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Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

Joanna Urban

Poznań 2010


TEXT 1.1

Created in 1991, the non-profit-making association EPAG, European Property Agents Group,

is the main professional association of real estate agents in Europe. It brings together 29

national associations from 23 EU and EFTA countries. Its main goals are:

- to defend the real estate transaction market within the European Union framework

- to represent the interests of the real estate agent profession

- to participate in educating and informing its member associations

Acting for a rapidly developing profession and within the context of the growing

increase in cross-border transactions, EPAG wishes to lay the groundwork for the European

future of the profession by enhancing the role of the professionals.

One of its main assignments is to keep an eye on legislation and regulations so that the

real estate professional will continue to have easy access to the markets and a fair competitive


As client relationships are becoming increasingly influenced and determined by the

requirements and regulations relating to service quality, transparency and consumer

protection, EPAG emphasises the need to provide young people attracted to this profession

with a high, ambitious, harmonised level of professional qualifications which are recognised

in all EU Member States.

Quality Care means:

- understanding the client's needs

- acting in a professional manner

- providing an efficient service

To achieve these goals the Property Agent commits to abide by the following

obligations, in conformity with the national legislation in force in his/her country of domicile

and also the regulations of the agent's own National organisation. The said obligations should

be considered as minimum rules.


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

A. Standard obligations

1. To provide a written agreement to the client, setting out the relevant terms of the

contract entered into as agent, subject to the law concerned.

2. To work in accordance with the relevant legal regulations and the written contract

giving the agent's assignments and the rights and obligations of the parties.

3. In cases of conflicts between the parties, to act ethically, reflecting the duty of case to

the client(s).

4. Not to take any profit nor personal advantage from a transaction, other than what is

agreed on by the contract.

5. Not to take any hidden profit from a transaction.

6. Not to act for both parties without the consent of the client accepting the fact.

7. To hold professional liability insurance and an adequate financial guarantee for funds

deposited on behalf of third parties in correspondence and not in conflict with national


8. To abide by EPAG Code of Conduct and by the national professional Association

Code of Conduct.

9. To abide the decisions of the professional association's Ethics/Disciplinary/Practice

Standards Committee (national and/or European).

B. Agent's obligations to the client

1. To efficiently and professionally undertake and complete the client assignment to the

best of his/her ability.

2. To handle the files of clients diligently and confidentially.

3. To propose rigorously the most appropriate solutions to the client.

4. To protect the client against practices that are contrary to European or national

legislation to the best of his/her ability.

5. As a property agent, not take a transferable or not transferable option on any property

being sold through his/her agency.

Furthermore, the agent is expected:

1. To abide by the provisions of the European Directive on Money Laundering.

2. To abide by the Code of Conduct on the European Directive on e-commerce.

3. To implement, as far as possible, and to abide by the national legislation and the

Commission's Decisions, Directives, Recommendations and Opinions related to the

real estate sector.


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

4. To diligently and effectively control and manage the work of individuals and legal

entities forming part of the Estate Agency practice.

5. To refuse any assignment, the content and/or the execution of which would infringe

upon the standing and the interests or the real estate profession.

6. To strive to eliminate all practises that are detrimental to the consumer or to the good

reputation of the profession.

C. Means of achieving quality care

1. To use appropriate communication and technical means for business administration in

order to keep the client permanently informed of the situation.

2. To maintain a professional updated data Base of Property Legislation and best


3. To employ appropriate, competent and suitably qualified staff.

4. To ensure that all personnel within his/her practice have secured EPAG approved

education at third level in property studies and that they partake in appropriate

continuing professional education to the degree designated by their national

professional body.

TEXT 1.2

With the development of private property ownership, real estate has become a major area of

business, commonly referred to as commercial real estate. Purchasing real estate requires a

significant investment, and each parcel of land has unique characteristics, so the real estate

industry has evolved into several distinct fields. Specialists are often called on to valuate real

estate and facilitate transactions. Some kinds of real estate businesses include:

– Appraisal: Professional valuation services

– Development: Improving land for use by adding or replacing buildings

– Investment: Managing investing in real estate

– Management: Managing a property for its owner(s) or managing the real estate held

by a corporation to support its core business (not only generate income)

– Marketing: Managing the sales side of the property business

– Mediation: Facilitating a real estate transaction between the two parties

– Relocation services: Relocating people or business to a different country


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

Within each field, a business may specialize in a particular type of real estate, such as

residential, commercial, or industrial property. In addition, almost all construction business

effectively have a connection with real estate.

TEXT 1.3

The size of an apartment or house can be described in square feet or meters. In the United

States, this includes the area of "living space", excluding the garage and other non-living

spaces. The "square meters" figure of a house in Europe may report the total area of the walls

enclosing the home, thus including any attached garage and non-living spaces, which makes it

important to inquire what kind of surface definition has been used.

A dwelling can be described more roughly by the number of rooms. A studio

apartment has a single bedroom with no living room (possibly a separate kitchen). A one-

bedroom apartment has a living or dining room separate from the bedroom. A bedroom is

defined as a room with a closet for clothes storage.

Some more complicated types of dwellings include:

– an apartment building or a block of flats: a multi-unit dwelling made up of several

(generally four or more) apartments

– a basement apartment

– a bedsit: a UK expression (short for bed-sitting room) for a single-roomed dwelling which

usually contains very sparse furniture and is very compact in design

– a condo (condominium): a form of ownership of an individual apartment and a percentage

of common areas

– a cooperative (co-op) – a type of multiple ownership in which the residents of a multiunit

housing complex own shares in the cooperative corporation that owns the property, giving

each resident the right to occupy a specific apartment or unit

– a farmhouse: the main residence on a farm

– a maisonette: an apartment on two levels with internal stairs, or which has its own entrance

at street level

– a manor house: a country house, which historically formed the administrative centre of a

manor, the lowest unit of territorial organization in the feudal system

– a mansion: a very large detached house


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

– a mother-in-law apartment, a granny flat: small apartment either at the back, in the

basement, or on an upper level subdivision of the main house, usually with a separate

entrance. If it is a separate structure from the main house, it is called a 'granny cottage' or a

'doddy house'

– a penthouse: the top floor of multi-story building

– a studio apartment, a studio flat, a bachelor apartment, an efficiency apartment, a

bachelorette: a suite with a single room that doubles as living/sitting room and bedroom, with

a kitchenette and bath squeezed in off to one side. The unit is designed for a single occupant

or possibly a couple

– terraced houses, townhouses, rowhouses: a number of single or multi-unit buildings in a

continuous row with shared walls and no intervening space [in the UK, a townhouse is a

traditional term for an upper class house in London (in contrast with country house), and is

now coming into use as a term for new terraced houses, which are often three stories tall with

a garage on the ground floor]

– a two family home, a two family house: a generic U.S. real estate term for a small

apartment house or duplex house containing two dwelling units


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010



Ad. Text 1.1

1. Translate:

organizacja zawodowa łatwy dostęp

jakość usług kwalifikacje zawodowe

uznawany państwa członkowskie UE

warunki umowy zgodnie z

prawa i obowiązki strony umowy

osobista korzyść ukryty dochód

działać na rzecz obu stron bez zgody

ubezpieczenie od odpowiedzialności zawodowej

standardy zawodowe poufnie

odpowiednio personel

2. Match

states, qualified, profit, advantage, quality, association, insurance, access

professional easy

service member

personal hidden

liability suitably

3. Fill in

a) professional qualifications which are ..................................... in all EU Member States.

b) a written agreement setting out the relevant ........................... of the contract


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

c) to work in ...................................... with the relevant legal regulations

d) the .............................. and ................................... of the parties

e) to ................................... for both parties without the .......................... of both of them

f) to abide by the national professional association code of ......................................

g) to handle the files of clients diligently and .............................. .

h) to employ competent, well-qualified ...........................

Ad. Listening

What, step by step, do you need to say in a phone conversation, according to Brian Tracy?


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010



1. Słownictwo komputerowe

@ załącznik -

/ _ kropka

2. Słownictwo telefoniczne

a) przetłumacz

Obawiam się, że to pomyłka .

Przy telefonie.

Ma zajęte.

Włączyła mi się poczta głosowa.

Ma wyłączony telefon.

Proszę się nie rozłączać, już łączę.

Wyślę od niej SMS-a.

Obawiam się, że poza biurem.

Obawiam się, że poza Poznaniem.

b) popraw błędy

A: Good morning, can I talk with Ms Brown?

B: It’s me.

A: Hello, I’m Jane Meyer. I’m interesting your flat in ulica Keplera. Can we watch it together?

B: What is your convenient time?

A: Tomorrow at 16? How can I get there from ulica Głogowska?


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

B: Get into tram 6 and go 4 stops. Get out at ulica Grunwaldzka. It’ll be a very large modern

building on your right. Go past it along Keplera and take the first turning left. It’ll be a red-

brick school. I wait for you there.

A: How do you look?

B: I’m a very high woman.

A: And I have a yellow jacket.

3. Wstępna rozmowa ze sprzedającym

– Czy ma pan z żoną rozdzielność majątkową?

– Czy ma pan jej pełnomocnictwo do podpisania tej umowy?

– Czy wie pan, na czym polega wyłączność?

– Oto cennik naszych usług.

– Pomagamy w regulacji stanu prawnego za dodatkową opłatą.

– Zrobię zdjęcia i umieszczę je na naszej stronie.

– Będę zamieszczać ogłoszenia w dodatkach o nieruchomościach w miejscowych dziennikach.

– Bardzo proszę o doniesienie mi świeżego odpisu księgi wieczystej.

– Mogę to załatwić za pana.

– Czy ma pan wypis z rejestru gruntów?

– Czy działka jest pana własnością czy jest w użytkowaniu wieczystym?

– Od kogo kupił pan to mieszkanie?

– Czy kiedykolwiek przeprowadzano tu gruntowny remont?

– Ile wynoszą opłaty?

– Czy blok był docieplony?

– Kto zarządza tym budynkiem?

– Czy spółdzielnia jest zadłużona?

– Jak dużo czasu potrzebują państwo na wyprowadzkę?

