Xports magazine

Post on 09-Mar-2016

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Transcript of Xports magazine

¿What about extreme sports?

Have a high level of danger .these sports often involve speed, height a high level of physical

and highly specialized gear. The use of the term extreme sports have spread everywhere to

describe a multitude of different activates. However, there are several characteristics

common to most extreme sports. As matter of fact, extreme sports tend to be more solitary

than traditional sports and to work without a manager or a coach.

Bungee jumping it is one of the most recognized sports because it has a very high reputation.

This activity involves jumping from a tall structure while connected to a large elastic cord.

They can jump from places such as a building bridge or a place very told, but it is also possible

to jump from a movable object, like a hot air balloon or helicopter which make it more

dangerous because movement can break the rope. The first modern bungee jumps were

made on 1 April 1979 from the 250 foot from a bridge in USA. The jumpers were arrested

but some people continues jumping in the USA from the Golden Gate and the Royal George


Furthermore, we have Parachuting this is a very extreme sport as it is one of the most

dangerous due to the fact that you jumps from a very long height from 1000 meters, to 4000

meters, as a matter of fact if the person doesn’t jumps from this height could die quickly

because the parasailing will not have enough time to open. This extreme sport is one of the

more fascinating sort that has been created in the world. When the parachute opens, the

jumper can control the direction and speed with toggles on the end of steering lines attached

to the trailing edge of the parachute. In free fall, skydivers generally do not experience a

falling sensation because the resistance of the air to the body at speed about 80km/h

provides some feeling of weight and direction. At normal exit speeds for aircraft like

140km/h, there is little feeling of falling just after exit, but jumping from a helicopter can

create this sensation. Skydivers reach terminal velocity of 190km/h from a high jump that it

is wonderful.

Extreme sports are physical activities that may compromise the physical integrity of athletes

who practice it; even causing death. However, young people still want to practice it and feel

that inevitable sensation of adrenaline in their bodies, for that reason that is why it is

important to take a few precautions when carrying them out.

By Sergio


Taekwondo is known for its variety of kicking, speed and spectaculars techniques, created in

Korea between 1945 and 1955 by General Choi Hong Hi. It is one of the most popular martial

arts worldwide; the terms taekwondo means, Tae= action feet; Kwon= action hands and Do=

way, that could be translated into Spanish as “The path of Self- knowledge by foot and hand”.

Taekwondo is a type of martial arts and sport that uses the hands and feet to attack and

defense, although, the main Taekwondo objective is training and disciplining the mind along

with the body.

Taekwondo is a good exercise for kids and adults to increase their endurance. Taekwondo

movements require extensive use of the joints, which helps the body to be more agile.

Because there are a lot of punching, kicking and screaming, is also a good way to relieve

stress and get a good workout for the physical development of one’s health, and can be used

as a therapy for various types of diseases. The benefits that the practitioner receives from

Taekwondo are mental, physical, and philosophical. Mentally, a person improves

concentration, focus, self-image, self-confidence, and self-discipline. All those benefits you

receive help you to build inner strength, self-control, character, and a positive mental

attitude. Physically, a person becomes stronger, quicker, flexible, and fit. Philosophically, a

person will be more creative to set and strive to meet goals, increase respect and honor, and

develop social relationships. The benefits that a Taekwondo practitioner receives from

Taekwondo helps and assists the person with everyday tasks.

The Objective of learning Taekwondo is to teach growth in both areas to become a more

mature human being, that is why along with the techniques of attack and defense, helps

build and strengthen character. All these benefits, generate in people a change that is

amazing, can increase self-esteem, feeling one’s body in a harmonious way, you can to

perform things that you ever thought you could to do. In conclusion, getting involved in

Taekwondo is a lifetime investment as the person learns to live in society, learn values, have

self-esteem and be confident.


