WRITE-VOICE Dubbing Script

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Transcript of WRITE-VOICE Dubbing Script

(Write-Voice CLASS B - less lines) RUBI – Episode 115 – Page 1 of 36




NARRATOR:(OFF CAMERA) An original work by Yolanda Vargas Dulche: Rubi.


2. BUENAVENTURA HOSPITAL. RUBI’S ROOM.(action on screen)RUBI:(off) //Where am I

CRISTINA:(off)^ You are here in the hospital

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RUBI:What happened to me and why do I have this on my face huh

CRISTINA:(on-off)/Nonono Rubi, no you can’t take that off

RUBI:and why NOT It feels so horrible -

CAYETANO:(off-on)Rubi/ yesterday when you fell you cut your face badly and so,you needed to have surgery

RUBI:v^And what happened to my face huh

CRISTINA:(off-in)Rubi, you are fortunate to be alive but you know^

RUBI:(anxious)What What Cristina tell me now^

CRISTINA:,^An artery burst and you were bleeding to death so, to save your life the doctors had no choice and, they had to amputate your leg from the knee down

RUBI:(*Cayetano R)/(screams) NO AH! ^No this can’t be happening to me! ^This is not* true there is no way I can be crippled! ^What have they done to ME! ^NO!** no no no don’t touch me just leave me!^Go away*** go away (panting and sobbing)

CRISTINA:(off) **Rubi I beg you to please calm down

CAYETANO:(Rubi R)***Rubi! RuBI!, You should be glad you’re alive, Not everybody is lucky to get a second chance just like youCan’t you see that?

RUBI:I prefer to be dead than to live as a crIPPLE! ^(big sigh)^^v^

3. DE LA FUENTE FAMILY MANSION. LIVING ROOM. (ES)MARIBEL:(off-on),The doctors had to do some stitches on her wounds that her face is still bandaged till now

ELENA:Mm, She is so fortunate to have survived that dreadful accident ha

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MARIBEL:(*Elena R)(off-on)Yes that’s true but uhm, she landed on her leg Elena,Alejandro explained to me that they tried to save the leg, but it was *impossible/ ^ They had no choice but to amputate the leg from the knee** down

ELENA:**OH, truth is^(tsk), In spite of everything I never wished for this to happen to her

MARIBEL:I don’t want that too, ^ She’s so conceited that she’ll surely feel terrible about this


MARIBEL:(off-on)That’s why I asked Alejandro to attend to her to do his best to help her

ELENA:How noble you are/I don’t know if I could do that after all the trouble she caused

MARIBEL:(*Elena R)I did that because, I no longer have doubts that Alejandro loves no one but me*,and Rubi is merely a patient who just needs his services as a doctor, nothing more

4. BUENAVENTURA HOSPITAL. RUBI’S ROOM. (ES)RUBI:(off-on)/ You didn’t kill Hector/ but you got your vengeance with me//I know that you cut off my leg on purpose

ALEJANDRO:I’m extremely sad to hear you say that, ^ I did the impossible just to make you survive

RUBI:You should have allowed me to die

ALEJANDRO:(off-on)/Rubi the world was kind to you/And that’s something you never valued /^ Be thankful your life has been saved/ So stop feeling bad

RUBI:What’s my face going to look like with these awful gashes

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ALEJANDRO:For the inflammation of the wounds to subsidewe’ll have to wait for a some weeks, after which a plastic surgeon will be able to help you

RUBI:I'm going to be just fine/ And no I don’t care how many times,I’ll have surgery for my scars/ And I’ll do everything I can to get the money for the procedures// and I will get the services of all the finest doctors/^ Yes I will be beautiful once again, I don’t care what it takes

ALEJANDRO:It’s sad that after everything that you have been through/you still haven’t realized that the beauty which is important/ is beauty from inside Rubi(Rubi R)(exits)

RUBI:,Oh no you haven’t heard the end of this /^ I swear to you, you haven’t heard the end of this


CRISTINA:Rubi is feeling so desperate Marco^

MARCO:,That’s expected, because forgive me for what I'm about to saybut the only thing that your sister had, was her beauty (Cristina R)

CAYETANO://I tried to make her appreciate the fact that at least she was givena second opportunity of being alive

CRISTINA:Cayetano (kiss) (Marco R)

CAYETANO:By the way Marco ^,I saw one of those posters THE campaign for the donation of corneas

MARCO:It’s an effective campaign/ We’ve been receiving lots of inquiriesfrom people who are interested to donate their organs

CAYETANO:Well last night in the hospital while we were waiting for Rubi to wake up, well me and Cristina, agreed when I go// I'm going to, I will donate,all of my organs

MARCO:Is that true Cayetano

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CAYETANO:Yes, Yes because that way, even in my death^/ I can still help through my organs and, save some lives (Cristina kisses him)(Marco R)


IGNACIO:(off-on), A couple of weeks from now, we are celebrating our anniversary

MARIBEL:OH Congratulations Mrs Carla

CARLA:You know you should get married as well


CARLA:(off is Maribel and Alejandro R)(off-on)It feels so great and happy,to live with the man that you love most

IGNACIO:Oh my love (chuckle)

CARLA:(off is Maribel and Alejandro R),Come now Ignacio ^I saw flowers over there and guess what,(off) they are my favorites

IGNACIO: (off is Maribel and Alejandro R)(off-on)Oh my love you’d be kidding if you thinkI would forget what your favorite flowers are

CARLA:(*Ignacio R),Thank you for remembering,all the things that are very important and dear to me*^ Well, let’s go and see the flowers

IGNACIO:(off is Alejandro R)Yes,* (off)Excuse me We’ll be right back

MARIBEL:(off is Alejandro R)(off)*Haha, Of course (Ignacio and Clara exit) (Maribel R)(Alejandro sits)

ALEJANDRO:My love can you imagine what a wedding anniversary would be for us?

