Www.facultyofhomeopathy.org The Homeopathic Treatment of Rheumatic Disorders Modalities: Weather...

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Transcript of Www.facultyofhomeopathy.org The Homeopathic Treatment of Rheumatic Disorders Modalities: Weather...


The Homeopathic Treatment ofRheumatic Disorders



Applied cold and applied heat.


Remedies in Related Groups

• Weather: Causticum, Rhododendron

• > applied heat: Bambusa arundinacea, Rhus toxicondendron

• <: applied heat: Apis mellifica, Ledum palustre, Bryonia alba, Guaiacum

• Miscellaneous: Caulophyllum, Formica rufa, Cimicifuga



• << dry weather, >> wet weather.

• Slow onset and relentless destructive progression in Rheumatoid Arthritis, with early fibrosis, ankylosis, contractures, ulnar deviation fingers, shortening of tendons-especially flexor tendons

• Desire: bacon, smoked food, salt.• Averse: sweets.



Proved by Hahnemann, 1505 symptoms from 10 provers

“Excessively compassionate; at the relations of others and of the cruelties inflicted upon them,

she is beside herself for weeping and sobbing,

and cannot content herself.”


Idealism and InjusticeSympathetic, idealistic, compassionate people

who are sensitive to the suffering of others,

especially injustice done to others (or themselves).

Emotionally expressed in idealistic work for a better world, working for a cause, to improve the lot of groups of people.

Concern about, and protection of the environment.


GriefAilments form grief, especially affected by prolonged grief, or the death of many people who were close to them.

They suffer internally, keep their feelings inside. Slow onset and relentless progression of destructive pathology

Paralysis or Multiple Sclerosis from grief.

Rheumatoid arthritis from grief.


The Corruption of Compassion• Compassion

• Idealistic

• Injustice

• Religious fanaticism

• Immovable points of view

• Indifference to dictates of conscience

• Anarchy, violence and terrorism


RhododendronThe most marked weather modalities of any


<<< change in weather

• can predict change in weather by << joint pains

• <<< before and during thunderstorms • << change from: dry to wet, wet to dry,

cold to hot, hot to cold.  


Remedies >> applied heat

Bambusa arundinacea

Rhus toxicodendron


Bambusa arundinaceae (bamboo)

• Painful stiffness of the spine. Stiffness from rest. Affects the spine and

proximal joints. Loss of elasticity. Ankylosing spondylitis. Tension/relaxation. Contains silica in high concentration in the nodes of the plant.

Remedy made from a bamboo shoot,

a plant "embryo”


Bambusa arundinaceae (bamboo)

Stiffness from rest. >> applied heat, >> hot bath shower. Desires support, feel forsaken.

Weather: < wet, < windy, < stormy, < change of weather. Stitching pains.

PMS. Irritable before menses like Sepia but apologize easier. Desire chocolate. Breasts: pain and swelling.

Related to: Sep, Sil, Calc, Rhus-t, Phos, Puls, Tub, Carc.


Rhus toxicodendron

Chilly << COLD: cold room, cold weather.

>> HEAT: applied, room, bath, shower

<<<< COLD WET WEATHER, << getting wet

Restlessness: they have to move, rest <<< stiffness

Superstitious. Desire milk.


Remedies >> applied cold

Apis mellifica, Ledum palustre,

Bryonia alba, Guaiacum


APIS MELLIFICA The remedy is made from the honey bee.

The queen has a sting like a scimitar and can sting many times. The first young queen to hatch finds the other queen pupae and kills them before they hatch. Jealousy.

Worker bees are busy, restless, sociable. One third of the workers continuously fan the hive cool it.

All the males do is have sex and die.


APIS MELLIFICA Joint pain >>> APPLIED COLD. <<< HEAT: <<< applied heat, hot room, hot weather, hot bed.

  Joints: hot, red, shining, swelling as if skin will burst, < wrapping up the joint, < splinting, < motion.  Pains: sharp, stinging. Thirstless.



• A chilly patient, but joints << by local heat and >>> APPLIED COLD, sitting with feet in a bucket of ice water drinking whisky.