Sports a Problem or a Solution. By Camilo

Sports are a beautiful profession that provides a lot of physical as mental benefits. There are a lot of people who want to practice sports professionally but they cannot do it for different reasons. For example, I have a friend who practices soccer professionally, after being a drugs addicted. He felt alone, and he thought that the only solution was drugs, he had a terrible life, he did not have a father, and was forced to work from a very early age to help his mother, but then he met a person who helped him to get out of that world that was by persuading him to practice soccer as a professional. That was how he could give up drugs, improving his life and his family’s; this is a clear example that sports are a good path. Sports transmit positive factors, for this reason people who are in problems as drugs or violence, take the sports as solution to improve their lives. In Colombia and in a lot of countries there are people who use drugs, killing themselves little by little. But also the other problem is the violence, in Colombia for example is common that children live and grow around violent environment but if they want to get out of this world they have a lot of options and the best probably sports. For instance

when the people practice a sports, they can relax and improve their lives. No only positive factors come along, it can

have negative factors. To a professional level

if the player does not know how to drive fame

an money they can fall into drugs, for

example Lance Armstrong was an important

cyclist, that won seven tours of France, and a

lot of competitions of cycling, but

dishonestly, as he used different substances

to improve his performance, and making

people think that he was a big sportsman.

Another example is Diego Armando

Maradona a soccer player, considered by

many as the best player of the world; he fell

into drugs, especially cocaine, it gave him

negative consequences in his sport life and

his health. Everyone would think that a

sportsman would be an example for the

entire world, but that is not always true.

Sports associations, and different groups are

fighting to avoid psychoactive substance

used, and they promote campaigns to raise

awareness about the issue, however some

player do not understand the problem.

Nowadays all sports have different drug

testing before the practice, and it is very

difficult to deceive it. but also each of the

players search the form to avoid this. Many

groups are trying to tackle the problem of

doping; the most prominent are the World

Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the United

Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural

Organization (UNESCO).

Sports are one of the best weapons to

oppose to the violence and drugs, and to

have a healthy body and mind, but it has to

be carried out in a controlled way to falling

into bad circumstances. We can take the

example of many successful sportsmen, as

way to deceive conflict and family problems

before getting into bad habits.


“More than a sport is adapt yourself to a different style of life”

You know that some experts and sportsmen say that, if in a swimming pool the water is

hot, that could make the swimmer can go faster, so this is one of the aspects that the

scientists are studying since this sport is one of the oldest and complex around the world,

this is just one of the aspects to take into account in this article, along with the latest

material for summing clothes among others aspects you might not know about this

discipline like the modalities you can go for in the swimming.

First we should know that swimming is one of the oldest sport of the world, why?, because

it is almost used since the prehistoric times, therefore is the most known sport, also it is

the more complete sport, next to cycling and the combat sports owing to the fact you

workout all your body, it is also said , that when you practice this activity you burn a lot of

calories for example a 59 kilos person could burns 590 calories for hour when

swimming, that is why swimmers are healthy and have a good body.

When it comes to clothes, several

discussions have been heard about the

best material for swimming clothes in

competitions, for example some people

consider latex the best option whereas

some others say that is plastic and

others say that the best is some sort of

waterproof fabric, but why those

materials? Basically because there is

something in these materials that reduces the friction with the water and makes the

swimmer go faster, it also happens swim caps.

Did you know that in swimming there are 4 modalities

which are: swimming synchronized, waterpolo which

is just like soccer but with the hands in the water,

other are jumps (or diving). You might think that here

the winner is the one who splash less water around

when diving into the pool but actually, this depends

on the angle of the body when the swimmer enters

into the swimming pool. Regarding the way of

swimming there are 4 styles such back style, free

style, chest style and butterfly style which is the most

difficult because it needs a lot of strength and

resistance, for that reason I said that this is the most complete sports

Just because Colombia is not the best

at this discipline and we don’t have a

lot of representatives in this sport,

that does not means that you can not

practice it, on the contrary , you can

take this sport like something to do in

your free time or why not

taking it professionally , remember

it’s such a great exercise because it

burns loads of calories and it’s the

most complete sport in the world, but

not only that, you can choose

or specialize in one of those

modalities either jumps or swimming

in any style aforementioned, I

wouldn’t doubt in start to practice this

spectacular sport, in fact, I am doing it

myself .

