·zs· NOTRE DAME, N~TRE DAME,-INDJ:ANA,:SDNtiAY,:N6VEMBER … · •• h~rner,C'tr. second fourth...

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Transcript of ·zs· NOTRE DAME, N~TRE DAME,-INDJ:ANA,:SDNtiAY,:N6VEMBER … · •• h~rner,C'tr. second fourth...

·.VOL. 2. -~NO. ·zs· ; ! . ~ - , . . , , . ·, . : ~ . • . . . _; : . :• . • '_ ~ ·: -. , -: J : I . . - ' ( • j • , • - . ~ ' • # . . • • - •

: ~UNIVERSIT~ ~F NOTRE DAME, N~TRE DAME,-INDJ:ANA,:SDNtiAY,:N6VEMBER 4, 19i3.-.. ~ ..... ··r

. .VI~ITORS MEN i CelebM~~A!~~;l Ball r"~TEitM;s~dl§~:;iq, IRI$JJ: G-~IIlD .E RS

.·-:·OFPROMINENCE -Homecommg festivities were 1 ~~~~gi~?:;i~hiog~:.~~a-~~~:.?;;:,.t:·:.:.~;;.~·- · .:,BE·AT· PURDUE· 3·4. ·7 . , . . - : brought t~ a clo_s~ last night at ~he -~ · I

. . .. anpual Homecommg dance -which Carnegie·Tecp, 7; ~ehigh, .1~>:1 : ·.'·:·.;::···.} ,-_·, · . ' • . ---- ·; was.given at the.Palais Royale. The Dr3:ke, 21; Iowa Sta~e,·O .. :: ~ ·J·· .:>' .. ;.:-:_;-.~, .. · , ·,

. dance, which .was for Nptr~ Dame i Indiana, 34; H.anover, 0. _... I."·.:;;··:.'.: • ; .. ·.·.. .. -

imong ThQ_Se at ·the Game Were =~~ma~i,9 ~~~foec~\~~dw!:i:~~:iri;eed -1-~~-~~tet:~t~,;~~~~;th~~st;~~\~;·/I~ :~9.ck.~~n.)·,Win· Stat~ -rfitle in .. Homeco~• Men Well Known in Activities until;midrlight.' . Lombard, 21; Wabash',·.o·: . ! ,

1 : j . ·- . ' •' ,.' . ' • • . . .

;':In City, State andNallon, The affair, at which Jack Warr's :Yale, 31;A':niY;'lOi'· .'' .:·-. 'i Ing Clash;. _B~g Ten Warnors Offer ' Before the game began yesterday ~=~r:~£vf~!!{:~~t::.£i~jri~! ia:~f~~·


:ft:~~~~r.%;·. 0~:1 :;',::); Hllrd _Fight tO Imj)ede Jrisll, ~~ck . :~t~~~OV~i:~~~~;ct~~n!~:asp::i: under the. auspices .of· the Student Chicago~ O_;.:~wn~~s,~:?~ . :., . J i: ~. ·:·_,_~; .,;;. ,: :-: :_.'~·:,·?,;, 1iY THOMA~{ COMAN:· . ·: .. -nent in the. city,. state and nation Activities Committee. - . Pennsylvama,;-6; -Pittsburg, 0. j :•:;,:_ ..;. ,.,,,_•;, :: r, ·"'J. _. . , .. : . . . ' t -- . . .. ...

. The. p. atrons and p~tr_onesses ·for Cornell, 32; Dartmouth~~.7~..: ·;:'. : ~· , ~~tr.~ D;tm,e_,, ~4; .-~~-rdue,. 7~ .. lThat In figures i!S _the story .of __ ,how ·· v•ould be . am_ ong those · ace_ upymg · · I J h H k. 17 w M · I h · N · · o · f · · · · · · · · · · " . d the dance were: Prof. :and Mrs. - o ns op ms,. ; esb ary-. .t e otre, a me: ootball team trampled- on the state ·title. hopes of the ·seats :at the game. ·It was sat John M. Cooney, Prof. and Mrs. w. 1 _land,_ 0.~ ·. _' : .· . .,_:·>':> ;l·~·:~J-t~~d~e_f_oot_I:J·all a~~r.egati~J1_f_r~m La_fal'_ette, in the Ho~eco~_hig'_ga~e that:: · -- · · - · L. Benitz, Mr. and Mrs. ·K. · K. +-~·-'-••.;_,._,.;_.,~ .. .;_ .. ;.;..:.,..;..;.;;.:..:....i.~.~+ ori'Cartier-field-yesterday ·· ..... · .. ·· · · · :- · ,-- ·-- ·---- ·: ·

· .. · ·Lew Shank, may_or· of . Indianapo.- k · - · ., · · ' ·' · · -· ~ - - · ·· .: · .. ·- · · · · · -- · · -· · '

ll·s"''wh·o··.·.·r-ecently declared_-.h·t·s· _c·a.n- ~oc ne, Dr .. and Mrs. Frank Pow- AT w'·. 's· ··h Jl··_.-.·)·t:.-.··•:r•_ ·:''•}·•-:. __ - Althou_gh·:_tlie'~iupre_'ma~y-'of_ .. the ·R~c-kmen's football reputation··waa -- · - M d M S R · lYe C 0 as lC ·· 1'-"'· - .. , r ··- • .. • • · ~- · - • .. - -- · ·-· · - - .. '- . · R bl' . . . e!S, r. -an · rs.. . J. e1che:rt, . , . . . . ._ ·.: :__ · ':.-.·-·_·~ .. neyer in danger of being blotted ou_ t by __ d. efeat_, _the _Pu_r_-_due· team·· -wa• a· didacy ·for _epu ;ca~ nommat10n p f J · _- .. _ . for governor of Indiana, will view ro ·- .,E. McCarthy,· Prof. D .. E. ·. 'OU.t.·This!.'.Week d.~~g«;~~.~s-.~~.n.c~,-,'?~n~ht.ntly;_,ale~t_ ~~jake ad~a~t~ge ~f .e.;~ry-:b~eak.' 'the game from the west stand in Waters ,arid .Prof. Paul Fenlon. ·.: . The October. S~hol~stic,-:whicb:ap-- ~~tl~-}11~ -~g~~i~g)iual~ti_ea '_t~ey' _di.~playe~ y:~aterday, ,agai~st a. te~m that Box .K. .-. . · ·· · · .. · ·: . pears this week, will· contain·•num:. M~~.:~~~;.~CJ~~:f~~:)N:e'~J~- ·e~~-~!,.:.ae:'?·~~t.ni.~nt, they ~~n. t~k~ t~~ir: ~)~ce ; '-Eddie -M~~han, cliss 6£ 1920, and KENuEov· SETS. erous ;stories, ar.ticles> poe'msc;'inid ~-~o~g W~; f()~~~os.~ ()f:,th~,~~r~ppiest te~ml in,the country ....... ~-·.' . ·c~ptain of.the_'.tarck team <?f ~hat · . 1'\t . . ' . . sketches;J·besides . .its::regular;r,fea~ ·::·,~~-.~~v.~iit~_e'n',i~.ars;.'ag.f)~day~_:P,ur,~ue .. and Not;e ·o~m~ -~et ·o~··_the year~· \vill be in Box 14. Meehan was . · tures; -:Two articles, ~.'St.·: T:P,oinas: football field iil.'·a: gfeat gaine ·which . , . , _ . . . . .. · , proba~ly one of the·g~eatest inilers 'J·e· E' c·· :o·.:R . .' D.:. -~---. s·· . 'o· s·. The:Perennial Philosopher,".:l:)y Rev. Notre Dame won, 2, to·O. This was but the'ball.was'.'calfedback,by'the

-ever pro_duced by Notre Dame. Dur- . · · • Ch~rhis:C,,Miltner,;arid·"Storiesiin the'qegirihi~g,'of"the)ong.sfdng.of referee; .. •: .. -: . . .. ~: ~ . ,· r

ing track meet between Notre Dame . . . .· _ ' ~ .. _ . Words,", by ·William.,H;'. ·Buckriell; I~ish-'VictoHes~.tliat !haye','led' tiJ/to ~ 'Wheri 'the'' teams changed· sides and' the Illinois. Athletic club, he are inCluded: :;!:: ~:c:· ;:J·.r::} ':o .lf.,;Ji. theHHontecO'ming'.triuriiph'yesterday for the second period,.Rockne .sent raced'Joie~Ray, the national 'cham;. I' h H I • . ';['here .will.::be''a·-:;.suniniary:of afterno'o:rl.·l:l). ·" 'lll.;.l.·; ~;; i\ r·'· -~ ·• in}his first'string.'kz-idders'who .. piit

',pion, and-:decisively beat him.. . . ns arners Win Second Vi'ctory events ~at::Notre ·Dame·;:during·Sep.:. .-,-!;At:timescboth(teams played:loosl:! the.damperon:the Engineers;'drive, ·.' ~ Warden Ed:' Fogarty, of the Mich- in Mi A.- C. ~eet L Cqnlin Turns ·. tember- a· review :.ofil.the :::foo-tball football and the _Irish contingent while the Irish backs, Layden\;. Mil.: . ig~n City state"'prison, will ~e in A kl I w dl d s d season 'to.·the;:Georgia i.Tech·~·gante~ di4!rtot. ~er~~:to;play.·the same!br:and ler,.an~ :Crowley:rari ,circles:'around . the' east stand'in Box 30; A.- R. Er- n e; . en an econ I •• editorials; reviews, and··ia page·· of 0~ ball that marked their sensational the: BOilermakers' defense. ,: !~£four

skine; Harvey· Dalton;· N. R. ·Feltes Bre~king his o~n cours~. record, humor.>: l"' · . :: i•;, ,,.l'l -.:~::iT. ~ctorie_~ 1 9~·tAe p~~t.t_lu;~.e,we~ks.:·.: :plays,: Layden,and: .Milleri «;ounted and H: A. Biggs; 'prominent officials e~tablished ·at the Wabash meet' last -:. :·· .,, · '. ' -:c:· Yesterday's game proved to be for a 41-ym:d·· gain with·the,aid. of

