Zooarchaeology of the “Fish That Stops”

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  • 7/22/2019 Zooarchaeology of the Fish That Stops



    CHAPTER 11

    Zooarchaeology of the Fish That Stops

    Using Archaeofaunas to Construct Long-Term TimeSeries of Atlantic and Pacific Cod Populations

    Matthew W. Betts,Archaeology and History Division, Canadian Museum of Civilization

    Herbert D. G. Maschner, Department of Anthropology, Idaho State University

    Donald S. Clark, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, St. Andrews Biological Station,

    New Brunswick


    Overexploitation o the marine ecosystem and its impact on commercial sustainability arewatershed issues in modern science. Responding to Paulys (1995) concept o the shifingbaseline, where benchmark parameters or a healthy population can degrade through time,fisheries researchers have recently attempted to incorporate a long-term perspective into theanalysis o fish stocks (Swain et al. 2003; Swain, Sinclair, and Hanson 2007; Willis and Birks2006; Worm et al. 2006, see papers in Starkey, Holm, and Barnard 2008). Te goal o suchresearch is ofen to (1) determine a benchmark or natural ecosystem or population state(e.g., Jackson 2001), and (2) introduce management policies that will establish and maintainthis preindustrial equilibrium condition (see Lyman 2006 or discussion). Such research istypically based on the longest time-series records available, which or oceanic fisheries datacurrently extends about fify to sixty years into the past (e.g., Barot et al. 2004; Clark andPerley 2006; Tompson et al. 2007; Tompson, Dorn, and Nichol 2006).

    Tese modern data are obviously heavily biasednearly all are derived rom fishpopulations that have been under extreme exploitation pressure or more than a century(and ofen more) and are responding to a hal-decade-long episode o unprecedented cli-mate change. Recognizing these biases, and responding to Paulys (2005) shifing baselinessyndrome, researchers have turned to historical documents such as ships and merchantslogs to extend our understanding o fish populations hundreds o years into the past (e.g.,

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    McKenzie 2008; Rosenberg et al. 2005). Unortunately, these studies ofen suggest thatbaselines shifed even urther back than historical records can track; some o the earli-est records rom North America indicate that fish stocks were already heavily altered byexploitation pressure hundreds o years ago (e.g., Rosenberg et al. 2005:86). Tereore,though critical or understanding the history o fish populations, historical documents are

    unlikely to provide the types o unbiased population and ecosystem data fisheries man-agers require. Further, the types o detailed population measures (e.g., size or age o indi-viduals) necessary or comparison with modern data are ofen absent rom these records.

    Realizing the limitations o modern datasets and historical records, researchers arebeginning to turn to paleoecological data to create preindustrial baselines o fish popula-tions (e.g., Finney et al. 2002; Jackson 2001; Jackson et al. 2001; Maschner et al. 2008).Zooarchaeologists have been tracking fluctuations in the taxonomic abundance and aver-age size o fish or some time (Amorosi et al. 1996; Amorosi, McGovern, and Perdikaris1994; Butler 2000; Butler and Delacorte 2004; Kenchington and Kenchington 1993; Leachand Davidson 2001; Leach, Davidson, and Horwood 1997; Rojo 1986, 1987, 1990; Spiessand Lewis 2001; Wheeler and Jones 1989), and are beginning to adapt this research to theservice o conservation biology (e.g., Carder, Reitz, and Crock 2007; Jackson et al. 2001;Maschner et al. 2008; papers in this volume). Tese works reveal the potential or archaeo-aunas to provide the types o deep time-series population data so crucial to an ecosystemapproach to fisheries management.

    Many types o proxy measures currently used by fisheries researchers can be recon-structed rom archaeologically derived fish bones: size, length at age, ecundity (basedon size relationships), DNA profiles, and isotopic signatures are all potential candidatesor reconstruction rom well-preserved fish bone. In this paper we reconstruct size-basedindicators (see definition below) o shifs in fish populations rom the archaeological rec-ord and discuss methodological issues surrounding the integration o these datasets withmodern fisheries records. o highlight the effectiveness o a multiregional approach, wepresent two very different case studies rom opposite sides o the North American con-tinentPacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) populations rom the western Gul o Alaska(GOA) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) populations rom the Gul o Maine (GOM).Current records show that cod in both regions vary in size on an interdecadal cycle, inresponse to both environmental shifs and exploitation pressure. Our intent is to tracklong-term centennial- and millennial-scale shifs in these two very different populationsand to assess changes in their structure within the context o contrasting climate cyclesand exploitation histories. In the process, we demonstrate the importance o paleofisheriesresearch or understanding modern fisheries data.

    Size-Based Indicators and Sustainability

    Size is an important metric in fisheries management research. Fish grow throughout theirlie span and most lie history traits in fish stocks are correlated with size (Reiss 1989).Size also constrains energy assimilation; as a result, changes in fish size may be correl-ated with environmental change (Shin et al. 2005:392) and have been linked to changes

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    in trophic structure (Jennings et al. 2002). Short- and long-term changes in fish size arestrongly linked to exploitation pressure. Fishing is size selective and modern trawl and netfishing techniques tend to remove larger fish rom populations. In act, heavy exploitationhas been demonstrated to orce evolutionary changes reflected in smaller size at age andage/size at maturation (or cod, consult Andersen et al. 2007; Swain, Sinclair, and Hanson

    2007; see also Bianchi et al. 2000; Rochet 1998; rippel 1995).Size-based indicators, or SBIs, are statistics summarizing the size distribution o fish

    assemblages and populations (Shin et al. 2005:384). Tey have increasingly been a ocuso modern fisheries research, and metrics such as mean length, mean length at age, andmaximum length have been used to assess modern fish populations (Babcock et al. 1999;Bellail et al. 2003; Gedamke and Hoenig 2006; Swain, Sinclair, and Hanson 2007). Interestin mean length is a relatively recent phenomenon (Shin et al. 2005: able 1), and empiricalstudies reporting temporal and spatial trends are not numerous. Proponents o the metricsuggest, however, that it provides a robust quantifiable indication o changes in popula-tions, and especially o the combined changes in large and small individuals (e.g., Shin etal. 2005). We utilize mean length (ork length) as a population parameter primarily becauseit is easily reconstructed rom aunal remains and it can be linked easily to ecundity levels(e.g., Maschner et al. 2008). While age can be reconstructed rom fish remains (providingthe opportunity to construct length at age metrics), it is ofen difficult to associate a lengthand an age to the same elementa problem that would greatly reduce sample sizes.

