Yarm Preparatory School Friday 17th March...

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Transcript of Yarm Preparatory School Friday 17th March...

Yarm Preparatory School Issue 532

Friday 17th March 2017

Head’s Message . . . Hurtling towards the end of term with fixtures, educational trips, plays,

sports festivals and musical productions taking place, it is impressive to see how the pupils and staff respond to such

a busy range of events. Across our extensive calendar this term, I have been pleased to see the determination

shown by all parties of the school sometimes in the face of relative adversity. Taking on challenges of one kind or

another is a key part of life that needs to be navigated. These testing times may come in the form of stiff

competition on the sporting front, high pressure in a music or drama recital, challenging problems to solve in class

or the unknown of staying away from home on a residential trip. Whatever form these trials and tribulations come

in, our pupils are given close guidance and support to successfully chart a successful course through them. In turn

this helps prepare them for the next encounter and approach it in a resilient and positive frame of mind. It is a

privilege to be a part of this process and help our pupils grow in this fashion.

Your child’s report in now available to read on the Parents’ Portal which you are expected to read and discuss with

your child. There will be an opportunity to discuss the comments and grades at the forthcoming Parents’ Evenings

next week with your child’s teachers. We look forward to seeing you then and celebrating the progress your child is

making and discussing the opportunities for further gains. I will be available to meet on either night, please contact

Miss O’Hara to make an appointment (laura@yarmschool.org).

Heads’ Challenge: : By adding one straight line, can you make the following equation add up? 5+5+5=550

Bill Sawyer


Visit the Prep School Pages:-


On Saturday I went to The Sage in Gateshead for the Music for Youth Festival. There were ten groups playing. Seven of the groups were singing and the other three were playing instruments. I was with my group called Musical Melodies Recorder Ensemble. I am in the Junior Ensemble and we practise together every Thursday. The Junior and Senior Ensembles played together. There are 5 different types of recorder in the group. One is the tenor, one is the treble, one is the bass, one is the sopranino and the descant recorder. I play the descant recorder. Our group played 3 pieces. There was The Entertainer by Scott Joplin, Dixie Blossom by Percy Wenrich and a song called Camel Train. There were more that 1000 people watching us! The stage was very big! Most people felt very excited, but I felt really nervous too. We played all of the songs and we got really good feedback. I felt really happy that we had done it.

Elizabeth Neilson, 3A

Easter art competition!

The title of your work is

‘Spring time’

Spring is a time when the world

seems to come alive again after

the winter months: plants send up

new shoots, baby animals are born,

eggs laid and the sun starts to


Your artwork can be any size or

material from drawing to sculpture,

collage, painting, printing etc.

There are some fabulous prizes!

Please remember to put your name

and form on your work.

Deadline: Friday March 24th

Year 3 Visit Murton Park

On Monday, 6th March Year 3 enjoyed an informative and thoroughly entertaining visit to Murton Park.

To support their history studies, they became Anglo Saxons for the day. The children donned period costumes,

took part in an Anglo Saxon banquet and carried out chores on a reconstructed village!

They were involved in fetching wood, making oil lamps from clay, grinding grain into flour and learning to de-

fend their village from surprise enemy attacks, all essential jobs in the daily life of an Anglo Saxon! The guards

were able to put their skills to the test at the end of the day when their village did indeed come under attack.

The enemy fled after a confident and very vocal charge by some of the Year 3’s armed with spears and shields!

To the delight of the children, the teachers became their slaves for the day, responsible for serving their food

and carrying out orders. Poor Mr Jackson was put in the stocks for not working hard enough!

The day really helped bring the Anglo Saxon period to life for the children and will undoubtedly provide the

stimulus for some excellent written work.

Mrs Arrol

I found Murton Park fun. My

favourite part was when we

attacked the Vikings.

Oliver B, 3H

My favourite part of Murton park

was when we attacked the invader.

I also enjoyed collecting fire wood.

Tanveer T, 3H

At Murton Park my favourite thing

was collecting wood.

Lydia W, 3A

My favourite part of Murton Park

was when we got trained how to

be a guard.

Samuel S, 3A

My favourite part of the school trip

was getting dressed up and when

we got to be guards.

Ameera R, 3N

My favourite thing at Murton Park

was making oil lamps.