-of: the. Studebaker Corporation will Satur_day, Paul Kennedy, captain of : ·- ··' :: ·- ·~"•;- ·-·==· '-'~ !,,1 g~od· ind,~(!~ti~n. o{ Purdue'~. aP,ility th,e .famou~ Irish :-interference and

be'foun'd'in B_oxes w, X, Y, and'Z. the Irish track team, led the field in Soph .. Hall. Wtns~--· _:·::n::~''' td.:take'''a''ris{t!in."conference>'fo'ot~ brought the ball:Within.the-shadow

c.' A. Carlisle and R~v. Matthew yesterday's cross-country meet with . SilvefiLov;ing',:,~ Cup'c1 :;L~::' . i ' . ;;, .. _ ;:.·; I•. . . . •. of Purdue's go'al.postS. ' -_ .. . Walsh, president of the: University the Michigan· Aggies, which· Notre . . . , . . . '·! _; ' ;wit~ t~e· hlJ.ll: ori ~ri~d~e's .14-of Notre Dame~=willsitin Boxes D _Dame won~. 25 to 30; Kennedy · ~ophom~re;_hall· won· the '.stlver ~:·_,.,_ . y~rd.b~e, Crowley, ~he Green Bay ~and w. .. - _ · · · crossed the finish line in 18:08, lo'7ng sup_ presented· to .the _b~st·d.eg.: · flash,· ~eel~d off ten yards thro'ugh

"·.·.:>rite: rest of the-field boxes·-in the which .w~s faster than the time in Horated ha_ll on Rthe·. cFamdpu~ .kduGr1~g . ttha~kl~. Lay~en earring the oval on -- -~~st stand-will be occupied by Carl .t~e~ W~b~~h .. ll).eet .by seve~_-$econds. ---~I_?.e~o~-~l_lg. ·.:. --~-:'· _. ·7.E: e~Ic , ,a~- , e -.next.,-. .P~ay,_ .· .. ~lm<?s~.- dupl~-

G' M' B 'd E' W M The .Irish harriers scored. first sensm1th, rector,·:·and· students· 1 m L:~;l -·· cated the Iowa mstance· when" he

AmzF, Sr ... eldv~rl gef, M1 •• h~rner,C'tr. second fourth eighth and .fenth' the hall decorated 'the. buildingJ•r;t: ; fumbled on the four-yard 'line but · · · pau mg o lC Igan I y, · ' ' ' Th t h d t d b · ''T ·· · · d h ' - · · ' Helen·'Vinson, Dr. J. E. McMell, ;Ith: Wendland of Notre -Dame

1 d ; r~p y~was. ,on:he. ~·R o- .,,_, rec~;~re .t e :an 1~l_ld Mtller hung

· Joliri ·L·. :Lynch, and· David L. Guil:. e~tm~ Bagley 'Of_ the- Aggi~s ou,t ~ o . ew~ ry:; oz:panyl. rou~ ~ ~y ut · ethseconh takly on a pretty foyle·. ·Boxes -L to. z have been re- of se~o~d place. .. -- . · · . ' hunn::rng am,>~n -~as· prese~ e .· Y. ;; r:.: c arge ~oug tac e.. . . _ . . . -, served for the Kiwanis club of South Startmg the three and a half mi~e tt. e omec~t~mg- Itam~ulls_b e~otr:-. . Crofwe,N,who. went. m at the· left Bend . · . run at ,11 o'clock,' both teams were IOns comm1._ ee. :· ; :'~ ea~:~. e · . .: .. :.;:.. ;_ . .:.::- 'Ylng o:r; otre Dame, played a:bril-: . ' . :. . - . ·Well bunched for the first half mile engrave~ n~~e 0~. the ~~nning ._hall, . . .. . liant game .on the offense and. Pur-~'' Howard Ed~ards, cap tam of the With· Andy Conlin setting the pace: and the gi!t. will 'again be off.~r.e~ · :::.:.: . . :- ·.d.ue fom~4 ~hat it :~as almost impos-: ~ootball team -m 1910, who was a Kennedy and Bagley forged ahead, for competition next ~ear:· .......... :;~ _.rr,l •. . .~t?le to -s~l_ld ~he play around that; membe~- of .the team. t~at. defeated nejthe~ one attempting to let out ; Jud?'es. o~-: the --decoratiO!JS" ~e~~ I_,':.': · _. ;wmg.: ~~Is· VIcious tackling ·and· ~he Umvers1ty -of ~1chig~m by the .any speed to gain the lead: Wend- two promment,Notre.:-Dam.~:.alumm_.; '~·::... . . \ . , . . . II.. : ,blockmg was ·an:·exhibition ·of .that ~or.~-~:~·ll·:_to 3? wll~ be m ~o~ .3~. land took th~ pace at the three-quar- ~·. H~ Neeso~,, of :P;hiladelph~a, pre~~ 1 .. '·.·coACH K.'K. ROCKNE •. r·.;,:' .- l~ootb_all. insti~~~ ~hat. ·~~k~s great , ~a~~--~· 'oHer.mg, of thts City, ters when Conlin turned his ankle 1den of the Alum~1 Associ,:;ttiOn, an~· ,. ·f .•. ' , ... , ·:· ,., .. ,: ..•. :·: ,P~a,yer~, a~d drew the pr~ise of the ~ho 'Yas captau~ of the footJ;lall and dropped out of the race. , . Henry Wurzer, of Detro1t, ~ormet.: ,ba~l ran~s!_a~~ the te~m that J1m~y crowd:.on seye~al occasions. . ~am m 1879, will occupy box 51, At the t'vo-mile post, Bagley p~:eside_nt of .the··associ~tion.~ ·~-=· :. ::t;>~~hiri'))i,t~:~t ag·a~~~t . . t?~: !ri~h. i1_1 )

1 :T~~ -en~iri!.~econd pe~iod >vas· rio~ . .. obert Proctor of E_l~hart, former pulled up. and challenged. the Irish _ --: · :;_ .the)II?,m,eco,~mg ~tr~ggle, :w1ll make ~':~h .. action al}d ,Purdue accom-· state se!J~to~, .. and. a gr~-~uate of .leaders for_-,·the· pace ... Kennedy N.' D B/ k G• . ·.:. i~~ presen_c~. ~~~~ .. 5n'.th(.~.~g Te.n ,phs_he~'}Vhat'the A,riny 'and Prince-N?tre J:?ame -m th~ class 'of_ 1904,_ pulled away' with the finish only . • . • '.; a~. :~~~ t; }~-f/!9: :;: :r~.t:l~~ '.!},~~~ y~a!,·,.sl~~~- t~e .. ,squa~. IS t~~ f~ll~d· to .. d?. 'Gladders 'ca;me in-

. ·~Ill ~e m Box 34. . . . · three-quarters of a mile away, and 1

• .' t .. :'V'4 1 •~-;.,,. :Bl · · ~- .c~ropos~.d. a!mo.~t. e~t~;:~~.Y. of .l?OPh_o- t? the .~arne and reeled. off a prettY, , . :. ·The. re.st of the box.es m the west Bagley -sped after him in a vain at- : ·. · . 0 : .. -~~$l";iT . "· ayer~: m:9re~)~nd~,J~l}lors .... -!.; .. --:: '.' __ . , r~n. fo~ ~~. y~rd.s that: J?Ut -~~e .ll~~l:-_: . ·stand Will ·be· .. oc~upied _by J .. M. _tempt to o~ertak:~ the Irish captain·. ,Notre Dall!E!. blankets we:r;e _ p~e-~ i ·:.'rh~~.l(l~.~h:-he~~l~~~ -~~ur,~u~ _l~I}~ er~aker:S __ Il]-. m.tdfif:l,d •. :. Pro~t,_ ~~r:::

S~u,?eb_aJ~er,_;Jr;; ~· H: Horst; J_.~M ... _ Within sight ·of the ·finish-line, sented to ~.~-l?emb;e~~~ o-[ the Iris~.: ;th.~-~.ilp_a9-:~':st;~ch ~;~,r~l~~!lnt ,~howm~ ~ymg t~e:I?I~skm on the:ne:ct play, $~~~h~~~<>P•:_p_uR~I_s~c~r _of :'.l'h.~. N e:ws- _Wendland .. passed . the·· Aggie con- .ele':en ·.at yes~e~d~y s g~~-~·- ;,nd d~::. ~~?~~t · ~P~-. ,11~ro~n~;,_ ~~I.le·d . ,tp • ste~ un~orked one·· of, t~e. ~?st; s~·ectacil:-.:

_ ~1mes; Mrs. I\· K. Rockne, Dr .. G: tender for second-place, while Cox nations ·-?f-·the::-followmg_ ~~~,~J.; !li~)7rl:'!fi.c_I~~sl].·.d:r;~;v.~s,Ip_~pe_?!Jen- .lar,:~uns ?f the game when.he zig~ .. . ~.Gey_e~,_.Elwm :M· Moore, of. the_ drew up on the heels of theM. A. c. Bendbusil!e~s In,en:an~:hous~s. ··: ~~· mg·quar'ter .of ·t~e-game, .until the za~ged hts way through··the entire·

, cJ~ss. of),1_929; G;_uy M~·. ·Mc_Micha:I, runner ... _ . · ~ . _ .. SC!~th Be_D:d Ne_:vs::~nl).~_s:,_.Geol:'g~ fi_r:st·_tallY.:ha~.:been:hung up_ on the Irish-team-for Purdue's only:coun-< Wilham.~· Lamport,·.· Andy We1s- , The· order pf the finish .for Notre .'Wyman & Co., Be1man s. Sport. R<;>ckmen's ~stde of the score board. ter 9f the struggle. _ _- _ !( b~rg, Dr.' R. ·.F .. Lucas~·. Albert Me:-· Dame· was Kennedy 'Wendland · Cox G~ods Store,· Orpheum · Bowhng Alf Captain:.Brown's .cohorts. began their .. -,_The._ score addjed zest to· . the!:· . ~o~a~~. h- W:~';'McGarin, John K.: B.id'Yell' an~ 'doope~; ' ... ' ... ' leys, H~ll &. ca.lnon! II~~e~ L~~allef ~~~ond triar_ch-'~t~w~rdf:·,tp.~_.::~~iler..: '?~me; the_ crowd was_· on edge wait~;) . ~mog~r~,~~:-~·-: Th!J:mas, ·F . .-,Ho Wei~. · . . · · · · , J~eorge Pl~~~ez.-:.8;:,'.;C,o.;.: ¥attp.ew:: 1tp~kers'. goal and the .. oppos1ti_on's mg forthe next move of the Rock.!:;