    Te response o an average metric, in this case mean ork length, to changes in popu-lation structure is complicated and must involve a careul consideration o many possibleactors. One useul way to think o the problem is to visualize the impact o different sizeand age cohorts on mean population length. Mean length may decrease because o a dropin the abundance o large fish, the consequence o exploitation pressure by size-maximiz-ing gear types (e.g., Swain, Sinclair, and Hanson 2007). Environmental effects, such as adecrease in oceanic productivity, may also negatively affect large fish (Shin et al. 2005:392).Alternatively, a reduction in mean length might be caused by an increase in recruitment,where more small fish enter the system due to increased ecundity (linked to survivorshipo large fish). Decreased ecundity, due to a loss o large fish, interruption o spawning, orconstraints on ood, may actually result in an increase in the mean length o a fish popula-tion, as ewer juveniles are recruited into the population. Te point o this discussion isthat interpreting changes in size-based indicators in fish populations is challenging, andmust be conducted by thoroughly weighing available data against length requencies toadequately assess causality. With this paper we intend to both introduce these problemsand provide some possible solutions.

    Spatial and Temporal Aspects of the Archaeofaunal Samples

    Te Gul o Alaska Pacific cod samples were recovered rom Sanak Island, the largestisland in a small archipelago southwest o the Alaska Peninsula. Te island is located atthe edge o the continental shel, separated rom the mainland peninsula by about 50 kmo open water. Sanak has about 92 km o shoreline, most o which is rocky intertidal.

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    Archaeological evidence suggests that Sanak has been inhabited or nearly 6000 years,with significant shell midden deposits developing afer ca. 4500 years ago.

    Te assemblages described herein were recovered rom eight discrete archaeologicalcontexts spanning the period ca. 2550 cal to cal 1540 (see able 11.1). All sitesare located adjacent to rocky intertidal zones, and all are associated with large shell mid-den deposits. Te aunal samples themselves are derived rom single stratigraphic units(in a shell matrix), and all dates were provided by AMS (accelerator mass spectrometer)determinations on wood charcoal. All dates utilized in the figures in this paper representthe mean o single radiocarbon assays, or pooled means rom multiple assays, and wenote that none o the age ranges or the samples overlap (thus avoiding the possibility ochronological redundancy; see able 11.1).

    For the Gul o Maine, samples are rom the urner Farm site, located on North HavenIsland in outer Penobscot Bay. North Haven is the second largest island in the Fox Islandgroup, and the site itsel is positioned on a terrace system above a gravel beach. Bourque(1995:13) describes urner Farm as one o the largest and deepest Fox Island sites, whosedeposits preserve what is probably the longest and most complex cultural sequence on theGul o Maine coast.

    Based on radiocarbon assays, stratigraphy, and artiact types, Bourque divided thehistory o the site into several occupations, which he numbered sequentially rom oldestto latest. While stratigraphic control o the excavation was excellent, absolute dating o thereported aunal assemblages is complicated by a lack o stratigraphic separation during theanalysis o the aunal material (see description in Spiess and Lewis 2001), a sampling andanalysis issue common in zooarchaeology. Tereore, the assemblages described in thispaper are not presented with absolute dates, but instead have been aggregated into ouroccupations that each represent a broad chronological range and multiple stratigraphicunits. Te occupations span the period 2400 cal to approximately cal 350 (Bourque,

    Table 11.1. Radiocarbon dates from Sanak Island

    AHRS sitenumber


    Material dated Lab number Radiocarbon

    dateCalibrated daterange (2 sigma)

    Calibratedmean date

    111 Wood charcoal CAMS-127700 402535 BP 2630 BC2460 BC 2545 BC

    111 Wood charcoal CMAS-127699 404035 BP 2670 BC24670 BC 2570 BC

    054 Wood charcoal BETA-194363 341050 BP 1880 BC1680 BC 1750 BC

    036 Wood charcoal CMAS-127688 264535 BP 900 BC770 BC 840 BC

    061 Wood charcoal CAMS-110666 248035 BP 770 BC410 BC 595 BC

    058 Wood charcoal CAMS-110660 207035 BP 180 BCAD20 80 BC

    056 Upper Wood charcoal CAMS-110658 154045 BP AD420AD620 AD520

    056 Lower Wood charcoal CAMS-110659 100550 BP AD890AD1170 AD1030

    110 Wood charcoal CAMS-110686 39535 BP AD1440AD1640 AD1540

    110 Wood charcoal CAMS-110681 38540 BP 1440 ADAD1640 AD1540

    Note: The stratigraphy for site 036 is complex, and recent radiocarbon assays may revise the dating of the site.

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    Johnson, and Steneck 2008). Te radiocarbon sequence is documented exhaustively byBourque (1995) and others (Jackson et al. 2001; Spiess and Lewis 2001), and hence we donot repeat those data here. Te radiocarbon dating rom urner Farm is currently beingreevaluated by the excavators (e.g., Bourque, Johnson, and Steneck 2008:168). Instead oconounding the issue, we use mean dates recently published by Bourque, Johnson, and

    Steneck (2008:169), which are based on radiocarbon dates, stratigraphic associations, andartiact assemblages: Occupation 1 (ca. 2400 cal ), Occupation 2 (ca. cal 2150 ), Occu-pation 3 (ca. cal 1600 ), and Occupation 4 (ca. cal 350). Each occupation can beenvisioned as a discrete chronological (and thereore analytical) entity, though we note theduration o each occupation is not the same.

    In this paper, and in contrast to recently published work (e.g., Bourque, Johnson, andSteneck 2008; Jackson et al. 2001), we omit the plow zone assemblage (Occupation 5)rom the length-requency analysis. We do this primarily because o the potential strati-graphic mixing o fish assemblages that may have occurred as a result o repeated tilling(e.g., Bourque, Johnson, and Steneck 2008:168).

