Zeitschriften-TOCs 2/2020 - HSFK

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Transcript of Zeitschriften-TOCs 2/2020 - HSFK

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Zeitschriften-TOCs 2/2020

Armed Forces and Society ............................................................................................................................................ 3

Cambridge Review of International Affairs .................................................................................................................. 4

Conflict Management and Peace Science .................................................................................................................... 6

Contemporary Security Policy ...................................................................................................................................... 7

Cooperation and Conflict .............................................................................................................................................. 8

Democratization ........................................................................................................................................................... 9

Die Friedens-Warte ..................................................................................................................................................... 11

European Journal of International Relations .............................................................................................................. 12

European Security....................................................................................................................................................... 14

Foreign Affairs ............................................................................................................................................................ 15

Foreign Policy Analysis ................................................................................................................................................ 18

Global Governance ..................................................................................................................................................... 20

International Affairs <London> ................................................................................................................................... 22

International Interactions ........................................................................................................................................... 24

International Organization ......................................................................................................................................... 25

International Peacekeeping ........................................................................................................................................ 26

International Political Sociology ................................................................................................................................. 27

International Politics ................................................................................................................................................... 28

International Relations ............................................................................................................................................... 30

International Security ................................................................................................................................................. 31

International Studies Perspectives ............................................................................................................................. 32

International Studies Quarterly .................................................................................................................................. 33

International Studies Review ...................................................................................................................................... 35

Journal of Democracy ................................................................................................................................................. 36

Journal of European Integration ................................................................................................................................. 38

Journal of European Public Policy............................................................................................................................... 40

Journal of Global Security Studies .............................................................................................................................. 43

Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding .................................................................................................................. 44

Journal of Peace Research .......................................................................................................................................... 46

Mobilization ................................................................................................................................................................ 47

Perspectives on Politics .............................................................................................................................................. 48

Political Psychology .................................................................................................................................................... 50


Political Science Quarterly .......................................................................................................................................... 51

Politische Vierteljahresschrift ..................................................................................................................................... 52

Review of International Studies ................................................................................................................................. 53

Security Dialogue ........................................................................................................................................................ 54

Security Studies .......................................................................................................................................................... 55

Third World Quarterly ................................................................................................................................................ 57

Terrorism and Political Violence ................................................................................................................................. 59

The British Journal of Politics and International Relations ......................................................................................... 61

The Journal of Conflict Resolution .............................................................................................................................. 63

The Washington Quarterly ......................................................................................................................................... 65

World Politics .............................................................................................................................................................. 66

Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik.............................................................................................................. 67

Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung .......................................................................................................... 68

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Armed Forces and Society

http://journals.sagepub.com/loi/afsa Volume 46, Issue 3, July 2020 Voting Behavior of Active Duty Military Spouses: Trends in Interest and Participation Eric D. Button, Anne B. Diallo pp. 351–375 “I’m Not Your ‘Typical’ Military Wife”: The Construction of Gender and Agency Through Stereotypes Elizabeth Ziff, Felicia Garland-Jackson pp. 376–396 Exploring the Role of Depressive Symptoms, Service Members, and Spousal Demographic Characteristics on Military Spousal Employment Sandraluz Lara-Cinisomo, Bing Han, Rachel Neuhausen pp. 397–423 Subtypes of Mental Health Stigma and Barriers to Care Among National Guard Personnel: Results of a Latent Class Analysis Craig J. Bryan, David Wood, Michael Applegarth, AnnaBelle O. Bryan pp. 424–437 The Curious Relationship Between Military Service and Entrepreneurial Intentions in Israel Brian A. Polin, Chaim M. Ehrman pp. 438–453 Civil–Military Patents and Technological Knowledge Flows Into the Leading Defense Firms Manuel Acosta, Daniel Coronado, Esther Ferrándiz, M. Rosario Marín, Pedro J. Moreno pp. 454–474 Why Military Organizations Are Cautious About Learning? Hans Hasselbladh, Karl Ydén pp. 475–494 Experiences May Vary: NATO and Cultural Interoperability in Afghanistan Bastian Giegerich, Stéfanie von Hlatky pp. 495–516 Full-Spectrum Social Science for a Broader View on Cohesion Ilmari Käihkö, Peter Haldén pp. 517–522 Essay: Common Fates, Common Goals—A Response to Cyr Steve Carlton-Ford, Katherine Durante, Ciera Graham, Thomas David Evans pp. 523–527


Cambridge Review of International Affairs

https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ccam20 Volume 33, Issue 3, 2020 International democracy promoters and transitional elites: favourable conditions for successful partnership. Evidence from Tunisia’s democratization Pietro Marzo Pages: 307-329 Rethinking sovereignty: the implications of the role of private security companies in the prevention and the regulation of unauthorized flows Lacin Idil Oztig Pages: 330-346 A climate for change? The impacts of climate change on energy politics Peter Newell & Richard Lane Pages: 347-364 Inside international environmental organizations. Negotiating the greening of international politics Diana Panke Pages: 365-384 Non-state actors and change in foreign policy: the case of a self-determination referendum in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq Marianna Charountaki Pages: 385-409 Principled realism and populist sovereignty in Trump’s foreign policy Aaron Ettinger Pages: 410-431 Agency and geopolitics: Brazilian formal independence and the problem of Eurocentrism in international historical sociology Pedro Salgado Pages: 432-451 Volume 33, Issue 2, 2020 Reconsidering lock-in effects and benefits from delegation: the African Union’s relations with its member states through a principal–agent perspective Martin Welz Pages: 159-178 Looking like a regional organization? The European model of regional integration and the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) Giulia Piccolino Pages: 179-203 Rethinking non-recognition: Taiwan’s new pivot to ASEAN and the one-China policy Pasha L. Hsieh


Pages: 204-228 Economic interdependence and economic sanctions: a case study of European Union sanctions on Russia Paul M. Silva II & Zachary Selden Pages: 229-251 How shared ideas may hinder lobbying success: British preference formation in the G20 Laura C. Mahrenbach Pages: 252-273 Evangelical globalism and the internationalization of Sudan’s second civil war Jonathan C. Agensky Pages: 274-293


Conflict Management and Peace Science

http://journals.sagepub.com/loi/cmpb Volume 37 Issue 3, Mai 2020 Autocratic political cycle and international conflict Daehee Bak pp. 259–279 Ethnic political exclusion and terrorism: Analyzing the local conditions for violence Holley E. Hansen, Stephen C. Nemeth, Jacob A. Mauslein pp. 280–300 Shaken or stirred? Terrorism and third-party state resolve in civil war interventions Christopher Linebarger, Andrew J. Enterline, Steven R. Liebel pp. 301–322 Experienced poverty and local conflict violence Andreas Forø Tollefsen pp. 323–349 The local geography of transnational terrorism Josiah Marineau, Henry Pascoe, Alex Braithwaite, Michael Findley, Joseph Young pp. 350–381


Contemporary Security Policy

http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fcsp20/current Volume 41, Issue 3, 2020 Hegemonic transition Between punishment and denial: Uncertainty, flexibility, and U.S. military strategy toward China Luis Simón Pages: 361-384 Playbook by George Kennan The containment of the Islamic State: A realist case to engage a hybrid actor Jodok Troy Pages: 385-406 Non-intervention 2.0 By all necessary means? Emerging powers and the use of force in peacekeeping Rafael Duarte Villa & Nicole Jenne Pages: 407-431 Black swans Theory-infused and policy-relevant: On the usefulness of scenario analysis for international relations Monika Sus & Marcel Hadeed Pages: 432-455


Cooperation and Conflict

http://journals.sagepub.com/loi/caca Volume 55, Issue 2, June 2020 Improvising the international: Theorizing the everyday of intervention from the field Lise Philipsen pp. 151–169 Greenland’s Arctic advantage: Articulations, acts and appearances of sovereignty games Marc Jacobsen pp. 170–192 Rhetorical adaptation, normative resistance and international order-making: China’s advancement of the responsibility to protect Courtney J Fung pp. 193–215 A grounded theory of local ownership as meta-conflict in Afghanistan Andrew EE Collins, Chuck Thiessen pp. 216–234 Globalization and wartime trade Tal Sadeh, Nizan Feldman pp. 235–260 Understanding the gender regime in the European External Action Service Laura Chappell, Roberta Guerrina pp. 261–280



http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fdem20/current Volume 27, Issue 5, 2020 Insecurity and political values in the Arab world Melani Cammett, Ishac Diwan & Irina Vartanova Pages: 699-716 Peacemaking referendums: the use of direct democracy in peace processes Katherine Collin Pages: 717-736 Pre-election polling and the democratic veneer in a hybrid regime Dara Conduit & Shahram Akbarzadeh Pages: 737-757 “We don’t know who be who”: post-party politics, forum shopping and Liberia’s 2017 elections Robtel Neajai Pailey & David Harris Pages: 758-776 The role of digital media in the 2011 Egyptian revolution Shingo Hamanaka Pages: 777-796 Taking it personal? Investigating regime personalization as an autocratic survival strategy Alexander Taaning Grundholm Pages: 797-815 Coups and framing: how do militaries justify the illegal seizure of power? Taku Yukawa, Kaoru Hidaka & Kaori Kushima Pages: 816-835 The politics of fear and the securitization of African elections Sarah Jenkins Pages: 836-853 Hopes and disappointments: regime change and support for democracy after the Arab Uprisings M. Tahir Kilavuz & Nathanael Gratias Sumaktoyo Pages: 854-873 Autocracy login: internet censorship and civil society in the digital age Chun-Chih Chang & Thung-Hong Lin Pages: 874-895 Volume 27, Issue 4, 2020 Elites, masses, and democratic decline in Indonesia Edward Aspinall, Diego Fossati, Burhanuddin Muhtadi & Eve Warburton Pages: 505-526