. hngton,-,·:Gqorge:::yv . ._Hull,--,-,Wad~ Pictti!'es of }fa]l stude~~s and of Kr~us Bakmg Co.,· -LeRoy.:.Clauer! J~ne stiffened . a~d~ checked tpe m~n and:··they_ .were __ not . disap+:; ~ard~, .. !~JP-.. Willu;~s! ._., :q:r. >F. R c~mpus organizations :are being tak,; Um~ed: States Lumber_. Co., _Fra~k ~~ashes of the Irish backs through pomted .. · Purdue. k~cked ()ff and: Qarson,·· cformer, ·mayor· _of ·South en· for the Dome . this week. Most Hermg, J oh~ Chess Ells~?rth, Gross c~.nter and· off tackle. _ . sho!'~~y after, Don .Miller,_ the great~-~ Bend,:=:VV.·; ~t~d.ebak~r. and.:·.-~· M: of the hall~;and practically:all clubs' Resta~r~nt, .O;_:A~ ·.Ql~rk·.~f Kab~es: I ~;Notre Dame h_ad the best 'of .tpe e·s~· .. running back. in ~the_· countr'y;: futhrie~ ·: · · "t • · · · · ·"_have already'be'et(photogr~phed.- R:~staurants,· o Sta~les.- Hildebrand~ p_rst quarter,· with. "J?utch, Berg- ,stepped away·;:axound. th~ .. Boil~r-(l

•. . <~ - : . . . - ~outh Bend Lumber Co., Guy Me; man and Maher pickmg up -• huge makers', end<for · 27 ·yards and '\vas:.-H . · _ : . . .· , .. . . , _ . . . . M~chael, U. S. Senator_ J~~es E~ ¥?.bs ·of yardage ~bile- Cerney d:.opp~_d_- only after< a h~r~ _.tackle:~ jj . , : Capi:c:i,iii.' 'Claypocil,- _Purdue Leader : . W~tson,, Qh.~r:le~.J;=J,. ~ax- 8;· po;, 1Soutn ~r~cked the center for gains of si:£ ~on Ptirdue's_17-yard line:-~ Here the_: '·-· ·::-·:_-:.!...;::~.-, . .. ::... ."<: :.-:..·. :·. - . . Bend Trib~ne, South .Bend Supply; ~~d- eight yards. The steady march Irish fumbled agaht and Purdue re~':

C9:' Tor: ~~,c,~e~~ U~p;~::lv.e~It;§9·•;Al.; }~as enlivened in Pu~due's territory covered .. _ . _ - -· .. _ _ ;:' . Briese, :rne K1~~ams Clu~, Ohyer; wp.en Bergm~n passed to Maher for The- third period was featuredi 1

. Hotel, First Nati.onal B~nk ~ Umon; ?.?, yards, who ~~de, a;.~~~~~Y, ~u~_.?P.. 3~th ·~ pa~,~ing:~attack ;Ol_1 the· par_t of.·j . .' Trust . Co., Nab1cht Qigar ~tot:es,; .~he next play fqr the mne -yaros and .both • teams.·:· Carlson -passed ·to'·'·._ D.~s. Robert & Edgar Lucas. . . c l t~~ first counter,. -~~ .. t I • ' r .. : .· ._ .. -: .J.a~obs fo~ .15 .. ·yards; :and followed"! ... j~:! - . _ _. · · . . . '!:!:;;The Boilermrik~r_s:·.l~ne ~rit~·shing \vith 'a~other ~or ~he_ 'three yards.! .. ; -JIA' ··. · . . )18 :-·. ,·,C' "d J -C~~w started sq_~~- ~ctiOI!··a~ter the .:r:~~ I:t:J~h .took the_; b~ll o'l) the punt;· lf..IOnogram 1Y.IQSS·-ual -: ~1~k-off and. punctured, the Irish and rushed. it into. the'Boilermak:·.;··-~

I :~.:- ·., <:\at -the, U' ·v ·- · "ty' :~i~e for first down: ~:-:Phelan's) m~ri ers' territory.:-:'>~\-':·· --.- ·. :} _. ~ { ~ - '' : . _ , . · ·. nl .~~Sl ; c?~plet'~d _the. 'first pass atte~pt~d : .Pp].'dur~ t~~~d, ~om·e -~ake kick fqr-j -\ ·:

-; :,;T~l~.J,Y.J;o,l!~g~a:n)~1;~~.s.r.~~~-4\ ~y:e~y\ ·~~r a gam of 16 yar:d~. . ·· '·,: .' · matiOns•which· ·turne.d into wide;:; Y~~u at Homec!J~m~ ~1me, w~s ~md:. i !!;The Purdue offensive attack m :end runs, ___ but the _Irish ends .weret,;. _. res~erday·. mornmg 1 at' o.S :3 0 ;·m''.thei itljis period was met "ijth :.a- sti>ut·.de:- ~·omirig too~ast for Phelan's backs;~ q1~urch ot/':U~. ~~.~y of.·th·~,-~~~re~i ~f.~~se.from t?e RockmEm;'when.Gol- t~'get·a,v~y, and :Mayl'threw'Sprad:..:,: f-:eart.: Tl~.._,, entue. Monog-ram. cluo bps at the .left flank' for .the Rock- lmg for a five-yard loss~ Still un-' -~

:, a~te~d~.?~ ~m 1 , ~ ',) bo,~y. -~~:R,e,~· ~}:I:u_gh ~nf~n,, broke through and· dro~ped ?aunt':~'- 'Purdue attem.pted a p~ss;~ .. O.ponnell . was ~elebrant, )Rev.! ;H_~tri~k for a loss~ Purdue~s _·,two m._ ~he' shadow of their .. own goaL> ~;or!5e ,Stemer. was deacon, Rev.! jpa'sses in'this quarter were sudderi' .posts· .. ,vhich failed. _. . ,·~ I>~nunic O'Mall~y, sub-:-dencori,_.a:id! !ri.~d executed for·substantial gains •... Purdue punted .and ·Miller reeled;,_~

. ~ev. Fr~nci,s, ": ennin~er:. ~ms~e~ of: ) '!,~;carlson;· Phe.I~l1!s': ·; b~il.li~n~·. }ull_~ o~ ~ ~nothe_r 2.0 ·yar~~~·- ~~ich Crow- i :, c7!emom~~· .. _,_ .\:::~ ·,\ y: \ '::r.<.y\ :, · · ,: ;b~~k, was cracltmg the:lme w1tli ter- ley·' ·-followed : .. with . eight more i. ; ;:Masses at th~ L!mversity today_ ~ri,~c force and:'like Layden was able. through the line for another touch:.:=: w.~n. be1at 7 :~~,;a lo~v_ 1 m~~s,\~t 8·:~0,.• f~o:Jcra,~l,,a ~ey!1 ~_<?f.~ feet, afte~ the down~'<, .. ,_ ..• :~, : ;.: . : _ · ·:: . · _ ~·; ~~)ugh mass, and .at 10 .30, a Jugh ,tackler had-hit him; _ . _-. ·_ In the final per10d, Wellman· was .. ·

· ll!~ss .· ~o1:_ ~~~-. pa:1s~.'; :. _ B_e.~<;.~}c_ti~~- ~: :~i.Q.~£1!-~~: m_~~~~~-p,~;_e,tty~ run~ through _called into the ,backfield. to 'vork ·on_;' ~~~====~================~~~~~~~ill~~w~~~~O~fue·e~~n~~~·~fu~P~~~~fuj~60~~~~·~~iC~~~d~~~~~~

. . ' ,' . ', . ' ,• . . . . . '


in.teresti~g'.and}i.nstructive tasks to' · those 'who are inclined to help their

s'cho.oi' and their' own selves iri· this ·· · · · · · · · · ·\vay. · ·· · ·

' Unlnrslty 'of' Notre 'Dame; -~mi:llil 'd&ii,:' .P'aper, pubibhK .... er; mornln~t ucep& A school may be J'udged to a Monday, Wedneaday"and :·Frld117 durln~r the academic )'ear· b)' the Notre Dame DaU7 Company, Notre Dame, .'Iridian&:. great extent on the kind of football

Official' · University· Bulletin

:.: ·.· .::: ·-:Eiit~4!d-:·i.ii-&e<:ond :.ciaisii:'Di&it:.!r·-;:i:·ih·~· :Ji'o&t ~"office··. iit--Nofr;;-x>m:e; :i~d.· :. ··. ·. · · f!~~~a~~t~~; -~; ~~·ea~~~1:~g~e~·~~t~ -

Copy Collected from DAILY . Bulletin. Box at 5:30. p.m. · LAWRENcE ·-w. ·a·i...E:'AiiY:, ..

... · Editor : . ~::: ;<·s~~scrt~iioii rrat8.· u.oo per 7ear; b7 mari; i'l5o> sin~i~>t,'p,.~~ to~r ~~ritaf.· ~ · .! · ics. it .'can produce,. the.· kind of cie:.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-·~~~~haters U can turn out and the qua~

:·:~-::::·.::-'!-:l--'~:.!:--:.-c~:.:-:.::~:~·::·:·,-..;·:-.:;::.::.·::::...:· .• ·~. · -::::.::::::-_-:-:.::: .. < ity"of its·paper"in~d yearhook. Non- REGARDING BULLETINS ~ ' hl • · 't' A box hut~ oeen arranged under .thr . . . . , : curricular;· .. non-at etlc actlVl leS pun·h of the Main building to receive. bul-

, ... :: - ' ' . -EP.ITO~I:A.L:'?T~f.f: I : - . '' ; ' ; deserve.as 'great 'support as the foot- lctins which nrc to nppeur In the Official EDITOR-IN-CHIEF_ ._ ... · .... : .. ~._:.: •.•• :.~ .... ~ ..... ·:: .... ~: ..... : ....... : .. ;.;. ... :.: ........ : •• HARRY'. _W, , FLANNERY, ball baseball basketball and otlle!· Bulletin. No m<!lhorl other thim the bulle·

N II F Ed M h H • • tin box will be used for the collection of Editorial Stnff-Henry Barnhart, Eugene·· oon, enry annan, wm urp y, arry t 1 • .. , b 11 t' D 11

t' .11

b 11

·t d r .·. McG!Jire .. · .. ---~-·- .• - ...... "".,, ...... ,···· , ,, _ ,........ lrs' 1eams. ·'' ... '•. · . ! ; :thet:~s~tS:~Oepl.r:::.w1 eco ecc .rom

