Year 2 – Health

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Transcript of Year 2 – Health

Year 2 – Health

Personal, Social and Community Health The Year 2 Health curriculum will be broken up into three modules. Each module consists of 3-4 different learning objectives. Each objective will consist of four weeks of face to face lessons (45 minutes duration), totalling in 40 weeks.

Module 1- Being healthy, safe and active

A- Weeks 1-4:

Describe their own strengths and achievements and those of others, and identify how these

contribute to personal identities (ACPPS015)

B- Weeks- 5-8:

Describe physical and social changes that occur as children grow older and discuss how

family and community acknowledge these (ACPPS016)

C- Weeks- 9-12:

Practise strategies they can use when they need help with a task, problem or situation


D- Weeks- 13-16:

Recognise situations and opportunities to promote health, safety and wellbeing (ACPPS018)

Module 2- Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing

A- Weeks 17-20:

Describe ways to include others to make them feel that they belong (ACPPS019)

B- Weeks:21- 24:

Identify and practise emotional responses that account for own and others’ feelings -


C- Weeks: 25-28:

Examine health messages and how they relate to health decisions and behaviours


Module 3- Contributing to healthy and active communities

A- Weeks 29-32:

Explore actions that help make the classroom a healthy, safe and active place (ACPPS022)

B- Weeks 33-36

Identify and explore natural and built environments in the local community where physical

activity can take place (ACPPS023)

C- Weeks 37-40

Recognise similarities and differences in individuals and groups, and explore how these are

celebrated and respected (ACPPS024)

Module One- Being healthy, safe and active.

- Describe their own strengths and achievements and those of others, and identify how these contribute to personal identities

1A- Week 1: Identity This week’s lesson will focus on identity.

- The lesson will begin with a class discussion, focussing around ‘what is identity’ or ‘what makes you,

you?’ Prompt the students to think about their families, their sports or hobbies, where they live or

come from, their age, themselves as students and as friends.

- After the discussion ask students to fill out the ‘Identity’ worksheet. Students may add extra circles if

they wish.

- If time permits, going around the class, each student may share three of their answers to the rest of

the class.

1A- Week 2: Achievement

This week’s lesson will focus on achievement.

- During this lesson, the teacher will lead a class discussion on ‘achievement’. It is important to indicate

that all achievements are important and there are no small achievements. Students may contribute

some of their own achievements or what they think makes an achievement.

- Ask students to draw on the worksheet below their own achievements.

- After the students have completed their drawings, begin another class discussion, this time focussing

on how our achievements can affect our identity. For example, the student who wins the athletics

races is known as the fast runner.

1A- Week 3: Strengths and Weaknesses

This week’s lesson will focus on individual strengths and weaknesses.

- Start this lesson off with a quick introduction on individual strengths and weaknesses. It is important

for the students to understand that we are not talking about physical strength.

- It may be a good idea for the teacher to describe their own weaknesses as the students may not be

used to highlighting their own weak points.

- Separate the class into pairs (for this activity it may be helpful for the students to work with someone

they are comfortable with). They must make each other a certificate using Microsoft Publisher for

something they are good at. (E.g. I make an award for Jane for having neat handwriting).

- The teacher should ask the students to print out to copies, one for the recipient to take home, the other

to put up on the classroom wall.

- The students then discuss a weakness they may have with their partners. The partners must then work

on their own to come up with ways to help their partner improve on their weakness. To be completed

on Microsoft word.

Certificate example:

1A- Week 4: Identity Summary Task

In this lesson, students will be using Microsoft Publisher to create an information brochure/pamphlet about


- They will answer questions about their birth place and birthday. Their family members, their pets, their

hobbies and dislikes, their achievements and their goals for the future (what they want to be when they

grow up.

- Encourage the students to be creative.

- This can be a take-home activity to allow students to bring photos from home to include. (alternatively,

during the lesson before students can be asked to bring photos from home)

Brochure example:

Module 1- Being healthy, safe and active

- Describe physical and social changes that occur as children grow older and discuss

how family and community acknowledge these

1B - Week 5: Our Bodies

This lesson is designed as introduction or recap on what they already know about our bodies. With a diagram

of the human body, the teacher should ask the students to point out parts they know (arm, legs, heads etc.)

with the teacher marking them on the images. This will lead on to the teacher to indicate the physical

differences between boys and girls. As well as discussing the physical changes that occur as children go over.

