Year 2 Pack 6 Image result for melbourn primary...

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Don’t forget

there are toolkits on the school website

to support

children with spelling independently.

Contents Suggested Weekly Timetable

Reading text for the week

Spelling activity for the week


Reading – Task 1 (Vocabulary)

Writing – Task 1

Maths – Task 1



Here are some websites that you

can use to learn.

If you are watching videos on YouTube

use YouTube kids.

Make sure you are only playing games

that are appropriate for your age.

If anything worries you, you feel unsafe

or something scares you remember

that you must talk to a trusted adult.


Be kind online

Being positive and respectful online is key of using the

internet safely.

Remember to treat others as you would like to be treated.

During the day time, when you would usually be in

school, please use your devices only for learning.

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Reading – Task 2 (Summarise)

Writing – Task 2

Maths – Task 2


Reading – Task 3 (Retrieval)

Writing – Task 3

Maths – Task 3

Topic Activities

Squared Paper and Handwriting Paper


Suggested Page printing (to save ink)

4, 5, 8 – 36 (Daily tasks exclude 34 example text), 38 – 39 (squared and handwriting ‘paper’)

If your child is able to work from a computer screen into their books / on to paper, some of the tasks may not need to be printed – this is at your discretion.


Reading – Task 4 (Inference)

Writing – Task 4

Maths – Task 4


Reading – Task 5

Writing – Task 5

Maths – Task 5

Please note that ‘White Rose Maths Hub’ (the links for the maths lessons) are available

nationally therefore are experiencing busy times. If these are unavailable, try

again at a quieter time such as the afternoons.

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Reading Text Extract taken from ‘The hen who wouldn’t give up’ by Jill Tomlinson

Hilda was a hen – a small, brown, speckled hen – and she lived on Biddick’s Farm in a village called Little Dollop.

Hilda was very excited. Her Auntie had just hatched out five baby chicks. Hilda was dying to see them. The trouble was, her Auntie lived in Much Wallop, and that was five miles away. How was Hilda going to get there? It was too far to walk.

She sat in her favourite spot under the hedge and had a good think.

Suddenly Hilda perked up her head. Of course! She would have to get a lift.

She squeezed through the hedge and hurried down the muddy lane form the farm.

“There’ll be loads of cars and things on the main road,” she said to herself. “I’ll be in Much Wallop in no time. Won’t Auntie be surprised to see me!”

But when Hilda reached the road there was nothing in sight.

“Perhaps I shall find something further on,” she thought, and set off in the direction of Much Wallop.

She was in luck. Just around the corner there was a row of cottages, and parked in front of them was a big, green, lorry thing.

It was rather an odd box-like shape, with an open half-door at the back. Hilda hopped on to this and peered inside. She could not see very clearly, but it seemed to be full of torn packets and ashes and old tins. It smelled very nasty.

Still, this was no time to be fussy. Hilda hopped daintily down and settled on an old cornflake packet. There were a few cornflakes left in it. Hilda was very fond of cornflakes.

She was just finishing the last one when she had a terrible shock. There was a great clanging and banging, and then a shower of horrible things was poured on top of her!

She was battered and bumped by rotten apples and sticky baked-bean tins and spikey fishbones and – ugh! – all sorts of unspeakable things. Hilda was too shocked to squawk. She thought she was going to be buried alive.

At last it stopped, but worse was to come. A voice shouted, “All right, Bill! Up it goes!” and the whole thing began to tip up. This helped at first, because all the rubbish rolled off Hilda again and unburied her, but it went on tipping until all the rubbish rolled off Hilda again and unburied her, but it went on tipping until all the rubbish was piled at the other end of the cart, with Hilda, fluttering and furious, tumbled on top of it. It was bad enough to have dustbins emptied on her head, but to be turned upside down as well! It was too much.

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Spelling Activity Practise these spellings using the Look, Cover Write Check strategy or using an alternative

way from the Spelling Menu on the next page. Write each of the words into a sentence.


































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Monday – Reading Task 1 – Vocabulary

Read through the text – are there any words you don’t understand?

Write them down and try and work out the meaning. Use a dictionary or the internet. Try putting them in a different sentence to see if they make sense. Ask an adult.

Try and find the following words in the text

hurried fussy unburied too

cornflakes poured muddy

daintily peered speckled favourite

Sort these words into their word types

Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs

How many times does the word ‘Hilda’ appear in the text?

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Monday – Writing Task 1 Starter (Grammar)

This week in grammar we are looking at standard English.

Watch the video from the Year 2 team here –

The rule to remember today If it is talking about a certain object / place ‘the’ is used. Is that if a noun starts with a vowel you need to use ‘an’ if it starts with a consonant you need to use ‘a’. If it is talking about any object then ‘a’ or ‘an’ is used. Can you stop the one that doesn’t follow the rule?

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Main Task

This week’s English activities are based around ‘The snail and the whale’ by Julia Donaldson. Follow the link to hear the story or read the story if you have a copy of the book at home.