Colyuttl', ~dltor ....... · ..... ,.: ........ , ... : ............ ~ ......... ; ............... ~ .............. ,. ...... : ............. frank T. Ko a · · Loyalty to . the. :school demands . . * News . golltnt·s .............. ~.:., .. ! .... :.L .. ; .... .' ... :: ... : ............. : ......... Rny l,;unmngham, .John . L. Sbowel · ·· h ·, I t . .. · * * Drnmntic;·Editor' : ..... : ........... :: .. :: ....•. ~ ... ·:; .. :: ... ~ ..... : ...... :.: .......... ~: .......... ; ........... ;John s. Drennan that .. her .. sons use. t elr. ta en s m New York State Club. ~~~~i:1~:['i:;~~ .. :::::;:~:::~::::·~:::::::~:~:::~::::::::~:::~~::::::::i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~.~~.~.:N-~,'r~~t 0~~~n:;~ her 'be}_lalf. · Receiving .high gra~es Geoi:ge Sheehe, Gilbert Schaefer, Cartooni»t.. .............................. : ......................................................................... Robert O'Riordan is not enough. They ' must strive Poetry E.ditor ............................. ~ .................................................. ~·:· ... ; .............. Ge:u~ Ho~~~~ to keep "the Purple ·banner. waving Paul Hoeffier, ' William GaHagan, Sport F.riltnr .......... " .................................. 1·'·····-......................................... Thomn. • c . . . M . s 'th p 1 D p r ' d .Copy ,~ca~e~~;.;:. .. _.:,':.';.~:~· .. ··;:::: ...... •:.,.~ .... : .. ,..,. ..... :.;.;~.::;.Ti>h~. Gallagher, C~lirles· ·A .•. M~Gon~gle high" in every. contact of t4e. uni- aur1ce m1 , · au e ao Is,· an R-.,i>ortet·~..:.....);e!<ter' ·Gradv; '··Murk. Nt>VII~. Rn~· Flnnnu::an, Ter .. nce Donahue .. John A. •t' . 'th th t 'd ·ld Tom Carfango are urgently'·request-

Stoeckley, S. A. Kane Lawrence G. J(e!ly, Paul Funk, Charles Crawford, Carlos versl Y WI . ; e ·OU Sl ,e, YJ'O! or . . ..... .'>'4.-ni!~. Jr .. ,-~~Y. .. I:'lemin~~:,:· • , . , .: ,; 1

•. .': :· ·: .. :; .., . , ; •• ·;. ••· •••• • . they will ha-ye. failed ·to attain. one ed to· meet in Room· 347, ·Sorin,· at . ... ..... ... .. . · of the most:fa~-reaching benefits of ~:30. Tuesday;. . . . .

.. - . - . . .- ~ .. ·. -. BUSINE~S ST. AF .. F. . ; -· ~ . · . · · ED McLAUGHLIN Pres1'dent · · , a college ,·training.-Daily .. , North- · • · -~~e~WA,;~~-~~~~ ~a~!i~~·.:~~::::.~~·::.:::·.::t:::::·.:::~.~::~:::::·.:::::::~::::::~:::::::::::~.~~~~r- ~: N!~:C~ weste~n. : . . . . * ;~, * . Foreign Advertising Mannger ............ :: .................................................... Edmund A. Polh~us Lost Arti.cles. m~~~fh~\i~n r.~~~!:~r .. ·::::::::::::::~::;::;:f:;::;;.~::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::io~~mwo~de~en~!~! 1

• . ''. -: • . Brother Alphonsus again has sev-Sophomore Assistnnts:.._Dermird' Wirii£arter, Michael Reddington, J. C. Patrick, John .t _(• .WH_OSE ·FAU~"I: IS IT? · eral articles that have· been'· found. . ... ,< ·lA· .Adams •. ,.' . ..~ • .• :~ .. ; . , ."-:'' • •· ... , > .,. ·.J..':. ,.,,., .:~.' .,., ;.,·,, ' If students.· aret tcheating ·theni- Losers ·of gold chai·n, foun· tai'n Freshman·: Assist.-ints...:...:Georiie Schill. 'T9m 0 Connor, Errol Jone!\, V •.. Whitaker,l F:· ~elves. out of: what· ·college has to .-L'.J ·:.,tAnd~ow'>, oJoscph' Szanyi;, A;, Nanovic, ·p; Dillakamp, \c.·: Dickerson;- AI.· ·Anton, pe.ncil; call at Brownson ..

••.• ,-•• 1 ,.,1_!·.~~"'!:1~~~~~~· .. ~: · .. ; .. !:·. ,.~.: offer them, as one. Emporia profes-2~~~~~~~~~~~~~======.=.~.~~= .. ~\~ .. ~.~~ .. ~~~n~:~~.~,~-~ .• ~·~:·~~=.~~·=.~~· ~r.beliew~ ~Mefuuli~fi? J. :; ~ .. ,::::; •.. :;·q;;THE·!:FIRS .. T- :HOMECOMING:·" : ,, .... _ - Under our ,pres@nt system at the

• • • . • r • • - " , • : ·: .,. ,, :· University, a- student ·. viho . comes '· '·~'·'Aiioth~r'Hofu~c'cit\~in·~·i~':>6ver: ~·;., >·.):· .•... ' -~-·:·•t '" ....... :,: ...... , . here·seeking only.sociallife or the ··': .,·;·:Foiir~"vea~'s ago'the'frrsf'Iiorr1ec·a~ing:;Vas.:Jieia, ·ri~·a.'Jgn .. tliAC4'~i, riglit.,to say~ he has· been away to as' 1 yes'tera~~;;~ tlfe::iheii '~{''fh(?ne-\v ''g.en'eration '-\v~lc'oftiecf the' men 'of~old college,' is.usually disposed •of· after liacli. t({·r•iotfei ·:D allie'. "·-~iie fit~'f' ~oijie'co~~~g· ,_fd,s :~.·~~&~ ~ ~~s~: au~p.~c.!~~.s the first' semester. '.:,' :':. affair than tl1i1t"o1°yesfdraay/'liut i('.;,v~·s· .Iion·e' the less''thrilling to' th'e ·. For.: the: majority_ .o:£·,.,students,

[rl£.~1~!Io·· :r.~t~rli4d.,-t·a!£eile'v~:·aid:~ritein:~~~e~: .·:·.)q·it.· ~~~~~:daJ:~~ ri·s_· ~~ster~~!.' ~~~~~~~a~:;Y·i;~~ ~~~::~'.' f;;~~~! ~prd~e .. ~~~!~.q.!;N..<:>tr.~/p~pl,e· .. ;· ·: !· ..... ; · :· .:: .. " . · · · ·. ·••· ! .,., .-:·, first time .. arid entering an entirely · '' -Tliroughol1t the first qp~r.~e~, .~~~ .. 11?-en. remem,b~r,, ~he, :t.e~m., fr9,~ different- kind.t of a life· from that· to L.aJ~y~t~.e}~r~ o.ff. yarq:~ft~r .. Y~rd a·s.,theY: ~arc~editg~v,~nd..the go~d. apd :which·~they> have·:been accustomed. ~lu~· gp~a1:;::. '.J;'}l.e.,Boq,yr~akers; wer~ . .f<?rgi;ngit4eir;.;w:ay;_.to ... a seemingly Most of them are still in their·teens !ri~vi~t,I}}le:.t~~~.l14o'YI1·:? ,'I'he:,score.:•v,as 7 to 0 ip favor of the .Irish; but and ~eel·keenly:·the:lack of parental ~h~., I.rish_, .ha~: ,their..; backs' to. the. 'w~lL :: ;Eur~u~ w.as·. threatening to' .tie advice .. and: guidance,· though at. the the·.sccire.:<f ,.,j·)I .• ~ 1!:.hi ._.;f~···Li·;:;;• ·:.•,.;;.,.,_ ,(-.(--i •.:{; ; •·.· if;··.,,;, sam~.,time·takirig great pleasure in ; ;: ,; 'J-T:he:; stands::, yelled .. ·.:' Q~e·: recurring aeman~ ·:'ever:' ~nd ag~in;: fi~led their . own. independence' and ability the:.ah( -. 1 ·,7,.-, .;, · · .. ,~·,:·: ~ •··''·' ' · ·': '>:r· ·. ::."-: ., '"' , .. :. ' ·. ·:-:; .. : ·, ·. ·! · · • to stal).d alone. s~.~,:~~.:,Vh'ertf'.is Gip'p,:': .bellqwed. th~ cro,vd;:.'and· ·their· insi.stence \iev~r The_Y~ are all. dumped promiscu:..· 'dimihish~d. ,:J,· ·. z:.•> •. t,-' .. ·: ·: • .. : ·: I:·_ .. [ ,·, r : ·,·:. ·l·! ···. ·' · ·.; '• i.· '.'". . ously mto boardmg houses, all forc-;.r; :' TlicrNotr((ni~e. lirif!'·agaii{'yfeld·~a··a~othe'r''p~ir. of :ya~d~ .. '1'li'e ed to take pra,~t~cally _.: the., .. ~arne sigriai 'cam:e 'fr~'ill: R:6~kn'e' ·'aNd. : teari::ri~f off. their 1 s\~eat.:.shirts' the'· ehtir'e courses for.-, ~heir first .. two y~a~s,

* * , * M~tropolitan Club.:

Metropolitan ~lub ·Dome pictures will be· taken at 12 :30 Tuesday on the. Library steps. ·Everybody out. Please 'bring "tw·o-bits." ·to cover cost of picture. SECRETARY.·

* * !· Rochester Club~

The matter of the Dome picture must be decided. Will all of the


. 104~106 North Michigan Street. ; 206 South Michigan Street·· " 337-339 South ·Michignri .Street 122 West·Washington Avenue · · 119-121 West Jefferson ·DJv'd

·. 107 E. Wasbinl:'ton Avenue . 321 West South Street

-me~bers,·: th~~ef~r~;· .. ~tt~hd the next ~eeti~·g Y:hich is ·at 6:45 Monday. m_ght ~n the. Jour~alisz:n l;'Oom of the Library. WOLLENSAK.

