Www.cymru.gov.uk Climate Change Engagement and how we can help you Jennifer Pride Climate Change...

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Www.cymru.gov.uk Climate Change Engagement and how we can help you Jennifer Pride Climate Change...


Climate Change Engagement and how we can help you

Jennifer Pride

Climate Change Communications and Engagement Policy

•What we’re doing and whyWhat we’re doing and why

•What it has to do with youWhat it has to do with you

•What bits of our work may be usefulWhat bits of our work may be useful

Welsh Government Climate Change Strategy

Welsh Government Climate Change Strategy

Climate change is already happening

We need to make sure communities are resilient to these changes

Welsh Government Climate Change Strategy

Underpinning principles:Underpinning principles:

•Helping people make climate-friendly Helping people make climate-friendly choiceschoices

•Leading by exampleLeading by example

•Building climate change into Assembly Building climate change into Assembly Government decisions and fundingGovernment decisions and funding

•Driving energy efficiencyDriving energy efficiency

Welsh Government Climate Change Strategy

People, communities and organisations making different, more sustainable choices will be key to making Wales a sustainable nation and to addressing climate change in particular.

Climate Change Strategy – the role of behaviour change Welsh Government Climate Change Strategy

The case for “behaviour change”?The case for “behaviour change”?

Welsh Government Climate Change Strategy

“The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant”.

Draft Comms & Engagement StrategyDraft Comms & Engagement Strategy

•High level document & delivery plan - High level document & delivery plan - online by end Juneonline by end June

•Providing what’s economic at national Providing what’s economic at national level to enable action at the local levellevel to enable action at the local level

Welsh Government Climate Change Strategy

Our approach:

Welsh Government Climate Change Strategy


Evidence Capacity



•Thinking about everything from the Thinking about everything from the perspective of the people we want to talk perspective of the people we want to talk toto

Welsh Government Climate Change Strategy


•Vision as a picture of the Wales we aspire to •Shared language: know what people understand and perceive

Welsh Government Climate Change Strategy

“People only believe politicians when they can look out of their window and see what they’re talking about”

Sir Winston Churchill

Welsh Government Climate Change Strategy


•Vision as a picture of the Wales we aspire to

•Shared language: know what people understand and perceive

•Making public sector action visible

Welsh Government Climate Change Strategy


•Understanding people in Wales: Sustainable Values and Behaviours Survey

Welsh Government Climate Change Strategy

Able to act

5: Cautious participants I do a couple of things to help the environment. I’d really like to do more, well as long as I saw others were. 14%

2: Waste watchers‘Waste not, want not’ that’s important, you should live life thinking about what you are doing and using. 12%

1: Positive greensI think it’s important that I do as much as I can to limit my impact on the environment. 18%

3: Concerned consumersI think I do more than a lot of people. Still, going away is important, I’d find that hard to give up..well I wouldn’t, so carbon off-setting would make me feel better. 14%

4: Sideline supportersI think climate change is a big problem for us. I know I don’t think much about how much water or electricity I use, and I forget to turn things off..I’d like to do a bit more. 14%

7: Honestly disengagedMaybe there’ll be an environmental disaster, maybe not. Makes no difference to me, I’m just living life the way I want to. 18%

6: Stalled startersI don’t know much about climate change. I can’t afford a car so I use public transport.. I’d like a car though. 10%

Willing to act

Welsh Government Climate Change Strategy


•Understanding people in Wales: Sustainable Values and Behaviours Survey•Pathfinders research/action programme• Pilots using Social Marketing•Evaluation of all programmes – and development of evaluation methods

Welsh Government Climate Change Strategy

Capacity Building

•Support for Sustainable Living:•Grant scheme•Framework contract enabling:

• Programme delivery• Programme delivery for young people• Expert advice• Capacity building• Tools for engagement• Evaluation

Welsh Government Climate Change Strategy

Capacity Building

•Bringing practitioners together•Time Banking pilots•Training for behaviour change skills

Welsh Government Climate Change Strategy


People in Wales have a clear idea of what the future could look like and

how it will benefit them, can see action all around them, and are involved in a

wide range of projects which help make that future real

Welsh Assembly Government Strategy



Policy: www.wales.gov.uk/climatechange

Action: www.walescarbonfootprint.gov.uk

Jennifer PrideHead of Climate Change EngagementJennifer.pride1@wales.gsi.gov.uk