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Christians in Action 2009 - 2011

The Day of Testimony and

Confirmation of Faith

Sunday 8 May 2011



A word from your Pastors

Jochen Volker, Senior Pastor 4

Isabeau Weyer, Children’s Pastor 5

Jürgen Lier, Youth pastor 6

A word from your Elders Council

Hannah Sadiki, Chair Person 7

A word from Parents

Charmaine Hinsberger, Mother 8

Meluccy Jerry Maseko, Father 9

Why I believe and what Jesus means to me

Angelika Schult 10

Nicole Do Espirito Santo 12

Reabetswe Sechaba Ntsihlele 14

Saskia Hinsberger 16

Mckinnley Ramon Mitchell 18

Ottilie Feichter 20

Buhle Gugulethu Maseko 22

Three years later ...

Robert Jaich 24Paula Zikhali 25Graeme Melly 26


A word from your Pastors

Jochen Volker, Senior Pastor

Dear Confirmands,

you have now been disciples for two years. Disciples are students that follow a teacher. We, the Pastors of the WRLCC have taught you in the way of Jesus Christ our life Teacher. We

have laid the foundation. It is for you to now continue to build. As followers of Christ we build the building of our life, as we continue to follow JESUS. Practically it means to do what Jesus would do. Follow HIS life!


Confirmation is not the end of a Christian’s action – no it’s actually the start. The Church is GOD’s place of action in this world. Involve yourself in the church – and you will continue to stay close to GOD and grow in faith.

It has been great learning together with you what it means to be a CIA (Christian in action). You are now ready to take ownership of your faith. May GOD bless you as you continue to seek his Kingdom. Make HIM number 1 in your life.

“No one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 3:11

Isabeau Weyer, Children’s Pastor


Hello, you beautiful ones!

I am convinced that each one of you is on a path towards glory!

The victory is yours in His name.

There is no wall that you cannot scale and no race you cannot complete!

You are more than able to handle, conquer and triumph over everything, through the help of your Friend, Jesus' indwelling power and presence.

You are a child of the MOST HIGH GOD - what a privilege! what an honour! WHAT A RESPONSIBILITY!

My prayer for you guys is: May the giant in you awake!

Can you still remember that sermon Jochen gave us? Can you still remember our discussion in the Lapa?How awesome it would be if we all did that what we know we should do and what we deeply long to do out of love for our awesome God.

You are the Moses, Daniels and Esthers of today - go and make your Master proud.

I love you all dearly and I cherish this time I could walk alongside you.

I trust I will have a little bit more time still with you in the IK ministry.

There's only one thought when I think of you: Great Expectations.

May our Lord, Jesus grant that each of you will have the desire to want to make Him proud.

Jürgen Lier, Youth Pastor


Hey guys,

Today is your big day . You are confirming your faith before many people today. You have had two years of getting to know the Word of God more in-depth and growing deeper in your relationship with God. I hope that it has been a good journey of which I was privileged to have been a part of.

After today, you will no longer be required to come on a Sunday afternoon to confirmation. No one will be ‘forcing’ you to read or think about God or the Bible, but it is my deepest wish and prayer for each one of you that you will continue your walk with God and keep it

alive and burning with a passion that no-one will be able to take from you. In Revelations 3:11-12, Jesus says “I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take away your crown. All who are victorious will become pillars in the Temple of my God, and they will never have to leave it. And I will write on them the name of my God, and they will be citizens in the city of my God- the new Jerusalem that comes down from heaven from my God. And I will also write on them my new name.” Apply what you have learned during these two years to your life. Stay true to your faith and walk a genuine path with Jesus. It

will not always be easy, in fact it will probably be very hard, but your reward is eternal. Keep that in mind when the going gets tough.

And remember that you can always come to Pastor Jochen, Isabeau or myself when you need support. Surround yourself with friends that will support you in your faith, read and study the Bible and stay in communication with your Lord through prayer.

May the God of peace bless you and keep you. May He make His face shine upon you and give you His peace. The peace that passes all understanding.

Your Uncledaddyuthpastor

A word from your Elders Council


Hannah Sadiki, Chairperson of the Elders Council

Dear Confirmands!

