x class english

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Transcript of x class english















1. What did the king do constantly?A. the king looked at himself constantly in mirrors, in pools of water, even in other people’s eyes when they spoke to him.

2. Why did the people become poorer and sadder under the king's?A. The king gave more attention to his hair style and body oil bath than to ruling his kingdom. So the people became poorer and sadder.

3. What did the king boast one day in the court?A. The king boasted one day in the court that he was probably more handsome than all the gods.

4. “Unfortunately for the………………” what was unfortunate?A. A bad tempered god heard the boastings of the king. It was unfortunate for the King.

5. How did the god punish the king? Why did the god punish the king?A. The god punished the king by making two horns grow on his head. The king would never boast of his handsomeness.

6. In what way was the punishment ‘appropriate’?A. The proud king would look ugly and he would never dream of boastings of his handsomeness. Thus the punishment was ‘appropriate’.

7. Why do you think the king sent for his barber as soon as he discovered his horns?A. The king wanted to cover his horns with his hair completely. So he sent for his barber as soon as discovered his horns.

8. The king warned the barber against doing something. What was it?A. The king warned the barber not to tell anybody about the horns on his head. If he did so he would be flogged and hanged.

9. Did the barber succeed in covering the king’s horns completely? How can you tell?A. No, the barber did not succeed in covering the king’s horns completely. The king put his nightcap on to hide the rest.

10. What happened when the royal musician played the tamarind drum?A. When the royal musician played the tamarind drum it intoned that the Raja had horns on his head.

11. A change came over the king when he was in the forest. What was it? A. The king gradually learnt about the beauty of the world around him. He also learnt to care for creatures smaller than himself. He grew strong, wise and selfless.

12. When did the king realize that his horns had disappeared?A. The king went down to a forest pool to drink water he saw his reflection without any horns. Then he realized that his horns had disappeared.

13. When the king returned to his kingdom did he punish the royal barber? Why?


A. No, he did not punish the royal barber. But the king removed from his job as he became wiser.

14. Why did the royal barber reveal the secret of the king’s horns?A. The royal barber said that he would die if he did not reveal the secret to someone. So he revealed the secret.

Opposite words: right forms

Fortunately x unfortunately Appropriate x inappropriate Normal x abnormal Outside x insideVain x modestProud x humbleHappy x unhappySlowly x suddenly X brisklyPatiently x impatientlyPartially x impartiallyRemember x forgetGradually x ungradually X rapidly X suddenlyWise x foolishSelfless x selfishBeautiful x uglyAppear x disappearEfficient x inefficient

court ----- courtier punish ---------punishment Talk ---------talkativePatient -------patienceImpatient ---impatienceWarn ---------warningInform -------informationAssemble ----assemblyMusic ---------musicianExpect ------- expectationBeauty ------- beautiful, BeautifullyGrow --------- growthWise ---------- wisdomSelfless ------- selflessnessAdvice ------- adviseAppear -------appearanceReflect -------- reflectionKing ---------- kingdomPoor --------- poor, poverty

UNWRITTEN REGISTRYEach, for his own remembering, has listOf lovely things, and yours may be unlikeMine as the day from night: a river kissedBy sun is in my own, a flaming spikeOf hollyhocks may be in yours, while snow,Light-swirling but persistent, is as fairTo me as music. You have hours that glowJewel-like and exquisite, and I have rareMornings and afternoons and midnights, tooYou’ve loved a city you cannot forget,And I a hill and wood in April; you,Bird song and voices I’ve not known. And yetMy list is strangely similar to yours:Each warms the heart, and comforts, andendures.


POLYA1. Who was Polya?A. Polya was an illiterate woman. She couldn’t even write her name.

2. Who was Polya’s husband? What was he?A. Ivan was Polya’s husband. He was a government official.

3. Why was Ivan not very happy with his wife?A. Ivan was not very happy to have an illiterate wife.

4. What did Ivan want his wife to do?A. Ivan wanted his wife to learn how to read and write.

5. What did Polya find in her husband’s jacket?A. Polya found a letter with a neat handwriting that smelled of perfume in a blue envelope.6. Polya became pale. Why?A. On seeing the sweet smelling letter in Ivan’s jacket, Polya thought he might be in love with another woman.

7. What was it about the letter that made Polya suspicious?A. It was a perfumed letter with a neat handwriting and Ivan seemed to be taking more care of his moustache and clothes. These made Polya suspicious.

