Writing Topics

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Transcript of Writing Topics

Idania Vega Colón November 11, 2009

Writing Topics

In certain sports the people who practice them could develop nutritional disorders like

anorexia nervosa. This nutritional disorder can generate serious health problems and in some

cases can cause death. The group pressure can develop in athlete a serious disorder of feeding.

Not only the group pressure is the cause of these problems; the family, the trainers and the same

sport requirements can exert pressure to decisions take athlete. In some cases, the person who

develops this type of nutritional disorder doesn’t want to increase the weight.

An athlete who practices gymnastics must have certain weight to be able to make the

routines of exercises that this sport requires. In some cases the person who develops this type of

nutritional disorder can’t increase the weight, and can create bad feeding habits as avoid eat

foods or make themselves vomit to be able to maintain a weight in which he feels satisfied.

This type of conduct isn’t healthy; it can cause greater damages and physical weakness in

the athlete. When an athlete can’t control your mind and the problems are stronger than him, he

needs professional help. He needs analyze why he is acting in this form and could solve his

problem before their own problems can affect their family and her career.