 200 40 3 2 1110 36 Kl 9 C 260 156 8 6 240 144 3 2 240 411 uk 19 13 199 25~ 14- 9 110 153 8 5 195 911 Okla lt97 28 ~l 5728 249 185 16( 2960 142 ~9 140 1 526 fex 373 340 222 15411 351 235 145 3408 196 164 150 21100 Mont 655 611 213 166110 720 672 220 14184 828 780 225 1 5 ldah 340 330 372 12216 320 307 37 0 11359 294- 276 340 1)84shyliTO 146 131 )10 4061 143 124 300 3120 154 144 300 4320 Ccio 867 726 214 15536 876 ~1 285 22544 683 ~eH 2)5 13936 bullbullMax 64 45 1115 8J2 If5 34 1110 612 28 23 200 1f6O Arh 145 74 420 3108 153 78 380 29611 161 85 400 3400 Utah 139 135 462 62)7 IJIf 130 450 5850 11) 101 450 4 amp60n 24 22 357 185 21 20 320 640 22 20 340 F80 Vallh 202 176368 61+77 139 125 350 1t375 97 90 370 30 Orttlaquo 269 2)8 34s 8282 285 2~i1 295 7582 )02 278 340 ~I1f52 Call 730 1429 280 40012 1816 14amp6 280 41608 1834 1486 30 119038

~I-=~ ==1~~5~= ~2~~1= =~~= =~7~7~ ==l~I~= ~~2~4==~~ == ~~~~= ~1~~6I=~0~~0= =2~~ ==2~~O~ rIumWlI ACREAGE YlELll AND PllOOUallOll 1914 to li46

----~ 1 li~ = 9~ State I Aero I Acre Yield I Pre-l Acre I Acru I Tleld Pro- II Acru I Acre I neld I To- 11

bull Plan~ad I Bar- I lier ductlon I Plante~ I pounder- I Per ductioil I Fanhd 1 Bar- I Per I dUction I ted I Acre I I 1 yoted I Acre I ted AcTa ~

- - - - - -hoUe7 Acres - -BoUbei- houbullba7 - - houS-ACre- -Btlaber- yenboue iJU7 - - houil-cre- -lIiiiierTiini7bi 111 6 3 80 24 2 2 IIfO ~8 1 1 140 14 Mich 6 82 49 7 7 60 42 7 7 90 63 Vh 6 ~ 117 7C 8 7 110 17 6 6 130 111 II an 914 829 75 6211f 1091 1067 HO 11737 932 BB6 105 303 I a III 93 59 519 76 15 125 91I 31f 34 150 10 M 11 11 5~ 60 9 B 45 36 6 6 65 3~ JrDK 865 802 82 6576 l571f 1 525 110 12200 1166 162 65 195) SDak 321 3c6 B2 2509 436 441 105 4630 318 344 100 )44t Rebr 2 1 110 8 2 2 90 18Ian 140 90 37 3)3 133 122 55 611 120 116 70 812 Okla 6n 45 45 202 24 14 30 42 3 J BO 24 lex 36 34 80 272 65 63 BO 504 B4 76 73 555 1I0fa~ 221 193 76 1512 6O 320 41 1312 83 14 70 511 110 1 1 14 4 2 2 50 10 1 1 50 Lrh 19 19 25 4114 1 17 23C 391 14 14 240 36 Oras 1 1 71 7 (all 170 164 110 i788 121 __13__lI~ ___ 22 ___ Osect ___1~2__12~ ___ 9~g VB ---middot2i~ - -2~6i--8- - -21665 - - 3954 - 3785 91 34557 2641 21132 93 2~ ~1I8 1F t te- 40-n~t- 1~ciu4-i ()d ha-8i~ tro-t7 - ~~- to tibe- 1oe~o-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- l


------------------------------------------------------ -------

lIlJ1IJrr ~CRlGlI Th([~ 11-JD PROWClIOIf 1947 to 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - - - p~- - - - - - - -- - bull - - - - - -1M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -194- - - - - - - - -State -~o -1-ACn- rfi1d -1- h- -1- ~8 - -ACre-Triold -- - -1- ~e --ACre- ~ field -1- Pt- shy

1 Planted Bu- 1 Per I duction 1 Planted I mu-- I Per I 4nction Planted Har- Par I iucHonI bullbullbulltd IAero I yeatod Acre I yeahd 1 Acre I

- - - - - - Thoubullbull -ACre- middotmiddot8iiior- ihiiUbullbull~7 - Thoue-ACre- - - ibahel ifhoua iiU- - - fhiiUC-ACre - -llI1aiiel - ifhiiubullbulliiU7 NaiDe 4 4 280 112 4 4 320 128 6 6 290 174 Vt 1 1 190 19 2 2 290 58 1 1 200 20 bullbullT 103 93 240 2232 93 90 320 2880 85 79 250 1975 Bl 17 15 330 495 18 16 330 528 19 17 385 654 Pa 132 130 330 4290 132 126 3115 113117 156 154 395 6083 Ohio 17 15 260 390 19 18 300 540 21 18 310 558 IDd 22 21 260 546 19 18 270 1IS6 23 21 265 556 Ill 28 26 285 7111 32 31 3110 10511 l1li 41 300 1230 Mich 121 115 300 3lIse 1112 140 320 41180 129 125 270 3375 Vb 160 159 )65 5804 205 204 380 7752 195 194 332 6l1li1 Minn 1018 915 265 25838 1252 1219 270 32913 1148 1110 230 25530 Iova 6 311 235 799 33 33 320 1056 31 31 259 803 No 74 63 230 1449 84 73 250 1825 106 85 215 1828 HDak 2522 2444 210 51324 2724 2640 210 55440 1880 1690 150 25350 SDak 1508 1432 220 31504 1583 1518 230 311914 1219 1093 125 13662 Xebr 533 467 220 10274 560 472 195 92011 403 326 187 b096Ian 328 290 220 amp380 459 362 190 6878 266 221 175 3868 Del 13 12 305 366 13 12 285 342 13 12 270 324 u~ 75 73 3110 2482 711 70 310 2170 82 80 340 2720 Va 86 84 295 21178 89 86 345 2967 89 86 3011 2614 VVa 9 9 31bull0 279 10 10 345 345 12 12 3111 377 bull c IS 39 290 1131 39 32 245 7811 40 34 262 891 50 26 22 260 572 23 18 215 3fr7 23 18 225 405 Ga 8 7 220 154 6 5 200 100 5 4 225 90 ~ 71 53 25middot0 1325 76 53 265 1404 102 72 250 1800 enn 88 77 210 1amp17 86 75 220 1650 82 67 170 1139 Ala 2 1 180 18 3 2 190 38 3 2 2110 lIS IU 3 2 230 46 3 2 250 50 3 2 250 50 Ark 5 3 200 60 10 6 lt1I0 1l1li 8 5 211 106 Okla 109 86 180 1548 80 66 155 1023 61 52 175 9iO fex 161 1311 175 2345 117 113 155 1752 159 133 190 2527 Mont 853 796 235 18706 930 8]6 290 254011 614 526 210 11046 IdaIw 332 320 370 11840 32 358 350 12530 3112 329 320 10528 Tn 1119 138 320 41116 177 159 275 4312 168 151 298 115000010 669 605 280 16940 amp62 563 250 111075 841 788 281 22143 NMex 29 25 195 1IS8 22 20 210 420 26 211 210 504 Arb 150 97 -1130 4111 191 146 510 1114amp 167 126 500 amp300 Utah 123 118 1110 5546 150 1l1li 420 amp0118 155 150 440 66Or) Hey 22 20 360 120 27 24 360 864 25 22 350 770 Wash 114 105 335 3518 136 126 345 11341 112 101 2St 2828 Oreg 323 JOO 355 10650 381 351 345 12110 297 214 32~ 8768 Oalif 1~g9 1545 290 44805 1965 1amp22 310 50282 19amp5 1590 J~o 50880

~~___ 191__ 092__221 __2183__ ~~__1~202 __2~2_ -5527__ 1122__ 21~ __2~~ __2101l_

FUXSEED ACHEM TImraquo HI) PllOOOCTION 1947 to 1949

------------If-------------------Ijs-----------------qij---------shy-- - ~ - - -- ic~ Yield -- ~-Y- - -A- - - ACro9 Yield - - - -y-- -_-- --Acrii~ ~ field -- - -11

S 11 i crea Bar- Per I _rei I Bsr- I Per I ro- I re Har- I Per ro- I I Planted I yeated I Acre ductiou I Plant~d yeted Acre I dnction I Planted I yeated Acre I dnction

- - - - - - Thoubullbull-ACre - -lliiahel - ifhOuB iiU- - - fhOU8 -ADrbullbull- -lIIlaiieY - ibOua iiU- - -hOUI- Acre - -llI1ahl - houaiiu-Ohio 3 3 80 2~ Ill 6 6 120 72 2 2 140 28 1 1 130 13 Mich 6 6 75 45 10 10 BO SO 10 10 14 74 Wi 15 15 125 188 22 22 13middot 297 17 17 139 236 Hinn 1411 1313 l0 15103 1700 1661 115 19102 1700 1644 95 15618 Iowa 84 83 135 1120 105 l04 155 1612 III 110 13J 1518 Mo 6 6 50 30 4 4 5middot0 20 3 3 65 20 DDak 1567 1524 80 12192 1818 1753 9middot5 lSb5~) 2018 1928 70 13496 SDak 591 585 100 5850 11amp 708 110 1788 713 708 65 11602 lana 115 107 70 7119 fr7 12 5middot5 396 34 31 63 195 Okla 4 4 60 24 4 3 30 9 3 3 5middot3 16 u 94 91 95 864 248 240 5middot5 1320 335 308 65 2002 Mont IBB 168 60 1008 148 141 100 1410 90 62 47 291 Idaho 3 3 100 30 Wyo 2 2 45 9 1 1 50 5 1 1 50 5 Arh 20 20 265 530 38 38 280 1064 44 38 250 950 Vah 4 4 130 52 2 2 100 20 2 2 120 24 Oreg 8 1 150 105 15 1~ 105 1111 9 8 110 88 CaliC 125 122 215 2623 201 198 245 4851 197 17~ 220 3828 US - - - -11264- - -4129-- 98 - - ~6i- - -5121- - ~97 - -iia - - 54803- - -5348- - 5048 - - 85 - - 42976-If iti~t- dO-Dt-iclude-claed hatd tr-II-fla ~- fO fib In-oe~o- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- 15 -

UPDATA 1981 bull ~ ilmiddot t ~ bull


RD ACRlWl1l TDlIJ) un PllOIJJeTIOlI 1944 to 19116

-- --I 1HI i9i5I~ Sate S Aane rea neld rc)oo Acre lene lelA Pro- Acree Aorea n14 Proshy

laW Iu- Pertan I cluUoa Plutea Iu- lItr Acre cltwtion1p1ateal S Per Acre duetioll ________ft1______ i ____ i ___ eJl4 l _____1____ l ___ l t ~ illl ________ _ IIIo Aon l 1bou BIl ftlau Acre Ill boualIu lhoq _rea Buboh lhoua Bu

11 66 12 162 1 80 10 175 175 105 8 180 144 IT~ 96 15 167 250 95 13 160 208 91 15 175 262 Pe 55 43 148 636 53 U 155 636 33 22 155 341 Oblo 80 33 152 502 90 I 115 472 70 17 110 289 IIlld 179 86 118 1015 222 70 125 875 1ar 46 135 621 Ill UO 63 113 712U8 It7 120 561t 88 38 125 475 1Ucb US 62 127 787 117 56 140 IJIt 91 48 135 648 Vle 125 98 87 853 126 95 120 1140 100 76 115 874 Ill 155 108 87 9fO 144 107 260 1712 151 118 130 l5J1J laws 118 10 120 12fl 37 11 130 143 26 10 170 170 Ho V3 SO 116 580 128 41 110 451 100 35 125 438 IDate ~ 145 92 l3J1J 150 115 135 1552 225 196 110 2156 Snate 5 392 lOl 3959 376 290 V5 42115 323 altl 105 2530 lebr 585 365 91 )322 556 361 125 4512 423 282 110 3102 Iatia 225 101 105 1060 2117 81 lO5 850 120 53 105 556 Del 32 18 1)6 245 JIJ 19 V5 276 J3 18 140 252 ald ~ 23 165 380 67 20 145 290 5f lit 145 2flJ la 135 114 144 6J1J 136 JIJ 135 459 125 25 140 350 VY 12 5 135 68 13 135 54 8 ) 125 38 IC 1~ J8 115 437 165 31 105 )26 145 22 125 215 sc 75 16 104 166 75 15 95 142 44 11 100 110 0 It) 12 101 121 50 10 90 90)0 6 100 60 ~ 133 JK1 141) S60 182 40 125 500 155 37 140 518IID 172 37 10ij 400 162 J4 95 3Z3 115 25 100 250 OEl 264 100 103 1030 257 ~ 100 740 1114 48 90 4)2 fex 142 22 119 262 55 21 90 199 It9 11 100 110 HoDt 20 16 120 192 2h 16 110 176 40 26 100 260 Idaho 12 5 1)) 66 11 5 130 65 11 It 140 56 1170 36 J 91 121 JJ 8 105 ~ 29 8 105 B4 Colo 1250 79 600 121 80 100 800 100 68 80 S44 bullbullJlllx 12 9 82 74 12 5 65 )2 10 5 85 42 Utah ~ IJ 95 12h 22 10 100 100 22 9 95 86 lIash 147 17 114 194 55 15 120 180 50 10 125 125 0rec 151 )2 141 451 155 )1 140 434 140 )2 1)5 432 Calif 29 12 108 130 29 13 130 169 22 lO 120 120

us It1415 2132 106 22525 4157 1850 128 2)708 3396 1591 116 18487 ---~-------------------------------------------------- ----

- - - --_ - - - -- _ -r9li4-_ - - - - __ - ___ - _______ S________________ - - - - - - 7________ - - shy --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T9i- - - - - - -r - - - -l~b - - -Stat Aores Aaru nld I Pro- Acrbullbull Acr I Ylel4 I Pro- Acl IADrea neld I Proshy

PlIIIIha ~ PilI Aclll ductlOD IPllUlted liar- Perlen duaUoDlplal1~1 liar- IPer Acre l duettOD I Ia I ytd I IYelted I- - - - -1ioiie iare - -BiiieT- -hnaB - fliDU-AGr- - iiahi - fbOuBiu Thru-iCrbullbull- -BiiiieT- TbOubullbulliia

1_ 6 6 200 120 6 6 155 9J 5 5 200 100 n 1 1 220 22 1 1 180 18 1 1 220 22 BY 155 150 180 2700 129 98 155 15]9 119 113 190 2147 Fa V~ l4O 195 27)0 112 98 185 1813 108 lOit 200 2080 Ohio V 14 210 294 18 17 180 )06 17 11 190 J23 1114 lO 10 150 150 22 20 135 270 7 6 150 90 Ill 5 5 165 82 16 15 150 225 5 5 160 80 Il1ab )8 )) lS5 512 46 25 140 )50 ZIt 18 1)5 24) lI1a 29 27 lS5 418 26 ZIt 150 360 2 25 145 362 IIIIIDo 67 6) 150 945 49 45 1140 6)0 118 It2 140 588 Iowa 12 12 175 210 7 vo 98)) 150 45 Ia) 1 1 125 12 1 1 120 12 1 1 110 11 Bllak 5 14 160 64 7 7 160 112 6 6 130 78 SDak 7 6 150 90 It 130 52 5 5 40 70 JId 6 6 200 120 5 5 ~5 118 _ _ 2)5 9Ita 8 8 165 132 5 5 170 85 It _ 170 68 V 10 10 185 185 8 8 US 172 8 8 195 156 Ie 5 5 145 12 It 160 6It 3 3 160 48 ~ 2 2 130 26 2 2 130 26 3 J 140 42D ____1 ___ 1_ 145______1 ___ ~ ____ __1 _____~___ o___ O__1~1 ____1~5_

trs 531 S08 176 8956 417 ItOl 161 6~7 It08 )13 178 6812 ------------~---------------------------------------------

- 16shy



- - -- 12411lMIX99 sbullbullbullbull _ iorea n 14 I Pro- Acre iDre J nld Pro- Acne lAcn_ TleU Proshy-- re I Ifuo- I e I I I Hu- I I J Bar- I

____1~~~~bull l_I_~r_~~ ~~ ~~~Y ~~_1_~~l~)P~~Ye ~r_I~ _~~1J1_ I1cu tara ~ hOh ~oubull iDn l ThouBn hOlla AlIre ]ahale fhouellIl bull

bullbullr 90 J5 185 278 90 11 185 3~ 107 17 184 313 bullbull1 89 15 180 20 f5 12 175 210 88 12 179 215 Pa 21 18 155 Z79 21 16 ~5 232 21 ~ 165 231 Ohio 71 JO 170 S10 67 20 180 360 ~ 18 170 306 lad ~3 60 v0 8110 ISO ~ ~5 928~) 57 1)5 77fJ Ill ~ -7 ~O 658 113 53 150 795 123 56 141 790 1I11JII 126 7fJ ~5 1015 1)2 80 150 1200 1 57 140 798 V1I 109 87 120 1~ 112 92 l20 1104 119 92 120 1104 lie la 1~ 150 21f6O 278 2)9 150 3585 200 172 145 2494 lov 28 15 150 225 36 17 155 264 5) 18 140 252 Mo 100 36 110 396 105 )5 120 420 U7 )5 112 392 bullbullDIIk 360 30 140 4522 461 401 120 4812 26) 229 115 2634 S1lIIk _10 ~7 v0 4858 476 392 1)0 5096 328 267 117 31211shyu ~ 305 90 2145 352 238 95 2261 317 207 74 1532 Eau 136 110 627 90 )I U5 391 65 28 97 272 DIll 32 19 135 256 33 20 120 2110 28 ~ 140 196 M 52 16 150 JIO 48 V v0 196 52 12 145 1a 1350 140 322 155 25 V5 362 15) 18 140 252 Va 8 3 120 36 6 2 130 26 6 2 136 2 _C ~ ~5 348 117 22 130 286 113 17 115 196 SC 42 10 115 115)1 7 85 60 26 6 95 57 Oa 2 6 75 45 22 5 90 45 20 4 80 32 1Ir 141 37 140 518 130 28 150 420 1)6 2 136 J67 fua 98 26 105 273 100 30 110 330 105 20 101 202 Oltla 115 JJ8 95 456 108 36 75 270 1~ 36 70 252 ~z 7fJ 35 100 3SO B4 30 70 210 100 38 80 304 MoII 52 29 125 )62 JO 20 1)5 27fJ 2) 7 90 63 I4aho 10 5 17G 85 10 4 130 52 10 ) 150 450 21 7 110 71 27 7 70 49 Z7 7 102 n Colo 8 7 100 47fJ 58 35 80 2BO 38 2) 90 207 bullbull lIDz 7 5 115 511 7 5 UO 55 7 5 120 60 ~u 12 6 100 60 10 5 100 SO 10 5 Uo 55 Vesb SO 13 100 130 JJ8 17 130 221 42 10 101 101 Orec 125 32 ~O AiIf8 110 24 145 )lI8 116 15 103 154 ~-1____1 ___l _~O____ _ P ___21 ___ 2__~2 _____14___ 5____6__12~ ____ ~_ ~___ ~7 _9 _ 28____2l~ _22~ __~o~__l ___ S86_ ~23__15t__1~ __ ~1~2


--- - J2i+I i1 i W9 I Mn5 I J liDnll I I Acre

StaM I Mn I JIcq I nu I Pro- mne I iaIo J nld I Pro- I Acn I IreZ- I Yield Proshy____I~~laquobulld_~I_ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~YIleJ ~ ~ ~~_1_~~l~J1JP~~lYlle ~Pr_~~_d~l~J1_

Au II ftIagpa hog Mn lI1 ~1UIlln hOUR Acre lIIt_hel lhou1Iu

181 6 6 170 102 5 5 200 100 5 5 210 105 ft 1 1 140 14_r a 1M 135 1539 99 96 195 1872 78 76 210 1596 12) 114 160 182It 101 96 210 2016 78 200 1480 Will __ 42 155 651 16 16 180 2B8 12 12 210 2521114 19 18 140 252 2 2 150 30 4 160 64 IU 16 16 130 208 4 4 170 68 2 2 160 32 Ill 63 57 130 11 30 27 130 351 20 19 145 276 V18 2 25 ~5 362 25 ~ 155 356 23 22 151 332 Ill 62 54 120 ~ )It 29 150 bull 435 28 ~ 125 300 1_ 10 10 120 120 JIll 2 2 110 22 bullbullDate 8 7 150 105 3 J 160 If8 4 120 If8 s~ 9 8 110 88 4 160 64 3 J 80 2H II - - 180 72 ) ) 230 69 3 -) 210 63a ) J 160 ~ 3 3 180 54 2 2 166 33 Va 8 8 175 ~ 7 7 195 1)6 7 7 201 141 ~C 3 3 170 51 1Ir 2 2 150 30 t~ ____l ___l_ ~~_____ 6 ___I ___ 2__~~ _____18___ =2___ 2__1~ ____20_ US ~ S05 142 7171 JIe8 330 18_ 6085 281 269 184 4956 -----------------------------------------------~------ ----

- 17 -


llRY EIBLE 1IEliS ACREME TIBLllUlll plIOWClIOIi 1944 to 194911

~ -- - ~124 124i 1W bull bull Acres bull bull bull bull Acree bull bull bull bull Acres bull bull ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pl~tedyeted Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted vested Per Acre duct ion pl~ntedyented Per Acre duct10n - - - ---TioiAcrlI- --pound --ThOuiyen~- Thouice ---Pouid --nOUBW- nouic~e ---POuid-middot --TboujjishyHamp1u 5 5 695 35 4 4 820 33 6 6 980 59 vt 1 1 626 6 NY 120 113 790 893 101 84 850 714 128 124 1200 1488 Mich 701 660 690 4554 435 363 820 2977 531 519 740 3841 Vb 2 2 430 9 1 1 560 6 ---Minn t 6 5 476 24 4 4 600 24 3 3 500 IS IfDosk 2 1 (730 7 1 1 700 7 1 1 600 6 lfebr 60 49 1260 617 53 18 1520 7JC 611- 62 1650 102] Mont 25 ~ 1083 249 20 18 1300 234 18 17 1 bull 590 270 Idlho 146 145 1550 2248 117 115 100 1725 131 128 1700 2176 qo 90 86 1240 1066 90 86 1250 1075 93 90 1450 1305 yenllh 3 3 1030 31 4 4 1250 50 4 4 1075 43 Oreg 1 1 1322 13 Tu 2 1 200 2 Colo 350 327 540 1766 290 271 580 1572 276 249 650 1618 fMex 267 ~O 302 695 203 161 180 290 142 114 225 256 Alb 15 14 395 55 14 13 515 67 14 13 900 117 Utah e 7 480 J4 8 7 400 2B 10 9 400 36 ~UL1IIrI 166 166 1327 2203 166 166 1242 2062 149 149 1342 2000 CtJ1fOUlIl1 183 157 1045 1640 148 141 1062 1497 134 134 1184 1587 poundeil _142 __ 221 _ _ 9Q _1bullsect41 _ __ 2~ __ 201 __1L129__ J~29_ __ ~1 _ _ g82 __1L2amp7__ _ l281_ ~___ g52 _ ~9~ ___ 02 _1amp41 __ ~5~ _ ~1 ___80__ vJ0~1__ 1Ot _ ~2~ ___917___12~_

DRY EDlDLE llEA1lS (Contd) - - - - 1241 124sect 1942 Jamp1ne 7 7 1100 77 9 9 900 81 8 8 925 74 bullbullY 138 13D 1070 1391 181 179 1230 2202 176 170 1000 1700 Mich 494 467 670 3129 514 504 880 4435 52) 519 1100 5709 Minn 2 1 350 4 1 1 650 6 1 1 650 6 1lDIk 1 1 850 8 lfllbr 80 76 1425 1083 85 83 1725 1432 90 85 1530 1301 Mont 2l 20 1450 2)0 22 21 1470 309 19 18 11170 265 IdlLho 159 154 1540 2372 ISO 148 1800 2664 149 147 1830 2690 To 112 107 1350 1444 98 95 1370 1302 83 81 1520 1231 lfaah 4 4 1200 48 5 5 1500 75 8 8 1490 119 Colo 331 321 800 2568 341 324 720 2333 307 295 820 2419 NMex 155 140 237 332 191 172 250 430 181 169 350 592 Arb 15 14 430 60 14 14 475 66 12 12 500 60 Utah 14 13 760 99 17 15 400 60 15 14 500 70 Ca11tL1IIrI 149 149 1406 2095 145 145 1603 2324 15 175 1654 2894 CallfOther 174 174 1303 2268 223 223 1389 3097 183 183 1229 2249 poundlil_2z1 __ 222 __ 25_t262 ___ 26Q __ 26Q __14ZJ_ __5431___ 25Q __ 25Q __1427_ __ 241_ ___ sect5~ _ m ___ 271 _116sect __ 29~ _ 23Q __1J014__ 086__ 23sect _ Q82 __1114___2~2 _ J1 Include b gl01OI1 for lead


- - - - li~ li4i 12~ s~te Acr Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acree Yield Proshy

Plantedl Har- Per Acre duction Planted Har_ Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted Har_ Per Acre duction _____ __x8td______________=_vsies______________Z8tlltL__________ _ rhoueAcieg Pounds Thous1jB ThousAcres ~ ThouBBagB ThoulAcree Pounds ThouBBagB

Mlch 1 1 770 8 Vh 3 3 970 29 2 2 950 19 1 1 1100 11 MInn 4 4 82033 4 4 950 38 6 6 800 48 NDak 14 13 1060 138 13 12 1200 144 15 15 1350 202 Mont 42 40 1103 441 32 30 1200 360 24 2J 1170 269 Idaho 225 219 1275 2792 ISS 153 1200 1836 161 156 1350 2106 lyo 2 2 921 18 2 2 1200 24 3 3 1250 38 Colo 33 22 860 189 bull 33 23 900 207 23 16 750 120 WaG 347 340 1290 4386 246 235 1160 2726 244 235 1480 3478 Oreg 58 56 1120 627 39 37 950 352 20 19 1300 247Qai____~ ___Ii __ l12 __ pound32 ____21 ___2Q _ _1 05_middot__ _29J_ ___1sect ___112 ___820____ l6Q _ l~_ ___ Z5Z - _ ru __ lgl _ J2li9t ___ i~ __ ilJ2 _ _11tl- _ -S91L __ ili __ 9_~ __13i8___ poundpound72 _

DRY FIELD PEAS (Contd) - - - - 1i41 1~1 -)242 Wle 1 1 1050 10 Minn 8 7 600 42 J J 900 27 7 7 950 66 Iflllk 20 18 1080 194 7 6 1200 72 5 5 1000 50 Mont 17 16 1100 176 8 8 1160 9J I 6 1130 68 Idaho 153middot 150 1320 1980 72 68 1220 830 99 89 1120 997 lyo 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1210 24 Colo 35 21 900 189 24 19 1000 190 19 16 1220 195 Vash 256 247 1300 J211 162 156 1280 1997 210 198 760 1505 Oreg 25 24 1180 28J 19 18 1300 234 17 14 700 98poundsll___ _Zl __ _ Zl ___ 19Q __ g11 ____1sect ___1sect __ 390____113____11 ___11 __1210____ 102 _ ____ 2~ __ 21l _ _ 33g _ ~l2g ___ Jl2 __ ~9Q __1J2g1__ JJ6fJ___ l8l _ _ 25 ___9pound7___ l~l~_ 1I h pl1Jlc1pal comerc1al produciD8 States Includes Pt)llS groUl for seed aDd comery pens harvested lUy

- III shy

1 UPDATA 1981



- - - - 19i4 19sect 12 li41 to ~ t 1242 St t A Aores Ac Acres A Acres ~ Acres ~ Acres A Acres

a e creB Har- reo H~r- cres ~r- cres H~r- cr~s H~r- eres Harshy____~1ne~eit~d_~1no~_elt~ltLlP~~tdlV~oeS_~1ne~lvsOS_ c~middot~_vselP~l~td_Jel~~d__

Thousand Acres Ind 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ill 12 12 9 9 7 7 5 5 6 6 4 4 ViB 3 3 2 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~1nn 18 18 12 12 7 7 10 10 6 6 5 5 Iogtlt 23 22 11 11 7 7 8 8 12 12 10 10 Mo 265 263 225 216 184 181 179 176 154 150 122 120 Iflhk 87 86 50 49 47 44 42 41 33 32 35 34 SJhk S49 502 390 362 238 221 188 179 152 149 164 156 Jlebr 704 685 50 480 390 374 343 325 364 351 364 347 K9ns 38116 3768 3054 2879 2718 2505 2256 2154 2459 2391 2361 2319 Va 10 9 15 10 15 9 17 9 14 6 12 4 IIVa 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 nc 26 26 23 23 30 30 32 32 35 35 32 32 sc 36 36 35 35 28 28 29 29 30 30 23 23 Ga 60 60 60 60 48 48 55 55 54 54 38 38 Ky 35 34 35 35 39 39 34 34 2l 21 18 18 Tenn 62 6 56 56 56 56 48 48 37 37 29 29 Ala 59 58 61 60 79 78 86 84 99 97 65 63 Mhs 65 64 63 61 51 49 53 52 47 46 34 33 Ark 94 93 97 95 82 80 78 75 68 67 51 50 Jg 10 10 9 9 8 8 9 9 11 11 11 11 Okla 2484 2406 1938middot 1829 1783 1664 1284 1198 1348 1258 1146 1094 T8 8318 8202 7653 7054 7273 6913 5527 5392 7019 6740 5168 5080 Mont 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 4 3 3 4 3 Vyo bull 14 13 10 9 7 7 7 6 4 4 5 5 Colo 766 723 705 658 613 546 490 470 500 479 645 618 1IHex 690 669 467 309 317 265 349 313 521 479 556 532 Arb 71 69 55 53 74 72 62 60 90 88 77 76 Calli 133 127 112 108 151 151 76 76 122 122 80 80 115- - -ie458 -18038 - - is668 - 14-498- 14- 2f6- - i540J -11-277- -10OsO - -13214 -12-679- -11064 - -10789- -


- - - l9~( t00 1916t 197 19aL 12112 St t Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros Dald Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros IReld Pro- Acres llel4 Proshy

a eHar_ Per duc_ Hl1- Per duc- H9r- Por dw- 59r- Per due- zHar- IPer duc_ Har- Per i ducshy___yetdlApoundrs_t0E lVS82C8l 1n_yeltdAEr_t0E lvse2cel 1n_yetdlApoundrl_t0E lvsse~cel isn_

Thous Thous Thous Thoua Thous ThOUG Thoua Thous Theus Thous Thous Thoua ~ TonE ~ Acrea ~ Tons Acros Tona1m Acres ~ Tons ~ TOilS ~ Acres 2 Tons

Ind 2 270 5 1 290 3 1 260 3 Ill 4 250 10 3 250 8 2 300 6 2 250 5 2 350 7 1 350 4 Minn 15 300 45 8 20 18 5 200 10 8 200 16 4 250 10 4 230 9 Iowa 12 300 36 5 300 15 2 350 7 2 250 5 6 300 18 4 250 10 Ho 150 211 316 146 180 263 105 220 231 95 180 171 86 20 189 58 210 122 N bull oruc 76 110 106 116 135 62 41 110 45 39 130 51 30 125 38 32 100 32 SDak 395 169 668 308 150 462 177 l70 301 152 130 198 124 180 223 133 135 180 Nebl 511 197 1007 383 160 613 279 165 460 234 155 363 222 160 355 220 230 506 Kans 1125 213 2396 1386 164 2273 1302 160 2083 989 140 1385 692 190 1315 649 185 1201 Va 6 170 10 8 175 1~ 7 175 12 8 175 14 5 180 9 4 175 7 lle 15 160 24 13 170 22 18 180 32 17 190 32 13 200 26 13 200 26 SC 22 130 29 21 145 30 14 150 21 14 140 20 16 1~5 2J 10 150 15 Ga 35 111 39 42 135 57 33 135 45 )8 130 49 41 130 5] 29 140 41 KT 22 184 ~o 25 240 60 23 260 60 22 280 62 15 210 32 13 21~ 2B Tenn 37 180 67 33 20 73 31 210 65 29 230 67 23 235 54 17 220 37 Ala 23 140 32 24 135 32 27 155 ~2 28 135 38 37 150 56 19 145 2B Hios 27 165 ~5 28 185 52 18 150 27 18 170 31 19 195 37 16 185 30 Ark 66 161 106 68 160 109 50 145 72 51 140 71 J8 185 70 27 190 51 L~ 6 130 8 5 165 8 ~ 160 6 4 135 5 6 145 9 5 160 8 Okla 132~ 145 1920 1118 125 1398 969 130 160 701 110 771 652 150 978 502 160 803 Tex 2920 1193768 2985 110 3283 2324 122 28391677 110 1844 lt17J 122 26601452 145 2105 Mont 5 117 6 4 120 5 6 115 7 4 130 5 J 150 4 3 80 2 Wyo 13 82 11 9 70 6 7 60 4 6 80 5 ~ 75 3 5 76 4 Colo ~7J 114 539 460 110 506 350 105 368 304 115 )50 280 105 29~ 301 107 322 11Mex 29~ 102 300 223 70 157 155 103 159 143 67 96 184 100 184 109 129 141 Arh 6 200 2 3 200 6 5 175 9 3 175 5 3 175 5 ~ 175 7 Ea1i__ _35pound __ Z___2_ ~poundO___ ~ __ _35pound ___7___~ 210___7___ _35pound __ ~ __ 2 _ 210___1pound

~middot~middot_118~ _15~ 015J317_ 10_ 21~11251_131_81~1_4520_ 3_56~6_ ~~8~ _14 ~~521~31_ za_11~

- 19 shy





- ---I I94 1J9s 1~~ S~at J Jor 1 Yield Pr d ti~ JeJ81 I n14 I ProducUcna I Jone J Yield Pro4ucUoII

____1_~bullt4_1_~r_~l _1__0_u _~ _1_IIret4__~I_-l _1________~t4_1_~1_~l J _____ _ ThouIAcne ~ ThoU Bu llloutareplE ft1oUI Bu BiouDJeJ8el llloubullbull IIp

Ind 2 ~9 48 2 300 60 1 300 30 Ill 1 240 2h 1 290 29 1 300 30 Iova 1 240 24 1 200 20 1 200 20 Mo 61 216 1)18 29 ~o 435 ~ 220 968 IDaIt 8 163 130 1 160 16 1 135 14 SDak 92 153 1408 43 115 494 37 160 592 lobI 115 22) 2564 75 180 1350 18 200 1560 Ian 2229 221 49261 1149 154 17695 B51 1)5 11488 IC 2 250 50 3 2)0 69 sc 1 165 16 1 170 17 3 IB5 56 Al 2 163 33 13 150 195 2) 160 368 uk 7 143 100 10 170 170 8 150 120 La 1 150 15 1 180 18 1 140 14 Okla 979 1050 146805 636 120 7632 6~ 115 7176 ex 05103 194 99229 ) 950 150 c59139 4~ 160 71840 ColO aIfO 1057 3768 180 lAt9 2682 191 130 2483 1lIex )69 166 6111 84 70 587 108 104 1127 Aris 54 372 2009 44 )40 1496 55 360 1980 ~a1____11____)1~ ____ ~)~ _____1pound2____32~ ___ _ l27 _____~5____42 ___ ~292 __ US 9)86 197 184978 6)24 152 9606) 6669 159 106025


- - --I l~ 192s 1~ Stah I tar 1 Yield 1 PrOdUCtioD Acre I Yield I ProductiOIl Acne I Yield 1 Productloll

____1_~etd_Umiddotr_Jer _1_______ _~etd_I_Pr_Ael _1_______1_lIrQt4__~r_~l J _____ _ Thoue Jon ll 2a DIOUlllOD ThoubullbullJer 12 DIoubullbull Toll lhoUlJarooa ToD bou l01I

lIId 5 105 52 4 120 48 3 110 111 4 100 40 3 90 27 2 105 21 Vh 1 80 8 1 75 8 M1Dn 70 21 4 60 24 2 65 13 Iowa 6 100 60 3 90 27 1 110 11 Mo 85 374 36 71) 252 25 85 212 IDak 2 30 6 2 202 4 2 21 4 SDaIc 15 7 56 11 3- 37 7 40 28 Ifebr 59 64 378 22 50 110 17 50 BS Iane 412 70 2884 )42 55 1881 SO 60 21OQ SC 3 50 15 ) 55 16 3 50 15 Ga ) 40 12 1 45 14 51) 20 leDII 10 65 65 9 70 63 6 70 42 Al 6 75 45 05 70 35 6 60 36)Ii 12 90 108 12 90 108 12 75 90 Ark 3 55 16 2 55 11 5 60 )0 La 1 61 7 1 7- 7 1 66 7 Old 97 50 485 10 45 115 67 40 l68 Ix l6It 48 789 108 35 )83 87 41 ~O Colo 10 55 55 18 45 81 5 50 25 bullbull lIu 6 ) 20 2 30 2 45 9 Arll 9 121) 108 6 US 69 12 U5 138pounda1_____4____~~ ______2 ______4 ~ ______4 _____~ ______l~ ______ ____1~~

US 879 642 56114 671 532 3510 623 576 3SS7


- - - -I = 19~ = = = == = ~ 1~4sect state crill 1 Yield ProductioD Acre 1 Yield I Prod t1 I Acres Yield Pr

_____~etd_lt]~r_Apoundr ________1_Hrstd_IJr_Apoundr ____~ _o~ __~etd_Jr_Apoundrtl _ ~d~~1~~ ThougAcru Jl9B1 lhquGIlllog TI1quecrea ~ TboutOallQII ThguuJcru GalloDII AAUIIlampllov

Ind 1 80 80 1 90 90 1 75 75 Ill 3 50 ISO 2 50 100 2 65 1)0 Via 2 80 160 1 70 70 1 62 62 10 3 125 )705 2 100 200 3 129 387 Mo 8 62 496 5 45 225 7 55 385 bu 2 55 110 2 SO 100 2 51 102 Va J 65 195 2 65 130 2 66 1)2 VVa 3 59 177 2 67 134 1 66 66 lIC 11 74 814 8 64 512 9 131 729 SC 10 55 550 10 55 550 8 58 464 Ge 22 55 1210 15 57 855 11 53 583 17 12 65 780 10 73 730 16 85 1360 laDII 15 61 915 14 60 840 19 73 1)87 Ala 27 65 1755 18 66 1188 22 6) 1386 Mha 25 78 1950 21 80 1680 19 65 1235 Ark 17 SO 850 15 55 825 17 60 1020 L~ 2 55 110 2 60 120 2 40 80 OklL 6 42 252 5 43 215 4 47 188

i~----~i---~------l~-----l~---~------~______~ ___~____ _~2__--- - - - - - - - - - _1_ - __ l~ _____146____6middotZ ____ 2~ _____~_ 660 10171

-O- ------------ shy



-s~~e-= ~II 1 RI~ 1Pr~~to ~r~ ~~ 1 ~o~t~I~ ~~ R~~ ~din I BarYeated Per Acre I I BarYe ted Per Acr I I BarYbullbulltod Per Acr

- - - -1h-cr- -Dl~hr- -fhoa- ia - fhQicr1 bir- - -TiioQ- ib- - thOulAcibullbull -Dlhel- TiioU- -IDe 1 260 26 1 320 32 1 320 JJ~ Iowa 1 160 16 1 195 20 1 225 m )10 114 160 704 30 240 72031 200 6tjIlak 1 155 16 1 160 16 SDU 111 90 162 20 155 310 20 122 244

Iobr 75 150 1125 111 225 2632 109 236 2572lAD 754 145 10933 339 215 287811 1392 215 29 928 IC 5 250 125 16 270 432 15 250 375 s Q 5 155 78 1 175 122 7 180 126 Ala 34 165 561 45 195 878 33 181 597 Arll 10 150 15016 1110 2811 14 172 241 lA 2 140 28 2 155 31 3 170 51 CkIa 440 110 11840 556 150 8340 548 155 8494 181 3640 180 65421 496 165 74143 3563 239 114996 Colo 160 150 2400 192 170 3264 3011 172 52911 INex 167 106 1764 287 140 40111 415 222 9213 Arh 53 410 2113 75 400 3000 61 1146 2721 -~l____1~ ____3 ____ ~sect9 _____16___ 31middot ____ ~~ _____ 11___ 32 ~ ___ r62_ ~~___ ~~ ____lI~ ____9I11 ____ 7____1~ ___ ~I~ ____6~5~2____2 __ 4~_

ALL SOBOIIllKS JOR SIIMB AOlJWlE YIELD A)JD PROIUClIOIl 1947 to 1949 _______ ~_7_________________ __________________ ~~_______ _~------------~------------------~------------------ilt--------

State Acre I Yh1d I Acre field Acre Yield BarPedd Per Acre Product1on I BarPted Per Acre Production llarveted Pet Acre Production

- - - - ThouAcre -iaL- - -boU7tOji - biiuAcro -Jiii- - -b0li71oi- ~ouEcre - -~n - -fhw7Tu Ind 2 85 17 2 115 23 2 115 23 Ill 2 90 18 4 105 42 3 93 28 Hinn 2 60 12 2 eo 16 1 70 7 IoVA 3 60 18 3 95 28 3 100 30 Mo 33 70 231 31 95 294 29 86 249 IfIlK 1 25 2 1 30 3 2 23 5 slak 9 25 22 5 55 28 3 42 13 Ibr 16 45 72 12 60 72 18 70 126lAD 409 53 21611 359 76 2 72~ 278 73 2029 SC 3 50 15 2 55 11 3 60 18 0 3 45 14 5 55 211 3 60 IS Tonn 6 70 42 7 75 52 8 76 61 Ala 4 65 26 7 75 52 6 74 44 Nh 12 65 711 12 01 0 96 8 85 61 Ark 3 5middot3 16 5 75 38 5 75 38 ta 1 60 6 2 68 14 2 70 14 (kIa 54 37 200 4 55 264 43 56 241 Tex 69 37 258 66 46 305 60 57 343 Colo 6 45 27 7 55 38 9 48 43 IIMex 3 40 12 e 45 36 8 53 42 Arh 4 110 44 10 110 110 11 115 126 -~1____ ~ ____1poundpound ______~ ______4____1poundpound ______~ ______6____1~ pound _____~_ ~____ ~4~ ____ 4___ _ lP _____~2____ 7____ ~~1 _____51____ 10___ sect2~_


-- -- I~ D[8 I~i State Aeres Tield Production I Acr Tield Produetlon I Acree Yield Production

BarYeted I Per Acre I BarTeted Per Acre BarYeted Per Acre - - - - hiiuicre - Gallon - bouGallon thouD Xcre - 01100 - fhoubullbullOaflon ~iiuicro - iiaflon -lhOli7aeliOii Ind 1 70 70 1 90 90 1 90 90 Ill 1 55 55 1118 1 51 51 1 80 80 1 77 77 IClVa 2 80 160 2 168 336 2 158 316 Mo II 42 168 3 66 1911 2 61 122 Ian 2 51 102 1 47 47 Va 1 61 67 1 90 90 IIVa 1 70 70 bullbullC 10 73 730 6 611 408 4 72 211 Sc 7 49 343 5 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ Ga 14 59 826 II ~ ~ 6 60 ~ ~ 12 74 888 6 73 438 5 79 395 Tnn 13 60 7S0 7 Ala 111 60 10110 8 m = ~ =Mi 22 68 1496 15 78 1170 9 63 567 Arll 11 42 462 8 64 512 4 54 216 La 2 35 70 1 43 43 1 45 45 Cltla 3 33 99 2 55 110 1 52 52 ~_____ ~ ____ 25______ 13~ ______5__ _ ______ 1pound _____ -____ ~_____ __I~

Us 131 7847 SO 6911 55116 53 66s 3539 -------------------------~---------------------------- -------- 21 shy

bullUPDATA 1981 ~~ I j


--- -- 1~ t 19~ t 19[6 StlAt I Acree Yield Acrn Yield Acrea Yield

Harvea d Pel Production Harvest d Per Production Harvested Per Production _________ ~ _ _Agrl _ ______ ______Apound~ __ ______ t ______ _Asr~ _______ _

ThoutlAcree Ton8 ThouTone ThouAcre Ton ThouBlone ThoUllAcres 1on8 Thou8Tone Main 923 89 818 833 106 882 84 99 m fK 388 102 395 376 123 464 364 118 431 it 1032 126 1298 10oe 150 1516 1006 143 1442 )(saso 319 124 469 376 164 615 365 164 597 RI 36 1l4 41 37 146 54 34144 49 Conn 304 123 374 300 157 472 288 162 467 fY 4008 144 5759 4021 161 6488 3968 162 6416 NJ 274 147 402 288 177 509 260 175 454 PIi 2564 140 3597 2539 151 3826 2525 150 3789 0b10 2605 139 3622 2560 148 3801 2536 152 3848 Ind 2004 131 2626 1765 145 2551 1835 137 2511 Ill 2824 139 3938 2662 152 4053 2732 146 3985 Mich 2813 1)8 3895 2671 148 3958 2648 124 3272 Vb 4263 163 6929 4214 187 7870 4ll2 155 6371 Minn 4683 142 6640 4366 152 6637 4067 146 5956 Iowa 3551 164 58)6 1304 172 5677 3275 163 5325 Mo 3703 113 4171 3914 115 4500 3545 119 4201 lItDIIk 3421 97 3305 3434 94 3233 3068 89 2724 SDak 36e5 99 3637 3616 92 3312 3478 80 2775 Nebr 4355 112 4865 4062 11)9 4436 3915 97 3787 ~B 1784 167 2982 1783 161 2875 1746 135 2354 Del 82 1 ~o 98 75 152 114 71 149 106 Md 461 120 552 464 139 643 442 148 656 Va 1383 11)2 1405 1477 117 1722 1391 119 1650 IIv 835 108 904 840 1~ 1061 812 129 1045 NC 1315 96 1263 1374 98 1352 1263 102 1285 sc 543 74 400 554 84 465 S07 87 442 Oe 1406 49 689 1441 54 785 1399 52 723 lIla 118 54 64 125 57 71 123 49 60 It) 1630 112 1831 1987 137 2720 1813 136 2459 Tenn 1769 94 1660 1978 124 2444 1802 122 2205 All 1 091 67 730 995 75 742 999 74 744 M18s 925 119 1104 873 117 1025 850 123 1046 Ark 1397 109 1529 1378 116 1595 1258 118 1483 ra 3Jl 119 395 326 125 406 319 126 403 Okla 1296 129 1671 1326 133 1757 1355 113 1534 Tex 1591 90 1439 1599 96 1537 1623 11)3 1619 Mont 2265 119 2689 2267 117 2681 2147 112 2395 Idho 1198 204 2445 1189 204 2428 1140 213 2429 liTo 1156 113 1312 1103 116 1274 1091 111 1214 Colo 1467 159 2331 1425 155 2215 1359 148 2008 NMex 217 221 419 201 192 385 206 212 436 Arb 332 218 723 309 242 748 306 239 737 Utah 612 203 1245 597 200 1194 573 195 1115 ireV 435 142 617 436 141 615 432 152 655 VaBb 989 119 1775 931 187 1744 656 192 1640 Oreg 1156 173 1996 1158 170 1970 1062 173 1~39poundampl1____20plusmn0____ ~middot21____ 22~ ____2130____ ~bullsect4____60]6____ 282 __ _ 1~2_ ___6t0Q3_ ~____ 176)9____ ]middot13___ 03~2 ___ 16627____ ]~__ _1~7t418_ ___71141 ___ ]15___ 291518_

VILD HAY ACREAGE nELD lID PllOllUCTIOlf 1944 to 191i6

- - - - - 1~ l I9~ l 19[6 state I Acree Yield Acree Yield AcreB Yield

I Harveated Per Productioll ltlrvesed bull Per bull Production Harvested Per bull Production ___________ l ce__ ~ ______ t _____ _ =_AsrJ __ ______ l _______~r __ _____ _

ThouaAcrem ThousTon bonaAcres ona ThousTona Thoue-cres ~ Thousfou Via 140 130 182 94 115 106 llO 115 126 Minn 1452 1ll 1612 1394 115 1603 1282 110 1410 10 102 122 124 92 120 llO 86 1O 103 Mo 154 109 168 160 120 192 150 100 ISO NDal 2576 90 ~318 2576 85 2190 2318 85 1970 sJ))k 3076 88 2707 3014 60 24ll 2693 70 2025 Nebr 3198 80 2558 2942 75 2206 2795 65 1817Ian 693 111 769 638 115 734 636 75 478 Ark 194 104 202 202 105 212 202 105 212 Okla 480 118 566 437 125 S46 428 100 428 Tex 195 105 205 185 100 185 191 105 201 Mont 867 85 737 806 90 725 622 60 658 ldho 139 lU 156 139 115 160 135 110 148 To 529 60 423 481 BO 385 495 85 421 Colo 466 97 452 443 100 443 439 85 373 NMex 20 88 16 15 70 10 27 100 27 Utah 103 124 126 lOS 100 105 105 120 1-6 lreT 267 100 267 267 100 267 267 110 294 Yam 46 115 53 51 125 64 47 120 56 Or~ ll76 115 320 3U 11n 3IU gt86 110 315 ~l-l_____1$gt____ 110_____ 17g _____112___ _ 1io_ ~ __ _2ffl_ ____ 152 ___ 1lL ____11~_

k ___ 5all1_____23____1~J1 ___ 4~~_____21___ Jt2~2___ _ ll~7 ___ _g3_ __ l51 _


FFeti5 Hri+tttrtft gt~- bullbull ~Mto shy



- -- -- 1~7 19la_ 19sect State Acrea Yild cr Tlel-l Acrea Yield

______II~~t~d_ ~ ~~~__ ~ ~d~ln_l v~e~ _~_A~~ ___~o~u~t~o~ ~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~____P~o~u~to~ ~bullbullAcrea gAl ~ousTonD fitouDcrea ~ lhoulITons Tbous bullocres I2 Thou9Tonl

M1n 766 11)8 627 nO 11)2 746 695 9B 682 lilI J5) 127 446 JJ9 124 421 J18 11) )56 n 995 149 148J 974 145 1416 952 124 1176 ca )51 154 540 J46 160 59f )42 145 496 RI )2 159 51 29 159 46 28 1 bullSO 42 Conn 280 166 464 272 162 440 26) 156 410 IIT )752 161 6029 )642 165 6016 3)97 1)6 46)0 IJ 244 17) 422 236 161 428 239 177 422 Il 2))9 150 )511 2194 146 )710 2202 142 )123 Ohio 2497 140 34B6 2)84 14) )406 2255 142 )212 Ind 1708 1)6 2)Jl 1661 1)6 2251 1616 145 2 bull 342 Ill 2626 14J )756 2)85 149 )558 2230 165 J689 Mich 2628 1Jl J45) 24)6 1)7 )346 2)29 1)2 )069 Vh 4066 16) 6665 )940 1)8 54)2 3916 15) 5972 MiIlJ1 4063 142 57n )659 1)7 529) 3819 1)lt3 5268 10_ )J)B 154 5154 2943 1)4 )955 )100 159 49)0 Me 3762 114 4)10 )S46 129 4564 )60) 129 465) IDU 3289 95 )110 3176 91 2901 )441 B5 2920 S~ )675 85 ))1) 4126 84 )451 4412 68 3013 lfebr 4)05 113 4BBI 4))4 105 4532 4836 108 5ZJl Iu 2059 153 )155 195) 176 )479 2017 160 3~z2 Del 69 146 102 n 140 102 68 110 97 Md 429 142 611 445 144 64) 429 152 ti51 Vamp 1)27 107 1414 1)72 126 1722 1321 127 16n VV 60) 116 92B 796 129 1026 B02 124 991_C 1292 96 1267 1290 10) 1)28 1246 105 1)12 SC 465 76 )76 509 68 449 52J 91 476 0amp 1)91 51 70) 1416 56 791 1055 6) 66) 11 125 54 67 1)2 58 77 65 62 5) 1) 1666 1)B 2568 1687 126 21)0 1828 110 2)60 l1IllU 1812 117 2120 1691 111 1861 l7J4 125 2175 U 939 72 679 922 18 720 790 84 667 Ki 601 115 923 769 121 9)3 779 115 89) Ark 1254 98 1224 1211 124 150) 1116 117 1J10 111 300 118 )s4 294 112 )29 295 1m 379 Okla 1580 119 1B77 1490 I)) 1975 1)50 1)5 1821 le 1620 90 16)7 1706 91 1556 145) 112 1624 MoDt 2227 112 2491 220) I) 2704 2On 101 2084 Idoho 1022 2Z5 2296 986 220 2171 1050 2lt) 2))7 1170 1080 117 1265 1017 94 960 1104 110 1209 Colo 1)56 164 2219 1)51 167 2251 1401 164 229) Ifllex 216 210 454 20) 212 4)) 19) 209 404 Arlo m 220 595 226 2)8 5)7 25) 247 624 Utah S6B 208 1160 550 205 1129 5)7 21) 1145 - )92 155 606 )8) 151 577 377 154 580 lfath 60) 1117 150) 765 205 1611 772 178 1375 Oree 1076 169 1617 1061 174 1646 970 158 1526 ~11middot____~~~ __ ~ J bull 26____ euro1)Q ____1~7O____ 1middotQ7____5JplusmnL ___ 1l15Q ___ 1middot25___ 3 49_ [middotk ___ 1 46amp6____ 1middot15___ 10Q$~ ___ 11617____ 114___ 2611~ ___71~ __ _ lmiddotlJ_ __ 25025_

_1If_ eii2ll 2r_A1l_II~r_r2r_125~D-~ 9Z1J211 o_____________ bull __________

~~~ _lAi~~e5drIx~~rpoundr ~tloi ~ce ~eililfgi ct r~~ln hqutr ll lhoubullbullrona rhouaAcr 12l ThouaToga

~ _____1 _0_____ 111_______ 1~~ _____ 1~ _____ 1Ql_ ______ 1~~ _ Ylk ____ 14aJgl_____ 1J8______ 10l57______7~11J _____ l~L _____ l0ll_ ~ -

WILD BAT AClUllilE fIELD AlID PBODUCrIOll 1947 to 1~1

- - - - - 1i41 1~ 1~ Il~t I Acre I Yield heres Yield Acres Yield bull

I arT ted I Per Production arTeBted Per ProucUon Iifrvsted Per bull Production ____ _1_ __~ __ _~rl _ i ______ 1 _______ cLe______________ cIe___=_____ _

1houeAcreo 1M lhoubullbullTop rhouoAcree ~ rhouerona rhousAcrea ron rhoubullbullroue Vlo 106 115 122 1)0 95 124 112 107 120 Minn 1)06 11e 1439 12)0 105 1292 11)2 105 1169 10 75 1O 90 61 115 9) 70 123 66 Mo 150 110 165 141 110 155 1)5 110 146 1IDIIk 2596 90 2))6 2414 65 2052 2535 Bo 2028 SDU )240 75 24)0 )4)4 70 2401 )4)4 57 1957_hr 296) 60 2)70 2904 65 1686 )252 75 24)9 lUI 702 110 772 611 115 7~ 642 115 nB Ark 204 B5 In 175 110 192 152 105 160 00amp 458 110 504 4)1 1 lt5 5)9 416 1gt0 502 lu 210 95 200 197 65 167 1B5 101 167 Mont 860 BO 704 654 90 769 769 75 577 Id~o 132 110 145 140 100 140 144 109 157 To 500 95 475 475 60 lB5 522 B5 444 Colo 470 105 494 451 105 474 474 102 4B) 11 Megt 27 BO 22 25 75 19 22 6) 1B Utah 109 125 1)6 105 110 126 105 I) 12911 230 1111 25) 216 105 227 205 9B 201 Vampth 46 120 55 55 1)0 2 57 120 68 Oreg )00 110 ))0 )30 15 412 291 106 gt08pound41lf_____1i6____ 11(1_____ 17~ _____1J6____ 1ltgt_____120_____ 1J~ ___ 112_____1~_

~____ 4~_____10____111111 ___ 4515_____~5___ l)~___ _~19= ____~2___ l121_ - 23 shy

-UPDATA 1981 bull _ bull h



ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944




- - - -I Ili7 = l~ 1 )~~ -_-_-_-_ State Acre Acree I Tield Pro- Acr~ Acree Yield Pro- 1 Acrfte Acree Tie1d Proshy

1 Planied Har- 1 Per duct ion I P1~ted liar- bull Per 1 ducUon I Panted liar- Per duct10n I Yestd I Acre I 1 Yested Acre I I Yeated Acre

- - - - - -fboii- Acree - -Diiieltl - TbOU8ib- - - ThOitbullbull-ACrell- -Diebllie- hOU8amp- - - ~U8-ACre- -Diaiiel- oftlOUIIllii BT 381 371 2110 89011 1142 11311 270 11718 398 391 270 10557 1lbull1 107 75 250 1(5 115 112 215 1763 107 113 2110 1992 h 947 929 240 22296 985 966 190 18351 926 908 230 208811 Ohio 2212 2179 22 490211 2377 2353 245 5764e 2377 2353 250 58625 Ind 1603 1571 230 36133 1811 1715 215 38162 1139 1122 220 37884 Ill 1423 1339 210 26119 1736 1701 225 311272 1944 1905 230 43615 ~lch 1210 1192 250 29SOO 11116 1395 260 36270 1303 1297 265 311310 Wia 41 38 Z)O 674 J4 )1 225 6911 30 28 2)9 669 Minn 111 101 195 1910 101 76 190 1444 SO 16 170 1292 love 209 190 180 3420 )19 295 235 6956 38Z )55 190 6745 10 1412 1321 185 2411)8 1122 1598 210 33558 1825 1678 115 29365 Snk 415 J~4 18 6549 )07 2)0 135 )105 )01 246 1)0 )198 lIbr 4538 4)b9 210 91149 1~583 4bull194 205 85977 4904 4068 140 56952 Y-an8 15404 14855 193 266702 146J4 1)221 17 231)66 16244 14Z79 110 157069 Del 10middot65 ~O 1)00 71 66 145 951 66 63 175 1102 lold ~68 )41 Zl0 7161 )61 3)4 160 5344 343 317 190 602) Va i96 458 175 SOl~ 481 449 185 8306 438 400 185 11100 1( Va 96 82 195 1599 96 82 18 1511 82 68 190 1292-C 492 461 115 112 408 )111 160 5984 465 IlOO 138 5520 sc 2)8 2)1 165 3812 217 210 140 2940 174 166 120 1992 Ga 198 185 140 2590 17~ 165 135 2228 140 130 125 1amp25 rr 404 )24 160 5184 ~ 324 160 51S4 4DJ 2SS 170 4896 snn 3J2 316 150 4740 355 338 145 4901 301 214 146 4000 la 14 12 165 191J 15 13 155 202 I) 11 154 169 lllee 20 16 19 )lZ 16 12 190 228 15 8 165 132 Ark )8 24 150 )60 40 28 170 476 J4 24 145 348 Okla 7051 6696 155 1031 7263 6696 145 97092 7481 6629 128 84851 ~X 7537 7310 160 116960 6752 5629 105 59104 7OCjQ 6417 11~0 8988 Mont 1949 1341 165 22C26 1676 1549 240 37176 11101425 170 24225 Idaho 900 36) 265 22810 9)5 84) 220 13546 lO8 995 216 21691 lfyo 251 235 20bull5 41518 276 241 COO 4940 288 275 195 5362 Colo 2776 2619 215 56308 076 2759 200 55130 335) 2649 160 42)34 JIKamp 7115 629 145 9120 661 384 90 )~6 595 507 105 5)24 Arb JO 26 210 j151 29 28 230 644 30 2S 262 734 Utah )00 294 220 64615 348 )35 180 6030 352 4 180 6138raquoeY 6 6 270 162 6 6 260 156 5 J 270 IJ5 Waah 2252 2074 250 51850 2417 2302 300 69060 2551 22tO 230 50830 Oreg 1133 160 2)0 17480 815 8)6 295 24662 910 169 220 16918 ~1____ 5~ ___6~__ 65___1~ ___ P __ _fI2__ 75___~J2 ___ l~ ___~6__ 85___128 us 58248 549)5 193 108976 583)2 5296 187 990141 61171 54414 153 85IJ127


us 2915 44328 3218 )220 140 3510

- 10shy

Ore j-tthr-r iItnetirtMriamp BMmiddot 4r

i (C ~ UPOATA 1981


- - - -I f9~ I f9[5I)~[ -_-_-_shyetate I Acre I Acree I Yield I 10- I Acree Acres I Yield I Pro- Acree I Acres I Yield I Pro-

___ )~l~e~e~~_ _p~r_~r~~ ~uto~ ~t~d~y~ ~ ~e ~ce__d~ci~n~t~d~y~ ~ 8 ~C_ _d~Cl~4_ Thoue Acre ]Uehe1 ftouabu houbullbull Acre Bmahe1 Thouebu Thons Acree Buehll1e Thoueau

Kaine 1 1~ 22 1 1-wo 19 1~ 21 BY 3 ) 193 58 3 3 190 57 9 9 210 1S9 Ind 4 4 191 76 3 3 200 60 Ill 7 7 200 140 7 7 250 175 7 7 230 161 Wh 33 32 203 60 28 28 260 728 63 b2 270 1674 Minn 1119 1064 168 17875 974 968 190 18392 1276 1268 195 24726 Iowa 4 ~ 140 56 3 3 190 57 6 6 215 129 BDak 8259 8040 161 129444 8176 80lI0 155 124620 8176 7960 13 107460 SD3t ~754 2654 124 32910 ~892 2787 155 43198 3181 3094 14 44863 Hebr 75 68 96 653 56 50 160 800 56 53 180 954 Eana 6 3 98 29 3 2 110 22 2 1 120 12 Mont 3000 2798 176 49245 2640 2106 115 27669 287 106 12middot5 30C75 Idaho 422 408 324 13219 405 388 310 12028 43 66 310 14446 W70 bull 97 84 149 1252 94 82 165 1353 8S 82 190 1558 Colo 171 140 14 2058 140 133 200 2660 141 120 165 1980 BXex 24 23 170 391 26 21 140 294 22 19 130 247 Utah 60 59 343 2024 61 60 330 1980 74 70 310 2110 I 11 11 80 308 13 13 240 312 14 13 270 351 h 1024 979 239 23398 972 948 200 18960 447 436 24 0 10682 Oreg 196 185 256 4736 206 196 225 4410 225 20S 240 4992

0l1lR SPRING iDA (Cont1d)

---~7I=)~If9~State I Acree I Acre I Yield I Pro- I ADrea I Acre8 I Yield I Pro- I Acre Acres Yield I Pro-

IPlanted l 1Iar- I Per Acre ducUon IPlanted liar- I Per Acre I ducUonlPlanted l Har- Pmiddoter Acre I ductton I Iftsted I I I IYellted I I I IYlIsted I I

- - - - -hoU7 Acre - -lhiillf- -TiioU-~ - yenhoujj-ACre- - ithG1 - houjj1iU7 bous-ACre - - ithG1 - ~hOu8 -bii IIY 4 4 210 84 7 7 240 168 7 7 23middot5 164 Ill S 8 240 192 9 9 25middot0 225 8 8 225 180 Vh 77 76 270 2052 93 92 240 2208 87 86 225 1935 Minn 1034 1014 17middot5 17745 924 913 17middot5 15978 1127 1114 150 16710 Iowa 11 11 170 187 21 21 210 441 29 G9 161 467 BDaIt 7685 7562 140 105868 6993 b881 145 9974 7762 7431 105 78026 SDaIt 3245 3156 140 44184 3440 3345 13middot0 431(85 3681 3479 7middot5 26092 Bebr 70 65 15middot5 1008 91 81 140 1134 114 97 130 1261 MODt~ 3234 3080 140 43 120 3525 3326 170 56542 426 3891 9middot5 36964 Idaho 488 481 33middot0 15873 5S8 570 300 17100 559 542 28middot5 15447 Wra 96 91 195 1174 lug 95 180 1710 104 94 162 1523 Colo 127 119 21middot5 2558 110 102 215 2193 199 189 200 3780 HHex 22 20 15middot0 300 21 19 13middot5 256 23 21 140 294 Utah 75 74 350 2590 83 00 31bull0 2480 89 87 330 2 1ff1 15 14 300 420 15 14 31bull0 434 15 14 290 406 Vah 670 645 200 12900 482 464 220 10208 588 548 170 9316 Oreamp 230 216 220 4752 225 216 245 5292 304 289 200 5780

-------------------~---------------------------------------[J8 17091 16636 154 255607 16735 16235 160 259628 18961 17926 112 201216 ------------------------------------------------------~----




QTS ACllEIGI ~ Alm PBOIlUCfIClI 1944 to 1946

- --- ~ t9Kti~ lorn Aclee amp Y1eld Pro- 1 AcleB Acre Yield Pro- Acre IAcres Y1eld Pro-

State Plantflcl Bar- I Per I duoUoa IPlantflcl liar- 1 Per Iductlou IPlantedl Bsr- Per I ducUoa ____1____etd_I_ ~e__ ____ Ii ____1_tIII_ cJ__t____ ___ t1e _Apoundr _ __ ~_ fhDU Acltel lluUel houalu neue Agee Buabeb TboualIu Tboua ampent ~ hCllle~

Mamp1nal 92 85 370 3145 79 71 360 2556 80 71 400 2840 JJB 14 8 340 272 14 s 330 264 11 7 370 259 n 74 48 320 1536 72 44 310 1364 66 4) 340 1462 (ast 15 6 280 168 16 7 270 189 14 6 350 210 liI 4 1 311) )1 5 1 )10 )1 4 1 320 32 Colll 18 6 )00 181) 18 5 )00 150 15 6 330 198 bullr 795 745 )10 2)095 731 663 290 19227 B41 SOZ 400 32080 raquoJ 54 47 )21 1509 S2 42 260 1092 54 45 320 11j4O Pat Bs4 8114 290 240 476 854 802 305 2446l 854 826 355 2932)Oblo 1073 1047 331 34656 1191 1162 425 49385 1)70 1348 450 60660Ind 1260 1172 256 30003 1436 1371 420 57582 1471 1412 309 55068 Ill 3251 3169 31 100457 )1146 3372 45~0 151740 JB37 3799 420 159558 Mlcb 1)44 1309 329 43066 1505 1466 400 58640 1550 1525 4S5middot 69)88 Vie 2839 2766 ~22 116725 3066 2987 510 152337 2943 2668 4J5 124758 Minn 4672 4456 327 145711 5M6 5392 450 242640 5439 533B 370 197506 Iowa 4917 4711 287 135206 5458 5323 )85 204936 5785 5642 375 2l1S75 Ko 2096 1698 179 30394 1799 1511 190 28709 2015 1843 310 57133 KDak 2784 2653 330 87549 2784 265) 325 86222 2506 2361 265 62566 SDak 3023 2914 298 86837 )597 3497 410 143377 3561 )462 290 100)98 Nebr 2291 2085 168 35028 254) 2439 )15 76828 2696 2561 280 11708 ~an 1825 ]561 162 25288 1278 968 175 16940 1495 1423 285 40556 Del 7 6 276 166 7 5 310 155 5 310 ISS )(d 46 42 310 1302 41 33 310 1023 38 34 330 1122 Va 174 14) 256 )689 172 lljO 280 3920 160 1)4 300 40020 W Va 94 67 221bull 1501 98 72 280 2016 94 68 )00 2040 BC 1t)7 335 277 9280 489 375 275 10312 49) 390 330 12870 SC S40 707 256 18099 798 700 260 18200 734 658 285 18753 Ga 954 656 253 16597 983 682 255 17391 806 5)9 265 14284 Pia 150 40 176 704 145 45 200 900 160 40 180 720 Ky 129 87 200 1740 108 76 240 1824 1)2 99 250 2475 Tenn )16 208 250 5200 Jlj8 245 260 6)70 310 245 265 6492 Ala 294 228 254 5791 318 242 260 6292 28) 198 24ft 40752Ki 521 444 336 14918 542 462 290 13)98 439 32) 300 9690 Ark 525 320 276 88)2 512 304 270 8208 379 255 )00 7650 La 200 152 290 4408 198 131 280 3668 1)6 100 220 2200 Olda 1584 1533 202 30967 1220 1027 190 1951) 1269 1089 210 22B69Tex 1732 1597 239 )8168 1992 1767 225 39758 1892 1608 220 )5376Mont 558 425 )43 14790 491 323 290 9)67 506 )52 310 10912 Idaho 237 194 426 8264 201 171 420 7182 185 1~ 430 7052111 182 150 )14 4710 19) 164 300 4920 174 15) )05 4666 Colo 254 224 278 6221 244 220 3)0 7260 227 187 300 5610 KlIex 60 5) 229 1214 54 43 220 946 57 45 200 900 Arh 26 11 350 385 25 12 490 S88 29 12 350 420 Utah 63 5) 457 2 bull 422 58 0 ljOO 2000 54 4) 4)0 1849n 12 9 430 )87 12 9 390 )51 12 8 440 352 Valh )08 160 1147 7152 288 150 4)0 6450 213 128 480 61411-Oreg 11 609 )98 305 121ljO 560 342 2)5 8054 549 )56 275 9782 ~B1___ i __ ~ _ 89____ Si ___ 21~ __ 6Z _110_ ___515__ 110___120__)~2 ____57O_

us 114141 )9741 289 11492ljO 46025 417)9 365 1523851 46515 42812 345 1477573 irT~-aralaquoe-ot oat-gion-with p~Ud-ytcit-licluded rn-plaitd-aid-hin bullbullt~-JAici - - - - -- - - - --

HOPS ACREAGK rIEl]) AlID PJiClWCTlaIl 1944 to 1946

- - --I I9~ 19~C 9~ State Acre Yield s ampere Ylel4 amper I Yltd r

1 ~eled I Per 1 p~oduct101l1 ilarYetflcl I Per s lrodUOUOIl HarYtll4 I Per I Prodwt1oa __________1__1111 __1______1________Jampr ________1______1__Aampll ________ _

poundtI ~ fhaumiddotporu Att URa flynlold Aampt ~ hllPUI4a Idaho 190 1610 3 2ljO 1850 AA4 240 1585 38t lIaah 9900 1720 17028 11700 1680 21996 11600 1700 19720 Oreg 18700 920 17204 19900 1lt045 20796 20000 950 19000 Ca11t 8ljOO 1620 13608 9100 1580 14378 9100 1610 14651

us 1295 57614 1)13 5)751

- 12 ~


- - - - 19t7 l )~ l i~ Stat Acre Acre I Yleld I Pro- I Acre I Acr Yleld Pro- I Acrll1l Acree Yield Proshy

P1aDted Bar- Per I ducUoa Planted I liar- I Pv ducUoll Plantod au-- Par ducUoa ________1~td_I_ Act__ ~ ___ _ l _____Tt1~_ jcz__1___ _ l ___ lV1~ 1 _~rt _ 1 ____ _ hoWl Acre llI rhouslIg ThOUl ASpound lIuahal ~oulIu ThoUi Acre Bualull lulYBu

Main 8i 73 340 21f82 77 64 420 2688 101 90 400 3600 bullbullB 12 7 310 211 11 6 400 240 U 5 360 180 Vt 54 28 270 756 60 J6 370 1332 66 33 300 990 Ifaabullbull 12 5 360 180 12 6 330 198 13 6 290 174 BI 4 1 330 33 3 1 330 J3 2 1 250 25 Cou 12 4 320 128 10 4 J30 132 12 5 320 160 bullbullY 5JO 47J 275 13008 126 672 400 26880 791 719 290 20851 J 49 36 250 900 42 37 350 1295 46 J9 331 1291 Pa 734 661 390 19169 749 720 380 27J60 794 756 305 23058 ChJo 863 714 260 18564 1191 1171 450 52695 1322 1288 350 45080 1114 1294 1112 )00 35i60 1317 1289 410 52849 1456 1405 366 51423 111 J377 3311 J40 112574 390S 385] 450 17JJ85 J881 3834 415 1591U Klcb 1085 1052 350 36820 1465 1420 37S 5)250 1538 1505 345 51922 IIh 2884 28ll 430 120873 2942 2867 440 126148 3030 2924 41~ 119884 Mu 4630 4537 360 163332 4908 4855 425 206J38 5027 4952 J5$ 175796 Iowa 5438 5247 310 162657 6199 6086 450 273870 6417 6269 386 241983 fo 1552 1309 230 30107 1971 162) 265 43010 1794 1526 229 34945 bullbullllampk 2331 2219 290 64J51 2238 2152 280 60256 1880 1722 201 34612 SDak 3134 J081 Jl0 95511 J165 3112 JJ5 104252 J102 2956 221 65328 bullbullbr 2426 2279 275 62672 2750 2621 280 733AB 2511 2280 202 46056 ~e 1510 1395 290 40455 1616 1144 220 25168 1034 881 194 17091 Del 7 5 320 160 6 5 J50 175 7 6 300 180 Md 40 35 )20 1120 42 36 J35 1206 47 42 J25 1365 Va 150 121 270 3267 160 IJl 330 4323 165 134 296 3966 IIVa 88 64 305 1952 77 58 JO5 1769 79 56 272 1523 IC 508 386 290 lll94 J56 270 290 7830 527 J94 287 U308 SC 866 704 255 17952 606 500 22S ll250 7i~7 605 245 14822 Ga 887 550 250 13750 674 429 260 ll154 7112 468 255 U93~ Jla 160 30 ZOO 600 IJ5 21 190 399 124 16 160 256 LT 141 90 230 2070 118 8J 260 2158 171 109 229 2496 Tenn JOl 230 265 6095 277 205 295 6048 )49 254 250 6350 Ala 28J 184 230 4232 275 169 265 4478 234 130 226 2938 Klas 4J9 365 250 9125 329 274 310 8494 237 156 250 3900 Arlt 424 280 300 8400 40J 252 Jl0 7812 339 209 240 5016 La 145 100 260 2600 113 80 JOo 2400 113 70 250 1750 0Icla 1396 1231 235 28928 1033 714 165 11781 7J3 578 176 10173 Tex 1684 14)1 210 )0051 1465 787 165 12986 1)92 1204 260 31304 font 491 J)8 )10 10478 452 )24 370 11988 457 266 )00 7~80 Idaho 187 172middot 415 7138 168 153 415 6350 212 188 J95 7426 liTO 169 150 JJo 4950 172 14J JOO 1~290 177 137 299 4096 Colo 234 200 325 6500 229 194 JOo 5820 261 235 327 7684 IMex 48 38 210 798 46 38 210 798 )6 32 220 704 Arh J2 12 400 480 28 U 340 374 28 11 400 440 Utah 54 49 1180 2352 5J 47 420 1974 55 50 450 2250 In 13 8 410 328 12 8 410 J28 12 8 J75 300 lIuh 198 131 510 6681 2)0 153 425 6502 22J 150 440 6600 Oregl 554 J56 285 101)2 421 271 265 7182 488 366 280 10248 CalU 542 180 270 4860 558 185 JOo 5550 508 166 260 4316

U8 42058 37855 311 1176142 438)8 39280 )69 1450186 4))18 )92)6 )20 1254895 iT1~C~r~-of at-Vow-rti pa-Ud-ytcl-licluded 11l-plut~-eid-~et-d-~rg- - - - - - - - - - --


- -- -= 1~41 1~ 12~ y Stato Acre Yleld I Acree neld I Acr I Yleld

BarTetod Par I ProdUCUOIl BarTet~ Per I PrOductioD BarTeted I Par ProdtlCtlOD ____________~~ ________________Apoundr ______________1__~rt ________ _ I Pound rhoDaPound AaI ~ bgPoup4I ~ ~ lboyPoupd

Idaho 240 1645 J9S 620 1040 645 850 16)5 1390 lIaeh 11700 1740 20358 129llO 1760 22704 13000 1490 19370 Orae 18900 870 16443 17700 890 15753 14500 1015 147181__ _9rx0_ __ 21~ ___ _ll~~ ___92~___ 3~ ____116 __ 2~ ___ ~~ ____ 5J8__

US 39840 1275 50186 40420 1248 50464 37550 135J 50796 lpduCtloi IncldJ-hOPI baiTr 4 lalabi ~der Krktlnlaquo ~_8zit-hop hanrd bur iot alabi ~dei --HarkaUn ~e_ent and hope produced lint ut harTated Salabl amplloYlIDh under proTle1on of Harltetln Jcre_ent totalad 39 111ion pounda in 1949

- 13 -



- - - -- - - - - - - - -lqijlj - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ~l~~ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - r ~- - - - - - - - shy__ ______ 9 ________________ iloz ___ bullbull _____________ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _~

Stat r Ac r Acr I Tleld r Pro- a__ Acree nu I Pro-- Ie Acrts n1d Pr a ra bull Bar- I Par I I --a bull lIN-- Per I I re Bar- I Per 0shy

____ _P~t~I_~e~ i ~e___dCl~_~t~__f- lPte___l~n_~td__Ie cpoundt_ i ~uC hou lcree l1ehels houbullbulllnl hone Acree aJaba18 honelnl Thou Acre llilehe1 houalnl

HIlna --3--- 3 ~ laquor 5 3 --uo 114 4 ~ -zo 12S n 3 3 250 75 3 3 220 66 2 2 280 56 bullbullY 113 106 255 2703 110 102 250 2550 116 114 320 30118 bullbullJ 10 9 278 250 9 II 300 240 11 10 360 160 h 108 105 298 5129 104 103 3fO 3605 113 112 365 41118 Ohio ~3 21 256 538 26 23 300 690 111 17 295 02Ind 51 41 243 1142 52 44 240 1056 27 25 240 600 Ill 53 45 240 1080 34 31 250 175 26 24 260 624 Kich 144 140 256 3584 121 118 310 3658 139 138 365 5031h 190 181f 267 4913 91 90 400 3600 125 124 375 4650 Kian 809 688 202 389pound 461 4If7 290 12963 138 733 290 21~57 10 II 7 166 116 3 3 2110 114 13 13 315 110 110 102 82 212 1138 88 66 19(1 1254 77 63 200 160 bullbullDU27Ifl 2625 216 56700 2357 2~1I1f 230 5~532 2357 22114 200 45080 SDak 1973 1756 147 25813 l38t 1299 245 31826 1464 1377 220 30294 abr 1174 760 115 8740 681 610 220 13420 613 549 210 11529Ean 1031 722 178 12652 480 38) 185 7086 360 2B 175 5022 Del 12 11 265 292 11 10 280 280 11 11) 305 305 Md 70 69 308 2125 71 64 290 1856 63 6Q 345 2010 Ya 76 72 301f 2189 76 68 270 11136 13 71 320 2272 V1a 9 9 2611 241 9 9 270 243 1 7 300 210 ~1 60 45 268 1206 56 42 220 924 41 33 285 940 S-l 34 25 231 57S 25 21 21( 141 23 20 260 520 GA 11 10 213 213 10 9 200 110 1 6 215 129 rr 127 89 223 1985 11 55 225 12311 11 0 250 120 enn 130 102 197 200s 129 98 1110 1764 100 82 200 1~ Ala II 5 205 102 3 2 200 40 3 2 1110 36 Kl 9 C 260 156 8 6 240 144 3 2 240 411 uk 19 13 199 25~ 14- 9 110 153 8 5 195 911 Okla lt97 28 ~l 5728 249 185 16( 2960 142 ~9 140 1 526 fex 373 340 222 15411 351 235 145 3408 196 164 150 21100 Mont 655 611 213 166110 720 672 220 14184 828 780 225 1 5 ldah 340 330 372 12216 320 307 37 0 11359 294- 276 340 1)84shyliTO 146 131 )10 4061 143 124 300 3120 154 144 300 4320 Ccio 867 726 214 15536 876 ~1 285 22544 683 ~eH 2)5 13936 bullbullMax 64 45 1115 8J2 If5 34 1110 612 28 23 200 1f6O Arh 145 74 420 3108 153 78 380 29611 161 85 400 3400 Utah 139 135 462 62)7 IJIf 130 450 5850 11) 101 450 4 amp60n 24 22 357 185 21 20 320 640 22 20 340 F80 Vallh 202 176368 61+77 139 125 350 1t375 97 90 370 30 Orttlaquo 269 2)8 34s 8282 285 2~i1 295 7582 )02 278 340 ~I1f52 Call 730 1429 280 40012 1816 14amp6 280 41608 1834 1486 30 119038

~I-=~ ==1~~5~= ~2~~1= =~~= =~7~7~ ==l~I~= ~~2~4==~~ == ~~~~= ~1~~6I=~0~~0= =2~~ ==2~~O~ rIumWlI ACREAGE YlELll AND PllOOUallOll 1914 to li46

----~ 1 li~ = 9~ State I Aero I Acre Yield I Pre-l Acre I Acru I Tleld Pro- II Acru I Acre I neld I To- 11

bull Plan~ad I Bar- I lier ductlon I Plante~ I pounder- I Per ductioil I Fanhd 1 Bar- I Per I dUction I ted I Acre I I 1 yoted I Acre I ted AcTa ~

- - - - - -hoUe7 Acres - -BoUbei- houbullba7 - - houS-ACre- -Btlaber- yenboue iJU7 - - houil-cre- -lIiiiierTiini7bi 111 6 3 80 24 2 2 IIfO ~8 1 1 140 14 Mich 6 82 49 7 7 60 42 7 7 90 63 Vh 6 ~ 117 7C 8 7 110 17 6 6 130 111 II an 914 829 75 6211f 1091 1067 HO 11737 932 BB6 105 303 I a III 93 59 519 76 15 125 91I 31f 34 150 10 M 11 11 5~ 60 9 B 45 36 6 6 65 3~ JrDK 865 802 82 6576 l571f 1 525 110 12200 1166 162 65 195) SDak 321 3c6 B2 2509 436 441 105 4630 318 344 100 )44t Rebr 2 1 110 8 2 2 90 18Ian 140 90 37 3)3 133 122 55 611 120 116 70 812 Okla 6n 45 45 202 24 14 30 42 3 J BO 24 lex 36 34 80 272 65 63 BO 504 B4 76 73 555 1I0fa~ 221 193 76 1512 6O 320 41 1312 83 14 70 511 110 1 1 14 4 2 2 50 10 1 1 50 Lrh 19 19 25 4114 1 17 23C 391 14 14 240 36 Oras 1 1 71 7 (all 170 164 110 i788 121 __13__lI~ ___ 22 ___ Osect ___1~2__12~ ___ 9~g VB ---middot2i~ - -2~6i--8- - -21665 - - 3954 - 3785 91 34557 2641 21132 93 2~ ~1I8 1F t te- 40-n~t- 1~ciu4-i ()d ha-8i~ tro-t7 - ~~- to tibe- 1oe~o-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- l


------------------------------------------------------ -------

lIlJ1IJrr ~CRlGlI Th([~ 11-JD PROWClIOIf 1947 to 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - - - p~- - - - - - - -- - bull - - - - - -1M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -194- - - - - - - - -State -~o -1-ACn- rfi1d -1- h- -1- ~8 - -ACre-Triold -- - -1- ~e --ACre- ~ field -1- Pt- shy

1 Planted Bu- 1 Per I duction 1 Planted I mu-- I Per I 4nction Planted Har- Par I iucHonI bullbullbulltd IAero I yeatod Acre I yeahd 1 Acre I

- - - - - - Thoubullbull -ACre- middotmiddot8iiior- ihiiUbullbull~7 - Thoue-ACre- - - ibahel ifhoua iiU- - - fhiiUC-ACre - -llI1aiiel - ifhiiubullbulliiU7 NaiDe 4 4 280 112 4 4 320 128 6 6 290 174 Vt 1 1 190 19 2 2 290 58 1 1 200 20 bullbullT 103 93 240 2232 93 90 320 2880 85 79 250 1975 Bl 17 15 330 495 18 16 330 528 19 17 385 654 Pa 132 130 330 4290 132 126 3115 113117 156 154 395 6083 Ohio 17 15 260 390 19 18 300 540 21 18 310 558 IDd 22 21 260 546 19 18 270 1IS6 23 21 265 556 Ill 28 26 285 7111 32 31 3110 10511 l1li 41 300 1230 Mich 121 115 300 3lIse 1112 140 320 41180 129 125 270 3375 Vb 160 159 )65 5804 205 204 380 7752 195 194 332 6l1li1 Minn 1018 915 265 25838 1252 1219 270 32913 1148 1110 230 25530 Iova 6 311 235 799 33 33 320 1056 31 31 259 803 No 74 63 230 1449 84 73 250 1825 106 85 215 1828 HDak 2522 2444 210 51324 2724 2640 210 55440 1880 1690 150 25350 SDak 1508 1432 220 31504 1583 1518 230 311914 1219 1093 125 13662 Xebr 533 467 220 10274 560 472 195 92011 403 326 187 b096Ian 328 290 220 amp380 459 362 190 6878 266 221 175 3868 Del 13 12 305 366 13 12 285 342 13 12 270 324 u~ 75 73 3110 2482 711 70 310 2170 82 80 340 2720 Va 86 84 295 21178 89 86 345 2967 89 86 3011 2614 VVa 9 9 31bull0 279 10 10 345 345 12 12 3111 377 bull c IS 39 290 1131 39 32 245 7811 40 34 262 891 50 26 22 260 572 23 18 215 3fr7 23 18 225 405 Ga 8 7 220 154 6 5 200 100 5 4 225 90 ~ 71 53 25middot0 1325 76 53 265 1404 102 72 250 1800 enn 88 77 210 1amp17 86 75 220 1650 82 67 170 1139 Ala 2 1 180 18 3 2 190 38 3 2 2110 lIS IU 3 2 230 46 3 2 250 50 3 2 250 50 Ark 5 3 200 60 10 6 lt1I0 1l1li 8 5 211 106 Okla 109 86 180 1548 80 66 155 1023 61 52 175 9iO fex 161 1311 175 2345 117 113 155 1752 159 133 190 2527 Mont 853 796 235 18706 930 8]6 290 254011 614 526 210 11046 IdaIw 332 320 370 11840 32 358 350 12530 3112 329 320 10528 Tn 1119 138 320 41116 177 159 275 4312 168 151 298 115000010 669 605 280 16940 amp62 563 250 111075 841 788 281 22143 NMex 29 25 195 1IS8 22 20 210 420 26 211 210 504 Arb 150 97 -1130 4111 191 146 510 1114amp 167 126 500 amp300 Utah 123 118 1110 5546 150 1l1li 420 amp0118 155 150 440 66Or) Hey 22 20 360 120 27 24 360 864 25 22 350 770 Wash 114 105 335 3518 136 126 345 11341 112 101 2St 2828 Oreg 323 JOO 355 10650 381 351 345 12110 297 214 32~ 8768 Oalif 1~g9 1545 290 44805 1965 1amp22 310 50282 19amp5 1590 J~o 50880

~~___ 191__ 092__221 __2183__ ~~__1~202 __2~2_ -5527__ 1122__ 21~ __2~~ __2101l_

FUXSEED ACHEM TImraquo HI) PllOOOCTION 1947 to 1949

------------If-------------------Ijs-----------------qij---------shy-- - ~ - - -- ic~ Yield -- ~-Y- - -A- - - ACro9 Yield - - - -y-- -_-- --Acrii~ ~ field -- - -11

S 11 i crea Bar- Per I _rei I Bsr- I Per I ro- I re Har- I Per ro- I I Planted I yeated I Acre ductiou I Plant~d yeted Acre I dnction I Planted I yeated Acre I dnction

- - - - - - Thoubullbull-ACre - -lliiahel - ifhOuB iiU- - - fhOU8 -ADrbullbull- -lIIlaiieY - ibOua iiU- - -hOUI- Acre - -llI1ahl - houaiiu-Ohio 3 3 80 2~ Ill 6 6 120 72 2 2 140 28 1 1 130 13 Mich 6 6 75 45 10 10 BO SO 10 10 14 74 Wi 15 15 125 188 22 22 13middot 297 17 17 139 236 Hinn 1411 1313 l0 15103 1700 1661 115 19102 1700 1644 95 15618 Iowa 84 83 135 1120 105 l04 155 1612 III 110 13J 1518 Mo 6 6 50 30 4 4 5middot0 20 3 3 65 20 DDak 1567 1524 80 12192 1818 1753 9middot5 lSb5~) 2018 1928 70 13496 SDak 591 585 100 5850 11amp 708 110 1788 713 708 65 11602 lana 115 107 70 7119 fr7 12 5middot5 396 34 31 63 195 Okla 4 4 60 24 4 3 30 9 3 3 5middot3 16 u 94 91 95 864 248 240 5middot5 1320 335 308 65 2002 Mont IBB 168 60 1008 148 141 100 1410 90 62 47 291 Idaho 3 3 100 30 Wyo 2 2 45 9 1 1 50 5 1 1 50 5 Arh 20 20 265 530 38 38 280 1064 44 38 250 950 Vah 4 4 130 52 2 2 100 20 2 2 120 24 Oreg 8 1 150 105 15 1~ 105 1111 9 8 110 88 CaliC 125 122 215 2623 201 198 245 4851 197 17~ 220 3828 US - - - -11264- - -4129-- 98 - - ~6i- - -5121- - ~97 - -iia - - 54803- - -5348- - 5048 - - 85 - - 42976-If iti~t- dO-Dt-iclude-claed hatd tr-II-fla ~- fO fib In-oe~o- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- 15 -

UPDATA 1981 bull ~ ilmiddot t ~ bull


RD ACRlWl1l TDlIJ) un PllOIJJeTIOlI 1944 to 19116

-- --I 1HI i9i5I~ Sate S Aane rea neld rc)oo Acre lene lelA Pro- Acree Aorea n14 Proshy

laW Iu- Pertan I cluUoa Plutea Iu- lItr Acre cltwtion1p1ateal S Per Acre duetioll ________ft1______ i ____ i ___ eJl4 l _____1____ l ___ l t ~ illl ________ _ IIIo Aon l 1bou BIl ftlau Acre Ill boualIu lhoq _rea Buboh lhoua Bu

11 66 12 162 1 80 10 175 175 105 8 180 144 IT~ 96 15 167 250 95 13 160 208 91 15 175 262 Pe 55 43 148 636 53 U 155 636 33 22 155 341 Oblo 80 33 152 502 90 I 115 472 70 17 110 289 IIlld 179 86 118 1015 222 70 125 875 1ar 46 135 621 Ill UO 63 113 712U8 It7 120 561t 88 38 125 475 1Ucb US 62 127 787 117 56 140 IJIt 91 48 135 648 Vle 125 98 87 853 126 95 120 1140 100 76 115 874 Ill 155 108 87 9fO 144 107 260 1712 151 118 130 l5J1J laws 118 10 120 12fl 37 11 130 143 26 10 170 170 Ho V3 SO 116 580 128 41 110 451 100 35 125 438 IDate ~ 145 92 l3J1J 150 115 135 1552 225 196 110 2156 Snate 5 392 lOl 3959 376 290 V5 42115 323 altl 105 2530 lebr 585 365 91 )322 556 361 125 4512 423 282 110 3102 Iatia 225 101 105 1060 2117 81 lO5 850 120 53 105 556 Del 32 18 1)6 245 JIJ 19 V5 276 J3 18 140 252 ald ~ 23 165 380 67 20 145 290 5f lit 145 2flJ la 135 114 144 6J1J 136 JIJ 135 459 125 25 140 350 VY 12 5 135 68 13 135 54 8 ) 125 38 IC 1~ J8 115 437 165 31 105 )26 145 22 125 215 sc 75 16 104 166 75 15 95 142 44 11 100 110 0 It) 12 101 121 50 10 90 90)0 6 100 60 ~ 133 JK1 141) S60 182 40 125 500 155 37 140 518IID 172 37 10ij 400 162 J4 95 3Z3 115 25 100 250 OEl 264 100 103 1030 257 ~ 100 740 1114 48 90 4)2 fex 142 22 119 262 55 21 90 199 It9 11 100 110 HoDt 20 16 120 192 2h 16 110 176 40 26 100 260 Idaho 12 5 1)) 66 11 5 130 65 11 It 140 56 1170 36 J 91 121 JJ 8 105 ~ 29 8 105 B4 Colo 1250 79 600 121 80 100 800 100 68 80 S44 bullbullJlllx 12 9 82 74 12 5 65 )2 10 5 85 42 Utah ~ IJ 95 12h 22 10 100 100 22 9 95 86 lIash 147 17 114 194 55 15 120 180 50 10 125 125 0rec 151 )2 141 451 155 )1 140 434 140 )2 1)5 432 Calif 29 12 108 130 29 13 130 169 22 lO 120 120

us It1415 2132 106 22525 4157 1850 128 2)708 3396 1591 116 18487 ---~-------------------------------------------------- ----

- - - --_ - - - -- _ -r9li4-_ - - - - __ - ___ - _______ S________________ - - - - - - 7________ - - shy --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T9i- - - - - - -r - - - -l~b - - -Stat Aores Aaru nld I Pro- Acrbullbull Acr I Ylel4 I Pro- Acl IADrea neld I Proshy

PlIIIIha ~ PilI Aclll ductlOD IPllUlted liar- Perlen duaUoDlplal1~1 liar- IPer Acre l duettOD I Ia I ytd I IYelted I- - - - -1ioiie iare - -BiiieT- -hnaB - fliDU-AGr- - iiahi - fbOuBiu Thru-iCrbullbull- -BiiiieT- TbOubullbulliia

1_ 6 6 200 120 6 6 155 9J 5 5 200 100 n 1 1 220 22 1 1 180 18 1 1 220 22 BY 155 150 180 2700 129 98 155 15]9 119 113 190 2147 Fa V~ l4O 195 27)0 112 98 185 1813 108 lOit 200 2080 Ohio V 14 210 294 18 17 180 )06 17 11 190 J23 1114 lO 10 150 150 22 20 135 270 7 6 150 90 Ill 5 5 165 82 16 15 150 225 5 5 160 80 Il1ab )8 )) lS5 512 46 25 140 )50 ZIt 18 1)5 24) lI1a 29 27 lS5 418 26 ZIt 150 360 2 25 145 362 IIIIIDo 67 6) 150 945 49 45 1140 6)0 118 It2 140 588 Iowa 12 12 175 210 7 vo 98)) 150 45 Ia) 1 1 125 12 1 1 120 12 1 1 110 11 Bllak 5 14 160 64 7 7 160 112 6 6 130 78 SDak 7 6 150 90 It 130 52 5 5 40 70 JId 6 6 200 120 5 5 ~5 118 _ _ 2)5 9Ita 8 8 165 132 5 5 170 85 It _ 170 68 V 10 10 185 185 8 8 US 172 8 8 195 156 Ie 5 5 145 12 It 160 6It 3 3 160 48 ~ 2 2 130 26 2 2 130 26 3 J 140 42D ____1 ___ 1_ 145______1 ___ ~ ____ __1 _____~___ o___ O__1~1 ____1~5_

trs 531 S08 176 8956 417 ItOl 161 6~7 It08 )13 178 6812 ------------~---------------------------------------------

- 16shy



- - -- 12411lMIX99 sbullbullbullbull _ iorea n 14 I Pro- Acre iDre J nld Pro- Acne lAcn_ TleU Proshy-- re I Ifuo- I e I I I Hu- I I J Bar- I

____1~~~~bull l_I_~r_~~ ~~ ~~~Y ~~_1_~~l~)P~~Ye ~r_I~ _~~1J1_ I1cu tara ~ hOh ~oubull iDn l ThouBn hOlla AlIre ]ahale fhouellIl bull

bullbullr 90 J5 185 278 90 11 185 3~ 107 17 184 313 bullbull1 89 15 180 20 f5 12 175 210 88 12 179 215 Pa 21 18 155 Z79 21 16 ~5 232 21 ~ 165 231 Ohio 71 JO 170 S10 67 20 180 360 ~ 18 170 306 lad ~3 60 v0 8110 ISO ~ ~5 928~) 57 1)5 77fJ Ill ~ -7 ~O 658 113 53 150 795 123 56 141 790 1I11JII 126 7fJ ~5 1015 1)2 80 150 1200 1 57 140 798 V1I 109 87 120 1~ 112 92 l20 1104 119 92 120 1104 lie la 1~ 150 21f6O 278 2)9 150 3585 200 172 145 2494 lov 28 15 150 225 36 17 155 264 5) 18 140 252 Mo 100 36 110 396 105 )5 120 420 U7 )5 112 392 bullbullDIIk 360 30 140 4522 461 401 120 4812 26) 229 115 2634 S1lIIk _10 ~7 v0 4858 476 392 1)0 5096 328 267 117 31211shyu ~ 305 90 2145 352 238 95 2261 317 207 74 1532 Eau 136 110 627 90 )I U5 391 65 28 97 272 DIll 32 19 135 256 33 20 120 2110 28 ~ 140 196 M 52 16 150 JIO 48 V v0 196 52 12 145 1a 1350 140 322 155 25 V5 362 15) 18 140 252 Va 8 3 120 36 6 2 130 26 6 2 136 2 _C ~ ~5 348 117 22 130 286 113 17 115 196 SC 42 10 115 115)1 7 85 60 26 6 95 57 Oa 2 6 75 45 22 5 90 45 20 4 80 32 1Ir 141 37 140 518 130 28 150 420 1)6 2 136 J67 fua 98 26 105 273 100 30 110 330 105 20 101 202 Oltla 115 JJ8 95 456 108 36 75 270 1~ 36 70 252 ~z 7fJ 35 100 3SO B4 30 70 210 100 38 80 304 MoII 52 29 125 )62 JO 20 1)5 27fJ 2) 7 90 63 I4aho 10 5 17G 85 10 4 130 52 10 ) 150 450 21 7 110 71 27 7 70 49 Z7 7 102 n Colo 8 7 100 47fJ 58 35 80 2BO 38 2) 90 207 bullbull lIDz 7 5 115 511 7 5 UO 55 7 5 120 60 ~u 12 6 100 60 10 5 100 SO 10 5 Uo 55 Vesb SO 13 100 130 JJ8 17 130 221 42 10 101 101 Orec 125 32 ~O AiIf8 110 24 145 )lI8 116 15 103 154 ~-1____1 ___l _~O____ _ P ___21 ___ 2__~2 _____14___ 5____6__12~ ____ ~_ ~___ ~7 _9 _ 28____2l~ _22~ __~o~__l ___ S86_ ~23__15t__1~ __ ~1~2


--- - J2i+I i1 i W9 I Mn5 I J liDnll I I Acre

StaM I Mn I JIcq I nu I Pro- mne I iaIo J nld I Pro- I Acn I IreZ- I Yield Proshy____I~~laquobulld_~I_ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~YIleJ ~ ~ ~~_1_~~l~J1JP~~lYlle ~Pr_~~_d~l~J1_

Au II ftIagpa hog Mn lI1 ~1UIlln hOUR Acre lIIt_hel lhou1Iu

181 6 6 170 102 5 5 200 100 5 5 210 105 ft 1 1 140 14_r a 1M 135 1539 99 96 195 1872 78 76 210 1596 12) 114 160 182It 101 96 210 2016 78 200 1480 Will __ 42 155 651 16 16 180 2B8 12 12 210 2521114 19 18 140 252 2 2 150 30 4 160 64 IU 16 16 130 208 4 4 170 68 2 2 160 32 Ill 63 57 130 11 30 27 130 351 20 19 145 276 V18 2 25 ~5 362 25 ~ 155 356 23 22 151 332 Ill 62 54 120 ~ )It 29 150 bull 435 28 ~ 125 300 1_ 10 10 120 120 JIll 2 2 110 22 bullbullDate 8 7 150 105 3 J 160 If8 4 120 If8 s~ 9 8 110 88 4 160 64 3 J 80 2H II - - 180 72 ) ) 230 69 3 -) 210 63a ) J 160 ~ 3 3 180 54 2 2 166 33 Va 8 8 175 ~ 7 7 195 1)6 7 7 201 141 ~C 3 3 170 51 1Ir 2 2 150 30 t~ ____l ___l_ ~~_____ 6 ___I ___ 2__~~ _____18___ =2___ 2__1~ ____20_ US ~ S05 142 7171 JIe8 330 18_ 6085 281 269 184 4956 -----------------------------------------------~------ ----

- 17 -


llRY EIBLE 1IEliS ACREME TIBLllUlll plIOWClIOIi 1944 to 194911

~ -- - ~124 124i 1W bull bull Acres bull bull bull bull Acree bull bull bull bull Acres bull bull ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pl~tedyeted Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted vested Per Acre duct ion pl~ntedyented Per Acre duct10n - - - ---TioiAcrlI- --pound --ThOuiyen~- Thouice ---Pouid --nOUBW- nouic~e ---POuid-middot --TboujjishyHamp1u 5 5 695 35 4 4 820 33 6 6 980 59 vt 1 1 626 6 NY 120 113 790 893 101 84 850 714 128 124 1200 1488 Mich 701 660 690 4554 435 363 820 2977 531 519 740 3841 Vb 2 2 430 9 1 1 560 6 ---Minn t 6 5 476 24 4 4 600 24 3 3 500 IS IfDosk 2 1 (730 7 1 1 700 7 1 1 600 6 lfebr 60 49 1260 617 53 18 1520 7JC 611- 62 1650 102] Mont 25 ~ 1083 249 20 18 1300 234 18 17 1 bull 590 270 Idlho 146 145 1550 2248 117 115 100 1725 131 128 1700 2176 qo 90 86 1240 1066 90 86 1250 1075 93 90 1450 1305 yenllh 3 3 1030 31 4 4 1250 50 4 4 1075 43 Oreg 1 1 1322 13 Tu 2 1 200 2 Colo 350 327 540 1766 290 271 580 1572 276 249 650 1618 fMex 267 ~O 302 695 203 161 180 290 142 114 225 256 Alb 15 14 395 55 14 13 515 67 14 13 900 117 Utah e 7 480 J4 8 7 400 2B 10 9 400 36 ~UL1IIrI 166 166 1327 2203 166 166 1242 2062 149 149 1342 2000 CtJ1fOUlIl1 183 157 1045 1640 148 141 1062 1497 134 134 1184 1587 poundeil _142 __ 221 _ _ 9Q _1bullsect41 _ __ 2~ __ 201 __1L129__ J~29_ __ ~1 _ _ g82 __1L2amp7__ _ l281_ ~___ g52 _ ~9~ ___ 02 _1amp41 __ ~5~ _ ~1 ___80__ vJ0~1__ 1Ot _ ~2~ ___917___12~_

DRY EDlDLE llEA1lS (Contd) - - - - 1241 124sect 1942 Jamp1ne 7 7 1100 77 9 9 900 81 8 8 925 74 bullbullY 138 13D 1070 1391 181 179 1230 2202 176 170 1000 1700 Mich 494 467 670 3129 514 504 880 4435 52) 519 1100 5709 Minn 2 1 350 4 1 1 650 6 1 1 650 6 1lDIk 1 1 850 8 lfllbr 80 76 1425 1083 85 83 1725 1432 90 85 1530 1301 Mont 2l 20 1450 2)0 22 21 1470 309 19 18 11170 265 IdlLho 159 154 1540 2372 ISO 148 1800 2664 149 147 1830 2690 To 112 107 1350 1444 98 95 1370 1302 83 81 1520 1231 lfaah 4 4 1200 48 5 5 1500 75 8 8 1490 119 Colo 331 321 800 2568 341 324 720 2333 307 295 820 2419 NMex 155 140 237 332 191 172 250 430 181 169 350 592 Arb 15 14 430 60 14 14 475 66 12 12 500 60 Utah 14 13 760 99 17 15 400 60 15 14 500 70 Ca11tL1IIrI 149 149 1406 2095 145 145 1603 2324 15 175 1654 2894 CallfOther 174 174 1303 2268 223 223 1389 3097 183 183 1229 2249 poundlil_2z1 __ 222 __ 25_t262 ___ 26Q __ 26Q __14ZJ_ __5431___ 25Q __ 25Q __1427_ __ 241_ ___ sect5~ _ m ___ 271 _116sect __ 29~ _ 23Q __1J014__ 086__ 23sect _ Q82 __1114___2~2 _ J1 Include b gl01OI1 for lead


- - - - li~ li4i 12~ s~te Acr Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acree Yield Proshy

Plantedl Har- Per Acre duction Planted Har_ Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted Har_ Per Acre duction _____ __x8td______________=_vsies______________Z8tlltL__________ _ rhoueAcieg Pounds Thous1jB ThousAcres ~ ThouBBagB ThoulAcree Pounds ThouBBagB

Mlch 1 1 770 8 Vh 3 3 970 29 2 2 950 19 1 1 1100 11 MInn 4 4 82033 4 4 950 38 6 6 800 48 NDak 14 13 1060 138 13 12 1200 144 15 15 1350 202 Mont 42 40 1103 441 32 30 1200 360 24 2J 1170 269 Idaho 225 219 1275 2792 ISS 153 1200 1836 161 156 1350 2106 lyo 2 2 921 18 2 2 1200 24 3 3 1250 38 Colo 33 22 860 189 bull 33 23 900 207 23 16 750 120 WaG 347 340 1290 4386 246 235 1160 2726 244 235 1480 3478 Oreg 58 56 1120 627 39 37 950 352 20 19 1300 247Qai____~ ___Ii __ l12 __ pound32 ____21 ___2Q _ _1 05_middot__ _29J_ ___1sect ___112 ___820____ l6Q _ l~_ ___ Z5Z - _ ru __ lgl _ J2li9t ___ i~ __ ilJ2 _ _11tl- _ -S91L __ ili __ 9_~ __13i8___ poundpound72 _

DRY FIELD PEAS (Contd) - - - - 1i41 1~1 -)242 Wle 1 1 1050 10 Minn 8 7 600 42 J J 900 27 7 7 950 66 Iflllk 20 18 1080 194 7 6 1200 72 5 5 1000 50 Mont 17 16 1100 176 8 8 1160 9J I 6 1130 68 Idaho 153middot 150 1320 1980 72 68 1220 830 99 89 1120 997 lyo 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1210 24 Colo 35 21 900 189 24 19 1000 190 19 16 1220 195 Vash 256 247 1300 J211 162 156 1280 1997 210 198 760 1505 Oreg 25 24 1180 28J 19 18 1300 234 17 14 700 98poundsll___ _Zl __ _ Zl ___ 19Q __ g11 ____1sect ___1sect __ 390____113____11 ___11 __1210____ 102 _ ____ 2~ __ 21l _ _ 33g _ ~l2g ___ Jl2 __ ~9Q __1J2g1__ JJ6fJ___ l8l _ _ 25 ___9pound7___ l~l~_ 1I h pl1Jlc1pal comerc1al produciD8 States Includes Pt)llS groUl for seed aDd comery pens harvested lUy

- III shy

1 UPDATA 1981



- - - - 19i4 19sect 12 li41 to ~ t 1242 St t A Aores Ac Acres A Acres ~ Acres ~ Acres A Acres

a e creB Har- reo H~r- cres ~r- cres H~r- cr~s H~r- eres Harshy____~1ne~eit~d_~1no~_elt~ltLlP~~tdlV~oeS_~1ne~lvsOS_ c~middot~_vselP~l~td_Jel~~d__

Thousand Acres Ind 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ill 12 12 9 9 7 7 5 5 6 6 4 4 ViB 3 3 2 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~1nn 18 18 12 12 7 7 10 10 6 6 5 5 Iogtlt 23 22 11 11 7 7 8 8 12 12 10 10 Mo 265 263 225 216 184 181 179 176 154 150 122 120 Iflhk 87 86 50 49 47 44 42 41 33 32 35 34 SJhk S49 502 390 362 238 221 188 179 152 149 164 156 Jlebr 704 685 50 480 390 374 343 325 364 351 364 347 K9ns 38116 3768 3054 2879 2718 2505 2256 2154 2459 2391 2361 2319 Va 10 9 15 10 15 9 17 9 14 6 12 4 IIVa 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 nc 26 26 23 23 30 30 32 32 35 35 32 32 sc 36 36 35 35 28 28 29 29 30 30 23 23 Ga 60 60 60 60 48 48 55 55 54 54 38 38 Ky 35 34 35 35 39 39 34 34 2l 21 18 18 Tenn 62 6 56 56 56 56 48 48 37 37 29 29 Ala 59 58 61 60 79 78 86 84 99 97 65 63 Mhs 65 64 63 61 51 49 53 52 47 46 34 33 Ark 94 93 97 95 82 80 78 75 68 67 51 50 Jg 10 10 9 9 8 8 9 9 11 11 11 11 Okla 2484 2406 1938middot 1829 1783 1664 1284 1198 1348 1258 1146 1094 T8 8318 8202 7653 7054 7273 6913 5527 5392 7019 6740 5168 5080 Mont 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 4 3 3 4 3 Vyo bull 14 13 10 9 7 7 7 6 4 4 5 5 Colo 766 723 705 658 613 546 490 470 500 479 645 618 1IHex 690 669 467 309 317 265 349 313 521 479 556 532 Arb 71 69 55 53 74 72 62 60 90 88 77 76 Calli 133 127 112 108 151 151 76 76 122 122 80 80 115- - -ie458 -18038 - - is668 - 14-498- 14- 2f6- - i540J -11-277- -10OsO - -13214 -12-679- -11064 - -10789- -


- - - l9~( t00 1916t 197 19aL 12112 St t Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros Dald Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros IReld Pro- Acres llel4 Proshy

a eHar_ Per duc_ Hl1- Per duc- H9r- Por dw- 59r- Per due- zHar- IPer duc_ Har- Per i ducshy___yetdlApoundrs_t0E lVS82C8l 1n_yeltdAEr_t0E lvse2cel 1n_yetdlApoundrl_t0E lvsse~cel isn_

Thous Thous Thous Thoua Thous ThOUG Thoua Thous Theus Thous Thous Thoua ~ TonE ~ Acrea ~ Tons Acros Tona1m Acres ~ Tons ~ TOilS ~ Acres 2 Tons

Ind 2 270 5 1 290 3 1 260 3 Ill 4 250 10 3 250 8 2 300 6 2 250 5 2 350 7 1 350 4 Minn 15 300 45 8 20 18 5 200 10 8 200 16 4 250 10 4 230 9 Iowa 12 300 36 5 300 15 2 350 7 2 250 5 6 300 18 4 250 10 Ho 150 211 316 146 180 263 105 220 231 95 180 171 86 20 189 58 210 122 N bull oruc 76 110 106 116 135 62 41 110 45 39 130 51 30 125 38 32 100 32 SDak 395 169 668 308 150 462 177 l70 301 152 130 198 124 180 223 133 135 180 Nebl 511 197 1007 383 160 613 279 165 460 234 155 363 222 160 355 220 230 506 Kans 1125 213 2396 1386 164 2273 1302 160 2083 989 140 1385 692 190 1315 649 185 1201 Va 6 170 10 8 175 1~ 7 175 12 8 175 14 5 180 9 4 175 7 lle 15 160 24 13 170 22 18 180 32 17 190 32 13 200 26 13 200 26 SC 22 130 29 21 145 30 14 150 21 14 140 20 16 1~5 2J 10 150 15 Ga 35 111 39 42 135 57 33 135 45 )8 130 49 41 130 5] 29 140 41 KT 22 184 ~o 25 240 60 23 260 60 22 280 62 15 210 32 13 21~ 2B Tenn 37 180 67 33 20 73 31 210 65 29 230 67 23 235 54 17 220 37 Ala 23 140 32 24 135 32 27 155 ~2 28 135 38 37 150 56 19 145 2B Hios 27 165 ~5 28 185 52 18 150 27 18 170 31 19 195 37 16 185 30 Ark 66 161 106 68 160 109 50 145 72 51 140 71 J8 185 70 27 190 51 L~ 6 130 8 5 165 8 ~ 160 6 4 135 5 6 145 9 5 160 8 Okla 132~ 145 1920 1118 125 1398 969 130 160 701 110 771 652 150 978 502 160 803 Tex 2920 1193768 2985 110 3283 2324 122 28391677 110 1844 lt17J 122 26601452 145 2105 Mont 5 117 6 4 120 5 6 115 7 4 130 5 J 150 4 3 80 2 Wyo 13 82 11 9 70 6 7 60 4 6 80 5 ~ 75 3 5 76 4 Colo ~7J 114 539 460 110 506 350 105 368 304 115 )50 280 105 29~ 301 107 322 11Mex 29~ 102 300 223 70 157 155 103 159 143 67 96 184 100 184 109 129 141 Arh 6 200 2 3 200 6 5 175 9 3 175 5 3 175 5 ~ 175 7 Ea1i__ _35pound __ Z___2_ ~poundO___ ~ __ _35pound ___7___~ 210___7___ _35pound __ ~ __ 2 _ 210___1pound

~middot~middot_118~ _15~ 015J317_ 10_ 21~11251_131_81~1_4520_ 3_56~6_ ~~8~ _14 ~~521~31_ za_11~

- 19 shy





- ---I I94 1J9s 1~~ S~at J Jor 1 Yield Pr d ti~ JeJ81 I n14 I ProducUcna I Jone J Yield Pro4ucUoII

____1_~bullt4_1_~r_~l _1__0_u _~ _1_IIret4__~I_-l _1________~t4_1_~1_~l J _____ _ ThouIAcne ~ ThoU Bu llloutareplE ft1oUI Bu BiouDJeJ8el llloubullbull IIp

Ind 2 ~9 48 2 300 60 1 300 30 Ill 1 240 2h 1 290 29 1 300 30 Iova 1 240 24 1 200 20 1 200 20 Mo 61 216 1)18 29 ~o 435 ~ 220 968 IDaIt 8 163 130 1 160 16 1 135 14 SDak 92 153 1408 43 115 494 37 160 592 lobI 115 22) 2564 75 180 1350 18 200 1560 Ian 2229 221 49261 1149 154 17695 B51 1)5 11488 IC 2 250 50 3 2)0 69 sc 1 165 16 1 170 17 3 IB5 56 Al 2 163 33 13 150 195 2) 160 368 uk 7 143 100 10 170 170 8 150 120 La 1 150 15 1 180 18 1 140 14 Okla 979 1050 146805 636 120 7632 6~ 115 7176 ex 05103 194 99229 ) 950 150 c59139 4~ 160 71840 ColO aIfO 1057 3768 180 lAt9 2682 191 130 2483 1lIex )69 166 6111 84 70 587 108 104 1127 Aris 54 372 2009 44 )40 1496 55 360 1980 ~a1____11____)1~ ____ ~)~ _____1pound2____32~ ___ _ l27 _____~5____42 ___ ~292 __ US 9)86 197 184978 6)24 152 9606) 6669 159 106025


- - --I l~ 192s 1~ Stah I tar 1 Yield 1 PrOdUCtioD Acre I Yield I ProductiOIl Acne I Yield 1 Productloll

____1_~etd_Umiddotr_Jer _1_______ _~etd_I_Pr_Ael _1_______1_lIrQt4__~r_~l J _____ _ Thoue Jon ll 2a DIOUlllOD ThoubullbullJer 12 DIoubullbull Toll lhoUlJarooa ToD bou l01I

lIId 5 105 52 4 120 48 3 110 111 4 100 40 3 90 27 2 105 21 Vh 1 80 8 1 75 8 M1Dn 70 21 4 60 24 2 65 13 Iowa 6 100 60 3 90 27 1 110 11 Mo 85 374 36 71) 252 25 85 212 IDak 2 30 6 2 202 4 2 21 4 SDaIc 15 7 56 11 3- 37 7 40 28 Ifebr 59 64 378 22 50 110 17 50 BS Iane 412 70 2884 )42 55 1881 SO 60 21OQ SC 3 50 15 ) 55 16 3 50 15 Ga ) 40 12 1 45 14 51) 20 leDII 10 65 65 9 70 63 6 70 42 Al 6 75 45 05 70 35 6 60 36)Ii 12 90 108 12 90 108 12 75 90 Ark 3 55 16 2 55 11 5 60 )0 La 1 61 7 1 7- 7 1 66 7 Old 97 50 485 10 45 115 67 40 l68 Ix l6It 48 789 108 35 )83 87 41 ~O Colo 10 55 55 18 45 81 5 50 25 bullbull lIu 6 ) 20 2 30 2 45 9 Arll 9 121) 108 6 US 69 12 U5 138pounda1_____4____~~ ______2 ______4 ~ ______4 _____~ ______l~ ______ ____1~~

US 879 642 56114 671 532 3510 623 576 3SS7


- - - -I = 19~ = = = == = ~ 1~4sect state crill 1 Yield ProductioD Acre 1 Yield I Prod t1 I Acres Yield Pr

_____~etd_lt]~r_Apoundr ________1_Hrstd_IJr_Apoundr ____~ _o~ __~etd_Jr_Apoundrtl _ ~d~~1~~ ThougAcru Jl9B1 lhquGIlllog TI1quecrea ~ TboutOallQII ThguuJcru GalloDII AAUIIlampllov

Ind 1 80 80 1 90 90 1 75 75 Ill 3 50 ISO 2 50 100 2 65 1)0 Via 2 80 160 1 70 70 1 62 62 10 3 125 )705 2 100 200 3 129 387 Mo 8 62 496 5 45 225 7 55 385 bu 2 55 110 2 SO 100 2 51 102 Va J 65 195 2 65 130 2 66 1)2 VVa 3 59 177 2 67 134 1 66 66 lIC 11 74 814 8 64 512 9 131 729 SC 10 55 550 10 55 550 8 58 464 Ge 22 55 1210 15 57 855 11 53 583 17 12 65 780 10 73 730 16 85 1360 laDII 15 61 915 14 60 840 19 73 1)87 Ala 27 65 1755 18 66 1188 22 6) 1386 Mha 25 78 1950 21 80 1680 19 65 1235 Ark 17 SO 850 15 55 825 17 60 1020 L~ 2 55 110 2 60 120 2 40 80 OklL 6 42 252 5 43 215 4 47 188

i~----~i---~------l~-----l~---~------~______~ ___~____ _~2__--- - - - - - - - - - _1_ - __ l~ _____146____6middotZ ____ 2~ _____~_ 660 10171

-O- ------------ shy



-s~~e-= ~II 1 RI~ 1Pr~~to ~r~ ~~ 1 ~o~t~I~ ~~ R~~ ~din I BarYeated Per Acre I I BarYe ted Per Acr I I BarYbullbulltod Per Acr

- - - -1h-cr- -Dl~hr- -fhoa- ia - fhQicr1 bir- - -TiioQ- ib- - thOulAcibullbull -Dlhel- TiioU- -IDe 1 260 26 1 320 32 1 320 JJ~ Iowa 1 160 16 1 195 20 1 225 m )10 114 160 704 30 240 72031 200 6tjIlak 1 155 16 1 160 16 SDU 111 90 162 20 155 310 20 122 244

Iobr 75 150 1125 111 225 2632 109 236 2572lAD 754 145 10933 339 215 287811 1392 215 29 928 IC 5 250 125 16 270 432 15 250 375 s Q 5 155 78 1 175 122 7 180 126 Ala 34 165 561 45 195 878 33 181 597 Arll 10 150 15016 1110 2811 14 172 241 lA 2 140 28 2 155 31 3 170 51 CkIa 440 110 11840 556 150 8340 548 155 8494 181 3640 180 65421 496 165 74143 3563 239 114996 Colo 160 150 2400 192 170 3264 3011 172 52911 INex 167 106 1764 287 140 40111 415 222 9213 Arh 53 410 2113 75 400 3000 61 1146 2721 -~l____1~ ____3 ____ ~sect9 _____16___ 31middot ____ ~~ _____ 11___ 32 ~ ___ r62_ ~~___ ~~ ____lI~ ____9I11 ____ 7____1~ ___ ~I~ ____6~5~2____2 __ 4~_

ALL SOBOIIllKS JOR SIIMB AOlJWlE YIELD A)JD PROIUClIOIl 1947 to 1949 _______ ~_7_________________ __________________ ~~_______ _~------------~------------------~------------------ilt--------

State Acre I Yh1d I Acre field Acre Yield BarPedd Per Acre Product1on I BarPted Per Acre Production llarveted Pet Acre Production

- - - - ThouAcre -iaL- - -boU7tOji - biiuAcro -Jiii- - -b0li71oi- ~ouEcre - -~n - -fhw7Tu Ind 2 85 17 2 115 23 2 115 23 Ill 2 90 18 4 105 42 3 93 28 Hinn 2 60 12 2 eo 16 1 70 7 IoVA 3 60 18 3 95 28 3 100 30 Mo 33 70 231 31 95 294 29 86 249 IfIlK 1 25 2 1 30 3 2 23 5 slak 9 25 22 5 55 28 3 42 13 Ibr 16 45 72 12 60 72 18 70 126lAD 409 53 21611 359 76 2 72~ 278 73 2029 SC 3 50 15 2 55 11 3 60 18 0 3 45 14 5 55 211 3 60 IS Tonn 6 70 42 7 75 52 8 76 61 Ala 4 65 26 7 75 52 6 74 44 Nh 12 65 711 12 01 0 96 8 85 61 Ark 3 5middot3 16 5 75 38 5 75 38 ta 1 60 6 2 68 14 2 70 14 (kIa 54 37 200 4 55 264 43 56 241 Tex 69 37 258 66 46 305 60 57 343 Colo 6 45 27 7 55 38 9 48 43 IIMex 3 40 12 e 45 36 8 53 42 Arh 4 110 44 10 110 110 11 115 126 -~1____ ~ ____1poundpound ______~ ______4____1poundpound ______~ ______6____1~ pound _____~_ ~____ ~4~ ____ 4___ _ lP _____~2____ 7____ ~~1 _____51____ 10___ sect2~_


-- -- I~ D[8 I~i State Aeres Tield Production I Acr Tield Produetlon I Acree Yield Production

BarYeted I Per Acre I BarTeted Per Acre BarYeted Per Acre - - - - hiiuicre - Gallon - bouGallon thouD Xcre - 01100 - fhoubullbullOaflon ~iiuicro - iiaflon -lhOli7aeliOii Ind 1 70 70 1 90 90 1 90 90 Ill 1 55 55 1118 1 51 51 1 80 80 1 77 77 IClVa 2 80 160 2 168 336 2 158 316 Mo II 42 168 3 66 1911 2 61 122 Ian 2 51 102 1 47 47 Va 1 61 67 1 90 90 IIVa 1 70 70 bullbullC 10 73 730 6 611 408 4 72 211 Sc 7 49 343 5 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ Ga 14 59 826 II ~ ~ 6 60 ~ ~ 12 74 888 6 73 438 5 79 395 Tnn 13 60 7S0 7 Ala 111 60 10110 8 m = ~ =Mi 22 68 1496 15 78 1170 9 63 567 Arll 11 42 462 8 64 512 4 54 216 La 2 35 70 1 43 43 1 45 45 Cltla 3 33 99 2 55 110 1 52 52 ~_____ ~ ____ 25______ 13~ ______5__ _ ______ 1pound _____ -____ ~_____ __I~

Us 131 7847 SO 6911 55116 53 66s 3539 -------------------------~---------------------------- -------- 21 shy

bullUPDATA 1981 ~~ I j


--- -- 1~ t 19~ t 19[6 StlAt I Acree Yield Acrn Yield Acrea Yield

Harvea d Pel Production Harvest d Per Production Harvested Per Production _________ ~ _ _Agrl _ ______ ______Apound~ __ ______ t ______ _Asr~ _______ _

ThoutlAcree Ton8 ThouTone ThouAcre Ton ThouBlone ThoUllAcres 1on8 Thou8Tone Main 923 89 818 833 106 882 84 99 m fK 388 102 395 376 123 464 364 118 431 it 1032 126 1298 10oe 150 1516 1006 143 1442 )(saso 319 124 469 376 164 615 365 164 597 RI 36 1l4 41 37 146 54 34144 49 Conn 304 123 374 300 157 472 288 162 467 fY 4008 144 5759 4021 161 6488 3968 162 6416 NJ 274 147 402 288 177 509 260 175 454 PIi 2564 140 3597 2539 151 3826 2525 150 3789 0b10 2605 139 3622 2560 148 3801 2536 152 3848 Ind 2004 131 2626 1765 145 2551 1835 137 2511 Ill 2824 139 3938 2662 152 4053 2732 146 3985 Mich 2813 1)8 3895 2671 148 3958 2648 124 3272 Vb 4263 163 6929 4214 187 7870 4ll2 155 6371 Minn 4683 142 6640 4366 152 6637 4067 146 5956 Iowa 3551 164 58)6 1304 172 5677 3275 163 5325 Mo 3703 113 4171 3914 115 4500 3545 119 4201 lItDIIk 3421 97 3305 3434 94 3233 3068 89 2724 SDak 36e5 99 3637 3616 92 3312 3478 80 2775 Nebr 4355 112 4865 4062 11)9 4436 3915 97 3787 ~B 1784 167 2982 1783 161 2875 1746 135 2354 Del 82 1 ~o 98 75 152 114 71 149 106 Md 461 120 552 464 139 643 442 148 656 Va 1383 11)2 1405 1477 117 1722 1391 119 1650 IIv 835 108 904 840 1~ 1061 812 129 1045 NC 1315 96 1263 1374 98 1352 1263 102 1285 sc 543 74 400 554 84 465 S07 87 442 Oe 1406 49 689 1441 54 785 1399 52 723 lIla 118 54 64 125 57 71 123 49 60 It) 1630 112 1831 1987 137 2720 1813 136 2459 Tenn 1769 94 1660 1978 124 2444 1802 122 2205 All 1 091 67 730 995 75 742 999 74 744 M18s 925 119 1104 873 117 1025 850 123 1046 Ark 1397 109 1529 1378 116 1595 1258 118 1483 ra 3Jl 119 395 326 125 406 319 126 403 Okla 1296 129 1671 1326 133 1757 1355 113 1534 Tex 1591 90 1439 1599 96 1537 1623 11)3 1619 Mont 2265 119 2689 2267 117 2681 2147 112 2395 Idho 1198 204 2445 1189 204 2428 1140 213 2429 liTo 1156 113 1312 1103 116 1274 1091 111 1214 Colo 1467 159 2331 1425 155 2215 1359 148 2008 NMex 217 221 419 201 192 385 206 212 436 Arb 332 218 723 309 242 748 306 239 737 Utah 612 203 1245 597 200 1194 573 195 1115 ireV 435 142 617 436 141 615 432 152 655 VaBb 989 119 1775 931 187 1744 656 192 1640 Oreg 1156 173 1996 1158 170 1970 1062 173 1~39poundampl1____20plusmn0____ ~middot21____ 22~ ____2130____ ~bullsect4____60]6____ 282 __ _ 1~2_ ___6t0Q3_ ~____ 176)9____ ]middot13___ 03~2 ___ 16627____ ]~__ _1~7t418_ ___71141 ___ ]15___ 291518_

VILD HAY ACREAGE nELD lID PllOllUCTIOlf 1944 to 191i6

- - - - - 1~ l I9~ l 19[6 state I Acree Yield Acree Yield AcreB Yield

I Harveated Per Productioll ltlrvesed bull Per bull Production Harvested Per bull Production ___________ l ce__ ~ ______ t _____ _ =_AsrJ __ ______ l _______~r __ _____ _

ThouaAcrem ThousTon bonaAcres ona ThousTona Thoue-cres ~ Thousfou Via 140 130 182 94 115 106 llO 115 126 Minn 1452 1ll 1612 1394 115 1603 1282 110 1410 10 102 122 124 92 120 llO 86 1O 103 Mo 154 109 168 160 120 192 150 100 ISO NDal 2576 90 ~318 2576 85 2190 2318 85 1970 sJ))k 3076 88 2707 3014 60 24ll 2693 70 2025 Nebr 3198 80 2558 2942 75 2206 2795 65 1817Ian 693 111 769 638 115 734 636 75 478 Ark 194 104 202 202 105 212 202 105 212 Okla 480 118 566 437 125 S46 428 100 428 Tex 195 105 205 185 100 185 191 105 201 Mont 867 85 737 806 90 725 622 60 658 ldho 139 lU 156 139 115 160 135 110 148 To 529 60 423 481 BO 385 495 85 421 Colo 466 97 452 443 100 443 439 85 373 NMex 20 88 16 15 70 10 27 100 27 Utah 103 124 126 lOS 100 105 105 120 1-6 lreT 267 100 267 267 100 267 267 110 294 Yam 46 115 53 51 125 64 47 120 56 Or~ ll76 115 320 3U 11n 3IU gt86 110 315 ~l-l_____1$gt____ 110_____ 17g _____112___ _ 1io_ ~ __ _2ffl_ ____ 152 ___ 1lL ____11~_

k ___ 5all1_____23____1~J1 ___ 4~~_____21___ Jt2~2___ _ ll~7 ___ _g3_ __ l51 _


FFeti5 Hri+tttrtft gt~- bullbull ~Mto shy



- -- -- 1~7 19la_ 19sect State Acrea Yild cr Tlel-l Acrea Yield

______II~~t~d_ ~ ~~~__ ~ ~d~ln_l v~e~ _~_A~~ ___~o~u~t~o~ ~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~____P~o~u~to~ ~bullbullAcrea gAl ~ousTonD fitouDcrea ~ lhoulITons Tbous bullocres I2 Thou9Tonl

M1n 766 11)8 627 nO 11)2 746 695 9B 682 lilI J5) 127 446 JJ9 124 421 J18 11) )56 n 995 149 148J 974 145 1416 952 124 1176 ca )51 154 540 J46 160 59f )42 145 496 RI )2 159 51 29 159 46 28 1 bullSO 42 Conn 280 166 464 272 162 440 26) 156 410 IIT )752 161 6029 )642 165 6016 3)97 1)6 46)0 IJ 244 17) 422 236 161 428 239 177 422 Il 2))9 150 )511 2194 146 )710 2202 142 )123 Ohio 2497 140 34B6 2)84 14) )406 2255 142 )212 Ind 1708 1)6 2)Jl 1661 1)6 2251 1616 145 2 bull 342 Ill 2626 14J )756 2)85 149 )558 2230 165 J689 Mich 2628 1Jl J45) 24)6 1)7 )346 2)29 1)2 )069 Vh 4066 16) 6665 )940 1)8 54)2 3916 15) 5972 MiIlJ1 4063 142 57n )659 1)7 529) 3819 1)lt3 5268 10_ )J)B 154 5154 2943 1)4 )955 )100 159 49)0 Me 3762 114 4)10 )S46 129 4564 )60) 129 465) IDU 3289 95 )110 3176 91 2901 )441 B5 2920 S~ )675 85 ))1) 4126 84 )451 4412 68 3013 lfebr 4)05 113 4BBI 4))4 105 4532 4836 108 5ZJl Iu 2059 153 )155 195) 176 )479 2017 160 3~z2 Del 69 146 102 n 140 102 68 110 97 Md 429 142 611 445 144 64) 429 152 ti51 Vamp 1)27 107 1414 1)72 126 1722 1321 127 16n VV 60) 116 92B 796 129 1026 B02 124 991_C 1292 96 1267 1290 10) 1)28 1246 105 1)12 SC 465 76 )76 509 68 449 52J 91 476 0amp 1)91 51 70) 1416 56 791 1055 6) 66) 11 125 54 67 1)2 58 77 65 62 5) 1) 1666 1)B 2568 1687 126 21)0 1828 110 2)60 l1IllU 1812 117 2120 1691 111 1861 l7J4 125 2175 U 939 72 679 922 18 720 790 84 667 Ki 601 115 923 769 121 9)3 779 115 89) Ark 1254 98 1224 1211 124 150) 1116 117 1J10 111 300 118 )s4 294 112 )29 295 1m 379 Okla 1580 119 1B77 1490 I)) 1975 1)50 1)5 1821 le 1620 90 16)7 1706 91 1556 145) 112 1624 MoDt 2227 112 2491 220) I) 2704 2On 101 2084 Idoho 1022 2Z5 2296 986 220 2171 1050 2lt) 2))7 1170 1080 117 1265 1017 94 960 1104 110 1209 Colo 1)56 164 2219 1)51 167 2251 1401 164 229) Ifllex 216 210 454 20) 212 4)) 19) 209 404 Arlo m 220 595 226 2)8 5)7 25) 247 624 Utah S6B 208 1160 550 205 1129 5)7 21) 1145 - )92 155 606 )8) 151 577 377 154 580 lfath 60) 1117 150) 765 205 1611 772 178 1375 Oree 1076 169 1617 1061 174 1646 970 158 1526 ~11middot____~~~ __ ~ J bull 26____ euro1)Q ____1~7O____ 1middotQ7____5JplusmnL ___ 1l15Q ___ 1middot25___ 3 49_ [middotk ___ 1 46amp6____ 1middot15___ 10Q$~ ___ 11617____ 114___ 2611~ ___71~ __ _ lmiddotlJ_ __ 25025_

_1If_ eii2ll 2r_A1l_II~r_r2r_125~D-~ 9Z1J211 o_____________ bull __________

