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Grade 5 Term 1—Paragraph Writing, Email Writing,



SURNAME, NAME: ……………………………………………………………………………………………...

CLASS: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

2 051-eng-wb1-(WritingBooklet)



Section 1 - Paragraph writing 3-19

Section 2 - Email Writing 20-24

Section 3 - Note Taking 25-28

3 051-eng-wb1-(WritingBooklet)


1) Read Paragraphs 1 and 2 below and answer the question.

Paragraph 1

It has eight classes. I like playing games in the playground with my friends. We usually have pizza on

Saturdays because there is no school. English is my favourite subject. I usually enjoy the time I spend at


Paragraph 2

I usually enjoy the time I spend at school. I like to play games in the playground with my friends and we

always sit together to eat our lunch. Some lessons are a little boring but most are fun and English is my

favourite subject. There are eight classes in grade five and I have friends in all of them. When I’m at home I

always look forward to going back to school the next day.

2) Why do you think paragraph 2 is the better paragraph?






DATE: ……………………………………


Is this paragraph talking about one main idea ?

Do the sentences have a meaningful order ?

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Paragraphs are groups of sentences that go together to talk about one main idea. The main idea of a

paragraph is stated in the __________________. The topic sentence tells us what the paragraph is about

and the main idea discussed in the __________________.

A topic sentence should not contain any extra information or _____________________.

Topic sentence is the top bun of a hamburger.



1) Label the other parts of the paragraph hambur-

2) Underline the topic sentences in each paragraph.

A. Joseph and Tom are good friends. They walk to school together every morning. After school,

the boys ride their bikes and play games together. Sometimes, Joseph and Tom sleep at each

other’s house.

B. This is how you make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. First you get two slices of bread.

Next, you spread peanut butter on one slice of bread. Then you spread jelly on the other

slice of bread. Last, you put the two slices together and you eat!

C. Dogs are wonderful pets to have. Dogs know how to do tricks. They love to run and play. Dogs

are furry and very cute. They love to lick you when you hug them. They are fun to have.

D. My favorite holiday is Christmas. I like decorating my tree with lights. Santa Claus

brings us nice presents. In the morning, we get to open our presents and play

with our toys. Then, our family eats a big dinner for Christmas. I love Christmas

with my family.

TOPIC SENTENCES DATE: ……………………………………

5 051-eng-wb1-(WritingBooklet)

Read the topic sentences below. Which sentence would be the best topic sentence for the paragraphs

below ? Then copy the topic sentence for each item. Be ready to discuss your answer.


There are so many choices. There’s ice cream, cake, pies and cookies. I think brownies are my favorite. I wish I

could eat only desserts and never spinach!

2. ________________________________________________________________________________

I can hear him snoring at night. In the daytime he goes outside and eats my mom’s daisies. I tracked his muddy

footprints into the house.

3. ________________________________________________________________________________

They pinch my feet. I can’t wiggle my toes as much as I want to. My feet get hot in shoes. I can’t wait until summer

when my feet can come out to play.

4. ________________________________________________________________________________

I like to feel the wind go through my hair. Everything passes by you really fast. Then you get out of breath. That’s

when I start to walk.

5. ________________________________________________________________________________

They like to lie around all day. They walk slowly. Sometimes they lick their paws and their fur. That’s why some of

them get fat!

A) Cats are lazy animals.

B) I think wearing shoes is really uncomfortable.

C) Dessert is my favourite part of every meal.

D) A dinosaur lives under my bed.

E) Running is a really fun activity.

What is common in all these topic sentences?






TOPIC SENTENCES DATE: ……………………………………

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1) Decide which topic sentence is better and circle it.

A. My pet bird brings wonderful music to my life.

B. I like cats, and my pet cat is a very good cat.

C. My pet dog has eaten my homework, destroyed my shoes, and bitten my friend, but still I can never get

angry at her.

D. Everyone likes my dog.

2) Why do you think it is better than the rest?



3) Write suitable topic sentences for the paragraphs.

A. _______________________________________________________________________________.

Teams from many different countries compete in the world cup. I love seeing the fans from all the

different countries. This gives it a very special atmosphere. The world cup is a very special event for



In Turkey it is possible to ski in the winter and go to beautiful hot beaches in the summer. There are

historical towns and famous monuments. You can try many different types of delicious food. Turkey

has many options for an exciting and varied holiday.