It is yet again that time in your life when you recommit yourself to The Lord. You are doing this at a time when the world is in turmoil. There are many earthly challenges for believers – like in all times BC and AD. The difference today is that the challenges are closer than before and more dynamic. The pleasing and most important fact is that The Lord promised us safety.

“I'm gathering my people into the barn. I'm going to put them where the enemy can't get them. I'm going to give them a place of refuge.” Matthew 13:30

We therefore urge you that as of today, remember that you are in safe hands if you have faith, and it is the commitment to God's Kingdom and journey that will protect you from the world's challenges. The church community, pastors, elders and youth are there for you when you need support and prayer.

We urge and pray, that you keep praying when the road appears to be rough. Be determined to rejoice, worship and praise the Lord with all your heart. Have FAITH that with CHRIST all things are possible, for he will strengthen you. JESUS IS YOUR PLACE OF REFUGE!!

Wishing you all the strength, learning opportunity and contentment in this journey.

A word from Parents


Charmaine Hinsberger, Mother

It is really wonderful that you are getting confirmed now. It is a day you can look back on with great fondness. It is important for you to remember what you are confirming publicly and the reason you are confirming your faith. As a Christian, remember that Jesus walks with you daily. Whenever you find a time that you feel hurt, lonely, afraid or confused or whatever insecurity you may face, turn to Him and talk to Him, ask Him to guide and protect you and know that He is God. Hold His promises close to your heart and make Him part of your everyday activities. He is the most important part of your life.

One last word of encouragement is to read His Word EVERY day. His Word is precious and valuable, treasure It and entreat it to your life. They say that practice makes perfect, so continue to practice your walk with Jesus and see how perfect in Him you will become. On the eve of his crucifixion he prayed for you especially, asking Father God to unite you with Him, just like He is one with The Father.

May God Bless you and keep you and make His Face to shine upon you.

Meluccy Jerry Maseko, Father


My dear Confirmands!

On this festive day of your Confirmation I bid you a heartfelt congratulation at going through the journey of learning more about your own faith. It is not a secret that you have been preparing yourselves for this day for a long time already. I am happy for and with you for

being part of this joyful experience on this outstanding day together with your parents, teachers and this festive congregation.

My short message for your Confirmation that I would like you to consider in your journey of faith is the Word about your skills/tools and confidence as displayed by David found in: 1 Samuel 17:37 - God is on your side and you need to show David’s confidence:“And David said, “The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” And Saul said to David “Go, and may the LORD be with you.”

1 Samuel 17:49 - God will always give you the correct choice and tool to use to make sure you are exact in the solution of the challenge in front of you: “And David put his hand into his bag and took from it a stone and slung it, and struck the Philistine on his forehead. And the stone sank into his forehead, so that he fell on his face to the ground”

This is one of the collections of appropriate stones in your faith bag. Today you are permitted to personally take-up the responsibility for your life of faith. Make your way into the Lord’s house time and time again. There you will always be welcome to this family.

I wish you a future that is richly blessed and much brighter with the Lord leading your way.

Just in passing:Check what this confirmand said on a day like this a few years before you – you might find a lot of similarities to how you feel about your statement of faith - http://iamachristiantoo.org/?p=231

Why I believe and what Jesus means to me


Angelika Schult

I have experienced Jesus as my Friend, my Father, my Saviour and so much more. I have got to know Him as these but also as my King, my Creator and my Provider.

I grew up in a Christian home, so I’ve always known about God and what He’s done. I knew that He had created everything, and that everything was in His hands, as part of His plan. But I never really experienced and realised this until I was about 12 years old.

Our whole family went through a rough time, with my mom having leukaemia, and to me it seemed as if everything was, in a sense ‘upside down’. I couldn’t understand why God would put us through this but I still turned to God knowing He was always there, and I started experiencing His compassion, love and grace like I had never experienced it before. We also experienced support and love from friends and family that really helped us through this time.

