Writing an Analytical Essay Can Seem Daunting

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Transcript of Writing an Analytical Essay Can Seem Daunting

  • 8/18/2019 Writing an Analytical Essay Can Seem Daunting


    Writing an analytical essay can seem daunting, especially if you've never done it before. Don't

    worry! Take a deep breath, buy yourself a caffeinated beverage, and follow these steps to create a

    well-crafted analytical essay.

    1Prewriting for Your Essay


    1Understand the objective of an analytical essay. An analytical essay means you willneed to present some type ofargument, or claim, about what you are analyzing. Most often

    you will have to analyze another piece of writing or a film, but you could also be asked to

    analyze an issue, or an idea. To do this, you must break the topic down into parts and

    provide evidence, either from the text/film or from your own research, that supports your



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    For example, "Stanley Kubrick'sThe Shining uses a repeating motif of Native

    American culture and art to comment on America's history of colonizing Native Americans'

    lands" is an analytical thesis. It is analyzing a particular text and setting forth an argument

    -- in the form of a thesis statement -- about it.


    2Decide what to write about. If you are writing this for a class, your teacher will generally

    assign you a topic (or topics) to write about. Read the prompt carefully. What is the prompt

    asking you to do? However, sometimes you will have to come up with your own topic.

    If you're writing an analytical essay about a work of fiction, you could focus

    your argument on what motivates a specific character or group of characters. Or, you could


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    argue why a certain line or paragraph is central to the work as a whole. For example:

    Explore the concept of vengeance in the epic poemBeowulf.

    If you're writing about a historical event, try focusing on the forces that

    contributed to what happened.

    If you're writing about scientific research or findings, follow thescientific

    method to analyze your results.



    Brainstorm. You may not immediately know what your thesis statement should be, even

    once you've chosen your topic. That's okay! Doing some brainstorming can help you

    discover what you think about your topic. Consider it from as many angles as you can.[2]

    Look for repeated imagery, metaphors, phrases, or ideas. Things that repeatare often important. See if you can decipher why these things are so crucial. Do they

    repeat in the same way each time, or differently?

    How does the text work? If you're writing a rhetorical analysis, for example,

    you might analyze how the author uses logical appeals to support her argument and decide

    whether you think the argument is effective. If you're analyzing a creative work, consider

    things like imagery, visuals in a film, etc. If you're analyzing research, you may want to

    consider the methods and results and analyze whether the experiment is a good design.

    A mind map can be helpful to some people. Start with your central topic, andarrange smaller ideas around it in bubbles. Connect the bubbles to identify patterns and

    how things are related.[3]

    Good brainstorming can be all over the place. In fact, that can be a good way

    to start off! Don't discount any ideas just yet. Write down any element or fact that you think

    of as you examine your topic.


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    4Come up with athesis statement. The thesis statement is a sentence or two that

    summarizes the claim you will make in your paper. It tells the reader what your essay will

    be about.

    Example of a thesis statement: "The many revenges inBeowulf show thatretribution was an essential part of the Anglo-Saxon age. Furthermore, the poet's portrayal

    of these suggests that the dragon was more honorable in his act of revenge than Grendel's


    This is an analytical thesis because it examines a text and makes a particular



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    The claim is "arguable," meaning it's not a statement of pure fact that nobody

    could contest. An analytical essay takes a side and makes an argument.

    For example, "Revenge occurs many times inBeowulf" is not an analytical

    thesis statement because nobody can contest it. It isn't an argument; it's a statement of


    Make sure your thesis is narrow enough to fit the scope of your assignment.

    "Revenge inBeowulf could be a PhD dissertation, it's so broad. It's probably much too big

    for a student essay. However, arguing that one character's revenge is more honorable than

    another's is manageable within a shorter student essay.[4]

    Unless instructed to write one, avoid the "three-prong" thesis that presents

    three points to be discussed later. These thesis statements usually limit your analysis too

    much and give your argument a formulaic feel. It's okay to state generally what your

    argument will be.



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    5Find supporting evidence. Depending on your assignment, you may need to work only

    with your primary sources (the text or texts you're analyzing) or with primary and secondary

    sources, such as other books or journal articles. The assignment should tell you what typesof sources are required. Good evidence supports your claim and makes your argument

    more convincing. List out the supporting evidence, noting where you found it, and how it

    supports your claim.[5][6]

    Example of supporting evidence: To support a claim that the dragon’s

    vengeance was more righteous than Grendel's mother's, look at the passages in the poem

    that discuss the events leading up to each monster’s attack, the attacks themselves, as

    well as the reactions to those attacks.



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    6Make an outline. An outline will help structure your essay and make writing it easier. Be

    sure that you understand how long your essay needs to be. While some teachers are finewith the standard "5 paragraph essay" (introduction, 3 body paragraphs, conclusion), many

    teachers prefer essays to be longer and explore topics more in-depth. Structure your

    outline accordingly.

    If you're not quite sure how all your evidence fits together, don't worry! Making

    an outline can help you figure out how your argument should progress.

    You can also make a more informal outline that groups your ideas together in

    large groups. From there, you can decide what to talk about where.

    Your essay will be as long as it needs to be to adequately discuss your topic.A common mistake students make is to choose a large topic and then allow only 3 body

    paragraphs to discuss it. This makes essays feel shallow or rushed. Don't be afraid to

    spend enough time discussing each detail!