There are lots of restaurants and shops in Etiler. You can find many different types of food. People

are always happy and smiling in my neighbourhood. I think it is a really nice and interesting place

to live.


I think it sounds really beautiful. I could visit restaurants in Rome and order pizza and pasta in the

correct language. It would be really interesting to have facebook friends from Italy. I really hope I

can learn to speak Italian.

TOPIC SENTENCES DATE: ……………………………………

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Supporting details are the ingredients of

the hamburger. If you want to make your

hamburger delicious, you should include

important and interesting information in

your paragraphs.

Topic Sentence:

My dog is really naughty.







Supporting Detail 1 Give an example of something your dog does that is naughty.

Supporting Detail 2 Describe how often he does it.

Supporting Detail 3 Describe how you or your family feels

and acts when the dog is naughty.

Topic Sentence:

I had a great time at my friend’s

birthday party.

Supporting Detail 1



Supporting Detail 2 ____________________________________


Supporting Detail 3 ____________________________________


Let’s discuss together!

Now, it’s your turn. Write 3 proper supporting details.

Supporting detail explains the idea in the topic sentence. We usually have more than two

supporting details in a paragraph. Supporting details should be about the topic and give interesting,

important details.

DATE: ……………………………………

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Read the paragraphs and underline the supporting details that are not about the topic sentence.

1) Basketball is a great sport to play with your friends. It is a team sport so you can enjoy it with many people.

The sport started in America. You can spend a fun afternoon in the park and get a little healthier at the same

time. That’s why I think basketball is an excellent way to spend your time.

2) Books are a really good way to learn new things about the world. You can read stories which allow you to

imagine different times and places. Also, the facts in books are often more accurate than the information

on the internet. Books are a little heavy to carry around. Generally, I think you can learn a lot from reading


3) Dolphins are one of the cleverest animals in the world. They use a hole on top of their heads to breath. They

can communicate with each other using clicks and whistles. There are stories about them rescuing injured

humans and bringing them to the shore. These things show that dolphins are very intelligent.

4) Playing computer games is an unhealthy hobby. You have to sit inside all day instead of going outside to do

more active things and get some exercise. Some people say that you can hurt your eyes if you play them for

too long. Also they are a lot more expensive than books. Many other hobbies are a lot better for you than

playing computer games.

Be ready to discuss!


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We use conjunctions to connect words, phrases and clauses. They help our sentences to sound better

and more natural. We don’t usually use conjunctions to start sentences when we’re writing, but people

do when they’re speaking. Different conjunctions have different functions such as adding, sequencing,

emphasizing or showing the cause & effect relationship.

1) AND

We use and for adding information.

E.g. Amy's dad is taking us on Saturday morning, and he's offered to bring us home again on


(It gives an additional information about the topic.)

2) BUT

We use but for connecting statements that express opposite ideas.

E.g. I called Steve, but he wasn't at home.

(It connects two opposite situations.)

3) OR

We use or for giving alternatives.

E.g. Do you want chocolate, strawberry or vanilla?

(It helps to offer different alternatives.)


We use because for giving reasons, for showing the cause & effect relationship.

E.g. I'd like to see that Irish band, because Celtic music is pretty cool.

(It helps to explain the reason of the first statement.)

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We need to put a comma (,) before AND, OR, BUT when they connect two clauses.

E.g My family gets together at night , and we talk about our day.

E.g Sonya wakes up early , but she is always late for school.



DATE: ……………………………………

Read the sentences about two types of people. Complete the sentences with and, but, or or.

Add commas where necessary.

The Organized Person

1. Every day I wake up, __and__ I make a long “to do” list.

2. I usually use the “notes” feature on my phone for important tasks _____________ I always do


3. I don’t like to forget appointments _____________ be late.

4. I like to be busy ____________ I feel good when I get things done.

The Disorganized Person

5. Sometimes I make lists ______________ I usually lose them.

6. I have a lot of appointments _____________ a lot of things to do every day.

7. I try to be on time ______________ I am often late for appointments.

8. I am always busy _____________ I don’t get things done.

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BECAUSE can come before or after the main clause. Use a comma ( , ) when BECAUSE comes fırst in the


E.g. Because I don’t like to get up early , I’m always late.