– Jakie media są podciągnięte do działki?

– Czy droga dojazdowa jest utwardzona?

– Jak jest ogrzewany ten budynek?

– Proszę pokwitować wydanie mi klucza.

– Będziemy w kontakcie.

4. Wstępna rozmowa z kupującym

– Czy korzysta pan z komunikacji miejskiej?


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

– Czy wolałby pan osobny garaż czy starczy miejsce w hali garażowej?

– Czy media mogą być w ulicy?

– Czy może to być działka z szambem?

– Przy podpisaniu umowy przedwstępnej wystawię panu fakturę na połowę mojego wynagrodzenia.

5. Wstępna rozmowa z wynajmującym

– Ile ma wynosić kaucja?

– Czy płaci pan podatek od nieruchomości jak za lokal użytkowy?

– Czy jest pan VAT-owcem?


TEXT 2.1

Legal systems

As far legal systems are concerned, Europe can be divided into five areas:

– the Code Napoleon area (France, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain),

– the common law area (England and Wales, Ireland, in many respects also Scotland),

– the Nordic countries,

– the Eastern European transformation states,

– the German-speaking countries (Austria, Germany and Switzerland).

However, for land law, there are some important differences to this commonly used


– The Portuguese and Spanish land registration system differs from the French system of

mortgage register.

– The Netherlands are somewhere in between the various systems, as happens often in

comparative law.

– The Eastern European countries have more or less returned to their pre-war traditions, so

that we should rather lump Slovenia in one family together with Austria, Poland together with

France etc.


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

TEXT 2.2

Apartment Ownership (Condominiums)

Whereas apartment ownership is recognised as a separate and mostly real right in all

European states, there are wide differences about its legal construction. Four main types may

be distinguished:

– The land and the whole building are jointly owned, with each co-owner being granted an

exclusive right to use a specific apartment (Netherlands).

– Apartment ownership is completely separated from land ownership, i.e. an owner of an

apartment need not be joint owner of the land (Scotland).

– Apartment ownership is construed as a matter of corporate law: a corporation owns the land

and the building, and the apartment owners are shareholders, each share granting the right

to the exclusive use of a specific apartment (Finland and Sweden).

– Apartment ownership is a combination of separate ownership of the apartment and joint

ownership of the land and the common structures (e.g. walls, roof, staircases etc.) of the

building (all other countries).

Apartment ownership is generally created by means of a splitting deed regulating the various

property rights and their demarcation among the owners. Together, the owners form an

association, which decides on the maintenance and management of the building and possesses

the power to enact bylaws on the rights and duties of the inhabitants of the building.

TEXT 2.3

Land Registration

All European States have some competent national authority for registering ownership of and

charges on land. In this report, we use the term “land register”, however it can also be called:


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

– in the Czech republic “katastru nemovitostí”,

– in England and Wales the “Land Registry”,

– in France “conservation des hypothèques” (in Alsace-Moselle “bureau foncier“),

– in Germany “Grundbuchamt”,

– in Ireland the “Registry of Deeds” (as the old type) and the “Land Registry” (as the modern


– in Italy “registri immobilari”,

– in the Netherlands “kadaster”,

– in Poland “księga wieczysta”,

– in Spain “Registro de la Propriedad”,

Relation to cadaster (land survey)

Mostly, two different authorities are charged with ownership in land: Technical mapping and

land survey usually is done by the cadaster, while the land register is competent for

registering ownership and charges on the land. Even if there is only one agency handling both

functions, the functions usually are still clearly distinguished by the law.

Contents of Registration

In Europe, there are two basic types of land registers: Either real rights in land are registered

or documents are registered. The registration of rights is always ordered by the land registered

and the registration of documents is normally ordered by the name of the respective owner.

Constitutive vs. declaratory

As for the substantive effects of registration, one might ask two basic questions:

– First, is it necessary to register?

– Second, is it sufficient to register?

The first question distinguishes between constitutive registration systems on the one

hand, where registration is necessary for the acquisition of ownership and for the creation of

rights in land, and merely declaratory registration, where the creation or the transfer of the

right is independent of the registration – the latter also called negative registration, because

here registration primarily serves to block other rights. The second question is basically

whether good faith in the register is protected – and to which

extent it is protected.


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

To complicate matters, in some countries registration is merely declaratory for the

transfer of ownership, but registration is constitutive for the creation of limited rights in

land such as for a mortgage (Italy, Poland and Spain – in Spain only for mortgages).



Ad. Text 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

1. Translate

powszechnie używane przedwojenne

własność rozróżniać, wyróżniać

współwłaściciel zagwarantowane

prawo spółdzielcze udziałowcy

udział utrzymanie

zarządzanie mieszkańcy

urząd niezbędne

wystarczające nabycie

2. Match

co, jointly, commonly, pre,

owner, share, corporate, common

law, war, owned, owner,

structures, holder, used, ship

one word: one word with a hyphen: two separate words:


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

3. Fill in

a) As …………….. legal systems are concerned, Europe can be divided into five areas.

b) The Spanish land registration system …………….. from the French system.

c) The …………….. European countries have more or less returned to their …-war traditions.

d) …………….. apartment ownership is recognised as a separate and mostly real right in all

European states, there are …………….. differences about its legal construction. Four main

types may be ………………

e) The land and the whole building are …………….. owned, with each co-owner being

…………….. an exclusive right to use a …………….. apartment.

f) Apartment ownership is completely …………….. from land ownership, i.e. an owner of an

apartment need not be joint owner of the land.

g) A corporation …………….. the land and the building, and the apartment owners are

……….holders, each ……… granting the right to the exclusive use of a ………… apartment.

h) …………….. structures are e.g. walls, roof, staircases etc.

i) The owners form an association, which decides on the …………….. and management of

the building and possesses the power to enact bylaws on the rights and duties of the

…………….. of the building.

j) Even if there is only one agency …………….. both functions, the functions usually are still

clearly …………………….. by the law.

k) Registration is necessary for the …………….. of ownership and for the …………….. of


l) The second question is basically whether good faith in the register is protected – and to

which …………….. it is protected.

Eastern, handling, specific, share, creation, separate, distinguished, maintenance, wide,

extend, specific, jointly, far, differs, pre, inhabitants, distinguished, whereas, acquisition,

owns, share, granted, common

Ad. Listening

1. What is special about Sagrada Familia nowadays?

2. To what institution does Marc go to after his job interview?


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

3. Who is Generation Zero?

4. What is every economic sector in the country doing?

5. Why in everyday life you can’t realy see the massive unemployment figures?

6. What two things is the government planning to do?



1. Problemy z wymową

certificate mezzanine

reinforced burglar

archive bargain

automatic baroque

concrete sanitaryware

bidet copper sheeting

work surface ideally situated for shops

garage beech

cede cement

you raise the price the price rises

vaccum cleaning mall

foreign citzen communal parts

legible signature gabled roof

developer debt

debtor voluntary

receipt gravel

manor house management

inherit subdivide

area lessee


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

in triplicate maintenance charge

issue gym

brochure catalogue

land surveyor ceramic tiles

reliable boundry

granite arable land

radiator guarantee

premises plumbing system

IKEA development

2. Przetłumacz

wykafelkowany wolny, pusty

umeblowany firmowy

oddzielny luksusowy

hala magazynowa

płyta gipsowo-kartonowa

lampki wbudowane w podwieszany sufit

płot salon

podest, półpiętro szafka, hala

lokalizacja łazienka z wejściem z sypialni

roleta – . . . . . blind

drzwi balkonowe – . . . . . windows

kawalerka – . . . . . flat

stal nierdzewna – . . . . . steel

opłaty eksploatacyjne – . . . . . charge

największa sypialnia – . . . . . bedroom

pomieszczenie gospodarcze – . . . . . room

drewniane panele podłogowe – . . . . . wood flooring

3. Uzupełnij


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

a) A large family house with extensive outbuildings and gardens ........................

approximately 1.1 acres. Pleasant position ........................ open fields to the rear.

b) Kitchen: range of ........................ and base units, work ........................ with one and a half

bowl ceramic sink and drainer, tiled splashbacks.

c) From the road there are ........................ operated double iron gates onto the .........way

which leads to the side of the house.

d) A lovely 3-bedroom split level conversion within turn of the ........................ property.

e) Externally there is off-road ........................ to the front and to the rear there is a lawn.

4. Przetłumacz

a) three reception rooms, fitted kitchen with integrated appliances, double glazed windows

and gas fired central heating

b) fitted with matching wall and base units, stainless steel one and a half bowl sink with

storage facilities below, integrated fridge and freezer

c) a three piece bathroom suite in white comprising wash hand basin, panelled bath and WC

d) well-kept garden comprising of patio area, lawn and established borders

e) a recently converted split-level, garden apartment

f) ideally positioned for Stroud Green amenities with Finsbury Park station within close


5. Uzupełnij

– an apartment building: a multi-unit dwelling made .... of several apartments


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

– a .......................: a single-roomed dwelling which is very compact in design

– a .......................: a form of ownership of an individual apartment and a .......................of

common areas

– a cooperative (co-op) – a type of multiple ownership in which the residents of a multiunit

housing complex own ....................... in the cooperative corporation that owns the property,

giving each resident the right to occupy a specific apartment or unit

– a .......................: the main residence on a farm

– a .......................: an apartment on two levels with internal stairs, or which has its own

entrance at street level


TEXT 3.1

The European Commission has published a study by independent consultants on the EU

markets for legal services associated with house and land sales (conveyancing services). The

study finds that consumers have greater choice and are on average paying less for

conveyancing services under deregulated systems, with no loss in quality. The market for

conveyancing services is worth about €17 billion per annum; efficiency savings of even a few

percent following deregulation would therefore save consumers millions of euros each year.

The Commission is calling on Member States to look at the findings and to review and update

national laws which limit competition and the free circulation of services throughout the

Single Market instead of serving the interests of consumers.

Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes said: “Most Europeans buy or sell a home or land at

some point in their lives, and will have to pay the associated legal fees. This report presents

the economic evidence that highly regulated systems are not better for consumers in terms of

price and choice of legal services."