MARIBEL:/Come on

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ALEJANDRO:(*Maribel laughs)Oh all right* okay FINE okay fine// I really would like to marry you/(off) Will you say yes?

MARIBEL:/Yes Alejandro/ ^ Yes I want to with all my heart and soul (kissing)

(Sunset shot)


MRS LOLA:(off-on),Rubi once said that this apartment is going to be her gift to her niece Fernanda

CAYETANO:Well we’re not going to accept this gift from her

CRISTINA:(*Cayetano R)I thank God that Alejandro offered to shoulder all of the, bills from the hospital^ because if not, I really don’t know what to do,*^ This apartment’s all that’s left of the assets of Rubi

FERNANDA:(*Cayetano R, Cristina R)This apartment belongs to me now ^it is a present from my Aunt Rubi ^* Then someday I'm going to have a house with a pool and it will be bigger

CAYETANO:(*Fernanda R)(stands)// My darling // all of the material things, and all the riches that one may have, are not that important my love ^* What is actually important my dear^/is the goodness you see in everyone’s heart^ /*and all the things you’ve earned, through honest and hard work^(Cristina R, kiss and Fernanda R)

8. BUENAVENTURA HOSPITAL. RUBI’S ROOM. (ES)(Loreto tense and tearful)(Rubi proud)

RUBI:(off is Loreto R)///^Why are you here/ (off-on) So you could make fun of me?/or ask for payment

LORETO:(off-on)/Rubi^v^v, I didn’t come to fight (panting) I-I came to see how you were^v

RUBI:(*Loreto R)You want to see how I’m doing// (lifts sheet, Loreto shocked)(off-on)It’s so shocking right?//*, But believe it or not/I’m going to get over all this bad luck */ and I swear I’ll make all of you beg on your knees

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LORETO:(sigh)Rubi^v^v^,if there’s someone who has to be sorry for all she’s done^,well it’s you my darling

RUBI:^,You know what Loreto/ I'm in no mood to listen to sermons,^least of all yours

LORETO: (*Rubi R)(variation in delivery)You know that life is full of paybacks Rubi^v^ / You’re paying for the bad things you did in the past v ^ *You fell down from the top of the stairway v^v^and a hemorrhage has cost you to lose your leg *(sniff)v^v just like what happened to Sonia and Hector v^*Don’t you realize that my darling?

RUBI:(*Loreto R)No/^ I've got to get an operation*/ I've got to do whatever I can,so I won’t turn into a cripple

LORETO:But how ^ v^

9. DE LA FUENTE FAMILY MANSION. LIVING ROOM. (ES)ELISA:(*Ignacio, Carla/ Alejandro, Maribel R)(off-on),Alejandro, I’m really hoping that from this moment on, we can put all our misgivings behind us, *because you’re going to marry Maribel/ and I'd like to treat you the way you’ve always been kept in my heart/ like a son of mine

ALEJANDRO:(*Arturo, Elena R)Of course I will Mrs Elisa^, Mr Arturo/ *^ I’m going to make your daughter very happy I promise you that/ Because Maribel is my life now

MARIBEL:(chuckle)I’m really so PLEASED Alejandro *(Arturo & Elisa R)

CARLA:(off-on)*^ I love seeing people who are extremely contented^ So what’s with the happy faces?(Alejandro & Maribel R)

IGNACIO:,Because Alejandro AND Maribel are getting married

CARLA:(*Alejandro & Maribel R)(gasps) Are you two going to get married as well?*, You see I'm going to get married to my boyfriend Ignacio

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IGNACIO:*Well then let us all make a toastto the happiness of Maribel and Alejandro and,to me and my girlfriend what do you say ha (kiss)

MARIBEL:*Ohhhh how lovely**huh, thank you***

ALEJANDRO:*Oooooooohhhhhhhh, Thank you very much

ELISA:**Here you are

IGNACIO:**Here you go son.

ARTURO:Let’s make a toast

CARLA:***Thank you

ELISA:Let’s see


ALEJANDRO:*Cheers to you cheers

ARTURO:*Here’s to you to you and you cheers to you


ELISA:**Cheers to the lovers

10. BUENAVENTURA HOSPITAL. RUBI’S ROOM. (Loreto tense and tearful)

LORETO:,You used to make so much fun of Maribel^v^, and well now, look at this,* (sobs)

RUBI:(off-on) *Just get out Loreto

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RUBI:(fighting back tears)(*Loreto R)I don’t want to see you ever again/^ I'm going to be just fine/ I've been getting in touch with Jorge Flores ^, and I know that he’s going to say, that I'm going to be as beautiful / and very fortunate /*^I’ll be just the way I always was So you better leave

LORETO:(*Rubi R)The psychic did not tell -// You’re absolutely right///they say that one only learns from ones own mistakes// I don’t want the same *thing to happen to me// I'm going to change

RUBI:(*Loreto R)(off-on)It’s a little late for that don’t you think so,^ Or have you just forgotten that you were my accomplice in everything that I did, *In everything Loreto

LORETO:But it’s never too late, to change for the betterYou should be doing the same thing you know

RUBI:(off is Loreto R),Come over here Loreto/ Come/ (off-on) Come closer to me and don’t be frightened, I won’t do you any harm /(Loreto approaches frightened)/No/ I won’t repent for anything/ *and it’s pretty clear now that fate wants me alive/ so I’ll live my life*planning for my revenge/ *And if Alejandro isn’t the man for me/ he wont be for anyone

LORETO:(in between pants)/R-R-Rubi/// Rubi (sniff)// Rubi (Rubi R - sobs)


MRS LOLA:Well happiness is never complete am I right (Onesimo R)

