Writing in Discipline Nature of Writing

Post on 17-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Writing in Discipline Nature of Writing



By: Legarda Q. Sobravilla BEED 2-

1 Eve

OUTLINE•Define Writing•Writing in Discipline•Importance of Writing in Discipline

•Nature of Writing•Evaluation

SPEAKING VS WRITING• natural, spontaneous, effortless• voice-tone, pitch, stress, gestures, facial expression• pauses, intonation• pronunciation, unplanned, spontaneous• simple sentences,repetitive, ands, buts, linking words/conjunctions

• needs formal construction

• carefully chosen words

• punctuation• spelling, planned, takes


• long, complex sentences,not repetitive, concise, conjunctions

What is Writing?

Is generally a conscious and solitary activity

•Appropriate vocabulary words

•Observe conventions of writing:•Indention•Punctuation•Linking words for cohesion

Writing in Discipline

• is designed to introduce or give students practice with the language conventions of a discipline as well as with specific formats typical of a given discipline

Importance of Writing in Discipline•The single most important reason for assigning writing tasks in disciplinary courses is to introduce students to the thinking and writing of that discipline

Nature of Writing

•Writing starts with observation, with the writer noticing and choosing something to write about

•Writing often involves description, with the writer using concrete details

•Writing generally involves explaining, perhaps explaining "why“

•Writing may involve inference on the basis of evidence, interpretation on the basis of observation

•Writing often involves synthesis, or finding the common link between things and explaining that link

•Writing involves selection and focus

•is thinking•is unique to each individual•is a process•is meant to be read


End of report,,,

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