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yoshki The Proactive Brand Solution



How safe is your brand?


Two Challenges, One Solution

yoshki™ provides a unique solution for Brand Management with the added benefi t of fully protecting online brand assets from fraud, illegal use and counterfeiting. By utilising yoshki™, brand owners fi nally have the power to ensure assets remain ‘on-brand’ across the whole of the Internet.

yoshki™ offers 360 degree ability to Control, Police, Protect and Enforce a brand’s rights over their digital assets.

With yoshki™ you can fi nally regain control of the Internet.

How safe is your brand?




Brand ProtectionCriminals target:➤ The richest markets➤ The least protected brands in those markets➤ Online markets that offer maximum visibility and least direct contact

Criminals avoid targets that:➤ Require excessive effort for the reward➤ Have a higher probability of detection➤ Have a small window of opportunity to defraud consumers

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Reducing Phishing AttacksPhishing is essentially spam email; the objective being to collect the target’s personal information by directing users to a website where they are tricked into entering valuable information. To make spam emails and phishing sites appear to be genuine, the assets of the target company are stolen simply by ‘right clicking’ and copying logos, images or plagiarising text. Literally millions of spam emails can be sent quickly and even with a very low take up can result in many thousands of ripped off customers – who at some level will blame the brand.

Generally, the fi rst a brand knows of this problem is when disgruntled customers start contacting them asking why something has not been delivered or why funds have been taken out of their credit cards. Once informed the brand can take action to stop the offending website but it could take several weeks before the existence of the phishing site is even known or has been reported by which time serious damage has been caused - until now the response against phishing sites has always been reactive.

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yoshki™RADAR Toxic

Proactively locates phishing websites before they have time to cause damage to brands.

From a multitude of long established ‘honey trap’ email accounts the RADAR Toxic system collects, collates and references spam. yoshki™ constantly and automatically reverse searches this spam and any phishing sites the spam directs users to for target images, logos, key words and plagiarised text belonging to the brand owner.

RADAR Toxic grabs screenshots of illegal sites for evidence which can be used to close down sites or for use in prosecutions either by the brand owner or by the yoshki™ Legal team.

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Combating Fake and Copycat WebsitesAs we know criminal gangs target trusted brands by utilising spam and phishing attacks to drive traffi c to their copycat websites either to sell fake or counterfeit goods, to capture banking details or to directly take payments off the unsuspecting public for ‘cut price offers’. By utilising yoshki™RADAR Toxic we can quickly identify these copycat sites and ‘take them down’ within days or even hours!

Currently it is impossible to know if, when and where fakes, copies or production overruns are being offered for sale across the internet. Without yoshki™ it is very simple for logos or images to be copied illegally and now, with Windows 7, users can take snapshots from the Adobe Flash elements within your website, all of which aids the construction of fake and counterfeit websites.

How safe is your brand?



yoshki™ delivers consistent, fully traceable, protected high quality brand collateral throughout the Internet to direct and 3rd party websites, insuring brands from illegal copying and phishing attacks. But what about the rest of a brands existing images on the Internet? There could be millions of existing assets, images and logos which are not ‘Yoshki linked’ and could therefore be easily copied.

yoshki™RADAR Web automatically and constantly trawls the web searching for assets belonging to a brand. Each of the brand’s images are logged on the yoshki™ Reporting Database (YRD) and categorised by a trained yoshki™ operator. The system can then be customised to follow an agreed process tailored to the particular brand’s objectives. This may take the form of a series of emails escalating from intial contact to potential legal action for copyright infringement.

If the user identifi ed by the search has a legitimate but out of date or corrupted version of the image or logo, they may be offered a simple link to the yoshki™ authorised central image. Over a period of time this will ensure that the maximum number of users will be using the ‘on-brand’ collateral.

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Brand ManagementInstantly Update Every Image, Everywhere

How would you control the change of your logo throughout the whole of the Internet? How would you update any changes to your branding throughout the internet? How would you ensure brand compliance with third party websites who are not directly dealing with your organisation?