Personality, media choice and political ideology: explaining ideological pluralism in China Deyong Ma & Orion A. Lewis Pages: 527-546 Rational Islamists: Islamism and regime preferences in Bangladesh C. Christine Fair & Parina Patel Pages: 547-569 Gendered local politics: the barriers to women’s representation in Turkey Ahu Sumbas Pages: 570-587 Get out the vote – or else: the impact of fear of election violence on voters Stephanie M. Burchard Pages: 588-604 Partisanship and institutional trust in Mongolia Marc S. Jacob & Greta Schenke Pages: 605-623 Mobilizing in a hybrid political system: the Artvin case in Turkey Hayriye Ozen & Burak Dogu Pages: 624-642 “Fighting corruption” or “fighting the corrupt elite”? Politicizing corruption within and beyond the populist divide Sarah Engler Pages: 643-661 Four arenas: Malaysia’s 2018 election, reform, and democratization Kai Ostwald & Steven Oliver Pages: 662-680


Die Friedens-Warte

https://elibrary.bwv-verlag.de/journal/fw Band 92, Heft 3-4, 2019 Debatte: Mythen der etablierten Sicherheitspolitik „Die kooperative Weltordnung verfällt.“ Debatte von Lothar Brock, Kommentar von Anna Geis „Russland hat die europäische Friedensordnung aufgekündigt.“ Debatte von Sabine Jaberg, Kommentar von Hanne-Margret Birckenbach „Robuste Militärinterventionen können dabei helfen, Konflikte im Globalen Süden zu lösen.“ Debatte von Hans-Georg Ehrhart, Kommentar von Dan Krause „Die Bundeswehr ist schlecht ausgerüstet, weil sie zu wenig Geld bekommt.“ Debatte von Michael Brzoska, Kommentar von Herbert Wulf „Rüstungskontrolle ist nicht mehr zeitgemäß.“ Debatte von Michael Staack, Kommentar von Götz Neuneck, Kommentar von Alexander Graef „Die Klimakrise erfordert verstärkt sicherheitspolitische Maßnahmen.“ Debatte von Jürgen Scheffran, Kommentar von Tobias Ide Respektsensibilität als Grundvoraussetzung für Konfliktmanagement im Südchinesischen Meer Groten, David S. 215-237 Two Sides of the Same Coin: Temporary Protection as a Practical but Unsettled Concept Türközü, Dilek S. 238-243


European Journal of International Relations

http://journals.sagepub.com/loi/ejta Volume 26, Issue 2, June 2020 Realism and reflexivity: Morgenthau, academic freedom and dissent Seán Molloy pp. 321–343 Strategic surprise, nuclear proliferation and US foreign policy Michael D Cohen, Aaron Rapport pp. 344–371 The hierarchical society: the politics of self-determination and the constitution of new states after 1919 Maja Spanu pp. 372–396 Beyond de jure and de facto boundaries: tracing the imperial geographies of US law Freya Irani pp. 397–418 Imperial dialectics and epistemic mapping: From decolonisation to anti-Eurocentric IR Christopher Murray pp. 419–442 Social pressure and the making of wartime civilian protection rules Giovanni Mantilla pp. 443–468 Retrieving how diplomacy writes subjects, space and time: a methodological contribution Pablo de Orellana pp. 469–494 Setting soft power in motion: towards a dynamic conceptual framework Ivan Bakalov pp. 495–517 Towards a ‘pluralist’ world order: creative agency and legitimacy in global institutions Terry Macdonald, Kate Macdonald pp. 518–544 Law as discursive resource: the politics of the nuclear/non-nuclear distinction in the Non-Proliferation Treaty Sidra Hamidi 2019; pp. 545–568 Roles, identity, and security: foreign policy contestation in monarchical Kuwait Sean Yom pp. 569–593 Motivations, security threats and geopolitical implications of Chinese investment in the EU energy sector Miguel Otero-Iglesias, Manuel Weissenegger


pp. 594–620 Volume 26 Issue 1, March 2020 The absence of great power responsibility in global environmental politics Steven Bernstein pp. 8–32 Foreign banks and sovereign credit ratings: Reputational capital in sovereign debt markets Jana Grittersová pp. 33–61 The uses and abuses of victimhood nationalism in international politics Adam B. Lerner pp. 62–87 Full Access Right-wing populism with Chinese characteristics? Identity, otherness and global imaginaries in debating world politics online Chenchen Zhang pp. 88–115 ‘Love Europe, hate the EU’: A genealogical inquiry into populists’ spatio-cultural critique of the European Union and its consequences Andrew Glencross pp. 116–136 European populist radical right leaders’ foreign policy beliefs: An operational code analysis Özgür Özdamar, Erdem Ceydilek pp. 137–162 Popular culture, the body and world politics Tim Aistrope pp. 163–186 No substitute for victory? Why just war theorists can’t win Cian O’Driscoll pp. 187–208 Causal mechanisms in civil war mediation: Evidence from Syria Magnus Lundgren pp. 209–235 Rebel funding and child soldiers: Exploring the relationship between natural resources and forcible recruitment Roos Haer, Christopher Michael Faulkner, Beth Elise Whitaker pp. 236–262 Beyond coups: terrorism and military involvement in politics Vincenzo Bove, Mauricio Rivera, Chiara Ruffa pp. 263–288 The fire this time: Grenfell, racial capitalism and the urbanisation of empire Ida Danewid pp. 289–313


European Security

http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/feus20/current Volume 29, Issue 2, 2020 Defense planning in the fog of peace: the transatlantic currency conversion conundrum Jordan Becker & Robert Bell Pages: 125-148 Orchestrating peace in South Sudan: exploring the effectiveness of the European Union’s mediation support Patrick Müller & Julian Bergmann Pages: 149-169 Security cooperation in and with Asia: towards a pragmatic turn in the EU’s security policy? Angela Pennisi di Floristella Pages: 170-188 Public opinion and terrorism: does the national economic, societal and political context Really Matter? Pierre Philippe Balestrini Pages: 189-211 Human security of the Sámi in the new Sámi Arctic Strategy Agnieszka Szpak Pages: 212-234 Creating norms around the Eastern Mediterranean energy resources as a necessary means of security Stylianos A. Sotiriou Pages: 235-253


Foreign Affairs

http://search.proquest.com/publication/40670/citation/EC5BE658586040C7PQ/3?accountid=11507 Volume 99, Number 4, July/August 2020 The World After The Pandemic Chronicle of a Pandemic Foretold Osterholm, Michael T; Olshaker, Mark. The Pandemic and Political Order Fukuyama, Francis A More Resilient Union Allen, Danielle When the System Fails Patrick, Stewart The Endangered Asian Century Loong, Lee Hsien The Age of Magic Money Mallaby, Sebastian How to Make Trade Work for Workers Lighthizer, Robert E. Pinning Down Putin Nuland, Victoria The Rise of Strategic Corruption Zelikow, Philip; Edelman, Eric; Harrison, Kristofer; Gventer, Celeste The Overmilitarization of American Foreign Policy Gates, Robert M The Next Liberal Order Ikenberry, G John How Hegemony Ends Cooley, Alexander; Nexon, Daniel H. Divided We Fall Chua, Amy After Capital Subramanian, Arvind This Land Is Not Your Land Treuer, David


The Case for Climate Pragmatism Harvey, Hal The Retrenchment Syndrome McMaster, H R. The Vision Thing Gavin, Francis J.; Steinberg, James B. In Defense of Economists Feuer, Michael Volume 99, Number 3, May/June 2020 The Fire Next Time The Climate Club Nordhaus, William The Paths to Net Zero Azevedo, Inés; Davidson, Michael R; Jenkins, Jesse D.; Karpius, Valerie J.; Victor, David G. The Strategic Case for U.S. Climate Leadership Baker, James A., III; Shultz, George P.; Halstead, Ted A Foreign Policy for the Climate Podesta, John; Stern, Todd The Unlikely Environmentalists Henderson, Rebecca Building a Resilient Planet McLeod, Kathy Baughman The Climate Debt Adow, Mohamed China's Coming Upheaval Pei, Minxin What Kim Wants Pak, Jung H. The End of Grand Strategy Drezner, Daniel W.; Krebs, Ronald R.; Schweller, Randall Britain Adrift Freedman, Lawrence D. The Next Iranian Revolution Edelman, Eric; Takeyh, Ray Making Cyberspace Safe for Democracy


Rosenberger, Laura The Right Way to Fix the EU Matthijs, Matthias A Few Good Men Boot, Max The Myanmar Mirage Strangio, Sebastian Trials and Tribulations Sachs, Jeffrey D. The Two-State Devolution Osman, Tarek