Internal Market and Services Commissioner Charlie McCreevy said: "There are no big

surprises in this report and it is plain where consumers are being provided with more choice

and lower costs."


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

The study led by Bremen University carried out an analysis of the effects of professional

regulation on the efficiency and performance of the conveyancing services market.

Conveyancing services comprise, for example, pre-contract searches, transfer deed drafting,

signature certification and deed registration in the Land Registry. This market is of direct

interest to consumers and of high overall economic significance. It is estimated that property

turnover in the EU27 for 2005 was almost €1,800 billion (16% of EU27 GDP) with the

corresponding turnover in conveyancing services being around €16.7 billion. Measures to

open up this market will therefore directly contribute to the Lisbon objectives of growth and


The study, surveying 21 EU countries, is the first of its kind and integrates a legal and

economic approach. The different regulatory systems under which conveyancing services are

provided were categorised into four regulatory models for analysis:

The traditional, highly regulated Latin notary system which exists in most continental EU

countries. This model is characterised by mandatory involvement of notaries, quantitative

restrictions on entry, fixed fees and strict market conduct regulation.

The deregulated Dutch notary system under which no numerus clausus exists. Fees are

negotiable and market structure and conduct regulation is less strict.

The lawyer system existing in the UK, Ireland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and – to a lesser

extent – Austria. This features quality control of professionals through licensing and

professional exams, negotiable fees and lower levels of market structure and conduct


The Scandinavian licensed real estate agent system under which real estate agents provide

legal services too. This system exists in Sweden, Finland and Denmark, each with its own

characteristics. This model has little regulation on market entry, conduct and structure and has

negotiable fees.

The legal part of the study assesses the justifications for restrictive professional regulation in

this market. The study comes to the conclusion that, when put to the test, most of the

arguments put forward do not seem to justify restrictions of the sort that feature in highly

regulated systems.


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

The economic part examines empirically how professional regulation affects the market for

conveyancing services by measuring the degree of regulation, the quality of services in a

broad sense (using the results of a user survey) and level of fees. It examines the interplay

between these using different classical econometric methods. This concludes that high levels

of regulation generally go hand in hand with high prices whilst not resulting in higher levels

of quality.

The Commission will now present the study to Member States, highlighting its results and

asking for their reactions while encouraging them, when necessary, to consider appropriate


A full report of the study is available at:

TEXT 3.2

IP/09/1476 Brussels, 8 October 2009

Internal Market: Commission takes action against restrictions on estate agents' activities in


The European Commission has taken action to ensure that the Internal Market principles of

free movement of services and freedom of establishment are respected in Cyprus. The

Commission will send a formal request to Cyprus concerning its national legislation

restricting the activities of estate agents. This formal request takes the form of a ‘reasoned

opinion’, the second stage of the infringement procedure laid down in Article 226 of the EC

Treaty. If there is no satisfactory reply within two months, the Commission may refer the

matter to the European Court of Justice. Restrictions on estate agent activities are

incompatible with EU rules.

In May 2008, the Commission sent a complementary letter of formal notice to Cyprus

(IP/08/689) after amendments to Law 273/2004 on estate agents introduced by the Law of 27

July 2007. The amended Law imposes certain conditions upon the recognition of the

qualifications of professionals established in other Member States. These conditions concern

qualifications and professional experience and therefore raise problems of conformity with


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications. Moreover, would-be

estate agents service providers are obliged to pass an examination proving knowledge of

Cypriot legislation in this area.

Furthermore, the freedom to provide services in this profession is subject to the obligation to

collaborate with an estate agent established in Cyprus, which is contrary to the provisions of

this Directive and the principle of the freedom to provide services enshrined in Article 49 of

the EC Treaty.

Lastly, the Law requires legal persons active in this area to exercise this activity as their sole

corporate purpose. The person or persons exercising the activity of estate agent in a company

are required to exercise this activity exclusively in the company that employs them and may

not act independently of their employer either for other persons or companies, or on their own

account. These two provisions raise problems of compatibility with Article 43 of the EC

Treaty which guarantees freedom of establishment.


Services are crucial to the European Internal Market. They are everywhere, accounting for

between 60 and 70% of economic activity in the European Union of 27 Member States, and a

similar (and rising) proportion of overall employment. This underlines the economic

importance of services in the European Union. The central principles governing the internal

market for services are set out in the EC Treaty. This guarantees to EU companies the

freedom to establish themselves in other Member States, and the freedom to provide services

on the territory of another EU Member State other than the one in which they are established.

Under the EC Treaty, the European Commission has powers to take legal action – known as

infringement procedures – against a Member State that is not respecting its obligations under

EU rules. These procedures consist of three steps. The first is that the Member State receives

a letter of formal notice and has two months to respond. In case further compliance with EU

legislation is needed, the Commission sends a reasoned opinion. Again the Member State has

two months to reply. If there is no satisfactory reply, the Commission can refer the matter to

the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg. It can also request that the Court impose a fine

on the country concerned if it does not comply with the Court's ruling.


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010



Ad. Text 3.1

1. Translate

związane z, kojarzone z obsługa prawna

średnio utrata, strata

rocznie wydajność

oszczędności konkurencja

stałe, ustalone, niezmienne podlegające negocjacji

2. Fill in

terms, registry, findings, resulting, approach, available, significance, necessary, turnover, objectives, carried, instead, fees, provided, provide

a) The Commission is calling on Member States to look at the …………….. and to review and update national laws which limit competition and the free circulation of services throughout the Single Market …………….. of serving the interests of consumers.

b) Most Europeans buy or sell a home or land at some point in their lives, and will have to pay the associated legal ………………..

c) This report presents the economic evidence that highly regulated systems are not better for consumers in ……………… of price and choice of legal services.

d) It is plain where consumers are being ………………. with more choice and lower costs.

e) The study led by Bremen University ………….. out an analysis of the effects of professional regulation on the efficiency and performance of the conveyancing services market.

f) Conveyancing services comprise, for example, pre-contract searches, transfer deed drafting, signature certification and deed registration in the Land ……………….

g) This market is of direct interest to consumers and of high overall economic ……………….


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

h) It is estimated that property ……………. in the EU27 for 2005 was almost €1,800 billion (16% of EU27 GDP).

i) Measures to open up this market will therefore directly contribute to the Lisbon ……………… of growth and jobs.

j) The study, surveying 21 EU countries, is the first of its kind and integrates a legal and economic …………….

k) The Scandinavian licensed real estate agent system under which real estate agents ………….. legal services too.

l) This concludes that high levels of regulation generally go hand in hand with high prices whilst not ………………. in higher levels of quality.

m) The Commission will now present the study to Member States, highlighting its results and asking for their reactions while encouraging them, when …………………., to consider appropriate reforms.

n) A full report of the study is …………….. at 3. Fill in

consider, interests, services, full, direct, study, point, estimated,

concludes, comprise, plain, update, surveying, highly, measures

a) The Commission is calling on Member States to look at the findings and to review and

……………. national laws which limit competition and the free circulation of services

throughout the Single Market instead of serving the ……………. of consumers.

b) Most Europeans buy or sell a home or land at some ……….. in their lives, and will have to

pay the associated legal fees.

c) This report presents the economic evidence that …………. regulated systems are not better

for consumers in terms of price and choice of legal services.

d) It is …………. where consumers are being provided with more choice and lower costs.

e) The …………. led by Bremen University carried out an analysis of the effects of

professional regulation on the efficiency and performance of the conveyancing services


f) Conveyancing services ……………., for example, pre-contract searches, transfer deed

drafting, signature certification and deed registration in the Land Registry.

g) This market is of ……….. interest to consumers and of high overall economic significance.

h) It is ……………… that property turnover in the EU27 for 2005 was almost €1,800 billion

(16% of EU27 GDP) with the corresponding turnover in conveyancing services being around

€16.7 billion.

i) …………….. to open up this market will therefore directly contribute to the Lisbon

objectives of growth and jobs.


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

j) The study, ………………. 21 EU countries, is the first of its kind and integrates a legal and

economic approach.

k) The Scandinavian licensed real estate agent system under which real estate agents provide

legal ………………. too.

l) This …………….. that high levels of regulation generally go hand in hand with high prices

whilst not resulting in higher levels of quality.

m) The Commission will now present the study to Member States, highlighting its results and

asking for their reactions while encouraging them, when necessary, to ……………..

appropriate reforms.

n) A …………….. report of the study is available at

Ad. Text 3.2

1. Translate

poprawka (do ustawy) udowadniać

wiedza wymagany

działać niezależnie pracodawca

tło kluczowy

podjąć kroki zapewnić

zasady przestrzegać

traktat otrzymać [formalnie]

odpowiedzieć [formalnie] x 2

w przypadku gdy grzywna

2. Fill in

a) If there is ………. satisfactory reply ……….. two months, the Commission may refer the

matter ……….. the European Court of Justice.

b) Restrictions ………… estate agent activities are incompatible ……….. EU rules.

c) Furthermore, the freedom to provide services in this profession is subject ……. the

obligation to collaborate with an estate agent established in Cyprus, which is contrary ……

the provisions of this Directive.

d) It can also request that the Court impose a fine …… the country concerned if it does not

comply …….. the Court's ruling.

Ad. Listening


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

hold on

in a bit of a hurry

spending bracket

convenently situated


cash deal

take an offer

sensible price

arrangement to view

property slump



1. Słownictwo do umów pośrednictwa

a) przetłumacz słowa i zwroty

wymagania strona (umowy)

rzut piętra potwierdzać

warunki (umowy) sporządzać

egzemplarz rozwiązywać (umowę)

na piśmie z 14-dniowym wyprzedzeniem

uprawniony będzie zobowiązany

tj. dalej zwany

b) uzupełnij

– Client shall be . . . . . . . . . to pay the Broker a . . . . . . . . . equal to 3% of the

price (...).

– Please . . . . . . . . . your acceptance of these . . . . . . . . . by signing at the bottom

of the end page.

– the person . . . . . . . . . to sell the property

– The agency agreement can be . . . . . . . . . or . . . . . . . . . by either party by 14

days’ . . . . . . . . .