Changing an image, product specifi cation sheets or the changes in terms and conditions for contracts, pricing changes, delivery availabilities and hundreds of other applications, throughout an organisation is an extremely costly and time consuming. You not only have to fi nd and change every occurrence of the image within your own organisation but then have to individually contact each partner and external agency to change the image or text on their website.

How safe is your brand?



yoshki™ images are generated from a single master image therefore if the master or source image is updated or changed every instance of that image is also updated in the size and format originally delivered. yoshki™RADAR Web will locate other instance of your images throughout the Internet and encourage change to a yoshki™ linked image.

When you update a yoshki™ image it will immediately update throughout the whole of your organisation. All of your partners, all external agencies and all third party websites will also be instantly updated. If yoshki™ links are used instead of ‘static’ images (eg jpg’s) for emails, blogs etc. then when the master image is updated these will also instantly change.

By utilizing a feature of the yoshki™Reporting Database which reports the geographical area of the calling website, yoshki™ can enable the delivered images to be tailored to a language or region specifi ed basis.

yoshki™ delivers images which are always up to date, are always on-brand and are always relevant. At last brand owners can regain control over the Internet.

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Brand ManagementImagine the hundreds of thousands of daily changes to product specifi cation sheets or the changes in terms and conditions for contracts, pricing changes, delivery availabilities and the hundreds of other applications, now all of those changes can be made once to the central image and automatically changed on all linked images.

How much more effective use of time and resources would that allow? How much more revenue and profi t could be made by avoiding mistakes, delays and complications?

This capability brings new and previously unachievable levels of information to the brand owner and opens the door to new ways of marketing.

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For example, the brand owner using yoshki™RADAR Web can ask all of their partners or affi liates or authorized sales outlets to use the higher quality yoshki™ linked images and effectively run focused promotions, new product launches etc from the centre on the partners’ websites. In a retail context, this may allow the ‘shop within a shop’ concept to extend to websites where the brand owner remotely changes the images, pricing and text on their section of a partner’s website.

yoshki™ unleashes the imagination of what can be achieved for brands on the internet.

How safe is your brand?



‘Right Click Protection’ yoshki™ links can be protected to reduce ‘right click’ copying. The fl exibility of the ‘right click protection’ allows the brand owner to decide how much use of any image they wish to offer to internet users. Brand owners have various choices of levels of protection from blocking copying to allowing free, but traceable, use.

By ‘right clicking’ a yoshki™ protected image, users can be directed to a page on your website where image use is explained and details of how to obtain and use one of your authorized images in the size and format they require.

Since the majority of uses will be legitimate, the interests of the brand owner are often best served by encouraging the users to use a yoshki™ linked image in the user’s choice of size and format image so as to ensure the image stays ‘on-brand’ on the Internet.

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Search Engine OptimisationAn added benefi t of utilizing yoshki™ linked images is that the organic ranking of your site on Google can increase massively.

The Google system uses a patented algorithm called PageRank in which website’s ranking is calculated on the number and ranking of interconnected pages.

So for marketing purposes the use of yoshki™ links to distribute all logos and images, can increase massively the website’s search engine optimisation resulting in a much higher PageRank, equating to a higher Google listing which will result in a greater number of potential customer visits.

How safe is your brand?




Reporting The yoshki™ Reporting Database (YRD) allows the brand owner to view all use of images and to decide if each individual use is appropriate or not. An inappropriate use of an image can be stopped instantly on an individual webpage basis and future use prevented.

Since many brands use multiple layer distribution, it is often diffi cult or even impossible for them to know all of the global outlets that are selling their products or services. By encouraging the use of yoshki™ linked images, brand owners can build up a picture of their true global reach as each use is reported centrally on the YRD which provides a gold mine of information for data analytics. The data can show whether new product launches stimulated more traffi c to sites using the new collateral. Did certain promotions, pricing changes or re-branding work better in certain countries than in others?

