Year 3 Curriculum Consolidation Inspirational People · I would like you to choose 3 services which...

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Transcript of Year 3 Curriculum Consolidation Inspirational People · I would like you to choose 3 services which...

Year 3 Curriculum Consolidation Monday 15th June – Sunday 21st June

Inspirational People

School Website Year 3 Class Page:

The focus of the next two weeks is ‘Inspirational People’. I am sure you have been inspired by so many people throughout your lives, and even more so with the recent events. There are so many who are currently working tirelessly to keep our world turning, to provide us with a good quality of

life. These are our unsung heroes. Each day you will focus on a different inspirational service, some of which you may not know much information about. This is your opportunity to delve into

the lives of these inspiring people.

English (Reading/Writing)

Day Tasks to be done at your discretion over the next two weeks



I would like you to choose 3 services which you feel are inspirational to you. With

each service, I would like you to find out the following information:

- What is the service?

- Who works for the service? - How does the service help people? - Why is it inspirational?

Using this information, write a few sentences about each service describing what you have found out. This can include who they are, what they do and why they are

inspirational. You may wish to draw/add pictures, labelling them to describe what is happening and who it is showing. When researching, consider what it may be like to work for one of these services. How would you feel? How are you helping others?

Reading Eggs

Today, can you log on to Reading Eggs using your personal login? Have a go at registering and seeing

what exciting things you can do using Reading Eggs! I cannot wait to hear what amazing things you discover using this incredible resource!


Who is Grace Darling? Grace Darling was the first woman to be awarded

for bravery by the RNLI. Watch the video clip below to find out all about who Grace Darling is. I would like you to find out about her life and

consider why she was an inspirational person. A fact file has also been uploaded to This Week’s Learning to support your research.

Aim to answer the following:

1. Who was Grace Darling? 2. What was Grace Darling's everyday life like?

3. What did Grace Darling do to make her famous? 4. How did Grace Darling become famous? 5. Why do we remember Grace Darling?

6. What can we learn from Grace Darling's example?

Task: Write a diary entry from Grace Darling’s point of view, describing the events as she rode out to sea in the storm. What happened? How did she feel during the events?

How did she feel afterwards? Describe how her senses react; what can she hear, see, smell, touch, taste? You will be writing the diary entry as Grace so remember to use first person prounouns such as I, me, and my. Don’t forget to refer to our

non-negotiables when writing. They can be found at the end of these tasks.


As an extra challenge, could you use the following words in your task above?

perished determined fearless

Reading Eggs

Make sure you log on to Reading Eggs today to begin discovering more exciting things to read. I am so

excited to hear about how much you are enjoying this super resource!


Spelling sentences


The NHS belongs to us all. Recently, you may have clapped alongside your neighbours…but how much do you really know about the NHS? Watch the short

video below to find out more about the NHS:

Today you are going to be finding out lots more about the NHS. The NHS is made up of so much more than doctors and nurses. There are so many people which help to make a difference. For this week’s task I would like you to:

1. Find out about the different roles within the NHS – it is not just doctors and

nurses who you see on the frontline. Uploaded is a PowerPoint about working

in the NHS. It tells the story of Sophie and Ajay who both need help! Who do they meet and what roles do they play in the NHS?

2. Whilst completing task one, you will have come across roles which you would like to know more about. I would like you to select one role and find out all

about it. What is life really like as a children’s nurse or a pharmacist for example? What does a ‘typical day’ look like in this role? Use website 1 to help along with others.

Imagine you work in the NHS in your chosen role and are being interviewed

about your work. Write a few sentences/short paragraph to answer each question using your research:

Reading Eggs

How many things have you

discovered in the last couple of

days using Reading Eggs?

Have you been reading fiction or

non-fiction books?


Reading tasks

Uploaded in This Week’s Learning are a selection of reading comprehensions about

inspirational people. I would like you to select one which is of interest to you to complete. Answers are also available for you to mark your work.

Option 1: Captain Tom Moore

Option 2: Florence Nightingale

Option 3: Stephen Hawking

Option 4: Usain Bolt

Reading Eggs

Wow…I have read so many exciting things on Reading Eggs, I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am! Have you logged in today?


Spelling test Let’s thank our unsung heroes

This week you have learnt all about inspirational people from a range of services. This is your opportunity to thank a service which has touched your heart for

whatever reason!

Your task is to write a letter of courage, thanks and hope to a service of your choice showing your support. There are lots of examples of thank you letters to the NHS

online. It is your decision how you chose to present this work – be as creative as you like. When you are finished, could you read your letter to the people that live in

your house? Remember to include all the important features you would find in a letter such as; date, address, who to and who from. Reading Eggs

How many exciting texts have you managed to read this week? Which one did you enjoy the most? Keep logging in each and every day to explore as many

different texts as you can!


websites and


Website 1: NHS Careers

Mathematics: Time and counting in hundreds.