8. What did Polya decide after finding the letter?A. Polya decided to learn how to read and write.

9. How did Polya feel when she read the letter?A. After reading the letter Polya felt secretly insulted because she had wrongly suspected her husband.

10. What made husband realize the importance of learning how to read?A. When she could not read the suspected letter she realized the importance of learning how to read.

11. What did Maria Blokhina write in her letter to Ivan?A. It was about the need for Polya to learn how to read and write.

12. What was the special book brought by Ivan? Where did Polya hide it? Why did Polya hide it?A. “Teach yourself” was the special book brought by Ivan. Polya hid it in the cupboard because she was not interested in learning.

13. Why did Polya burst into tears on reading the letter from Maria Blokhina?A. Polya burst into tears on reading the letter from Maria Blokhina because she had wrongly suspected her husband.


Moustache Literate – literacy Literate x illiterate

Illiterate Illiterate – illiteracy Responsible x irresponsible


Government Responsible – responsibility Official x unofficial

Official Success – successful, Success x failure, unsuccess

Successful Successfully Happy x unhappy, Sad

Learn Young – youth Shut x open

Argue Argue – argument Special x ordinary

Mouth Special – specialty Quiet x noisy

Special - Specially Inside x outside

Quiet Think – thought Love x hate

Laugh Promise – promise Fold x unfold

Poor Ignorant – ignorance Ignorance x knowledge, wisdom

Voice Patiently – patience Ignorant x wise

Feel Explain – explanation Patiently x impatiently

Anniversary Celebrate - celebration Easy x hard

Revolution Push x pull

Forget x remember

Sure x doubtful

Prepositions:Fun of Burst into tears Stare at

SPELLINGS OPPOSITE WORDS RIGHT FORMSStrength Strength x weakness Strong – strongly, strengthMarathon Important x unimportant Smoky – smoke, smokingGreet Reforestation x deforestation Friend – friendly, friendshipElectricity Success x unsuccess, failure Pretend – pretentionKerosene Open x shut, close Protect – protectionPrimary Major x minor Achieve – achievementFeel Distant x near Ecology – ecological, ecologistPain Literacy x illiteracy Young – youthBreathe Rural x urban Violent – violently, violenceRelease Violent x nonviolent Decide – decisionAtmosphere Civil x criminal Prevent – preventionShout Obedience x disobedience Product – productivityMessage Local x non local Believe – beliefseminar Profit x loss Explain – explanationAchieve Permit x prohibit Permit – permissionConference Increase x decrease Own – ownership, ownerTool Plant x replant YouthBelieveIdeaCommercialAreaFuelInfluence

1. What did Sunderlal Bahuguna mainly discuss with the children of Jardhargaon?


A. Sunderlal Bahuguna mainly discussed with the children of Jardhargaon about the chemistry of forests and how trees breathe.

2. Bahuguna uses several methods to persuade the children of Jardhargaon to protect trees. What are they?A. Bahuguna used songs, discussions and role plays to persuade the children of Jardhargaon to protect trees.

3. Why does Bahuguna prefer to talk to children about chipko?A. Bahuguna believed that the children will take the message home and spread it to their parents. So he preferred to talk to children about chipko.

4. What is the main aim of the chipko movement?A. The main aim of the chipko movement is to protect trees and deforestation. 5. How has it affected the work of the forestry department? In what sense has the department become a ‘teacher’?A. The forestry department also began to educate the people about the reforestation methods. It opened nurseries and supplied seedlings.

6. Why is Bahuguna so keen on preventing deforestation in the Himalayas?A. Deforestation of the Himalayas will turn all of India into a desert. So he is so keen on preventing it.

7. Does Bahuguna visit only the easily reachable villages? Why do you think he undertakes foot marches? Do you think he was influenced by Gandhiji’s methods?A. No, Bahuguna visits distant villages also he undertakes foot marches to spread the chipko message to distant villages. Yes, he was influenced by Gandhiji’s methods.

8. In what way Bahuguna influenced by Gandhiji’s foot marches?A. He was influenced by Gandhiji’s foot marches. Gandhiji’s views enabled him to understand the cause of poverty of the villagers.

9. What are the bases of life according to Bahuguna?A. Soil, water and pure air the basis of life according to Bahuguna.

10. Bahuguna started a movement in the 70’s against the contract system? Why?A. Bahuguna started a movement in the 70’s against the contract system because the contractors overcut the trees causing deforestation.

