Year 11 · CPU Central Processing Unit. - The “brain” of the computer CU Control Unit. - Part...

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Transcript of Year 11 · CPU Central Processing Unit. - The “brain” of the computer CU Control Unit. - Part...

Year 11Knowledge Organisers

Module 1 2020/21

Name: _________________________

Tutor Group: _________

Make sure this knowledge organiser is brought into school every day!

How to use your knowledge organisersKnowledge organisers contain the most fundamental knowledge for the topics you are studying. You are required to study and quiz yourself on a section of your knowledge organiser for at least 20 minutes each evening to make sure you have the knowledge ready to use in lessons and for assessments. Many knowledge organisers contain lots of information and therefore you may need to start by mastering a small section first before moving on to another. It’s important that you revisit sections you have already studied again to make sure you can still remember it - this is called ‘spaced practice’ and enhances your knowledge retention.

How to ‘quiz’ using the knowledge organiser

When quizzing yourself, one method you can use is ‘look, say, cover, write, check’. You could also transfer information to flash cards with a question/keyword on the front and the answer/definition on the back. You can then quiz yourself using these. You could also ask someone that you live with or your friends to help quiz you on the knowledge contained in your knowledge organisers.

Remember to bring your knowledge organisers to school every day! Your teachers may get you to use them in lessons to support with your learning and they will also point out which sections to focus on when using them at home.


A01 - Develop

Develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources.

● Mindmap your ideas relating to your theme with images and words.

● Study the work of an artist/designer that links with your theme and ideas.

● Complete in-depth research into each artist to show understanding.

● Include high quality written analysis about artists and their work.

● Create high quality transcriptions (copies) and work in response to other artists.

● Be inspired by the work of artists, showing how they influence you.

● Research art movements, other cultures and history/context.

● Show and explain the development of your ideas based on their work.

Eduqas - Art Craft and Design Knowledge Organiser

Year 11 Module 1

Develop: Begin in a certain direction, working towards the end.

For example, begin a project with a certain theme and work with that theme throughout.

Investigations: How you develop your artwork through research, examination and study.

For example, working on experiments, trying new ways of working or studying a new technique or artist.

Demonstrating a Critical Understanding of Sources: Show that you know and understand where your ideas have come from.

For example, explaining where you initially found your artist from and how they have inspired your project.

Computing GCSE – 1.1Comp/01 – Systems Architecture a

An example of a typical PC’s innards. KEY VOCABULARY

CPU Central Processing Unit. - The “brain” of the computer

CU Control Unit. - Part of the CPU that manages the functions of all other parts of the CPU

Decoder Part of the CU which decodes the binary instructions fetched from memory

RAM Random Access Memory - The main volatile memory into which programs are loaded from the hard drive

MAR Memory Address Register - Small fast memory used to store the RAM address of the next instruction

MDR Memory Data Register - Small, fast memory used to store the information collected from the RAM before processing

PC Program Counter - Keeps track of the current instruction number of the program

Accumulator Small, fast memory, used to keep track of the data currently being processed

ALU Arithmetic and Logic Unit - Does the basic mathematics and comparisons during processing

Bus A physical connection between two elements of a computer system that allows the transfer of data.

Cache Incredibly fast, but very expensive volatile memory using in the CPU

Bridge (North / South)

Junctions on a motherboard where the bus connections are controlled and routed. Northbridge deals with core functions, whilst the Southbridge deals with the peripherals, input and output devices and Secondary Storage.

von Neumann Architecture

The method used by all modern computers to allow the programming of a machine to be changed depending on the required function.

Fetch / Decode / Execute Cycle

Basis of the von Neumann architecture – the repeated process where instructions are fetched from RAM, decoded into tasks and data, then carried out.

Clock Speed The number of FDE cycles that a CPU can carry out per second. Measured in Ghz (1 Ghz = 109 cycles per second or 1,000,000,000hz)

Cores Some processors have multiple CPUs which can work in parallel, sequentially or can multitask. Dual and Quad cores are common in modern PCs


Computing GCSE – 1.1Comp/01 – Systems Architecture b

Control Unit(CU)























* PC





FETCH•The instructions are fetched from

the memory

DECODE•The CU’s Decode works out what

the instruction is saying to do, by separating the Opcode from the Operand

EXECUTE•Once decoded, the CU tells each

part of the CPU what to do with the data and the instructions are carried out


Machine Code

A program, stored in binary, that the CPU undertakes the FDE cycle on. All programs must be in machine code to work

InstructionA single line of machine code, containing the command and data location on which it is to be executed. Stored in binary

Opcode The first part of the instruction, is the command


The second part of the instruction is the data on which to carry out the command. This may be actual data stored in binary form, or a memory location reference of where to find the data

Multi Core Processing

Some processors have multiple CPU cores on one chip. They all have their own Level 1 cache, but share Level 2 cache, allowing them to collaborate quickly on large tasks.



