Yoga Unit - Middle School

Post on 23-Dec-2014

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Yoga unit PPT for middle school w/ a focus on athletic feedback.

Transcript of Yoga Unit - Middle School

*Take off your shoes and then sit in “starting pose” in your own space free of others and

away from walls.


stant A




Strength, balance, and flexibility can be achieved through continual feedback.


*Quick History of Yoga

*The history of yoga can be traced back to India over five thousand years ago. Its roots are found in the Vedic period, approximately 5000 BCE, and specifically in the Rig Veda - the oldest written book in the world.

*The word “yoga” is a Sanskrit term that has many meanings. The word itself is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj – "to yoke or harness."

*In India, one would bring an ox under control by harnessing it to a wagon. This is a metaphor used to describe the process of yoga. It is a method for training and uniting the body, mind and spirit.

*If you want to get here…

*…you have to start here.

*Today’s Target:I can breathe correctly during exercise as well as give feedback on how others can breathe more effectively.

*What is Feedback?

*Feedback is giving of evaluative or corrective information about an action, event, or process.*Basically – advice designed to correct or improve

*Child’s Pose (Balasana)• Toes Back

• Bottom on Feet• Hands/Forehead Flat on Floor

I can breathe correctly during exercise as well as give feedback on how others can breathe more effectively.

*Cobra (Bhujangasana)

• Open Chest• Spine Extended• Toes Back• Thighs Flat on Floor

I can breathe correctly during exercise as well as give feedback on how others can breathe more effectively.

*Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

• Head Down• Legs and Arms Straight• Feet Flat

I can breathe correctly during exercise as well as give feedback on how others can breathe more effectively.

*Upward Dog• Open Chest• Head Up• Spine Extended• Thighs OFF Floor

I can breathe correctly during exercise as well as give feedback on how others can breathe more effectively.

*Performance of Understanding

Week 1

*Partner up and take turns giving feedback on each other’s breathing techniques.

*0 – meets none of criteria

*1 – has 1 of 3 criteria

*2 – has 2 of 3 criteria

*3 – Inhale through nose, exhale through mouth, stomach enlarges with inhale

*Take off your shoes (optional) and then find a

spot in the room and practice one of the poses

from the week before.


stant A




*Today’s Target:

I can give feedback to correct mine and other’s form which will improve balance and stability.


*Balance*An ability to stabilize and maintain a desired body position.

*Balance can also be thought of as correct, or efficient, positioning of a body part or the entire body. 


*For each pose that focuses on balance you will give or be given feedback about how you can improve, and thus be better balanced.

*But first, what does corrective feedback looks like…

*1. Its Constructive – “Here's what you could do.”

*2. Its Positive –


*Stear clear of negative language

(“no”, “nope”, “you’re wrong”)

*3. Its Specific – What specifically can

they do better?

*Tree (Vrksasana) • Back straight. • One leg bent. • One leg straight.

*Eagle• Arms and legs crossed• Knees bent• Spine elongated

*Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

• Feet wide apart.• Back foot facing out. • Front foot facing forward. • Bend until knee almost over foot (never stretch past).

*Firefly (Tittibhasana)• Squat with soles of feet touching.

• Place hands in between legs and reach back. • Elbows should be close to inside of knees.

*Crane (Bakasana)

*Performance of Understanding

Week 2

*Give one example of feedback on balance you either gave or were given that was positive and one example of feedback that was corrective.

*Practice one of the poses from the class before.


stant A




*Today’s Target:

I can give feedback to correct mine and other’s form which will improve overall flexibility.


*Muscles’ ability to stretch in order to increase body’s range of motion.


*Can improve mobility in sporting events as well as everyday activities.

*Allows for natural alignment of the body to be maintained throughout the day

*Prevents or decreases pain or injury.

*Increased circulation of blood

*Helps with muscle repair

*Standing Forward Bend (Pādahastāsana)

• Legs straight• Head tucked• Arms relaxed• BREATHE!

*Bridge I (Chakrāsana I)• Feet, hands, and shoulders flat

• Core tight and raised• BREATHE!

*Bridge II (Chakrāsana II) • Hands and feet flat

• Looking down• BREATHE!!!

*Bow (Dhanurāsana)

• Chest and neck extended• Arms straight• BREATHE!!!

*Camel (Uṣṭhāsana)

• Toes pointed• Arms straight• BREATHE!!!!

*Performance of Understanding

Week 3

*Give one example of feedback on flexibility you either gave or were given that was positive and one example of feedback that was corrective.

*Practice one of the poses that improved flexibility

from the week before.


stant A





*Today’s Target:

I can give feedback to correct mine and other’s form which will improve overall strength.

*Chair (Utkatasana)

*Plank (Svanasana)

*Boat (Ardha Navāsana)

*Shoulder Stand (Salamba)

*Headstand (Salamba Sirsasana)

*Performance of Understanding

Week 4

*Give one example of feedback on flexibility you either gave or were given that was positive and one example of feedback that was corrective.

*Practice one of the poses that improved strength from

last week


stant A




I can use my ‘Yoga for Heart’ record sheet to give feedback to

my sponsors.

*Today’s Target:

*Yoga For Heart

*Performance of Understanding

Week 5

*Turn in yoga for heart record sheet.

*Practice one of the poses from the week before.


stant A




*Today’s Target:

*Performance of Understanding

Week 6