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Transcript of ,yll - AC Transitactransit.org/wp-content/uploads/board_memos/17-095 BRT... · 2017. 4. 21. ·...

,yll .JM Report No:Meeting Date


April 26, 2017

Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District



AC Transit Board of Directors

Michael A. Hursh, General Manager

East Bay Bus Rapid Transit Project Progress Report



Consider receiving monthly construction progress and budget update on the East Bay Bus RapidTransit (BRT) Project.


The program and project administration for the BRT Project is comprised of four main areas ofeffort: design services, construction management, infrastructure and station platformconstruction and community outreach/public engagement. This report includes an update onthe construction progress, the project budget and the community outreach efforts in support ofconstruction.

BP3 Project Construction

Construction Schedule

The construction project is forecasted to be approximately one-year behind schedule.Substantial construction completion and start of revenue service is anticipated by late thirdquarter 2018 with project completion expected by the end of the year. District staff is reviewingthe updated baseline schedule from the contractor in an effort to explore constructionalternatives and other schedule mitigation measures that would allow the project to bedelivered sooner. Staff is evaluating alternatives such as working extended hours, weekends orat night as well as examining more efficient ways to sequence work, build components anddeploy crews. The accumulation of this schedule analysis, along with an updated cost tocomplete analysis, willform the basis for what willbecome the project's Healthy Start Initiative-Project Completion Plan ("the Plan"). The Plan, due by mid-May 2017, is intended to addressthe schedule and cost implications resulting from the delayed start of construction and confirma new Revenue Service Date(RSD) and project cost to complete. The goalof the Plan is to reachagreement between District and contractor on schedule modifications and cost adjustmentsneeded to deliver the project, establish a viable contingency funding plan to address theincreased cost requirements and implement schedule mitigations to achieve the new RSD,

which willrequire FTA approvalto implement.

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£9nstruction Progress

Major construction to build the BRT infrastructure and station platforms is focused oninstallation of new signal and street light pole foundations, conduit trenching to connect newlights and signals and construction of new curb ramps, curb bulbs and sidewalk improvements.As of April 3, 20].7, work is being performed in Zones 8, 10, 12 and 14. EBMUD water-mainline

relocation also started the week of April 10 in Zone 14. Progress to date has been significantlyimpacted by utility conflicts and slowed by lengthy periods of wet weather. The Project Teamhas successfully developed contingency plans with the contractor to continue work in otherareas while utility conflict issues get resolved to avoid work stoppage. Effort to date is reflectedbelow

Zone 12 - Along IB 82nd Ave to 94th Ave - 19% completeZone 10 -- Along IB 62nd Ave to 71st Ave - 4% completeZone 8 - Along IB 41st Ave to 52nd Ave -- 6% completeZone 14-- Along e. 14th St. Garcia Ave to San Leandro Blvd -just started; 0% complete

Tree Remova[s - A]]required tree remova]s for Phases ]and 2, Zones 8 through].4, have beencompleted. The remaining tree removals in Phase 4, Zones 3 and 4 will be completed by theend of 3rd quarter 2017.

Utility Verification - Utility verification activity is ongoing in the downtown Oakland area andwill continue eastward toward the Fruitvale District with expected completion by the end ofApril 2017.

Construction Management

To date, staff has processed a total of 387 submittals (including revisions) and 283 Requests-for-Information (including responses). District staff has assigned a dedicated Utility Managerto resolve issues with utility agencies and a dedicated Quality Assurance Manager to monitorconstruction quality in the project. Staff has also initiated the Systems Activation Groupresponsible for planning, implementing, testing and validating of the BRT communicationssystem

Community Outreach and Public Engagement

The outreach team continues its proactive outreach efforts along the BRT corridor on a dailybasis including in-person visits with key stakeholders and businesses, emailand phone requestsfor opportunities to provide update presentations, and participation in community events alongthe corridor.