11. What does Bahuguna think is the main cause of poverty in Tehri Garhwal? What does he think the felling of trees has led to?A. Bahuguna thinks that it was due to deforestation which leads to soil erosion, landslides and the drying up of water sources.

12. Why have women led the fight against deforestation?A. Woman spent most of their time among trees looking for fuel and fodder. So they led the fight against deforestation.

13. What does Bahuguna think are the three ways in which villagers can fight poverty and deforestation?A. Bahuguna think that changing the system of land ownership, changing their eating habits and increasing the forest productivity are the three ways in which villagers can fight poverty and deforestation.


Spelling Opposite words Right forms

Threshold Irresponsible x responsible Finance – financial

Idiot Timidly x boldly Interrupt – interruption

Salary Private x public Detective – detect, detective

Reveal Regularly x irregularly Relieve – relief

Fear Quickly x slowly Conclude – conclusion

Interruption Possible x impossible Explain – explanation

Relive Truth x falsehood Withdraw – withdrawal

Painful Rich x poor Prepare – preparation

Millionaire Withdraw x deposit Laugh – laughter

Quick Open x close, shut Save – savings

Ceiling Kindly x un kindly Enter – entrance


1.‘I’ knew this beforehand what did the narrator know beforehand?A. He knew that he would become nervous and behave like an idiot, if he entered the bank.

2.The very sight of him rattled me why?A. The very sight of the bank accountant rattled the narrator because the accountant was a tall man and looked like a devil.

3.What made the manager think that the narrator worked for Pinkerton’s detective agency?A. The narrator wanted to talk to the manager a lone so the manager thought him to be a detective.

4.Why did the manager later feel that the narrator was probably very rich?A. The narrator said that he wanted to deposit all his money in the bank. So he felt that the narrator was probably very rich.

5.Something that the narrator did show us that he was ‘rattled’ what was it?A. The narrator stepped into the safe instead of going out. This shows that he was rattled.

6.Why do you think all the clerks stopped writing to look at the narrator?A. The clerk asked the narrator in surprise if he was drawing out all the money he had just deposited. So all the clerks stopped writing to look at the narrator as it was an unusual.

7.Why did the narrator try to look like a man with a quick temper?A. The narrator by mistake wrote fifty six dollars instead of six-dollars on the cheque. To cover up his mistake he tried to look like a man with quick temper.

8.The narrator made one last mistake before leaving the bank. What was it?


A. Before leaving the bank the narrator asked the clerk to give him fifty dollars in fifties and the six dollars in sixes.

9.How long did the narrator’s financial career’ last? Was it successful while it lasted?A. The narrator’s financial career lasted for a few minutes only. No, it was not successful.

10. Where did the narrator keep his money after the experience in the bank?A. He kept his money in cash in his trousers pocket and his savings in silver dollars in a sock.

11.What happens to the narrator when he gets into a bank?A. When the narrator gets into a bank he gets rattled.

12.When did the author know that he made a mistake?A. He realized his mistake when the clerk asked him if he was having all again.

13. Did the narrator really want to withdraw all his money? A. He, by mistake wrote fifty six dollars.


SPELLINGS OPPOSITE WORDS RIGHT FORMSLieutenant Narrow x broad Inform – informationBeat Remember x forget Occupy – occupationConfess Enemy x friend Deal – dealtFear Wrong x right Surround – surroundingsReceive Inside x outside Promise – promiseAfraid Love x hate Donate – donationFeel Beautiful x ugly Believe – beliefEspecially Please x displease Salute – salutationDoubt True x false Continue – continuationVoice Glad x sad Murmur – murmuringStrength Thick x thin Regular – regularityPhotograph Hesitate – hesitationFriend Refuse – refusalCorrespondent Divide – divisionRestaurant Explain – explanationCigarette Decide – decisionSoldier Admit – admission ShoeAttentionCourageHesitatePreciousGrateful

1.Who was Lieutenant Blandford? Whom was he waiting for?A. Blandford was a young army Lieutenant. He was waiting at the railway station for his beloved lady miss Meynell.


2.His heart was beating so hard…………Why?A. Blandford was very anxious to see the woman he had never seen. So his heart beating so hard.

3.How were john Blandford and Hollis Meynell going to recognize each other?A. Blandford was going to recognize his friend by a little red rose on her coat. Meynell was going to recognize was going to recognize her friend by the book of Human Bondage.