Foreign Policy Analysis

https://academic.oup.com/fpa Volume 16, Issue 3, July 2020 Peacekeeping Deployments and Mutinies in African Sending States Rebecca Schiel, Jonathan Powell, Ursula Daxecker Pages 251–271 Presidential Risk Propensity and Intervention in Interstate Conflicts Jonathan W Keller, Keith A Grant, Dennis M Foster Pages 272–291 Trump, Populism, and American Foreign Policy Thorsten Wojczewski Pages 292–311 Avoiding the Coup-Proofing Dilemma: Consolidating Political Control While Maximizing Military Power Dan Reiter Pages 312–331 Why Kill Deposed Leaders? Regime Types and Post-tenure Fates Mitchell Thomas Radtke Pages 332–352 Shadow Economies and the Success of Economic Sanctions: Explaining Why Democratic Targets Are Disadvantaged Bryan R Early, Dursun Peksen Pages 353–372 Democratic Openings and Country Visibility: Media Attention and the Allocation of US Democracy Aid, 1975–2010 James M Scott, Charles M Rowling, Timothy M Jones Pages 373–396 Forcing the President's Hand: How the US Congress Shapes Foreign Policy through Sanctions Legislation Jordan Tama Pages 397–416 Democracy and Reserves Byunghwan Son Pages 417–437 Pushing on an Open Door? Ethnic Foreign Policy Lobbies and the Cuban American Case William M LeoGrande Pages 438–456 Turkey and Cyprus: A Poliheuristic Analysis of Decisions during the Crises of 1964, 1967, and 1974 Özgür Özdamar, Okhan Ercİyas Pages 457–477 Volume 16, Issue 2, April 2020


Gendering Foreign Policy: A Comparative Framework for Analysis Karin Aggestam, Jacqui True Pages 143–162 Canada's New Feminist International Assistance Policy: Business as Usual? Laura Parisi 163–180 Pro-gender Norms in Norwegian Peace Engagement: Balancing Experiences, Values, and Interests Inger Skjelsbæk, Torunn Lise Tryggestad Pages 181–198 Gendering South Africa's Foreign Policy: Toward a Feminist Approach? Toni Haastrup Pages 199–216 Swedish Feminist Foreign Policy and “Gender Cosmopolitanism” Annika Bergman Rosamond Pages 217–235 Pro-Gender Foreign Policy by Stealth: Navigating Global and Domestic Politics in Australian Foreign Policy Making Katrina Lee-Koo Pages 236–249


Global Governance

https://brill.com/view/journals/gg/gg-overview.xml Volume 26, Issue 2, June 2020 Special Issue: The United Nations at 75 The 75th Anniversary of the United Nations: Looking Back and Looking Forward Von: Alynna Lyon, Kendall Stiles, Alistair Edgar, Kurt Mills und Peter Romaniuk Seiten: 199–212 In Memoriam Àlvaro de Soto Seiten: 213–220 The United Nations: Managing and Reshaping a Changing World Order Amitav Acharya und Dan Plesch Seiten: 221–235 The UN at 75: How Today’s Challenges Will Shape the Next 25 Years David M. Malone und Adam Day Seiten: 236–250 The UN and North-South Relations in the Security Arena Mohammed Ayoob Seiten: 251–261 Crashing Waves and Rising Tides: The Case for UN 2.0 Antonio Donini Seiten: 262–275 Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud: Working Methods in the UN Security Council Courtney B. Smith Seiten: 276–290 The United Nations Security Council and Human Rights Carrie Booth Walling Seiten: 291–306 Coloring the UN Environmental: The Catalytic Role of the UN Environment Programme Maria Ivanova Seiten: 307–324 Institutional Development of the United Nations Secretariat Bob Reinalda Seiten: 325–339 Regional Practices in UN Multilateralism Von: Katie Verlin Laatikainen Seiten: 340–358


Volume 26, Issue 1, April 2020 John W. Holmes Memorial Lecture: Social Justice Transcending Inequalities Thuli Madonsela Seiten: 1–20 A Nonpermanent Seat in the United Nations Security Council: Why Bother? Ann-Marie Ekengren, Fredrik D. Hjorthen und Ulrika Möller Seiten: 21–45 Stabilization at the Expense of Peacebuilding in UN Peacekeeping Operations: More Than Just a Phase? David Curran und Charles T. Hunt Seiten: 46–68 Women’s Participation in Informal Peace Processes Anjali Kaushlesh Dayal und Agathe Christien Seiten: 69–98 Between Mandate and Motivation: Bureaucratic Behavior in Global Climate Governance Mareike Well, Barbara Saerbeck, Helge Jörgens und Nina Kolleck Seiten: 99–120 The Humanitarian Gap in the Global Sanctions Regime: Assessing Causes, Effects, and Solutions Grégoire Mallard, Farzan Sabet und Jin Sun Seiten: 121–153 Ocean Governance and Hybridity: Dynamics in the Arctic, the Indian Ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea Sybille Reinke de Buitrago und Patricia Schneider Seiten: 154–175 From Alma Ata to the SDG s: The Politics of Global Health Governance and the Elusive “Health for All” Martin Weber Seiten: 176–197


International Affairs <London>

https://academic.oup.com/ia Volume 96, Issue 3, May 2020 Violence, Visuality And World Politics Introduction: violence, visuality and world politics Helen Berents, Constance Duncombe Pages 567–571 It's a man's world: carnal spectatorship and dissonant masculinities in Islamic State videos Manni Crone Pages 573–591 Politics, policy-making and the presence of images of suffering children Helen Berents Pages 593–608 Social media and the visibility of horrific violence Constance Duncombe Pages 609–629 Horror, apocalypse and world politics Tim Aistrope, Stefanie Fishel Pages 631–648 Soundscapes of war: the audio-visual performance of war by Shi'a militias in Iraq and Syria Helle Malmvig Pages 649–666 How images frame China's role in African development George Karavas Pages 667–690 Accountability, denial and the future-proofing of British torture Ruth Blakeley, Sam Raphael Pages 691–709 Rethinking youth bulge theory in policy and scholarship: incorporating critical gender analysis Lesley Pruitt Pages 711–728 The multilevel identity politics of the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest Galia Press-Barnathan, Naama Lutz Pages 729–748 Power and diplomacy in the post-liberal cyberspace André Barrinha, Thomas Renard Pages 749–766


Let's talk about the interregnum: Gramsci and the crisis of the liberal world order Milan Babic Pages 767–786 China and Russia in R2P debates at the UN Security Council Zheng Chen, Hang Yin Pages 787–805


International Interactions

https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/gini20 Volume 46, Issue 4, 2020 Private military and security companies, corporate structure, and levels of violence in Iraq Benjamin Tkach Pages: 499-525 The effects of economic sanctions on targeted countries’ stock markets Glen Biglaiser & David Lektzian Pages: 526-550 Domestic Politics and the Effectiveness of Regional Human Rights Courts Jillienne Haglund Pages: 551-578 Bad-faith cooperation William Spaniel & Michael Poznansky Pages: 579-605 Human rights institutionalization and US humanitarian military intervention Seung-Whan Choi , Youngwan Kim , David Ebner & Patrick James Pages: 606-635 Volume 46, Issue 3, 2020 Too central to fail? Terror networks and leadership decapitation Daniel Milton & Bryan Price Pages: 309-333 Strategic rebels: a spatial econometric approach to rebel fighting durations in civil wars Nils W. Metternich & Julian Wucherpfennig Pages: 334-371 Time for a haircut: political regimes and sovereign debt restructurings Ignacio Mamone Pages: 372-401 Two sides of the same coin: can campaigns generate support for both human rights and retributive violence? Alexandra Haines , Michele Leiby , Matthew Krain & Amanda Murdie Pages: 402-430 Politician hate speech and domestic terrorism James A. Piazza Pages: 431-453 When aid builds states: party dominance and the effects of foreign aid on tax collection after civil war Louis-Alexandre Berg & Naomi Levy Pages: 454-480


International Organization

https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/international-organization Volume 74, Issue 2, Spring 2020 The Enemy of My Enemy: When Firms Support Climate Change Regulation Amanda Kennard pp. 187-221 Political Authority in International Relations: Revisiting the Medieval Debate Julia Costa Lopez pp. 222-252 Explaining Population Displacement Strategies in Civil Wars: A Cross-National Analysis Adam G. Lichtenheld pp. 253-294 African Solutions to African Challenges: The Role of Legitimacy in Mediating Civil Wars in Africa Allard Duursma pp. 295-330 Autocratic Consent to International Law: The Case of the International Criminal Court's Jurisdiction, 1998–2017 Barry Hashimoto pp. 331-362


International Peacekeeping

http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/finp20/current Volume 27, Issue 3, 2020 Just Different Hats? Comparing UN and Non-UN Peacekeeping Corinne Bara & Lisa Hultman Pages: 341-368 Breaking the Balance? The Impact of Peacekeeping Deployments on Civil–Military Relations Monalisa Adhikari Pages: 369-394 Peace Journalism Strategy for Creating a Public Value Sphere Metin Ersoy & Leon Monroe Miller Pages: 395-416 Red under Blue: Chinese Humanitarian Action in UN Peacekeeping Missions Jung Jae Kwon Pages: 417-444 Championing the WPS Agenda? B. K. Greener Pages: 445-466 Post Conflict Justice, Peacekeeping, and Civil Conflict Recurrence Abdulaziz G. Almuslem Pages: 467-509


International Political Sociology

https://academic.oup.com/ips Volume 14, Issue 2, June 2020 Norms Are What Machines Make of Them: Autonomous Weapons Systems and the Normative Implications of Human-Machine Interactions Hendrik Huelss Pages 111–128 Genocide in Sudan as Colonial Ecology Louise Wise Pages 129–155 Decentering Responsibilization: Towards a Nomos of Governmentality in Mexico R Guy Emerson Pages 156–174 Things and Terms: Relations Between Materiality, Language, and Politics in Post-revolutionary Iran Kusha Sefat Pages 175–195 Sociability in International Politics: Golf and ASEAN's Cold War Diplomacy Deepak Nair Pages 196–214 Feminist Commodity Activism: The New Political Economy of Feminist Protest Jemima Repo Pages 215–232