~~~ _lAi~~e5drIx~~rpoundr ~tloi ~ce ~eililfgi ct r~~ln hqutr ll lhoubullbullrona rhouaAcr 12l ThouaToga

~ _____1 _0_____ 111_______ 1~~ _____ 1~ _____ 1Ql_ ______ 1~~ _ Ylk ____ 14aJgl_____ 1J8______ 10l57______7~11J _____ l~L _____ l0ll_ ~ -

WILD BAT AClUllilE fIELD AlID PBODUCrIOll 1947 to 1~1

- - - - - 1i41 1~ 1~ Il~t I Acre I Yield heres Yield Acres Yield bull

I arT ted I Per Production arTeBted Per ProucUon Iifrvsted Per bull Production ____ _1_ __~ __ _~rl _ i ______ 1 _______ cLe______________ cIe___=_____ _

1houeAcreo 1M lhoubullbullTop rhouoAcree ~ rhouerona rhousAcrea ron rhoubullbullroue Vlo 106 115 122 1)0 95 124 112 107 120 Minn 1)06 11e 1439 12)0 105 1292 11)2 105 1169 10 75 1O 90 61 115 9) 70 123 66 Mo 150 110 165 141 110 155 1)5 110 146 1IDIIk 2596 90 2))6 2414 65 2052 2535 Bo 2028 SDU )240 75 24)0 )4)4 70 2401 )4)4 57 1957_hr 296) 60 2)70 2904 65 1686 )252 75 24)9 lUI 702 110 772 611 115 7~ 642 115 nB Ark 204 B5 In 175 110 192 152 105 160 00amp 458 110 504 4)1 1 lt5 5)9 416 1gt0 502 lu 210 95 200 197 65 167 1B5 101 167 Mont 860 BO 704 654 90 769 769 75 577 Id~o 132 110 145 140 100 140 144 109 157 To 500 95 475 475 60 lB5 522 B5 444 Colo 470 105 494 451 105 474 474 102 4B) 11 Megt 27 BO 22 25 75 19 22 6) 1B Utah 109 125 1)6 105 110 126 105 I) 12911 230 1111 25) 216 105 227 205 9B 201 Vampth 46 120 55 55 1)0 2 57 120 68 Oreg )00 110 ))0 )30 15 412 291 106 gt08pound41lf_____1i6____ 11(1_____ 17~ _____1J6____ 1ltgt_____120_____ 1J~ ___ 112_____1~_

~____ 4~_____10____111111 ___ 4515_____~5___ l)~___ _~19= ____~2___ l121_ - 23 shy

-UPDATA 1981 bull _ bull h



ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944




- - - -I f9~ I f9[5I)~[ -_-_-_shyetate I Acre I Acree I Yield I 10- I Acree Acres I Yield I Pro- Acree I Acres I Yield I Pro-

___ )~l~e~e~~_ _p~r_~r~~ ~uto~ ~t~d~y~ ~ ~e ~ce__d~ci~n~t~d~y~ ~ 8 ~C_ _d~Cl~4_ Thoue Acre ]Uehe1 ftouabu houbullbull Acre Bmahe1 Thouebu Thons Acree Buehll1e Thoueau

Kaine 1 1~ 22 1 1-wo 19 1~ 21 BY 3 ) 193 58 3 3 190 57 9 9 210 1S9 Ind 4 4 191 76 3 3 200 60 Ill 7 7 200 140 7 7 250 175 7 7 230 161 Wh 33 32 203 60 28 28 260 728 63 b2 270 1674 Minn 1119 1064 168 17875 974 968 190 18392 1276 1268 195 24726 Iowa 4 ~ 140 56 3 3 190 57 6 6 215 129 BDak 8259 8040 161 129444 8176 80lI0 155 124620 8176 7960 13 107460 SD3t ~754 2654 124 32910 ~892 2787 155 43198 3181 3094 14 44863 Hebr 75 68 96 653 56 50 160 800 56 53 180 954 Eana 6 3 98 29 3 2 110 22 2 1 120 12 Mont 3000 2798 176 49245 2640 2106 115 27669 287 106 12middot5 30C75 Idaho 422 408 324 13219 405 388 310 12028 43 66 310 14446 W70 bull 97 84 149 1252 94 82 165 1353 8S 82 190 1558 Colo 171 140 14 2058 140 133 200 2660 141 120 165 1980 BXex 24 23 170 391 26 21 140 294 22 19 130 247 Utah 60 59 343 2024 61 60 330 1980 74 70 310 2110 I 11 11 80 308 13 13 240 312 14 13 270 351 h 1024 979 239 23398 972 948 200 18960 447 436 24 0 10682 Oreg 196 185 256 4736 206 196 225 4410 225 20S 240 4992

0l1lR SPRING iDA (Cont1d)

---~7I=)~If9~State I Acree I Acre I Yield I Pro- I ADrea I Acre8 I Yield I Pro- I Acre Acres Yield I Pro-

IPlanted l 1Iar- I Per Acre ducUon IPlanted liar- I Per Acre I ducUonlPlanted l Har- Pmiddoter Acre I ductton I Iftsted I I I IYellted I I I IYlIsted I I

- - - - -hoU7 Acre - -lhiillf- -TiioU-~ - yenhoujj-ACre- - ithG1 - houjj1iU7 bous-ACre - - ithG1 - ~hOu8 -bii IIY 4 4 210 84 7 7 240 168 7 7 23middot5 164 Ill S 8 240 192 9 9 25middot0 225 8 8 225 180 Vh 77 76 270 2052 93 92 240 2208 87 86 225 1935 Minn 1034 1014 17middot5 17745 924 913 17middot5 15978 1127 1114 150 16710 Iowa 11 11 170 187 21 21 210 441 29 G9 161 467 BDaIt 7685 7562 140 105868 6993 b881 145 9974 7762 7431 105 78026 SDaIt 3245 3156 140 44184 3440 3345 13middot0 431(85 3681 3479 7middot5 26092 Bebr 70 65 15middot5 1008 91 81 140 1134 114 97 130 1261 MODt~ 3234 3080 140 43 120 3525 3326 170 56542 426 3891 9middot5 36964 Idaho 488 481 33middot0 15873 5S8 570 300 17100 559 542 28middot5 15447 Wra 96 91 195 1174 lug 95 180 1710 104 94 162 1523 Colo 127 119 21middot5 2558 110 102 215 2193 199 189 200 3780 HHex 22 20 15middot0 300 21 19 13middot5 256 23 21 140 294 Utah 75 74 350 2590 83 00 31bull0 2480 89 87 330 2 1ff1 15 14 300 420 15 14 31bull0 434 15 14 290 406 Vah 670 645 200 12900 482 464 220 10208 588 548 170 9316 Oreamp 230 216 220 4752 225 216 245 5292 304 289 200 5780

-------------------~---------------------------------------[J8 17091 16636 154 255607 16735 16235 160 259628 18961 17926 112 201216 ------------------------------------------------------~----




QTS ACllEIGI ~ Alm PBOIlUCfIClI 1944 to 1946

- --- ~ t9Kti~ lorn Aclee amp Y1eld Pro- 1 AcleB Acre Yield Pro- Acre IAcres Y1eld Pro-

State Plantflcl Bar- I Per I duoUoa IPlantflcl liar- 1 Per Iductlou IPlantedl Bsr- Per I ducUoa ____1____etd_I_ ~e__ ____ Ii ____1_tIII_ cJ__t____ ___ t1e _Apoundr _ __ ~_ fhDU Acltel lluUel houalu neue Agee Buabeb TboualIu Tboua ampent ~ hCllle~

Mamp1nal 92 85 370 3145 79 71 360 2556 80 71 400 2840 JJB 14 8 340 272 14 s 330 264 11 7 370 259 n 74 48 320 1536 72 44 310 1364 66 4) 340 1462 (ast 15 6 280 168 16 7 270 189 14 6 350 210 liI 4 1 311) )1 5 1 )10 )1 4 1 320 32 Colll 18 6 )00 181) 18 5 )00 150 15 6 330 198 bullr 795 745 )10 2)095 731 663 290 19227 B41 SOZ 400 32080 raquoJ 54 47 )21 1509 S2 42 260 1092 54 45 320 11j4O Pat Bs4 8114 290 240 476 854 802 305 2446l 854 826 355 2932)Oblo 1073 1047 331 34656 1191 1162 425 49385 1)70 1348 450 60660Ind 1260 1172 256 30003 1436 1371 420 57582 1471 1412 309 55068 Ill 3251 3169 31 100457 )1146 3372 45~0 151740 JB37 3799 420 159558 Mlcb 1)44 1309 329 43066 1505 1466 400 58640 1550 1525 4S5middot 69)88 Vie 2839 2766 ~22 116725 3066 2987 510 152337 2943 2668 4J5 124758 Minn 4672 4456 327 145711 5M6 5392 450 242640 5439 533B 370 197506 Iowa 4917 4711 287 135206 5458 5323 )85 204936 5785 5642 375 2l1S75 Ko 2096 1698 179 30394 1799 1511 190 28709 2015 1843 310 57133 KDak 2784 2653 330 87549 2784 265) 325 86222 2506 2361 265 62566 SDak 3023 2914 298 86837 )597 3497 410 143377 3561 )462 290 100)98 Nebr 2291 2085 168 35028 254) 2439 )15 76828 2696 2561 280 11708 ~an 1825 ]561 162 25288 1278 968 175 16940 1495 1423 285 40556 Del 7 6 276 166 7 5 310 155 5 310 ISS )(d 46 42 310 1302 41 33 310 1023 38 34 330 1122 Va 174 14) 256 )689 172 lljO 280 3920 160 1)4 300 40020 W Va 94 67 221bull 1501 98 72 280 2016 94 68 )00 2040 BC 1t)7 335 277 9280 489 375 275 10312 49) 390 330 12870 SC S40 707 256 18099 798 700 260 18200 734 658 285 18753 Ga 954 656 253 16597 983 682 255 17391 806 5)9 265 14284 Pia 150 40 176 704 145 45 200 900 160 40 180 720 Ky 129 87 200 1740 108 76 240 1824 1)2 99 250 2475 Tenn )16 208 250 5200 Jlj8 245 260 6)70 310 245 265 6492 Ala 294 228 254 5791 318 242 260 6292 28) 198 24ft 40752Ki 521 444 336 14918 542 462 290 13)98 439 32) 300 9690 Ark 525 320 276 88)2 512 304 270 8208 379 255 )00 7650 La 200 152 290 4408 198 131 280 3668 1)6 100 220 2200 Olda 1584 1533 202 30967 1220 1027 190 1951) 1269 1089 210 22B69Tex 1732 1597 239 )8168 1992 1767 225 39758 1892 1608 220 )5376Mont 558 425 )43 14790 491 323 290 9)67 506 )52 310 10912 Idaho 237 194 426 8264 201 171 420 7182 185 1~ 430 7052111 182 150 )14 4710 19) 164 300 4920 174 15) )05 4666 Colo 254 224 278 6221 244 220 3)0 7260 227 187 300 5610 KlIex 60 5) 229 1214 54 43 220 946 57 45 200 900 Arh 26 11 350 385 25 12 490 S88 29 12 350 420 Utah 63 5) 457 2 bull 422 58 0 ljOO 2000 54 4) 4)0 1849n 12 9 430 )87 12 9 390 )51 12 8 440 352 Valh )08 160 1147 7152 288 150 4)0 6450 213 128 480 61411-Oreg 11 609 )98 305 121ljO 560 342 2)5 8054 549 )56 275 9782 ~B1___ i __ ~ _ 89____ Si ___ 21~ __ 6Z _110_ ___515__ 110___120__)~2 ____57O_

us 114141 )9741 289 11492ljO 46025 417)9 365 1523851 46515 42812 345 1477573 irT~-aralaquoe-ot oat-gion-with p~Ud-ytcit-licluded rn-plaitd-aid-hin bullbullt~-JAici - - - - -- - - - --

HOPS ACREAGK rIEl]) AlID PJiClWCTlaIl 1944 to 1946

- - --I I9~ 19~C 9~ State Acre Yield s ampere Ylel4 amper I Yltd r

1 ~eled I Per 1 p~oduct101l1 ilarYetflcl I Per s lrodUOUOIl HarYtll4 I Per I Prodwt1oa __________1__1111 __1______1________Jampr ________1______1__Aampll ________ _

poundtI ~ fhaumiddotporu Att URa flynlold Aampt ~ hllPUI4a Idaho 190 1610 3 2ljO 1850 AA4 240 1585 38t lIaah 9900 1720 17028 11700 1680 21996 11600 1700 19720 Oreg 18700 920 17204 19900 1lt045 20796 20000 950 19000 Ca11t 8ljOO 1620 13608 9100 1580 14378 9100 1610 14651

us 1295 57614 1)13 5)751

- 12 ~


- - - - 19t7 l )~ l i~ Stat Acre Acre I Yleld I Pro- I Acre I Acr Yleld Pro- I Acrll1l Acree Yield Proshy

P1aDted Bar- Per I ducUoa Planted I liar- I Pv ducUoll Plantod au-- Par ducUoa ________1~td_I_ Act__ ~ ___ _ l _____Tt1~_ jcz__1___ _ l ___ lV1~ 1 _~rt _ 1 ____ _ hoWl Acre llI rhouslIg ThOUl ASpound lIuahal ~oulIu ThoUi Acre Bualull lulYBu

Main 8i 73 340 21f82 77 64 420 2688 101 90 400 3600 bullbullB 12 7 310 211 11 6 400 240 U 5 360 180 Vt 54 28 270 756 60 J6 370 1332 66 33 300 990 Ifaabullbull 12 5 360 180 12 6 330 198 13 6 290 174 BI 4 1 330 33 3 1 330 J3 2 1 250 25 Cou 12 4 320 128 10 4 J30 132 12 5 320 160 bullbullY 5JO 47J 275 13008 126 672 400 26880 791 719 290 20851 J 49 36 250 900 42 37 350 1295 46 J9 331 1291 Pa 734 661 390 19169 749 720 380 27J60 794 756 305 23058 ChJo 863 714 260 18564 1191 1171 450 52695 1322 1288 350 45080 1114 1294 1112 )00 35i60 1317 1289 410 52849 1456 1405 366 51423 111 J377 3311 J40 112574 390S 385] 450 17JJ85 J881 3834 415 1591U Klcb 1085 1052 350 36820 1465 1420 37S 5)250 1538 1505 345 51922 IIh 2884 28ll 430 120873 2942 2867 440 126148 3030 2924 41~ 119884 Mu 4630 4537 360 163332 4908 4855 425 206J38 5027 4952 J5$ 175796 Iowa 5438 5247 310 162657 6199 6086 450 273870 6417 6269 386 241983 fo 1552 1309 230 30107 1971 162) 265 43010 1794 1526 229 34945 bullbullllampk 2331 2219 290 64J51 2238 2152 280 60256 1880 1722 201 34612 SDak 3134 J081 Jl0 95511 J165 3112 JJ5 104252 J102 2956 221 65328 bullbullbr 2426 2279 275 62672 2750 2621 280 733AB 2511 2280 202 46056 ~e 1510 1395 290 40455 1616 1144 220 25168 1034 881 194 17091 Del 7 5 320 160 6 5 J50 175 7 6 300 180 Md 40 35 )20 1120 42 36 J35 1206 47 42 J25 1365 Va 150 121 270 3267 160 IJl 330 4323 165 134 296 3966 IIVa 88 64 305 1952 77 58 JO5 1769 79 56 272 1523 IC 508 386 290 lll94 J56 270 290 7830 527 J94 287 U308 SC 866 704 255 17952 606 500 22S ll250 7i~7 605 245 14822 Ga 887 550 250 13750 674 429 260 ll154 7112 468 255 U93~ Jla 160 30 ZOO 600 IJ5 21 190 399 124 16 160 256 LT 141 90 230 2070 118 8J 260 2158 171 109 229 2496 Tenn JOl 230 265 6095 277 205 295 6048 )49 254 250 6350 Ala 28J 184 230 4232 275 169 265 4478 234 130 226 2938 Klas 4J9 365 250 9125 329 274 310 8494 237 156 250 3900 Arlt 424 280 300 8400 40J 252 Jl0 7812 339 209 240 5016 La 145 100 260 2600 113 80 JOo 2400 113 70 250 1750 0Icla 1396 1231 235 28928 1033 714 165 11781 7J3 578 176 10173 Tex 1684 14)1 210 )0051 1465 787 165 12986 1)92 1204 260 31304 font 491 J)8 )10 10478 452 )24 370 11988 457 266 )00 7~80 Idaho 187 172middot 415 7138 168 153 415 6350 212 188 J95 7426 liTO 169 150 JJo 4950 172 14J JOO 1~290 177 137 299 4096 Colo 234 200 325 6500 229 194 JOo 5820 261 235 327 7684 IMex 48 38 210 798 46 38 210 798 )6 32 220 704 Arh J2 12 400 480 28 U 340 374 28 11 400 440 Utah 54 49 1180 2352 5J 47 420 1974 55 50 450 2250 In 13 8 410 328 12 8 410 J28 12 8 J75 300 lIuh 198 131 510 6681 2)0 153 425 6502 22J 150 440 6600 Oregl 554 J56 285 101)2 421 271 265 7182 488 366 280 10248 CalU 542 180 270 4860 558 185 JOo 5550 508 166 260 4316

U8 42058 37855 311 1176142 438)8 39280 )69 1450186 4))18 )92)6 )20 1254895 iT1~C~r~-of at-Vow-rti pa-Ud-ytcl-licluded 11l-plut~-eid-~et-d-~rg- - - - - - - - - - --


- -- -= 1~41 1~ 12~ y Stato Acre Yleld I Acree neld I Acr I Yleld

BarTetod Par I ProdUCUOIl BarTet~ Per I PrOductioD BarTeted I Par ProdtlCtlOD ____________~~ ________________Apoundr ______________1__~rt ________ _ I Pound rhoDaPound AaI ~ bgPoup4I ~ ~ lboyPoupd

Idaho 240 1645 J9S 620 1040 645 850 16)5 1390 lIaeh 11700 1740 20358 129llO 1760 22704 13000 1490 19370 Orae 18900 870 16443 17700 890 15753 14500 1015 147181__ _9rx0_ __ 21~ ___ _ll~~ ___92~___ 3~ ____116 __ 2~ ___ ~~ ____ 5J8__

US 39840 1275 50186 40420 1248 50464 37550 135J 50796 lpduCtloi IncldJ-hOPI baiTr 4 lalabi ~der Krktlnlaquo ~_8zit-hop hanrd bur iot alabi ~dei --HarkaUn ~e_ent and hope produced lint ut harTated Salabl amplloYlIDh under proTle1on of Harltetln Jcre_ent totalad 39 111ion pounda in 1949

- 13 -



- - - -- - - - - - - - -lqijlj - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ~l~~ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - r ~- - - - - - - - shy__ ______ 9 ________________ iloz ___ bullbull _____________ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _~

Stat r Ac r Acr I Tleld r Pro- a__ Acree nu I Pro-- Ie Acrts n1d Pr a ra bull Bar- I Par I I --a bull lIN-- Per I I re Bar- I Per 0shy

____ _P~t~I_~e~ i ~e___dCl~_~t~__f- lPte___l~n_~td__Ie cpoundt_ i ~uC hou lcree l1ehels houbullbulllnl hone Acree aJaba18 honelnl Thou Acre llilehe1 houalnl

HIlna --3--- 3 ~ laquor 5 3 --uo 114 4 ~ -zo 12S n 3 3 250 75 3 3 220 66 2 2 280 56 bullbullY 113 106 255 2703 110 102 250 2550 116 114 320 30118 bullbullJ 10 9 278 250 9 II 300 240 11 10 360 160 h 108 105 298 5129 104 103 3fO 3605 113 112 365 41118 Ohio ~3 21 256 538 26 23 300 690 111 17 295 02Ind 51 41 243 1142 52 44 240 1056 27 25 240 600 Ill 53 45 240 1080 34 31 250 175 26 24 260 624 Kich 144 140 256 3584 121 118 310 3658 139 138 365 5031h 190 181f 267 4913 91 90 400 3600 125 124 375 4650 Kian 809 688 202 389pound 461 4If7 290 12963 138 733 290 21~57 10 II 7 166 116 3 3 2110 114 13 13 315 110 110 102 82 212 1138 88 66 19(1 1254 77 63 200 160 bullbullDU27Ifl 2625 216 56700 2357 2~1I1f 230 5~532 2357 22114 200 45080 SDak 1973 1756 147 25813 l38t 1299 245 31826 1464 1377 220 30294 abr 1174 760 115 8740 681 610 220 13420 613 549 210 11529Ean 1031 722 178 12652 480 38) 185 7086 360 2B 175 5022 Del 12 11 265 292 11 10 280 280 11 11) 305 305 Md 70 69 308 2125 71 64 290 1856 63 6Q 345 2010 Ya 76 72 301f 2189 76 68 270 11136 13 71 320 2272 V1a 9 9 2611 241 9 9 270 243 1 7 300 210 ~1 60 45 268 1206 56 42 220 924 41 33 285 940 S-l 34 25 231 57S 25 21 21( 141 23 20 260 520 GA 11 10 213 213 10 9 200 110 1 6 215 129 rr 127 89 223 1985 11 55 225 12311 11 0 250 120 enn 130 102 197 200s 129 98 1110 1764 100 82 200 1~ Ala II 5 205 102 3 2 200 40 3 2 1110 36 Kl 9 C 260 156 8 6 240 144 3 2 240 411 uk 19 13 199 25~ 14- 9 110 153 8 5 195 911 Okla lt97 28 ~l 5728 249 185 16( 2960 142 ~9 140 1 526 fex 373 340 222 15411 351 235 145 3408 196 164 150 21100 Mont 655 611 213 166110 720 672 220 14184 828 780 225 1 5 ldah 340 330 372 12216 320 307 37 0 11359 294- 276 340 1)84shyliTO 146 131 )10 4061 143 124 300 3120 154 144 300 4320 Ccio 867 726 214 15536 876 ~1 285 22544 683 ~eH 2)5 13936 bullbullMax 64 45 1115 8J2 If5 34 1110 612 28 23 200 1f6O Arh 145 74 420 3108 153 78 380 29611 161 85 400 3400 Utah 139 135 462 62)7 IJIf 130 450 5850 11) 101 450 4 amp60n 24 22 357 185 21 20 320 640 22 20 340 F80 Vallh 202 176368 61+77 139 125 350 1t375 97 90 370 30 Orttlaquo 269 2)8 34s 8282 285 2~i1 295 7582 )02 278 340 ~I1f52 Call 730 1429 280 40012 1816 14amp6 280 41608 1834 1486 30 119038

~I-=~ ==1~~5~= ~2~~1= =~~= =~7~7~ ==l~I~= ~~2~4==~~ == ~~~~= ~1~~6I=~0~~0= =2~~ ==2~~O~ rIumWlI ACREAGE YlELll AND PllOOUallOll 1914 to li46

----~ 1 li~ = 9~ State I Aero I Acre Yield I Pre-l Acre I Acru I Tleld Pro- II Acru I Acre I neld I To- 11

bull Plan~ad I Bar- I lier ductlon I Plante~ I pounder- I Per ductioil I Fanhd 1 Bar- I Per I dUction I ted I Acre I I 1 yoted I Acre I ted AcTa ~

- - - - - -hoUe7 Acres - -BoUbei- houbullba7 - - houS-ACre- -Btlaber- yenboue iJU7 - - houil-cre- -lIiiiierTiini7bi 111 6 3 80 24 2 2 IIfO ~8 1 1 140 14 Mich 6 82 49 7 7 60 42 7 7 90 63 Vh 6 ~ 117 7C 8 7 110 17 6 6 130 111 II an 914 829 75 6211f 1091 1067 HO 11737 932 BB6 105 303 I a III 93 59 519 76 15 125 91I 31f 34 150 10 M 11 11 5~ 60 9 B 45 36 6 6 65 3~ JrDK 865 802 82 6576 l571f 1 525 110 12200 1166 162 65 195) SDak 321 3c6 B2 2509 436 441 105 4630 318 344 100 )44t Rebr 2 1 110 8 2 2 90 18Ian 140 90 37 3)3 133 122 55 611 120 116 70 812 Okla 6n 45 45 202 24 14 30 42 3 J BO 24 lex 36 34 80 272 65 63 BO 504 B4 76 73 555 1I0fa~ 221 193 76 1512 6O 320 41 1312 83 14 70 511 110 1 1 14 4 2 2 50 10 1 1 50 Lrh 19 19 25 4114 1 17 23C 391 14 14 240 36 Oras 1 1 71 7 (all 170 164 110 i788 121 __13__lI~ ___ 22 ___ Osect ___1~2__12~ ___ 9~g VB ---middot2i~ - -2~6i--8- - -21665 - - 3954 - 3785 91 34557 2641 21132 93 2~ ~1I8 1F t te- 40-n~t- 1~ciu4-i ()d ha-8i~ tro-t7 - ~~- to tibe- 1oe~o-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- l


------------------------------------------------------ -------

lIlJ1IJrr ~CRlGlI Th([~ 11-JD PROWClIOIf 1947 to 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - - - p~- - - - - - - -- - bull - - - - - -1M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -194- - - - - - - - -State -~o -1-ACn- rfi1d -1- h- -1- ~8 - -ACre-Triold -- - -1- ~e --ACre- ~ field -1- Pt- shy

1 Planted Bu- 1 Per I duction 1 Planted I mu-- I Per I 4nction Planted Har- Par I iucHonI bullbullbulltd IAero I yeatod Acre I yeahd 1 Acre I

- - - - - - Thoubullbull -ACre- middotmiddot8iiior- ihiiUbullbull~7 - Thoue-ACre- - - ibahel ifhoua iiU- - - fhiiUC-ACre - -llI1aiiel - ifhiiubullbulliiU7 NaiDe 4 4 280 112 4 4 320 128 6 6 290 174 Vt 1 1 190 19 2 2 290 58 1 1 200 20 bullbullT 103 93 240 2232 93 90 320 2880 85 79 250 1975 Bl 17 15 330 495 18 16 330 528 19 17 385 654 Pa 132 130 330 4290 132 126 3115 113117 156 154 395 6083 Ohio 17 15 260 390 19 18 300 540 21 18 310 558 IDd 22 21 260 546 19 18 270 1IS6 23 21 265 556 Ill 28 26 285 7111 32 31 3110 10511 l1li 41 300 1230 Mich 121 115 300 3lIse 1112 140 320 41180 129 125 270 3375 Vb 160 159 )65 5804 205 204 380 7752 195 194 332 6l1li1 Minn 1018 915 265 25838 1252 1219 270 32913 1148 1110 230 25530 Iova 6 311 235 799 33 33 320 1056 31 31 259 803 No 74 63 230 1449 84 73 250 1825 106 85 215 1828 HDak 2522 2444 210 51324 2724 2640 210 55440 1880 1690 150 25350 SDak 1508 1432 220 31504 1583 1518 230 311914 1219 1093 125 13662 Xebr 533 467 220 10274 560 472 195 92011 403 326 187 b096Ian 328 290 220 amp380 459 362 190 6878 266 221 175 3868 Del 13 12 305 366 13 12 285 342 13 12 270 324 u~ 75 73 3110 2482 711 70 310 2170 82 80 340 2720 Va 86 84 295 21178 89 86 345 2967 89 86 3011 2614 VVa 9 9 31bull0 279 10 10 345 345 12 12 3111 377 bull c IS 39 290 1131 39 32 245 7811 40 34 262 891 50 26 22 260 572 23 18 215 3fr7 23 18 225 405 Ga 8 7 220 154 6 5 200 100 5 4 225 90 ~ 71 53 25middot0 1325 76 53 265 1404 102 72 250 1800 enn 88 77 210 1amp17 86 75 220 1650 82 67 170 1139 Ala 2 1 180 18 3 2 190 38 3 2 2110 lIS IU 3 2 230 46 3 2 250 50 3 2 250 50 Ark 5 3 200 60 10 6 lt1I0 1l1li 8 5 211 106 Okla 109 86 180 1548 80 66 155 1023 61 52 175 9iO fex 161 1311 175 2345 117 113 155 1752 159 133 190 2527 Mont 853 796 235 18706 930 8]6 290 254011 614 526 210 11046 IdaIw 332 320 370 11840 32 358 350 12530 3112 329 320 10528 Tn 1119 138 320 41116 177 159 275 4312 168 151 298 115000010 669 605 280 16940 amp62 563 250 111075 841 788 281 22143 NMex 29 25 195 1IS8 22 20 210 420 26 211 210 504 Arb 150 97 -1130 4111 191 146 510 1114amp 167 126 500 amp300 Utah 123 118 1110 5546 150 1l1li 420 amp0118 155 150 440 66Or) Hey 22 20 360 120 27 24 360 864 25 22 350 770 Wash 114 105 335 3518 136 126 345 11341 112 101 2St 2828 Oreg 323 JOO 355 10650 381 351 345 12110 297 214 32~ 8768 Oalif 1~g9 1545 290 44805 1965 1amp22 310 50282 19amp5 1590 J~o 50880

~~___ 191__ 092__221 __2183__ ~~__1~202 __2~2_ -5527__ 1122__ 21~ __2~~ __2101l_

FUXSEED ACHEM TImraquo HI) PllOOOCTION 1947 to 1949

------------If-------------------Ijs-----------------qij---------shy-- - ~ - - -- ic~ Yield -- ~-Y- - -A- - - ACro9 Yield - - - -y-- -_-- --Acrii~ ~ field -- - -11

S 11 i crea Bar- Per I _rei I Bsr- I Per I ro- I re Har- I Per ro- I I Planted I yeated I Acre ductiou I Plant~d yeted Acre I dnction I Planted I yeated Acre I dnction

- - - - - - Thoubullbull-ACre - -lliiahel - ifhOuB iiU- - - fhOU8 -ADrbullbull- -lIIlaiieY - ibOua iiU- - -hOUI- Acre - -llI1ahl - houaiiu-Ohio 3 3 80 2~ Ill 6 6 120 72 2 2 140 28 1 1 130 13 Mich 6 6 75 45 10 10 BO SO 10 10 14 74 Wi 15 15 125 188 22 22 13middot 297 17 17 139 236 Hinn 1411 1313 l0 15103 1700 1661 115 19102 1700 1644 95 15618 Iowa 84 83 135 1120 105 l04 155 1612 III 110 13J 1518 Mo 6 6 50 30 4 4 5middot0 20 3 3 65 20 DDak 1567 1524 80 12192 1818 1753 9middot5 lSb5~) 2018 1928 70 13496 SDak 591 585 100 5850 11amp 708 110 1788 713 708 65 11602 lana 115 107 70 7119 fr7 12 5middot5 396 34 31 63 195 Okla 4 4 60 24 4 3 30 9 3 3 5middot3 16 u 94 91 95 864 248 240 5middot5 1320 335 308 65 2002 Mont IBB 168 60 1008 148 141 100 1410 90 62 47 291 Idaho 3 3 100 30 Wyo 2 2 45 9 1 1 50 5 1 1 50 5 Arh 20 20 265 530 38 38 280 1064 44 38 250 950 Vah 4 4 130 52 2 2 100 20 2 2 120 24 Oreg 8 1 150 105 15 1~ 105 1111 9 8 110 88 CaliC 125 122 215 2623 201 198 245 4851 197 17~ 220 3828 US - - - -11264- - -4129-- 98 - - ~6i- - -5121- - ~97 - -iia - - 54803- - -5348- - 5048 - - 85 - - 42976-If iti~t- dO-Dt-iclude-claed hatd tr-II-fla ~- fO fib In-oe~o- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- 15 -

UPDATA 1981 bull ~ ilmiddot t ~ bull


RD ACRlWl1l TDlIJ) un PllOIJJeTIOlI 1944 to 19116

-- --I 1HI i9i5I~ Sate S Aane rea neld rc)oo Acre lene lelA Pro- Acree Aorea n14 Proshy

laW Iu- Pertan I cluUoa Plutea Iu- lItr Acre cltwtion1p1ateal S Per Acre duetioll ________ft1______ i ____ i ___ eJl4 l _____1____ l ___ l t ~ illl ________ _ IIIo Aon l 1bou BIl ftlau Acre Ill boualIu lhoq _rea Buboh lhoua Bu

11 66 12 162 1 80 10 175 175 105 8 180 144 IT~ 96 15 167 250 95 13 160 208 91 15 175 262 Pe 55 43 148 636 53 U 155 636 33 22 155 341 Oblo 80 33 152 502 90 I 115 472 70 17 110 289 IIlld 179 86 118 1015 222 70 125 875 1ar 46 135 621 Ill UO 63 113 712U8 It7 120 561t 88 38 125 475 1Ucb US 62 127 787 117 56 140 IJIt 91 48 135 648 Vle 125 98 87 853 126 95 120 1140 100 76 115 874 Ill 155 108 87 9fO 144 107 260 1712 151 118 130 l5J1J laws 118 10 120 12fl 37 11 130 143 26 10 170 170 Ho V3 SO 116 580 128 41 110 451 100 35 125 438 IDate ~ 145 92 l3J1J 150 115 135 1552 225 196 110 2156 Snate 5 392 lOl 3959 376 290 V5 42115 323 altl 105 2530 lebr 585 365 91 )322 556 361 125 4512 423 282 110 3102 Iatia 225 101 105 1060 2117 81 lO5 850 120 53 105 556 Del 32 18 1)6 245 JIJ 19 V5 276 J3 18 140 252 ald ~ 23 165 380 67 20 145 290 5f lit 145 2flJ la 135 114 144 6J1J 136 JIJ 135 459 125 25 140 350 VY 12 5 135 68 13 135 54 8 ) 125 38 IC 1~ J8 115 437 165 31 105 )26 145 22 125 215 sc 75 16 104 166 75 15 95 142 44 11 100 110 0 It) 12 101 121 50 10 90 90)0 6 100 60 ~ 133 JK1 141) S60 182 40 125 500 155 37 140 518IID 172 37 10ij 400 162 J4 95 3Z3 115 25 100 250 OEl 264 100 103 1030 257 ~ 100 740 1114 48 90 4)2 fex 142 22 119 262 55 21 90 199 It9 11 100 110 HoDt 20 16 120 192 2h 16 110 176 40 26 100 260 Idaho 12 5 1)) 66 11 5 130 65 11 It 140 56 1170 36 J 91 121 JJ 8 105 ~ 29 8 105 B4 Colo 1250 79 600 121 80 100 800 100 68 80 S44 bullbullJlllx 12 9 82 74 12 5 65 )2 10 5 85 42 Utah ~ IJ 95 12h 22 10 100 100 22 9 95 86 lIash 147 17 114 194 55 15 120 180 50 10 125 125 0rec 151 )2 141 451 155 )1 140 434 140 )2 1)5 432 Calif 29 12 108 130 29 13 130 169 22 lO 120 120

us It1415 2132 106 22525 4157 1850 128 2)708 3396 1591 116 18487 ---~-------------------------------------------------- ----

- - - --_ - - - -- _ -r9li4-_ - - - - __ - ___ - _______ S________________ - - - - - - 7________ - - shy --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T9i- - - - - - -r - - - -l~b - - -Stat Aores Aaru nld I Pro- Acrbullbull Acr I Ylel4 I Pro- Acl IADrea neld I Proshy

PlIIIIha ~ PilI Aclll ductlOD IPllUlted liar- Perlen duaUoDlplal1~1 liar- IPer Acre l duettOD I Ia I ytd I IYelted I- - - - -1ioiie iare - -BiiieT- -hnaB - fliDU-AGr- - iiahi - fbOuBiu Thru-iCrbullbull- -BiiiieT- TbOubullbulliia

1_ 6 6 200 120 6 6 155 9J 5 5 200 100 n 1 1 220 22 1 1 180 18 1 1 220 22 BY 155 150 180 2700 129 98 155 15]9 119 113 190 2147 Fa V~ l4O 195 27)0 112 98 185 1813 108 lOit 200 2080 Ohio V 14 210 294 18 17 180 )06 17 11 190 J23 1114 lO 10 150 150 22 20 135 270 7 6 150 90 Ill 5 5 165 82 16 15 150 225 5 5 160 80 Il1ab )8 )) lS5 512 46 25 140 )50 ZIt 18 1)5 24) lI1a 29 27 lS5 418 26 ZIt 150 360 2 25 145 362 IIIIIDo 67 6) 150 945 49 45 1140 6)0 118 It2 140 588 Iowa 12 12 175 210 7 vo 98)) 150 45 Ia) 1 1 125 12 1 1 120 12 1 1 110 11 Bllak 5 14 160 64 7 7 160 112 6 6 130 78 SDak 7 6 150 90 It 130 52 5 5 40 70 JId 6 6 200 120 5 5 ~5 118 _ _ 2)5 9Ita 8 8 165 132 5 5 170 85 It _ 170 68 V 10 10 185 185 8 8 US 172 8 8 195 156 Ie 5 5 145 12 It 160 6It 3 3 160 48 ~ 2 2 130 26 2 2 130 26 3 J 140 42D ____1 ___ 1_ 145______1 ___ ~ ____ __1 _____~___ o___ O__1~1 ____1~5_

trs 531 S08 176 8956 417 ItOl 161 6~7 It08 )13 178 6812 ------------~---------------------------------------------

- 16shy



- - -- 12411lMIX99 sbullbullbullbull _ iorea n 14 I Pro- Acre iDre J nld Pro- Acne lAcn_ TleU Proshy-- re I Ifuo- I e I I I Hu- I I J Bar- I

____1~~~~bull l_I_~r_~~ ~~ ~~~Y ~~_1_~~l~)P~~Ye ~r_I~ _~~1J1_ I1cu tara ~ hOh ~oubull iDn l ThouBn hOlla AlIre ]ahale fhouellIl bull

bullbullr 90 J5 185 278 90 11 185 3~ 107 17 184 313 bullbull1 89 15 180 20 f5 12 175 210 88 12 179 215 Pa 21 18 155 Z79 21 16 ~5 232 21 ~ 165 231 Ohio 71 JO 170 S10 67 20 180 360 ~ 18 170 306 lad ~3 60 v0 8110 ISO ~ ~5 928~) 57 1)5 77fJ Ill ~ -7 ~O 658 113 53 150 795 123 56 141 790 1I11JII 126 7fJ ~5 1015 1)2 80 150 1200 1 57 140 798 V1I 109 87 120 1~ 112 92 l20 1104 119 92 120 1104 lie la 1~ 150 21f6O 278 2)9 150 3585 200 172 145 2494 lov 28 15 150 225 36 17 155 264 5) 18 140 252 Mo 100 36 110 396 105 )5 120 420 U7 )5 112 392 bullbullDIIk 360 30 140 4522 461 401 120 4812 26) 229 115 2634 S1lIIk _10 ~7 v0 4858 476 392 1)0 5096 328 267 117 31211shyu ~ 305 90 2145 352 238 95 2261 317 207 74 1532 Eau 136 110 627 90 )I U5 391 65 28 97 272 DIll 32 19 135 256 33 20 120 2110 28 ~ 140 196 M 52 16 150 JIO 48 V v0 196 52 12 145 1a 1350 140 322 155 25 V5 362 15) 18 140 252 Va 8 3 120 36 6 2 130 26 6 2 136 2 _C ~ ~5 348 117 22 130 286 113 17 115 196 SC 42 10 115 115)1 7 85 60 26 6 95 57 Oa 2 6 75 45 22 5 90 45 20 4 80 32 1Ir 141 37 140 518 130 28 150 420 1)6 2 136 J67 fua 98 26 105 273 100 30 110 330 105 20 101 202 Oltla 115 JJ8 95 456 108 36 75 270 1~ 36 70 252 ~z 7fJ 35 100 3SO B4 30 70 210 100 38 80 304 MoII 52 29 125 )62 JO 20 1)5 27fJ 2) 7 90 63 I4aho 10 5 17G 85 10 4 130 52 10 ) 150 450 21 7 110 71 27 7 70 49 Z7 7 102 n Colo 8 7 100 47fJ 58 35 80 2BO 38 2) 90 207 bullbull lIDz 7 5 115 511 7 5 UO 55 7 5 120 60 ~u 12 6 100 60 10 5 100 SO 10 5 Uo 55 Vesb SO 13 100 130 JJ8 17 130 221 42 10 101 101 Orec 125 32 ~O AiIf8 110 24 145 )lI8 116 15 103 154 ~-1____1 ___l _~O____ _ P ___21 ___ 2__~2 _____14___ 5____6__12~ ____ ~_ ~___ ~7 _9 _ 28____2l~ _22~ __~o~__l ___ S86_ ~23__15t__1~ __ ~1~2


--- - J2i+I i1 i W9 I Mn5 I J liDnll I I Acre

StaM I Mn I JIcq I nu I Pro- mne I iaIo J nld I Pro- I Acn I IreZ- I Yield Proshy____I~~laquobulld_~I_ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~YIleJ ~ ~ ~~_1_~~l~J1JP~~lYlle ~Pr_~~_d~l~J1_

Au II ftIagpa hog Mn lI1 ~1UIlln hOUR Acre lIIt_hel lhou1Iu

181 6 6 170 102 5 5 200 100 5 5 210 105 ft 1 1 140 14_r a 1M 135 1539 99 96 195 1872 78 76 210 1596 12) 114 160 182It 101 96 210 2016 78 200 1480 Will __ 42 155 651 16 16 180 2B8 12 12 210 2521114 19 18 140 252 2 2 150 30 4 160 64 IU 16 16 130 208 4 4 170 68 2 2 160 32 Ill 63 57 130 11 30 27 130 351 20 19 145 276 V18 2 25 ~5 362 25 ~ 155 356 23 22 151 332 Ill 62 54 120 ~ )It 29 150 bull 435 28 ~ 125 300 1_ 10 10 120 120 JIll 2 2 110 22 bullbullDate 8 7 150 105 3 J 160 If8 4 120 If8 s~ 9 8 110 88 4 160 64 3 J 80 2H II - - 180 72 ) ) 230 69 3 -) 210 63a ) J 160 ~ 3 3 180 54 2 2 166 33 Va 8 8 175 ~ 7 7 195 1)6 7 7 201 141 ~C 3 3 170 51 1Ir 2 2 150 30 t~ ____l ___l_ ~~_____ 6 ___I ___ 2__~~ _____18___ =2___ 2__1~ ____20_ US ~ S05 142 7171 JIe8 330 18_ 6085 281 269 184 4956 -----------------------------------------------~------ ----

- 17 -


llRY EIBLE 1IEliS ACREME TIBLllUlll plIOWClIOIi 1944 to 194911

~ -- - ~124 124i 1W bull bull Acres bull bull bull bull Acree bull bull bull bull Acres bull bull ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pl~tedyeted Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted vested Per Acre duct ion pl~ntedyented Per Acre duct10n - - - ---TioiAcrlI- --pound --ThOuiyen~- Thouice ---Pouid --nOUBW- nouic~e ---POuid-middot --TboujjishyHamp1u 5 5 695 35 4 4 820 33 6 6 980 59 vt 1 1 626 6 NY 120 113 790 893 101 84 850 714 128 124 1200 1488 Mich 701 660 690 4554 435 363 820 2977 531 519 740 3841 Vb 2 2 430 9 1 1 560 6 ---Minn t 6 5 476 24 4 4 600 24 3 3 500 IS IfDosk 2 1 (730 7 1 1 700 7 1 1 600 6 lfebr 60 49 1260 617 53 18 1520 7JC 611- 62 1650 102] Mont 25 ~ 1083 249 20 18 1300 234 18 17 1 bull 590 270 Idlho 146 145 1550 2248 117 115 100 1725 131 128 1700 2176 qo 90 86 1240 1066 90 86 1250 1075 93 90 1450 1305 yenllh 3 3 1030 31 4 4 1250 50 4 4 1075 43 Oreg 1 1 1322 13 Tu 2 1 200 2 Colo 350 327 540 1766 290 271 580 1572 276 249 650 1618 fMex 267 ~O 302 695 203 161 180 290 142 114 225 256 Alb 15 14 395 55 14 13 515 67 14 13 900 117 Utah e 7 480 J4 8 7 400 2B 10 9 400 36 ~UL1IIrI 166 166 1327 2203 166 166 1242 2062 149 149 1342 2000 CtJ1fOUlIl1 183 157 1045 1640 148 141 1062 1497 134 134 1184 1587 poundeil _142 __ 221 _ _ 9Q _1bullsect41 _ __ 2~ __ 201 __1L129__ J~29_ __ ~1 _ _ g82 __1L2amp7__ _ l281_ ~___ g52 _ ~9~ ___ 02 _1amp41 __ ~5~ _ ~1 ___80__ vJ0~1__ 1Ot _ ~2~ ___917___12~_

DRY EDlDLE llEA1lS (Contd) - - - - 1241 124sect 1942 Jamp1ne 7 7 1100 77 9 9 900 81 8 8 925 74 bullbullY 138 13D 1070 1391 181 179 1230 2202 176 170 1000 1700 Mich 494 467 670 3129 514 504 880 4435 52) 519 1100 5709 Minn 2 1 350 4 1 1 650 6 1 1 650 6 1lDIk 1 1 850 8 lfllbr 80 76 1425 1083 85 83 1725 1432 90 85 1530 1301 Mont 2l 20 1450 2)0 22 21 1470 309 19 18 11170 265 IdlLho 159 154 1540 2372 ISO 148 1800 2664 149 147 1830 2690 To 112 107 1350 1444 98 95 1370 1302 83 81 1520 1231 lfaah 4 4 1200 48 5 5 1500 75 8 8 1490 119 Colo 331 321 800 2568 341 324 720 2333 307 295 820 2419 NMex 155 140 237 332 191 172 250 430 181 169 350 592 Arb 15 14 430 60 14 14 475 66 12 12 500 60 Utah 14 13 760 99 17 15 400 60 15 14 500 70 Ca11tL1IIrI 149 149 1406 2095 145 145 1603 2324 15 175 1654 2894 CallfOther 174 174 1303 2268 223 223 1389 3097 183 183 1229 2249 poundlil_2z1 __ 222 __ 25_t262 ___ 26Q __ 26Q __14ZJ_ __5431___ 25Q __ 25Q __1427_ __ 241_ ___ sect5~ _ m ___ 271 _116sect __ 29~ _ 23Q __1J014__ 086__ 23sect _ Q82 __1114___2~2 _ J1 Include b gl01OI1 for lead


- - - - li~ li4i 12~ s~te Acr Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acree Yield Proshy

Plantedl Har- Per Acre duction Planted Har_ Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted Har_ Per Acre duction _____ __x8td______________=_vsies______________Z8tlltL__________ _ rhoueAcieg Pounds Thous1jB ThousAcres ~ ThouBBagB ThoulAcree Pounds ThouBBagB

Mlch 1 1 770 8 Vh 3 3 970 29 2 2 950 19 1 1 1100 11 MInn 4 4 82033 4 4 950 38 6 6 800 48 NDak 14 13 1060 138 13 12 1200 144 15 15 1350 202 Mont 42 40 1103 441 32 30 1200 360 24 2J 1170 269 Idaho 225 219 1275 2792 ISS 153 1200 1836 161 156 1350 2106 lyo 2 2 921 18 2 2 1200 24 3 3 1250 38 Colo 33 22 860 189 bull 33 23 900 207 23 16 750 120 WaG 347 340 1290 4386 246 235 1160 2726 244 235 1480 3478 Oreg 58 56 1120 627 39 37 950 352 20 19 1300 247Qai____~ ___Ii __ l12 __ pound32 ____21 ___2Q _ _1 05_middot__ _29J_ ___1sect ___112 ___820____ l6Q _ l~_ ___ Z5Z - _ ru __ lgl _ J2li9t ___ i~ __ ilJ2 _ _11tl- _ -S91L __ ili __ 9_~ __13i8___ poundpound72 _

DRY FIELD PEAS (Contd) - - - - 1i41 1~1 -)242 Wle 1 1 1050 10 Minn 8 7 600 42 J J 900 27 7 7 950 66 Iflllk 20 18 1080 194 7 6 1200 72 5 5 1000 50 Mont 17 16 1100 176 8 8 1160 9J I 6 1130 68 Idaho 153middot 150 1320 1980 72 68 1220 830 99 89 1120 997 lyo 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1210 24 Colo 35 21 900 189 24 19 1000 190 19 16 1220 195 Vash 256 247 1300 J211 162 156 1280 1997 210 198 760 1505 Oreg 25 24 1180 28J 19 18 1300 234 17 14 700 98poundsll___ _Zl __ _ Zl ___ 19Q __ g11 ____1sect ___1sect __ 390____113____11 ___11 __1210____ 102 _ ____ 2~ __ 21l _ _ 33g _ ~l2g ___ Jl2 __ ~9Q __1J2g1__ JJ6fJ___ l8l _ _ 25 ___9pound7___ l~l~_ 1I h pl1Jlc1pal comerc1al produciD8 States Includes Pt)llS groUl for seed aDd comery pens harvested lUy

- III shy

1 UPDATA 1981



- - - - 19i4 19sect 12 li41 to ~ t 1242 St t A Aores Ac Acres A Acres ~ Acres ~ Acres A Acres

a e creB Har- reo H~r- cres ~r- cres H~r- cr~s H~r- eres Harshy____~1ne~eit~d_~1no~_elt~ltLlP~~tdlV~oeS_~1ne~lvsOS_ c~middot~_vselP~l~td_Jel~~d__

Thousand Acres Ind 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ill 12 12 9 9 7 7 5 5 6 6 4 4 ViB 3 3 2 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~1nn 18 18 12 12 7 7 10 10 6 6 5 5 Iogtlt 23 22 11 11 7 7 8 8 12 12 10 10 Mo 265 263 225 216 184 181 179 176 154 150 122 120 Iflhk 87 86 50 49 47 44 42 41 33 32 35 34 SJhk S49 502 390 362 238 221 188 179 152 149 164 156 Jlebr 704 685 50 480 390 374 343 325 364 351 364 347 K9ns 38116 3768 3054 2879 2718 2505 2256 2154 2459 2391 2361 2319 Va 10 9 15 10 15 9 17 9 14 6 12 4 IIVa 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 nc 26 26 23 23 30 30 32 32 35 35 32 32 sc 36 36 35 35 28 28 29 29 30 30 23 23 Ga 60 60 60 60 48 48 55 55 54 54 38 38 Ky 35 34 35 35 39 39 34 34 2l 21 18 18 Tenn 62 6 56 56 56 56 48 48 37 37 29 29 Ala 59 58 61 60 79 78 86 84 99 97 65 63 Mhs 65 64 63 61 51 49 53 52 47 46 34 33 Ark 94 93 97 95 82 80 78 75 68 67 51 50 Jg 10 10 9 9 8 8 9 9 11 11 11 11 Okla 2484 2406 1938middot 1829 1783 1664 1284 1198 1348 1258 1146 1094 T8 8318 8202 7653 7054 7273 6913 5527 5392 7019 6740 5168 5080 Mont 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 4 3 3 4 3 Vyo bull 14 13 10 9 7 7 7 6 4 4 5 5 Colo 766 723 705 658 613 546 490 470 500 479 645 618 1IHex 690 669 467 309 317 265 349 313 521 479 556 532 Arb 71 69 55 53 74 72 62 60 90 88 77 76 Calli 133 127 112 108 151 151 76 76 122 122 80 80 115- - -ie458 -18038 - - is668 - 14-498- 14- 2f6- - i540J -11-277- -10OsO - -13214 -12-679- -11064 - -10789- -


- - - l9~( t00 1916t 197 19aL 12112 St t Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros Dald Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros IReld Pro- Acres llel4 Proshy

a eHar_ Per duc_ Hl1- Per duc- H9r- Por dw- 59r- Per due- zHar- IPer duc_ Har- Per i ducshy___yetdlApoundrs_t0E lVS82C8l 1n_yeltdAEr_t0E lvse2cel 1n_yetdlApoundrl_t0E lvsse~cel isn_

Thous Thous Thous Thoua Thous ThOUG Thoua Thous Theus Thous Thous Thoua ~ TonE ~ Acrea ~ Tons Acros Tona1m Acres ~ Tons ~ TOilS ~ Acres 2 Tons

Ind 2 270 5 1 290 3 1 260 3 Ill 4 250 10 3 250 8 2 300 6 2 250 5 2 350 7 1 350 4 Minn 15 300 45 8 20 18 5 200 10 8 200 16 4 250 10 4 230 9 Iowa 12 300 36 5 300 15 2 350 7 2 250 5 6 300 18 4 250 10 Ho 150 211 316 146 180 263 105 220 231 95 180 171 86 20 189 58 210 122 N bull oruc 76 110 106 116 135 62 41 110 45 39 130 51 30 125 38 32 100 32 SDak 395 169 668 308 150 462 177 l70 301 152 130 198 124 180 223 133 135 180 Nebl 511 197 1007 383 160 613 279 165 460 234 155 363 222 160 355 220 230 506 Kans 1125 213 2396 1386 164 2273 1302 160 2083 989 140 1385 692 190 1315 649 185 1201 Va 6 170 10 8 175 1~ 7 175 12 8 175 14 5 180 9 4 175 7 lle 15 160 24 13 170 22 18 180 32 17 190 32 13 200 26 13 200 26 SC 22 130 29 21 145 30 14 150 21 14 140 20 16 1~5 2J 10 150 15 Ga 35 111 39 42 135 57 33 135 45 )8 130 49 41 130 5] 29 140 41 KT 22 184 ~o 25 240 60 23 260 60 22 280 62 15 210 32 13 21~ 2B Tenn 37 180 67 33 20 73 31 210 65 29 230 67 23 235 54 17 220 37 Ala 23 140 32 24 135 32 27 155 ~2 28 135 38 37 150 56 19 145 2B Hios 27 165 ~5 28 185 52 18 150 27 18 170 31 19 195 37 16 185 30 Ark 66 161 106 68 160 109 50 145 72 51 140 71 J8 185 70 27 190 51 L~ 6 130 8 5 165 8 ~ 160 6 4 135 5 6 145 9 5 160 8 Okla 132~ 145 1920 1118 125 1398 969 130 160 701 110 771 652 150 978 502 160 803 Tex 2920 1193768 2985 110 3283 2324 122 28391677 110 1844 lt17J 122 26601452 145 2105 Mont 5 117 6 4 120 5 6 115 7 4 130 5 J 150 4 3 80 2 Wyo 13 82 11 9 70 6 7 60 4 6 80 5 ~ 75 3 5 76 4 Colo ~7J 114 539 460 110 506 350 105 368 304 115 )50 280 105 29~ 301 107 322 11Mex 29~ 102 300 223 70 157 155 103 159 143 67 96 184 100 184 109 129 141 Arh 6 200 2 3 200 6 5 175 9 3 175 5 3 175 5 ~ 175 7 Ea1i__ _35pound __ Z___2_ ~poundO___ ~ __ _35pound ___7___~ 210___7___ _35pound __ ~ __ 2 _ 210___1pound

~middot~middot_118~ _15~ 015J317_ 10_ 21~11251_131_81~1_4520_ 3_56~6_ ~~8~ _14 ~~521~31_ za_11~

- 19 shy





- ---I I94 1J9s 1~~ S~at J Jor 1 Yield Pr d ti~ JeJ81 I n14 I ProducUcna I Jone J Yield Pro4ucUoII

____1_~bullt4_1_~r_~l _1__0_u _~ _1_IIret4__~I_-l _1________~t4_1_~1_~l J _____ _ ThouIAcne ~ ThoU Bu llloutareplE ft1oUI Bu BiouDJeJ8el llloubullbull IIp

Ind 2 ~9 48 2 300 60 1 300 30 Ill 1 240 2h 1 290 29 1 300 30 Iova 1 240 24 1 200 20 1 200 20 Mo 61 216 1)18 29 ~o 435 ~ 220 968 IDaIt 8 163 130 1 160 16 1 135 14 SDak 92 153 1408 43 115 494 37 160 592 lobI 115 22) 2564 75 180 1350 18 200 1560 Ian 2229 221 49261 1149 154 17695 B51 1)5 11488 IC 2 250 50 3 2)0 69 sc 1 165 16 1 170 17 3 IB5 56 Al 2 163 33 13 150 195 2) 160 368 uk 7 143 100 10 170 170 8 150 120 La 1 150 15 1 180 18 1 140 14 Okla 979 1050 146805 636 120 7632 6~ 115 7176 ex 05103 194 99229 ) 950 150 c59139 4~ 160 71840 ColO aIfO 1057 3768 180 lAt9 2682 191 130 2483 1lIex )69 166 6111 84 70 587 108 104 1127 Aris 54 372 2009 44 )40 1496 55 360 1980 ~a1____11____)1~ ____ ~)~ _____1pound2____32~ ___ _ l27 _____~5____42 ___ ~292 __ US 9)86 197 184978 6)24 152 9606) 6669 159 106025


- - --I l~ 192s 1~ Stah I tar 1 Yield 1 PrOdUCtioD Acre I Yield I ProductiOIl Acne I Yield 1 Productloll

____1_~etd_Umiddotr_Jer _1_______ _~etd_I_Pr_Ael _1_______1_lIrQt4__~r_~l J _____ _ Thoue Jon ll 2a DIOUlllOD ThoubullbullJer 12 DIoubullbull Toll lhoUlJarooa ToD bou l01I

lIId 5 105 52 4 120 48 3 110 111 4 100 40 3 90 27 2 105 21 Vh 1 80 8 1 75 8 M1Dn 70 21 4 60 24 2 65 13 Iowa 6 100 60 3 90 27 1 110 11 Mo 85 374 36 71) 252 25 85 212 IDak 2 30 6 2 202 4 2 21 4 SDaIc 15 7 56 11 3- 37 7 40 28 Ifebr 59 64 378 22 50 110 17 50 BS Iane 412 70 2884 )42 55 1881 SO 60 21OQ SC 3 50 15 ) 55 16 3 50 15 Ga ) 40 12 1 45 14 51) 20 leDII 10 65 65 9 70 63 6 70 42 Al 6 75 45 05 70 35 6 60 36)Ii 12 90 108 12 90 108 12 75 90 Ark 3 55 16 2 55 11 5 60 )0 La 1 61 7 1 7- 7 1 66 7 Old 97 50 485 10 45 115 67 40 l68 Ix l6It 48 789 108 35 )83 87 41 ~O Colo 10 55 55 18 45 81 5 50 25 bullbull lIu 6 ) 20 2 30 2 45 9 Arll 9 121) 108 6 US 69 12 U5 138pounda1_____4____~~ ______2 ______4 ~ ______4 _____~ ______l~ ______ ____1~~

US 879 642 56114 671 532 3510 623 576 3SS7


- - - -I = 19~ = = = == = ~ 1~4sect state crill 1 Yield ProductioD Acre 1 Yield I Prod t1 I Acres Yield Pr

_____~etd_lt]~r_Apoundr ________1_Hrstd_IJr_Apoundr ____~ _o~ __~etd_Jr_Apoundrtl _ ~d~~1~~ ThougAcru Jl9B1 lhquGIlllog TI1quecrea ~ TboutOallQII ThguuJcru GalloDII AAUIIlampllov

Ind 1 80 80 1 90 90 1 75 75 Ill 3 50 ISO 2 50 100 2 65 1)0 Via 2 80 160 1 70 70 1 62 62 10 3 125 )705 2 100 200 3 129 387 Mo 8 62 496 5 45 225 7 55 385 bu 2 55 110 2 SO 100 2 51 102 Va J 65 195 2 65 130 2 66 1)2 VVa 3 59 177 2 67 134 1 66 66 lIC 11 74 814 8 64 512 9 131 729 SC 10 55 550 10 55 550 8 58 464 Ge 22 55 1210 15 57 855 11 53 583 17 12 65 780 10 73 730 16 85 1360 laDII 15 61 915 14 60 840 19 73 1)87 Ala 27 65 1755 18 66 1188 22 6) 1386 Mha 25 78 1950 21 80 1680 19 65 1235 Ark 17 SO 850 15 55 825 17 60 1020 L~ 2 55 110 2 60 120 2 40 80 OklL 6 42 252 5 43 215 4 47 188

i~----~i---~------l~-----l~---~------~______~ ___~____ _~2__--- - - - - - - - - - _1_ - __ l~ _____146____6middotZ ____ 2~ _____~_ 660 10171

-O- ------------ shy



-s~~e-= ~II 1 RI~ 1Pr~~to ~r~ ~~ 1 ~o~t~I~ ~~ R~~ ~din I BarYeated Per Acre I I BarYe ted Per Acr I I BarYbullbulltod Per Acr

