XPLANE's Games for Change for ACMP 2016

Post on 12-Jan-2017

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Transcript of XPLANE's Games for Change for ACMP 2016


Games for Change

Stephanie Gioia @stephgioia Nina Narelle @nina_narelle @xplane


①  Why games for change? ②  How can games be used across the change journey? ③  Explore one game you can use right away

Workshop Goals


Let’s Go!

①  Grab a worksheet and pen ②  Write your change challenge in 10 words or less ③  Write your top 3 barriers to achieving this change ④  Introduce yourself and read your change challenge


Why Games for Change?


There is no problem that doesn’t have some underlying need for more optimism, stamina, resilience and collaboration. And games are, I believe, the best platform we have for providing that. - Jane McGonigal

How can games be used across the change journey?



Change Lever


Alignment Games


Activation Games


Let’s Play a Game!


1 Think about your change challenge. Sort the quotes into a YES and NO pile.

Yes, I might hear this at my organization No, I probably wouldn’t hear this at my organization


2 Put your NO stack back in the box. Flip your YES stack over and sort by color. Mark the number of cards from each category in the boxes on your worksheet.


3 Prioritize your top 5 barriers


Note the title of the card on your worksheet

4 Note the details of your top 5 cards on the worksheet


5 Reflect with a buddy. Share your top 3 barriers from your first brainstorm and your top 5 from your card sort. Did you learn something new when you used the cards?


Play the game with 10 people from your audience


Keep the Games for Change discussion going on the Strategy Activation Slack Group : please drop a business card or sign up near the doors.

Barriers to Change Card Decks are available for $20 at the bookstore or at www.xplane.com Free worksheet download at www.xplane.com More on Card Decks: www.deckaholic.com

Stephanie Gioia @stephgioia Nina Narelle @nina_narelle @xplane

Thank you!