Your Doorstep to the Temple of Oracle

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Transcript of Your Doorstep to the Temple of Oracle

Your Doorstep to the Temple of Oracle

January 30, 2012

Gather Schema Statistics Fails With Errors ORA-04063 and   ORA-04068

Filed under: Concurrent Manager,Issues — appsdba11i @ 6:06 pm Tags: Gather Schema Statistics Fails With Errors ORA-04063 and ORA-04068

Hi Folks

i got this error in one os our dev instance.

Error Details :

Gather schema statistics requests ends with errorORACLE error 4068 in FDPSTPORA-04068: existing state of packages has been discarded

Resolution :Recompile package FND_STATS with the APPS useralter package fnd_stats compile;alter package fnd_stats compile body;

Then retry to Gather Schema Statistics.

Note id : 215897.1


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January 2, 2012

Gather Schema Statistics Failed with “FDPSTP failed due to ORA-20005: object statistics are   locked”

Filed under: Concurrent Manager,Issues — appsdba11i @ 7:55 pm Tags: line 805 ORA-06512: at line 1, ORACLE error 20005 in FDPSTP, ORACLE error 20005 in FDPSTP Cause: FDPSTP failed due to ORA-20005: object statistics are locked (stattype = ALL) ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_STATS"

Error:=========ORACLE error 20005 in FDPSTP

Cause: FDPSTP failed due to ORA-20005: object statistics are locked (stattype = ALL)ORA-06512: at “APPS.FND_STATS”, line 805ORA-06512: at line 1

Cause: Find the Table which statistics are locked by using below query.

select owner, table_name, stattype_locked from dba_tab_statistics where stattype_locked is not null;

Ex:SQL> select owner, table_name, stattype_locked from dba_tab_statistics where stattype_locked is not null;



Solution: Unlock the Tables which got locked



SQL> exec DBMS_STATS.UNLOCK_TABLE_STATS (‘APPLSYS’,'FND_LOB_ACCESS’);PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

It should resolve the issue.


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Failed to Enable Maintinence   Mode

Filed under: Issues — appsdba11i @ 6:02 pm Tags: aiimToggleMaintenanceMode(), ERROR at line 1: ORA-20000: ORA-24033: no recipients for messageFailed to call the procedure fnd_apps_mode_util.set_to_maintenance_mode while enabling maintenance mode. ORA-06512: at line 38, Failed to Enable Maintinence Mode

Hi Folks

I recently got the issue. I am Failed to enable the maintaince mode in R12.I got this error when i am trying

aiimToggleMaintenanceMode():Error while calling aiucm3().


declare*ERROR at line 1:ORA-20000: ORA-24033: no recipients for messageFailed to call the procedurefnd_apps_mode_util.set_to_maintenance_mode while enabling maintenance mode.ORA-06512: at line 38

Solution========1)Take the Backup of fnd_profile_options

create table fnd_profile_option_values_bak as select * from fnd_profile_option_values ;

2. Identify the PROFILE_OPTION_ID That need to be updated



SQL> select profile_option_id from fnd_profile_options where profile_option_name =‘APPS_MAINTENANCE_MODE’;2PROFILE_OPTION_ID—————–5791

3. Update the table FND_PROFILE_OPTION_VALUES via following update statement :


Ex: SQL> update fnd_profile_option_values set profile_option_value =’MAINT’ whereprofile_option_id=’5791′;

1 row updated.

SQL> Commit;

Commit complete.

This Resolved the issue.

Other things That Needto Check===============================1) Compile Invalids (utrp & manually)2) Try to swith to maintaincence mode

Ref Notes: (Doc ID 376758.1)


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December 26, 2011

ORA-38856: cannot mark instance UNNAMED_INSTANCE_2 (redo thread 2) as   enabled

Filed under: core oracle dba,Issues — appsdba11i @ 7:05 pm Tags: Issue: ERROR at line 1:, ORA-38856: cannot mark instance UNNAMED_INSTANCE_2 (redo thread 2) as enabled, Reset logs error

Hi Folks

we got this error recently when we cloned our prod to are the issue details

Issue: ERROR at line 1:ORA-38856: cannot mark instance UNNAMED_INSTANCE_2 (redo thread 2) as enabled

Error Message :SQL> alter database open resetlogs;ERROR at line 1:ORA-38856: cannot mark instance UNNAMED_INSTANCE_2 (redo thread 2) as enabled

Solution==========Edit the init.ora file and put the parameter “_no_recovery_through_resetlogs”.Startup mount the instance.SQL>startup mount.SQL>alter database open resetlogs;

This should resolve the issue

Ref Note : Doc ID 409045.1

Issue arrises when Clone From Rac DB To Non-Rac DB.