During the month of March, the outreach team focused on the following key outreach items

Ongoing door to door outreach focused on Zones 8, 10, 12 and 14 before and during preconstruction and major construction activities.

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Construction Notifications

e Distributed 72 Hour construction notification door hangers in Zone 14 on March 23rdand 24"'

fQDmunity Events, Meetings and Presentations for the month of March

March 14th: Allen Temple Arms I & ll Senior Living FacilityMeetingMarch 15th: Oakland Sustainable Neighborhood InitiativeDevelopment & Workforce Work GroupMarch 27th: San Leandro State of City Address

Residents' Council

IOSNt) Economic


Electronic Comm unications

An eNews titled "March Construction Update" was sent on March 3rd and "BRTStation Art" was sent on March 24th. Social Media updates are ongoing severaltimes per week.

EfgigfU:Qbor Agreement/ Construction Careers Policv

Below are the most recent numbers as they relate to the Project Labor Agreementand Construction Careers Policy.

Data as of2/28/2017











Utility Relocation-complete

fruitvale Bypass-comDlete









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Program Budget

The baseline budget for the BRT project per the SmallStarts Grant Agreement is$174,167,885.Added to that amount are the Partner Agency Contributions of $1.64 million. Also added areadditionalgrant funds staff continues to seek to cover contingency needs totaling$5,617,105.This additionalfunding consists of new Cap & Trade awards and l-Bond funding redirected fromother District projects. The contributions and new funding give an overalltotalof$181,424,650,representing a 4.1% increase over baseline budget.

Construction Management Budget

Table I below indicates the four major professional services Contractors' budgets supportingthe BRT Construction project.

Table 1 - Project Management and Construction Budgets

Construction Budget

Cost and schedule are the two critical factors affecting the planned project constructionbudget. Within the Program budget, the District has allocated sufficient budget to pay the$108.1 million contracted construction bid cost of the BP3 construction project, inclusive of theSan Leandro Transit Center ($3.2 million) improvements. The adjusted total BRT Programbudget, total committed costs and the available program contingency are shown in Table 2below. Staff is implementing a revised budget plan to build upon the 2% contingency to asufficiently higher amount in order to ensure successfuland timely delivery of the project.

Table 2 Current Program Budget Summary

1) Total Program Budget (Existing Grants +Partner Agency Contributions + New Grants)

2) Committed Costs 1-2) Unallocated


$181,424,650 $177,694, 208 $3,730,442

Service Provided by Vendor

Design Services During Construction (ParsonTransportation Group)

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Much of this report is a monthly update and there are no associated advantages ordisadvantages. However, regarding the Contingency Budget, staff anticipates returning to theBoard for direction to pursue any proposed project scope reductions or eliminations to supportbuilding a higher contingency budget for the BRT Program.


There is no alternative analysis required for this report




1. Active Construction Zone Map2. Construction Photos

Approved by:

Reviewed by:Ramakrishna Pochiraju, Acting Executive Director of Planning and Engineering

David Wilkins, BRT Program DirectorClaudia Allen, Chief FinancialOfficer

Beverly Greene, Director of Legislative Affairs and Community RelationsChris Andrichak, Director of Management and BudgetMitra Moheb, Senior Project ManagerClaudia Burgos, External Aff airs RepresentativeMahendra Patel, Senior Project ManagerWilliam Toms, Senior Project Manager

Prepared by:

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Construction Photos

Zone 12 - Along IB 82nd Ave to 94th Ave: Concrete Pour 87th Ave SW

SR 17-095 Attachment 2

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Zone 10 - Along IB 62nd Ave to 71st Ave: Curb Ramp Assessment

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Zone 8 - Along IB 41st Ave to 52nd Ave: Concrete Pour 42nd Ave and 45th Ave

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Zone 14- Along e. 14th St. Garcia Ave to San Leandro Blvd: Concrete Pour e. 14th and Chumalia


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