- - - -1h-cr- -Dl~hr- -fhoa- ia - fhQicr1 bir- - -TiioQ- ib- - thOulAcibullbull -Dlhel- TiioU- -IDe 1 260 26 1 320 32 1 320 JJ~ Iowa 1 160 16 1 195 20 1 225 m )10 114 160 704 30 240 72031 200 6tjIlak 1 155 16 1 160 16 SDU 111 90 162 20 155 310 20 122 244

Iobr 75 150 1125 111 225 2632 109 236 2572lAD 754 145 10933 339 215 287811 1392 215 29 928 IC 5 250 125 16 270 432 15 250 375 s Q 5 155 78 1 175 122 7 180 126 Ala 34 165 561 45 195 878 33 181 597 Arll 10 150 15016 1110 2811 14 172 241 lA 2 140 28 2 155 31 3 170 51 CkIa 440 110 11840 556 150 8340 548 155 8494 181 3640 180 65421 496 165 74143 3563 239 114996 Colo 160 150 2400 192 170 3264 3011 172 52911 INex 167 106 1764 287 140 40111 415 222 9213 Arh 53 410 2113 75 400 3000 61 1146 2721 -~l____1~ ____3 ____ ~sect9 _____16___ 31middot ____ ~~ _____ 11___ 32 ~ ___ r62_ ~~___ ~~ ____lI~ ____9I11 ____ 7____1~ ___ ~I~ ____6~5~2____2 __ 4~_

ALL SOBOIIllKS JOR SIIMB AOlJWlE YIELD A)JD PROIUClIOIl 1947 to 1949 _______ ~_7_________________ __________________ ~~_______ _~------------~------------------~------------------ilt--------

State Acre I Yh1d I Acre field Acre Yield BarPedd Per Acre Product1on I BarPted Per Acre Production llarveted Pet Acre Production

- - - - ThouAcre -iaL- - -boU7tOji - biiuAcro -Jiii- - -b0li71oi- ~ouEcre - -~n - -fhw7Tu Ind 2 85 17 2 115 23 2 115 23 Ill 2 90 18 4 105 42 3 93 28 Hinn 2 60 12 2 eo 16 1 70 7 IoVA 3 60 18 3 95 28 3 100 30 Mo 33 70 231 31 95 294 29 86 249 IfIlK 1 25 2 1 30 3 2 23 5 slak 9 25 22 5 55 28 3 42 13 Ibr 16 45 72 12 60 72 18 70 126lAD 409 53 21611 359 76 2 72~ 278 73 2029 SC 3 50 15 2 55 11 3 60 18 0 3 45 14 5 55 211 3 60 IS Tonn 6 70 42 7 75 52 8 76 61 Ala 4 65 26 7 75 52 6 74 44 Nh 12 65 711 12 01 0 96 8 85 61 Ark 3 5middot3 16 5 75 38 5 75 38 ta 1 60 6 2 68 14 2 70 14 (kIa 54 37 200 4 55 264 43 56 241 Tex 69 37 258 66 46 305 60 57 343 Colo 6 45 27 7 55 38 9 48 43 IIMex 3 40 12 e 45 36 8 53 42 Arh 4 110 44 10 110 110 11 115 126 -~1____ ~ ____1poundpound ______~ ______4____1poundpound ______~ ______6____1~ pound _____~_ ~____ ~4~ ____ 4___ _ lP _____~2____ 7____ ~~1 _____51____ 10___ sect2~_


-- -- I~ D[8 I~i State Aeres Tield Production I Acr Tield Produetlon I Acree Yield Production

BarYeted I Per Acre I BarTeted Per Acre BarYeted Per Acre - - - - hiiuicre - Gallon - bouGallon thouD Xcre - 01100 - fhoubullbullOaflon ~iiuicro - iiaflon -lhOli7aeliOii Ind 1 70 70 1 90 90 1 90 90 Ill 1 55 55 1118 1 51 51 1 80 80 1 77 77 IClVa 2 80 160 2 168 336 2 158 316 Mo II 42 168 3 66 1911 2 61 122 Ian 2 51 102 1 47 47 Va 1 61 67 1 90 90 IIVa 1 70 70 bullbullC 10 73 730 6 611 408 4 72 211 Sc 7 49 343 5 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ Ga 14 59 826 II ~ ~ 6 60 ~ ~ 12 74 888 6 73 438 5 79 395 Tnn 13 60 7S0 7 Ala 111 60 10110 8 m = ~ =Mi 22 68 1496 15 78 1170 9 63 567 Arll 11 42 462 8 64 512 4 54 216 La 2 35 70 1 43 43 1 45 45 Cltla 3 33 99 2 55 110 1 52 52 ~_____ ~ ____ 25______ 13~ ______5__ _ ______ 1pound _____ -____ ~_____ __I~

Us 131 7847 SO 6911 55116 53 66s 3539 -------------------------~---------------------------- -------- 21 shy

bullUPDATA 1981 ~~ I j


--- -- 1~ t 19~ t 19[6 StlAt I Acree Yield Acrn Yield Acrea Yield

Harvea d Pel Production Harvest d Per Production Harvested Per Production _________ ~ _ _Agrl _ ______ ______Apound~ __ ______ t ______ _Asr~ _______ _

ThoutlAcree Ton8 ThouTone ThouAcre Ton ThouBlone ThoUllAcres 1on8 Thou8Tone Main 923 89 818 833 106 882 84 99 m fK 388 102 395 376 123 464 364 118 431 it 1032 126 1298 10oe 150 1516 1006 143 1442 )(saso 319 124 469 376 164 615 365 164 597 RI 36 1l4 41 37 146 54 34144 49 Conn 304 123 374 300 157 472 288 162 467 fY 4008 144 5759 4021 161 6488 3968 162 6416 NJ 274 147 402 288 177 509 260 175 454 PIi 2564 140 3597 2539 151 3826 2525 150 3789 0b10 2605 139 3622 2560 148 3801 2536 152 3848 Ind 2004 131 2626 1765 145 2551 1835 137 2511 Ill 2824 139 3938 2662 152 4053 2732 146 3985 Mich 2813 1)8 3895 2671 148 3958 2648 124 3272 Vb 4263 163 6929 4214 187 7870 4ll2 155 6371 Minn 4683 142 6640 4366 152 6637 4067 146 5956 Iowa 3551 164 58)6 1304 172 5677 3275 163 5325 Mo 3703 113 4171 3914 115 4500 3545 119 4201 lItDIIk 3421 97 3305 3434 94 3233 3068 89 2724 SDak 36e5 99 3637 3616 92 3312 3478 80 2775 Nebr 4355 112 4865 4062 11)9 4436 3915 97 3787 ~B 1784 167 2982 1783 161 2875 1746 135 2354 Del 82 1 ~o 98 75 152 114 71 149 106 Md 461 120 552 464 139 643 442 148 656 Va 1383 11)2 1405 1477 117 1722 1391 119 1650 IIv 835 108 904 840 1~ 1061 812 129 1045 NC 1315 96 1263 1374 98 1352 1263 102 1285 sc 543 74 400 554 84 465 S07 87 442 Oe 1406 49 689 1441 54 785 1399 52 723 lIla 118 54 64 125 57 71 123 49 60 It) 1630 112 1831 1987 137 2720 1813 136 2459 Tenn 1769 94 1660 1978 124 2444 1802 122 2205 All 1 091 67 730 995 75 742 999 74 744 M18s 925 119 1104 873 117 1025 850 123 1046 Ark 1397 109 1529 1378 116 1595 1258 118 1483 ra 3Jl 119 395 326 125 406 319 126 403 Okla 1296 129 1671 1326 133 1757 1355 113 1534 Tex 1591 90 1439 1599 96 1537 1623 11)3 1619 Mont 2265 119 2689 2267 117 2681 2147 112 2395 Idho 1198 204 2445 1189 204 2428 1140 213 2429 liTo 1156 113 1312 1103 116 1274 1091 111 1214 Colo 1467 159 2331 1425 155 2215 1359 148 2008 NMex 217 221 419 201 192 385 206 212 436 Arb 332 218 723 309 242 748 306 239 737 Utah 612 203 1245 597 200 1194 573 195 1115 ireV 435 142 617 436 141 615 432 152 655 VaBb 989 119 1775 931 187 1744 656 192 1640 Oreg 1156 173 1996 1158 170 1970 1062 173 1~39poundampl1____20plusmn0____ ~middot21____ 22~ ____2130____ ~bullsect4____60]6____ 282 __ _ 1~2_ ___6t0Q3_ ~____ 176)9____ ]middot13___ 03~2 ___ 16627____ ]~__ _1~7t418_ ___71141 ___ ]15___ 291518_

VILD HAY ACREAGE nELD lID PllOllUCTIOlf 1944 to 191i6

- - - - - 1~ l I9~ l 19[6 state I Acree Yield Acree Yield AcreB Yield

I Harveated Per Productioll ltlrvesed bull Per bull Production Harvested Per bull Production ___________ l ce__ ~ ______ t _____ _ =_AsrJ __ ______ l _______~r __ _____ _

ThouaAcrem ThousTon bonaAcres ona ThousTona Thoue-cres ~ Thousfou Via 140 130 182 94 115 106 llO 115 126 Minn 1452 1ll 1612 1394 115 1603 1282 110 1410 10 102 122 124 92 120 llO 86 1O 103 Mo 154 109 168 160 120 192 150 100 ISO NDal 2576 90 ~318 2576 85 2190 2318 85 1970 sJ))k 3076 88 2707 3014 60 24ll 2693 70 2025 Nebr 3198 80 2558 2942 75 2206 2795 65 1817Ian 693 111 769 638 115 734 636 75 478 Ark 194 104 202 202 105 212 202 105 212 Okla 480 118 566 437 125 S46 428 100 428 Tex 195 105 205 185 100 185 191 105 201 Mont 867 85 737 806 90 725 622 60 658 ldho 139 lU 156 139 115 160 135 110 148 To 529 60 423 481 BO 385 495 85 421 Colo 466 97 452 443 100 443 439 85 373 NMex 20 88 16 15 70 10 27 100 27 Utah 103 124 126 lOS 100 105 105 120 1-6 lreT 267 100 267 267 100 267 267 110 294 Yam 46 115 53 51 125 64 47 120 56 Or~ ll76 115 320 3U 11n 3IU gt86 110 315 ~l-l_____1$gt____ 110_____ 17g _____112___ _ 1io_ ~ __ _2ffl_ ____ 152 ___ 1lL ____11~_

k ___ 5all1_____23____1~J1 ___ 4~~_____21___ Jt2~2___ _ ll~7 ___ _g3_ __ l51 _


FFeti5 Hri+tttrtft gt~- bullbull ~Mto shy



- -- -- 1~7 19la_ 19sect State Acrea Yild cr Tlel-l Acrea Yield

______II~~t~d_ ~ ~~~__ ~ ~d~ln_l v~e~ _~_A~~ ___~o~u~t~o~ ~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~____P~o~u~to~ ~bullbullAcrea gAl ~ousTonD fitouDcrea ~ lhoulITons Tbous bullocres I2 Thou9Tonl

M1n 766 11)8 627 nO 11)2 746 695 9B 682 lilI J5) 127 446 JJ9 124 421 J18 11) )56 n 995 149 148J 974 145 1416 952 124 1176 ca )51 154 540 J46 160 59f )42 145 496 RI )2 159 51 29 159 46 28 1 bullSO 42 Conn 280 166 464 272 162 440 26) 156 410 IIT )752 161 6029 )642 165 6016 3)97 1)6 46)0 IJ 244 17) 422 236 161 428 239 177 422 Il 2))9 150 )511 2194 146 )710 2202 142 )123 Ohio 2497 140 34B6 2)84 14) )406 2255 142 )212 Ind 1708 1)6 2)Jl 1661 1)6 2251 1616 145 2 bull 342 Ill 2626 14J )756 2)85 149 )558 2230 165 J689 Mich 2628 1Jl J45) 24)6 1)7 )346 2)29 1)2 )069 Vh 4066 16) 6665 )940 1)8 54)2 3916 15) 5972 MiIlJ1 4063 142 57n )659 1)7 529) 3819 1)lt3 5268 10_ )J)B 154 5154 2943 1)4 )955 )100 159 49)0 Me 3762 114 4)10 )S46 129 4564 )60) 129 465) IDU 3289 95 )110 3176 91 2901 )441 B5 2920 S~ )675 85 ))1) 4126 84 )451 4412 68 3013 lfebr 4)05 113 4BBI 4))4 105 4532 4836 108 5ZJl Iu 2059 153 )155 195) 176 )479 2017 160 3~z2 Del 69 146 102 n 140 102 68 110 97 Md 429 142 611 445 144 64) 429 152 ti51 Vamp 1)27 107 1414 1)72 126 1722 1321 127 16n VV 60) 116 92B 796 129 1026 B02 124 991_C 1292 96 1267 1290 10) 1)28 1246 105 1)12 SC 465 76 )76 509 68 449 52J 91 476 0amp 1)91 51 70) 1416 56 791 1055 6) 66) 11 125 54 67 1)2 58 77 65 62 5) 1) 1666 1)B 2568 1687 126 21)0 1828 110 2)60 l1IllU 1812 117 2120 1691 111 1861 l7J4 125 2175 U 939 72 679 922 18 720 790 84 667 Ki 601 115 923 769 121 9)3 779 115 89) Ark 1254 98 1224 1211 124 150) 1116 117 1J10 111 300 118 )s4 294 112 )29 295 1m 379 Okla 1580 119 1B77 1490 I)) 1975 1)50 1)5 1821 le 1620 90 16)7 1706 91 1556 145) 112 1624 MoDt 2227 112 2491 220) I) 2704 2On 101 2084 Idoho 1022 2Z5 2296 986 220 2171 1050 2lt) 2))7 1170 1080 117 1265 1017 94 960 1104 110 1209 Colo 1)56 164 2219 1)51 167 2251 1401 164 229) Ifllex 216 210 454 20) 212 4)) 19) 209 404 Arlo m 220 595 226 2)8 5)7 25) 247 624 Utah S6B 208 1160 550 205 1129 5)7 21) 1145 - )92 155 606 )8) 151 577 377 154 580 lfath 60) 1117 150) 765 205 1611 772 178 1375 Oree 1076 169 1617 1061 174 1646 970 158 1526 ~11middot____~~~ __ ~ J bull 26____ euro1)Q ____1~7O____ 1middotQ7____5JplusmnL ___ 1l15Q ___ 1middot25___ 3 49_ [middotk ___ 1 46amp6____ 1middot15___ 10Q$~ ___ 11617____ 114___ 2611~ ___71~ __ _ lmiddotlJ_ __ 25025_

_1If_ eii2ll 2r_A1l_II~r_r2r_125~D-~ 9Z1J211 o_____________ bull __________

~~~ _lAi~~e5drIx~~rpoundr ~tloi ~ce ~eililfgi ct r~~ln hqutr ll lhoubullbullrona rhouaAcr 12l ThouaToga

~ _____1 _0_____ 111_______ 1~~ _____ 1~ _____ 1Ql_ ______ 1~~ _ Ylk ____ 14aJgl_____ 1J8______ 10l57______7~11J _____ l~L _____ l0ll_ ~ -

WILD BAT AClUllilE fIELD AlID PBODUCrIOll 1947 to 1~1

- - - - - 1i41 1~ 1~ Il~t I Acre I Yield heres Yield Acres Yield bull

I arT ted I Per Production arTeBted Per ProucUon Iifrvsted Per bull Production ____ _1_ __~ __ _~rl _ i ______ 1 _______ cLe______________ cIe___=_____ _

1houeAcreo 1M lhoubullbullTop rhouoAcree ~ rhouerona rhousAcrea ron rhoubullbullroue Vlo 106 115 122 1)0 95 124 112 107 120 Minn 1)06 11e 1439 12)0 105 1292 11)2 105 1169 10 75 1O 90 61 115 9) 70 123 66 Mo 150 110 165 141 110 155 1)5 110 146 1IDIIk 2596 90 2))6 2414 65 2052 2535 Bo 2028 SDU )240 75 24)0 )4)4 70 2401 )4)4 57 1957_hr 296) 60 2)70 2904 65 1686 )252 75 24)9 lUI 702 110 772 611 115 7~ 642 115 nB Ark 204 B5 In 175 110 192 152 105 160 00amp 458 110 504 4)1 1 lt5 5)9 416 1gt0 502 lu 210 95 200 197 65 167 1B5 101 167 Mont 860 BO 704 654 90 769 769 75 577 Id~o 132 110 145 140 100 140 144 109 157 To 500 95 475 475 60 lB5 522 B5 444 Colo 470 105 494 451 105 474 474 102 4B) 11 Megt 27 BO 22 25 75 19 22 6) 1B Utah 109 125 1)6 105 110 126 105 I) 12911 230 1111 25) 216 105 227 205 9B 201 Vampth 46 120 55 55 1)0 2 57 120 68 Oreg )00 110 ))0 )30 15 412 291 106 gt08pound41lf_____1i6____ 11(1_____ 17~ _____1J6____ 1ltgt_____120_____ 1J~ ___ 112_____1~_

~____ 4~_____10____111111 ___ 4515_____~5___ l)~___ _~19= ____~2___ l121_ - 23 shy

-UPDATA 1981 bull _ bull h



ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944




QTS ACllEIGI ~ Alm PBOIlUCfIClI 1944 to 1946

- --- ~ t9Kti~ lorn Aclee amp Y1eld Pro- 1 AcleB Acre Yield Pro- Acre IAcres Y1eld Pro-

State Plantflcl Bar- I Per I duoUoa IPlantflcl liar- 1 Per Iductlou IPlantedl Bsr- Per I ducUoa ____1____etd_I_ ~e__ ____ Ii ____1_tIII_ cJ__t____ ___ t1e _Apoundr _ __ ~_ fhDU Acltel lluUel houalu neue Agee Buabeb TboualIu Tboua ampent ~ hCllle~

Mamp1nal 92 85 370 3145 79 71 360 2556 80 71 400 2840 JJB 14 8 340 272 14 s 330 264 11 7 370 259 n 74 48 320 1536 72 44 310 1364 66 4) 340 1462 (ast 15 6 280 168 16 7 270 189 14 6 350 210 liI 4 1 311) )1 5 1 )10 )1 4 1 320 32 Colll 18 6 )00 181) 18 5 )00 150 15 6 330 198 bullr 795 745 )10 2)095 731 663 290 19227 B41 SOZ 400 32080 raquoJ 54 47 )21 1509 S2 42 260 1092 54 45 320 11j4O Pat Bs4 8114 290 240 476 854 802 305 2446l 854 826 355 2932)Oblo 1073 1047 331 34656 1191 1162 425 49385 1)70 1348 450 60660Ind 1260 1172 256 30003 1436 1371 420 57582 1471 1412 309 55068 Ill 3251 3169 31 100457 )1146 3372 45~0 151740 JB37 3799 420 159558 Mlcb 1)44 1309 329 43066 1505 1466 400 58640 1550 1525 4S5middot 69)88 Vie 2839 2766 ~22 116725 3066 2987 510 152337 2943 2668 4J5 124758 Minn 4672 4456 327 145711 5M6 5392 450 242640 5439 533B 370 197506 Iowa 4917 4711 287 135206 5458 5323 )85 204936 5785 5642 375 2l1S75 Ko 2096 1698 179 30394 1799 1511 190 28709 2015 1843 310 57133 KDak 2784 2653 330 87549 2784 265) 325 86222 2506 2361 265 62566 SDak 3023 2914 298 86837 )597 3497 410 143377 3561 )462 290 100)98 Nebr 2291 2085 168 35028 254) 2439 )15 76828 2696 2561 280 11708 ~an 1825 ]561 162 25288 1278 968 175 16940 1495 1423 285 40556 Del 7 6 276 166 7 5 310 155 5 310 ISS )(d 46 42 310 1302 41 33 310 1023 38 34 330 1122 Va 174 14) 256 )689 172 lljO 280 3920 160 1)4 300 40020 W Va 94 67 221bull 1501 98 72 280 2016 94 68 )00 2040 BC 1t)7 335 277 9280 489 375 275 10312 49) 390 330 12870 SC S40 707 256 18099 798 700 260 18200 734 658 285 18753 Ga 954 656 253 16597 983 682 255 17391 806 5)9 265 14284 Pia 150 40 176 704 145 45 200 900 160 40 180 720 Ky 129 87 200 1740 108 76 240 1824 1)2 99 250 2475 Tenn )16 208 250 5200 Jlj8 245 260 6)70 310 245 265 6492 Ala 294 228 254 5791 318 242 260 6292 28) 198 24ft 40752Ki 521 444 336 14918 542 462 290 13)98 439 32) 300 9690 Ark 525 320 276 88)2 512 304 270 8208 379 255 )00 7650 La 200 152 290 4408 198 131 280 3668 1)6 100 220 2200 Olda 1584 1533 202 30967 1220 1027 190 1951) 1269 1089 210 22B69Tex 1732 1597 239 )8168 1992 1767 225 39758 1892 1608 220 )5376Mont 558 425 )43 14790 491 323 290 9)67 506 )52 310 10912 Idaho 237 194 426 8264 201 171 420 7182 185 1~ 430 7052111 182 150 )14 4710 19) 164 300 4920 174 15) )05 4666 Colo 254 224 278 6221 244 220 3)0 7260 227 187 300 5610 KlIex 60 5) 229 1214 54 43 220 946 57 45 200 900 Arh 26 11 350 385 25 12 490 S88 29 12 350 420 Utah 63 5) 457 2 bull 422 58 0 ljOO 2000 54 4) 4)0 1849n 12 9 430 )87 12 9 390 )51 12 8 440 352 Valh )08 160 1147 7152 288 150 4)0 6450 213 128 480 61411-Oreg 11 609 )98 305 121ljO 560 342 2)5 8054 549 )56 275 9782 ~B1___ i __ ~ _ 89____ Si ___ 21~ __ 6Z _110_ ___515__ 110___120__)~2 ____57O_

us 114141 )9741 289 11492ljO 46025 417)9 365 1523851 46515 42812 345 1477573 irT~-aralaquoe-ot oat-gion-with p~Ud-ytcit-licluded rn-plaitd-aid-hin bullbullt~-JAici - - - - -- - - - --

HOPS ACREAGK rIEl]) AlID PJiClWCTlaIl 1944 to 1946

- - --I I9~ 19~C 9~ State Acre Yield s ampere Ylel4 amper I Yltd r

1 ~eled I Per 1 p~oduct101l1 ilarYetflcl I Per s lrodUOUOIl HarYtll4 I Per I Prodwt1oa __________1__1111 __1______1________Jampr ________1______1__Aampll ________ _

poundtI ~ fhaumiddotporu Att URa flynlold Aampt ~ hllPUI4a Idaho 190 1610 3 2ljO 1850 AA4 240 1585 38t lIaah 9900 1720 17028 11700 1680 21996 11600 1700 19720 Oreg 18700 920 17204 19900 1lt045 20796 20000 950 19000 Ca11t 8ljOO 1620 13608 9100 1580 14378 9100 1610 14651

us 1295 57614 1)13 5)751

- 12 ~


- - - - 19t7 l )~ l i~ Stat Acre Acre I Yleld I Pro- I Acre I Acr Yleld Pro- I Acrll1l Acree Yield Proshy

P1aDted Bar- Per I ducUoa Planted I liar- I Pv ducUoll Plantod au-- Par ducUoa ________1~td_I_ Act__ ~ ___ _ l _____Tt1~_ jcz__1___ _ l ___ lV1~ 1 _~rt _ 1 ____ _ hoWl Acre llI rhouslIg ThOUl ASpound lIuahal ~oulIu ThoUi Acre Bualull lulYBu

Main 8i 73 340 21f82 77 64 420 2688 101 90 400 3600 bullbullB 12 7 310 211 11 6 400 240 U 5 360 180 Vt 54 28 270 756 60 J6 370 1332 66 33 300 990 Ifaabullbull 12 5 360 180 12 6 330 198 13 6 290 174 BI 4 1 330 33 3 1 330 J3 2 1 250 25 Cou 12 4 320 128 10 4 J30 132 12 5 320 160 bullbullY 5JO 47J 275 13008 126 672 400 26880 791 719 290 20851 J 49 36 250 900 42 37 350 1295 46 J9 331 1291 Pa 734 661 390 19169 749 720 380 27J60 794 756 305 23058 ChJo 863 714 260 18564 1191 1171 450 52695 1322 1288 350 45080 1114 1294 1112 )00 35i60 1317 1289 410 52849 1456 1405 366 51423 111 J377 3311 J40 112574 390S 385] 450 17JJ85 J881 3834 415 1591U Klcb 1085 1052 350 36820 1465 1420 37S 5)250 1538 1505 345 51922 IIh 2884 28ll 430 120873 2942 2867 440 126148 3030 2924 41~ 119884 Mu 4630 4537 360 163332 4908 4855 425 206J38 5027 4952 J5$ 175796 Iowa 5438 5247 310 162657 6199 6086 450 273870 6417 6269 386 241983 fo 1552 1309 230 30107 1971 162) 265 43010 1794 1526 229 34945 bullbullllampk 2331 2219 290 64J51 2238 2152 280 60256 1880 1722 201 34612 SDak 3134 J081 Jl0 95511 J165 3112 JJ5 104252 J102 2956 221 65328 bullbullbr 2426 2279 275 62672 2750 2621 280 733AB 2511 2280 202 46056 ~e 1510 1395 290 40455 1616 1144 220 25168 1034 881 194 17091 Del 7 5 320 160 6 5 J50 175 7 6 300 180 Md 40 35 )20 1120 42 36 J35 1206 47 42 J25 1365 Va 150 121 270 3267 160 IJl 330 4323 165 134 296 3966 IIVa 88 64 305 1952 77 58 JO5 1769 79 56 272 1523 IC 508 386 290 lll94 J56 270 290 7830 527 J94 287 U308 SC 866 704 255 17952 606 500 22S ll250 7i~7 605 245 14822 Ga 887 550 250 13750 674 429 260 ll154 7112 468 255 U93~ Jla 160 30 ZOO 600 IJ5 21 190 399 124 16 160 256 LT 141 90 230 2070 118 8J 260 2158 171 109 229 2496 Tenn JOl 230 265 6095 277 205 295 6048 )49 254 250 6350 Ala 28J 184 230 4232 275 169 265 4478 234 130 226 2938 Klas 4J9 365 250 9125 329 274 310 8494 237 156 250 3900 Arlt 424 280 300 8400 40J 252 Jl0 7812 339 209 240 5016 La 145 100 260 2600 113 80 JOo 2400 113 70 250 1750 0Icla 1396 1231 235 28928 1033 714 165 11781 7J3 578 176 10173 Tex 1684 14)1 210 )0051 1465 787 165 12986 1)92 1204 260 31304 font 491 J)8 )10 10478 452 )24 370 11988 457 266 )00 7~80 Idaho 187 172middot 415 7138 168 153 415 6350 212 188 J95 7426 liTO 169 150 JJo 4950 172 14J JOO 1~290 177 137 299 4096 Colo 234 200 325 6500 229 194 JOo 5820 261 235 327 7684 IMex 48 38 210 798 46 38 210 798 )6 32 220 704 Arh J2 12 400 480 28 U 340 374 28 11 400 440 Utah 54 49 1180 2352 5J 47 420 1974 55 50 450 2250 In 13 8 410 328 12 8 410 J28 12 8 J75 300 lIuh 198 131 510 6681 2)0 153 425 6502 22J 150 440 6600 Oregl 554 J56 285 101)2 421 271 265 7182 488 366 280 10248 CalU 542 180 270 4860 558 185 JOo 5550 508 166 260 4316

U8 42058 37855 311 1176142 438)8 39280 )69 1450186 4))18 )92)6 )20 1254895 iT1~C~r~-of at-Vow-rti pa-Ud-ytcl-licluded 11l-plut~-eid-~et-d-~rg- - - - - - - - - - --


- -- -= 1~41 1~ 12~ y Stato Acre Yleld I Acree neld I Acr I Yleld

BarTetod Par I ProdUCUOIl BarTet~ Per I PrOductioD BarTeted I Par ProdtlCtlOD ____________~~ ________________Apoundr ______________1__~rt ________ _ I Pound rhoDaPound AaI ~ bgPoup4I ~ ~ lboyPoupd

Idaho 240 1645 J9S 620 1040 645 850 16)5 1390 lIaeh 11700 1740 20358 129llO 1760 22704 13000 1490 19370 Orae 18900 870 16443 17700 890 15753 14500 1015 147181__ _9rx0_ __ 21~ ___ _ll~~ ___92~___ 3~ ____116 __ 2~ ___ ~~ ____ 5J8__

US 39840 1275 50186 40420 1248 50464 37550 135J 50796 lpduCtloi IncldJ-hOPI baiTr 4 lalabi ~der Krktlnlaquo ~_8zit-hop hanrd bur iot alabi ~dei --HarkaUn ~e_ent and hope produced lint ut harTated Salabl amplloYlIDh under proTle1on of Harltetln Jcre_ent totalad 39 111ion pounda in 1949

- 13 -



- - - -- - - - - - - - -lqijlj - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ~l~~ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - r ~- - - - - - - - shy__ ______ 9 ________________ iloz ___ bullbull _____________ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _~

Stat r Ac r Acr I Tleld r Pro- a__ Acree nu I Pro-- Ie Acrts n1d Pr a ra bull Bar- I Par I I --a bull lIN-- Per I I re Bar- I Per 0shy

____ _P~t~I_~e~ i ~e___dCl~_~t~__f- lPte___l~n_~td__Ie cpoundt_ i ~uC hou lcree l1ehels houbullbulllnl hone Acree aJaba18 honelnl Thou Acre llilehe1 houalnl

HIlna --3--- 3 ~ laquor 5 3 --uo 114 4 ~ -zo 12S n 3 3 250 75 3 3 220 66 2 2 280 56 bullbullY 113 106 255 2703 110 102 250 2550 116 114 320 30118 bullbullJ 10 9 278 250 9 II 300 240 11 10 360 160 h 108 105 298 5129 104 103 3fO 3605 113 112 365 41118 Ohio ~3 21 256 538 26 23 300 690 111 17 295 02Ind 51 41 243 1142 52 44 240 1056 27 25 240 600 Ill 53 45 240 1080 34 31 250 175 26 24 260 624 Kich 144 140 256 3584 121 118 310 3658 139 138 365 5031h 190 181f 267 4913 91 90 400 3600 125 124 375 4650 Kian 809 688 202 389pound 461 4If7 290 12963 138 733 290 21~57 10 II 7 166 116 3 3 2110 114 13 13 315 110 110 102 82 212 1138 88 66 19(1 1254 77 63 200 160 bullbullDU27Ifl 2625 216 56700 2357 2~1I1f 230 5~532 2357 22114 200 45080 SDak 1973 1756 147 25813 l38t 1299 245 31826 1464 1377 220 30294 abr 1174 760 115 8740 681 610 220 13420 613 549 210 11529Ean 1031 722 178 12652 480 38) 185 7086 360 2B 175 5022 Del 12 11 265 292 11 10 280 280 11 11) 305 305 Md 70 69 308 2125 71 64 290 1856 63 6Q 345 2010 Ya 76 72 301f 2189 76 68 270 11136 13 71 320 2272 V1a 9 9 2611 241 9 9 270 243 1 7 300 210 ~1 60 45 268 1206 56 42 220 924 41 33 285 940 S-l 34 25 231 57S 25 21 21( 141 23 20 260 520 GA 11 10 213 213 10 9 200 110 1 6 215 129 rr 127 89 223 1985 11 55 225 12311 11 0 250 120 enn 130 102 197 200s 129 98 1110 1764 100 82 200 1~ Ala II 5 205 102 3 2 200 40 3 2 1110 36 Kl 9 C 260 156 8 6 240 144 3 2 240 411 uk 19 13 199 25~ 14- 9 110 153 8 5 195 911 Okla lt97 28 ~l 5728 249 185 16( 2960 142 ~9 140 1 526 fex 373 340 222 15411 351 235 145 3408 196 164 150 21100 Mont 655 611 213 166110 720 672 220 14184 828 780 225 1 5 ldah 340 330 372 12216 320 307 37 0 11359 294- 276 340 1)84shyliTO 146 131 )10 4061 143 124 300 3120 154 144 300 4320 Ccio 867 726 214 15536 876 ~1 285 22544 683 ~eH 2)5 13936 bullbullMax 64 45 1115 8J2 If5 34 1110 612 28 23 200 1f6O Arh 145 74 420 3108 153 78 380 29611 161 85 400 3400 Utah 139 135 462 62)7 IJIf 130 450 5850 11) 101 450 4 amp60n 24 22 357 185 21 20 320 640 22 20 340 F80 Vallh 202 176368 61+77 139 125 350 1t375 97 90 370 30 Orttlaquo 269 2)8 34s 8282 285 2~i1 295 7582 )02 278 340 ~I1f52 Call 730 1429 280 40012 1816 14amp6 280 41608 1834 1486 30 119038

~I-=~ ==1~~5~= ~2~~1= =~~= =~7~7~ ==l~I~= ~~2~4==~~ == ~~~~= ~1~~6I=~0~~0= =2~~ ==2~~O~ rIumWlI ACREAGE YlELll AND PllOOUallOll 1914 to li46

----~ 1 li~ = 9~ State I Aero I Acre Yield I Pre-l Acre I Acru I Tleld Pro- II Acru I Acre I neld I To- 11

bull Plan~ad I Bar- I lier ductlon I Plante~ I pounder- I Per ductioil I Fanhd 1 Bar- I Per I dUction I ted I Acre I I 1 yoted I Acre I ted AcTa ~

- - - - - -hoUe7 Acres - -BoUbei- houbullba7 - - houS-ACre- -Btlaber- yenboue iJU7 - - houil-cre- -lIiiiierTiini7bi 111 6 3 80 24 2 2 IIfO ~8 1 1 140 14 Mich 6 82 49 7 7 60 42 7 7 90 63 Vh 6 ~ 117 7C 8 7 110 17 6 6 130 111 II an 914 829 75 6211f 1091 1067 HO 11737 932 BB6 105 303 I a III 93 59 519 76 15 125 91I 31f 34 150 10 M 11 11 5~ 60 9 B 45 36 6 6 65 3~ JrDK 865 802 82 6576 l571f 1 525 110 12200 1166 162 65 195) SDak 321 3c6 B2 2509 436 441 105 4630 318 344 100 )44t Rebr 2 1 110 8 2 2 90 18Ian 140 90 37 3)3 133 122 55 611 120 116 70 812 Okla 6n 45 45 202 24 14 30 42 3 J BO 24 lex 36 34 80 272 65 63 BO 504 B4 76 73 555 1I0fa~ 221 193 76 1512 6O 320 41 1312 83 14 70 511 110 1 1 14 4 2 2 50 10 1 1 50 Lrh 19 19 25 4114 1 17 23C 391 14 14 240 36 Oras 1 1 71 7 (all 170 164 110 i788 121 __13__lI~ ___ 22 ___ Osect ___1~2__12~ ___ 9~g VB ---middot2i~ - -2~6i--8- - -21665 - - 3954 - 3785 91 34557 2641 21132 93 2~ ~1I8 1F t te- 40-n~t- 1~ciu4-i ()d ha-8i~ tro-t7 - ~~- to tibe- 1oe~o-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- l


------------------------------------------------------ -------

lIlJ1IJrr ~CRlGlI Th([~ 11-JD PROWClIOIf 1947 to 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - - - p~- - - - - - - -- - bull - - - - - -1M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -194- - - - - - - - -State -~o -1-ACn- rfi1d -1- h- -1- ~8 - -ACre-Triold -- - -1- ~e --ACre- ~ field -1- Pt- shy

1 Planted Bu- 1 Per I duction 1 Planted I mu-- I Per I 4nction Planted Har- Par I iucHonI bullbullbulltd IAero I yeatod Acre I yeahd 1 Acre I

- - - - - - Thoubullbull -ACre- middotmiddot8iiior- ihiiUbullbull~7 - Thoue-ACre- - - ibahel ifhoua iiU- - - fhiiUC-ACre - -llI1aiiel - ifhiiubullbulliiU7 NaiDe 4 4 280 112 4 4 320 128 6 6 290 174 Vt 1 1 190 19 2 2 290 58 1 1 200 20 bullbullT 103 93 240 2232 93 90 320 2880 85 79 250 1975 Bl 17 15 330 495 18 16 330 528 19 17 385 654 Pa 132 130 330 4290 132 126 3115 113117 156 154 395 6083 Ohio 17 15 260 390 19 18 300 540 21 18 310 558 IDd 22 21 260 546 19 18 270 1IS6 23 21 265 556 Ill 28 26 285 7111 32 31 3110 10511 l1li 41 300 1230 Mich 121 115 300 3lIse 1112 140 320 41180 129 125 270 3375 Vb 160 159 )65 5804 205 204 380 7752 195 194 332 6l1li1 Minn 1018 915 265 25838 1252 1219 270 32913 1148 1110 230 25530 Iova 6 311 235 799 33 33 320 1056 31 31 259 803 No 74 63 230 1449 84 73 250 1825 106 85 215 1828 HDak 2522 2444 210 51324 2724 2640 210 55440 1880 1690 150 25350 SDak 1508 1432 220 31504 1583 1518 230 311914 1219 1093 125 13662 Xebr 533 467 220 10274 560 472 195 92011 403 326 187 b096Ian 328 290 220 amp380 459 362 190 6878 266 221 175 3868 Del 13 12 305 366 13 12 285 342 13 12 270 324 u~ 75 73 3110 2482 711 70 310 2170 82 80 340 2720 Va 86 84 295 21178 89 86 345 2967 89 86 3011 2614 VVa 9 9 31bull0 279 10 10 345 345 12 12 3111 377 bull c IS 39 290 1131 39 32 245 7811 40 34 262 891 50 26 22 260 572 23 18 215 3fr7 23 18 225 405 Ga 8 7 220 154 6 5 200 100 5 4 225 90 ~ 71 53 25middot0 1325 76 53 265 1404 102 72 250 1800 enn 88 77 210 1amp17 86 75 220 1650 82 67 170 1139 Ala 2 1 180 18 3 2 190 38 3 2 2110 lIS IU 3 2 230 46 3 2 250 50 3 2 250 50 Ark 5 3 200 60 10 6 lt1I0 1l1li 8 5 211 106 Okla 109 86 180 1548 80 66 155 1023 61 52 175 9iO fex 161 1311 175 2345 117 113 155 1752 159 133 190 2527 Mont 853 796 235 18706 930 8]6 290 254011 614 526 210 11046 IdaIw 332 320 370 11840 32 358 350 12530 3112 329 320 10528 Tn 1119 138 320 41116 177 159 275 4312 168 151 298 115000010 669 605 280 16940 amp62 563 250 111075 841 788 281 22143 NMex 29 25 195 1IS8 22 20 210 420 26 211 210 504 Arb 150 97 -1130 4111 191 146 510 1114amp 167 126 500 amp300 Utah 123 118 1110 5546 150 1l1li 420 amp0118 155 150 440 66Or) Hey 22 20 360 120 27 24 360 864 25 22 350 770 Wash 114 105 335 3518 136 126 345 11341 112 101 2St 2828 Oreg 323 JOO 355 10650 381 351 345 12110 297 214 32~ 8768 Oalif 1~g9 1545 290 44805 1965 1amp22 310 50282 19amp5 1590 J~o 50880

~~___ 191__ 092__221 __2183__ ~~__1~202 __2~2_ -5527__ 1122__ 21~ __2~~ __2101l_

FUXSEED ACHEM TImraquo HI) PllOOOCTION 1947 to 1949

------------If-------------------Ijs-----------------qij---------shy-- - ~ - - -- ic~ Yield -- ~-Y- - -A- - - ACro9 Yield - - - -y-- -_-- --Acrii~ ~ field -- - -11

S 11 i crea Bar- Per I _rei I Bsr- I Per I ro- I re Har- I Per ro- I I Planted I yeated I Acre ductiou I Plant~d yeted Acre I dnction I Planted I yeated Acre I dnction

- - - - - - Thoubullbull-ACre - -lliiahel - ifhOuB iiU- - - fhOU8 -ADrbullbull- -lIIlaiieY - ibOua iiU- - -hOUI- Acre - -llI1ahl - houaiiu-Ohio 3 3 80 2~ Ill 6 6 120 72 2 2 140 28 1 1 130 13 Mich 6 6 75 45 10 10 BO SO 10 10 14 74 Wi 15 15 125 188 22 22 13middot 297 17 17 139 236 Hinn 1411 1313 l0 15103 1700 1661 115 19102 1700 1644 95 15618 Iowa 84 83 135 1120 105 l04 155 1612 III 110 13J 1518 Mo 6 6 50 30 4 4 5middot0 20 3 3 65 20 DDak 1567 1524 80 12192 1818 1753 9middot5 lSb5~) 2018 1928 70 13496 SDak 591 585 100 5850 11amp 708 110 1788 713 708 65 11602 lana 115 107 70 7119 fr7 12 5middot5 396 34 31 63 195 Okla 4 4 60 24 4 3 30 9 3 3 5middot3 16 u 94 91 95 864 248 240 5middot5 1320 335 308 65 2002 Mont IBB 168 60 1008 148 141 100 1410 90 62 47 291 Idaho 3 3 100 30 Wyo 2 2 45 9 1 1 50 5 1 1 50 5 Arh 20 20 265 530 38 38 280 1064 44 38 250 950 Vah 4 4 130 52 2 2 100 20 2 2 120 24 Oreg 8 1 150 105 15 1~ 105 1111 9 8 110 88 CaliC 125 122 215 2623 201 198 245 4851 197 17~ 220 3828 US - - - -11264- - -4129-- 98 - - ~6i- - -5121- - ~97 - -iia - - 54803- - -5348- - 5048 - - 85 - - 42976-If iti~t- dO-Dt-iclude-claed hatd tr-II-fla ~- fO fib In-oe~o- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- 15 -

UPDATA 1981 bull ~ ilmiddot t ~ bull


RD ACRlWl1l TDlIJ) un PllOIJJeTIOlI 1944 to 19116

-- --I 1HI i9i5I~ Sate S Aane rea neld rc)oo Acre lene lelA Pro- Acree Aorea n14 Proshy

laW Iu- Pertan I cluUoa Plutea Iu- lItr Acre cltwtion1p1ateal S Per Acre duetioll ________ft1______ i ____ i ___ eJl4 l _____1____ l ___ l t ~ illl ________ _ IIIo Aon l 1bou BIl ftlau Acre Ill boualIu lhoq _rea Buboh lhoua Bu

11 66 12 162 1 80 10 175 175 105 8 180 144 IT~ 96 15 167 250 95 13 160 208 91 15 175 262 Pe 55 43 148 636 53 U 155 636 33 22 155 341 Oblo 80 33 152 502 90 I 115 472 70 17 110 289 IIlld 179 86 118 1015 222 70 125 875 1ar 46 135 621 Ill UO 63 113 712U8 It7 120 561t 88 38 125 475 1Ucb US 62 127 787 117 56 140 IJIt 91 48 135 648 Vle 125 98 87 853 126 95 120 1140 100 76 115 874 Ill 155 108 87 9fO 144 107 260 1712 151 118 130 l5J1J laws 118 10 120 12fl 37 11 130 143 26 10 170 170 Ho V3 SO 116 580 128 41 110 451 100 35 125 438 IDate ~ 145 92 l3J1J 150 115 135 1552 225 196 110 2156 Snate 5 392 lOl 3959 376 290 V5 42115 323 altl 105 2530 lebr 585 365 91 )322 556 361 125 4512 423 282 110 3102 Iatia 225 101 105 1060 2117 81 lO5 850 120 53 105 556 Del 32 18 1)6 245 JIJ 19 V5 276 J3 18 140 252 ald ~ 23 165 380 67 20 145 290 5f lit 145 2flJ la 135 114 144 6J1J 136 JIJ 135 459 125 25 140 350 VY 12 5 135 68 13 135 54 8 ) 125 38 IC 1~ J8 115 437 165 31 105 )26 145 22 125 215 sc 75 16 104 166 75 15 95 142 44 11 100 110 0 It) 12 101 121 50 10 90 90)0 6 100 60 ~ 133 JK1 141) S60 182 40 125 500 155 37 140 518IID 172 37 10ij 400 162 J4 95 3Z3 115 25 100 250 OEl 264 100 103 1030 257 ~ 100 740 1114 48 90 4)2 fex 142 22 119 262 55 21 90 199 It9 11 100 110 HoDt 20 16 120 192 2h 16 110 176 40 26 100 260 Idaho 12 5 1)) 66 11 5 130 65 11 It 140 56 1170 36 J 91 121 JJ 8 105 ~ 29 8 105 B4 Colo 1250 79 600 121 80 100 800 100 68 80 S44 bullbullJlllx 12 9 82 74 12 5 65 )2 10 5 85 42 Utah ~ IJ 95 12h 22 10 100 100 22 9 95 86 lIash 147 17 114 194 55 15 120 180 50 10 125 125 0rec 151 )2 141 451 155 )1 140 434 140 )2 1)5 432 Calif 29 12 108 130 29 13 130 169 22 lO 120 120

us It1415 2132 106 22525 4157 1850 128 2)708 3396 1591 116 18487 ---~-------------------------------------------------- ----

- - - --_ - - - -- _ -r9li4-_ - - - - __ - ___ - _______ S________________ - - - - - - 7________ - - shy --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T9i- - - - - - -r - - - -l~b - - -Stat Aores Aaru nld I Pro- Acrbullbull Acr I Ylel4 I Pro- Acl IADrea neld I Proshy

PlIIIIha ~ PilI Aclll ductlOD IPllUlted liar- Perlen duaUoDlplal1~1 liar- IPer Acre l duettOD I Ia I ytd I IYelted I- - - - -1ioiie iare - -BiiieT- -hnaB - fliDU-AGr- - iiahi - fbOuBiu Thru-iCrbullbull- -BiiiieT- TbOubullbulliia

1_ 6 6 200 120 6 6 155 9J 5 5 200 100 n 1 1 220 22 1 1 180 18 1 1 220 22 BY 155 150 180 2700 129 98 155 15]9 119 113 190 2147 Fa V~ l4O 195 27)0 112 98 185 1813 108 lOit 200 2080 Ohio V 14 210 294 18 17 180 )06 17 11 190 J23 1114 lO 10 150 150 22 20 135 270 7 6 150 90 Ill 5 5 165 82 16 15 150 225 5 5 160 80 Il1ab )8 )) lS5 512 46 25 140 )50 ZIt 18 1)5 24) lI1a 29 27 lS5 418 26 ZIt 150 360 2 25 145 362 IIIIIDo 67 6) 150 945 49 45 1140 6)0 118 It2 140 588 Iowa 12 12 175 210 7 vo 98)) 150 45 Ia) 1 1 125 12 1 1 120 12 1 1 110 11 Bllak 5 14 160 64 7 7 160 112 6 6 130 78 SDak 7 6 150 90 It 130 52 5 5 40 70 JId 6 6 200 120 5 5 ~5 118 _ _ 2)5 9Ita 8 8 165 132 5 5 170 85 It _ 170 68 V 10 10 185 185 8 8 US 172 8 8 195 156 Ie 5 5 145 12 It 160 6It 3 3 160 48 ~ 2 2 130 26 2 2 130 26 3 J 140 42D ____1 ___ 1_ 145______1 ___ ~ ____ __1 _____~___ o___ O__1~1 ____1~5_

trs 531 S08 176 8956 417 ItOl 161 6~7 It08 )13 178 6812 ------------~---------------------------------------------

- 16shy



- - -- 12411lMIX99 sbullbullbullbull _ iorea n 14 I Pro- Acre iDre J nld Pro- Acne lAcn_ TleU Proshy-- re I Ifuo- I e I I I Hu- I I J Bar- I

____1~~~~bull l_I_~r_~~ ~~ ~~~Y ~~_1_~~l~)P~~Ye ~r_I~ _~~1J1_ I1cu tara ~ hOh ~oubull iDn l ThouBn hOlla AlIre ]ahale fhouellIl bull

bullbullr 90 J5 185 278 90 11 185 3~ 107 17 184 313 bullbull1 89 15 180 20 f5 12 175 210 88 12 179 215 Pa 21 18 155 Z79 21 16 ~5 232 21 ~ 165 231 Ohio 71 JO 170 S10 67 20 180 360 ~ 18 170 306 lad ~3 60 v0 8110 ISO ~ ~5 928~) 57 1)5 77fJ Ill ~ -7 ~O 658 113 53 150 795 123 56 141 790 1I11JII 126 7fJ ~5 1015 1)2 80 150 1200 1 57 140 798 V1I 109 87 120 1~ 112 92 l20 1104 119 92 120 1104 lie la 1~ 150 21f6O 278 2)9 150 3585 200 172 145 2494 lov 28 15 150 225 36 17 155 264 5) 18 140 252 Mo 100 36 110 396 105 )5 120 420 U7 )5 112 392 bullbullDIIk 360 30 140 4522 461 401 120 4812 26) 229 115 2634 S1lIIk _10 ~7 v0 4858 476 392 1)0 5096 328 267 117 31211shyu ~ 305 90 2145 352 238 95 2261 317 207 74 1532 Eau 136 110 627 90 )I U5 391 65 28 97 272 DIll 32 19 135 256 33 20 120 2110 28 ~ 140 196 M 52 16 150 JIO 48 V v0 196 52 12 145 1a 1350 140 322 155 25 V5 362 15) 18 140 252 Va 8 3 120 36 6 2 130 26 6 2 136 2 _C ~ ~5 348 117 22 130 286 113 17 115 196 SC 42 10 115 115)1 7 85 60 26 6 95 57 Oa 2 6 75 45 22 5 90 45 20 4 80 32 1Ir 141 37 140 518 130 28 150 420 1)6 2 136 J67 fua 98 26 105 273 100 30 110 330 105 20 101 202 Oltla 115 JJ8 95 456 108 36 75 270 1~ 36 70 252 ~z 7fJ 35 100 3SO B4 30 70 210 100 38 80 304 MoII 52 29 125 )62 JO 20 1)5 27fJ 2) 7 90 63 I4aho 10 5 17G 85 10 4 130 52 10 ) 150 450 21 7 110 71 27 7 70 49 Z7 7 102 n Colo 8 7 100 47fJ 58 35 80 2BO 38 2) 90 207 bullbull lIDz 7 5 115 511 7 5 UO 55 7 5 120 60 ~u 12 6 100 60 10 5 100 SO 10 5 Uo 55 Vesb SO 13 100 130 JJ8 17 130 221 42 10 101 101 Orec 125 32 ~O AiIf8 110 24 145 )lI8 116 15 103 154 ~-1____1 ___l _~O____ _ P ___21 ___ 2__~2 _____14___ 5____6__12~ ____ ~_ ~___ ~7 _9 _ 28____2l~ _22~ __~o~__l ___ S86_ ~23__15t__1~ __ ~1~2


--- - J2i+I i1 i W9 I Mn5 I J liDnll I I Acre

StaM I Mn I JIcq I nu I Pro- mne I iaIo J nld I Pro- I Acn I IreZ- I Yield Proshy____I~~laquobulld_~I_ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~YIleJ ~ ~ ~~_1_~~l~J1JP~~lYlle ~Pr_~~_d~l~J1_

Au II ftIagpa hog Mn lI1 ~1UIlln hOUR Acre lIIt_hel lhou1Iu

181 6 6 170 102 5 5 200 100 5 5 210 105 ft 1 1 140 14_r a 1M 135 1539 99 96 195 1872 78 76 210 1596 12) 114 160 182It 101 96 210 2016 78 200 1480 Will __ 42 155 651 16 16 180 2B8 12 12 210 2521114 19 18 140 252 2 2 150 30 4 160 64 IU 16 16 130 208 4 4 170 68 2 2 160 32 Ill 63 57 130 11 30 27 130 351 20 19 145 276 V18 2 25 ~5 362 25 ~ 155 356 23 22 151 332 Ill 62 54 120 ~ )It 29 150 bull 435 28 ~ 125 300 1_ 10 10 120 120 JIll 2 2 110 22 bullbullDate 8 7 150 105 3 J 160 If8 4 120 If8 s~ 9 8 110 88 4 160 64 3 J 80 2H II - - 180 72 ) ) 230 69 3 -) 210 63a ) J 160 ~ 3 3 180 54 2 2 166 33 Va 8 8 175 ~ 7 7 195 1)6 7 7 201 141 ~C 3 3 170 51 1Ir 2 2 150 30 t~ ____l ___l_ ~~_____ 6 ___I ___ 2__~~ _____18___ =2___ 2__1~ ____20_ US ~ S05 142 7171 JIe8 330 18_ 6085 281 269 184 4956 -----------------------------------------------~------ ----

- 17 -


llRY EIBLE 1IEliS ACREME TIBLllUlll plIOWClIOIi 1944 to 194911

~ -- - ~124 124i 1W bull bull Acres bull bull bull bull Acree bull bull bull bull Acres bull bull ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pl~tedyeted Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted vested Per Acre duct ion pl~ntedyented Per Acre duct10n - - - ---TioiAcrlI- --pound --ThOuiyen~- Thouice ---Pouid --nOUBW- nouic~e ---POuid-middot --TboujjishyHamp1u 5 5 695 35 4 4 820 33 6 6 980 59 vt 1 1 626 6 NY 120 113 790 893 101 84 850 714 128 124 1200 1488 Mich 701 660 690 4554 435 363 820 2977 531 519 740 3841 Vb 2 2 430 9 1 1 560 6 ---Minn t 6 5 476 24 4 4 600 24 3 3 500 IS IfDosk 2 1 (730 7 1 1 700 7 1 1 600 6 lfebr 60 49 1260 617 53 18 1520 7JC 611- 62 1650 102] Mont 25 ~ 1083 249 20 18 1300 234 18 17 1 bull 590 270 Idlho 146 145 1550 2248 117 115 100 1725 131 128 1700 2176 qo 90 86 1240 1066 90 86 1250 1075 93 90 1450 1305 yenllh 3 3 1030 31 4 4 1250 50 4 4 1075 43 Oreg 1 1 1322 13 Tu 2 1 200 2 Colo 350 327 540 1766 290 271 580 1572 276 249 650 1618 fMex 267 ~O 302 695 203 161 180 290 142 114 225 256 Alb 15 14 395 55 14 13 515 67 14 13 900 117 Utah e 7 480 J4 8 7 400 2B 10 9 400 36 ~UL1IIrI 166 166 1327 2203 166 166 1242 2062 149 149 1342 2000 CtJ1fOUlIl1 183 157 1045 1640 148 141 1062 1497 134 134 1184 1587 poundeil _142 __ 221 _ _ 9Q _1bullsect41 _ __ 2~ __ 201 __1L129__ J~29_ __ ~1 _ _ g82 __1L2amp7__ _ l281_ ~___ g52 _ ~9~ ___ 02 _1amp41 __ ~5~ _ ~1 ___80__ vJ0~1__ 1Ot _ ~2~ ___917___12~_

DRY EDlDLE llEA1lS (Contd) - - - - 1241 124sect 1942 Jamp1ne 7 7 1100 77 9 9 900 81 8 8 925 74 bullbullY 138 13D 1070 1391 181 179 1230 2202 176 170 1000 1700 Mich 494 467 670 3129 514 504 880 4435 52) 519 1100 5709 Minn 2 1 350 4 1 1 650 6 1 1 650 6 1lDIk 1 1 850 8 lfllbr 80 76 1425 1083 85 83 1725 1432 90 85 1530 1301 Mont 2l 20 1450 2)0 22 21 1470 309 19 18 11170 265 IdlLho 159 154 1540 2372 ISO 148 1800 2664 149 147 1830 2690 To 112 107 1350 1444 98 95 1370 1302 83 81 1520 1231 lfaah 4 4 1200 48 5 5 1500 75 8 8 1490 119 Colo 331 321 800 2568 341 324 720 2333 307 295 820 2419 NMex 155 140 237 332 191 172 250 430 181 169 350 592 Arb 15 14 430 60 14 14 475 66 12 12 500 60 Utah 14 13 760 99 17 15 400 60 15 14 500 70 Ca11tL1IIrI 149 149 1406 2095 145 145 1603 2324 15 175 1654 2894 CallfOther 174 174 1303 2268 223 223 1389 3097 183 183 1229 2249 poundlil_2z1 __ 222 __ 25_t262 ___ 26Q __ 26Q __14ZJ_ __5431___ 25Q __ 25Q __1427_ __ 241_ ___ sect5~ _ m ___ 271 _116sect __ 29~ _ 23Q __1J014__ 086__ 23sect _ Q82 __1114___2~2 _ J1 Include b gl01OI1 for lead


- - - - li~ li4i 12~ s~te Acr Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acree Yield Proshy

Plantedl Har- Per Acre duction Planted Har_ Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted Har_ Per Acre duction _____ __x8td______________=_vsies______________Z8tlltL__________ _ rhoueAcieg Pounds Thous1jB ThousAcres ~ ThouBBagB ThoulAcree Pounds ThouBBagB

Mlch 1 1 770 8 Vh 3 3 970 29 2 2 950 19 1 1 1100 11 MInn 4 4 82033 4 4 950 38 6 6 800 48 NDak 14 13 1060 138 13 12 1200 144 15 15 1350 202 Mont 42 40 1103 441 32 30 1200 360 24 2J 1170 269 Idaho 225 219 1275 2792 ISS 153 1200 1836 161 156 1350 2106 lyo 2 2 921 18 2 2 1200 24 3 3 1250 38 Colo 33 22 860 189 bull 33 23 900 207 23 16 750 120 WaG 347 340 1290 4386 246 235 1160 2726 244 235 1480 3478 Oreg 58 56 1120 627 39 37 950 352 20 19 1300 247Qai____~ ___Ii __ l12 __ pound32 ____21 ___2Q _ _1 05_middot__ _29J_ ___1sect ___112 ___820____ l6Q _ l~_ ___ Z5Z - _ ru __ lgl _ J2li9t ___ i~ __ ilJ2 _ _11tl- _ -S91L __ ili __ 9_~ __13i8___ poundpound72 _

DRY FIELD PEAS (Contd) - - - - 1i41 1~1 -)242 Wle 1 1 1050 10 Minn 8 7 600 42 J J 900 27 7 7 950 66 Iflllk 20 18 1080 194 7 6 1200 72 5 5 1000 50 Mont 17 16 1100 176 8 8 1160 9J I 6 1130 68 Idaho 153middot 150 1320 1980 72 68 1220 830 99 89 1120 997 lyo 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1210 24 Colo 35 21 900 189 24 19 1000 190 19 16 1220 195 Vash 256 247 1300 J211 162 156 1280 1997 210 198 760 1505 Oreg 25 24 1180 28J 19 18 1300 234 17 14 700 98poundsll___ _Zl __ _ Zl ___ 19Q __ g11 ____1sect ___1sect __ 390____113____11 ___11 __1210____ 102 _ ____ 2~ __ 21l _ _ 33g _ ~l2g ___ Jl2 __ ~9Q __1J2g1__ JJ6fJ___ l8l _ _ 25 ___9pound7___ l~l~_ 1I h pl1Jlc1pal comerc1al produciD8 States Includes Pt)llS groUl for seed aDd comery pens harvested lUy

- III shy

1 UPDATA 1981



- - - - 19i4 19sect 12 li41 to ~ t 1242 St t A Aores Ac Acres A Acres ~ Acres ~ Acres A Acres

a e creB Har- reo H~r- cres ~r- cres H~r- cr~s H~r- eres Harshy____~1ne~eit~d_~1no~_elt~ltLlP~~tdlV~oeS_~1ne~lvsOS_ c~middot~_vselP~l~td_Jel~~d__

Thousand Acres Ind 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ill 12 12 9 9 7 7 5 5 6 6 4 4 ViB 3 3 2 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~1nn 18 18 12 12 7 7 10 10 6 6 5 5 Iogtlt 23 22 11 11 7 7 8 8 12 12 10 10 Mo 265 263 225 216 184 181 179 176 154 150 122 120 Iflhk 87 86 50 49 47 44 42 41 33 32 35 34 SJhk S49 502 390 362 238 221 188 179 152 149 164 156 Jlebr 704 685 50 480 390 374 343 325 364 351 364 347 K9ns 38116 3768 3054 2879 2718 2505 2256 2154 2459 2391 2361 2319 Va 10 9 15 10 15 9 17 9 14 6 12 4 IIVa 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 nc 26 26 23 23 30 30 32 32 35 35 32 32 sc 36 36 35 35 28 28 29 29 30 30 23 23 Ga 60 60 60 60 48 48 55 55 54 54 38 38 Ky 35 34 35 35 39 39 34 34 2l 21 18 18 Tenn 62 6 56 56 56 56 48 48 37 37 29 29 Ala 59 58 61 60 79 78 86 84 99 97 65 63 Mhs 65 64 63 61 51 49 53 52 47 46 34 33 Ark 94 93 97 95 82 80 78 75 68 67 51 50 Jg 10 10 9 9 8 8 9 9 11 11 11 11 Okla 2484 2406 1938middot 1829 1783 1664 1284 1198 1348 1258 1146 1094 T8 8318 8202 7653 7054 7273 6913 5527 5392 7019 6740 5168 5080 Mont 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 4 3 3 4 3 Vyo bull 14 13 10 9 7 7 7 6 4 4 5 5 Colo 766 723 705 658 613 546 490 470 500 479 645 618 1IHex 690 669 467 309 317 265 349 313 521 479 556 532 Arb 71 69 55 53 74 72 62 60 90 88 77 76 Calli 133 127 112 108 151 151 76 76 122 122 80 80 115- - -ie458 -18038 - - is668 - 14-498- 14- 2f6- - i540J -11-277- -10OsO - -13214 -12-679- -11064 - -10789- -


- - - l9~( t00 1916t 197 19aL 12112 St t Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros Dald Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros IReld Pro- Acres llel4 Proshy

a eHar_ Per duc_ Hl1- Per duc- H9r- Por dw- 59r- Per due- zHar- IPer duc_ Har- Per i ducshy___yetdlApoundrs_t0E lVS82C8l 1n_yeltdAEr_t0E lvse2cel 1n_yetdlApoundrl_t0E lvsse~cel isn_

Thous Thous Thous Thoua Thous ThOUG Thoua Thous Theus Thous Thous Thoua ~ TonE ~ Acrea ~ Tons Acros Tona1m Acres ~ Tons ~ TOilS ~ Acres 2 Tons

Ind 2 270 5 1 290 3 1 260 3 Ill 4 250 10 3 250 8 2 300 6 2 250 5 2 350 7 1 350 4 Minn 15 300 45 8 20 18 5 200 10 8 200 16 4 250 10 4 230 9 Iowa 12 300 36 5 300 15 2 350 7 2 250 5 6 300 18 4 250 10 Ho 150 211 316 146 180 263 105 220 231 95 180 171 86 20 189 58 210 122 N bull oruc 76 110 106 116 135 62 41 110 45 39 130 51 30 125 38 32 100 32 SDak 395 169 668 308 150 462 177 l70 301 152 130 198 124 180 223 133 135 180 Nebl 511 197 1007 383 160 613 279 165 460 234 155 363 222 160 355 220 230 506 Kans 1125 213 2396 1386 164 2273 1302 160 2083 989 140 1385 692 190 1315 649 185 1201 Va 6 170 10 8 175 1~ 7 175 12 8 175 14 5 180 9 4 175 7 lle 15 160 24 13 170 22 18 180 32 17 190 32 13 200 26 13 200 26 SC 22 130 29 21 145 30 14 150 21 14 140 20 16 1~5 2J 10 150 15 Ga 35 111 39 42 135 57 33 135 45 )8 130 49 41 130 5] 29 140 41 KT 22 184 ~o 25 240 60 23 260 60 22 280 62 15 210 32 13 21~ 2B Tenn 37 180 67 33 20 73 31 210 65 29 230 67 23 235 54 17 220 37 Ala 23 140 32 24 135 32 27 155 ~2 28 135 38 37 150 56 19 145 2B Hios 27 165 ~5 28 185 52 18 150 27 18 170 31 19 195 37 16 185 30 Ark 66 161 106 68 160 109 50 145 72 51 140 71 J8 185 70 27 190 51 L~ 6 130 8 5 165 8 ~ 160 6 4 135 5 6 145 9 5 160 8 Okla 132~ 145 1920 1118 125 1398 969 130 160 701 110 771 652 150 978 502 160 803 Tex 2920 1193768 2985 110 3283 2324 122 28391677 110 1844 lt17J 122 26601452 145 2105 Mont 5 117 6 4 120 5 6 115 7 4 130 5 J 150 4 3 80 2 Wyo 13 82 11 9 70 6 7 60 4 6 80 5 ~ 75 3 5 76 4 Colo ~7J 114 539 460 110 506 350 105 368 304 115 )50 280 105 29~ 301 107 322 11Mex 29~ 102 300 223 70 157 155 103 159 143 67 96 184 100 184 109 129 141 Arh 6 200 2 3 200 6 5 175 9 3 175 5 3 175 5 ~ 175 7 Ea1i__ _35pound __ Z___2_ ~poundO___ ~ __ _35pound ___7___~ 210___7___ _35pound __ ~ __ 2 _ 210___1pound

~middot~middot_118~ _15~ 015J317_ 10_ 21~11251_131_81~1_4520_ 3_56~6_ ~~8~ _14 ~~521~31_ za_11~

- 19 shy





- ---I I94 1J9s 1~~ S~at J Jor 1 Yield Pr d ti~ JeJ81 I n14 I ProducUcna I Jone J Yield Pro4ucUoII

____1_~bullt4_1_~r_~l _1__0_u _~ _1_IIret4__~I_-l _1________~t4_1_~1_~l J _____ _ ThouIAcne ~ ThoU Bu llloutareplE ft1oUI Bu BiouDJeJ8el llloubullbull IIp

Ind 2 ~9 48 2 300 60 1 300 30 Ill 1 240 2h 1 290 29 1 300 30 Iova 1 240 24 1 200 20 1 200 20 Mo 61 216 1)18 29 ~o 435 ~ 220 968 IDaIt 8 163 130 1 160 16 1 135 14 SDak 92 153 1408 43 115 494 37 160 592 lobI 115 22) 2564 75 180 1350 18 200 1560 Ian 2229 221 49261 1149 154 17695 B51 1)5 11488 IC 2 250 50 3 2)0 69 sc 1 165 16 1 170 17 3 IB5 56 Al 2 163 33 13 150 195 2) 160 368 uk 7 143 100 10 170 170 8 150 120 La 1 150 15 1 180 18 1 140 14 Okla 979 1050 146805 636 120 7632 6~ 115 7176 ex 05103 194 99229 ) 950 150 c59139 4~ 160 71840 ColO aIfO 1057 3768 180 lAt9 2682 191 130 2483 1lIex )69 166 6111 84 70 587 108 104 1127 Aris 54 372 2009 44 )40 1496 55 360 1980 ~a1____11____)1~ ____ ~)~ _____1pound2____32~ ___ _ l27 _____~5____42 ___ ~292 __ US 9)86 197 184978 6)24 152 9606) 6669 159 106025


- - --I l~ 192s 1~ Stah I tar 1 Yield 1 PrOdUCtioD Acre I Yield I ProductiOIl Acne I Yield 1 Productloll

____1_~etd_Umiddotr_Jer _1_______ _~etd_I_Pr_Ael _1_______1_lIrQt4__~r_~l J _____ _ Thoue Jon ll 2a DIOUlllOD ThoubullbullJer 12 DIoubullbull Toll lhoUlJarooa ToD bou l01I

lIId 5 105 52 4 120 48 3 110 111 4 100 40 3 90 27 2 105 21 Vh 1 80 8 1 75 8 M1Dn 70 21 4 60 24 2 65 13 Iowa 6 100 60 3 90 27 1 110 11 Mo 85 374 36 71) 252 25 85 212 IDak 2 30 6 2 202 4 2 21 4 SDaIc 15 7 56 11 3- 37 7 40 28 Ifebr 59 64 378 22 50 110 17 50 BS Iane 412 70 2884 )42 55 1881 SO 60 21OQ SC 3 50 15 ) 55 16 3 50 15 Ga ) 40 12 1 45 14 51) 20 leDII 10 65 65 9 70 63 6 70 42 Al 6 75 45 05 70 35 6 60 36)Ii 12 90 108 12 90 108 12 75 90 Ark 3 55 16 2 55 11 5 60 )0 La 1 61 7 1 7- 7 1 66 7 Old 97 50 485 10 45 115 67 40 l68 Ix l6It 48 789 108 35 )83 87 41 ~O Colo 10 55 55 18 45 81 5 50 25 bullbull lIu 6 ) 20 2 30 2 45 9 Arll 9 121) 108 6 US 69 12 U5 138pounda1_____4____~~ ______2 ______4 ~ ______4 _____~ ______l~ ______ ____1~~

US 879 642 56114 671 532 3510 623 576 3SS7


- - - -I = 19~ = = = == = ~ 1~4sect state crill 1 Yield ProductioD Acre 1 Yield I Prod t1 I Acres Yield Pr

_____~etd_lt]~r_Apoundr ________1_Hrstd_IJr_Apoundr ____~ _o~ __~etd_Jr_Apoundrtl _ ~d~~1~~ ThougAcru Jl9B1 lhquGIlllog TI1quecrea ~ TboutOallQII ThguuJcru GalloDII AAUIIlampllov

Ind 1 80 80 1 90 90 1 75 75 Ill 3 50 ISO 2 50 100 2 65 1)0 Via 2 80 160 1 70 70 1 62 62 10 3 125 )705 2 100 200 3 129 387 Mo 8 62 496 5 45 225 7 55 385 bu 2 55 110 2 SO 100 2 51 102 Va J 65 195 2 65 130 2 66 1)2 VVa 3 59 177 2 67 134 1 66 66 lIC 11 74 814 8 64 512 9 131 729 SC 10 55 550 10 55 550 8 58 464 Ge 22 55 1210 15 57 855 11 53 583 17 12 65 780 10 73 730 16 85 1360 laDII 15 61 915 14 60 840 19 73 1)87 Ala 27 65 1755 18 66 1188 22 6) 1386 Mha 25 78 1950 21 80 1680 19 65 1235 Ark 17 SO 850 15 55 825 17 60 1020 L~ 2 55 110 2 60 120 2 40 80 OklL 6 42 252 5 43 215 4 47 188

i~----~i---~------l~-----l~---~------~______~ ___~____ _~2__--- - - - - - - - - - _1_ - __ l~ _____146____6middotZ ____ 2~ _____~_ 660 10171

-O- ------------ shy



-s~~e-= ~II 1 RI~ 1Pr~~to ~r~ ~~ 1 ~o~t~I~ ~~ R~~ ~din I BarYeated Per Acre I I BarYe ted Per Acr I I BarYbullbulltod Per Acr

- - - -1h-cr- -Dl~hr- -fhoa- ia - fhQicr1 bir- - -TiioQ- ib- - thOulAcibullbull -Dlhel- TiioU- -IDe 1 260 26 1 320 32 1 320 JJ~ Iowa 1 160 16 1 195 20 1 225 m )10 114 160 704 30 240 72031 200 6tjIlak 1 155 16 1 160 16 SDU 111 90 162 20 155 310 20 122 244

Iobr 75 150 1125 111 225 2632 109 236 2572lAD 754 145 10933 339 215 287811 1392 215 29 928 IC 5 250 125 16 270 432 15 250 375 s Q 5 155 78 1 175 122 7 180 126 Ala 34 165 561 45 195 878 33 181 597 Arll 10 150 15016 1110 2811 14 172 241 lA 2 140 28 2 155 31 3 170 51 CkIa 440 110 11840 556 150 8340 548 155 8494 181 3640 180 65421 496 165 74143 3563 239 114996 Colo 160 150 2400 192 170 3264 3011 172 52911 INex 167 106 1764 287 140 40111 415 222 9213 Arh 53 410 2113 75 400 3000 61 1146 2721 -~l____1~ ____3 ____ ~sect9 _____16___ 31middot ____ ~~ _____ 11___ 32 ~ ___ r62_ ~~___ ~~ ____lI~ ____9I11 ____ 7____1~ ___ ~I~ ____6~5~2____2 __ 4~_

ALL SOBOIIllKS JOR SIIMB AOlJWlE YIELD A)JD PROIUClIOIl 1947 to 1949 _______ ~_7_________________ __________________ ~~_______ _~------------~------------------~------------------ilt--------

State Acre I Yh1d I Acre field Acre Yield BarPedd Per Acre Product1on I BarPted Per Acre Production llarveted Pet Acre Production

- - - - ThouAcre -iaL- - -boU7tOji - biiuAcro -Jiii- - -b0li71oi- ~ouEcre - -~n - -fhw7Tu Ind 2 85 17 2 115 23 2 115 23 Ill 2 90 18 4 105 42 3 93 28 Hinn 2 60 12 2 eo 16 1 70 7 IoVA 3 60 18 3 95 28 3 100 30 Mo 33 70 231 31 95 294 29 86 249 IfIlK 1 25 2 1 30 3 2 23 5 slak 9 25 22 5 55 28 3 42 13 Ibr 16 45 72 12 60 72 18 70 126lAD 409 53 21611 359 76 2 72~ 278 73 2029 SC 3 50 15 2 55 11 3 60 18 0 3 45 14 5 55 211 3 60 IS Tonn 6 70 42 7 75 52 8 76 61 Ala 4 65 26 7 75 52 6 74 44 Nh 12 65 711 12 01 0 96 8 85 61 Ark 3 5middot3 16 5 75 38 5 75 38 ta 1 60 6 2 68 14 2 70 14 (kIa 54 37 200 4 55 264 43 56 241 Tex 69 37 258 66 46 305 60 57 343 Colo 6 45 27 7 55 38 9 48 43 IIMex 3 40 12 e 45 36 8 53 42 Arh 4 110 44 10 110 110 11 115 126 -~1____ ~ ____1poundpound ______~ ______4____1poundpound ______~ ______6____1~ pound _____~_ ~____ ~4~ ____ 4___ _ lP _____~2____ 7____ ~~1 _____51____ 10___ sect2~_


-- -- I~ D[8 I~i State Aeres Tield Production I Acr Tield Produetlon I Acree Yield Production

BarYeted I Per Acre I BarTeted Per Acre BarYeted Per Acre - - - - hiiuicre - Gallon - bouGallon thouD Xcre - 01100 - fhoubullbullOaflon ~iiuicro - iiaflon -lhOli7aeliOii Ind 1 70 70 1 90 90 1 90 90 Ill 1 55 55 1118 1 51 51 1 80 80 1 77 77 IClVa 2 80 160 2 168 336 2 158 316 Mo II 42 168 3 66 1911 2 61 122 Ian 2 51 102 1 47 47 Va 1 61 67 1 90 90 IIVa 1 70 70 bullbullC 10 73 730 6 611 408 4 72 211 Sc 7 49 343 5 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ Ga 14 59 826 II ~ ~ 6 60 ~ ~ 12 74 888 6 73 438 5 79 395 Tnn 13 60 7S0 7 Ala 111 60 10110 8 m = ~ =Mi 22 68 1496 15 78 1170 9 63 567 Arll 11 42 462 8 64 512 4 54 216 La 2 35 70 1 43 43 1 45 45 Cltla 3 33 99 2 55 110 1 52 52 ~_____ ~ ____ 25______ 13~ ______5__ _ ______ 1pound _____ -____ ~_____ __I~

Us 131 7847 SO 6911 55116 53 66s 3539 -------------------------~---------------------------- -------- 21 shy

bullUPDATA 1981 ~~ I j


--- -- 1~ t 19~ t 19[6 StlAt I Acree Yield Acrn Yield Acrea Yield

Harvea d Pel Production Harvest d Per Production Harvested Per Production _________ ~ _ _Agrl _ ______ ______Apound~ __ ______ t ______ _Asr~ _______ _

ThoutlAcree Ton8 ThouTone ThouAcre Ton ThouBlone ThoUllAcres 1on8 Thou8Tone Main 923 89 818 833 106 882 84 99 m fK 388 102 395 376 123 464 364 118 431 it 1032 126 1298 10oe 150 1516 1006 143 1442 )(saso 319 124 469 376 164 615 365 164 597 RI 36 1l4 41 37 146 54 34144 49 Conn 304 123 374 300 157 472 288 162 467 fY 4008 144 5759 4021 161 6488 3968 162 6416 NJ 274 147 402 288 177 509 260 175 454 PIi 2564 140 3597 2539 151 3826 2525 150 3789 0b10 2605 139 3622 2560 148 3801 2536 152 3848 Ind 2004 131 2626 1765 145 2551 1835 137 2511 Ill 2824 139 3938 2662 152 4053 2732 146 3985 Mich 2813 1)8 3895 2671 148 3958 2648 124 3272 Vb 4263 163 6929 4214 187 7870 4ll2 155 6371 Minn 4683 142 6640 4366 152 6637 4067 146 5956 Iowa 3551 164 58)6 1304 172 5677 3275 163 5325 Mo 3703 113 4171 3914 115 4500 3545 119 4201 lItDIIk 3421 97 3305 3434 94 3233 3068 89 2724 SDak 36e5 99 3637 3616 92 3312 3478 80 2775 Nebr 4355 112 4865 4062 11)9 4436 3915 97 3787 ~B 1784 167 2982 1783 161 2875 1746 135 2354 Del 82 1 ~o 98 75 152 114 71 149 106 Md 461 120 552 464 139 643 442 148 656 Va 1383 11)2 1405 1477 117 1722 1391 119 1650 IIv 835 108 904 840 1~ 1061 812 129 1045 NC 1315 96 1263 1374 98 1352 1263 102 1285 sc 543 74 400 554 84 465 S07 87 442 Oe 1406 49 689 1441 54 785 1399 52 723 lIla 118 54 64 125 57 71 123 49 60 It) 1630 112 1831 1987 137 2720 1813 136 2459 Tenn 1769 94 1660 1978 124 2444 1802 122 2205 All 1 091 67 730 995 75 742 999 74 744 M18s 925 119 1104 873 117 1025 850 123 1046 Ark 1397 109 1529 1378 116 1595 1258 118 1483 ra 3Jl 119 395 326 125 406 319 126 403 Okla 1296 129 1671 1326 133 1757 1355 113 1534 Tex 1591 90 1439 1599 96 1537 1623 11)3 1619 Mont 2265 119 2689 2267 117 2681 2147 112 2395 Idho 1198 204 2445 1189 204 2428 1140 213 2429 liTo 1156 113 1312 1103 116 1274 1091 111 1214 Colo 1467 159 2331 1425 155 2215 1359 148 2008 NMex 217 221 419 201 192 385 206 212 436 Arb 332 218 723 309 242 748 306 239 737 Utah 612 203 1245 597 200 1194 573 195 1115 ireV 435 142 617 436 141 615 432 152 655 VaBb 989 119 1775 931 187 1744 656 192 1640 Oreg 1156 173 1996 1158 170 1970 1062 173 1~39poundampl1____20plusmn0____ ~middot21____ 22~ ____2130____ ~bullsect4____60]6____ 282 __ _ 1~2_ ___6t0Q3_ ~____ 176)9____ ]middot13___ 03~2 ___ 16627____ ]~__ _1~7t418_ ___71141 ___ ]15___ 291518_

VILD HAY ACREAGE nELD lID PllOllUCTIOlf 1944 to 191i6

- - - - - 1~ l I9~ l 19[6 state I Acree Yield Acree Yield AcreB Yield

I Harveated Per Productioll ltlrvesed bull Per bull Production Harvested Per bull Production ___________ l ce__ ~ ______ t _____ _ =_AsrJ __ ______ l _______~r __ _____ _

ThouaAcrem ThousTon bonaAcres ona ThousTona Thoue-cres ~ Thousfou Via 140 130 182 94 115 106 llO 115 126 Minn 1452 1ll 1612 1394 115 1603 1282 110 1410 10 102 122 124 92 120 llO 86 1O 103 Mo 154 109 168 160 120 192 150 100 ISO NDal 2576 90 ~318 2576 85 2190 2318 85 1970 sJ))k 3076 88 2707 3014 60 24ll 2693 70 2025 Nebr 3198 80 2558 2942 75 2206 2795 65 1817Ian 693 111 769 638 115 734 636 75 478 Ark 194 104 202 202 105 212 202 105 212 Okla 480 118 566 437 125 S46 428 100 428 Tex 195 105 205 185 100 185 191 105 201 Mont 867 85 737 806 90 725 622 60 658 ldho 139 lU 156 139 115 160 135 110 148 To 529 60 423 481 BO 385 495 85 421 Colo 466 97 452 443 100 443 439 85 373 NMex 20 88 16 15 70 10 27 100 27 Utah 103 124 126 lOS 100 105 105 120 1-6 lreT 267 100 267 267 100 267 267 110 294 Yam 46 115 53 51 125 64 47 120 56 Or~ ll76 115 320 3U 11n 3IU gt86 110 315 ~l-l_____1$gt____ 110_____ 17g _____112___ _ 1io_ ~ __ _2ffl_ ____ 152 ___ 1lL ____11~_

k ___ 5all1_____23____1~J1 ___ 4~~_____21___ Jt2~2___ _ ll~7 ___ _g3_ __ l51 _


FFeti5 Hri+tttrtft gt~- bullbull ~Mto shy



- -- -- 1~7 19la_ 19sect State Acrea Yild cr Tlel-l Acrea Yield

______II~~t~d_ ~ ~~~__ ~ ~d~ln_l v~e~ _~_A~~ ___~o~u~t~o~ ~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~____P~o~u~to~ ~bullbullAcrea gAl ~ousTonD fitouDcrea ~ lhoulITons Tbous bullocres I2 Thou9Tonl

M1n 766 11)8 627 nO 11)2 746 695 9B 682 lilI J5) 127 446 JJ9 124 421 J18 11) )56 n 995 149 148J 974 145 1416 952 124 1176 ca )51 154 540 J46 160 59f )42 145 496 RI )2 159 51 29 159 46 28 1 bullSO 42 Conn 280 166 464 272 162 440 26) 156 410 IIT )752 161 6029 )642 165 6016 3)97 1)6 46)0 IJ 244 17) 422 236 161 428 239 177 422 Il 2))9 150 )511 2194 146 )710 2202 142 )123 Ohio 2497 140 34B6 2)84 14) )406 2255 142 )212 Ind 1708 1)6 2)Jl 1661 1)6 2251 1616 145 2 bull 342 Ill 2626 14J )756 2)85 149 )558 2230 165 J689 Mich 2628 1Jl J45) 24)6 1)7 )346 2)29 1)2 )069 Vh 4066 16) 6665 )940 1)8 54)2 3916 15) 5972 MiIlJ1 4063 142 57n )659 1)7 529) 3819 1)lt3 5268 10_ )J)B 154 5154 2943 1)4 )955 )100 159 49)0 Me 3762 114 4)10 )S46 129 4564 )60) 129 465) IDU 3289 95 )110 3176 91 2901 )441 B5 2920 S~ )675 85 ))1) 4126 84 )451 4412 68 3013 lfebr 4)05 113 4BBI 4))4 105 4532 4836 108 5ZJl Iu 2059 153 )155 195) 176 )479 2017 160 3~z2 Del 69 146 102 n 140 102 68 110 97 Md 429 142 611 445 144 64) 429 152 ti51 Vamp 1)27 107 1414 1)72 126 1722 1321 127 16n VV 60) 116 92B 796 129 1026 B02 124 991_C 1292 96 1267 1290 10) 1)28 1246 105 1)12 SC 465 76 )76 509 68 449 52J 91 476 0amp 1)91 51 70) 1416 56 791 1055 6) 66) 11 125 54 67 1)2 58 77 65 62 5) 1) 1666 1)B 2568 1687 126 21)0 1828 110 2)60 l1IllU 1812 117 2120 1691 111 1861 l7J4 125 2175 U 939 72 679 922 18 720 790 84 667 Ki 601 115 923 769 121 9)3 779 115 89) Ark 1254 98 1224 1211 124 150) 1116 117 1J10 111 300 118 )s4 294 112 )29 295 1m 379 Okla 1580 119 1B77 1490 I)) 1975 1)50 1)5 1821 le 1620 90 16)7 1706 91 1556 145) 112 1624 MoDt 2227 112 2491 220) I) 2704 2On 101 2084 Idoho 1022 2Z5 2296 986 220 2171 1050 2lt) 2))7 1170 1080 117 1265 1017 94 960 1104 110 1209 Colo 1)56 164 2219 1)51 167 2251 1401 164 229) Ifllex 216 210 454 20) 212 4)) 19) 209 404 Arlo m 220 595 226 2)8 5)7 25) 247 624 Utah S6B 208 1160 550 205 1129 5)7 21) 1145 - )92 155 606 )8) 151 577 377 154 580 lfath 60) 1117 150) 765 205 1611 772 178 1375 Oree 1076 169 1617 1061 174 1646 970 158 1526 ~11middot____~~~ __ ~ J bull 26____ euro1)Q ____1~7O____ 1middotQ7____5JplusmnL ___ 1l15Q ___ 1middot25___ 3 49_ [middotk ___ 1 46amp6____ 1middot15___ 10Q$~ ___ 11617____ 114___ 2611~ ___71~ __ _ lmiddotlJ_ __ 25025_

_1If_ eii2ll 2r_A1l_II~r_r2r_125~D-~ 9Z1J211 o_____________ bull __________

~~~ _lAi~~e5drIx~~rpoundr ~tloi ~ce ~eililfgi ct r~~ln hqutr ll lhoubullbullrona rhouaAcr 12l ThouaToga

~ _____1 _0_____ 111_______ 1~~ _____ 1~ _____ 1Ql_ ______ 1~~ _ Ylk ____ 14aJgl_____ 1J8______ 10l57______7~11J _____ l~L _____ l0ll_ ~ -

WILD BAT AClUllilE fIELD AlID PBODUCrIOll 1947 to 1~1

- - - - - 1i41 1~ 1~ Il~t I Acre I Yield heres Yield Acres Yield bull

I arT ted I Per Production arTeBted Per ProucUon Iifrvsted Per bull Production ____ _1_ __~ __ _~rl _ i ______ 1 _______ cLe______________ cIe___=_____ _

1houeAcreo 1M lhoubullbullTop rhouoAcree ~ rhouerona rhousAcrea ron rhoubullbullroue Vlo 106 115 122 1)0 95 124 112 107 120 Minn 1)06 11e 1439 12)0 105 1292 11)2 105 1169 10 75 1O 90 61 115 9) 70 123 66 Mo 150 110 165 141 110 155 1)5 110 146 1IDIIk 2596 90 2))6 2414 65 2052 2535 Bo 2028 SDU )240 75 24)0 )4)4 70 2401 )4)4 57 1957_hr 296) 60 2)70 2904 65 1686 )252 75 24)9 lUI 702 110 772 611 115 7~ 642 115 nB Ark 204 B5 In 175 110 192 152 105 160 00amp 458 110 504 4)1 1 lt5 5)9 416 1gt0 502 lu 210 95 200 197 65 167 1B5 101 167 Mont 860 BO 704 654 90 769 769 75 577 Id~o 132 110 145 140 100 140 144 109 157 To 500 95 475 475 60 lB5 522 B5 444 Colo 470 105 494 451 105 474 474 102 4B) 11 Megt 27 BO 22 25 75 19 22 6) 1B Utah 109 125 1)6 105 110 126 105 I) 12911 230 1111 25) 216 105 227 205 9B 201 Vampth 46 120 55 55 1)0 2 57 120 68 Oreg )00 110 ))0 )30 15 412 291 106 gt08pound41lf_____1i6____ 11(1_____ 17~ _____1J6____ 1ltgt_____120_____ 1J~ ___ 112_____1~_

~____ 4~_____10____111111 ___ 4515_____~5___ l)~___ _~19= ____~2___ l121_ - 23 shy

-UPDATA 1981 bull _ bull h



ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944



- - - - 19t7 l )~ l i~ Stat Acre Acre I Yleld I Pro- I Acre I Acr Yleld Pro- I Acrll1l Acree Yield Proshy

P1aDted Bar- Per I ducUoa Planted I liar- I Pv ducUoll Plantod au-- Par ducUoa ________1~td_I_ Act__ ~ ___ _ l _____Tt1~_ jcz__1___ _ l ___ lV1~ 1 _~rt _ 1 ____ _ hoWl Acre llI rhouslIg ThOUl ASpound lIuahal ~oulIu ThoUi Acre Bualull lulYBu

Main 8i 73 340 21f82 77 64 420 2688 101 90 400 3600 bullbullB 12 7 310 211 11 6 400 240 U 5 360 180 Vt 54 28 270 756 60 J6 370 1332 66 33 300 990 Ifaabullbull 12 5 360 180 12 6 330 198 13 6 290 174 BI 4 1 330 33 3 1 330 J3 2 1 250 25 Cou 12 4 320 128 10 4 J30 132 12 5 320 160 bullbullY 5JO 47J 275 13008 126 672 400 26880 791 719 290 20851 J 49 36 250 900 42 37 350 1295 46 J9 331 1291 Pa 734 661 390 19169 749 720 380 27J60 794 756 305 23058 ChJo 863 714 260 18564 1191 1171 450 52695 1322 1288 350 45080 1114 1294 1112 )00 35i60 1317 1289 410 52849 1456 1405 366 51423 111 J377 3311 J40 112574 390S 385] 450 17JJ85 J881 3834 415 1591U Klcb 1085 1052 350 36820 1465 1420 37S 5)250 1538 1505 345 51922 IIh 2884 28ll 430 120873 2942 2867 440 126148 3030 2924 41~ 119884 Mu 4630 4537 360 163332 4908 4855 425 206J38 5027 4952 J5$ 175796 Iowa 5438 5247 310 162657 6199 6086 450 273870 6417 6269 386 241983 fo 1552 1309 230 30107 1971 162) 265 43010 1794 1526 229 34945 bullbullllampk 2331 2219 290 64J51 2238 2152 280 60256 1880 1722 201 34612 SDak 3134 J081 Jl0 95511 J165 3112 JJ5 104252 J102 2956 221 65328 bullbullbr 2426 2279 275 62672 2750 2621 280 733AB 2511 2280 202 46056 ~e 1510 1395 290 40455 1616 1144 220 25168 1034 881 194 17091 Del 7 5 320 160 6 5 J50 175 7 6 300 180 Md 40 35 )20 1120 42 36 J35 1206 47 42 J25 1365 Va 150 121 270 3267 160 IJl 330 4323 165 134 296 3966 IIVa 88 64 305 1952 77 58 JO5 1769 79 56 272 1523 IC 508 386 290 lll94 J56 270 290 7830 527 J94 287 U308 SC 866 704 255 17952 606 500 22S ll250 7i~7 605 245 14822 Ga 887 550 250 13750 674 429 260 ll154 7112 468 255 U93~ Jla 160 30 ZOO 600 IJ5 21 190 399 124 16 160 256 LT 141 90 230 2070 118 8J 260 2158 171 109 229 2496 Tenn JOl 230 265 6095 277 205 295 6048 )49 254 250 6350 Ala 28J 184 230 4232 275 169 265 4478 234 130 226 2938 Klas 4J9 365 250 9125 329 274 310 8494 237 156 250 3900 Arlt 424 280 300 8400 40J 252 Jl0 7812 339 209 240 5016 La 145 100 260 2600 113 80 JOo 2400 113 70 250 1750 0Icla 1396 1231 235 28928 1033 714 165 11781 7J3 578 176 10173 Tex 1684 14)1 210 )0051 1465 787 165 12986 1)92 1204 260 31304 font 491 J)8 )10 10478 452 )24 370 11988 457 266 )00 7~80 Idaho 187 172middot 415 7138 168 153 415 6350 212 188 J95 7426 liTO 169 150 JJo 4950 172 14J JOO 1~290 177 137 299 4096 Colo 234 200 325 6500 229 194 JOo 5820 261 235 327 7684 IMex 48 38 210 798 46 38 210 798 )6 32 220 704 Arh J2 12 400 480 28 U 340 374 28 11 400 440 Utah 54 49 1180 2352 5J 47 420 1974 55 50 450 2250 In 13 8 410 328 12 8 410 J28 12 8 J75 300 lIuh 198 131 510 6681 2)0 153 425 6502 22J 150 440 6600 Oregl 554 J56 285 101)2 421 271 265 7182 488 366 280 10248 CalU 542 180 270 4860 558 185 JOo 5550 508 166 260 4316

U8 42058 37855 311 1176142 438)8 39280 )69 1450186 4))18 )92)6 )20 1254895 iT1~C~r~-of at-Vow-rti pa-Ud-ytcl-licluded 11l-plut~-eid-~et-d-~rg- - - - - - - - - - --


- -- -= 1~41 1~ 12~ y Stato Acre Yleld I Acree neld I Acr I Yleld

BarTetod Par I ProdUCUOIl BarTet~ Per I PrOductioD BarTeted I Par ProdtlCtlOD ____________~~ ________________Apoundr ______________1__~rt ________ _ I Pound rhoDaPound AaI ~ bgPoup4I ~ ~ lboyPoupd

Idaho 240 1645 J9S 620 1040 645 850 16)5 1390 lIaeh 11700 1740 20358 129llO 1760 22704 13000 1490 19370 Orae 18900 870 16443 17700 890 15753 14500 1015 147181__ _9rx0_ __ 21~ ___ _ll~~ ___92~___ 3~ ____116 __ 2~ ___ ~~ ____ 5J8__

US 39840 1275 50186 40420 1248 50464 37550 135J 50796 lpduCtloi IncldJ-hOPI baiTr 4 lalabi ~der Krktlnlaquo ~_8zit-hop hanrd bur iot alabi ~dei --HarkaUn ~e_ent and hope produced lint ut harTated Salabl amplloYlIDh under proTle1on of Harltetln Jcre_ent totalad 39 111ion pounda in 1949

- 13 -



- - - -- - - - - - - - -lqijlj - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ~l~~ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - r ~- - - - - - - - shy__ ______ 9 ________________ iloz ___ bullbull _____________ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _~

Stat r Ac r Acr I Tleld r Pro- a__ Acree nu I Pro-- Ie Acrts n1d Pr a ra bull Bar- I Par I I --a bull lIN-- Per I I re Bar- I Per 0shy

____ _P~t~I_~e~ i ~e___dCl~_~t~__f- lPte___l~n_~td__Ie cpoundt_ i ~uC hou lcree l1ehels houbullbulllnl hone Acree aJaba18 honelnl Thou Acre llilehe1 houalnl

HIlna --3--- 3 ~ laquor 5 3 --uo 114 4 ~ -zo 12S n 3 3 250 75 3 3 220 66 2 2 280 56 bullbullY 113 106 255 2703 110 102 250 2550 116 114 320 30118 bullbullJ 10 9 278 250 9 II 300 240 11 10 360 160 h 108 105 298 5129 104 103 3fO 3605 113 112 365 41118 Ohio ~3 21 256 538 26 23 300 690 111 17 295 02Ind 51 41 243 1142 52 44 240 1056 27 25 240 600 Ill 53 45 240 1080 34 31 250 175 26 24 260 624 Kich 144 140 256 3584 121 118 310 3658 139 138 365 5031h 190 181f 267 4913 91 90 400 3600 125 124 375 4650 Kian 809 688 202 389pound 461 4If7 290 12963 138 733 290 21~57 10 II 7 166 116 3 3 2110 114 13 13 315 110 110 102 82 212 1138 88 66 19(1 1254 77 63 200 160 bullbullDU27Ifl 2625 216 56700 2357 2~1I1f 230 5~532 2357 22114 200 45080 SDak 1973 1756 147 25813 l38t 1299 245 31826 1464 1377 220 30294 abr 1174 760 115 8740 681 610 220 13420 613 549 210 11529Ean 1031 722 178 12652 480 38) 185 7086 360 2B 175 5022 Del 12 11 265 292 11 10 280 280 11 11) 305 305 Md 70 69 308 2125 71 64 290 1856 63 6Q 345 2010 Ya 76 72 301f 2189 76 68 270 11136 13 71 320 2272 V1a 9 9 2611 241 9 9 270 243 1 7 300 210 ~1 60 45 268 1206 56 42 220 924 41 33 285 940 S-l 34 25 231 57S 25 21 21( 141 23 20 260 520 GA 11 10 213 213 10 9 200 110 1 6 215 129 rr 127 89 223 1985 11 55 225 12311 11 0 250 120 enn 130 102 197 200s 129 98 1110 1764 100 82 200 1~ Ala II 5 205 102 3 2 200 40 3 2 1110 36 Kl 9 C 260 156 8 6 240 144 3 2 240 411 uk 19 13 199 25~ 14- 9 110 153 8 5 195 911 Okla lt97 28 ~l 5728 249 185 16( 2960 142 ~9 140 1 526 fex 373 340 222 15411 351 235 145 3408 196 164 150 21100 Mont 655 611 213 166110 720 672 220 14184 828 780 225 1 5 ldah 340 330 372 12216 320 307 37 0 11359 294- 276 340 1)84shyliTO 146 131 )10 4061 143 124 300 3120 154 144 300 4320 Ccio 867 726 214 15536 876 ~1 285 22544 683 ~eH 2)5 13936 bullbullMax 64 45 1115 8J2 If5 34 1110 612 28 23 200 1f6O Arh 145 74 420 3108 153 78 380 29611 161 85 400 3400 Utah 139 135 462 62)7 IJIf 130 450 5850 11) 101 450 4 amp60n 24 22 357 185 21 20 320 640 22 20 340 F80 Vallh 202 176368 61+77 139 125 350 1t375 97 90 370 30 Orttlaquo 269 2)8 34s 8282 285 2~i1 295 7582 )02 278 340 ~I1f52 Call 730 1429 280 40012 1816 14amp6 280 41608 1834 1486 30 119038

