Wyong Regional Chronicle 019

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Issue 019 of Wyong Regional Chronicle

Transcript of Wyong Regional Chronicle 019

Your independent community newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369 Issue 19April 26, 2013




The Awabakal and Guringai Peoples have

given notice that they intend to fi le a claim for Native Title over the area from Broken Bay to Maitland, which includes the entirety of the Central Coast.

The notice invited descendants of the Awabakal and Guringai Peoples’ ancestors, in addition to other Aboriginal persons who believe they have Native Title rights within the area, to attend a meeting at Cameron Park Community Centre on Sunday, May 5, convened by the Awabakal and Guringai Peoples.

Persons of non-indigenous descent were not invited.

The notice stated that the meeting’s agenda would include discussion of the decision making process to be implemented, presentation of anthropological evidence to support the proposed claim, authorisation of a Native Title Determination to be fi led with the Federal Court, authorisation of the applicant to act on behalf of the Awabakal and Guringai Peoples, and

clarifying the extent of the applicant’s authority.

Native Title is federal legislation which was established in 1993 to recognise peoples’ traditional connection to land, and it does not confer ownership of the land but allows Native Title holders to negotiate with mining companies for royalties.

The NSW Aboriginal Land Rights Act was established in 1983 to provide Aboriginal people with compensation for the loss of land by giving the holder the right to build an economic base through land sales.

Under NSW law, Darkinjung Land Council holds the Land Rights to the areas which stretch from Catherine Hill Bay at its northern boundary, Hawkesbury River to the South, Pacifi c Ocean to the East and Watagan Mountains to the West, and is able to claim vacant crown land within these boundaries.

When asked for comment on the impact of the Awabakal and Guringai Peoples’ intent to apply for Native Title, Darkinjung Land Council CEO Mr Sean Gordon said that Darkinjung would not be impacted and is not impacted by any Native Title claim

that may be placed on the land today or in 20 years.

Community member of Darkinjung Mr Gavi Duncan of Charmhaven said that he believed the claim would be unsuccessful.

“Native Title says that you need to provide evidence of a continuous physical, ceremonial, spiritual relationship with the land, and they haven’t had that at all,” said Mr Duncan.

“Guringai was something that was created by Warren Whitfi eld here on the Coast a number of years back.

“He and a Gosford Council employee basically claimed that this area was occupied by the Guringai Group.

“The Guringai Group was created by non-Aboriginal people, and Aboriginal people have never ever recognised any Aboriginal group called Guringai.

“On the Northern Beaches they have a Ku-ring-gai National Park, which was named by Europeans.

“Guringai is just a word or a language that was spoken,” he added.

Mr Duncan said that the Darkinjung People had not initiated a Native Title claim over their

land as they were unable to prove the unbroken spiritual, ceremonial and physical connection to the land.

Awabakal and Guringai People representative Kerrie Brauer was contacted by Wyong Regional Chronicle but

refused to comment.

Harley Cattini and Kaitlin Watts, 24 Apr 2013

Interviewees: Steve Gordon and Gavi Duncan

Native title claim to theCentral Coast proposed

P2 - Wyong Regional Chronicle - April 26, 2013PNews

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander OrganisationsAboriginal Legal Service 8842 8000Community Options 4351 3388Bungree Aboriginal Association 4397 7700Mingaletta 4342 7515Aboriginal Home Care 4352 1153Drug & Alcohol rehab 4388 6360Respite Care Options 4351 3388Eleanor Duncan Aboriginal Health 4351 1040Darkinjung Local Land Council 4351 2930

AccommodationDept. of Housing Wyong 4352 4400Wyong accomodation support program 4351 0365Pacifi c Link Com Housing 4324 7617Samaritans Youth Services 4351 1922Youth Accom Hotline 1800 424 830Temporary Accommodation 1800 152 152

Animal RescueWires 1300 094 737

CounsellingMensline - talk with a bloke 1300 789 978Lifecare Family Services 1300 130 225Centacare: 4324 6403Relationship Australia: 1300 364 277Interrelate: 1800 449 118

EmergencyPolice Assistance Line 131 444Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000Wyong Police Station 4356 6099Energy Australia 13 13 88Gas Emergency 131 909Wyong Shire Council 4350 5555Marine Rescue - Central Coast 4325 7929SES - Storm and Flood Emergency 132 500

Crisis Services and HelplinesLifeline - 24 hr. 13 11 14Suicide Helpline 1800 191 919Kids Helpline 1800 551 800Parents Helpline 13 20 55Indigenous Call Centre 136 380

Family Relationship Advice Line 1800 050 321Family Drug Support 1300 368 186G-line - Gambling Helpline 1800 633 635Credit Helpline 1800 808 488Child Support Agency 13 12 72Australian Injury Helpline 1800 223 363Veteran Affairs Network 1300 551 918Mens Domestic Violence 1800 000 599Sexual Assault Resource 1800 199 888Gay and Lesbian Counselling 1800 184 527Gay and Lesbian Support 1800 249 377Youth Sexuality Network 4320 2856Vietnam Veterans 1800 043 503 Victims Support Services 1800 633 063Translation and Interpreting Service 13 14 50

Family and RelationshipsParents Helpline 132 055Oasis Youth Centre 4353 9799Horizons (For families) 4333 5111Interrelate - Family Relationships 1300 736 966

HealthWyong Hospital 4394 8000Cancer Hotline 131 120Mental Health info Service 1300 794 991Beyond Blue (Depression) 1300 22 4636Community Women’s Health Centre 4351 1152Problems, Habits & AddictionG-Line Telephone Counsel 1800 633 635Gamblers Anonymous 9726 6625Alcoholics Anonymous 4323 3890Narcotics Anonymous 4325 0524Quitline 131 848

Welfare ServicesDonnison St. Restaurant 4325 3540Horizons Family Services 4334 3377Meals on Wheels Wyong - 4333 6942 Department of Community Services Wyong - 4352 6500The Salvation Army 4325 5733Samaritans Emergency Relief 4393 2450St Vincent De Paul Society HELPLINE 4323 6081

also, see the Not for Profi t organisations directory inside

Wyong services Wyong services directory directory

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Family Relationship Advice Line 1800 050 321

Ambulance, Police, Fire 000

Publisher/Editor:Cec Bucello

Journalist:Elyse Gunner

Sub Editor:Kaitlin Watts

Graphic Design:Justin StanleyDebra Forest

Sales Manager: Val Bridge

Your independent community newspaper, published fortnightly on Thursday and focusing on issues specifi cally affecting post code areas 2258, 2259, 2261, 2262 and 2263Alison, Bateau Bay, Berkeley Vale, Blue Bay, Blue Haven, Budgewoi, Budgewoi Peninsula, Buff Point, Bushells Ridge, Canton Beach, Cedar Brush Creek, Chain Valley Bay, Charmhaven, Chittawy Bay, Chittaway Point, Colongra, Crangan Bay, Dooralong, Doyalson, Doyalson North, Durren Durren, Fountaindale, Frazer Park, Freemans, Glenning Valley, Gorokan, Gwandalan, Halekulani, Halloran, Hamlyn Terrace, Jilliby, Kangy Angy, Kanwal, Kiar, Killarney Vale, Kingfi sher Shores, Lake Haven, Lake Munmorah, Lemon Tree, Little Jilliby, Long Jetty, Magenta, Mannering Park, Mardi, Moonee, Norah Head, Noraville, Ourimbah, Palmdale, Palmgrove, Point Wolstoncroft, Ravensdale, Rocky Point, San Remo, Shelly Beach, Summerland Point, Tacoma, Tacoma South, The Entrance, The Entrance North, Toowoon Bay, Toukley, Tuggerah, Tuggerawong, Tumbi Umbi, Wadalba, Wallarah, Warnervale, Watanobbi, Woongarrah, Wybung, Wyee, Wyee Point, Wyong, Wyong Creek, Wyongah, Yarramalong

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THIS ISSUE contains 57 articles - Read more news items for this issue at www.peninsulanews.info

PeninsulaPeninsula Community Access NewsNews

15 April 2013Edition 315 Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940

The Patonga Progress Association has decided to oppose the draft Plan of Management for Patonga Crown Reserves and Dark Corner Cottages and has called for an extension of the comment period.

“There are recommendations in it that no-one wants, such as the removal of our tennis courts and their placement on Eve Williams Oval to provide more parking for the camping area,” according to Association president Mr Dain Simpson.

“There are many controversial proposals in the plan relating to the camping area, creek foreshore, the beach, Patonga Central shops, the oval and Dark Corner.

“The whole thing boils down to a very basic issue in our democratic system: the rights of local residents to determine the land management of their community.

“Either we have a signifi cant say, or we get trampled on.”

Mr Simpson said more than 100 people attended a meeting at the Patonga Progress Hall on Saturday, April 6, to discuss the plan.

“One thing’s for sure, these recommendations won’t happen if the people of Patonga remain as solid and determined as they were today.

“It was a call to arms for locals, including celebrity residents and born and bred fi shermen.” Mr Simpson said that Gosford Council was proposing to totally change the essence and tranquillity of the sleepy village of Patonga.

He said residents attended the meeting to fi nd out more information about the plan and receive guidance on the steps they should take to “nip this proposal in the bud and oppose the general thrust of the plan”.

“There was a unanimous show of hands to seek legal advice, form a sub-committee and fi ght this with all the might of the passionate folk of Patonga.

“Without asking, $5000 was donated from the Patonga Social and Recreational Club to kick start any action that is required, with residents seeking an extension of the comment deadline to allow full and democratic airing of their views.

“People are concerned and angry that they were never consulted in the formation of the plan.”

A larger, public meeting has been scheduled for Saturday, April 20, in the Patonga Progress Hall.

All interested people are invited to attend.

Media Release, 8 Apr 2013Vanessa Ashcroft, Patonga

Progress association opposes Patonga plan

Residents of Patonga at the meeting held on Saturday, April 6, at the Patonga Progess Hall

Gosford Council has adopted the Draft Dogs in Open Spaces Strategy with the Umina Beach off leash exercise area to remain in its current size and location after receiving a petition with 1032 signatories.

The petition opposed the reduction in length of the off-leash area at Umina and was in support of the on-leash area.

A total of 411 written submissions and six petitions were received from individuals and organisations during the comment period.

Two submissions were received which supported the proposed changes.

Objections to the proposal were based on the commercial benefi t to the caravan park, congestion due to the reduction in size, the beach having “plenty of beach available for everyone”, inaccuracies of the

mapping, concerns for access for mobility impaired users and impact on the fl agged area at the surf lifesaving club by the on-leash section.

Support was based on children’s safety, impact on wildlife, a disregard for regulation by dog owners, people walking dogs off-leash for the length of Umina Beach, the amount of faeces left on the beach, children’s balls being taken by dogs and a desire to go back to the timed use of Kiddie’s Corner for dog off-leash exercise.

According to a report from the council’s director city services Mr Stephen Glen, consideration was given to the comments and the reasons behind the proposals.

“It was determined that timed use would create confusion.

“The matter of guests of the adjacent NRMA Holiday Park not being aware they are entering a dog off-leash exercise area can be

addressed by other measures such as signage at each beach access entry point within the holiday park.

“The dog on-leash area will also impact on the patrolled section of the beach,” stated Mr Glen’s report.

Mr Glen said the Dogs in Open Spaces Strategy aimed to guide Gosford Council and interest groups on the management of dogs in open spaces and the provision of off-leash dog exercise areas.

The Strategy was based on research, site visits and consultations with the community including surveys, interviews in public places and meetings with interest groups undertaken from December 2011 through to April last year.

Mr Glen said the strategy confi rmed that dogs were extremely important to the community and there was general community support for the provision of dog off-leash exercise areas in parks and

on beaches by dog owners and by people who did not own a dog.

“There is also a desire however, for increased management of dogs in open spaces (particularly in on-leash areas and dog exclusion areas) and a desire for dog owners to pick up after their dogs and control their dogs in general,” stated the report.

“The strategy provides principles, strategies and specifi c recommendations relating to the provision for and management of dogs in open spaces.

“A particular focus is placed on assessing the suitability of and guiding improvements to existing off-leash dog exercise areas.

“In addition, consideration is given to establishing enclosed off-leash dog exercise areas and directions are provided for dog exclusion and on leash areas, as well as public awareness and enforcement,” stated the report.

At the meeting, councillors spoke to a gallery full of concerned residents dressed in red.

Cr Gabby Bowles said the issue was a “highly emotive” one.

“It is diffi cult to fi nd a balance and accommodate those in the community.

“If the community using the off-leash areas educate and encourage each other to do the right thing (and Council works towards improving its signage etc.) there is no reason why it would be necessary to make changes at annual review time.

“The strategy has been decided.“We now have a clear approach

and if we all work on setting a high standard, the continued use of these great spaces can be enjoyed for years to come,” said Cr Bowles.

Kaitlin Watts, 2 Apr 2013Gosford Council Agenda

CIT.13, 2 Apr 2013

Beach off-leash to remain unchanged


on the CoastApril 18, 2013Edition 5 Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940

ANZAC Day services

Gosford RSL Sub Branch will hold

its annual ANZAC Day service and dawn service at Gosford Cenotaph on Thursday, April 25.

The dawn service will begin at 6am following a short march, which will commence at 5:45am from near the Gosford Police

Station, along Mann St to the Cenotaph.

Members from the Air Force Cadets will participate in this service.

The parade for the main service will form at 10:15am at the Gosford Library end of Donnison St and will march off at 10:30am.

The march will proceed along Mann St to the

Cenotaph with the service to begin at 11am.

Vintage cars are being made available for veterans who are unable to march.

The parade will be led by Sub Branch president Mr Greg Mawson and the three 2012 Kokoda Trek recipients Ms Laine Edwards, Ms Shelby Baker and Mr Eithan Clifford.

GosfordJacquie Miller, Gosford RSL

Last year’s ANZAC Day march in Gosford

The Woy Woy-Ettalong RSL has a number

of events planned for ANZAC Day on Thursday, April 25, beginning with a dawn service at 5:30am at Woy Woy Memorial Park.

A dawn service march will also be conducted, with those wishing to participate to assemble at Woy Woy

railway station at 5am for a 5:15am step off.

The main service will be held at 10:30am with those wishing to participate in the march to assemble in the Coles car park at 9:30am for a 10am step off.

The Woy Woy-Ettalong RSL will also dedicate a new plaque for the Missing in Action (North Korea) following the 10am service

at around 11:15am.Korean veterans and

members of the public are welcome to attend.

A luncheon will then be held at the Ettalong Beach War Memorial Club from 12pm with tickets on sale at reception.

Schools are also invited to volunteer their marching bands for the 10am service.

Woy WoyMerv Heath, Woy Woy Ettalong RSL

Club Wyong will host two ANZAC

Day ceremonies on Thursday, April 25.

The dawn service will be held from 5:45am in the Club's car park.

The mid-morning service

will then commence at 9:30am in the Wyong Town Park.

A march from Hely St to the Club will follow the service.

Live entertainment will be provided by the Club from 12pm with normal

trading following the services.

CLUB Wyong representative Ms Cheryl Morris said it was great that the Club was able to provide these ANZAC Day services to residents of Wyong Shire.

WyongKaitlin Watts

An ANZAC Day service will be held

on Thursday, April 25, at the Cenotaph in Empire Bay from 11am.

The service is conducted annually and last year attracted around 400 people with over 20

wreaths laid by ex-Servicemen, with children representing their fathers and grandfathers and wearing their medals.

Member for Terrigal Mr Chris Hartcher and Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill will be present at the service while

Brisbane Water Secondary College students Cana Bell and Tony Brown will speak and lay a wreath on behalf of the college.

Students from Empire Bay Public School and Coast Christian School will also lay wreaths.

Empire BayGeoff Melville, Empire Bay

The long commute to Sydney for

many Central Coast workers could be a thing of the past, with the switch on of the National Broadband Network (NBN) in Gosford on Tuesday, April 23.

Community leaders and local teleworkers switched on the NBN at 10am at the intersection of Dane Dr and Central Coast Highway, set against the backdrop of the heavy traffi c on the busy Central Coast Highway.

The switch on in the Gosford CBD and East Gosford connected over 1,000 premises, with the NBN rollout progressing across Berkeley Vale, West Gosford, Springfi eld and radiating out from Gosford and Berkley Vale Exchanges.

Regional Development Australia chairman Mr Dave Abrahams said he saw the NBN rollout as another example of how the Central Coast could benefi t from the sort of teamwork that the Central Coast Mariners were famous for.

“The Central Coast is rapidly developing a teamwork ethos, the switch on of the NBN will further this momentum in businesses, educational institutions and for teleworking opportunities.

“The NBN is an inspired policy and we’re pleased to acknowledge the very hard work local federal MPs have made on behalf of the

community.“I’m aware that not

everyone understands the benefi ts that the NBN will bring to their lives and organisations.

“It’s now a matter of continuing the educational process for the community about embracing the NBN and using it to benefi t our fabulous Central Coast region,” said Mr Abrahams.

Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill said the switch on was a “very exciting day for residents and businesses around Gosford who will now be connected to the NBN and all the opportunities that it will bring”.

