Written by: Katie Bates 20teams.htm.

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Written by: Katie Bates 20teams.htm.

Written by: Katie Bates


The Outer Planets

TABLE OF CONTENTS The outer planets page number

1Jupiter Page number 2

Neptune Page number3

Saturn page number 4

Uranus Page number5

The Dwarf planets Page number 6

The Outer Planets include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Eris, and Ceres. Pluto is a dwarf planet along with Eris, and Ceres .The Outer Planets are Outer Planets because they are farther away. Inner Planets are closer to the sun that is why they call them Inner Planets. The Inner Planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

People used to think all the planets were gods.

The Outer Planets


Jupiter is the 6th planet from the Sun. Jupiter is a very stormy planet. There are storms found in the atmosphere and most of the storms never end. The cloud formations make Jupiter a very colorful planet. The great red spot is were a storm has been raging over 300 years.

Jupiter`s great red spot is where a

giant storm has been raging for 300




Neptune nickname is “scooter”

Neptune In Neptune`s atmosphere there are large white clouds that move around rather quickly . The “scooting” of this cloud around the atmosphere has led it to be nick named “scooter.” Neptune is the 9th planet from the sun.. Neptune is a very windy place . No other planet in the solar system is as windy as Neptune is.


Saturn Saturn is the 7th planet from the sun. In many ways, Saturn is similar to Jupiter but it is much smaller. Saturn is the 2nd largest planet in our Solar System it is a gas giant like Jupiter .

Saturn is 890 million miles from the sun.


Uranus In astronomy Mythology, Uranus was the Lord of the Skies. Uranus is made of a large rocky core.


Uranus is green with a white ring.








The Book Of PlanetsClint Twist

Meet The author

Katie Bates

Katie Bates is the Author and Illustrator of the Outer Planets. She loved space so much when she was little that she decided to write about them. She also loved drawing so she decided to draw them since she new so much about them and because she really liked them.