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

– (...) represented by Mr John Smith, hereinafter . . . . . . . . . to as Broker

– The Broker shall find a property fitting Client’s . . . . . . . . . specified below.

– The Broker shall also help in . . . . . . . . . the hand-over report.

– Extras: additional photos, For Sale board, virtual tours, additional . . . . . . . . .

– A . . . . . . . . . of this agreement shall be also sent to your . . . . . . . . .

– We guarantee that your property is listed on our . . . . . . . . .

– The agreement cannot be . . . . . . . . . or . . . . . . . . . unless in . . . . . . . . .

and signed by both . . . . . . . . .

– Our . . . . . . . . . shall be paid by the Client on the day of the . . . . . . . . . of the

property in question, . . . . . . . . . on the day of signing the relevant notary deed.

2. Zrozum

a) The Seller has agreed to appoint and The Agent has agreed to act as the Sellers’ estate

agent to sell the Property subject to the terms and conditions below.

b) “Fee” means the commission or remuneration payable by the Seller in consideration of the

Services provided by The Agent in accordance with Clause 3 below.

c) “Property” means the freehold or leasehold property whose address is set out above.

d) “Sale Price” means the final agreed selling price of the Property.

e) In the event that a Purchaser is introduced to the Property by The Agent, or a Purchaser has

entered negotiations about the Property with The Agent, during the Term and subsequently

contracts for sale of the Property are exchanged with the Purchaser, The Agent shall be paid


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

in accordance with the appropriate Fee Option.

f) You are either the beneficial owner of the Property, or have the authority from the

beneficial owner to sell the Property on these terms.

g) In accordance with Your choice of Fee Option will either provide the

Services of a Sole Agency or a Multiple Agency.

h) A Purchaser the Agent has introduced is anyone who has learned about the Property

through the Agent’s activity either directly or through another person. This can include, for

example, advertisements, office displays, sales details, For Sale signs, internet advertising,

leaflets and any other verbal or written activity. It is possible for the Agent to be the

introducer even where there is another agent instructed.

i) As soon as another estate agency is instructed to sell the property at the same time as it is

being sold by, the sole agency contract shall become a multiple agency

contract and the commission shall be automatically altered to a multiple agency commission


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

fee of £849 + vat if you were contracted to Option 1, £999 +vat if you were contracted to

Option 2 or £1,499 +vat if you were contracted to Option 3.


TEKST DODATKOWY DO TŁUMACZENIA[fragment pracy dyplomowej “Zawód pośrednika w realiach angielskich”: Joanna Urban, WSB Poznań 2008]

(...) Jak już wspomniano w rozdziale pierwszym, za pośrednictwem estate agents

sprzedawanych jest ponad 90% nieruchomości. Wynagrodzenie pośrednika, podobnie jak

w Polsce, wynosi zazwyczaj od 2 do 3,5% ceny sprzedaży (+ 17,5% VAT). Niektóre agencje

( pobierają wynagrodzenie o stałej wysokości (fixed seller’s fee)

zależnej od zakresu oferowanych usług marketingowych oraz dysponują cennikiem usług

dodatkowych (na przykład dziesięć funtów za każde ponadprogramowe zdjęcie). Umowę na

wyłączność (sole agency agreement) zawiera się zwykle na zaledwie sześć tygodni, można

też skorzystać z usług dwóch (joint sole agency agreement) lub więcej (multiple agency

agreement) agencji (

Należy pamiętać, że klient korzysta dodatkowo z usług conveyancera (kolejne kilkaset

funtów, zależnie od przedziału cenowego), a klient kupujący często zatrudnia także do oceny

stanu technicznego nieruchomości chartered sureveyor. (...)

Metodą praktycznie w Polsce nieznaną jest zamieszczanie przy ofertach numeru

telefonu typu 0-700. Dzwoniący pod taki numer potencjalny kupujący (rzecz jasna, świadomy

tego, co robi) od razu płaci w ten sposób pośrednikowi za udzielane przez niego informacje.


● Ogólne różnice kulturowe:


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

– Powierzchnię nieruchomości, a zwłaszcza wymiary pomieszczeń, nadal podaje się często

w stopach i calach, przy czym należy pamiętać, że jedna stopa to dwanaście cali (a nie sto czy

dziesięć). 6’4” to sześć stóp i cztery cale.

– Często zaznacza się, że okna posiadają podwójne szyby (double glazing), co w Polsce jest

standardem, a w Anglii (przynajmniej do niedawna) oznaką luksusu.

– W wielu miejscach (zwłaszcza w centrach miast i miejscowościach o urokliwej, starej

zabudowie) parkowanie przy krawężniku jest zabronione (o chodnikach nie wspominając),

stąd informacje na temat najbliższych parkingów.

– Sporo ofert z terenów wiejskich to przeznaczone do adaptacji zabytkowe zabudowania

gospodarcze (stodoły, młyny, przypałacowe wozownie). (...)

● Częstsze stosowanie najnowszych technologii:

– rzuty pięter wykonane z użyciem profesjonalnych programów komputerowych, w tym rzuty

trójwymiarowe i „spacery wirtualne” (virtual tours)

– poszczególne oferty dostępne „do ściągnięcia”, zazwyczaj w formacie pdf (gotowe broszury

a nie zwykłe wydruki) (...)

– linki do portalu, stworzonego z myślą o osobach przeprowadzających

się do innej miejscowości, który wyszukuje w danej okolicy najróżniejszych usługodawców,

od najbliższych urzędów pocztowych po firmy organizujące przeprowadzki

● Wyższy poziom kultury handlowej:

– opisy bogatsze o opisy pomieszczeń, okolicy, dojazdu czy komunikacji miejskiej; w opisach

pomieszczeń także liczba gniazdek, rodzaj kaloryferów z liczbą żeberek itp.; opisując, jakie

szkoły mieszczą się w pobliżu, odnotowuje się, jakie miejsca zajęły w ostatnich rankingach

– profesjonalne zdjęcia jak z czasopism wnętrzarskich, co świadczy również

o zdyscyplinowaniu sprzedających, skorych do porządków przed wizytą pośrednika

i usuwania z mebli osobistych drobiazgów



Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010


Ad. Listening

1. Why are house prices are on the up?

2. What’s their first impression?

3. What can they do with the ceiling?

4. What can be done to the kitchen?

5. Why is the bedroom window so high up?

6. What’s wrong with the bedrooms for the female buyer?

7. What doesn’t the male buyer like?



1. Problemy z wymową

sewer system couch

settee penalty clause

deposit cafe

colour scheme column

cast-iron stove faucet

garbage wrought-iron fence

licenced meter

luxurious ensuite bathroom

passage survey map

detailed local development plan purchase

entitiled negotiate

unauthorised obligatory

viewing advertisement

conservatory approximately

oven urgent

inheritance tax detached

bear the costs confirm


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

perpendicular pre-war

spacious glazed

kitchen utensils household sewage treatment system

vacant conveyancer

withdraw secondary market

valuer orchard

lounge secretary

heir marital status

consent width

lawn loan

strengthened furniture available by separate negotiation

2. Dopasuj połówki zdań

The site includes a footpath...

The units are part of a development of...

Two ground floor retail units...

located on a prominent corner trading position...

offering ample free car parking...

Would also suit families...

...completed to a shell finish. very spacious

...within the centre of the picturesque village

...42 residential flats and 4 retail units.

...facilities for both staff and visitors

...and comprises about 0.18 hectares subject to measured survey.

3. Przetłumacz

mniej więcej – a... po generalnym remoncie – f... r...

części wspólne dom parterowy

betonowy tylni, od tyłu, z tyłu

główne wejście w pełni umeblowane

wykładzina domofon

4. Uzupełnij


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

a) It has .......................... planning for a two bedroomed bungalow with attached garage. The

shed shown in the picture will be ......................

b) ..................... condition to be sold on a 999 year ......................

c) Please note that the image used for Unit 2 is a computer ..................... image.

d) Please ............... the website or for ................. information

contact the agent Paul Bird.

e) exceptionally high standard of fixtures and ......................... throughout

f) ..............-contained one-bedroom flat

g) living room with ............................. area

h) The offices are ................................ on a new lease at a rent of £12,000 per annum.

5. Przetłumacz




prominent corner trading site

potential for letting rooms

internal configuration of the property

this property is a must see

fantastic local amenities

6. Przetłumacz:

Trzypokojowe mieszkanie na Sołaczu z miejscem parkingowym w hali garażowej, idealne jako

inwestycja pod wynajem. Salon 22m2 z aneksem kuchennym 8m2, okna na południe, podłoga

deski bukowe. Szafki kuchenne na wymiar, AGD Boscha w zabudowie. W przedpokoju szafa

Senator. Mieszkanie do lekkiego odświeżenia. Doskonała lokalizacja: w pobliżu bazarek

osiedlowy i przystanek tramwajowy. Wolne od marca.

7. Uzupełnij:

– a ......................: a very large detached house

– a ................................. flat: small apartment either at the back, in the basement, or on an

upper level subdivision of the main house, usually with a .................. entrance.

– terraced houses, ..........houses, rowhouses: a number of single or multi-....... buildings in a

continuous row with shared walls and no intervening space [in the UK, a is a


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

traditional term for an upper class house in London (in contrast with ............... house), and is

now coming into use as a term for new terraced houses, which are often three ................. tall

with a garage on the ........................ floor]


TEXT 5.1

A Home Information Pack (HIP) is required for most homes put on the market after 14

December 2007. Anyone marketing a home for sale in England and Wales, whether they are

an estate agent or auctioneer, housing developer or a private individual is responsible for

ensuring that a HIP is in place and made available to potential buyers.

A HIP is not required for:

sales where no marketing has taken place, for example to a family member, neighbour

or friend

non-residential properties

properties limited by law for use as holiday accommodation or occupation for less

than 11 months per year

mixed sales, e.g. a shop with a flat

sales of property portfolios

unsafe properties and properties for demolition

The following documents must be included in a Home Information Pack (HIP):

An index which lists documents contained in the HIP. The index must also state if a

required document is not included and explain what steps are being taken to obtain it.