~I-=~ ==1~~5~= ~2~~1= =~~= =~7~7~ ==l~I~= ~~2~4==~~ == ~~~~= ~1~~6I=~0~~0= =2~~ ==2~~O~ rIumWlI ACREAGE YlELll AND PllOOUallOll 1914 to li46

----~ 1 li~ = 9~ State I Aero I Acre Yield I Pre-l Acre I Acru I Tleld Pro- II Acru I Acre I neld I To- 11

bull Plan~ad I Bar- I lier ductlon I Plante~ I pounder- I Per ductioil I Fanhd 1 Bar- I Per I dUction I ted I Acre I I 1 yoted I Acre I ted AcTa ~

- - - - - -hoUe7 Acres - -BoUbei- houbullba7 - - houS-ACre- -Btlaber- yenboue iJU7 - - houil-cre- -lIiiiierTiini7bi 111 6 3 80 24 2 2 IIfO ~8 1 1 140 14 Mich 6 82 49 7 7 60 42 7 7 90 63 Vh 6 ~ 117 7C 8 7 110 17 6 6 130 111 II an 914 829 75 6211f 1091 1067 HO 11737 932 BB6 105 303 I a III 93 59 519 76 15 125 91I 31f 34 150 10 M 11 11 5~ 60 9 B 45 36 6 6 65 3~ JrDK 865 802 82 6576 l571f 1 525 110 12200 1166 162 65 195) SDak 321 3c6 B2 2509 436 441 105 4630 318 344 100 )44t Rebr 2 1 110 8 2 2 90 18Ian 140 90 37 3)3 133 122 55 611 120 116 70 812 Okla 6n 45 45 202 24 14 30 42 3 J BO 24 lex 36 34 80 272 65 63 BO 504 B4 76 73 555 1I0fa~ 221 193 76 1512 6O 320 41 1312 83 14 70 511 110 1 1 14 4 2 2 50 10 1 1 50 Lrh 19 19 25 4114 1 17 23C 391 14 14 240 36 Oras 1 1 71 7 (all 170 164 110 i788 121 __13__lI~ ___ 22 ___ Osect ___1~2__12~ ___ 9~g VB ---middot2i~ - -2~6i--8- - -21665 - - 3954 - 3785 91 34557 2641 21132 93 2~ ~1I8 1F t te- 40-n~t- 1~ciu4-i ()d ha-8i~ tro-t7 - ~~- to tibe- 1oe~o-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- l


------------------------------------------------------ -------

lIlJ1IJrr ~CRlGlI Th([~ 11-JD PROWClIOIf 1947 to 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - - - p~- - - - - - - -- - bull - - - - - -1M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -194- - - - - - - - -State -~o -1-ACn- rfi1d -1- h- -1- ~8 - -ACre-Triold -- - -1- ~e --ACre- ~ field -1- Pt- shy

1 Planted Bu- 1 Per I duction 1 Planted I mu-- I Per I 4nction Planted Har- Par I iucHonI bullbullbulltd IAero I yeatod Acre I yeahd 1 Acre I

- - - - - - Thoubullbull -ACre- middotmiddot8iiior- ihiiUbullbull~7 - Thoue-ACre- - - ibahel ifhoua iiU- - - fhiiUC-ACre - -llI1aiiel - ifhiiubullbulliiU7 NaiDe 4 4 280 112 4 4 320 128 6 6 290 174 Vt 1 1 190 19 2 2 290 58 1 1 200 20 bullbullT 103 93 240 2232 93 90 320 2880 85 79 250 1975 Bl 17 15 330 495 18 16 330 528 19 17 385 654 Pa 132 130 330 4290 132 126 3115 113117 156 154 395 6083 Ohio 17 15 260 390 19 18 300 540 21 18 310 558 IDd 22 21 260 546 19 18 270 1IS6 23 21 265 556 Ill 28 26 285 7111 32 31 3110 10511 l1li 41 300 1230 Mich 121 115 300 3lIse 1112 140 320 41180 129 125 270 3375 Vb 160 159 )65 5804 205 204 380 7752 195 194 332 6l1li1 Minn 1018 915 265 25838 1252 1219 270 32913 1148 1110 230 25530 Iova 6 311 235 799 33 33 320 1056 31 31 259 803 No 74 63 230 1449 84 73 250 1825 106 85 215 1828 HDak 2522 2444 210 51324 2724 2640 210 55440 1880 1690 150 25350 SDak 1508 1432 220 31504 1583 1518 230 311914 1219 1093 125 13662 Xebr 533 467 220 10274 560 472 195 92011 403 326 187 b096Ian 328 290 220 amp380 459 362 190 6878 266 221 175 3868 Del 13 12 305 366 13 12 285 342 13 12 270 324 u~ 75 73 3110 2482 711 70 310 2170 82 80 340 2720 Va 86 84 295 21178 89 86 345 2967 89 86 3011 2614 VVa 9 9 31bull0 279 10 10 345 345 12 12 3111 377 bull c IS 39 290 1131 39 32 245 7811 40 34 262 891 50 26 22 260 572 23 18 215 3fr7 23 18 225 405 Ga 8 7 220 154 6 5 200 100 5 4 225 90 ~ 71 53 25middot0 1325 76 53 265 1404 102 72 250 1800 enn 88 77 210 1amp17 86 75 220 1650 82 67 170 1139 Ala 2 1 180 18 3 2 190 38 3 2 2110 lIS IU 3 2 230 46 3 2 250 50 3 2 250 50 Ark 5 3 200 60 10 6 lt1I0 1l1li 8 5 211 106 Okla 109 86 180 1548 80 66 155 1023 61 52 175 9iO fex 161 1311 175 2345 117 113 155 1752 159 133 190 2527 Mont 853 796 235 18706 930 8]6 290 254011 614 526 210 11046 IdaIw 332 320 370 11840 32 358 350 12530 3112 329 320 10528 Tn 1119 138 320 41116 177 159 275 4312 168 151 298 115000010 669 605 280 16940 amp62 563 250 111075 841 788 281 22143 NMex 29 25 195 1IS8 22 20 210 420 26 211 210 504 Arb 150 97 -1130 4111 191 146 510 1114amp 167 126 500 amp300 Utah 123 118 1110 5546 150 1l1li 420 amp0118 155 150 440 66Or) Hey 22 20 360 120 27 24 360 864 25 22 350 770 Wash 114 105 335 3518 136 126 345 11341 112 101 2St 2828 Oreg 323 JOO 355 10650 381 351 345 12110 297 214 32~ 8768 Oalif 1~g9 1545 290 44805 1965 1amp22 310 50282 19amp5 1590 J~o 50880

~~___ 191__ 092__221 __2183__ ~~__1~202 __2~2_ -5527__ 1122__ 21~ __2~~ __2101l_

FUXSEED ACHEM TImraquo HI) PllOOOCTION 1947 to 1949

------------If-------------------Ijs-----------------qij---------shy-- - ~ - - -- ic~ Yield -- ~-Y- - -A- - - ACro9 Yield - - - -y-- -_-- --Acrii~ ~ field -- - -11

S 11 i crea Bar- Per I _rei I Bsr- I Per I ro- I re Har- I Per ro- I I Planted I yeated I Acre ductiou I Plant~d yeted Acre I dnction I Planted I yeated Acre I dnction

- - - - - - Thoubullbull-ACre - -lliiahel - ifhOuB iiU- - - fhOU8 -ADrbullbull- -lIIlaiieY - ibOua iiU- - -hOUI- Acre - -llI1ahl - houaiiu-Ohio 3 3 80 2~ Ill 6 6 120 72 2 2 140 28 1 1 130 13 Mich 6 6 75 45 10 10 BO SO 10 10 14 74 Wi 15 15 125 188 22 22 13middot 297 17 17 139 236 Hinn 1411 1313 l0 15103 1700 1661 115 19102 1700 1644 95 15618 Iowa 84 83 135 1120 105 l04 155 1612 III 110 13J 1518 Mo 6 6 50 30 4 4 5middot0 20 3 3 65 20 DDak 1567 1524 80 12192 1818 1753 9middot5 lSb5~) 2018 1928 70 13496 SDak 591 585 100 5850 11amp 708 110 1788 713 708 65 11602 lana 115 107 70 7119 fr7 12 5middot5 396 34 31 63 195 Okla 4 4 60 24 4 3 30 9 3 3 5middot3 16 u 94 91 95 864 248 240 5middot5 1320 335 308 65 2002 Mont IBB 168 60 1008 148 141 100 1410 90 62 47 291 Idaho 3 3 100 30 Wyo 2 2 45 9 1 1 50 5 1 1 50 5 Arh 20 20 265 530 38 38 280 1064 44 38 250 950 Vah 4 4 130 52 2 2 100 20 2 2 120 24 Oreg 8 1 150 105 15 1~ 105 1111 9 8 110 88 CaliC 125 122 215 2623 201 198 245 4851 197 17~ 220 3828 US - - - -11264- - -4129-- 98 - - ~6i- - -5121- - ~97 - -iia - - 54803- - -5348- - 5048 - - 85 - - 42976-If iti~t- dO-Dt-iclude-claed hatd tr-II-fla ~- fO fib In-oe~o- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- 15 -

UPDATA 1981 bull ~ ilmiddot t ~ bull


RD ACRlWl1l TDlIJ) un PllOIJJeTIOlI 1944 to 19116

-- --I 1HI i9i5I~ Sate S Aane rea neld rc)oo Acre lene lelA Pro- Acree Aorea n14 Proshy

laW Iu- Pertan I cluUoa Plutea Iu- lItr Acre cltwtion1p1ateal S Per Acre duetioll ________ft1______ i ____ i ___ eJl4 l _____1____ l ___ l t ~ illl ________ _ IIIo Aon l 1bou BIl ftlau Acre Ill boualIu lhoq _rea Buboh lhoua Bu

11 66 12 162 1 80 10 175 175 105 8 180 144 IT~ 96 15 167 250 95 13 160 208 91 15 175 262 Pe 55 43 148 636 53 U 155 636 33 22 155 341 Oblo 80 33 152 502 90 I 115 472 70 17 110 289 IIlld 179 86 118 1015 222 70 125 875 1ar 46 135 621 Ill UO 63 113 712U8 It7 120 561t 88 38 125 475 1Ucb US 62 127 787 117 56 140 IJIt 91 48 135 648 Vle 125 98 87 853 126 95 120 1140 100 76 115 874 Ill 155 108 87 9fO 144 107 260 1712 151 118 130 l5J1J laws 118 10 120 12fl 37 11 130 143 26 10 170 170 Ho V3 SO 116 580 128 41 110 451 100 35 125 438 IDate ~ 145 92 l3J1J 150 115 135 1552 225 196 110 2156 Snate 5 392 lOl 3959 376 290 V5 42115 323 altl 105 2530 lebr 585 365 91 )322 556 361 125 4512 423 282 110 3102 Iatia 225 101 105 1060 2117 81 lO5 850 120 53 105 556 Del 32 18 1)6 245 JIJ 19 V5 276 J3 18 140 252 ald ~ 23 165 380 67 20 145 290 5f lit 145 2flJ la 135 114 144 6J1J 136 JIJ 135 459 125 25 140 350 VY 12 5 135 68 13 135 54 8 ) 125 38 IC 1~ J8 115 437 165 31 105 )26 145 22 125 215 sc 75 16 104 166 75 15 95 142 44 11 100 110 0 It) 12 101 121 50 10 90 90)0 6 100 60 ~ 133 JK1 141) S60 182 40 125 500 155 37 140 518IID 172 37 10ij 400 162 J4 95 3Z3 115 25 100 250 OEl 264 100 103 1030 257 ~ 100 740 1114 48 90 4)2 fex 142 22 119 262 55 21 90 199 It9 11 100 110 HoDt 20 16 120 192 2h 16 110 176 40 26 100 260 Idaho 12 5 1)) 66 11 5 130 65 11 It 140 56 1170 36 J 91 121 JJ 8 105 ~ 29 8 105 B4 Colo 1250 79 600 121 80 100 800 100 68 80 S44 bullbullJlllx 12 9 82 74 12 5 65 )2 10 5 85 42 Utah ~ IJ 95 12h 22 10 100 100 22 9 95 86 lIash 147 17 114 194 55 15 120 180 50 10 125 125 0rec 151 )2 141 451 155 )1 140 434 140 )2 1)5 432 Calif 29 12 108 130 29 13 130 169 22 lO 120 120

us It1415 2132 106 22525 4157 1850 128 2)708 3396 1591 116 18487 ---~-------------------------------------------------- ----

- - - --_ - - - -- _ -r9li4-_ - - - - __ - ___ - _______ S________________ - - - - - - 7________ - - shy --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T9i- - - - - - -r - - - -l~b - - -Stat Aores Aaru nld I Pro- Acrbullbull Acr I Ylel4 I Pro- Acl IADrea neld I Proshy

PlIIIIha ~ PilI Aclll ductlOD IPllUlted liar- Perlen duaUoDlplal1~1 liar- IPer Acre l duettOD I Ia I ytd I IYelted I- - - - -1ioiie iare - -BiiieT- -hnaB - fliDU-AGr- - iiahi - fbOuBiu Thru-iCrbullbull- -BiiiieT- TbOubullbulliia

1_ 6 6 200 120 6 6 155 9J 5 5 200 100 n 1 1 220 22 1 1 180 18 1 1 220 22 BY 155 150 180 2700 129 98 155 15]9 119 113 190 2147 Fa V~ l4O 195 27)0 112 98 185 1813 108 lOit 200 2080 Ohio V 14 210 294 18 17 180 )06 17 11 190 J23 1114 lO 10 150 150 22 20 135 270 7 6 150 90 Ill 5 5 165 82 16 15 150 225 5 5 160 80 Il1ab )8 )) lS5 512 46 25 140 )50 ZIt 18 1)5 24) lI1a 29 27 lS5 418 26 ZIt 150 360 2 25 145 362 IIIIIDo 67 6) 150 945 49 45 1140 6)0 118 It2 140 588 Iowa 12 12 175 210 7 vo 98)) 150 45 Ia) 1 1 125 12 1 1 120 12 1 1 110 11 Bllak 5 14 160 64 7 7 160 112 6 6 130 78 SDak 7 6 150 90 It 130 52 5 5 40 70 JId 6 6 200 120 5 5 ~5 118 _ _ 2)5 9Ita 8 8 165 132 5 5 170 85 It _ 170 68 V 10 10 185 185 8 8 US 172 8 8 195 156 Ie 5 5 145 12 It 160 6It 3 3 160 48 ~ 2 2 130 26 2 2 130 26 3 J 140 42D ____1 ___ 1_ 145______1 ___ ~ ____ __1 _____~___ o___ O__1~1 ____1~5_

trs 531 S08 176 8956 417 ItOl 161 6~7 It08 )13 178 6812 ------------~---------------------------------------------

- 16shy



- - -- 12411lMIX99 sbullbullbullbull _ iorea n 14 I Pro- Acre iDre J nld Pro- Acne lAcn_ TleU Proshy-- re I Ifuo- I e I I I Hu- I I J Bar- I

____1~~~~bull l_I_~r_~~ ~~ ~~~Y ~~_1_~~l~)P~~Ye ~r_I~ _~~1J1_ I1cu tara ~ hOh ~oubull iDn l ThouBn hOlla AlIre ]ahale fhouellIl bull

bullbullr 90 J5 185 278 90 11 185 3~ 107 17 184 313 bullbull1 89 15 180 20 f5 12 175 210 88 12 179 215 Pa 21 18 155 Z79 21 16 ~5 232 21 ~ 165 231 Ohio 71 JO 170 S10 67 20 180 360 ~ 18 170 306 lad ~3 60 v0 8110 ISO ~ ~5 928~) 57 1)5 77fJ Ill ~ -7 ~O 658 113 53 150 795 123 56 141 790 1I11JII 126 7fJ ~5 1015 1)2 80 150 1200 1 57 140 798 V1I 109 87 120 1~ 112 92 l20 1104 119 92 120 1104 lie la 1~ 150 21f6O 278 2)9 150 3585 200 172 145 2494 lov 28 15 150 225 36 17 155 264 5) 18 140 252 Mo 100 36 110 396 105 )5 120 420 U7 )5 112 392 bullbullDIIk 360 30 140 4522 461 401 120 4812 26) 229 115 2634 S1lIIk _10 ~7 v0 4858 476 392 1)0 5096 328 267 117 31211shyu ~ 305 90 2145 352 238 95 2261 317 207 74 1532 Eau 136 110 627 90 )I U5 391 65 28 97 272 DIll 32 19 135 256 33 20 120 2110 28 ~ 140 196 M 52 16 150 JIO 48 V v0 196 52 12 145 1a 1350 140 322 155 25 V5 362 15) 18 140 252 Va 8 3 120 36 6 2 130 26 6 2 136 2 _C ~ ~5 348 117 22 130 286 113 17 115 196 SC 42 10 115 115)1 7 85 60 26 6 95 57 Oa 2 6 75 45 22 5 90 45 20 4 80 32 1Ir 141 37 140 518 130 28 150 420 1)6 2 136 J67 fua 98 26 105 273 100 30 110 330 105 20 101 202 Oltla 115 JJ8 95 456 108 36 75 270 1~ 36 70 252 ~z 7fJ 35 100 3SO B4 30 70 210 100 38 80 304 MoII 52 29 125 )62 JO 20 1)5 27fJ 2) 7 90 63 I4aho 10 5 17G 85 10 4 130 52 10 ) 150 450 21 7 110 71 27 7 70 49 Z7 7 102 n Colo 8 7 100 47fJ 58 35 80 2BO 38 2) 90 207 bullbull lIDz 7 5 115 511 7 5 UO 55 7 5 120 60 ~u 12 6 100 60 10 5 100 SO 10 5 Uo 55 Vesb SO 13 100 130 JJ8 17 130 221 42 10 101 101 Orec 125 32 ~O AiIf8 110 24 145 )lI8 116 15 103 154 ~-1____1 ___l _~O____ _ P ___21 ___ 2__~2 _____14___ 5____6__12~ ____ ~_ ~___ ~7 _9 _ 28____2l~ _22~ __~o~__l ___ S86_ ~23__15t__1~ __ ~1~2


--- - J2i+I i1 i W9 I Mn5 I J liDnll I I Acre

StaM I Mn I JIcq I nu I Pro- mne I iaIo J nld I Pro- I Acn I IreZ- I Yield Proshy____I~~laquobulld_~I_ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~YIleJ ~ ~ ~~_1_~~l~J1JP~~lYlle ~Pr_~~_d~l~J1_

Au II ftIagpa hog Mn lI1 ~1UIlln hOUR Acre lIIt_hel lhou1Iu

181 6 6 170 102 5 5 200 100 5 5 210 105 ft 1 1 140 14_r a 1M 135 1539 99 96 195 1872 78 76 210 1596 12) 114 160 182It 101 96 210 2016 78 200 1480 Will __ 42 155 651 16 16 180 2B8 12 12 210 2521114 19 18 140 252 2 2 150 30 4 160 64 IU 16 16 130 208 4 4 170 68 2 2 160 32 Ill 63 57 130 11 30 27 130 351 20 19 145 276 V18 2 25 ~5 362 25 ~ 155 356 23 22 151 332 Ill 62 54 120 ~ )It 29 150 bull 435 28 ~ 125 300 1_ 10 10 120 120 JIll 2 2 110 22 bullbullDate 8 7 150 105 3 J 160 If8 4 120 If8 s~ 9 8 110 88 4 160 64 3 J 80 2H II - - 180 72 ) ) 230 69 3 -) 210 63a ) J 160 ~ 3 3 180 54 2 2 166 33 Va 8 8 175 ~ 7 7 195 1)6 7 7 201 141 ~C 3 3 170 51 1Ir 2 2 150 30 t~ ____l ___l_ ~~_____ 6 ___I ___ 2__~~ _____18___ =2___ 2__1~ ____20_ US ~ S05 142 7171 JIe8 330 18_ 6085 281 269 184 4956 -----------------------------------------------~------ ----

- 17 -


llRY EIBLE 1IEliS ACREME TIBLllUlll plIOWClIOIi 1944 to 194911

~ -- - ~124 124i 1W bull bull Acres bull bull bull bull Acree bull bull bull bull Acres bull bull ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pl~tedyeted Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted vested Per Acre duct ion pl~ntedyented Per Acre duct10n - - - ---TioiAcrlI- --pound --ThOuiyen~- Thouice ---Pouid --nOUBW- nouic~e ---POuid-middot --TboujjishyHamp1u 5 5 695 35 4 4 820 33 6 6 980 59 vt 1 1 626 6 NY 120 113 790 893 101 84 850 714 128 124 1200 1488 Mich 701 660 690 4554 435 363 820 2977 531 519 740 3841 Vb 2 2 430 9 1 1 560 6 ---Minn t 6 5 476 24 4 4 600 24 3 3 500 IS IfDosk 2 1 (730 7 1 1 700 7 1 1 600 6 lfebr 60 49 1260 617 53 18 1520 7JC 611- 62 1650 102] Mont 25 ~ 1083 249 20 18 1300 234 18 17 1 bull 590 270 Idlho 146 145 1550 2248 117 115 100 1725 131 128 1700 2176 qo 90 86 1240 1066 90 86 1250 1075 93 90 1450 1305 yenllh 3 3 1030 31 4 4 1250 50 4 4 1075 43 Oreg 1 1 1322 13 Tu 2 1 200 2 Colo 350 327 540 1766 290 271 580 1572 276 249 650 1618 fMex 267 ~O 302 695 203 161 180 290 142 114 225 256 Alb 15 14 395 55 14 13 515 67 14 13 900 117 Utah e 7 480 J4 8 7 400 2B 10 9 400 36 ~UL1IIrI 166 166 1327 2203 166 166 1242 2062 149 149 1342 2000 CtJ1fOUlIl1 183 157 1045 1640 148 141 1062 1497 134 134 1184 1587 poundeil _142 __ 221 _ _ 9Q _1bullsect41 _ __ 2~ __ 201 __1L129__ J~29_ __ ~1 _ _ g82 __1L2amp7__ _ l281_ ~___ g52 _ ~9~ ___ 02 _1amp41 __ ~5~ _ ~1 ___80__ vJ0~1__ 1Ot _ ~2~ ___917___12~_

DRY EDlDLE llEA1lS (Contd) - - - - 1241 124sect 1942 Jamp1ne 7 7 1100 77 9 9 900 81 8 8 925 74 bullbullY 138 13D 1070 1391 181 179 1230 2202 176 170 1000 1700 Mich 494 467 670 3129 514 504 880 4435 52) 519 1100 5709 Minn 2 1 350 4 1 1 650 6 1 1 650 6 1lDIk 1 1 850 8 lfllbr 80 76 1425 1083 85 83 1725 1432 90 85 1530 1301 Mont 2l 20 1450 2)0 22 21 1470 309 19 18 11170 265 IdlLho 159 154 1540 2372 ISO 148 1800 2664 149 147 1830 2690 To 112 107 1350 1444 98 95 1370 1302 83 81 1520 1231 lfaah 4 4 1200 48 5 5 1500 75 8 8 1490 119 Colo 331 321 800 2568 341 324 720 2333 307 295 820 2419 NMex 155 140 237 332 191 172 250 430 181 169 350 592 Arb 15 14 430 60 14 14 475 66 12 12 500 60 Utah 14 13 760 99 17 15 400 60 15 14 500 70 Ca11tL1IIrI 149 149 1406 2095 145 145 1603 2324 15 175 1654 2894 CallfOther 174 174 1303 2268 223 223 1389 3097 183 183 1229 2249 poundlil_2z1 __ 222 __ 25_t262 ___ 26Q __ 26Q __14ZJ_ __5431___ 25Q __ 25Q __1427_ __ 241_ ___ sect5~ _ m ___ 271 _116sect __ 29~ _ 23Q __1J014__ 086__ 23sect _ Q82 __1114___2~2 _ J1 Include b gl01OI1 for lead


- - - - li~ li4i 12~ s~te Acr Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acree Yield Proshy

Plantedl Har- Per Acre duction Planted Har_ Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted Har_ Per Acre duction _____ __x8td______________=_vsies______________Z8tlltL__________ _ rhoueAcieg Pounds Thous1jB ThousAcres ~ ThouBBagB ThoulAcree Pounds ThouBBagB

Mlch 1 1 770 8 Vh 3 3 970 29 2 2 950 19 1 1 1100 11 MInn 4 4 82033 4 4 950 38 6 6 800 48 NDak 14 13 1060 138 13 12 1200 144 15 15 1350 202 Mont 42 40 1103 441 32 30 1200 360 24 2J 1170 269 Idaho 225 219 1275 2792 ISS 153 1200 1836 161 156 1350 2106 lyo 2 2 921 18 2 2 1200 24 3 3 1250 38 Colo 33 22 860 189 bull 33 23 900 207 23 16 750 120 WaG 347 340 1290 4386 246 235 1160 2726 244 235 1480 3478 Oreg 58 56 1120 627 39 37 950 352 20 19 1300 247Qai____~ ___Ii __ l12 __ pound32 ____21 ___2Q _ _1 05_middot__ _29J_ ___1sect ___112 ___820____ l6Q _ l~_ ___ Z5Z - _ ru __ lgl _ J2li9t ___ i~ __ ilJ2 _ _11tl- _ -S91L __ ili __ 9_~ __13i8___ poundpound72 _

DRY FIELD PEAS (Contd) - - - - 1i41 1~1 -)242 Wle 1 1 1050 10 Minn 8 7 600 42 J J 900 27 7 7 950 66 Iflllk 20 18 1080 194 7 6 1200 72 5 5 1000 50 Mont 17 16 1100 176 8 8 1160 9J I 6 1130 68 Idaho 153middot 150 1320 1980 72 68 1220 830 99 89 1120 997 lyo 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1210 24 Colo 35 21 900 189 24 19 1000 190 19 16 1220 195 Vash 256 247 1300 J211 162 156 1280 1997 210 198 760 1505 Oreg 25 24 1180 28J 19 18 1300 234 17 14 700 98poundsll___ _Zl __ _ Zl ___ 19Q __ g11 ____1sect ___1sect __ 390____113____11 ___11 __1210____ 102 _ ____ 2~ __ 21l _ _ 33g _ ~l2g ___ Jl2 __ ~9Q __1J2g1__ JJ6fJ___ l8l _ _ 25 ___9pound7___ l~l~_ 1I h pl1Jlc1pal comerc1al produciD8 States Includes Pt)llS groUl for seed aDd comery pens harvested lUy

- III shy

1 UPDATA 1981



- - - - 19i4 19sect 12 li41 to ~ t 1242 St t A Aores Ac Acres A Acres ~ Acres ~ Acres A Acres

a e creB Har- reo H~r- cres ~r- cres H~r- cr~s H~r- eres Harshy____~1ne~eit~d_~1no~_elt~ltLlP~~tdlV~oeS_~1ne~lvsOS_ c~middot~_vselP~l~td_Jel~~d__

Thousand Acres Ind 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ill 12 12 9 9 7 7 5 5 6 6 4 4 ViB 3 3 2 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~1nn 18 18 12 12 7 7 10 10 6 6 5 5 Iogtlt 23 22 11 11 7 7 8 8 12 12 10 10 Mo 265 263 225 216 184 181 179 176 154 150 122 120 Iflhk 87 86 50 49 47 44 42 41 33 32 35 34 SJhk S49 502 390 362 238 221 188 179 152 149 164 156 Jlebr 704 685 50 480 390 374 343 325 364 351 364 347 K9ns 38116 3768 3054 2879 2718 2505 2256 2154 2459 2391 2361 2319 Va 10 9 15 10 15 9 17 9 14 6 12 4 IIVa 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 nc 26 26 23 23 30 30 32 32 35 35 32 32 sc 36 36 35 35 28 28 29 29 30 30 23 23 Ga 60 60 60 60 48 48 55 55 54 54 38 38 Ky 35 34 35 35 39 39 34 34 2l 21 18 18 Tenn 62 6 56 56 56 56 48 48 37 37 29 29 Ala 59 58 61 60 79 78 86 84 99 97 65 63 Mhs 65 64 63 61 51 49 53 52 47 46 34 33 Ark 94 93 97 95 82 80 78 75 68 67 51 50 Jg 10 10 9 9 8 8 9 9 11 11 11 11 Okla 2484 2406 1938middot 1829 1783 1664 1284 1198 1348 1258 1146 1094 T8 8318 8202 7653 7054 7273 6913 5527 5392 7019 6740 5168 5080 Mont 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 4 3 3 4 3 Vyo bull 14 13 10 9 7 7 7 6 4 4 5 5 Colo 766 723 705 658 613 546 490 470 500 479 645 618 1IHex 690 669 467 309 317 265 349 313 521 479 556 532 Arb 71 69 55 53 74 72 62 60 90 88 77 76 Calli 133 127 112 108 151 151 76 76 122 122 80 80 115- - -ie458 -18038 - - is668 - 14-498- 14- 2f6- - i540J -11-277- -10OsO - -13214 -12-679- -11064 - -10789- -


- - - l9~( t00 1916t 197 19aL 12112 St t Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros Dald Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros IReld Pro- Acres llel4 Proshy

a eHar_ Per duc_ Hl1- Per duc- H9r- Por dw- 59r- Per due- zHar- IPer duc_ Har- Per i ducshy___yetdlApoundrs_t0E lVS82C8l 1n_yeltdAEr_t0E lvse2cel 1n_yetdlApoundrl_t0E lvsse~cel isn_

Thous Thous Thous Thoua Thous ThOUG Thoua Thous Theus Thous Thous Thoua ~ TonE ~ Acrea ~ Tons Acros Tona1m Acres ~ Tons ~ TOilS ~ Acres 2 Tons

Ind 2 270 5 1 290 3 1 260 3 Ill 4 250 10 3 250 8 2 300 6 2 250 5 2 350 7 1 350 4 Minn 15 300 45 8 20 18 5 200 10 8 200 16 4 250 10 4 230 9 Iowa 12 300 36 5 300 15 2 350 7 2 250 5 6 300 18 4 250 10 Ho 150 211 316 146 180 263 105 220 231 95 180 171 86 20 189 58 210 122 N bull oruc 76 110 106 116 135 62 41 110 45 39 130 51 30 125 38 32 100 32 SDak 395 169 668 308 150 462 177 l70 301 152 130 198 124 180 223 133 135 180 Nebl 511 197 1007 383 160 613 279 165 460 234 155 363 222 160 355 220 230 506 Kans 1125 213 2396 1386 164 2273 1302 160 2083 989 140 1385 692 190 1315 649 185 1201 Va 6 170 10 8 175 1~ 7 175 12 8 175 14 5 180 9 4 175 7 lle 15 160 24 13 170 22 18 180 32 17 190 32 13 200 26 13 200 26 SC 22 130 29 21 145 30 14 150 21 14 140 20 16 1~5 2J 10 150 15 Ga 35 111 39 42 135 57 33 135 45 )8 130 49 41 130 5] 29 140 41 KT 22 184 ~o 25 240 60 23 260 60 22 280 62 15 210 32 13 21~ 2B Tenn 37 180 67 33 20 73 31 210 65 29 230 67 23 235 54 17 220 37 Ala 23 140 32 24 135 32 27 155 ~2 28 135 38 37 150 56 19 145 2B Hios 27 165 ~5 28 185 52 18 150 27 18 170 31 19 195 37 16 185 30 Ark 66 161 106 68 160 109 50 145 72 51 140 71 J8 185 70 27 190 51 L~ 6 130 8 5 165 8 ~ 160 6 4 135 5 6 145 9 5 160 8 Okla 132~ 145 1920 1118 125 1398 969 130 160 701 110 771 652 150 978 502 160 803 Tex 2920 1193768 2985 110 3283 2324 122 28391677 110 1844 lt17J 122 26601452 145 2105 Mont 5 117 6 4 120 5 6 115 7 4 130 5 J 150 4 3 80 2 Wyo 13 82 11 9 70 6 7 60 4 6 80 5 ~ 75 3 5 76 4 Colo ~7J 114 539 460 110 506 350 105 368 304 115 )50 280 105 29~ 301 107 322 11Mex 29~ 102 300 223 70 157 155 103 159 143 67 96 184 100 184 109 129 141 Arh 6 200 2 3 200 6 5 175 9 3 175 5 3 175 5 ~ 175 7 Ea1i__ _35pound __ Z___2_ ~poundO___ ~ __ _35pound ___7___~ 210___7___ _35pound __ ~ __ 2 _ 210___1pound

~middot~middot_118~ _15~ 015J317_ 10_ 21~11251_131_81~1_4520_ 3_56~6_ ~~8~ _14 ~~521~31_ za_11~

- 19 shy





- ---I I94 1J9s 1~~ S~at J Jor 1 Yield Pr d ti~ JeJ81 I n14 I ProducUcna I Jone J Yield Pro4ucUoII

____1_~bullt4_1_~r_~l _1__0_u _~ _1_IIret4__~I_-l _1________~t4_1_~1_~l J _____ _ ThouIAcne ~ ThoU Bu llloutareplE ft1oUI Bu BiouDJeJ8el llloubullbull IIp

Ind 2 ~9 48 2 300 60 1 300 30 Ill 1 240 2h 1 290 29 1 300 30 Iova 1 240 24 1 200 20 1 200 20 Mo 61 216 1)18 29 ~o 435 ~ 220 968 IDaIt 8 163 130 1 160 16 1 135 14 SDak 92 153 1408 43 115 494 37 160 592 lobI 115 22) 2564 75 180 1350 18 200 1560 Ian 2229 221 49261 1149 154 17695 B51 1)5 11488 IC 2 250 50 3 2)0 69 sc 1 165 16 1 170 17 3 IB5 56 Al 2 163 33 13 150 195 2) 160 368 uk 7 143 100 10 170 170 8 150 120 La 1 150 15 1 180 18 1 140 14 Okla 979 1050 146805 636 120 7632 6~ 115 7176 ex 05103 194 99229 ) 950 150 c59139 4~ 160 71840 ColO aIfO 1057 3768 180 lAt9 2682 191 130 2483 1lIex )69 166 6111 84 70 587 108 104 1127 Aris 54 372 2009 44 )40 1496 55 360 1980 ~a1____11____)1~ ____ ~)~ _____1pound2____32~ ___ _ l27 _____~5____42 ___ ~292 __ US 9)86 197 184978 6)24 152 9606) 6669 159 106025


- - --I l~ 192s 1~ Stah I tar 1 Yield 1 PrOdUCtioD Acre I Yield I ProductiOIl Acne I Yield 1 Productloll

____1_~etd_Umiddotr_Jer _1_______ _~etd_I_Pr_Ael _1_______1_lIrQt4__~r_~l J _____ _ Thoue Jon ll 2a DIOUlllOD ThoubullbullJer 12 DIoubullbull Toll lhoUlJarooa ToD bou l01I

lIId 5 105 52 4 120 48 3 110 111 4 100 40 3 90 27 2 105 21 Vh 1 80 8 1 75 8 M1Dn 70 21 4 60 24 2 65 13 Iowa 6 100 60 3 90 27 1 110 11 Mo 85 374 36 71) 252 25 85 212 IDak 2 30 6 2 202 4 2 21 4 SDaIc 15 7 56 11 3- 37 7 40 28 Ifebr 59 64 378 22 50 110 17 50 BS Iane 412 70 2884 )42 55 1881 SO 60 21OQ SC 3 50 15 ) 55 16 3 50 15 Ga ) 40 12 1 45 14 51) 20 leDII 10 65 65 9 70 63 6 70 42 Al 6 75 45 05 70 35 6 60 36)Ii 12 90 108 12 90 108 12 75 90 Ark 3 55 16 2 55 11 5 60 )0 La 1 61 7 1 7- 7 1 66 7 Old 97 50 485 10 45 115 67 40 l68 Ix l6It 48 789 108 35 )83 87 41 ~O Colo 10 55 55 18 45 81 5 50 25 bullbull lIu 6 ) 20 2 30 2 45 9 Arll 9 121) 108 6 US 69 12 U5 138pounda1_____4____~~ ______2 ______4 ~ ______4 _____~ ______l~ ______ ____1~~

US 879 642 56114 671 532 3510 623 576 3SS7


- - - -I = 19~ = = = == = ~ 1~4sect state crill 1 Yield ProductioD Acre 1 Yield I Prod t1 I Acres Yield Pr

_____~etd_lt]~r_Apoundr ________1_Hrstd_IJr_Apoundr ____~ _o~ __~etd_Jr_Apoundrtl _ ~d~~1~~ ThougAcru Jl9B1 lhquGIlllog TI1quecrea ~ TboutOallQII ThguuJcru GalloDII AAUIIlampllov

Ind 1 80 80 1 90 90 1 75 75 Ill 3 50 ISO 2 50 100 2 65 1)0 Via 2 80 160 1 70 70 1 62 62 10 3 125 )705 2 100 200 3 129 387 Mo 8 62 496 5 45 225 7 55 385 bu 2 55 110 2 SO 100 2 51 102 Va J 65 195 2 65 130 2 66 1)2 VVa 3 59 177 2 67 134 1 66 66 lIC 11 74 814 8 64 512 9 131 729 SC 10 55 550 10 55 550 8 58 464 Ge 22 55 1210 15 57 855 11 53 583 17 12 65 780 10 73 730 16 85 1360 laDII 15 61 915 14 60 840 19 73 1)87 Ala 27 65 1755 18 66 1188 22 6) 1386 Mha 25 78 1950 21 80 1680 19 65 1235 Ark 17 SO 850 15 55 825 17 60 1020 L~ 2 55 110 2 60 120 2 40 80 OklL 6 42 252 5 43 215 4 47 188

i~----~i---~------l~-----l~---~------~______~ ___~____ _~2__--- - - - - - - - - - _1_ - __ l~ _____146____6middotZ ____ 2~ _____~_ 660 10171

-O- ------------ shy



-s~~e-= ~II 1 RI~ 1Pr~~to ~r~ ~~ 1 ~o~t~I~ ~~ R~~ ~din I BarYeated Per Acre I I BarYe ted Per Acr I I BarYbullbulltod Per Acr

- - - -1h-cr- -Dl~hr- -fhoa- ia - fhQicr1 bir- - -TiioQ- ib- - thOulAcibullbull -Dlhel- TiioU- -IDe 1 260 26 1 320 32 1 320 JJ~ Iowa 1 160 16 1 195 20 1 225 m )10 114 160 704 30 240 72031 200 6tjIlak 1 155 16 1 160 16 SDU 111 90 162 20 155 310 20 122 244

Iobr 75 150 1125 111 225 2632 109 236 2572lAD 754 145 10933 339 215 287811 1392 215 29 928 IC 5 250 125 16 270 432 15 250 375 s Q 5 155 78 1 175 122 7 180 126 Ala 34 165 561 45 195 878 33 181 597 Arll 10 150 15016 1110 2811 14 172 241 lA 2 140 28 2 155 31 3 170 51 CkIa 440 110 11840 556 150 8340 548 155 8494 181 3640 180 65421 496 165 74143 3563 239 114996 Colo 160 150 2400 192 170 3264 3011 172 52911 INex 167 106 1764 287 140 40111 415 222 9213 Arh 53 410 2113 75 400 3000 61 1146 2721 -~l____1~ ____3 ____ ~sect9 _____16___ 31middot ____ ~~ _____ 11___ 32 ~ ___ r62_ ~~___ ~~ ____lI~ ____9I11 ____ 7____1~ ___ ~I~ ____6~5~2____2 __ 4~_

ALL SOBOIIllKS JOR SIIMB AOlJWlE YIELD A)JD PROIUClIOIl 1947 to 1949 _______ ~_7_________________ __________________ ~~_______ _~------------~------------------~------------------ilt--------

State Acre I Yh1d I Acre field Acre Yield BarPedd Per Acre Product1on I BarPted Per Acre Production llarveted Pet Acre Production

- - - - ThouAcre -iaL- - -boU7tOji - biiuAcro -Jiii- - -b0li71oi- ~ouEcre - -~n - -fhw7Tu Ind 2 85 17 2 115 23 2 115 23 Ill 2 90 18 4 105 42 3 93 28 Hinn 2 60 12 2 eo 16 1 70 7 IoVA 3 60 18 3 95 28 3 100 30 Mo 33 70 231 31 95 294 29 86 249 IfIlK 1 25 2 1 30 3 2 23 5 slak 9 25 22 5 55 28 3 42 13 Ibr 16 45 72 12 60 72 18 70 126lAD 409 53 21611 359 76 2 72~ 278 73 2029 SC 3 50 15 2 55 11 3 60 18 0 3 45 14 5 55 211 3 60 IS Tonn 6 70 42 7 75 52 8 76 61 Ala 4 65 26 7 75 52 6 74 44 Nh 12 65 711 12 01 0 96 8 85 61 Ark 3 5middot3 16 5 75 38 5 75 38 ta 1 60 6 2 68 14 2 70 14 (kIa 54 37 200 4 55 264 43 56 241 Tex 69 37 258 66 46 305 60 57 343 Colo 6 45 27 7 55 38 9 48 43 IIMex 3 40 12 e 45 36 8 53 42 Arh 4 110 44 10 110 110 11 115 126 -~1____ ~ ____1poundpound ______~ ______4____1poundpound ______~ ______6____1~ pound _____~_ ~____ ~4~ ____ 4___ _ lP _____~2____ 7____ ~~1 _____51____ 10___ sect2~_


-- -- I~ D[8 I~i State Aeres Tield Production I Acr Tield Produetlon I Acree Yield Production

BarYeted I Per Acre I BarTeted Per Acre BarYeted Per Acre - - - - hiiuicre - Gallon - bouGallon thouD Xcre - 01100 - fhoubullbullOaflon ~iiuicro - iiaflon -lhOli7aeliOii Ind 1 70 70 1 90 90 1 90 90 Ill 1 55 55 1118 1 51 51 1 80 80 1 77 77 IClVa 2 80 160 2 168 336 2 158 316 Mo II 42 168 3 66 1911 2 61 122 Ian 2 51 102 1 47 47 Va 1 61 67 1 90 90 IIVa 1 70 70 bullbullC 10 73 730 6 611 408 4 72 211 Sc 7 49 343 5 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ Ga 14 59 826 II ~ ~ 6 60 ~ ~ 12 74 888 6 73 438 5 79 395 Tnn 13 60 7S0 7 Ala 111 60 10110 8 m = ~ =Mi 22 68 1496 15 78 1170 9 63 567 Arll 11 42 462 8 64 512 4 54 216 La 2 35 70 1 43 43 1 45 45 Cltla 3 33 99 2 55 110 1 52 52 ~_____ ~ ____ 25______ 13~ ______5__ _ ______ 1pound _____ -____ ~_____ __I~

Us 131 7847 SO 6911 55116 53 66s 3539 -------------------------~---------------------------- -------- 21 shy

bullUPDATA 1981 ~~ I j


--- -- 1~ t 19~ t 19[6 StlAt I Acree Yield Acrn Yield Acrea Yield

Harvea d Pel Production Harvest d Per Production Harvested Per Production _________ ~ _ _Agrl _ ______ ______Apound~ __ ______ t ______ _Asr~ _______ _

ThoutlAcree Ton8 ThouTone ThouAcre Ton ThouBlone ThoUllAcres 1on8 Thou8Tone Main 923 89 818 833 106 882 84 99 m fK 388 102 395 376 123 464 364 118 431 it 1032 126 1298 10oe 150 1516 1006 143 1442 )(saso 319 124 469 376 164 615 365 164 597 RI 36 1l4 41 37 146 54 34144 49 Conn 304 123 374 300 157 472 288 162 467 fY 4008 144 5759 4021 161 6488 3968 162 6416 NJ 274 147 402 288 177 509 260 175 454 PIi 2564 140 3597 2539 151 3826 2525 150 3789 0b10 2605 139 3622 2560 148 3801 2536 152 3848 Ind 2004 131 2626 1765 145 2551 1835 137 2511 Ill 2824 139 3938 2662 152 4053 2732 146 3985 Mich 2813 1)8 3895 2671 148 3958 2648 124 3272 Vb 4263 163 6929 4214 187 7870 4ll2 155 6371 Minn 4683 142 6640 4366 152 6637 4067 146 5956 Iowa 3551 164 58)6 1304 172 5677 3275 163 5325 Mo 3703 113 4171 3914 115 4500 3545 119 4201 lItDIIk 3421 97 3305 3434 94 3233 3068 89 2724 SDak 36e5 99 3637 3616 92 3312 3478 80 2775 Nebr 4355 112 4865 4062 11)9 4436 3915 97 3787 ~B 1784 167 2982 1783 161 2875 1746 135 2354 Del 82 1 ~o 98 75 152 114 71 149 106 Md 461 120 552 464 139 643 442 148 656 Va 1383 11)2 1405 1477 117 1722 1391 119 1650 IIv 835 108 904 840 1~ 1061 812 129 1045 NC 1315 96 1263 1374 98 1352 1263 102 1285 sc 543 74 400 554 84 465 S07 87 442 Oe 1406 49 689 1441 54 785 1399 52 723 lIla 118 54 64 125 57 71 123 49 60 It) 1630 112 1831 1987 137 2720 1813 136 2459 Tenn 1769 94 1660 1978 124 2444 1802 122 2205 All 1 091 67 730 995 75 742 999 74 744 M18s 925 119 1104 873 117 1025 850 123 1046 Ark 1397 109 1529 1378 116 1595 1258 118 1483 ra 3Jl 119 395 326 125 406 319 126 403 Okla 1296 129 1671 1326 133 1757 1355 113 1534 Tex 1591 90 1439 1599 96 1537 1623 11)3 1619 Mont 2265 119 2689 2267 117 2681 2147 112 2395 Idho 1198 204 2445 1189 204 2428 1140 213 2429 liTo 1156 113 1312 1103 116 1274 1091 111 1214 Colo 1467 159 2331 1425 155 2215 1359 148 2008 NMex 217 221 419 201 192 385 206 212 436 Arb 332 218 723 309 242 748 306 239 737 Utah 612 203 1245 597 200 1194 573 195 1115 ireV 435 142 617 436 141 615 432 152 655 VaBb 989 119 1775 931 187 1744 656 192 1640 Oreg 1156 173 1996 1158 170 1970 1062 173 1~39poundampl1____20plusmn0____ ~middot21____ 22~ ____2130____ ~bullsect4____60]6____ 282 __ _ 1~2_ ___6t0Q3_ ~____ 176)9____ ]middot13___ 03~2 ___ 16627____ ]~__ _1~7t418_ ___71141 ___ ]15___ 291518_

VILD HAY ACREAGE nELD lID PllOllUCTIOlf 1944 to 191i6

- - - - - 1~ l I9~ l 19[6 state I Acree Yield Acree Yield AcreB Yield

I Harveated Per Productioll ltlrvesed bull Per bull Production Harvested Per bull Production ___________ l ce__ ~ ______ t _____ _ =_AsrJ __ ______ l _______~r __ _____ _

ThouaAcrem ThousTon bonaAcres ona ThousTona Thoue-cres ~ Thousfou Via 140 130 182 94 115 106 llO 115 126 Minn 1452 1ll 1612 1394 115 1603 1282 110 1410 10 102 122 124 92 120 llO 86 1O 103 Mo 154 109 168 160 120 192 150 100 ISO NDal 2576 90 ~318 2576 85 2190 2318 85 1970 sJ))k 3076 88 2707 3014 60 24ll 2693 70 2025 Nebr 3198 80 2558 2942 75 2206 2795 65 1817Ian 693 111 769 638 115 734 636 75 478 Ark 194 104 202 202 105 212 202 105 212 Okla 480 118 566 437 125 S46 428 100 428 Tex 195 105 205 185 100 185 191 105 201 Mont 867 85 737 806 90 725 622 60 658 ldho 139 lU 156 139 115 160 135 110 148 To 529 60 423 481 BO 385 495 85 421 Colo 466 97 452 443 100 443 439 85 373 NMex 20 88 16 15 70 10 27 100 27 Utah 103 124 126 lOS 100 105 105 120 1-6 lreT 267 100 267 267 100 267 267 110 294 Yam 46 115 53 51 125 64 47 120 56 Or~ ll76 115 320 3U 11n 3IU gt86 110 315 ~l-l_____1$gt____ 110_____ 17g _____112___ _ 1io_ ~ __ _2ffl_ ____ 152 ___ 1lL ____11~_

k ___ 5all1_____23____1~J1 ___ 4~~_____21___ Jt2~2___ _ ll~7 ___ _g3_ __ l51 _


FFeti5 Hri+tttrtft gt~- bullbull ~Mto shy



- -- -- 1~7 19la_ 19sect State Acrea Yild cr Tlel-l Acrea Yield

______II~~t~d_ ~ ~~~__ ~ ~d~ln_l v~e~ _~_A~~ ___~o~u~t~o~ ~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~____P~o~u~to~ ~bullbullAcrea gAl ~ousTonD fitouDcrea ~ lhoulITons Tbous bullocres I2 Thou9Tonl

M1n 766 11)8 627 nO 11)2 746 695 9B 682 lilI J5) 127 446 JJ9 124 421 J18 11) )56 n 995 149 148J 974 145 1416 952 124 1176 ca )51 154 540 J46 160 59f )42 145 496 RI )2 159 51 29 159 46 28 1 bullSO 42 Conn 280 166 464 272 162 440 26) 156 410 IIT )752 161 6029 )642 165 6016 3)97 1)6 46)0 IJ 244 17) 422 236 161 428 239 177 422 Il 2))9 150 )511 2194 146 )710 2202 142 )123 Ohio 2497 140 34B6 2)84 14) )406 2255 142 )212 Ind 1708 1)6 2)Jl 1661 1)6 2251 1616 145 2 bull 342 Ill 2626 14J )756 2)85 149 )558 2230 165 J689 Mich 2628 1Jl J45) 24)6 1)7 )346 2)29 1)2 )069 Vh 4066 16) 6665 )940 1)8 54)2 3916 15) 5972 MiIlJ1 4063 142 57n )659 1)7 529) 3819 1)lt3 5268 10_ )J)B 154 5154 2943 1)4 )955 )100 159 49)0 Me 3762 114 4)10 )S46 129 4564 )60) 129 465) IDU 3289 95 )110 3176 91 2901 )441 B5 2920 S~ )675 85 ))1) 4126 84 )451 4412 68 3013 lfebr 4)05 113 4BBI 4))4 105 4532 4836 108 5ZJl Iu 2059 153 )155 195) 176 )479 2017 160 3~z2 Del 69 146 102 n 140 102 68 110 97 Md 429 142 611 445 144 64) 429 152 ti51 Vamp 1)27 107 1414 1)72 126 1722 1321 127 16n VV 60) 116 92B 796 129 1026 B02 124 991_C 1292 96 1267 1290 10) 1)28 1246 105 1)12 SC 465 76 )76 509 68 449 52J 91 476 0amp 1)91 51 70) 1416 56 791 1055 6) 66) 11 125 54 67 1)2 58 77 65 62 5) 1) 1666 1)B 2568 1687 126 21)0 1828 110 2)60 l1IllU 1812 117 2120 1691 111 1861 l7J4 125 2175 U 939 72 679 922 18 720 790 84 667 Ki 601 115 923 769 121 9)3 779 115 89) Ark 1254 98 1224 1211 124 150) 1116 117 1J10 111 300 118 )s4 294 112 )29 295 1m 379 Okla 1580 119 1B77 1490 I)) 1975 1)50 1)5 1821 le 1620 90 16)7 1706 91 1556 145) 112 1624 MoDt 2227 112 2491 220) I) 2704 2On 101 2084 Idoho 1022 2Z5 2296 986 220 2171 1050 2lt) 2))7 1170 1080 117 1265 1017 94 960 1104 110 1209 Colo 1)56 164 2219 1)51 167 2251 1401 164 229) Ifllex 216 210 454 20) 212 4)) 19) 209 404 Arlo m 220 595 226 2)8 5)7 25) 247 624 Utah S6B 208 1160 550 205 1129 5)7 21) 1145 - )92 155 606 )8) 151 577 377 154 580 lfath 60) 1117 150) 765 205 1611 772 178 1375 Oree 1076 169 1617 1061 174 1646 970 158 1526 ~11middot____~~~ __ ~ J bull 26____ euro1)Q ____1~7O____ 1middotQ7____5JplusmnL ___ 1l15Q ___ 1middot25___ 3 49_ [middotk ___ 1 46amp6____ 1middot15___ 10Q$~ ___ 11617____ 114___ 2611~ ___71~ __ _ lmiddotlJ_ __ 25025_

_1If_ eii2ll 2r_A1l_II~r_r2r_125~D-~ 9Z1J211 o_____________ bull __________

~~~ _lAi~~e5drIx~~rpoundr ~tloi ~ce ~eililfgi ct r~~ln hqutr ll lhoubullbullrona rhouaAcr 12l ThouaToga

~ _____1 _0_____ 111_______ 1~~ _____ 1~ _____ 1Ql_ ______ 1~~ _ Ylk ____ 14aJgl_____ 1J8______ 10l57______7~11J _____ l~L _____ l0ll_ ~ -

WILD BAT AClUllilE fIELD AlID PBODUCrIOll 1947 to 1~1

- - - - - 1i41 1~ 1~ Il~t I Acre I Yield heres Yield Acres Yield bull

I arT ted I Per Production arTeBted Per ProucUon Iifrvsted Per bull Production ____ _1_ __~ __ _~rl _ i ______ 1 _______ cLe______________ cIe___=_____ _

1houeAcreo 1M lhoubullbullTop rhouoAcree ~ rhouerona rhousAcrea ron rhoubullbullroue Vlo 106 115 122 1)0 95 124 112 107 120 Minn 1)06 11e 1439 12)0 105 1292 11)2 105 1169 10 75 1O 90 61 115 9) 70 123 66 Mo 150 110 165 141 110 155 1)5 110 146 1IDIIk 2596 90 2))6 2414 65 2052 2535 Bo 2028 SDU )240 75 24)0 )4)4 70 2401 )4)4 57 1957_hr 296) 60 2)70 2904 65 1686 )252 75 24)9 lUI 702 110 772 611 115 7~ 642 115 nB Ark 204 B5 In 175 110 192 152 105 160 00amp 458 110 504 4)1 1 lt5 5)9 416 1gt0 502 lu 210 95 200 197 65 167 1B5 101 167 Mont 860 BO 704 654 90 769 769 75 577 Id~o 132 110 145 140 100 140 144 109 157 To 500 95 475 475 60 lB5 522 B5 444 Colo 470 105 494 451 105 474 474 102 4B) 11 Megt 27 BO 22 25 75 19 22 6) 1B Utah 109 125 1)6 105 110 126 105 I) 12911 230 1111 25) 216 105 227 205 9B 201 Vampth 46 120 55 55 1)0 2 57 120 68 Oreg )00 110 ))0 )30 15 412 291 106 gt08pound41lf_____1i6____ 11(1_____ 17~ _____1J6____ 1ltgt_____120_____ 1J~ ___ 112_____1~_

~____ 4~_____10____111111 ___ 4515_____~5___ l)~___ _~19= ____~2___ l121_ - 23 shy

-UPDATA 1981 bull _ bull h



ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944




- - - -- - - - - - - - -lqijlj - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ~l~~ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - r ~- - - - - - - - shy__ ______ 9 ________________ iloz ___ bullbull _____________ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _~

Stat r Ac r Acr I Tleld r Pro- a__ Acree nu I Pro-- Ie Acrts n1d Pr a ra bull Bar- I Par I I --a bull lIN-- Per I I re Bar- I Per 0shy

____ _P~t~I_~e~ i ~e___dCl~_~t~__f- lPte___l~n_~td__Ie cpoundt_ i ~uC hou lcree l1ehels houbullbulllnl hone Acree aJaba18 honelnl Thou Acre llilehe1 houalnl

HIlna --3--- 3 ~ laquor 5 3 --uo 114 4 ~ -zo 12S n 3 3 250 75 3 3 220 66 2 2 280 56 bullbullY 113 106 255 2703 110 102 250 2550 116 114 320 30118 bullbullJ 10 9 278 250 9 II 300 240 11 10 360 160 h 108 105 298 5129 104 103 3fO 3605 113 112 365 41118 Ohio ~3 21 256 538 26 23 300 690 111 17 295 02Ind 51 41 243 1142 52 44 240 1056 27 25 240 600 Ill 53 45 240 1080 34 31 250 175 26 24 260 624 Kich 144 140 256 3584 121 118 310 3658 139 138 365 5031h 190 181f 267 4913 91 90 400 3600 125 124 375 4650 Kian 809 688 202 389pound 461 4If7 290 12963 138 733 290 21~57 10 II 7 166 116 3 3 2110 114 13 13 315 110 110 102 82 212 1138 88 66 19(1 1254 77 63 200 160 bullbullDU27Ifl 2625 216 56700 2357 2~1I1f 230 5~532 2357 22114 200 45080 SDak 1973 1756 147 25813 l38t 1299 245 31826 1464 1377 220 30294 abr 1174 760 115 8740 681 610 220 13420 613 549 210 11529Ean 1031 722 178 12652 480 38) 185 7086 360 2B 175 5022 Del 12 11 265 292 11 10 280 280 11 11) 305 305 Md 70 69 308 2125 71 64 290 1856 63 6Q 345 2010 Ya 76 72 301f 2189 76 68 270 11136 13 71 320 2272 V1a 9 9 2611 241 9 9 270 243 1 7 300 210 ~1 60 45 268 1206 56 42 220 924 41 33 285 940 S-l 34 25 231 57S 25 21 21( 141 23 20 260 520 GA 11 10 213 213 10 9 200 110 1 6 215 129 rr 127 89 223 1985 11 55 225 12311 11 0 250 120 enn 130 102 197 200s 129 98 1110 1764 100 82 200 1~ Ala II 5 205 102 3 2 200 40 3 2 1110 36 Kl 9 C 260 156 8 6 240 144 3 2 240 411 uk 19 13 199 25~ 14- 9 110 153 8 5 195 911 Okla lt97 28 ~l 5728 249 185 16( 2960 142 ~9 140 1 526 fex 373 340 222 15411 351 235 145 3408 196 164 150 21100 Mont 655 611 213 166110 720 672 220 14184 828 780 225 1 5 ldah 340 330 372 12216 320 307 37 0 11359 294- 276 340 1)84shyliTO 146 131 )10 4061 143 124 300 3120 154 144 300 4320 Ccio 867 726 214 15536 876 ~1 285 22544 683 ~eH 2)5 13936 bullbullMax 64 45 1115 8J2 If5 34 1110 612 28 23 200 1f6O Arh 145 74 420 3108 153 78 380 29611 161 85 400 3400 Utah 139 135 462 62)7 IJIf 130 450 5850 11) 101 450 4 amp60n 24 22 357 185 21 20 320 640 22 20 340 F80 Vallh 202 176368 61+77 139 125 350 1t375 97 90 370 30 Orttlaquo 269 2)8 34s 8282 285 2~i1 295 7582 )02 278 340 ~I1f52 Call 730 1429 280 40012 1816 14amp6 280 41608 1834 1486 30 119038

~I-=~ ==1~~5~= ~2~~1= =~~= =~7~7~ ==l~I~= ~~2~4==~~ == ~~~~= ~1~~6I=~0~~0= =2~~ ==2~~O~ rIumWlI ACREAGE YlELll AND PllOOUallOll 1914 to li46

----~ 1 li~ = 9~ State I Aero I Acre Yield I Pre-l Acre I Acru I Tleld Pro- II Acru I Acre I neld I To- 11

bull Plan~ad I Bar- I lier ductlon I Plante~ I pounder- I Per ductioil I Fanhd 1 Bar- I Per I dUction I ted I Acre I I 1 yoted I Acre I ted AcTa ~

- - - - - -hoUe7 Acres - -BoUbei- houbullba7 - - houS-ACre- -Btlaber- yenboue iJU7 - - houil-cre- -lIiiiierTiini7bi 111 6 3 80 24 2 2 IIfO ~8 1 1 140 14 Mich 6 82 49 7 7 60 42 7 7 90 63 Vh 6 ~ 117 7C 8 7 110 17 6 6 130 111 II an 914 829 75 6211f 1091 1067 HO 11737 932 BB6 105 303 I a III 93 59 519 76 15 125 91I 31f 34 150 10 M 11 11 5~ 60 9 B 45 36 6 6 65 3~ JrDK 865 802 82 6576 l571f 1 525 110 12200 1166 162 65 195) SDak 321 3c6 B2 2509 436 441 105 4630 318 344 100 )44t Rebr 2 1 110 8 2 2 90 18Ian 140 90 37 3)3 133 122 55 611 120 116 70 812 Okla 6n 45 45 202 24 14 30 42 3 J BO 24 lex 36 34 80 272 65 63 BO 504 B4 76 73 555 1I0fa~ 221 193 76 1512 6O 320 41 1312 83 14 70 511 110 1 1 14 4 2 2 50 10 1 1 50 Lrh 19 19 25 4114 1 17 23C 391 14 14 240 36 Oras 1 1 71 7 (all 170 164 110 i788 121 __13__lI~ ___ 22 ___ Osect ___1~2__12~ ___ 9~g VB ---middot2i~ - -2~6i--8- - -21665 - - 3954 - 3785 91 34557 2641 21132 93 2~ ~1I8 1F t te- 40-n~t- 1~ciu4-i ()d ha-8i~ tro-t7 - ~~- to tibe- 1oe~o-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- l


------------------------------------------------------ -------

lIlJ1IJrr ~CRlGlI Th([~ 11-JD PROWClIOIf 1947 to 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - - - p~- - - - - - - -- - bull - - - - - -1M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -194- - - - - - - - -State -~o -1-ACn- rfi1d -1- h- -1- ~8 - -ACre-Triold -- - -1- ~e --ACre- ~ field -1- Pt- shy

1 Planted Bu- 1 Per I duction 1 Planted I mu-- I Per I 4nction Planted Har- Par I iucHonI bullbullbulltd IAero I yeatod Acre I yeahd 1 Acre I

- - - - - - Thoubullbull -ACre- middotmiddot8iiior- ihiiUbullbull~7 - Thoue-ACre- - - ibahel ifhoua iiU- - - fhiiUC-ACre - -llI1aiiel - ifhiiubullbulliiU7 NaiDe 4 4 280 112 4 4 320 128 6 6 290 174 Vt 1 1 190 19 2 2 290 58 1 1 200 20 bullbullT 103 93 240 2232 93 90 320 2880 85 79 250 1975 Bl 17 15 330 495 18 16 330 528 19 17 385 654 Pa 132 130 330 4290 132 126 3115 113117 156 154 395 6083 Ohio 17 15 260 390 19 18 300 540 21 18 310 558 IDd 22 21 260 546 19 18 270 1IS6 23 21 265 556 Ill 28 26 285 7111 32 31 3110 10511 l1li 41 300 1230 Mich 121 115 300 3lIse 1112 140 320 41180 129 125 270 3375 Vb 160 159 )65 5804 205 204 380 7752 195 194 332 6l1li1 Minn 1018 915 265 25838 1252 1219 270 32913 1148 1110 230 25530 Iova 6 311 235 799 33 33 320 1056 31 31 259 803 No 74 63 230 1449 84 73 250 1825 106 85 215 1828 HDak 2522 2444 210 51324 2724 2640 210 55440 1880 1690 150 25350 SDak 1508 1432 220 31504 1583 1518 230 311914 1219 1093 125 13662 Xebr 533 467 220 10274 560 472 195 92011 403 326 187 b096Ian 328 290 220 amp380 459 362 190 6878 266 221 175 3868 Del 13 12 305 366 13 12 285 342 13 12 270 324 u~ 75 73 3110 2482 711 70 310 2170 82 80 340 2720 Va 86 84 295 21178 89 86 345 2967 89 86 3011 2614 VVa 9 9 31bull0 279 10 10 345 345 12 12 3111 377 bull c IS 39 290 1131 39 32 245 7811 40 34 262 891 50 26 22 260 572 23 18 215 3fr7 23 18 225 405 Ga 8 7 220 154 6 5 200 100 5 4 225 90 ~ 71 53 25middot0 1325 76 53 265 1404 102 72 250 1800 enn 88 77 210 1amp17 86 75 220 1650 82 67 170 1139 Ala 2 1 180 18 3 2 190 38 3 2 2110 lIS IU 3 2 230 46 3 2 250 50 3 2 250 50 Ark 5 3 200 60 10 6 lt1I0 1l1li 8 5 211 106 Okla 109 86 180 1548 80 66 155 1023 61 52 175 9iO fex 161 1311 175 2345 117 113 155 1752 159 133 190 2527 Mont 853 796 235 18706 930 8]6 290 254011 614 526 210 11046 IdaIw 332 320 370 11840 32 358 350 12530 3112 329 320 10528 Tn 1119 138 320 41116 177 159 275 4312 168 151 298 115000010 669 605 280 16940 amp62 563 250 111075 841 788 281 22143 NMex 29 25 195 1IS8 22 20 210 420 26 211 210 504 Arb 150 97 -1130 4111 191 146 510 1114amp 167 126 500 amp300 Utah 123 118 1110 5546 150 1l1li 420 amp0118 155 150 440 66Or) Hey 22 20 360 120 27 24 360 864 25 22 350 770 Wash 114 105 335 3518 136 126 345 11341 112 101 2St 2828 Oreg 323 JOO 355 10650 381 351 345 12110 297 214 32~ 8768 Oalif 1~g9 1545 290 44805 1965 1amp22 310 50282 19amp5 1590 J~o 50880

~~___ 191__ 092__221 __2183__ ~~__1~202 __2~2_ -5527__ 1122__ 21~ __2~~ __2101l_

FUXSEED ACHEM TImraquo HI) PllOOOCTION 1947 to 1949

------------If-------------------Ijs-----------------qij---------shy-- - ~ - - -- ic~ Yield -- ~-Y- - -A- - - ACro9 Yield - - - -y-- -_-- --Acrii~ ~ field -- - -11

S 11 i crea Bar- Per I _rei I Bsr- I Per I ro- I re Har- I Per ro- I I Planted I yeated I Acre ductiou I Plant~d yeted Acre I dnction I Planted I yeated Acre I dnction

- - - - - - Thoubullbull-ACre - -lliiahel - ifhOuB iiU- - - fhOU8 -ADrbullbull- -lIIlaiieY - ibOua iiU- - -hOUI- Acre - -llI1ahl - houaiiu-Ohio 3 3 80 2~ Ill 6 6 120 72 2 2 140 28 1 1 130 13 Mich 6 6 75 45 10 10 BO SO 10 10 14 74 Wi 15 15 125 188 22 22 13middot 297 17 17 139 236 Hinn 1411 1313 l0 15103 1700 1661 115 19102 1700 1644 95 15618 Iowa 84 83 135 1120 105 l04 155 1612 III 110 13J 1518 Mo 6 6 50 30 4 4 5middot0 20 3 3 65 20 DDak 1567 1524 80 12192 1818 1753 9middot5 lSb5~) 2018 1928 70 13496 SDak 591 585 100 5850 11amp 708 110 1788 713 708 65 11602 lana 115 107 70 7119 fr7 12 5middot5 396 34 31 63 195 Okla 4 4 60 24 4 3 30 9 3 3 5middot3 16 u 94 91 95 864 248 240 5middot5 1320 335 308 65 2002 Mont IBB 168 60 1008 148 141 100 1410 90 62 47 291 Idaho 3 3 100 30 Wyo 2 2 45 9 1 1 50 5 1 1 50 5 Arh 20 20 265 530 38 38 280 1064 44 38 250 950 Vah 4 4 130 52 2 2 100 20 2 2 120 24 Oreg 8 1 150 105 15 1~ 105 1111 9 8 110 88 CaliC 125 122 215 2623 201 198 245 4851 197 17~ 220 3828 US - - - -11264- - -4129-- 98 - - ~6i- - -5121- - ~97 - -iia - - 54803- - -5348- - 5048 - - 85 - - 42976-If iti~t- dO-Dt-iclude-claed hatd tr-II-fla ~- fO fib In-oe~o- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- 15 -

UPDATA 1981 bull ~ ilmiddot t ~ bull


RD ACRlWl1l TDlIJ) un PllOIJJeTIOlI 1944 to 19116

-- --I 1HI i9i5I~ Sate S Aane rea neld rc)oo Acre lene lelA Pro- Acree Aorea n14 Proshy

laW Iu- Pertan I cluUoa Plutea Iu- lItr Acre cltwtion1p1ateal S Per Acre duetioll ________ft1______ i ____ i ___ eJl4 l _____1____ l ___ l t ~ illl ________ _ IIIo Aon l 1bou BIl ftlau Acre Ill boualIu lhoq _rea Buboh lhoua Bu

11 66 12 162 1 80 10 175 175 105 8 180 144 IT~ 96 15 167 250 95 13 160 208 91 15 175 262 Pe 55 43 148 636 53 U 155 636 33 22 155 341 Oblo 80 33 152 502 90 I 115 472 70 17 110 289 IIlld 179 86 118 1015 222 70 125 875 1ar 46 135 621 Ill UO 63 113 712U8 It7 120 561t 88 38 125 475 1Ucb US 62 127 787 117 56 140 IJIt 91 48 135 648 Vle 125 98 87 853 126 95 120 1140 100 76 115 874 Ill 155 108 87 9fO 144 107 260 1712 151 118 130 l5J1J laws 118 10 120 12fl 37 11 130 143 26 10 170 170 Ho V3 SO 116 580 128 41 110 451 100 35 125 438 IDate ~ 145 92 l3J1J 150 115 135 1552 225 196 110 2156 Snate 5 392 lOl 3959 376 290 V5 42115 323 altl 105 2530 lebr 585 365 91 )322 556 361 125 4512 423 282 110 3102 Iatia 225 101 105 1060 2117 81 lO5 850 120 53 105 556 Del 32 18 1)6 245 JIJ 19 V5 276 J3 18 140 252 ald ~ 23 165 380 67 20 145 290 5f lit 145 2flJ la 135 114 144 6J1J 136 JIJ 135 459 125 25 140 350 VY 12 5 135 68 13 135 54 8 ) 125 38 IC 1~ J8 115 437 165 31 105 )26 145 22 125 215 sc 75 16 104 166 75 15 95 142 44 11 100 110 0 It) 12 101 121 50 10 90 90)0 6 100 60 ~ 133 JK1 141) S60 182 40 125 500 155 37 140 518IID 172 37 10ij 400 162 J4 95 3Z3 115 25 100 250 OEl 264 100 103 1030 257 ~ 100 740 1114 48 90 4)2 fex 142 22 119 262 55 21 90 199 It9 11 100 110 HoDt 20 16 120 192 2h 16 110 176 40 26 100 260 Idaho 12 5 1)) 66 11 5 130 65 11 It 140 56 1170 36 J 91 121 JJ 8 105 ~ 29 8 105 B4 Colo 1250 79 600 121 80 100 800 100 68 80 S44 bullbullJlllx 12 9 82 74 12 5 65 )2 10 5 85 42 Utah ~ IJ 95 12h 22 10 100 100 22 9 95 86 lIash 147 17 114 194 55 15 120 180 50 10 125 125 0rec 151 )2 141 451 155 )1 140 434 140 )2 1)5 432 Calif 29 12 108 130 29 13 130 169 22 lO 120 120

us It1415 2132 106 22525 4157 1850 128 2)708 3396 1591 116 18487 ---~-------------------------------------------------- ----

- - - --_ - - - -- _ -r9li4-_ - - - - __ - ___ - _______ S________________ - - - - - - 7________ - - shy --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T9i- - - - - - -r - - - -l~b - - -Stat Aores Aaru nld I Pro- Acrbullbull Acr I Ylel4 I Pro- Acl IADrea neld I Proshy

PlIIIIha ~ PilI Aclll ductlOD IPllUlted liar- Perlen duaUoDlplal1~1 liar- IPer Acre l duettOD I Ia I ytd I IYelted I- - - - -1ioiie iare - -BiiieT- -hnaB - fliDU-AGr- - iiahi - fbOuBiu Thru-iCrbullbull- -BiiiieT- TbOubullbulliia

1_ 6 6 200 120 6 6 155 9J 5 5 200 100 n 1 1 220 22 1 1 180 18 1 1 220 22 BY 155 150 180 2700 129 98 155 15]9 119 113 190 2147 Fa V~ l4O 195 27)0 112 98 185 1813 108 lOit 200 2080 Ohio V 14 210 294 18 17 180 )06 17 11 190 J23 1114 lO 10 150 150 22 20 135 270 7 6 150 90 Ill 5 5 165 82 16 15 150 225 5 5 160 80 Il1ab )8 )) lS5 512 46 25 140 )50 ZIt 18 1)5 24) lI1a 29 27 lS5 418 26 ZIt 150 360 2 25 145 362 IIIIIDo 67 6) 150 945 49 45 1140 6)0 118 It2 140 588 Iowa 12 12 175 210 7 vo 98)) 150 45 Ia) 1 1 125 12 1 1 120 12 1 1 110 11 Bllak 5 14 160 64 7 7 160 112 6 6 130 78 SDak 7 6 150 90 It 130 52 5 5 40 70 JId 6 6 200 120 5 5 ~5 118 _ _ 2)5 9Ita 8 8 165 132 5 5 170 85 It _ 170 68 V 10 10 185 185 8 8 US 172 8 8 195 156 Ie 5 5 145 12 It 160 6It 3 3 160 48 ~ 2 2 130 26 2 2 130 26 3 J 140 42D ____1 ___ 1_ 145______1 ___ ~ ____ __1 _____~___ o___ O__1~1 ____1~5_

trs 531 S08 176 8956 417 ItOl 161 6~7 It08 )13 178 6812 ------------~---------------------------------------------

- 16shy



- - -- 12411lMIX99 sbullbullbullbull _ iorea n 14 I Pro- Acre iDre J nld Pro- Acne lAcn_ TleU Proshy-- re I Ifuo- I e I I I Hu- I I J Bar- I

____1~~~~bull l_I_~r_~~ ~~ ~~~Y ~~_1_~~l~)P~~Ye ~r_I~ _~~1J1_ I1cu tara ~ hOh ~oubull iDn l ThouBn hOlla AlIre ]ahale fhouellIl bull

bullbullr 90 J5 185 278 90 11 185 3~ 107 17 184 313 bullbull1 89 15 180 20 f5 12 175 210 88 12 179 215 Pa 21 18 155 Z79 21 16 ~5 232 21 ~ 165 231 Ohio 71 JO 170 S10 67 20 180 360 ~ 18 170 306 lad ~3 60 v0 8110 ISO ~ ~5 928~) 57 1)5 77fJ Ill ~ -7 ~O 658 113 53 150 795 123 56 141 790 1I11JII 126 7fJ ~5 1015 1)2 80 150 1200 1 57 140 798 V1I 109 87 120 1~ 112 92 l20 1104 119 92 120 1104 lie la 1~ 150 21f6O 278 2)9 150 3585 200 172 145 2494 lov 28 15 150 225 36 17 155 264 5) 18 140 252 Mo 100 36 110 396 105 )5 120 420 U7 )5 112 392 bullbullDIIk 360 30 140 4522 461 401 120 4812 26) 229 115 2634 S1lIIk _10 ~7 v0 4858 476 392 1)0 5096 328 267 117 31211shyu ~ 305 90 2145 352 238 95 2261 317 207 74 1532 Eau 136 110 627 90 )I U5 391 65 28 97 272 DIll 32 19 135 256 33 20 120 2110 28 ~ 140 196 M 52 16 150 JIO 48 V v0 196 52 12 145 1a 1350 140 322 155 25 V5 362 15) 18 140 252 Va 8 3 120 36 6 2 130 26 6 2 136 2 _C ~ ~5 348 117 22 130 286 113 17 115 196 SC 42 10 115 115)1 7 85 60 26 6 95 57 Oa 2 6 75 45 22 5 90 45 20 4 80 32 1Ir 141 37 140 518 130 28 150 420 1)6 2 136 J67 fua 98 26 105 273 100 30 110 330 105 20 101 202 Oltla 115 JJ8 95 456 108 36 75 270 1~ 36 70 252 ~z 7fJ 35 100 3SO B4 30 70 210 100 38 80 304 MoII 52 29 125 )62 JO 20 1)5 27fJ 2) 7 90 63 I4aho 10 5 17G 85 10 4 130 52 10 ) 150 450 21 7 110 71 27 7 70 49 Z7 7 102 n Colo 8 7 100 47fJ 58 35 80 2BO 38 2) 90 207 bullbull lIDz 7 5 115 511 7 5 UO 55 7 5 120 60 ~u 12 6 100 60 10 5 100 SO 10 5 Uo 55 Vesb SO 13 100 130 JJ8 17 130 221 42 10 101 101 Orec 125 32 ~O AiIf8 110 24 145 )lI8 116 15 103 154 ~-1____1 ___l _~O____ _ P ___21 ___ 2__~2 _____14___ 5____6__12~ ____ ~_ ~___ ~7 _9 _ 28____2l~ _22~ __~o~__l ___ S86_ ~23__15t__1~ __ ~1~2


--- - J2i+I i1 i W9 I Mn5 I J liDnll I I Acre

StaM I Mn I JIcq I nu I Pro- mne I iaIo J nld I Pro- I Acn I IreZ- I Yield Proshy____I~~laquobulld_~I_ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~YIleJ ~ ~ ~~_1_~~l~J1JP~~lYlle ~Pr_~~_d~l~J1_

Au II ftIagpa hog Mn lI1 ~1UIlln hOUR Acre lIIt_hel lhou1Iu

181 6 6 170 102 5 5 200 100 5 5 210 105 ft 1 1 140 14_r a 1M 135 1539 99 96 195 1872 78 76 210 1596 12) 114 160 182It 101 96 210 2016 78 200 1480 Will __ 42 155 651 16 16 180 2B8 12 12 210 2521114 19 18 140 252 2 2 150 30 4 160 64 IU 16 16 130 208 4 4 170 68 2 2 160 32 Ill 63 57 130 11 30 27 130 351 20 19 145 276 V18 2 25 ~5 362 25 ~ 155 356 23 22 151 332 Ill 62 54 120 ~ )It 29 150 bull 435 28 ~ 125 300 1_ 10 10 120 120 JIll 2 2 110 22 bullbullDate 8 7 150 105 3 J 160 If8 4 120 If8 s~ 9 8 110 88 4 160 64 3 J 80 2H II - - 180 72 ) ) 230 69 3 -) 210 63a ) J 160 ~ 3 3 180 54 2 2 166 33 Va 8 8 175 ~ 7 7 195 1)6 7 7 201 141 ~C 3 3 170 51 1Ir 2 2 150 30 t~ ____l ___l_ ~~_____ 6 ___I ___ 2__~~ _____18___ =2___ 2__1~ ____20_ US ~ S05 142 7171 JIe8 330 18_ 6085 281 269 184 4956 -----------------------------------------------~------ ----

- 17 -


llRY EIBLE 1IEliS ACREME TIBLllUlll plIOWClIOIi 1944 to 194911

~ -- - ~124 124i 1W bull bull Acres bull bull bull bull Acree bull bull bull bull Acres bull bull ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pl~tedyeted Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted vested Per Acre duct ion pl~ntedyented Per Acre duct10n - - - ---TioiAcrlI- --pound --ThOuiyen~- Thouice ---Pouid --nOUBW- nouic~e ---POuid-middot --TboujjishyHamp1u 5 5 695 35 4 4 820 33 6 6 980 59 vt 1 1 626 6 NY 120 113 790 893 101 84 850 714 128 124 1200 1488 Mich 701 660 690 4554 435 363 820 2977 531 519 740 3841 Vb 2 2 430 9 1 1 560 6 ---Minn t 6 5 476 24 4 4 600 24 3 3 500 IS IfDosk 2 1 (730 7 1 1 700 7 1 1 600 6 lfebr 60 49 1260 617 53 18 1520 7JC 611- 62 1650 102] Mont 25 ~ 1083 249 20 18 1300 234 18 17 1 bull 590 270 Idlho 146 145 1550 2248 117 115 100 1725 131 128 1700 2176 qo 90 86 1240 1066 90 86 1250 1075 93 90 1450 1305 yenllh 3 3 1030 31 4 4 1250 50 4 4 1075 43 Oreg 1 1 1322 13 Tu 2 1 200 2 Colo 350 327 540 1766 290 271 580 1572 276 249 650 1618 fMex 267 ~O 302 695 203 161 180 290 142 114 225 256 Alb 15 14 395 55 14 13 515 67 14 13 900 117 Utah e 7 480 J4 8 7 400 2B 10 9 400 36 ~UL1IIrI 166 166 1327 2203 166 166 1242 2062 149 149 1342 2000 CtJ1fOUlIl1 183 157 1045 1640 148 141 1062 1497 134 134 1184 1587 poundeil _142 __ 221 _ _ 9Q _1bullsect41 _ __ 2~ __ 201 __1L129__ J~29_ __ ~1 _ _ g82 __1L2amp7__ _ l281_ ~___ g52 _ ~9~ ___ 02 _1amp41 __ ~5~ _ ~1 ___80__ vJ0~1__ 1Ot _ ~2~ ___917___12~_

DRY EDlDLE llEA1lS (Contd) - - - - 1241 124sect 1942 Jamp1ne 7 7 1100 77 9 9 900 81 8 8 925 74 bullbullY 138 13D 1070 1391 181 179 1230 2202 176 170 1000 1700 Mich 494 467 670 3129 514 504 880 4435 52) 519 1100 5709 Minn 2 1 350 4 1 1 650 6 1 1 650 6 1lDIk 1 1 850 8 lfllbr 80 76 1425 1083 85 83 1725 1432 90 85 1530 1301 Mont 2l 20 1450 2)0 22 21 1470 309 19 18 11170 265 IdlLho 159 154 1540 2372 ISO 148 1800 2664 149 147 1830 2690 To 112 107 1350 1444 98 95 1370 1302 83 81 1520 1231 lfaah 4 4 1200 48 5 5 1500 75 8 8 1490 119 Colo 331 321 800 2568 341 324 720 2333 307 295 820 2419 NMex 155 140 237 332 191 172 250 430 181 169 350 592 Arb 15 14 430 60 14 14 475 66 12 12 500 60 Utah 14 13 760 99 17 15 400 60 15 14 500 70 Ca11tL1IIrI 149 149 1406 2095 145 145 1603 2324 15 175 1654 2894 CallfOther 174 174 1303 2268 223 223 1389 3097 183 183 1229 2249 poundlil_2z1 __ 222 __ 25_t262 ___ 26Q __ 26Q __14ZJ_ __5431___ 25Q __ 25Q __1427_ __ 241_ ___ sect5~ _ m ___ 271 _116sect __ 29~ _ 23Q __1J014__ 086__ 23sect _ Q82 __1114___2~2 _ J1 Include b gl01OI1 for lead


- - - - li~ li4i 12~ s~te Acr Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acree Yield Proshy

Plantedl Har- Per Acre duction Planted Har_ Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted Har_ Per Acre duction _____ __x8td______________=_vsies______________Z8tlltL__________ _ rhoueAcieg Pounds Thous1jB ThousAcres ~ ThouBBagB ThoulAcree Pounds ThouBBagB

Mlch 1 1 770 8 Vh 3 3 970 29 2 2 950 19 1 1 1100 11 MInn 4 4 82033 4 4 950 38 6 6 800 48 NDak 14 13 1060 138 13 12 1200 144 15 15 1350 202 Mont 42 40 1103 441 32 30 1200 360 24 2J 1170 269 Idaho 225 219 1275 2792 ISS 153 1200 1836 161 156 1350 2106 lyo 2 2 921 18 2 2 1200 24 3 3 1250 38 Colo 33 22 860 189 bull 33 23 900 207 23 16 750 120 WaG 347 340 1290 4386 246 235 1160 2726 244 235 1480 3478 Oreg 58 56 1120 627 39 37 950 352 20 19 1300 247Qai____~ ___Ii __ l12 __ pound32 ____21 ___2Q _ _1 05_middot__ _29J_ ___1sect ___112 ___820____ l6Q _ l~_ ___ Z5Z - _ ru __ lgl _ J2li9t ___ i~ __ ilJ2 _ _11tl- _ -S91L __ ili __ 9_~ __13i8___ poundpound72 _

DRY FIELD PEAS (Contd) - - - - 1i41 1~1 -)242 Wle 1 1 1050 10 Minn 8 7 600 42 J J 900 27 7 7 950 66 Iflllk 20 18 1080 194 7 6 1200 72 5 5 1000 50 Mont 17 16 1100 176 8 8 1160 9J I 6 1130 68 Idaho 153middot 150 1320 1980 72 68 1220 830 99 89 1120 997 lyo 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1210 24 Colo 35 21 900 189 24 19 1000 190 19 16 1220 195 Vash 256 247 1300 J211 162 156 1280 1997 210 198 760 1505 Oreg 25 24 1180 28J 19 18 1300 234 17 14 700 98poundsll___ _Zl __ _ Zl ___ 19Q __ g11 ____1sect ___1sect __ 390____113____11 ___11 __1210____ 102 _ ____ 2~ __ 21l _ _ 33g _ ~l2g ___ Jl2 __ ~9Q __1J2g1__ JJ6fJ___ l8l _ _ 25 ___9pound7___ l~l~_ 1I h pl1Jlc1pal comerc1al produciD8 States Includes Pt)llS groUl for seed aDd comery pens harvested lUy

- III shy

1 UPDATA 1981



- - - - 19i4 19sect 12 li41 to ~ t 1242 St t A Aores Ac Acres A Acres ~ Acres ~ Acres A Acres

a e creB Har- reo H~r- cres ~r- cres H~r- cr~s H~r- eres Harshy____~1ne~eit~d_~1no~_elt~ltLlP~~tdlV~oeS_~1ne~lvsOS_ c~middot~_vselP~l~td_Jel~~d__

Thousand Acres Ind 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ill 12 12 9 9 7 7 5 5 6 6 4 4 ViB 3 3 2 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~1nn 18 18 12 12 7 7 10 10 6 6 5 5 Iogtlt 23 22 11 11 7 7 8 8 12 12 10 10 Mo 265 263 225 216 184 181 179 176 154 150 122 120 Iflhk 87 86 50 49 47 44 42 41 33 32 35 34 SJhk S49 502 390 362 238 221 188 179 152 149 164 156 Jlebr 704 685 50 480 390 374 343 325 364 351 364 347 K9ns 38116 3768 3054 2879 2718 2505 2256 2154 2459 2391 2361 2319 Va 10 9 15 10 15 9 17 9 14 6 12 4 IIVa 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 nc 26 26 23 23 30 30 32 32 35 35 32 32 sc 36 36 35 35 28 28 29 29 30 30 23 23 Ga 60 60 60 60 48 48 55 55 54 54 38 38 Ky 35 34 35 35 39 39 34 34 2l 21 18 18 Tenn 62 6 56 56 56 56 48 48 37 37 29 29 Ala 59 58 61 60 79 78 86 84 99 97 65 63 Mhs 65 64 63 61 51 49 53 52 47 46 34 33 Ark 94 93 97 95 82 80 78 75 68 67 51 50 Jg 10 10 9 9 8 8 9 9 11 11 11 11 Okla 2484 2406 1938middot 1829 1783 1664 1284 1198 1348 1258 1146 1094 T8 8318 8202 7653 7054 7273 6913 5527 5392 7019 6740 5168 5080 Mont 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 4 3 3 4 3 Vyo bull 14 13 10 9 7 7 7 6 4 4 5 5 Colo 766 723 705 658 613 546 490 470 500 479 645 618 1IHex 690 669 467 309 317 265 349 313 521 479 556 532 Arb 71 69 55 53 74 72 62 60 90 88 77 76 Calli 133 127 112 108 151 151 76 76 122 122 80 80 115- - -ie458 -18038 - - is668 - 14-498- 14- 2f6- - i540J -11-277- -10OsO - -13214 -12-679- -11064 - -10789- -


- - - l9~( t00 1916t 197 19aL 12112 St t Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros Dald Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros IReld Pro- Acres llel4 Proshy

a eHar_ Per duc_ Hl1- Per duc- H9r- Por dw- 59r- Per due- zHar- IPer duc_ Har- Per i ducshy___yetdlApoundrs_t0E lVS82C8l 1n_yeltdAEr_t0E lvse2cel 1n_yetdlApoundrl_t0E lvsse~cel isn_

Thous Thous Thous Thoua Thous ThOUG Thoua Thous Theus Thous Thous Thoua ~ TonE ~ Acrea ~ Tons Acros Tona1m Acres ~ Tons ~ TOilS ~ Acres 2 Tons

Ind 2 270 5 1 290 3 1 260 3 Ill 4 250 10 3 250 8 2 300 6 2 250 5 2 350 7 1 350 4 Minn 15 300 45 8 20 18 5 200 10 8 200 16 4 250 10 4 230 9 Iowa 12 300 36 5 300 15 2 350 7 2 250 5 6 300 18 4 250 10 Ho 150 211 316 146 180 263 105 220 231 95 180 171 86 20 189 58 210 122 N bull oruc 76 110 106 116 135 62 41 110 45 39 130 51 30 125 38 32 100 32 SDak 395 169 668 308 150 462 177 l70 301 152 130 198 124 180 223 133 135 180 Nebl 511 197 1007 383 160 613 279 165 460 234 155 363 222 160 355 220 230 506 Kans 1125 213 2396 1386 164 2273 1302 160 2083 989 140 1385 692 190 1315 649 185 1201 Va 6 170 10 8 175 1~ 7 175 12 8 175 14 5 180 9 4 175 7 lle 15 160 24 13 170 22 18 180 32 17 190 32 13 200 26 13 200 26 SC 22 130 29 21 145 30 14 150 21 14 140 20 16 1~5 2J 10 150 15 Ga 35 111 39 42 135 57 33 135 45 )8 130 49 41 130 5] 29 140 41 KT 22 184 ~o 25 240 60 23 260 60 22 280 62 15 210 32 13 21~ 2B Tenn 37 180 67 33 20 73 31 210 65 29 230 67 23 235 54 17 220 37 Ala 23 140 32 24 135 32 27 155 ~2 28 135 38 37 150 56 19 145 2B Hios 27 165 ~5 28 185 52 18 150 27 18 170 31 19 195 37 16 185 30 Ark 66 161 106 68 160 109 50 145 72 51 140 71 J8 185 70 27 190 51 L~ 6 130 8 5 165 8 ~ 160 6 4 135 5 6 145 9 5 160 8 Okla 132~ 145 1920 1118 125 1398 969 130 160 701 110 771 652 150 978 502 160 803 Tex 2920 1193768 2985 110 3283 2324 122 28391677 110 1844 lt17J 122 26601452 145 2105 Mont 5 117 6 4 120 5 6 115 7 4 130 5 J 150 4 3 80 2 Wyo 13 82 11 9 70 6 7 60 4 6 80 5 ~ 75 3 5 76 4 Colo ~7J 114 539 460 110 506 350 105 368 304 115 )50 280 105 29~ 301 107 322 11Mex 29~ 102 300 223 70 157 155 103 159 143 67 96 184 100 184 109 129 141 Arh 6 200 2 3 200 6 5 175 9 3 175 5 3 175 5 ~ 175 7 Ea1i__ _35pound __ Z___2_ ~poundO___ ~ __ _35pound ___7___~ 210___7___ _35pound __ ~ __ 2 _ 210___1pound

~middot~middot_118~ _15~ 015J317_ 10_ 21~11251_131_81~1_4520_ 3_56~6_ ~~8~ _14 ~~521~31_ za_11~

- 19 shy





- ---I I94 1J9s 1~~ S~at J Jor 1 Yield Pr d ti~ JeJ81 I n14 I ProducUcna I Jone J Yield Pro4ucUoII

____1_~bullt4_1_~r_~l _1__0_u _~ _1_IIret4__~I_-l _1________~t4_1_~1_~l J _____ _ ThouIAcne ~ ThoU Bu llloutareplE ft1oUI Bu BiouDJeJ8el llloubullbull IIp

Ind 2 ~9 48 2 300 60 1 300 30 Ill 1 240 2h 1 290 29 1 300 30 Iova 1 240 24 1 200 20 1 200 20 Mo 61 216 1)18 29 ~o 435 ~ 220 968 IDaIt 8 163 130 1 160 16 1 135 14 SDak 92 153 1408 43 115 494 37 160 592 lobI 115 22) 2564 75 180 1350 18 200 1560 Ian 2229 221 49261 1149 154 17695 B51 1)5 11488 IC 2 250 50 3 2)0 69 sc 1 165 16 1 170 17 3 IB5 56 Al 2 163 33 13 150 195 2) 160 368 uk 7 143 100 10 170 170 8 150 120 La 1 150 15 1 180 18 1 140 14 Okla 979 1050 146805 636 120 7632 6~ 115 7176 ex 05103 194 99229 ) 950 150 c59139 4~ 160 71840 ColO aIfO 1057 3768 180 lAt9 2682 191 130 2483 1lIex )69 166 6111 84 70 587 108 104 1127 Aris 54 372 2009 44 )40 1496 55 360 1980 ~a1____11____)1~ ____ ~)~ _____1pound2____32~ ___ _ l27 _____~5____42 ___ ~292 __ US 9)86 197 184978 6)24 152 9606) 6669 159 106025


- - --I l~ 192s 1~ Stah I tar 1 Yield 1 PrOdUCtioD Acre I Yield I ProductiOIl Acne I Yield 1 Productloll

____1_~etd_Umiddotr_Jer _1_______ _~etd_I_Pr_Ael _1_______1_lIrQt4__~r_~l J _____ _ Thoue Jon ll 2a DIOUlllOD ThoubullbullJer 12 DIoubullbull Toll lhoUlJarooa ToD bou l01I

lIId 5 105 52 4 120 48 3 110 111 4 100 40 3 90 27 2 105 21 Vh 1 80 8 1 75 8 M1Dn 70 21 4 60 24 2 65 13 Iowa 6 100 60 3 90 27 1 110 11 Mo 85 374 36 71) 252 25 85 212 IDak 2 30 6 2 202 4 2 21 4 SDaIc 15 7 56 11 3- 37 7 40 28 Ifebr 59 64 378 22 50 110 17 50 BS Iane 412 70 2884 )42 55 1881 SO 60 21OQ SC 3 50 15 ) 55 16 3 50 15 Ga ) 40 12 1 45 14 51) 20 leDII 10 65 65 9 70 63 6 70 42 Al 6 75 45 05 70 35 6 60 36)Ii 12 90 108 12 90 108 12 75 90 Ark 3 55 16 2 55 11 5 60 )0 La 1 61 7 1 7- 7 1 66 7 Old 97 50 485 10 45 115 67 40 l68 Ix l6It 48 789 108 35 )83 87 41 ~O Colo 10 55 55 18 45 81 5 50 25 bullbull lIu 6 ) 20 2 30 2 45 9 Arll 9 121) 108 6 US 69 12 U5 138pounda1_____4____~~ ______2 ______4 ~ ______4 _____~ ______l~ ______ ____1~~

US 879 642 56114 671 532 3510 623 576 3SS7


- - - -I = 19~ = = = == = ~ 1~4sect state crill 1 Yield ProductioD Acre 1 Yield I Prod t1 I Acres Yield Pr

_____~etd_lt]~r_Apoundr ________1_Hrstd_IJr_Apoundr ____~ _o~ __~etd_Jr_Apoundrtl _ ~d~~1~~ ThougAcru Jl9B1 lhquGIlllog TI1quecrea ~ TboutOallQII ThguuJcru GalloDII AAUIIlampllov

Ind 1 80 80 1 90 90 1 75 75 Ill 3 50 ISO 2 50 100 2 65 1)0 Via 2 80 160 1 70 70 1 62 62 10 3 125 )705 2 100 200 3 129 387 Mo 8 62 496 5 45 225 7 55 385 bu 2 55 110 2 SO 100 2 51 102 Va J 65 195 2 65 130 2 66 1)2 VVa 3 59 177 2 67 134 1 66 66 lIC 11 74 814 8 64 512 9 131 729 SC 10 55 550 10 55 550 8 58 464 Ge 22 55 1210 15 57 855 11 53 583 17 12 65 780 10 73 730 16 85 1360 laDII 15 61 915 14 60 840 19 73 1)87 Ala 27 65 1755 18 66 1188 22 6) 1386 Mha 25 78 1950 21 80 1680 19 65 1235 Ark 17 SO 850 15 55 825 17 60 1020 L~ 2 55 110 2 60 120 2 40 80 OklL 6 42 252 5 43 215 4 47 188

i~----~i---~------l~-----l~---~------~______~ ___~____ _~2__--- - - - - - - - - - _1_ - __ l~ _____146____6middotZ ____ 2~ _____~_ 660 10171

-O- ------------ shy



-s~~e-= ~II 1 RI~ 1Pr~~to ~r~ ~~ 1 ~o~t~I~ ~~ R~~ ~din I BarYeated Per Acre I I BarYe ted Per Acr I I BarYbullbulltod Per Acr

- - - -1h-cr- -Dl~hr- -fhoa- ia - fhQicr1 bir- - -TiioQ- ib- - thOulAcibullbull -Dlhel- TiioU- -IDe 1 260 26 1 320 32 1 320 JJ~ Iowa 1 160 16 1 195 20 1 225 m )10 114 160 704 30 240 72031 200 6tjIlak 1 155 16 1 160 16 SDU 111 90 162 20 155 310 20 122 244

Iobr 75 150 1125 111 225 2632 109 236 2572lAD 754 145 10933 339 215 287811 1392 215 29 928 IC 5 250 125 16 270 432 15 250 375 s Q 5 155 78 1 175 122 7 180 126 Ala 34 165 561 45 195 878 33 181 597 Arll 10 150 15016 1110 2811 14 172 241 lA 2 140 28 2 155 31 3 170 51 CkIa 440 110 11840 556 150 8340 548 155 8494 181 3640 180 65421 496 165 74143 3563 239 114996 Colo 160 150 2400 192 170 3264 3011 172 52911 INex 167 106 1764 287 140 40111 415 222 9213 Arh 53 410 2113 75 400 3000 61 1146 2721 -~l____1~ ____3 ____ ~sect9 _____16___ 31middot ____ ~~ _____ 11___ 32 ~ ___ r62_ ~~___ ~~ ____lI~ ____9I11 ____ 7____1~ ___ ~I~ ____6~5~2____2 __ 4~_

ALL SOBOIIllKS JOR SIIMB AOlJWlE YIELD A)JD PROIUClIOIl 1947 to 1949 _______ ~_7_________________ __________________ ~~_______ _~------------~------------------~------------------ilt--------

State Acre I Yh1d I Acre field Acre Yield BarPedd Per Acre Product1on I BarPted Per Acre Production llarveted Pet Acre Production

- - - - ThouAcre -iaL- - -boU7tOji - biiuAcro -Jiii- - -b0li71oi- ~ouEcre - -~n - -fhw7Tu Ind 2 85 17 2 115 23 2 115 23 Ill 2 90 18 4 105 42 3 93 28 Hinn 2 60 12 2 eo 16 1 70 7 IoVA 3 60 18 3 95 28 3 100 30 Mo 33 70 231 31 95 294 29 86 249 IfIlK 1 25 2 1 30 3 2 23 5 slak 9 25 22 5 55 28 3 42 13 Ibr 16 45 72 12 60 72 18 70 126lAD 409 53 21611 359 76 2 72~ 278 73 2029 SC 3 50 15 2 55 11 3 60 18 0 3 45 14 5 55 211 3 60 IS Tonn 6 70 42 7 75 52 8 76 61 Ala 4 65 26 7 75 52 6 74 44 Nh 12 65 711 12 01 0 96 8 85 61 Ark 3 5middot3 16 5 75 38 5 75 38 ta 1 60 6 2 68 14 2 70 14 (kIa 54 37 200 4 55 264 43 56 241 Tex 69 37 258 66 46 305 60 57 343 Colo 6 45 27 7 55 38 9 48 43 IIMex 3 40 12 e 45 36 8 53 42 Arh 4 110 44 10 110 110 11 115 126 -~1____ ~ ____1poundpound ______~ ______4____1poundpound ______~ ______6____1~ pound _____~_ ~____ ~4~ ____ 4___ _ lP _____~2____ 7____ ~~1 _____51____ 10___ sect2~_


-- -- I~ D[8 I~i State Aeres Tield Production I Acr Tield Produetlon I Acree Yield Production

BarYeted I Per Acre I BarTeted Per Acre BarYeted Per Acre - - - - hiiuicre - Gallon - bouGallon thouD Xcre - 01100 - fhoubullbullOaflon ~iiuicro - iiaflon -lhOli7aeliOii Ind 1 70 70 1 90 90 1 90 90 Ill 1 55 55 1118 1 51 51 1 80 80 1 77 77 IClVa 2 80 160 2 168 336 2 158 316 Mo II 42 168 3 66 1911 2 61 122 Ian 2 51 102 1 47 47 Va 1 61 67 1 90 90 IIVa 1 70 70 bullbullC 10 73 730 6 611 408 4 72 211 Sc 7 49 343 5 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ Ga 14 59 826 II ~ ~ 6 60 ~ ~ 12 74 888 6 73 438 5 79 395 Tnn 13 60 7S0 7 Ala 111 60 10110 8 m = ~ =Mi 22 68 1496 15 78 1170 9 63 567 Arll 11 42 462 8 64 512 4 54 216 La 2 35 70 1 43 43 1 45 45 Cltla 3 33 99 2 55 110 1 52 52 ~_____ ~ ____ 25______ 13~ ______5__ _ ______ 1pound _____ -____ ~_____ __I~

Us 131 7847 SO 6911 55116 53 66s 3539 -------------------------~---------------------------- -------- 21 shy

bullUPDATA 1981 ~~ I j


--- -- 1~ t 19~ t 19[6 StlAt I Acree Yield Acrn Yield Acrea Yield

Harvea d Pel Production Harvest d Per Production Harvested Per Production _________ ~ _ _Agrl _ ______ ______Apound~ __ ______ t ______ _Asr~ _______ _

ThoutlAcree Ton8 ThouTone ThouAcre Ton ThouBlone ThoUllAcres 1on8 Thou8Tone Main 923 89 818 833 106 882 84 99 m fK 388 102 395 376 123 464 364 118 431 it 1032 126 1298 10oe 150 1516 1006 143 1442 )(saso 319 124 469 376 164 615 365 164 597 RI 36 1l4 41 37 146 54 34144 49 Conn 304 123 374 300 157 472 288 162 467 fY 4008 144 5759 4021 161 6488 3968 162 6416 NJ 274 147 402 288 177 509 260 175 454 PIi 2564 140 3597 2539 151 3826 2525 150 3789 0b10 2605 139 3622 2560 148 3801 2536 152 3848 Ind 2004 131 2626 1765 145 2551 1835 137 2511 Ill 2824 139 3938 2662 152 4053 2732 146 3985 Mich 2813 1)8 3895 2671 148 3958 2648 124 3272 Vb 4263 163 6929 4214 187 7870 4ll2 155 6371 Minn 4683 142 6640 4366 152 6637 4067 146 5956 Iowa 3551 164 58)6 1304 172 5677 3275 163 5325 Mo 3703 113 4171 3914 115 4500 3545 119 4201 lItDIIk 3421 97 3305 3434 94 3233 3068 89 2724 SDak 36e5 99 3637 3616 92 3312 3478 80 2775 Nebr 4355 112 4865 4062 11)9 4436 3915 97 3787 ~B 1784 167 2982 1783 161 2875 1746 135 2354 Del 82 1 ~o 98 75 152 114 71 149 106 Md 461 120 552 464 139 643 442 148 656 Va 1383 11)2 1405 1477 117 1722 1391 119 1650 IIv 835 108 904 840 1~ 1061 812 129 1045 NC 1315 96 1263 1374 98 1352 1263 102 1285 sc 543 74 400 554 84 465 S07 87 442 Oe 1406 49 689 1441 54 785 1399 52 723 lIla 118 54 64 125 57 71 123 49 60 It) 1630 112 1831 1987 137 2720 1813 136 2459 Tenn 1769 94 1660 1978 124 2444 1802 122 2205 All 1 091 67 730 995 75 742 999 74 744 M18s 925 119 1104 873 117 1025 850 123 1046 Ark 1397 109 1529 1378 116 1595 1258 118 1483 ra 3Jl 119 395 326 125 406 319 126 403 Okla 1296 129 1671 1326 133 1757 1355 113 1534 Tex 1591 90 1439 1599 96 1537 1623 11)3 1619 Mont 2265 119 2689 2267 117 2681 2147 112 2395 Idho 1198 204 2445 1189 204 2428 1140 213 2429 liTo 1156 113 1312 1103 116 1274 1091 111 1214 Colo 1467 159 2331 1425 155 2215 1359 148 2008 NMex 217 221 419 201 192 385 206 212 436 Arb 332 218 723 309 242 748 306 239 737 Utah 612 203 1245 597 200 1194 573 195 1115 ireV 435 142 617 436 141 615 432 152 655 VaBb 989 119 1775 931 187 1744 656 192 1640 Oreg 1156 173 1996 1158 170 1970 1062 173 1~39poundampl1____20plusmn0____ ~middot21____ 22~ ____2130____ ~bullsect4____60]6____ 282 __ _ 1~2_ ___6t0Q3_ ~____ 176)9____ ]middot13___ 03~2 ___ 16627____ ]~__ _1~7t418_ ___71141 ___ ]15___ 291518_

VILD HAY ACREAGE nELD lID PllOllUCTIOlf 1944 to 191i6

- - - - - 1~ l I9~ l 19[6 state I Acree Yield Acree Yield AcreB Yield

I Harveated Per Productioll ltlrvesed bull Per bull Production Harvested Per bull Production ___________ l ce__ ~ ______ t _____ _ =_AsrJ __ ______ l _______~r __ _____ _

ThouaAcrem ThousTon bonaAcres ona ThousTona Thoue-cres ~ Thousfou Via 140 130 182 94 115 106 llO 115 126 Minn 1452 1ll 1612 1394 115 1603 1282 110 1410 10 102 122 124 92 120 llO 86 1O 103 Mo 154 109 168 160 120 192 150 100 ISO NDal 2576 90 ~318 2576 85 2190 2318 85 1970 sJ))k 3076 88 2707 3014 60 24ll 2693 70 2025 Nebr 3198 80 2558 2942 75 2206 2795 65 1817Ian 693 111 769 638 115 734 636 75 478 Ark 194 104 202 202 105 212 202 105 212 Okla 480 118 566 437 125 S46 428 100 428 Tex 195 105 205 185 100 185 191 105 201 Mont 867 85 737 806 90 725 622 60 658 ldho 139 lU 156 139 115 160 135 110 148 To 529 60 423 481 BO 385 495 85 421 Colo 466 97 452 443 100 443 439 85 373 NMex 20 88 16 15 70 10 27 100 27 Utah 103 124 126 lOS 100 105 105 120 1-6 lreT 267 100 267 267 100 267 267 110 294 Yam 46 115 53 51 125 64 47 120 56 Or~ ll76 115 320 3U 11n 3IU gt86 110 315 ~l-l_____1$gt____ 110_____ 17g _____112___ _ 1io_ ~ __ _2ffl_ ____ 152 ___ 1lL ____11~_

k ___ 5all1_____23____1~J1 ___ 4~~_____21___ Jt2~2___ _ ll~7 ___ _g3_ __ l51 _


FFeti5 Hri+tttrtft gt~- bullbull ~Mto shy



- -- -- 1~7 19la_ 19sect State Acrea Yild cr Tlel-l Acrea Yield

______II~~t~d_ ~ ~~~__ ~ ~d~ln_l v~e~ _~_A~~ ___~o~u~t~o~ ~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~____P~o~u~to~ ~bullbullAcrea gAl ~ousTonD fitouDcrea ~ lhoulITons Tbous bullocres I2 Thou9Tonl

M1n 766 11)8 627 nO 11)2 746 695 9B 682 lilI J5) 127 446 JJ9 124 421 J18 11) )56 n 995 149 148J 974 145 1416 952 124 1176 ca )51 154 540 J46 160 59f )42 145 496 RI )2 159 51 29 159 46 28 1 bullSO 42 Conn 280 166 464 272 162 440 26) 156 410 IIT )752 161 6029 )642 165 6016 3)97 1)6 46)0 IJ 244 17) 422 236 161 428 239 177 422 Il 2))9 150 )511 2194 146 )710 2202 142 )123 Ohio 2497 140 34B6 2)84 14) )406 2255 142 )212 Ind 1708 1)6 2)Jl 1661 1)6 2251 1616 145 2 bull 342 Ill 2626 14J )756 2)85 149 )558 2230 165 J689 Mich 2628 1Jl J45) 24)6 1)7 )346 2)29 1)2 )069 Vh 4066 16) 6665 )940 1)8 54)2 3916 15) 5972 MiIlJ1 4063 142 57n )659 1)7 529) 3819 1)lt3 5268 10_ )J)B 154 5154 2943 1)4 )955 )100 159 49)0 Me 3762 114 4)10 )S46 129 4564 )60) 129 465) IDU 3289 95 )110 3176 91 2901 )441 B5 2920 S~ )675 85 ))1) 4126 84 )451 4412 68 3013 lfebr 4)05 113 4BBI 4))4 105 4532 4836 108 5ZJl Iu 2059 153 )155 195) 176 )479 2017 160 3~z2 Del 69 146 102 n 140 102 68 110 97 Md 429 142 611 445 144 64) 429 152 ti51 Vamp 1)27 107 1414 1)72 126 1722 1321 127 16n VV 60) 116 92B 796 129 1026 B02 124 991_C 1292 96 1267 1290 10) 1)28 1246 105 1)12 SC 465 76 )76 509 68 449 52J 91 476 0amp 1)91 51 70) 1416 56 791 1055 6) 66) 11 125 54 67 1)2 58 77 65 62 5) 1) 1666 1)B 2568 1687 126 21)0 1828 110 2)60 l1IllU 1812 117 2120 1691 111 1861 l7J4 125 2175 U 939 72 679 922 18 720 790 84 667 Ki 601 115 923 769 121 9)3 779 115 89) Ark 1254 98 1224 1211 124 150) 1116 117 1J10 111 300 118 )s4 294 112 )29 295 1m 379 Okla 1580 119 1B77 1490 I)) 1975 1)50 1)5 1821 le 1620 90 16)7 1706 91 1556 145) 112 1624 MoDt 2227 112 2491 220) I) 2704 2On 101 2084 Idoho 1022 2Z5 2296 986 220 2171 1050 2lt) 2))7 1170 1080 117 1265 1017 94 960 1104 110 1209 Colo 1)56 164 2219 1)51 167 2251 1401 164 229) Ifllex 216 210 454 20) 212 4)) 19) 209 404 Arlo m 220 595 226 2)8 5)7 25) 247 624 Utah S6B 208 1160 550 205 1129 5)7 21) 1145 - )92 155 606 )8) 151 577 377 154 580 lfath 60) 1117 150) 765 205 1611 772 178 1375 Oree 1076 169 1617 1061 174 1646 970 158 1526 ~11middot____~~~ __ ~ J bull 26____ euro1)Q ____1~7O____ 1middotQ7____5JplusmnL ___ 1l15Q ___ 1middot25___ 3 49_ [middotk ___ 1 46amp6____ 1middot15___ 10Q$~ ___ 11617____ 114___ 2611~ ___71~ __ _ lmiddotlJ_ __ 25025_

_1If_ eii2ll 2r_A1l_II~r_r2r_125~D-~ 9Z1J211 o_____________ bull __________