“The NBN will revolutionise the way that locals will use the internet.

“We will be able to see our doctor from home, and our kids will be able to take a specialist class at another school.

“The tyranny of distance will become a thing of the past,” Ms O’Neill said.

More than 2,391 residents and business owners have received a free connection to the NBN and are now able to access super-fast internet.

“Locals are spoilt for choice when they switch to the NBN.

“A standard NBN connection to the home or offi ce is free and retail services are available from around $30 a month from 40 ISPs,” said Ms O’Neill.

Local businesses will also benefi t by being able to reach new customers around the world, including right here in the growing

Asia-Pacifi c region.“This is a great

opportunity for businesses to expand their operations from right here on the Central Coast into the global marketplace or for large companies to relocate into Gosford.” Ms O’Neill said.

“We have 30,000 locals who commute to Sydney for work each day - that is a lot of people who would prefer to work closer to home and the NBN creates those new opportunities.

“Workers will be able to tele-commute to the offi ce a couple of days a week, so will spend less time on the

F3 or on a train and more time at home with their family.

“The NBN will change the way we live, work, and access services and I’m delighted that here on the Coast we will be among the fi rst in the country to benefi t,” Ms O’Neill said.

Regional Development Australia Central Coast (RDACC) CEO Mr Andrew Roach has also pledged his support the switch-on of the NBN.

“The Region’s businesses and residents are set to benefi t greatly from today’s switch-on of the NBN.

In proposing the Central Coast as one of the fi rst locations for the NBN roll-out and following the successful bid for this project, RDACC established a specifi c broadband committee called Central Coast Broadband Infrastructure Group (CCBIG).

Comprised of members from both Gosford and Wyong Councils, business leaders and representatives from educational institutions, the group works towards educating the different sectors of the community regarding developments and specifi c

benefi ts of the NBN.“The CCBIG members

have worked tirelessly to ensure the community has the opportunity to engage with spokespeople from NBN Co and that they are well informed of specifi c developments of the NBN as they arise” added Mr Roach.

“The Central Coast is rapidly developing a teamwork ethos; the switch-on of the National Broadband Network will increase this momentum for businesses, educational institutions and for teleworking opportunities.

“It’s now a matter of continuing the educational process for the community; we will demonstrate that by embracing the NBN not only will individuals and businesses benefi t but so will our fabulous Central Coast Region,” said Mr Roach.

A free NBN business forum will be held on Thursday, May 9, at the Central Coast Leagues Club from 12pm to 1pm.

Attendees will fi nd out about the opportunities and potential of high speed broadband and how it can help their business.

Media Release, 22 Apr 2013

Nick Creevey, n2n Communications

Media Release, 19 Apr 2013

Richard Mehrtens, Offi ce of Deborah O’Neill MP

Media Release, 19 Apr 2013

Brooke Simmons, Pursuit Communications

Issue 56April 23, 2013 Your independent local newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369





All systems go for NBN in Gosford

Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill with Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy Stephen Conroy and Mr David Abrahams

Your independent community newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369 Issue 19April 26, 2013




The Awabakal and Guringai Peoples have

given notice that they intend to fi le a claim for Native Title over the area from Broken Bay to Maitland, which includes the entirety of the Central Coast.

The notice invited descendants of the Awabakal and Guringai Peoples’ ancestors, in addition to other Aboriginal persons who believe they have Native Title rights within the area, to attend a meeting at Cameron Park Community Centre on Sunday, May 5, convened by the Awabakal and Guringai Peoples.

Persons of non-indigenous descent were not invited.

The notice stated that the meeting’s agenda would include discussion of the decision making process to be implemented, presentation of anthropological evidence to support the proposed claim, authorisation of a Native Title Determination to be fi led with the Federal Court, authorisation of the applicant to act on behalf of the Awabakal and Guringai Peoples, and

clarifying the extent of the applicant’s authority.

Native Title is federal legislation which was established in 1993 to recognise peoples’ traditional connection to land, and it does not confer ownership of the land but allows Native Title holders to negotiate with mining companies for royalties.

The NSW Aboriginal Land Rights Act was established in 1983 to provide Aboriginal people with compensation for the loss of land by giving the holder the right to build an economic base through land sales.

Under NSW law, Darkinjung Land Council holds the Land Rights to the areas which stretch from Catherine Hill Bay at its northern boundary, Hawkesbury River to the South, Pacifi c Ocean to the East and Watagan Mountains to the West, and is able to claim vacant crown land within these boundaries.

When asked for comment on the impact of the Awabakal and Guringai Peoples’ intent to apply for Native Title, Darkinjung Land Council CEO Mr Sean Gordon said that Darkinjung would not be impacted and is not impacted by any Native Title claim

that may be placed on the land today or in 20 years.

Community member of Darkinjung Mr Gavi Duncan of Charmhaven said that he believed the claim would be unsuccessful.

“Native Title says that you need to provide evidence of a continuous physical, ceremonial, spiritual relationship with the land, and they haven’t had that at all,” said Mr Duncan.

“Guringai was something that was created by Warren Whitfi eld here on the Coast a number of years back.

“He and a Gosford Council employee basically claimed that this area was occupied by the Guringai Group.

“The Guringai Group was created by non-Aboriginal people, and Aboriginal people have never ever recognised any Aboriginal group called Guringai.

“On the Northern Beaches they have a Ku-ring-gai National Park, which was named by Europeans.

“Guringai is just a word or a language that was spoken,” he added.

Mr Duncan said that the Darkinjung People had not initiated a Native Title claim over their

land as they were unable to prove the unbroken spiritual, ceremonial and physical connection to the land.

Awabakal and Guringai People representative Kerrie Brauer was contacted by Wyong Regional Chronicle but

refused to comment.

Harley Cattini and Kaitlin Watts, 24 Apr 2013

Interviewees: Steve Gordon and Gavi Duncan

Native title claim to theCentral Coast proposed

Issue 052April 18, 2013 Your independent local sports newspaper - 4325 7369


A 42nd minute strike by the

c o m p e t i t i o n ’ s Golden Boot winner Daniel McBreen on Sunday, April 14, at Bluetongue Stadium ensured Central Coast Mariners earned the right to fi ght for the Hyundai A-League Championship to be held at Allianz Stadium against Western Sydney Wanderers on Sunday, April 21.

The Mariners prevailed 1-0 over Ange Postecoglou’s Melbourne Victory side and, although the scoreline suggests a tight contest, in truth the Mariners largely dominated the duel.

Post-match Mariners head coach Graham Arnold labelled his outfi t’s structured display as “outstanding”, noting his team’s accomplishment was against a strong Victory side.

“I thought overall it was a fantastic game of football,” Arnold said. “It’s nice to beat Victory when they’re at their best.

“Our performance tonight was outstanding.

“We left those seven players behind (from the team’s midweek AFC Champions League trip to China) with the idea of this game, and the seven of them stepped up big time and put in the performance that we were hoping for.

“Tactically, the boys carried out the game plan perfectly,” said Arnold.

Central Coast enjoyed the greater share of possession and weight of chances in the fi rst 45 and, were it not

for some solid ‘keeping from Nathan Coe combined with some last ditch defending, the Mariners may well have been up by more than a solitary goal at the break.

Striker Mile Sterjovski sent a left foot strike across the face of goal 14 minutes in which Coe claimed, before Bernie Ibini’s left foot effort four minutes later defl ected off a Melbourne defender and into the path of the former SønderjyskE man.

McBreen fl ashed an effort on the angle past the post on 26 minutes, while the same player thundered a fi erce, goal-bound shot into the head of Victory captain Adrian Leijer on the half hour.

Victory failed to seriously trouble Mariners’ number one Mathew Ryan in the fi rst half, and McBreen made the home team’s dominance pay three minutes before the interval.

After Ibini wriggled his way past a few defenders centrally, McBreen picked up a pass from the Australian youth international before thundering a powerful drive beyond Coe.

After the interval, Melbourne attacker and Qantas Socceroos’ regular Archie Thompson scuffed a shot at Ryan on the hour, while substitute Mariner Mitchell Duke blasted a shot from the edge of the area just wide for his team 10 minutes later.

Patrick Zwaanswijk lifted a long-range effort over the bar, while a well-positioned Central Coast Mariners defensive wall stopped any chance a late Marco Rojas free kick had to level proceedings.

Unfortunately for Central Coast, midfi elder Nick Montgomery received his second yellow card of the match in additional time at

the end of the 90 minutes, meaning he will miss the Club’s fourth Grand Final appearance in eight Hyundai A-League campaigns.

Montgomery was understandably upset following the conclusion of the game, and while Arnold admitted the former Sheffi eld United man would be missed in the Grand Final, he said he had faith in the ability of the players he has to replace him in his team’s engine room.

“Monty (Montgomery) is a big loss,” he said.

“But (Youssouf) Hersi is suspended as well so that’s one each.

“Luckily I’ve got some good players in Oli Bozanic as well as Anthony Caceres that can come in in that role.”

Arnold said defeating Tony Popovic’s Western Sydney Wanderers would be a tough

task for his side, but his men would enter the contest well prepared.

“Western Sydney Wanderers are going to be a huge challenge for us.

“We’re going to have to be at the top of our game and no doubt Tony is taking down his notes with Ante Milicic and will look at the video of us.

“We will work on what our strengths are and we’ll worry about ourselves and we’ll try and nullify Western Sydney’s strengths.”

General tickets have sold out for the grand fi nal game against Western Sydney Wanderers at Allianz Stadium.

Corporate hospitality was still available at the time Central Coast Grandstand went to press.

Fans are being urged to leave their cars at home and travel to the match on public

transport to avoid delays.Central Coast

Mariners 1 (McBreen 42’)Melbourne Victory 0Bluetongue Stadium,

GosfordCentral Coast

Mariners: 1. Mathew RYAN (Gk), 2. Daniel MCBREEN, 3. Joshua ROSE, 4. Pedj BOJIC, 6. Patrick ZWAANSWIJK, 7. John HUTCHINSON (C), 9. Bernie IBINI, 14. Michael MCGLINCHEY, 16. Trent SAINSBURY, 18. Nick MONTGOMERY, 21. Mile STERJOVSKI (19. Mitchell DUKE 62’)

Substitutes not used: 20. Justin PASFIELD (Gk), 5. Zachary ANDERSON, 11. Oliver BOZANIC, 29. Nick FITZGERALD

Yellow cards: Montgomery x 2

Red cards: MontgomeryMelbourne Victory:

39. Nathan COE (Gk), 5. Mark MILLIGAN, 6. Leigh BROXHAM, 9. Marcos FLORES (32. Connor PAIN 68’), 10. Archie THOMPSON, 11. Marco ROJAS, 14. Billy CELESKI (21. Spase DILEVSKI 84’), 23. Adrian LEIJER, 30. Jason GERIA, 31. Scott GALLOWAY, 33. Daniel MULLEN (26. Andrew NABBOUT 76’)

Substitutes not used: 1. Tando VELAPHI (Gk), 24. Nicholas ANSELL

Yellow cards: Milligan, Galloway, Broxham, Leijer

Red cards: NilAttendance: 10,651Referee: Strebre


See centre spread for pull out poster

Mariners’ win puts them in the Grand Final again

Tyson Scott, Central Coast Mariners

Photo: Paul Barkley-LookPro


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The weekend away at Hidden Valley Farm, located in Ourimbah, would accommodate a family of up to six people in cabin accommodation with a communal kitchen, barbecue area and bathrooms.The cabin comes with a bar fridge and basic bunkbeds.A swimming pool, bushwalking and a petting zoo are all included in the prize with guests able to go horse-riding if they wish at an extra cost.To win the Hidden Valley

Farm weekend, write your name, address and phone number on the back of an envelope and send to Wyong Regional Chronicle Hidden Valley competition PO Box 1056, Gosford, NSW, 2250, by the close of business Tuesday, May 7.The winners of last edition’s Wyong Regional Chronicle Talon competition were Michelle Eather of Berkeley Vale, Christopher Feltis of Woongarrah, Tracey Miller of Berkeley Vale,

Morrie and Judy Kerle of Killarney Vale, Bernard Cumming of Bateau Bay and P Thompson of Tumbi Umbi.The winner of the Wyong Regional Chronicle Datacom competition was Greg Farrell of Yattalunga.

Prize winners may be required to pick up their prize from our Gosford offi ce. Entries may be passed on to prize providers for marketing purposes.

Wyong Regional Chronicle - April 26, 2013 - P3 News

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According to the owners, the planning proposals will not only help to facilitate three signifi cant developments but will also create 3,500 jobs over the construction period and 1,300 long term employment opportunities.

The fi rst of the rezonings expected to be placed on public exhibition is the $45 million Key Site on the corner of Marine Pde and The Entrance Rd.

In June last year, Council initiated a planning proposal to relax height restrictions, which was endorsed by the State Government’s

Gateway Panel in August.Since then, Council

has been working through the State Government’s requirements and negotiating a Voluntary Planning Agreement with the proponents, Pelican Horizons Pty Ltd.

The rezoning proposal is now almost at the stage where it can be placed on exhibition.

“After almost 40 years of this prime site at The Entrance being vacant, we have put in the hard work and are now at a stage where this development is as close as ever to becoming reality,” mayor Cr Doug Eaton said.

“We are talking about a potential development of 93 apartments comprising both tourist and residential accommodation and specialty shops that will create 247 construction jobs and 120 jobs upon completion.

“Staff have also negotiated a voluntary planning agreement that will see the developers provide $1.55 million for public domain upgrades within The Entrance including work at the Memorial Park,” said mayor Cr Eaton.”

The rezoning of land directly west of The Entrance Bridge, along

The Entrance Rd near the old boat house, is also expected to be placed on public exhibition in the coming months.

Council received determination from the State Government Gateway Panel last November, and amendments were forwarded to Government agencies for comment in March.

“This is an incredibly exciting $350 million potential residential and tourist development,” mayor Cr Eaton said.

“One of the features, besides employing almost 1,000 people upon completion and 1,900 during construction, will be an indoor water theme park, and the public domain benefi t as part of Council’s Key Iconic

Development Sites program will be very signifi cant for the town.”

The third site is at Lakeside Plaza, where a $90 million new shopping centre and tourist development has been proposed.

A report on the rezoning of this site is expected to be presented to Council soon, before it is endorsed to be forwarded onto the Gateway Panel for consideration.

“Again, this will be a signifi cant development with approximately 260 tourist apartments and 256 residential apartments,” mayor Cr Eaton said.

“It is anticipated that around 135 jobs will be created upon completion, including

1,375 construction jobs.“A lot of hard work

has gone into all of these sites by staff and they should be congratulated.

“Our Iconic Development Site process was designed to facilitate investment and jobs in the Shire and these are the fi rst three ready to be rolled out.

“I’m excited that we can talk about half a billion dollars worth of investment and thousands of jobs in our Shire, and this is just the fi rst three of 28 sites we have identifi ed.

“We will work hard to ensure this continues across the other sites, because our residents are going to be the big winners,” he concluded.

Media release, 15 Apr 2013Wyong Council Media

Update on $500 million projectsat The Entrance

Wyong Council is currently processing planning proposals to rezone several key sites at The Entrance in order to accommodate three major projects with a combined

development value of more than $500 million.

P4 - Wyong Regional Chronicle - April 12, 2013PNews


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The Resident ePanel was established in May last year so that interested community members, who wanted a more convenient way to have their say, were able to participate and give their thoughts about what’s happening at Council in an online and adaptable way.

Wyong mayor Cr Doug Eaton said he was delighted to be able to visit the one thousandth member Mr John Pastor at his home recently to say congratulations.

“The Resident ePanel is an important way of staying connected with the community,” said

mayor Cr Eaton.“It allows interested

members to have their say on council issues, conveniently online.”

Mayor Cr Eaton presented Mr Pastor with a Ken Duncan book of the Central Coast and had a conversation about Mr Pastor’s perspective on issues concerning the area.

“Getting the opinion and hearing the concerns of our community members, like Mr Pastor, is what our Community Engagement Unit at Council is all about,” said mayor Cr Eaton.

The Resident ePanel allows Council to utilise

information such as demographics, age, gender and suburb so that localised and specifi c issues can be commented on, as well as the broader items to ensure that Council receives a good representative view from the community.

The Resident ePanel complements Council’s new Consultation Hub, which provides survey questions to gather the community’s opinion, and the EngageMe site, which provides a forum for open discussions, as well as other engagement activities.

Media release, 18 Apr 2013Wyong Council Media

Wyong Shire Council’s Resident ePanel has continued to grow with the registration of its one thousandth member.

One thousandth member signs up to Council’s Resident ePanel

Ourimbah residents’ meeting to discuss new communications tower

The meeting will be held at the Tall Timbers Hotel on Saturday, April 27, and will commence at 11am.

According to Ourimbah resident Mr Grahame Healey, Wyong Council has stated that the smaller

existing tower at Sohier Park needs to be replaced as it is no longer functioning effectively, due to tree interference and connection with low lying repeaters in the valley.

The tower is needed to provide safe,

consistent drinking water and sewage service to Wyong residents, and it relies on radio communication to monitor the system of pumps, reservoirs and valves to ensure a fast response to any problems encountered.