* * * . Villagers. ·

· Irrlpoi·tarif dinner~:·rrieetih'i ·-~·=Fi!i~: .. ; LaSalle h_?tel, 6 :30: Mondar night.·. : See Hardmg, Haus; or Schroff 'for • : ~e~~~~':'~~~~ns~:,;:. -~~~ ~A-:q~,.: $.~~~·Y.:-~ . •. ·i

:Club Pi~tures~· · .~ : :·.: ~ ~;> .. \ .: ; . An: ~lub~ ~u~t aJ;r~riie r~r :n6~ ~ ·.;

pictures with John. Bartley, 3i6 · ~ Corby hall, or~ Edwa7d. ~Y<i~u3,_-:?oa .. ,1 Walsh hal!, b_efo~e N.ovember:·l6:·:. '. Speedy. actwn · 1s essential 'fo'r club's · ,; which must have outside pictures ta~e~. '

•· ,1 r,.. •' • *f I * 1.' +'• ~ ,> ! :.

J • ""~ '• ~ ~ .-I 'J; • ' ~ o I'" ' ' •'• '' '~ (, J

·: ... _Sem?r·~!ctur~s .. ; ·'' : Seniors, ·or ·'otbers; hcildlrig';pf~ofs ,; .;

for ~~e · .D?m~; are:. ~s~e~ ;· ~o·ieturn : l them to· Ray Cunnmgham, . "33.3 ! :i Walsh .hal!.: . He ~vi.U. be. in his: rooni ·; from 3 .to 5. o.~~lock .this ·week. 1 , :·· • '.'!

• . ~. 'l * ' 'fi: ••• * .... - .· ...... 44 ·;.~ 1

'· .. C:'hrist~as Work~ ' .. · ·· .. · .:l· :Ail; m~~ who_ i~·te~d .. t~ :; st~;· .. i~.~;:

So.uth Bend, ov~r the Chr.istmas hoi- :: idays should place their names on ... ;; the 0~-:-Ca:r~w~.s et:nployment :.list. ·: Applic.ations are, being,· ·taken now . f~r hoF,day e.m!lloy.lnen~ .. -.The. offic'e hours·. of. th~ A~part,ment' are f~olil· .. .... * '* . * .. ' '' .....

D~:m~' 'Pictu'r.~s .. · I;: .. ; r,.

' ~t .i~ . necessary 1that offici~!~ of the·,. La..:v· .and· Ohio' Clubs·.' make ar-· ... range merits · for. Dome PiCtures ·a~ .. · so o'n' as ':Po'ssible: . '. ': . . ' : ·. '· .. •.··.. • ··.· . ·, t·

.,._.,, .

. :~_OTRE .DAME, CAFETERIA. .; r:: ,ON. CA~PUS c:.;.

-<: .:CLARK'S LUNCH:ROOM :·.:: , : ~ .Hi to l9:W;,sth'st.:

. , . .; , ·.G...,_nY, IND. .

.. :_; .. · • "·· .: .~:,)·: ·: •.•. .?. · .. · · -' many of .which. they have no ln-

fir~t squad_pra~~ed}_~to tl~e .~r.ena. ; . . , .. : ferest'iii ~:-: ·~:;.:· .~ ·: .. · .. : ·: ·. ' '

-j.-: ~Y.~!.~'.Y,ie~·.·~~J?~?}png,>Ie~n, .~nd agile, loped into po!)ition in his . The· students are ·striving· to ·get e~.~Y;., I8IPJ.I~a.ql~.~tn~.~· i. ::Pl,~ ~ou.~p i f.rom t~e copper ,cou~try tightened the: .most out. of.. college;~ 'prqfessors ~H~E~.l.~· .}'~f:P.la;Y; ~~~~·-~~i!-PPe.cl. --- :· . · . . ... · . . . are •striving. ~o· give_ them· the· most. -~_.,:•·f ~~~~~l,;.or}~.g.s3~?1~~~~~~ .. ?-_ ·~~1rst. of. spe~~'. a.n~. dashu~g,_ . .dodgmg, Thos~·;·f~cts,A~e··u_ricontrovertff?lEl. ·.~ p,I.ro.~y~fmg .·;.~own: · t.h.~. ~ gn~hron;;,·.the all-An;J.eriCan _fullback. hurdled. i:: It .would be 'Well. 'for. the Emporia ~~irougll·,tl.I~)?ur.due t«am .fo.r.90;yarps and touchdo\vn~ . · r · profess·or:to.realize some of the: dif .. , :l·.•:,O!J.,:tllis ~day, :with.,the.·fourth Jlom·ecoming just finished, it.is· nat- ficulties ~against :which;-the' average ~!al tp· recall that i~cident, to remi,na: us again, as. we, greet the men who stude~t· bumps •;: dur~ng ~: ·his four are back, of . one: man :~vht;i is .. n:ot · b~ck, the greatest man ·that· football years· m· college~.'-'-Dmly •Kansan. · li::ts~ ever seen} George·Gipp:,.:. · · : · -·-·:·· !·"' ·

,~.. 0 • ~ o 0 o • o o 'i ~ • > • o ~ • - ' -' I •

... - . · , . . , ·. . . him his place in. the world of busi-·:;.c·rF:rom~··.·o't:her·.P.elist .. .',1; :n-ess. u he· is a _Phi :aeta Kappa ,; .. :., j· .. • •• ••·••• ........ ·.. ·' • !and a weakling he is·equally.incap-'ic·.': >F•:"1:·.··-· · :~''"' .... • ···: • • ; .. , · !able of' succ·ess for he will' break

~·:;::: :c~P~sr.~CTI'-:I'~I~E~/'~ 1 :'.·:.:~: !down under m'ental and physical ··~--·~ --.~ '··lJ" ··1.,{ ,, •.•.••• 1 ....... ..,,.,.~ ... ,., '~-~- ..... ···!A'. university·· ;e·ducation is· made. ·stram, .. ·\ .':.·• -, 1' • • •. , - •• .·: .. •• ·

Up\ 'o:f'.t\VOj)~~~~::- .ihe ~ ~c¥oJ'a~ti,C .. 're; 1 ... J'h:~re, a.re .ac.tivities I , other , .than. quirements·' :h1d ·'the'·;.on-:.-drricular !athletics" that'· have· 'a 'benefiCiaL ·ef~· ac~iVit!l~. '."~~~.~'is ,e.Ciuaj,y)~por~. ~eict''9~.the';stu'~en~:·.:~~rb.m'k.purely ' aiit··.'.i~::thf4tq}~~n~ -i~ ;:~o ·: ~rt.;'~~I .. ,.o:~~ ;~e.l.~sh )oi~t : o(: Vie~y; -~.)~an,· ;wh_o ; ofhis·college,career that J.s.possible. :1s.m the best of health and 1s.phys1- · The '·on·e::s}d~d ·;iria~ iii' 'oiit ~ o:Cpla'ce 1c:ili)(' W~ll : de:veloped ,'is, ,advarici'ng' ' in ~itmaiiy~'sidecr \viJr1a>- ·if'. :he is: 'ail liis' own 'interests mor·e:; i'f'.he· ·goes l athlete~~ and:)a. studeii:'fli'e :~fartit out 'into some . other.· .actiVity:'· ~nd , .1il~ .

-· inLH!e ~ VJitl:i- all. th~ '-'a<i\ra'n'tage·s that ~-r~ases, his· .. knowl~dge'. and'; interest thii' :avJtage m~ui''citi )iop'e .fo'r .~.:'If alo'ng' -~notb.~F' lin~ .... ·.Publ{cation~,· . he' :is 1 ali: ~ati1Iete··:~md .1 a:: Hunker.: his· :dialnafics;··. deb~ting~' · ·st'ud,ent. · iov~ stropg' a~ody ~·~c.~#iiRt _:,s~~ve; ,:to· ·:g-ive e!ilinent .. arici .. otlie~ .lines; offe:r. :ma.:n~ '4~!.l.~,:..J_ . ... : -~-;_~,._._.,!: .... · •t ••• ·'-"'}·.· ~,, ·' ' ,_l.l ,'- • ·~-;_

:I< The ·~barbe~ue was· :a,·! Ieature" 'of Honi'ecomirig· fo~· the· first time. last year/'' "<,: ~·: <_~ ;::·: '·.·.:: · · .· ··

OFFICE :PHONE;~·.:RES. i>i-lor-tE:· · · ·! . MAio689:i::Main 1162 & 1847: ; ' ~ • • ; :' : ~ • ' '.. • ': I~ .l t ' " • ! i. . : ·~ • , .., ~ 1. ·: • , r • • • , • • ,. , •

· · 'Dt:.-:.Edgar .. S •. Lucas: DENTISTRY ·

·· Df~~.:R'ob-~rt .. :J!: Ll.lc~s · ::~Ez~ur:l.- '·~d: sw:"ery ·oi' tile

, ·'' .: .... , .• :1 M~~~:~d Ja.wa ::.-;it i] ·"!,., ! ,. ' •• , - •

,-·; ~ ·.,. J. M.",S. BuUdiq'. '· . ;,

·'. ·:.;: :: ~o~:s~n .. ~N·~!AN,\ ·

I ~ . . : , . t • , } '. . ' r. ~ :: , ' ·, ~ .

~-: .:-~ ... ~-~~~f. ';::~ ·< . i,

·>~:··O~iver:1fotez·:Shop,~·- ;. ~! :' ~ ~ ~: ::- : ;_. . ' .. J ; • ' •• ·, • ' : • -: • : • • ( ' •

, i. ::IOB·No:rth: Mai!(st:; : : •! '.' : ~ t ) ' j ; ~; ~ J : '; • I;',' ' •_. : ' j •

'1_:..-. : ;·. 1 '

j. ,) • • -·-'~·-: -· .'t .··; •• ,· ... ~ •.

. , ~ N ot1·e ,. Dame,-.· ,Men·.· . f. • . . • ~ ... , ' • _,,/ . ' . . . ' ' ' . .. ~- .....

,-->~qv~\.~.'a:l~flY$} foy;JJd. a . \ . .

.... , welcome ... not altoge~her·: !·;~ ·c~;,m~;~iaz; .... ,;·i~· '.·~·~: ~ ~~::

.~hop .. ift.e,zt:"Qe {)Zq.d t?:. • ' ' I ''\.

:: :' ~ee ·:you,,: .at. any'~ ti,inie:·.· . r · ~ . . I u . • , . , • l. : .