By Fernando

“THE BEETLES” IN EUROPE Cycling in Colombia has been a really important aspect because since the Colombian riders rode a bike for first time, they showed that they had a talent for it. However it has been really difficult for cyclists because it has been impossible to have an stable sponsor for the team, but even so, when they went at their first race, everybody were surprised because the Colombians were strong regardless of the bad conditions of the roads. This is how little by little the so-called “beetles” managed to progress and get really important successes and interesting prizes for the country. The beginning of the Colombian cyclists in Europe was really good although they were amateur riders. They were strong in the mountain stages, as a matter of fact they were called “The Beetles”, their performance was impressive even though they were not experienced, but it was not easy because some roads were rough and they did not even wear helmets, it was terrible because they had really hard falls. Furthermore, the other riders looked at them awkwardly because they used to have “panela” (a sugarcane sweet), and foreign cyclists thought it was coke, but when they tried it, they realized that it was an energizer, actually the riders ask Colombians for a little of panela. When they adapted to this new environment, their performance was better and they learned to be as competitive as the foreigners. The biggest obstacle that the riders have had to be professionals or to participate in big races is sponsorship. However in the 80’s they were lucky because some important companies like Batteries Varta a German firm, and Colombian Coffee firms were the principal sponsors when the first Colombian Cycling team was formed. This team won a great variety of races; but in 1986 a new sponsor came up, it was Postobon, one of the biggest firms in Colombia, Postobon successfully competed against Colombian Coffee team to be the unique sponsor, especially because the coffee prize was lower and could no longer support the cyclists. Postobon and its team won some competitions. In 1996 the team disappears because the cyclist did not fulfill the expectations. After this, the Colombian cyclists have had to look for foreign sponsors to progress because the governmental support is really poor, consequently the participation of Colombian riders have been nearly impossible, the sponsors prefer support other sports, despite of the performance that the cyclist have had.

In spite of all these difficulties, the Colombian cyclists’ participations in big races have been successful and they have got great victories; the most representative cyclists have been: Luis Herrera who was the best climber in the world, he won the mountain leader jersey 5 times in the 3 biggest races, and the best success of a Colombian, champion in the “Vuelta a España” in this race the organizers gave him a big bull. Santiago Botero won six times Trial Championships; actually, he is the best Colombian cyclist in the 21st century. Fabio Parra, Martin Emilio Rodriguez, and Mauricio Soler, among others. They made history in the Colombian cycling. Nowadays Nairo Quintana is the promise of the cycling since he won the second position, the young rider leader and the mountain jersey in the Tour 2013 and Rigoberto Uran who won the second position in the Giro d’Italia this year and the silver medal in the Olympic Games too. In short, have been a lot of successes that the Colombian cyclists have got. All these characters struggled to make our country proud. For these reasons Colombians riders are the best! Cycling is one of the most important sports in Colombia, because the cyclists performance has been really outstanding in spite of the economic troubles, but the main thing is that thanks to the successes that the cyclist have got, they have shown the other side of Colombia, that should have an international reputation beyond drug trafficking. We are proud of our cycling team and more than once I have jumped of my seat to celebrate their successes and triumphs, so for this reason we should not forget our Colombian riders, and encourage new generations to follow this sport.

By Manuel

Nairo Quintana and Luis Herrera

What is the most appropriate sportswear for you?

By Nicole

We have all done exercise at some stage in our lives. One of the most important factors

when practicing a physical activity is that you feel comfortable so, do you know what is the

best option to feel comfortable? The sportswear have the answer, this is extremely

important because some experts tells that the 80% of your performance depend of your

sportswear, as a matter of fact athletics always look for the most appropriate sportswear

to be better in each one of their sports but how choose the most appropriate sportswear?

Here you will find some answers to be well-informed about some brands and accessories

but remember that brands is not everything because you need to know about sportswear

features and how much are these so, making up your mind about your sportswear can be

difficult and maybe boring but if you know interesting details about this topic the situation

will be totally different so, let’s check it.