“Residents recognise the need for this improvement, but question whether a more comprehensive geographical search was undertaken as there must be other sites away from residential areas which meet the requirement for 110m of elevation for the new tower,” saidMr Healey.

“Further, residents are concerned about the increased risk of cancer and other illnesses for people living next to these towers, and the danger of lightning strikes on the tower which would increase the risk of bushfires.

“Homeowners have also suffered serious devaluation when a

communications tower is erected close by, particularly when the council are unable to predict whether in the future the tower could become an ugly mobile phone transmitter,” he concluded.

E-mail, 17 Apr 2013Grahame Healey,


Ourimbah residents have planned a protest meeting to discuss the new 40m high communications tower proposed for construction on Glen Rd.

Mayor Cr Doug Eaton presenting Mr Pastor with the Ken Duncan book

Wyong Regional Chronicle - April 26, 2013 - P5 News

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Minister for Family and Community

Services Ms Pru Goward was joined at Wyong Community Services Centre on Tuesday, April 23, by local members to announce a new dedicated Adolescent Child Protection Team for theCentral Coast.

The Protection Team will be based in Wyong but will cover the four local Community Services Centres (CSCs) comprising Gosford CSC, Lakes CSC, Peninsula CSC and Wyong CSC.

A similar adolescent service has been operating in the Hunter for over 10 years and will offer mentoring and support to the new team

on the Central Coast.Ms Goward said that

the Protection Team would provide services

to young people aged between 12 and 17 years who are the subject ofa risk of signifi cant

harm report.“Currently about 30%

of risk of signifi cant harm reports across NSW

are about adolescents,”Ms Goward said.

“The signifi cant emotional, cognitive,

and social developments of adolescence are a key opportunity for positive intervention to help young people reach their full potential.

“Adolescence can be a particularly challenging time and the role of this team is to help adolescents within their families navigate the challenges and reduce the risks by linking them to appropriate support.

“I am thrilled that we will have a dedicated resource for adolescents on the Central Coast.

“This refl ects our confi dence in the successful work that is currently undertaken by the Hunter adolescent teams,” she concluded.

Media release, 23 Apr 2013Kurt Graham,

Offi ce of Pru Goward

New adolescent child protection teamto be based in Wyong

(l to r) Member for Wyong Mr Darren Webber, Member for Gosford Chris Holstein, Member for The Entrance Mr Chris Spence and Minister for Family and Community Services Ms Pru Goward with CSC staff members (seated)

P6 - Wyong Regional Chronicle - April 26, 2013PNews

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Following initial discussions with all stakeholders, Wyong Council was asked by the Members to prepare a concept plan which was subsequently presented to both Mr Webber and

Mr Spence.“Since being elected,

Chris and I both felt that a sport and recreational facility was a far better community and environmental outcome than the initially proposed

commercial - light industrial zoning for the site,” said Mr Webber.

“We are truly excited about the potential and are passionate about making this facility a reality,” he concluded.

Mr Spence said that approximately 18 hectares within the Central Coast Wetlands, Pioneer Dairy had been set aside for futurepublic requirements.

“The proposed complex and the wider cultural precinct will be integrated, resulting in a regional level active and passive recreation precinct,” he concluded.

The Regional Sporting and Recreation Complex will be developed over stages and will comprise eight international level sports fi elds, one training fi eld and one premier fi eld with a grandstand.

It will also include a clubhouse, children’s adventure playground, 1.8km criterion cycling track, a fi tness track which

includes fi tness stations, public amenities to service the complex, public car parking and bus parking for groups.

“The Central Coast is a sporting region with a large number of clubs, associations and participants,” said Mr Spence.

“The Central Coast Regional Sporting and Recreation Complex sits within a recreation corridor comprising the Mariners Centre for Excellence, Baker Park, Wyong Racecourseand Showground andthe Central Coast Hockey Complex.

“These facilities give the Central Coast the ability to cater for large scale regional events and the creation of this new complex will make the Central Coast the destination of choice for regional sporting and recreation events.

“The complex is ideally located close to the northern rail line and the M1 freeway, both of which link the Central Coast to Sydneyand Newcastle.

“This combination results in a highly connected regional sports and recreation destination - a valuable asset for not only the Central Coast but all of New South Wales,” Mr Spence concluded.

Media release, 11 Apr 2013Jim Lloyd,

Offi ce of Darren Webber MP

Concept and design works releasedfor sport and recreation complex

Member for Wyong Mr Darren Webber and Member for The Entrance Mr Chris Spence have welcomed the release of the initial concept and design works for the Central Coast

Regional Sporting and Recreation Complex.

Wyong Regional Chronicle - April 26, 2013 - P7 News

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Upgrade of Ourimbah’s Water

Pump Station to proceed

Works to be completed under this application include the supply and installation of two new pump sets, in addition to all associated pipework, valving and electrical switchgear.

The two high capacity, high voltage pump sets originally installed at the station in 1986 were selected on the basis of anticipated future demand predictions that have not materialised, and the pump station has rarely been used since being put into service.

Following the receipt of a 2009 report which predicted that the demand for transfer of water between the Wyong and Gosford systems would not exceed 25ml per day in the year 2050, Council resolved to remove the existing pumping machinery and high voltage switchgear.

Removal was completed in 2011, and the installation of a new

voltage power supply was recently completed.

Engineer Mr John Tennant said that the completion of the Mardi Suite of Works and the Mardi to Mangrove Link projects will ensure that suffi cient water would be available withinthe Wyong system to affect transfers at the design rate.

Mr Tennant said he anticipated that the works would be completed by November this year.

All tenderers attended a compulsory pre-tender meeting held at the site on January 15 to allow tenderers to become familiar with the site conditions.

The Ourimbah Water Pump Station is owned and operated by Wyong Council, however, it is jointly funded with Gosford Council.

Council Agenda Item 3.1, 10 Apr 2013

Wyong Council has accepted an application to complete the upgrade of Ourimbah’s Water Pump Station

from an undisclosed tenderer for the sum of $782,304.

The Study concluded that none of the options considered on the Central Coast would meet Sydney’s future aviation needs.

It found that an airport in North Wyong was the most expensive, noise would affect most

residents and there were many environmental issues.

An airport on the Central Coast was found to be the noisiest and to affect more than six times as many people as Badgerys Creek.

“It is disappointing that

our Council still considers an airport an option when the report identifi es that 22,320 people would be affected by noise,” said CEN chairman Mr John Asquith.

“Who is council representing if it is not protecting the interests of

these residents?” he said.Environmental issues

which surround the airport location include highly erodible soils, threatened species, endangered ecological communities and loss of a vast area of native bushland.

“This ‘can do’ Council is showing that it will clear the catchment and ruin the lakes in pursuing uneconomic

projects that are not in the interests of residents, ratepayers, the lakes or the environment,” said Mr Asquith.

“It is time to abandon this idea.

“It is clear that the proposed airport is a local airport in a regional location.

“Local ratepayers will pay for it and be severely affected by the operation.

“The Central Coast

already has a local airport at Warnervale, why do we need another one?” said Mr Asquith.

The letter from the FDIT stated that Australian Government was not giving any active consideration to an airport in the Wyong area.

Media release, 15 Apr 2013John Asquith, Community

Environment Network

In a letter to the Community Environment Network (CEN), the Federal Department of Infrastructure and Transport (FDIT) has outlined the results of the Joint Study into Aviation Capacity in the

Sydney Region 2012.

Central Coast airport would not meet Sydney’s future needs

Issue 54March 26, 2013 Your independent local newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369


The $38.6 million Central Coast Cancer Centre

offi cially opened to patients on Monday, March 25, and will provide enhanced cancer care services across the region.

The Central Coast Cancer Centre encompasses new radiotherapy and expanded chemotherapy facilities at Gosford Hospital, as well as a satellite clinic and day oncology unit at Wyong Hospital.

Patients will be able to receive the full spectrum of cancer services including intensive treatment, prevention, screening, palliative care and support care.

The $38.6 million project was made possible by a $28.6 million contribution from the Australian Government’s Health and Hospitals Fund and $10 million from the NSW Government.

Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill opened the centre and was joined by Health Minister Ms Jillian Skinner, Minister for the Central Coast Mr Chris Hartcher, Member for Gosford Mr Chris Holstein, Member for Wyong Mr Darren Webber and Member for The Entrance Mr Chris Spence.

“The service will provide high quality and effi cient cancer treatment such as radiotherapy services featuring a state of the art CT scanner and two linear

accelerators providing pinpoint accuracy during treatment,” said Ms Skinner.

“The two linear accelerators will have the capacity to treat close to 800 patients each year,” she said.

Mr Hartcher said, “The new centre will include an area for professional development to educate the local workforce including teaching, training and research; a very important feature in an age of rapidly advancing technology, new drugs and improved treatment methods”.

Mr Holstein said, “The facility will also feature

an information centre for patients, carers and staff, provided through a partnership arrangement with the Cancer Council”.

Ms O’Neill said patients, families, and the local health community had been crying out for local cancer treatment for nearly 20 years.

“Cancer patients on the Coast will now have access to cancer services of the highest standard right here in our region, reducing the need to suffer the pain and indignity of traveling to Sydney or Newcastle.

“Having bulk billed treatment services here on

the Coast will also mean that patients and their families won’t need to make the tough decision to mortgage their homes or get a loan to pay for private treatment.

“All Australians with cancer should have access to the right care, close to their homes and loved ones, irrespective of where they live or their social circumstances.

“I commend the work of Kathy Smith of Cancer Voices, Lyn Smith from the Candles Cancer Support Group, as well as Paul Tonkin and Matt Hanrahan from Gosford Hospital for

their hard work in lobbying successive State and Federal Government to ensure that our locals have access to this vital service,” Ms O’Neill said.

The Central Coast Cancer Centre includes three radiotherapy bunkers, two linear accelerators, radiotherapy planning and support areas, expansion of chemotherapy treatment spaces from 10 to 15, patient consultation areas, waiting and reception spaces, multi-disciplinary consulting rooms, cancer patient information and support services for patients, carers and

clinicians, refurbishment of existing space to accommodate multi-disciplinary consulting accommodation at Wyong including waiting and reception functions and a range of associated treatment and planning equipment including one computed tomography (CT) scanner.

Media Release, 24 Mar 2013

Richard Mehrtens, Offi ce of Deborah O’Neill MP

Media Release, 25 Mar 2013

Terry Hayes, Northern Sydney Central Coast Health

Central Coast Cancer Centre offi cially opened

Minister for the Central Coast Mr Chris Hartcher, Member for Wyong Mr Darren Webber, Member for The Entrance Mr Chris Spence, Minister for Health Ms Jillian Skinner, Cancer Voices representative Ms Kathy Smith, Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill, Candles representative Ms Lyn Smith, Member for Gosford Mr Chris Holstein,

Cancer services director Dr Campbell Tiley and Central Coast Local Health District chair Mr Paul Tonkin at the Cancer Centre ribbon cutting

The long commute to Sydney for

many Central Coast workers could be a thing of the past, with the switch on of the National Broadband Network (NBN) in Gosford on Tuesday, April 23.

Community leaders and local teleworkers switched on the NBN at 10am at the intersection of Dane Dr and Central Coast Highway, set against the backdrop of the heavy traffi c on the busy Central Coast Highway.

The switch on in the Gosford CBD and East Gosford connected over 1,000 premises, with the NBN rollout progressing across Berkeley Vale, West Gosford, Springfi eld and radiating out from Gosford and Berkley Vale Exchanges.

Regional Development Australia chairman Mr Dave Abrahams said he saw the NBN rollout as another example of how the Central Coast could benefi t from the sort of teamwork that the Central Coast Mariners were famous for.

“The Central Coast is rapidly developing a teamwork ethos, the switch on of the NBN will further this momentum in businesses, educational institutions and for teleworking opportunities.

“The NBN is an inspired policy and we’re pleased to acknowledge the very hard work local federal MPs have made on behalf of the

community.“I’m aware that not

everyone understands the benefi ts that the NBN will bring to their lives and organisations.

“It’s now a matter of continuing the educational process for the community about embracing the NBN and using it to benefi t our fabulous Central Coast region,” said Mr Abrahams.

Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill said the switch on was a “very exciting day for residents and businesses around Gosford who will now be connected to the NBN and all the opportunities that it will bring”.

“The NBN will revolutionise the way that locals will use the internet.

“We will be able to see our doctor from home, and our kids will be able to take a specialist class at another school.

“The tyranny of distance will become a thing of the past,” Ms O’Neill said.

More than 2,391 residents and business owners have received a free connection to the NBN and are now able to access super-fast internet.

“Locals are spoilt for choice when they switch to the NBN.

“A standard NBN connection to the home or offi ce is free and retail services are available from around $30 a month from 40 ISPs,” said Ms O’Neill.

Local businesses will also benefi t by being able to reach new customers around the world, including right here in the growing

Asia-Pacifi c region.“This is a great

opportunity for businesses to expand their operations from right here on the Central Coast into the global marketplace or for large companies to relocate into Gosford.” Ms O’Neill said.

“We have 30,000 locals who commute to Sydney for work each day - that is a lot of people who would prefer to work closer to home and the NBN creates those new opportunities.

“Workers will be able to tele-commute to the offi ce a couple of days a week, so will spend less time on the

F3 or on a train and more time at home with their family.

“The NBN will change the way we live, work, and access services and I’m delighted that here on the Coast we will be among the fi rst in the country to benefi t,” Ms O’Neill said.

Regional Development Australia Central Coast (RDACC) CEO Mr Andrew Roach has also pledged his support the switch-on of the NBN.

“The Region’s businesses and residents are set to benefi t greatly from today’s switch-on of the NBN.

In proposing the Central Coast as one of the fi rst locations for the NBN roll-out and following the successful bid for this project, RDACC established a specifi c broadband committee called Central Coast Broadband Infrastructure Group (CCBIG).

Comprised of members from both Gosford and Wyong Councils, business leaders and representatives from educational institutions, the group works towards educating the different sectors of the community regarding developments and specifi c

benefi ts of the NBN.“The CCBIG members

have worked tirelessly to ensure the community has the opportunity to engage with spokespeople from NBN Co and that they are well informed of specifi c developments of the NBN as they arise” added Mr Roach.

“The Central Coast is rapidly developing a teamwork ethos; the switch-on of the National Broadband Network will increase this momentum for businesses, educational institutions and for teleworking opportunities.

“It’s now a matter of continuing the educational process for the community; we will demonstrate that by embracing the NBN not only will individuals and businesses benefi t but so will our fabulous Central Coast Region,” said Mr Roach.

A free NBN business forum will be held on Thursday, May 9, at the Central Coast Leagues Club from 12pm to 1pm.

Attendees will fi nd out about the opportunities and potential of high speed broadband and how it can help their business.

Media Release, 22 Apr 2013

Nick Creevey, n2n Communications

Media Release, 19 Apr 2013

Richard Mehrtens, Offi ce of Deborah O’Neill MP

Media Release, 19 Apr 2013

Brooke Simmons, Pursuit Communications

Issue 56April 23, 2013 Your independent local newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369





All systems go for NBN in Gosford

Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill with Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy Stephen Conroy and Mr David Abrahams

Issue 55April 9, 2013 Your independent local newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369


Gosford Council under new management

Open for businessGosford Council

has launched a new campaign

which general manager Mr Paul Anderson said would change the way business is done in Gosford City.

Mr Anderson said the campaign was about increasing effi ciency and accountability and making it easy to do business in Gosford.

"Since beginning in my role as general manager earlier this year, I have come to see the great potential in Gosford City," said Mr Anderson.

"As a community, we must seize the opportunities that exist to help our region thrive and prosper, actively seeking out prospects for economic sustainability.

"Making ourselves an attractive area for investment and growth must begin with improvements within our organisation.

"We need to become a more accessible council to prospective investors and more importantly to our residents who utilise our services day to day.

In line with increasing effi ciency within the community, Council has adopted a new organisational structure.

"We need to change the way we do business," said Mr Anderson.

"At this point, we have

relocated business units so that we are a whole heap easier to do business with.

"We need to align our economic outcomes to have the development of our community.

"We need to change our culture and public perception.

"We need to deliver

on the commitments we make and we need to let this be the indicator of our success.

As part of its campaign, Council staff have determined 808 development applications worth over $135 million in the past six months.

"These developments

indicate that investor confi dence is alive and well in Gosford City; things are looking up," said Mr Anderson.

Mayor Cr Lawrie McKinna said the developments illustrated "that confi dence is returning to the Gosford CBD and that Council's CBD strategy is starting to

show results"."We know the community

needs to see things changing to fully support the Open for Business initiative and we hope they can see the changes this campaign brings.

"It's an easy thing to talk positively about where we live and that is the fi rst step

in the right direction," said mayor Cr McKinna.

Mr Anderson has also thanked previous Councils for providing a strong foundation as the platform for moving forward.

"Hopefully we can build on the relationships established by the previous Council and work together in realising the aspirations of our community.

"This campaign isn't about me, or about Council, it is about our entire community coming together to revitalise, rebrand and re-emerge as leaders to make Gosford a major competitor on a regional, national and international scale," said Mr Anderson.