God has brought me through every good and bad situation, even if the outcome wasn’t what I wanted or expected. He showed me grace and compassion when I least deserved them and showed me that everything and everyone has a purpose. I had to realise that what God wants is more important that what I want. Of course, I was upset, angry, sad and scared when she passed away, but I learnt that all things happen out of God’s will, even if they cause you pain at that moment. It took me a while to realise and accept that God puts


us through pain so we can grow and become more dependent on Him. During this time the verse that stills means a lot to me is Jeremiah 29:11, where God tells us that He knows the plans He has for us and that these plans are for us to prosper and not to be harmed, plans to give us hope and a future. I have learnt that something good can come of every bad situation, sometimes it takes a while for one to realise what that good thing is, learning patience in the process. For me, that good thing that came of a bad situation was that I grew closer to God and learnt to trust Him through every situation.

God means everything to me, as without Him there would be nothing for anyone to believe in. He stands for unfailing and unconditional love, and gives us all eternal life through this, if we believe He created this huge universe and is bigger than anyone can comprehend, yet He created me and cares for me with all my worries and problems, He is always with me and hears my every thought and prayer. He paid a price for my life with the life of His Son, to me, that in itself is proof that the God who loves me deserves all my love, and is worthy of all praise and honour.

Now that I’m His child and have Him in my life it’s hard to imagine my life without Him. I serve and am the child of an awesome, caring, loving, gracious, huge God and I know it won’t always be smooth sailing; it’s a journey I’m really looking forward to!


“ For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Why I believe and what Jesus means to me


Nicole Do Espirito Santo

I’d like to start by telling you a story, which gives some kind of idea on what Jesus means to me.

A long time ago there was a farmer who kept his animals in a barn over night. One night the barn took fire and by the time the farmer woke up, it was a raging fire that took several hours to contain. Fortunately some of the farm workers opened the doors to allow as many animals as they could to evacuate, while others worked on trying to kill this fire. In the morning when the farmer returned to the burned down barn he found that the hen did not get away as it was burned on the floor of the barn. When the farmer moved the hen, her chicks came running out from beneath her and they were not affected by the fire. She could’ve got away with the other bigger animals, but she knew that if she did, her chicks would not.

As did Jesus, He died on the cross for us all, there was nothing to stop Him from getting away, but the one difference is that He is still very alive.

I believe in Jesus Christ, that He died on the cross to pay for our sins and so that we may be forgiven and have eternal life. I also believe that we are made righteous before God through Jesus Christ.


As for the testimony of my faith, I have no serious story to tell, however within my obedience to God’s word and guidance through Jesus Christ in challenges that I have faced on a day-to-day basis, I have experienced a helping hand that can only be known to someone who is close to the Lord and I have experienced an Omni-presence right through my life and assistance in every situation. Such as exams, schoolwork and many more. The verse I have chosen which fits my testimony and is very applicable in any life situation and circumstance is Hebrews 13:5-6 and it says Be content with what you have, because God has said, Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you. So we say with confidence “The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” This verse says it all. God is always there for us no matter what the situation is and how bad it may seem.

Life can be compared to a rollercoaster we find at a theme park, It has ups and downs. It goes fast and slows down, and have you ever thought of what fun a rollercoaster would be if it were a straight track? It would be pretty boring!! God also assures us that in life, like a rollercoaster, his children will always get off and say wow that was really worth it!!


Be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.” So we say with confidence “The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” Hebrews 13:5-6


Why I believe and what Jesus means to me


Reabetswe Sechaba Ntsihlele

There are many things to believe in this world. What I personally believe in is that Jesus Christ is my lord and saviour. Now one often hears this but you never truly understand what it means instead you rather accept it, of course there is a big difference to understanding and believing than just accepting it as the truth. So I arranged these points explaining what I believe in:

I believe Jesus Christ is Gods son: It’s often hard to believe this but God sent his own son Jesus to this earth in mortal form to save us. Jesus also spent many years promoting Gods word teaching people the word of God.

Jesus Christ died on the cross for me: I believe that my lord Jesus Christ our lord actually died on the cross for me and you. I believe that God sent his only son from heaven to die for us, that he sent his son that we may be forgiven I truly find it amazing that he endured extraordinary amounts of pain for me and all because he loves me and all who simply believe in him and love him. I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and again rose from the dead.