If you want to buy top-quality sportswear first you need to select a brand. But how? Here

you will find a ranking of the 3 most

important brands in the world, the

number one is Nike, Nike is the name of

a goddess that means victory, this

brand is the top one because spend

hundreds of millions of dollars every

year in large promotions and

advertisements that grows and increase

its popularity, moreover Nike has its

name associated with the most famous

athletes of the world like Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, Kobe Bryant among others, this

brand is followed by Adidas and Puma. The founders of these two companies are brothers,

they had one company together but they fought and split apart so, everybody on their own

make a company Adi Dassler created Adidas and Rudi Dassler found Ruda now Puma.

On the other hand, can be easier to make up your mind if you know the differences

between the best brands in the world so, Adidas and Nike are the manufacturers and

sponsors of high profile players then these brands are most expensive than Puma but

according to some surveys Puma is the most popular brand and beloved place to buy

sportswear so, Nike Puma and Adidas are excellent brands to buy good sportswear To be

an expert in sportswear is not necessary only to know about brands, you also need to

know that there are different kinds of material depending on the sport you practice so, if

you look for some comfortable materials cotton, wool or silk could be a good option but

these natural materials have some disadvantages like they dry slowly. Regarding silk it is

expensive, and the wool occupies a lot of volume and sometimes can be itchy, but do not

worry there are some synthetic materials that could be better than natural materials,

additionally in the same way is very important that you always wear good quality

sportswear so, that is why they could be expensive, for instance, some of the best athletes

spend a lot of Money in their sportswear, Do you know who wears the most expensive

cleats-of the world? They are not wear

by Cristiano Ronaldo neither Lionel

Messi, the most expensive cleats in

the world are worn by Pierre-Emerick

Aubameyang a player of the French

league, this cleats have 4000 crystal

incrustations and have a value of 3000

euros so, believe or not, when buying

sportswear be careful with the kind of

material that you want to wear and

obviously make sure they are high

quality. Remember that is better to spend money in something good that last forever.

What the future holds? In the ‘80s a few runners

would hardly imagine that now everybody would

be able to wear gadgets so popular these days

and they can very useful, in fact, the brand Under

Armour wants to include portable technology in

sportswear, such Ipod holders or water supports

even devices that can measure your performance,

pressure, calories burned or heart rate etc, there

is a commercial called “I will” and in the video you

will see some ideas for sportswear in the future so,

let your imagination dream.


Remember that if you are going to practice any physical activity is very important the clotes

you wear the best sportswear to feel comfortable so, there are some aspects to keep in

your mind because is not just about going to the mall and buy something that you see at

first sight , it is also about knowing about the best brands with top-quality, especially if you

are looking for a better performance in the fields, just keep updated on the latest

sportswear news because right now there are many new things that will leave you

astounded. And even more coming up.

The great majority of people don’t do exercise for the simple reason that is very boring to

do it without a good company; if you find yourself in this group of people ¡ GO TO

WORKOUT WITH YOUR DOG!, there are different types of exercises that you and your

dog can enjoy while exercising, and if you are an extreme sports lover, do it with your pet

too, but like in all sports, you have to take all necessary precautions for you and your new


One of the best activities to do

exercise is aerobics or dancing, and if

you don’t have company you can

always count on your pet for a

choreography; in fact, in some

countries there are dance

competitions of with pets, such the

Canine Freestyle, but you can only

compete if you pull off an excellent

and innovative choreography with

your dog, with unique steps and

movements in order to be the winners

of Canine Freestyle. Canine Freestyle

is a wonderful sport for you and your dog where you exercise while having fun, the

objective of each presentation is to demonstrate the skills of your pet with music and

movement; the winning couple will get a money price and food for the pet.

The extreme water sports have

become very popular activities

because these offer much fun and

exercise for you and your dog. The

most common water extreme sports

that involve dogs is Surfing, this can

be considered the most difficult

water sport to be mastered whether

it is individually or in combination with your dog, in fact, around 627 surfers die each

year in south America practicing it. In surfing, the person is on top of a surfboard balancing

their body and strength, the dog usually sits or stands in the front of the table. With the

additional weight of the dog requires a higher level of balance and more strength; surfing

is a fun sport and a lot of concentration is required you enjoys a great adventure with your

pet in addition surfing is one of the most common extreme sport that you can do with

your pet.