International Politics

https://link.springer.com/journal/41311/volumes-and-issues Volume 57, Issue 3, June 2020 Evaluating NATO enlargement: scholarly debates, policy implications, and roads not taken James Goldgeier, Joshua R. Itzkowitz Shifrinson Pages 291-321 Patterns of continuity in NATO’s long history Timothy Andrews Sayle Pages 322-341 NATO enlargement and US foreign policy: the origins, durability, and impact of an idea Joshua R. Shifrinson Pages 342-370 NATO enlargement and US grand strategy: a net assessment Rajan Menon, William Ruger Pages 371-400 NATO enlargement: evaluating its consequences in Russia Kimberly Marten Pages 401-426 The tragedy of US–Russian relations: NATO centrality and the revisionists’ spiral Andrey A. Sushentsov, William C. Wohlforth Pages 427-450 Thank goodness for NATO enlargement Alexander Lanoszka Pages 451-470 Good for democracy? Evidence from the 2004 NATO expansion Paul Poast, Alexandra Chinchilla Pages 471-490 NATO as a political alliance: continuities and legacies in the enlargement debates of the 1990s Susan Colbourn Pages 491-508 Twenty years after: assessing the consequences of enlargement for the NATO military alliance Sara Bjerg Moller Pages 509-529 Land rush: American grand strategy, NATO enlargement, and European fragmentation Paul van Hooft Pages 530-553 NATO enlargement and the failure of the cooperative security mindset Stéfanie von Hlatky, Michel Fortmann


Pages 554-572


International Relations

http://journals.sagepub.com/loi/ireb Volume 34 Issue 2, June 2020 British foreign policy after Brexit: losing Europe and finding a role Kai Oppermann, Ryan Beasley, Juliet Kaarbo pp. 133–156 On the way to planet politics: from disciplinary demise to cosmopolitical coordination Philip R Conway pp. 157–179 Measuring common knowledge: latent semantic analysis, linguistic synchrony, and common knowledge in international relations A Burcu Bayram, Vivian Ta pp. 180–203 Reality-congruence, emancipatory politics and situated knowledge in International Relations: a process sociological perspective André Saramago pp. 204–224 IR in the Middle East: foreign policy analysis in theoretical approaches May Darwich, Juliet Kaarbo pp. 225–245 Human rights, extraterritoriality and the good international citizen: a cosmopolitan perspective Richard Shapcott pp. 246–264


International Security

http://www.mitpressjournals.org/loi/isec Volume 44, Issue 4, Spring 2020 Paradoxes of Professionalism: Rethinking Civil-Military Relations in the United States Risa Brooks pp. 7–44 What Allies Want: Reconsidering Loyalty, Reliability, and Alliance Interdependence Iain D. Henry pp. 45–83 Living with Uncertainty: Modeling China's Nuclear Survivability Wu Riqiang pp. 84–118 The Political Power of Proxies: Why Nonstate Actors Use Local Surrogates Assaf Moghadam and Michel Wyss pp. 119–157 Selective Wilsonianism: Material Interests and the West's Support for Democracy Arman Grigoryan pp. 158–200


International Studies Perspectives

https://academic.oup.com/isp Volume 21, Issue 2, May 2020 Global Monetary Order and the Liberal Order Debate Carla Norrlof, Paul Poast, Benjamin J Cohen, Sabreena Croteau, Aashna Khanna ... Pages 109–153 Mapping Orientalist Discourses: Using Waltz with Bashir in the Classroom Beatriz Tomé-Alonso, Lucía Ferreiro Prado Pages 154–171 Indirect Accountability for Extraterritorial Human Rights Violations Monika Heupel Pages 172–197 The Institutional “Hinge”: How the End of the Cold War Conditioned Canadian, Russian, and Swiss IR Scholarship Félix Grenier, Jonas Hagmann, Thomas Biersteker, Marina Lebedeva, Yulia Nikitina ... Pages 198–217


International Studies Quarterly

https://academic.oup.com/isq Volume 64, Issue 2, June 2020 Multiple Identities and Scholarship in International Studies: 2019 ISA Presidential Address Cameron G Thies Pages 259–265 GLOBAL HEALTH From Threat to Risk? Exceptionalism and Logics of Health Security Jessica Kirk Pages 266–276 Securing Reproductive Health: A Matter of International Peace and Security Sara E Davies, Sophie Harman Pages 277–284 CONFLICT PROCESSES Rebel Group Attrition and Reversion to Violence: Micro-Level Evidence from Syria Vera Mironova, Karam Alhamad, Sam Whitt Pages 285–294 Under the Roof of Rebels: Civilian Targeting After Territorial Takeover in Sierra Leone Christian Oswald, Melanie Sauter, Sigrid Weber, Rob Williams Pages 295–305 Who Wants to Be a Suicide Bomber? Evidence from Islamic State Recruits Andrea Michelle Morris Pages 306–315 Exporting Murder: US Deportations and the Spread of Violence Christian Ambrosius, David A Leblang Pages 316–328 Selling Out or Standing Firm? Explaining the Design of Civil War Peace Agreements Deniz Cil, Alyssa K Prorok Pages 329–342 INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY Thinking outside the Box: Globalization, Labor Rights, and the Making of Preferential Trade Agreements Zhiyuan Wang Pages 343–355, Trust and Support for Comprehensive Trade Agreements in the European Parliament Sara Norrevik Pages 356–368 Debt or Alive: Burundi's Fiscal Response to Economic Sanctions Roel Dom, Lionel Roger Pages 369–379


Why is the Mass Public Not More Supportive of Free Trade? Evidence from the United States David H Bearce, Samantha L Moya Pages 380–391 Bread Before Guns or Butter: Introducing Surplus Domestic Product (SDP) Therese Anders, Christopher J Fariss, Jonathan N Markowitz Pages 392–405 Leaders and Default Patrick Shea, Paul Poast Pages 406–418 NORMS AND GLOBAL GOVERNANCE Civil Conflict and Agenda-Setting Speed in the United Nations Security Council Martin Binder, Jonathan Golub Pages 419–430 Let's Justify! How Regime Complexes Enhance the Normative Legitimacy of Global Governance Benjamin Faude, Felix Groβe-Kreul Pages 431–439 Why Do Only Some Chairs Act as Successful Mediators? Trust in Chairs of Global Climate Negotiations Hayley Walker, Katja Biedenkopf Pages 440–452 Illiberal Norm Diffusion: How Do Governments Learn to Restrict Nongovernmental Organizations? Marlies Glasius, Jelmer Schalk, Meta De Lange Pages 453–468 THE MILITARIZED INTERSTATE DISPUTE DATA PROJECT: AN EXCHANGE Updating the Militarized Interstate Dispute Data: A Response to Gibler, Miller, and Little Glenn Palmer, Vito D'Orazio, Michael R Kenwick, Roseanne W McManus Pages 469–475 The Importance of Correct Measurement: A Response to Palmer, et al Douglas M Gibler, Steven V Miller, Erin K Little Pages 476–479 The Militarized Interstate Dispute Dataset: Putting Things in Perspective Glenn Palmer, Vito D'Orazio, Michael R Kenwick, Roseanne W McManus Pages 480–481


International Studies Review

https://academic.oup.com/isr Volume 22, Issue 2, June 2020 Re-visioning International Studies: Innovation and Progress Nukhet Sandal, Jenifer Whitten-Woodring Pages 187–191 The Visual International Relations Project Michael R Pfonner, Patrick James Pages 192–213 The Great Divides: Incommensurability, the Impossibility of Mixed-Methodology, and What to Do about It Derek Beach, Jonas Gejl Kaas Pages 214–235 Communication Inefficiencies and Research Validity in International Studies Lee Demetrius Walker Pages 236–249 The Politics of Data Access in Studying Violence across Methodological Boundaries: What We Can Learn from Each Other? Noelle K Brigden, Anita R Gohdes Pages 250–267 Embrace IR Anxieties (or, Morgenthau's Approach to Power, and the Challenge of Combining the Three Domains of IR Theorizing) Stefano Guzzini June 2020, Pages 268–288 Beyond Visible Entanglements: Connected Histories of the International Zeynep Gulsah Capan Pages 289–306


Journal of Democracy

http://muse.jhu.edu/journal/98 Volume 31, Number 2, April 2020 Viral Alarm: When Fury Overcomes Fear Xu Zhangrun pp. 5-23 The Pushback Against Populism The Pushback Against Populism: Running on "Radical Love" in Turkey F. Michael Wuthrich, Melvyn Ingleby pp. 24-40 The Pushback Against Populism: Reclaiming the Politics of Emotion Jarosław Kuisz, Karolina Wigura pp. 41-53 The Pushback Against Populism: The Rise and Fall of Greece's New Illiberalism Takis S. Pappas pp. 54-68 The Pushback Against Populism: Why Ecuador's Referendums Backfired Felipe Burbano de Lara, Carlos de la Torre pp. 69-80 The Hard Truths of Brexit Laurence Whitehead pp. 81-95 The Squeeze On African Media Freedom Jeff Conroy-Krutz pp. 96-109 Tunisia's Endless Transition? Daniel Brumberg, Maryam Ben Salem pp. 110-124 Argentina: Peronism Returns María Victoria Murillo, S.J. Rodrigo Zarazaga pp. 125-136 The Freedom House Survey for 2019: The Leaderless Struggle for Democracy Sarah Repucci pp. 137-151 Algeria: When Elections Hurt Democracy Frédéric Volpi pp. 152-165


A Lost Decade for Third-Wave Democracies? Yun-han Chu, Kai-Ping Huang, Marta Lagos, Robert Mattes pp. 166-181