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November 15, 2011

Could not find service instance context for service instance   number

Filed under: Concurrent Manager,Issues — appsdba11i @ 1:07 am Tags: CM Is not coming up, Could not find service instance context for service instance number

hi friends.

i faced this issue 1 week and Concurrent Manager is not coming upthe error in the manager log file is “Could not find service instance context for service instance number “

error in log file———————–Could not find service instance context for service instance number 7269Found dead process: spid=(23209), cpid=(9714), Service Instance=(1159)

Cause :——-Mangaers are wrongly defined or fnd_nodes having some incorrect values.

Action plan to resolve this issue=================================

Action 1)

Make sure that no FNDLIBR process exist (Stop the CM service)

run cmclean.sql from APPS schema and start the services as its resets all fnd tables

if action 1 not working for your case try this

Action 2)

1. Run the following in SQL*Plus as APPS:


2. Run AutoConfig to repopulate the required system tables.

Note that step two will delete all data from system tables such as FND_NODES,FND_OAM_CONTEXT_FILES, etc.

The correct information for the current system will be repopulated when AutoConfig is run.

3. Start the managers

Ref id : (Doc ID 368380.1)

Hope this will resolve your issue.


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Crash recovery fails Ora-600   [Kcrf_rsw_init-2]

Filed under: core oracle dba,Issues — appsdba11i @ 12:57 am Tags: Crash recovery fails, Crash recovery fails Ora-600 [Kcrf_rsw_init-2], ORA-00283: recovery session canceled due to errors

HI friends.

recently one of our client Test DB crahsed & datafiles corrupted. so we restored a backup(hot snap)and we got this error while recovering database

ORA-00283: recovery session canceled due to errorsORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcrf_rsw_init_2], [207], [202],[2], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

Cause :========

During instance recovery the current online redolog header is read and it compare the information in the header againstthe information in the controlfile – if the information in the controlfile is corrupt or out of sync

thenORa-00600 [kcrf_rsw_init-2] is raised.

Solution============1) SQL>STARTUP MOUNT

2) Find current online redolog with following query


3) use this redologs for recovery


When prompted for the log sequence supply the name of the current online redolog then reopen:

4)Once after log applied,open the database


Reference Note :==================Crash recovery fails Ora-600 [Kcrf_rsw_init-2] (Doc ID 1313954.1)


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September 27, 2011

APP-FND-01564 ORA-00001 when Starting the Concurrent   Managers

Filed under: Concurrent Manager,Issues — appsdba11i @ 3:15 pm

Hi Folks

we got this issue recently after refresh,while starting concurrent manager

APP-FND-01564: ORACLE error 1 in insert_icm_recordCause: insert_icm_record failed due to ORA-00001: unique constraint (APPLSYS.FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES_U1) violated.

Cause=======The sequence FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES_S has been manually updated :The max value of the column CONCURRENT_PROCESS_ID must be lower than the next value of sequence FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES_S .



SQL> select FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES_S.nextval from dual;


for us the nextval is less than current values , we have to increase the value by 3000

Solution========To implement the solution, please execute the following steps :

1. Stop the concurrent managers.

2. Set the next value of sequence FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES_S to be higher than the max value of FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES.CONCURRENT_PROCESS_ID.

Ex :alter sequence FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES_S increment by 3000( difference between those values)

3)start the concurrent managers

Ref Note id :===============Error APP-FND-01564 ORA-00001 when Starting the Concurrent Managers (Doc ID 552142.1)

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June 9, 2011

FRM-92050 Failed to connect to the   server

Filed under: Issues — appsdba11i @ 9:22 am Tags: FRM-92050 Failed to connect to the server, Java Exception:

Hello Folks

Recently we got issue in test instance when launching the forms..

Issue Discrription

FRM-92050 Failed to connect to the server

When attempting to launch forms, the following error occurs:ERROR   FRM-92050: Failed ot connect to the Server: <host>.<domain>:<forms port#>

Details…Java Code)at Source)at oracle.forms.engine.Runform.initConnection(Unknown Source)

Recent Change : Patching

Cause :

The issue is caused by the following setup: $FND_TOP/bin/f60webmx is renamed (e.g. to $FND_TOP/bin/f60webmx.sav) orremoved and thus is inaccessible.