Mr Anderson also pledged Council's support to the latest proposal for the Gosford Waterfront development.

"Council is happy with the latest proposal for the redevelopment of Gosford Waterfront as it allows each stage to be managed in consultation with affected parties and the broader community.

"It is exciting to all of us that things are happening on the Gosford Waterfront and across the Gosford CBD; fi nally we are beginning to see changes for the better in our city, said Mr Anderson.

Media Release, 8 APR 2013

Gosford Council

Gosford Council is under new managementPhoto: ValsPix

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treated as a homicide

Ms Smith has not been seen since leaving her Wallarah residence in her car at about 1pm on Sunday, August 19, last year.

Local police were contacted by concerned family members when Leisl failed to return home and could not be contacted.

Ms Smith’s vehicle, a Honda Accord, was discovered abandoned in the car park at Tuggerah railway station on Wednesday, September 26, last year.

Detectives from Tuggerah Lakes Local Area Command established Strike Force Wehl to investigate the circumstances surrounding Leisl’s disappearance and presumed death.

Earlier this month, strike force investigators spoke with a 42-year-old man before searching two properties at Wallarah

and Brookfi eld.As a result of

information received, they’ve since conducted thorough searches of a number of properties bordering the Golden Highway at Merriwa, approximately 60km west of Scone, in the upper Hunter Valley.

The extensive operation involved cadaver and fi rearms-detection dogs, police divers, mounted police and Public Order and Riot Squad offi cers.

Acting Tuggerah Lakes crime manager Detective Inspector Chris Wellfare said investigators were now treating Leisl’s disappearance as a homicide.

“Leisl has now been missing for more than eight months and detectives no longer hold out hope of fi nding her alive,” Detective Inspector Wellfare said.

“We’ve been keeping in

close contact with Leisl’s family and have informed them we’re now treating her disappearance as a homicide investigation.

“They’ve obviously been left devastated and heartbroken by Leisl’s disappearance.

“We continue to do everything we can to fi nd out what happened to Leisl and give them the closure they need,” he concluded.

Police have renewed their appeal for public assistance to progress their inquiries.

Anyone with information that might assist investigators with their inquiries is urged to contact Strike Force Wehl at Wyong Police Station or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Media release, 23 Apr 2013NSW Police Media

Strike force detectives have announced that they will be treating the disappearance of 23-year-old Wallarah resident Ms Leisl Smith as a homicide investigation.

The keys were given to the Fidock family by Club president Mr Bob Scott during a presentation at Booths Motors Gosford on Friday, April 19.

The project was initiated following a request from Mrs Fidock, in which she outlined the chromosomal disorder from which her eldest daughter, Hannah, suffers and the diffi culties it presents to both her and her family.

The disorder is so rare that it has no name or formal diagnosis, and impairs Hannah’s ability to speak, hear and walk.

Hannah is wholly reliant on her parents for all her movements and personal care.

As the Fidock family was not in possession of a vehicle with easy wheelchair access, this presented problems lifting Hannah into and out of their vehicle as she got older.

With their new vehicle,

the family can lead a more normal life and travel together without inconvenience.

The Lions Club spent months searching for a suitable vehicle.

“Thanks must go to local businesses, Booths Motor Group and Safe Travel Solutions, who fulfi lled the requirements so well,” said Killarney-Bateau Lions Club secretary Mr Roger Worland.

“Fund-raising response was overwhelming with generous support coming from the local community and beyond.

“The leading donation came from the Australian Lions Foundation while the Lions NSW - ACT Public Health Care Foundation was also a signifi cant contributor.

“The Lions Club itself was able to organise a very successful charity dinner thanks to The Entrance Leagues Club and found the patrons of

Bateau Bay Hotel to be generous with weekly collections.

“The Lions Club was surprised when large contributions came from Wheeling and Able Central Coast, Johnson and Johnson, and the Elderslie Foundation.

“Word of mouth good news also brought monetary aid from Liberty Church, Lions Club of The Entrance and RT Communications (Tuggerah),” he concluded.

Upon presenting the vehicle’s keys to Mr and Mrs Fidock, Mr Scott remarked that he was proud to see how community and organisations rallied when a worthy cause was presented.

He said that the vehicle would be a life-changer for a family with a need.

Media release, 22 Apr 2013Roger Worland, Killarney-

Bateau Lions Club

After a six month long campaign, the Lions Club of Killarney - Bateau has succeeded in raising $48,000 to purchase a wheelchair accessible vehicle for the Fidock family of Bateau Bay.

Wheelchair accessible vehicle donated to Bateau

Bay family

P8 - Wyong Regional Chronicle - April 26, 2013PNews

L to r: NLRBC President Ms Robyn Earley, Mr Bruce Hedges, Mr Garry Edwards, BBPHP chairman Mr Phil Heaton and Ms Robyn Hedges, (front) NRLBC board member, Ms Leeana Mirko




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Pizza shop robbed by Bankstown youths

A community member witnessed the break in and notifi ed police.

Soon after, Police located the males at a nearby service station, with the stolen boxes of cash from Eagle Boys

located within their vehicle.

As a result, all fi ve were placed under arrest and charged with forced entry and theft.

All of the alleged offenders are from the

Bankstown area and aged between 19 to 21.

All are scheduled to appear at Wyong Court.

Harley Cattini, 22 Apr 2013Interviewee: Tuggerah Lakes

LAC Inspector Steve Eggleton

A pizza shop in Long Jetty was broken into by fi ve males on Saturday, April 20, at 12:15am.

Wyong Regional Chronicle - April 26, 2013 - P9 News

San Remo Neighbourhood Centre will host a free sausage sizzle, art exhibition and open day on Saturday, May 11.

Neighbour Dayat San Remo

The event will commemorate this year’s Neighbour Day.

Centre administrator Ms Lisa Marshall said that Neighbour Day was about getting to know the neighbours around you who may be isolated, and creating a safer place to live.

E-mail, 22 Apr 2013Lisa Marshall, Gosford

A community Open Day to celebrate the Equilibrium Community Food Garden at Bateau Bay will be held on Thursday, May 16.

The day will begin with an environmental workshop at 11am, which will be followed by a free barbecue, in addition to music, drinks and treats for the children.

Located in the middle of a previously barren Tuggerah Lakes housing estate, the Garden has fi lled the site with fruit, vegetables, herbs and native plants.

The Garden was built by over 75 young unemployed men and women, and some dedicated volunteers as part of their Certifi cate II Conservation and Land Management course.

It was reported on the project’s website that the group formed bonds and friendships over the 13 week course, and learned valuable work and life skills in the process.

It was the members’ fi rst experience working on such a project as a team, and all said that they were very proud of their achievements.

The group worked with sandstone rocks and cement to create free-fl ow garden beds and paths.

The hands-on course allowed them to participate in all elements of the Garden’s creation, which began

with its planning stage and continued through to its development and construction.

The participants learned essential work skills including working together, effective communication, problem solving strategies, in addition to practical skills such as landscaping, garden design, planning, planting, garden maintenance and environmental sustainability.

Website, 19 Apr 2013Equilibrium Future Solution

Website, 19 Apr 2013Central Coast Community


Garden open day at Bateau Bay

Part of their Certifi cate II Conservation and Land Management course

P10 - Wyong Regional Chronicle - April 26, 2013P1Business

Northern Lakes Regional Business Awards 2013 are in their 18th year of being one of the most successful Business Awards in the area. These Awards acknowledge and pay tribute to the business community within the Northern Region of Wyong Shire, giving them recognition for all their hard work and dedication throughout the year and the opportunity of becoming “Business of the Year”.

Business of the Year winner will receive advertising packages from NBN Television, Central Coast Radio 2GO Sea FM 107.7 and Wyong Regional Chronicle.

Chamber President Robyn Earley said “Last year we had businesses entering from Lake Munmorah, Doyalson and Mannering Park”.

Robyn also said “Its so positive to see businesses like Utopia Hair Artistry & Beauty from Lake Munmorah win their category - Health and Beauty and Doyalson Animal Hospital winning their category and becoming “Business of the Year”.

Robyn Earley said “This year we have added a couple of extra categories allowing business owners to be recognised for their achievements in the growth of their business with “Business Leader Award” (35+), “Young Entrepreneur” (18-35) and we have not forgotten the successful business staff with “Young Achiever Award” (18-35).

We have special Awards such as Lake Haven Encouragement Award, Greater Toukley Vision Encouragement Award and the “Grace Newton Outstanding Community Award” which is sponsored by KV Shoes. This Award is awarded to a person that volunteers their time and energy to helping the community for free, our unsung heroes.

The Presentation Night will be held on the 29th June at Halekulani Bowling Club and members of the public are more than welcome to attend and show their support and appreciation for their local Business.

On the night we will be raising funds for the “Northern Lakes Disability Tourism Precinct” to help them fi nish a number of local projects one being Lakes Beach.

We would like to thank all our sponsors for without their ongoing support, this event would not be possible.

2013 Northern Lakes 18th Annual2013 Northern Lakes 18th Annual


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Young Entrepreneur (18-35yrs):..................................................................

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In order to satisfy Council policy, the applicant, Eaton and Sons, was required to demonstrate that it could provide industrial lots of suffi cient size to cater for future construction and building development, vehicle parking, access and loading facilities that could maintain and enhance, where possible, the quality of the streetscape

and encourage industrial and business development for employment generating zones by providing a variety of lot sizes for development opportunities.

Unlike the existing lots on the site, which range from 2,000m² to 8,000m², the proposed lots are of a similar size and shape and range from from1,244m² to 1,440m² in area.

Historically, Council has held a minimum benchmark of 2,000m² for subdivisions, however, senior development planner Mr Mark Greer stated that Council was attempting to encourage industrial and business developers to provide a variety of lot sizes by relaxing this standard.

The proposal has been assessed with regard to Ecologically Sustainable

Development principles and is consideredto be consistent withthe principles.

The proposed development is considered to incorporate satisfactory storm water, drainage and erosion control and the retention of vegetation where possible and is unlikely to have any signifi cant adverse impacts onthe environment and will not decrease environmental quality for future generations.

Mr Greer stated that employment opportunities were a key objective in consideration of this proposal and concluded that the market direction will provide insight into the question of whether lots of smaller sizes, such as the one proposed, are economically viable.

Council Agenda, 10 Mar 2013

Item 2.5, Wyong Council Agenda

Three new size lots allowed inNorth Wyong Industrial Estate

Ground view of the site to be subdivided

Wyong Council has unanimously resolved to allow a subdivision at the North Wyong Industrial Estate which will create three proposed lots, in addition to new water and sewer services.

Wyong Regional Chronicle - April 26, 2013 - P11 Business

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email: mail@rdacc.org.au

phone: 02 4349 4949

Light refreshments will be provided.

Residents will join those of Gosford who have been given the opportunity to access the Network since Tuesday, April 23.

Several other areas

within the Wyong Shire, including Tumbi Umbi, Toowoon Bay, Shelly Beach, Killarney Vale, Berkeley Vale, Fountaindale, Glenning Valley, Chittaway Bay

and Chittaway Point will gain access to the Network at later dates.

Harley Cattini, 23 Apr 2013Interviewee,

N2N media representative Nick Creevey

Long Jetty is scheduled to receive the benefi ts of the National Broadband Network when it is switched on in the period between late July and early August this year.

NBN to be switched on in Long Jetty

Collectively, Asian restaurants are saving41 million litres ofwater a year by using waterless woks.

Member for The

Entrance Mr Chris Spence, Member for Wyong Mr Darren Webber, and Wyong mayor Cr Doug Eaton presented awards to the

Asian restaurateurs.Ethnic Communities

Council (ECC) chairman Mr Emmanuel Valageorgiou said that thanks to a joint

initiative between the ECC, Gosford and Wyong Water and the NSW Government’s Climate Change Fund, 42 restaurants across the region had installed waterless woks or six star water saving devices.

“Usually the water jets that clean and cool the traditional wok stoves

in Asian restaurants are left running all day, resulting in signifi cant water wastage,” saidMr Valageorgiou.

“The restaurants that have installed waterless woks will save more than $2,000 a year on their water bills, plus help save the Central Coast’s scarce drinking water.

“The ‘Saving Water in Asian Restaurants Project’ has been a tremendous success to date and restaurants that have adopted this new water saving technology will receive certifi cates commending their efforts.

“These certifi cates will help patrons make informed decisions about the Asian restaurants they dine in and reward the restaurants that are helping to conserve our precious resources,” Mr Valageorgiou said.

The Project builds on the success of a number of

other projects funded by The NSW Government’s Central Coast Water Savings Fund.

The Fund was established in partnership with the Gosford - Wyong Councils’ Water Authority in 2006 to encourage investment in water saving on the Central Coast.

The projects include recycling and stormwater harvesting projects for industry, businesses and sporting clubs, and effi ciency programs for schools and households.

Under the Central Coast Water Saving Fund more than $9 million has been allocated for 79 projects to save an estimated 986 million litres of water and, save $2.3 million on water bills per year.

Media release, 15 Apr 2013Ethnic Communities Council

of NSW

Wyong Asian restaurants recognised at ceremony for saving water

Member for The Entrance Mr Chris Spence, Member for Wyong Mr Darren Webber Wyong mayor Cr Doug Eaton andGosford Cr Jeff Strickson with awarded restaurateurs

Asian restaurants on the Central Coast were offi cially recognised for their efforts in water management at a ceremony held at the Dragon’s Door restaurant in Erina Fair on Monday, April 15.

Congratulations Central Coast Mariners on winning the Hyundai A-League Grand Final.

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P14 - Wyong Regional Chronicle - April 26, 2013Health

Residents of the Wyong area were invited to have their say on the topic, with their comments to be included in a fi nal report which will be presented to the NSW Government and other relevant agencies and land managers, to create a working blueprint for a state-wide coastal

drowning prevention strategy.

Over the coming years, the project aims to assess every beach and rock platform in NSW.

The fi rst phase of the project targets priority black spots in 10 local government areas.

Through the NSW Water Safety Black Spot Fund, Surf Life Saving NSW is using the expertise of Australian

Coastsafe, a wholly-owned business unit of Surf Life Saving Australia, to complete the project.

Risk assessors have gathered data at 223 beaches and headlands over the last year.

Project manager Mr Adam Weir said that while the scope of the project was daunting, the information was vital in order to provide

water safety agencies with an effective strategy to reduce the coastal drowning toll.

“Each year, many lives are lost along our coastline, leaving families devastated and communities in shock.

“Our goal is to reduce drowning deaths by 50% within the next decade,” said Mr Weir.

More than 300 people have drowned in NSW since 2004, 42 of them on the Central Coast.

The majority are people caught in rip currents while swimming, or swept from rocks while fi shing and almost all occur at unpatrolled locations or outside patrol hours.

The assessment process examines a range of factors which can impact on risk, including education and information, signage and beach access, lifesaving and lifeguard services and the skills of those taking to the water.

Local surf clubs and communities will be consulted throughout the project.

Media release, 18 Apr 2013Surf Life Saving NSW,

Alix Vanny

As part of Project Blueprint, an initiative to help reduce coastal drowning deaths, Surf Life Saving NSW held a public forum at Shelly Beach SLSC on Wednesday, April 24.

Forum on coastal drowning deaths held at Shelly Beach

THIS ISSUE contains 56 articles - Read more news items for this issue at www.peninsulanews.info

PeninsulaPeninsula Community Access NewsNews

3 April 2013Edition 314 Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940

Three community facilities in the Peninsula area have been identifi ed for fi ve projects of 15 in a priority list to replace electric hot water systems with solar panels and heat pumps.

Ettalong’s senior citizens’ centre was identifi ed as fourth priority on the list, while three Peninsula Leisure Centre systems identifi ed as priorities nine, 10 and 11 and two systems on Patonga Camping Ground were placed at number 15 on the list.

In August last year, Council adopted an emissions reduction target of 20 per cent on 2010 emissions by 2025 as part of its Climate Change Mitigation Strategy.

Implementation of the Strategy is underway with projects designed to reduce Council’s emissions through energy effi ciency, renewable energy and direct abatement technologies.

Council’s water and sewer director Mr Rod Williams reported that one of the better opportunities identifi ed in the strategy was to

replace electric hot water systems with solar and heat pump hot water systems.

“The solar hot water opportunity was assessed as having a potential to reduce Council’s emissions by 469 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per annum and deliver fi nancial savings through reduced energy costs,” stated Mr Williams’ report.

Gosford Council has agreed to apply for the maximum amount of funding available from the Local Government Energy Effi ciency Program which was announced late last year by the Federal Government.

The grant is for 60 per cent of the capital cost to install solar and heat pump hot water systems on community facilities.

A requirement of the Local Government Energy Effi ciency Program is for Council to use local suppliers to undertake the installation works.

The program is a one off, non-competitive grant with all eligible applications to be approved.

Gosford Council identifi ed a total of 22 hot water systems at 16 different sites as appropriate for

replacement using this grant.The maximum grant amount

available is $61,000 with a required Council contribution of $40,667.

Mr Williams’ report stated that this would allow for the replacement of 13 to 22 hot water systems depending on the actual cost of replacement.