The index must be updated whenever documents are added or removed.


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

A Property Information Questionnaire (PIQ) which must be completed by the

seller. The PIQ provides a helpful checklist for buyers of simple information they need

to know about a property before making any decision, including gas and electricity

safety, flood risk information, previous structural damage, parking arrangements, and

a leasehold summary where appropriate.

An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) / Predicted Energy Assessment (PEA)

which gives homeowners, tenants and buyers information on the energy and carbon

emission efficiency of a property through an A-G grade rating, where A is very

efficient and G is least efficient. The EPC also gives advice on cost effective ways to

improve the rating. For new homes the requirement is to include a PEA, which should

be replaced by a full EPC when the home is built.

A sale statement that includes the name of the seller, property address, whether it is

freehold or leasehold, registered or unregistered, whether it is being sold with vacant

possession and in what capacity the seller is selling the property (e.g. selling on behalf

of a deceased owner).

Evidence of title documents that prove the seller owns and has the right to sell the

property. If the property is registered, certain documents available from the Land

Registry must be included in the HIP.

Standard searches including a search of the local land charges register and other

records held by the local authority (regarding such issues as planning decisions and

road building proposals) and details of the provision of drainage and water services to

the property.

Optional documents

There are a number of optional documents which can be included in a HIP should the seller

wish. These include:

a Home Condition Report which contains information on the physical condition of

the property

home contents form which provides information on fixtures, fittings and contents

included in the sale

non-standard searches covering things like rights of way, ground stability, actual or

potential environmental hazards, and mining

for leasehold properties, additional leasehold documents, such as information on

service charges, ground rent and insurance, a summary of ongoing or proposed works

or managing agent details


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

A property can only be put on the market when all the required HIP documents have been

commissioned and paid for. Any required documents omitted at this stage should be made

available within 28 days of the first point of marketing. Potential buyers are entitled to receive

a copy of the HIP, or any part of it from the responsible person on request and this should be

provided to them within 14 days. There should be no charge for this, but buyers can be asked

to pay a reasonable charge to cover copying and postage for sending a paper copy. The HIP

Regulations make no provision for charging for an electronic copy of a HIP. Where a seller

has instructed multiple estate agents, they will each need to have access to the Pack.

How to compile a Home Information Pack

Although the person compiling the Home Information Pack (HIP) does not need any specific

qualifications, all the documents must be obtained from the appropriate source.

Only qualified, accredited domestic energy assessors or qualified, certificated home

inspectors can produce Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) and only home inspectors can

produce a Home Condition Report.

If the property is registered, official documents must come from the Land Registry.

Local searches come from the relevant local authority, while the local water company

provides drainage and water searches. You can obtain these searches direct from the

organisation or through a personal search company.

If you are marketing a property for sale and choose to compile the HIP yourself, you will

need to:

Create an index. You can find a sample index on the Communities and Local

Government (CLG) website - Opens in a new window .

Include the Property Information Questionnaire (PIQ). The questionnaire should be

completed by the seller. Find a downloadable sample of the general PIQ on the CLG

website - Opens in a new window or find a downloadable sample PIQ for new homes

on the CLG website - Opens in a new window .

Arrange for a qualified, accredited domestic energy assessor (DEA) or a qualified,

certificated home inspector to produce your EPC. DEAs can be found in online and

offline business directories. Alternatively, search for a DEA or home inspector on the

Landmark website - Opens in a new window .

Create a sale statement. You can find a sample sale statement on the CLG website -

Opens in a new window.


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

Obtain evidence of title from the Land Registry if the property is registered. Find out

about obtaining title documents on the Land Registry website. - Opens in a new


Include a copy of the lease if the property is leasehold. An official copy of the lease

will usually be available from the Land Registry.

Commission the relevant searches from either the appropriate local authority or a

personal search company. If you decide to commission the searches from a personal

search company, consider one that has signed up to the Search Code.

For further information on compiling a HIP, see our guide: Home Information Packs - a guide

for HIP providers

Those who do not comply with the HIP Regulations face the possibility of a penalty

notice of £200.

TEKST DODATKOWY DO TŁUMACZENIA[fragment pracy dyplomowej “Zawód pośrednika w realiach angielskich”: Joanna Urban, WSB Poznań 2008]

(...) Estate agent może zostać każdy bez względu na swoje wykształcenie, z wyjątkiem osób,

którym zabroniło wykonywania zawodu Office of Fair Trading (, angielski

odpowiednik Urzędu Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów. (...) Estate agents obowiązują

przede wszystkim przepisy zawarte w następujących aktach prawnych: The Estate Agents Act

z 1979 roku, The Estate Agents (Account) Regulations z 1981 roku, The Property

Misdescription Act z 1991, The Estate Agents (Undesirable Practices) Order z 1991 roku, The

Estate Agents (Provisions of Information) Regulations z 1991 roku, The Property

Misdescriptions (Specified Matters) Order z 1992 roku, The Housing Act z 2004 roku oraz

The Consumers Estate Agents and Redress Act z 2007 roku. Sposób zamieszczania i

umieszczania reklam regulują Town & Country Planning (Control of Advertisements)

Regulations z 1992 roku oraz British Codes of Advertising, Sales Promotion and Direct


Klientom zaleca się wybranie estate agent należącego do National Association of

Estate Agents ( lub Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (Królewskiego

Instytutu Biegłych Rzeczoznawców – oraz The Ombudsman of Estate Agents

Scheme ( Do tego ostatniego programu można dołączyć jedynie wtedy,

kiedy jest się członkiem NAEA lub RICS.

National Association of Estate Agents powstało w roku 1962 i skupia około dziesięciu

tysięcy członków. (...)


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

Ombudsman of Estate Agents jest rzecznikiem praw klientów pośredników w obrocie

nieruchomościami, a w szczególności klientów tych pośredników, którzy biorą udział w OEA

scheme (programie). Instytucja rzecznika została powołana w 1998 roku, a do programu

przystąpiło do tej pory 2708 właścicieli agencji nieruchomości (73% właścicieli agencji

nieruchomości w Anglii i Walii), co równa się 7666 biurom. Od dnia pierwszego sierpnia

2007 roku członkami OEA Ltd muszą być wszyscy estate agents posiadający w swojej ofercie

domu o trzech lub więcej sypialniach. (...)

Pewna część estate agents to członkowie Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors –

dosł. „królewskiej instytucji [zrzeszającej] chartered surveyors”. Jak widać, wymaga tu

wyjaśnienia pojęcie surveyor, tłumaczone zazwyczaj na polski jako „rzeczoznawca”,

„geodeta” bądź „inspektor". Według słownika języka angielskiego wydawnictwa Longman,

„surveyor to ktoś, kto bada stan, w jakim znajduje się dany budynek, lub wymierza

i odnotowuje szczegóły tyczące danej działki”. Z kolei strona internetowa RICS

( podaje, że jej członkowie zajmują się „wielorakimi zagadnieniami

związanymi z gruntami, nieruchomościami, inżynierią budowlaną i inżynierią środowiska”.


Conveyancers nadaje licencje Council for Licensed Conveyancers

(, rada licząca sobie piętnastu członków, z których ośmiu jest

wybieranych spośród licencjonowanych przedstawicieli tego zawodu, a siedmiu spośród

przedstawicieli innych profesji oraz urzędników państwowych. Powstała w 1985 roku rada

kształci, egzaminuje, nadaje roczne licencje, monitoruje, dyscyplinuje i rozpatruje skargi,

zarządza również funduszem przeznaczonym na odszkodowania dla pokrzywdzonych


Aby zostać conveyancerem, należy ukończyć kurs stacjonarny bądź

korespondencyjny. Po zaliczonych praktykach i zdanym egzaminie dostaję się „licencję

pracowniczą” uprawniającą do pracy dla conveyancera z licencja pełną, o której przyznanie

można się ubiegać dopiero po trzech latach.


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010



Ad. Text 5.1

1. Translate:

wymagany oferować, reklamować

potencjalni kupcy

członek zakwaterowanie

rozbiórka zawierać x 2

kroki są podejmowane dostać, otrzymać [formalnie] x 2

zaktualizowane usunięte

powódź najmniej

sposoby polepszać

zastąpić w imieniu

zmarły urząd

stan stałe elementy wyposażenia

służebność drogi koniecznej opłaty za media

zamówiony pominięty

na tym etapie uprawniony

egzemplarz na życzenie


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

opłata za przesyłkę

2. Match

up, en, on, on, potential, local, least,

rights, re, parking, check, post, fixtures,

planning, family, service, structural,

cost, ground

charges, list, buyers, and fittings, authority,

arrangements, request, of way, rent, dated,

age, damage, efficient, behalf, titled,

effective, decisions, moved, member

Ad. Listening

Tick off as you hear those:

- key information

- legal requirement

- chairman

- pleasure

- questionnaire

- satellite dish

- broadband

- council tax band

- professional indemnity insurance

- informed decisions

- incurred costs

- energy efficiency

- carbon emissions

- too much hassle

- improve

- against the regulations

- consumer-friendly


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010



1. Przetłumacz

ustalony aktualny, ważny

kancelaria najemca

odpowiednik wypis, odpis

wydział kwitować odbiór

zameldować się umówić się

ubiegać się osoba prawna

Min. Spr. Wewn. mapa geodezyjna

niezapłacony podatek spadkowy

pełnomocnictwo przetłumaczone przez tłumacza przysięgłego

Przekaż klucze najemcy i poproś go, żeby pokwitował ich odbiór.

2. Sprawdź swoją wymowę


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

taxed inheritance authorization charge

receipt marital status survey entitled

available spacious luxurious tiled

3. Podaj definicję

akt notarialny fundusz remontowy gmina

księga wieczysta plan miejscowy meldunek

protokół zdawczo-odbiorczy stan developerski spółdzielnia

rozdzielność majątkowa świadczenia szambo

służebność drogi koniecznej stan surowy otwarty

umowa przedwstępna użytkowanie wieczyste


TEXT 6.1

Cooling the property market

Slow Canada

The government tries to rein in the housing market

Feb 18th 2010 | OTTAWA | From The Economist print edition


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

CANADA has had an easier time than most during the recent global recession, in part because of a conservative and well-regulated banking system. But dangers still lurk. According to data compiled by the Canadian Real Estate Association, average house prices rose by almost 20% in 2009, propelled by low interest rates and generous government incentives. House prices look overvalued on The Economist’s price-to-rents ratio, which stands roughly 20% above its long-run average (see chart).