Yara A, 3A

My favourite part of Murton Park

was when we got to attack the


Henry B, 3H

My favourite part was when we

got to ring the bell because

someone came to the village.

Jude C, 3N

My favourite parts of the trip were

being a guard and making pottery.

Niamh B, 3N

Yarm Prep School

13th March 2017

Dear Mr Stone,

5J are writing to tell you that we are more than grateful

for you organising our fantastic trip to London.

Firstly, we would like to thank you for taking us to London

safely on the Virgin train and for arranging our accommo-

dation in the Royal National Hotel. The beds were soft and

comfy and the staff were eager to help us at breakfast.

Most of us would agree that the two spectacular musical

performances were the highlight of the residential trip.

We still don’t know how the magic carpet flew.

The other favourite part was your open top bus tour and

the quiz. We saw all the important tourist attractions as

they lit up the night sky.

We hope you enjoyed the trip as much as we all did and

we would be delighted to know what your favourite part

of London was! Thank you once again for organising this

amazing trip and offering this great opportunity to the

Year 5’s.

Yours sincerely,


Year 5 in London

My favourite part of London was the plays

that we got to go and watch. They were

very funny and I enjoyed sitting with my

friends. My favourite play was Aladdin.

Harry W, 5J

London was an extraordinary trip and I

would recommend it to everyone. My fa-

vourite part of the trip was watching Matil-

da. It was amazing, even though it some-

thing like the 7th time I have seen it! I

would say to all of Year 4 that when they

do this trip there is nothing to worry about.

There is no time to miss your parents be-

cause you are having so much fun.

Scarlett S, 5B

My favourite part of London

was probably going to

Wagamama’s because I was

sitting with all of my friends

and the food was really


Charlie B, 5P

The best bit about London

was seeing Aladdin ,

Matilda and the London

Eye. The London Eye was

very big.

Isobel K, 5J

Year 5 in London London was the best trip I have ever been

on (although I used to live there). The Lon-

don Eye broke down , not whilst we were

on it luckily. It was AMAZING!

Austin B, 5B

London has been the best trip so far. It was

an amazing experience and I would

definitely advise the Year 4’s to go next


Carys McNR, 5P

My favourite activity was

watching Matilda on the

London trip. It was really

fun because the musical was

very funny. I would love to

go again.

Rehan G, 5J

I really enjoyed London it

was really fun although

you did get very tired, I still

loved it. My highlight was

talking to the Policeman

outside of Theresa May’s


Eve H, 5B

London was the best

school trip so far and if I

could do it again I would.

The best part about

London was going to

Matilda. It was amazing.

Ben D, 5P

London was amazing. There were so many

opportunities. My favourite part was

watching Aladdin. Cara M, 5J

London was really

extremely fabulous! My

favourite part was watching

Aladdin because it was just

mind blowing.

Jack P, 5B

Aladdin was outstanding. I

watched in awe as the

magic carpet flew. I also

loved watching Matilda.

They were both amazing.

Ishita P, 5P

U8 Netball and football with Clifton. On Tuesday all of Year 3 took part in some super training with Clifton Pre-Prep. There were various fun and active drills followed by some small sided games. The children worked hard and it was great to see the Yarm children gain experience of working with new people and understanding how to host an opposition. Well done.

Miss Routledge

Prep School Sport

HMC Netball Both U11 A and B teams took part in the annual HMC Netball com-petition last Tuesday. The B team played some strong opposition in their group but couldn't quite hold on to a lead against Bronte House in the semi-final. The A team also reached the semi-final against GSAL and played some excellent netball. Unfortunately GSAL took an early lead and we couldn't catch them. Well done to all of the girls who took part.

Miss Routledge

Summer Dresses

Unfortunately we are currently experiencing a problem with the supply of the summer dresses which were due at the end of March. The suppliers aim to have the dresses with us by mid-April which will hopefully mean they arrive just before the summer term starts.

Both the suppliers and the uniform shop are very apologetic about this delay and are working to rush through the orders.

Any parents wishing to order summer dresses can place an order and will be notified as soon as the dresses arrive.