4.How did lieutenant Blandford first ‘meet’ Hollis Meynell? What do you think made him write to her?A. Blandford first meet Meynell in his imagination when he read the book “of human Bondage”. He wrote to her as he was impressed with her deep reading of the book.

5.Lieutenant Blandford had asked Hollis Meynell for her Photograph several times but she had refused why?A. Hollis Meynell refused to send her photograph because she believed that looks would not matter if feelings of love were real.

6.And then Lieutenant Blandford’s heart leaped why?A. Because he saw a young woman. Walking towards him who he thought was Meynell.

7.“Going my way Soldier?” do you think this remark was meant to tease Lieutenant Blandford?A. Yes, this remark was meant to tease Lieutenant Blandford.

8.Lieutenant Blandford did not hesitate ‘what did he not hesitate to do? Why did he not hesitate?A. Blandford did not hesitate to meet the older woman. Since he believed that true love would mind neither the age difference nor the beauty.

9.How did Blandford pass the test of true love?A. Blandford ignored physical beauty. So he invited the old woman to dinner.

10.How was the young woman? What kind of a person was she?A. The young woman was tall and slender. She was a person of Great Spirit that would give courage and strength to others.


1. Who was Tutenkhamen? When did he die?A. Tutenkhamen was the ruler of Egypt from 1361 to 1352 B.C. He died at the early age of 19.2. Where was Tutenkhamen buried?

A. Tutenkhamen was buried in four roomed tomb in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt.

3. What were found in Tutenkhamen’s tomb?A. Some magnificent treasures were found in his tomb.

4. Why was there so much excitement when Tutenkhamen’s tomb was discovered?A. Because all the other royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings were robbed. But nobody knew about his tomb for hundreds of years. 5. Who discovered Tutenkhamen’s tomb and when?A. Two Englishmen Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon discovered Tutenkhamen’s tomb on 4th November, 1922.

6. What happen to the other royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings?A. They were excavated and the treasures in them were robbed.

7. What was the curse of Tutenkhamen? (Or) What was the belief of a few Egyptians about the Tutenkhamen’s tomb?A. A few Egyptians believed that something terrible would happen to everyone who had helped in the opening of the royal tomb. That was the curse.

8. What was Howard Carter?


SPELLINGS RIGHT FORMS OPPOSITE WORDSMagnificent Die –dead, death Ancient x modernTreasure Know – knowledge Finally x initiallyExcitement Young – youth Normally x abnormallyArchaeologist Rob – robbery Strange x familiarProfessional Discover – discovery Ascend x descendArchaeology Profession – professional

- ProfessionallyLocal x non-local

Collection Archaeology –archaeologist Curse x blessEgyptian Egypt – Egyptian Important x unimportantCheek Previous – previously Young x oldMosquito Serious – seriously Appear x disappearMummified Excavate – excavation,

- ExcavatorEarth x unearth



A. Howard Carter was a professional archaeologist.

9. What was lord Carnarvon?A. lord Carnarvon was a rich man interested in archaeology.

10. What did people think happened when the last excavator left Tutenkhamen’s tomb?A. when the last excavator climbed out of the tomb a sudden sand storm blew up and a hawk flew overhead.

11. What did the local Egyptians take this to be?A. the local Egyptians took the hawk to be the spirit of Tutenkhamen.

12. What was probably the cause of Tutenkhamen’s death?A. Probably the cause of Tutenkhamen’s death was the bite of a mosquito which got infected. 13. What unusual things happened immediately after the death of lord Carnarvon?A. At the exact moment of Lord Carnarvon’s death all the lights in Cairo went out and thousands of miles away at his house his dog also died.

14. What did the doctors that examined the mummified body of Tutenkhamen notice?A. the doctors noticed that Tutenkhamen had a depression on his cheek, just like a mosquito bite, in exactly the same spot where Carnarvon had been bitten.

15. Why was the Egyptian director of Antiquities fought against the Tutenkhamen’s treasures being sent to France? What happened to him?A. The director of Antiquities fought against the decision for he had dreamed that he would die if he allowed the treasures to go out of Egypt. He was knocked down by a car and died two days later.