CAYETANO: (Cristin R)(off-on)/And why do you say so Mrs Lola

MRS LOLA:(off-on)Because of a very sad story that was told to me by my Onesimo

CAYETANO:Mrs Lola you can say things openly because Cristina knows what’ll happen to me later on

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ONESIMO:Well that’s GOOD because my Dolores,I don’t think she’s capable of keeping her mouth shut

CAYETANO:(off-on) I’m just fine/^and I don’t want anyone to ever talk about my illness anymore/^ I don’t want to see any sad faces

ONESIMO:OH sure very easy to say so how should we look now

CAYETANO:(off on) I think, I always want to see you contented /^ that I've accepted my fate now/ Just look at Rubi she may still be alive but ^ she just cries over her loss instead of appreciating the more valuable things she still possesses^ I do not want to be bitter like her and, on the contrary /I’ll keep thanking the good Lord for this most beautiful family that I've got^ (kiss)

FERNANDA:(off-on)Hey look at my dress now don’t I look just beautiful

CAYETANO:(off) Ahahaha*haHA

MRS LOLA:*OH how **LOVEly, FerNANda,


CAYETANO:(*Cristina R)(**off and Cristina R)(while carrying)Look at this most beautiful little lady^Uuhhm Excuse me, would you give me the honor*of this dance my darling, Your hand here little girl, Ready now/ Let’s dance^ (sings) tA,taritate,**tata,taritate,***tat-tara,tat-tara,tat-tara, tat-ta

MRS LOLA:***How lovely// I really think you’re going to have /to dance with me now On my big wedding day uh* CayeTANO Yes?

CAYETANO:(while putting down Fernanda)*Oh hahaHA,And why wait until the wedding**come on over here MRS LOLA:**Oh really right this minute?

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CAYETANO:Come and *let’s practice it now your hand here my hand over there, no your hand up here ready now?, and a one,and a two and a three i-cha, cha cha cha cha cha cha

MRS LOLA:*Oh/ Yes, I, Ah, oh down there oh no up here Yes/ One two three

12. TENEMENT. YARD.(action on screen – Lola, Cayetano and crowd)


CAYETANO:(off-on)//Now Onesimo its your turn to dance with your *beautiful wife

PACO:*Nonononononono oh pardon me pardon me First the bride has to dance with her beloved son so come over here ma’am dance with me**first

ONESIMO:**OH well then I’ll dance with the little blondie ha

LORENA:(Watch out for Cristina R)ALL* right now-

MARIQUITA:(*Onesimo R)(**Cayetano, Elena R)(off-on) *Psst Uh Come right here*/ Wanna dance with me now*/(off-on)COME on, come on, you know it’s my turn to dance with you sir (laughs) Come and dance with me **hahahaha, TA,RA (laughs) MARCO:It really feels good that Mrs Lola got married now, She always said that one day she will finally meet her Prince Charming


MRS LOLA:Lend me my new husband now BECAUSE I haven’t danced with him yet(Mariquita R)

CAYETANO:Come on my girl


ONESIMO:(*Alejandro, Maribel, Marco R)(off-on),*Oh my love, see now, I got into the arms of everyone ahehehe

Brando and Irene, 03/19/07,
Cannot find this on video
Brando and Irene, 03/19/07,
unsure about who delivered the line

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MARIQUITA:(Watch out for Maribel, Marco, Alejandro R)(off-on)// Hey cute doctor, come and dance with me now, I know you I know you neither have a date nor a lover^you’re lonesome in this planet, *come on quick, come and dance with me

MARIBEL:*OH hahaha**ha


MARCO:,With so much pleasure

MARIBEL:What a beautiful pair HA ah (Marco, Mariquita R)

13. BUENAVENTURA HOSPITAL. RUBI’S ROOM. (ES, action on screen – Rubi)DOCTOR LARA:(off-on-off)That’s good you’re moving about and you’re eager to walk,You know the sooner you begin with -

RUBI:(off-on)It’s so easy for you to say that right, doctor, ^Don’t you see my total condition

DOCTOR LARA:,Very soon you’re going to be able to undergo therapy ^And you’ll be able to walk so much better^And when you get your pros*thesis -

RUBI:*What I'm really so sick of are these bandages on my face!When will they take this away

DOCTOR LARA:The plastic surgeon is coming tomorrow


DOCTOR LARA:/YES tomorrow you’ll get the opinion of an *expert -

RUBI:*You know what doctor, I'm going to be fine, ^Now leave me I want to be alone ^I don’t want anybody to see me walking like this Get out of here!, no more guests

DOCTOR LARA:Well excuse me (exits)

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RUBI:(voice-over)Tomorrow, I’m going to see my face again / There’s no one,who is as beautiful as I am/ and I'm going to be stunning as always


MRS LOLA:And we’re going to have another wedding after this one^because we just found out that very soon our handsome doctor is getting married to Maribel


MRS LOLA:*our best wishes Congratulations

ALEJANDRO:*(chuckle) Mrs Lola thank you very much

MRS LOLA:,^And we’ll be seeing you at your wedding right?