This information improves effi ciency in marketing spend and brings new and previously unachievable levels of information to the brand owner, generation new and effi cient methods of marketing.

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The Proactive Brand Solution – Product Overview

yoshki™ - CONTROL Brand assets online

➤ Single Source Distribution - ‘The Key to Control’

– Single Source Distribution provides ‘total traceability’ of image use

– Provides the knowledge of which images are being used and on which website with the ability to block images instantly

– Provides data on number of times that the images are ‘served’ and to which URL or IP address

– Allows sites to be checked for illegal or improper image usage with the ability to block images instantly to individual sites or IP addresses

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➤ Customisable ‘right-click’ protection encourages traceable use of you images

➤ yoshki™ allows total control from the central or master image, any changes centrally are instantly made to all linked images throughout the whole of the Internet, change one, change all

– No time delays or people resources required to implement changes

– Easily change terms and conditions, disclaimers, etc

– Change sponsorship or event branding instantly before or after the event with complete consistency

– Change pricing, product information, service or product specifi cations by state, country or geographic region

– Add or change promotional information or collateral at the click of a mouse

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yoshki™RADAR Web - POLICE the use of Brand assets online

➤ RADAR Web locates, identifi es and allows trained operators to categorise a company’s logos, images and marketing collateral throughout the Internet

➤ Automatically makes contact with all websites displaying the company’s content to move to a ‘yoshki™’ linked URL to build a consistent global brand image.

➤ Identifi es websites and individuals infringing copyright and reports to the brand owner.

➤ yoshki™ allows brand owners to track the level of brand activity on 3rd party websites

➤ yoshki™ provides the brand owners with an extensive and customisable database of image use

➤ Identify the success of promotions, pricing changes, new products etc

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yoshki™RADAR Toxic - PROTECTS locates Phishing, Fraudulent & Copycat Sites

➤ Quickly locates and identifi es logos, images and marketing collateral being illegally used

➤ Proactively fi lters, collates and constantly reverse searches spam emails and the corresponding websites

➤ Identifi es the source and determines the impact

➤ Captures screen shots and proof for evidence

➤ Reports to the brand owner or if instructed yoshki™LEGAL team

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yoshki™LEGAL - ENFORCE your Brand’s Rights’

Yoshki LEGAL is a subscription based optional service. Whilst many organizations have legal teams not all have specialist investigators, forensic accountants and media lawyers who are able to successfully prosecute globally.

➤ UK Private Criminal Prosecutions and Worldwide Civil prosecutions both with 100% success rate

➤ Versed in SCP (Situational Crime Prevention)

➤ Liaise with Law Enforcement Agencies Worldwide

➤ Freeze the worldwide assets of criminals and obtain fi nancial compensation for brand owners

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Summary - yoshki™ Returning ControlCorporations have a duty of care and cannot afford to put the consumers’ trust in its brand at risk by assuming the Internet is just too big to police. yoshki™ offers a series of tools which swiftly and effectively identify the misuse of a brand’s assets and gives the ability to reclaim control over the Internet.

➤ Criminals will continue to target well–known and established brands, nationally, regionally or globally as it is a simple way to gain consumer trust as a smokescreen for the deception.

➤ Brand owners will continue to seek to enhance and develop the brand value in an increasingly globalised and online market.

➤ yoshki™ minimises the ‘window of opportunity’ for criminals to damage the brand through illegal sales or phishing activity for fraud.

How safe is your brand?




Helping Organisations

For some industries, such as pharmaceuticals, it is not just a question of brand protection, but protecting people. Counterfeiters are easily obtaining digital assets and logos in order to create websites and products which appear to be genuine.There have been frequent reports of people suffering due to counterfeit drugs with either none, or too little, of the active ingredients resulting in further complications and even deaths. A United Nations report recently stated that counterfeiting of drugs was projected to cost the Pharmaceutical Industry $75 Billion in 2010 and that 90% of fake drugs were being sold online.