Control Unit

Program Counter



Accumulator MDR





0 LOAD loc 4

1 ADD loc 5

2 STO loc 6


4 23

5 12








Computing GCSE – 1.1J276/01 – Systems Architecture – CPU and Fetch/Decode/Execute Cycle

Computing GCSE – 2.1bComp/02 – Algorithms: Pseudo Code & Flow Charts


Algorithm An abstracted program which completes a given task, whatever the data provided


Abstraction is moving a problem out of the specific in order to create a general solution that would work in similar scenarios. Ignoring the gritty details to focus on the problem

Decomposition Breaking a problem down into smaller, computational solvable chunks

Pseudo Code

A structured way of planning code, which is ‘computational’ in style (uses Boolean logic, variables, comparisons and arithmetic for example) but is not tied to a strict high-level language’s syntax

Flow DiagramA diagram, made using specific shaped boxes, that mocks up the flow of a program through various stages, processes and decisions.

Program Control Using Boolean logic to guide the computer through a program based on decisions

Comparison Operators

The symbols used to look at a variable or piece of data in relation to is similarity to another piece of data or variable

Arithmetic Operators

The symbols used to show the mathematics to be carried out on a piece of data



BINARY SEARCHLINEAR SEARCHComputing GCSE – 2.1aComp/02 – Algorithms: Searching and Sorting


Algorithm An abstracted program which completes a given task, whatever the data provided


Searching is looking through data, making comparisons with a search term, until the algorithm either finds the data, or identifies that it is not present.

SortPutting given sets of data into specified order – usually ascending (alphabetical) or descending (reverse alphabetical)

Linear SearchA type of search where the computer checks every variable, in order, until it finds the search term. Potentially very slow.

Binary SearchA search type based on repeatedly halving the searchable data, until the search term is found

Bubble Sort

A method of sorting data which looks at pairs of variable, and swaps them around if out of order. This continues until there are no more swaps to be made

Merge Sort

Splits the data into increasingly small segments, until single data points are reached, then reassembles the data structure one item at a time.

Insertion Sort

Checks through the data until finding the first incorrectly places item. The algorithm then checks all the previous places to see where the data fits, before inserting it into this slot.

Eduqas GCSE- Mod 1 Individual Practical EXAM

Example of AO1

Description Uses

Mood board Based on your theme (collect at least 10 images of your theme. Fill the whole space with no white gaps). Annotate

Gives you an understanding of areas you can explore

Mindmap Same as a mindmap but with words and images

Develop an understanding of all the different ways that is used and can be incorporated .

Photos You take photos of anything related to your theme and you can use in your design ideas

Provides YOUR (primary) evidence in generating ideas

Example of AO1l Description Uses

Compare and Contrast of designers and or artistes

VERY IMPORTANT!Have to compare works from other designers.

Bullet proof vest, used in bridges, gloves.

A01 -

Research is about developing ideas from a starting point to a final piece. This is done through mind-mapping, sketches and studies related to the work of other artists, designers and craftspeople.

● Mood board - annotated● Mind map - annotated● Photos - annotated● Comparing designer’s work - personal opinion● Comparing Art’s work- personal opinion● Visiting places relevant to your theme -annotated● Looking at different types of research, not just the internet - books,

films, magazines, documentaries, the news, programmes on TV, radio broadcasts, podcasts, interviews, surveys, newspaper

Your theme

Mood board example

Mind map example


Have you done... Yes/no How



Mind map

Your own photos

Compare and contrast

‘It’s nice ‘ Be specific. What is ‘nice’ about it? The Style, the colour, the shape, the observational skill, the technique, the popularity, the feeling it gives you,

the details?

‘I like it’ or, ‘It’s sick’

Why? You must give specific reasons why you like the work. E.g., I like this artwork because of the exaggerated contrast, bright, vibrant colours,


‘It’s nice ‘ Be specific. What is ‘nice’ about it? The composition, the colour, the contrast, the observational skill, the technique, the mood, the feeling it

gives you, the details?

‘I like it’ or, ‘It’s sick’

Why? You must give specific reasons why you like the work. E.g., I like this product because it is in fashion, it is stylish, it is the latest technology,

it is from a famous person, it works really well because…..

‘I don’t like it’ It is OK not to like a design or product but you must give a legitimate reason why you don’t like it. E.g., ‘I don’t like the style of the chair

because’ say what you would change if you made this and explain why.

Use finer details and personal


Pick out what is unique about this product, what the influences are, why you personally think of this, What are the processes it has gone through

to be made, what are the materials used, mention the why, if’s and maybes

Compare After the initial description of a design you can compare two or more designs, again, by using adjectives to start with. E.g ...exaggerates the

contrast and the colour in order to create abstract forms whereas ……………….achieves abstraction by simplification of forms’.