MARIBEL:But of course you will

ONESIMO:Well now, surely we wouldn’t want to offend you by not going to your wedding although we haven’t been invited you know* haha

MARIBEL:(off-on)*Nonono certainly you’ll be invited*We would be very happy to see the both of you on our wedding day


LORENA:(off-on)You two really look happyThat I'm starting to feel like I want to get married *as well


PACO:*OH NO nonono You said we’ll try living together firstSo then why the hurry

LORENA:Oh now that I'm considering marriage What’s the matter? (Paco R)

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ONESIMO:(*All laugh)Ah watch out watch out watch out That’s the way it startslike humidity it slowly seeps *IN seeps IN (laughs)

CAYETANO:Well I've been very happy being with Cristina/I learned just to live day after day enjoying each single second (kiss 3x) (Alejandro, Maribel R)(kiss)

MARIQUITA:(off) It’s time for the bride and groom to cut the cake

ONESIMO:Ahahaay, *come on come on (more dialogue unavailable in script)

MARIQUITA:*Come come on here and you both cut the cake Come over here NOW, come on (time lapse) (newlyweds cut the cake, guests cheer and applaud) GUESTS:BRAVO


MRS LOLA:*BRAVO, Kiss now, Kiss now, Kiss now, Kiss now, Kiss now (kiss)

GUESTS:(**Onesimo R)Kiss now, Kiss now, **Kiss now, Kiss now, Kiss now, Kiss now, Kiss now, (couple kisses) AAAY!

(Sunset shot)(Mexico City panorama shot)(Outside Buenaventura Hospital)

15. BUENAVENTURA HOSPITAL. RUBI’S ROOM.(ES, action on screen, Jorge enters)

RUBI:(off is Jorge R)(off)Jorge / (on) I thought you were never going to come here/ Have you seen what I've become^ Do you think that I deserve this/I need you to tell me that I'm going to be just fine^that all this is going to pass

JORGE:Rubi you remember ^I gave you the opportunity so many timesreminding you to change your ways, ^yet you never listened to what I told you

RUBI:Of course I did listen to you

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JORGE:(off-on)You’re well aware that that isn’t true/^ and here you are now You are suffering from the consequences of your past behavior

RUBI:The past is no longer important Jorge

JORGE:^ On the contrary Rubi, ^ your past has made you like this

RUBI:NO ^You know I cannot remain like this, Can you just try to help me

JORGE:(*Rubi R)There’s nothing I can do you know that, Uhuh, You see our beauty and our youth are just lent to us Rubi,* (sigh)Though I truly wish you may be reincarnatedinto a much better person,^one who values all the opportunities that life gives her

RUBI:Don’t you ever say that Jorge^

JORGE:Goodbye Rubi, Remember that happiness my friend, isn’t in riches, but in how you live your life

RUBI: (*Jorge R)Get out of here^Leave me! Leave me I don’t want to hear any of your *nonsense! ^Go away because I'm going to be just fine and what you just said isn’t true*!^Leave ME! I'm going to be just fine!^v^I'm going to be fine!^(big sigh)

(Mexico City dawn shot)


RUBI:(off-on), ^At what time is the plastic surgeon coming over^I can’t stand all these bandages they just make me sickER^ v ^It’s time to see my face now^

CRISTINA:Well I’ll go and ask although^ instead of you being so upset, I suggest that you be more relaxed they’ll be removing the bandage

RUBI:(angry/sarcastic)YES Cristina I'm so relaxed now isn’t it obvious^v

CRISTINA:Okay I’ll go ask (exits)

(Rubi gets out of bed, gets a mirror, takes the bandages off frantically)

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17. BUENAVENTURA HOSPITAL.(Rubi hysterical)

RUBI: (*Cristina R)(off), NO ^*No No But why oh no but why^

RUBI: (off is Cristina R)(off)HU^Look at my face Cristina why is it like THIS ^HU^This cannot be ME oh WHY

18. DE LA FUENTE FAMILY MANSION. GARDEN. (action on screen)

LORETO:/^MariBEheheL ^Hello ^Go and play my sweetheart,^I heard you are getting married so I’m offering my designing services to you

MARIBEL:What gave you that notion Loreto, such nerve to even come and see me

LORETO:,Well now Maribel what’s in the past is now gone so, let’s forget it now^

MARIBEL:There are things that can’t be left in the past,So please I want you to leave my house and don’t come back,You have no business here neither Rubi

LORETO:Rubi and I are not friends anymore

MARIBEL:(*Loreto R)^I’m not surprised why you’re not since her fate has turned around because you’re really just like her*, ^Get out, because hiring you would be the last thing I’d consider

LORETO:B-but I beg you Maribel/Lately business has been bad/ My creations haven’t been selling like before And if you don’t want me to make your dress I understand you/ But can you at least recommend me to your friends and associates

MARIBEL:(*Loreto R)No, ^Perhaps you never really did anything, but remaining silent and being an accomplice of Rubi is enough for me*, Don’t you realize none of this would’ve happened if you’ve been truthful/^Get out Loreto, Get out or I’ll tell the security to throw you *out of here

LORETO:*Oh no please no

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CRISTINA:(tearful),^ I beg you Alejandro please talk to Rubi*^

ALEJANDRO:*Cristina you know I've tried to but she doesn’t want to see me

CRISTINA:Well now that she’s seen her face all the more she won’t want to^Well the plastic surgeon said that all her scars are uh^(sigh)what’s that word now^ Keloidic What’s that one?

ALEJANDRO:It happens to scars in some situations, It produces more noticeable marks

CRISTINA:(sigh)AleJANdro but then is there something you can do for her She’s so devastated^

ALEJANDRO:(*Cristina R)Your sister will to have to wait for about a year before surgery /But Cristina, although the*scars will lessen because of the problem with her skin, the scars will be visible even after surgery


MARCO:(enters)I've just been told that Rubi escaped from the hospital


ALEJANDRO:Maribel/ *Rubi’s capable of harming her you know


20. OUTSIDE TENEMENT. (action on screen)

FERNANDA:,And why can’t I go to the beach with you ha

ONESIMO:(off-on)OH BECAUSE we’re now going on our honeymoon

CAYETANO:That’s a trip for people who have just gotten married and that’s what they both are

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MRS LOLA:(off-on)*Just like me, I’ve just gotten married to Onesimo Segundo Raboso

ONESIMO:That’s right and mighty proud of it *(chuckle)

MRS LOLA:(off)*Yes

FERNANDA:*I'm going to get married also

MRS LOLA:(off) Really

CAYETANO:OH YES my love (kiss) when you’re a grown lady, you’ll also get married and you too will go on your own honeymoon (kiss)


ALEJANDRO:You haven’t noticed anyone yet? Okay just keep an eye out for her (exits)(Rubi’s crutches appear)


ALEJANDRO:(off is Maribel R)(off-on)// Are you all right

MARIBEL:Yes, ^And just like you instructed the guards didn’t let go of Loreto



ALEJANDRO://(Off-on)Where is Rubi?

