Yonix presents: Building Business Capability

Post on 19-May-2015

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Building Business Capability Improving business solutions analysis and design for smarter, more agile decisions and higher levels of performance.This presentation discusses business analysis, business rules and business processes and the need to converge practices to deliver well aligned business capabilities. Further advances are required than what currently exists in business architecture, analysis, process design and business analysis tools and methodologies. This session addresses the how to of improving business solutions analysis and design for smarter, more agile decisions and higher levels of performance.

Transcript of Yonix presents: Building Business Capability

Building Business CapabilityImproving business solutions analysis and design for smarter, more agile decisions and higher levels of performance

Presented By

Jody Bullen jody.bullen@yonix.com


• 10+ years working in Software Development

• Worked on both technical and business teams

• Variety of projects

• Business Technology Analyst

• Computerworld Award for Overall Excellence 2008

• BA of the Year 2009

• Founder and CEO of Yonix

• NZ High Tech Awards Finalist


• How to improve business solutions analysis and design for smarter, more agile decisions and higher levels of performance

Learning Outcomes

• Business Environment• Capability• Processes • Rules • Analysis• Convergence• Improving capability


• Globalisation• Sustainability• Cloud / Web 2.0• Recession• Talent

Business Environment

Competitive pressuresTo which is your company most exposed?


What are your objectives for next budget cycle?

“The ability to execute a specified course of action”en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capability_(systems_engineering)

“The sum of expertise and capacity”www.ifmp.vic.gov.au/index.php

“This knowledge, skill, ability, or characteristic

associated with desirable performance” www.cchra-ccarh.ca/en/phaseIIreport/glossary.asp


Capabilities Create the Link to Business Strategy

• People work together to get things done

• Leaders foster shared mindset

• Orchestrate talent

• Encourage change

• Collaborate

• Learn

• Hold each other accountable

Organisation Capability


Capability Elements




Information and Communication Technologies



• Activities that produce a specific service or product

• Performs or implements its capabilities

• Often expressed as models such as Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN)

Business processes

Business Rules

How they converge



Organisation Context

Project Context

Objectives Objectives

So what is Business AnalysisBody of Knowledge (BABOK® Guide) 2.0 (section 1.2) is,

“Business analysis is the set of tasks and techniques used to work as a liaison among stakeholders in order to understand the structure, policies, and operations of an organisation, and to recommend solutions that enable the organisation to achieve its goals.”







• Organisation

• Teams / Functions

• Tasks / Activities

• Customers

Business value stack



BA Value Stack: Value

Improved organisational effectiveness and / or competiveness

BA Value Stack: Purpose

To improve organisational effectiveness and / or competiveness

BA Value Stack: Objectives• Reduce Costs

• Improve Productivity

• Improve Information Quality

• Support Business Diversification

• Increase Market Share

The BA Value Stack: Capability• BA Approach• Stakeholder Analysis• Plan, Monitor and Report• Measure Performance • Conduct Requirements Elicitation • Manage Requirements• Manage Traceability• Package Requirements, • Re-use• Communicate Requirements

And many more…..

BA Value Stack: Outputs• Business Case

• Business Rules

• Business Processes

• Approved, Validated and Prioritised Requirements

• Solution Assessments

• Requirements Traceability Matrix,

• Technical Design

And many more…..

BA Value Stack: Activities• Analysis Planning & Performance

• Enterprise Analysis

• Requirements Elicitation

• Requirements Analysis

• Requirements Management & Communication

• Solution Assessment & Validation

BA Value Stack: Enablers• Frameworks

• Methodologies

• Tools

• Increased Complexity

• Increased pressure for better, faster, cheaper

• Information overload

• Undefined / Unrecognised BA Roles

• Inconsistent skills

• Mixed talent pool

• Project focused

Today’s Challenges

• Lack of defined processes

• Inconsistent practices and tools

• Disparate enterprise knowledge and artefacts

• Silo approaches and deliverables

• Convergence with other practices

• Low levels of collaborate with BA peers

• Know what to do, but not necessarily how to do it.

Today’s Challenges cont..

So just how connected are BAs?LinkedIn Groups Members

IIBA 16,288

Modern Analyst 22,536

Business Intelligence Professionals 57,124

Project Management Link - www.pmlink.org


ITIL v2 / v3 Service Management (ITSM) and ISO 20000

37 484

Software Testing & Quality Assurance 47,539

• Building on recognition

• Uniquely positioned

• Improvement

• Transition

• Organisational

• Connected

• Leaders to shine

Today’s Opportunities

Capability Value


We can do better…..

• Good requirements increase likelihood of success

• Poor requirements still leading cause of project failure

• Organisations with poor business requirement capability will have three times as many project failures as successes*

• 60% time and budget premium from poor requirements*

• 41.5% of budget consumed by unnecessary or poorly specified requirements*

So why the need to change?

Effective business requirementsare achieved only by getting theright content in a consistentformat using a clear process

Cut to the chase


• Identify the highest-level capabilities

• Decomposed into lower-level capabilities

• Identify requirements in capability areas

• Identify the elements that are required to deliver capability? Assess capability? All there?

• What enablers do we need?

Improving Capability

Do the Business Analysis on Business Analysis

Individual Organisation

Functional Competencies Business Capabilities

Leadership Competencies Organisational Capabilities

The path to improved capability

The path to improved capability







BA Tools Sets

Policies &





Professional Development

Standards &


Recruitment Policy

Governance & Management

• Start now, gather feedback, increment

• Show leadership

• Learn from others

• Discuss with peers• Competency / Skills Models (IIBA and others)• Books• White papers• BA Centre of Excellence (BACoE)

• Converge with other practices (EA, PM, PMO, Dev, Test)

The path to improved capability

• Strive for capability, not individual competencies

• Bottom Up Approach

• Look for opportunities

• Need to look beyond the BACoE to converged, highly connected and integrated practices.

• We need to be more…

• Connected

• Effective

• Adaptable

• Transparent

• Capable

The path to improved capability


Jody Bullenjody.bullen@yonix.com

Thank You