We should take into account many

precautions when going out with your pet to

practice sports. First, your dog can’t run before

one year of age; Second, you have to consider

the breed of your pet for example the bulldogs

can’t do much exercise because they have a

flat face and can’t breathe properly so they

could stroke; Third, each time that you go to

do exercise with your pet you must put safety

belts, a necklace with details of your dog and

his owner; Fourth, you and your pet should be

hydrate well during the training mainly our

pets, because they have more difficulty to control their body temperature, and so with

this recommendations you and your dog be able to do exercise and get in shape practicing

the sport that both like.

Now everything depends on you and now you know the different types of do exercise

with your dog, you can run, walk, and if you are passionate about extreme sports and you

can share your experiences surfing is a good option and your dog your perfect company,

dance is another alternative and probably more fun, and with asgood choreographies

together might win a price at the Canine Freestyle including money just by dancing with

your pet, However always remember the safety tips for you and your dog, as well as

hydration,. Finally, if you go out to exercise with your dog on the street don’t forget to

carry a bag to pick up your dog feces to avoid making anyone uncomfortable.



By Yaison

Nowadays, most sports have an economic and

business profile, from the players to the

viewers; we are all part of this matter. Perhaps

because it is the most popular sport in the

world, Football is the world´s 17th economy

today and the fifth largest sport group in the

world. Money moved by football today is

mainly made by the transfers of players and

the sponsors, match tickets and others, which

represents a high financial flow. In addition, it

impacts a country’s economy This aspects

represents a respectable figures that reinforce

once again how important it is football today

for the world economy.

Football today is the world's 17th economy

with a GDP of 500 billion dollars and is the fifth

largest sport group in the world, 240 million

players in 1.5 million of teams associated to

FIFA. Football players are the highest paid

athletes in the world, en first place is Cristiano

Ronaldo with 44 millions dollars followed by

Lionel Messi with 41.3 millions and Sergio

Aguero with 21 millions a year, furthermore

the richest sporting organizations in the world

are the football clubs, in first place is Real

Madrid with 3.300 millions dollars followed by

Manchester United with 3.165 and Barcelona

with 2600 millions dollars. To top it off, the

richest football league in the world are the

Premier League followed by La Liga and the

Bundesliga. But this is not the common

denominator of all clubs, there are great

differences between clubs from the same

country, making leagues with high contrast


Transfers, which in recent years has gained

unprecedented importance due to the

amount of money for each transfer. These

amounts paid depends on three factors: the

age of the player, the football quality and their

media value. The three highest economic

transfers in football history are: Gareth Bale

from Tottenham to Real Madrid for 100

million euros, followed by Cristiano Ronaldo

from Manchester United to Real Madrid for 94

million and Zinedine Zidane from Juventus to

Real Madrid for 75 million euros. One

wonders, whom corresponds the money paid

by the clubs? clubs owes Player’s economic

rights, they are who generally receive

payment for the transfer, but also there is a

percentage for the player and his

representative and even for the club where

was formed. We can see that every time the

transfer of a professional football player

occurs, in the transaction involved various

factors and actors who are embroiled in highly

complex operation.

It´s very important to show certain numbers

and examples of how money moves football in

the world and what they represent for a

country. In Switzerland, football has come to

generate business of over 15,000 million

dollars according to a study by the Federal

Office for Sport. Football makes a contribution

of 1.8% to the country's Gross Domestic

Product and generates 2.5% of the labor

market. According to study by the Federal

Ministry of Economy of Austria, one of every

ten jobs in this country depends on the sport.

With respect to the management of sports,

move approximately 1,700 million dollars. The

manufacture and trade of sports goods move

7,400 million dollars. If we add all that to the

sport in general, that represents 21,700

million dollars in Austria. Talking about the

most important league in the world, the total

impact of professional football in the Spanish

economy exceeds 10,500 million dollars, this

represents approximately 1.7% of GDP general

and 2.5% of GDP of the service sector. The

Professional Football generates annual

revenues for the state of 1,100 million dollars

and provides employment directly and

indirectly to nearly 66,000 people. The sectors

that directly receive the positive impact of the

activity of Professional Football include,

textiles, hotels, activities entertainment and

multimedia, telecommunications. This

numbers shows that football is a major

economic sector which should be a target of

economic policy in each country.