“The hot water systems identifi ed for replacement have been prioritised based on asset age (oldest fi rst) and hot water usage (high usage fi rst) to maximise cost savings to Council.

“The Local Government Energy Effi ciency Program provides a cost effective opportunity to replace old fossil fuel powered hot water systems with new low emissions hot water systems.

“The Local Government Energy Effi ciency Program is estimated to reduce energy costs by approximately $13,000 per annum.

“The simple payback based on Council’s cash, project management and contingency contribution is 4.6 years.”

Gosford Council Agenda, WAT.13, 26 Mar 2013

Peninsula facilities identifi ed for

solar hot water

A tree in Umina is still awaiting removal, nine months after it was scheduled for removal by Gosford Council.

The tree was initially brought to the attention of Council in 2010 by a resident of Harold St.

“At the time, the tree was assessed as being in a satisfactory condition,” said Gosford Council’s maintenance coordinator Mr Mark Smith.

“In June 2011, the resident at 5 Harold St complained that the tree was dangerous and it was inspected immediately.

“The tree was found to have some upper canopy decay and was subsequently approved for removal.

“As for each tree works request, the tree is assessed using certain safety criteria and then given a ranking to determine a timeframe for removal.

“The tree in question was scheduled to be removed within 12 months.

“After further requests, the customer was recently advised that the tree was now scheduled for removal by the end of April.

“This is still the case, although that is qualifi ed as being subject to availability of resources and weather conditions,” said Mr Smith.

Mr Smith also said that at the time of the original notifi cation, the

customer was given the standard advice that: “Council is unable to provide a specifi c date as to when works will be undertaken as all works are subject to availability of funding and resources taking into account storms and/or other urgent works.”

Mr Smith said given the number of tree work applications and the list of trees assessed to be removed, Council prioritised all tree removals to ensure urgent works were carried out fi rst.

“The local government area is also subject to severe storms that cause tree damage and branch drop, sometimes blocking roads and damaging other vital services,” said Mr Smith.

“This work is a priority and does impact on the planned works program.

“Unfortunately, resources do not allow all trees to be attended to immediately and some trees may not be attended to within the nominated time frame.

“Council is currently reviewing how it addresses the many requests it receives for tree works from residents and it hopes to be able to reduce response times in the future,” said Mr Smith.

Kaitlin Watts, 28 Mar 2013Interviewee: Mark Smith,

Gosford Council

Tree awaits removal, nine months later

Gosford Council has been told that the installation of solar pool heating has been completed at the Peninsula Leisure Centre.

Gosford Council’s director water and sewer Mr Rod Williams’ report to Council on Tuesday, March 26, stated that the Peninsula Leisure Centre was one of Council’s top 10 energy using sites.

The project involved the installation of solar thermal collectors on the Centre’s roof which provide the primary source of heat, with heat pumps and gas used as a backup.

“The cost savings are estimated to be approximately $54,000 per annum giving the project a 2.6 year simple payback.

“The project is also estimated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 139 tonnes CO2-equivalent per annum,” he wrote.

Mr Williams stated that the Peninsula Leisure Centre building management system and heat pump control upgrade was currently underway and would involve the installation of improved pool temperature probes to control the pool heat pumps.

The project is expected to reduce overheating, saving approximately 10 to 15 per cent on energy.

Council also has completed a number of projects across the whole local government area such as improving streetlight effi ciency, improving its carbon and energy management system, a public lighting effi ciency trial, a revolving energy fund and a community energy effi ciency program.

Gosford Council Agenda, WAT.12, 26 Mar 2013

Solar pool heating is completed

THIS ISSUE contains 57 articles - Read more news items for this issue at www.peninsulanews.info

PeninsulaPeninsula Community Access NewsNews

15 April 2013Edition 315 Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940

The Patonga Progress Association has decided to oppose the draft Plan of Management for Patonga Crown Reserves and Dark Corner Cottages and has called for an extension of the comment period.

“There are recommendations in it that no-one wants, such as the removal of our tennis courts and their placement on Eve Williams Oval to provide more parking for the camping area,” according to Association president Mr Dain Simpson.

“There are many controversial proposals in the plan relating to the camping area, creek foreshore, the beach, Patonga Central shops, the oval and Dark Corner.

“The whole thing boils down to a very basic issue in our democratic system: the rights of local residents to determine the land management of their community.

“Either we have a signifi cant say, or we get trampled on.”

Mr Simpson said more than 100 people attended a meeting at the Patonga Progress Hall on Saturday, April 6, to discuss the plan.

“One thing’s for sure, these recommendations won’t happen if the people of Patonga remain as solid and determined as they were today.

“It was a call to arms for locals, including celebrity residents and born and bred fi shermen.” Mr Simpson said that Gosford Council was proposing to totally change the essence and tranquillity of the sleepy village of Patonga.

He said residents attended the meeting to fi nd out more information about the plan and receive guidance on the steps they should take to “nip this proposal in the bud and oppose the general thrust of the plan”.

“There was a unanimous show of hands to seek legal advice, form a sub-committee and fi ght this with all the might of the passionate folk of Patonga.

“Without asking, $5000 was donated from the Patonga Social and Recreational Club to kick start any action that is required, with residents seeking an extension of the comment deadline to allow full and democratic airing of their views.

“People are concerned and angry that they were never consulted in the formation of the plan.”

A larger, public meeting has been scheduled for Saturday, April 20, in the Patonga Progress Hall.

All interested people are invited to attend.

Media Release, 8 Apr 2013Vanessa Ashcroft, Patonga

Progress association opposes Patonga plan

Residents of Patonga at the meeting held on Saturday, April 6, at the Patonga Progess Hall

Gosford Council has adopted the Draft Dogs in Open Spaces Strategy with the Umina Beach off leash exercise area to remain in its current size and location after receiving a petition with 1032 signatories.

The petition opposed the reduction in length of the off-leash area at Umina and was in support of the on-leash area.

A total of 411 written submissions and six petitions were received from individuals and organisations during the comment period.

Two submissions were received which supported the proposed changes.

Objections to the proposal were based on the commercial benefi t to the caravan park, congestion due to the reduction in size, the beach having “plenty of beach available for everyone”, inaccuracies of the

mapping, concerns for access for mobility impaired users and impact on the fl agged area at the surf lifesaving club by the on-leash section.

Support was based on children’s safety, impact on wildlife, a disregard for regulation by dog owners, people walking dogs off-leash for the length of Umina Beach, the amount of faeces left on the beach, children’s balls being taken by dogs and a desire to go back to the timed use of Kiddie’s Corner for dog off-leash exercise.

According to a report from the council’s director city services Mr Stephen Glen, consideration was given to the comments and the reasons behind the proposals.

“It was determined that timed use would create confusion.

“The matter of guests of the adjacent NRMA Holiday Park not being aware they are entering a dog off-leash exercise area can be

addressed by other measures such as signage at each beach access entry point within the holiday park.

“The dog on-leash area will also impact on the patrolled section of the beach,” stated Mr Glen’s report.

Mr Glen said the Dogs in Open Spaces Strategy aimed to guide Gosford Council and interest groups on the management of dogs in open spaces and the provision of off-leash dog exercise areas.

The Strategy was based on research, site visits and consultations with the community including surveys, interviews in public places and meetings with interest groups undertaken from December 2011 through to April last year.

Mr Glen said the strategy confi rmed that dogs were extremely important to the community and there was general community support for the provision of dog off-leash exercise areas in parks and

on beaches by dog owners and by people who did not own a dog.

“There is also a desire however, for increased management of dogs in open spaces (particularly in on-leash areas and dog exclusion areas) and a desire for dog owners to pick up after their dogs and control their dogs in general,” stated the report.

“The strategy provides principles, strategies and specifi c recommendations relating to the provision for and management of dogs in open spaces.

“A particular focus is placed on assessing the suitability of and guiding improvements to existing off-leash dog exercise areas.

“In addition, consideration is given to establishing enclosed off-leash dog exercise areas and directions are provided for dog exclusion and on leash areas, as well as public awareness and enforcement,” stated the report.

At the meeting, councillors spoke to a gallery full of concerned residents dressed in red.

Cr Gabby Bowles said the issue was a “highly emotive” one.

“It is diffi cult to fi nd a balance and accommodate those in the community.

“If the community using the off-leash areas educate and encourage each other to do the right thing (and Council works towards improving its signage etc.) there is no reason why it would be necessary to make changes at annual review time.

“The strategy has been decided.“We now have a clear approach

and if we all work on setting a high standard, the continued use of these great spaces can be enjoyed for years to come,” said Cr Bowles.

Kaitlin Watts, 2 Apr 2013Gosford Council Agenda

CIT.13, 2 Apr 2013

Beach off-leash to remain unchanged

THIS ISSUE contains 74 articles - Read more news items for this issue at www.peninsulanews.info

PeninsulaPeninsula Community Access NewsNews

18 March 2013Edition 313 Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940

Work to upgrade the Ettalong foreshore will start in May, the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce has been told.

Almost $5 million is to be allocated from a variety of sources for the work.

Chamber president Mr Matthew Wales said: “Gosford Council attended the Chamber AGM and confi rmed that the upgrade of the Ettalong foreshore would kick off in May this year.

“A total of $5 million would be spent on the works which includes the $2 million promised by the Federal Government prior to the last

Federal Election,” said Mr Wales.“While the delays to the project

have been frustrating, the $5 million funding is good news with a combination of Council, State and Federal funds being made available,” said Mr Wales.

“The Chamber had been previously advised that work would commence in August 2012 and then again in March 2013.

“The project will include the upgrading and reclamation works along Ferry Reserve between Beach St and Bangalow St, upgrading of Lance Webb Reserve including the bicycle and pedestrian link from the

ferry wharf to Picnic Pde and major beach renourishment works which will restore Ettalong Beach to a 15 metre width.

“These works are a culmination of nearly 18 years of lobbying by the Peninsula Chamber to have the foreshore upgraded so that the area can once again attract visitors to Ettalong and boost the local economy.

“We are also delighted that Council may also allocate an additional $2.4 million towards the much needed revetment wall along Lance Webb Reserve that will fi nally repair the severe erosion in this area.

“This is important and vital investment in the local community would demonstrate Council’s commitment to boosting the fortunes of the Ettalong Beach town centre.

“Council is also proposing a new café-restaurant building on the proposed reclamation area at the end of Beach St which is due to go out for public comment on March 13.

“While this is inconsistent with what the Chamber envisaged as part of the plan of management, we recognise that it is an important piece of infrastructure that has the potential to raise revenue for the ongoing upkeep of the foreshore reserve,”

said Mr Wales.“We will be keen to look at the

proposal and how it fi ts within the management plan and gauge how it may further activate the foreshore area”.

“Overall, the funding announcements are welcome news to the Chamber and the local business community and we look forward to the work commencing in May,” said Mr Wales.

Media Release, 12 Mar 2013Matthew Wales, Peninsula

Chamber of Commerce

Foreshore work to start in May

Gosford Council has placed the Draft Patonga Crown Reserves and Dark Corner Cottages Crown Lands Plan of Management on public exhibition on Saturday, March 16.

The document will remain on public exhibition for 28 days and Council will accept submissions for 42 days from the date it was placed on exhibition.

Council will adopt the tabled documents should no submissions be received that a comprise signifi cant objection to the Draft Patonga Crown Reserves and Dark Corner Cottages Crown Lands Plan of Management.

Should signifi cant objections be received, a further report will be prepared for the Council detailing submissions received.

Gosford Council’s director city services Mr Stephen Glen said in his report to Council that Patonga Crown Reserves contained public lands that provided social, recreational, environmental and economic values that had the potential to provide a range of conservation and tourism based experiences.

“The draft Patonga Crown Reserves and Dark Corner Cottages Crown Lands Plan of Management will facilitate how these goals can be achieved, whilst simultaneously aiming to protect the unique character of the coastal village.”

Mr Glen’s report stated that the core principles of the Plan of Management were to ensure that the essential character of the area was maintained and strengthened in a sustainable manner, and to improve the condition of, and community

access to, public areas, particularly the foreshore.

They were also to address issues of public risk and safety, to manage heritage items, to manage increased demands on accommodation and commercial opportunities.

Other aims were to address the adequate provision of car parking, to promote the features of the area so that they may be fairly enjoyed by all members of the community and to prevent the degradation of Crown Land caused by inappropriate or over use.

In 2006, the Department of Lands provided funding for the preparation of a Plan of Management for Patonga Caravan and Camping Area which has been in progress since February 2007.

In December 2007, Council was approached by the then NSW

Department of Lands requesting that the Draft Plan of Management for the Caravan and Camping Area be incorporated into a Patonga Crown Reserves and Dark Corner Cottages Crown Lands Plan of Management.

Due to signifi cant time constraints in the preparation of the overarching Patonga Crown Reserves and Dark Corner Cottages Crown Lands Plan of Management, it was decided that the Draft Patonga Caravan and Camping Area Plan of Management be placed on public exhibition in June 2008 given its prominent foreshore location, crown land assessment, and popularity amongst both visitors and local residents.

In May 2009, after review of the submissions received and further advancement of the Patonga Crown Reserves and Dark Corner Cottages Crown Lands Plan of Management,

it was decided that the amendments would need to go back out on public exhibition.

The outcomes of community consultation led to the development of management objectives which included the protection of the scenic value and ecologically sustainable limits of the Land, improvements to access and circulation, continuance and improvement of public and park amenities and recreational amenities, provision of security through improved vehicular access and increased security surveillance, promotion of the area as a family friendly caravan and camping area and recreational area and recognition of the signifi cance and history of the land in any future management options.

Gosford Council Agenda CIT.8, 5 Mar 2013

Patonga plan placed on exhibition

Artists’ impressions of the Ettalong foreshore

A Peninsula newspaper withA Peninsula newspaper within-depth Peninsula area news!in-depth Peninsula area news!

A Peninsula newspaper withA Peninsula newspaper within-depth Peninsula area news!in-depth Peninsula area news!

YMCA Lake Haven opens newoutdoor training area

“This $60,000 project has been partially funded by a $45,000 grant from the successful Community Building Partnership Program,” said Mr Webber.

“The outdoor training area consists of areas of grass fi eld, soft fall areas and fi xed outdoor gym equipment such as training bars and sit up areas.

“It will be of great benefi t to group fi tness training courses, outdoor training classes, and to local sporting groups.

“It will also act as a great social meeting place with a barbecue area also located within the training area.

“This project is a wonderful example of how the Community

Building Partnership Grants directly benefi ts the residents of the Wyong electorate.

“I was keen to support this project in an effort to address the rising obesity rate on the Central Coast.

“It is important for everyone to have a healthy and active lifestyle and this facility will assist in this aim,” Mr Webber concluded.

The next round of the Community Building Partnership program is intended to deliver more improved community infrastructure for the people of Wyong and to encourage the enhancement of local community based activities to create more vibrant and inclusive communities.

The objectives of the NSW 2012 Community Building Partnership Program are to improve local community participation and cohesion through the delivery of social, environmental or recreational services or activities by enhancement of community infrastructure.

In addition, the Program is intended to improve opportunities for people from disadvantaged or otherwise isolated groups to be included in community activities.

“The successful applications for the latest $300,000 allocation will be announced shortly,” said Mr Webber.

Media release, 10 Apr 2013Jim Lloyd,

Offi ce of Darren Webber MP

The new outdoor training area at the YMCA Lake Haven Recreation Centre was offi cially opened on Monday, April 8, by Member for Wyong Mr Darren Webber.

YMCA employees with Member for Wyong Mr Darren Webber

Wyong Regional Chronicle - April 26, 2013 - P15 Education




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This event was contested throughout NSW in under-14, under-16 and under-18 age divisions, with the pathway for the girls at both the under-16 and under-18 level.

Central Coast Rugby Programs development manager Michael Magriplis said that for many this was their fi rst experience of rugby union, and the event provided an opportunity for the sport to showcase itself as an Olympic pathway to the next generation.

He said that the feedback from the girls, their teachers and parents was very

positive and it was a true testament to rugby, with free running play resulting in lots of tries being scored.

The under-14 division saw Tuggerah Lakes Secondary College Tumbi Umbi Campus provide two teams to play a round-robin event with Brisbane Water Secondary College.

Brisbane Water Secondary College achieved fi rst place in the under-16s event to take the CJ Morgan Cup.

The under-18s event was won by Terrigal High School, and they were awarded the Tobie McGann Cup.

E x - W a l l a r o o ,

Paige Butcher, was in attendance and presented the cups to the winning captains.

“What a great day, and seeing so many highly skilled young ladies participating in rugby shows the future of the sport is in good hands,” said Ms Butcher.

“From what I have seen today I am sure there will be a few players here, who if they work hard, will have the opportunity to maybe one day represent Australia in rugby at the Olympic Games,” she added.

Media release, 12 Apr 2013Michael Magriplis,

Australian Rugby Union

The Secondary School Rugby Sevens Girls Festival was held on Wednesday, April 10, at Sir Joseph Banks Oval in Bateau Bay.