Watch the video from the Year 2 team here –

In the square boxes include describing words (adjectives) about the snail, what she is like as well as what she looks like. In the though bubbles include what you think the snail is thinking at times during the story.

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How did the whale feel?

Try to decide how the whale felt at different times during the story.

Where did he feel excited?

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Monday – Maths Task 1 Starter (Arithmetic)

Chilli 1

Complete one of the boxes.

Chilli 2

Complete both of the boxes.

Chilli 3

Time how long you take on box 1 then try to beat your score on box 2! (Remember it’s a bit of fun!)

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Video link: select week 3 lesson 1

This week we are recapping some past learning: Using number bonds

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Tuesday – Reading Task 2 – Explain

Try and explain the following words / phrases – use the text to help you with what they mean:



row of cottages





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Tuesday – Writing Task 2 Starter (Grammar)

This week in grammar we are looking at standard English.

Rearrange the words to form sentences.

you are when ? here coming

going you where ? are

sisters many how ? have you do

Watch this video to see if you can make your own sentences using co-ordinating conjunctions. This will help you with your newspaper on Friday.

and but so

They saw towering ice-bergs

The water was very cold

The snail noticed a fiery mountain

There were lots of loud speed boat

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Main Task

This week’s English activities are based around ‘The snail and the whale’ by Julia Donaldson. Follow the link to hear the story or read the story if you have a copy of the book at home.

Snail went on an amazing adventure – can you draw and describe some of the things she saw

Black rocks Icebergs

Cave beneath waves Fiery mountains / golden sand

Tourist beach Tropical island

The school Sky, sea and land

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Tuesday – Maths Task 2 Starter (Times tables)

Don’t forget to log onto Times Table Rockstars to practice your times tables and try to make your class win in the leader boards! (if you’re lost your log in email your teacher to get it sent to you)

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Video link: select week 3 lesson 2

This week we are recapping some past learning: Compare number sentences

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Wednesday – Reading Task 3 – Retrieval

Pick a level of challenge and find the answers in the text. Try writing your answers in full sentences.

Chilli 1

Chilli 2

Chilli 3

What does Hilda eat?

Where does Hilda live?

Where does Hilda want to go to?

Where in the village does Hilda live?

Why does Hilda want to go to Much Wallop?

How far does she need to travel?

Use the text to describe the vehicle Hilda gets in.

What is in the vehicle with Hilda?

What does Hilda squeeze through?

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Wednesday – Writing Task 3 Starter (Grammar)

Using pronouns.

A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun in a sentence.

Use these pronouns to complete the sentences.

I me they them we us

her you it he him she

The team was happy when _____ won the cup.

Lisa said _____ was please to see her nan.

When the girls walked in the snow _____ soon got cold.

Joe asked a lady the way to the shop. ___ told him how to get there.

Have you seen my kite? _____ was under the stairs.

Sam, Ted, Ben! Where are _____?

Sarah Turner, never heard of ______.

The boys stood in a huddle looking at Mr Cliff. _____ will never believe ______ will he?

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Main Task

This week’s English activities are based around ‘The snail and the whale’ by Julia Donaldson. Follow the link to hear the story or read the story if you have a copy of the book at home.

At each new place there seems to be danger or problems – write about each one.

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Wednesday – Maths Task 3 Starter (Arithmetic)

Chilli 1

Complete one of the boxes.

Chilli 2

Complete both of the boxes.

Chilli 3

Time how long you take on box 1 then try to beat your score on box 2! (Remember it’s a bit of fun!)

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Video link: select week 3 lesson 3

This week we are recapping some past learning: related facts

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Thursday – Reading Task 4 – Inference

Pick a level of challenge and find the answers in the text. Try writing your answers in full sentences.

Chilli 1

Chilli 2

Chilli 3

How does Hilda feel about her adventure?

Is it nice in the back of the vehicle?

What is the vehicle Hilda ends up in?

When Hilda reaches the road, how does she feel?

Describe how Hilda feels about finding the vehicle.

How does Hilda’s feeling change towards the vehicle?

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Thursday – Writing Task 4 Starter (Grammar)

Identify the correct spelling of each colour.

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Main Task

This week’s English activities are based around ‘The snail and the whale’ by Julia Donaldson. Follow the link to hear the story or read the story if you have a copy of the book at home.

Identify the features of a newspaper in the example given.


Newspaper name

Title of article



Quotes from people


Coordinating conjunction

Chronological order (the first thing first, leading to the last thing that happened)

Exclamation mark / question mark

Caption (usually found under the picture)

Commas in a list

3rd person (them, they, him, her)

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Thursday – Maths Task 4 Starter (Times tables)

Speedy Tables 1

x 5 12 11 1 7 9 8 6





Speedy Tables 2

x 5 12 11 1 7 9 8 6







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Video link: recap of column method


This week we are recapping some past learning: column addition

Pick a level of challenge and answer these questions using the column method.