The football as an economic activity perhaps

lead us to think only in match tickets, t-shirts

and accompanying beer, but in the

background is much more than that. Football

generates a GDP of 500 billion dollars, which

makes it among the 20 economies of the

world. This money is mainly represented by

transfers, which have reached exorbitant

amounts, surprising nowdays. Also, must be

taken into account, which represents a

football league for a country, employment,

taxes to the state, international recognition

and impact to the national GDP. These

highlights on the football world, are only part

of what it really means the world's most

popular sport in the economy. In fact, the

countries compete each year to the host of

international tournaments and the biggest

sporting events with the high financial flow

and benefits this brings into the country.

The Football players are the richest athletes in the world:

PLAYER PAY (million dollars)

Cristiano Ronaldo 44

Lionel Messi 41.3

Sergio Aguero 21

The richest sporting organizations in the world are the football clubs:

CLUB VALUATION (million dollars)

Real Madrid (ESP) 3.300

Manchester United (ENG) 3.165

Barcelona (ESP) 2.600

Considering the top 15 richest clubs, the richest football league in the world are:

LEAGUE VALUATION (million dollars)

Premier League (ENG) 7.252

La Liga (ESP) 5.900

Bundesliga (ALE) 2.263

The three highest economic transfers in football history are:

PLAYER PAY (million euros) FROM TO

Gareth Bale 100 Tottenham Real Madrid

Cristiano Ronaldo 94 Manchester United Real Madrid

Zinedine Zidane 75 Juventus Real Madrid

The clubs that have spent more money buying players season 2013-2014:

CLUB AMOUNT (million dollars)

Real Madrid (ESP) 239.19

Monaco (FRA) 219.03

Tottenham (ING) 160.52

The clubs that have collect more money selling players season 2013-2014:

CLUB AMOUNT (million dollars)

Anzhi (RUS) 176.33

Tottenham (ING) 167.37

Real Madrid (ESP) 150.9

The most important league transfers season 2013-2014:

LEAGUE EXPENSES (million dollars) INCOME (million dollars)

Premier League (ENG) 1005 360

Serie A (ITA) 540.33 544.28

La Liga (ESP) 531.1 665.52

Technological developments in the sport.

By yudy

We live in a modern world where technology

and new knowledge is coming up, which is

useful in many areas, especially in sport, some

of those aspects will be explore over this

article in terms of football, tennis and shoes.

In football the technology has been is

implemented on the ball, as well as, in tennis

ball in order to avoid controversy from

spectators and athletes. We will also look at

running shoes that have improved to help in

terms of stability and to maintaining a toned and healthy body.

Although for many people implementing technology in football is end of the excitement and

adrenaline that luck and player’s performance can bring, however, technology has been proposed

to improve referees decision making, due the fact that some limited moves are almost impossible

to be seen by humans, causing disrepute and insults among referee, players and fans because of the

so called -"mistakes". This is why The International Football Association Board (IFAB) decided to use

the technology on the goal line, which consists of a chip that detects if the ball has really come or

not to post. The company has patented KINETICAL worldwide system, implemented an arbitration

management application simplifies work of humans beings. The name assigned is K-Referee, whose

aim is to facilitate the management collegiate parties through the use of PDA and TABLE-Pc. The

system is simple. Before each match, the referee gets in your Pocket PC all data necessary to open

the record. During the dispute the match, the referee is pointing all incidents that are occurring on

your computer (changes, cards, scores, expulsions). All these data are archived and, after the match,

the referee could print the record and give it to each of the teams. These technology innovations

not only help the referee, but would improve the competition.

