Youth: young people 0 – 24 year 30% of the 16 mln. people.

Post on 16-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Youth: young people 0 – 24 year 30% of the 16 mln. people.

• Youth: young people 0 – 24 year• 30% of the 16 mln. people

80% dutch background

20% ethnic background




serious problems

youngsters Budget for youth policy




National level

Minister for Youth and Families

Coördination within 4 departments

• ministry of Health, Welfare & Sports

• ministry of Justice

• ministry of Education, Culture & science

• ministry of sociale affairs & employment

Family policy & Child Protection

Juvenile Justice

Growing number of migrant youngsters that commit a crime & radicalise in the name of Islam

Health Service and youth Care system

Teenage pregnancies: low , only 3000 a year

• > 33% lives in a 1 parent family

• > 50 % have a migrant background

5% of all young people recieves a type of youth care.

• 15% are supervised by the state

• 85% recieve residental care

education & participation


5 – 16 years five days a week16 – 18 years five days or 1 day with fulltime job

- 4: playschool increasing, both parents need to work for living 4 – 12: primary school12 – 16/18: secondary school +16/18 : higher education


Mostly ‘words’ , because of the decentralised system youth participation must take place at the local level.

The National Youth Council must stimulate the youth participation at any level.

Youth & employment

Youth unemployment task force

School drop outs

• 2006: decreasing 30% drop-outs

• 2010: decreasing 60% drop-outs

Work & leaning scheme for youngsters up to 27

That’s all folks!!! Any questions???