LORETO:(stands) I-I have already been telling Maribelthat I don’t even have the slightest idea

ALEJANDRO:Don’t lie now, You’ve been her friend and accomplice all of her life

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LORETO:(*struggle)^But now noooo *^we just fought -

ALEJANDRO:(*Loreto R)You’re lying to me now, if you ever come near Maribel again I swear you’ll be sorry,* And you tell Rubi that we’ll be on the lookout for her

LORETO:(terrified)Well I swear that I don’t know where she is I swear to you

ALEJANDRO:You’d better not be lying/ Now get out of here, go away! (pushes Loreto)

LORETO:(cries)(pushed away) ^ Giorgio // Excuse me,(off)I’m sorry, I know the way out I know the way out!

MARIBEL:What happened tell me what’s going on now

ALEJANDRO:(sigh)My love I prefer to take all kinds of precautions^

MARIBEL:You really think we’re in danger don’t you

ALEJANDRO:(*Maribel R)I’m not sure my love, ^but it’s you whom I have to protect*, What’s for sure is that Rubi’s very sick and that she’s going insane/^It’s better for us to be very careful

MARIBEL:(*Alejandro R)Alejandro I'm not worried about what could possibly happen to me* ^,you’re the one who has to be careful my love ^,Rubi is obsessed and surely crazy over you (Alejandro R)


24. PHONE BOOTH / DE LA FUENTE FAMILY MANSION. (hooded Rubi on pay phone)


RUBI:Although your house is totally surrounded by bodyguards, Some day you’re going to let your guard down / You’re never, going to feel easy your whole life.

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MARIBEL:What do you want? ^ Why’r you saying that to me now? ^

ALEJANDRO:(approach to snatch phone) I assure you that I'm not going to allow you to bother her -

RUBI:(on the line) Alejandro / I love you / (on) You know you’re mine, I love you and that’s forever. (hangs up) (phone conv end)(Alejandro R)

MARIBEL:(while sitting, shocked) Oh God, She threatened me now,She said I won’t ever be able to feel easy.

ALEJANDRO:My love she said that so you’ll be frightened, ^but I'm here with you^and I'm never going to allow her to hurt you.

MARIBEL:Alejandro, let’s go now to New York Please I beg you let’s get away from Rubi.

ALEJANDRO:MariBEL, if we’re going, it’s not because we’re scared / If we’re going it should be because we’re convinced that it’s really most convenient for us.

MARIBEL:(sigh)I'm so frightened.

ALEJANDRO:Neither Rubi nor anyone can hurt you now./I'm going to defend you with my life if necessary. / *Calm down. (kiss forhead, smack)

MARIBEL:*Alejandro. (both embrace)


25. MARTINEZ FAMILY HOME.(ES)(tearful thru out)CAYETANO:My love / do you know that, I feel that I'm really prepared to die now?



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,Yes it’s true / I’ve never felt so good with all of you here ^, with God / with my life / ^ I'm sure that when death comes along / I'm going to receive it peacefully. // I want to ask one more favor.

CRISTINA:^ Whatever you want my love.

CAYETANO:,(long^) When the time comes for me to go / I want you to hug me, VERY tight and^, just tell me over and over and over again, that you love me.

CRISTINA:, Yes Cayetano ^ I love you and I'm going to love you all my life(both kiss)

CAYETANO:Cristina^ / I’ll pass away happy, peaceful, and with all of the love that you have offered, (big^)but I want you to always open your heart to a brand new love.

CRISTINA:Oh no no Cayetano don’t ask me that favor *^ noo

CAYETANO:*I'm only telling you that I love you VERY much /^ That I'd like you to be able to start a new life again my love.(Cristina big sigh) Embrace me now my love / please hold me. (both hug)

(shot of dawn)


CRISTINA:(while stretching) Cayetano / (sigh), Cayetano //(whispery) Cayetano (Cayetano’s dead)/// Cayetano, my love. (while sobbing) Cayetano no ^ No I love you No ^ Noooo I love you I love youuuu my love! ^ I love you I love yooouuu huhuhu

27. BUENAVENTURA HOSPITAL. ALEJANDRO’S CONSULTING OFFICE. (ES)MARCO:(off-on), Alejandro, what happened with the offer they gave you to go and work over there in New York? / Did you accept it?

ALEJANDRO:I talked it over with Maribel and she agrees with it ^ so then, I will accept it.

MARCO:,That’s good / Although we’re going to miss you here at the hospital.

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ALEJANDRO:Well and you?

MARCO:Me as usual, the good friend of everyone, and the boyfriend of no one. (both laugh) ^ oooh but it doesn’t matter, Elena is a great friend and I'm very pleased to be able to help her in her pregnancy.

ALEJANDRO:And Cris*tina?

MARCO:*And Cristina -


MARCO:Cristina knows that she’s going to be able to count on me always.


