Zapp Ingles Listening Love

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Transcript of Zapp Ingles Listening Love

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English Listening / Level 3

Unit 15 – Love and Marriage 

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comentarios, preguntas o sugerencias visita nuestra página web: valoramos mucho tu

opinión. ¡Buena suerte! Katie y Tom

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Are you feeling romantic? Well in this unit you’re going to practise listening to conversations about

love and marriage. It should be interesting. Let’s get going!

Listening Task 1

How do people usually meet their partners, girlfriends or boyfriends in your country? In England,

things are changing. Listen to Tiku talking about meeting people using the internet and something

called speed dating.


What does Tiku say is good about internet dating?

KATIE: This is Katie, and I’m talking to Tiku.

TIKU: Hello.

KATIE: And we’re talking about, relationships and...particularly, erm,

and how people go about doing that in the UK and...I think...definitely over the last few years,

there’s been a bit of a change in, you know traditionally it would always be people went...maybe to

a pub, or a club, or a bar, or met through friends, but increasingly, people are doing things like, erm,

speed dating...or...meeting on the internet.

TIKU: Yep.

KATIE: What...what do you think about these Tiku?

TIKU: Well, (cough) I err...had, traditionally met, you know, partners, erm...through err,

going out to clubs or bars or whatever, but as you get older, you do less of that (laughter)


KATIE: Are you sure?! (laughter)

TIKU: Well, one would hope so... (laughter) erm, but yeah, you do less of that, and erm, you know,

I’ve never been for...going out with people from work, because it’s a little bit, too close, know, although, I...I’ve have known and met several people who’ve met their partners,

ha...wives, husbands at work. So, it does work and...and it does happen, erm, I met my last

boyfriend erm, through online dating. Erm, and (cough) it’’s definitely erm, a...a massive

sort of, err, way now, of meeting people. Erm...and I guess, you know, as people are getting busy

with work, and you know, all sorts of things like that, and also, (cough) erm, you know, you get pasta certain age, and you know, wh...where do you meet people? You know, unless you’ve got kind

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of...sort of hobbies1, or other sort of extra, sort of curricular activities, that you do, you know,

where you, erm, are exposed to2


different types of people. Erm, and mostly, I think it’s also a time

issue, and you know, it becomes very, very easy, so yes I did meet my last boyfriend, err, through

online dating. Erm, and...that was, in two thousand and...three...

TIKU: ...erm, when it was quite new, and there was a real...

KATIE: Yeah it was.

TIKU: ...err taboo3

KATIE: (laughter)

attached to online dating. It’s almost sort of, you know, err, Oh my God you’re

doing online dating, ooh, you know, you must be scraping the bottom of the barrel ...

TIKU: ...if you’re g...doing online dating, you know. Erm, but’s very, very common now, and it

actually surprises me, just how many, erm, young people, and I young I mean you

know, eighteen year olds, right through to sort of, twenty-five, twenty-six year olds, who are all

doing online dating. So you know, it’s again, become very, very acceptable...


TIKU: go online for dating purposes. Erm, and yes it, you know,’s a,

you’’ can be, a lot of fun because know, can meet some very interesting people.

Erm...and you can meet some very odd4

KATIE: So how do you find...I mean you fill in a profile about yourself, and it matches you with

people or, you look at other people’s profile and e-mail them?

people too! (laughter)

TIKU: Yeah, there’s...

KATIE: How does it work?

TIKU: ...there’s err, several, err...kind of different models, of...of, you know online dating, and

because it’s now become such a, crowded marketplace, you know, erm, there are, you know,dating websites that are based on your interests; so for instance, my sister has met her boyfriend

erm, and it’s all going very well and they are looking to move in together, they’ve been going out

for a...a year, and they met on a dating website, which was erm, all based around your musical

interests and tastes. So erm, you know, the...she sort of put down, on her profile what kind of

music she liked, erm, what kind of bands, what kind of genres of music, erm, and, you...yes you’ll

get matches sent to you, into your inbox, erm, of people with similar, err or same...err...tastes music erm, and then yeah, you can be as active as you want, i.e. you can, you know, err,

contact these people yourself, or you can be passive5


and wait for people to contact you.

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TIKU: Erm...the great thing about online dating’s almost like you can be what you



TIKU: ...err...on these things, erm,, you know, erm, other cases, yes, you, sort of put

down your...your kind of...what you want, what your interests and they’ll send you matches, or you

can search, on...on your criteria, so one of the reasons why I wouldn’t do speed dating for instance,

is because, I’m nearly six foot tall, and, erm...

