25, NO. 118...

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y o u 25, NO. 118 C«val7 N m rii-ri T W IN FA LLS, IDAHO. TUESDAY. OCTOBER C. lD-12 PR IC E 6 CENTS

VALIANT REDS HOLDING FIRMAllies Move on 3 Pacific Fronts

As Japs RetreatTtie AuoclBtrri I’r tu

U. s. marine.^, c la .s h in j : ,f re q u t 'tU ly witli Japanese imtrols. %vcrc rtnwr\eiJ holiSinx solidly on GHiul;ik»iiivl i» Ihc Solomon isijtntis today, while on tile N ew Giiincft front A ustw lm n ju iip lc troop.s iiciircd th e s u m m it of the towcrinR Owen S tan ley nibuntniii-S'ufler advancuH o l ihrou to nix milcH.■ Gen. Uou«Ia.s iMacArthur'.s h t‘.'id<iuiirtcrs .Huid'tlie A u stra ­lian ■cQunlcr-offonsivc h a d 'd riv en p ast KnKi, the laHt vil lapo below th e mile-liiKh gup in Ih c rnngc, niid pressed oH — still w ithou t contnctintr tl;c r e t r e a t in g Jnpiinp.‘<e. p

Pfrhapa of btmciidouj sIkdKI- cnncc U> Die Vliole NfW Guinea campaign. MncAriliur rcpvlcd ft jBP#nc.-.r f«)voy had brfii sjw iird and ftlUckcd us it licnilctl noriti Xroro P u n n on the Ntw auliica m l

^ Slipped Ints Buna <Ttie enemy convoy. *hlcl)

cludetl U'O dcsuoycti a«d t tro iuport, apparently slipped

• DunA under cover of darjtnew. and Jl no l Immediately clear tlicr It wua wltlidrawliiK iroopa from Nflw G uinea ulicn clljcovcred < JandlnK rclnforcemrnts.

Obaervers potmcd out Ih a l. ll: entire fu ture of operallorw In llic New Gulrjeo rone may Klnge on Uic ftwiwer 10 tlw ciu«4Uos\ ot ».UeU\er the were det>i«fklng or landing freali troops, and U was recalled tiint the enemy withdrew fronr Mllne bay. in KJnUi,easl New Guinea', when he realised U»e odds were ngalM t him.

in any cvenl. Jppaneje ground farces were retreaUoR In a g reat liurr>' In Uie Owen Bianley moun' la in Junjjles.-^lUi slUed tt« p * con-

..U nulng th e ir advance.for Uie elgliih conaecut4vo day;

Becema Dealli T n p t A t the same Hme. W uhlnglon

quarter# declared tha t new alllad fuccetw* In Ibfl battle of tha ?aclfle sho te rd 'th a t'JB V o n e^ Tcowoids in New O ulnea. the SoIomonJ »nd Uie

^ Aleilllftna were ftecomlns deatJi “ trap# lo r th e enemy'* troops, planes

and ahlps.O n Uic Uiree jstratcRlc fronw.

Amtrltsvn and allied' lorets wlUi- Sn the laa t week shot down 02 aneae plafiea. blew up a lupply ahlp, hlaaled a dc.itroyer out of commls- »lon. lil t two rarco shlpa, strafed barses and Jnfilcied Imvoc on ene­my campa. ground force.i and In- iu n a tlo n a .

A n a \y eommunlQue wild U. fl. dive . bombcra and torpedo planea wltaelced tour Japatw w destroyers,

w oa they jiouKhl to cover a email landing In the Solomons, and left one of th e warships "dead In Uie

8 m u h a t Enemy Canpi In the Aleutians, where American

forces now have occupied tJie An­dreanof than <00 miles from the Japancie ba-^e a t Klakn, V 8. bombers were reported jmftililng

(OAllng.4 •;! r<» i. C*li


t B y JOE ALEX MORUIS Itnltrci P re u Forrlcn Editor

LONDON, Oct. a-cUJ-J - Today m arked Uie end of “Uie pravest 80 days of the war" and i t appeared th a t Adolf Ultlcr li.ul m lw d greateal chance to Alrlke asa liu t Uie U nited Nations, while Uifir offea'Ive p reparaU oai sUll were Immature.

TH« 80-<lay dtinser period wm fixed by Oliver Lytlellon. Uie Brit lah mlnfatcr of pro<|ucllon. who S,»ld

Troops Move Eastward in Aleutians

e of the grAve.Mlaat J ..„ of iis Wllhl>c ever faced."

M any Infomied w rc ea believed th e alilcj had ejneftrd 1. d a rk period wllh a auccets Kreater th a n had been thought poa.ilble. Nol only hod any decliUe >rlctori' by lU U er been balked but prepara­tions had been made (o strike back a t Uio axis.

ObTlou* ItspOcaUoR T h a obi'loua tmpllc^lon of 14-tteI-

to n ’« stAt£znent was that the 60 days had been apent In racing ohesd w ith offenilve pUns while holding th e axis a t b&y in RuxiU. % 'p t and th e n r tto t.

l3ld LTttcltoff^ft'careful. infonn- ed B u in -n iean Uiat afier M days H itler no l only would li»ve Iw l Uli chance for Uie year, but tha i the #!• Ilea would have achieved a biuLi which would awing Uio baliiufc •':ie war? ^

T lie general lmpre.uion In DrlUiln Li th a t Lyttelloti meant tha t' If the no days ulUiouv tJUMttiUnltc<l N ntioai-larBelyduc to sla'.i rcjLit-ince—would W o w r the blKKeM hump on Uie long, bltli road back from the ilefenalve to the offeii-ilvc.

Orj aop t. ]G LytteHon aupplcment ed h l i 8t)-<laya siAlemeni by an oUier:

Dalanee Swlnt*: appronchlng Uie breath n t when, if fiuj.iin can

hold I

FLASHES of LIFE Dy Auocliied


a FULL PAY ,► NEW YORK. Oct. 8 -S am Pall's

Idea worked about *800 worUi. T hen Uie auUiorlUca aieppcd In.

Between Jotja. he received home relleT and unemployment liuur- ance and reglatered for soclsl *e- curlly under hU name and • his hrolher'a.

OdlclcOs sftld hed.iRV X Job under hla broUier’s nami? while drawing relief cheeks under hts own. Uicn leave Uie Job and apply for unemployment Inaurance un­der Uic broUier’a name to protect hla home relief suindlng.

He r>'tadcd suHty lo chvges ot grand larceny and violation of tho New'-i’ork sw te labor law.

miO L E SA L E LOSSGUriNEE. III.. Oct. J-W hen

JoAcph Dada left to take a federal Job ipipecUng fire equipment a t m lliu ry resen-ations. ll appeared Uiat four men would be needed to ' Teplace h im . Dada tjull h li Jobs as village marahal. fire chief, building commissioner and Sar-

• • age mechanic.

L SAFE KEEPING I AUROnA. 111.. Oct. 6 -M r. and

Mra, Fred Donnlclt'cn, Jr.. were w ithin one fiulp of pulling up Uielr automobile for Uie duraUon.

T h tlr li-m oniii-oW . d&ushitr. •SharOn. got hold of Uie Ignition key.' popped It Into h tr mouUi. . ' nuslied to Uie doctor (but nol in Uielr car), h e dUcovered Uist the key had n o t quitebeenswalloued.. QulcUi'. deftly. Uie doctor remov­ed It.

iiEnoicDENVER. O ct. 8 - A waUr hose

—and not old age—kept Mrs. Ade- . lia O lion, 82. from putUng out the

fire.Bhe sa v smoke pouring from the

houM nex t door, ran out and grabbed th e hose bu t got tangled ond tripped. breaJOnj her arm.

Firemen put out ibe flrei

ii iu wiicii. 11 ituj.iin cai In hftr pteaent condlUoi

few wttk* rooit, the balnnci •111 begin to swlns In our direction.'W/iriilnB.i from Prime .Mlniitei

W inston Churchill and oUier.-i liavi p u t ft lid on all /ipocuIalTon of of' fea ilve operallona a t any specific Umc or place.

However. It 1* obvious that we aUll w o n o t paining rnpldly enouBh oR olait Uie oxU. T liai la emphaalwd by iilec i«-f«m ftU ftnhllnK Sroiils fd r m ore planes, more tanks, m< m en. And Uie golden opportunity take advanligo of the red arm. hlatorlc resistance by atrlklng a t G erm any ,Ll going begging.

B u t from the broad vle».TOlnl ll ti obvious th a t Oie aWe.i have made long range gains of auftlclfnt con- sequenco to begin W foree oxLi prop- BRondiv onto Uie detenslve. Ai rt it may b« th a t Uie time for the coun­terblow has been'advanced by Uieae gala%


d iip a tc h Irom Stockholm quoted p rcis r ep o ru In the Swedbh caplinl th a t 3.000 to 4.000 German aolrtlen had been Imprlwtied far i. muUny a t A ltA jn fa r norUiem Noncay.

(NKA Tflfphnlo)Moving lo wlUiln mil; 1*5 nilif* of Japaiiew ba*f« on Uir' e u tcrn Up of the Alrullan Iklaiidi.'U. H. troopj

o tm py lns Wan.U In the AndrrauDt sroup cstaWUh Uietr lieach-hrad and make for Ihe hUU lo le l up gun poaltloni. Army, air force and naval unit* parUclpated In the movenienl. (U. H. army »ljiiaJ c o ijj, pliolo.J:---------------------------------------------------------------- -----------^ - ------------------=1:-----------------

Youth Work Vital in War Torn World, Chest Hears


VIClfY. Oct. 8 OIJ!>—Geniinii 0 cupaUon auUiorlUes Uirenisned to shoot M w otktnen 1* hosujcs ■Si'hen

workera a t the huge ItcnauU itik factory In Paris struck

FYldffj-. protesting coii.-.crli)Lloii of French labor fo r Germany, It learned today,

Tlip Ret... .•ernJ' dcihoastrnlloiu iiKsliir.t g o w n m e n fs forced-work polli AV ItRSl 10 hlRh nllitlnVi of Vht lobor mUUatry resigned In proi> • today and li was rti>oricil frc Lyoai UiAt Uie G ennan labor i croltlng bureau Uiere was destroyed

a bomb.Tlie M« biff Parts faC'

tory. where Oerm an lank.1 are built and repaired laaled for three hours, The occupation oulhorlUes ended It by r.tsidliig an ultimatum to the .itrlkera:

Rtrllce does not end Inr mediately we will pick 50 hMiofce; tinrt ojioot them In llie factory yard." •

Tlic workers ended IHe .iirlk nnce. conr.cloa'i of Ihc madilne lUitloned a t the four comers of the factory yard, gunrdlng the plant

Autoists Warned On Anti-Freeze

theTlie office 0/ price tiilminl.iiratlnn

advised drivers 10 tak« Uielr aiitl- (llllnK M iU on-lor s

hydrometer lest to nvcrt ilie rkk o: damaged motor, T lir ,'Oluilon may

have lost, or gained -itrcngth. dur­ing the fum m rr.

Although mftnufncture of anti' freeze has been cu t to about 60 pci c tn l til last year'.i sa'le.v OPA said.

fUiortage Is expected to dcvelofi.

City Acts to Seek WPB Okay To Construct New Jail Cells

took the first steps in a pro­of new Jail ccll construcUon poUst quaitcTS remodeling,

w hen J t auUiorlzed Holmes Q. Lash, arch itect, to seek Uie necessary pcr- mLwloh ffom Uie war nrwJiKUon board. T he estimated coji has been -Jl from . 14,500 U). «,S00.

I fw a a Indicated Uiat Lash would be .given •InslrucUons to prepare pl^ns a n d specllicaUona as soon as Uie permission la obtained, so tha t contractor* may be M bid on the work. T h a t acUon. however, was

u k e n a t last n lgh fj meeung,/ dividing the propr................

two parts the couheil figures In which Uie _ _ _

evenly matched Uie amount - ......... ey it wai esUmaled Uie var­ious drjlarunenta could spare. In

' esUmates submitted at Iasi . . :a mceUne U st i liad Itwluded

remodeling of police office quar* Mrs. along wlUi conairucUan of four new cells at Uie rear of Uic city blinding. Lftst nlghi.U K ^uncll des> elded m at the office remodellnf

although U iat -Ij Mill resardK) airW legral p a rt of the projcci, Tlila decision, and U iat th e fact tha t I ^ h laid he had'•'esUmated plenty high" op Uie cait, made Uie councllmen feel safe In going alienrf wiUi « >&0 on hand to pay for tlie coiialrucUon.

Tlie new cells will be made of concrete, and one .of Uiem — Uie ■hard-boiled" cell—will be lined wllh the Steel now in use in one of Uie present cells. TJie o lhers may or may not have steel reinforcing In Uie walLt; flrpendlng on whfUier auf- flclent steel can be obtained. The concrete to be ined in these walls will be of high deailty . It wxi siJd. and extremely 'd ifficult of pcneira- Uon.

P laa i for office remodeling call for entarRemcnt ot Uie recepuon room, ruid'U ie conHrucllon of par- UUons 10 provide a room for rec. orda and radio, ano ther room for police cfiulpment. and a Uilrd room • v e r v e os Uie poU tc,chftl's oHlct.

T tto building perm its were grant- (OmiRiirt r . f t c«i>i>» II

iiiid i- s '

.$1,500 AlreadyTlie total stood a t ap­

proximately *1.500 four hours a fte r norkera benaii tUH moniUiK, l l u a .1 luinoonced nt 1 p, ni. by Tom Q. Peavey. Cheat treasurer.


CHUNGKING. Oct. 8 (-TV-Wi dfll W inkle spent six hours in ct ference w ith Generall.ulmo Chlnng Kal-r.h«k' I c it n igh t, insS wti

■ft r 1 a. m.. b'ui he wt early t« iny for nnoUier cfowde<l d in lu le .

IIL1 tslk u'ttli U10 generali.vilmo ,n.i Uie foiirUi In an iiiipreccdi

Bcric.i and was Uie lorigeat grant^cl. to a foreign personflge by

le Clilnc-ie lender.Tlie C h lre ie conilniifd lo

Xeaturc Wlllkle'.-i visit wlUi long ac- count.V of h is acllvliles and editor, lal com m m t.

"Wlllkle brought sunshine U foggy Cliungklng," one newsjiaper snld.

A fter an early brcakfait, Wlllkle l il ted war planLi and Uicn rC'

turned to liLi quartern for a K unaP no , In n strongly-wonl'

ed edfiorlnl. cxpre.-v'cd Ihc hope thai Wlllkle ftould liifonn p^c^l(lenl nooNcvclt a n d Uie Aineilcan piiljHc of Chlna'.i plea for the ntiroKatloa

itra-icrrllo rlalliy and forelRn rjlon.t.

...................................... fly MtHVLN 8»0EMAKKtlT he need fo r clinrjicter building in youllC wtitcii will have

th e job o f "rebuild ing a world torn by w ar," \vii.s'emphusizcd by Xiordon A. Day. Boy Scout nrcu executive, in u tjilk before approxim ivtcly 75 Com m unity,Chesl worlter.*? here today

Diiy .spoke a t a myctinR in th e Idaho Pow er company uudi- to riun i, follow ing the annual kickoff brcnkfnfit a t Wrjiyia

cufc and . Khorlly before -the workera took to th e fie ld in the 1042 catniiaiKi' to secure SH .O O a.for eijfht cliiiritable and chitracCer-buildinK' itKcnv cies. The'troal i.s ?l,tJOU lower than th a t o f year.

"W e'Imvc to look to youUi lo Tight tlic ml^take;; iha i V.o Iwve made." said D.iy. whnse work cxecuiUe of'U ie Snake River a council kUcs him a d w p U^^lsht livw Uic rcqulrenient.1 of youUi, "We hopo Umi Uiey will lii^ve Uic sircngUi and Uie character to get Uic job done, and ll Is task to give Uieni Uiat strcngUi. ^

• Adult Job"Oiir iSuiy 1.1 to i.upplement Uu

home. Uie church nnd Uic school We must give our boya and girls the atrengUi niid Uio cha.rticier to carry on after Uic peocc."

Day alio lold the w orker of wlmt he m1:I he considered an Imporuini ot the Clieal campalKH. Ui( offer of an opi«ninity for niiuiy ad- dltlonnl clUjeii.-. to have n real pari In Tviln Falls communlly Mipport Among Ihr.-.c he ineludetl .somi groups of employe.i, and Bome of Ui( per.ions living In Uie outlyttiK orcai

•Too many people arc living or Uio coniniunlly. and nol In It " h( .said. •'Some do Uial InlenUonally but a grenl many becaujc Uiey hav« not been given Uie oiiporiunliy to share the re.-.poailbllillM as well a.i Uie prlvUtRf;.. We nwiat gWc ih tn j tha t opi>6rtunliy."

Presidenl'i Mea.ugc p. C; Slirnebcrger. preMdenl 0:

Uie Community Cheii.'<r Ui< bmlnesa a.ipecl of Uic Che^t In hli brief remark.', to worker.s.

■Tlic Cormnunlty CI1e.1l l.i a' ne.u proiKulUon." he a.iaerted. ’’Do nol niwloRlze uhen you .lollcli con- irlhuuoti.1. .Ufci\U!« you have noUi’ Ing lo oixiloglre for. Meet your proa- peel a.1 Uiougii you were g o ln t to

(C.nll.ii4 cn T .o i . C.I1FDR Praises U.S. Workers At Wai’ Jobs

TORONTO. Ont.. OeU 6 (Ur.- Presldcni Roosevelt pralaed Uic pro-

on Ttcord <iS American woikfis today in 0 mc-vsaBe a t the CTnd annual convrnUon of Uie Amcrlcaii PederaUon of Libor.

•'Our producllnn record speaks for lue lf and (or Uu: worklng pebple; It la spieiiclUl," Mr. RoojcveU »iUd.

-& 'eryw hcrc during my recent In* apecUon of wiir n£UvlUe.s. I found the workers dol«K all th a t 'w a j laid oul for Uicm and more." he •sold. ‘^ l every turri Uiey gave oasurancc Uial they c an ta k r whatever It lakes to win Uilr. w ar.'' :

Mr. rtoo.icvrli a.skcd AFL Presi­den t William O ften to expreu to the convenUon's coo dclegatw represent­ing .8.400.000 wofkera. "my cordUl appreciation -ror all U«y. have done to fu rther the war ctfort."

He in jd th a t on his recent two- weeks lour of the natlon'sX'ftr plants he found Iliai Uie worXcra are T o t afraid o f hard eonUnuous. pav ltr. and dangrrous »ork.

•Tliey ?re walking up to It Uirlr au ty and part In th e war," I Roosevt-IL «ild. •Tliey are proud.It.’


Twin Polli county today )iad

Uiousahd toiu of scrap Iron, to u i .o f W4 tons Ytporled rectlved a t Uie seven depots.

TliB biggeat factor In today's In crease over Uie figure for ye.ilerday was the Inclualon of 65 tons nmaa.'sed a t Uio Twin Palls AuU) Wrecking company yard, of which George IJaler la manager. This supply pre- iloualy had not been counted.

Twenty Wai of scrap was reported collecfed a,t ttve other depots over Uie county.

WlUi han-est In geDcral'lnterfer ]ng with the cpeed of the scrap Iron flow. Workers In the campaign today reported a rliln f Intere-ston the part of foTBjers whose principal ,*rop Li btawi. T he close ol bean harvest and threahlng has been expected stimulate Uio movement of scrap from many fan tu . and Uiat ume is .'.aid to be approaching.

r^irmers walUng on potatoes have lime now to get Uielr scrap In. but Hiose busy .harvesting beets arc ex- pectetf to provide anolher rise in the scrap graph in n few weeks..

Stalingrad Defense Remains Strong as Nazis Are Repulsed

).S,P[|)PLEim i 111

EONWAEillSGTON, Oct. 8 l/JV-Clialr.

m all OroTKe. D.. Oa.. or the U/ianc! , conimlllee told Uie ^cnnIe today the Anierlcim, |>eopIr wouLl poy Uixp.i loinling »3fl.i37.000.000, or oiie-thlrd

th r national incomt, ilurlnR Uie cdQjfnK year under peiidlng IcrL’I:

OeotKP look the floor to explain Uio KlgtthUc new revenue bill after a propo.ial by Secretary of Ui« Treaaur)' .Morgenthau for JO.OOO,. 000,000 In new levies, over and obov< thooe Ui tlip pending measure. Had arou;.rd cloak-room dcmanda for asa lts la». ___

previously the finance commlttrt had lold before the kennUs', It-i'for- mal report on Uie bill, in which U crlUclred rate.i on conwrailon profiw nnd defended Ita action In reducing potential taxa­tion’ on hiuitneaa n-i de.ilrnble In or­der to encourage Efficient corpora­tion manngrmenl in wartime.

HeavyGeorge'a e.iUmale on over-all laxa^

tloii Included 12(1^37.000,000 in feder- a t levMe and tlO.200.000.000 In.MaK nnd local Imposts, tie e.iUmaled na- llo A l Income a t $110,000,000,000,

eince March 3, the house ways ;ans commlllee. Ihp hoaie It-

. the .lenaU Ilnance commit' have been worWng on tlie taj

l^lRlaUon.Opening debate

...on of Uie mea ■tribuled Uie lengUi of Ume sumed In ILi preparation ••to i. . cere effort In p rci'ent Uie dra.iUc Inrren.ies from causing severe in ­equities nnrt unduly inttrierlng wlU o u r ecotiomy.^^

?(eed Care "In framlnK our lax-blll." he.

In ft prepared (ilatemenl, "we to fKerche cfiaildcrable care In Imposing aoch a severe rate on poratloii.1 as lo dUirupl lie naUona economy of our countrj-."

Estimating th a i 122,054,000,000 wll bn collrtted from eea-poratt ond in ­dividual Incomes and exceas profits taxes.'h e said tl0.700j00,000 would comr from corporatlonv nnd 111, 2G4JOO,000 from Individuals.


SYDNEV. Au.ilrrtlla. Wednewlsy ct. 1 (-1’)—Australian troops have .aled the steep grades Icadlne

t o Uic gap through thB'rugged Owen S ta n le y In souUicm New Guinea md Uicre atlll h no aign of Jap* ineae. forces retreating toward Uiclr

base a t Buna, on the Island's north- u t coast, dispatches from the bat- clron t snld today.•nic niRht of Uie Jap

Uie appearance yesterday of a Jap­anese convoy headlciR northward from Buna deepened Ui'e mystery

the enemy activity. It sUII was clear wheUier the conioy. which

.... ntlackeil by bombers had attempted to land reinforce' m ent.1 or was withdrawing enemy lorces Irom southern New Guinea.

I i tt-aa recallfd. however, tha t the Jap.meae withdrew from Mllne bay. f a n h e r down the couUiecLM New G uinea coast, when Uiey were con­fronted by overwhelming allied odds.

Reporter Given Star Decoration

GEN. M A CA nTinin'S HtlAD- QUARTERS. OcL 6 (U.R) - Gen. Douglas MacArthur personally con? ferred Uie silver sta r decoraUon on V cm H iU ito d . Associated P m s correspondent. In a New Guinea field ho.splta) Saturday. It was re- tea led loday . .

I n making the award. Ocn. Mac- A rU iursald:

"Kla courage and perseverance en­a b le d 'l i lm 'to conquer Ajfimendous dlfflculUes and rejoin t il t . United S tnies army forces."

H e described how IlaMgUS'd beaten Uirough Jungle to a selUe- ihenU He paracliuted from a plane en route fr«m AustraUa to New Guinea. Aug. 7 and was lost unU! Sep t. 12.

NAZI GENERAL XILLEIJ .BERLIN tProm a erm aa -B ro ad '

e astji.'O c t.-6 ('P>—Gen. Baron von LatiBermauti Und Etlencwnp, con\- n iander of a G erm an tank corps, and Col, Nagy, commander of a I fungarlan division, were killed Sat'< •urday Uie Don front. Uie Oerman h igh conim'and hod announced to­day.

Ry irtNKV liilAPIItO M O S C O W , O ct. C (U.R) — I)e.>iporate G e rm a n com m iindcrs,

^ a r u H s c d b y h e av y lo.s.ic.'t a n d h a u n te d by fcn rs o f )ii>- p ro a c l i in f f w in te r , p u t th o ir e ffo rl .s to ta k e StalinK H id oil a n n t ta c k - a n - h o u r to d a y , b u l t h e v iil i ;in t re d a rm y he ld f i r m .

F r o n t - i i n e d isp a tc h es n n d th e S o v ie t h iffh com m and r e ­p o r te d th e flma-shln}; o f 19 s e p i ir a te n n r ,i 'n t lac lra o f ta n k s itnd in f a n t r y , a ll heav ily su p ­p o r te d b y a r t i l l e r y nnd m or- tiir.-«, 'i ll le.KH th a n 21 hours,

•ere beUcved lo have been II aji indusUlftl district In

northw est fiullngrad. where the Germans were making Uielr strong­est effort with Uiree dIvLilona ot infantry 145.000 men) and 100 tanka

comparatively narrow aector. Invader* Cleaned Oat

Record Number, Of Deer Shot in. Minidoka Hunt

TUc blggcU, deec hunt lu the world wiia nearing a cl<vie today In tlif- Minidoka naUon'al forrsi ns Grover C. Dnvls, dLilrlct coa^erva- tlon officer, announced that ap- proxtm ateb' 1.200 deer hud been Uken In the area since oprnlpg of l i l t special sea-viB Sepl. 30.

T lie h u n t clones Oct. 8 and by thiH tim e i; L< expected that JJ50 deer wlU have been taken from the foreat a re a - o r 00 per eeni of the

‘applicants for permits being sue-CC.MfUl.

DnvU rcporied that one was mode Uils year—compared wlUi a dozen last season—and that

' the public KtnrTolly *a'*e line co- operaUon on the fire liSMfd.

O ulalde of Uie accUlrnl In which

15-year-Old Jerome youUi,' ..........for a day In the woods, but Uiat wa-i ihe only other excliemenl along that line. /


Moreover, red army tommy gun- :ra hurled ihe Invaders from one

whole district which was noc named but pre.iumed to be near the scene of the main aeUon., G ennnn prhoners told the in- crcn^lng frenzy of Uietr command- ■rs, w ho.-with winter approaching nust make good on /d o lf . HlUcr's promise tha t SUUngrad mil bs token., ye t cannot stem Uie flcrce Russian rcslslance.

Letters taken from German prlifi“ ■bnCRi' and bodies •wcrt fUled wim " complaints of Uie increastnjty cold nlghui.

Not only approochlng winter, but M arshal Timoshenko's counter-of- Irnalvo. driving Into Uie Germin lefi t ln n k above Staltograd, men', aced the Invader.

Drsji Snipers In . .a dew errte"'!

■enemy aubniarlne about the mladio tJl^Sep'Stmbcr in the Alfantlo off Uio n w ^ e rn 'coast. Of SouUi America and th n t sur\-l>-or3 had nov been landed a t k United Blairs coast-pori.

’ wASirlNOTO.V, OeU ( PrrsM ent Bo4»e»eH anncuneed U>day (h a t be plau* t« make a nstlonw lJe radio speeeb ullhiu a week or ten days.

WAsirrWQTON, Oct, s W T^nit office of prlcc admlnlstroUon today extended to Oct. ?1 Uie,.deadllne for

dealers lo eomplete

»*it» t f f o r tD bpatches w ld th a t In m lec-

Uon Inside Stalingrad had Uie Ger­mans ftdvancrd, aimough’ Uiey made 13 fuUJe attacks In Uie Indw -~ trl I section jts terday . irrlng to break through ta a bco&d bcwltvkrt thnt leads U) the heart Of Ihe Clly. '

Tlie Soviet noon communique rr- porled the smashing of seven mora lank. a n d . infantry atU ckj.'appar­ently In northweatem SUllngrad

I t waa Uie 43rd day of the baltl® of BtaVlnKrnd.

quire<l molntenonce opcniUoai de­signed to protec t the stock pile neW' pa.vienger cars and commcrcla -elilole* «t4U In storage.

NKW VORK, OcL e fear th a t United liUles bombera will atrike there again was rt- nectrd today In ToHyo dlipatchea

■bioadcaat by the Acrlln radln Hr- ■crlbtng rztraerd lnary anti.air raid drills in which the enUrr papula- llon of (he Japanrte .tsp lu i wan aaJd to h a re parUripaled far 21 hounu

Indny U iat new infommUuipnt wl^olcr-i!r nrrr-si.i ol Amerl- s In- Ocnniin-ixrcupiiM Fmnce i beginning lo rejich the state <1c-

.....iment Uirough Uic govern- mcnl.

SAN FUA.VCI.SCO. OcL 6 (UP'— Motorlita who violate Ihe llrt-ia*- Ing 35-mIle-an*liOur speed limit Vlll forfeit th r lr gasoline ration bwAa an enforcement meaiure. the rrglonal office of prire admln- iilration a n n o u n ^ today. -

Food and Sleep Urged to ‘Avoid

Gold and UlcersKANSAS CITY, Oct. 6 (A ^T o

avoid. colds and slomacli ulcers— a war-Umc lendcncy -le l down, gel plenty of sleep and eat the projier food.

Tlfese' suggesUons came today at soulhwcJt clinical society irom

two doctors. Tliomfts E Carmodj of Denver, an car. nor.e and Uitont apeciftltst. and R. L, ^Midcn o{ Memjihh. a aunioon.-

WlUi home tem peratures recom­mended for <55 degreei this winter. Dr. Carmody suggested Uiai per­sons exercise more, wear warmer clothing, and obudn pletiiy of vita­mins in th e diet, cspeclolly the vita­min A In cream and milk.

He alao rccommcndcd plenty of drinking w ater bo th In *»rdlng off colds a n d .a f te r the cold h u set l a


Mrs. LouLiA'S&« Lancaster tele­phoned th e newspapeti' united scrap m etal drive«dquart«rs that her dog In the b a c f yard “alanys barks o t the chCdrea who pa.u by.” She said slie hod sared “what they threw a t Uie doe and have ft rea l nice pila of.surap."

Tlie tn < i i on OffenslTB

said Soviet*1.1. VV.....IU.4IHUB UllU OOVIC6ftoidicra were IlghUng acUrely— meaning Uipy were on Uie offensira —on Uie Leningrad front, ond had wiped o u t two companies of Ocr-

'H ie Ru.viiaiu continued to mak« _ie G erm ans suffer heavily in llio .Moidok Aren of the eietem Cau- casiii. f'or werka, the Gerniiuis havo been trying to drive a few lallM lo Ur Grosny oil firirU ; y~.— ■ .•V- ’- Dtiputclies .viid thn l ia Uu Vor. ‘

onerii area. 350 mtic.i jMlH>nRM..or Bi.illngrnil. the R u .w ln n a - '.h i^ ^

I a large scllleriicnt TOfli — sides nnd were ronilnulng Uie

ntU-anc^ 'fhey had klllbd ajtO ot the et»«iiy there In aevcral days.


All Uiree Mftgic Valley fi»lorle3 of Uip A malg.imakd .Siicar cumpansr were in opcraUan today. wiUi the Twin PnlLi p lant beginning to slice bffts a t noon.

I l ie Burley factory started T u«- ly of laal week, followed by open­

ing of Uie Rupert p lan i on Friday.P. U Schenk, superintendent of

;he T«'ln Falls factory, sold this afternoon Uiot only a partial crew waa workltiB today to r the opening,.' but Uiat the full complement of 3SS .orkerA would be on t..c job l^ o r - ow. He 4old uicre had not yet been n anatyal.s to determine the lugaix

content of Uie becLs. which were thought lo be coming into virtually all stations in l)jls area.

Opening a UtUe earlier Uian usual ;cnuse of a feared labor sliorUgr.

and foUowtiiB ctosely o n 'th e h« ls of Uie bean hanr'est, Uie beet move­ment was believed to be putting U\a most severe- stra in yet on the labor supply, lla r ry A. Elcock. Amalga­mated dlatrlct manager, waa a t tha Mlnldoko relocation center today In connecUon w ith rccTUlUnS'Japanese labor for the beet harvest, and could , not be reached for a stal«znent of the labor aiAtus a t th e beelonl&s o! operaUons here.

Qcock has prevlotuly the han-est would requlH sons lo lake the beca ground. 785 In Ujo " and about SOO m w and In mbc«Uu>«oua cenUy ho declm cl W » '. iie labor maACx’fOUld b*

Ineludlnff afl IJOO-----------

> thro* f

« workers, l o d .

. yage I'wo TIM ES-NEW S.'TW IN f a l l s , IDAHO . I T uesday, October 6 ,1 9 4 2



, •WASinNOTON, Oct. 6 (UJD-Jlos,• yiirie 'K iefer, iccreur)- of the N«-

' ticm l AMOcUUon of netAll Orocert, told the senat« unull bu ilnn i mlilM today Un

_____ . hi............ - . . .eriil rrsuUUoiu on food is left _u eorreetwJ.

MLn KlefM. speakijii for 60,000 wnall grofco’ proprlcUJr*. n.ik- td llio committee'lo prr.'j for r.i- tablliliment of # flve-ijiin cammts- tlon^lo Investigate U>e iuppU; and dljtrlbuUon of food and iW h i dllns of food problemi by” edi ascnclea.

Comer en Market‘Tlifre U rea.'on to txllevc." Mie

aald, "Uiftt chain atorrj n rr btln« permitted to obtain a virtual com er —monopoly If you will—In ccrtAln lines of canTird Roodi. In fooda. oUier than Alloned lletna. tJiere 1« no effective provblon for Inventory control."

Food Is controlled by a "mulilpllc- Ity" of Rovemment antnta. she said, incliidlnjr the agriculture ilcpurt- jnrnt. the war proditctlon Ixiard. the office of price ndmlnl'trnilnn. the olflce of defenj* trntviporlAUon, the army, tJie navy, tlic itJitc ilcptirl' ment. the commerce drpirtm ent. thi board of economic wtlfttre. lend- ]evc . and the commodities credli corporation. .

Too Much ConfuUon•Tliere Li ao much conliisloii anf

uncerQiIMy amounta to chA' os," alie iiald, ‘This confu^lon, of ILitlf. m ay-unleis clcared ui> - Bravely menace tlie clrillnn foo lupply. But as In the ch*c of rutib^i

Small Business—Big Problem

before the Daruch commlttce made lt-1 report, we can only ffue.u what Is going on.

"Viilexs proper renirdlsl strp i i taken Immediately, w# t»rc lieadi Into something approacJiIng actual huliger within the next 18 men '

CommlttM Chairman Jamei Murray, D„ Mont., announced thiit he would eair Secretary of Anrlcul' ture Claude R. Wlckard and OPA A dmlnlstralor Leon Htnderson t< morrow to ans»'er Mlis Kiefer.

. 1939 . . IM3 >VUI>Iinl.l!nr of malerUls for nonT »»fntlal.. cho\lnr off of retxll

wares, rvrn the d n t t are puttJnc Uie -'little m an" In the itrreL araph hhowi iimall liuilnei* failures clurinc •102fl pronprrily. 153: depreulon, 1039, anil expectancy far lOtS. AH*oul w ar production Is rrspontlble.