I’m always late because I don’t like to get up early.

In speaking, you can answer a question starting with BECAUSE. Do not do this in writing!

E.g. Why are you at school?

-Because I want to learn English.

BECAUSE also shows a cause-and-effect relationship.

E.g. I am always late because I don’t like to get up early.

Effect Cause



DATE: ……………………………………

Match the effect on the left with the cause on the right.

1. John is tired ___c___

2. Tanya is usually late _______

3. Dan is often hungry _______

4. Eric walks slowly _________

5. Sue takes her brother to school ______

6. Maya and Sara sleep late _______

7. Jack takes classes at night _______

a. because his foot hurts

b. because he never eats breakfast.

c. because he doesn’t sleep enough.

d. because he works during the day.

e. because she doesn’t put reminders on her phone.

f. because their mother doesn’t have time.

g. because their alarm clocks don’t work.

12 051-eng-wb1-(WritingBooklet)

Label each clause with C for “cause” and E for “effect”. Then combine the sentences with because.

Do not change the order of the clauses.

1. ___E___ Brendon does well in class. ___C___ He studies every day.

Brendon does well in class because he studies everyday._________________________________________

2. __C___ Tanya’s alarım clock does not work. ___E___ She is often late for work.

Because Tanya’s alarm clock does not work, she is often late for work.______________________________

3. ______ Alan has three reminders about the _______ He doesn’t want to forget


4. _______ Wanda is always hungry at work. _______ She doesn’t have time for lunch.


5. _______ Karin starts work very early. ________ She drinks a lot of coffee.


6. ________ Blanca works during the day. _________ She takes night classes.


7. _________ Jared keeps a “to do” list. _________ He has a lot of work.

meeting on his phone. about it.


BECAUSE - Cause and Effect

DATE: ……………………………………

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Here are some common mistakes that you shouldn’t do while writing. Read them and get ready to do

the activity on the next page.



DATE: ……………………………………

Avoid Common Mistakes

1.Do not use a comma when you join two words or two phrases.

Lisa creates a schedule and a list every day.

2.Use a comma when you join two clauses with and, but, and or.

I need to study for the test , and then I have to work!

3.Use and to add information. Use but to show a contrast. Use or to show a choice.

Sam is alwas late, and he gets his work done.

4. Do not use a comma if because is in the second part of the sentence.

Jake is always on time, because he takes the 8:00 bus to school every day.

But do use a comma if because is in the first part of the sentence.

Because Lily makes a daily schedule she , never forgets to do her tasks.

5.Use because to state the reason(cause) for something. The other part of the sentence states the


Because Kylie writes her assignments on her calendar.

Kylie writes her assignments on her calendar because she doesn’t forget them.

Kylie doesn’t forget her assignments because

Because Kylie doesn’t forget her assignments, she writes them on her calendar.


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Editing Task

Read the story about Professor Kwan’s class on time management. Find and correct 9 mistakes that


A Useful Class

Every year, Professor Kwan teaches a class on time management. Many students like to take her

class. Sometimes the class fills up quickly / because it is so popular. Students know that they need to

register early—in person and online. This is the first lesson of the time-management class.

In this class, Professor Kwan talks about different ways for students to organize their time. Her

students often complain about the stress they have but how little time they have. Professor Kwan

always tell her students to buy a calendar.She says students can use an electronic calendar and a paper

calendar. Because her students get organized they use their calendar every day. She tells students to

find time to study at least once a day—either after school and at night. When students plan their time

well, they feel in control and confident.

This is not the only thing that Profeesor Kwan teaches in the class. Students have a lot of stress

because it is also important to find time to relax, and exercise. Professor Kwan’s class is so popular,

because all students need help with time management. At the end of her class, students have less

stress but they have great time-management skills!

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Look at the topics, write a topic sentence and 4 supporting details using the clues. Don’t forget to use the

conjunctions that you have learned.

Swimming What I do there.

What I bring.

Why I like it.

Where I swim.






Holiday Where I like to go.