29. MAUSOLEUM. AREA OF THE CRYPTS. [SERIES OF FLASHBACKS] (ES – building, shot of crypt)(action on screen – Alejandro)(flashback on)ALEJANDRO:(off-on)No I know you very well Hector as soon as the bills arrive you always end up paying them all^And besides I already owe you money

HECTOR: (off is Alejandro R in mausoleum)You don’t owe me anything What’s up with you We’re like brothers. (off) I mean I really like to help you. (flashback off)(Alejandro R)

(flashback on)HECTOR:(off-on)Alejandro if you’re going because of the argument we had I’d like -

ALEJANDRO:Nooo nooo, You know for me our friendship is sacred.//We’ve spent so many years now treating each other like real brothers. (flashback off)(Alejandro R)

(flashback on)(Alejandro and Hector hugging)(flashback off)

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ALEJANDRO:/You know what Hector? / Today I'm getting married to Maribel, and I know you’d like to know that she’s going to be very happy (reacts to stranger stalking)/ And that Rubi wasn’t able to destroy our lives.

30. TENEMENT. MARTINEZ FAMILY HOME. LIVING ROOM. (ES)ELENA:Marco just told me THAT, you’re going to go to the wedding with him.

CRISTINA:Hmm yes (long^) Today for the first time ever since Cayetano was gone,I'm going out to a party.

ELENA: (*Cristina “hmm”)Hmm well I do think you should ^ because you can’t go on mourning this way all your life*, Cristina ^, I know how much you loved Cayetano and so did he / but don’t feel guilty about having the opportunity to start a new life again.

CRISTINA:Uhmm I don’t know, I'm still so confused now*^

ELENA:*Forgive me, for interfering but, but Marco and I have become very good friends, and I'd really like to help him out.

CRISTINA:/It’s still too soon Elena hmm, I don’t know what’s going to happen,**but -

ELENA:**Promise me, that you’ll always go out / without feeling that you’re betraying the love of Cayetano / Because that love was very beautiful / but he isn’t here now // And life is offering you once more another chance to love. (Cristina R)


32. OUTSIDE CARDENAS FAMILY MANSION. (action on screen – Alejandro and Carla, car leaves)

RUBI:(off-on)/The day has arrived Alejandro / So I guess today you want to marry that witch!

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CRISTINA:put on the dress she wants please *will you.

MRS LOLA:*Yes. (stands to exit)

FERNANDA:/Is my Aunt^Rubi going to the wedding?

CRISTINA:,No my love, I guess she won’t.

ONESIMO:Come here, Come come come May I have her?, (while carrying)*Come on my little cupid girl Let’s put on that dress so you’ll look real beautiful right now hmm?, Oohh! (both exit)

CRISTINA:*(chuckle) Yes. (Cristina R, knocking, Cristina stands, door opens)

CRISTINA:^ Hello Marco (big smile) // *(beso)

MARCO:*(beso) How nice to see you smiling again, What’s going on?

CRISTINA:^ Well it’s THAT I'm happy to see you here, Come in.

MARCO:Thank you. (Cristina R, Marco R)


NORA:Your baby is so lovely ^ He has brought me so much joy.

ELENA:Hmm I'm also so happy with him mother.

NORA:I’m happy for you sweetheart, ^ Now I realize all the years I’ve lost being far away from you.

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ELENA:Nooo let’s not talk about that *anymore huh.

NORA:*No please really I do want to^, ‘cause though you forgave me now^, I haven’t admitted that I was wrong in allowing you to take care of your little sister^, when you were just a little girl.

ELENA:Mother, that’s all over now.

NORA:Nooo / I didn’t know how to be a good mother honestly(sniff) That’s why our reconciliation ^ has given me another chance to make it up to you my DEAR, and my GRANDSON. (baby R – hehe)


DOCTOR LARA:(off-on)// Alejandro, I wish you all the best in your marriage, and in your profession, and that you continue to be successful in New York.

ALEJANDRO:Believe me I'll give it my best effort. (hug and pat)

SABRINA:(while hug)Doctor congratulations.

ALEJANDRO:(while hug) Mmmwah Thank you very much.

MARCO:Hey AlejanDRO! (while hug) I don’t know what to say to you,I can see the glow in your face and I really feel happy for you* / Congratulations brother

ALEJANDRO:*Marco thank you very much, Thank you.

CRISTINA:Congratulations**(kiss) Alejandro.

ALEJANDRO:**(kiss) Cristina, Thank you very much.

FERNANDA:Do you like my new dress? I’m just like a princess.

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ALEJANDRO:(while carrying)Of course you are! And you’re the one and only lovely princess in the entire party! Mmmmmmmwah! ------------------------------(watch out adlibs for all)

ELISA:*Oohh Thank you for coming (beso), Oh**Genaro

MAN:Thank you for inviting us.

IGNACIO:*Hello hi Thank you very much. Thank you.

GENARO:**Ignacio, Ignacio come look here this is my grandson hehe

IGNACIO:What a pretty boy! // Congratulations Elena

CARLA:Oh Sir what a beautiful baby^What’s his name huh?

GENARO:Hector Hector just like his father* (laugh)^ You don’t know how happy this baby**has made me huh?

ELENA:*Mrs Elisa Mrs Elisa Hello. (beso with Elisa)

IGNACIO:**I’m sure He’s such a joy.

ELISA:Oh me too Please let me***carry him Genaro Ooh imagine a little baby grandson in my arms^Oh look he’s just like Hector

GENARO:***Okay all right it’s your turn go on with pretty grandmaaaaa. ----------------------------------(watch out adlibs for all)(group laughing)

VICTORIA:(off) My son!

PACO:(while scurrying)Mother!*, Mom what a surprise to see you! (both huh)

VICTORIA:(off) *My love.

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VICTORIA:My sweetheart!

LORENA:Mrs Gallegos why didn’t you tell us you were coming now?

VICTORIA:(while hugging)I wasn’t sure I'd be able to make IT ^ but finally I was able to get a flight mmwah I'm really overjoyed to be at this wedding (Lola chuckle) And you two my children / When will you surprise me with a wedding?