Journal of European Integration

https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/geui20 Volume 42, Issue 4, 2020 In praise of ambivalence- another Brexit story Kalypso Nicolaidis Pages: 465-488 Framing the Eurozone crisis in national parliaments: is the economic cleavage really declining? Achim Hurrelmann , Stephanie Kerr , Anna Gora & Philipp Eibl Pages: 489-507 EU public procurement policy: the economic crisis as trigger for enhanced harmonisation Brigitte Pircher Pages: 509-525 Framing TTIP in the wake of the Greenpeace leaks: agonistic and deliberative perspectives on frame resonance and communicative power Maximilian Conrad & Alvaro Oleart Pages: 527-545 The EU counter-radicalisation strategy as “business as usual”? How European political routine resists radical religion François Foret & Margarita Markoviti Pages: 547-563 A missed opportunity for regionalism: the disparate behaviour of African countries in the EPA-negotiations with the EU Sebastian Krapohl & Sophie Van Huut Pages: 565-582 A more capable EU? Assessing the role of the EU’s institutions in defence capability development Laura Chappell , Theofanis Exadaktylos & Petar Petrov Pages: 583-600 Volume 42, Issue 3, 2020 Economic and Monetary Union at Twenty: A stocktaking of a tumultuous second decade Economic and Monetary Union at twenty: a stocktaking of a tumultuous second decade: introduction David Howarth & Amy Verdun Pages: 287-293 EMU and political union revisited: what we learnt from the euro’s second decade Dermot Hodson Pages: 295-310 Sui generis no more? The ECB’s second decade Michele Chang Pages: 311-325


Economic and fiscal policy coordination after the crisis: is the European Semester promoting more or less state intervention? Jörg S. Haas, Valerie J. D’Erman, Daniel F. Schulz & Amy Verdun Pages: 327-344 EMU and the Italian debt problem: destabilising periphery or destabilising the periphery? Ton Notermans & Simona Piattoni Pages: 345-362 EMU and the Greek crisis: testing the extreme limits of an asymmetric union George Pagoulatos Pages: 363-379 Euro adoption policies in the second decade – the remarkable cases of the Baltic States Assem Dandashly & Amy Verdun Pages: 381-397 Democratic legitimacy in the post-crisis EMU Ben Crum & Stefano Merlo Pages: 399-413 Gender, austerity, and support for EMU across generations Susan Banducci & Peter Loedel Pages: 415-431 One money, two markets? EMU at twenty and European financial market integration David Howarth & Lucia Quaglia Pages: 433-448 EMU’s asymmetries and asymmetries in German and French influence on EMU governance reforms Joachim Schild Pages: 449-464


Journal of European Public Policy

https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rjpp20 Volume 27, Issue 7, 2020 The use of placebo policies to escape from policy traps Allan McConnell Pages: 957-976 Federal dynamics, solidarity, and European Union crisis politics Philipp Trein Pages: 977-994 Parties, governments and the integration of immigrants Lasse Aaskoven Pages: 995-1014 How morality politics determine morality policy output – partisan effects on morality policy change Christian Adam , Christoph Knill & Emma T. Budde Pages: 1015-1033 Contested solidarity in the Euro crisis and Europe’s migration crisis: a discourse network analysis Stefan Wallaschek Pages: 1034-1053 On the enemy’s turf: exploring the link between macro- and micro-framing in interest group communication Carsten Jensen & Henrik Bech Seeberg Pages: 1054-1073 Debate Section: Understanding Contemporary Challenges to the Global Order Introduction to the debate section: understanding contemporary challenges to the global order Thomas B. Pepinsky & Stefanie Walter Pages: 1074-1076 Of the contemporary global order, crisis, and change Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni & Stephanie C. Hofmann Pages: 1077-1089 Decompensating domestically: the political economy of anti-globalism James Bisbee , Layna Mosley , Thomas B. Pepinsky & B. Peter Rosendorff Pages: 1090-1102 Migration: a step too far for the contemporary global order? Sara Wallace Goodman & Frank Schimmelfennig Pages: 1103-1113 Challenges to the contemporary global order. Cause for pessimism or optimism? Mark Copelovitch , Sara B. Hobolt & Stefanie Walter Pages: 1114-1125


Volume 27, Issue 6, 2020 Emotional reactions to immigration and support for EU cooperation on immigration and terrorism Cengiz Erisen, Sofia Vasilopoulou & Cigdem Kentmen-Cin Pages: 795-813 The Europeanization of Eastern Europe: the external incentives model revisited Frank Schimmelfennig & Ulrich Sedelmeier Pages: 814-833 Democratically deficient, yet responsive? How politicization facilitates responsiveness in the European Union Iskander De Bruycker Pages: 834-852 Supranationalism strikes back: a neofunctionalist account of the European Defence Fund Pierre Haroche Pages: 853-872 Co-operation as currency: how active coalitions affect lobbying success Wiebke Marie Junk Pages: 873-892 Late bloomer? Agricultural policy integration and coordination patterns in climate policies Nicole M. Schmidt Pages: 893-911 Who refers most? Institutional incentives and judicial participation in the preliminary ruling system Arthur Dyevre, Monika Glavina & Angelina Atanasova Pages: 912-930 Legitimacy beliefs towards global governance institutions: a research agenda Lisa Dellmuth & Bernd Schlipphak Pages: 931-943 Global value chains, the anti-globalization backlash, and EU trade policy: a research agenda Andreas Dür, Jappe Eckhardt & Arlo Poletti Pages: 944-956 Volume 27, Issue 5, 2020 Special Issue: The Brexit Policy Fiasco. Edited by Jeremy Richardson and Berthold Rittberger Introduction Brexit: simply an omnishambles or a major policy fiasco? Jeremy Richardson & Berthold Rittberger Pages: 649-665 Narrative genres of Brexit: the Leave campaign and the success of romance Alexander Spencer & Kai Oppermann Pages: 666-684 Explanations for the Brexit policy fiasco: near-impossible challenge, leadership failure or Westminster pathology? Allan McConnell & Simon Tormey Pages: 685-702


Can’t get no learning: the Brexit fiasco through the lens of policy learning Claire A. Dunlop, Scott James & Claudio M. Radaelli Pages: 703-722 Divided they fail: the politics of wedge issues and Brexit Tim Heinkelmann-Wild, Lisa Kriegmair, Berthold Rittberger & Bernhard Zangl Pages: 723-741 Political, process and programme failures in the Brexit fiasco: exploring the role of policy deception Darrin Baines, Sharron Brewer & Adrian Kay Pages: 742-760 The Brexit car crash: using E.H. Carr to explain Britain’s choice to leave the European Union in 2016 Justin O. Frosini & Mark F. Gilbert Pages: 761-778 No match made in heaven. Parliamentary sovereignty, EU over-constitutionalization and Brexit Susanne K. Schmidt Pages: 779-794


Journal of Global Security Studies

https://academic.oup.com/jogss Volume 5, Issue 2, April 2020 Narratives and International Reconciliation Jennifer Lind Pages 229–247 Explaining How Human Rights Protections Change After Internal Armed Conflicts Johannes Karreth, Patricia Lynne Sullivan, Ghazal Dezfuli Pages 248–264 Overcoming Opposition at the UNSC: Regional Multilateralism as a Form of Collective Pressure Stefano Recchia Pages 265–281 Supply to Deny: The Benefits of Nuclear Assistance for Nuclear Nonproliferation Rebecca Davis Gibbons Pages 282–298 Patriot Games, War Games, and Political Football: A Constructivist Analysis of Militarization in an American Sport Joseph Paul Vasquez, III Pages 299–318 Bombing and Mining in War: Evidence from Cambodia Shoko Kohama, Kazuto Ohtsuki, Yasutaka Tominaga Pages 319–338 Risky Business: Foreign Direct Investment and the Economic Consequences of Electoral Violence Austin C Doctor, Stephen Bagwell Pages 339–360 The Macrosecuritization of Antimicrobial Resistance in China Nicholas Thomas, Catherine Yuk-ping Lo Pages 361–378 Financing Da'esh with Sexual Slavery: A Case Study in Not Gendering Conflict Analysis and Intervention Susan Hutchinson Pages 379–386


Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding

https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/risb20 Volume 14, Issue 3, 2020 Special section: Resilient Peace Resilient Peace: Exploring the Theory and Practice of Resilience in Peacebuilding Interventions Ana E. Juncos & Jonathan Joseph Pages: 289-302 The Rise of Resilience in Education in Emergencies Ritesh Shah, Julia Paulson & Daniel Couch Pages: 303-326 Prevention From Afar: Gendering Resilience and Sustaining Hope in Post-UNMIL Liberia Pol Bargués-Pedreny & Maria Martin de Almagro Pages: 327-348 Local Resilience and the Reconstruction of Social Institutions: Recovery, Maintenance and Transformation of Buddhist Sangha in Post-Khmer Rouge Cambodia SungYong Lee Pages: 349-367 A Resilience Approach to Transitional Justice? Philipp Kastner Pages: 368-388 Combating Domestic Abuse in Jordan from the Top-Down: Liberal and/or Democratic Statebuilding? Jessica Watkins Pages: 389-409 The Jenin Initiative: Counterinsurgency by Capacity Building Jeannette Greven Pages: 410-430 Adding to the Controversy? Civil Society’s Evaluation of the National Conference Dialogue in Yemen Moosa Elayah, Luuk van Kempen & Lau Schulpen Pages: 431-458 Volume 14, Issue 2, 2020 Security Governance/IOs in Africa Hybridity and Friction in Organizational Politics: New Perspectives on the African Security Regime Complex Louise Wiuff Moe & Anna Geis Pages: 148-170 Whither a Theory of Inter-organisational Relations: A Burgeon Field of Research Between Conceptual Innovation and Fragmentation Malte Brosig


