WWI and Beyond From Neutrality to War CH 10.1 Pages 282-291.

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Transcript of WWI and Beyond From Neutrality to War CH 10.1 Pages 282-291.

WWI and BeyondFrom Neutrality to War

CH 10.1 Pages 282-291

Answer the following questions… Include this on the sheet of paper that you will do today’s classwork on. This will be due today along with your classwork. DO NOT write the question. Only the answer…

• Recall (Ch. 9); What is Imperialism? • What new territories did the U.S gain during

this era?

Causes of WWI; M.A.I.NWhy did the U.S Enter?; Germany Threatens U.S Rights & Safety (Lusitania & Zimmerman)

2. Militarism; Due to Imperialism, More temptation to resort to violence 4. Allies; Triple Alliance; Germany, A.H & Italy Triple Entente; France, Russia & G.B Protection, Strengthen Defense, Mutually Asserted Destruction 1. Imperialism; Competition3. Nationalism; No need for other ethnic groups

Serbia Gained Independence in 1878Believed Bosnia Belonged with Serbia, and not A.H Empire Incident that Triggers The War; Gavrilo Princip assassinates Archduke Ferdinand

Chain Reaction of Events (Remember Allies): 1. A.H Declares War on Serbia, 2.Russia Allies with Serbia, 3.Germany Allies with A.H and Declares War on Russia, 4. France declares war on Germany, 5. Germany declares war on Belgium, 5. G.B Declares War on Germany Central Powers v. Allied Powers

Stalemate Produced; Trench Warfare & New Technologies Trench foot, Machine guns = Massive & equal amounts of casualties on both sides

Americans Oppose the War; Costly to Join, Interests not directly threatened, different backgroundsWWI Effects U.S; G.B Blockade (Economically), Germany (U-Boats; Lusitania, 1915) Sussex Pledge U.S Maintains Neutrality but Prepares for War; National Defense Act (1916), Naval Construction Act

Election of 1916; He Kept Us Out of War, Wilson WinsU.S Enters War, Germany Violates Sussex Pledge and Zimmerman NoteApril 2, 1917 Wilson asks Congress to Declare WarApril 6, 1917

Home Front During WWI

10.2Pages 292-299

WWI Effects America at Home; Drafts, Economy Mobilized,Committee of Public Information (C.P.I)Civil Liberties Curtailed, Job Availability to Women, African Americans and Mexicans

Drafts; Selective Service Act of 1917>48 Million LotteryHow did some evade the draft?

Mobilizing The Economy; War Industries Board (W.I.B) Bernard BaruchFood Administration and Herbert Hoover How Does This Help Farmers?

George Creel heads the C.P.I “Sell The War” Yellow Journalism Backlash; Prejudice (The Kaiser, The Beast of Berlin) , Liberty Steaks

Civil Liberties Curtailed; Espionage and Sedition Acts (1917-18)

Job Availability for; WomenAfrican Americans; The Great Migration Mexican Americans