~~~ _lAi~~e5drIx~~rpoundr ~tloi ~ce ~eililfgi ct r~~ln hqutr ll lhoubullbullrona rhouaAcr 12l ThouaToga

~ _____1 _0_____ 111_______ 1~~ _____ 1~ _____ 1Ql_ ______ 1~~ _ Ylk ____ 14aJgl_____ 1J8______ 10l57______7~11J _____ l~L _____ l0ll_ ~ -

WILD BAT AClUllilE fIELD AlID PBODUCrIOll 1947 to 1~1

- - - - - 1i41 1~ 1~ Il~t I Acre I Yield heres Yield Acres Yield bull

I arT ted I Per Production arTeBted Per ProucUon Iifrvsted Per bull Production ____ _1_ __~ __ _~rl _ i ______ 1 _______ cLe______________ cIe___=_____ _

1houeAcreo 1M lhoubullbullTop rhouoAcree ~ rhouerona rhousAcrea ron rhoubullbullroue Vlo 106 115 122 1)0 95 124 112 107 120 Minn 1)06 11e 1439 12)0 105 1292 11)2 105 1169 10 75 1O 90 61 115 9) 70 123 66 Mo 150 110 165 141 110 155 1)5 110 146 1IDIIk 2596 90 2))6 2414 65 2052 2535 Bo 2028 SDU )240 75 24)0 )4)4 70 2401 )4)4 57 1957_hr 296) 60 2)70 2904 65 1686 )252 75 24)9 lUI 702 110 772 611 115 7~ 642 115 nB Ark 204 B5 In 175 110 192 152 105 160 00amp 458 110 504 4)1 1 lt5 5)9 416 1gt0 502 lu 210 95 200 197 65 167 1B5 101 167 Mont 860 BO 704 654 90 769 769 75 577 Id~o 132 110 145 140 100 140 144 109 157 To 500 95 475 475 60 lB5 522 B5 444 Colo 470 105 494 451 105 474 474 102 4B) 11 Megt 27 BO 22 25 75 19 22 6) 1B Utah 109 125 1)6 105 110 126 105 I) 12911 230 1111 25) 216 105 227 205 9B 201 Vampth 46 120 55 55 1)0 2 57 120 68 Oreg )00 110 ))0 )30 15 412 291 106 gt08pound41lf_____1i6____ 11(1_____ 17~ _____1J6____ 1ltgt_____120_____ 1J~ ___ 112_____1~_

~____ 4~_____10____111111 ___ 4515_____~5___ l)~___ _~19= ____~2___ l121_ - 23 shy

-UPDATA 1981 bull _ bull h



ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944



------------------------------------------------------ -------

lIlJ1IJrr ~CRlGlI Th([~ 11-JD PROWClIOIf 1947 to 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - - - p~- - - - - - - -- - bull - - - - - -1M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -194- - - - - - - - -State -~o -1-ACn- rfi1d -1- h- -1- ~8 - -ACre-Triold -- - -1- ~e --ACre- ~ field -1- Pt- shy

1 Planted Bu- 1 Per I duction 1 Planted I mu-- I Per I 4nction Planted Har- Par I iucHonI bullbullbulltd IAero I yeatod Acre I yeahd 1 Acre I

- - - - - - Thoubullbull -ACre- middotmiddot8iiior- ihiiUbullbull~7 - Thoue-ACre- - - ibahel ifhoua iiU- - - fhiiUC-ACre - -llI1aiiel - ifhiiubullbulliiU7 NaiDe 4 4 280 112 4 4 320 128 6 6 290 174 Vt 1 1 190 19 2 2 290 58 1 1 200 20 bullbullT 103 93 240 2232 93 90 320 2880 85 79 250 1975 Bl 17 15 330 495 18 16 330 528 19 17 385 654 Pa 132 130 330 4290 132 126 3115 113117 156 154 395 6083 Ohio 17 15 260 390 19 18 300 540 21 18 310 558 IDd 22 21 260 546 19 18 270 1IS6 23 21 265 556 Ill 28 26 285 7111 32 31 3110 10511 l1li 41 300 1230 Mich 121 115 300 3lIse 1112 140 320 41180 129 125 270 3375 Vb 160 159 )65 5804 205 204 380 7752 195 194 332 6l1li1 Minn 1018 915 265 25838 1252 1219 270 32913 1148 1110 230 25530 Iova 6 311 235 799 33 33 320 1056 31 31 259 803 No 74 63 230 1449 84 73 250 1825 106 85 215 1828 HDak 2522 2444 210 51324 2724 2640 210 55440 1880 1690 150 25350 SDak 1508 1432 220 31504 1583 1518 230 311914 1219 1093 125 13662 Xebr 533 467 220 10274 560 472 195 92011 403 326 187 b096Ian 328 290 220 amp380 459 362 190 6878 266 221 175 3868 Del 13 12 305 366 13 12 285 342 13 12 270 324 u~ 75 73 3110 2482 711 70 310 2170 82 80 340 2720 Va 86 84 295 21178 89 86 345 2967 89 86 3011 2614 VVa 9 9 31bull0 279 10 10 345 345 12 12 3111 377 bull c IS 39 290 1131 39 32 245 7811 40 34 262 891 50 26 22 260 572 23 18 215 3fr7 23 18 225 405 Ga 8 7 220 154 6 5 200 100 5 4 225 90 ~ 71 53 25middot0 1325 76 53 265 1404 102 72 250 1800 enn 88 77 210 1amp17 86 75 220 1650 82 67 170 1139 Ala 2 1 180 18 3 2 190 38 3 2 2110 lIS IU 3 2 230 46 3 2 250 50 3 2 250 50 Ark 5 3 200 60 10 6 lt1I0 1l1li 8 5 211 106 Okla 109 86 180 1548 80 66 155 1023 61 52 175 9iO fex 161 1311 175 2345 117 113 155 1752 159 133 190 2527 Mont 853 796 235 18706 930 8]6 290 254011 614 526 210 11046 IdaIw 332 320 370 11840 32 358 350 12530 3112 329 320 10528 Tn 1119 138 320 41116 177 159 275 4312 168 151 298 115000010 669 605 280 16940 amp62 563 250 111075 841 788 281 22143 NMex 29 25 195 1IS8 22 20 210 420 26 211 210 504 Arb 150 97 -1130 4111 191 146 510 1114amp 167 126 500 amp300 Utah 123 118 1110 5546 150 1l1li 420 amp0118 155 150 440 66Or) Hey 22 20 360 120 27 24 360 864 25 22 350 770 Wash 114 105 335 3518 136 126 345 11341 112 101 2St 2828 Oreg 323 JOO 355 10650 381 351 345 12110 297 214 32~ 8768 Oalif 1~g9 1545 290 44805 1965 1amp22 310 50282 19amp5 1590 J~o 50880

~~___ 191__ 092__221 __2183__ ~~__1~202 __2~2_ -5527__ 1122__ 21~ __2~~ __2101l_

FUXSEED ACHEM TImraquo HI) PllOOOCTION 1947 to 1949

------------If-------------------Ijs-----------------qij---------shy-- - ~ - - -- ic~ Yield -- ~-Y- - -A- - - ACro9 Yield - - - -y-- -_-- --Acrii~ ~ field -- - -11

S 11 i crea Bar- Per I _rei I Bsr- I Per I ro- I re Har- I Per ro- I I Planted I yeated I Acre ductiou I Plant~d yeted Acre I dnction I Planted I yeated Acre I dnction

- - - - - - Thoubullbull-ACre - -lliiahel - ifhOuB iiU- - - fhOU8 -ADrbullbull- -lIIlaiieY - ibOua iiU- - -hOUI- Acre - -llI1ahl - houaiiu-Ohio 3 3 80 2~ Ill 6 6 120 72 2 2 140 28 1 1 130 13 Mich 6 6 75 45 10 10 BO SO 10 10 14 74 Wi 15 15 125 188 22 22 13middot 297 17 17 139 236 Hinn 1411 1313 l0 15103 1700 1661 115 19102 1700 1644 95 15618 Iowa 84 83 135 1120 105 l04 155 1612 III 110 13J 1518 Mo 6 6 50 30 4 4 5middot0 20 3 3 65 20 DDak 1567 1524 80 12192 1818 1753 9middot5 lSb5~) 2018 1928 70 13496 SDak 591 585 100 5850 11amp 708 110 1788 713 708 65 11602 lana 115 107 70 7119 fr7 12 5middot5 396 34 31 63 195 Okla 4 4 60 24 4 3 30 9 3 3 5middot3 16 u 94 91 95 864 248 240 5middot5 1320 335 308 65 2002 Mont IBB 168 60 1008 148 141 100 1410 90 62 47 291 Idaho 3 3 100 30 Wyo 2 2 45 9 1 1 50 5 1 1 50 5 Arh 20 20 265 530 38 38 280 1064 44 38 250 950 Vah 4 4 130 52 2 2 100 20 2 2 120 24 Oreg 8 1 150 105 15 1~ 105 1111 9 8 110 88 CaliC 125 122 215 2623 201 198 245 4851 197 17~ 220 3828 US - - - -11264- - -4129-- 98 - - ~6i- - -5121- - ~97 - -iia - - 54803- - -5348- - 5048 - - 85 - - 42976-If iti~t- dO-Dt-iclude-claed hatd tr-II-fla ~- fO fib In-oe~o- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

- 15 -

UPDATA 1981 bull ~ ilmiddot t ~ bull


RD ACRlWl1l TDlIJ) un PllOIJJeTIOlI 1944 to 19116

-- --I 1HI i9i5I~ Sate S Aane rea neld rc)oo Acre lene lelA Pro- Acree Aorea n14 Proshy

laW Iu- Pertan I cluUoa Plutea Iu- lItr Acre cltwtion1p1ateal S Per Acre duetioll ________ft1______ i ____ i ___ eJl4 l _____1____ l ___ l t ~ illl ________ _ IIIo Aon l 1bou BIl ftlau Acre Ill boualIu lhoq _rea Buboh lhoua Bu

11 66 12 162 1 80 10 175 175 105 8 180 144 IT~ 96 15 167 250 95 13 160 208 91 15 175 262 Pe 55 43 148 636 53 U 155 636 33 22 155 341 Oblo 80 33 152 502 90 I 115 472 70 17 110 289 IIlld 179 86 118 1015 222 70 125 875 1ar 46 135 621 Ill UO 63 113 712U8 It7 120 561t 88 38 125 475 1Ucb US 62 127 787 117 56 140 IJIt 91 48 135 648 Vle 125 98 87 853 126 95 120 1140 100 76 115 874 Ill 155 108 87 9fO 144 107 260 1712 151 118 130 l5J1J laws 118 10 120 12fl 37 11 130 143 26 10 170 170 Ho V3 SO 116 580 128 41 110 451 100 35 125 438 IDate ~ 145 92 l3J1J 150 115 135 1552 225 196 110 2156 Snate 5 392 lOl 3959 376 290 V5 42115 323 altl 105 2530 lebr 585 365 91 )322 556 361 125 4512 423 282 110 3102 Iatia 225 101 105 1060 2117 81 lO5 850 120 53 105 556 Del 32 18 1)6 245 JIJ 19 V5 276 J3 18 140 252 ald ~ 23 165 380 67 20 145 290 5f lit 145 2flJ la 135 114 144 6J1J 136 JIJ 135 459 125 25 140 350 VY 12 5 135 68 13 135 54 8 ) 125 38 IC 1~ J8 115 437 165 31 105 )26 145 22 125 215 sc 75 16 104 166 75 15 95 142 44 11 100 110 0 It) 12 101 121 50 10 90 90)0 6 100 60 ~ 133 JK1 141) S60 182 40 125 500 155 37 140 518IID 172 37 10ij 400 162 J4 95 3Z3 115 25 100 250 OEl 264 100 103 1030 257 ~ 100 740 1114 48 90 4)2 fex 142 22 119 262 55 21 90 199 It9 11 100 110 HoDt 20 16 120 192 2h 16 110 176 40 26 100 260 Idaho 12 5 1)) 66 11 5 130 65 11 It 140 56 1170 36 J 91 121 JJ 8 105 ~ 29 8 105 B4 Colo 1250 79 600 121 80 100 800 100 68 80 S44 bullbullJlllx 12 9 82 74 12 5 65 )2 10 5 85 42 Utah ~ IJ 95 12h 22 10 100 100 22 9 95 86 lIash 147 17 114 194 55 15 120 180 50 10 125 125 0rec 151 )2 141 451 155 )1 140 434 140 )2 1)5 432 Calif 29 12 108 130 29 13 130 169 22 lO 120 120

us It1415 2132 106 22525 4157 1850 128 2)708 3396 1591 116 18487 ---~-------------------------------------------------- ----

- - - --_ - - - -- _ -r9li4-_ - - - - __ - ___ - _______ S________________ - - - - - - 7________ - - shy --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T9i- - - - - - -r - - - -l~b - - -Stat Aores Aaru nld I Pro- Acrbullbull Acr I Ylel4 I Pro- Acl IADrea neld I Proshy

PlIIIIha ~ PilI Aclll ductlOD IPllUlted liar- Perlen duaUoDlplal1~1 liar- IPer Acre l duettOD I Ia I ytd I IYelted I- - - - -1ioiie iare - -BiiieT- -hnaB - fliDU-AGr- - iiahi - fbOuBiu Thru-iCrbullbull- -BiiiieT- TbOubullbulliia

1_ 6 6 200 120 6 6 155 9J 5 5 200 100 n 1 1 220 22 1 1 180 18 1 1 220 22 BY 155 150 180 2700 129 98 155 15]9 119 113 190 2147 Fa V~ l4O 195 27)0 112 98 185 1813 108 lOit 200 2080 Ohio V 14 210 294 18 17 180 )06 17 11 190 J23 1114 lO 10 150 150 22 20 135 270 7 6 150 90 Ill 5 5 165 82 16 15 150 225 5 5 160 80 Il1ab )8 )) lS5 512 46 25 140 )50 ZIt 18 1)5 24) lI1a 29 27 lS5 418 26 ZIt 150 360 2 25 145 362 IIIIIDo 67 6) 150 945 49 45 1140 6)0 118 It2 140 588 Iowa 12 12 175 210 7 vo 98)) 150 45 Ia) 1 1 125 12 1 1 120 12 1 1 110 11 Bllak 5 14 160 64 7 7 160 112 6 6 130 78 SDak 7 6 150 90 It 130 52 5 5 40 70 JId 6 6 200 120 5 5 ~5 118 _ _ 2)5 9Ita 8 8 165 132 5 5 170 85 It _ 170 68 V 10 10 185 185 8 8 US 172 8 8 195 156 Ie 5 5 145 12 It 160 6It 3 3 160 48 ~ 2 2 130 26 2 2 130 26 3 J 140 42D ____1 ___ 1_ 145______1 ___ ~ ____ __1 _____~___ o___ O__1~1 ____1~5_

trs 531 S08 176 8956 417 ItOl 161 6~7 It08 )13 178 6812 ------------~---------------------------------------------

- 16shy



- - -- 12411lMIX99 sbullbullbullbull _ iorea n 14 I Pro- Acre iDre J nld Pro- Acne lAcn_ TleU Proshy-- re I Ifuo- I e I I I Hu- I I J Bar- I

____1~~~~bull l_I_~r_~~ ~~ ~~~Y ~~_1_~~l~)P~~Ye ~r_I~ _~~1J1_ I1cu tara ~ hOh ~oubull iDn l ThouBn hOlla AlIre ]ahale fhouellIl bull

bullbullr 90 J5 185 278 90 11 185 3~ 107 17 184 313 bullbull1 89 15 180 20 f5 12 175 210 88 12 179 215 Pa 21 18 155 Z79 21 16 ~5 232 21 ~ 165 231 Ohio 71 JO 170 S10 67 20 180 360 ~ 18 170 306 lad ~3 60 v0 8110 ISO ~ ~5 928~) 57 1)5 77fJ Ill ~ -7 ~O 658 113 53 150 795 123 56 141 790 1I11JII 126 7fJ ~5 1015 1)2 80 150 1200 1 57 140 798 V1I 109 87 120 1~ 112 92 l20 1104 119 92 120 1104 lie la 1~ 150 21f6O 278 2)9 150 3585 200 172 145 2494 lov 28 15 150 225 36 17 155 264 5) 18 140 252 Mo 100 36 110 396 105 )5 120 420 U7 )5 112 392 bullbullDIIk 360 30 140 4522 461 401 120 4812 26) 229 115 2634 S1lIIk _10 ~7 v0 4858 476 392 1)0 5096 328 267 117 31211shyu ~ 305 90 2145 352 238 95 2261 317 207 74 1532 Eau 136 110 627 90 )I U5 391 65 28 97 272 DIll 32 19 135 256 33 20 120 2110 28 ~ 140 196 M 52 16 150 JIO 48 V v0 196 52 12 145 1a 1350 140 322 155 25 V5 362 15) 18 140 252 Va 8 3 120 36 6 2 130 26 6 2 136 2 _C ~ ~5 348 117 22 130 286 113 17 115 196 SC 42 10 115 115)1 7 85 60 26 6 95 57 Oa 2 6 75 45 22 5 90 45 20 4 80 32 1Ir 141 37 140 518 130 28 150 420 1)6 2 136 J67 fua 98 26 105 273 100 30 110 330 105 20 101 202 Oltla 115 JJ8 95 456 108 36 75 270 1~ 36 70 252 ~z 7fJ 35 100 3SO B4 30 70 210 100 38 80 304 MoII 52 29 125 )62 JO 20 1)5 27fJ 2) 7 90 63 I4aho 10 5 17G 85 10 4 130 52 10 ) 150 450 21 7 110 71 27 7 70 49 Z7 7 102 n Colo 8 7 100 47fJ 58 35 80 2BO 38 2) 90 207 bullbull lIDz 7 5 115 511 7 5 UO 55 7 5 120 60 ~u 12 6 100 60 10 5 100 SO 10 5 Uo 55 Vesb SO 13 100 130 JJ8 17 130 221 42 10 101 101 Orec 125 32 ~O AiIf8 110 24 145 )lI8 116 15 103 154 ~-1____1 ___l _~O____ _ P ___21 ___ 2__~2 _____14___ 5____6__12~ ____ ~_ ~___ ~7 _9 _ 28____2l~ _22~ __~o~__l ___ S86_ ~23__15t__1~ __ ~1~2


--- - J2i+I i1 i W9 I Mn5 I J liDnll I I Acre

StaM I Mn I JIcq I nu I Pro- mne I iaIo J nld I Pro- I Acn I IreZ- I Yield Proshy____I~~laquobulld_~I_ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~YIleJ ~ ~ ~~_1_~~l~J1JP~~lYlle ~Pr_~~_d~l~J1_

Au II ftIagpa hog Mn lI1 ~1UIlln hOUR Acre lIIt_hel lhou1Iu

181 6 6 170 102 5 5 200 100 5 5 210 105 ft 1 1 140 14_r a 1M 135 1539 99 96 195 1872 78 76 210 1596 12) 114 160 182It 101 96 210 2016 78 200 1480 Will __ 42 155 651 16 16 180 2B8 12 12 210 2521114 19 18 140 252 2 2 150 30 4 160 64 IU 16 16 130 208 4 4 170 68 2 2 160 32 Ill 63 57 130 11 30 27 130 351 20 19 145 276 V18 2 25 ~5 362 25 ~ 155 356 23 22 151 332 Ill 62 54 120 ~ )It 29 150 bull 435 28 ~ 125 300 1_ 10 10 120 120 JIll 2 2 110 22 bullbullDate 8 7 150 105 3 J 160 If8 4 120 If8 s~ 9 8 110 88 4 160 64 3 J 80 2H II - - 180 72 ) ) 230 69 3 -) 210 63a ) J 160 ~ 3 3 180 54 2 2 166 33 Va 8 8 175 ~ 7 7 195 1)6 7 7 201 141 ~C 3 3 170 51 1Ir 2 2 150 30 t~ ____l ___l_ ~~_____ 6 ___I ___ 2__~~ _____18___ =2___ 2__1~ ____20_ US ~ S05 142 7171 JIe8 330 18_ 6085 281 269 184 4956 -----------------------------------------------~------ ----

- 17 -


llRY EIBLE 1IEliS ACREME TIBLllUlll plIOWClIOIi 1944 to 194911

~ -- - ~124 124i 1W bull bull Acres bull bull bull bull Acree bull bull bull bull Acres bull bull ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pl~tedyeted Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted vested Per Acre duct ion pl~ntedyented Per Acre duct10n - - - ---TioiAcrlI- --pound --ThOuiyen~- Thouice ---Pouid --nOUBW- nouic~e ---POuid-middot --TboujjishyHamp1u 5 5 695 35 4 4 820 33 6 6 980 59 vt 1 1 626 6 NY 120 113 790 893 101 84 850 714 128 124 1200 1488 Mich 701 660 690 4554 435 363 820 2977 531 519 740 3841 Vb 2 2 430 9 1 1 560 6 ---Minn t 6 5 476 24 4 4 600 24 3 3 500 IS IfDosk 2 1 (730 7 1 1 700 7 1 1 600 6 lfebr 60 49 1260 617 53 18 1520 7JC 611- 62 1650 102] Mont 25 ~ 1083 249 20 18 1300 234 18 17 1 bull 590 270 Idlho 146 145 1550 2248 117 115 100 1725 131 128 1700 2176 qo 90 86 1240 1066 90 86 1250 1075 93 90 1450 1305 yenllh 3 3 1030 31 4 4 1250 50 4 4 1075 43 Oreg 1 1 1322 13 Tu 2 1 200 2 Colo 350 327 540 1766 290 271 580 1572 276 249 650 1618 fMex 267 ~O 302 695 203 161 180 290 142 114 225 256 Alb 15 14 395 55 14 13 515 67 14 13 900 117 Utah e 7 480 J4 8 7 400 2B 10 9 400 36 ~UL1IIrI 166 166 1327 2203 166 166 1242 2062 149 149 1342 2000 CtJ1fOUlIl1 183 157 1045 1640 148 141 1062 1497 134 134 1184 1587 poundeil _142 __ 221 _ _ 9Q _1bullsect41 _ __ 2~ __ 201 __1L129__ J~29_ __ ~1 _ _ g82 __1L2amp7__ _ l281_ ~___ g52 _ ~9~ ___ 02 _1amp41 __ ~5~ _ ~1 ___80__ vJ0~1__ 1Ot _ ~2~ ___917___12~_

DRY EDlDLE llEA1lS (Contd) - - - - 1241 124sect 1942 Jamp1ne 7 7 1100 77 9 9 900 81 8 8 925 74 bullbullY 138 13D 1070 1391 181 179 1230 2202 176 170 1000 1700 Mich 494 467 670 3129 514 504 880 4435 52) 519 1100 5709 Minn 2 1 350 4 1 1 650 6 1 1 650 6 1lDIk 1 1 850 8 lfllbr 80 76 1425 1083 85 83 1725 1432 90 85 1530 1301 Mont 2l 20 1450 2)0 22 21 1470 309 19 18 11170 265 IdlLho 159 154 1540 2372 ISO 148 1800 2664 149 147 1830 2690 To 112 107 1350 1444 98 95 1370 1302 83 81 1520 1231 lfaah 4 4 1200 48 5 5 1500 75 8 8 1490 119 Colo 331 321 800 2568 341 324 720 2333 307 295 820 2419 NMex 155 140 237 332 191 172 250 430 181 169 350 592 Arb 15 14 430 60 14 14 475 66 12 12 500 60 Utah 14 13 760 99 17 15 400 60 15 14 500 70 Ca11tL1IIrI 149 149 1406 2095 145 145 1603 2324 15 175 1654 2894 CallfOther 174 174 1303 2268 223 223 1389 3097 183 183 1229 2249 poundlil_2z1 __ 222 __ 25_t262 ___ 26Q __ 26Q __14ZJ_ __5431___ 25Q __ 25Q __1427_ __ 241_ ___ sect5~ _ m ___ 271 _116sect __ 29~ _ 23Q __1J014__ 086__ 23sect _ Q82 __1114___2~2 _ J1 Include b gl01OI1 for lead


- - - - li~ li4i 12~ s~te Acr Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acree Yield Proshy

Plantedl Har- Per Acre duction Planted Har_ Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted Har_ Per Acre duction _____ __x8td______________=_vsies______________Z8tlltL__________ _ rhoueAcieg Pounds Thous1jB ThousAcres ~ ThouBBagB ThoulAcree Pounds ThouBBagB

Mlch 1 1 770 8 Vh 3 3 970 29 2 2 950 19 1 1 1100 11 MInn 4 4 82033 4 4 950 38 6 6 800 48 NDak 14 13 1060 138 13 12 1200 144 15 15 1350 202 Mont 42 40 1103 441 32 30 1200 360 24 2J 1170 269 Idaho 225 219 1275 2792 ISS 153 1200 1836 161 156 1350 2106 lyo 2 2 921 18 2 2 1200 24 3 3 1250 38 Colo 33 22 860 189 bull 33 23 900 207 23 16 750 120 WaG 347 340 1290 4386 246 235 1160 2726 244 235 1480 3478 Oreg 58 56 1120 627 39 37 950 352 20 19 1300 247Qai____~ ___Ii __ l12 __ pound32 ____21 ___2Q _ _1 05_middot__ _29J_ ___1sect ___112 ___820____ l6Q _ l~_ ___ Z5Z - _ ru __ lgl _ J2li9t ___ i~ __ ilJ2 _ _11tl- _ -S91L __ ili __ 9_~ __13i8___ poundpound72 _

DRY FIELD PEAS (Contd) - - - - 1i41 1~1 -)242 Wle 1 1 1050 10 Minn 8 7 600 42 J J 900 27 7 7 950 66 Iflllk 20 18 1080 194 7 6 1200 72 5 5 1000 50 Mont 17 16 1100 176 8 8 1160 9J I 6 1130 68 Idaho 153middot 150 1320 1980 72 68 1220 830 99 89 1120 997 lyo 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1210 24 Colo 35 21 900 189 24 19 1000 190 19 16 1220 195 Vash 256 247 1300 J211 162 156 1280 1997 210 198 760 1505 Oreg 25 24 1180 28J 19 18 1300 234 17 14 700 98poundsll___ _Zl __ _ Zl ___ 19Q __ g11 ____1sect ___1sect __ 390____113____11 ___11 __1210____ 102 _ ____ 2~ __ 21l _ _ 33g _ ~l2g ___ Jl2 __ ~9Q __1J2g1__ JJ6fJ___ l8l _ _ 25 ___9pound7___ l~l~_ 1I h pl1Jlc1pal comerc1al produciD8 States Includes Pt)llS groUl for seed aDd comery pens harvested lUy

- III shy

1 UPDATA 1981



- - - - 19i4 19sect 12 li41 to ~ t 1242 St t A Aores Ac Acres A Acres ~ Acres ~ Acres A Acres

a e creB Har- reo H~r- cres ~r- cres H~r- cr~s H~r- eres Harshy____~1ne~eit~d_~1no~_elt~ltLlP~~tdlV~oeS_~1ne~lvsOS_ c~middot~_vselP~l~td_Jel~~d__

Thousand Acres Ind 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ill 12 12 9 9 7 7 5 5 6 6 4 4 ViB 3 3 2 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~1nn 18 18 12 12 7 7 10 10 6 6 5 5 Iogtlt 23 22 11 11 7 7 8 8 12 12 10 10 Mo 265 263 225 216 184 181 179 176 154 150 122 120 Iflhk 87 86 50 49 47 44 42 41 33 32 35 34 SJhk S49 502 390 362 238 221 188 179 152 149 164 156 Jlebr 704 685 50 480 390 374 343 325 364 351 364 347 K9ns 38116 3768 3054 2879 2718 2505 2256 2154 2459 2391 2361 2319 Va 10 9 15 10 15 9 17 9 14 6 12 4 IIVa 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 nc 26 26 23 23 30 30 32 32 35 35 32 32 sc 36 36 35 35 28 28 29 29 30 30 23 23 Ga 60 60 60 60 48 48 55 55 54 54 38 38 Ky 35 34 35 35 39 39 34 34 2l 21 18 18 Tenn 62 6 56 56 56 56 48 48 37 37 29 29 Ala 59 58 61 60 79 78 86 84 99 97 65 63 Mhs 65 64 63 61 51 49 53 52 47 46 34 33 Ark 94 93 97 95 82 80 78 75 68 67 51 50 Jg 10 10 9 9 8 8 9 9 11 11 11 11 Okla 2484 2406 1938middot 1829 1783 1664 1284 1198 1348 1258 1146 1094 T8 8318 8202 7653 7054 7273 6913 5527 5392 7019 6740 5168 5080 Mont 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 4 3 3 4 3 Vyo bull 14 13 10 9 7 7 7 6 4 4 5 5 Colo 766 723 705 658 613 546 490 470 500 479 645 618 1IHex 690 669 467 309 317 265 349 313 521 479 556 532 Arb 71 69 55 53 74 72 62 60 90 88 77 76 Calli 133 127 112 108 151 151 76 76 122 122 80 80 115- - -ie458 -18038 - - is668 - 14-498- 14- 2f6- - i540J -11-277- -10OsO - -13214 -12-679- -11064 - -10789- -


- - - l9~( t00 1916t 197 19aL 12112 St t Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros Dald Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros IReld Pro- Acres llel4 Proshy

a eHar_ Per duc_ Hl1- Per duc- H9r- Por dw- 59r- Per due- zHar- IPer duc_ Har- Per i ducshy___yetdlApoundrs_t0E lVS82C8l 1n_yeltdAEr_t0E lvse2cel 1n_yetdlApoundrl_t0E lvsse~cel isn_

Thous Thous Thous Thoua Thous ThOUG Thoua Thous Theus Thous Thous Thoua ~ TonE ~ Acrea ~ Tons Acros Tona1m Acres ~ Tons ~ TOilS ~ Acres 2 Tons

Ind 2 270 5 1 290 3 1 260 3 Ill 4 250 10 3 250 8 2 300 6 2 250 5 2 350 7 1 350 4 Minn 15 300 45 8 20 18 5 200 10 8 200 16 4 250 10 4 230 9 Iowa 12 300 36 5 300 15 2 350 7 2 250 5 6 300 18 4 250 10 Ho 150 211 316 146 180 263 105 220 231 95 180 171 86 20 189 58 210 122 N bull oruc 76 110 106 116 135 62 41 110 45 39 130 51 30 125 38 32 100 32 SDak 395 169 668 308 150 462 177 l70 301 152 130 198 124 180 223 133 135 180 Nebl 511 197 1007 383 160 613 279 165 460 234 155 363 222 160 355 220 230 506 Kans 1125 213 2396 1386 164 2273 1302 160 2083 989 140 1385 692 190 1315 649 185 1201 Va 6 170 10 8 175 1~ 7 175 12 8 175 14 5 180 9 4 175 7 lle 15 160 24 13 170 22 18 180 32 17 190 32 13 200 26 13 200 26 SC 22 130 29 21 145 30 14 150 21 14 140 20 16 1~5 2J 10 150 15 Ga 35 111 39 42 135 57 33 135 45 )8 130 49 41 130 5] 29 140 41 KT 22 184 ~o 25 240 60 23 260 60 22 280 62 15 210 32 13 21~ 2B Tenn 37 180 67 33 20 73 31 210 65 29 230 67 23 235 54 17 220 37 Ala 23 140 32 24 135 32 27 155 ~2 28 135 38 37 150 56 19 145 2B Hios 27 165 ~5 28 185 52 18 150 27 18 170 31 19 195 37 16 185 30 Ark 66 161 106 68 160 109 50 145 72 51 140 71 J8 185 70 27 190 51 L~ 6 130 8 5 165 8 ~ 160 6 4 135 5 6 145 9 5 160 8 Okla 132~ 145 1920 1118 125 1398 969 130 160 701 110 771 652 150 978 502 160 803 Tex 2920 1193768 2985 110 3283 2324 122 28391677 110 1844 lt17J 122 26601452 145 2105 Mont 5 117 6 4 120 5 6 115 7 4 130 5 J 150 4 3 80 2 Wyo 13 82 11 9 70 6 7 60 4 6 80 5 ~ 75 3 5 76 4 Colo ~7J 114 539 460 110 506 350 105 368 304 115 )50 280 105 29~ 301 107 322 11Mex 29~ 102 300 223 70 157 155 103 159 143 67 96 184 100 184 109 129 141 Arh 6 200 2 3 200 6 5 175 9 3 175 5 3 175 5 ~ 175 7 Ea1i__ _35pound __ Z___2_ ~poundO___ ~ __ _35pound ___7___~ 210___7___ _35pound __ ~ __ 2 _ 210___1pound

~middot~middot_118~ _15~ 015J317_ 10_ 21~11251_131_81~1_4520_ 3_56~6_ ~~8~ _14 ~~521~31_ za_11~

- 19 shy





- ---I I94 1J9s 1~~ S~at J Jor 1 Yield Pr d ti~ JeJ81 I n14 I ProducUcna I Jone J Yield Pro4ucUoII

____1_~bullt4_1_~r_~l _1__0_u _~ _1_IIret4__~I_-l _1________~t4_1_~1_~l J _____ _ ThouIAcne ~ ThoU Bu llloutareplE ft1oUI Bu BiouDJeJ8el llloubullbull IIp

Ind 2 ~9 48 2 300 60 1 300 30 Ill 1 240 2h 1 290 29 1 300 30 Iova 1 240 24 1 200 20 1 200 20 Mo 61 216 1)18 29 ~o 435 ~ 220 968 IDaIt 8 163 130 1 160 16 1 135 14 SDak 92 153 1408 43 115 494 37 160 592 lobI 115 22) 2564 75 180 1350 18 200 1560 Ian 2229 221 49261 1149 154 17695 B51 1)5 11488 IC 2 250 50 3 2)0 69 sc 1 165 16 1 170 17 3 IB5 56 Al 2 163 33 13 150 195 2) 160 368 uk 7 143 100 10 170 170 8 150 120 La 1 150 15 1 180 18 1 140 14 Okla 979 1050 146805 636 120 7632 6~ 115 7176 ex 05103 194 99229 ) 950 150 c59139 4~ 160 71840 ColO aIfO 1057 3768 180 lAt9 2682 191 130 2483 1lIex )69 166 6111 84 70 587 108 104 1127 Aris 54 372 2009 44 )40 1496 55 360 1980 ~a1____11____)1~ ____ ~)~ _____1pound2____32~ ___ _ l27 _____~5____42 ___ ~292 __ US 9)86 197 184978 6)24 152 9606) 6669 159 106025


- - --I l~ 192s 1~ Stah I tar 1 Yield 1 PrOdUCtioD Acre I Yield I ProductiOIl Acne I Yield 1 Productloll

____1_~etd_Umiddotr_Jer _1_______ _~etd_I_Pr_Ael _1_______1_lIrQt4__~r_~l J _____ _ Thoue Jon ll 2a DIOUlllOD ThoubullbullJer 12 DIoubullbull Toll lhoUlJarooa ToD bou l01I

lIId 5 105 52 4 120 48 3 110 111 4 100 40 3 90 27 2 105 21 Vh 1 80 8 1 75 8 M1Dn 70 21 4 60 24 2 65 13 Iowa 6 100 60 3 90 27 1 110 11 Mo 85 374 36 71) 252 25 85 212 IDak 2 30 6 2 202 4 2 21 4 SDaIc 15 7 56 11 3- 37 7 40 28 Ifebr 59 64 378 22 50 110 17 50 BS Iane 412 70 2884 )42 55 1881 SO 60 21OQ SC 3 50 15 ) 55 16 3 50 15 Ga ) 40 12 1 45 14 51) 20 leDII 10 65 65 9 70 63 6 70 42 Al 6 75 45 05 70 35 6 60 36)Ii 12 90 108 12 90 108 12 75 90 Ark 3 55 16 2 55 11 5 60 )0 La 1 61 7 1 7- 7 1 66 7 Old 97 50 485 10 45 115 67 40 l68 Ix l6It 48 789 108 35 )83 87 41 ~O Colo 10 55 55 18 45 81 5 50 25 bullbull lIu 6 ) 20 2 30 2 45 9 Arll 9 121) 108 6 US 69 12 U5 138pounda1_____4____~~ ______2 ______4 ~ ______4 _____~ ______l~ ______ ____1~~

US 879 642 56114 671 532 3510 623 576 3SS7


- - - -I = 19~ = = = == = ~ 1~4sect state crill 1 Yield ProductioD Acre 1 Yield I Prod t1 I Acres Yield Pr

_____~etd_lt]~r_Apoundr ________1_Hrstd_IJr_Apoundr ____~ _o~ __~etd_Jr_Apoundrtl _ ~d~~1~~ ThougAcru Jl9B1 lhquGIlllog TI1quecrea ~ TboutOallQII ThguuJcru GalloDII AAUIIlampllov

Ind 1 80 80 1 90 90 1 75 75 Ill 3 50 ISO 2 50 100 2 65 1)0 Via 2 80 160 1 70 70 1 62 62 10 3 125 )705 2 100 200 3 129 387 Mo 8 62 496 5 45 225 7 55 385 bu 2 55 110 2 SO 100 2 51 102 Va J 65 195 2 65 130 2 66 1)2 VVa 3 59 177 2 67 134 1 66 66 lIC 11 74 814 8 64 512 9 131 729 SC 10 55 550 10 55 550 8 58 464 Ge 22 55 1210 15 57 855 11 53 583 17 12 65 780 10 73 730 16 85 1360 laDII 15 61 915 14 60 840 19 73 1)87 Ala 27 65 1755 18 66 1188 22 6) 1386 Mha 25 78 1950 21 80 1680 19 65 1235 Ark 17 SO 850 15 55 825 17 60 1020 L~ 2 55 110 2 60 120 2 40 80 OklL 6 42 252 5 43 215 4 47 188

i~----~i---~------l~-----l~---~------~______~ ___~____ _~2__--- - - - - - - - - - _1_ - __ l~ _____146____6middotZ ____ 2~ _____~_ 660 10171

-O- ------------ shy



-s~~e-= ~II 1 RI~ 1Pr~~to ~r~ ~~ 1 ~o~t~I~ ~~ R~~ ~din I BarYeated Per Acre I I BarYe ted Per Acr I I BarYbullbulltod Per Acr

- - - -1h-cr- -Dl~hr- -fhoa- ia - fhQicr1 bir- - -TiioQ- ib- - thOulAcibullbull -Dlhel- TiioU- -IDe 1 260 26 1 320 32 1 320 JJ~ Iowa 1 160 16 1 195 20 1 225 m )10 114 160 704 30 240 72031 200 6tjIlak 1 155 16 1 160 16 SDU 111 90 162 20 155 310 20 122 244

Iobr 75 150 1125 111 225 2632 109 236 2572lAD 754 145 10933 339 215 287811 1392 215 29 928 IC 5 250 125 16 270 432 15 250 375 s Q 5 155 78 1 175 122 7 180 126 Ala 34 165 561 45 195 878 33 181 597 Arll 10 150 15016 1110 2811 14 172 241 lA 2 140 28 2 155 31 3 170 51 CkIa 440 110 11840 556 150 8340 548 155 8494 181 3640 180 65421 496 165 74143 3563 239 114996 Colo 160 150 2400 192 170 3264 3011 172 52911 INex 167 106 1764 287 140 40111 415 222 9213 Arh 53 410 2113 75 400 3000 61 1146 2721 -~l____1~ ____3 ____ ~sect9 _____16___ 31middot ____ ~~ _____ 11___ 32 ~ ___ r62_ ~~___ ~~ ____lI~ ____9I11 ____ 7____1~ ___ ~I~ ____6~5~2____2 __ 4~_

ALL SOBOIIllKS JOR SIIMB AOlJWlE YIELD A)JD PROIUClIOIl 1947 to 1949 _______ ~_7_________________ __________________ ~~_______ _~------------~------------------~------------------ilt--------

State Acre I Yh1d I Acre field Acre Yield BarPedd Per Acre Product1on I BarPted Per Acre Production llarveted Pet Acre Production

- - - - ThouAcre -iaL- - -boU7tOji - biiuAcro -Jiii- - -b0li71oi- ~ouEcre - -~n - -fhw7Tu Ind 2 85 17 2 115 23 2 115 23 Ill 2 90 18 4 105 42 3 93 28 Hinn 2 60 12 2 eo 16 1 70 7 IoVA 3 60 18 3 95 28 3 100 30 Mo 33 70 231 31 95 294 29 86 249 IfIlK 1 25 2 1 30 3 2 23 5 slak 9 25 22 5 55 28 3 42 13 Ibr 16 45 72 12 60 72 18 70 126lAD 409 53 21611 359 76 2 72~ 278 73 2029 SC 3 50 15 2 55 11 3 60 18 0 3 45 14 5 55 211 3 60 IS Tonn 6 70 42 7 75 52 8 76 61 Ala 4 65 26 7 75 52 6 74 44 Nh 12 65 711 12 01 0 96 8 85 61 Ark 3 5middot3 16 5 75 38 5 75 38 ta 1 60 6 2 68 14 2 70 14 (kIa 54 37 200 4 55 264 43 56 241 Tex 69 37 258 66 46 305 60 57 343 Colo 6 45 27 7 55 38 9 48 43 IIMex 3 40 12 e 45 36 8 53 42 Arh 4 110 44 10 110 110 11 115 126 -~1____ ~ ____1poundpound ______~ ______4____1poundpound ______~ ______6____1~ pound _____~_ ~____ ~4~ ____ 4___ _ lP _____~2____ 7____ ~~1 _____51____ 10___ sect2~_


-- -- I~ D[8 I~i State Aeres Tield Production I Acr Tield Produetlon I Acree Yield Production

BarYeted I Per Acre I BarTeted Per Acre BarYeted Per Acre - - - - hiiuicre - Gallon - bouGallon thouD Xcre - 01100 - fhoubullbullOaflon ~iiuicro - iiaflon -lhOli7aeliOii Ind 1 70 70 1 90 90 1 90 90 Ill 1 55 55 1118 1 51 51 1 80 80 1 77 77 IClVa 2 80 160 2 168 336 2 158 316 Mo II 42 168 3 66 1911 2 61 122 Ian 2 51 102 1 47 47 Va 1 61 67 1 90 90 IIVa 1 70 70 bullbullC 10 73 730 6 611 408 4 72 211 Sc 7 49 343 5 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ Ga 14 59 826 II ~ ~ 6 60 ~ ~ 12 74 888 6 73 438 5 79 395 Tnn 13 60 7S0 7 Ala 111 60 10110 8 m = ~ =Mi 22 68 1496 15 78 1170 9 63 567 Arll 11 42 462 8 64 512 4 54 216 La 2 35 70 1 43 43 1 45 45 Cltla 3 33 99 2 55 110 1 52 52 ~_____ ~ ____ 25______ 13~ ______5__ _ ______ 1pound _____ -____ ~_____ __I~

Us 131 7847 SO 6911 55116 53 66s 3539 -------------------------~---------------------------- -------- 21 shy

bullUPDATA 1981 ~~ I j


--- -- 1~ t 19~ t 19[6 StlAt I Acree Yield Acrn Yield Acrea Yield

Harvea d Pel Production Harvest d Per Production Harvested Per Production _________ ~ _ _Agrl _ ______ ______Apound~ __ ______ t ______ _Asr~ _______ _

ThoutlAcree Ton8 ThouTone ThouAcre Ton ThouBlone ThoUllAcres 1on8 Thou8Tone Main 923 89 818 833 106 882 84 99 m fK 388 102 395 376 123 464 364 118 431 it 1032 126 1298 10oe 150 1516 1006 143 1442 )(saso 319 124 469 376 164 615 365 164 597 RI 36 1l4 41 37 146 54 34144 49 Conn 304 123 374 300 157 472 288 162 467 fY 4008 144 5759 4021 161 6488 3968 162 6416 NJ 274 147 402 288 177 509 260 175 454 PIi 2564 140 3597 2539 151 3826 2525 150 3789 0b10 2605 139 3622 2560 148 3801 2536 152 3848 Ind 2004 131 2626 1765 145 2551 1835 137 2511 Ill 2824 139 3938 2662 152 4053 2732 146 3985 Mich 2813 1)8 3895 2671 148 3958 2648 124 3272 Vb 4263 163 6929 4214 187 7870 4ll2 155 6371 Minn 4683 142 6640 4366 152 6637 4067 146 5956 Iowa 3551 164 58)6 1304 172 5677 3275 163 5325 Mo 3703 113 4171 3914 115 4500 3545 119 4201 lItDIIk 3421 97 3305 3434 94 3233 3068 89 2724 SDak 36e5 99 3637 3616 92 3312 3478 80 2775 Nebr 4355 112 4865 4062 11)9 4436 3915 97 3787 ~B 1784 167 2982 1783 161 2875 1746 135 2354 Del 82 1 ~o 98 75 152 114 71 149 106 Md 461 120 552 464 139 643 442 148 656 Va 1383 11)2 1405 1477 117 1722 1391 119 1650 IIv 835 108 904 840 1~ 1061 812 129 1045 NC 1315 96 1263 1374 98 1352 1263 102 1285 sc 543 74 400 554 84 465 S07 87 442 Oe 1406 49 689 1441 54 785 1399 52 723 lIla 118 54 64 125 57 71 123 49 60 It) 1630 112 1831 1987 137 2720 1813 136 2459 Tenn 1769 94 1660 1978 124 2444 1802 122 2205 All 1 091 67 730 995 75 742 999 74 744 M18s 925 119 1104 873 117 1025 850 123 1046 Ark 1397 109 1529 1378 116 1595 1258 118 1483 ra 3Jl 119 395 326 125 406 319 126 403 Okla 1296 129 1671 1326 133 1757 1355 113 1534 Tex 1591 90 1439 1599 96 1537 1623 11)3 1619 Mont 2265 119 2689 2267 117 2681 2147 112 2395 Idho 1198 204 2445 1189 204 2428 1140 213 2429 liTo 1156 113 1312 1103 116 1274 1091 111 1214 Colo 1467 159 2331 1425 155 2215 1359 148 2008 NMex 217 221 419 201 192 385 206 212 436 Arb 332 218 723 309 242 748 306 239 737 Utah 612 203 1245 597 200 1194 573 195 1115 ireV 435 142 617 436 141 615 432 152 655 VaBb 989 119 1775 931 187 1744 656 192 1640 Oreg 1156 173 1996 1158 170 1970 1062 173 1~39poundampl1____20plusmn0____ ~middot21____ 22~ ____2130____ ~bullsect4____60]6____ 282 __ _ 1~2_ ___6t0Q3_ ~____ 176)9____ ]middot13___ 03~2 ___ 16627____ ]~__ _1~7t418_ ___71141 ___ ]15___ 291518_

VILD HAY ACREAGE nELD lID PllOllUCTIOlf 1944 to 191i6

- - - - - 1~ l I9~ l 19[6 state I Acree Yield Acree Yield AcreB Yield

I Harveated Per Productioll ltlrvesed bull Per bull Production Harvested Per bull Production ___________ l ce__ ~ ______ t _____ _ =_AsrJ __ ______ l _______~r __ _____ _

ThouaAcrem ThousTon bonaAcres ona ThousTona Thoue-cres ~ Thousfou Via 140 130 182 94 115 106 llO 115 126 Minn 1452 1ll 1612 1394 115 1603 1282 110 1410 10 102 122 124 92 120 llO 86 1O 103 Mo 154 109 168 160 120 192 150 100 ISO NDal 2576 90 ~318 2576 85 2190 2318 85 1970 sJ))k 3076 88 2707 3014 60 24ll 2693 70 2025 Nebr 3198 80 2558 2942 75 2206 2795 65 1817Ian 693 111 769 638 115 734 636 75 478 Ark 194 104 202 202 105 212 202 105 212 Okla 480 118 566 437 125 S46 428 100 428 Tex 195 105 205 185 100 185 191 105 201 Mont 867 85 737 806 90 725 622 60 658 ldho 139 lU 156 139 115 160 135 110 148 To 529 60 423 481 BO 385 495 85 421 Colo 466 97 452 443 100 443 439 85 373 NMex 20 88 16 15 70 10 27 100 27 Utah 103 124 126 lOS 100 105 105 120 1-6 lreT 267 100 267 267 100 267 267 110 294 Yam 46 115 53 51 125 64 47 120 56 Or~ ll76 115 320 3U 11n 3IU gt86 110 315 ~l-l_____1$gt____ 110_____ 17g _____112___ _ 1io_ ~ __ _2ffl_ ____ 152 ___ 1lL ____11~_

k ___ 5all1_____23____1~J1 ___ 4~~_____21___ Jt2~2___ _ ll~7 ___ _g3_ __ l51 _


FFeti5 Hri+tttrtft gt~- bullbull ~Mto shy



- -- -- 1~7 19la_ 19sect State Acrea Yild cr Tlel-l Acrea Yield

______II~~t~d_ ~ ~~~__ ~ ~d~ln_l v~e~ _~_A~~ ___~o~u~t~o~ ~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~____P~o~u~to~ ~bullbullAcrea gAl ~ousTonD fitouDcrea ~ lhoulITons Tbous bullocres I2 Thou9Tonl

M1n 766 11)8 627 nO 11)2 746 695 9B 682 lilI J5) 127 446 JJ9 124 421 J18 11) )56 n 995 149 148J 974 145 1416 952 124 1176 ca )51 154 540 J46 160 59f )42 145 496 RI )2 159 51 29 159 46 28 1 bullSO 42 Conn 280 166 464 272 162 440 26) 156 410 IIT )752 161 6029 )642 165 6016 3)97 1)6 46)0 IJ 244 17) 422 236 161 428 239 177 422 Il 2))9 150 )511 2194 146 )710 2202 142 )123 Ohio 2497 140 34B6 2)84 14) )406 2255 142 )212 Ind 1708 1)6 2)Jl 1661 1)6 2251 1616 145 2 bull 342 Ill 2626 14J )756 2)85 149 )558 2230 165 J689 Mich 2628 1Jl J45) 24)6 1)7 )346 2)29 1)2 )069 Vh 4066 16) 6665 )940 1)8 54)2 3916 15) 5972 MiIlJ1 4063 142 57n )659 1)7 529) 3819 1)lt3 5268 10_ )J)B 154 5154 2943 1)4 )955 )100 159 49)0 Me 3762 114 4)10 )S46 129 4564 )60) 129 465) IDU 3289 95 )110 3176 91 2901 )441 B5 2920 S~ )675 85 ))1) 4126 84 )451 4412 68 3013 lfebr 4)05 113 4BBI 4))4 105 4532 4836 108 5ZJl Iu 2059 153 )155 195) 176 )479 2017 160 3~z2 Del 69 146 102 n 140 102 68 110 97 Md 429 142 611 445 144 64) 429 152 ti51 Vamp 1)27 107 1414 1)72 126 1722 1321 127 16n VV 60) 116 92B 796 129 1026 B02 124 991_C 1292 96 1267 1290 10) 1)28 1246 105 1)12 SC 465 76 )76 509 68 449 52J 91 476 0amp 1)91 51 70) 1416 56 791 1055 6) 66) 11 125 54 67 1)2 58 77 65 62 5) 1) 1666 1)B 2568 1687 126 21)0 1828 110 2)60 l1IllU 1812 117 2120 1691 111 1861 l7J4 125 2175 U 939 72 679 922 18 720 790 84 667 Ki 601 115 923 769 121 9)3 779 115 89) Ark 1254 98 1224 1211 124 150) 1116 117 1J10 111 300 118 )s4 294 112 )29 295 1m 379 Okla 1580 119 1B77 1490 I)) 1975 1)50 1)5 1821 le 1620 90 16)7 1706 91 1556 145) 112 1624 MoDt 2227 112 2491 220) I) 2704 2On 101 2084 Idoho 1022 2Z5 2296 986 220 2171 1050 2lt) 2))7 1170 1080 117 1265 1017 94 960 1104 110 1209 Colo 1)56 164 2219 1)51 167 2251 1401 164 229) Ifllex 216 210 454 20) 212 4)) 19) 209 404 Arlo m 220 595 226 2)8 5)7 25) 247 624 Utah S6B 208 1160 550 205 1129 5)7 21) 1145 - )92 155 606 )8) 151 577 377 154 580 lfath 60) 1117 150) 765 205 1611 772 178 1375 Oree 1076 169 1617 1061 174 1646 970 158 1526 ~11middot____~~~ __ ~ J bull 26____ euro1)Q ____1~7O____ 1middotQ7____5JplusmnL ___ 1l15Q ___ 1middot25___ 3 49_ [middotk ___ 1 46amp6____ 1middot15___ 10Q$~ ___ 11617____ 114___ 2611~ ___71~ __ _ lmiddotlJ_ __ 25025_

_1If_ eii2ll 2r_A1l_II~r_r2r_125~D-~ 9Z1J211 o_____________ bull __________

~~~ _lAi~~e5drIx~~rpoundr ~tloi ~ce ~eililfgi ct r~~ln hqutr ll lhoubullbullrona rhouaAcr 12l ThouaToga

~ _____1 _0_____ 111_______ 1~~ _____ 1~ _____ 1Ql_ ______ 1~~ _ Ylk ____ 14aJgl_____ 1J8______ 10l57______7~11J _____ l~L _____ l0ll_ ~ -

WILD BAT AClUllilE fIELD AlID PBODUCrIOll 1947 to 1~1

- - - - - 1i41 1~ 1~ Il~t I Acre I Yield heres Yield Acres Yield bull

I arT ted I Per Production arTeBted Per ProucUon Iifrvsted Per bull Production ____ _1_ __~ __ _~rl _ i ______ 1 _______ cLe______________ cIe___=_____ _

1houeAcreo 1M lhoubullbullTop rhouoAcree ~ rhouerona rhousAcrea ron rhoubullbullroue Vlo 106 115 122 1)0 95 124 112 107 120 Minn 1)06 11e 1439 12)0 105 1292 11)2 105 1169 10 75 1O 90 61 115 9) 70 123 66 Mo 150 110 165 141 110 155 1)5 110 146 1IDIIk 2596 90 2))6 2414 65 2052 2535 Bo 2028 SDU )240 75 24)0 )4)4 70 2401 )4)4 57 1957_hr 296) 60 2)70 2904 65 1686 )252 75 24)9 lUI 702 110 772 611 115 7~ 642 115 nB Ark 204 B5 In 175 110 192 152 105 160 00amp 458 110 504 4)1 1 lt5 5)9 416 1gt0 502 lu 210 95 200 197 65 167 1B5 101 167 Mont 860 BO 704 654 90 769 769 75 577 Id~o 132 110 145 140 100 140 144 109 157 To 500 95 475 475 60 lB5 522 B5 444 Colo 470 105 494 451 105 474 474 102 4B) 11 Megt 27 BO 22 25 75 19 22 6) 1B Utah 109 125 1)6 105 110 126 105 I) 12911 230 1111 25) 216 105 227 205 9B 201 Vampth 46 120 55 55 1)0 2 57 120 68 Oreg )00 110 ))0 )30 15 412 291 106 gt08pound41lf_____1i6____ 11(1_____ 17~ _____1J6____ 1ltgt_____120_____ 1J~ ___ 112_____1~_

~____ 4~_____10____111111 ___ 4515_____~5___ l)~___ _~19= ____~2___ l121_ - 23 shy

-UPDATA 1981 bull _ bull h



ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944




RD ACRlWl1l TDlIJ) un PllOIJJeTIOlI 1944 to 19116

-- --I 1HI i9i5I~ Sate S Aane rea neld rc)oo Acre lene lelA Pro- Acree Aorea n14 Proshy

laW Iu- Pertan I cluUoa Plutea Iu- lItr Acre cltwtion1p1ateal S Per Acre duetioll ________ft1______ i ____ i ___ eJl4 l _____1____ l ___ l t ~ illl ________ _ IIIo Aon l 1bou BIl ftlau Acre Ill boualIu lhoq _rea Buboh lhoua Bu

11 66 12 162 1 80 10 175 175 105 8 180 144 IT~ 96 15 167 250 95 13 160 208 91 15 175 262 Pe 55 43 148 636 53 U 155 636 33 22 155 341 Oblo 80 33 152 502 90 I 115 472 70 17 110 289 IIlld 179 86 118 1015 222 70 125 875 1ar 46 135 621 Ill UO 63 113 712U8 It7 120 561t 88 38 125 475 1Ucb US 62 127 787 117 56 140 IJIt 91 48 135 648 Vle 125 98 87 853 126 95 120 1140 100 76 115 874 Ill 155 108 87 9fO 144 107 260 1712 151 118 130 l5J1J laws 118 10 120 12fl 37 11 130 143 26 10 170 170 Ho V3 SO 116 580 128 41 110 451 100 35 125 438 IDate ~ 145 92 l3J1J 150 115 135 1552 225 196 110 2156 Snate 5 392 lOl 3959 376 290 V5 42115 323 altl 105 2530 lebr 585 365 91 )322 556 361 125 4512 423 282 110 3102 Iatia 225 101 105 1060 2117 81 lO5 850 120 53 105 556 Del 32 18 1)6 245 JIJ 19 V5 276 J3 18 140 252 ald ~ 23 165 380 67 20 145 290 5f lit 145 2flJ la 135 114 144 6J1J 136 JIJ 135 459 125 25 140 350 VY 12 5 135 68 13 135 54 8 ) 125 38 IC 1~ J8 115 437 165 31 105 )26 145 22 125 215 sc 75 16 104 166 75 15 95 142 44 11 100 110 0 It) 12 101 121 50 10 90 90)0 6 100 60 ~ 133 JK1 141) S60 182 40 125 500 155 37 140 518IID 172 37 10ij 400 162 J4 95 3Z3 115 25 100 250 OEl 264 100 103 1030 257 ~ 100 740 1114 48 90 4)2 fex 142 22 119 262 55 21 90 199 It9 11 100 110 HoDt 20 16 120 192 2h 16 110 176 40 26 100 260 Idaho 12 5 1)) 66 11 5 130 65 11 It 140 56 1170 36 J 91 121 JJ 8 105 ~ 29 8 105 B4 Colo 1250 79 600 121 80 100 800 100 68 80 S44 bullbullJlllx 12 9 82 74 12 5 65 )2 10 5 85 42 Utah ~ IJ 95 12h 22 10 100 100 22 9 95 86 lIash 147 17 114 194 55 15 120 180 50 10 125 125 0rec 151 )2 141 451 155 )1 140 434 140 )2 1)5 432 Calif 29 12 108 130 29 13 130 169 22 lO 120 120

us It1415 2132 106 22525 4157 1850 128 2)708 3396 1591 116 18487 ---~-------------------------------------------------- ----

- - - --_ - - - -- _ -r9li4-_ - - - - __ - ___ - _______ S________________ - - - - - - 7________ - - shy --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T9i- - - - - - -r - - - -l~b - - -Stat Aores Aaru nld I Pro- Acrbullbull Acr I Ylel4 I Pro- Acl IADrea neld I Proshy

PlIIIIha ~ PilI Aclll ductlOD IPllUlted liar- Perlen duaUoDlplal1~1 liar- IPer Acre l duettOD I Ia I ytd I IYelted I- - - - -1ioiie iare - -BiiieT- -hnaB - fliDU-AGr- - iiahi - fbOuBiu Thru-iCrbullbull- -BiiiieT- TbOubullbulliia

1_ 6 6 200 120 6 6 155 9J 5 5 200 100 n 1 1 220 22 1 1 180 18 1 1 220 22 BY 155 150 180 2700 129 98 155 15]9 119 113 190 2147 Fa V~ l4O 195 27)0 112 98 185 1813 108 lOit 200 2080 Ohio V 14 210 294 18 17 180 )06 17 11 190 J23 1114 lO 10 150 150 22 20 135 270 7 6 150 90 Ill 5 5 165 82 16 15 150 225 5 5 160 80 Il1ab )8 )) lS5 512 46 25 140 )50 ZIt 18 1)5 24) lI1a 29 27 lS5 418 26 ZIt 150 360 2 25 145 362 IIIIIDo 67 6) 150 945 49 45 1140 6)0 118 It2 140 588 Iowa 12 12 175 210 7 vo 98)) 150 45 Ia) 1 1 125 12 1 1 120 12 1 1 110 11 Bllak 5 14 160 64 7 7 160 112 6 6 130 78 SDak 7 6 150 90 It 130 52 5 5 40 70 JId 6 6 200 120 5 5 ~5 118 _ _ 2)5 9Ita 8 8 165 132 5 5 170 85 It _ 170 68 V 10 10 185 185 8 8 US 172 8 8 195 156 Ie 5 5 145 12 It 160 6It 3 3 160 48 ~ 2 2 130 26 2 2 130 26 3 J 140 42D ____1 ___ 1_ 145______1 ___ ~ ____ __1 _____~___ o___ O__1~1 ____1~5_

trs 531 S08 176 8956 417 ItOl 161 6~7 It08 )13 178 6812 ------------~---------------------------------------------

- 16shy



- - -- 12411lMIX99 sbullbullbullbull _ iorea n 14 I Pro- Acre iDre J nld Pro- Acne lAcn_ TleU Proshy-- re I Ifuo- I e I I I Hu- I I J Bar- I

____1~~~~bull l_I_~r_~~ ~~ ~~~Y ~~_1_~~l~)P~~Ye ~r_I~ _~~1J1_ I1cu tara ~ hOh ~oubull iDn l ThouBn hOlla AlIre ]ahale fhouellIl bull

bullbullr 90 J5 185 278 90 11 185 3~ 107 17 184 313 bullbull1 89 15 180 20 f5 12 175 210 88 12 179 215 Pa 21 18 155 Z79 21 16 ~5 232 21 ~ 165 231 Ohio 71 JO 170 S10 67 20 180 360 ~ 18 170 306 lad ~3 60 v0 8110 ISO ~ ~5 928~) 57 1)5 77fJ Ill ~ -7 ~O 658 113 53 150 795 123 56 141 790 1I11JII 126 7fJ ~5 1015 1)2 80 150 1200 1 57 140 798 V1I 109 87 120 1~ 112 92 l20 1104 119 92 120 1104 lie la 1~ 150 21f6O 278 2)9 150 3585 200 172 145 2494 lov 28 15 150 225 36 17 155 264 5) 18 140 252 Mo 100 36 110 396 105 )5 120 420 U7 )5 112 392 bullbullDIIk 360 30 140 4522 461 401 120 4812 26) 229 115 2634 S1lIIk _10 ~7 v0 4858 476 392 1)0 5096 328 267 117 31211shyu ~ 305 90 2145 352 238 95 2261 317 207 74 1532 Eau 136 110 627 90 )I U5 391 65 28 97 272 DIll 32 19 135 256 33 20 120 2110 28 ~ 140 196 M 52 16 150 JIO 48 V v0 196 52 12 145 1a 1350 140 322 155 25 V5 362 15) 18 140 252 Va 8 3 120 36 6 2 130 26 6 2 136 2 _C ~ ~5 348 117 22 130 286 113 17 115 196 SC 42 10 115 115)1 7 85 60 26 6 95 57 Oa 2 6 75 45 22 5 90 45 20 4 80 32 1Ir 141 37 140 518 130 28 150 420 1)6 2 136 J67 fua 98 26 105 273 100 30 110 330 105 20 101 202 Oltla 115 JJ8 95 456 108 36 75 270 1~ 36 70 252 ~z 7fJ 35 100 3SO B4 30 70 210 100 38 80 304 MoII 52 29 125 )62 JO 20 1)5 27fJ 2) 7 90 63 I4aho 10 5 17G 85 10 4 130 52 10 ) 150 450 21 7 110 71 27 7 70 49 Z7 7 102 n Colo 8 7 100 47fJ 58 35 80 2BO 38 2) 90 207 bullbull lIDz 7 5 115 511 7 5 UO 55 7 5 120 60 ~u 12 6 100 60 10 5 100 SO 10 5 Uo 55 Vesb SO 13 100 130 JJ8 17 130 221 42 10 101 101 Orec 125 32 ~O AiIf8 110 24 145 )lI8 116 15 103 154 ~-1____1 ___l _~O____ _ P ___21 ___ 2__~2 _____14___ 5____6__12~ ____ ~_ ~___ ~7 _9 _ 28____2l~ _22~ __~o~__l ___ S86_ ~23__15t__1~ __ ~1~2


--- - J2i+I i1 i W9 I Mn5 I J liDnll I I Acre

StaM I Mn I JIcq I nu I Pro- mne I iaIo J nld I Pro- I Acn I IreZ- I Yield Proshy____I~~laquobulld_~I_ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~YIleJ ~ ~ ~~_1_~~l~J1JP~~lYlle ~Pr_~~_d~l~J1_

Au II ftIagpa hog Mn lI1 ~1UIlln hOUR Acre lIIt_hel lhou1Iu

181 6 6 170 102 5 5 200 100 5 5 210 105 ft 1 1 140 14_r a 1M 135 1539 99 96 195 1872 78 76 210 1596 12) 114 160 182It 101 96 210 2016 78 200 1480 Will __ 42 155 651 16 16 180 2B8 12 12 210 2521114 19 18 140 252 2 2 150 30 4 160 64 IU 16 16 130 208 4 4 170 68 2 2 160 32 Ill 63 57 130 11 30 27 130 351 20 19 145 276 V18 2 25 ~5 362 25 ~ 155 356 23 22 151 332 Ill 62 54 120 ~ )It 29 150 bull 435 28 ~ 125 300 1_ 10 10 120 120 JIll 2 2 110 22 bullbullDate 8 7 150 105 3 J 160 If8 4 120 If8 s~ 9 8 110 88 4 160 64 3 J 80 2H II - - 180 72 ) ) 230 69 3 -) 210 63a ) J 160 ~ 3 3 180 54 2 2 166 33 Va 8 8 175 ~ 7 7 195 1)6 7 7 201 141 ~C 3 3 170 51 1Ir 2 2 150 30 t~ ____l ___l_ ~~_____ 6 ___I ___ 2__~~ _____18___ =2___ 2__1~ ____20_ US ~ S05 142 7171 JIe8 330 18_ 6085 281 269 184 4956 -----------------------------------------------~------ ----

- 17 -


llRY EIBLE 1IEliS ACREME TIBLllUlll plIOWClIOIi 1944 to 194911

~ -- - ~124 124i 1W bull bull Acres bull bull bull bull Acree bull bull bull bull Acres bull bull ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pl~tedyeted Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted vested Per Acre duct ion pl~ntedyented Per Acre duct10n - - - ---TioiAcrlI- --pound --ThOuiyen~- Thouice ---Pouid --nOUBW- nouic~e ---POuid-middot --TboujjishyHamp1u 5 5 695 35 4 4 820 33 6 6 980 59 vt 1 1 626 6 NY 120 113 790 893 101 84 850 714 128 124 1200 1488 Mich 701 660 690 4554 435 363 820 2977 531 519 740 3841 Vb 2 2 430 9 1 1 560 6 ---Minn t 6 5 476 24 4 4 600 24 3 3 500 IS IfDosk 2 1 (730 7 1 1 700 7 1 1 600 6 lfebr 60 49 1260 617 53 18 1520 7JC 611- 62 1650 102] Mont 25 ~ 1083 249 20 18 1300 234 18 17 1 bull 590 270 Idlho 146 145 1550 2248 117 115 100 1725 131 128 1700 2176 qo 90 86 1240 1066 90 86 1250 1075 93 90 1450 1305 yenllh 3 3 1030 31 4 4 1250 50 4 4 1075 43 Oreg 1 1 1322 13 Tu 2 1 200 2 Colo 350 327 540 1766 290 271 580 1572 276 249 650 1618 fMex 267 ~O 302 695 203 161 180 290 142 114 225 256 Alb 15 14 395 55 14 13 515 67 14 13 900 117 Utah e 7 480 J4 8 7 400 2B 10 9 400 36 ~UL1IIrI 166 166 1327 2203 166 166 1242 2062 149 149 1342 2000 CtJ1fOUlIl1 183 157 1045 1640 148 141 1062 1497 134 134 1184 1587 poundeil _142 __ 221 _ _ 9Q _1bullsect41 _ __ 2~ __ 201 __1L129__ J~29_ __ ~1 _ _ g82 __1L2amp7__ _ l281_ ~___ g52 _ ~9~ ___ 02 _1amp41 __ ~5~ _ ~1 ___80__ vJ0~1__ 1Ot _ ~2~ ___917___12~_

DRY EDlDLE llEA1lS (Contd) - - - - 1241 124sect 1942 Jamp1ne 7 7 1100 77 9 9 900 81 8 8 925 74 bullbullY 138 13D 1070 1391 181 179 1230 2202 176 170 1000 1700 Mich 494 467 670 3129 514 504 880 4435 52) 519 1100 5709 Minn 2 1 350 4 1 1 650 6 1 1 650 6 1lDIk 1 1 850 8 lfllbr 80 76 1425 1083 85 83 1725 1432 90 85 1530 1301 Mont 2l 20 1450 2)0 22 21 1470 309 19 18 11170 265 IdlLho 159 154 1540 2372 ISO 148 1800 2664 149 147 1830 2690 To 112 107 1350 1444 98 95 1370 1302 83 81 1520 1231 lfaah 4 4 1200 48 5 5 1500 75 8 8 1490 119 Colo 331 321 800 2568 341 324 720 2333 307 295 820 2419 NMex 155 140 237 332 191 172 250 430 181 169 350 592 Arb 15 14 430 60 14 14 475 66 12 12 500 60 Utah 14 13 760 99 17 15 400 60 15 14 500 70 Ca11tL1IIrI 149 149 1406 2095 145 145 1603 2324 15 175 1654 2894 CallfOther 174 174 1303 2268 223 223 1389 3097 183 183 1229 2249 poundlil_2z1 __ 222 __ 25_t262 ___ 26Q __ 26Q __14ZJ_ __5431___ 25Q __ 25Q __1427_ __ 241_ ___ sect5~ _ m ___ 271 _116sect __ 29~ _ 23Q __1J014__ 086__ 23sect _ Q82 __1114___2~2 _ J1 Include b gl01OI1 for lead


- - - - li~ li4i 12~ s~te Acr Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acree Yield Proshy

Plantedl Har- Per Acre duction Planted Har_ Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted Har_ Per Acre duction _____ __x8td______________=_vsies______________Z8tlltL__________ _ rhoueAcieg Pounds Thous1jB ThousAcres ~ ThouBBagB ThoulAcree Pounds ThouBBagB

Mlch 1 1 770 8 Vh 3 3 970 29 2 2 950 19 1 1 1100 11 MInn 4 4 82033 4 4 950 38 6 6 800 48 NDak 14 13 1060 138 13 12 1200 144 15 15 1350 202 Mont 42 40 1103 441 32 30 1200 360 24 2J 1170 269 Idaho 225 219 1275 2792 ISS 153 1200 1836 161 156 1350 2106 lyo 2 2 921 18 2 2 1200 24 3 3 1250 38 Colo 33 22 860 189 bull 33 23 900 207 23 16 750 120 WaG 347 340 1290 4386 246 235 1160 2726 244 235 1480 3478 Oreg 58 56 1120 627 39 37 950 352 20 19 1300 247Qai____~ ___Ii __ l12 __ pound32 ____21 ___2Q _ _1 05_middot__ _29J_ ___1sect ___112 ___820____ l6Q _ l~_ ___ Z5Z - _ ru __ lgl _ J2li9t ___ i~ __ ilJ2 _ _11tl- _ -S91L __ ili __ 9_~ __13i8___ poundpound72 _

DRY FIELD PEAS (Contd) - - - - 1i41 1~1 -)242 Wle 1 1 1050 10 Minn 8 7 600 42 J J 900 27 7 7 950 66 Iflllk 20 18 1080 194 7 6 1200 72 5 5 1000 50 Mont 17 16 1100 176 8 8 1160 9J I 6 1130 68 Idaho 153middot 150 1320 1980 72 68 1220 830 99 89 1120 997 lyo 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1210 24 Colo 35 21 900 189 24 19 1000 190 19 16 1220 195 Vash 256 247 1300 J211 162 156 1280 1997 210 198 760 1505 Oreg 25 24 1180 28J 19 18 1300 234 17 14 700 98poundsll___ _Zl __ _ Zl ___ 19Q __ g11 ____1sect ___1sect __ 390____113____11 ___11 __1210____ 102 _ ____ 2~ __ 21l _ _ 33g _ ~l2g ___ Jl2 __ ~9Q __1J2g1__ JJ6fJ___ l8l _ _ 25 ___9pound7___ l~l~_ 1I h pl1Jlc1pal comerc1al produciD8 States Includes Pt)llS groUl for seed aDd comery pens harvested lUy

- III shy

1 UPDATA 1981



- - - - 19i4 19sect 12 li41 to ~ t 1242 St t A Aores Ac Acres A Acres ~ Acres ~ Acres A Acres

a e creB Har- reo H~r- cres ~r- cres H~r- cr~s H~r- eres Harshy____~1ne~eit~d_~1no~_elt~ltLlP~~tdlV~oeS_~1ne~lvsOS_ c~middot~_vselP~l~td_Jel~~d__

Thousand Acres Ind 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ill 12 12 9 9 7 7 5 5 6 6 4 4 ViB 3 3 2 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~1nn 18 18 12 12 7 7 10 10 6 6 5 5 Iogtlt 23 22 11 11 7 7 8 8 12 12 10 10 Mo 265 263 225 216 184 181 179 176 154 150 122 120 Iflhk 87 86 50 49 47 44 42 41 33 32 35 34 SJhk S49 502 390 362 238 221 188 179 152 149 164 156 Jlebr 704 685 50 480 390 374 343 325 364 351 364 347 K9ns 38116 3768 3054 2879 2718 2505 2256 2154 2459 2391 2361 2319 Va 10 9 15 10 15 9 17 9 14 6 12 4 IIVa 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 nc 26 26 23 23 30 30 32 32 35 35 32 32 sc 36 36 35 35 28 28 29 29 30 30 23 23 Ga 60 60 60 60 48 48 55 55 54 54 38 38 Ky 35 34 35 35 39 39 34 34 2l 21 18 18 Tenn 62 6 56 56 56 56 48 48 37 37 29 29 Ala 59 58 61 60 79 78 86 84 99 97 65 63 Mhs 65 64 63 61 51 49 53 52 47 46 34 33 Ark 94 93 97 95 82 80 78 75 68 67 51 50 Jg 10 10 9 9 8 8 9 9 11 11 11 11 Okla 2484 2406 1938middot 1829 1783 1664 1284 1198 1348 1258 1146 1094 T8 8318 8202 7653 7054 7273 6913 5527 5392 7019 6740 5168 5080 Mont 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 4 3 3 4 3 Vyo bull 14 13 10 9 7 7 7 6 4 4 5 5 Colo 766 723 705 658 613 546 490 470 500 479 645 618 1IHex 690 669 467 309 317 265 349 313 521 479 556 532 Arb 71 69 55 53 74 72 62 60 90 88 77 76 Calli 133 127 112 108 151 151 76 76 122 122 80 80 115- - -ie458 -18038 - - is668 - 14-498- 14- 2f6- - i540J -11-277- -10OsO - -13214 -12-679- -11064 - -10789- -


- - - l9~( t00 1916t 197 19aL 12112 St t Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros Dald Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros IReld Pro- Acres llel4 Proshy

a eHar_ Per duc_ Hl1- Per duc- H9r- Por dw- 59r- Per due- zHar- IPer duc_ Har- Per i ducshy___yetdlApoundrs_t0E lVS82C8l 1n_yeltdAEr_t0E lvse2cel 1n_yetdlApoundrl_t0E lvsse~cel isn_

Thous Thous Thous Thoua Thous ThOUG Thoua Thous Theus Thous Thous Thoua ~ TonE ~ Acrea ~ Tons Acros Tona1m Acres ~ Tons ~ TOilS ~ Acres 2 Tons

Ind 2 270 5 1 290 3 1 260 3 Ill 4 250 10 3 250 8 2 300 6 2 250 5 2 350 7 1 350 4 Minn 15 300 45 8 20 18 5 200 10 8 200 16 4 250 10 4 230 9 Iowa 12 300 36 5 300 15 2 350 7 2 250 5 6 300 18 4 250 10 Ho 150 211 316 146 180 263 105 220 231 95 180 171 86 20 189 58 210 122 N bull oruc 76 110 106 116 135 62 41 110 45 39 130 51 30 125 38 32 100 32 SDak 395 169 668 308 150 462 177 l70 301 152 130 198 124 180 223 133 135 180 Nebl 511 197 1007 383 160 613 279 165 460 234 155 363 222 160 355 220 230 506 Kans 1125 213 2396 1386 164 2273 1302 160 2083 989 140 1385 692 190 1315 649 185 1201 Va 6 170 10 8 175 1~ 7 175 12 8 175 14 5 180 9 4 175 7 lle 15 160 24 13 170 22 18 180 32 17 190 32 13 200 26 13 200 26 SC 22 130 29 21 145 30 14 150 21 14 140 20 16 1~5 2J 10 150 15 Ga 35 111 39 42 135 57 33 135 45 )8 130 49 41 130 5] 29 140 41 KT 22 184 ~o 25 240 60 23 260 60 22 280 62 15 210 32 13 21~ 2B Tenn 37 180 67 33 20 73 31 210 65 29 230 67 23 235 54 17 220 37 Ala 23 140 32 24 135 32 27 155 ~2 28 135 38 37 150 56 19 145 2B Hios 27 165 ~5 28 185 52 18 150 27 18 170 31 19 195 37 16 185 30 Ark 66 161 106 68 160 109 50 145 72 51 140 71 J8 185 70 27 190 51 L~ 6 130 8 5 165 8 ~ 160 6 4 135 5 6 145 9 5 160 8 Okla 132~ 145 1920 1118 125 1398 969 130 160 701 110 771 652 150 978 502 160 803 Tex 2920 1193768 2985 110 3283 2324 122 28391677 110 1844 lt17J 122 26601452 145 2105 Mont 5 117 6 4 120 5 6 115 7 4 130 5 J 150 4 3 80 2 Wyo 13 82 11 9 70 6 7 60 4 6 80 5 ~ 75 3 5 76 4 Colo ~7J 114 539 460 110 506 350 105 368 304 115 )50 280 105 29~ 301 107 322 11Mex 29~ 102 300 223 70 157 155 103 159 143 67 96 184 100 184 109 129 141 Arh 6 200 2 3 200 6 5 175 9 3 175 5 3 175 5 ~ 175 7 Ea1i__ _35pound __ Z___2_ ~poundO___ ~ __ _35pound ___7___~ 210___7___ _35pound __ ~ __ 2 _ 210___1pound

~middot~middot_118~ _15~ 015J317_ 10_ 21~11251_131_81~1_4520_ 3_56~6_ ~~8~ _14 ~~521~31_ za_11~

- 19 shy





- ---I I94 1J9s 1~~ S~at J Jor 1 Yield Pr d ti~ JeJ81 I n14 I ProducUcna I Jone J Yield Pro4ucUoII

____1_~bullt4_1_~r_~l _1__0_u _~ _1_IIret4__~I_-l _1________~t4_1_~1_~l J _____ _ ThouIAcne ~ ThoU Bu llloutareplE ft1oUI Bu BiouDJeJ8el llloubullbull IIp

Ind 2 ~9 48 2 300 60 1 300 30 Ill 1 240 2h 1 290 29 1 300 30 Iova 1 240 24 1 200 20 1 200 20 Mo 61 216 1)18 29 ~o 435 ~ 220 968 IDaIt 8 163 130 1 160 16 1 135 14 SDak 92 153 1408 43 115 494 37 160 592 lobI 115 22) 2564 75 180 1350 18 200 1560 Ian 2229 221 49261 1149 154 17695 B51 1)5 11488 IC 2 250 50 3 2)0 69 sc 1 165 16 1 170 17 3 IB5 56 Al 2 163 33 13 150 195 2) 160 368 uk 7 143 100 10 170 170 8 150 120 La 1 150 15 1 180 18 1 140 14 Okla 979 1050 146805 636 120 7632 6~ 115 7176 ex 05103 194 99229 ) 950 150 c59139 4~ 160 71840 ColO aIfO 1057 3768 180 lAt9 2682 191 130 2483 1lIex )69 166 6111 84 70 587 108 104 1127 Aris 54 372 2009 44 )40 1496 55 360 1980 ~a1____11____)1~ ____ ~)~ _____1pound2____32~ ___ _ l27 _____~5____42 ___ ~292 __ US 9)86 197 184978 6)24 152 9606) 6669 159 106025


- - --I l~ 192s 1~ Stah I tar 1 Yield 1 PrOdUCtioD Acre I Yield I ProductiOIl Acne I Yield 1 Productloll

____1_~etd_Umiddotr_Jer _1_______ _~etd_I_Pr_Ael _1_______1_lIrQt4__~r_~l J _____ _ Thoue Jon ll 2a DIOUlllOD ThoubullbullJer 12 DIoubullbull Toll lhoUlJarooa ToD bou l01I

lIId 5 105 52 4 120 48 3 110 111 4 100 40 3 90 27 2 105 21 Vh 1 80 8 1 75 8 M1Dn 70 21 4 60 24 2 65 13 Iowa 6 100 60 3 90 27 1 110 11 Mo 85 374 36 71) 252 25 85 212 IDak 2 30 6 2 202 4 2 21 4 SDaIc 15 7 56 11 3- 37 7 40 28 Ifebr 59 64 378 22 50 110 17 50 BS Iane 412 70 2884 )42 55 1881 SO 60 21OQ SC 3 50 15 ) 55 16 3 50 15 Ga ) 40 12 1 45 14 51) 20 leDII 10 65 65 9 70 63 6 70 42 Al 6 75 45 05 70 35 6 60 36)Ii 12 90 108 12 90 108 12 75 90 Ark 3 55 16 2 55 11 5 60 )0 La 1 61 7 1 7- 7 1 66 7 Old 97 50 485 10 45 115 67 40 l68 Ix l6It 48 789 108 35 )83 87 41 ~O Colo 10 55 55 18 45 81 5 50 25 bullbull lIu 6 ) 20 2 30 2 45 9 Arll 9 121) 108 6 US 69 12 U5 138pounda1_____4____~~ ______2 ______4 ~ ______4 _____~ ______l~ ______ ____1~~

US 879 642 56114 671 532 3510 623 576 3SS7


- - - -I = 19~ = = = == = ~ 1~4sect state crill 1 Yield ProductioD Acre 1 Yield I Prod t1 I Acres Yield Pr

_____~etd_lt]~r_Apoundr ________1_Hrstd_IJr_Apoundr ____~ _o~ __~etd_Jr_Apoundrtl _ ~d~~1~~ ThougAcru Jl9B1 lhquGIlllog TI1quecrea ~ TboutOallQII ThguuJcru GalloDII AAUIIlampllov

Ind 1 80 80 1 90 90 1 75 75 Ill 3 50 ISO 2 50 100 2 65 1)0 Via 2 80 160 1 70 70 1 62 62 10 3 125 )705 2 100 200 3 129 387 Mo 8 62 496 5 45 225 7 55 385 bu 2 55 110 2 SO 100 2 51 102 Va J 65 195 2 65 130 2 66 1)2 VVa 3 59 177 2 67 134 1 66 66 lIC 11 74 814 8 64 512 9 131 729 SC 10 55 550 10 55 550 8 58 464 Ge 22 55 1210 15 57 855 11 53 583 17 12 65 780 10 73 730 16 85 1360 laDII 15 61 915 14 60 840 19 73 1)87 Ala 27 65 1755 18 66 1188 22 6) 1386 Mha 25 78 1950 21 80 1680 19 65 1235 Ark 17 SO 850 15 55 825 17 60 1020 L~ 2 55 110 2 60 120 2 40 80 OklL 6 42 252 5 43 215 4 47 188

i~----~i---~------l~-----l~---~------~______~ ___~____ _~2__--- - - - - - - - - - _1_ - __ l~ _____146____6middotZ ____ 2~ _____~_ 660 10171

-O- ------------ shy



-s~~e-= ~II 1 RI~ 1Pr~~to ~r~ ~~ 1 ~o~t~I~ ~~ R~~ ~din I BarYeated Per Acre I I BarYe ted Per Acr I I BarYbullbulltod Per Acr

- - - -1h-cr- -Dl~hr- -fhoa- ia - fhQicr1 bir- - -TiioQ- ib- - thOulAcibullbull -Dlhel- TiioU- -IDe 1 260 26 1 320 32 1 320 JJ~ Iowa 1 160 16 1 195 20 1 225 m )10 114 160 704 30 240 72031 200 6tjIlak 1 155 16 1 160 16 SDU 111 90 162 20 155 310 20 122 244

Iobr 75 150 1125 111 225 2632 109 236 2572lAD 754 145 10933 339 215 287811 1392 215 29 928 IC 5 250 125 16 270 432 15 250 375 s Q 5 155 78 1 175 122 7 180 126 Ala 34 165 561 45 195 878 33 181 597 Arll 10 150 15016 1110 2811 14 172 241 lA 2 140 28 2 155 31 3 170 51 CkIa 440 110 11840 556 150 8340 548 155 8494 181 3640 180 65421 496 165 74143 3563 239 114996 Colo 160 150 2400 192 170 3264 3011 172 52911 INex 167 106 1764 287 140 40111 415 222 9213 Arh 53 410 2113 75 400 3000 61 1146 2721 -~l____1~ ____3 ____ ~sect9 _____16___ 31middot ____ ~~ _____ 11___ 32 ~ ___ r62_ ~~___ ~~ ____lI~ ____9I11 ____ 7____1~ ___ ~I~ ____6~5~2____2 __ 4~_

ALL SOBOIIllKS JOR SIIMB AOlJWlE YIELD A)JD PROIUClIOIl 1947 to 1949 _______ ~_7_________________ __________________ ~~_______ _~------------~------------------~------------------ilt--------

State Acre I Yh1d I Acre field Acre Yield BarPedd Per Acre Product1on I BarPted Per Acre Production llarveted Pet Acre Production

- - - - ThouAcre -iaL- - -boU7tOji - biiuAcro -Jiii- - -b0li71oi- ~ouEcre - -~n - -fhw7Tu Ind 2 85 17 2 115 23 2 115 23 Ill 2 90 18 4 105 42 3 93 28 Hinn 2 60 12 2 eo 16 1 70 7 IoVA 3 60 18 3 95 28 3 100 30 Mo 33 70 231 31 95 294 29 86 249 IfIlK 1 25 2 1 30 3 2 23 5 slak 9 25 22 5 55 28 3 42 13 Ibr 16 45 72 12 60 72 18 70 126lAD 409 53 21611 359 76 2 72~ 278 73 2029 SC 3 50 15 2 55 11 3 60 18 0 3 45 14 5 55 211 3 60 IS Tonn 6 70 42 7 75 52 8 76 61 Ala 4 65 26 7 75 52 6 74 44 Nh 12 65 711 12 01 0 96 8 85 61 Ark 3 5middot3 16 5 75 38 5 75 38 ta 1 60 6 2 68 14 2 70 14 (kIa 54 37 200 4 55 264 43 56 241 Tex 69 37 258 66 46 305 60 57 343 Colo 6 45 27 7 55 38 9 48 43 IIMex 3 40 12 e 45 36 8 53 42 Arh 4 110 44 10 110 110 11 115 126 -~1____ ~ ____1poundpound ______~ ______4____1poundpound ______~ ______6____1~ pound _____~_ ~____ ~4~ ____ 4___ _ lP _____~2____ 7____ ~~1 _____51____ 10___ sect2~_


-- -- I~ D[8 I~i State Aeres Tield Production I Acr Tield Produetlon I Acree Yield Production

BarYeted I Per Acre I BarTeted Per Acre BarYeted Per Acre - - - - hiiuicre - Gallon - bouGallon thouD Xcre - 01100 - fhoubullbullOaflon ~iiuicro - iiaflon -lhOli7aeliOii Ind 1 70 70 1 90 90 1 90 90 Ill 1 55 55 1118 1 51 51 1 80 80 1 77 77 IClVa 2 80 160 2 168 336 2 158 316 Mo II 42 168 3 66 1911 2 61 122 Ian 2 51 102 1 47 47 Va 1 61 67 1 90 90 IIVa 1 70 70 bullbullC 10 73 730 6 611 408 4 72 211 Sc 7 49 343 5 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ Ga 14 59 826 II ~ ~ 6 60 ~ ~ 12 74 888 6 73 438 5 79 395 Tnn 13 60 7S0 7 Ala 111 60 10110 8 m = ~ =Mi 22 68 1496 15 78 1170 9 63 567 Arll 11 42 462 8 64 512 4 54 216 La 2 35 70 1 43 43 1 45 45 Cltla 3 33 99 2 55 110 1 52 52 ~_____ ~ ____ 25______ 13~ ______5__ _ ______ 1pound _____ -____ ~_____ __I~

Us 131 7847 SO 6911 55116 53 66s 3539 -------------------------~---------------------------- -------- 21 shy

bullUPDATA 1981 ~~ I j


--- -- 1~ t 19~ t 19[6 StlAt I Acree Yield Acrn Yield Acrea Yield

Harvea d Pel Production Harvest d Per Production Harvested Per Production _________ ~ _ _Agrl _ ______ ______Apound~ __ ______ t ______ _Asr~ _______ _

ThoutlAcree Ton8 ThouTone ThouAcre Ton ThouBlone ThoUllAcres 1on8 Thou8Tone Main 923 89 818 833 106 882 84 99 m fK 388 102 395 376 123 464 364 118 431 it 1032 126 1298 10oe 150 1516 1006 143 1442 )(saso 319 124 469 376 164 615 365 164 597 RI 36 1l4 41 37 146 54 34144 49 Conn 304 123 374 300 157 472 288 162 467 fY 4008 144 5759 4021 161 6488 3968 162 6416 NJ 274 147 402 288 177 509 260 175 454 PIi 2564 140 3597 2539 151 3826 2525 150 3789 0b10 2605 139 3622 2560 148 3801 2536 152 3848 Ind 2004 131 2626 1765 145 2551 1835 137 2511 Ill 2824 139 3938 2662 152 4053 2732 146 3985 Mich 2813 1)8 3895 2671 148 3958 2648 124 3272 Vb 4263 163 6929 4214 187 7870 4ll2 155 6371 Minn 4683 142 6640 4366 152 6637 4067 146 5956 Iowa 3551 164 58)6 1304 172 5677 3275 163 5325 Mo 3703 113 4171 3914 115 4500 3545 119 4201 lItDIIk 3421 97 3305 3434 94 3233 3068 89 2724 SDak 36e5 99 3637 3616 92 3312 3478 80 2775 Nebr 4355 112 4865 4062 11)9 4436 3915 97 3787 ~B 1784 167 2982 1783 161 2875 1746 135 2354 Del 82 1 ~o 98 75 152 114 71 149 106 Md 461 120 552 464 139 643 442 148 656 Va 1383 11)2 1405 1477 117 1722 1391 119 1650 IIv 835 108 904 840 1~ 1061 812 129 1045 NC 1315 96 1263 1374 98 1352 1263 102 1285 sc 543 74 400 554 84 465 S07 87 442 Oe 1406 49 689 1441 54 785 1399 52 723 lIla 118 54 64 125 57 71 123 49 60 It) 1630 112 1831 1987 137 2720 1813 136 2459 Tenn 1769 94 1660 1978 124 2444 1802 122 2205 All 1 091 67 730 995 75 742 999 74 744 M18s 925 119 1104 873 117 1025 850 123 1046 Ark 1397 109 1529 1378 116 1595 1258 118 1483 ra 3Jl 119 395 326 125 406 319 126 403 Okla 1296 129 1671 1326 133 1757 1355 113 1534 Tex 1591 90 1439 1599 96 1537 1623 11)3 1619 Mont 2265 119 2689 2267 117 2681 2147 112 2395 Idho 1198 204 2445 1189 204 2428 1140 213 2429 liTo 1156 113 1312 1103 116 1274 1091 111 1214 Colo 1467 159 2331 1425 155 2215 1359 148 2008 NMex 217 221 419 201 192 385 206 212 436 Arb 332 218 723 309 242 748 306 239 737 Utah 612 203 1245 597 200 1194 573 195 1115 ireV 435 142 617 436 141 615 432 152 655 VaBb 989 119 1775 931 187 1744 656 192 1640 Oreg 1156 173 1996 1158 170 1970 1062 173 1~39poundampl1____20plusmn0____ ~middot21____ 22~ ____2130____ ~bullsect4____60]6____ 282 __ _ 1~2_ ___6t0Q3_ ~____ 176)9____ ]middot13___ 03~2 ___ 16627____ ]~__ _1~7t418_ ___71141 ___ ]15___ 291518_

VILD HAY ACREAGE nELD lID PllOllUCTIOlf 1944 to 191i6

- - - - - 1~ l I9~ l 19[6 state I Acree Yield Acree Yield AcreB Yield

I Harveated Per Productioll ltlrvesed bull Per bull Production Harvested Per bull Production ___________ l ce__ ~ ______ t _____ _ =_AsrJ __ ______ l _______~r __ _____ _

ThouaAcrem ThousTon bonaAcres ona ThousTona Thoue-cres ~ Thousfou Via 140 130 182 94 115 106 llO 115 126 Minn 1452 1ll 1612 1394 115 1603 1282 110 1410 10 102 122 124 92 120 llO 86 1O 103 Mo 154 109 168 160 120 192 150 100 ISO NDal 2576 90 ~318 2576 85 2190 2318 85 1970 sJ))k 3076 88 2707 3014 60 24ll 2693 70 2025 Nebr 3198 80 2558 2942 75 2206 2795 65 1817Ian 693 111 769 638 115 734 636 75 478 Ark 194 104 202 202 105 212 202 105 212 Okla 480 118 566 437 125 S46 428 100 428 Tex 195 105 205 185 100 185 191 105 201 Mont 867 85 737 806 90 725 622 60 658 ldho 139 lU 156 139 115 160 135 110 148 To 529 60 423 481 BO 385 495 85 421 Colo 466 97 452 443 100 443 439 85 373 NMex 20 88 16 15 70 10 27 100 27 Utah 103 124 126 lOS 100 105 105 120 1-6 lreT 267 100 267 267 100 267 267 110 294 Yam 46 115 53 51 125 64 47 120 56 Or~ ll76 115 320 3U 11n 3IU gt86 110 315 ~l-l_____1$gt____ 110_____ 17g _____112___ _ 1io_ ~ __ _2ffl_ ____ 152 ___ 1lL ____11~_

k ___ 5all1_____23____1~J1 ___ 4~~_____21___ Jt2~2___ _ ll~7 ___ _g3_ __ l51 _


FFeti5 Hri+tttrtft gt~- bullbull ~Mto shy



- -- -- 1~7 19la_ 19sect State Acrea Yild cr Tlel-l Acrea Yield

______II~~t~d_ ~ ~~~__ ~ ~d~ln_l v~e~ _~_A~~ ___~o~u~t~o~ ~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~____P~o~u~to~ ~bullbullAcrea gAl ~ousTonD fitouDcrea ~ lhoulITons Tbous bullocres I2 Thou9Tonl

M1n 766 11)8 627 nO 11)2 746 695 9B 682 lilI J5) 127 446 JJ9 124 421 J18 11) )56 n 995 149 148J 974 145 1416 952 124 1176 ca )51 154 540 J46 160 59f )42 145 496 RI )2 159 51 29 159 46 28 1 bullSO 42 Conn 280 166 464 272 162 440 26) 156 410 IIT )752 161 6029 )642 165 6016 3)97 1)6 46)0 IJ 244 17) 422 236 161 428 239 177 422 Il 2))9 150 )511 2194 146 )710 2202 142 )123 Ohio 2497 140 34B6 2)84 14) )406 2255 142 )212 Ind 1708 1)6 2)Jl 1661 1)6 2251 1616 145 2 bull 342 Ill 2626 14J )756 2)85 149 )558 2230 165 J689 Mich 2628 1Jl J45) 24)6 1)7 )346 2)29 1)2 )069 Vh 4066 16) 6665 )940 1)8 54)2 3916 15) 5972 MiIlJ1 4063 142 57n )659 1)7 529) 3819 1)lt3 5268 10_ )J)B 154 5154 2943 1)4 )955 )100 159 49)0 Me 3762 114 4)10 )S46 129 4564 )60) 129 465) IDU 3289 95 )110 3176 91 2901 )441 B5 2920 S~ )675 85 ))1) 4126 84 )451 4412 68 3013 lfebr 4)05 113 4BBI 4))4 105 4532 4836 108 5ZJl Iu 2059 153 )155 195) 176 )479 2017 160 3~z2 Del 69 146 102 n 140 102 68 110 97 Md 429 142 611 445 144 64) 429 152 ti51 Vamp 1)27 107 1414 1)72 126 1722 1321 127 16n VV 60) 116 92B 796 129 1026 B02 124 991_C 1292 96 1267 1290 10) 1)28 1246 105 1)12 SC 465 76 )76 509 68 449 52J 91 476 0amp 1)91 51 70) 1416 56 791 1055 6) 66) 11 125 54 67 1)2 58 77 65 62 5) 1) 1666 1)B 2568 1687 126 21)0 1828 110 2)60 l1IllU 1812 117 2120 1691 111 1861 l7J4 125 2175 U 939 72 679 922 18 720 790 84 667 Ki 601 115 923 769 121 9)3 779 115 89) Ark 1254 98 1224 1211 124 150) 1116 117 1J10 111 300 118 )s4 294 112 )29 295 1m 379 Okla 1580 119 1B77 1490 I)) 1975 1)50 1)5 1821 le 1620 90 16)7 1706 91 1556 145) 112 1624 MoDt 2227 112 2491 220) I) 2704 2On 101 2084 Idoho 1022 2Z5 2296 986 220 2171 1050 2lt) 2))7 1170 1080 117 1265 1017 94 960 1104 110 1209 Colo 1)56 164 2219 1)51 167 2251 1401 164 229) Ifllex 216 210 454 20) 212 4)) 19) 209 404 Arlo m 220 595 226 2)8 5)7 25) 247 624 Utah S6B 208 1160 550 205 1129 5)7 21) 1145 - )92 155 606 )8) 151 577 377 154 580 lfath 60) 1117 150) 765 205 1611 772 178 1375 Oree 1076 169 1617 1061 174 1646 970 158 1526 ~11middot____~~~ __ ~ J bull 26____ euro1)Q ____1~7O____ 1middotQ7____5JplusmnL ___ 1l15Q ___ 1middot25___ 3 49_ [middotk ___ 1 46amp6____ 1middot15___ 10Q$~ ___ 11617____ 114___ 2611~ ___71~ __ _ lmiddotlJ_ __ 25025_

_1If_ eii2ll 2r_A1l_II~r_r2r_125~D-~ 9Z1J211 o_____________ bull __________