Jim Flaherty, the finance minister, dismisses talk of a bubble. But egged on by a chorus of bankers, economists and commentators, he is still letting some air out of the market. On February 16th, in what he called a preventive move, the finance minister announced rules that make it more expensive to buy an investment property, raise the financial bar that mortgage borrowers must meet, and reduce the amount that existing homeowners can borrow against equity in their home.

A year ago the federal government was busily encouraging more people to enter the housing market, with a tax credit for first-time homebuyers and an increase in the amount they could borrow from their registered retirement-savings plan. It also indirectly encouraged home-equity loans through a tax credit for home renovations.

Now that fears of recession are dissipating, Mr Flaherty says he wants “to discourage the tendency some people have to use a home as an ATM, or buy three or four condos on speculation.” When the new rules come into effect in April, buyers of investment properties will need to stump up a deposit of 20%, not the 5% minimum required for residential properties. Homeowners who refinance their mortgages will be limited to taking out 90% of the equity in their property, down from 95% now.

Raising interest rates would have been another, much blunter solution to the problem of an overheating housing market. But the Bank of Canada is sticking to its promise to keep its overnight rate at a record low of 0.25% until July, inflation permitting, arguing that an increase “would be dousing the entire Canadian economy with cold water”.

That makes sense. Economic recovery is not yet entrenched. The new rules are more targeted, and can be tightened further if need be. And they are designed to discourage households from increasing their already-record debts rather than to puncture a housing bubble. In particular Mr Flaherty worries that homeowners are taking on more debt than they will be able to handle when interest rates eventually rise. The measures will also require applicants for short-term mortgages at today’s low rates to meet the higher income standards needed for a five-year, fixed-rate loan.

TEXT 6.2


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

Global house prices

Ratio rentals

House prices are still far above their fair value in many countries—though no longer in America

Dec 30th 2009 | From The Economist print edition

WHEN The Economist last published its round-up of global house prices in September (see article) there were only two countries (Switzerland and China) in which prices were higher than a year earlier. Since then many housing markets have strengthened. The latest survey shows that house-price inflation has turned positive in six countries, and in Hong Kong the rate of increase is now in double digits. Even where prices are still falling year on year, markets are healing. In America the S&P/Case-Shiller index of prices in ten big cities was unchanged in October, after five monthly increases. That has left prices 6.4% below their levels 12 months earlier; go back a year and house-price deflation was almost three times as high.

That markets are now stabilising could suggest that prices have fallen far enough to correct the excesses of the global housing bubble. To test that hypothesis The Economist has created a fair-value measure for property based on the ratio of house prices to rents. The gauge is much like the price/earnings ratio used by stockmarket analysts. Just as the worth of a share is determined by the present value of future earnings, house prices should reflect the expected value of benefits that come from home ownership. These benefits are captured by the rents earned by property investors, which are equivalent to the tenancy costs saved by owner-occupiers.

Shares are deemed pricey when the p/e ratio is above its long-run average. Similarly, homebuyers are likely to be overpaying for property when the price-to-rents ratio is higher than normal. By that yardstick house prices seem low in only a handful of countries in our survey, as the final column in the table shows. One is Japan, where steadily falling property prices mean the price-to-rents ratio is 34% below its average since 1975. Switzerland’s ratio is also less than its long-run average. Germany looks cheap as well, and since our valuation benchmark goes back only to 1996 and so misses out a period when German house prices were frothier, may be cheaper still.


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

The global housing bubble passed Japan and Germany by, so it is not surprising to learn that housing is cheap there. A more striking finding is that America’s housing bust has taken prices back to their long-run average value against rents. Based on the Case-Shiller national index, American house prices had fallen to 3% below their fair value by the third quarter of 2009, well down from their inflated values at the start of 2006 (see chart). Another index from the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the regulator of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, tells a different story. On that basis America’s house price-to-rents ratio is still some 14% above its average. But that measure may not fully capture how far values have fallen, as it excludes homes that were paid for with subprime mortgages, for which fire sales are more common.

The correction in house prices has not gone as far in other countries. In Britain, where prices are increasing again, housing still looks expensive (if not quite as dear as in Australia). Prices in China are rising, too, but its market does not yet look bubbly. Hong Kong is a different matter. Its notoriously volatile market is booming again, even though the price-to-rents ratio is already more than 50% above its historical average. At least house prices are still falling in the euro area’s overvalued markets, such as France, Spain and Ireland.

No valuation measure is perfect. One flaw with the price-to-rents gauge is that it takes no account of shifts in real interest rates. Spain and Ireland have enjoyed far lower real rates than they did before they joined the euro in 1999. These might justify smaller rental yields and thus a higher fair-value price-to-rents ratio than suggested by history. That would help explain why Spain’s price-to-rents ratio has trended upwards over time, in contrast with Britain’s, which has fluctuated more obviously around its long-run average.


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

Partly for this reason, fair-value gauges can also be sensitive to how far back the figures go for each country. Ireland may look less overvalued than Spain because the available data go back only to 1990 and omit a period of less bouncy markets. If the average price-to-rents ratio is calculated from 1990 onwards, Spain’s market is overvalued by 24%, rather than the 55% shown in the table (based on figures from 1975). That would make both markets similarly overpriced.

In spite of these blemishes, the price-to-rents gauge is a useful check on how puffed-up property markets are. A housing boom turns into a bubble when prices are driven up by expectations of future price gains. Scarcity of supply or population shifts are often used to rationalise high house prices, but such fundamentals should push up rents, too. That house prices in America are back in line with rents suggests the worst of its correction is over (although a further downward leg is possible since past housing busts have pushed prices below their fair value and there is a large stock of unsold houses to clear). Europe’s housing correction, however, seems far from over.


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010



Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010


Ad. Text 6.1

1. Translate

recesja częściowo

czaić się według

dane zestawiać z sobą – c…

wykres dementować pogłoski – to d… t…

posunięcie – m… ogłaszać – a…

kredytobiorcy – m… b… rząd centralny

zachęcać wchodzić w coś

bankomat mieszkanie właśnościowe

oprocentowanie to ma sens, to trzyma się kupy

odbudowa – r… długi

radzić sobie – h… dochód


2. Match

borrowers, promise, sense, compiled, part, talk, recovery, government, rates, to, move, lurk

in dangers

according data

dismiss preventive

mortgage federal

interest stick to its

make economic

Ad. Listenings


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

1. What comparison does the man do between now and the year 1995?

2. What has changed on the mortgage market?

3. What can the government tax incentives cause in the near future?

4. When were the prices in California lowest?

5. What’s the secret of real estate?



Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

TEXT 7.1

A real estate broker is a term in the United States (and real estate agent in Canada) that

describes a party who acts as an intermediary between sellers and buyers of real estate (or real

property as it is known elsewhere) and attempts to find sellers who wish to sell and buyers

who wish to buy.

Estate agent is the term used in the United Kingdom to describe a person or organization

whose business is to market real estate on behalf of clients, but there are significant

differences between the actions and liabilities of brokers and estate agents in each country.

Beyond the US, other countries take markedly different approaches to the marketing and

selling of real property.

In the US, real estate brokers and their salespersons assist sellers in marketing their property

and selling it for the highest possible price under the best terms. When acting as a Buyer's

agent with a signed agreement (or, in many cases, verbal agreement, although a broker may

not be legally entitled to his commission unless the agreement is in writing), they assist

buyers by helping them purchase property for the lowest possible price under the best terms.

Without a signed agreement, brokers may assist buyers in the acquisition of property but still

represent the seller and the seller's interests.

In most jurisdictions in the United States, a person must have a license before they may

receive remuneration for services rendered as a real estate broker. In some states, lawyers are

allowed to handle real estate sales for compensation without being licensed as brokers or


Before the Multiple Listing Service was introduced in 1967, when brokers (and their agents)

only represented sellers, the term "real estate salesperson" may have been more apt than it is

today, given the various ways that brokers and agents now help buyers through the process

rather than merely "selling" them a property. Legally, however, the term "salesperson" is still

used in many states to describe a real estate agent.

In the United States, there are commonly two levels of real estate professionals licensed by

the individual states, but not by the federal government: real estate salesperson (or, in some

states, real estate broker) and real estate broker (or, in some states, principal/qualifying



Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

After gaining some years of experience in real estate sales, a salesperson may decide to

become licensed as a real estate broker in order to own, manage or operate their own

brokerage. Upon obtaining a broker's license, a real estate agent may continue to work for

another broker in a similar capacity as before (often referred to as a broker associate or

associate broker) or take charge of his/her own brokerage and hire other salespersons (or

broker) licensees. Becoming a branch office manager may or may not require a broker's

license. Some states such as New York allow licensed attorneys to become real estate brokers

without taking any exam. In some states, such as Colorado, there are no "salespeople", as all

licensees are brokers.

A realtor is a real estate professional, usually a broker or salesperson, who is a member of the

National Association of Realtors (NAR). There are 1.3 million Realtors, mostly in the US.

Traditionally, the broker provides a conventional full-service, commission-based brokerage

relationship under a signed listing agreement with a seller or "buyer representation"

agreement with a buyer. Some state Real Estate Commissions created the option of having no

agency relationship between brokers and sellers or buyers. Having no more than a facilitator

relationship, transaction brokers assists buyers, sellers, or both during the transaction without

representing the interests of either party who may then be regarded as customers. The

Transaction Broker crafts a transaction by bringing a willing buyer and a willing seller

together and assists with the closing of details.

Dual agency occurs when the same brokerage represents both the seller and the buyer under

written agreements. Many states no longer allow dual agency.