    Size-Based Indicators and Comparability with Modern Samples

    Tere are several potential obstacles to integrating archaeological data with modern fishingrecords. Tese relate to the way in which the archaeological sample was created, preserved,and recovered, and its subsequent comparability to modern records with their own uniquesampling histories. Te issues are not dissimilar to comparing modern records rom differ-ent studiesas Shin et al. (2005:390) have noted, fisheries researchers interested in com-paring SBIs must control or differences caused by the gear used, time, and location. Notsurprisingly, these same actors are crucial when comparing archaeoaunal-derived proxymeasures and those derived rom modern fish populations. Below we discuss differencesin gear type, sampling location, seasonality, and a related zooarchaeological consideration,recovery methods.

    Gear Type

    All fishing gear, whether modern or ancient, is designed to take a specific size range oindividuals rom a population. When comparing length distributions or developing size/length sequences, it is imperative that the samples being compared were obtained withsimilar gear types or, at the minimum, gear types that select or a similar range o sizes. Inthe ollowing case studies, we chose modern samples taken with hook-based gear typesthat best approximate the jigging technology used by prehistoric groups.

    For the Gul o Alaska we used a modern sample taken with longline gear withbaited circle hooks (Tompson, Dorn, and Nichol 2006). Ivory and bone fishhook barbsrecovered rom levels directly linked to the Sanak Island aunal samples indicate thatprehistoric Aleut hooks would have been comparable in size to a range o modern hooksapproximately 3.5 to 6 cm in length, a size consistent with most modern longline gear.Tere is some indication in the fisheries literature that longline gear may subtly select

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    or a smaller size range than handlines (i.e., jigs; Halliday 2002), a possibility we addressdirectly in our analyses below.

    Tis difference in gear type does not affect the GOM sample. Here we utilized a mod-ern sample taken with handlines that used baited J hooks. Bone fishhooks recoveredrom urner Farm range in size between 2.5 and 6.0 cm in length (Bourque 1995: Figures

    5.26 and 7.13), a size range similar to J hooks used by modern handliners.

    Sampling Location and Seasonality

    Cod in both the GOA and the GOM are seasonal migrators and spawners (Robichaud andRose 2004; Shimada and Kimura 1994). In Atlantic cod, size and age cohorts are knownto be spatially heterogeneous, and thereore sampling location may affect the mean size othe population (Beacham 1982; Clark and Green 1991; Halliday 2002:72; Sinclair 1992).We controlled or seasonality in the GOA by choosing only archaeological samples thatwere derived rom all and winter shell midden deposits associated with semisubterran-ean house ruins. We determined the seasonality o the shell midden deposits by (1) theirassociation with semisubterranean houses, a house type described ethnographically as pri-marily a all and winter structure (Ponomarev and Glotov 1988; Veniaminov 1984); (2) thepresence o migratory birds, which only stage in the area in the all months; and (3) salmonelement representation (i.e., lack o cranial elements; see Hoffman, Czederpiltz, and Part-low 2000). We compared these assemblages with modern fisheries data derived rom alland winter (September to December) cod surveys conducted in 2005 (Tompson, Dorn,and Nichol 2006). All aunal assemblages were derived rom sites on the eastern coast oSanak Island, and all were associated with sheltered bays with rocky intertidal coastlines.Te modern longline samples were derived rom nearshore waters (25140 athoms) thatmimic the shel ecosystem that surrounds Sanak Island (Tompson, Dorn, and Nichol2006:170), where we assume much o the cod in the Sanak middens originated.

    Seasonality is more difficult to assess or the Gul o Maine samples. Te urner Farmassemblages likely represent year-round occupations, but analysis o cod vertebrae annuli(Spiess and Lewis 2001:88) indicate they were universally harvested during the summerand early all, rom June to October. Our comparative modern sample rom the Gul oMaine is primarily derived rom excursions during the normal fixed-gear fishing seasonrom June to December (or discussion o seasonal fish harvesting in the GOM, see Mayoand OBrien 2007:5). It was collected rom North Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO)subregion 4Xr, a fisheries management region located 100 km northwest o the mouth oPenobscot Bay. Tis is a nearshore location at the head o a bay (the northwestern tip othe Nova Scotia peninsula, near the Bay o Fundy), similar to the marine environment thatsurrounds urner Farm.


    Zooarchaeologists have known or some time that recovery methods are size selective andcan significantly skew taxonomic representation o fish (James 1997). Due to the potential

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    to select or larger fish, coarser recovery methods will potentially also skew length re-quencies reconstructed rom archaeoaunal assemblages (Nagaoka 2005).

    All o the Sanak Island samples were screened through 8 mm mesh. We testedthe efficacy o this mesh size by dual screening bulk-sampled deposits through both8 mm and 3 mm mesh and comparing the recovered cod remains. While the quantity

    o spines, ribs, and rays varied substantially between the two mesh sizes, there was nodifference in the recovery o cod trunk and caudal vertebrae or the majority o cranialelements (see methods below). Tis was not unexpected; cod element, or specimen,sizes are so large in the Gul o Alaska that 8 mm mesh appears to recover most o theirpreserved elements.

    In regards to recovery, the urner Farm samples pose a particular challenge, becausescreening protocols were not consistently utilized in the collection o auna rom any othe excavated strata. Tis likely biased the recovery o smaller fish taxa (Spiess and Lewis2001:7), although its effects on larger taxa, such as cod, are unknown. In his discussion oscreening methods, Cannon (1999) notes the importance o assessing the impact o speci-men sizes on the recovery o animal remains. Specifically, he suggests that a hand-pickedzooarchaeological sample can be adequate i specimen sizes are large. In his comparisono fish remains rom across arctic sites, Whitridge (2001), ollowing Cannon (1999), indi-cated that careul hand picking can result in adequate recovery o many northern fish taxa,since these are ofen very large. Tat the urner Farm auna was meticulously recoveredby hand sampling has been noted (Bourque 1995; Spiess and Lewis 2001:7), and indeedwe draw attention to the taxonomic diversity o the urner Farm sample, which clearlydemonstrates the success o hand picking in the recovery o large quantities o fish muchsmaller than Atlantic cod, such as winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) andsculpin (Cottidae). In act, Bourque (1995:2131) suggests this method may have actuallyincreased the recovery o fish bones, which were ragile and susceptible to crushing inshell-laden screens. Given the average specimen size o Atlantic cod bones, we considerthe recovery methods used at urner Farm to have relatively little impact on the size dis-tribution o cod collected rom its middens.