Twm Falls News in Brief


JFroni lTf« On«1 a t UiB enemy's camps and

................uthwest Pacific, U. eMTiij flying fortrewcA were said ti hava flovn Uirough lavago Japan u e oppoaltlea yesterday to attack the enfvny'* key Base a t Rabaul, Kew Brltftlir, and Japanese ships a t

Tlie big forlrtis planes pcuniled alrdromet and other Installations n t

tDd tben fought the ir .-#nr shom0 U>nu(b<a*p«scM u r o

. tor-W m ln M 'O u fr A aur^aUtitU7

. daoucod lortrMi A ttf. a 90-mlntitflbattle with sU Jap&ness wro«.

Father of Burley Woman Succumbs

QR0U6E CRHXK. Utah, Oct:-« «■) —Funeral sen'lces will be conducted Wednesday for Jeua Barlow. 0i. the Xaiher of Mrs. Lavelne Olegft, Bur­ley. Ida.

Darlflw died a liils home here Sun­day.

News of Record

ts»» OfffrerUob Jnnrs. freslimnn a t Unlversi:;

of Id/ilio, Mo.icow, wtv.s elrclcd lrr:i> r of his cliu*. uwortllfij to report, •herf h ire.

Tawntend No. 4Town.iend ^lub No, 4 will meet, a'

. p.m. today a t the probate cour; roonui- Iteiwrts on the slate coiivcn'

■ 111 be continued.'

.Sew for n rd fro«»McCook circle. U dlcs of thr

G rand.A rm y of tlie nepubllc. wll Thursday a t 10 Bin. a t iht

home of Mrs, L, H. Luik, 310 Tlilrd ue north, to tew for the >Red Crofj;

Tw o-U rek VUIl M r. and Mrs. Charles McC<

and daughter, Kathy, - OkanoHan, WV.h.. arc here vlslUng Mrs. M Connell's jinrciiLs, Judge and Mi J. O. Pumphrey, 3ID Seventh nvemie east. They plan to remain about tw( weeks.

Sue* for JDflJS .w.Tlie Western Adjustment bureoi

today hivd filed xult in probate couri nKulniil Lee MotUiews. asUns JudR. m ent for *00,55, which yaa said t< be t^ e lunount owed by (he defend­a n t to the pl&lntUf'i cUeot, the-Kyle M. W aIU company, J . H . Banscs U

th<jlilntlfT i ^

Jspu idM Pftir I V e ^ ''T w o yotinr resldenti of the Mini-

ft relocation center a t ITunt were Tied yesterday _Bfternoon In. a •m «u\,by PrObatlfJudKe C. A.

Bailey a t hiv chnniber.*!. Tliry were Tndn-ihl Kiinlyukl ami M lu Kunlko Wak'abnyuAhl. Wltnr.'C'.. a t the cerr* m ony were- ML-.1 Marjorie UulU and Mtv-i M artlia JlolmeJ.

R.-A. Reynoldi Promoted lUchard A. Reynold.!. Jr.. son of

Mrs. ■Dorothy Reynold.v 113 L in­coln. hn.1 been promoted from second

U n d s (n.lfawaftR. T. ilJurki Camjibell arrlvnl

safely In Hawaii yeiterday, accord- InB to a CHblcKram received by hi; tvjfr. Ue It »7J e,'.ipJoj-«/of Cit M orrL' company.

P a m iU of GirlMr. and Mrs, Vem Keyser. Olen-

d a lr. Calif,, are the |)nrcnl.i of a Kin born Sept. 13, according to word recelvetl here by Mrs. Anna Camp- rnd t. mother of. Mrs. Keyter. who was formerly Miss lla « l Conipradt, Tw in KalU.

D in 'n isTo Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Lcrort,

Tft'ln Palls, a girl, today, and to Mr. and Mrs. Allred Slater, Twin Falls. % boy. yesterday, a t tlio.Twln F»il.i county general hospital maternity home. To Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jaynea. Twin Falls, a rW . Uils morning a t the home of Mrs. O. T etl, 4M Third avenue eu t.

MASBIAOE. LICENSE . 'O ct. A-^'Tkdoshl Kunlj'ukl. 30. and XunUco Wak/ibsyAsliJ. K, botii olHur , Ida.

KUNEIIALS W ILSON-Funeral scr\lccs for A.

a . WlUon win he held Tliun<iay a t 4 p. m. a t the T sin PnlLi mortuar>- chapel. Interment will be In T ain I 'a llt cemetery'.

WEATHER .Twin Falls and vldnlly—Little

ehanr« In lemperature. IHeIi yes­terday U . low S i Lew this mom- Inf JG.

I first Ileuter

Mr-i. L etha n jn . today

Second nvcnue ■

:ordlnR to word received by hLi mother. Lieutenant Reynold* Ls bat- Ullon adjiitnnt of an .enRlneerliKr

stationed a t Camp Oortlon. Aiijninta. Oa. Mrs. Reynold.s Li

phinninK to vWt l« r r.on In the near future.

VlilU Rliter lJUiff 6kI. Maurice U aiberry , San

rrancl.v:o. and a former T4-ln FnlU re.ildent. Li here vlslllnR hLi sister. Mrs. R. C. Schlffer, 110 Jackron. SRt. Lan.\berr)' has been locatell wiUi tlie Jl« i eiiKlneer reglmeni Camp Bowie, Tex., and Is en route to S an PrarcLico to continue

•louKli. In civilian life Lansberry a llntoype operator luid Is a "•r of W, A. Uinsberrj'. foi -.r rcpre,ieni*tlve of. Prer jnty and publisher of the Ashton


Carlos A. Phillips In Navy Aviationnrlo.i Albert Phillips. 20. son of hnd Mrs. J. A. Phllll|>s, Jerom e, been accepted ra a naval avlo- oiiilrt, accnnllnK to Infonnatlon

rfcel%eri here frrcn tho selection board In Seattle. He has been sen t to SI, Marj''.i collese, Moraga. C nilf. for pre-niKht tralnliic.

T he younc man U a grnduato of th r Ttt'In Falls hUh scliool and n t- irntled BrUham Yojng vhilverslty. He has been active In Twin Falls church work mul a t th6 university lie was X member of Uie Delta Phi nnd Lambda Delta Bltfma frntemltles. .

The HpspitalJ>o beds were available ihls

tem oon a t the T^Mn Falls county Kener.ll hosTilt;!!.

AnMITTED ^fr.". Frank'O /een. . !ls.1 .Margue­

rite Yuneey. Mr*. E. V, •Caln...Mrs. a e o r te MnKer.% Twin Falls; Mrs. Jl. A. Kyverson. MurtnuRh; Mrs. H ar­ley Incman, Duhl: Brj'ant Marllneu. Reno, Nev.. and -Mrs. Melvin i s l ln -

:r. Jerome.niSMlSSED

Joe Keller. Mr». D, H. Brown son,Baby Caroline Dias. Twin FnlLi; Mrs. Don Dunjon. lUielton;Jam es Tokl, MLiiOurl,



HA Male No. Pboiu

ry yesterday lieft of I r Jack from h e theft

Floor Jack StolenTlie Pnrl;.lan l.iun

reported to police the Mid D ne-half-ton flo tlie liuindry's Rarase, sold to have occurred tween Wednesday and the Hmewtt woa reporte<l.

'lU>celref stalingIvmi O. Johnson.'wlth the United

Sillies slKrnil coriw. Bim Froncl.vo, liixa received the rating of sergeanv nccortllnt: to word received here by hLi parents. Mr, and Mrs, W. I. Join son. Ills twin broUier. Irvan Join son . ■Kitit the coa.M Kuard artillery al» CnTnp Haun. Calif., received liL sergeant'.i rating In August,

To Bobe notplialE m e r Plilllli):., fonm .

Cannl'company eniplovt verely Injured a t Aixlerson ranch dnm scvcnil wreka nso, has been re­moved t« iJie Rt, Alphi^isus hcwpltal in Bol*© tor treaUnent. His condl- :lon SundBv-li-as serlou.v (iccordlntt to M rs, Phllllfv^, who rt'tum td .here......... .............. I.... ' •

ner\Twln ■yt 'fttOTii


irly Mnndn)

Mrs. Letha Mort Called by Death

lllncj.•c-'.t, a: nth'i

Funeral s unices will be held Frl- 3:30 p.m. a t Uie DeUiel Tem-

•hureh. of which she was a ler, Rtv. D. M. David otflclat-

hiK*. In trrn icn t will'be In chMge of the Twin I'alls mortuao'. wlwre the body now resw. ^ /

Mm, M ort was bom June 20, 18S7. I Fountain Orecn, ill, 8ho had ren a resident of tills vicinity slnee

»18 .Survlvlnc are three sons, R. W.

M ort. A. S. Mort and Rolllo Moit, all of Tw in l-'alls; thre* dsnjhters. Mlr-1 Orace Mort. Twin Ffflls; Mrs, Mabel Hoskins, Dallas City. HI., and Mm. LiJcy’EIJefrtU, Csrthsje, IK,; 12 Rrandehlldren; 24 Rrent-Rrand- rhlldren and one great - great - irandchlld.

Famed Conductor To Seek Divortfe

IDAHO c m - , ■fds...Oct. 8 (-V)- ;ir Tlionnvi Beechaju, conthictor of tie Seattle s>Tnphony orclirjtra and armcrly conductor 9f the London

Phllharmorrte symphony, hss filed •• ■ divorce BRaliyt Mrs. Utica

Beecliam,, KaUierlne M. clerk of the third dlitrjct o u n t^ court, reported to-

Brocan. m olse c day.

She SB RTOiinds Kousht.

I filed AUK. 26, 1B42 thLi Rhnst mlnliiR town 40 mllej

oni Uie Idaho capital city.

AloyoyCisr SPEAKER

irmcD T u t OftO transact any sort of ordinary lejlU- Ijiaw buihifM." ■ •

Olvlne Uie workem Uielr Ilnal In- stnicilon.s O. P. D'jvaJI. chairman of the Chest drive, touched a (jtiestlon t i i t t held t place In the minds o many worker*. 'T lia t was th« ques. tion 0 / how Chest contributions mlRht be exi>ected to come In. when war aprndlng. and Increased Urlng co^t1 make hea\7 inroads on d l l ' zens-' pur-v.?. ^

“Tlie time I was chairman o: U ic .C IO _ ,id ir^ n < ln J8 ” ," he laJd. •T lia t WM a darb year for Twin Falls, financially, the same as for the re«t of th e country, but the commun­ity chest drTve was a juecets.^ Ai heavy as the financial burden may bn a t th is time. I am satisfied th a t Twin F bUs Is In much better ihape •or a Community Chest drlvo than U ;as In I03J,"

LeadersLeaders for the six divlilont of

.orkers who began sollcltlni funds Ills m om lnr, by aeetlons Into which

they are divided, are: Gordon Day, \o . 1: Mrs. Margaret Van Engelen ind Adj. Wilfred Roswall. No. 3;

Mrs, R. L. Reed and Oena White, No. 3; Mrs. Dorli Stradley. No. 4: Mrs. William Middleton, No, 6; and Mm. Roy Evsns. No. fl..

Agencies partlclpatlnj In the Community Chest drlvs are: thi Parent-Teacher association. Camp- Ire OlrU. Doy Bcouls, Y.W.CJk. alvaU6n Anny.v tha Twin Falla .ecreatlon association.F inal pre-«ampalgn publicity iea

m e annual drive came last night ,tn a radio broadcast over KTFI Im­mediately preceding the nationwide Community Chest broadcast on which President fiocw vr/t spoke briefly.


Curtailment of Asphalt, Tar.Use

Asked by IckesWASHINGTON. Oct. 6 t,7V-Pe-

troleum Coordinator Harold L. Ickes today had requested the deferment, for the wari» duration, of a»-non-

1.1entlal pnvlne use of asphalt, Iat, m d asphaltic nnd U r products In he 10 Rocky mountain and Pacific icyuit s ta ^ s .

Tlie request was addrewed to fed- •ral, s ta te and local road consuuc- Ion and repair aRencles In Arltona

California. Colorado. Idalio. Mon rada, Oregon, U t^ . Wasli Id WyomlnR.

-^ 1 1 th e rest of the countrj- prev. lously had been brouKhl under thi

p h a l t conservation program ilch la Intended to relieve a na n-wlde shortace of asphalt and t(

free tAnk car {aclllile.i'for tlio hau l Ing of crude oU and full oils.

Merchant Bureau Chairman Resigns

T he-rrslpisU on of Voy Hudson as chairm an of Twin FliJli Merchants bureau was accepted ' a t today's

eetlnR'Of the organlutlon.Hud-ion. who served In the ftrsi

World w ar os « sailor, has beer ailed In scjectlve service and soor '111 b ( inducted, he said after the leetlns.Jam es Harmon, treasurer, "wll!

step Into Uie' chairman's post to sen 'e out Hud.ion’s unexplred term which has another monUi to run

.rmon wss authorized by thi ■mbers to appoint a new treasuT'

Informed tha t thi laMltute would bo

21 and would bo r. Instead of the

;omary' two. Secretary Jean H aas was Instructed to write Supt. n iram Fry, Castleford. president of 'h e Instltute^south central I,E.Ah > learn the teachers' desires In the •ay of-speak«s. The bureau annu­

ally proTl(leS“Uio speakers and other rtalnment for the Institute

M eet Madeleine Owen, comely Georcla m lu elected !»U pewnut queen. This year's atl-llme rt«ord- crop will go Into expIeilTea.


Tlie bur annual t«: held here

Final Rites Held For Mrs. Miller

BU IIU Oct. 0 -F unera l m v« : [r.i. Uemlce Afme.i Mfller. wife

Floyd Miller. Soda SprinRS. who died it Soda SprtnR.i last Wednesday. I'ali held Monday at 9 a. m. at Uio

Buhl Church of Immaculate Con­ception. w ith Dr. C. M, Verhoeven officiating. Paim earilj-T ire F, J. McEb-oy. J . C. Hamilton. G'eorTte Chellne. Paul Kearley. Leo Jankow- iki and Joe Kollmeyer.

Music was uuder U e direction of Mrs. J . I>ahy. Interm rnt was In Uio rwin FalLi cemetery under tlie dl- eeUon of the ,Albertson funeral loine. Buhl. ‘

R0.1.10' for Mrs. Miller was recited it the elinrch Sunday a t 6 p. m., tllh Dr. C. M. Verhoertn the cele- iranU Mr.i. Miller, formerly MLis Icrnlce Flnke, lived a t IVIn Falls •nd Diihl prior to t^ioving to Soda iprlnss wlUi her family.

...V . .Brooks Moore-.-Durley, was aJectrd president o l Uie.Saake River Valley Ministerial assoct<tlor»«k Uis an n u al October seulon held Monday It Albion Slate Normal school. ■

Jlev. }!. O. MfCalUster. Twin Falls, vico-prealdent. presided. Other officers' named were Rev. E. U Iken- berr>'. Tw in Falls, vice-president and R«v. Murl M..Jones. Buhl, retasf^rcaaury:.

Dr. R. H. Snyder, president of he. nonniUl .ipoko on the subjoct T ilt T«.ik of tl>c Churchc.1 In Tills Var.” A dlacuulon period followed.

Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Thompson, .'ho have cliarge of work amonK the

P ro testan t nienibei's a t the Japaiicie location center. Hunt, were Intro- A d nnd spoke briefly on Uie work

a tu ic .c jim p . iN ext session will be held a t Uie

M ethodU t diurch In 'Twin Falls Dec. 7.

po ther Asks for Order of Divorce

T he mother of fo ir chlldn chnrRed txtrem e cruelty today In fil­ing divorce suit In dbtrlct cour'

She is airs. Isabelle Thomp:. who a iked decree Samuel W. Tliom pson. now of Utah. TJiej m arried May 3.1020. at.Vemnl.Dtnh

Mrs. Thompson askJ custody of Uie four children. IncludlnR U»e 12 year-oUl r.on now with hl.i faUic: She askS one-half of Utelr com m unlty properly afid requests « support money loV Uie children. He a ttorney U W. L. Dunn.


Approximately 200 air raid war-, dens df Uie civilian defense organ* ia itlo n attended a special meeting a t the district court room last night, w hich was called by Leonard ?. Avant. chief olr raid warden for T tt'In Falls county. Avant and Jl, J . Schwendlman, chief, air raid war­den for school dLitrlct No. I, were th e principal speakers.

TJio meeting. Avant sold, 'woj ' parUy fo r'th e purpose of plannlnj

in a ir raid drlD to tw held hen . . IS. ajid partly to determlni

hefw well the local air raid o rtaniia- Uon Is sUylng tngeUier. Tlie chlei a ir AUL warden said hs was pleas­ed wlUi Ujb turnout. ..

An Im portant feature of Uie m eet­ing was R a n t's relaying of Infer- maUon dolalned a t the statewide civilian defense meeting a t Boise 'th u n d a y and Friday of last week. 'Ttiose who Akrnded th a t meeting vltne.ised "incident drills" sim ilar to th a t to be held here and elsewhere

Seen Today

r the sta te .

Hearing Set for Accused Autoist

T he preliminary hearing ff Boyce V. Howard. 31. driver of tli car whlcJi struck a thrce-year-ol child n t Filer Saturday nftemooi Wiu bo hi:id nt 10 njii. Oct. 13 in probate court. Howard was clmrRcd with "driving a motor vehicle at exccsalve speed” In a complaint signed by, V. K. Barron, state “ :em an. and filed yesterday.

Edwin Wood, son of Mr. ond Mxs- C. H. Wood, was reported todoj' to be "show ins Improvement" a t Twin Palls county Rtneral hospital. Tbe boy suffered a brain concu-islon and a .b roken -rlRht leg. hla physicii eaUl.

Three More Sign For Duty in Navy

T tiree m o jr recruiu Jiad berii tentatively accepted for enlistment

I Uic navy' here today.Owen William Sbnms. 35, Twin

Palls. cnllsUd as a shlpfltier. He Rave n son. Jackie Simms, Colorado Springs. Colo., as his nearest of kin.

F rank lin N. Nleben. 31, son oi Mrs. WllmerUi M. Cook. Albion, en­listed In Uie rudlo technician dlvl-

m . while Dick DunsberRennf. 20 illsted os a common seamav.

Traffic Violators Put up $17 Total

Judge J . O. Pumphrey this m orn­ing was pwtlnR i n worth of bat luck for Twin Falls traffic law vlo' lalors. "The offender*; their off ewe. m d the amount of bond posted by

each, were: Ro>' Carl Henry. Ore. :on. speeding. tlO; G. RobeyT Jer- inw ^runnlng red light. ,»2: R . W

D enton. Kimberly, running red light, tS : OoMon’lSclioeder, Twin FalJ.i parking In private drl»y, ♦!: Arthu T . Webb. Nevada, r p a r k l n g li ^ s to f f tc e tone. H :^ n d Roy MeR^ ^e^. Twin Palls, overparklng In post- office tone. »l.

•'OUiers were e l t ^ to appear ai a la ter dst« for postofflce overpark- Ing," Judge Pumphrey aald. ‘T here h as been too much disregard ft th a t red curb of late."

Decision Slashes Judgment on Bill

Appeal of a Twin Faili resli nKftlnst JudKment nwardcd a co:Uon a((cncy had r.cnled the ami down today by nearlyJ300.. DtUrlct Judge J, W. Porter. 1 memorandum decision, awarded vic­tory to J . M. Robln.wn l>y lioldlnR Uint the Western Adjustment bu­reau is to receive ludcment for oiil? »6 Instead of the »270 plu.i and grnhted by JiBilce H arry B. JennlnKs AUf[..(l.\^ T h e dlstrlrt court lound th a t all of Uie disputed account (for mcdl- ciil sen'lces by the late Dr. J . N. Dnvts) Li barred by Uie, statute of llniltaUons- except for two llfiiis. Thf).^ were for 13 June 9, 1933. nnd W Feb, 11.19«. WlUiam ojid Kinney represented Mr. Roblaion; i . H. Dnme.i was attorney for tlie -ad -

■justment bureau.

TransientAccused In Check Forgery

John Honej'cutt, a tran.ilent charged with pn.'-'Uns two forged check.1 here, wiu to be Arraigned In probate court today on a charge of forRery.

Jlow nrd Oltlette. chief of police, said Uiat Honeycutt Is clwrKed'wlUi signing Uif name of R. L. Slu-more. farm er living near Eden, to two checks, and cashliiR th e m 's tn local store Sept. 34. One of Uie chcU ? was for »37iO. nnd Uie oUier fo S s o .

H oneycutt was arrested-by Bolir police Sattu'day and brought to Twin Falls yestenlay. .

Bids Called for Richfield Road

BOISE, Oct. 8 (-l*k-A ciiil hod been l;.;,iie<l today by the Idaho depart- m rn t of public work-i for bld.i on the surfacing of a hishway project In Lincoln county.

Bids wlU be received until Oct. ]G for 2A miles of the Richfield bmncli o f the Sawtooth pntk .Wsiiway in Lincoln county, T. M att Hally, direc­tor of highways, reiwrteil. ,

Tomato colored rnclnK-lTPe car w ith California license, parked on Main uvenue, . . Mon In rcstau- ront giving olf with Buctloneer’s Jingo. . . Passerby untangUng bi­cycle from bumper of auto whose driver started away from curb without noticing wheel parked In front of him, . . Tliat new neon sign eilstenlng In front of U 80 e n te r (Mel Cosgrlff donated lU . . . Workmen removing almoat en­ure fron t of old telephone build­ing to change sire, of wlndo'as. . . Tow truck scraping fender of p.-irkcd auto on flhoslione. . . Tot <5P tricycle guarding baby in go- cart. . . Two small boys peering Uirough slats of veneUaa bUnds a t.dsctor's bulIdUiR. ohlng and a)i-

lady, kneeling In deserted windowi of onetime MaJesUc plmrmacy, vigorou.ily washing the glass. . . And m an try'ing to sweep slde- t,’tilk tn front of store as pedes- trions stream—m i much luck. - \

Pedestrian With Weapon Frightens

Youthful MotherTv,in Fulls officers today were oi

the lookout for an armed man wht tried to stop a young mother as shi drove toward the city with her In flint son tliorUy before D p. m. ycs- tertlny.

TliB report by Mrs. W arren K. Bohm, 238 Blue U kes boulevord, brought a swift search last night of U ie. arcii arounB Uie Rock creek bridge on Blue U kes wuUi,

On Uie verge of hysteria oa she rei>orted the Incident {o police. Mrs. Oohm said eho had been a t th- homo of her parents «on,Ui of 'Twii

,, nnd waa brlnslng her 11 Lha-old son Into tos-n.for an ap

jxiintmcBt wlUi a pliytlcian. She wa driving wlUi one hand and holding

;hild with the other.Uie light of the car’s head­

lamps she saw the weed.i at the side of the road part and a ma Into view. He was carrying a gun. but she said she thought only tha t

'.ing. As .iJie drew nearer le told i«llce, Uie ma:

suddenly- scrambled, up Uie side fl Uie d itch to the road, and ran to

ard th e car, moUonlng her to stop. Mrs. Bohm told police she speeded

up her machine and left Uie man In • He did not fire Uie gun ho

i took what' description Mrs. Bohrn was able to give, and save Uio-4.1io of Uie Incident a thorough combing. They sold this \ftcm oon they had no clue to the Identity pf the man. .

■nic young mother said the baby had suffered no injury. In explalninR Uie trlp -to 't 111 for some

W .D .C o w g et,73, , Passes at Jerome

JEROME. Oct. 6 -W . D. Cowger. -13, who came to Idaho in IDOI, died

. fl:30 a jn , todoy a t his home In ■rt)nic followlni! n lingering lllpess. Until hLi retirement a few years [0, Mr. Cowgcr wa.i a well-kno-*-n

farmer and stoctoian. He came to i,'Ida ., In lOOl from Iowa., CowRer was a mchiber of the

Odd I'fllons.He Icave.i his wUfTOlda; two sons.

GeorKc and m n k CowRer, Jerome; wo daughters, Mrs, Kute- Foster md Mrs. Agne.i Elliott, Boise; 10

CTandchildrcn and six greal grand rhildren,

-The body Is at the Jerome fun-, real chnpel pending arrangemenU.,


(rna Fiifa Oa<)ed to D p> John F. Coughlin, one for a 1175 remodeling Job ca Uie front of a building rtcenUy purchased a t 219 Shobhona street norUi. and- an- oUier for remodeling of th» interior in Uie amount of I2XW. Dr. Cough- Un said when ha purchased th s ' a ' bm idlna. UiB old telephone struc- »• ture, Uiat it would be occupied by five pliyslclans atid dcntlsL

OUier building -permits granted were: O. E. FUlmore. IHO FourUi oveiiue east, ililngllng a rrame dwelling: A. J . Meeks. Maple street, in terior remodeling, R. Oe-tn indcr. H3 Second avenue norUi. a new roof. »300; and A. I. Rosa, 229 Second a rtn u e nortli, a gloued-ln

•porch. »35.Tlie municipal court led In tha

am ount of money turned Into the c ity during the past monUi, accord­ing to reports submitted to the councU last niRht. Money collected In fines, court cwts and forfeited bonds am ounted to n i l . and traffic fines came to JC7, for a tou l of tilB, O th - ^

•porUng »

R. L. Graves Goes To Army. School

Ronald B. Graves,Twin Faflj, who has been aupervlwr of Uie transpor­ta tion pool ftt Uio Minidoka relo- M tlon'.center. Is now a t Buffalo, N.T.. tor Bpt-cljvl axmy training ps a Diesel rnglne Instructor.

Ornve.i. a World war I veteran who has been a captain on Uie, Twin F aJir counly balisUon stjiff of Ui# Idaho^voluntecr resen'M. was for-

y an expert mechanic a t Filer re movlnR to T*'ln Fills and en-

ih e real « u t« and ln.iurance ^ i buslne.1.1. He was ordered lo Buffalo • ’ Immediately after Joining the k m x - A t comnletlon of his special in struc - to r's training, he will probably b« osAlgned to Fort Owens, Wash., near • PorUnnd, as Diesel Instructor and

ipcn-hor of the "army auxiliary iwcr oMlIon there. 'Mrs. Ora

dauKhter aj Falls.

id Uielr son and laliUng in 'I\^'la

TITLE SpiT FILED Dl.iU-lct cou rt'su it to clear tlU#

to lotd 11 and 12 In block 130. on T hird avenue west between Second and Third streets west, has been filpti h c rr by Detwdler Bros,, fnc. ■ H. Wilson nnd other* are de- fendanta. J. H. Dlandford represenU the Detweller concern.

TODAY & WED. rrs 'niE g r e a tFUN S> MUSICAL

SHOW OF t he y e a r

"Tlie O rent Eastern" began laj-- Ing Uic tlUrd AtlanUc cabl July 13 ,15(!a,



Efl[oMh« niw,impravtd finer ofAlben Oscs —«iiner Quidcoe Old Fuhioo^Coob up fitky,' fuIl-bodieU—»mr raiuhy.Thtiffy. too. This rrpe of food ii iraong (hdie tecontncedtd In mt Nuitiiion Food Koln to mike America Rrong.

''IIWT»tCttMlWini" Albtei O ia »ho htiriR* yoo/tV bod7.tuildin(t.

V enerCT-jiTinpXonrijhmtnt o f pure j whole gnin. u the bat loura' ofpep-upVit»miaD|.

Keeps 'em till noeji/

FrGm,whefS'“I sit:

Joe Marsh

E d CABJnr, our fire chief, eama •lom pln 'into the prlntln'ofllee w e e t madder’n a hornet.

-Say!- he yells. “If I eoutd'get my hands on thst fellow Coebbeln, I'd stick a fire hoie In hU mouth and turn on the pressure.” Ed ihou'ts, poundin’ ray desk. “Do you know w hat he's puttin’ on tha Oertnan short-wire propaganda to America NOW? He's trilln' folks that Anerleab army estnpt are full of drtmkennesj! Can you best It:’

“Calm younelf, Ed." says I. "Nolfcly’s going to bellera what Goebbels tells ’em."

■But don’t you see? He's puttin' s bare-faeed tia on the air to • up trouble."

sayi I.

“How fo l" ssys Ed. "There’s people in this countrr that want

'uken out of the camps. That I* g:oit\e to hurt army mirale.

Ahd this lia certainly ii.Iuel for ‘lelr fire.’.’

“Not if r tno* Americans." I aara. "And the Nasis ic n ’t know

. us. People realize thst'lf Goebbels wants beer taken away from ear ■oldiera—there moit be a reason. The enemy won’t stop anything that's hurtixg oor army. Theyll try to stopVhaleTer's Arfp/nj It.”

. "Of couriB it's true-and re.v snnable people can’t help but sc« iL So instead of nialln’ lroubl^— Ilko they hope- -they're Just coo- firmin’ what tho SesreUry of War and tha other Army leaden bo lievo—that among the other good wholesome Oilngs a fighting man fnn ret a t Ihe csnlwn In earap— America sfieuld Include beer.”

From where I s i l - I u n guesa why Goebbels eat of the campa. The Nasis wtmli'a heap rather'faee an army that already lo it its righu than ose that waa , fighting for fre«!om It could tooth and taslo and feel erety d a y .. . WouIdn’t.yonT

S o . 49 o f a S tria 0>p)risht, 19U, BrtuiAg WuiOy r«uvi4ri«

"mInTER . W EIDLM^ -■ , mcKARo



. I.ate>( War New*

^ . E i i t m i H * '

B og^s


i n c u r iUIAMMIMP

Tutsd&y, O tto b tr 6 ,1 9 4 2 , T i M E S - N E W S . T W I N P A L L S , ID A H O P a g f t T i u t i t ' ; -

i m .


Af 4rtk)ra mnrrrnlnr 1h« rlshl rliflr«llnf or»*nlulV>n« In lha Twin rAmfBDBlfT rhMf TV« 191* rm

A projrtio tiS t'la idjuatfd^to the Individual m d ndnplwl to conunu* nlty ncfdt oinkM Ihe Y. W. C. /f. n? Imixinant Jaclor In Twlr? Falls. T b li orsBnltiUoti li one 6r tJie'unlLa,par- Uclpatini; In itie CommunJ

ITie Y. W. C. A. U (I u-orWwlde IntfrtfnomlnaUonil o r e n n Uotlon »hlch today wnTS S3 countries, and Uif locM "Y" ia a ffilia t'd «iUi tJie imllonal orcftniiallpn. T lie T * ln I'alls Y. \V, C. A .’Iitu II comprc* hfnMve pmrriufi which Li dtolsncd to te n e u Urse as poMlble a »ec- mcul ot "Trtn FilU’ populntlan.

For fxnmplP. the “Y" last year or- tnnbw l the Nesro Woman's Sen-ice clul». TlilJ l3 llie f ln l. nf tc vcrnl ^ rntlal RfOMps IV b txptclcti to t<*RTy The Y. W. C. X Li one of the «li tanlintloiii which make up Uie Unlled Bcnlco OnranlMUons. and Vi rfspoiwlWe lor I5ie selccllop cl.U^e pre.'fnt county cliaimmn.

Communlly Strtice •'Our boanl tncmbiirs have been

acUvc In Uie Commuhlly Chest and . ncd Cror/ drives." said n »t<ilfment

lAsufd by the Y. W. C. A. board of directors. "Our Rlrls- tiave pfthlcl- paled In eommimlty sm -lce proj- ect.1 such M wllInK forKct-'"-e-iiot5. drfrrvte Btnmi«, llckrt.i for 111'' p m * Wr»Vfi ball, nml W\t toHecUosi of boota for the USO.

-njrouEh thr Y, W. C. A. tt-e Imvr ' (Irnlt wiUi dfllnqupnl.v tran.'lrnt.i

and llie iinpiniiloycd. lloiislric prota- lem.1. Ji*llvldual ca.'^ probleinJi nml ecnernl wdfare problenw Imvr been lOlinlflcant •vniues UirouRli ulilcli our orKanluitJan hw been nble to nerve Uif communltyi Owr ro o w have hern ii'fd exten.ilvely b>- the Red cStw for nutrition and fln .t aid clai'e!."

War liM pre.-^nt«l a new type of protjiem to Uie V. W. C. A. "Y" workera are awar« ot U>e ipeclal danser to #do!eseentii..who are old tnouith to understand and be .iwept up emoltonalb- by Uie .lurce of pa- Ulollc but ww-leemlnKly e.ventlal. tnf.k.i. Tlii.n' or- canltAlinn ij takliii; M<p.i to mini* mize pmt-var imtablllty, and to MftbVll7* Uirse Icverlr.h enerslrs whlfh the Impact of the war atira lip in teen-ace vnuiiK.iterj.

Vital FHenclstiipx Tlte "Y" feel.'i a Kr/iwliic^concern

about Uie sex dcllnqutfncy ai "character ca.-'imllle.i." Jt.i proffram brlnRlng frlen^l^t\lp. recrealloix. r laxatlon and hfalth will aerv-e BlvB youth a wn.' e of rrspon.ilblllty and Inner sccurlly,

"We tcel tUal, today. Uiemen are away at war. v e have i» def­inite rMpon^lblllty to 'th e woman at home." Mr*. R. I>. Reed, secretary", said tcdny, "Vfc can develop In her the .ipirit to aclileve ft new place, no t finli-. for herself but for liu- manlty. I t Is’ her chance tf> shape n better llie. Blie can iw all h e r time and all the enenrj' of her p rn t-u r heart to make war lnipo.v1blc for the world of tomnrroT. %Vr have orttan

..Ired two biwlnes.1 Rlrl croups till p ast week, and olhcrtsroups nro 1: the nfflns. Many drlx an ; lu in s pu* room.i durlnff Uif Uihth lioiir for dlnlnfT and relaxation, and we '(•very woman to feel free to them."

As Community Chest Opened Gampaigii"

Volunlerr Twin Falli men *nd women beian lollrltaUon today for iht 1512 Community Che»t earapalcn. Mliich n rrk i SI1.004 for lopport o f relief, vrlfare and eharM ter-balldinc a(tncle« In (M t w artim e year. •Snapped a fte r Hie klrkolf b rcakfait were, left In rijlil, .Mn. Roy Evanv t'hr»i rreaident f . C.' Sheneberier (»laiidlnir). Campairn Chairman O. f . Dorall, Gordoti A. Day liU nd in tl. and M n. \V. A. Van E nseltn . ISlaff rhoto-EnxravInf) ' ^ -

T ie Shake river a rm council of Boy Seoul*.will hold a plannlnc coo- ference a t 3 p. m. Guada^ n l tJie Twin Palls courlMoiise, Seoul Kxe-

• nittve Gordon A. Day aimo»ince<l today. Tlie ijcoiit program for bIx monUw will be adon^ed.