How do we get to heaven: Many people ask this question and never really get to find the answer. But I believe that the only way to get to God and to heaven is through Jesus Christ, but how? You may ask believing that he does exist and that he died for you. You also have


to surrender to God. In the ‘Purpose Driven Life’ it says “Surrender is an unpopular word, disliked almost as much as the word submission. It implies losing and no one wants to be a loser.” I completely agreed with this extract that surrendering isn’t nice word but it also says when you surrender yourself to god that is pure worship. That we shouldn’t feel like we do it because we feel it is our duty or we do it out of fear but instead we do this out of our love a natural response if you will. Second we must follow god and do Gods word which is shown in the Ten Commandments

You shall have no other Gods before me: We all know our God is a jealous god, that he does not want your divided attention instead your undivided attention

Do not make yourself a carved image of anything in heaven or on earth or in the water under the earth.

You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain: The Lord our god will punish anyone who misuses his name.

Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy Honour your Father and your mother: So that they may live a long time in the land

that he has given me and you Do not murder Do not commit adultery Do not steal Do not accuse anyone falsely Do not desire another man’s house Do not be jealous of another man

I conclude this again saying I believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord and saviour and that I am here to proclaim my faith as well as that he is Gods son.


“I am the bread of life,” Jesus told them. “Those who come to me will never be hungry; those who believe in me will never be thirsty.” John 6:35

Why I believe and what Jesus means to me

Saskia Hinsberger


When I was six years old my family and I came to this church. I went to the kid’s camps and the winter weeks and yes, I believed in Jesus. And then I went to my first Kailager teen camp and during that week I saw what being a real Christian is all about. I realized that Christianity is not only saying I believe in Jesus but showing others that I believe in him. On the day I recommitted my life to God at Kailager I took it seriously and I wanted to be confirmed.

There are days that I doubt in God and I ask myself if there is even a God and then I don’t connect to him but, then there is always something bugging me telling me to go do my quiet time. I pray about it and he always shows himself through the people around me. Becoming a Christian and believing in Jesus has helped me at school with peer pressure and when I make decisions the choices that are good become clearer to me. It has given me strength, discipline, understanding, and a better judgment.

The Bible has always been important for my faith and going to the teen camps, Youth on Fridays, helping out during the winter weeks and going to confirmation meetings has given me tools for understanding the Bible better. I learnt if I want my relationship with Jesus to grow I must connect to him every day, take time out and read the bible.

Why do I believe in Jesus? I believe in Jesus because he is here and he is real to me. You say his name and demons are cast out. You say his name and a sermon begins. You say his name and miracles happen.


I believe in the one who created heaven and earth, the one who created me in his own image, I believe in the one who sacrificed his life for me so that my sins can be forgiven and that one day I will spend eternity with him in heaven. I believe in God the father, the son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. I believe that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour and that he will guide and keep me where ever I go in the future for the times when I am confused.


I love the Lord because he hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. Psalm 116:1

For he loves us with unfailing love; the Lord’s faithfulness endures forever. Psalm 117:2

Why I believe and what Jesus means to me


Mckinnley Ramon Mitchell

First of all He promises that HE is the way, the, truth and the life, and that nobody can go to Heaven except through Him! But other than all the promises that I rely on, JESUS has also, on many occasions, throughout my life revealed HIMSELF to me, and I can tell you about many personal experiences where without JESUS I surely could not have been able to cope or even be alive today!

JESUS has also shown me how much HE cares for not only me but also every other person on the earth and that if we just trust HIM he will prepare the way for us! I can honestly say that today my life totally changed and makes an unbelievably larger amount of sense than ever before, since the day I made the personal decision to commit my life to JESUS! See I was born and had always grown up in a “CRISTIAN family”, and always had a love for GOD, and also always had a craving to get to know GOD! I was always fascinated with GOD as a young boy and still am now!

Here is probably where the “testify” part comes in…You see even though at this time in my life everything seems to go so well, (and it is all thanks to JESUS!), before it all my life was an absolute mess! According to sister Tumisang Booysen, I was a “gone wrong child”! Life at home was just evil, relationships between me and many other people were not a garden of roses! The trouble in my heart caused more and more pain to grow in my life! A while later I remembered when I gave my life to JESUS, when Jürgen told us that life would not be easy as a Christian, that we would go through


difficulties as Christians but we should keep our faith. Life was harder and tougher, and it still is! But with JESUS nothing will stand in my way, no mountain is large enough to bring me down! This is why I believe in JESUS!