    Analytical Methods

    Reconstructing the length o live fish rom their bones is a relatively simple process involv-ing allometric regression, as long as the regression ormulae exist or the taxon understudy. Accurate regression ormulae or commercially important fish, such as salmonids,have been used by zooarchaeologists or decades (Wheeler and Jones 1989). It is thereorea scientific irony that regression ormulae or cod, perhaps the most historically importantcommercial fish, have only recently been created (see Orchard 2001, 2003; Rojo 1986,1987, 1990, 2002).

    For the Sanak Island sample, cod were identified using ichthyoaunal reerence collec-tions at the Idaho Museum o Natural History and the Canadian Museum o Civilization.In cases o potential ambiguity between the identification o walleye pollock (Teragra

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    chalcogramma) and Pacific cod, we chose not to include that questionable element inour study. Our length reconstructions are based on the ollowing measurements: (1) themaximum length o the ascending process o premaxillae and (2) the anterior-posteriorlength o the centra o abdominal (trunk) vertebrae. We chose these elements becausethey were abundant and consistently had the best preserved anatomical landmarks with

    corresponding regression ormulae, which we obtained rom Orchard (2001, 2003). Sam-ple sizes or the Sanak assemblages ranged rom a low o 10 to a high o 507 elements (seeMaschner et al. 2008 or a complete presentation o the dataset).

    Te GOM measurement data are derived rom Spiess and Lewiss (2001:89) account o theurner Farm auna, and are based on the maximum diameter o the centra o trunk (abdomi-nal) vertebrae. We reanalyzed these data using regression equations created by Rojo (1987)rom Atlantic cod harvested in the northern GOM. Sample sizes or each o the urner Farmoccupations ranged between 33 and 117 elements (see Spiess and Lewis 2001: able 355).

    Te modern mean lengths utilized in this study are based on length requency datagenerated during modern fisheries surveys taken in 2005 (GOA), and between the years2000 and 2007 (GOM). Sample sizes ranged rom 3308 individuals in the GOA longlinesample, to 112 in the GOM handline sample. In each case, lengths were recorded as re-quencies in size bins, and we utilized procedures described in Gedamke and Hoenig(2006:485) to convert these data to mean lengths.


    We present the mean length (with associated standard errors) or each o the Gul o Alaskaand Gul o Maine assemblages in Figures 11.1 and 11.2, respectively. Te two figures arevery different, suggesting significant contrasts in the population histories o Atlantic andPacific cod; by scrutinizing their individual structures we can highlight these differences.Te Sanak Island sequence is notable in three aspects. First, precontact mean length variesin a cyclical ashion o increasing and then decreasing size, in apparent multicentennialcycles. It is uncertain i this cyclical oscillation is simply an artiact o the relatively unevenchronological resolution or a result o real differences in mean length. I the latter, thiscan only be elucidated by comparison to an external context o reerence (see below). Tesecond pattern observable in Figure 11.1, again notable by its contrast to the urner Farmsequence, is that mean lengths appear to vary minimally. Te largest sequential changein length is only 7.6 cm, and the maximum range o variability over the entire 4500-yearsequence is only 9 cm. Lastly, and perhaps crucially, the modern mean length o Pacificcod in the Sanak Island sequence appears to all within the range o precontact variability.In act, -tests reveal that the modern mean is not significantly different rom five o theprecontact assemblages (p< 0.05; see Maschner et al. 2008 or details).

    In contrast to the GOA sequence, the GOM sequence suggests a significant increasein cod size over the Late Holocene, during Occupations 14, but a drastic decline inmean length in the modern era. Unlike the GOA sequence, -tests indicate that all pre-contact means are significantly different rom the modern mean (p< 0.01). Perhaps mostnoticeable is the gradual and significant increase in mean size over the first 5000 years o

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    2550 BC 1750 BC 840 BC 595 BC 80 BC 520 AD 1030 AD 1540 AD 2005 AD

    Mean Calibrated Date











    TF1 TF2 TF3 TF4 Modern


    Occupational Periods

    Figure 11.2. Reconstructed mean Atlantic cod fork lengths from the Gulf of Maine (Turner Farm).

    Figure 11.1. Reconstructed mean Pacific cod fork lengths from the Gulf of Alaska (Sanak Island). Dates arepresented as calibrated means; for ranges please consult Table 11.1.

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    the sequence (Occupations 14). Te duration, direction, and magnitude o this trendare intriguing, especially when one views it in light o the relatively stable interdecadalrecords o the modern era, and especially when viewed rom the perspective o hypoth-esized increasing human population levels (and thereore human exploitation) over time(Bourque 1995; see discussion in Jackson et al. 2001).

    Bourque, Johnson, and Steneck (2008) suggest that carbon isotopes rom urner Farmcod bones change little over this prehistoric part o the sequence, indicating that cod didnot change their trophic position significantly, despite their increasing size through time.Yet when comparing this sequence to carbon isotopes rom modern cod, Bourque, John-son, and Steneck (2008:177) noted a significant change (rom a 13C value o 13 percentto 17 percent). Bourque, Johnson, and Steneck attribute this to a major ecosystem change(rom a kelp/sea grassdominated ecosystem to a phytoplankton-based ecosystem), whichwe suggest could impact both the size and numbers o cod.

    Histories of Exploitation

    Perhaps the most obvious contrast in the two graphs is the difference in the position o theend points o each series, which we expect marks the reaction o cod to modern commercialexploitation. Te graphs imply a significant contrast in the exploitation histories o these twostocks, and it will thereore be inormative to explore the differences in the historical length,intensity, and type o gear emphasized between these two industries. In the discussion thatollows we assume that heavily exploited populations should experience a reduction in meansize, as larger fish are removed rom the population and as sustained exploitation pressureorces a reduction in length at age and age at maturation (e.g., Barot et al. 2004).