Other services include:

– Comparative market analysis (CMA) – an estimate of the home's value compared with

others. This differs from an appraisal in that property currently for sale may be taken into


– Exposure – marketing the real property to prospective buyers

– Facilitating a Purchase/Sale – guiding a buyer/seller through the process

– FSBO document preparation – preparing necessary paperwork for "Sale By Owner" sellers

– Hourly Consulting for a fee, based on the client's needs

– Leasing for a fee or percentage of the gross lease value

– Property Management


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

– Auctioning property

– Preparing contracts and leases (not in all states)

Agents are typically not given power of attorney to sign the real estate contract or the deed;

the principals sign these documents.

Some real estate brokers may be associated with loan officers who may help to finance buyers

to make their purchase. Most agents prescreen buyers to ensure that they are financially

qualified to buy the property; the more highly financially qualified the buyer is, the more

likely the closing will succeed.

Exclusive Right to Sell – in this type of agreement the brokerage also offers to co-operate

with other brokers and agrees to allow them to show the property to prospective buyers and

offers a share of the total real estate commission

Exclusive Agency – allows only the broker the right to sell the property, and no offer of

compensation is ever made to another broker. In that case, the property will never be entered

into an MLS. Naturally, that limits the exposure of the property to only one agency.

Open Listing – the property is available for sale by any real estate professional.

A lockbox containing the keys to the property will generally be placed on the front door. The

box can only be opened by licensed real estate agents (often only with authorization from the

listing brokerage) by using some sort of secret combination or code provided by the brokerage

or the issuer of the lockbox.

TEXT 7.2


I am a Real Estate Consumer Advocate. I am not trying to sell you anything. I am not

endorsing any approach or saying yes or no to any company or service. I am a former licensed


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

real estate agent, now a strong supporter of consumer rights. I hope you find the following

information, hints, and guidelines helpful:

First some basic mind set:

*** Whether you are buying or selling, most likely two Realtors will be involved, one

representing the Buyer, and one representing the Seller. This also means that most likely there

are two different real estate companies involved, thus two different brokers.

*** Add to this dilemma are outside factors such as:

    ** A Home Inspector.

    ** A Title Company.

    ** A lawyer, depending on where you live in the USA.

    ** A Mortgage Company, probably two if the Seller still has an outstanding

        mortgage balance and lien on the property, and a new mortgage with the


    ** A Termite / Infestation Inspection Company.

    ** An Insurance Company (home owner's insurance is required if the property has a


    ** A Home Owner's Association (HOA) if it is a newer home.

    ** An Appraiser (required by all lenders).

    ** A Mortgage Broker, if the buyer uses one.

    ** A government inspector if the home is an FHA or VA Loan.

    ** Property Taxes and assessments.

    ** A Repair Contractor / Handyman (a home inspector always finds something).

    ** Home Warranty Program.

    ** Cleaners - carpet, floors, drapes, windows, etc. plus a maid service.

    ** The moving and/or storage company.

    ** The landscaper, pool company, etc.

    ** Others that my or may not be required or involved according to the specifics

        of the sales and purchase contract, or required by law within the jurisdiction

        of the purchase.

----> The point to all of this is the 'Human Factor.'  With so many people involved

        there is bound to be glitches, problems, conflicts, remorse, and a whole host

        of issues.

Addressing How To Protect Yourself from a BAD Transaction:


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

///\\\    ~ First recognize that Realtors are NOT your friends.

///\\\    ~ Never be afraid to ask questions or put a HOLD on the transaction until

            an issue is COMPLETELY Resolved.

///\\\    ~ Never accept statements like, 'But this is the way it's always been done'

            or 'It's Ok just sign here.'

///\\\    ~ If you are a Buyer, get Full Disclosure from all parties, not just the Seller

            but everyone, and have all inspections done by certified companies.

///\\\    ~ Do NOT be pressured into anything. For most people buying or selling

            a home is the biggest financial thing in your life. Think of it as shopping

            for car, get the best deal before proceeding with the purchase.

///\\\    ~ Never be afraid to walk away from a bad deal.

///\\\    ~ Never be afraid to consult a lawyer.

///\\\    ~ On questions from inspectors talk to them yourself. It is a bad idea

            to have a real estate agent do it, they want to get the sale for their

            commission. Realtors are not looking after you, you are looking after

            you !!!!

///\\\    ~ Be prepared if something goes wrong.

OK, You want me to be Prepared, how do I do that?

##    Get a tape recorder, a cheap investment compared to the property sales

contract amount.  Record everything everyone says, even the lawyer if you

see one.  Personally, I would recommend one of those new hidden type

pocket Pen tape recorders that can be down loaded to your computer.  The

cost ranges from about $300 to $450. You then have a complete record

of everything everyone says, the dispute about he said they said is over.

Record it even if it is third party, i.e. your Realtor tells you, 'The seller's real

estate agent said ....'

*    You may also want to create a 'Com File (communication file).' This

simply is a running account of what is said by date and time, and who said

it. Plus who may have agreed to what, and when something was (is) to be

done, i.e. a repair, and inspection, an appraisal, etc.

Note: Personally I would use a hidden tape recorder, people are more

themselves when they are relaxed. But if this bothers you, get a standard


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

pocket recorder for about $30 to $100 and sit it on the table. Tell everyone

you talk to ... "You don't mind if we record this, just so things are clear."  

Then turn it on before they say anything. I have personally done this with

New Home Builders. You can feel the tension but you get a better home

in the end.

##    Make sure you get a copy of every document. Keep these for at least

two years after the property closes.

##    In the event you did not get what you thought or was implied in the

contract including all the subsequent surrounding and interrelated people

and happenings, use the 'com file' and tape recordings, and sue everybody.

##    Read every damn thing thoroughly before you sign it.

##    Purchase a Digital Camera. Take pictures of everything inside and out

the day of the contract signing. This insures what is there is what you end up

with once the keys are turned over to you.

##    Do a final walk through the same day of closing. Again using a digital

camera take pictures of everything. Compare the pictures, if anything is

missing or changed stop the closing, do not take possession of the property.

##    Also at inspection and final walk through before 'Close of Escrow (COE)',

make sure everything is removed from the home. No trash, no debris, no toxic

chemicals, no current owner's possessions, etc. The home should be empty

unless certain items are contractual and specified to remain as part of the sale.






Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

1. Przetłumacz

potwierdzić wycenić

granice dostarczać informacji

zadatek usługa

2. Dopasuj połówki

Before you can look at properties...

How much could you afford...

Ground rent is an annual charge...

The deeds are handed over...

The legal papers...

A fee paid to the Land Registry to transfer...

...payable by a leaseholder.

...ownership record of the home

...and.the keys are released.

...that show ownership pay back each month. need to work out your price range.

3. Uzupełnij

Let our Mortgage Calculator ........................ your price range for you.

Often the best way to find a good solicitor is by personal .....................................

This will detail exactly what they will lend you, and on what ........................

If mortgage payments have not been paid on time and/or are not the correct ......................,

the borrower is said to be in .........................

The Bank of England base rate ............................... lending rates in the UK.

arrears, determines, recommendation, terms, estimate, amount

4. Utwórz wyrażenia

valuation, fee, hunt, deeds, back, sign, range, advance

price house

for sale basic


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

in arrangement

title pay

5. Przeczytaj

New rules to protect mortgage holders who are in arrears have been proposed by the Financial Services Authority.

The FSA says it wants to ensure that those borrowers are treated fairly, especially ones who have

borrowed from specialist lenders. The proposals are part of the FSA's current review of the way the

mortgage market works. "Lenders need to be in no doubt of their obligations to customers who fall

behind with payments and must realise that such circumstances are not an opportunity to create further

profits," said Lesley Titcomb of the FSA.

The main points of the latest consultation are that:

• firms must not add early repayment charges onto any arrears charges, or charge interest on those


• firms must consider all options for borrowers and use repossession as a last resort

• payments by customers in financial difficulties must go to clearing arrears first, with arrears charges

being paid off later

• all telephone calls and records about customers arrears must be kept for three years.

Already last autumn, the first part of the regulator's mortgage market review proposed that self-

certified mortgages should be banned. All borrowers would be required to show that they could afford

to repay their home loans.

The regulator's new proposals will also mean that all mortgage advisers, even those who arrange

mortgage sales without giving advice, will have to prove to the FSA that they are "fit and proper" for

their jobs”.




Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

Ad. Listening 1

1. What’s the main difference between Japanese and American address system?

2. In what way are house numbered in Japan?

Ad. Listening 2

1. What is a genkan?

2. What two things are special about the bathtub?

3. What’s special about the toilet sink?

4. How big is their living room?

5. What is a kotatsu?

6. How is their apartment heated?

7. How is garbage collected in Japan?

8. What appliances do they cook with?




Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

1. Przetłumacz

podnajmować kaucja

przelew konto

zniszczenie kradzież

śmieci hydraulika

płot trawnik

spadkobierca licznik

2. Uzupełnij

to ........................ the gas, electric and water service charges to their name

Failure to pay rent when ................................. will result in...

to ....................... amounts of unpaid bills from the deposit

to make arrangements for meter ........................ as needed

violation of any ......................... of this contract by Resident

This is a legally .................... contract.

This agreement may be ........................... by mutual consent of the parties.

The Owner may elect to renew for another term but at a rental increase of 3% to 5% of

current rental rate depending on the market ...............

transfer, terminated, provision, due, binding, index, readings, deduct

3. Przetłumacz

to evict

to seize the security deposit

tacks and nails


to warrant

to disturb

4. Uzupełnij

- ........... resident’s expense

- ........... the resident’s consent


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

- to safeguard property ................ damage, destruction, loss, removal and theft

- ........ the event they remain unpaid after the termination of this agreement

- The initial payment of rent and deposit must be made ........... cash. Thereafter, monthly rent

payments may be paid ........ bank transfer .......... the following account

- The Resident should refrain ............. contacting the Owner except for emergencies.



Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

TEXT 9.1

At Agent Image, we work with your marketing goals to help you achieve the best design for

your site. Your website is conceptualized by our experienced designers and we work with you

until you are satisfied with a design that best represents you and your company. Your Client

Success Representative makes sure we are hitting your branding, design and marketing goals.

See below at how some of our designs are conceptualized, edited and finalized for launch.