1. Stop the forms server using “ stop”. If any f60* processes are still existing in the memory after that then kill them.

2. Either:Rename $FND_TOP/bin/f60webmx.sav to $FND_TOP/bin/f60webmx(In case the file has been renamed to another file)

To relink f60webmx, I executed: force=y ranlib=y “fnd f60webmx”

Relink the forms executables using adadmin to create another file.

3. Start the forms server using the script start.

Refernce Note :

FRM-92050 Connecting and “Failed to exec runform f60webmx” Starting Forms Server (Doc ID 438231.1)NOTE:1079806.6 – Failed to Exec Runform when Starting Forms ServerLeave a Comment

May 25, 2011

Patch failed with   Relinking

Filed under: Issues,patching — appsdba11i @ 11:13 am Tags: Cannot Relink Any Executable Files on Cloned Environment, failed, Patch failed with Relinking

Hi Folks

Recenty i got an issue with patch..   Patch failed with Relinking..the following are the details

Patch Failed With Relink Error..

Relink of module “RAXTRX” failed.See error messages above (also recorded in log file) for possiblereasons for the failure.  Also, please check that the Unix userid

Recent Change : cloned from Prdouction

Error MSg :- adrelink error

make -f /apps11i/apapps11i/11510/admin/APPS11i/out/

Starting  link of ar executable ‘RAXTRX’ on Wed March 25 02:12:13 IST 2011gcc -s -L/apps11i/product/806/lib -L/apps11i/product/806/lib/stubs -ldl -o/apps11i/apapps11i/11510/ar/11.5.0/bin/RAXTRX/apps11i/apapps11i/11510/ar/11.5.0/lib/raamai.o \/apps11i/apapps11i/11510/ar/11.5.0/lib/libar.a/apps11i/apapps11i/11510/fnd/11.5.0/lib/libfnd.a -lsql/apps11i/product/806/lib/nautab.o /apps11i/product/806/lib/naeet.o/apps11i/product/806/lib/naect.o /apps11i/product/806/lib/naedhs.o `cat/apps11i/product/806/lib/naldflgs` -lnetv2 -lnttcp -lnetwork -lncr  -lclient-lvsn -lcommon -lgeneric -lmm -lnlsrtl3  -lcore4 -lnlsrtl3 -lcore4 -lnlsrtl3-lnetv2 -lnttcp -lnetwork -lncr  -lclient -lvsn -lcommon -lgeneric  -lepc-lnlsrtl3  -lcore4 -lnlsrtl3 -lcore4 -lnlsrtl3 -lclient -lvsn -lcommon-lgeneric -lnlsrtl3  -lcore4 -lnlsrtl3 -lcore4 -lnlsrtl3   `cat

/apps11i/product/806/lib/sysliblist` -ldl -lpthread -lm/apps11i/product/806/rdbms/lib/defopt.o/apps11i/product/806/rdbms/lib/ssbbded.o/usr/bin/ld: cannot find /PROD/806/lib/stubs/ ld returned 1 exit statusmake: *** [/apps11i/apapps11i/11510/ar/11.5.0/bin/RAXTRX] Error 1Done with link of ar executable ‘RAXTRX’ on Wed March 25 02:12:14 IST 2011

Relink of module “RAXTRX” failed.See error messages above (also recorded in log file) for possiblereasons for the failure.  Also, please check that the Unix userid is pointing to Production ..

Resolution/Fix:- Need to change reference to apps11i

Steps to resolve this Problem============================

1) login as apuser(applmgr)2) change directory to $ORACLE_HOME/lib/stubs3) cat

chk wther its pointing to the COrrect instance

4) if not Then chanage to Present instance and restart the patch…

In my case :

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/lib/stubs

$  ls -lrt–r–  1 apapps11i dba    77 Mar 25 02:42

$ cat libc.soGROUP ( /PROD/806/lib/stubs/   /usr/lib/libc_nonshared.a )

here Our pointed to PROD instance..changing entry from /PROD/806/lib/stubs/ to /apps11i/806/lib/stubs/ restarted the patch… Its applied successfully

Reference Note:-=================


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May 16, 2011

*** glibc detected *** FNDLIBR: double free or corruption (out): 0x00c43198   ***

Filed under: Concurrent Manager,Issues — appsdba11i @ 2:03 am Tags: *** glibc detected *** FNDLIBR: double free or corruption (out): 0x00c43198 ***, java_jit_enabled

Hi Folks

We got a Issue Aftet upgrading database to 11g. the concurrent Request are failing with

” *** glibc detected *** FNDLIBR: double free or corruption (out): 0x00c43198 ***     “

This error can be found in The Request Log.