Attcndlns the conference- will, be operatlnR dialmien. executive board members, dljirlcl chairmen Jiiul cormnl.'-'.lonfn! und th tl r M alls. About 00 Scout onierrs ’wUl attendi

•Day said.TliB conference will open with a

, cw ienO nietU ngwlUiliV .R .W .M at. " soo, Jerome, prMldent of Uie council,

prwldlnff.roUowlac thli me^tlns (roup aei*

«]oni wHl ba he:d with the followlns ptrsldlnir: L. Powell. Twin Pnll.i. camp aeliviUej committee; Lam bert ErpeldlnB. Ehoshone. ndvanccmenl,

bur & Hill. T ain Palb. f inance___mlUec; n.,W . Carpenter. Twin Fnlli, health and safety commUtee; R. H. Sn)-der, Albion, conuiUulAiers' coin- inlttce; Charles WellerotJi Jerome, o rjanlaiU on and ' "

Filer Corn Dehydration Plant Can Mean a Lot to This

Dehydration o t food for ehlpplns jias become an old stoo'. Tliftfs how tlie A. E. F. a t 20-odd points of Uie globe arc bclni; fed. Dut Flier luis ft son of ’dehydration plant about which lltUo ha.', been said, o i / which »tandjj to be ot conslderabla .^il,'nlflcance to Twin Fnlb county, j i is the com drier a t the w are. Uouio ot Ulc A:j,octalfd Seed com­pany, 'Of w hid i F. M. Hudson J» branch inai;a[;cr<

Sweet corn Li rather a haiardoui crop Jot tl'Ui PMV of Urt country. Hudson po lnu out, U requires more time to reacli maturity before klliinB I ra n than can safely be counted on year in and year out in MUUicm Idalio. For th a t r«a.\on the c6m- pany In Uie past ha.i been able to BTOW seed from only a few varieties. Aiioclated docs no t grow for food, bu t for teed, whicli is sJilpptd ' ' piirt.1 of the counto’.

Wide Scope Now W ith recent completion of a Iare<^

.drier a t Flier. lUid.'^on said today. I now U ixkViiblc to srow vlrtui ” luy variety ot hlKh-yleld hyl

sweet coai In Twin Fails comity and propcrb' trciit it th a t the teed m ay-be »i>lppc<t niid pUtitcd. This Ls done by tUucklnB the com before H has- had. time to mature on th# stnJIc. In order to avoid killing frost. I t Is 'th en dried In the Filer drier, and U J-Cai good for M td « Uiough it had ilve<i ou t Its .natural llf« In Uu> field. O ut It ts Kood only for seed, nutl.wn warn.i.

U TKiiiW no t be good lo eat It cooked after the early plcklnff and dr>'tne operation, although this doet

e board members.

r rx L o w s in r o in cE sia named- GOODINO, OcU 0 — ML« Ella

Slone ha.1 been tiected pre.sldent of the Methodist Youne Fellow.inip. O ther olJlcera cliMcn were O er- tnid* Komher, secretary', afld La- lena CarKlll. trtasurer.'The officer*

, assisted by Betty Roblnjion and K en- ne th Thompson were,named aa a committee to armnge tlio profrram for th e m ex t three monUia. Plan.<

■ were made for » hay ride on m - d a y e re n ln s .'

'I IO L D E V E n iT H IN R

Unused Light Poles Will Go To Uncle Sam

Here is tlie story ot "the light tUM M\d lh « \ Afltt sonio30,ycars cajne to the aid ot a country faciiiK a grave cmcrsency.

Wlien the old Pocatcllo Invest- tpefil compnjiy tub-dWlded whal w ai known as the "Perrine eighty'* north ot «bat 1« now AddlMn are- nua fom* two decades a<o, or- nal« cast Iron )«np.po«U war# InJtaUed at regular IntmaU to make tfi? rtal estate promotion nppmr nil tJie more Impressive.

l/ied en Lincoln Along B u c h a n a n ,' Flilmora

Plercd and Lincoln streets thc«» lamp poALi have been (tandtng for all tho^e many yeara but only tliosc alone Lincoln have everAlied a ray of UgiU.

”n i« ctiicrs. never coi»\tcltd, and tlielr globes long since de­stroyed by BD guns, have eithtr remained as a iilen t reminder of plans that wenl aatray, or have been 'removed from the p.irklngs at tlie request of individuals build­ing new homes, who failed to ap­preciate Uie instiUlaUons tlmt nev­er sen'ed their purpose.

Jlecentlj-. a- coniribuUon lo Pot Shots reminded the Tlmes-News ot the old lamp postd that oro sUll standlnB. Wit* a nationwide appeal for old scrap metal now at its height, the Tlmcs-Nowt hit upon Uie idea o; lUggtsUng to tho city that the.^ old posta b« dis­mantled and tossed Into the scrap.

0 (t(clala G«i Boiy " I don’t see wlvy not," told W.

II. Eldrldge, c ity clerk, when Uio Idea was called to his attention, " r u take It u p •wSih Tnim an OreenluUgh, oommtssloner - of streets."

'Today 0 . 'P '. Lwaen. lup trln - und cn u oj sirceU, notified the Tlme.i.Ncws th a t "we'rt taklns •cm down.”

Charley U^»en l in t »ur» Jiirt how much the old lamp posts will weigh, but he gueises‘they aro -plenty'heavy." And Uj« lo or 11 of them itlll standing «Jqh({ Bu­chanan. Fillmore and ’ Pierce strpet^ ahould moke a lorot shells bombs, guns and what nat for Unci# Sam.

n o t Injurt the germlnallon qutOS Vita.

For drylns. tli# corn, iil ll oik the cob, Li losdfd into cars which hold eight toiu of grttii com each. Hoi n lr Li then pas. ed Uirough the cjir*. Elglit o t tlirse curs may be run tlirough Uie drier a t a time for the 73 hourj. required, making a tota l Of M toiLi tliat can be procc.wcd In tlireo dnys. However, tho com wclgiM only about Ifiilf tlia t amount when the moblur* Ivw been re ­moved.

Good Psyinr Crops " lliis (iroce.'j has beeri hlBhly

rvuccev.ful Sii llvi: Nampa d lsltlc i Jor th e last five years," Hud.son Aiild. "Jt should encouraso the growing of sweet com — n good paying crop — In Twin VnlH county."

A.«oclaied dries only Its own corn, which l i crown by contract w ith farmers. It does no custom com drying.

HUNT SCHOOLS IIELAVF.D HUNT. Irin,. Oct. 5 -O penlU !~of

schools nt the Minidoka r e l i ^ l f l t i cenle.-.' scheduled fo r M o n ^ '. ' ha.4 been postponed for ti»:o wptk*. Lacic o f Iwiistng fftcUlUes Jos-lho tthools cnu.-.ed the cfelay.



ClIICAOO, Oct. 9 W V-J?ecrcU ry of Ajrieullure Wickard ■3»4t n igh t Inlomiw rallon-conscJou* A m eri­cans i};»i he would propoM » c u t in

' •'consampuon of a niunber essen­tial fflodj - -------------------- — "

He rtUied, In an address prepared for t m«Unj of tlvo American m e at

ihst tile food dein»t*d.i ot ■our smied forccs. O reu t B rita in , nu.-i;u nivl many folks a t h « n e were

u id added"Ojr civilian consumption can be

cut (juiir I bit and Amerlca'wiil Mill b? Ul bf.« fed nation In tJie world, but tlicrc are limits bo'ond which we cannot go. H we rcuch Uir;.e limlt.i and do not have enougii left over lo supply.tlie essential needs of our ilIiM, ce will be In » baa Ilx Indrrd,

''n ir .aa y lo prrvent thl* fix U to dftil wiUi our food sltuntlon rrulLMlc- nlly iiiKl speedily. We can reduce our conMimpiion of a number of e.'.seu- tliil'foods and »llll not Interfere w llli iiralUi or comfort. I am KoltiR to pmiKve Uih reduction and do nil I to leo Uiat this country stores uil resrrves for use against th e tim e wliesv iMTOtni wlU not be a b lf tf> break production rccordn evrr>- ym r. I am going to do UiLi even though some ixrople will Uilnk It Ls an uii* unrrniuert cut irf clvlllnn supjrile.i."

In ntilWdrfM before Uir nntlonrtl Catholic - ruml llie coiifiTeiice a t Pcorln. Ill, Wlckatd ndvocnlrd th r mlkTstlnn fit ftirm tiunllle.i fnm i marginal soil to more prntliictlvr- lands ftj "n pres-slnc wartim e iieces- MtV." and Mtlmnlrd lliere w err M my jWO.OK fnnillles »ho mlghl Uikf P iirfln wich a movnimnt.

= CreT10t3R FALLP E R M A N E N T jP A V E

Eugene Beauty StudioNew Feather Cob—up from W

rhoaa a tU 4th Atc. N.




S T A N D A R D O F C A L I F O R N l A

The girls are with us now!'

D on’t bo surprised , nex t tim e you drop / in th e sUition, if a p re tty bwcU young X lady fitcps up a n d snya, "S tiin d n rd 'a

Supreme, SUindnrd o r F ligh t, S ir?" All • • i t mcfins- is th a t bo m any o f tho youn'K

fellows in o u r fltations havo jo ined up - w ith Uncle Sum, th a t wo though t we’d

« ivo tlio girln n try.

I woB n little Bkeptical m yaelf a t first, b u t they soon changed m y m ind. Tho

g irla o ro v e ^ serious tibout th e ir •work. Som o o f them have husbands i a tho

•flrtilcd forties, and th is is th e ir w n y o f ' h e lp in g tho country on tho h om e f r o n t

A n d tho g irls aro anxious, to h a v e m e to ll y o u th is: "Don’t h esila to to a s k u s to do a n y th in g th a t you’d oak y o u r re g ­u la r s e rv ic e m an to do. W o 're o n th is job bccfluso w e liko i t~ a n d wo w a n t to m ake goodl" • '

TT'J'/iis is F ire P rcvcn tion ’Wcck. Let's Ic a m enough

about preven ting fires lo last us 51 w eeks m orc/9?

FARM FOR S A L E lVGood tTm. baaM. .hot and ralar. frtuan \»Um. Geei

crtnarr. n r t ^ . .rhickfn Fura I* KOT w * ^ .BILL COUBEn'LT"

. H I i lb A rt. N. . Ph. 431-n


Bring: In y ou r S c rap Iron T o d aj . . . Y our G o v e iiin ie n t needs thoiuands of tons of it to build wespons.

ALL the sc rap Iron V e boy Is sold d irec t t e th e Colorado Fuel and Iron C o .. . . who in tu rn supply Ihe raw atcel to th e Id ah o M nnufnclurinf: Co.. MnRic Valley’s W ar Contracfora. Sell your, s c ra p w h ere i t will do the most g o o d . . K eep Alagic Vallcy’H W ar In d u a tric s H u m m ing . . . Uring u.s your Scrap loday l



0 0

0 0TON

Field Run Cast... Ml Field Run Scrap... 6

na.>ic scalc’Is th e LOWEST YOU W IL L R E C E IV E — Sclcclcd Loads R un Proporlionately H igher P e r T o n ! S E E US!

-H O W TO SELL YOUR SCRA P-W eigh your tru c k o r trn iie r a l the C ity S e a le s '. . . D eliv e r the Scrnp, -(lien Weigh hack and p re se n t y our weight l le k c t . . . WK P A Y CASH!

Twin F^lls Auto Wrecking‘/z Mile E ast on Kimberly E o a d — Phone 137 J

Jerome Auto Paris421 W est M ain— Jerom e, Idaho ^


O il never wears out, bu t . . . .You’ve p robably heard people say th a t oil n e v e r w ears o u t I gliess th a t ’s very nearly t r u e —b u t It m ay m ake y ou ovcclook an ^m portant p o in t s b o u t m otor oil, You d o n ’t chango yoxir oil becdiiSK k’s w orn out, y o u c h a n g e i t because i t ’s N d irfy i^ ^ d , like a paper handkerch io f, you throw i t a w a ^ b«- cauBQ it’s n o t p rac tica l to c lean i t ’That’s w hy even tho bcfft o i r (M e a n in g Therm o-C harged R P M ) should Ijc c h an g ed ©very 1000 mile*.

D o n ’t step to o h ard o n a h il l ! .-

A lo t o f people hav o th o h a b it o f .p ressing tho occclcrntbr to th o floorboards when th ey clim b 0 hill. U rifortunalcly,^ t h a t not only wnsitfl gns b u t doesn ’t m ako you ro u p any fnetcr. W orking y o u r accelerator slowly, and above all u s in g -th e p ro p e n g c a r eaves, bo th gas ond engine dilution.

A t n i g h t . . iwear som ething w hite

Especially in d im -ou t arqM , bo careful o f w alk ing a t n ig h t in d o rk d o th c s . I t is a good idea to c o n y a sp'rcajl o u t n ew spaper, o r even to take o u t y o u r handkerch ief i f y o u ctobb etrecta o r h ighw ays a t night. I tm a k e s a b ig difference in d istance a t which drivera can *oo you . •



Page Pour T I M E S - N E W S .T W I N F A L L S J p A H O T aesd iT , O ctobtr ^ 1?42

■* rsblUhliLf CoBMar



WHIRLIG-i-G.TRAGIC—Tl)e W Jiltt llo 'jy . MUI llie fonnjvanw

or Uie n4k)'burn.Bark:]o’ IrtdcYthlp on c ipltol hill, li •ulTing lo »Uve off unUl aftw O cU oni nunnr< m euure^ whlrii mlKlit jii>«cl vlciory. The Preakli hM tnforn>«im i troflciir* tniit ti» tJoej bill bt Nov, :

RKD UUOWDICU R ID E S AGAl^JWc hnvc returned lo ',norm alcy .'E arl Qrow-

dor. c22rc la ry -R c:ic ra l\o f th e Commuhlsl “ p a riy In th e Unlled SlnlW, fignln I.i Id ling iis

how to m anage our affi^lr.*:. .I t ' wou’d be more courteous th a n trutliful

to say th a t we hnd lnliKScd Mr. Browdcr't volcc .HUice he w m confln'cd in a federal pent- tcntlaryJfOi' deliberate, rep ea ted violation t)l redernl sta tu te s .- .

.T ru th to toll, wo hud becrT ^ettlng on quite well. T lierc were fltiwa.'flome serious, in the

• ca.'.Uuct Oi o c r war .effort, b u t none whlclf ' liad deteriorated since we w ere deprived of

M r. nrna/dg^-’R fuldnncp.F or exam ple, hero and th e re iocal uni

h a d been condwctlnp sUJy b u t vicJouj out, .itrlkss, slowdowns, "vacations,” and similar im fo rtuna te Interference* w ltjj th e prcduc- troh of badly needed a rm a m e n t. This, many of as th ink , was Inexcusable under^present

■ circum stances.__'B u t surely th a t was n o t fo r lack of Mr.

Browder’s personal a tten tio n . Becauoe his C om m unist party f o r b o r e -than two years deliberately instigated s trikes In key w ar in- tlyctrles fo r the ' purpose of slow ing down.cur a rm tm e n t m anufacture. •

W hy d id Mr. Browder w a n t to prevent m from m aking arm s? th ey were for use aga inst Adolf Ifltler, th e n th e ally ot Russia;

P erhaps Mr. Browder persona lly d id /n o t , in s tru c t. C om m ifnlst-unlls to prom ote (aucli s trikes. P erhaps M h% knew a b 6 u t thetn\was w h a t he read In th e new.npapbro.

I t Is a m a tte r of court rccord, however, th a t M r. Browder m ade several tr ip s to Ru.-«!a. It Is officially established th a t, Itl o rder n o t to m ake a record of these trips, h e used phony

. nan ica In pfocurlng pos-sports, fo r which he W ta’convlcted In l ib e ra l c o u T t^ d cen t to the

■ p e n ltte tia ry . ^. - T here a re plenty of m en av a ilab le who will .swear ‘.hat, they saw Mr. B row der In a ttend ' ance c t th e Cpm intern’s "u n iv ers ities" where sabotage, espionage, and o tlic r m ethodology

. of w irld revolution was ta u g h t to party ngcntr. sta tioned In cap ita list na'tlons.

F d r the world, wc wouldn’t be uncharitab le , b u t Earl Browder’s record docs n o t Inspire tru s t. Wc feel th a t the dem ocra tic peoples can gel along quite well j^ lth o u t hLs advice

.a n d assistance.Obviously, Red Browder Is n o t constrained

by any s2nse of shanw to h ide h is head In oblivion. Ho lnfiisU^i4)orl foi.-:tSng hlm sblf upon a public th a t Is Interested In rtoblcr things.

iVell, we’re n o t he! We h av e a ready recW c e . Wo cun Ignore Mr. Browder's a d ­vice conp lctsly . and looic to th e se whose line docs i:ot sw itch on orders from a foreign gov- ornmont-

t - 10-.e DciSocral ■» rip eoMUnem• »/s* * h»*,> <Aht

voua. For Uir *4016................ ............... , .....................a miiipom’tr decree

freeilng n o f ltm to 'ih t i r Jobi, or » n r ■mendment to the lelK tlro an^'ice act d rs ru n i tM n e n ..

U U the opinion of mwiy her* t h i t Mr. RooMvtlt.-------------------- unfortun*Uly. li lUU pl*yln^ poll-

Uc*. U'* In )ili blood. He detlret retu rn of ft DmocrftUc hoiu* u ft vln<Jlc*Uon o f’h lj domeiUc and /Of- clsn procT»mi.

Dill here li Uw tragic f e ttu r t of llila ptrllnftn m iulcil conicdy; Wo. iicpd Increiuert levlea. a Inw iioWlnj rmuloyes In Ui«ir present poslUom, a fu iiu te wlileh de» ljn iirs w liethfr' ft man shall »en« Indii.itry o r the ftfiny, n ie » e Uiuea be resolved

n i v T U fi r rn Hi® StfllM aeU lOTtllRAY TUCKEQ i,, lyjj |,»noply of wur. But be-

:niue ihry Invnhe doiresllc parly l.uuei, F. D, R. tw * . «uny from Ilirin.

I.AUOn—Tlie form bloc m ljh t have comi)rombed nore completely In 1J« fight ag ilm l th t W5ilt« Jfouse'i inll'lnflatloti program had lU mtm beri no t UlscOv* ■rtd Uirousli ihefr confldenUal laJU *IU» Mr. noor.e- ■fit thfii h r had depended alm oit entirely on *ucti ad* liert U ah Henderson and Judge Qunuel lUuen- n in of Nev.- York. Tlje P re .ld tn t'i apparent Ignor- inc« of ihlA vIlAt lub ject hav appalled even some of il» own leader* on cftpltol lilU. y . D. R. tit h u r in t executive mansion confab wltii

Krlciilliirnl representative!, a«ialledU utn for liubt* iig on I12 'i-per cen t of parity. wKfcli figure eover«l lome aa neli s i hired help in ctlculatlne coni.i o( uril labor. \Vlirn Chairman.H enry B.-St«aga)l of itie

houic i;anlclng and currency committee explained Uint hU group had Included Uie family pay on iy fo r trad- InB purpoGM and th a t he expected tn ii provlalim to be Knocked out In conference, the Pre ild tn t profe.ued Indlcnatlnn. He lugge.^ted Uiat to Im portant a pr( lem u tim t should no t be treated In luch i manner.

“Uilcn, Mr. P rislden t.” repUed Chairman atengi .one of the shrewdest leglalators In W atlilnglou,

don’t want or expect to Include In thLi bill t)]» coit ■all farm labor.' U kc you, I always ask for more M 1 wsnt or expect."

“K n T l- -C o » B r r ; j hna Jiist beronie nvn fe of iwlentlnlly diiiiKcroiLi jioBrr handed to tlie execuU branch. In the m inds of tupersenslUve add l u s p l ^ members of hni;&c and senate, Deinocrals as well Republicans. Uir dlncovery flUBgejt* jhnt one'of the tJays r. D. R. m ay tell them to go home ami stay Uiere, •

Approprlntlon commtllee figures reveal th a t legLr la tcn h<re authorized Uie expenditure of alnioa' 300 Allllon dollark for Uie pro6«cutlon of the wilf. T h a t Aum Jia.i been presented to the eomm»niler-ln-chlef lo me as he p leuei. He can ipeiid It.for vanhlps, arm y or lyiv)' plsnrfl. or for -oondoggllng. There are no restrlc*

In Uie po jt-Pearl H ari4 r period Uie boys on cnpUol hill turned Uie flnanclnl Upa wide open and Rave the Presldeiit complete control of bUlloivi. He may

• ily half the nllo;t<xl nniounl for the prosecution nnliiK of UiR conflict. cjpecliUly as prospects lewhat hrlghw r for our aide. B< "

le purse pirmKit dckiii ( ;i Uie "idtty" when the

vonderfinal bugles blotr.

. ipeechei by several r^ealdcntlal congre.ii and the American'peo* iinwllllnRneM to mnke sacrlhces ishinbiloii SKnlnst the admlnls-

warnings ot Rnlph Uncd, ■ ertlioiiRhls

POOR are .sorry fopCi

>m In th a t rein

r.AHLEark G.oble. T h e rr k nc

innrk. I t Is .sincerely of-We

carcnsm fered.■ He h.os Rlvon up his enormous lijcomc lo

becomc a .soldier. He seeks, we believe sliicore- ly, to stand cn his own feet as a man In the United States army. • , . ^

Bui the glrlc won’t give him a chr,nce. ’They h.ive besieged him so. In Miami, .Fla.^ that hlo living quarters ly^d to be fnoved to a less

• a«esslble loctillon,I t’s all right to get a little vicarious ihrill

out ot th ti love-making of an r.ctof, bu women'ln lillaml are nr.klr.?: focI-T of them selves. Sf.i-.'j the Tnnlpa Tlmc.s:

"It Is r.o wonder that come public flKures ■hre occaalonally lll-tcmprfred wh-sn they en­counter Idiotic women of the type thp.t vou’d

■ hans around soldiers’ barrccl:.s.”

lie for Uielr ftlleRecJ iinwllll mvc backfired In WashInK

tratlon. Despite Uie belated;anl secretary of Uie navy, and thu ....... ............ ...

of Prpductlon Da-.s Donald M. Nelson, It i.i polnt«l out Umt the RVcrnRe peri^n hw been eager to con- le hU'noiis, hLi money and his working hours to

Insure xlclon’. jMr. Bard lold members of labor unions they oiiRlrt

lo be ft.‘.hume<l of oiif prrformanee. The official. oU UiniiKli It 1.1 liot Benrrnlly known. Is considered by many Ui Uie cupltoJ lo be a promoter ra ther Uian a military realist, an o rator and not a i)traleKlst.

He was; of course, an npoloKlst for Uie White House, which may explain hl.i nMlgnment as a mouthplcce. He blamed iuppa;e<l ATnerlcan apaUiy on the public. He furgoL lo nay th a t clUxena are wIliinK lo pay con- ft.icfttnry taxes, undergo prtvatlnns ant) send U)clr own flesh nnd blood to Uje batUelleld wlUtout whim- pej-lns. He nL\o failed to mentlo* th i t the adm lnlstra- Uon and li^ pollUcal aides are poitponlni any de­mand (o r real self-dcnlal until after election. In other words—they are charRliig here—Mr. Bard probably

JtiktnE and his audience knew It.




^1I.SNV-Tl wllh the cognomeiem barraaslnj ml»-up of names

thl'»e dnyfc.Sen. Prentiss M. B ro i’n (D.) of ^1ichlsan. heads Ui«

Vhlle House forces In striving for a final nntl-ln(Ia- Ion bill .‘•athfaclory to P . D. R. Rep. Paul Brown (D-J )t OeorKln, authored Uie original amendment In the iQuse ver.':lot». providhiB th a t “a l l ’labor costa" *haU

be flKured In arrtvlnK parity paymeni.i.-We mcd to live a t the kame hote l,' mu.-.eB Ui# nalor. "1 not his cherk.r bllljC letters and telephone ills, lie re<elvert mine. Then It wm only funny. Hut lU one lime I hopi* Uie people gel U\e two Browns rnliht." '■ '

O th er P o in ts of View

^ t h .aN k y o u . c o n g r e .s sWc found n iu lt w ith a lo t of th in g s aboiil

th e n a tio n a l tax situation, a n d unless con- Kresslonal plans change'w e'll do a lot-m ore

.com plain ing . How pleas.tnt It l5 ."thcn , to be able to toss, a bouquet a t C apito l Hill, w ith

- • some sprays- In th e direction of th e treasury!F o r years now we've had to w an d e r around

th e s tree ts once, a year seek ing a notary public w h o 'fo r a quarter o r so would take o u r j5 a th th a t we hadn 't know ingly lied in our-Incom e U x returns, a lthough th e tax law a lready m ade It perjury so to He even though we h a d n 't visited a notary. . • '

Now. on advice of the trea su ry , congress Is 'rem o v ln g th e silly reQ ulrem entr We can jsrepare and m all dur re ty m s w ith o u t th a t unnecessary annoyance and expense, and Btlll be 'held liable if ^-e cheat.

EXTRAQRDIN’RY O fficial word has arrived t h a t two WPB

divisions have been abolished a n d their fu n c tio n s transferred ,.w hich p resum ab ly is a!

w i p i t t « r o f In te rn a l reorganization of little- p u b lic ta te r c s t . .

B u t, wonderfUJ' to report, th e personnel b n o t be ing re ta in ed . .The Jobs b e in g gone, the

.. w o rk ers s re tu rn e d lo o se .'P robab ly tb e i'e J j come p rec e d e n t-In ie d e r- i

a l h isto ry , b u t we don't- re m e m b e r w h en It 1 50a . ^ • • '

POLITICS V8. PATIIIOTISM 'Wo believe with all our hearlj Uiai'Prosldent Roa'.e-

velt Ij right In jils conicntton wlUi the farm bloc. T in farmen have many wronRs. Tliey ar» working qb an iphlll p jA Who isji’i? Tlielr income has been cut

down, wTitise h iu nol? Any class of American citizens, If It wsnu to sesrenate Itself and eipoie lut difficulties and. empliaslie it* Injustices, can make the nnsels weep. So can Uie farmers,'

Moretivrr. wo are satUfled ilia t In taking the cliances 6t .lUrllnK an liiflatton IhAt will end In revoluUoii, Uie

J a rm bloc adheren it In boUi houses are playlni: pol< lUc.s: They arc looklnK a fte r vote.i for Uiemselves ra- Uier U m ij^ ie safety of Uielr country.

Moreover, a lot of Uiese larm bloc boys are playlnj pretty dangerous pollUcs. Would you like to know how to s|Mt th a t kind of bird? All rltliU here’s a.form ula Hint Mil nlwaj-a work. Begin Ulklnc about a blK Ire- mendna-i w orld-Vlctoryand'Uien quietly merge Into an npa-uophc about w hat a g reat man It will mak President and how he vlU lead Uie world.

Si: suil nnd w atch the la rm bloc inflaUonlstj i out the poison In the ir bloodl Writcti m ase'farni bloo patrlals see rem and sp it cotton. In which caw. having de«loped Uio lympioms oX.the vlnia. It may be weU to sit back jind Uugh a Ultla when th e y ^ lk eloquently about the wrongs of the farmer. Of course Iho farm er has hU wrongs. B u t o lttlns In Washington and milling m (he lobbies of the two houses of congress, Uie.ia su te im en nre Kettlng^obicsied wlUj the Idea Umt It I3 betUr to sock U>e Pre.sldenl Uian save the cmintr)-. And Uiey use Uic fanner and hLs wronRs as Uie letcr lo dls* play Ihelr pollUcal parU san itrenjU j In a definitely political and parUsan measure.’ .

W hlfh Is not *0 good In toe eyes ot iha' ro U n ,— to p o r la OaMlK. (Republlcw ).

^ A C R O ^:^^E DOEOCROeort* fim lth of Simpson. M onU ni, took h li com*

bine across the tnU m aU onal botmdary' last week to help Jolin n e t t , of WTiltehouse, Alberu. lu rv e it hU wheat crop. Altoough U seems a trifling plect o t ncwi, as news so u . lla implications are profound.

For this waa the f l r j t ume, so far s i record* ahow, to a t an exchange, o l farm machinery between » farm la Uie a n te d . Biates and a farm in Canada had taken place, negulatlona perm itting such caoperaUon cere rwenUy agreed upon by Uie two countrle* to Insure maximum food producUon,

Why wasn't ttils perm itted before? one may ask. 'ell. even such good nelghbon as Uie dominion and

toe fltatei aomeUmn put too m ufh i t r e u on arUflclal bouDdCle*. •But UiB farm machinery agreement may be an earnest o f .o ther concessions for mutual bene- fits. After all there can be no real-boundan’ to coi operaUon and k lndncu .—CUrlsUan Science Motiltor.


Op Uie off chance lliat you cot iCuents W’ould like to Itear nboul

»ent wlUi a silver toiiKue, let'n Iru .look a t one D. lEhinlel?) Harvey,

rook.This mild-mannered but periua- ve member of Ihe T-N circulation epartment woa over In aietuu 'Vrrj' the otoeT day. ^ fe llow ac- o.iteil him. W hat folIoii-vLi nbsS- itcly true, so help ua nannlbal.^ Said the Yellow to Dr iDerff?)

larvey Cook; "Cnn y a ipare me a Ime, bud7”Said D. <Divld7) H aney Cook In

m ellow . tone«: "All X happen to ^ v e of my own cosh r lih l now Is I J cents, I can’t give yoa a dime." .

Said toe fellow to D, (Delbert?) H an ’<y Cook; "Honest, bud. I ’m •orr^’ for yo- llere’a two-blt.i.”

And the Kent took 25 cenLi 0 h li pockel, »olei:)iily offered It (Delano?) lfar^•ey C ook^

Ifa n ey didn’t tiken t.

an envesUgaUon, He called Iti merous wltoea.ies and listened to flowery and cleKuent npeachr.< 01 •wlenttflc fire flKliilnK. Mean whlli the fire waa traveling fast and bum. lug valuable Umber. All a t once ai old trapper th a t owned neather lam nor umber burst In on Ihe.meetlni ajid j.houtPd;

In HeU h t i got you foolsIn Ihc otlnn thn'

n’t ip i, \ni


nny UiliiK c rKllIng whe: llg In Sam i fb a tk fire nnd

nESULT.'i,»TlIArS u sWe told yoiL coniUtuenU U ut

•Hired H and’" and his contrlb- ibnut lamp po.<l.i for scrap n:

■ lartrd,;>nmeUilng. p r o p e r the yarn on |




D w - P o t Shot*:Hare you got some ro«m In juur

eelumn for Ih t story ol the en« wu) only hunter of his kind?

Our hero Is tjamcel Har>h- berger, sr.. of our fa ir ’Twin Falls.

Samuel toe FJder tnads alt ar- nuigrm enU lo go ileer hunllnr. lie rowed he was NOT gninr t« let •xelled. ’■

Welt, h r got >iU deer, all right, n m he'd cDlten so excited he

forgol hN booU and had to go hunting In bedroom slipper*.

Which makr^ l>lm Ibe onlj hun ter In hMory to .bsc a deer while wrarlnc bedroom tllppen.

T h k f . all.^ -.T lie Vhucktint I.ady


Dear Pol Shot.i:. Once upon a Ume there

hUKe forest fire, Tlie »i turned out to fight It and prepmed letung- back fire.v B ut llie nrwly politlcaly apolnled chief ' said hold on a b ll v - - tot'i fire on a pollileal

I t so happened Umt the tlmbe Cl0se.1t to Uie fire belonccd to 1 large lumbr co. They objecied t h iv ing timber destrojed to mv toe real. T liey '.en t tn isll to thc^chelf forester,-Tlir .•■(Hfr, also sent repr.^enUves to urg ihe checking of 111* fire.

T he clielf forester decided

ymi know yon li fire wtUi fire? Of coorso Uiero will be Icv'e. In doing toat, B ut Uiere will alio be NomeUilng s.ivcd. every one stand toe ir .-Oiare o t Ihe lo.%% nnd every one share In w hat Is

do 11e before II Is n late,’

Chief forf,.:

Mean while the ne tlm started » bark fire on their own authnrlty and saved a pnrt of the forest, nfler tha t toey decided toey did no t need a cheaf fore.iter a t all so he iMt h ti Job and had to Jnln the traper In order to live.

—Rip Van' \V lnkl^ P. B .^ e n a to r s and repese«Uve.i

please don’l read.

E V E R vnonv H O P n-tn , 8aturda>' tilchl >’as itatiitory

deadline for primary elecUon dldates to decline the nomlna^loiu toey won In Augiul. «• Nobody deellned. '•

-JO ’TTINGS AROUND TOWN ?iJNi R nbertw r lendlnc big a lra j

doc out of ills PcrrliTe hotel lobby.“ o women talking on Mdln , , .

Said o n e j^ rv e sold all the accumu­lated tlu tf we had around toe house,

we stuff away, burned s tu ff -a n d 111 have a lot of atuff left.’’- .A\k1 tl'l’ example to warrlnR na-

tlon-v T an smnll boy.-i nboul to fight sne snylng, •'Lft’fl mnke tip nnd

be frlenrts" . . . other kid consider- ng a moment, toen saying, "okay."

I.Oi;.SV SItOOTINONaturally we’ve heard a lot nboul

Jncle Sam'a marines lately bu t now

A certain Twin . , . . . w thnt h ti Koti, who reeenllj^olned the USMC, wn-% doing target .ilioot- Ing out on Uie marine- range. He took a iCriiii: of shnt.i. five U wo rec­ollect rifih tly -and foimd he’d not only nicked the bull’s eye every time bu t foulil cover nil five holes linrge Wllll , flve- it piece......................lid hl,i marlQi"you shoulrta been able to cover ’em sU with a dime,"

FASIOt'8 LAST tlN E S Tenant—-Whoeps. he's gel I

eu t.lhe rent back to March 1 ! . . . LuKllord—-They can’t do tol

*"* ' ' i l l E OENTtEMAN' IN TlfE ’nH R D R.OW




J7 YEARS AGO, QCT. i. U .. r i f ty years ago O c t J, Mr. and

Mrs. August a i t« were Joined tn toe holy bonds of matrimony in Uielr )ld home In Oerinany. In honor of h a t event, a family dinner wss given last Sunday a t Uie home of Uielr daughter. Mr?, N a t a l i e Holley.'' OU ien p rfieiil w'cre Mr. and M«, WUllam Bueslng, Filer, son-ln-Uw M d dftushter, and Miss Celia Oats, another daughter.

R, E, Leighton of Uie Twin Falls , w t office spent two or tliref. days of 1.UI r e tk on toe ndrUi >ide.

15 VliAR.S AGO. OCT. ♦, 1027 A new e4iAbllshm«Dt,'known «J Y t

Waffle Inn, will b / open«rf M ondty a t HO Main u e n u a wesL' lUhment *111 be operated by T t l^ M. Kelrry,

Mbs Brrtle from Bol.'e %|Ing frtcnts.

s . W, n. Prlebe w « h o ilc u lo Wediie.'<;iiy Bridge club thU

week. Mrs. c , E. Burton and Mrs. J. O. Thorp »on prltei.; M n. V. H.

.............. ... been In St. Pel/TB-burj, F in , for Uic paat four ycTtK,

1 present, , ' -




Tlie j-oung people of today an ready to take over to# res^nsJblll- tlM of maturity and toey find Uiey cannot do so, Thrj- cannot find Jobs; Uiey cannot look to lb* future wlUi any feeling of iurene.*4 in nnj’ field.

They have appealed to Industry. wlUiout avail; Uicy have appealed lo Rovemnient wlUi IltUe tucceu; Ihry hnvc held niecUngs and pub- llslied ’toe lr findings, and sUll toere Is no rcl'-f In sight, T)iey don’t wnnt makeshift.Jobs: Uiry dcn’t want sl^lcj; Uiey don’t want diartty . Tftey wunt a chance U> work oj Uielr la - Uiers did. to r e y {amlllee. to per­form toe du lle^of ci:i:cn.ihl? and live healUiy. ncRre, mrful lives, but Uiey cannot fWd n wny cf doing so.

