Your Home and Lifestyle

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December 2010

Transcript of Your Home and Lifestyle

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Servings: 8 to 10Prep time: 1½ hoursBake time: 1¾ hours

1 12” loaf French bread or brioche, cut into 12 slices¾ cup butter, melted8 ounces semisweet chocolate2 cups whipping cream2 cups milk1 cup sugar12 egg yolks1 teaspoon vanilla

pinch of salt½ gallon peppermint ice cream

candy cane, crushed (for garnish)chocolate syrup (for drizzling)

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Place bread slices on a cookie sheet and brushwith butter. Toast both sides in the oven until golden brown. Place slices sideby side, overlapping, in a greased 9x12 baking dish. Coarsely chop thechocolate and place in a small bowl. Place bowl in another bowl half full ofhot water. Allow the chocolate to melt, stirring occasionally. In a saucepan,bring the whipping cream and milk to a simmer over medium heat, stirringoften. While cream mixture is heating, whisk together the sugar and egg yolksin a large bowl. Slowly add the hot cream mixture, whisking continuously untilcombined. Strain the mixture into another bowl, and skim off any foam.Slowly pour this mixture into the melted chocolate, mixing well. Add vanillaand salt. Pour chocolate mixture evenly over bread and gently cover withplastic wrap. Place a smaller pan on top to weigh down the bread and keep itsubmerged. Allow to sit for 1 hour, making sure the bread has soaked up thechocolate. Remove top pan and plastic wrap. Cover bottom pan with foil. Pokea few holes in the foil for steam to escape. Place pan in a larger pan filledhalfway with water. Bake in a preheated 325 degree oven for 1¾ hours, untilchocolate liquid is absorbed and the top looks glossy. Serve warm withpeppermint ice cream and garnished with candy cane pieces and a drizzle ofchocolate syrup. Recipe by Laura Swayne. Photography by Kathi Inglesby.

Your Home and Lifestyle DECEMBER 2010 1

Savoring theHoliday SeasonSeven Suggestions for Making the Most of

This Busy yet Joyous Time of Year

oAround the holidays, we often get so involved inwhat we think we should be doing, we forget what isreally important in our lives. What are your favoritememories of past holidays? What do you remembermost about your childhood?Was it the ten-course, thir-ty-guest gourmet dinner that Aunt Sophia made?Probably not, because Aunt Sophia lived in a smallapartment and served at the kitchen table and couldnever have afforded to feed thirty people! But I’ll betyou can still taste her yummy pierogis or her deliciousfudge. And, remember all the fun you had with UncleJoseph when he visited and spent hours playing kids’card gameswith you?Orhowyou enjoyed spending theevening withMom andDad and your brother decorat-ing the tree while listening to holiday music? Can youever get back to that simpler, happier time?Maybe thesesuggestions for savoring the holiday season will help.

Recall Grandma’s homemade latkes, Aunt Maria’ssweet turrón, or Cousin Noreen’s delicious pecan pie.Ask family members for their recipes or research sim-ilar ones online. Print all the recipes you find andassemble them into a cookbook, making enoughcopies to give to everyone in the family as a gift. Nofrantic shopping; no fighting for parking spaces at themall. Everything can be done in your own home andon your own computer at a nominal cost. Companieslike will print the cookbook for you at amoderate expense. Some even provide downloadablesoftware, making the whole process quite effortless.

Host a holiday decorating party or tree lighting—whether for just your immediate family or a smallgroup of guests. If it’s just you and the kids, and maybeGrandma and Grandpa, serve some cookies andchocolates with coffee and cocoa. Make it a simple,relaxing evening with seasonal music. Talk about howyou and your parents celebrated the holidays when youwere the age your children are now. You can also makeyour tree lighting a slightly more elaborate affair byinviting a small group of friends to help you decorate.Serve something celebratory like sparkling wine orcider and a couple of delicious desserts and warm bev-erages. Keep it simple and non-stressed and your guestswill appreciate a nice quiet evening away from thecrowded stores and pushy shoppers.

Go back through your holiday photos and choosepictures of loved ones from throughout the years. Puttogether a CD, DVD, or printed album to give to

family. While researching the photos, you’ll enjoylaughing at the changes in hairdos and clothing styles,and you’ll have the opportunity to reminisce aboutthose who are no longer able to attend the holidaygatherings. This very personal gift will be appreciatedby the recipients over and over again.

PERHAPS rather than looking to the past, youwant toestablish your own distinct traditions and create mem-ories that are exclusive to your individual family andfriends. There are no rules; no restrictions. Anythingyou and yours enjoy can become a holiday tradition.

Spend an evening at homewith your spouse and chil-dren or grandchildren playing Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble,Monopoly, Life, or, if the kids are younger, Chutes andLadders or Candy Land. No TV that night! End theevening with hot chocolate and the kids’ favorite cook-ies. Ask questions, tell stories, and laugh together.

Make a kids’ tree. With the help of your children orgrandchildren, decorate a unique tree with all the orna-ments they made for you in school or scouts or day care.Addtheornamentsyouboughtespecially for them—fromcar ornaments or Barbies to rocking horses or spaceships.