- At the beginning of the lesson ask students to draw a mind-map about anything they know about

puberty. They may work in pairs or groups for this.

- This lesson is designed to be very teacher lead to avoid putting uncomfortable pressure on the


Girl/Boy diagram for labelling: Mind map example:

1B - Week 6: Emotional Changes of Growing Up

This lesson will focus on the emotional changes students will experience during puberty.

- Using the board to note points, discuss with the students the emotional/mental changes you

experience when growing older. Ask the students for contributions.

- Ask the students if they are aware of any.

- It is important to note that these are NORMAL changes.

- Children complete the emotions worksheet.

- Afterwards, discuss how these emotions may change as they get older.

1B – Week 7: Social Changes of Growing Up

During this lesson the teacher will discuss with the students the changes they may experience socially.

- The teacher will lead a class discussion on the social changes people may experience when growing up.

(friends, family)

- The students will complete the ‘Things Change’ worksheet.

- If time permits, call on students to share some of their answers, or another changes they may have

thought of.

1B- Week 8: Relationships

This lesson will focus on relationships.

- The lesson will begin with the teacher informing the students about the differences of a healthy and

unhealthy relationship.

Discussion points:

A good friend...

-is there for the good and bad (not a fair-weather friend)

-respects you for who you are and who you want to become (doesn’t force you to do things that you don’t

want to)

-Gives you space –listens

A bad friend...

-makes you feel ashamed and embarrassed easily

-tries to get you to do things that you don’t want to do

-talks behind your back

-is not trustworthy

In groups students will work together to make in ideal friends. They will record their answers on butcher’s

paper. They will present their ‘best friend’ to the class.

If time permits, ask students why they think some people may be bad friends and ways to help avoid being a

bad friend. (Nothing nice to say, don’t say it)

Module 1- Being healthy, safe and active

- Practise strategies they can use when they need help with a task, problem or


1C- Week 9: Asking for help

Sometimes it can be hard asking for help, this lesson is designed to help students understand when and how

they should ask for help.

- With the students in groups, the teacher will give each group two or three scenarios. The students will

then establish why the person in this situation needs help, why they may not want to, and who they

should ask for help.

- Each of these questions will take part separately, after each questions, the teacher will stop the class

and ask them to share. Sample scenarios can be found below. (Scenarios can be added or removed,

some below may not be age appropriate.)

1C – Weeks 10- 12: Problem Solving Story

This task will work as an assessment task with cross-curricular links with literacy and art.

- Students will work individually to create a short picture book.

- The main character in their story will come across a problem that they must solve.

- Their story should end with their problem being solved.

The three lessons spent on this task will consist of:

- Lesson 1: the students writing the story (emphasise that this story does not need to be long

(5-6 pages)

- Lesson 2: typing the story up ( one or two lines per page to allow room for drawings)

- Lesson 3: illustration and stapling books together.

This is an assessment task so students should demonstrate:

- An ability to recognise a problem that needs solving

- How to seek out and ask an appropriate person/s for help

- As well as English curriculum links (linked below) (it may be a good idea to collaborate with

the teacher who teaches them English)


Module 1- Being healthy, safe and active

- Recognise situations and opportunities to promote health, safety and wellbeing

1D- Weeks 13- 14: Healthy Eating

This lesson aims to promote healthy eating. It will focus on the idea that ‘you are what you eat’.

- The lesson will begin with the teacher explaining the five food groups that make up all food.

- Introduce the food pyramid to the students.

- In groups of 3-4, ask students to design 2 meal plans (breakfast, lunch and dinner) using the food


- Groups will have access to computers and the library to complete this task.

- Groups must include recipes in their meal plan.

1D- Week 15: Emergency Safety

This lesson aims to inform students how to live safely in their neighbourhood.

- This lesson will involve informing students about emergency services e.g. who to call and in what


- The location of these services (the police station)

- On the computer, students will then play on ‘Triple Zero Kid’ Challenge’ website, where they play games

to help learn what to do in different emergencies.


1D- Week 16: Exercise

This lesson aims to help find activities students like to do, that is also considered exercise. It aims to move

away from the traditional and boring workouts that students may associate with exercise.

- This lesson will take place in the gymnasium.

- With the students in a circle, ask them to demonstrate exercise they know.

- The teacher then explains to them that exercise can involve fun activities.