. I ,;.r;·· . •,.,;'

'.!.1!· "·t· ' ...

I mpb_rt~d a,nd. Dom·es- · • ~ • • : • • : • I • •

·.o. A .. ·ei~rk:'s~ ·Of_.uft~ti•-._:f{~-ij·iri~~

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~$5.50/ Meal Ti~k~t~: -$5.00 • • , • • • • • ' , • ••• ;. ' ~ r : ~ , ' • "

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:Books· and· Supplies··.·· ·

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;·Colfax· Lunch_.· ·.-Room•

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a~·s Metro Mat'as and .George C~llas . ~ . '

Pr?prietors :·. :

Bend -:- :.India~~

L ! , "r r f 1"·' '"1o : J

:~'ASa ·. ~/l ... Wlth ~~

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.. ·, . . . ~;~,,.. ~ 't ', -·~~-.,·

SOUlH~ BEND:.JLORISTS .. , · 1 : , .- •• ~ ~r~~·~,.· J ;. i:.:.·' :~1 rl',')

... : .: 122 N,'?r~h.,.M~i~; ~~~ee.t.,

· ·Phon,~s, M.·. 4~7; · L~ s:Ws· ·. ·.~ ~·· ' . . :• •, .

:. > Spe~i.al __ A.itent.i01i Ao_ Notre·:

... ·· ·.~·.-::Pfr':~-·.1!:~~~ .. :··.; .. ·.

J!or, Re/resh,inents After· .the Show ... ··.: ·., .. ·

: Visit .;_~: ·, '····

• ' ', ' .. : . r' .·. .

··The. Blackston.e C~ndy Kitclie~:~· N~;i io tiz~ Blackstone ><

· · Theatri · - · · ·


>_;_:·:· -_:·:::.:::.~_·s_i:ewari:of Pu'rdu_ e,· Place Kicking' : betsch hurtling 'off tackle for yard his P.)a~e;. :._\yh~n ~ B.li~hman . was ·=·---~--..... -----· . _,, .. · .. ·.. . . . . . . on· yard of hard-fought distance and through: there·._ was,. a. ·Roje~ky to' ~~~======================~~~ro&~~hlm~ili~i~~-~a~~ ~~ ~~~h~~~~;~A~:·Noke,

cessful season. . Chicago ·. sa\v ,,· a Dame continued .to return .:from the, · ·.THE Nordgr'en·: come and 'a Des Jardi'eiu3,' ·east ·.each .year: .~th. a /victory _over and then watched with regret as the::. hbsts of Uncle .'Sam's ·,army. · ... : '· they . faded .. from. view· arid ·left'.· be~. ; · · ' · · · · · · · · '· · · ... · · · ' hind. them· a team that measured . Thi:: ave~~ge :~i . gr~des; re:~eiV:ed. oniy to .. the standard. of mediocrity .. in. the~· University: of .. Michigan wer·e: .. .·Ariri:Y."ha_d_its''dliphant;·and'ohio ·w·ti:fuen- 79 4·-men-·721 .... ··' ·. · ·

'IDEAL. ::··:tAUNDRY ~-- ·

. . . ··'· ·: .. . ·' . ' .. · .·: ''·• . ,; '

State: its .. Har-ley and -Workman. ·'. · · -California its Mulier, and· Princeton . .

itsB~~~~~~~n~/~~~r~u~:~e? • :·.Two ·Good· Place~···.· ~~~~;,~k;r~d~~~:l~uabch~~! a~~c~~~ ~:~ .. , > . . . . t:~~--EAT . . . . rias, and Notre Dame will fall to '.';, · ·· :. · · · .. ·' its own ·_proper level," the experts ';, ··(: :.-.' ' . •' lit i ' ,, • ' "

chortled. : "It's·. a. wonder team, bul it can't last>; · . ·

Eichenlaub graduated. So did Dorias and Bachman. Rockne quit playing and turned to coaching:

·The ~onder team was broke_n up. :-:. ··But where ... Eichenlaub· -had scin­·illat~d there came a Berger _to ·take

+---.:-.-· .•. +J · : Office: Cor. Colfax -Ave~ 'and La-

: _£a;rc;tte Bl~d. --.·-:, 1 Re~idc>nt'e: 211i S. Taylor·St. ·I

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Office Hours 2 't:~~ 4; -'7. to 8 :·:·>-... · .. ,..-.>:\·':.t' . . .. •.

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··t .. : W ASHIN.GTON.-,:_;_ .~ -·rRESTA u:R.A:N.'f . .-·aiid

·. ;_. · ·cAFETEiuA·· : .. ·: :. • ·,· . ' : I ' • ~ ' f .• .' ' ; : ' • • • t, - •

:-,;··-Main and·Waahinllton Stw'acta: ; • ' • ' : ·~ 4 .: ,·I • :-;-• 1 ! i : . : •• "

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Private or Class Leason& •. ~. ~--­Dancing Studio· :J. H. S. Bld~t.•

. Fox Trot-one, Step-Waltz.-Tanlio 'Res. Phone :Main 1751. · · · .

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Studio Phone Lincoln 2172 ·Tuesday Class, 7 to 8 ...... -75c Les~on Private Lessons .. ---~-~ .......... ~ ....... $8.00 :

Victor · LaBedy, ·Pianist.

·HARRy:·· P:FLUM: .. HATS&·.·

CAPS. -H (lts·---$3.50.---$5.00.

, ,Caps-·;. $1.50-:-~$2.50. . •. '.. . '· . . .. ,.

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• we. carry .. a complete line· . of'Foot Ball 'and Gym.·: :

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;' . ' . ' . ' ' / l ' ' . ' '. ~ ·,·_., ··: ' . ' '. .--.. . . ' ' .. : ... '·. . . . ·: . Campus life·· ¢leW~*nd.s -~-i~e!t~in ~.tYle 9£ el_qthing· diffe~en~.:: ·

• from ·sport~· or: dress. wear.· .... :. This style· is shown- at' 'our ·.-store. :-_A~.:Notre:\I?*ti~e:::ffiail .. :sho~ld we.ar: .. hob~nails, ·wool'-~: ' shirts,:.:,;:srre.ep:. s~~*-···(coats·-·. ·ari.d:::.:a.~4letic··: shirts _:oti '.th~ .,:, . campus. ·. We .wJlV·lg~&e··p:ve:·.percerit::disc6unt ~-to: students; _d uri!}g·.·, Npvetri).?~r~i.: __ ; ~ > .;· ··-~ · 7: • : · • • • :-., :. ' • • ' • ·

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.Sheep_Line·a_;9ocits $!2~50 · · · .. ·· · ·:.. ·._;Wool ·Shlrts'·$2~85-._: -: • 1 • l .. \ .1,'. ., . '' ~ . 4, ' '· . .• . . . . • . .


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4 ·--·-··-· ... ~- .. - ·--. ?

· ·~·-.. "'IRISH -BEAT ·PURDUE.· . ~ Hameson for Purdue. · On a criss-cross; Spradling .. 1 gained· three yards· around right end;: .:Crowley. made; the· tackle. ·Taube.

(c t . d f p 1 ) .· dropped back for. a drop kick, .hut his at-0 mue, .. rom age · . .: . tempt· from· the · 38-yard line was· unsuc-

the sending end; of the last mmut.e cessful.. •,'1 •••. •' •... •••. • . . ·• :·:

P, assing attack''that the Boilermak-:. P,ro~t ran .67 .. yards. throughh. ~he enbl~ • ~ , . • . . . • . . ' Notre Dame: team· for a touc • own •. ers openedcup ,ln a funous effort to was.a,spectacular run •. , Taube ktcked goal. • Ttr 11. · · ,.. · d • h' first pass Score, Notre Dame 15; Purdue 7. ~core. lV..e .. }nat:t .. ma .e.~ ~s . . Finch replaced Barry at quarter for Notre to Spradling which was a pretty Dame.. Stewilrt kickea off .to Crowley on h - f-4o-· d · d· ld have Notre· Dame's '10~yard line. Crowley· re­eave· 0. . yar s an wou .' .· turned .27'' ynds to 'his ·own· 87-yard. line,

' settled' in"'.;the \vaiting hands of; Pur- where he 'was stopped by Dye. Crowley ·'.1 •s'· ·g·'re·'a· t-. h''alfbac:K ·had 'ri.'ot the dashed off right· tackle· for elgh~ yards, .uue . . where he was stopped by Dye. T1me .was 'ever-present Orowley leaped mto· taken out as Crowley '~as ~urt on 1 t~e .the' air:'and knocked'it~'do,vn:'·. Th.~ ~~~~~r r~!~ .\ir::eh:~ste~~:~akencr~~1efo~ next pass suffered .a 'similar fate,; him. He· rose to .his .. feet and·was ready

and Worth punted to the Irish. ;' · ~or::un!~~~··ba~tc~~dti~in~,;~ur4 J~Y:~J _- · In the final minutes o·f play, .. Cro\V- 1 linStewar't bro·k~ · th;oug~· the ll~e an:d ley .... passed to ·Miller· for· 30 -·yards, .'tackled Miller from the rear for a no gain. ·a·n·d.: the ·:'following line· :play .failed: .~ayd~n pierced the line for; a first d~wn

, , . . . . · . m m1d-field. Wellman replaced Dye: Ja-to net any g'airi.'ahd' Layden punted.: ··cobs replaced: Taube: . Carlson replaced The Boilermakers . started. another: Gladders: Ravenscraft ·replaced Harper.

· • . · . · · . . .Crowley made two yards -at lert tackle. s'}v,eep.i,ng .. ,end run, .only, to .~!lee~. the· Layden made nine yards at center. N'!tre ultra~aggr' essive: Crow'e ··who ',wove: .Dame was ,Pen~J,lized five y~rds f?r offside.

. . . . . ' , :Miller ran to Purdue's 30-yard hne on an througli':the:·interference. and threw, end run. Fi~ch.'made. through center f~r Purdue .for a-loss.· ... , ; . -.- .. ; ..... · ·fi,·e yard!'• k1ckmg the ball .on Purdue s

·' - •• , .. : · • • • • · .. ' • J ,25-Y!!-rd )me. l?urdue called time out. · '"·'·Theo·lrlsh· took·-the··ball ·and· com- .. :. Score,. Notrf,! Dame 14: Purdue 7.