Pages: 171-186 UNAMID and the Legitimation of Global-Regional Peacekeeping Cooperation: Partnership and Friction in UN-AU Relations Kilian Spandler Pages: 187-203 National Interests as Friction: Peacekeeping in Somalia and Mali Peter Albrecht & Signe Cold-Ravnkilde Pages: 204-220 Peace-building Through Space-making: The Spatializing Effects of the African Union’s Peace and Security Policies Ulf Engel Pages: 221-236 From Peacekeeping to Stabilisation: Interorganisational Co-operation, Challenges and the Law Michelle Nel Pages: 237-252 Deradicalization as Soft Counter-insurgency: Distorted Interactions Between Somali Traditional Authorities and Intervening Organizations Linnéa Gelot Pages: 253-270 Taking Intervention Politics Seriously: Media Debates and the Contestation of African Regional Interventions ‘from Below’ Antonia Witt & Simone Schnabel Pages: 271-288


Journal of Peace Research

http://journals.sagepub.com/loi/jpra Volume 57, Issue 3, March 2020 Rainfall shocks and intimate partner violence in sub-Saharan Africa Sara Cools, Martin Flatø, Andreas Kotsadam pp. 377–390 Mobilizing civilians into high-risk forms of violent collective action Vera Mironova, Sam Whitt pp. 391–405 Territorial disputes and individual willingness to fight Nam Kyu Kim pp. 406–421 The conditional effect of audiences on credibility Matthew Hauenstein pp. 422–436 The logic of transnational outbidding: Pledging allegiance and the escalation of violence Megan Farrell pp. 437–451 To condone, condemn, or ‘no comment’? Explaining a patron’s reaction to a client’s unilateral provocations Jeehye Kim, Jiyoung Ko pp. 452–465 Negotiating justice: Ceasefires, peace agreements, and post-conflict justice Joseph M Cox pp. 466–481 Introducing the Strategies of Resistance Data Project Kathleen Gallagher Cunningham, Marianne Dahl, Anne Frugé pp. 482–491 Tracking organizations in the world: The Correlates of War IGO Version 3.0 datasets Jon CW Pevehouse, Timothy Nordstrom, Roseanne W McManus, Anne Spencer Jamison pp. 492–503



https://mobilizationjournal.org/loi/maiq Volume 25, Issue 1, March 2020 Valuing The Cause: A Theory Of Authenticity In Social Movements Edward T. Walker; Lina Stepick “One Size Doesn't Fit All”: Connecting Views Of Activism With Youth Activist Identification Thomas V. Maher; Morgan Johnstonbaugh; Jennifer Earl A Multimethod Approach To Framing Disputes: Same-Sex Marriage On Trial In Obergefell V. Hodges Alex Espinoza-Kulick Crisis And Policy Change: Hiv/Aids And Syringe Services In California David Showalter Claim Specialization, Tactical Diversity And The Protest Environment In The Success Of U.S. Antinuclear Activism Alessandro Piazza; Dan J. Wang Broker And Buffer: Why Environmental Organizations Participate In Popular Protests In China Yang Zhang Prefigurative Politics In Practice: Concrete Utopias In Italy's Food Sovereignty Activism Alexander Koensler


Perspectives on Politics

https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/perspectives-on-politics/latest-issue Volume 18, Issue 2, June 2020 Special Section: Whither America The Adaptability Paradox: Constitutional Resilience and Principles of Good Government in Twenty-First-Century America Stephen Skowronek, Karen Orren p. 354-369 Populism and the American Party System: Opportunities and Constraints Frances E. Lee pp. 370-388 Populism’s Threat to Democracy: Comparative Lessons for the United States Kurt Weyland pp. 389-406 Populism and Backlashes against International Courts Erik Voeten pp. 407-422 Institutions, Ideologies, and Comparative Political Theory Joshua Simon pp. 423-438 Expressive Voting in Autocracies: A Theory of Non-Economic Participation with Evidence from Cameroon Natalie Wenzell Letsa pp. 439-453 The Political-Economic Foundations of Representative Government Kevin Narizny pp. 454-469 Partisan Polarization on Black Suffrage, 1785–1868 David A. Bateman pp. 470-491 Informal Institutions and the Regulation of Smuggling in North Africa Max Gallien pp. 492-508 Hard-to-Survey Populations and Respondent-Driven Sampling: Expanding the Political Science Toolbox Rana B. Khoury pp. 509-526 The Dynamics of Racial Resentment across the 50 US States Candis Watts Smith, Rebecca J. Kreitzer, Feiya Suo pp. 527-538


Volume 18, Issue 1, March 2020 What Good Can Political Science Do? From Pluralism to Partnerships Rogers M. Smith pp. 10-26 Special Section: Celebrities and Politics Celebrity, Democracy, and Epistemic Power Alfred Archer, Amanda Cawston, Benjamin Matheson, Machteld Geuskens pp. 27-42 Celebrity Humanitarianism: Using Tropes of Engagement to Understand North/South Relations Lisa Ann Richey, Dan Brockington pp. 43-59 Caffeinated Solutions as Neoliberal Politics: How Celebrities Create and Promote Partnerships for Peace and Development Alexandra Cosima Budabin pp. 60-75 Do-it-Yourself Activism in Pakistan: The Fatal Celebrity of Qandeel Baloch Zainab B. Alam pp. 76-90 Messi, Ronaldo, and the Politics of Celebrity Elections: Voting for the Best Soccer Player in the World Christopher J. Anderson, Luc Arrondel, André Blais, Jean-François Daoust, Jean-François Laslier, Karine Van der Straeten pp. 91-110 Shut Up and Play: Black Athletes, Protest Politics, and Black Political Action Christopher C. Towler, Nyron N. Crawford, Robert A. Bennett pp. 111-127 When Celebrity and Political Journalism Collide: Reporting Standards, Entertainment, and the Conundrum of Covering Donald Trump’s 2016 Campaign Amber E. Boydstun, Regina G. Lawrence pp. 128-143 Don’t Republicans Tweet Too? Using Twitter to Assess the Consequences of Political Endorsements by Celebrities Jan Zilinsky, Cristian Vaccari, Jonathan Nagler, Joshua A. Tucker pp. 144-160 Accountability by Numbers: A New Global Transitional Justice Dataset (1946–2016) Genevieve Bates, Ipek Cinar, Monika Nalepa pp. 161-184 The Electoral Politics of Growth Regimes Peter A. Hall pp. 185-19


Political Psychology

https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/14679221/current Volume 41, Issue 3, June 2020 The Moral Foundations of Human Rights Attitudes Dominic Stolerman, David Lagnado Pages: 439-459 Talking Politics? Educational Category Salience Reinforces Differences in People’s Willingness to Participate in Deliberative Initiatives Bram Spruyt, Toon Kuppens, Russell Spears, Jochem van Noord Pages: 461-478 Justice for the People? How Justice Sensitivity Can Foster and Impair Support for Populist Radical‐Right Parties and Politicians in the United States and in Germany Tobias Rothmund, Laurits Bromme, Flávio Azevedo Pages: 479-497 Switching Sides: Exploring Violent Extremist Intergroup Migration Across Hostile Ideologies Daniel Koehler Pages: 499-515 Antiabortion Rhetoric and the Undermining of Choice: Women's Agency as Causing “Psychological Trauma” Following the Termination of a Pregnancy Evangelos Ntontis Pages: 517-532 Between Recognition and Mis/Nonrecognition: Strategies of Negotiating and Performing Identities Among White Muslims in the United Kingdom Amena Amer Pages: 533-548 How Political Scandals Affect the Electorate. Tracing the Eroding and Spillover Effects of Scandals with a Panel Study Christian von Sikorski, Raffael Heiss, Jörg Matthes Pages: 549-568 System Justification and Affective Responses to Terrorism: Evidence from the November 2015 Paris Attacks Pavlos Vasilopoulos, Sylvain Brouard Pages: 569-586 The Paradox Between Integration and Perceived Discrimination Among American Muslims Nazita Lajevardi, Kassra A. R. Oskooii, Hannah L. Walker, Aubrey L. Westfall Pages: 587-606 More Royalist Than the King? Immigration Policy Attitudes Among Naturalized Citizens Emanuele Politi, Marion Chipeaux, Fabio Lorenzi‐Cioldi, Christian Staerklé Pages: 607-625


Political Science Quarterly

http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1538-165X Volume 135, Issue 2, Summer 2020 Intelligence in the Cyber Era: Evolution or Revolution? David V. Gioe, Michael S. Goodman, Tim Stevens Pages: 191-224 Political Science and Big Data: Structured Data, Unstructured Data, and How to Use Them Jonathan Grossman, Ami Pedahzur Pages: 225-257 Foreign Policy Dilemmas and Opportunities for a New Administration: An Opinion Piece Robert Jervis Pages: 313-325 Do Campaign Events Matter? New Evidence from Voting Advice Applications Anja Kilibarda, Clifton van der Linden, Yannick Dufresne Pages: 259-280