The cause for this is documented in Doc ID 1296991.1: Programs Fail With “Glibc Detected” After Upgrade Of Db To 11g


The problem was found to be due to the JAVA_JIT_ENABLED being enabled.The JIT is a compiler that has been introduced in 11g for faster compilation of java code. Prior to 11g, NCOMP (aka JAccelerator) was being used.With JIT disabled, you may encounter some slowness when compiling and running your java stored procedures if you have any.


SQL> select name,value from v$parameter where name=’java_jit_enabled’;

NAME                               VALUE——————————————————————————–java_jit_enabled           TRUE

Solution :


Disable JIT.      By using following command we can disable it

alter system set JAVA_JIT_ENABLED= FALSE scope = both



Your Doorstep to the Temple of Oracle

May 15, 2011

Troubleshooting a long Running concurrent   Request

Filed under: Concurrent Manager,Issues — appsdba11i @ 6:21 pm Tags: oradebug, Troubleshooting a long Running concurrent Request

Hi Guys..

today i am going to explain about troubleshooting long running concurrent Request in Oracle Applications 11i/Release 12

Before confirming a concurrent Request to long running we need to conclude/observe some of the things

Check the Statistics,History Runs of that program & Based on this timelines we need to decide the long running Request.

Check The load on DB node to ensure that High Resource Usage is not the Main cause.i troubleshoot

Check DB locks in The Databse To Ensure that This Session is not blocked by any other session.’

Check wether Same Iteration Of concurrent program is running on Instance. like if concurrent request is running twise/trice

If we are Happy/resolved  the above things and find that we dont have any problem Then we need to Digg

long running concurrent Request

Step 1 : Get  Concurrent Request ID of long running concurrent request from Application(fronted).

Navigation  :    Application >> System administrator>> concurrent>request>

Step 2 : Find session associated with concurrent request .i.e SID

By using the above Query we can get sid,serial#,spid of the concurrent Request..

SELECT a.request_id, d.sid, d.serial# , c.SPIDFROM apps.fnd_concurrent_requests a,apps.fnd_concurrent_processes b,v$process c,v$session dWHERE a.controlling_manager = b.concurrent_process_idAND = b.oracle_process_idAND b.session_id=d.audsidAND a.request_id = &Request_IDAND a.phase_code = ‘R’;

In My case The Concurrent Request id is 678901

Output of above query returned

REQUEST_ID        SID    SERIAL#    SPID———————————————————–678901             1973      89             1100

Here Conurrent Request id is 678901 & Asoociated Session is 1973.

SPID is the process that Running on DB node Because of This Request..

oracle@acer $ ps -ef|grep -i 1100

oracle1100     1  0 3:30:43      0:03 oracle (LOCAL=NO)

Note : before Using Oradebug make sure that spid  shoud exist on DB node..

Step 3 : Enable event 10046 trace with level 12 using oradebug .

Syntax : oradebug  setospid   SPID

Here SPID is the process id that we are getting from step 2

Coming to My CaseSQL> oradebug setospid 1100—Oracle pid: 79, Unix process pid: 1100, image: oracle@Acer—

Step 3.3 : Enable trace for 10046 event with level 12SQL> oradebug event 10046 trace name context forever, level 12

Step 3.4 : Locate Trace file asSQL>oradebug tracefile_name


Wait for  30 Min to get the Trace file to find the Root Cause

Step 4 : Disable trace  if u r thinking that trace is enough to find the root cause..

SQL> oradebug event 10046 trace name context off

Step 5 : Convert raw trace To Understandable tracefile By using tkprof/Traceanalyzer

tkprof  ‘ /ORADB/acerdb/9.2.0/admin/DELL_ACER/udump/ACER_ora_1100.trc’   ’ /ORADB/acerdb/9.2.0/admin/DELL_ACER/udump/ACER_ora_1100.txt ’ explain=apps/[apps_passwd]  prsela.