Girls rugby sevens tournamentheld at Bateau Bay

The Program starts in term two and will run from Council’s six Little Coast Kids Care and Education Centres at Kanwal, Killarney Vale, Berkeley Vale, Toukley, San Remo and Wyong.

The Program aims to develop skills, abilities and characteristics that

promote a child’s ability to become a successful learner, to familiarise children with a school environment and to increase awareness of school routines, rules and expectations.

“The most important factors associated with a successful start and

continued learning at school relate to a child’s social and emotional development,” said Council’s care and education coordinator Ms Beth Jones.

“ T r a d i t i o n a l preschools offer limited hours and their fees are actually increasing.

“Our centres open 7am to 6pm, 50 weeks a year.

“Parents who are eligible for Family Assistance Payments can have their fees substantially reduced, making them a great alternative to the traditional preschool for working families,” said Ms Jones.

Council’s centres have working relationships with local schools, which

was refl ected in a recent return visit to the Kanwal Centre from children who started school this year.

“The kids seemed so grown up and their confi dence and happiness at attending school was proof in itself about just how important this Program is,” said Ms Jones.

Little Coast Kids Centres are accredited

and licensed by the NSW Government, including sun smart approval.

Ms Jones said that the facilities offered natural, creative and inviting play areas in which children were supervised by friendly and experienced staff and provided with up to fi ve nutritious meals a day.

Media release, 18 Apr 2013Wyong Council Media

Parents invited to enrol childrenin school readiness program

Wyong Council has invited parents of children starting Kindergarten next year to consider enrolling their child in Council’s School Readiness Program.

Brisbane Water team celebrates their win

P16 - Wyong Regional Chronicle - April 26, 2013Out & About

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A number of Youth Week events are being held across the Central Coast for young people to enjoy and display their talents.

The annual GOATS Festival was held on Sunday, April 7, at Koala Park in San Remo.

This free annual event will again be held at Koala Park on Sunday, April 7.

The Goats Festival attracted thousands of people and featured stalls, rides and food alongside the free entertainment.

Council’s community

development manager Ms Julie Vaughan said Youth Week celebrated the contribution young people made to the community.

“Too often there is a stigma associated with young people and Youth Week gives them a chance to promote

a positive image and showcase themselves,” said Ms Vaughan.

“A good example is the X:pression Festival and Photo Competition at the Oasis Youth Centre on Friday, April 12.

“There will be workshops as well as DJing, dancing, BMX and scooter demonstrations and the chance to win prizes for

those who enter photos interpreting this year’s Youth Week theme.”

Youth Week celebrations will come to a close on Sunday, April 14, with the For the Love of Music event at Gravity Youth Centre between 11am and 3pm.

Throughout term one of this school year, Musicians Making a Difference (MMAD) and Regional Youth

Support Services (RYSS) have been collaborating with local young artists to record their own music, which will be showcased for the first time at this event.

There will also be skate and scooter demonstrations, prizes and giveaways.

Media release, 3 Apr 2013Wyong Council Media

Youth Week activities held across the ShireThe annual Youth Week activities kicked off in Wyong Shire on

Friday, April 5, with the theme Be Active, Be Happy, Be You.

Graffi ti removal trailer to be purchased

The funding was secured through the NSW State Government’s Community Building Partnership Grants and will allow the Chamber of Commerce to acquire and equip a graffi ti removal trailer.

“It’s excellent to have the Attorney General with us this morning making this announcement and highlighting that the O’Farrell Government takes the problem of graffi ti vandalism seriously,” Mr Webber said.

“This is one of 17 projects funded by the $300,000 Community Building Partnership Grants throughout the Wyong Electorate and will go a long way to deterring graffi ti vandalism in the Wyong Township,” he added.

Mr Smith said:

“Graffi ti is in your face wherever you go; and it angers people more than many other offences.

“That’s why we have established a state-wide hotline for reporting

graffi ti, and we changed the law to require young offenders charged with graffi ti offences to appear before a court and to require offenders to clean up graffi ti as part of community service orders.

“Promptly removing

graffi ti deprives vandals of the recognition they crave, and ensures the rest of the community can enjoy their town without having to put up with unsightly graffi ti,”

he said.“I am pleased to

present the grant to the Chamber of Commerce today which will go a long way towards helping the people of Wyong deal with the problem of graffi ti vandals,” Mr Smith concluded.

Chamber manager Ms Karen McLean said: “Wyong Regional Chamber of Commerce is delighted to receive the funding which will enable us to design and build a special purpose Graffi ti Removal Trailer.”

“The special purpose graffi ti trailer will be an asset to the business and local community and will assist greatly with graffi ti removal,” Ms McLean said.

The Chamber will work closely with Wyong Council and Rotary Club Wyong - Tuggerah to establish volunteer graffi ti removal squads, which is an extension of the Chamber’s Welcome to Wyong campaign.

“This is an opportunity for people who have felt powerless against the scourge of graffi ti to unite and restore pride in our community,” Ms McLean said.

Media release, 18 Apr 2013Jim Lloyd,

Offi ce of Darren WebberMP

Member for Wyong Mr Darren Webber has joined the Attorney General Mr Greg Smith SC and members of the Wyong Regional Chamber of Commerce to announce a grant of

$29,250 for a special purpose graffi ti removal trailer.

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Member for Wyong Mr Darren Webber presents the grant to the WRCC

Wyong Regional Chronicle - April 26, 2013 - P17 Out & About

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Topics discussed will include social isolation, cultural differences, safety and security and communication barriers.

The Committee is made up of community members, councillors and staff who will focus on creating cultural respect for all people in the Shire.

Council’s manager of community and cultural development Ms Julie Vaughan said the Committee would help make the community a more supportive, fair and equitable place to live.

“In the last census over half our residents identifi ed with an ancestry

other than Australian and over 10% of residents were born overseas,” Ms Vaughan said.

“This Committee provides a forum to support social interaction and raise community awareness of issues that affect people from a multicultural or culturally and linguistically diverse background.”

“It was a diffi cult decision to select who would be on the Committee as there was such a high calibre of applicants,” Ms Vaughan added.

Community members selected included

Danielle Habib, Edna Wacher, Flor Reyna, Ji Young Lee, Natalia Meliendrez, Pandurang Datar, Phocion Vouros, Ruby Eaton, Zachary Ekandi, and Fiona Meikle.

Danielle Habib will represent the African community and her experience will offer a strategic approach to achieve the aims of the Committee.

Edna Wacher is a member of Council’s Status of Women Committee and will help reach many multicultural groups across theCentral Coast.

Flor Reyna is the manager of the Australian Hispanic Women’s Business Network community and aims to infl uence and enrich the community.

Ji Young Lee is a new resident of the Central Coast who will represent the Korean Community and bring a focus on tourism.

Natalia Meliendrez will bring a range of experience working with migrants and refugees living on the Central Coast.

Pandurang Datar will represent the Indian community.

Phocion Vouros has played an active role in the multicultural community for the last 50 years.

Ruby Eaton will

represent the Chinese community and bring a focus to help those from a multicultural or CALD group overcome the challenges of living in Wyong.

Zachary Ekandi will bring knowledge as the Institute Multicultural Education coordinator for the Central Coast and Hunter at TAFE NSW.

Fiona Meikle will bring expertise in event management and is a committee member of CAD Domestic Violence and interpreter groups.

Additionally, there are three alternative committee members who will fi ll casual vacancies if they arise.

These members are Akhilesh Khal, Jayshree Naidoo and Rosina Johnson.

Akhilesh Khal will represent the Indian community and wants to focus on the needs of families.

Jayshree Naidoo has experience in childcare, comes from a Hindu background and was born in South Africa.

Rosina Johnson has worked with refugee communities and asylum seekers and has strong links with education providers and employment services.

Councillors on the Committee are mayor Cr Doug Eaton, Cr Lynne Webster and Cr Doug Vincent.

Media release, 22 Apr 2013Wyong Council Media

Wyong Council’s newly formed Multicultural Advisory Committee will hold its fi rst meeting on Tuesday, May 14, where participants will discuss the key issues that impact

upon the multicultural and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) population.

Multicultural Advisory Committee to hold inaugural meeting in May

Budgewoi Buff Point Halekulani Precinct (BBPHP) group approached the Chamber in 2011 with a proposal to work together in order to obtain funding for a CCTV system to be installed in the CBD area.

The project was originally developed in 2010 after a series of meetings with the precinct group, business owners, police, and Cr Doug Vincent.

It identifi ed a number of issues related to anti-social behaviour and loitering in the local CBD area.

Due to unforseen complications the CCTV system has not been in operation to date, which has prompted the two organisations to search for assistance to complete the project over the past two years.

The Chamber’s business coordinator, Ms Maree Booth said that the Chamber organised for two security companies to assess the CCTV

system and provide the best options to make them operational.

“The primary objective of the project was to reduce the incidents in anti-social behaviour and malicious damages to property and improve the local community perception of the area,” said Chamber president,

Ms Robyn Earley.“Without the help

and support of Swansea MP Garry Edwards, this project would still be up in the air.

“It has been a long road trying to fi nish this community based project but fi nally there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

“We would like to thank

not only Garry Edwards but also the Budgewoi Buff Point Precinct group for all their support and help in this project,” she concluded.

The CCTV system is part of a strategy plan to encourage engagement, aimed at increasing community pride in the area.

E-mail, 24 Apr 2013Maree Booth,

Northern Lakes Regional Business Chamber

The Northern Lakes Regional Business Chamber has been successful in obtaining a Community Building Partnership Grant for the purpose of making the CCTV system at Halekulani


CCTV system at Halekulani to be made operational.

L to r: NLRBC President Ms Robyn Earley, Mr Bruce Hedges, Mr Garry Edwards, BBPHP chairman Mr Phil Heaton and Ms

Robyn Hedges, (front) NRLBC board member, Ms Leeana Mirko


on the CoastApril 18, 2013Edition 5 Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940

ANZAC Day services

Gosford RSL Sub Branch will hold

its annual ANZAC Day service and dawn service at Gosford Cenotaph on Thursday, April 25.

The dawn service will begin at 6am following a short march, which will commence at 5:45am from near the Gosford Police

Station, along Mann St to the Cenotaph.

Members from the Air Force Cadets will participate in this service.

The parade for the main service will form at 10:15am at the Gosford Library end of Donnison St and will march off at 10:30am.

The march will proceed along Mann St to the

Cenotaph with the service to begin at 11am.

Vintage cars are being made available for veterans who are unable to march.

The parade will be led by Sub Branch president Mr Greg Mawson and the three 2012 Kokoda Trek recipients Ms Laine Edwards, Ms Shelby Baker and Mr Eithan Clifford.

GosfordJacquie Miller, Gosford RSL

Last year’s ANZAC Day march in Gosford

The Woy Woy-Ettalong RSL has a number

of events planned for ANZAC Day on Thursday, April 25, beginning with a dawn service at 5:30am at Woy Woy Memorial Park.

A dawn service march will also be conducted, with those wishing to participate to assemble at Woy Woy

railway station at 5am for a 5:15am step off.

The main service will be held at 10:30am with those wishing to participate in the march to assemble in the Coles car park at 9:30am for a 10am step off.

The Woy Woy-Ettalong RSL will also dedicate a new plaque for the Missing in Action (North Korea) following the 10am service

at around 11:15am.Korean veterans and

members of the public are welcome to attend.

A luncheon will then be held at the Ettalong Beach War Memorial Club from 12pm with tickets on sale at reception.

Schools are also invited to volunteer their marching bands for the 10am service.

Woy WoyMerv Heath, Woy Woy Ettalong RSL

Club Wyong will host two ANZAC

Day ceremonies on Thursday, April 25.

The dawn service will be held from 5:45am in the Club's car park.

The mid-morning service

will then commence at 9:30am in the Wyong Town Park.

A march from Hely St to the Club will follow the service.

Live entertainment will be provided by the Club from 12pm with normal

trading following the services.

CLUB Wyong representative Ms Cheryl Morris said it was great that the Club was able to provide these ANZAC Day services to residents of Wyong Shire.

WyongKaitlin Watts

An ANZAC Day service will be held

on Thursday, April 25, at the Cenotaph in Empire Bay from 11am.

The service is conducted annually and last year attracted around 400 people with over 20

wreaths laid by ex-Servicemen, with children representing their fathers and grandfathers and wearing their medals.

Member for Terrigal Mr Chris Hartcher and Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill will be present at the service while

Brisbane Water Secondary College students Cana Bell and Tony Brown will speak and lay a wreath on behalf of the college.

Students from Empire Bay Public School and Coast Christian School will also lay wreaths.

Empire BayGeoff Melville, Empire Bay


on the CoastApril 4, 2013Edition 4 Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940

The annual Seniors Week Concert was

held on Thursday, March 21, at the Ettalong Leisure and Learning Centre.

Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill said she was happy to host the Seniors Week Concert again this year with Chris King.

“This is always such a wonderful day out, and this year was bigger than ever,” said Ms O’Neill.

The 200 guests enjoyed local musical acts and performances, as well as a complimentary lunch.

The contributions of long-serving community volunteers were also

recognised with an awards presentation.

Three local Vietnam Veterans were presented with awards by Patricia Amphlett, also known as Little Patty.

The veterans, Alan Ball, Jack Chalker and Pat Bright, have all been members of the Vietnam Veterans’ Peacekeepers and Peacemakers Association of Australia Gosford City Sub-Branch for over a decade each and have spent those years working to help other veterans on the Central Coast.

The Sub-Branch has a Drop-in Centre on the corner of Beach

St and Broken Bay Rd, Ettalong, where diggers from all theatres of war and peacekeeping, in which the ADF was involved, can receive assistance with their pension applications and welfare assistance for themselves and their families.

“The concert is not just about having a good time, it is a wonderful opportunity to come together to recognise the great work of so many that work tirelessly in our community and often don’t get the recognition they deserve,” said Ms O’Neill.

Seniors Week concert at EttalongRobyn Creswell, Vietnam Veterans, Peacekeepers and Peacemakers Association of Australia, Gosford City Sub-Branch

Richard Mehrtens, Offi ce of Deborah O’Neill MP


on the CoastMarch 21, 2013Edition 3 Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940

Ettalong Beach’s three day festival was

held from Friday, March 15, to Sunday, March 17, with an estimated 12,000 people in attendance.

Local shop owners reported high levels of trading with some recording all time record day sales on the Sunday.

Festival attractions ranged from the quirky Ettalong Beach Retro Bash on the Friday night, which sold out prior to the night, the Big Sing Workshop and fi lm screenings on Saturday and Sunday, which were also sold out, plus the all-day Street Festival with wall to wall entertainment on the Sunday.

Two separate stages operated all day on the Sunday with a wide variety of entertainers.

“The Lolo Lovina Gypsy Caravan stage was a huge hit with the crowd and I’m sure we will see it again on the Coast at other events,” said creative director Ms Ylenna Zajec.

“On the main stage Bukhu, the Mongolian throat singer, completely changed the atmosphere when he began to sing.

“It was just

extraordinary.“I could see that the

crowds were absolutely enthralled by what Bukhu was doing with his voice, he was later joined by three members of the Bridge Project, Tunji Beier, John Robinson and Andy Busuttil for their fi rst public performance of Bukhu’ s new ensemble, Ecrrus,” said Ms Zajec.

Ettalong Beach Business Group president Ms Jeanette Polley said “some of the stall holders have already booked for next year’s festival so that they don’t miss out”.

“We have had great support from our sponsors this year and greatly appreciate their generous contributions to the festival.

“We thank Gosford City Council, 2GO, NBN, Bendigo Bank, Ettalong Beach Club, Earth Central, Wot’s Hot, Ettalong Tourist Resort, McKay Properties and IGA,” she said.

The festival is organised by the Ettalong Beach Business Group and is scheduled each year at the beginning of autumn to stimulate activity for the town at a low time in the tourist season.

They lingered long in Ettalong

Ylenna Zajec, Ettalong Beach Festival

Ettalong Beach Street Festival on Sunday, March 17

The Retro Beach Bash on Friday, March 15

At last – a FREE newspaper that’s all

about entertainment on the Coast!