MRS LOLA:(long^) That’s what I’ve been asking ^Even I have beaten them.(Onesimo chuckle)

VICTORIA:You’re married right now?

ONESIMO: (Lola R)Ooohh with yours truly dear madam.


ONESIMO:Onesimo Segundo Raboso and I’m here at your service,*dear madam (kiss hand)

VICTORIA:*I’m Victoria Gallegos

ONESIMO:Pleased to meet you.

VICTORIA:(while hug)the mother of Paco.


MRS LOLA:Well you’re the one who brought him into this world right?^But you know to be honest^I make sure I’d keep an eye, So whenever you’re not around I take the role of a foster mother for our dear Paco.

ONESIMO:,So then that means I'm like his father*then right?


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VICTORIA:Thank you very much**thank you very much.

ONESIMO:**Oooh look.

MRS LOLA:Aaahh! The bride has now arrived! Hey The bride is here now! -----------------------(applause, watch out adlibs for all)

MARIBEL:(sigh) Fahter this is it // Hi there.

ELISA:MariBEL, Oh you look so lovely.

IGNACIO:ou look so beautiful my dear.

MARIBEL:Oh, thank you very much Mr Ignacio.

ARTURO:And I'm really happy to hand her over to a man like your son.

IGNACIO:Thank you Arturo.

ELISA:^ They’re going to be a couple as happy as you and I.

MARIBEL:Ooohhh Thank you Elisa God will make it happen.

ELISA:Of course He will. -----------------------------(watch out adlibs for all)(all applaud and cheer)

VICTORIABravo Maribel! / Oh you’re exquisitely beautiful!

MARIBEL:Thank you thank you /Oh hehehe ^ Father?

ARTURO:Right here behind you

MARIBEL:Oh I’m nervous

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ARTURO:We’re almost there

MARIBEL:(chuckle) I know ^ (crowd walking towards church)

36. CHURCH. (action on screen – walk down the aisle, watch out All R)

ALEJANDRO:(from afar to Arturo) Thank you /// You look beautiful.

MARIBEL:/I can’t believe it my love, ^ We’re finally going to be together, forever. (Alejandro R, Maribel R, door slightly opens)

PRIEST:(off) In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.



PRIEST: (watch out all R)We have all been gathered here today, so that our Lord, before the minister of the Church, and before this religious community,will bless, this sacred love, that you both, have for each other living in you Alejandro, and in you Maribel, May the Lord bless your love. (Fernanda R)

ALEJANDRO:Maribel, receive this wedding ring / as a symbol of my love, and my fidelity In the name of the Father and of the Son –

RUBI:If you’re not mine / then you won’t be for anyone.

MARIBEL:(gets ring) Alejandro / receive this wedding ring as a symbol of my love and my fidelity, In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. (Rubi tries to shoot but fails)


RUBI: (MONOLOGUE) Oh I can’t I can’t I love you too much ^(sigh) But Maribel’s got to pay for everything that she’s done to me ^ That damned woman has to pay dearly. (opens door and aims again)

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PRIEST:What God has joined together, let no man put assunder. (action on screen – Maribel, Marco & Cristina, Fernanda, Rubi fails again)

RUBI:(big sigh, exits)(Fernanda R, Alajandro & Maribel R, Maribel R)

38. CHURCH. COURTYARD. (crowd applaud and cheer)

ELENA:(approaching) Congratulations!* mwah mwah**Congratulations Alejandro ^ FINAlly you dream has now come true my friend.

MARIBEL:*Ooohhh Elena thank you.

ALEJANDRO:**Thank you very much Thank you

MARIBEL:(after Elena) Ooh thank you Elena ^ Today I feel that my happiness is complete since all of my friends and my family are here with me now ^ and I married the man whom I love.

ELENA:And he loves you likewise ^And it’s so wonderful to see that two people who love each other so much are finally joined together, I'm happy for you, no no I didn’t mean to make you sad*please don’t cry

MARIBEL:*No no nononono

ELENA: (adlibs on Alejandro’s side)(off)You’ve got to look beautiful my dear.

MARIBEL:Oh it’s that I've become sensitive all of a sudden.

MARCO:(off) Alejandro!

ALEJANDRO:(while hug and pat) Aaahhh // Marco


ALEJANDRO:Thank you very much for being with me through the good times and the bad.

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MARCO:It was always a pleasure You deserve this and a lot more, ^And besides I know you’ll be happy with a woman like Maribel, Congratulations brother!

ALEJANDRO:Thank you.




MARCO:(approaching Lola and Onesimo) Where’s Cristina?

MRS LOLA:I don’t know.

ONESIMO:Isn’t she over there?

CRISTINA:(off-on) Marco, I couldn’t find Fernanda. (Marco R)-------------------------------------

FERNANDA:(walking, jumps) Hello Aunt Rubi. --------------------------------

CRISTINA:^ Fernanda was running towards here way before everyone!^I saw her here Here in the courtyard!

ONESIMO:/Calm down oKAY She must be around here close by don’t worry calm down, ^We’ll find her she’s just here among us My Little Cupid’s going to show up C’mon let’s*look for her.

MARCO:*Let’s go look for Fernanda! ---------------------

MAN://I guess something’s wrong.

MARIBEL:My love, My love / What’s the matter?

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ALEJANDRO:No nothing nothing nothing mmmmmmwah Everything’s just fineI'm the happiest man in the world.

MARIBEL:And me as well (both mmmmwah)

ALEJANDRO:I love you.----------------------------------

RUBI:(very fain) Fernanda. (slowly opens veil)

FERNANDA:Do your wounds really hurt?

