WSPA Online Advocacy

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Transcript of WSPA Online Advocacy

People in action for animals Online Advocacy Program Overview

About WSPA

An international charity with 15 offices worldwide•

Recognized by the UN •

Building a global animal welfare movement•

Relatively small office in Canada (13 full time staff)•

Didn’t have an online advocacy program 2 years ago

Our programs


Companion Animals•

Working Animals•

Farm Animals•

Disaster Relief•


UDAW Campaign

There is currently no global recognition that animal welfare matters.


People and nations will recognize that animals can feel pain and that they can suffer. We’ll agree that animals matter, and we’ll work to prevent cruelty and suffering.

FOR IT TO BE ADOPTED Governments from around the world have to state their support and advocate for the UDAW at the UN.

Global Petition Site

Online ‘hub’

for global campaign

Online petition signatures have little political influence in Canada

A place to reference when targeting potential media/celeb/corporate partners

Useful for list building and public engagement

Expansion plan in the works to be executed in 2009

Regional Strategy

Opt-ins from global site are distributed to regional offices for incorporation into regional advocacy strategies.

This is where we’ve seen the most political success.

So far 7 governments have declared their support for the UDAW and Ministries from 13 other governments as well.

Canada is not yet one of them.

Regional StrategyRegional Strategy




Empower them to take action for animals.

Phase One

Problem: Ontario stands out as the worst jurisdiction in Canadawhen it comes to ensuring the proper care of captivewildlife. With few regulations in place, the provincemakes it far too easy for residents to collect wildanimals and house them in substandard facilities (ie: back-yards)

• Letters from Ontarians to MPPs

educating them on the issue• Letters from tourists to Premier & Minister of Tourism• Campaign champion identified (MPP David Zimmer)• Zimmer crafts zoo bill in support of the campaign

Roadside Zoo Campaign

Phase Two

• Letters to MPPs

encouraging them to support Zimmer’s bill• Petition available for download – 20,000 signatures collected!• Provincial election campaign achieves animal welfare

commitments from all 3 parties before election• WSPA invited to join working group to make recommendations to


Roadside Zoo Campaign

Phase Three

• Ontario announces commitment to update OSPCA Act and create zoo standards

• Letters to MPPs

to encourage fulfillment of this commitment

• Government passes strongest animal cruelty law in the country & sets standards for keeping captive wildlife

Cruelty to animals is considered a provincialoffence for the first time. The newlaw gives greater powers to SPCA officersand sets the strongest penalties inthe country for those who commit animalcruelty.

Roadside Zoo Campaign

Vote for Animals

Federal election campaign

Problem: animal welfare is not a priority on political agendas.

• Survey to political leaders• Responses posted online• Action: write local candidates• Action: write local editors• Action: Spread the word

Vote for Animals


• Over 33,000 unique visitors• 3,500+ letters to candidates• 2,000+ letters to editors•100 responses from candidates•

3 of the 5 major political parties stated support for the UDAW•

Stephen Harper failed to respond to our survey, sparking some lively media coverage which included a prominent article in the Ottawa Sun


Misty MeeksOnline Communications CoordinatorWSPA Canada