In toe face of tols predlcame '• usual soluUons ant u.'.eleis, W( believed th a t good.'fliaricter, ■ defined purpose In life, tklll, In <ny field, a healtoy ambition to be somebody worto while, would bring th r opportunity Uiat wa.i needed. But we have a gencmllcn of sucli young people. tl)e fliieit ever a country renred. and sUII no oppor­tunity is offered. No answer for toem comes out of toe eonfuzlon of voice* raised In Uielr behalf. Only toe promlco of war.

A Temporary Belullnn Por sometime, perhaps, war ac'

tlvlties will iolve i h e problem o) work. iC pa rt of our YouUi will have10 go to the campi to train; pari «111-So Into toe Industries L'lal-feec: war. The r.hlfUng of workers will make placra f(}r otoeri. Yo-jto .will filler Into the wel» of acllTl'.y »ai wcnvfj. And I.i Umt our answer U our children? Of course not.

War o r-n o war. emplnynent 01 non?, M , the people of .toe United suite.- must overhaul and see to It UiaUo find places U need for work,port wltii A f .........torown Into toe borg;

Telling o-JT young t>cople tha t they vo In a democmcy for which toey re to thnnk Ood, Lin’l an s

Telling toem how lucky Uiey be ,ln A land "where toere. jire no bombj tilling 0-1 ijiclr heads, Isn’

- niuwer eltoer, Bomts will no iy.i fall on hendr. war* will no forever. Our clemecracy, as it Is

loday, 1:1 certainly no arc.wer for )ur youth. I t m ust be overhauled, he wrongs set rljihl, toi •ectr<i, so Uiat dejnocrncy functions11 lli>> Ilve.1 of all rltl.vn3, young ind old. nnd rich nnd poor.-

Som elhlnj Is Wrong.I do no t know w hat ouglrt to be

lone. I fe^I About a.i confuted as lie young people nre, Sometolng Is vrong atxl slioiild be made right. Vo look to our leadeni for toe wwd

of T,-:idom, for toe net of Inlelll- grnce, for toe h in t of understanding. Else why leaders? .

W e'sJiould proceed now. to clear toe road for toe coming gcneraUon and do w hat need.i doing. In

C1BCU8—“Keep ’em from flying* U 'th s real problem of Uit Onlled S tates air force* la B rlta la A b l |h o fnce r Ju it back fromproudly reU ia th a t toe d a l lT duty of our staff U to p r e our l m p « l « l» « younx darederllj from engaging toa e n t i r e luftwaffebetweea breakfaitland Uffln. They] beg for toe chancfl of Joining , th e iweepa of experl- .“need HAF piloU and almost cry If Uiey are denied to* prlTlleg*.

To prove U) Uielr chiefs toat toey re expert toey Ue cord* from to* ing tips of ihelr plane* to toca*

of Uielr nearest neighbors when In fonnaU on fllghU. Then toey zoom and dive torough Intricate maneuv- ir* and head for home wlto the jtr lngs unbro):en. But Uie slem lesAona 0! deadly aerial duels must

t>e .learned before toe kids lid be permitted to face setson- intagonlsts. One of our draw­

backs Is Uiat except for a few like Oen, Chennault we lack top-ranking leaders w i t h personal combat

cords.British and nail veterU s fire lelr machine guns and immediately in ftW’ay so Uiey may ,poise Uielr n f t for return vtslu. But our c<k- ire lads are not content wlt^i^ij(iii

corny stuff. Wlien In dosflghl* Uiey bank, loop and show off lo toe de­ligh t o t the crew and admiring

rftdeA below. T iese crary stunts 1 baffle Uie Qcrman.%—unUl II o bite, T)ie big ta.ik Lv to teach . bravK boys Uiat sky war U bell;

—a n d not a clrcui.

INVASIO.V—Tlibte wlUi pipe lines pf innlde new* from Europe do

xttenUon lo the Vlthy no General voti Bock has been

demot«(l because he failed to win quickly Uie baiUs of SlaUngrad. Tliey avow that he was liquidated because he and lUs Inner circle had planned to explore Uie pckulbHlUes of peace without the consent of toe nazl party , a rerelaUon unfolded recenUy by WhTtllglg. Ills Tabsl believed to a t If Uie old army class offerod to smoke the calumet cltoer Etolln or Uie Anglo-American gov­ernm ent* would' liJlen to terms. N either group showed Interest and Hitler tofi.icd the marshal overboard.

New York banks have obtained a confidential memorandum from a reliable 6w‘las source whlcli dlscloteit to a t von Bock's successorsloggerheads wlto der fuehrer. Tliey propose a double offerulve against Maicotv i(nd Lenlngrlfl—even before tha Caucasian Incident has been c to e d —In order U) bleed Bu.^sla dry ere th e allies open ,a second front In France or Afrb;a. Immobilize toe §(>vlet forces. Ihey argue, and Oer- mnny',1 rear will be secure when she w htrli-to -m eet the njiw danger.

Tlio BOJne neutrivl contact a&ierU thftt th e pollUcal figures of Uie relA

turned ihuinlM dow n'on such recklessness—ns was Intimated la H ltler’n recent spetch. Tlio overlard li reconclle<l to a lon^strugBla and Is determ ined to d i r In and wait. Regnrdle.^s of the iplne-clilillng bal­lyhoo, toe losses of mecliinlcal cam- poficna on llmllcd fronts hai ipproaclied I ot IDH-IB.

T ie axl* haa ample forcei and ma- •Krtel Wlto'which to coalroni-air Amarlean larmalmi. 7 ' . '

OUTCAST^ — Merchant seamen are becomlns ImpaUent wlto pro- crasUnaUng Washington, which has -not-y*n»B»e to-grip# wim toe plight of casUwaya m dlsUnt ahores. ll i e war aUlppln*promised to plac« special reUef of- llceri a t toe disposal of thlpwreaed men but only * few have been sent to toelr pOBta. In the lnt«rim pen- nllew aurvlTon asl at the mprcy i- of strangers. unsj-mpatoeUo consul* ^ and small fry local officials.

Crews Irom sunken tankers wet* landNl In Trtnldad. A New Yorker , In Uie group had been torpedoed , Ihrloe wltoln :4 hounr each of hla re.iculng *lTf s wai hit In succession.Tlie martnera were compelled to re-

1 the'Caribbean beach for weeks owalting anoUier berUi. They almo&t stah'ed because Uiey could not get food on to* cuff. Finally In the of a broiling heat wave tliey received a bundle from the fled . Crtv.1 ot a nearby city. It contalnjd woolen blanket* and winter otTr- roaU.

AnoUier lost ahlp'jj company row- !d ashore, to Uio coast of Africa.

Tliey trampe<l SO miles Uirough Uie tolck Jungle unui toey reached a naUve grass hut vJllage. There Uiey found—of all Uilnga-a telephone. . Tlicy called the Portuguese colonial ;apllal and Uie governor w u loca- ;ed. He refund to allow Uiem lo move. “Walt where you are," ho ordered, "f wont lo have toe lionof of caring for you peraanallj’." H« clotoe<l and fed them and secured pa.uages aboard a homebound w -

• " t u«rflly the victims of Nep- wraUi are praised as heroes

«nd treated aa outcasts.

EVACUEES—AlUiough clvllUn de- feiue i m becomc n future, new growing i« laa frequeaUy develop about wlilch Uie public hear* lltUe. One sore i« liit In toe Gr^atcf New York zone U the operation of mutual aid flro protecUon. Should blockbusters atilke any city toe local de- >

not conuol toe blaze. i J b .O JV itiiU ftlslans estlBjate toa t apartm ent c

l acatler 3 « 0 lh - ‘Jingle bUtz would *, cendlarles.' Hence whenever toera U an lUr raid test. Uie pumper* and ladder truck* of toe suburb* move Into the big center*. Their vaca­ted Iwuics ore filled wlUi appuratuj brought from ouUylng district*.

AU sort* of local'rows occur be­cause indlvlduaJlsUo volunteer crew.i dislike being called out by false or

icUce a larnu and forced lo place ?Ir equipment a l ^le disposal of aiiRe chiefs who cfteu hlghhat •m. Because many of New Jersey's lODO defonke guardians are em- k d In ManliultAn more Uian SO,- posses have been Issued ^lolder* can move Uiroujih black- a w ltoout being stopped by Uie '

police, , - • •A mechanized division Is 30 mlle.i

long. In order Uiat evacueei and normal traffic will not tnlcrfcro wlto troop movemeitU toe auUiorl- Ue* are quietly listing every road on the AtlanUc aeaboard for eltoer military o r civilian use. A three-inch while line will cveatQiUly bo paint­ed down Uib ccn ter of eac^ highway for guidance in foe or darkness. At least toese Innovation wlU’be perm -.«

I t* to peaceUme’*'e f l t s



ynuto ehaO '.L-jy toelr

aeJf-#up- :lf-rcspecl

WASHINGTON. C^t. » - U ,U' a ...•balnble quesUnn bih a nvinber 1 Wnshlnglon iiawi!paper'men..^llc'

President Rootevelt placed ;e; vo' censorship re.ilrlcUon.i on

hts coast-to-coMt

formed Uiat trip would be dertaken but Uiat It was net be U be menUoned im. Ul It was over Finally a concen- slon w u mad* t< p e r m it th r ee nesKpnper men U accompany - tlu

rLiJV'Si' - n ! ' S i . “ S .CLAPPER American pr Mr, noosev’ell.sayn'-he penonally went Qver Uielr dispatches and add'

iveral touches lo toem him.elf.

Ne*;>paper' lenWlors nil

kraUon for Uie economic and 1 condltlon.1 Umt will come In toe

of thb World wnr. There t» nc prophet » h o can foretell to* exaci needs, but toere nre rfspon.ilblO mer and women who might be aeUlng the framework for coa-.trucUv# ad- mlnistntlon of tou e problems toat concern youto. Let's hear frcm toeoi.

Mr. P.lri hu prr;>M.d . k.fW «IIC«l T«« ^In.iwUan.- In »hl.h^h»^UM«

fjr« rmU 1r«(n u* -___. '«( of hiixjllKf »na t«»Ui« u> Anr»ln

r u n . cir» f . o. Da "luiiDn 0, Htw York. N. V.

. RECENT BUHL BIBTH9 BUHU-Oct. 6-T h e following re­

cent birth* wer* recorded In Buhl: To Mr. and Mrs. O. O. PraUier,

• daughUr, Sept. t l ; Mr. nnd &lra. Joe.A'ccenu a son. Sept. n ; Ur. and Mri. Dean Vickers, a son. Sept. 30 Mr. and M n. Carter Lutoer, a fcn, Sept. 33; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Adams, a son. Sept. rjr Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baxter, a son, Sept. 39. and Mr. and Mr3.'G. A. Uni}’, a daugh­ter, Sept. ja.

ind radii nil complied 100 per cent

■wlUi toe White House orde toat no dUcus.ilon of Ihe trip take place imtll IM compIeUon. Many of us, however, feel It was an unreasonable application or toe so-called volun­tary cen.ionihlp.

We are all American cllluiis and nre concerned wlto toe success of toe war. We alio rtcegnlie fully Uie neceasltj' of protecting toe dent’a safely, ’Tlie only quesUen rnls- ed tn this ease la whether toe re.

;rictlons went beyond toe polnl ecessarj'. Some feel lhat a prece- ent 1.1 being e.ttablbhed Uiat will jrr>- cerwonihlp beyond Uie polnl ol ;curlly requirements Into a broadct

field.All of us have dticussed toeu

QUesUons at great length among our- selves during the last two weeks Some- of us feel toat a mlddli ground might have been taken with' out InlerferlnK with security. The primary- risk was taken when the Pre.ildent left, toe \\Tilte House, to travel nearly 0,000 mtles around toi

has been In their community, see no mention of such lm|«rtant nevi.i, tory' are apt lo wonder what oUier news Is being held back. Some here, - nnd UiU Is not limited to newspsper/- mcn. feel Uiat *u:h suppression f o r . .10 long tends to damage confidence not only In the newspaper* but in toe completencM of llie news toat Uie government Rive* out.

In a message noting Uie obierv- nnce of NaUonal Newjpapcr week Mr. Roosevelt says: “War lmpofc.i grave new re.ipon*lblllUea on all of US, but upon no public serv’atil doe.f UiB re.ipoailbllliy for. iruto and In­tegrity rest more heavily toan upon toe press, Tlielrs Ij toe duty of keep­ing Uie people ^ully and truly In-

rlcUons *ucli

ntrj-.He was seen by ihcuiands of peo-

ple. In communliles tliat he visited word of hU presence ipread quick­ly. Newspaper offices In too»e com' munltlej were compelled to maintain complete silence. They tould not eren print any explanaUen or hint c f why toey were silent. Newipaper office,-, were drlused wlto Inquiries

readers n. klng why no men- a-n. being made cf toe Presi­

dent's 'i’Lili, In some Itutance* we arc Informed newapapem cused of cnrr>-lng political to toe point of »upt ibout the President.

Some newspaper men here bellere that this sltuatlqp unlermlnes pub­lic conffdence In toe press. When, reader*, knowing toat toe Fmldent;

K wer* ac- il anlnlofltr

pres* lo carry ' in Uie spirit of Uie PresIdenl'A/u

I definlUon of toe lunciloa of a wartime pres.i,

Byron Price, dlrectorofccnsvshlp • old a meeUng of newspaper pub- Ishcrs a few days ago tost he

Uiought tlia new»papen had done a poor Job of informing Uie public why some Information has to bo •lUiheld. It tt'ns not poulble. ob-

toroughout a two-week period. Tht reason It was wlUiheld «a* toat It

u) ordered. Newspaper man In Washington were *ltUng on » hot . . toc>two week* and toey were

Din«t unhappy about It;Full, imraedlato publication would

have been dangerous. PubllaUon might have beea permitted with le.M ilelay wlUiout revealing toe Preal- dent'* lUnerary. Mont of all toere Is npprchenalon Iw t Ur expanded lo

icUce b« offlclaU

...... ................... developmenlji. wltoUie con.icquence of aUll furUier re- itrlcUng toe. operating area of a free prerj.

Jerome Catholic Club Reorganizes

JEROME. Oct.' 0-^neorganlatlon jf toe FrvicM De Salt* club was- conductcd at toe parUh house of fit. Jerome'* CatooUo church. The organization now h u 29. all high •chool students.

Meetings are u> b« held each Man- day evening, buslnea* and s«elal meiUnga altemaUag. A Hallore'en ' dance wiU be held OcL M.

Officer* are Waller Huber, pr'eil- ent: Danny Connor, tlee presi­

dent, and Jean Welleroto. secrtUri’- Irtojurtr.

s H E u tf f n r rn R N S JEROME. Oct. ( —Sheriff Let &

Johnion and Mrs. Johnson har# rt- umed from a buslne&s trip to St.

AnUiony. Poc*t«lIo and Blaekfoot'

T u e s d a y , Q c to b e r 6 , 1042 ..TIM ES-NEW S, T W IX FALLS,-IDAHO—- .

Page F iv «--<

&OCIAt- EVENTS -a-n-d GL1DB /#E-W S

Problems pf Peace Largely up To Women, Dr. Snyder Declares

In vvnrtimc, women’s chief d u ty a t homo is building morale w hen peace 'comes, women’s rosponsibiiitica are\£>'cn g re a t­e r , Dr. .R. n . Sliyclcr, p residen t o f A lbion S ta te s'cliool, told mcnjlbers of th e T w en tie th C en tu ry club th is afte rnoon a t a luncheon mectinK a t the M ethodist church.

T he problems of es tabhshinp pcl^rar^rht;il,wnr is over, en ta il the m aintenance of ou r in stituoona , such as the const!'tu t io n ; encouragem ent of f ree —------------------------ --------------- -

•C ^c rp rise ; the active prnctice oK C hristian ctliics, and the prevention of rnce recrim ina­tions, Uie continued. D r. Sny-* d c r ’fl topic was "Women, Pro- lec lo rs of Democrncy.” ' •

More Ujwi 100 women ntteiided Uie Initial luncheon w jlo n of Uic new tcuon . wlilch van marked Uirbuglioiit by palrloUc In iertsu.

ratrlotlfl Prornm “ Approyritti* uumbcr* Bera phyed by the brass nexltl from Uie Twin Falla lilEli Bctiool band. Ilcntio Tens- ley. H u«tl VlchflfK. Mariell Y ulo.Dill OiirrUon. Don Nrfificr lUiil.Ulll Logart, d lttcw d by P ."j. Haruda.

T he /la« salute was led by' Mm,P. B. Wllsoti. new president. Mrs,P rank Brown led Uie community •InKlnR. .Mrs. H. U Holmes. proKrom

SnUoducKS Dr. Bnyilr;A women's trto. Mrs. Iloiitild

Orivve*. Mrs. Claude Uroi Mrs. Jolin.Q. Adam*. Jr.. sauB ■'Tlilj Is WorU) FiRhtlra For."

A rtil. n-hlU ami blue Uitme ol decorntloa was (eatured. arranKcd by Mrs. E. P. Hoss and Mrs, Xji- iniihd WiurUen. Mrs. Robert L. Biicli played bnckKrouni! .nimlc In th

. cepilon rcnm ns tlie sueii.i wer lembHnB. a n ^ Mrs. DcAti Million XM occompanbt tor the musical numbers-

.'llemarlal TrIbale Mrs. William Oaker [>Md tribute

^0 the memory of Mrs. Amanda K autz, honorary member of Uie club, who died recently.

. 'M rs, P, W, McRflberts«vln a report on leftlslallon. urged Uie xpmen to vote Bl the comint electloiK WUllam Middleton cave t rep iit of the welfare committee, and told of the (UMlstajice being rendered the

, Commiiiilly Cliesl. .Mrs. J, W. New­m an Riive the report of Uie war ien 'Icc commltlM,

•Mrs. WlLioa appointed..'Jrt, Cnrl BciLson and Mrs. W. I,’ Twwer ar. members of ihc audlUUK committee.

♦ ¥

Californians Are Terrys’ Guests

Mis,i*Ha*el Terry and her hou-ie M L'.i'Betty Horn, are here from Berkeley. Calif., for ft lew days' vLilt n t Uie home ol- Mr. and Mrs. U. N. Terry, parents of Mlis T err /.

Tlicy will return tomorrow to Berkeliiy, wlirrc MLvi Horn Li « s tuden t a t' the Unlvpr.ilty of CWlf- om la . nnd Ml^^ Terry Li tittendlnn nn airplane metnl works school, p rlo BolnR Into war construction work.

Several frleiid,i . of ML-.i Terry called Informally nt the home of h e r parents rvenlnR.. * * *

Hansen GrangersPete Wisemans

irANKEN. Ocl. C-.Mr, nnd .Mr,v Dill W lsm nn were honored n t Uie covered dLMi luncheon recently a t th e Jfnrold Koenic home In eelebra* t^on or tJicir reccnt nmrrladc. Mrii.' WLifinaii win' be recetvetl into the GrniiKe In the near future. Mr, W hcninn Lt a master of the Jocnl order.

O ther Honor Rue.sLi were Mr. and M rs. Pau l ScoU. it,: Mr. rwI Mrt.. D, J . KoeiilB. Twin Fiillj;. ML-.n Siwie Thnler. BiiRlfy. Iu„ Mr, and Mr.i, nobert Norton nnd -Mrs. .Mary Ncwbr)’. Jlansen.

FollowlnR nirnl. nV whlch.'JJ pcfioa^ were .-!cal«l. ,thc Kmiip en­joyed n ‘'dre.MhiR of',Uie bride nnd h e r m a W contpst,-'iwrtlcli'iiicd In by 12 o f .tl ic m ni, Mrs, Donald Diet:!, who haO chnrBo of Ihe en-

■'Mertfllnment fenture.s, read a ix>em, wlUi blank.1 belnB fllleil by the aud- Icnce, who later Joined In RlnBlnR nrvcral iione.v A npecla! Klft wa.i p resen ted . trom Uie Orannc to the honored couple, with Mrs, II, Koenig m nklns Uie pre.^ntatlon.

Alpiiabet Party Given by Beta Ganlma'f or Girls

Beta Oamma club members and Uieir KuestA—younger business, pro- fe.vlunal and Indwtrlnl women of T»lii Fnlb-revlew ed Uielr readln’ rlUn' und 'rlUmietlc a t an "ABC" puny la.1t evening »t Uie, Y.W.C.A.

n i e ' lnvli;itlon.i had Riven o clue (0 Uie fiuture of Uic iwrty. belnu printed In aliihobeUcal block fw h- lon. T lw bookltta Jot keeping seorei clurlriic the eontcst«. lUsp reflected Llie cliisen Uieme,

Tlic tcaih. capUlned by Mlsa V lf Inn Hcitbeck. won from the tean w ith Mij» Mabel Poilerlltld wi cap­tain.

Mrs, R, l : Rewl, executive secre­tary of Uie Y,W.C.A., was a ipecloJ guest-^ Blic !<*olce briefly on the principles of Uie-Y.W.C.A, Mbs Ynes Ala.strfl. ncthiR president o f Uie Beta Oamma club, told ol the. pvr- pOi,es of th a t orcnnlinUon.

Mrs. WllUam Baker, president of Uie cxecuUve board of the Y.W.C.A.,

as nLio a Buest. .S« lunches were served

during? Uie relre.iliment hour.* * >f'.

Heller’sMovies Shown at Party • Feting Faculty

Ralph Brown, principal of Uie Ma- .t>a .school, nnd Mrs. Erie Jones, Mrs. OlUesplc and M ta Eileen Jones, facility members, were hojior- ed by the M<uo(i Woman's club at

reception Satii^rdny cvenlnR at le school hou.u‘.Hurry Heller nliowed mtrtloii pic­

tures he had Uiken on his travcLi includinK bull flshUni; In Mexico: derp-sea nr.hlng: Ala-'kan salmon fl.ihHig. and a rodeo nnd parade In ArlMna. *•

Forty-five munbera of Uie com munlly nttenrtiyl Uie courtesy. Tlie protfram Included community sinK- InR; piano selecUom, Gene KIn:ui; rcftdlilKs. Mrs. Earl Blnke.^lec: H a­waiian suitor dueu , Marjorie ui«l Shirley Sjv-ncer;

Tlie rcfrr.nhmrnt tnble wrs cleckPd with ftutumii flowco, Mr,v Cecil UroMi welcomed the teaolier.i. nH( tencher,s luid school bonrd member; re,ii>ondPd. .

Sgt. John Ash Claims Bride at

CaHfornia RiteEDEN. Oct. 8-i-MI.'j Deldn Mil!-

Raret KIur, daURhli-r of Mr«. Doro­thy KliiE. Barne.ivllle. Mlnii..'»n< K«i.. Jotin F , Cump UObfrl-' Calif., -ooii of Mr, and Mrs. Jnm r Alexander A.ih. Eden.- were married S tp t. 'in a t tlie h o m ro f Chaplain M, ■younRrtahl In P « o Roble.i. Calif.

ML'a B tnilce SwMl wn.i Uie brlrir',i only ntlendant. Cnfr- William'Beln-

in. Ciunp R o b c r* j^ » j best maip. SRt, and Mr.i. tB T left Immedi­

ately a fte r Uic eeremonj' for n shor.t weddhiR tr ip to Banla Marla. Tliey a re .now ;it home In San MlRuel, Calif.

Mrs, Arnold C. Vlngc. Snn MlKuel, and 'P fc . Hubert KhiR. Lai VeKfts; Nev., were nt the

Tddlntr.The bride wore a street lenRth rcM of royal blue velvet wlUi,bIivck. rcf.v.orle.i. aiul a coV.inRC of white

Rsrdenla.%. .Tlie maid of honor ,wore a llRht

blue Mill with turf tjin acce.uorli conage of white |>etunla.i.

Registering for Nutrition Work . Still l/nderway

t l tn uqC yxs late to Joli\ lUt flrjt lied C rw nutrition cltl^^rn of the f;Jl sen.wn,

E>en If you did not reKl;.ter for ami ftttciid 'Uie opciihlK fla.vr.-, la»l week, you Ji«>i' Join. Alter Tlmrsday mid Prldiiy, Uie rcKls- trallons *111 be closed In Uiur.e clftWe.-i, and you will not have Uii- opportunity to Uike nutrition coursy umn new cla.ves nrc formetl.

DcnliiK classes, directed by Mm, Ulchnrd H. SmiUi, are held each Tliur,sdny evenlni; a t 7;30 p. m. n t Uie Idalio Po-*er cum-

.p^iiiyHliidttorium, ati<l iiflfriuwa ' with .Mrs. MiirKnret Hill Carter lu leiicher. riich Frldiiy afternoon bc-Kinnlflj! nt 2;30 p. m.. nlsoy^t the auditorium.

Army filers In Hawaiian terrltor}' 'celve reRulaf tralnlna In rescuing len from the sea. . •

Views , in VerseTHIS IS AMERICA

America Is Uils today—Women milking cntUe

W ^ls half a weary world away .T h tlr men go out to battle,

‘AmerlcA liU il i-U io sound or laughtcr.'musJc, tears;

Yqu could not raUon one of Uiese .In half a hundred yearsl

Amed^ft Is M ao' DcUi Who lives Just down the street,

Wliose lover went to m eet his death On sturdy, marclilna feeu

Lansberrys Arfe Dinner Guests

and Mrs. C, T. QuaJLi were hosts a t dinner Monday in honor of Staff Spt. Mnurlcc Lan;ierr}% who 1s hrre on furlouRh from Cump Bowlc, Tex.., wlicre he Is .stationed wlUi the United StAte.i iinny Rlneers,

Also honored were .Mr, niul .Mr,v ;. A- L-nn;.berry, A'hion, Oti

KUdst-i were Mr, nnd .Mra. R. Shlffer, a t who:e home Sst. Lai beery Mid Mr. at\d M:s. l.!vn^bc:r>• - :e Ruest.';, and Bob fliiker,

Tlie Lnn^berr)•^ are brothers of .Mrs, Slilffer. .Mrs. Qiinib h niece.

Phflathea Class Attends Session

DUHL. Oct. B-Phllalhea .Mi ns of the Buhl BaptL^t ehui c t at the home of Uielr president.

Mr.-;. •Tlioma.i McBroom for ft ci cd illMi Wivchtoii. Mrs. E. J Cain wiu In charKe of Uie proRrnm on Uie topic. "I Was Knliunserrd.'

PollottinH pmyer by .Mrs. Me Broom. Mrs, BerUia Tilley read tin .w lpiural pa.^saRe and Mrs, Cahi Rave »n Inters.-.unx talk. Mrs. Elmer Meyer rend n poem.

TJie nfichioon wn.s spent In cut thiK <]Ullt blocks for the 'llobl Ip dlarn a ^ o la c c n , Arlz., n jiroject of the cln.-.Tnn bchiiff o^Mr. mid Mi Kdwaril Derbyshire, mls.sionarlcs Piilneca, Arlz . 'ln eharKe of naptb.t mL'-Monnryj^'ork amonn ilie Indlatii.

Calendar ■ ,Evening Oull'd of Uie Aicen.*lon

Episcopal church *111 meet Tliur.s- day n t 8 P- m. ut the country home of Mrs.-Tom Hlck*.

* * *Friendly Circle will meet l l i u r j .

day for a pot-luck luncheon a t the hoaie of Mra, .Maude Elllnnfoid. Wendell. Member's will meet a l Uie home of Mrs. W. H, uurp liy , <50 NorUi Wasldngton, a t noon,

* * *T he Si>eclal Interest group of

the second ward .M.I.A. of the LJ3.S. churdi will meet Wednes­day to hear two selected rtadhiK,''. one by Mrs. Eva Adamson und the oUier byH ennnii Christensen.

II- * *W omen's Assot'laUon •*of Uie

Pre.-sbyterlan church will mec;-,lii Uie clrurch piirlors Tliuridiiy a t 2;30 p. m. Tlie Splrltilnl Life Rep.'lce wlU I* held a l 3 p . m. Ui U ie '^raycr meeUni: room. \

# ¥ »W. 'IJ, C. 8. of Ulc MeUiodbt

church wiU meet In Ui? church patlors TlniT!*lay M 2’,30 p. m. Tlie prottram will be “Tlie Htatu.s of Women." by Mri. Carl Miiic- Wrll. Music will be In chartic of .Mri'. tYiijik KelloKK. Circle No. C, w ith Mrs. R, A. Pnrroti n.s lender, will be group.

* * *Twin Fulls chapter Amerlvan

LeRlon auxlllarj’. will meet Wcd- ne.s(hiy n t fl p. m, nt the Amerl- cji/i l.ef,'lc;j memorJnl Tlie hocl.-d hour will be In chprpe of Mrs, Ocorice Seidel. M n, Orrln Fuller, mc^1be^^lllp chiiirmnn, will be pmj)ared to nccept dues. A proRi ...........................


Marian Martin Pattern

America U Johnny Sm ith ■Who you milk and bread. *

And coukin't claim his Flying Cros^—For Johnny Smith Is dead.

America Is women who ^take prnyer Uidr only text. , ,

■•D<i not tike my ton, dear God,"• - .TliU honr^^.vet tlie n e x t, . .I

America Is Bill and Jake t And Ted and Tom and Jo c k '

• ^ ' Wlio «-ent to Dieppe and to Wake*And never did eome b ack .. .

America Li >ou nnd 1 WJWII fight for freedom till w^ die!

—H arriott Hitt(Today -jVlews In Verse- wclcomfs the return of a j-oung poeL YoiCve

read h er poems. wrttUn while she w u a student. boUi n t Twin Palls highschool sn d » l Albion fltata Normal school N ow .......... ...............................

■ ppetryrr. wd beftir poel»r, too.)

ttUt(l RclUf .socli tneet Thur:.<Iny a t 10 n, m. lor n work j.e;.slon. under t>ie <llreclIon of Mrs. Cli-oiie Bell. A poi-iiick hiiicjifon will bft .■ervrd iit noon, n i e tttt^riiooii ^e^^U.» n t 3 p. ii\. wilt Include Uie bu ille...■i mretlni: and" Uie le.v.on will Ih- in cImrKc of Mrs. Hertha-Lawrence,

If. -AUcc M. Olbbs circle ol Vlie Bap-

■ U.-,t church win mc-ci nt tlu- hti;ne of .Mrs. Bernard .Miiriyn. 51J SlxiJi i»venur en;,;. niursday n t 1 :M p. ni, for n dev.eri liini'heon. Mr., Charle;. Craljlree wlil give her Un-‘ pre.vilnn.'i o f 'th e JiijviiH-;e irlix'n- Uon center; .Mrs, 11. will lead Uic dcvglliiiinh anil .Mr.s; G iirtli lielil « i|| iirc-.'ent "Chrh- tliin Honie.n in Belxuni ConKii,"

♦ ¥ ¥ • V

Nadine Gentry, Max Owens Wed AtHonieNuptial

JEllOME,' Oct, C—Durlnu a sim ­ple and imprti.Mve miirriiijri; cere­mony. .solemnlwd Ocl. 1 nt \l p.m, at tJic homo of .Mr, mid Mrs. M. Oweiu. M Max Owe:

Christmas in October

ll'» riirl»im»» Irj Oclojirr for this family, bfesu** dad's In th e army overvsi, Mollier and Junior know W \tj mu»\ (ollow atro j po%tal .rrv lee rrculatloni and mall tlirlr gifts nomelime belwren O rt. 1 anil No. I — (he inotirr the better, IVeiirnli include clfareltei. flaslilfihi. dried fruit, ptsylnt ‘‘"d * . poek«f«lxc books, a pliptograph of Ihe family, and many other uwful lteni« — ali parkrd into a shor box. Tills Is to eonrorm «ith the ad ju tan t generaVt suscriitlon tha t all g ift parkagfs be kept dm ^ In >lx ^ u n d s . ________________

Mother of Idaho^Jiidge Came on Foot to Utah

JER O M K . Oct. G — Thd lifo hi.slory o f ht>r miithiT, Jlrn. Kliza I’rilchai'd llttdKi', who walkt-ti l.OOO inilc.s from a'N tr-

tnw ii S;iK Lukt C ity , in l5n^ iluys when piiinL'cns tic tlu -ir Wiiy by 'vaKim-train nrul ox -carl, was lold in a

fjrapiiie at'Cdiinl by Mr,-<. ]I. D iiffin .- Slu! a(i(lrc,s.sfii monibiT,t o f th e C am p Fran-Itla-Hnnic^

D;iup)it('r.'i of the ‘U tah I'

WeTheWonlen; Hy IC inH .M ll.I.tlT

All Uie bu.’.jbnillc^L,t where lu’ uiu. iHiw. tlioUKlJ ;.he hi;

.l ia . B ut -Miu illdn't e tluit he hnd I ri t the until .•■he received notii laiKletl Mvfcly.

"Uupe for \Vi

His wife didn't lixtl a sneaklni:

<-n dure hint ccuiilry—not e that 111* hiid

, jr.. of tlCor|;

United at.He. .MLvi Nailtn.' ' married liy 3f the Jeromi

lied fare ntry, Jerome..

Bishop A. Leo OLi L.D.S, church.

Tlie hrtde U the, dftWRhttr f>{ Mr ind Mrs. Charles Orntry. nl'.o o. terome. nnd their mnrrlaj;e culmln. itcd a high f-chool roinnnce.

A ttendintsV Tlie couple w ottended by Mr.i

X A, RawboC’ .Mtler of the brlile- Rroom, nnd by Jr.s/4..0larl;, Wendell

nUTTONED SHIRTFROCK Mature women love .shlrtvaisten

for Uielr U-lai. young look. Pattern MOf by WikJlan MMlln b very nllm- mlng wlUi Its long coll.v . . . cun’r t yokes . . . soft Ijoiilce lines . . . front butiailnB . . . and r.klrt panels,

Pett^rn 9308 may be ordered only In women's sJre.s 3<. 30. 38. « .41. IS nnd 48. Size 3S q u i r e s 3S yards 54 Inch fabric.• Send HLXTF.EN CE.STS for this

Marian M artin Pattcm . Write plainly 6I7.E. NAME, ADDRESS and STYI.T. NUMPEn.

JU ST OUT—our new Pall and .Winter P a ttcm Book! A RoUcall of Fa.Ovlon. with styles for every ftRc; every 'occasion. Tlilrly-two pages of p ttlem s - eacli easy to make and fabrlc-saring. Send TEN CENTS for jxiiir copy of th is book.

. . . . . . Send your order to Tlmee-Ktwsteacher, she »UU writes Pattern Department, T*’ln Falls,

' Idaho; ' '

who 1 ■Hie brhli

fro>-k w ith n for.'.aKe ol In flowers. Her neee.vorle.*,. of black nnd she wore a of the brldcRToom, ,piul

groom. Mr.s. 1 frock w ith a cor.snRt ton chry.mnUiemiim.

Tliey nre now on rooon trSp. to M\ Mn UnaUon. bu t plan t

blni'k i,ilk I.

......................... leave shortlyfor Ct\mp Lett-Js, Wn,sh., where the brldcRroom will be stationed. .