Where do you get it?Following is a list of all good outlets where you can get your free copy of Wyong Regional Chronicle

Bateau BayAmity (BUPA) Bay Village Information DeskBlue Lagoon Caravan ParkBowling ClubLibraryCommunity CentreEldersee VillageGolden Hind Bowls ClubKiah LodgeKaragi CourtMcDonaldsMen’s ShedNareen GardensNareen LodgeRed RoosterReynolds Court HostelSun Valley Tourist ParkTen Pin Bowling AlleyTerry White Pharmacy (Bay Village)The Chemist@Bay VillageThe Entrance CampusThe Entrance Leagues Club

Berkeley ValeBerkeley Vale CampusVillageCivic VideoCaltex Service StationMedical Centre

Primary SchoolPrivate HospitalShelley’s TakeawaySwim Centre

Blue BayCaravan ParkTakeaway

Blue HavenCommunity CentrePrimary School

BudgewoiGeorge’s Barber ShopHalekulani Bowling ClubLakes Beach CafePrimary SchoolSoccer ClubTourist ParkWalu Caravan Park

Buff PointIGA

Catherine Hill BayPubBowling Club

Canton BeachHeritage Village Holiday ParkLakefront VillageSports ClubMobile Service Station Vietnam Vets Hostel

CharmhavenCouncil Works Depot

Chittaway BayBottleshopPharmacyPublic School

DoyalsonRSL Club

Forresters Beach360 Fitness ClubCaltex Service StationRetirement Village

GorokanPrimary School Medical Centre Shell Service StationWallarah Bay Rec Club

GwandalanBowling ClubCorner Shop

Hamlyn TerracePalm Springs VillagePrimary SchoolUniting Retirement CentreWarnervale

KanwalAmcal PharmacyBYO & Bottle ShopFill & Carry FruitMedical CentreVillage PharmacyOasis Caravan ParkWyong Youth & District Community Centre HallWyong Leagues Club

Killarney ValePrimary School Killarney Court HostelLong Jetty Health Care CentreOur Lady of the Rosary SchoolPrincipal Aged Care & Assisted Living Apartments

Lake HavenAged Care HostelEagle BoysMasonic Village Activity CentreHigh SchoolKFCLake Haven LibraryMcDonaldsPizza HutRed Rooster

Lake MunmorahHigh SchoolPrimary SchoolLakeside Leisure VillageSenior Citizen’s HallSt Brendan’s Catholic

LisarowHigh SchoolMcDonaldsThe Orchards Retirement Home

Long JettyCaltex Service StationChips@The JettyLakeview Tourist ParkHotel

NewsagencyWestside Service StationSenior Citizens Centre

MardiCommunity Centre

Magenta ShoreGolf Course & Resort

MingaraBP service stationClubGlengara Retirement VillageKFCMcDonaldsPharmacy St John Fisher Catholic School

Norah HeadMitchell Street shopsRockpool RetreatTourist ParkBowling Club

OurimbahBig FlowerCampus The HubCampus LibraryChemsaveCRTGabs GourmetGardenworldNewsagentsOurimbah Campus Public SchoolStudent EssentialsTall Timbers HotelTennis CourtsThai Takeaway

The LodgeUnited Service Station

San RemoNorthlakes PharmacyNewsagentNorthlakes High SchoolNorthlakes Primary SchoolNorthlakes TavernNeighbourhood Centre

Shelley BeachGolf ClubSurf Club Cafe

Summerland PointBowling ClubTennis ClubNewsagencyTriple Lakes Real Estate offi ceValhala Retirement Village

TacomaHopetown Special SchoolKooindah Waters Public School


The Entrance7-11 Service StationBrowse AboutCommunity & Neighbourhood CentreArt Gallery & Cafe Centrelink

DiggersLakes HotelLibraryNewsagentOaks Waterfront ResortPublic SchoolThe GreensWaldorf Apartments

The Entrance NorthDunleith Caravan Park

Toowoon BaySurf Club KioskTourist Park

Toukley / NoravilleAll Over Beautyand NailsAmcal PharmacyArt Gallery Aquatic CentreBeachcomber ResortK-Cee’s CafeGreen Bean CafeHopes PharmacyPrimary SchoolNachel’s TakeawayNoraville General Store & TakeawayNoraville PharmacyRetirement Village RSLToukley Family Practice

TuggerahAnytime FitnessCafe PennozCaltex Service StationCaravan ParkClub Tuggerah

High SchoolHungry JacksMcDonaldsMedical CentreMetro Service StationPRP Pacifi c Diagnostic ImagingSt Peter’s Catholic Supacheap AutoThe Edge

TuggerawongCadonia Road Metro Caravan ParkPublic SchoolService Station

Tumbi UmbiBP Service StationChemist Outlet PharmacyClare Mace Metro Service StationClare Mace TakeawayGlengara Retirement VillageKBT Neighbourhood HubKFCMcDonaldsSt John Fischer Catholic SchoolTumbi Campus

WadalbaBottlemartDam HotelPalm Springs VillageWyong Hospital (main entrance)

WatanobbiBP Service StationCommunity CentrePet & ProduceWyong Golf Club

WoongarrahWarnervale Gardens

WyongahNewsagentsGeneral Store

WyongAlberts CafeAus Curry BitesBlooms ChemistBowling ClubCarmichaels’ Corner StoreChoo Choo HairHarrisons Health and Beauty PharmacyIGA (Cutler Centre)Legends BakeryMeander VillageMobile Home VillageOlympic poolPizza in the PanPublic SchoolSt Cecilia’s Catholic SchoolTennis ClubWomen’s Health CentreWyong Grove Primary SchoolRace CourseWyong North CellarsWyong Village Centre

If you would like your outlet added to this list please let us know - see contact details Page 2

P18 - Wyong Regional Chronicle - April 26, 2013PSport

Caroline Hainis Oceania

Judo Champion

Three Academy members were in attendance as part of the National Team.

Caroline Hain, 16, improved on her bronze

medal from the 2011 Championship, and her silver medal from last year, by achieving both a gold and silver medal at this year’s event.

In his fi rst appearance at the event after recently moving into the boys’ division from the under-17 cadets, Neeson Naidoo achieved asilver medal.

Caroline and Neeson are contenders for entry into the Cadet World Cup series to be held laterthis year.

Although selected, two-times gold medallist Liam Yokoyama, chose to forego the event due to his HSC study commitments.

KMJA will fi eld a group of at least nine players in preparation for the National Titles in June this year.

Media release, 16 Apr 2013Pete Acciari,

Kido Mingara Judo Academy

Kido Mingara Judo Academy (KMJA) brought home one gold and two silver medals from the Oceania Judo Championship held in Cairns on April 13 and 14.

Caroline Hain in action

Warnervale Wildcats defeat Lions

The Warnervale Wildcats rugby union team defeated the Woy Woy Lions by 53 points to 10 at Hakone Oval on Saturday, April 13.

Warnervale achieved nine tries during the game.

Afele Tongia, Netane

Tonga and Ketoni Toutai were singled out by Wildcats representative, Mr Warren Butler, as

being the best players on the day.

Media release, 17 Apr 2013Warren Butler,

Warnervale Rugby Union

The Wildcats’ Tane Tonga (blue) in mid-tackle

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For all levels and ages. Come and relax and play

SCRABBLE at Bateau Bay Sports Club Bias Avenue, Bateau Bay.

Every Wednesday 10am-2pm

Contact Sandra4388 6134

Central CoastProstate CancerSupport Group(Northlakes)

Meet last Monday MonthSan Remo

Neighbourhood Centre10am to 12noon4390 7888Affi liated w/PCFA

Central CoastProstate Cancer Support Group

(Gosford)Meet last Friday Month

Terrigal UnitingChurch Hall

9.30am to 12noon4367 9600Affi liated w/PCFA

Diggers@The EntranceToastmasters

Conventient daytime meetings 2nd and 4th


Creating opportunities to overcome nerves when speaking on your feet.Gain confi dence and

meet new friends.4365 2751


Central CoastA travel club with a difference! Travel in

small groups and stay with friends in 370 clubs around the world. See a country from the inside

and change the way you see the world. We in turn host small groups from other Friendship Force

clubs in our home.Rae 4399 3625

Deidre 4388 9435www.friendshipforcecentralcoast.asn.au

Long Jetty Senior Citizens Club

Beginner classes being held in computers, line

dancing, tai chi and zumba gold.

Contact the Club4332 5522 M-F,

9am to 3pmfor full list of activities

SoundwavesMen’s acapella 4 part harmony chorus - for all ages, all welcome. 7.00pm Mon Central Coast Leagues Club0405 030 945randtbale@bigpond.com

Tumbi Vale Garden Club

A cheerful group of interesting gardeners’ get together at a well

organised meeting once a month to display their plant growing efforts,

listen to a variety of guest speakers and socialise

over afternoon tea.Monthly meetings1st Tues at 1pm,

Tumbi Community Hall,Roberta St, Tumbi Umbi.Contact Adriana Smith,

publicity offi cer4332 7680

If you would like your Community Organisa� onlisted here, see www.duckscrossing.org/publica� ons.html

for the forms or contact Wyong Regional Chronicle on 4325 7369

TheTheWyong Wyong DiaryDiary

For events in post code areas 2258, 2259, 2261, 2262 and 226358, 2259, 2226262626666662611111111111,1,1, 22222222222222 22222222222626262 and 2263

See the Peninsula News for events in post code areas 2256 & 2257 and the COAST Community News for

events in post code areas 2250, 2260 and 2251

If you’ve got something happening in the Wyong Region over the next few weeks, let us know about it and we’ll list it here for you, for free.

Contact details are on page 2.

Saturday April 27Hellenic Voice

end-of-month lunch, Chittaway Community Hall, 1pm

Wednesday May 1Talk by Wendy

Hanlen, Ourimbah Campus

U n d e r s t a n d i n g the pension seminar, Toukley and Tuggerah Libraries

Thurday May 2Guide Dogs NSW

Fundraising stall, Chittaway Bay Shopping Centre, 9am-2.30pm

Monday May 6Charity Golf Day,

Shelly Beach

Tuesday May 7Bateau Bay VIEW

Club lunch meeting, Bay Sports Club

Tumbi Vale Garden Club monthly meeting, 1pm

Saturday May 11Art exhibition and

open day, San Remo Neighbourhood Centre

Sunday May 12Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day Classic, Long Jetty

Sunday May 19Hellenic Voice

Panigiri, Chittaway Community Hall, 11am

Monday May 20Teleworking event,


Sunday May 26Doll, Bear and Craft

Show, Wyong Memorial HallWednesday May 29

U n d e r s t a n d i n g retirement income streams, Tuggerah Library


WAR & MOVIE MEMORABILIAWAR & MOVIE MEMORABILIAShop 12 Ebbtide Mall155 The Entrance Road - The Entrance 4333 8555

Smoking DragonSmoking DragonSmoking DragonSmoking Dragon

Wyong Regional Chronicle - April 26, 2013 - P19 Sport

Berkeley Vale, Wyong and Ourimbahoff to a good start

Berkeley Vale won the match with a score of 50 points to Umina’s 24 at Col Gooley Field.

In other opening round results, Woy Woy defeated Toukley 44 points to 16 after leading

16 points to six at the break.

Wyong defeated the Premiers, Kincumber, 20 points to six at EDSAC Oval.

Northern Lakes edged out The Entrance 28-26.

Ourimbah defeated the newly promoted Central Wyong Razorbacks at Watanobbi with a fi nal score of 82 points to nil.

E-mail, 15 Apr 2013Andrew Stark

The opening to the 2013 Central Coast Rugby League Competition on Sunday, April 14, saw the 2011 Premiers Berkeley Vale compete against the 2012 Runners-Up, Umina Beach.

Berkeley Vale skipper Steve LyonsPhoto - Andrew Stark

The Troubadour

Acoustic Music Club

meets at the CWA Hall, Woy WoyFloor Spots available

May 25Wheeze and Suck Band

7PMTickets $12

Concession $10Members $8

Tickets available at the door. See


4341 4060

Classifi edADVERTISEMENTScost only $30 plus GST for 5 cms, and will be

working for you in your local community for TWO WEEKS

Phone: 4325 7369Fax: 4321 0940


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P20 - Wyong Regional Chronicle - April 26, 2013PClassifieds


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party, event or venue.

St Albans Folk FestivalApril 27-28

Northern BeachesMusic Festival

May 18tomfl ood@hotmail.com

4324 2801



CentralCoast Bush

Dance& Music

AssociationExperience Folk

Music at its best at East Gosford

Progress Hall @ 7.30pm Henry Parry Drive

May 11Bush Dance with

Sydney CovesEnq: 4344 6484Admission $18

incl. supperFolk Fed Affi liates &

Pensioners $15,Students 13 to 18 $8www.ccbdma.org

for more information4381 0457



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Position Vacant

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Must have experience in advertising sales and own vehicle. You can choose your own working hours and will have an unlimited potential to earn as much as you want based on your own enthusiasm and success.

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Wyong Regional Chronicle - April 26, 2013 - P21 Sport

M i n i m u m T r a n s a c t i o n $ 2 Our Price

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120c Erina St Gosford NSW - 4325 7369

Jordan is a 16-year-old old boy with Down syndrome who has been selected to represent Australia in Cricket at the Asian-Pacifi c Games this December, at which there will be representatives from 17 countries.

Jordan fi rst found he had an interest in sport at the age of fi ve when he began playing cricket.

Last year Jordan was selected for the Junior National Cricket Team to represent NSW at the third Junior National Games in Newcastle, at which his team won a gold medal.

Additionally, Jordan represented NSW in football last year and helped his team achieve a bronze medal.

While Jordan usually

plays amongst his mainstream peers, the School Special Olympics provided him with the opportunity to achieve at an elite level.

Jordan has many health conditions which placed him in hospital for nine months of last year.

“His condition was life threatening but thank goodness for wonderful doctors who have given Jordan a new quality of life,” said Jordan’s mother Ms Danielle Cabrita.

“Jordan is a fun loving kid with a passion for life and all it holds.

“He will do his region, his state and his country proud.” she added.

Media release, 18 Apr 2013Jim Lloyd,

Offi ce of Darren WebberMP

Jordan to represent Australia

Jordan receives his congratulatory certifi cate from Member for Wyong Mr Darren Webber

A celebration in recognition of the achievements of Wyong District Cricket Club member, Jordan Cabrita, was held

at Member for Wyong Mr Darren Webber’s offi ce on Friday, April 19.

The Gallipoli 100 will see surf clubs from around Australia and New Zealand travel to Turkey to recreate the journey of the ANZACS.

Over 50 surf boats will travel through the Dardanelles and land on the iconic shores of Gallipoli to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the WWI battle.

“In 2015, the centenary of Gallipoli will stop the nation,” said Mr Darin Butcher from Soldiers Beach Surf Club, who will be participating in the event.

“Soldiers Beach Surf Club is proud to be representing the Central Coast in this journey of heritage and pride.

“ANZAC Day holds a signifi cant place in the heart of our nation and it will be a truly rewarding experience to celebrate the heroes who so bravely fought for our nation,” he added.

The Soldiers Beach team will include 15 men, one woman and a junior representative.

The crew are all part of the surf club, from life members and acting patrol members, to the Club president and even long term sponsors.

“Our junior representative will be a leader in their own right, as part of their

role will involve visiting local schools before and after the journey to educate students on this momentous occasion,” said Mr Butcher.

“This is a legacy that I’m sure will be rewarding years after the commemoration.”

The club has encouraged the community to throw their support behind

the Gallipoli 100 by sponsoring the Soldiers Beach team’s journey.

“The journey does come at a cost and many supporters have already bought raffl e tickets, donated in our bucket drives and sponsored our boat,” said Mr Butcher.

“Nonetheless, we are still after your support.

“If you’re a business owner and would like to see your brand on what we believe will be a heavily followed event,

then we would love to receive your support.

“We are also eager to assist any individuals who may have a request, such as dropping a photo on a certain site or laying a wreath at Gallipoli on ANZAC Day 2015.

“Please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to help you out,” he added.

Media release, 17 Apr 2013Darin Butcher, Soldiers

Beach Surf Club

Soldiers Beach Surf Life Saving Club will send a team of 17 representatives to participate in the Gallipoli 100 in 2015 to mark the centenary of the Gallipoli landing.

Surf club to participate in Gallipoli 100

P22 - Wyong Regional Chronicle - April 26, 2013PSport

TIDE CHART(Fort Denison)

APPROX. TIME LAG AFTER FORT DENISONEttalong 40 min, Rip Bridge 2hrs - Wisemans Ferry 2 hrs 30 min, Koolewong 2 hrs 10 min

In view of the variations caused by local conditions and meteorological effects, these times are approximate and must be considered as a guide only. They are not to be relied on for critical depth calculations for safe navigation.

Actual times of High and Low Water may occur before or after the times indicated

LAT 33° 51’ S - LONG 151° 14’ E - TIME ZONE - 1000Times and Heights(m) of high and low waters

Time - Height(m) Time - Height(m) Time - Height(m)

SAT - 40330 1.581004 0.461622 1.462221 0.64

SUN - 50432 1.551055 0.461715 1.552325 0.59

MON - 60528 1.521140 0.461802 1.63

FRI - 30221 1.640908 0.451522 1.402110 0.67

MON - 290500 0.271103 1.461644 0.492313 1.90

FRI - 260220 0.280822 1.611417 0.342043 1.94

TUE - 70020 0.540617 1.501221 0.471845 1.69

TUE - 300600 0.321202 1.401741 0.56

SAT - 270312 0.240914 1.571503 0.372130 1.97

WED - 80107 0.490703 1.471259 0.491924 1.74

WED - 10011 1.820702 0.371306 1.361845 0.63

THU - 20114 1.720807 0.421415 1.361956 0.67

THU - 90150 0.460745 1.441333 0.512000 1.77

SUN - 280404 0.241007 1.521552 0.422220 1.96

THU - 250132 0.350733 1.621334 0.341958 1.87

Issue 050March 21, 2013 Your independent local sports newspaper - 4325 7369


Two Umina Beach PCYC

boxers, Satali Tevi-Fuimaono and Mark Glew, have qualifi ed for the World C h a m p i o n s h i p s in Kiev, Ukraine, in August after they both won gold medals at the National Titles in Adelaide.