SPELLINGS SPELLINGS OPPOSITE WORDS RIGHT FORMSAudience Character Strange x familiar Tradition – traditionalAuditorium Lead Young x old Perform – performanceThunderous Tour Understand x misunderstand Courage – courageousWonderful Congratulations Below x above Injure – injuryUncrushable Believe Artificial x natural Infect – infectionCourageous Release Usual x unusual Treat – treatment Annual Message Public x private Grow – growthPilgrimage Touch Encourage x discourage Determine – determinationKnee Main Defeat x win Decide – decisionAcquire Finally x initially Invite - invitationResidence Credit x debit Achieve – achievementMiracle Forget x remember Pilgrim - pilgrimage

1. Sudha’s search began……. What did this search lead to?A. This search led to her meeting with Dr.Pramod Sethi and she had Jaipur food fitted.


2. Did Sudha’s parents and the others support her efforts to return to dancing? How can you tell?A. yes, they supported her. It was mentioned that they were all part of her passionate effort to return to dancing.

3. Do you think the gurudakshina Sudha gave on 27 th October, 1982 had any significance?A. yes, her dance with Jaipur foot was the gurudakshina she gave.

4. Why do you think Sudha made the film Kalabhimani? A. Sudha wished to give the message that a physical handicap should not be allowed the hamper one’s progress. So she made the film ‘Kalabhimani’.

5. ‘…..and after that there would be a wonderful, heartwarming response’. What does ‘that’ refer to?A. 'That' refers to heart touching disability of Sudha and how she had overcome her handicap.

6. “The seed of achievement lies in the human mind”. How is this true of Sudha chandran’s life?A. Sudha chandran’s courageous comeback to the stage after an accident with strong determination and dedication proves it.

7. Are there any common features in the lives of Balanna, Helen Keller and Sudha chandran?A. All the three are great artists and physically handicapped. They have proved that their handicap was not going to stop them from their progress.

8. How did Sudha chandran meet with an accident?A. Sudha chandran met with a road accident near Tiruchirapalli when her family went for their annual pilgrimage.

9. How did Sudha chandran’s father pay tribute to her at her good performance?A. Sudha chandran’s father paid tribute to her by touching her feet.

10. What is the message of Sudha chandran to the people?A. The message is “the seed of achievement” lies in the human mind.” There is nothing impossible for a human being if he is determined to do it.

11. ‘Sudha’s amazing success story took an interesting turn’. What was the interesting turn it took?A. It took an interesting turn when a Hyderabad film producer decided to make a Telugu film on her story with her in the main lead.

12. Sudha chandran had yet another birth. Explain?A. A Telugu film producer made a film based on her story with her in the main lead. It was another birth to her as a film star.

13. What role Dr.Pramod Sethi play in Sudha’s return to the stage?A. Dr.Pramod Sethi fitted a Jaipur foot and helped Sudha to return to the stage.


SPELLINGS OPPOSITE WORDS RIGHT FORMSChristmas Proud Appear x disappear Child – childish, childhoodMeet Precious Usual x unusual Adolescent – adolescenceAdolescent Appreciate Young x old Romantic – romanceEnchantment Creativeness Spinster x bachelor Hesitate – hesitationRelieve Hopelessness Mature x immature Young – youthSpinster Experience Pleasant x unpleasant Urgent – urgencyHair Diary Strange x familiar Hopeless – hopelessnessBeautiful Curiosity Past x present Apologize – apologyScissors Comparison Real x unreal Amuse - amusement

Order x disorder

1. Who is the narrator in “Christmas meeting”?A. The narrator was a school teacher and a spinster.

2. How does the narrator like being on her own at Christmas? A. The narrator does not like being on her own at Christmas. She feels lonely.

3. Which of these Christmases do you think she perhaps didn’t enjoy? How do you know?A. the narrator did not enjoy the adolescent Christmas. Then there was war and bitter cold.

4. Why does she think that there’s nothing romantic about her meeting with him?A. the narrator was nearly fifty years old and the young man was about twenty. So she

thought that there was nothing romantic about her meeting with him.

5. Something that the narrator does suggests that he is perhaps entering his own room. What is it?

A. the young man enters the room without knocking the door. He felt that it was his room.6. Does the young man like being alone at Christmas? Why isn’t he with his family for the

festival?A. No, the young man does not like. The young man was a busy writer. He had no time to

go his village to spend Christmas with his family.