- Present them with different equipment (skipping ropes, different balls, and hula hoops etc.) and allow

students to finish the lesson with free choice.

- At the conclusion of the lesson encourage students to play with this equipment in their recess and lunch


Module 2- Communicating and interacting for health and

wellbeing - Describe ways to include others to make them feel that they belong

2A- Week 17: Sharing is Caring The purpose of this lesson is to engage students in a problem-solving task when there is a scarcity of materials


- Cardboard number cut out (1-10) (equal to half the number of students who are present)

- Crayons or pencils

- Paper

Each student will be designated a number that they are to trace on to white paper and then colour and


- Explain to the students they must find a way to use the materials provided to all work together to

help each student complete the task.

- Help students brainstorm ideas on how they can make it work.

- Allow students to come up with the best way to make it work and allow them to work together to

complete the task.

2A- Week 18: Cooperation

- This lesson is designed to teach students about cooperation and its importance.

This lesson will be in the format of a cooperative game, rather than a competitive game.

It is important when explaining the rules of a game of this type that there is not a winner and the key to

success is to work together.

Wave Stretching:

- Have students form a large circle (you may even choose to do this in small groups depending on the


- Begin by picking one student within the circle. Have them call out a stretch. Going either clockwise or

counter-clockwise, every student must do the stretch one by one.

- The idea is to pass the stretch as you go along. Once the stretch gets back to the original student you

chose, have the next student call out a new stretch.

- The other students will have to hold the initial stretch until the new stretch makes its way to them.

You can play this activity for however long you’d like; however, depending on the age and grade level,

you may want to limit the number of stretches and eventually increase in number as they become

more familiar with them game, or as they learn additional stretches.

There are many more cooperative games available on this website:


2A- Week 19-20: Inclusion

This task will be completed over one week (it is important to run this past the classroom teacher if applicable)

- Students will be given an egg who is the new student in class, Sir Eggleburt. The students will have to

work together in pairs to include Sir Eggleburt in his new school environment. (hardboiled egg if your

students are clumsy)

- In the first lesson students will divide into pairs or groups* in which they will nominate a time and

day** to show the egg around the school and include the egg in their activities.

- The students who are looking after the egg must take two photos where they have included the egg.

- In the next week’s class the students will share their photos with the class and explain the activities

they did with the egg.

*This may be a good opportunity to arrange students into groups they may not usually work with.

**Please note that this activity will take a lot of prior planning, sorting out time and day slots as well as group

sizes to ensure every student has a turn with the egg.

Module 2- Communicating and interacting for health and


- Identify and practise emotional responses that account for own and

others’ feelings

2B- Weeks 21-22: Feelings

This activity is designed to help students recognise what makes them feel good.

Individually students must come up with three different situations that make them feel good. An

example may be winning a netball game.

Students must then write down their situations on the papers provided and then add a drawing of the


The teacher may then collect the drawings and bind them to the class’ good feeling book.

2B- Weeks 22-23: Feelings 2

This lesson aims to help students understand and recognise different feelings.

Students will be asked to define these feelings: angry, embarrassed, worried, excited, surprised, and


Students will then work quietly by themselves. They will choose four emotions from the is above and

identify two things for each emotion; 1- when they have been made to feel that emotion and 2- when

they believe they have made someone else feel that emotion. This activity will be completed in their

work books.

It is important for this task to be anonymous to ensure the students are honest during their

meaningful reflection.

2B- Week 24: Identifying Feelings

The students will be placed into groups 3-4 for this lesson’s activity.

Each group will be given a scenario. Students will work together to create a short role play relating to

the scenario on their card.

Below is some sample scenarios.

Module 2- Communicating and interacting for health and


- Examine health messages and how they relate to health decisions and


2B- Week 25: You are what you eat

During this lesson, students will explore the health message “you are what you eat”.

- This lesson will involve a teacher lead discussion about the provided poster. Asking what students think

about this health message.

- Using cut out fruit and vegetables. Students will be asked to create a healthy person. The same fruit or

vegetable cannot be used for more than one body part.

2B- Weeks 26-27: “Find 30”

This lesson focusses on the Tasmanian ‘Find 30’ campaign. As this is a local campaign, this lesson will be

carried out over two weeks.

- The first lesson will cover the actual campaign, students will watch the TV ads and listen to the radio

ads available on the website:

During the second lesson, students will work in groups of three to come up with their own 30 minute

exercises. Students will then present what is involved in their 30 minutes to the class.