They were joined on the medal dais by team mate Jason Fawcett, who also won gold in what was his third fi ght, and Kyle Schneider who missed out on gold after he was ruled out for the fi nals bout by the doctor.

“For Satali, this was to be his third straight Australian Title, and was won with the style, fl air and power the young man has become renowned for,” said Umina PCYC coach Joel Keegan.

“He faced a tough and rugged Queensland opponent Lachie De Santis who could not contain the Brisbane Water High School captain, as he raced away to win 17-1, the biggest margin of the entire week of the National Championships.

“His Queensland opponent tried everything he could to compete and upset the rhythm of the Umina boxer, but to no avail as young Satali was clinical, repeatedly landing powerful shots that forced at least one eight count against a very willing opponent.

“It was a near faultless performance from Satali, despite what was a pretty disrupted preparation.

“Qualifying for the World Championships has been a big goal for a while, but we will need to improve another 10 to 20% to be a medal chance.

“This looks like being the biggest World Championships on record, with both Cuban and American representation, as well as the entire European and Asian blocks, so we will be ready.

“Mark Glew, fi ghting at his fi rst National Titles, had to fi nd something special in two bouts to claim his gold medal and his plane ticket to the Ukraine.

“Coming from behind in both his semi and his fi nal, Glew earnt a reputation as the ‘heart-break kid’ as the coaching staff were distraught watching him claw back a defi cit in the fi nal seconds of both bouts.

“Glew had his hands full in the fi rst semi against Victorian Kade Alexander, whose rangy build and awkward style posed real problems for Mark, and meant Mark had a two point lead to pull back going in to the fi nal round.

“Digging deep, Glew overwhelmed his opponent and the points that were denied him in the fi rst two rounds started to fl ow for a very close win.

“Mark is a special kid. “What he was able to

do, come from behind and virtually refuse to lose, showed so much character.

“It wouldn’t surprise anyone that watched him train though.

“He will have to, and I’m sure he will, lift another level

for these World Champs.“The fi nal was a very

similar story, with the Tasmanian opponent slipping away to a two point lead until Glew charged home in the last round.

“In an incredibly close decision, Mark won on count back after the scores had been locked 8-8, and his path to World Championships had been secured.

“Young Jason Fawcett, a Woy Woy Rugby League Junior, was given little chance against the highly fancied and undefeated Queensland sharpshooter

Theo Rayfi eld.“However it was the

Peninsula’s power puncher who was to prove to be too sharp, landing clean shots with both hands, racking up a big score by the end of the second round.

“The fi nal score was 12-4 and a clear indication of the success Fawcett had enjoyed with some telling punches.

“I never doubted Jason ‘pacman’ Fawcett for a second.

“He had everything going against him, a red hot opponent, needing to drop

weight, being a rank novice with only two fi ghts himself, I knew it wouldn’t matter.

“This kid is a competitor.“A silver medal at a

national championship is never a bad thing, but it was not a great moment for Kyle Schneider or the team at Umina PCYC when Kyle had to settle for a silver medal, after being ruled out of his gold medal fi nals bout by the doctor.

“He had suffered what seemed pretty obviously to be sun blistered lips, but was ruled out on the advice of doctors it could possibly

be cold sores, and had to cop a very tough decision on the chin.

“Kyle had prepared just as well and as hard as his team members, and was ideally positioned to win the fi nal,” said Keegan.

Jordan Bunder also competed but was bundled out in the fi rst round of the Elite 81kg division, after what was a somewhat fl at performance for the three time state champion.

“While not given any help on the night by the judges, Jordan was well below his best, and was certainly short of a gallop, and has some work to do if he is to fi gure in calculations for next year’s Commonwealth Games,” said Keegan.

“Jordan has so much talent, it’s just about getting it all to fi re on the night.

“There is no doubt these results are an indication of how strong the Umina PCYC boxing program is.

“That strength is based in the quality of the coaches who dedicate their time to help develop these young, motivated boxers.

“There is a crew of up to 10 coaches, every one of them offering invaluable input to these young boxers’ development but also their lives.

“People like Sape Fuimaono, Kristan Dowdle, Chris Nixon, Luke Phipps, Luke Johnson and Lance Davies have all worked hard to create a learning culture, a working culture.

“Our strength is based in our mentors,” said Keegan.

Umina boxers to go to World Championships

Joel Keegan, Umina PCYC

Gold Medalists - Mark Glew, Jason Fawcett and Satali Tevi-Fuimaono

Issue 052April 18, 2013 Your independent local sports newspaper - 4325 7369


A 42nd minute strike by the

c o m p e t i t i o n ’ s Golden Boot winner Daniel McBreen on Sunday, April 14, at Bluetongue Stadium ensured Central Coast Mariners earned the right to fi ght for the Hyundai A-League Championship to be held at Allianz Stadium against Western Sydney Wanderers on Sunday, April 21.

The Mariners prevailed 1-0 over Ange Postecoglou’s Melbourne Victory side and, although the scoreline suggests a tight contest, in truth the Mariners largely dominated the duel.

Post-match Mariners head coach Graham Arnold labelled his outfi t’s structured display as “outstanding”, noting his team’s accomplishment was against a strong Victory side.

“I thought overall it was a fantastic game of football,” Arnold said. “It’s nice to beat Victory when they’re at their best.

“Our performance tonight was outstanding.

“We left those seven players behind (from the team’s midweek AFC Champions League trip to China) with the idea of this game, and the seven of them stepped up big time and put in the performance that we were hoping for.

“Tactically, the boys carried out the game plan perfectly,” said Arnold.

Central Coast enjoyed the greater share of possession and weight of chances in the fi rst 45 and, were it not

for some solid ‘keeping from Nathan Coe combined with some last ditch defending, the Mariners may well have been up by more than a solitary goal at the break.

Striker Mile Sterjovski sent a left foot strike across the face of goal 14 minutes in which Coe claimed, before Bernie Ibini’s left foot effort four minutes later defl ected off a Melbourne defender and into the path of the former SønderjyskE man.

McBreen fl ashed an effort on the angle past the post on 26 minutes, while the same player thundered a fi erce, goal-bound shot into the head of Victory captain Adrian Leijer on the half hour.

Victory failed to seriously trouble Mariners’ number one Mathew Ryan in the fi rst half, and McBreen made the home team’s dominance pay three minutes before the interval.

After Ibini wriggled his way past a few defenders centrally, McBreen picked up a pass from the Australian youth international before thundering a powerful drive beyond Coe.

After the interval, Melbourne attacker and Qantas Socceroos’ regular Archie Thompson scuffed a shot at Ryan on the hour, while substitute Mariner Mitchell Duke blasted a shot from the edge of the area just wide for his team 10 minutes later.

Patrick Zwaanswijk lifted a long-range effort over the bar, while a well-positioned Central Coast Mariners defensive wall stopped any chance a late Marco Rojas free kick had to level proceedings.

Unfortunately for Central Coast, midfi elder Nick Montgomery received his second yellow card of the match in additional time at

the end of the 90 minutes, meaning he will miss the Club’s fourth Grand Final appearance in eight Hyundai A-League campaigns.

Montgomery was understandably upset following the conclusion of the game, and while Arnold admitted the former Sheffi eld United man would be missed in the Grand Final, he said he had faith in the ability of the players he has to replace him in his team’s engine room.

“Monty (Montgomery) is a big loss,” he said.

“But (Youssouf) Hersi is suspended as well so that’s one each.

“Luckily I’ve got some good players in Oli Bozanic as well as Anthony Caceres that can come in in that role.”

Arnold said defeating Tony Popovic’s Western Sydney Wanderers would be a tough

task for his side, but his men would enter the contest well prepared.

“Western Sydney Wanderers are going to be a huge challenge for us.

“We’re going to have to be at the top of our game and no doubt Tony is taking down his notes with Ante Milicic and will look at the video of us.

“We will work on what our strengths are and we’ll worry about ourselves and we’ll try and nullify Western Sydney’s strengths.”

General tickets have sold out for the grand fi nal game against Western Sydney Wanderers at Allianz Stadium.

Corporate hospitality was still available at the time Central Coast Grandstand went to press.

Fans are being urged to leave their cars at home and travel to the match on public

transport to avoid delays.Central Coast

Mariners 1 (McBreen 42’)Melbourne Victory 0Bluetongue Stadium,

GosfordCentral Coast

Mariners: 1. Mathew RYAN (Gk), 2. Daniel MCBREEN, 3. Joshua ROSE, 4. Pedj BOJIC, 6. Patrick ZWAANSWIJK, 7. John HUTCHINSON (C), 9. Bernie IBINI, 14. Michael MCGLINCHEY, 16. Trent SAINSBURY, 18. Nick MONTGOMERY, 21. Mile STERJOVSKI (19. Mitchell DUKE 62’)

Substitutes not used: 20. Justin PASFIELD (Gk), 5. Zachary ANDERSON, 11. Oliver BOZANIC, 29. Nick FITZGERALD

Yellow cards: Montgomery x 2

Red cards: MontgomeryMelbourne Victory:

39. Nathan COE (Gk), 5. Mark MILLIGAN, 6. Leigh BROXHAM, 9. Marcos FLORES (32. Connor PAIN 68’), 10. Archie THOMPSON, 11. Marco ROJAS, 14. Billy CELESKI (21. Spase DILEVSKI 84’), 23. Adrian LEIJER, 30. Jason GERIA, 31. Scott GALLOWAY, 33. Daniel MULLEN (26. Andrew NABBOUT 76’)

Substitutes not used: 1. Tando VELAPHI (Gk), 24. Nicholas ANSELL

Yellow cards: Milligan, Galloway, Broxham, Leijer

Red cards: NilAttendance: 10,651Referee: Strebre


See centre spread for pull out poster

Mariners’ win puts them in the Grand Final again

Tyson Scott, Central Coast Mariners

Photo: Paul Barkley-LookPro

Issue 051April 4, 2013 Your independent local sports newspaper - 4325 7369


New regional sport and

recreation facilities are being considered for land on South Tacoma Rd in Tuggerah following an agreement made by Wyong Council to proceed with the compulsory acquisition of Crown land in the area.

Councillors said they felt that the area was in great need of a quality sporting and recreation complex and the more quickly Council moved to secure the land, the sooner funding could be sourced to deliver an outcome for the community.

The Crown requires some lots to be compensated at market value and Council agreed that it would compensate the Crown at market value as determined by the Valuer General for lots where this was required.

Council has been in discussions with Crown Lands Division concerning the possible transfer of the land, located near the Pioneer Dairy, to Council for the purpose of pursuing the public benefi t development

of the site as a sporting precinct.

The Crown Lands Division suggested that it would consider allowing Council to acquire the property for nominal consideration.

It is the usual policy of the Crown Lands Division to allow Council to acquire Crown Land by compulsory process and, where agreement on the amount of compensation had been reached, compulsory acquisition would proceed pursuant to Section 30 of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act.

The site is identifi ed as a suitable location for development of a sports precinct with part of the site also developed as a commercial precinct.

According to Council, the proposal for a commercial precinct was on the basis that the whole area was not required for the sports precinct and that the return from the commercial precinct would offset some of the development costs of the sports precinct.

Acquiring the land is the fi rst step and development will only proceed with State funding to a level suitable for Council to invest.

Eighteen athletes were announced

as recipients of the Donnica Clarke Foundation sporting scholarship at a function in Mingara on Wednesday, March 27.

Kevin Moore and Jamie Carr were selected in athletics while Riley Mackay

was selected in barefoot skiing, Joshua Barty in Australian rules, Joshua English and Jai Opetaia in boxing, Alexandra Fitch in snowboarding and Jai McNamara and Brittany Tait in water polo.

Jack Moyes and Jack Waddell were selected in surf lifesaving while Timothy Schofi eld was selected in royal lifesaving

(pool rescue) and surf lifesaving, Travis Smedley in cycling, Zac Stolz in golf, Riley Fitzsimmons in surf lifesaving and kayaking, Nicola McDermott in athletics (high jump), Jake O’Brien in surf lifesaving and OZTAG and Victoria Pendergast in paralympic snow sports and surf lifesaving.

This year’s scholarships

took the total to 74 annual scholarships awarded over the past fi ve years.

This totalled $115,500 in payments to 41 Central Coast athletes from 22 different sports during the period since the Foundation commenced.

The Foundation’s major Gala dinner fundraiser will be held on Saturday, August 3, at Mingara.

Athletes receive scholarships

Garry Mensforth, Donnica Clarke Foundation

Class of 2013 (absent Tori Pendergast, Jai Opetaia, Alex Fitch & Brittany Tait)

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Ellen is a member of Goulburn Railway Bowling Club, which is part of the Wyong Leagues Club Group, along with Wyong, Canton Beach and Avoca Beach Bowling Clubs, and she has been a member of the NSW under-18 Bowls Squad for the last four years.

Bowls Central Coast publicity offi cer Mr Bob Burke said that Maddison was not overshadowed by her more experienced opponent, and that both girls drew applause from the many spectators with a fi ne display of precision draw bowling.

After the match, the

two girls joined for another exhibition, this time as pairs, bowling against Wyong Women’s Bowling Club Singles Champion Sue Manning and former NSW representative Judy Wheatley in what Mr Burke described as a close fought contest that kept the crowd entertained.

The bowling concluded with the girls then teamed with Wyong Leagues Club chairman Bob Wells in a fi ve end Triples match.

Other attractions included a gold coin donation charity sausage sizzle with two cooks on duty and a raffl e in aid

of Wyong bowler Bob Gibbs, who is competing for the second year in the 200km Ride to Conquer Cancer bicycle event for the Chris O’Brien Lifehouse Cancer Treatment Centre.

E-mail, 16 Apr 2013Bob Bourke,

Bowls Central Coast

Central Coast bowler Maddison Fennell, 16, from Munmorah United Bowling Club played an exhibition match with reigning under-18 Australian Open Singles Champion Ellen Ryan at

Wyong Bowling Club on Sunday, April 14.

Maddison Fennell teams up

with Australian champion

Bowler, Maddison Fennell

Wyong Regional Chronicle - April 26, 2013 - P23


P24 - Wyong Regional Chronicle - April 26, 2013PSport

Mariners crowned A League Champions after 2 nil victory over Wanderers

The Central Coast Mariners have been crowned the 2012-13 Hyundai A-League Champions.

The team recorded a 2-0 victory over Western Sydney Wanderers at Allianz Stadium on Sunday, April 21.

Defender, Patrick

Zwaanswijk’s 44th minute goal, combined with Daniel McBreen’s second half penalty ensured that the Mariners claimed their

fi rst Hyundai A-League Championship.

Zwaanswijk connected a corner shot from teammate Michael McGlinchey a few

minutes before half time, which put the Mariners one up before the interval.

Midway through the second half, referee Peter Green spotted a handball by Wanderers’ German right back Jerome Polenz.

Green awarded a penalty, and Daniel

McBreen took the shot which saw The Wanderers’ goalkeeper, Ante Covic move in the wrong direction and extend the Central Coast’s advantage.

M a r i n e r ’ s representative, Ben O’Neill said that a well-

structured second half performance, combined with McBreen’s 19th goal of an unforgettable campaign had ensured the fi nest day in Club history.

Media release, 21 Apr 2013Ben O’Neill,

Central Coast Mariners

The Mariners arrived in Suwon 22 hours before kick-off and put in a performance that was full of spirit and character, which ensured that the team moved to second place in Group H of the 2013 AFC Champions League.

The Mariners’ next step

in the Asian Champions League will be to host J-League outfi t Kashiwa Reysol in Gosford on Tuesday, April 30.

The Mariners will advance to the knockout phase of the competition if China’s Guizhou Renhe team fail to take all three points in their upcoming

match against the Bluewings in Guiyang.

The 1-0 win over the Bluewings was the fi rst time in eight attempts the Mariners had secured victory in Asia’s top club tournament away from home.

“The players showed wonderful character

tonight,” Mariners head coach Graham Arnold said.

“It just shows how hungry they are for results.

“We arrived here at 10:30pm last night after 16 hours of travel.

“To put in a performance like that is out of this world.

“I’m just amazed by that performance away from home against a team that is coming second in the K-League.

“It’s a sensational result for Australian football.

“They have gone above my expectations tonight with what they’ve done,” he concluded.

Arnold urged a big crowd to attend the Mariners’ fi nal Group Stage game at Gosford’s Central Coast Stadium next Tuesday, April 30.

“If we can win at home, it’s history,” he said.

“When I came here the Mariners had never won

a game in the ACL.“Our campaign this

year has been a very good one.

“We’ve had two wins and a draw.

“If we can perform the way we did tonight and play the way we have been playing at home to Reysol then hopefully we can get the result we need,” he concluded.

Media release, 23 Apr 2013Ben O’Neill, Central Coast


Mariners’ historic fi rst win in AsiaThe Central Coast Mariners are one step away from reaching

the last 16 of Asia’s premier club competition, after Michael McGlinchey’s 80th minute goal secured the Central Coast

Mariners a courageous 1-0 win over Suwon Bluewings in Korea Republic on Tuesday, April 23.

Photo: Paul Barkley-LookPro