KATIE: (laughter)

TIKU: know, with speed dating, know, you’re kind of like...err, going round talking

to, you know, guys and girls erm for, thirty seconds, or a minute or three minutes or whatever it is...

KATIE: Yeah.

TIKU: ...err, and then you move on to the next, and so, you’ve got a real phobia, against

sort of, sitting down, and...and chatting to people because I don’t know how tall they’ll be!

(laughter) So...I wouldn’t do speed dating erm, and also speed dating, erm, I think is more for you

know, the kind of, slightly younger, erm age group. Erm, so yeah, I have a...I have sort of had

several dates, erm, met some very interesting people. Erm...and as I said, met some very strange

and weird people. Erm, who I didn’t see again, erm, (laughter) but yeah it can be fun, err, if you

want to make it fun, erm, or it can be, you know, quite laborious6

KATIE:  Hmm.

and painful, but you know,

it’’’s a medium which has become very, very acceptable now.

Listening Task 1 – Answers

What does Tiku say is good about internet dating? It can be good for people who are busy, you can

meet fun and interesting people, you can contact people or they can contact you.

Listening Task 2

The last conversation was about meeting people, but this one is moving on to talking about

marriage. Try to answer the following questions as you listen.

•  What do Tom and Chris think about the age people are marrying at?

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•  Does Chris believe in love at first sight?

TOM: Hi Chris.

CHRIS: Hello.

TOM: Are you married?

CHRIS: I am married. To your sister.

TOM: Oh yeah. Do you believe in marriage?

CHRIS: I do believe in marriage, I enjoy being married but...err, and obviously I believe in

marriage, because as I said, I married your sister...

TOM: Yeah.

CHRIS: September.

TOM: Obvious answer really. Do you think it’s natural to be with one person...for your whole life?

CHRIS: Erm...yeah...I do. Erm, terms of being married to one person for the whole of your

life, erm, obviously when you’re young it’s occasionally a bit different, but err...

TOM: Hmm.

CHRIS: ...I think once you find your...your partner, should stay with them for life.

TOM: What about, do you agree with playing the field before you get married? You don’t

have to answer that.

CHRIS: I think...everyone, does because you don’t really want to find...the first person and settle

down straight away...

TOM: Mmm, like our parents did.

CHRIS: So I think it’s a natural thing really.

TOM: So why do you...why do you think divorce rates are rising?

CHRIS: Erm...I marriage can be stressful. You know,’s something you

have to work at to maintain and...some people have too many other stresses in their life perhaps.


TOM: Hmm. Do you think it’s something to do with religion as well? That basically...

CHRIS: Well...

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TOM: know, the church used to keep people together a bit more?

CHRIS: Well, I don’t know. I mean, a...a...fewer people...are sort of turning...well have religion as

much these days, erm, you know, not as many people go to church anymore, so the whole idea’s God’s will have you stay together for...un...until death do you part, erm Ithink is...I’d say it’s less common now.

TOM: Yeah, yeah.

CHRIS: yeah I think people...maybe they just get bored.

TOM: And people are marrying much later as well, aren’t they, I mean...

CHRIS: People are marrying later. Yeah, it’s, know, people do get married, still quite

young. My sister got married at twenty-three, and it only lasted about ten years.

TOM: Hmm.

CHRIS: But err...don’t know, maybe if you get married too young think you may have

missed out.

TOM: Yeah, I think that tends to happen. (laughter) And would you let your parents choose your

wife or husband? I mean in some cultures they have, you know arranged marriages, like in Islamic

cultures and so on. Would you would you respond to that? If they tried to force you to

marry someone?

CHRIS: No. No. I think it’s, entirely the...the person who wants to get married...their choice, who

they...who they marry. Erm, they know themselves better than...anybody else, I know, some

religions, believe that, you know, that they, just want to do the best for their children...but err...I

don’t think sometimes they always get it right.

TOM: Yeah, I used to work, with a...a young Asian girl, whose uncles had organised her marriage,

and she just ran away from home at the point of getting married, and was in a complete state,

because she was British, grew up in London but had...sort of Asian parents, and she just basically

ran away.

CHRIS: Yeah. I think there’s a whole support network and charities set up for that sort of thing


TOM: For Asian girls from London.