    In the Gul o Maine, cod has been intensively exploited in commercial quantitiessince the early seventeenth century, when merchants in Bristol first began sponsoring fish-ing excursions to the area. By 1624, the town o Gloucester, Massachusetts, supported noless than 50 vessels (Babson 1860, in Lear 1998), and just a hundred years later, Massa-chusetts alone supported 5000 fishermen and about 800 vessels (Lear 1998:52). Te trad-itional center o this fishery was initially inshore, ocused on the Gul o Maine and thenearshore Scotian Shel, but over time, adjacent Georges Bank became equally important.

    Handlining, or jigging, using a line with a single baited hook, was the only techniqueused to catch Atlantic cod or nearly 250 years. Tis method, where small groups o indi-viduals handlined cod rom small vessels, was essentially the same as fishing practices usedby Indigenous inhabitants o the GOM, though vastly amplified in scale and intensity (seeBarsh 2002). In the early 1850s larger vessels began using bultow, or longline gear, com-posed o a long fishing line with several hundred baited hooks spaced at intervals towedbehind a moving vessel. Tis technology greatly increased catch rates, and by 1880, 294million pounds o cod were landed, the largest catch in the history o the New Englandfishery (Lear 1998:60).

    A ar more efficient gear type, the otter trawl, was first experimented with in the GOMin the late 1800s, but fishermen were constrained in their use o the technologytheywere unable to efficiently preserve the large amounts o fish caught using the technique.

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    Tis problem was solved with the introduction o shipboard reezing systems in the 1920s,and by 1930 otter trawling accounted or 59 percent o the total GOM catch. By 1935, 69percent o all groundfish caught in the GOM was by otter trawl, and by 1994, it accountedor approximately 85 percent o the total GOM catch (Claesson, 2008, pers. comm.; Mayoand OBrien 2006:5; Wallace 2007). oday approximately 65 percent o U.S. landings are

    made with otter trawls (Mayo and OBrien 2006:5).Beore the mid-nineteenth century, ew historical data rom the GOM indicate how Atlan-

    tic cod may have reacted to increasing commercial exploitation pressure. An eighteenth-cen-tury length-requency sample rom the errance Bay wreck, a ship that sank off the centralScotian coast, indicates that the mean length o cod in the 1750s was 89.1 cm, well withinthe range o prehistoric variation or urner Farm (Kenchington and Kenchington 1993:339).Although size differences have been observed between cod stocks in the GOM and adjacentwaters (e.g., Beacham 1982; Clark and Green 1991), data suggest that the mean length o codor the stock represented by the errance Bay wreck (NAFO fishery region 4VsW) have beenhistorically smaller than 4X cod (e.g., compare Beacham [1982] with data presented below).Tus, the very large size o the cod in the errance Bay wreck implies that overexploitation, atleast as measured as a reduction in mean length, was not evident in the 1750s.

    Afer 1850, historical documents record the impact that industrial fishing operationshad on local cod. Tese data, taken rom ships logs and merchant accounts, suggest thatby 1852, during the early days o the longline fishery, GOM fishermen were already notinga decline in the numbers o fish caught (Rosenberg et al. 2005:86). Between 1882 and 1859,a clear reduction in catch per unit effort has been identified rom these records (Rosenberget al. 2005:87). Not surprisingly, Canadian fishermen at this time moved to ban the use olonglines, which they considered responsible or the declines in cod (Lear 1998:60). Yet,while cod stocks were clearly responding to some orm o exploitation pressure, landingsincreased throughout the late nineteenth century, presumably a result o the increasedfishing effort due to the use o longlines.

    Without adequate aunal remains rom the early historical period, it is difficult toassess the point at which mean cod lengths began to react to the pressures o industrialfishing. I the errance Bay data are applicable, the major shif must have occurred betweenthe mid-eighteenth and mid-twentieth centuries, a period that witnessed the widespreadadoption o both longlining and trawling. Given the historical evidence, it seems clearthat longlining must have had a major impact on cod stocks (see data in Rosenberg et al.2005). Jackson et al. (2001:631), however, speculate that it was the development o ottertrawls in the 1920s that precipitated much o the decline in both the numbers and sizeo Atlantic cod. Furthermore, Bourque, Johnson, and Steneck (2008; see also Jackson etal. 2001) indicate that cod populations may have already declined significantly in bothsize and number as early as the seventeenth century. Tese contact-era changes are di-ficult to interpret because they are based on very small cod bone assemblages rom mixedplow zone deposits (Spiess and Lewis 2001: ables 353, 355). Nevertheless, these datamay imply that even a traditional handline fishery had a significant impact on local codpopulations (Bourque, Johnson, and Steneck 2008:180), although we stress that the ageo this context (ca. cal 1600) makes it difficult to determine i this sample represents aresponse o cod stocks to a traditional Aboriginal fishery or a commercial European one.

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    It is unortunate that we have so little data that allow us to gauge the exact responseo the fishery to the introduction o bottom trawling. What we do know is that by 1940,when trawling was the dominant gear type in use, the average length o handlined cod inthe study area had allen to 61.3 cm, a size that has characterized the stock or much o thelast sixty years (Figure 11.3), with the obvious exception o the 1980s stock crash.

    Our data suggest that modern Atlantic cod lengths are on average 27.7 cm shorterthan they were or much o the last 5000 years. Te relationship between this reductionin size and Atlantic cod abundance is clear. Biomass estimates or Atlantic cod calculatedrom historical records suggest that the current biomass o cod in the GOM and ScotianShel regions are only 4 percent o that in 1852 (Rosenberg et al. 2005:88). We note that by1852, cod had already been intensively exploited in the GOM or over 250 years.