DescribeIt’s a chair made

from wood

When talking/writing about a design you need to describe what you see in form of analysis. Explain what you are looking at, if you are able to touch it, test it, change it, what material it is i.e. pine wood with a wood stain and clear varnish for a smooth finish but also being able to see the the naturally

forming wood grains

ProcessIt was made in a


When describing the process of a designer or your own work, try to explain why you have done it. E.g., ‘How was this made? Think back from the initial design idea, the influence, materials used to

make it , machines - laser cutters, 3D printers, how it is put together and manpower’, finishing

Evaluate‘I hate this because

I don’t like these products, they are


Evaluation is different from describing. It is much easier to describe an artwork but the challenge is

to write your own informed opinion about it too (even if it a negative opinion) – this is evaluation. E.g., ‘The official line' adhered to by advocates of academic art, ranked still-life art as the lowest of

the five genres, after: history, portraiture, genre-painting and landscape. I think this is

because after the decline of Renaissance art in 15th century Europe still life paintings portrayed

mediocre themes.. etc.’


How to think and annotate about products or Art work

A Carry out a process to meet the needs of an engineering brief B Provide a design solution for an engineered product against the needsof an engineering brief

A1 Carry out a process

Following planned procedures.Using and testing a prototype/model.Assembling, handling and using materials, equipment and machinery.

A2 Recording the process

Measuring and recording data. Tabulating appropriate data of precision. Displaying appropriate data graphically Observation skills

A3 Interpretation of data

IdentifyCompareEvaluateConcludeMake recommendations

B1 Interpretation of a given brief for an engineered product

AnalyseDimensions and tolerancesPhysical formAttributes MaterialsProcesses

B2 Redesign

IdentifySketchManufactureDesign ideas

B3 Evaluation

Review SelectJustify

BTEC LEVEL 1/LEVEL 2 TECH AWARD - Component 3: Responding to an EngineeringYou will develop an understanding of practical procedures and explore how to record, collect and interpret data in an engineering context.

C Provide solutions to meet the needs of an engineering brief

C1 Analysing engineering information associated with the problem

Analyse informationInterpret patterns and trendsIdentify issues

C2 Selecting a solution

Possible solutionsBest fitAdvantages and disadvantagesBest solutionReflection

C3 Problem solution

ResourcesProcessesManufacturingData collection and analysisSafetyTimescales

A set task comprised of two parts worth 60 marks in total will be completed under supervised

conditions. The supervised assessment period is two hours for Part 1 and one and a half hours for

Part 2. Both parts of the set task are completed during a one-week period timetabled by Pearson.

The assessment availability is February and May/June only.

For assessment, you will be given a brief to carry out a practical set task before completing

the three activities based on the practical task.

How to earn high grades link

1.1 Probability 1.1 Probability [H]358, 361, 383

1.2 Volume 539, 571, 611, 615, 618


1.2 Volume 576, 580, 582

Year 11 Module 1 GCSE Mathematics

1.3 Algebra [H]1.3 Algebra 160, 162, 223, 280

1.4 Scatter Graphs 453

1.5 Iteration 322

166, 172, 233, 293, 295

Year 11 Module 1 GCSE Mathematics

Introduction to the body systems

Skeletal system ● Structure of the skeletal system.

(axial & appendicular)

● Function of the skeletal system.(Support, movement, protection, shape, minerals, blood cell production).

● Types of bones(Long, short, flat, irregular,sesamoid)

● Types of joints (fixed, synovial, slightly movable)

● Joint actions(Flexion, extension, rotation, abduction, adduction)

Learners will develop knowledge and understanding of the structure and function of different systems in the body and how they apply to health and fitness.


1. Can you name 5 different sports where your skeleton protects you?

2. Name 4 short and long bones?3. Why is important that we have

bones?4. What movement occurs when

striking a football?

Structure of the spine and posture

Learners will know that the spine is divided into regions and be able to locate each region. This includes:Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Sacrum Coccyx.

Muscular system

● Types of muscles (Cardic, smooth, skeletal)

● Structure of the muscles ( As seen on the diagram)

● Muscle Movement and contraction.(Agonist, Antagonist)

● Muscle fibre types (Fast, slow twitch)

Make sure to learn all the muscle in the body that are in the diagram.

In the preparation phase, when a footballer prepares to kick a football, their hamstrings contract to flex the knee while the quadriceps lengthens to allow the movement. The hamstrings are the agonist and the quadriceps are the antagonist.

In the striking and recovery phase, the quadriceps contract to extend the knee while the hamstrings lengthen to allow the movement. The quadriceps are the agonist and the hamstrings are now the antagonist.


Describe how the antagonistic muscle pairs are working at the elbow during the downwards and upwards phase of a press up.