And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me.” Isaiah 6:8

Why I believe and what Jesus means to me


Ottilie Feichter

I grew up in a Christian family automatically believed what my parents taught me as well as what I was taught right here in this church. Yet, one day I questioned myself as to why I believe in Jesus Christ.

Well, as some of you might know last year had been quite a difficult year for me. When I started praying I felt the weight getting lighter and the more I prayed the closer I got to God and my situation became better.

Well, what I´m getting at here is that I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins so we could be closer to God. If I really think about it I need Jesus and God in our lives. Without them life would be meaningless and without purpose. I may have goals but will our goals be able to satisfy my needs? Will my goals give my life meaning? Well, goals can only take me to a certain point in life. A goal won´t give me the satisfaction a purpose in life can. As Thomas Carlyle said,” The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder- a waif, a nothing, a no man”

During the past two years I have learnt we are all driven by something may it be guilt, resentment or anger. Knowing my purpose in life would give it meaning and without God, life has no purpose, without purpose life has no meaning and without meaning life has no significance or hope. And hope is essential in my life as water and air is. And hope comes


from having a purpose. Once I live my life on purpose amazing things will happen. God says, “I know what I am planning for you. I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future.” It also states in the Bible that God is able to do far more than I can ever imagine, he just wants us to ask even though He knows exactly what I need and all my deepest desires

One thing I have learnt is that a life with God won´t be a bed of roses, it will have its ups and downs. But ultimately I believe in God for he has taught me on numerous occasions that without Him life is a meaningless journey which won`t totally give me the satisfaction He meant for me to receive. And I believe in Jesus for he has taught many valuable lessons here on earth long ago and they still have an impact on my life today.

A passage that I´d like to leave you with comes from Psalm 119:57-64

“You are all I want, O Lord, I promise to obey your laws. I ask you with all my heart to have mercy on me, as you have promised! I have considered my conduct, and I promise to follow your instructions. Without delay I hurry to obey your commands. The wicked have laid a trap for me, but I do not forget your law. In the middle of the night I rise to praise your righteous judgements. I am a friend of all who fear you, of all who obey your laws. Lord, the world is full of your constant love. Teach me your commands.”


“Give me understanding and I will obey your instructions, I will put them into practice with all my heart.” Psalm 119:34

Why I believe and what Jesus means to me

Buhle Gugulethu Maseko


I grew up in a Christian home, so from a very young age, I have been taught Christian values and why it would be wrong to do this or that. I must admit, I knew that I was Christian, but I didn’t know what I believed in.

Before I came to the WRLCC, I attended a church in Kagiso, where it was rare for people to speak and teach in English, which at the time was my strongest language. During this time, language became a barrier between me and getting to know God and what he is all about. Then time passed, we joined this church and I always like to take the credit for us ending up here, because I used to go to Joyland. I figure I got us on the right track. But I must give credit where credit is due and God is who brought us here because this is where I found out who God is and who I am in Christ.

After many sessions of IK, I finally knew the theory behind Christianity and it intrigued me. But that was my problem, all I had was the theory, and I wanted more. I started to pray for a sign of some sort or something that would reassure me that it wasn’t “just a story” that I believed in. I think that’s when my eyes were opened to all the awesome things that God has been doing for me.

I go to school in an area where safety is a huge concern; people would get mugged around me. Something I would find myself doing is singing gospel songs out loud at the bus stop when I was all alone, I did not care how insane I might look to the public because I was scared out of my wits and it’s the only way I could feel safe. I truly believe that Jesus was listening and keeping me safe.


Many other small but significant things happened like passing tests that I forget to study for, someone borrowing me a pen when my ink runs out, my flu disappearing before a major choir performance, someone giving me lunch when I have none, me and my family still being alive today, my parents still being together and growing strong. Through all these things, I know that God is alive, because I refuse that this is all due to chance and coincidence. So after 2 years of confirmation class and lifetime in the Christian faith, I finally know what it is that I believe in.