• Joints involved in a progression from below upwards and from periphery to the centre.

• Never well since insect bite.



• This is a perennial climbing, creeper which grows beside a support structure.

• Every few inches of growth it sends out 3 tendrils which twist around any surrounding structures, 2 in one direction and 1 in the other to secure it.

• It has a huge root system weighing twice that of the crown.

 This is a plant which does not want to move



• Joint pain <<< MOVEMENT, <<< even the slightest movement

 • >> rigidly splinted or tightly bandaged

• < applied heat, > applied cold,  • Thirst for big, long drinks infrequently

Desires cool drinks, but > by warm drinks.


GUAIACUM Ever living wood, Lignum Vitae.

  The cut wood perpetually slowly exudes an oily resin, traditional use in structures which rotate or turn continuously

e.g as roller blocks in ships rigging.

Arthritis of rotating joints: radio-ulnar joints of wrists and elbows; fingers and shoulders.



• Left sided, left wrist especially styloid process and left carpal tunnel syndrome

• Pains: severe stitching with movement or at rest, < local heat.

• Dark, hard uncaring anger. • Desire apples ++.



Cimicifuga, Caulophyllum,

Formica rufa


Cimicifuga• Jerking of muscles lain on.

• Fibromyalgia rheumatica, aching in muscle belly < massage, < touch, < cold.

• Spine and large joints, with marked stiffness, sharp stitches and drawing pain.

• Loquacious, jumps from subject to subject. • < menses, menopause.



• Arthritis at times of hormonal upheaval: after childbirth, at the menopause, before menses and for the first few days of menses, > after menses.

• Mainly affects the small joints of the hands and feet. HEBERDENS NODES ++.

• Wandering arthritis


Formica rufa (red ant)

Wandering arthritis. Sudden swelling, redness and heat, lasts a day or 2, then disappears and reappears in another joint.

<< before snow but not < before rain. < applied cold, > warmth.

Restlessness, desire motion though it < the pain.

The painful joints are burning and itchy: itching over or inside the joint

Bubbling sensation in forehead like bubbles coming up and bursting under the skin.


Coffea cruda

Fresh coffee bean (not roasted)


Exaltation of the Senses• Increased sensitivity and sensibility of the

nervous system, excitable and oversensitive. • Exaltation and ecstatic states.• Joy and ailments from joy. • Extreme sensitivity to pain, noise, touch,

odours and motion.• Sleeplessness• Spasms and convulsions


Capricious Hysteria

Alternation of symptoms and states: capricious, hysteria, sentimental, cry and laugh easily, weeping from joy; while crying, suddenly laughs, now joyous now gloomy.

The exceptional sensitivity of the nervous system eventually leads to overload and mental and physical exhaustion.



Extreme sensitivity to pain,

despair from pain,

fear of death from pain,

confusion or unconsciousness from pain.

The terror induced by the pain of labour can remain for years.



From joy, from rush of ideas, after delivery, nursing the sick

(in Coffea everything is exalted, sleepless from over sensitivity of all the senses, excitement and anxiety; in Cocculus from care and anxiety about a sick relative, become exhausted, slow, and too tired to sleep;).


Similar to China (Same Plant Family)

Both are fast paced, very quick to perceive and react, are highly impressionable (overstimulation of the senses). Coffea is more vivid, vivacious, witty, buoyant and especially sensitive to joy or pleasurable impressions.

Both have an excessive haste: hurry and haste in eating, drinking, movement, yet are < from being hurried by others.

Both have a rush of thoughts especially in the evening and night with theorizing, plans for the future.


Similar to Nux vomica


“but Coffea is less irritated, ambitious and malicious.

There is benevolence and remorse: so that they stay with their partner out of remorse. (even though abused).”

Stimulation of the nervous system.Spasms and convulsions << touch, pain, noise.Sleeplessness.


Acute Fevers

In both: head and face are red and hot, pupils shining and dilated, but Belladonna has clouding of consciousness, drowsiness, frightening delusions,or deliruim;

and Coffea has heat with loquacity, increased mental awareness and activity, and exalted excitement.