Politische Vierteljahresschrift

https://link.springer.com/journal/11615/volumes-and-issues Volume 61, Issue 2, June 2020 Introduction: Perspectives on Democracy Ferdinand Müller-Rommel, Brigitte Geißel Pages 225-235 Is There a Crisis of Democracy in Europe? Hanspeter Kriesi Pages 237-260 Fighting Fire with Fire? Inequality, Populism and Voter Turnout Hanna Schwander, Dominic Gohla, Armin Schäfer Pages 261-283 E-democracy and the Matter of Scale. Revisiting the Democratic Promises of the Internet in Terms of the Spatial Dimension Marianne Kneuer, Mario Datts Pages 285-308 The Existence of Courts and Parliaments in Regional Organizations: A Case of Democratic Control? Anja Jetschke, Sören Münch Pages 309-333 Taking Stock of Democratic Innovations and Their Emergence in (unlikely) Authoritarian Contexts Su Yun Woo, Daniel Kübler Pages 335-355 The Democratic Case for Immigration Rainer Bauböck Pages 357-375


Review of International Studies

https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/review-of-international-studies Volume 46, Issue 3, July 2020 Thinking With Gender: Feminist Methodologies Of International Relations The ‘brutal fecundity of violence’: Feminist methodologies of International Relations Helen M. Kinsella, Laura J. Shepherd pp. 299-303 Feminist methodology between theory and praxis Elisabeth Prügl pp. 304-314 Rethinking silence, gender, and power in insecure sites: Implications for feminist security studies in a postcolonial world Jane Parpart pp. 315-324 Conceptus interruptus: Forestalling sureties about violence and feminism Anne Sisson Runyan pp. 325-336 Redressing international problems: North Korean nuclear politics Shine Choi pp. 337-349 Reflections on the forum in the Review of International Studies: A conversation between Cristina Masters and Marysia Zalewski Cristina Masters, Marysia Zalewski pp. 350-356 Returning to the root: Radical feminist thought and feminist theories of International Relations David Duriesmith, Sara Meger pp. 357-375 The task of critique in times of post-truth politics Sebastian Schindler pp. 376-394 Power in relations of international organisations: The productive effects of ‘good’ governance norms in global health Laura Pantzerhielm, Anna Holzscheiter, Thurid Bahr pp. 395-414


Security Dialogue

http://journals.sagepub.com/loi/sdib Volume 51, Issue 2-3, April-June 2020 Becoming war: Towards a martial empiricism Antoine Bousquet, Jairus Grove, Nisha Shah pp. 99–118 Sleeping soldiers: On sleep and war Helen M Kinsella pp. 119–136 Exercising war: How tactical and operational modelling shape and reify military practice Dan Öberg pp. 137–154 Sensate regimes of war: Smell, tracing and violence Kevin McSorley pp. 155–173 Making safe: The dirty history of a bomb disposal robot Debbie Lisle pp. 174–193 Churn: Mobilization–demobilization and the fungibility of American military life Ken MacLeish pp. 194–210 The body weaponized: War, sexual violence and the uncanny Paul Kirby pp. 211–230 On fortification: Military architecture, geometric power, and defensive design Derek S Denman pp. 231–247 The Jew and the tank: Habit and habitus towards a theodicy of war Daniel Bertrand Monk pp. 248–267 Wars of excess: Georges Bataille, solar economy, and the accident in the age of precision war Benjamin Meiches pp.. 268–284


Security Studies

http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fsst20/current Volume 29, Issue 3, 2020 The Blind Men and the Elephant: Comparing the Study of International Security Across Journals Jack Hoagland, Amy Oakes, Eric Parajon & Susan Peterson Pages: 393-433 Liberalism, the Blob, and American Foreign Policy: Evidence and Methodology Robert Jervis Pages: 434-456 The Cost of Torture: Evidence from the Spanish Inquisition Ron E. Hassner Pages: 457-492 Realist Foreign Policy and Transatlantic Security Institutions Sean I. Kay Pages: 493-514 Peacemakers or Iron Ladies? A Cross-National Study of Gender and International Conflict Madison Schramm & Alexandra Stark Pages: 515-548 Nationalism, Threat, and Support for External Intervention: Evidence from Iraq Karl C. Kaltenthaler, Daniel M. Silverman & Munqith M. Dagher Pages: 549-573 Volume 29, Issue 2, 2020 Threat Perceptions and Hidden Profiles in Alliances: Revisiting Suez Aaron Rapport Pages: 199-230 Going Fishing versus Hunting Whales: Explaining Changes in How the US Enforces Economic Sanctions Bryan R. Early & Keith A. Preble Pages: 231-267 Building a Safety Net: Explaining the Strength of Ex-Military Networks Anders Themnér & Niklas Karlén Pages: 268-300 Bucking the Trend: The UAE and the Development of Military Capabilities in the Arab World David B. Roberts Pages: 301-334 Demystifying the Quantum Threat: Infrastructure, Institutions, and Intelligence Advantage Jon R. Lindsay Pages: 335-361


Ethnic Conflict and the Limits of Nonviolent Resistance Costantino Pischedda Pages: 362-391


Third World Quarterly

https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ctwq20 Volume 41, Issue 6, 2020 Transnational governance of cybersecurity: policy challenges and global inequalities in cyber capacity building Andrea Calderaro & Anthony J. S. Craig Pages: 917-938 ‘Sometimes fear gets in all your bones’: towards understanding the complexities of risk in development work Holly Thorpe Pages: 939-957 When ‘brothers and sisters’ become ‘foreigners’: Syrian refugees and the politics of healthcare in Jordan Sigrid Lupieri Pages: 958-975 The politics of ownership in policymaking: lessons from healthcare delivery in post-conflict Timor-Leste Arie Kusuma Paksi Pages: 976-993 Post-conflict justice in divided democracies: the 1984 anti-Sikh riots in India Renée Jeffery & Ian Hall Pages: 994-1011 Elite-led development and Mexico’s independent coffee organisations in the wake of the rust epidemic Thomas Paul Henderson Pages: 1012-1029 Crises and critical junctures in authoritarian regimes: addressing uprisings’ temporalities and discontinuities Frédéric Volpi & Johannes Gerschewski Pages: 1030-1045 The paradox of Turkish–Iranian relations in the Syrian Crisis Iain William MacGillivray Pages: 1046-1066 Fragility within stability: the state, the clan and political resilience in Somaliland Rebecca Richards Pages: 1067-1083 Volume 41, Issue 5, 2020 ‘Nomad savage’ and herder–farmer conflicts in Nigeria: the (un)making of an ancient myth Surulola Eke Pages: 745-763 The Taliban: a new proxy for Iran in Afghanistan? Shahram Akbarzadeh & Niamatullah Ibrahimi Pages: 764-782


Power, REDD+ and reforming forest governance in Indonesia Henry J. Boer Pages: 783-800 Nicaraguan peasant cooperativism in tension: adaptive strategy or counter-movement Renaud Metereau Pages: 801-821 Subaltern connections: Brazilian critical geographers, development and African decolonisation Federico Ferretti Pages: 822-841 Fighting for the right to play: women’s football and regime-loyal resistance in Saudi Arabia Charlotte Lysa Pages: 842-859 Towards a conception of the systemic impact of China on late development Dic Lo Pages: 860-880 Critical barriers to joint production: datu politics and insurgent fragmentation in Southern Philippines Cheng Xu Pages: 881-897 African agency and global orders: the demanding case of nuclear arms control Markus Kornprobst Pages: 898-915


Terrorism and Political Violence

http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ftpv20/current Volume 32, Issue 4, 2020 Between the Bombs: Exploring Partial Ceasefires in the Syrian Civil War, 2011–2017 Dogukan Cansin Karakus & Isak Svensson Pages: 681-700 Crime Pays: Terrorist Group Engagement in Crime and Survival James A. Piazza & Scott Piazza Pages: 701-723 The Islamic State Attacks on Shia Holy Sites and the “Shrine Protection Narrative”: Threats to Sacred Space as a Mobilization Frame Benjamin Isakhan Pages: 724-748 Political Elites and the Rise of the Boko Haram Insurgency in Nigeria Wisdom Oghosa Iyekekpolo Pages: 749-767 Radicalization as Martialization: Towards a Better Appreciation for the Progression to Violence Kevin D. Haggerty & Sandra M. Bucerius Pages: 768-788 EU’s Response to Foreign Fighters: New Threat, Old Challenges? Oldrich Bures Pages: 789-806 Mixed Mandates: Issues Concerning Organizational and Statutory Definitions of Terrorism in the United States Wesley S. McCann & Nicholas Pimley Pages: 807-830 Why Radicalization Fails: Barriers to Mass Casualty Terrorism Pete Simi & Steven Windisch Pages: 831-850 ‘Suspect Categories,’ Alienation and Counterterrorism: Critically Assessing PREVENT in the UK Joel David Taylor Pages: 851-873 Volume 32, Issue 3, 2020 Transnational Volunteers: American Foreign Fighters Combating the Islamic State Jason Fritz & Joseph K. Young Pages: 449-468 Deciphering IS’s Narrative and Activities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Abdullah Bin Khaled Al-Saud Pages: 469-488


Voting for Trouble? Partisan Electoral Interventions and Domestic Terrorism Dov H. Levin Pages: 489-505 The Language of Radicalization: Female Internet Recruitment to Participation in ISIS Activities Leah Windsor Pages: 506-538 Using Specialised Prison Units to Manage Violent Extremists: Lessons from Northern Ireland Michelle Butler Pages: 539-557 India’s PSYWAR Against Islamic Terrorism: A Trident Strategy Dheeraj P. C. Pages: 558-581 Hired Guns: Using Pro-Government Militias for Political Competition Clionadh Raleigh & Roudabeh Kishi Pages: 582-603 Fratricidal Rebels: Ideological Extremity and Warring Factionalism in Civil Wars Mohammed M. Hafez Pages: 604-629