CHRIS: So I think...I think with that set up, I think sometimes, people don’t get it right.

TOM: Hmm. Do you believe in love at first sight ?

CHRIS: much as I think my wife would like to hear me say yes, erm, I can,look at someone and say, yes they’re...very attractive, I’m sure they’re very nice and after talking to

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them for five minutes, you think oh they’re lovely , don’t, know what, someone’s

truly five, ten minutes of meeting them...

TOM: Yeah.

CHRIS: ...erm, you only sort of scratch the surface of, what they currently like doing, what their

hobbies are...and, you know, that sort of thing don’t...

TOM: Yeah, I think love at first sight ’s more, you know, when you’re a bit of a teenager, it’s more

about infatuation7

CHRIS: That’s it.

...and sort of...

TOM: ...erotic obsession, and...

CHRIS: Yeah, lust at first sight maybe.

TOM: That’s, you can’t see someone across a room and go I love them.

CHRIS: No. No. That’s err...

TOM: Great. Thank you very much.

CHRIS: That’s alright.

Listening Task 2 - Answers

What do Tom and Chris think about the age people are marrying at? People are getting married

later in life.

Does Chris believe in love at first sight? No he doesn’t.

Listening Task 3

Now listen to Tom and Simon answering the same questions.

•  As you listen, try to hear if there is anything Simon and Chris from listening two, think the

same about.

TOM: Are you married Simon?

SIMON: I’m not, no. As you well know, I...I’m dating your sister at the minute.

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TOM: Yes. And do you believe in marriage?

SIMON: I do, yeah. I...I don’t believe it has to be in a House of God, or a church, but you

know, as long as it’s two people, and whoever they want with them, then I think that’s enough.

TOM: What about, do you believe in monogamy, and spending your whole life with one person?

You know, getting married at eighteen and...

SIMON: I think in today’s society, you’ll probably find it’s becoming...less and less frequent that

people do stay, in the same relationships for the rest of their lives, so...I believe in it, I think it’’s

very doable and very, you know, if...if you do find that person, then absolutely, why not? But...I,

you know I...I don’t...sort of, I don’t know...I don’t think...I don’t think it’s as realistic as people

would like to believe, yeah.

TOM: Mmm, yeah, yeah, I don’t think it’s...

SIMON: It’s quite a fanciful8

TOM: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And do you...I mean...they say...they say that divorce rates are rising and

rising, and have been increasing for the last twenty or thirty years. Why do you think that might be?

sort of notion know...we...we will spend the rest of your

lives with, one person, from the age of twenty onwards to be honest.

SIMON: I don’t...I don’t know, I know a lot of my friends, I parents and maybe two or

three others, out of...a group of say twenty friends, are probably the only two that...well the only

few that are still together still, so it’s quite, you know...even in my age group we’re, I’m thirty yearsold, and from the age of sort of, fifteen to twenty, a lot of, my friends’ parents, were divorced and

separated, but...

TOM: It’s almost like parents stay together until the children...

SIMON: Yeah.

TOM: ...reach...

SIMON: I think...

TOM: ...leaving home age, which in England is...

SIMON: Absolutely, yeah.

TOM: ...eighteen, and then, they sort of go the...their separate ways, and start again.

SIMON: I think so yeah. I think you know, like you said, I think people do what’s best for their kids,

and then...yeah, you know, I think there’s probably a lot of stress from work etc. and, it’s probably

now more socially acceptable to be divorced, whereas thirty, forty years ago, to be divorced, was

sort of, frowned upon and, you know, people weren’t that you know, keen, to sort of, go down thatroute. So they’d...they’d stay together.

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TOM: Hmm, our...our grandparent’s generation, it was quite normal to...reach the...Golden

Jubilee, wasn’t it?

SIMON: Yeah.

TOM: Which is...Golden Jubilee? Golden wedding anniversary, Jubilee is for the Queen. (laughter)

Golden wedding anniversary, which is fifty years of marriage, and I mean...quite a few grandparents

have reached that but nowadays, people are marrying later and later...

SIMON: Yeah.

TOM: ...I mean I’m almost forty and...I’m not married yet, so...I’d have to be married soon, and be

married ‘till I was make that, which may not happen.

SIMON: You better get a move on9

TOM: Yeah. (laughter)


TOM: And, would you let your parents choose your future wife?

SIMON: Absolutely not. Not in the slightest.

