Zanjan washing house

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE (You have a link on the first slide): you!Historical Edifice of Rakhtshooy Khaneh which in means Wash-house lies at the historical texture of the Zanjan city and it was built nearly 20th century. This place was used for washing clothes by women around the city. It was constructed by two brothers named Mashad Akbar and Mashadi Esmail. At the present this historic building is being used as Zanjan anthropological museum.The Wash-house (Rakhat Shooy Khane) - Located in the old part of the city, this beautifully designed public building was traditionally used by Zanjan's inhabitants to wash their clothes and linen.

Transcript of Zanjan washing house

Zanjan probably dates back to the Sassanid period. Conquered by the Muslims in the 7th century, obliterated by the Mongols and by Tamerlane in the 13 th and 14 th centuries, and having a vivid record in civilization, culture, arts and sciences, Zanjan has experienced both glory and hardship. The city is know for the Zanjan upheaval, resulting in what was by far the largest of the battles between the members of the Bahai movement and Persian troops during the late 1840s and early 1850s, involving perhaps three thousand Bahais and thirty thousand government troops and irregulars.

Zanjan, capitala provinciei cu acelaşi nume (celebră pentru strugurii fără sâmburi) a fost fondat probabil în epoca Sassanidă. Cucerit pe rând de arabi (sec.VII) de mongoli şi de Tamerlan (sec.XIII şi XIV) istoria sa a fost destul de zbuciumată.

The historical building of Rakhtshooy-khaneh has been established in the center of a crowded, old, residential area of Zanjan. This monument surrounded by high walls like a fort has been built in 1928. It was the place of laundry.

Rakhtshooy-khaneh, clădirea ridicată într-o veche zonă rezidenţială aglomerată din Zanjan, înconjurată de ziduri ca o adevărată fortăreaţăa fost construită în anul 1928 cu scopul de a servi ca spălătorie.

This place used for washing clothes by women around the city is being used at the present as anthropological museum of Zanjan Clădirea unde odinioară femeile din oraş spălau rufele a devenit Muzeul de Antropologie al oraşului Zanjan

The main part of the complex that is special for laundry consists of: a reservoir with dimensions of 17 meters length, 11.5 meters width, 8 meters height and the capacity of 740 cube meters;a terrace like a dais with a dominant position of control;the main part of the wash house, a saloon with dimensions of 13/7 meters width, 62 meters length and 677/60 meters area which is designed and constructed with very beautiful perspective. There are two consecutive rows of arches and vaults which are separated by 11 stone columns. The place of washing consists of four units of small basins and water passages around the basins. There are borders and separating lines made of various kinds of Travertine stones which divide the basins and passages.According to rather comprehensive studies done in the field of Iran's geography, such a complex with mentioned functions has not been observed anywhere.

Complexul, devenit astăzi Muzeu de Antropologie, era format din mai multe părţi:un rezervor pentru apă cu dimensiuni de 17 metri lungime, 11, 5 lăţime şi 8 metri înălţime, având o capacitate de 740 de m³;o terasă de supravegherespălătoria propriuzisă 13,7m x 62m, cu două rânduri de arcade şi bolţi separate de 11 coloane de piatrăExistă patru bazine mici şi canale pentru scurgerea apei iar zonele stabilite pentru diverse activităţi sunt separate.

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The Galesh is colorful traditional footwear that originated in Iran. Galesh are always handwoven and with specific fabrics making it unique. This footwear is what people in Persia used to wear before the proliferation of the modern shoe. Galesh are still made today, but under the guise of handicrafts and cultural produce.

Încălţăminte tipică tradiţională. Se mai produce şi acum de artizani pricepuţi

Iranienii şi-au protejat întotdeauna meşteşugarii şi fabricanţii proprii, iar dacă importă ceva, atunci cumpără ce este mai bun pe lume; dar taxa vamală prohibitivă aplicată este de 300% la pantofii din străinătate.

Imagine internet

Iranians remove outdoor shoes before stepping into the house. There is footwear specifically for different sections of the house. Different pairs of slippers for the kitchen, the bathrooms and also comfort shoes for walking about the house are typical in most Iranian homes. Pairs of emergency slippers also come handy for short and nearby trips outside the house.

Iranienii îşi scot pantofii înainte de a intra în casă. Ei au încălţăminte specială pentru diferitele părţi ale casei: au papuci diferiţi pentru bucătărie sau pentru băi şi încălţăminte foarte comodă pentru acasă. Întotdeauna au pregătită „încălţăminte de urgenţă” dacă sunt nevoiţi să iasă în afara casei.

Text: Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu

Nicoleta Leu

Arangement: Sanda Foişoreanu Shahram Nazeri - Masti Salamat Mikonad