    Te potential impacts that these gear types may have had on the Atlantic fishery may bebest explored by contrasting this history with the worlds other great cod fishery in the NorthPacific. Te first major difference between the GOM and GOA fisheries is that the GOAindustry has a much shorter history. Commercial cod fishing began in the eastern Aleu-tians in the 1870s, when Scandinavian fishermen, seeking more productive fishing grounds,settled in the Shumagin and Sanak islands. Word o the productive waters grew, and soonschooners rom ports in the United States and Canada sailed to the region to fish. Tis waspredominately a shore-based handline fishery, though larger schooners also employed long-lines. By 1915, at least seventeen shore stations were operating in the region, taking overone million fish each year (Shields 2001:20). Although specific data on catch rates are notavailable, afer 1915 cod catches began to decline, and by 1930 shore stations began to close.Te situation worsened; between 1942 and 1975 the commercial fishery was all but deunct.

    Te well-documented 1975 oceanic regime shif (Benson and rites 2002; Yang 2004)corresponds with the return o large numbers o Pacific cod and the cod fishing industry.Afer 1975, the industry primarily employed longlines and cod pots, while bottom trawling






















    1940's 1950's 1960's 1980's 1990's 2000's




    Figure 11.3. Modern mean Atlantic cod fork lengths from the Gulf of Maine (NAFO Region 4Xr).

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    Zooarchaeology of the Fish That Stops 183

    has had a relatively limited penetration into the industry. rawling never reached the inten-sity that it did in the Atlantic, and by its peak in 2002, bottom trawling accounted or only50 percent o the total groundfish catch in the GOA (Enticknap 2002:2). Recent bans haveurther reduced the trawl catch to even lower levels, in stark contrast to the GOM cod fishery.

    Tat this exploitation history is associated with a modern size profile within the range

    o prehistoric variability is significant. Put simply, we can find no evidence or exploitationeffects on cod in the Gul o Alaska based on SBIs. While this seems implausible in an erao global fisheries crises (e.g., Jackson et al. 2001; Worm et al. 2006), this should perhapsnot be unexpected: We know rom modern management records that Gul o Alaska codpopulations are both healthy and not being overexploited (Tompson et al. 2007; Tomp-son, Dorn, and Nichol 2006).

    Te comparatively large decline in the size o Atlantic cod in the modern era wascaused by sustained fishing pressure and the removal o large fish rom the ecosystem. Tereduction in size may reflect evolutionary changes caused by fishing pressure, such as areduction in length at age and age at maturation. Tese latter processes are still ongoing inthe Gul o Maine (Barot et al. 2004; Swain et al. 2003; Swain, Sinclair, and Hanson 2007).Our analysis suggests this was a long historical process, involving the cumulative weighto centuries o exploitation pressure and increasing fishing effort. Certain threshold deci-sions involving the use o specific catch-maximizing gear types, most notably the longlineand otter trawl, may have had significant impacts on the fishery. Given the vast differencesin the GOM and GOA sequences, we believe that the contrasting histories can serve ascase studies or long-term management scenarios.

    Correlations with Climate

    While the bulk o the analysis to this point has ocused on the use o the archaeologicalrecord to understand the impact o fishing pressure on fish size, a primary goal o thepaper is to expose the potential or tracking climate impacts on fish stocks using a deep-time perspective. Recent fisheries literature has tracked the impacts o climate on heavilyexploited fish populations (e.g., Drinkwater 2005). A major obstacle to these types o anal-yses is that they are in essence measuring the response o already-stressed fish stocks toshort-term climate fluctuations, another consequence o the shifing baselines syndrome(Pauly 1995). Te zooarchaeological record provides the means to assess climate impactson fish stocks under preindustrial exploitation pressure.

    For the Gul o Alaska, we created a model (able 11.2) o changing climate based onproxy records o prehistoric atmospheric and sea surace temperature, storminess, and pro-ductivity (Calkin, Wiles, and Barclay 2001; DArrigo et al. 2005; Finney et al. 2002; Heusser,Heusser, and Peteet 1985; Hu et al. 2001; Jordan and Krumhardt 2003; Loso et al. 2006; Mann2001; Mann and Hamilton 1995; Mason and Jordan 1993; Misarti 2007). From a marineecosystem perspective, these perturbations may be reerred to as macro-level regime shifs(Benson and rites 2002; Polovina 2005). We have not attempted to develop a climate modelor the urner Farm sequencethe lack o temporal resolution in the dating o the urnerFarm samples makes this type o analysis unproductive. However, there are other means totrack environmental impacts on these samples, as we demonstrate below.

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    Figure 11.4 displays the GOA climate model projected against our Sanak Island Pacificcod length sequence. A visual inspection clearly indicates significant correspondencebetween climate and cod size, especially afer the Neoglacial period. In general, the trendsappear to suggest an increase in mean cod length with warm regimes, and a decrease inmean cod length with cold and stormy regimes. We draw attention to the correspondencebetween size and the Medieval Warm period (cal 9001250) and the Little Ice Age (cal 12501850), when cod increase and then decrease in size, respectively. We also notethe slight increase in cod length at the end o the sequence, during the modern era. Giventhe analysis above, we propose that this latter increase may in act reflect a stock responseto global warming, rather than a response to exploitation pressure (Maschner et al. 2008).I so, then the response is similar to the increase in mean size that occurred during theMedieval Warm period and other warm regimes in the past.

    Tat cold and productive regimes are associated with a drop in mean fish size mayinitially seem counterintuitive. Yet ecologically, this is exactly what we expect i climateshifs are affecting cod populations. During cooler and more productive regimes (Chavezet al. 2003), ecundity should increase, and so should cod abundance due to increasedrecruitment; with the increase in the number o young individuals in the population,mean size should decrease (Shin et al. 2005:392). Tis correspondence implies that meancod length is tracking ecologically orced changes in cod population structure in the GOA.Furthermore, it supports the proposition that modern global warming may be a compli-cating actor in developing management policies or Pacific cod (Benson and rites 2002;Maschner et al. 2008; Yang 2004).