Bring out any handmade afghans, quilts, or table-cloths that family members might have made andgiven you in the past as a gift. Place them around thehouse as wall hangings, table covers, throws. Theitems will add a warm, nostalgic touch to your holi-day decor. Imagine how proud and pleased these fam-ily members will be to see that you actually appreciateand display the efforts of their hard work and talents.

Instead of buying ten sweaters and three ties andsix necklace-and-earring sets, why not give to eachfamily member’s favorite charity? Or make a dona-tion to one of your favorite charities in honor of thoseon your gift list and present each person with a sin-cere note telling them what you did?

Yes, you will have to make time for any or all ofthese steps, and that means eliminating some of thefrenzied activities that have taken over your holidaysin the past. It means simplifying your life, finding theold traditions that you loved and want to continue, orcreating new ones that will give you and your familymany new memories to cherish for years to come.Written by Carolyn M. Runyon.

On January second, will you remember the precious holiday moments thatyou spent with close family and friends? Or will all your memories be thoughts offrantic shopping, hectic schedules, pressured entertaining, and distracted gift giving?









































Your Home and Lifestyle DECEMBER 2010 3

The Spirit of GivingSpread Some Holiday Cheer with the Perfect Host or Hostess Gift

Best InterestIf the person has a favorite pastime, take that as your cue. For

someone who is an avid reader, you might buy the latest book inthe preferred genre, or you can play it safe instead with a gift cardto a bookstore. Wrap either one in newspaper for a hint of what’sinside. If you know someone who likes to do a little lighter read-ing, a magazine subscription is an affordable solution that will lastall year long. Some publications even offer a free gift subscriptionas an addition to your original order. Just make sure you knowwhat topics the recipient prefers to peruse.

Blast from the PastLook no further than the past for a gift that could be handed

down to future generations. The staples of long ago may besteeped in history, but they have a place in modern-day dwellingstoo. Bake (or buy) a lovely loaf of bread and place it in an old-fash-ioned bread basket for a practical gift that can be enjoyed for yearsto come. Or present a pretty little picnic basket that will come inhandy for outdoor gatherings. Another option would be aprons,which are enjoying quite a comeback, as they are a great fit foranyone who likes to cook.

Divide and ConquerWhether your host is neat by nature or simply striving to reach

a higher level of tidiness someday, gifts that help to get a house inorder are thoughtful presents for those who adore organization.Give them a head start with decorative file folders, magazineholders, mail sorters, and more. Another way to pare down is withsome help from high-tech gadgets that don’t have to cost an armand a leg. Chip in for a digital picture frame, which is a greatgift for those who like to track their travels or family milestonesthrough photos. The frame becomes a virtual scrapbook foreveryone to enjoy.

Healthy ChoiceFood is a popular hostess gift at any time of year. Just

remember to take the person’s lifestyle into consideration before

you decide what to bring. For those who are watching their weight,a bottomless basket of sweets may not be the best way to go. Switchthings up with healthier choices, such as dark chocolate, a selectionof olive oils, or a plate of vegetables from a local garden. A big bowlof fresh fruit will be a welcome departure from the never-endingsupply of desserts that surround us during this celebratory season.

Small PackagesQuality trumps quantity every time. For example, gourmet

goodies become a delicacy when given in smaller doses. Embellishsimple canning jars with custom labels from your computer. Fillthem with homemade jam or festive-colored trail mix to show youcared enough to come up with the concept and put it all together,too. For a last-minute gift, buy a gourmet bottle of maple syrupand adorn it with some colorful ribbon. You might also considerassembling a delicious little kit that contains like items such as ateapot filled with tea and scones with honey or a supersized coffeemug that holds a pound of java and a silver spoon.

Helpful HintsFind out whether the host or hostess has a collection of any

kind. Whether they have a penchant for vintage tea towels, owlstatues, or something in between, you can add to the assortmentwith a themed ornament or other token that fits the bill. When indoubt, take a chance on practical pieces whenever possible. Forexample, a cute clock, attractive tray, or table lamp will get plentyof use every day. Even a decorative nightlight is a fun and function-al choice that others might not consider buying for themselves.

Last But Not LeastAlways keep generic gifts on hand for last-minute gatherings.

You can’t go wrong with colorful coasters, seasonal napkins, andwine-related gifts. Whatever you decide to share this season, ahostess gift is a great way to spread a little holiday cheer during thisfast-paced and often hectic time of year. When you take time outto show your appreciation for the invitation, you take the spirit ofgiving one step further. Written by Jeanine Matlow.

Planning a party is no easy feat, especially during the holiday season. Express your gratitude for the hostswith a token of appreciation that acknowledges their hard work. This seemingly simple gesture will leavethe party giver with a little something to savor after everyone has gone. There is no need to extendanything elaborate when a token of appreciation will do. Yet, you can go beyond the call of duty byputting some thought into selecting something the party giver will truly enjoy.


