Yoga Asana for balance

Post on 10-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Yoga Asana for balance


By- Jatin Sharma M.P.Ed 1 Year


A spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practiced for health and relaxation.


Virabhadrasana III


Ardha Candrāsana


Etymology : The name comes from the Sanskrit words vriksa or vriksha “tree”

Method : From Tadasana, weight is shifted to one leg, for example, starting with the left leg. The entire sole of the foot remains in contact with the floor. The right knee is bent and the right foot placed on the left inner thigh, or in half lotus position. In either foot placement, the hips should be open, with the right knee pointing toward the right, not forward. With the toes of the right foot pointing directly down, the left foot, center of the pelvis, shoulders and head are all vertically aligned. Hands are typically held above the head either pointed directly upwards and unclasped, or clasped together in Anjali mudra.

VRIKSASANA Benefits : Concentration ,

strengthens the ankles, tones the muscles of the legs, back and chest, brings balance .

Precautions :The sole of the lifted foot should be placed above or below the standing knee, but not directly on the side of it. Placing the foot adjacent to the knee places pressure on the leg in a direction which could cause injury because the knee does not flex parallel to the frontal plane. Additionally, raising the arms above the head for any length of time may involve risks for persons with high blood pressure. The arms can be held at chest height in anjali mudra for those at risk, or simply to relax the effort of the asana.

VIRABHADRASANA III Etymology: The myth is that the,

the powerful priest Daksha,made a great yagna(ritual sacrifice) but did not invited his youngest daughter Sati and her husband Shiva, the supreme ruler of the universe. But Sati found out and decided to go alone to the yagna. But when she arrived, Sati entered into an argument with her father. But unable to withstand the insults she spoke a vow to her father, “Since it was you who gave me this body I no longer wish to be associated with it.” She walked to the fire and threw herself into it. When Shiva heard of Sati’s death, he was devastated. He yanked out a lock his hair and beat it into the ground, where up rose a powerful Warrior. Shiva named this warrior, Virabhadra. Vira (hero) + Bhadra (friend) and ordered him to go to the yagna and destroy Daksha and all his guests.

VIRABHADRASANA III Method : Starting from Tāḍāsana,

The arms are stretched up, palm touching. Inhaling spread the legs sideways by jumping or stepping, creating a gap of 2/3 body height. Exhaling turn the trunk facing to the left while rotating the left foot 90° so it faces forward and the right foot so it points slightly to the right. Bend the left knee till the thigh is parallel to the floor, avoid extending the bent knee past the ankle and keeping the other leg straight. Stretch the right leg, with the knee locked. The head, chest, left knee and left foot should be aligned facing forward. The head should be bent back and up with the eyes facing the hands. Hold the asana from one to four breaths. Return to Step 4 repeat on the other side.

VIRABHADRASANA III Benefits :Tones the

leg muscles, Strengthens the legs, ankles, shoulders and back Improves posture, Improves agility , Contracts the abdominal organs

Precautions :This asana should be avoided by practitioners who have a weak heart, Tight hamstring , Weak abdominal or spinal muscles.

ARDHA CANDRĀSANA Etymology: The name comes from the Sanskrit

words Ardha meaning "half", Candra or Chandra (चन्द्र) meaning "moon" or "luminous, as in the light from the moon“.

Method: Perform Extended Triangle Pose to the right side, Rest your left hand on the left hip. Inhale, bend right knee, and slide left foot forward to a maximum of 12 inches, Simultaneously, place your right hand at least 12 inches forward ahead of right foot’s little toe, palm facing down. traighten right leg and simultaneously lift left leg parallel (or a little more) to the floor. Push left foot out and keep raised leg steady. Keep knee soft, but straight. Turn your body to the left and bear the body’s weight with the standing leg; balance. Now, touch the floor with the lower hand. Find new balance by lifting the ankle of the standing foot upward as if drawing energy towards the groin from floor; press the spine and shoulder blades against the torso, and lengthen the groin toward the raised heel. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.Exhale and lower the raised leg to the floor, and return to Trikonasana.

ARDHA CANDRĀSANA Benefits : Expands

your chest and shoulders. Increases mobility of your hip joints. Increases neck mobility. Lengthens your spinal muscles. Strengthens and tones muscles of your thighs and calves. Traditionally thought to improve digestion and menstruation, relieve stress and aid in healing diseases of your legs.

Precautions :Not to be done by people having back pain and survical.

NATARAJASANA Etymology: The name comes from

the Sanskrit words nata meaning "dancer", raja meaning "king“. Nataraja is one of the names given to the Hindu God Shiva in his form as the cosmic dancer.

Method: Stand straight on your yoga mat and arms by your Sides. While inhaling bend your right leg backwards and hold with your right ankle with right hand. Try to move your right leg upwards as much as you can. Extend your left arm straight out in front. In the beginning you can take help another person. Hold this posture for 20 – 30 seconds and keep breathing normally. Now slowly come back to starting position. Repeat this with left leg then right leg. Like this you can practice for 3-4 repetition.

NATARAJASANA Benefits: This is a

balance asana that strengthens the legs. Helps to reduce weight. It also is a full body stretch which engages the shoulders, chest and abdomen, strengthens the thigh and calf muscles, knees and ankles, hips and spine, and develops concentration and grace.

Precautions :Those suffering from low blood pressure should not practice Natarajana.

End Of Presentation .Thank you for your patience