    We test this hypothesis by comparing prehistoric cod lengths to their relative abun-dance. Here our assumption is that cod abundance will also fluctuate with oceanic pro-ductivity, and thereore climate, and that these shifs in population abundances will be

    Table 11.2. Paleoclimate model for Gulf of Alaska and Sanak Archipelago

    Period Date range Approximate climate conditions

    Early Holocene70004200 cal BC Cool and dry

    42002550 calBC

    Warm and wet

    Neoglacial25501200 cal BC Cool and wet

    1200100 cal BC Cool and wet (increased storminess)

    Pre-Medieval Warm period100 BCcal AD300 Warm

    cal AD300900 Cold

    Medieval Warm period cal AD9001250 Warm and dry

    Little Ice Age cal AD12501850 Cold and wet

    Modern era calAD

    1850present day Very warm

    Note: Lightly shaded boxes represent periods of cooler and stormier environments, which are generally more productive, while the darkly

    shaded boxes represent warmer and generally less productive environments.

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    Zooarchaeology of the Fish That Stops 185

    discernable rom midden aunas. In the analysis that ollows, we utilize an abundanceindex to track fluctuations in the relative abundance o cod. We preer abundance indicesbecause not only do they track changes in relative requency, but when the comparativetaxa are generally smaller in body size, they incorporate size-based caloric relationships,which can be used to speculate about changes in return rates (e.g., Betts and Friesen 2006;Broughton 1994, 1997, 1999; Butler 2000; Cannon 2000; Grayson 2001; Hildebrandt andJones 1992; Janetski 1997). We calculated an abundance index or Sanak cod using Scor-paeniormes order fish in the denominator, using the ollowing ormula: AI = NISP Pacificcod/NISP Pacific cod + NISP Scorpaeniormes. We utilize Scorpaeniormes or the ol-lowing reasons: (1) when aggregated, the taxa in Scorpaeniormes are the second mostabundant behind cod in the middens, and (2) because they are groundfish, which tend tobe caught as bycatch when fishing or cod.

    In the calculation o such relative abundance indices, one must always consider theproblem o closed arrays (Grayson 1984; Lyman 2008), or the possibility that the bivari-ate proportional measure we are using is actually tracking shifs in the requencies o thecomparison taxa (in this case, fish in the order Scorpaeniormes), rather than shifs in thetaxon o interest (Pacific cod). We believe we avoid these problems because the Scorpae-niormes taxon used here is actually composed o multiple fish taxa, including Sebastessp. (rockfish), Hexagrammidae (greenling), and Cottidae (sculpin), and thereore the AIcaptures variability in multiple groundfish species. More importantly, the prey model sug-gests that when the abundance o cod, a high-ranked fish, declines, larger numbers o the











    -3000 -2500 -2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

    Mean Calibrated Date



    Figure 11.4. Gulf of Alaska mean lengths with climate reconstruction. The shaded boxes represent periodsof significant changes in air temperature, sea surface temperature, storminess, and ocean circulation thatdrive ocean productivity. The lightly shaded boxes represent periods of cooler and stormier environments,which are generally more productive, while the darkly shaded boxes represent warmer and generally lessproductive environments. Dates are presented as calibrated means; for ranges please consult Table 11.1.

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    lower-ranked (bycatch) fish in Scorpaeniormes would be harvested to mitigate any short-alls (assuming a goal o constant returns). Tereore any decline or increase in Scorpae-niormes should, theoretically, be linked to a concomitant shif in cod abundance, and notfishing effort. Because o how the index is calculated, these relationships would ampliy themagnitude o changes in the abundance index, but not its direction.

    When we compare shifing cod lengths to their associated codScorpaeniormes AI,we see that abundance trends are inversely correlated with size trends (Figure 11.5). Tatis, when mean size increases, abundance decreases, and when mean size decreases, abun-dance increases. Tis is exactly the correlation we expect; when productivity increasesduring cold regimes, cod populations increase, but mean length will decline because o thelarge numbers o juveniles in the population. Cod ecundity increases dramatically withsize (Karp 1982), so while fish may live longer and grow larger under good conditions, theincreased ecundity o the large fish leads to proportionally larger increases in juveniles.Tese smaller, younger fish will tend to dominate the harvest.



















    2550 BC 1750 BC 840 BC 595 BC 80 BC 520 AD 1030 AD 1540 AD

    Mean Calibrated Date

    Figure 11.5. Gulf of Alaska (Sanak Island) mean lengths compared to cod abundance index.














    2550 BC 1750 BC 840 BC 595 BC 80 BC 520 AD 1030 AD 1540 AD

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    Zooarchaeology of the Fish That Stops 187

    Tis climate-based effect on mean size is quite different rom what we might expectrom sustained overfishing. In the case o climate, the reduction in mean size is caused byincreased ecundity and more juveniles in the population. In the overfishing scenario, thereduction is caused by sustained removal o large fish rom the population, with concomi-tant evolutionary changes in the size at age and age at maturation.

    How might these relationships inorm us about climate impacts on the urner Farmsequence? A comparison o a similar abundance index or the urner Farm samples (againutilizing Scorpaeniormes in the denominator) suggests a similar relationship as that notedin the GOA (Figure 11.6). As mean size increases, the abundance index declines. o us,this suggests that Atlantic cod responded to climate regime shifs in the same manner asPacific cod, and specifically that our size reconstruction here is tracking natural changesin cod populations rather than increased exploitation pressure. We note that the impact oprecommercial human predation on Atlantic cod stocks in the GOM is currently debated(e.g., Barsh 2002; Bourque, Johnson, and Steneck 2008; Jackson et al. 2001). Te data we



















    TF1 TF2 TF3 TF4


    Occupational Period














    TF1 TF2 TF3 TF4

    Occu ational Period

    Figure 11.6. Gulf of Maine (Turner Farm) mean lengths compared to cod abundance index.

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    have presented suggest that climate may also have had significant impacts on the abun-dance o prehistoric cod populations.


    Te population histories presented above represent a 5000-plus-year relationship betweenhumans and cod in the Northern Hemisphere. Management decisions based on little morethan hal a century o data will not provide the temporal depth necessary to adequatelyassess the modern state o fish populations. Te shifing baseline syndrome (Pauly 1995)can only be adequately addressed by developing a preindustrial baseline that extendsbeyond the origins o the commercial fishery. For many areas o the world, this can onlybe achieved by probing the archaeological record or appropriate proxy data.

