Your 7-Day Kick Starter Program › slim-thinkers › eat move think … · Your 7-Day Kick Starter...

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Transcript of Your 7-Day Kick Starter Program › slim-thinkers › eat move think … · Your 7-Day Kick Starter...

Your 7-Day Kick Starter



Stop Yo-Yo dieting forever!!

‘Finally, a better way to lose weight without dieting’


Why do you always end up back at square one? The thing that is so obvious to us here at Slimthinkers is exactly what the diet and fitness industry doesn’t want you to know: If your mind is not on your team then you are doomed to failure and endless yoyo dieting! Fact.

You see, they know you will enter into a diet or fitness regime armed with good intensions, go so far with your endeavors, then quit or at least revert back to some of your less healthy choices. So you spend time making excuses as to why you failed, get upset to be back where you started or even worse, live with it for a while but eventually start again! Maybe another reason to lose weight or the same as before. An up and coming event, peer pressure, new year resolutions, getting in to shape for your holiday and the list goes on. So back to the gym you go, the latest diet book purchased, renewing your subscription to your favorite weight loss group. So more money comes out of your pocket and into theirs! Never-ending cycles that feed the industry, which makes them, expand while you are trying to reduce and fit into those jeans again. Quite ironic that isn’t it? The industry is built around you failing. When you concentrate solely on what you put into your body (diets) and what you do with your body (gyms) you are missing one vital component in the equation; Your mind. But when all you have available to you are diets and gyms, it’s no wonder they have the market all wrapped up and you with them. Well it’s time to put that problem to bed right here right now! Let us introduce you to a different way. The Slimthinker way! Start at the top and work down! We don’t want you to fail.


How Slimthinkers started.


It’s been two years now since we met. It was purely by chance. As we talked we realised we were on a similar path with our weight loss clients. Our philosophies were the same but each had a skill set missing, skills, which the other one had, in abundance. Over the course of a few weeks we put our heads together and developed the first program of sessions and ran a pilot scheme. The results actually amazed us! But was it a fluke? We ran two more courses with the same results so the answer to that was a resounding no. One of our key philosophies is ‘there’s always a better way’ so, over the next two years, we tinkered with the format and the content, ran physical group sessions and online programs until we had the ultimate weight loss program. This book introduces you to that program and offers you the chance to change your life and weight, forever.







“We are 2 professionals who between us, have over 40 years of knowledge and experience in weight loss and behavioral change. Working for large companies, private groups and individuals like yourself, we have changed the way people think about themselves, their fitness and their attitude to weight loss. We know that diets alone simply do not work and over time, we have saved the things we know work and discarded the ones that don’t. Now we are sharing that knowledge and experience with you. Our mission is to help you lose weight permanently so you don’t need us anymore – you can do it yourself”.

• Master trainer NLP and Hypnosis certs • Fitness trainer and nutritional adviser certs

Paul Knight and Mark Benn




Are you ready? Eat Differently. Move Differently. Think differently. That’s it! We told you it was simple but it makes perfect sense doesn’t it? If you do the same things all the time you will get the same results. If those ‘things’ result in, losing weight then putting it all back on again, then DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT! That was difficult to do in the past because, as we mentioned, there are only diets and gyms out there to help you on your journey. That was up until now! There are two ways to lose weight, restrict you calorie intake or boost your metabolism. There are two ways to boost your metabolism; internally or externally. Internally by the variety of foods you eat. Some foods make your metabolism go potty and some foods slow it down. Externally by stimulating your body’s natural fat burning mechanisms by moving in a certain way. If you underpin this with a mindset that is focused, determined and able to cope with the things life throws your way, you are on to a winner! But how do you do things differently, how do you put those things in to practice and in what order do you do them to produce the best results? Over the next few pages we will delve deeper into each component and then put it all together.

The Simple slimthinkers Weight Loss solution “I lost more than 5 stone in

a year thanks to the program. Mark completely changed my way of thinking about food” – as reported in The Hinckley Times 24 Aug 2012.

“I hate diets but I love this. The gastric band really worked.Thanks slimthinkers”


“For the first time in my life I didn’t need a seat belt extension when I went on the plane. So happy”



Exercise is just moving, plain and simple. What do you do when you go to the gym or a fitness class? You move. What do you do when you walk the dog or hoover the carpet? You move. Your body is designed to move, to bend and stretch, to lift things, twist, to run and walk, to push and pull. You are doing this all day long or at least at some point of the day. So why do people go to the gym to exercise? One thing we do know from our years in the fitness business is that there are no new wiz bang forms of exercise, just new ways of marketing! And that’s where the fitness industry comes in to it’s own, convincing you to join the new fitness trend that is far better than the last one they said was the best! At the end of he day it is just moving. Having said that there is moving and then there is moving. What you are able to do when joining in with something like a fitness class is to move in a way, which will produce a physiological benefit. Move in such a way to produce a result. As trainers we understand the mechanics of the body and effects of exercise on the body and know that exercise is as vital a component as the other two (thinking and eating). Now we all know the reasons we should be exercising and to a certain degree what type of exercise to do. We are the most informed generation after all but unfortunately the most obese too. So what are the issues surrounding this: One problem comes from the stop start habits that so many fall into. The classic is new years resolutions that start in January and finish by march at the latest. What’s the point of doing fitness training only to stop? Then there’s the multitude of different kinds of exercise out there like body pump, zumba, circuit training, plain jogging, spinning and the list goes on. All are the best thing, because that’s what the blurb on the poster says, so which one do you choose? It’s confusing. And what about the people who wouldn’t be seen dead in a gym or those who are self-conscious and full of low self esteem. What do they do? Simple, create a habit of moving which is easy to do and maintain, doesn’t feel like an inconvenience and most importantly is enjoyable.








By focusing on what you already do throughout the day and doing it with purpose, you can achieve fantastic results. It’s just a matter of increasing your metabolic rate by increasing your activities intensity level. Increase your energy output and stimulate your body’s natural fat burning furnace. One thing is for sure, sit on your arse and nothing will happen in this department. The point here is, move with purpose, get you heart beating a little faster and get out of breath as many times as you can through out the day. But how do you do it, what do you do, how much time will it take and when should you do it? Throughout our ‘Slimthinker 21 day weight loss programs’ we introduce you to simple but effective movement patterns you can include into your day, Everyday! We introduce them to you in such a way that, in the beginning, you notice you are doing them, but ultimately they become the norm and you do them without even thinking. A subconscious behavior of purposeful movement that ignites your metabolism, burning calories and there’s not an exercise class in sight! One thing we will tell right now is it only takes 5 minutes. You can join us at any time – details to follow. Lets just take one of those things you do everyday – walking. It’s as simple as putting one foot in front of the other. You have been doing it since you were a toddler. Our programs show you how to walk effectively and introduce you to power walking techniques. We also come along with you on your walks in the form of mp3 audios.







Mindful Movement


A client we helped to do just this lost 10lb in a month simply by walking. John was a clown, a real clown he made people laugh for a living. He was over weight by a long shot and sedentary for most of his typical day. One of us would turn up at his house at 7.00am two mornings a week and got him to go for a walk with us. He hated it! But with gentle persuasion and good company he began to enjoy his morning walks. This was just walking and talking. After a while he was doing it every morning without us and eventually joined a walking and jogging group. His daily activity levels changed and soon it wasn’t the classic ‘behind a painted smile’ kind of clown but a lets do it kind of guy. He had a sense of achievement and lost weight simply through adding walking in to his daily routine. Exercise is just movement. You are moving everyday in one way or another. With our expert guidance, you can be moving purposefully and losing weight without having to add an exercise class in to the mix. Bargain.







For now though consider this; walk as if you are late 3 times a day for 5 minutes at a time. Walk as if you are late. Get your heart rate up and be slightly out of breath. Walk faster than you do normally. Do it mindfully for 5 minutes. Walk purposefully 3 times a day. Put one foot in front of the other as quickly as you can. Focus on this wherever you find yourself. Focus for 5 minutes and keep it there for 5 minutes. All you have to do is walk with purpose for 5 minutes and repeat that pattern 3 times a day. You do it anyway. You will get closer to your goal with every step you take. Fact! You walk anyway so make it work for you.