Who I go with.

What I do there.

Why I like it.







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Closing sentence is the bottom bun of a hamburger.


Topic sentence: Dolphins are one of the cleverest animals in the world.

Closing sentence: These things show that dolphins are very intelligent.

Topic sentence: Playing computer games is an unhealthy hobby.

Closing sentence: In conclusion, many other hobbies are a lot better for you than playing computer games.

When you look at the examples what can you say about the relationship between a topic sentence and a

closing sentence?





A closing sentence gives a summary of the main idea. It closes the paragraph.

It says the same thing as the topic sentence, but in different words. Your closing sen-

tence should never talk about a new topic.

DATE: ……………………………………

17 051-eng-wb1-(WritingBooklet)

1) Read the paragraphs below. They are missing a closing sentence. Write a closing sentence that is similar

to the topic sentence and interesting!

A. Superhero films are the best kind of films for kids. They are full of action and exciting storylines. The

heroes are often brave. They always try to do the right thing and kids love their superpowers.



B. My nephews Jason and Levi are the best thing in my life. We always have so much fun playing games

together. They come to visit me at my house at least once a month. We like to play football or

basketball and I normally let them win to make them happy.



C. Having a computer in your bedroom can really help with your homework. It’s possible to use it when

ever you want without other people from your family stopping you. You can research everything you

need to know. You can use it to make all your work look really good and then e-mail it directly to

your teacher.



Think about the phrases used in closing sentences that you discussed with your

teacher. How many of them can you remember? Write as many as you remember.

All in all, ______________________________________________________________


Which ones do you prefer to use in your paragraphs? Why?





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1) In the example below there is a topic sentence, 3 supporting details and a closing sentence.

Underline and label the parts of the paragraph.

The Life Cycle of a Frog

The way a frog starts life is really strange. The frog’s eggs hatch into little

tadpoles that can swim. The tadpoles then grow legs and a tail. The tail then

disappears and the tadpole begins to look like a frog. I think this change is a re-

ally unusual thing about frogs.

Topic Sentence:



Supporting Detail 1:



Supporting Detail 2:



Supporting Detail 3:



Closing Sentence:




2) Now, it’s your turn to write your own paragraph! Before you write the final draft you need to plan it

carefully. Complete all the sections in the diagram below. You can choose from these topics:

- your favourite book / movie

- a sport you like

- a hobby

- a good friend


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Time to check yourself !

Now you are ready to write your paragraph. Make sure you include all of the elements of a good paragraph we

have learnt about in this booklet. You should include:

- an interesting topic sentence

- at least 3 supporting details

- a closing sentence which restates your topic sentence in a different way

MY PARAGRAPH DATE: ……………………………………


I have a clear topic sentence that shows the main idea.

I have at least 3 detailed supporting ideas.

I have a closing sentence that is linked to the main idea / topic


I knew the purpose / what information I was looking for

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Body Subject Greeting

Closing Signature


1) Look at Example 1 below.

Label the six parts of the email message.

2) What is good about this email? Or - Are there any problems? Write your answer below.


Dear Miss. Evren,

Hope you are well. I couldn't find my Spelling booklet, so I did the homework (pg

20) on a word document. The homework is attached with this mail.

Have a good night.


Kerem B.

DATE: ……………………………………

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General Tips for Email Writing :

1. Always use a subject that describes what's in the e-mail.

2. Salutation / Greeting : “Hello Mr. White” is okay. Or just the person's name is okay. “Dear Mr. White” is

better for a formal e-mail.

3. The first sentence should explain why you are sending an e-mail.

4. The body should have short, well spaced paragraphs. Spacing makes it easy to scan.

5. If your email has attachments, add a sentence to say that.

1) Read the e-mail below and try to find the mistakes and highlight them using a different colour:



Hello good night ı send my PowerPoint ıts late ı know but i have a problem with my password good nigth



Be Ready to Discuss!

HOW TO WRITE AN EMAIL DATE: ……………………………………

22 051-eng-wb1-(WritingBooklet) Referenced by: http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/

HOW TO WRITE AN EMAIL DATE: ……………………………………

Rules for writing a better email :


1) Using an informative subject line, which

says what the email is about.

