Www.physicalactivityplan.org National Physical Activity Plan.

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Transcript of Www.physicalactivityplan.org National Physical Activity Plan.


National Physical Activity Plan

What is a Physical Activity Plan?What is a Physical Activity Plan?

A comprehensive set of strategies including policies, practices, and initiatives aimed at increasing physical activity in all segments of the population.

BackgroundBackground• Release of the 2008 PA Guidelines for

Americans necessitates action to ensure greater ability to comply with those guidelines.

• National Plans in other domains (e.g. smoking cessation, diabetes, arthritis) have proven successful in the U.S.


• Other nations (e.g. Finland, Australia, U.K.) have developed National PA Plans.

• There currently is no U.S. National PA Plan.


All Americans are physically active and live, work, and play in environments that

facilitate regular physical activity.


Develop a National Plan for Physical Activity that produces a marked and progressive increase in the percentage of Americans who meet physical activity guidelines throughout life.


The National Plan for Physical Activity will:

• Make a compelling and urgent case for increasing physical activity in the American population.

• Provide a clear roadmap for actions that support short and long term progress in increasing Americans’ physical activity.

• Develop strategies for increasing physical activity in all population subgroups and reducing disparities across subgroups.

GoalsGoals (cont.)

The National Plan for Physical Activity will:

• Create a sustained and resourced social movement that provides for ongoing coordination, partnerships, capacity building, and evaluation.

• Develop new and innovative strategies for promoting physical activity.

• Undergo periodic evaluation to assess achievements in increasing physical activity.

• CDC funding to initiate project (9/07)• Formation Coordinating Committee• Organizational Partners Added• Admin HQ at University of S. Carolina

• National conference (7/09)• 3 Draft versions circulated (1/09 – 4/10)• Publish white papers in JPAH (11/09)• Launch (May 3, 2010)

American Academy of Pediatrics

American Medical Assoc.

American Diabetes Assoc.

• Mass Media• Public Health• Education• Healthcare• Volunteer and Non-Profit Organizations• Transportation, Urban Design, Comm. Plan.• Business and Industry• Parks, Recreation, Fitness, and Sports

Content of the PlanContent of the Plan

Sector-specific Strategies & Tactics

• 52 Strategies

• 215 Tactics

May 2010 Launch May 2010 Launch • Washington, D.C.

– Press conference held at Press Club• Representation from: Govt., NGOs, Private, Public

– Congressional Briefings

• Nationwide– National Media presence

• State and Local– Self-identified groups to host local “launch


Progress since May, 2010Progress since May, 2010

• Implementation

• Coordinating Committee

• The National Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity (NCPPA) provides central direction for the Plan as it is implemented across the United States.


ImplementationImplementationNCPPA Leadership

• Convenes the Make the Move Council - national organizations leading implementation strategies

• Publishes Make the Move Report – measurable actions to implement national Plan strategies

• Leads a national cause marketing campaign - a unifying message to align action

• Defines federal policy priorities – advocacy to advance policies to improve physical activity

Implementation Implementation Make the Move Council Chairs

Public Health:National Society of Physical Activity Practitioners in Public Health (NSPAPPH)Trust for America’s Health (TFAH)

Education:National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE)National Association of Sport and Physical Education (NASPE)

Health Care:

American Medical Association (AMA) American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

Non-profit & Volunteer:American Cancer Society (ACS)AARP

Worksite:International Health, Racquet & Sports Club Association (IHRSA)American Council on Exercise (ACE)American Heart Association (AHA)

Transportation & Community Planning:

Nemours FoundationLeague of American Bicyclists

Parks, Recreation, Fitness, & Sport:

YMCA of the U.S.A.National Recreation and Park Association(NRPA)National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)


American Heart AssociationYMCA of the U.S.A.

Make the Move Implementation Report

• Sets measurable objectives for change at the national level

• Offers state and local organizations with details to:– gain support for existing efforts – guide future strategic plans to compliment

national efforts

Using the Make the Move Report

1. Read the Make the Move Implementation Report

2. Reference the report to align existing efforts and/or future plans for improving physical activity

Implementation: Implementation: Education

• Develop and disseminate model state policies for Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs (CSPAP)

• Disseminate physical activity standards for early childhood

• Development and disseminate national physical activity standards to 10,000 after school providers.

ImplementationImplementation: Business & Industry• Establish best practice criteria for

integrating physical activity into the workplace.

• Develop and present business case for workplace physical activity.

• Develop database on federal and state legislation that addresses comprehensive worksite wellness plans/physical activity.

• Pass one model bill at state level on worksite wellness/physical activity.

Implementation:Implementation: Parks, Recreation, Fitness, & Sports Priorities

• Develop an inventory of existing physical activity programs offered by professional, amateur, and collegiate organizations and increase program offerings by 10%.

Parks, Recreation, Fitness, & Sports (cont.)

• Increase joint use agreements between parks and recreation, schools and youth serving organizations through workshops and presentations.

• Catalogue state policies that promote outdoor physical activity.

• Introduce federal legislation to integrate physical activity in open space and outdoor recreation.

Implementation: Implementation: Transportation, Urban Design & Community Planning

• Develop evidence-based recommendations for implementing health impact assessment and health economic assessment tools at multiple levels of government.

• Pass federal transportation reauthorization with a complete streets policy.

• Identify health and safety targets for national transportation objectives.

Transportation, Urban Design & Community Planning (cont.)

• Identify transportation and planning best practices related to increased walking and bicycling.

• Increase funding of USDOT Safe Routes to Schools program to support expanding to high schools

• Catalyze implementation of training for transportation professional competencies to design, construct, operate and maintain complete streets and active transportation networks.

Implementation:Implementation: Health Care

• Increase by 10% targeted healthcare organizations that encourage members to assess and counsel on patient physical activity.

• Assess current practices for professional education on patient counseling for physical activity.

• Catalogue health care society members interested in advancing physical activity policies.

Implementation:Implementation: Public Health

• Increase professional diversity of certified Physical Activity in Public Health Specialists.

• Increase tools and resources shared by states and territories for improving physical activity.• Educate policy makers to invest in monitoring and evaluation of physical activity behaviors and policy and environmental indicators.

Coordinating CommitteeCoordinating Committee

• Subcommittees for:– Evaluation of the Plan

• Lead by PAPRN

– Awareness of the Plan– Updating the Plan

• Advisory Panels for:– Advising the Coordinating Committee on latest

research and practice among 8 Sectors.


Main Objectives:1.Determine extent to which

recommendations within the NPAP are being pursued.

2.Determine the extent to which the NPAP is a catalyst for facilitating implementation.


Main Objective:1.Increase familiarity with the NPAP among

professional groups and the lay public.2.Target communication to policy makers

at all levels.


Main Objectives:

1.Edit Plan to reflect new developments.

2.Establish plan for major revisions.

Get Involved


e-mail: info@physicalactivityplan.org