Diets fail for a number of reasons. The main reason we have found in our years of teaching is this: ‘If you want it and you can’t have it you want it more’. So by default this is telling us we are punishing ourselves and it becomes a chore. So we end up going back to our usual behaviors. We look at food in a different way. You are a chemistry set and what you put in to your body determines how your body functions. This is not going to be a chemistry or biology lesson; we just want you to understand this concept. What you put in has an effect on what happens. What needs to happen is simple; you need to burn off calories and fat by making your body behave in that way. To make it work for you all day and every day, just feed it the chemicals it needs to get the job done. Some foods will speed up your metabolism and others will slow it down. Some foods will help keep your cravings at bay, others will keep you feeling fuller for longer. The food industry is a minefield. You need a PHD to read a food label, do you go low carb or high protein, what fats are good for you and the questions and confusion goes on. Lets keep it really simple.







Wheat based products will slow you down. When clients come to see us we ask them to describe a typical day and what they eat. Most will complain of feeling lethargic and lacking in energy, feeling bloated and sluggish. For breakfast it is something on toast (if in fact they actually have breakfast). Lunch is a sandwich of some description followed by an evening meal of pasta. Predominantly wheat based with toppings. They have been slowly but surely putting glue in to their bodies! By simply replacing some or all of that wheat intake we see a dramatic improvement in weight loss and energy levels.


Here is where it all begins. Everything you do in life starts with a thought. Thoughts lead to actions. Thoughts lead to inaction. Thoughts take you forward in life but they can also hold you back. One of our private clients came to see us, she had been battling weight issues all her life and she had this problem with crisps, cheese and onion crisps to be precise. Every night whilst watching TV she would munch through 3 or 4 bags. This behavior obviously is not congruent with a weight loss journey. So what did we do? We asked what flavor of crisps does she not like and then went about changing the way she thought about the crisps, so that every time she thought about crisps she thought about the ones she didn’t like and decided to choose a healthy alternative instead. This client went on to lose almost 5 stone! Given the right tools and having the right mindset it is amazing what we can change in our lives. It is possible to like something once and then something happens and you find you no longer like it. Our minds are just like big computers, following sequences and programs. We keep repeating these patterns of behaviors everyday so in reality most days of our lives are just replications of previous days. So how can we change? All we need to do is create some new patterns or interrupt the existing patterns, forcing us to think in a different way and then repeat the new behaviors for a period of time. However without the desire to change, the desire to wake up and think differently nothing will ever change. You have to want it to happen. At Slimthinkers we help embed new thought patterns, designed to make you feel great and lose weight. Using powerful NLP and hypnosis techniques to fully embed a new way of thinking into your subconscious mind. We use video and amazing 3d audio which gives you spatial awareness, so it’s almost like being in the practitioner’s chair. If you want to change we give you all the tools to enable that change to take place, and the side effects of your journey with us is that you will feel more empowered than you thought humanly possible. w







What did you do when you learned to drive a car? You sat there and took instructions from the driving instructor. At the beginning it was all conscious thought. You really had to think about what you were doing. Each component of driving you had to think of independently because it was new to you. As time passed and you repeated the behaviors it slowly became embedded in to your subconscious mind. The patterns you first had to think about now happen instinctively. You can now work three pedals, a gear stick, steering wheel, indicators, look forward sideways and backwards, judge distance and anticipate others reactions. It took time and focus and a desire to do it. You wanted to drive because it gave you more freedom of movement. Another important thing to consider here is, you didn’t stop driving when you had past your test; you carried on repeating the behaviors as part of everyday life without even thinking about it! By following rules and repeating the behavior you will achieve the desired result. Creating a link from your conscious mind to your unconscious mind until you are repeating the behaviors without thinking about it. When you are on a diet, you are always conscious of it. Think about it; how many times do you look in the fridge and think ‘no I can’t have that I’m on a diet’ or, you eat something that is going to put weight on, making you feel guilty because you know you are on a diet! Being on a classic diet is always in your conscious mind.