.. pl.eted_ · tV?o, passes. for· 40. ·yards,. r:nd • '1 : stuhldreh'J't-"1!~l~~~A~Tn~~ ~nd . Berg­_\ Rockne removed his regulars fro~\ man replaced Crowley for Notre Dame. ~·t'he game' after Miller had;taken orie· ,Stewart kicked .. 50 .. Yar:ds to Layd!ln· who ' . · - · · . · . · · . ' returned ·to·· h1s-- -own.· 28-yard · lme. A of Stuhldreher's·. f passes and,, fumble in the Notre Dame backfield was lnaking' a.·\v(mderful~.rim along :tlie: recovered b~ Layden. Now l:lotre Dame's

. • . . ball on the1r own 29-yard hne. Layden .. side lin~.· crossed ·.the lme for tl)e: kicked 45 yards to Jacobs, who was down · ·f th t·' ·· hd .. · . on Purdue's . 38-yard. line by_ Walsh and · our OUC o~wn. '· ! . Crowe~ _: Crowe broke through: Purdue's in-. In the closmg second of . Pl.~y, · -.teference and threw Spradling without a

·;c·o"n~~il'- · .· Eni;ig._h{· ····and· .- .. -Hoiisez: ·gain~ Walsh got Carlson at. center. ~ • . . . , . "·'A·.forward-pass, Carlson to Jacoba, was

··rushed._the b'all.'through·:the:.Purdue .good for 15- yards,-putting ·the ball .on ranks ·:to·~:the· f"our-y'ard. line'' from 1 'Notre" Daiiie'ii. 47:.yarq .line. Carlson. ~as

._, .. -_ .· .. " · , ·.· - ........ ··" · • · stopped_,by .Bach after .a three-yard gam . ·where ,,Ennght drove .. .t4ro~gh the. at right ·tackle\: tackle.· Oberst· stopped

_lim~·.:for ~ll~)ast t~lly~-. ·":- .. ,.·.·: PrA~~th!/£~tr~!~~.1~a~s,·,Prout to'. Sprad-. The· game; play by··play, follo\~S :. ling, ·:\vas .good for: three yards •. ·. Miller

, :FIRST· QUARTER. .. · · · "' t!Jckled Spradl!ng on Notre Dame's 40-yard .. · · · · '·' " · , lme. Fourth .down,: .two ·.yards to go.

Bach •kicked .. off t~ He~rick.:on .Purdue 5 . Jacobs punted out .of bounds. on Notre 25-yard. line .. He _returned. It five.., yards, Dame's 81-:.yard line:: ·Miller hit:left tackle

'to his own 30-yar.d :line. i On: the first plaY; for a yard. Purdue was. penalized. five · _Dp.,ch.Jl.n:ew. l!m:l!leson.Jor_ a,_t\11o-ynrd lo~s .. ·yards "for· off" side;"· Notre Dame·was ·given

Brown., .. stopped ''·DeA-rmond,- -for- ·no .. gam. first. down: on· their own 57.-yard ·. line. Taube kicked .:45. yards. to .Reese. on Notre, Stewart ~"stopp·e'd-''Laydlm· ·for .. a no ·gain.

iDame•s· '40~yard ·line,-·" On the' 'first "play: A forward pass, Bergman to' Stuhldreher, ·. !Maher made five yards through center. gained eight yards; ; -Layden· made 'n 'first

·.Maher mane .three at·the same·.plac,e. ~erg-: down at center •. -Notre. .. Dame's ball .first :·man jumped ··jumped,:.pivoted :~n.d".twtsted down:'.o·n'\their OWll 47-yard .line.· .·'Miller

:his wa~·:.,to.,:·P~rd~e's · 4.5-ya.rd ;}me, for. a ninde·'two ·yar'dS: at· left'' tackle but ·Notre· ;first down •.. On· a· fake· play Reese made ~ Dame was penalized ;five: yb.'rds for off side •.

. :ya'rd. ~t center_ l?~t N'?tre D_am~.-.was pen~. No'tre Dame's ball on their own 42-yad •ali zed, five· yards. for~ off· s1_de. ·~ .~ergman line~ ·;Miller .made five· yards at· left' tackle. :aashed off. to·,:right .tackle 'for. seven- yards~ On''~· double·- pass play Miller made two'

. :Thirtl·"'doWn; eight to·"go on 'Purdue's 4~7 yards ·.at .left . end. . . . ... . . •. i3rard -line.. Reese failed to· gain at center~ ·"' ........... -.· Boilermakers' Try Pass;·· ~~. A forward ·.pass, ·Bergman to Murplrr• ~ __ Another. for,ward ,pass, .Bergman. to. Mayl,: ;was good for; 30 yards~·· ·1Now Notre Dame:s was broken up by' Stewart ... 'Layderi"pimted· :ball. First,. down; ·10 .. on P.ur~ue's 25-~ar.d 45 ·yards to Jacobs, who fumbled on .his line .. Cerney.- gained ,eight .. yards off ng~~ own '"13-yard .line, but. he. recovered:· On

·,trickle: Bergman made his _first down ~n _a a fake· pass Walsh· stopped' Carlson· at cen-.. ;dash· a.round right ;,end to ~urdue's .nme7 ter. ~Carl~·on ~miide thr.ec ~·yards; '.on t.he

.. 'yard -!me. .:r.~ah.er,followcd;,.Perfect mter~ play. :.Spradling' .dropped back for a kick 'ference. off left• tackle for a touchdown. and turned into a.· wide. end run. He was

, :Reese. kicke.d off fot: goa,! nnd was succes~~ downed by Mriyl- on his own eight:-yard :ful. , . , ..:. .. ,,, .. ,... " .· ~ " ~~ line for·. a five~ yard loss:.:; Worth:was;.sub­•) Scor~~ :t:l?tre.Dam~ ?-:.Purdue_ 0.·;. \- · stituted for Prout.~ Standing· under his ·,! Bach . k1cked off -over ··the Purdue go:;~ own goal post,: :Worth•·.attempted a pass, ,line.t,Purdue P!!t;~h;e ball ~t· pia! con ;thCJ: but· it,. was. ,blo.cked· .. by ... Bach., .. Worth :own.\_20_-yard.-hne .. "'.'on·;a wade· end.•ru~, punted· ·,to.< Stuhldreher ·-in . ·mid-field, Harmeson made s1x. yards. Harmesp~ Stuhldreh'e'r"' fetrirned ·to ·Purdue's 3 7 -yard

:made two yards ar~n_md left- end. On ~ li~e.•--.Crow:ey replaced ·Bergman fo·r Notre 1fake play Taube . m~de a first ·down , on Dame;.~ Crowley·,made ·four' yards .. at right !Purdue's 31-yard hne,·.-~ Bach broke througl! end;····· • -·~ ~ ·• · .... ~ · ·· ·· • · · ' ·-·

··and threw Hetrick for a yard loss. Notre Crowley charged :·through .the line for . :name ,was. penaliz~d five yards for _off a touchdo-wn.' .Crow!ey· ·kicked goal.

!s:de. 'P.urdue,\ r~c~n:ed, n • fi!st. \,down on Score; .Nofre- Dame 21: Purdue 7. their own'·'37~yard 'hne.' ·Harme~on m~dc Layden kicked. off ... to' Purdue on Pur-'five yards around left end. H~t~1ck fa1led due's :27-"yard' lin·e; -The ·ball was lefFroll~ ito.-.gain .. arounq ·:right.:ei.J_d .. ::.He ~was::stopped ing but , Purdue recovered. ~First .down, ·by Cerney. · · · .... ·, · · ten '!fo".'go: 'on ··'their ·own· ·27-y·ard' 'line • • ~'"A:.:!~~~~:;rd ~p~~;ss,:,_P,eAr~o!l_d:~~~ ... •!la~::~e7 Spradling dropped back. for. a kick, but s~m, .was m~omplete_. Thar? down, five. to turned ,itdnto ... an· end run. and;· lost. three ~o. ___ Pur~ue,s b!_1ll :.on t~!l~~ _()_~yn-.. 41-yax:d yards when he was thrown· by~ Crowley. !me. · Taube s .lnck, blf?cked: by, Ktzer ':Vf!-!" Second -down, . Purdue'sc: ball' on··.their·:own -out of· bo~nds .on~'Pu;duf!'S ~46-yar.d lm~. 24~yard-line:as"th"e··quafter ended. .: . · Murp.hy ~s~op~_ed'~fllahe!·:a~; left;.tack.l~,. Har- ....... Score,·. Notre ··Dame· 2l,··Purdue ... 7, -:--, .. ~ per broke through Notre Dame's m~erfer- ;, , .. ~ .. -.... - .. ·FOURTH· QUARTER: .' ...... · · ...

. ence and threw Bergman for a •two-ya~!i ·, i R. Miller replaced~ Oberst for Notre 1<?55. • · .... "' . l '·· Dame. On a double pass by· Wellman, ;1 Cerney~-,_mad~ · fom;, ·_yards ·on :a, cross-cut passed 40 ·yards. to Spradling, bu't Crowley

. p)a~. Reese-pu!lted out o! ·bou!lds on I_>ur- blocked the :oalk ·.,Purdue·limid ·'up for an­dues 33-yard hne. · Hetr1ck h1t the r1ght other pass but Layden knocked it down side of .No.trl! J:?a~e·s· •. li~e:,for .. t~ree. yardf! •. Worth dropped back and .punted out of J:?eArmon?.'. ~'t;the:. center ;of. the lm~ Jor bounds o_n._ Notre Dame's 45-yard line. -~our more. yal:'_ds. ' ..• 1'aub';. passed to Har.: Crowley went o'ff. right: .tackle for. eight :rpeson. for 1~_:'Y!lrd~-;:.: First: do.wn, 10; to Y.ards. Lay' den innde· .. a· yard on a· i:ross­g~ on Notre Dame s 44-y~rd lme. T1Dt~. cut. Third .. down, two to· go ·on Purdue's ~as ta~en out for Notre Dame. ;" ·· 47-yard line. • Layden. made a first· down ~: Hetrack made five ya~ds ~~oun,d ,r1ght o,n Purdue's. 33;yard line, 'but. Notre 'Dame ~~d.~but he :fumbled. the .ball·and .. cern elf ·was penalized .. l5 yards 'for' holding. Fourth outdtst~~ced" the. fi.e.l~: .. for. a·-;to)lchd~wn, down; 17 to· go on Notre Dame's 41-yard but the' ball' was:. brought- ~ack- .and · g1yef! l~ne. ,A ·forward pass, Crowley to D. Mil­to Purdue· on Not;-e rJ?am.e s 3?~yar~·. lm~: ler, was· good for 30 yards,. but the ball ~~gan stopped Harmes on for n'?, .gam •. :;· was brought back. : . , . . . . . · ~~ S~ore, ·Notre Dame 7: Purdue. O. . .;· -~; Layden .kicked, 50 yards--to' Jacobs,. who