2) Writing the most important information


3) Using numbers and bullet points to

make the message clearer.

4) Using simple grammar.

5) Writing short sentences.

6) Using paragraphs to keep the email

clear and easy to understand.


1) Writing “hello” as your subject line.

2) Writing about irrelevant issues. The reader

will soon hit “delete” if the email doesn’t

get to the point.

3) Giving personal information that you don’t

want anyone else to know.

4) Using capital letters to write whole words as

in emails, this is considered shouting.

5) Using different fonts in the email.

6) Using Italics.

7) Using exclamation marks.

8) Using abbreviations like coz and uni.

9) Using acronyms like BTW.

10) Using smileys. They maybe misunderstood

and come across as unprofesional.

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1) Now, can you correct the mistakes and write the same e-mail in a better way below?








2) Write why you made these changes to the e-mail in the box below:

HOW TO WRITE AN EMAIL DATE: ……………………………………

24 051-eng-wb1-(WritingBooklet)

Take out your iPads and send an e-mail to your teacher. If you don’t have your iPad with you, you can use the

e-mail box below. Here is your task:

Using the writing tips you learnt, write an email to your teacher apologizing for not being able to attend

class because you were at the tournament. Remember to ask for last week’s weekend homework and

this week’s work. Then ask for office hours.


Before sending your e-mail, have you:

checked if you’ve written a subject?

started your e-mail with a greeting?

written short but meaningful sentences?

used correct punctuation and capitalization?

written a closing?

Now, you’re ready to send your e-mail.

HOW TO WRITE AN EMAIL DATE: ……………………………………


25 051-eng-wb1-(WritingBooklet)

Write your ideas about

note-taking. When and

how often do you take

notes? Do you find your

notes useful? Why?


1) Watch the video and answer these questions according to it.


A. What happens if you can’t take good notes during the lesson?



B. If you compare people who take notes and who do not, what is the difference?



According to the

video, write the 3

steps of note-taking

and explain them






DATE: ……………………………………

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2) Practicing Different Styles of Note-taking: Tree Diagram

Note-taking is a way of organizing your thoughts, and there are many ways to do this. Watch the video and

use the tree below to organize the ideas that you learn about. Write the topic in the trunk and put the

supporting information in the six clusters. Then, write a paragraph using the notes you wrote.


Why is bullying common and


Why is bullying harmful?

4 step method can help you

with ...

4 step method to stop bullying:











DATE: ……………………………………

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There are some rules we can follow to be a good note-taker. Read the rules be

low and then write which one could help the student in the boxes. The first one

has been done for you.

Cem is listening to the teacher and trying to write down what

he is saying. However, the teacher is speaking very quickly

and Cem can’t write every sentence. It is taking too long to

write down everything the teacher is saying.


Alp finds it difficult to write in class and doesn’t like taking-notes. Luckily, Alp is very artistic and

can remember ideas through what he draws. What should he do?

Defne wasn’t listening when the teacher told the class about

today’s topic. She starts to make notes anyway but doesn’t

really know what she is doing.

Sarp is good at writing and has written down most of what the teacher has said in the

lesson. However, when he reads his notes he doesn’t know what are the important points of

the lesson.

Bahar is taking notes and knows the teacher is saying something important. However, she has

already filled her paper with writing and doesn’t have room to write anything else.

NOTE TAKING DATE: ……………………………………

Tips for note-taking:

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Now look at the notes again and complete the rubric for yourself.


I wrote short meaningful phrases not fully complete sentences

I wrote only the big / important ideas

I used symbols / abbreviations ( shortened words) / drawings

I knew the purpose / what information I was looking for

Be ready to share!

Time to take notes!

In this video, you are going to look for information about how a youth from South Africa used his

experience to make something for others and the environment. As you watch, take your notes.

Remember the good tips for note-taking. Check the rubric below.

Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpYrJs0rX84

NOTE TAKING DATE: ……………………………………

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DATE: ……………………………………

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Look at the given sentences and create a proper email by rewriting them on the empty template.

EARLY FINISHERS DATE: ……………………………………

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The parts of a paragraph are: ______________________________________


Things to do and not to do while taking notes:




What to include in an E-mail:




















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