Write a Google Closure Editor Plugin

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Transcript of Write a Google Closure Editor Plugin




Write a Google ClosureEditor Plugin


December 19, 2010

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Before we start

• Closure is a JavaScript library• Developed by google, released under Apache license• The JavaScript library behind Google’s web apps

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Hello world: Step 1


function sayHi() {var newHeader = goog.dom.createDom('h1',

{'style': 'background-color:#EEE'},'Hello world!');

goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, newHeader);}

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Hello world: Step 2

<html><head><script src="closure-library/closure/goog/base.js"></script><script src="hello.js"></script>

</head><body onload="sayHi()"></body>


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Hello world: How does it work?

• bootstrap file base.js• import module: goog.require(’goog.dom’)

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• DOM, Dojo query(third party)• UI: Autocomplete, dialog, date picker, Tab...• AJAX: xhrio, iframeio...• Rich-text editor

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object-oriented programming

• Class-based programming(as opposed to prototype-based)• Namespace• Inheritance

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Example of a Class/** no JSDoc **/goog.provide('example.Animal'}

example.Animal = function(first_name) {this.name_ = name;


example.Animal.prototype.first_name = '';

example.Animal.prototype.getName = function() {return this.name_;


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Static methods

defined on Class constructor function but not it’s prototype

example.Animal.equil = function(a1, a2) {return a1.name == a2.name;


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example.Bird = function() {// call to the superclass’s constructor functiongoog.base(this, 'bird');

};goog.inherits(example.Bird, example.Animal); // prototype chain

example.Bird.prototype.fly = function() {return true;


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Inheritance of ui.Dialog

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• dispose• disposeInternal

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• addEventListener• removeEventListener• dispatchEvent

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goog.ui.ComponentLife Cycle Stage (or Purpose)

• constructor Component instance creation• createDom() Component DOM structure building• decorateInternal() (optional)• enterDocument() Post DOM-building initialization (such

as attaching event listeners)• exitDocument() Post DOM-removal cleanup (such as

detaching event listeners)• dispose() Component disposal• canDecorate() Indicates whether the component can use

a pre-existing element

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A UI Component Example

An Introduction to Components

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Rich Text Editor

• Known as Trog Editor• Used in previous verion of Google Docs• Used in Gmail• Google not releasing all plugins(yet), eg: Image

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Rich Text Editor: high-leveldesign

• Using build-in browser features: contentEditable,execCommand

• More than that: cross-browser consistency

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Let’s build a image plugin.

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init editor

var editorId = 'myId';var editorDiv = dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV,

{id: editorId,style: 'width: 630px; height: 300px;'});

// Create an editable field.var trogField = new goog.editor.Field(editorId);trogField.makeEditable();

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register plugin

var trogField = new goog.editor.Field(editorId);trogField.registerPlugin(new goog.editor.plugins.ImageDialogPlugin(config));


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• User clicks image button• trogField.execCommand(goog.editor.Command.BOLD)• trogField looks at the installed plugin• isEnabled? isSupportCommand?• plugin.execCommand• plugin.execCommandInternal

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• base class for all Trog plugins• extends goog.events.EventTarget• fieldObject points to instance of goog.editor.Field• getFieldDomHelper() returns the goog.dom.Domhelper

for the field• must implement getTrogClassId()• isSupportedCommand, execCommand,


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Implemen: ImageDialogPlugin

• inherit from AbstractDialogPlugin• isSupportedCommand, execCommand,

execCommandInternal handler by AbstractDialogPlugin• must implement createDialog

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Implement: ImageDialog

• inherit from good.ui.editor.AbstractDialog• must implement createDialogControl, createOkEvent• creating dialog HTML, handle events

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Implement: detail

Open sourced: http://github.com/yinhm/google-closure-editor-image/

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• http://code.google.com/closure, Google Closure

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Created in LaTEX using the beamer class, TeX Live and Emacs.

Published under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Licensehttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

by @yinhmhttp://yinhm.appspot.com

Document version December 19, 2010

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