RUBI:/ What hurts more, are the scars in my soul / But you some day / will make all my pain go away, and let my sadness, finally end, Know that you can get whatever you want ^and I, will help you get it / You only have to follow my advice / You and I will keep seeing each other from now on / You like that?


RUBI:/That will, be our little secret. (Fernanda R)---------------------------------

PACO:(scurry to appraoch)Lorena and I looked in the church but she isn’t there.

CRISTINA: (tearful)This cannot beeee Why does Fernanda keep wandering oooff?

MRS LOLA:,^ Well it’s just like when Rubi was a little girl she always was getting lost, Oh I remember how frightened Mrs Refugio was God rest her soul.

ONESIMO:Come on my Little Cupid you shouldn’t go wandering off huh?^Now you deserve a good spanking from your mom Where did*you go?

CRISTINA:*Oh my love Where were you huh?, ^ FerNANda why do you always do this to me my**love?


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MARCO:(off-on) Fernanda my love, I don’t want you going on your own***without telling us.

MRS LOLA:***Ooohhh.

CRISTINA:Where were you my sweetheart?

FERNANDA:I was playing.

MRS LOLA:/ ^ Well now after this little horror show, let’s all go back to the celebration so we won’t spoil the party of the newlyweds.

ONESIMO:Okay then let’s go.

MARCO:Come on my love.

ONESIMO:Come on let’s go. (Marco carries, Fernanda R, Rubi walks away)

39. UNIVERSITY. (Fernanda walks)

FERNANDA:Hello Tania.

TANIA: See that guy? (Daniel R with girls) He’s cute right?


DANIEL:/(approaches)/ Hi there, Uhhh I’m new here my name IS Daniel Valencia.

FERNANDA:/Are you related to the Valencia family the one who owns the jewelry chain?

DANIEL:Hah yes my father’s the owner.

TANIA:Hello I’m Tania (kiss) AND she’s -

FERNANDA:Rubi, I’m Rubi.

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DANIEL:RuBI, We’ve got some beautiful rubies in our jewelry stores, I hope someday you can come and uuhh take a look.

FERNANDA:I'd be delighted.

DANIEL:/ Well then, I’ll see you soon. (kiss, exit)

TANIA://// What a liar Fernanda Why’d you tell him that your name was Rubi?

FERNANDA:,Well because from now on I want to be called that way, Rubi. (Tania R)

40. CARDENAS FAMILY RESIDENCE. LIVING ROOM. (Alejandro reading paper)CARLOS:(knock)Hey pop!


CARLOS:Guess where I've been today.

ALEJANDRO:Well I don’t know, (while standing) As soon as we got to Mexico you’ve been hanging out often.

CARLOS:How cool of mom to keep my secret from you.

ALEJANDRO:Oh well now / so it’s about a secret huh?

CARLOS:More like a surprise, I went to validate my courses in high school, so I could enter a university.

ALEJANDRO: (Carlos R)Well that’s really good news Carlos Congratulations

CARLOS:That’s not the surprise, What I really wanted to tell you is that, I went to the College of Medicine, to see their curriculum / because I've decided to be a doctor like you daddy // What, aren’t you going to say anything?

ALEJANDRO:(sigh) I'm really very touched that you’ve chosen this profession that I have so much passion for.

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CARLOS://That’s exactly why Because I grew up seeing how you helped other/ I admire you so much / And I’d love to become a doctor who’s reputable as you.

ALEJANDRO:,You can count on me for support, I'm going to help you in every way I can to help you to reach your dreams.

CARLOS:Thank you / The first thing I'm going to ask you is THAT now that you’ll be the director of Buenaventura Hospital


CARLOS:Can you allow me to be with you always so I could learn everything I can.

ALEJANDRO:(chuckles)Of course you can son^ / I really feel so proud of you, And you’re not only going to be a great doctor / but also a great man.

CARLOS:(manly huh) Oh pop. (Alejandro R)

41. STREET. (action on screen – Fernanda walking)

TENEMENT. RUBI’S DWELLING. (Fernanda walks, enters dwelling)FERNANDA:Hello there aunt, How are you?

RUBI:I’m happy. / At last the time has come to get our revenge Fernanda / (long^)Alejandro Cardenas / has returned to Mexico.

FERNANDA:You sure about that?


FERNANDA:Hmmm that’s great ^ You just tell me what I have to do aunt.

RUBI:You’ve got to get close to Alejandro ^ and make him fall in love with you.

FERNANDA:/Fall in love with me?

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RUBI:Yes. / And not only that / ^ You’ve got to drive the him crazy / and his son / The passion you’ll awake in both of them / has to be so great /that the family of Maribel will eventually fall apart /And the father and his son / will kill each other over you.// Do you think that you can handle the job?

FERNANDA:^ Thanks to everything that you’ve taught me all these years dear aunt /I always get for sure, what I wish for. (Rubi R, Fernanda R)


MARIBEL:(off-on) Oh Alejandro my love, It feels so nostalgic returning to this hospital.

ALEJANDRO:I feel the same Although almost everything has changed now.

MARIBEL:But of course Mr Director (chuckle)

ALEJANDRO:^ Everything I have now I owe it to you. //Our eighteen lovely years of marriage / have always been very happy.

MARIBEL:I feel the same way, ^ Thank you for helping out in creating our beautiful family, And lots of luck to you on your first day of work oh respectable Director of Buenaventura Hospital. (both chuckle, kiss)

ALEJANDRO:I’ll see you later tonight / I’ll always love you.

MARIBEL:I love you as well (kiss) / Good luck.

ALEJANDRO:Thank you. (Maribel exits, Alejandro R)


ALEJANDRO:(enters) Rubi? /(Fernanda approaches)/ It cannot be.

FERNANDA:/ Hi there / Doctor Cardenas. (winks, tries to kiss while closes door)