A Dedicated Team Member Every Step of the Way

Unlike other companies, you have a dedicated representative through each step of the process.

Where else can you have a specialist work with you on creating your site, marketing online

and managing your site after your site has been launched?

Success is a Two-Way Street

Want to make the best of your new purchase? Get creative! Our most successful clients are

involved every step of the design process. Our clients know that their relationship with any

web design firm should be one that is long term and lasting.

The Most Important Things People Look For On Your Website

People are looking for an experience. That's the crux of the matter. Consumers will come for

all different reasons. They may come for listings, or local information, or to learn about you,

or for rates, or for general real estate help, or for any number of other, unforeseen reasons.

But what they want, and what you better be able to deliver, is an experience.

Disney isn't that concerned about what toys are in their souvenir shops. What they're

concerned about is creating an experience so remarkable that kids will beg their parents to

take them. They know that if the experience is strong, the souvenirs sell themselves, people

will evangelize them, and customers will return. The way you deliver that is through superior

design, usability, cutting-edge technologies, and a wealth of information.

Can you have it all? Possibly, eventually. But what matters most is that you pick one,

or two, and perfect them. Then gradually do more. But trying to do them all, at once (trying to

be all things to all people), is the surest way to erode the experience for everybody, and by

nothing to anybody.

So what a real estate company's website needs, first and foremost, is an identity, a

direction. What are you? Are you the premier authority for real estate information? Are you


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

the easiest way to find the right listing? Are you the most high-tech real estate company in

your market? What ever it is you decide to be, will naturally attract like-minded consumers.

From there on, your primary decisions should be based on meeting and exceeding that

particular group's expectations. That's what creates a successful website. That's what creates

an experience worth talking about.

How Strong is Your Branding?

There's one variable that is becoming increasingly important in this industry - Branding.

Increasingly, consumers are having their online expectations set by VERY brand-conscious

companies, like Apple, Target, CNN, Google, Amazon, etc. Just look at any brand-name

commercial site, or browse the web in general, and you'll begin to see the growing disparity

between what consumers have come to expect from industry professionals, and what they find

on most real estate websites – a real, professional image.

If your home is likely the largest investment of your life, and the bar has been set by

the giants in the industry, when you come to a realtor's website that is poorly branded, or

poorly designed, are you likely to surrender your largest asset to the care of that person?

Conversely, what about if you come to an agent's website that really stands out from all the

other template-based websites you've seen, a website that has been professionally, custom

designed? Outside of all the content/form architecting you can do, the appearance of your

website speaks volumes about who you are, how serious a player you are in the industry, how

savvy you are with technology, and the care with which you will market their greatest asset.

At a time when an agent's image is being severely threatened by market forces, it's

becoming increasingly important, if not imperative, to NOT look like the rest, to preserve

your image through quality design.  Now, more than ever, your website design is playing a

real role in what makes a consumer choose an agent. So when it comes right down to it,

analyze the importance of your website design to ensure it establishes your image and gets

results.  Be aware of the increasing role design works for your branding because that

ultimately determines whether visitors believe you're a respectable agent or broker.

Press Release service

NewsBlasts remain available online indefinitely, hosted on a site that receives over 15 million

page views every month. They are only removed upon your request.

A press release:


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

– generates traffic and drives visitors to your site

– is made available to over 100,000 media outlets, and though we can make no guarantees

about who will pick up your story, due to our expansive network it is highly likely that your

story will appear both online and in print

– is made available to thousands of news sources, Blogs and personal website via the new

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) news feed technology

– will be optimized for Google and many other search engines, so you can expect to see

information about your site show up in search engine results within just a few days

Online videos

Online videos are growing in popularity and are a must have element to maintain website

interest from your online visitors. Place videos strategically through your website to enhance

your message and better showcase your best properties.

Since 1999, Agent Image has been the leader in online real estate marketing. We

created to provide agents and brokers with easy and affordable ways to add

video to websites. offers effective and dynamic video products to dramatically

improve your marketing.

ActiveVideoTour – Impress your sellers with custom, high-end property videos. We can

bring the experience and subtle details of your property, hotel, commercial or new home

development to life using video. The process is simple. Answer a brief set of questions, we

schedule the shoot and our team of video experts goes to work. In less than 3 weeks, you will

have your internet-ready video.

AgentFilm – Agent Image will bring your agent website to life with your own personal

agent video. It's easy. After you fill out a short questionnaire, we do the rest of video

production work for you. Studies show that adding a personal video to your to the home page

of your website can dramatically increase the chances of a potential client choosing you as

their agent.




Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

Ad. Text 9.1

1. Translate below:

a) We help you achieve your goals.

b) Until you are satisfied with the design.

c) See below at how some of our designs are finalized for launch.

d) Want to make the best of your new purchase?

e) Long term and lasting relationship.

f) What they're concerned about is creating a remarkable experience.

g) Kids will beg their parents to buy those.

h) Superior design, usability, cutting-edge technologies, and a wealth of information.

i) Pick one, or two, and perfect them. Then gradually do more.

j) Be aware of the increasing role design works for your branding.

k) Visitors believe you're a respectable agent or broker.

l) It is highly likely that your story will appear both online and in print.

m) We provide agents with easy and affordable ways to add video to websites.

n) Studies show it can dramatically increase the chances.















2. Look at your translation and try to recall the sentences (orally).

a) We help you ………………… your ……………...

b) ……………. you are ……………….………… the design.


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

c) …………………………………. some of our designs are f…………… …… l………..

d) Want to …………………………….. of your new …………………?

e) …………………… and …………………… relationship.

f) What they're ………………………………….. is creating a ………………… experience.

g) Kids will ………… their parents to buy those.

h) …………… design, ………….., cutting-……… technologies, and a …….. of information.

i) ……….. one, or two, and …………. them. Then ……………… do more.

j) Be …………….. of the ………………… role design works for your branding.

k) Visitors believe you're a ……………… agent or broker.

l) It is highly ……………… that your story will ………….. both online and …………..

m) We provide agents …… easy and …………….. ways to add video to websites.

n) ……………… show it can dramatically …………….. the chances.

3. Look at your translation and try to recall the sentences (orally).















Ad. Listening 1

Name some of the 27 products the persons filmed are advertising.


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

Ad. Listening 2



RSS feed

social networking



Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

TEXT 10.1 is backed by the International Consortium of Real Estate Associations

(ICREA), which is comprised of 30+ leading national real estate organizations representing

2 million brokers/agents worldwide, each of whom adhere to a code of conduct. provides benefits to broker/agent members by assisting them in

marketing and facilitating business in the global marketplace. assists

consumers in locating properties outside their country and in finding a qualified real estate


ICREA Affiliate Members are organizations (not individuals) whose interests and/or

objectives are aligned with those of ICREA) and/or ICREA Member Associations, but who

are not qualified for regular membership in ICREA.

As a member constituent of one of ICREA's organizational members, you have access

to valuable information and resources to assist you in your business. By registering on you can access the Member Directory White Pages, give and accept

business referrals using ICREA's Referral Network, and much more.

ICREA and its member associations are committed to high standards of professional

conduct for member brokers. Each member association has a country-specific code of conduct

and, collectively, the organization has adopted a statement on International Principles of


The Associations set standards for international real estate practice and transactions for

the benefit of the industry professionals and the public they serve. ICREA’s efforts to ensure

technology doesn’t displace practitioners, but instead keeps them central to the transaction, is

a vital benefit to all members.

Origin of the International Consortium Concept In August 1999, representatives from nine national associations from Europe, Asia and the

Americas met to discuss the globalization issues facing their respective members. The

outcome was a consensus that an international forum was needed where real estate

associations could come together to share information, discuss the forces of a global

economy, and facilitate their member's international activities.

Subsequent meetings of this group resulted in the formation of an international

consortium made up of the leading real estate associations serving national markets. In

November 2000, 24 real estate associations signed a letter of commitment to the Consortium.

After nearly two years of laying the foundation, 23 associations signed the formal agreement


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

on May 13, 2001 in Washington, DC, officially launching the International Consortium of

Real Estate Associations (ICREA). Since then, membership has continued to expand.

These basic commitments oblige each member association:

– to maintain its own website linked to the ICREA website

– to make current membership information available at the ICREA site;

– to bear financial responsibility for its own involvement and pay a proportionate

share of the operational expenses.

ICREA is governed by an nine-member Executive Committee, which acts as the

equivalent to a Board of Directors.

Each country may be represented by a single entity, so where multiple national

brokerage organizations exist within a country, these groups are encouraged to join together

as a single alliance for purposes of ICREA membership only. Real estate associations

interested in pursuing membership in the International Consortium of Real Estate

Associations may contact us at

Value to the Consumer ICREA helps consumers understand the global market business practices and can assist both

buyers and sellers. Using online resources, buyers and sellers can learn about how real estate

is transacted in the country of interest, so they are prepared for the differences from the

practice in their home country. Buyers can search for properties among more than 3 million

listings, and locate a broker who will work in a cooperative manner with a broker in another

country to ensure the best possible service. Sellers can locate a broker who will market their

properties to a worldwide market. This is especially important for sellers with distinctive

properties that will attract buyers from around the globe in search of a vacation, resort, or

luxury property, or simply one that's unique within its local market.




Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

Ad. Text 10.1

1. Translate

backed by


code of conduct

assists in











committed to




to share


resulted in

made up of








bear financial responsibility


equivalent to


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010

a Board of Directors







2. Fill inbacked ….. assists ….. committed …..

resulted ….. made ….. ….. equivalent …..

3. Translate




obecny, bieżący




wspierany przez

złożony z

oddany czemuś


osoba prywatna








rada nadzorcza


Kurs specjalistyczny „Zawód pośrednika na świecie” – worksheets by Joanna Urban, Poznań 2010





odpowiednik czegoś


standardy zawodowe

polecenie, rekomendacja


spis alfabetyczny, panorama firm


asystować w


rozszerzać się



zaowocować czymś

dzielić się czymś


Ad. Listening

1. Who is this guy?

2. What five things are going to change about property portals?

3. What are the two most popular property portals in the US?