Writing 101 - How to be an Effective Writer

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Transcript of Writing 101 - How to be an Effective Writer


October 15, 2014

Colegio de San Jose

Hi! I’m Jen

Lead of Search Engine Marketing,

Mavericks Web Marketing and Solutions

Social Media Manager, 8 Seconds

Web Content Writer

gplus.to/jenillecristy @jenillecristy jenillecristy@maverickswebsolutions.com

why writing matters?

WRITING 101Unveiling the Secrets of Effective Writing

The Good Things that Come with Writing

You Learn

The best way to learn is by teaching

others. This is exactly what you do when

you write. You simply impart others

whatever knowledge you possess

regarding a particular topic. You may

even have to carry out intensive research

before you start writing; thereby

continuing the learning cycle. Nothing to

lose here, is there?

You Empower Others

Depending on what topic you

choose to write on, you can help

people transform their lives.

You Become Creative

Writing requires a certain amount of

creativity. When you start writing on a

regular basis, you will force your mind to

find more creative and interesting ways

to convey your message. You’ll be

constantly looking for new, unique ways

to write about all sorts of things. You will

learn to think like a writer.

You Can Inspire Others

You never know someone might

just get inspired by your writing and

start doing something for the well-

being of the community. Wouldn’t

you be proud of yourself?

You Can Become a Source of Guidance

If you combine credible and reliable

knowledge with experience, you get

a concoction that is extremely

appreciated by the community as a

whole. Over time, your reputation will

build up and people will start to look

up to you for guidance.

You Can Earn Money

Writing provides a great way to earn some

extra cash, or if you grow to become a

large portal, then lots of cash.

Writing is a valuable skill!

Knowing how to convey your message into writing in a clear manner is a skill. You may have to develop this over-time, but this is a skill that will be innate to you.

“Write not to impress, but to express!”

Let’s Begin!

WRITING 101Unveiling the Secrets of Effective Writing


1. Expository Writing

Expository writing is a subject-oriented writing style, in which the main

focus of the author is to tell you about a given topic or subject, and

leave out his personal opinions.

1. Expository writing usually explains something in a process

2. Expository writing is often equipped with facts and figures

3. Expository writing is usually in a logical order and sequence

| Expository Writing

2. Descriptive Writing

Descriptive writing is a style of writing which focuses on describing a

character, an event or a place in great details. It is sometimes poetic in

nature in which the author is specifying the details of the event rather than just the information of that event happened.

|Descriptive Writing

3. Persuasive Writing

Persuasive writing, unlike ‘Expository Writing’, contains the opinions, biasness and justification of the author. Persuasive writing is a type of writing which contains justifications and reasons to make someone believe on the point the writer is talking about.

• Persuasive writing is equipped with reasons, arguments and justifications

• In persuasive writing, the author takes a stand and asks you to believe his point of view.

• If often asks for a call or an action from the readers.

|Persuasive Writing

4. Narrative Writing

Narrative writing is a type of writing in which the author places himself as the

character and narrates you to the story.

• In narrative writing, a person, being a narrative, tells a story or event.

• Narrative writing has characters and dialogues in it.

• Narrative writing has definite and logical beginnings, intervals and endings.

• Narrative writing often has situations like disputes, conflicts, actions,

motivational events, problems and their solutions.

|Narrative Writing


1. The story of your life.

2. A book that has changed your life.

3. If you could invent something.

4. The place you want to go.

5.Write a 300-word article on these topics:


“There are two kinds of people: Those who think they can write, and those who think they can’t.

And, very often, both are wrong.”

the tools you need

the traits you need

1. You must find people interesting.

2. You should love reading.

3. You should be observant.

4. You should be introspective.

5. You should be analytical.

6. You should have a gift with words.

7. You should have self discipline.

8. You should be able to rewrite.

9. Ability to take criticism.

10. You must be able to stomach rejection.


WRITING FORMATS1. The Inverted Pyramid

WRITING FORMATS2. The Basic Article Writing Format


1. Writing Enhancement Training And Workshop2. Things You Love about Being an Ilonggo3. What Makes Student Life Enjoyable?4. My Dreams and Aspirations5. The Superhero I Want to Become6. Things I Love about My Crush

Write a 400-word article on these topics: