Year 1 Knowledge Organisers · 2019-11-14 · Flash cards. Topic Knowledge Organiser Autumn 2. Key...

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Transcript of Year 1 Knowledge Organisers · 2019-11-14 · Flash cards. Topic Knowledge Organiser Autumn 2. Key...

Year 3 Knowledge Organisers

Autumn 2

Knowledge Organisers in SRS

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We are currently in the process of reviewing the content of our curriculum to ensure there is a much greater emphasis on the ‘sticky knowledge’ (knowledge that we want children to remember) that children need in order to not only truly understand concepts, but also to enable them to apply the knowledge, offer informed explanations, make links and spot patterns.

We have looked at each subject and identified the essential knowledge that we feel the children need to know. Following this we have produced ‘Knowledge Organisers’ which are ‘go-to’ documents outlining the essential knowledge that teachers will be covering across a unit of work; including dates, key vocabulary, definitions, diagrams and other key information.

These ‘Knowledge Organisers’ will be shared with pupils and parents with the aim that everyone knows exactly what is being taught, and what the children need to learn.

Attached to this letter is the ‘Knowledge Organiser’ for the Autumn 1 scheme of work for Topic, Maths and Science which the Year 3 pupils are covering this term. If you are a parent of a child in Year 3, please feel free to use these as reference guides for what your child is learning, and as an opportunity to discuss the facts about the topics and how much they have learned. They can also be used to see if they are able to start making links or offer explanations about the world around them.

We will continue to develop the use of ‘Knowledge Organisers’ and the plan is to produce them for all of our subjects (2 per term). We welcome your views and any suggestions you may have on this initiative.

Kind Regards,

The Year 3 Team

Knowledge Organisers in SRS

أولياء األمور األعزاء،

المعرفة التي نريد أن يتذكرها " )المعرفة الالصقة"نحن اآلن بصدد مراجعة محتوى مناهجنا الدراسية للتأكد من وجود تركيز أكبر على ة وإنشاء والتي يحتاجها األطفال ليس فقط لفهم المفاهيم حقًا ، ولكن أيًضا لتمكينهم من تطبيق المعرفة وتقديم تفسيرات مستنير( األطفال

.روابط وأنماط موضعية

" منظمات المعرفة"بعد ذلك ، أصدرنا . لقد بحثنا في كل موضوع وحددنا المعرفة األساسية التي نشعر أن األطفال بحاجة إلى معرفتهاتوضح المعرفة األساسية التي سيغطيها المعلمون عبر وحدة العمل ؛ بما في ذلك التواريخ " مختصرة"وهي عبارة عن مستندات

.والمفردات الرئيسية ، والتعاريف ، والرسوم البيانية وغيرها من المعلومات األساسية

مع التالميذ وأولياء األمور بهدف أن يعرف الجميع بالضبط ما يتم تدريسه وما يحتاج األطفال إلى " منظمات المعرفة"سيتم مشاركة .تعلمه

الذي يغطيه تالميذ " العلوم"و " الرياضيات"لموضوعي ( 1)لمخطط العمل لفصل الخريف " منظمات المعرفة"مرفق بهذه الرسالة فال تتردد في استخدام هذه كدليل مرجعي لما يتعلمه طفلك ، وكفرصة الثالثة، إذا كان طفلك في السنة . هذا المصطلحالثالث من الصف

يمكن أيًضا استخدامها لمعرفة ما إذا كان بإمكانهم بدء إنشاء روابط أو تقديم . لمناقشة الحقائق المتعلقة بالموضوعات وكم تعلموه.توضيحات حول العالم من حولهم

نرحب بآرائكم وأي (. لكل فصل2)سوف نستمر في تطوير استخدام منظمات المعرفة والخطة هي االنتاج لجميع المواد الدراسية .اقتراحات قد تكون لديكم بشأن هذه المبادرة

تفضلو بقبول فائق االحترام،،

Top Tips on how to use your Knowledge Organisers to help you learn!

Get out your knowledge organiser when completing

your homework. The key words and information will

help you! Check out the homework website:

For videos, tips and flash card

templates, please scan me.

Use small pieces of card to write or draw your information or


Write the answers or definition on the back.

Ask a parent, friend to test you or even test yourself by

reading and looking at your cards.


I look at the word I want to learn and its meaning.

Say Cover Write Check

I say that word in my head or out loud.

I cover the meaning of the word I’m learning.

I write the word down or even try it in a sentence.