Day Tasks for Monday 15th – Friday 19th

Monday Monday: Power Maths practice book C pages 59-61

Tuesday Tuesday: Power Maths practice book C pages 62-64

Wednesday Wednesday: Power Maths practice book C pages 65-67

Thursday Thursday: Power Maths practice book C pages 68-70

Friday Friday: Power Maths practice book A pages 6-8

Useful websites

and resources:

**Please note: Power Maths books A and C to be collected from school **

Daily Mathletics challenge:

Please ensure you are continuing to log on and access the Mathletics challenges as they will really help with retention of taught mathematical concepts. I will be logging in every day to check your progress with these Year 3…keep up the

excellent work! Times Table Rockstars:

Well done for consistently working hard with your times tables. Have you completed a full ‘studio check’ recently in order to see how your speed has developed? Give it a

go and see how far you have come!

White Rose Maths:

The White Rose Maths Team has prepared a series of five maths lessons for each year group. They will be adding five more each week for the next few weeks. Every lesson comes with a short video showing you clearly and simply how to help your child to complete the activity successfully.

Creative Curriculum

Art and Design

Can you make your own alternative rainbow using the materials

in and around your home? You may wish to gather a selection

of nature resources or use different coloured books. See the link

below for further inspiration:

Design and Technology

Can you make your own emergency vehicle using materials which

can be found in your house? Think about how to make the

structure solid, how you can make moving wheels and how you

could add key features? Afterwards, test your emergency vehicle to

see how fast it can go and over which surfaces it can travel. Music

Watch the ‘Thank you NHS’ song below.

app=desktop I would like you to create your own verse for the song,

considering why you want to say thank you to the workers of the NHS.

Use your research from the week to help you with this.


The world we live in today would no doubt be a different place if it weren’t

for the amazing discoveries made by famous scientists of the past. Find out

about scientists from the past. This could be Marie-Curie, Alexander Fleming

or Thomas Edison. The choice is yours!

Create a poster about the scientist of your choice that has changed the world.

You may wish to include what they discovered and how they helped people.

Design and Technology & Science

Can you create your own life boat that can float in water? Use the

materials in your house to experiment and see which materials float.

Consider also which materials are waterproof and don’t absorb water.

Once you have done this, can you recreate the RNLI patterns and flags

on your boat? How can you make the flag stand up straight?

Watch the video below to find out more about floating and sinking!



Use the RNLI website to locate life boat stations on the east coast of Yorkshire. Where do they operate? You may want to use this opportunity to research the RNLI further. What does RNLI stand for?

Which is the RNLI? What do they do? How is it run?

There is lots of interesting information available on the RNLI website

to support you in this research:


Can you create a uniform for an inspirational person who helps us? Consider how visible the uniform would be. For example, can you

explore different materials to make a uniform which is reflective for a police officer? Also think about how easy and comfortable the uniform would be to work in. Could you draw and label the uniform

you have created? History

How can we remember the brave war heroes who fought for our safety and freedom? Soldiers inspire us with their bravery around the world every single day. Take a moment to reflect on how we can

remember and celebrate these heroes. Could you make your own memorial for these inspirational people? This could be through artwork or a simple poem. Let us remember them…


Close your eyes and think about all the people you have learnt about

this week, who dedicate their lives to others. How can we say thank you to God for their wonderful work in their lives? Could you write your own special prayer to God to say thank you? How do we begin and end

a prayer? What special people we have in God’s beautiful world!


Know your three, four and eight times tables. There are lots of videos online to help with this.

Read every day

Exercise daily Take the time to do something kind for someone you love!


During summer time, you may spend lots of time in and around water…but how do we keep safe around water? Use the following

link to discover more from the RNLI about how to keep safe around water. Could you create a poster telling other people how they can stay safe around water? I have also uploaded a Powerpoint to the

class page to help with this. Well done for always remembering to stay safe around water and spreading this important message!


Incredibly, Mozart composed his first piece of music when he was just five years of age! Could you try and make your own music using

the items in your home? Perhaps you could recreate the sounds of the beach, or a park? What could you use for the swaying of the trees or the sound of the sea washing up on the shore?

St Anthony’s Day

On the 13th June, we are celebrating St Anthony’s day! What do you know about the patron saint of our school? Can you find out the following?

- Who was St Anthony?

- Why is he inspirational?

- What does he carry with him?

- Why does he carry these items?

- What can we learn from St Anthony?

I have attached a link which you may find useful – the second video in

particular tells you lots about St Anthony.

To celebrate this special day, could you create a special piece of artwork which shows St Anthony or one of the special items in which he carries, such as the lilies? You may wish to write a prayer or poem to St Anthony,

or simply listen to stories and songs about him. Although we aren’t all together as a school to celebrate, let us celebrate him in spirit and faith.

How can I improve my writing?

Non-negotiables when writing

1. I can draft and write in narratives, creating settings, characters and plot. 2. I can proof-read for spelling errors and punctuation – including capital

letters and full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas for lists and apostrophes mostly correctly.

3. I can use the forms ‘a’ or ‘an’ according to whether the next word begins with a consonant or a vowel.

4. I can express time, place, and cause using co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions.

5. I can begin to use paragraphs as a way to group related material.

6. I can use headings and sub-headings to aid presentation.

7. I can use the present perfect form of verbs instead of the simple past.

Please ensure children are supervised whilst watching any of the suggested video clips online.