Www Hebrewhistory Info Factpapers Fp019 2 Africa Htm

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    The Automobile

    The Telephone

    The Silk Route

    Iron Working

    Juan Robles

    Glassmaking I

    Glassmaking II

    Glassmaking III

    Glassmaking IV

    Glassmaking V




    Egypt and the

    Semites I

    Egypt and the

    Semites II

    Jews in Africa

    Part II - Ancient BlackAfrican Relations

    Fact Paper 19-II

    Samuel Kurinsky, all rights reserved

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    Egypt and the

    Semites III


    Artisanship and


    Craftsmanship I

    Craftsmanship II

    Craftsmanship III

    Nomadic Jews? Never!


    Origin of GreekScience

    Gold and Silver I

    Gold and Silver II

    Jews and Carpets

    Jews in Africa I

    Jews in Africa II

    Jews in Africa III

    Jews in Africa IV


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    Jews as Slave


    The Khazars

    Casale Montferrato

    The Glassmakers of


    Jews, Arabs and Eretz


    Emile Berliner I

    Emile Berliner II

    The Jews of Aquileia

    Venetian Glass; Part I

    Venetian Glass; Part


    Gomez House


    Siegfried Marcus I

    Siegfried Marcus II

    Odyssey of a Jewish


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    The Jews of Brescia

    Leonardo da Vinci

    Jewish Women

    The Jews of St.


    Florence and Cremona


    Florence and Cremona


    Birth of the Israelite

    Nation I

    Birth of the Israelite

    Nation II

    Islam, the Koran, and

    the Jews

    The da Costas

    Jewish Traders I

    The Arabs and the

    Jews I

    Nobel Prize Winners I

    Nobel Prize Winners II

    Nobel Prize Winners

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    Nobel Prize Winners


    Abe Silverstein

    Four members of the Ganda tribe of Uganda, a typic al c entral Afric an musical

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    company. Some African i nstruments evidence the peac eful penetration deep into

    Afric a by Juda ic tradesmen and artisans long before the European invasion. The fi rst

    musician plays a kihembe ngoma, a p ercussion i nstrument common to all cul tures. The

    third musici an is playing a kissar, a pluc ked l yre (Hebrew kinnor- King David's

    instrument). The lyre was introduced into Africa from the Near East [FP 8: Jews and

    Music]. The bowed lyres, tube fiddles, played by the second and fourth musicians are

    also of Near Eastern origin. Trumpets made of animal horns are likewise African

    instruments reminiscent of the Judaic shofar, used in Judaic religious rites.

    Photo from the International Library of African Music

    Judaic Presence in Darkest AfricaMr. George E Lichtblau, while on duty as labor attache and political officer at the

    American Embassy in Tel Aviv, came across intriguing references to the Judaic

    presence in ancient Black Africa. Piqued by titillating allusions to an undocumented

    aspect of Judaic history, Lichtblau gathered information about this hidden history while

    carrying out assignments as a Foreign Service Officer for the U. S. Department of

    State to francophone West Africa. During his travels and meetings with African

    dignitaries privy to surviving evidence and credible folk-lore of the region, he gathered

    much information, lectured on the subject, and submitted the information he had

    gathered to the HHF.

    Albeit the tribal memories Lichtblau culled from a variety of sources are not definitive,

    they are consistent enough to manifest that a significant Judaic involvement took

    place in Black Africa at a time when Europeans were ignorant of the vast continent

    beyond the Mediterranean shore. Documentat ion of Judaic pioneering in the "Dark

    Continent" is sparse but supportive of the existence of substantial intercourse.