Step 6 : Check TKPROF out file to find root cause of slow concurrent request.

Hope this will helpful.. Will coming more Depth in coming days ..



Comments (1)

ORA-20100: Error: FND_FILE failure. Unable to create file, l*****.tmp in the   directory

Filed under: Issues — appsdba11i @ 2:56 am Tags: APP-FND-01914: File o0001236.tmp creation failed File could not be opened or operated on as requested Action, ORA-20100: Error: FND_FILE failure. Unable to create file .tmp in the directory, oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-20100: Error: FND_FILE failure. Unable to create file

Hi Folks

I got recently a issue with FND_FILE, i.e a concurrent program is unable to creae a ffile in directory /SID/tmp.

Error may look like this

Exception java.sql.SQLException: ORA-20100: Error: FND_FILE failure. Unable to create file, o9875234.tmp in the directory, /usr/tmp.You will find more information in the request log.ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_FILE", line 417ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_FILE", line 526ORA-06512: at "APPS.IBY_FD_USER_API_PUB", line 661ORA-06512: at "APPS.IBY_FD_USER_API_PUB", line 311ORA-06512: at "APPS.AP_PAYMENT_UTIL_PKG", line 886ORA-06512: at line 1


APP-FND-01914: File o0001236.tmp creation failedFile could not be opened or operated on as requestedAction: Make sure this directory is a valid directory with write permissions onthe database server node and is listed under utl_file_dir parameter in theinstance parameter initialization file (init.ora) for the database you areworking with.(TEMP_DIR=/usr/tmp)

If someone Get similar type of issue please do the this steps .

Approach:————–1) chk wether that directory physically Exist or not.2) Directory Shoud Have Write permissions to the application user(applmgr) asit will create a some .tmp file .

change Directory file permssion to 777. so that others can write a file into it

chmod 777 /usr/tmp

3) Check UTL_FILE_DIR entry and value shoud be same as u r directory

show paramter utl_File_dir

in our case it is /usr/tmp

4) chk APPLTMP varaible value in MT & the first value of UTL_FILE_DIR shoud beAPPLMTP variable..


IF not do the following steps

1. Change the UTL_FILE_DIR to have the same first value as the $APPLPTMP,in our case : /usr/tmpChange it in the initSID.ora and reboot the database after.

2. Grant all users read/write permissions to that directory:chmod 777 /usr/tmp



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May 11, 2011

Unable to view Concurrent Requests log and output   files

Filed under: Issues — appsdba11i @ 12:37 pm Tags: Error Occurred While Attempting to Establish an Applications File Server Connection, Unable to view Concurrent Requests log and output files, Unable to view Concurrent Requests log/output files

Hi Folks

One of my friend Faced A issue with “Unable to view Concurrent Requests log/output files “..

Issue Description============

We are running and recently did a clone of production to test. However, in the test environment when I run a concurrent request I am no longer able to view the logs or outputs through Oracle.

The error I get when I try to view the output is:

An error occurred while attempting to establish an Applications File Server connection with the node FNDFS_ACER_vmhost1. There may be a network configuration problem, or the TNS listener on node FNDFS_ACER_vmhost1 may not be running. Please contact your system administrator.

The Processing of request in normal and nothing problem with the concurrent processing but if i want to view the report

I am forced to login through BOX and find them manually under $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG and $APPLOUT.

Recent Changes===============Instance is Cloned From Production Recently..

Approach :=========1) Check Listner is Up on CM node or not.. chk tns entry of FNDFS entry in $TNS_ADMIN in 8.0.6

if its ok Then Try to do this find fndfs entry in tns and tnsping

In my case

ex: tnsping FNDFS_ACER_vmhost1

2) Check this profile values at site level

CONCURRENT: Report Access Level (this must be set to USER or RESPONSIBILITY)RRA: Service Prefix (this should be BLANK)RRA: Enabled (this must be set to YES)VIEWER: Text (this should be BLANK to view with the default text viewer)- Viewer: Text can Be set to “browser” to view with Netscape or IE

Navigation to chk : The System Administrator Responsibility >> PROFILE > SYSTEM

If any off the value not matches then change value recording to the above values and bounce CM node.

3) Atlast if u r still facing the issue then chk the fndwrr.exe size in production and compare with the TestInstance fndwrr.exe which is $FND_TOP/bin

if it is same then relink FND executables and Retest the issue..

IN my view above points will help u to identify and resolve the issue…

Happy Troubleshooting..!!!!!!!