    Our analysis indicates that precontact-period cod populations in the Gul o Maineand the Gul o Alaska were variable and exhibit clear, and previously unknown, multi-centennial cycles that appear to correspond to climate shifs (see Finney et al. 2002 or asimilar conclusion about salmon in the Gul o Alaska). More specifically, we believe oursequences indicate that Pacific cod populations in the Gul o Alaska are resilient and havemaintained a relatively constant and largely sel-correcting length (and thereore ecundityand age) structure over some 4500 years, despite significant commercial exploitation in themodern era. Tis is not the case or the Gul o Maine cod stocks, which appear to haveexperienced both a progressive shif toward increasing mean length and decreasing abun-dance (which may be linked to climate) prior to the historic era, ollowed by a prooundimpact by modern overexploitation (although see Bourque, Johnson, and Steneck 2008).Despite these differences, in both sequences cod abundance and mean cod size fluctuated,sometimes considerably, beore commercial exploitation. Tese climate-linked variationsin cod populations under subsistence-level exploitation pressure should be taken intoaccount when analyzing modern stock trends and developing management policies (seeDrinkwater [2005] or an analysis o the impact o recent climate change on cod).

    Te perturbations in the numbers and size o cod are intriguing given the historicalevidence or the periodic disappearance and sudden reappearance o cod in the GOA dur-ing the historic period. As discussed above, the significant decline in cod abundance inthe GOA in the 1930s and 1940s, ollowed by their sudden return in 1975, appears to berelated to an oceanic regime shif that occurred during the same period (Benson andrites 2002; Stephens et al. 2001). Tat such oceanic shifs may have abruptly influencedthe numbers o cod in the North Pacific may be evident in the Aleut language. Te Aleutword or cod, atxidaq, literally translates as the fish that stops. From the Gul o Maine,the Mikmaq and Maliseet words or Atlantic cod,pejuand nuhkomeq, mean the fish wewait or and the fish there isnt enough o, respectively. Tis linguistic evidence alsoimplies some uncertainty in cod populations. Tese Indigenous names expose the implicittraditional ecological knowledge about fish populations imbedded in Aboriginal lan-guages, and urther reinorce our identification o variability in precommercial cod stocks.

    Te contrasts in the histories o cod exploitation in the Gul o Maine and the Gul oAlaska are striking. While we can find no evidence or exploitation impacts on fish lengths

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    Zooarchaeology of the Fish That Stops 189

    in the GOA, the drastic decline in cod length at the end o the GOM sequence is almostcertainly a response to overexploitation (Clark and Perley 2006; Jackson 2001; Jackson etal. 2001). Clearly, the cumulative historical weight o 400 years o increasing fishing effortsresulted in the severely stunted size profile that currently characterizes Atlantic cod inthe GOM. Modern fisheries research suggests that this may reflect evolutionary changes

    caused by fishing pressure, such as a reduction in length at age and age at maturation.Tese processes are still ongoing in the Gul o Maine (see Barot et al. 2004; Swain et al.2003; Swain, Sinclair, and Hanson 2007).

    Nevertheless, the contrast in the use o certain gear types clearly raises questions; Jack-son et al. (2001:631) speculate that it was the rapid development o an otter trawl fishery aferthe 1920s, and the increase in fishing effort that entails, that precipitated much o the declinesin both the numbers and size o Atlantic cod. Tis is an interesting hypothesis consideringthe relative lack o penetration o otter trawling in the GOA and its correspondence with acod length structure within the range o precommercial variation. While bottom trawlingwas likely a significant actor in the changes in the GOM cod stock, we believe our analysisexposes the detrimental effect o the cumulativeweight o fishing pressurethe sustainedincreases in fishing effort over decades and centurieson cod stocks. Viewed rom this per-spective, the adoption o bottom trawling in the Gul o Maine was the straw that broke thecamels back, the final blow in a gradual assault o more efficient gear types and increasingfishing effort that can be traced historically to at least the early 1850s with the adoption ocommercial longline gear (Rosenberg et al. 2005), and perhaps as early as the seventeenthcentury (e.g., Bourque, Johnson, and Steneck 2008; Jackson et al. 2001) with the start o thecommercial European handline fishery. In short, over a period o ca. 350 years the com-mercial cod fishery in the Gul o Maine finally managed to exert so much fishing effort andinflict so much mortality that cod stocks were devastated, as clearly reflected in the stuntedmodern size profile unlike anything seen in the previous 4500 years o human-cod interac-tions. Yet we also note that our data suggest cod stocks responded dramatically to changingclimate, and this was likely a complicating actor in the recent decline in cod.

    Our study had two primary goals: (1) to provide preindustrial benchmarks o codpopulations and (2) to integrate these baselines in meaningul ways with modern fisheriesmanagement data. Te ultimate aim o our bicoastal study was to provide solutions tothe shifing baseline problem that affects modern fisheries management (e.g., Pauly 1995)by integrating archaeoaunal data with modern population measures, in a comparativeand historically contextualized approach. By integrating zooarchaeological, historical, andmodern data we possess the ability to document the absolute magnitude o the changesthat can occur in a heavily exploited fish stock. Ultimately, we believe our comparisonhighlights the act that management successes are possible, and indeed that significantfishing pressure can be sustained by cod stocks without undamentally altering their lengthstructure,as long as fishing effort is closely monitored and fishing mortality restricted tomoderate levels. In the Gul o Alaska, this appears to have occurred through a combina-tion o a ortunate historical coincidence (i.e., the late penetration o commercial fishing)and the effectiveness o recent management policies.

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    We thank Stean Claesson or providing statistics on historic catch rates in the GOM. Webenefited rom conversations with Bruce Bourque, Robert Steneck, and Arthur Spiessabout the original urner Farm length requency analysis. We also thank the many stu-

    dents who helped us sort through tens o thousands o fish bones rom our Sanak Islandsamples. Finally, we acknowledge Madonna Moss and Aubrey Cannon or inviting us toparticipate in a wonderul session on Pacific paleofisheries at the 2008 SAA conerence inVancouver.

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