    Mr. Lichtblau refers first to the two northern African areas where a Judaic communal

    presence on the continent is acknowledged as part of Judaic history and experience.He refers to the relatively well-known history in the Maghreb extending from

    Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria to Libya past Cyrenaica, Namibia, Egypt, the

    Kingdom of Kush as well as in the Horn of Africa and Ethiopia (Discussed in Fact Paper


    There are biblical references to Judaic sojourns in Egypt and in the Kingdom of Kush in

    the Book of Exodus. Also, as far back as the 10th century BCE, in alliance with the

    sea-faring Canaanites of Tyre and Sidon, kings David and Solomon sought to expand

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    Judaic trade throughout the Mediterranean including North Africa, Egypt, the Arab

    Peninsula and the Horn of Africa as well as Persia.

    The Judaic association with the Toureg tribes who dominated the trade routes across

    the Sahara, led to contacts with black tribes to the south and down the West African

    coast. Documentation of this penetration is found in Judaic, Arab, and Christian

    accounts. They describe Jewish rulers of certain tribal groups and clans who identi-fy

    themselves as Jews scattered throughout Mauritania, Senegal, the Western Soudan,

    Nigeria and Ghana.

    Evidence of Judaic presence extends as far as an association with the Bantu tribes of

    southern Africa. Mr. Lichtblau found that some 40,000 members of the Lemba tribe still

    claim Judaic roots! The association of Jews with such tribes is evident from the names

    of old Judaic communities south of the Atlas mountains in documents recovered from

    the Geniza of the Ben Ezra Synagogue of Fustat (Cairo). The names of many of these

    ancient Judaic communities survived through the Renaissance.

    There are other Judaic, Arab and Christian accounts citing the existence of Judaicrulers of certain tribal groups identifying themselves as Jews scattered throughout

    Mauritania, Senegal and Western Soudan.

    For example, among the notable Arab chroniclers citing the existence of these Judaic

    communities is the 12th c entury geographer al-Idrisi. Born in Ceuta, Spain, he wrote

    about Jewish Negroes in the western Sudan.

    There was also the 13th century Ibn Khaldun, a respected historian of the Berber

    tribes. He refers to the Judaic association with the Touregs for trade beyond the

    Sahara, a commerce facilitated by the Touregs.

    Then there was the early 16th century historian and traveler Leon Africanus, a Moslem

    from Spain, who was raised by a Jewish woman working in his father's household. She

    taught him Hebrew, and migrated with the family to Marakesh, Morocco, in 1492.

    Africanus thereafter converted to Catholicism, but remained interested in and reported

    on the Judaic communities he encountered throughout his travels in West Africa.

    Mr. Lichtblau met Bubu Hama while performing his job as an American Foreign Service

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    Officer. Mr. Hama, then president of the national assembly in Niger, was also a prolific

    writer on African history. Hama affirmed that the Touregs had a Jewish queen in early

    medieval times; he was undoubtedly referring to Kahena, queen and military

    commander of the Berbers, tribes that converted to Judaism in the seventh century.

    Hama stated that some Judaic Toureg groups preserved their adherence to their faith

    in defiance of both Islamic and Christian pressures until the 18th century. A

    fascinating facet of his account is that the Touregs claim to have originated in

    Yemen, and that the Judaic communities among them likewise originated from theArabian peninsula. The genealogies of Jewish Toureg rulers, as well as those of the

    Hausa kingdom, are cited in several of Mr. Hama's books.

    In 1976 or 1977, Shimon Peres, leader of the Israeli Labor party and a former Prime

    Minister, told Mr. Lichtblau about surviving memories of Jewish roots in Black Africa.

    Peres had just returned from a meeting of the Socialist International during which he

    met with President Leopold Senghor of Senegal about the normalization of relations

    between the two countries, Senghor told him that he too had Jewish ancestors!

    Indeed, Mr. Lichtblau found records of small Senegalese Judaic kingdoms and tribal

    groups known as the Beni Israel. They were part of the Wolof and Mandige

    communities of Senegal until forced to convert to Islam in the 18th century. Members

    of these groups claim to have been descendants of the tribe of Dan, i.e., the tribe of

    artisans in gold and other metals. They were still carrying on that ancient, traditionally

    Judaic occupation. Curiously, the sophisticated jewelry produced by Beni Israel

    artisans strikingly resemble the exquisite Yemenite products.