Reference=-=-=-=—=11i : Oracle Application Object Library Report Review Agent Setup Test [ID 200358.1]Troubleshooting the “Error Occurred While Attempting to Establish an Applications File Server Connection” [ID 117012.1]

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May 10, 2011

Canceling of concurrent Request Gives “the concurrent manager process that was running this request has exited abnormally   “

Filed under: Issues — appsdba11i @ 3:31 pm Tags: Canceling of concurrent Request Gives "the concurrent manager process that was running this request has exited abnormally ", How to Cancel a Concurrent Request Stuck in the Queue, The ICM will mark this request as completed with error.

Hi Folks

Some times we get a Request from customers that they are unable to cancel the request because of this error

“the concurrent manager process that was running this request has exited abnormally .The ICM will mark this request as completed with error.”"

How to navigate :=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-==Tried to Cancel a concurrent request. Used the “Cancel Request” button from the Administer > Concurrent > Manager form.

Got the following message:

Request xxxxxx can no longer be cancelled. The Concurrent Manager Process that was running this request has exited abnormally. The ICM will mark this request as completed with error.

Solution======This can be safely done while managers are up and running with little care

1) Backup fnd_concurrent_requests table

2) SQL> UPDATE fnd_concurrent_requestsSET phase_code = ‘C’, status_code = ‘X’WHERE Request_id=&request_id

Here Request id is the request which we want to cancel….

3) Commit

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E-Business Suite Login Gives App-Fnd-01564: Oracle Error 6550 In   Afpoload

Filed under: Issues — appsdba11i @ 3:06 pm Tags: APP-FND-01564: ORACLE error 6550 in afpoload PLS-00201: identifier 'FND_PROFILE.GET_SPECIFIC' must be declared, E-Business Suite Login Gives App-Fnd-01564: Oracle Error 6550 In Afpoload

Hi Folks

Recently We got Issue with Production Instance.

when logging into E-Business Suite we get this error:APP-FND-01564: ORACLE error 6550 in afpoloadPLS-00201: identifier ‘FND_PROFILE.GET_SPECIFIC’ must be declared


Sometimes When we Access Forms(no specific form.. randomly) Genarating Results ” App-Fnd-01564: Oracle Error 6550 In Afpoload “

we applied patches 9296830 and 9577274.. issue is resolved..


Patch 9577274 will have to be applied to fix the issue reportedE-Bus login gives APP-FND-01564: ORACLE error 6550 in afpoload

If Someone face similar error it may helpful . just check whether this patches applied or not

Solution=============1. Take Backup of the environment.2. Apply Patches 9296830 and 95772743.Retest The Issue

REFERENCE=========Note: 1097297.1 – E-Business Suite Login Gives App-Fnd-01564: Oracle Error 6550 In Afpoload


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May 2, 2011

A User Cannot See Newly Assigned   Responsibilities

Filed under: Issues — appsdba11i @ 11:58 pm Tags: A User Cannot See Newly Assigned Responsibilities

When a responsibility is assigned to a user in the Security / User / Define form, triggers are fired to send business events to the Workflow Deferred Agent Listeners.These events need to be processed before the base tables are updated with the changes.(The data used in the forms is derived from views based on certain workflow tables.)

These business events are processed by the Workflow Deferred Agent Listener and Workflow Java Deferred Agent Listener. There can be a delay based on the load of the listeners as these are not the only business events that they process.

Running “Workflow Directory Service User/Role Validation” concurrent request can force a one time update but, this should not be the standard method for this synchronization.

Reference:————A User Cannot See Newly Assigned Responsibilities (Doc ID 1073368.1)

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May 1, 2011

All Concurrent Requests Go Into Pending with Status of   Standby

Filed under: Concurrent Manager,Issues — appsdba11i @ 10:26 pm Tags: All Concurrent Requests Go Into Pending with Status of Standby

All concurrent requests go into pending with status of standby.Cause———-System Profile Option: Concurrent Active Requests set to 0.


