Youthworks Surf Awareness Camps

Post on 29-Mar-2016

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Information brochure regarding Youthworks Surf Awareness Camps for schools.

Transcript of Youthworks Surf Awareness Camps

At Youthworks Outdoors we believe that not all lessons are learnt in the classroom. In fact many students thrive educationally in an experiential setting. Youthworks Outdoors has been running camps for young people for more than half a century. Each year we work with teachers to bring around 20,000 school students on a journey of learning and discovery.

One of the best ways to teach teamwork, trust and initiative is to learn outdoors. Our specially-designed curriculum outcomes make it possible to deliver your learning objectives through innovative and challenging lessons. Our quali� ed and caring instructors will connect with your students to teach them lessons that last a lifetime.

Youthworks OutdoorsA generation is waiting

VISIT call (02) 8268 3366 for further information

not all lessonsnot all lessons

are learnt innot all lessonsnot all lessons

are learnt inare learnt in

the classroom


The beach can be a wonderful place but it has dangers. A recent Newspoll survey hasrevealed that 96 percent of Australians could not identify a rip current and alarmingly

only 15 percent could correctly explain the most e� ective way to save themselves if caught in a rip current and therefore prevent themselves from drowning.

on our beaches!on our beaches!the number one killerthe number one killerare unable to spotare unable to spot96% of Australians


from youthworks outdoors in 2011from youthworks outdoors in 2011New surf awareness camps

rip current and therefore prevent themselves from drowning.

from youthworks outdoors in 2011from youthworks outdoors in 2011

be surf safe!

Why Surf Awareness?The water and the beach are a big part of every Australian’s life. This is largely due to the fact that Australia is a country surrounded by water, with a large proportion of the population living close to the coast. Consequently most people will venture to the beach at least a couple of times in their lives. With so many people visiting the beach, it is important that we are all aware of the possible dangers.

Education Saves Lives“The reality is there are too many coastal drowning deaths on Australian beaches; they are preventable with education”, says Peter George AM, National Director of Lifesaving at Surf Life Saving Australia. Understanding the ocean is very important. The more you know about how waves, wind and tides a� ect conditions in the water, the better able you are to keep yourself safe.

New Surf Awareness ProgramYouthworks Outdoors Surf Education programs teach students how to survive in the ocean. We combine up-to-date

surf safety information with practical instruction. Our programs provide a basic understanding of the scienti� c principles of beaches and surf zones. The philosophy behind the program is that the only way to make an informed decision on whether it is safe to swim or not at any beach is to have an understanding of how beaches work.

SafetyWhile perceived risk is valuable in the Outdoor Education context, actual risk with Youthworks Outdoors is quite low. Youthworks Outdoors comply with Department of Education benchmarks and strictly adhere to NSW Adventure Activity Standards. All of our sta� are quali� ed in child protection, � rst aid and adventure activity competencies.

Exceptional CareEach participant in our programs is a valued member of the temporary camp community. Our sta� are not with us just to do a job. They share a passion to care for children and help them grow through their camping experience.

Learning OutcomesStudents will:• Understand how beaches form and the environmental issues a� ecting them• Understand how waves are created and the di� erent types of waves• Recognise types of breaking waves and identify safe and unsafe waves• Be able to identify rip currents and know why, when and how they form • Know how to react safely if caught in a rip• Be able to identify the diff erent types of beaches in NSW and Australia and their associated hazards• Recognise the importance and limitations of beach � ags and hazard signs• Gain valuable surf safety and survival tips• Be more knowledgeable and confi dent in the surf

Additional Options Include:Learn to SurfHSIE Coastal Environment Studies

For More Information Call Our Bookings Team on: (02) 8268 33666