Corp, Owens Rnvdiiated fro.m Jerom e lilRh ;.ch'i»l.‘ lU-'Jmtied Ihe naUOnnl Ruarir In lOaO, and hn.s only recently been n f the Aberdeen. Md., .provWR ground.s, Uiklns nddl- Uonnl trnUiIng.ln arm-s dlvl-ilon . •

T ho couple jilatu to estnblL-,h re.':- Idence h i Olympia, Wiush., the brldesroom commuting to and from dtitlcr. nt Fort Lewis,

U 'eddlnr IJlnner Followhit; Uie ceremony, a wed-

dlHR dinner prepared by Mr;.. Ow­ens, m other of the bridegroom,.wa.s served tnrm bers ol ihc bridal puny nnd guesui. AUure-Uered cake ccn- tc rea .U16 Unde'.% [5t!e.

P rw en t were members of the In fftmllte.s. tinil ULshop nnd Mrs. / Leo C hen . Mr. nnd Mra, O. A. Uam bo. form erly of Twin Fnib and Jesse Clnrk, Wendell,

Diana^Brush Is Feted at Party

m C H FIELD . Oct. U -D lana Bni.'Oi celebrated her n in th blrlhdny i tl p arty for 11 friends. P rla.s nt c te3t.s were awarded Paye Deeds Oeraldlne McKay. Refreshmc were served nt a large flower c tcred table wllh miniature cli pagne biicket.s holding perfi marklniT.Uie place of each’ guc;.

T lie party c:we<l wlUi Uie elncliii:

t "Happy BJrUiday- and < gs-wlth Mrs. Tlieo Brush pit

Uie plhno. o u te rs pre.sent were ajid Mary Byrnr. Lots KfclnLuelln CenarrIL^a. LnRue Sore:___Onydenna Crown. Mary MclUsilcIc acd A nnetta Brush.

imdul out that the I >1111(1 lown tiuil nd hull .'.eiuriitc-d. ”0 i ,siUMt! tU<'. ti'.L'.vbx 'l's. ■' c hi-ac from him? ', J(,iic:i. ttho teully 11 mlly. KOI -\o led ifiV

olf to live by hen.elf^

•11 Ih rle Is -.Mrs. Builtll porary wMowhovd L-i no

It mlKlit be l)fcau;.o otu

r llu.^b,.lul liMr: i cniiiK' and b lioi

lit <lic Duffrn'n-.sidoiicc t w ork .

DuilRe wa.-, the moUier of nineV llv

.\1chlldlerhiR, inc|u(hn;r .Mrs. H. a Dpfjln, Jerom e; Mr.s. J. n . ijlicphlTd.’ Lo- Ciui. U tah : Mr.-., WUllam Prndrey, .Mont|x-ller, iind Supreme JiWgc AU fre<I BudKC. Hol.'c.-

T lic I’rltchanl lamlly iiilRmtrd from, LHuInnd, In HIM, and wlieti a t ihi-aKe of 25 year?,, .Mrs. BudKe. th in Prilchanl. wallt^l fniin I ’lo rrn tc . N c'j. wiUi mem­bers of hi-r fiuillly to Salt Lake, where they e.slablLshed their home,

A le,v-.cin was Klvni on hiirve.-.t time, tlurhiK thi- yearx fr<m^ 1847-48 by M n , Vlrcinln -Anilra''. Mrs T honi G off iilnyed Uvd |>iiiiio seW- Uons, ii!i,d fc-roup .-.Inclnf; wir. nkc

■n;‘rtleljnil<y| In by lha^e [irc-.'ent.

Catholic Deanery to Convene Here Oct. 7

S o u th e rn Id ah o D e a n e ry n f CaU ioIic W om en w il l m e c t _ f o r a h iiiL -henifsi'ssIo(i W ed n o sd iiy a t. 1 p. m . a t t h e P a t k ho ip ], ScviTitl a u rro iiii tl in i : lowiLi.w ill be . r c p rc a t* n tc d _ b y — and lie!e^:all‘s.

T h e (ioHticry c o m p ris e s T w in ra ll . t , B u rle y . R u p e r t , J e r ­o m e , ' W endell, H a iley , S h o .shone. G ooding , K c tc h u m a n d


Fourth District PTA Meeting at

Rupert Oct. 1701 IntefrM to Uie fourth ilL'lrlct

Of th» P .-T A, ii Uie nmiouneenient if Uie date for the district coiifer- nce. Oct, 17. at ituiwrt. nccordlnj

to M n, Hoy J. Evaiu. IV in fa lb , f irst Vlce-prr.litciil for the slate.

Tlie Minidoka lounty council ulii be ho-.t Kroi'P. Mr.n. Llllhin Ho---. 1;,

•e.sldent of the county council. A district prr.Miient will probably

iK elected durhij the confereiiec. to ted Mrs. J. H Tomlin. Acefjuhi,

who ha.s re.ilgnrd because of clianne of residence,

Tl\e Idaho CnHsie.'a has M-t lt. goal a t 12.500 mi'inber* for the 10« school, oiid the membership campalcrr began Octv <-

Mrs, M erritt Shotwell. Twin Falls touiicll membPishlp elialTTnan

M rs.-'n ieodore llarrncloufili, Uol-e lsi«late memijerrlilji chnlrman,<T ¥ ¥ r * ^

James Amos Is Bridegroom at Eastern Nuptial

James Amoi, United States navy, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. -Prank Aino.s. formerly of QoodlnK. and well- known tlvrouchout ;.outhem Idaho. wn.s married to MW Huth Myers Brooklyn. N.Y.. «t Jersey City. N.J. AuR, 12. according to word recclved by friends here,

Jame.s w m ft a t the Good­ing hiKh KCliool, nnd shortly nft BrndimthiR he Joined Uio iinvy, lie

petty ofllrer. -second class. In tl ...ival nvlatlon branch, beliiB sti Honed nV Floyri ISenntU'IleW, O, la,

uval nlr stntlwi, Brooklyn.He and Ills wife exjiect to visit

hLs pnrctit.' in Wendell the la tte r a rt of October. .Tliir brlrteRroom Is Uie brotlu

Eldon Anioi, now ttlih Uie medlcnl cor|vs of the United Btntes anny In Au.strBlla, „ '

Relieve Misery o f

HEAD COLDSPut Victi'•V o'tro-nol up cach nostril, le (I) slulnks swollen membranes,(2) soothes Irritation.(3) helps clear cold- u i # W CcloEKcd tWMC. Follow VICIiS S T S S V A -T R O -N O l

P. OToole, P.A„ VXJ, Twin Fulls, Bin g l v v ^ Address on "CaUioUc Action." ^ U i e r V ictor J.- LusllR. assistant p u tc e <>t S t . E d-

ard's Catholic cJiurclc will explain ir htstor)' of the maas.Father Tlbefnr. of ,Uie MaiylcnoU

order, pivsior nt the Japanese rclo- callon te n u r, will uddrfcu lh» group,

Mrs. E, H. Oyer will speak on •Tlie Confratenilty of th e Blesaed


■j -MuUcjI Number*Mvw.lcal number* wUl Include fc

solo. "I’anls Angellctui," Caes»r ■-'rniie, John Waters, and a dUc.U ■Venl Je.-.u." by John W aters antf

Mrs. Charles McConnell, both a e - Otmpaiileil by M n. Nellie O slrom ,

Ilcjw ts of commltteea will be ^re.-.ented, nnd nn elecUon of offlc*

sill conclude Uie nftem oon.* » *

Mr.s. Warberp: Is Feted on B irthday

Mrs. William Warberg Invited h e r ,m. , their wives nnd famlUca »

hflp her eelebrntc her b irtliday &n- ilversnry recently.The Invited RuesLi were M r. nnd

•Irs. Paul WnrberR, Salt Lnke City: .Ir. nnd Mrs, George W arberg nnd

family an.. Mr. nnd Mrs. R obert Wiirberi: nnd family. Twin Fftlls.

Gladioli and roses form ed the decorations,' nnd U tb h o o te a a 'r e ­ceived feveral ffl/ls.

" A n d t h » i t I la tk o f

'kulk'hcn^ota* cfimmen covms."

"And what a dlllerrnec that m adel You I knew this wartlma livlnj; had iipwt my u-siial habli.i of working, BlcTpinu ana eatliiR, But 1 overlooked Uie {net thnt In Uils nLsh, my meala were likely to be Improperly balanced —anO ^nw t wasn't gettUig tho 'bulk*

;'And tills \tr s lw.k Is one c t Uw mo.M treqiirnt c«u.vs of warUme con« utliiallon. Mrdielnsl luxathtn Ravr mo only temix>mry relief, becaiu4 they dnii't corrrct UiO Came.

"Uut KttLoco's itL-suN Ectj r ish t a t Uie cause by supplying the needed 'bullc.' You last eat *u.-siiin K ru-

by KelloKS's In Battle Creels.* . ,

nctiiiKin try .

icry iiiKlii la ihn vylSKllo think if.-t

poor Blll-SnilUi'^ hc'.s away .v ihiR hi

aipli* fioi

WINDOW SHOPS02 M ain Avc. So.

Open l ; : S 5 to fl p. M. Only Until Not. 1

All nay Satordayi Until I


Is iiU:liik- core ol hefclilWfen i-hc Holds clown a Jab. The ar........ -orkliif: out fine, but Itdtie.m’t j.uit the biL-.jbodles, Tlicy

; her pliico l.i'"brliinhi« up her klcl,'.,"-and Uiey won't, he.',itvile

to tcU iM-t'itr, )' IHndee lferl'lenty ^

Thi: w ile whu liiLs to ri'JidJti.t hoi IlJe • coiiipleVely ' In Ihe alneiicc ol

hti.'.band lin.'. n haril enoiiiili thiie wllhont. any •‘licli^', liom Ihc gtx-,-.SllKT;i.

If they would let her alone, le would be much happier. Maybe, le way !Jie Is -■'olvliiR her probU-nu,'t -'.eem Ju:-t rlRlit to out;,Id- she Ls In ft touch r.iwt,

Tliere l-s no iierf<rt .'olutlou to her sltufttloil. II ,she l.'i doliiR a.s well as

(ler the rlrcum.-,laiicr.i, th a t ough t to be cnoiifili—even lor the bu.-;ylxxlle.*-.

P. E. 0. Has MeetJErtO.ML', Ocl, T^M rs. KKir Bnn-


theP i .O . chiipl.T.

A Iteiider's Dine . , moriUi. was pri-i-cnled by Mra. Wtl- Jlam G . Phoenix, topics behiK <ILs cu.«ed were th e -lium nr' Clinic, •'Exi>eiiM-.s of iHir Oi.vemineiil" nil* "A Handbook t<) Brlt.iin.”

L eather nnd rubber ate ' Icrlftla. M tike.your-thoes Kst,

H A L F S O IJ S S ..

H E E L U I ^ ....Bhoes Dyed Htack .


...25C - SO i

FALK-s; Setllnf Agents

SEA R SHkM llrpdr D tpthxnt

A U T l l O K I T . M ’I V K l l E A r f O N S K OH IIU IO A D '.S I M P O U T A U C E

N o . l- -Bread, the Staff of IJfc .-B rend has nlwuys been UlC

principal food of clvllh^d races ihroughout Uie world, and ni,o(icrn iiutrltloiiiil science endorses this ORC-Old preference of man. Dread's prime function In the hum aad le t Is ns &Q niiminilcs! r.ource of abundant food nicrRy. Energy la the

. most imniedlate and constant need of the body, and fully 85 per cent of all food eaten Is luicd for thLs purpose. W heat stnrch. the mnln energy-Klvlng constituent df bread, lina the ndvnnta«e of behiR digested and n:.shnllated slnwly. r« Uiat 11 comUuies to supply eiietcy over a IniiK period ftflct U Is enten." Kncycloprdia Americana. '

e a d

m p o i ’it a n t

AUvny.s th e principal food bccniisc of Its nlnuidnnce o f food ener;:}', .broad now U ^ v c n more im portan t j n th e nveraKO fiimiJy diet, because i t helps lo m iiintnin l i tU th nnd morale, the, thin^rs needed by n people u t w ar. B iiltcr-K runt " B rca il, bnkc(j to m ee ftlie h ig h es t of prcaent .standards nnd “cnrichcd" w ith th o

^--liSilLth-l'roniatinK vitiimina w hich m odern nutritional flcience cndorsea bo highl>£, now bccome.s even more im portan t to th e people of MJipia Vnlley who rocogniza R ii t tc r -K n is t Brcnd th e ir out.slnndinff favodle. I f a to y ou r advantage tij co t B U T T E R -K U U ST—liberally and roBuUidy,


iPage Six / TIMES-NEWS, TW IN FA LLS . IDAH O Tuesday. October 6,1942

CARDINALS BANK AS ONE OP GREATEST OF YOUNG TEAMSWell-Balanced 'Cliib Drubbed A-L- Champions. . . . p - TALBOT

• N E W Y O R K , O c t (/P)— I fi t w e r e n o t f o r t h e p ro b n b ility

• t h n t th e w a r w ill b rcn k i t up. th e S t.- L oum C a rd in aU clu):

, t h a t c o m p le ted th e j o b ol ’ w rc ck in ff th e N e w Y ork Y nn‘

k c e s y c a te rd a y m ig h t w ith in •the n c x lK fe w 'y c a r s ko tcarink ’ o n to w in rn n k in fr w ith th o K rc u te s t team ;} , in b a scb n ll h is to ry .

I t L A fon-ol~ii-f;un Of a bnjcija;i club—much bolter Linn anyone aus- peetetl even when I f running wild In the clQilnB MiiKfj o( tliB NtAlonivl'Jtasue lace. n i t i t in no leain In flthrr Icnsuc nt this lline with nni’lhing Bppronrhtiig th» alU arnunil puncH. pilclilnft snO polish of the new worla chnmplOM,

On Ihe oft chnncc Uiat *omcbo<ly might we btc o\nl>oaii5 -1 the boltl younR men of MnnnKc;Billy iilhworiii. few flKi.might be In

Win 47.T h'ro^K h jfstrrdnv'.i (Iccidli'K

Kamr nl the .itadllim. ahlch wns won by 4-2-on ii iwo-nin hoinrr by OeorBC Kiirowskl, rookie ihlrii iKi.'.r- mnr, in the nfnth. Uic C.vcimnfs «on of Uiclr Inr.l 57 contoln In Uie'lMJ scaion. 71iM coiiici to tin altll llnoilJi wlniilni; nvtruRe of .623 clown Uie strelcli,

.■ Tliey tluRK^I iincl sliuhccl ilid r way to victory )n D)fJr Jiut aU slral'rhl Ramfi In ih r kaxuc nice, paused only to drop the world tcrlrs opener In 81. Uiut.i. and then bat te red .the Yankees Into 8ubnil.viloi In four strnlRliL/Some lime. «om.

'lenm might hBve nel n'rccord thnt J(»ks rompnMble Jn prhii, but Si five iis If we doubt ihm the toi.. petition wa.'i a.i tough a.i that bowled over by Uie Cardlnnlj la their am m lns drive to the top,

With all due respect for the BrooWyn Dodeers. ii jpou/d have been a nhmne If the Cnrd-i' tlonul chiirgo hnd. fallen ihort of llie Nttllonal leaRuo' pennant. Two

- capacity crowd* In Stf. Louli And three vast (titherlngs of nearly 70,-, 000 hero would have been deprived of a baaeball treat to be trewurec!

D odien Doufatful U la doubtful the Dodders eouh

havtf beaten tho Yanktcj. Tliey lacked pitching. Aa the »crl« un­folded It becune obvloiu that the Cardfnali'noC only.hnd all the da^h and color which had become their hallmark, but that ih e ; also po.i> sesaed great pitching In quanUty. Mort Cooper, their blggcjt winner, voa alusgtd from the box twlce<by Jlie Ynnk*. yet they -had Uie m en . who could take up the Mack in- Johnny Ueotley, Emlo W ills »nd Max Lanier. .; Dcoiley, the aolemn 23-yeir-old rookie, who defeated the Yahkeei In tho »econd gams to aquare the scr- l»a amd then earoe btvck to clinch the chftmplonahlp yestenlay, praba- w f deierred to be calf^ lhr> - - 1-- •ttr . H t pitched two great .

itiliing store of

Cards “Broke Up Yankees” W ithoutHeljr


ping up the world fo'r anoihetj^arraiVJ poiilbly lo iitcri'K wiS't long time coming, but the work clianipion 6t. Loula Cardinab fr nally cccomplialiea what many were adrccatlng years ago—"breaJ: up Ui< Yankees".. . . The new champ.' wert

iflr way baclt to « l. Louis to- and if they brcese rlshl

throuch town without slowini: do they «hould be excused. . , After ft Mam that can wipe out. a game Brooklyn lend In the NMlonil league and whip Uie Yankj In a flve-garae aeries, winning 47 of Jta lait 57 atarta. tlo«n‘t t .'litre to slop.

old hanili

mlted by Yankee Third Baatermi, Umpire BUI. Kummers everrvlr* alormy,cbjecllo > Frank CroMltl (Iffil, j l r t Flelcber (center), and Manager Jo« McCarthy (right) when Sem-

. Ihroir by j « trom center la the niath hnlngThe Cardi wen the c«me S to 0. >


JJy Unllrd I'reu IjO S ANOELKS - 7-?ie Vnhcrrilty

n Calllornl.i at Lw Angeles Hruliw ;wlco bciucn. unilerwenl a ccrel .kull-))rttctico today with • CoiicJi Babe Horrcll. who refuses to be

•iLiUtis preillctioiu one waj moUitr on next Baiurdny a game

champion: conference

. and tbowRjpolM.iolr a ..... .................iV a t V lt Cardln/ili' Wnnip n-r

•tudded with stars. It atrlclly was team vlctor>-., Take KurowskI, Hi jBime^wlnnlng blow j-eMerday wa..

. little more Important tho triple he amnckfd In the .'ccontl Bame to drive in n n:n nnrt throw the Ynnkeea Into » tantrum of uw plr«kballlng from which they nevci recovered.

Brilllaril Terry Or Terr>- Moore, Uie tcam'ii grrai

cnptaln and cenlerfleiacr. In U\c course of the aeries he made U o ol Uie most speclftcukr catcho rvfi seen on any field to atlfla Yankri rallle.-i and scnerally lent support tt Uin claim Uwt ho U the enual ol Joe DlMnsglo.' He Rlnglpd and 1: Mored the MxUi-lnnlnff run, I tlh i the count at 3-2 vr:.tcrtlay i Ret Uio stagfc for KuVo^skl's nlns wallop. ' .

-O r ttioa SlauKhter, who saveil two fam ea vith mar\Tlnti.i piavn, one Bead-Bye Dlek.pcR to tfilr<l bs; from Wghtflrltl and the oUirr

■ leaplac catch of what nhouUl hai been n homcrun by Charley 3\rllc

To top off hLi fine prrfonuauci he slUKBccJ n fourUi-innlnK lioiii nfa off Red nufflnB' ye lfCllny -i

n loiir-bnecer Kl!fi ii(i/c lltile Phil mrruto had crccle. Deatley In Uie opening round.

And Uien there waa White, th MuUipftw. who blanked the YankiT

Oregon StJite.

B E R K tU ;Y rC .llf. _ Cftltfor- nla'n Golden Bern got tlown lo hard nark again todsy In » icrlni* n u ce wllli the lU m bltn after a day of rr»t from the pounding S l« n Ultra by Ortioii Slate. After ' (ilork of liijurlft. Coachaiuu 'AIIUon announced .(ini Jurk> ovitch would be "(IcJliillrly out" of Saturday's entagenicnt with SaiilA Clara.

STANI-XIRO Uh'IVEOaiTY. C.illf. A Siiinfortl unlvcr.Miy o(i2il

playcr.'i tcxluy wai ciUiuuie to South licnd, ljul,. where on a.iiunlay th

Jmc. ’fhc f;uv

.1 (liiy

Itnllniine the two teunu met ■

Hwo bo«1 game of New ' of 1D25 wiicij Ernie Ncvcm pl iycd fOr-Jitaiiford nncl Uic "foiir hor’.e

■AVoried for the Irlsli, Roiri uon 37-10, (.0 UiB' JndJajjj score to acUle. ^


3 to 0 In the l-alk-, c f Cooper, who out-.M.irred Hi..

Dickey behind the plale. cltmaxlMB his efforllj wlUi a snap peg.tlmt caught Joe Gordon off second ba.*,e Sn Uie ninth ycjtrrdnv.

All Helped And Marty Marion, Uie towering

Cardinal shortitop who wm hrlllU iint In every Kame, and Jimmy llrown and Johnny Hoin. and Sian Mu.ilftl, Each conlrlbuieil exactly the riRht amount to the irtumph. i'or tho most p.irt. they did noi dUplivj' the dlii.incf.jjli.'lngijuaj. Itlcs of the Yanker.i, but tnSk of them seemed to hit nr coiiie up wl' n great plaj- when it was neeili most.

Aa for the Yankee.*,, they slmplj- ran Into n buncli of game, hard- ploj-ing.. hungrj- younRslers. After t h ., won Uie r.econd game M Bt Louh. the Cardlnhla ucuully beJ lleved they wotmi- take Uiree

rnlght o l Uie stadium here, and

conV A their 13-S ....................lomla'n hlghly-liiulMl U o ld i Ucan*. unbeaten Orejon jiutc e Jffe'n frfifcfrM (oi(j)- po(nUil ( ward tieil wrek-einr. rnrounl Hllh V. C. I- A. al Ix,, AniteU

EUaiiN-R Ore. - Vlciorv-h KO'> Ulllvrrr.lly of Oregon, bfaleli

St. Mary'!. }irrJIJt;))|fj,s ,

rortl.mcl aiitiirdny.

St. Louis Goes Wild as Cards Clinch Finale

CT. LOUI8. Oct. C - 7758 slrefls of proud St. Loole were all but de- Bcrted luid practically all worl

■used during the big ninth InnlRB the hrcatli-taklng clincher ganii

of tho-A-orld series yeslerday. Everybody •(.•m alued to ih t ridlo alUng for Uie flnUh. Taverns, ho­

ld lohblfJ Mid ererj' store and of- - • : r ^ ’lth ft radio were Jammed

th excited lUtencrs.Then came the payolt'~ Whlt*y

Kurowikl'a home run wlUi ^Valke:- C«J|>er 02 tw «.

"Wo're In," echoed from every open door.

T liii blow aetUed It aa far as .St. Louls funs were concerned. Dy tiie ;iiiic they clvured Uielr Uiroau It Kxr. all over.

A terrific checr wtiM up luiv. drctls of men and wo'tneti poure out Into the .itrceu yelling. to,vitii,. nijXTa Inlo the, air and slapplnB ■no iiiiothcr on the back. Tho.';e ivlu .-ere out-'.lile iiulckly caught on U

K'iint hniijiciieci and joined (n tin fun.

A few Mlulsilppl river boats set off sharp bliuLa; auiomobll^ horrv> echocti through the downtown a. ind even somo overjoyed aireeti notornieti pulled Uie bell lever w. ipen.Several 'KislebMkeU emptied

from offlc« windows along Wa.'h- lngtoa.»-cnuB'a whole.t4ler»‘ row.

Drinks were oh'the houi^ nt acv- •ftl bars. Kurowjkl and Pltchu

Johnny Deatley were the-ioast. fli tho ------

Cardinals Each Draw ,16,192 For Triumph.NEW YORK. OcU 0 ifl-) Eacli

member Of Uio s i . Louis Cardinal* IBU u-orld ccrlcj champloiis, got ie,lfl3.50 for hli five afternoonj

: while each member of Uio York yankew, Amrrlcnn league

kingpins and Uie champlaia of 1841, received »3J51.70,

TJio' players shanjd Iti Uit re- cclpu iroui Uic firat four games wlUi 70 p«ir cent of Uie |x>ol golns to Uie competing tcoiiLi on ft 00-40 per cent basis. Tlie remiUning 30 per cent of Uie pool went to tho llrst division clubs in each league.

TfTtTiwl ihls tolalled |427,- 5<9.41. ulUi 70 per cent (or the tno rluba S38B,3O4i0, Of Ulb 1170.582.73 i-ent to Uio winning CardlnilU who llvided Uielr melon Into 38 full

shares and flv« oiie-flfUi shares,Tlio Yonk«M divided Uielr purso

ito 3 3 \ ports after'toklns WJOO ff Uie-top for cuih awards to club ouso boy*, former teammates m le aervlco and bat boys.Brooklyn's D<^gera and the Bos-

in Red So*, ninners up re.ipecllve- li- In the Nadonal nnd Amerlear league-i. each got 133,008.48 to dlvUli nmone (ho pltii-en wfiiio tho N’en'i York Olanlfl and Uie 8t, Louis Brown* drew down I21J78.P7 each. ClnclnnaU and the Cleveland In­diana were rewarded wlUi »10,8M.4B.

The Vantrea artraTellng, bat the; ........................"CoBntry" the pa«t few dayi they don't care for any “.Moore“. . . Eno» (Conntry) SU aihter a n d Terry Moore, the crack gaarilUn* i>I the CtnSlaaH' onter rffJonj, robbed the Yankees of base hits with clrcui catchea In every g ^ e

>and divided 10 hlta between th>m . . . The honor of beaUng the Yanka twice in world aerln com- peUUon now Is iliared by the Car- dlnaU and the .New York C lanU... The Cards alio handed the bomb- era their but aerlea defeat In 1928, while the (ilanta turned tltem baeii In the IK l and 1K2 cUulcs.

If you're KonderlnB wh}' .\fa/!agcr Joe -McCaftUy didn't order Whliey Kurowskl passed InienUonally in the rlnUi ijHiing' yesicrday. with only one out, a man on second and weak hitters coming up, remen, that this same Ktirow.ikl funned tho first three Umr.i he fuced Red Ruf- flnt; In the opening gumc. . . When Kurowskl socked hL\ giwifwlnnlifi: homer, McCarthy probably wna won­dering tho same thing. . . Tlie bat ho used to sew up the aerira wiu Cho only one Kurowsfci • broughe from f3t. Louis. hLi others having been broken In the regular aeo-ion.. .

ouldn't let nny of hL males . In bailing prnctlce and aftci

tho game he refuNcd to let It out ol his sight, .

Before yesierday'a game. Lefty Gomn made nuraeroua Inquiries among iporta writer* about press box ruuthie, Including the funda­mentals of Korlng. . , Maybe the veteran aoulfipaw, who knows how to iling the klng-a English, li planning to becofflV K sports writ­er when Ive reaches the end of his playing career, whieb appean lo be not far off.

' By HUO U fU tE EU T O N TjE '^^Vlde World SporU Colnsmist NEW YORK. Oct. 6-You-d be s l .

prised at how inatiy folia hereabouts th(nk they won't have onother <haoco .to M« a world aeries lor a long lime . , . Maybe Uiat explains ihose tffoiendout crowda at the «adlum-and Uie polite tia«dclap- pins that grtctea each Y uni o j fie made his drat appearance at the plate yesterday . . . ThB fans aeemed 10,be eaying: "WeU, we w o a l be seeing you agaln,'l;ut you we're Bood Kuya wh»n you had It.” . . . probably half of each liquad »H] bo In the armed force* before anoUier aeason. buK Whliey 'KurowsWa trick arm likely will keep him o u t . . . II wont make th5,Yank#ci*any happier If •'- y have lo meet him another time

, Come to'think of n, those' 23- . ir-oM CartfJnal kiOs ought to make boU players when they grow

Tod^y'f Gnest Start Frank Graham. New York Bun:

‘TbMe who said (hat the Card­inals would n ie the Timkeea irifle tui............. . . . .harloe been guilty o f _________stalemenL”

Ben Wahrman. Rlrluooad News- Uader: - \\h il would have thooght- Itr . . . Biifj Soulhworth It

Expert Opinion Looks os If oM Mika Gonzales was

the champion scries forecaslei 'He said; "Maybe we Soet one. m ar' be two, but no more." . . . This de- parlmciii hit the number of Bwnes right on the no«o-U>ut had the wrong team and plenty of company In picking Uie Yank* . . . Only live

;perLi polled by the A.P.

before the serlra named the Cardi and T j DBS sold fewer than ib gamea for Uiem. ’

bierrlct Bept-Nonnan Cublo, Uie Albinj. N.

V . welterweight who reeently en- listed In Uie marioea. boa two brothera la the acrrieea ao'd one of them m e n t l f n j reported missing in acUon. . Jnnle Andre*: fonoer L6olavlUe-btaebaUer aad later atar of the .Great Lakea aarai itatlOD basketball - team, got a brlda and a pronoUon Uie aatne. day. Ue waa married to Dorli Mann of Toledo last Saturday and also waa awarded bla en- algn'o eommlaalon . . . Middle- weight ehaap Tony Zaie has land* ed at the Norfolk tuval training ■tatlen waiting tranfer to another*«“ ■ , _____

Hold Year FireDown at Denton. Tex, the cheer­

leader* at North Texas Teachi rollege decided Uiere wouldn’t bo any bonfire a l Uie annual home­coming gaai# . . . “We must not

revealed aa * t# jr e anythlny this year," they a

of the


Cleaning the Cnff Joe Gordon raoat have had that

n>aer-e«aater feeling dorfng the world aeries Laat year be lilt .504 for a rveord, this year his arrrago waa J)35 . . . Johnny Beas­ley atarled out aa an amaUor boxer and won three fights In a NaahirlUe Oolden GI«rea loanta- ment before hla mother made him quit . . . Hr'a sUIi a pretty good fighter on tho mound . . ..T he D odgm ' Dixie Walker haa a new Jeb aa recr«aUon director of a big defense pU nt «n Long Island;

*ni6 only and o n u In Uieso paru vere the betUns commlsaloncrs and x>o)clc.< who con(eMed they had nado a .serious m iitaia In glvlnc- ijcli len s prtrej against Uio Cardl-

iwls.Preparations for a homecoming

cclcb.-atlon v t r t slarlfd • immetll-

Lone afier Uie mlghly throng had poured from the atatllum fol­lowing yesierdiv*'’fl fina l contest, & lone (luure eniercwJ ojitl irudncil 'lowly along the nlreot, tired and torlurn in ihe gathcrlnf: dusk. . . % smell boy ran up to liiin. holding, lut a proKram. . . Tho w an oiopiicd ind autotirnphfd It for Uie in ' 'Who's Uiai?" inquired om

youimsitu' uiio had w.itchcU Uio . . ccdurc. . . "Joe McCnrtliy.'’ replied the j'OUnK «u!oiTap}i jjekcr. . . .Me- CiTthy smiled a-i two .sports'ffrUcr walked up to cxtcncl their condol- lenecs. . . "it ain't t.o ba<l," said the manager of the bentcn Yan:"they silll wiint my nulograph.

In the mall bag:Murtaugh, Oct. S

'Dear Hal,"I have been rendlii* your sports

column for several years and after reading Uie arUcIe concemln* Cas- Ueford’s 8-man football woes, I feel

we have one up on them, as for :iltun« the crying towel goes.

YankeesTake Majbr Sliarie Of Records

I the best e In

Cubs Nip Sox, 2-1, In Chicago Series

ciiicA ao , Oct. 8 (/r) - t i i b chi- igo Cubs, loeers of tho flr.^l three

Bames 0/ the city series, defcaied le W hile Sox. a lo i. In ten InnltiKS 8?ore 6,gM lost night to 'a c o n h l iconri.s,'s ight victory and keep Uio lO competition olive.

Lemos Wins From Shans Third Time

PnOVlDE.VCl'; R. I .. O ct. Q (-11 —Rlchlo Lcin . form orld's'fcnUi.

;hl champion from Los Anse­ls. u p c t Uie a pp lecart here lust light with a su rprising lo-round

jxlechlon victory over Cieo Shaiu. Los Angeles.

Lemos' th ird trlu-mph over Uie present No. 3 llRhtw eU ht con' tender In four m c etin si. Tlia other three were on Uie w o tl coast.

Desiilto the fac t h e had dropped VO out of llireo vc rd leu to his

Mexican rival, a h an a waa Uie fa. rite. Tliere were n o knockdowns. I# verd ic t'fo r Lesnai wa.i bi«r<j Uie voKs.of two judges. Tli

« balloted for a draw . Shans lied 13m . Lemos 134

Conquering Cardinals Go Wild After Championship Victory Over New Yorkers

eald &The incut JnexpJlCAbJe coliipse of

the claislc was contributed by Jo e ' Cordon. Uie Y’ank second baseman Standout of the '41 series, when hi pmcUcally beat Brooklyn' slnslC' handed. Gordon made only two hlta In 31 Umcs ftl b st against Catdlnal i i i i ^ n g And dldh't ahlne pm icu . larly in the field.

L ittle Phil RlmiU) clayed Ui# best .all-oround game for xh« Yanks ham m ering eight h lu In Uie five’ Jam es and fielding cleverly.

COLLIVS BEATS 6CALZ0 i^ T IM O R B . Oct. 0 t lW te i i

DoIUnj. fiaJUmore. turned in a n .,- prlae perform ance la st night and Uihaoced h l i reputation when he

By t iiARI,E.S nUNKLKYNHW YORK. Ocl. C (,ii •_ Mild

i.vliiuTfd Uiliy fn iiliyorlli. iniiil- icr vS iJii- ir)ijj)i;)j,-s^t Cfln»;jnl*. id a c lilc v td 'th r a;iiljliiou of hli 'c today '«lien his rabjii-ruiinlnK

uaredevlis won Uie worldl chaai- plon.ihlp for him. He wbj iheAappU est m an In lia.«ball.

Joseph Vincent McCarUy, kindly 50-yenr-old leader 6t Uie vatiQuLshed Ney York Yankees, was the saddest. His bombers had bee.T crushed Into world series defeat the (im tlmo since 1D28, T he blow to .McCarthy

To the Jifconspaiiimcfit of siirieks, blood-curclling yelu; hair pulling Mid plain old-fashioned yelling thi VlciorloiLi Cardinals engaged in l bouteioai vlctoo’ celeljratlon UiaT sorted un uproar, ssellea inlo pan- Lleinonlum tiiid did not. subside unU !0 mliiuiea-laler.

, rierclng Scfranii - Aiier liiuid-sliaklng and b;u:k-

ilapphiK. the- wlioopliii; * jiiayers iwannctl around Uielr' liiUe man- iger, hoiM«i iiJni wi ijjclr /liouUem In Uio dresslnff room with Uieli pinKlng screams ralUlng the wln-

Kcn>«aw .Mountain Landis. wWte- halred commL'-iione: of .baseball, shouldered 'his way inlo tho crowd of yelling players. He waa Instantly grabbed and hoisted toward Uie call­ing. They spotted Fisrd Frick, presi­dent o f the KaUonal 3?a«ue. ripped his hat to pieces; and booiled him on.theU-shoulders.

TTjo Tiucl .ricum waa G»orge (Whltey) Kurowsltl. KfisatlsnaJ 23-

lO-rouad fyear-oJd rookie .third bascmaa.I whoso »l«0.000-honie n ta In the

IB Catcher Wall of him. setUi

Trifle bIa.M ear: r)i CarJJnjiJ. 77jo d pounded Kur-

' n in th Inning, acorl cr Cooper ahead evcryUiliiK, T liat t cd M,J»2.50 lor en players liutfKed'iu ow.'.kl on Uie biick anil Uicn hoisted him on Uielr slioulclers.