7. “They don’t appreciate urgency”. What is this reference to?A. This is a reference to the indifference of Francis Randel’s family members towards his


8. ‘I am disappointed.’ Why is the narrator disappointed?A. The narrator was disappointed because the young man had left the room without taking


9. Is there any evidence in the story that the narrator is spending Christmas in a rented place rather than at home?

A. Furnished room and landlady.

10.In what way is the narrator’s ‘Christmas meeting’ similar to Francis Randel’s ‘Christmas meeting’ in 1851? In what way is it different?

A. Both were lonely. Both spent their time without interest. Both had odd experiences.


The narrator was safe that night. But Francis Randel died of heart attack that night.

11. How do you think the narrator felt when she read Francis Randel’s diary entry and the publisher’s note?

A. When the narrator read the Francis Randel’s diary she got upset. It is stated that he had met a woman before his death.

12. What kind of a person was Francis Randel?A. Francis Randel was easily excitable. He was twenty. He was a writer and a poet.

1. What other evidence do the letters contain to suggest that they are neighbours?A. The numbers of their houses are 77 and 79. There is only one hedge between their


2. If they are neighbours, why do they write to each other?A. They write to each other because they have nothing to do.

3. How long do you think colonel white and Mr. Telman have been neighbours?A. Both have been neighbours for many years.

4. Do you think James White and Joseph Telman had been friends before this correspondence began? (Or) do you think they had already had a quarrel or two earlier? Why do you think so?

A. 1) James White and Joseph Telman had not been friends before their correspondence began.2) They had not quarreled before because the letters were in a polite way.

5. Which do you think is the most insulting letter? Why?A. The most insulting letter is that of James dated 10 th July, 1970. The letter says that

Joseph Telman would rather have a dog than James.

6. While the neighbours are busy fighting, what are the dogs themselves doing? Are they different from their owners? In what way?

A. While their masters were quarreling like a couple of cats, the dogs were moving like friends. So they were quite different from their owners.

7. Why the neighbours quarrel for so long over a petty matter?A. The dogs think that the two men have not enough work to do. They do not try to

understand to each other. So they have quarreled.

8. Who wanted to report the matter to the police? What was the others reply?A. James white wanted to report the matter to the police. Telman replied that he would tell

the police about White’s dog.

9. Who were James White and Joseph Telman? What did they quarrel over?A. James White and Joseph Telman were next door neighbours. They quarreled about their



10. How did the dogs feel while their masters were quarreling? (Or) what do the two dogs think of their masters?

A. the two dogs felt that their masters did not have enough work to spend their time usually. So they behaved like a couple of cats.

11. Why did colonel white ask Telman to apologize?A. Telman said that white’s dog was hungry. So white became angry and asked Telman to

apologize for his remark.

1. Why was Gandhiji’s meeting with Sardar Vallabhai Patel important?A. there was rumors of disagreements between Patel and Nehru. Gandhiji decided to talk

about this matter to Patel. So the meeting was important. 2. what was the cattle food that Abha had given Gandhiji before he started to go for the

prayer?A. “carrot juice” was the cattle food that Abha had given Gandhiji before he started to go

for the prayer.3. What did Gandhiji’s meal consist of?A. Gandhiji’s meal consist of goat’s milk, cooked and raw vegetables, oranges, and a

mixture of ginger, sour lemons, and strained butter with juice of aloe. 4. “why should I, since you are my time keepers?” he replied. i) Who does he refer to? A. Gandhiji ii) Who were his time keepers? A. Abha and Manu5. Who were Abha and Manu?A. Abha, the young wife of Kanu Gandhi, grandson of the Mahatma’s cousin, and Manu,

the granddaughter of another of another cousin. Or Abha and Manu were Gandhiji’s granddaughters.6. Who were Gandhiji’s walking sticks? Why did he call them so?A. Abha and Manu were Gandhiji’s walking sticks. He called them so because he leaned

his forearms on their shoulders while walking.7. Why did Abha pick up the watch of Gandhiji?A. Abha knew that Gandhiji liked to be punctual. Therefore she showed the watch to

remind him of the prayer meeting. 8. What did Gandhiji tell the people at the prayer ground? What did it tell about him?A. At the prayer ground Gandhiji apologized to the people for being late. It revealed that

Gandhiji liked to be punctual.9. What did the man do when Manu tried to stop him?A. When Manu tried to stop him, he pushed her away and fired three shots from an

automatic pistol.10. Why did Gandhiji late for his prayer ground?A. Gandhiji was talking with Patel on an important matter. So he was late for his prayer


Honourable director: K.NAGENDRA RAO, M.A.,B.Ed.,