: :.~ ;r-~.;. tS~COND:;QUARTER;::.:?,'' .. :r ~,: .was tackled in his'tracks by Crowe.· Worth }) Wa.)§h" rei>J~c~d.~ R~gap ,~Vc~"ft~ter:·.:~\Mayl (lroPP,ed. for: ;a :,~ick 'J,>ut; <?arlson, hit the ~eplaced ·MUI"JlhY at end, Colima· '\vas rj!- center ,for five· yar~a, p!acmg the l ball '!n placed by >7Crowe, . Stuhldreher ·. replaced P.urdue s 2~~Yat:d' l!ne.·.-~·A _for.ward pass, Rees~;":(Crdw!ey;,:repla·c:·ed.·lBergman/'~Miller :Well man tq · Spradhng, was 'good ~9r 20 replaced Maher and Layden rep!ac'ed 'Cer: ~ards, placmg the ball .on Purdue s 43-ney for Notre, Dame.; Oberst .broke. through yard ·line ... ,.~irst dowri·on ·that line.·. Notre P,urdue's~ · interferenc·e· ·:and· :stopped Har·: Rnme too~ ttme out. Hunsinger .went into

. meson for a no gain.· Taube attempted ]a r1ght el)d ·m place. of _Mayl for Notre Dame . drop:·kick::-from; the·::·4:.7yafa·,;:un·e:.;,but:.'waii ?-nd,:Purdue .substituted Holmes ·for,.Worth.­

.. unsuccessful. Notre Dame. puJ; _the_ ball - .. ~li.'.Y....._V!~S. !:~S~I'l'!.ed.,_9I:o:we.stopped.Carl­. · at':'p,!_ay~-oi;a\~tlieir.:.o.wn.:2·0.::Y·a~d)irie:· . .;:R;·.·Mil~: ·.son_::~_t.-·a:lght: enii. for,. no~ ~tain;; ·:A. forward

ler .. replaced Oberst for. Notre Dame. . D. Pass, Spradhng ~o. Carlson, was blocked Miller stumbled. through right tackle for by Layden. · Dach, Walsh,....and ·Kizer broke ·~.ine_yar.~s:·; 1. -: .... _,.;.;::_; ·-: ... ,-.~~~-J .• _throu~~;:.o~ Spradling hurrying his pass. ~~Jon at,.fake. ·play. I:.ayden'.~·ran;. to..-;Notre 1Hu_ns_1nger recovered· for Notre Dame on P,ame's 42-yard-'·1ine but the ball. was Purdue's ,~l;yard line. Crowley made three

· brought· back and Notre ·Dame penalized yards at r1g~t tackle •.. A forward pass, five yards for off side. Three down, four Cro-.yley to M.1ller, was good for ·20 yards, to' go on their own 23-yard line .. Layden· plac1_ng the. ball on:rurdue's 20-ynrd line. made ·a· first down. on ,.Notre Dame's ·own ._Miller ~ailed ·to ga~n at left tackle, Clny-32-yat:d.,,li_ne~:-. .Behin;d; Pl\rf~ct~ ~O:terfenmc'e· ,Pool .. m~k~n~; .. ;the _,tac~le.-:. i Stuhldr,eherJ~ ~an. D! MJII~r.~ ran _;_20' ~ards> to.~ Purdue~s ~.48- .ar.9UJ!d :left' .end for .. a·. yard• .but :the. ball yard line. Layden made six·-yards~off right ·W~s brought !>ac,k- a~d Notre Dame pen­taekle and. Pur:due. was penalized .five yardo ,~1r.ed. fiv.e Y~rd!l .,for off side. :·,, · ·· .- 7 ·:. ·,

·for off sidt!.c;Notre Dame •.Josirlg' •a yard. ..· A';"forward' ]:lass,; Stuhldrehcr, to.' 'I'll iller, Crowley. dashed off. right tackle rfor five was 'good. f'?r a touchdown. Miller made

'Y.~rds. f l';,r.· r:r ·, ·, 1 .:, ·"'· 1 ;, .. ,;i - a .rltenaatton~l :ru,n·lalong: ,th_e: side, ,l~ne ) •.;On a cr1ss-cross Layden :ran to lPurdue's· .through t~e- Purdue ·defense· for· the· score. 15-yard line. Notre· Dame was making a C:rowley k1cked the. goal. . . st'eady mnrch~for the,Purdue ·goal.··Stuhl-• ,.Score,-~otre Dame·2~: Purdue·7., ~ ·,

. dreher made a yard:rtinning'out'of!bounds: }_, :Vergara-'replaced· Kizer and"Rcesri werit Notre Dame•s·.·~all .on .Purdue's 14-yard m fqr" Stuhldreher for Notre Dame.·. Nap­line. · Second,,,do·wn; tnine' to,·go:i··,purdue ·P~.nberger,' replaced· ·Bach for: :Notre~ Dame. ciilled time io'ut: -l~Orowley 'niade •l 0 )yarils" .Farrell r~place'd·' Cro·w~ 'for 'Note ··oa·mer.

I off right tackle. Notre Dame. attempted a ,Layden klcked .. .SQ· yads . to Spradling who' . cHss-cross but Layden' fumbled· and re- returned to Purdue's 43-yard ·line. Layden ·' cO:vered without a gain.. D •. Miller went made ,. the tackle. 'Glurickert replaced

off of left tackle for ·a ·touchdown. C:-ow- Walsh at center. A. forward pass, Well-· ley· kicked the goal. ·. . ·. · man .to Spradling, was incomplete. Well-·fijScore, .Notre Pame 14: Purdue 0. ... . man· threw the ball 50 yards. . ·, 1,~ Vergara··rephiced. Ki.~er: Wiebel'replac~d .• :W.ellman passed -~o Carlson,•.placing·:the Bxown 'and Noppenberga_r~, re~lac'l~ '•Bach ... ?all .. 9n ~!>.tJ;_e ::Pam~ s .. ~47-.Yard '!me •• ,,, .• '•: ,,·

.for Notre Dame. , G!ndders replaced ·De~ ~· It.;lack_e,d :inches ;of;:bemg a: first~ down. Armond; Prout replaced/'HetrickTfor 'Pur: :Holme~: ·made' ·his·· first ·down" on ·"Notre

·:stuhldrcher. Crowe piled· up· the inter~ -Dame's 46-yard .line. · A bad pass ~-by {·.' · ·. ference and.'· stopped Harmeson with ·a CJ.!l.Y~ool !V~s. recovered. by ... Vegara·. 0 n .Pur-· , .·, · · · two'-yard loss. : . Time was taken' out -to due:tr·"2_5~yax:d :nne.'·· .Hous.er r'eplaced Crow-'

. ·· · .fa;· the ·line. Gladder went ·off right tackle l-;y,J Connel' •replaced · ·D.\ .Miller -and: En­' , and ·cut back down the field 'for a gain of .r1ght replaced Layden ·for Notre Dame •. , .. ·,

· .• ~t!e. · Layden· kicked 22. yards to Curtis · [Io._us,!!a:,,ma!l~- ~hree .Y,ar<~s. _at-left tackle. . _, 1 ..... ·.on Purdue's .37-yard line •. Barry replaced Wp~BO!J<.repla~ed:Wellman,_and'Murphy' re.:.

.. · 33 ·yards, placing.the ball.on,Notre Dame's Placed 'Anderson for Purdue. Connell · 33-yard ,line. . • · · . · ' ,' dashed· off left ·tackle for six yards. Third . l :iClaypo~lr. replaced Hawkins at. center, '!own, three to· go on .Purdue's--.IS.:yard : St;ewart'r-renlaced,~'.curt}s.'.\~o!~nl ~~epla~e:d .hne. .. . · .· '. · -~ : . .

~·NOTRE-. DAME- ·DAILY ~ - . '. ' . . SundayJ .Nbvem9er ,.fj,;1·928 •..

at center. · The crowd became impatient as Notr'e Diime lined 'up. : . ·Enright: carried the ball over. on a ter· rific plunge,. Reese punted to ·kick goal.

Officials-Garner of · Cornell, · referee: Griffith of Deloit, umpire: Kiethley ·of Illi· nois, head linesman:' Graham of Michigan, field judge.

OFFICE ~. :~: .. · RESIDE-;; ' Main_~~.'L ..... ---· .... ._ ....... Main.3561 E

Score.' Notre ·Dam'e 34: Purdue 7. Pu~due · . . Notre Dame

~~:~;~'ii~::~:::::::::::·::::::. t ;.· .::::::::::::::::::~~~~~: Borden ............. ; ........ I. g·. · .......... : ......... Brown Hawkins ............... :: ... :. c. · ...................... Regan

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'f' .. ,-, ;'-l",tJ .\

Dosomtz ·at"' left'. tackle for. 'Purdue. Prout · Connell made three ·yeards, ·at right ·mhde .three :Yards• around right end. On tackle. · Connell added· ··five around left

, 1!-}triP!!l.-P.aJl~ ._Pl,~y,;.:q •. .I\W!er, tJn~~~ .. P.ili!Jllln .en_d; ~·,;.·E~right. made. ~i~. firs~ ,down on Pur- l.iii;.i~.;;~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~;.~-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~aiiiiiiiOiiii~iiiii~iiiiiliiiiiiliiiiii~;.liiiiiiiiiii-.iiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~--~iiiiiiiiiiii~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiitl fol:':~n;~tw.ofl'nt:d~ loss!.~SPradhng.:;rc'plnced:.. -~-~~ s; four: ·.yard :line •.. : ... Reese :.made·:a. yard ·-·~: ;.,t;_.-.... ·.~,..J ""-~., . • . ' ;.. ,: _ •. ~- .. . - . . .

. . .-.', r ,·,