Rickey Tossed in Air B ranch Rickey, vico-presldcnt and

general manager o( ihe Cardi, Join- eil Kurowskl uir^in the air and Uiey ^engaged in a lujir-pulling contest.

:h th# players scrtamltig a t Uie top of the ir voices.

W hen Kurow.vki's cleated shoes h it the concrete again. Uie plajcra fj-abbed him b;- iha seal o f the pan ts and ripped off Uie bock of his trousers. Pieces of his panis Were tom Inlo shreds by Uie play* era who clamored for souvenirs. .

M cCarthy, without going to his drr-vdng room first, marched dl- rectlj- in to the clubhouse of his conquerors. W hen Southworth fin­ally got loose from his iiappj- plaj-. era. he was warmly crccted by MC' C arthy. ^

'BUI." ho said, "I'WMil lo eon- . j tu la ie j-ou. Vou have « fine bai, club." .

SouUiworUi Was so excited, so ov- rrcome wiUi emoUon Uiat lie atarled enlences and never finished Uk

Won WIUi YooUi and Baah "W e took Uiem, and we took Uiero

declslvcfy." he begun . . . "So help me. W8 v o n Uie pennant wUh-dasli and youth . . . aomeUila* tha t all American boya can be prpud of . . .• »eU. Uial'a w hat we were la Uiere fo r - - to win •. . . I t's Just grand. Ani'tfmo you can beat a bu i club Uke the Y an k s , . : Well. I feel Just w onderfu l If t Xelt any better I w ouldnl be able to ita ad It . . . A

the history, of th e tchoei a n d ____get game*, whfeh (• quHe d(*ap- polntln'g to Ihe boyt, community, and the aehool. T»*dale our boys hare ridden rough shod over H an- irn lo the tone of 52 lo 19 and ovrr Eden J8 to 19. AU of Hansen'a lourhtfo«7j» fame aralnul Oie r t - terve* In ibo'Sn) and 4(h quarter*. "Tliese last two gamea marked Uie

flflh iira Jjh l vlciorj- for our boys since they weivt on Uie w ar pcvUi lost *i'ison. Durinif tliose fivo game*

vc rung up 209 Points which IB pay dirt a lot of limes •fl' man football contest.v • sames wlUifor Sept. 35. nnd Harelton icre cancelled bccause these verc .'hort of boy.i, wiio wcrn

llie fields."OfTTluiBlday. Oct. 1. we ca«ea

thii kollonlnr schools for gameai AcrqiAfw Alhlon. Heybom. Diet- rich, Ifuptrt Cub«. and Kimberly. We weren't aljle to get any £amr« Irom thl» group: ronsequenUy wb were fortrd to hang up our su iu for the season. Now the boy* are workln/ In the apud* and won’t be In achool for Uireo weeki, due la harvtsl >acallon.

‘8‘ man

Is him

jrklns 1)

n. Hotut

.classic In1 been

m ar\’elous bunch of kids . . . Tliey have confidence in mo anti wWkdo anyUilng I tell Uiem to do, . . At Jeasj they'Jl try.- We ,«urc clicked when tho chlpa were down." •

Joe DlMagglo. EdUe (Tiny) Bon' ham, Robert (Red) Rolfe. and t.'rin- nlns Charley (Red) Ruffing Of Hu vanqul.ihed bombers, came in u shake ^ouUiworth's hand.

Southwrth storied tjUUng i without finishing whatever h' to say.

“And anoUier Uilng," he went on. •four straight . . . Ttiat prouj

that no uam or no person ti Li- dlspenslble."

Beasley “Great S tu ff Suddenly, SouthworUi spoltea

Beasley, the first roWtle alnee Da(fy Dean in 1834 to win ' games ond Uie first twlrh off Uie Yanks twice Jj, „ since JesJ Haines and Grover Clc\e. 18’fi It hock It

•'He's great «tulf. ain't he." SouUi. worUi sold wiUr r grin. 'QulifK

.r lo knork

pllchiBeailey. grinning wlUi a day's

growth of whiskers on h h , boyiih said that when Phil RJirjio home run on Uie ihlnJ boll ho

pitched to thfv. Yanks in Uie first inning, he decided'Uien and there to do something about (!.

" I aald to myself," Beaslay r*. ated. "I'll be dam ned'If I intend

to go back to 61. Louis and pUy wme more basetiall this yc.v I ■uirteti rlghl bear down Lai t never qulL"

Karowskl Fondle* BatKurcwski was to proud of the

»>« h it hU,homer Uiat h# refused lo let 1o(m« o f lu

He finally carried It a ll around Uie room, showing it lo every one who was interested In lt-.Everybody was.

Witli the yeila .from the nearby Cardinal clubhouse invading Uie privacy of their own locker roam, the Yonkecs went qulcUy about tho buslnew of excliangUig tlieir unl« forms for street 'cloQies. Mtnt ‘ Uirm for Uie Jasl lim e unUJ the of the war.

.There was keen dlaappolnlm enl written on the facca o f a ll of Uiem, but no oilier oulwnrd cxprc.ulon of Uie way Uiey felt Inside. Even old- t'tners like Bill Dickey h a d noUi* Ing to say. ,. i .

•ThcyTe’' A goad bjUl club and they beat i good' clXib,” dectured Manager Jtoe McCarthj- on his re ­tu rn to his own little office. •'It

I'was a goijd series a ll the way through,"■ Cards Foilosed U p Breaks '•We had a chance to get more

runs and we didn 't Kct them ." he said. "Whai breaks th e y got. they followed up. We can ’I i o on . w in­ning forever.’'- Commluioner LondLi was one o

the first to enter th o clubhoaii a fte r the Yankees' h a d ' trooped In. He talked • briefly w ith M cCarthy and Uien shook hands a ll around.

McCafUiy tiad a sm ile and a ready handshake for all th e outsider* i ' came in. one or tw o n t a Ume. offer Uielr regrets. H o bid l»me of Uie players goodby® and many of Uie Yankees e schanped fare-

rells among tlieraselves.a fte r the i ln M ou t. how-

ver, when many of th e .pjayers .;ere fullj- d rtved. Ihc 38-ycar-old

Ruffing auii sat bcfor« h is Joclter, too tired to more.

. opinion . ... jtrongest teama

Uie district. We wera unable to rci logeUier this year because of the inn? distance U> U-aveJ. Had V re known'that our acMedule was to bi cut SO per cent we could have giver Coach Bllck'a Uam a real batUi and the compeUUen his team da- .sired, Lnst year our teama fought it out on Uie basketball floor fo r the CIK-m B sub district championship and boUi emerged co-chimplon*.

'I t looks t> me Uke ‘O’ tnan foot­ball Ii doomed for the duraUon un in t tome of the Claaa A teama Ilk* Twin FaiU, Rupert, Burley, Buhl and Filer sta rt achednlinc games for Uieir aoph - freah squads. This would keep the game alive far tbe amalier achoeU th a t desired to play. Many of tta weold like lo ae« the game aurrU e aa 11 doti really dtrelop aharp lacklera, and hard, sure bloekera. After all. football la going to go a long way toward dertloplnr men phyaleally that will gel the job done agaiast the nasla and Japi.

"Sincerely."Coach Don A. Blokeley

•'.\turUugh H. 8 ."

FISH CATCHSALEM, ifiss-, Oct! 8 aiJ5 —

Pbhennan Arthur Daigle of BeT- « ly today boaated of jom elhlng new In catche»-<a lOO-pound deer that he lassoed four miles off shore while It was swimming to­ward Uie open sea, T h tre l l be no w ilM n. on the Dafgie dinner table, however, because a gamo warden ordered the deer released.


SiKkr ant C L ^ ^ a n d S'KEUS -'

NEW YOrnc. Oct. 8 lff>) — Al- Uioush the YankeM loit tlie world scries, Uicy\carrle<l off Uie lion's share of tija^-rccoifls Uiat were set or equalled during the five-game tussle w ith Uie Cardinals. ,

Charley Ruffing, Uie Yanka' vet-•an pitcher, eatabllshed Uiree nea

records and lied anoUier; im ie Phil RlBUio.c(]ualled a few more; Joo DlMagglo picked up a couple and the Yanks os a club figured In sUli

lore record-breaking.BoUi learns, of cour^, ahared in

(•the financial record-breaking as the larcest crowd.s in world scries his­tory turned out for Uie Uiree games a t Yankee atadlum.

For the Cards. S tan Ktuslal, Max Lanlcr and Johnny Beailey record perfonnances of so r ts ,............ .bu t they didn 't break any Im porU affe-j^w n^

When Ruffing pitched W -h lt Ball (or ecven and two thirds innings of Uie opening game, he not only broke ihe m ark of 7 1/3 hlUcss In- iilnBs se t by Herb Pcnnoct in I52T. bu t by appe.iring in his 5cv< ' w orld-serlea.-he tied a record by Wftlie Hoyt for ihe Yanks and Athletics from 1031 lo 1031. At Uie lame time he won his sevenUi aeries •'Jciciy. solnjf cnl’ aliead of Hoyt.Chlel Bender of Uie Alhlellw and Lefiy Gomez of Uie Yanks. Ycr.ier- day Rufus Uie Red'^ roke Uie loial

rikeout m ark-by-whiffing his 8Ut orld series victim. Header's ol<‘ lark -KM 59.Three of BlMulo'a record-brenk^

log feats were In -Uie field, as h( miide IS putouls In a flve-gome series and seven 'o f them In oi: game and had th ree assists In Ui second Inning of the Uilrd game.

DlAfa«g)o had 20 pulcuu in Ui five games. T h a t gave him a nei record for p«lout.-<. one above his 1B41 lotai, and equalled Uie record for outfielders' chances In a five- same series, set by Mike Donlln of ;he O lanls in iBOS.and equalled by DlMag last year,

Michigan Set To Tackle B^erman Again


Like the indeatnicUble flr«-hird of fable,- Bem ie Bierman rvturris to Uie University of Michigan foolbaU alodium thU week to pUgue Coacb F riu Krlsler. •

For Uie last eight seasons, while f \ Iron-halred Bem le wa< a dealer In gridiron magic at the Univeralty of Minnesota. Bierman eJerens have huinlUated Michigan. Crlsler came' ' to Miclilgan In 1S3B and since Uien - has lost only five gamea fa four KAsohs. FDur of Uiese defeats, one per season, were administered by Minnesota.

Blerman'a hex alone poisoned Rrisler’s almc^Uperfect record In

'Ana Arbor. I t has toet the Wdver*Ines three Big 10 championships.

It was not strange, then. Uial th* Wolverine eoaclilng staff gieeled this aeason wtUi. anUclpalloa when Uie Gopher mentor relumed to Uie

. marines and became Lleut.-Col, Ber- nle Blermait.

But that was before Michigan scheduled the low* pre-flight traln-

|ing cadets and before Blermaa had been assigned to' manage the Sea- hawks' gridiron affair*. -

Now 1C fjBK to -tw doM _*n <n-er iRaln. Blerman'a undefeated cadets

clash wlUt unbeaten Michigan Uils Salurdty. Again It's Bemle versus Frltr: The Wolrerines against their lid nemeals.

The contesl b almost certain to have a bearing on Ihe myUilcal naljonal championship, held in IBil by Blennan '8 undefeated Mlnne- toU eleven. The Seahawks have crushed Kansas. 61-0. and turned bock powerful Northweslem and MlnneMl^ by Kores of 14-13 and 7-«.

Michigan has pl»vc<l but .twice, defeaUng Great UUtes naval train- ■ ig?laUon, fl-0. and waUoping Mich-

at\ au^le 30-0. iBierman la Ui« admitted master

of hard, straight football. Crlsler' ned to Uie more flashy elr-

. . . i f f this year. Featuring a dongeroi* • a.'uortment of laterals, reverses, men-ln-motlon and lor-

Bowling Scores

K A > r .......* ______I

Family Plans Fete For Card Manager

COLUMBUa. 0 , Oct. 8 (>n - A fahilly celebration for Billy flouth- worUi grew to ‘'we're golog to rent a hall'’ proporUona today.

The m anager of the world cham- . Ion St. Louis Cardinals has four railroading brothers Ivere. and he himself has a country home north if Columbus. ..

Brother Arley. an lnsp<ctor foi U^S aiesapealce and Ohio, laid Uie

-pliijis. e"Soon u DWy g tls home we'JJ

give him a party what's a p a r ty r he exclaimed. -W ell rent a hall W ell have n lot of turkey and chick' en and w ell ask a ll our friends. I t 'l l be a real once-In-a-Ufetlme family part>-."

Billy's wife, who saw the two game* In £ 1. Louis sikl Uien came home

.a ll« l to see what happened laid she "slniplj- is


Dodgers Granted Permission to Interview Ricitey

NEW YORK. Oct. 0 (4>-Presl- denl Sam Breadon of the 81. Lm Is Cardlnab admitted today Uiat he had granted permission to Brooklyn ' Dodger* officials to negotiate with hU .general manager. Branch Rick­ey. aa a poo5lblr^plocemen»-»for U rry MacPhall.

MaePhali. former president of Uie f ' Dodgers, has ,gone into the army, ' Rickey will leave the Cardinals when his current contract, expires on^Dee.

\ r y r 'T y r y r 'w \ATTENTIONCash PaidFor W orlhlcRs o r Dead

Cowfl, HorsCT and Priire o f P e lls fo r D ead Sheep

PAL in s u l a t io n . 0 - MATERIAL

| > a U ' tu7 (aF A I V '■!«»•»• *•’«

g a m b l e s

C all C o l le c t N e a r e s t P h o n ^ TWIN FALLS 311 GOODINQ 47




We wi)l have potato storaga a t H ansen cellar on highway a n d onlon'atorage a t Twin Falja^___

E. & H arper Co., Phone 22Q3 •

Tuesday , O ctober 8 ,1 9 4 2 T I M E S - N E W S , T W I ^ F A L L S , I D A H O Fa£e

Members A'sked 'ToBringGuesfsto

Grange’s MeetingJEROME. Oct. Otansttnemben h*ve brvQ uktd U> brlni{....ffueata to om meiyng. Oci. 9,--- Trtini-Booetrr nlfht wllj 6< ottMrr-

ed.At the Uat tnf*Uns MIm PliyUli Aim.BucUu, JtroRic, playnl tvo clftrtnet Klfctlona. "I Threw a KIm In Uie Ocean” and “My Msrj Und.” K. Maine Shwo. »uwrlniniclpnt 'ol »choo!s, the chanjeamxle In the «chix!« by Uii “ITie home ecnncmlr i. repoiW Ui« • lubsuntifti. been received Jrom Uielr luncl) eUind, during <•!! clubs' county and ^ dlsUicl lair, -nie cwnmHlee lia» pur- “ chafed war boniJ* with Die money.

Jeffers Invited To Idaho Session

. POCATELLO. Oct. 6 0P>—\7JllUni M. Jerrer*. naUonal rubber admlnts- U&lOT, Um bttn SnvSted lo wWiess the annual convenUon of the Idalio Form Durcau fe<lerBUon Nov. 27-:8 J. N. Dftvley of Murtttusu. (edcr. i\Mon {ircildcnt, »ald plans to Invite Jcffer* vrcre made at a director* meellng, T7ie coiiveniloii Rll! dUniM , nnllonal IrgLilatlve jiroblenu.■ OrKttnlzed tno )'eftr»-iii:o, the fed eratlon now hna JiO iiiciiibcrs, mtul- ly .•souUicMiern fanner.i.

26 Buhl Draftees Depart for Army

___ BUUL...Osi_4-Txv .............ol Tvin FftIM county .........Ice board No. 2 have lefl for Fort DoU8la» to bpRln army iralnln ehnrKo of Uie group was Et eoctcrs, «cUnR corporal.A larjit KToup ol relative* frleiicli bid furewcll to Uie me • S. O. klu wrre pre.ventcd. Dei q{ crowilp<l buMs, fc tew ot the . had to n ail for the third blu to find aeata.


RICHFIELDMr*, A. McOanlcl(3.i has returned

I M to her home In Salt Lake after vl.i- I ^ lUng Uie home of her daugliter, Mt3. LouLi Crowtlitr.Mr. and Atrs, Raymond Bell and daughter, Shert? Lm Ai seJeJ, are spending UieJr vaciiUon the home pf Uielr ixirenl Mr. jind Mrs. Byne Crt/it.I Mrs. Lloyd Wllwn. her fntlier. T Rom Conner, and R«v Conner Jiavo eone to Freedom, Wyo. Mm, Wilson ■visliea relaUves here the pa*t week.Mr. and Mrs, Glen Buel and chll’ dren have (tone to Oakland, Calif,, ta m&k« thtlr hom« wher® Mr. JJuel li employed at the shipyards.Mrs. Vlnelte Hanaen. wthy frand matron of the Idaho O. E. E, • vljlW 'the nichtleld chapter. 8he •as ft house Kuesi of .worthy matron. Mta. Blrk Albert. Mrs. Albert ent/r- Ulned Mrs. Hansen and Mr?. C. XT. StrelLz at luncheon at Die McFnll ' • hotej-ln-8ho.-!hone.Mra. nuwell Powell and Mrs. Dlr- ney Powell left for Ma-,cow to at­tend the funeral of Uiclr father, John I* HanKn, who died after eer> eral -montha' Ulnesji, ,MUa Anna strelu htis retume to her home at Clevelnntt. 0.,.alV£ vljrtilrtt her brother and wife. .V and Mrs. C. D. Strcltt ISA Manue) Kins and baby sch^ yranK. hava been dlwnl8.ied from Uf Alexartdur'nursing home In sho ahone and returned to their honji north of toH-n.Mrs. James Vahlbers ha» returnee from Wnt.'ionTlIle. Calif,, where shi vlined her husbanrt," Tech. Sgl Jameit Vahlbcrc In L'le radio nvla tlon. She la vlHtlnR her sUters,-Mrs . Aydnv BrOTn and Mrs. Thtodon Brown.Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Sweat ant daughter and Mrs, Howard UubbBrt and eo r have returned to theli homes nt Salt Lake following sever­al daya’ visit here. -Mr. nnd Mr.<. Je.vse Contes. Nnm- pa, are visiting their daiishter. Mn, Oeorge Coate.i and famii,v.Mr, <ind Mrs. Ray McArUiur vl. - lt«l relatives nnd friends here sev­eral days before IraVlnK for Susnti Lfckt, CaJlf.. to make Uielr home, Mrs. A. K. Walker visited her daughter. Carol, at BoL'<c recently vhere her daughter allandi a busV


F D R Asks “Buyiiig Power” Be Changed lulsfr^Givinj; Power”

O Obelnc."

Tlic dilr.f excrutlve <la'!arcd eve suxe.vilul conununlty and war rli'* campftlfin would be niiother rlep li ward \ililmate vlctoo' ol humaiii and clvllltatlon.

May GIre New H eart ,-Your ilf i." he asseried. -may gl' ew heart to courageous families

bombed out of tlieir home* In many tu ruy." phcrii: it iniiy add to ilie precloiu

flore of mcdlclnr.-i In u <llitnnt JiU',- pltnl or (pe<-d a shlploiid of food to sv llUle imUon, whose people arc dropping In the jlreetJi from star­vation. !(. may sirentfUien the liu id i of tstave sJUfi JlgUWng our

WASHINGTON, Oct. 8 -.,Pf-Ur«- Ing h b fellow Amerk;in.<i to tranj- form soma of tiiefr "new buying power Bowc’ ,donaUona to community chests would "afflm i before tJ world our natlon'a fa ith In th e li alienable right of cver>- m an to o !l of freedom, Justice and recent i<

JL- ;-i>oi:c in a m dlo pronrarn louiichliiK U'c lOi:! community moUi- Utatloiv fur hum an' swells, li\ whltli gifta for foreign w ar relief and com-

Dlty relief scrvla-.i will be occepl- n more tlian 600 American cities. Keep Kalth U 'lth Democracy

..e recognlMd Uiat war needs wVrc exnclinK « heavy toll no t alone on fighting fronta nnd In peratinal Uvea but alio In the fortunes of

■ryone, he added. howe%-er: ''But your giving will provide not alone atrenglh for our nation at war; but proof. In a world of violence nnd Kteed. mat -the .Junerlcao people keep falUi with democracy. Uiat wa hokl lnvloIat»-(iur belief In the In' tsnlie worth oS the tndlvidual hximan

common foe,ly help a biuy mother, work-'

Ing In war liidustrj- Ui your o r a town to take .proper care of lier family. U may speed on he r rounda

vbltlng nurse who b can rlng double load becnuse'ao many of

er profcolon are now wltli the rmcd furces. I t will help your

communiiy to give hospitality to soldiers, ullora and marines on a precious few days leave, or on tlielr way to some dlsUinV battle line."

Germans Leaving Rkhieland To Escape Boml)ing Ly Allies

•lt« of Ui..........Ax-'ioclatccIWorld corre.iiwndeni itlmnto ktiQwledse ot -lervcd Uiere in thi

collegeMi; and Mrs, Gall Conner, former

realdentfl. nre Uie pirenl.<i o{ n rov bom 6 und.ay, Sepu n . a t tJie Good­ing hoffplUl. •

— ^ C om m crcia i — o r Fnrm cr


OWNERSWe nre adetiuaieiy manned and equipped to give rou fast, expert repair «cnieo on all trvcks or tractors- Try our shopi flntl




if discretion. In dally Increailng numbers, prefer noc to live along" the Rhine, it l.i stated In rcporu seeping out of the relch.

The most Im portant of tlie G er­man rivers.- majestic, plelure.vjue and a irafllc aiicry vita l to the Industries which belch amokt hoih shore.n for tcverul hundred miles, has bccon\e the leaj.t poiHil;

fallen in t l i e tlie RAF. ajid thotis


(If Ger

t of I valley.Autumn Ilrlnp Lon(ee Nlshlalutumii brings longer nlRhts. am antlciiiftllDn of more protracici J .lavugo bombings tin, Germni •emn.ent Is encourafftns the rc val of all person-', whose dutie do not require their ataylng In i region which muny Germans fea ;.ocn challenge Malta for th , . nctlon of being the most thor

o'jshly bombed spot on earth.The admLnsloa of Relchsmar.ihn Hennnnn Ooerlng In a speech Sun day Uiat there Is nothlnn mwclv th' German air force can do about tin iltuatlon now has Increased the ap irehenslon of Uhliieland cUl:cus Intense bomblncs are Incvltnble tin. vlnier. It W felt, nnd t iPio who cm ire moving now.Refi«ec-i arc being sent Inrthe; and farther. Earlier In the var it IS possible for Oermana to traVel hundred miles from the RAF's vorlte tarKct.\ imd find compar­ative trwiqulllty. 6o In Bawla, Aus- trlfc wid tveiTJn Berlin I »aw many Rhinelanders seeking a few ^ 'ecka' respl(«.'•But there arc ttvdlcaUoia ih'ftl Hit German Is taking seriously the. aa>

ATTENTION HUNTERS!H unter* llvlnj In Uila w ea who malStd appUeatlona for apeclal Big Gam e hunta to the Idaho Flsli and Game D epartm ent loat PHday. Oct. a, I1M2 are requested to submit another application t« t Oie hutvt In «Wch they « tsh to parUdjsate.

I f h u n te n «bo mailed these applications will please atibmlt another, tnarlUn^ on the outside of the envelop^ tha t I t la th e ir tecond appUeation, they wUl be enUred In the drawing ivlthout delay. • ^

R E M E M B E R — H u n te r s w h o m ftileil t h e i r a p p l ic a t io n s J a s t F r id a y . O c t 2n d , o n ly ._____ ___ ^

. IDAHO FISH & GAME DEPT.B o ise , Id a h o

C?icrllons ol BrlUsli and service officers tlia t now eveo' p ir t of Germany will be 'vlUilii rcacli of United Nattotv boinberr. this win­ter,• A repbft from Ankar.i last iilsht

auoted Greek sohccc:; to tt\c ellcct Uiat 10,000 Oernian refugee;; from tlie niilneland wcro to be taken as far as Athens. Several xirects in the Greek capital. -It wo-i staled, hnvo been ordered evacuated to provide homing for a. large numbea- of Oer- man women and children. I t win .be a problem to support tfjem In Im- poverUhed Greece, bu t apparenUy the German Bovemment preferred the difficulties of transporting food to 'them to the danger of leaving tlieni a t home,

Anether aspect of the removal of rfc-e numbers of Oerman.i from the

Rhine valley Li ihe need of hni for the lens of ttioiirimds

crlpted French workers Gi manyTiffpes ttf'move into the mue battered valley. The conrjuered Freiicli. paradoxically, 'a re sharing In the watch on the Rhine.

Temporary Tran«fer» rerm llted War workers, of course, cannot ave, but to keep up their,m orale

tlie German government has per­mitted lempof.-ir)' transfers to othei parti ot the coimtrj'. A large num­ber nf po.n office workerj, for In itance. has been shifted about k tha t all may take Uiclr fair share If bombing.

W hat Rhinelanders are runnlni iway from U graphically reveale<

by the RAF record of recent week nd moiiUis, 'Tow n hu.itln" foiu-.ioi

bombs wfre dropped on Karlsruhi ind DMcracklorf SrpV 2 and 10,

Tlie flRhtlng French offlcc Ir London reported Uint 60,000 persons____ jted from Cologne aXtsr th«1,000 plane raid May 30 were remoi :d to Parli,

Briaih reporta auoUng "rcllnble foreign sources” said MO.OOO Inhab'

move<l from Cologne after 10,000 were killed In th a t slngli aid.Essen wns lilt by a raid almost

s dljsstroui, BJid o the r'c ities on r near the Rhine were visited wlUi

painful regularity. And Rhinelanders apparently are aerlously concerned by DrlUih a iitrU ons th a t a ll this Is but a mild foretjLite of w hat will happen In the long, dark nlghta this winter.

Compensation for O m an Workers’ Dependents Near

•WAJSHINaTON. Oct. 8 . t/T) - A hou#e-Judlolary aub-«onimlHe«-*aa report* to have ■greed to amend •fl tail (d provide compensaUon — c}vuun workera on Ouam who i are Interned in Japan.Repa. White And DworsSiak ol Idaho uJd after appearing befor< the aub-commlttee it woulcT aubmli to Ui8 luU eommltlee atntnitoenia which wt«Id allow the 'clvlUm 06 20 of their rei?ulju' pay.

_ IcniSQ UttU pLUUQC CVRHVC! atlo’n for their families.They sold there were 231 Idaho tocktneit among tlie employes of civilian contractors now. Interned and that half of the thousand ouci workera came from Idaho. Oregoi and Utah.•nia measure relates to clvlllai war beneUts j_______ ,

Ada County Scrap Quota Surpassed

D oiaE. Oct. a a. snutiichairman of tlis Ada county scraj drive, had aald today that Ada coun­ty already has exceeded lt.i 730,050- pound scrap salvage (junta.Jle cstlmiitfd coUf:Uniu al..;.nd) made In Uie county at 3,700 lonj oi 7,400,WO pounds, since July 1. Till; U approJtlmaicly 150 pounds per cap- lia III thr toiinty. wlil:h infludv;

flKur'r.i nre nut yet ivvall. able. Stale Chalnniin John U, Orr laW,'

Jerome Harvest Vacation Oct. 12

JEROME. Oct. 0—T«o weeks, be;- ginning Oct. 13, have been (le.ilennt- e<l a-v hnrvi-M;ilion for Hit tflioolj here by thoOij rd of rduca-

»ork.' SNUBBED

NEW YORK. Oct. fl lU.Pj-A wo­man stomped o u f ot a grocer)-, threatening to, report Jerrj- Ryan, the manager, for snubbing her. W hat she didn’t know: The two men ihe thought .w trc ciu.tomcrs Kfttlng more attention thnn they (le.wrved W’cre lioldliig a gun on

ndry-Rya:IIU two helpera and a la

man had been forced -to sur tlittr trousers ui«l ato.nd ^n i room. As soon as the angry ' was out of sight, Uie two men nyan open his safe. They e with $<00-

■'■SAME ~DOiaE. . 051, (J.,(/1’ -Chnpla^n

William J . Oaynor of Oowen fifM, had a ' snappy comeback' ready when some soldiers asked him what a bride thinks about when atve stands a t the altar.

;;AVell." aald hr. "they the same expre--'lon. It's I've.KOt.him-whrrt:-1 -w now look-" .•

i.ort of

GOODINGMr. and Mr.v Hi'orj

Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence L4iCro.n, Kan., are vl

.John Dyrbach home iU.1. Henry Olatitz Is n Burbncli, TJiey nre cn . nnd Oakland. Calif.

Mra, an lly PnuLi iice Rrand.sonn. Vernon ani to Collfornln. SH'’ will visit In San

ti Goodins, LMer of .Mr, uie to Lodi

Frnr inth withi her

Artificial Ice’ U no t » used Industrially as fi 1880.

PauLi. Till bnyj have been rniployed at Lofk- herd nlrrrall,Tlir Jii'ilor Aid sncletv of Ihi ChrLMlnn cliiirrli nxrr. pieM.i of th Senior AW lar.t werk nt thr home ol Mrs. A. C. Itnrilrv. A program wrs presented by ihr .-.rnlor membc*;.. Weal circle ot the Methncll't w, S.C.a met with Mrs. E. J, Wills. Mr-v Leland nehchman eondi’cted devo- tlon* and Mrs- Emmett Clemonn. the ler.ion. HwtcM group Inchiclrcr Mrs. WIlLv Mrs, If. A, Chappell. Mrs, Fred. Van Amburg. and Mrs, Je.v.le Thomaa,FJist circle of ttie W. 8, C. S. met with Mrs. Lee Oarlock, Mr*. A. G. Clrmons- conducted ihe devotloa? nnd Mra. J. W. Proctor, the Ir.-.Jon, Ho.ile-vi group included Mrs- Gar- lock. Mrs. Ed JifV.on. Mn, H. M. Thompson and Mrs, J. W. Hud.-<on,Episcopal Guild met with Mra. Ward Jftver. Mcs-.P. E. Barrett led the devotional senlce, Mrs. Barrett and Mrs, Branch Bird were named delesatea lo the convocation meeting; In Twin Fall , "Mrs. ’K\rt rtoore oracle of the Royal Nelghl at Uie t. 0..0. F. hall, !KniBht, dLstrlct supen'bor . atnllin? officer, Mrs. Moore jfuccei Mrs. Imocene Hutchinson , , La Angeles to home,Ch'Sptet O, P. t. O, met wlih Mrs.D. H, Sulphen for a des.sert iuneli. eon. Mra, Sutnhen waa n.«lsted by Mr*. WelUver Mtller. The group vot­ed to donate tlO to the Red Cro:(; 'ditty Tjags,"Mrs. Vlnette Hansen. Wlnche. ler, raa a mie«t of Dr. aftd Mrs. J. H. Cromwell. Mra. Hansen wa.'s he pay her official vWtos worthj' j matron of ItJijJio. O. C. 8„ ti .Cosmopollian chapter.. Lieut. Col. Fred Vandentraft left for Fort UwU aller slopping night at the WelUver Miller home. Col. Vandergraft wj\.s en route from TtJrt m . Okla.. where he hatJ been taking officer training.Twenty women registered for the Red CrcM home nur?.lnB course. In- itnictor is Mrs. Freeman Frc*t. n. N

-Markets al^a Glance—

nlbTutiiwi!'"' *'“*-MBCh.nt.4 10 < Mtit fc-tfl illlKllun u«f«rt»lnilrt.irrh«n»rf la S I" ilo-r*i-:»e Jowin «®P 115” <hcU« ,r*if e 'l'"’

I ^ R K E T S A N D F I N A N C ESIOCKS i t t

0 COT LOSSESNew York Stocks

NEW YORK. O ct. 5" (U-P.)-TlW' tnarket clojcd lou'rr.Alaska Juneau ......... - ..........NosaleaAllied Store* .. ___ __________ 5’;AlUs ChiAmerjcai■AmtilcarI Can - .. .

i-EKoni.itUc 8S

MonUcsnery WurdNash Kelvinator ___:...Na'lonal Bl-icult .........."atlonal Ca-’h ReRlster _ utloiml U.ilry Products .. Btlonal rii-.uii<T.< ■New Vork Central___•North Aincrlciin .• ....North American Aviation Northern Pucillc .........

.SEW YORK. Oct, 9 (-F ^l stocK m arket today was unabir shake off profit taking, as It, did thr p.'erioUJ session, and recei: stror-K leaders slipped' fracUons a point or more..

Halting of the lengthy ups'i ihnlcuns callc<

■'nnrninl ci larly db t


tttUeI continued 1

............................. ..................ot the< l„y_w cre-U -8 .-fltee l.- Bethicnrm: American Telephone. Santa Fe C ho’sler. W ejtern Union, U, 6 r Rub­ber. Anaconda, American Can DougIa.s Aircraft, U. S. Gyp<um, Weallnuhouse and Texas company.

Ralls did better a t tlie last. wlUi i-iirv'ylvnnln,making a new >rur'j

top by n m inor amount. In front a( lnter\’al.i were American Alrimes Johns-Manvllle, Consolidated M l- 'on, North American and Public Ser.lce ol N. J.

Bonds were irregular.

M ining Stocks


Anaconrta C Atlantic Hef Ualdwtn Lo< ISaUUi'iwe f i O Dendtx AvlaUfr Bethlehem { UutQva . ...Burroutiiia ....Cahfornla Pack Conadlan Pi

ditfyslcr Corp. CocViColu Colorailii K. fc I Cnnimrrcliil Cori.'.olUIiiti'd Coj)

ConUucntnl Oil CoviTl>cJ«livi!a

uii I'oni, V ....rireitoiic 'nil- k Prccj)orl Suituiii Ovneral Kle. Oenenil Ftxxia . General Motor.-i aillcttc SiUctv II Goodrich . Goodyear Tire M Oreyhoimd Cp. - Jlou-iton OilHowe Sound ...Imp. Copper Inte.rmitioiiiil Hn lnler;\alloi\ul »tt InterniitlniiH

Lorrllard ... Mack Tr\ick.i .. .Miami copper

eynolils Tobac •ara Itcebiick' iiell Union Oil


ailCAOO, Oc e 14>-C00tlnued nceruinty regarding Uie appUca- on ot various JeaWrta ol the . rice control legUlatlon today alow* ed grain futures trading (0 a suU'i pace.

Wiile price* of most jgraln future* Held fracUonally above yesterday'! closing Quotations throu out ttw ' forenoon, later uUlng burdened the - market and before the cloae the May wlicjt contract.dropped to the- day’n lowest levels. When the price tbielied lUa there wu some buying by houses wlUi milling connecUona.Wheat closed unchanged 00 the day contracts at |lJM.2(5‘i and to rents lower than yesterday's inlsli on the-deferred. May t\39 ind July itjj*..-Com was un- inged to S lower, December 63H-

N. V. Cliltn STOCKSinkci lUll-BulUvnU .......— 9’ClUe.i Srrvlce ......... ....... 3'

Ek-ctrlc Uonil i S h a r e _____ ■ I 'Gulf OU ot pL-tiusylvaHla...— 32'

LivestcK’k Markets

Stock A vera"es

Want To Sell Your Car?Jerooia Is the hottest m arket In Southern Idaho. We always have ■h large stock of Rood, late.model. low-mlleage used car* luid mjckj and whether you w ant lo buy,- sell or will pay you to drive to Jerome and save.