Sleeping Beauty

On the weekend 25th February, I joined a workshop that had an amazing opportunity of being in an orchestra. I

played the Harp in it. There were four harpists including me, two were pedal and two were leaver. I really en-

joyed playing with the Tees Valley Orchestra. One of the pieces we played was sleeping beauty and during the

weekend (4th March) I went to the Royal Opera House in London to see Sleeping Beauty. I really enjoyed it.

Tilly G, 5B

HMC Football

In what was a sunny , yet windy day at Hymers College, the U11A Football competed in the annual HMC competi-tion. The day consisted of many ups and downs as Yarm got off to a slow start in our group. This held us back, as finally getting into our stride towards the end of our group games, we were relying on the results on other match-es to put us through to the next stage of the main competition. Unfortunately things did not go our way and we were moved into the Plate. This did not deter the boys however and they were more determined to succeed than ever. Their style of play continued to improve throughout each stage, finally getting into the Plate final where they met Birkdale. With confidence at a high the boys comfortably beat Birkdale to win the Plate Competition. Well done boys!

Mr P Underwood

Coming up:

Sat 18 Harrogate Festival

Shine Festival—Solos and Duets (at Kings Academy)

Sun 19 Shine Festival—Piano solos and duets (Princess Alexandra Auditorium)

Mon 20 Parents’ Evening (4-6pm; letters have gone out)

U8/9 A/B Football v Cundall Manor (home; 3.30pm start)

Tue 21 Buddhist monks to visit Prep School (all day) NEW EVENT

Parents’ Evening (4-6pm; letters have gone out)

Wed 22 Bow U11 Football Festival (12pm depart, 1pm start, 4.30pm return)

Bridge Club Tournament (Senior School; 3-5pm) NEW EVENT

Google Expeditions Day NEW EVENT

Thu 23 Year 6 trip to Durham Cathedral

Year 4 play to Pre-Prep

Fri 24 U10/11 House Netball

Red Nose Day

Year 4 play to Prep pupils (11.10am)

Bring Mothers/grandmothers to School Day (Y1/2—morning; FS—afternoon)

All clubs and activities end today

U10/11 A/B Football v GSAL (away; 1pm depart, 2.30pm start, 5.30pm return)

Sat 25 Shine Festival—Instrumental solos and duets (PAA)

Sun 26 Shine Festival—Choirs (Redcar)

Mon 27 Arkwright House Duty

Year 4 play to parents (Prep Hall; 5pm)

Tue 28 Jess Dunkley Dance Assembly (Prep Hall; 10.30am)

Grandparents’ Tea Party (Prep Hall; 4-5pm)

U8/9 Football and Netball v RGS Newcastle (home; 2pm start)

Wed 29 Term finishes

No after school care

Mon 3 Easter Holiday School begins

Fri 7 Easter Holiday School ends

Prep Celebration Assembly 3A Endeavour— Ameera R. Values—Elizabeth N.

3H Endeavour— Siri P. Values— Mia P.

3N Endeavour— Lydia W. Values— Noah V.

4J Endeavour— Zaara S. Values—Chloe P.

4P Endeavour— Nawaal A. Values— Rishika C.

4S Endeavour— Phoebe N. Values— Samuel C.

6G Endeavour— Lily H. Values— Kayla R.

6L Endeavour— Hermia J. Values— Theo G.

6M Endeavour— Maddie M. Values— Miles H.

Year 5 were in London, so did not receive awards this week.


As we approach the end of term, we usually collect together all

of the lost and unclaimed property with the aim of reuniting it

with the correct owners. We would be grateful if you could

check all school kit at home and, if it does not belong to your

child, please drop it off in the lost property cupboard.

Mr Stone

Summer Uniform

Pupils can now begin to wear summer uniform!

Naturally, we will take into consideration the weather

but summer and winter uniform is acceptable for now

and summer uniform only from the summer term


Mr Stone

Coming Up:


Thu 20th—Summer Term begins

Fri 21st—YPSSC meeting (Atrium)

Mon 24th—Knockout Chess begins

Mon 24th—Knockout Table Tennis begins

Wed 26th—HMC Choirs Day

Wed 26th—Y6 residential Trip—meeting for parents

Wed 26th—Clubs and activities begin

Thu 27th – Junior Maths Challenge

Fri 28th—Falcons v Warriors rugby trip


Mon 1st—Bank Holiday; School closed