I check the spelling and the meaning of the word to see if I’m correct.

Flash cards

Topic Knowledge Organiser

Autumn 2

Key Vocabulary

canopy The canopy, which may be

over 30 m above the

ground, is made up of the

overlapping branches and

leaves of rainforest trees.

emergent layer The emergent layer is the

name given to the tops of

trees that poke up above

the rainforest canopy.

understory The understory layer is a

tangle of shrubs, young

trees, saplings, palms and

vines. It is hot and damp

here and the air is very still.

deforestation When forests are cut down

and the area is permanently

cleared for another use.

endangered An endangered species is a

species which has been

categorized as very likely to

become extinct.

indigenous Indigenous people or things

belong to the country in

which they are found

temperate Relating to or denoting a

region or climate

characterized by mild


extinction The extinction of a species of

animal or plant is the death

of all its remaining living


destruction The act of destroying


Year 3 Knowledge Organiser – Rainforests

Sticky Knowledge

• The Amazon rainforest in Brazil is the largest rainforest in the world.

• About 30 million species of plants and animals live in the rain forest.

• The rain forests hold more than two-thirds of the world's plant


• There are 4 layers in the rainforest. The forest floor, understory,

canopy and emergent layer.

• Many of the foods we love come from the rain forest. Chocolate,

pineapple and cinnamon all come from rain forests. Rubber and

medicines also come from rain forests.

• Every minute, a forest the size of 20 football pitches is cut down.

Layers of the Rainforest

Where are the


Maths Knowledge Organiser

Autumn 2

Bar Models

Key Vocabulary

Multiplication Repeated addition of

the same number.

Division Splitting a number into

equal groups.

Array A set of numbers

arranged in order,

shown in rows and


Groups of When items are placed

together and counted

as one.

Equal To have the same


Times as many

Multiply by that number.

E.g. 3 times as many =


Year 3 Knowledge Organiser – Further Multiplication and Division

Sticky Knowledge

Formal Written Method



• 3 x 40 = , 3 x 4 = can be used to help. Find the answer and then times it by 10. E.g. 3 x 4 = 12 so 3 x 40 = 120

• When multiplying start in the ones and then multiply the tens.

• When dividing make sure that the bigger number comes first for example 96 ÷ 8 =

• Multiplication and division are inverse operations and can be used to check your working out.

• Bar models have bars of equal size, only the number of bars change. See ‘Bar Models’ for an example.

Science Knowledge Organiser

Autumn 2

Key Vocabulary

Transported How water moves

through the plant.

Nutrients Important chemicals

needed to help the

plant grow and


Pollination Transferring pollen

from the male plant

parts to the female

plant parts.

Germination When a seed opens

and sprouts.

Seedling A seed that has

started to grow.

Seed dispersal The movement and

spread of seeds away

from the plant.

Year 3 Knowledge Organiser – Plants Plant Life Cycle

Sticky Knowledge Plants need water, light, air, nutrients and space to grow.

Plants have different parts and each has an important job:

Roots – Absorb water and nutrients from the soil and anchor the


Stem – Supports the plant and carries water and nutrients up to the

rest of the plant.

Leaves – Collect energy from the sun and make food for the plant by


Flower – Attracts insects and allows for plant reproduction.

Water is transported through the roots to the rest of the plant.

A plant life cycle shows how a seed grows and changes into a fully

flowering plant and how this process repeats.

Plant parts

PE Knowledge Organiser

Autumn 2

Year 3 Knowledge Organiser - Invasion Games

Key Vocabulary

attack An offensive or scoring action

defendTo attempt to prevent an opponent


pass To move a ball on or ahead


To move a ball by repeated light

bounces or kicks, as in basketball and


kick To strike out with the foot or feet

shoot To propel a ball toward a goal

trackThe course along which something

moves or progresses

receiveTo prepare to take possession of the

ball from a kick in football

control To guide or manage

Sticky Knowledge

Know what invasion games are

Know and understand the difference between attack and defence

Be able to work as a team

Play small sided games

Be spatially aware

Know when to pass, receive, dribble, kick and shoot

Know the rules and how to steal a ball safely

Real Madrid

Did you know?

The earliest versions of the game can be traced back 3,000 years.

Soccer is the most popular game in the world. In many countries it is known as “football”.

In England, soccer was formed when several clubs formed the Football Association about 150 years ago.

Real Madrid is the most successful football team in the world and the richest