Zecharia Sitchin v.S. Modern Science Part 1

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Transcript of Zecharia Sitchin v.S. Modern Science Part 1

8/2/2019 Zecharia Sitchin v.S. Modern Science Part 1

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8/2/2019 Zecharia Sitchin v.S. Modern Science Part 1

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Theia collision early in the history of the solar system must have been a spectacular event a

Mars size object came in and hit earth’s side splattering part of the crust and mantel of both

objects into space forming a ring of debris from which the moon then formed”. CharlesBeichman form NASA Exoplanet Science Institute “As waves of densities are form in the

disk the planets are almost surfing on the waves of material in the disk itself your really

shuffling the deck completely were planets are form to where we finally see them”. AlexFilippenko from Univ. California, Berkeley “Early on the outer planets tended to move

around quite a bit they migrated now Saturn Uranus and Neptune sent planetesimals in

toward the sun. That means that they had to generally move outwards. Whereas Jupiter flung planetesimals out to very great distances even ejected them from the solar system and

that means Jupiter had to move in. When a planet ejects a planetesimals the planet itself has

to move in a little bit. And that’s simple conservation of energy it’s giving a lot of energy

to the planetesimals dumping it way out there that mean it the planet has to move in it losesenergy. If an orbiting object loses energy it’s not moving a quickly that means it drops to a

lower orbit”.

Okay there you have it on a larger scale a planet could have been flung out of a

solar system just like a planetesimal. However planetesimals are flung out early in a solar systems life. Are there other forces that can move planets around in their orbits? THE

UNIVERSE How the Solar System was Made – YouTube at time index 35:11 andending 36:37 Mike Brown from Caltech “As soon as Jupiter and Saturn hit the resonance it

was catastrophic. The entire solar system flew apart in just a million years which is a tiny

amount of time compared to the age of the solar system”. Charles Beichman form NASAExoplanet Science Institute “It’s like pumping a kid on a swing if you hit the kid on the

swing at just the right time you can get the motion to go higher and higher and higher.

Michael Mischan NASA/JPL “As all of the planets were orbiting around the solar system

having gravitational interactions with each other. One of the most amazing things thathappened is what Uranus and Neptune actually switched places so now Neptune is farther 

away the Uranus”. Alex Filippenko from Univ. California, Berkeley “Jupiter alone is quite

a gravitational bully and gradually depleted the asteroid belt. But the Jupiter and Saturnresonance caused a catastrophic depletion of both the asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt”.

If a planet resonance could move massive planets like Uranus and Neptune then it

could be responsible for ejecting planet x/ Nibiru out of its solar system.What about the Anunnaki? Well the planetary resonance would have had to happen

late the solar systems life. It would have to be late enough for the Anunnaki to develop

technology to see the planetary resonance coming and be able to do something about it.

So that could the Anunnaki do? The only thing to do would be to turn their planetinto a generational spaceship of some kind. It could be possible to build domes over their 

cities or dig out large caverns under the planets surface or do both.

What would happen to the atmosphere of planet x/ Nibiru? As the planet moves outinto space the coldness of space would freeze the atmosphere and it would fall to the

surface. The Outer Planets S01E11 - The Universe - History Channel – YouTube The

narrator Erik Thomson explains at time index 11:08 and ending 11:33 “Pluto’s pock marked surface under goes a transformation as it orbits near the sun. Under the additional

heat some of the frozen gasses evaporate to form a temporary atmosphere. As Pluto recedes

from the sun the gasses frieze again and falls back down to the surface”. Unlike Pluto,

 planet x/ Nibiru’s atmosphere will stay frozen.

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 Now the long journey to our solar system begins, but how long would it take? Lets

 pretend the planet x/ Nibiru came from the closest star to us. The closest star is Alpha

Centauri at 4.5 light years away. A light year is 6 trillion miles so multiplied by 4.5 we get27 trillion miles! Nemesis The Sun's Evil Twin S06E02 - The Universe - History

Channel – YouTube time index 2:40 and ending 2:56 Richard Muller  explains that our 

solar system might be a binary star system, “The Nemesis theory postulates that there is astar orbiting the sun at a 26 million year period that’s about it almost no other assumption

need to be made”. This is why he believes earth experiences mass extinctions every 26

million years. I’m going to use some numbers from Nemesis The Sun's Evil Twin

S06E02 - The Universe - History Channel – YouTube to try and get an idea of how long

the trip from Alpha Centauri would take. At time index 18:19 and ending 18:30 Richard

Muller gives us some usable numbers. “We know it’s a 26 million year period that tells us

how far out it is it has a radius of about a little over a light year so we know the orbit size”.Let say an average of 1 light year every 26 million years, so 26 million times 4.5

light years = 117 million years travel time from Alpha Centauri! That puts them at the edge

of our solar system ready to be captured by our sun. If planet x/ Nibiru came from any

other star which is more likely the travel time would be much longer. Before you jump for  joy, the Anunnaki have a lot more problems to solve before arriving here alive.

Whisky, Tango, Foxtrot now what?Lets stay with the unlike theory that planet x/ Nibiru came from Alpha Centauri.

The Anunnaki still need the big three of survival air, water and food in that order to stay

alive. Huge underground caverns turned into hydroponics gardens for fresh eatables wouldwork. The plant life would turn carbon dioxide to air animal life turns air into carbon

dioxide. These huge caverns would naturally create a sustainable biosphere. With stringent

water recycling and with frozen water from the surface lakes and streams life would carry

on.The Anunnaki now need power to run the lights for hydroponics gardens, water 

 pumps, heating and cooling, air circulation and everything else a civilization would need to

survive. As an advanced race they would have fossil fuels and even if they were lesswasteful then us it would run out. They may have even used hydro power, atomic power,

geothermal power, wind and solar power. But, as a rouge planet in deep space hydro

 power, wind and solar power would be useless. That would leave only geothermal power asa renewable power source how much they could harness is anyone’s guess. The only other 

sources of renewable power would be hydrogen gas, antimatter and dark energy and they

all exist in space. Space Travel S02E08 - The Universe - History Channel – YouTube

time index 28:06 and ending 28:54 Michio Kaku from City University of New York “Myfavourite design to take us to the stars is the ram jet fusion engine the ram jet engine has a

gigantic scoop in the forward direction that gobbles up hydrogen gas as it moved in deep

space. It collects the hydrogen gas and then fuses it just like the sun and shoots out a hugestream of ions out the other end, and on paper it looks fantastic on paper it looks as if a jam

 jet fusion engine could go on for ever simple using up the hydrogen that’s found naturally

in outer space”. Yes, I know that he’s talking about a spaceship. However, the principalwould be the same you create a small sun and use it to run the power generators on the

 planet. Even if they can’t create a fusion engine they could still burn the hydrogen to run

the power generators. Antimatter and dark energy would be a lot harder to use as a fuel

source but may be possible as both are found in deep space but it’s highly unlikely.

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If you string all the, ifs and ands together it’s possible for a rouge planet to make it

to our solar system but if ifs and ands were pots and pans beggars would ride horses!

I have two questions first why would an advanced race make a water landing onearth that’s so 1960’s right? Second why didn’t the Anunnaki bring all their technology to

earth and leave their frozen world behind? I know I would!

All you have to do is Google the BOLD text in the doc and see the vids! All the research

was done by internet Google and compiled by jim100ab