2B- Week 28: ‘Swap It’

This lesson will focus on the healthy eating campaign ‘Swap It”

After watching the ad campaign, students will have a class discussion on whether they believe the ad would

encourage people to eat more healthy food.

- Students will then work individually to come up with their own ‘Swap It’ food plan.

- They will be instructed to choose an unhealthy food they like to eat and swap it with something


- They can then draw their chosen foods in the spaces provided.

Module 3- Contributing to healthy and active communities

- Explore actions that help make the classroom a healthy, safe and active place

3A- Week 29: Classroom Rules This lesson will give students an opportunity to review the classroom rules they were set at the beginning of the year.

- The teacher will lead a class discussion based on the set of classroom rules they were given at the start.

- The teacher will ask if they think the rules are fair and if they could, would they add or remove any and why?

- In groups of three, students will come up with their own 3 rules that they would add to their classroom rules.

3A- Week 30: Respect This lesson is designed to encourage students to show respect towards one another.

- The lesson will begin with a teacher lead discussion based on respect. Asking what they think respect it is and how they show or give respect.

- Students will then work on the respect colouring in available here:

Colouring in sample (others available):

3A- Week 31: Respect 2 This lesson will begin with students completing an individual respect checklist.

- Students will then be placed in groups to brainstorm ways in which their school environment can be more respectful.

3A- Week 32: Daily P.E. For this lesson the classroom teacher will need to be involved.

- In groups, students will come up with a game or activity that can be played for 15 minutes.

- Every day, the whole class will go outside for 15 minutes to participate in each groups activity (one

day= one group’s activity).

- Encourage students to work together to come up with a brand new game. It may encourage them to

test it out and play it in their recess and lunch times.

- This lesson is aimed to help the students take ownership of their physical activity which may have an

impact on their willingness to participate.

Module 3- Contributing to healthy and active Communities

- Identify and explore natural and built environments in the local

community where physical activity can take place

3B- Week 33: The School This lesson will involve taking the students for a tour around the school.

- The teacher will point out all of the different places where the students can participate in physical activity.

- Students will then return to the classroom and the teacher will divide them into groups. - The students’ task is to choose one of the locations in the school and to come up with an activity that

can be played in that area of the school. - It is important to remind students to follow school rules that are in place (no running, out of bounds).

3B- Week 34: The School During this lesson, students will present their activities to the class.

- If time permits, students may go out into the school and the whole class can participate in their chosen activities- students may have a vote on the activity they want to try.

3B- Week 37-38: The Park This activity will be taken over two weeks. In this activity students will be in groups of 4. Their task is to design a park for their community. If there is already a functional park in their community students may use the park and improve on it. If they don’t use the park, ask students why, and see if they can come up with a solution from their responses.

- They must consider all of the reasons that people may go to the park. - Encourage students to use their imagination. - Students will present their parks on an A3 poster in the second lesson. - The students must label each aspect of their park.

Below is an example (although very advanced) of what the students can aim to achieve:

Module 3- Contributing to healthy and active Communities

- Recognise similarities and differences in individuals and groups, and

explore how these are celebrated and respected 3C- Week 37: Exploring Cultures This lesson will focus on different cultures.

- The first lesson will be quite straight forward. - The teacher will lead the students in a discussion about different cultures. - It is important to explain what a culture is. - Ask/list different cultures. - The teacher will ask the students what they may already know. Correcting anything that they may have

incorrect knowledge on. - Students may then choose a colouring in sheet to complete.

More available at:

3C- Week 38:

During this lesson, the teacher will lead the class in a discussion about the similarities of the cultures discussed

in the previous lesson.

- The teacher will show the class pictures of people from different cultures and ask the students to

identify what is similar to them.

- Once the similarities are identified, ask the students what they like (focussing on the differences) about

each of the people.

- It is important to give a lot of positive feedback to the students’ answers.

Images will be taken from the national geographic website.

3C- Week 39- 40: Project

Over the next two lessons students will work in pairs to research a culture of their choice. They will focus on

food/diet, school life, religion, and traditional clothing.

- The students will put together all of this information in a PowerPoint.

- The first lesson will be spent on research and to begin putting the PowerPoint together.

- The second lesson will be spent completing the presentation and sharing to the class.

- Encourage students to include any special or interesting facts that they may have found out about their

chosen culture.

- This task should be used as an assessment task.