Writing Assesing

Post on 15-Nov-2015

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Transcript of Writing Assesing

https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7273/6961674618_d5e1c1089e.jpgExplain the meaning about this fashion quote from COCO CHANEL!

http://menfash.us/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Teenage-men-fashion-tips-2013-Key-Points-for-Better-Appearance-2.jpegFrom the picture above, choose one that you like the most and one that you dislike. Give the reason!

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_VIA2SA6Q7-8/TKNI4RKZxdI/AAAAAAAABKU/Zkv2fpK0w0A/inspirtion4_thumb%5B1%5D.jpg?imgmax=800From the picture above, choose one that you like the most and one that you dislike. Give the reason!Make your own fashion style and give the reason why do you like that style!