    Ethiopian Jews likewise trace their ancestry to the tribe of Dan. Some of these

    transmigrants established communities in such renowned places as Gao, Timbuktu,

    where UNESCO maintains notable archives. They contain records of the city's ancient

    Judaic community as well as of the Jews in Banako, Agades, and Ibadan, "a few"

    commented Lichtblau|, of numerous villages and towns throughout the area which

    retain some record of Judaic presence. Notable also among the tribes converting to

    Judaism were not only the Toureg, but tribes from the Peuhl and Ibadya groups. It can

    be assumed that the metalworking arts were transmitted south and west by the

    Jewish artisan/traders from Ethiopia as well as by those who had traversed North

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    Africa from Arabia and Judah.

    Gold also figures in historical accounts that report that Jewish travelers from Persia

    had organized exchanges of silk fabrics for gold in the kingdom of Ghana. The tradition

    of the production of "Kenti" cloth by the Ashantis of Ghana appears to trace back to

    this intercourse. "To this day," comments Lichtblau, "it is said that the Ashanti words

    for numbers relate to those in Farsi, a language employed by the Judaic/Persian


    "Kenti" cloth designs have much in common with the Persian/Chinese designs on silk.

    The information garnered by Lichtblau dovetails with the observation made by HHF

    member Lois Rose Rose of Los Angeles. She reported on the curious use of the "Seal

    of Solomon" as a standard pattern in ancient fabrics woven in West Africa.

    The impact of Judaic influence led to the conversion to Judaism by a number of ruling

    families in Ghana, notably among the Peuhl, Foulani, Mossi, Fanti and Soughay tribes.

    Similar conversions had taken place among several Nigerian Yoruba and Hausa groups.

    No studies of these con versions are extant, yet it is a matter of record that thekingdom of Ghana was ruled by Judaic kings for nearly two hundred years!

    Senegalese goldsmiths, jewelers and smiths likewise carry on in a powerful tradition

    introduced by Judaic artisans. The name of an old Senegalese province is still

    "Juddala." The Judaic seminal influence on Black Africa is confirmed by surviving

    accounts of Portuguese and other European visitors who first came to the area in the

    14th and 15th centuries; they found that Judaic merchants and artisans had long

    preceded them. These accounts confirm what was reported centuries earlier by North

    African and Arab historical records.

    "Most of these communities disappeared," notes Lichtblau. "Having existed largely in

    isolation there was a good deal of intermarriage which for a while reinforced their

    influence.... As a result they were increasingly viewed as a threat by Muslim rulers...

    [they] were either forced to convert to Islam or were massacred, with those

    remaining fleeing to North Africa, Egypt or the Sudan and a few also to Cameroon and

    even Southern Africa."

    A significant factor in the spread of Judaism is the influence of Karaite Jews. A

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    Gardi refers to the research of Leo Frobenius, a German ethnologist, who visited the

    Bida glassmakers in 1911, an earlier period in which the community's traditions were

    less distorted by the Islamic and Christian prejudices of more recent times. Frobenius

    found the glassmakers originally of the Jewish religion. The author also refers to an

    article by Manfred Korfman, who observed that the workers of a Hebron glass factory

    (no longer in existence), "produce their bracelets in the same fashion as the people of


    The glassmakers were formed into an autonomous commune. About twelve "huts"[families] were still in operation.. When Gardi was there, the chief was named

    Daniyalu, "a man who commanded enormous respect." Note that the name appears to

    be a combination of Daniel and Yahu, transcribed into Yalu. It is a peculiarly Judaic

    name and construction!

    The titillating references to a dimly apparent, symbiotic relationship of Jews with black

    African tribes indicate that a rich mine of both Judaic and African history remains to

    be researched.


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