Your browser can see and hear and ...

Post on 13-Jan-2015

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New sensor based Web Standards developments have punched a hole in the web that is letting the real world leak into the browser. The getUserMedia API now lets us access cameras and microphones and JSARToolkit and javascript based Natural Feature Tracking like the examples from ICG Graz University have shown that browsers can now be taught to perceive the world around them. Combine this with the and WebGL and you have a real working model for a Web Standards based Augmented Reality. On top of this we also have OGCs Sensor Web Enablement and new developments like the Sensor API and the rapid spread of networked sensors and wireless Arduino-ised devices. Massively distributed dynamic immersive visualisation is now the new structural form for the modern web.

Transcript of Your browser can see and hear and ...

it soaks up data through your senses

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but now we have digital sensors too

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they let our devices see, hear & feel

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new combinations are possible

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the internet of things is here!

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audio perfume

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JSARToolkit fiducial tracking