The British Journal of Politics and International Relations

http://journals.sagepub.com/loi/bpia Volume 22, Issue 2, May 2020 The emergence of politics as a taught discipline at universities in the United Kingdom John Craig pp. 145–163 The United Kingdom’s special responsibilities at the United Nations: Diplomatic practice in normative context Jason Ralph, Jess Gifkins, Samuel Jarvis pp. 164–181 Parties matter but institutions live on: Labour’s legacy on Conservative immigration policy and the neoliberal consensus Erica Consterdine pp. 182–201 The effect of voters’ economic perception, Brexit and campaigns on the evaluation of party leaders over time Jan Berz pp. 202–219 Objectivity and falsehood: Assessing measures of positional influence with members of David Cameron’s cabinets Nicholas Allen, Nora Siklodi pp. 220–237 The ‘internationalisation agenda’ and the rise of the Chinese university: Towards the inevitable erosion of academic freedom? Catherine Owen pp. 238–255 Profiling foreign policy leaders in their own language: New insights into the stability and formation of leadership traits Christian Rabini, Klaus Brummer, Katharina Dimmroth, Mischa Hansel pp. 256–273 Sport and UK soft power: The case of Mount Everest Richard Woodward pp. 274–292 Narrative, persona and performance: The case of Theresa May 2016–2017 Judi Atkins, John Gaffney pp. 293–308 Localising ‘radicalisation’: Risk assessment practices in Greece and the United Kingdom Dimitris Skleparis, Rita Augestad Knudsen pp. 309–327 Leadership succession in politics: The democracy/autocracy divide revisited


Ludger Helms pp. 328–346 Social protectionist bias: The domestic politics of North–South trade agreements Evgeny Postnikov, Ida Bastiaens pp. 347–366


The Journal of Conflict Resolution

http://journals.sagepub.com/loi/jcrb Volume 64, Issue 6, June 2020 Credible Nuclear Security Commitments Can Backfire: Explaining Domestic Support for Nuclear Weapons Acquisition in South Korea Lauren Sukin pp. 1011–1042 Climate Shocks, Political Institutions, and Nomadic Invasions in Early Modern East Asia Weiwen Yin pp. 1043–1069 Child Discipline in Times of Conflict Michael Malcolm, Vidya Diwakar, George Naufal pp. 1070–1094 The Effect of Civil Society Organizations and Democratization Aid on Civil War Onset Jessica Maves Braithwaite, Amanda Abigail Licht pp. 1095–1120 Hunger to Violence: Explaining the Violent Escalation of Nonviolent Demonstrations Daniel Gustafson pp. 1121–1145 Urban Concentration and Civil War Dani Nedal, Megan Stewart, Michael Weintraub pp. 1146–1171 Military Technology and Human Loss in Intrastate Conflict: The Conditional Impact of Arms Imports Marius Mehrl, Paul W. Thurner pp. 1172–1196 Volume 64, Issue 5, May 2020 Greater Goods: Morality and Attitudes toward the Use of Nuclear Weapons Brian C. Rathbun, Rachel Stein pp. 787–816 Refugees, Mobilization, and Humanitarian Aid: Evidence from the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Lebanon Daniel Masterson, M. Christian Lehmann pp. 817–843 Angry or Weary? How Violence Impacts Attitudes toward Peace among Darfurian Refugees Chad Hazlett pp. 844–870 Battle Diffusion Matters: Examining the Impact of Microdynamics of Fighting on Conflict Termination Gaku Ito, Kaisa Hinkkainen Elliott pp. 871–902


The Ties That Bind: Ethnicity, Pro-government Militia, and the Dynamics of Violence in Civil War Luke Abbs, Govinda Clayton, Andrew Thomson pp. 903–932 The Security Consequences of Bearing Witness James Meernik, Kimi King pp. 933–957 From Rallies to Riots: Why Some Protests Become Violent Brandon Ives, Jacob S. Lewis pp. 958–986 Political Risk Insurance: A New Firm-level Data Set Vincent Arel-Bundock, Clint Peinhardt, Amy Pond pp. 987–1006


The Washington Quarterly

http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rwaq20/current Volume 43, Issue 2, 2020 Rethinking Restraint: Why It Fails in Practice Michael J. Mazarr Pages: 7-32 Asia’s COVID-19 Lessons for the West: Public Goods, Privacy, and Social Tagging Victor Cha Pages: 33-50 Breaking through the Global Politics of Climate Change Policy Ramesh Thakur Pages: 51-71 How Democracies Can Win the Information Contest Laura Rosenberger & Lindsay Gorman Pages: 75-96 China’s Global Influence: Post-COVID Prospects for Soft Power Bates Gill Pages: 97-115 Geoeconomic Competition: Will State Capitalism Win? Geoffrey Gertz & Miles M. Evers Pages: 117-136 Facing Down the Sino-Russian Entente Jacob Stokes & Julianne Smith Pages: 137-156 A Strategic Cyber No-First-Use Policy? Addressing the US Cyber Strategy Problem Jacquelyn Schneider Pages: 159-175 Emerging Technologies and the Future of CBRN Terrorism Gregory D. Koblentz Pages: 177-196 Artificial Intelligence in Nuclear Warfare: A Perfect Storm of Instability? James Johnson Pages: 197-211


World Politics

https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/world-politics Volume 72, Issue 2, April 2020 Decentralization Without Democracy Katrina Kosec, Tewodaj Mogues pp. 165-213 Historical Antecedents and Post-World War II Regionalism in the Americas Tom Long pp. 214-253 The Political Representation of Economic Interests: Subversion of Democracy or Middle-Class Supremacy? Mads Andreas Elkjær, Torben Iversen pp. 254-290 The Psychology of Repression and Polarization Elizabeth R. Nugent pp. 291-334


Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik

http://link.springer.com/journal/12399 Jahrgang 12, Heft 4, Dezember 2019 Die Folgen des Klimawandels als sicherheitspolitische Herausforderung Susanne Dröge Pages 405-416 Plädoyer für einen Paradigmenwandel im Iran-Konflikt Wahid H. Tabatabai Pages 417-427 Lesson learned? Demokratische Resilienz gegenüber digitaler Wahlbeeinflussung in den USA und Deutschland Kerstin Zettl Pages 429-451 Zur Lage des völkerrechtlichen Gewaltverbots Claus Kreß Pages 453-476 Nuclear Comeback Time in Europe? Idea Forum on New Arms Control Initiatives in the Post-INF-Era. Ein Bericht zu einer internationalen Tagung an der Evangelischen Akademie Loccum vom 24. bis 26. Juni 2019 Thomas Müller-Färber Pages 477-482 Referendums on Europe: Motives, Dynamics, Outcomes. Ein Bericht zum internationalen Workshop der Stiftung Universität Hildesheim vom 28. bis 29. März 2019 Leonie Grabe, Wolf J. Schünemann Pages 483-488


Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung

https://link.springer.com/journal/42597 Jahrgang 9, Heft 1, April 2020 Praktischer Sinn für Selbstmordattentate André Armbruster Pages 7-36 Replik: Ein explosiver Habitus? Über Nutzen und Grenzen von Bourdieus Praxistheorie für die Erklärung von Selbstmordattentaten Lotta Mayer Pages 37-45 Rüstungskontrolle ohne Verträge? Jens Heinrich Pages 47-78 Literaturbericht: Decentering Peace and Conflict Studies: Conceptualisations of Peace in India Siddharth Tripathi, Kristina Roepstorff Pages 79-99 Forum: „Evaluation der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung durch den Wissenschaftsrat“ Die Gelegenheit nutzen: Die Evaluation der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung durch den Wissenschaftsrat aus der Perspektive der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (AFK) Bettina Engels, Conrad Schetter Pages 105-115 Die Grenzen des Wettbewerbs. Zur Evaluation der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (nicht nur) aus universitärer Sicht Thorsten Bonacker Pages 117-130 Ein Feld in Bewegung: Friedens- und Konfliktforschung in herausfordernden Zeiten Holger Niemann, Ursula Schröder Pages 131-142 Zur naturwissenschaftlich-technischen Friedens- und Konfliktforschung: Aktuelle Herausforderungen und Bewertung der Empfehlungen des Wissenschaftsrats Christian Reuter, Jürgen Altmann… Pages 143-154 Impulsgeberin und Anstifterin: Die Deutsche Stiftung Friedensforschung im Lichte der Evaluation Ulrich Schneckener, Thomas Held Pages 155-166 Ein wichtiger Kompass in unruhigen Zeiten Kai Gehring, Henrik Rubner


Pages 167-178 Gerechtigkeit für Syrien aus der Distanz? Das Weltrechtsprinzip und die strafrechtliche Aufarbeitung von Völkerrechtsverbrechen in Deutschland Susanne Buckley-Zistel Pages 179-187 Wer sind wir? Eine Analyse der Autor*innen der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung Christina Pesch, Witold Mucha Pages 189-202 Replik: From disaggregated findings to „bigger picture“ and spatial modeling implications in peacekeeping research. Reply to „Violence reduction or relocation“ by Laura Peitz and Gregor Reisch Hannah Smidt Pages 203-209 Replik: What Do We Really Know about Local Peacekeeping Effects?” Lisa Hultman, Kajsa Tidblad-Lundholm Pages 211-217 Replik: Local Gender Norms: Persistence or Change? Reply to “A Gendered Resource Curse? Mineral Ownership, Female Unemployment and Domestic Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa” by Mario Krauser, Tim Wegenast, Gerald Schneider, and Ingeborg Elgersmar Clara Neupert-Wentz Pages 219-225