~~~ _lAi~~e5drIx~~rpoundr ~tloi ~ce ~eililfgi ct r~~ln hqutr ll lhoubullbullrona rhouaAcr 12l ThouaToga

~ _____1 _0_____ 111_______ 1~~ _____ 1~ _____ 1Ql_ ______ 1~~ _ Ylk ____ 14aJgl_____ 1J8______ 10l57______7~11J _____ l~L _____ l0ll_ ~ -

WILD BAT AClUllilE fIELD AlID PBODUCrIOll 1947 to 1~1

- - - - - 1i41 1~ 1~ Il~t I Acre I Yield heres Yield Acres Yield bull

I arT ted I Per Production arTeBted Per ProucUon Iifrvsted Per bull Production ____ _1_ __~ __ _~rl _ i ______ 1 _______ cLe______________ cIe___=_____ _

1houeAcreo 1M lhoubullbullTop rhouoAcree ~ rhouerona rhousAcrea ron rhoubullbullroue Vlo 106 115 122 1)0 95 124 112 107 120 Minn 1)06 11e 1439 12)0 105 1292 11)2 105 1169 10 75 1O 90 61 115 9) 70 123 66 Mo 150 110 165 141 110 155 1)5 110 146 1IDIIk 2596 90 2))6 2414 65 2052 2535 Bo 2028 SDU )240 75 24)0 )4)4 70 2401 )4)4 57 1957_hr 296) 60 2)70 2904 65 1686 )252 75 24)9 lUI 702 110 772 611 115 7~ 642 115 nB Ark 204 B5 In 175 110 192 152 105 160 00amp 458 110 504 4)1 1 lt5 5)9 416 1gt0 502 lu 210 95 200 197 65 167 1B5 101 167 Mont 860 BO 704 654 90 769 769 75 577 Id~o 132 110 145 140 100 140 144 109 157 To 500 95 475 475 60 lB5 522 B5 444 Colo 470 105 494 451 105 474 474 102 4B) 11 Megt 27 BO 22 25 75 19 22 6) 1B Utah 109 125 1)6 105 110 126 105 I) 12911 230 1111 25) 216 105 227 205 9B 201 Vampth 46 120 55 55 1)0 2 57 120 68 Oreg )00 110 ))0 )30 15 412 291 106 gt08pound41lf_____1i6____ 11(1_____ 17~ _____1J6____ 1ltgt_____120_____ 1J~ ___ 112_____1~_

~____ 4~_____10____111111 ___ 4515_____~5___ l)~___ _~19= ____~2___ l121_ - 23 shy

-UPDATA 1981 bull _ bull h



ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944




- - -- 12411lMIX99 sbullbullbullbull _ iorea n 14 I Pro- Acre iDre J nld Pro- Acne lAcn_ TleU Proshy-- re I Ifuo- I e I I I Hu- I I J Bar- I

____1~~~~bull l_I_~r_~~ ~~ ~~~Y ~~_1_~~l~)P~~Ye ~r_I~ _~~1J1_ I1cu tara ~ hOh ~oubull iDn l ThouBn hOlla AlIre ]ahale fhouellIl bull

bullbullr 90 J5 185 278 90 11 185 3~ 107 17 184 313 bullbull1 89 15 180 20 f5 12 175 210 88 12 179 215 Pa 21 18 155 Z79 21 16 ~5 232 21 ~ 165 231 Ohio 71 JO 170 S10 67 20 180 360 ~ 18 170 306 lad ~3 60 v0 8110 ISO ~ ~5 928~) 57 1)5 77fJ Ill ~ -7 ~O 658 113 53 150 795 123 56 141 790 1I11JII 126 7fJ ~5 1015 1)2 80 150 1200 1 57 140 798 V1I 109 87 120 1~ 112 92 l20 1104 119 92 120 1104 lie la 1~ 150 21f6O 278 2)9 150 3585 200 172 145 2494 lov 28 15 150 225 36 17 155 264 5) 18 140 252 Mo 100 36 110 396 105 )5 120 420 U7 )5 112 392 bullbullDIIk 360 30 140 4522 461 401 120 4812 26) 229 115 2634 S1lIIk _10 ~7 v0 4858 476 392 1)0 5096 328 267 117 31211shyu ~ 305 90 2145 352 238 95 2261 317 207 74 1532 Eau 136 110 627 90 )I U5 391 65 28 97 272 DIll 32 19 135 256 33 20 120 2110 28 ~ 140 196 M 52 16 150 JIO 48 V v0 196 52 12 145 1a 1350 140 322 155 25 V5 362 15) 18 140 252 Va 8 3 120 36 6 2 130 26 6 2 136 2 _C ~ ~5 348 117 22 130 286 113 17 115 196 SC 42 10 115 115)1 7 85 60 26 6 95 57 Oa 2 6 75 45 22 5 90 45 20 4 80 32 1Ir 141 37 140 518 130 28 150 420 1)6 2 136 J67 fua 98 26 105 273 100 30 110 330 105 20 101 202 Oltla 115 JJ8 95 456 108 36 75 270 1~ 36 70 252 ~z 7fJ 35 100 3SO B4 30 70 210 100 38 80 304 MoII 52 29 125 )62 JO 20 1)5 27fJ 2) 7 90 63 I4aho 10 5 17G 85 10 4 130 52 10 ) 150 450 21 7 110 71 27 7 70 49 Z7 7 102 n Colo 8 7 100 47fJ 58 35 80 2BO 38 2) 90 207 bullbull lIDz 7 5 115 511 7 5 UO 55 7 5 120 60 ~u 12 6 100 60 10 5 100 SO 10 5 Uo 55 Vesb SO 13 100 130 JJ8 17 130 221 42 10 101 101 Orec 125 32 ~O AiIf8 110 24 145 )lI8 116 15 103 154 ~-1____1 ___l _~O____ _ P ___21 ___ 2__~2 _____14___ 5____6__12~ ____ ~_ ~___ ~7 _9 _ 28____2l~ _22~ __~o~__l ___ S86_ ~23__15t__1~ __ ~1~2


--- - J2i+I i1 i W9 I Mn5 I J liDnll I I Acre

StaM I Mn I JIcq I nu I Pro- mne I iaIo J nld I Pro- I Acn I IreZ- I Yield Proshy____I~~laquobulld_~I_ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~YIleJ ~ ~ ~~_1_~~l~J1JP~~lYlle ~Pr_~~_d~l~J1_

Au II ftIagpa hog Mn lI1 ~1UIlln hOUR Acre lIIt_hel lhou1Iu

181 6 6 170 102 5 5 200 100 5 5 210 105 ft 1 1 140 14_r a 1M 135 1539 99 96 195 1872 78 76 210 1596 12) 114 160 182It 101 96 210 2016 78 200 1480 Will __ 42 155 651 16 16 180 2B8 12 12 210 2521114 19 18 140 252 2 2 150 30 4 160 64 IU 16 16 130 208 4 4 170 68 2 2 160 32 Ill 63 57 130 11 30 27 130 351 20 19 145 276 V18 2 25 ~5 362 25 ~ 155 356 23 22 151 332 Ill 62 54 120 ~ )It 29 150 bull 435 28 ~ 125 300 1_ 10 10 120 120 JIll 2 2 110 22 bullbullDate 8 7 150 105 3 J 160 If8 4 120 If8 s~ 9 8 110 88 4 160 64 3 J 80 2H II - - 180 72 ) ) 230 69 3 -) 210 63a ) J 160 ~ 3 3 180 54 2 2 166 33 Va 8 8 175 ~ 7 7 195 1)6 7 7 201 141 ~C 3 3 170 51 1Ir 2 2 150 30 t~ ____l ___l_ ~~_____ 6 ___I ___ 2__~~ _____18___ =2___ 2__1~ ____20_ US ~ S05 142 7171 JIe8 330 18_ 6085 281 269 184 4956 -----------------------------------------------~------ ----

- 17 -


llRY EIBLE 1IEliS ACREME TIBLllUlll plIOWClIOIi 1944 to 194911

~ -- - ~124 124i 1W bull bull Acres bull bull bull bull Acree bull bull bull bull Acres bull bull ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pl~tedyeted Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted vested Per Acre duct ion pl~ntedyented Per Acre duct10n - - - ---TioiAcrlI- --pound --ThOuiyen~- Thouice ---Pouid --nOUBW- nouic~e ---POuid-middot --TboujjishyHamp1u 5 5 695 35 4 4 820 33 6 6 980 59 vt 1 1 626 6 NY 120 113 790 893 101 84 850 714 128 124 1200 1488 Mich 701 660 690 4554 435 363 820 2977 531 519 740 3841 Vb 2 2 430 9 1 1 560 6 ---Minn t 6 5 476 24 4 4 600 24 3 3 500 IS IfDosk 2 1 (730 7 1 1 700 7 1 1 600 6 lfebr 60 49 1260 617 53 18 1520 7JC 611- 62 1650 102] Mont 25 ~ 1083 249 20 18 1300 234 18 17 1 bull 590 270 Idlho 146 145 1550 2248 117 115 100 1725 131 128 1700 2176 qo 90 86 1240 1066 90 86 1250 1075 93 90 1450 1305 yenllh 3 3 1030 31 4 4 1250 50 4 4 1075 43 Oreg 1 1 1322 13 Tu 2 1 200 2 Colo 350 327 540 1766 290 271 580 1572 276 249 650 1618 fMex 267 ~O 302 695 203 161 180 290 142 114 225 256 Alb 15 14 395 55 14 13 515 67 14 13 900 117 Utah e 7 480 J4 8 7 400 2B 10 9 400 36 ~UL1IIrI 166 166 1327 2203 166 166 1242 2062 149 149 1342 2000 CtJ1fOUlIl1 183 157 1045 1640 148 141 1062 1497 134 134 1184 1587 poundeil _142 __ 221 _ _ 9Q _1bullsect41 _ __ 2~ __ 201 __1L129__ J~29_ __ ~1 _ _ g82 __1L2amp7__ _ l281_ ~___ g52 _ ~9~ ___ 02 _1amp41 __ ~5~ _ ~1 ___80__ vJ0~1__ 1Ot _ ~2~ ___917___12~_

DRY EDlDLE llEA1lS (Contd) - - - - 1241 124sect 1942 Jamp1ne 7 7 1100 77 9 9 900 81 8 8 925 74 bullbullY 138 13D 1070 1391 181 179 1230 2202 176 170 1000 1700 Mich 494 467 670 3129 514 504 880 4435 52) 519 1100 5709 Minn 2 1 350 4 1 1 650 6 1 1 650 6 1lDIk 1 1 850 8 lfllbr 80 76 1425 1083 85 83 1725 1432 90 85 1530 1301 Mont 2l 20 1450 2)0 22 21 1470 309 19 18 11170 265 IdlLho 159 154 1540 2372 ISO 148 1800 2664 149 147 1830 2690 To 112 107 1350 1444 98 95 1370 1302 83 81 1520 1231 lfaah 4 4 1200 48 5 5 1500 75 8 8 1490 119 Colo 331 321 800 2568 341 324 720 2333 307 295 820 2419 NMex 155 140 237 332 191 172 250 430 181 169 350 592 Arb 15 14 430 60 14 14 475 66 12 12 500 60 Utah 14 13 760 99 17 15 400 60 15 14 500 70 Ca11tL1IIrI 149 149 1406 2095 145 145 1603 2324 15 175 1654 2894 CallfOther 174 174 1303 2268 223 223 1389 3097 183 183 1229 2249 poundlil_2z1 __ 222 __ 25_t262 ___ 26Q __ 26Q __14ZJ_ __5431___ 25Q __ 25Q __1427_ __ 241_ ___ sect5~ _ m ___ 271 _116sect __ 29~ _ 23Q __1J014__ 086__ 23sect _ Q82 __1114___2~2 _ J1 Include b gl01OI1 for lead


- - - - li~ li4i 12~ s~te Acr Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acree Yield Proshy

Plantedl Har- Per Acre duction Planted Har_ Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted Har_ Per Acre duction _____ __x8td______________=_vsies______________Z8tlltL__________ _ rhoueAcieg Pounds Thous1jB ThousAcres ~ ThouBBagB ThoulAcree Pounds ThouBBagB

Mlch 1 1 770 8 Vh 3 3 970 29 2 2 950 19 1 1 1100 11 MInn 4 4 82033 4 4 950 38 6 6 800 48 NDak 14 13 1060 138 13 12 1200 144 15 15 1350 202 Mont 42 40 1103 441 32 30 1200 360 24 2J 1170 269 Idaho 225 219 1275 2792 ISS 153 1200 1836 161 156 1350 2106 lyo 2 2 921 18 2 2 1200 24 3 3 1250 38 Colo 33 22 860 189 bull 33 23 900 207 23 16 750 120 WaG 347 340 1290 4386 246 235 1160 2726 244 235 1480 3478 Oreg 58 56 1120 627 39 37 950 352 20 19 1300 247Qai____~ ___Ii __ l12 __ pound32 ____21 ___2Q _ _1 05_middot__ _29J_ ___1sect ___112 ___820____ l6Q _ l~_ ___ Z5Z - _ ru __ lgl _ J2li9t ___ i~ __ ilJ2 _ _11tl- _ -S91L __ ili __ 9_~ __13i8___ poundpound72 _

DRY FIELD PEAS (Contd) - - - - 1i41 1~1 -)242 Wle 1 1 1050 10 Minn 8 7 600 42 J J 900 27 7 7 950 66 Iflllk 20 18 1080 194 7 6 1200 72 5 5 1000 50 Mont 17 16 1100 176 8 8 1160 9J I 6 1130 68 Idaho 153middot 150 1320 1980 72 68 1220 830 99 89 1120 997 lyo 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1210 24 Colo 35 21 900 189 24 19 1000 190 19 16 1220 195 Vash 256 247 1300 J211 162 156 1280 1997 210 198 760 1505 Oreg 25 24 1180 28J 19 18 1300 234 17 14 700 98poundsll___ _Zl __ _ Zl ___ 19Q __ g11 ____1sect ___1sect __ 390____113____11 ___11 __1210____ 102 _ ____ 2~ __ 21l _ _ 33g _ ~l2g ___ Jl2 __ ~9Q __1J2g1__ JJ6fJ___ l8l _ _ 25 ___9pound7___ l~l~_ 1I h pl1Jlc1pal comerc1al produciD8 States Includes Pt)llS groUl for seed aDd comery pens harvested lUy

- III shy

1 UPDATA 1981



- - - - 19i4 19sect 12 li41 to ~ t 1242 St t A Aores Ac Acres A Acres ~ Acres ~ Acres A Acres

a e creB Har- reo H~r- cres ~r- cres H~r- cr~s H~r- eres Harshy____~1ne~eit~d_~1no~_elt~ltLlP~~tdlV~oeS_~1ne~lvsOS_ c~middot~_vselP~l~td_Jel~~d__

Thousand Acres Ind 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ill 12 12 9 9 7 7 5 5 6 6 4 4 ViB 3 3 2 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~1nn 18 18 12 12 7 7 10 10 6 6 5 5 Iogtlt 23 22 11 11 7 7 8 8 12 12 10 10 Mo 265 263 225 216 184 181 179 176 154 150 122 120 Iflhk 87 86 50 49 47 44 42 41 33 32 35 34 SJhk S49 502 390 362 238 221 188 179 152 149 164 156 Jlebr 704 685 50 480 390 374 343 325 364 351 364 347 K9ns 38116 3768 3054 2879 2718 2505 2256 2154 2459 2391 2361 2319 Va 10 9 15 10 15 9 17 9 14 6 12 4 IIVa 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 nc 26 26 23 23 30 30 32 32 35 35 32 32 sc 36 36 35 35 28 28 29 29 30 30 23 23 Ga 60 60 60 60 48 48 55 55 54 54 38 38 Ky 35 34 35 35 39 39 34 34 2l 21 18 18 Tenn 62 6 56 56 56 56 48 48 37 37 29 29 Ala 59 58 61 60 79 78 86 84 99 97 65 63 Mhs 65 64 63 61 51 49 53 52 47 46 34 33 Ark 94 93 97 95 82 80 78 75 68 67 51 50 Jg 10 10 9 9 8 8 9 9 11 11 11 11 Okla 2484 2406 1938middot 1829 1783 1664 1284 1198 1348 1258 1146 1094 T8 8318 8202 7653 7054 7273 6913 5527 5392 7019 6740 5168 5080 Mont 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 4 3 3 4 3 Vyo bull 14 13 10 9 7 7 7 6 4 4 5 5 Colo 766 723 705 658 613 546 490 470 500 479 645 618 1IHex 690 669 467 309 317 265 349 313 521 479 556 532 Arb 71 69 55 53 74 72 62 60 90 88 77 76 Calli 133 127 112 108 151 151 76 76 122 122 80 80 115- - -ie458 -18038 - - is668 - 14-498- 14- 2f6- - i540J -11-277- -10OsO - -13214 -12-679- -11064 - -10789- -


- - - l9~( t00 1916t 197 19aL 12112 St t Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros Dald Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros IReld Pro- Acres llel4 Proshy

a eHar_ Per duc_ Hl1- Per duc- H9r- Por dw- 59r- Per due- zHar- IPer duc_ Har- Per i ducshy___yetdlApoundrs_t0E lVS82C8l 1n_yeltdAEr_t0E lvse2cel 1n_yetdlApoundrl_t0E lvsse~cel isn_

Thous Thous Thous Thoua Thous ThOUG Thoua Thous Theus Thous Thous Thoua ~ TonE ~ Acrea ~ Tons Acros Tona1m Acres ~ Tons ~ TOilS ~ Acres 2 Tons

Ind 2 270 5 1 290 3 1 260 3 Ill 4 250 10 3 250 8 2 300 6 2 250 5 2 350 7 1 350 4 Minn 15 300 45 8 20 18 5 200 10 8 200 16 4 250 10 4 230 9 Iowa 12 300 36 5 300 15 2 350 7 2 250 5 6 300 18 4 250 10 Ho 150 211 316 146 180 263 105 220 231 95 180 171 86 20 189 58 210 122 N bull oruc 76 110 106 116 135 62 41 110 45 39 130 51 30 125 38 32 100 32 SDak 395 169 668 308 150 462 177 l70 301 152 130 198 124 180 223 133 135 180 Nebl 511 197 1007 383 160 613 279 165 460 234 155 363 222 160 355 220 230 506 Kans 1125 213 2396 1386 164 2273 1302 160 2083 989 140 1385 692 190 1315 649 185 1201 Va 6 170 10 8 175 1~ 7 175 12 8 175 14 5 180 9 4 175 7 lle 15 160 24 13 170 22 18 180 32 17 190 32 13 200 26 13 200 26 SC 22 130 29 21 145 30 14 150 21 14 140 20 16 1~5 2J 10 150 15 Ga 35 111 39 42 135 57 33 135 45 )8 130 49 41 130 5] 29 140 41 KT 22 184 ~o 25 240 60 23 260 60 22 280 62 15 210 32 13 21~ 2B Tenn 37 180 67 33 20 73 31 210 65 29 230 67 23 235 54 17 220 37 Ala 23 140 32 24 135 32 27 155 ~2 28 135 38 37 150 56 19 145 2B Hios 27 165 ~5 28 185 52 18 150 27 18 170 31 19 195 37 16 185 30 Ark 66 161 106 68 160 109 50 145 72 51 140 71 J8 185 70 27 190 51 L~ 6 130 8 5 165 8 ~ 160 6 4 135 5 6 145 9 5 160 8 Okla 132~ 145 1920 1118 125 1398 969 130 160 701 110 771 652 150 978 502 160 803 Tex 2920 1193768 2985 110 3283 2324 122 28391677 110 1844 lt17J 122 26601452 145 2105 Mont 5 117 6 4 120 5 6 115 7 4 130 5 J 150 4 3 80 2 Wyo 13 82 11 9 70 6 7 60 4 6 80 5 ~ 75 3 5 76 4 Colo ~7J 114 539 460 110 506 350 105 368 304 115 )50 280 105 29~ 301 107 322 11Mex 29~ 102 300 223 70 157 155 103 159 143 67 96 184 100 184 109 129 141 Arh 6 200 2 3 200 6 5 175 9 3 175 5 3 175 5 ~ 175 7 Ea1i__ _35pound __ Z___2_ ~poundO___ ~ __ _35pound ___7___~ 210___7___ _35pound __ ~ __ 2 _ 210___1pound

~middot~middot_118~ _15~ 015J317_ 10_ 21~11251_131_81~1_4520_ 3_56~6_ ~~8~ _14 ~~521~31_ za_11~

- 19 shy





- ---I I94 1J9s 1~~ S~at J Jor 1 Yield Pr d ti~ JeJ81 I n14 I ProducUcna I Jone J Yield Pro4ucUoII

____1_~bullt4_1_~r_~l _1__0_u _~ _1_IIret4__~I_-l _1________~t4_1_~1_~l J _____ _ ThouIAcne ~ ThoU Bu llloutareplE ft1oUI Bu BiouDJeJ8el llloubullbull IIp

Ind 2 ~9 48 2 300 60 1 300 30 Ill 1 240 2h 1 290 29 1 300 30 Iova 1 240 24 1 200 20 1 200 20 Mo 61 216 1)18 29 ~o 435 ~ 220 968 IDaIt 8 163 130 1 160 16 1 135 14 SDak 92 153 1408 43 115 494 37 160 592 lobI 115 22) 2564 75 180 1350 18 200 1560 Ian 2229 221 49261 1149 154 17695 B51 1)5 11488 IC 2 250 50 3 2)0 69 sc 1 165 16 1 170 17 3 IB5 56 Al 2 163 33 13 150 195 2) 160 368 uk 7 143 100 10 170 170 8 150 120 La 1 150 15 1 180 18 1 140 14 Okla 979 1050 146805 636 120 7632 6~ 115 7176 ex 05103 194 99229 ) 950 150 c59139 4~ 160 71840 ColO aIfO 1057 3768 180 lAt9 2682 191 130 2483 1lIex )69 166 6111 84 70 587 108 104 1127 Aris 54 372 2009 44 )40 1496 55 360 1980 ~a1____11____)1~ ____ ~)~ _____1pound2____32~ ___ _ l27 _____~5____42 ___ ~292 __ US 9)86 197 184978 6)24 152 9606) 6669 159 106025


- - --I l~ 192s 1~ Stah I tar 1 Yield 1 PrOdUCtioD Acre I Yield I ProductiOIl Acne I Yield 1 Productloll

____1_~etd_Umiddotr_Jer _1_______ _~etd_I_Pr_Ael _1_______1_lIrQt4__~r_~l J _____ _ Thoue Jon ll 2a DIOUlllOD ThoubullbullJer 12 DIoubullbull Toll lhoUlJarooa ToD bou l01I

lIId 5 105 52 4 120 48 3 110 111 4 100 40 3 90 27 2 105 21 Vh 1 80 8 1 75 8 M1Dn 70 21 4 60 24 2 65 13 Iowa 6 100 60 3 90 27 1 110 11 Mo 85 374 36 71) 252 25 85 212 IDak 2 30 6 2 202 4 2 21 4 SDaIc 15 7 56 11 3- 37 7 40 28 Ifebr 59 64 378 22 50 110 17 50 BS Iane 412 70 2884 )42 55 1881 SO 60 21OQ SC 3 50 15 ) 55 16 3 50 15 Ga ) 40 12 1 45 14 51) 20 leDII 10 65 65 9 70 63 6 70 42 Al 6 75 45 05 70 35 6 60 36)Ii 12 90 108 12 90 108 12 75 90 Ark 3 55 16 2 55 11 5 60 )0 La 1 61 7 1 7- 7 1 66 7 Old 97 50 485 10 45 115 67 40 l68 Ix l6It 48 789 108 35 )83 87 41 ~O Colo 10 55 55 18 45 81 5 50 25 bullbull lIu 6 ) 20 2 30 2 45 9 Arll 9 121) 108 6 US 69 12 U5 138pounda1_____4____~~ ______2 ______4 ~ ______4 _____~ ______l~ ______ ____1~~

US 879 642 56114 671 532 3510 623 576 3SS7


- - - -I = 19~ = = = == = ~ 1~4sect state crill 1 Yield ProductioD Acre 1 Yield I Prod t1 I Acres Yield Pr

_____~etd_lt]~r_Apoundr ________1_Hrstd_IJr_Apoundr ____~ _o~ __~etd_Jr_Apoundrtl _ ~d~~1~~ ThougAcru Jl9B1 lhquGIlllog TI1quecrea ~ TboutOallQII ThguuJcru GalloDII AAUIIlampllov

Ind 1 80 80 1 90 90 1 75 75 Ill 3 50 ISO 2 50 100 2 65 1)0 Via 2 80 160 1 70 70 1 62 62 10 3 125 )705 2 100 200 3 129 387 Mo 8 62 496 5 45 225 7 55 385 bu 2 55 110 2 SO 100 2 51 102 Va J 65 195 2 65 130 2 66 1)2 VVa 3 59 177 2 67 134 1 66 66 lIC 11 74 814 8 64 512 9 131 729 SC 10 55 550 10 55 550 8 58 464 Ge 22 55 1210 15 57 855 11 53 583 17 12 65 780 10 73 730 16 85 1360 laDII 15 61 915 14 60 840 19 73 1)87 Ala 27 65 1755 18 66 1188 22 6) 1386 Mha 25 78 1950 21 80 1680 19 65 1235 Ark 17 SO 850 15 55 825 17 60 1020 L~ 2 55 110 2 60 120 2 40 80 OklL 6 42 252 5 43 215 4 47 188

i~----~i---~------l~-----l~---~------~______~ ___~____ _~2__--- - - - - - - - - - _1_ - __ l~ _____146____6middotZ ____ 2~ _____~_ 660 10171

-O- ------------ shy



-s~~e-= ~II 1 RI~ 1Pr~~to ~r~ ~~ 1 ~o~t~I~ ~~ R~~ ~din I BarYeated Per Acre I I BarYe ted Per Acr I I BarYbullbulltod Per Acr

- - - -1h-cr- -Dl~hr- -fhoa- ia - fhQicr1 bir- - -TiioQ- ib- - thOulAcibullbull -Dlhel- TiioU- -IDe 1 260 26 1 320 32 1 320 JJ~ Iowa 1 160 16 1 195 20 1 225 m )10 114 160 704 30 240 72031 200 6tjIlak 1 155 16 1 160 16 SDU 111 90 162 20 155 310 20 122 244

Iobr 75 150 1125 111 225 2632 109 236 2572lAD 754 145 10933 339 215 287811 1392 215 29 928 IC 5 250 125 16 270 432 15 250 375 s Q 5 155 78 1 175 122 7 180 126 Ala 34 165 561 45 195 878 33 181 597 Arll 10 150 15016 1110 2811 14 172 241 lA 2 140 28 2 155 31 3 170 51 CkIa 440 110 11840 556 150 8340 548 155 8494 181 3640 180 65421 496 165 74143 3563 239 114996 Colo 160 150 2400 192 170 3264 3011 172 52911 INex 167 106 1764 287 140 40111 415 222 9213 Arh 53 410 2113 75 400 3000 61 1146 2721 -~l____1~ ____3 ____ ~sect9 _____16___ 31middot ____ ~~ _____ 11___ 32 ~ ___ r62_ ~~___ ~~ ____lI~ ____9I11 ____ 7____1~ ___ ~I~ ____6~5~2____2 __ 4~_

ALL SOBOIIllKS JOR SIIMB AOlJWlE YIELD A)JD PROIUClIOIl 1947 to 1949 _______ ~_7_________________ __________________ ~~_______ _~------------~------------------~------------------ilt--------

State Acre I Yh1d I Acre field Acre Yield BarPedd Per Acre Product1on I BarPted Per Acre Production llarveted Pet Acre Production

- - - - ThouAcre -iaL- - -boU7tOji - biiuAcro -Jiii- - -b0li71oi- ~ouEcre - -~n - -fhw7Tu Ind 2 85 17 2 115 23 2 115 23 Ill 2 90 18 4 105 42 3 93 28 Hinn 2 60 12 2 eo 16 1 70 7 IoVA 3 60 18 3 95 28 3 100 30 Mo 33 70 231 31 95 294 29 86 249 IfIlK 1 25 2 1 30 3 2 23 5 slak 9 25 22 5 55 28 3 42 13 Ibr 16 45 72 12 60 72 18 70 126lAD 409 53 21611 359 76 2 72~ 278 73 2029 SC 3 50 15 2 55 11 3 60 18 0 3 45 14 5 55 211 3 60 IS Tonn 6 70 42 7 75 52 8 76 61 Ala 4 65 26 7 75 52 6 74 44 Nh 12 65 711 12 01 0 96 8 85 61 Ark 3 5middot3 16 5 75 38 5 75 38 ta 1 60 6 2 68 14 2 70 14 (kIa 54 37 200 4 55 264 43 56 241 Tex 69 37 258 66 46 305 60 57 343 Colo 6 45 27 7 55 38 9 48 43 IIMex 3 40 12 e 45 36 8 53 42 Arh 4 110 44 10 110 110 11 115 126 -~1____ ~ ____1poundpound ______~ ______4____1poundpound ______~ ______6____1~ pound _____~_ ~____ ~4~ ____ 4___ _ lP _____~2____ 7____ ~~1 _____51____ 10___ sect2~_


-- -- I~ D[8 I~i State Aeres Tield Production I Acr Tield Produetlon I Acree Yield Production

BarYeted I Per Acre I BarTeted Per Acre BarYeted Per Acre - - - - hiiuicre - Gallon - bouGallon thouD Xcre - 01100 - fhoubullbullOaflon ~iiuicro - iiaflon -lhOli7aeliOii Ind 1 70 70 1 90 90 1 90 90 Ill 1 55 55 1118 1 51 51 1 80 80 1 77 77 IClVa 2 80 160 2 168 336 2 158 316 Mo II 42 168 3 66 1911 2 61 122 Ian 2 51 102 1 47 47 Va 1 61 67 1 90 90 IIVa 1 70 70 bullbullC 10 73 730 6 611 408 4 72 211 Sc 7 49 343 5 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ Ga 14 59 826 II ~ ~ 6 60 ~ ~ 12 74 888 6 73 438 5 79 395 Tnn 13 60 7S0 7 Ala 111 60 10110 8 m = ~ =Mi 22 68 1496 15 78 1170 9 63 567 Arll 11 42 462 8 64 512 4 54 216 La 2 35 70 1 43 43 1 45 45 Cltla 3 33 99 2 55 110 1 52 52 ~_____ ~ ____ 25______ 13~ ______5__ _ ______ 1pound _____ -____ ~_____ __I~

Us 131 7847 SO 6911 55116 53 66s 3539 -------------------------~---------------------------- -------- 21 shy

bullUPDATA 1981 ~~ I j


--- -- 1~ t 19~ t 19[6 StlAt I Acree Yield Acrn Yield Acrea Yield

Harvea d Pel Production Harvest d Per Production Harvested Per Production _________ ~ _ _Agrl _ ______ ______Apound~ __ ______ t ______ _Asr~ _______ _

ThoutlAcree Ton8 ThouTone ThouAcre Ton ThouBlone ThoUllAcres 1on8 Thou8Tone Main 923 89 818 833 106 882 84 99 m fK 388 102 395 376 123 464 364 118 431 it 1032 126 1298 10oe 150 1516 1006 143 1442 )(saso 319 124 469 376 164 615 365 164 597 RI 36 1l4 41 37 146 54 34144 49 Conn 304 123 374 300 157 472 288 162 467 fY 4008 144 5759 4021 161 6488 3968 162 6416 NJ 274 147 402 288 177 509 260 175 454 PIi 2564 140 3597 2539 151 3826 2525 150 3789 0b10 2605 139 3622 2560 148 3801 2536 152 3848 Ind 2004 131 2626 1765 145 2551 1835 137 2511 Ill 2824 139 3938 2662 152 4053 2732 146 3985 Mich 2813 1)8 3895 2671 148 3958 2648 124 3272 Vb 4263 163 6929 4214 187 7870 4ll2 155 6371 Minn 4683 142 6640 4366 152 6637 4067 146 5956 Iowa 3551 164 58)6 1304 172 5677 3275 163 5325 Mo 3703 113 4171 3914 115 4500 3545 119 4201 lItDIIk 3421 97 3305 3434 94 3233 3068 89 2724 SDak 36e5 99 3637 3616 92 3312 3478 80 2775 Nebr 4355 112 4865 4062 11)9 4436 3915 97 3787 ~B 1784 167 2982 1783 161 2875 1746 135 2354 Del 82 1 ~o 98 75 152 114 71 149 106 Md 461 120 552 464 139 643 442 148 656 Va 1383 11)2 1405 1477 117 1722 1391 119 1650 IIv 835 108 904 840 1~ 1061 812 129 1045 NC 1315 96 1263 1374 98 1352 1263 102 1285 sc 543 74 400 554 84 465 S07 87 442 Oe 1406 49 689 1441 54 785 1399 52 723 lIla 118 54 64 125 57 71 123 49 60 It) 1630 112 1831 1987 137 2720 1813 136 2459 Tenn 1769 94 1660 1978 124 2444 1802 122 2205 All 1 091 67 730 995 75 742 999 74 744 M18s 925 119 1104 873 117 1025 850 123 1046 Ark 1397 109 1529 1378 116 1595 1258 118 1483 ra 3Jl 119 395 326 125 406 319 126 403 Okla 1296 129 1671 1326 133 1757 1355 113 1534 Tex 1591 90 1439 1599 96 1537 1623 11)3 1619 Mont 2265 119 2689 2267 117 2681 2147 112 2395 Idho 1198 204 2445 1189 204 2428 1140 213 2429 liTo 1156 113 1312 1103 116 1274 1091 111 1214 Colo 1467 159 2331 1425 155 2215 1359 148 2008 NMex 217 221 419 201 192 385 206 212 436 Arb 332 218 723 309 242 748 306 239 737 Utah 612 203 1245 597 200 1194 573 195 1115 ireV 435 142 617 436 141 615 432 152 655 VaBb 989 119 1775 931 187 1744 656 192 1640 Oreg 1156 173 1996 1158 170 1970 1062 173 1~39poundampl1____20plusmn0____ ~middot21____ 22~ ____2130____ ~bullsect4____60]6____ 282 __ _ 1~2_ ___6t0Q3_ ~____ 176)9____ ]middot13___ 03~2 ___ 16627____ ]~__ _1~7t418_ ___71141 ___ ]15___ 291518_

VILD HAY ACREAGE nELD lID PllOllUCTIOlf 1944 to 191i6

- - - - - 1~ l I9~ l 19[6 state I Acree Yield Acree Yield AcreB Yield

I Harveated Per Productioll ltlrvesed bull Per bull Production Harvested Per bull Production ___________ l ce__ ~ ______ t _____ _ =_AsrJ __ ______ l _______~r __ _____ _

ThouaAcrem ThousTon bonaAcres ona ThousTona Thoue-cres ~ Thousfou Via 140 130 182 94 115 106 llO 115 126 Minn 1452 1ll 1612 1394 115 1603 1282 110 1410 10 102 122 124 92 120 llO 86 1O 103 Mo 154 109 168 160 120 192 150 100 ISO NDal 2576 90 ~318 2576 85 2190 2318 85 1970 sJ))k 3076 88 2707 3014 60 24ll 2693 70 2025 Nebr 3198 80 2558 2942 75 2206 2795 65 1817Ian 693 111 769 638 115 734 636 75 478 Ark 194 104 202 202 105 212 202 105 212 Okla 480 118 566 437 125 S46 428 100 428 Tex 195 105 205 185 100 185 191 105 201 Mont 867 85 737 806 90 725 622 60 658 ldho 139 lU 156 139 115 160 135 110 148 To 529 60 423 481 BO 385 495 85 421 Colo 466 97 452 443 100 443 439 85 373 NMex 20 88 16 15 70 10 27 100 27 Utah 103 124 126 lOS 100 105 105 120 1-6 lreT 267 100 267 267 100 267 267 110 294 Yam 46 115 53 51 125 64 47 120 56 Or~ ll76 115 320 3U 11n 3IU gt86 110 315 ~l-l_____1$gt____ 110_____ 17g _____112___ _ 1io_ ~ __ _2ffl_ ____ 152 ___ 1lL ____11~_

k ___ 5all1_____23____1~J1 ___ 4~~_____21___ Jt2~2___ _ ll~7 ___ _g3_ __ l51 _


FFeti5 Hri+tttrtft gt~- bullbull ~Mto shy



- -- -- 1~7 19la_ 19sect State Acrea Yild cr Tlel-l Acrea Yield

______II~~t~d_ ~ ~~~__ ~ ~d~ln_l v~e~ _~_A~~ ___~o~u~t~o~ ~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~____P~o~u~to~ ~bullbullAcrea gAl ~ousTonD fitouDcrea ~ lhoulITons Tbous bullocres I2 Thou9Tonl

M1n 766 11)8 627 nO 11)2 746 695 9B 682 lilI J5) 127 446 JJ9 124 421 J18 11) )56 n 995 149 148J 974 145 1416 952 124 1176 ca )51 154 540 J46 160 59f )42 145 496 RI )2 159 51 29 159 46 28 1 bullSO 42 Conn 280 166 464 272 162 440 26) 156 410 IIT )752 161 6029 )642 165 6016 3)97 1)6 46)0 IJ 244 17) 422 236 161 428 239 177 422 Il 2))9 150 )511 2194 146 )710 2202 142 )123 Ohio 2497 140 34B6 2)84 14) )406 2255 142 )212 Ind 1708 1)6 2)Jl 1661 1)6 2251 1616 145 2 bull 342 Ill 2626 14J )756 2)85 149 )558 2230 165 J689 Mich 2628 1Jl J45) 24)6 1)7 )346 2)29 1)2 )069 Vh 4066 16) 6665 )940 1)8 54)2 3916 15) 5972 MiIlJ1 4063 142 57n )659 1)7 529) 3819 1)lt3 5268 10_ )J)B 154 5154 2943 1)4 )955 )100 159 49)0 Me 3762 114 4)10 )S46 129 4564 )60) 129 465) IDU 3289 95 )110 3176 91 2901 )441 B5 2920 S~ )675 85 ))1) 4126 84 )451 4412 68 3013 lfebr 4)05 113 4BBI 4))4 105 4532 4836 108 5ZJl Iu 2059 153 )155 195) 176 )479 2017 160 3~z2 Del 69 146 102 n 140 102 68 110 97 Md 429 142 611 445 144 64) 429 152 ti51 Vamp 1)27 107 1414 1)72 126 1722 1321 127 16n VV 60) 116 92B 796 129 1026 B02 124 991_C 1292 96 1267 1290 10) 1)28 1246 105 1)12 SC 465 76 )76 509 68 449 52J 91 476 0amp 1)91 51 70) 1416 56 791 1055 6) 66) 11 125 54 67 1)2 58 77 65 62 5) 1) 1666 1)B 2568 1687 126 21)0 1828 110 2)60 l1IllU 1812 117 2120 1691 111 1861 l7J4 125 2175 U 939 72 679 922 18 720 790 84 667 Ki 601 115 923 769 121 9)3 779 115 89) Ark 1254 98 1224 1211 124 150) 1116 117 1J10 111 300 118 )s4 294 112 )29 295 1m 379 Okla 1580 119 1B77 1490 I)) 1975 1)50 1)5 1821 le 1620 90 16)7 1706 91 1556 145) 112 1624 MoDt 2227 112 2491 220) I) 2704 2On 101 2084 Idoho 1022 2Z5 2296 986 220 2171 1050 2lt) 2))7 1170 1080 117 1265 1017 94 960 1104 110 1209 Colo 1)56 164 2219 1)51 167 2251 1401 164 229) Ifllex 216 210 454 20) 212 4)) 19) 209 404 Arlo m 220 595 226 2)8 5)7 25) 247 624 Utah S6B 208 1160 550 205 1129 5)7 21) 1145 - )92 155 606 )8) 151 577 377 154 580 lfath 60) 1117 150) 765 205 1611 772 178 1375 Oree 1076 169 1617 1061 174 1646 970 158 1526 ~11middot____~~~ __ ~ J bull 26____ euro1)Q ____1~7O____ 1middotQ7____5JplusmnL ___ 1l15Q ___ 1middot25___ 3 49_ [middotk ___ 1 46amp6____ 1middot15___ 10Q$~ ___ 11617____ 114___ 2611~ ___71~ __ _ lmiddotlJ_ __ 25025_

_1If_ eii2ll 2r_A1l_II~r_r2r_125~D-~ 9Z1J211 o_____________ bull __________

~~~ _lAi~~e5drIx~~rpoundr ~tloi ~ce ~eililfgi ct r~~ln hqutr ll lhoubullbullrona rhouaAcr 12l ThouaToga

~ _____1 _0_____ 111_______ 1~~ _____ 1~ _____ 1Ql_ ______ 1~~ _ Ylk ____ 14aJgl_____ 1J8______ 10l57______7~11J _____ l~L _____ l0ll_ ~ -

WILD BAT AClUllilE fIELD AlID PBODUCrIOll 1947 to 1~1

- - - - - 1i41 1~ 1~ Il~t I Acre I Yield heres Yield Acres Yield bull

I arT ted I Per Production arTeBted Per ProucUon Iifrvsted Per bull Production ____ _1_ __~ __ _~rl _ i ______ 1 _______ cLe______________ cIe___=_____ _

1houeAcreo 1M lhoubullbullTop rhouoAcree ~ rhouerona rhousAcrea ron rhoubullbullroue Vlo 106 115 122 1)0 95 124 112 107 120 Minn 1)06 11e 1439 12)0 105 1292 11)2 105 1169 10 75 1O 90 61 115 9) 70 123 66 Mo 150 110 165 141 110 155 1)5 110 146 1IDIIk 2596 90 2))6 2414 65 2052 2535 Bo 2028 SDU )240 75 24)0 )4)4 70 2401 )4)4 57 1957_hr 296) 60 2)70 2904 65 1686 )252 75 24)9 lUI 702 110 772 611 115 7~ 642 115 nB Ark 204 B5 In 175 110 192 152 105 160 00amp 458 110 504 4)1 1 lt5 5)9 416 1gt0 502 lu 210 95 200 197 65 167 1B5 101 167 Mont 860 BO 704 654 90 769 769 75 577 Id~o 132 110 145 140 100 140 144 109 157 To 500 95 475 475 60 lB5 522 B5 444 Colo 470 105 494 451 105 474 474 102 4B) 11 Megt 27 BO 22 25 75 19 22 6) 1B Utah 109 125 1)6 105 110 126 105 I) 12911 230 1111 25) 216 105 227 205 9B 201 Vampth 46 120 55 55 1)0 2 57 120 68 Oreg )00 110 ))0 )30 15 412 291 106 gt08pound41lf_____1i6____ 11(1_____ 17~ _____1J6____ 1ltgt_____120_____ 1J~ ___ 112_____1~_

~____ 4~_____10____111111 ___ 4515_____~5___ l)~___ _~19= ____~2___ l121_ - 23 shy

-UPDATA 1981 bull _ bull h



ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944



llRY EIBLE 1IEliS ACREME TIBLllUlll plIOWClIOIi 1944 to 194911

~ -- - ~124 124i 1W bull bull Acres bull bull bull bull Acree bull bull bull bull Acres bull bull ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pl~tedyeted Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted vested Per Acre duct ion pl~ntedyented Per Acre duct10n - - - ---TioiAcrlI- --pound --ThOuiyen~- Thouice ---Pouid --nOUBW- nouic~e ---POuid-middot --TboujjishyHamp1u 5 5 695 35 4 4 820 33 6 6 980 59 vt 1 1 626 6 NY 120 113 790 893 101 84 850 714 128 124 1200 1488 Mich 701 660 690 4554 435 363 820 2977 531 519 740 3841 Vb 2 2 430 9 1 1 560 6 ---Minn t 6 5 476 24 4 4 600 24 3 3 500 IS IfDosk 2 1 (730 7 1 1 700 7 1 1 600 6 lfebr 60 49 1260 617 53 18 1520 7JC 611- 62 1650 102] Mont 25 ~ 1083 249 20 18 1300 234 18 17 1 bull 590 270 Idlho 146 145 1550 2248 117 115 100 1725 131 128 1700 2176 qo 90 86 1240 1066 90 86 1250 1075 93 90 1450 1305 yenllh 3 3 1030 31 4 4 1250 50 4 4 1075 43 Oreg 1 1 1322 13 Tu 2 1 200 2 Colo 350 327 540 1766 290 271 580 1572 276 249 650 1618 fMex 267 ~O 302 695 203 161 180 290 142 114 225 256 Alb 15 14 395 55 14 13 515 67 14 13 900 117 Utah e 7 480 J4 8 7 400 2B 10 9 400 36 ~UL1IIrI 166 166 1327 2203 166 166 1242 2062 149 149 1342 2000 CtJ1fOUlIl1 183 157 1045 1640 148 141 1062 1497 134 134 1184 1587 poundeil _142 __ 221 _ _ 9Q _1bullsect41 _ __ 2~ __ 201 __1L129__ J~29_ __ ~1 _ _ g82 __1L2amp7__ _ l281_ ~___ g52 _ ~9~ ___ 02 _1amp41 __ ~5~ _ ~1 ___80__ vJ0~1__ 1Ot _ ~2~ ___917___12~_

DRY EDlDLE llEA1lS (Contd) - - - - 1241 124sect 1942 Jamp1ne 7 7 1100 77 9 9 900 81 8 8 925 74 bullbullY 138 13D 1070 1391 181 179 1230 2202 176 170 1000 1700 Mich 494 467 670 3129 514 504 880 4435 52) 519 1100 5709 Minn 2 1 350 4 1 1 650 6 1 1 650 6 1lDIk 1 1 850 8 lfllbr 80 76 1425 1083 85 83 1725 1432 90 85 1530 1301 Mont 2l 20 1450 2)0 22 21 1470 309 19 18 11170 265 IdlLho 159 154 1540 2372 ISO 148 1800 2664 149 147 1830 2690 To 112 107 1350 1444 98 95 1370 1302 83 81 1520 1231 lfaah 4 4 1200 48 5 5 1500 75 8 8 1490 119 Colo 331 321 800 2568 341 324 720 2333 307 295 820 2419 NMex 155 140 237 332 191 172 250 430 181 169 350 592 Arb 15 14 430 60 14 14 475 66 12 12 500 60 Utah 14 13 760 99 17 15 400 60 15 14 500 70 Ca11tL1IIrI 149 149 1406 2095 145 145 1603 2324 15 175 1654 2894 CallfOther 174 174 1303 2268 223 223 1389 3097 183 183 1229 2249 poundlil_2z1 __ 222 __ 25_t262 ___ 26Q __ 26Q __14ZJ_ __5431___ 25Q __ 25Q __1427_ __ 241_ ___ sect5~ _ m ___ 271 _116sect __ 29~ _ 23Q __1J014__ 086__ 23sect _ Q82 __1114___2~2 _ J1 Include b gl01OI1 for lead


- - - - li~ li4i 12~ s~te Acr Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acree Yield Proshy

Plantedl Har- Per Acre duction Planted Har_ Per Acre ductlon Pl~nted Har_ Per Acre duction _____ __x8td______________=_vsies______________Z8tlltL__________ _ rhoueAcieg Pounds Thous1jB ThousAcres ~ ThouBBagB ThoulAcree Pounds ThouBBagB

Mlch 1 1 770 8 Vh 3 3 970 29 2 2 950 19 1 1 1100 11 MInn 4 4 82033 4 4 950 38 6 6 800 48 NDak 14 13 1060 138 13 12 1200 144 15 15 1350 202 Mont 42 40 1103 441 32 30 1200 360 24 2J 1170 269 Idaho 225 219 1275 2792 ISS 153 1200 1836 161 156 1350 2106 lyo 2 2 921 18 2 2 1200 24 3 3 1250 38 Colo 33 22 860 189 bull 33 23 900 207 23 16 750 120 WaG 347 340 1290 4386 246 235 1160 2726 244 235 1480 3478 Oreg 58 56 1120 627 39 37 950 352 20 19 1300 247Qai____~ ___Ii __ l12 __ pound32 ____21 ___2Q _ _1 05_middot__ _29J_ ___1sect ___112 ___820____ l6Q _ l~_ ___ Z5Z - _ ru __ lgl _ J2li9t ___ i~ __ ilJ2 _ _11tl- _ -S91L __ ili __ 9_~ __13i8___ poundpound72 _

DRY FIELD PEAS (Contd) - - - - 1i41 1~1 -)242 Wle 1 1 1050 10 Minn 8 7 600 42 J J 900 27 7 7 950 66 Iflllk 20 18 1080 194 7 6 1200 72 5 5 1000 50 Mont 17 16 1100 176 8 8 1160 9J I 6 1130 68 Idaho 153middot 150 1320 1980 72 68 1220 830 99 89 1120 997 lyo 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1200 24 2 2 1210 24 Colo 35 21 900 189 24 19 1000 190 19 16 1220 195 Vash 256 247 1300 J211 162 156 1280 1997 210 198 760 1505 Oreg 25 24 1180 28J 19 18 1300 234 17 14 700 98poundsll___ _Zl __ _ Zl ___ 19Q __ g11 ____1sect ___1sect __ 390____113____11 ___11 __1210____ 102 _ ____ 2~ __ 21l _ _ 33g _ ~l2g ___ Jl2 __ ~9Q __1J2g1__ JJ6fJ___ l8l _ _ 25 ___9pound7___ l~l~_ 1I h pl1Jlc1pal comerc1al produciD8 States Includes Pt)llS groUl for seed aDd comery pens harvested lUy

- III shy

1 UPDATA 1981



- - - - 19i4 19sect 12 li41 to ~ t 1242 St t A Aores Ac Acres A Acres ~ Acres ~ Acres A Acres

a e creB Har- reo H~r- cres ~r- cres H~r- cr~s H~r- eres Harshy____~1ne~eit~d_~1no~_elt~ltLlP~~tdlV~oeS_~1ne~lvsOS_ c~middot~_vselP~l~td_Jel~~d__

Thousand Acres Ind 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ill 12 12 9 9 7 7 5 5 6 6 4 4 ViB 3 3 2 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~1nn 18 18 12 12 7 7 10 10 6 6 5 5 Iogtlt 23 22 11 11 7 7 8 8 12 12 10 10 Mo 265 263 225 216 184 181 179 176 154 150 122 120 Iflhk 87 86 50 49 47 44 42 41 33 32 35 34 SJhk S49 502 390 362 238 221 188 179 152 149 164 156 Jlebr 704 685 50 480 390 374 343 325 364 351 364 347 K9ns 38116 3768 3054 2879 2718 2505 2256 2154 2459 2391 2361 2319 Va 10 9 15 10 15 9 17 9 14 6 12 4 IIVa 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 nc 26 26 23 23 30 30 32 32 35 35 32 32 sc 36 36 35 35 28 28 29 29 30 30 23 23 Ga 60 60 60 60 48 48 55 55 54 54 38 38 Ky 35 34 35 35 39 39 34 34 2l 21 18 18 Tenn 62 6 56 56 56 56 48 48 37 37 29 29 Ala 59 58 61 60 79 78 86 84 99 97 65 63 Mhs 65 64 63 61 51 49 53 52 47 46 34 33 Ark 94 93 97 95 82 80 78 75 68 67 51 50 Jg 10 10 9 9 8 8 9 9 11 11 11 11 Okla 2484 2406 1938middot 1829 1783 1664 1284 1198 1348 1258 1146 1094 T8 8318 8202 7653 7054 7273 6913 5527 5392 7019 6740 5168 5080 Mont 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 4 3 3 4 3 Vyo bull 14 13 10 9 7 7 7 6 4 4 5 5 Colo 766 723 705 658 613 546 490 470 500 479 645 618 1IHex 690 669 467 309 317 265 349 313 521 479 556 532 Arb 71 69 55 53 74 72 62 60 90 88 77 76 Calli 133 127 112 108 151 151 76 76 122 122 80 80 115- - -ie458 -18038 - - is668 - 14-498- 14- 2f6- - i540J -11-277- -10OsO - -13214 -12-679- -11064 - -10789- -


- - - l9~( t00 1916t 197 19aL 12112 St t Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros Dald Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros IReld Pro- Acres llel4 Proshy

a eHar_ Per duc_ Hl1- Per duc- H9r- Por dw- 59r- Per due- zHar- IPer duc_ Har- Per i ducshy___yetdlApoundrs_t0E lVS82C8l 1n_yeltdAEr_t0E lvse2cel 1n_yetdlApoundrl_t0E lvsse~cel isn_

Thous Thous Thous Thoua Thous ThOUG Thoua Thous Theus Thous Thous Thoua ~ TonE ~ Acrea ~ Tons Acros Tona1m Acres ~ Tons ~ TOilS ~ Acres 2 Tons

Ind 2 270 5 1 290 3 1 260 3 Ill 4 250 10 3 250 8 2 300 6 2 250 5 2 350 7 1 350 4 Minn 15 300 45 8 20 18 5 200 10 8 200 16 4 250 10 4 230 9 Iowa 12 300 36 5 300 15 2 350 7 2 250 5 6 300 18 4 250 10 Ho 150 211 316 146 180 263 105 220 231 95 180 171 86 20 189 58 210 122 N bull oruc 76 110 106 116 135 62 41 110 45 39 130 51 30 125 38 32 100 32 SDak 395 169 668 308 150 462 177 l70 301 152 130 198 124 180 223 133 135 180 Nebl 511 197 1007 383 160 613 279 165 460 234 155 363 222 160 355 220 230 506 Kans 1125 213 2396 1386 164 2273 1302 160 2083 989 140 1385 692 190 1315 649 185 1201 Va 6 170 10 8 175 1~ 7 175 12 8 175 14 5 180 9 4 175 7 lle 15 160 24 13 170 22 18 180 32 17 190 32 13 200 26 13 200 26 SC 22 130 29 21 145 30 14 150 21 14 140 20 16 1~5 2J 10 150 15 Ga 35 111 39 42 135 57 33 135 45 )8 130 49 41 130 5] 29 140 41 KT 22 184 ~o 25 240 60 23 260 60 22 280 62 15 210 32 13 21~ 2B Tenn 37 180 67 33 20 73 31 210 65 29 230 67 23 235 54 17 220 37 Ala 23 140 32 24 135 32 27 155 ~2 28 135 38 37 150 56 19 145 2B Hios 27 165 ~5 28 185 52 18 150 27 18 170 31 19 195 37 16 185 30 Ark 66 161 106 68 160 109 50 145 72 51 140 71 J8 185 70 27 190 51 L~ 6 130 8 5 165 8 ~ 160 6 4 135 5 6 145 9 5 160 8 Okla 132~ 145 1920 1118 125 1398 969 130 160 701 110 771 652 150 978 502 160 803 Tex 2920 1193768 2985 110 3283 2324 122 28391677 110 1844 lt17J 122 26601452 145 2105 Mont 5 117 6 4 120 5 6 115 7 4 130 5 J 150 4 3 80 2 Wyo 13 82 11 9 70 6 7 60 4 6 80 5 ~ 75 3 5 76 4 Colo ~7J 114 539 460 110 506 350 105 368 304 115 )50 280 105 29~ 301 107 322 11Mex 29~ 102 300 223 70 157 155 103 159 143 67 96 184 100 184 109 129 141 Arh 6 200 2 3 200 6 5 175 9 3 175 5 3 175 5 ~ 175 7 Ea1i__ _35pound __ Z___2_ ~poundO___ ~ __ _35pound ___7___~ 210___7___ _35pound __ ~ __ 2 _ 210___1pound

~middot~middot_118~ _15~ 015J317_ 10_ 21~11251_131_81~1_4520_ 3_56~6_ ~~8~ _14 ~~521~31_ za_11~

- 19 shy





- ---I I94 1J9s 1~~ S~at J Jor 1 Yield Pr d ti~ JeJ81 I n14 I ProducUcna I Jone J Yield Pro4ucUoII

____1_~bullt4_1_~r_~l _1__0_u _~ _1_IIret4__~I_-l _1________~t4_1_~1_~l J _____ _ ThouIAcne ~ ThoU Bu llloutareplE ft1oUI Bu BiouDJeJ8el llloubullbull IIp

Ind 2 ~9 48 2 300 60 1 300 30 Ill 1 240 2h 1 290 29 1 300 30 Iova 1 240 24 1 200 20 1 200 20 Mo 61 216 1)18 29 ~o 435 ~ 220 968 IDaIt 8 163 130 1 160 16 1 135 14 SDak 92 153 1408 43 115 494 37 160 592 lobI 115 22) 2564 75 180 1350 18 200 1560 Ian 2229 221 49261 1149 154 17695 B51 1)5 11488 IC 2 250 50 3 2)0 69 sc 1 165 16 1 170 17 3 IB5 56 Al 2 163 33 13 150 195 2) 160 368 uk 7 143 100 10 170 170 8 150 120 La 1 150 15 1 180 18 1 140 14 Okla 979 1050 146805 636 120 7632 6~ 115 7176 ex 05103 194 99229 ) 950 150 c59139 4~ 160 71840 ColO aIfO 1057 3768 180 lAt9 2682 191 130 2483 1lIex )69 166 6111 84 70 587 108 104 1127 Aris 54 372 2009 44 )40 1496 55 360 1980 ~a1____11____)1~ ____ ~)~ _____1pound2____32~ ___ _ l27 _____~5____42 ___ ~292 __ US 9)86 197 184978 6)24 152 9606) 6669 159 106025


- - --I l~ 192s 1~ Stah I tar 1 Yield 1 PrOdUCtioD Acre I Yield I ProductiOIl Acne I Yield 1 Productloll

____1_~etd_Umiddotr_Jer _1_______ _~etd_I_Pr_Ael _1_______1_lIrQt4__~r_~l J _____ _ Thoue Jon ll 2a DIOUlllOD ThoubullbullJer 12 DIoubullbull Toll lhoUlJarooa ToD bou l01I

lIId 5 105 52 4 120 48 3 110 111 4 100 40 3 90 27 2 105 21 Vh 1 80 8 1 75 8 M1Dn 70 21 4 60 24 2 65 13 Iowa 6 100 60 3 90 27 1 110 11 Mo 85 374 36 71) 252 25 85 212 IDak 2 30 6 2 202 4 2 21 4 SDaIc 15 7 56 11 3- 37 7 40 28 Ifebr 59 64 378 22 50 110 17 50 BS Iane 412 70 2884 )42 55 1881 SO 60 21OQ SC 3 50 15 ) 55 16 3 50 15 Ga ) 40 12 1 45 14 51) 20 leDII 10 65 65 9 70 63 6 70 42 Al 6 75 45 05 70 35 6 60 36)Ii 12 90 108 12 90 108 12 75 90 Ark 3 55 16 2 55 11 5 60 )0 La 1 61 7 1 7- 7 1 66 7 Old 97 50 485 10 45 115 67 40 l68 Ix l6It 48 789 108 35 )83 87 41 ~O Colo 10 55 55 18 45 81 5 50 25 bullbull lIu 6 ) 20 2 30 2 45 9 Arll 9 121) 108 6 US 69 12 U5 138pounda1_____4____~~ ______2 ______4 ~ ______4 _____~ ______l~ ______ ____1~~

US 879 642 56114 671 532 3510 623 576 3SS7


- - - -I = 19~ = = = == = ~ 1~4sect state crill 1 Yield ProductioD Acre 1 Yield I Prod t1 I Acres Yield Pr

_____~etd_lt]~r_Apoundr ________1_Hrstd_IJr_Apoundr ____~ _o~ __~etd_Jr_Apoundrtl _ ~d~~1~~ ThougAcru Jl9B1 lhquGIlllog TI1quecrea ~ TboutOallQII ThguuJcru GalloDII AAUIIlampllov

Ind 1 80 80 1 90 90 1 75 75 Ill 3 50 ISO 2 50 100 2 65 1)0 Via 2 80 160 1 70 70 1 62 62 10 3 125 )705 2 100 200 3 129 387 Mo 8 62 496 5 45 225 7 55 385 bu 2 55 110 2 SO 100 2 51 102 Va J 65 195 2 65 130 2 66 1)2 VVa 3 59 177 2 67 134 1 66 66 lIC 11 74 814 8 64 512 9 131 729 SC 10 55 550 10 55 550 8 58 464 Ge 22 55 1210 15 57 855 11 53 583 17 12 65 780 10 73 730 16 85 1360 laDII 15 61 915 14 60 840 19 73 1)87 Ala 27 65 1755 18 66 1188 22 6) 1386 Mha 25 78 1950 21 80 1680 19 65 1235 Ark 17 SO 850 15 55 825 17 60 1020 L~ 2 55 110 2 60 120 2 40 80 OklL 6 42 252 5 43 215 4 47 188

i~----~i---~------l~-----l~---~------~______~ ___~____ _~2__--- - - - - - - - - - _1_ - __ l~ _____146____6middotZ ____ 2~ _____~_ 660 10171

-O- ------------ shy



-s~~e-= ~II 1 RI~ 1Pr~~to ~r~ ~~ 1 ~o~t~I~ ~~ R~~ ~din I BarYeated Per Acre I I BarYe ted Per Acr I I BarYbullbulltod Per Acr

- - - -1h-cr- -Dl~hr- -fhoa- ia - fhQicr1 bir- - -TiioQ- ib- - thOulAcibullbull -Dlhel- TiioU- -IDe 1 260 26 1 320 32 1 320 JJ~ Iowa 1 160 16 1 195 20 1 225 m )10 114 160 704 30 240 72031 200 6tjIlak 1 155 16 1 160 16 SDU 111 90 162 20 155 310 20 122 244

Iobr 75 150 1125 111 225 2632 109 236 2572lAD 754 145 10933 339 215 287811 1392 215 29 928 IC 5 250 125 16 270 432 15 250 375 s Q 5 155 78 1 175 122 7 180 126 Ala 34 165 561 45 195 878 33 181 597 Arll 10 150 15016 1110 2811 14 172 241 lA 2 140 28 2 155 31 3 170 51 CkIa 440 110 11840 556 150 8340 548 155 8494 181 3640 180 65421 496 165 74143 3563 239 114996 Colo 160 150 2400 192 170 3264 3011 172 52911 INex 167 106 1764 287 140 40111 415 222 9213 Arh 53 410 2113 75 400 3000 61 1146 2721 -~l____1~ ____3 ____ ~sect9 _____16___ 31middot ____ ~~ _____ 11___ 32 ~ ___ r62_ ~~___ ~~ ____lI~ ____9I11 ____ 7____1~ ___ ~I~ ____6~5~2____2 __ 4~_

ALL SOBOIIllKS JOR SIIMB AOlJWlE YIELD A)JD PROIUClIOIl 1947 to 1949 _______ ~_7_________________ __________________ ~~_______ _~------------~------------------~------------------ilt--------

State Acre I Yh1d I Acre field Acre Yield BarPedd Per Acre Product1on I BarPted Per Acre Production llarveted Pet Acre Production

- - - - ThouAcre -iaL- - -boU7tOji - biiuAcro -Jiii- - -b0li71oi- ~ouEcre - -~n - -fhw7Tu Ind 2 85 17 2 115 23 2 115 23 Ill 2 90 18 4 105 42 3 93 28 Hinn 2 60 12 2 eo 16 1 70 7 IoVA 3 60 18 3 95 28 3 100 30 Mo 33 70 231 31 95 294 29 86 249 IfIlK 1 25 2 1 30 3 2 23 5 slak 9 25 22 5 55 28 3 42 13 Ibr 16 45 72 12 60 72 18 70 126lAD 409 53 21611 359 76 2 72~ 278 73 2029 SC 3 50 15 2 55 11 3 60 18 0 3 45 14 5 55 211 3 60 IS Tonn 6 70 42 7 75 52 8 76 61 Ala 4 65 26 7 75 52 6 74 44 Nh 12 65 711 12 01 0 96 8 85 61 Ark 3 5middot3 16 5 75 38 5 75 38 ta 1 60 6 2 68 14 2 70 14 (kIa 54 37 200 4 55 264 43 56 241 Tex 69 37 258 66 46 305 60 57 343 Colo 6 45 27 7 55 38 9 48 43 IIMex 3 40 12 e 45 36 8 53 42 Arh 4 110 44 10 110 110 11 115 126 -~1____ ~ ____1poundpound ______~ ______4____1poundpound ______~ ______6____1~ pound _____~_ ~____ ~4~ ____ 4___ _ lP _____~2____ 7____ ~~1 _____51____ 10___ sect2~_


-- -- I~ D[8 I~i State Aeres Tield Production I Acr Tield Produetlon I Acree Yield Production

BarYeted I Per Acre I BarTeted Per Acre BarYeted Per Acre - - - - hiiuicre - Gallon - bouGallon thouD Xcre - 01100 - fhoubullbullOaflon ~iiuicro - iiaflon -lhOli7aeliOii Ind 1 70 70 1 90 90 1 90 90 Ill 1 55 55 1118 1 51 51 1 80 80 1 77 77 IClVa 2 80 160 2 168 336 2 158 316 Mo II 42 168 3 66 1911 2 61 122 Ian 2 51 102 1 47 47 Va 1 61 67 1 90 90 IIVa 1 70 70 bullbullC 10 73 730 6 611 408 4 72 211 Sc 7 49 343 5 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ Ga 14 59 826 II ~ ~ 6 60 ~ ~ 12 74 888 6 73 438 5 79 395 Tnn 13 60 7S0 7 Ala 111 60 10110 8 m = ~ =Mi 22 68 1496 15 78 1170 9 63 567 Arll 11 42 462 8 64 512 4 54 216 La 2 35 70 1 43 43 1 45 45 Cltla 3 33 99 2 55 110 1 52 52 ~_____ ~ ____ 25______ 13~ ______5__ _ ______ 1pound _____ -____ ~_____ __I~

Us 131 7847 SO 6911 55116 53 66s 3539 -------------------------~---------------------------- -------- 21 shy

bullUPDATA 1981 ~~ I j


--- -- 1~ t 19~ t 19[6 StlAt I Acree Yield Acrn Yield Acrea Yield

Harvea d Pel Production Harvest d Per Production Harvested Per Production _________ ~ _ _Agrl _ ______ ______Apound~ __ ______ t ______ _Asr~ _______ _

ThoutlAcree Ton8 ThouTone ThouAcre Ton ThouBlone ThoUllAcres 1on8 Thou8Tone Main 923 89 818 833 106 882 84 99 m fK 388 102 395 376 123 464 364 118 431 it 1032 126 1298 10oe 150 1516 1006 143 1442 )(saso 319 124 469 376 164 615 365 164 597 RI 36 1l4 41 37 146 54 34144 49 Conn 304 123 374 300 157 472 288 162 467 fY 4008 144 5759 4021 161 6488 3968 162 6416 NJ 274 147 402 288 177 509 260 175 454 PIi 2564 140 3597 2539 151 3826 2525 150 3789 0b10 2605 139 3622 2560 148 3801 2536 152 3848 Ind 2004 131 2626 1765 145 2551 1835 137 2511 Ill 2824 139 3938 2662 152 4053 2732 146 3985 Mich 2813 1)8 3895 2671 148 3958 2648 124 3272 Vb 4263 163 6929 4214 187 7870 4ll2 155 6371 Minn 4683 142 6640 4366 152 6637 4067 146 5956 Iowa 3551 164 58)6 1304 172 5677 3275 163 5325 Mo 3703 113 4171 3914 115 4500 3545 119 4201 lItDIIk 3421 97 3305 3434 94 3233 3068 89 2724 SDak 36e5 99 3637 3616 92 3312 3478 80 2775 Nebr 4355 112 4865 4062 11)9 4436 3915 97 3787 ~B 1784 167 2982 1783 161 2875 1746 135 2354 Del 82 1 ~o 98 75 152 114 71 149 106 Md 461 120 552 464 139 643 442 148 656 Va 1383 11)2 1405 1477 117 1722 1391 119 1650 IIv 835 108 904 840 1~ 1061 812 129 1045 NC 1315 96 1263 1374 98 1352 1263 102 1285 sc 543 74 400 554 84 465 S07 87 442 Oe 1406 49 689 1441 54 785 1399 52 723 lIla 118 54 64 125 57 71 123 49 60 It) 1630 112 1831 1987 137 2720 1813 136 2459 Tenn 1769 94 1660 1978 124 2444 1802 122 2205 All 1 091 67 730 995 75 742 999 74 744 M18s 925 119 1104 873 117 1025 850 123 1046 Ark 1397 109 1529 1378 116 1595 1258 118 1483 ra 3Jl 119 395 326 125 406 319 126 403 Okla 1296 129 1671 1326 133 1757 1355 113 1534 Tex 1591 90 1439 1599 96 1537 1623 11)3 1619 Mont 2265 119 2689 2267 117 2681 2147 112 2395 Idho 1198 204 2445 1189 204 2428 1140 213 2429 liTo 1156 113 1312 1103 116 1274 1091 111 1214 Colo 1467 159 2331 1425 155 2215 1359 148 2008 NMex 217 221 419 201 192 385 206 212 436 Arb 332 218 723 309 242 748 306 239 737 Utah 612 203 1245 597 200 1194 573 195 1115 ireV 435 142 617 436 141 615 432 152 655 VaBb 989 119 1775 931 187 1744 656 192 1640 Oreg 1156 173 1996 1158 170 1970 1062 173 1~39poundampl1____20plusmn0____ ~middot21____ 22~ ____2130____ ~bullsect4____60]6____ 282 __ _ 1~2_ ___6t0Q3_ ~____ 176)9____ ]middot13___ 03~2 ___ 16627____ ]~__ _1~7t418_ ___71141 ___ ]15___ 291518_

VILD HAY ACREAGE nELD lID PllOllUCTIOlf 1944 to 191i6

- - - - - 1~ l I9~ l 19[6 state I Acree Yield Acree Yield AcreB Yield

I Harveated Per Productioll ltlrvesed bull Per bull Production Harvested Per bull Production ___________ l ce__ ~ ______ t _____ _ =_AsrJ __ ______ l _______~r __ _____ _

ThouaAcrem ThousTon bonaAcres ona ThousTona Thoue-cres ~ Thousfou Via 140 130 182 94 115 106 llO 115 126 Minn 1452 1ll 1612 1394 115 1603 1282 110 1410 10 102 122 124 92 120 llO 86 1O 103 Mo 154 109 168 160 120 192 150 100 ISO NDal 2576 90 ~318 2576 85 2190 2318 85 1970 sJ))k 3076 88 2707 3014 60 24ll 2693 70 2025 Nebr 3198 80 2558 2942 75 2206 2795 65 1817Ian 693 111 769 638 115 734 636 75 478 Ark 194 104 202 202 105 212 202 105 212 Okla 480 118 566 437 125 S46 428 100 428 Tex 195 105 205 185 100 185 191 105 201 Mont 867 85 737 806 90 725 622 60 658 ldho 139 lU 156 139 115 160 135 110 148 To 529 60 423 481 BO 385 495 85 421 Colo 466 97 452 443 100 443 439 85 373 NMex 20 88 16 15 70 10 27 100 27 Utah 103 124 126 lOS 100 105 105 120 1-6 lreT 267 100 267 267 100 267 267 110 294 Yam 46 115 53 51 125 64 47 120 56 Or~ ll76 115 320 3U 11n 3IU gt86 110 315 ~l-l_____1$gt____ 110_____ 17g _____112___ _ 1io_ ~ __ _2ffl_ ____ 152 ___ 1lL ____11~_

k ___ 5all1_____23____1~J1 ___ 4~~_____21___ Jt2~2___ _ ll~7 ___ _g3_ __ l51 _


FFeti5 Hri+tttrtft gt~- bullbull ~Mto shy



- -- -- 1~7 19la_ 19sect State Acrea Yild cr Tlel-l Acrea Yield

______II~~t~d_ ~ ~~~__ ~ ~d~ln_l v~e~ _~_A~~ ___~o~u~t~o~ ~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~____P~o~u~to~ ~bullbullAcrea gAl ~ousTonD fitouDcrea ~ lhoulITons Tbous bullocres I2 Thou9Tonl

M1n 766 11)8 627 nO 11)2 746 695 9B 682 lilI J5) 127 446 JJ9 124 421 J18 11) )56 n 995 149 148J 974 145 1416 952 124 1176 ca )51 154 540 J46 160 59f )42 145 496 RI )2 159 51 29 159 46 28 1 bullSO 42 Conn 280 166 464 272 162 440 26) 156 410 IIT )752 161 6029 )642 165 6016 3)97 1)6 46)0 IJ 244 17) 422 236 161 428 239 177 422 Il 2))9 150 )511 2194 146 )710 2202 142 )123 Ohio 2497 140 34B6 2)84 14) )406 2255 142 )212 Ind 1708 1)6 2)Jl 1661 1)6 2251 1616 145 2 bull 342 Ill 2626 14J )756 2)85 149 )558 2230 165 J689 Mich 2628 1Jl J45) 24)6 1)7 )346 2)29 1)2 )069 Vh 4066 16) 6665 )940 1)8 54)2 3916 15) 5972 MiIlJ1 4063 142 57n )659 1)7 529) 3819 1)lt3 5268 10_ )J)B 154 5154 2943 1)4 )955 )100 159 49)0 Me 3762 114 4)10 )S46 129 4564 )60) 129 465) IDU 3289 95 )110 3176 91 2901 )441 B5 2920 S~ )675 85 ))1) 4126 84 )451 4412 68 3013 lfebr 4)05 113 4BBI 4))4 105 4532 4836 108 5ZJl Iu 2059 153 )155 195) 176 )479 2017 160 3~z2 Del 69 146 102 n 140 102 68 110 97 Md 429 142 611 445 144 64) 429 152 ti51 Vamp 1)27 107 1414 1)72 126 1722 1321 127 16n VV 60) 116 92B 796 129 1026 B02 124 991_C 1292 96 1267 1290 10) 1)28 1246 105 1)12 SC 465 76 )76 509 68 449 52J 91 476 0amp 1)91 51 70) 1416 56 791 1055 6) 66) 11 125 54 67 1)2 58 77 65 62 5) 1) 1666 1)B 2568 1687 126 21)0 1828 110 2)60 l1IllU 1812 117 2120 1691 111 1861 l7J4 125 2175 U 939 72 679 922 18 720 790 84 667 Ki 601 115 923 769 121 9)3 779 115 89) Ark 1254 98 1224 1211 124 150) 1116 117 1J10 111 300 118 )s4 294 112 )29 295 1m 379 Okla 1580 119 1B77 1490 I)) 1975 1)50 1)5 1821 le 1620 90 16)7 1706 91 1556 145) 112 1624 MoDt 2227 112 2491 220) I) 2704 2On 101 2084 Idoho 1022 2Z5 2296 986 220 2171 1050 2lt) 2))7 1170 1080 117 1265 1017 94 960 1104 110 1209 Colo 1)56 164 2219 1)51 167 2251 1401 164 229) Ifllex 216 210 454 20) 212 4)) 19) 209 404 Arlo m 220 595 226 2)8 5)7 25) 247 624 Utah S6B 208 1160 550 205 1129 5)7 21) 1145 - )92 155 606 )8) 151 577 377 154 580 lfath 60) 1117 150) 765 205 1611 772 178 1375 Oree 1076 169 1617 1061 174 1646 970 158 1526 ~11middot____~~~ __ ~ J bull 26____ euro1)Q ____1~7O____ 1middotQ7____5JplusmnL ___ 1l15Q ___ 1middot25___ 3 49_ [middotk ___ 1 46amp6____ 1middot15___ 10Q$~ ___ 11617____ 114___ 2611~ ___71~ __ _ lmiddotlJ_ __ 25025_

_1If_ eii2ll 2r_A1l_II~r_r2r_125~D-~ 9Z1J211 o_____________ bull __________

~~~ _lAi~~e5drIx~~rpoundr ~tloi ~ce ~eililfgi ct r~~ln hqutr ll lhoubullbullrona rhouaAcr 12l ThouaToga

~ _____1 _0_____ 111_______ 1~~ _____ 1~ _____ 1Ql_ ______ 1~~ _ Ylk ____ 14aJgl_____ 1J8______ 10l57______7~11J _____ l~L _____ l0ll_ ~ -

WILD BAT AClUllilE fIELD AlID PBODUCrIOll 1947 to 1~1

- - - - - 1i41 1~ 1~ Il~t I Acre I Yield heres Yield Acres Yield bull

I arT ted I Per Production arTeBted Per ProucUon Iifrvsted Per bull Production ____ _1_ __~ __ _~rl _ i ______ 1 _______ cLe______________ cIe___=_____ _

1houeAcreo 1M lhoubullbullTop rhouoAcree ~ rhouerona rhousAcrea ron rhoubullbullroue Vlo 106 115 122 1)0 95 124 112 107 120 Minn 1)06 11e 1439 12)0 105 1292 11)2 105 1169 10 75 1O 90 61 115 9) 70 123 66 Mo 150 110 165 141 110 155 1)5 110 146 1IDIIk 2596 90 2))6 2414 65 2052 2535 Bo 2028 SDU )240 75 24)0 )4)4 70 2401 )4)4 57 1957_hr 296) 60 2)70 2904 65 1686 )252 75 24)9 lUI 702 110 772 611 115 7~ 642 115 nB Ark 204 B5 In 175 110 192 152 105 160 00amp 458 110 504 4)1 1 lt5 5)9 416 1gt0 502 lu 210 95 200 197 65 167 1B5 101 167 Mont 860 BO 704 654 90 769 769 75 577 Id~o 132 110 145 140 100 140 144 109 157 To 500 95 475 475 60 lB5 522 B5 444 Colo 470 105 494 451 105 474 474 102 4B) 11 Megt 27 BO 22 25 75 19 22 6) 1B Utah 109 125 1)6 105 110 126 105 I) 12911 230 1111 25) 216 105 227 205 9B 201 Vampth 46 120 55 55 1)0 2 57 120 68 Oreg )00 110 ))0 )30 15 412 291 106 gt08pound41lf_____1i6____ 11(1_____ 17~ _____1J6____ 1ltgt_____120_____ 1J~ ___ 112_____1~_

~____ 4~_____10____111111 ___ 4515_____~5___ l)~___ _~19= ____~2___ l121_ - 23 shy

-UPDATA 1981 bull _ bull h



ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944





- - - - 19i4 19sect 12 li41 to ~ t 1242 St t A Aores Ac Acres A Acres ~ Acres ~ Acres A Acres

a e creB Har- reo H~r- cres ~r- cres H~r- cr~s H~r- eres Harshy____~1ne~eit~d_~1no~_elt~ltLlP~~tdlV~oeS_~1ne~lvsOS_ c~middot~_vselP~l~td_Jel~~d__