    Writing Your Essay


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    1Write yourintroduction. Your introduction should give your reader background

    information about your topic. Try to make your introduction engaging but not too

    overzealous. Avoid summarizing the prompt--it’s best to simply state your argument. Also

    avoid dramatic introductions (beginning an essay with a question or exclamation isgenerally best to avoid). In general, do not use the first (I) or second (you) person in your

    essay. State your thesis, generally as the last sentence in the first paragraph.

    Example introduction: Revenge was a legally recognized right in ancient

    Anglo-Saxon culture. The many revenges in the epic poemBeowulf show that retribution

    was an essential part of the Anglo-Saxon age. However, not all revenges are created alike.


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    The poet's portrayal of these revenges suggests that the dragon was more honorable in his

    act of revenge than Grendel's mother.

    This introduction gives your readers information they should know to

    understand your argument, and then presents an argument about the complexity of a

    general topic (revenge) in the poem. This type of argument can be interesting because it

    suggests that the reader needs to think about the text very carefully and not take it at face


    Avoid filler and fluff. Don't start a paragraph with huge generalizations such

    as, "In modern society" or "Throughout time." Get right to the meat of your argument.




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    Write your body paragraphs. Each body paragraph should have 1) atopic sentence, 2)

    an analysis of some part of the text and 3) evidence from the text that supports your

    analysis and your thesis statement. A topic sentence tells the reader what the body

    paragraph will be about. The analysis of the text is where you make your argument. The

    evidence you provide supports your argument. Remember that each claim you make

    should support your thesis.[7]

    Example topic sentence: The key to differentiating between the two attacks is

    the notion of excessive retribution.

    Example analysis: Grendel's mother does not simply want vengeance, as per

    the Medieval concept of ‘an eye for an eye.’ Instead, she wants to take a life for a life while

    also throwing Hrothgar’s kingdom into chaos.

    Example evidence: Instead of simply killing Aeschere, and thus enacting just

    revenge, she “quickly [snatches] up” that nobleman and, with him “tight in her clutches,”

    she leaves for the fen (1294). She does this to lure Beowulf away from Heorot so she can

    kill him as well.

    The formula "CEE" may help you remember: Claim-Evidence-Explanation.

    Whenever you present a claim, make sure you present evidence to support that

    claimand explain how the evidence relates to your claim.


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    3Know when to quote or paraphrase. Quoting means that you take the exact text and,

    placing it in quotation marks, insert it into your essay. Quoting is good when you use the

    precise wording of something to support your claim. Make sure that youuse the correct

    form of quotation, depending on if you are using MLA, APA or Chicago style.Paraphrasing,on the other hand, is when you summarize the text. Paraphrasing can be used to give

    background or compress a lot of details into a short space. It can be good if you have a lot

    of information or would need to quote a huge portion of text to convey something.[8]

    Example of a quote: Instead of simply killing Aeschere, and thus enacting just

    revenge, she “quickly [snatches] up” that nobleman and, with him “tight in her clutches,”

    she leaves for the fen (1294).


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    Example of a paraphrased sentence: The female Grendel enters Heorot,

    snatches up one of the men sleeping inside it, and runs away to the fen (1294).


    4Write your conclusion. Your conclusion is where you remind your reader of how you

    supported your argument. Some teachers also want you to make a broader connection inyour conclusion. This means that they want you to make a ‘bigger world connection’. This

    could mean stating how your argument affects other claims about the text, or how your

    claim could change the view of someone reading the text you analyzed.

    Example conclusion: The concept of an ‘eye for an eye’ was very present in

    the early Medieval world. However, by comparing the attacks of both Grendel's mother and

    the dragon, the medieval world’s perception of righteous vengeance versus unjust revenge


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    is made clear. While the dragon acts out in the only way he knows how, Grendel's mother

    attacks with evil intent.

    Example conclusion with a ‘bigger world connection’: The concept of an ‘eye

    for an eye’ was very present in the early Medieval world. However, by comparing the

    attacks of both Grendel's mother and the dragon, the medieval world’s perception of

    righteous vengeance versus unjust revenge is made clear. While the dragon acts out in the

    only way he knows how, Grendel's mother attacks with evil intent. This portrayal may

    suggest that the early Medieval world viewed women as inherently more evil than men.


    Finalizing Your Essay



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    1Proofread your essay for spelling or grammar mistakes. A paper that contains many

    mistakes generally gets a lower grade than one that has been proofread and polished. Run

    a spell check, look for run-on sentences, and check for punctuation errors. Make sure to also format your essay correctly. For example, using a 12-pt

    standard font (like Arial or Times New Roman) and 1" margins is standard.


    2Read your paper out loud. Reading out loud helps you to find places in the essay that

    might sound awkward. This is also a great way to find run-on sentences that you might not

    have noticed before.


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    3Make sure that all characters, titles, places, etc. are spelled correctly. Teachers will

    often mark you down if the name of a main character is spelled incorrectly throughout your

    paper. Go back to the text or article and confirm that your spelling is correct.

    If you are analyzing a film, look up the list of characters online. Check two orthree sources to make sure that you have the correct spelling.


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    4Read your paper as if you were your teacher. Do you get your point across clearly? Is

    the structure of your essay easy to understand? Does your paper explain why the topic



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    5Ask someone else to read your paper. Is there anything they think you should add or

    remove? Do they understand the point you are trying to make?