Speed and technique of the game has evolved to the point that exceeds the capacity of the human

eye. Like in soccer, the role of technology in the Tennis field has not been of much controversy, as

this had been part of the game for a long time. Although the decisions of the judges are taking into

account, technology has helped them to clarify some of the games that are criticized by the fans or

even by the athletes. It has been reached by implementing the so-called “Hawk-eye” which aims to

determine whether a ball has fallen in or out of the tennis court limits. The Hawk-Eye is a computer

system that works according to the trajectory of the ball. It is based on imagery triangular high speed

cameras which are placed at strategic points around the tennis court, once you have processed the

data, Hawkeye generates a graphic animation of the trajectory of the ball and the pot on the tennis

court and in seconds you can repeat a play and display it on a screen visible to all. The system does

not perform live but has great speed allowing it to process information in just seconds. At first

Hawkeye did not work very well, and there was controversy , because some players said that this

could undermine the essence of the court, but eventually gained reliability and players , judges and

fans have become accustomed to this technological tool.

Technology can also be applied to innovate in the sport outfit and equipment , this is the case of the

running shoes. To those who do not know what material are running shoes made of, we will help

you to understand the new technology that we have implemented in them. The sole has been

developed for 25 years based EVA (Ethylene, Vinyl, Acetate) regardless of brand, but after years of

research and development, a group of engineers, technicians, designers and other professionals in

the brand developed by Adi Dassler made over 70 years, came up with the material that allowed

them to develop a new technology as well as being innovative attempt to change the way the

sneakers will be manufactured in the future.

The new technology developed by adidas, lasts longer than EVA,

maintaining its power and smoothness return for hundreds of

kilometers. Without saying that energy boost is a neutral shoe that

offers sufficient stability for runners who usually have a slight

pronation. Also indicated that certain templates can be used to

improve performance in runners whose tread is not neutral,

however, it is noteworthy that was developed for runners with neutral footprint.

Why Technology is needed in Sport? There is no doubt that the importance and magnitude of sport

has increased massively in the last 15-20 years. And since the importance of sport has increased, so

are the decisions being made in it. It is unfair to expect a human being to make a split second

decision that could change the whole course of a sporting event. This is the main reason why

technology is needed in sport, although knowledge of the innovations of technology in sport outfit

and equipment is very important for better athletic performance.


Most people have had the opportunity

to skate at some point in their lives,

have you? So, why for some people it

is difficult. Probably when you are

learning to skate you have many falls

as it is quite difficult to control and get

balance, and you must have a lot of

concentration. Some people could

consider it as a bad sport, but what

could be wrong about skating? Maybe,

they say that, because they only know

the injuries suffered by skaters but

they do know that they can get some

benefits too, it all depend on how you

practices it.

Skating is a sport in which injuries are

very frequent and continuous. A factor

contributing to this problem is the high

demand of the muscles work. The

injuries of the skaters occurs more

frequently when speeding, because

the higher speed, the higher the the

amount of effort required to go forward

therefore muscle fibers move more

rapidly, this could causes torn muscle.

And which is worst it can happen

without the person realizing about it,

maybe because of the excitement

experienced over the raise

Some other people consider it a bit

risky, as important parts of your body

can be affected such the backbone,

where "the athlete is putting most of

the effort”, people who practice skating

should be careful enough, looking at all

the injuries that can occur in this sport.

However, skating can have many

advantages, it should be very

beneficial to the skaters when they

make good use of the sport and you

could have a very good strength in

your legs along with the rest of your

body as it works and tones most of the

body's muscles. Skating, in any of its

styles requires from us to develop two

important qualities: reflexes and

balance, these two qualities not find it

in other sports such as cycling or

running, are certainly very valuable.

When skating, one must respond to

the imperfections of the ground and

the obstacles in front of you like

driving. Skating is an activity harder

than it may seem at first sight. In fact,

after a while skating one usually ends

very tired and your body might ache all

over. Comparing to half an hour of

cycling that burns about 150 calories in

half an hour, or aerobics with 180 per

hour, skating will assure you at least

300 calories approximately. That is,

double that what you burn in you the


Besides all this, skating is a very

complete sport exercises for balance,

reflexes and coordination probably

more than most sports. When you

skate by the streets and parks you

must overcome many obstacles which

requires therefore greater reaction

ability more than walking, running or

riding a bike, and greater agility and

sense of balance to drive.

The person who practice this sport

should know the benefits and injuries

that can be found in this sport,

because it can be very complete,

effective and greatly beneficial

By: Estiven Luna in September-2013