Chilli 1

2 digit numbers no carrying

Chilli 2

3 digit numbers no carrying

Chilli 3

2 digit numbers with carrying

28 + 61 =

17 + 52 =

23 + 24 =

20 + 68 =

53 + 36 =

63 + 15 =

56 + 31 =

74 + 21 =

551 + 133 =

132 + 332 =

638 + 261 =

142 + 754 =

827 + 152 =

747 + 232 =

713 + 243 =

847 + 152 =

48 + 15 =

37 + 19 =

27 + 47 =

75 + 85 =

27 + 44 =

37 + 25 =

43 + 73 =

83 + 99 =


4 2

1 4

5 6

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Friday – Reading Task 5 Prediction – you have read the first part of the story. Give three different ideas of what might happen in the rest of the story. Think about Hilda and if she makes it where she wants to go. How else could she try to travel?

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Friday – Writing Task 5 Starter (Grammar)

This week in grammar we are looking at standard English.

Standard English is how we should write. It sounds more formal and may not be how we speak out loud. Identify the standard English sentences and non-standard English sentences below.

The first one is done for you.

They ain’t got nothing. Non-standard English

They haven’t got anything Standard English

Your turn:

I love the player who scored.

I love the player what scored.

We was there yesterday.

We were there yesterday.

Pass me them books!

Pass me those books!

I played well.

I played good.

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Main Task

This week’s English activities are based around ‘The snail and the whale’ by Julia Donaldson. Follow the link to hear the story or read the story if you have a copy of the book at home.

Watch the video from the Year 2 team here –

Today you need to create a newspaper article about the snail and the whale’s journey. You need to think about all the places they visited and the adventures they had. Try to include as much detail as possible. Use the examples written by Miss Barrett and Miss Luckett to help you.

Check list of things to include

Uses 3rd person (they, them, him, her)

Newspaper features (newspaper name, title of article, columns, picture, caption under picture)

Past tense

Give details of the events that happened using adjectives (describing words)

Explain feelings

Tell the events in the order they happened (chronological order)

Time conjunctions (first, next, last, then)

Coordinating conjunctions (and, but, so, because)

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Example Text:

MELBOURN MERCERY They’ve had a Whale of a time!

On Thursday 7th May, there was panic at the school when a whale washed up on shore. We took the time to interview the whale and the snail to find out how they ended up there.

“It all began when I decided to go on an adventure!” the snail reported. She explained that the pair visited an ocean with towering icebergs. The whale added, “It’s so cold there so we didn’t stay long.”.

After that, they travelled deep into the ocean. Whilst there they met stripy fish with feathery fins but they also met a dangerous shark. This spurred them on to continue their journey.

The blue-grey humpback whale and the small snail, friends for life.

This event scared the adventurous duo so they decided to go home. Snail didn’t live anywhere near the sea but luckily whale had plan. He used his tail like a helicopter and flew them both inland. This is how the unlikely friends landed in the playground of Melbourn Primary School.

Teachers, staff and children are working tirelessly to keep the whale alive in the playground. It is believed that local volunteers plan to build a whale sized swimming pool in the school grounds.

Please contact 017365WHALE if you noticed anything unusual that day.

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Friday – Maths Task 5 Starter (Can I still… use my number bonds)

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Problem Solving

This week we are recapping some past learning: column addition

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Topic Activities Science

Take a deeper look at an ocean habitat. Find out all you can about what lives there and where you might find them. Art

Have a go at following along this video to create some cartoon style drawings.

Geography Use the flash cards on the next page to sort and compare human and physical features.


Explore the different sections of the orchestra and create a poster explaining some of the instruments. Outside Try completing a scavenger hunt in the garden. See page 39 for some ideas. Challenge Quiz time. Get the whole family involved and try to crack these famous UK landmarks from the pictures given. See page 40! Good luck.

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Geography Flash cards

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Squared Paper

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Handwriting Paper

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Answers Monday Reading Nouns – cornflakes Adjectives – fussy, muddy, speckled, too, favourite Verbs - unburied, poured, peered, hurried Adverb – daintily The word ‘Hilda’ appears 12 times. Maths

Tuesday Reading hatched – broken out of a shell hurried – moved quickly row of cottages – more than one cottage standing side by side daintily – carefully / gracefully shock – supprise furious – extremely angry peered – looked closely

Writing An, the, a, the, a, an, the, an, an, the, the

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Writing When are you coming here? Where are you going? How many sisters do you have? What do you want to be then you are older? When is your play time Maths

Wednesday Reading Chilli 1 – cornflakes, Little Dollop, to see her Auntie. Chilli 2 – Biddick’s Farm, her Auntie has just hatched eggs, 5 miles. Chilli 3 – big green lorry thing with open half-door odd box-liked, torn packets ashes old tins cornflake packet rotten apples bake-bean tins fish bones, the hedge. Writing They, she, they, she, it, you, her, he, them Maths

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Thursday Reading Chilli 1 – excided / nervous, no its full of rubbish Chilli 2 – a rubbish truck, disappointment there are no cars Chilli 3 – happy / excited she has a way to get there, then disappointment about the rubbish / mess then cross / angry as she gets bumped around Writing Blue, yellow, maroon, purple, orange


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Friday Writing


Topic Challenge Activity