Web viewFirst Term Work Sheet (2014-2015) Grade - I. Subject ... Underline the correct word in each...

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Transcript of Web viewFirst Term Work Sheet (2014-2015) Grade - I. Subject ... Underline the correct word in each...

International Indian School, Riyadh.

First Term Work Sheet (2014-2015)

Grade - I Subject - ENGLISH

I & II { Girls School }

I.a) Write a composition on “MY BEST FRIEND”. 1. ______________________________________________

______________________________________________2. ______________________________________________

______________________________________________3. ______________________________________________

______________________________________________4. ______________________________________________

______________________________________________5. ______________________________________________


b) Write the opposites.1. wet x _____________2. big x _____________ 3. laugh x _____________4. kind x _____________5. come x _____________


II.a) Answer the following questions.

Q1. Who is Jubi?


Q2. Who gives Shaila a lift to school?


Q3. Where does Jubi fall ?


Q4. Who is late for school ?


Q5. Why is Jubi sad ?


Q6. Where does the Froggie sit?


Q7. Where does Jubi like to live ?


Q8. Where does the Froggie jump?Ans


b) Write True or False.

1. Jubi falls into a river. ( )

2. Jumpy is Froggie's friend. ( )

3. Bhola and Lila set him free. ( )

4. Shaila's father takes her to school in his car. ( )


5. Froggie's sits on Lila's shoulder. ( )

III. a) Rearrange the phrases to make a sentence.

1. into the pond / jumps / Froggie


2. to school / Razia and Shaila / are walking


3. in the nest / two baby birds / There are


4. are in the river / and it's mother / The baby elephant


5. wants to live / in the pond / The little frog


b) Underline the correct word in each sentence below.

1. Jubi's home is in the (forest/village).

2. Shaila is late for (school/work).

3. He falls into a (river/pit).

4. Father is not happy that Shaila is (early/late).

5. Bhola and Lila are (children/elephants).

6. Shaila puts on her (bangles/shoes).

7. Jubi is sad because he is in a (forest/cage).

8. Shaila's father takes the key of the (scooter/car).

9. (The men/Bhola and Lila) open the gates of the cage.

10. Shaila will reach school (after/before) her friends.3

11. Bhola and Lila are very (happy/sad) to see Jubi go back to the forest.

IV.a) Match the animal to its baby.

1. Tiger puppy 5. Cat kid

2. Hen cub 6. Duck kitten

3. Cow chick 7. Goat duckling

4. Dog calf

b)Rearrange the jumbled words to make a sentence about the elephant.

1. big / The / elephant / animal / is / a


2. eats / It / bananas / leaves / and


3. water / likes / elephant / The


4. live / Elephants / in / forest / the


5. like / I /elephants


c) Match the following words with its meaning.

1. monkey a place where lots of trees grow together

2. forest an animal that climbs trees

3. tree a bird

4. parrot a long thin animal

5. snake move in the air using wings


6. fly a very big plant

V.a) Fill in the blanks.

1. Jubi ________ into the pit.

2. Froggie is surprised to see Lila's _____________.

3. Bhola and Lila are very _____________.

4. Froggie looks for his friend _____________.

5. Jubi is a baby _____________.

6. Bhola and Lila live in the _____________.

7. Froggie is happy that he can _________ so high.

8. Jubi goes back to the _____________.

9. Some men put Jubi in a _________.

b) Give one word answer.

1. A place where lots of trees grow together


2. An animal that climbs trees


3. A very big plant


4. A bird that has a red beak and is green in colour


5. A long thin animal


6. Move in the air using wings



VI.a) Label the different parts of the elephant.

b) Match the vehicle to its name.

c) Fill in the blanks using words in place of pictures.

_________ sits on the grass. He jumps on the _________ .He

jumps on Lila's __________ . Lila's mother comes running.Froggie

jumps over the ________ .He jumps into the _________.6





VII.a) Look at the pictures and write sentences.

1.) __________________________________________.

2.) __________________________________________.

3.) ______________________________________.

4.) __________________________________________.

5.) _____________________________________.

b) Look at the people in the pictures and write sentences about them.

1. Shaila , a student

Ans. _____________________________

2. Thimmayya , a farmer

Ans. _____________________________

3. Rekha , a doctor

Ans. _____________________________

4. Rahim , a teacher

Ans. _____________________________

5. Richard , a cricketer

Ans. _____________________________

6. Smitha , an artist

Ans. _____________________________

c) Circle the word which is bigger.