I believe that God is my Father in heaven. He sent his only Son, Jesus, to be the ultimate sacrifice for my sins and anyone else who believes in Him. Therefore, I will not die, I’m just here temporarily, I have eternal life which will be carried through in heaven. I believe that God is my provider, my healer, my help, the giver of all my wisdom, the giver of all my talents and my hero.

God is my Father, and His Son is my best friend.


I look up to the mountains; does my strength come from mountains? No, my strength comes from God, who made heaven, and earth, and mountains. Psalm 121: 1-2

Three years later ...

Robert Jaich


My name is Robert Jaich, and I confirmed my faith to God on the 16th of March 2008.At the time I was asked whether I would still continue attending church and youth, and continue with the IK work, and at the time I was still very convinced that I would. That is also what happened for the next year or so. After that however, I stopped attending church altogether. This was for no particular reason; although perhaps the fact that I went to the St Peter's Kailager instead of the WRLCC Kailager had an influence, as I sort of 'estranged' myself from my fellow WRLCC peers. As I said, there just was no excuse for me going, it just did not happen.

Every so often I would attend church, be it at the WRLCC or another church with a friend. And even though my 'attitude' towards going to church may have changed, my faith certainly didn't.Not once have I questioned my faith in these past 3 years, or disregarded it; although everyone has their low points when things are looking bleak.

The Bible verse I chose at the time of my confirmation was Jeremiah 29:11-13. To this day, I still know in my heart that "God alone knows the plans he has for me. Plans to bring me prosperity and not disaster; plans to bring about the future I hope for." Even though things may not have been going completely to my plan, I know that everything happens for a

reason and God knows what is best in my life, and I have everything to thank Him for.

As verse 13 goes:"You will seek me, and you will find me, for you will seek me with all your heart", I know that I will never leave sight of my God my father, or Jesus my Saviour, as He will always be there for me and watch over me. This I know for sure, and although it may not seem outwardly so, my faith is as strong as ever.

I wish the Confirmands of 2011 the best of luck, and can only hope that they remain as strong in faith for the rest of their lives, as they are on their Confirmation day.

Paula Zikhali


My confirmation was in 2008, a lot has happened since then. Life has taught me a lot and my good and bad experiences have made me a better Christian and without those I wouldn’t be the person I am today. These past three years I have realised that Christianity is not only about believing but also about acting out your faith. By acting out your faith a mean showing love and compassion where ever you go, be a good example for people to follow. Getting confirmed is just the first step, living out your faith is the challenge and not being afraid to go against the flow and have respect for God in everything that you do. I don’t always do everything right sometimes you will fall. Christianity is not easy we all make mistakes; however it is your duty to learn from those mistakes in order to grow into a better Christian and help others around us experiencing the same problems. Remember that God is a loving and forgiving God and I pray that none of you ever take that for granted. Respect God in everything you do. Last year was a very challenging year for me but with prayer and God’s help and the people around me I conquered all those challenges. So I urge you to pray, keep your eyes on God and do not be easily distracted by the things of this world because those things are not eternal but God’ love is!

“ The Christian life is about relationships not performances.” Neil franks

Graeme Melly


Hi! My name is Graeme Melly and I confirmed my faith in front of this church three years back. I can still remember sitting in front of the church anxiously awaiting my chance to stand up and tell everyone present that I believe in Jesus Christ and that he died for me on the cross so that I might be saved. I can clearly remember that in me was a desire to tell everyone I met about Jesus. And so once I’d been confirmed I took over a crumbling prayer meeting that was run at school, revived it and started telling people about Christ with great success (all thanks to G-d of course J). It was then that I realised that confirmation never actually ends. It’s a life long journey that takes us to different people that need to be told

about Jesus and his mission here on earth. It is then that we need to confirm our faith again and again in front of them. This journey started for me three years ago, and with this journey my faith has matured exponentially, which has guided me through the trials and errors that life has so far flung at me. My best wishes go out to today’s CIA group, and here’s just some personal advice from someone

with a little bit of experience in life for each of you; life will throw many challenges at you, the more recent and difficult that you will face is that of peer pressure and leaving the church… my advice is that you be different and go against the flow and, most importantly, don’t stop looking at Jesus. Trust me… you won’t regret it. G-d’s blessings



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