In the Banking and Financial Services sector there is a clear danger from the massive amount of phishing emails and fake websites which attempt to steal personal identity and banking details. Although only a relatively tiny percentage of such emails are responded to, the end result is the loss of billions of dollars in fraud around the world.

How safe is your brand?



Major Brands in the Retail Sector provide endless targets for fraudsters and the sale of counterfeit or fake goods. Many Brands think that without the tools to defend themselves, online fraud is a ‘cost of sale’ that has to be tolerated. If the level of lost revenues could be reduced by 30%, 50%, 75%, what effect could that have on the bottom line and the share price of the targeted companies? What effect would it have on the job security of their employees?

Large Public Sector and Government organisations may believe themselves an unlikely target for online attacks, however, as the BBC found recently, any well known brand can be abused by criminals. In the case of the BBC, their BBC News website was cloned in May 2010 to apparently endorse a Chinese weight-loss herbal tea. Consumers were fooled that the genuine BBC collateral meant that they could trust the claims.

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Helping Organisations The British Government’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) are the frequent target for tax-refund and self assessment scams, again supported by genuine digital collateral taken easily and untraceably from the HMRC website.

Therefore, any brand or organisation which has invested time and effort in creating a perception of value and trust with consumers or other businesses is liable to be targeted in some way. As demonstrated criminals will target the least protected brands that give them the best return for their effort with the least risk of early detection and prosecution

The only protection is to implement the yoshki™ solution to proactively prevent the problem arising in the fi rst place.

How safe is your brand?




How will Criminals respond to Brands using yoshki™? Clearly with billions of dollars at stake criminals will not give up on looking for means to use the internet illegally.

So what are the choices that a criminal faces in trying to steal brand collateral to create a fake websites?

Firstly, they could use a yoshki™ linked image delivered from an authorised server. In this case the request would be recorded on the yoshki™Reporting Database (YRD) and would provide a cue for a trained operator to visually check and verify the site as legitimate or not. If an illegal site is identifi ed, then the agreed policy with the Brand Owner would be implemented to close the site as quickly as possible which is generally within 48 hours.

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Alternatively, if the new site appeared to be legitimate but subsequently was used as the destination for spam or phishing emails, the YRD would report the abnormal increase in activity for that image and notify the operator. In parallel it is likely that the yoshki™Radar Toxic service would be receiving the same spam emails which would report that the site was acting illegally. Obviously these alarms would trigger an agreed policy to close the site down.

Another threat is that some fake sites act in stealth mode, not advertising their presence through emails but relying instead on customers coming to them through search engines. In normal circumstances this prolongs their existence until customers begin to complain and notify the brand owner or authorities.

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How will Criminals respond to Brands using yoshki™?

If the criminal has tried to avoid using a yoshki™ linked image and instead created a new version by screen grabs or even through programmes like PhotoShop, then yoshki™RADAR Web service will locate the site by ‘web crawling’ constantly, 24 hours a day 365 days a year for similar images which have been registered with yoshki™. Once identifi ed the yoshki™ operator will take the appropriate action to close the site as per normal instruction.

Discussions with law enforcement offi cers have informed us that most criminals prefer to take the ‘easy’ route and will avoid complications that increase the likelihood of detection and reduce the ‘return on investment’ Think of the analogy of a row of houses, the criminal will generally target the house that hasn’t got an alarm.

In the same way criminals will also learn to avoid brands protected by yoshki™ and transfer their efforts to unprotected brands.

How safe is your brand?



How safe is your brand?



Power Software Solutions LtdAtlantic House, Imperial Way, Reading, RG2 0TD. UK

UK tel: 0845 467 5958 | Int. tel : +44 (0)1206 224 564

email: enquiries@yoshki.com


Yoshki is a registered trademark of Power Software Solutions Ltd. Registered in England & Wales No. 7102208