Thousand Acres Ind 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ill 12 12 9 9 7 7 5 5 6 6 4 4 ViB 3 3 2 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~1nn 18 18 12 12 7 7 10 10 6 6 5 5 Iogtlt 23 22 11 11 7 7 8 8 12 12 10 10 Mo 265 263 225 216 184 181 179 176 154 150 122 120 Iflhk 87 86 50 49 47 44 42 41 33 32 35 34 SJhk S49 502 390 362 238 221 188 179 152 149 164 156 Jlebr 704 685 50 480 390 374 343 325 364 351 364 347 K9ns 38116 3768 3054 2879 2718 2505 2256 2154 2459 2391 2361 2319 Va 10 9 15 10 15 9 17 9 14 6 12 4 IIVa 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 nc 26 26 23 23 30 30 32 32 35 35 32 32 sc 36 36 35 35 28 28 29 29 30 30 23 23 Ga 60 60 60 60 48 48 55 55 54 54 38 38 Ky 35 34 35 35 39 39 34 34 2l 21 18 18 Tenn 62 6 56 56 56 56 48 48 37 37 29 29 Ala 59 58 61 60 79 78 86 84 99 97 65 63 Mhs 65 64 63 61 51 49 53 52 47 46 34 33 Ark 94 93 97 95 82 80 78 75 68 67 51 50 Jg 10 10 9 9 8 8 9 9 11 11 11 11 Okla 2484 2406 1938middot 1829 1783 1664 1284 1198 1348 1258 1146 1094 T8 8318 8202 7653 7054 7273 6913 5527 5392 7019 6740 5168 5080 Mont 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 4 3 3 4 3 Vyo bull 14 13 10 9 7 7 7 6 4 4 5 5 Colo 766 723 705 658 613 546 490 470 500 479 645 618 1IHex 690 669 467 309 317 265 349 313 521 479 556 532 Arb 71 69 55 53 74 72 62 60 90 88 77 76 Calli 133 127 112 108 151 151 76 76 122 122 80 80 115- - -ie458 -18038 - - is668 - 14-498- 14- 2f6- - i540J -11-277- -10OsO - -13214 -12-679- -11064 - -10789- -


- - - l9~( t00 1916t 197 19aL 12112 St t Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros Dald Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acros IReld Pro- Acres llel4 Proshy

a eHar_ Per duc_ Hl1- Per duc- H9r- Por dw- 59r- Per due- zHar- IPer duc_ Har- Per i ducshy___yetdlApoundrs_t0E lVS82C8l 1n_yeltdAEr_t0E lvse2cel 1n_yetdlApoundrl_t0E lvsse~cel isn_

Thous Thous Thous Thoua Thous ThOUG Thoua Thous Theus Thous Thous Thoua ~ TonE ~ Acrea ~ Tons Acros Tona1m Acres ~ Tons ~ TOilS ~ Acres 2 Tons

Ind 2 270 5 1 290 3 1 260 3 Ill 4 250 10 3 250 8 2 300 6 2 250 5 2 350 7 1 350 4 Minn 15 300 45 8 20 18 5 200 10 8 200 16 4 250 10 4 230 9 Iowa 12 300 36 5 300 15 2 350 7 2 250 5 6 300 18 4 250 10 Ho 150 211 316 146 180 263 105 220 231 95 180 171 86 20 189 58 210 122 N bull oruc 76 110 106 116 135 62 41 110 45 39 130 51 30 125 38 32 100 32 SDak 395 169 668 308 150 462 177 l70 301 152 130 198 124 180 223 133 135 180 Nebl 511 197 1007 383 160 613 279 165 460 234 155 363 222 160 355 220 230 506 Kans 1125 213 2396 1386 164 2273 1302 160 2083 989 140 1385 692 190 1315 649 185 1201 Va 6 170 10 8 175 1~ 7 175 12 8 175 14 5 180 9 4 175 7 lle 15 160 24 13 170 22 18 180 32 17 190 32 13 200 26 13 200 26 SC 22 130 29 21 145 30 14 150 21 14 140 20 16 1~5 2J 10 150 15 Ga 35 111 39 42 135 57 33 135 45 )8 130 49 41 130 5] 29 140 41 KT 22 184 ~o 25 240 60 23 260 60 22 280 62 15 210 32 13 21~ 2B Tenn 37 180 67 33 20 73 31 210 65 29 230 67 23 235 54 17 220 37 Ala 23 140 32 24 135 32 27 155 ~2 28 135 38 37 150 56 19 145 2B Hios 27 165 ~5 28 185 52 18 150 27 18 170 31 19 195 37 16 185 30 Ark 66 161 106 68 160 109 50 145 72 51 140 71 J8 185 70 27 190 51 L~ 6 130 8 5 165 8 ~ 160 6 4 135 5 6 145 9 5 160 8 Okla 132~ 145 1920 1118 125 1398 969 130 160 701 110 771 652 150 978 502 160 803 Tex 2920 1193768 2985 110 3283 2324 122 28391677 110 1844 lt17J 122 26601452 145 2105 Mont 5 117 6 4 120 5 6 115 7 4 130 5 J 150 4 3 80 2 Wyo 13 82 11 9 70 6 7 60 4 6 80 5 ~ 75 3 5 76 4 Colo ~7J 114 539 460 110 506 350 105 368 304 115 )50 280 105 29~ 301 107 322 11Mex 29~ 102 300 223 70 157 155 103 159 143 67 96 184 100 184 109 129 141 Arh 6 200 2 3 200 6 5 175 9 3 175 5 3 175 5 ~ 175 7 Ea1i__ _35pound __ Z___2_ ~poundO___ ~ __ _35pound ___7___~ 210___7___ _35pound __ ~ __ 2 _ 210___1pound

~middot~middot_118~ _15~ 015J317_ 10_ 21~11251_131_81~1_4520_ 3_56~6_ ~~8~ _14 ~~521~31_ za_11~

- 19 shy





- ---I I94 1J9s 1~~ S~at J Jor 1 Yield Pr d ti~ JeJ81 I n14 I ProducUcna I Jone J Yield Pro4ucUoII

____1_~bullt4_1_~r_~l _1__0_u _~ _1_IIret4__~I_-l _1________~t4_1_~1_~l J _____ _ ThouIAcne ~ ThoU Bu llloutareplE ft1oUI Bu BiouDJeJ8el llloubullbull IIp

Ind 2 ~9 48 2 300 60 1 300 30 Ill 1 240 2h 1 290 29 1 300 30 Iova 1 240 24 1 200 20 1 200 20 Mo 61 216 1)18 29 ~o 435 ~ 220 968 IDaIt 8 163 130 1 160 16 1 135 14 SDak 92 153 1408 43 115 494 37 160 592 lobI 115 22) 2564 75 180 1350 18 200 1560 Ian 2229 221 49261 1149 154 17695 B51 1)5 11488 IC 2 250 50 3 2)0 69 sc 1 165 16 1 170 17 3 IB5 56 Al 2 163 33 13 150 195 2) 160 368 uk 7 143 100 10 170 170 8 150 120 La 1 150 15 1 180 18 1 140 14 Okla 979 1050 146805 636 120 7632 6~ 115 7176 ex 05103 194 99229 ) 950 150 c59139 4~ 160 71840 ColO aIfO 1057 3768 180 lAt9 2682 191 130 2483 1lIex )69 166 6111 84 70 587 108 104 1127 Aris 54 372 2009 44 )40 1496 55 360 1980 ~a1____11____)1~ ____ ~)~ _____1pound2____32~ ___ _ l27 _____~5____42 ___ ~292 __ US 9)86 197 184978 6)24 152 9606) 6669 159 106025


- - --I l~ 192s 1~ Stah I tar 1 Yield 1 PrOdUCtioD Acre I Yield I ProductiOIl Acne I Yield 1 Productloll

____1_~etd_Umiddotr_Jer _1_______ _~etd_I_Pr_Ael _1_______1_lIrQt4__~r_~l J _____ _ Thoue Jon ll 2a DIOUlllOD ThoubullbullJer 12 DIoubullbull Toll lhoUlJarooa ToD bou l01I

lIId 5 105 52 4 120 48 3 110 111 4 100 40 3 90 27 2 105 21 Vh 1 80 8 1 75 8 M1Dn 70 21 4 60 24 2 65 13 Iowa 6 100 60 3 90 27 1 110 11 Mo 85 374 36 71) 252 25 85 212 IDak 2 30 6 2 202 4 2 21 4 SDaIc 15 7 56 11 3- 37 7 40 28 Ifebr 59 64 378 22 50 110 17 50 BS Iane 412 70 2884 )42 55 1881 SO 60 21OQ SC 3 50 15 ) 55 16 3 50 15 Ga ) 40 12 1 45 14 51) 20 leDII 10 65 65 9 70 63 6 70 42 Al 6 75 45 05 70 35 6 60 36)Ii 12 90 108 12 90 108 12 75 90 Ark 3 55 16 2 55 11 5 60 )0 La 1 61 7 1 7- 7 1 66 7 Old 97 50 485 10 45 115 67 40 l68 Ix l6It 48 789 108 35 )83 87 41 ~O Colo 10 55 55 18 45 81 5 50 25 bullbull lIu 6 ) 20 2 30 2 45 9 Arll 9 121) 108 6 US 69 12 U5 138pounda1_____4____~~ ______2 ______4 ~ ______4 _____~ ______l~ ______ ____1~~

US 879 642 56114 671 532 3510 623 576 3SS7


- - - -I = 19~ = = = == = ~ 1~4sect state crill 1 Yield ProductioD Acre 1 Yield I Prod t1 I Acres Yield Pr

_____~etd_lt]~r_Apoundr ________1_Hrstd_IJr_Apoundr ____~ _o~ __~etd_Jr_Apoundrtl _ ~d~~1~~ ThougAcru Jl9B1 lhquGIlllog TI1quecrea ~ TboutOallQII ThguuJcru GalloDII AAUIIlampllov

Ind 1 80 80 1 90 90 1 75 75 Ill 3 50 ISO 2 50 100 2 65 1)0 Via 2 80 160 1 70 70 1 62 62 10 3 125 )705 2 100 200 3 129 387 Mo 8 62 496 5 45 225 7 55 385 bu 2 55 110 2 SO 100 2 51 102 Va J 65 195 2 65 130 2 66 1)2 VVa 3 59 177 2 67 134 1 66 66 lIC 11 74 814 8 64 512 9 131 729 SC 10 55 550 10 55 550 8 58 464 Ge 22 55 1210 15 57 855 11 53 583 17 12 65 780 10 73 730 16 85 1360 laDII 15 61 915 14 60 840 19 73 1)87 Ala 27 65 1755 18 66 1188 22 6) 1386 Mha 25 78 1950 21 80 1680 19 65 1235 Ark 17 SO 850 15 55 825 17 60 1020 L~ 2 55 110 2 60 120 2 40 80 OklL 6 42 252 5 43 215 4 47 188

i~----~i---~------l~-----l~---~------~______~ ___~____ _~2__--- - - - - - - - - - _1_ - __ l~ _____146____6middotZ ____ 2~ _____~_ 660 10171

-O- ------------ shy



-s~~e-= ~II 1 RI~ 1Pr~~to ~r~ ~~ 1 ~o~t~I~ ~~ R~~ ~din I BarYeated Per Acre I I BarYe ted Per Acr I I BarYbullbulltod Per Acr

- - - -1h-cr- -Dl~hr- -fhoa- ia - fhQicr1 bir- - -TiioQ- ib- - thOulAcibullbull -Dlhel- TiioU- -IDe 1 260 26 1 320 32 1 320 JJ~ Iowa 1 160 16 1 195 20 1 225 m )10 114 160 704 30 240 72031 200 6tjIlak 1 155 16 1 160 16 SDU 111 90 162 20 155 310 20 122 244

Iobr 75 150 1125 111 225 2632 109 236 2572lAD 754 145 10933 339 215 287811 1392 215 29 928 IC 5 250 125 16 270 432 15 250 375 s Q 5 155 78 1 175 122 7 180 126 Ala 34 165 561 45 195 878 33 181 597 Arll 10 150 15016 1110 2811 14 172 241 lA 2 140 28 2 155 31 3 170 51 CkIa 440 110 11840 556 150 8340 548 155 8494 181 3640 180 65421 496 165 74143 3563 239 114996 Colo 160 150 2400 192 170 3264 3011 172 52911 INex 167 106 1764 287 140 40111 415 222 9213 Arh 53 410 2113 75 400 3000 61 1146 2721 -~l____1~ ____3 ____ ~sect9 _____16___ 31middot ____ ~~ _____ 11___ 32 ~ ___ r62_ ~~___ ~~ ____lI~ ____9I11 ____ 7____1~ ___ ~I~ ____6~5~2____2 __ 4~_

ALL SOBOIIllKS JOR SIIMB AOlJWlE YIELD A)JD PROIUClIOIl 1947 to 1949 _______ ~_7_________________ __________________ ~~_______ _~------------~------------------~------------------ilt--------

State Acre I Yh1d I Acre field Acre Yield BarPedd Per Acre Product1on I BarPted Per Acre Production llarveted Pet Acre Production

- - - - ThouAcre -iaL- - -boU7tOji - biiuAcro -Jiii- - -b0li71oi- ~ouEcre - -~n - -fhw7Tu Ind 2 85 17 2 115 23 2 115 23 Ill 2 90 18 4 105 42 3 93 28 Hinn 2 60 12 2 eo 16 1 70 7 IoVA 3 60 18 3 95 28 3 100 30 Mo 33 70 231 31 95 294 29 86 249 IfIlK 1 25 2 1 30 3 2 23 5 slak 9 25 22 5 55 28 3 42 13 Ibr 16 45 72 12 60 72 18 70 126lAD 409 53 21611 359 76 2 72~ 278 73 2029 SC 3 50 15 2 55 11 3 60 18 0 3 45 14 5 55 211 3 60 IS Tonn 6 70 42 7 75 52 8 76 61 Ala 4 65 26 7 75 52 6 74 44 Nh 12 65 711 12 01 0 96 8 85 61 Ark 3 5middot3 16 5 75 38 5 75 38 ta 1 60 6 2 68 14 2 70 14 (kIa 54 37 200 4 55 264 43 56 241 Tex 69 37 258 66 46 305 60 57 343 Colo 6 45 27 7 55 38 9 48 43 IIMex 3 40 12 e 45 36 8 53 42 Arh 4 110 44 10 110 110 11 115 126 -~1____ ~ ____1poundpound ______~ ______4____1poundpound ______~ ______6____1~ pound _____~_ ~____ ~4~ ____ 4___ _ lP _____~2____ 7____ ~~1 _____51____ 10___ sect2~_


-- -- I~ D[8 I~i State Aeres Tield Production I Acr Tield Produetlon I Acree Yield Production

BarYeted I Per Acre I BarTeted Per Acre BarYeted Per Acre - - - - hiiuicre - Gallon - bouGallon thouD Xcre - 01100 - fhoubullbullOaflon ~iiuicro - iiaflon -lhOli7aeliOii Ind 1 70 70 1 90 90 1 90 90 Ill 1 55 55 1118 1 51 51 1 80 80 1 77 77 IClVa 2 80 160 2 168 336 2 158 316 Mo II 42 168 3 66 1911 2 61 122 Ian 2 51 102 1 47 47 Va 1 61 67 1 90 90 IIVa 1 70 70 bullbullC 10 73 730 6 611 408 4 72 211 Sc 7 49 343 5 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ Ga 14 59 826 II ~ ~ 6 60 ~ ~ 12 74 888 6 73 438 5 79 395 Tnn 13 60 7S0 7 Ala 111 60 10110 8 m = ~ =Mi 22 68 1496 15 78 1170 9 63 567 Arll 11 42 462 8 64 512 4 54 216 La 2 35 70 1 43 43 1 45 45 Cltla 3 33 99 2 55 110 1 52 52 ~_____ ~ ____ 25______ 13~ ______5__ _ ______ 1pound _____ -____ ~_____ __I~

Us 131 7847 SO 6911 55116 53 66s 3539 -------------------------~---------------------------- -------- 21 shy

bullUPDATA 1981 ~~ I j


--- -- 1~ t 19~ t 19[6 StlAt I Acree Yield Acrn Yield Acrea Yield

Harvea d Pel Production Harvest d Per Production Harvested Per Production _________ ~ _ _Agrl _ ______ ______Apound~ __ ______ t ______ _Asr~ _______ _

ThoutlAcree Ton8 ThouTone ThouAcre Ton ThouBlone ThoUllAcres 1on8 Thou8Tone Main 923 89 818 833 106 882 84 99 m fK 388 102 395 376 123 464 364 118 431 it 1032 126 1298 10oe 150 1516 1006 143 1442 )(saso 319 124 469 376 164 615 365 164 597 RI 36 1l4 41 37 146 54 34144 49 Conn 304 123 374 300 157 472 288 162 467 fY 4008 144 5759 4021 161 6488 3968 162 6416 NJ 274 147 402 288 177 509 260 175 454 PIi 2564 140 3597 2539 151 3826 2525 150 3789 0b10 2605 139 3622 2560 148 3801 2536 152 3848 Ind 2004 131 2626 1765 145 2551 1835 137 2511 Ill 2824 139 3938 2662 152 4053 2732 146 3985 Mich 2813 1)8 3895 2671 148 3958 2648 124 3272 Vb 4263 163 6929 4214 187 7870 4ll2 155 6371 Minn 4683 142 6640 4366 152 6637 4067 146 5956 Iowa 3551 164 58)6 1304 172 5677 3275 163 5325 Mo 3703 113 4171 3914 115 4500 3545 119 4201 lItDIIk 3421 97 3305 3434 94 3233 3068 89 2724 SDak 36e5 99 3637 3616 92 3312 3478 80 2775 Nebr 4355 112 4865 4062 11)9 4436 3915 97 3787 ~B 1784 167 2982 1783 161 2875 1746 135 2354 Del 82 1 ~o 98 75 152 114 71 149 106 Md 461 120 552 464 139 643 442 148 656 Va 1383 11)2 1405 1477 117 1722 1391 119 1650 IIv 835 108 904 840 1~ 1061 812 129 1045 NC 1315 96 1263 1374 98 1352 1263 102 1285 sc 543 74 400 554 84 465 S07 87 442 Oe 1406 49 689 1441 54 785 1399 52 723 lIla 118 54 64 125 57 71 123 49 60 It) 1630 112 1831 1987 137 2720 1813 136 2459 Tenn 1769 94 1660 1978 124 2444 1802 122 2205 All 1 091 67 730 995 75 742 999 74 744 M18s 925 119 1104 873 117 1025 850 123 1046 Ark 1397 109 1529 1378 116 1595 1258 118 1483 ra 3Jl 119 395 326 125 406 319 126 403 Okla 1296 129 1671 1326 133 1757 1355 113 1534 Tex 1591 90 1439 1599 96 1537 1623 11)3 1619 Mont 2265 119 2689 2267 117 2681 2147 112 2395 Idho 1198 204 2445 1189 204 2428 1140 213 2429 liTo 1156 113 1312 1103 116 1274 1091 111 1214 Colo 1467 159 2331 1425 155 2215 1359 148 2008 NMex 217 221 419 201 192 385 206 212 436 Arb 332 218 723 309 242 748 306 239 737 Utah 612 203 1245 597 200 1194 573 195 1115 ireV 435 142 617 436 141 615 432 152 655 VaBb 989 119 1775 931 187 1744 656 192 1640 Oreg 1156 173 1996 1158 170 1970 1062 173 1~39poundampl1____20plusmn0____ ~middot21____ 22~ ____2130____ ~bullsect4____60]6____ 282 __ _ 1~2_ ___6t0Q3_ ~____ 176)9____ ]middot13___ 03~2 ___ 16627____ ]~__ _1~7t418_ ___71141 ___ ]15___ 291518_

VILD HAY ACREAGE nELD lID PllOllUCTIOlf 1944 to 191i6

- - - - - 1~ l I9~ l 19[6 state I Acree Yield Acree Yield AcreB Yield

I Harveated Per Productioll ltlrvesed bull Per bull Production Harvested Per bull Production ___________ l ce__ ~ ______ t _____ _ =_AsrJ __ ______ l _______~r __ _____ _

ThouaAcrem ThousTon bonaAcres ona ThousTona Thoue-cres ~ Thousfou Via 140 130 182 94 115 106 llO 115 126 Minn 1452 1ll 1612 1394 115 1603 1282 110 1410 10 102 122 124 92 120 llO 86 1O 103 Mo 154 109 168 160 120 192 150 100 ISO NDal 2576 90 ~318 2576 85 2190 2318 85 1970 sJ))k 3076 88 2707 3014 60 24ll 2693 70 2025 Nebr 3198 80 2558 2942 75 2206 2795 65 1817Ian 693 111 769 638 115 734 636 75 478 Ark 194 104 202 202 105 212 202 105 212 Okla 480 118 566 437 125 S46 428 100 428 Tex 195 105 205 185 100 185 191 105 201 Mont 867 85 737 806 90 725 622 60 658 ldho 139 lU 156 139 115 160 135 110 148 To 529 60 423 481 BO 385 495 85 421 Colo 466 97 452 443 100 443 439 85 373 NMex 20 88 16 15 70 10 27 100 27 Utah 103 124 126 lOS 100 105 105 120 1-6 lreT 267 100 267 267 100 267 267 110 294 Yam 46 115 53 51 125 64 47 120 56 Or~ ll76 115 320 3U 11n 3IU gt86 110 315 ~l-l_____1$gt____ 110_____ 17g _____112___ _ 1io_ ~ __ _2ffl_ ____ 152 ___ 1lL ____11~_

k ___ 5all1_____23____1~J1 ___ 4~~_____21___ Jt2~2___ _ ll~7 ___ _g3_ __ l51 _


FFeti5 Hri+tttrtft gt~- bullbull ~Mto shy



- -- -- 1~7 19la_ 19sect State Acrea Yild cr Tlel-l Acrea Yield

______II~~t~d_ ~ ~~~__ ~ ~d~ln_l v~e~ _~_A~~ ___~o~u~t~o~ ~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~____P~o~u~to~ ~bullbullAcrea gAl ~ousTonD fitouDcrea ~ lhoulITons Tbous bullocres I2 Thou9Tonl

M1n 766 11)8 627 nO 11)2 746 695 9B 682 lilI J5) 127 446 JJ9 124 421 J18 11) )56 n 995 149 148J 974 145 1416 952 124 1176 ca )51 154 540 J46 160 59f )42 145 496 RI )2 159 51 29 159 46 28 1 bullSO 42 Conn 280 166 464 272 162 440 26) 156 410 IIT )752 161 6029 )642 165 6016 3)97 1)6 46)0 IJ 244 17) 422 236 161 428 239 177 422 Il 2))9 150 )511 2194 146 )710 2202 142 )123 Ohio 2497 140 34B6 2)84 14) )406 2255 142 )212 Ind 1708 1)6 2)Jl 1661 1)6 2251 1616 145 2 bull 342 Ill 2626 14J )756 2)85 149 )558 2230 165 J689 Mich 2628 1Jl J45) 24)6 1)7 )346 2)29 1)2 )069 Vh 4066 16) 6665 )940 1)8 54)2 3916 15) 5972 MiIlJ1 4063 142 57n )659 1)7 529) 3819 1)lt3 5268 10_ )J)B 154 5154 2943 1)4 )955 )100 159 49)0 Me 3762 114 4)10 )S46 129 4564 )60) 129 465) IDU 3289 95 )110 3176 91 2901 )441 B5 2920 S~ )675 85 ))1) 4126 84 )451 4412 68 3013 lfebr 4)05 113 4BBI 4))4 105 4532 4836 108 5ZJl Iu 2059 153 )155 195) 176 )479 2017 160 3~z2 Del 69 146 102 n 140 102 68 110 97 Md 429 142 611 445 144 64) 429 152 ti51 Vamp 1)27 107 1414 1)72 126 1722 1321 127 16n VV 60) 116 92B 796 129 1026 B02 124 991_C 1292 96 1267 1290 10) 1)28 1246 105 1)12 SC 465 76 )76 509 68 449 52J 91 476 0amp 1)91 51 70) 1416 56 791 1055 6) 66) 11 125 54 67 1)2 58 77 65 62 5) 1) 1666 1)B 2568 1687 126 21)0 1828 110 2)60 l1IllU 1812 117 2120 1691 111 1861 l7J4 125 2175 U 939 72 679 922 18 720 790 84 667 Ki 601 115 923 769 121 9)3 779 115 89) Ark 1254 98 1224 1211 124 150) 1116 117 1J10 111 300 118 )s4 294 112 )29 295 1m 379 Okla 1580 119 1B77 1490 I)) 1975 1)50 1)5 1821 le 1620 90 16)7 1706 91 1556 145) 112 1624 MoDt 2227 112 2491 220) I) 2704 2On 101 2084 Idoho 1022 2Z5 2296 986 220 2171 1050 2lt) 2))7 1170 1080 117 1265 1017 94 960 1104 110 1209 Colo 1)56 164 2219 1)51 167 2251 1401 164 229) Ifllex 216 210 454 20) 212 4)) 19) 209 404 Arlo m 220 595 226 2)8 5)7 25) 247 624 Utah S6B 208 1160 550 205 1129 5)7 21) 1145 - )92 155 606 )8) 151 577 377 154 580 lfath 60) 1117 150) 765 205 1611 772 178 1375 Oree 1076 169 1617 1061 174 1646 970 158 1526 ~11middot____~~~ __ ~ J bull 26____ euro1)Q ____1~7O____ 1middotQ7____5JplusmnL ___ 1l15Q ___ 1middot25___ 3 49_ [middotk ___ 1 46amp6____ 1middot15___ 10Q$~ ___ 11617____ 114___ 2611~ ___71~ __ _ lmiddotlJ_ __ 25025_

_1If_ eii2ll 2r_A1l_II~r_r2r_125~D-~ 9Z1J211 o_____________ bull __________

~~~ _lAi~~e5drIx~~rpoundr ~tloi ~ce ~eililfgi ct r~~ln hqutr ll lhoubullbullrona rhouaAcr 12l ThouaToga

~ _____1 _0_____ 111_______ 1~~ _____ 1~ _____ 1Ql_ ______ 1~~ _ Ylk ____ 14aJgl_____ 1J8______ 10l57______7~11J _____ l~L _____ l0ll_ ~ -

WILD BAT AClUllilE fIELD AlID PBODUCrIOll 1947 to 1~1

- - - - - 1i41 1~ 1~ Il~t I Acre I Yield heres Yield Acres Yield bull

I arT ted I Per Production arTeBted Per ProucUon Iifrvsted Per bull Production ____ _1_ __~ __ _~rl _ i ______ 1 _______ cLe______________ cIe___=_____ _

1houeAcreo 1M lhoubullbullTop rhouoAcree ~ rhouerona rhousAcrea ron rhoubullbullroue Vlo 106 115 122 1)0 95 124 112 107 120 Minn 1)06 11e 1439 12)0 105 1292 11)2 105 1169 10 75 1O 90 61 115 9) 70 123 66 Mo 150 110 165 141 110 155 1)5 110 146 1IDIIk 2596 90 2))6 2414 65 2052 2535 Bo 2028 SDU )240 75 24)0 )4)4 70 2401 )4)4 57 1957_hr 296) 60 2)70 2904 65 1686 )252 75 24)9 lUI 702 110 772 611 115 7~ 642 115 nB Ark 204 B5 In 175 110 192 152 105 160 00amp 458 110 504 4)1 1 lt5 5)9 416 1gt0 502 lu 210 95 200 197 65 167 1B5 101 167 Mont 860 BO 704 654 90 769 769 75 577 Id~o 132 110 145 140 100 140 144 109 157 To 500 95 475 475 60 lB5 522 B5 444 Colo 470 105 494 451 105 474 474 102 4B) 11 Megt 27 BO 22 25 75 19 22 6) 1B Utah 109 125 1)6 105 110 126 105 I) 12911 230 1111 25) 216 105 227 205 9B 201 Vampth 46 120 55 55 1)0 2 57 120 68 Oreg )00 110 ))0 )30 15 412 291 106 gt08pound41lf_____1i6____ 11(1_____ 17~ _____1J6____ 1ltgt_____120_____ 1J~ ___ 112_____1~_

~____ 4~_____10____111111 ___ 4515_____~5___ l)~___ _~19= ____~2___ l121_ - 23 shy

-UPDATA 1981 bull _ bull h



ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944






- ---I I94 1J9s 1~~ S~at J Jor 1 Yield Pr d ti~ JeJ81 I n14 I ProducUcna I Jone J Yield Pro4ucUoII

____1_~bullt4_1_~r_~l _1__0_u _~ _1_IIret4__~I_-l _1________~t4_1_~1_~l J _____ _ ThouIAcne ~ ThoU Bu llloutareplE ft1oUI Bu BiouDJeJ8el llloubullbull IIp

Ind 2 ~9 48 2 300 60 1 300 30 Ill 1 240 2h 1 290 29 1 300 30 Iova 1 240 24 1 200 20 1 200 20 Mo 61 216 1)18 29 ~o 435 ~ 220 968 IDaIt 8 163 130 1 160 16 1 135 14 SDak 92 153 1408 43 115 494 37 160 592 lobI 115 22) 2564 75 180 1350 18 200 1560 Ian 2229 221 49261 1149 154 17695 B51 1)5 11488 IC 2 250 50 3 2)0 69 sc 1 165 16 1 170 17 3 IB5 56 Al 2 163 33 13 150 195 2) 160 368 uk 7 143 100 10 170 170 8 150 120 La 1 150 15 1 180 18 1 140 14 Okla 979 1050 146805 636 120 7632 6~ 115 7176 ex 05103 194 99229 ) 950 150 c59139 4~ 160 71840 ColO aIfO 1057 3768 180 lAt9 2682 191 130 2483 1lIex )69 166 6111 84 70 587 108 104 1127 Aris 54 372 2009 44 )40 1496 55 360 1980 ~a1____11____)1~ ____ ~)~ _____1pound2____32~ ___ _ l27 _____~5____42 ___ ~292 __ US 9)86 197 184978 6)24 152 9606) 6669 159 106025


- - --I l~ 192s 1~ Stah I tar 1 Yield 1 PrOdUCtioD Acre I Yield I ProductiOIl Acne I Yield 1 Productloll

____1_~etd_Umiddotr_Jer _1_______ _~etd_I_Pr_Ael _1_______1_lIrQt4__~r_~l J _____ _ Thoue Jon ll 2a DIOUlllOD ThoubullbullJer 12 DIoubullbull Toll lhoUlJarooa ToD bou l01I

lIId 5 105 52 4 120 48 3 110 111 4 100 40 3 90 27 2 105 21 Vh 1 80 8 1 75 8 M1Dn 70 21 4 60 24 2 65 13 Iowa 6 100 60 3 90 27 1 110 11 Mo 85 374 36 71) 252 25 85 212 IDak 2 30 6 2 202 4 2 21 4 SDaIc 15 7 56 11 3- 37 7 40 28 Ifebr 59 64 378 22 50 110 17 50 BS Iane 412 70 2884 )42 55 1881 SO 60 21OQ SC 3 50 15 ) 55 16 3 50 15 Ga ) 40 12 1 45 14 51) 20 leDII 10 65 65 9 70 63 6 70 42 Al 6 75 45 05 70 35 6 60 36)Ii 12 90 108 12 90 108 12 75 90 Ark 3 55 16 2 55 11 5 60 )0 La 1 61 7 1 7- 7 1 66 7 Old 97 50 485 10 45 115 67 40 l68 Ix l6It 48 789 108 35 )83 87 41 ~O Colo 10 55 55 18 45 81 5 50 25 bullbull lIu 6 ) 20 2 30 2 45 9 Arll 9 121) 108 6 US 69 12 U5 138pounda1_____4____~~ ______2 ______4 ~ ______4 _____~ ______l~ ______ ____1~~

US 879 642 56114 671 532 3510 623 576 3SS7


- - - -I = 19~ = = = == = ~ 1~4sect state crill 1 Yield ProductioD Acre 1 Yield I Prod t1 I Acres Yield Pr

_____~etd_lt]~r_Apoundr ________1_Hrstd_IJr_Apoundr ____~ _o~ __~etd_Jr_Apoundrtl _ ~d~~1~~ ThougAcru Jl9B1 lhquGIlllog TI1quecrea ~ TboutOallQII ThguuJcru GalloDII AAUIIlampllov

Ind 1 80 80 1 90 90 1 75 75 Ill 3 50 ISO 2 50 100 2 65 1)0 Via 2 80 160 1 70 70 1 62 62 10 3 125 )705 2 100 200 3 129 387 Mo 8 62 496 5 45 225 7 55 385 bu 2 55 110 2 SO 100 2 51 102 Va J 65 195 2 65 130 2 66 1)2 VVa 3 59 177 2 67 134 1 66 66 lIC 11 74 814 8 64 512 9 131 729 SC 10 55 550 10 55 550 8 58 464 Ge 22 55 1210 15 57 855 11 53 583 17 12 65 780 10 73 730 16 85 1360 laDII 15 61 915 14 60 840 19 73 1)87 Ala 27 65 1755 18 66 1188 22 6) 1386 Mha 25 78 1950 21 80 1680 19 65 1235 Ark 17 SO 850 15 55 825 17 60 1020 L~ 2 55 110 2 60 120 2 40 80 OklL 6 42 252 5 43 215 4 47 188

i~----~i---~------l~-----l~---~------~______~ ___~____ _~2__--- - - - - - - - - - _1_ - __ l~ _____146____6middotZ ____ 2~ _____~_ 660 10171

-O- ------------ shy



-s~~e-= ~II 1 RI~ 1Pr~~to ~r~ ~~ 1 ~o~t~I~ ~~ R~~ ~din I BarYeated Per Acre I I BarYe ted Per Acr I I BarYbullbulltod Per Acr

- - - -1h-cr- -Dl~hr- -fhoa- ia - fhQicr1 bir- - -TiioQ- ib- - thOulAcibullbull -Dlhel- TiioU- -IDe 1 260 26 1 320 32 1 320 JJ~ Iowa 1 160 16 1 195 20 1 225 m )10 114 160 704 30 240 72031 200 6tjIlak 1 155 16 1 160 16 SDU 111 90 162 20 155 310 20 122 244

Iobr 75 150 1125 111 225 2632 109 236 2572lAD 754 145 10933 339 215 287811 1392 215 29 928 IC 5 250 125 16 270 432 15 250 375 s Q 5 155 78 1 175 122 7 180 126 Ala 34 165 561 45 195 878 33 181 597 Arll 10 150 15016 1110 2811 14 172 241 lA 2 140 28 2 155 31 3 170 51 CkIa 440 110 11840 556 150 8340 548 155 8494 181 3640 180 65421 496 165 74143 3563 239 114996 Colo 160 150 2400 192 170 3264 3011 172 52911 INex 167 106 1764 287 140 40111 415 222 9213 Arh 53 410 2113 75 400 3000 61 1146 2721 -~l____1~ ____3 ____ ~sect9 _____16___ 31middot ____ ~~ _____ 11___ 32 ~ ___ r62_ ~~___ ~~ ____lI~ ____9I11 ____ 7____1~ ___ ~I~ ____6~5~2____2 __ 4~_

ALL SOBOIIllKS JOR SIIMB AOlJWlE YIELD A)JD PROIUClIOIl 1947 to 1949 _______ ~_7_________________ __________________ ~~_______ _~------------~------------------~------------------ilt--------

State Acre I Yh1d I Acre field Acre Yield BarPedd Per Acre Product1on I BarPted Per Acre Production llarveted Pet Acre Production

- - - - ThouAcre -iaL- - -boU7tOji - biiuAcro -Jiii- - -b0li71oi- ~ouEcre - -~n - -fhw7Tu Ind 2 85 17 2 115 23 2 115 23 Ill 2 90 18 4 105 42 3 93 28 Hinn 2 60 12 2 eo 16 1 70 7 IoVA 3 60 18 3 95 28 3 100 30 Mo 33 70 231 31 95 294 29 86 249 IfIlK 1 25 2 1 30 3 2 23 5 slak 9 25 22 5 55 28 3 42 13 Ibr 16 45 72 12 60 72 18 70 126lAD 409 53 21611 359 76 2 72~ 278 73 2029 SC 3 50 15 2 55 11 3 60 18 0 3 45 14 5 55 211 3 60 IS Tonn 6 70 42 7 75 52 8 76 61 Ala 4 65 26 7 75 52 6 74 44 Nh 12 65 711 12 01 0 96 8 85 61 Ark 3 5middot3 16 5 75 38 5 75 38 ta 1 60 6 2 68 14 2 70 14 (kIa 54 37 200 4 55 264 43 56 241 Tex 69 37 258 66 46 305 60 57 343 Colo 6 45 27 7 55 38 9 48 43 IIMex 3 40 12 e 45 36 8 53 42 Arh 4 110 44 10 110 110 11 115 126 -~1____ ~ ____1poundpound ______~ ______4____1poundpound ______~ ______6____1~ pound _____~_ ~____ ~4~ ____ 4___ _ lP _____~2____ 7____ ~~1 _____51____ 10___ sect2~_


-- -- I~ D[8 I~i State Aeres Tield Production I Acr Tield Produetlon I Acree Yield Production

BarYeted I Per Acre I BarTeted Per Acre BarYeted Per Acre - - - - hiiuicre - Gallon - bouGallon thouD Xcre - 01100 - fhoubullbullOaflon ~iiuicro - iiaflon -lhOli7aeliOii Ind 1 70 70 1 90 90 1 90 90 Ill 1 55 55 1118 1 51 51 1 80 80 1 77 77 IClVa 2 80 160 2 168 336 2 158 316 Mo II 42 168 3 66 1911 2 61 122 Ian 2 51 102 1 47 47 Va 1 61 67 1 90 90 IIVa 1 70 70 bullbullC 10 73 730 6 611 408 4 72 211 Sc 7 49 343 5 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ Ga 14 59 826 II ~ ~ 6 60 ~ ~ 12 74 888 6 73 438 5 79 395 Tnn 13 60 7S0 7 Ala 111 60 10110 8 m = ~ =Mi 22 68 1496 15 78 1170 9 63 567 Arll 11 42 462 8 64 512 4 54 216 La 2 35 70 1 43 43 1 45 45 Cltla 3 33 99 2 55 110 1 52 52 ~_____ ~ ____ 25______ 13~ ______5__ _ ______ 1pound _____ -____ ~_____ __I~

Us 131 7847 SO 6911 55116 53 66s 3539 -------------------------~---------------------------- -------- 21 shy

bullUPDATA 1981 ~~ I j


--- -- 1~ t 19~ t 19[6 StlAt I Acree Yield Acrn Yield Acrea Yield

Harvea d Pel Production Harvest d Per Production Harvested Per Production _________ ~ _ _Agrl _ ______ ______Apound~ __ ______ t ______ _Asr~ _______ _

ThoutlAcree Ton8 ThouTone ThouAcre Ton ThouBlone ThoUllAcres 1on8 Thou8Tone Main 923 89 818 833 106 882 84 99 m fK 388 102 395 376 123 464 364 118 431 it 1032 126 1298 10oe 150 1516 1006 143 1442 )(saso 319 124 469 376 164 615 365 164 597 RI 36 1l4 41 37 146 54 34144 49 Conn 304 123 374 300 157 472 288 162 467 fY 4008 144 5759 4021 161 6488 3968 162 6416 NJ 274 147 402 288 177 509 260 175 454 PIi 2564 140 3597 2539 151 3826 2525 150 3789 0b10 2605 139 3622 2560 148 3801 2536 152 3848 Ind 2004 131 2626 1765 145 2551 1835 137 2511 Ill 2824 139 3938 2662 152 4053 2732 146 3985 Mich 2813 1)8 3895 2671 148 3958 2648 124 3272 Vb 4263 163 6929 4214 187 7870 4ll2 155 6371 Minn 4683 142 6640 4366 152 6637 4067 146 5956 Iowa 3551 164 58)6 1304 172 5677 3275 163 5325 Mo 3703 113 4171 3914 115 4500 3545 119 4201 lItDIIk 3421 97 3305 3434 94 3233 3068 89 2724 SDak 36e5 99 3637 3616 92 3312 3478 80 2775 Nebr 4355 112 4865 4062 11)9 4436 3915 97 3787 ~B 1784 167 2982 1783 161 2875 1746 135 2354 Del 82 1 ~o 98 75 152 114 71 149 106 Md 461 120 552 464 139 643 442 148 656 Va 1383 11)2 1405 1477 117 1722 1391 119 1650 IIv 835 108 904 840 1~ 1061 812 129 1045 NC 1315 96 1263 1374 98 1352 1263 102 1285 sc 543 74 400 554 84 465 S07 87 442 Oe 1406 49 689 1441 54 785 1399 52 723 lIla 118 54 64 125 57 71 123 49 60 It) 1630 112 1831 1987 137 2720 1813 136 2459 Tenn 1769 94 1660 1978 124 2444 1802 122 2205 All 1 091 67 730 995 75 742 999 74 744 M18s 925 119 1104 873 117 1025 850 123 1046 Ark 1397 109 1529 1378 116 1595 1258 118 1483 ra 3Jl 119 395 326 125 406 319 126 403 Okla 1296 129 1671 1326 133 1757 1355 113 1534 Tex 1591 90 1439 1599 96 1537 1623 11)3 1619 Mont 2265 119 2689 2267 117 2681 2147 112 2395 Idho 1198 204 2445 1189 204 2428 1140 213 2429 liTo 1156 113 1312 1103 116 1274 1091 111 1214 Colo 1467 159 2331 1425 155 2215 1359 148 2008 NMex 217 221 419 201 192 385 206 212 436 Arb 332 218 723 309 242 748 306 239 737 Utah 612 203 1245 597 200 1194 573 195 1115 ireV 435 142 617 436 141 615 432 152 655 VaBb 989 119 1775 931 187 1744 656 192 1640 Oreg 1156 173 1996 1158 170 1970 1062 173 1~39poundampl1____20plusmn0____ ~middot21____ 22~ ____2130____ ~bullsect4____60]6____ 282 __ _ 1~2_ ___6t0Q3_ ~____ 176)9____ ]middot13___ 03~2 ___ 16627____ ]~__ _1~7t418_ ___71141 ___ ]15___ 291518_

VILD HAY ACREAGE nELD lID PllOllUCTIOlf 1944 to 191i6

- - - - - 1~ l I9~ l 19[6 state I Acree Yield Acree Yield AcreB Yield

I Harveated Per Productioll ltlrvesed bull Per bull Production Harvested Per bull Production ___________ l ce__ ~ ______ t _____ _ =_AsrJ __ ______ l _______~r __ _____ _

ThouaAcrem ThousTon bonaAcres ona ThousTona Thoue-cres ~ Thousfou Via 140 130 182 94 115 106 llO 115 126 Minn 1452 1ll 1612 1394 115 1603 1282 110 1410 10 102 122 124 92 120 llO 86 1O 103 Mo 154 109 168 160 120 192 150 100 ISO NDal 2576 90 ~318 2576 85 2190 2318 85 1970 sJ))k 3076 88 2707 3014 60 24ll 2693 70 2025 Nebr 3198 80 2558 2942 75 2206 2795 65 1817Ian 693 111 769 638 115 734 636 75 478 Ark 194 104 202 202 105 212 202 105 212 Okla 480 118 566 437 125 S46 428 100 428 Tex 195 105 205 185 100 185 191 105 201 Mont 867 85 737 806 90 725 622 60 658 ldho 139 lU 156 139 115 160 135 110 148 To 529 60 423 481 BO 385 495 85 421 Colo 466 97 452 443 100 443 439 85 373 NMex 20 88 16 15 70 10 27 100 27 Utah 103 124 126 lOS 100 105 105 120 1-6 lreT 267 100 267 267 100 267 267 110 294 Yam 46 115 53 51 125 64 47 120 56 Or~ ll76 115 320 3U 11n 3IU gt86 110 315 ~l-l_____1$gt____ 110_____ 17g _____112___ _ 1io_ ~ __ _2ffl_ ____ 152 ___ 1lL ____11~_

k ___ 5all1_____23____1~J1 ___ 4~~_____21___ Jt2~2___ _ ll~7 ___ _g3_ __ l51 _


FFeti5 Hri+tttrtft gt~- bullbull ~Mto shy



- -- -- 1~7 19la_ 19sect State Acrea Yild cr Tlel-l Acrea Yield

______II~~t~d_ ~ ~~~__ ~ ~d~ln_l v~e~ _~_A~~ ___~o~u~t~o~ ~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~____P~o~u~to~ ~bullbullAcrea gAl ~ousTonD fitouDcrea ~ lhoulITons Tbous bullocres I2 Thou9Tonl

M1n 766 11)8 627 nO 11)2 746 695 9B 682 lilI J5) 127 446 JJ9 124 421 J18 11) )56 n 995 149 148J 974 145 1416 952 124 1176 ca )51 154 540 J46 160 59f )42 145 496 RI )2 159 51 29 159 46 28 1 bullSO 42 Conn 280 166 464 272 162 440 26) 156 410 IIT )752 161 6029 )642 165 6016 3)97 1)6 46)0 IJ 244 17) 422 236 161 428 239 177 422 Il 2))9 150 )511 2194 146 )710 2202 142 )123 Ohio 2497 140 34B6 2)84 14) )406 2255 142 )212 Ind 1708 1)6 2)Jl 1661 1)6 2251 1616 145 2 bull 342 Ill 2626 14J )756 2)85 149 )558 2230 165 J689 Mich 2628 1Jl J45) 24)6 1)7 )346 2)29 1)2 )069 Vh 4066 16) 6665 )940 1)8 54)2 3916 15) 5972 MiIlJ1 4063 142 57n )659 1)7 529) 3819 1)lt3 5268 10_ )J)B 154 5154 2943 1)4 )955 )100 159 49)0 Me 3762 114 4)10 )S46 129 4564 )60) 129 465) IDU 3289 95 )110 3176 91 2901 )441 B5 2920 S~ )675 85 ))1) 4126 84 )451 4412 68 3013 lfebr 4)05 113 4BBI 4))4 105 4532 4836 108 5ZJl Iu 2059 153 )155 195) 176 )479 2017 160 3~z2 Del 69 146 102 n 140 102 68 110 97 Md 429 142 611 445 144 64) 429 152 ti51 Vamp 1)27 107 1414 1)72 126 1722 1321 127 16n VV 60) 116 92B 796 129 1026 B02 124 991_C 1292 96 1267 1290 10) 1)28 1246 105 1)12 SC 465 76 )76 509 68 449 52J 91 476 0amp 1)91 51 70) 1416 56 791 1055 6) 66) 11 125 54 67 1)2 58 77 65 62 5) 1) 1666 1)B 2568 1687 126 21)0 1828 110 2)60 l1IllU 1812 117 2120 1691 111 1861 l7J4 125 2175 U 939 72 679 922 18 720 790 84 667 Ki 601 115 923 769 121 9)3 779 115 89) Ark 1254 98 1224 1211 124 150) 1116 117 1J10 111 300 118 )s4 294 112 )29 295 1m 379 Okla 1580 119 1B77 1490 I)) 1975 1)50 1)5 1821 le 1620 90 16)7 1706 91 1556 145) 112 1624 MoDt 2227 112 2491 220) I) 2704 2On 101 2084 Idoho 1022 2Z5 2296 986 220 2171 1050 2lt) 2))7 1170 1080 117 1265 1017 94 960 1104 110 1209 Colo 1)56 164 2219 1)51 167 2251 1401 164 229) Ifllex 216 210 454 20) 212 4)) 19) 209 404 Arlo m 220 595 226 2)8 5)7 25) 247 624 Utah S6B 208 1160 550 205 1129 5)7 21) 1145 - )92 155 606 )8) 151 577 377 154 580 lfath 60) 1117 150) 765 205 1611 772 178 1375 Oree 1076 169 1617 1061 174 1646 970 158 1526 ~11middot____~~~ __ ~ J bull 26____ euro1)Q ____1~7O____ 1middotQ7____5JplusmnL ___ 1l15Q ___ 1middot25___ 3 49_ [middotk ___ 1 46amp6____ 1middot15___ 10Q$~ ___ 11617____ 114___ 2611~ ___71~ __ _ lmiddotlJ_ __ 25025_

_1If_ eii2ll 2r_A1l_II~r_r2r_125~D-~ 9Z1J211 o_____________ bull __________

~~~ _lAi~~e5drIx~~rpoundr ~tloi ~ce ~eililfgi ct r~~ln hqutr ll lhoubullbullrona rhouaAcr 12l ThouaToga

~ _____1 _0_____ 111_______ 1~~ _____ 1~ _____ 1Ql_ ______ 1~~ _ Ylk ____ 14aJgl_____ 1J8______ 10l57______7~11J _____ l~L _____ l0ll_ ~ -

WILD BAT AClUllilE fIELD AlID PBODUCrIOll 1947 to 1~1

- - - - - 1i41 1~ 1~ Il~t I Acre I Yield heres Yield Acres Yield bull

I arT ted I Per Production arTeBted Per ProucUon Iifrvsted Per bull Production ____ _1_ __~ __ _~rl _ i ______ 1 _______ cLe______________ cIe___=_____ _

1houeAcreo 1M lhoubullbullTop rhouoAcree ~ rhouerona rhousAcrea ron rhoubullbullroue Vlo 106 115 122 1)0 95 124 112 107 120 Minn 1)06 11e 1439 12)0 105 1292 11)2 105 1169 10 75 1O 90 61 115 9) 70 123 66 Mo 150 110 165 141 110 155 1)5 110 146 1IDIIk 2596 90 2))6 2414 65 2052 2535 Bo 2028 SDU )240 75 24)0 )4)4 70 2401 )4)4 57 1957_hr 296) 60 2)70 2904 65 1686 )252 75 24)9 lUI 702 110 772 611 115 7~ 642 115 nB Ark 204 B5 In 175 110 192 152 105 160 00amp 458 110 504 4)1 1 lt5 5)9 416 1gt0 502 lu 210 95 200 197 65 167 1B5 101 167 Mont 860 BO 704 654 90 769 769 75 577 Id~o 132 110 145 140 100 140 144 109 157 To 500 95 475 475 60 lB5 522 B5 444 Colo 470 105 494 451 105 474 474 102 4B) 11 Megt 27 BO 22 25 75 19 22 6) 1B Utah 109 125 1)6 105 110 126 105 I) 12911 230 1111 25) 216 105 227 205 9B 201 Vampth 46 120 55 55 1)0 2 57 120 68 Oreg )00 110 ))0 )30 15 412 291 106 gt08pound41lf_____1i6____ 11(1_____ 17~ _____1J6____ 1ltgt_____120_____ 1J~ ___ 112_____1~_

~____ 4~_____10____111111 ___ 4515_____~5___ l)~___ _~19= ____~2___ l121_ - 23 shy

-UPDATA 1981 bull _ bull h



ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944




-s~~e-= ~II 1 RI~ 1Pr~~to ~r~ ~~ 1 ~o~t~I~ ~~ R~~ ~din I BarYeated Per Acre I I BarYe ted Per Acr I I BarYbullbulltod Per Acr

- - - -1h-cr- -Dl~hr- -fhoa- ia - fhQicr1 bir- - -TiioQ- ib- - thOulAcibullbull -Dlhel- TiioU- -IDe 1 260 26 1 320 32 1 320 JJ~ Iowa 1 160 16 1 195 20 1 225 m )10 114 160 704 30 240 72031 200 6tjIlak 1 155 16 1 160 16 SDU 111 90 162 20 155 310 20 122 244

Iobr 75 150 1125 111 225 2632 109 236 2572lAD 754 145 10933 339 215 287811 1392 215 29 928 IC 5 250 125 16 270 432 15 250 375 s Q 5 155 78 1 175 122 7 180 126 Ala 34 165 561 45 195 878 33 181 597 Arll 10 150 15016 1110 2811 14 172 241 lA 2 140 28 2 155 31 3 170 51 CkIa 440 110 11840 556 150 8340 548 155 8494 181 3640 180 65421 496 165 74143 3563 239 114996 Colo 160 150 2400 192 170 3264 3011 172 52911 INex 167 106 1764 287 140 40111 415 222 9213 Arh 53 410 2113 75 400 3000 61 1146 2721 -~l____1~ ____3 ____ ~sect9 _____16___ 31middot ____ ~~ _____ 11___ 32 ~ ___ r62_ ~~___ ~~ ____lI~ ____9I11 ____ 7____1~ ___ ~I~ ____6~5~2____2 __ 4~_

ALL SOBOIIllKS JOR SIIMB AOlJWlE YIELD A)JD PROIUClIOIl 1947 to 1949 _______ ~_7_________________ __________________ ~~_______ _~------------~------------------~------------------ilt--------

State Acre I Yh1d I Acre field Acre Yield BarPedd Per Acre Product1on I BarPted Per Acre Production llarveted Pet Acre Production

- - - - ThouAcre -iaL- - -boU7tOji - biiuAcro -Jiii- - -b0li71oi- ~ouEcre - -~n - -fhw7Tu Ind 2 85 17 2 115 23 2 115 23 Ill 2 90 18 4 105 42 3 93 28 Hinn 2 60 12 2 eo 16 1 70 7 IoVA 3 60 18 3 95 28 3 100 30 Mo 33 70 231 31 95 294 29 86 249 IfIlK 1 25 2 1 30 3 2 23 5 slak 9 25 22 5 55 28 3 42 13 Ibr 16 45 72 12 60 72 18 70 126lAD 409 53 21611 359 76 2 72~ 278 73 2029 SC 3 50 15 2 55 11 3 60 18 0 3 45 14 5 55 211 3 60 IS Tonn 6 70 42 7 75 52 8 76 61 Ala 4 65 26 7 75 52 6 74 44 Nh 12 65 711 12 01 0 96 8 85 61 Ark 3 5middot3 16 5 75 38 5 75 38 ta 1 60 6 2 68 14 2 70 14 (kIa 54 37 200 4 55 264 43 56 241 Tex 69 37 258 66 46 305 60 57 343 Colo 6 45 27 7 55 38 9 48 43 IIMex 3 40 12 e 45 36 8 53 42 Arh 4 110 44 10 110 110 11 115 126 -~1____ ~ ____1poundpound ______~ ______4____1poundpound ______~ ______6____1~ pound _____~_ ~____ ~4~ ____ 4___ _ lP _____~2____ 7____ ~~1 _____51____ 10___ sect2~_


-- -- I~ D[8 I~i State Aeres Tield Production I Acr Tield Produetlon I Acree Yield Production

BarYeted I Per Acre I BarTeted Per Acre BarYeted Per Acre - - - - hiiuicre - Gallon - bouGallon thouD Xcre - 01100 - fhoubullbullOaflon ~iiuicro - iiaflon -lhOli7aeliOii Ind 1 70 70 1 90 90 1 90 90 Ill 1 55 55 1118 1 51 51 1 80 80 1 77 77 IClVa 2 80 160 2 168 336 2 158 316 Mo II 42 168 3 66 1911 2 61 122 Ian 2 51 102 1 47 47 Va 1 61 67 1 90 90 IIVa 1 70 70 bullbullC 10 73 730 6 611 408 4 72 211 Sc 7 49 343 5 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ Ga 14 59 826 II ~ ~ 6 60 ~ ~ 12 74 888 6 73 438 5 79 395 Tnn 13 60 7S0 7 Ala 111 60 10110 8 m = ~ =Mi 22 68 1496 15 78 1170 9 63 567 Arll 11 42 462 8 64 512 4 54 216 La 2 35 70 1 43 43 1 45 45 Cltla 3 33 99 2 55 110 1 52 52 ~_____ ~ ____ 25______ 13~ ______5__ _ ______ 1pound _____ -____ ~_____ __I~

Us 131 7847 SO 6911 55116 53 66s 3539 -------------------------~---------------------------- -------- 21 shy

bullUPDATA 1981 ~~ I j


--- -- 1~ t 19~ t 19[6 StlAt I Acree Yield Acrn Yield Acrea Yield

Harvea d Pel Production Harvest d Per Production Harvested Per Production _________ ~ _ _Agrl _ ______ ______Apound~ __ ______ t ______ _Asr~ _______ _

ThoutlAcree Ton8 ThouTone ThouAcre Ton ThouBlone ThoUllAcres 1on8 Thou8Tone Main 923 89 818 833 106 882 84 99 m fK 388 102 395 376 123 464 364 118 431 it 1032 126 1298 10oe 150 1516 1006 143 1442 )(saso 319 124 469 376 164 615 365 164 597 RI 36 1l4 41 37 146 54 34144 49 Conn 304 123 374 300 157 472 288 162 467 fY 4008 144 5759 4021 161 6488 3968 162 6416 NJ 274 147 402 288 177 509 260 175 454 PIi 2564 140 3597 2539 151 3826 2525 150 3789 0b10 2605 139 3622 2560 148 3801 2536 152 3848 Ind 2004 131 2626 1765 145 2551 1835 137 2511 Ill 2824 139 3938 2662 152 4053 2732 146 3985 Mich 2813 1)8 3895 2671 148 3958 2648 124 3272 Vb 4263 163 6929 4214 187 7870 4ll2 155 6371 Minn 4683 142 6640 4366 152 6637 4067 146 5956 Iowa 3551 164 58)6 1304 172 5677 3275 163 5325 Mo 3703 113 4171 3914 115 4500 3545 119 4201 lItDIIk 3421 97 3305 3434 94 3233 3068 89 2724 SDak 36e5 99 3637 3616 92 3312 3478 80 2775 Nebr 4355 112 4865 4062 11)9 4436 3915 97 3787 ~B 1784 167 2982 1783 161 2875 1746 135 2354 Del 82 1 ~o 98 75 152 114 71 149 106 Md 461 120 552 464 139 643 442 148 656 Va 1383 11)2 1405 1477 117 1722 1391 119 1650 IIv 835 108 904 840 1~ 1061 812 129 1045 NC 1315 96 1263 1374 98 1352 1263 102 1285 sc 543 74 400 554 84 465 S07 87 442 Oe 1406 49 689 1441 54 785 1399 52 723 lIla 118 54 64 125 57 71 123 49 60 It) 1630 112 1831 1987 137 2720 1813 136 2459 Tenn 1769 94 1660 1978 124 2444 1802 122 2205 All 1 091 67 730 995 75 742 999 74 744 M18s 925 119 1104 873 117 1025 850 123 1046 Ark 1397 109 1529 1378 116 1595 1258 118 1483 ra 3Jl 119 395 326 125 406 319 126 403 Okla 1296 129 1671 1326 133 1757 1355 113 1534 Tex 1591 90 1439 1599 96 1537 1623 11)3 1619 Mont 2265 119 2689 2267 117 2681 2147 112 2395 Idho 1198 204 2445 1189 204 2428 1140 213 2429 liTo 1156 113 1312 1103 116 1274 1091 111 1214 Colo 1467 159 2331 1425 155 2215 1359 148 2008 NMex 217 221 419 201 192 385 206 212 436 Arb 332 218 723 309 242 748 306 239 737 Utah 612 203 1245 597 200 1194 573 195 1115 ireV 435 142 617 436 141 615 432 152 655 VaBb 989 119 1775 931 187 1744 656 192 1640 Oreg 1156 173 1996 1158 170 1970 1062 173 1~39poundampl1____20plusmn0____ ~middot21____ 22~ ____2130____ ~bullsect4____60]6____ 282 __ _ 1~2_ ___6t0Q3_ ~____ 176)9____ ]middot13___ 03~2 ___ 16627____ ]~__ _1~7t418_ ___71141 ___ ]15___ 291518_

VILD HAY ACREAGE nELD lID PllOllUCTIOlf 1944 to 191i6

- - - - - 1~ l I9~ l 19[6 state I Acree Yield Acree Yield AcreB Yield

I Harveated Per Productioll ltlrvesed bull Per bull Production Harvested Per bull Production ___________ l ce__ ~ ______ t _____ _ =_AsrJ __ ______ l _______~r __ _____ _

ThouaAcrem ThousTon bonaAcres ona ThousTona Thoue-cres ~ Thousfou Via 140 130 182 94 115 106 llO 115 126 Minn 1452 1ll 1612 1394 115 1603 1282 110 1410 10 102 122 124 92 120 llO 86 1O 103 Mo 154 109 168 160 120 192 150 100 ISO NDal 2576 90 ~318 2576 85 2190 2318 85 1970 sJ))k 3076 88 2707 3014 60 24ll 2693 70 2025 Nebr 3198 80 2558 2942 75 2206 2795 65 1817Ian 693 111 769 638 115 734 636 75 478 Ark 194 104 202 202 105 212 202 105 212 Okla 480 118 566 437 125 S46 428 100 428 Tex 195 105 205 185 100 185 191 105 201 Mont 867 85 737 806 90 725 622 60 658 ldho 139 lU 156 139 115 160 135 110 148 To 529 60 423 481 BO 385 495 85 421 Colo 466 97 452 443 100 443 439 85 373 NMex 20 88 16 15 70 10 27 100 27 Utah 103 124 126 lOS 100 105 105 120 1-6 lreT 267 100 267 267 100 267 267 110 294 Yam 46 115 53 51 125 64 47 120 56 Or~ ll76 115 320 3U 11n 3IU gt86 110 315 ~l-l_____1$gt____ 110_____ 17g _____112___ _ 1io_ ~ __ _2ffl_ ____ 152 ___ 1lL ____11~_

k ___ 5all1_____23____1~J1 ___ 4~~_____21___ Jt2~2___ _ ll~7 ___ _g3_ __ l51 _


FFeti5 Hri+tttrtft gt~- bullbull ~Mto shy



- -- -- 1~7 19la_ 19sect State Acrea Yild cr Tlel-l Acrea Yield

______II~~t~d_ ~ ~~~__ ~ ~d~ln_l v~e~ _~_A~~ ___~o~u~t~o~ ~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~____P~o~u~to~ ~bullbullAcrea gAl ~ousTonD fitouDcrea ~ lhoulITons Tbous bullocres I2 Thou9Tonl

M1n 766 11)8 627 nO 11)2 746 695 9B 682 lilI J5) 127 446 JJ9 124 421 J18 11) )56 n 995 149 148J 974 145 1416 952 124 1176 ca )51 154 540 J46 160 59f )42 145 496 RI )2 159 51 29 159 46 28 1 bullSO 42 Conn 280 166 464 272 162 440 26) 156 410 IIT )752 161 6029 )642 165 6016 3)97 1)6 46)0 IJ 244 17) 422 236 161 428 239 177 422 Il 2))9 150 )511 2194 146 )710 2202 142 )123 Ohio 2497 140 34B6 2)84 14) )406 2255 142 )212 Ind 1708 1)6 2)Jl 1661 1)6 2251 1616 145 2 bull 342 Ill 2626 14J )756 2)85 149 )558 2230 165 J689 Mich 2628 1Jl J45) 24)6 1)7 )346 2)29 1)2 )069 Vh 4066 16) 6665 )940 1)8 54)2 3916 15) 5972 MiIlJ1 4063 142 57n )659 1)7 529) 3819 1)lt3 5268 10_ )J)B 154 5154 2943 1)4 )955 )100 159 49)0 Me 3762 114 4)10 )S46 129 4564 )60) 129 465) IDU 3289 95 )110 3176 91 2901 )441 B5 2920 S~ )675 85 ))1) 4126 84 )451 4412 68 3013 lfebr 4)05 113 4BBI 4))4 105 4532 4836 108 5ZJl Iu 2059 153 )155 195) 176 )479 2017 160 3~z2 Del 69 146 102 n 140 102 68 110 97 Md 429 142 611 445 144 64) 429 152 ti51 Vamp 1)27 107 1414 1)72 126 1722 1321 127 16n VV 60) 116 92B 796 129 1026 B02 124 991_C 1292 96 1267 1290 10) 1)28 1246 105 1)12 SC 465 76 )76 509 68 449 52J 91 476 0amp 1)91 51 70) 1416 56 791 1055 6) 66) 11 125 54 67 1)2 58 77 65 62 5) 1) 1666 1)B 2568 1687 126 21)0 1828 110 2)60 l1IllU 1812 117 2120 1691 111 1861 l7J4 125 2175 U 939 72 679 922 18 720 790 84 667 Ki 601 115 923 769 121 9)3 779 115 89) Ark 1254 98 1224 1211 124 150) 1116 117 1J10 111 300 118 )s4 294 112 )29 295 1m 379 Okla 1580 119 1B77 1490 I)) 1975 1)50 1)5 1821 le 1620 90 16)7 1706 91 1556 145) 112 1624 MoDt 2227 112 2491 220) I) 2704 2On 101 2084 Idoho 1022 2Z5 2296 986 220 2171 1050 2lt) 2))7 1170 1080 117 1265 1017 94 960 1104 110 1209 Colo 1)56 164 2219 1)51 167 2251 1401 164 229) Ifllex 216 210 454 20) 212 4)) 19) 209 404 Arlo m 220 595 226 2)8 5)7 25) 247 624 Utah S6B 208 1160 550 205 1129 5)7 21) 1145 - )92 155 606 )8) 151 577 377 154 580 lfath 60) 1117 150) 765 205 1611 772 178 1375 Oree 1076 169 1617 1061 174 1646 970 158 1526 ~11middot____~~~ __ ~ J bull 26____ euro1)Q ____1~7O____ 1middotQ7____5JplusmnL ___ 1l15Q ___ 1middot25___ 3 49_ [middotk ___ 1 46amp6____ 1middot15___ 10Q$~ ___ 11617____ 114___ 2611~ ___71~ __ _ lmiddotlJ_ __ 25025_

_1If_ eii2ll 2r_A1l_II~r_r2r_125~D-~ 9Z1J211 o_____________ bull __________

~~~ _lAi~~e5drIx~~rpoundr ~tloi ~ce ~eililfgi ct r~~ln hqutr ll lhoubullbullrona rhouaAcr 12l ThouaToga

~ _____1 _0_____ 111_______ 1~~ _____ 1~ _____ 1Ql_ ______ 1~~ _ Ylk ____ 14aJgl_____ 1J8______ 10l57______7~11J _____ l~L _____ l0ll_ ~ -

WILD BAT AClUllilE fIELD AlID PBODUCrIOll 1947 to 1~1

- - - - - 1i41 1~ 1~ Il~t I Acre I Yield heres Yield Acres Yield bull

I arT ted I Per Production arTeBted Per ProucUon Iifrvsted Per bull Production ____ _1_ __~ __ _~rl _ i ______ 1 _______ cLe______________ cIe___=_____ _

1houeAcreo 1M lhoubullbullTop rhouoAcree ~ rhouerona rhousAcrea ron rhoubullbullroue Vlo 106 115 122 1)0 95 124 112 107 120 Minn 1)06 11e 1439 12)0 105 1292 11)2 105 1169 10 75 1O 90 61 115 9) 70 123 66 Mo 150 110 165 141 110 155 1)5 110 146 1IDIIk 2596 90 2))6 2414 65 2052 2535 Bo 2028 SDU )240 75 24)0 )4)4 70 2401 )4)4 57 1957_hr 296) 60 2)70 2904 65 1686 )252 75 24)9 lUI 702 110 772 611 115 7~ 642 115 nB Ark 204 B5 In 175 110 192 152 105 160 00amp 458 110 504 4)1 1 lt5 5)9 416 1gt0 502 lu 210 95 200 197 65 167 1B5 101 167 Mont 860 BO 704 654 90 769 769 75 577 Id~o 132 110 145 140 100 140 144 109 157 To 500 95 475 475 60 lB5 522 B5 444 Colo 470 105 494 451 105 474 474 102 4B) 11 Megt 27 BO 22 25 75 19 22 6) 1B Utah 109 125 1)6 105 110 126 105 I) 12911 230 1111 25) 216 105 227 205 9B 201 Vampth 46 120 55 55 1)0 2 57 120 68 Oreg )00 110 ))0 )30 15 412 291 106 gt08pound41lf_____1i6____ 11(1_____ 17~ _____1J6____ 1ltgt_____120_____ 1J~ ___ 112_____1~_

~____ 4~_____10____111111 ___ 4515_____~5___ l)~___ _~19= ____~2___ l121_ - 23 shy

-UPDATA 1981 bull _ bull h



ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944




--- -- 1~ t 19~ t 19[6 StlAt I Acree Yield Acrn Yield Acrea Yield

Harvea d Pel Production Harvest d Per Production Harvested Per Production _________ ~ _ _Agrl _ ______ ______Apound~ __ ______ t ______ _Asr~ _______ _

ThoutlAcree Ton8 ThouTone ThouAcre Ton ThouBlone ThoUllAcres 1on8 Thou8Tone Main 923 89 818 833 106 882 84 99 m fK 388 102 395 376 123 464 364 118 431 it 1032 126 1298 10oe 150 1516 1006 143 1442 )(saso 319 124 469 376 164 615 365 164 597 RI 36 1l4 41 37 146 54 34144 49 Conn 304 123 374 300 157 472 288 162 467 fY 4008 144 5759 4021 161 6488 3968 162 6416 NJ 274 147 402 288 177 509 260 175 454 PIi 2564 140 3597 2539 151 3826 2525 150 3789 0b10 2605 139 3622 2560 148 3801 2536 152 3848 Ind 2004 131 2626 1765 145 2551 1835 137 2511 Ill 2824 139 3938 2662 152 4053 2732 146 3985 Mich 2813 1)8 3895 2671 148 3958 2648 124 3272 Vb 4263 163 6929 4214 187 7870 4ll2 155 6371 Minn 4683 142 6640 4366 152 6637 4067 146 5956 Iowa 3551 164 58)6 1304 172 5677 3275 163 5325 Mo 3703 113 4171 3914 115 4500 3545 119 4201 lItDIIk 3421 97 3305 3434 94 3233 3068 89 2724 SDak 36e5 99 3637 3616 92 3312 3478 80 2775 Nebr 4355 112 4865 4062 11)9 4436 3915 97 3787 ~B 1784 167 2982 1783 161 2875 1746 135 2354 Del 82 1 ~o 98 75 152 114 71 149 106 Md 461 120 552 464 139 643 442 148 656 Va 1383 11)2 1405 1477 117 1722 1391 119 1650 IIv 835 108 904 840 1~ 1061 812 129 1045 NC 1315 96 1263 1374 98 1352 1263 102 1285 sc 543 74 400 554 84 465 S07 87 442 Oe 1406 49 689 1441 54 785 1399 52 723 lIla 118 54 64 125 57 71 123 49 60 It) 1630 112 1831 1987 137 2720 1813 136 2459 Tenn 1769 94 1660 1978 124 2444 1802 122 2205 All 1 091 67 730 995 75 742 999 74 744 M18s 925 119 1104 873 117 1025 850 123 1046 Ark 1397 109 1529 1378 116 1595 1258 118 1483 ra 3Jl 119 395 326 125 406 319 126 403 Okla 1296 129 1671 1326 133 1757 1355 113 1534 Tex 1591 90 1439 1599 96 1537 1623 11)3 1619 Mont 2265 119 2689 2267 117 2681 2147 112 2395 Idho 1198 204 2445 1189 204 2428 1140 213 2429 liTo 1156 113 1312 1103 116 1274 1091 111 1214 Colo 1467 159 2331 1425 155 2215 1359 148 2008 NMex 217 221 419 201 192 385 206 212 436 Arb 332 218 723 309 242 748 306 239 737 Utah 612 203 1245 597 200 1194 573 195 1115 ireV 435 142 617 436 141 615 432 152 655 VaBb 989 119 1775 931 187 1744 656 192 1640 Oreg 1156 173 1996 1158 170 1970 1062 173 1~39poundampl1____20plusmn0____ ~middot21____ 22~ ____2130____ ~bullsect4____60]6____ 282 __ _ 1~2_ ___6t0Q3_ ~____ 176)9____ ]middot13___ 03~2 ___ 16627____ ]~__ _1~7t418_ ___71141 ___ ]15___ 291518_

VILD HAY ACREAGE nELD lID PllOllUCTIOlf 1944 to 191i6

- - - - - 1~ l I9~ l 19[6 state I Acree Yield Acree Yield AcreB Yield

I Harveated Per Productioll ltlrvesed bull Per bull Production Harvested Per bull Production ___________ l ce__ ~ ______ t _____ _ =_AsrJ __ ______ l _______~r __ _____ _

ThouaAcrem ThousTon bonaAcres ona ThousTona Thoue-cres ~ Thousfou Via 140 130 182 94 115 106 llO 115 126 Minn 1452 1ll 1612 1394 115 1603 1282 110 1410 10 102 122 124 92 120 llO 86 1O 103 Mo 154 109 168 160 120 192 150 100 ISO NDal 2576 90 ~318 2576 85 2190 2318 85 1970 sJ))k 3076 88 2707 3014 60 24ll 2693 70 2025 Nebr 3198 80 2558 2942 75 2206 2795 65 1817Ian 693 111 769 638 115 734 636 75 478 Ark 194 104 202 202 105 212 202 105 212 Okla 480 118 566 437 125 S46 428 100 428 Tex 195 105 205 185 100 185 191 105 201 Mont 867 85 737 806 90 725 622 60 658 ldho 139 lU 156 139 115 160 135 110 148 To 529 60 423 481 BO 385 495 85 421 Colo 466 97 452 443 100 443 439 85 373 NMex 20 88 16 15 70 10 27 100 27 Utah 103 124 126 lOS 100 105 105 120 1-6 lreT 267 100 267 267 100 267 267 110 294 Yam 46 115 53 51 125 64 47 120 56 Or~ ll76 115 320 3U 11n 3IU gt86 110 315 ~l-l_____1$gt____ 110_____ 17g _____112___ _ 1io_ ~ __ _2ffl_ ____ 152 ___ 1lL ____11~_

k ___ 5all1_____23____1~J1 ___ 4~~_____21___ Jt2~2___ _ ll~7 ___ _g3_ __ l51 _


FFeti5 Hri+tttrtft gt~- bullbull ~Mto shy



- -- -- 1~7 19la_ 19sect State Acrea Yild cr Tlel-l Acrea Yield

______II~~t~d_ ~ ~~~__ ~ ~d~ln_l v~e~ _~_A~~ ___~o~u~t~o~ ~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~____P~o~u~to~ ~bullbullAcrea gAl ~ousTonD fitouDcrea ~ lhoulITons Tbous bullocres I2 Thou9Tonl

M1n 766 11)8 627 nO 11)2 746 695 9B 682 lilI J5) 127 446 JJ9 124 421 J18 11) )56 n 995 149 148J 974 145 1416 952 124 1176 ca )51 154 540 J46 160 59f )42 145 496 RI )2 159 51 29 159 46 28 1 bullSO 42 Conn 280 166 464 272 162 440 26) 156 410 IIT )752 161 6029 )642 165 6016 3)97 1)6 46)0 IJ 244 17) 422 236 161 428 239 177 422 Il 2))9 150 )511 2194 146 )710 2202 142 )123 Ohio 2497 140 34B6 2)84 14) )406 2255 142 )212 Ind 1708 1)6 2)Jl 1661 1)6 2251 1616 145 2 bull 342 Ill 2626 14J )756 2)85 149 )558 2230 165 J689 Mich 2628 1Jl J45) 24)6 1)7 )346 2)29 1)2 )069 Vh 4066 16) 6665 )940 1)8 54)2 3916 15) 5972 MiIlJ1 4063 142 57n )659 1)7 529) 3819 1)lt3 5268 10_ )J)B 154 5154 2943 1)4 )955 )100 159 49)0 Me 3762 114 4)10 )S46 129 4564 )60) 129 465) IDU 3289 95 )110 3176 91 2901 )441 B5 2920 S~ )675 85 ))1) 4126 84 )451 4412 68 3013 lfebr 4)05 113 4BBI 4))4 105 4532 4836 108 5ZJl Iu 2059 153 )155 195) 176 )479 2017 160 3~z2 Del 69 146 102 n 140 102 68 110 97 Md 429 142 611 445 144 64) 429 152 ti51 Vamp 1)27 107 1414 1)72 126 1722 1321 127 16n VV 60) 116 92B 796 129 1026 B02 124 991_C 1292 96 1267 1290 10) 1)28 1246 105 1)12 SC 465 76 )76 509 68 449 52J 91 476 0amp 1)91 51 70) 1416 56 791 1055 6) 66) 11 125 54 67 1)2 58 77 65 62 5) 1) 1666 1)B 2568 1687 126 21)0 1828 110 2)60 l1IllU 1812 117 2120 1691 111 1861 l7J4 125 2175 U 939 72 679 922 18 720 790 84 667 Ki 601 115 923 769 121 9)3 779 115 89) Ark 1254 98 1224 1211 124 150) 1116 117 1J10 111 300 118 )s4 294 112 )29 295 1m 379 Okla 1580 119 1B77 1490 I)) 1975 1)50 1)5 1821 le 1620 90 16)7 1706 91 1556 145) 112 1624 MoDt 2227 112 2491 220) I) 2704 2On 101 2084 Idoho 1022 2Z5 2296 986 220 2171 1050 2lt) 2))7 1170 1080 117 1265 1017 94 960 1104 110 1209 Colo 1)56 164 2219 1)51 167 2251 1401 164 229) Ifllex 216 210 454 20) 212 4)) 19) 209 404 Arlo m 220 595 226 2)8 5)7 25) 247 624 Utah S6B 208 1160 550 205 1129 5)7 21) 1145 - )92 155 606 )8) 151 577 377 154 580 lfath 60) 1117 150) 765 205 1611 772 178 1375 Oree 1076 169 1617 1061 174 1646 970 158 1526 ~11middot____~~~ __ ~ J bull 26____ euro1)Q ____1~7O____ 1middotQ7____5JplusmnL ___ 1l15Q ___ 1middot25___ 3 49_ [middotk ___ 1 46amp6____ 1middot15___ 10Q$~ ___ 11617____ 114___ 2611~ ___71~ __ _ lmiddotlJ_ __ 25025_

_1If_ eii2ll 2r_A1l_II~r_r2r_125~D-~ 9Z1J211 o_____________ bull __________

~~~ _lAi~~e5drIx~~rpoundr ~tloi ~ce ~eililfgi ct r~~ln hqutr ll lhoubullbullrona rhouaAcr 12l ThouaToga

~ _____1 _0_____ 111_______ 1~~ _____ 1~ _____ 1Ql_ ______ 1~~ _ Ylk ____ 14aJgl_____ 1J8______ 10l57______7~11J _____ l~L _____ l0ll_ ~ -

WILD BAT AClUllilE fIELD AlID PBODUCrIOll 1947 to 1~1

- - - - - 1i41 1~ 1~ Il~t I Acre I Yield heres Yield Acres Yield bull

I arT ted I Per Production arTeBted Per ProucUon Iifrvsted Per bull Production ____ _1_ __~ __ _~rl _ i ______ 1 _______ cLe______________ cIe___=_____ _

1houeAcreo 1M lhoubullbullTop rhouoAcree ~ rhouerona rhousAcrea ron rhoubullbullroue Vlo 106 115 122 1)0 95 124 112 107 120 Minn 1)06 11e 1439 12)0 105 1292 11)2 105 1169 10 75 1O 90 61 115 9) 70 123 66 Mo 150 110 165 141 110 155 1)5 110 146 1IDIIk 2596 90 2))6 2414 65 2052 2535 Bo 2028 SDU )240 75 24)0 )4)4 70 2401 )4)4 57 1957_hr 296) 60 2)70 2904 65 1686 )252 75 24)9 lUI 702 110 772 611 115 7~ 642 115 nB Ark 204 B5 In 175 110 192 152 105 160 00amp 458 110 504 4)1 1 lt5 5)9 416 1gt0 502 lu 210 95 200 197 65 167 1B5 101 167 Mont 860 BO 704 654 90 769 769 75 577 Id~o 132 110 145 140 100 140 144 109 157 To 500 95 475 475 60 lB5 522 B5 444 Colo 470 105 494 451 105 474 474 102 4B) 11 Megt 27 BO 22 25 75 19 22 6) 1B Utah 109 125 1)6 105 110 126 105 I) 12911 230 1111 25) 216 105 227 205 9B 201 Vampth 46 120 55 55 1)0 2 57 120 68 Oreg )00 110 ))0 )30 15 412 291 106 gt08pound41lf_____1i6____ 11(1_____ 17~ _____1J6____ 1ltgt_____120_____ 1J~ ___ 112_____1~_

~____ 4~_____10____111111 ___ 4515_____~5___ l)~___ _~19= ____~2___ l121_ - 23 shy

-UPDATA 1981 bull _ bull h



ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944




- -- -- 1~7 19la_ 19sect State Acrea Yild cr Tlel-l Acrea Yield

______II~~t~d_ ~ ~~~__ ~ ~d~ln_l v~e~ _~_A~~ ___~o~u~t~o~ ~ ~~e~ ~ ~~~____P~o~u~to~ ~bullbullAcrea gAl ~ousTonD fitouDcrea ~ lhoulITons Tbous bullocres I2 Thou9Tonl

M1n 766 11)8 627 nO 11)2 746 695 9B 682 lilI J5) 127 446 JJ9 124 421 J18 11) )56 n 995 149 148J 974 145 1416 952 124 1176 ca )51 154 540 J46 160 59f )42 145 496 RI )2 159 51 29 159 46 28 1 bullSO 42 Conn 280 166 464 272 162 440 26) 156 410 IIT )752 161 6029 )642 165 6016 3)97 1)6 46)0 IJ 244 17) 422 236 161 428 239 177 422 Il 2))9 150 )511 2194 146 )710 2202 142 )123 Ohio 2497 140 34B6 2)84 14) )406 2255 142 )212 Ind 1708 1)6 2)Jl 1661 1)6 2251 1616 145 2 bull 342 Ill 2626 14J )756 2)85 149 )558 2230 165 J689 Mich 2628 1Jl J45) 24)6 1)7 )346 2)29 1)2 )069 Vh 4066 16) 6665 )940 1)8 54)2 3916 15) 5972 MiIlJ1 4063 142 57n )659 1)7 529) 3819 1)lt3 5268 10_ )J)B 154 5154 2943 1)4 )955 )100 159 49)0 Me 3762 114 4)10 )S46 129 4564 )60) 129 465) IDU 3289 95 )110 3176 91 2901 )441 B5 2920 S~ )675 85 ))1) 4126 84 )451 4412 68 3013 lfebr 4)05 113 4BBI 4))4 105 4532 4836 108 5ZJl Iu 2059 153 )155 195) 176 )479 2017 160 3~z2 Del 69 146 102 n 140 102 68 110 97 Md 429 142 611 445 144 64) 429 152 ti51 Vamp 1)27 107 1414 1)72 126 1722 1321 127 16n VV 60) 116 92B 796 129 1026 B02 124 991_C 1292 96 1267 1290 10) 1)28 1246 105 1)12 SC 465 76 )76 509 68 449 52J 91 476 0amp 1)91 51 70) 1416 56 791 1055 6) 66) 11 125 54 67 1)2 58 77 65 62 5) 1) 1666 1)B 2568 1687 126 21)0 1828 110 2)60 l1IllU 1812 117 2120 1691 111 1861 l7J4 125 2175 U 939 72 679 922 18 720 790 84 667 Ki 601 115 923 769 121 9)3 779 115 89) Ark 1254 98 1224 1211 124 150) 1116 117 1J10 111 300 118 )s4 294 112 )29 295 1m 379 Okla 1580 119 1B77 1490 I)) 1975 1)50 1)5 1821 le 1620 90 16)7 1706 91 1556 145) 112 1624 MoDt 2227 112 2491 220) I) 2704 2On 101 2084 Idoho 1022 2Z5 2296 986 220 2171 1050 2lt) 2))7 1170 1080 117 1265 1017 94 960 1104 110 1209 Colo 1)56 164 2219 1)51 167 2251 1401 164 229) Ifllex 216 210 454 20) 212 4)) 19) 209 404 Arlo m 220 595 226 2)8 5)7 25) 247 624 Utah S6B 208 1160 550 205 1129 5)7 21) 1145 - )92 155 606 )8) 151 577 377 154 580 lfath 60) 1117 150) 765 205 1611 772 178 1375 Oree 1076 169 1617 1061 174 1646 970 158 1526 ~11middot____~~~ __ ~ J bull 26____ euro1)Q ____1~7O____ 1middotQ7____5JplusmnL ___ 1l15Q ___ 1middot25___ 3 49_ [middotk ___ 1 46amp6____ 1middot15___ 10Q$~ ___ 11617____ 114___ 2611~ ___71~ __ _ lmiddotlJ_ __ 25025_