NORTH SIDE AUTO CO.Ch«TT0l«l and Bslcfc ' Jeroos — fhone JJi.

Moose Cavorts on Lawn of Hospital

•BLACKFQOT, OcU « <;IV-A full- Rro«-n bu%lOtt o dallied with me rie.slipots of clvlllMtlon yesterday, lunching on the lawn of ilie sUte lior,[)itnI here and aampllng Uie pro­ducts of several farms on Uie out- aklrts ol town, while potenUal hunt- wresteled with thelr'consclences. , .lie consciences—nnd state game law*—won out. however, and ,thi MooAo returned to hla native moun­tains a few miles to Uie, east un­harmed.Tlie nnimal was wary, but appar­ently unfrightcned, and sfvcriv: times allowed peraona to approach wlUiln a few yi-rda before galloj;

MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED JEROME, Oct, ft—A marriage 11- rcnse has been Issued to Mark C. Parks,- Jdalio City, and Betty Jean Carter. Castleford, at the county clerk's office. The couple was mar­ried by Probate Judge WllUam O. Comstock, witnesses were Edith Gorrell an>' Lavonne Gorrell. 8hl> Rem TalMsnursv asd Mwl MalusoVa, both from Hunt, also obtained a marriage license.F. a L PROOES DEATH BLACfOX>OT. Oct. 8 (JV-AgenU of Uie FBI today were lnvesUt«at- Ing the.dcath of Minnie Gunn Call* 38.'F rt Hal] Indian fou()d un- coa<iciou» on the Ro.« Fork road, She died later In Uie re.«rv»uon hospital. One tde of her and hip and leg were bruised.

STOBAGE DIN EBECTION . McCAMMON. Ida.. Oct. « (/py- Prefabrleattd storage bins triU be erected cn farms in Bannodc county provide storage space for wheat ,.5duce<l ca Vanns of this reglen. Space will be provided for more Uian 500,000 buaheU of graJsi.

HIGHEST-CASH-PRICESpaid for 'dead, old or disabled boraes. mules u ld e o n . For Immediate plektip caD OU&IS-TP. U A R Y t i n c t TB oirr,rA K U

> ID< i0»»T

un«1'rton» wr%I ,t> i.n rsTOCK I. 4 <Ul-l—C.uh 1

1 lU. ,.n.l U[> IU.M.U,:

; Icirl rt»lr« M

.Boys Aid Farm ersA.S mi nlil to ‘.lip fiirme»<, several nys at the T-A'ln Falls lilglrachool ;ivc already rr.iponded to the call ir threshers and otJicr work on Uie■n;c;.r boy,i are chosen by John ::;tt. Vlce-priiicl|ul. according to II- L'.iv .■<ho:!..->tlc uradcs and wlUi 10 cBiiM-nl d! his parenl.1.

May oa\a, rye and lard were imctianged nnd soybeans fin­ed >k to cent higher.CRAINi-itirACi), ti'i. 1 ComVh

__IJSV■laai,- {•iil* 1.:*

0.1.}'' ~ aw'.r '■ m'’ SiV,nrl. . '.I.IIJS57,- - i : ; : ; ;

I.eoij-«J. l.ISS !S!l,H>i csa


ii»Kh ll.J lS i Ko. 4 diuk nortb* W 1 y.ll.>w IIS-II»1 X o .'f.

I ’l'SiScNc. I, No. 4, ioH>H .': m<i«'r«li«ir n>uu«i Ha.-Klu No. I.

tlilU III.M.a.ta; Unrrrxi i0» ttoo'te.

MtNNEAPnUI rLOUt ' KlKNCAroUB.'0<t. « vrh-}Tpor tMr-

w) >0(4 pcf tam l la M lb. ntien w<ks imllr Mt«l* nnfhtntt<t. «TJe-«;iUtut- • rt piitrvu earhtarxt «!>!»•


'•Irir tv>i, •tlfhtlr wnkrr Ini: tdilua Bum BntiBkJtuvfllw raodmu. araunt

■ )<<>. t.

CniCACO OKIOKS .CO. Oft. I (U«OA1-OnloB»■'" "".iiS'i'iasfu;?

Potato and Onion iFutures :

iConrttsj Busier, Wegeaer and' Cornpany, Elks Bldg, Pbone 91^

Butter and Eggs

:>* ANCRLM TROtUCT i.sciu.i:s. Oct. I m-<usDA) • lb..; 7MU ll«.|

f nicikco poviL'niT ClIICAfiO. 0.1. « - r«gllrr IW : inirU; itMri un:h>nr<d.

cjucAcn rkQDUCX CKtCACO. Oft. « llt.llli1.1,tjr; prkH •• QUOIH br Ih. Chl--.f« Ilf. curr»M! M «iilrilln.l ei;luU tU ;



■ Twin Falls Markets

,IUtW» %%* »i» ra»Ti.» (Mdai 4<aiBcl. N« unltora a..l^ prlM U r f.r» 10.r/vB a»uti0M lUM MKwi,

DEAHStSm» Wo«li.fri. No. I __~r»4l Noniwnii. Ko. 2 ■

(FIt. <lMl.n« rt» Kotih.fti»,'.S'o. I _ Gml }>a. 2 —lOn. omWJ


Snake River Report

" - a ,DlKh. or

»l.U •#!»»•linoI45J

. « .«-lltlT. DilC ___14.11

----- 411 t . i s... «.u I.1IS

__ D tt — Prr

•Afr»-/f.l; 0tk.f <iu.nUti« la i«ob<1> I'mirlUlioD (Ut vnki Usrsa .M".

LYNN CnANt)ALU DUtrlcI Ea«[aMr

CniLD INJURED JEROME, Oct. 6 — Artis Roberta. . 10-year-oVi daughter o! Hr. and Mra. Ed Robeijs, fiboriione. for­merly of Jerome, suffered » painful leg lacetaUon 'iihco aha {tU' til % truck. Seven aUtche* were required to close the voucd. She wai brought to Jeroaw by ttx par«ata.» r_-_B x m ix r snm K N T b u d « earn ;COLLSOE or IDAHOL OCt '

Vjrts &lfb( vltii * aant>‘ 'malloir roattwdTaD by '

Bembeta tndud«d '

Paf^e E ight t i m e s -n e w s , t > i n f a l l s , i C a h O Tuesday, October fly lM 2





CHAPTER XX JI.' h i^.nlm ost two y c a n ’of p rj-

v»\e dulr she hnd nursed som« UftT patient*, Cand*ec reflected, but there had b««i none quite th# equni nf this term agant of a UttU old woman, Mrs. Harper.

Slie the momenl'cle/'n-Inc up, the mess Mrs. Harper-iind m,ide by tlirou-lng a £lais ot oranre Juice nt the floor nurse, Mi?s Kinrti, She hnd Just clrancd ii|i KifUfli, too—As f.nrlia poi-.Ible.

■ th.1t is. wiihijut the complcle bntb tliat w:i3 the only thing Ih.-it re.illj would Ho It.

Kinch' h id nmnne juice nil th« way frnm her w p nnd h;ilr down to h fr white btojMns. Cnndnce lind felt .sorry for her, fJi^ w oj *0 up:et nntl so terrlflcd, but thouKli «he had care/ully con- Irollrd Uie Impul.^e the hnd fell Llfdnut-Jlke lauKhliig. loo.

^('3, H .irpcr t/emflnfJed testHy Irom her bed. "Ju st why are you limlllnK? Ju s t whnt nrc you think- InK lh:il'* 50 funny?”

Cnndnce itrnlKhlcncd and fn* vprcd tlic iu rlo 'is old Indy 'w ith « most w inning smile of cnndor. ‘•Why, I W.1S Just Ihinklng ihut the IhlnR 1 really like nbout prl- v.nlp duly is lh:it one meets Micli nke people." -she fiild,

■'.Mc,ini!i(; me. 1 suppose: Mean­ing I’m not nice. Youni; womnn, you're Impcrtlncnll"

Cjindaee opened her eyes wide. “Dut you would have UioukI'I nio Impertinent If I'd ietu.ied lo an-

- fwcr.” she poln(cli out Innocently.Harper snorted. "You

eou liW t^ave told fi polllc lie, I »uppo:l.-?7

"Th,jV never occurred lo Candace tuld.

Mrs. Harper jnorled again, but more mildly. "You are Imperti­n e n t B ut It’s nil right, you nmuM jpe. I like people wllh n bit of puwption. TJ)al other little UiUv;," she said contemptuously, "th.Tl eom b prffctlc.nlly crawllnR belly In her nnxiely lo ple;jso every time I ring,"

‘Tlnch hasn't been long ns I have." Cimdaeo snld. ■•She hnsnU yet learned, like Alice, that « lot of the White, Queens who 80 around ycllliiti, ’OIT with

a eood reputntlrfn !n this . . . . .A nd y o u - " She laughed a lltlle. win. - io u r e right, p.irlly atTlie wicked old womnn really I '* the adm u s e d lier. "YouVo w orn ou l •'»?. " round r.n, i ln nbout a do icn »peclals in two 1 '^ " ' I ' r,c;.rccly «nyw etks. I th ink Dr. Patterson ' O ' " ® H I m s J c k h e . i l -

•ould know w hich of fault."

Mrs. H arper *lghed. T m nfrald you 're rlKlit,” she ndmllted. Then -The brt,-:Mirned.-“A s-B-inatier of fac t rm Uilnklnc of lelllng my oUier specials go and taking you on io r full-tim e duty.” th rew up hrr. hnndj In genuine horror. "Humnn flr:.h c ou ldn 't alnnd It," she inid with feeling.

T he w rink led old f.'ice looked h u r t. “See he re . I’m not renlly

tlinl. There are prople •cry fond of me. T^ike

my Kr«nd;.on D u/fy far lnsl;i C.iiid.'ice groaned lnwar#ly. Ou-

fresne C arter H arper wn.i in her opinion the w orst plapie visited on m an—< r rather, woman. Uut till' old lady udored him. and iherc w:is no point in .nrli);illy hurling hrr. .Sho's;ild, ".Mrr. Ihir-

cr, I .■•iiotild hJivc told ymi bclnre, iim aiking to be t;ikcn nfl your

"W hat;" she e idn lm cd. nrth.ut. "W hy?"

"Wi'll, there 's 'n gull bladder en.'.c th;it I've been on Jrom lime lo tim e." explained. lying onslly; " they 're ' golna lo oprraio finally. I'd like In be wUh the- case then, ll'a intercsllng. to be able Id follow one through like that,"

•Mr.':, HariuT ^;lld lndli:n;inlly, '•My,e l^n't inlcrcstlnk, I Mip- pose?"

Candnee grinned, "T liert nre people going oul working every d.iy w ith things n lot wurre lh:m an nlre.ndy-healcd wound 6n ii linger w here n benign tumor’s been cut oul," lihe la lil goo<l nn- luredly. "You could he ou l and ntound If you w anted lo be,"

Mrs. H arper <!emnndcd. out­raged. "Why w ould I shiy hen- In tills hole if I could be oul o t II?”

‘‘I don 't know ," Cnndacc raid, “un le is you like the allenllon being thought nick earns you. Un­less you like being fu.'sfd over.”

•’Well. I never—’’ Mr.s, Hnrpcr said. Then she .•itnlled Ion, weakly.

S i o n G C A N C E S

........ goes out', o f his mind, 1can't do enough. He’s rea lly fond ef me, you belles-c Uiat, don’t ^•ou?’’ she a :k rd nnxlously,

HIS devotion to his crandm olher wns. In C andace’s opinion, the

yotiUi'a one sav ing grace. S h e ja ld warmly, "He Is indeed."

His grandm other said hnpplly, fatislicd, •'He’s a g o o d boy. .SpollrJ, m aybe, bu t essentially good."

C.-»ndaec thought ruefully , I wouldn't go th a t far. . , apparently no ngreem ent w ejr-iry lo that.

Mrs. H arper settled herse lf Into her pillows eontcnledly. ■■■ Uial we understand each oUirr, you'll slay? I 'l l m ake it wnrlh your while,"

' ’I’m sorry ," Candace :n ld , •’Ko." T lie olr! Indy r,it up sliarply.

“Give m e one g'>od iff.ison ' not." :hi''d. "M y Icrojurs ton’t fiother you. You’re li'ririd.of me. I t can’t be that.”

euddcn thought struck her. IS Duffy,’■ Ehe

tom-ealllng around!T hat wa.?“ ltr —And-<-seie»ly-Uie_

rlglil word for it. Candace Ihoucht grimly. She beK;m. "Mrs, H arper,

She saw Mr.-i. H arper look iward Uie diH irw ay, and s'

lu rncd 'loo . to m <- Dufly liiniM Jtandlng Ihct*-. Her cxpi'csili chilled pcrccptlbly.

lie looked boyinh nnd Jiaiidioi; nnd hi' was sm ilm g hrfcidly ami laden as usual wltli llowc'i p,ic'k:inf3. She w ould liavo

ut, b u t of course Uie id to CO w ith he r lo tie Dulfy niaii'aged lo tc

her and li> be a .long tim e In pass­ing tliem over. ^

There was a package In hi pocket, ;.he di;.cnvcred, wlien :.l

nn-dde. A ;:rnall box. Innklii); .•(imelhini: from a jeweler'.'.

.She thciught furlou.'.ly. th a t dne: it, l'i;^ going lo Dr. Pallcrr.nn right now. I’ve enough ot this. . .

(To Re Continued)

f w I C H EC K ED in TO' W TX>OR- ' 3 0 3 LA^KN0UTOL& ME,

> M IST A H M A C r o R '~ I 0 lN W A SH lM 'V> WiWDOWS, M OPPllJ' tU ' 6 A6E M E N T , V



r o o f .''-*- I AlsJ’T S40 ''OOOR.TO'THf^T/•pLP.ce S ir/










Hy Gnihrnith

tln-ir heai thing 1cnrds anywny. She’s .nfr.nld. of yoii. And you just rung for her to b« unpleasant

"Corlainly I’m entitled to have 20 m tnute^ In pence, for my din­ner? You had ju st hod your own dinner: you didn’t •need ornngo juicc, you could ccrtalnly have wailed until 1 got back. Klnch is busy enough wltTTCUt you plaguing her w ith unnecessary Uilngs w hen, you h.ive your own special to do Ihrm for you. She knowa you just do it to be nasty and 11 niakea her nervous. No wonder she’s awkward comcUnie.i.'’

added vuiUlenly, '-See here, young woman; are y<;u r.ugKi"'llng that I'm a Wlilio Queen, nothing hut an old card? You'll (Inil I'm real enough, your head will come

.fast enough 1C 1 complain nbout ,you lo Dr. ralferron."- , .

•■I doubt y,'^- CanOacc jald calmly. "I'm a gi>o<l(niir:,e. 1 hnvc




r day lllllcr,5vlll 1

6UW?- 'rSS.'lWs FIRirJiS

I P in 15 BROKEN O r f l 'HOW COULD..


' t h a t s p y A \U S T H ^ \ 5q m e t h i n 6'T O d o \

w rrn r r . ' sa b ak T / 6S in g 1SOS^£A^£N'.'W5'C£60:.\5 r TDLOO<ATAaOFCua. /


i 5 R

AU.RY OOP• s o PAJ5,GO COCO. , ,f MCW \P C U M JD 330 ' , T■ b o u t D 'O C O vrjiTU a,T,^-*iJ LBc^ss oFcocouure/ .-V“r r l ^^ M E S S OFCOCOUUrj/<




TlWE. MOW.' /■


CcuiO WOftM 6/<2LO

VV-IOc 'K.'tVi

VVnSIWW JlCft SV'I \a.71W5tO T O -G ^ ? S O



COMt ow - GiU. vyaz\ up:


J U S T C i W B ) U 6 ■IMTHIS*

Tuesday, O ctober G, 19-12 TIM BS-NEW S, TWIX F A b i^ ID A H O Page N ine


a t

LOW c o s t !

WANT AD RATESBa*rt on Cost-per-wcnJ

1 d a y ------------------- 5c per wori3 day*_____ «c per word per d iyS jia y s_____3c per word per d»y

A mlntoitun of 10 wordi U required W_any one elasslXltd ad

Terma — CwUIN T W IN F A L L S Phone 38 o r 89

IN JE B O SIE CONTACT u n s . O E onoL A c j ia t d u h k . i l l Eftst Ctf Pliono 200-n

DEADLINES W eei dayi. 11 ft- oi.

.• Sunday. 0 p. m. Saturdftj

This paper lubjcnoe* to ths codo ol eUJlcs of th# MwcUUon of Newspaper ClaMlflcd Adver- Ualng Manager! nnd reserves Ch* right to edll or reject any clai- rilVeil tidvftm ins- earr>-lng a Tlmes-Newj bo* num­ber are flifleUy confidential and- no informAUan can ba given. In regard tc the advertiser.

biedlnWly- No ollowanca m ade'fo r mor# than c~ rect Insertion.

IIJM WILl. pay for » 5 month Tlmei-Nuwa iubscrlpUon for

' th a t t»y tn the Bcn’lce. Order today, a t tJ)» ofJ5c» iw ftan your carrier boy. (Tliia offer g o ^ only to acrvlM men.)

Sl’E C U L NOTJCESBPORT shop Kltla uTapped and

mailed. po5lA«B paid, to serviceman. Moll your JCma.i K lfts .......seaa before November let.

By N eher

iial’s all tfcSk about *horiaB«8 In. tl\ls tind Bo Jnr, n 't averted ANYTHINO you gnnted to buyl I " _________

H E L P W ANTED— MENBOY3. 15 or older, not Jn tthool

ran ted a t WeJtem Union. Bicycle neceMiuj'.


WANTED-lUda ModMi^Tc

W O ladles dealre.rldo to Hai Uionie, Nerodft, tills week. Share expenses. 1437 Eighth nvenue east.

c h i r o p r a c t o r s

ADJUSTMENTS rellc%’e ferer and • Infhienza. Dr. Hardin. 130 Main


BEAUTY SH O PStX TRA special prtees on a ll permn-

nenla. Beauty Arta Academy-Ar- UtUc Be&uiy. Bnlon.

pERMANBNTS.'^liO. 7SOO Jefferson , street. Phono 1C95-J. Mpyraa Klaus I McCabe.

PJ3U.UNENTS. «0Q . U a . Deamer, Phone 1747-i-Over Wdcpcntlenl ^ ten t Mnrlcct.'

BPECIAl/—43.00 oil panranent. U.00; JB IO oU pcrrnancnt $3J0 Idaho DMber Mid BtauVy Shor> Phone 43L

LOST AND FO U N DLOST—Lndles’ yellow gold Wnltlmm-

UTLitWBtdi. R e w a r d . Box 23, TTn^ea-News,

DEAD, dark red heifer w llhout any KlfnlHlcntlon marks. W ho pilt this onlHua in our pasture? Mnrj- Alice Park.

MARRIED man. d ra ft exempt, e*' perlrnced generaU<Ann work, u tt.vume cliarge oMtonipIctely furri' Wied form. Rfferenccs, Phone 3103, 504 Fourth avenue norUi.

RELtABLE paiT^scrTlce U. S, post' age 'stamp dispenser (spore time start). 50 dlspen.«rs pay up to MOO montJjly, Requires A*1 rrferencc-i

■‘and $205 ciiili. secured. Write Box 3i. Times-News for personal In ltr -VlMP.


WAITRESSES and dLihwa.iher.'S wanted. Apply In penwn. Cofey’s Coffee Shop.

MIDDLE aKed man or woman for good paying position. Neat ap- i>fiu-lnK. aeciutomed lo meeting

pMbUc. W rltcd Box la . Tte\«s*

WANTED—r ir s t c lajj cleaner and spotter. Good pa-atlon lo right party. Write o r wire collect, Troy CltBTitra, Pcndleion, Oregon.



MODERN S riwm liou.'.o, c>).^e In Cn.ih for price. Box 22, Times- Ne»-s.

LISTINGS on liou-'M, fam u and acieages. W. O. Smith. 140 Main north.

LISTINGS PI1 clly pro;xTly nnd ainsi! Iriid.i. E. A. .Moon lii- Ute, 301 Main Wr.U.

NEARLY ne»' two or Uir.-p bedroom hou.'c, priced rcn.'.onnbly. Hnvi- buy<Ti. K. L. Jeiiklii-';.

KARM IM PLEM EN TSa n d e q u i p m e n t

■;k a r lY new rtdlng beet puller. 130. L. A. Warner. Phone 040I-R1, Ttt'Ui

I'llACrnCALLY new Jo h n Deere horte drawn beet puller. Also two McCormlci-Deerlng. One U a Ute model. Two Farm -all tractor beet puller*, ilaxry Mvi-'Stave.

IIHED No. 4 McCormlck-Deerlng bret puller lo r F-13 or F-14 trae- tor. used one beaaon. One new No. D :a Inch McCornilck-Decring po- liilo digger, cloie out prlcr. Bnr- ti>ii Miichlrc C o , Wnuii-U, Itluho.


WINTER bsrley. ulfnlfa, clover and p.'u.iuro gRUMis for lull planting Glob#'Seed and Feed.

Buyers of «ced* of all kinds— .Ottlon:;, carrot.’, beans. pc;is

Clovcr.n. nlfidfii iiml icriiln. OLOlIt: tiEED A: FEED CO.


TWIN PA Lia « u a IJUII MPtlce. d«. Iivrrtd to fann. Guprrmy. and tluKieln. Phone Qiai-Rl.

0 YEAR old Giicrtiscy cow. October 20. Fred Munyoi Phone 2<J1.

GIuiilA.V polnter*lrlsh r.pnnlel pups, 3 ml cast Wa.''hlnEton school, \ ml north. ^

GOOD THINGS TO EA TNICE tdmatoe-v 7Jc to DOc ba^liel.

mile tiortli. 1/5 wcit of W ot Five points. ,

■RIPE Concord grapet from Emmett have Jii'£ nrrlvctl. Fleml.ili Beauty pear,', toinnioe.i. Public Mnrket.

I HAVE a buyer for 40 ivcrcs of loivl ctoTve to town OR gfavelKl rood. 2 houM-s niul loLs. AlM> Mniill InicLi, E. A. Moon Estntc. Phono 5


ONE of Uip br.u 40 ncrcs on Kimberly iw d, 4 room hou.icr*lccp well. pre:.iwtc system.'M.OOO. Siiiw- er-Clckford-

ilX room Mouic and bnUi. ha rd ' wood fltwrs. Karnce. One block from Ltnrnln school, $3150.00 Oood terms, Itobcrls iien.'.onJ


$3000.00 will buy a grocery business ' In Twin FalLi doing *6000.00 per

moiitli, _Plionc-Sfl3. Roberta and Hellion, ’


THREE room modem apartment, '.er ^umWied. 804 Second avc-


SITUATIONS W A N TEDMARRIED m an wanU year round . lob on farm. Leo Witherspoon,

•r. Fred WlU. Idaho atreet, FUer.

H ^ d P W ANTED— WOMENu 6 uS E K E E P ^ or couple share

home and work for lady. IIBO.

^ SA taL A D IE SI Pull : parV t

OIRLS. IB or over, no t attending •Kchool. wanted a t .Western Union. Must hay# bfcycle.

.VACANCY a t Jusuimera • Inn and \ Ousts Apartments, Phone 465-971.

SPLENDID 80, located between Buhl -nnd Filer. Share rent. Hoc Tlme-%-Ncwj, ' •

00 ACRES Shashone. riiodrni 5 room liotue.-tithcr biilldlngi, elcc. irlclty, 240 ncre.s i>.L'.luri'. 76 cu lti­vated. h. J , Mctt, Slio.',tione.


00 A.—a good hsy and stock ranch. 150 A. good soil. A Kood producing

form.•40 A .-w cIl located, on oiled h igh­

way. mectrlclly on cuch fiinn. Oowl U-nn.v •

L, A. Wuriicr. Field Hep.Tlie Unldn Ccntnil Ufc Jils, Co.

Phone 0491.R1—Twin Full.i

CO ACRE Fedeml Land Bank diilo ' Iiirm one nillr from Gooding, CO ncrcs culilvablf, CO acres p.i;;tiirf. 40 aerrs grailng, 127 .^haI•M Big Wood •Srater. Good 5 room dwi-l’- Ing, fair ouUjulItllnK'. Prtee $5 500. Attrnctlve tcmii. Nnllotxal.Loan As-wlatlons, Gooding. Ida­ho. Phone 23.


DON’T DO WITHOUTU n til You've Tried


M n n y i t e m s T nlssiiig f ro m tlio s to r e s .tiro

s ti ll f tv a i ln b lo th ro u K li th e c la ss ified ndg.

Y o u r ' n e i g h b o r m a y liav c j u s t w h n t y o u

\ w iin t a t t h e p r ic e you wi.nh (o pny .

I t ’i,'; n o t nccc .-^ sary to con ic lo th e o ffice .

Jii-st c u ll n n d w o 'il be p le ase d to h e lp y o u

--------\v ( i r ( i -a iu a d - th u L ia su re to briiij,' r e s u l ts .

PHONE .38 or 39 and


HO.\iE FU R N IS H IN G S AND a p i ;l i a n c e s -

E-Z DO wardrobes. J3ii5: 0x12 lin­oleum rvBs, standard quality only. $3il5: oil heatem. O h a r ttr Ouk rungen. cool heaters. Oood .'.lock to clioosc from, Claude Brown.

HURRYr We have Ju.U rcci-lvixl large shipment of davcnrw nnd e.m now maka dcllveo’. We still have a few unfinished cheat of dmwers. iloon’s.

WANTED; Wo<xl or u ltc hftORrrs, In KWKl eniiciuinii, I ’vc ench. ’IVoy or Nalloniil plant.

WANTED: Old or u.'rle.-..i live la . .. IIlitlieM prices pakf Idaho Hide iiiid Tullnw.

CAST iiiid r.crriji iron, JfroMie Auto Part.\. JcroiiK'-Twin I'nlh Wreck- Int; Company. I'.vin Fulh

Ci\S» FOll YOUU CAR —Any mwlel or kUiil—

. DtOHOFI-'-WOOD 351 .\riilii Avenue eait

CASH ji.ild for um(1 fiim lturc nnd Move:.- lllKhff,-. prices. 'O ft SI<irn,


APPLE ;,orliT. et>:npleie; plcklns U;isr,. m«1 lntUie^ , Phoneo a j-JU ’, Itaia'io cl Trio.

WHILK they Inr.t-Sllver King met- nl pot cleaners, 2 for lie. Ktng'i Ba.iemeiit,

\VB w ant two beauty operators who ' are steady and w ant to earn b l;

money. ArtlsUc Beaut}- Solon.

- MIDDLE-aged women,, help with hou.'xwork and convalescent In exchange for room, board, wages. 330 Cth east.

WANTED: Girl OT lady, already With analytical experience or one desir­ing to leiini. Apply In person. In- terniountnin Seed Company.

EN ERO im C or m arriedenleslndlo.1. Perm anent poslUon. Pine opportunity lo r advance­ment. Apply In pc5«)n. New- berrj”s.

HELP W ANTED— MENBOYS wanted for Tlmes-Ncws car*

^ rler delivery roote.v Apply tn per- N son, Tlmes-Ncws office. -

MARRIEO man. d raft exempt, WliDlcsale bakery route- In nearby town. References required. Box fD Times-News.

HELP WANTED• Experfence not neceasarj'—


PERMANENT PERIOD Plenty of chance* for (idvanco-

ment.APPLY Of W niT J> -


N O im i QALT LJIKE c m r . u u h

3-ADULT efflc lcnc/ aparunent. Outside enuonce, stoker heat. bus. Phone IBDO.

ATTttACmVS two room apartment. Stoker heal, Kelvlnaior, OltU only. 235 Sixth avenue Phone

TWO rooms, newly decorated, pri- vale entrance, bath, telephone. AdulU, 119 Second avewie easi after fl.



.ARGE fron t room, su iuble for two Slrls. 435 Third avenue east. P im a 313-j. Sunday or after 0:30.

COMFORTABLY fumlslied. Light, warm. Accommodate two. Exctl- lent location. Phone BlBW.


FURNISH ED HOUSESFOUR roohia. not modem, garage,

$20; also cabin. Phaac OV93-Jl^

FOUR rooms, nicely fumlilied. Mod- rrn.'. Electric ranffe, refrigerator. Inquire 1335 7th east beglanlag MoDda>’.

2E0 ACRF-S fl'i ml. N.W. Shoihonc. On m all.' milk and .school bu.-s route, 160 Rcrts wndtt CMKlvalion. Oood bulldhiKS. Good stock setup. Uiw down ' psyment. Convenient tenn.1. Low Intere.-.t rate.

6, P. 'Swenion, Field Rep, Union Cfnirnl Life Im ,

Box 1202. Jerome, Ido.. Phono 40fi-R

GOOD BUYS 20 A. good N. .-(ide land, small bldgs. Oood soli, lays (Uii- for Irri­gation. $11,000.00, Ternvi.

120 A. S\V of Buiil, New 3 rin. water pre.'.iiire. Small clilck-

$0,000 00. nA!,uice amor- 13 ycar.i.

Have prospective buyr:. for 3 or 4 good well Improvnl CO'.i o r 80's. Eo.1t of .Twin Fall.*, Will pay niOfilly civih.


OR R E N T -l< ; acres, near Buhl, fnir ImprovemenLi, .Mrs, John Pagac. I-YUltland addition. Buhl.


i p N Dodge truck. Oood rubber, good motor. I mile west. 1 nortli CurT}'.

R E A L ESTATE FOR. S A L ETWO lots, one with house, modem

except lieat, Yakima avetiue. Box 474. Tiler, Idalio.



OFFICE'ciUier 2 or 4 rooms. Excellent location. Inquire New-

Custom crtndlng—crlad anywh«r«. over a ton 8c. Ph. 0U3R1 Twin Fall* or Filer 72J3. Ph. calls off grinding



MORELAND MILLING SERVICE Ph. SIS. n ia r . Ph. callj off grlndlng.

SILVER fox- lilt neckpiece. .Worn very little. Very rea.-,oi)al)ly jirJced for a bargain. Phone lOGO-J.

AM clo-ilni: out my llmliwi supply of slock ^alt tit^^Oc cwt, Brlnn

vdon, ICO FourUi'


. If you nave a 'D oy or friend In tliB service he will like stn- Uonery wiUi the emblem of hU .'.e.'vlce at tha lop. Tlie finest In iitim lni Rt costl 5e« today. ,



BUY your new hc.itcr now nnd your coul fn c . C. C. Andenon,

USED bNl:oo;ii iiille. Siirlnkv, i-prliis-fllled nintlre.'..i, only $90.M. Western Auto.

NOROK rerrlk-emlnr. Westlnghoii- roaiter oven. 2 vacuum cltiitu-r: ruK.s, furnliure, dishes. p)m:i 2338.

USED furniture and asiortment. Visit o Moont.

COIXMAN twitcr, day b«l. and otlicr hou-'rhold articles, 253 fith avenue north.

CUSTOM gnndlng. Phona 303 u r • CSX McKean Brothen UUUng . Bemco. •

ENAMflj range, breakfast set. d in ­ing roonl »pi. davenport and chair, linoleum riig. bed and springs. 45; FlfUi aveinie ea*U

BELIEVE It or not we nro nctually receiving a lot of BUtw.eH {IvIuk room suites and bed davcno.i which we have had ordered ,for 2 niontlis. Be smart and buy now. H arry Mu'-KTave.

M\jRE3CO. kalwmlno In bulk. Buy you want, bring bnck you li.TVc left. kVc wlU loan , brujli free. We imvo a largo stock of wall paper a t prices you cat ford 10 pay. Moon's, Phono 5.

CI.KAN up! Paint iipl O ct rrcidy for ilii: indoor mnnUin. We luivo i-vrry- thlhf; lo briKlitcn^'honw. A long cold winter li coming, Sitvc co;il by IwvlttK tha t UroUvtx pLiCKl while Ihcre l.i pli-nty of i;l;Lv;i. Brliw In your Ml^l^ No rliJirKe for setting, Moon'.i. I’honc

SPECIAL Tlmej-Ncws subscrlp- lloii rales to service m en—only »1.00 for 3 months (payable In advance) Addrc.v.e.i may bo chunsviJ nt no nddUlDnw coil. so place your irder todayl


PIANO occordlon. 120 ba-v.,' trade for war, boiidi. Box 21, Tlmc:,- Ncws.


fair tires. Inquire Dodd'n -ClEar store, Kimberly.

1042 4 DOOR super de luxe Ford se­dan for cnili. LOW mUeiiRc. For pnrUculars call 3363-J.

UdED parts for cars and truck* Twin PAlla W rtcklns, Kimberly Road.'

1040 DUICK, low m llragc, good nibber. Phone 140 or Inquire 120 Sho'hone we,!.!.

TRUCKS AND T R A IL E R S1935 inti'mntlnnal pickup. Good

tlfes. Wide brd. Motor In very good condlUon, Mil 4tJi avenue norUi.

■■ Grange Gleanings


nKtJ* CRKEKMany Umes wo hear someone a*k

what tlio Orange can do. Well, Deep Crtek Orange a t lea,« helped to get tjie' Deep Creek road repaired, i.<j at. Uiclt laiv 5\Ktlli\R U^ey vuled thanks to Uie conimltteo who v,'m;k- ed Ib get the tiut: nccompIL-uied. Tliose to whom thank.i are due are Mr, and Mrs, Carl Harder and John Glander. They also, along w ith the rest of us who. u^e th li much- travele<l roMi to Buhl, wish to ex- pre-ts n])j)rc<iatlon for-tlie splendid Job done at th li Ume.

Don't bf.lleve tills road h(Li ever l>c<t\ In belitt shBpt, And by t&e

I Is the time of year th a t faniicR get a Uttle too mucIT water nnd get a with It, and lei. water ge^ on the roads, often ;,tArtlng n bnd spot for the the winter, A Uttle w ater running along Uie flda -of Uie oiled roatLi nuiy get started under the edge of tliv rond and catuc the whole road to rrunible badly. Let's 'keep Uio

Isi Mvvo ilres lorand labor for Uio w’ar

fort.'Drep Creek had a good buslne.i.1

■;.-.l(iiral iMetr last mi-cttng, held a t Iho Di'c Stmu^ff home. No prograjn

held luid a t the clor.c of the


DIRE€TORYBaths and Massagea

r b i 8t4-W ea »37 Mala W Ph. 153.

Bicycle Sales and ServiceOloyiUln'a bleycls shop. Ph. fl09-a

DLASIU8 OYCLDiy, P a 181

ChiropractorsDr. v/yatt. is f s rd Are. N. P h . 13H.

DiamondsR. U. Robert*.-Jeveler, IIS Sbo. N.

Insect ExterminatorBed BUI fumljaUoa T. F. FloraJ Oo

InsuranceFor Flra and Casualty la iurance,

Surely and FldeUty Bonda, lea Swim Inveitaent Co. Daugh Bldg



PERSONAL STATIONERY Engraving, letter press, lithography

Ijiijlness tomis a spfcl&lcy.TIMES-NE\VS

Commercial Prlntln* Dept.