1. house palace 2. pond sea 3. puddle pond

4. mountain hill 5. dog puppy


VIII.a) Match the pictures to their names.







b) Comprehension - JUBI FINDS HIS MOTHER

Jubi is in the forest. He looks for his mother. Where is she? There are many trees. He can't see his mother anywhere. He sees a monkey on a tree. 'Mr Monkey, have you seen my mother?' Jubi asks the monkey. 'No, I'm sorry,' says the monkey. 'I haven't seen your mother.' Jubi sees a snake climbing a tree. 'Mr Snake, have you seen my mother?' he asks. 'I'm sorry,' says the snake. 'I haven't seen your mother.' Jubi sees a parrot flying in the sky. 'Mr Parrot,' he calls, 'Have you seen my mother?' 'Yes, little Jubi, ' says the parrot. 'She's by the river. She's looking for you.' Jubi runs to the river. 'Mother, ' he cries, ' I'm back!' Mother Elephant sees him. 'Oh Jubi,' she says, 'I'm so happy to see you.'

Underline the correct words/phrases in the following sentences.

1. Jubi looks for his mother in the [forest/zoo] .

2. He sees a [tiger/monkey] on a tree.

3. He sees a [monkey/snake] climbing a tree.

4. The parrot was [sitting on the tree/flying in the sky].

5. Jubi's mother was [happy/sad] to see him.


IXa) Define a verb .

A. ________________________________________________________


b) Circle the verb.

1. girl laugh clock 6. jump fig hand

2. book ink draw 7. flower sun swim

3. run leaf ball 8. cow skip cap

4. bag wall cry 9. fight apple water

5. tea drink doll 10. sky blow green

c) Underline the verb.

1. The birds fly in the sky .

2. Fish swim in the water .

3. The boys are playing football .

4. A rabbit runs very fast .

5. The baby is sleeping .

6. The dog is barking at the thief .

7. My mother is cooking in the kitchen.

8. Elephant eats sugarcane .

9. I like to read story books.

10. The cat jumps over the wall .

[Note : Practice with different sentences]9

Xa) Define a noun or What is a noun ?

A. _______________________________________________________



b) Underline only the naming words.

cage free elephant big house tree gate Bhola forest

happy looks mother climb snake monkey flying parrot

c) Underline the noun.

1. The girls are singing .

2. We go to school everyday .

3. Rekha is drawing a picture.

4. I like to eat an apple .

5. The boys are swimming .

6. The peacock is dancing .

7. Candles are burning .

8. Sugar is sweet .

9. She went to Dammam .

10. The lion is hungry .

[Note : Practice with different sentences]10

XI.a) Choose the noun from the box and put them in the right column.

pencil , India , Ahmed , market , camel , basket , king , hen , table , Sana, hospital , lion , bottle , rabbit , Delhi , mother ,

Person Places

1. ____________ 1. ____________

2. ____________ 2. ____________

3. ____________ 3. ____________

4. ____________ 4. ____________

Animal Thing

1. ____________ 1. ____________

2. ____________ 2. ____________

3. ____________ 3. ____________

4. ____________ 4. ____________

[Note : Practice with different words]

b) Fill in the blanks with the words given below .

Forest mother monkey tree

1. The baby's ___________ looked everywhere for him.

2. The boy climbed the __________ to pick mangoes .

3. It is very dark under the trees in the ____________ .

4. The __________ likes bananas .

XII.a) Define pronoun or What is pronoun?11

A. ________________________________________________________


b) Rewrite the sentences using the correct pronoun.

1. Sara went to the shop.

A ._______________________________________________________.

2. Ali and Salman are friends .

A. _______________________________________________________.

3. Dhoni is a cricketer.

A. ________________________________________________________.

4. The duck is in the pond .

A .________________________________________________________.

5. Jim and I are going for picnic .


6. The girl wants an ice cream.


7. My friend and I missed the train .


8. The children are late for school .

A. ________________________________________________________.

[Note : Practice with different sentences]

c) Circle the correct pronoun .12

1. This is Amina . [She/He] is my sister .

2. Jubi is an elephant. [He/It] has a long trunk.

3. Samir and I are in the park. [We/He] are playing .

4. I have a computer . [It/They] is very useful.

5. My brother is a doctor. [He/They] lives in Canada.

6. The students are in the library . [It/They] are reading books.

[Note : Practice with different sentences]

XIII. Words for dictation.

1.Jubi 2.elephant 3.lives 4.forest

5.falls 6.pit 7.men 8.cage

9.village 10.open 11.gate 12.free

13.happy 14.Shaila 15.late 16.drop

17.today 18.father 19.shoes 20.bottle

21.water 22.lunch box 23.homework 24.starts

25.school 26.waves 27.friends 28.reach

29.thank you 30.grass 31.Froggy 32.thinks

33.garden 34.potted 35.bicycle 36.Mamma

37.jumpy 38.suddenly 39.surprised 40.right

41.bush 42.pond 43.really 44.high