Young Voices Gamu Edition

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UK singer Gamu Nhengu talks to Young Voices Dionne Grant about life after X Factor, following her gut and why she’s not afraid to be different.

Transcript of Young Voices Gamu Edition

| THE VOICE JUNE 28 - JULY 4, 2012 23

Bouncing backBouncing backBouncing backBouncing backBouncing backBouncing backBouncing backBouncing backBouncing backBouncing backBouncing backBouncing backBouncing backBouncing back

Lauryn Hill penning new







JLS announce shock split

24 ! THE VOICE MAY 2 - 8, 2013

TEAM BREEZYEqually so, Chris Brown’ssupporters have remainedloyal throughout his most tur-bulent times

THE ANGELITESThis heavenly group hold itdown for UK singer Angel. Atpresent, they’re diligently pushing his debut album

THE JLStersThis crew was left heartbrokenwhen British boyband JLSannounced that they were tosplit after five years

TREYZ ANGELSMade up of mostly women whohave fallen for that bright, whitesmile, silky-smooth vocals andface to match

THE FIGHTERSChristina Aguilera’s fan base isnamed after her hit song. Sotheir name says, so shall theydo

THE BELIEBERSNot sure this crew need anexplanation, big enough toinvade a country, Justin Bieberis in safe hands

THE BARBZThey love all things NickiMinaj. What she says goes.Simple! She calls her malefans ‘Ken Barbz’

THE HEARTBEATSKeen supporters of The VoiceUK judge Jessie J. The heart-beats are as vital as the namesuggests for the UK singer

LAMBS / THE LAMBILYMariah Carey loves herLambs and the feeling ismutual. You’ll see their manyexchanges on Twitter

THE DEACONETSUK actor Adam Deacon doesn’thave to worry about a thing withhis Deaconets massive ready totake on any critic

LIL MONSTERSAnother team who have theiridol’s back are Lady Gaga’sLil Monsters. They are die-hard supporters and they’regrowing by the second

THE ALIENS Loyal supporters of former XFactor contestant Misha B,team Alien support and pro-mote the singer’s every move

THE RIZZLE KICKERSThey back UK duo RizzleKicks all the way. Any infor-mation you need on theboys, just ask the team

THE DIRECTIONERSDo not cross this team! Manyhave tried and failed. Theyhave fought many battles fortheir boys One Direction

STANSUS rapper Eminem is respon-sible for the term ‘stan’ afterreleasing his song of thesame name. It was thereforean apt name for his team

THE BEYHIVETeam Beyhive is ready to slayany naysayers at the slightesthint of disrespect directed attheir Queen B aka Beyoncé

THE NAVYThis group keep it 100% forRihanna – good times andbad. Mess with her, you messwith them


A COVENTRY student pulled offthe impossible when he success-fully staged a black tie gala in twomonths.

Oluwaseun Bamgboye, the newpresident of Coventry University’sAfrican Caribbean Society (ACS),put on the Afro Bacchanal eventon Saturday, March 23, despite afew hiccups along the way.

The glamorous bash held atthe Belgrade Theatre, inBelgrade Square, showcased anarray of fashion and dance per-formances, poetry, and musicfrom the university’s Gospel

Rhythms choir.Bamgboye said: “It was really

good, better than I had expected.We had a good turnout. The redcarpet was great; everyonelooked so nice.”

The second year computer sci-ence undergraduate describedthe period as “crazy”, having tocoordinate up to 30 acts whileconducting his studies.

“Being president really testsyour friendship, character andpatience, and it’s hard gettingthe balance right with universitydeadlines,” he said.

Celebrities don’t need to fight their own battles anymore; they leave it up to their much-loved supporters to act as their mouthpiece. We highlight some of the biggest crews going

Dear Kat,I’ve recently found out that I’m pregnant, but I am no longer with my

baby’s father.I’m three months along and I haven’t told my ex yet. He has a new

girlfriend and I don’t want people to start saying that I’m trying to breakhis new relationship up by dropping this on him.

They only person I’ve told is my best friend (and you, of course) whosays I need to share the news with him, but when I’ve tried to callbefore, he ignored my phone call. It’s not really something I want toleave on a voicemail.

I haven’t told my mum either. I’m 18 and know she will flip.Anon

Hi Anon,If you’re an avid reader of my advice column you’ll know that my

answer to most things is communication. If your ex is refusing to pick up his phone, I would advise you to

text him and tell him that you have something “VERY” important tospeak with him about and it’s in his best interest to call. What otherpeople say is NOT your concern.

