You Are Not In Control

Post on 19-Aug-2015

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Transcript of You Are Not In Control

You are in control.


A Preface

Networks are the key to learning & life – now and into the future.

The most important component of a network is the node.

The best networks have the best nodes.

The best nodes are empowered individuals.

Empowered individuals have ownership and autonomy.

... but

Current systems, technologies and models don’t allow that to occur.

Flash Points: 1. Data Sovereignty & Personal Identity 2. Algorithms & Known Unknowns 3. Enclosure & the Rise of the Vectoralists


Data Sovereignty & Personal Identity

Who owns your data? How do they define your identity?

The Social Graph

Social Network Diagram by DarwinPeacock, Maklaan

Who has their own domain name, their own website?

We put our stuff into other peoples containers.

The Right to be Forgotten

What would happen if Facebook worked like Blackboard?

Every 15 weeks Facebook would delete all your photos and status updates and unfriend all your friends.

What goes into the LMS stays there.

... and then gets deleted.


Algorithms & Known Unknowns

The News Feed

Automation == Algorithm

Digital Shadowland


Enclosure & the Rise of the Vectoralists

End of the commons.

Land is fenced & becomes property.

Digital Enclosure: Acquisition of data via Startups

Digital Enclosure: Binary Choice

Digital Enclosure: Free to join, pay with data

Digital Enclosure: Licencing Terms

Digital Enclosure: Removing the Commons

McKenzie Wark

The Vectoralist Class

Uber, the world’s largest taxi company, owns no vehicles. Facebook, the world’s most popular media owner, creates no content. Alibaba, the most valuable retailer, has no inventory. And Airbnb, the world’s largest accommodation provider, owns no real estate. –Tom Goodwin

The End? No.

The Hacker Class

Developing the Empowered Node

Nodewaresoftware + hardware

Distributed. Co-operative. Autonomous. Connected.

Create new vectors.

Create new commons.

Show NotesThe Social Graph (‘Forgotten’ by Google ( and Ethics in Facebook’s Study ( ( ( Hacker Manifesto ( Battle Is For The Customer Interface ( and the Networked Future (