Key Shop

Money to Loan

Money to Loana JONES for HOMES a"d LOANft

Rm. S, Bank & Trust Bld<. Pb . 5041.

SALARY LOANS Strictly confldentlaj

.$3 to $50 to employed people oo your owr gltoature,

CASH CREDIT COMPANT Room a. Burkholder Bldg, Ph. TTfl.

$25 to $750 ON YOUR C ar




Consumers Credit Co.(Owned by Pacific Plnaoee)338 MAIN AVENUB NOBTH -

O eicopa iW c PhysicianDr, O. W, Riwe, 23B M. N. Ph, B37.W.

Plumbing and HeatingAbbott Plum blnf Co. Ph. #5-W.

Schools and Trainingr , p. Business Unlrertlty. Phona 311.

■ Trailers□ em Trailer Coi^^pany, Phona C 9.

TupewritersSalta, renul* and service. Ph. 90.

' Upholstering

pretty lonesome for 'ona who has been as acUva as Elmer has. been. Drop him a cord a t S t. Alphonsus hospital hi Boise. We are all genu­inely sorry for you, Elmer, and wish lor your ape«ly recoverj-.

Tlio progroin offered by Lecturer SmlU\son eampilstd a, <juU for U\e members and a song cohiest. Anil of course they had refre.i}imcnta and Uie social hour aftcru'ards. '

1335 CHEVROLET dimip truck. 7x13 iMllcr home. 100 .Monroo, Twin Fills.


Notice Is hrrrby given th a t the County of Twin Fnlls. S tn tc of Idnho. purMiani to action taken by the Board of "Cnunty OcmmLi-'.lnn- ers of said County on Uie 281b dny of Sepletnber, 1042, will sell n l pub­lic auction fll Uio Couriliousa door, a t Uic cauriliQusc,City of Twin Fnlli, on Uie 27Ui day of October. 1!J42, a t Ihc h o u r of 10:00 o'clock A, M„ One 1D37 C hevrolet 1 . ton truck, dual rear w heeti. dinko body, no spare Ure. appraised V300.00; two ChevTolel, IM l. '‘i ton trucks, seat body, spare Ure, ap- praUed a t $5*5.00 each: two 1041 I-ord ton trucks.,»eat body, siiore lire, appraised at $i75.00 each.

■Ilia Board reaersrs U>e r ig h t lo rejcct any bid which \s no t equal to, or In exce.M of, th e appraised values of said Inicks.

Tha trucks will be nvallable for Inspection by intending purchaaers a t \he County F a ir G round, ' Filer, Idaho.

By order of Board of County C om ^ mKiloners.

WALTER C. ^^U Sa^A V E. (Seal) Clrrk of Board.

PUb: Sept. S3. Oct. e. lOO

mcnts. Next mretliig Oct,

CEUAlt DRAWAl-*hc lft;>l iv.tclluK of CfdM Draw

Grangii^ii Muall altcndimco wwi re- jwrtcd and Uie funuera arc working !o hnrd ^lu i Uiey are too tired when night comes to get out much. Or maybe we a » too busy profiteer­ing, as Leon sayii, to a ttend meet- UiKS. If.Leon nnd wme of Uiose $1- a-ycar men. a t Waslilnglon were wurSmg IL1 hard a.i the furni^ri. and loldler boy.i, and same fel­lows vovild {ormt piollla loT U\c riur- aUon, wo would be over Tokyo right now dcllverhiit tcrup metal.

The Union, Pacific railroad ten- dered mi olfer of pictures and the GronKO will cooperate. Much valu- nlle hi/urmatlon has bceil pu t out by Uie riUlro;id In tlie post. In regard to pfoi>er handling of freluht p«ck- ngc.-,, a.1 well is cmitrol, even •If wc do jiay pretty w ell'for I t In Srcliiht sa lts. No pror.iMii wiv\ of­fered and ihe hour wually devoted lo programs and entertainm ent wa.i

Delirious tre.^h ra-ipberrles and cookies were served by Mrs. Fred lilenr. SouncLi attfully. koo<I to a guy who inake-1 many hieaLi on crackera and milk.

G^IXLBiilil Grange met In regirfar

slon for the first time in recent months. In the city hall, 'w ith i

alicndancc, .Mr, and Mrs, Har- :« S l '

given Uie first la id second

TWIN FALLSTlio IV ln Falls Orange held Its

booater night meet a t Uio I. O. O, F. hall. Escorted to places of Jionor were p u t Masters J . a. FeldliQsen, J. F. Oordes, A- L. Ronell and Tliom- u Speedy.

Tlifl Jeroma Orangem were spe­cial guests, 35 of Uiem coming, in a body.

Tlio Twin .P bILi lecturer, Mrs, Harry Capps, presented the follow. ing program: Prayer. Mrs, Alice Poe; song, "Star Spangled B on­ner,'' members and guests; addre.u of welcoma, W. O. Jaekey: two roloa, Harry Barry with Mrs. Burry accompanying a t iSw g re tl-ings from National Orange Ma.-iter A, S. Ooti. read by Mrs. Miller; skit, "Tha Famlb' .Meets the Wife." pre­sented by .Mr, nnd .Mrs, Eii.'J OUtvr- row, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Scott. A lu. Ben A, ©‘Harrow ojid Mrs. Robert Rayl, Jr., and an original essay on "Orang# Senlc# to America," read by Ben O'Harroa'.

Opal Capen, a member of Ihe ^SUJ«!y Gras\g« Uo. i89, Bau B er­nardino, Calif., also gave A talk, and a t the close a prayer song w u sung by the members and guests.

Refreshment* of pumpkin pie. sandwiches and coffes were .served by the Orange ladles.

GOODING C\1AN FINED G(X)DINO. Oct. 6 — Cliircnce

Hnll. 27, Gooding, arrested by Slierlff Clair King on a charge of drunken- nrM, paid a fine of $15 and eo::ts of *550 before Probate Judge H .'D . Jackson.

Manager of Buhl Creamery Office

Accepts War JobBUHL. Oct. G-W aiwt T&naler.

manager of the Buhl offloo of Uia Jerome CooperaUve'creamery alnc# 1D38, ha.1 resigned lo become an ac- - couniant a t a war plant In Portland. ' Tha position was secured Uirough. tha civil tervlce.,

Mrs. Tannler and tlielr two daugh­ter's will go to Portland as tooh aa living accommodations can bo pro* cured.

Tuniiler, a grandsoiv. 0 Kunse, founder of tha been Interested In c fairs and m 1041-43 w .the Chamber of Commer, ___

Herbert Bless Is Uie ifew m anager of iho local olflce. returning her# from Pa.10 Robles, Calif.'

Richfield Starts' HarvestVacation

RlCIlFIELb. Oct. 6 — Tltc R ich­field schools started Ihelr harvest va< cation Monday. Tills wlU enable th« older boys and gteh lo help w ith th e p o u io .n n d beei hon-est. For two days before the vacaUon starU d, 31 boyi and Kirls were absent from .-.chDOl helping In Uie po ta to-and late grnln linrve.'t.

School will be resumed’Ocl. 19.', StorUng with th li date, school hours ' will be one hour later, from 10 a. m. to '4:45 p. m.. according to Supt, H. Fred Baldridge.


Louis E iinb. n'iio liaveTxcti In Ujaj.-.o--' Volley hospital. Tremonton, U t* tfj'(.— recoverhiK from cracked v e rte b r i^ i . received In an nuto accident. liAVVi, ' been returned home In an ,iim bas''',;’;‘ .U lance, T jiry will be confined to th e i r '’

i bed.1 for. tJirre months.

Crdssword PuzzleACROS} X. Comrfllisr

1. Rilii *' son* ,t ICnocIi* }*I. I-rfMr. fcr iMnirml

_lh* pr»n CT«llonJ. tV.nt uuldUr 41 pcomn*I. Amfr[r«n formiil»§

' trSI&n il. tVtin-chiiriiclarL Britrm c( 47. Csmlurtorf'

•Kiiilt . illckt

i t / Wood and Mrs. Alice Studebak- er wore given Uie first la id seconc degrees of the order. H ie home economics committee reported th a t they had on hand over $100 Uiat Uiey had ralrcd and placed In the buVldmg lund. I t will be recaUed th a t Built Orange, as well m many other of -profltccrlnp” farm ­ers, have pu t their building funds hi war bonds, to work for Uncle. Gooding Grange especially has' done well along this line.

The quilt went to I. E. Stansell. A letter from Sister Phillips told of BroUier Plilllips' slow recovery from Uie accident he h a d 'a t the Andenon dam. Mr, Phillips can walk a few steps and slls up some.


Tlie folloaing described livestock wHl be sold a t puUlle sale to the highest bidder to saUsfy feed, hauling and advertising costs, on October. 14, 1943. a t Uie regular Mtetkly sale' a t Twin .Falls Com- mlaslcni Co.:

1 bay mule about 1.350 lbs.;.1 bay molly mule about 1,600 Itu,

LYLE SMITH. Roseraon, Idaho

Pub, Oct. 8, 7, 8,5,11,13,13, U . 10«.

' It. UnrtflnrdII. tiirllclt

ofJt Twill cut

«r itikpt . $a Sl>nu(aeiur»d

i;iisi!ah ittitr -:t. Huttlini :« Aa..fbiij

<nllriE »1, *a7T,lnl>UT»

eofponi ;unlilim<at

in Rp«ei] eonuit i:. Anar c ilu rt

10( t t:i3iuiitr

. Conpecl with . Ufhl.brown

Solution Of Y eittrdiy 'i P u u l t

el. RiJicli<-t <*- Unrookaj


c r ~ 9 3“ 2“ 7 71 ? i '0 "

EE r 7 ~ | J 1Ii6' ' a T 3t

L- S " 5 T 3T a T 5S"

p r 2T‘ if 5S" J J i T

E J T w"ST*

E 1 f i " J T

C 1'it-

2 T s r n n11- 3T W

lI]p T 5 1 1J T m 7 T J 1 '£ k

t Artllo 7. Asrlculiur»l •

•piflnily — 10. AU (lisl cxjutd

biIt, IrrllsW#It! n 'r u s ia

niur«!j. n«c* out :i. Motltm Mt>*rt7, t'ontoll: tieoiett : l KnUtInc sUtch }9. Cllqut I t. d«tk« mmS ta

mslilBf ^ ta»pl» srnip.

U. Ttrni of iddrcai

tL 89 nay it b*Jl. Ot»I

mwrnmmmmmimmliHI I d in I I ■ ■

I I I I ■ P i ■ ■iii I I ■9'il I ■■IS'il■ ■

1 AaettR t/csritil" II. i « e m uS ? ,(I. PetHSMt « . r j f * aqtukM*

P a g e Ten t i m e s -n e w s , t w i n f a l l s , IDAHLK T u o d u y , O c t o b t r 6 . 1D12


’■ BOISE. Oct. S t-n-The eireet of vartloiB'Pfoblans on Idaho poliUcs

-wia mMkrtly evident today-M am. (tidatfi K’cnt Into Uio (Inal mOi}li of campa>E>'l''8 before the genera tleclloii Nov. 3.

Allhousti activity on Uie part -of tjie cRtiilWnifa u well lu Intrrest on Uie pan ol ihc voierJ hu beet!

IcUiurBle hcc^nlly Uinn prior lo Uie primarj-. Inlere.M l.i dflliilu-I)' beioa- par, lendtni ol both imrtlcj

.••asrre.A.1 In the prlmarj' race wlirn vot

en' npalhy rMiiIlftl In one ot llie los rit vote lotaLi in /rvernl elrctionj ptt."[, lhe,'< Irader.i believe- the eral rlectlnti polIlnK'»111 be con-, ably lovier tiinti that nf tv>o years

•V *’Extr« »orlt on tlie fnrm.i uhrre a labor shoriaKfi ho.', Uireattiiert, the Bb eIlCP of voicra now In con-M cf Irn-'p indwtrlei, nntl the draf}- .. manpoRrr under srircllve --.ervlce(Iff lield principally rr.'iviiwlble,

Quirt Drives Conduetril I.’.Mir, too. in a c.-unpiilKn uticre

ilntilni; Ilir war l> lialled. by bolli parile.4 ns of prime Iiiiportance, liiive fnllert In crealed the usiml elrctton fever. A-'ldc from two conle.nla which linvp developed |XiIlllcJi. will:proml.-.e of nddlllonal flreworki be.

• Inrc Nov. 3, nio*t Idnlio conKrewlon- rI anil Mnte rnnilldniM are conduct­ing nnlft behlnd-the-.iccnM drlvea.

Dr.-;plte tlil.v report-1 Jrom ljf>th pdllllcal cninixi Indicivlril oplliniim In the oiKcoine. ‘

From Drtnocrallc hrnilqiinrler!i Robert "FlKhllnK Dob" Cmiller, mole Democratic ehalrmnii. announcrd: i

•"nie Deniocrnllc ticket will be elected. Thrrc 1' no demand cUaiVKc. RvibenwiiitUilriii-e the voler.i have tliP two rei'oqdi to compare—nnd two years of Hnl tolfieii wM enoiiKh for ihe i>fople of the aUlc of Idiiho."

Atkln»on Al^o Conllrtent Rpllly Atkln.'on. nepiibllean .state

■ ehnlrinnn.'wa.i efjually i>anRiilne; • ’TlirouKlioitt Idfttio there 1% I'on-

fldcnt optlml'm In tlie Hepiibllran rank.-i—thr fltiiatlon look.i exirrnie-

• ly ROod for' a victory Nov. 3,"

By far I’m nio.'it extensive elerllon- ecrlnK tJiat of Olen Taylnr. Drmo- ocrntlc nominee for the U, B. seiii\te.In hU effort lo Incumbent Sen. John Tliomn.s. Ooodlnn Jte. publican. Taylor, the former "entt'- boy” rAdIo enlerlalner of Pocatello, since Sept. IS lia.s been traverslnc the Btnte on n s|x-nklnir Itinerary

-- »int carrlA" him bark and forili one tip of the state to tli

oUier.ConllniiinK until eleclfSn day, t!i

nomjnee lia.i speeche.i schediilrc.. ever>- day and often will appear

twice dally.Tlioms* Ridea on Record

Sen. Tlionirj on' the ollipr hiinil i.i rldlnR hi* record In i!onRrr.« and ar.lde from R brief trip to Idaho f.cme week.1 aRO^has not apiK-aretf on the r tne. Republican Iraderfi do not eapect him to- return before olaoUoa..,

race inny be iMtMrdOvh to A riiar;;e of Linla- UgBtea. Itried by Taylor, who ac.

• «Ub» Ihe Incumbent Idolio senator wlUi pb«tnietln;r the war effort by hU stand on pre.Pearl Harbor de. fense prepamtlonfi. Tlioma.i ha.i snld little recently concernlnK pre-«-,-\r

This iu f no toclar il{iiiflcanre and. unfnrlunalel}'. doesn't even parody Adolf illller. But It l»-nne of Uin oddr«l natural potaln croKlIui turnnl up IhU neaxm. TUe (Mitalo-man mme (ram \V. Dueric't place at I'eavey. iSlaff I'lioto'Kticravlnc)

niea-flire.i. but ha.i directed hl .ilaie- ment* from Wa-ihlURlnn lo pentllnR

■ or nntlclpated farm leKl lallon, .A curloii!i QuIrk In Ihe holallonUm

KMie Li the fact that Iwn Ilrpiibll- can Inejimbcnb, Ren. Tlinmn. nnd Hep, Henry Dworshak. i.«»fiml dis­trict, face th1» charge from IVmo- cratle opponents, while Rep\il)IIcsn Candidate H. C, RnldrlilRe. Parma, In Uie first consrev.lonnl dUlrlrt, Is atteniptlnR lo uiveat liiciinilxiii Democrat Compton I. Wlilte on the same cround'.

DiTonihak May Not RelumRep, Dwnrshak probably will re­

main In WftjlilnKlon (liirlnc the bal- Mice ot the parly learterr;Indicated. HLs DomArrallr opimnent, Ira H. Master;;, noKe. a fonner Idii- hi» wcretary M M.ile. hn.s niiide Mvernl jptienrances at various meet- ln«« thmiiKlioiit tlie (iLstrlrt, but Is CtinpalRnlni; wlihoiit a detlnlle iilii- rr*t>', rclyinK malnlv on nrsantra- trips ihroiiuh the dUrlct. '5 ''l‘lt1flKe Is now canip.ilsnlns In

north Idaho In wh.-it vias descrllird as a tour lo r.IrenRihen the p.i ty orKftnl7.itlon..Baldrld(:e Is a former Idaho Rnvenior. WWtc may relum for a brief eampnlcn prior lo elec. tloii.' but Deniocrntlc leaders ex- pre.-.sed the belief he, loo, will re. main In the national capital.- In what may develop Into the

wannest political eanipalcn of Ihe election, the ruberna. lorial nominee. C. A. Botioir.'fii. 1- hicrea.slnf: his aetlvlty and political oUsen-ern on both .side,-; of the fenre now admit thev e>;pect , ,between the former covenior ami Ciov, Clark,

Ib>llolli.rn’> AecuivallBiu - Bottolfsen has nccti.sed the prr. cnt administration nf making insuff dent lax reducilnns in view of 1r

, erea-sed tax folkclloas ber.vise ( Improved bti'lnr.s condlllons an hlRlier ar.-sei.' ed vaIiiat1oti.s. He hr leveled varied verbal blasts aiiain'. the Clark administration of the penal parole system and durlnj: thi p.tst week urseri adoption of a pro- owed con;iiUMtloi\a! orthe ballot this fall which would pro- Tlde a non-partisan pardon board to replttCB till* -pre.sent hoard rom- prLsed of elective.fltale officials,

Oov. Clark has confined his cam- palcn to nppearance.s and adilre?.ses afconventlon.s and meclhiRs, He ha.i made no plans for a reRiilar cam­paign trip, but apparently has elect­ed to stand on the administrative recoPd of the two years. One of his princlp.-vl (alklnc points has been tht mlncilon ot the slate ad valorem tax levy for,lD«.

Uttle more than lf>c.-il nctlvlty ho!i been noted amonc the other enndldate.i for ulate offlce.s. Sevfraj Cftmpnlm irlpd may be taken, par- fJculwly-by ehallenRlnc canrildate.s,Jt l i Indicated, but the tire situation and the refers’ apathy will keep many of them at bome.


IJOISE, Oci-.fl M■ -TllC Ciuic of Duncan .M, Johnriton. former 'I'wlii l-'aJI.s mayor i.orvlns ii llle M-nlencc for tlir 1038 .slaylns of UeorKC OJ-'on. .Salt L;iki! City Jcwclrj' i.alc.smiin. will liemllinc the mtcilnt! of the boiinl of i)ardoiVi openhiK Wcdm-:.- <liiy for what inii) Ijo It.s la-'.t i.e.vslon.

A total of 113 of the 113 Intnate.s of the i.tiiie prl.'.oi> will liave pell- lions for clemcncy consldcrrO by the board,

Bccau.Ke volcni ot Ihc state will vote Nov. 3 on constitutional aniend- mcnt-s which would nubstltiite n non-> partisan board of correction for the irc.suit imrUon boariis. compo-M'd of he Koveriior. ,sccrctiiry of jiiate and

atturnry general, the pardoiii board may not meet after this se\slon. ■yiiould It be voted out and the new ■ ..pency created no new pardon.i would be Kranti'd iinUI uflrr ihi- first of tlio year. In all probablllly.

aov. Clark will not be prc.-sont the lerjlon opens Wetlnesdiiy. announced he will Journey lo FerU- liinnd, Ida..’ to aljend a district Chamber of Commerce meetlnj; And care for stale biLsliie.s.'i In the area. He will return-for the remainder of the mcettnK. however.

John.ston was denlnl a lurdon By 2 to 1 vole at ihi- April i

ot the board, but lllcd for hrarlnk-. vvhldli was pa-,i|xined until

? October se.-.,-.loii. He previously dc!iU'<r ii iiartkMv wt the Jivwiavy

■ellnK, Me eniered the prlso- Dec, M. 1H38.

iPjiIylnK for clemency arc 13 other convlCt.s servliiK term.s for murdiT, They Included Waltrr Mll- Irr, lite term for <leKrec mur»

..county; Daplel WlHlams, U-i;ri-i’ murder, IV In Fall.s

county; William D- lliile, life, first (IcKrre murder, T-J-lii I ilLi county; Don .“irllrrs, l.'i to life, second de- Kiee murder. Twin Falls county; CnTTnll 3. Fliieham, hie, llrsl deKrce

cirr, .Miiiidolta eminiy. and Wil.I W. lJ;.lK.n, nni- to i : years, lul decree murder. Kluiorc



CallliiS Ollenlion lo the observ- lince of Ilf" preventlwi week durliiB Uit period Oct. 4-lJ, L. Z. iZekei ■Unrtlett, chief of the TNiln Falls lire dr[>arlinrnU today called on al' citizens lo cooi>erole in the nutUm-

clfort lo curtail wiusiefulblarex

•Our nation Is engnced In a fluht Jtir lU very liy,’" he said, •'and now, rnnre lliatkjiftr. tte need every a.s- »et of iirodticllofl that wc pos-seis. We raiuiot afford the wa.Mc that flie cau.sra In the nation during or- dliijiry i>eaccllmc-years. Every lire caitsetl by carelesine.s.s Li an aid to Uie axil powera. and a In the b.ick for Arnerlcins flKhllng r 'l over Uie world."

rian Open Houm Chief Hwtleli said an Imfwrtant

feature of tire prcvtnUon sKtek's obser'ance In T*ln FalU la "Qpen house" at the fire ntatlon.

•We would like to have folks drop al Ibe iitailon sometime durlriK

ih-! week." i.ald the chief. '’We ll not only show tlieni the equipment, but we’ll be slad to Rive coaching In how lo prevenl flre.s. and In what to do when a blar.e Is discovered. Includ- Ini: huiructlon In t ^ use of'lire cxilnKtilsher.s,” ^

Chief •ilartlell lald the depart- nitiii alM> eoulri K've vahnible tips In the hamlllnK of lni:endlary bombs, ■nie'chlcf recently returned from a Male civilian dcfen.'.e meellng al Boise, where this wa.s onf of'the- lm|)orlnnt lechnlH'iei treated'by-in­structors.

Call! un AtlH.ullell empha.M/rd llmt every

cltl7Tii jlwuld make It a (Kjlnt per- Miunlly lo ob.serve fire prevention week- , ■

'Tills Ls a Roo<l time lo clean iiy allirs ami I'rllar.'," he declared, "wiih a iiarttr.ulnr view to clltnlnal- liiR llie liar ird.s. Winter always iiers an hicrra.'.e In lire hazard.-; anyhow, anil Its a Rood Idea, to keep Ihe r)iflljre.< of .i Slie /u rertjolc na j .slble."

In tlial eonnrcllon Bartlett I'.M ihr cleanlnK “ I chimney;, least once a ’ year.”

Soot collects 111 a chimTlcy,'' he said, "Hiid then Is curried out bi

dintl when U Is hut n oviRlv U slart a fire. It Is wL-.e lo have chim­neys clraned at IriiM once a year.’

Tile lire chief i.ald -the <lejiart- cut will make lii9|iecllon.' of lionies

tthrnevrr reriuesietl, hi order to elim­inate fire har.ircls. Bii.-.lne.sji houses

.peeled reKUlarly UiroUKhoul the year.

Mrs. S. L. Sater Riles Conducted

In Masonic HallM.WON. Oct. e — Funeral serv-

Ue.s for .Mrs.'Stella L. Sater. 52. wife of Dr. C. 1. Hater, Albion-, and well kiiii'*n iCa.-Lsla county re.sldeiit for 31’ yi-ars. w ho tiled a t the- Soda Springs hasplliil, were held In the .MiLsonie hall. Pres. R. II. Knyder of Albion Norm al vmui In charRe I!ev. Brook.-i Moore, Burley Metll- odLst church. Rave the - .icrlptural reading, and John C. W erner Uie oblUi.'iry. MiLvIc wa.i furnLshed- by Nan I’lerre. Mr7. C. K, Slmonscu niid Mrs. Mae A nita Johnson.

Mrs. e a te r wa-s bom In 81. Loul.i. Mo.. Sept. 3. 1830, the daughter of

and Mr.-.. Frc<lerlrk Ijvndwehr.__ and Dr. S a te r made the ir homeIn Malta for 24 year.i nnd moved

Albion In 1030.iiin-lvlng beslde.i her huiband ■ two .sons. Che.ster Sater. O r- 1, and FTdgar Sater. who la In

Ala.ska with tlie arnie<1 force.i; three dautthlers. Mr.s. Adele Salyers, K« Iokk; ML'ji Uou. Sa te r; a teacher Declo, and ML-.i C.amiel Sater. h()uie; -six Krandchlldren. and brother.' William Landwehr. and sLster. Mrs. John Weller, both of St. IxrnLs.

Interm ent ttlL In the Ma.sonlc CPUieteO’ under the direction of Burley rnhernl home. ^

17 Draftees Will Leave Burle=y for

Training, CenterByRLF.V, t>;t.-0~O r tlie 37 draf-

T5 callfsl Irom county In September. 17 were Inducted In the eiilbt«l men’.i rc.scrvc a l Pociitello ami Rill leave Oct. B for I-'orl. Dour- la.1 lo bCKln tralnliiK- '

LeavUiK will bi-I'vl.s. O tis Schmidt, Hciirj- I’cterson, Ralph W right. Jo­seph SavftRe. Horace StaiiRrr, Ben­jamin l-:»lt.s. Blaine Jelli-y. Claus Wlcse, It^bert Bray, Allen T liom p- son. Devoe &^ J>ffard, Howard M it­chell, Charle.s Cniripbelt, Dale R ich­ards. Chester I.aiiictr, Chivrle.i War-

•n and Harry I-oiiK.Wecliie.-ilny. nik-s lo<lKe will en ter­

tain lhe.^e Inen al a illiiner |w n y totalled Ruler C. W. ’niom a-i will speak, Mu'Ical numbers w-lll be In- chilled.

’Hie Elk.\ r,ill have .special f!Mev,rU crii'iww’.t-i ivt thr vltvmt Oct. fl, a t 10 a. in., when th e men leave for Fori D«u«ia.-i,

Son Asks Decree To Handle Estate

U-Hoy Weller. Kimberly. ha.i filed . |>ellllon In _ probate court. here, a.skinK letters of silmlnlslratlon for the e,state ol'P, H, Weller, his ta ­ttler, wlio. died intcM le In IhU county Sept. 10.

r e.statr, l*-^alue(Pat uot In ol f:o.OOO. U* nf 60 . of land in this county, t4,222.(iH ra.sli, A motor car. M.f!fi3 ixiiinds

of white beaii.-i, and ft fiuantlty of wheal nnd hay.

Heirs named are the .'.on, and Mrs. Blanrli Hamilton, Hnrellon, a daiiRh- er. Ttie hearliiR on the petition »will be hrltl Ocl. 13 at 2 p. m . In probate

e tiUorney.


S>COMUENOED FOB BADGE JBCt Bl*hop. • meni|>er of troop

40. Jerome -district h u been ree- ommtnded for a merit badf# In di-lcs (life) and (wlnunlns bj' Uie Snake river ore* councU, Boy Booutc, U T U leiroK} today. {

M . ' , . ! ,

Dairy Firm Goes Out of Business

UUHU Oct. O-.Mr. and Mrs. Van T. Lowe have null tlieir dalrj- bu.Cl-

L.S. Several o f ihelr cows were sold R. T. Duckeiiorf to Increo.'.* hLs

dalrj- herd.Due to tJie hlRh cost of hay nnd

'grain and Uie thortage of help. Mr. and Mr.s. Lo«e decided th a t It was Impa'.-'.lble. to continue tlielr ncis. Tliey sold the ir property of tfltt-n U5 W jllliun CinintnKhom. ond-p tu i lo titove back Into towsv.

Due lo so.soIlne ond lire ratlon- Inff. retell deliver?- of tnlUc In Buhl hag been dlsconUnued. R'esldeiiLs m u it obU^n ibe lr.m U lc from Ute grocery Cores.

Mrs. Orjice Baxter and son. who have been visiting her moUier. Mr*. j\donls Hooter, left for llielr home

t Um Ansele.s,.Mrs, E. A. ZletiUr 'iias rc tu m rd

from a vacalloil trip lo the Pacific notUwfsU

MLu Betty AllLson le ft for S alt Lake City where she Is employed a f ­ter a two weeks' vLsll wlUi rela -tlVM,

.Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Brown left for Salt U ke Clly-for nietllcal care for Mrs. Brown. Mr. Brown has re lu m -ed.

Mr, find Mrs. Robert Wll.son itre the parent.s of a son bom Oct. 4 a l the county hoi'pltnl niaternllv home.

.MLu Bemlee Gullck. a stu 'deni-a l the UnlversUy of Oregon, L'liRene. has been pledged lo ihe Alpha G am ­ma Della iororUy,

Mr. and Mrs. Myron Plerey, Omndc, On-., are vLsllInR relatlve.i « J, P. Qullck. Eugene Oullck nnd Bud Prough Mx-ni Uie wi-ek-etid In the Minidoka fo.'est <Ieer.,hunllnR,

Mrs. n ia Williams, Tw-ln Full.i, 411 be a o t Filer cJiap'ter. o r­

der of Ea.ste.Ti Star. Wednexlay eve- nlngrOclober 7. She *pealc on •Tlie Ap|>eal of E;i.'lem Star."

Junior Denton Li In Seattle tak ing naval sir cadet examinations.

inmer Reichert leaves ihLs foe, Okla., to enroll a t the Spartan school of avlaUon.

Clftiirie P.irker ha* been Inriuete^l Into the array ot 5,ill U k rC lty .

To Rfllire Blstnss of HlfflTHlV

[EHUEWEIIKIIESSdue to funcllonol wrfodic d istu rb- tineei-try Lj-db E. Pinkham'a Com­pound TAni.rre (wim added lron». Alio fine stoinocJilc lonlcl Follow label cUrecUonj. iVeif ttxJrfA tri/ingr

ORDER BY MAIL.S.ivc tintc, s iiv c rulil)cr . . . O n lc r by mail. Kvcry

order fillet! accunilc ly and m ailed tn you Ihe diiy

i( i.s ri’ccivcd.

Big Reasons For The Popularity Of



“If I t Isn’t Right, Bring It.B-ack”

M E N ;S _ ;B I ( L B I C N i


$1.39Sus(>ender or hlRh back type In hejiVy 8 or., blue deiilm. In- Heavy boat rail iKJcyt.s. Lined. Doiibic flroiiKlii' hip iKx;kcL-i. Rein­forced form fitthiR ciotch. All length In v.uL-.l sizes 30 in 00.



$1.19Deep lone blue denim. All strain polnt-s reinforced. LarRe roomy pockela: Sired for com- ffjrt. All waLst .sizes 35 lo M.


$2.49l-'vill cu l, hcswy juKkcL lin- ihKH, .sanfoi'izcd sh runk — Choicfi color, };roeit, oxford K ray ., nnd blue. .sizc.s :iO to -12. '


$1.19Colt^rfwl over pluitls o f sivn^ forizctl nia toria l^-T w o b u t­ton thru pockct.f. As.snrtcd conibiiiatioii L-olons.' Siy.ofl C> to MIL'.


9 8 ^Solid colons of Ian

nnd Krey. Two b u t­

ton, full cut. Sizc.s

to 17.



$1.49•Tailored collars. Two button t l i r u ' i»ickc.-js’. W a r m heavy weij/liL ])l»id and cla-ck flnnncLs. Sizo.H M l j to 17.



$ 1 .4 9.'y ilid Vi’d -•iiu'dc. lii’iK'bt tu i^ ia td I'L'd co lo r. T w o b i;; 1k-!Iii.s (locLcl.s w ith b u t­ton d o w n I'hip.', l‘'ii!l c u t a iu i u a n n , Size':; 11' •> to



$2.49.All wool kliaivi -SLTKO niii- tc ria l.s , '' .slijrlitly .used. Cloancii aiiil prc.^sod. Two button flap poirkets. Only 12 in th is jtrotij). All iicck sizc.s i:t to 18. .



$2.49Tbo “G arfax ”plitid shirt.s. Sanforized .shrunk. I la s ’two bi^’ flap |)ocket.s. Zip;>er fron t fa s te n e r .'S iz e s M '- j to 17. Color.s.—blue, ru st, Rrccn, red anti lirown. Over plaid pa tte rn s .



79cH cv rrs ib lo re d l in in p f o r h u n tin jr bi;r K an ic . N a r - I'ow w itlc, tu n c o r t i u r o y ' ou lsiiid fo r du ck l iu i i t in g ' a n d o th e r . aporL s. S iz e s ' 6 .'J-I to 7 :i-J . ■


Save on QualityW ork 'G loves

'W h i to nnp p o ta to rIo'vc.'?. K la s tic

2» P a i r f o r . 35cB row n n a p k n i t w r i s t plovc.s

P a i r f o r 25cB ro w n n a p lin e d k!o'vc.s

2 P a i r fo r ..... 35cH e a \y w h ito cnnva.s frlovcs

2 P a i r fo r ...... 2^CE x tr a h e a v y w liilc c a n -

r Iovp.i 1 5 cJer.'iey d riv iiiK frlovi-s. P id l

25c.ity l i’ .......... ..L e a th e r , face

■ can v as j r a u n t l e t . ' t ' / ^ V G en u in e pi«- .skiii K'lov(G en u in e a tc a m ^ iro o f S a r ­a n a c bu ck friovc

$ 1 .1 9:anA)roof

• - ...... „ Io v c !k j

$ i .4 >

Economy Basement O ffers High duality

W ork HoseA t Low Prices

R ro w ii o r K rey , w h ite lined

15cN a t u r a l c o lo r f a r m m e c h a n ­ic

15cA rm y ta n c o tto n hose

2 r . i i r for ..... . 3 5 cB lu e U o c k fo rd, w h ile lov iiud h e e l

15cH ea v y R o c k fo rd v p r k liose

2 P a i r f o r 35cE N tra i ic a v y R o c k fo rd w ork

20cn a tu r a l coio■•SC

25c.Men’s n a tu r a l co lor Wool




I'til! c o a t leiiKth; d o u i) lc .b re n a tc d s ty le . F u ll .le iiK th l>elt. B lu e , p r e e n And re d p re d o m in a te d \ilaidR o f w oo l, ray o U a n d c o t to n . .Fu ll le n g th p la id f la n n e l lin ln p . Sizc.s 3G to -IG.



$ 4 .9 8N a v y b lu e w a te r p ro o f sh c ep o lined suedc-*’. D ouble b r e a s te d , b e lte d .^tyle.s.’ S ize s '10 to -IG.


Wltli ejfrn t l i^ i o -mnrk rubber iolca and liceb. Dlack' reuii upper., inplc ctltclied rivet c«lnforce.v Grain leftlher lnr<ilf.-i and mid lolea. Seacd and nnlled. SIrej 8 lo 13.

MEN’S LOGGER BOOTS $5.90 for loll han-eat. Good h«avy oil tan upper, plnln toe. leather lined vamp. Oulilde leather heel- counter, rubber top Mle and lieel. NiUed *nd -B(Wed. 8lzc 8 to U.