Understand that your news will shock him and may even angerhim, but don’t be put off. Be patient. Explain that you want to keepthe baby and ask how he feels about your decision.

You need to tell your mum too! Her advice and support will proveto be invaluable during this time.

MAY 2 - 8, 2013 THE VOICE ! 25

WITH A big redflower fixedto her hairand a wide-eyed smile to

match, Gamu Nhengu stood onTV's most popular stage andwon our hearts with her uniquerendition of Katrina and theWales Walking on Sunshine.

The 2010 X Factor judges,including Simon Cowell, CherylCole, Louis Walsh and GeriHalliwell, were in awe as theaspiring singer worked thestage like a pro. A star hadbeen born and we all knew it,especially Cole who was cho-sen to mentor the 18-year-oldthrough the judges house seg-ment.

And then, in a shock deci-sion, Gamu was axed from the

ITV1 show amid claims that theZimbabwean national did nothave the correct paperwork toprogress in the UK competitionany further.

The subsequent outcry led toclaims that racism, not a miss-ing visa, had sparked Cole'sdecision and incited numerouscalls for Gamu to be reinstated.

Even today the singer, now21, says she's still taken backby the response from the Britishpublic.

“I just wasn't expecting peo-ple to be that upset at all,” shesays.

“It was so overwhelming, Ididn't know how to deal withother people being upset forme. What do you say whenloads of people come up to youon the street and say, 'You must

be upset because I'm upset!'. Itwas very overwhelming, butvery heartwarming. I'm so grate-ful for everyone's support.”

Gamu, who resides inScotland with her mum, anurse, and two brothers,entered The X Factor on a“fluke,” her main aim to garnerenough notoriety, which wouldallow her to save up enoughmoney to study literature andphilosophy at university. Furtherstudies had proved too costlyprior to founding fame.

“I wanted to be a writer andgo to Edinburgh University, butthe fees as an international stu-dent were crazy. I wouldn't feelright letting my mum do that, soI actually went onto The X Factorthinking, 'If I get on the show,some people might see me

and I'll gig around and I'll getsome money from it. That wasmy original thinking.”

But after her appearance onthe TV talent show, which haslaunched the careers of LeonaLewis and JLS, the singer wasinundated with offers.

“When I left the show, therewere so many record contracts.I didn't really know where Istood yet in the industry, so Ihad to sift through everythingand find the one I thought Icould grow into.”

The singer decided on inde-pendent label GSound - “ afamily-owned, small and veryefficient studio in Glasgow”.

On her decision to opt for arelatively unknown label ratherthan the bigger players whoalso showed interest, she sim-ply says: “They didn't offer methe world.

“They were very realisticabout it and at that time in mylife I was definitely looking forreality. It was close to home andthey were giving me a chanceto develop, which other labelsdidn't. [The other labels] werelike, 'Once we sign you, we'llrelease your single in January2011.' It was very, very fast-paced and the album just was-n't ready.”

But the star, who has spentjust over two years crafting theperfect album - a mixture ofmainstream pop and R&B,which she dubs ‘Nu-Vintage’, isnow ready to release the firsttaster from her labour of love.

Shake The Room, a sassyreoduction to the scene, is pep-pered with inspiration from erasand musicians past while itspackaging remains modernand edgy. “I love the 1960s! Igrew up with that era. My mumwas a massive fan of TinaTurner. She used to have thiscassette in her car and it wasalways Tina. She would play iteverywhere. I didn't appreciateit then, but I appreciate it now.

She went on: “Then you haveMotown. Motown was like amusic factory, they just churnedout hits. I loved the way theyworked their melodies, the sim-plicity of their sound, the real

instruments, it was all just sobeautiful to me. This is where Iwant to fit in at that moment.”

The singer, who says she'salso inspired by Britney Spearsand TLC's Left Eye, the latterinspiring her Shake The Roomrap verse, says it's her quest tobe different while catering to thecurrent generation of music lis-teners.

“I studied business at A-Leveland realise that the most impor-tant thing to do if you want tomarket your product is to makeit stand out. Music is aboutwanting to stand out, but beingcomfortable in your own per-son, which is very important tome, but not easy in the popindustry.”

Shake The Room is released throughGSound Records on May 5. Heralbum A Love Like This will bereleased on July 15. For more informa-tion, follow @GamuOfficial on Twitter



Body Party


Aging, unflattering,no likey!


Sexy, simple,



UK singer Gamu Nhengu talks to YV’s DionneGrant about life after X Factor, following her gutand why she’s not afraid to be different




youngvoicesmagazine @youngvoicesmag

26 ! THE VOICE MAY 2 - 8, 2013



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