_1If_ eii2ll 2r_A1l_II~r_r2r_125~D-~ 9Z1J211 o_____________ bull __________

~~~ _lAi~~e5drIx~~rpoundr ~tloi ~ce ~eililfgi ct r~~ln hqutr ll lhoubullbullrona rhouaAcr 12l ThouaToga

~ _____1 _0_____ 111_______ 1~~ _____ 1~ _____ 1Ql_ ______ 1~~ _ Ylk ____ 14aJgl_____ 1J8______ 10l57______7~11J _____ l~L _____ l0ll_ ~ -

WILD BAT AClUllilE fIELD AlID PBODUCrIOll 1947 to 1~1

- - - - - 1i41 1~ 1~ Il~t I Acre I Yield heres Yield Acres Yield bull

I arT ted I Per Production arTeBted Per ProucUon Iifrvsted Per bull Production ____ _1_ __~ __ _~rl _ i ______ 1 _______ cLe______________ cIe___=_____ _

1houeAcreo 1M lhoubullbullTop rhouoAcree ~ rhouerona rhousAcrea ron rhoubullbullroue Vlo 106 115 122 1)0 95 124 112 107 120 Minn 1)06 11e 1439 12)0 105 1292 11)2 105 1169 10 75 1O 90 61 115 9) 70 123 66 Mo 150 110 165 141 110 155 1)5 110 146 1IDIIk 2596 90 2))6 2414 65 2052 2535 Bo 2028 SDU )240 75 24)0 )4)4 70 2401 )4)4 57 1957_hr 296) 60 2)70 2904 65 1686 )252 75 24)9 lUI 702 110 772 611 115 7~ 642 115 nB Ark 204 B5 In 175 110 192 152 105 160 00amp 458 110 504 4)1 1 lt5 5)9 416 1gt0 502 lu 210 95 200 197 65 167 1B5 101 167 Mont 860 BO 704 654 90 769 769 75 577 Id~o 132 110 145 140 100 140 144 109 157 To 500 95 475 475 60 lB5 522 B5 444 Colo 470 105 494 451 105 474 474 102 4B) 11 Megt 27 BO 22 25 75 19 22 6) 1B Utah 109 125 1)6 105 110 126 105 I) 12911 230 1111 25) 216 105 227 205 9B 201 Vampth 46 120 55 55 1)0 2 57 120 68 Oreg )00 110 ))0 )30 15 412 291 106 gt08pound41lf_____1i6____ 11(1_____ 17~ _____1J6____ 1ltgt_____120_____ 1J~ ___ 112_____1~_

~____ 4~_____10____111111 ___ 4515_____~5___ l)~___ _~19= ____~2___ l121_ - 23 shy

-UPDATA 1981 bull _ bull h



ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944





ALlWA amp1 ACREAta n1LD AND FROIUClIOlt 1944 f() 1946

- -- -- 9~ IIl5 11~ SCate bull poundern I Yield I I Acr 1 Yield 1 I pounder 1 Yleld bull

bull BuYhd I Per bull Production 1 1IarYbullbullt~ 1 Per I Production 1 1IarYbullbullted 1 Per bull Production I Acre I I I Acre 1 Acr1

- - - - - fhiiUiCrbullbull - foi- - fhiiubullbull-reM -rhoil-ACre- -Ton - -rhail- fai- fhiiUbullbull Acrs - foi- - -2lou- foil- shyi O -- bull --

Maine 1+ 145 6 4 145 6 5 135 1 bullbull~ 4 190 8 4 215 9 4 195 s Ti 27 190 51 27 215 58 22 205 45 Ma 11 205 23 13 235 31 12 225 21 RI 1 200 2 1 225 2 1 230 2 Conn 25 200 50 26 235 b1 24 240 58 ll Y 437 1middot98 865 424 205 869 205 6953~bullbullJ 78 187 1~6 90 225 202 210 1261 317 180 511 320 195 b24 291 190 553 Oblo 435 171 174 465 1middot90 864 1120 190 798 Ind 402 111 amp81 449 1middot5 831 313 185 690 Ill 497 215 1069 532 230 1224 482 235 1133 Nlch llSO 155 1829 1015 165 1675 924 1middot35 1241 Vh 862 202 1741 862 245 2112 620 185 1511 )11= 1184 12 2155 1006 200 2012 946 210 1981 Iowa 887 217 1925 816 230 1611 110 2middot30 1633 No 314 250 785 314 245 169 283 280 192 IIIaiI Z04 150 306 191 1middot50 291 186 125 232 SDak 353 180 635 381 170 648 385 140 539 Ib 881 223 1978 922 215 1982 913 1middot90 1135tan 827 226 1869 852 210 1789 626 190 1569 Del 6 215 13 7 2middot30 16 6 215 13 Jld 49 195 96 54 210 113 52 205 101 Ta 66 200 132 19 2middot30 182 80 225 180 II Ta 53 1middot19 95 58 200 116 52 200 104 bullc 9 200 18 11 215 24 17 215 37 SC 1 130 1 Ga 3 135 4 3 190 6 3 160 5 17 240 188 451 254 230 514 249 205 510 SDD 123 195 240 156 215 335 161 220 354 Ala 5 165 I 6 185 11 10 190 19 Mh 611 215 138 54 210 113 45 200 90 Arlt 112 248 218 101 240 242 82 250 205 ta 22 115 38 20 220 44 19 180 34 0Ie1 311 204 647 368 200 736 357 170 607 rex 1)9 250 348 163 260 424 114 290 505 Mont 159 162 1230 736 160 117S 684 155 1060 Idaho 820 240 l9l)g 812 240 1949 80~ 250 2010 1170 310 110 amp29 363 115 amp35 348 155 539 Colo 671 222 1490 6S8 205 1349 612 205 13255 raquoNez 142 282 400 116 260 302 119 290 45 ei~ 237 250 592 232 270 626 233 270 b29 Uiah 443 231 1023 430 230 989 408 220 898 ey 108 255 215 108 250 210 103 210 278 Vaeh 323 210 618 317 220 697 304 225 684 Or 259 255 b60 246 265 652 234 260 60S ~~1____ _911_ __ ~20____ ~~9~ ___ ~2~ ___4~ ____413pound9____10pound5___ ~~____ ~2~ __ _

~~ ____ ~53~~___ ~g____J~~~ __ ~~ ___22~ ___ ~h8~8___41~1___ ~9___ J~~~ __ _ LJsnDKU lAYI AClrJUGB 1lLll lIID nOICCTIOJl 1944 fO 1946 Y

-----------1M4-------------l~e-------I-------l~b---------- -- - - -1- Y1id -1- ------- - -- - yftd-- -- - - --1- - - -- -1-f114-1--- - - ---

State I Aera 1 Per 1 Production 1 Acre 1 Pr I Production Acree 1 Per 1 Production 1 llarYeatad 1 Acre 1 lfaryetd Acre 1 1 lIarYeted Acre I

- - -- - houbullbulllcre - oil- - -lhou- Ton-rhoii-cl- -on - - fhOufon - orbouif - foil- - -fioaa- Ton - -

Ind 75 93 10 110 125 138 96 115 110 Ill 11 90 64 114 120 131 ~5 110 lO4 Jeo 1376 98 134 1651 100 1651 lj1 100 1261 an 83 113 94 118 110 130 1690 68 Dd I) 95 12 11 140 24 14 130 1tl Md 39 95 31 45 120 54 120 43 Va 522 95 1196 564 110 620 ~ 115 551 1( Va 27 89 24 29 110 32 2 110 31 IC 519 104 540 555 110 b10 505 115 581 Sc 182 85 155 249 95 231 254 95 241 Ga 163 10 114 20090 1SO 215 85 IS3 17 b19 91 5b3 836 115 961 794 120 953 faDD I080SO 864 12ft5 115 1478 11)1 110 1244 Ala 10680 115 104 95 99 120 105 126 Min 325 110 351 344 110 378 )44 120 413 irlt b72 94 b32 b79 105 113 b19 110 147 La 17 115 135 116 120 139 1O~ 140 153 Okla 64 112 12 82 110 90 100 95 95

US 7098 108 1611 6336 1middot09

I Addltloaal qaantttlee produced tn other State and other raarbullbull includd in middototohar ~ I - 2~_



AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944




AUAJilA HAT AOlIlUGI nELD JliD PRODl1CfION 1947 O 1949 - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ci48_________ - - - - - - - - -_______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy_______ ________ _______ - 12 - 9i9________~pound1

Sate 1 Actae 1 Yield 1 Acree 1 neld 1 I Acrel 1 Yield 1 1 lIaneted I Per I Production 1 lIaneeted 1 Per 1 Productioa BarYeted 1 Per Production

I IAIlre 1 1 1 Acre 1 1 Acre 1 - - - -- houbullbullAcree - ion- - ~iiu-1OD -hau-Acre--~ - -hau- Oii~ fhCiuaAci - ~- - hOui -on Kaine 5 150 8 6 130 8 7 1middot30 9 bullbullB 5 210 10 5 220 11 b 190 11 h 21 210 44 25 220 55 26 1SO 47 Maee 12 2middot30 21i 13 230 30 16 210 34 BI 1 ViO 2 1 2middot30 2 1 210 2 Conn 23 2middot35 54 25 235 59 27 2middot30 62 bullbullT 322 210 b76 332 210 fiJ7 332 18b 618 11 bull be 225 135 61 230 140 70 2middot25 1511 la 265 195 517 260 195 507 28b 195 558 ado 412 190 783 367 190 fiJ7 484 1middot90 920 Ind 3SO 190 722 376 185 amp96 500 190 950 nl 521 220 114amp 563 2middot30 1295 83 233 1941 IUch 961 1middot55 1490 923 155 1431 1052 1middot55 1631 Vb 943 215 2027 1047 1S0 1885 1570 199 3124 Minn g70 205 1784 9118 205 1943 1135 197 2334 lava fiJ6 215 1496 6bS 210 1403 1055 211 2226 Mo 297 2middot30 6S3 315 270 346 2middot50 865 XDak 173 140 lt42 237 145 m 27 133 312 SllIIIt 412 155 639 470 170 799 578 132 763 ebl 1070 205 2194 1145 205 2347 1260 197 2412 ~ 1016 195 l9S1 1036 225 2331 1026 200 2052Del 6 220 13 7 215 15 6 215 13 Hd 51 205 105 56 205 115 64 2middot25 144 Ta 94 220 207 108 240 259 129 240 310 VTa 54 200 108 57 200 114 67 191 128 IC 2amp 220 39 215 84 57 225 1285~Ga 4 160 5 170 8 8 190 15 XT 247 210 519 240 200 4O 250 200 500 enn 171 210 359 171 195 333 183 210 384 Ala 13 160 21 20 190 38 26 1SO 47 Kiae 40 190 16 38 1SO 6s 21 1middot70 36 Ark 91 220 200 85 260 221 72 220 158 La 16 200 32 19 210 40 22 190 42 ltllla 432 190 821 402 210 844 394 205 S08 ex 200 225 450 192 245 470 204 2110 490 Kant 670 160 1072 657 170 1117 b44 145 934 Idaho 701 270 1893 652 270 1760 698 272 1899 VTO JoG 1middot65 505 28S 155 446 285 165 470 Colo 606 220 1333 624 225 1404 amp36 224 1425 bullbullNez 132 275 363 116 285 331 121 272 329 Aril 210 2middot45 514 176 260 458 201 270 5113 t1Ah 388 2110 931 372 240 893 368 2middot50 920 lin 98 270 265 100 260 260 104 280 291 liuh 295 215 634 286 245 701 289 210 Eo7 Orelaquo 234 265 620 211 265 559 215 255 548Qai____ ~ ___ 10_____4amp74____ 22i ___4~l ____ 6g ___ 3fl2_ __ 5_____4211__ ~____1~252 ___ y____ ~29___10 ___22~ ___ jI~ __ _1~~7l _ _ 6____ ~66~__

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 91- -~~ i_ ~~_T~~Dp0lltl_1~4 O_124~ Y__ ij ________ _ 1________1~ 1 __ ____ _______12 ________ _______ ~9________ _

Bkia ampere I neld I 1 Acre I Tie1d I I Acre I Yield 1 1 IIampr t d 1 Per 1 Production 1 Barre tudl Pes Produoction 1 IIsn t d 1 Per 1 PrOduoCtiOIl

_____1___e~ ~_I JpL~- _1 ______ ___~__I_c~e__1______ __ -__e_ 1 _Ac~_ ______ _ beuaAcn I fhou bullbull Oll hou bullbull Acre2 hCKlbullbull 08 hou bullbull Acree 2 honbullbull 0118

Ind 96 125 120 90 110 99 126 122 154 Ill 110 110 121 128 115 1~7 145 116 168 No 1450 100 1~ 1595 120 1914 1707 1lS 2Ol~ian 117 105 ~l 104 130 135 121 125 151 Del 19 125~ 22 130 29 20 111 24 Md ~2 125 52 55 115 63 5~ 125 68 Va 1160 95 ~37 501 120 601 476 115 547 VVa 31 110 34 35 110 3S 41 109 45 IC 550 105 578 539 110 593 534 105 561 8C 229 85 195 275 95 261 289 97 280 11lt 200 85 170 220 90 19S 209 91 190 11 754 120 905 716 110 7S8 S88 120 1056 enn los6 105 1140 021 100 1021 lO2 116 1244 Ala 112 90 101 122 100 122 115 100 115 IIbe 341 105 358 334 115 3~ 331 115 381 Ark amp52 ~5 554 678 115 750 651 112 729 lA 104 1)0 114 1~ 100 10~ 91 130 118 Okla 120 95 114 102 125 128 121 121 146oi- - - - 647 - - - 102-- - --67590- -- amp641 ---1-12-- - - -1ii05 - - -67991- - - ii~- - -- -1IoOCshyili4tu~J ~~1k-o4n4 In-o~-8-e~ e~~-1luW1- h- - - - - --- - - - - shy-~-

~ UPDATA 1981 bull bull t ~ bull



aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944





aLOoa AJI) IJIgtmY H4Y ACIIHAG~ flILD AlID PRODtlCfIOll 1~ to 1946

--- -- 1~ I Msect$ rlp1bull 6Or J I nu I I 6Oree I i~~ I urCla bull nu I

Stat BalYO~l I Pel I Produatloa BarYiId I r~ ~

Production lfaryelBtla MPeI ProduaUoa ____________ sectlJI_ _ ______ 1 _____ 1 ___ ______________ l________ _

ftlOIlaAilIl l2 Thou tolUl fhoubullbullMre l Thoua iollil DlernbullbullMNI At tbou lop

lta1Jlo ~115 5eo 475 100 415 499 105 524 I fl 203 135 274 186 115 214 195 1035 263 n 615 155 953 615 130 eoo 615 1SO 922 ltaali 227 175 391 218 130 283 211 175 397 Bl 18 150 27 16 125 20 19 1SO 28 00l1li 151 160 242 141 30 191 1 170 262 bullbullt Z7l8 165 4bull584 2724 145 3950 28JIt 165 4616 bullbullJ 132 165 2lB 120 130 156 ~ 115 259 Pa 20$6 145 29Bl 2056 135 2116 2011 145 3012 Ohlo 19)6 140 2710 1956 133 2601 1994 145 2891 Ind 906 110 1178 1133 125 1416 11)2 125 1415 Ill 1J49 1SO 2024 1482 11tO 2015 1591 135 2156 Mlcb 1423 140 1992 10342 130 l~5 1494 120 119 Vhf 302) 15 5290 2993 1 4639 29amp) 150 4444 1I1D 1297 165 2l4O 1190 148 1761 1284 )bullbull5 1862 10 2241 155 )48) 2)41 149 3488 2359 145 3421 Mo 1212 105 1336 1259 102 1284 1361 110 1497 SlIaIr 15 1)0 20 ~ 1)0 18 18 100 18 lIabr 26 140 )6 19 125 24 ItO 110 441Azl 15 130 98 72 13) 96 95 120 114 Del 29 160 46 31 120 37 )1 160 SO )ld 306 130 398 )00 110 no )09 15 448 V 517 120 620 450 105 472 533 120 6110 vVa 476 125 595 445 10 46 466 1)0 606 110 87 110 96 19 110 81 93 125 116 0 9 100 9 8 8 10 100 10 JT 531 140 743 )85 10amp 416 478 135 645 7eDll 200 1)0 260 151 102 160 218 1)0 28) Ala 5 85 4 5 85 4 10 95 10m 16 120 19 14 120 17 20 11tO 28 Art )Ii 115 39 ~ 101 29 35 110 38 La 27 105 28 26 110 29 26 110 29 MClDt 2U 1)5 285 188 132 248 213 135 2B8 Idaho 122 1JO 159 126 1n 173 120 1)0 156 70 76 120 91 72 130 94 8S 1)0 110 0010 166 140 232 158 1bull19 220 158 1110 221 IIMeI lit 145 20 1) 1~ 19 15 125 19 Utah 32 180 sa 34 156 5J 29 160 46 raquoY 36 125 45 32 120 J8 ItO 11tO 56 Vaab 195 215 419 197 2(1) 394 191 215 411 poundyenC _____ ~ __ 5_____ ~l _____122___l8~ _____~_____ ~ __ 5_____ ~2~ __

US ~451 149 34942 232)7 136 31559 24307 1bullbull2 34434

SOtBW H4TI ACREAGI~ll[J) AHD POODlClIOJi 1944 to 19116 _ - - - - - - 17________ 1 _______l2Jj ________1_______ 6lt________ --_ - - - - - - - - - - - - bull 3- - - - - - - - - - - - _ bull - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~r------

St I ur ne14 I I jar I nell I I Ac I nM I I lam I Per I Produotioll I lfaryea~d I Per bull PrOduotioA I lfary-l I hI I ProdaoUoa

- - - - _1- _____1_ 3P__1______ J _____ 1_jgzn _1 ______1______1_ P__1______ _

JIilIArt l Thema1op lboueAor l21A 1lIoul 1op IernMr l2II fJIIloM IT 3 170 5 2 165 3 1 180 2bullbullr 26 145 38 18 155 28 10 150 1 Pa 6It 145 93 33 160 53 30 170 51 Ohl0 121 125 159 83 1bullbull 120 53 771Ind 304 120 365 208 145 302 136 11tO 190 Ill )81 115 445 279 120 1)5 186 1-5 270 Mloh 17 120 20 amp 145 12 1095 10 Wl 53 145 11 46 180 83 36 150 II1D 81 140 113 48 150 72 2 11tO 59 Iowa 89 146 130 45 145 bull65 22 1bullbull5 32 110 120 130 156 89 120 107 61 125 ~ IDait 1 125 1 1 125 1 1 125 1 SDate 1 140 1 1 135 1 1 11tO 1 br 1 125 1 2 1a5 2 1 125 1 lue lit 140 20 10 120 12 16 110 18 lIItl aIt 110 26 lit 135 19 lJ 125 16 lid 1)0 6It 35 11tO 49 22 1M 31 Ta 16 120 91 48 15 65 bull 135 63 IITCto 3a 1)5 43 25 150 38 20 160 32 10 203 110 223 191 leU 220 150 110 165 SO 2l9O 19 15 95 14 18 9S 11 Qa 1t69O 41 43 95 41 2690 2) Ir 125 130 162 101 1M l41 58 145 atD 165 115 190 110 125 138 100 130 lJo tla 191 amp5 162 18690 167 157 95 ~ 11181 190 120 22l) l43 125 119 152 125 190 ute 122 95 116 U9 115 137 81 115 93 La 120 41 29 130 38 1)5 ~ Otla 5 120 6 5 120 6 7 95 7 ~- - - - - - - ~ - - _1_ ____ _ t ______3___ 8l _ ___ _ J______ ~ __ _J______ __ V8 2bull571 118 3040 ~ 126 2451 ~ 128 1912

~__il6iIiIiIlIiiiiIIIiII-tai-_-Ii-_-~-- -- - - _ - -- - -- -- ----i6--- ----- - -- --- -- --- - ~ -- -- - ---UPDATA 1981

CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944



CLOYD amplID lUIlllY BAY ACBRAGB nKLD amplID PBlUOOflOI 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I ~7 i IN ~ neld 1 Yhld I I Yield

State I ADrel Per 1 Production Acr I Per PrOduction 1 Acrel I Per Production ______~e~4_1_ Hl8________ 1 ~~~~ 1 _JsZJ _1 ______1_~t~_I_ cy_ ~I______ _

houaADI8 ~ ~bullbullona 1iaulADre l 1iouaione ThoubullbullAcn ~ 1hOUIJtol1

IIabe l1li4 115 511 li40 115 S06 431 110 474 IB 172 145 249 160 145 232 155 130 202 Tt 572 155 887 589 155 913 530 135 716 M 204 170 347 198 175 346 188 160 301 LI 17 165 28 16 170 27 15 160 24 CODD lItO 170 2)8 14J 170 243 130 165 214 IY 2636 165 4349 2504 170 4257 2404 137 3293 IJ 141 165 233 130 175 228 125 165 206 Pa 1932 145 2801 1816 1110 2542 1700 135 2403 Ohlo 19 1)0 2540 1915 135 2585 1625 130 2112 Ind 1030 120 1236 10)0 120 1236 79) 123 975 Ill 1 bull 517 1 35 2048 1365 130 1714 915 132 1208 MiGh 1~ 120 16amp5 1250 130 1625 1062 115 1221 Wh 2815 1SO 4222 G534 125 3168 1971 123 2432 Minn l281t 140 1798 1168 125 1460 969 117 1134 Iowa 24)0 140 3402 1993 110 2192 17 134 2350 MO 1361 110 1497 1116 110 1228 1016 117 1189 SDak 15 115 17 33 130 43 33 95 31 labr 8 110 86 68 110 75 72 110 79 Jau 114 120 137 111 120 133 105 123 129 Dill 29 160 46 31 135 42 29 1SO 44 MIl 290 135 392 290 140 406 273 142 388 1~ ~ 105 487 459 125 574 441 125 551 V Va 1161 110 S07 456 130 593 447 122 545 Ie 91 110 100 96 110 106 109 115 125 Ga 11 95 10 13 95 12 16 110 18 IT S02 140 703 402 125 S02 362 118 427 form 207 125 259 182 110 200 15 119 208 Ua 15 95 14 20 95 19 23 95 22 Mi 28 100 28 40 110 44 56 115 64 uk 31 110 34 )1 125 39 28 120 34 La 24 120 29 23 100 23 25 125 31 Mont 219 125 274 274 140 384 247 11 284 loiaho 125 135 169 1)2 140 185 137 138 189 VTO 98 120 118 100 110 110 107 120 128 Colo 155 155 240 158 1SO 237 167 151 252 JTNex 13 135 18 16 140 22 15 130 20 Utah )8 160 61 37 150 56 36 160 sa In 150 66 47 140 66 SO 1)0 65 Vbullbullh 185 215 398194 225 436 200 190 380 Oreg 126 180 227 134 185 ~ 126 170 214

~= = = = =21~1~ = =~l( == )~~9~= = =~1~7~= = )~~= == ~~1~7= = ==12~~ = =~~= ===~~ = =

SOIlllWi BAY ACREAGE nELD All]) PROmCTION 1947 to 1949

- - - - -I 19tf - I li4sect 99 State I Acral neld 1 Acre neld I 1 Acree 1 neld 1

1 HarTetd 1 Per Production HarT t d Per 1 PrOduction HarT ted Per PrOduction - - - -- - - - - _1- c~__1______ __ ~g__ L _As1 _ L ______1___~ ___ HEO_ _1______ _

ibonaAcre2 Thousona Thoua bull Acrea 1l Thouaona inoulJcrel top ThonaoDll JIY 1 170 2 IJ 7 160 11 7 170 12 145 10 Pe 23 170 39 20 170 J4 170 31Ohio 1t2 1SO 63 24 150 36 152 71Ind 106 140 148 86 155 133 152 167Ill 1 110 158 124 1110 174 136 197lob 8 120 10 ) 1)0 4 140 6ViD Z8 175 49 27 1110 38 164 56Mian 36 140 SO 18 155 28 155 40Iowa al 110 22 44 150 66 171 51Mo 67 100 67 J4 135 46 111 60lll8It 1 140 1 1 1 bull 110 1 120 1SDIII 2 100 2 1 160 2 110 1lebr 1 110 1 1 160 2 Jrana 8 120 10 5 135 7 6 135 8 Del 9 130 12 7 125 9 8 110 10 Md 22 145 32 18 145 26 15 1SO 22 a 110 125 SO 29 115 39 ~ 126 )0 VV 16 160 26 11 gt 165 18 U 166 18 Ie JIIIt 115 166 131 110 151 116 110 128 sc 13 95 12 2) 110 25 24 195 25 a ll bull90 24 28 100 28 32 100 32 IT 68 145 99 7) 11(5 106 8Z 145 119 enn 97 125 121 96 120 115 79 112 104 Ala 10990 98 88 95 84 76 97 74 Mi 135 110 176 III 135 lSO 112 125 140 Uk 88 100 88 67 120 80 51 112 57 La 2l 135 28 21 120 25 16 1)0 21 Okl 7 100 7 5 110 6 7 100 7 ex 275 2 2SO 1 2 100 2

2~= = = = ~~ = = ~~ = = =~E~=-=-1~11- - -l~)O - - - -11146- - - -130 - -32- - - -14a8 - shy- - - ---poundi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _




- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944





- - -- i9~1~I 19K St a t1eld I bull Yleld I I Yleld

1 Acr I Per bull ~UQIl bull Acrl p~ ProducUgt1l Acr Pv lrIldacUoa _____ ~I~ _1_ cL________ J _~~~_~________ _~I~~__ Aql_ l _____ _

boAcru _ ha hoy lui ~~ ThoMAct 2u ~ Ifampllll 5 155 8 5 155 8 5 160 8 111 6 165 10middot 6 170 10 5 170 8 n 26 1130 It 28 175 49 24 185 fit1Ia 8 180 lit 8 180 14 7 175 12 ll1 2 140 J ) 160 5 2 170 ) Collll 11 160 11 12 155 19 8 115 lit IT 4) 1)5 58 43 150 64 )5 160 56 h 25 12Cl )0 29 1)5 39 )9 105 41 1tl1lD 60 109 65 130 1)0 39 )5 115 40 10_ 51 11) 58 31 120 37 25 115 29 Mo 191 85 162 1)6 100 136 UO 90 99 llIampIt 99 120 119 1)5 125 169 177 85 150 SJIak 26 100 26 25 100 25 20 ao 16 lebr 91 80 J )6 95 34 47 100 ~ lq 26 120 31 19 90 17 25 100 25 Va 110 115 116 52 115 60 )9 120 ~ V Va 21 104 22 26 120 31 20 110 22 110 80 105 SIt 100 90 90 100 100 100 SO 20 85 17 11 85 14 15 90 14 G~ 23 80 18 24 85 20 18 90 16 IT 4690 41 lIB 100 lIB )) 1)0 43 1a1lll 59 85 50 62 100 62 52 105 55 Ark 67 88 59 50 90 45 39 90 35 (kla 56 10) 58 52 100 52 51 95 48 ex 60 97 58 85 90 76 80 10 ICon 128 11) 1115 160 80 128 168 95 160 ldabo 65 1)5 88 68 155 105 46 1SO 69 VJQ 116 100 46 Ij4 95 middotmiddot42 )6 110 40 Colo 70 92 64 5S 130 72 60 100 60 I bullbulln 18 115 21 2iJ 1)0 26 19 110 21os 79 135 107 63 160 101 62 150 9) Utah 13 105 14 1) 1110 18 15 140 21 ]ju J 145 4 3 1)5 4 140 6 VeUl 256 1110 358 218 135 294 170 135 2)0 One 268 145 )89 21l9 1)5 3)6 219 145 )18 Oalll 756 150 11)4 7l 160 12)4 678 145 98) ------~----------------~----------------------------------us 2f3lI4 125 3Slt5 2726 129 352) 2488 1022 )029

CCIfPU lUlJ lCIIlUIlE YDIJ) AIID PllQ1lllCTIIII 1914 0 1946

- - - - i9~ L i9js i 191t6 I I Tield t bull 4_ bull Yield bull I __1 bull nlld I

StI Acne I p~ I Prl4acU I E bull hr J ProducUoII I -amp II bull Pv bull ProduoUGII ____1_ ~~~~ __ crI __1______ ~ _~~_ cr________ ~~~~ __ 11pound_ ~ - - - - - shy

hGUlyenU 2Bl fhmyfw 1JwIBAqm 2a 1IoUf ZhoptAprlp bAa ZbCUep Bl 2 1)0 3 2 1)0 ) 2 100 2 Illd 5 110 ) 150 4 2 140 ) Ill 36 75 Z7 )4 95 )2 22 110 ~4 Ko 23 100 23 23 105 24 14 110 1J Ian S 80 6 110 7 8 75 6 e 1 125 1 2 110 2 2 110 2 Va 9 110 10 6 115 7 4 120 5 VVa 1 115 1 1 145 1 1 1 bull S5 2 IC 46 85 3 35 65 30 )2 90 29 sc 255 65 1U 210 15 158 173 80 138 Ge UO 0 I 14 80 59 52 70 J6 1amp 8 15 6 8 75 6 7 75 5 17 1) 120 16 15 140 2l 9 140 13 111ft 29 85 ~ 26 100 26 U 1000 11 1Ja 66 75 50 2l 80 17 2) 80 11m 68 105 11 56 100 56 24 110 26 Ark 56 95 53 64 95 61 21 100 21 r 15 100 JJ I 105 8 9 85 8 CItla 13 100 1) U 100 U 9 75 7 fNo 20 80 16 20 85 17 18 15 ~ ------------------~---~------------------------------- ----178 781 80 6a2 625 88 550 4If9 81 391 ----------~----------------------------------------------- bull - 21-



- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944




- -- - l~ 1Maa i9i9 State tern t1eld Acree Yield Acree Yield

llarYeUd Pllr PraducUoa llarYeeted Per ProducUon I Barneted Per I ProdllCUoa ~ ~ ~____ _______ cpounde________ ______1_ __ ______ J _______ AcpoundII_ _____ _

b0UlAcr ZUI Thol~1ope ThouaAgrfl ~ ThoubullbulllfoD h0Wl bull ampcr 12M thDUIoU Kaln 9 170 1 7 165 12 10 135 lit B bull B 6 185 11 6 170 10 6 155 9 n 26 170 44 25 185 116 31 155 48 Maea 6 165 10 6 170 10 6 155 9 RI 2 175 4 1 180 1 170 2 Conn 7 170 12 5 175 9 6 1 bull 55 9 IT 34 155 53 47 160 75 54 117 63 1f1ll 38 110 42 51 100 51 63 105 66 Kinn 42 115 48 SO 1lS 58 62 110 68 Iowa 33 105 35 38 120 46 67 103 69 Mo 120 90 108 110 100 110 141 103 145 IIIa) 11S 110 126 100 100 100 270 75 202 SDak 21 100 2l 22 90 20 110 63 69 labr 53 90 48 58 80 116 72 86 62 ][ampDI 28 13S 38 26 100 26 31 113 3

40 120 48 36 120 43 37 110 41VVa 21 105 22 21 120 25 20 108 22 bullbull C 97 90 87 93 90 84 103 100 10) sc~ 17 80 14 17 85 14 17 9G IS Ga 19 85 16 18 80 14 18 85 15 IT 3S 120 42 )S 90 32 41 98 40 renn S2 100 52 49 100 49 60 100 60 Ark Sl 100 51 45 95 43 39 95 37 00 57 100 57 60 l eOO 60 59 100 S9 Tex 80 8S 68 90 85 76 90 100 90 Mont 177 100 177 159 110 17S 242 63 lS2 ldaha )7 1S0 56 J2 135 43 45 126 57 VTO 39 130 51 43 70 30 SO 95 48 Colo S3 130 69 48 130 62 SO 110 55 BHax 2l 1S0 32 19 150 28 20 116 23 Arh SO 13S 68 40 165 66 43 160 69 Utah 1) 1 bull 50 20 10 150 IS 13 133 17 By S 140 7 8 13 10 10 137 14 Wuh 15) 130 199 138 145 200 1116 137 200 GrOC 226 130 294 194 145 281 196 12S 245 Call 678 14S 983 S22 140 731 600 130 780

US 21161 2229 121 2702 2829 106 3012


- - - - 9~7 9~ 9~9 Stat Aern lleld 1 Acre I Yield J Acre 1 Yield

iIarTtad 1 Per 1 ProduetloD Harnoeted PIZ 1 ProdUCtiOD Barntad Per Productioa ____1_______1_ cpound__1______ 1 ______1_ k1I__1______ J _______ Afre_ i _____ _

ThoubullbullAcr Ton lhoUlo1l Tho1tcre hal ThOUlToDI Thoua bull tereli ToD ThouaToll Ind 1 l3S 1 1 12S 1 1 130 1 Ill 22 80 18 12 120 14 22 102 22 He 15 100 IS 8 115 9 6 llS 7 Kane 12 110 13 12 10S 13 11 100 11 Md 1 11S 1 1 130 1 Va 2 110 2 2 125 2 2 130 J IIC 29 100 29 23 85 20 23 100 23 s c 1S3 70 107 116 75 87 126 80 101 Ga 33 70 23 33 15 2S 40 80 J2 11a 670 4 6 60 4 560 3 K 10 120 12 9 1lS 10 8 140 U Tenn IS 9S 14 13 100 13 17 105 18 Ala 10 70 7 14 80 11 15 80 12 Hi 16 90 14 14 100 14 20 100 20 Ark 27 85 23 20 100 20 19 100 19 La 790 6 7 80 6 6 113 7 Okla 12 7S 9 10 80 8 18 80 14e=-______l~ _________ 4______1~ ____70_____1~ _____ _ 11 ____20_____~ __ us )89 130 312 316 85 268 3S2 90 31



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944



_ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____


- - - - li~ 043 19~ stampte Acrea YielQ Pro- Acrea Yield Pro- Acres I Yield Proshy

HarTeted Per ductloa H~e8ted Per duetion Harvested I Per duetion ____1_______ ce_____________ ~ __ ce_______________1_ cte_ - -- - - - - - shy

ThOU8crel Thoua Thoue4crea ~on8 ThoulTona Thou8Acrea T9ne Thou8 1Tona M1no 439 75 329 320 90 2Ba 275 as 2J4 NH 192 as 163 163 105 171 160 95 152 vt )64 110 400 338 135 456 345 1 25 431 M9a8 142 105 149 12B 135 173 119 135 161 RI 17 95 16 15 130 20 12 130 16 Conn 121 95 115 III 135 150 102 130 133 N Y 801 110 881 774 125 96B 759 130 9B7 NJ 48 1~3 59 46 16 58 40 130 52 pa 127 1~4 157 130 129 16B 127 1J6 173 Ohio 87 101 88 76 115 87 69 119 82 Ind Ill MichVi_

85 351 274 190

96 bull 74

110 137

82 ~58 301 260

89 354 225 160

110 85

124 149

98 301 279 238

96 350 220 144

11)7 85

101 131

103 28 ~22 189

Minn 716 130 934 591 130 771 47B 15 598 lava 81 137 III 73 144 105 73 146 107 Mo 266 9~ 245 269 106 285 299 101 30J N bull Dtk 541 104 561 528 110 582 386 96 371 SDgtk 215 116 250 IBO 115 207 161 109 176 Nebr 159 145 2Jl 134 131 176 119 120 143 K9aD 64 155 99 65 136 BB 62 123 76 Del 8 125 10 8 112 9 7 125 9 Md 2) 11)4 24 22 123 27 21 119 25 Va 87 98 85 87 108 94 87 105 91 VVa 256 95 24J 225 110 248 225 110 248 IfC 98 105 103 89 110 9B B4 105 88 SC J1 80 25 31 85 26 25 85 21 Ga 68 80 54 70 90 63 67 85 57 nh 15 95 14 21 95 20 17 middot90 15 4 202 90 182 202 110 222 192 110 211 Tenn 151 85 12B 1J5 105 142 126 100 126 1a Mia9

226 244

99 114

224 Z7B

240 244

95 110

22B 26a

259 25

90 115

23J 291

rk 130 114 148 117 115 135 10~ 115 117 L 109 120 131 120 120 144 117 110 129 Oklll 192 117 225 200 115 2)0 200 115 2)0 TIIr 469 105 492 474 105 49B 48J 110 531 Mont 32J 102 329 374 98 365 260 88 229 IdElho 48 125 60 48 115 55 J5 1 )0 46 1fJIo 139 86 120 139 87 121 127 82 104 Colo 102 1OJ 105 103 116 119 90 110 99 NMex 18 99 18 JO 80 24 22 100 22 Ariz 16 150 24 14 150 21 13 115 15 Utlh 19 140 27 17 140 24 16 150 24 Nev 25 131 J3 22 130 29 18 115 21 V~ah 167 175 292 150 180 270 144 180 259

Q91 Ore



L2 38J



~42 _____121427 201


~12_ 372

_____Pj86____1 1Q - bullbull _96sectB_ ___a~J9____11sect ___ 2sect2~ ____7718____11t ____ sectbullsect32 -



- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944




- - - - 1~41 19sect1 -= 19~ State Acres Yield Acre~ Yield Productlon Acres Yield Production

____lllvtsel _Jg_Apoundr _r~d~c~i~n_rvtse _JJr_Apoundrt _______vtseS __Ptr_grt _______ _ ThouB bullcres Tons ThousTons Thouscres Tons ThousTonl ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons

Va 122 --60 ij 127 65 83 99 65 64 N C 251 60 151 261 70 183 214 70 150 sc 2J 50 12 2bull 55 13 18 60 11 G9 1018 38 387 1019 43 438 662 45 298 Flr 100 45 45 102 50 51 60 52 31 Tenn 3 90 3 2 70 1 2 100 2 Ala 416 45 187 399 50 200 279 54 151 fiss 11 60 7 11 70 8 9 85 8 Ark 11 65 7 10 85 8 9 80 7 la 5 70 4 4 75 3 4 75 3 Okl 298 50 149 280 50 140 151 ~o 76 Tex 827 45 372 688 45 310 385 55 l2bullie______6____ 6Q ______4______4____ 5Q _____ g _____ 3____ 5Q ______ g_ ~2_____3o21____ 42 ____l4~1____2911____ 42 ___ ~ ____1825____ 5~ ____ ~12 _


- - - - 1i41 124~ 1~~ State Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Pro- Acres Yield Proshy

Harvested per duction Hrvested er duction Harvested Per duction cre =re bull Acre bull

----Th-u-Ace-Tona---Th(uTons-Th-uAce-Tons---ThouTons-Th-u-icesmiddot-Toiie---middotTh-uSToiis-shyMline 308 95 293 277 80 222 247 75 185 NH 170 105 178 168 100 168 151 90 136 Vt 376 135 508 335 10 402 365 100 365 Mass 129 10 155 129 130 168 132 115 152 R t 12 145 17 11 135 15 11 15 14 Conn 110 145 160 99 130 129 100 125 125 fY 759 125 949 759 130 987 607 108 656 NJ 36 10 43 38 125 48 37 129 48 Pa 119 129 154 98 130 127 118 loll 131 Ohio 89 115 102 78 115 90 99 110 109 Ind 95 110 104 78 110 86 86 110 95 Ill 312 85 265 193 80 154 170 90 153 Mich 255 105 268 260 110 286 211 1pO 211 W1s 156 130 203 151 110 166 160 109 174 Minn 523 125 654 445 115 512 445 113 503 leva 84 130 109 119 1)0 155 124 119 148 M~ 322 101 325 229 110 252 206 109 225 N 03 c 404 100 405 424 95 404 348 88 307 S~ 185 110 204 166 110 183 256 75 192 Nebr 140 130 182 156 110 174 180 94 169 Kans 62 130 81 48 145 70 75 130 98 Del 6 117 7 6 120 7 5 115 6 Md 23 I 29 25 130 32 23 125 29 Va 105 105 110 110 110 121 113 112 127 W Va 220 105 231 216 110 238 216 108 2J3 NC 104 95 99 102 105 107 90 105 94 C 5075 38 54 90 49 49 93 46 G~ 79 85 67 80 85 68 70 90 63 Fla 19 95 18 24 90 22 20 97 1~ Ky 250 115 288 212 100 212 197 110 217 Tenn 181 95 172 157 95 149 146 106 155 Ala 264 95 251 259 95 gt46 256 96 246 Miss 230 115 64 221 120 265 230 106 244 Ark 99 95 94 100 120 120 95 115 109 La 12J 115 141 116 110 128 131 1gt0 157 Okla 196 110 216 200 125 250 182 115 209 Te1 483 110 531 522 100 522 574 110 631 Mont 201 94 264 259 100 259 171 80 137 Ihh) 27 130 35 32 135 43 26 113 35 liyo 137 85 116 111 80 89 140 85 119 Cl 72 115 83 70 105 74 74 105 78 l_I~1 x 17 90 15 2J 120 28 12 101 12 ri2 11 118 13 10 130 13 9 1)3 12 Uhh 20 160 32 26 150 39 15 14) n lie 15 115 17 12 120 14 8 114 9 lash 124 175 gt17 112 180 202 80 150 120 Dret 192 160 346 192 180 346 142 150 13 Cl1( 151 165 249 157 165 259 152 155 236

~~= ===a~1~S ===l~lE ===)~3pound( ==)~6Z( ==)~11 ==~ ~zopound === =7~3~= ==)~o~ ====1Zlj= NOTE Revisions of Other Rat for 1950 and 1951 follov

-37~~e-= == = ==l2sQt = = = = 1911= === = ____cpounde~ gapoundv~seamp _i~lamp ~e~ Cpound8__ ~ _ fr~d~ciQn__ ~ cpounde~ Ha~v~seamp __Yie1~Ppoundr_poundr~ ___PpoundoQupoundtlon __

ThouaAcres Tons ThousTons Thou9~re Tons ThousTons oeELl _ _ _ _54j _______l lj _______617________ sectlQ _______ 1QO_______ sect~Q ___ _ ~___ _1Vsect _______1-1 ______6715_______ 1191 _______ 115______ sectZ6j ___ _

- 31 shy


POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944



POUfOlSa Aaaaa TIILD UIl PlIODUCTIOlI 1944 TO 1946

- - - - - 1___-___-_-_-_-_JJyen_______-___-___-~__-___-_ __-_-_rirri-_-_-_-_-_-_-___I_-_-_-___-_-_-_-Jyen_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ state I Acr~ 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Pro- I Acre 1 Acre I Yield 1 Pro- 1 Acre 1 Acre 1 Yield 1 Proshy

1 llaIlted I iIIU- I Per 1 dIlction I lanted 1 llar- I Pllr I ducttOD 1 Planted I liar- Per I dUCUOD I geated I Acre I I I geted 1 Acre I I I geted I Acre I - - -- - - - -hou- Acre - -Bi- - TnouBib- - - fttiiu-ACre- - ib- - -TbOiiDl- - nou- Aorll - -Pii- - Tboulih-

StJllPWS WI POTATO smu Mainll 192 192 212 52224 209 209 261 54549 219 219 358 78402 liY Ll 70 70 165 11550 72 72 270 19440 72 72 330 23760

Upctat 129 t29 142 183111 116 110 105 11550 104 104 195 202SOPa 159 157 130 20410 142 135 125 16875 131 125 175 21875Mich 178 174 108 18192 170 162 110 171320 147 143 125 17 875 Iflbullbull 144 141 84 111144 130 126 100 12600 112 110 115 12650 Minn 206 175 84 14100 171 174 110 19140 156 151 115 17365IIDalt 189 175 118 20650 175 170 138 23460 154 150 125 18750 SDelc 34 32 110 2560 32 31 95 2945 29 29 911 2842lIebr 75 70 130 9100 61 67 175 11725 65 64 1115 11840 Hont 17middot3 17 125 2125 18 17 135 2295 173 17 160 2720ldnho 170 168 236 3964B 211 205 225 46 125 IB4 178 260 46280 10bull 14middot5 13middot5 161 2174 13middot5 13 175 2275 116 11 205 22550010 89 85 214 18190 92 69 195 17355 f(7 83 235 19505 Utah 111 17middot5 152 2660 186 18 ISO 3240 II 17middot5 205 3588 Jlov 32 32 170 544 3middot5 35 200 700 3 3 210 630 n 33 32 235 7520 35 34 265 9010 39 39 280 10920 Oreg 45 45 250 11250 52 52 240 12480 50 50 260 13000-I1l ___ l9_ _ _ ]z _ 3~O____1~~82 ___4amp ___ ~6__ ~~ ___ 3L3~___ 18___ 3 __3~____ 310 18 Surplus ~ta_____18Q5__ Dig _1295__ ~7sectD2 _ ~1~~ _17135_ 171middot1 _ _226Jg4_ _1616L sect0li _206__ 317a6JiL


~J 71 71 128 9OBB 69 69 180 12420 63 63 229 14427 Del 42 42 60 252 33 33 90 297 31 31 110 341 ~~ 183 lR3 85 1556 17 17 115 1955 156 156 136 2122 Va y 73 72 13 5976 66 65 130 8450 65 64 159 1017~ Ky 38 38 75 2850 38 38 99 3702 37 37 101 3~5~ yeno 31 30 75 2250 27 26 93 2418 24 24 129 39 j

Itan 24 19 59 1121 IS 16 83 l 328 16 15 105 I 57~1 Aric 54 52 4 179 ~2 59 249 1469 63 62 288 1(8) g~~~---------------------------------------------------------~l~t ____2~9__ g511_r246___2i17g __ ~4ii __2D2_ 3lsect __ 12093___2loO _ f212 _1pound45___ 174~1_ 37 Lata amp0 nel1dals_2t3g63_ g~41middot1_1i61__ 121pound8Q _ ~~sect1_21283_ 6g~ _ 3i785 _ _20148_ ~Q)sect1_2poundO1__ _4Q74i8bull

3lBLY POTAtO STATES H O Y 86 85 87 7395 70 70 125 8750 82 82 lSI 12956 SO 30 27 54 1458 21 21 122 2562 24 24 149 3576 Go 25 24 51 1224 20 20 BO 1600 18 1~ 84 1512 71a 339 325 106 3445 354 35 151 5 285 408 39 bull3 159 6249 Tenn 39 39 63 2691 35 35 90 3150 37 37 93 3441Ala 57 54 58 3132 46 46 106 4816 45 45 102 4590 lU8e 31 31 70 2110 26 26 72 1872 26 26 80 2OBO Ark 42 40 18 3120 39 37 72 2b64 36 36 89 3204 La 61 59 57 3363 39 )8 62 2356 35 33 58 lq14Qpoundla 27 26 68 1168 20 18 55 990 21 20 75 1500 Tax 56 5a BO 4400 48 47 87 4089 50 49 115 5635 poundal~lI____ ~____6__ j~_ ___2~8 __ ]J ___ 13__ t~ ___ ~JsectO__ _ 1____8~ __40____ 1320 12 Early 5519 5365 1048 56246 4724 4660 1321 bl554 4958 4903 1629 79867 ~== == =2~818~( ~I72~ )I((=18I~2~ =~I2~middotI Z~6~~= I5r~ =3I9~3~( =2~rO~( ~i2~~ )22~= =47~5 I Early and late crape shown separately tor California combined for all other statebullbull y 70r 1946 stlmatea include 125000 bushels trom 455 aqreB in Virginia and l39ooO bushel trom 440 aerea la Ilorth Calol1ns unharTeted but plUchlUled by Gosrzment WIder price support program

- 32 -



- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944




- - - - -___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Ifi_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llfi[-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_I_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-9Iif_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-St t Ac I Acree I Yield I Pr I~ Acre Yield I P A AcrAB Yield

a e I ree Bar- I PAr I 0- I _ree I Bar- I Per ro- I crAB Har- Per Proshy Planted I Yllated I Acre ductlon I Planted I yested I Acre I ductlon Planted yested Acre ductlon

- - - - - - - -fiiou7 Acrttl - -Iii- - fhOUBil7 - -rlious7 Acre - - ~~ - -Tiioii71ii- - -Tiiouw- Acre - -Iii - - TbOueit- -

SUllPWS Llft POTArO STATES Ka1lle 186 186 350 65100 195 195 385 75075 153 153 460 70380 Y LI 61 61 330 20130 61 61 310 18910 53 53 226 11978

Upstate 80 80 170 13600 84 84 250 21000 74 74 257 19018Pa 101 105 195 20475 99 97 220 213W 91 90 235 21150Kich 110 101 103 11021 98 97 150 14550 95 92 166 15272 Wie 93 91 130 l18JO 79 78 160 12480 71 70 180 12600 Mlnn 122 117 135 15795 108 103 150 16480 101 97 160 15520 IfDak 31 128 160 20480 132 125 160 20000 116 113 15 20905 SDak 23 23 85 1955 22 22 125 2750 17 16 80 1280 lJebr 50 48 170 8160 50 49 210 ]0290 44 43 200 8600 Mont 123 12 185 2220 143 14 200 2FOIl 13middot7 13 195 2535Idaho 131 130 220 28600 153 152 300 45600 148 147 246 31i162 ~o 94 9 195 1755 106 10 190 1900 81~ 8 195 1560 Colo 67 66 265 17490 73 72 290 20880 60 59 323 19057 Utah 14 135 185 2498 146 142 220 3124 141 143 240 3432 IllY 21 21 210 4111 16 16 215 344 16 16 230 368 Vaeh 30 30 365 10950 34 34 380 12920 29 29 370 10730 Ong 36 36 250 9000 38 38 310 11780 38 38 300 11400poundalfmiddot]J ___ 14___ Ji __~50___ J29Q ___4 ___ plusmn1__ 15Q ___ 14J50___ 4____4 _ JplusmnO____1plusmn2~ 18 SUlplull ~e_____1J228~8_ hpound7sect _213~8__ pound7102 _llO~ _1J2~h8_ pound51middotsect _ Jpound65D _ _1J112~4_ 15plusmn2 35h1_ _ g92201


BH 51 51 210 1071 49 49 240 1176 48 48 255 1224 it 72 71 150 1065 68 68 215 1462 59 59 215 1268 HaRa 146 146 220 3212 144 143 240 3432 116 116 235 2726 RI 59 59 260 1534 62 62 230 1426 52 52 249 1295 Conn 127 127 255 3238 124 123 230 2R29 107 107 235 2514 WVa 25 25 130 3250 23 22 90 1980 18 18 100 1800 Cbl0 31 36 155 5580 34 31bull 210 1140 31 31 207 6417 In~ 26 25 150 3150 23 23 175 4025 18 18 195 3510 Ill 12 12 S8 1056 11 11 10~ 1155 95 95 110 1045 IGfa 14 13 85 1105 13 13 120 1560 12 12 110 1320 IMex 2S 28 105 294 18 18 120 216 14 14 135 189 Il~rX~ti -1b~ 5[g 1380- - 2~5~ i52 1sectJ 17~8 gA401 1g8~1 l2il 1820- 21loi ~U~t ___1~~11_ BI~ 3Qh~ _ g9255 _ ~~ _1amp41h1_ ~5~ _ J22~1- _1JQO5_1g81middotQ _29~lC _ 12Qpound15

IHTERMlDIATE POTATO STATEs HJ 53 53 251 13621 52 52 251 13364 41 41 190 7190 ~1 23 23 106 244 2 2 109 218 29 29 141 426 Md 123 123 156 1919 121 121 1~3 1730 106 106 136 1442 Va 59 58 153 8874 55 55 192 10560 45 45 175 7815 ~ 32 32 91 3104 26 26 82 2132 25 25 86 2150 Mo 22 20 106 2120 20 cO 131 2620 183 18 109 lq62ian 115 105 104 1092 11 104 123 1279 102 96 99 950rz ______55___ 2J -3~3____ ~~ ___ 2~ __ 22_ J~ ____16~____44___ ~~ _24____ 9J 8 Intershye1t ____1216__ 91 _1sect35__ Jg~8Q __ 1I1middot5 __1~2~C 1811 __ lh5~L _ _15h4_ _ 52middot1_1~2~2__ -2118~ 31 Lete amp0 neElda__l L 658L sectJg _2Q30__ 13135 _ amp4g _1amp698_ gJ~sect _ J6J5il__1amp4279_ oB2middot1-2l9Q__ l4tQOl


BC 66 66 134 8844 70 10 151 10570 61 61 138 8418 cc 19 19 125 2375 17 14 90 1260 13 13 118 1534 Ga 12 12 81 972 92 9 66 594 95 95 78 141 lla 294 261 124 3236 24 229 161 3GB] 221 21S 245 5341 enn 31 31 99 3069 28 28 87 2436 26 26 92 2392 Ala 35 35 91 3185 32 32 101 3424 31 31 103 3193 Kin 18 18 73 1314 15 15 10 1050 13 13 61 871 Ark 26 26 91 2366 23 23 91 2093 23 23 86 1918 Le 245 24 54 1296 17 17 60 1020 144 14 60 840 Cltla 13 13 69 891 11 11 13 803 95 9 82 738 fax 39 38 112 4256 39 39 103 4011 32 32 102 3 264gaI bull ]J ___ 62____6g __4g~ ___2sect~ ___SQ ___ ~~__ iC5 ___ 12t4gp___ sect6____6sect __4O___ -2iQIQ 12 Bar~ J~L _11Ql 15bL L _ 51~ __ l~g _ JS9_ 75~ _ Q3J5~__ J~5_ _ 112 ~ _1[2~1__ 5~l5QjI _ 2~o136_ gQOI 1i44__ 18~285 _ gQ011_l~t0L pound2Lmiddot1 _ Yi9L825__1amp118-]1_1I5~middot~ _2E8~~__ iOg151I Kar~ and lat_ crope ehovn separatel1 for California combined for all other Statea

- 33shy



- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944




- - - - 1~ 194] __ 19E6 Stnte Acres cres Yield Pro- Acren Acres Yield Pro- Acres Acres Yield Proshy

Pl~nted B~r- Per Acre duction Planted B~r- lPer Acre duct1on lp1antedl H~r- lperAcre lduct10n __ ______eatpoundd______ i _ ___ t ___ lf~ne4 l _____ i ____ i __ _ vsectsleS i ____ i ____ _ ThQu9 _cres lluuhels ThouBllu Thousolcros 11118hel ThousBu ThousAcrea Bushels ThouaBu_

nJ 16 16 153 2448 15 15 115 1725 16 16 165 26HJ Inil 18 18 100 180 1 2 12 110 132 12 12 115 1J8 Ill 4 4 95 380 32 32 80 256 26 26 85 221 Io~ 15 15 103 l~ 18 18 110 198 1J 1J 110 143 Ho 6 8 88 704 7 7 85 595 55 55 110 605 ~~nQ 24 23 120 270 22 21 95 200 22 21 95 200 Del 16 16 115 184 1 1 115 115 8 8 140 112 Hd 98 98 160 1568 86 86 140 1204 9 9 175 1575 V3 30 )0 no 3300 28 27 105 2835 21 21 125 2625 UC 74 74 108 7992 60 60 105 6300 56 56 115 6440 sc 65 65 98 6370 56 56 95 5320 55 55 100 5500 (ra 89 86 78 6708 80 78 78 6084 72 70 8J 7810 Fla 17 17 68 1156 14 14 64 696 13 13 66 684 Ky 16 16 85 1360 1 1J 85 1105 12 12 88 1056 Tenn 36 38 100 3600 27 27 100 2700 30 30 105 3150 A11 72 72 89 6406 63 6) 85 5)55 57 57 85 4845 Miss 64 63 90 567 59 58 96 5684 55 54 87 4698 rk 23 gtJ 8) 190 10 20 90 1800 18 18 78 1404 L~ 101 100 96 9800 117 116 105 12180 127 125 90 11250 Okh 1~ 12 67 804 9 9 65 585 75 75 70 525 ~ Tex 73 72 61 582 56 55 90 4950 69 68 85 5780poundl1112middot _11 _ __ 13_____9sect ___ h~I~ __ 10___ 10_ ___ 1D __ 1Q4Q _ _ls __ _1s ___ JQ2___ lg~ _ ~l__ 7J~ __7360____~~ __~35 __6220 _ __S5CJ_ _ _ _9~~ _6~52 _ ~2middot _ sect31Q ___ 255__6~22 _

SWElO~~01S (Contd)

- - -- ~ ~~7= = _-= = 121~ ~ = 1~9 -cres ~crelJ Acres

St~te Acres Hr- Yield Pro- crea a _ Tield Pro- Acres bull Yield Proshy____1~n~e5c~td__prr ~ ~ut~o~ Z~9~tce~QltlZl_4l~~ ~ut~o~ ~P-=~~t~ ~~dr_Ar~ ~ ~uto~_

hous Aerpound lushe1 ThouaDu ThouaAcres Buhels ThouslIu jhounAeres Bushels Thou8Bu 11J 16 16 IJS 2160 15 15 165 2475 16 16 141 2256 Ind 13 13 lr5 162 1 1 120 120 1 1 136 136 Ill 22 r 70 154 18 1B 110 198 15 15 103 154 Iowa 1lf 11 90 126 14 14 95 133 1 1 100 100 Mo 45 4 5 90 405 15 15 115 51f) )2 3 120 384 K~ns 19 16 75 135 14 13 120 156 14 13 115 150 Del 8 8 135 lOB 5 130 65 6 6 125 75 lfci t 76 7 6 lItO 1064 63 6 145 914 67 67 142 951 v~ l n li5 -55 O 20 135 2700 17 17 120 2040 NC 55 55 110 t- 050 46 46 110 5060 55 55 108 5940 51 52 47 105 4935 )8)8 98)724 41 41 94 38S4 (1 71 64 78 4992 49 47 78 3666 53 51 80 4080 71gt 14 14 73 10gt 10 10 64 640 85 85 66 561 Av 12 I 8 100 10 10 83 830 78 78 91710 TeM p4 II 13 2 3 19 19 98 1862 19 19 103 1957 11 50 50 ao 41)00 39 39 80 3120 38 38 77 1926 HisR 47 JI6 82 3772 J9 38 95 3610 37 36 85 3060 Ark 16 16 70 1120 13 13 90 1170 12 12 87 1044 Ll 9~ 94 85 7990 88 86 95 8170 94 92 95 8740 Okh Q 6 65 J9Q 45 45 74 333 45 45 80 360 Tex 52 51 80 4080 45 44 60 2640 49 48 90 4320poundi__11 ___ 11____ 1OQ ___ 0Q ___9____9____ 11Q ___ 29Q __11 ___11 ____1]0___ 111Q _ ~__ 1617 __566___ _ 9Q~ __42~3 __4sect14 _4153____9bullsect _41 bullQ9 _ 7~3 _ 7~bull ___ 25J__41 bullQ0~ _

$l1l 53JDCIUG3 YBLD ND PROIJUCTION 1944 to 1946

- - - - 19Jf = t = i9sect i 19t6 - bull A Acrea Y1 1 bull Acres Acrea 51lull cres Hor- e It bull Pro- crea ar- Yield pro- bull Acres R~ _ Tie1d Proshy

____ln~o~yeAtAd__p~r_Ar~ ~ ~ut~o~ ~P~1~t~d~vQs1e~ ~ e ~ce~ _d~i~D~P~~t~d~VpoundS1~~ ~ 8 ~ce~ ~uto~_ lere Pounds ThOUQfu ~ ~ l Thoulbs Acres ~ Thouslbs

KY ISOO IZ~O 440 528 800 800 l50 280 400 400 530 212

1947 bull 1948 bull 1949 ----------------------~-----------------~------------------KY 600 600 485 291 400 400 440 176 200 200 440 88

- 34 shy


----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944



----------------- ---------------------------------------------------

2 2 Z J ~ 2 2

5 ~ 9 ra i i ~ 11 9 25 25 3 8 U 1 3 3 2 1

12 U 16 3 ~ 91 1 1 58 116 116 11 3Z 51

212 )ll )78 us 17) 51 lIlZ VII 252 12 52 128 26 18 )5 3 1 25 11 2 U Z 9 3 20 16 28 7 11 10 sa 55 lOll ~ 2l 5 17 II 121 ~ ~ 51

~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ 1~ 20 85 22middot 9 ~

_2___l5bull ___2___ O____1 ___ ~1_

-5~--===~===~====~=====~=============1~===~=======~===~========~~============= slhcwa I IMz-a =- I IV I I ~ IGIOR I I ifotal I or I Iv I Other aaron dhr- I Vtal For I lar z otber

bullamplou lJlUtM au~z a _ JIUpoMl3Iampl ~I= I tPlup)amplne Iplute4 I ~(Ull Hq z Pupoee-- ---- _1 ___ 1_ -- -- __ 1 ___ 1____ __ 1 ___ 1 __ ~4I____ 1 ___ 1 ____ __ 1 ___ _ _a~4JJJ ____bull__________

ftep4 ampoN lU 3 J Z 1 3 3 2 1 Z Z 1 1 lU 53 53 11 Z2 II 1gt2 liz ZI 12 Z 56 56 28 22 6 Z8 Z8 1 15 6 15 15 II I ) 12 12 Z 6 - J8 38 5 12 21 37 31 5 12 ZO)5 35 5 11 19 lU 3 ) 1 2 Z ~ 1 1 1 1 1

~O I a~ 2~ 2 i J J z Z ~ I ~ ~ 1~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~la Z7 18 ~ ) 6 11 17 ~2 ) 6 J) 35 lAi II) ) 5 35 Jr 12 2 11 1 10 2 11 Z 12 1 9 2 10 2 11 1 8 Z 22 17 30 7 15 8 23 18 )Z 7 11 12 11 U J 6 17 11 Ala ~ 1gt2 85 40 10 )5 ~ 39 VI III 75 30 90 26 15 119JU 65 85 107 410 16 47 70 82 111 )6 U 61 12 sa 112 20 58 uk 82 J9 10Z 25 27 SO Z8 88 31 20 37 70 29 ~ Z8 19 37 la 3 J9 63 19 7 37 ~ J8 611 20 7 37 ~ 65 17 6 Z Ok1amp 12 18 81 19 lZ SO 90 16 98 )0 10 58~ u6 12 152 29 18 105 ~ox 230 105 282 uo 16 l2lI 278 98 J27 lJ7 15 175 270 102 3Z1 90 lJ 218 ---------------__------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------US 1156 799 1555 ~7 389 619 11amp 651 15111 S05 316 69J 1266 670 1601 16 )52 8J3 ~-~~~~~1a~bU~1~t~4~----------------------- --------------------------shy

--- - -w Ms INJiIoZ 1N ~ St k bull poundani nt4Pro- poundOne nld Pre- jaN nld Pro- I amp0 Ineltl Pro- I lanl TIlI Pro- IJa ITtlA Proshy

bull ~I JCr I 4aDUoa a ~ Pv I 4aaUoa I ~ Jfu I cWlUon I ez-~ hI I ctUoa Ku-J1 hr I datto ~ r 41111Uo

- - - --amp ~~~ -ftioU - amp ~i ~ -ioU - LWh1 -ftioU - ~ J1 J -~ - ~ i J -Ihu --~ ~1 ftWOshy~ a- AWL IL- AmL Iamp- AmL h-UH h- AeII a-

IM 3 60 18 2 6 1) 2 10 111 2 70 VI 2 55 11 1 65 6 Ill 108 60 88 41 55 226 30 6J lampJ 1 ~ 122 Z8 70 196 Z8 55 1~

5 90 los 80 32 70 21 7 70 ~ It 80 32 2 80 16bu 1 85 8 Z 60 12 3 50 15 5 50 25 5 65 32 5 80 ~a ~ 75 30 ~ 80 32 3 a5 26 J 75 22 2 70 Vi 2 79 16bullbullC 153 31 1t5 uo5 27 50 lJ5 21 50 105 20 55 110 17 50 85sC III ~o -2 1~ ~5 69J 1118 5 666 100 ~SO ~ 50 320 60 ~ 270Oa 115 ~5 518 10It 50 520 12 SIt 50 1020 76 ~18 675 3 5 50 3JSIla 105 18 ~ 55 22 3 55 16 J 0 15 3 50 15 3 55 16 II 55 22 ~ 65 26 2 60 12 1 70 7 1 60 6 1 70 7to 9 amp0 ~ 9 60 ~ 7 65 ~ 65 1161 7 70 ~ 6 55 33Ala 8J 55 56 60 65 390 ~ 60 ~ ~ 60 ~ 39 10 27) 26 58bull 1511Cl11 ~ 60 3S1t 116 ss 253 ~ 60 ~ 60 2~ )6 70 252 Jlo 58 197Uk 51 60 306 55 258 3a 55 209 257 50 125 31 6 202 28 60 168lA 2J 80 ~ 18 80 uIt 15 70 105 19 ao 20 60 120l5lI 17 75 128Okla 20 70 1~ 16 60 96 Z2 60 lJ2 19 60 lu 30 70 210 29 70 20Jtoo 120 6 78a 100 80 8aO 90 8a 80120 lItO 1120 lJ7 7 10pound8 90 80 720

61 2~


aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944



aotlIIUSI 4CIDACJI fULl) AID PllODUClC11 1944 O 1946

-- -I r~ I1~ 1I9[(StateIGrown Ilnta--I fatal I Jor I lor IGiber I Growa IIlItez-lfotel I or I lor IOtherl Grown Illlter-Ifatal I Jor I Jor 10ther

IAl Iplant-llIqulyIIIIm I Bq 1JQr- IAlO Iplant-l-uhl--al Bq ~ tAlon Plant-llIqublaean I IIq 1Purshy____ ~D~ t4__tOl __at __ raquo2Iat_ ~__ d_~IdJl___1___20al __ ~ t _ _~y~ __8 __ J

bull fhClllPlld Acra bull

IT 1S IS 12 3 3 II 114 2 2 10 10 8 1 1 bull 1 4 43 12 26 5 36 36 11 111 1 32 32 11 10 11 Pa 119 119 31 b4 111 73 73 28 n 12 b2 62 26 30 6 Ohio 1393 139) 1243 127 23 11114 11S4 1071 8) 24 971 q71 903 53 15 Ind 1812 1ln2 1413 304 35 1103 1103 1466 208 29 1533 15) 1314 136 23 Ill 31196 38963410 3111 39 4079 40193160 219 40 3524 35243320 1116 111 Mich 140 140 110 11 13 140 140 122 II 10 130 130 85 10 34 Wh 103 10) 42 53 8 93 93 39 46 II 19 19 35 36 II Mle 352 352 260 81 11 528 528 ~64 48 16 b16 b16 amp21 42 7 Iowa 20211 2021 1910 89 29 1973 1973 1~11O 45 18 1518 1518 1548 22 8 110 134 84 776 601 120 55 S44 65 1176 20 89 67 802 51 830 118 51 45DU 7 7 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 8 8 6 t 1 SDak 11 11 9 1 1 15 15 13 1 1 21 21 19 1 1 lIabr 22 22 19 1 2 20 20 11 2 1 25 25 2 1 1 Iana 203 203 185 14 4 2511 258 235 10 13 225 225 198 15 11 Del 67 67 34 24 9 511 58 41 14 3 58 5f 43 13 2 114 94 94 32 49 13 78 78 39 35 4 10 10 41 22 7a 162 105 214 66 16 12 149 112 190 19 48 63 149 13 1111 61 47 14 Ya 31 31 1 32 40 0 1 25 4 24 24 1 20 3 t C 61 34 535 201 203 131 3611 299 518 216 191 111 342 254 469 212 150 101 sc 35 15 13 16 21 36 28 65 60 10 15 35 36 76 14 24 111 32 0 110 40 lOG 11 46 43 60 31 711 6 43 29 55 36 73 9 26 38 ~ 188 31 204 66 125 13 169 28 183 60 101 22 152 28 166 87 511 21 flU 240 255 3b8 60 165 143 216 181 306 66 110 130 186 194 2113 92 100 91 Ue 268 22 219 30 191 58 2311 20 2411 29 186 33 201 15 215 30 151 211 Mh 270 222 381 16 190 115 235 166 3111 83 143 92 254 153 330 96 152 82 Ark 320 213 456 233 122 101 342 171 430 209 119 102 369 204 471 295 81 95 La 85 403 2117 23 34 230 99 38J 291 23 29 239 loll 360 2114 25 34 224 Okla 17 2 18 6 5 1 16 2 17 1 5 5 111 2 19 7 7 5tl ___ J___ __ 4__ J___6__ 5___ 2 __ -___ 2 __- __ l __ ~ ___6___- ___6__ -___2___4_ US 13118 11161140501gt2452571 12211 1305b 1505 131101 kI740 1940 1127 11106 1458 12434 1)9321499 1003 rr icr gron Alone p11l8 oniialrtiie -liiterilAnied acrebullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


------------~-----------------~----------------~-------------StAte- Acre IJ-I- f~ld - -~ 1~ -- -iCrIJ-- fl~t ~ j-~- =-1- -- -iCrmiddot-Y- Re1d - -d- -t1- - - - --

I JJaryetea I Per Acre I ~o ell JJarybullbulltea I Per Mlr oc on BarYeated I pr Acre I 0 UC 011

- - - -iioi8ACrii-Diiiel- -iioil- i1- - TbOuLiil -Diiiflll- - ThoIlQiiL - fhouBAcrbullbull -~- - Thollbullbull-Bi - -- -shyIf 12 141 116 4 140 )6 8 160 128 bull J 12 118 142 11 200 220 11 200 220 Pa 37 132 4118 28 155 434 26 160 416 Ohl0 1243 176 211111 1071 180 19386 903 180 16254 Ind 1473 172 25336 1466 1~15 2g5~ 1374 190 26106 Ill 3410 214 74258 3160 200 15200 3320 235 111020 Mlch 110 110 1810 122 1(5 2135 86 10 1290 Who 42 12S 538 39 130 507 35 125 4311 111l1li 260 154 4004 464 145 6128 627 175 10972 Iowa 1910 203 311173 1910 l85 35335 1548 230 35b04 110 601 115 10518 720 130 960 718 200 111360 I1Dak 4 105 42 5 115 511 6 110 66 s DaIt 9 170 153 13 140 182 19 145 276 ebr 19 118 338 17 180 306 23 210 4(13 KanR 1115 137 2534 235 100 2350 198 110 2118 nel 34 90 306 41 140 514 43 155 666 M4 32 130 416 39 150 585 4l 145 594 Va b6 150 990 19 160 1264 61 165 1106 Ya 1 115 12 1 135 14 1 150 15 bullbull C 201 105 2110 216 125 2100 212 135 21162 sC 16 10 llP 10 70 70 24 100 240 0 11 60 66 6 90 54 9 115 16 ~ 66 150 990 60 160 960 tn 180 l566 1nll 60 150 900 66 145 957 92 180 1656 Ala 30 100 300 29 120 348 30 11middot5 525 111 76 120 912 83 l30 1079 96 150 1440 Ark 233 155 3612 209 160 3344 295 185 5458 La 23 120 276 23 140 322 26 130 338 Okl 6 80 148 75 52 7 60 42 l1~ 3 60 24 shy-u-s ---i0-245- - - iiiii - - -i92ial - -i0~740~ - - -liio - - -i93167 - - -9932- - - -2OS - - -20)395- - shy------------------------------------------~-----------------




- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944





- - - == ~i7 == == == == == == == == == == == == 9~== == == -= == == == == == r == == ==1~ == == == = StateGrovn Inter-Tnta1 or t lor ~herGrovn Inter-Total For For ~herGrovn Inter-Tota1 ~or or Other

1 plant-lquhI t B 11t1r-Al plant-JQulY1II bull Ba7 IPur- A1 plant-Equivmiddotmiddot Be bull ~ 11t1rshy___~ ~n~I_i_ ~i~ W_Be~~I_ ~_Eoe_ ~n~ L _e _~ldJIl _~8 __ l~B81 _o~__ d_ ~1l~~1_ ~~___IE0_

Thounand Acr NY 8 8 5 1 2 II 8 5 3 8 laquo 5 3 NJ 31 31 13 1 11 30 30 16 7 7 35 35 18 7 10 Pa 51 57 24 23 10 52 52 23 ro 9 48 48 23 18 7 Ohio l()Q() 1000 950 42 8 940 q40 908 24 8 936 936 875 -47 14 Ind 1625 1625 1503 106 16 1560 15to 1459 86 15 1576 1576 1442 110 24 Ill 3806 3806 3636 144 26 3502 3502 3354 124 24 3467 3467 3287 145 35 Mich 90 90 76 8 6 70 70 65 3 2 72 72 63 4 5 lfiR 63 6 29 28 6 54 54 22 27 5 59 59 21 34 4 II11U1 1034 1034 960 36 38 920 920 896 18 6 1100 800 767 26 7 IOWIL 1957 1Q57 1884 20 53 161e 1616 1564 44 8 1380 1380 1340 30 10 Mo 914 50 939 825 h7 47 1123 46 846 795 34 17 935 52 961 890 46 25 1IIlak 8 8 6 1 1 9 9 7 1 1 22 22 20 1 1 Snk 55 55 50 2 3 33 33 3 1 1 33 33 31 1 1 Nebr 35 35 32 1 2 26 26 23 1 2 20 20 20 lane 250 250 2)0 8 12 198 198 176 5 17 271 271 257 6 8 Del 65 65 55 9 1 63 63 53 7 3 72 72 61 8 3 Md 72 72 47 22 3 74 74 52 18 4 80 so 57 15 8 Va 161 82 202 101 40 61 155 70 190 120 29 41 170 59 200 131 24 45 vv 19 19 1 16 2 15 15 2 11 2 15 15 2 11 2 NC )80 22) 494 233 144 117 384 208 488 264 137 87 380 206 1183 264 116 103 sc 50 80 90 27 13 50 72 86 115 36 23 56 65 100 115 37 24 54 Ga 54 31 72 1 27 ~o 57 40 71 16 28 33 6~ 50 g8 1i 32 41 Jla II II 6 2 X7 rio 26 18) 100 68 15 194 27 208 121 73 14 232 22 243 1311 82 23 lenn 21)8 1911 305 122 97 86 225 184 317 134 96 131 230 113 316 142 79 95 Ala 164 14 111 413 109 111 144 13 150 51 III 11 134 12 140 55 76 9 M11lS 259 158 338 122 135 81 300 114 357 174 111 72 315 83 357 176 112 69 uk 380 169 464 263 88 93 320 140 390 273 67 50 340 120 400 300 51 49 La 110 367 294 23 21 250 119 330 214 33 21 230 74 287 218 23 16 179 Olela 21 2 22 11 7 4 19 1 20 9 5 6 21 1 28 16 7 5 Tex 6 6 2 4 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 3 US-13-052-1-4Qg-13755ll411 ~2921052 n--~g7- i25912617-1Op82-1111- -824-11812 -1--165-12456 h482113~ - 844 -IF Acr gron lone -pb onehalt-the -interplMred acr bullbull- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


--------------~-----------------~-----------------~---------State - Acre rrl- -yitlr rd~ctin- - Acre IF - fie~a - -I Po~ut10- r-ACres-g r- Yie~~ r rd~cle- - shy

Harvated Per Acre I 1 Harvsted Per Acr BarTested Per Acre 1 - - - - - ThoueAcree - ihh8lii -Thou- ih- - ThoueAcree -a1ailel- - -Tiioii~- il- -Tiious-Acre- -Biiah]s- - -Thou- il- - shy

lT 5 15middot0 15 5 160 go 5 lS0 90 IIJ 13 19middot0 241 16 11middot5 280 18 181 326 Pat 24 160 384 23 165 380 23 ls6 4211 Ohio 950 18middot5 17575 901 20middot5 lSb14 815 240 21000 Ind 1503 18middot5 27806 1459 220 32098 1442 23middot5 33887 Ill 3636 180 65 448 3354 240 80496 3281 25middot5 83818 Mich 76 110 1292 amp5 17middot5 1138 63 23middot0 1449 Ins 29 120 348 22 130 286 21 150 315 IUnn 9amp0 15middot0 14400 896 1110 lb 128 1amp1 17middot5 13422 Iowa 1884 15middot5 29202 1564 22middot5 35190 1340 23 0 30820 no P25 120 9900 795 200 15900 90 210 18amp90 nDaI 6 100 60 7 13middot0 91 20 115 230 SDaI 50 11middot5 515 31 180 558 31 13middot0 4OJ Nebr 32 145 464 23 230 529 20 222 444 KAnn 230 8middot5 1955 116 150 2640 257 145 3726 D1 55 130 715 53 12middot5 662 61 14) S84 Md 47 13middot0 611 52 15middot5 soS 57 1amp5 940 Va 101 150 1515 120 165 1980 131 185 2424 WVa 1 1amp0 Ib 2 150 30 2 163 33 ItC 233 150 3495 2b4 135 3564 264 15middot0 3960 sC 27 100 270 36 100 360 37 13middot5 500 Gil 15 90 135 1amp 9middot5 12 lO5 15S1Gnat 200 120 [y 100 11middot5 1750 121 190 2299 1311 180 244 Tenn 122 15middot5 1891 134 200 26so 142 202 2s68 Ala 48 180 864 51 21middot5 1096 55 191 1050 Mhbullbull 122 140 1708 174 180 3132 176 165 2904 Ark 283 120 3396 273 200 5460 300 210 6300 La 23 12middot5 288 33 140 462 23 15middot0 345 Okla 11 60 66 9 140 126 16 110 176

US 11411 163 186451 lo6S2 213 221217 10 42 223middot 234194

l lqulYallnt BolU acreage (acreage grow a10ue with an allovance tor acrillege grovn with other crope) - 37 -


VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944



VELVEl5lEAIS lit ACltENJpound npound1Jl AIiD PRODUCTIOII 1944 to 1946

- - - - )~C 9K 1l~ Stato Aero Yiold Aeroe I10ld Aero I Yiold

bull Harvbullbullted Per Productioll llarvated Per I PrOcluOtioll 1Iarvbullbullted t Po I Production _____________ NgtI__ 1 ________________Apoundr __ 1 _ _______________ oo___ 1 ________ _

Thaw Iocr ~ Thoy Ton ThoUl Acr Pound Thous ToJ ~~ ~ Thou Tog sc 62 11)0 35 49 1300 J2 43 1000 22 n bullbull 822 900 370 658 8ZO 270 560 860 241 Ill 180 500 45 116 6)5 37 116 500 29 Ala 280 850 119 224 950 106 139 875 61Hi 47 980 2J )8 900 17 19 930 9 La 41 700 14 25 760 10 22 600 7

u s 14)2 846 606 lllO 850 472 899 SZ1 middot~Fih-il~-rtr-~ ti 711d4 llt1e-p4-t~ t-yitb-1 th hul17 hth g~d-o hatod th- - - - - - -- shy

- 38shy




- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944





- - - - sectII I9K 1211 1 neld Ac neld I Acree neld

State Rftr~ed Per Production Harv~d Per Production Harvested Per Production gt icre r ampUre Acre

- - - - TbOu-cre- - Poani- - - -Tbou7 Ton- -~boU- Acre - P~da- - - Thouu-Ton - -Tbo~8- Ace - -POUnd - - - -Thoa- Tou- -shysc 45 tObO 24 40 --rt50middot 23 22 ~ 10 Ga 504 850 7111 353 890 157 300 910 136 Fla 119 500 30 70 600 21 72 750 27 11a 125 775 48 90 950 43 70 800 28 Mh 19 860 R 9 925 4 8 1130 5 ~ ______ ~S____ _ 5I5_ _____ _______8______ ~5~ ___ __ J_______4______7~5________1____ _

~_S _____so____ J_ ____ 22 ___ ___5J0__ ____ ~~ _____221______4l6______8l0____ ___2L ___ _ l The tl~rbullbull rRrer to thtt y1ftld and entiro pro1luct1on ot velvetbenns 1n the hull whether grared or haMeated otberw1BIt

- 39 -



-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944




-- -- - --- ------ --- --- -- 1~ 1~3 I 1~ - lJpe Acre Acres Acre

Clalll and l1lgte INo ampr- Yield Pro- Hlr- Yield P1o- Hl- Yield proshy___________ bullbull _______1__ iYBe ip~r_~r~_d~i~n_yeltd_ ipr_~r _~uto~ lYBei e ~ce__ ~u~t~o~ Clan 1 il11e-oured oalc- Pounds TIlonsLbs IlxboJpre Poun~ nt01lsLbsDDusAcnoa ~ ntou8Lba

Virginia 11 103 1050 108150 106 1105 117130 116 1190 1)8040 North Carolina 11 265 2020 270300 283 1080 305640 311 1120 348320

Total Old Belt 11 366 1028 378450 )89 1087 422770 427 1139 486360middot Tot 1 llastern North Clro11M BeU 12 339 1110 376290 353 1120 395360 395 1150 454250

North Carolina 13 80 1130 90400 86 1085 93310 96 1150 110400 South Carolina 13 115 1145 131675 128 1090 139520 145 1185 171825

lotal South Caro11nl Belt 13 195 1139 222075 214 1088 232830 241 1171 282225 Georgia 14 96 970 93120 103 1020 105060 105 1045 109725 Floride 14 19 900 17100 194 885 17169 204 940 19176 Alabama 14 3 850 255 3 900 270 4 720 288

_Ttl_Go~lolia_Bl ______1J __1153___958_ _1104li_ _ 12pound1 __ 29~ __1pound2429__ 12jS _ 1Q21 ___1~lft9__ ~0a1 lJ lJecJrd_lzps______11-1lt-10173__10sect9_ls07220_ 1Q71_ lQ8 _1 113429_ B _ 1131 __132201lL _ CIa 2 Fire-aured lobI Virginia lIelt 21 149 950 14155 14 640 11760 156 1100 17160

Kentuoky 22 9 1000 9000 8 975 7800 15 1150 17250 Tonnan 22 25 1080 27000 26 1000 26000 36 1275 45900

lota1 Hopldnov1l1e_CllrksTille lIelt 22 34 1059 36000 34 994 33800 51 1238 63150 XentucJtr 23 13 1000 13000 10 950 9500 20 1150 23 000 Tennessee 23 27 1070 2889 32 980 3136 48 1125 5400

Totll paducah-llqfie1d lIelt 23 157 1012 15889 132 957 12636 248 1145 28400 _T2tlHB2n_S~JIl~ etJy)__2J ___ 1___920____ 25____middot1 __ 25Q ____ 25____pound _ 1Q5Q _____210__ ~o1l All illtLTzlgt______21-amp4__ ~ 7 __10pound2- _ amp6129___61middot2 __ 251 __ 2BI~l___912 _1182 ___1Q891O__ Clue 3 Jiir-cured 3A Light Air-oured

Ohio 31 165 1120 18480 168 1090 18312 143 1040 14872 indhna 31 108 1320 14256 111 1200 13320 103 1300 13390 Mlosour1 31 64 1150 7360 73 900 6570 66 1125 7425 X9nae 31 3 1000 300 3 1000 300 3 1150 345 Virginia 31 143 1460 20878 145 1530 22185 -125 1575 19688 Veet Virginia 31 33 1025 3382 33 1130 3729 32 1070 3424 Horth carolina 31 12 1390 16680 13 1500 19500 98 1475 14455 Xentuoky 31 353 1165 411245 357 1070 381990 349 1225 427525

__ 1 bull I~8Je~ ____________ -31 __ ]0___1~5__ 280pound10___82 __ 115pound1 __1112jO___8J __ lJ6pound1 ___1128O__ _T2t1_BY1ampZ elt__________ -31 __4266__l1sect9_ 3205lJ _ jJg1_]121_ 3171j6__ ~2 _ _ ]152 ___614OQL _ _T2tl_Slllhr ~g1aldyll ____ 3pound __ 5____82deg__ J8220___32 ___ 222 __ 18315__ _5Q ___ 222 ___ yengto__ _Tltll_qlJoU8t_A1rCJl~d_____ 31-12_ 3l16__1121- _6gBBl1__ 241l _ ]Q8sect _ 3255l1__ 232 __ 1l22 ___620254__

3B Dark Alr-cured Indiana 35 2 1000 200 2 1100 220 2 1100 220 Xentuoky 35 175 1150 20125 205 1000 20500 175 1240 21700 Tennese 35 46 1080 4968 6 1000 6000 53 1250 6625

Total One S]lckor 35 223 1134 25293 267 1001 26720 23 1241 28545 lobI Green River Belt (lJ) 36 15 1100 16500 146 1000 14600 14 1220 17080

_l2t2JVrPi~ sectl-se~ ]elt____ -31 ___29__1020__ -3~i4- __ 1 __ jOQ ___22(L __ 1 _lQJ5 ___ -39XL_ o~1l ~k_Ar=1d______ 32-J7__ O~2__1116__ ~L8_7_ __4plusmnmiddot1 __ 28l1 __ ~s20_ __1Igbulll1 _1112 ___ plusmn952B__ Cl 4 Cigar Fille

Pennsylvani SeGdle 41 32 1500 48000 322 1280 41216 335 1525 51088 __ ood-ll1l_V~l~el toi2L ___4Z-Bfl-__ 39__1115___6518___ t _ l10Q ___410___ j2 _ 1122 ____61l8__ o1_C~r]1e~ 7le ______41~__ 219_ _1~__ ~s18_ _ 3_middotQ _ 1pound61 __ ~326___32middotQ _1yengt2 ___ 2ZJ6__ Cla 5 C1glr Binder

Maechusetts 511 1650 165 1 1480 148 1 1550 155 Connlaquot1cut 51 8 1670 13360 89 1620 14418 99 1590 15741

Tot l Connecticut Vall lIroldlelf 51 81 1670 13525 9 1618 14566 10 1590 15896 Kaaoecbullett 52 45 1740 7830 46 1470 6762 53 1660 8798 Connecticut 52 22 1770 3894 22 1550 3410 26 1600 4160

Totl Connectiout VIll1eyHavana Seed 52 67 1750 11724 6~ 1496 10172 79 1640 12958 lev York 53 7 1300 910 6 1250 750 8 1350 1080 lennay1vanit 534 1590 636 4 1550 620 4 1560 624

Total Nev York IUld Pa Havana Seed 53 11 1405 1546 1 1370 1370 12 1420 1704 Totol Southern 1I1000nsin 54 104 1440 14976 121 1540 18634 143 1470 21021

Viaconain 55 103 1480 15244 121 1470 17787 145 1480 21460 M1nneeote 55i 1200 600 6 1250 750 7 1250 875

Total Northern Viecontn 55 108 1467 15844 127 1460 18537 152 1469 22335 Georgia 56 1 500 50 1 930 93 1 1050 105 Flor1de 56 1 700 70 1 930 93 1 1050 105

_~2tlL~bullra~~~jll~~~L __5~ ___ 2___6Q0____1pound0____pound __ VQ ___ _1sectP_ ___L 1Q5Q _____210__ oabullc~r_ll~D ~s ______51-26_ _ Z73_ _158__ 27TJ5_ __41 bull l1_ 1ll~ __ sect)4sect5___~ _1212 ___ z41~__ Cbaa 0 Cigar lIrappst-

IIsscbuoett 61 1 1120 1120 14 910 1274 16 1060 1696 COMticut 61 rl 1050 6615 67 940 6298 72 990 7128

Tohl Connectiout ValleT Shad-c-oWD 61 l3 1060 7735 81 935 7572 88 1003 8824 Ooorgia 62 6 1050 630 7 1175 822 7 1010 707 Florlde 62 26 1125 2925 24 1175 2820 3 990 2970

lotll Geordn-Florida Shade-4rovn 6amp 32_ 1111 _ 3525___ 11 _ 1l7i __ 36l2___ 1middot1 __ 29 ___ 3617__ oIa_CeurorJfaEigtIrJlpo _ 61Q5 1OL 1015__ 11220___11g _1Q01 __ 1l2l4__ _lgbull5 _ 1QOQ ___ 15Q1__ oll_amp]l_C~r_lzps_______ 41~__ 5~7_ _1 hsect2 _ _ 1Z36Q3___82 __ 1 bull l42 __1pound0015__ 10Q1 _ iJ5 ___1sect9Q1__ Clan 7 MillcollAneol1ll

Louisiana pe11qua - 72 4 525 210 3 640 192 3 500 250 ~~S~ Il1~ 11519iO9oi8~~7 lpound9~ 1921 1pound8 26Q 118 2)48Q7




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944




TOllCCO CliEGE YIELD AliD PROWCTIOll 1947 to 1949

- - - --- - - --- - - - - --- i - -I 197 i 124j 99 Cl amp114 ~ ~ Jcrea Yield Pro- 1 AGree Yield I Pro- 1 Jcre Yield Pr

Bo u Per JJre Id t1 Ha1o IPer Jcre I d U u Per Jcre d t~ __________________ ___ylj_____I_~ _o~ tct_____ I _~_0~1_1bullA1______~_ ~n__ IIa1lII Polmd lhDWIL1gtbullbulliboIcres P0UD4 ThLbeAh0UBacr ~ ThouaLbbullbull

Clalla 1 Jl_und Tlrglma 11 111 1080 119880 fYl 1230 107010 92 1095 100740 o~ Carolba 11 302 1060 320120 233 1190 277270 240 1070 256BOO

Total Old BeU 11 413 1065 440000 320 1201 384280 332 1077 357S40 rotal lutn Jlorth Caroli_ lIelt 12 387 1205 1166n5 290 1285 372650 304 1245 378480 Ba~ Caroli_ 13 94 1125 105750 71 1260 891t6o 77 1250 96250 South Carolina 13 137 11)5 155495 104 1265 1)1560 111 1325 147075

rotal South Carolina Belt 13 231 11)1 261245 175 1263 221020 188 1294 llIJ3)25 Georgia 14 107 1180 126200 82 1155 94710 92 1245 114540 norlda 14 228 1020 0256 164 1010 16S6J 189 1070 2022) oUabaa 14 4 925 3O 900 3605 800 IfOO

_1t1_~Olaquo~~1~_lIl _____ +__ 3l~ _1111___lJlJ6__ 88__1110___ l~ _ 1 _ ~11 __ _lS1~_

rotal All Jl-ured ~ 11middot14 11612 llJ5 13171i66 88)8 12)) 1089584 9)54 1191 llV1-S08ci 2-iirvdI- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shyrotal Virglnl Belt 21 14) 975 1)942 11 1145 12595 107 1145 12252

lantuolrr 22 147 1025 15068 11 llSO 12650 11 1120 12320 enn 22 )4 1075 )6550 2)8 1200 28560 2)4 1)05 )0537

rotal BopJdnnllle-Clarby1l1e Belt 22 487 1060 51618 )48 1184 41210 )44 1246 42857 lantuolrr 2) 166 1000 16600 136 1160 15776 128 1100 14080Tenne 2) 4 1000 4000 3 1lSO )4SO 27 1060 2862

rotal lIIdUlluIIqt11d Belt 23 206 1000 20600 166 1158 19226 IS5 109) 16942 rotal Bellderaon ShEng lIelt laquo(r) 24 2 1000 200 2 1050 2101 1000 100

ai All 1d-~- - - - - 2lz4 - -8)S -10)1- - - i636ct - 62r -1170- - - - 3ati- -~7 -1189 - - - 72151shyclia j-AIadl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

3A Licht Ai_ed Ohio )1 125 1090 1)625 128 1)50 17280 1)8 1)00 17940 Indl_ Jl 88 1135 9988 95 lSOO 142SO 1011 1270 13208 lIiovrl 31 52 900 4680 51 llSO 5865 52 1lSO 59BO IaDaaa 31 2 9SO 190 2 1000 2002 1025 205 Tlrc1ala )1 11 1625 18525 122 l7SO 21350 128 1575 20160 Weat Tlrc1a1a )1 28 1200 3360 29 1373 3988 32 1370 4)84 Borth Carolina 31 96 1560 lIt976 103 1680 113~ 108 1440 15552 lantuolrr 31 297 1090 323730 30J lJ55 410565 J09 1llIJ5 J84705

__ ~ee ____________ ll__ _71 __10___ ~5610__ 16___1415___ ~O~ __8 __ l~ ___ 8~_

rotal Burley lelt Jl 4205 115) 484704 432 lJ96 6C2902 74 l25J 5605)4iaai sth-h4 B1t- - - - - 32- - -4765 - -795- - - 3777pound - 466- - -750- - - -j49~ - -sO - - - amp5 - - - iii250shyotal mLlht ~e4 - - - - - Jt=32 - 468 - -1116- --52pound466- -47876- -1J)- - - 637852 - 4974 -1210 - - -~i-7a--~7DUk-AIMiN4-----------------------------------------------------

IndlBllA 35 1 lOSO 105 1 1200 1201 1200 120 Jentuolrr 35 145 1100 15950 127 1200 152Ito 14 1180 16520 Tanne J5 46 lOSO 4830 3 1240 +216 J8 12)5 469)

fotal Ono Snobr J5 192 1088 20885 162 1208 19576 179 1192 21)JJ lotal Green IIlYor Belt laquo(r) 36 135 lOJO IJ905 107 1160 12~12 10 1100 11000 fotal TlrpD1 3aD-oured Belt 37 26 925 2Ito5 J 945 2835 4 955 J82O

O~~~k=A~~d= = = = = = ~0 = )~~ =1~0~= = =~7~1S = ~( =1~1~5= = = =~~l = )~ = f~)I == =~61~= Ola 4 Clgar J111erl

PeDD17lvenla Beuat 41 )62 1440 52128 )68 1560 57408 J5- 1530 54162 1otal 1Iiu1 Vall17 42-44 65 1)00 84SO 68 1600 10880 70 1600 11200

iotai 01ampV illir-f7p- - - - - -lh45 - -427 -1419- - - 60-578- - 4)6- -i566- - - -68288 - -421gt - 1542 - - - 65-)62shy01 5cTgir-iln4erl- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy

NuaaohuU 511 1650 165 1 16SO 1651 l6SO 165 ConneoUou 51 99 lSOO 14850 89 1560 1)88It 89 1570 1)973

1otal COIID8ltIUCU VallaT llroadloat 51 10 lS02 15015 9 1561 14049 9 1571 141)8 Mubull hueU 52 61 1740 10614 6 1700 10200 61 1760 107)6 CODDeoUCUt 52 3 1490 4470 28 1580 4+2+ 25 1570 )925

1otal Connectiont Vally Hanca Seoo 52 91 1658 15084 88 1662 14624 86 ln5 14661 I Torle 53 7 13SO 9+55 1)00 6505 lJOO 6SO Pe_lum 535 lSOO TSO 5 1590 7955 1610 B05

10 tal Tork p~ Pa Han Seed 53 12 1412 1695 1 1445 lItIJ5 1 1455 1455 1otal Southellll W1acouln 54 11 1440 158110 62 l4SO 11890 8S l4BO 12580

W1lOonala 55 142 1460 20732 121 1470 177fYl 12 1520 IB~ lIinDIota 556 1)00 780 5 1250 6254 1450 sao

fotal Barthe Wlaconaln 55 148 1454 21512 Georgi_ 56 1 700 7G lorida 56 2 700 lItO 126 1461 IB412 124 l51B 18820

_T2~_~rA sectve-~12 111lI1eL - i~6 - - -l- _7QO_ - - 6 _210_ - - s1_ - _90_ - - - - ~ - - - - - =-= - - - - -65 shyOa pound1F- 1dr_zP______ 215___4sect__l425____93~6__ 1917__15~____62____)2~ _ ~6 ___ sect1~_ Cl 6 Clp 1f1llpp8rl

aaohuaUII 61 19 995 1890 2) 940 2162 24 11)0 2712 COIlDllCUCU 61 76 970 7372 8) 920 7636 81 1040 8424

1otal Connootiout Tallay Shad grown 61 95 975 9262 106 924 9798 105 1061 11136 Corpa 62 8 lOlS 812 9 1170 105) 11 1120 12J2 )lorida 62 )J lOJ5 j416 36 1170 +212 4 12)0 4920

_f2~_10Dl~PloLlamp_samp=iIo1l_ 622- __ i _1011___ 421J_ __4~_ _1110 _ ___ i~61 __ 11 _ O2 ____6112_ 01 Jl1amp8 IPJO rRa _____ ~165 __11sect _ -922__ _poundMO__151_ - -a8- - - _~o61 - -~ - ~ - - - H~-l1 Jll21PL lJp ________161_ 1011 _1)27___ J~Jf__ 2814__11 _2___ 4l41 _ -91j _ _____1_ aJ__ Clall 7 lIiecU-OUII

Lou1~ PeriQ 726 415 lIII9J BOO 2Ito) 667 200

miiTJ-smE - - - - - - - -- - ~ -ill-la516 -1ij8- -2io7i60-l55J -1~- -im58i l62Jz-lzij - -1-969-iooshy

bull 41



- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944




- - - - - 1_-_-_-_-_-___-JilF_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_I9F5-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_12fieuro-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- ___-I I YiBld I I Yield I Yield I

State Acre Per Production I Acre I Per Production I Acre 1 Per 1 Production _____ ~~~lIe~ 1 -poundor _ 1 ______I_~~et~d_ _ ce__1______ 1 ~bulle~ _Apoundr _ -- _______ _

Acre Pounds Thol1elba Acres Pound Thouslb ~ ~ ThouIIlbbullbull Hau ~ 1628 9115 6loo 1342 8184 7000 1521 10649 Conn 16500 1447 23~69 17800 1355 2412amp 19700 1372 21029 HY 700 1300 910 600 1250 750 800 1350 1080 Pa 32400 1501 48636 32600 1283 41~36 33900 1525 51112 Ohio 22400 1119 25058 20600 1092 22492 19800 1064 21060 Ind 11000 1314 14456 11300 1198 13540 10500 1296 13610 Wi 20700 1460 30220 24200 1505 36421 28800 1475 42481 M1111 500 1200 600 600 1250 750 100 1250 375 Mo 6400 1150 7360 7300 900 6570 6600 1125 7425 lCuR 300 1000 300 300 1000 300 300 1150 345 Md 45000 80 38250 35000 525 18375 50000 925 46250 Va 135100 1083 146257 137300 1117 153315 147900 1209 178821 Va 3300 lO~5 3382 3300 1130 3729 3200 1010 3424 IiO 696OOC 1083 7536jo 735000 1107 813810 811800 1142 927425 SoC 115000 1145 131amp75 128000 1090 139520 145000 1185 171825 Ga 96700 970 93800 103 ROO 1021 105975 105800 1045 110537 Jla 21700 926 20095 21900 917 20082 23500 947 22251 ~ 407600 1153 469965 410200 1059 434485 415700 1219 506765 Tenn 112300 1183 132857 124200 1179 146386 129100 1323 170805 Ala 300 850 255 300 900 270 400 720 288 La 400 525 210 300 640 192 300 500 150

~= == = ~i~~~ = )~lI( = =1~9~0~~0= =1~8~0~7~= = I~~ = = ~~9~~ = ~~~gt~ = =1~1~1= = =2~3~4~8~( = =

TOBlCCO (Contd)

_______ ~1211 _______ _______12~ _______________ J2 2 ________ _ --------------~----------------------------------~----------

state I Acree ~ ield Acre Yield Acral Yield Bar t d Per bull Production Bar t d Per Production Ba t d per 1 Production

_____ __~Q_8_ _Apoundr _ 1 ________ e __ cr__1______ -- _ ~a_tJ_ _AcJ _ _______ _ pound Pounds Thous 1be ~ Pound Thoubullbull lbl Acree ~ Thoubullbull 1ba

8100 1564 12669 8400 1491 12527 ~OO 1583 13amp13 COM 20500 1302 26692 20000 1297 25944 19500 1350 26322 lY 700 1350 945 500 1300 650 500 1300 650 Pa 36700 1441 52878 37300 1560 58203 35900 1531 54967 Ohio 19000 1162 22075 19amp00 1437 28160 20800 1401 29140 Ind 6900 1134 10093 9bOO 1497 14370 10500 12amp9 1332~ Vie 25200 1451 3amp572 2O bullNO 1462 29amp77 20500 1503 30820 Minn 600 1300 780 500 1250 625 400 1450 580 Mo 5200 900 4680 5100 1150 58amp5 5200 1150 5980 tanbullbull 200 950 190 200 1000 200 200 1025 205 Md 47500 795 37762 46amp00 750 34950 50000 825 41250 Va 139300 1111 154752 113200 1270 143790 119500 1146 135972 1I1a 2800 1200 3360 2900 1375 3988 3200 1370 4384 IIC 792600 1145 907181 604300 1252 756amp84 631800 1182 747082 SC 137000 1135 155495 104000 1265 131560 111000 1325 147075 Ga 107900 1178 127142 82900 1155 951amp3 93100 1244 115772 lla 26300 1019 ~6812 20100 1037 20846 22900 1098 25143 17 356500 101n 385453 351200 1329 46amp853 356900 1229 438f25 -reM 115600 1220 141010 106200 1397 148326 111900 1220 13amp492 Ala 400 925 370 400 900 360 500 800 400 x 600 415 249 300 800 240 300 667 200

~~____ ~5~ __1~118_ _ ~~~7~1~__1~523~~__ ~7~ _ _ l~7~18~ _~2l~ __1~2~___1~9~9~1~0___ _


- - - - 1N 9sect 1 9[amp -= -= -= 1 1 Acre I neld 1 I Acree I Yield 1 I 1 Acre I Yield 1

State Acre I Bar- I Per I Pro- Acre Bar- I Per Pro- I Acr I liar- 1 Per I Proshy____I-t~d_letd_ _AcJ _ ~ut O~I ~t~dlle~ ~CII__1_d~l~n__P~tdI1~ CEe__1_ ~uto~ __

Acre Pound ThoUG bull lb bull Acre -ound houft bull lb bull Acre POI1nd fhoue 1bbullbull lU 1amp1100 ~300 ---s95 Ill tis -- --- shy18 22000 19000 1000 19000 7300 amp900 980 6762 4800 4600 975 4485 Minn 13100 6500 990 amp435 shy10 17200 12100 890 10769 17 2000 1500 800 1200

~== )II~=~~~= = = 261= =5Imiddot~~ ==~===-=-=== = = = = =~-~ == =~-===--== =-~= == =~- = 1947 1948 1949

---------------------~-----------------~-------------------lib bull 5200 950 ~ 700 ~500 1100 4950 --------------------~-------------------------------- -----




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944




- - - - 12~ i 1245 l2J~ State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Earvested Per Acre Production HSrvested Per Acre Production Rqrvested Per Acre Production __ __-____________bull______ l- __ ___ t ____ _ amp __ __ __ - ______bull ______bull _ _____ _

ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal Thouscres Gallons ThousGll Thouscres Gq110ns housGal SC 3 118 354 3 114 342 3 140 420 Qa 29 157 4553 28 163 4564 21 175 3675 Fla 12 200 2400 10 190 1900 10 170 1700 Ala 22 115 2530 22 125 2750 18 135 2430 Miss 21 150 3150 21 160 3360 18 175 3150 t 29 230 6670 45 335 15075 43 275 11825 Tex 2 120 240 2 130 260 1 135 135

~ 1~ 1 62 1982f 111 ~~ 2~]51 114 ~01 ]J315

suout CUlE FOR SIRUl (Cont d)

- - - - 19sect7= === = t = = =1i~ == == = =1242 = = State Acres Ylteld cres Yiel d Acres Yield

HSrvested Per A~re Production Hqrvested Per _ere Proeuct1on Harvested Per Acre Production __ ________________ ____ l _____ J _____ 1 ____ ____________________ _

ThouaAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons ThousGal ThousAcres Gallons Thousrl SC 2 150 300 2 125 250 1 115 115 Ga 20 185 3700 16 180 2880 14 175 2450 Fla 11 165 1815 9 170 1530 7 150 1050 Ala 16 120 1920 14 135 1890 13 125 1625 Miss 17 130 2210 14 170 2380 11 145 1595 Ls 36 235 8460 11 200 2200 11 250 2750 Tex 1 140 140 1 115 115 1 160 160

~~= === = Io~== == I8~= == I8~5~5= = = == ~( = = = I~=== =lI~4~ = == = ~( = = == I~ = = = )~7~5= = SUGm CANE FOR SUGR ACRAGE YIELD AnD PROWCTIOlf 1944 to 19lf9

- - - - 12~ 9~ 196 State Acres Yield Acres Yield Acres Yield

Harvested Per Acre Production Harvested Per Acre Production H~vested Per Acre Production

- - - -nuiiAcreii- - Tons- --Tiio~sTon- lThoUicr- -Tona - Th~sTons-middotTh-uaAcresmiddot- -T-nii - --Tiious-T-na shyFor sugar

1 246 20 ~9zs 234 223 5209 255 176 4484 ]1~ _ _ _ ~71___ ~88_____ J~O _____31 ___31~ ____ Q4 ____3sect ___ 3~2 ____10~7__ ~otl ___ ~Ti1 ___2p~ ____ 2bullz0~ ____204___ z5_____6220____2sect68____ 19J____ 2bull221 __ For ueed

L9 20 20 400 19 223 424 23 176 405 _F ____ ~ ___2sect~ ______32 _____1____ 232______ p_____11____ 226______3~ __ Toh1 212 205 435 200 228 457 241 183 441Fo ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - shy9rd seed

L9 266 20 5329 253 223 5633 278 176 4889 la 283 288 815 324 332 1074 329 326 1073

osectgt ===391 = =2pound2= === ~1~ === =2~4= ==~3( == =6isect( ===3109= ===19( === 1263== SUG-R CNE FOR SUGm (Contd)

- - - - l9plusmn7 t 12 i99 == Stato Acres Yield -inres Yield Acres Yield

H9rvested I Per Acre Production H9rveated Per Acre Production H9rvestcu Per Acre Production ____L _____L _____L _____ l _____ _____ l ______L _____L ____ J ______ _~

Thou9Acrea lru ThousTon~ ThoUB~reB ~ ThousTons Thou9Acrea 9ns ThousTQl For sugnr L9 259 151 3917 274 192 5257 279 179 4984 Fla 34middot6 760 921 352 287 1010 366 308 1126

Totnl- - - 2936 - - -165 - - - - 488 - - - -J09r - - zj~3- - - - -6-267- - - -3156- - - -194- - - - 61iii - -For eoed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - -

L9 27 151 1108 24 1lt2 461 22 179 394 ]1a ___ -i---ltisect -- _ -- _42 _____1_4___ ~87______ plusmno_____1~ ___ 108______31 __0I11 ____2____12 _____ plusmn51 ____ gsbullJf_ __ 197_____ 5Ql_ __ _ lP2_ ___ 186_____ plusmnJ1 __ For sugar and seed

L9 286 151 4325 298 192 5718 301 179 5378 ]a ____1~~ ___2~~ ____ _ 16 ____ ~66___ s8~_ ____1~~____ ~78____ 108____ i 61 __ o111 ___ 12~~ ___1______ 2g82 ___ 3146___ ~ 2_ ____6L ___ 318 8 ____ 19J____ bull241 __

- 43-


SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

- - - - - r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_sectlffi_-~-__-_-_-__-]_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_l2ri-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J_-_-_-_-_-_-52rf_-___-___-___-_~ st t Arr AcrllD Yierd I Pro- I Acree I Acrew Yield I 110- I Acrll8 I Acree I Yield I 1ro-

a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944



SUGAB anlS AomlAGB YIlW) JJID PllOroCTIOB 19~~ O 1946

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a Pl~ntd far- I Psr ducUon I Planted I Bar- Per duettoD I Planted Hal- Per I duction I I yetd I Acre I I yeated Acre I I Yeo ted Acre I

- - - - - - - yenhouiiAcrit- - -Siiort- - Th-u - - - yenhouS-ACro- - -sliort- - ThO~- - - -Thoil- Acre - -Short- - iijOUQ ~ Short TORI ~ Short Tone ~ Short Tonti

Ohio 17 1middot3 87 113 24 21 99 208 29 26 229gg Mich 69 59 8J 520 92 78 80 627 106 95 86 814 Nebr 53 46 10middot7 490 62 58 109 632 amp9 60 13 8 825 Mont 71 64 10middot7 682 87 82 106 871 82 13 122 891 Idah 50 43 144 6u 58 53 15middot3 809 92 76 168 1274 Wyo 31 28 110 307 37 35 gt 343 4Q 36 117 420 Colo 136 111 1lt2 11127 16~ 152 121 1835 173 153 12middot5 1920 Utah 33 31 128 396 35 32 136 436 45 41 139 ~70 Calif I 75 68 17middot1 1161 101 93 16g 1565 135 122 171 2081 Other _SiDie ____ b) - - - ~6_ - lL - - iQOi - - -1J7- - - _1Q9_ - J18_ - - r~ --- Dplusmn - - _1gp_ _l~f - - - 5JJ1 ______ 31 __ 525__ 21____11[ ___7 5 __ JJ__ 21i) __ [_1____ 202 ___8pound2__limiddotg ___1pound5 _I Rftlates to y~ar of harYet (including acreage planted In preceding fall

Chl0 26 21 72 151 14 13 124 161 31 24 105 252 Mich 811 66 6S 446 03 52 ~g 457 )6 17 96 743 Nbr 82 11 113 805 50 42 Hg Ilg6 39 38 147 558 ant 82 17 11 7 899 66 55 12 671 65 59 118 697 ldaho 116 102 173 1761 92 80 154 1233 67 60 178 1067 Wyo 39 36 127 457 34 27 11middot5 310 30 28 145 406 Colo 176 16R 152 2511l 123 103 13 4 1376 126 117 161 1878 Utah 47 45 164 740 40 35 122 427 29 28 166 ~66 Cal1 164 156 116 2Rl7 UI7 172 164 1n7 150 134 Ig 2519l other _State ____ 5J ___IlL _ I1___ lrn ___111____115__ l2~___ plusmn7~ ___ ~2 ___~pound2__la-g ___ 21~J ______ ~ ___ J19_ _ l42___lgi01 ___SQD____614__ 3 1)- _ 1~2____ 1 ~ ___ ~L _1_~ ___lQ9_I Relat~8 tn year of hnrYent (including acrrnge ylantAn tn preceding fall

dAlLE PRlllJCrS1 l~O ro 1944