How to create a habit that will stick


We know that trying to change everything all at the same time simply doesn’t work. You can only be successful by making small changes. A Small change but with a BIG impact. We call them TNT moments (Tiny Noticeable Things). Being on a classic diet or gym regime is a big change but ultimately not sustainable. It is too far removed from your normal habits and beliefs. Over the last two years, we have been putting this in to practice, developing the perfect delivery in respect to time scale, to achieve the best results. We have found the perfect way to have positive, permanent change in your life by following a few simple rules. Repeating the behavior, making it the norm, then adding in more behaviors and patterns to keep the weight loss ball rolling. Although everyone is different, we have found the most effective period of time is 21 days. You can change a habit or create one that will stick with you in your subconscious mind over 21 days. What can you change over just 21 days? These are just a few:

• Your relationship with food • Your beliefs • The way you think about exercise • Your emotions and how to control them • Your understanding of food • The way you think about time • The way you set goals • Your ability to focus on what’s important in your life • The way you eat • Your daily routines • What ever you desire








All of the above have a dramatic effect on your weight loss in some way. It’s not just about dieting, as any of the above will make you fail if not conquered. We have developed a step-by-step program that addresses these issues and more, delivered in bite sized chunks to ensure it is embedded in to the subconscious mind. A program for permanent weight loss that works!! We even give you the Virtual Gastric Band as part of our programs. This alone will dramatically reduce your weight without any of the other stuff. Program highlights later. For now though, let’s start putting this in to practice and losing weight.

Your 7-day kick-starter Over the next 7 days you have the choice to start making a change or staying as you are. The choice is yours. It always has been and it always will be. When you decide to change simply follow the rules. We have included a few elements of our full 21-day programs here in this book. Here’s how it works: You have the weight loss hypnosis MP3. Listen to this every night before you go to sleep. On each day you will be given a TNT that is easy to do. Follow the rules and repeat the behavior. If you are serious about breaking the yoyo dieting cycle now is the time to do it.








Day 1

1. Listen to the weight loss hypnosis mp3

Your 7 Day Kick Starter Just follow the rules

Day 2

1. Listen to the weight loss hypnosis mp3

2. Watch the water video and go shopping







Day 3

1. Listen to the weight loss hypnosis mp3

2. Drink the water

3. Watch the second video

Day 4

1. Listen to the weight loss hypnosis mp3

2. Drink the water

3. Start to cut out wheat. Make a conscious choice to reduce your intake of all products containing wheat especially at breakfast.


Just follow the rules







Day 5

1. Listen to the weight loss hypnosis mp3

2. Drink the water

3. Start to cut out wheat.

4. Go for a 5 minute walk

Day 6

1. Listen to the weight loss hypnosis mp3

2. Drink the water

3. Start to cut out wheat.

4. Go for a 5 minute walk

5. Do something you have been avoiding

Day 7

1. Repeat days 1- 6

2. Make a conscious choice to continue what you have started. Repeat the behaviors.

3. Drink, eat, move and think. Keep moving forward. You now have some of the tools you need for permanent weight loss. USE THEM!

What next? next You can now repeat the 7 days, as many times as you want, it’s yours. Repeat the behaviors. Choose to change. The 7 days here are only a part of the full 21-day program.


This is just the start. To keep making bigger and better changes to your life and your weight, we have compiled not one, but three, 21-day programs which, step by step, allow you to make positive changes. We give you bite sized chunks from our tried and tested weight loss formula, each step adding to what you have already made part of your subconscious behavior. The process is the same; we just add more mind, movement and menus to your life. After this you decide. Keep repeating the program or take the next step. The choice is yours. Here’s what you get in the first 21 days

After that you get access to a brand new eating pattern, a full range of 5 minute workouts, fat burning foods, more great NLP and hypnosis methods plus much more. We guide you through each day that you are with us. Not One but Three, 21 Day Weight Loss Programs are yours for the taking.

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