Your Home and Lifestyle DECEMBER 2010 5














Holiday Travelwithout the Hassle


Don’t pack too much.We often work right up until the momentvacation commences, which leaves little time to prepare for thetrip. To save time and space, postpone a shopping trip for odds andends until reaching your destination and simply pack essential toi-letries, entertainment for the flight, and at least one versatile out-fit for varied weather. Avoid packing too many items of clothingby paring your wardrobe down to items that work well with onebasic solid; choose black or brown—not both.

Split up the luggage.We’ve all heard the horror stories about longlayovers, missed flights, and eventually lost luggage. To lessen thepossibility of a traumatic trip, pack a bit of your belongings in eachsuitcase. Although this takes a little more planning, it is wellworth the slight hassle in the long run. This practice is easieraccomplished in pairs, so pack half of each parent’s clothing ineach suitcase, do the same for the kids, and then redistribute onceyou arrive at the final destination.

Check in early. Set a reminder to check in online for your flighttwenty-four hours before departure time. Even if you have to wait ina line to present luggage, the checked baggage fees are usually lesswhen scheduled ahead of time and the seats are already assigned.


Rent a car. If you plan on putting a substantial number of miles onyour everyday vehicle, avoid the wear and tear by picking up arental car. Inquire ahead of time about mileage charges, which areoften free if traveling within a few close states. If the vehicle breaksdown for any reason, the company will either come fix it on thespot or provide you with a new one; if only we could be guaran-teed such service on a regular basis! Car rentals are now an afford-able vacation investment and a simple way to treat you and yourfamily to a comfortable drive. Request the unadvertised weekendor weeklong rental prices for amazing deals. Some rental compa-nies are partnered with airlines, so you can receive frequent flyercredits for the rental and be even closer to booking a free flight.

Designate a navigator. Everyone has an opinion but sometimes itis best to hear just one. Pick one family member who understandsmaps, stays awake, and pays attention to detail to help the drivernavigate the trip and encourage the rest of the family to enjoy theride. Pick up maps before you get on the road or reach a new townby air. Promotional hotel maps don’t provide too many details, soselect a full-size atlas or AAA map. For historical and entertain-ment information, pick up a pocket-size tourist map that describesthe city’s main attractions.


Pick a new place to eat.When traveling with children, it’s easy tofind the nearest chain restaurant and order a standby meal thatyou know will be a crowd-pleaser; however, discovering new cui-sine is one of the treasured gems of traveling. To cut costs, pick onemeal each day to enjoy in a restaurant and purchase easy-to-assem-ble meal ingredients at a nearby market for other meals.

Plan an activity.Make plans for onemain activity per day. Preparefor additional adventure options if time allows, but don’t attemptto pack too much into one day. When you travel to a new place ortake a fresh route, the potential for new experiences can be excit-ing. Focus on one excursion and set aside plenty of time so therush to get there doesn’t overshadow the experience itself. Beforeyou make a schedule, check for free admission days to museumsand other attractions, which may be offered on a weekly basis.

IT’S AN ADVENTURERemember, traveling is about appreciating the adventure that

leads you to the final destination. Sometimes taking a wrong turnor missing a ferry will lead to a grand surprise. Freeways areefficient but bypass the character of local towns; so if you getturned around, just be sure you follow the correct direction on amaintained road, and enjoy the ride. Your family might createan enduring memory by discovering a location that you neverintended to find in the first place. Happy trails to you and yours.Written by Maresa Giovannini.

No matter how old the children are, how patient the parents are, or how ecstatic everyone is to be onvacation, traveling with family during the holidays can be stressful. Most people have a short window oftime each holiday season to devote to travel, and making the trek to a vacation destination can be halfthe battle. Some families pack up presents and venture off to spend a week at Grandma and Grandpa’shouse across the country; others opt to stay closer to home with a road trip; and some pick a new ortropical destination each year to explore with their immediate families. Although there is no wayto guarantee a stress-free vacation by land, sea, or air, consider following a few pointers to make the ridea little less bumpy.


Your Home and Lifestyle DECEMBER 2010 7














HOLIDAY GIFTS product guide

PURE LINEN NAPKINSFor the friend who is always volunteering to playhost, consider a simple yet stunning token ofappreciation. Made solely of high-qualityEuropean long fiber flax and densely woven tothe standards of the European Masters of Linenguild, these linen napkins are sure to impress.

TROPHY VASEDon’t just bring flowers as a host or hostess

gift; transport them in style with this ceramic vase,made to look like a trophy. Its sense of whimsy andits handmade craftsmanship is a winningcombination.

AGED TO PERFECTION:ADDING RUSTIC CHARMTO YOUR MODERN HOMEINSIDE & OUTBY LESLIE LINSLEYThose who have a dedicated interest indecorating their abodes will appreciatethis book, full of gorgeous photos andtips for adding old-world character toany home.

DIGITAL LUGGAGE SCALEThe jet-setters on your gift list will

appreciate this digital luggage scale, whichmakes it easy to see whether all those

souvenir purchases put them over the weightlimit. It’s easy to pack and weighs just seven


8 DECEMBER 2010 Your Home and Lifestyle