To fix the issue, lease do this:

1. Log into Oracle Applications as SYSADMIN.2. Select System Administrator responsibility.3. Navigate to PROFILE –> SYSTEM.4. Query for %CONC%ACTIVE%.5. Change the profile option for Concurrent: Active Request Limit to Null (blank).6. Exit Oracle Applications and log in again for the change to take affect.7. Run a new concurrent request

Comments (2)

ICM activate button has been   disabled

Filed under: Issues — appsdba11i @ 8:26 pm Tags: ICM activate button has been disabled, Inactive No Manager

Unfortunately, I clicked the “Deactivate” button on “Internal manager” in the concurrent manager administer option. I am getting Inactive No Manager error in my EBS 12i, also in the status I am seeing “Deactivating” and when i unable to activate the Internal concurrent manager since the “Activate” button is disabled.

When i try to start iCM from command line start apps/apps

You are running version 120.14

Starting concurrent manager for VIS …Starting JIS_0823@JIS Internal Concurrent ManagerDefault printer is noprint exiting with status 0 check the logfile /d01/oracle/JIS/inst/apps/JIS_dbapps/logs/appl/admin/log/adcmctl.txt for more information …


- Stop the concurrent manager using “ stop apps/”

- Start the concurrent manager using “ start apps/”

If the above does not help, please try to run “cmclean.sql” from Note: 134007.1 – CMCLEAN.SQL – Non Destructive Script to Clean Concurrent Manager Tables

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Output Post Processor (OPP) Does Not   Start

Filed under: Issues — appsdba11i @ 8:03 pm Tags: Output Post Processor (OPP) Does Not Start

The Output Post Processor (OPP) manager does not start. When verifying the status of the manager it is shown as “Initializing” but the manager never starts.

The following error is shown in the OPP manager log file:

[9/6/07 6:24:21 AM] [main] Starting GSF service with concurrent process id = 102187.[9/6/07 6:24:21 AM] [main] Initialization Parameters:[9/6/07 6:24:21 AM] [EXCEPTION] [main] java.util.NoSuchElementExceptionat java.util.StringTokenizer.nextToken(Unknown Source)at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsf.GSMServiceController.parseParameters( oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsf.GSMServiceController.init( oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsf.GSMServiceController.( oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsf.GSMServiceController.main(

[9/6/07 6:24:21 AM] [ERROR] [main] Missing initialization parameters, unable to initialize service.


Initialization parameter of the OPP manager is not set.SolutionThe initialization parameter for the Output Post Processor manager is specified in the Parameter field of every manager Work Shift. Below are the steps to follow in order to get the Parameter set:1. Login with Sysdamin Responsibility2. Navigate Concurrent / Manager / Define3. Query for the Output Post Processor manager.4. Click the Work Shifts button.5. Check the current parameter value (if any) defined for every of the work shifts assigned to the manager.The value should be similar to the following:


6. Please make sure that this service parameter is set as shown above and save.7. Restart the concurrent managers.

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How to Find Sessions Generating Lots of Redo or Archive   logs

Filed under: Issues — appsdba11i @ 6:31 pm Tags: How to Find Sessions Generating Lots of Redo or Archive logs, To find sessions generating lots of redo

To find sessions generating lots of redo, you can use either of the followingmethods. Both methods examine the amount of undo generated. When a transactiongenerates undo, it will automatically generate redo as well.

The methods are:1) Query V$SESS_IO. This view contains the column BLOCK_CHANGES which indicateshow much blocks have been changed by the session. High values indicate asession generating lots of redo.

The query you can use is:

SQL> SELECT s.sid, s.serial#, s.username, s.program,2 i.block_changes3 FROM v$session s, v$sess_io i4 WHERE s.sid = i.sid5 ORDER BY 5 desc, 1, 2, 3, 4;

Run the query multiple times and examine the delta between each occurrenceof BLOCK_CHANGES. Large deltas indicate high redo generation by the session.

2) Query V$TRANSACTION. This view contains information about the amount ofundo blocks and undo records accessed by the transaction (as found in theUSED_UBLK and USED_UREC columns).

The query you can use is:

SQL> SELECT s.sid, s.serial#, s.username, s.program,2 t.used_ublk, t.used_urec3 FROM v$session s, v$transaction t4 WHERE s.taddr = t.addr5 ORDER BY 5 desc, 6 desc, 1, 2, 3, 4;

Run the query multiple times and examine the delta between each occurrenceof USED_UBLK and USED_UREC. Large deltas indicate high redo generation bythe session.

You use the first query when you need to check for programs generating lots ofredo when these programs activate more than one transaction. The latter querycan be used to find out which particular transactions are generating redo.

Reference:How to Find Sessions Generating Lots of Redo or Archive logs (Doc ID 167492.1)