TOM: Would you let them have any say in it whatsoever?

SIMON: No, it would mean a lot to me, for my parents to accept the person that I’ve

chosen, but...I wouldn’t take their...advice on, you know, if I...I was in love with somebody and

wanted to marry them, then...that’s, all the reason that I need, I...I wouldn’t let my parents have

any sort of say in, who I spend the rest of my life with and, yeah, I’d like their blessing and them to

be happy I think...

TOM: Cool. And so you couldn’t possibly imagine, arranged marriage situation, where your

uncle said, Simon here’s your future wife, she’s coming over next week , and...

SIMON: She’d have to be pretty special, and quite wealthy I think, but no, it’s not...not something

I’d, not...

TOM: And what about love at first sight ? Do you believe in it?

SIMON: Ahh...I guess it happens...erm...yeah, I’m sure people do fall in love at first sight , you know

it’s...probably a lot to do with luck and circumstance, as much know...the actual sort of love

side of it but...yeah, I don’t...I don’t know how you could, how you can say, know.

TOM: Yeah, how can you love someone when you’ve never met them?

SIMON: Yeah. Absolutely. I...I think if you sort of break it down, the rationale’s a little

know, the whole concept of it’s a bit harder...

TOM: Yeah, it’s like, she’s quite fit – oh I’m in love.

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SIMON: Yeah. I think there...there’s a physical attraction...immediately...

TOM: Yeah.

SIMON:’ know you’ll find someone physically attractive, and time goes

by you’ll get to know them, you know, and if your relationship is quite progressive, you know, very

quickly progresses, then yeah you’’ll fall in love quite quickly, at first sight  I’s one for the storybooks.

TOM: Would my sister agree with that?

SIMON: Well I...obviously fell in love with your sister at first sight but...(laughter)

Listening Task 3 – Answers

So, did Chris and Simon think the same about anything?

They both believe in marriage, neither of them would let their parents choose their wife and

neither of them believes in love at first sight.


That’s great. You’ve done some really good listening work there.

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Extra Materials


If you want to practise your listening skills even more, here are some extra questions for you. The

answers are at the end of this document. If you get any wrong, you can look at the transcript to

check why.

Listening 1

What was Tiku surprised by?

How did Tiku’s sister meet her boyfriend?

Why doesn’t Tiku like speed dating?

Listening 2

Does Chris think religion is more or less important for marriage now?

Listening 3

Are Simon’s parents married or divorced?

Why do some people stay married when they would prefer to get divorced?

Vocabulary – Getting the meaning from context

When you listen to natural speech, there are lots of spoken expressions you can learn. Here we’ve

taken some of the most interesting ones from the conversations. Complete the following exercises,

which will help you learn and remember these words and expressions.

Look at the sentences from the recordings.

1) dating, ooh, you know, you must be scraping the bottom of the barrel...

2) ...What about, do you, do you agree with playing the field before you get married?

3) ...because you don’t really want to find the first person and settle down straight away...

4) ...You only sort of scratch the surface of, what they currently like doing,

5) ...whereas thirty forty years ago, to be divorced, was sort of, frowned upon...

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Match a word in bold to a definition.

a) to become calm, to begin to build a life with one person

b) only get the most obvious information, not deep

c) think something is not right, disapprove of

d) taking the worst things that are left after others have taken the best

e) have romantic or sexual relationships with lots of different people

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Extra Materials – Answers


Listening 1

What was Tiku surprised by? That lots of younger people are doing internet dating.

How did Tiku’s sister meet her boyfriend? Through a website that matched people who like the

same music.

Why doesn’t Tiku like speed dating? Because she is tall and when you sit down next to people, like

you do in speed dating, you can’t tell how tall they are compared to you.

Listening 2

Does Chris think religion is more or less important for marriage now? Less.

Listening 3

Are Simon’s parents married or divorced? Married.

Why do some people stay married when they would prefer to get divorced? Because they have



1. d 2.e 3.a 4.b 5.c

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Vocabulary Glossary

1 hobbies (noun) - pasatiempos

2 exposed to (verb) - expuesto a

3 taboo (noun) - tabú

4 odd (adjective) - extraño

5 passive (adjective) - pasivo

6 laborious (adjective) - laborioso

7 infatuation (noun) - encaprichamiento

8 f anciful (adjective) - descabellado

9 get a move on ( phrase) - apresurarse